DOD 050584-050654 - Human Rights Library
DOD 050584-050654 - Human Rights Library
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY I1 MILITAF4Y POLtCE. DETAWWNLT(ClDJ(FWD) 3D MILITARY POLICE GROUP (CID) UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTlGATlON COMMAND CAMP VICTORY, BAGHDAD, IRAQ APO AE 09342 " CIRC-ZA-OP 16 Oct 2005 M E M O ~ U FOR M SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL - 004604-CID389-80649 - 5R9B DATES/T&~ESLOCATIO'NSOF OCCURRENCES: 1.5 _APR200410200 - 5 APR 20041102 15; &@) /, M0SU-L IRAQ D A T E I T ~ ~REPORTED: E 5 APR 2004,1700 INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: "This is Operation Iraqi Freedom Investigation" This office was dotified by ~ o r t u a r yAffairs, Mosul, 1riq that the remains of an Iraqi Hospital (CSH) personnel. . detainee had been . . as detained by Investigation was found to be FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE . , 025932 0000k3i 046-04-CID389-80649 orces Institute of Rockville, MD. Dr. o n 11 May 04, the Naval Criminal In estigative Service (NCIS), responsibility for this matter. h On 4 Oct 05, this office received the fi a1 autopsy report fiom the Armed cause of deaih as of Pathology (AFIP), detailing Mr. the manner of death as undetermined. STATUTES: N/A Added Attached: +-a 14. Final Autopsy Report, h.IE 04-309,22 Nov 04, pertaining to Mr. Added Not Attached: . , None. > ,. A, - . .I ., , The original of Exhibit 14 is maintained in the files of the AFIP, ~obkville,MD 20850. STATUS: This is.a Final Supplemental Report. Commander's Report of Disciplinary Action Taken (DA Form 4833) is not required. , , i - DISTRIBUTION: , ' \ 1- DIR, USACRC, 6010,@ street, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5506 (original) 1- Commander, HQ USACIDC, ATTN: CIOP-ZA, Ft. B e h i r , VA 22-60-5506 . 1- Commander, 3D MP GRP, 4699 N lStStreet, Forrest Park, GA 30297-$119 1- Director, AFIP, Building 102, 1413 Research Boulevhrd, Rockville, MD 20850 , ' > FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY-LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 2 F)h , oh3333 1- ~ & a Criminal l Investigative Service Field Ofice Middle East, Bahrain, United Arab Emirateis i , 1- File DEPARTM~NTOF THE ARMY 7 b WP DmACHMENT (CID) UNITED STATES ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTlGATlQN COMMAND - LSA DIAMONDBACK MOSUL, IRAQ APO AE 09334-6169 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF 15 May 2004 MEMoRP;C\~DUMFOR: SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - FINAL-FSFERRED - 0046-04-CID38980649-5H9B DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS 01:OCC-NCES: 1. 5 Apr 200410200 - 5 Apr 2OO4IO215; -mu], Iraq . DATEITLME REPORTED: 5 Apr 2004,1700 \ -INVESTIGATED BY: S INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY: "This is an Operation Iraqi Freedom ~nvestigation" This office was notified 6een delivered by 67' C Investigation disclosed Mr. subsequently interrogated sleep and when checked ' a FOR O ~ I C I A LUSE O N E - ' '-"-- . I _ . .. _ 1 . CJRC-WBE i On 11 May 04, the.Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NETS), accepted investigative . responsibility for this' matter. , STATUTES: NIA . . EXHIBITSISUBSTANTIATION: eEcontaining k i t rosters, medical information, and statements obtain was on dekinee wat 't ' .' ,! .-4. CIRC-WBE SUBECT CID REPORT OF JNVESTIGATION-FINAL-REFBRRXD - 0046-OCCID389-80649 12. Photographic packet comprised of 11 photographs. (scene) 13. Compact disk, 040046.389, containing originals of Exhibits 3 and 12: Not Attached: None. .