Administrative Manual
Administrative Manual
OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Administration Office - Property and Replacement Taxes ...............................................................................15 Table Of Contents MISSION STATEMENT .....................................................1 VISION STATEMENT OF THE OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT.............................................................................1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION ........................................1 Introduction .....................................................................2 Internal Control Evaluation ...........................................2 COSO Integrated Framework........................................2 Control Types ................................................................3 Organization of the Park District Finance Manual......4 Accounting Process Description....................................4 Financial Statement Description ....................................4 Combined Balance Sheet.................................................5 Balance Sheet Detail ........................................................6 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance....................................................................8 All Governmental Funds ...............................................8 Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings ...........................................................9 Proprietary (Enterprise) Funds ......................................9 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures / Expenses Detail ...............................................................................10 Cash Process Description ..............................................11 Administration Office....................................................11 Collateral Insurance ......................................................11 Cash Control Procedures ..............................................11 Bank Reconciliations...................................................12 Petty Cash ....................................................................13 Investment Process Description....................................13 Administration Office Procedures ...............................14 Fees and Admissions......................................................16 Administration .............................................................16 Oakview.......................................................................16 Pavilion........................................................................17 Pools ............................................................................18 Golf..............................................................................18 Ice Arena .....................................................................18 Racquet Club ...............................................................19 Rentals ............................................................................20 Oak View.....................................................................20 Pavilion........................................................................20 Golf..............................................................................21 Ice Arena .....................................................................21 Other ...............................................................................21 Administration .............................................................21 Payroll Process Description ..........................................21 Description of the Payroll Process...............................22 Payroll Check Issuance Process ..................................22 Non-Salary Process Description ...................................23 Description of the Non-Salary Process........................23 Purchase Orders...........................................................23 Check Requests ...........................................................24 Vouchers .........................................................................24 Procurement Card Program .........................................24 General Information ....................................................25 Acceptable MasterCard Purchase Card Purchases ......25 Unacceptable MasterCard Purchase Card Purchases...25 Program Restrictions ...................................................26 Reconciliation and Payment ........................................26 Misuse of the MasterCard Purchase Card includes: ....26 When The Records Do Not Agree with The Monthly Statement .....................................................................27 Lost or Stolen Cards ....................................................27 Sales Tax.........................................................................27 Check Disbursement Procedures .................................28 Debt Issuance Procedures .............................................14 Bid Process .....................................................................28 Goods or Services greater than $10,000 ......................28 Responsible Bidder’s Ordinance .................................28 Revenue Process Description ........................................15 Fixed Asset / Capital Outlay Process Description.......30 Description of the Revenue Process .............................15 Funding Process.............................................................30 Long-term ....................................................................30 Debt Issuance Process Description...............................14 Administration Office....................................................15 Credit Card Receipts.....................................................15 Capitalization Policies and Procedures .......................30 Equipment Classifications ............................................32 Table of Contents i OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Depreciation Expense Policies ......................................32 Electrical Safety Do’s and Don’ts Checklist................15 Physical Inventory of Fixed Asset Procedures ............32 Emergency Operations..................................................16 Severe Weather............................................................16 Disposal of Buildings and Equipment..........................33 Safety Committee Mission Statement ............................2 General Hazards ............................................................16 Identifying Hazards .....................................................17 Protection against Hazards ..........................................17 Safety Procedures ........................................................17 Weather Emergency Preparation Checklist .................18 Facility Emergency Action Plans ................................22 The Manual Overview.....................................................3 Fire ..................................................................................23 Safety /Loss Control Program ........................................3 Bomb Threats.................................................................24 Objectives .........................................................................3 Emergency Incidents & Accident Procedures ............28 Scope .................................................................................3 Accident/Incident Reporting ........................................30 Safety Responsibilities .....................................................4 Instructions & Routing Form .......................................30 Employee Safety Responsibilities ...................................4 Maintenance ...................................................................31 Our Safety Expectations of You As An Oak Lawn Park District Employee:..................................................4 Ice Arena & Aquatics ....................................................31 Our Safety Expectations of You As An Oak Lawn Park District Supervisor .................................................5 Oak View Center ...........................................................32 Safety Committee.............................................................6 Pavilion ...........................................................................32 Oak Lawn Park District’s Safety Committee................6 Stony Creek Golf ...........................................................33 Other Meetings ................................................................7 Supervisory Investigating and Reporting....................44 Purpose ........................................................................44 Donated Equipment.......................................................33 Forms ..............................................................................34 RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL ......................................1 Right-To-Know ................................................................7 MSDSs and Labels...........................................................7 Purpose .............................................................................8 Objectives .........................................................................8 Developing a Hazard Analysis......................................10 Purpose ...........................................................................11 Policy...............................................................................11 Practice ...........................................................................12 Responsibilities...............................................................12 Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) .......12 Definitions: .....................................................................12 Control of Hazardous Energy.......................................13 Hazardous Energy Control Procedure ........................13 Administration ...............................................................32 Definition of Terms........................................................45 Accident Reporting........................................................45 Fundamentals Of Accident Prevention........................47 General Safe Practices...................................................48 Confined Space ..............................................................48 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT CODE BOOK ..................1 Amendments To The Code .............................................1 Application Of The Statutes Of The State Of Illinois...2 Municipal Code Of The Oak Lawn Park District ........3 Preface ..............................................................................4 Saving Cause ....................................................................5 Partial Invalidity..............................................................6 History Of Park District..................................................7 Release from Lockout or Tagout..................................13 Lockout/Tagout Checklist.............................................13 Table of Contents ii OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION ....................................2 Statutory Authority Of The Oak Lawn Park District..2 Board Policy .....................................................................4 Officers of the Board .....................................................4 Appointed Personnel of the Board.................................4 Committees of the Board ...............................................5 Board Meetings..............................................................5 Administrative Policy ......................................................7 Forward..........................................................................7 Purpose ..........................................................................8 Administrative Office ....................................................9 Official Records.............................................................9 Control of the Parks .......................................................9 Naming of Parks ..........................................................11 Disposition of District Personal Property ....................12 Loan of District Equipment .........................................12 Vendor Incentives and Awards....................................12 Refunds of Park District Programs ..............................12 Employees with Chronic Infectious Diseases..............15 Statement of Purpose ...................................................15 Participants with Chronic Infectious Diseases.............16 Board Member Attendance at Conventions, Conference and Seminars................................................................17 Oak Lawn Park District Organizational Chart.............18 Emergencies ................................................................36 Other Items ..................................................................36 Fees And Recreation Program .....................................37 1. General Statement....................................................37 2. Guiding Principle.....................................................37 3. Fees and Charges:....................................................38 An Ordinance Defining Misdemeanors And Providing Penalties For Such Misdemeanors ...............................39 An Ordinance Relating To Polluting, Dumping And Encroaching On And In Public Parks Of The Oak Lawn Park District, Cook County, Illinois..................42 An Ordinance Of The Oak Lawn Park District Cook County, Illinois Regarding The Restriction Of Animals On Park District Property ............................................44 An Ordinance Prohibiting Retaliatory Discharge ......45 Ordinance Of The Oak Lawn Park District, Cook County, Illinois, Restricting The Use Of Motor-Driven Scooter On Oak Lawn Park District Property ...........46 Ordinances Of The Oak Lawn Park District, Cook County Illinois Restricting The Use Of Bicycles At The Worthbrook Skate Park................................................47 Resolution To Include Compensation Paid Under An Internal Revenue Code Section 125 Plan As IMRF Finance Policy ................................................................19 Earnings..........................................................................48 Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Program Policy ...........................................................................19 Facility Usage Ordinance For Commissioners, Former Statement of Purpose ...................................................19 Commissioners, Appointed Personnel And Members Capital Projects............................................................19 Of Their Immediate Families .......................................49 Capital Improvement Program Guidelines ..................20 General Obligation Bond Issues ..................................21 POLICIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVES .....50 Monitoring the Capital Improvement Program ...........22 Baseball Field Priority Policy .......................................51 Fixed Asset Policy .......................................................23 Bus Policy .......................................................................52 General Fixed Asset Group of Accounts .....................23 General Fixed Asset Definition ...................................23 Weight Room Policy ......................................................53 Classification ...............................................................23 Employment Procedures Policy....................................54 Building Repair and Improvement Fund .....................24 Application ..................................................................54 Disbursement Of Cash Policy .......................................29 Determination of Ability .............................................54 Purpose ........................................................................29 Pre-Placement Medical Examination Policy ...............55 Procedures ...................................................................30 Employee Recognition Policy .......................................56 Purchasing Policy ..........................................................31 Statement Of Purpose ..................................................31 Education And Training Policy....................................57 Governance..................................................................31 Environmental Policy ....................................................58 Advertised Bids ...........................................................32 Statement of Philosophy..............................................58 Unadvertised Purchases ...............................................33 Environmental Principles ............................................58 Award of Contracts......................................................34 Policy On Capital Projects And Significant Asset Responsible Bidder’s Ordinance ..................................34 Acquisitions ....................................................................61 Table of Contents iii OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Park District Policy Governing The Use/Rental Of Park District Buildings, Facilities, Equipment & Buses .........................................................................................62 Facility Usage Ordinance For Commissioners, Former Commissioners, Appointed Personnel And Members Of Their Immediate Families .......................................63 Employee Program Benefits & Discounts Usage Policy .........................................................................................64 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Policy .................65 Land Acquisition Policy ................................................66 Policy On Waiver Of Fees.............................................67 Policy On Recognition Of Contributions By Park District To Outside Organizations ...............................68 Policy On Distribution Of Event Materials (Posters, Flyers, Etc.) And Endorsement Of Fund Raising Events By Non Profit Organizations............................69 Policy On Rental Of Park District Tents.....................70 Financial Assistance Policy ...........................................71 Child Abuse Reporting Policy ......................................85 Child Abuse Reporting Procedure ...............................85 When To Make A Report ............................................85 Mandated Reporters.....................................................85 What To Report ...........................................................85 Pointers to remember...................................................86 Indicators/Warning Signs ............................................87 Checklist ......................................................................87 Child Abuse And Neglect Report ................................89 Department Of Children And Family Services Written Confirmation Of Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect Report: .........................................................................90 Mandated Reporters.....................................................90 Instructions ..................................................................91 Mailing Instructions.....................................................91 Acknowledgement Of Mandated Reporter Status .......92 Satisfaction Guaranteed Policy ....................................93 Safety Policy Statement.................................................94 Policy On Commercial Photography In Parks And Facilities Of The Oak Lawn Park ................................95 Purpose ...........................................................................71 Policy Of Park District Relationship With Sponsored Organizations .................................................................96 South Suburban Disaster Assistance Committee Policy .........................................................................................72 Drug Testing Policy .......................................................98 Policy On Disbursement Of Cash.................................73 Loss Prevention Award Program.................................99 Purpose ...........................................................................73 Prospective Candidate Informational Packet Policy100 Administrative Directive Closing Of Fitness Areas, Classes, Track At Pavilion ............................................75 Succession Policy..........................................................101 Policy On Swim Pool Closing .......................................76 Policy On Cooperation Between Agencies.................106 Oak Lawn Park District Administrative Directive.....77 Policy And Procedure For Program Evaluation And Statistics........................................................................107 Standard Operating Procedures ..................................77 Travel Guidelines ........................................................77 Travel Advance............................................................77 Lodging........................................................................79 Registration Fees .........................................................79 Miscellaneous Expenses ..............................................79 Instructions And Forms ...............................................79 Administrative Directive - Solicitations.......................80 Administrative Directive Re: Closing Of Fitness Areas, Classes, Track At Pavilion ................................81 Administrative Directive Guidelines Policy Governing Soccer Program..............................................................82 Administrative Directive Alcohol On Park Property.84 Oak Lawn Park District Investment Policy ..............102 Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act (Hipaa) Policy...............................................................108 Bond Rating Policy ......................................................109 Oak Lawn Park District Volunteer Services Policy .110 Policies For Oak Lawn Park District Volunteers .....111 Oak Lawn Park District Policy On Fee Waivers ......112 Behavior Code Of Conduct.........................................114 Oak Lawn Park District Network And Internet Acceptable Use Policy..................................................118 Internet Access And E-Mail Policies..........................119 Vandalism Policy .........................................................121 Table of Contents iv OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Fringe Benefits Policy..................................................122 Personal Use Of Telephone And Cell Phones............123 Community Planning Policy .......................................124 Administrative Policy on Smoking.............................125 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy..................................126 Alcohol and Drug Procedures for CDL Employees..131 Executive Directive Comp/Flex Time Policy .............137 Comp/Flex Time Policy Examples...........................138 Errant Golf Ball Policy................................................140 Acquisition of Park Land and Acceptance of Land Donations Policy ..........................................................141 Policy on Comprehensive Assessments ......................142 Program Supervisor ...................................................207 Production Engineer ..................................................209 Payroll and Personnel Clerk ......................................211 Racquet Club Manager ..............................................213 Registration Clerk......................................................215 Superintendent of Recreation ....................................217 Superintendent of Special Services & Communications ...................................................................................219 Special Recreation/Senior Citizens/Center Manager.221 Secretary II ................................................................223 Secretary I..................................................................225 Superintendent of Finance and Personnel..................227 Superintendent of Parks.............................................229 Superintendent of Revenue of Facilities....................231 Technical Supervisor .................................................233 Vehicle Mechanic ......................................................235 Policy on Executive Sessions .......................................143 PART TIME AND SHORT TERM PERSONNEL POLICY ...............................................................................................1 JOB DESCRIPTIONS......................................................144 Forward ............................................................................3 Accounts Receivable Clerk........................................145 Aquatics Supervisor/Safety Coordinator ...................147 Purpose .............................................................................3 Assistant Facility Manager/Supervisor......................149 Policy Administration......................................................4 Assistant Pavilion Manager .......................................151 Responsibility ................................................................4 Assistant Superintendent of Parks .............................153 Revision.........................................................................4 Assistant to the Director ............................................155 Separability....................................................................4 Buyer for Central Purchasing ....................................157 Interpretation .................................................................4 Carpenter ...................................................................158 Clerk Typist ...............................................................160 Employment Procedures.................................................5 Clerk ..........................................................................162 Application ....................................................................5 Public Relations Coordinator.....................................164 Determination of Ability ...............................................5 Computer Systems Coordinator.................................166 Security Check...............................................................5 Accounting/Controller Supervisor.............................168 Merit ..............................................................................5 Custodian ...................................................................169 Equal Opportunity .........................................................5 Director of Parks and Recreation...............................172 Nepotism........................................................................6 Director’s Secretary ...................................................174 Notification....................................................................6 Electrician..................................................................177 Personnel File ................................................................6 Public Relations/Event Planning ...............................179 Employee Benefits............................................................7 Figure Skating Director .............................................180 Workers Compensation Insurance.................................7 Golf Maintenance Supervisor ....................................182 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund ..............................7 Golf Operations Manager ..........................................184 Social Security...............................................................7 Graphic Artist ............................................................186 Reimbursement for Uniform, Protective Clothing or Groundsman I ............................................................188 Equipment Expenses......................................................8 Gymnastics Coordinator ............................................189 In-Service Training........................................................8 Heating/Plumbing Specialist .....................................191 Awards Program ............................................................8 Maintenance Supervisor II.........................................195 Suggestion System.........................................................8 Museum Program Supervisor ....................................197 Credit Union ..................................................................9 Park Groundsman I....................................................199 Park Groundsman Specialist......................................201 Wages................................................................................9 Pavilion Manager.......................................................203 Establishment ................................................................9 Program Supervisor, Volunteer Services...................204 Maintenance and Adjustment ........................................9 Table of Contents v OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Appointment Rate..........................................................9 Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Wage Increases ..............................................................9 Policy...............................................................................19 Salary or Wages in Promotion, Transfer, or Demotion .9 Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy...........20 Overtime Compensation ..............................................10 Smoking ..........................................................................21 Payroll Periods.............................................................10 Deductions ...................................................................10 FULL TIME PERSONNEL POLICY .................................1 Paychecks ....................................................................10 General Statement of Personnel Policy..........................2 Employment Rules and Regulations ............................10 Employee Political Activity.............................................3 Hours of Work .............................................................10 Punctuality ...................................................................10 Employment Procedures.................................................4 Unable to Report to Work ...........................................10 Application ....................................................................4 Absence Without Authorization ..................................10 Determination of Ability ...............................................4 Lunch and Rest Periods ...............................................11 Security Check...............................................................4 Public Relations...........................................................11 Merit ..............................................................................4 On the Job Safety.........................................................11 Equal Opportunity .........................................................4 Proposed Cell Phone Safety Guidelines ......................11 Loss Prevention Award Program...................................5 Reporting of on the Job Accidents and/or Injuries ......11 Drug and Alcohol Use .................................................11 At Will Employment........................................................6 Gambling .....................................................................12 Drivers License Abstract.................................................7 Fighting........................................................................12 Outside Employment ...................................................12 Pre-Employment Drug Test............................................8 Gifts and Rewards .......................................................12 State Criminal Conviction Background Check ............9 Political Activity..........................................................12 False Records...............................................................13 Pre-Placement Medical Examinations.........................10 Change In Name, Address, Telephone Number, Marital Immigration Law Compliance .....................................11 Status or Dependents ...................................................13 Use of District Vehicles and Equipment .....................13 Conflicts Of Interest ......................................................12 Return of District Property ..........................................13 Nepotism .........................................................................13 Use of Personal Property .............................................13 Personal Business ........................................................13 Outside Employment.....................................................14 Unauthorized Personnel...............................................14 Employment Categories ................................................15 Overtime ......................................................................14 Sexual And Other Forms Of Impermissible Harassment Access To Personnel Files .............................................16 .....................................................................................14 Employment Reference Checks....................................17 Revised 09/08/2003 .....................................................14 Employee Evaluation...................................................14 Personal Data Changes .................................................18 Disciplinary Action......................................................15 Probationary Period ......................................................19 Causes for Disciplinary Action....................................15 Employment Applications.............................................20 Verbal Warning ...........................................................16 Written Warning ..........................................................16 Performance Evaluations..............................................21 Suspension ...................................................................16 Change in Status Procedures........................................22 Discharge .....................................................................16 Promotion ....................................................................22 Grievance and Disciplinary Action Appeal.................17 Transfer........................................................................22 Demotion .....................................................................22 Change in Status Procedures........................................18 Layoff ..........................................................................22 Promotion ....................................................................18 Transfer........................................................................18 Employee Benefits..........................................................23 Demotion .....................................................................18 Vacation Benefits ...........................................................24 Layoff ..........................................................................18 IMRF Prior Years Service Benefits .............................25 Table of Contents vi OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Sick Leave Benefits ........................................................28 Verbal Warning ...........................................................65 Written Warning ..........................................................65 Suspension ...................................................................65 Discharge .....................................................................65 Bereavement Leave........................................................29 Grievance and Disciplinary Action Appeal.................66 Jury Duty........................................................................30 Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy...........67 Timekeeping ...................................................................31 Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy...............................................................................68 Holidays ..........................................................................26 Workers Compensation Insurance ..............................27 Paydays...........................................................................32 Layoffs: ...........................................................................33 A. Suspension .............................................................33 B. Dismissal................................................................33 Service Training, Education Tuition Reimbursement, Conferences and Seminars............................................69 Severance Pay ................................................................34 Comp/Flex Time Policy .................................................71 Comp/Flex Time Policy Examples..............................72 Pay Advances .................................................................35 Cell Phone Safety Guidelines........................................70 Administrative Pay Corrections...................................36 Pay Deductions And Set Offs........................................37 Safety ..............................................................................38 Smoking ..........................................................................39 Overtime Compensation ...............................................40 Use Of Equipment And Vehicles ..................................41 Family And Medical Leave ...........................................42 Modified Duty Policy.....................................................44 Personal Leave Without Pay.........................................45 Military Leave................................................................46 Employee Conduct And Work Rules ...........................47 Drug And Alcohol Use...................................................48 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy....................................48 Consent To Drug and/or Alcohol Screening or Testing .........................................................................................52 Alcohol and Drug Procedures for CDL Employees....53 Sexual And Other Forms Of Impermissible Harassment.....................................................................59 Attendance And Punctuality.........................................60 Return Of Property .......................................................61 Resignations ...................................................................62 Security Inspections.......................................................63 Solicitations ....................................................................64 Disciplinary Actions ......................................................65 Table of Contents vii OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINISTATIVE MANUAL MISSIONSTATEMENT The Oak Lawn Park District is committed to promoting a strong sense of community by providing cultural and recreational opportunities in a fun and safe environment. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for all ages, abilities, and ethnic backgrounds by offering a variety of leisure services that will promote physical and mental wellness. We are devoted to preserving open space as well as establishing and maintaining beautiful parks and facilities. MISSION STATEMENT 1 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINISTATIVE MANUAL VISIONSTATEMENTOFTHEOAKLAWNPARKDISTRICT Improving the quality life for our patrons through a diverse variety of leisure experiences. VISION STATEMENT 1 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINISTATIVE MANUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTANDACCOUNTINGPROCESSDESCRIPTIONSANDINTERNALCONTROLDOCUMENTATION FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 1 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Introduction This Manual documents the District’s internal controls, processes and procedures. Internal Control Evaluation Management of the Park District is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control structure designed to ensure that the assets of the District are protected from loss, theft or misuse and to ensure that adequate accounting data are compiled to allow for the preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. The internal control structure is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that these objectives are met. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that (1) the cost of control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the valuation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. COSO Integrated Framework Management is the key to an effective internal control structure. No system of internal controls, no matter how well designed, can function properly without the knowledge and support of management at all levels. This fact was made clear in the report “Internal Control-Integrated Framework” issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission; also know as the COSO Report. (COSO is a voluntary private-sector organization dedicated to improving the quality of financial reporting through business ethics, effective internal controls and corporate governance. The sponsoring organizations are the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Internal Auditors, Financial Executives International, Institute of Management Accountants and the American Accounting Association.) This report established the framework which organizations look to for structuring and evaluating their internal controls. The conceptual framework for internal controls outlined in the COSO Report is the basis for the GFOA’s publication “Evaluating Internal Controls – A Local Government Manager’s Guide”. The COSO Internal Controls – Integrated Framework defines internal control as a “process, effected by an entity’s board of directors, management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories: • • • Reliability of financial reporting Effectiveness and efficiency of operations Compliance with applicable laws and regulations” The Integrated Framework uses three dimensions that provide management with criteria by which to evaluate internal controls. The first dimension is objectives. Internal controls are designed to provide reasonable assurance that objectives are achieved in the following categories: effectiveness and efficiency of operations (including safeguarding of assets), reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The second dimension required by COSO is an entity-level focus and an activity-level focus. Internal controls must be evaluated at two levels: at the entity level, and at the activity or process level. The third dimension includes the five components of internal controls: • Control environment - The control environment sets the tone of an organization, influencing the control consciousness of its people. It is the foundation for all other components of internal control, providing discipline FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 2 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL • • • • and structure. Control environment factors include: the integrity, ethical values and competence of the entity’s people; management’s philosophy and operating style; the way management assigns authority and responsibility, and organizes and develops its people; and the attention and direction provided by the board of directors. Risk assessment - Every entity faces a variety of risks from external and internal sources that must be assessed. A precondition of risk assessment is establishment of objectives, linked at different levels and internally consistent. Risk assessment is the identification and analysis of relevant risks to achievement of the objectives, forming a basis for determining how the risks should be managed. Because economic, industry, regulatory and operating conditions will continue to change, mechanisms are needed to identify and deal with the special risks associated with change. Control activities - Control activities are the policies and procedures that help ensure management directives are carried out. They help ensure that necessary actions are taken to address risks to achievement of the entity’s objectives. Control activities occur throughout the organization, at all levels and in all functions. They include a range of activities as diverse as approvals, authorizations, verifications, reconciliations, reviews of operating performance, security of assets and segregation of duties. Information/communication - Pertinent information must be identified, captured, and communicated in a form and timeframe that enables people to carry out their responsibilities. Information systems produce reports containing operational, financial and compliance-related information that make it possible to run and control the business. They deal not only with internally generated data, but also information about external events, activities and conditions necessary to informed decision-making and external reporting. Effective communication also must occur in a broader sense, flowing down, across and up the organization. All personnel must receive a clear message from top management that control responsibilities must be taken seriously. They must understand their own role in the internal control system, as well as how individual activities relate to the work of others. They must have a means of communicating significant information upstream. There also needs to be effective communication with external parties, such as customers, suppliers, regulators and shareholders. Monitoring - Internal control systems need to be monitored, a process that assesses the quality of the system’s performance over time. This is accomplished through ongoing monitoring activities, separate evaluations or a combination of the two. Ongoing monitoring occurs in the course of operations. It includes regular management and supervisory activities, and other actions personnel take in performing their duties. The scope and frequency of separate evaluations will depend primarily on an assessment of risks and the effectiveness of ongoing monitoring procedures. Internal control deficiencies should be reported upstream, with serious matters reported to top management and the board. These three dimensions represent the Integrated Framework. The framework works in the following manner. For any given objective, such as reliability of financial reporting, management must evaluate the five components of internal control at both the entity level and at the activity (or process) level. According to COSO, determining whether a particular internal control system is “effective” is a subjective judgment resulting from an assessment of whether the five components are present and functioning effectively. Their effective functioning provides reasonable assurance that one or more of the primary objectives is achieved. These components are therefore also criteria for effective internal control. Control Types In addition to determining that the internal controls identified fall within one of the five COSO internal control components, each identified control is also evaluated to determine what type of control it is, and if that type of control is appropriate for the related activity or process being evaluated. The internal controls have been classified into one the following nine types: • • Authorization controls Management review FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 3 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL • Reconciliation • Segregation of duties (Note: The underlined number is used in the process descriptions to identify controls.) Organization of the Park District Finance Manual The Park District Office Finance Manual is organized into three main sections. The first section displays the 2003 annual financial statements. Each line item in the financial statements is a result of an accounting process or specific procedures. The financial statement line is referenced either to a process description, or to a detailed schedule. If referenced to a detailed schedule, the amounts in the schedule are referenced to a process description. The second section consists of our process descriptions and the third section includes forms. This manual is a work in process. As discussed in the Internal Control Component – Monitoring above, the effectiveness of controls require ongoing monitoring. Annually the financial statement section of this report should be updated and the process description reviewed. As processes change or are updated, or new descriptions are developed, this manual should be updated descriptions are developed, this manual should be updated. Accounting Process Description The process description describes how the process is performed, the staff performing each task and the manager or supervisor who reviews or reconciles information. The process descriptions include a reference to the control type and internal control component as listed above (i.e. “A – Control Activities” means “Authorization controls with the control activities component”) Financial Statement Description The Oak Lawn Park District 2003 annual financial report is used as a reference for the documenting of our processes. Each line item in the financial statements is a result of an accounting process or specific procedures. The financial statement line is referenced either to a process description, or to a detailed schedule. If referenced to a detailed schedule, the amounts in the schedule are referenced to a process description. By cross-referencing financial statement line items to its process description, an evaluation of internal controls can be made for all major financial statement lines. The financial statements included are the balance sheet, statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balance – all governmental funds and the statement of revenues, expenses and changes in retained earnings – proprietary (enterprise) funds. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 4 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Combined Balance Sheet 2006 Assets Current Assets Cash And Cash Equivalents Cash In Escrow Property Tax Receivable Accounts Receivable Interfund Receivable Inventory Prepaid Expenses Deposits Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Capital Assets Capital Assets Not Being Depreciated Other Capital Assets, Net Of Depreciation Total Non-Current Assets Total Assets Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Bonds Payable Notes Payable Accrued Payroll Unearned Revenue Interfund Payable Accrued Vacation Total Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Bonds Payable Notes Payable Total Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Assets Invested In Capital Assets, Net Of Related Debt Restricted Net Assets Unrestricted Net Assets Total Net Assets $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,860,016 1,361,026 2,319,007 107,037 136,841 62,364 31,818 2,235 9,880,344 $ 22,937,272 $ 10,821,021 $ 33,758,293 $ 43,638,637 $ 932,665 $ 2,353,900 $ 463,843 $ 150,518 $ 240,383 $ 136,841 $ 106,084 $ 4,384,234 Reference Page 11-13 Page 11 Page 15 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6-7 Page 6-7 $ 3,115,000 $ 4,920,000 $ 8,035,000 $ 12,419,234 Page 6-7 Page 6-7 $ 22,905,550 $ 1,361,026 $ 6,952,827 $ 31,219,403 Derived Derived Derived FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 5 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Balance Sheet Detail 2006 Inventories Golf Course And Driving Range Ice Rink Racquet Club Total Inventories Fixed Assets Governmental Activities Assets Not Being Depreciated Land Construction In Progress Sub-Total Assets Subject To Depreciation Building & Improvements Equipment Sub-Total Less Accumulated Depreciation Building & Improvements Equipment Sub-Total Total Business Activities Assets Not Being Depreciated Land & Land Improvements Construction In Progress Sub-Total Assets Subject To Depreciation Building & Improvements $ $ $ $ Machinery & Equipment Sub-Total Less Accumulated Depreciation Building & Improvements Equipment Sub-Total Total Total Net Assets General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds - Alternate Revenue Source, Due December 2011 General Obligation Bonds - Installment Purchase Agreement, Due June 1, 2009 General Obligation Bonds - Alternate Revenue Source, Due December 15, 2006 Total Reference 59,281 3,083 62,364 $ 9,857,734 $ 3,012,540 $ 12,870,274 Page 28 $ 9,396,186 $ 2,487,053 $ 11,883,239 Page 28-29 Page 29 $ (4,861,872) $ (1,843,552) $ (6,705,424) $ 18,048,089 Page 30 Page 30 $ 8,909,656 $ 1,157,342 $ 10,066,998 Page 29 $ 8,848,233 Page 28-29 Page 29-30 $ 725,834 $ 9,574,067 $ (3,373,583) $ (557,278) $ (3,930,861) $ 15,710,204 $ 33,758,293 Page 30 Page 30 $ 2,480,000 Page 14 $ 1,000,000 Page 14 $ 1,710,000 $ 5,190,000 Page 14 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 6 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Notes Payable First Midwest Bank, due December 1, 2006 JP Morgan Trust Co., due April 4, 2015 Total $ 292,743 $ 5,370,000 $ 5,662,743 Total Bonds and Notes Payable $ 10,852,743 Page 14 Page 14 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 7 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance All Governmental Funds 2006 Reference REVENUES Property Taxes $ 4,522,103 Page 15 Replacement Taxes $ 145,899 Page 15 Program and Operating Fees $ 1,988,979 Page 15 Property rental $ 169,891 Interest $ 191,954 Miscellaneous $ 150,062 Page 20-21 $ 7,168,888 TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Current Recreation Administration $ 2,031,073 Page 10 Program $ 3,007,461 Page 10 Principal $ 2,822,363 Page 10 Interest $ 385,504 Page 10 Legal Fees $ 4,390 Page 10 $ 4,110,363 Page 10 Debt Service Capital Outlay $ 12,361,154 TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF $ (5,192,266) REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Issuance of Debt $ 7,080,000 Transfers In $ Transfers Out $ (1,226,366) Page 14 302,569 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING $ 6,156,203 SOURCES (USES) $ NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES 963,937 FUND BALANCE BEGINNING OF YEAR $ 5,212,509 END OF YEAR $ 6,176,446 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 8 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings Proprietary (Enterprise) Funds 2006 OPERATING REVENUES Charges for Services Program and Operating Fees Rentals Other TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES Reference $ 1,579,637 $ 634,136 $ 458,029 $ 2,671,802 Page 15 Page 20-21 Page 21 DIRECT OPERATING REVENUES Administration and Operations $ 2,496,208 Depreciation $ 276,429 TOTAL DIRECT OPERATING REVENUES $ 2,772,637 OPERATING LOSS $ (100,835) NON-OPERATING INCOME (EXPENSES) Interest Income Parking Lot Rental Income TOTAL NON-OPERATING INCOME $ $ $ 4,207 40,555 44,762 LOSS BEFORE TRANSFERS $ (56,073) TRANSFERS $ 923,797 TOTAL TRANSFERS $ 923,797 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS $ 867,724 NET ASSETS BEGINNING OF YEAR PRIOR YEAR ADJUSTMENT BEGINNING OF YEAR, RESTATED $ 14,698,074 $ 45,264 $ 14,743,338 END OF YEAR $ 15,611,062 Page 10 Page 10 Page 20 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 9 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Statement of Revenues and Expenditures / Expenses Detail Salaries, wages, benefits Contractual Materials & Supplies Insurance Utilities Other Capital Outlay Sub-total Debt Service Principal Interest and Fiscal Charges Capital Outlay Depreciation Total General Government $ 1,380,496 2006 Recreation Enterprise Total $ 1,619,237 $ 1,238,421 $ 4,238,154 $ 179,663 $ 143,162 $ 314,902 $ 59,509 $ (46,659) $ $ 2,031,073 $ 430,560 $ 351,716 $ 103,685 $ 259,740 $ 242,523 $ $ 3,007,461 $ 127,191 $ 486,727 $ 39,629 $ 432,685 $ 113,643 $ 57,912 $ 2,496,208 $ 737,414 $ 981,605 $ 458,216 $ 751,934 $ 309,507 $ 57,912 $ 7,534,742 $ 2,822,363 $ 389,894 $ 4,015,331 $ $ 9,258,661 $ $ $ 95,032 $ $ 3,102,493 $ $ $ $ 276,429 $ 2,772,637 $ 2,822,363 $ 389,894 $ 4,110,363 $ 276,429 $ 15,133,791 Reference Page 21-22 Page 22 Page 22 Page 22 Page 22 Page 22 Page 22 Page 22 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 10 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Cash Process Description Programs are offered by the Park District to meet the recreational and cultural needs of the citizen of Oak Lawn community and property tax receipts are the primary sources of funds for the Park District. Property taxes are levied against the real estate property within the Park District’s boundaries. Registration for programs is offered to residents of Oak Lawn as well as non-residents. To register, a registration form is completed and is either brought to, mailed, or faxed to a facility. Payment by cash, check or credit card, must accompany the registration form. Financial statement accounts that are included in the cash process description include: • • Cash and cash equivalents Restricted cash Administration Office The District maintains approximately 11 bank accounts, each having a specific purpose (disbursements, investing, checking, depository, etc). The District utilizes a cash management system that “sweeps” daily balances to / from the operating account from the various accounts at Founder’s Bank. Accordingly, the District’s bank accounts are zero-balance, noninterest bearing accounts. The main check signer for the District is the Director of the District. The President of the Board of Commissioners is also an authorized signer. Collateral Insurance Deposits with financial institutions are classified into three categories. • • • Deposits covered by federal depository insurance, or by collateral held by the Park District or its agent in the Park District’s name. Deposits covered by collateral held by pledging financial institution, or its trust department, or its agent in the Park District’s name. Deposits covered by collateral held by the pledging financial institution, or its trust department, or its agent but not in the Park District’s name, and deposits that are uninsured and uncollateralized. The District maintains funds in banks with FDIC insurance coverage. All funds in excess of the FDIC insurance coverage limitation of $100,000 are collateralized in our name by the financial institution. Cash Control Procedures Uniform cash control procedures were adopted by the District in order to minimize the risk that money is not placed in deposit envelopes, that the deposit envelope is not placed in the drop safe daily, and that the deposit is not deposited in the bank. Facility managers and department heads are informed of these procedures and implement them to the extent possible at their facility. These procedures are classified as: cash drawer, deposit, and deposit pick-up procedures. Cash Drawer Start shift / day FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 11 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Cashier and facility manager/supervisor verify count in cash drawer. All transactions are recorded through the cash register and a receipt is generated for each transaction. All checks received should be immediately and restrictively endorsed. End shift / day Cashier and facility manager/supervisor verify count in cash drawer and complete cash drawer log. Funds are to be matched to register tape. Make the deposit including a completed deposit slip. Overages/shortages are noted. Complete deposit log. Cashier and facility manager/supervisor initial deposit envelope across the seal. Deposit envelope placed in drop safe. Deposit Each facility identifies people responsible for handling cash and access to safe key. All registrations/receipts must be entered into computer upon receipt. If no computer is available for input, transfer the receipt information onto a spreadsheet. (Deposit detail would be entered into the computer when it becomes available.) Record the deposit in the deposit log and place in drop safe. Each deposit is entered into the deposit log. If there is no deposit for a given day, it would also be noted on the deposit (and courier) log(s). Registrations being sent to Oak View / Administration should be entered onto the registration log. The person at Oak View / Administration responsible for entering registrations will verify receiving the registrations by initialing the registration log sheet. The registration log sheet would be returned to the originating facility as proof of receipt. Deposit Pick-up The first stop for the courier is the Administration Building to pick-up drop safe keys (the second key required to open safe) for each facility. The courier and administration staff person complete the key log and initial / sign as evidence that the keys were signed out. The courier and administration staff would also initial / sign the key log when the keys are returned that same day. The courier and the facility manager / supervisor (or other designated staff) are required to jointly retrieve the deposits from the drop safe. The facility manager / supervisor removes the deposits from the drop safe and the courier enters the following information into the courier log: Facility name and bag number Envelope number (# 1, 2, 3, etc., representing each envelope entered in the courier log. Amount of deposit in each envelope. Initials of facility manager / supervisor and courier indicating receipt of envelopes. The courier places deposit envelopes into the deposit bag and locks it. The courier takes all deposit bags to the bank (Founders). When the courier receives the bank deposit slips, he/she places a check mark next to the appropriate deposit information on the courier log. The bank deposit slips are delivered to Administration. Bank deposit slips are matched to deposit detail sheets by the front desk staff at Administration. Bank Reconciliations Bank reconciliations are prepared by the Controller. Reconciliations are performed on a monthly basis for all accounts. The bank statements usually arrive between the 5th and 10th of the following month, and reconciliations are usually completed by the end of that month. (R-Control Activities) FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 12 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Accounts have outstanding items each month. They are mainly outstanding checks, deposits in transit, and occasionally differences in deposits between the bank and the District. The accounts with outstanding checks are the payroll disbursement account (#5069402 – Founder’s Bank) and the vendor check account (#5069403 – Founder’s Bank). The bank sends a list of paid checks to the District every month. Once received, the paid checks are entered into the computer system by the front desk staff in Administration. The in-house computer system would then generate the cumulative list of outstanding checks. Since some checks are never cashed, this account is ‘cleaned’ up by canceling the outstanding check from the outstanding list. Those checks are transferred to a liability account for record-keeping and properly remitted to the state after seven years. Petty Cash The Administration Office is responsible for approving the establishment of all petty cash funds. (A-Control Activities) Accountability in each facility is assigned to the facility manager who is responsible for safeguarding the fund. The maximum amount in the fund is limited to $800.00. Petty cash funds are maintained on an ‘imprest’ basis, meaning that the amount of the fund should remain constant. Currency + coin + petty cash receipts = authorized maximum amount for the fund. Original receipts must accompany all reimbursement requests. (R-Control Activities) Petty cash may not be used to cash personal or payroll checks. The Administration Office conducts surprise petty cash audits semi-annually and verifies each fund when the fund is replenished. (M-Control Activities) Investment Process Description State Statutes authorize the Park District to invest in obligations of the U.S. Treasury; federally insured bank accounts, credit union accounts or money markets; high-rated short-term corporate obligations; repurchase agreements; and the Illinois Fund administered by the State of Illinois Treasurer. The Park District’s bank accounts are zero-balance, non-interest bearing accounts. On a daily basis, the bank “sweeps” daily balances from the various operating bank accounts into the District’s operating account. Any funds in excess of our compensating balance amount (currently at $380,000) are swept into an interest bearing repurchase agreement account. The District Controller periodically receives interest rate quotes via the telephone for Certificates of Deposits at financial institutions approved to do business with the District. (M-Control Activities) Depending on the current interest rate market, funds may be invested in certificates of deposit or repurchase agreement (money market) account. Replacement tax deposits made by the Illinois Department of Revenue to the District are deposited directly into the Illinois Fund. Depending on interest rates, the funds may remain in this fund or transferred to our operating account at Founders Bank. Financial statement accounts that are included in the investment process description are cash and cash equivalents. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 13 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Administration Office Procedures Investment accounting procedures in the Administration Office are focused on maximizing the return on our investments in compliance with the State Statutes. Certificate of Deposits, the Repurchase Agreement account at Founder’s Bank, and the Illinois Fund are the primary investment vehicles used by the District. Depositing funds in one of these vehicles involve the following procedures: (1) The Controller or Superintendent of Finance and Personnel would review or obtain current interest rate quotes from local financial institutions and or the Illinois Fund. (2) The Controller or Superintendent of Finance and Personnel, based on an assessment of our cash needs and the prevailing interest rates, would wire transfer funds to / from the Repurchase Agreement, or other investment account to the investment vehicle that offers the best interest rate. Debt Issuance Process Description The issuance of debt by the District is governed by the State of Illinois. The use of general obligation debt by park districts is principally governed by two Illinois State Statutes: 1. Outstanding general obligation bonds may not exceed .575% of the assessed valuation of a district. 2. Total general obligation indebtedness may not exceed 2.875% of the assessed valuation of a district unless an increase is approved by referendum. In addition to the State Statutes, the Property Tax Extension Limitation Act (PTELA) or “Tax Caps” limits the annual debt service tax levy which is used to repay obligations of the district. Financial statement accounts that are included in the debt issuance process description include: • • General obligation bonds Notes payable Debt Issuance Procedures The Oak Lawn Park District typically issues general obligation bonds each year to fund capital improvements and to provide for the debt service on existing obligations. Each fall an assessment is made by the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel and the Park District Treasurer as to the funding needs of the District. The Treasurer makes an assessment of the interest rate markets in order to determine the annual general obligation bond amount. The Treasurer would recommend the amount to the Board. He would also notify the Park District Attorney of this amount in order for him to prepare the necessary bid documents that are sent to financial institutions. Bid documents are opened at the December board meeting at which time the Board would formally approve the lowest interest rate bid. (M-Control Activities) FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 14 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Revenue Process Description Programs offered by the Park District are continually evaluated in order to best meet the recreational and cultural needs of the citizen of Oak Lawn community. New programs are added while others are cancelled depending on enrollment and demand. Brochures are issued four times throughout the year listing all programs offered through the Park District. The registration process occurs several weeks before the programs start. Registration for programs is first open to residents of Oak Lawn and opens to non-residents approximately two weeks later. Registrations are accepted through the starting date of the program or up until the program is filled or cancelled, or until the registration deadline. To register, a registration form must be completed and depending on the program, may either be brought, mailed, or faxed to a facility. Unless otherwise arranged, payment by cash, check or credit card, must accompany the registration form. Financial statement accounts that are included in the revenue process description include: • • Taxes Program and operating fees Description of the Revenue Process Administration Office The District maintains 7 bank accounts that are used as depository accounts for Administration, Recreation, Pavilion, Ice Rink, Racquet Club, Swimming Pools, and the Golf Course. The respective facility deposits funds into their account to facilitate the accounting of their receipts. The funds are then swept out daily to the Districts operating account. Credit Card Receipts The District accepts credit card payments from patron for registration fees. Amounts received via credit cards are deposited directly into the each facilities bank account as discussed above. Administration Office - Property and Replacement Taxes Property Taxes - The Park District files its levy for property taxes with the County each December. Property tax receipts are received primarily in two installments, in March and September or beyond, in the year following our levy (i.e. the taxes levied for 2003 are received in 2004). The Cook County Treasurer’s Office wire transfers property tax payments directly into the “Administration Account” (account # 5069410) at Founders Bank. The Cook County Treasurer’s Office notifies the Park District of all tax payments via an email sent to the Controller. Upon notification, the Controller would record the tax payment in the accounting records of the district. (M-Information/Communication) Replacement Taxes - Annually the Park District is notified by the Illinois Department of Revenue of the estimated amount of Personal Property Replacement Taxes we will receive based on the State fiscal year which begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. Payments are made in January, March, April, May, July, August, October, and December each year. The Illinois Office of the Comptroller electronically transfers the Park Districts allocation to our Illinois Fund account managed by the State of Illinois Treasurer. The State Comptroller notifies the Park District via fax when funds have been deposited into our account. Based upon interest rates and our liquidity, the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel will evaluate whether the funds should be transferred to our Administration Account at Founders Bank or leave on deposit in the Illinois Fund. Upon notification, Superintendent of Finance and Personnel would record the tax payment in the accounting records of the district. (M-Information / Communication) FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 15 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Fees and Admissions Fees and admissions are collected for participation in programs and classes. Programs include both those that require advance registration and “drop-in” programs such as open gym. These fees and admissions are accepted at numerous locations throughout the district and can be paid, with some exceptions, in person, by mail, or by fax. Most fees and admissions are collected in advance or at the time the program takes place. Under limited circumstances, fees are paid in installments. With the exception of the cash register at the Golf Course Clubhouse (see Rentals – Golf), all cash registers are tied into the Districts accounting system for recording the transaction in the Districts books and records. Administration Administration does not offer programs but will accept non-credit card registrations. Patrons wishing to register and make payments generally see the front desk staff, however anyone in Administration can accept registrations. The Administration Office does not maintain a cash drawer so payments must be for the exact amount. Patrons are given a receipt for all transactions. The receipt is initialed by Administration staff accepting the payment, dated, and they enter the program code and participant’s name. Administration however does not keep a duplicate copy of this receipt nor are they pre-numbered. A money receipt book is kept for all non-registration payments (i.e. entertainment books, freedom of information act requests, NSF check payments, etc.) which does contain a duplicate copy maintained by Administration. Oakview Registration forms are date and time stamped and placed into a drop safe for delivery to Oak View for processing the next morning. Registration forms are entered into a registration log which lists the facility, program number, amount paid, and the participant’s name. This log is initialed by the courier the next morning when the forms are removed from the drop safe (see cash control procedures). Registration takes place at the front desk at Oak View. All front desk staff are permitted to accept registrations. The standard registration forms are used for all programs except the programs listed below. These payments are taken through the cash register: General Gift Certificates Pool memberships Mom’s time out Concert Income Theatre Donations Dance Recitals Spec. Rec. Fund Raiser Nature Tours Super Cooker Games Galore Co-op Support Rev. Donations for theatre ad books Open Gym OV Babysitting Video income Season Tickets-gift certificate Senior Co-op Spec. Rec. Donations Oak View Facility Rentals Park Permits Pool Coupon Books Make-up/costume fees (theatre) Pool Coupons – Adult, Child, Senior, Family, Camp The cash register is located behind the front desk and its access is limited to the front desk staff. When not in use, it is under lock and key. Normally there are two front desk staff for each shift. Since there is only one cash register, it is shared by the front desk staff. At the beginning of each shift the cash drawer is counted and balanced (balance in drawer is $150.00). The drawer is also balanced at the end of the shift by one of the front desk staff and verified by the second. (R-Control Activities) If a discrepancy exists with the count, the drawer is re-verified. A cash drawer log is completed, indicating any over / shortage, and initialed by the parties involved. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 16 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Receipts are not issued for registrations being paid via check or credit card. The cancelled check or credit card receipts serve as the patrons receipt. Patrons paying by cash are issued a hand written receipt. The front desk staff however does not keep a duplicate copy of this receipt nor are they pre-numbered. Once the registration process is completed, the forms are entered into a registration log. A three part deposit slip is prepared by the front desk staff, one part accompanies the deposit to the bank, one part remains at Oak View as a copy, and one part is sent to Administration for verification against the accounting records and for bank reconciliation purposes. The deposit is then entered in the deposit log (see cash control procedures) and the deposit is placed in the drop safe. (R-Control Activities) Deposits from Oak View are deposited into the Recreation Account (account #5069404) at Founders Bank. Dance, pre-school, and summer camp programs allow patrons to pay their fees in two installments. One-half of the fee is due at the time of registration and the balance is due at a specified date. Supervisors of the programs are responsible for verifying these class lists for timely payments. Second notice letters are sent out by the program supervisor for delinquent accounts. Late fees are assessed by the supervisor of a given program. Pavilion All programs, classes, and leagues run by the Pavilion require a registration form and they are processed by the front desk staff at the Pavilion. The Pavilion does utilize a cash register which is located behind the front desk and its access is limited to the front desk staff. When not in use, it is under lock and key. With only one cash register, it is shared by the front desk staff. Due to overlapping shifts, the drawer is closed out at the following intervals: Weekdays (Open-Noon), (Noon-3pm), (3pm-6pm), (6pm-Close) Weekends (Open-Noon), (Noon-5pm), (5pm-Close) The cash drawer is counted and balanced (balance in drawer is $100.00) in the break room behind the front desk and is verified by a second individual. If a discrepancy exists with the count, the drawer is re-verified by the front desk staff counting the drawer. A cash drawer log is completed, indicating any over / shortage, and initialed by the parties involved. Receipts are given to all customers. The receipt depends on the transaction. Receipts are not issued for registrations being paid via check or credit card. The cancelled check or credit card receipts serve as the patrons receipt. Hand written receipts are given to all customers that pay with cash. These receipts are not pre numbered. Adult league registrants are given a copy of the registration form because it is in triplicate. Another copy goes to Oak View for processing, and the final copy is given to the league supervisor. Transactions through the point of sale register print a receipt that is given to the customer. Point of sale transaction receipts are kept at the facility. Once the registration process is completed, the registration forms are entered into a registration log and placed in a drop safe for delivery the next day to Oak View for processing. A three part deposit slip is prepared by the front desk staff, one part accompanies the deposit to the bank, one part remains at the Pavilion as a copy, and one part is sent to Administration for verification against the accounting records and for bank reconciliation purposes. The deposit is then entered in the deposit log (see cash control procedures) and the deposit is placed in the drop safe. (R-Control Activities) Deposits from the Pavilion are deposited into the Pavilion Account (account #5069405) at Founders Bank. High school competitive soccer and sport camp programs allow patrons to pay their fees in installments. For soccer, $100.00 is required at the time the registration is accepted and the balance must be paid before the start of the league. Sports camp is paid in three installments. One-third of the fee is due at the time of registration, one-third is due the third week of camp and the balance is due the seventh week of camp. Supervisors of the programs are responsible for verifying that all payments are made. They also conduct follow up and make calls to delinquent accounts. Soccer teams cannot compete in the league if their fees have not been paid. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 17 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Pools The pool locations do not accept registrations for aquatic programs, only the outdoor pools accept daily fees. Each outdoor pool has one cash register located at the entrance to the pool which is shared by staff. Only the cashier and manager on duty are allowed to accept payments (cash and checks only), all of which are rung-up on the cash register. Due to the location of the cash register, it is not allowed to be unattended at anytime the pool is open to the public. The drawer is balanced (balance in drawer is $100.00 at Central and Centennial and $150.00 at Memorial) at the end of the shift by the manager on duty in the presence of the cashier(s). If a discrepancy exists with the count, the drawer is re-verified. A cash drawer log is completed, indicating any over / shortage, and initialed by the parties involved. It is also entered on the manager’s pool log. (M-Control Activities) Patrons generally discard receipts which create unsafe conditions when mixed with water. Accordingly, receipts are not issued unless the patron requests one. A three part deposit slip is prepared by the cashier. The deposit slip is initialed by the cashier and the manager on duty. One part of the deposit slip accompanies the deposit to the bank, one part remains at the pool as a copy, and one part is sent to Administration for verification against the accounting records and for bank reconciliation purposes. The deposit is then entered in the deposit log (see cash control procedures). The manager will then seal the deposit in an envelope, initial it across the seal and place it in a drop safe in the presence of the cashier. (R/M-Control Activities) Golf All greens fees, and payments for cart rentals, golf outings, league play, simulators, etc. are taken by the cashiers in the pro shop. The golf course utilizes a cash register which is located in the pro shop and can be accessed by all cashiers. With the exception of golf outings which require a contract and leagues that have a sign-in sheet, all other programs are rung through the cash register. The cash drawer is counted and balanced (balance in drawer is $150.00) each shift by a cashier or supervisor but is not verified by a second individual. Register tapes are matched to the deposit slip to verify accuracy. If a discrepancy exists with the count, the drawer is re-verified by a second individual, either another cashier or by a supervisor. A cash drawer log is completed, indicating any over / shortage, and initialed by the parties involved. Receipts are given to all patrons golfing or renting a cart. These receipts are presented to the Starter as proof that fees have been paid. Golf outings require a contract, a copy of which is given as a receipt to the organizer of the outing. These contracts are pre-numbered. The golf course copy of the contract is filed in a contract binder. The cashier on duty is responsible for preparing deposits. A three part deposit slip is prepared by the cashier, one part accompanies the deposit to the bank, one part remains at the golf course as a copy, and one part is sent to Administration for verification against the accounting records and for bank reconciliation purposes. The deposit is then entered in the deposit log (see cash control procedures) and the deposit is placed in a safe. (R-Control Activities)Deposits from the Golf Course are deposited into the Golf Course account (account #5069408) at Founders Bank. Ice Arena Registration takes place at the front desk in the Ice Arena. All front desk attendants are trained in accepting and entering the registrations into the cash register. Class registrations are accepted only during office hours, so only the attendants or program managers handle the registrations and fees. Registration forms are used for all programs that have a class code to be entered into the system. The ice arena utilizes a cash register that is used to record registrations and all other transactions, including Open skate and skate rental fees and freestyle payments for punch cards or drop-in fees. There are two cash registers are located behind the front desk with access limited to the front desk staff and Office Manager. One register is used for open skate and has a balance of $100.00. The other register is used for registrations and has a balance of $200.00. When not in use, they are under lock and key. The cash registers are usually used by only one person at a time. The drawers are balanced at the beginning and end of each shift by the front desk staff using the drawer and are verified by a supervisor. The ice arena uses a log for the cash register and the computer terminal to document the drawer balance, any over / shortage, and every person on every shift each day. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 18 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Two part receipts are given for all freestyle payments, contract and rental payments, birthday party payments, and room rentals. One copy is given to the patron and one copy is kept on file at the ice arena. Receipts for registration transactions are only given for cash payments. Receipts are not issued for registrations being paid via check or credit card. The cancelled check or credit card receipts serve as the patrons receipt. Any payments that are accepted after hours, i.e. rental payments, concession deposits, are deposited in the safe and the paperwork is left at the front office to be entered into the system the next day by the Office Manager. A separate cash register is located behind the counter in the concession area. All concession workers have access to the cash register. The drawer is balanced (balance in drawer is $100.00) each night unless there is no activity. The drawer is balanced by the concession staff cashier and is verified by a supervisor. The drawer is recounted the next morning by the concession staff cashier before using the drawer. At the end of each shift, the front desk staff prepares the bank deposit. The deposit is verified by a supervisor before being sealed in an envelope. A three part deposit slip is prepared by the front desk staff, one part accompanies the deposit to the bank, one part remains at the ice arena as a copy, and one part is sent to Administration for verification against the accounting records and for bank reconciliation purposes. The deposit is then entered in the deposit log (see cash control procedures) and the deposit is placed in a safe. The Office Manager would also verify the deposits on a daily basis. (RControl Activities) Deposits from the Ice Arena are deposited into the Ice Rink account (account #5069406) at Founders Bank. The house league hockey program allows patrons to pay their fees in two installments. One-half of the fee is due at the time of registration and the balance is due at a specified date. The Office Manager is responsible for verifying that all payments are received. Players whose payment is not made (or arrangements for payment) are suspended from participating until the fee is paid. Racquet Club Registration takes place at the front desk of the Racquet Club. The only exception is four days when the gymnastics department has a separate table set up to accept registration. All front desk staff can accept registration. Registration forms are used for all programs and are entered into a registration log. There are separate logs for tennis, gymnastics, and any registration going to Oak View for processing. After the registration is logged, the payment is attached to the registration form and the registrations for gymnastics and those going to Oak View for processing are put in the drop safe. Tennis registrations are put in the locked box bolted to the floor (located next to the safe). The only people able to open the locked box are the Director of Tennis, the Racquet Club Manager and the Assistant Manager. Registration for tennis programs are done by the Assistant Manager at the Racquet Club. On a daily basis the Director of Tennis opens the locked box and verifies the registrations with the tennis registration log sheet. Because many patrons are placed in progressional tennis programs by the Director of Tennis, it is necessary for her to review the registrations for placement in the correct level / class. Once she has reviewed the registrations, she initials the registration log to verify all registrations are intact. She then puts the registrations and log sheet back in the locked box. The Assistant Manager then takes the registrations and log sheet and enters the registration batch into the computer and makes the deposit for the batch. Original registration forms are sent to the Administration Office along with the batch and deposit paperwork. A second copy of the paperwork is kept at the Racquet Club. The cash register is located at the front desk and is accessible by the front desk staff, manager, assistant manager, gymnastics manager, and gymnastics assistant manager. The cash register is used to record all payments received by the Racquet Club. The cash drawer is closed out by the employee who worked that shift and is not verified by a second individual. In the event it is very busy, the new shift may start while the previous shift closes out behind the front counter. As a rule, the drawer is balanced (balance in drawer is $100.00) after each shift. In very slow times (summer), two shifts may be combined together. (The back-up drawer is kept at $250.00.) The printer prints a start of shift receipt, a receipt for each transaction and an end of shift receipt, each of which are three part receipts. (R-Information / Communication) These receipts, along with a daily cash report form is used in balancing each shift. (R-Control Activities) One complete receipt FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 19 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL tape is sent to administration with a copy of the daily cash report form and copies of all credit card transactions. A duplicate copy of all this is kept at the Racquet Club. The third copy of each transaction receipt goes to the patron. Deposit logs and a log of starting amounts of the front and back-up drawers are kept at the front desk and filled out for every shift. Each employee is responsible to verify the amounts in the drawer before they start their shift. A record of this is also on the daily cash report form. Deposits are prepared by the front desk staff. Deposits are not verified by a second individual as there is only one person on duty at a time. A three part deposit slip is prepared by the front desk staff, one part accompanies the deposit to the bank, one part remains at the Racquet Club as a copy, and one part is sent to Administration for verification against the accounting records and for bank reconciliation purposes. The deposit is then entered in the deposit log (see cash control procedures). (R-Control Activities) Deposits from the Racquet Club are deposited into the Racquet Club account (account #5069407) at Founders Bank. Extended payment plans are not offered at the Racquet Club except for tennis members who are charged monthly dues as part of their membership plan. If these members fall two months behind in dues, their membership is suspended and they are not allowed to use the facility until their dues are up-to-date. Letters are sent to members behind in their monthly dues. Rentals Rental fees are collected primarily from the rental of rooms and parking lots at various facilities throughout the district. Oak View Oak View offers various rooms for rentals. Patrons requesting a room rental fill out a four part rental form. A room deposit is received at the time the rental form is received. The patron is given one copy as their receipt. The deposit check is attached to the rest of the forms and is placed in the safe in the front office. Each morning a Registration Imputer opens the safe and retrieves the registration forms and gives them to the Facility Manager. If the Facility Manager is not there, the room rental forms go back in the safe. The Facility Manager enters the date in the facility reservation system. Once entered the Facility Manager signs and puts an “O” in the right hand corner of the rental form. She/he gives the one copy to the maintenance department, the one copy she/he keeps and one copy is put at the front desk in chronological order. He/she then logs the deposit check and places it in the safe in the inner office, where the bank deposits are kept (see cash control procedures). (M-Control Activities) When the front desk receives a payment on the rental, they attach the check, cash or charge to the copy maintained at the front desk and puts it in the front desk safe for the Facility Manager. When the Facility Manager receives the copy with the payment attached, she/he puts an “X” in the “O” on the copy he/she maintains and returns the front desk copy with the payment to the front desk where it is rung up in the cash register. These payments would then be included in the daily deposits prepared by the front desk staff. (M-Control Activities) Security checks received are sent to Administration where they are logged. After the rental is over and there has been no damage, etc to the room, the Facility Manager e-mails the Superintendent of Finance and Personal to inform him that it is alright to send the deposit checks back to the renters. (S-Control Activities) Pavilion The Pavilion provides rentals for shows and expos. The Pavilion Manager handles all arrangements and is responsible for issuing invoices and assuring payments are received. When payments are received, they are recorded through the cash register and the payment is processed along with other cash drawer amounts. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 20 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Golf Party rentals take place at the clubhouse and are handled by the Clubhouse Manager or Assistant Manager. Each rental requires a contract, a copy of which is given to the renter. The original is maintained by the Clubhouse Manager who would issue a separate room rental receipt at the conclusion of the rental. The room rental receipt is a two part receipt, one copy is given to the renter and one copy is attached to the original contract and filed at the clubhouse. Deposits of room rental deposits and final payments are rung up on the cash register behind the bar area by the Manager or Assistant Manager. The payment is then deposited with all other receipts for the day. The cash register in the Clubhouse is not tied into the Districts accounting system. Accordingly, a “Z” reading is taken and the information is entered onto a spreadsheet. The information on the spreadsheet is then entered into the accounting system by someone other than the person completing the spreadsheet. The cash register located in the bar area is also used to record food and beverage purchases in the dining room. The register can only be used by one person at a time. During the slow season, the drawer is closed at the end of the day. During the peak season, it is closed at the end of each shift. The cash drawer is counted and balanced using a prescribed form (balance in drawer is $150.00) generally by the person who used the drawer but is not verified by a second individual. If a discrepancy exists with the count, the drawer is reverified by the person counting the drawer. A cash drawer log is completed, indicating any over / shortage, and initialed by the parties involved. A three part deposit slip is prepared by the person who closed out the drawer, one part accompanies the deposit to the bank, one part remains at the golf course as a copy, and one part is sent to Administration for verification against the accounting records and for bank reconciliation purposes. The deposit is then entered in the deposit log (see cash control procedures) and the deposit is placed in a safe. (R-Control Activities) Ice Arena Room rentals are handled by the office manager and require that the fee be paid in full at the time the room is rented. Each rental requires a completed facility rental form along with a $ 50 deposit. The original is filed in the Ice Arena Office and a copy is given to the customer. Deposits of room rental fees are made by the office manager or in their absence, the supervisor on duty by entering them into the cash register. Birthday party fees are collected by the hostess at the completion of the party. The hostess prepares the deposit by completing a deposit slip in the presence of the front desk staff, attaching the payment to the deposit slip and placing it in the drop safe. Other Administration Beyond the recording of receipts for taxes and parking lot rental, Administration is responsible for the recording of receipts based upon contractual arrangements such as vending commissions. Deposits are made primarily by the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel. A three part deposit slip is prepared, one part accompanies the deposit to the bank, one part remains in the deposit book as a copy, and one part is given to the Controller as documentation to prepare the journal entry to record the receipt in the accounting records. Once prepared, the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel gives the deposit and the deposit slips for the bank and for the journal entry to the Controller who would verify the deposit and enters the deposit into the deposit log (see cash control procedures). At month’s end and as part of the bank reconciliation process, the Controller would verify that all deposits have been recorded properly in the financial records. (R/S-Control Activities) Payroll Process Description This process identifies the procedures for hiring employees and the issuance of payroll checks. Financial statement accounts that are included in this process are salary, wages, and benefits. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 21 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Description of the Payroll Process The payroll department at the Park District is comprised of three individuals. Payroll is processed on a biweekly basis is for all employees. Overall payroll processes checks for approximately 55 full-time employees and 260 part-time employees (as of 4/30/03). The District has recently initiated a direct deposit option for all employees. Every employee, whether they are being hired for the first time, or rehired, must complete the following steps before they can begin working at the Park District: Complete application form. The completion of the form is self-explanatory. The applicant must complete the type of work they are applying for. If this section is left blank or a generic response such as “anything” or “open” is indicated, the application will be disqualified. The applicant also must complete the section for references including the phone numbers for each reference. The applicant must sign and date the security release form included in the application. Complete the Payroll Status/Change form. The completed form must be signed / approved by the Department Head responsible for the employee, the Superintendent of Finance and Personal, and the Director of the Park District. Complete tax forms W-4 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate and IL-W- 4 Employee’s Illinois Withholding Allowance Certificate I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form with either of the following forms of identification: a. Driver’s License or State I.D. with photo or school I.D. with photo and b. Social Security card or birth certificate c. A U.S. passport or alien registration card is sufficient identification by itself Other forms of identification are acceptable but these are the most common ones given. A list of acceptable forms of identification for the Form I-9 is available in the payroll department. Orientation (Employee) procedure (Full time and Part Time employees) Employee pre employment physical (Full time employees only) Employee background check Driver Abstract The paperwork is reviewed for completeness by the Office Manager before employment begins. Completed paperwork received by the Tuesday proceeding the pay week will be paid on the next payday. Completed paperwork received after Tuesday proceeding the payroll week will delay the employee’s check until the following payday. (M-Control Activities) Payroll Check Issuance Process Employee timesheets are printed and delivered to each department via inter-office mail. The department head or supervisor fills out employee timesheets based on time cards, time sheets and salary agreements. Except for exempt staff, administration front desk staff and instructors, virtually all other employees use time cards. Instructors use either a time sheet or salary agreement (salary agreement is used when an instructor gets paid per class or per class participant rather than on an hourly basis). Administration front desk staff (and Oak View front desk staff when they work in a different department) completes time sheets. Exempt staff time is recorded in the payroll system via an auto post function. Salary agreements are signed by the employee at the time they are entered into, time sheets are signed by the employee at the time of completion. Employee timesheets are signed by the department head or supervisor who completed them and are delivered to the payroll department beginning 5:00 pm Monday of the payroll week. The payroll clerk audits/edits the time cards and salary agreements against the employee timesheets and verifies that the timesheets have been signed. Any questions are directed back to the department head or supervisor. (R-Control Activities) The payroll clerk takes an adding machine tape of the hours for each department. The payroll clerk enters the employee information from the timesheets into the computer. The only pay information that the payroll clerk does not enter is the administration department payroll. After the entire payroll information is input, a Gross Earnings Report is run. The Gross Earnings Report lists each employee, the hours worked and the rate per hour and the department totals hours. The payroll FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 22 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL clerk compares total hours by department from the Gross Earnings Report to the adding machine tapes taken earlier; any discrepancies are reconciled. Before payroll checks are run, the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel checks the Gross Earnings Report for anything unusual. If nothing unusual is spotted the checks are printed by the Office Manager. Once the checks are given to the Administration Office Manager, the payroll clerk does not handle the checks again. (M/S-Control Activities) The Office Manager takes the printed payroll checks and runs them through the check-signing machine. When all the checks have been signed, the Office Manager gives the checks to receptionist for bursting and stuffing into the payroll envelopes. (S-Control Activities) The completed checks are then locked in the safe where only the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel, the Controller/Accounting Supervisor and /or the Office Manager can retrieve them. Every other payroll period, each department will receive a copy of their department’s gross earnings report. The department head or supervisor will check the hours and rates for each employee for accuracy. Any discrepancies or differences are reported to the business office. Non-Salary Process Description A purchase order, check request or voucher must accompany every purchase. Purchase orders are required for those items that have a long-range effect on the budget. Electricity or other utilities do not require a purchase orders, but purchase of equipment or contractual services that will be received and paid for at a later date would require a purchase orders. A check request will be used to reimburse expenses already incurred, emergency purchases or day to day purchases with immediate receipt of goods. This would include, but is not limited to, purchases for supplies, emergencies, repairs, subscription, registration, maintenance agreements, petty cash, mileage reimbursements etc. Vouchers are used to affect payment such as monthly service payments to utility companies or other fixed monthly bills that do not affect the encumbrance accounts but post directly to the proper expense accounts. Financial statement accounts that are included in this process include: • Contractual services • Materials and supplies • Insurance • Utilities • Other • Capital outlay Description of the Non-Salary Process Purchase Orders The purchase orders are completed by Supervisors or above based upon their program / departmental needs. The person completing the purchase order indicates what is being purchased along with the purchase price and reviews the budget in order to ascertain that the purchase is within the budget. If the purchase is within budget, the purchase order must be approved by the manager whose budget is being charged and the request is forward to the Business Office. (M-Control Activities) If the purchase is not within the budget, the purchase cannot be made unless it is demonstrated that the purchase is covered by additional revenues or is a necessary and/or an unforeseen expense. In these cases, the additional revenues or explanation as a necessary and/or unforeseen expense is verified by the Controller and / or Superintendent of Finance and Personnel by discussing with the appropriate supervisor and by verifying the budget. The purchase order and supporting documentation is then approved by the manager whose budget is being charged and the request is forwarded to the Business Office. (M-Control Activities) Absent the purchase being in budget, being funded through additional revenues, or a necessary or unforeseen expense, the purchase cannot be made. In the Business Office, all purchase orders are given to an Accounts Payable Clerk who reviews them for vendor information, appropriate signatures, account number(s), assigns a purchase order number and obtains the Controllers FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 23 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL approval for purchase orders less than or equal to $1,000 and the Directors approval for purchase orders more than $1,000. This approval is indicated by the signature of the Controller and / or Director. Once the purchase order is approved, it is returned to the Accounts Payable Clerk who distributes them to the appropriate staff. (M-Control Activities) Check not required – the Accounts Payable Clerk maintains the administration copy of the purchase order, places the journal copy in the purchase order file, and sends the vendor copy, Business Office copy, receiving copy and originator’s copy to purchase order originator. The purchase order originator would then be allowed to order items on the purchase order. When goods are received, goods received are checked against purchase order. If everything ordered has been received, the receiving copy of the purchase order is signed by the employee who received and verified the goods. The packing slip and signed receiving copy are then sent to the Accounts Payable Clerk in the Business Office. If the order is incomplete, the packing slip is filed until the rest of the goods are received. If it is determined that the remaining goods will be delayed, a partial payment for the goods can be requested. In this case, the packing slip for the goods received is marked “OK to pay for these items only”, signed by the employee who received and verified the goods, and sent to the Accounts Payable Clerk in the Business Office. The Accounts Payable Clerk would enter the completed purchase orders into the accounts payable system in order to issue a check. Once entered into the accounts payable system but before the check is issued, all completed purchase orders are inspected by the Controller for compliance with the outlined procedures. Purchase orders not in compliance with the Park District procedures are returned to staff for an explanation. (M-Control Activities) Check Requests A check request is used for expense reimbursement or a purchase; therefore there should be an invoice or receipt. Forms can be downloaded from the computer and available to be printed when a check request is needed. The original invoice or receipt is attached to the check request form, the check request form is approved by the appropriate manager, and sent to the Accounts Payable Clerk in the Business Office for payment. When the check request is received by the Accounts Payable Clerk, it is checked for completeness, assigned a voucher number and forwarded to the Superintendent of Finance and Personal or Controller for approval if $1,000 or less and the Director if it is over $1,000.00. (M-Control Activities) A copy of the approved check request will be sent to the originator for his/her file. All requests should be given at least 5 business days before a check will be printed and in the case of a check over $1,000.00, allow 7 business days. Vouchers A voucher is used for the payment of regular monthly bills such as utilities, waste removal, health insurances, etc. The Accounts Payable Clerk in the Business Office is responsible for all voucher payments. The Accounts Payable Clerk checks the invoice for accuracy, assigns a voucher number, and gives to the Controller for review and signature. Vouchers are approved by the Controller if under $1,000 and by the Director if over $1,000 before a check is issued. Procurement Card Program The MasterCard Procurement Card (P-Card) program is a simplified and cost-effective method of purchasing and remitting payment for approved expenditures. The P-Card can be used for retail purchases in person, by telephone or by fax. The PCard will be used in accordance with the guidelines established in the Procurement Card Procedures Manual and this document. A copy of the manual will be given to each employee that is issued a P-Card. The P-Card is to be used with the same sense of responsibility and security that would be used with a personal credit card. All credit cards will be issued at the request of the Oak Lawn Park District and card usage will be audited and may be restricted at any time. Only the employee whose name is on the P-Card is authorized to use the card. (R-Control Activities) This document, and the Procurement Card Procedures Manual, provides the guidelines under which the P-Card may be used. Each employee that receives a P-Card will be given a copy of the Procurement Card Procedures Manual. After reading the manual the employee must sign Cardholder Authorization Form (located in the back of the manual) stating that they understand and will comply with the guidelines of the program. The Business Office will schedule training sessions for all employees before they receive their P-Card. (A-Information/Communication) Once the employee receives their card they FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 24 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL must fill out the Acknowledgment Form (located in the back of the manual) for the receipt of their card and then call the Harris Bank activation number to activate the card. Record keeping will be essential to ensure the success of the program. This is not an extraordinary requirement since standard reimbursement policies require the retention of all receipts. (Refer to the NON-SALARY PROCESS DESCRIPTION section of this document beginning on page 26). General Information • The Purchase Card may be used at any merchant that accepts MasterCard credit cards. • The Purchase Card is not to be used for personal purchases. • The employee is responsible for the security of their card and any transactions made against the card. The Purchase Card is issued in the employee’s name and it will be assumed that any purchases made against the Purchase Card will have been made by that employee. • Use of the Purchase Card not in accordance with the guidelines established for this program will result in revocation of the card. • The employee will not be charged an annual fee for their card. • Harris Bank will pay merchants within 48 hours of (the merchants’) posting of the transaction to MasterCard. • The appropriate department budget is reduced by each transaction and reflected by the financial statements of the following month. • Original receipts and a copy of the Monthly Card member Activity Report (printed from Harris details Online Website) should be forwarded to the Business Office each month. (R-Control Activities) • All purchasing procedures and guidelines are to be adhered to. (Refer to the Oak Lawn Park District Financial Procedures Manual). • The Purchase Card program has been established as another method of payment for eligible purchases. It does not eliminate the District’s purchasing policy or procedures. It is intended to increase efficiency and reduce costs. No circumvention of the purchasing procedures by the improper use of the Purchase Card shall be tolerated. • Finally, it is intended that the guidelines established herein be viewed as the minimum standards for departments, who may wish to establish additional controls beyond these guidelines. Contact the Business Office regarding establishing additional internal controls. Acceptable MasterCard Purchase Card Purchases The following information provides examples of purchases that are appropriate for the Purchase Card: • Purchases of a small dollar amount • Fuel • Approved supplies • Conference/Seminar registrations (Board Members and Director only) • Travel/Conference expenses, including lodging (Board Members and Director only) • Hardware stores Unacceptable MasterCard Purchase Card Purchases The following items define where the Purchase Card is not an appropriate choice: • Alcoholic beverages/tobacco • Lottery tickets FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 25 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL • • • • Technology related products Cash advances or ATM’s Services Gift certificates Department specific regulations may add further restrictions to this list so the employee must check with their supervisor for any additional restrictions. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive. If there are specific questions, please call the Business Office for assistance. Program Restrictions Each MasterCard Purchase Card has been assigned a monthly credit limit determined by the Director, Department Head and Superintendent of Finance & Personnel. Harris Bank will only take directions from the authorized program administrator. The program administrator (i.e., Business Office) must approve all requests and limit changes or Harris Bank will not make those changes. (A-Control Environment) The MasterCard will be accepted for purchases of generally approved Park District commodities. Businesses and services not determined to offer products commonly accepted for Park District use have been blocked from accepting the Purchase Card. (A-Control Activities) Limiting the acceptable Merchant Category Codes does this. The Merchant Category Code is a four (4)-digit classification code used in the authorization and settlement systems to identify the type of merchant (commonly known as Standard Industrial Code “SIC”). Levels of credit authorization are in place to clearly define the individual purchasing limit controls. We have chosen to define our control limits by levels. Each designated level will have a transaction limit, daily limit and monthly limit. Each Department Head and the Superintendent of Finance & Personnel will determine the assigned levels. If a merchant declines an employee’s card and that employee feels the decline should not have occurred, contact the Business Office or Corporate Client Services at 1-800-263-2263 within 24 hours. Request for transaction, daily and monthly limit changes are to be made by each Department Head to the Superintendent of Finance & Personnel. (A-Control Environment) Reconciliation and Payment The MasterCard Purchase Card program carries corporate, not individual, liability. A single invoice covering all Park District purchases using the Purchase Card program will be paid each month by the Business Office. It is required that all original receipts for goods purchased are retained. (R-Control Activities) If purchases via phone or mail, the merchant will be required to include a receipt with the goods when the product is shipped. If that is not possible, a packing slip must be obtained when the shipment is received to document the purchase. Each cardholder will need to review their statement (at a minimum of one time per month) for all transactions made against their MasterCard Purchase Card during the previous billing cycle. (R-Control Activities) Each cardholder will be notified by e-mail to review and approve their transactions on the last working day of the month. Original receipts and a copy of the Harris Bank statement (printed from the website), with each purchase coded to the appropriate general ledger number should be forwarded to the department manager, superintendent and/or department head for their review and signature each month. The approved statements should then be forwarded to the Business Office. (M/R-Control Activities) The cardholder may keep a transaction log of all receipts and statements. The log serves to remind cardholders of transactions and assists in reconciliation of the monthly statements. A periodic audit will be conducted of card activity, retention of receipts, reconciled detail and signed monthly statements. Misuse of the MasterCard Purchase Card includes: • • Using the Purchase Card for personal purchases Purchase of unauthorized items FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 26 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL • • Use of the Purchase Card by someone other than the cardholder Fraudulent or inaccurate record keeping In the case of misuse, the appropriate Supervisor, Department Head and/or Business Office staff shall document the occurrence on the Cardholder Misuse Report and forward it to the Superintendent of Finance & Personnel for further action. (M-Control Activities) When The Records Do Not Agree with The Monthly Statement There may be an occasion when items found on the transaction log do not correlate with the retained receipts or monthly cardholder statement. Reconciliation of the monthly statement is very important to determine if the employee has made a particular transaction, the amount of the transaction is correct, or there is a quality or service issue. (R-Control Activities) The first recourse is to contact the merchant involved to try to resolve the error. If the merchant agrees that an error has been made, the account will be credited. The transaction in question is to be highlighted on the statement as a reminder that the item is still pending resolution. The statement should be checked to ensure that the credit is received on the next monthly statement. (R-Control Activities) If unable to resolve the issue directly with the merchant, contact the customer service department at Harris Bank, 1-800263-2263 and immediately notify the Business Office. When calling be sure to have detailed information regarding the dispute. State that you would like to dispute a charge on your Purchase Card. You are required by law to submit the information in writing to initiate a claims dispute with Harris Bank. The amount of the next monthly statement will be reduced by the amount of the disputed item until the question is resolved. (See Cardholder Dispute Form at the back of the manual). Any charge that a cardholder wishes to dispute must be identified in writing within 30 days of the statement date to Harris Bank. Each cardholder is responsible for the transactions identified on their statement. When an audit is conducted on each account, each cardholder must be able to produce receipts that a Park District approved transaction occurred. If an error is discovered the cardholder is responsible to show that the error or dispute resolution process has been followed. Lost or Stolen Cards The MasterCard Purchase Card is the property of the Oak Lawn Park District and should be secured just as you would secure your personal credit cards. (A-Control Activities) If your card is lost or stolen contact Harris Bank customer service number (1-800-263-2263) immediately, then notify the Business Office. When calling customer service, be prepared to provide your social security number. Upon notifying Harris Bank, the card will be deactivated immediately. If the card is reported lost or stolen and is later used, the Merchant will decline it. Prompt action in these circumstances is very important to reduce Park District liability for fraudulent charges. Sales Tax Merchants are usually required by taxing authorities to include sales tax when goods are purchased. The amount is dependent on a variety of factors, including the state and city where the goods are purchased. Purchases of items by public entities for their own use are generally exempt from sales tax. The exemption applies to the public entity, not to the individual. It is the cardholder’s responsibility to notify the merchant the Park District is tax exempt. The Park District Illinois state tax-exempt number is “E9997-9942-05” and a copy of the Park District tax-exempt form is included in the back of this FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 27 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL manual. You may need to make a copy of the form, insert the vendor name, and then date the form prior to issuance (i.e., faxing or mailing). Do not distribute this form to any other employee in the organization. If they need one, they have been provided with a copy. Should you have additional questions, please contact the Business Office for assistance. Check Disbursement Procedures All open blank check stock is kept in the safe in the Administration Office. Access is restricted via key or combination access. Blank check stock is taken to the computer for printing as needed and is generally run weekly by the Accounts Payable Clerk. The Office Manager places one of two signatures on the checks using a signature plate. The checks, if under $1,000 are given to the Controller or Superintendent of Finance and Personnel who places the second signature on the check using a signature stamp (S-Control Activities). If the check is $1,000 or more they are held for the manual signature of the President of the Board of Commissioners. The President signs checks on a weekly basis. If a check greater than $1,000 is needed immediately, the President’s signature is affixed using the signature stamp and a copy of the check is kept for the President’s review. Once signed, checks are given to the front desk staff that either mail them directly to the vendors or holds the check to be picked up by the person requesting it, based on instructions on the original disbursement document. All checks are processed via the above procedure; accordingly no manual checks are prepared. Bid Process Where advertised bids are required by the State Code, the advertisement shall describe the character of the undertaking in sufficient detail to enable bidders thereon to know that their obligations will be either from the advertisement itself or by reference to detailed plans and specifications on file with the District at the time of the publication of the advertisement. The advertisement shall state the date; time and place of the opening of the bids, and no bid shall be received subsequent to the time set forth in said advertisement. The Business Department shall also invite bids by mail, telephone or otherwise. All bids shall be sealed and opened at the time and place indicated in said advertisement and shall be open to public inspection. If two or fewer bids are received, the bids will not be opened and the following occurs: 1. The bid opening date is extended by ten (10) days 2. Staff contacts all potential bidders to solicit bids for the new date. 3. Vendors who submitted sealed bids for the original date are contacted and offered the option of submitting a new bid and having the original bid forfeited, or keeping the original bid. 4. The bid opening proceeds on the second date according to the original specifications regardless of the number of bids received. Goods or Services greater than $10,000 All contracts in excess of $10,000 (except as otherwise authorized herein) shall be awarded by the Board and to the lowest responsible bidder. In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the Board may take into account other factors in addition to financial responsibility, such as past records of transactions with the bidder, experience, adequacy of equipment, ability to perform, time limits, services to be rendered by the bidder, location of bidder, conformity with specifications, terms of delivery and other pertinent considerations. Any and all bids reviewed in response to an advertisement or otherwise may be rejected by the Board if the bidder is not determined responsible or the character or quality of the services, supplies, materials, equipment or labor does not conform to the Board’s requirements or if the public interest may otherwise be served thereby. The Board reserves the right to award a contract for all or only a portion of the specified bid work. Responsible Bidder’s Ordinance In determining which bidder is a “responsible bidder” on Oak Lawn Park District projects, the bidder must comply with the following criteria and submit an affidavit of compliance, in addition to any other requirements as determined from time to time by the park district for the specific type of work to be performed. District attorney shall promulgate an affidavit, which shall be executed with the park district contract and which shall require the following certifications: FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 28 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL A. Compliance with all applicable laws and codes and ordinances prerequisite to doing business in Illinois and the Village of Oak Lawn, including Village licenses: B. Affidavit of compliance with: 1. Submittal of Federal Employer Tax Identification Number or Social Security Number (for individual): 2. Provisions of Section 2000(e) of Chapter 21, Title 42 of the United States Code and Federal Executive Order No. 11375 (known as the Equal Opportunity Employer provisions); C. Certificate of insurance indicating at least the following coverage at minimum limits established by the park district; general liability, worker’s compensation, completed operations, automobile, hazardous occupation, product liability and professional liability; D. Compliance with all provisions of the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, including wages, medical and hospitalization insurance and retirement for those trades as covered by the Act; E. Participation in apprenticeship and training programs approved and registered with United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training; F. Compliance with the applicable provisions of the Illinois Human Rights Act and the rules of the Illinois Human Rights Commission; G. Adoption of a Sexual Harassment Policy pursuant to Illinois Public Act 87-1257’ H. Furnishing of required Performance and Payment Bonds: I. Certificate of no delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue; J. Certificate that the bidder is not barred from bidding or contracting as a result of a violation of either Section 33E of 33E-4 of Ch. 720, Article 5 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes; K. Affidavit that the bidder has not only the financial responsibility but also the ability to respond by the discharge of the contractor’s obligations in accordance with that which is expected or demanded under the terms of the contract; L. Compliance with a Contractor’s Drug-Free Workplace Certification; M. Submission of an Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement; and N. An Anti-collusion Affidavit of Compliance; This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. PASSED THIS 13TH day of August, 2007 Oak Lawn Park District Board of Commissioners FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 29 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Fixed Asset / Capital Outlay Process Description This process assesses the need for facilities and equipment, determines how best to acquire them, oversees their design and construction and operates and maintains them. Financial statement accounts that are covered by the internal controls listed on the Internal Control Grid include the following: • • • Land, building, machinery and equipment and improvements Accumulated depreciation Depreciation expense Funding Process Annual Annual capital projects are funded based upon the availability of proceeds from the annual general obligation bonds. The proceeds from the annual general obligation bonds issued are first designated for the retirement of alternative revenue bonds, installment purchase contracts, mortgages and any other non-general obligation debt payments. Of the remaining funds, the Treasurer would recommend an amount that would be available for the current year capital projects. Long-term Projects that are larger in nature and require funding in excess of the funding provided for annual projects are the result of extended discussions between the Board and staff. These discussions focus on the feasibility and scope of the project. Once the scope and cost of the project is determined, the Treasurer and or the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel would determine the financing option that would best serve the District. The Park District Attorney is responsible for preparing the necessary documents to issue the debt necessary to fund the project. Capitalization Policies and Procedures The Park District establishes a capitalization policy for financial accounting purposes for land, buildings, and equipment used in the operations of the District. Assets are capitalized based on the following criteria: 1. Land – Cost to be capitalized includes all costs connected with the acquisition of land and costs incurred in preparing the land for its ultimate use. These include but are not limited to the cost of purchase, appraisals, professional services, and title insurance. 2. Land Improvements – Improvements to be capitalized include the value of permanent improvements having a cost in excess of $ 5,000. Examples included fences, roads, lighting systems curbs, sidewalks, pavements, gutters, tunnels and bridges. All costs of land improvements associated with newly constructed buildings will be capitalized. 3. Buildings – Cost to be capitalized includes all costs related to the acquisition or construction of buildings. Acquisition cost includes but is not limited to the cost of purchase, professional services, appraisals and title insurance. Construction costs include but are not limited to the cost of professional services, materials, labor and site preparation. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 30 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 4. Building Improvements – Building Improvements to be capitalized are significant alterations or structural changes that a) cost in excess of $5,000 and b) meet one or more of the following conditions: a. The project extends the useful life of the building beyond what was originally scheduled. b. The project substantially changes the use or purpose of the original space. c. The project expands the total square footage of the building. Note: As part of the annual budget process, the Board of Commissioners approves funding for repairs and maintenance. This would include the funding of new repairs and maintenance projects as well as carry-over projects. (M-Control Activities) 5. Demolition of Buildings – The book value of the building will be written off when a building is demolished. If the land is maintained and the original value cannot be determined, the land will be recorded at no value. 6. Purchased Equipment – Purchased Equipment to be capitalized is any article of nonexpendable tangible personal property with a useful life of one year or more and a cost of $5,000 or more. 7. Software – Operating software included in the price of the hardware will be capitalized. When purchased separately, software will be capitalized if the cost exceeds $5,000. 8. Donated Assets – Land, buildings, and books received as a gift will be capitalized at the fair market or appraised value at the date of the gift. If market value or appraised value is not available, the gifts will be recorded at no value or the acquisition cost incurred by the District. Equipment received as a gift having a fair market value or appraised value of $ 5,000 or more will be capitalized. 11. Sales or Disposals of Capitalized Assets – The book value of land, building, and equipment will be removed from the accounting system when sold, disposed of, or declared surplus property by the Board of Commissioners. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 31 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Equipment Classifications The following is a listing of the different equipment classifications: Computer Equipment: Includes all data processing, word processing, computing, microcomputers and operating software only when included with the purchase of the hardware. Office Equipment: copiers, fax machines, and audio visual equipment, etc. Furniture and Fixtures: Includes general purpose furniture such as desks, cabinets, and tables. Vehicles: Includes light and heavy-duty vehicles such as trucks, tractors, and rider-mowers. Miscellaneous Equipment: Includes all items that meet the capitalization criteria but do not fall into any of the other equipment classifications. Depreciation Expense Policies Fixed assets used in governmental fund types of the Park District have been recorded in the general fixed assets account group. As such, no depreciation is provided on general fixed assets. The District will implement GASB Statement 34 for the year ended April 30, 2004. This statement requires the depreciation expenses on these assets to be included as either a direct expense of a function or as an allocated expense for shared assets. The general guidelines for the depreciation procedures of the District apply only to the costs associated with buildings, property, equipment and other physical assets used in the operations of the District. Assets are depreciated according to the following policy: 1. Depreciation on capitalized assets will be calculated over the estimated useful life on a straight-line basis. 2. Land improvements, buildings, equipment, and books will be depreciated using the straight-line method over a useful life as determined by the Administration Office. 3. A prorated year’s depreciation will be recorded for buildings, building renovations, equipment, and land improvements in the year they are capitalized. 4. Depreciation of newly constructed buildings will commence in the first month of useful occupancy. Physical Inventory of Fixed Asset Procedures Maintenance conducts and annual inventory of all vehicles owed by the District. Computer equipment inventory is updated as equipment is added, moved or replaced and is tracked on-line with software. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 32 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Disposal of Buildings and Equipment Disposals include equipment which is stolen, destroyed, discarded as surplus property, or otherwise legally disposed of. The Superintendent of Finance and Personnel is responsible for accounting for the disposal of all equipment at the time of disposal. The Oak Lawn Police Department is notified when equipment is stolen. Purchase order requests and purchase orders must indicate if equipment is being traded in as part of the purchase. Donated Equipment When a gift of equipment is made to the Park District, the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel will make certain that the proper accounting entries are made to record the gift if it has a value of $5,000 or more. FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 33 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Forms FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCESS DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL CONTROL DOCUMENTATION 34 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINISTATIVE MANUAL RISKMANAGEMENTMANUAL RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 1 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Safety Committee Mission Statement The Oak Lawn Park District has a sincere concern for the welfare and safety of its employees and the patrons it serves. We acknowledge obligation as an employer to provide the safest possible working conditions. The prevention of occupationally induced injuries and illnesses is of such importance that it will be given precedence over cutting corners for the purpose of expediency at the expense of safety. We also acknowledge the obligation as a park district to provide a safe environment for the public that uses our facilities, parks and services. A safety committee comprised of facility mangers/department heads has been organized for the sole purpose to improve health and safety at the facility, programs, events and grounds for both patrons and employees. The committee is responsible for making recommendations on how to improve safety and health in the workplace. They have been charged with the responsibility to define problems and remove obstacles to accident prevention; identify hazards and recommend corrective actions; help identify employee safety training needs and establish accident investigation procedures for our park district. The Oak Lawn Park District Safety Committee recognizes that the responsibility for safety is shared. All department heads, facility managers, supervisors, full-time, part-time and seasonal personnel at all levels of the park district work force are directed to make safety a matter of concern, equal in importance to all other operational considerations. The success of the Oak Lawn Park District’s safety/Safety / Loss Control Program depends upon the announced and demonstrated interest of management, the sincere and consistent example set by supervisors and the concerted efforts of all employees. Lisa Durcan, Safety Coordinator RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 2 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL The Manual Overview The main goal of this manual is to provide everyone involved with the Oak Lawn Park District the vital safety information that is needed to continue providing safe recreational facilities, programs and services for the public, our co-workers and ourselves. In addition to providing assistance in implementing and maintaining a safety program within their respective area of operation. The manual is organized into chapters on various safety topics. It is your responsibility to read through this safety manual and if you should have any questions, see your direct supervisor. You are expected to keep this manual as a reference guide for future use. Your direct supervisor or manager will utilize and refer back to this safety manual throughout the year to refresh your training as well as update you and your co-workers on the various safety topics. The cover of the safety manual will indicate which version it is in the upper right corner. The safety manual will be updated as new information or topics arise. If this should happen, the managers of each facility will coordinate the destitution of any and all new manuals or topic information to staff. The version number will adjust to reflect the changes. If you should have any questions, please contact your direct supervisor or the safety coordinator at 708-857-5173. Safety /Loss Control Program The purpose of the Safety / Safety / Loss Control Program is to establish a system to insure the safety and health of every park district employee. By providing a safe work place and by working safely, each employee’s ability to earn a gainful living is protected, as is the Park District’s ability to deliver services to residents in an efficient manner. Objectives The objective of the Safety / Loss Control Program is prevention of accidents. An accident, is any unplanned event that produces unintended personal injury, equipment damage or property damage. When an accident occurs, chance is largely the determining factor as to degree of loss. Therefore, prevention of all accidents must be the objective of the safety effort, rather than only those where the potential for serious loss is most apparent. The Oak Lawn Park District will achieve safe working conditions by: 1. Pursuing a continuous inspection effort of all park district facilities, parks, vehicles and work procedures to identify and correct hazardous working conditions and practices. 2. Investigating and reviewing all accidents involving park district employees and property to determine the cause of the accident and to outline corrective measures. 3. Providing access to adequate job training and continuing safety instruction to all employees. 4. Developing reasonable, practical, and safe job procedures for park district operations and continuously reviewing them for improvement. 5. Establishing protective equipment guidelines for employees and requiring its use. Scope Safety considerations shall be consistently incorporated with other management efforts by placing continual emphasis on the refinement of operational procedures, healthful working conditions, and employee discipline. These considerations can be accomplished in several ways with safety committees, staff meetings, safety meetings, special committees and other effective means of management to address safety requirements and responsibilities. The requirements and guidelines in this manual are the minimum requirements and they shall in no way be construed to limit divisional and departmental initiatives to implement more detailed and comprehensive procedures. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 3 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Due to the diversity of operations within our park district and the differences in the organizational structure within various departments, it is recognized that all departments cannot equally apply certain procedures in this program. There are some details, which might be impossible or impractical for one department to implement, while another department would have no difficulty in applying all of them. Therefore, department heads and facility managers are expected to formulate and implement alternative methods when necessary, insuring that the program objectives are not compromised. • Safety Responsibilities Employee Safety Responsibilities – safety is a primary personal responsibility. responsibility but us. • Department Heads • Facility Managers • Supervisors • Employees • Safety Coordinator No one can accept our safety Employee Safety Responsibilities Safety is primarily a personal responsibility. No one else can accept our safety responsibility for us. There’s no way to absolutely guarantee safety every moment of every day, on the job or off it. But a combination of training and experience makes it relatively easy to identify on-the-job hazards and protect ourselves from the dangers. Because you’re apart of the team, working with the people, equipment, materials, procedures, and protections, you’re in the best position to see that they really do promote safety—and to do something about it if they don’t. Safety is primarily a personal responsibility. Workplaces can be covered with warning signs, safety posters, and bulletin boards. Safeguards can be installed on each piece of equipment. We can attend training sessions and be told of safe ways to do work, but none of these things can ensure freedom from accidents unless we want to prevent them. It’s up to us! Unless we realize that our own actions determine whether accidents happen—and until we accept responsibility for these actions—injuries will occur. Who puts tools and equipment into motion and controls their movements? Who but ourselves can control the placement of our bodies, the movement of our arms, legs, and eyes, and—most important—the activity of our brains? One’s ability to control his or her own actions carries with it the responsibility not to let these actions harm co-workers. When each individual employee brings an acceptance of personal responsibility and accountability into the workplace every day, everyone’s risk of injury drops dramatically. Accepting responsibility for our own actions, on the other hand, is a sign of maturity. It means we believe firmly that it’s up to us to do everything we can to prevent accidents. No one else can accept our safety responsibility for us. Our Safety Expectations of You As An Oak Lawn Park District Employee: Each employee, regardless of their position, is expected to cooperate in all aspects of the park district’s safety. Some major points of our program require that: (1) accidents must be reported immediately to your supervisor; (2) required personal protective equipment must be worn by all employees - there are no exceptions; (3) hazardous conditions or other safety and health concerns must be reported to your supervisor immediately; (4) employees participate in safety committee activities and requests; (5) support safety committee mission. If every one of us does our part by doing what is necessary to ensure workplace safety and health, we all benefit. No one’s job is so important that you cannot take time to do it safely. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 4 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Department Heads/ Facility Managers All Department Heads/facility Managers have full authority and total responsibility for, maintaining safe and healthful working conditions within their department whether it is in the field, in the shop, or in the office. Although personnel exposure to hazards varies widely from department to department, it is expected that an unrelenting effort will be directed toward controlling injuries, collisions, liabilities and waste of materials in each. Therefore, all Department Heads shall: Insure that all personnel under their direction shall comply with the policies and procedures set forth herein; Provide the leadership and positive direction essential in maintaining firm loss prevention policies as a prime consideration in all operations; Routinely devote a portion of staff meetings to a review of departmental losses (accidents) and to discuss plans to bring about more positive loss reduction. The extent will vary with the frequency and severity of losses and the degree of hazardous operations involved in each department; Demonstrate a personal concern in departmental losses by contacting directly or through a responsible representative, each worker, and their Supervisor, who has sustained lost work time as the result of a work related injury, vehicle accident and/or had a patron become injured or had an accident at your facility. Insure that all tasks are covered by specific published work rules to minimize injury and property damage potential; Insure that personnel are briefed and fully understand their work procedures and the policies that are required of them; Insure that all employees, new and old, are trained and, when necessary, re-trained in the accepted way each hazardous job must be accomplished; Insure that all employees are instructed in the use of, and understand the need for, protective equipment Insure that necessary safety equipment and protective devices for each job are available and their proper use monitored; Encourage safety suggestions and written comments from employees, and see that those that are feasible are adopted. Those ideas with possible general application are forwarded to the Safety Coordinator; Insure that all incidents are promptly reported and thoroughly investigated. Set a good example, by both word and deed, for those who work for them and those who observe them. Our Safety Expectations of You As An Oak Lawn Park District Supervisor The full potential of effective accident prevention can only be realized when supervisors cooperate without reservation in all phases of the Safety /Loss Control Program. Their close contact with the work environment and the people performing the work make tem the best qualified to translate safety principles into accident prevention on the job. They must know each job they supervise to recognize hazardous situations. They must constantly sell the wisdom of observing safety procedures established for their work force and use the prescribed protective equipment. They must enforce the safety procedures and rules that apply to the work they supervise. The following is a list of safety obligations for supervisors. They will: Provide continuing safety instruction while issuing daily work assignments to focus attention upon potential hazards and changes in work conditions and procedures; Continuously observe and evaluate work conditions and work procedures to detect and correct unsafe conditions and practices; Investigate incidents and complete required reports within 24 hours; Be receptive to, and encourage employees to report unsafe practices and conditions and to submit practical suggestions for correction; Participate in training courses designed to increase their professional knowledge and safety supervision principles and techniques; Maintain high standards in housekeeping and sanitation in the work environment; Take action within the scope of their authority to correct unsafe acts or conditions and notify the responsible supervisor of those acts or conditions that cannot be corrected within the scope of their authority. Set a good example, by word and deed, for those who work for them and those who observe them. EMPLOYEES Working safely is a condition of your employment. To that end, all employees are required to exercise due care in the performance of their work in order to prevent injury to themselves and others and damage to district material and property. Each employee shall: Report all accidents immediately to their supervisor; Report all unsafe acts and conditions to their supervisor; RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 5 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Maintain their work areas and equipment clean and orderly at all times; Properly use all necessary personal protective equipment and safety devices whenever required; Obey all safety rules and follow published work instructions. If any doubt exists about the safety of a job, the employee shall stop and get instructions from their supervisor before continuing work; Operate only machines and equipment that they have been authorized and trained to operate; Use only prescribed equipment for the job and handle it properly Take an active part in the Safety Program Set a good example, by word and deed, for those who work with them as well as those who observe them. SAFETY COORDINATOR This individual provides direction and support to department heads/facility managers in implementing and enforcing safety and loss control policies and procedures within their areas. The Safety Coordinator is fully responsible for the coordination of the safety program throughout all park district departments and shall take all actions deemed necessary and essential to identify and minimize loss exposures. Specifically: Develop and implement a Safety /Loss Control program incorporating best practices and procedures currently adopted by the safety profession and PDRMA; as the most effective in identifying and minimizing risk of loss from occupational injuries/illnesses, vehicle accidents, operational and procedural liabilities, and damage to equipment and material. Consult directly with all department heads/facility management personnel and employees on loss prevention matters and provide the necessary guidance to ensure effective administration of this program. Ensure that a thorough investigation is conducted of all incidents and accidents to identify potential loss producing conditions requiring corrective action. Take follow-up action to ascertain that corrective action has been taken to prevent a reoccurrence. Identify and fully utilize the assistance available from all sources on matters pertaining to safety and health. Publicize information that will make management and employees aware of trends that warrant corrective action. Establish a program for reviewing departmental accident experience. Conduct an annual all staff safety in-service. Safety Committee Topics Covered: • Oak Lawn Park District’s Safety Committee - Who is on it and what do we do? • What Happens Behind the Scenes? - After I complete an accident report, what happens? All the things that you may not see… Oak Lawn Park District’s Safety Committee Who is on it and what do we do? he purpose of the committee is to improve health and safety at the facility, programs, events and grounds for both patrons and employees. The committee is responsible for making recommendations on how to improve safety and health in the workplace. T They have been charged with the responsibility to define problems and remove obstacles to accident prevention; identify hazards and recommend corrective actions; help identify employee safety training needs and establish accident investigation procedures for our park district. The Safety Committee consist of two main groups; the Small Core Group and the Large Group that alternate meeting every other month on the second Tuesday of each month. The Small Core Group consists of the managers/department heads. The Large Group consist of all full time supervisory and maintenance staff members. The Small Core Group meetings review the accident reports and on occasion will tour the facilities to identify hazards, review safety audits, and inspection, which is the first major step in preventing accidents. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 6 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL The Large Group meetings are utilized for safety topic trainings and updates. As a group, we identifying the goals of the safety program and putting together a plan for accomplishing them. This allows for hazard control, controlling hazards is the next key step. All safety meetings are open to all employees. If you should have any safety concerns that you wish to address with the safety committee, please contact the Safety Coordinator at 708-857-5173. Safety meetings are an integral part of the safety program. Their function is to arouse and maintain interest in accident prevention, to develop attitudes sympathetic to the safety program; and most important of all to educate employees in every factor entering into safe performance of their duties. Other Meetings All departments of the park district should hold regular staff meetings where safety is discussed. The responsible supervisor or department head/facility manager should determine the time, place and duration of these meetings. Safety issues and topics can and should be incorporated with other management meetings in lieu of a separate meeting for safety. Each department head/facility manager should then schedule safety meetings for subordinate supervisors or insure that information is properly passed along. These safety topics and issues discussed among supervisors can be reviews of previous accident experiences, discussion of specific hazards, preventive measures and review of pertinent safety provisions. Each department shall hold formal safety meetings at least quarterly or more as the need arises. A written record of these meetings will be made by means of a copy of the agenda and sign-in sheet filled with the department head/facility manager. These meetings are most effective when used to discuss previous accident experiences, safety goals, specific hazards or conditions, preventative measures, present safety awards. The meeting should be both well prepared and timely in order to gain maximum interest and effort. Safety meetings and instructions at or near the job site can provide practical means of training field personnel in accident prevention. Anyone in a supervisory role can and should conduct short “on-the-job” safety meetings, preferably at the beginning of a shift, a week, or an unusual or new job. These meetings can be utilized to discuss and instruct crews/personnel on safe practices that are required in order to perform the assigned duties. It can also be used to check equipment and tools, review past accident experiences and related matters. Right-To-Know Topics Covered: • MSDSs and Labels - It is up to us to take the utmost care - we need to read the material safety data sheet for every chemical that we use and by reading the label every time we take out a container. Yes, every time. MSDSs and Labels It is up to us to take the utmost care - we need to read the material safety data sheet for every chemical that we use and by reading the label every time we take out a container. Yes, every time! n today’s world, a large percentage of tasks require the use of some type of chemical. While many chemicals are classed as “hazardous,” we can use these chemicals safely if we bear in mind that they must be used cautiously. Just because we are familiar I with a chemical doesn’t mean that we should regard it lightly. The park district and the manufacturer of the chemical or chemicals that we use want to help you work safely with these substances. That’s why there is now a material safety data sheet, or MSDS, available at each park district facility for every chemical that you will be exposed to at that facility. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 7 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL If you are unaware of exactly where to access the MSDSs at your facility, check with your supervisor immediately, so that you will know where to look from now on. The MSDS is there for you. Familiarize yourself with what it says on the MSDS about every substance that you come into contact with. It will tell you about the chemical, what the possible dangers could be, and how to avoid those dangers by handling the substance in a safe manner. If you need to use personal protective equipment, the sheet will tell you that, too. If there is something on the MSDS you don’t understand, ask your supervisor. In addition to reading the MSDS before using a chemical, you will also want to read the label on the container. The label will tell you what the chemical is, the manufacturer, the hazards, and how to use it safely. But don’t stop with reading the label just once. Read that label every time you handle the bottle, jar, can, barrel, drum, or pipe that contains a chemical that you use. At least look at the hazard warning to remind yourself if the chemical is flammable or combustible and what the health hazards might be. Is the chemical a corrosive that you must keep from contact with your skin? Is it a reproductive hazard or a carcinogen that you will want to be especially careful handling? The label will give you advice on avoiding harm from the product. It might tell you not to breathe the vapors, or to keep the container closed when you aren’t using it. When you look at the label, look for special symbols and signal words that will give you information quickly and easily. If a product is flammable, for instance, a red symbol together with a picture of flames and the word “flammable” will let you know that the chemical will burn. If the chemical is a poison, expect to see the word “poison” and a skull and crossbones. Words that tell you how dangerous the chemical can be include: • CAUTION—which means be careful; you can be injured, but the injury will not be grave • WARNING—which means the substance can cause a serious injury, even death • DANGER—which means that the substance is a present danger that could cause a serious injury that might be fatal. Purpose In 1983, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration established a chemical safety standard entitled “Hazard Communication” (29CFR1910.1200). This standard is intended to reduce the number of chemically related occupational illnesses and injuries in the work place. In1985, the Texas Legislature passed the Texas Hazard Communication Act, referred to as “right-to-know” law. It sets minimum requirements employers must meet with respect to workers who are exposed to hazardous chemicals. It is the intent of the Oak Lawn Park District to comply with the law and to protect its employees from chemical hazards. Therefore, this standard is provided to ensure all district employees are aware of the provisions of the hazard Communications Program and perform the requirements of it. o Objectives Establish procedures to ensure the labels, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and employee information meets the requirements of the Act. o Identify procedures used to evaluate hazards in the workplace. o Provide a list of hazardous chemicals known to be present in the various departments and/or individual work areas and the district as a whole. o Describe methods to be used to inform employees of hazards associated with routine and non-routine tasks involving hazardous chemicals. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 8 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL o Describe methods the district will use to inform employees of the hazardous chemicals their employees may be exposed to while performing their work. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Departments will: Obtain a MSDS for each hazardous substance used in their operation. These are available from the maker or supplier of the substance. Retain a file of all MSDS’s for hazardous substances used and provide for obtaining new ones as necessary. Provide ready and available access of MSDS’s to employees for chemicals in their work areas. Employee Information and Training Safety Coordinator will provide training annually at district wide in-service on the basics of MSDS sheets. Department Heads/Facility Managers Will establish training and information programs for employees exposed to hazardous chemicals in their work areas. The information program shall include: The existence and requirements of this hazard communication standard. The components of the program in the employee’s workplace. Operations in the work area where hazardous chemicals are present. Where the department will keep written work procedures, communications program, lists of hazardous chemicals, and required Material Safety Data Sheets. The training program shall include: How the program is implemented in that department. How to read and interpret labels and MSDS’s, and how employees can obtain and use the hazard information. Meetings in which all hazardous substances used in the department are discussed. These meetings shall include: chemical names, uses, hazards, personal protective measures to be taken, first aid procedures, and other necessary information which is obtained from the MSDS. Training shall also include methods and observation – such as visual appearance or smell – workers can use to detect the presence of a hazardous chemical they may be exposed to. Training on chemical hazards shall be presented to all current employees and to newly hired employees as soon as practical to the department work schedule, In the case of new workers, the provision of this information should not exceed one month from the date of hire. Training of employees should be documented as to which employees received it, who provided the training, when it occurred, and which subjects or materials were provided. Provide employees who do not routinely work with hazardous chemicals the information to do so safely. Information should include: the substances which are likely to be encountered in the task assigned and access to Non-employees such as contractors or sub-contractors, who are employed temporarily by the District, should be notified of potential chemical hazard exposures. This notice is to be provided by the department or contracting party who engages their services. Such notice should include the type of exposure, the name(s) of chemical(s) present, and the location of Material Safety Data Sheets on the substance(s). The contractor(s) should then be encouraged to take appropriate protective measures. Such assignments should also include protective equipment and procedures for safe use of the chemicals and first aid measures to be taken Labeling The Hazard Communication Act requires chemical makers and suppliers to label all hazardous chemicals, which they sell or distribute. Labels include: The name of the hazardous chemical(s) Appropriate hazard warnings The name and address of the manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 9 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Departments will insure that all labels remain on chemical containers received from a supplier. Label other containers, which may be used for storage or transportation with the name of the chemical contained and appropriate warnings. Portable containers, which are intended only for immediate transfer or used by an employee, do not require labels. Labels are required for pipes or piping systems. Hazard Analysis A Hazard Analysis is a detailed study of a job that takes into consideration the conditions under which the job is to be performed, the demands of the employee doing the job and the hazards associated with the various job steps. Supervisors will be responsible for developing Hazard Analysis for each job they oversee. Each analysis will be placed in the job description of each position. Definition: Hazard analysis is a written plan that identifies each step and potential danger in an operation, states what will be done to eliminate or control these dangers, and assigns responsibility. Goal: Reduce our accident rate and costs by preventing foreseeable accidents that result in personal injury and/or property damage. Means: Use hazard analysis as a planning tool to prevent accidents through knowledge and control of our projects, rather than simply reacting to accidents after they happen. Developing a Hazard Analysis Develop an easy-to-use and understandable form that lists work activities, potential hazards, precautions and assigns responsibility. For best results, the supervisor in charge of the operation should perform the analysis. He or she may be assisted by his supervisor or employees that have applicable work experience or needs experience performing a hazard analysis. Determine what can go wrong. Emphasize hazards with a high probability of occurrence and those that have a high loss potential (even if the probability of occurrence is low) Determine what environmental conditions may affect your operations. Lighting Slippery conditions Accessibility Housekeeping Limited space Noise Pinch points Change or simplify your plan to remove as many environmental problems as practical. Develop cost-effective countermeasures for each of the remaining hazards. Apply the following principals in sequence so as to develop the best protective measures. Eliminate the hazard – change the operation. Control or contain the hazard. Shield our people - personal protective equipment. Train our people how to deal with the hazard – pinch points, back injuries, etc. Implementing a Hazard Analysis Present the analysis to the employees that will be performing the operation. A safety meeting is the ideal place to present a hazard analysis to your employees. Assemble the entire group that will be involved in the operation. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 10 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Give each person a copy of the analysis. Present the analysis to the crew in a positive cooperative manner. Don’t use the attitude that this is the law; do it and shut up. Ask for and emphasize the need for suggestions, comments, ideas, etc., so as to fine-tune the plan. Make this a group effort and require everyone’s involvement. Make people part of the program, not a slave to it. Is there a better, simpler, faster, or safer work method? Were any hazards overlooked? Will any of the solutions create a problem or be impractical? Are there other solutions that are easier to “live with” while maintaining a high level of safety? Keep yourself open to suggestions. People like to use their own ideas rather than have something forced upon them. Develop a cooperative spirit. Assign Responsibilities At least one person must be directly responsible for each solution developed. Make sure you have communicated clearly. Answer everyone’s questions. Ask a few specific questions to make sure people know exactly what they must do. Make our goal of zero accidents clear to everyone. Make the seriousness of the situation clearly understood. Follow UP Evaluate the operation as it proceeds. Make sure the hazard analysis is followed. Look for unforeseen problems. Determine what changes are necessary to improve the operation. Give proper recognition for good ideas. Give proper recognition to each department that completes their operation accident free. If an accident does happen, determine what problem or oversights caused it and make changes as necessary. Supervisors and workers both need to know where and why they failed, to work accident free. Always look for ways to improve. Maintain an attitude of “Let’s do it better and safer”. Additional Benefits Hazard analysis can’t replace knowledge and experience, but it will maximize the benefits from the resources we have available. Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) Purpose To establish the minimum requirements for the control of all equipment energy sources (electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic) during the cleaning, servicing or maintenance of machines or equipment in which the unexpected energizing or start up of the machines or equipment, or release of stored energy could cause injury to employees. Policy Oak Lawn Park District will take all reasonable measures to provide a safe workplace. All Oak Lawn Park District operations will be performed in a manner, which will prevent any undesirable effects to district employees, assets, the local community and the environment. The provisions of this standard and the applicable documents describe safe work practices, which enhance the safety of personnel performing service or maintenance activities to equipment. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 11 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL The use of lockout or tagout procedures shall not be used over extended periods of time as substitutes for permanent safeguards, proper engineering, or proper safe work practices. Practice When control of equipment is appropriate, a standard multiple lock-out device (breaker blockouts, plug lockout or safety donuts) will be used. The lock-out device shall be used in conjunction with a keyed standard-issue padlock, and either the “Danger – Do Not Operate” tag or the “Danger – Facilities Maintenance” tag is to be used by facilities personnel only. When a multiple lock-out device and associated lock and tag cannot be used, one of the two previously mentioned tags shall be properly filled out and securely fastened to the item being “tagged-out”. Any additional information on the particulars of the “locked-out” or “tagged-out” item shall be clarified by attaching or placing the information in a conspicuous location, using the “Notice – This Tag Bears an Important Message”. When more than one person is working on a specific element of the job, the working supervisor, group leader, or senior mechanic shall sign and install the appropriate warning tag. In addition, he/she shall attach the additional information tag with the listing of all the individuals working under his/her immediate direction for that particular segment of the job. During work progress, the single individual who signed and installed the lock-out tag is responsible for updating the attached “Notice” tag with names of individuals who are assigned to remove tag from his/her element of the job. Prior to removing the lock and/or tag, it is the responsibility of the original installer to notify the individuals whose names appear on the attached “Notice” tag. Each lock and/or tag shall only be removed by the individual who originally installed it. If the original installer is unable to remove his/her lock and/or tag, then the supervisor of that individual shall assume responsibility for the proper removal. Removal of locks and/or tags by others will be considered a serious safety violation, and anyone who has done so will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Responsibilities Each department head/facility manager will be responsible for the selection and control of the issuance of padlocks and multiple lock-out devices to be used for lock-out purposes in his/her area. Locks will be permanently marked with a clearly identifiable number and a permanent record will be kept of each assignment. Locks will not be keyed on a master key system. Each individual with a need for locking or tagging out equipment in accordance with this standard will be issued a padlock with a single key, a multiple lock-out device, and the standard tags for their retention. Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) Definitions: Affected employee – A person who operates or works near equipment which is being serviced or maintained while locked or tagged out. Authorized employee – A person who applies the lock or tag, in order to perform service or maintenance. Lockout – The placement of a lockout device on an energy isolating device, in accordance with an established procedure, ensuring that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed. Tagout – The placement of a tagout device, in accordance with established procedures, to indicate that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 12 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Control of Hazardous Energy When control of hazardous energy is appropriate, lockout/tagout devices shall be used. The lock (a keyed padlock) and the tag (“Danger Do Not Operate”) shall be used in combination where lockout is utilized. If an energy-isolating device is not capable of being locked out, the tagout system shall be utilized. Energy isolating devices capable of being locked in the off position shall be installed with all new equipment, or whenever major replacement, repair, renovation or modification of machinery or equipment is performed. Hazardous Energy Control Procedure The procedures established for the control of hazardous energy shall cover the following elements and should be conducted in the following sequence: 1. Prepare for shutdown by having knowledge of the types and magnitudes of the hazards and control methods of the energies present; 2. Notify all affected personnel that a lockout/tagout is to be applied. 3. Shutdown machine or equipment by methods recommended by the manufacturer. 4. Operate energy isolating devices as required to isolate machine or equipment from energy sources; 5. Apply lockout or tagout device to the closed energy isolating device; 6. Release stored energy from machine or equipment; and 7. Verify isolation of machine or equipment from energy sources prior to performing work. A qualified persona shall use test equipment to test the circuit elements and electrical parts of equipment to which employees will be exposed to verify that the elements and parts are de-energized. The test is to determine if any energized condition exists as a result of inadvertently induced voltage or unrelated voltage back feed. Where only tagging is used on de-energized electrical equipment at least one additional safety measure (such as the removal of an isolating circuit element blocking of a controlling switch, or opening of an extra disconnecting device) which provides and equivalent level of safety to that obtained by the use of a lock shall be implemented to prevent persons from re-energizing the circuit. Release from Lockout or Tagout Each lock and/or tag shall be removed only by the individual who installed it. Ensure safety guards are intact and that tools and accessories are removed. Verify that all personnel are clear of the equipment. Notify all affected persons that the lockout or tagout devices will be removed from the equipment. Remove the lockout or tagout devices. Check out the equipment to insure everything functions properly. Lockout/Tagout Checklist Before shutdown, make sure that the authorized employee knows the type, magnitude, and hazards of the energy to be controlled. Verify that the employee knows the method or means to control the energy. Instruct the employee to inform all affected employees of the lockout. The employee then stops the equipment by the usual method. Once the machine is turned off, the main power switches, circuits, etc., should be turned off. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 13 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Locks should be placed on the switches (or other energy sources) in the “off” or “safe” position. In a group lockout, all members of the group must add their locks to the lockout. Warning tags should be affixed with each lock. Any stored or residual energy is then eliminated. With no one near the equipment, the employee tests it by attempting to start it up in the usual manner. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 14 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Electrical Safety Do’s and Don’ts Checklist DO: Check wiring to make sure it’s properly insulated the right choice for the job (e.g., labeled for use outdoors or in work areas with hazardous substances). Check that electrical connections are tight. Match plugs and outlets (three-pronged plugs go in three-pronged outlets only). Read and follow manufacturer’s instructions for electrical equipment. Leave work on energized equipment to qualified workers. Obey warnings to stay away from electrical circuits and locked-out equipment. Wear rubber gloves and any other assigned protective clothing and equipment. Keep machines and tools lubricated. Keep the work area clean, and promptly and properly dispose of oily rags, paper, sawdust, or anything else that could burn. Keep electrical equipment clean. Inspect electrical tools before each use. Report any electrical tool, equipment, or wire problems immediately. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 15 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL DON’T: Overload motors, circuits, or outlets. Run cords along the floor. Use temporary wiring except in emergencies. Put anything but a plug into an electrical outlet. Place cords near heat or water. Touch anything electric with wet hands. Leave machinery or heating equipment running unattended after working hours. Let cords get twisted or tangled. Get closer than 10 feet to a power line (if you’re an unqualified employee). Reach blindly into a space that may contain energized equipment. Wear metal jewelry when working with electrical appliances. Use a power tool that smokes, sparks, smells, or shocks. Emergency Operations Topics Covered: • Severe Weather • Fire • Bomb Threats • Emergency Incidents & Accident Procedures Severe Weather There’s an old saying that you cannot do anything about the weather. That’s true! But, you can eliminate some of the worry and danger associated with weather hazards. sually, our weather worries are things such as, “Will it rain on the ball game?” or “Should I wear a heavier jacket?” Sometimes, however, nature gets very dramatic and creates serious hazards. As with any type of emergency, we’ll face a lot less risk with U weather emergencies if we follow the Scout motto: Be Prepared. If you know what hazards you may face and what protective measures to take, you’re a lot more likely to avoid serious injury and other undesirable outcomes. At the very least, preparation and planning take some of the worry and panic out of these situations. You’ll always do better if you face a tough situation calmly. Here at work, we have an emergency plan, and we all have a role to play in it. Know exactly what you have to do so you can do it quickly and calmly. (Your supervisor will instruct you of your facilities specific plans.) General Hazards •Earthquakes. Earthquakes can bring down buildings and walls—often on people. They also create fire hazards, especially in areas with gas lines or appliances. Yet another risk is electrocution from contact with downed power lines. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 16 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL •Floods. One huge downpour or days and days of continued rain can flood low-lying and coastal areas. Floods can also erode soil, causing mudslides that can bury cars, seriously damage buildings, and trap people inside. •Hurricanes. A hurricane usually brings enormous rain and wind. Hurricanes occur most often in coastal areas, bringing other hazards such as flooding and downed wires. •Lightning. Lightning can occur during thunderstorms, with occasionally fatal results. Since lightning carries electrical current, it can cause deaths and injuries from shock and burns. •Snowstorms. A major snowstorm can make it impossible to get from place to place. Hazards include being trapped in a car or an unheated building, with possible risks of frostbite or even death from exposure. •Tornadoes. Occasionally, tornadoes accompany severe thunderstorms. Tornadoes usually travel from southwest to northeast and occur most often between noon and midnight. A tornado’s funnel cloud can have tremendous winds of up to 350 miles per hour, tearing up everything—and sometimes everyone—in its path. Identifying Hazards No one can fully predict weather disasters, but most do give us some warning. It’s a good idea to check the weather forecasts at least daily to learn if any big storm is expected. The weather forecaster isn’t always right, but at least knows when a storm is coming. What’s harder to predict is how big a storm will get and exactly when it will arrive. Since it’s better to be safe than sorry, respond to any storm prediction by checking the “be prepared” plans we’ll discuss shortly. When the forecasters predict a big storm, stay tuned. As storms get closer, their predictions get better and more detailed. It’s especially important to stay tuned for tornado forecasts. Tornadoes can come fast and furiously and any advance notice is valuable. Know the meaning of what you hear. If the weather service issues a watch, that means a tornado, hurricane, etc., is possible. A warning means it’s almost there, and you’ll have to act fast. The weather forecaster isn’t your only source of weather emergency warnings. If you’re at work, you’ll either hear the evacuation alarm or receive notice from your supervisor that we have to move to a safer location. Protection against Hazards At work, that preparation is management’s responsibility. But it’s up to you to know, and follow, the rules. That starts with notification. Remember to turn off any machines or equipment. If there’s not enough time, try to notify any personnel assigned to safely shut down systems. If even that’s not possible, simply concentrate on getting out safely. If you hear an alarm to evacuate from our work area, you go immediately to (Your supervisor will describe assigned exits and evacuation route.) Safety Procedures We’ve talked about what to do to prepare for disaster. Now let’s look at what to do to stay as safe as possible if disaster strikes. Here are some tips for staying safe: •Earthquakes. If you’re indoors, move away from windows, mirrors, chimneys, or shelves that could fall over. Get under strong furniture or to an inside corner of the building. If you’re outside, move into an open area away from tall buildings, power poles, trees, or anything that could fall on you. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 17 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL •Floods. Get out of the flood zone as quickly as possible, following a route that has no streams, storm drains, or roads that are already covered with water. If water stalls your car, leave it there and get to higher ground. If you’re caught at home, go to a higher floor and take warm clothes, a flashlight, portable radio, and valuable papers, jewelry etc. Wait for rescue; don’t try to swim. •Hurricanes. Evacuate inland over a planned route. Be alert to reports of roads blocked by downed trees or power lines. If you stay in your home, move to the opposite side of the house from which the hurricane is coming. Stay away from windows. •Lightning. You’re less likely to be hit by lightning inside. Stay away from open doors and windows, fireplaces, and water sources, including faucets. If you’re outside, try to get into a car or a building. If that’s not possible, crouch on the ground in a low place—don’t lie flat—or among low trees. Don’t stand near a single tree, open water, or anything metal such as fences, pipes, or machinery that could conduct electridistrict. If you’re in a group of people, spread out. •Snowstorms. Dress in warm layers if you must go out. Be sure to cover your face and head. If you have to drive, clear snow off the whole car before you start, and stock the car with sand or a mat you can use for traction if you get stuck. Take it much slower than usual and keep extra distance between you and the vehicle in front. Use your defroster and windshield wipers. Be especially careful on hills. You want to be able to see what’s coming as you go up and to prepare for loss of traction going down. Look out for icy patches, which are most likely on bridges and in shady spots. If you start to skid, take your foot off the gas and turn in the direction you want the car to go. Don’t brake. If you get stuck in a blizzard, stay in your vehicle. Open the window for ventilation and turn the heater on every so often for warmth. Keep moving your hands, arms, and legs. •Tornadoes. Remember that a tornado watch means there’s one coming and a warning means it’s almost here. If you hear a tornado watch, plan what you will do. Don’t get caught in a mobile home or car. You want to be in a solid building if at all possible. Once inside, stay away from doors, windows, and outer walls. Go to the center of the building and get under heavy upholstered furniture or into an interior windowless bathroom or closet. If you’re caught outside in a tornado and can’t get into a building, lie flat in a ditch and cover your head with your hands. Downed power lines are a big hazard in any kind of natural disaster. Stay away from them. Assume they’re live, and report them to the power company, the police, or fire department. If you’re at home without power, disconnect appliances and turn off all but one light, so there won’t be damage or an overload when power comes back. The one light will alert you when you have power. Beware of fire hazards. Keep candles in holders that can’t tip over, away from flammables. Don’t use a gas stove for heat. Weather Emergency Preparation Checklist Be aware of weather emergency hazards Falling trees, poles, and buildings Gas leaks Downed power lines Flooding RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 18 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Lightning Know and follow workplace emergency plan Respond to alarm signal or evacuation notice. Turn off equipment if possible. Use assigned evacuation exit(s). Follow assigned evacuation route. Assemble in assigned meeting place. Be prepared for weather emergencies Listen to weather reports. Watch means serious weather is possible. Warning means serious weather is almost here. Develop and practice home evacuation plan. Post emergency numbers at all phones and teach them to children. Know all family members’ work and school emergency plans. Identify a family meeting place and an out-of area phone contact. Keep important documents in waterproof container. Maintain adequate home insurance. Keep car gas tank at least half full. Assemble disaster kit: battery-operated radio and flashlight; extra batteries; three days of water (one gallon per person per day); dry and canned food; manual can opener; one blanket or sleeping bag and change of clothes and shoes per person; first-aid kit; prescription drugs; sanitary supplies; extra keys and eyeglasses; credit card and/or cash. Secure large breakable objects. Assemble supplies to secure home. Bring in outdoor furniture, etc. if high wind or floods are possible. Act quickly and safely in an emergency. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 19 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Find out if employer is open. Notify employer if you can’t get in. Follow any evacuation orders at work or home. Turn off power, gas, and water if recommended, and if time permits. Move to safest place in the facility or outdoors: Earthquake. Stay away from windows, mirrors, chimneys or shelves. Get under strong furniture or to inside corner. Outside, move to open area away from anything that could fall. Flood. Evacuate on roads with no streams, storm drains, or standing water. Leave stalled car. At home, take disaster kit to higher floor and wait for rescue. Hurricane. Evacuate inland. At home, move away from storm and stay away from windows. Lightning. Get inside, away from open doors and windows, fireplaces, and water sources. Outside, crouch, don’t lie flat, on ground in low place or among low tress. Avoid single tree, open water, or anything metal. Snowstorm. Dress in warm layers, covering face and head. Clear snow off car before driving, and take sand or mat for traction. Drive very slowly, far behind next vehicle. Use defroster and wipers. Turn into a skid, with foot off gas and brake. If stuck in vehicle, stay there, opening window and turning on heater sporadically. Move hands, arms and legs regularly. Tornado. Avoid being in car or mobile home. In building, stay away from doors, windows, and outer walls. Get under heavy furniture in building center, or into interior windowless bathroom or closet. If outside, lie flat in ditch and cover head with hands. Tornadoes Each year thunderstorms, lightning, and tornadoes kill or injure hundreds of people. What can we do to protect others and ourselves from these natural dangers? W hen skies look threatening, listen to a local radio or television station. The National Weather Service tracks weather systems with radar and can usually give adequate warning of severe weather conditions. Remember, a tornado watch means that conditions are right for a tornado. This does not mean that a tornado is on the way. What you should do once a watch is in effect is close drapes in your work area—this is to prevent flying glass and objects from hitting people if a tornado develops. Also, you should be on alert for further instructions. A tornado warning means that a tornado has been sighted and confirmed in the area. When a warning is issued, take cover immediately. You should move to interior corridors and close doors to rooms that have windows. You should remain in the interior corridors and wait for further instructions. Should conditions require it, you may be requested to move to lower levels of the building. Your supervisor will instruct you on your facility’s emergency plan. Abandon mobile homes or cars and find cover in a well-constructed building. If no suitable buildings are nearby, lie flat in the nearest ditch, ravine or culvert, with your hands shielding your head. In shopping centers or large buildings, look for a designated RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 20 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL shelter. The next best place to be would be the basement or a location in the middle of the building, behind an interior wall, or on the lowest floor. Stay away from large windows or other glass. Severe storms are frequently accompanied by lightning, which can also be a killer. To avoid lightning hazards, find shelter and avoid standing in small, isolated structures in open areas. Do not use the telephone except for an emergency. If you are outside, do not stand underneath a natural lightning rod, such as a tall isolated tree in a open area. Avoid projecting above the surrounding landscape, such as by standing on a hilltop, in an open field, or on the beach, or by fishing from a small boat. Stay away from open water, tractors and other metal farm equipment, motorcycles, scooters, golf carts, and bicycles. Put down your golf clubs and remove metal-spiked golf shoes. Also keep away from wire fences, clotheslines, metal pipes and rails, and other metallic paths that can carry lightning to you from some distance away. In a forest, seek shelter in a low area under a thick growth of small trees. In open areas, go to a low place, such as a ravine or valley. Be alert for flash floods. Flash flooding should be expected as a result of a thunderstorm or during periods of exceptional rainfall. In many parts of the country, thunderstorms with flash flooding, lightning, and tornadoes are to be expected during the spring and summer months. Specific danger signals to watch for include: •Severe thunderstorms with frequent lightning, heavy rain, strong winds, and power failure. •Hail–pellets of ice from dark-clouded skies. •A roaring noise. •A funnel–a dark, spinning “rope” or column from sky to ground. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 21 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Facility Emergency Action Plans (Insert Emergency Action Plan For Tornadoes) RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 22 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Fire Everybody loses from a bad fire. Therefore, it is in everybody’s best interest to prevent fires in the first place, and to deal promptly and effectively with any that do occur. Remove any one of these essentials, and a he Basic Facts - The three essential ingredients of all ordinary fires are: 1. Fuel—paper, wood, oil, solvents, T fire can be extinguished by one of four methods: cooling (temperature and heat control); smothering (oxygen control); isolating (fuel control); or interrupting the chemical chain reaction in certain types of fires. Obviously, our goal is never to have to extinguish a fire, because we’ve never allowed the essential ingredients to combine. But if we do have to, we must know the proper method to use. That depends on what is burning, which also determines how a given fire is classified. The four classes are: Class A (general combustibles such as wood, cloth, paper, or rubbish)—usually controlled by cooling, for instance by drenching with water. Class B (flammable liquids such as gasoline, oil, grease, or paint)—usually smothered, using foam, carbon dioxide, or dry chemical. Class C (electrical equipment)—also usually smothered, using carbon dioxide or dry-chemical extinguishers that are nonconductors of electridistrict. Class D fires (combustible metals such as magnesium, lithium, or sodium)—require special extinguishers and techniques. Here are some of the important ways everyone can help prevent fires: •Maintain a neat, clean work area, so rubbish doesn’t accumulate. •Keep all flammable materials away from furnaces or other sources of ignition. •Put oil-soaked and paint-soaked rags in covered metal containers. •Observe all “no smoking” signs. •Report any fire hazards you see that are beyond your control to correct—especially electrical hazards, which are the source of many fires. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 23 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Fire Safety - Cause and Prevention The leading causes of industrial fires - number one on the list is electrical failure or misuse of electrical equipment. Next are friction, foreign substances, open flames, and then smoking and matches. What can we as employees do to combat these hazards? Here are a few important things each of us can do—at work or home: •Be careful not to overload electric circuits. •Watch out for—and do not use—frayed electrical cords, or tools that are damaged or that spark. •Keep mechanical equipment properly lubricated to avoid excessive friction. •Keep spark arrestors on exhausts. •Keep combustible materials in a safe area. •Keep flammables and any ignition sources (furnace, stove, electrical equipment, lit cigarette) far apart. (Fumes from paint, solvents, etc. can drift out a considerable distance to become ignited.) •Dispose of flammable wastes and scrap in metal containers. •Never dispose of flammable liquids by pouring them down the drain. Use the method we’ve provided. •Comply with the park districts’ rules about smoking. Bomb Threats Ninety-nine percent of all bomb threats are just that—threats. But because there is no way of knowing whether an actual bomb exists, we must take precautions when any bomb threat is received. Bomb threats are potentially dangerous, disruptive situations that can occur at any facility at any time. Persons making such threats are dependent on the “panic” demonstrated by the targeted agency. Therefore preplanning, establishing procedures and employee training are all critical parts of an emergency response plan. If you receive a bomb threat on the telephone, here is what you should do: •Keep the caller on the phone as long as possible and signal to someone else to notify the operator on another line that a bomb threat is being made. •Try to get information about the bomb from the caller, such as the type of bomb and where it is located, but don’t be “pushy.” •Avoid excitement in your voice. •Write down a detailed account of the call and deliver it to security immediately. The account should include: time of call, voice quality, an accent (if noted), and slurred speech (suggesting influence of alcohol or drugs). •Keep the call confidential, unless you are instructed by security officers to do otherwise. Bomb threats, understandably, tend to make people panic. •Report any suspicious-looking devices to security. Explosive devices can have a variety of appearances, depending upon whether they are military (rare), commercial, or homemade. Do not touch suspicious-looking devices. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 24 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL We can never predict with certainty when disasters will occur. All we can do is attempt to minimize damage to life and property. Management is responsible for formulating a well-developed plan for each type of disaster that may be encountered, and your responsibility is to be thoroughly familiar with each plan so you can carry out the plan immediately. Remember, your life and the lives of others depend on it. Actual Threat Contact the local law enforcement agency as soon as possible. Give as much information as the person receiving the call was able to gather. 1. The person taking the phone call should not panic. Refer to the attached “Telephone Call Questionnaire for Bomb Threat, Parts I & II” which should be kept near all phones. Ask as many questions as the caller will answer. Try to remember exact statements and any descriptive hints (i.e. age, gender, accent or dialect, background noise, voice tone) as to the callers identity. 2. If the caller does not want to answer questions, try to encourage them by expressing a desire to save lives. Try to keep the caller on the line as long as possible and attempt to alert someone to call the phone company and police to trace the call. 3. After the caller hangs up, immediately notify senior management and the police. General Evacuation/Partial Evacuation/Building Search The agency’s designated official will need to decide the next response. Options are: A. Limited or general building evacuation? B. Conduct a limited or general building search? C. Combination of options. 2. In evaluating the response, consider the following: A. B. C. D. The occupancy of the building. Time needed to evacuate. Types of activities taking place. Likely areas of the explosive’s location. 3. Also, the credibility of the threat: A. B. C. D. E. The time of day. Specifics of the threat (place, time of explosion) Identity of caller (child, slurred or affected speech indicating possible intoxication or drug use, etc.) Possibility of access to the area. (How easily could this be accomplished) Motive Enacting the Response 1. If evacuation is ordered, conduct a room by room sweep. Do not panic patrons by announcing a bomb threat. If general evacuation, announce “Ladies and gentlemen - at this time, please calmly exit the building using exits...All staff please assist in a general evacuation”. If a device has been located, evacuate away from it immediately. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 25 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 2. Determine who is being evacuated and to where. Some type of role call or accounting of persons/staff should be taken. All persons should remain 300 ft. from the building and not allowed to re-enter. Bomb Search Guidelines Since emergency personnel are not familiar with agency buildings and contents, agency staff may need to be involved in a bomb search. A complete search should be made of the targeted area by key employees selected by a manager who are familiar with the building and its contents. No unfamiliar object should be touched or moved. Emergency officials should be informed immediately if a potential object is recognized. 1. A time deadline should be established and the search conducted as quickly as possible. When searching an area, scan from ground to waist, waist to head and head to ceiling. All areas of building should be searched. 2. Particular attention should be made to easily accessed public areas such as: # # # # # # Washrooms Lockers Lounges Reception Areas Trash Containers etc. Outside Area Adjacent to Building 3. Do not use two-way radios. The frequency may detonate any potential device. 4. If a potential device is found, do not touch it or move it. Evacuate immediately, secure area and inform authorities. Re-Entry...and Aftermath 1. If a device is found, no one should re-enter until the device has been removed by professionals. 2. A building search should then be conducted to insure no secondary device was set. 3. If a search finds no such device, management then must make the decision to re-occupy the building. Keep in mind, this has been a high stress time period for all employees and patrons. 4. The decision for re-entry is made using all of the caller information (time of detonation, location, call credibility) and by the thorough search. Seek any recommendations by the emergency persons on the scene. Warning Signs for Mail Bombs Warning Signs for Car Bombs o o o o o o o o o o o restrictive markings excessive postage handwritten or poorly typed address titles but no name for addressee misspelling of common words oily stains or discolored envelope no return address o o heavily laden vehicles when no bulk is visible hastily parked vehicles erratic, nervous drivers vehicles with suspicious boxes or bottles in the back or cargo area vehicles parked illegally near buildings license plates with signs of tampering RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 26 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Warning Signs for Mail Bombs o excessive weight o rigid, lopsided or uneven envelope o protruding wires or aluminum foil o excessive marking tape or string o visual distractions Warning Signs for Car Bombs o idle vehicles with no driver in the area Telephone Call Questionnaire for Bomb Threat Part I - Bomb Description Inform the caller that the building is occupied and detonation of the bomb could lead to serious injury or death to many innocent victims. 1. Exact location of the bomb? 2. Time set for detonation? 3. What does it look like? 4. What is the explosive? 5. Why was it placed? 6. Name of caller/organization? Part II - Caller Description Obtain as much detail as possible about the bomb and its location. Legitimate callers usually wish to avoid injury or death—request more data by expressing a desire to save lives. 1. Date ______________________ Time of call ____________ AM PM 2. 3. Exact language used. Male _____ Female _____ Adult _____ Child _____ Estimate Age ________ Race _______________________ 4. Speech (Check applicable boxes) Slow__________ Rapid _________ Normal ________ Excited ________ Loud __________ Normal ________ Disguised ________ Broken __________ Sincere __________ Impediments ________ Accent ______________________________________________________ 5. Background noises: 6. Name of person receiving call. Do not discuss the call with other personnel. Notify your manager. Follow instructions. Remain available law enforcement officials will want to talk to you. Remember: you should not try to determine the validity of the call. Contact your manager and they will contact the authorities. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 27 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Emergency Incidents & Accident Procedures One of the best ways to prevent accidents is to investigate the causes of the accidents that do occur. A prompt, thorough investigation of any incident, large or small, including near-misses, is an important part of any good safety program We need to find out what happened, why it happened, and how we can prevent another similar accident from occurring. They say that every cloud has a silver lining—meaning something good can come out of things that are bad. When it comes to on-the-job accidents, thorough investigations are that silver lining. They enable us to look closely at every detail that contributed to an accident or near-miss. What we learn from the investigation helps us identify and correct problems, and makes our workplace safer and healthier. You have two key roles to play in our accident-investigation procedures. 1. Always report any accident or near-miss immediately so we can look into it and make the needed corrections. 2. Cooperate with all investigations of any accident in which you were involved, which you witnessed, or where your knowledge of the situation or procedure could be helpful. Remember, when we investigate an accident, we’re not looking for someone to blame. We’re trying to find out what really happened and what to do to prevent the same thing from happening again. So your cooperation can really make a difference—even a life-or-death difference—to all of us. Identifying Hazards A good accident investigation is aimed at discovering what happened, what caused it to happen, and why, and how to prevent future occurrences. The investigation tries to identify the hazards that led to the accident and any other related hazards that could lead to accidents in the future. An accident investigation, should take place as quickly as possible after the incident itself. The investigator or investigators approach it like a good detective or investigative journalist, trying to answer these questions: •What happened? •When did it happen? •Where did it happen? •Who was involved? •How did it happen? •Why did it happen? •How can we keep it from happening again? When there’s an accident, the first thing you do, of course, is to make sure that anyone who’s injured or ill gets proper medical treatment. If there’s something like a spill or leak, it has to be stopped before it spreads. In some cases, we may have to barricade or rope off an accident site to keep people from harm and to preserve the evidence. But aside from taking necessary actions like these, it’s best to leave the accident scene untouched so you can study the evidence. If, for instance, there was a spill, you would want to check the evidence to find out what spilled, where it spilled from and where it went. If a machine was involved, you want to be able to check the settings and materials in the area and whatever else might be relevant. In a more serious accident, we might have to take measurements of the area or even take photos or videos of the accident scene to be studied later. Interviewing Witnesses Another thing we do early in the investigation is to interview people who were present when the incident occurred or who know something useful about the operation, machine, substance, etc. in question. Usually, witnesses are interviewed one at a time right after the incident, often at or near the place where it happened so they can point out or show what they’re talking about. We try to get eyewitness reports right away in order to get immediate impressions of what happened before an eyewitness has a chance to confuse it with other similar incidents or with what other people say. These interviews are not intended to put anyone on trial or to find someone to blame. They’re strictly for the purpose of getting as many facts and as much information on what happened as possible. You may be asked to describe what you saw or heard or experienced. You may even be asked to act out how it happened—without, of course, repeating the accident RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 28 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL itself. You also may be asked what you think caused the problem and how you think we could prevent something similar from happening in the future. Part of the fact-gathering will also involve the specific information that’s required for filling out reports. Again, we’re after facts here—not opinions. The forms ask the details of some of the questions I discussed before, such as: What time did the incident occur? Exactly where did it occur Who was injured or made ill and what was the type and severity of the injury or illness? How did the accident occur? What were the people involved doing before it happened? What materials or machinery or substances were involved or in the area? What led up to the accident, and what exactly happened during the accident itself? What actions were taken after the accident? Who witnessed the accident and what were they doing? RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 29 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Accident/Incident Reporting Instructions & Routing Form This page must be stapled to the report – on top. Immediately complete the correct report. Never give out a blank form to a patron or have patrons complete it themselves. An OLPD employee must complete the form with the information given by patron or by what they witnessed themselves. There are three different ones you can select from: Accident/Incident - most common for patron accidents Property - for property damage and theft Auto/Truck - for automotive accidents Signature of Employee Who Completed the Form________________________ Decide if the report should be faxed to PDRMA. IF yes, complete the other side of this sheet Check here to indicate it was faxed to PDRMA on ____________________ The report must go to the designated person at your facility to enter information on your facility’s Excel log. Person’s Signature that it was entered ____ ___________________________ After the information is logged, the report needs to be sent over to Administration - Attn: Maddie Kelly, Director. After Maddie reviews the report, it will be sent back to your facility. Director’s Signature __________________________________________ Once your facility receives the report back, it must be filed. All reports are to be kept at your facility in one location. This will be the only copy of the report for the park district. Last Updated: 9/9/04 RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 30 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453 Maintenance 4425 Southwest Highway p.708.857.2201 f.708.636.7990 Ice Arena & Aquatics 9320 South Kenton p.708.857.5173 f.857.5177 RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 31 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Administration 9400 South Kenton p.708.857.2225 f.708.636.9877 4625 West 110th Street p.708.857.2200 f.708.857.7614 Oak View Center Pavilion 9401 South Oak Park Avenue p.708.857.2420 f.708.598.4166 RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 32 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Racquet Club 10444 South Central Avenue p.708.857.2215 f.708.857.5179 Stony Creek Golf 5860 West 103rd Street p.708.857.2214 f.708.857.2436 To: PDRMA - Claims From: Fax: 630-769-0449 Facility: Phone: 630-769-0332 Phone: Re: Accident / Incident Report Fax: Pages: Date: Comments: Accident/Incident Report ` Instructions _ # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Field Member name Date Instructions Fill in Agency name and date of the report. Name of person completing report Phone E-mail General Liability Claim Bodily injury/property damage Location of Incident/Accident Date Time Location/address Form 01-I Fill in name of person completing report Fill in Agency phone number/E-mail address of person completing report. Check appropriate box for the type of general liability claim. Fill in date and time of accident. Please provide specific location phone number. Name and address of specific park, pool, community center, etc. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 33 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL # Field Specific location Instructions Identify actual location, or equipment such as playground, parking lot, gym, etc. (if applicable) where injury or damage occurred. 7 8 Bodily Injury Name of injured person Age Sex Fill in Name, Age, Sex of injured party. Address, district, state, zip Fill in Address, District, State and Zip Code of injured party. This is necessary for correspondence. 10 Home phone Business, daytime, or cell phone Fill in telephone numbers. This is necessary to contact the injured person. 11 Part of body injured Nature of injury? Describe specific body part(s) and nature of injury. Brief summary of incident Provide the facts of the incident. Use an additional sheet of paper if necessary. Note: Do not speculate; include the facts only. 13 Did injured person make any statements? If so, what was said? Note any statements made by injured person. Example: “It was my fault”; “You’ll hear from my attorney”; etc. 14 Was first aid administered? By whom? What first aid was given? Fill in name of Agency staff member(s), or others, such as paramedics, patrons, or others who may have administered first aid to the injured person. Explain the specific first aid that was given (CPR, AED, ice etc.). Check appropriate boxes. Fill in the police officer(s) name, department and the report number. 15 Paramedic services offered? Police called? Paramedic called? Police dept Officer 9 12 RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 34 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL # 16 Field Bodily Injury (continued) Parents/guardian/relatives notified? Instructions Check appropriate boxes to identify who was notified. If no one was notified, explain why. By whom/phone Name the person and list their phone number. Parent/relative name/phone Fill in name(s) and phone number(s). Relationship to injured person Example: friend, parent, baby sitter. Do you expect this person to submit a claim? Witness Information Name: Home phone 17 Daytime phone Address, district, state, zip Check appropriate box. Relationship to injured party Did witness make any statements? 18 If so, what was said? (attach more pages if necessary) Damage to Another Person’s Property Name of property owner Address, district, state, zip Home phone & business/daytime/cell phone Check appropriate line and box indicating the witness’ relationship to the injured person. If witness made a statement, be specific and complete. 19 Fill in appropriate information regarding witnesses. Attach additional pages if necessary. Fill in contact information about any property damage sustained because of the incident/accident This information is necessary for correspondence. Property was damaged? Describe the property damage. Summary of how damage occurred Explain how the property damage occurred. (please provide facts only). Example: Wind, tree, golf ball, baseball, etc. Estimated attached? If available, provide a cost estimate or attach written estimate. (Note: do not wait for estimate to send this form). cost to repair/estimates RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 35 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Accident/Incident Report Attorney/Client Privileged Document 2 Name of member: Oak Lawn Park District Name of person completing report: 3 Phone: 1 Form 01 Date: E-mail: General Liability Claim 4 Bodily injury Location of Incident/Accident Date: 5 Property damage Time: Site specific phone: 6 Location/Address (name of park, pool, community center, etc.): 7 Specific location (playground, parking lot, gym, etc.): Bodily Injury Name of injured person: 8 9 Age: Sex: Address: 10 District: Home phone: State: Business, daytime, or cell phone: 11 Part of body injured: Nature of injury? 12 Brief summary of incident (please provide facts only): Did injured person make any statements? Yes No 13 If so, what was said? Was first aid administered? 14 Yes No By whom (name and position): What first aid was given?: 15 Paramedic services offered? Accepted Refused Paramedic called? Yes No (When in doubt, call for paramedic services.) Police called? Police dept: * * * SAMPLE * * * RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 36 Yes No Officer: Zip: OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Bodily Injury (continued) Parents/Guardian/Relatives notified? 16 Yes No By whom: Phone: Parent/relative name: Phone: Relationship to injured person: Do you expect this person to submit a claim? Yes No Do not know Witness Information Name: Home phone: 17 Daytime phone: Address: District: State: Relationship to Relative/friend Another program District/SRA Other 18 (specify) Did witness make any statements? Yes Zip: injured party: _______________________________ or park user Passer-by employee or volunteer _______________________________________ (specify) participant No If so, what was said? (Attach more pages if necessary) 19 Damage to Another Person’s Property Name of property owner: Address: District: State: Home phone: Business/Daytime/Cell phone: What property was damaged? Summary of how damage occurred (please provide facts only): RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 37 Zip: OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Estimated cost to repair: Estimates attached? * * * SAMPLE * * * RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 38 Yes No OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Accident Report - Auto and Truck (For bodily injury or damage to another’s property or for damage to your vehicle Member Information Name Phone Driver Name Address Address District State Zip District State Phone Date of Birth Administration Construction Maintenance Police/Rangers Zip Make of your Year Model Serial No. License No. Trailer (if Year Model Area of Damage Date of Full time Part time Seasonal Volunteer Where Vehicle Can Be Seen Used Estimated Cost to Accident Date of Loss Time of Location (Street or Highway)District Were Police Called to Scene? Police Dept. Driver Name of Officer Badge State Arreste Tickete Violation Station Address Claimant 1 Owner of Other Vehicle Address District State Zip Phone Driver, if Other Than Address District State Zip Phone Make of Vehicle Model Area of Damage Estimate of Where Vehicle District State Zip Phone Age License No. Claimant 2 Owner of Other Address RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 39 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Driver, if Other Than Above Make of Vehicle Address District State Zip Phone Area of Damage Estimate of Where Vehicle District State Zip Phone District State Extent of Damage Age Model License No. Property Damage - Other Than Auto (i.e., Fence, Canopy) Owner of Property Address Describe Damaged Property Location of Property Witness Information Name Address District State Zip Phone Name Address District State Zip Phone Persons Injured Name Age Name Age Address Phone Address Phone District State Occupation Zip District State Where Taken Zip Occupation RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 40 Where Taken OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Fatality Pedestrian Fatality Pedestrian Bleeding or Distorted Wound In Bleeding or Distorted Wound In Your Your Vehicle vehicle Unconscious In Claimant Unconscious In Claimant Vehicle Vehicle No Visible Injury - Complained of Pain No Visible Injury - Complained of Pain Other_____________________________________________ Other__________________________________________ ___ Additional Remarks Describe Accident Accident Diagram What Street Were You On? Claimant 1 Claimant 2 What Direction Were You Traveling? Claimant 1 Claimant 2 Weather Dry Wet Speed Limit Icy Foggy Snowy Traffic Conditions Light Moderate Were You Familiar With the Area? Yes No Traffic Controls This Section Must Be Completed By Supervisor 1. Do you think a claim will be made against you? Yes RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 41 No Heavy OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 2. In my opinion, are we at fault for this accident? Date of This Report Yes Signature and Title RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 42 No OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Loss Report - Property For damage to your own property Member Information Name of Member Phone Address, District, State, Zip Location and Street Address of Loss Date of Loss Time of Loss Estimate of Loss Building and/or Contents Details of Loss, Name of Building Boiler and Machinery Details of Loss (include what machinery was involved and what caused the loss) Employee Dishonesty Employee Name Date of Employment Job Title Robbery or Safe Burglary Culprit Apprehended - Explain Police Authority Involved - Explain Attach Supporting Material - Police Report - Newspaper Account Details of Claim etc Summary How Loss Occurred and Damage Extent - Attach Supporting Material, Any Available Reports, Newspaper Account, Pictures, Repair Estimates or Bills, etc. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 43 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Supervisory Investigating and Reporting Purpose Supervisory investigation is important and necessary if reoccurrences are to be prevented. Investigations are made to obtain information through which recommendations for corrective action can be developed. Corrective action may involve additional training, mechanical revision, and direct supervision or enforcement measures. Loss control investigations are primarily concerned with finding the “cause” of the accident while claims investigations are necessarily concerned with fixing “blame”. Investigations must be kept objective, factual, and free from the “punishment” motive, otherwise they will do more harm than good. This is not to say that responsibility may not be fixed where personal failure has caused the accident, or that there should not be accountability for the consequences. However, the investigation itself is concerned only with the facts and the investigating individual or group is best kept free from involvement with the consequences. The principal purposes of an investigation therefore are: To learn accident causes so that similar occurrences may be minimized through better supervision and employee training, and improved mechanical operations and procedures. To publicize the particular hazard among employees and their supervisors and to direct attention to accident prevention in general. To determine facts bearing on legal liability. The immediate supervisor will investigate all personal injuries, motor vehicle accidents and equipment damage occurrences. Investigation report will be filled out in its entirety and all signatures obtained and forwarded to the Department Head/Facility Manager a.s.a.p. The Department Head/Facility Manager will email the Safety Coordinator – an explanation of the incident. They will fax PDRMA the information and enter the information on their facility log spreadsheet and hold the originals at their facility. Safety Coordinator will be notified immediately of the following situations: Serious work-related injuries/illnesses or fatalities that includes Oak Lawn Park District employees, contractors and visitors. Serious injuries/illnesses are defined as: Single injury as a result of a motor vehicle accident, Two or more persons injured in a single incident, Single injury/illness requiring immediate hospitalization, Fires and explosions resulting in: Activation of fire protection systems (sprinklers), Response by ERT and/or local Fire Department, Damage to facilities or equipment; Building Evacuation (not drills); Electrical contact incidents (regardless of severity). Safety Coordinator will notify the Park District Director of all serious injuries. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 44 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Definition of Terms Personal Injury Accident - An accident in which an employee suffers an injury that may or may not require medical attention or result in lost time or restricted duty. Vehicle Accident - An accident involving collision or contact between a District vehicle and another vehicle, equipment, property or a person resulting in damage or injury. Equipment Damage Incident - An incident involving damage to a District vehicle or piece of equipment, but without collision or contact with another vehicle, equipment, property or person. Personal Injury Accident Reporting – Form 45 Accident Reporting All personal injury accidents will be reported to the employee’s supervisor as soon as possible following the accident. The supervisor will investigate the accident to determine the cause of accident and make recommendations on how the accident could be prevented in the future. The immediate supervisor of the injured employee shall conduct the investigation by completing a Form 45. This report must be completed in its entirety and all signatures obtained and forwarded to PDRMA within 24 hours of the accident. PURPOSE To establish a procedure for the immediate reporting and handling of an on-the-job injury PROCEDURE: Any employee who sustains an injury or occupational disease that arises out of and in the course and scope of his/her employment is responsible for reporting the incident immediately to his/her supervisor. Each supervisor shall be responsible for his/her employee who sustains an injury or occupational disease Any injury occurring during the employee hours will be seen by a doctor on the District of Plano provider panel. Injuries occurring after hours should be referred to the nearest emergency room. Emergency Care Treatment Centers: Little Company of Mary Clinic 95th & Central Avenue Christ Hospital – Emergency Room 95th & Kostner Avenue Vehicle Accident All vehicle accidents involving damage to any district vehicle or private vehicle that is damaged while conducting district business will be reported on a Auto Report Form (PDRMA) within 24 hours of the accident. Copies are to be forwarded to PDRMA. Employees will immediately report all vehicle accidents to their supervisor. If the accident occurs on a street, highway, or other public thoroughfare, the Police Department shall be notified. Employees are not to move the vehicle until the accident has been investigated by a police officer. (If an employee is injured as a result of a vehicle accident, a Motor Vehicle Accident Report and Supervisor’s Injury Report will be completed in accordance with this section. Vehicle Safety Operation of District Vehicles The operation of District vehicles or any moveable District equipment on the roadways and streets is indispensable in conducting District business, and a loss of any vehicle due to accident and/or abuse will adversely affect the overall mission capability of the District. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 45 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL All drivers of District vehicles, and those using their personal vehicles in pursuit of District business, shall comply with all applicable state laws as well as the requirements of the Oak Lawn Park District. Any employee who operates a District vehicle or those who use their personal vehicle while doing District business is required to report suspension or revocation of his/her driver’s license to his/her supervisor. The supervisor is required to report this to the Department Head/Facility Manager. No employee shall be directed to operate a vehicle for which he/she does not have the appropriate classification of driver’s license. This is a minimum requirement and in no way restricts departments from being more restrictive in their use in demands to operate heavy equipment and proper skills. No person shall drive or be required or permitted to drive a District-owned vehicle while under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or narcotic drug. Workers who are taking prescription drugs that may affect the safety of the individual shall discuss this with their supervisor before driving while on District duty. Since all District drivers are working for the public, they should remember that they are being observed by them and will be held accountable for their actions. Operating District Vehicles Employees shall operate all equipment in accordance with its designed use, taking in to consideration traffic and conditions surrounding the use of the vehicle, and the safety of others. All drivers of District vehicles shall comply with all state, county and local rules and regulations governing the safe and legal operation of vehicles. Seat belts shall be worn and secured at all times when the vehicle is moving. The driver shall be responsible for assuring that all passengers are seated and properly secured before moving the vehicle. Under no circumstances shall passengers ride on fenders, running boards, the tops of vehicles, or any place not designed for passengers. Employee drivers are responsible to secure all doors and check seat belts prior to moving the vehicle. Extra caution should be used when closing sliding doors on vans or other vehicles. Trucks transporting materials shall secure said material tightly to prevent movement in transport. All cargo that extends beyond the end of the bed shall be clearly marked with a red cloth not less than (16) sixteen inches square. At night, red lights shall be used. Lights, brakes and so forth shall be checked before leaving the vehicle at the end of the working day. Any malfunction of the vehicle shall be reported to the immediate supervisor no later than the end of a normal working day. Drive defensively and observe all traffic laws. Flashing lights shall be turned on and traffic cones in place whenever a vehicle or piece of equipment is stopped where work is being performed, or whenever it obstructs traffic. Vehicles and/or equipment shall not be parked where they obstruct traffic unless it is absolutely necessary. Try to avoid situations that require backing maneuvers and whenever backing up is necessary, be positive about what is behind you even if it requires getting out of the truck to look. Always use a person to guide you when backing into enclosed areas or close quarters where applicable and whenever you must use mirrors exclusively for absolutely necessary. Remember: A driver is held responsible for the vehicle he is driving, the passengers riding and the load he/she is carrying. Perform daily checkout procedures on all vehicles and equipment prior to utilization. Complete checkout forms and notify immediate supervisor and fleet maintenance if repairs are required. During any hauling operations, loads shall be tarped whenever designated by the immediate supervisor. Operators must constantly be aware of surrounding conditions, i.e., ground personnel, overhead lines, pedestrians and other hazardous conditions. All elevating blades and buckets will be landed, the brakes will be set, and the equipment properly secured before leaving at the end of the work shift. All tailgates will be secured (closed) while traveling. When backing to connect with any trailing equipment, the operator of the equipment should make certain that everyone is in the clear, and use a second person for a guide. Keep vehicle in gear: All vehicles must be kept in gear at all times while traveling downhill. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 46 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Loaders: Always keep bucket low while moving. Loaders shall not be moved with bucket extended to full height. The bucket shall be dropped to a low height before moving form-digging site to dumpsite. Loaders will not be used as man hoists at any time. Other employees shall not stand or sit on any part of the equipment/vehicle while it is moving; this does not include equipment such as collectors or distributors working in alleys or a traffic crew picking up traffic control devices. Parking equipment: When equipment/vehicle is parked, use any appropriate measure to insure that there is no movement, including, but not limited to: Parking brake in gear Motor off Wheels turned to curbs Chalk wheels Lower accessory equipment attachments Supervisor’s Responsibility: Crew supervisors shall “ground” vehicles upon learning such vehicles are unsafe, no matter how urgent the need for such vehicle; proper repairs shall be made before it is placed back in service. Fundamentals Of Accident Prevention Basic Activities Successful accident prevention requires a minimum of four fundamental activities: A study of working areas to detect and eliminate or control physical hazards, which contribute to accidents. A study of operating methods, manner and practices. Education, instruction, training and discipline to help minimize human factors, which contribute to accidents. Thorough investigations of accidents to determine contributing factors. Accidents are Preventable Many persons, either through ignorance or misunderstanding, unfortunately believe that accidents are the inevitable result of unchangeable circumstances, fate or a matter of luck. It must be emphasized that accidents do not happen without cause, and the identification, isolation and control of these “causes” are the underlying principles of accident prevention techniques. No person in a supervisory position can be effective in his job of accident prevention, unless he fully believes that accidents can be prevented and constantly strives to do so. Causes of Accidents Causes of accidents are divided into three major categories: (a) unsafe acts of people; (b) unsafe physical or mechanical conditions and (c) Acts of God (floods, hurricanes, etc.). Statistics indicate that 88% of all accidents are caused by unsafe acts of people, 10% by unsafe conditions and 2% by Acts of God. Obviously the greatest percentages of accidents are caused by unsafe acts; therefore, emphasis of an accident prevention program would be on the elimination of these unsafe acts. Unsafe Acts Any conduct whether witnessed or not, that increases the likelihood of injury, violates established safety practices of the failure to use good common sense or safety judgment. The majority of unsafe acts of persons may be assigned one or more of the following classifications: Failure to follow instructions or a proper job procedure. Cleaning, oiling, adjusting or repairing equipment that is moving electrically energized or pressurized. Failure to use available personal protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, hard-hats. Failure to wear safe personal attire. Failure to secure or warn. Improper use of equipment. Improper use of hands or body parts. Making safety devices inoperative. Operating or working at unsafe speeds. Taking unsafe position or posture. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 47 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Unsafe placing, mixing, combining. Using tools or equipment known to be unsafe. Driving errors. Horseplay. Inattention. Unsafe acts are brought about usually by one of the following: Lack of knowledge, skill, coordination or planning. Improper attitude. Physical or mental impairment. Temporary lack of safety-mindedness at time of accident. Improper behavior. Work Environment Hazard Work environment hazards are usually a physical deficiency not necessarily caused by the action or inaction of one or more employees that may lead to an accident if left uncorrected. Most unsafe or hazardous conditions can be grouped into one of the following classifications: Defective, inferior or unsuitable tools, machinery, equipment or materials. Hazards of surroundings (poor housekeeping). Selection of hazardous methods or procedures and manner in which the work procedure is executed. Placement hazards. (Person not mentally or physically compatible with job requirements.) Inadequate guarding of machinery, equipment, work areas, etc. General Safe Practices Confined Space It would be difficult to find any other situation that has the potential for containing or presenting as many serious hazards as a “confined space”. Typical hazards include toxic, corrosive, explosive, or flammable chemical exposures, released dangerous gases or vapors, and the most insidious of all, insufficient oxygen to support life. Each of these has all the elements of a fatal accident. Most people who have died in confined spaces either had little knowledge of the dangers present or did not exercise all necessary precautionary measures. Confined space accidents can be prevented if adequate, tightly controlled procedures for entry into confined spaces are rigidly adhered to. This standard has been developed to prescribe these problems. Suggestions for improving this standard to enhance the safety and well-being of employees are encouraged, and should be forwarded to the Safety Coordinator 1. Definitions: A. Confined space: Any enclosed area with little or no natural ventilation, or with limited opening for entry and exit which could or would make exit difficult during an emergency, or any enclosed area not intended or designated for continuous human occupancy. The definition of a confined space includes all areas and/or enclosures meeting any of the elements as defined above (manholes, storm drains, headwalls, and meter vaults). B. IDLH: Immediate Danger to Life or Health. Conditions that pose an immediate threat to life or health, or conditions that pose an immediate threat of severe exposure to contaminants such as chemical, biological or radiological materials which are likely to have adverse cumulative or delayed effect on health. C. TLV: Threshold-Limit Value. The values for airborne toxic material which are used as guides in the control of health hazards, and represent concentrations to which nearly all workers may be exposed eight hours per day over RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 48 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL extended periods of time without adverse effects. These values will be determined by the then current edition of “Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances in the Work Environment”, published by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, or current publications of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, whichever is most restrictive. (These publications can be viewed at the Loss Control Specialist’s office). D. PPM: Parts per million. E. LEL: Lower Explosive Level F. ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. G. NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2. Responsibilities: A. Department Head/Facility Managers: For those departments whose functions require entry into confined spaces, it is the responsibility of the Division Director to: 1) Identify all locations within their area of responsibility wherein this “Confined Space Entry Standard” applied and ensure a written warning to that effect is permanently posted at the access opening of any such location. Manhole and sewer openings located within the right-of-way of public roadways and alleyways are exempt from this requirement; 2) Determine appropriate protective equipment and clothing to be worn within the confined space based upon analysis of the work to be performed and the actual and/or potential hazards to be encountered; 3) Ensure that appropriate protective clothing and equipment is furnished to and utilized by all employees required to enter confined spaces, areas and/or enclosures during each entry; 4) Ensure that all employees whose duties require entry into confined spaces receive adequate training including, but not limited to, the following: a. The nature of the actual or potential hazards involved in confined space entries; b. Environmental sampling techniques, and the use of environmental sampling equipment; c. Precautionary measures to be taken prior to and during confined space entries; d. First aid, to include cardiopulmonary resuscitation; e. Selection and use of respiratory devices; f. Confined space rescue techniques; g. Electrical, mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic lockout procedures, as appropriate, and h. The Requirements of this Standard. 5) Ensure that prompt and effective disciplinary action is taken against any employee who violates, or permits the violation of, any provision of this standard. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 49 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL B. Supervisors: Before any employee is permitted to enter a confined space, it is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor (foreman, crew leader, etc.): 1) To instruct employees required to enter confined space: a. As to the nature of the hazards and/or potential hazards involved; b. As to the necessary precautions to be taken prior to and during confined space entry, and c. In the use of protective and/or emergency equipment; 2) Ensure that each employee entering the confined space is: a. Properly equipped with adequate protective clothing and properly functioning respiratory equipment, if appropriate, and b. Trained and has demonstrated competency in the proper operation of such equipment; 3) Select the person or persons he deems most qualified to perform the functions required by this standard, i.e., environmental testing and monitoring, electrical or other lockout procedures, ventilation, the “Buddy System” below: 4) Ensure a properly trained and equipped observer is available. See “Buddy System” below; 5) Accurate completion of the prescribed “Confined Space Entry Permit”. Completed “Confined Space Entry Permit” will be retained in a file located in the supervisor’s office for a period of not less than 90 days. C. Safety Coordinator will: 1) Provide assistance to Department Heads/Facility Managers and Supervisors as required for compliance with this standard. 2) Provide adequate training programs to assist Department Heads/Facility Managers in compliance with the training requirements of this standard. 3. Preparation for Entering a Confined Space: A. Confined Space Entry Permit (Exhibit A): 1) The “Confined Space Entry Permit” is both a checklist of required actions and, when properly completed, an authorization to enter a specific confined space. 2) A “Confined Space Entry Permit” will be completed by the appropriate supervisor (foreman, crew leader, etc.) prior to each entry into confined space. 3) The “Confined Space Entry Permit” will be completed to include: a. The location of the confined space: b. Equipment to be repaired or worked on or other reasons for the entry; RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 50 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL c. The specific work to be accomplished d. Special precautions to be taken by workers within the confined space; e. Time work is completed; and f. The time the area is secured. 4) The “Confined Space Entry Permit” contains a checklist to be completed to include the results of atmospheric testing. When all items on the checklist have been completed, the checklist becomes a permit to be signed by the responsible supervisor. 5) When operations within the confined space are stopped or interrupted for a period of 30 minutes or more, subsequent entry will be considered a new entry and a new “Confined Space Entry Permit” will be completed prior to re-entry into the confined space. 6) Completed “Confined Space Entry Permits” will be retained in a file located in the supervisor’s office for a period of one year and will be subject to inspections by the Safety Coordinator 7) Blank forms will be obtained from the Safety Coordinator B. Lock Procedures: 1) When electrical devices located within the confined space (motors, switches, etc.) are to be repaired or worked on, the line-disconnect switches supply the power must be tagged and locked in the “off” position by a “keyed” lock. The lock key is to be kept by the person performing the job and only this person shall be authorized to unlock the switch and remove the tag upon completion of the work. 2) When more than one person is working on the line, each much individually place a “keyed” lock on the switch and retain his own key. 3) Line disconnect switches supplying power to any mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic apparatus located in the confined space must also be tagged and locked in the “off” position. This procedure must be performed for every entry even though work is not to be performed on the apparatus itself. 4) Combination locks shall not be used for the purpose of compliance with this action. 5) Only one lock key should be issued to each individual. Each lock used for the purpose of compliance with this standard shall be keyed differently from all other locks used by the work crew. 6) The responsible supervisor (foreman, crew leader, etc.) should have a master list of key numbers and should keep the extra key to each lock issued to members of this section, division or department. 7) In no case should the supervisor lend his master or duplicate key to any other person. He must use the key himself until the lock and the duplicate key are eventually destroyed and replaced with new equipment. C. Securing of Covers and Guarding of Openings. 1) Before covers of manholes, hand holes, or vaults are removed, the opening shall be protected with a barrier, temporary cover (if appropriate), or other suitable guard. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 51 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 2) Prior to entry into confined spaces, all manhole, hand hole, vault and/or clean-out covers shall be removed and the openings maintained clear of any obstructions. 3) When hinged doors or lids are provided, they shall be secured so that they cannot be closed while the confined space is occupied. D. Atmospheric Testing: A trained person shall make appropriate tests of the atmosphere in the confined space to ensure that: 1) 20% of the lower explosive limit (LEL) of flammable or explosive gases or vapors is not exceeded; 2) The threshold-limit value (TLV) of toxic chemicals, as determined by the ACGIH OR NIOSH, is not exceeded. 3) The oxygen content of the atmosphere within the confined space is not less than 19.5%, by volume. E. Atmospheric Monitoring: The atmosphere within the confined space shall be monitored continuously while the confined space is occupied. If the limits established in the preceding paragraph C are exceeded, all personnel shall evacuate the confined space immediately unless equipped with Type C supplied air respiratory equipment approved by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) or other nationally recognized testing laboratory for entry into IDLH atmospheres. F. Ventilation: All confined spaces, unless the requirement is specifically waived by the responsible supervisor, must be ventilated by the use of a positive mechanical ventilation or exhaust system so arranged as to avoid recirculating contaminated air. The rate of ventilation or exhaust shall be a minimum of 12 air changes per hour. This requirement may be waived by the responsible supervisor only if adequate self-contained breathing apparatus or supplied air respiratory systems are available for all occupants of the confined space, and continuous atmospheric monitoring is used. G. Buddy Systems: At least one standby employee shall be stationed immediately outside the access opening of any confined space while such confined space is occupied. This employee shall: 1) Maintain continuous awareness of the activities and well-being of the occupant(s) of the confined space; 2) Be able to maintain and remain in verbal communication with the occupant(s) of the confined space at all times; 3) Be alert and fully capable of quickly summoning help; 4) Be physically able and equipped to assist in the rescue of an occupant from a confined space under emergency conditions. 4. Equipment for Entry into Confined Spaces: A. Means of Entry and Exit: A built-in or portable ladder shall be used for a safe means of entering and exiting confined spaces, where appropriate. 1) Such ladders shall not obstruct the access opening. 2) Portable ladders may be rigid, or of chain or rope with rigid rungs. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 52 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 3) Portable ladders must meet the requirements of 29 C.F.R. 1910.25 or 26. B. Portable Lights: Portable lights may be battery or transformer operated at 24v or less, or must be protected by a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). In all cases, lighting equipment must be certified as explosion proof and intrinsically safe by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), if used in a flammable-vapor atmosphere. C. Safety Equipment and Devices: Any person entering a confined space or enclosure shall us the following safety equipment, as prescribed by the responsible Department Manager. 1) Safety Harness: In all cases that an employee is required to enter a confined space that is physically located below grade level, or with the access opening located at the top of the confined space, a safety harness approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory must be furnished to and worn by the employee entering the confined space. Safety harnesses should be so designed and constructed as to permit lifting an incapacitated individual in a vertical position. 2) Lifeline: An approved lifeline, with a breaking strength of not less than 2000 lbs. shall be attached to such safety harness with the other end securely anchored outside the confined space. Where deemed advisable by the responsible supervisor, the lifeline shall be passed through a pulley mounted on a tripod or other similar device positioned above the confined space entry. 3) Non-Sparking Tools: Non-sparking tools and equipment are required when the confined space may contain explosive or flammable air contaminants and the operations involve striking, chipping, hammering or cutting. 4) Breathing apparatus and/or respirators: a. When testing indicates an atmosphere containing contaminants at a level that is immediate danger to life or health (IDLH), or an atmosphere containing less that 19.5% oxygen is encountered, all employees entering such atmosphere shall be required to be equipped with and shall use a positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece or other positive-pressured supplied air breathing apparatus with full facepiece. b. When testing indicates an atmosphere containing contaminants hazardous to health, but at a level less than the IDLH criteria, respirators with filter systems appropriate to the contaminants shall be furnished to and shall be used by each employee entering such atmosphere. c. When the occupant of a confined space is required to be equipped with and use a self-contained or other supplied air breathing apparatus, the standby employee shall be equipped with a similar apparatus with an independent air supply. Such standby apparatus shall be tested, fitted, and ready for immediate use at all times the confined space is occupied. 5) Skin Protection: If a contaminant within the confined space can cause dermatitis or can be absorbed through the skin, each employee entering the confined space shall wear protective clothing providing protection against the contaminant as directed by the Division Director. 6) Other Personal Protective Equipment: Personal protective equipment such as safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, safety sleeves, hard hat, hearing protection, rubber boots or impervious clothing shall be RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 53 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL furnished to and shall be worn by each employee entering confined spaces when specified by the Department Manager. 5. Operation Involving Welding, Cutting, Burning or Other “Hot Work”: A. All welding, cutting, or burning operations performed within a confined space must meet the following additional requirements. E. The area in which work is to be performed shall be isolated from other areas from which atmospheric contaminants may be introduced. F. Forced ventilation is required at all times while welding, cutting, or burning within a confined space G. The atmosphere in a confined space where welding, cutting, burning, or other “hot work” is performed will be continuously monitored. If the level of flammable or explosive contaminants exceeds 20% of the lower explosive level (LEL), welding, cutting, or burning operations will be terminated until the level of flammable or explosive contaminants falls below 20% of the lower explosive level. H. Where such welding, cutting or burning operations are stopped for a period of 30 minutes or more, all fuel-gas and oxygen supplies: a. b. Must be removed from the confined space or enclosure or, Must be positively shut off at the fuel-gas and oxygen supply tank(s), and all lines purged, o c. Must be disconnected at some point outside the confined space or enclosure. 6. Confined Space Emergencies: A. B. In the event of a confined space emergency requiring evacuation of the confined space, the responsible supervisor (foreman, crew leader, etc.) will: • Immediately have the confined space evacuated. If workers within the confined space are incapacitated, emergency rescue procedures will be initiated. • If emergency rescue procedures are required, the responsible supervisor will also contact the fire department. • Upon arrival at the location of the confined space, the senior fire department official present will assume responsibility for rescue procedures. The responsible supervisor will provide equipment and assistance, if requested. The responsible supervisor will investigate or cause the incident to be thoroughly investigated to determine the cause of the emergency. A complete written report detailing the incident and subsequent investigation will be furnished to the appropriate Department Manager and the Safety Coordinator RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 54 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Welding 1. When possible, welding or cutting should be done in special fire-safe areas or rooms with concrete or metal plate floors. 2. In cases where welding and cutting operations are performed outside the special fire-safe area: A. Inspect area where work is to be done. B. Provide fire extinguisher equipment. C. Isolate combustibles from sources of ignition. D. Limit unauthorized use of flame or spark producing equipment. E. When welding is done in areas that are open to all personnel, the equipment should be posted with warning signs hung on the equipment. 3. Welding processes emit radiations in three special bands: A. Ultraviolet radiations, whose wave lengths are shorter than those of visible band, are capable of producing cumulative destructive changes in the structure of the cornea and lens of the eye. B. Radiations in the visible band, if too intense, can cause eyestrain and headaches from muscular fatigue, and destroy the tissue of the retina, as is the case in eclipse blindness. C. Infrared radiations, whose wave lengths are longer than those of the visible spectrum, transmit large amounts of heat energy to the eye with a consequent heating of the eye tissue. D. Gas welding presents problems mostly in the control of infrared and visible radiations. Heavy amperage arc welding also presents problems in the control of ultraviolet radiation. E. Lenses of proper shade shall be used that protect the eyes from the mentioned exposures. F. Moveable exhaust hoods are needed for most indoor welding applications, and are a must when welding potentially toxic materials such as lead-containing or lead-painted metals, and beryllium alloys. 4. Electric Arc Welding: A. Keep leads as short as possible. B. Take electrodes out of holder when not in use. C. Do not use pipe lines containing gases or flammable liquids or conduits carrying electrical conductors for “grounds”. 5. Handling Cylinders: Serious accidents may result from the misuse abuse, or mishandling of compressed gas cylinders. Employees assigned to the handling of cylinders under pressure should be carefully trained. A. Ultraviolet radiations, whose wave lengths are shorter than those of visible band, are capable of producing cumulative destructive changes in the structure of the cornea and lens of the eye. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 55 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL B. Do not remove or change numbers or marks stamped on cylinders. C. When cylinders must be moved without the aid of a cart or other mechanical means, use some type of carrying device. Cylinders may be rolled a short distance on the bottom edge, but never dragged. D. Protect cylinders from cuts or abrasions. E. Do not drop cylinders or let them strike each other violently. F. Do not use cylinders for rollers, supports, or any purpose other than to contain gas. G. Do not tamper with safety devices on valve or cylinders. H. When in doubt about the proper handling of a compressed gas cylinder or its contents, consult the supplier of the gas. I. When empty cylinders are to be returned to the vendor, mark them EMPTY or MT with chalk. Close the valves and replace the valve protection caps. J. Always consider cylinders as full and handle them with corresponding care. Accidents have resulted when containers under partial pressure were thought to be empty. K. The fusible safety plugs on acetylene cylinders melt at about the boiling point of water. If an outlet valve becomes clogged with ice or frozen, it should be thawed with warm (not boiling) water, applied to the valve. A flame should never be used. 6. Storing Cylinders. A. Ultraviolet radiations, whose wave lengths are shorter than those of visible band, are capable of producing cumulative destructive changes in the structure of the cornea and lens of the eye. B. Flammable substances, such as oil and volatile liquids, should not be stored within twenty (20) feet of cylinder storage. C. Cylinders should not be stored near elevators, gangways, stairwells, or other places where they can be knocked down or damaged. D. The total capacity of acetylene cylinders stored inside a building should be limited to 2,000 cubic feet of gas, including cylinders in use or connected. E. When oxygen and acetylene cylinders must be stored in the same building, each type should be stored separately, preferably in separate sections of the building. F. Cylinders should be protected from direct rays of the sun in summer and from any heat such as radiators, furnaces or any other source of heat. G. A direct flame or electric arc should never be permitted to contact any part of a compressed gas cylinder. 7. Using cylinders: A. Use cylinders in an upright position. B. Keep cap in place to protect valve except when cylinder is connected for use. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 56 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL C. Do not force connections on the regulator or union if they do not fit. D. Open cylinder valves slowly. E. Before making connection to a cylinder valve, except that of a hydrogen cylinder, “crack” the valve for an instant to clear the opening of particles of dust or dirt. F. Never use oil or grease as a lubricant on valves or attachments or oxygen cylinders. G. Do not stand directly in front of regulator gauges when opening tank valve. Sudden pressure could blow out gauge glass and parts. 8. Hose and Connections: The oxygen and acetylene hoses should be of different colors or otherwise identified and distinguished from each other. Red is generally the recognized color for fuel gas hose and green for oxygen hose. A. Do not use a unnecessarily long hose – it is hard to purge properly. When a long hose must be used, see that it does not become kinked or tangled and that it is protected from being run over by trucks or otherwise damaged. B. Repair leaks at once. Besides a waste, escaping fuel gas may become ignited and start a serious fire. Repair hose leaks by cutting the hose and inserting a splice. Don’t try to repair leaking hoses by taping. C. Protect hoses from flying sparks, hot slag, other hot objects, and grease and oil. Store hose in a cool place. D. If a flashback occurs and burns in the hose, discard the burned section. Purge the new hose before connecting it to the torch and regulator. 9. Eye Protection: Helmets or hand shields shall be used during all arc welding or cutting. Goggles or other suitable eye protection shall be used during all gas welding or oxygen cutting operations. The following is a guide for the selection of proper shade numbers. Shade No. Shield Metal – arc welding 1/16-5/32” electrodes 10 Gas Shield – arc welding (nonferrous) 1/16-5/32” electrodes 11 Gas Shield – arc welding (ferrous) 1/16-5/32” electrodes 12 Shield Metal – arc welding 3/16-1/4” electrodes 12 Shield Metal – arc welding 5/16-3/8” electrodes 14 Atomic Hydrogen Welding 10-14 RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 57 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Carbon Arc Welding 14 Torch Brazing 3 or 4 Light Cutting – up to 1” 3 or 4 Medium Cutting – 1” to 6” 4 or 5 Heavy Cutting – 6” and Over 5 or 6 Gas Welding (light) up to 1/8” 4 or 5 Gas Welding (medium) 1/8” to ½” 5 or 6 Gas Welding (heavy) ½” and over 6 or 8 10. Protective Clothing: Employees exposed to the hazards created by welding, cutting, or brazing operations shall be protected by personal protective equipment. Appropriate protective clothing required will vary with the size, nature and location of the work to be performed. A. All welders should wear flameproof gauntlet gloves. B. Flameproof aprons made of leather, asbestos, or other suitable material may also be desirable as protection against radiated heat and sparks. C. Woolen clothing is preferable to cotton because it is not so readily ignited. D. For heavy work, fire resistant leggings, high boots, or other equivalent means should be used to protect the operator. E. Capes or shoulder covers made of leather or other suitable materials should be worn during overhead welding or cutting operations. 11. Health Protection and Ventilation: A. Ventilation or respiratory protective devices should be provided as needed to meet the equivalent requirements such as: 1) Atmospheric conditions 2) Heat generated 3) Presence of volatile solvents B. Screens: When welding must be performed in a space entirely screened on all sides, the screens shall be so arranged so that no serious restrictions of ventilation exit. It is desirable to have the screens so mounted that they are about two (2) feet above the floor. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 58 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Office Safety 1. Good housekeeping in the office is a must. Keep your desk and cabinets clean and orderly. 2. An open drawer of desk or cabinet is a hazard which can cause you or others to trip or collide. Keep drawers and cabinet doors closed. 3. The standard four-drawer filing cabinet can cause injury if it upsets as a result of opening a heavily-loaded top drawer. (Open only one drawer at a time.) 4. Use handles when closing desk drawers, files and doors. 5. All chairs should be used sensibly. Do not tilt them or slump back. It is not designed for these functions, the added strain on the chairs can cause them to break or slip, resulting in injury to the occupant. Do not keep defective chairs in use. 6. If you must reach high or do any climbing, use a safe ladder and not make-shift boxes, cabinets, etc. Do not use a chair for climbing. 7. Make sure that typewriters and adding machines are properly fixed in place. 8. Do not attempt any electrical repairs. 9. Cords on electrically operated machines and telephones create a tripping hazard when left on the floor or on walkways. Arrange the work area to avoid this hazard, or provide protective electrical cord channel cover. 10. When using extension cords, place them so that they do not lie in a traffic area (tripping hazard) or through doors which may be closed and cut the cord. 11. Do not remove the round prong of a three-prong plug. Electrical equipment with a three-prong plug requires a three-hole receptacle. If an adapter must be used to accommodate a two-prong receptacle, have maintenance personnel assure that the adapter is properly grounded. 12. Walk, do not run. When walking in hallways, keep to the right, especially at corners. 13. Do your reading at your desk, not while walking. 14. When using the stairway, take your time and use handrails. 15. Do not stand and talk in front of a closed door that may be suddenly opened. 16. Avoid spilling or splashing liquids on the floor (coffee, tea, soda, etc). If you spill it, clean it up, do not walk off and leave it for someone to fall. 17. Slips of paper, a pencil, or even a paperclip on the floor can cause a slip or fall. Remember good housekeeping. Personal Protective Equipment The wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment is required in all activities where the Department determines that there is an exposure to hazardous conditions, or where there is an indication of need for using such equipment to reduce the hazard to employees. Accordingly, the following rules have been implemented in connection with the use of such equipment. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 59 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 1. Protective eye wear shall be worn at all times, in all areas where the possibility of eye damage exists. A. Goggles or face shield must be worn on all chipping, grinding, sandblasting, buffing, and wirebrushing operations, in breaking rock or concrete or any other situation where flying particles may injure the eye. B. Welders and employees working around welding operations must wear shaded face shields or goggles to prevent flash burns to their eyes. (Welding screens may be necessary.) 2. Gloves or similar hand protection shall be worn at all times as supplied and prescribed by division. A. When handling wire, wire rope, or refuse. B. Protective neoprene gloves shall be worn when handling chemicals which may irritate the hands. 3. Employees must wear ear protectors while working in areas of high intensity and/or high frequency noise. 4. Orange vests shall be worn by all employees who work on or near the public right-of-way. 5. Employees in the following areas when working where there is a possible danger of head injury from impact, or from falling or flying objects, or from electrical shock and burns or when so instructed by their supervisor, are required to wear hard hats on the jobsite. A. Building and Code Enforcement Inspectors. B. Engineering Field Inspectors. C. All other personnel visiting hazardous jobsites. RISK MANAGEMENT MANUAL 60 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINISTATIVE MANUAL OAKLAWNPARKDISTRICTCODE BOOK BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION 1 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINISTATIVE MANUAL Amendments To The Code It is the intent of the Board of Park Commissioners that this ordinance be reviewed constantly in order that it shall at all times reflect the current needs and philosophies of the District. Ideally, such amendments will occur by the unanimous action of the Board; realistically, this is not always possible. Therefore, no section or provision or any part thereof shall be amended except by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all of the then duly qualified and acting Park Commissioners. Provided however, that any proposed amendments to this ordinance which shall add new or additional sections or provisions which do not conflict with or alter or vitiate any present sections or provisions, may be passed by a majority vote of the then duly qualified and acting Park Commissioners. Any additions or amendments to this ordinance shall be deemed to be incorporated in this ordinance so that a reference to the Municipal Code of Oak Lawn Park District, 1990 shall be understood to include them. BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION 1 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Application Of The Statutes Of The State Of Illinois Whether or not it is expressly provided for in this ordinance, the District shall have all such powers and be subject to all such restrictions as are now or may hereafter be provided for under the Statutes of the State of Illinois, including, but not limited to, the Act know as the “Park District Code”, (Chapter 105, Ill. Rev. Stat.). If any provisions of this ordinance shall purport to give to the District power or authority above and beyond that contained in the said Statutes, such provisions shall be of no force and effect. However, if any provisions shall restrict the power or authority of the District as granted under said Statutes, then such provisions shall apply and be a further limitation upon the District. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 2 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Municipal Code Of The Oak Lawn Park District 1990 OAK LAWN, COUNTY OF COOK STATE OF ILLINOIS AN ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District: That the Code of general ordinances originally passed by the Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District on August 9, 1955, February 14, 1972, and April 4, 1981, and known as the “Municipal Code of the Oak Lawn Park District, 1955” and all amendments or additions thereto, be and the same are hereby repealed, subject to the saving clause. That the following ordinance be and the same hereby is adopted to provide for the conduct of the business of, and to regulate the use of the park system of, the Oak Lawn Park District; this ordinance to be known and cited as the “Municipal Code of Oak Lawn Park District, 1990”. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict or inconsistent with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, subject to the saving clause set forth herein, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 3 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Preface TO: Residents of the Oak Lawn Park District Cook County, Illinois This document will supersede the Oak Lawn Park District Code of 1981 and policies stated herein will be considered official as of this date. These policies, as set forth, will be periodically reviewed in order to conform to the future philosophy of the Board, the Community and the field of parks and recreation. This code shall give direction to the Board, the Director of Parks and Recreation, and the staff of the Oak Lawn Park District. Compiled and Approved by BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS 1990 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 4 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Saving Cause No new ordinance shall be construed or held to repeal a former ordinance, whether such former ordinance is expressly repealed or not, as to any offense committed against the former ordinance as to any act done, any penalty, forfeiture or punishment so incurred, or any right accrued, or claim arising under the former ordinance, or in any way whatever to affect any such offense or act committed or so done, or any penalty, forfeiture or punishment so incurred, or any right accrued or claims arising before the new ordinance takes effect, save only, that the proceedings thereafter shall conform, so far as practicable, to the ordinance in force at the time of such proceeding. If any penalty, forfeiture or punishment be mitigated by any provision of a new ordinance, such provision may, by consent of the party affected, be applied to any judgment pronounced after the new ordinance takes effect. This section shall extend to all repeals, either by express words or by implication, whether the repeal is in the ordinance making any new provisions upon the same subject, or any other ordinance. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be construed as abating any action now pending under or by virtue of any general ordinance of the Park District herein repealed; or as discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accrued or to accrue, or as affecting the liability of any person, firm, or corporation or as waiving any right of the Park District under any section or provision of ordinance existing at the time of the passage of this ordinance. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 5 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Partial Invalidity All general provision, terms, phrases and expressions contained in this ordinance shall be liberally construed in order that the true intent of the Park Commissioners may be fully carried out. If any chapter, article, section, or provision of this ordinance or the application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any of the other chapters, articles, sections or provisions of this ordinance. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 6 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL History Of Park District A petition and referendum to form the “Oak Lawn Park District” was an outgrowth of a project sponsored by the Cook Avenue P.T.A. led by Lucille Gaddis. On September 26, 1944 a petition was filed in County Court, Cook County, Illinois to organize the Oak Lawn Park District. Petition #108623 was filed in accordance with an act “to provide for the Organization of Park District, and the transfer of submerged lands to those bordering on Navigable Bodies of Water” (approved June 24, 1895, LI895, p. 272). An election was held on November 28, 1944 with 144 votes cast for the formation of a park district and 53 votes opposing it. Roland J. Beckley, Lucille C. Gaddis, Harvey Bergeson, Albert Ver Schave and John C. Utz were elected as the first Oak Lawn Park District Commissioners. The results of the election were filed with the County Court, Cook County, Illinois on December 8, 1944. An order was filed October 1, 1945 declaring the park district as officially organized retroactive to December 8, 1944. At the first meeting John Utz was elected President, Albert Ver Schave, Vice President with the other commissioners, Roland Beckley, Lucille Gaddis and Harvey Bergeson in attendance. Meetings were held in the Village Hall until a park building could be erected, Lake Shore Park being the only park in the district’s possession at the time. The Oak Lawn Park District was supported by the Oak Lawn Community Chest and by solicited funds; the Oak Lawn Lions contributing $987.00 by June 6, 1945. Presently, the Oak Lawn Park District is a separate taxing government body, and the facilities include owned and leased parks. The Oak Lawn Park District and the Village have the same boundaries, with the exception of 12.83 acres known as Chicago Ridge Prairie located in Chicago Ridge, Illinois. A Board of five commissioners administers the Oak Lawn Park District, each serving a six-year term without pay. The Board of Commissioners selects their President and Vice President yearly. It also appoints the positions of Treasurer, Secretary, Attorney and other positions to assist the Board in their functions. The Board of Commissioners is directly responsible to the General Assembly of Illinois and to the citizens of their District. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 7 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINISTATIVE MANUAL BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION 1 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL BOARDANDADMINISTRATION Statutory Authority Of The Oak Lawn Park District Park Districts are a form of municipal government almost unique of Illinois. In other states, parks, other than state parks, are usually maintained and operated by the city. While under the laws of Illinois, cities and villages are authorized to maintain parks and levy a tax, therefore, by far the greater number of municipal parks are maintained and operated by park district. There are several reasons for this. First, under the Illinois Constitution the bonding power of all municipal corporations is limited and as practical matter because of other bonds that most cities have outstanding, bonds cannot be issued for the acquisition and improvement of parks. Second, a park district does not have to be coterminus with a city or village and additional territory outside of the city or village may be included in the park district, which permits both better community service and increases the revenue which may be raised by taxation. Third, by making the park board completely independent of the city, it is not involved in city politics. A park district is a municipal corporation, created for the purpose of acquiring and maintaining parks, and is separate and distinct from the city, county, or any other body politic. It is an agency through which in part the people of the State carry on government. It is not purely local in function, for the Courts have held that the park property is held in trust for the use of the people of the state at large and not for the exclusive use of the people of the district. (Quinn v. Irving Park District, 207 Ill. App. 449). A park district is purely a creation of the legislature, and has no inherent powers, but only such powers as have been granted it by the legislature, or as are necessarily implied to give effect to the powers specifically granted. The Oak Lawn Park District was organized December, 1944 under the “Submerged Land Act”. This act that was passed in 1895 by the legislature had the full title of “An Act to provide for the organization of park districts and the transfer of submerged lands to those bordering on navigable bodies of water”. Park Districts formed under this act were known as “Submerged Land Park Districts”. In 1947, this legislature enacted “The General Park District Code”. This was the first step in codifying the laws pertaining to park districts of less than 500,000 and it incorporated all of the basic laws of the three different types of park districts that existed. The 1895 act under which the Oak Lawn Park District was organized was repealed and our park district became a “General Park District”. A. Ethics Act Commissioners must file a statement of economic interests, pursuant to the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act, with the County Clerk of Cook County. (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 127, Sections 601-101, 35 seq.) The Secretary of the District shall make available the statement of economic interest for commissioners and other members of the district who must file. B. Legal Authority The Board, as a whole, is the legal corporate authority of the District. As an individual, a Board member has no legal authority to determine policy, give directions to District personnel, or to act or speak for the Board unless specifically authorized to do so by official Board action. C. Representation Board members represent all the residents of the District and should avoid representing special interest groups. Board members should also avoid making public promises or statements regarding their votes or position on an issue prior to an official meeting. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 2 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL D. E. F. G. H. Board Decisions Board members should make non-partisan decisions regarding District policies and operations based upon reports, facts, and study and not upon personal interest or prejudice. Board Unity Board members should accept and endorse majority decisions of the Board and align themselves with Board policies, goals and objectives. Tax Levy An ordinance adopted by the Board to annually appropriate funds and levy taxes in order that the District’s needs may be met. Evaluation, Goals and Objectives To appraise and evaluate the District’s recreational programs, the physical conditions of the buildings and grounds, the efficiency of the personnel, and to establish goals and objectives for recreational programs, land development, capital expenditures, and operations. Official Actions To discharge the duties and responsibilities of the Board by official action as a Board of the whole. When acting as such, Board members shall be considered to be officers with District jurisdiction over the execution of State and Federal statues that directly govern or affect park districts. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 3 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Board Policy Officers of the Board The Board shall elect a President and Vice-President from their members at the annual meeting of the Board. The terms of office shall be one year, or until their successors are elected, and shall become effective immediately following their election at the annual meeting. (Code, Section 4-8) A. President The duties of the President shall include but not be limited to presiding at all meetings of the Board, calling special meetings of the Board on his own motion or on request of two or more of the members and cause notice of any such special meeting to be given to all Board members as required by law, and performing such other duties as usually pertain to the office as required by law or as delegated to him by the Board. The President shall have the right to vote upon all questions that come before the Board. B. Vice-President During the absence of the President, it shall be the duty of the Vice-President to preside at meetings of the Board and to perform such duties as pertains to the office of President. Appointed Personnel of the Board The Board shall appoint a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Attorney, and a Director of Parks and Recreation, prescribe their duties and establish the term of appointment. The Secretary and Treasurer need not be Board members, in which case the Board may fix their compensation. A. Secretary The duties of the Secretary shall include but not be limited to being present at all meetings of the Board, preparing the agenda for all Board and Committee of the Whole meetings and submitting it to the Board in advance of the meeting, keeping accurate records of all official proceedings of the Board, preparing and publishing such reports as are required by law and pertain to his office, administering oaths and affirmations, maintaining a correct and up-to-date copy of the District’s policy manuals, keeping of the corporate seal of the District, causing to be published all ordinances required to be published by statute, giving notice of all regular and special meetings of the Board in the manner provided by law, supervising elections and referenda within the District, and performing such other duties as usually pertain to his office, as are required by law, or as may be delegated to him by the Board. B. Treasurer The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer and advisor to the Board. The duties of the Treasurer shall include but not be limited to acting as custodian of all monies and securities owned by the District and received by him, causing such monies to be deposited and or invested in such bank or banks or institutions as may be from time to time approved and designated by the Board and causing such securities to be held in a place of safekeeping, causing to be prepared an annual statement of all receipts and disbursements of the District for the preceding fiscal year and causing the same to be published in accordance with the statutes of the State of Illinois, and attending all meetings of the Board. C. Attorney The attorney shall be the advisor to the Board and for the District in all legal matters, and shall be in charge of the prosecution and defense of all litigation in which the District is interested. The duties of the Attorney shall include but not be limited to drafting or reviewing any ordinances, resolutions and agreements and other instruments required by the Board, giving opinions on all questions referred to him by the Board. The Board shall annually review the compensation and working agreements of the Attorney. D. Director of Parks and Recreation The Director shall be the chief administrative officer of and professional advisor to the District. The Board shall establish a job description for this position and shall delegate to the Director sufficient authority and responsibility to execute the Board’s policies and establish standard operating procedures based on those policies, enforce established rules and regulations, and administer the daily operations of the parks, recreation programs, facilities, and services of the District for the benefit of the public. The Director may delegate his authority but he shall nevertheless be responsible to the Board. The Board shall perform an annual written evaluation of the Director or more often as may be deemed necessary. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 4 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL A. B. C. A. B. C. D. E. F. Committees of the Board Committee of the Whole The standing committee of the Board shall be the Committee of the Whole. This Committee shall have the responsibility to review and make recommendations to the Board on policy matters pertaining to the following functions of the District: Administrative, including District administration, finance, personnel, and public relations; Parks, including maintenance and park planning; Recreation, and Revenue Facilities. The Chairman of the Committee of the Whole shall be appointed at the Annual meeting. Special Committees 1. Board Committees The President of the Board may, from time to time, appoint, by and with the consent of the Board, special short-term Board committees as the need arises. 2. Citizen Advisory Board The President of the Board may, from time to time, appoint, by and with the consent of the Board, special committees made up from District residents for the purpose of studying specific problems of the District, and affording help and assistance in the District’s major undertakings. Open Meetings All official meetings of the Committee of the Whole and other committees duly appointed by the Board are subject to the rules and regulations set forth in the Open Meetings Act (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 102, paragraph 41, et seq.) and shall be scheduled, conducted, and recorded accordingly. Board Meetings Open Meetings Act All official meetings of the Board are subject to the rules and regulations set forth in the Open Meetings Act (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 102, paragraph 41, et seq.) and shall be scheduled, conducted, and recorded accordingly. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Board shall be held on the second Monday of May in each year at 7:00 p.m. This shall be the organizational meeting of the Board where the new commissioners shall be inaugurated, the President and Vice-President shall be elected, and the Secretary, Treasurer, Attorney, Director, and Chairman of the Committee of the Whole shall be appointed. Other business may be transacted at this meeting. Regular Meetings Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. If the designated meeting falls on a holiday, the Board may change the date. Special Meetings Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President on his own motion or on request of two or more Board members. Notice of any such special meetings shall be given as required by the Open Meetings Act (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 102, Paragraph 41, et seq.) Place of Meeting All Board meetings shall be held at the designate Oak View Center. However, the Board may, from time to time change the place of any such meeting. Public Meetings 1. Open Meetings All meetings of the Board shall be open meetings and shall be held in accordance with the Open Meetings Act (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 102, Paragraph 41, et seq.) 2. Closed Meetings The Board may hold a meeting closed to the public or close a portion of a meeting to the public for reasons which include but are not limited to discussion of personnel, land acquisition, litigation, or Board appointed committee appointment. Any such closed meeting shall be held in accordance with the Open Meetings Act (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 102, Paragraph 41, et seq.). No final action on any Board matter may be taken at a closed meeting. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 5 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. Schedule and Notice of Meetings The schedule and public notice of all regular, rescheduled, or reconvened Board meetings for each calendar year shall be made available in accordance with the Open Meetings Act (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 102, Paragraph 41, et. seq.) Quorum A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for each Board and for the transaction of business. Agenda The agenda for each Board meeting shall be determined by the Director of the District and submitted to the Board in advance of the meeting. Citizen Participation Citizens shall be invited to participate in Board meetings during the “Citizens to be Heard” portion of the agenda and at other times during the meeting when recognized by the President of the Board. Discussion All discussion before the Board shall be with the entire Board and in voice audible throughout the meeting room. The President shall limit the discussion to matters pending before the Board, and may suggest time limitations on discussion. Voting A majority of the quorum present at each Board meeting shall be required for the passage of all motions. Minutes of Meetings The Secretary of the District shall keep written minutes of all Board meetings as specified by the Open Meetings Act (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 102, Paragraph 41, et seq.). Unofficial minutes of the preceding month’s Board meetings shall be delivered to the Board members, Treasurer, and Attorney at least 48 hours before the first meeting of the succeeding month. The unofficial minutes of the preceding month’s Board meetings shall be approved by the Board at the first meeting of the succeeding month and signed by the President of the Board and the Secretary of the District after any required corrections are made. Approved minutes of all Board meetings shall be made available to the public as specified by the Open Meetings Act (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 102, Paragraph 41, et seq.) and the Freedom of Information Act (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 116, Paragraph 201, et seq.). Rules of Order Roberts Rules of Order shall govern in all questions of procedure not herein otherwise provided. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 6 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Administrative Policy Forward The Oak Lawn Park District is a separate unit of municipal government, established in 1944, governed by a Board of five elected commissioners who serve without pay. It is the purpose of the Oak Lawn Park District to effectively and economically provide recreational programs, facilities, and open space for the residents of the District that are designed to provide wholesome, constructive, and enjoyable leisure time experiences that benefit the individual, the family, and the community. The District administration assists the Board in the formulation of policy and implementing those policies once they are approved, implementing sound management and financial practices, fostering a positive public image for the District, and insuring that quality park and recreation services are provided for the residents of the District. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 7 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Purpose This administrative policy manual is intended to describe the existing policies of the District as they apply to the administrative management of the District. The Board of the District has reviewed and approved this manual and will in the future periodically review and revise the policies contained in this manual, as it deems appropriate. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 8 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Administrative Office The Administrative and principle business office of the District shall be located at the designated Administrative Center. Official Records District public records as defined by the Code, the Local Records Act (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 116, Paragraph 43.101, et seq.) and the Open Meetings Act (Illinois Revised Statutes, Chapter 102, Paragraph 41, et seq.), shall be made available for inspection and copying in accordance with the rules and regulations of the above stated laws. A. Philosophy The District is ever mindful that the public parks and facilities of the community are held in trust by the District for the use and enjoyment of the general public and this use and enjoyment is a valuable right; the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution guarantees to individuals and groups the inalienable right of public assembly and expression and, historically, public parks and facilities have been a forum for such expression; and an orderly assembly, properly administered, is in accordance with the rights of the general public, nearby park residents, and normal activities within the parks and facilities. For these reasons, the District intends to make the parks and facilities available for various uses. B. Conditions So that the philosophy stated above shall not be misunderstood, the use of District parks and facilities shall be restricted by certain conditions including but not limited to: 1. The District shall not delegate to any group or individual its duty of administering the parks and facilities. 2. Permission to use a park or facility shall be granted only where the function can be reasonably accommodated by the park system and such use will not unduly interfere with the rights of the general public, the general public enjoyment of the park facility, the prior use by District programs or by others, and will not present a clear and present danger to the health and safety of the community. 3. No function shall be undertaken or conducted in a District park or facility by any group or individual without a written application being filed and approved and a permit being issued. 4. Any permit issued may contain reasonable terms and conditions that will protect District property and assure orderly and proper use of the park or facility. 5. Any permit issued may be revoked for misrepresentation in the application or for violations of the terms and conditions of the permit; the ordinances, rules and regulations of the District; and/or the laws of the State of Illinois. 6. The issuing of a permit shall not be construed as an endorsement by the District or the Board of the subject matters discussed, the opinions expressed, or the group sponsoring the function. 7. Further policies concerning the use of District parks and facilities may be found in the Oak Lawn Park District Policy Manual, Recreation Department and, at the Revenue Facilities. C. Use of Parks by Contractors All contractors shall be required to apply for and receive a permit to gain access to District property with vehicles, equipment, or supplies for the purpose of contracted work on property adjacent to District property. Control of the Parks The Board shall have the authority to establish by ordinance all needful rules and regulations for the governing and protection of parks, boulevards and driveways, and other property under its jurisdiction (Code, Section 8-1 [d]) and to prescribe such fines and penalties for the violation of ordinances as it shall deem proper not exceeding $200.00 for any one offense (Code, Section 8-1 [e].) Exercising this authority, the Board has adopted, and may from time to OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 9 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL time amend, the Oak Lawn Park District Ordinance, an Ordinance Defining Misdemeanors and Providing Penalties for such Misdemeanors. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 10 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Naming of Parks A. B. C. Community and Neighborhood Parks 1. The following criteria in the order listed in sections a. through d. shall be given priority over each succeeding paragraph in the naming and re-naming of community and neighborhood parks; a. Park features, such as topography, natural assets, and the purpose of the park or activities to be held in the park. b. Names of areas, such as the neighborhood or subdivision where the park is located, provided if the area is named for an individual, company, or organization, such name would not be used. c. Major street names surrounding the park site. d. Former Presidents of the United States or significant historical events. 2. The additional criteria set forth in sections a. and b. may also be used in the naming or re-naming of neighborhood parks only; a. Donations to the District wherein the donor’s name or that of a third party is used. b. Names of former park commissioner, Village officials or citizens who have contributed substantial services in the expansion or growth of the community or who were closely associated with a significant community event. Special Conditions The following special conditions shall prevail in the naming or re-naming of parks: 1. No park shall be re-named unless the Board casts a unanimous ballot in favor of the re-naming of the park. 2. The selected name for a new or re-named park shall require a majority vote of the Board. 3. No park will be named or re-named by reason of a donation to the District, unless: a. The donation is of land for the park site or the cash, services, or personal property donated equals the value of the park site for which the name is proposed. b. The donation is not at the request or by reason of an ordinance of the Village of Oak Lawn; and c. The proposed name to be used is with the consent of the person to be honored, if living, and a majority of the Board. 4. A park shall not be named for a former park commissioner or Village official unless he has been retired from office for a minimum period of ten (10) years provided, however, this condition may be waived if the person is being honored posthumously. 5. The Board may conduct public contests for the naming of parks, if such contest is held in accordance with these policies. Plaques Plaques honoring individuals or non-profit organizations will only be permitted where a significant cash or property donation to the District is made or services donated to the District is of major significance, and there is unanimous approval of the installation of the plaque by the Board. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 11 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Disposition of District Personal Property From time to time the District may own personal property that is no longer necessary or useful to the District. In this event, the following shall apply. A. If the personal property is valued from$250.00 to $500.00, the Director shall authorize the sale in such manner as he may designate, with or without advertising the sale. B. C. D. E. F. If the personal property is valued from $501.000 to $750.000, the Director shall authorize the sale based on the receipt of three (3) competitive bids. If three (3) competitive bids cannot be obtained, then the Board shall authorize the sale by resolution in such manner as they may designate, with or without advertising the sale. If the personal property is valued at more than $750.000, the Board shall authorize the sale by resolution in such manner as they have designated, with or without advertising the sale. If feasible, the personal property may be converted into some other form that is useful to the District by using the material in the personal property. If feasible, the personal property may be conveyed as partial payment on a new purchase of a similar item. A written record shall be kept of any and all disposition of District personal property. Loan of District Equipment The District shall cooperate with other governmental agencies in the loan of equipment between the agencies. The loan of District equipment shall only be made where the District’s operations will not be interfered with and the borrowing agency furnishes the transportation of the equipment, necessary labor for dismantling and erecting the equipment, receipts for the equipment, and obligates itself to return and replace any equipment lost or damaged while in the borrowing agency’s custody. Vendor Incentives and Awards Any and all promotional incentives and/or contest awards made available to District personnel by vendors, which are based on District purchases, shall automatically become the rightful property of the District. The Director shall be notified immediately of any such offering. Incentives and/or awards shall include but not be limited to purchase premiums, free goods offered, promotional allowances, cash prizes, special sales commissions, and merchandise prizes. Refunds of Park District Programs Refunds are given to program registrants under the following specific policy guidelines as approved by the Board of Park Commissioners. This policy applies to all programs offered by the Oak Lawn Park District or in anyway were sponsored by the Park District. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 12 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL A. General Guidelines Refunds will be issued as follows: 1. Refunds are issued in check form to all registrants who paid the fee by check, cash or money order. 2. A credit is issued for fees paid by credit card. 3. Refund checks are always issued in the name of the program registrant regardless of who initially paid the fee. 4. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE POLICY The Oak Lawn Park District guarantees that you will be satisfied with the recreation classes, programs and services in which you participate. If you are not completely satisfied, tell us and we will arrange for one of the following: A. Repeat the class at no charge B. Receive full credit that can be applied to any other program C. Receive a refund (less 10% for handling fees) D. Pro-rated refunds may be issues when accompanied by a written medical excuse from a physician provided the class session has not passed the halfway point. A service charge will be deducted. Refunds are by check only. Please allow at least two weeks for a refund. A signed refund request form must be completed before a refund can be issued. Refund forms can be obtained from any facility. Filling out a refund form does not guarantee a refund. All refunds need supervisor approval. There will be a 10% service charge on all refunds. If the Park District cancels a program, a full refund will be issued to all participants. Satisfaction Guarantee does not apply to Trips, Golf Course and Driving Range fees, adult sport leagues, food and beverage, or tickets to entertainment and sporting events, contracted programs or unless otherwise specified. All refunds must be applied for in person at the specified Park District facilities. Registrants will not be able to participate in classes or programs which require a Waiver if the Wavier is not signed. Refunds will not be given for season passes. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 13 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL B. Refund Categories The following situations allow for a refund to be awarded: 1. Class or programs canceled or status changed - a full refund of the registrants’ fees will be given if the Park District must cancel or change the status of a program prior to its start. If the program is canceled after some sessions have elapsed, a prorated refund will be given based upon the number of sessions elapsed at the time of cancellation. The service charge does not apply. 2. Class closed - When a program fills the registrant is placed on the Wait List for that program. 3. Illness - A refund may be given in the case of illness verified by a doctor’s certificate. If the illness occurs after the start of the program, a pro-rated refund will be given based upon the number of sessions elapsed at the time the request for refund is received. The 10% service charge applies. 4. Moved from the Park District - A refund may be given in the case where a program registrant moves from the Park District and adequate proof of the move is provided. If the move occurs after the start of the program, a pro-rated refund will be given based upon the number of sessions elapsed at the time the request for refund is received. The 10% service charge applies. 5. Instructor recommendation - On certain occasions a person enrolls in a program in which he or she is not capable of participating. Upon recommendation of the instructor and approval of the Program Supervisor, a refund may be given. The refund amount will be pro-rated based upon the number of sessions elapsed. The 10% service charge applies. 6. Schedule conflict - On certain occasions a person can be registered for two Park District programs that meet at the same time. If the program has not yet started and the spot in the program can be filled then a refund may be given. The 10% service charge applies. 7. Special programs - Special programs are those in which the Park District incurs an out-of-pocket expense or the program is dependent upon group participation such as a bus trip, the purchase of entrance tickets or a team entry. If the participant in a special program gives five working days’ notice to the Park District of cancellation and the vacancy caused by the cancellation can be filled, a refund may be issued. The 10% service charge applies. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 14 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employees with Chronic Infectious Diseases The Oak Lawn Park District recognizes that the transmission of communicable disease is a genuine health risk. It is the desire of the Oak Lawn Park District to exercise appropriate measures to assist in the prevention of the spread of diseases. The Board of Commissioners acknowledges its desire and willingness to respond effectively to the genuine concerns of the public consistent with its obligation to discharge its duties in accordance with applicable laws. Statement of Purpose Employees with identified chronic infectious diseases shall be permitted to retain their positions whenever, through reasonable accommodation, their employment does not constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of themselves or others and the employee is able to satisfactorily perform the essential functions of his job. Administration of the Policy Employment decisions will be made in accordance with applicable law and in conjunction with current, available public health department guidelines concerning the particular disease in question. Individual cases will not be prejudged; rather, decisions will be made based upon the facts of the particular case. The determination of an employee’s continued employment status will be made in accordance with procedures implemented by the Oak Lawn Park District. Employees with chronic infectious diseases shall maintain all rights, privileges and services provided by law and the policies and procedures of the Oak Lawn Park District. The Oak Lawn Park District shall respect the right to privacy of any employee who has a chronic infectious disease. Subject to applicable law, the employee’s medical condition shall be disclosed only to the extent necessary to avoid a health or safety threat to the employee or others. The number of personnel aware of the employee’s condition will be kept at the minimum needed to assure proper care of the employee and to detect situations in which the potential for transmission may increase. Persons deemed to have “a direct need to know” will be provided with the appropriate information and will be made aware of confidentiality requirements. Reviewed Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District 09/08/03 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 15 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Participants with Chronic Infectious Diseases The Oak Lawn Park District recognizes that the transmission of communicable disease is a genuine health risk. It is the desire of the Oak Lawn Park District to exercise appropriate measures to assist in the prevention of the spread of diseases. The Board of Commissioners acknowledges its desire and willingness to respond effectively to the genuine concerns of the public consistent with its obligation to discharge its duties in accordance with applicable laws Statement of Purpose Participants with identified chronic infectious diseases may attend Oak Lawn Park District programs whenever, through reasonable accommodation, their attendance does not constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of themselves or others. Administration of the Policy Decisions will be made in accordance with applicable law and in conjunction with current, available public health department guidelines concerning the particular disease in question. Individual cases will not be prejudged; rather, decisions will be made based upon the facts of the particular case. The determination of whether a participant with a chronic infectious disease may attend Park District programs shall be made in accordance with procedures implemented by the Oak Lawn Park District. Participants with chronic infectious diseases shall maintain all rights, privileges and services provided by law and the policies and procedures of the Oak Lawn Park District. The Oak Lawn Park District shall respect the right to privacy of any participant who has a chronic infectious disease. Subject to applicable law, the participant’s medical condition shall be disclosed only to the extent necessary to avoid a health or safety threat to the Participant or others. The number of personnel aware of the participant’s condition will be kept at the minimum needed to assure proper care of the participant and to detect situations in which the potential for transmission of the disease may increase. Persons deemed to have “direct need to know” will be provided with the appropriate information and will be made aware of confidentiality. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 16 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Board Member Attendance at Conventions, Conference and Seminars 1. PHILOSOPHY The Board of Commissioners recognizes the value of Park and Recreation related conventions. The Board acknowledges that Commissioners should attend conventions on a scheduled basis. 2. NATIONAL CONVENTION The Annual National Parks and Recreation convention may be attended by all commissioners as authorized by Board action at least thirty days prior to the convention date. Attendance at the Convention must be justified by the schedule of events, location, and agenda. 3. STATE CONVENTIONS The State of Illinois convention may be attended by the Commissioners and appointed members of the Board if approved by the Board action at least 60 days prior to the convention schedule and agenda. 4. OTHER CONVENTIONS The Board encourages attendance at other meetings and seminars where appropriate. Request for Board approval must be made at least 60 days prior to the date of the event. 5. TRAVEL AND EXPENSE Travel and Expense shall be in accordance with guidelines established for staff. 6. REPORTS Recognizing the value of conventions to the community and to the Board of Commissioners, commissioners shall present a written report within 60 days after the convention to the Board at a regularly scheduled monthly meeting. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 17 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Oak Lawn Park District Organizational Chart Oak Lawn Park District Organizational Chart Board of Commissioners Treasurer Director Attorney Recording Secretary Executive Secretary Supt. or Finance and Personnel Supt. of Parks Comptroller Golf Course Supt. Supt. of Recreation Supt. of Special Facilities Racquet Club Mgr./ Aquatics Stony Creek Gen. Mgr. Ice Arena Mgr./Safety Coord./ Aquatics Office Mgr. Golf Course Maint. IT Coord. Business Office Asst. Supt. of Parks Shop Foreman Head Golf Professional Hockey Coordinator Oak View Mgr. Cult. Arts Superv. Racquet Club Asst. Mgr. Operations Mgr. Tennis Dir. Office Mgr. Spec. Rec. Superv. Gymnastics Figure Skating Dir. Recreation Superv. Golf Clubhouse/ Driving Range Staff Grill and Banquet Mgr. Trip Coord Box Office Mgr. Grill and Banquet Staff Asst. Pavilion Mgr. PR Coord. Athletic Superv. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 18 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Finance Policy Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Program Policy Statement of Purpose The Capital Improvement Program is a multi-year instrument used by the District to identify needed capital projects and to coordinate financial timing of improvements in a way that maximizes the return to the residents. The first year of the Capital Improvement Program is called the capital budget. The capital budget is incorporated in the annual budget, which appropriates funds for specific facilities, and programs equipment and improvements. Projects slated for subsequent years in the program are approved on a planning basis and do not receive ultimate expenditure authority until they are eventually incorporated in the capital budget. The Capital Improvement Program is a “rolling” process, because subsequent year items in the initial capital program are moved up in each future year. Each project, including ongoing projects, must however be reconsidered in subsequent years. Capital Projects Capital Projects are major projects undertaken by the District that are generally not recurring on a “year in, year out” basis and fit within one or more of the following categories: A. All projects requiring debt obligation or borrowing. B. Any acquisition or lease of land. C. Purchase of major equipment or vehicles valued in excess of $2,500 with a life expectancy of five years or more. D. Construction of new buildings or facilities including engineering, design, and other preconstruction costs with an estimated cost in excess of $2,500. E. Major building or facility improvements that are not routine expenses and that substantially enhance the value of the structure. F. Major equipment or furnishings required furnishing or improving buildings or other projects. G. Major studies requiring the employment of outside professional consultants with costs in excess of $2,500. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 19 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Capital Improvement Program Guidelines A. Projects included in the Capital Improvement Program shall be consistent with the Oak Lawn Park District Comprehensive Plan. B. The Capital Improvement Program shall incorporate all of the District’s capital project resources (District funds allocated to capital projects, grants, bonds, donations, and any other funding available.) C. Capital Projects for the Enterprise Funds, should be financed to the greatest extent possible through user fees where direct benefit to users result from the project. D. Where grants or private funds are available to finance projects, efforts should be made to secure these funds. E. Efforts should be made to continue cooperative efforts with other agencies. F. Projects mandated by State and Federal agencies and law will receive priority consideration. G. Projects, which have been previously initiated and are a completion of subsequent phases, shall receive priority consideration. H. Projects, which preserve and protect the health and safety of the residents, shall receive priority consideration. I. Projects which provide for the renovation of existing facilities, resulting in preservation of the District’s prior investment or which reduce maintenance and operating cost, shall receive priority consideration. J. Facilities whose construction or acquisition results in new or substantially increased operating costs should be considered only after an assessment indicates a clear need for the project and plans for funding current and future operating costs are developed. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 20 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL General Obligation Bond Issues The District will try to assess the long-term economic impact of public debt in relation to concerns such as municipal bond credit ratings, effect on the operating budget, tax rate and commitments to future operations and maintenance costs. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 21 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Monitoring the Capital Improvement Program Regular reports shall be prepared on the progress of each active project in the Capital Improvement Plan. These reports shall summarize progress made to date on each project, identify changes in targeted completion dates and financial status. A. There shall be a quarterly review of all capital projects in progress so that any funds no longer required for the original purpose may be re-assigned. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 22 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Fixed Asset Policy Statement of Purpose Adequate control should be maintained over Park District fixed assets. Adequate accounting procedures and records for fixed assets are essential to the protective custody of District property. General Fixed Asset Group of Accounts All general fixed assets of the District are to be shown in one place, the General Fixed Asset Group of Accounts. The sources through which general fixed assets are acquired are recorded in the accounts and expressed as Investment in General Fixed Assets. Maintaining these general ledger accounts is recommended as a means of: A. Maintaining a physical inventory of assets B. Fixing accountability C. Establishing replacement costs D. Determining adequate insurance coverage E. Preparing a capital budget General Fixed Asset Definition A specific piece of property must possess three characteristics to be classified as a general Fixed Asset. A. Must be tangible in nature B. Have a useful life greater than one year C. Be of significant value greater than $5000 Classification General Fixed Assets should be classified in one of the following major control groups: A. Land B. Buildings C. Improvements Other Than Buildings (Value of permanent improvements other than buildings, which add value to land. Examples of such improvements are fences, roads, lighting systems, curbs, sidewalks, pavements, gutters, tunnels and bridges.) D. Equipment & Furniture E. Valuation F. General Fixed Assets should be accounted for at cost or, if the cost is not practically determinable, at estimated cost. Donated fixed assets should be recorded at their estimated fair value at the time received. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 23 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Building Repair and Improvement Fund Statement of Purpose The Building Repair and Improvement Fund is a subsidiary fund of the Corporate Fund. Section 5 - 1 of the Park District Illinois Code allows the District to accumulate funds for the purpose of building repairs and improvements and may annually levy taxes for such purposes in excess of current requirements for its other purposes but subject to the tax rate limitation as specified in the current Park district Code Book. Formation A. Transferring the accumulated reserved fund balances in the Corporate Fund to the Building Repair and Improvement Fund forms the fund. Each year through the Budget and Appropriation Ordinance, funds will be allocated to the Building Repair and Improvement Fund in order to maintain an adequate level to provide necessary repair and improvements of buildings. B. At the end of each fiscal year the District may choose to allocate any accumulated surplus funds generated in the Corporate Fund to the Building Repair and Improvement Fund. Due care will be used to maintain an adequate fund balance in the Corporate Fund at all times. C. Monies shall be transferred from the Building Repair and Improvement Fund to the Corporate Fund only upon the authority of the Board of Commissioners. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 24 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Repair and Improvement Repair and improvement projects undertaken through the Building Repair and Improvement Fund is those projects that are generally not recurring on a “year-in, year-out” basis and fit within the following categories: A. Major repairs and improvements that are not routine expenses and that maintain or enhance the value of the buildings or facilities of the District B. The cost of repairs and improvements including engineering, design, consultants and other related expenses with an estimated cost in excess of $1,000. C. Major equipment or furnishings required to furnish or improve buildings or facilities. D. Improvements that preserve and protect the health and safety of the residents shall receive priority consideration. E. Improvement that is required to update the facility within any prescribed statutes, zoning and accessibility. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 25 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Expenditure Categories A. Repairs - This account reflects materials, supplies and contractual services ... needed-to repair buildings, and related structures such as roofing, plumbing, furnaces and electrical repairs. B. Improvements - This account reflects the acquisition value of permanent improvements that add value to the facility, improve efficiency, and would be qualified as fixed assets within the parameters of the fixed assets policy. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 26 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Authorization The Administrative Ordinance that establishes policies as to purchases governs any items allocated to this fund. Each month at the Regular Board Meeting, the Board of Commissioners will formally approve items that are allocated to the Building Repair and Improvement Fund. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 27 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Abolishing of Fund This fund may not be abolished unless the Board of Commissioners has authorized and directed the transfer of any balance in such fund to the Corporate Fund at the close of the fiscal year. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 28 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Disbursement Of Cash Policy Purpose Virtually all assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the Oak Lawn Park District (Park District) clear through the cash accounts. Therefore, it is important that it receives all cash to which it is entitled; that cash is fully safeguarded while in its possession; and that is spent only for legal, authorized purposes. These precepts are important for the benefit of citizens and for the protection of the Commissioners as well. Since cash is the most liquid asset maintained by the Park District, it is imperative that procedures are developed and maintained which provide for the proper recording and reporting of its’ activity. The system of internal control over cash and cash transactions should provide assurance that: 1. Advance planning is adequate to anticipate and provide for cash needs that exceed cash available from normal operations, and to utilize cash available in excess of anticipated needs. 2. Independent accountability is established for all cash that is collected. 3. Disbursements are made only for authorized purposes by a limited number of designated persons. 4. A record is created for every disbursement that is made. 5. Cash balances are adequately protected from theft and/or misappropriation. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 29 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Procedures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Except for the nominal disbursements for which petty cash funds are utilized, all disbursements shall be made by check. Petty cash transactions require disbursements documentation (cash receipts attached to petty cash slips) even though no check is written. The duties and functions of all persons preparing checks should be separate from the following duties or functions: A. Reconciling bank accounts. B. Mailing or delivering the accounts payable or payroll checks. C. Preparation and/or approval of payrolls for payment including time cards, time sheets and salary contracts. D. Approval of purchase orders (or Vouchers) for payment. E. Approval of discounts refunds or allowances. Vendor (and payroll) checks should be pre numbered- all numbers should be accounted for. Spoiled checks should be voided and kept on file for subsequent review. Persons who prepare checks should not handle cash receipts. Employees who are authorized to review and approve documents for disbursements should be clearly designated. Checks should be written monthly with exceptions for: A. Refunds to program participants. B. Utility billings. C. Insurance billings. D. Federal/FICA payments, State-withholding payments, IMRF payments. E. Payroll. F. Deposits for recreation program reservations. G. Vendor payments which require timely payment and/or to take advantage of discounts. H. Debt service payments. I. Emergency items. 7. For a check to be prepared, the following must be available: A. A valid purchase order or check request approved by the responsible manager and the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel. B. An invoice for the expenditure signed by the manager as indicating the goods have been received or service has been rendered at an agreed upon price for that good or service. C. The Director shall approve all expenditures over $1,000. D .The Director shall approve exceptions to “B” above. 8. For a vendor check to be valid, it shall require two signatures. For a payroll check to be valid, it shall require one signature. 9. A record must be kept of every disbursement. Once a bill has been paid, the purchasing package (approved purchase order or check request, invoice, packing slips, etc.) shall be cancelled through a stamp “PAID” or perforated “PAID” as well as the paid date. 10. Someone other than the preparer shall mail signed checks. 11. Statutory approval of disbursements, and statutory authority for approving expenditures lies solely with the Board by action taken at a duly constituted meeting. Revised: Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District 03/10/03 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 30 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Purchasing Policy Statement Of Purpose The Park District’s Purchasing Policy establishes the guidelines under which all purchases are made. Under the provisions of this policy, the Park District adheres to all requirements of Section 8-1 © of the Park District code and outlines administrative staff guidelines. It is the intent of this policy that the Park District conducts business fairly and equitably while remaining fiscally responsible to its taxpayers. Governance The purchasing policy is governed in part by Illinois Statute Section 8-1 © of the Park District Code which provides: “Every Park District shall, have and exercise the following powers: “© To acquire by gift, legacy, or purchase any personal property necessary for its corporate purposes provided that all contracts for supplies, materials or work involving an expenditure in excess of $10,000 shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, after due advertisement, excepting contracts which by their nature are not adapted to award by competitive bidding, such as contracts for the services of individuals possessing a high degree of professional skill where the ability or fitness of the individual plays an important part, contracts for the printing of finance committee. reports and departmental reports, contracts for the printing or engraving of bonds, tax warrants, and other evidence of indebtedness, contracts for utility service such as water, light, heat, telephone or telegraph, contracts for the use, purchase, delivery, movement, or installation of data processing equipment, software, or services and telecommunications and interconnect equipment, software, or services, contracts for duplicating machines and supplies, contracts for goods or services procured from another governmental agency, purchases of equipment previously owned by some entity other than the district itself and contracts for the purchase of magazines, books, periodicals, pamphlets and reports and excepting where funds are expended in an emergency and such emergency expenditure is approved by three-fourths of the members of the Board.” Amended 02/09/04 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 31 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Advertised Bids A. Bid Process Where advertised bids are required by the Code, the advertisement shall describe the character of the undertaking in sufficient detail to enable bidders thereon to know that their obligations will be either from the advertisement itself or by reference to detailed plans and specifications on file with the district at the time of the publication of the advertisement. The advertisement shall state the date; time and place of the opening of the bids, and no bid shall be received subsequent to the time set forth in said advertisement. The Business Department shall also invite bids by mail, telephone or otherwise. All bids shall be sealed and opened at the time and place indicated in said advertisement and shall be open to public inspection. If two or fewer bids are received, the bids received will not be opened and the following occurs: 1. The bid opening date is extended by two weeks. 2. Staff contacts all potential bidders to solicit sealed bids for the new date. 3. Vendors who submitted sealed bids for the original date are contacted and offered the option of submitting a new bid and having the original bid forfeited, or keeping the original bid. 4. The bid opening proceeds on the second date according to the original specifications regardless of the number of bids received. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 32 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Unadvertised Purchases Contract and purchases of less than $10,000 are not specifically governed by the Park District Code and are handled as follows: A. Except as otherwise herein provided all purchase orders or contracts of whatever nature for services, the purchase, lease or sale of personal property, materials, equipment or supplies involving an expenditure of District funds of $10,000 or less may be let in the open market in a manner calculated to insure the best interests of the public and District after solicitation of quotes by mail, telephone, comparative shopping or otherwise. B. Purchases of $2,500 to $10,000 may be made only after obtaining written quotations. C. Purchases of less than $2,500 may be made after obtaining verbal or telephone quotations. D. Purchases of less than $500 do not require verbal or telephone quotes but staff is advised to make every effort to solicit a fair price for items purchased. E. Section 1.04 subparagraphs A through C shall not be applicable to purchases of merchandise, equipment and supplies for use and resale in the Tennis/Racquetball Pro Shop, Stony Creek Golf Pro Shop, Ice Rink Pro Shop and in case of purchases of food and merchandise for use and resale in the Golf Pro Shop and Ice Rink and pools concession, such purchases shall be governed by the limitations set forth in Section 8-1 © of the Code. F. In the case of purchase of materials, equipment and supplies for use and resale in the Tennis/Racquetball Club Pro Shop, Stony Creek Golf Pro Shop, and such purchases of food and merchandise for use and resale in the Golf Course Clubhouse, and Ice Rink and pools concession, such contracts or purchase orders shall be made in a manner calculated to ensure the best interests of the public and District and only after solicitations of quotations by mail, telephone, comparative shopping or otherwise. G. Under the foregoing provisions, an item or service provided for and within the current annual budget of the District may be purchased as follows: 1. By a Superintendent for his/her department if the purchase of such item or service does not exceed $1,000. 2. By the Director or under his/her authorization if the item or service does not exceed $10,000. Any expenditure of District funds exceeding $10,000 or not otherwise provided for in this policy shall be presented to the Board for its approval. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 33 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Award of Contracts All contracts in excess of $10,000 (except as otherwise authorized herein) shall be awarded by the Board and to the lowest responsible bidder. In determining the responsibility of any bidder, the Board may take into account other factors in addition to financial responsibility, such as past records of transactions with the bidder, experience, adequacy of equipment, ability to perform, time limits, services to be rendered by the bidder, location of bidder, conformity with specifications, terms of delivery and other pertinent considerations. Any and all bids received in response to an advertisement or otherwise may be rejected by the Board if the bidder is not determined responsible or the character or quality of the services, supplies, materials, equipment or labor does not conform to the Board’s requirements or if the public interest may otherwise be served thereby. The Board reserves the right to award a contract for all or only a portion of the specific bid work. Responsible Bidder’s Ordinance In determining which bidder is a “responsible bidder” on Oak Lawn Park District projects, the bidder must comply with the following criteria and submit an affidavit of compliance, in addition to any other requirements as determined from time to time by the park district for the specific type of work to be performed. District attorney shall promulgate an affidavit, which shall be executed with the park district contract and which shall require the following certifications: A. Compliance with all applicable laws and codes and ordinances prerequisite to doing business in Illinois and the Village of Oak Lawn, including Village licenses: B. Affidavit of compliance with: 1. Submittal of Federal Employer Tax Identification Number or Social Security Number (for individual): 2. Provisions of Section 2000(e) of Chapter 21, Title 42 of the United States Code and Federal Executive Order No. 11375 (known as the Equal Opportunity Employer provisions); C. Certificate of insurance indicating at least the following coverage at minimum limits established by the park district; general liability, worker’s compensation, completed operations, automobile, hazardous occupation, product liability and professional liability; D. Compliance with all provisions of the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, including wages, medical and hospitalization insurance and retirement for those trades as covered by the Act; E. Participation in apprenticeship and training programs approved and registered with United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training; F. Compliance with the applicable provisions of the Illinois Human Rights Act and the rules of the Illinois Human Rights Commission; G. Adoption of a Sexual Harassment Policy pursuant to Illinois Public Act 87-1257’ H. Furnishing of required Performance and Payment Bonds: OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 34 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL I. Certificate of no delinquency in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue; J. Certificate that the bidder is not barred from bidding or contracting as a result of a violation of either Section 33E of 33E-4 of Ch. 720, Article 5 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes; K. Affidavit that the bidder has not only the financial responsibility but also the ability to respond by the discharge of the contractor’s obligations in accordance with that which is expected or demanded under the terms of the contract; L. Compliance with a Contractor’s Drug-Free Workplace Certification; M. Submission of an Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement; and N. An Anti-collusion Affidavit of Compliance; This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. PASSED THIS 13TH day of August, 2007 AYES: Commissioners Wallace, Andersen, Callahan NAYS: Commissioners Vorderer, McCauley ABSENT: None Gary Callahan, President Oak Lawn Park District Board of Commissioners Terry Vorderer, Secretary Oak Lawn Park District Board of Commissioners OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 35 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Emergencies In the case of emergencies, which call for immediate resolution, the Director shall take prompt action to employ persons or firms to do the necessary corrective work but shall require the persons or firms doing the corrective work to furnish a detailed report of the corrections made and the basis for making the corrections. For the purpose of this paragraph, an emergency shall consist of a threat to the health or safety of park users or of severe damage to District property. Other Items A. No undertaking shall be split into parts so as to avoid the provisions of this policy. B. The Board may require a cash deposit or bid bond of any bidder and may require a security bond of any successful bidder. C. A business within the District shall be considered a preferred bidder when the amount of the bid will not adversely affect the District. D. Whenever feasible and/or advantageous to the District, cooperative purchases with other governmental agencies such as the State, Village of Oak Lawn, and other park districts shall be made. E. All promotional incentives and contest awards made available to qualifying District personnel by vendors, which are based on District purchases from those suppliers, automatically become the rightful property of the District and must be considered and administered as District owned assets. The incentives referred to above include, but are not limited to, all purchase premiums, sales incentives and/or remunerative awards of any kind (such as merchandise premiums, free goods offered as part of so called “bakers dozen” deals, quantity discounts, promotional allowances, cash prizes, special sales, commissions, merchandise prizes, etc.) that are made available or awarded by any reason to District personnel from vendors. Under no circumstances are payments of sales incentives, personal remuneration or contest awards of any kind to be made to district employees based on purchases from vendors. Approved by Board of Commissioners 8/22/90. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 36 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Fees And Recreation Program 1. General Statement It has been found to be necessary and desirable for the District to make certain charges for recreation programs. General practices have been followed in establishing these charges but a basic written philosophy and guidelines have not been established. This policy is designed to serve as a guide in establishing fees for recreation programs, and it is not intended as a consideration for determining admission charges to facilities or areas. 2. Guiding Principle A. Relation to Tax Funds - Recreation is recognized as a basic human need, and the meeting of this need is a shared responsibility of the District with private enterprise, individual pursuits, and other recreation and community agencies and organizations. Under the present Park Code of Illinois, a legal limitation of .075% is placed on the recreation fund tax levy. With the increased leisure and the greater needs for recreation by the residents, this limitation has made tax funds most inadequate if the District is to attempt to meet the recreation responsibilities it has. The charging of certain fees is necessary in order to supplement available tax funds. B. Prohibiting Participation: For recreation to be public, it would be most unwise to establish fees that would cause any large number of residents to be unable to participate because of lack of financial resources. Regardless of the amount of fees that are charged, however, it may encourage them to make a free choice of the activity that they can best afford to participate. In the event that certain families or individuals are in dire financial difficulty, it would be reasonable to provide a means for them to still take part in some program or programs at a reduced fee or no fee, or payment of the fee on an installment plan. The determination of eligibility may be delegated to the Director of Parks and Recreation. C. Expression of Interest: It is accepted by the District that a nominal charge does not only assist in paying a portion of a certain program cost but can also secure a sincere expression of interest by the person registering. Many of the District’s programs are operated on a small group or limited registration basis, and it is important that each registrant take part to provide the best experience for the group and the leader. In addition, certain activities are organized on a so-called “club” basis, and it becomes an integral part of this activity to pay dues to become a “member”. D. Expendable or Consumable Materials: Many programs make use of materials that are expendable and become the property of the participants. It is reasonable to include a fee for the cost of these materials that are either expended by the participant or become the property of the participant. Materials, which remain the property of the District and only receive what would be termed normal wear through use, should not be charged against the participant. E. Service Charges: When a participant or resident receives exclusive use of certain equipment or supplies even though these items of equipment or supplies may be returned to and remain the property of the District, it is reasonable to make a service charge to assist in eventually replacing the equipment, material or supplies. F. Specialized Instructional Programs: These programs are an important part of the over-all program of the District. Generally, these programs have a limited number in the class in order to provide a high quality of instruction to each individual and in addition, require a leader or instructor of specialized training and/or ability. These two factors result in a relatively expensive program to operate. It is considered that this type of program is beyond what should be considered as a basic general interest recreation program and therefore, it is desirable that the user or participant be charged a fee to offset all or a portion of the direct costs to the District of that program. G. Non-Resident Participation - The recreation program of the District is financially supported by the taxes of the District and therefore, the residents and/or taxpayers of the District shall be given preference over non-residents. The District may, in certain programs, determine that there is an overall advantage to include non-residents. The including of non-residents may be necessary to increase the numbers in a certain program to make it financially feasible or to get enough people to maintain a program. In programs where OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 37 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL fees are charged, in no case are the standard fees sufficient to make the program totally self-supporting. Therefore, it is reasonable and proper that the non-resident should pay more since the resident is supporting the program through taxes in addition to any fees that are charged. 3. Fees and Charges: A. Review of Charges: The Board of Park Commissioners shall annually review and authorize registration charges for each program where a fee is to be charged. The Director of Parks and Recreation shall have the authority, subject to review by the Board, to establish service charges and administrative charges for expendable and/or consumable materials. B. Specialized Instructional Programs: It shall be the policy of the District to charge a fee for what shall be classified as special services or special privileges. Generally, the fee shall be established to enable the District to recover all or the majority of the cost of direct leadership and expendable materials or supplies. Costs of planning, administration, office services, publicity, general supervision or leadership, and facility costs shall not necessarily be included in the charge to the participant but shall instead be considered the general services of the District. C. Expression of Interest: It shall be the policy of the District that a nominal registration charge may be made if the activity has a requirement for a certain number to make the program feasible. Further, where a limitation is placed on the number, which can be registered in a certain program, a nominal fee may be charged as an indication of the individual’s sincere interest in the program. In addition, for activities organized on a “club” basis and where dues, therefore, become an integral part of the program, a nominal charge may be made. D. Service Charges: Certain service charges shall be made to cover the costs when an exclusive service is contracted for or performed when an individual is given exclusive privilege of use of certain materials, equipment or supplies. The charge shall be established on the basis of actual cost to the District or as nearly as can be determined E. Expendable and/or Consumable Supplies and Materials Charge: A charge will be made to an individual for other than ordinary supplies and materials which, after use, become the property of the individual. In addition, when the District supplies food, beverages or other consumable materials to be used by the participant, these materials shall be charged to the participant on a direct cost basis. F. Non-Resident Charges: When an individual who does not reside in the corporate boundaries of the District is enrolled in a specialized instructional program, which has a limited enrollment, a fee of fifty percent higher will be charged. A nonresident shall not be registered in a limited enrollment program until a reasonable time has been given for residents to first enroll. However, the Board reserves the right to establish the non-resident rates. Non-resident fees may be charged for programs, which are offered either at no charge or at a nominal expression of interest charge if the Board deems that the non-resident entering the program may cause additional expense to the District or if the program should become less effective due to this enrollment of the nonresident. G. Waiver of Fees: The Board authorizes, upon the recommendation of either the President or the Director on an individual basis, to either completely waive or to lower a registration fee as established such as in the case of a youth under seventeen years of age who cannot or whose family cannot reasonably afford the fee because of financial difficulties and who has expressed an interest or desire to be enrolled in a certain program. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 38 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL An Ordinance Defining Misdemeanors And Providing Penalties For Such Misdemeanors BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District, Cook County, Illinois: SECTION 1. For the purpose of this ordinance, the following terms shall have the definitions given herein: A. “District” is the Oak Lawn Park District, Cook County, Illinois. B. “Board” is the Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District. C. “Director” is the Director of Parks, and Recreation, the chief administrative officer of the District. D. “Park” is any playfield, playground, swimming pool, ice skating rink, open area, building or parts thereof or other facility and the materials and equipment therein owned, leased or in use by the District. E. “Person” is an individual, firm, partnership, group, association, corporation, governmental unit, company or organization of any kind, except the District, its employees and Board members are engaged in the performance of District duties. F. “Vehicle” is any conveyance, whether motor powered or self-propelled, except baby carriages, and conveyances in use by the District. SECTION 2. No person shall engage in any sport, game, amusement or exercise in any park, except in such parts thereof as are designated for that purpose by the Director. SECTION 3. (a) No person shall enter a park or part thereof posted as “Closed to the Public”, nor shall any person use or abet the use of any such Park or part thereof in violation of posted notice. SECTION 3. (b) No person shall enter, be or remain in any field house, clubhouse, building or other structure owned or operated by the District, when closed to the public. In an open space area owned or operated by the District between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. the following day except this shall not apply to persons that are entering or leaving an open space area for the purpose of either ingress to or egress from a park field house, clubhouse, building or other structure that is open to the public nor to authorized Park or police personnel, and shall not apply during the hours of operation, as approved by the Board on an annual basis, of the Frontier Days Fourth of July Festival at Recreation Park. SECTION 4. No person shall hinder, interfere with or cause of threaten to do bodily harm to any employee of the District while such employee is engaged in performing his duties in and on behalf of the District. SECTION 5. No person shall expose or offer for sale any article or thing, nor shall any person station or place any stand, cart, or vehicle for the transportation, sale, or display of any such article or thing in any Park, except a regularly licensed concessionaire or other person action under an official permit of the Board: nor shall any person within any Park or on its borders announce, advertise, or call the public attention in any way to any article, or service for sale or hire. SECTION 6. No person shall paste, glue, tack or otherwise affix or post any sign, placard, advertisement, or inscription whatever, not erect or cause to be erected any sign whatever on any structure or thing in a Park, except as authorized by the Director. SECTION 7. No person shall bring or have in his possession, or set off or otherwise cause to explode or discharge any gun, pistol, revolver, cracker torpedo, rocker, squib, or other fireworks or explosives of inflammable materials, including any substance, compound, mixture, or article that in conjunction with any other substance or compound could cause injury to human or animal life, in any Park. SECTION 8. No person shall light; build or attempt to light or build a fire in any Park except in such areas of a park and under such regulations as may be designated by the Director. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 39 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL SECTION 9. No person shall throw any stone, brick or other missile in or upon any Park. Nor shall any person hit a golf ball in any Park except Oak Lawn Stony Creek Driving Range or such portions of any Park as is designated for such purpose by the Director. SECTION 10. No person shall deface, disfigure, break, cut, tamper with or displace or remove in or from any Park building or part thereof, table, bench, fireplace, coping, lamp post, fence, wall, paving or paving material, water line or other public utility or parts or appurtenances thereof, or any sign, notice of placard, whether temporary or permanent, equipment, facilities or other Park property or appurtenances whatsoever, either real of personal. SECTION 11. No person shall damage, cut, carve, uproot or injure any tree or injure any tree, or injure the bark, or pick the flowers or seeds of any tree or plant in any Park: nor shall any person attach any rope, wire, or other contrivance to any tree or plant, in any Park: nor shall any person attach any rope, wire, or other contrivance to any tree or plant, in any Park. Nor shall any person dig in or otherwise disturb grass areas, or in any other way injure or impair the beauty or usefulness of any park. SECTION 12. No person shall climb any tree nor climb wall, stand or sit upon any wall, building, fountain, fence, railing in any Park nor upon any other Park property not designated or customarily used for such purposes. SECTION 13. No person shall remove any soil, rock, stones, trees, shrubs, or plants, down timber or other wood or materials from any Park, nor make any excavation by tool, equipment, blasting, or other except under the direction of the Director. SECTION 14. No person shall throw, discharge, or otherwise place or cause to be placed in the waters of any swimming pool, fountain, pond, lake, stream or other body of water in or adjacent to any Park or any tributary, stream, storm sewer, or drain flowing into such waters, any substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, which will or may result in the pollution or the hindrance of the use of said water. SECTION 15. No person shall bring in or dump, deposit or leave any bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper, fill, boxes, manure, cans, dirt, rubbish, waste, garbage or refuse, or other trash or litter in any Park except to deposit the same in receptacles provided therefore. SECTION 16. No person shall hunt, molest, harm, frighten, kill, trap, chase, tease, shoot, or throw stones, rocks or other missiles at any animal, or bird in any Park, nor shall any person remove or have in his possession a bird or wild animal or the eggs or nest of any bird or wild animal in any Park. SECTION 17. No person shall bring a dog or other domestic animal into any Park. SECTION 18. No person shall bring, drive, use or ride a snowmobile or go-cart in any Park, nor bring, drive, use or ride any other similar vehicle prohibited from being brought, driven, ridden, or used in any Park by the Director. Patrons shall not be allowed to bring gasoline powered equipment into any park (generators, scooters, etc.). SECTION 19. No person within any Park shall ride another person on a bicycle nor leave any bicycle unattended without first locking it, nor park any bicycle in any place within a Park except in a bicycle rack. SECTION 20. No person shall drive any vehicle in any Park, except upon paved roads or parking areas designated for such purposes, and only then in accordance with posted signs as to speed, direction, parking, stopping, lane markings and traffic controls. SECTION 21. (a) No person shall park any vehicle in any Park, driveway, parking area of a Park between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. the following day, except that this restriction shall not apply to a vehicle parked by a person who is lawfully in a field house, clubhouse, building or other structure adjacent to such driveway or parking area while said Park facility is open to the public nor shall said restriction apply to vehicles of authorized Park and Police personnel. SECTION 21. (b) No person shall leave any vehicle anywhere in a Park more than 24 hours because of mechanical failure nor shall any person fail to notify and attempt to obtain the services of a mechanic for any vehicle that has failed to function within one hour of such failure. SECTION 22. (a) No person shall be under the influence of intoxicating alcoholic liquors at any time in any Park. SECTION 22. (b) No narcotic drugs or controlled substances shall be sold, delivered, given away or used by anyone or at any time in any Park. SECTION 23. No person shall tell fortunes, gamble or participate in or abet any game of chance or use any gambling device in any Park. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 40 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL SECTION 24. No person, except for children under four (4) years of age, shall enter into, loiter or remain in any toilet, restroom, bathhouse, pavilion or structure or section thereof, of any Park that has been designated by the Director for the use of the opposite sex. SECTION 25. No person shall expose any part of the body to the public in an indecent or lewd manner, nor speak or make advances in a profane or obscene way, or make any indecent or obscene gestures in any Park. Nor shall any person take, or attempt to take any immoral, improper or indecent liberties with any child or adult of either sex in any Park. SECTION 26. No person shall make use of the Park as a place to sleep during the hours of 11 o’clock p.m. and 6 o’clock a.m. of any day nor shall any person swing, occupy or use any hammock in any Park, except such portions thereof as is designated for such purpose by the Director. SECTION 27. No person shall make, aid or countenance or assist in making any loud or raucous noise, riot or disturbance tending to a breach of the peace in any Park, or be guilty of any disorderly conduct therein or thereon, or collect, with other persons, in bodies or crowds for unlawful purposes, or for any purpose to the annoyance or disturbance of the other persons using a Park or residents adjacent to a Park. SECTION 28. No person shall use abusive, insulting or obscene language, or language calculated to occasion a breach of the peace, in any Park. SECTION 29. No person shall commit in any Park any act prohibited by the Criminal Code of the State of Illinois as set forth in Chapter 38 of the Illinois Revised Status. SECTION 30. No person shall beg or solicit any alms or any contribution in any Park. Nor shall any person solicit, collect any donations or charge any fees for any service, whether private or public except fees as charged by the Park and approved by the Board, without first having obtained a written permit from the Board. SECTION 31. No person shall construct or erect any building, tent or structure of whatever kind in any Park, whether permanent or temporary in character, or run or string any public service utility into, upon or across any Park, without first having obtained an official permit from the Board. SECTION 32. No person shall conduct any musical concert, play upon any amplified instrument nor set up or use any communication system in a Park without first obtaining an official permit from the Board. SECTION 33. No person shall hold or attempt to hold any meeting, assembly, demonstration, celebration, parade, rally, religious worship, or any sponsored entertainment, social, recreational or athletic event without first obtaining an official permit from the Board. SECTION 34. No person issued an official permit by the Board shall fail to produce the permit and exhibit it upon request of the Director or Park employee, or Board member or police officer. SECTION 35. No person shall disturb or interfere with any person or party occupying any Park, under the authority of an official permit of the Board. SECTION 36. No person shall resist any police officer of the District in the discharge of the said officer’s duty, or fail or refuse to obey any lawful command of any police officer, or in any way hinder or prevent such police officer from discharging his duty, or offer or endeavor so to do, or in any manner assist any person in custody to escape or attempt to escape from such custody, or rescue any person in custody. SECTION 37. The President of the Board shall be the ex-officio Police Commissioner and in his discretion may appoint, with the approval of the Board, one or more of the Park Commissioners to serve for the fiscal year as the Police Commission, with full police power for the purpose of formulating or making such additional rules and regulations as an emergency or emergencies and the public interest may from time to time require for the orderly regulation of the District, in the care and protection of the property of the District and for the preservation of public health and peace in and about the District. SECTION 38. Any person violating any clauses or provision of any section of this ordinance shall be fined not more that Two Hundred Dollars ($200), for each offense upon conviction thereof. SECTION 39. Each member of the Board, the Director, and the Police Officers of the Village of Oak Lawn, Cook County, Illinois, are hereby appointed Police Officers of the District. Each Police Officer shall enforce the provisions of this Ordinance, and shall have authority to eject from any Park any person acting in violation of the ordinance and may confiscate any property, thing, or device used in any Park in violation of this ordinance. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 41 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL An Ordinance Relating To Polluting, Dumping And Encroaching On And In Public Parks Of The Oak Lawn Park District, Cook County, Illinois WHEREAS, the Oak Lawn Park District is an Illinois Municipal entity operating within a territory predominantly in the Village of Oak Lawn, Cook County, Illinois: and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the District to establish ordinances, rules and regulations to provide for the government, protection and preservation of the property, facilities and resources of the parks; and WHEREAS, the Board of Park Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District deem it necessary to establish rules, and regulations prohibiting dumping in its parks and other property, and to provide penalties for the violation of such rules and regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Park Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District, Cook County, Illinois, as follows, SECTION ONE: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or organization, other than Oak Lawn Park District personnel: a. To dump, discharge or leave, in or on any Oak Lawn Park District property, any type of rubbish, trash, construction debris, landscape debris (including but not limited to, lawn clippings and leaves) or household garbage, with the exception of waste generated as part of an authorized activity if such waste is promptly and properly disposed of in proper receptacles at the conclusion of the activity. b. To dump in any Park District roll-off box, dumpster or other District waste receptacle, any type of rubbish, trash, construction debris, landscape debris (including, but not limited to lawn clippings and leaves) or household garbage, unless such waste was generated during an authorized activity and if such waste is promptly and properly disposed of in proper receptacles at the conclusion of the activity. c. To dump or leave bird seed or other feed which tends to attract birds, insects or animals on Park District property. d. To discharge onto any Park District property, and sump pump effluent. e. To empty or drain onto any Park District property water or other contents of any privately –owned swimming pool. f. To place of grow any vegetable garden, flower garden of composting area or materials, or to plant, any other plants upon Park District property, or any portion thereof, except in areas approved and designated by the Board of Park Commissioners. g. To construct, erect or place swing sets, gyms, playground equipment, railroad ties, landscape ties, wood piles, fences, shed or other structures upon any Park District property, or any part thereof. h. Grilling will be allowed at Centennial, Memorial and Wolfe Wildlife (109th) parks. Patrons must use the Park District grills provided at these locations. No personal grills will be allowed in any park. Coals must be disposed of in the Park District provided coal receptacles. SECTION TWO: Any person, firm, corporation or organization violating any clause or provision of this Ordinance shall be fined not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense upon conviction and in addition the Park District may seek an order from any court of component jurisdiction, that the offender can be required to make restitution for damages resulting from the violation of any provision of this ordinance. Each day any violation of any provision of this ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION THREE: SEVERABILITY. If any section, paragraph or provision of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. SECTION FOUR: REPEAL OF PRIOR ORDINANCES. All prior Ordinances and Resolutions in conflict or inconsistent herewith are hereby expressly repealed only to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency. SECTION FIVE: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and approval. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 42 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL AYES: Four NAYS: One ABSENT: None APPROVED: __April 8, ______, 1991 /s/ Alex Kazmierczak President ATTEST: /s/ Ceil Murphy Secretary OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 43 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL An Ordinance Of The Oak Lawn Park District Cook County, Illinois Regarding The Restriction Of Animals On Park District Property Whereas, the Board of Park Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District, Cook County, Illinois deems it advisable and for the best interests of this Park District that animals not be allowed on any of the premises of the Oak Lawn Park District with the exception of the wetlands. And whereas within the Oak Lawn Park District Code there is a regulation prohibiting any animal from being led or allowed loose in the park system. Be it ordained: That no person shall head or allow to be loose upon park district system any animal owned or controlled by said person whether on a leash or otherwise. Any animal, found within the park district system in violation of this section, may be apprehended, removed to any animal shelter, public pound, or any other place provided for that purpose, and impounded, all at the expense of the owner. Further any person violating any clause or provision of this ordinance shall be fined not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, nor more that five hundred ($500.00) dollars for the conviction of each offense thereof. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed this by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Nays: President Secretary OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 44 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL An Ordinance Prohibiting Retaliatory Discharge WHEREAS it is deemed advisable, necessary and in the public interest for the Board of Commissioners of Oak Lawn Park District to ordain a policy to encourage employees to report misconduct of other employees without fear of retaliatory discharge; and WHEREAS this policy will serve the public and corporate purposes for which the Board deems appropriate for the protection of its employees: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is hereby determined that it is advisable, necessary and in the public interest that the Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District pass an ordinance protecting its employees from retaliatory discharge. 2. At no time may anyone in the Oak Lawn Park District Administration discharge an individual for reporting to the proper authorities that other employees have been guilty of misconduct such as theft, sexual harassment or any violation of the Oak Lawn Park District Code. 3. Any supervisory personnel who violates this ordinance and is found to be guilty of retaliatory discharge, herein, shall be terminated. 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in accordance with law. Adopted this 11day of _January, 1993. _____________ Aye: Carberry, Heilman, Karr, Sullivan and Kazmierczak Nay: ____None__________________________ Absent: ____None________________________ Approved this __11th____day of ____January________________________ President, Board of Park Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District (SEAL) ATTEST: Secretary, Board of Park Commissioners OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 45 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Ordinance Of The Oak Lawn Park District, Cook County, Illinois, Restricting The Use Of Motor-Driven Scooter On Oak Lawn Park District Property Whereas the Board of Park Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District, Cook County, Illinois recognizes the dangers in the use of motor-driven scooters and Whereas the Board of Park Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District deems it necessary to establish ordinances and regulations for the safety and protection of their constituents. Now Therefore Be It Ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District, Cook County, Illinois as follows: Section 1: No person shall drive a motor-driven scooter on Oak Lawn Park District property. Section 2: For the purpose of this ordinance, a motor-driven scooter is defined as any electric or gas driven wheeled scooter, motor driven cycle or other similar motor-driven vehicle for which the State of Illinois does not issue a title document and does not issue license plates or registration documents. Section 3: Said motor-driven scooters may be impounded by the Park District or the police department. Section 4: Further, any person violating this ordinance shall be fined not less than Two Hundred ($200.00) dollars nor more than One Thousand ($1000.00) dollars for the conviction of each offense thereof. Section 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed this 8th day of November 2004 by the following roll call vote. Ayes: All Nays: Absent: S/Donald Andersen, President S/Ceil Murphy, Secretary OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 46 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Ordinances Of The Oak Lawn Park District, Cook County Illinois Restricting The Use Of Bicycles At The Worthbrook Skate Park OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 47 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Resolution To Include Compensation Paid Under An Internal Revenue Code Section 125 Plan As IMRF Earnings OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 48 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Facility Usage Ordinance For Commissioners, Former Commissioners, Appointed Personnel And Members Of Their Immediate Families Whereas the Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District wishes to afford use of its facilities and programs without cost for its commissioners, former commissioners, appointed personnel and members of their immediate families. Now, Therefore Be It Ordained By the President and Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District as follows: 1. Park commissioners, former park commissioners, appointed personnel and the members of their immediate families shall be entitled to use all Park District facilities and take part in all Park District programs without cost or charge. 2. Immediate family herein shall be construed as those blood relatives living in the same household as the commissioner, former commissioner or appointed personnel. 3. If the particular program will cost the Park District a sum of money because of the participation of the commissioner, former commissioner, appointed personnel or members of their immediate family then that cost shall be paid by the person taking part in that program. 4. This ordinance shall become effective upon its approval and passage. 5. This Ordinance shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois. Passed this 14th day of June, 1993 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 49 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL POLICIESANDADMINISTRATIVEDIRECTIVES OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 50 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Baseball Field Priority Policy The Oak Lawn Park District has a long affiliation with the two largest baseball organizations in Oak Lawn (Oak Lawn Baseball and Westside Baseball). These two organizations provide playing opportunities for thousands of children and are open to anyone regardless of playing ability. The Park District relies on OLB and Westside to provide this programming. As such, it shall be the policy of the Oak Lawn Park District to give Oak Lawn Baseball and Westside Baseball priority usage of park district fields. Both OLB and Westside will try to accommodate any outside organizations or travel teams that may want to utilize the park district ball fields. Scheduling of field usage shall be worked out between OLB, Westside and the outside organizations. This policy in no way absolves the various organizations using the park fields from paying any and all fees as set by the park district. The park district’s in-house programming shall take priority over all outside organizations and affiliations. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 51 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Bus Policy Terms and Conditions 1. All groups applying for use of bus must submit their application no earlier that one-month prior to scheduled trip, and no later than two weeks before scheduled trip. The adult responsible for the conduct of the group must sign the permit. 2. The bus will be available with a full tank of gasoline and must be returned in like manner. The group will be charged for the filling of the gasoline tank during the course of the trip. 3. All tolls and parking fees must be paid by permittee on day of trip. 4. ONLY a licensed Park District bus driver may drive the bus. 5. A $50.00 deposit is required one-week prior to trip. This is non-refundable unless the Park District cancels permit. 6. Payment for use of Park District bus must be made no later than two weeks after scheduled trip. 7. NO SMOKING, ALCOHOL OR OBSCENE LANGUAGE IS ALLOWED ON THE BUS. 8. Rental time is from portal-to-portal. Minimum rental time is five (5) hours. Hourly charge is computed on a quarter-hour rate. 9. Lessee is responsible for any damage to the bus caused by negligence or rowdiness. 10. The Park District has the right to refuse rental of bus/buses to any group that rented in the past and did not adhere to the Park District rules. 11. Capacity of bus may not be exceeded. 12. OVERNIGHT TRIPS – Bus will not be permitted to outside groups for overnight trips. Only Park District programs my do so. In addition to driver’s salary, lodging and meals must be provided. 13. Park District driver will not drive longer that ten (10) continuous hours. After this period of time, an eight (8) hour resting period is required. 14. Any non-profit organization/agency/church/school not affiliated with the Park District but based in Oak Lawn may rent bus if available. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 52 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Weight Room Policy Ages 18 and over: All weight room memberships and daily fee users will be required to attend a one hour orientation in the proper use of weight room equipment. They shall sign a waiver that they attended the orientation and understand the procedures and regulations for use thereof. Ages 16 and 17: This group shall also sign a waiver indicating completion of a one-hour orientation. They shall also provide a parental waiver to participate as a member and/or daily fee user. Their parents must sign a waiver of liability form permitting use. Ages 13 – 15: This age group shall participate in weight room activities only as part of a structured and supervised class sponsored and supervised by qualified park district staff. A parental waiver of liability will be required in order to participate. General: Any membership or daily fee may be revoked for misbehavior or misuse of equipment or the facility. Fees shall be established to cover costs of leadership, facility, equipment use and orientation. Approved: November 19, l990 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 53 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employment Procedures Policy Application Applicants for District employment shall complete an application form and file it through the appropriate department. Only those applicants who in the District’s opinion possess the skills and abilities to meet the job requirements shall be eligible go be considered for employment. Determination of Ability The District shall attempt to determine a qualified applicant’s ability through reference checks or any testing deemed necessary. Testing may be written, oral, physical, or in the form of a demonstration of skill, or any combination of these and shall be designed to test and determine the relative ability of a qualified applicant. The District shall be responsible for any expenses incurred due to testing. In hiring professional staff, applicants who have attained CPRP (Certified Park and Recreation Professional) status are preferred. Approved by the Oak Lawn Park District Board of Commissioners October 15, 2001 Revised October 20, 2008 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 54 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Pre-Placement Medical Examination Policy The Oak Lawn Park District requires all full-time employees to successfully complete a medical examination after a position has been offered to the employee, but prior to starting employment. This medical examination is necessary to determine if the employee can perform the essential functions of the job offered to him with or without reasonable accommodations on the part of the Park District. The Park District will also require drug testing for all applicants offered a full-time position with the Park District and other applicants based upon the position offered. A physician of the Park District's choice and at Park District expense will perform the examination. Employees must consent to the disclosure of the physician's findings, conclusions, and opinions to the Park District. Your medical records will be maintained in a separate confidential file. Information contained in your medical file will not be released or disclosed without your written consent, by court order, or except to persons with a lawful fight or need to know. Employees may be required to undergo subsequent medical examinations when such examinations are job-related and consistent with business necessity. Such examinations will be conducted under the same procedures and guidelines as outlined above for pre-employment medical examinations. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 55 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employee Recognition Policy C. List of Eligible Employees 1. Prepare a list of all 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35-year employees and keep this as a master list. 2. Divide the list of employees into groups by superintendent/supervisor, indicating employment status, name, and years of service. 3. Send the list to all superintendent/supervisors asking them to check for any employees which may have been missed, verify the years of service for each person, and to provide a brief outline of responsibilities, outstanding achievements, and other important information concerning the employee. D. Order Anniversary Pins 1. Review the list of employees received from the superintendents/supervisors and makes any necessary changes on the master list. 2. Order the necessary anniversary pins. E. Awards 0-4 Park District Logo Pin (Full time only) 5 Gold Pin with year Banner, Letter from Board with Frame 10 Gold Pin with year Banner, Letter from Board with Frame and $10.00 Gift Certificate. 15 Gold Pin with year Banner, Letter from Board with Frame, Watch, $25.00 Gift Certificate (value $55.00) 20 Gold Pin with year Banner, Board Resolution with Silver Frame, $50.00 Gift Certificate (value $80.00) 25 Gold Pin with year Banner, Board Resolution with Gold Frame, $75.00 Gift Certificate (value $105.00) 30 Gold Pin with year Banner, Board Resolution with Gold Frame $100.00 Gift Certificate (value $130.00). F. Presentation of Anniversary Pins in December. 1. Send an invitation to all employees that will be receiving anniversary pin. 2. The President and Vice-President of the Board will give presentation of the anniversary pins. Approval Date: June 1990 Amended: ______________________________ OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 56 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Education And Training Policy Service Training It shall be the practice of the District to conduct special in-service training programs that will better equip an employee to fulfill his job responsibilities. Education and Tuition Reimbursement If, in the opinion of the Director and Department Head, some ultimate benefit will accrue to the District, permission may be granted to full-time employees to attend educational courses and to make partial or full reimbursement of tuition. 1. Requests for tuition reimbursement must be made before the educational course is taken. 2. Tuition reimbursement will be granted only upon successful completion of the educational course. Successful completion is defined as a minimum Grade of C, or equivalent. 3. If an employee leaves the District service within thirty-six (36) months after receiving tuition reimbursement, he must return all monies received. 4. Time off may be granted by the Director upon the recommendation of the Department Head to attend educational course if work schedules can be arranged and if it is determined that the education will make the employee more valuable to the District. Conferences and Seminars Opportunities to attend and participate in professional conferences, conventions, seminars and technical meetings shall be provided to all employees. With prior approval of the Director and the Department Head and subject to budgetary provision, an employee may attend such functions without loss of pay and at District expense. Reimbursable expenses may include registration fees, transportation, lodging, meals and other legitimate expenses. APPROVED October 15th, 2001 AMENDED 04/12/04 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 57 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Environmental Policy Statement of Philosophy The community and the Oak Lawn Park District are increasingly aware of the environmental issues, which affect the quality of life within the District. It is the intent of the Oak Lawn Park District to set an example in the development and use of sound environmental policies, practices and educational opportunities. By incorporating the following environmental principles and practices and by prescribing to our Statement of Philosophy, the Oak Lawn Park District shall set a high standard of leadership and competency in maintaining and improving the quality of the environment. Environmental Principles The Oak Lawn Park District will to the greatest extent practicable: A. Promote the acquisition, protection and environmentally sensitive management of open space and natural habitat areas. B. Protect, enhance and interpret the historic natural resource heritage exemplified by Oak Lawn’s prairie remnant and wetland- wildlife refuge. C. Design, develop and maintain parks, facilities and natural areas in a manner that enhances and protects the environment through conservation of soil, water and energy; by minimizing the adverse impact on air and water quality; by reducing waste; and by utilizing utilities in the most efficient manner possible. D. Facilitate recycling practices that utilize renewable resources and minimize the use of nonrenewable ones. E. Practice integrated pest management, which reduces or eliminates the District's dependence on pesticides. F. Abide by the federal and state Endangered Species Protection Acts in order to avoid adverse impacts on endangered or threatened species during park operations. G. Function as a role model within the community by actively promoting public awareness and educational programs, which encourage environmentally sensitive lifestyles for staff and residents. Environmental Practices A. The District shall develop relationships and agreements with public and private organizations and individuals in order to have open space and natural habitats preserved and/or managed. 1. Habitat preservation and restoration at Chicago Ridge Prairie and Wolfe Wildlife Refuge with the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission and the Volunteer Stewardship Program. B. The District will adequately plan and construct, using the latest available information, new and renovated open space areas and facilities. These projects will not negatively impact the OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 58 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL environment and will conserve soil, water and energy resources and protect indoor and outdoor air quality. C. The District has determined that it is in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of persons using District buildings and vehicles that smoking be prohibited. 1. Buildings. Smoking is prohibited on all building properties owned or controlled by the Oak Lawn Park District, including parking lots. 2. Vehicles. Smoking is prohibited in all motor vehicles owned, leased or otherwise used by the Oak Lawn Park District. 3. Signs. "No Smoking" signage shall be appropriately posted in all public areas of the District. D. The District recognizes the importance of both safe and attractive parks and open space and has established a balanced Integrated Pest Management Program. This program utilizes cultural methods that include: 1. Select appropriate plant species and their proper location. 2. Use of preventative maintenance procedures. 3. Practice monitoring to detect problems early. 4. Utilize, where possible, natural control methods. 5. Test for better application methods. 6. Minimize overall pesticide use. Where and when pesticide use is necessary, the standardized and uniform procedures for the application and safe handling of pesticides will be adhered to. a. Administration. The District will comply with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act and the Illinois Department of Agriculture regulations governing the use of pesticides. Compliance includes state licensing of all employees involved with the implementation of this program. b. Education. Pesticide Licensed Staff will participate in training sessions and periodic recertification sponsored by affiliated professional organizations designed to improve the supervision, safe handling and application of pesticides. c. Characteristics. Pesticides used by the District in the form of herbicides, insecticides or fungicides will be of the "General Use" classification. "Restricted Use" pesticides are prohibited. d. Notification. Pesticide application notices will be posted 24 hours prior to the treatment and will remain up until 24 hours after completion of treatment. Posting will otherwise comply with Illinois EPA requirements for the application of pesticides. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 59 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL e. Application. General use pesticides used by the District and registered with the Federal EPA will always be used according to specific label directions and procedures to ensure safe and effective application, storage and disposal. f. E. Calibration of equipment and application rates will be according to manufacturer's recommendations so that minimal amounts of pesticides are applied. The District is committed to reducing solid waste by utilizing renewable or reusable resources as well as minimizing its dependence on nonrenewable ones. Achievement of the following objectives will be targeted: 1. Maximize aluminum collection at all indoor facilities and expand collection to all developed parks. 2. Increase paper collection by recycling newspapers, all office paper types and cardboard at indoor facilities. 3. Continue recycling of trees as wood chips and firewood. 4. Compost all leaves, grass and other landscape materials. 5. Recycle used oil. 6. Incorporate glass recycling at all indoor facilities and developed parks. 7. Incorporate plastic recycling at all indoor facilities and developed parks. 8. Use recycled paper to the greatest feasible extent. 9. Use recycled products, such as Durawood, biodegradable bags, recycled paper, etc., in all feasible situations. 10. Continue the use of paper products in place of Styrofoam or plastic and phase out environmentally damaging products. 