June 2016 - Kingston Chase


June 2016 - Kingston Chase
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June 2016
Kingston Chase Crier
Vol. 16: Issue No: 06
A KCHOA Publication
June 2016
Earth Day in Kingston Chase
he Kingston Chase Conservation Corps celebrated its 5th
annual Earth Day in Kingston Chase event on April 23rd
with a plant and seed giveaway, eco-crafts, and even organic
treats for the dogs! The winning photographs from the 2015
“Nature in Kingston Chase” photography contest were unveiled and are on display in the clubhouse for the next 12
Also on hand at Earth Day was a representative from Virginia
Green Baggers, a volunteer group who sew reusable grocery
bags and distribute them for free. All bags are unique and
made with donated fabric scraps that are sewn by volunteers.
Virginia Green Baggers have distributed over 1,000 bags so
far! Also, the organization is always looking for volunteers to
help cut, sew, or donate fabric! Please e-mail Helene Shore at
teachhss@aol.com or call her at 703-861-6638.
Pictured above are Helene Shore of Virginia Green Baggers (at
left) and Christine Auslander, who signed the pledge to reduce
plastic bag use and took home a free reusable shopping bag.
Congratulations to Joel Ross who won the raffle for a $25 gift
certificate to MOM’s Organic Market!
Report Road Hazards to VDoT
By Pete Banks, Neighborhood Watch
he Virginia Department of Transportation (VDoT)
has made it easy to report road hazards. Simply go to
my.vdot.virginia.gov and respond according to the available categories. The categories include: (1) I need a road
repaired; (2) I need something removed from a road; (3) I
need signs or traffic devices repaired; (4) I need new signs
or traffic devices installed; (5) I need information; or (6) I
want to submit a claim. You may also upload a picture of
the problem. If it is easier, feel free to call 800-367-7623.
If you are near the hazard you can even do this on a
SmartPhone and use geolocation. As an example, let’s say
you are on Builders Road near Fantasia Drive and happen
to see, what appears to be, a pothole. (Believe it or not,
there are some jurisdictions that use pictures of potholes
as traffic calming devices.) From home, or elsewhere, go
to the website, check the problem, enter the address, done.
This is a useful resource for reporting road hazards, so
please keep it in mind when you encounter a problem on
the road that requires the attention of VDoT.
Adult Pool Party to be held in July
ingston Chase will holds its annual Adult Pool Party on
Saturday, July 16th, from 7:00 p.m. until midnight. Mark
your calendar and plan to attend this fun and much-anticipated
event. The theme will be “Carnival” and the food will include
carnival and fairground selections. The Guntson Manor Band
will be on-hand to entertain the guests and there will be an
open bar in addition to the all-you-can-eat food. More information, including ticket sales, will be in the July Crier and
online at www.kchoa.org.
Reserving the Clubhouse
o reserve the Kingston Chase Clubhouse for your small
party or meeting, please contact Lydia by e-mail at
info@kchoa.org. To assist in planning, visit the Kingston
Chase homepage at www.kchoa.org to view the monthly
Clubhouse Calendar. All reservations must be confirmed
prior to the activity commencing. Thank you!
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June 2016
Kingston Chase Home Owners Association
Board Meeting
Minutes of May 9, 2016
Call to Order
 Board President Andy Cassell called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.
 Board members present: Jen Baez, Kerry Buss, Mike Klinker, Jack MacDonald, Joe Seeger, Deke Smith, and Kevin
 Others present: Lydia Olechna, Administrative Assistant; Pete Banks, Neighborhood Watch; Alex Fletcher, Tennis;
Jane Hampson, Conservation Corps.
Secretary’s Report – April minutes were approved as published in the May Crier.
Treasurer’s Report – There is $200,788 in checking and $234,523 in CDs.
Member Business – None.
Committee Reports
ARC – Nine applications were submitted in May; all were approved.
Buildings and Maintenance – The Board voted to approve the heat pump replacement for the clubhouse and to go forward
with the application for a Fairfax County matching grant to improve energy efficiency.
Landscape – The pool pavilion needs repair and repainting.
Children’s Corner – No report.