- . The originals of Exhibits 1 and 5-1 1 are forwarded with the NCIS copy of this report. 7he original of Exhibit 2 is retained in the files of the 67IhCSH. The ohghals of Exhibit 4 are - retained in the files of -oronado, CA. ' "... Cb)m 6 STATUS: This is a Final Referred Report prepared IAW ~ -. . -. . >. - n195-1, j Para ~ 4-10&) in that the A & ~CID does not have th primary investigative responsibility and NCI has accepted referral , of this investigation. 9 9- 1 4 RePo; Prepared ~~f , ( r Report Approved by: DISTRIBUTION: 1 - Director. USACRC ---1 - NCIS ~;kid Office Middle East, PSC 451, FPO AE 09834-2800 (originals) 1 - THRU: Commander, 2zndMP BN (CID) (FWD), Baghdad, !ri)q , THRU: Commander, 3d Mp Group (CID), Ft Gillem, GA TO: HQUSACIDC, ATIN: CIOP-COP, 6010 61hStreet, F g Belvoir, VA 2 1 - Director, OAFME AFIP, ~ockvillk,MD 20850 1 - Chief of staff, --mail only, less exhibits) I- SJA, -mail only, less exhibits) 1 - PMO, (e-mail only, less exhibits) 1 File - P . CID Regulation 195-1 05 Apr 04, this office was notified by the Mortuary Affairs SA k - Mosul, Iraq, of the death of an Iraqi recommended to LTC I-. --- . 1 FEB 77 - - - - -- - - UOOUU~~ ---- DOD-050590 - I to 3, 4 the time period when'hh her related neither he e Waiver Certificate I detainee holding area located ilqth t; Pl J SASIGNATURE &$\4 APO AE 09334 cq C,TAP@% \ L w , 12 May 2004 I 1 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 1 FEB 77 . .....___.__.___.____.___-A__.._ __ ._.,. .. ._ . _ ........ ........ _ _ ....__ . & * , . . . ., . %. &@-> 1' 02501 ........................ $00ljiJ3 -_i_ - -. - AGENT'S INVESTIGATION REPORT CID Regulation 195-1 . kOI NUMBER 0046-04-CLD389-80649 ' PAGE 4 OF 6 PAGES 6;- b appr$&nately eight feet by six feet. To the east of the fne pit was d sheet of plywood where ad been laying when he went into cardiac arrest. Another sheet of plywood lay at the south wall of the area. CONDITIONS OF THE around the vicinity. According t uilt. I) NVRONMENTAL area was well kept and there was no debris anywhere in or el, the d e a was a temporary site until a hard structure could be CO~ITIO&S. The weather was s q with a temperature of approx&dtely 8O degrees Scene Documentation: S I M 94 .. ' .. 1 FEB 77 ., . ,,.. . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . .. ........... .... --- i .-.. -... .... ._- _ . -. . . __ . . . _ _ -___ . . . ....,. . .. ., .. uoo\)i$ .__-. .1 . . ... .. . . . . . . . - . . ".i2. i _ DOD-050593 times caused by a blood clot. Accord uld cause a blood d then backs up to the heart and a woman an bout 2300,lO May 04, SA 1 FEB 77 n the preliminary autopsy results. Operations Officer Referred to: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/ PRIVACY ACT OFFICE ATTENTION: MCFP 2050 WORTHROAD, SUITE 13 FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS 78234-6013 , MR. JOHN PETERSON (2 10) 22 1-7826 025044 0046-04-CID38B89649 PHOTOGWAPHIC PACKET t%f~~bk' DESC~PTIONOF PHOTOGRAPHS MJMBER Photograph depicting full view of 1. 2. , k . Photograph depicting upper body view. 4. Photograph depicting lower body view. Photograph depicting feet and anldes. 6. Photograph depicting calves and feet. 7. - Photograph depicting left knee. . . Photograph depicting identifying view of ~r- 3. 8. ' -wt.. Photograph depicting close-up o f left knee. Photograph depicting right knee. 9. 10. Photograph depicting close-up of right knee. 11. Photograph depicting l e f t elbow. 