Tidewater Region Technology Teachers TSA Advisors Professional Affiliations Listed alphabetically By System, then school name, then teacher The listings here are true to the best of my ability. Any omissions, corrections, or additions are gladly accepted by Ron Vickers at rvickers@pagecounty.k12.va.us . All featured individuals are believed to be included voluntarily. Anyone wishing to have their photo or email address removed should contact Ron and it will be as quickly as possible. It is hoped this directory will enable us to communicate easier in our professional duties and growth. Accomack County Accomack County Public Schools | 23296 Courthouse Ave., Accomack, VA 23301 Business (757) 787-5754 Fax (757) 787-2951 | http://www.accomack.k12.va.us/ Mr. James Carey, Former TSA specialist jim.carey@accomack.k12.va.us Mark Nowak, deceased 2009 Arcadia High School | 8210 Lankford Highway Oak Hall, VA 23416 | Blackbirds Business (757) 824-5613 Fax (757) 824-0767 | http://ahs.accomack.k12.va.us/ Curtis Dunn curtis.dunn@accomack.k12.va.us Tech Drawing & Design, CADD Arcadia Middle School | 28135 Horsey Road, Atlantic, VA 23415 | Panthers Business (757) 824-4862 Fax (757) 824-6118 | http://www.ams.accomack.k12.va.us/public/ No Technology Education Classes Page 1 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Accomack County Badger South Technical Center | http://www.ahs.accomack.k12.va.us/public/Badger/index.htm No Technology Education classes Identified Chincoteague Combined School | 4586 Main Street, Chincoteague Island, VA 23336 | Ponies | Business (757) 336-6166 Fax | http://chs.accomack.k12.va.us/ No Technology Education classes Identified Murray Barkley, retired Nandua High School | 26350 Lankford Highway, Oney, VA 23418 | Warriors Business (757) 787-4514 Fax (757) 787-2194 | http://www.nhs.accomack.k12.va.us/public/ David Sabatino david.sabatino@accomack.k12.va.us Arch Drawing & Design Nandua Middle School | 20330 Warrior Drive, Oney, VA 23418 | Braves Business (757) 787-7037 Fax (757) 787-8807 | http://www.nms.accomack.k12.va.us/public/ No Technology Education classes Identified Tangier Combined School | PO Box 245, 4375 School Lane, Tangier, VA | Business (757) 891-2234 Fax (757) 479-5534 | http://www.tcs.accomack.k12.va.us/public/ Donna Crockett, K-12, School donna.crockett@accomack.k12.va.us Tech Drawing & Design Chesapeake City Chesapeake Public Schools | PO Box 16496 (zip 23328), 312 Cedar Rd., Chesapeake, VA 23323 | Business (757) 547-1098 Fax (757) 547-1346 http://www.cps.k12.va.us/administration/index.html Shonda Pittman-Windham, CTE Supervisor Shonda.Windham@cpschools.com Anna Helmer, Supervisor of the Technology Education teachers Anna.helmer@cpschools.com Page 2 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Chesapeake City Johnny Moye, retired VTEA President 2011-2012 2008 VTEA Teacher of the Year Robert Head, retired Chesapeake Center for Science & Technology | 1617 Cedar Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322 Business (757) 547-0134 Fax (757) 547-2391 | http://www.cpschools.com/Schools/CCST/index.html No Technology Education classes Identified Crestwood Middle School | 1420 Great Bridge Blvd., Chesapeake, VA 23320 | Falcons Business (757) 494-7560 Fax (757) 494-7599 http://www.edline.net/pages/Crestwood_Middle Logan Foster logan.foster@cpschools.com Intro to Technology, Inventions & Innovations, Technology Systems Deep Creek High School | 2900 Margaret Booker Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23323 | Hornets Business (757) 558-5302 Fax (757) 558-5305 | http://www.cpschools.com/Schools/DCHS/dch.html Cloria Barnard Lenny Carson Cloria.Barnard@cpschools.com Principles of Technology II carsolha@cpschools.com Graphic Comm Systems Gerald Hoover Joe O’Keefe GeraldJerry.Hoover@cpschools.com Graphic Comm Systems Page 3 of 48 Joe.O’keefe@cpschools.com Power & Transportation Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Chesapeake City Cam Pollock Leroy Ricks Cam.Pollock@cpschools.com Imaging Technology Leroy.Ricks@cpschools.com Electronics Systems II Deep Creek Middle School | 1955 Deal Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23323 | Hornets Business (757) 558-5321 Fax (757) 558-5320 | http://www.edline.net/pages/Deep_Creek_Middle Jonathan Neel Grover Eure, retired Intro to Technology, Inventions & Innovations, Technological Systems Grassfield High School | 2007 Grizzly Trail, Chesapeake, VA 23323 | Grizzlies Business (757) 558-4749 Fax (757) 558-9240 | http://www.cpschools.com/Schools/GFH/ VTEA Program of the Year 2009-2010 Brandon Berry Adam Casassa Brandon.Berry@cpschools.com BTD, Arch Drawing, Engr Drawing Systems, Digital Visualization Page 4 of 48 Adam.Casassa@cpschools.com Electronics I & II, Graphic Comm Advanced Drafting, Materials & Processes Technology Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Chesapeake City Jason Gabel Tom Spencer Jason.Gabel@cpschools.com Imaging Technology, Computing Power & Transportation, Systems, Geospatial Technologies Thomas.Spencer@cpschools.com Great Bridge High School | 301 West Hanbury Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322 | Wildcats Business (757) 482-5191 Fax (757) 482-5559 | http://www.cpschools.com/Schools/GBH/index.html John Bowser Joshua Brown John.Bowser@cpschools.com Joshua.Brown@cpschools.com Joe Saterfield Melvin Kotalik Joe.Saterfield@cpschools.com Imaging Technology Melvin.Kotalik@cpschools.com Principles of Technology I & II Video & Media Technology Jon Thomas, retired Neale Hoffman retired A Plucinski, retired Carl Bolling, retired Great Bridge Middle School | 441 South Battlefield Blvd., Chesapeake, VA 23322| Wildcat Business (757) 482-5128 Fax (757) 482-0210 http://www.edline.net/pages/Great_Bridge_Middle James Hamblett Ron Pasko,retired James.Hamblett@cpschools.com ] Page 5 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Chesapeake City Greenbrier Middle School | 1016 Greenbrier Parkway, Chesapeake, VA 23320 | Panthers Business (757) 548-5309 Fax (757) 548-8921 | http://www.edline.net/pages/Greenbrier_Middle Bruce Burwell Bruce.Burwell@cpschools.com Technological Systems Hickory High School | 1996 Hawk Blvd., Chesapeake, VA 23322 | Hawks Business (757) 421-4295 Fax (757) 482-5559 | http://www.cpschools.com/Schools/HHS/ 2002 Virginia Technology Education Association Program of the Year Curtis Barrett Brandon Hamby Curtis.Barrett@cpschools.com Construction Technology brandon.hamby@cpschools.com Basic Technical Drawing, Arch Draw Engineering Drawing Christopher (Chris) Slater Chris.Slater@cpschools.com Electronics I & II Construction Technology Christian Tynch Christian.Tynch@cpschools.com Hickory Middle School | 1997 Hawks Blvd., Chesapeake, VA 23322 | Hawks Business (757) 421-0468 Fax (757) 421-0475 | http://www.cpschools.com/Schools/HMS/ Reginald Boyd Jeff Puckett boydr@cpschools.com Intro to Technology, Inventions & Innovations, Technological Systems Page 6 of 48 2014-15 HMS Teacher of the Year Inventions & Innovations Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Chesapeake City Oliver C. Holley retired 2000 VTEA Teacher of the Year Hugo A. Owens Middle School | 2801 Cedar Road, Chesapeake, VA 23323 | Mustangs Business (757) 558-5382 Fax (757) 558-5386 | http://www.cps.k12.va.us/Schools/OMS/index.php Cardwell Cowell James Palladino Cardwell.Cowell@cpschools.com Inventions & Innovations james.palladino@cpschools.com Inventions & Innovations Indian River High School | 1969 