Conservation Corps – The Earth Day event was successful. Photography contest winner photos are hanging in the clubhouse. The book and magazine exchange will be held in the summer. Garden cleanup day was rained out and will be
Neighborhood Watch – No report.
Newsletter – Crier distribution delays are due in part to Post Office changes and delays.
Pool – See below.
Social – Adult Pool Party will be held July 16 beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Swim Team – Bought new starter for the 2016 year.
Tennis – See below.
Website – Redesigned website coming soon.
Welcome – No report.
Old Business
 Revision to update the HOA declarations is underway.
 Pool reconstruction and French drain project is finished. The Board will continue to watch and, if necessary, address
further issues with the water table and its effect on the south side of the pool.
 Clubhouse renovation committee is collecting estimates to remove clubhouse divider wall, renovate bathroom and
storage area, replace flooring and lighting, and explore the idea of adding doors and a small deck to the back of the
New Business
Tennis Committee is collecting bids to repair tennis court cracks. The Board voted to authorize commission of basic
tennis court repair in the interim between May and June meetings.
 New insurance quote is received, will compare to current policy to ensure proper coverage.
Meeting adjourned to closed session at 9:15 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.
Submitted by Kerry Buss, Secretary
The Board meets the second Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the clubhouse adjacent to the pool. All home owners
and residents are invited to attend. Please e-mail items to info@kchoa.org a week prior to the scheduled meeting.
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June 2016
Kingston Chase Meetings
Architectural Review Committee
Tuesday, June 7, 7:30 p.m.
Board of Directors
Monday, June 13, 7:30 p.m.
Meetings are held at the KCHOA clubhouse
by the pool and begin promptly at their scheduled time.
Children’s Corner
Children’s Corner is comprised of neighborhood moms
and their children who get together and share play time
activities, learning experiences, and an occasional night
out for moms without the kids. Contact Maureen Morgan
via e-mail at maureenmorgan913@gmail.com with any
questions or ideas for activities. Visit the Bulletin Board
at www.kchoa.org for any schedule changes or updates.
June Activities
Tennis Court
To obtain the combination for the
lock to the tennis court, please call
Alex Fletcher at 703-435-2638.
Saturday, June 4, 4:00 p.m.
Playgroup at Nicole’s house, 12714 Nathan Lane.
Monday, June 13, 10:00 a.m.
Playgroup at Maureen’s house, 1607 Attorney Court.
No bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, or wheels of any
kind – and no dogs – are allowed on the court surface.
Mom’s Night Out
Saturday, June 25, 7:30 p.m.
Potluck and Bi-Annual Meeting
at the Kingston Chase clubhouse.
Please lock the gate securely when you leave, and
take any trash and personal belongings with you.
Saturday, June 25, 4:00 p.m.
Playgroup at Jill’s house, 1603 Jubilation Court.
Conservation Corps
Monday, June 27, 10:00 a.m.
Playgroup at Erin’s house, 12716 Society Drive.
The Conservation Corps will not meet during the
summer months. Please join the club in September!
Have a fun and safe summer!
Please e-mail conservation@kchoa.org with any
questions or ideas for club activities and initiatives.
Summer is home project time! Please remember that any change to the exterior of the house
requires ARC approval. Applications can be found online at www.kchoa.org. Homeowners can
mail applications to KCHOA ARC, P.O. Box 221, Herndon, Virginia 20172; e-mail them to
kchoa.arc@gmail.com; or bring them to an ARC meeting. The ARC meets the first Tuesday of
each month at 7:30 p.m. in the clubhouse.
Attention Dog Owners
ith some frequency, the Board receives complaints about neighbors not picking up after their dogs and
not being respectful of neighborhood yards by allowing pets on retractable leashes to roam on others’
property and flowers. Pet waste is a big concern, partly because of the germs and disease it may carry. There
are a lot of children in the neighborhood, many of whom play and tumble in their yards. Please be a responsible pet owner and collect solid waste and dispose of it in your own trash containers at home. The Board does
not police this matter, but respectfully asks that dog owners pick up after their pets, train their dogs to stay on
the sidewalk and not stampede through neighbors’ yards, and maintain proper control of their pets at all times.
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June 2016
Architectural Review Committee
The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) met on May 3 to review the following applications:
Replace side entrance door.
Replace siding.
Construct home addition.