12. Photograph depicting arms and bound hands. 13. f Photograph depictind &lose-upof bound hands. -8 15. .%$ Q .r 3 Photograph dep' ting leg Gde of forehead. 14. s . : 9b' . Photograph de&cting lefk side of forehead with scale. Photograph depictingnose and eyes wifhscale. . - 17. Photograph depicting chin. 18. Photograph depictirig chin with scale. 19. Photograph depicting back upper view of body. USE ONLY - : 0046-04-6~-89~~649' PHOTOGRAPHIC PACKET I ' NUMBER 21. Photograph depicting right elbow. 22. Photograph depicting right elbow with scale. ,a i e .- 23. Photograph depicting side view of bound hands. , -?,% j _ English ~rahslation: Withheld due to: Foreign Language depicting Americans ,dPhotos depicting foreign nationals Civilian Agency Records AudioNideo depicting foreign nationals and Americans Referred to: DEPARMENT OF THE NAVY CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS 2000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350-2000 MS. DORIS LAMA (202) 685-6544/5/6 RIG\JARNING , I I PROCEDURENAIVER CER1,ATE For use of this form. see AR 190-3(1; the p r o p e n t agency is ODCSOPS DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY ACT AUTHORITY: 7 dshe is wrth the Unlted States //r/YF-/& 47pd and wanted lo quesllon me about the following offense@)of which I am me thal Ihave the lollowing righW during, and after questioning and l o have a lawyer present with me e Government or a military lawyer detailed for me at no expense 10 me, or bolh. - - or (For civilians not subiect lo the UCMJ) Ihave Lhe right lo lalk privately to a lawyer before, durino, and after questioning and to have ajawyer present with me ring ques!ioning. I understand lhal this lawyer can be one that Iarrange for at my own expense. or if 1 cannot afford a lawyer and want one, a lawyer will be C ppointed for me before any questioning begins -- -- - --- - . -- - -- - .-- .- -- am now willing lo discuss the offense(s) under invesllpation, with Or without a lawyer present, 1have a right ta stop answering questions et any time, or speak - * privately with a lawyer belore answering further. even 11Isign rhe waiver below. , COMMENTS (Conlrnue on reverse srde) -- iection 6. Waiver understand my rights as stated above I am now wlfing to dtscuss the offense(s)under invesligatlon and make a statement wilhout talktng to a lawyer tirst and tlthout having a lawyer presenl with me. . I da not want tp-give up my nghts: Iwant a lawyer. . SIGNATURE OF Ih'TERVIEWEE " 4 .b 41 Ido not want to be question@ or say a&hlng. I pRIUUPA1PURPOSE: ?A , V.r 'is * J INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT: PAGE 3 OF - W SWORN STATEMEN ' For use of this formsee AR 190.45; the proponent aqency is DOCSOPS UTHORITY: ' RINCIPALPURPOSE 6r;r PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT c fSUe 10 USC Section 3Dl; fitle 5 USC Section 2951; E.O. 9387 dated November 22 1943 {SSM. To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which informalion may be accurately identified. o n &w?- 0% ADR z ~ Q Y ,5 fiWf ewe- FILE NUMBER: RROGA-m J x~/tr/(;\ UES M/dC &WS"EDOF? &9 M5 USG. d f~? 6 m / d+;TCD&-b'&G ~ PEA-TF 7 4' '. No Of / J W ~ dF 76 tJOdni05 E P J ~ A - TARREST > b -t* po, $w ! $0 M p & ~1 ?ROF&S/OJPL c,v l q O P ~ J AS ~ 0 d&W M,r-J&. -4 3r~An/. w&-Ch~n M r~ OZIGF UF TMD87Z3-1k~7 5 FCGLrw WY 1 - t ~ S(AJL PN l r ~ q t n U hA ~~M A~L ~ ~ m ~ga / C Q ~ t i ( q ~&eb 4 H15 b~hTi4- 6 7 5umm (?Y TK D ~ T A . / ~ = 8iE m o d d ' ~ f4 S h e 5 5 OF %S1 - t berm W& dow~&s~u~& Y B ~ Cm ~ b f i70 Ti4 ~1~-7.ii4~r7 a D?