Braves Trail, Chesapeake, VA 23325 | Braves Business (757) 578-7000 Fax (757) 578-7004 | http://www.edline.net/pages/Indian_River_High Marin Ellis Matthew Rupe Marin.ellis@cpschools.com Imaging Technology Matthew.Rupe@cpschools.com Gavin Harris gavin.harris@cpschools.com Indian River Middle School | 2300 Old Greenbrier Road, Chesapeake, VA 23325 | mascot Business (757) 578-7030 Fax (757) 578-7036 | http://www.cpschools.com/Schools/IRM/index.html Steve Adams steve.adams@cpschools.com Intro to Technology, Inventions & Innovations, Technological systems Page 7 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Chesapeake City Jolliff Middle School |1021 Jolliff Road, Chesapeake, VA 23321| Jaguars Business (757) 465-5246 Fax (757) 465-1646 | http://www.cps.k12.va.us/Schools/JMS/JMS_Final/index.html Reid Rawls reid.rawls@cpschools.com bounced Intro to Technology Oscar F. Smith High School | 1994 Tiger Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23320 | Tigers Business (757) 548-0696 Fax (757) 548-0531 | http://www.cpschools.com/Schools/OSH/ Dr. Maurice Frazier maurice.frazier@cpschools.com Communications Systems Molly Knaack molly.knaack@cpschools.com Computer Control & Automation James Livingston james.livingston@cpschools.com Imaging Technology Jason Thomas Jason.Thomas@cpschools.com Oscar Smith Middle School | 2500 Rodgers Street, Chesapeake, VA 23324 | Tigers Business (757) 494-7590 Fax (757) 494-7680 | http://www.cpschools.com/Schools/OSM/index.htm Robert Beauter Walters robert.beauter@cpschools.com Inventions & Innovations Technological Systems Page 8 of 48 @cpschoolscom Inventions & Innovations Technological Systems Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Chesapeake City Western Branch High School | 1968 Bruin Place, Chesapeake, VA 23321 | Bruins Business (757) 638-7900 Fax (757) 638-7904| http://www.cpschools.com/Schools/WBH/index.php Todd Kiesow todd.kiesow@cpschools.com Principles of Technology II Dave Roach Kathy Willis david.roach@cpschools.com Graphic Communications Imaging Technology kathy.willis@cpschools.com Arch Drawing, Engr. Drawing, Advanced Drawing Western Branch Middle School | 4201 Hawksley Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23321 | Bruins Business (757) 638-7920 Fax (757) 638-7926 | http://www.edline.net/pages/Western_Branch_Middle Paul (Chip) Emler III paul.elmer@cpschools.com bounced Intro to Technology, Inventions & Innovations, Technology Systems Colonial Beach City Colonial Beach City Public Schools | 16 North Irving Ave. Colonial Beach, VA 22443 | Business (804) 224-8080 Fax (804) 224-8357 | http://www.cbschools.net/ John Thomas, Jr, CTE Director, Colonial Heights Technical Center John_Thomas_Jr@colonialhts.net Maria Yencha Maria_Yencha@colonialhts.net Colonial Beach High School | 100 First Street, Colonial Beach, VA 22443 Business (804) 224-7166 Fax | http://cbschoolshs.sharpschool.net/ No Technology Education classes Page 9 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Essex County Essex High School | PO Box 1006, Tappahannock, VA 22560 | Trojans Business (804) 443-4301 Fax (804) 443-4272 | http://ehs.essex.k12.va.us/ Wanda Henderson, Coordinator Essex High School whenderson@essex.k12.va.us Essex Intermediate School | 912 Intermediate School Circle, Tappahannock, VA 22560 | Bulldogs Business (804) 443-3040 Fax (804) 445-1079 | http://eis.essex.k12.va.us/ No Technology Education classes Franklin City Franklin City Public Schools | 207 West Second Av., Franklin, VA 23851 Business (757) 569-8111 Fax (757) 569-8078 | http://www.franklincity.k12.va.us/ Ms. Kelley E. Conaway, Instructional Specialist kconaway@franklincity.k12.va.us Jason Chandler, Assistant Principal Franklin High School jchandler@franklincity.k12.va.us Franklin High School | 310 Crescent Drive, Franklin, VA 23851 | Business (757) 562-5187 Fax (757) 562-3656 | http://www.fcpsva.org/index.php/schools/fhs Rathmond Collins rcollins@franklincity.k12.va.us Joseph P. King Middle School | 501 Charles St., Franklin, VA 23851| Business (757) 562-4631 Fax (757) 562-0231 | http://www.fcpsva.org/index.php/schools/jpk Rathmond Collins rcollins@franklincity.k12.va.us Grades 6-8 Tech Ed Gloucester County Gloucester County Public Schools | 6489 Main Street, Building Two, Gloucester, VA 23061 | Business (804) 693-7910 Fax (804) 693-6275 | http://gets.gc.k12.va.us/ Dr. Paul McLean, Supervisor, CTE WIA-Workforce Development pmclean@gc.k12.va.us Penny Mcguire pmcguire@gc.k12.va.us Margaret Williams mwilliam@gc.k12.va.us Page 10 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Gloucester County Gloucester High School | 6680 Short Lane, Gloucester, VA 23061-9291 | Dukes Business (804) 693-7910 Fax (804) 693-6275 | http://ghs.gloucester.schooldesk.net/ Randy Applegate Randy.applegate@gc.k12.va.us https://sites.google.com/site/dukesengineering/ Arch Drawing & Design Rusty West rwest@gc.k12.va.us Engineering Page Middle School | 5628 George Washington Memorial Hwy., Gloucester, VA 23601-9003 | Eagles | Business (804) 693-2520 Fax (804) 693-2111 | http://pagems.gloucester.schooldesk.net/ Rusty West rwest@gc.k12.va.us Intro to Technology First Lego League Robotics Peasley Middle School | 2885 Hickory Fork Rd., Gloucester, VA 23061-9805 | Pride Business (804) 693-1499 Fax (804) 693-1497 | http://pms.gloucester.schooldesk.net/ Petrina Newsome Petrina.newsome@gc.k12.va.us Inventions & Innovations Hampton City Hampton City Schools | One Franklin Street, Hampton, VA 23669-3570 Business (757) 727-2467 Fax (757) 727-2468 | http://www.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ Jesse White, CTE Curriculum Leader jeswhite@hampton.k12.va.us , VTEA President 2007-2008 Page 11 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Hampton City Allison Schaff, Secretary aschaff@hampton.k12.va.us 727-2467 Hunter B. Andrews PK-8 | 3120 Victoria Blvd., Hampton, VA 23661 | Business (757) 268-3333 Fax | http://andrews.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ Chandra Oaks-Garcia ctoaksgarcis@hampton.k12.va.us STEM Benjamin Syms Middle School | 170 Foxhill Road, Hampton, VA 23669 | Spartans Business (757) 850-5628 Fax (757) 850-5413 | http://sym.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ C Dunn Elton Morgan, retired Cdunn1@hampton.k12.va Bethel High School | 1067 Big Bethel Rd., Hampton, VA 23666 | Bruins Business (757) 825-4400 Fax (757) 825-4465 | http://bhs.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ Augustus (Gus) Coleman gucoleman@hampton.k12.va.us 896-4600 Communication Systems, Gary Coverston gcoverston@hampton.k12.va.us Imaging Technology Lawrence (Larry) Lewis lflewis@hampton.k12.va.us Tech Drawing & Design Page 12 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Hampton City Cooper Elementary School | 200 Marcella Road, Hampton, VA 23666 | Business (757) 825-4645 | http://coo.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ Magnet School for Technology – They have a Design Technology elective class. Patti Fazzi Claudette Humble, Art 2003 VTEA Teacher of the Year 1999 VTEA Teacher of the Year Mary Hurst 2007 VTEA Teacher of the Year George P. Phenix Pre K-8 School | 1061 Big Bethel Road, Hampton, VA 23666 | Panthers Business (757) 268-3500 Fax | http://phenix.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ Gail Pulley Pennie Brown gpulley@hampton.k12.va.us pbrown@hampton.k12.va.us Hampton High School | 1491 West Queen Street, Hampton, VA 23669 | Crabbers Business (757) 825-4430 Fax ( ) | http://hhs.