Replace roof.
Replace front door.
Replace fence.
Replace and expand existing patio.
Install storm door and replace shutters.
Exterior painting.
Please submit ARC application forms by mail (prior to the next scheduled meeting) to: KCHOA
ARC, P.O. Box 221, Herndon, VA 20172. Applications for external alterations cannot be approved
outside of the approval cycle, except in cases of an emergency, and must be approved before work
begins. If you have any questions, please e-mail to kchoa.arc@gmail.com.
The ARC meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Kingston Chase clubhouse. All
homeowners with applications are encouraged to attend. The application form and Guidelines can
be viewed and downloaded off the web at: www.KCHOA.org.
Pool Hours
ool hours for the 2016 summer season are as follows,
keeping in mind that the pool will close early or open late
for home swim meets, and for the teen, adult, and swim team
pool parties, and other events as scheduled.
May 28 – June 23
Monday – Friday
4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
June 24 – September 5
Sunday – Thursday
Friday and Saturday
July 4 and Labor Day
11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
September 9 – 11
Saturday and Sunday
4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
The pool will close at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, July 11, for a
swim clinic and will be closed all day on Tuesday, July 12,
for the Herndon Swim Olympics. Kingston Chase residents
may swim at the Hiddenbrook pool on Sadlers Wells Drive
when the Kingston Chase pool is closed for meets. Pool Rules
and Regulations are included on pages 9-10.
Check the bulletin board at the pool for any changes.
Movie Night in Kingston Chase
ingston Chase will host the following Movie Nights
this summer in the common area behind 1631 Sadlers
Wells Drive. Movie Night setup begins at 8:15 p.m. and the
movie will start rolling at 8:30 p.m. In case of rain, please
check the Kingston Chase Facebook page by 5:00 p.m. on
the day of the movie for cancellation information. Mark
your calendar for the following dates:
June 11
June 25
July 9
July 30
August 13
August 27
September 3
Be sure to bring lawn chairs, any snacks or drinks you wish
to enjoy or share, and blankets or sweaters. You may also
wish to bring or apply bug spray, in case the mosquitoes and
gnats are out in full force.
All are welcome, as there is plenty of room to spread out.
See you there!
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June 2016
Please curb your
dog and always
remember to
“scoop the poop”
while out
walking in the
E-mail the Crier at
Please send news items,
photographs, or other
items of interest for the
newsletter or website.
Stork Report
Responsible 22 year old wishes to earn
extra money by cutting grass this summer.
Jason and Christine Graham are pleased
to share the news of the birth of their
second son, Bennett, on April 7. Bennett
was welcomed by his big brother, Avery.
Mulching mower. Bagging extra.
Most yards $25.
Text or call Kevin at 703-483-0717
Please patronize our advertisers and
please tell them you saw their ad in the
Kingston C hase Crier
Please keep Kingston Chase clean
by doing your part to pick up and
dispose of trash properly.
eighborhood Watch is a committee of homeowners that monitors reports of vandalism or criminal activity in the neighborhood. Everyone is asked and expected to serve as the eyes and ears of the neighborhood, keeping a lookout for unusual
or suspicious activity. When in doubt, please send an e-mail to Neighborhood Watch about your concern. If appropriate, call
the Fairfax County Police non-emergency number at 703-691-2131 or call 911 for urgent matters. Contact Pete Banks,
Neighborhood Watch Chairperson, at 703-209-3004 or via e-mail at kchoa.watch@gmail.com to report any incidents. Also
call Pete if you would like to be added to the Neighborhood Watch e-mail distribution list to receive timely e-mail alerts about
incidents that are reported during the month. The following was reported in early May:
Some time during the night of Monday, May 2 and the morning of Tuesday, May 3, persons unknown rifled through a
resident's vehicle that was parked on Builders Court. Most of these crimes are ones of opportunity. Be sure to lock your
vehicle and avoid leaving valuables in it, even if locked. Also, please report any vandalism or theft incidents to the Fairfax
County Police as well as any incidents of persons wandering the neighborhood in the middle of night.