= A ,SiTiQ7Eh?ehlT \ INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT: PAGE 2 % # p k S I 9. STATEMENT Continuedl WHICH BEGINS ON PAGE 1, AND ENDS ON PAGE Subscribed and sworn to befor9 p,a person a u t h o ~ e dby l a w to WITNESSES: . . . . . ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS . : ... ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT . 1 z7 PAGE 5% @ PAGES . , < f ' SVj@@4STATEMENT d For use of this form,see AR 190-45;the proponent agency is ODCSOPS PRIYACY ACT STATEMENT. AUTHORITY: PRINCIPAL PURPOSE , . ROUTINE USES: Title 10 USC Section 301;Tie$ USC Section 2951; E.Q. 8397dated Novembw 22,1943 ISSM. To prouidic~mmanders and law enforcementofficials with mans by which information may be accuratdy identiiied. Your spcial security numberis used as an sdditionalfaltemskmeans of identificationto faciitata tiling and retrieval. 10. EXHIBIT GES. ADDITIONAL PAGES MUSTCONTAIN THEHEHEADING TTAZWGVOF THE BOTTOM OFEACHADDlTIDNAL PAGE MUST BEAR THEINi?i'AL$ OF THEPERSON MAKING LYE STATEMDM, AND PAGENmBERMUSTBE BE INDICATED. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DA FORM 2823, DEC 1998 DA FORM 2823.JUL 72, IS OBSOLETE INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT: 7 -, TAKEN AT UOS*C {TATEMENTOF -~ ~ ~ Ad T E Od? mLF(v!I !byl 1. STATEMENT D mw e 7. . . BY ME. M E STkTEMENT IS TRUE I HAVE INmALEO ALL STATEMENT FREELY WITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFKOR REWARD, WITHOUTTHREATOF PUNISHMENT, ORGANIZATION OR AODRESS R UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT. w' - SWORN STATEMENT Fmuse of this form, see AR 19045 the proponent agency is ODCSOPS PRIVACY ACT STAEMEUT \UTHORITY. yRINCIPALPURPOSE: 7 ', Title 10 USC Section 301;Tile 5 USC Section 2951; E.O. 9397 dated November 22,1943 (SSNI. To provide commandersand law wfmement officials with means by which informationmay be accurately identified. THEBOlTOMOF EACHADDmONAL PAGEMUSTBEAR TMIhTlALS OF THEPERSONMAKING THESTATEMWCAND PAGE NUMBER MUSTBEBEINDICATED. - ., . , b a USE THIS PAGE IF NEEDED. AGE IS NOT NEEDED, PLEASE PROCEED TUhrdAL PAGE OF THIS FORM. ORRECTlONS AND HAVE INITIALED IS STATEMENT FREELYWITHOUT HOPE OF BENEFIT OR D WlTHOUT COERCION, UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE, OR UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT. WITNESSES; , OF EACH PAGE CONTAININGM E ,WITHOUT THREAT OF PUNISHMENT, . I J2m blt ' - 1 .- 3 R I B H T ~ ~ ~ N I PROCEDURWA~VER NG CERT:>TE .,. For use ol this torm, see AR 190-30. the proponent agency is DDCSOPS I *r DATA REQUIRED BY THE PRIVACY A C T AUTHORIW: i ~1tl$10, United Stales Code, Section 3012(g) PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To provide commanders and law enforcement officials with means by which rnlorrnal~onmay be accurately identified. ate Cling and retrieval. - PART 1 RtGHTS WAIVEWEION-WAIVER CERTIFICATE Section A. Rights The invesigator whose name appears below told me that he/& )/U/J/J~ suspecledlacwsed: is with the Un~tedSlales Army c P / h / &46 zr/ v z X 7 / 4 4 f l 9 d and wanted to question me aboul the iollowing oflense(s) of which Iam h~x422 a lawyer present w~th for me at no expense to me, 7s>)'h~~ivilians not subject to Ihe UCMJ} I have the rlght to talk privately to a lawyer before, during. and after questioning and lo have a lawyer present wlth me during questioning Iunderstand that this lawyer can be one that I