July 8 Agenda - West Florida Regional Planning Council
July 8 Agenda - West Florida Regional Planning Council
Jayer Williamson Chairman Grover C. Robinson, IV Vice Chairman P.O. Box 11399 • 32524-1399 Pensacola, FL • Street Address: 4081 E. Olive Road-Suite A • 32514 P: 850.332.7976 • 1.800.226.8914 • F: 850.637.1923 • www.wfrpc.org AGENDA NOTICE MEETING DATE: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 TO: Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Members Florida-Alabama TPO Advisory Committee Members FROM: Jayer Williamson, TPO Chairman RE: Florida-Alabama TPO Meeting and Advisory Committee Meetings (see times below) Meetings of the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) are scheduled for Wednesday, July 8, 2015 in the Escambia County Board of County Commission Chambers, 221 Palafox Place, Pensacola, FL. The TPO meeting as well as both advisory committee meetings will be held at this location on this date. Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) - 8:30 AM Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) - 10:30 AM Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) – 3:00 PM PLEASE MAKE AN EFFORT TO ATTEND YOUR MEETING. A QUORUM IS NEEDED. The agenda will include the following items: A. CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE - Chairman Williamson B. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Any new action items to be added to the agenda must be approved by a vote of two thirds (2/3) of the TPO members present. C. PUBLIC FORUM Any person who wishes to address the TPO is requested to fill out a Speaker Request Form obtained from the TPO staff at the meeting. Speakers are asked to limit their remarks to five minutes. D. CONSENT AGENDA: • Approval of June 2015 Meeting Minutes ALL COMMITTEES Staff to TPO “…planning for the future transportation needs of the Florida - Alabama Urbanized Area…” July 8, 2015 Florida-Alabama TPO Agenda Page 2 2. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-25 Endorsing the Escambia County Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) 2015 Annual Update ENCLOSURE A - TPO ONLY • Presentation by Ms. Vikki Garret, TPO Staff • Advisory Committee Recommendations E. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-22 Adopting the FL-AL FY 2017-2021 Project Priorities (PUBLIC HEARING AND ROLL CALL VOTE REQUIRED) ENCLOSURE B – ALL COMMITTEES • Presentation by Mr. Gary Kramer, TPO Staff • Advisory Committee Recommendations 2. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-23 Authorizing Execution of the Interlocal Agreement for Creation of the FL-AL TPO ENCLOSURE C - ALL COMMITTEES • Presentation by Ms. Jill Lavender, TPO Staff • Advisory Committee Recommendations 3. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-24 Accepting the Florida-Alabama TPO Transit Facilities Standards Study and Transit Stop Checklist ENCLOSURE E - ALL COMMITTEES • Presentation by Ms. Vikki Garrett, TPO Staff • Advisory Committee Recommendations 4. Election of Citizens' Advisory Committee Chair and Vice-Chair to Serve Fiscal Year 2016 PLEASE NOTE: NOMINIATING COMMITTEE IS TO MEET 15 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE REGULAR MEETING TIME. ENCLOSURE D - CAC ONLY • Presentation by Ms. Mary Beth Washnock, TPO Staff F. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) UPDATE • Mr. Bryant Paulk, AICP, FDOT Urban Liaison • Ms.Christy Johnson, AICP, FDOT Urban Liaison G. REVIEW / INFORMATION ITEMS: 1. Review of Regional Transit Authority Feasibility Study ENCLOSURE F - ALL COMMITTEES • Presentation by Mr. Wiley Page, Atkins 2. Public Meeting Announcement for Intersection Modification of State Road 30 / US 98 (Gulf Breeze Parkway) at Hoffman Drive ENCLOSURE G - ALL COMMITTEES • Presentation by Mr. Cory Wilkinson, AICP Staff to TPO “…planning for the future transportation needs of the Florida - Alabama Urbanized Area…” July 8, 2015 Florida-Alabama TPO Agenda Page 3 3. Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) Weekend Institute for Elected Officials ENCLOSURE H TPO ONLY • Presentation by Councilman Charles Bare, City of Pensacola, TPO Member • Presentation by Commissioner Rob Williamson, Santa Rosa County, TPO Member H. INFORMATION ITEMS (No Presentation Necessary) ENCLOSURE I - ALL COMMITTEES Attached are the following: • TPO Meeting Schedule • Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes (June 2015) • Florida-Alabama TPO FY 15 Joint Certification • E-mail between FDOT and Councilman Charles Bare Regarding 12th Ave. and Bayou Blvd. Intersection • Letter from FDOT Regarding Administrative TIP Amendments – Variance Report • “The Secret to Safer Cities” • FTP/SIS Regional Workshops Flyer I. OTHER BUSINESS J. ADJOURNMENT Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/wfrpc Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or family status. The TPO will make reasonable accommodations for access in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and for languages other than English. Please notify Dorothy McKenzie of access or language requirements at 850-332-7976 ext 230 or 1-800-995-8771 for TTY-Florida 48 hours in advance. Introduzca la participación del público se solicita, sin distinción de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, edad, religión, discapacidad o estado familiar. La OPC hará arreglos razonables para el acceso a esta reunión de acuerdo con el Americans with Disabilities Act, y para los requisitos de idioma que no seaInglés.Notifique a la Sr. Dan Deanda de los requisitos de acceso o el idioma en el 850-332-7976 ext 227 o 1-800-995-8771 para TTY-Florida al menos 48 horas de antelación. Staff to TPO “…planning for the future transportation needs of the Florida - Alabama Urbanized Area…” FLORIDA-ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION (TPO) MEETING MINUTES - WEST FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL (Designated staff) SANTA ROSA COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 6495 Caroline Street; Milton, Florida June 10, 2015 Members Attending: Councilman Charles Bare, Chairman Commissioner Jayer Williamson, Vice Chairman Commissioner Lane Lynchard Commissioner Rob Williamson Councilman Brian Spencer Commissioner Grover C. Robinson Commissioner Steven Barry Mr. Mike Crittenden Commissioner Charles F. Gruber Mayor Matt Dannheisser Councilman Jimmy Messick Councilman Jerry Johnson Pensacola City Council Santa Rosa County Commission Santa Rosa County Commission Santa Rosa County Commission Pensacola City Council Escambia County Commission Escambia County Commission Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) Baldwin County Board of County Commission City of Gulf Breeze City of Milton City of Orange Beach Others Attending: Michael Lowery David Haight Wiley Page Sheri Myers Ben Faust Tonya Ellis Bryant Paulk Christy Johnson Carl Mikyska W. Dale Allen John Wimberly Andrea Kvech Sheri Coven Mae Dean Alan Dennis Paul Frechette Carolyn Krupnick Charles Krupnick Karl Moody Carol Moody Frank Trent Tim Milstead Wesley Meiss, Mayor Ryan Novota Colby Brown Tommy Brown Jim DeVries David Forte Jonathan Owens Shawn Ward Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395 Atkins Atkins Center for Independent Living DRMP, Inc. ECAT Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) FDOT Federal Highway Administration Florida Greenways & Trails Foundation HDR Pensacola International Airport Marlin Engineering Perdido Key Association Perdido Key Association Perdido Key Association Perdido Key Association Perdido Key Association Perdido Key Association Perdido Key Association Perdido Key Association City of Milton City of Milton City of Pensacola Escambia County Escambia County Escambia County Escambia County Escambia County Santa Rosa County FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TPO MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Tim Bustos Randy Jorgenson Orvind Johnson Rene Lenoir Barbara Mayall Jim Hunt Mary Schibline Pat Schibline Kate Daniel Vikki Garrett Gary Kramer Jill Lavender Dorothy McKenzie Mary Robinson Howard Vanselow Mary Beth Washnock Gina Watson Brandi Whitehurst Page 2 City of Gulf Breeze City of Milton Molino Citizen Pensacola Citizen Pensacola Citizen/CAC Pensacola Citizen/CAC Pensacola Citizen Pensacola Citizen TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff A. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Bare called the meeting to order. Chairman Bare led the pledge. B. PUBLIC FORUM - Chairman Bare called for speakers. Sheri Myers Pensacola FL Ms. Myers represented the Center for Independent Living. She expressed that she is disappointed that there is no longer a Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). She said it is difficult to be a pedestrian in this area. She said streets such as Davis Highway cannot be crossed safely. Ms. Myers next expressed that night time illumination is poor. She mentioned the intersection of Tippin Avenue and Creighton Road and said it is very dark. She said every major intersection with heavy traffic and pedestrians crossing should have street lights. She also stated that she thought there should not be right turns on red lights. Ms. Myers asked that the BPAC be reinstated in order to allow focus on bicycle and pedestrian issues. Chairman Bare said crosswalks on Cervantes Street are in poor condition. He said the CAC and TCC do consider bicycle and pedestrian issues. He stated the TPO is equally concerned with the issues. Orvind Johnson Molino FL Mr. Johnson said Gulf Breeze was having problems with the Pensacola Bay Bridge plans. He also said there were problems with the Highway 87 extension. Next, he mentioned problems with Highway 29 to Nine Mile Road. He presented his plan for Pensacola Bay Bridge which included two four-lane bridges. On Highway 29 and Nine Mile Road he said FDOT wanted to remove trees. He felt there was not a need to remove trees. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TPO MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 3 C. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of April 8, 2015 Meeting Minutes 2. Consideration of Membership Certifications for the Escambia County and Santa Rosa County Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Boards. – Enclosure A Chairman Bare called for a motion. Commissioner Lynchard moved to approve the consent agenda items. Commissioner Barry seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. D. ACTION ITEMS 1. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-19 to Adopt the Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2016-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Authorize the TPO to Administratively Amend the FY 2016-2020 TIP to Include the Projects in FDOT’s Variance Report - Enclosure B Commissioner Lynchard moved to authorize the TPO chairman sign Resolution FL-AL 1519 to adopt the Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2016-2020 TIP and authorize the TPO to administratively amend the FY 2016-2020 TIP to include the projects in FDOT’s Variance Report. Commissioner Barry seconded the motion. Mr. Kramer briefly explained the TIP development. He said comments were received since the draft was presented and have all been addressed, been noted, and/or incorporated. He asked that the TPO adopt the TIP as presented with those changes and with the addition of FDOT's Variance Report. Mr. Orvind Johnson addressed the TPO. He had a concern about sidewalks. He said the developers make all the rules. He stated sidewalks are not in developments. He said the county and state cannot pay for all the sidewalks after developments are built. He thought the developers should pay for sidewalks. Ms. Sheri Myers addressed the TPO. She had concerns about the Project Priority Plan with regards to Burgess Road. She did not see a need to create speedways in residential neighborhoods. Also she did not see any benefit in addition to buying real estate and right-ofway to build connector roads that wrap around the county. She stated that there is a need to accommodate bicycle and pedestrian needs. She said she no longer supported some of the projects in the Plan. Roll Call Vote: Councilman Bare Commissioner Gruber Mayor Dannheisser Councilman Messick Councilman Johnson Councilman Spencer Commissioner Lynchard Commissioner Jayer Williamson Commissioner Rob Williamson Mr. Crittenden Commissioner Barry Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TPO MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 4 The motion passed unanimously. 2. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-20 to Adopt the 2040 Florida-Alabama TPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Needs Plan - Enclosure C Commissioner Lynchard moved to authorize the TPO chairman to sign Resolution FL-AL 15-20 to adopt the 2040 Florida Alabama TPO LRTP Needs Plan. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rob Williamson. Commissioner Rob Williamson made a recommendation on the list for the Needs Plan. He wanted to add Item #81 for Panhandle Trail in Navarre. Mr. Kramer said work began on the LRTP in February of 2014. He said the Goals and Objectives and the Financial Resources have been approved. He then introduced Mr. Page with Atkins to present the Needs Plan. Mr. Page provided a PowerPoint presentation which highlighted a future of more mobility choices, such as driverless cars, more public transportation and more walkable communities. He reviewed the results of surveys taken during public outreach that support a desire for more transportation options. He reviewed forecasted growth of the TPO area and provided map displays of current levels of congestion and how that congestion could be alleviated if funding were available to meet all of the needs. He also explained changes to the needs plan that have occurred due to input received. Mr. Page advised of three changes made at the TCC meeting: 1. Page C-4 Needs Plan Projects – Project #4 Bell Lane Extension moved to east, and should be called Santa Villa Drive extension. 2. TCC recommended adding a project in the Navarre area – Panhandle Trail from US 98 North up to East River Drive to enhance two lane facilities. This was part of the south Santa Rosa bicycle pedestrian plan recommendations. 3. Adding major intersection at Bayfront Parkway and 17th Avenue as part of the Bay Bridge project - include roundabout/flyover. Commissioner Rob Williamson made a motion to amend to include three additional projects recommended by the TCC and CAC. The motion was seconded by Councilman Messick. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-21 to Update the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization and Advisory Committee Bylaws, Policies and Procedures - Enclosure D Ms. Washnock explained that the bylaws have been under review by staff and the TPO chairman for some time. She reviewed the recommendations made by staff and the chairman and those comments received from others by the May 8 deadline. Ms. Washnock said the TCC had several questions regarding the changes. It was suggested that the TCC have additional time to review the bylaws and perhaps have a workshop. The CAC also asked to have a workshop. Ms. Washnock asked for suggestions regarding how to have workshops. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TPO MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 5 Chairman Bare said he spent considerable time on the project. He said there were some changes as to what the two subordinate committees could do. It was decided to change the name of the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) to the Technical Advisory Committee because the committee actually advises, and does not coordinate. There were changes regarding how TCC members should be appointed. Chairman Bare said he recommended that the governmental entity that has put a member to the TCC should nominate that person, and the TPO should vote on it to approve it. He said CAC members send in an application and the TPO votes on the membership, as well as the CAC makes a recommendation. He said some people don’t know they sit on the TCC. He said if there are to be workshops he would like the participants to suggest some type of structure as to how people should be added to the committees. Mayor Dannheisser expressed he had concerns regarding the bylaws. He said one of the changes precludes any membership on the TCC unless they are a full time employee. He said this would work for larger entities but for smaller entities such as the City of Gulf Breeze it may not work. He said the City of Gulf Breeze has outside consultants to assist them. Mayor Dannheisser said he was concerned that committees are not allowed to have issues considered. Mayor Dannheisser moved to table action on this item and allow staff to schedule a workshop of the TPO and advisory committees to determine recommended changes to the current bylaws. There was general discussion in favor of the workshop. Ms. Washnock said a workshop could be held in August or September. In October the item could be presented at the meetings. The completion deadline would then be November 2015. The motion passed with one opposing vote by Chairman Bare. 4. Consideration of Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) Membership Applications for Two (2) New CAC Members - Enclosure E Chairman Bare stated that Mr. Larry Newsom withdrew his application. Commissioner Gruber moved to approve the CAC membership application for Ms. Tina Morrison, Councilman Spencer seconded the motion. Ms. Whitehurst recommended the CAC approval of Ms. Tina Morrison as a CAC member. The motion passed unanimously. 5. Election of Chairs and Vice Chairs for FY 2016 (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) - Enclosure F Ms. Washnock advised that Commissioner Rob Williamson and Commissioner Gruber met and developed a recommendation for a new chair and vice chair. Commissioner Rob Williamson thanked Chairman Bare for serving as the chair. He said Mr. Shawn Ward was retained as the TCC chairman. He said Commissioner Underhill was a nominating member that served on the committee. Also, Commissioner Gruber and Councilman Wingate served on the committee. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TPO MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 6 Commissioner Rob Williamson said Commissioner Robinson was nominated to serve as vice chair, and Commissioner Jayer Williamson was nominated to serve as chairman. A motion to close nominations was made by Commissioner Lynchard and seconded by Councilman Messick. Nominations were closed by a unanimous vote. A vote was taken to approve Commissioner Jayer Williamson as chairman and Commissioner Grover Robinson as vice chairman for FY 2016 (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) and it passed unanimously. Ms. Washnock informed members that the new TCC chair will be Mr. Shawn Ward and the vice chair will be Mr. Tommy Brown. The CAC did not have a nominating committee in April due to there not being a quorum. Ms. Washnock informed the TPO that the CAC could take nominations for chair and vice chair from the floor. The CAC chairman chose to form a nominating committee and vote on a new chair and vice chair in July 2015. Chairman Bare said the bylaws state that the CAC shall elect a chair and vice chair in June. He said the nominating committee should be appointed at the meeting prior to the June meeting or elections should take place at the next CAC meeting. He said action should have been taken at the June CAC meeting. He said nominations can also be made from the floor. He said he was concerned about the CAC chairman being in violation of the bylaws. Chairman Bare said he attended the April meeting and observed the chairman of the CAC speaking in a negative way regarding members not in attendance. Chairman Bare felt the CAC chairman was unfit to serve on the CAC. Chairman Bare moved to remove the CAC chairman, Mr. Jim Hunt, from the CAC. The motion was not seconded. Commissioner Robinson said it was regrettable that the CAC had not made decisions, and it was his understanding that the May meeting did not occur. He felt the CAC members should take the action they deem appropriate. Ms. Mayall stated she is the vice chair of the CAC. She said the CAC decided at their meeting that day to have a nominating committee and vote later on the chair and vice chair positions. She asked that the CAC be allowed to make the decision regarding chair and vice chair. Commissioner Barry said he appreciated Mr. Hunt’s involvement over a ten-year period. He said he was always well prepared. He felt Ms. Mayall’s request to allow the CAC to decide and rule over itself was appropriate. E. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) UPDATE – Mr. Paulk said regarding the Vision Pensacola option for the Pensacola side of the Bay Bridge, in order for the PD&E phase for the Vision Pensacola concept to be completed it needed to be incorporated into appropriate documents. He said Secretary Barfield has met with the Mayor of Pensacola about it and FDOT will open up the production schedule for this to be completed in a separate fiscal year. Mr. Paulk said he was bringing two issues to the TPO. One issue was to move forward with a PD&E study for an interchange/flyover. Secondly, Mr. Paulk asked the TPO to pass a resolution or letter of support for the concept of a PD&E study. Secretary Barfield wanted to see the project in the Needs Plan and in the Cost Feasible Plan. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TPO MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 7 Commissioner Robinson moved to draft a letter in support of a PD&E study for the project with Vision Pensacola for the chairman’s signature to be sent to Secretary Barfield at FDOT. Councilman Spencer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Christy Johnson said a public meeting was scheduled in Escambia County on 6/18/15 regarding the Burgess Road project, and one in Santa Rosa County on 6/18/15 regarding the pedestrian overpass project in Navarre. Commissioner Rob Williamson asked Ms. Johnson for an email about the public meetings. Ms. Johnson agreed. F. REVIEW/INFROMATION ITEMS 1. Presentation of Certification Results by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) – Enclosure G Chairman Bare called on Ms. Lavender who introduced Mr. Carl Mikyska. Mr. Mikyska explained that TPO staff hospitably hosted FHWA and FTA staff over the past year during the federally required Transportation Management Area (TMA) certification process. He provided a PowerPoint presentation, and said there were several noteworthy practices which means that efforts in each of these areas were favorable enough to be forwarded to Washington, D.C. as examples others could follow. In addition, there were a few areas in which improvements could be made. He stressed that these were not infractions, but simply recommendations for improvement. There were also two corrective actions, including updating the interlocal agreement. He said the Florida-Alabama TPO is certified to continue through December, 2018, when another certification review will be underway. 2. Review of the Draft Florida-Alabama TPO Public Participation Process (PPP) Update – Enclosure H Chairman Bare called on Ms. Whitehurst. Ms. Whitehurst explained that staff is not updating the existing PPP, adopted in 2012, but rather has, re-crafted the document in an effort to streamline and to show the public involvement efforts required when developing TPO plans and programs. She said this document will allow for greater flexibility and she encouraged the members to read it and provide input. A 45 day review period is required; therefore, all comments should be to her by September 1, 2015. 3. Florida Greenways and Trails Foundation (FGT) “Close the Gaps” Campaign – Enclosure I Chairman Bare called on Mr. Dale Allen, the Executive Director of Florida Greenways & Trails Foundation. Mr. Allen said his organization advocates for the advancement of connecting all paved trails in Florida into a statewide network. He said the trails are used for recreation, fitness, and health purposes. Mr. Allen said in central Florida a program is in place known as the Coast to Coast Connector. The trails are 75% complete in being connected across the state. It is expected that by 2020 the trails will be completely connected across the state. To date there are 600 miles of connected trails in Florida. Mr. Allen described a system for connected trails in the Florida Panhandle. He said in the panhandle there are presently more gaps than completed trails. A 300 mile connected system FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TPO MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 8 known as the Great Northwest Coastal Regional Connector is planned. It will link the Pensacola metropolitan area all the way to Tallahassee. Ms. Robinson suggested adding the Great Northwest Coastal Trail project to the Long Range Transportation Plan. 4. Perdido Key Multi-Use Trail – Enclosure J Chairman Bare called on Ms. Mae Dean from the Perdido Key Association to speak. Mr. Charles Krupnick from the Perdido Key Association made the presentation. Mr. Krupnick said the Perdido Key Association advocates replacing the current bicycle pedestrian trail along Perdido Key Drive with a multi-use trail separate from the road. He said the association uses surveys and public forums to gather input from the owners and residents. Mr. Krupnick said there are approximately 3,800 property owners on the island. A survey was conducted in 2015 and 77% of the Perdido Key owners agreed that the island needs a separate off-road pedestrian and bicycle trail. He said the current trail is a shoulder on Perdido Key Drive and is hazardous. When you get to the Perdido Key state park it is a challenge to cross safely with fast moving traffic. Mr. Krupnick said they are proposing a multi-use trail that will improve safety and access that would be approximately 6.5 miles long. It would start at the Theo Baars Bridge and proceed to the Alabama line. It would be on the north side of Perdido Key Drive and be approximately ten feet wide, accessible to bicycle and pedestrian traffic. Mr. Krupnick asked Escambia County and the TPO to move the Perdido Key multi-use trail to a higher priority for funding. He said Escambia County is supporting the creation of several Perdido Key Drive crosswalks that will facilitate access from the beach front properties to a multi-use trail on the north side. He said the Florida Greenways and Trails System is something they would like to be part of. He thought that the Perdido Key multi-use trail would tie into some of the priorities of the Greenways and Trails System. Mr. Krupnick said Amendment One to the Florida Water and Land Conservation Act specified that some tax money should go towards better environmental, recreational, and historical preservation. Mr. Krupnick said engineering staff in Escambia County is working with US Fish and Wildlife on possible designs for a multi-use trail. Escambia County is working towards hiring an architectural firm to finish the Perdido Key master plan that was stopped in 2012. He said plans for a multi-use trail could be combined with the master plan. Mr. Krupnick said a Perdido Key multi-use trail could provide improved public safety and transportation options and increase economic opportunity. Commissioner Robinson said the multi-use trail is a worthwhile project and that he would like to see it moved forward at future meetings. Ms. Mae Dean requested a letter of support from the TPO members. Chairman Bare said they could not vote on a letter of support because there was no longer a quorum present at the meeting. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TPO MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 9 Chairman Bare called Mr. Alan Dennis to speak. Mr. Dennis supported advancing the multi-use trail. He said they completed a Perdido Key property owners survey and 776 people filled out surveys. He said 80% of the surveys indicated support for a multi-use trail. Also 80% of the surveys indicated Perdido Key Drive should remain as a two-lane road. The Perdido Key master plan was supported by 83%. He asked that the Perdido master plan be advanced. Chairman Bare called Ms. Mary Schibline to speak. She said nine years ago she was walking on Perdido Key Drive and was hit by a pickup truck. She broke two bones and suffered a head injury. She commented that there are still no safety measures on Perdido Key, or crosswalks. Mr. Paul Frechette spoke next. He said he is a resident of Perdido Key. He said there was poor access to locations on Perdido Key. In particular he said there is a lack of crosswalks and sidewalks. He asked that safety measures be taken to assist tourists and residents. 5. Draft Interlocal Agreement for Creation of the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) – Enclosure K Chairman Bare called on Ms. Lavender. Ms. Lavender explained the purpose of the interlocal agreement and said the process was delayed because the standard Florida form did not allow for Alabama Department of Transportation issues to be addressed. She said this has passed the legal hurdles and that the process is now moving forward. 6. Review of the Draft Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2017-2021 Project Priorities - Enclosure L – Chairman Bare called on Mr. Kramer. Mr. Kramer provided a PowerPoint presentation explaining the background and methodology for developing the Project Priorities. He said comments received during public workshops have been incorporated. He explained the types of projects included and announced the TPO and advisory committee workshop to be held the next day (June 11, 2015) at Pensacola City Hall. Mr. Kramer reviewed all the recommended changes to priorities that have been received. He said the priorities will be presented in July for approval. 7. Summary of Signal Retiming, Arterial Traffic Management System (ATMS) Feasibility and Implementation Plan, and Traffic Signalization Tasks of the Existing Joint Partnership Agreement (JPA) – Enclosure M Chairman Bare called on Ms. Kate Daniel. Ms. Daniel introduced Mr. Colby Brown, who provided a history of the county's work with FDOT, the City of Pensacola, and the consultant, Volkert, on this project. He said the county is now working with DRMP on the signalization program and he introduced Mr. Ben Faust with DRMP. Mr. Faust provided a PowerPoint presentation and explained that the overall purpose of their work is to provide continuation of the regional signal retiming program and to work to enhance the system. He noted that this is to serve all of the TPO area, not just Escambia County. He noted areas where re-timing needs have been identified. They include US 29 in Escambia County, US 90 throughout Santa Rosa County, US 98 through Gulf Breeze and Garden Street in downtown Pensacola. He explained that Phase I of the ATMS project is basically done, which includes 18 intersections in Escambia County. He explained steps coming up in the process. 8. Review of the Draft Transit Facilities Standards Study – Enclosure N Chairman Bare called on Ms. Garrett. Ms. Garrett explained the timeline in the development of this draft. She asked that any comments be provided by June 17, 2015. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TPO MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 10 Mr. Jim Hunt commented on the cost of the study. He said the cost of the project was $65,000 for a consultant. He said the study was 304 pages, costing $214 per page. He said roughly 18 pages were original material and the rest constituted plagiarism. Ms. Garrett said she appreciated public comments, and said she would like to be consulted and have an opportunity to address plagiarism comments because that is a serious accusation. Mr. David Haight, Atkins, said TPO staff asked that comments come to them by June 17, 2015. Mr. Haight said as to the accusation of plagiarism, that in a public place the accusation needs to be substantiated with evidence. He said he would like it to be pointed out where there is plagiarism. He said the document is a compendium of existing sources and directly related to the approved scope of work. He said the entire table of contents is directly taken from the scope to address every item in the scope. He said when documents were placed in the report there were citations of websites or proper citations of the material. G. INFORMATION ITEMS (No Presentation) The following items were included in the agenda package: • TPO Meeting Schedule • Letter from FDOT to Escambia County Regarding Bridge Replacement Funding • Advisory Committee Minutes (CAC, February 2015 – TCC, April 2015) Chairman Bare commented that it had been a pleasure to serve the board and to work with the staff. Chairman Bare said in April, when he appointed a subcommittee, he thought it was appropriate as it relates to the Maintenance of Traffic for the Pensacola Bay Bridge replacement, and that the new chairman would deal with it. He said he had appointed himself as the chair, and that should expire as he will no longer be the chair of the TPO meetings. He thought Commissioner Jayer Williamson will find someone to be chair, or serve himself as the chairman of that committee. H. OTHER BUSINESS I. ADJOURN - There being no other business the meeting was adjourned. Approved by TCC Date: _____________________ Signed: ___________________ Florida-Alabama TPO Agenda Enclosure Date: July 8, 2015 Approved for Submittal to TPO: ENCLOSURE A TPO ONLY CONSENT AGENDA SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-25 Endorsing the Escambia County Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) 2015 Annual Update ORIGIN OF SUBJECT: Chapter 427, Florida Statutes and 41-2 Florida Administrative Code TPO Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Task C.7 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTION NEEDED: None BACKGROUND: A Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) must be developed and maintained for each service area as recognized by the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged. Development and submission of the TDSP are the responsibility of the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC), the Designated Official Planning Agency (DOPA), and the Local Coordinating Board (LCB). Escambia County Board of County Commissioners is the CTC for Escambia County and provides service as Escambia County Community Transportation (ECCT). The Florida-Alabama TPO is the DOPA for Escambia County and the Escambia County Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board is the LCB. The TDSP is a five-year implementation plan with annual updates. A major update is conducted every fifth year. The TDSP contains the provisions of service delivery in the coordinated transportation system. The approved TDSP will be implemented and monitored to provide for community-wide transportation services for purchase by non-sponsored transportation disadvantaged persons, contracting social service agencies, and other entities that use local, state, or federal government funds for the purchase of transportation for the transportation disadvantaged. In addition to being a statutory requirement of Chapter 427 F.S., the TDSP is used as the Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Grant Programs. The Escambia County TDSP Annual Update was reviewed and approved by the LCB on May 12, 2015. Due to document size, a full copy of the Escambia County TDSP Annual Update is posted on the WFRPC website at the following link: http://www.wfrpc.org/tdsp/Escambia_2015_Adopted.pdf A paper copy can be requested by contacting Vikki Garrett, TPO staff, at 850-332-7976 ext 211 or vikki.garrett@wfrpc.org. Attached is the following: • Resolution FL-AL 15-25 RECOMMENDED ACTION: A motion to authorize the TPO chair to sign Resolution FL-AL 15-25 endorsing the Escambia County Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) 2015 Annual Update as recommended by the Local Coordinating Board. This action is recommended to be in compliance with Rule 412.009 paragraph (4), which reads: “The MPO shall develop and annually update a Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan.” Please contact Ms. Vikki Garrett, TPO staff at (850) 332-7976 Extension 211 or vikki.garrett@wfrpc.org if additional information is needed. RESOLUTION FL-AL 15-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE FLORIDA-ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION ENDORSING THE 2015 ANNUAL UPDATE OF THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED SERVICE PLAN FOR ESCAMBIA COUNTY WHEREAS, the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) is the organization designated by the Governors of Florida and Alabama as being responsible, together with the States of Florida and Alabama, for carrying out the continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process for the Florida-Alabama TPO Planning Area; and WHEREAS, Rule 41-2.009 paragraph (4) of the Florida Administrative Code reads, the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) shall develop and annually update a Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP); and WHEREAS, the TDSP is a requirement of the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) for Escambia County, the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) as the Designated Official Planning Agency (DOPA); and the Local Coordinating Board (LCB); and WHEREAS, the TDSP is a five year implementation plan with annual updates and a major update every fifth year, which contains the provisions of service delivery in the coordinated transportation system; and WHEREAS, the Escambia County Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board is the advisory board that is composed of representatives who provide assistance to the CTC relative to the coordination of transportation disadvantaged services; and WHEREAS, the update of the Escambia County TDSP was reviewed and adopted on May 12, 2015 by the Escambia County Transportation Disadvantaged Coordinating Board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE FLORIDA-ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION THAT: The TPO endorses the Escambia County TDSP 2015 Annual Update, which fulfills the requirements of Rule 41-2.009 paragraph (4) and contains the necessary provisions for service delivery in the Escambia County coordinated transportation system. Passed and duly adopted by the Florida - Alabama Transportation Planning Organization on this 8th day of July 2015. FLORIDA- ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION BY: ____________________________ Jayer Williamson, Chairman ATTEST: ______________________ Florida-Alabama TPO Agenda Enclosure Date: July 8, 2015 Approved for Submittal to TPO: ENCLOSURE B SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-22 Adopting the FL-AL FY 2017-2021 Project Priorities (PUBLIC HEARING AND ROLL CALL VOTE REQUIRED) ORIGIN OF SUBJECT: 23 Code of Federal Regulations Section 134(j), Chapter 339.175 (8)(b) Florida Statutes, Florida–Alabama TPO Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Task C.1 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTION NEEDED: None BACKGROUND: Annually, the TPO reviews and adopts transportation project priorities in July for submittal to FDOT by August 11th. This document is part of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) development process. The purpose of the Project Priorities is to ensure that transportation projects programmed by FDOT in the Five-Year Work Program are consistent with local needs and plans for the TPO planning area. TPO responsibilities require that all modes of transportation be addressed in the Project Priorities. The following categories of projects are included in the Priorities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Long Range Transportation Plan Capacity Projects Transportation Systems Management Projects Bicycle/Pedestrian Related Projects Public Transportation Projects Aviation Projects Seaport Projects Local Projects Potential Toll Projects Bridge Replacement Projects The draft FY 2017 - FY 2021 Project Priorities project schedule is listed below: • May 4, 2015 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Santa Rosa County Commission Chambers • May 4, 2015 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. West Florida Regional Planning Council • May 5, 2015 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Orange Beach Public Library • May 5, 2015 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Lillian Community Center • May 12, 2015 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. TPO and advisory committee workshop Pensacola City Hall • June 10, 2015 TPO and advisory committees review of daft FY 2017 - FY 2021 Project Priorities • June 11, 2015 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. TPO and advisory committee workshop Pensacola City Hall • July 8, 2015 TPO approval of draft FY 2017 - FY 2021 Project Priorities with recommendation from TPO advisory committees The following activities are identified in the TPO’s Public Participation Process Manual regarding Project Priorities: • Hold at least one public workshop across the TPO area • Place advertisement of the workshop(s) in various locations and the largest circulated publication • Develop and distribute informational flyers promoting the public workshop(s) • Include the draft review in the TPO meeting advertisement • • • • A review of the draft Project Priorities will include the public input collected at the workshop(s) and this input will be presented to the TPO and advisory committees The draft and final Project Priorities document will be available on the website Include the request for approval of the final Project Priorities in the TPO meeting advertisement A public forum will be held at the TPO meeting when requesting adoption of the Project Priorities The proposed changes provided by Escambia County for Table 2 Non-Strategic Intermodal System Priorities were presented as an information item at the June TPO and advisory committee meetings. These proposed changes are provided as an attachment to this agenda enclosure. The third draft of the Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2017-2021 Project Priorities is available online at the following link: http://www.wfrpc.org/programs/fl-al-tpo/documents. Please note the proposed changes provided by Escambia County are not included in this draft since the TPO has not taken a vote on these proposed changes. Any changes in Project Priorities requires 2/3 majority vote of the members present. Attached are the following: • Resolution FL-AL 15-22 • Changes from FY 2016-2020 Project Priorities to FY 2017-2021 Project Priorities • Comments from May 4 and 5, 2015 Public Workshops • Comments from May 12, 2015 and June 11, 2015 TPO and Advisory Committee Workshops • Proposed Changes to Table 2 Non-Strategic Intermodal System Project Priorities as provided by Escambia County. (Changes are highlighted in Yellow) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of a motion to authorize the TPO chairman to sign Resolution FLAL 15-22 to adopt the FY 2017-2021 Project Priorities. This motion is recommended to maintain the August 11, 2015 submittal deadline to FDOT. Please contact Gary Kramer at (850) 332-7976 Extension 219 or gary.kramer@wfrpc.org if additional information is needed. RESOLUTION FL-AL 15-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE FLORIDA-ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION ADOPTING THE FY 2017-2021 PROJECT PRIORITIES WHEREAS, the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) is the organization designated by the Governors of Florida and Alabama as being responsible, together with the States of Florida and Alabama, for carrying out the continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process for the Florida-Alabama TPO Planning Area; and WHEREAS, the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is adopted annually by the TPO and submitted to the Governor of the State of Florida and the Governor of the State of Alabama, to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and through the State of Alabama and State of Florida to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); and WHEREAS, public workshops were held on May 4 