11. Recycle batteries, antifreeze and Freon whenever feasible. F. Comply with all other applicable federal, state and local regulations and guidelines. G. The District has assumed and will continue an environmental leadership role for public and private agencies by participation in the Model Community Program. H. The District will encourage other park districts and affiliated agencies to adopt similar policies and become responsible environmental stewards. Approved by the Board of Commissioners March 10, 2008 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 60 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy On Capital Projects And Significant Asset Acquisitions PURPOSE Capital projects and major asset acquisitions general require significant outlays of funds and will benefit the Park District for many years. Capital projects involved expenditures for the construction or renovation of property and major asset acquisitions, involve the purchase of machinery, furniture, and equipment. While capital projects are recorded in the Capitol Projects Fund, asset acquisitions are generally accounted for in the fund for which the asset will benefit or the fund that it responsible to finance the expenditure. Due to their nature, it is important that the Park District adopt procedures that assure that the item is reported and accounted for properly. Accordingly, the following procedures should be adopted in order to enhance the reporting and accounting of capital projects and major asset acquisitions. PROCEDURES: 1. The Board of Commissioners should specifically approve all capital projects and major asset acquisitions. (Capital projects and major asset acquisitions are those transactions or series of transactions that require the Park District to obtain formal bids.) 2. For all capital projects and major asset acquisitions the Business Managers office should prepare at least monthly, a report that summarizes the financial status of the project. At a minimum, the report should include the following: a. Construction projects: i. Original budget or contract amount to line item as approved by the board. ii. Original estimated date of completion. iii. Cost incurred to date. iv. Estimated cost to complete. v. Revised completion date (as approved by the board) vi. Board approved change orders. vii. Pending change orders. 3. The Finance Committee should present to the Board on a monthly basis, all progress reports and request for asset acquisitions for their approval. The Board of Commissioners should then specifically vote to approve all asset acquisitions, progress reports and any change orders presented. Such approval should be indicated in the monthly minutes of the Board. 4. As part of the capital projects policy, the Board of Commissioners should establish a retention policy for all progress payments on construction projects. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 61 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Park District Policy Governing The Use/Rental Of Park District Buildings, Facilities, Equipment & Buses The Oak Lawn Park District Board of Commissioners has established policy governing the use/rental of park district buildings, facilities, equipment, buses, etc. Current policies of the Board are available for review by the public in the Park District’s Administrative Office. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 62 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Facility Usage Ordinance For Commissioners, Former Commissioners, Appointed Personnel And Members Of Their Immediate Families Whereas the Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District wishes to afford use of its facilities and programs without cost for its commissioners, former commissioners, appointed personnel and members of their immediate families. Now, Therefore Be It Ordained By the President and Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District as follows: 6. Park commissioners, former park commissioners, appointed personnel and the members of their immediate families shall be entitled to use all Park District facilities and take part in all Park District programs without cost or charge. 7. Immediate family herein shall be construed as those blood relatives living in the same household as the commissioner, former commissioner or appointed personnel. 8. If the particular program will cost the Park District a sum of money because of the participation of the commissioner, former commissioner, appointed personnel or members of their immediate family then that cost shall be paid by the person taking part in that program. 9. This ordinance shall become effective upon its approval and passage. 10. This Ordinance shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois. Passed this 14th day of June, 1993 Approved: President of the Board of Commissioners (Seal) Attest: Secretary OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 63 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employee Program Benefits & Discounts Usage Policy In accordance with Section 301 of the Oak Lawn Park District Code, “Employee Discounts” is interpreted as follows: A. FULL TIME EMPLOYEE AND THEIR DEPENDENTS may use the following services at no charge: (Dependents include spouse and children 21 & under living at home) 1. General Programs with the exception of contracted & trips 2. Swimming Pool Memberships/Passes/Admissions 3. Tennis & Racquet Club Lessons/Memberships & Court Time. Court time based on NonPrime hours and Prime time Members take precedence. No reservations apply. 4. Ice Arena Memberships/Daily Fees/Hockey/Special Events. 5. Pavilion Memberships 6. Stony Creek Driving Range Passes only 7. Stony Creek Golf Course-Green Fees on weekdays only. Cart and reservations do not apply. B. IMRF ELIGIBLE PART TIME EMPLOYEES AND THEIR DEPENDENTS may use the following services at no charge: 1. Same as “A” numbers 1-6 2. Stony Creek Golf Course (Individual only) Green Fees weekdays only. Carts or reservations do not apply. C. OTHER PART TIME EMPLOYEES (Individuals only) (Must have worked at least one season and active on the payroll). 1. No charge to services rendered at facility in which they are employed at the discretion of the manager. 2. 25% on general programs with the exception of contracted & trips. 3. 25% on all other facility memberships. _______________________ Director of Parks _______________ Date OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 64 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Policy ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT FUND 100 South Wacker Drive – Chicago, Illinois 60606 312/346-6722 RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE ANNUAL 1,000 STANDARD FOR IMRF PARTICIPATION Number _______________ WHEREAS, Section 7-137 of the Illinois Pension Code provides that effective January l, l982, certain employers in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund may elect to exclude from participation in the fund persons in positions normally requiring performance of duty of less that 1,000 hours per year; and WHEREAS, the exclusion may be applicable only to persons first employed in positions under the fund by any employer in the fund after the adoption of the resolutions establishing the exclusion; and WHEREAS, the Oak Lawn Park District Board of Commissioners of the Illinois Pension Code to adopt such exclusion and it is desirable that it do so: RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District does hereby elect to exclude from participation in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund all officials and employees in positions requiring performance of duty for less and 1,000 hours per year. FURTHER RESOLVED that this exclusion shall apply only to officials and employees who first occupy offices or positions under the Fund after adoption of this resolution. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary is authorized and directed to file a duly certified copy of this resolution with the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund CERTIFICATION I ___Ceil Murphy_____________________ the___Secretary________________ Name Clerk or Secretary____________ Of the ___Oak Lawn Park District___ of the county of _____Cook___________ Governmental Unit County State of Illinois, do hereby certify that I am keeper of its books and records and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by its _Board Of Park Commissioners________________________ at a Governing Body Meeting duly convened and held on the __13th__day of __May_______, 1991________ SEAL ______________________________________________________ Clerk OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 65 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Land Acquisition Policy AMENDMENT TO THE FIVE-YEAR PLAN ADOPTED APRIL 8, 1991 The Board believes that the acquisition of land for recreation and park development is essential to fill the recreational needs of residents of the District. Bearing in mind that Oak Lawn Park District is almost fully developed, and that the opportunities for the acquisition of open space is limited, the Park District shall endeavor to take advantage of parcels available from time to time. Further, it shall be the policy of the District to actively pursue acquisition of the following: H. Vacant school sites I. Other public agencies declaration of surplus land\ J. Undeveloped open space K. Urban renewal or TIF districts L. Land dedication for parks from developers Furthermore, it shall be the policy of the District to explore opportunities to cooperate with other agencies and/or the private sector in providing temporarily or making available open space on a short term basis through joint agreements. Priority shall be given to the acquisition of open space in segments of the community not now served by a neighborhood park. PASSED AND APPROVED _______________________________________ OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 66 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy On Waiver Of Fees The Park District recognizes the importance of assisting those non-profit organizations that serve the residents of Oak Lawn in securing facilities, programs, and vehicles at a reduced fee or free of charge to their members. However, the Oak Lawn Park District does incur costs for such services. The Park District Board of Commissioners may, at its discretion, waive part or all costs of these services. A request for waiver of fees by a not for profit organization or Park District affiliated/sponsored program shall be in writing, and may be granted only to organizations that serve a majority of Oak Lawn individuals or teams/individuals representing the Park District and will be limited to a maximum fee waiver of $300.00. All organizations utilizing park property in any capacity must supply a Certificate of Insurance naming the Park District as additional insured in accordance with the Park District Risk Management Association. APPROVED: _______________________ OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 67 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy On Recognition Of Contributions By Park District To Outside Organizations All contributions, whether they are services of facilities, made by the Oak Lawn Park District to outside groups and organizations must be publicly acknowledged by such organizations. They shall be in written form recognizing the Park District as co-sponsor and appear on the organization’s stationery, program, flyer or whatever publicity is used. Approved: _____________________________________ OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 68 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy On Distribution Of Event Materials (Posters, Flyers, Etc.) And Endorsement Of Fund Raising Events By Non Profit Organizations While the Park District recognizes the importance of cooperative efforts to support those non-profit social services, health and other human service agencies, and the importance of fund raising events to said organizations, it shall be the policy of the Park District not to provide cash contributions or to permit solicitation of residents on park property or in park facilities. The Park District will, however, designate certain space in our buildings for advertising such events. The building supervisor shall approve such posters or publicity. APPROVED ________________________________________ OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 69 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy On Rental Of Park District Tents Park District tents may be rented to private parties/outside agencies at a fee of $400.00 for the 20x40 size and $600.00 for the 30x60 tent. However, rental of tents is limited to use on Park District property. Our Maintenance Department will not install tents on property not owned by the District. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 70 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Financial Assistance Policy Purpose The Financial Assistance Policy of the Oak Lawn Park District has been established to provide a fair and equitable system through which District residents may utilize recreation facilities and programs should they be financially unable to pay for such services. Eligibility A. To be eligible to receive financial assistance the applicant must meet the following criteria: 1. Must be a resident of the Oak Lawn Park District. 2. Must apply for assistance in written form to the Director of Parks and Recreation. 3. Must interview a credible source to review applicant’s financial history. Information provided to this source is confidential and not a matter of public record. B. Application for Financial Assistance 1. Application 2. Applicant shall complete and file the standard application for financial assistance with the Director of Parks and Recreation. 3. Applicant shall schedule an interview with the Oak Lawn Park District to review applicant’s financial background. C. Approval 1. The Director of Parks and Recreation shall receive written notification from a credible source recommending the percentage to be subsidized by the District. The amount of subsidy is based upon financial criteria established by State of Illinois and Federal guidelines. 2. The Director of Parks and Recreation shall approve or disapprove the financial assistance application based upon the above recommendation. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 71 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL South Suburban Disaster Assistance Committee Policy The Oak Lawn Park District commits to participation in the S.S.P.R.P.A. (South Suburban Park and Recreation Professional Association) SSDAC (South Suburban Disaster Assistance Committee) in their proactive approach to community assistance in times of natural or man made tragedies (i.e., tornados, floods, fires, etc…). Our responsibility as a participating agency is to commit one (1) Recreation supervisor for a period of 2 days and one (1) Maintenance crew and vehicle for (1) working day (and related hand tools) unless altered and agreed by the agencies involved. APPROVED ___________________________ DATE ____________________ OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 72 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy On Disbursement Of Cash Purpose Virtually all assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the Oak Lawn Park District (Park District) clear through the cash accounts. Therefore, it is important that the Park District adopt the best procedures possible to make sure that it receives all cash to which it is entitled; that cash is fully safeguarded while in our possession; and that it is spent for only legal, authorized purposes. These precepts are important for the benefit of citizens and for the protection of the Commissioners as well. Since cash is the most liquid asset maintained by the Park District, it is imperative that procedures are developed and maintained which provide for the proper recording and reporting of its’ activity. The system of internal control over cash and cash transactions should provide assurance that: 1. Advance planning is adequate to anticipate and provide for cash needs that exceed cash available from normal operations, and to utilize cash available in excess of anticipated needs. 2. Independent accountability is established for all cash that is collected. 3. Disbursements are made only for authorized purposes by a limited number of designated persons. 4. A record is created for every disbursement that is made. 5. Cash balances are adequately protected from theft or misappropriation. Procedures 1. Except for nominal disbursements for which petty cash funds are utilized, all disbursements shall be 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. made by check. Petty cash transactions require disbursement documentation (cash receipts attached to petty cash slips) even though no check is written). The duties and functions of all persons preparing checks should be separate from the following duties or functions: a. Reconciling bank accounts. b. Mailing or delivering the general or payroll checks. c. Preparation and/or approval of payrolls for payment including time cards, time sheets, and salary contracts. d. Approval of purchase orders (or vouchers) for payment. e. Approval of discounts, refunds or allowances. Vendor (and payroll) checks should be pre-numbered – all numbers should be accounted for. Spoiled checks should be voided and kept on file for subsequent review. Persons who prepare checks should not handle cash receipts. Employees who are authorized to review and approve documents for disbursements should be clearly designated. Checks should be written monthly with exceptions for: a. Refunds to program participants b. Utility billings c. Insurance billings d. Federal/FICA payments, State withholding payments, IMRF payments e. Payroll f. Deposits for recreation program reservations g. Vendor payments which require timely payment to take advantage of discounts h. Debt Service payments i. Emergency items For a check to be prepared, the following must be available: a. A valid purchase order approved by the responsible manager. b. An invoice for the expenditure signed by the manager as indicating the goods have been received or service has been rendered at an agreed upon price for that goods or services. c. The Director shall recommend payment on each invoice. d. The Director shall approve exceptions to “B” above. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 73 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 8. For a check to be valid, it shall require two signatures as designated by the Board. 9. A record must be kept of every disbursement. Once the bill has been paid, the purchasing package (purchase order, invoice, packing slips, etc.) shall be cancelled through a stamp “PAID” or perforated “PAID” as well as the paid date. 10. Someone other than the preparer shall mail signed checks. 11. Statutory approval of disbursements, statutory authority for approving expenditures lies solely with the Board by action taken at a duly constituted meeting. Approved: November l9, l990 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 74 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Administrative Directive Closing Of Fitness Areas, Classes, Track At Pavilion Whenever it is found necessary to close any portion of the Pavilion from regular use by members, the following procedures will be followed: Classes shall be moved, if possible, or notice given of cancellation and make up dates. Use of fitness facilities at other park district facilities shall be made available to Pavilion members. There shall be a minimum of two (2) weeks notice of disruption of service posted. If at all possible, notice shall be given to members in the program brochure. APPROVED: __________________ Date Director _________________________________ OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 75 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy On Swim Pool Closing Conditions that warrant the closing of a Park District Pool Facility The pool manager shall, under the following conditions, be authorized to close the pool for public swim: 1. The pool shall be closed when air temperature falls below 65 degrees. 2. The pool shall be cleared of all swimmers if there is lightening and/or thunder in the area. If these conditions prevail for a 30-minute period and there is no sign of clearing weather, the pool shall be closed. The pools will re-open if the pool closes before 4 p.m. and weather then becomes desirable. 3. The pool will be closed at any time there are laboratory water reports showing a dangerous condition in the chemical content of the water. 4. The pool shall be closed when a situation arises that would jeopardize the public health or safety of the people in attendance. 5. The pool may close early due to a Park District scheduled event. 6. If the pool is to be closed for the season, public notification must be made 48 hours in advance. In all instances, the Director shall be apprised of the closing. ___________________________________ Board Approved Director OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 76 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Oak Lawn Park District Administrative Directive Standard Operating Procedures Travel Guidelines The Park District, to advance the training and professionalism of staff, authorizes attendance at certain training sessions and conferences requiring travel outside the Park District. The purpose of this administrative directive is primarily to set forth the guidelines governing reimbursement for travel expenses including travel authorization, documentation and accounting. The Park District’s objectives are to allow travel arrangements that (a) conserve travel funds and (2) provide uniform treatment for employees. Decisions as to which trips are authorized are made through the budget formulation process. In general, no more than one out-of-state conference and one out-of-state school is authorized for any department head in any year and in each case must be approved in advance by the Director. Various local conferences are authorized as funds and duty conditions permit. An employee is expected to exercise good judgment and a proper regard for economy in incurring travel expenses as he normally would if he were traveling at his own expense. There is no objection to a spouse and/or other family members accompanying an employee on an official trip. Where this procedure does not cover the situation, the Director of Parks and Recreation may authorize exceptions. Travel Advance A travel advance, in any amount not to exceed the budgeted funds for the trip, may be secured by using the Travel Advance Form (sample attached). If the employee is requesting a travel advance for a conference or a training program, include a description, brochure or announcement with the travel advance request. The travel advance must be requested at least two weeks prior to the employee’s departure. Such an advance will be in the form of a disbursement check. (The Director or the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel can only authorize special checks). 1. The travel advance will be comprised of a travel allowance to cover meals, special conference activities (not included in advanced registration) local travel and other qualified miscellaneous expenses. (Miscellaneous expenses can include baggage charges). a. The travel allowance will be determined by 75% of the per diem, single room rate of the hotel(s) designated by the conference seminar or travel agent plan. The daily travel allowance will be multiplied by the number of days required to be away from the Park District. To calculate your travel allowances use the Travel Allowance Calculation Form (sample attached). b. The daily travel allowance will be allocated for meals as follows: Breakfast 15% Lunch 20% Dinner 50% Miscellaneous 15% c. When conference registration fees include one or more meals, the travel allowance will be decreased by the amount indicated for the meal(s) in item b. d. Sample Calculations: Hotel Rate: $75.00 per day. 75% of $75.00 = $56.25 ($57.00) Round off the cents to the next highest dollar. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 77 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL (15%) (20%) (50%) (15%) Breakfast Lunch Dinner Miscellaneous $8.55 $8.55 $11.40 $28.50 _______ $57.00 per day Hotel Rate: $50.00 per day. 75% of $50.00 = $37.50 ($38.00) Round off the cents to the next highest dollar. (15%) Breakfast $5.70 (20%) Lunch $7.60 (50%) Dinner $19.00 (15%) Miscellaneous $5.70 _________ $38.00 per day 2. Within one week after returning from a trip, the Travel Expense report section of the Travel Advance Form should be completed and forwarded to the Finance Department. Include the unused portion of the travel allowance with the Expense Report. All receipts should be attached to the Travel Expense Report. If actual expenses exceed the travel advance, they will be reviewed by the Director of Parks and Recreation, and if approved, will be paid as soon as the Expense Report has been audited. (The Director or the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel can only authorize special checks for reimbursement). A. Transportation i. Air travel reimbursement is limited to “coach” or “economy” fares where such services are available. Travel to and from the airport must be by bus or limousine where available. If possible, air travel arrangements should be made through a local agency and billed to the Park District. (Receipts for airfare are required). ii. Park District cars may be used to travel to destinations up to 200 miles from Oak Lawn. Approval for longer trips may be granted by the Director if more than one employee is making the trip or by other justification. In order to receive reimbursement, receipts for any expenses associated with the use of a Park District vehicle are required. Parking and garage charges are reimbursable but the employee should exercise care by selecting a facility that charges economical rates and a receipt must be obtained. iii. Private cars may be used for travel on Park District business. Reimbursement shall be at the current rate allowed by the Internal Revenue Service. When an employee chooses to drive on a longer trip, reimbursement shall be for the number of miles traveled, and may include other charges incurred for hotel, meals or other expenses, the total reimbursement will not exceed the cost for the trip by air. When two or more employees travel in the same private car, reimbursement shall be made to the owner of the car and the other employees shall be reimbursed for their direct expenses en route. Mileage determinations will be set according to the Rand-McNally Road Atlas and the Illinois Official Highway May. iv. Rental Cars: Through justification to the Director, and with the Director’s authorization, a rental car may be approved while at a conference or seminar. The rental car should be secured by using the Park District discount program. (Discount programs should be checked out through the Director’s Office). When picking up a rental car the purchase of OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 78 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL additional insurance for the vehicle is required. The purchase of gas should be by the Park District credit card if Possible. Lodging v. An employee is expected to make hotel or motel reservations in advance and to take other actions to ensure that lodging is secured at a moderate rate. (Receipts for lodging are required). Reimbursement for lodging shall be limited to the minimum number of nights required to conduct the assigned Park District business. If a conference, for example, opens on Sunday evening and closes Thursday noon, reimbursement for Sunday through Wednesday night would be allowed. IF an employee chooses to arrive earlier or stay later, the additional lodging and other expenses are the employee’s personal expense. vi. If an employee’s spouse shares lodging, reimbursement will be allowed for a double room rate. Registration Fees vii. Registration is reimbursable but such reimbursement is subject to the conditions established by the preceding sections with receipts. Miscellaneous Expenses viii. Since miscellaneous expenses are covered by the travel allowance, no additional reimbursement is made for personal telephone calls, shoeshine, newspapers, baggage charges, etc. ix. When a conference attended by an employee is held in the Chicago Metropolitan Area, the Director may authorize expenses not ordinarily allowed under the provisions of this procedure. The nature of such expenses shall be outlined in the authorization, a copy of which must be submitted with the employees’ travel expense report. x. When an employee is required to contact the Park District, a collect telephone call can be placed or, if available, use the Park District calling card. Instructions And Forms 1. The employee will initiate the form for a Travel Advance. The form is then signed by the Department Head and all copies are forwarded to the Finance Department. A check will be drawn in the amount of the travel advance. A check should be returned to the requesting department. The yellow copy is filed in Accounts Payable along with supporting documents. The yellow copy of the travel advance form is to be filed within the department. 2. Within one week of return from a trip, the Travel Expense Report (pink copy) must be completed in detail and forwarded to the Finance Department with all receipts. Any unused money from the travel advance must be returned with the travel expense report. The Finance Department will audit and if any monies are due the employee, payment will be scheduled. APPROVAL DATE: ____________________ ____________________ Authorized Signature OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 79 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Administrative Directive - Solicitations All fund raisers or the Board must approve sale of goods in house by outside organizations or employees. The public and/or employees should not be subjected to solicitation by anyone on Park District property. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 80 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Administrative Directive Re: Closing Of Fitness Areas, Classes, Track At Pavilion Whenever it is found necessary to close any portion of the Pavilion from regular use by membership, the following procedures will be followed: Classes shall be moved, if possible, or notice given of cancellation and make up dates. Use of fitness facilities at other park district facilities shall be made available to Pavilion members. There shall be a minimum of two (2) weeks notice of disruption of service posted. If at all possible, notice shall be given to members in the program brochure. APPROVED: _______________ _______________________ Director OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 81 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Administrative Directive Guidelines Policy Governing Soccer Program These guidelines shall be followed in the organization and administration of the Oak Lawn Park District Youth Soccer and applicable to both inside and outside soccer programs. 1. REGISTRATION/INFORMATION a. Information shall be placed in spring and summer brochures for fall season. b. Information shall be placed in summer and fall brochures for winter season. c. Flyers will be distributed at the end of each season advertising the next season. d. Press releases will also be utilized. e. Registration deadline will be one month prior to initial scrimmage game. 2. FORMATION OF TEAMS a. One coach, and one assistant coach will be solicited for each team. Only their children will be guaranteed a spot on their team. b. There will be a maximum of 18 players per team and a minimum of 14 players per team. c. A rating system will be used to gauge the children’s abilities. This will also be used as a guideline for team formation. The ratings will take place 3 weeks prior to the initial scrimmage game. d. The rating scale will be as follows: 1. Few soccer skills, low coordination, beginner Limit 8 per team +/- 1 participant 2. Some soccer skills, some coordination, 2nd year beginner Limit 5 per team +/-1 participant 3. Most soccer skills, good coordination Limit 3 per team +/-l participant 4. All soccer skills above average coordination. Limit 2 per team +/- 1 participant. e. Girls will be ranked and placed on teams separately. Minimum 2 per team, maximum 4 per team. If possible, all teams will have at least 2 girls. f. No car-pooling requests will be honored. g. Special requests involving extreme circumstances must be in writing and submitted to the Athletic Supervisor after the teams are formed and before the scrimmage game. If the request is granted, the other teams must be compensated with a player of equal ability based upon the rating system. h. Teams will be formed, and schedules handed out two weeks prior to initial scrimmage game. i. No children will be turned away before the scrimmage, which is 4 weeks after the deadline, and arrangements will be made between the Athletic Department and volunteer coaching staff regarding going above participant per team maximum. All such arrangements will be made known to all teams. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 82 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTIVE GUIDELINES POLICY GOVERNING SOCCER PROGRAM (Cont.) 3. COACHING a. Potential coach/assistant coach must submit a declaration form to the Athletic Supervisor one month prior to the initial scrimmage game. b. Coaches must complete training course offered by the park district. This will be one week prior to the initial scrimmage game. APPROVED: ________________________________ OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 83 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Administrative Directive Alcohol On Park Property General Statement: Based upon action of the Board on May 13, l991, the following guidelines shall be used in determining use of alcohol on park property: 1. Permits shall only be issued to non-profit organizations. 2. Event must be in accordance with Village and Park District Ordinances. 3. Alcohol shall be restricted to wine and beer. 4. Permits shall require 4/5 vote of the Board. ___________________________ _________________________ Executive Director Date OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 84 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Child Abuse Reporting Policy It is the policy of the Oak Lawn Park District to maintain compliance with the State of Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act under section 325 ILCS 5/1, Chapter 23 and Paragraph 2051 which protects the health, safety, and best interest of children in all situations which children are vulnerable to child abuse or neglect. Child Abuse Reporting Procedure When To Make A Report The report should be made at the first opportunity after there is reasonable cause to believe that the child has suffered abuse or neglect (see observation check list). The report should be sent directly to the Department of Children and Family Services, either through a statewide toll free telephone number or through the nearest department office. Reporting should be regarded as a request for an investigation into a suspected incident of abuse/neglect: a report does not necessarily constitute a proven fact – it is the raising of the question about the condition or state of a child. Making a report can be the beginning of a process that helps parents with their own problems and to protect their own children. If a child seems in immediate danger, his/her life is threatened and/or emergency medical care is needed, the supervisor may call the police. In a medical emergency the child may be taken to an appropriate hospital for treatment. The parent should be immediately contacted. Mandated Reporters These include “director or staff assistant of a nursery school or a child day care center, recreational programs.” See Illinois Rev. State Ch. 23, Paragraph 2054. What To Report The actual type of incident to report may often be considered open to individual interpretation. Whenever there is a doubt in a particular case, whether it should be reported to not, the circumstances of the case should be discussed with Child Protective Services or law enforcement. Information to have available for discussion. (See Child Abuse and Neglect Report Form.) 1. Name, address and age of the child. 2. Name and address of the child’s parent/guardian or other persons having custody. 3. Nature and extent of the injury or injuries, neglect and/or sexual abuse. 4. Any other information that may be helpful in establishing cause of injury, neglect or identity of perpetrator. Department of Children and Family Services Division of Child Abuse State Central Abuse 406 E. Monroe Street Springfield, IL 62701 217-785-4010 (Administrative) 1-800-25ABUSE (hotline) After calling the Hotline number certain information will be requested, 1. Name of site 2. Date of suspected maltreatment 3. Name of child 4. Address 5. Age 6. Sex 7. Name of person suspected of being responsible for abuse/neglect and their addresses. 8. Name of person making report OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 85 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Oak Lawn Park District Child Abuse Reporting Procedure (Cont.) 9. 10. 11. 12. Indicators of abuse, physical and behavioral (See indicators of Child Abuse and Neglect) Involvement of other agencies (police dept., hospital, etc). Facts about the family. (Keep on file at the center or site). Always record the name of the Hot Line Worker. What Will Happen After The Hotline Is Called Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Procedures: The Hotline worker takes the call and checks it against the central register to see if there was a previous child abuse report concerning an individual child or her/his family. The worker takes the information over the phone (it is recorded on tape) and adds it to any previous information. The information is then relayed by computer to a caseworker within the area of the child’s home. Investigation is initiated within 24 hours (in an emergency within 2 hours). Sexual abuse has high priority and is investigated in less than 24 hours. The investigation will include: a. Evaluation of the environment of the child named and any other children in the same environment. b. Determination of risk to such children if they continue in the existing environment. c. Determination of the nature, extent and cause of any condition enumerated in the report. d. Notification to the subject in the report of such report and their rights. A determination is made on the findings within 60-90 days. The investigator may find the case either “indicated” or “unfounded”. If the case is indicated and the child protection worker feels the child is in danger of continued abuse or neglect, the child may be removed from the home and placed in foster home. (Section 5 – Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act). If the Child Protective Service Unit determines that there is a probable cause to believe the child is abused or neglected and there are service needs for the child and family, then DCFS shall develop with the family an appropriate service plan for the family’s voluntary acceptance or refusal. If the family refused services and the child is in continuing danger, the state could proceed to terminate parental rights and place the child up for adoption. Pointers to remember All parents want to be good parents Don’t’ put parents on the defense. Don’t try to make them admit they abused their child. Control your feelings. Anger provokes anger. Don’t be judgmental. Be helpful by being patient and understanding. Help the parent to recognize that you want to help. A child’s life or well-being may rest with a staff member’s decision or indecision to take action. When discussing the incident with the child, it is extremely important not to lead the child. Improper questioning can dismiss a possible legal case. Always try to have a witness present when talking to the child. Always write down any and all discussions made with the child and parent. Teamwork is essential. However, at all times, confidentiality must be observed. The Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (325 ILC5/1 et seq.) provides guidelines for the reporting of child abuse and neglect and in certain circumstances, the taking of protective custody of abused children. Because the Act is a reporting statute, its emphasis is on the detection, reporting and investigation of child abuse. Following are some general guidelines for child abuse detection and reporting. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 86 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Indicators/Warning Signs A child may describe events that appear to be abusive. A parent may tell you of family practices that are abusive. A child may have injuries that are not consistent with the stated cause. A child may have unusually frequent or serious injuries. A child has frequent “unexplained” bruises and injuries. A child is observed to have difficulty remaining seated. A child’s attitude and behaviors change dramatically. A child appears to become atypically depressed, withdrawn or aggressive. A child’s school performance suddenly declines. A child’s social relationships adversely change A child becomes frequently truant, both excused and unexcused. A child may suddenly begin acting out more regularly. A child may express otherwise unexplained fears of an older person or child. A child’s basic needs of food, shelter, medical or dental treatment and shelter may not be met. A child may have knowledge of sexual matters that are not age appropriate. A child may exhibit sexually acting out behaviors with adults, peers, and younger children. A child may not want or be afraid to go home after school. The “Do’s and “Don’ts in reporting suspected child abuse. Do: Notify your supervisor immediately so they can make a report. Don’t: Call the child’s parents to ask if an allegation is true. Tell the Hotline worker that your report is an EMERGENCY unless a child is in imminent danger of physical or mental abuse or neglect. Try to investigate the complaint yourself. DO NOT GET PERSONALLY INVOLVED! Wait a few weeks to see if the situation improves. ACT IMMEDIATELY-CONTACT YOUR SUPERVISOR AND LET PROFESSIONAL INVESTIGATORS DETERMINE IF YOUR SUSPICIONS ARE TRUE. Tell everybody else in the program what you suspect. KEEP ANY INFORMATION YOU ARE AWARE OF TO YOURSELF AND APPROPRIATE SUPERVISORS! Promise a child who confides in you that you won’t tell anyone what he or she said. Ignore a child who makes a statement about abuse. Let anyone else make your decision about whether to report. MAKE AN EDUCATED DECISION. DON’T LET EMOTIONS PLAY A PART IN THE PROCESS! Checklist Observing Children Appearance Good hygiene Poor hygiene, evidence of poor care: dirty and un-bathed. Appropriately dressed for weather. Inappropriately dressed for weather. Reports injury by parent/caretaker Unusual, unexplained marks, scratches, cuts, or other injuries or skin disorders. Well rested OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 87 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Appears tired Health Physical problems attended to, such as: cuts and wounds Physical problems not attended to or infected for lack of treatment Scratching in genital area Activity *Seems alert *Seems tired *Interested in toys and environment *Withdrawn, engages in unusual fantasy or infantile behavior *Calms down easily *Easily overexcited, is difficult to calm down or comfort *Accepts physical closeness *Avoids closeness, shrinks at touch from an adult *Seems frightened of parent or caretaker Eating *Hungry at regular times *Hungry at irregular times, complains of hunger *Accepts new foods *Eating habits usual *Abrupt changes in eating habits: overeating, under-eating *Eating habits are unusual, eats from garbage, takes food from other children, hides food *Complains of stomach aches Sleeping Falls asleep and wakes easily Does not fall asleep or wake easily Irregular sleep habits, resists going to bed and has difficulty sleeping, nightmares Behavior No unusual habits Unusual habits for age such as sucking, biting, rocking, bedwetting Interacts well with adults and other children Anti-social behavior such as destructiveness, cruelty and stealing Sexualized behavior: acts out details of sexual intercourse No behavior extremes or sudden changes Behavior extremes of sudden changes such as compliant, passive or aggressive, demanding, crying Crying often and showing no real expectations of being comforted Excessively fearful or fearless of adults Taking over the role of parent, being protective, or otherwise attempting to take care of parent’s needs. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 88 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Child Abuse And Neglect Report Name of Child ________________________________ Birth date _________________ Address ______________________________ Sex _____________________ Parent/Guardian’s Name __________________________________________ Phone _______________________ 1. Nature and extent of the child’s injuries or evidence of neglect or molestation. 2. Describe any evidence of previous known or suspected abuse of neglect of the child. 3. Names and addresses of the person(s) responsible for the suspected abuse or neglect, if known. 4. Name and position of the person making the report 5. Date of the report 6. Name of supervisor. ***RETURN IMMEDIATELY TO THE TO THE SCHOOL SUPERVISOR*** OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 89 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Department Of Children And Family Services Written Confirmation Of Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect Report: Mandated Reporters DATE: __________________ Child’s Name __________________________ Child’s Birth date _____________ _____________________________________ ___________________________ 2nd Child’s name (if any) (2nd Child’s Birth date (if any) 3rd Child’s name (if any) (3rd Child’s Birth date (if any) ________________________________________________________________Street Address of Child(ren) City Zip Code Parent/Custodians: ________________________________________________________________Name and address Occupation This is to conform my oral report of _____________________ 20_____ made in accordance with the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act Rev. Stat. Ch. Sec, 2051 et seq.). Please answer the following questions. (If you need more space, use the back of this page). What injuries or signs of abuse/neglect are there? How and approximately when did the abuse/neglect occur? How do you know? Had there been evidence of abuse/neglect before now? ____yes____no When first seen? If the answer to question 3 is “yes”, please explain the nature of the abuse/neglect. Name and addresses of other persons who may be willing to provide information about this case. Your relationship to Child(ren): Reporter Action Recommended or Taken: PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSE: ____I saw the child(ren) ____I heard about the child(ren) From whom? ____I have told the child’s family of my concern and of my report to the Department ____I have not told the child’s family of my concern and of my report to the Department ____I am willing to tell the child’s family of my concern and of my report to the Department. ____I am not willing to tell the child’s family of my concern and of my report to the Department ____I do believe the child is in immediate physical danger. ____I do not believe the child is in immediate physical danger. (Signature) (Title) (Organization) OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 90 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Instructions The Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act states that mandated reporters shall promptly report or cause reports to be made in accordance with the provisions of the Act. The report should be made immediately by telephone to the IDCFS Child Abuse Hotline (800-252-2873) and confirmed in writing via the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, within 48 hours of the initial report. Mailing Instructions Mail the original to the nearest office of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, Attention: Child Protective Services. Mail a copy to: State Central Register Illinois Department of Children and Family Services 406 East Monroe Springfield, Illinois 62701-1498 Approved: Oak Lawn Park District Board of Commissioners August 13, 2001 Reviewed: Oak Lawn Park District Board of Commissioners 09/08/03 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 91 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Acknowledgement Of Mandated Reporter Status understand that when I am employed I, (Employee Name) as a , I will become a mandated reporter under the Abused and (Type of Employment) Neglected Child Reporting Act [325 ILCS 5/4]. These include “director or staff assistant of a nursery school or a child day care center and/or recreational programs.” See Illinois Rev. State Ch. 23, Paragraph 2054. This means that I am required to report or cause a report to be made to the child abuse Hotline number (1-800-25A-BUSE) whenever I have reasonable cause to believe that a child known to me in my professional or official capacity may be abused or neglected. I understand that there is no charge when calling the Hotline number and that the Hotline operates 24-hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. I further understand that the privileged quality of communication between me and my client is not grounds for failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect, I know that if I willfully fail to report suspected child abuse or neglect, I may be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. This does not apply to physicians who will be referred to the Illinois State Medical Disciplinary Board for action. I affirm that I have read this statement and have knowledge and understanding of the reporting requirements, which apply to me under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act. Signature of Applicant/Employee Date OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 92 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Satisfaction Guaranteed Policy The Oak Lawn Park District guarantees that you will be satisfied with the recreation classes, programs and services in which you participate. If you are not completely satisfied, tell us and we will arrange for one of the following: 1. Repeat the class at no charge 2. Receive full credit that can be applied to any other program 3. Receive a refund ** Satisfaction Guarantee does not apply to Golf Course and Driving Range fees, adult sport leagues, food and beverage, or tickets to entertainment and sporting events. June 8, l992 Board Approved OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 93 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Safety Policy Statement We acknowledge an obligation to provide the safest possible working conditions for employees and a safe leisure environment for the public using our programs, facilities and parks. It is the intention of the Oak Lawn Park District to develop, implement and administer a safety and comprehensive loss control program. In all our assignments, the health and safety of all should be the utmost consideration. Personnel at all levels are directed to make safety a matter of continuing and mutual concern, equal in importance with all other operational considerations. Each supervisor is to ensure that work is done in a safe manner, inspections are conducted on a regular basis, hazards are confronted and accidents are investigated. We are confident that this program will be successful and expect your cooperation and support. ____________________________________ President Board of Commissioners ____________________________________ Director ____________________________________ Safety Coordinator Board Approved December 9, l991 Reviewed by the Board of Commissioners July 9, 2007 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 94 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy On Commercial Photography In Parks And Facilities Of The Oak Lawn Park It is the policy of the Oak Lawn Park District to provide a structure for voluntary contributions for the use of public parks or facilities for commercial photography. The Voluntary contribution scale is as follows: Video/motion picture tapes: $100 to $500 per day Depending upon complexity Of request and facility or park used. Still photography: $75 per day Where restricted use of a park area is required, advance special permission shall be received from the Park District, with an identification of any special services required. For all special services provided by the Park District, the direct costs will be increased by 20%. Park Board Approval: September 14, l992 (as revised) OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 95 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy Of Park District Relationship With Sponsored Organizations GENERAL STATEMENT: Certain Park District activities or programs can best be assisted through coordination of special interest organizations, hereafter referred to as sponsored clubs. The District shall determine the activities best provided through this programming method and further define the relationships that shall be followed to provide a clear understanding of the District’s reference to these organizations and a system of reporting to insure conformity to District recreational standards. To qualify as a sponsored organization you must provide proof of a not-for-profit status. Under no circumstances shall any sponsored organization utilize any facility to the exclusion of the general public. The advantages of being an Oak Lawn Park District sponsored club is the club would be covered by the Park District’s general liability insurance. SPONSORED CLUBS These organizations would not normally use District staff and administration services, but would, through special request, use District facilities. Examples of Sponsored Organizations are: Oak Lawn Senior Citizen Club, Oak Lawn Booster Club, Greater Oak Lawn Diggers Club, Oak Lawn Camera Club. GUIDELINES FOR SPONSORED ORGANIZATIONS: A. All activities of the organization must be in accordance with the District’s philosophy of recreation and be open for participation by any resident of the District subject to membership fees and general membership requirements. In such instances, where membership applications exceed the club’s ability to handle such membership, the District, in conjunction with club officials, will determine the method of membership selection. B. The District shall provide such services and/or facilities to accommodate the activities of these organizations commensurate with existing programs offered by the District. However, there will be a fee charged for the use of facilities and any personnel required. C. Each affiliate must have a constitution and/or by-laws that shall be submitted for review and approval by the District yearly. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 96 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL POLICY OF PARK DISTRICT RELATIONSHIP WITH SPONSORED ORGANIZATIONS (Cont.) D. If a membership fee is required to join the affiliated organization, those fees must be deposited in a separate account under the organization’s name; however, an annual financial statement shall be provided to the District no later than January 1 of each calendar year. E. Fundraising for the purpose of supporting an activity within a park district facility must be authorized by the Board. The manner in which fund-raising is to be conducted, the purpose for which the funds are collected and a budget for these funds must be submitted to the District for approval in advance of any fund-raising project. Proceeds from fund-raising must be placed in the affiliated or sponsored organization’s separate account. F. Any services provided by the Park District on behalf of any sponsored organization should be charged back to the club at Park District cost. Billing of such service charges will be done on a monthly basis. Approved 1-14-91 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 97 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Drug Testing Policy It is the policy of the Oak Lawn Park District to conduct drug testing. Drug testing will be done as follows: 1. As part of the pre-employment physical as a condition of hiring; 2. At random for suspicious work performance; and 3. After accidents Board Approval Date: _____________________________________ OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 98 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Loss Prevention Award Program The Loss Prevention Program is designed to confidentially recognize honest Associates who disapprove of and report dishonest behavior by other Associates. The program is open to all Associates of the Company except Loss Prevention Associates. If an Associate reports an act of theft or fraud committed by another Associate, and an apprehension is made, the Associate reporting the matter will be eligible to receive a cash award of at least $100.00 or 10% of the value of any recovery, not to exceed $1,000.00 Information can be reported in any one of three ways: 1. Directly to a Location Manager or Loss Prevention Personnel. 2. As a “silent witness” (anonymous) through the mail. 3. As a “silent witness” via the “Silent Witness Hot Line” 708-499-0998 All information received from any source will be absolutely confidential. Board Approved: July 12, l999 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 99 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Prospective Candidate Informational Packet Policy All prospective candidates running for the Oak Lawn Park District Board shall receive a packet of information, which will include the following: a. Packet from IAPD entitled “So You Want to be a Park and Recreation Board Member?” b. Oak Lawn Park District Fact Sheet c. Information on Campaign Disclosure Seminars distributed by the Illinois State Board of Elections d. Any other information deemed essential for that time Approved: April 9, 2001 Maddie Kelly, Director Oak Lawn Park District OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 100 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Succession Policy In the event that the chief executive officer is incapacitated, out of town, ill or unable to perform his/her duties, one of the following positions will be asked to be in command. 1. Superintendent of Finance and Personnel 2. Superintendent of Parks 3. Superintendent of Recreation 4. Facilities Manager In the event that a department head is incapacitated, out of town, ill or unable to perform his/her duties, one of the following positions will be asked to be in command: 1. Department Assistant Manager 2. Department Supervisor 3. Department Coordinator Approved: June 9, 2008 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 101 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Oak Lawn Park District Investment Policy Policy It is the policy of the Oak Lawn Park District to invest public funds in a manner which will provide the highest investment return with the maximum security while meeting the daily cash flow demands of the District and conforming to all state and local statutes and ordinances governing the investment of public funds. Scope This investment policy applies to all financial assets of the District. These funds are accounted for in the District’s annual financial report and include the Corporate Fund, Special revenue Funds, Capital Fund, Debt Service Fund, Enterprise Funds and any other funds that may be created from time to time. All transactions involving the financial assets and related activity of the foregoing funds shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this policy. Deposits When money deposited by the District is not needed for immediate disbursement, it will be invested within two working days at prevailing rates or better in accordance with 30 ILCS225/1. Investment Earnings In accordance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 31, interest income will be reported as revenue in the fund that earned the interest. An operating transfer, as approved by the Park Board will move all interest earned to the Corporate Fund. Valuation of Investments All investments will be valued in accordance with the GASB Statement 31. Objectives 1. Safety of Capital-Investments shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital. 2. Liquidity-The District’s investments shall remain sufficiently liquid to enable the District to meet all operating requirements that may be reasonably anticipated in any District fund. Maturities of all investments shall not exceed 90 days, unless the Board of Park Commissioners approves a temporary extension of maturities. 3. Return on Investments-The investments of the District shall be designed to attain a market average rate of return throughout the budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the District’s risk constraints, the cash flow characteristics and legal restrictions for return on investment. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 102 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Oak Lawn Park District Investment Policy (Cont.) 4. Maintaining the Public’s Trust-All participants in the investment process shall seek to act responsibly as custodians of the public trust and shall avoid any transactions that might impair public confidence in the District. 5. Prudence- Investments shall be made with judgment and care under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investments, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income derived. The standard of prudence to be used by investment officials shall be the “prudent person” and shall be applied in the context of managing an overall portfolio. 6. Local Consideration- The District shall make every attempt to invest in banking institutions operating in the Village of Oak Lawn, which actively promote and support local civic and economic development. Investment Instruments The District may invest in any type of security allowed by Illinois law, notably Illinois Compiled Statues 235 (30 ICS 235). A summary of the allowable instruments follows: 1. Passbook savings accounts 2. Now, Super Now and Money Market accounts, including but not limited to, The Illinois Park Treasurer’s Investment Pool (IPTIP). 3. Certificates of Deposit and Time Deposits. Collateralization 1. It is the policy of the District to require that some form of collateral to protect public deposits in a single financial institution if it were to default due to poor management or economic factors secure time deposits in excess of FDIC insurable limits. 2. Safekeeping of Collateral a. Third party safekeeping is required for all collateral. To accomplish this, the securities can be held at the following locations: i. A Federal Bank of its branch office ii. At another custodial facility – generally in a trust department iii. Through book-entry at the Federal Reserve, unless physical securities are involved. iv. By an escrow agent of the pledging institution. b. Safekeeping will be documented by an approved written agreement. This may be in the form of a safekeeping agreement, trust agreement, escrow agreement, or custody agreement. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 103 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Oak Lawn Park District Investment Policy (Cont.) c. Substitution or exchange of securities held in safekeeping can be done without prior written notice of the District provided the market value of the replacement securities are equal to or greater than the market value of the securities being replaced. The District will be notified in writing of all substitutions. Management of Program The following individuals are authorized to purchase and sell investments, authorize wire transfers, authorize release of pledged collateral, and to execute any documents required under this policy. Superintendent of Finance & Personnel Comptroller/Accounting Supervisor Director Treasurer Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Officers and employees of the District who are involved in the investment process shall refrain from any personal business activity that could conflict with the proper execution of the investment program or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. Employees and investment officials shall disclose to the Park District Board of Commissioners any material financial interests in financial institutions that conduct business with the District. Indemnification Investment officers and employees of the District acting in accordance with this investment policy and written procedures as have been or may be established and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal liability for an individual security’s credit risk or market changes. Reporting The Superintendent of Finance & Personnel shall submit to the Park Board a comprehensive annual report on the investment program and activity. The report shall include a review of the fiscal year’s overall performance as well as a projection of what may be anticipated in the next fiscal year. This report should be reviewed as part of the external annual audit of the District’s financial records. Amendment This policy shall be reviewed from time to time, at least once annually, and revisions shall be presented to the Park Board for approval. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 104 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Oak Lawn Park District Investment Policy (Cont.) Conflict All district ordinances and parts of ordinances and all resolutions and policy statements or parts thereof in conflict with this policy, or any parts thereof, are hereby repealed. In the event of any conflict between this policy and the Illinois Compiled Statutes or case decisions of the State of Illinois, the then Statutes and case law decisions shall control. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District September 10, 2001 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 105 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy On Cooperation Between Agencies The Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District recognizes the need and desirability of cooperating with the community agencies. In order to best serve the residents of the District in the most economical manner, all cooperative efforts should be instituted when it is believed that such cooperative efforts will better serve District residents on making the best utilization of District revenues. Board members and staff of the District shall strive to cooperate to the fullest extent with other agencies in the community, including governmental, public, private and voluntary organizations. This cooperation, however, shall not be initiated or endured to the detriment or curtailment of the functions or operations of the District or to the detriment or curtailment of prior commitments with individuals or groups. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District September 10, 2001 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 106 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy And Procedure For Program Evaluation And Statistics Policy One of the goals of the Oak Lawn Park District is to provide a variety of recreation programs to meet the needs of the community. In order to evaluate the success of this goal, data should be maintained for recreation programs. Procedure 1. Each season staff will complete detailed program evaluations on the appropriate program evaluation information report form. All data requested on the form should be completed along with a general narrative of the activity. 2. A master program date list will be generated each program season noting the type of programs offered, registration information, and overall enrollment figures. 3. During the summer season, all aquatic facilities will keep detailed attendance records and sales records where appropriate. 4. The Stony Creek Golf Course facility will maintain monthly attendance figures along with detailed sales reports. 5. Annually, a summary of pre and post season pool pass sales will be prepared. 6. Staff will survey program participants to evaluate programs on a seasonal basis. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District September 10, 2001 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 107 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act (Hipaa) Policy The Oak Lawn Park District will comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) as passed in 1996 and as many as may be amended. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District September 10, 2001 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 108 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Bond Rating Policy It shall be the policy of the Park Board of Commissioners to determine annually the need for a bond rating. The Park Board of Commissioners directs the Director, Superintendent of Finance & Personnel and the Treasurer to annually determine the need for a bond rating based on what is in the best interest of District. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District September 10, 2001 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 109 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Oak Lawn Park District Volunteer Services Policy The policy of the Oak Lawn Park District Volunteers Services is to provide a clear understanding of duties, responsibilities and rights as a Volunteer at the Oak Lawn Park District. Volunteers are considered an important part of the team and we appreciate their time, skills and willingness to be a part of the Oak Lawn Park District. As part of the team, they will have certain job responsibilities and tasks depending on the assignment. Volunteers will be responsible for performing the assigned job in a safe and proper manner. To help volunteers do just that, they will be given orientations and training in procedures and certain required skills that are applicable. Oak Lawn Park Districts Expectations of Volunteers: • Complete volunteer application. • Be willing to learn. Training is essential to any job well done. • Ask about things you to not understand. • Be loyal and do not criticize what you do not understand…there may be a good reason • Accept the rules and guidelines. • Know all you can about the Oak Lawn Park District and your assignment. • Be committed to completing the agreed upon duties. • Hold confidential matters in confidence. Volunteer Expectations of the Oak Lawn Park District: • Be treated as a co-worker • Be given a suitable assignment with consideration for personal preferences, education and employment background. • Receive appropriate training or training materials. • Receive guidance and direction from someone who is experienced. • Be heard and have a part in planning and make suggestions. • Receive recognition in the form of promotion and awards and tangible evidence through day-byday expression of appreciation. • Receive evaluation of their work and the impact they are making in the community. • Right to a place to work, an orderly designated place, conducive to work and worthy of the job to be done. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 110 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policies For Oak Lawn Park District Volunteers • • • • • • • • • • • If you are working with minors or vulnerable populations, the Oak Lawn Park District will conduct a State of Illinois background check. Using program participants name, address and telephone information for mailing list purposes is strictly prohibited. Soliciting services and or products to program participants is strictly prohibited The Oak Lawn Park District in an equal opportunity employer. Discrimination is not permitted in any manner by any park district official, employee or volunteer. The volunteers of the Oak Lawn Park District have the right to work in a drug-free environment and to work with people free from the effects of drugs. All Oak Lawn Park District volunteers are to be property groomed and appropriately attired for their type of work. A professional image must be presented at all times. It is inappropriate for any employee or volunteer to wear any apparel during work hours that advertises alcohol, tobacco or material of an inappropriate nature. Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which they are exposed while serving as a volunteer whether this information involves overall agency business or involves staff, volunteers, customers, or others. If you are unable to attend a program and know in advance, please advise your supervisor. Volunteers are to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Volunteers are to leave no participant unattended at any time during the program. Reasons for volunteer dismissal include but not limited to: Inability to do the job Not reliable Breach of policies Approved: Oak Lawn Park District Board of Commissioners August 13, 2001 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 111 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Oak Lawn Park District Policy On Fee Waivers Part of the mission of the Oak Lawn Park District is to provide the highest quality of recreational benefits for Oak Lawn residents at the most reasonable rates. In endeavoring to fulfill its mission and ensure that all residents have the opportunity to enjoy the recreational benefits the District has to offer, the District has embraced an informal policy of granting fee waivers to non-for-profit organizations who seek to use Park District facilities during specified times. The number of requests for fee waivers has increased significantly, to the point where the continuation of full waivers of fees for all that make such requests will conflict with, rather than complement, our mission by forcing heavier reliance for revenue on increases in taxes and program fees, resulting in a disproportionate burden on all residents of Oak Lawn. The Oak Lawn Park District hereby adopts the following policy to be applied to all requests for fee waivers, with no exception: WAIVERS OF NO-COST TO THE PARK DISTRICT All qualifying non-for profit organizations seeking a waiver of Oak Lawn Park District rental fees, where there would be no cost, expense, or labor charge to the District, will be considered for full waiver. WAIVERS OF $200.00 OR LESS All qualifying non-for-profit organizations seeking a waiver of Oak Lawn Park District fees, costs, and labor charges in an amount of $200.00 or less will be considered for full waiver. WAIVERS OF $201.00 - $500.00 All qualifying non-for-profit organizations seeking a waiver of Oak Lawn Park District fees, costs, and labor charges in an amount of $201.00 - $500.00 will be charged a minimum fee of $50.00 and considered for waiver of any or all of the remaining fees, costs and labor charges. WAIVERS OF $501.00-$1000.00 All qualifying non-for-profit organizations seeking a waiver of Oak Lawn Park District fees, costs, and labor charges in an amount of $50l.00-$l000.00 will be charged a minimum fee of $100.00 and considered for waiver of any or all of the remaining fees, costs and labor charges. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 112 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT POLICY ON FEE WAIVERS (Cont.) WAIVERS OF $1001.00-$2500.00 All qualifying non-for-profit organizations seeking a waiver of Oak Lawn Park District fees, costs, and labor charges in an amount of $1001.00-$2500.00 will be charged a minimum fee of $200.00 and considered for waiver of any or all of the remaining fees, costs and labor charges. WAIVERS OF $2501.00-$5000.00 All qualifying non-for-profit organizations seeking a waiver of Oak Lawn Park District fees, costs, and labor charges in any amount of $2501.00-$5000.00 will be charged a minimum of $300.00 and considered for waiver of any or all of the remaining fees, costs and labor charges. WAIVERS IN EXCESS OF $5000.00 Waivers in excess of $5000.00 are discouraged and will only be considered under exceptional circumstances. Nevertheless, all qualifying non-for-profit organizations seeking a waiver of Oak Lawn Park District fees, costs and labor charged in an amount in excess of $5000.00 will be charged a minimum fee of $500.00 and considered for waiver of any or all of the remaining fees, costs and labor charges. DISPLACEMENT OF OAK LAWN PROGRAMS The Oak Lawn Park District facilities are for the enjoyment of all residents. To the extent a waiver result in the displacement of Oak Lawn Park District programs and/or displacement of revenue the District could expect to receive for the date and time period of the requested waiver, a displacement charge may be imposed. APPROVED: January 8, 2001 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 113 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Behavior Code Of Conduct The Oak Lawn Park District is committed to providing an atmosphere of hospitality, civility and respect. We dedicate ourselves to the safety and well being both staff and participants/patrons. All participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The following guidelines have been developed to help make our programs safe and enjoyable for all participants. Additional rules may be developed for specific programs as deemed necessary by staff. You must be respectful to all participants, staff, and volunteers. Participants should follow program rules and take direction from staff. If a person is: • Ignoring directions and/or requests from staff • Using vulgarity • Making remarks of a personally destructive nature towards any other person (employee, volunteer or patron) • Restricting or preventing someone of free movement If any one’s actions are: • Of a physical, spoken or written act of abuse • Of a violent nature • Considered harassment • Considered intimidation • Considered extortion Immediate disciplinary action may be taken regardless if the act is deliberate, intentional or unintentional. Appeals by the participant/patron should be directed to the Facility Manager. The manager will supply a current chain of command for the appeals process. (This information will be posted on a sign at all Oak Lawn Park District facilities) OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 114 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL BEHAVIOR CODE OF CONDUCT (Cont.) DISCIPLINE FOR A PARTICIPANT A positive approach will be used regarding discipline. Staff will periodically review rules with participants during the program session. If inappropriate behavior occurs, a prompt resolution will be sought specific to each individual’s situation. The Oak Lawn Park District reserves the right to dismiss a participant whose behavior endangers his or her own safety or the safety of others. If the participant exhibits inappropriate actions, the following guidelines should be followed. A program leader should determine the severity of the action and immediately take steps to correct it. These may include but are not limited to: Adult (18 & up) 1. A verbal warning. 2. A suspension from the program for a designated time period. (Documentation required) 3. Dismissal from the program or activity. Youth (17 & under) 1. A verbal warning. 2. A supervised time-out from the program. 3. A suspension from the program for a designated time period. 4. Dismissal from the program or activity. Youth Options: Communication between staff and parent should be ongoing regarding any further incidences of inappropriate behavior. Some other options may be discussed with the parent/guardian including: 1. Transfer to another program where inappropriate behavior may be less prone to occur. 2. Limited/reduced timeframe that participant is allowed to attend the program. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District November 18, 2002 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 115 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL BEHAVIOR CODE OF CONDUCT (Cont.) DISCIPLINE FOR A PATRON A positive approach will be used regarding discipline. If inappropriate behavior occurs, a prompt resolution will be sought specific to each individual’s situation. The Oak Lawn Park District reserves the right to remove a patron from a park district grounds/facility, whose behavior endangers his or her own safety or the safety of others. If the participant exhibits inappropriate actions, the following guidelines should be followed: Staff should determine the severity of the action and immediately take steps to correct it. These may include but are not limited to: Adult (18 & up) 1. A verbal warning explaining what the patron is doing that is inappropriate. Example: “Sir, you cannot have that beer in the facility. Alcohol is not allowed in Oak Lawn Park District facilities. I am going to have to ask you to get rid of the beer.” 2. A suspension from the facility for a designated time period. Example: “Sir, I asked you to get rid of the beer. I am now going to have to ask you to leave the facility.” 3. Dismissal from the activity/facility. Example: “Sir, I asked you to get rid of the beer, which you did not. I then asked you to leave the facility, which you won’t. Since you are not cooperating, I have no other choice but to make the manager aware of this incident. You will not be allowed into the facility until the manager contacts you. Until then, I need for you to leave. If you refuse to leave, sir, I will be forced to call the police.” Youth (17 & under) 1. A verbal warning explaining what the patron is doing that is inappropriate. Example: “You cannot run around the lobby area. People need to be able to walk in and check their id. It is not safe with you running around.” 2. A supervised time-out from the program. 3. A suspension from the facility for a designated time period. Example: “I have told you that running around is not allowed. The time out did not seem to have any effect on you because you are still running around. You are going to have to leave. Let’s call home to inform them you need to be picked up.” Always call home with a minor-you don’t want them wandering the streets when the parents think they are at your facility. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 116 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL BEHAVIOR CODE OF CONDUCT (Cont.) 4. Dismissal from the facility or activity. Example: “We seem to have a problem. You have been told and disciplined for running around in the lobby. Since you are not cooperating, I have no other choice but to make the manager aware of this incident. You will not be allowed into the facility until the manager contacts you. We need to call your parents to make them aware.” Youth Options: Communication between staff and parent should be ongoing regarding any further incidences of inappropriate behavior. Some other options may be discussed with the parent/guardian including: 1. Limited/reduced timeframe that participant is allowed to attend the facility or allow child to use facility only when his parent(s) accompany him. TIME OUT (YOUTH): Most experts agree that a minute a year is a good rule of thumb for time-outs. Example: If a participant were 9 years old, they would have a 9-minute timeout. The type of time-out may vary according to the situation (observational: from sidelines of activity; exclusion: away from the group but within view of the activity; seclusion: time-out area with staff member present away from view of the activity). If physical restraint is used to protect against injury, the time-out should be documented on a conduct report. Any conduct report made should be given to the full-time supervisor. SUSPENSION: When determining the timeframes of suspension, staff should consider the severity of the actions; the length of the program or activity; any past behavior issues with the individual; willingness to improve their inappropriate behavior. DISMISSAL: If inappropriate behavior persists or the behavior completely disrupts a program, removal from the program or activity may be necessary. Once again, the Oak Lawn Park District reserves the right to dismiss a participant whose behavior endangers his or her own safety or the safety of others. WHEN TO CONTACT THE POLICE: • If a participant/patron becomes overly aggressive, verbally abusive and refuses to follow instructions from staff, call the police. • If participant/patron becomes disruptive (causing a scene and preventing business to continue) or destructive (causing damage to property), call the police. • If a participant/patron makes a direct threat of hurting himself, if a minor, call the parent/guardian immediately. If a parent/guardian is not available, call police. APPEALS • Chain of Command: Appeals by the participant and/or participant’s parent/guardian should be directed to the Facility Manager first, then to the Safety Coordinator, then Supt. Of Finance & Personnel, then finally the Director of Parks & Recreation (if needed). OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 117 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Oak Lawn Park District Network And Internet Acceptable Use Policy This Policy applies to all activities that involve the use of Oak Lawn Park District equipment, laptops/desktops, and communications infrastructure. This includes Microsoft Outlook, AEK access, network access or any public networking forum including the Internet. The term “network access” refers to the use of any system that has the potential for distributing electronic information through networking forums while utilizing either a Park Districtprovided or an individually acquired user account. This includes the use of any system of interconnected computers capable of transferring electronic information to OLPD on non-OLPD individuals or groups. These systems include Internet, e-mail, bulletin boards, real-time chat sessions, Internet service providers, on-line services (e.g., CompuServe, America On-line, Prodigy, etc.), UseNet newsgroups, World Wide Web (WWW), Internet file transfer protocol (FTP), attachments, and all other computer systems and on-line services. The term “use” relates to any time that the user makes information available to others within and outside the District and includes posting information, asking questions, answering questions, uploading files, creating personal web pages and sending email. It also relates to any time the user acquires information from a source outside the Park District and includes reading newsgroups, “surfing” the World Wide Web, searching for information, downloading files and receiving email. This policy will also apply to all external communications via e-mail or other similar electronic media which relate to Park District business or involve Par District resources or time (external e-mail)—whether the communications forum or medium is the public Internet, an on-line service a third-party computer network, or any other similar medium (an external system). Attribution to Park District by Readers Others may construe any Internet communications or external e-mail originating from or traceable to a person representing the Oak Lawn Park District as attributable to the Park District. For this reason, all Internet communications and external e-mail must comply with this Policy regardless of the intended audience. Enforcement Disciplinary actions, ranging from revocation of Internet access to dismissal, may result from the failure to adhere to any policy contained in this document. Adopted by the Oak Lawn Park District Board of Commissioners July 8, 2002 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 118 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Internet Access And E-Mail Policies Business Use Only The sending, receipt or other use of external e-mail, and the use of any related Park District Equipment, networks or resources, is generally intended for Park District business purposes only. In general, users should only access those resources (e.g. FTP servers, Web pages) required to perform the Park District business function for which they are authorized. Accessing the Internet for non-business use is generally not allowed on Park District-provided equipment and during business hours. Downloading, transmission, distributing, and possession of pornographic and sexually explicit materials are prohibited. Large downloads from sites such as Napster is strictly forbidden. Streaming technologies, such as Internet Radio or Video feeds are strongly discouraged. They will degrade overall network performance. Warning: There is no guarantee of the confidentiality or the privacy of any communication or data sent over the Internet or other external system. E-mail and attachments by be intercepted, read, stored, copied, modified, and/or redistributed without detection by individuals seeking unauthorized access to information or to computer networks systems. Netiquette This section lists guidelines regarding the proper etiquette to use while accessing the Internet for any purpose, including that of sending external e-mail. These guidelines will help you utilize the Internet more effectively and efficiently and will aid in protecting the Park District’s reputation. • Make sure the addressed recipients of your message are in fact its intended recipients. (There is no method of verifying a user’s name or affiliation from an e-mail address). • Do not send, redistribute, respond to, or post libelous, slanderous, threatening or abusive messages (i.e. flames) or any messages that may be construed as such. • Do not send or otherwise participate in chain letters. • DO NOT TYPE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. THERE IS NO NEED TO YELL. • Do not type in all lower case letters. You are not ee cummings. INTERNET ACCESS AND E-MAIL POLICIES (Cont.) Mailing Lists (internal and external) • Exercise extreme caution and be extremely selective when subscribing to mailing lists or similar services. • Heavy volume mailing lists can generate 50 or more messages per day and can tremendously degrade network performance. • Some mailing lists are not turned off easily. Make sure you know yow to unsubscribe before requesting a subscription. • Subscription request will be monitored and, if necessary, restrictions will be put into place to regulate the flow of this kind of traffic into the Park District’s network. Mailing lists should be made for Park District business purposes only. Exercise extreme caution and be extremely selective when downloading files over 1MB (e.g. GIF, MPEG, audio and video files), as this can tremendously degrade network performance. Security • Do not enable any program or macro/agent to automatically forward mail to or via the Internet. This is strictly prohibited. • Login Ids, passwords, internal network configurations, addresses and system names must never be transmitted in e-mail messages. • Unauthorized attempts to bypass or circumvent any security system are prohibited. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 119 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL • If you suspect that your password has become compromised, immediately request a new one from your network administrator. (Passwords should be treated with the same precaution as a calling card number or an ATM personal identification number). Verify that the current standard antivirus software is installed on your computer; ensure that you scan all files attached to incoming external e-mail as well as any files downloaded from an external system. The Park District’s computer network and the messages and information residing on or exchanged through them are the property of the Oak Lawn Park District and may be accessed by authorized personnel from time to time under circumstances determined by the Park District. The Internet is not a secure environment. Do not assume any activities are private. INTERNET ACCESS AND E-MAIL POLICIES (Cont.) Management tools are used to track usage and log network activity, including individuals’ particular external activities, and can and may be accessed by authorized Park District Personnel. Professional Image Avoid casual or flippant informality in all of your internal and external e-mail communications and Internet communications in public forums. These may be construed as statements by the Park District and therefore, should reflect appropriate formality and professionalism. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 120 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Vandalism Policy Please keep our parks safe and clean. If you notice anyone who is littering or committing acts of vandalism or antisocial behavior, please call the Oak Lawn Park District at 857-2201. Major misconduct should be reported directly to the police. A reward will be offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of park vandals. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District August 12, 2002 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 121 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Fringe Benefits Policy This policy will take effect upon approval of the Bard of Commissioners. Current employees will not experience any change in existing cost or benefits. Health Insurances Full-time personnel will be provided with the following insurances: • Health and medical • Dental • Vision • Life Insurance (1.5 times the employees salary to a maximum of $150,000). • Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) The Park District will pay 100% of the single premium for all insurance coverage for all full-time personnel. If, at some time, the Park District can no longer pay 100% of the single premium, because of financial constraints or some other reason, the individual employee will pay a portion of the premium. The Board of Park Commissioners, upon the recommendation of staff, will set the portion of the premium that is to be paid by the individual employee. This determination will be made on an annual basis. If an employee chooses dependent coverage, they must pay the difference in premium between single coverage and single +1 coverage, or between single coverage and family coverage, whichever coverage the employee chooses. Payment of any insurance premium or partial insurance premium must be made under the Flex 125 Plan of the Park District, unless the monthly premium is paid in full and in advance. Under this plan, any insurance premium payments are not subject to federal, state or FICA taxes. (Retirement benefits under FICA are reduced by the amount of the FLEX 125 Plan payment). Part-time year round employees with 6 months of service will have the option to obtain insurance coverage through the Park District insurance plan. The employee will have to pay all premiums. Payments must be deducted from the employees’ paycheck unless the monthly premium is paid in full and in advance. The part-time employee must request insurance coverage in writing. Fringe Benefits Policy (Cont.) COBRA If an employee, through resignation, termination or retirement is no longer eligible to be covered under the Group Medical Insurance Plan of the Park District, they may continue their benefits under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (P.L. 99-272) (COBRA). If a person chooses to continue coverage under COBRA, then that person must pay 100% of the premium. Discontinuation of Coverage The Park District reserves the right to cancel this program at any time if the Board of Commissioners feels it is not in the best interest of the district to continue the program. If, at any time due to insuring part-time employees, the overall premiums would increase, the Park District will discontinue this benefit for all part-time employees. If a person discontinues employment or changes to a seasonal employee, insurance coverage will be stopped. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District August 13, 2001 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 122 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Personal Use Of Telephone And Cell Phones Office telephones are a vital part of our business operation. Because of the large volume of business transacted by telephone, personal use of the telephone should be limited and personal calls should be brief. Personal long distance calls must be billed to the employee’s home phone or credit card or placed collect. Cellular telephones are furnished to certain employees in connection with their job duties. Employees who are issued cellular telephones by the Oak Lawn Park District should make all long distance telephone calls while traveling from their cellular telephone. Employees need to limit personal use of their cellular telephone in the same way they need to limit personal use of their office telephone. Employees that have excessive cellular usage for personal calls will be subject to corrective action up to, and including, termination. The Oak Lawn Park District requires the safe use of its cellular telephones by employees while conducting business. The employee should not use the cellular telephone while driving because of safety concerns and should follow the cell phone safety guidelines shown below. The Oak Lawn Park District does not permit employees to drive while using a hand-held cellular telephone. • During work time, employees are not permitted to use personal cellular telephones. These should be used only during breaks and meal times. • Use your cell phone only when parked or have a passenger use it. • Never dial the phone or take notes while driving. • If your phone rings while driving, let your voice mail take the call and listen to the message later when parked. • Dial when the vehicle is stopped. • Become familiar with the phone and utilize available safety features such as one-button dialing and hands free operations. • Make sure the phone is easy to see and reach. • If you must answer your cell phone, let the person you are speaking to know you are driving; suspend the call until you can pull over. • Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations on your phone or with passengers in your car. Board Approved 04/12/04 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 123 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Community Planning Policy In an effort to provide the highest quality of services to the residents of Oak Lawn, the Oak Lawn Park District promotes interaction between organizations in the community. Board members and staff are encouraged to be become involved in local community planning groups within Oak Lawn and also regional and national groups such as the Illinois Association of Park Districts (IAPD), the Illinois Park and Recreation Association (IPRA), Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the National Park and Recreation Association (NRPA) whose actions may have an impact on the services that we provide. The Oak Lawn Park District also welcomes input from representatives from other agencies in order to provide a broad spectrum of ideas and knowledge. . Board Approved July 9, 2007 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 124 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Administrative Policy on Smoking Smoking by staff and patrons is prohibited on the grounds of any Park District facility with the exception of the golf course grounds and Oak View rental area. Staff, while on duty at the Oak Lawn Park District, are not allowed to smoke on any park district property Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 Revised Date 10/15/2007 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 125 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy Purpose The Oak Lawn Park District has implemented this policy in response to overwhelming evidence that alcohol and drug abuse has a detrimental impact on employees' health, job performance, safety, and efficiency. Since Park District employees operate, supervise and maintain parks, facilities, programs, and equipment for use by members of the public and perform services that may have a direct effect on the health and safety of members of the public and fellow employees, the Park District wishes to assure the health and safety of its patrons and employees. This policy also expresses the Park District's desire to satisfy the requirements of the federal and state Drug Free Workplace Acts (41 U.S.C.A. § 701 et seq. and 30 ILCS 580/1 et seq.). In accordance with these statutes and concerns, the Park District has resolved to maintain a drug free workplace. The purpose of this policy is to inform employees of the Park District's investigation, treatment and disciplinary policy relating to alcohol and drugs. As such, all Park District employees will abide by its terms. As with all policies in this Manual, this policy is subject to periodic addition, modification, or deletion. This policy does not replace any of the provisions or requirements of the Park District's Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing Policy for position that require a Commercial Driver's License (CDL). See Alcohol and Drug Procedures For CDL Employees Policy. Park District employees who operate Park District commercial motor vehicles and possess a commercial driver's license have special responsibilities necessitated by the fact that they operate vehicles that require additional skill and attentiveness over that of non-commercial motor vehicles. As part of its continuing commitment to safety and to comply with federal law, the Park District has established a controlled substance and alcohol testing policy for Park District positions that require a commercial driver's license ("Alcohol and Drug Procedures For CDL Employees Policy "). Both the Park District and the federal government recognize that it is important to establish programs to help prevent accidents and injuries resulting from the misuse of alcohol or use of controlled substances by drivers of commercial motor vehicles. The Alcohol and Drug Procedures For CDL Employees Policy is in addition to and supplements and complements rather than supersedes all other Park District policies, rules, procedures, and practices, including without limitation this Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy. However, for persons to whom the Alcohol and Drug Procedures For CDL Employees Policy applies, in the event of any conflict between any of the provisions of the Alcohol and Drug Procedures For CDL Employees Policy and the provisions of any other Park District policy, rule, procedure, or practice, the provisions of the Alcohol and Drug Procedures For CDL Employees Policy will control. Acts Prohibited The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance, including cannabis and alcohol, is prohibited on Park District Property or while acting on behalf of the Park District. Definitions For purposes of this Policy, the following definitions apply: 1. "Alcohol" means any substance containing any form of alcohol, including but not limited to: ethanol, methanol, propanol and isopropanol. 2. "Cannabis" is defined as provided in the Cannabis Control Act (720 ILCS 550/1 et seq.) which provisions are specifically incorporated in this Policy by reference. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 126 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 3. "Controlled Substance" means a controlled substance in schedules I through V of section 812 of Title 21 of the United States Code, which provisions are specifically incorporated in this Policy by reference. 4. "Criminal Drug Statute" means a criminal statute involving the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of any controlled substance or cannabis. 5. "Director" is the Director of Parks and Recreation of the Oak Lawn Park District. 6. "District Property" means any building, park, gym, pool, office, common area, open space, vehicle, parking lot, or other area owned, leased, managed, used or controlled by the Park District. District Property also includes property used by Park District patrons while on Park District sponsored events or field trips or property of others when presence thereon by the Park District employee is related to employment with the Park District. 7. "Drugs" mean Legal Drugs and controlled substances, including cannabis. 8. "Legal Drugs" mean prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs which have been obtained legally and are being used in the manner and for the purpose for which they were prescribed or manufactured. 9. "Medical Facility" means any physician, laboratory, clinic, hospital, or other similar entity. 10. "Policy" means this Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy of the Oak Lawn Park District. 11. "Possess" means to have either in or on an employee's person, personal effects, desk, files, or other similar area. 12. "Public Safety Responsibility" means a position in which the nature of an employee's duties is such that impaired perception, reaction time, or judgment may place a member or members of the public or other employees at risk of serious bodily harm, or is responsible for the administration or enforcement of alcohol/drug policies. 13. "Under the Influence" means that the employee is affected by alcohol or drugs in any determinable manner. A determination of being under the influence can be established by a professional opinion, a scientifically valid test, a layperson's opinion, or the statement of a witness. Voluntary Treatment It is the responsibility of each employee to seek assistance before alcohol or drug problems lead to disciplinary action. The Park District will not discipline an employee who voluntarily seeks treatment for a substance abuse problem if the employee is not in violation of the Park District’s drug and alcohol policy or other rules of conduct. Seeking such assistance will not be a defense for violating the Park District’s drug and alcohol policy, not will it excuse or limit the employee’s obligation to meet the Park District’s policies, rules of conduct, and standards including, but not limited to, those regarding attendance, job performance, and safe and sober behavior on the job. Employees who suffer from alcohol or drug abuse are encouraged to consult voluntarily with Park District management and undergo appropriate medical treatment. Participation in such treatment will be at the employee's expense, although some of these expenses may be covered under the employee's group health plan. Please see the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel for details. Park District management will attempt to keep such voluntary discussions and medical treatment confidential in accordance with this Policy. Screening And Testing The Park District may require employees whose job functions require them to operate or maintain vehicles or machinery, handle hazardous or toxic materials or substances of any kind, or have Public Safety Responsibility to be screened or tested on a random basis, or may require any employee to be screened or tested following a work place accident involving a possible violation of safety rules, during and after an employee's participation in an OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 127 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL alcohol or drug counseling or rehabilitation program, or upon reasonable suspicion that the employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The screening or testing will be conducted by a medical facility selected by the Park District at the Park District's expense. The screening or testing may require an analysis of the employee's breath, urine and/or blood or such similar substance as the medical facility may recommend. Employees who undergo alcohol or drug screening or testing will be given the opportunity, prior to the collection of a specimen or other testing, to disclose the use of legal drugs and to explain the circumstance of their use. If an initial test is positive, a second test will be conducted from the same sample. A confirmed positive drug and/or alcohol test may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Each Park District employee is required to sign a consent form, a copy of which is included with this Policy, at the time this Policy is distributed to the employee. Prospective employees applying for positions that require a commercial driver's license will be required to sign a consent form prior to taking the pre-employment drug screening. Prospective employees for positions that require a pre-employment physical will be required to sign a consent form prior to taking the pre-employment physical. Each employee and prospective employee may also be required to sign a separate consent form requested by the Medical Facility conducting the screening or testing. Refusal to sign any requested consent form will result in nonhire or disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, as deemed appropriate by the Park District, in its sole discretion, under the circumstances. Treatment If the medical facility recommends treatment, the Park District may, depending on the circumstances as determined in the sole discretion of the Park District, give the employee one opportunity to undergo treatment offered by a clinic or trained professional mutually acceptable to the Park District and employee. Participation in such treatment will be at the employee's expense. The employee must enter the treatment program within ten (10) days from the time of recommendation of treatment. The Park District may reinstate the employee provided that the employee submits a statement issued by the medical facility certifying successful completion of the treatment program, that the employee is released to return to work, and that the employee agrees to all conditions of reinstatement as determined by the Park District, which may include, but is not limited to, future alcohol and/or drug testing. Use Of Legal Drugs Any employee who operates or maintains a vehicle or machinery, handles hazardous materials or substances of any kind, or has public safety responsibility and who has taken a legal drug must report the use of such legal drug to their immediate supervisor if the legal drug may cause drowsiness or if it may alter judgment, perception or reaction time. The burden is on the employee to ascertain from the employee's doctor or pharmacist whether or not the legal drug may have such a potential side effect. The information will be retained by the Park District in a confidential manner and will be disclosed only to persons who need to know. The employee's immediate supervisor, after conferring with the department head or Director, will decide whether or not the employee may safely continue to perform the job while using the legal drug. Failure to declare the use of such legal drugs may be cause for discipline up to and including dismissal. Notice Of Convictions Any employee who is convicted of violating any federal or state criminal drug statute must notify the Director within five (5) days of such conviction. For purposes of this notice requirement, a conviction includes a finding of guilt, a no contest plea, and/or an imposition of sentence by any judicial body for any violation of a criminal statute involving the unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance or cannabis. Failure to notify the Director may subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 128 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Discipline/Penalties For Violation 1. An employee who reports to work or is found during working hours to be or to have been under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances, or cannabis or who manufactures, possesses, uses, sells or dispenses alcohol, controlled substances, or cannabis while on District property or while acting on behalf of the Park District, is convicted of a drug related crime, causes financial or physical damage to the Park District property, its employees or patrons as the result of alcohol or drug abuse, or fails to report the use of legal drugs in accordance with this Policy, will be disciplined in accordance with the Disciplinary Action Section of the Park District's Personnel Policy Manual. In addition to or in the alternative, depending on the circumstances as determined by the Park District in its sole discretion, the Park District may require the employee to successfully complete an alcohol and/or drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by the Park District and by a federal, state or local health law enforcement or other appropriate agency. An employee who participates in a treatment program will be expected to meet job performance standards and comply with all rules established by the Park District. Participation in a treatment program will not, in itself, protect the employee from disciplinary actions should job performance remain unsatisfactory. 2. In addition to the examples of misconduct that may subject an employee to disciplinary action contained in this Policy and the Manual, the Park District will discipline an employee up to and including dismissal for the following: (1) if the employee refuses to submit to diagnosis, testing or screening upon request of the Park District; (2) if the employee tampers in any way with the specimen given to the medical facility for purposes of alcohol or drug screening or testing; (3) if the medical facility recommends treatment and the employee refuses to undergo such treatment; (4) if, while undergoing treatment, the employee fails or refuses to follow the course of treatment; (5) if the employee, during the course of or following treatment, is again under the influence of alcohol or drugs in violation of this Policy; or, (6) if the employee fails to notify the Director of a conviction for violating any federal or state Criminal Drug Statute in accordance with the "Notice of Conviction" section of this policy. Pre-Employment Screening As a final prerequisite in the Park District's employment selection procedure, all persons otherwise offered a fulltime position with the Park District will be required to undertake a physical examination which includes a drug and alcohol screening test. Inspections In order to assure that employees comply with the prohibition on manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing, or using alcohol, controlled substances, or cannabis, employees may be subject to inspection as follows: 1. Lockers, desks, files, vehicles, equipment and other containers and property owned or leased by the Park District and which an employee is permitted to use during employment with the Park District, are and remain the property of the Park District. Employees are not permitted to keep controlled substances, cannabis or alcohol in or on such property. Any such property reasonably suspected of having or holding such substances is subject to search by the Park District. 2. Any refusal to submit to such an inspection will be treated as an act of insubordination and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Records The Park District will maintain medical records relating to alcohol or drug abuse, diagnosis, and treatment confidential and in a file separate from the regular personnel files. Access will be limited to those who need to know. The Park District will not disclose these records to persons outside the Park District without the employee's consent unless disclosure of the records is necessary for legal or insurance purposes. Consent To Drug And/Or Alcohol Screening Or Testing OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 129 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL I hereby voluntarily consent to submit to drug and/or alcohol screening or testing by a physician, clinic, laboratory or medical facility chosen by the Oak Lawn Park District ("Park District") at the Park District's expense. I hereby consent to the physician, clinic, laboratory or medical facility taking and analyzing a sample or specimen of my breath, urine, saliva, blood and other similar substance. I also authorize the physician, clinic, laboratory or medical facility to disclose his, her or its findings, conclusions, and opinions regarding the drug and/or alcohol screening or testing to a Park District official or a designated representative. I hereby further consent to Park District's contacting my physician or pharmacist to verify my reported use of legal drugs in accordance with the Park District's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy and authorize my physician or pharmacist to provide all information requested by the Park District regarding my use of such drugs, including without limitation the possible effects of such use on my performance of my job functions. I also acknowledge receiving, reading and understanding the Park District's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy. I understand that, in accordance with this policy, failure to execute this document and submit to drug and/or alcohol screening or testing, or failure to report to the Park District the use of legal drugs as required by the policy, may result in non-hire or disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Employee Name: ___________________________ (Print) Employee Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Witness Signature: __________________________ OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 130 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Alcohol and Drug Procedures for CDL Employees D.O.T. Drug And Alcohol Procedure Introduction In an effort to promote public safety and to help prevent accidents and injuries the U.S. Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) instituted regulations that establish a zero tolerance level for the presence of alcohol or controlled substances in the system of any individual who operates or maintains a commercial class vehicle. The regulations establish testing requirements to help ensure compliance with the alcohol and controlled substance prohibitions. The controlled substances prohibited by the D.O.T. regulations are: Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates, Amphetamines, and Phencyclidine (PCP). The following procedures have been developed to implement the D.O.T. regulations, which can be found in 49 CFR Parts 40 and 382. The numbers inside the parentheses appearing in many of the sections refer to 49 CFR Part 40 or 382 sections relevant to the particular procedure. Employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Adverse Effects of Alcohol and Drug Use Unlawful use of drugs and alcohol poses a number of risks. Alcohol and drug abuse can lead to a number of health problems, such as lung cancer, obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic respiratory infections, liver disease, high blood pressure, cardiac disease, and seizures. Drug abusers are at an increased risk for AIDS and hepatitis. The impairments drugs cause mean users (and their nearby co-workers) suffer more accidental injuries and motor vehicle accidents. Drugs can also rob the user of his or her ability to place for and reach long-term goals, to deal constructively with stress and anxiety, or to have successful and satisfying friendships and family relationships. Because drug use is unlawful, lives can be ruined when users are arrested, jailed or injured by drug-related violence. The District has gathered a variety of pamphlets and other materials about alcohol and drugs. These materials are available from the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel. In addition, full-time employees may access the confidential Employee Assistance Program (E.A.P.) for information and assistance with alcohol or drug use. Fulltime employees may obtain information about the District’s E.A.P. through the employees’ immediate supervisor or the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel. Affected Employees 1. The following employees are subject to these alcohol and drug procedures, restrictions, and requirements: All employees who are required to have a valid CDL drivers license as a condition of employment and operate a commercial vehicle for the Oak Lawn Park District. This includes full-time and part-time employees. 2. The above employees are subject to these procedures and regulations at all times while on duty including all overtime and call back time. An exception may be made by the Director to exempt an employee from alcohol use restrictions if the employee is attending off site training and is not expected to return to duty for the remainder of the day. Employee Requirements (382.201 to .215): To meet the D.O.T. regulations, the following requirements are placed upon affected employees. The Director in making temporary work assignments for employees may make exceptions to these requirements. 1. Affected employees will not consume any product containing alcohol or controlled substances while on duty. 2. Affected employees will not report for duty while there is any alcohol or controlled substance in their system (unless the use is pursuant to the instruction of a physician who has been informed of the affected employee’s job duties, and has advised the affected employee that the substance does not adversely affect his/her ability to safely perform his/her job). 3. Affected employees will not possess any product containing alcohol or controlled substances while on duty. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 131 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 4. Affected employees cannot report for duty within four hours of having consumed alcohol and may not perform safety-sensitive functions (this includes but is not limited to operating motor vehicles or equipment) within four hours after using alcohol. 5. Affected employees must immediately report for testing when so ordered, and must cooperate with testing personnel and procedures. 6. Affected employees must agree to release testing results to the Park District and to the substance abuse professional (S.A.P.), and to release the substance abuse professional’s report to the Park District. 7. Affected employees cannot consume alcohol for eight hours following an accident involving a death or an accident for which the employee received a moving violation for their operation of a commercial class vehicle which contributed to the accident or until the employee undergoes a post-accident or controlled substance test, whichever occurs first. The employee must remain available for testing for a period of eight hours for an alcohol test or 72 hours for a controlled substance test. Tests Performed: Detailed descriptions of the testing procedures are contained in 49 CFR Part 40 and Part 382. A brief description of the testing procedure follows. 1. Alcohol Test a) Employee immediately reports to the designated testing facility, shows a photo identification card, and signs testing form. b) Employee blows into alcohol testing device. If employee cannot exhale sufficient quality of air through the machine for a complete test a medical exam will be performed. c) If test results are negative the employee returns to work. Results will be reported to the Director. d) If test results are positive, another test will be performed after a 15-minute wait but before 20 minutes. The employee may not eat or drink anything nor belch during the waiting period for the retest. e) If retest results are negative, test is reported to the Director as negative. f) If retest results are positive, the test results are immediately reported to the Director. 2. Controlled Substances Test: Testing will only be performed for the five controlled substances prohibited by the D.O.T. regs - Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates, Amphetamines, and Phencyclidine. a) Employee immediately reports to the designated testing facility, shows a photo identification card, and signs the testing form. b) Employee provides a urine sample. If unable to provide sufficient quantity for testing, the employee will be asked to drink water (up to 24 oz. in two hours) and attempted again. c) Hospital personnel will perform required testing to verify that the specimen sample has not been tampered with. The employee returns to work. d) Sample is sent to Lab where it is split in half. A screening test is performed on a portion of one of the sample splits. If negative results are obtained the testing is reported as negative to the medical review officer (M.R.O.) who in turn reports negative results to the Director. e) If screening tests are positive, sophisticated confirmation testing is performed on the rest of the split sample. Results are reported to the M.R.O. If negative the M.R.O. reports a negative result to the Director. f) If the results are positive, confirming the presence of one of the five controlled substances, the M.R.O. will contact the employee to talk over the results of the test to determine if there is a legitimate clinical reason for the presence of the drug, and will decide if test results are negative or positive. If the employee cannot be reached by the M.R.O., the Director will be contacted to tell the OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 132 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL employee to contact the M.R.O. If contact is not made in 72 hours the M.R.O. will determine the test results as positive. The M.R.O. reports to the Director test results as positive or negative. g) If test results are positive, the employee will be removed from duties of operating or maintaining a commercial class vehicle. The employee has 72 hours in which to request a retest of the second split sample, and can request that the split sample be tested at a second lab. A negative retest of the split sample will cancel the first positive results. Six circumstances under which testing will be performed: Pre-employment Testing (382.301, 413) a. Before a new employee is hired or before an existing employee may be transferred to a position in which operating or maintaining a commercial class vehicle is required, both alcohol and controlled substance testing is required. b. If an employee has not been in a random testing pool for one month, then alcohol and controlled substance testing must be performed before the employee may operate or maintain a commercial class vehicle. c. Alcohol test results must be below 0.04 and controlled substances negative or the employee cannot be hired to the position without a substance abuse professional evaluation. There is no requirement that the prospective employee be hired or that they see the M.R.O. or S.A.P., but an attempt must be made to inform the prospective employee of the test results and to seek an evaluation. d. In addition to submitting to testing, the prospective employee must supply the Park District with the names of all firms for which they have been employed in the previous two years operating or maintaining commercial class vehicles. The prospective employee must cooperate fully with the Park District in obtaining from each of the previous employer’s results of any positive test, S.A.P.’S reports, and any refusals to test. 2. Random Testing (382.305) a. All affected employees will be placed in pool from which random selections for testing will be made. Random testing will be for both alcohol and controlled substances. b. The annual rate of testing for the entire pool will be as directed by the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, currently 10% per year for alcohol and 50% per year for illegal drugs. c. Every employee in the selection pool has an equal chance of being selected each time a drawing is made. d. Selection for testing will be performed on a sufficiently random basis by the Consortium. Employees will not know when testing is complete for the year nor when to anticipate the next selection. e. A surplus of names will be generated so that another selection may be made in place of an employee who is temporarily on leave. 3. Reasonable Suspicion Testing (382.307) OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 133 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL a. When a supervisor has reason to believe that an employee has alcohol or controlled substances in their system they contact another supervisor or management official trained in the signs and symptoms of drug and/or alcohol misuse who will also observe the employee. If both supervisors are in agreement, the employee will be driven to the designated testing facility for alcohol or controlled substances testing as appropriate. b. The supervisor’s determination must be based upon specific, describable, current observations of the employee’s appearance, behavior, speech or body odor. Possession alone is not sufficient cause to require the employee to submit to testing. c. When a reasonable suspicion determination has been made, the employee must immediately stop operation or maintenance of a commercial class vehicle. (For 24 hours or until a negative test result whichever comes first). d. The employee will be informed of his or her right to consent or refuse testing, and the consequences of refusing testing or failing an alcohol or drug test. The employee will be asked to review and sign a Consent/Refusal Form. e. The supervisor calls the designated testing facility to advise that the employee will be reporting for the testing. A supervisor must accompany the employee under suspicion to the testing facility, preferably. f. If an employee refuses to submit to a test, he will be required to call someone to drive him home. If unable to find someone, a cab will be called. The Park District will pay for the cab with reimbursement by the employee when he returns to work. If the employee insists on driving himself, the local Police Department will be called and notified. g. Testing for alcohol reasonable suspicion should be performed within two hours, but cannot be conducted if eight hours have passed since the determination was made. A written report must be submitted to the Director for the file explaining why testing was not performed within two hours. Controlled substances testing should be performed as soon as possible but not after 32 hours since the determination was made. h. The supervisor(s) making the determination must submit a signed written description citing the specific observations, which led to the reasonable suspicion testing. The written description should be submitted before the test results have been received. 4. Post Accident Testing (382.303) a. A surviving driver of a commercial class vehicle involved in an accident in which a death occurred or for which the driver received a ticket for the operation of their commercial vehicle having contributed to the accident, will be tested for both alcohol and controlled substances. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 134 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL b. The driver will remain readily available for testing after an accident until 32 hours have passed or earlier if a supervisor advises that testing will not be necessary. c. A driver cannot consume any alcohol within eight hours following an accident unless a supervisor advises that no testing will be required or testing has already been performed. c. If a death occurs or a driving citation is issued, alcohol testing will be performed within two hours but no testing after eight hours, and controlled substance testing within 32 hours. A written record must be submitted to file explaining why alcohol testing could not be performed within two hours if such is the case and a record if either testing could not be performed. 5. Return to Duty Testing (382.309): a. Alcohol and controlled substances testing will be performed with negative test results (less than 0.02 alcohol) on all affected employees who: b. Have been removed from duty of operating or maintaining a commercial class vehicle for refusing to test or testing positive for controlled substances or alcohol greater than 0.04. Employee will be responsible for all costs associated with this classification of return to duty testing or c. Have not been in a random testing pool for more than 30 days. (Employees who have been on extended leave). 6. Follow-up Testing (382.311,605) a. Any affected employee who has refused to test or who has tested positive for controlled substances or greater than 0.04 alcohol content and has been determined by a substance abuse professional to require help in dealing with their substance abuses problem will be subject to follow up testing. b. The Director will order the affected employee to immediately report for surprise alcohol or controlled substance (or both) testing at the frequency prescribed by the substance abuse professional. The Director will advise the S.A.P. of the test results. The duration of surprise testing will continue as long as required by the S.A.P. to a maximum of five years. c. At a minimum, six unannounced tests will be required within the first 12 months of return to duty. This minimum must be conducted regardless of whether the S.A.P. deems no more testing is required. d. Employee is responsible for all costs associated with follow-up testing. Consequences of failed or refused tests (382.605) 1. An employee will be immediately removed from duty upon the employee’s refusal to cooperate with testing procedures or upon receipt of positive test results. Employees who refuse to submit to testing or fail an alcohol or drug test are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 135 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 2. The employee selects a substance abuse professional (S.A.P.). The employee is responsible for payment to the substance abuse professional and subsequent counseling and rehabilitation. The employee’s medical insurance may be used to help pay for these services. A list of S.A.P.’s will be provided the employee, however, the employee is free to choose any certified S.A.P. 3. The employee signs a release allowing the Park District to release the test results to the S.A.P. and signs a release for the S.A.P. to report back to the Director. 4. The S.A.P. will report back to the Director that the employee: a. Does not require any help in dealing with a substance abuse problem - in which case the employee may be returned to full duty. b. That the employee requires and is cooperating with continued counseling and rehabilitation and may return to full duty, or may not return to full duty yet. c. That the employee requires but is not cooperating with counseling and rehabilitation and may not return to duty. 5. The employee is responsible for obtaining any counseling or rehabilitation prescribed the S.A.P. and must provide appropriate releases for counseling and rehabilitation professionals to report back to the S.A.P. Employees are advised that the U.S. D.O.T. regs require that the additional counseling and rehabilitation not be performed by any business entity in which the S.A.P. has a financial interest. 6. When the S.A.P. reports to the Director that the employee may return to full duty of operating and maintaining commercial class vehicles the employee must: a. Test negative in return to duty alcohol or controlled substances testing (or both tests if so indicated by the S.A.P.). b. Continue with any rehabilitation therapy if so prescribed by the S.A.P. c. Test negative in unannounced follow up testing as prescribed by the S.A.P. or at a minimum, six tests in the first 12 months of returning to duty as ordered by the Director. Required Training 1. 2. 3. 4. All affected employees will be informed of the new D.O.T. regs and these policies and procedures to implement the regs. All supervisory personnel will receive training in recognizing physical signs of alcohol misuse and controlled substance use prior to any employee being ordered to submit to reasonable suspicion testing by that supervisor. Sixty minutes of training for alcohol misuse recognition and 60 minutes of training for controlled substance use recognition is required. All new employees and newly transferred employees to affected positions will receive training prior to operating or maintaining a commercial class vehicle. All newly hired supervisory personnel will receive 60 minutes of alcohol misuse recognition training and 60 minutes of controlled substances use training prior to their requiring any employee to submit to reasonable suspicion testing. All employees will sign a receipt that they attended the training. The receipt will be kept in Park District records. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 136 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 10/18/94 Amended by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District___05/14/07______________ Executive Directive Comp/Flex Time Policy A. Comp Days Comp days are earned when administrative or supervisory staff works on a scheduled day off. (A scheduled day off is defined as a vacation day, personal day or official Park District holiday). Comp days are earned at a 1 to 1 rate, that is, one comp day for 1 scheduled day off, with the exception of these holidays/events: th • 4 of July • Memorial Day • Labor day • Easter Egg Hunt (will be earned 2 to 1 in 2006 only. Will be a 1 to 1 beginning 01/01/2007) • Spookview is earned as 1 to 1 (can be earned 2 to 1 at the discretion of the Department Head based on hours worked prior to the event) In each of these instances Comp Days are earned at a 2 to 1 rate, that is, 2 Comp Days for 1 day worked. Comp days can be accumulated to a maximum of 5 days and may be carried for a maximum of three (3) months at which time they are lost if unused. An additional three (3) months carrying time may be granted at the discretion of the Director. Comp days are not the same as Flex Time (see B below and examples). Flex Time is when administrative or supervisory staff works beyond the normal workday of 8 hours or the normal workweek of 40 hours. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 137 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL A Leave Request form must be completed when Comp Days are being taken. B. Flex Time The normal workweek for all administrative and supervisory staff, per their job description, shall be as necessary to properly perform the duties of their job. They shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for their services. This means that sometimes they are required to work outside of the normal workday of 8 hours or the normal workweek of 40 hours. When this happens they may be allowed to take Flex Time at the discretion of the Director or their Department Head. Flextime is defined as time off granted to administrative or supervisory staff for working beyond their normal work schedule. Flex time is earned at a 1 to 1 rate; that is, 1 hour of flex time for 1 hour worked beyond the normal schedule. Flex Time is not the same as Comp Days. Comp Days are taken in lieu of a scheduled day off (see A above and examples). Flex Time cannot be accumulated and must be used as soon as possible. It is not necessary to complete a Leave Request form when taking Flex Time. It is, however, the responsibility of the person to make sure that their immediate staff and the Director know that Flex Time is being used. This is so that staff and the Director know where that person is if someone is asking for them. C. Proper Use of Comp Days and Flex Time Comp Days and Flex Time must be used according to the procedure listed in A and B above only. Any misuse of this policy will result in disciplinary action. Comp/Flex Time Policy Examples Example 1 – Supervisor A must come in on Saturday for program registration and works for two hours. Does Supervisor A use Comp Days or Flex Time? Answer: Supervisor A uses Flex Time on a 1 to 1 rate. In this case, Supervisor A gets two hours Flex Time. This is because administrative and supervisory staff are considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for their services, and Flex Time is used when administrative or supervisory staff work outside the normal workweek of 40 hours. Example 2 – Supervisor B works a sporting event for 4 hours on Saturday and 4 hours on Sunday. Does Supervisor B use Comp Days or Flex Time? Answer: Supervisor B uses Flex Time on a 1 to 1 rate. In this case Supervisor B gets 8 hours Flex Time. This is because administrative and supervisory staff are considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for their services, and Flex Time is used when administrative or supervisory staff work outside the normal workweek of 40 hours. Further, since Flex Time cannot be accumulated Supervisor B cannot use this 8 hours of Flex Time for one complete day off. He/she must use the Flex Time as 4 hours one day and 4 hours on another day. Example 3 – Administrator A works the normal 8 hours on Friday, then must come in again in the evening to work for a Cultural Arts event. Administrator A works 3.5 hours that night. Does Administrator A use Comp Days or Flex Time? Answer: Administrator A uses Flex Time on a 1 to 1 rate. In this case Administrator A gets 3.5 hours Flex Time. This is because administrative and supervisory staff are considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for their services, and Flex Time is used when administrative or supervisory staff work outside the OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 138 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL normal workday of 8 hours. Further, if Administrator A works again on the following Saturday and/or Sunday night he/she would still use Flex Time. th Example 4 – Supervisor C works on the 4 of July. Does Supervisor C use Comp Days or Flex Time? Answer: Supervisor C uses Comp Days because he/she has worked on a scheduled park holiday. In this case Supervisor C gets 2 comp days. This is because he/she has fallen into one of the exception categories listed under Section A and earns 2 Comp Days for each 1 day worked. Example 5 – Administrator B has scheduled a week’s vacation and, for some reason has left a number where he/she can be reached. Administrator B is called back to work after using only 3 vacation days. Does Administrator B use Comp Days or Flex Time? Answer: Administrator B uses Comp Days on a 1 to 1 rate because he/she has worked on a scheduled day off. In this case Supervisor C gets 2 comp days. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 139 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Errant Golf Ball Policy The park district regrets any and all personal injuries or damage to personal property caused by golf balls alleged to have left the golf course property. Understandably, it is impossible to eliminate the risk of errant balls insofar as it is an inherent risk of the activity. Accordingly, the Stony Creek Course assumes no responsibility for any and all personal injuries or damage to personal property caused by errant golf balls. Please refer to the following district policy on all such incidents: ** All golfers accept the responsibility for their actions while on the golf course property and are notified of such through signage that is displayed on the course. ** An individual alleging a loss is permitted to accompany an employee of the golf course onto the course/range in an attempt to locate the individual who may have hit the errant ball. If one fails to take this option it should be understood that is will be nearly impossible to locate and identify the offender. Please note, it is NOT the employee’s responsibility to accuse anyone of hitting the ball. ** It is your responsibility to exchange phone numbers, insurance company information and other pertinent details that you feel are needed. The golf course staff is not responsible for determining its accuracy but will assist you in whatever way possible. ** A complete report will be made out on the incident, with a copy provided for you. _________________________ Approved September 11, 1995 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 140 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Acquisition of Park Land and Acceptance of Land Donations Policy The Oak Lawn Park District recognizes the need to have guidelines in determining the appropriateness of property for park purposes. The following guidelines should be reviewed in determining the appropriateness of such property. These are not meant to be absolute criteria, but rather a guide for park district review. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Each site must be considered on its own merit Higher consideration is given to properties adjoining existing parks, schools and public properties Higher consideration is given to properties in neighborhoods void of park land Higher consideration is given to properties with unique vegetation Donations may be either accepted directly by park district or by the Parks Foundation whichever meets the park district or the donor’s needs All donations become the sole property of the park district and as such can be utilized in any manner which is in the best interests of the park district Proposed property should have sufficient public access Proposed property should have utility access Proposed property’s legal description and survey will be issued by the party donating the property The party donating the property shall pay for any vacations or subdivisions required by the village, state or county regulations Properties lying in the flood plain or serving as detention basins must have significant recreation opportunities to be considered Staff review should include proposed development, expected maintenance issues, expected liability issues and neighboring property review When at all possible, street frontage for neighborhood parks should be the entire length of the park on two sides: To provide better visibility To allow on-street parking To discourage users from cutting through private property to get to the park To develop facilities away from adjacent residential property; and To provide more usable space. The service area of each neighborhood park should be within approximately one-half mile basin-free pedestrian walking distance Storm water control facilities should occupy no more than one-half of any neighborhood park Utilize existing public land whenever possible for the acquisition and development of new neighborhood parks Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District 12/08/08 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 141 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy on Comprehensive Assessments The Oak Lawn Park District is always re-evaluating and assessing the leisure needs of the community. In order to provide our residents with quality recreational and leisure activities, the Board of Commissioners will review the changing needs of the community by contracting a comprehensive assessment study at least every ten years to assist in determining the direction of the Park District offerings. Included in the study shall be the economic conditions, population shifts and changing social needs. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District 12/08/08 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 142 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy on Executive Sessions It is the policy of the Oak Lawn Park District Board of Commissioners to strictly comply with all of the laws and regulations pertaining to the holding of closed session by public bodies. The board can hold executive sessions that are closed to the public if it desires to discuss the topics listed in 5 ILCS 120/2. (A copy of the Open Meetings Act is attached and made part of this policy.) If the board decides to close the session and go into executive session, a motion should be made identifying the nature of the matter being considered and the particular exception to the public meeting requirement of the Act. There must be a second to the emotion and a majority vote of a quorum must be present. The vote of each member must be publicly disclosed and records. All final action must take place in open session, rather than closed or executives session, except that the board may issue binding direction on land acquisition or litigation matters in closed or executive session. A board may also come to a consensus agreement on any appropriate topic to proceed to the next step (i.e., counteroffers in real estate, disciplinary action of an employee, etc.). If the matter involved litigation, the particular matter discussed should be disclosed. The board is required to audio or video record its closed session. {5 ILCS 120/2.06(a)} The board must retain this verbatim recording for at least 18 months. Thereafter, it can only be destroyed if two requirements are met. First, the board must approve the written minutes of the closed meeting. Second, the board must then approve the destruction of the verbatim recording. This approval can take place in a closed session. Once the board takes these two actions, the audio or video recording can then be destroyed. Unless the public body has determined that the recording no longer requires confidential treatment or consents to disclosure, the recording g is not available for public inspection or subject to discovery except by Court order. Minutes of meetings closed to the public need only be available to the public after the board determines that confidentiality of the minutes is no longer necessary to protect the public interest or the privacy of an individual. The board must periodically, but at least semi-annually, meet to review the minutes of closed sessions and determine whether the need for confidentiality still exists as to all or part of the minutes. The board must report its findings in open session. Minutes that no longer require confidential treatment must be available for public inspection. Adopted by the Oak Lawn Park District Board of Commissioners May 11, 2009 OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 143 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL JOBDESCRIPTIONS OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 144 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Accounts Receivable Clerk DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Finance The Accounts Receivable Clerk is responsible for the performance of all accounts receivable processing and for cash receipts. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel. DUTIES: 1. Provides accounting service essential to the preparation, administration and control of revenue accounts prior to computer entry. 2. Responsible for all accounts receivable and cash receipts processing as outlined in the accounts receivable instructions through month-end closing. 3. Maintains an accounts receivable Aged-Trial Balance. 4. Maintains a Master Member File and status. 5. Responsible for producing and mailing accounts receivable member statements and membership cards. 6. Maintains and controls all tennis and racquetball league permanent court time contracts processing. 7. Maintains a series of off-line controls for accounts receivable and tennis and racquetball league and contract processing as directed by the Accounting Supervisor. 8. Traces errors and records adjustments to correct debits or credits posted incorrectly. 9. Maintains and reconciles all usage entries for the racquet clubs and the golf course program and food operations. 10. Maintains sales tax reconciliation information for Accounting Supervisor. 11. Prepares, reconciles and enters all swimming pool pass sales and swimming pool and park concession sales. 12. Maintains and updates general instructions for performing job tasks. 13. Assists the Accounting Supervisor and Superintendent of Finance and Personnel with internal audit of all accounts receivable. 14. Cooperates with the auditors and provides information as requested. 15. Maintains adequate supply of forms required to perform tasks. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 145 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 16. Responsible for the general accounting of registration processing and month-end closing and reconciliation. 17. Supervises part-time staff required to do registration processing. 18. Works in conjunction with the Recreation Department staff to set up, process, and maintain information related to registration processing. 19. Responsible for maintaining and updating general instructions on registration processing. 20. Must be able to temporarily perform the duties of Payroll Clerk with the assistance of the Accounting Supervisor to cover vacations and other leaves. 21. May check the work of other clerks for accuracy. 22. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 23. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: 40 hours per week QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, good knowledge of general accounting principles and terms and the ability to apply such knowledge to the duties assigned; some knowledge of operation of basic office machines; some typing ability; ability to follow written and oral instructions; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees; ability to solve problems comprehensively and to produce neat and accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy. EDUCTAION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of standard high school course or equivalent; one to two years experience in accounts receivable accounting; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 146 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Aquatics Supervisor/Safety Coordinator DEPARTMENT: Administration/Revenue Facilities SUMMARY: The Aquatics Supervisor/Safety Coordinator is responsible for all operations and programs of the Oak Lawn Park District’s three outdoor swimming pools, developing swimming programs to encourage public use of the pools. This person is also responsible for general safety and risk management concerns relating to all agency operations, functions, grounds and facilities. As Aquatics Supervisor the employee is under the direct supervision of the Director and as Safety Coordinator the employee is under the direct supervision of the Supt. of Finance & Personnel, but is granted opportunities for independent action and exercises immediate supervision over full-time, part-time and seasonal employees. DUTIES: 1. Develops an innovative instructional program and professional staff for swimming which will satisfy the public needs. 2. Submits written reports to the Racquet Club Manager on proposed lesson and program schedules which will be included in all regular publicity and mailings of the District. 3. Responsible for the business operation of the pools in conjunction with the Business Department. 4. Responsible for the indoor swim program. 5. Keeps daily attendance, receipts, membership applications, lesson sign-up, and other miscellaneous statistics as necessary to the operation and management of the swimming pools. 6. Directly supervises the work of all full-time, part-time and seasonal employees of the swimming pools, including hiring, scheduling, training, evaluating and, if necessary, dismissal. 7. Conducts regular staff and safety meetings. 8. Develop and implement effective facility and equipment inspection programs and analyze potential loss situations and make recommendations. 9. Assists in preparation of periodic and special reports. 10. Develops and maintains a cooperative working relationship with other Park District departments. 11. Develop and present safety-training programs. 12. Conduct accident investigations; work with PDRMA to report losses, and reporting claims. 13. The Safety Coordinator will be head of the Safety Committee and conduct monthly meetings. 14. Prepare monthly summaries of accidents to be submitted to the Safety Committee. JOB TITLE: Aquatics Supervisor/Safety Coordinator (Continued) 15. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 16. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Racquet Club Manager and the Supt. of Finance & Personnel as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his services. Essential Functions: Paperwork – developing agency safety related policies, agency safety inspection reports, accident investigation reports, Safety Committee minutes, training materials, and responses to public safety concerns. General phone use. Communicate in writing with proper grammatical form and be proficient in communicating verbally in group and individual situations. Be able to establish priorities, plan and delegate, and accomplish established goals. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 147 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Drive a car to conduct facility work, investigations, and related risk management activities. Perform safety orientation and training programs for full-time, part-time, seasonal, volunteers and new employees. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of pool facility management, experience and/or knowledge of risk management or occupational health and safety issues. Ability to organize, direct and supervise the work of subordinate employees; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with staff and other employees; ability to cooperate with the public at all times; good written and oral communication skills; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy; good physical condition. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in recreation administration, business administration, or closely related field; three years experience in public recreation facility management, education and/or experience in risk management, occupational health and safety issues or related discipline; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 148 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Assistant Facility Manager/Supervisor DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Various The Assistant Facility Manager/Supervisor is responsible for managing the operations of the facility in the absence of the Manager Supervisor. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Manager but is granted opportunities for independent action and exercises immediate supervision over facility/department part-time staff. DUTIES: 1. Manages the operation of the reception desk including general accounting of all fees, computer entry, class registration, answering telephones and processing transactions of a facility. 2. Supervises and directs the actions of part-time maintenance, desk attendants, in the 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. absence of the Manager. Maintains sufficient supplies at the front desk. Assumes responsibility for facility operations during the evening hours and in the absence of the facility Manager. Establishes a good working relationship with the patrons of the facility and participants in the programs at all times. Assists in the promotion and sale of Pavilion memberships and merchandise. Assists in the processing of league and court time rentals and athletic fields. Assists in the organization and administration of leagues and comprehensive program activities for all age groups. Enforces facility and park district policies and procedures. Prepares necessary forms and reports. Assists the Manager/Supervisor in the organization and execution of club tournaments and program special events. Works closely with the facility Manager/Supervisor to keep informed of daily operations, assure a smooth transition between shifts, maintain adequate inventory of supplies at all times. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. Performs other related duties as assigned. Hours will be assigned according to the needs of the facility. Covering of the front desk at all times. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: 1. Has the ability to transport self from one location to another to lead programs at various locations. 2. Has the ability to communicate with verbal language in a clear speaking voice in order to lead programs, etc. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Facility Manager/Supervisor as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The Assistant Facility Manager/Supervisor will OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 149 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL primarily be scheduled during the evening hours from 3:00 p.m. to close, however, the employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his/her services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of public recreation, athletic league coordination and facility management; ability to organize, direct and maintain positive and effective working relationships with Pavilion patrons and other employees; ability to cooperate with the public at all times, good written and oral communications skills; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy, good physical condition. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in recreation administration, business administration, or closely related field; three years experience in public recreation facility management; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 150 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Assistant Pavilion Manager DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Recreation (Pavilion) The Assistant Pavilion Manager is responsible for assisting the manager with the overall direction and supervision of the Pavilion. This position is directly responsible to the Pavilion Manager. DUTIES: 1. Managing, planning, organizing and supervising the Pavilion and its programs. 2. Recommending to the Pavilion Manager the staff to be employed. 3. Employment training and supervision of desk, nursery, exercise, and tot program personnel at the Pavilion. 4. Submitting publicity releases, preparing reports, purchase requisitions, payroll and salary agreements/recommendations as required. 5. Maintaining a club-like atmosphere and rapport between the participants. 6. Submitting budget, purchase requisitions and salary increases for approval. 7. Ordering supplies, hiring instructors and other staff as needed. 8. Coordinating Pavilion Summer Sports Camp. 9. Submitting monthly reports to the Manager as to activities and problems. 10. Organizes and directs comprehensive health and exercise programs for various age segments (including-classes, personal training, massage therapy, body fat testing, fitness testing, etc.). 11. Performing any other duties related to the pavilion as required by the Pavilion Manger in accordance with Park District policies and procedures. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: 1. Has the ability to transport self from one location to another to lead programs at various locations. 2. Has the ability to communicate with verbal language in a clear speaking voice in order to lead programs, etc. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be designated by the Pavilion Manager as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. Employees shall be expected to be on duty whenever the need exists for his/her services. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 151 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL QUALIFCATIONS: Previous experience in facility management, recreation and event programming. SPECIAL REQUIRMENTS: First Aid and CPR. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Bachelors Degree in Parks and Recreation or related field plus experience or M.A. in Parks and Recreation or related field. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 152 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Assistant Superintendent of Parks DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Parks The Assistant Superintendent of Parks is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Park District’s grounds, facilities and equipment. This position is also responsible for preparing records and reports on construction and other special projects, and preparing, reviewing and approving plans and designs. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Parks and exercises immediate supervision over full-time, parttime and seasonal Parks Department maintenance personnel. DUTIES: 1. Assigns work, supervises and trains full-time, part-time and seasonal park maintenance employees. 2. Maintains work and time records of maintenance employees. 3. Develops goals, aims and objectives and sets standards, rules and regulations to be followed by park maintenance employees. 4. Prepares records and reports regarding maintenance activities. 5. Establishes specifications for fertilizers, chemicals, materials, trees, equipment and vehicles. 6. Supervises the maintenance of park facility and ground areas including, but not limited to building, ball diamond, tennis courts, playgrounds, swimming pools, and ice-skating rinks. 7. Supervises the installation of park equipment including, but not limited to, playground apparatus, bleachers, fencing, backstops, drinking fountains and foot showers. 8. Makes necessary shifts in assignments of custodians and park grounds men to allow for even workloads. 9. Supervises employees engaged in various trade maintenance tasks. 10. Inspects work performed for completion. 11. Determines planting dates and selects sprays and fertilizers. 12. Selects trees and shrubs for trimming, pruning and propagation. 13. Maintains proper safety standards and precautionary measures. 14. Assigns, maintains inventory, and has custody of tools, equipment and supplies. 15. Plans and directs the cleaning, preventive maintenance and repair of maintenance equipment. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 153 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 16. Develops budget requirements for park maintenance operations. 17. Attends meetings as required. 18. Participates in capital improvements and area design restoration. 19. Reviews and approves plans and specifications prepared by others for park construction contracts. 20. Inspects parks and recreation facility construction projects to determine conformance with approved plans and specifications. 21. Prepares records and reports on construction and other special projects. 22. Prepares miscellaneous drawings and illustrations for presentation purposes. 23. Develops budget requirements for park planning activities. 24. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 25. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Superintendent of Parks as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of grounds maintenance operations such as seeding, sodding, rolling, mowing, raking and sprinkling of lawns and spraying and pruning of trees and shrubs; knowledge of native species, prairie and wetlands management, landscape design and project supervision; good knowledge of safety and accident prevention procedures applicable to park maintenance operations; good knowledge of equipment and tools used in park maintenance activities; some skill in making minor repairs and adjustments to park maintenance equipment; ability to organize, direct and supervise the work of subordinate employees; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees and the public; ability to cooperate with public and private groups and agencies and the general public; good written and oral communication skills; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy; good physical condition. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Must possess a valid Illinois Pesticide Public Applicator License in turf, pest and ornamental control and a valid Illinois Class ‘C’ Driver’s License. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: B.S. degree in Park Management, Forestry, Landscape Architecture or related field. Five years experience in parks & recreation filed, one-year supervisory experience, or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 154 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Assistant to the Director DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Director’s Office The Assistant to the Director performs responsible and varied duties assisting the Director of Parks and Recreation with the overall operation of the District including work that is of a confidential nature, and directs the public relation and information programs of the District. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Director of Parks and Recreation and exercises immediate supervision over the Communications Supervisor. This position is not a department head level position. DUTIES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Prepares and reviews Park District policies so that they are accurate and up-to-date and establishes and reviews Park District administrative procedures so that they are in line with established policies. Performs special administrative tasks and duties of a confidential nature including those regarding the effectuation and review of park District policy and procedures. Prepares Park District cooperative agreements with other agencies, ordinances, and resolutions as needed. Plans and implements staff training programs and coordinates District registration at various educational programs and conferences. Research available grants and write grant proposals. Conducts studies, research and technical investigations and writes reports. Hire, train, supervise and evaluate the Communications Supervisor. Directs the public relations activities information program of the District. Coordinates public relations activities and legislative activities of the Board. Assists department heads in preparing annual reports and facility reports. Acts as liaison to various affiliated organizations, community groups and local government committees. Coordinates Director’s staff meetings with department heads. Receive inquiries, complaints and gives and secures information requiring a working knowledge of the Park District. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Director of Parks and Recreation as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough technical and practical knowledge of the park district system; thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of community park and recreation work and its administration; the public, board members, and staff; excellent written and oral communication skills; ability to adapt to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact, and courtesy. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 155 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: It is the express responsibility of the Administrative Assistant to maintain and enforce the confidentiality of assigned administrative and Park board tasks and duties including those regarding the effectuation and review of Park District collective bargaining policies and procedures. Violation of this responsibility will be considered cause for dismissal. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in Park and Recreation Administration or closely related field; three to four years experience in the field of parks and recreation at a supervisory level; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 156 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Buyer for Central Purchasing DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Under the supervision of the Business Manager, the Buyer is responsible for general purchasing services for all functions of the District. The Buyer represents the District in securing competitive prices; meeting with suppliers and vendors, and coordinating all division purchases of the District. DUTIES: 1. Check with supervisors for work schedule and prepare to disperse and/or obtain materials needed for that work order. 2. Follow through on purchase orders from staff. 3. Maintain general supply inventory. 4. Pick up, receive, catalog and distribute supplies needed throughout all departments. 5. Obtain comparative sales and bids for planned projects. 6. Meet with sales representatives. 7. Arrange for equipment repairs as needed. 8. Prepare all purchase orders, and dispatch to suppliers. 9. Assist in preparation of payment process. 10. Assist Business Manager in Administration of Risk Management program and other matters as needed. 11. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 12. Performs other related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: A minimum of 4-year college degree in a Business related field and at least two years of experience in a similar function is highly desirable. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE: Must be prolific in organizing purchasing responsibilities and report pre-operation. Attention to detail, thoroughness and the ability to express one’s self in written and verbal methods are of high importance. Shall posses a thorough knowledge of the elements of purchasing as they relate to field of Parks and Recreation. Knowledge of bidding procedures is important. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 157 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Carpenter DEPARTMENT: Parks SUMMARY: The Carpenter works as a skilled tradesman in the construction, maintenance and repair of Park District buildings and equipment. The work is highly skilled involving responsibly for the performance of difficult and specialized projects involving carpentry and the maintenance and repair of these operations. The employee is under the direct supervision of a Maintenance Supervisor II. DUTIES: 1. Performs skilled carpentry work in the alteration, repair, maintenance and construction of buildings and equipment. 2. Constructs, installs, repairs and maintains buildings and outdoors equipment. 3. Alters, erects or requires buildings, sheds scaffolding, partitions, window frames, concrete forms, fences, bridges or other structures composed wholly or partly of wood or any composition material used as wood substitute. 4. Operates any power-driven woodworking tools. 5. Executes any type of carpentry work in accordance with approved regulations, prescribed drawings, specifications, rough sketches or oral instructions. 6. Selects proper material and equipment for the work at hand. 7. Estimates equipment and material needs for carpentry work. 8. Supervises other employees assigned to assist in performing carpentry work. 9. Does general work around the shop as required. 10. Submits daily reports of work performed. 11. Keeps tools and equipment in usable condition. 12. Operates a vehicle in moving men and tools from job to job. 13. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 14. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: Forty hours per week. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 158 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, good knowledge of the standard practices, tools and terminology of the carpentry trade; good knowledge of pertinent safety precautions; ability to execute carpentry work in accordance with prescribed drawings; ability to select the proper lumbers ability to operate all power-driven woodworking tools; ability to follow written and oral instructions; ability to plan details of each job and carry it through to completion without immediate supervision; ability to supervise the work of others; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy; good physical condition. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Must possess a valid Illinois Class ‘C’ Drivers License. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course or equivalent, supplements by studies in carpenter shop work or vocational school; three to four year experience as a journeyman carpenter; or any equivalent combination of education, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 159 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Clerk Typist DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Clerical The Clerk Typist performs routine typing and general clerical duties of a repetitive nature. Detailed instructions are given for new and difficult assignments and work is reviewed for accuracy. The employee is under the direct supervision of a Department Head or the Director’s Secretary. DUTIES: 1. Answers telephones, gives general information in response to public inquires or directs callers to the proper person of office, and keeps a record of long distance calls made through the main switchboard. 2. Acts as receptionist, directing individuals to the proper person or office. 3. Types forms, form letters, invoices, requisitions, vouchers, records, reports, index cards and similar materials from rough drafts or from dictating machines. 4. Processes registrations received in the mail and from Community Center offices into batches from computer input and prepare related bank deposits. 5. Prepares purchase orders for general office supplies and maintains neat storage of office supplies. 6. Helps prepare Board packet and prepares envelopes for packets and agenda/minutes mailing. 7. Prepares park use permits and statements following approval and maintains approved use list. 8. Enters Board Meeting Minutes and Ordinances into official books. 9. Transfers Board Meeting information to a reference card file from the Minutes. 10. Files correspondence, memorandums, reports and other materials alphabetically, numerically, or by other predetermined classification. 11. Operates Xerox machines, adding machines and other simple office machines. 12. Operates a computer terminal to enter or access data. 13. Sorts and distributes inter-office and pre-screened outside mail. 14. Sets up Board Room for meetings and prepares coffee for Board Meetings. 15. Mounts and files newspaper clippings. 16. May check the work of other clerks for accuracy. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 160 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 17. May act as a registrar in the Recreation Department performing tasks including, but not limited to, registering persons for activities, issuing swimming pool passes, collecting payment of fees, issuing receipts for payment, preparing bank deposits and maintaining simple records. 18. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 19. Perform other related duties as assigned. HOURS: 40 hours per week QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, some knowledge terminology, procedures and equipment, some knowledge of business arithmetic and business English; ability to type from clear copy or rough draft at a reasonable rate of speed; ability to write legibly; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees and the public; ability to solve problems comprehensively and to produce neat and accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy; ability to follow written and oral instructions. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course of equivalent, supplemented by a course in typing; one to tow years experience in general clerical work; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 161 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Clerk DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Clerical The Clerk performs routine typing and general clerical duties of a repetitive nature. Detailed instructions are given for new and difficult assignments and work is reviewed for accuracy. The employee is under the direct supervision of a Department Head or the Director’s Secretary. DUTIES: 1. Answers telephones, gives general information in response to public inquires or directs callers to the proper person of office, and keeps a record of long distance calls made through the main switchboard. 2. Acts as receptionist, directing individuals to the proper person or office. 3. Types forms, form letters, invoices, requisitions, vouchers, records, reports, index cards and similar materials from rough drafts or from dictating machines. 4. Processes registrations received in the mail and from Community Center offices into batches from computer input and prepare related bank deposits. 5. Prepares purchase orders for general office supplies and maintains neat storage of office supplies. 6. Helps prepare Board packet and prepares envelopes for packets and agenda/minutes mailing. 7. Prepares park use permits and statements following approval and maintains approved use list. 8. Enters Board Meeting Minutes and Ordinances into official books. 9. Transfers Board Meeting information to a reference card file from the Minutes. 10. Files correspondence, memorandums, reports and other materials alphabetically, numerically, or by other predetermined classification. 11. Operates Xerox machines, adding machines and other simple office machines. 12. Operates a computer terminal to enter or access data. 13. Sorts and distributes inter-office and pre-screened outside mail. 14. Sets up Board Room for meetings and prepares coffee for Board Meetings. 15. Mounts and files newspaper clippings. 16. May check the work of other clerks for accuracy. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 162 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 17. May act as a registrar in the Recreation Department performing tasks including, but not limited to, registering persons for activities, issuing swimming pool passes, collecting payment of fees, issuing receipts for payment, preparing bank deposits and maintaining simple records. 18. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 19. Perform other related duties as assigned. HOURS: 40 hours per week QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, some knowledge terminology, procedures and equipment, some knowledge of business arithmetic and business English; ability to type from clear copy or rough draft at a reasonable rate of speed; ability to write legibly; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees and the public; ability to solve problems comprehensively and to produce neat and accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy; ability to follow written and oral instructions. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course of equivalent, supplemented by a course in typing; one to tow years experience in general clerical work; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 163 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Public Relations Coordinator DEPARTMENT: Director’s Office SUMMARY: The Communications Supervisor is responsible for the public relations, public information and advertising activities of the District. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Recreation. 1. Plans and produces the Commissioner Quarterly brochures four times per year. 2. Plans and produces the program brochure three times per year. 3. Writes feature articles for the Commissioners and for submission to local newspaper. 4. Writes news releases and radio spots, and maintains contacts with newspaper and radio outlets. 5. Responsible of the programs and information broadcast on the Park District’s cable television channel including, but not limited to, coordination the productions and activities of the volunteer cable television club. 6. Plans and produces brochure-flyers for various Park District facilities. 7. Plans and hosts a talk show on local radio station. 8. Plans and coordinates with the facility supervisors, the advertising programs for the Pools, Ice Arena, Pavilion, Golf Club and Driving Range, Oakview Community Center and Racquet Club. 9. Takes pictures (black and white, and color) of Park District activities, facilities and special events. 10. Prepares slide shows for District use. 11. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 12. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be designated by the Director of Parks and Recreation as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. Employees at this level shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for their services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, excellent written and oral communications skills; thorough knowledge of marketing and advertising principles good knowledge of the print, radio and cable television mediums; good graphic design skills; good photography skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with Park District staff, newspaper, radio and cable television personnel and printing companies; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and produce accurate work on a timely OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 164 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL basis; ability to perform duties with initiative, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, good judgment, tact and courtesy. EDUCATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in Communications; Journalism, Public Relation, Marketing or closely related field; one to tow years experience in establishing and maintaining a public relations and information program; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 165 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Computer Systems Coordinator DEPARTMENT: Finance SUMMARY: The Computer Systems Coordinator is responsible for the overall operation of the District’s computer system, its hardware and all software applications. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel but is granted opportunities for independent action. DUTIES: 1. Conducts in-house training/workshops on all software applications, creating documentation and reference when helpful. 2. Troubleshoots computer errors/problems; maintains error log. 3. Responds to end user inquiries/requests. 4. Maintains operator logins, passwords, and directories. 5. Works with facility managers to create a workable system specific to the individual location’s needs. 6. Supervises part-time staff required to do registration processing. 7. Works in conjunction with the Recreation Department staff to set up, process and maintain information related to registration processing. 8. Responsible for maintaining and updating general instructions for registration processing. 9. Responsible for updating payroll/personnel records on the computer system. 10. Corresponds with computer hardware/software vendors. 11.initiates and coordinates system upgrades, including system set-ups following conversions. 12. Submits requests for system modification (RSM’s) as necessary. 13. Maintains all hardware, performs preventative maintenance, orders equipment as necessary, following the District’s purchasing procedure as outlined in the Oak Lawn Park District Code Book. 14. Maintains hardware and software inventory list. 15. Creates and maintains procedure manual including system map, cross reference table, and preventative maintenance procedures. 16. Responsible for system security control, system configuration, workstation set-ups, secure selected programs. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 166 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 17. Responsible for all back-ups/shutdowns. 18. Coordinates the timely closing of all accounting and registration systems. 19. Develop and communicate disaster recovery procedures. 20. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 21. Performs other related duties as assigned. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: 1. Has the ability to transport self from one facility to another to troubleshoot computer problems, install equipment and/or software, and conduct in-house training/workshop sessions. 2. Has the ability to communicate with verbal language in a clear speaking voice in order to conduct training/workshop sessions. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be designated by the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel as necessary to perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his/her services. QUALIFICATIONS: Good knowledge of computer hardware, its maintenance and installation, willingness and desire to learn, and ability to teach others. Excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to solve problems comprehensively and make decisions; ability to prioritize multiple tasks and perform duties under pressure and on a timely basis. Highly organized; ability to work independently with perseverance; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other staff; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy. EDUCATION: Bachelor’s degree in computer science, programming or related field; one or two years experience in a position requiring similar duties and tasks; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and experience. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 167 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Accounting/Controller Supervisor DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Finance The Accounting Supervisor is responsible for maintaining timely and accurate production of financial information and performing difficult accounting tasks in keeping Park District financial accounts and records. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel but is granted opportunities for independent action and exercises immediate supervision over the Accounts Payable Clerk, the Accounts Receivable Clerk, Payroll and Personnel Clerk, Secretary/Receptionists, and the Courier. DUTIES: 1. Provides supervision of daily workflow essential to preparation and maintenance of Park District finances and records. 2. Hire, train, supervises evaluate, dismiss and makes recommendations regarding the status of Finance Department employees. 3. Develops and maintains working knowledge of all computer system applications. 4. Prepares and executes appropriate bank transfers to meet expense and investment requirements and maintains and executes subsidiary records and system entries. 5. Prepares and investigates sales tax returns. 6. Maintains fixed assets records and prepares information for appraisal update and audit. 7. Reconciles bank accounts monthly and verifies bank balance with general ledger. 8. Reviews and authorizes daily invoices and refunds and advises of potential overexpenditures or misappropriation. 9. Reviews and adjusts preliminary trial balance as necessary. 10. Assists in preparation of tax levy information. 11. Prepares tax deposits and distribution. 12. Assist in annual budget material preparation. 13. Assists in audit preparation as directed. 14. Assists Superintendent of Finance and Personnel with internal audit on all accounts and records as directed. 15. Performs special projects and duties as assigned by the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel for the continued should business and financial management of the Park District. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 168 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 16. Provides current cash flow information to the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel for investment purposes. 17. Prepares reports to the Board of Commissioners on investments and cash summaries. 18. Prepares billing to other agencies as required by agreements, including, but not limited to, NWSRA and School District 214. 19. Responsible for timely month-end closing of Accounts, Payable Accounts Receivable, Payroll and General Ledger computer systems. 20. Must be able to perform duties of Finance Department staff to cover vacations or other emergencies. 21. With the consent of the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel, invests all available cash in interest producing opportunities within the confines of Illinois Statues and Park District Policy. 22. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 23. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, comprehensive knowledge of proper business and accounting methods and of proper business and accounting terminology and reporting process; ability to organize, direct and supervise the work of subordinate employees, ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees and the public; ability to cooperate with public and private groups and agencies and the general public; good written and oral communication skills; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce neat and accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Bachelors Degree in accounting or related field; one to two year5s experience in a position requiring similar duties and supervisory tasks; or any equivalent combination or education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. Custodian DEPARTMENT: Parks OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 169 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL SUMMARY: The Custodian is responsible for the cleaning and routine maintenance work in Park District buildings and the adjacent grounds and structures. The employee is under the direct supervision of Maintenance Supervisor II. DUTIES: 1. Performs custodial maintenance activities in the upkeep of Park District buildings, including, but not limited to, repairing broken windows and painting tasks. 2. Cleans and washes floors, walls and windows. 3. Cleans restrooms and replenishes supplies. 4. Empties wastebaskets and other trash. 5. Performs minor plumbing repairs. 6. Strips and waxes floors. 7. Moves furniture and equipment as required. 8. Reports needed building repairs. 9. Changes light bulbs and fuses. 10. Cleans adjacent grounds of litter and sweeps walks. 11. Makes ice for ice skating rinks when repaired. 12. Cleans and maintains shower rooms and lockers. 13. Cuts grass and trim shrubs on adjacent grounds. 14. Shovels snow. 15. Acts as a watchman when necessary. 16. Submits daily reports of work performed. 17. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 18. Performs other related work. HOURS: Forty hours per week. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, some knowledge of cleaning materials, methods, equipment and procedures; some knowledge of the use and care of cleaning equipment; some OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 170 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL knowledge of pertinent safety precautions; ability to learn routine tasks quickly; ability to perform routine manual cleaning and maintenance tasks; ability to follow written and oral instructions; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy and good physical condition. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: One or more of the following may be required dependent on the area of expertise. A valid Illinois Pesticide Public Application License in turf, pest and ornamental control and/or a valid Illinois Class ‘C’ Driver’s License. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard senior high school course or equivalent, minimum of three years experience in a parks maintenance position, or supplemental studies related to the area of expertise of the Maintenance Supervisor I, or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 171 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Director of Parks and Recreation DEPARTMENT: Director’s Office SUMMARY: The Director of Parks and Recreation, the chief administrative officer of the Oak Lawn Park District, administers and directs the operations and activities of the Director’s Office, Recreation Department, Parks Department, Revenue Facilities Department and Business Department. The Director is appointed by and directly responsible to the Board of Commissioners. 1. Administers and executes the policies and procedures of the Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District. 2. Oversees the development and maintenance of a park and recreation system to meet the needs of the community. 3. Recommends the acquisition and directs the development of park and playground areas and of appropriate structures and facilities so as to best serve the widest interests of the community. 4. Oversees development of a flexible program of recreational activity for all segments, groups, age and interest levels of the community. 5. Oversees the development and operation of the revenue facilities of the Park District. 