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ Christopher Burns cburns1@hampton.k12.va.us PLTW, Eng, Comm Sys, Tech Dr Ervin Myrick emyrick@hampton.k12.va.us 896-4430 PLTW, Digital Elec, Bounced Construction Technology William Yarborough, Jr wyarborough@hampton.k12.va.us 896-3877 Communication Systems, Imaging Technology Page 13 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Hampton City Alvin Lewis, retired Jefferson Davis Middle School | 1435 Todds Lane, Hampton, VA 23666 | Bulldogs Business (757) 825-4520 Fax (757)825-4533 | http://dav.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ W. Lassiter James Boner, Sr., retired wlassiter1@hampton.k12.va.us 896-7599 Jones Magnet Middle School | 1819 Nickerson Blvd., Hampton, VA 23663 | Jaguars Business (757) 850-7425 Fax (757) 850-5395 | http://jon.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ Kimberly Sorrell ksorrell@hampton.k12.va.us 850-7425 Kecoughtan High School | 522 Woodland Road, Hampton, VA 23669 | Warriors Business (757) 850-5000 Fax (757) 850-5153 | http://khs.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ Percy Gregory Phil Smith pmgregory@hampton.k12.va.us 848-2119 Technical Drawing, Intro to Engineering, Geospatial Technology pjsmith@hampton.k12.va.us 848-2118 Technical Drawing, Engr Drawing, Architecture Charles Corbin retired ? Page 14 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Hampton City Lindsay Middle School | 1636 Briarfield Road, Hampton, VA 23661 | Lions Business (757) 825-4560 Fax (757) | http://lin.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ Charles Casey ccasey@hampton.k12.va.us Intro to Technology, Inventions & Innovations, Technological Systems Phoebus High School | 100 Ireland Street, Hampton, VA 23663 | Phantoms Business (757) 727-1000 Fax ( ) | http://phs.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ Charles Cherry Michael Evans ccherry@hampton.k12.va.us Tech Draw, Arch Draw, Engr Draw mevans@hampton.k12.va.us Principles of Engineering Engineering Design & Development Digital Electronics David Hotler Michelle Wheat dhotler@hampton.k12.va.us VTEEA President 2012-2013 mwheat@hampton.k12.va.us Comm Systems, Image Tech Don Williams Ruben Daniel, retired dawilliams@hampton.k12.va.us Robotics I & II, Intro to Engr Computer Integrated Manufacturing Page 15 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Hampton City Spratley Gifted Center | 330 Woodland Road, Hampton, VA 23663 | Saints Business (757) 850-5032 Fax ( ) | http://spr.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/index.html Danna Newcomer dnewcomer@hampton.k12.va.us Gifted Technology Education Thomas Eaton Fundamental Middle School | 2108 Cunningham Drive, Hampton, VA 23666 | Eagles | Business (757) 825-4540 Fax (757)825-4551 | http://eat.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/ Steve Weitlich @hampton.k12.va.us Inventions & Innovations Isle of Wright County Isle of Wright Public Schools | PO Box 78, 820 W Main St., Isle of Wright, VA 23397 | Business (757) 365-1602 Fax (757) 357-0849 | http://www.iwcs.k12.va.us Ms. Reuben A Johns, Coordinator of Instruction rjohns@iwcs.k12.va.us Smithfield High School | 14171 Turner Drive, Smithfield, VA 23430 | Packers Business (757) 357-3108 Fax (757) 357-7253 | http://shs.iwcs.k12.va.us/ Benjamin Tripp btripp@iwcs.k12.va.us Principle of Technology Page 16 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Isle of Wright County Smithfield Middle School | 14175 Turner Drive, Smithfield, VA 23430 | Panthers Business (757) 357-3021 Fax (757) 357-2602 | http://sms.iwcs.k12.va.us/ Bernard Bailey bbailey@iwcs.k12.va.us Intro to Technology, Tech 2000 Windsor High School | 24 Church Street, Windsor, VA 23487 | Dukes Business (757) 242-6172 Fax (757) 242-4948 | http://whs.iwcs.k12.va.us/ No Technology Education classes identified Windsor Middle School | 23320 North Court Street, Windsor, VA 23487 | Wildcats Business (757) 242-3229 Fax (757) 242-3405 | http://wms.iwcs.k12.va.us/ No Technology Education classes identified King & Queen County King & Queen Public Schools | PO Box 97, King & Queen, VA 23085 | Business (804) 785-5795 Fax (804) 785-5686 | http://www.kqps.net/ Dr. Kim Allen, Director Curriculum & Instruction kallen@kqps.net Central High School | 17024 The Trail, King and Queen Court House, VA 23805 | Royal Tiger Business (804) 785-6102 Fax (804) 785-5129 http://www.kqps.net/s-chs/index.html Reginald Brown, CTE Administrator rbrown@kqps.net BTD, Principle of Technology I & II, Computer Systems .King George County King George Public Schools | 9100 St. Anthony’s Rd., King George, VA 22485 Business (540) 775-5833 Fax (540) 775-5345 | http://www.kgcs.k12.va.us/ Kristine Hill, Coordinator Curriculum and Instruction – Federal Programs khill@kgcs.k12.va.us Kim Truslow, Assistant Principal and CTE Administrator King George High School ktruslow@kgcs.k12.va.us Page 17 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM King George High School | 8246 Dahlgren Rd., King George, VA 22485 | Foxes Business (540) 775-3535 | Fax (540) 775-5345| http://www.kgcs.k12.va.us/kghs No Technology Education classes identified King George Middle School | 8246 Dahlgren Rd., King George, VA 22485 | Foxes Business (540) 775-2331 | Fax (540) 775-0263| http://www.kgcs.k12.va.us/kghs No Technology Education classes identified King William County King William County School Board | P.O. Box185, King William, VA 23086 Business 804-769-3434 ext. 506 Fax (804) 769-3312 | http://www.kwcps.k12.va.us/ Jeffrey M. Oberg, Assistant Principal King William High School joberg@kwcps.k12.va.us Joseph Harper, CTE Department Coordinator jharper@kwcps.k12.va.us Stacy Johnson, Asst. Superintendent of Instruction sjohnson@kwcps.k12.va.us King William High School | 80 Cavalier Drive, King William, VA 23086 | Cavaliers Business (804) 769-2708 Fax (804) 769-2430 | http://www.kwcps.k12.va.us/school_home.aspx?schoolid=1 No Technology Education classes identified Hamilton Holmes Middle School | 18444 King William Road, King William, VA 23086 | mascot Business (804) 769-3316 Fax (804) 769-4520 | http://www.kwcps.k12.va.us/school_home.aspx?schoolid=2 Amy Ambrose aambrose@kwcps.k12.va.us Synergistic Lab, Intro to Technology Intro to Robotics Lancaster County Lancaster County Public Schools | P.O. Box 2000, Kilmarnock, VA 22482 | Business (804) 435-3183 Fax (804) 435-3309 | http://www.lcs.k12.va.us/Index.htm Dan Russell, CTE Administrator Lancaster County School Board Office drussell@lcs.k12.va.us Lancaster Middle School | 191 School Street, Box 1927, Kilmarnock, VA 22482 | Red Devils Business (804) 435-1681 Fax (804) 435-0589| http://www.lcs.k12.va.us/lms/ No Technology Education classes identified Lancaster High School | 8815 Mary Ball Road, PO Box 790, Lancaster, VA 22503 | Red Devil Business (804) 462-5177 Fax (804) 462-5174 | http://www.lcs.k12.va.us/lhs/ No Technology Education classes identified Page 18 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Mathews County Mathews County Public Schools | PO Box 369, Mathews, VA 23109 | Business (804) 725-3909 Fax (804) 725-3951 | http://www.mathews.k12.va.us/ Nancy B. Welch, Assistant Superintendent nwelch@mathews.k12.va.us Albert Green, Principal Mathews High School agreen@mathews.k12.va.us Mathews High School | 9889 Buckley Hall Road, Mathews, VA 23109 | Blue Devils Business (804) 725-3702 Fax (804) 725-5778 | http://www.mathews.k12.va.us/mhs/index.html Vanessa Barger