and 5, 2015 and TPO and advisory committee public workshops were held on May 12 and June 11, 2015; and WHEREAS, the initial step in the development of the TIP is for the TPO to submit its transportation project priorities for all modes of travel to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) prior to August 11th each year; and WHEREAS, the project priorities document is also submitted annually to the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) even though it is considered part of the Transportation Improvement Program which ALDOT only requires every four years; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE FLORIDA-ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION THAT: The TPO adopts the FY2017 - FY 2021 Project Priorities, with any changes that may have been presented. Passed and duly adopted by the Florida- Alabama Transportation Planning Organization on this 8th day of July 2015. FLORIDA- ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION BY: ___________________________ Jayer Williamson, Chairman ATTEST:_______________________ Changes from FY 2016-2020 Project Priorities to FY 2017-2021 Project Priorities (Based on the draft that was presented at the May Priorities Public Workshops) Non-SIS • Non-SIS Committed List. Avalon Boulevard from South Moor’s Lodge to North of CSX Railroad removed because construction is complete. • Non-SIS Priorities List. No. 7 priority Nine Mile Road from Mobile Highway to Beulah Road. Design funded in FY 2016/17. • Non-SIS Priorities list. No. 13 Priority. US 90 from Avalon Boulevard to Stewart Street PD&E listed as funded in FY 2015/16 instead of completed. Design listed as not complete since PD&E is being redone FY 2015/16. • Non-SIS Priorities list. No. 14 Priority. Gulf Beach Highway from Fairfield Drive to Navy Boulevard PD&E listed as funded in FY 2017/18. • Non-SIS Priorities list. No. 15 Priority. Gulf Beach Highway Blue Angel Parkway to Fairfield Drive PD&E listed as funded in FY 2018/19. • Non-SIS Priorities list. No. 16 Priority. Sorrento Road from Gulf Beach Highway/Innerarity Point Road to Blue Angel Parkway. Design phase changed to underway. • Non SIS Priorities list. No. 17 Priority. SR 87 Connector from SR 87 South to SR 87 North. Design funded in FY 2019/20. • Non-SIS Priorities list. No. 25 Priority. Perdido Key Drive from Alabama State Line to Gulf Beach Highway/Innerarity Point Road. Footnote added based upon TPO Resolution 15-15 which adopted on April 8, 2015. SIS • • • TSM • • • • • • SIS Committed List. SR 87 from North of Five Forks Road to Eglin AFB Boundary removed because construction is complete. SIS Committed List. I-10 at US 29 Interchange Phase I added to the list because construction is funded in FY 2015/16 SIS Priorities List. I-10 at US 29 Interchange Phase I moved to SIS Committed List because construction is funded in FY 2016/16. Therefore, previous priorities 2, 3, and 4 are now priorities 1, 2, and 3. TSM Committed List. Beverly Parkway at W Street removed because construction is complete TSM Committed List. Two Mobile Highway Push Button Projects are now funded as part of the Mobile Highway from Edison Drive to Lynch Street Resurfacing Project. TSM Committed List. Bayou and 12th Avenue intersection not listed because it is not in the Work Program. It is understood that the City of Pensacola and FDOT are working on incorporating this project back to its original design. TSM Committed List. New Warrington Road at Jackson Street added to the list because construction is funded in FY 2017/18. TSM Priorities List. New Warrington Road at Jackson Street moved to TSM Committed List because construction funded in FY 2017/18. TSM Priorities List. Two new priorities added and ranked with the TSM Project Criteria TAP • • • • • TAP Committed List. Bauer Road from Sorrento to Gulf Highway added because construction funded in FY 2016/ TAP Committed List. Glover Lane/Hamilton Bridge Road from SR 89 to Whiting Pine Subdivision added because construction funded in FY 2017/18. TAP Committed List. Hamilton Bridge Road from East Spencer Field Road to Emerald Drive added because construction funded in FY 2017/18 & FY 2018/19. TAP Priorities List. King Middle School Sidewalks moved to Priority Number 2 because construction is funded in FY 2018/19. TAP Priorities List. All other projects ranking with TAP Criteria adopted by the TPO in April 2015. Bicycle/Pedestrian • Bicycle/Pedestrian Priorities List. Davis Highway from Forsyth Street to Scenic Highway Bike Lanes Priority #3 removed at the request of FDOT because Bike Lanes included as part of resurfacing project. All other previous bike/pedestrian priorities moved up 1 spot because of this change. Public Transportation • Public Transportation Project Priorities. New format based on direction from FDOT (Funding Sources and Percentages). Airport and Port • Pensacola International Airport, Peter Prince Airport, and Port of Pensacola Priorities. Priorities are resubmitted every year. Locally Funded Projects • Locally Funded Projects. Perdido Key Drive from Alabama State Line to Gulf Beach Highway/Innerarity Point Road. Footnote added based upon TPO Resolution 15-15 which was adopted on April 8, 2015. Potential Toll Projects and Bridge Replacement Projects • No change. Appendix A – Corridor Management Plans • West Cervantes Street removed from Corridor Management Plan Studies because it will be completed in FY 2016 and added to Corridor Management Plan projects COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC WORKSHOPS MAY 4 and 5, 2015 May 4, 2015 Santa Rosa County Commission Chambers • Should the corridor management study funds be reevaluated? Funding a bicycle Pedestrian with these funds is a possibility. • FLAPG stands for “Federal Land Access Program Grant.” Change has been made. • Why wasn’t US 98 from Portside to Okaloosa Line PD&E not included? This project was not included because is not in the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Cost Feasible Plan. However, this project will be reconsidered in the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Update. • Santa Rosa County Staff stated Project ID 4370872 Glover Lane/Hamilton Bridge Road from SR 89 to Whiting Pines Subdivision should be removed from Table 7 Committed Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Project Priorities because of the local match that is required. Change has been made. • Need further clarification on TAP projects Saufley Field Road from Mobile Highway to Saufley Field Gate Project ID 4335772 and Michigan Avenue from Mobile Highway to Denver Avenue Project ID 4335771. Both projects have design funded in FY 2014/15 and both are funded with TAP funds. Priority 4 in TAP rankings for Florida is now priority 4A and 4B to include both of these segments. • Several questions on the TAP Criteria were asked such as will TAP criteria be re-evaluated this year? Priority #12 was once a top ranked project and the Tourist Development Council has funds set aside as a match for this project. The TAP Criteria will be reevaluated prior to the next year's priorities. FDOT has funded low TAP priorities previously. Therefore, priority 12 maybe funded by FDOT over higher ranked priorities depending on cost and feasibility. • Is the Florida Department of Transportation restriping a wide outside lane for a designated bicycle lane on 9th Avenue as part of the 9th Avenue Resurfacing project from Cervantes Street to Creighton Boulevard? The outside lanes will be as wide as FDOT can get them as part of the resurfacing project. Also, FDOT will be analyzing the gaps in sidewalks as part of the resurfacing project. • The parallel bridge next to the existing three mile bridge is in Table 20 because it is included in the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan. This project is not recommended as a project in the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan. If this project is not included in the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan when it is adopted (tentatively November 2015, it will be removed as a project priority when the priorities are updated next year. May 4, 2015 West Florida Regional Planning Council • Perdido Key Drive – Escambia County is recommending this be an enhanced two-lane roadway with bikeped infrastructure rather than four-laning it. This language is noted with footnotes in Table 2 Priority 25 and Table 19 Locally Funded Capacity Projects for Perdido Key Drive from the Alabama State Line to Gulf Beach Highway/Innerarity Point Road based upon correspondence with Escambia County Staff. • Is Nine Mile from Mobile Highway to Beulah Road basically funded (and we can stop being concerned with it) or do we need to stay on top of until it is in work program? The Design Phase for this roadway segment is funded in 2016/17. The Right-of-Way and Construction phases are not currently funded in the next five years. This project is the top roadway project after the specific set-aside funds for priorities 1-6 for the Non-Strategic Intermodal System funds. Once construction of this roadway segment is funded in the first three years of the FDOT Work Program, it will be moved to the Committed SIS Project Table which is Table 1. Until that happens, this project is not fully or basically funded. • 9th/Langley/Tippin – Escambia County wants to pursue this improvement and get federal funding. They will probably meet with the airport. However, the airport is proceeding with planning regardless if a meeting/funding takes place. Comment noted. • Is the Michigan Avenue bicycle/pedestrian Project ID 4335771funded by TAP? Yes, Project ID 4335771 Michigan Avenue from Mobile Highway to Denver Avenue is funded by TAP. • The Corridor Management Plan Study money alternates every three years between counties, right? The Corridor Management Plan Study money alternates every five years between Escambia and Santa Rosa County as noted in the footnote number 2 for Priority Number 2 in Table 2. May 5, 2015 Orange Beach Public Library • Orange Beach did not submit a TAP application through the TPO process, but requested a letter of support from the TPO Staff. Orange Beach has its own submittal through the Alabama Department of Transportation and is not competing with same funds as the Florida TAP projects. Comment noted. • Participants directed the TPO to find out if Alabama has a program similar to the Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP). The TPO Coordinator will research this request. • A question was asked what the funding amount is for TAP projects in Alabama. Is the dollar amount guaranteed for this TPO or does this TPO compete for TAP funds with other TPO’s in Alabama? The TPO’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator will research the answers to these questions. • It was stated that the State of Florida opted out on trails and the State of Alabama did not opt out on trails. Comment noted. • Wolf Bay Bridge was mentioned as a potential route and that it would serve as an additional north-south corridor for hurricane evacuation. A question was asked if this project is included in the Long Range Transportation Plan. This project is a recommended need in the Florida-Alabama 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan that is scheduled to be approved by the TPO Board at its June 2015 meeting. • A question was asked how much state and federal money does the Alabama portion of the Florida-Alabama area currently receive. The Alabama portion of the Florida-Alabama area current allocation per year is $131,889. Priorities currently identified for these funds are listed in Table 13, but require a 20% local match. • Provide links for the Alabama Boundary for the Florida-Alabama TPO area and the Alabama TAP Project. The TPO Metropolitan Planning Area map can be downloaded from the following link http://ftp.wfrpc.org/GIS/Boundaries/FA_2010_MPA_Boundary_Approved121212.pdf. The map for the Alabama TAP project can be downloaded from the following link http://www.wfrpc.org/fatpo/FA_priorities14_ALalternatives.pdf. May 5, 2015 Lillian Community Center • Could the Perdido Key Path Project be submitted through the Long Range Transportation Plan process instead of the TAP process? A participant added that each project in the Long Range Transportation Plan goes through the Project Development and Environmental, Design, Right-of-Way and construction processes. There are other funding sources besides the TAP process such as the Bicycle/Pedestrian Setaside. • A question was asked why Nine Mile Road from Mobile Highway to Beulah Road wasn’t ranked higher and deserved more importance. The Design Phase for this roadway segment is funded in 2016/17. The Right-of-Way and Construction phases are not currently funded in the next five years. This project is the top roadway project after the specific set-aside funds for priorities 1-6 on the Non-Strategic Intermodal System funds Table 2. However, the TPO Board approves the Project Priorities and the TPO Board can make this project a higher priority. Some or all of the current 1-6 priorities will become lower priorities if this project is moved up on the priority list. • The participants discussed the potential Barber Parkway Bridge Project over Bayou Launch. The cost, funding and feasibility were also discussed. The project would have significant environmental impacts and require a lot of National Environmental Policy Act mitigation. COMMENTS FROM TPO AND ADVISORY COMMITTEES WORKSHOP MAY 12, 2015 Table 2 Non-SIS • Discussion occurred about adding Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan funding to Priority 2. • Tommy Brown, Escambia County, provided a suggested re-ranking as follows: • o Priority 10 from Priority 23 “US 29 Connector from US 90 to US 29.” o Priority 14 from Priority 22 “Blue Angel Parkway from Sorrento Road to US 98.” o Priority 15 from Priority 14 “Gulf Beach Highway from Fairfield Drive to Navy Boulevard.” o Priority 16 from Priority 15 “Gulf Beach Highway from Blue Angel Parkway to Fairfield Drive.” o Priority 22 from Priority 24 “Langley Avenue/Tippin Avenue/9th Avenue Major Intersection Improvement.” o Priority 23 from Priority 10 “Pinestead-Longleaf Connector from Wymart to US 29.” Shawn Ward, Santa Rosa County, mentioned Priority 21 "Express Bus Service and Maintenance" could be moved to Priority 25 because it will not be happening anytime soon. Table 6 Transportation System Management (TSM) Project Priorities • Jim DeVries, consultant for Escambia County, clarified that Priority 2 ALDIS detection equipment is replacing old cameras at the various intersections. • Shawn Ward, Santa Rosa County added that the next go around with TSM Project Priorities Santa Rosa County will have some projects to consider. Table 8 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Project Priorities • Include Additional Project in Priority 4 as Priority 4B Michigan Avenue from Mobile Highway to Denver Avenue. Renumber Priority 4 as Priority 4A Saufley Field Road from Mobile Highway to Saufley Field Gate. Change has been made because FDOT considers these two projects one project. Table 9 Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Priorities in Florida • Discussion occurred that Perdido Key Sidewalks will likely be recommended as the No. 1 Priority in this list because funding for the Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan setaside at $350,000 per year is in Escambia County for FY 17-21. • Discussion occurred that No. 3 Priority should be removed because the current Resurfacing Project encompasses these project limits. Similar discussion occurred for No. 4 priority but was not recommended for deletion. Other Discussion • Mathew Brown, Baldwin County, asked if Emergency funds need to be included in any TPO Plans for projects to continue to move forward and be funded. TPO Staff discussed this comment with the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) and ALDOT indicated that Emergency Funds for projects can be included in the TPO's Plans but do not have to be included. Projects funded with Emergency Funds will be funded regardless of being in a TPO Plan. Therefore, the TPO Staff has not included projects funded with Emergency funds in the Transportation Improvement Program. COMMENTS FROM TPO AND ADVISORY COMMITTEES WORKSHOP JUNE 11, 2015 FY 2017- FY 2021 Florida-Alabama Project Priorities June 11, 2015 Workshop Comments and Responses Table 2 Non-SIS • Add the following language to footnote #1. "Once projects are identified from the Arterial Traffic Management System (ATMS) Feasibility and Implementation Plan, funding will start being programmed for this priority." Change has been made. • It was clarified that footnote #2 was for both Corridor Management Plan and Studies, and funding for FY 2017/21 was for Santa Rosa County. It was mentioned that a bicycle/pedestrian Plan could be funded with this allocation. Shawn Ward will provide a recommendation regarding the bicycle/pedestrian plan at the July TCC Meeting. • FDOT will research any funding implications for making Perdido Key Drive from Alabama State Line to south end of bridge the number one priority for Priority 5 ($350,000 per year for bicycle/pedestrian improvements) instead of Navy Boulevard from New Warrington Road to Pace Boulevard. A request was made to see if there have been any studies completed that would show the justification for shifting this priority to Perdido Key Drive instead of Navy Boulevard. The request has been forwarded to Escambia County to determine if any such studies exist. • The recommended change from moving design funds off of the SR 87 Connector (Priority #17) onto US 90 from Glover Lane to SR 87 South (Priority #12) has been pulled by the City of Milton at this time in order for the Federal Highway Administration to sign off on the PD&E study. • Traffic counts were requested on Priorities #14 (Gulf Beach Highway from Fairfield Drive to Navy Boulevard), #15 (Gulf Beach Highway from Blue Angel Parkway to Fairfield Drive), and #16 (Sorrento Road to Gulf Beach Highway/Innerarity Point to Blue Angel Parkway). o 2013 AADT traffic counts on Gulf Beach Highway from Fairfield Drive to Navy Boulevard (two count stations at 22, 000 and 17,700) o 2013 AADT traffic counts on Gulf Beach Highway from Blue Angel Parkway to Fairfield Drive (three count stations at 9,700, 16,600 and 19,200) o 2013 AADT traffic counts on Sorrento Road from Gulf Beach Highway/Innerarity to Blue Angel Parkway (two count stations at 14,500 and 15,500) • It was mentioned that the changes proposed by Escambia County had a lot to do with Constructability. • The wording of the "US 29 Connector," Priority #23, may need to be renamed because it does not specify the location of the project. • It was requested that TPO staff check on the status of the PD&E and Design Phases for Priority #24 (Langley/Tippin/ 9th Avenue intersection improvement). The PDE&E for this project is a State Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) and will not be signed off by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The Design phase is at 30% and on hold pending future funding. • It was requested that TPO staff research if operational improvements from the Airport Boulevard Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Action Plan could be funded with Transportation System Management (TSM) funds. The TPO's TSM planner will review the Airport Boulevard SIS Action Plan and coordinated with FDOT to determine if any projects can be included in the candidate list for the TSM funds. • The status of the Airport Boulevard Resurfacing Projects was requested. It was mentioned if any projects need to be moved to an earlier year in the five-year work program, a letter should be addressed to the TPO requesting FDOT to fund projects earlier than listed in the work program and provide the reason for such a request. o The resurfacing of Airport Boulevard from Davis Highway to 9th Avenue is design funded in FY 2015/16, right-of-way funded in FY 2016/17, and construction funded in FY 2017/18. o The resurfacing of Airport Boulevard from US 29 to North Palafox Street is construction funded in FY 2015/16. Table 6 Transportation System Management (TSM) Project Priorities • It was requested that TPO staff research if additional video detection equipment at intersections could be eligible for TSM funds. The TPO's TSM planner will coordinate with FDOT to determine if video detection equipment at intersections can be included in the candidate list for the TSM funds. Table 7 Committed Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Project Priorities • An updated description for old US 90 from Blackwater Heritage Trail to Henry Street will provided to the TPO staff in the future. • It was mentioned that workshops to review the TAP ranking criteria will be occurring again during FY 2015/16. • Information on TAP requirements was requested. Shawn Ward indicated he will provide information on the TAP requirements. Table 11 Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Priorities in Florida • Discussion occurred on whether 9th Avenue from Creighton Road to Bayou Boulevard (Priority #3) and 9th Avenue from Cervantes Street to Bayfront Parkway (Priority #4) could be completed as part of the 9th Avenue Resurfacing Project from Cervantes to Creighton Road. The outside lanes will be as wide as FDOT can get them as part of the resurfacing project. Also, FDOT will be analyzing the gaps in sidewalks as part of the resurfacing project. • The status on implementation for US 98 Gulf Islands National Seashore Eastbound Alternative Route (Priority #8) and US 98 Gulf Islands Seashore Westbound Alternative Route (Priority #9) was requested. These projects are not currently funded with the Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan setaside funds. It was requested that City of Gulf Breeze staff review these projects to ensure they are consistent with the Gulf Breeze Master Plan. It addition, these projects should be reviewed with the Office of Greenways and Trails and for consistency with the South Santa Rosa County Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan. • Discussion occurred on how sidewalks on 9th Avenue between Mallory and Avery could be