arrange for at my own expense, or ~f I cannot afford a lawyer and want one, a lawyer will ba appointed for me before any quesl~oningbegins 111 am now willing l o disc- the o f l e n s e l under investigation. wrlh or ythoul a l a w s present, Ihave a r1g1lo sfop answering questions a any time, or speak . privalely with a lawyer before answering further, even IIIsign the waiver below. I. COMMENTS (Continue on reverse s~de) iection B. P Waiver understand my right& slated above. I am now willln~to discuss the otfense(s1under invesllgabon and make a stalernent wlthoul talking to a lawyer tirst and vithoul having a lawyer present w~thme - WITNESSES (If available) a. NAME Vype or Print) I. ORGANlZATlON OR ADDRESS AND PHONE a NAME rype or Prinl) I. ORGANKATION OR ADDRESS AND PHONE s I I I 6. ORGANIZATION OF INV~STlGATbR I i e c t i o b C. 1. Non-waiver I do pol want to give up my nghls Iwant a lawyer. !. .+*. Ido not want lo be qrlestloned or say anylhing. SIGNATURE OF INIERVIEWEE D A FORM 3881, NOV 89 ED~ON OF NOV 84 IS OBSOLETE ,: SA either of the detainees during 1 rour watch? ,: No. !: Do you have any knowledge of anyone abusing the detainees? L: NO. !: Did you murder the detainee? i: No. ): DO you have anything you would like to add to this statement? L: NO.///End of statement/// EXHIBIT INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT -.- PAGE I S , , ADDITIONAL PAGES MUST CONTAIN PHE HEADING "STATEMENT OF -TAKEN AT -DATED CONTINUED." THE BOTTOM OF EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE MUST BEAR THE INITIALS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE STATEMENT AND BE INITIALED AS "PAGE-OF PAGES." WHEN ADDITIONAL PAGES ARE UTILIZED, THE BACK 06 PAGE 1 WILL BE LINED OUT, AND THE STATEMENT WILL BE CONCLUDED ON THE REVERSE OF ANOTHER COPY OF THIS FORM. - 1~( q i @212-z ~ ~ STATEMENT OF STATEMENT (Continued) . ~. 4 6 ~ 3 n -W P WLE DATED 7 # NUMBER: ? d VCONTINUED:, , . -.. . C ' $ LY WITHOUT HOPE IITNESSES: RGANIZATIONOR ADDRESS ORGANIZATION OR ADDRESS 2 c INITIALS OF PERSON MAKING STATEMENT (Authority To Administer Oaths) 8 &.A .- .. fl (q~j-z I I V @)g'/z . SWORN STATEMENT initial equipment problems with the bag-valve-mask (apparatus used to deliver air and oxygen to the patient) requiring that this equipment plus the defibrillator be obtained from the Aid Station which resulted in a brief delay in advanced CPR and ACLS treatment. Treatment team consisting of 18D an-(b)bMZ orpsmen involved in initial treatment on scene and continued throughout 67' CSH. ~ r a pronounced s dead at 0250. of causing cardiac arrest. A: No. . Q: Have you had direct knowledge of any detainees being physically abused while in custod~~at the SOF compound? A: No. C , ^. INITIAL a L,L~li;'& OFFICIAL USE ONLY -t ' Page 1 of 2 EXHlBITL CID389-806 capability OR HAW HAD READ TO ME THIS STATEMENT W C H BEGINS I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE ENTIRE INITIALEDATL CORRECTIONSAND THE STATEMENT. I HAVE MADE THIS ,WITHOUT .THREAT OF WI"lXOUT COERCION,UNLAWFUL INFLUENCE,OR UNLAWFUL INDUCEMENT. ' ., aw to administer oaths, this 8&day of April 2004 at INITIAL (,S'lpe L Page 2 of 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY EXHn3ITX. Interrogation Room lage Netting i PHOTOGRAPPIPTC PACKET- , DESCRIPTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS NUMBER Photograph depicting fire pit and bench inside detainee facility. 1. 2. i * ' Photograph depicting fire pit and plywood sheet. 