vbarger@mathews.k12.va.us Tech Drawing & Design Graphic Comm., Print Tech I & II Thomas Hunter Middle School | 387 Church St., Mathews, Virginia 23109 | Seahawks Business (804) 725-2434 Fax (804) 725-2337 | http://www.mathews.k12.va.us/thms/index.html Elliott Riddick, retired .Middlesex County Middlesex County Public Schools | Central Office, PO Box 205, 2911 General Puller Hwy., Saluda, VA 23149 | Business (804) 758-2277 Fax (804) 758-3727 | http://www.mcps.k12.va.us/ Melvina Robinson, CTE Director mrobinson@mcps.k12.va.us Carl McWhorter, CTE Director Middlesex High School cmcwhorter@mcps.k12.va.us Chesapeake Bay Governor's School | PO Box 756, Tappahannock, VA 22560 | Business (804) 443-0267 Fax (804) 443-4498 | http://www.cbgs.k12.va.us/ No Technology Education classes identified Middlesex Elementary School | P.O. Box 375, 823 Philpot Road, Locust Hill, Va 23092 Business (804) 758-2496 Fax (804) 758-2369 | http://mes.mcps.k12.va.us/ 2005 Virginia Technology Education Association Program of the Year Page 19 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM .Middlesex County Middlesex High School | PO Box 206, 454 General Puller Highway, Saluda, VA 23149 | Chargers | Business (804) 758-2132 Fax (804) 758-2873 | http://www.mcps.k12.va.us/Schools/Middlesex-High-School/Home.aspx Michael Pierce mpierce@mcps.k12.va.us Tech Foundations St. Clare Walker Middle School | 6418 General Puller Hwy, Locust Hill, VA 23092 | Hawks Business (804) 758-2561 ext. 3416 Fax (804) 758-0834 | http://www.mcps.k12.va.us/Schools/St-Clare-Middle-School/Home 1995 Virginia Technology Education Association Program of the Year (Kevin M. Rose) Matthew Short Jason Perry, retired mshort@mcps.k12.va.us 2001 VTEA Teacher of the Year Intro to Technology, Inventions & Innovations, Technological Systems Newport News City Newport News City Public Schools | 12465 Warwick Blvd., Newport News, VA 23606 Business (757) 283-7850 ext.10226 Fax (757) 595-2017 | http://sbo.nn.k12.va.us/index.shtml Dr. Crystal Taylor, Instructional Supervisor for CTE crystal.taylor@nn.k12.va.us Kristy Hopkins kristy.hopkins@nn.k12.va.us Booker T. Washington Middle School | 3700 Chestnut Avenue, Newport News, VA 23607 | Business (757) 928-6860 Fax (757) 247-1119 | http://washington.nn.k12.va.us/ Marine Science & Pre-Advanced Placement Magnet Page 20 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Newport News City Crittenden Middle School | 6158 Jefferson Avenue, Newport News, VA 23605 | Cougars Business (757) 591-4900 Fax (757) 838-8261 | http://cms.nn.k12.va.us/ Math, Science & Technology Magnet Dwayne Banks dwayne.banks@nn.k12.va.us Introduction to Technology, Inventions and Innovations, and Technological Systems Denbigh High School | 259 Denbigh Blvd., Newport News, VA 23602 | Patriots Business (757) 886-7700 Fax (757) 872-6542 | http://denbigh.nn.k12.va.us/ John Stork john.stork@nn.k12.va.us Engineering Drawing, Basic Technical Drawing, Architectural Drawing Ethel M. Gildersleeve Middle School | 1 Minton Drive, Newport News, VA 23606 | Seahawks Business (757) 591-4862 Fax (757) 596-2059 | http://gildersleeve.nn.k12.va.us/ Salma Manuel salma.manuel@nn.k12.va.us George J. McIntosh Elementary School | 185 Richneck Road, Newport News, VA 23608 | Business (757) 886-7767 Fax (757) 989-0326 | http://mcintosh.nn.k12.va.us/ 1995 Virginia Technology Education Association Program of the Year (Mary Ann Hutchinson, Principal) Page 21 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Newport News City Heritage High School | 5800 Marshall Avenue, Newport News, VA 23605 | Hurricanes Business (757) 928-6100 Fax (757) 247-9058 | http://heritage.nn.k12.va.us/ Heritage High School is home to the Engineering and Technology Magnet as well as the University Magnet. James Kennedy Chinell Little James.Jennedy@nn.k12.va.us Chinell.Little@nn.k12.va.us Mark Marioneaux mark.marioneaux@nn.k12.va.us Chris Taylor Chris.Taylor@nn.k12.va.us Sarah Lawrence, retired Holmer L. Hines Middle School | 561 McLawhorne Drive, Newport News, VA 23601 | Trojans Business (757) 591-4878 Fax (757) 591-0119 | http://hines.nn.k12.va.us/ Latrice Christian Latrice.Christian@nn.k12.va.us Introduction to Technology, Inventions and Innovations, and Technological Systems Huntington Middle School | 3401 Orcutt Ave., Newport News, VA 23607 | Vikings Business (757) 928-6846 Fax (757) 245-8451 | http://huntington.nn.k12.va.us/ Arts and Communications Magnet Salma Manuel salma.manuel@nn.k12.va.us Page 22 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Newport News City J.M. Dozier Middle School | 432 Industrial Park Drive, Newport News, VA 23608 | Dragons Business (757) 888-3300 Fax (757) 887-3662 | http://dozier.nn.k12.va.us/ Latrice Christian latrice.christian@nn.k12.va.us Introduction to Technology, Inventions and Innovations, and Technological Systems Kiln Creek Elementary School | 1501 Kiln Creek Parkway, Newport News, VA 23602 | Kangaroo Business (757) 886-7961 Fax (757) 989-0153 | http://kilncreek.nn.k12.va.us/ Linda Davis 2007 VTEA Teacher of the Year Mary Passage Middle School | 400 Atkinson Way, Newport News, VA 23608 | Pathfinders (compass rose) | Business (757) 886-7600 Fax (757) 886-7661 | http://passage.nn.k12.va.us/ Nicole Edwards-Harris Nicole.Edwards@nn.k12.va.us Intro to Technology, Inventions & Innovations, Technological Systems Menchville High School| 275 Menchville Road, Newport News, VA 23602 | Monarchs Business (757) 886-7722 Fax (757) 875-0648 | http://mville.nn.k12.va.us/ Wardell Boyle wardell.boyle@nn.k12.va.us Engineering Drawing, Basic Technical Drawing and Mechanical Drawing Newsome Park Elementary School | 4200 Marshall Ave., Newport News, VA 23607 | Business (757) 928-6810 Fax (757) 247-3218 | http://npes.nn.k12.va.us/ Math, Science, and Technology Magnet School 2003 Virginia Technology Education Association Program of the Year (Peter D. Bender) Reservoir Middle School | 15638 Warwick Boulevard, Newport News, VA 23608 | Rams Business (757) 888-3310 Fax (757) 888-2066 | Was closed down in 2009 Page 23 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Newport News City Warwick High School | 51 Copeland Lane, Newport News, VA 23601 | Raiders Business (757) 591-4700 Fax (757) 596-7415 | http://warwick.nn.k12.va.us/ No Technology Education classes identified Woodside High School | 13450 Woodside Lane, Newport News, VA 23608 | Wolverines Business (757) 886-7530 Fax (757) 877-0480 | http://woodside.nn.k12.va.us/ Bob George bob.george@nn.k12.va.us Engineering Drawing, Basic Technical Drawing and Architectural Drawing Norfolk City st Norfolk City Public Schools | 922 West 21 Street, Norfolk, VA 23517 Business (757) 628-3956 Fax (757) 628-3821 | http://www.nps.k12.va.us/ Kenyetta A. Goshen Interim Senior Director of Career and Technical Education & Adult Education Services kgoshen@nps.k12.va.us Michelle Poole mpoole2@nps.k12.va.us Ms. Barbara Simmons, CTE Senior Director bsimmons@nps.k12.va.us Teresa Madigan, CTE Teacher Specialist tmadiga@nps.k12.va.us Tyronne Goodman, retired Azalea Gardens Middle School | 7721 Azalea Garden Road, Norfolk, VA 23518 | Rockets Business (757) 531-3000 Fax (757) 531-3013 | http://schools.nps.k12.va.us/agms/ No Technology Education classes identified Page 24 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Norfolk City Blair Middle School | 703 Spotswood Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23517 | Home of the Clippers Business (757) 628-2400 Fax | http://schools.nps.k12.va.us/bms