funded. FDOT will be analyzing the gaps in sidewalks as part of the 9th Avenue from Cervantes Street to Creighton Road resurfacing project. A Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) project submittal is a possibility as is looking alternatives roadways connections besides 9th Avenue. Lastly, a safety study request for this corridor could be submitted to FDOT to possibly fund. • Discussion occurred if the detailed corridor study needed on 17th Avenue from Bayfront Parkway to south of railroad tracks (Priority #30) and the detailed corridor study needed on 17th Avenue from south of railroad tracks to Cervantes Street (Priority #32) could be funded with the additional PD&E at the intersection of 17th Avenue and Bayfront Parkway since bicycle and pedestrian improvements will be included in the Pensacola Bay Bridge Replacement Project. It was requested if PD&E study is funded for the intersection improvement at 17th Avenue and Bayfront Parkway that the detailed corridor study needed improvements be forwarded to the PD&E consultant by the City of Pensacola and TPO staffs. Table 15 Santa Rosa County Public Transportation Project Priorities • It was asked what are the Capital Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities funds used for. The answer provided was that the funds are for the Transportation Disadvantaged Program to purchase vehicles since it as a capital grant. The paratransit provider provides trips for sponsored clients such as Medicare and Medicaid trips. The contact information of the paratransit provider in Escambia County is (850) 595-0501 or www.goeact.com. The contact information of the paratransit provider in Santa Rosa County is (850) 626-6806 or www.santarosa.fl.gov/transit. Table 18 Port of Pensacola Project Priorities • It was asked if resurfacing of port roadways (Priority #3 2017) would stop at the gate. The answer provided was yes, the resurfacing of Barracks Street would stop at the gate of the Port of Pensacola. Appendix B Corridor Management Studies and Project List • It was mentioned that a formal agreement be considered for deviation of Corridor Management Plan studies and implementation, and bicycle-pedestrian plan projects every five years between Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. This request will be reviewed by FDOT, TPO, Escambia County, and Santa County staffs in the future. Public Forum Sheri Myers requested copies of design plans for the following projects: o Avalon Boulevard from I-10 to South of Moor's Lodge. Project ID 2204128. o Longleaf Drive from Pine Forest Road to Wymart Road. Project ID 4210143. o Burgess Road from US 29 to I-110 Overpass. Project ID 2184291. o US 90 from Avalon Boulevard to Stewart Street. Project ID 2204363. o Langley Avenue/Tippin Avenue/9th Avenue Intersection Improvement. Project ID 2186202. o It was mentioned that the first four projects can be obtained from the FDOT Urban office in Milton and the Langley Avenue/Tippin Avenue/9th Avenue Intersection improvement can be obtained from Escambia County. o The dangers of crossing Creighton Road between 9th Avenue and Davis Highway were mentioned. Specifically, a light at the intersection of Creighton Road and Tippin Avenue was suggested to improve safety of pedestrians at night. o The dangers of crossing Davis Highway since it was six-laned were mentioned as the reason this person no longer takes the ECAT bus. o Reference was made to Table 11 "Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects" (Priority #50) E. Burgess Road from Plantation Road to Davis Highway that it would not be included on this person's "bucket list" since there are 49 priority projects listed above it. Orvind Johnson mentioned that the Pensacola Bay Bridge should be four lanes in each direction instead of fixing the problems of yesterday. He also indicates he travels to the beach a lot and a monorail from Fort Pickens to Portofino would alleviate the traffic problems on the beach. A lot of rail exists in the City of Pensacola. A trolley could be run on this existing rail track. Small bulk cargo ships should be pursued by the Port of Pensacola. Gary Kramer added that these projects should have been discussed during at the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Needs Plan public workshops. This public workshop for the TPO/TCC/CAC is for the TPO's Project Priorities. Jim Hunt added a citizen comment box is needed to keep a record of public comment. It was mentioned that the City of Pensacola has moved in this direction. Gary Kramer added he will relay the request to Brandi Whitehurst, the TPO's Public Involvement Coordinator, to determine if this suggestion can be incorporated into the TPO's updated Public Participation Process (PPP) Update. Brandi Whitehurst has since indicated the public can submit comments on the West Florida Regional Planning Council Web Site http://www.wfrpc.org/who-we-are/contact-us. RECOMMENDED CHANGES TO TABLE 2 NON-STRATEGIC INTERMODAL SYSTEM PROJECT PRIORITIES AS PROVIDED BY ESCAMBIA COUNTY FDOT Item‐ Segment Project Name 4280581 Regional ITS Plan Projects1 4371151 Santa Rosa County (SRC) 4318831 4318832 4318833 4318834 US 90/98 Santa Rosa County (SRC) 4217331 Public Transportation Capital Improvements3 NA Navy Boulevard SR 292 Perdido Key Drive (ESC) 4125452 Traffic Signal Coordination5 From To Improvement Phases in Green are Cost Feasible with State/Federal Funds in the 2035 LRTP ‐ Red phases are NOT Cost Feasible with State/Federal Funds $1,230,000 Escambia County Line Esc Co. FY 17‐21 Priority Rankings 1 1 Corridor Management Plan/Studies2 $130,000 2 2 Okaloosa County Line Corridor Management Projects2 $1,500,000 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 $300,000 New Warrington Road Alabama State Line FY17‐21 Priority Ranking Pace Boulevard South end of Bridge Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects4 $350,000 3 miles of sidewalks on Navy Blvd south side and multi‐use path on north side. $300,000 1 Regional ITS Plan projects are listed in Appendix B. Once projects are identified from the Arterial Traffic Management System (ATMS) Feasibility and Implementation Plan, funding will start being programmed for this priority. 2 Corridor Management Plan/Studies and Projects is included in Appendix A (Funding will alternate between counties at five year intervals funding will go to Santa Rosa County beginning in FY 2017-FY 2021 for Corridor Management Plan/Studies and Projects) 3 Table 14 presents the Public Transportation Capital Improvements 4 Table 11 presents the Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects (Funding will alternate between counties at five year intervals funding will go to Escambia County beginning in FY 2017-FY 2021) 5 Traffic Signal Coordination Committee recommends signalized intersections to be studied B-15 FDOT Item‐ Segment Project Name From To Improvement Phases in Green are Cost Feasible with State/Federal Funds in the 2035 LRTP ‐ Red phases are NOT Cost Feasible with State/Federal Funds FY17‐21 Priority Ranking Esc Co. FY 17‐21 Priority Rankings 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 23 PD&E – Complete 2186055 Nine Mile Road (ESC) Mobile Highway Beulah Road Widen to 4 lanes 2184291 Burgess Road (ESC) US 29 I‐110 Overpass Widen to 4 lanes 2204401 US 98 (SRC) Bayshore Drive Portside Drive Widen to 6 lanes 4210141 Pinestead‐ Longleaf Connector (ESC) Wymart US 29 Widen to 4 lanes Design – Funded FY 16/17 ROW Construction PD&E – Complete Design – Underway ROW – Funded FY 17/18 with Local funds Priority for additional local/state/federal funds1 Construction1 PD&E – Complete Design – Complete ROW – Funded FY14/15 through FY 16/17 Construction PD&E – Complete Design – Underway ROW – Funded FY 18/19 with Local funds Priority for additional local/state/federal funds1 Construction1 1 Phase NOT currently funded in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) or FDOT Five Year Work Program B-16 FDOT Item‐ Segment Project Name From To Improvement 4167482 SR 87 North (SRC) CR 87A (Langley Street) TPO Urban Boundary Widen to 4 lanes 4167484 US 90 (SRC) Glover Lane/ Old Highway 90 SR 87 South Widen to 4 lanes 2204363 US 90 (SRC) Avalon Boulevard Stewart Street Widen to 6 lanes Phases in Green are Cost Feasible with State/Federal Funds in the 2035 LRTP ‐ Red phases are NOT Cost Feasible with State/Federal Funds PD&E – Complete Design – Underway ROW Construction PD&E – Underway Design1 ROW Construction PD&E ‐ Funded FY15/162 Design1 ROW1 FY17‐21 Priority Ranking Esc Co. FY 17‐21 Priority Rankings 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 Construction1 PD&E– Funded FY17/18 2184932 Gulf Beach Highway (ESC) Fairfield Drive Navy Boulevard Widen to 4 lanes Design 1 ROW Construction PD&E– Funded FY18/19 Design1 Gulf Beach Blue Angel Widen to 4 2184933 Fairfield Drive Highway (ESC) Parkway lanes ROW Construction 1 Phase NOT currently funded in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) or FDOT Five Year Work Program 2 Project Development and Environmental Study (PD&E) limit is from Escambia County Line to Glover Lane B-17 FDOT Item‐ Segment Project Name From To Improvement Phases in Green are Cost Feasible with State/Federal Funds in the 2035 LRTP ‐ Red phases are NOT Cost Feasible with State/Federal Funds FY17‐21 Priority Ranking Esc Co. FY 17‐21 Priority Rankings 16 24 17 17 18 18 19 19 PD&E – Underway Design – Underway 4210112 Sorrento Road (ESC) Gulf Beach Highway/Innerarity Point Road Blue Angel Parkway Widen to 4 lanes ROW –Funded FY 18/19 with Local funds Priority for additional local/state/federal funds1 Construction ‐ Cost Feasible with Local Funds Only PD&E – Underway SR 87 Connector (SRC) Widen to 4 lanes Design– Funded FY18/19 ROW Construction PD&E1 Design1 Main Street 2 Lane NA Tarragona Street Chase Street (PNS) Improvement ROW – Not Required Construction1 PD&E1 Design1 Main Street 2 Lane NA Barrancas Avenue Baylen Street (PNS) Improvement ROW – Not Required Construction1 1 Phase NOT currently funded in the Transportation ImprovementProgram (TIP) or FDOT Five Year Work Program 4167483 SR 87 South SR 87 North B-18 FDOT Item‐ Segment Project Name From To Improvement Phases in Green are Cost Feasible with State/Federal Funds in the 2035 LRTP ‐ Red phases are NOT Cost Feasible with State/Federal Funds FY17‐21 Priority Ranking Esc Co. FY 17‐21 Priority Rankings 20 20 21 21 22 14 PD&E1 NA US 90 (SRC) SR 87 South S.A. Jones Road Widen to 4 lanes Design ROW Construction NA Express Bus Service and Maintenance (ESC/SRC) Pensacola Navarre New Bus Route n/a PD&E – Complete Design – Underway 4210121 Blue Angel Parkway (ESC) Sorrento Road US 98 Widen to 4 lanes ROW – Funded FY18/19 with Local funds. Priority for additional state/federal ROW funding1 Construction – Cost Feasible with Local and State/Federal funds1. 1 Phase NOT currently funded in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) or FDOT Five Year Work Program B-19 FDOT Item‐ Segment Project Name US 29 Connector (ESC) NA 2186202 From US 90 To US 29 Improvement New 4 lane facility FDOT is currently administering a PD&E Study for a new interchange at 1-10 @ Beulah Road. As this study progresses, it is the Department’s intent to consider adding the Beulah Road interchange to the Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) by evaluating information obtained from the study to determine if the facility will function as a SIS corridor. If the information supports the need to add Beulah Road to the SIS, phases of the project beyond the PD&E phase would be eligible for SIS funds. Langley Avenue/Tippin Avenue/9th Avenue (ESC) Phases in Green are Cost Feasible with State/Federal Funds in the 2035 LRTP ‐ Red phases are NOT Cost Feasible with State/Federal Funds PD&E – Funded in FY 12/13 with Local Funds. Priority for a PD&E re‐evaluation if needed Design – Cost Feasible with Local and State/Federal funds1 ROW Construction PD&E – Underway Design1 ROW1 Construction Major Intersection Improvement B-20 FY17‐21 Priority Ranking Esc Co. FY 17‐21 Priority Rankings 23 10 24 22 Phases in Green are Cost Feasible with Esc Co. FY17‐21 State/Federal Funds in the 2035 LRTP ‐ Red FY 17‐21 Project Name From To Improvement Priority phases are NOT Cost Feasible with Priority Ranking State/Federal Funds Rankings PD&E – Underway funded and managed by FDOT2 Design –Funded in FY 14/15 with Local and TRIP Gulf Beach Funds SR 292 Perdido Alabama State Highway/ 3 25 25 4210111 Widen to 4 lanes Key Drive (ESC) Line Innerarity Point ROW –Cost Feasible with Local Funds and 1 Road $2,000,000 in State/Federal Funds Construction – Cost Feasible with Local Funds Only 1 Phase NOT currently funded in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) or FDOT Five Year Work Program 2 The TPO passed Resolution 15-15 on April 8, 2015 which supports the progression of this PD&E Study for Roadway Design Improvements to determine the formal purpose and necessary improvements that will serve to enhance the community with an attractive streetscape, multi-modal transportation and pedestrian access 3 Improvement will likely change during development of the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan FDOT Item‐ Segment B-21 Florida-Alabama TPO Agenda Enclosure Date: July 8, 2015 Approved for Submittal to TPO: ENCLOSURE C ALL COMMITTEES SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-23 Authorizing the Execution of the Interlocal Agreement for Creation of the FL-AL TPO ORIGIN OF SUBJECT: Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTION NEEDED: All signatory parties are asked to approve the Interlocal Agreement at their respective governing board meetings. BACKGROUND: The Interlocal Agreement outlines the responsibilities of the parties that make up the TPO membership in carrying out a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process. For an existing TPO, such as the Florida-Alabama TPO, the Interlocal Agreement is required to be updated when MPO membership changes. The existing Interlocal Agreement was signed on April 13, 2005. The only significant change from the TPO’s existing agreement is the addition of a City of Orange Beach councilperson and the Escambia County Area Transit General Manager as voting members of the TPO. The parties to this agreement are the TPO, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT), Escambia County, Santa Rosa County, Baldwin County, Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT), and the cities of Pensacola, Milton, Gulf Breeze, Orange Beach. The responsibilities of each agency involved in assisting the TPO in implementing the metropolitan transportation planning process shall be clearly identified by agreement between the parties (23 C.F.R. 450.314(a), 339.175(2)(b), and 339.175(10)(a), Florida Statutes. This is accomplished through the execution of an Interlocal agreement pursuant to the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969 (163.01, F.S.). The parties to this Interlocal agreement shall be FDOT and the governmental entities designated by the Governor for TPO membership including nonvoting members (339.175(2) (b), F.S.). FDOT is the only non-voting member of a TPO that is required by State Statute. All other non-voting members are considered “advisors” and may be appointed by the TPO “as deemed necessary” (339.175(4) (a), F.S.). The parties to the required planning agreements, and their roles and responsibilities, are detailed in 23 C.F.R. 450.314 and 339.175(10). Changes were requested to accommodate all signatory parties resulting in the addition of Alabama state laws to the agreement for Alabama parties. Attached are the following: • Resolution FL-AL 15-23 • Interlocal Agreement for Creation of the FL-AL TPO RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of a motion to authorize the TPO chairman to sign Resolution FLAL 15-23 approving the Interlocal Agreement for Creation of the Florida-Alabama TPO. This action is recommended to confirm the membership of the Florida-Alabama TPO and to comply with statutory requirements. Please contact Ms. Jill Lavender, TPO staff, at (850) 332-7976 Extension 212 or jill.lavender@wfrpc.org if additional information is needed. RESOLUTION FL-AL 15-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE FLORIDA-ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR CREATION OF THE FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO WHEREAS, the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) is the organization designated by the Governor of Florida as being responsible, together with the State of Florida, for carrying out the continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process for the Florida-Alabama TPO Planning Area; and WHEREAS, Title 23 USC §134 and Title 49 USC §§5303-5305, as amended by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes (F.S.), provide for the creation of Metropolitan Planning Organizations to develop transportation plans and programs for urbanized areas; and WHEREAS, pursuant to this interlocal agreement, the parties wish to collectively participate in the metropolitan planning process as the Florida-Alabama TPO for the Pensacola, Florida-Alabama Urbanized Area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION THAT: BY THE FLORIDA-ALABAMA The Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization authorizes the TPO chairman or his/her designee to execute the interlocal agreement for creation of the Florida-Alabama TPO. Passed and duly adopted by the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization on this 8th day of July 2015. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION BY: _________________________ Jayer Williamson, Chair ATTEST:__________________________ Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 1 of 21 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR CREATION OF THE FLORIDA-ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT for the formation of a Metropolitan Planning Organization is made and entered into on this 8th day of July 2015, by and between the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT); ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ALDOT); FLORIDA COUNTIES OF ESCAMBIA and SANTA ROSA; ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN; THE CITIES OF PENSACOLA, GULF BREEZE, MILTON IN FLORIDA and ORANGE BEACH IN ALABAMA; AND ESCAMBIA COUNTY AREA TRANSIT, collectively known as “the parties.” RECITALS WHEREAS, the federal government, under the authority of Title 23 United States Code (USC) §134 and Title 49 USC §5303, requires each metropolitan area, as a condition for the receipt of federal capital or operating assistance, to have a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process that results in plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned development of the metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, the parties to this Interlocal Agreement desire to participate cooperatively in the performance, on a continuing basis, of a coordinated, comprehensive transportation planning process to assure that highway facilities, mass transit systems, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, rail systems, air transportation and other facilities will be properly located and developed in relation to the overall plan of community development; and WHEREAS, Title 23 USC §134 and 135, Title 49 USC §§5303-5305, as amended by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21, Sections 1201 and 1202), and regulatory authority in Title 23 CFR 450 et al and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes (F.S.) for Florida parties and Alabama law for Alabama parties, provide for the creation of Metropolitan Planning Organizations to develop transportation plans and programs for urbanized areas; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Titles 23 USC §134(d), 49 USC §5303, and 23 CFR §450.310(b), and Section 339.175(2), Florida Statutes (F.S.) for Florida parties, and Alabama law for Alabama parties, a determination has been made by the Governor and units of general purpose local government representing at least 75 percent of the affected population (including the largest incorporated city, based on population as named by the Bureau of Census) in the urbanized area to designate a Metropolitan Planning Organization; and WHEREAS, pursuant to this Interlocal Agreement, the parties wish to collectively participate in the metropolitan planning process as the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization for the Pensacola, FL-AL urbanized area, herein after referred to as the Transportation Planning Organization or the TPO. Further, the parties approved by unanimous votes an apportionment plan and a boundary plan for presentation to the Governors on the 12th day of June 2013 and on the 11th day of December 2013, respectively; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 339.175, Florida Statutes (F.S.) for Florida parties, and Alabama law for Alabama parties, the USC and CFR authorities cited above, the Governors of the States of Alabama and Florida, by letter dated on or about the 3rd day of April 2014, jointly approved the apportionment and boundary plan submitted by the TPO; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Title 23 CFR §450.314(a), and Section 339.175, Florida Statute (F.S.), for Florida parties, and Alabama law for Alabama parties, an agreement must be entered into by FDOT, ALDOT, Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 2 of 21 the TPO, and the governmental entities and public transportation operators, to identify the responsibility of each party for cooperatively carrying out a comprehensive transportation planning process; and WHEREAS, this Interlocal Agreement is required to create the Transportation Planning Organization and delineate the provisions for operation of the TPO; and WHEREAS, the undersigned FDOT and the local Florida parties have determined that this Interlocal Agreement is consistent with Section 339.175, Florida Statutes (F.S.) for parties in Florida, and Alabama law for parties in Alabama; and WHEREAS, the undersigned parties have determined that this Interlocal Agreement is consistent with all Federal and State (Florida, and Alabama) statutory requirements set forth in Section 163.01, Florida Statutes (F.S.), relating to Florida parties, and Alabama law relating to Alabama parties, for Interlocal Agreements; now NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representation herein, the parties desiring to be legally bound, do agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 RECITALS; DEFINITIONS Section 1.01. Recitals. Each and all of the foregoing recitals are incorporated herein and acknowledged to be true and correct to the best of the parties' knowledge. Failure of any of the foregoing recitals to be true and correct shall not operate to invalidate this Interlocal Agreement. Section 1.02. Definitions. The following words when used in this Interlocal Agreement (unless the context shall clearly indicate the contrary) shall have the following meanings: Interlocal Agreement means and refers to this instrument, as may be amended from time to time. ALDOT means and refers to the Alabama Department of Transportation, agency of the State of Alabama. FDOT means and refers to the Florida Department of Transportation, an agency of the State of Florida, created pursuant to Section 20.23., F.S. FHWA means and refers to the Federal Highway Administration. FTA means and refers to the Federal Transit Administration. Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is the 20-year transportation planning horizon which includes transportation facilities; identifies a financial plan that demonstrates how the plan can be implemented and assesses capital improvements necessary to preserve the existing metropolitan transportation system and make efficient use of existing transportation facilities; indicates proposed transportation activities; and in ozone/carbon monoxide nonattainment areas is coordinated with the State Implementation Plans (SIPs) of Florida and Alabama, all as required by Title 23 USC §134(c), Title 49 USC §5303, Title 23 CFR §450.322, and 40 CFR Parts 51 and 93 (Final Rules), and Section 339.175, Florida Statute (F.S.) for Florida parties and Alabama law for Alabama parties. Metropolitan Planning Area means and refers to the planning area determined by agreement between the TPO and the Governors of Florida and Alabama for the urbanized area containing at least a Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 3 of 21 population of 50,000 as described in Title 23 USC §134(b)(1), Title 49 USC §5303, and all applicable regulatory provisions of 23 CFR 450 and Section 339.175 of Florida Statutes (F.S.), for Florida parties, and Alabama law for Alabama parties, and including the existing urbanized area and the contiguous area expected to become urbanized within a 20-year forecast period, which shall be subject to the Transportation Planning Organization’s planning authority. MPO means and refers to the Metropolitan Planning Organization formed pursuant to this Interlocal Agreement as described in 23 USC §134(b)(2) and 49 USC §5303, and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes (F.S.) for Florida parties and Alabama law for Alabama parties. TPO means and refers to the Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) formed pursuant to this Interlocal Agreement as the MPO for the Pensacola FL-AL Urbanized Area. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is the staged multi-year program of transportation improvement projects developed by a Metropolitan Planning Organization consistent with the Long Range Transportation Plan, developed pursuant to 23 USC §134(j), 49 USC §5303, and 23 CFR §450.324, and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes (F.S.) for Florida parties, and Alabama law for Alabama parties. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is the biennial program developed in cooperation with the Department and public transportation providers, that identifies the planning priorities and activities to be carried out within a metropolitan planning area to be undertaken during a 2-year period, together with a complete description thereof and an estimated budget, all as required by 23 CFR §450.308, and Section 339.175, Florida Statutes (F.S.) for Florida parties, and Alabama law for Alabama parties. ARTICLE 2 PURPOSE Section 2.01. General Purpose. The purpose of this Interlocal Agreement is to establish the TPO and recognize the boundary and apportionment approved by the Governors of Florida and Alabama. This Interlocal Agreement shall serve: (a) To assist in the development of transportation systems embracing various modes of transportation in a manner that will maximize the mobility of people and goods within and through this metropolitan planning area and minimize, to the maximum extent feasible for transportation-related fuel consumption and air pollution; (b) To develop transportation plans and programs, in cooperation with FDOT and ALDOT, which plans and programs provide for the development of transportation facilities that will function as a multi-modal and intermodal transportation system for the metropolitan planning area; (c) To implement and ensure a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process that results in coordinated plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned development of this affected metropolitan planning area in cooperation with both FDOT and ALDOT; (d) To assure eligibility for the receipt of federal capital and operating assistance pursuant to Title 23 USC §134 and 135, Title 49 USC §§5303, 5304, 5305, 5307, 5309, 5310, 5311, 5314, 5326, 5337and 5339, 5340; Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 4 of 21 (e) To carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process, in cooperation with the Department, as required by federal, state and local laws. Section 2.02. Major TPO Responsibilities. The TPO is intended to be a forum for cooperative decision making by officials of the governmental entities which are parties to this Interlocal Agreement in the development of transportation-related plans and programs, including but not limited to: (a) The LRTP; (b) The TIP; (c) The UPWP; (d) Incorporating performance goals, measures, and targets into the process of identifying and selecting needed transportation improvements and projects; (e) A congestion management process for the metropolitan area and coordinated development of all other transportation management systems required by state or federal law; (f) Assisting FDOT and ALDOT in mapping transportation planning boundaries required by state or federal law; (g) Supporting the Department in performing its duties relating to access management, functional classification of roads, and data collection; and (h) Performing such other tasks required by state or federal law. Section 2.03. Coordination with FDOT and ALDOT and Consistency with Comprehensive Plans. Title 23 USC 135 and Section 339.175 Florida Statute (F.S.), require that FDOT and ALDOT develop statewide transportation plans, which consider, to the maximum extent feasible, strategic regional policy plans, TPO plans, and approved local government comprehensive plans. Section 339.175, Florida Statute (F.S.) for Florida parties, Alabama law for Alabama parties, and Title 23 USC 134, specify the authority and responsibility of the TPO and both DOTs, to manage a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation (3 C) planning process for the metropolitan area. In fulfillment of this purpose and in the exercise of the various powers granted by US Code and Codes of Federal Regulations cited herein, the parties to this Interlocal Agreement acknowledge that decisions made by the TPO will be coordinated with the Florida and Alabama DOTs. All parties to this Interlocal Agreement acknowledge that actions taken pursuant to this Interlocal Agreement will be consistent with local government comprehensive plans. ARTICLE 3 TPO ORGANIZATION AND CREATION Section 3.01. Establishment of TPO. The TPO for the metropolitan planning area as described in the membership apportionment plan approved by the Governors of Florida and Alabama is hereby created and established pursuant to this Interlocal Agreement to carry out the purposes and functions set forth in Articles 2 and 5. The legal name of this Metropolitan Planning Organization shall be Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization. Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 5 of 21 Section 3.02. TPO to operate pursuant to law. In the event that any election, referendum, approval, permit, notice, other proceeding or authorization is required under applicable law to undertake any power, duty, or responsibility hereunder, or to observe, assume, or carry out any of the provisions of this Interlocal Agreement, the TPO will, to the extent of its legal capacity, comply with all applicable laws and requirements. Section 3.03. Governing board to act as policy-making body of TPO. The governing board established pursuant to Section 4.01 of this Interlocal Agreement shall act as the policy-making body for the TPO, and will be responsible for coordinating the cooperative decision-making process of the TPO’s actions, and will take required actions as the TPO. Section 3.04. Data, reports, records, and other documents. Subject to the right to claim an exemption from the Florida Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes (F.S.), in the case of parties within Florida, and the Alabama Open Records Act, Alabama Code §36-12-40 (1975), in the case of parties within Alabama, the parties shall provide to each other such data, reports, records, contracts, and other documents in its possession relating to the TPO as is requested. Charges are to be in accordance with Chapter 119, F.S. for parties within Florida, and Alabama §36-12-40 (1975) for parties within Alabama. Section 3.05. Rights of review. All parties to this Interlocal Agreement and the affected federal funding agencies (e.g., FHWA, FTA, and FAA) shall have the rights of technical review and comment on TPO’s projects. ARTICLE 4 COMPOSITION; MEMBERSHIP; TERMS OF OFFICE Section 4.01. (a) Composition and membership of governing board. The membership of the TPO shall consist of twenty (20) voting members and two (2) non-voting advisors. The names of the member local governmental entities and the voting apportionment of the governing board as approved by the Governor shall be as follows: Voting Members –Twenty (20) apportioned as follows: 5 members Escambia County Commission, 5 members Santa Rosa County Commission, 1 member Baldwin County Alabama County Commission whose Commission District, or portion thereof, is within the Florida-Alabama TPO Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) Boundary, 5 members City of Pensacola City Council, 1 member City of Gulf Breeze City Council, 1 member City of Milton City Council, 1 member City of Orange Beach City Council, 1 member Escambia County Area Transit. Non-Voting Advisors – The Florida Department of Transportation District Secretary and the Alabama Department of Transportation Southwest Region Engineer. The TPO may appoint other non-voting advisors as deemed necessary. (b) All voting representatives shall be elected officials of general purpose local governments, except to the extent that the TPO includes, as part of its apportioned voting membership, a member of a statutorily authorized planning board or an official of an agency that operates or administers a Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 6 of 21 major mode of transportation. All individuals acting as a representative of the governing board of the county, the city, or authority shall first be selected by said governing board. (c) The voting membership of an MPO shall consist of not fewer than 5 or more than 25 apportioned members, the exact number to be determined on an equitable geographic-population ratio basis by the Governors of Florida and Alabama, based on an agreement among the affected units of general-purpose local government as required by federal rules and regulations. (d) In the event that a governmental entity that is a member of the TPO fails to fill an assigned appointment to the TPO within sixty days after notification by the Governor of its duty to appoint a representative, the appointment shall then be made by the Governor from the eligible individuals of that governmental entity. Section 4.02. Terms. The term of office of members of the TPO shall be four years. The membership of a member who is a public official automatically terminates upon said official leaving the elective or appointive office for any reason, or may be terminated by a majority vote of the total membership of the governmental entity represented by the member. A vacancy shall be filled by the original appointing entity. A member may be appointed for one or more additional four year terms. ARTICLE 5 AUTHORITIES, POWERS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Section 5.01. General authority. The TPO shall have all authorities, powers and duties, enjoy all rights, privileges, and immunities, exercise all responsibilities and perform all obligations necessary or appropriate to managing a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process as specified in US Code and Codes of Federal Regulations and applicable portions of Florida and Alabama law. Section 5.02. Specific authority and powers. The TPO shall have the following powers and authority: (a) The TPO may employ personnel and/or may enter into contracts with local or state agencies and private planning or engineering firms to utilize the staff resources of local and/or state agencies; (b) The TPO may enter into contracts for the performance of service functions of public agencies; (c) The TPO may acquire, own, operate, maintain, sell, or lease real and personal property; (d) The TPO may accept funds, grants, assistance, gifts or bequests from local, state, and federal resources; (e) The TPO may promulgate rules to effectuate its powers, responsibilities, and obligations enumerated herein; provided, that said rules do not supersede or conflict with applicable local and state laws, rules and regulations; and (f) The TPO shall have such powers and authority as specifically provided by federal or state law. Section 5.03. Duties and responsibilities. In addition to those duties and responsibilities set forth in Article 2, the TPO shall have the following duties and responsibilities: (a) The TPO shall create and appoint a technical advisory committee; Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 7 of 21 (b) The TPO shall create and appoint a citizens’ advisory committee; (c) The TPO membership shall be jointly and severally liable for liabilities, and the TPO may respond to such liabilities through the purchase of insurance or bonds, the retention of legal counsel, and, as appropriate, the approval of settlements of claims by its governing board; (d) The TPO shall establish an estimated budget which shall operate on a fiscal year basis consistent with any requirements of the UPWP; (e) The TPO, in cooperation with FDOT and ALDOT, shall carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process as required by Title 23 CFR Parts 420 and 450, and Title 49 CFR Part 613, Subpart A, and consistent with Chapter 339. 175, Florida Statutes (F.S.) for Florida parties, and other applicable state, federal, and local laws; (f) The TPO shall enter into agreements with FDOT and ALDOT, operators of public transportation systems and the metropolitan and regional intergovernmental coordination and review agencies serving the metropolitan area. These agreements will prescribe the cooperative manner in which the transportation planning process will be coordinated and included in the comprehensively planned development of the area; (g) Perform such other tasks presently or hereafter required by state or federal law; (h) Execute certifications and agreements necessary to comply with state or federal law; and (i) Adopt operating rules and procedures. ARTICLE 6 FUNDING; INVENTORY REPORT; RECORD-KEEPING Section 6.01. Funding. ALDOT and FDOT shall allocate to the TPO for performance of its transportation planning and programming duties, an appropriate amount of federal transportation planning funds consistent with the approved planning funds formula. Section 6.02. Inventory report. The TPO agrees to inventory, to maintain records of and to insure proper use, control, and disposal of all nonexpendable tangible property acquired pursuant to funding under this Interlocal Agreement. This shall be done in accordance with the requirements of Title 23 CFR Part 420, Subpart A, Title 49 CFR Part 18, Subpart C, and all other applicable federal regulations. Section 6.03. Record-keeping and document retention. ALDOT and FDOT and the TPO shall prepare and retain all records in accordance with federal and state requirements, including but not limited to 23 CFR Part 420, Subpart A, 49 CFR Part 18, Subpart C, and 49 CFR §18.42. FDOT and the TPO shall also comply with Chapter 119, F.S. Section 6.04 Compliance with laws. All parties shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, and other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, in the case of FDOT and parties within Florida, and the Alabama Open Records Act, in the case of ALDOT and parties within Alabama, made or received by the parties in conjunction with this Agreement. Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 8 of 21 (a) Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by FDOT, for parties within Florida, and ALDOT, for parties within Alabama, in order to perform the services being performed by the party. (b) Provide the public with access to the public records on the same terms and conditions that FDOT, in the case of parties within Florida, and ALDOT, in the case of parties within Alabama, would provide records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, for parties within Florida, and the law of Alabama for parties within Alabama. (c) Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law. (d) Meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to FDOT and ALDOT all public records in possession of the party upon termination of the contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to FDOT and ALDOT in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of FDOT and ALDOT. ARTICLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 7.01. Constitutional or statutory duties and responsibilities of parties. This Interlocal Agreement shall not be construed to authorize the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of any of the parties. In addition, this Interlocal Agreement does not relieve any of the parties of an obligation or responsibility imposed upon them by law, except to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by one or more of the parties to this Interlocal Agreement or any legal or administrative entity created or authorized by this Interlocal Agreement, in which case this performance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility. Section 7.02. Amendment of Interlocal Agreement. Amendments or modifications of this Interlocal Agreement may only be made by written agreement signed by all parties hereto with the same formalities as the original Interlocal Agreement. No amendment may alter the apportionment or jurisdictional boundaries of the TPO without approval by the Governor. Section 7.03. Duration; withdrawal procedure. (a) Duration. This Interlocal Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by the parties to this Interlocal Agreement. The Interlocal Agreement shall be reviewed by the parties at least every five years, concurrent with the decennial census, and/or concurrent with a new Federal Reauthorization bill, and updated as necessary. (b) Withdrawal procedure. Any party, except the City of Pensacola (the United States Bureau of the Census designated largest incorporated city), may withdraw from this Interlocal Agreement after presenting in written form a notice of intent to withdraw to the other parties to this Interlocal Agreement and the TPO, at least 90 days prior to the intended date of withdrawal. Upon receipt of the intended notice of withdrawal: (1) The withdrawing member and the TPO shall execute a memorandum reflecting the withdrawal of the member and alteration of the list of member governments that are signatories Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 9 of 21 to this Interlocal Agreement. The memorandum shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of each county in which a party hereto is located; and (2) The TPO shall contact The Office of the Governor in the states of Florida and Alabama, and the Governors, with the agreement of the remaining members of the TPO, shall determine whether any reapportionment of the membership is appropriate. The Governors and the TPO shall review the previous TPO designation, applicable federal, state, and local law, and TPO rules for appropriate revision. In the event that another entity is to afforded membership in the place of the member withdrawing from the TPO, the parties acknowledge that pursuant to Title 23 CFR §450.310(l)(2), adding membership to the TPO does not automatically require redesignation of the TPO. In the event that a party who is not a signatory to this Interlocal Agreement is afforded membership in the TPO, membership shall not become effective until this Interlocal Agreement is amended to reflect that the new member has joined the TPO. Section 7.04. Notices. All notices, demands and correspondence required or provided for under this Interlocal Agreement shall be in writing and delivered in person or dispatched by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. Notice required to be given shall be addressed as follows: Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization Post Office Box 9759 Pensacola, FL 32513-9759 Escambia Board of County Commissioners Post Office Box 1591 Pensacola, FL 32597-1591 Santa Rosa Board of County Commissioners 6495 Caroline Street Ste M Milton, FL 32570 Baldwin County Board of County Commission 312 Courthouse Square Suite 12 Bay Minette, AL 36507 City of Pensacola 180 Government Center Pensacola, FL 32501 City of Milton Post Office Box 909 Milton, FL 32572-0909 City of Gulf Breeze Post Office Box 640 Gulf Breeze, FL 32562-0640 Escambia County Area Transit 1515 West Fairfield Drive Pensacola FL, 32501 Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 10 of 21 Florida Department of Transportation Post Office Box 607 Chipley, FL 32428-9990 Alabama Department of Transportation Post Office Box 303050 Montgomery, AL 36130-3050 • City of Orange Beach Post Office Box 458 Orange Beach, AL 36561 A party may unilaterally change its address or addressee by giving notice in writing to the other parties as provided in this section. Thereafter, notices, demands and other pertinent correspondence shall be addressed and transmitted to the new address. Section 7.05. Interpretation. (a) Drafters of the Interlocal Agreement ALDOT and FDOT and the members of the TPO were each represented by or afforded the opportunity for representation by legal counsel and participated in the drafting of this Interlocal Agreement and in choice of wording. Consequently, no provision should be more strongly construed against any party as drafter of this Interlocal Agreement. (b) Severability. Invalidation of any one of the provisions of this Interlocal Agreement or any part, clause or word, or the application thereof in specific circumstances, by judgment, court order, or administrative hearing or order shall not affect any other provisions or applications in other circumstances, all of which shall remain in full force and effect; provided, that such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law. (c) Rules of construction. In interpreting this Interlocal Agreement, the following rules of construction shall apply unless the context indicates otherwise: (1) The singular of any word or term includes the plural; (2) The masculine gender includes the feminine gender; and (3) The word “shall” is mandatory, and “may” is permissive. Section 7.06. Enforcement by parties hereto. In the event of any judicial or administrative action to enforce or interpret this Interlocal Agreement by any party hereto, each party shall bear its own costs and attorney’s fees in connection with such proceeding. Section 7.07. Interlocal Agreement execution; Use of counterpart signature pages. This Interlocal Agreement, and any amendments hereto, may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 7.08. Effective date; Cost of recordation. Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 11 of 21 (a) Effective date. This Interlocal Agreement shall become effective upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of each county in which a party hereto is located. Any amendment hereto shall become effective only upon its filing in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for each county in which a party hereto is located. (b) Recordation. The Florida-Alabama TPO hereby agrees to pay for any costs of recordation or filing of this Interlocal Agreement in the Office of the Circuit Court for each county in which a party is hereto located. The recorded or filed original, or any amendment, shall be returned to the TPO for filing in its records. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Interlocal Agreement on behalf of the referenced legal entities and hereby establish the above designated TPO. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: FLORIDA-ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION BY: ___________________________ TITLE: ATTEST: ______________________ TITLE: ________________________ (SEAL) Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 12 of 21 ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY: _____________________________ TITLE: ___________________________ ATTEST: _________________________ TITLE: ___________________________ (SEAL) Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 13 of 21 SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY: ____________________________ TITLE: __________________________ ATTEST: ________________________ TITLE: __________________________ (SEAL) Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 14 of 21 BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY: _________________________ TITLE: __________________________ ATTEST: ________________________ TITLE: __________________________ (SEAL) ___ Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 15 of 21 CITY OF PENSACOLA, FLORIDA BY: _________________________ TITLE: __________________________ ATTEST: ________________________ TITLE: __________________________ (SEAL) ___ Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 16 of 21 CITY OF MILTON, FLORIDA BY: __________________________ TITLE: __________________________ ATTEST: ________________________ TITLE: __________________________ (SEAL) __ Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 17 of 21 CITY OF GULF BREEZE, FLORIDA BY: __________________________ TITLE: __________________________ ATTEST: ________________________ TITLE: __________________________ (SEAL) __ Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 18 of 21 CITY OF ORANGE BEACH, ALABAMA BY: _________________________ TITLE: __________________________ ATTEST: ________________________ TITLE: __________________________ (SEAL) ___ Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 19 of 21 ESCAMBIA COUNTY AREA TRANSIT BY: _________________________ TITLE: __________________________ ATTEST: ________________________ TITLE: __________________________ (SEAL) ___ Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 20 of 21 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: __________________________ TITLE: __________________________ ATTEST: ________________________ TITLE: __________________________ (SEAL) _ Florida-Alabama TPO Interlocal Agreement Page 21 of 21 STATE OF ALABAMA, ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ____________________________ DIRECTOR (SEAL) Florida-Alabama TPO Agenda Enclosure Date: July 8, 2015 Approved for Submittal to TPO: ENCLOSURE D ALL COMMITTEES SUBJECT: Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-24 Accepting the Florida-Alabama TPO Transit Facilities Standards Study and Transit Stop Checklist ORIGIN OF SUBJECT: Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (FL-AL TPO) Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Task C.6 - Public Transportation Planning LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTION NEEDED: None BACKGROUND: The purpose of Task C.6 is to assist with completing public transportation planning activities that address the long-term and short-term public transportation needs of the urbanized area. One identified need is to assist with implementing Objective 2.4 of the Transit Development Plan (TDP), which states: "Create a passenger amenities program to place shelters and amenities throughout the service area." After meeting with Escambia County and ECAT staff, a Notice to Proceed was issued to the FL-AL TPO General Planning Consultant (GPC) team on May 28, 2014 to assist with developing standards to evaluate whether a bus stop, bench, shelter, etc. is warranted at certain locations. The timeline for this project is as follows: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Feb 12, 2014 - FL-AL TPO approved UPWP amendment to include the Transit Facilities Standards Study May 28, 2014 - Notice to Proceed issued August 2014 - Revisions made to Scope of Services September 2014 - Revisions to Scope of Services presented to FL-AL TPO and advisory committees June 2015 - Draft document available for review on website and on FL-AL TPO agenda for information June 17, 2015 - Comments due July 8, 2015 - On FL-AL TPO agenda for action The GPC worked with Mr. Jim Hunt, CAC member, to address citation concerns he raised during the June TPO meetings No additional comments were received. The study and checklist can be reviewed at the following links: DRAFT Transit Facilities Standards Study: ftp://ftp.wfrpc.org/PublicTransportation/Transit_Facilities_Standards_Study.pdf DRAFT Transit Stop Checklist: http://www.wfrpc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Transit_Stop_Checklist.xlsm Attached are the following: • Resolution FL-AL 15-24 • Notice to Proceed • Scope of Services - August 20, 2014 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of a motion to authorize the TPO chairman to sign Resolution FLAL 15-24 to accept the Florida-Alabama TPO Transit Facilities Standards Study and Transit Stop Checklist. Please contact Ms. Vikki Garrett at (850) 332-7976 Extension 211 or vikki.garrett@wfrpc.org if additional information is needed. RESOLUTION FL-AL 15-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE FLORIDA-ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION ACCEPTING THE TRANSIT FACILITIES STANDARDS STUDY AND TRANSIT STOP CHECKLIST WHEREAS, the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) is the organization designated by the Governors of Florida and Alabama as being responsible, together with the States of Florida and Alabama, for carrying out the continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process for the Florida-Alabama TPO Planning Area; and WHEREAS, Task C.6 of the Unified Planning Work Program includes conducting a transit amenities assessment study of the Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) service; and WHEREAS, the transit amenities assessment study is identified in the adopted Escambia County Transit Development Plan (TDP) as Objective 2.4; and WHEREAS, Objective 2.4 states: “Create a passenger amenities program to place shelters and amenities throughout the service area;” and WHEREAS, the Florida-Alabama TPO’s General Planning Consultant (GPC) was issued a Notice to Proceed on May 28, 2014; and WHEREAS, the draft Transit Facilities Standards Study and draft Transit Stop Checklist were presented to the Florida-Alabama TPO and its advisory committees on June 10, 2015; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE FLORIDA-ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION THAT: The TPO authorizes the chairman to sign Resolution FL-AL 15-24 accepting the Florida-Alabama TPO Transit Facilities Standards Study and Transit Stop Checklist. Passed and duly adopted by the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization on this 8th day of July 2015. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ORGANIZATION BY:________________________________ Jayer Williamson, Chairman ATTEST: ________________________ Transit Facilities Standards Scope of Work revised August 20, 2014 Purpose The primary objective of this research is to develop guidelines, policies, and criteria for making decisions related to the location and design of transit stops in various operating environments, and for decisions regarding route types and efficiencies. These guidelines will assist transit agencies, local governments, and other public bodies in locating and designing transit facilities that consider bus patrons' convenience, safety, and access to sites as well as safe transit operations and traffic flow. The guidelines include information about locating and designing bus stops and checklists of factors that should be considered. A transit Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) is being completed by ECAT/Escambia County during the scheduled time of this study and coordination between the two studies will be accommodated. Work Tasks A number of alternatives are possible when choosing the location, type of facility, and design for a transit stop. These alternatives include near-side, far-side, or midblock locations, and curb-side or bus bay designs. None is ideal in all respects, but one design may offer a better balance of benefits to bus patrons and through vehicles given certain conditions. Therefore, the factors influencing the location and type of facility provided need to be analyzed, and a method for selecting the optimum alternative developed. The CONSULTANT shall develop a series of tools that will assist in determining the feasibility of determining new transit stop locations, relocating stops, or adjusting routes to accommodate safer or more accessible stops. This will include the development of guidelines which will define the preferred designs for transit stop locations, layout, amenities and applying transitpreferential street treatments. The CONSULTANT shall develop, in coordination with the ECAT Staff, a method and procedure for developing transit stop priorities. These priorities may include items such as improving service, improving customer information, identification of revenue-generating opportunities, improving operating efficiencies, and improving route connectivity. The CONSULTANT shall use the information identified above to develop a matrix tool to analyze the most important transit stop and related route considerations. Issues to be considered when making decisions include the following: Transit Agency Policies • Route types (definitions, standards, criteria, and priorities) • Guidelines for stop installation (boardings and alightings, headways, land use and ownership, and relationships to special users or particularorigins/destinations) • Special cases/Exceptions (neighborhood requests, hospitals, procedures) Page 1 of 3 Equity • Title 6 - Civil Rights Act of 1964 (equity in level of service among different segments of the community) • Public Relations (perceptions, media attention, community leaders) • Transit dependent areas (demographics, socioeconomics, unique needs) Accessibility/ADA • Access to the stop (sidewalks, curb cuts, pedestrian crossings) • Access to amenities (shelter dimensions, width of walkways) • Access at the stop (level loading area, lift deployment space) Various factors relating to transit operations are also important in determining the need for a transit stop or amenities at the stop. Some of the more important factors to be considered as part of this study are: • • • • • • Trip Generation/Land Use - How many potential bus passengers? Walking Distance - How far do passengers have to walk? Boardings and Alightings - How many passengers are getting on and off? Dwell Time - How long does the bus dwell at the stop? Travel Time - How long is the trip from the origin to the rider's destination? Transfer Potential - How many routes serve this stop? Other elements to be considered may include the following: • Safety • Service/Quality Tradeoffs • Impacts on Traffic Safety and Delay • Pedestrian Safety • Compatibility with Adjacent Properties • Transit Stop Amenities • Site Suitability The CONSULTANT shall work closely with ECAT, FDOT and TPO Staff to refine the elements that will make-up the final checklist. Deliverables Transit Facilities Matrix A Transit Facilities Matrix tool will be developed based on the findings of the research efforts. This will be a tool that allows transit decision-makers and providers to determine the priority of stop locations, accessibility, and types, and the type of amenity(ies) that should be placed at each stop. The matrix will provide a means of analyzing constraints, opportunities, issues, Page 2 of 3 priorities, and possible solutions to allow objective analysis of issues related to the provision of routes and route services and amenities. Primary principles to be used to set priorities are to assure safe facilities and compliance with ADA accessibility in all cases. Note: This study will not include field survey work of each of the 1018 stops, however, some field visits may be used to collect “template types” of stops and facilities to use as examples in the final report. Meetings The project team will meet up to six (6) times in person and up to twelve (12) times via phone at the TPO’s project manager’s direction. Schedule This task is anticipated to take six (6) months to complete. Page 3 of 3 Florida-Alabama TPO Agenda Enclosure Date: July 8, 2015 Approved for Submittal to TPO: ENCLOSURE E CAC Only SUBJECT: Election of Citizens’ Advisory Committee Chair and Vice-Chair to Serve Fiscal Year 2016 ORIGIN OF SUBJECT: TPO Bylaws LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTION NEEDED: None BACKGROUND: Each year at the June meeting, the TPO and advisory committees should elect a chairman and vice chairman for the next fiscal year. The CAC did not have an April meeting due to the lack of a declared quorum; therefore, a nominating committee was not formed. Rather than electing a chairman and vice-chairman from the floor at the June meeting, the CAC voted to name a nominating committee to make recommendations in July. The 2016 Fiscal Year begins July 1, 2015. The following CAC members agreed to serve on the nominating committees: John Ellis Thomas Steinberg Warren Jernigan The following alternates were named: Honor Bell III Buzz Morley Jim Hunt Attached is the following: • CAC Membership Roster RECOMMENDED ACTION: Election of a CAC chair and vice chair to serve for FY2016. This action is necessary in order to follow the current bylaws. Please contact Mary Beth Washnock, TPO staff, at (850) 332-7976 Extension 228 or marybeth.washnock@wfrpc.org if additional information is needed. Florida-Alabama CAC Members Roster RALPH AGNEW 1749 SHELLFISH DR NAVARRE FL 32566 Contact email: ralph.agnew51@gmail.com CATHERINE BARNETT 3775 SUMMER DRIVE PENSACOLA FL 32504 Contact email: catherine3775@att.net Contact Phone: (850) 477-0623 HONOR M. BELL, III 8275 GROVELAND AVENUE PENSACOLA FL 32534 Contact email: hmb3@cox.net ANNE B BENNETT P O BOX 3571 PENSACOLA FL 32516 Contact Phone: (850) 207-6065 JAMES BROXSON 3451 MICKEY BROXSON LANE NAVARRE FL 32566 Contact email: james@broxsonoutdoors.com Contact Phone: (850) 686-4208 VERNON COMPTON FLORIDA TRAIL ASSOCIATION 5149 SANTA ROSA STREET MILTON FL 32570 Contact email: comptonv@bellsouth.net Contact Phone: (850) 623-0987 JOSIE COTTI 216 FLORIDA AVENUE GULF BREEZE FL 32561 Contact email: josie.cotti@gmail.com Contact Phone: (850) 384-8169 Florida-Alabama CAC Members Roster ALYSSA CURTIS PARTNERSHIP FOR HEALTHY COMMUNITIES 1717 NORTH E STREET PENSACOLA FL 32501 Contact email: alyssac@pfahc.org JOHN DAVID ELLIS PENSACOLA YOUNG PROFESSIONALS 41 N JEFFERSON ST STE 401 PENSACOLA FL 32502 Contact email: johndavidellisjr@gmail.com KEITH FELL 2913 GREYSTONE DRIVE PACE FL 32571 Contact email: au13n0@att.net Contact Phone: (850) 686-7875 Work Phone: (850) 969-6653 JIM HUNT CHAIR 11659 WAKEFIELD DRIVE PENSACOLA FL 32514 Contact email: jameschunt@cox.net Contact Phone: (850) 968-2133 BILL JEFFRIES 4688 WALKER AVENUE TH3 ORANGE BEACH AL 36561 Contact email: bigbilljeffries@gmail.com Contact Phone: (251) 269-6009 WARREN JERNIGAN 2210 WARREN JERNIGAN PLACE PENSACOLA FL 32514 Contact email: whj1@bellsouth.net Contact Phone: (850) 477-8376 Contact FAX: (850) 477-6556 MARIE KAMMERDIENER 2362 FRASIER ST PENSACOLA FL 32514 Contact email: joycekammerdiener@cox.net Contact Phone: (850) 637-1177 Florida-Alabama CAC Members Roster MIKE KILMER 2818 W JACKSON STREET PENSACOLA FL 32505 Contact email: mike@madhappy.com Contact Phone: (201) 679-4168 BARBARA MAYALL VICE CHAIR 3011 WINDERMERE DRIVE PENSACOLA FL 32503 Contact email: bhealthy10@gmail.com Contact Phone: (850) 433-7025 GREGG MCBRIDE 2249 BERRYDALE ROAD PENSACOLA FL 32534 Contact email: greggmcb@gmail.com Contact Phone: (850) 572-3441 BUZZ MORLEY P O BOX 567 LILLIAN AL 36549 Contact email: bmorley5@gmail.com Contact Phone: (251) 961-1801 TINA MORRISON DIRECTOR PERDIDO KEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 15500 PERDIDO KEY DRIVE PERDIDO KEY FL 32507 Contact email: director@perdidochamber.com Contact Phone: (850) 492-4660 ALEX NIEDERMAYER 2302 N. 9TH AVENUE PENSACOLA FL 32503 Contact email: alex@underwoodanderson.com Contact Phone: (850) 572-4838 Work Phone: (850) 434-5526 JIM ROBERTS EMERALD COAST UTILITIES AUTHORITY 9255 STURDEVANT STREET PENSACOLA FL 32563 Contact email: jim.roberts@ecua.fl.gov Contact Phone: (850) 969-3348 Florida-Alabama CAC Members Roster THOMAS M STEINBERG 9812 GINKO DRIVE PENSACOLA FL 32506 Contact email: sallieno@msn.com Contact Phone: (850) 261-5464 MACK THETFORD PhD UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 5988 HIGHWAY 90 BLDG 4900 MILTON FL 32583 Contact email: thetfordm@gmail.com Contact Phone: (850) 983-5216 Ext: 122 Contact FAX: (850) 983-5774 BECKY WASHLER PROJECT MANAGER PARTNERSHIP FOR HEALTHY COMMUNITIES 5375 N. NINTH AVENUE PENSACOLA FL 32504 Contact email: becky.washler@shhpens.org Contact FAX: (850) 416-1147 Contact Phone: (850) 416-2840 Work FAX: (850) 416-1147 TALBOT WILSON 841 SOUTH "H" STREET PENSACOLA FL 32502 Contact email: talbot@talbotwilson.com Contact Phone: (850) 217-7138 Florida-Alabama TPO Agenda Enclosure Date: July 8, 2015 Approved for Submittal to TPO: ENCLOSURE F ALL COMMITTEES SUBJECT: Review of Regional Transit Authority Feasibility Study ORIGIN OF SUBJECT: TPO Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Task C.6: Public Transportation Planning LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTION NEEDED: None BACKGROUND: The Regional Transit Authority Feasibility Study originated with Escambia County and Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) and is in the FY 2015 UPWP. The TPO issued a notice to proceed in December of 2014. Mr. Wiley Page, Atkins, will present an overview of progress made on the Regional Transit Authority Feasibility Study at the July TPO meetings. Attached are the following: • Notice to Proceed • Scope of Services RECOMMENDED ACTION: This item is for information only. Please contact Wiley Page at (904) 363-8461 or wiley.page@atkinsglobal.com or Rob Mahan at (850) 332-7976 Extension 216 or rob.mahan@wfrpc.org if additional information is needed. Florida-Alabama TPO Agenda Enclosure Date: July 8, 2015 Approved for Submittal to TPO: ENCLOSURE G ALL COMMITTEES SUBJECT: Public Meeting Announcement for Intersection Modification of State Road 30 / US 98 (Gulf Breeze Parkway) at Hoffman Drive ORIGIN OF SUBJECT: FDOT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTION NEEDED: None BACKGROUND: FDOT is proposing an intersection modification of State Road 30 / US 98 (Gulf Breeze Parkway) at Hoffman Drive. The FDOT proposal is to permanently close the median opening currently closed by temporary delineator posts, and add an eastbound left turn lane at the next median opening to allow for U-turns. A public meeting is required in accordance with Florida Statutes Title XXVI, Chapter 335, Section 335.199. The public information meeting will be held: Tuesday, August 4, 2015 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Gulf Breeze Recreation Center, 800 Shoreline Drive Gulf Breeze, FL The FDOT Project Manager is Brian Pettis. The HDR Project Manager is Brad Collins, P.E. RECOMMENDED ACTION: This item is for review and information only. Please contact Mr. Cory Wilkinson, AICP, HDR at (850) 429-8944 or cory.wilkinson@hdrinc.com if additional information is needed. Florida-Alabama TPO Agenda Enclosure Date: July 8, 2015 Approved for Submittal to TPO: ENCLOSURE H TPO ONLY SUBJECT: Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) Weekend Institute for Elected Officials ORIGIN OF SUBJECT: MPOAC LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTION NEEDED: None BACKGROUND: The MPOAC Institute provides Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) board members with an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and their understanding of transportation decision-making, including the key role they play in the process. The MPOAC Institute covers a variety of topics and provides MPO board members with the knowledge and tools necessary to engage in the metropolitan transportation planning process. MPO staff may also find the MPOAC Institute training materials useful for developing their own presentations for a variety of audiences. The MPOAC Institute topics include: • • • • • • • • Basic Concepts in Transportation Planning Sources of Transportation Funding Laws and Regulations Affecting MPOs MPO Board Responsibilities and Authority MPO Products and Processes Critical Funding Issues Origins of MPOs Transportation Jargon & Acronyms Councilman Charles Bare attended the MPOAC weekend institute for elected officials April 24-26 in Orlando and Commissioner Rob Williamson attended May 15-17 in Tampa and each obtained a certificate of completion. Both have agreed to provide feedback from their experiences at the MPOAC weekend institute at the July 2015 FloridaAlabama TPO meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: This item is for information only. Please contact Ms. Mary Beth Washnock at (850) 332-7976 Extension 228 or marybeth.washnock@wfrpc.org if additional information is needed. Florida-Alabama TPO Agenda Enclosure Date: July 8, 2015 Approved for Submittal to TPO: ENCLOSURE I ALL COMMITTEES SUBJECT: Information Items (No Presentation Necessary) ORIGIN OF SUBJECT: TPO Staff LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTION NEEDED: None Attached are the following information items: • TPO Meeting Schedule • Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes (June 2015) • Florida-Alabama TPO FY 15 Joint Certification • E-mail between FDOT and Councilman Charles Bare Regarding 12th and Bayou Intersection • Letter from FDOT Regarding Administrative TIP Amendments – Variance Report • “The Secret to Safer Cities” • FTP/SIS Regional Workshops Flyer RECOMMENDED ACTION: This item is for information only. For more information please contact Ms. Mary Beth Washnock, TPO staff, at 850-332-7976 Extension 228 or marybeth.washnock@wfrpc.org if additional information is needed. 