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June 2016
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June 2016
Dona I. Wijayarathne
Fantasia Drive
E-mail: littlepetals@cox.net
VA State Licensed * CPR / First Aid Certified * USDA Food Program
Trinity Presbyterian Preschool
651 Dranesville Road, Herndon
Offering morning classes for
children ages 2.9 to 5 years with
optional lunch bunch extension.
For more information or to
schedule a tour, please call:
Free In-home Estimate
Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly
or Occasionally
Move-in or Move-out Office
Call MARYEN or RAUL at
$20 per lawn
Also: Prepare ground
for small vegetable garden
703-435-9744 (home)
202-262-8684 (cell)
lesnikmich@hotmail.com (email)
Please send an e-mail to
crier@kchoa.org with any
lost and found items.
Also, please check the Bulletin Board
at www.kchoa.org for lost and found
items or other important HOA news.
Honest Neighborhood Mechanic
20+ years experience
Low rates / Licensed / House calls
Free consultation / Work guaranteed
Matt – 571-314-1414
e-mail: matt@100000miles.com
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June 2016
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June 2016
Kingston Chase Pool Rules and Regulations for the 2016 Season
Any person who permanently resides in Kingston Chase may use the pool provided the homeowner dues have been paid and a current
picture is on file. Payment of dues will not be accepted at the pool. Renters with written authorization on file are treated as owners,
provided dues are paid and owners are not using pool privileges. Swim team members will not be permitted to swim until homeowner
dues have been paid.
KCHOA Residents
 Must be 14 years of age or older to supervise children 11 years of age or younger (who have not passed the swim test).
 Must remain within 20 feet of any child that has not passed the established swim test and shall be considered the primary
supervisor of the child.
Non-Resident Children of Resident Parent(s) / Grandparent(s)
 Non-resident children (under the age of 18) living outside of Kingston Chase who come for overnight visits with parents or
grandparents are considered members while staying with their resident parent(s) / grandparent(s).
 Non-resident children over 18 must have a guest pass and must be accompanied by the resident when using the pool.
Au Pairs and Exchange Students
 Au Pairs and exchange students shall be treated as permanent residents provided their legal address is the same as the
homeowner, homeowner dues are paid, and a current picture is on file.
KCHOA Non-Resident Baby Sitters Watching Resident Children
 Must be 14 years of age or older.
 Must pay guest fee. Homeowners may submit a picture of full-time sitters – one additional per lot.
 May not bring guests to the pool.
 May only use pool with children they are watching.
 Must stay in the water with any child that has not passed the established swim test. (See rule #27.)
KCHOA Resident Baby Sitters Watching Non-Resident Children
 Must be 14 years of age or older.
 Must pay guest fee per non-resident child. (Except children 2 and under.)
 Must stay in the water with any child that has not passed the established swim test. (See rule #27.)
Pool Passes / Guest Fees
 There will be a $5.00 per day charge for guests. Children age 2 and under and adults over 65 are free.
 A Kingston Chase member of at least 14 years of age must remain at the pool with their guest at all times.
 Books of 5 tickets are available for $20.00 and books of 50 tickets are available for $150 from the manager on duty.
 Checks only – NO CASH is accepted at the pool. Cash will be accepted separately by Deke Smith, pool committee chair.
 Pool passes will no longer expire at the end of the season. Pool passes are provided to residents and children to help defray the
cost of running the pool and are provided by the pool committee or pool manager.
Pool Toys
 Toys for children of various ages are available at the pool and are to remain at the wading pool area. Donations are welcome –
no small parts please.
Lost and Found
 Due to sanitary problems created by the overflow of lost and found items, these items will be held for one month and then
donated or discarded at the end of the month.
Baby Changing
 Baby Changing tables are provided in both the men’s bathroom and the women’s bathroom - PLEASE USE THEM.
Emergency Closings
 Vomit or fecal contamination in the pool will result in the pool closing for the time specified by Fairfax County health code. See
health code posting.
 In case of lightning or thunder, the pool WILL be closed at the decision of the on-duty manager as required by Fairfax Code and
pool company procedures. The times will be posted in the pool office.