6. Develops, supports, controls and administers the annual budget and related materials for the Park District. 7. Establishes goals and objectives ensuring that the needs of the community are met. 8. Prepares and/or directs the preparation of periodic and special factual and analytical reports for the consideration of the Board of Commissioners on such subjects including, but not limited to, personnel, financial, recreation programs, and capital projects. 9. Supervises preparation of requests for grants from various state and federal programs related to parks and recreation. 10. Supervises a public relations program in accordance with the policies and standards of the Board of Commissioners to enlist the understanding, support and participation of citizens of the community in parks and recreation and major undertakings of the Park District. 11. Employs and supervises all employees of the Park District. 12. Gives leadership to the Park District staff, delegates and supervises the work of the staff, and provides training programs for the staff. 13. Represents the Park District on interagency councils and committees and participates in community activities and professional organizations. 14. Develops cooperative and effective working relationships with community agencies and groups, including governmental, public and private. 15. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 16. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The Director shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his/her services. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 172 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, comprehensive knowledge of all phases of community park and recreation work and its administration including good knowledge of the principles and methods of park planning and development; some knowledge of state and federal grant programs relating to parks and recreation; ability to cooperate with the interpret Park District philosophies to governmental, public and private groups and agencies and to the general public; ability to organize and direct the work of professional, technical, skilled, clerical and semi-skilled employees; ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with subordinates; ability to promote and maintain high morale and enthusiasm; ability to express oneself clearly and precisely both orally and in writing; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a master’s degree in park and recreation administration or a closely related field; six or more years of proven and successful experience as a Director of Parks and Recreation; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 173 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Director’s Secretary DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Clerical The Director’s Secretary performs responsible and varied secretarial and clerical duties as Secretary to the Director of Parks and Recreation. The work requires the exercise of initiative and judgment and may be of a confidential nature. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Director of Parks and Recreation and exercises immediate supervision over other administrative office clerical employees. DUTIES: 1. Performs secretarial services for the Director of Parks and Recreation including, but not limited to, preparing a weekly memo, preparing meeting agendas, scheduling appointments, and other special administrative tasks and duties of a confidential nature including those regarding the effectuation and review of Park District collective bargaining policies and procedures. 2. Prepares the annual tax-exempt property list and statement of economic interest list. 3. Maintains a cross-referenced index file of Board meeting subjects. 4. Coordinates and prepares weekly Board packets and arranges for delivery to the Commissioners. 5. Performs secretarial services for department heads including, but not limited to, typing reports, correspondence, and other materials. 6. Makes conference registration and travel arrangements for Park District Commissioners and staff. 7. Maintains a tickler file of Park District agreements and items of a recurring nature and initiates review and/or action for follow-up. 8. Reviews and distributes Village of Oak Lawn Board and Committee meeting minutes and agendas. 9. Establishes, maintains, and updates a variety of records and cross-referenced general office files of the administrative office. 10. Coordinates and supervises the secretarial and clerical services of the administrative office clerical staff. 11. Answers telephones and greets a variety of callers from other Park District departments and from outside the Park District, ascertains the purpose of their call or visit, directs them to the proper person or department, or otherwise disposes of the request. 12. Receives inquiries in person and over the telephone and independently gives and secures general information in response which requires a working knowledge of Park District ordinances and departmental regulations and procedures. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 174 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 13. Takes and transcribes dictation including, but not limited to, correspondence, reports, memoranda’s, minutes, and other materials. 14. Types letters, reports, notices, permits, forms, specifications, advertisements for bids, and other materials from rough draft and clear copy. 15. Prepares routine correspondence, interoffice forms agenda, certifications, purchase order, documents, and related papers independently. 16. Supervises the routine ordering of office supplies and renewal of magazine and newspaper subscriptions. 17. Operates copier machine, Fax machines, and other standard office machines. 18. Operates a computer terminal to access data. 19. Opens, sorts, and screens mail. 20. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 21. Performs other related duties as required. HOURS: 40 hours per week QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of office terminology procedures, and equipment; thorough knowledge of business arithmetic and business English; thorough knowledge of elementary bookkeeping; ability to maintain complex records and to prepare reports from such records; ability to make decisions in accordance with established Park District laws, ordinances, regulations, and procedures; ability to make relatively complex mathematical commutations rapidly and accurately ability to take and transcribe dictation and use a Dictaphone at top speed; ability to type from rough draft and clear copy at top speed; ability to follow written and oral instructions; ability to organize, direct and supervise the work of subordinate employees; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees and the public; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce neat and accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy. SPEICAL REQUIREMENTS: Some knowledge of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. In addition, it is the express responsibility of the Director’s Secretary to maintain and enforce the confidentiality of assigned administration and Park Board tasks and duties including those regarding the effectuation and review of Park District collective bargaining policies and procedures. Violation of this responsibility will be considered cause for dismissal. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course or equivalent supplemented with business school training; five or more years of extensive and progressively responsible secretarial and OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 175 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL clerical experience; or any equivalent combination of education, experience, and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 176 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Electrician DEPARTMENT: Parks SUMMARY: The Electrician works as a skilled tradesman in the installation, maintenance, repair and extension of electrically controlled and/or operated indoor and outdoor equipment and do electrical wiring in Park District buildings. The work is highly skilled involving responsibility for the performance of difficult and specialized electrical maintenance and repair operations. The employee is under the direct supervision of a Maintenance Supervisor II. DUTIES: 1. Installs, maintains, and adjusts indoor and outdoor lighting equipment. 2. Replaces defective wiring and managed receptacles and strings overhead wires. 3. Tests, splices and wipes wires and cables. 4. Does wiring in buildings and makes additions to existing wires. 5. Installs and repairs fluorescent, industrial and general lighting fixtures and connections. 6. Takes care of ball diamond lighting. 7. Installs, adjusts or repairs generators, transformers switches, interior light and power circuits, electric motors, sound amplifying equipment, interior lighting equipment and other electrical apparatus. 8. Executes any type of electrical work in accordance with approved regulations, prescribed drawings, specifications, rough sketches or oral instructions. 9. Selects the proper materials and equipment for the work at hand. 10. Estimates equipment and material needs for electrical work. 11. Supervises other employees assigned to assist him in performing electrical work. 12. Does general work around the shop as required. 13. Submits daily reports of work performed. 14. Keeps tools and equipment in usable condition. 15. Operates a vehicle in moving men and tools from job to job. 16. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 177 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 17. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: Forty hours per week. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, good knowledge of standard practices tools and terminology of the electrical trade; some knowledge of elementary electrical theory; good knowledge of pertinent safety precautions; and equipment; ability to follow written and oral instructions; ability to plan the details of each job and carry it through to completion without immediate supervision; ability to supervise the work of others; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy; good physical condition. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course or equivalent; supplemented by studies in electoral shop work or vocational school; three to four years experience as a journeyman electrician; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 178 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Public Relations/Event Planning DEPARTMENT: Special Events & Public Relations SUMMARY: The Event Marketing/Planning Intern is responsible for assisting the public relations, marketing and special event activities for the District. The intern is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Special Services and Communications. DUTIES: 1. Assist the Public Relations Coordinator weekly in the form of press releases for area newspapers and other channels of communications. 2. Assist with the creation of the seasonal brochure to include information, layout, and photos and other promotional materials. 3. Responsible for production and delivery of promotional marketing material such as specialty flyers for specific programs (Cultural Arts, Nature, Volunteer Services. 4. Assist with community events (if applicable) not only in the overall planning and attendance of these events but also with promotion of park district activities at these events. 5. Plans, coordinates and follows through with one major special event and any additional events as deems necessary. 6. Assist with Eagle Eye Neighborhood Park Watch program and “SEEMORE” presentations. 7. Responsible for all evaluations and financial breakdowns necessary for any event planned. 8. Assists the Superintendent of Special Services, Public Relations Coordinator and Graphic Artist in any duties that deem necessary. 9. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. HOURS: The Superintendent of Special Services & Communications as necessary to properly perform the duties of the internship shall design the normal workweek consisting of a minimum of 10-20 hours. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 179 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Figure Skating Director DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Revenue Facility The Figure Skating Director is under the direct supervision of the Ice Arena Manager. The Figure Skating Director is responsible for planning scheduling, implementing, marketing, and evaluating all recreational and competitive figure skating classes, shows, competitions and other related program. The Figure Skating Director is responsible for Figure Skating Personnel Management including scheduling, payroll, and evaluation. DUTIES: 1. Promote, organize, administer, supervise and evaluate an I.S.I.A. group lesson Figure Skating Program for all established ages and levels. 2. Train, supervise, schedule, and evaluate all Figure Skating group lesson instructors. 3. Promote, organize, administer and evaluate a Patch/Freestyle agreement and drop in program. 4. Supervise, schedule, maintain proper documentation and enforce Park District policies for all staff and guest skating professionals who teach during Patch and Freestyle sessions. 5. Instruct group lessons as it becomes necessary either for substitution purposes or program continuity. 6. Maintain fiscal responsibility and enforce controls for all program revenues and expense for group lessons and Patch/Freestyle. 7. Have a working knowledge of the Park District registration procedures and policies through a computerized registration system. 8. Responsible for the handling, safekeeping and inventory of all Oak Lawn Park District materials and equipment used in the administration of all figure skating programs. 9. Responsible for all I.S.I.A. and U.S.F.S.A. paperwork pertinent to testing, competitions etc. in a timely fashion and in accordance with their deadlines and polices. 9. Be familiar with, enforce and follow all park district polices and regulations. 10. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 11. Organize, promote, administer and evaluate all aspects of: Annual Marita Adams Memorial Competition Annual Ice Show OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 180 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Annual spotlight Review in accordance with I.S.I.A. policies. sanctioning 12. Inform Ice Arena Manager of all problems, conflicts and accidents with in 24 hours of their occurrence. 13. Reports as requested to the Oak Lawn Park District Ice Arena Manager. 14. Performs all other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The usual workweek shall be as designated by the Ice Arena Manager as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. Nights and weekends should be considered standard and acceptable hours. Forty hour work week. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge and understanding of the Figure Skating community and its applications to public Ice Arena services. Above average organizational skills. Ability to direct the work of subordinated employees; ability to deal tactfully, politely, and professionally with the public and other park district employees, ability to instruct classes, ability to schedule and coordinate programs and classes; ability to handle the physical demands necessary to the position, and have a working knowledge of I.S.I.A. and U.S.F.S.A. policies, programs and regulations. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Undergraduate degree in related filed preferred or any equivalent combination of education experience and training which provides the required knowledge skills and abilities. Six years experience in figure skating instruction and program coordination or 3 years as a Figure Skating Director preferred. Acquired certification and high level skating accomplishments preferred. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 181 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Golf Maintenance Supervisor DEPARTMENT: Parks SUMMARY: The Golf Maintenance Supervisor is responsible for the maintenance, repair, development and construction on the grounds of the Oak lawn Park District, Golf Club and the Stony Creek Driving Range. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Parks but is granted opportunities for independent action and exercises immediate supervision over full-time, part-time and seasonal Golf Club maintenance personnel. DUTIES: 1. Train, assign work, supervise and evaluate full-time, part-time and seasonal Golf Club maintenance employees. 2. Maintains work and time records of golf club maintenance employees. 3. Develops goals, aims and objectives and sets standard rules and regulations to be followed by Golf Club maintenance employees. 4. Prepares specifications for fertilizers, chemicals, materials, trees, equipment and vehicles. 5. Supervises the mowing, watering and maintenance of trees, greens fairways, and related areas. 6. Supervises the planting, fertilizing and maintenance of turf. 7. Inspects turf areas daily for fungus, insects and undesirable vegetation. 8. Selects trees and shrubs for trimming, pruning and propagation. 9. Plans and directs the cleaning, preventive maintenance and repair of maintenance equipment. 10. Troubleshoots and repairs irrigation pumps, well, piping and counterpanes. 11. Keeps inventory records on all equipment and commodities used in maintenance operations. 12. Supervises and works in planning all in-house and contracted capital maintenance projects. 13. Works with the Golf Operations Supervisor on a daily basis to prevent maintenance interference with play. 14. Maintains proper safety standards and precautionary measures. 15. Develops budget requirements for Golf Club maintenance operations. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 182 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 16. Attends public meetings as required. 17. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 18. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Superintendent of Parks as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of the construction and maintenance of golf course trees, fairways and greens; thorough knowledge of the production and maintenance of turfs used on golf courses; thorough knowledge of the planting, cultivation, pruning and caring for plants, shrubs and trees; thorough knowledge of the characteristics and proper use of various fertilizers and soil conditioners; thorough knowledge of drainage control methods; thorough knowledge of watering and irrigation systems including weeds, pumps, and automatic controls; good knowledge of the construction and maintenance of golf cart paths; good knowledge of the game of golf; ability to maintain tees, fairways greens and appurtenances to an acceptable standard of golf course play; ability to organize, direct and supervise the work of subordinate employees; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees and agencies and the general public; good written and oral communications skills, ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy; good physical condition. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Must posses a valet Illinois Pesticide Public Applicator License in turf, pest and ornamental control and valid Illinois Class ‘C’ Driver’s License. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in agronomy, horticulture, or closely related field, four years experience as a supervisor of golf course maintenance; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides as required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 183 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Golf Operations Manager DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Revenue Facilities The Golf Operations Manager is responsible for all golfing operations and programs of the Oak Lawn Park District Golf Club and Stony Creek Driving Range, including developing golf programs to encourage public use of the golf facilities. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Revenue Facilities but is granted opportunities for independent action and exercises immediate supervision over the part-time and seasonal golf operations and driving range employees. DUTIES: 1. Develops an innovative instructional program and professional staff for golf that will satisfy the public’s needs. 2. Submits written reports to the Superintendent of Revenue Facilities on proposed lesson and program schedules, which will be included in all regular publicity and mailing of the Park District. 3. Responsible for the business operation of the golf course and driving range in conjunction with the Park District Business Department. 4. Responsible for budget development, business and financial procedures for daily cash control and record keeping. 5. Creates and promotes programs, and publicizes them through different media sources. 6. Responsible for all maintenance of the pro shop, snack bar and driving range and their surrounding areas. 7. Maintains an awareness of current trends in golf to be incorporated as a part of the Comprehensive Plan of the Park District. 8. Keeps daily attendance, receipts, membership, lesson signup and other miscellaneous statistics as necessary to the operation and management of the gold course and driving range. 9. Directly supervises the work of all part-time and seasonal employees of the golf course program, including hiring, scheduling, training, evaluation and, if necessary dismissal. 10. Maintains an adequate inventory of all supplies needed for the pro shop, including maintenance supplies. 11. Organizes leagues and tournaments at the golf course for different ability levels and ages. 12. Conducts regular staff meetings. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 184 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 13. Makes regular inspection of the Clubhouse and driving range trailer to assess the equipment and maintenance. 14. Makes sure that the clubhouse, cart room, locker rooms, storerooms, snack bar and office are neat and orderly. 15. Implements operating procedures established by the Board of Commissioners. 16. Works closely with the Golf Committee and attends all committee meetings. 17. Develops and maintains a cooperative working relationship with other Park District departments. 18. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 19. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: QUALIFICATIONS: EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 185 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Graphic Artist DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Public Relations The Graphic Artist is responsible for the design, paste-up and printing of information regarding programs and activities of the district. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Communications Supervisor. DUTIES: 1. Operates and maintains: a. Gestetner Duplicating Printing Station b. Gestetner Folding Machine c. Gestetner Lettering Machine d. Macintosh Computer & Portrait Monitor e. LaserWriter Select Printer 2. Orders all chemicals/inks, and drawing/paste-up art supplies needed for advertisements/signs. Orders white/colored papers used for park copy machines and park programs. 3. Assists Public Relations coordinator when needed. 4. Designs, prints office work sheets i.e., Time Sheets, Class List, Agreement Sheets, etc. 5. Deigns, prints distributes flyers/posters of park activities of park facilities. 6. Designs, prints and distributes flyers/posters of park activities to local schools. 7. Designs, prints program booklets for various programs, i.e. Theatre, Music, and Dance. 8. Designs, prints tickets, cards, envelopes, signs for different events. 9. Assist with decorating various scenery for facility/department shows and special events. 10. Assists with decorating display areas for holiday, seasonal district special events. 11. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 12. Performs other related duties as assigned, i.e. Family Days, Care For Children. (Board directives). HOURS: The normal workweek shall be designed by the Communications Supervisor as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employer shall be coincided on duty when a need exists for his/her service. QUALIFICATIONS: OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 186 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of graphic arts, through knowledge of operations of various printing equipment; knowledge of computer/programs designed for the graphic arts field; good knowledge of safety precautions; ability to execute graphics and printing work in accordance with described directions; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with Park District staff and printing agencies; ability to work with minimum supervision and produce work on a timely basis; good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity; integrity, tact and courtesy. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school. One/two years of graphic arts experience, or any equivalent combination of education/experience providing the required knowledge, skills and abilities to perform said duties. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 187 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Groundsman I DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Parks Department/Golf Course The golf groundsman performs work of a semi-skilled nature in the maintenance and repair of Park District Golf Course grounds and facilities. The employee is Superintendent and Maintenance Supervisor. DUTIES: 1. Performs rough carpentry, plumbing and related maintenance tasks. 2. Operates a truck, and related equipment in hauling garbage and plowing snow. 3. Must know how to operate an automatic irrigation system and able to do general repairs. 4. Paints poles, golf course equipment, picnic tables and buildings. 5. Makes simple repairs to equipment, sharpen and back lap reels. 6. Operates all golf course maintenance equipment, (i.e. triplex mowers, fairway mowers, utility cars, rotary mowers, etc.). 7. Operates small power tools as required. 8. Plants, cultivates and prunes trees and shrubs. 9. Sprays shrubs and other plants for insect, weed and fungus control. 10. Performs custodial duties as required and work around the shop as required. 11. Submits daily reports of work performed. 12. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 13. Performs other related duties as required. HOURS: Forty hours per week. QUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge of golf course maintenance and facility practices; some knowledge of pertinent safety precautions; ability to operate maintenance equipment; ability to make light adjustments and to perform simple maintenance on equipment; ability to follow oral and written instructions; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy, good physical condition. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school, one to two years of grounds keeping experience and irrigation experience; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and ability. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 188 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Gymnastics Coordinator DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Pavilion The Gymnastics Coordinator administers and supervises all Gymnastics and Tumbling Programs for the Oak Lawn Park District. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Pavilion Manager. All Gymnastics part time and full time employees are under the direct supervision of the Gymnastics Coordinator. DUTIES: 1. Organizes, promotes, administers, supervises, and evaluates all Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Tumbling programs, camps, competition, and special events. 2. Hire, train, supervise, and evaluate Head coaches, Team coaches, and Instructors. 3. Plans and implements staff training, meetings, certifications, orientations and manuals for all Gymnastics staff. 4. Develops, implements, oversees the Student evaluation program specific to the Oak Lawn Park District Gymnastics Program. 5. Coach and instruct Moms & Tots-Pre-gym-Recreational-USA Gymnastics Level 10. 6. Work as a liaison to IPDGC & USA Gymnastics conferences and fulfill any duties required for the Oak Lawn Park District program to remain a part of these leagues. 7. Staffs and schedules Gymnastics Birthday parties and Open Gym. 8. Work with Public Relations Coordinator by providing timely and adequate information for publicity of recreation and competitive programs. 9. Evaluate the effectiveness services and make recommendation s on modifications of existing services and introduction of new services. 10. Prepare the annual budget estimates and reports, monitors revenue, and administers expenditures for Gymnastics department. 11. Prepares board summaries, monthly reports and periodic reports and special reports. 12. Prepare bid documents and purchase orders for approval by the Pavilion Manager. 13. Maintain required records of program and equipment safety logs. 14. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: 1. Has ability to transport self from one location to another to lead program at various locations. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 189 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 2. Has the ability to communicate with verbal and written language in order to lead programs. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be 40 hours and designed be by the Gymnastics Coordinator as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. Competitions, special events, coaching hours and subbing will dictate the Coordinator’s schedule. QUALIFCATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of the sport Gymnastics. Must be a current Professional member of USAG, be able to coach instruct Moms & Tots-Pre-gymRecreational USA Gymnastics Level 10. Good knowledge of IPDGC and USA gymnastics polices and procedures; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationship with other employees and the public; ability to cooperate and with private groups and agencies and the general public; good written and oral communications skills; ability to work with minimum supervision; to solve problems comprehensively and to produce accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy. Must have excellent organizational skills and be able to work weekends and evening hours. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in recreation, physical education or closely related field; Five years of Coaching in Gymnastics. USA Gymnastics Safety certified and KAT certified is preferred. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 190 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Heating/Plumbing Specialist DEPARTMENT: Parks SUMMARY: The Heating/Plumbing Specialist works as a skilled tradesman in the installation, maintenance, repair and extension of heating and plumbing controlled and/or operated equipment and of heating and plumbing in the Park District buildings. The work is highly skilled involving responsibility for the performance of difficult and specialized heating and plumbing maintenance and repair operations. The employee is under the direct supervision of a Maintenance Supervisor II. DUTIES: 1. Installs, maintains, and repairs sewer systems and water distribution and circulation systems and their accessories. 2. Installs and repairs pipe for carrying hot or cold water under high or low pressure. 3. Prepares lead piping for installation. 4. Makes connections with water and sewer lines. 5. Wipes lead joints. 6. Repairs lead pipes for water distribution systems. 7. Installs, repairs or removes valves in water mains or sanitary sewers. 8. Cleans water and sanitary sewer lines. 9. Installs, maintains and repairs piping systems handling steam, gas, air, chemicals and oil. 10. Prepares, measures, cuts, threads and welds pipe. 11. Assembles and installs sectional boilers and connections for the same. 12. Sets and connects steal boilers. 13. Sets sleeves, thimbles and hangers for such piping in concrete walls and floors, all in accordance with the prescribed drawings, specifications, rough sketches or oral instructions. 14. Executes any type of heating/plumbing work in accordance with approved regulations, prescribed drawings, specifications, rough sketches or oral instructions. 15. Selects the proper material or fittings and equipment for the work at hand. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 191 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 16. Estimates equipment and material needs for plumbing work. 17. Supervises other employees assigned to assist him in excavating, laying pipe or other heating/plumbing work. 18. Does general work around the shop as required. 19. Submits daily written reports of work performed. 20. Keeps tools and equipment in usable condition. 21. Operates a moving vehicle in moving men and tools from job to job. 22. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 23. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: Forty hours per week. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, good knowledge of the installation, maintenance and repair of sewer systems and water distribution and circulation systems and accessories; good knowledge of pertinent safety precautions; ability to perform plumbing work of any kind; ability to install, dismantle, maintain and repair piping systems for heating, refrigeration, compressed air, hydraulic and transmission purposes utilizing oil, steam, gas, air, chemical or vacuum processes; ability to follow written and oral instructions; ability to plan the details of each job and carry it to completion without immediate supervision; ability to supervise the work of others; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy; good physical condition. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Must possess a valid Illinois Class ‘C’ Drivers license. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course or equivalent, supplemented by studies in heating/plumbing shop work or vocational school; three to four years experience as a journeyman heating/plumbing specialist; or any equivalent combination or education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 192 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Maintenance Supervisor I DEPARTMENT: Parks SUMMARY: The Maintenance Supervisor I performs one or more of the following semi-skilled or skilled tasks in the maintenance and repair of Park District property and equipment. Maintenance Supervisor I includes one or more of the following expertise areas: turf management/horticulture, pool maintenance and custodial procedures, mechanical work and repair of automotive equipment, and general trades. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Parks or Maintenance Supervisor II. DUTIES: The duties listed encompass the general responsibilities of the maintenance Supervisor I position. 1. Maintains grounds and special facilities and repairs vehicles and equipment as indicated by the area of expertise. 2. Assigns work, supervises and trains full-time and seasonal park maintenance employees as needed by the position. 3. Estimates equipment, tools, and material needed for specific job assignments. 4. Assists immediate supervisor with necessary job assignments related to the area of expertise. 5. Operates, maintains, and repairs tools, equipment, and machinery as related to the area of expertise. 6. Performs maintenance related work tasks within areas of expertise as required. 7. Submits daily reports of work performed. 8. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 9. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Superintendent of Parks as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists of his services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to a wood working knowledge in one or more of the following areas of expertise; turf management/horticulture, pool maintenance and custodial procedures, mechanical work and repair of automotive equipment, or general trades; knowledge of pertinent safety precautions; ability to follow written and oral instruction; ability to plan details of each job and carry it through to completion without immediate OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 193 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL supervision; ability to supervise the work of others; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy and good physical condition. SPEICAL REQUIREMENTS: One or more of the following may be required dependent on the area of expertise. A valid Illinois Pesticide Public Applicator License in turf, pest and ornamental control and/or a valid Illinois Class “C” Drivers License. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard senior high school course or equivalent, minimum of three years experience in a parks maintenance position, or supplemental studies related to the area of expertise of the Maintenance Supervisor I, or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 194 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Maintenance Supervisor II DEPARTMENT: Parks SUMMARY: The Maintenance Supervisor II is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Park District’s grounds, facilities and equipment. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Parks and exercises immediate supervision over full-time, parttime and seasonal Parks Department maintenance personnel. DUTIES: 1. Assigns work, supervises and trains full-time, part-time and seasonal park maintenance employees. 2. Maintains work and time records of maintenance employees. 3. Develops goals, aims and objectives and sets standards, rules and regulations to be followed by park maintenance employees. 4. Prepares records and reports regarding maintenance activities. 5. Establishes specifications for fertilizers, chemicals, materials, trees, equipment and vehicles. 6. Supervises the maintenance of park facility and ground areas including, but not limited to building, ball diamond, tennis courts, playgrounds, swimming pools, and ice-skating rinks. 7. Supervises the installation of park equipment including, but not limited to, playground apparatus, bleachers, fencing, backstops, drinking fountains and foot showers. 8. Makes necessary shifts in assignments of custodians and park grounds men to allow for even workloads. 9. Supervises employees engaged in various trade maintenance tasks. 10. Inspects work performed for completion. 11. Determines planting dates and selects sprays and fertilizers. 12. Selects trees and shrubs for trimming, pruning and propagation. 13. Maintains proper safety standards and precautionary measures. 14. Assigns, maintains inventory, and has custody of tools, equipment and supplies. 15. Plans and directs the cleaning, preventive maintenance and repair of maintenance equipment. 16. Develops budget requirements for park maintenance operations. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 195 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 17. Attends meetings as required. 18. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 19. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Superintendent of Parks as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of grounds maintenance operations such as seeding, sodding, rolling, mowing, raking and sprinkling of lawns and spraying and pruning of trees and shrubs; good knowledge of safety and accident prevention procedures applicable to park maintenance operations; good knowledge of equipment and tools used in park maintenance activities; some skill in making minor repairs and adjustments to park maintenance equipment; ability to organize, direct and supervise the work of subordinate employees; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees and the public; ability to cooperate with public and private groups and agencies and the general public; good written and oral communications skills; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy; good physical condition. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Must possess a valid Illinois Pesticide Public Applicator License in turf, pest and ornamental control and a valid Illinois Class ‘C’ Driver’s License. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of standard senior high school course or equivalent; three to four years experience in a parks maintenance position; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 196 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Museum Program Supervisor DEPARTMENT: Revenue Facilities SUMMARY: The Museum Program Supervisor is responsible for the daily operation of the Museum and other historical facilities, the planning and implementation of related programs, the coordination of museum displays, and the administration of the Park District Museum budget under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Revenue Facilities but is granted opportunities for independent action and exercises immediate supervision over part-time instructors and support staff. DUTIES: 1. Supports the Historical Society Volunteer Coordinator in the training and direction of volunteers. 2. Coordinates with the Historical Society Programs the development of a comprehensive museum program to serve all ages. 3. Hire, train, supervise and evaluate all part-time instructors and various support staff. 4. Prepares the annual Administrator’s report for the Village, Historical Society and Park District. 5. Prepares annual budget estimates and reports, monitors revenue and administers expenditures for the Park Museum programs and services. 6. Prepares the necessary bid documents and purchase orders for approval of the Assistant to the Director. 7. Prepares board summaries, monthly reports, and periodic and special reports. 8. Works with the Historical Society Publicity Coordinator and the Park District Communications Supervisor to provide timely and adequate information for publicity of museum programs. 9. Maintains the necessary records of programs as required by the Park District. 10. Works with the long range plan making appropriate suggestions and recommendations. 11. Speaks before local clubs and organizations and attends professional meetings and conferences associated with the duties of the Museum Program Supervisor. 12. Acts as the Park District liaison to the Historical Society, attending meetings as required. 13. Works with other community agencies involved with historical preservation. 14. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 197 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 15. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be designated by the Director of Parks and Recreation as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered on duty whenever a need exists for his services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of museum programming; ability to organize, direct and supervise the work of subordinate employees; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees and the public; ability to cooperate with public and private groups, agencies and the general public; good written and oral communication skills; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in museum studies or a related field; two years experience in museum administration; or any equivalent combination of education, experience, and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 198 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Park Groundsman I DEPARTMENT SUMMARY: Parks The Parks Groundsman performs work of a semi-skilled nature in the maintenance and repair of Park District grounds and facilities. The employee is under the direct supervision of maintenance Supervisor II and/or Maintenance Supervisor I. DUTIES: 1. Performs rough carpentry, plumbing and related maintenance tasks. 2. Operates a dump truck and related equipment in hauling garbage and plowing snow. 3. Makes ice and performs general maintenance duties at ice skating rinks. 4. Paints poles, bleachers, picnic tables and buildings. 5. Paints and makes simple repairs to equipment. 6. Drives a tractor in pulling gang mowers. 7. Operates small power tools as required. 8. Plants, cultivates and prunes tress and shrubs. 9. Sprays shrubs and other plants for insect and fungus control. 10. Performs custodial duties as required. 11. Does general work around the shop as required. 12. Submits daily reports of work performed. 13. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 14. Performs other related duties as required. HOURS: Forty hours per week. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, some knowledge of park grounds and facility practices; some knowledge of pertinent safety precautions; ability to operate light maintenance equipment; ability to make simple adjustments and to perform simple maintenance on equipment; ability to follow oral and written instructions; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy, good physical condition. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 199 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard elementary school course, one to two years of grounds keeping experience, or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training that provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 200 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Park Groundsman Specialist DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Parks The Park Groundsman Specialist performs a variety of semi-skilled and skilled building, grounds and mechanical duties. The employee is under the direct supervision of a Maintenance Supervisor II. DUTIES: 1. Performs semi-skilled carpentry, painting, plumbing, electrical and mechanical maintenance work on Park District buildings, facilities and equipment. 2. Repairs doors, locks, windows, vents, and floors. 3. Repairs tractors, mowers and other mechanical equipment. 4. Does a variety of cement and masonry work. 5. Repairs plumbing fixtures and replaces broken plumbing fixtures. 6. Installs electrical fixtures, including but not limited to, switches, receptacles, lighting, etc. 7. Checks and maintains boilers and air conditioning systems. 8. Performs ground maintenance task, including but not limited to, cutting, trimming and edging lawns, sweeping parking lots, snow removal, etc. 9. Constructs, paints, repairs and replaces playground equipment. 10. Repairs and maintains, swimming pool and ice skating rink facilities and equipment. 11. Does general work around the shop as required. 12. Submits daily reports of work performed. 13. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 14. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: Forty hours per week. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, good knowledge of a variety of skilled and semi-skilled maintenance and manual tasks involved in the general upkeep of park grounds and facilities or in one of the trades; good knowledge of the maintenance of basic hand tools and ground equipment; good knowledge of pertinent safety precautions; skill in the use of common OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 201 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL hand tools; ability to work from sketches, drawings and blueprints; mechanical ability, ability to follow written and oral instructions; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy; good physical condition. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Must possess a valid Illinois Pesticide Public Applicator License in turf, pest and ornamental control and a valid Illinois Class “C” Driver’s License. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard elementary school course; one to tow years experience in performing skilled and semiskilled maintenance tasks on ground and buildings or in a trade; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 202 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Pavilion Manager DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Recreation The Pavilion Manager is responsible for the overall direction and supervision of the Pavilion. This position is directly responsible to the Superintendent of Recreation. DUTIES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Managing, planning, organizing and supervising the Pavilion and its programs. Recommending to the Superintendent of Recreation the staff to be employed. Employment training and supervision of all personnel at the Pavilion. Submitting publicity releases, preparing reports and estimates, purchase requisitions, payroll and salary recommendations as required. Maintaining a club-like atmosphere and rapport between the participants. Submitting budget, purchase requisitions and salary increases for approval. Ordering supplies, hiring instructors and other staff as needed. Maintaining financial records and reports of the Pavilion. Coordinating Pavilion Summer Sports Camp. Submitting monthly reports to the Superintendent of Recreation as to activities and problems. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. Performing any other duties related to the pavilion as required by the Superintendent of Recreation in accordance with Park District policies and procedures. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: 1. Has the ability to transport self from one location to another to lead programs at various locations. 2. Has the ability to communicate with verbal language in a clear speaking voice in order to lead programs, etc. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be designated by the Superintendent of Recreation as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. Employees shall be expected to be on duty whenever the need exists for his/her services. QUALIFICATIONS: Previous experience in facility management, recreation, athletics and special events programming. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: First Aid and CPR. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: B.S. in Parks and Recreation or related field plus experience or M.A. in Parks and Recreation or related field. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 203 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Program Supervisor, Volunteer Services DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Special Recreation The Program Supervisor is responsible for planning and leadership of various programs offered through the Special Recreation cooperative in cooperation with the General Recreation Department of the Park District. The employee works under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Recreation. The Program Supervisor assists in the immediate supervision of part-time leaders, support staff and volunteers. DUTIES: 1. Assists the Superintendent of Recreation in hiring of part-time program instructors and recruitment and assignment of volunteers and student interns. 2. Assists in training and supervising of program assistant part time staff and volunteers. 3. Plans programs/special events and prepares written descriptions for brochure. 4. Maintains required records on programs, monthly reports and periodic special reports. 5. Prepares bus routes for assigned programs and appropriate permits for maintenance for approval of Superintendent of Recreation. 6. Prepares budget estimates and purchase orders for programs and assists the Superintendent of Recreation in monitoring program expenditures for department programs. 7. Works cooperatively with all other departments of the district to enhance the overall qualify of all district programs and to promote department programs. 8. Participates in inter-departmental in-service training programs as assigned. 9. Evaluates the effectiveness of services and makes recommendations on modifications of existing services and the introduction of new services. 10. Cooperates with outside agencies and special education districts to promote special recreation programs. 11. Maintains liaisons with professional therapeutic organizations and participates in state training, educational and certifications or programs as directed. 12. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 13. Develops and implements a long-range plan approved by the Superintendent of Recreation. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 204 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: 1. Has the ability to transport self from one location to another to lead. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 205 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 206 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Program Supervisor DEPARTMENT: Recreation/Special Recreation SUMMARY: The Program Specialist is responsible for planning and leadership of various programs offered through the Special Recreation Department in cooperation with the General Recreation Department of the Park District. The employee works under the direct supervision of the Special Recreation/Oakview Center Manager. The Program Specialist assists in the immediate supervision of part-time leaders, support staff and volunteers. DUTIES: 1. Assists the Superintendent of Recreation in hiring of part-time program instructors and recruitment and assignment of volunteers and student interns. 2. Assists in training and supervising of program assistant part time staff and volunteers. 3. Plans programs/special events and prepares written descriptions for brochure. 4. Maintains required records on programs, monthly reports and periodic special reports. 5. Prepares bus routes for assigned programs and appropriate permits for maintenance for approval of manager. 6. Prepares budget estimates for programs and assists the Special Recreation Manager in monitoring program expenditures for department programs. 7. Works cooperatively with all other departments of the district to enhance the overall quality of all district programs and to promote department programs. 8. Participates in inter-departmental in-service training programs as assigned. 9. Coperates with outside agencies and special education districts to promote special recreation programs. 10. Maintains liaisons with professional therapeutic organizations and participates in state training, educational and certifications or programs as directed. 11. Obeys and enforces all practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: 1. Has the ability to transport self from one location to another to lead programs at various locations. 2. Has the ability to communicate with verbal language in order to lead programs. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be designated by the Special Recreation Manager as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. Due to the nature of the job, evening and weekend hours of duty are to be expected. QUALIFICATIONS: Including but not limited to a comprehensive knowledge of the parks and recreation profession specializing in therapeutic recreation. A minimum of one-year experience in a community or clinical recreation setting. Ability to organize, plan and lead therapeutic recreation programs and assist in the development of inclusion programs in the general park district setting. Ability to work cooperatively, train and lead part-time staff and volunteers. Ability to produce accurate work in a timely basis and to perform required duties. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 207 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate from an accredited college or university with a major in parks and recreation, administration with a preferred specialization in therapeutic recreation or closely related field; one year experience in special recreation or therapeutic recreation programming. Certification or eligible for certification by N.C.T.R.C. and I.P.R.C.B. at the professional level. Certification in water safety, adaptive aquatics, First Aid and CPR preferred. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 208 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Production Engineer DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Recreation The Production Engineer is responsible for the technical arrangement and operations of the multi-faceted shows and/or performances sponsored by or hosted by the Oak Lawn Park District including both the technical equipment and the special electrical needs demanded by these events. This person is responsible for the care, upkeep and security of all technical sound and light equipment owned by the Park District. This employee is under the direct supervision of the Music Director. DUTIES: 1. Maintains all sound, light and electrical equipment in good and proper working order. 2. Demonstrates thorough understanding of the proper use for all sound and light equipment owned by the Park District through appropriate selection and utilization of equipment during each engagement. 3. Develops and maintains a current inventory of all technical sound, light and electrical equipment owned by the Park District. 4. Acts as the technical advisor, or as the technical director if so requested, for all programs, shows or performances sponsored or hosted by the Oak Lawn Park District. 5. Promotes through established procedures certain entertainment ventures of the Oak Lawn Park District. 6. Visit all programs, show or performance sites prior to all calendared engagements requiring sound/light/electrical equipment to ascertain specific technical requirements of the engagement. Determines any additional technical assistance required by the engagement and follows the established policies and procedures in securing such assistance. If additional assistance is necessary and is approved, the Sound Technical is responsible for all phases of instructing, supervising and controlling persons in the prescribed manner. 7. Purchases, according to policy and procedure, any additional equipment needed for all calendared programs, shows and performances. 8. Responsible for the set-up and breakdown of our technical equipment and special electrical arrangements used at all engagements of the Park District. 9. Handles accurately the technical performance at all rehearsals for and at the actual events. Participates in all planning as requested by Department Heads. Responsible for opening and closing all physical areas being used during rehearsals and actual events. 10. Develops video productions as requested and subject to the suitability of our equipment and/or arranges for said productions from an outside vendor. 11. Services all sound systems used throughout the Park District. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 209 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 12. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 13. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be designated by the Music Director as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered on duty whenever a need exists for his services. QUALIFICAITONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of technical equipment and special electrical needs demanded by all shows and/or performances sponsored by the Oak Lawn Park District; ability to install, maintain and repair all technical, sound and light equipment owned by the Oak Lawn Park District. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course or equivalent, supplemented by studies in technical sound and lighting equipment; three to four years experience in sound, or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 210 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Payroll and Personnel Clerk DEPARTMENT: Business SUMMARY: The Payroll and Personnel Clerk is responsible for the performance of payroll and personnel processing, the safekeeping of and total confidentiality of all payroll and personnel records, and registration processing. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel. DUTIES: 1. Provides proper care of business equipment. 2. Provides accounting service essential to the preparation, administration and control of the payroll accounts prior to computer entry. 3. Responsible for all payroll accounting and personnel processing as outlined in the Payroll and Personnel instructions through month-end closing, including IMRF reports, quarterly reports and state and federal reports. 4. Traces errors and records adjustments to correct debits or credits posted incorrectly. 5. Maintains off-line control system for all payrolls, making all related salary deductions. 6. Maintains records of personnel history files, staff vacation, sick leave, injury leave, and other paid holidays. 7. Processes and maintains files for employment compensation, workers’ compensation and insurance, accident and health insurance reports. 8. Prepares interim checks as required. 9. Responsible for maintaining adequate supplies and forms required to maintain payroll and personnel files. 10. Responsible for the general accounting of registration processing and month-end closing and reconciliation. 11. Supervises part-time staff required to do registration processing. 12. Works in conjunction with the Recreation Department staff and the Superintendent of Recreation to set up, process, and maintain information related to registration processing. 13. Responsible for maintaining and updating general instructions on registration processing. 14. Responsible for maintaining and updating general instructions on payroll and personnel processing. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 211 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 15. Assists the Accounting Supervisor and/or Superintendent of Finance and Personnel with internal audits of all accounts as directed. 16. Must be able to temporarily perform duties of Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable Clerk with the assistance of the Accounting Supervisor to cover vacations and other leaves. 17. Responsible for the timely closing of all payroll, personnel and MRS end of month reconciliation and update. 18. Cooperates with the auditors and provides information as required. 19. May check the work of other clerks as accuracy. 20. The Payroll and Personnel Clerk is considered to be a confidential employee due to the fact that the employee has access to information regarding the effectuation and review of the Park District’s collective bargaining policies. 21. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 22. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: 40 hours per week. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, good knowledge of general accounting principles and terms and the ability to supply such knowledge to the duties assigned; some knowledge of the operation of basic office machines; some typing ability, ability to follow written and oral instructions; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees; ability to solve problems comprehensively and to produce neat and accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy; ability to understand and enforce the confidentiality of information contained in the payroll and personnel records. SPEICAL REQUIREMENTS: It is the express responsibility of the Payroll Clerk to maintain and enforce the confidentiality of all records and information kept, as part of the payroll, personnel, and collective responsibility will be considered cause for dismissal. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course or equivalent; one to two years experience in payroll and personnel accounting; or an equivalent combination of education experience and training which provides the required job skills. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 212 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Racquet Club Manager DEPARTMENT: Revenue Facilities SUMMARY: The Racquet Club Manager is responsible for all operations and programs of the Oak Lawn Racquet Club, developing year-round tennis and racquetball programs to encourage public use of the facility. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Revenue Facilities, but is granted opportunities for independent action and exercises immediate supervision over full-time, part-time, and seasonal Racquet Club employees. DUTIES: 1. Develops an innovative instructional program and professional staff for tennis and racquetball that will satisfy the public needs. 2. Submits written reports to the Superintendent of Revenue Facilities on proposed lesson and program schedules that will be included in all regular publicity and mailings of the District. 3. Responsible for the business operation of the Racquet Club in conjunction with the Park District Business Department. 4. Responsible for budget development, business and financial procedures, daily cash controls and record keeping. 5. Creates and promotes programs, and publicizes them through different media sources. 6. Responsible for all maintenance of the Racquet Club. 7. Maintains an awareness of current trends in tennis and racquetball to be incorporated as part of the Comprehensive Plan of the Park District. 8. Keeps daily attendance, receipts, membership applications, lesson sign-up and other miscellaneous statistics as necessary to the operation and management of the Racquet Club. 9. Directly supervises the work of all full-time, part-time and seasonal employees of the Racquet Club including hiring, scheduling, training, evaluation and, if necessary dismissal. 10. Maintain an adequate inventory of all supplies needed for the pro shop, including maintenance supplies. 11. Plans and conducts a promotional program including special events to encourage Club membership. 12. Organizes leagues and tournaments in both tennis and racquetball for different ability levels and ages. 13. Conducts regular staff meetings. 14. Makes regular inspections of equipment and maintenance of the facility. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 213 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 15. Assists in preparation of periodic and special reports. 16. Implements operating procedures established by the Board of Commissioners. 17. Develops and maintains a cooperative working relationship with other Park District departments. 18. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 19. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Superintendent of Revenue Facilities as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall consider being on duty whenever a need exists for his/her services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of public recreational tennis and racquetball facility management; thorough knowledge of tennis and racquetball rules and pro shop operations; good knowledge of tennis and racquetball instruction; ability to organize; direct and supervise the work of subordinate employees; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with Racquet Club patrons and other employees; ability to cooperate with the public at all times, good written and oral communication skills; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy, good physical condition. SPEICAL REQUIRMENT: Must be a current member of the United States Professional Tennis Association. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in recreation administration, business administration, or closely related field; three years experience in public recreation facility management; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 214 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Registration Clerk DEPARTMENT Business SUMMARY: The Registration Clerk is responsible for the performance of all registration processing and for cash receipts. The employee is under the direct supervision of the Accounting Supervisor. DUTIES: 1. Responsible for the general accounting of registration processing and month-end closing and reconciliation. 2. Supervises part-time staff required to do registration processing. 3. Works in conjunction with the Recreation Department staff and the Superintendent of Recreation to set up, process, and maintain information related to registration processing. 4. Responsible for maintaining and updating general instructions on registration processing. 5. Assist in processing registration batching and reconciliation as required. 6. Prepares, reconciles and enters all swimming pool pass sales, swimming pool and park concession sales, and all other daily deposits at Community Centers. 7. Maintains and updates general instructions for performing job tasks. 8. Assists the Accounting/Controller Supervisor and Superintendent of Finance and Personnel with internal audit of all accounts receivable. 9. Cooperates with the auditors and provides information as requested. 10. Traces errors and records adjustments to correct debits of credits posted incorrectly. 11. Maintains and reconciles all usage entries for all Centers other than Revenue Facilities. 12. Responsible for sports and facility scheduling. 13. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 14. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: 40 hours per week. QUALIFCATION: Including, but not limited to, good knowledge of general accounting principles and terms and ability to apply such knowledge to the duties assigned; some knowledge of operation of basic office machines; some typing ability; OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 215 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL ability to follow written and oral instructions; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees; ability to solve problems comprehensively and to produce neat and accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, dependability, tact and courtesy. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course or equivalent; one to two years experience in accounts receivable accounting, or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 216 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Superintendent of Recreation DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Recreation The Superintendent of Recreation is responsible for the administration, development and direction of the recreation programs for all groups, ages and interest levels within the Oak Lawn Park District. The employee functions with a wide latitude of administrative and professional discretion under the supervision over full-time, part-time, and seasonal employees of the Recreation Department. The employee is also in charge of all special recreation programming and acts as ADA compliance officer for the Park District. DUTIES: 1. Plans and directs a comprehensive expanding program of recreational activities for all segments, groups, age and interest levels of the community. 2. Hire, assign, supervise, and evaluate program supervisors. 3. Prepares the annual budget estimates and reports, monitors revenue and administers the expenditure of budget and capital development funds of the Recreation Department. 4. Acts as liaison between the Recreation Department and all other departments while working closely with other department heads. 5. Maintains liaison with other governmental agencies and community groups. 6. Approves park use requests that are within his area of responsibility and presents recommendations to the Director on requests that require Director of Parks and Recreation or Board approval. 7. Responsible for coordinating all departmental publicity with the Communication Supervisor. 8. Evaluates or causes to be evaluated the effectiveness of services and makes recommendations on the modification of existing services and the introduction of new services to the Director of Parks and Recreation. 9. Initiates a program of in-service training for all recreation staff. 10. Prepares and/or directs the preparation of board summaries, monthly reports, and periodic and special reports. 11. Maintains required records of departmental activities. 12. Conducts weekly staff meetings with the program supervisors. 13. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 14. Performs other related duties as assigned. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 217 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: 1. Has the ability to transport self from one location to another to lead programs at various locations. 2. Has the ability to communicate with verbal language in a clear speaking voice in order to lead program, etc. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Director of Parks and Recreation as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, comprehensive knowledge of all phases of community recreation activities; thorough knowledge of the principles, practices and objectives of community park and recreation philosophies to governmental authorities, private groups and agencies and the general public; ability to organize and direct the work of professional, technical, skilled, clerical and semi-skilled employees; ability to develop and maintain positive and effective working relationships with subordinates and to promote and maintain high morale and enthusiasm; good written and oral communication skills; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in recreation or a closely related field; five years experience in recreation administration and planning; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 218 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Superintendent of Special Services & Communications DEPARTMENT: Administration/Recreation SUMMARY: The Superintendent of Special Services and Communications performs varied duties, special projects and events related to the Administration, Public Relations and Special Events Departments within the Oak Lawn Park District. The employee directly supervises the Public Relations Department employees and serves as a liaison to community. The Superintendent of Special Services and Communications is under the direct supervision of the Director. DUTIES: 1. Research and writes various grant proposals to include, but not limited to development, land acquisition and bicycle trails. 2. Prepares and reviews Park District policies and administrative directives/directives and updating as necessary. 3. Assists in preparing cooperative agreements, ordinances, resolutions and correspondence as needed. 4. Prepares board summaries, monthly event reports or periodic reports and conducts surveys as needed. 5. Acts as liaison to various affiliated organizations, community groups, government committees and business community to include, but not limited to Park Advisory Groups, Oak Lawn Chamber of Commerce, Village of Oak Lawn, Family Days, Foundations, etc. 6. Coordinates and implements Holiday Special Events within the Recreation Department. 7. Plans and implements annually the Employee Recognition Program. 8. Superintendent of Special Services and Communications (Continued) 9. Coordinates and implements the Eagle Eye Neighborhood Park Watch program to include, but not limited to Neighborhood Advisory meetings, local school and community presentations and overall promotion to community residents and park patrons. 10. Coordinates and markets the Memorial and “Tree to a Tee” Planting programs at various parks and golf course twice a year. 11. Responsible for coordinating groundbreaking and dedication ceremonies when deems necessary. 12. Directly supervise the Public Relations Coordinator and Graphic Artist employees with the Public Relations Department. 13. Responsible for coordinating district wide publicity and advertising with Public Relations Department for facilities and departments within the district. 14. Responsible for preparation and distribution of bid specifications for printing of district brochure quarterly and maintaining required communication with printing vendors and local postal facility through completed production. 15. Develops district wide Master Calendar and Marketing Plan as deems necessary. 16. Responsible for maintaining Park Usage Permits for reservations for picnics and events at various parks. 17. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 18. Perform special projects and other related duties as assigned by the Director. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Director of Parks and Recreation as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his services. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 219 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough technical and practical knowledge of the park district system; thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of community park and recreation work and its administration; the public, board members, and staff; excellent written and oral communication skills; ability to adapt to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact, and courtesy. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: It is the express responsibility of the Administrative Assistant to maintain and enforce the confidentiality of assigned administrative and Park board tasks and duties including those regarding the effectuation and review of Park District collective bargaining policies and procedures. Violation of this responsibility will be considered cause for dismissal. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in Park and Recreation Administration or closely related field; three to four years experience in the field of parks and recreation at a supervisory level; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 220 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Special Recreation/Senior Citizens/Center Manager DEPARTMENT: SUMMARY: Recreation The Special Recreation/Senior Citizens/Center Manager is responsible for managing the overall operations of the Special Recreation Department of the Oak Lawn Park District and the Oakview Center. The manager is responsible for planning, developing, implementing and evaluation the Special Recreation programs and major special events consistent with the overall philosophy and goals of the district. The manager is also responsible for the operation of Oakview Center working closely with the Maintenance Department to maintain proper upkeep of the building. DUTIES: 1. Establishes and evaluates policies, procedures and standards of the department and center. 2. Recruit, hire, train and supervise all program staff, interns, and volunteers and sets all job assignments. 3. Develops and administers departmental and coop budget subject to administrative approval. 4. Establishes and maintains communications within and between other departments to facilitate special recreation and other park district goals. 5. Participates in interdepartmental in-service training programs. Develops training for other departments in relation to special recreation. 6. Develops special recreation projects/programs and cooperate with interdepartmental projects or goals with outside agencies and organizations. 7. Develops and maintains involvement of community groups, nursing homes, living facilities, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, to facilitate intergeneration of individuals with disabilities into park district programs. 8. Prepares all necessary reports, permits, forms and submits monthly reports to Director. 9. Special Recreation/Senior Citizens/Center Manager (Continued) 10. Maintains liaisons with professional organizations and participate in state and national training, educational and certification programs. 11. Oversees the operation of Oakview Center including supervision of all office and maintenance staff, approves office staff schedules and prepares written evaluations annually. 12. Prepares all payroll records for all part-time personnel. 13. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 14. All other duties as assigned by the Director of Parks and Recreation. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: 2. Has the ability to communicate with the public and staff verbally or by some other means of personal communication device. 3. Has the ability to independently transport self from one site to another. 4. Has the ability to perform activities of daily living training transfers or supervise such training activities. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be designated by the Director of Parks and Recreation as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 221 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, a comprehensive knowledge of the parks and recreation profession specialized in therapeutic recreation. A minimum of five years progressive responsibility in community or clinical settings that deal in the provision of recreation for individuals with disabilities. Knowledge of community based funding services. Knowledge and ability to network with other community agencies to facilitate comprehensive services including special districts, nursing homes, rehabilitation, social service and medical progress. Ability to organize, direct the work of other professional, clerical, student or semi-skilled employees. Ability to develop, maintain positive and effective communications with co-workers and subordinates, and to promote and maintain high morale and enthusiasm, good written and oral communication skills, ability to work independently with minimal supervision, to solve problems comprehensively, and to produce accurate work on a timely basis, ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, strategy, tact and courtesy. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in parks and recreation administration with a specialization in therapeutic recreation, five years progressively responsible experience in a community based or combined community or clinical setting, certification by N.C.T.R.C. and I.P.R.C.B. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 222 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Secretary II DEPARTMENT: Clerical SUMMARY: The Secretary II performs moderately difficult stenographic, typing, and clerical tasks involving performance of a number of varied general office tasks. The work requires the exercise of judgment in the application of prescribed procedures and methods to routine matters is reviewed for accuracy, and may be of a confidential nature. The employee is under the director supervision of a Department Head or the Director’s Secretary, Secretary Clerk Typist or Clerk Typist. DUTIES: 1. Performs secretarial services for Superintendents including, but not limited to, typing, preparing reports and correspondence, and other special administrative tasks and duties of a confidential nature including those regarding the effectuation and review of Park District collective bargaining policies and procedures. 2. May assume duties of Secretary to the Director of Parks and Recreation when necessary. 3. Takes dictation of letters and memoranda relating to parks and recreation. 4. Prepares routine replies to correspondence without dictation in accordance with established procedures. 5. Prepares correspondence, interoffice forms, agenda, certificates, purchase orders, documents and related papers. 6. Answers telephones, gives general information in response to public inquiries or directs callers to the proper person or office, and keeps a record of long distance telephone calls made through the main switchboard. 7. Meets a variety of callers from other departments and offices and from outside the Park District, ascertains the purpose of their visit and directs the caller to the proper office and person or otherwise disposes of the request. 8. Interprets departmental operations and activities to the general public, either personally or over the telephone. 9. Updates and maintains a variety of records related to the operation of the Administration Office. 10. Prepares invoices, fee collection, and a wide variety of other reports. 11. Makes appointments for immediate supervisor and reminds him/her of such appointments or other matters that should be called to his/her attention. 12. Types accounting and statistical tables and miscellaneous material. 13. Sets up Board room for Meetings and prepares coffee for Board Meetings. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 223 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 14. May check work of other clerks or secretaries for accuracy. 15. May act as registrar in the Recreation Department performing tasks including, but not limited to, registering persons for activities, issuing swimming pool passes, collecting payment of fees, issuing receipts for payment, preparing bank deposits, and maintaining simple records. 16. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 17. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: 40 hours per week QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, some knowledge of office terminology, procedures and equipment; some knowledge of business arithmetic and business English; ability to take and transcribe dictation or use a Dictaphone at a reasonable rate of speed; ability to type from clear copy or rough draft at a reasonable rate of speed; ability to write legible; ability to follow written and oral instructions; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees and the public; ability to solve problems comprehensively and to produce neat and accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, tact and EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course of equivalent, supplemented by courses in shorthand and typing; one or two years experience in secretarial or clerical work; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 224 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Secretary I DEPARTMENT: Clerical SUMMARY: The Secretary I perform beginning level secretarial tasks including, but not limited to, taking dictation or using a Dictaphone and transcribing the notes on a typewriter. The clerical work is of a repetitive nature, performed in a prescribed routine, and is reviewed for accuracy. The employee is under the direct supervision of a Department Head or the Director’s Secretary. DUTIES: 1. Performs general office duties. 2. Answers telephones, gives general information in response to public inquiries or directs callers to the proper person or office, and keeps a record of long distance telephone calls made through the main switchboard. 3. Acts as a receptionist, directing individuals to the proper person or office. 4. Takes and transcribes dictation of letters and memoranda, reports and other materials. 5. Types letters, memoranda, reports and other materials from clear copy or rough draft. 6. Proofreads typewritten material. 7. Mounts and files newspaper clippings. 8. Sorts, indexes and files materials alphabetically, numerically and geographically. 9. Operates Xerox machines, adding machines, and other simple machines. 10. Operates a computer terminal to enter or access data. 11. Enters Board Meeting minutes and Ordinances into official books. 12. Transfers Board Meeting information to a reference card file from the Minutes. 13. Sorts and distributes inter-office and pre-screened out-side mail. 14. Processes registration received in the mail and from Community Center offices into batches for computer input and prepares related bank deposits. 15. Sets up Board Room for Meetings and prepares coffee for Board meetings. 16. May act as registrar in the Recreation Department performing tasks including, but not limited to, registering persons for activities, issuing swimming pool passes, collecting payment of fees, issuing receipts for payment, preparing bank deposits, and maintaining simple records. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 225 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 17. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 18. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: 40 hours per week QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, some knowledge of office terminology, procedures and equipment; some knowledge of business arithmetic and business English; ability to take and transcribe dictation or use a Dictaphone at a reasonable rate of speed; ability to type from clear copy or rough draft at a reasonable rate of speed; ability to write legible; ability to follow written and oral instructions; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees and the public; ability to solve a problem comprehensively and to produce neat and accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, integrity, tact and courtesy. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course of equivalent, supplemented by courses in shorthand and typing; one or two years experience in secretarial or clerical work; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 226 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Superintendent of Finance and Personnel DEPARTMENT: Business SUMMARY: The Superintendent of Finance and Personnel is responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring the financial and personnel operations records and related detail of the Oak Lawn Park District. The employee functions with a wide latitude of administrative and professional discretion under the direct supervision of the Director of Parks and Recreation and exercises immediate supervision over the full-time, part-time and seasonal employees of the Business Department. DUTIES: 1. Prepares financial reports for the Board of Commissioners. 2. Responsible for the operation of all accounting systems, records and related detail, including, but not limited to, receipts, expenditures, general books of account, personnel records, purchasing records and systems and such other detail procedures as are necessary to the efficient conduct of various departments. 3. Responsible to the Director for coordinating the preparation of the budget and the control of expenditures within the budget and the control of expenditures within the budget framework for all departments. 4. Prepares studies and conducts projections which may have impact on the future ability of the Park District to meet its obligations. 5. Acts as the Park District liaison to the auditors in the preparation of the Park District’s annual audit. 6. Prepares and/or directs employee benefits programs. 7. Plans and directs employee benefit programs. 8. Conducts informative meetings with employees relating to personnel matters. 9. Recommends personnel policy changes. 10. Prepares an annual wage and salary schedule. 11. Hire, train, supervise, and evaluate full-time, part-time, and seasonal Business Department employees. 12. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 13. Performs other related duties as assigned. The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Director of Parks and Recreation as necessary to properly perform the duties for the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, comprehensive knowledge of general laws and administrative policies governing municipal finance and personnel practices and procedures; thorough knowledge of modern office practices; thorough knowledge of standard accounting methods, procedures, forms and records; some knowledge of the principles, practices and objectives of community park and recreation administration; thorough knowledge of all types of insurance used by park districts; ability to prepare informative financial records; ability to perform fiscal planning and to advise the Director of Parks and Recreation on the formulation of fiscal policy; ability to organize and direct the work of professional; technical, skilled clerical and semi-skilled employees; ability to develop and maintain positive and effective working relationships with subordinates and to promote and HOURS: OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 227 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL maintain high morale and enthusiasm; good written and oral communication skills; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in business administration, public administration, or closely related field; five years of experience in the direction of a sound fiscal program; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 228 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Superintendent of Parks DEPARTMENT Parks SUMMARY: The Superintendent of Parks is responsible for the administration of the general maintenance, repair, development, land acquisition and capital improvement programs for all grounds, buildings and park facilities of the Oak Lawn Park District. The employee functions with a wide latitude of administrative and professional discretion under the supervision of the Director of Parks and Recreation and exercises immediate supervision over the full-time, part-time and seasonal staff of the Parks Department. DUTIES: 1. Directs, plans, and coordinates topographical surveys and site plans for landscape architectural programs. 2. Reviews all park feasibility studies and master plans for accuracy and presents these along with alternatives and recommendations to the Director. 3. Directs and assigns work to the park maintenance divisions of the Park District. 4. Provides technical assistance to subordinate staff. 5. Performs inspections of fieldwork and makes recommendations for change. 6. Inspects development to properties. 7. Prepares bids to contractors for projects not done by department crews. 8. Responds to telephone calls and investigates complaints from citizens. 9. Hires, trains, supervises and evaluates all maintenance supervisory personnel. 10. Supervises and evaluates, through subordinate supervisors, all Parks Department personnel. 11. Supervises the preparation of and signs all field requisitions for purchases, repair report, equipment’s transfers, personnel paper, etc. 12. Consults with the Director and others on park development and policies. 13. Consults with recreation administrators and coordinates park department policies and operations with recreation plans. 14. Speaks before clubs and groups on Park Department operations. 15. Prepares budgetary reports and administers the expenditures of budget funds and capital development funds as approved by the Board of Commissioners. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 229 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 16. Prepares and/or directs the preparation of board summaries, monthly reports, and periodic and special reports. 17. Maintains required records of departmental activities. 18. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 19. Performs other related duties as assigned. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: 1. Has the ability to transport self from one site to another. 2. Has the ability to communicate with verbal language in a clear speaking voice. 3. Supervision of individuals. 4. Perform orientation and training of staff and volunteers. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Director of Parks and Recreation as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, comprehensive knowledge of the preparation, review and coordination of park and facility design and master planning; comprehensive knowledge of landscape architectural theories, practices and principles, thorough knowledge of horticulture, particularly as it relates to the planting, growth and care of trees, shrubs and park vegetation; thorough knowledge of the principles, practices and objectives of community park and recreation administration; ability to establish and maintain satisfactory working relationships with village department, the general public and private contractors; ability to organize and direct the work of professional, technical, skilled, clerical and semi-skilled employees; ability to develop and maintain positive and maintain high morale and enthusiasm; good written and oral communications skills; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively; and to produce accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited university with a major in park management, horticulture, landscape architecture, or other closely related field, five years experience in park management at a supervisory level; or any equivalent combination of education experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 230 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Superintendent of Revenue of Facilities DEPARTMENT: Revenue Facilities SUMMARY: The Superintendent of Revenue Facilities is responsible for the administration of all revenue facilities operated by the Oak Lawn Park District including the Stony Creek Golf Club and Stony Creek Driving Range (secluding golf course maintenance), the Community pavilion and the Oak Lawn Park District Tennis and Racquet Club. The employee functions with a wide latitude of administrative and professional discretion under the supervision of the Director of Parks and Recreation and exercises immediate supervision over the fulltime, part-time and seasonal employees of the Revenue Facilities Department. DUTIES: 1. Plans, organizes, markets and directs a comprehensive program of activities for all revenue facilities. 2. Establishes and supervises management procedures. 3. Prepares the annul budget estimates and reports, monitors revenue and administers the expenditure of budget and capital development funds of the Revenue Facilities Department. 4. Develops and implements a marketing strategy. 5. Prepares and/or directs the preparation of board summaries, monthly reports and periodic and special reports. 6. Develops, implements and monitors, in conjunction with the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel, a system of financial reports and controls procedures. 7. Maintains required records of departmental activities. 8. Hire, train, supervise and evaluate all full-time Revenue Facility personnel. 9. Acts as liaison between the Department of Revenue Facilities and all other departments while working closely with other department heads. 10. Develops and implants a long-range plan for the Department as part of the Park District long range planning effort. 