2015 Meeting Schedule Public meetings of the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) as well as the TPO’s Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) and Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) are rotated between the Escambia and Santa Rosa County Commission Chambers. See maps and addresses below. Wednesday, February 11th in Escambia Technical Coordinating Committee 8:30 a.m. Citizens’ Advisory Committee 10:30 a.m. Transportation Planning Organization 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 8th in Santa Rosa Technical Coordinating Committee 8:30 a.m. Citizens’ Advisory Committee 10:30 a.m. Transportation Planning Organization 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 10th in Santa Rosa Technical Coordinating Committee 8:30 a.m. Citizens’ Advisory Committee 10:30 a.m. Transportation Planning Organization 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 8th in Escambia Technical Coordinating Committee Citizens’ Advisory Committee Transportation Planning Organization Wednesday, October 7th in Santa Rosa Technical Coordinating Committee Citizens’ Advisory Committee Transportation Planning Organization Wednesday, November 18th in Escambia Technical Coordinating Committee Citizens’ Advisory Committee Transportation Planning Organization 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Due to the Long Range Transportation Plan process, additional meetings may be needed in 2015. Meeting schedule is subject to change. Please visit www.wfrpc.org for agendas and updates, email marybeth.washnock@wfrpc.org or call 800-2268914. The TPO is staffed by the West Florida Regional Planning Council,(WFRPC). The WFRPC provides professional planning, coordinating and advisory services to local governments, state and federal agencies. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or family status. Reasonable accommodation will be made for access to meetings in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Contact Brandi Whitehurst, 850-332-7976, x204 or brandi.whitehurst@wfrpc.org, for assistance. Por favor a la Sr. Dan Deanda, de los requistos de acceso o el idioma en el 850332-7976 x 227 o 1-800-995-8771 para TTY-Florida al menos 48 horas de antelacion. Escambia County Commission Chambers 221 South Palafox Place, Pensacola, FL 32502 Santa Rosa County Commission Chambers 6495 Caroline Street, Milton, FL 32570 West Florida Regional Planning Council 4081 East Olive Road, Suite A, Pensacola, FL 32514 FLORIDA-ALABAMA TECHNICAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE (TCC) MEETING MINUTES WEST FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL (Designated staff) SANTA ROSA COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 6495 Caroline Street; Milton, Florida June 10, 2015 Members Attending: Shawn Ward, Chairman Tommy Brown, Vice-Chairman Randy Jorgenson Buz Eddy Ryan Novota Tonya Ellis Matthew Brown Max Rogers Don Christian John Fisher Griffin Powell Santa Rosa County Escambia County City of Milton City of Gulf Breeze City of Pensacola ECAT Baldwin County Escambia County CRA Escambia County Escambia County Orange Beach, Alabama Advisory Members Attending: Christy Johnson Carl Mikyska FDOT, Non-Voting FHWA, Non-Voting Others Attending: David Haight Wiley Page Tim Milstead Andrea Kvech Colby Brown David Forte Duanne Hall Tim Bustos Clark Merrit Barbara Mayall Honor Bell III Larry Newsom Vikki Garrett Gary Kramer Jill Lavender Dorothy McKenzie Mary Beth Washnock Brandi Whitehurst Gina Watson Atkins Atkins City of Milton City of Pensacola Escambia County Escambia County ECAT City of Gulf Breeze Port of Pensacola Pensacola Citizen/CAC CAC Citizen TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff A. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Ward called the meeting to order. B. APPROVAL OF AGENDA - (This is a TPO action) C. PUBLIC FORUM - Chairman Ward called for speakers. There were none. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TCC MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 2 D. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of April 8, 2015 Meeting Minutes - Chairman Ward called for a motion. Mr. Christian moved to approve the April 8, 2015 meeting minutes. Mr. Novata seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. E. ACTION ITEMS 1. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-19 to Adopt the Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2016-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Authorize the TPO to Administratively Amend the FY 2016-2020 TIP to Include the Projects in FDOT’s Variance Report - Enclosure B Chairman Ward called on Mr. Kramer. Mr. Kramer briefly explained the TIP development. He said comments received since the draft was presented have all been addressed and have been noted and/or incorporated. He asked that the TCC consider recommending that the TPO adopt the TIP as presented with those changes and with the addition of FDOT's Variance Report. Mr. Tommy Brown moved to recommend the TPO chairman sign Resolution FL-AL 15-19 to adopt the Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2016-2020 TIP and authorize the TPO to administratively amend the FY 2016-2020 TIP to include the projects in FDOT’s Variance Report. Mr. Christian seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 2. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-20 to Adopt the 2040 Florida-Alabama TPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Needs Plan - Enclosure C Chairman Ward called on Mr. Kramer. Mr. Kramer said work began on the Long Range Transportation Plan in February of 2014. He said the Goals and Objectives and the Financial Resources have been approved. He then introduced Mr. Page with Atkins to present the Needs Plan. Mr. Page provided a PowerPoint presentation which highlighted a future of more mobility choices, such as driverless cars, more public transportation and more walkable communities. He reviewed the results of surveys taken during public outreach that support a desire for more transportation options. He reviewed forecasted growth of the TPO area and provided map displays of current levels of congestion and how that congestion could be alleviated if funding were available to meet all of the needs. He also explained changes to the needs plan that have occurred due to input received. He then asked for questions. Ms. Ellis explained that ECAT has an express route to Cordova Mall and asked for clarification if the Needs Plan was recommending an additional one. Mr. Page said if the route already exists it may not need to be in this plan. Ms. Mayall said she attended a housing affordability summit and it was reinforced to her that there is a great need for public transit in the area. She said there is a need for getting people to downtown Pensacola and she asked that public transit be considered as much as possible during the development of the LRTP. Mr. Ward asked that the Bell Lane Extension be updated to the Santa Villa Drive Extension and asked that Panhandle Trail be added as a new connector road project. He said this need was identified in the new South Santa Rosa Bike/Ped Plan. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TCC MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 3 Mr. Christian asked if the model included bicycle and pedestrian considerations. Mr. Page said that it currently does not, but probably will in the future once refinements are made to make the data results more precise. Ms. Johnson said the Vision Pensacola concept that was supported by the TPO in April needs to be in the Needs Plan in order to move forward and she asked that the TCC consider recommending that the TPO take this action when they address this item. The Vision Pensacola plan specifically deals with incorporating roundabouts into the design of the Pensacola landing off the new Pensacola Bay Bridge. There was general discussion about the Pensacola Bay Bridge replacement. Mr. Jorgensen moved to recommend the TPO chairman sign Resolution FL-AL 15-20 to adopt the 2040 Florida-Alabama TPO LRTP Needs Plan, with the addition of the Vision Pensacola concept approved by Resolution FL-AL 15-18. Mr. Rogers seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-21 to Update the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization and Advisory Committee Bylaws, Policies and Procedures - Enclosure D Chairman Ward called on Ms. Washnock. Ms. Washnock explained that the bylaws have been under review by staff and the TPO chairman for some time. She reviewed the recommendations made by staff and the chairman and those comments received from others by the May 8 deadline. She said the TCC, according to the recommendations in the agenda package, would be re-named the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which is consistent with statute. Mr. Eddy and Mr. Jorgensen expressed concern that the elimination of consultant representatives on the committee from the smaller local governments could create a hardship in their having qualified or available staff to participate. There was general agreement by the other members. There was also concern raised that the TCC members would now be nominated by TPO members, rather than appointed by their division heads. Mr. Novata said he did not feel that it was appropriate for TPO members to hand pick the TCC members. He said in addition to that the elected officials do not necessarily have the same level of expertise as their staff. There was general discussion about these items and others related to TCC structure. The committee felt that a workshop needs to be held, and noted that a request for one was made in April, but it was not held. Mr. Jorgensen moved to recommend the TPO table action on Resolution FL-AL 15-21 because the TCC feels there has not been adequate time to thoroughly review the bylaws and the recommended changes. The TCC also recommended that the TPO allow staff to schedule a workshop for the committees to review the document. Mr. Eddy seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 4. Consideration of Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) Membership Applications for Two (2) New CAC Members - Enclosure E Chairman Ward called on Ms. Whitehurst. Mr. Newsom approached the podium and stated that in light of some recent developments and concerns with his membership on the CAC he would be withdrawing his application for membership for now. Ms. Mayall approached the podium and expressed concern with the president of the Perdido Key Chamber of Commerce joining the CAC. She asked if it might be more appropriate for her to be on the TCC. Ms. Whitehurst spoke on behalf of Ms. Morrison. She said Ms. Morrison has stated FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TCC MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 4 that her interest in being on the CAC comes strictly from a citizen standpoint, not from her work position. The TCC made no recommendation on this item. 5. Election of Chairs and Vice Chairs for FY 2016 (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) - Enclosure F Chairman Ward said the nominating committee met prior to this meeting and recommended retaining the current officers for the next fiscal year. He and Mr. Tommy Brown (vice-chairman) agreed to continue to serve. Mr. Matthew Brown moved to retain Mr. Shawn Ward as the TCC chairman and Mr. Tommy Brown as the TCC vice chairman for FY 2016 (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016). Mr. Novata seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. F. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) UPDATE Christy Johnson, FDOT Liaison, said in order for the PD&E phase for the Vision Pensacola concept to be completed it needed to be incorporated into appropriate documents. She said Secretary Barfield has met with the Mayor of Pensacola about it and FDOT will open up the production schedule for this to be completed in a separate fiscal year. She said she will present this to the TPO at today's meeting. G. REVIEW/INFROMATION ITEMS 1. Presentation of Certification Results by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) – Enclosure G Chairman Ward called on Ms. Lavender who introduced Mr. Mikyska. Mr. Mikyska explained that TPO staff hospitably hosted FHWA and FTA staff over the past year in during the federally required Transportation Management Area (TMA) certification process. He provided a PowerPoint presentation, and said there were several noteworthy practices which means that efforts in each of these areas were favorable enough to be forwarded to Washington, D.C. as examples others could follow. In addition, there were a few areas in which improvements could be made. He stressed that these were not infractions, but simply recommendations for improvement. There were also two corrective actions, including updating the interlocal agreement, which is on today's agenda. He said the Florida-Alabama TPO is certified to continue through December, 2018, when another certification review will be underway. 2. Review of the Draft Florida-Alabama TPO Public Participation Process (PPP) Update – Enclosure H Chairman Ward called on Ms. Whitehurst. Ms. Whitehurst explained that staff is not updating the existing PPP, adopted in 2012, but has rather, re-crafted the document in an effort to streamline it to show the public involvement efforts required when developing TPO plans and programs. She said this document will allow for greater flexibility and she encouraged the members to read it and provide input A 45 day review period is required, however she extended the deadline and asked that all comments be to her by September 1, 2015. 3. Florida Greenways and Trails Foundation (FGT) “Close the Gaps” Campaign – Enclosure I Chairman Ward called on Mr. Allen. Ms. Robinson said Mr. Allen had not arrived but would be presenting at the CAC and the TPO. She invited the members to attend if possible. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TCC MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 5 4. Draft Interlocal Agreement for Creation of the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) – Enclosure K Chairman Ward called on Ms. Lavender. Ms. Lavender explained the purpose of the interlocal agreement and said the process was delayed because the standard Florida form did not allow for Alabama Department of Transportation issues to be addressed. She said this has passed the legal hurdles and that the process is now moving forward. There was general discussion. 5. Review of the Draft Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2017-2021 Project Priorities - Enclosure L – Chairman Ward called on Mr. Kramer. Mr. Kramer provided a PowerPoint presentation explaining the background and methodology for developing the Project Priorities. He said comments received during public workshops have been incorporated. He explained the types of projects included and announced the TPO and advisory committee workshop to be held the next day (June 11, 2015) at Pensacola City Hall. Mr. Kramer reviewed all the recommended changes to priorities that have been received. It was noted by some members that there are meetings at the county level that are being held that may conflict with this. Mr. Jorgensen recommended that funds remain on the SR 87 Connector in order to provide for progress on that project. He noted that while this is a needed project in Santa Rosa County, there is also a pressing need for more east-west capacity through the city of Milton. He said the Blackwater River continues to provide an obstacle to achieving that need. Mr. Forte was called on under public comment and he clarified that the recommendations and input provided to the Project Priorities by Escambia County do not impact funding for any other projects. He said the county has an interest in swapping the priority of the Navy Blvd. sidewalks with the Perdido Key sidewalks, and to change the Perdido Key project description from a sidewalk to a multi-use trail. He said he would not be able to attend the workshop tomorrow, so he wanted to make these points today. Ms. Washnock said Ms. Mae Dean will be making a presentation on the Perdido Key Drive multi-use trail project at the CAC and TPO meetings and that staff has received numerous letters of support from those residents. 6. Summary of Signal Retiming, Arterial Traffic Management System (ATMS) Feasibility and Implementation Plan, and Traffic Signalization Tasks of the Existing Joint Partnership Agreement (JPA) – Enclosure M Chairman Ward called on Ms. Kate Daniel as well as asked staff to move ATMS and ITS items up further on the agenda since these items tend to come up when the committee is short on time. Ms. Daniel introduced Mr. Colby Brown, who provided a history of the county's work with FDOT, the City of Pensacola and the consultant Volkert on this project. He said the county is now working with DRMP on the signalization program and he introduced Mr. Ben Faust with DRMP. Mr. Faust provided a PowerPoint presentation and explained that the overall purpose of their work is to provide continuation of the regional signal retiming program and to work to enhance the system. He noted that this is to serve all of the TPO area, not just Escambia County. He noted areas where re-timing needs have been identified. They include US29 in Escambia County, US90 throughout Santa Rosa County, US 98 through Gulf Breeze and Garden Street in downtown Pensacola. He explained that Phase I of the ATMS project is basically done, which includes 18 intersections in Escambia County. He explained steps coming up in the process. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO TCC MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 6 7. Review of the Draft Transit Facilities Standards Study – Enclosure N Chairman Ward called on Ms. Garrett. Ms. Garrett explained the timeline in the development of this draft. She asked that any comments be provided by June 17, 2015. H. INFORMATION ITEMS (No Presentation) The following items were included in the agenda package: • TPO Meeting Schedule • Letter from FDOT to Escambia County Regarding Bridge Replacement Funding • Advisory Committee Minutes (CAC, February 2015 – TCC, April 2015) I. OTHER BUSINESS J. ADJOURN - There being no other business the meeting was adjourned. Approved by TCC Date: _____________________ Signed: ___________________ FLORIDA-ALABAMA CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) MEETING MINUTES WEST FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL (Designated staff) SANTA ROSA COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 6495 Caroline Street; Milton, Florida June 10, 2015 Members Attending: Jim Hunt, Chairman Ralph Agnew Catherine Barnett Honor Bell, III Vernon Compton John Ellis Keith Fell Bill Jeffries Warren Jernigan Marie Kammerdiener Barbara Mayall, Vice Chairman Buzz Morley J. Alex Niedermayer Jim Roberts Thomas Steinberg Becky Washler Talbot Wilson Others Attending: David Haight Wiley Page Tim Milstead Ryan Novota Ben Faust Diane Hall Alan Dennis Colby Brown Jim DeVries David Forte Jonathan Owens Christy Johnson Carl Mikyska Dale Allen Mae Dean Carolyn Krupnick Charles Krupnick Pat McClellan Tina Morrison Kate Daniel Vikki Garrett Gary Kramer Jill Lavender Mary Robinson Dorothy McKenzie Atkins Atkins City of Milton City of Pensacola DRMP, Inc. ECAT Citizen Escambia County Escambia County Escambia County Escambia County FDOT FHWA Florida Greenways & Trails Foundation Perdido Key Association Perdido Key Association Perdido Key Association Perdido Key Chamber Perdido Key Chamber TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO CAC MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Howard Vanselow Mary Beth Washnock Gina Watson Brandi Whitehurst Page 2 TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff TPO Staff A. CALL TO ORDER – Chairman Hunt chairman called for a roll call of members in attendance to establish a quorum. Roll Call of members in attendance: Ralph Agnew Warren Jernigan Catherine Barnett Marie Kammerdiener Honor Bell, III Barbara Mayall Vernon Compton Buzz Morley John Ellis Alex Niedermayer Keith Fell Jim Roberts Jim Hunt Thomas Steinberg Bill Jeffries Becky Washler Talbot Wilson Chairman Hunt informed the CAC that Mr. Claude Gillette verbally told one of the members that he will no longer participate as a member of the CAC. The chairman said that information was not forwarded to the staff. He said Mr. Gillette would remain on the list until there is confirmation that Mr. Gillette will no longer participate. He asked for confirmation that Mr. Larry Brown resigned from the CAC. He said that staff was told that Mr. Larry Brown no longer wishes to participate on the CAC. He said staff also received word from Mr. Lloyd Mengel that he no longer wanted to participate on the CAC. He noted Ms. Alyssa Anderson had a name change to Ms. Alyssa Curtis. He said staff was informed that Mr. Hugh Turner would no longer participate on the CAC. Chairman Hunt said there were 17 members present and that there were 7 that were not present. He said there was a quorum. Chairman Hunt officially called the meeting to order. B. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chairman Hunt called for action on the minutes. Ms. Mayall moved to approve the February 11, 2015 meeting minutes, Ms. Washler seconded. Ms. Mayall noted a correction on Page O-23, Item #7 Consideration of the Resolution FL-AL 15-06. She stated the minutes showed “123th Avenue and Bayou” and it should read “12th Avenue and Bayou.” Mr. Jernigan expressed that he did not know what parts of the agenda were pertinent to the CAC. Mr. Jernigan said he wanted to know what section of the agenda to start with. Ms. Robinson said each item designates the pertinent committees. The motion passed unanimously, noting one correction on Page O-23 to read “12th Avenue and Bayou.” FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO CAC MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 3 C. PUBLIC FORUM Alan Dennis Pensacola FL Mr. Dennis said a report was done for the Perdido Key property owners as a result of a survey. Approximately 800 people responded to the survey. He said 80% of the responses were in favor of a multi-use path on Perdido Key. He thought the project should be a top priority. Catherine Barnett Pensacola FL Ms. Barnett said a friend had told her they don’t know what to do when people on bicycles and in cars throw things at them such as drink cans. Ms. Barnett spoke concerning public lighting at the airport property. She said there was no significant lighting. She said people walk and bike in the dark. She asked if LED lighting could be provided. Chairman Hunt acknowledged that objects being thrown by bicyclists is a problem. He also thought LED was the way of the future and a good prospect for lighting. Ryan Novota City of Pensacola Mr. Novota spoke to the lighting at the airport. He said there is no lighting at the airport because it is a no light zone because of the flight path. He said the FAA requires that there be no street lighting in the flight path. D. ACTION ITEMS 1. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-19 to Adopt the Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2016-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Authorize the TPO to Administratively Amend the FY 2016-2020 TIP to Include the Projects in FDOT’s Variance Report - Enclosure B Ms. Washler moved to recommend the TPO authorize the TPO chairman sign Resolution FLAL 15-19 to adopt the Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2016-2020 TIP and authorize the TPO to administratively amend the FY 2016-2020 TIP to include the projects in FDOT’s Variance Report. Ms. Mayall seconded the motion. Mr. Kramer briefly explained the TIP development process. He said comments received since the draft was presented have all been addressed and have been noted and/or incorporated. He asked that the CAC consider recommending that the TPO adopt the TIP as presented with those changes and with the addition of FDOT's Variance Report. Chairman Hunt said the TPO tends to bend over backwards every time FDOT makes a change to the plan. He said he did not support the action because the plan is never adhered to. The motion passed with one opposing vote by Chairman Hunt. 2. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-20 to Adopt the 2040 Florida-Alabama TPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Needs Plan - Enclosure C - FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO CAC MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 4 Mr. Mayall moved to recommend the TPO authorize the TPO chairman sign Resolution FLAL 15-20 to adopt the 2040 Florida-Alabama TPO LRTP Needs Plan. Mr. Compton seconded the motion. Mr. Kramer said work began on the LRTP in February of 2014. He said the Goals and Objectives and the Financial Resources Reports have been approved. He then introduced Mr. Page with Atkins to present the Needs Plan. Mr. Page provided a PowerPoint presentation which highlighted a future of more mobility choices, such as driverless cars, more public transportation and more walkable communities. He reviewed the results of surveys taken during public outreach that support a desire for more transportation options. He reviewed forecasted growth of the TPO area and provided map displays of current levels of congestion and how that congestion could be alleviated if funding were available to meet all of the needs. He explained changes to the needs plan that have occurred due to input received. Mr. Page advised of three suggested changes by the TCC: 1. Page C-4 Needs Plan Projects – Project #4 Bell Lane Extension moved to east, and should be called Santa Villa Drive extension. 2. Addition of a project in the Navarre area – Panhandle Trail from US 98 north to East River Drive to enhance two lane facilities. This was part of the South Santa Rosa Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan recommendations. 3. Addition to major intersection – Bayfront Parkway and 17th Avenue as part of the Bay Bridge project – to include roundabout/flyover (Vision Pensacola's concept). Ms. Mayall said the express bus downtown was not in the Needs Plan, and asked how to get it in the Needs Plan. Mr. Page referred to Page C-13 under transit projects and stated express service is in the plan. There was general discussion. Chairman Hunt said he wanted a narrative, not just a list of projects in the plan. Ms. Mayall said there were projects that needed to move forward and that the CAC should pass the plan. The motion passed with one opposing vote by Chairman Hunt. 3. Consideration of Resolution FL-AL 15-21 to Update the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization and Advisory Committees Bylaws, Policies and Procedures - Enclosure D Mr. Ellis moved to recommend the TPO authorize the TPO chairman sign Resolution FL-AL 15-21 to update the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization and Advisory Committees Bylaws, Policies and Procedures. Ms. Mayall seconded the motion. Ms. Mayall said she attended the TCC meeting that morning and the item was tabled. She asked to table the item for the CAC to allow time to consider and further discuss the document. Ms. Mayall moved to amend the motion to recommend the TPO table Resolution FL-AL 1521 to update the Florida-Alabama TPO and advisory committees bylaws, policies and procedures, pending a workshop. Mr. Roberts seconded. The motion passed unanimously. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO CAC MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 5 Mr. Ellis said there is language in the recommend bylaws changes that prevents advisory committees from adding items to the agenda. He thought advisory committees should be able to add items to the agenda. Chairman Hunt said that items would be considered at the workshop. 4. Consideration of Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) Membership Applications for Two (2) New CAC Members - Enclosure E Chairman Hunt advised Ms. Tina Morrison was being considered for membership, and that Mr. Larry Newsom has withdrawn his application for now. Chairman Hunt moved to recommend the TPO authorize the TPO chairman to approve Ms. Tina Morrison as a new CAC member. Ms. Mayall seconded the motion. Ms. Whitehurst introduced Ms. Morrison as the director of the Perdido Key chamber of commerce. Ms. Morrison said she answers questions for residents, businesses, and tourists. She expressed her personal concerns regarding crossing the streets in Perdido Key due to a lack of crosswalks. The motion passed unanimously. 5. Election of Chairs and Vice Chairs for FY 2016 (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016) - Enclosure F Chairman Hunt said the CAC did not have a meeting in April due to a lack of a quorum. He said the bylaws state that the CAC has to have a subcommittee to nominate a chair and vice chair. The following volunteered to serve on a subcommittee: Mr. John Ellis, Mr. Thomas Steinberg, and Mr. Warren Jernigan. Chairman Hunt, Mr. Honor Bell, III and Mr. Buzz Morley volunteered to be the alternates. Ms. Mayall moved to appoint members and alternates to the nominating committee for the election of chairs and vice chairs for FY 2016 (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016). Mr. Morley seconded. The motion passed unanimously. E. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) UPDATE Ms. Christy Johnson, FDOT Liaison, said in order for the PD&E phase for the Vision Pensacola concept to be completed it needs to be incorporated into appropriate documents. She said Secretary Barfield has met with the Mayor of Pensacola about it and FDOT will open up the production schedule for this to be completed in a separate fiscal year. She said she will present this to the TPO at today's meeting. F. REVIEW/INFROMATION ITEMS 1. Presentation of Certification Results by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) - Enclosure G Ms. Lavender introduced Mr. Mikyska. Mr. Mikyska explained that TPO staff hospitably hosted FHWA and FTA staff over the past year during the federally required Transportation Management Area (TMA) certification process. He provided a PowerPoint presentation, and said there were several noteworthy practices which means that efforts in each of these areas were favorable enough to be forwarded to Washington, D.C. as examples others could follow. In addition, there were a FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO CAC MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 6 few areas in which improvements could be made. He stressed that these were not infractions, but simply recommendations for improvement. There were also two corrective actions, including updating the interlocal agreement, which is on today's agenda. He said the Florida-Alabama TPO is certified to continue through December, 2018, when another certification review will be underway. 2. Review of the Draft Florida-Alabama TPO Public Participation Process (PPP) Update- Enclosure H Ms. Whitehurst explained that staff is not updating the existing PPP, adopted in 2012, but has rather, re-crafted the document in an effort to streamline it to show the public involvement efforts required when developing TPO plans and programs. She said this document will allow for greater flexibility and she encouraged the members to read it and provide input. A 45 day review period is required however she extended the deadline and asked that all comments be to her by September 1, 2015. 3. Perdido Key Multi-Use Trail - - Enclosure J Ms. Mae Dean introduced herself as the president of the Perdido Key Association. Mr. Charles Krupnick from the Perdido Key Association made the presentation. Mr. Krupnick said the Perdido Key Association advocates replacing the current bicycle pedestrian trail along Perdido Key Drive with a multi-use trail separate from the road. He said the association uses surveys and public forums to gather input from the owners and residents. Mr. Krupnick said there are approximately 3,800 property owners on the Perdido Key. A survey was conducted in 2015 and 77% of the Perdido Key owners agreed that there is need for a separate off-road pedestrian and bicycle trail. He said the current trail is a shoulder on Perdido Key Drive and is hazardous. When you get to the Perdido Key state park it is a challenge to cross safely with fast moving traffic. Mr. Krupnick said they are proposing a multi-use trail that will improve safety and access that would be approximately 6.5 miles long. It would start at the Theo Baars Bridge and proceed to the Alabama line. It would be on the north side of Perdido Key Drive and be approximately ten feet wide, accessible to bicycle and pedestrian traffic. Mr. Krupnick asked Escambia County and the TPO to move the Perdido Key multi-use trail to a higher priority for funding. He said Escambia County is supporting the creation of several Perdido Key Drive crosswalks that will facilitate access from the beachfront properties to a multi-use trail on the north side. He said the Florida Greenways and Trails System is something they would like to be part of. He thought that the Perdido Key multi-use trail would tie into some of the priorities of the Greenways and Trails System. Mr. Krupnick said Amendment One to the Florida Water and Land Conservation Act specified that some tax money should go towards better environmental, recreational, and historical preservation purposes. Mr. Krupnick said engineering staff in Escambia County is working with US Fish and Wildlife on possible designs for a multi-use trail. Escambia County is working towards hiring an architectural firm to finish the Perdido Key Master Plan that was stopped in 2012. He said plans for a multi-use trail could be combined with the master plan. Mr. Krupnick said a Perdido Key multi-use trail could provide improved public safety and transportation options and increase economic opportunity. FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO CAC MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 7 4. Draft Interlocal Agreement for Creation of the Florida-Alabama Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) - Enclosure K Chairman Hunt called on Ms. Lavender. Ms. Lavender explained the purpose of the interlocal agreement and said the process was delayed because the standard Florida form did not allow for Alabama Department of Transportation issues to be addressed. She said this has passed the legal hurdles and that the process is now moving forward. The draft was for review and would be brought forward at the next meeting for final approval. 5. Review of the Draft Florida-Alabama TPO FY 2017-2021 Project Priorities – Enclosure L Chairman Hunt called on Mr. Kramer. Mr. Kramer provided a PowerPoint presentation explaining the background and methodology for developing the Project Priorities. He said comments received during public workshops have been incorporated. He explained the types of projects included and announced the TPO and advisory committee workshop to be held the next day (June 11, 2015) at Pensacola City Hall. Mr. Kramer reviewed all the recommended changes to priorities that have been received. The priorities will be presented for adoption to the TPO in July 2015. Ms. Mayall asked that the Langley Avenue/Tippin Avenue/9th Avenue major intersection improvement priority be moved up further on the list because of the large number of accidents. 6. Summary of Signal Retiming, Arterial Traffic Management System (ATMS) Feasibility and Implementation Plan, and Traffic Signalization Tasks of the Existing Joint Partnership Agreement (JPA) – Enclosure M Chairman Hunt called on Ms. Kate Daniel. Ms. Daniel introduced Mr. Colby Brown, who provided a history of the county's work with FDOT, the City of Pensacola and the consultant Volkert on this project. He said the county is now working with DRMP on the signalization program and he introduced Mr. Ben Faust with DRMP. Mr. Faust provided a PowerPoint presentation and explained that the overall purpose of their work is to provide continuation of the regional signal retiming program and to work to enhance the system. He noted that this is to serve all of the TPO area, not just Escambia County. He noted areas where re-timing needs have been identified. They include US29 in Escambia County, US90 throughout Santa Rosa County, US 98 through Gulf Breeze and Garden Street in downtown Pensacola. He explained that Phase I of the ATMS project is basically done, which includes 18 intersections in Escambia County. He explained steps coming up in the process. 7. Review of the Draft Transit Facilities Standards Study – Enclosure N Chairman Hunt called on Ms. Vikki Garrett. Ms. Garrett explained the timeline for the development of this draft. She asked that any comments be provided by June 17, 2015. The study will be presented to the TPO for acceptance and approval during the July 2015 meeting. Chairman Hunt commented on the cost of the study He said there was a cost of $65,000 for 304 pages, at a cost of $214 per page. He said there were 18 pages of original material. He questioned as to whether the report could really help in determining where to locate bus stops. He expressed that much of the $65,000 for the report represented plagiarism and was irresponsible. 8. Florida Greenways and Trails Foundation FGT) “Close the Gaps” Campaign - Enclosure I FLORIDA-ALABAMA TPO CAC MEETING MINUTES 6-10-15 Page 8 Mr. Dale Allen, the Executive Director of Florida Greenways & Trails Foundation, addressed the CAC. Mr. Allen said his organization advocates for the advancement of connecting all paved trails in Florida into a statewide network. He said the trails are used for recreation, fitness, and health purposes. Mr. Allen said in central Florida a program is in place known as the Coast to Coast Connector. The trails are 75% complete in being connected across the state. It is expected that by 2020 the trails will be completely connected across the state. To date there are 600 miles of connected trails in Florida. Mr. Allen described a system for connected trails in the Florida Panhandle. He said in the panhandle there are presently more gaps than completed trails. A 300 mile connected system known as the Great Northwest Coastal Regional Connector is planned. It will link the Pensacola metropolitan area all the way to Tallahassee. G. INFORMATION ITEMS (NO PRESENTATION) The following items were included in the agenda: • • • TPO Meeting Schedule Letter from FDOT to Escambia County Regarding Bridge Replacement Funding Advisory Committee Minutes (CAC, February 2015 – TCC, April 2015) H. ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Approved by CAC Date: _____________________ Signed: __________________ ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Paulk, Bryant [mailto:Bryant.Paulk@dot.state.fl.us] Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 3:56 PM To: Charles Bare Cc: Johnson, Christy; Washnock, Mary Beth Subject: RE: 12th & Bayou In order to safely return the intersection to its previous configuration the contractor will have to mill approximately 1 inch of asphalt along Bayou Blvd and along 12th Ave in the intersection itself. They will then have to replace the friction course before restriping the intersection and roadway. The signal heads will also have to be adjusted and/or replaced as needed based on the re‐ alignment. The milling and resurfacing is what increased the contract time for this project. I will pass along your concerns about a timely completion of this project to our construction staff. Bryant T. Paulk, AICP Urban Planning Manager Office (850) 981‐2754 Cell (850) 703‐7254 Bryant.Paulk@dot.state.fl.us ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Charles Bare [mailto:cbare@cityofpensacola.com] Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 9:43 AM To: Paulk, Bryant Cc: Johnson, Christy; Mary Beth Washnock (marybeth.washnock@wfrpc.org) Subject: RE: 12th & Bayou This is very frustrating. I was hopeful this would be done before summer and then was told it would start by mid June. All we are talking about is some re‐ striping. Will that really take 3 weeks? So now we have to go yet another holiday weekend with a dangerous intersection. Very disappointing. Charles Bare Pensacola City Council, At‐Large B Notice: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from state and local officials regarding government business are public records available to the public and media upon request. Your email communications may be subject to public disclosure. ________________________________________ From: Paulk, Bryant [Bryant.Paulk@dot.state.fl.us] Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 7:26 AM To: Charles Bare Cc: Johnson, Christy; Mary Beth Washnock (marybeth.washnock@wfrpc.org) Subject: 12th & Bayou Councilman Bare, the contractor will begin work after the 4th of July holiday. It was decided to delay the start until then, instead of having him mobilize his forces just to pull them back out for the holiday period. If you have any additional questions or concerns please let us know. Bryant T. Paulk, AICP Urban Planning Manager Office (850) 981‐2754 Cell (850) 703‐7254 Bryant.Paulk@dot.state.fl.us<mailto:Bryant.Paulk@dot.myflorida.com>