Pool Parties
 Pool parties are encouraged as long as the number of attendees is kept to reasonable numbers. In order to help accomplish
this, please reserve at least one week in advance. This will also help us ensure we have the appropriate number of guards on
duty. Guest rules are in effect – therefore, all non-residents must pay guest fees. At least 75% of the attendees must be
residents and one adult resident may bring in up to five guests. Therefore, if additional guests are anticipated, additional resident
adults must be present. A party is considered any group over 10 persons. There may not be more than three parties in a day
and tables should be reserved at time of reservations. First come first served.
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June 2016
The following are the stated rules and regulations for the pool:
Drive slowly in the parking lot.
All bikes must be parked in the designated area - by the bike rack. Do not lean them up against the building or leave on
No overnight parking is permitted without prior permission.
Two handicap parking spaces are reserved for those with valid state-issued handicap parking permits only.
No person is allowed in the pool unless a lifeguard is on duty.
No loud, abusive, or profane language or breach of good behavior will be tolerated.
No intoxicated persons shall be allowed in the pool area.
The pool property is a smoke, tobacco and drug free area. No smoking is permitted on the pool property including parking lots.
Eating and drinking is allowed within the designated area only, except water in non-glass containers.
There shall be no glass containers permitted in the pool enclosure.
No pets allowed, except after the pool closes for human use after the season.
Street clothes may not be used for swimming.
Rubber-soled shoes only will be allowed on the pool deck.
All swimmers must take a shower before entering the pool.
Any damage to pool equipment or the premises will be paid for by the member responsible. If the damage is determined to be
deliberate by the Board of Directors, the Pool Committee/Board can suspend the member’s use of the pool. (Remember that
since property owners are members, their children and guests are their responsibility.)
Any person having infectious diseases, sores, or inflamed eyes, colds, nasal discharges, or any other communicable disease
of any kind will not be permitted inside the pool area.
Children who are not toilet trained are required to wear SWIM DIAPERS WITH TIGHT RUBBER PANTS.
Children 5 years and under are permitted in the main pool during break if accompanied by an adult.
Children 5 years and under are ONLY allowed in the baby pool when accompanied by a parent or guardian (14 years and
older) at all times. The baby pool is not monitored by guards, children are the parents’ responsibility, and children must be
accompanied by a parent. No horseplay in the baby pool enclosure.
Any misuse of the shower area including loitering will result in expulsion from the pool. The length will be determined by the
General Manager, not to exceed 5 consecutive days.
When the pool is closed for any reason, staff members are the only people allowed to stay in the enclosed pool area or
No flotation device over 26" in diameter will be allowed except on Thursdays from 1 PM to closing. If manager on duty feels
that the pool is becoming unsafe because of too many floats, he/she may require everyone to take them out of the water.
Two lap lanes are provided for patrons to swim laps. Please do not use these lanes if not swimming laps. Please do not swim
over ropes and be aware of swimmers in lanes before crossing – look both ways as you would on a road.
Games will be allowed in the diving area at the discretion of the manager on duty.
There will be a 15-minute break at the end of every hour during which everyone under the age of 16 will be required to sit out of
the water. (Except as stated in Rule #l8.)
Inappropriate use of any pool toys will cause them to be confiscated by the lifeguard or manager. Squirt guns – NOT WATER
CANNONS – will be allowed in the pool.
KCHOA children who have had their 9th birthday may come to the pool without adult supervision PROVIDED THEY PASS A
BASIC SWIM TEST. (The test consists of swimming 25 meters free style [1 length of the pool] and treading water for 1 minute.)
The lifeguards are the authorities in charge to provide a safe environment for all. Patrons shall obey any instructions provided
by the guards immediately without question. Failure to follow instructions may result in disciplinary action to include expulsion
from the pool.
Table of Consequences / Suspensions
Any violation of the above rules, including failure to pay attention to a guard’s instruction, can result in the suspension of pool privileges
for any member, a family member, or guest for the length of time identified below.
A guard can determine the length of suspension, from a few minutes up to the remainder of the day and make recommendations for
longer periods.
The pool manager on duty shall confirm and document any suspensions recommended exceeding 1 day.
Any subsequent violation resulting in suspension of more than 1 day by a member, a family member or guest shall result in immediate
suspension of pool use until the pool committee has reviewed the violation.
The issue may, at the discretion of the pool committee, be elevated to the Board of Directors to review the situation and make a decision
at the next scheduled Board meeting, thus resulting in a significantly longer suspension of up to 60 days.