Paul Abramson Nanette Dean 2004 VTEA Teacher of the Year pabramso@nps.k12.va.us Intro to Technology 2006 VTEA Teacher of the Year ndean@nps.k12.va.us Intro to Technology Booker T. Washington High School | 1111 Park Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23504 | Indians Business (757) 628-3575 Fax (757) 628-3566 | http://schools.nps.k12.va.us/btw/ Kevin Stiff kstiff@nps.k12.va.us Tech Drawing & Design, Arch Draw, Principles of Technology I/II Granby High School | 7101 Grandy Street, Norfolk, VA 23505 | Comets Business (757) 451-4110 X1058 Fax (757) 451-4118 | http://schools.nps.k12.va.us/ghs/ Jordan Crawford jcrawford@nps.k12.va.us Engineering Exploration, Engineering Studies Terry Beddow tbeddow@nps.k12.va.us VTEEA Exec/Treasurer 2014-present Tech Draw & Design, Engr Draw & Design, Arch Draw & & Design, Engineering Exploration Roger R. Lagesse rlagesse@nps.k12.va.us Basic Electronics, Adv Engr, Tech Draw, Intro to Engr., Engr Draw, Tech Assessment Page 25 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Norfolk City Lake Taylor High School | 1384 Kempsville Road, Norfolk, VA 23502 | Titans Business (757) 892-3200 Fax (757) 892-3210 | http://schools.nps.k12.va.us/lths/ Cara Kimball Rodrick Barnes ckimball@nps.k12.va.us Principles of Technology I & II, Electronics Technology I & II, Engineering Exploration/Studies rabarnes@nps.k12.va.us Engineering Exploration, Tech Draw & Design, Engineering Drawing & Design Lake Taylor Middle School | 1380 Kempsville Road, Norfolk, VA 23502| Vikings Business (757) 892-3230 Fax (757) 892-3240 | http://schools.nps.k12.va.us/ltms/ William Turner wturner@nps.k12.va.us Intro to Technology Maury High School | 322 Shirley Ave., Norfolk, VA 233517 | Commodores Business (757) 628-3344 Fax (757) 628-3359 | http://schools.nps.k12.va.us/mhs/ 1999 Virginia Technology Education Association Program of the Year (Duane Bushy) Briana Stiff bsmith@nps.k12.va.us Technical Drawing and Design Architectural Drawing and Design Page 26 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Norfolk City Northside Middle School | 8720 Granby St., Norfolk, VA 23503 | Home of the Stars Business (757) 531-3159 Fax (757) 531-3144 | http://schools.nps.k12.va.us/nsms/ 2002 Virginia Technology Education Program of the Year Keith Collison Roger Dowe, retired 2003 VTEA Teacher of the Year ktcollison@nps.k12.va.us Intro to Technology, Technological Systems, Technology Foundations Norview High School | 6501 Chesapeake Boulevard, Norfolk, VA 23513 | Pilots Business (757) 852-4500 Fax (757) 852-4511 | http://ww2.nps.k12.va.us/education/school/school.php?sectiondetailid=368 The Leadership Center for Sciences and Engineering Edward Boffman eaboffma@nps.k12.va.us Tech Drawing & Design Engr Drawing & Design Karl Meister krcollin@nps.k12.va.us Engineering Exploration Engineering Studies Samuel Danquah sdanquah@nps.k12.va.us Materials and Processes Robotics & Auto Systems Brandyn Green bgreen@nps.k12.va.us Digital Visualization Modeling and Simulation Norview Middle School | 6325 Sewells Point Road, Norfolk, VA 23513 | Navigators Business (757) 852-4600 Fax | http://schools.nps.k12.va.us/nms/ Christopher Garris cgarris@nps.k12.va.us Intro to Technology Page 27 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Norfolk City Academy of International Studies at Rosemont |, 610 May Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23503 | Business (757) 628-2466 Fax (757) 628-2465 | http://www.nps.k12.va.us/ Alex Witowski awitowsk@nps.k12.va.us Electronics I Norfolk Technical Center | 1330 Military Highway, Norfolk, VA 23502 | Business (757) 892-3300 Fax (757) 892-3305 http://departments.nps.k12.va.us/oar/norstar/ Rick Dyer Sam Richards VTEA President 2008-2009 rdyer@nps.k12.va.us sjrichards@nps.k12.va.us Electronics/Industrial Robotics Willard Model Elementary School | 1511 Willow Drive, Norfolk, VA 23509 | Sharks Business (757) 628-2721 Fax (757) 628-3997 | http://ww2.nps.k12.va.us/education/school/school.php?sectionid=49 1995 Virginia Technology Education Association Program of the Year (Dr. Lillian M. Brinkley, Principal) Northampton County Northampton County | 7207 Young St., Machipongo, VA 23406 | Business (757) 678-5151 Fax (757) 678-7267 | http://www.ncpsk12.com Jennifer Kidwell Northampton High School jkidwell@ncpsk12.com Northhampton High School | 16041 Courthouse Rd., PO Box 38, Eastville, VA 23347 | Yellow Jackets | Business (757) 678-8040 ext. 4056 Fax (757) 678-5244 | http://www.ncpsk12.com/NorthamptonHigh.cfm?subpage=162614 No Technology Education Classes CTE Center for Careers and Technology | 16041 Courthouse Road, Eastville, VA 23347 | Yellow Jackets Business (757) 678-8040 Fax (757) 678-5244 | http://www.cte.ncps.k12.va.us/index.html No Technology Education Classes Page 28 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Poquoson City Poquoson City Public Schools | 500 City Hall Ave., Poquoson, VA 23662 | Business (757) 868-3055 Fax (757) 868-3107 | http://www.poquoson.k12.va.us/ Jennifer B. Romanelli, Teacher Instructional Specialist, Technology Education Teacher Poquoson High School Jennifer.Romanelli@poquoson.k12.va.us Poquoson High School | 51 Odd Road, Poquoson, VA 23662 | Islanders Business (757) 868-7123 Fax (757) 868-3141| http://www.phs.poquoson.org/pages/Poquoson_High_School Matthew Pohlman Matthew.Pohlman@poquoson.k12.va.us Jennifer Romanelli Jennifer.Romanelli@poquoson.k12.va.us Ed Spain, retired Poquoson Middle School | 985 Poquoson Avenue, Poquoson, VA 23663 | Business (757) 868-6031 Fax | http://www.poquoson.k12.va.us/pms/ Sally Lovell Sally.Lovell@poquoson.k12.va.us Intro to Technology Portsmouth City Portsmouth City Public Schools | PO Box 998, Portsmouth, VA 23705-0998 Business (757) 393-8869 Fax (757) 393-5238 | http://pps.k12.va.us/ Michael (Craig) Hill, Coordinator Office of Career and Technical Education michael.hill@pps.k12.va.us Lisa Harrell, Career and Technical Education Associate lisa.harrell@pps.k12.va.us Page 29 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Portsmouth City Churchland High School | 4301 Cedar Lane, Portsmouth, VA 23703-2074 | Truckers Business (757) 686-2500 Fax (757) 686-2504 | http://chs.ppsk12.us Ray McGinley Henry Broady Raymond.McGinley@pps.k12.va.us Communications Systems Henry.Broady@pps.k12.va.us Technical Drawing Churchland Middle School | 4051 Rivershore Rd., Portsmouth, VA 23703 | Truckers Business (757) 686-2512 Fax (757) 686-2515 | http://chms.ppsk12.us/ No Technology Education classes identified Cradock Middle School | 21 Alden Road, Portsmouth, VA 23702-2268 | Anchors Business (757) 393-8788 Fax (757) 393-5020 | http://cms.ppsk12.us/ No Technology Education classes identified I.C. Norcom High School | 1801 London Boulevard, Portsmouth, VA 23320 | Greyhounds Business (757) 393-5442 Fax (757) 393-5449 | http://nhs.ppsk12.us/ Johnie Hopkins Sidney McDonald Johnie.Hopkins@pps.k12.va.us Tech Drawing & Design Sidney.McDonald@pps.k12.va.us Marvin Leathers, Retired Charles Nixon, Retired William E. Waters Middle School | 600 Roosevelt Blvd., Portsmouth, VA 23701-4021 | Cavaliers Business (757) 558-2813 Fax (757) 558-2829 | http://pps.k12.va.us/schools/middle_schools/we_waters/default.aspx?id=883 No Technology Education classes identified Woodrow Wilson High School | 1401 Elmhurst Lane, Portsmouth, VA 23701-1725 | Business (757) 465-2907 Fax (757) 405-1335 | http://wwhs.ppsk12.us/ Roger Smith roger.smith@pps.k12.va.us Principles of Technology I