3. Photograph depicting left side of fire pit. 4. Photograph depicting right side of detainee cubicles. Photograph depicting Ieft side of detainee cubicles. - .. Photograph depicting entrance to facility. 1 Photograph depicting fire pit and sitting area. Photograph depicting left side of sitting area. Photograph depicting left side of interrogation mop. 9. 10. T' 11. . ~hoto&a~h depicting center of interrogation room. Photograph depicting right side of interrogation room. FOR OFFICIAL EXHIBIT 12 ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 5 FOR OF IAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2 Referred to: ., I 'U.S. ARMY MEDICAL ,COMMAND FREEDOM OF INFO~MATIONI' PRIVACY ACT OFFICE ATTENTION: MCFP 2050 WORTH ROAD, SUITE FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS MR. JOHN PETERSON . - ---,, j J u Y DATE:, FROM: TO: UNCLASSIFIED-FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ' . 07 APR 04 , 75m MP DET C D (-), MOSUL, IRAQ DIR, U~ACRC,FORT BELVOIR, VA 22060 CDR, A T W CIOP-ZA, USACIDC, FORT BELVOIR, VA 22060 CDR, 75* h4P DET C D (FWD), BALAD,lRAQ CDR, 22NDMP BN, (CID)(FWD), BAGHDAD, IRAQ CDR, 3RDm GRP (cD), 'FORT GILLEM, GA c P M O , ~ SJA, CHIEF OF STAFF^ m w1 14) \t.)("$~k\ @I@?-z AFP, A m . OAFME, R O C K P L E , MD SAC, NCIs BAHRATN ' SUBJECT: CID REPORT OF INVESTIGATION - INITIALdSSIIJOm - 0046-04-CD38980649-5H9B DRAFTER: 1. DATES/TIMES/LOCATIONS OF OCCURRENCES: MX3SIEyIRAQ 2. DATE/TIME REPORTED: 5 APRIL 2004,1700 4. SUBJECT: 1. NONE. W E T E R M I N E D DEATH] 5. w c m : &)1.Ek&&$b; [UNDETERMINED DEATJXJ IRAQI; XZ;QWIFI) SLlMhURY: THE INFORMATION JN THIS REPORT IS BASED 6. WSTIGATWE UPON AN ALLEGATION OR PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION AND MAY CHANGE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE INVESTIGATION. "THIS IS AN OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM INVESTIGATION" THIS OFFICE WAS NOTFED BY MORTUARY AFFAIRS, MOSUL, THAT THE REMAINS OF AN JRAQI DETAINEE HAD BEEN DELIVERED BY 67* COMBAT SUPPORT HOSPITAL (GH) PERSONNEL. . .1 ' . . SUBSEQUENTLY RECEIVED EMERG ' ABOUT 0250,'5 h~04, MR IRAQ BY A FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST OF THE OFFICE OF TIIE ARMED FORCES MEDICAL EXAMINER (OAFME). THE CTD CASUALTY LIAISON OFFICER (CLO) IS SA D W T 302-581-3100. AGENCY. j 7. CID REPOR& ARE EXEMPT FROM AUTOMATIC T E ~ ~ A T I O OFN PROTECT^ MARKINGS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 3, AR 25-55. UNCLASSIFIED-FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2 AGENT ACTIVITY S -- or official ~ i Only e Y - -. - -- W (ClD R E G U T I O N 195-1) CONT~OL WBER 0046-04-CID389-8Oa9 d 1 Time, Date and Agent Summary of Invatigative Activity Notified by Mortuary Affairs of the death of an . (See ml) ' Examination o f remains and receipt of death certificate. (See AIR) Interview of S P- h ' Cwrdhafion with L T JAG. (See AIR)~ Coordination with L Interview of ~ ~ I o r p s I&rvi=w ~ ~ ~ l - o ~ s r n a n . m (See a Sworn n Statement) (See Sworn Statement) Jnterview of ~ ~ ~ - 0 r p s r n a n (See Swom Statement) 1 . 16 1 5,07 Apr 04 Interview of HM2 e Statement) -s I9OO,O7 A r 04 e Waiver Certificate and Sworn Coordination with LCD AW -s -t Interview of GM1 Statement) 2 100,07 Apr 04 Coordination with SA-IS. (see AIR) -s L53(GV\ Interview of LT( rl TIME: , : TVL: s (5(7Wl e Sworn statement) e I* : ADM: : For Official Use Only PAGE: ./ I - For dffidal%Jse AGENT ACTMTY SUMMARY ,- , Time, Date and Agent 1 COiWROL NUMBER * . ~ ~ c u u n IPS-I) oN 3 0046-04-ClD389-80649 - . Summary oflnvestigative Activity Interview of 'G TS To SAC. . --- -d ~ e d i c(See . AIR) B 1. Polish guards in Baghdad for ten days, will 2. Working on Wfi to conduct interviews o .