Any egregious activity or threats made to any guard shall result in immediate expulsion and may warrant calling 911 and filing charges
to include trespassing or a restraining order against a member or guest.
Page 11
Welcome to the
Andrew Rohling
12808 Scranton Court
Stacy Schnaufer
12833 Fantasia Drive
If you are new to Kingston Chase and
have not yet received a welcome packet,
please send an e-mail to info@kchoa.org
and someone will see that you get one.
Please fill out and return the database
sheet so that you receive any KCHOA
KC Neighbor
Herndon, VA 20170
E-mail the Crier at
June 2016
Kingston Chase Home Owners Association
Board of Directors*
‘18 President
Andrew Cassell
‘18 Vice President
Kevin Woolf
‘18 Secretary
Kerry Buss
‘17 Treasurer
Chris Buley
Randall Schrock
Joe Seeger
Deke Smith
Todd Waldrop
Jen Baez
Mike Klinker
Jack McDonald
* Board terms are for three consecutive years and expire on December 31st of the year noted.
Committee Chairpersons
Admin. Assistant
Neighborhood Watch
Newsletter Editor
Lydia Olechna
Kerry Buss
Mike Klinker
Pete Banks
Ruthie Rosati
Deke Smith
Heather Kapushoc
Alex Fletcher
Ruthie Rosati
Book Club
Children’s Corner
Conservation Corp
Swim Team
Swim Team
Betsy Kiker
Maureen Morgan
Jane Hampson
Keary Buhler
Andrea Yerovi
Club Chairpersons
Seller’s Packet
If you are selling your Kingston
Chase home, you or your real estate
agent will need to purchase the HOA
“Seller’s Packet” for closing. For
more information or to obtain a
copy, please e-mail info@kchoa.org.
The packet costs $125 and must be
obtained before closing can occur.
To discuss any questions or concerns, please contact the relevant Club or Committee Chairperson.
Homeowners are welcome at the monthly Board meetings held the second Monday of every month
at 7:30 p.m. at the clubhouse adjacent to the pool.
Advertising Disclaimer
KCHOA does not endorse any of the advertisements or
services offered in the Crier. Residents are encouraged to
check references or take other precautions to ensure that
expectations are met.
Anyone who would like to place an ad in the Crier should
send an e-mail to crier@kchoa.org for more information.
New Baby? Is there a new addition to your family?
If so, the Welcome Committee has a special gift for
you. Please e-mail info@kchoa.org with your stork
information and an HOA representative will deliver your
gift and announce the happy news in the Crier.
The deadline for the July issue of the
Kingston Chase Crier is June 15.
Crier Advertisement Rates:
$5.00 for 20 words
$10.00 for a business card scan
$25.00 for a quarter of a page
$45.00 for half a page
$75.00 for a full page
Take 10% off for a full year paid in advance.
Please contact Ruthie Rosati, newsletter editor, at
703-481-4347 or by e-mail at crier@kchoa.org with
news, announcements, photographs, or advertisements.
Payment for advertisements can be mailed to:
KCHOA, P.O. Box 332, Herndon, VA 20172
Kingston Chase HOA
Page 12
June 2016
P.O. Box 332
Herndon, VA 20172
Return Service Requested
June 2016
2 Herndon Farmers’
Market - 8:00 a.m.
4 Playgroup at
Nicole’s - 4:00 p.m.
7 ARC Meeting
7:30 p.m.
9 Herndon Farmers’
Market - 8:00 a.m.
11 Movie Night
8:15 p.m. (setup)
13 Playgroup at
Maureen’s - 10:00 a.m.
16 Herndon Farmers’
Market - 8:00 a.m.
23 Herndon Farmers’
Market - 8:00 a.m.
25 Playgroup at
Jill’s - 4:00 p.m.
Board Meeting
7:30 p.m.
19 Father’s Day
20 Summer Solstice
Deadline - July Crier
Movie Night
8:15 p.m. (setup)
27 Playgroup at
Erin’s - 10:00 a.m.
30 Herndon Farmers’
Market - 8:00 a.m. w/
Blue Sky Puppet Show
10:30 a.m. - Lynn St.
See the Children’s Corner on page 3 for details regarding Playgroup activities.