Page 30 of 48 Ross Creecy ross.creecy@pps.k12.va.us Communication Systems, Graphic Communication Systems Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Southampton County Southampton County Public Schools | 23450 Southampton Pwky., Courtland, VA 23837 Business (757) 653-9170 Fax (757) 653-9404 | http://www.southampton.k12.va.us/ Southampton Technical Career Center | 23450 Southampton Pkwy., Courtland, VA 23837 | Business (757) 653-9170 Fax (757) 653-9404 | http://schools.southampton.k12.va.us/education/components/scrapbook/default.php?sectiondetail id=5261& Linda J. Adams, Supervisor of Technical Career Education: ladams@southampton.k12.va.us Southampton High School | 23350 Southampton Parkway, Courtland, VA 23837 | Indians Business (757) 653-9170 Fax (757) 653-9404| http://schools.southampton.k12.va.us/education/school/school.php?sectionid=6&PHPSESSID=53 b167158f2a76cd1b87b4bf17c5066e Lionel Morgan lmorgan@southampton.k12.va.us Arch Drawing & Design Engr Draw, Tech Draw, Southampton Middle School | 23450 Southampton Parkway, Courtland, Virginia 23837 Business (757) 653-9250 Fax (757) 653-7251 | http://schools.southampton.k12.va.us/education/components/layout/default.php?sectiondetailid=1 4264 Lionel Morgan lmorgan@southampton.k12.va.us Intro to Tech, Tech Draw Page 31 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Suffolk City Suffolk Public Schools | 100 N. Main St., PO Box 1549, Suffolk, VA 23434-1549 Business (757) 925-6750 Fax (757) 925-6751 | http://www.sps.k12.va.us/home/admin.htm Gail V. Bess, Coordinator of Career and Technical Education & Adult Education gaibess@spsk12.net Forest Glen Middle School | 200 Forest Glen Drive, Suffolk, VA 23434 | Wildcats Business (757) 925-5780 Fax (757) 925-5557 | http://fgms.spsk12.net/ Debra Shapiro debshapiro@spsk12.net Intro to Technology, Technological Systems John F. Kennedy Middle School | 2325 East Washington Street, Suffolk, VA 23434 | Wolverines | Business (757) 934-6212 Fax (757)925-5594 | http://jfkms.spsk12.net/ San Antonio Crosby Sam Hargrove, retired sanantoniocrosby@spsk12.net Intro to Technology John Yeates Middle School | 4901 Bennett's Pasture Road, Suffolk, VA 23435 | Chargers Business (757) 923-4105 Fax (757) 538-5416 | http://jyms.spsk12.net/ Alton Christmas altchristmas@spsk12.net Intro to Technology, Technological Systems Page 32 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Suffolk City King’s Fork High School | 351 King's Ford Road, Suffolk, VA 23434 | Bulldogs Business (757) 923-5240 Fax (757) 923-5242 | http://kfhs.spsk12.net/ Kira Lowe Todd Gidley kiralowe@spsk12.va.us bounced Engineering Drawing, Computer Animation toddgidley@spsk12.net Basic Technical Drawing, Architectural Drawing, Communication Systems Has one open position! , King's Ford Middle School | 350 King's Fork Road, Suffolk, VA 23434 | Jaguars Business (757) 923-5246 Fax (757) 925-5754 | http://kfms.spsk12.net/ open position Lakeland High School | 214 Kenyon Road, Suffolk, VA 23434 | Cavalier Business (757) 925-5790 Fax (757) 925-5599 | http://lhs.spsk12.net/ Emmitt (Connor) Gardner Larry Capps emmgardner@spsk12.net larrycapps@spsk.net Basic Tech Draw, Engr Drawing, Arch Drawing Tech Foundations, Tech Transfer Amos Peterson amopeterson@spsk12.net John Monroe, retired 1994 VTEA Teacher of the Year Computer Animation, Graphic Communications Communication Systems Tech Foundations Page 33 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Suffolk City Nansemond River High School | 3301 Nansemond Parkway, Suffolk, VA 23435 | Warriors Business (757) 923-4101 Fax (757) 538-5430 | http://nrhs.spsk12.net/ Dawn Rountree dawnrountree@spsk12.net Computer Animation, PLTW Engineering Robotics Nathan Rountree nathanrountree@spsk.12.net Comm Systems, Graph Comm, Tech Foundations, Tech Trans Dwight Dodson dwightdodson@spsk12.net Engineering Drawing Architectural Drawing Pruden Center for Industry / Technology | 4169 Pruden Blvd, Suffolk. VA 23434 Business (757) 925-5651 Fax (757) 925-5639 | http://www.prudencenter.net/ No Technology Education classes identified Virginia Beach City Virginia Beach City Public Schools | 2512 George Mason Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Business (757) 473-5671 Fax (757) 473-5673 | http://www.vbschools.com/ Dr. Pat Konopnicki, Director, Office of Technical and Career patrick.konopnicki@vbschools.com Karen Boone, Administrative Office Associate II, Karen.boone@vbschools.com 757.648.6180 /757.468.4234 Dr. Sara Lockett, Administrative Coordinator Sara.Lockett@vbschools.com Dr. Charles C. Hurd, Coordinator Engineering/ Technology Education Charles.Hurd@vbschools.com Page 34 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Virginia Beach City Advanced Technology Center | 1800 College Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA 23453 Business (757) 468-2037 Fax (757) 468-4233 | http://www.vbatc.com/vbindex.html Jason Baker Philip Samotus Jason.Baker@vbschools.com Engineering Technology Philip.Samotus@vbschools.com Geospatial Technology Modeling & Simulation James Reich Andrew Smith James.Reich@vbschools.com Engineering Design / Marine Engineering and Design AndrewL.Smith@vbschools.com Engineering Design/ Architectural Design John Ledgerwood, retired Ronald Garrison, retired Bill Jackson, retired Bayside High School | 4960 Haygood Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23455 | Marlins Business (757) 473-5050 Fax (757) 473-5123 | http://www.baysidehs.vbschools.com/ Stephen Baird Paul Beck Stephen.Baird@vbschools.com Construction Tech, Photography / Screen Printing, Electronics I & II Computers & Communication Tech Paul.Beck@vbschools.com Construction Technology, Basic Technical Drawing Joe Belcher Joe.Belcher@vbschools.com Photography/Screen Printing Computers & Comm Tech Basic Technical Drawing Advanced Drawing Benedict (Ben) Q. Spady Benedict.Spady@vbschools.com Materials Technology I & II Computers & Comm Tech Intro to Engineering Robert Smith retired Page 35 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Virginia Beach City Bayside Middle School | 965 Newtown Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 | Raiders Business (540) 473-5080 x60496 Fax (757) 473-5185 | http://www.baysidems.vbschools.com/ Michael Hyman Joe Belcher Michael.Hyman@vbschools.com Intro to Technology, Inventions & Innovations, Technological Systems JoeH.Belcher@vbschools.com Brandon Middle School | 1700 Pope Street, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23464 | Chargers Business (757) 366-4545 Fax (757) 366-4550 | http://www.brandonms.vbschools.com/ Danny Rhudy Dan.Rhudy@vbschools.com Intro to Technology Corporate Landing Middle School | 1597 Corporate Landing Pkwy., Virginia Beach, VA 23454 | Jets | Business (757) 437-6199 ext. 60864 Fax (757) 437-6487 | http://www.corporatelandingms.vbschools.com/ Adam Honeycutt Adam.Honeycutt@vbschools.com Intro to Technology, Inventions & Innovations, Technological systems First Colonial High School | 1272 Mill Dam Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-2322 | Patriots Business (757) 496-6711 Fax (757) 496-6719 | http://www.firstcolonialhs.vbschools.com/ Charles Thomas Charles.Thomas@vbschools.com Page 36 of 48 David Frazier David.Frazier@vbschools.com Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Virginia Beach City Adam Roth Sam Scarborough Adam.Roth@vbschools.com Samuel.Scarborough@vbschools.com Floyd E. Kellam High School | 2323 Holland Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23453-3599 | Knights Business (757) 427-3232 Fax (757) 427-6265 | http://www.kellamhs.vbschools.com/ Timothy F. Kennedy Timothy.Kennedy@VBSchools.com Communication Technology Photo/Print, Small Engines Randy Rivers RandolphW.Rivers@VBSchools.com Comm Systems Photography George Brown Damarie Lopez-Troche George.Brown@vbschools.com Damarie.Lopez-Troche@vbschools.com Frank W. Cox High School | 2425 Shorehaven Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-1749 | Falcons Business (757) 496-6767 Fax (757) 496-6731 | http://www.coxhs.vbschools.com/ Donald Bouch Anthony Alfonsi donald.bouch@vbschools.com Anthony.Alfonsi@vbschools.com Energy & Power, Power and Transportation Michele Gagliardi Charles Thomas Michele.Gagliardi@vbschools.com Drawing, Communications, Electronics CHARLES.THOMAS@vbschools.com Electronics I Harry S. Logan, retired Mike Weirich, retired Page 37 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Virginia Beach City Great Neck Middle School | 1848 Great Neck Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23454 | Stingrays Business (757) 496-6770 Fax (757) 496-6774 | http://www.greatneckms.vbschools.com/ Douglas Crawford douglas.crawford2@vbschools.com Intro to Technology Green Run High School | 1700 Dahlia Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23453-2199 | Stallions Business (757) 648-5350 Fax (757) 431-4153 | http://www.greenrunhs.vbschools.com/ Maurice Glenn Syvonnie M. Preston maurice.glenn@vbschools.com Electronic Systems I Computer/Communications, syvonnie.preston@vbschools.com Photography /Printing, Graphic Communications Lewis A. Boone, retired Independence Middle School | 1370 Dunstan Lane, Virginia Beach, VA 23455-4960 | Eagles Business (757) 460-7500 Fax (757) 460-0508 | http://www.independencems.vbschools.com/ John Davis Theo Eysenbach retired John.Davis3@vbschools.com Intro to Tech, Inventions & Innovations Kemps Landing Magnet School | 4722 Jericho Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 | Phoenix Business (757) 473-5665 Fax (757) 473-5106 | http://www.kempslanding.vbschools.com/ No Technology Education classes Kempsville High School | 5194 Chief Trail, Virginia Beach, VA 23464-2796 | Chiefs Business (757) 474-8400 Fax (757) 474-8404 | http://www.kempsvillehs.vbschools.com/ Barry Garvin Eric Nestor Barry.Garvin@vbschools.com Construction, Electronics, Production Page 38 of 48 Eric.Nestor@vbschools.com Construction Technology Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Virginia Beach City Gary Ward Michael Royal, retired John Zadell, retired Gary.Ward@vbschools.com Comm Systems Kempsville Middle School | 860 Churchill Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464-2905 | Braves Business (757) 474-8444 Fax (757) 474-8449 | http://www.kempsvillems.vbschools.com/ Michael Tunney michael.tunney@vbschools.com Landstown High School and Technology Academy | 2001 Concert Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 | Eagles Business (757) 468-3800 Fax (757) 468-1860 | http://www.landstownhs.vbschools.com/ 2003 Virginia Technology Education Association Program of the Year (Sidney Rader, Roger Crider, Kevin Pace) Dr, Jim Barger Neal (Sandy) Alberson James.Barger@vbschools.com Intro to Electronics, Advanced Electronics Neal.AlbersonJr@vbschools.com Jennifer Mattice Brian Reynolds Jennifer.Mattice@vbschools.com Page 39 of 48 Brian.Reynolds@vbschools.com Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Virginia Beach City Mack Stevens Sid Rader, retired 1993 VTEA Teacher of the Year sarader1@cox.net Mack.Stevens@vbschools.com Prin of Technology I & II, Materials & Process Technology Landstown Middle School | 2204 Recreation Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 | Lancers Business (757) 430-2412 Fax (757) 430-3247 | http://www.landstownms.vbschools.com/ Robert Byng RobertH.Byng@vbschools.com Intro to Technology Larkspur Middle School | 4696 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 | Lions Business (757) 474-8525 Fax (757) 474-8598 | http://www.larkspurms.vbschools.com/ Anthony Goins Patrick Pugh Anthony.Goins@VBSchools.com Intro to Technology Patrick.Pugh@VBSchools.com Intro to Technology Jeffrey Forman retired Lynnhaven Middle School | 1250 Bayne Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 | Blues Business (757) 496-6790 Fax (757) 496-6793 | http://www.lynnhavenms.vbschools.com/ David Ruark David.Ruark@VBSchools.com Intro to Technology Page 40 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Virginia Beach City Ocean Lakes High School | 885 Schumann Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 | Dolphins Business (757) 648-5550 Fax (757) 721-4309 | http://www.oceanlakeshs.vbschools.com/ Tim Axley David Ruark Timothy.Axley@vbschools.com Photo/Print, Communications Tech Graphic communications, Digital Visualization Cecilia Hess David.Ruark@VBSchools.com Scott Sonier cecilia.hess@vbschools.com Communications Technology, Tech Drawing &l Drawing, Arch Drawing, Engineering Drawing. SCOTT.SONIER@vbschools.com Architectural Design and Drafting Communications Technology Engineering Design and Drafting Photography, Physics of Technology Plaza Middle School | 3080 South Lynnhaven Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 | Trojans Business (757) 431-4060 Fax (757) 431-5331 | http://www.plazams.vbschools.com/ Catherine O’Leary csoleary@vbschools.com Intro to Tech, Inventions & Innovations, Technological systems Princess Anne High School | 4400 Virginia Beach Boulevard, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-3198 | Cavalier | Business (757) 473-5000 Fax (757) 473-5004 | http://www.princessannehs.vbschools.com/ Roger Crider RogerL.Crider@vbschools.com Tech Drawing & Design, Engr Drawing Page 41 of 48 Tidewater Region Michael (Mike) Moore Michael.Moore@vbschools.com Materials & Processes Technology I, Manufacturing Tech, Construction, Small Engines revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Virginia Beach City Christopher Betza Christopher.Betza@vbschools.com Billy Buchanan, retired Bill Wilburn, retired Princess Anne Middle School | 2509 Seaboard Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23456 | Panthers Business (757) 427-5325 Fax (757) 430-0972 | http://www.princessannems.vbschools.com/ Alan Goins Alan.Goins@vbschools.com Intro to Technology Renaissance Academy | 5100 Cleveland St., Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Business (757) 648-6000 Fax (757) 473-5098 | http://www.renacademy.vbschools.com/ Randy Forbes John Devoles randall.forbes@vbschools.com Intro to Technology john.devoles@vbschools.com Salem High School | 1993 Sun Devil Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 | Sun Devils Business (757) 474-8484 Fax (757) 474-0100 | http://www.salemhs.vbschools.com/ Charles Kinnison Charles.Kinnison@vbschools.com Photography & Printing, Comm Tech, Graphic communications, Basic Tech Draw, Arch Drawing Page 42 of 48 Jeff Kline Jeffrey.Kline@vbschools.com Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Virginia Beach City Salem Middle School | 2380 Lynnhaven Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 | Sharks Business (757) 474-8411 Fax (757) 474-8467 | http://www.salemms.vbschools.com/ Mary E. Warren Mary.Warren@vbschools.com Tallwood High School | 1668 Kempsville Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 | Lions Business (757) 474-8555 Fax (757) 479-5534 | http://www.tallwoodhs.vbschools.com/ Austin Mantay