-4 , members. 3. Pending d receipt of report. I pe& A E x a, ;i<r, For Official Use Only c-taicd U kL CID FORM 28 I OCT 80 2- For Official Use Only '.- AGENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY ((XI ~i~i;r~/-4 /ION 1 COh'TROL NUMBER 5I, Time, Date and Agent- 0046-04-CID389-80649 I i%nmar). of )nvestigstive ~ c l i v i t ~ C b M C . 5+X i , - r 4 0,z:LfA C4. #. ClD FORM 28-E TIME: : NL: : ADM: : For Official Use Only 4 PAGE: I r - For Official Use Only AGENT ACTIVITY SUMMARY ICID REGULIIlOh'I 9S-I) Time, Date and Agent ( Simmarj. oflnvestigative Activity Interview of SFT -CONTROL NUMBER 0046-04-CID389-80649 2 I 62 SFON CT'V h TELWONE I PLACE OF 5 i ns - INTERVIW START VEHICLE DATA C O N W C T NUMBER 9 OFFENSE m WFENSECON -- 72 OFFENSE C30f 71 0% 5 1 -. - - ~KEFLX END PLPCE OF 1hvW.W END DISRSITION - -. FINGfSRINT .-_ L- , - - -- COflfWblTION DATA 7E f f i W M ) N MMC 78 I COW CI'Y 79 CORP ST -- - t. I . 4 25 .- , -.-----.- ADMINfSTRATIYE UATA END 77 CORP ADORESS 82 ' TIME W E P V 12 -. 65 SmN ZIPCOWAPJ 1 DATE IhTRV 1 75 FEC SEAVImOD 1 74 COUTRnCTOR NUMBER I 69 UK 1 CTY 2 ' 68 WENS CMX 67 UK; 5 64 2 18 66 OFFENSE CODE k 2 5XN fl 18 2, @J MQ? <-: 7 ,--;?-;. :.-- - .: . . UNITED STATES ARMY GRlMhAL INVESTICA~~IO~ COMMAND 6bf0 6thSTREET FORT BELVOIR, VIRGINIA 22660 28 March 2005 ? MEMORANDUM FOR Director, Crime Records Center, Fort Belvoir, United States Army criminal !tnvestigation i >:.? , Command, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Information - 1. ~ h kattached Final Autopsy Report- and CD .containing Autopsy PhotograpQs are forwarded for enclosure into case file 0046-04~ 1 ~ 3 8 9 - 8 6 6 4 9 - 5 ~ 9This ~ . was a Final Referred to NCIS who-had already made arrangements to obtain a copy for their case file. This is for documentation purposes only. ' Point of contact this memorandum is SA 2 end as CW2, MP Special Agent PRINTED ON @" RECYCLED PAPER Referred to: DEPARMENT OF THE NAVY CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS ROOM DN536 2000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350-2000 ' MS. DONS LAMA CIDOOI CRC(sc) ' From: < 046-04-CID389-4.pdf>> <- - itive information. Do not disseminate, which includes forwarding the .contents of this message, without the approval of the sender. 1f you are not the intended addressee, or the person responsible for delivering it'to the intended addressee, you may not copy or deliver it to anyone else or use it in any unauthorized manner. To do so is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you receive this e-mail by mistake, advise the sender immediately by using the reply facility in your e-mail 'software. , +. Referred to: DEPARMENT OF THE NAVY CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS ROOM DN536 2000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350-2000 MS. DORIS LAMA (202) 685-65441516 ' Referred to: U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND 7 115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BLVD ATTN: CCJ6-DM MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE FLORIDA 33621-5101 Master Sergeant Pamela Andrews Referred to: 1 DEPARMENT OF THE NAVY CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS ROOM DN536 2000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350-2000 MS. D,ORISLAMA