Austin.Mantay@vbschools.com Electronic Systems I William (Chuck) Dyer WilliamC.Dyer@vbschools.com Communications Systems Arch Draw, Tech Drawing & Design Junius Gradney Junius.Gradney@vbschools.com Photography & Screen Printing, Computer Communications Technology, Graphic Communications Chad Rotella Chad.Rotella@vbschools.com Power & Transportation Construction Tech, Small Engine Technical & Career Education Center | 2925 North Landing Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23456 Business (757) 427-5300 Fax (757) 427-5558 | http://www.techcenter.vbschools.com/ No Technology Education Classes Identified Virginia Beach Middle School | 600 25th Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451 | Seahawks Business (757) 437-4892 Fax (757) 437-4708 | http://www.virginiabeachms.vbschools.com/ Kaitlin Beamer Kaitlin.Beamer@vbschools.com Intro to Technology, Inventions & Innovations, Technological systems Page 43 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Westmoreland County Westmoreland County Public Schools | 141 Opal Lane, Montross, VA 22520 | Business (804) 493-8018 Fax (804) 493-9323 | Patricia Long, CTE Administrator longpa@wmlcps.org David Smith, Data Specialist smithdl@wmlcps.org Montross Middle School | 884 Menokin Rd., Montross VA 22520 | Eagles Business (804) 493-9818 Fax (804) 493-0918 http://www.wmlcps.org/schools/montross/default.htm No Technology Education classes Washington & Lee High School | 16380 Kings Highway, Montross, VA 22520 | Eagles Business (804) 493-8015 Fax (804) 493-0243 http://www.wmlcps.org/schools/washandlee/default.htm No Technology Education classes West Point City West Point City Public Schools | P.O. Box T, West Point, VA 23181 | Business (804) 843-4368 Fax (804) 843-4421 | http://www.wpps.k12.va.us/site/default.aspx?PageID=1 Chris Milby, CTE Administrator I, West Point High School Cmilby@wpschools.net Linda Minor, Director of Instruction lminor@wpschools.net West Point High School | 2700 Mattaponi Ave., West Point, VA 23181| Pointers Business (804) 843-3630 Fax (804) 843-3406 | http://wphs.wpps.k12.va.us/site/default.aspx?PageID=9 2001 Virginia Technology Education Association Program of the Year Mohamad Barbarji mbarbarji@wpps.k12.va.us Past VTEA President 2002 VTEA Teacher of the year Technology Studies Douglas Hagen dhagen@wpps.k12.va.us Principles of technology I & II Geospatial Tech West Point Middle School | 1040 Thompson Ave., West Point, VA 21381 | Pointers Business (804) 843-9810 Fax (804) 843-9812 | http://wphs.wpps.k12.va.us/Domain/9 Page 44 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Williamsburg-James City County Williamsburg James City Schools | 101 D Mounts Bay Road, Williamsburg, VA 23187 | Business (757) 253-6779 Fax (757) 259-3759 | http://www.wjcc.k12.va.us/ | http://www.wjcc.k12.va.us/content/curriculum/careerteched/index.shtml Helen Manns, Coordinator for Career Readiness & 21st Century Learning MannsH@wjcc.k12.va.us Berkeley Middle School | 1118 Ironbound Rd., Williamsburg, VA 23185 | Bulldogs Business (757) 229-8051 Fax ( ) | http://www.wjcc.k12.va.us/bms/ Richard Goode gooder2@wjcc.k12.va.us Technological Systems Academy for Life and Learning | 117 Ironbound Rd., Williamsburg, VA 23185 | Business (757) 258-2875 Fax (757)258-2886 http://www.wjcc.k12.va.us/content/programs/academy/index.shtml No Technology Education classes Jamestown High School | 3751 John Tyler Highway, Williamsburg, VA 23185 | Eagles Business (757) 259-3600 Fax (757) 259-3759 | http://www.wjcc.k12.va.us/jhs/ Elizabeth (Liz) Jowett jowette@wjcc.k12.va.us Graphic Communications Systems (8494) Technical Drawing and Design (8434) Digital Visualization (8459) Tom Nuckols NuckolsT@wjcc.k12.va.us Technical Drawing & Design, Architectural Drawing & Design Intro to Engineering Lafayette High School | 4460 Longhill Road, Williamsburg, Virginia 23188 | Rams Business (757) 565-4200 Fax (757) 565-4264 | http://www.wjcc.k12.va.us/lhs/ Richard Aadahl 2004 VTEA Teacher of the Year aadahlr@wjcc.k12.va.us Digital Visualization Page 45 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM Williamsburg-James City County Lois S. Hornsby Middle School | 850 Jolly Pond Rd., Williamsburg, VA | Hawks Business (757)565-9400Fax (757) | http://www.wjcc.k12.va.us/hms/ Derek Walls wallsd@wjcc.k12.va.us Technological Systems Toano Middle School | 7817 Richmond Road, Toano Virginia 23168 | Tigers Business (757) 566-4251 Fax (757) 566-3006 | http://www.wjcc.k12.va.us/tms/ Tracy Cormier cormiert@wjcc.k12.va.us Warhill High School | 4615 Opportunity Way, Williamsburg, VA 23188 | Lions | Business (757) 565-4615 Fax (757) 565-9101 | http://www.wjcc.k12.va.us/whs/ Steve Tatum John Aughenbaugh TatumS@wjcc.k12.va.us Graphic Communications Systems Tech AughenbaughJ@wjcc.k12.va.us Architectural Drawing & Design York County York County Public Schools | 302 Dare Road, Yorktown, VA 23692 | Business (757) 898-0469 Fax (757) 890-0771 | http://yorkcountyschools.org/ Sandy Hespe, CTE contact, Instructional Spec. shespe@ycsd.york.va.us Page 46 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM York County Burton High School | 185 E. Rochambeau Dr., Williamsburg, Va. 23188 | Panthers Business (757) 220-4050 Fax (757) 220-4090 | http://www.edline.net/pages/BrutonHS Steve Colwell scolwell@ycsd.york.va.us Tech Drawing & Design, Arch Drawing Engr Drawing, Intro to Engineering Grafton High School | 403 Grafton Drive, Yorktown, VA 23692 | Clippers Business (757) 898-0530 Fax (757) 898-0533 | http://www.edline.net/pages/GraftonHS Adam Seltzer aseltzer@ycsd.york.va.us Technical Draw & Design, Engr Drawing, Arch Drawing, Comprehensive Drawing, Multimedia Communications Grafton Middle School | 405 Grafton Drive, Yorktown, VA 23692 | Clippers Business (757) 898-0525 Fax (757) 898-0534 | http://www.edline.net/pages/GMS No Technology Education classes Queens Lake Middle School | 124 Queens Drive, Williamsburg, VA 23185 | Panther Business (757) 220-4080 Fax (757) 220-4074 | http://www.edline.net/pages/QLMS No Technology Education classes Eddie Chengiah, retired Tabb High School | 4431 Big Bethel Road, Yorktown, VA 23693 | Tigers Business (757) 867-7400 Fax (757) 867-7414 | http://www.edline.net/pages/THS Robert (Bob) Brownschidle Rbrownschidle@ycsd.york.va.us Arch Drawing & Design Tech Drawing & Design, Engr Drawing Page 47 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM York County Tabb Middle School | 300 Yorktown Road, Yorktown, Virginia 23693 | Business (757) 898-0320 Fax (757) 867-7425 | http://www.edline.net/pages/TabbMS Don Todd dtodd@ycsd.york.va.us Intro to Tech, Inventions & Innovations, Technological systems York High School | 9300 George Washington Memorial Highway, Yorktown, VA 23692 | Falcons Business (757) 833-2487 Fax (757) 898-8235 | http://www.edline.net/pages/YHS John Hammons jhammons@ycsd.york.va.us Tech Drawing & Design, Arch Draw, Engr Draw, Comprehensive Drawing , Intro to Engr York River Academy | 9300 George Washington Highway, Yorktown, VA 23692 | Business (757) 898-0516 Fax ( ) | http://www.edline.net/pages/YRA No Technology Education classes Yorktown Middle School | 11201 George Washington Memorial Hwy, Yorktown, VA 23692 | Falcons Business (757) 898-0360 Fax (757) 833-5257 | http://www.edline.net/pages/YMS Vincent Hundley vhundley@ycsd.york.va.us Exploratory Technology, Inventions & Innovations Page 48 of 48 Tidewater Region revised 4/28/2015, 3:37:15 PM
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