11. Acts as the official representative to the Oak Lawn Golf Club Committee. 12. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 13. Performs other related duties as assigned. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 231 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL HOURS: The normal workweek shall be as designated by the Director of Parks and Recreation as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for his services. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, comprehensive knowledge of golf operations, tennis/racquetball operations, and food and beverage management; thorough knowledge of the principles, practices and objectives of community park with the interpret revenue philosophies to governmental authorities, private groups and agencies and the general public; ability to organize and direct the work of professional, technical, skilled, clerical and semi-skilled employees; ability to develop and maintain positive and effective working relationships morale and enthusiasm; good written and oral communications skills; ability to work with minimum supervision, to solve problems comprehensively and to produce accurate work on a timely basis; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of an accredited college or university with a major in recreation or closely related field; five years administrative experience working with revenue facilities; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 232 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Technical Supervisor DEPARTMENT: Recreation-Museum SUMMARY: The Technical Supervisor is responsible for the technical arrangement and operations of the multifaceted shows and/or performances sponsored by or hosted by the Oak Lawn Park District including both the technical equipment and the special electrical needs demanded by these events. This person is responsible for the care, upkeep and security of all technical sound and light equipment owned by the Park District. This employee is under the direct supervision of the Cultural Arts Supervisor. DUTIES: 1. Maintains all sound, light and electrical equipment in good and proper working order. 2. Demonstrates thorough understanding of the proper use for all sound and light equipment owned by the Park District through appropriate selection and utilization of equipment during each engagement. 3. Develops and maintains a current inventory of all technical sound, light and electrical equipment owned by the Park District. 4. Acts as the technical advisor, or as the technical director is so requested, for all programs, shows or performances sponsored or hosted by the Oak Lawn Park District. 5. Promotes through established procedures certain entertainment ventures of the Oak Lawn Park District. 6. Visits all program, show or performance sites prior to all calendar engagements requiring sound/light/electrical equipment to ascertain specific technical requirements of the technical assistance required by the engagement and follows the established policies and procedures in securing such assistance. If additional assistance is necessary and is approved, the Sound Technical is responsible for all phases of instructing, supervising and controlling persons in the prescribed manner. 7. Purchases, according to policy and procedure, any additional equipment needed for all calendar programs, shows and performances. 8. Responsible for the set-up and breakdown of our technical equipment and special electrical arrangements used at all engagements of the Park District. 9. Handles accurately the technical performance at all rehearsals for and at the actual events. 10. Responsible for the hiring, training and scheduling of part time technical assistants. 11. Services all sound systems used throughout the Park District. 12. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 233 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 13. Performs other related duties as assigned. HOURS: The normal workweek shall be designated by the Cultural Arts Supervisor as necessary to properly perform the duties of the job. The employee shall be considered on duty whenever a need exists for his services. QUALIIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of technical equipment and special electrical needs demanded by all shows and/or performances sponsored by the Oak Lawn Park District; ability to install; maintain and repair all technical, sound and light equipment owned by the Oak Lawn Park District. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course or equivalent, supplemented by studies in technical sound and lighting equipment; three to four years experience in sound, or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 234 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Vehicle Mechanic DEPARTMENT: Parks SUMMARY: The Vehicle Mechanic is responsible for the automotive and landscape vehicle repair and maintenance activities of the Park District garage. The work is highly skilled involving responsibility for efficient performance of a variety of automotive repair and machinist tasks. The employee is under the direct supervision of a Maintenance Supervisor II. DUTIES: 1. Assigns, directs, performs and inspects the repair of all automotive equipment and landscape vehicles. 2. Supervises and maintains garage stock room and requisitions supplies and equipment. 3. Determines extent of repairs to be made to automotive equipment and landscape vehicles. 4. Performs difficult repairs and maintenance on heavy automotive equipment. 5. Oversees State Inspection of Park District owned vehicles. 6. Directs welding operations and the fabrication of parts and special equipment. 7. Determines tests to be made on repaired equipment. 8. Directs a preventative maintenance program for Park District vehicles. 9. Executes any type of automotive and landscape vehicle repair and maintenance work in accordance with approved regulations, prescribed drawings, specifications, rough sketches or oral instructions. 10. Selects proper material and equipment for the work at hand. 11. Estimates equipment and material needs for automotive and landscape vehicle repair and maintenance work. 12. Supervises other employees to assist him in performing automotive and landscape vehicle repair and maintenance work. 13. Does general work around the shop as required. 14. Maintains records of work performed on Park District automotive and landscape vehicles. 15. Submits daily reports of worked performed. 16. Keeps tools and equipment in usable condition. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 235 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 17. Obey and enforce the practical safety rules, regulations and procedures established by the safety program that is pertinent to the activities conducted by the department. 18. Performs other related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: Including, but not limited to, thorough knowledge of automotive and hydraulic system mechanics and repair methods; good knowledge of automotive parts and equipment; good knowledge of business practices applicable to garage management; mechanical aptitude; good knowledge of pertinent safety precautions; ability to follow god written and oral instructions; ability to plan and schedule work so Park District motor equipment will remain in proper operating condition; ability to supervise the work of other employees; ability to maintain positive and effective working relationships with other employees; ability to perform required duties with initiative, good judgment, accuracy, persistence, creativity, integrity, tact and courtesy; good physical condition. SPECIAL REQUIRMENT: Must possess a valid Illinois Class “C” Driver’s License. HOURS: 40 hours per week EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduate of a standard high school course or equivalent’ three to four years experience as a certified vehicle mechanic; or any equivalent combination of education, experience and training which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. OAK LAWN PARK DISRTICT CODE BOOK 236 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINISTATIVE MANUAL PARTTIMEANDSHORTTERMPERSONNELPOLICY PART TIME AND SHORT TERM PERSONNEL POLICY 1 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Disclaimer Please Read Carefully You should know that this Policy Manual is not intended to create, nor should it be construed to constitute, any type of employment contract, promise or guarantee between Oak Lawn Park District and its employees. This Policy Manual is also not intended to describe the District and its present policies and procedures. Needless to say, these policies may, and likely will, be changed form time to time, with or without notice, as the District deems appropriate. No representative of the District, other than the Director of Parks and Recreation, has the authority to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing. SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 2 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Forward The Oak Lawn Park District is a separate unit of municipal government, established in 1944, governed by a Board of five elected commissioners who serve without pay. It is the purpose of the Oak Lawn Park District to effectively and economically provide recreational programs, facilities, and open space for the residents of the District that are designed to provide wholesome, constructive, and enjoyable leisure time experiences that benefit the individual, the family, and the community. For the most part, the services of the District are offered through the personnel of the District. Therefore, the quality of the District services is directly affected by the performance of every employee. Furthermore, each employee serves as a representative of the Oak Lawn Park District to all residents of the District. Purpose This Personnel Policy Manual is intended to describe the existing personnel policies and procedures of the Oak Lawn Park District as they apply to all part-time and short-term employment or to provide any assurance of continued employment. The Board of Commissioners of the District has reviewed and approved this manual, and will in the future periodically review and revise the policies and procedures contained in this manual, as it deems appropriate. No representative of the District, other than the Director, has the authority to enter into any agreement with or make any binding representation to any part-time or short-term personnel, as defined in Chapter X., Section 5.01 of the Oak Lawn Park District Policy Manual, regarding the terms and conditions of employment to make any agreement all previous personnel policies and practices. SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 3 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Policy Administration Responsibility The Director’s Office shall be responsible for the administration of the policies and procedures contained in this manual. A copy of this manual shall be on file at all times at all District Offices and shall be made available to any current employee upon request. Revision The Board of Commissioners of the District may periodically review the policies and procedures contained in the manual and revise them from time to time, as they deem appropriate. Separability If any policy of procedure or part thereof contained in this manual shall be determined invalid in a court of law, such determination shall not affect the validity of the remaining policies and procedures or parts thereof. A. B. Interpretation For the purpose of this manual, part-time employees shall be defined as those employees who normally work less than 37 hours per week. Short-term employees shall be defined as those employees who are employed for a specific function, working either a full-time or part-time schedule, for less than two consecutive calendar quarters during a calendar year. Unless otherwise specified, the term “employees” as used throughout this manual shall mean part-time and short-term employees as defined above. For the purpose of this manual, word in the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender and words in the singular number shall include the plural and vice-versa. SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 4 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employment Procedures Application Applicants for District employment shall complete an application form and file it through the appropriate department. Only those applicants who in the District’s opinion possess the skills and abilities to meet the job requirements shall be eligible go be considered for employment. Determination of Ability The District shall attempt to determine a qualified applicant’s ability through reference checks or any testing deemed necessary. Testing may be written, oral, physical, or in the form of a demonstration of skill, or any combination of these and shall be designed to test and determine the relative ability of a qualified applicant. The District shall be responsible for any expenses incurred due to testing. In hiring professional staff, applicants who have attained CPRP (Certified Park and Recreation Professional) status are preferred. Security Check Qualified applicants may be subject to a security check where the duties of the position warrant it. Merit It shall be the practice of the District to employ the best available qualified applicant for any position, and employment and advancement shall be based strictly on merit. Equal Opportunity Qualified applicants shall be given equal consideration for any position. No discrimination shall be exercised in any manner by an District officer or employee which is prohibited by any applicable state or federal law, including discrimination against or in favor of any qualified applicant or District employee due to political affiliation, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, mental or physical handicap unrelated to ability, or unfavorable discharge for military service (except dishonorable). SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 5 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Nepotism A. Immediate family members of current elected commissioners, the Director, and department heads may not be employed for any full-time, part-time, or short-term job within the District. B. Immediate family members of all other full-time employees may not be employed for any full-time, part-time, or shortterm job within the same department of the District. C. The Director under special circumstances may waive this policy for employees who marry after becoming employed by the District. D. For the purpose of this section, immediate family members shall be defined as the employee’s or the employee’s spouse’s mother, father, husband, wife, children, brother, sister, grandparents, or grandchildren. A. B. Notification Qualified applicants shall be notified of acceptance or rejection as soon as possible. New employees of the District shall receive a Notice of Hire which indicates position, department, rate of pay, dates of employment, hours of work, and other information pertinent to the position of which they have been hired along with other policies, terns, and conditions of employment. This notice and any supplemental material are not intended to create a contract of employment. Personnel File A personnel file shall be established for each employee with pertinent information recorded including, but not limited to, application; salary history; job performance evaluation; recognition for service, outstanding performance, or suggestions implemented; reprimands; disciplinary action; etc. At the discretion of the District, employees may review their personnel file. SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 6 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employee Benefits Workers Compensation Insurance In the event an employee is injured in connection with their work while on the job, they are entitled to the full benefits of Workers Compensation insurance. In the event that an on the job injury results in time off, the employee will be compensated at 66 2/3% of their gross average weekly wage, in the weeks the employee was working one year prior to the injury, subject to certain minimums and maximums. No compensation is payable for the first 3 work days unless the lost time continues for 14 calendar days or more from the date of injury. Compensation is paid by Workers Compensation insurance. Workers Compensation insurance will continue to assume responsibility for paying the employee until they are able to return to work Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund All employees who work 1,000 hours or more annually are required to participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF). IMRF is established under Illinois Statute to provide a program of retirement annuities and disability and death benefits for employees of local governments. Social Security All employees are covered under Social Security and will have payroll deductions made in accordance with current Social Security regulations. SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 7 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Reimbursement for Uniform, Protective Clothing or Equipment Expenses The District shall provide any uniform or protective clothing or equipment required as a part of job performance, whether because of the need to establish public identity, safety requirements, or the duties of the position cause unusual clothing depreciation. The department head shall determine the need for uniforms or protective clothing or equipment. In-Service Training It shall be the practice of the District to conduct special in-service training programs that will better equip an employee to fulfill his job responsibilities. Awards Program The District Employee Awards Program has bee established to appropriately recognize length of service or outstanding performance. All employees may be so honored based on the recommendation of the Director and the department head and approval of the Board. Suggestion System All employees who have suggestions for the improvement of services, reduction of costs, improvement of safety or training, or other related programs or plans are encouraged to discuss their suggestions with their Supervisor who, in all cases, shall submit a written report to the Department Head. All suggestions shall be considered and when warranted, implemented. The employee shall be notified of the did-position of his suggestion. If an employee’s suggestion is implemented, a copy of the written report including action taken will be placed in his personnel file. Particularly meritorious suggestions may be recognized with special awards as recommended by the Director. SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 8 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Credit Union All employees are eligible to participate in the Northwest Municipal Employees’ Credit Union. Wages Establishment A Wage Schedule shall be established upon recommendation of the Director and approval of the Board. The schedule shall include all part-time and short-term District positions with the exception of certain program instructors whose expertise and the District considers special skills critical and shoes wages shall be subject to individual discussion. Pay ranges shall be related directly to the job description and shall be determined with due regard to the ranges of pay for other positions, the relative difficulty and responsibility of the position, requisite qualifications, availability of employees in particular occupations, prevailing ranges of pay for similar employment, the financial policies of the District and other economic consideration. Maintenance and Adjustment The Director shall be responsible for maintenance of the Wage Schedule. Prior to the preparation of each annual budget, the Director may make or cause to have made such comparative studies, as he deems necessary of the factors affecting the level of pay ranges. On the basis of these studies, the Director may recommend adjustment in the Wage Schedule to the Board. Such changes may be accomplished by an overall adjustment to the entire schedule or to a specific position(s). Appointment Rate The minimum rate of pay for a position shall be the first step in the schedule and shall be the appointment rate paid upon employment with the District. Appointment rates above the minimum rate of pay may be approved by the Director upon written request form the Department Head outlining the reasons. Justification for approval shall be limited to recognition of exceptional qualifications or the lack of available qualified applicants at the minimum rate. Wage Increases All employees may be eligible for a wage increase annually, depending upon the employee’s job performance evaluation and upon the financial resources of the District. A. Salary or Wages in Promotion, Transfer, or Demotion In the case of a promotion, the wage shall be increased to the minimum rate of pay for the new position. However, if the employee’s current wage is more than the minimum rate of pay for the new position, the wage shall be increased to the first step of the new position that will produce a wage increase. B. In the case of a transfer, the wage shall remain the same. C. In the case of a demotion, the wage may be decreased to the step commensurate with the employee’s service time with the District. D. The Director upon recommendation of the Department Head shall approve wage changes due to promotion, transfer, and demotion. SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 9 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Overtime Compensation When operating requirements or other needs cannot be met during regular working hours, employees will be given the opportunity to volunteer for overtime work assignments. All overtime work must receive the supervisor’s prior authorization. Overtime assignments will be distributed as equitably as practical to all employees qualified to perform the required work. Overtime compensation is paid to all nonexempt employees at the following rate(s) and in accordance with federal and state laws: • One and one-half times straight-time rate for all hours over 40 in a workweek. As required by law, overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. Time off on sick leave, vacation leave, or any leave of absence will not be considered hours worked for purposes of performing overtime calculations. Failure to work assigned overtime may result in disciplinary action, up to and including possible discharge. Payroll Periods All employees shall be paid biweekly on Fridays. When a Friday payday is a holiday, paychecks shall be issued the preceding Thursday. Deductions Automatic payroll deductions shall be made for Federal and State withholding taxes, social security and the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Paychecks Paychecks are available only to the wage earner and not to their spouse or family unless the department head approves a written request in advance. Employment Rules and Regulations It is the express purpose of this section of the personnel policies that responsibilities shall be clear on the part of both the employee and the District to insure appropriate treatment of all employees and to insure that all employees carry out their duties. Any employee who violates or abuses any provision herein shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. These rules are not all inclusive and depending on the circumstances other conduct, which is unacceptable in the District’s opinion, may result in disciplinary action. Hours of Work The Supervisor for each position shall establish hours of work. Punctuality Employees shall report promptly at the designated starting time and shall devote their entire efforts during working hours to assigned duties. Unable to Report to Work If an employee is unable to report to work due to illness or another emergency or must report late to work, he must notify his Supervisor prior to the designated starting time on the day of absence or lateness occurs. If his Supervisor cannot be reached, the employee must notify the Department Head; and, if his Department Head cannot be reached, the employee must notify the Director’s Office of his absence or lateness. Absence Without Authorization Any absence of an employee from his assigned duties that is not authorized, as provided for in these personnel policies, shall be considered an absence without authorization. Any such absence shall be without pay and shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. An employee who is absent without authorization or without notification to his Supervisor (or the SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 10 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Department Head or the Director’s Office, if the Supervisor cannot be reached) for a period of three (3) consecutive working days shall be deemed to have voluntarily terminated his employment with the District. The employee may be reinstated with full seniority by subsequent authorization of leave only if the conditions warrant (for example, if it is shown that the employee was unable to notify the District at any time during the three day period due to circumstances beyond his control). Lunch and Rest Periods Department Heads are authorized to establish and arrange lunch periods and reasonable rest periods during each workday that are most consistent with departmental operation. The granting of rest periods is entirely at the discretion of the Department Head. Public Relations As personnel of the District, each employee serves as a representative of the District to any individual with whom he comes in contact. Therefore, it is expected that each employee shall be a credit to, and exhibit loyalty, to the District. Employees are expected to be courteous with the public, with their fellow employees, and with Supervisors. Further, employees are expected to dress in a manner appropriate to their position and to be neat and clean in appearance during working hours. A. On the Job Safety Safety while on the job shall be the responsibility of every employee of the District. All employees shall exercise caution and observe all safety rules and regulations applicable to their respective positions and the operation of equipment or use of tools. B. Various items of safety equipment shall be made available to all employees for their own protection and the protection of fellow workers. Employees while engaged in work requiring them must wear such items. Employees who fail to use or ear safety equipment that has been so furnished shall be subject to disciplinary action. C. All employees shall be expected to be alert for and report any safety hazards that could affect the general public or employees of the District. Proposed Cell Phone Safety Guidelines • • • • • • • • Use your cell phone only when parked or have a passenger use it. Never dial the phone or take notes while driving. If your phone rings while driving, let your voice mail take the call and listen to the message later when parked. Dial when the vehicle is stopped. Become familiar with the phone and utilize available safety features such as one-button dialing and hands free operations. Make sure the phone is easy to see and reach. If you must answer your cell phone, let the person you are speaking to know you are driving; suspend the call until you can pull over. Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations on your phone or with passengers in your car. Reporting of on the Job Accidents and/or Injuries All employees shall immediately report an accident or injury suffered on the job to their Supervisor. Any employee injured on the job shall be instructed to report for an examination and/or treatment at a hospital, clinic, or physician’s office designated. In the case of severe injury, the Oak Lawn Park District shall be responsible for filing an Accident Report on the approved form within twenty-four (24) hours after the accident or injury. Drug and Alcohol Use The Oak Lawn Park District complies with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-690) and strives to provide a safe, healthy and secure work environment for its employees. The Oak Lawn Park District recognizes substance and alcohol abuse is SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 11 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL highly detrimental to the safety and productivity of employees in the work place. Because of the threat that employees, but also to others they may come in contact with the Oak Lawn Park District requests full cooperation and support in implementing this policy. No employee may be under the influence of any illicit drug or alcohol while in the work place, while on duty, or while operating a vehicle or equipment owned or leased by the employer. Possessing, distributing, transferring, purchasing, selling, using, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs while on the employer’s property, while attending business-related activities, while on duty, or while operating a vehicle or machine leased or owned by the employer may also lead to disciplinary action, including suspension without pay or discharge. Physician-prescribed medications are permitted, provided they do not adversely affect job performance or the safety of the employee or other individuals in the work place. The employer recognizes that employees may wish to seek professional assistance in overcoming drug or alcohol problems. Please contact your supervisor for more information about the benefits potentially available under the employee medical benefit plans and any possible referral sources. Employees who voluntarily admit to having drug or alcohol problems that have not resulted in disciplinary action may be eligible for unpaid time off to participate in a rehabilitation program. Such a leave will be granted if the employee abstains from use of the problem substance while on leave, abides by all Park District policies, rules, and prohibitions relating to conduct in the work place. Gambling Gambling while on the job will not be tolerated and will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including immediate discharge. Fighting Fighting while on the job will not be tolerated and will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including immediate discharge. Outside Employment Employees shall be allowed to secure employment outside of their job providing permission is requested and received from their department head, and that the outside employment in no way conflicts or interferes with the employee’s value to and duties with the District, or that there is no conflict with the interests of the District. Gifts and Rewards District services are not to be extended by an employee in exchange for special gifts, rewards or other forms of compensation form outside individuals or organizations. When an employee receives any offering as a result of his status as a District employee, such must be reported in writing immediately to his Supervisor. Retention of any gift shall be conditioned upon the approval of the Director. Political Activity Political campaign activities or promotions of any kind of employees shall not be permitted anywhere during working time (the time employees are performing job duties) and during non-working time (lunch and rest periods) on District premises or in areas where employees are working. District employees shall not be expected to contribute support or money to any candidate for public office or to and political party except on a strictly voluntary basis. A. Solicitation, distribution or circulation of any non-work related printed materials by employees should not be permitted anywhere during working time (the time employees are performing job duties) and during non-working time (lunch and rest periods), under conditions where it will interfere with the use of District property by the general public. SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 12 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL B. Solicitation, distribution or circulation of any printed materials by non-employees on behalf of any individual, organization, group, or society shall not be permitted at any time in non-public areas or in public areas where it will interfere with employees who are working or where it will interfere with the use of District property by the general public. False Records Falsification of records or reports by any employee shall be cause for disciplinary action up to and including immediate discharge. Change In Name, Address, Telephone Number, Marital Status or Dependents For the purpose of keeping IMRF benefits, social security benefits, income tax withholding records and other benefits, records, and regulations as provided for, current employees are requested to notify the District as to any changes in name, address, telephone number, marital status or dependents. A. B. Use of District Vehicles and Equipment District vehicles, equipment, tools and supplies are to be used for District business only and shall not be used for private or unauthorized purpose. Employees shall be responsible for the care and conservation of District vehicles, equipment, tools and supplies and shall promptly report an accident breakdown or malfunction of any unit so that necessary repairs may be made. While operating District vehicles, employees shall adhere to the proper rules of the road, safety and courtesy. Any employee who in the course of his job operates a District vehicle shall immediately report the suspension or revocation of his driver’s license to his Supervisor. Return of District Property Any District property furnished to an employee shall be returned upon request at any time during the course of employment with the District or upon termination of employment with the District. Failure to do so may result in reimbursement of the established value to the District through the institution of legal proceedings. A. B. Use of Personal Property The use of personal property on District premises shall be subject to the approval of the Department Head and subject to any safety rules or any other established rules or regulations. The loss or theft of an employee’s personal property form District premises shall not be the responsibility of the District except for specialized personal property as designated by the Director. The use of personal vehicles by an employee I the performance of District duties must be authorized by the Department Head. The use of personal vehicles to transport program participants shall not be permitted under any circumstances. A. Personal Business Employees shall not use District telephones for personal reasons except in the case of an emergency. B. Employees shall not use the addresses of District facilities or offices for receipt of personal mail. C. Employees shall discourage personal telephone calls or visits at work except in the case of any emergency. D. Employees are not authorized to cash personal checks at any District facility or office SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 13 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Unauthorized Personnel Persons other than the employees who are on duty are not permitted in the work area at any time without written permission of the department head. Overtime Where time permits, supervisors will generally take reasonable steps to obtain volunteers for overtime assignments before assigning overtime work. The District reserves the right to require overtime work and employees may not refuse overtime assignments. Volunteers will not necessarily be selected for work in progress. Also, specific employees may be selected for specific overtime assignments based upon specific skills, ability, qualifications and experience they may possess. Overtime work that is offered on a volunteer basis will be distributed as equitably as practicable among employees in the same work group. If am employee demonstrates that he has not received his share of voluntary overtime work for which he volunteered and for which he was qualified, he will be given first preference for future voluntary overtime assignments until the imbalance is corrects.’ Sexual And Other Forms Of Impermissible Harassment The Oak Lawn Park District abides by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination. Actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, or religion, or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. Individuals covered under this policy include the following: • All employees of the district • All elected or appointed officials • All suppliers/vendors and other such non-employees who conduct business the agency • All volunteers of the Park District Any individual included who has reason to believe that he or she is the victim of impermissible harassment should promptly report the facts of the incident to one of the following designated person(s): • Immediate supervisor, unless the supervisor is the person to whom the alleged complaint is directed against. • The safety committee chairman or other safety committee representatives who may be so designated from time to time. • The Director of Parks and Recreation The report of the facts can be done verbally, in written or taped format and must include the name of the person making the complaint, the person to whom the complaint is alleged against, the date, time and location, if applicable, and the nature of the complaint. A prompt investigation will be conducted, and the employer or agency will take appropriate corrective action where it is warranted. A person coming forward with a complaint will not be subject to sanctions. Any employee engaging in any improper harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible discharge. In the event the alleged complaint is directed against an individual other than an employee, the agency reserves the right to take appropriate legal action. Revised 09/08/2003 Employee Evaluation A job performance evaluation shall be completed for each employee by his immediate supervisor and reviewed by the appropriate level of management annually and at other times when deemed appropriate by the District. The standard job performance evaluation form shall be used and each employee shall be evaluated based upon the standard requirements for his job. The evaluation shall be discussed with the employee and shall be signed by both the employee and his Supervisor. The job performance evaluation shall be the basis for rehire and or for granting a wage increase. The evaluation shall SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 14 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL become a part of the employee’s personnel file and a copy shall become a part of the employee’s personnel file and a copy shall be given to the employee. All job evaluations shall be confidential. Disciplinary Action The tenure of all employees shall be contingent upon acceptable conduct and satisfactory performance of duties a determined by the District. Failure to meet acceptable standards of conduct and job performance shall result in disciplinary action. This progressive disciplinary procedure is for the purpose of improving the behavior of an employee that may be detrimental or disruptive to the effective operation of his department and the District. This disciplinary procedure need not be followed under circumstances where the Director believes that an Employee’s unsatisfactory behavior warrants accelerated or compound disciplinary action up to and including discharge. Causes for Disciplinary Action Causes for verbal or written warnings, suspension or discharge will include, but are not limited to: Failure to wear uniform if required Being absent form work without permission Reporting late for work Failure to report absence or tardiness to Supervisor and/or Department Head Being habitually absent or late for work Leaving the job during working hours without permission Refusal or failure to do a job assignment Refusal or failure to cooperate with one’s Supervisor or Department Head Threatening, intimidating, coercing or interfering with fellow employees, one’s supervisor or the public Using abusive language to fellow employees, one’s Supervisor or the public Accepting a fee, gift, gratuity, or other valuable things in the course of or in connection with District work. Violation of the expressed responsibility to maintain and enforce the confidentiality of assigned duties. Being wasteful of District material, property or working time Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions Willful destruction of District property Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, or the possession, use or sale of either while on the job or on District property Theft of misappropriation of property belonging to the District, fellow employees or the public Possession of weapons on District premises SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 15 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Gambling while on the job Fighting while on the job Sabotage Conviction for commission of a crime Immoral conduct or indecency Violation of any District regulation, order or rule Verbal Warning A verbal warning is the first step in the disciplinary procedure. The immediate Supervisor shall discuss the situation with the employee along with the suggestions for correcting the problem. A discipline form, marked “verbal” is used and a copy is placed in the employee’s personnel file. The verbal warning has an effective date of twelve (12) months, if not followed by any other discipline during that period. Written Warning A written warning may follow one or more verbal warnings issued to an employee for a repeated offense. Also, depending on the severity of the act, a written warning can be issued without prior verbal warning. The immediate Supervisor shall discuss the problem and a warning of what discipline may follow up to and including discharge. A discipline form is used and a copy is placed in the employee’s personnel file. The written warning has an effective date of twelve (12) months, if not followed by any other discipline during that period. Suspension The Department Head may suspend an employee without pay when lesser forms of disciplinary action have not corrected the employee’s behavior. An employee may also be suspended for a first offense of a more serious nature. The suspension shall be for a period not to exceed five (5) working days. Written notice of suspension including the reasons and extent shall be forwarded to the Director within twenty-four (24) hours of the action and shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file. Discharge The Director or Department Head, upon recommendation of the supervisor, may discharge an employee when all other disciplinary steps have failed to correct the employee’s behavior. Major infraction may dictate immediate discharge without progressive discipline. A written notice of discharge including effective date, time and stating the specific charges shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file. A final job performance shall be completed as soon as possible. SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 16 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Grievance and Disciplinary Action Appeal Any employee who has any grievance concerning work conditions, job classifications, salary, disciplinary action or any other matter related to his job shall have the right of appeal without prejudice or penalty under the following procedures: A. The employee should first discuss his grievance with his immediate supervisor in an attempt to resolve the problem. B. If his grievance is not so resolved, the employee may appeal his grievance in writing to the Department Head within five (5) working days of the previous discussion. The Department Head shall investigate all sides of the grievance and shall notify the employee of his decision and the reasons therefore within ten (10) working days of the appeal. C. If his grievance is not so resolved, the employee may appeal his grievance in writing to the Director within five (5) working days of the previous notification. The Director shall investigate all sides of the grievance and shall notify the employee in writing of his decision and the reasons therefore within ten (10) working days of the appeal. The highest level of appeal is the Director. No appeals may be made to the Board of Commissioners because the Board is not involved in the hiring or firing process. D. If the employee requests a meeting with the Department Head or Director, the meeting must take place within ten working days of the requested meeting date. If the Grievant requests a postponement of the meeting date, only one such postponement will be granted, barring exceptional circumstances as determined by the Park District. If the requested meeting has not taken place within the guidelines set up by this policy, then the matter will be considered closed and no further grievances may be filed. E. In the case of reports or complaints of unlawful discrimination or harassment employees may go directly to the Board of Commissioners. Employees are encouraged to report to their immediate supervisor in cases of unlawful discrimination or harassment but may go to any level of management or the Board of Commissioners. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: Revised: 9/13/04 SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 17 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Change in Status Procedures Promotion As vacancies occur in positions other than those in the lowest pay schedules, an attempt shall be made to fill them through promotion of current employees. A promotion shall be defined as moving to a higher-level position either within the same department or in a different department. Promotion shall be given to the best-qualified applicants who possess the skills and abilities to meet the job requirement in the District’s opinion. Employees are encouraged to discuss opportunities for promotion with their Supervisors. A. Wage adjustments shall be made according to the approved Wage Schedule and applicable policies Transfer A transfer shall be defined as moving to a new position on the same level either within the same department or in a different department or moving to a different department while remaining in the same position. The Director upon recommendation of the heads of affected departments may make transfer of an employee on either a permanent or temporary basis. A transferred employee shall conform to the working policies and procedures of the department to which he is transferred. A. Wage adjustments shall be made according to the approved Wage Schedule and applicable policies. Demotion A demotion shall be defined as moving to a lower step within the current position’s pay schedule or moving to a lower level position either within the same department or in a different department. Demotion of an employee may be made by the Director upon recommendation of the Department Head for reason of the employee’s failure to meet the requirements of his position or at the request of the employee for other legitimate reasons. A. Wage adjustments shall be made according to the approved Wage Schedule and applicable policies. B. An employee may appeal a demotion following the procedures listed in this Code. Layoff The Director shall have the right to layoff any employee when it is deemed necessary because of shortage of work or funds or other reasons. An effort shall be made to transfer employees to another department rather than lay them off. A. Determination of those employees to be retained shall be based on consideration of seniority along with job performance evaluation. Seniority shall be the controlling factor when job performance factors are substantially the same. B. An employee who has been laid off shall be given preference in filling positions that subsequently open for which he is qualified. C. No suspension or discharge of an employee as a disciplinary action shall be considered a layoff. SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 18 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy Equal Employment Opportunity has been, and will continue to be, a fundamental principle at the Oak Lawn Park District (Park District), where employment is based upon personal capabilities and qualifications without discrimination because of race, sexual orientation, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, veteran status, disability, or any other protected characteristic as established by law. In accordance with federal, state and local laws, it is the policy of the Park District to provide equal employment opportunities to all qualified persons. All of our personnel policies, procedures and decisions pertaining to hire, promotion, transfer, layoff, rates of pay, discipline, discharge and other terms and conditions of employment are made and executed without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship status, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental disability unrelated to an individual’s ability to perform the essential functions of the job, association with a person with a disability, unfavorable discharge from military service or military status, sexual orientation or any other category protected by state or federal law. We make reasonable accommodations when necessary for all employees and/or applicants with disabilities, provided the individual is otherwise qualified to perform the essential functions of the job. Such individuals are encouraged to discuss their need for a reasonable accommodation with the Business Manager The Business Office has overall responsibility for this policy and maintains reporting and monitoring procedures. Employees’ questions or concerns should be referred to the Business Manager. If the employee is uncomfortable reporting to the Business Manager, the employee should report to his Department Head, Director or President of the Board of Commissioners. SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 19 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy The Oak Lawn Park District (Park District) is committed to complying with all applicable provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act (“ADA”). It is the Park District’s policy not to discriminate against any qualified employee or applicant with regard to any terms or conditions of employment because of such individual’s disability or perceived disability so long as the employee can perform the essential functions of the job. Consistent with this policy of nondiscrimination, the Park District will provide reasonable accommodations to a qualified individual with a disability, as defined by the ADA, who has made the Park District aware of his or her disability, provided that such accommodation does not constitute an undue hardship on the Park District. The Park District will make all decisions concerning recruitment, placement, selection, training, hiring, advancement, discharge or other terms, conditions, or privileges of employment based on job-related qualifications and abilities. Employees with a disability who believe they need a reasonable accommodation to perform the essential functions of their job should contact their department head. The Park District encourages individuals with disabilities to come forward and request reasonable accommodation. If you feel uncomfortable making an accommodation request to your department head or you believe your accommodation request was not properly managed, report to the Director. On receipt of an accommodation request, your department head and your immediate supervisor will meet with you to discuss and identify the precise limitations resulting from the disability and the potential accommodation that the Park District might make to help overcome those limitations and perform the essential job functions of your position. The Park District will determine the feasibility of the requested accommodation considering various factors, including, but not limited to the nature and cost of the accommodation, the Park District’s overall financial resources, the accommodation’s impact on the operation of your department, including the ability of other employees to perform their duties, and on the Park District’s ability to provide its services to the public. What is considered a reasonable accommodation will be based on a case-by-case analysis. The Park District will inform the employee of its decision on the accommodation request or on how to make the accommodation. If the accommodation request is denied, employees will be advised of their right to appeal the decision by submitting a written statement explaining the reasons for the request. If the request on appeal is denied, that decision is final. The ADA does not require the Park District to make the best possible accommodation, to reallocate essential job functions, to create new positions, or to provide personal use items (i.e., eyeglasses, hearing aids, wheelchairs, etc.). An employee or job applicant who has questions regarding this policy or believes that he or she had been discriminated against based on a disability should immediately notify the department head or Director. All such inquiries or complaints will be treated as confidential to the extent permissible by law. Approved by the Board of Commissioners, Oak Lawn Park District: March 10, 2003 SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 20 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Smoking Smoking by staff and patrons is prohibited on the grounds of any Park District facility with the exception of the golf course grounds and Oak View rental area. Staff, while on duty at the Oak Lawn Park District, are not allowed to smoke on any park district property Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 Revised Date 10/15/2007 SHORT TERM AND PART-TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 21 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINISTATIVE MANUAL FULLTIMEPERSONNELPOLICY FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 1 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL General Statement of Personnel Policy The purpose of this personnel policy is to give all employees of the Oak Lawn Park District a clear understanding of their duties, responsibilities and rights as employees of the District. The Oak Lawn Park District is a tax-supported public agency existing to serve the public. Employees who understand their position within the District will be of better service to the District. For the most part, the services of the Park District are offered through the personnel of the District, and therefore, the quality of these services will be directly affected by the performance of the personnel. In order to make the personnel policies of the Oak Lawn Park District readily available to staff, a meeting is conducted annually by the Supt. of Business and Personnel for all staff to present any changes and to review current policies. The personnel manual is also provided to full-time staff at the initial employee orientation and is accessible to all staff on the employee web site. The personnel manuals are updated as necessary and are reviewed by staff, the Director and Park District legal counsel. Changes, additions or deletions are approved by the Board of the Commissioners. Personnel policies are reviewed annually as part of the Oak Lawn Park District Administrative Manual. Reviewed and revised by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District 10/20/2008 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 2 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employee Political Activity Employees of the Park District serve all Park District residents equally. The Political opinions or affiliations of any resident shall in no way affect the amount or quality of service he receives from the Park District. An individual’s political affiliation, preference or opinion will not in any way influence his appointment, retention, or promotion as a Park District employee. No appointed Park District employee in the name of the Oak Lawn Park District shall take any active part in a political organization or in political campaigns on a local level other than to cast a vote in any election and to express privately his vies and opinions as a citizen. Political activities in regard to state and national office are not prohibited, but such activities must be confined to non-working hours and not in the name of the Oak Lawn Park District. Appointed employees of the Park District shall not, in the name of the Oak Lawn Park District, directly or indirectly, demand, solicit, collect or receive any assessment, subscription or contribution, whether voluntary or involuntary, intended for any political purpose what ever from fellow employees or from the general public. Appointed employees of the Park District shall not in name of the Oak Lawn Park District contribute money to any candidate or political party except on a strictly personal voluntary basis. FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 3 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employment Procedures Application Applicants for District employment shall complete an application form and file it through the appropriate department. Only those applicants who in the District’s opinion possess the skills and abilities to meet the job requirements shall be eligible go be considered for employment. Determination of Ability The District shall attempt to determine a qualified applicant’s ability through reference checks or any testing deemed necessary. Testing may be written, oral, physical, or in the form of a demonstration of skill, or any combination of these and shall be designed to test and determine the relative ability of a qualified applicant. The District shall be responsible for any expenses incurred due to testing. In hiring professional staff, applicants who have attained CPRP (Certified Park and Recreation Professional) status are preferred. Security Check Qualified applicants may be subject to a security check where the duties of the position warrant it. Merit It shall be the practice of the District to employ the best available qualified applicant for any position, and employment and advancement shall be based strictly on merit. Equal Opportunity Qualified applicants shall be given equal consideration for any position. No discrimination shall be exercised in any manner by an District officer or employee which is prohibited by any applicable state or federal law, including discrimination against or in favor of any qualified applicant or District employee due to political affiliation, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, mental or physical handicap unrelated to ability, or unfavorable discharge for military service (except dishonorable). FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 4 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Loss Prevention Award Program The Loss Prevention Program is designed to confidentially recognize honest employees who disapprove of and report dishonest behavior by other employees. The program is open to all employees of the Company except Loss Prevention employees. If an employee reports an act of theft or fraud committed by another employee, and an apprehension is made, the employee reporting the matter will be eligible to receive a cash award of at least $1,000 or 10% of the value of the recovery, not to exceed $1,000.00. Information can be reported in any one of three ways: • Directly to a Location Manager or Loss Prevention Personnel • As a “silent witness” (anonymous) through the mail. • As a “silent witness” via the “Silent Witness Hotline” (708) 499-0998. All information received from any source will be absolutely confidential. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: July 12, 1999 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 5 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL At Will Employment The at will policy states that all employees who do not have a written employment contract with the Oak Lawn Park District (the Company) for a specific fixed term of employment are employed at the will of the Company for an indefinite period. Employees who do not have a separate individual written employment contract or collective bargaining agreement are employed at the will the will of the Company and are subject to termination at any time, for any reason, with or without cause or notice. At the same time, these employees may terminate their employment at any time and for any reason. No Company representative is authorized to modify this policy for any employee or to enter into any agreement, oral, or written, that changes the at-will relationship. Supervisory and management personal are not to make any representations to employees or applicants concerning terms or conditions or employment with the Company which are nor consistent with Company policies. No statements made in pre-hire interviews or discussions, or in recruiting materials of any kind, alter the at-will nature of employment or imply that discharge will occur only for cause. Policy revisions and clarifications may be issued by management as deemed to be in the best interest of the Company. These documents do not create an express or implied contract concerning any terms or conditions of employment. In similar terms, the Company’s policies and practices with respect to any matter are not considered as creating any contractual obligation on the part of the Company or as stating in any way termination will occur for only just cause. Statements of specific grounds for termination set forth in current personnel policy manuals or in any other Company documents are examples only, not all inclusive lists, and are not intended to restrict the Company’s right to terminate at-will. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 07-13-98 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 6 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Drivers License Abstract Although employees are not generally required to have a drivers license as a condition of their employment, any employee who may be expected to drive either his personal Vehicle or a Park District vehicle in the course of his normal duties will be required to have a valid drivers license with the proper classification for the vehicle(s) the employee is expected to operate. Before such an employee has started work, and generally on an annual basis thereafter, the Park District will request a drivers license abstract review from the Illinois Secretary of State’s office. FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 7 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Pre-Employment Drug Test Employees who are required to have a commercial drivers license (CDL) for their position with the Park District will be tested in accordance with the Oak Lawn Park District’s drug and alcohol use policy (SECTION 4, page 48 of the Personnel Code) and the drug testing policy (SECTION 4, PAGE 49 of the Personnel Code.) FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 8 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL State Criminal Conviction Background Check The Park District is required by state statute (70 ILCS 1205/8-23) to obtain criminal conviction information concerning all applicants, and shall perform a criminal background check for applicants for all positions. Pursuant to statute, any conviction of offenses enumerated in subsection C of said statute shall automatically disqualify the applicant from consideration for working for the Park District. Any other conviction(s) shall not automatically disqualify the applicant from consideration, but rather, the conviction(s) will be considered in relationship to the specific job. Applicants may be required to submit fingerprints and/or other identification information in order to facilitate such an investigation. All information concerning the record of convictions shall be confidential and will only be transmitted to those persons who are necessary to the decision process. Applicants are not required to disclose any sealed or expunged records. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 10/21/02 Reviewed 02/14/04 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 9 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Pre-Placement Medical Examinations The Oak Lawn Park District requires all full-time employees to successfully complete a medical examination after a position has been offered to the employee, but prior to starting employment. This medical examination is necessary to determine if the employee can perform the essential functions of the job offered to him with or without reasonable accommodations on the part of the Park District. The Park District will also require drug testing for all applicants offered a full-time position with the Park District and other applicants based upon the position offered. A physician of the Park District’s choice and at Park District expense will perform the examination. Employees must consent to the disclosure of the physician’s findings, conclusions, and opinions to the Park District. Your medical records will be maintained in a separate confidential file. Information contained in your medical file will not be released or disclosed without your written consent, by court order, or except to persons with a lawful fight or need to know. Employees may be required to undergo subsequent medical examinations when such examinations are job-related and consistent with business necessity. Such examinations will be conducted under the same procedures and guidelines as outlined above for pre-employment medical examinations. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04/08/91 Revised Date: 7/13/98 Revised Date: 10/21/02 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 10 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Immigration Law Compliance This organization is committed to employing only United States citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the United States and complies with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. As a condition of employment, each new employee must properly complete, sign, and date the first section of the Immigration and Naturalization Service Form I-9. Before commencing work, newly rehired employees must also complete the form if they have not previously filed an I-9 with this organization, if their previous I-9 is more than three years old, or if their previous I-9 is no longer valid. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 11 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Conflicts Of Interest Employees have an obligation to conduct business within guidelines that prohibit actual or potential conflicts of interest. This policy establishes only the framework within which the employer wishes the business to operate. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide general direction so that employees can seek further clarification on issues related to the subject of acceptable standards of operation. An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when an employee is in a position to influence a decision that may result in a personal gain for that employee or for a relative as a result of this organization’s business dealings. For the purposes of this policy, a relative is any person who is related by blood or marriage, or whose relationship with the employee is similar to that of persons who are related by blood or marriage. No “presumption of guilt” is created by the mere existence of a relationship with outside firms. However, if an employee has any influence on transactions involving purchases, contracts, or leases, it is imperative that he or she discloses to an officer of the organization as soon as possible the existence of any actual or potential conflict of interest so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties. Personal gain may result not only in cases where an employee or relative has a significant ownership in a firm with which this organization does business but also when an employee or relative receives any kickback, bribe, substantial gift, or special consideration as a result of any transaction or business dealings involving the organization. The materials, products, designs, plans, ideas, and data of this organization are the property of the employer and should never be given to an outside firm or individual except through normal channels and with appropriate authorization. Any improper transfer of material or disclosure of information, even though it is not apparent that an employee has personally gained by such action, constitutes unacceptable conduct. Any employee who participates in such a practice will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including possible discharge. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 12 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Nepotism Immediate family members of current elected commissioners, the Director, and department heads may not be employed for any full-time, part-time, or short-term job within the District. Immediate family members of all other full-time employees may not be employed for any full-time, part-time, or short-term job within the same department of the District. The Director under special circumstances may waive this policy for employees who marry after becoming employed by the District. For the purpose of this section, immediate family members shall be defined as the employee’s or the employee’s spouse’s mother, father, husband, wife, children, brother, sister, grandparents, or grandchildren. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 13 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Outside Employment An employee may hold a job with another organization as long as he or she satisfactorily performs his or her job responsibilities with this organization. Employees should consider the impact that outside employment may have on their health and physical endurance. All employees will be judged by the same performance standards and will be subject to the employer’s scheduling demands, regardless of any existing outside work requirements. If the employer determines that an employee’s outside work interferes with performance or the ability to meet the requirements of this organization as they are modified from time to time, the employee may be asked to terminate the outside employment if he or she wishes to remain with this organization. Outside employment will present a conflict of interest if it has an actual or potential adverse impact on this organization. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 14 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employment Categories It is the intent of the employer to clarify the definitions of employment classifications so that employees understand their employment status and benefit eligibility. Each employee is designated as either NONEXEMPT or EXEMPT from the federal and state wage and hour laws. Nonexempt: Employees are entitled to overtime pay under the specific provisions of federal and state laws. Exempt: Employees are excluded from specific provisions of federal and state wage and hour laws. In addition to the above categories, each employee will belong to one other employment category: Full Time: Employees who are not in a temporary or probationary status and who are regularly scheduled to work the organization’s full-time schedule. Generally, they are eligible for the employer’s full benefit package, subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefit program. Part Time: Employees who are not in a temporary or probationary status and who are regularly scheduled to work less than the full-time work schedule but less than 1,000 hours per year. Part Time IMRF: Eligible: Employees who are not in a temporary or probationary status and who are regularly scheduled to work less than the full time work schedule but at least 1,000 hours per year. Seasonal: Employees who are not in a temporary or probationary status, and who are regularly scheduled to work less than 26 hours per week. While they do receive all legally mandated benefits (such as workers’ compensation, Social Security and Medicare benefits), they are ineligible for any of the employer’s other benefit programs. Probationary: Employees who are being evaluated to determine whether further employment in a specific position or with the organization is appropriate. Employees who satisfactorily complete the probationary period will be notified of their new employment classification. Temporary Employees: Employees hired as interim replacements, to temporarily supplement the work force, or to assist in the completion of a specific project. Employment assignments in this category are of a limited and indefinite duration. Employment beyond any initially stated period does not in any way imply a change in employment status. “Temporary” employees retain that status until notified of a change. All legally mandated benefits (such as Social Security, Medicare and workers’ compensation insurance) are provided to temporary employees. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 7/13/98 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 15 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Access To Personnel Files Personnel files are the property of the employer, and access to the information they contain is restricted. Generally, only officials and representatives of the employer who have a legitimate reason to review information in a file are allowed to do so. With reasonable written advance notice, an employee may review material in his or her file but only in the employer’s offices and in the presence of the individual appointed by the employer to maintain the file. Reasonable advance written notice shall mean within 3 business days. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 16 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employment Reference Checks To ensure that individuals who join the organization are well qualified and have a strong potential to be productive and successful, it is the policy of the employer to check the employment references of all applicants. The Business Office will respond in writing only to those reference check inquiries that are submitted in writing. Responses to such inquiries will confirm only dates of employment, wage rates, and position(s) held. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 17 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Personal Data Changes It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify the employer of any changes in personnel data. Personal mailing addresses, telephone numbers, number and names of dependents, individuals to be contacted in the event of an emergency, educational accomplishments, and other such status reports should be accurate and current at all times. Any changes in personnel data should be reported in writing to the Business Office as soon as possible. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 18 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Probationary Period An employee should use the initial period after being hired or rehired, promoted, demoted, or transferred within the organization to determine whether the new position meets his or her expectations. The employer uses this period to evaluate employee capabilities, attitude, and work habits. All new and rehired employees work on a probationary basis for the first 3-6 months after their date of hire. Employees who are promoted, demoted, or transferred within the organization must complete a probationary period of the same length with every reassignment to a new position. Any significant absence will automatically extend the probationary period by the length of the absence. If the employer determines that the designated probationary period does not allow sufficient time to thoroughly evaluate the employee, the employer may extend the probationary period for a specified period. In the case of promotions, demotions, or transfers within the organization, an employee who, in the sole judgment of management, is not successful in his or her new position can be removed from that job at any time during the probationary period. The employee will be allowed to return to his or her former job, if it is available, or to any other comparable available job for which the employee is qualified. Probationary employment status does not affect eligibility for employer-provided benefits. Employees are eligible for these benefit programs according to the terms and conditions of each program. Probationary employees will assume “regular” status upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 19 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employment Applications The employer relies upon the accuracy of information contained in the employment application, as well as the accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring process and employment. Any misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in any of this information or data may result in the employer’s exclusion of the individual from further consideration for employment or, if the person has been hired, termination of employment. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 20 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Performance Evaluations Supervisors and employees are strongly encouraged to discuss job performance and goals on an informal, day-to-day basis. Formal performance evaluations are conducted at the end of an employee’s probationary period in any new or established position. This period, known as the probationary period, allows the supervisor and the employee to discuss the job responsibilities, standards, and performance requirements of the new or established position. Additional formal performance reviews are conducted to provide both supervisors and employees the opportunity to discuss job tasks, identify and correct weaknesses, encourage and recognize strengths, and discuss positive, purposeful approaches for meeting goals. The performance of all employees is evaluated according to the following schedule: Probationary employee, three months, six months if probationary period is extended, and then the employee is evaluated again after the extended probationary period has ended. Part-time and regular full-time employees - annually. Pay adjustments are awarded by this organization in an effort to recognize employee performance. The decision to award such an adjustment is dependent upon numerous factors, including, but not limited to, the information documented by this formal performance review process, the approval of the Board and financial condition of the budget. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 21 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Change in Status Procedures Promotion As vacancies occur in positions other than those in the lowest pay schedules, an attempt shall be made to fill them through promotion of current employees. A promotion shall be defined as moving to a higher-level position either within the same department or in a different department. Promotion shall be given to the best-qualified applicants who possess the skills and abilities to meet the job requirement in the District’s opinion. Employees are encouraged to discuss opportunities for promotion with their Supervisors. B. Wage adjustments shall be made according to the approved Wage Schedule and applicable policies Transfer A transfer shall be defined as moving to a new position on the same level either within the same department or in a different department or moving to a different department while remaining in the same position. The Director upon recommendation of the heads of affected departments may make transfer of an employee on either a permanent or temporary basis. A transferred employee shall conform to the working policies and procedures of the department to which he is transferred. B. Wage adjustments shall be made according to the approved Wage Schedule and applicable policies. Demotion A demotion shall be defined as moving to a lower step within the current position’s pay schedule or moving to a lower level position either within the same department or in a different department. Demotion of an employee may be made by the Director upon recommendation of the Department Head for reason of the employee’s failure to meet the requirements of his position or at the request of the employee for other legitimate reasons. D. Wage adjustments shall be made according to the approved Wage Schedule and applicable policies. E. An employee may appeal a demotion following the procedures listed in this Code. Layoff The Director shall have the right to layoff any employee when it is deemed necessary because of shortage of work or funds or other reasons. An effort shall be made to transfer employees to another department rather than lay them off. A. Determination of those employees to be retained shall be based on consideration of seniority along with job performance evaluation. Seniority shall be the controlling factor when job performance factors are substantially the same. B. An employee who has been laid off shall be given preference in filling positions that subsequently open for which he is qualified. F. No suspension or discharge of an employee as a disciplinary action shall be considered a layoff. FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 22 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employee Benefits Eligible employees in this organization are provided a wide range of benefits. A number of the programs (such as Social Security, Medicare, workers’ compensation, state disability, And unemployment insurance) cover all employees in the manner prescribed by law. Benefits eligibility is dependent upon a variety of factors, including employee, but not limited to, classification, and your supervisor can identify the programs for which you are eligible. Details of many of these programs can be found elsewhere in the employee handbook. The following benefit programs are available to eligible employees: Auto Mileage Deferred Compensation Plan, non-contributory by employer Dental Insurance Education and Tuition Reimbursement Employee Discounts Employee Credit Union Employee Health Program Life Insurance Holidays Jury Duty Leave Major Medical Insurance Pension Plan (IMRF) Recreational Activities Sick Leave Benefits (Short-Term Disability) Travel Allowances Uniform and Uniform Maintenance Vacation Benefits Vision Insurance Employees retiring from the Park District with twenty years or more of service in Illinois Municipal Retirement System (and is at least 55 years old) shall continue to receive paid health insurance coverage equal to what they had at the time of employment until the employee is eligible for Medicare. When the retired employee reaches the age of Medicare the Park District shall purchase Medicare supplemental insurance for the employee. If the employee has family coverage than the Park District shall also purchase Medicare supplemental insurance for the employee’s spouse. The retired employee shall pay 25% of the monthly premium for their Medicare Supplemental insurance. Such coverage shall continue until the employee purchases health insurance or Medicare Supplemental insurance on his or her own, becomes uninsurable, or dies. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98, 1/25/05 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 23 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Vacation Benefits The following employee classifications are eligible for vacation benefits according to the guidelines set forth in this policy: Regular full-time employees Each regular, full-time employee shall receive two weeks paid vacation leave after one complete calendar year of employment, after five years, three weeks are granted. Employees of the Park District with ten or more years of service shall be granted four weeks annual vacation leave. After 20 or more years a maximum of 5 weeks vacation shall be granted. An employee working less than one calendar year shall be given vacation time off after the first of the year based on 5/6th of vacation for each full month worked. No vacation shall be granted or accumulation of vacation time be granted to a probationary employee, but if this probationary employee becomes a regular employee, his earned vacation time will be assumed to begin accumulating at the date of his employment. For the purpose of the administration of vacation leave, a vacation year will be from January 1 to December 31. Vacation leave should be used each year. Any employee entitled to vacation leave shall be compensated for accrued vacation time at the time of his separation from service regardless of the reason for this separation. The employee shall make his request for vacation time by April 30th of each year or prior to April 30th at least thirty days in advance with his immediate supervisor. It will be the general practice that vacation leave is to be taken during slack seasons. In all cases, the District shall schedule vacation leave when it can best afford to be without the employee’s service. Upon termination of employment, employees will be paid for vacation benefits that have accrued through the last day of work. For the purposes of this calculation, any partial month of service will be treated as a full month of service. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 24 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL IMRF Prior Years Service Benefits It shall be the policy of the Oak Lawn Park District (Park District) in order to encourage experienced professionals to continue their careers with the Oak Lawn Park District to grant credit for prior year’s service with the IMRF for the purpose of establishing a level of benefits services with the Oak Lawn Park District. This policy is for the computation of vacation benefits and IMRF retirement benefits only. Unless an employee has been employed with the Park District for at least 80% of their IMRF years upon retirement, the prior year IMRF service credit will not count as years of service with the Park District when considering whether or not the employee is entitled to paid health insurance coverage when they retire. Refer to Full Time Personnel Policy Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised by the Oak Lawn Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District 03/10/03 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 25 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Holidays The employer will grant holiday time off to all employees on the holidays listed below. New Year’s Day (January 1) Presidents’ Day (February) Good Friday (Friday before Easter) Memorial Day (last Monday in May) Independence Day (July 4) Labor Day (first Monday in September) Columbus Day Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November) Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve (December 24) Christmas (December 25) New Year’s Eve (December 31) Employee’s Birthday According to applicable restrictions, the employer will grant paid holiday time off to all eligible nonexempt employees. Holiday pay will be calculated based on the employee’s straight-time pay rate (as of the date of the holiday) times the number of hours the employee would otherwise have worked on that day. Eligible employee classification(s): Regular full-time employees Probationary employees To be eligible for holiday pay, nonexempt employees must work the last scheduled day immediately preceding the holiday and the first scheduled day immediately following it. If a recognized holiday falls during an eligible employee’s paid absence (e.g., vacation, sick leave), holiday pay will be provided instead of the paid time off benefit that would otherwise have applied. If an eligible non-exempt employee works on a recognized holiday, he or she will receive holiday pay plus 1.5 times the wages at his or her straight- time rate for the hours worked on the holiday. Paid time off for holidays will not be counted as hours worked for the purposes of determining overtime. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98, 01/12/04 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 26 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Workers Compensation Insurance In the event an employee is injured in connection with their work while on the job, they are entitled to the full benefits of Workers Compensation insurance. In the event that an on the job injury results in time off, the employee will be compensated at 66 2/3% of their gross average weekly wage, in the weeks the employee was working one year prior to the injury, subject to certain minimums and maximums. No compensation is payable for the first 3 work days unless the lost time continues for 14 calendar days or more from the date of injury. Compensation is paid by Workers Compensation insurance. Workers Compensation insurance will continue to assume responsibility for paying the employee until they are able to return to work Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 Revised 02/14/00 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 27 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Sick Leave Benefits Sick leave with pay shall be granted to all regular, supervisory, and appointive employees at the rate of one workday for each full month of service. Sick Leave shall be considered as privilege that the employee may use at his discretion but shall only be allowed in the case of necessity for sickness or disability of employee or the employee’s family. In order that an employee receive compensation while on sick leave, the employee shall notify his immediate supervisor prior to or within four hours after the hour stated for beginning his daily duties. When absence is for more than five working days, the employee may be required to furnish a physician’s statement. If an employee is absent on sick leave for a period of seven consecutive workdays, a physician’s certificate will automatically be required. A request for sick leave must be completed and filed with the employee’s immediate supervisor immediately after reporting back to work. The employee shall be informed of the action taken. Any claim of sick leave under false pretenses shall be considered just cause for immediate dismissal. Sick leave may be accumulated to a total of not more than sixty working days. Any unused sick leave will be cancelled upon the date of termination of service and no cash payment will be made for unused sick leave. Accumulation of sick leave shall be retroactive to the original date of employment for each employee and an employee may request at any time a statement from his immediate supervisor as to the amount of his accumulated sick leave. Time lost from work due to any injury received while on duty shall not be charged to sick leave providing that such injury shall be accepted as a justified claim under workmen’s compensation. Where proof of illness is requested and not provided, the employee’s sick leave will not be charged to sick but shall, at the discretion of the department head, be charged to vacation leave or leave without pay. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 28 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Bereavement Leave Emergency leaves with pay may be granted for a period not to exceed three working days. The immediate family includes the employee’s or the employee’s spouse’s mother, father, grandparents, stepparents, guardians, husband, wife, children, sister, or brother. It shall also include other relatives who are living in the household of the employee at the time of death. Leaves shall not be granted except for the persons listed and shall be charged to sick leave. If sick leave is not available or if more than three working days are taken or if time off is desired upon the deaths of persons other than those listed here, the time may be granted as vacation leave or leave without pay. Leave of one-half day or less may be granted to an employee upon request to serve as a pallbearer or to attend a funeral. Funeral leave with pay shall only be granted in case of a funeral of a relative. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 29 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Jury Duty The Park District encourages employees to fulfill their civic responsibilities by serving jury duty when required. Jury duty pay will be calculated on the employee’s base pay rate times the number of hours the employee would otherwise have worked on the day of absence. If selected to serve on a jury, the employee will be paid for the days of absence. Employee’s classifications that qualify for paid jury duty leave: • Regular full-time employees • Probationary employees Employees must show the jury duty summons to their supervisor as soon as possible so that the supervisor may make arrangements to accommodate the employee’s absence. Of course, the employee is expected to report for work whenever the court schedule permits. Either the employer or the employee may request an excuse from jury duty if, in the employer’s judgment, the employee’s absence would create serious operational difficulties. Insurance benefits will remain in effect and unchanged for the full term of the jury duty absence. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 30 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Timekeeping Accurately recording time worked is the responsibility of every nonexempt employee. Federal and state laws require the employer 5o keep an accurate record of time worked in order to calculate employee pay and benefits. Time worked is all the time actually spent on the job performing assigned duties. Nonexempt employees should accurately record the time they begin and end their work, as well as the beginning and ending time of each meal period. They should also record the beginning and ending time of any split shift or departure from work for personal reasons. Overtime work must always be approved before it is performed. Tampering, altering, or falsifying time records, or recording time on another employee’s time record may result in disciplinary action, including discharge. Nonexempt employees should report to work no more than 15 minutes prior to their scheduled starting time nor stay more than 15 minutes after their scheduled stop time without expressed, prior authorization from their supervisor. It is the employee’s responsibility to sign his or her time record to certify the accuracy of all time recorded. The supervisor will review and then initial the time record before submitting it for payroll processing. In addition, if corrections or modifications are made to the time record, both the employee and the supervisor must verify the accuracy of the changes by initialing the time record. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 31 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Paydays All employees are paid bi-weekly on every other Friday. Each paycheck will include earnings for all work performed through the end of the previous payroll period. In the event that a regularly scheduled payday falls on a day off employees will receive pay on the last day of work before the regularly scheduled payday. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 32 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Layoffs: The Director of Parks and Recreation has the right to layoff any employee when it is necessary by reasons of shortage of funds or work, the abolition of the position which that person holds or other material change in the duties or organization or for any other related reason which is outside the employee’s control and which does not reflect disservice on the part of the employee. The duties of the employee laid off may be reassigned to another employee already working who holds a similar position. No temporary or permanent separation of any employee as a penalty or disciplinary action shall be considered as a layoff. A. Suspension A department head may, with the consent of the Director of Parks and Recreation, suspend without pay any employee in his department as a disciplinary action. The suspension may be for a length of time deemed appropriate but shall not exceed thirty calendar days in any twelve-month period. The Director of Parks and Recreation shall be furnished with a written statement setting forth the reasons for this recommended suspension and such statement shall be furnished to the affected employee and the Board of Commissioners. B. Dismissal A dismissal shall be considered a discharge or separation that shall be made for misconduct, inefficiency, insubordination, or other just cause. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-0-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 33 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Severance Pay The employer provides severance pay to eligible employees whose employment is terminated for reasons that are not prejudicial to the employer, as determined by the employer in its sole discretion. Eligible employee classifications: Regular full-time employees Severance pay will be provided to eligible employees according to the following schedule, based on actual years of service: Completed Years of Service Weeks of Severance Pay Less than 1 None 1-5 1 6-9 2 10 or more 4 A week of severance pay is defined as the employee’s average week’s base pay during the last six months of employment, excluding overtime, incentive pay, and any other special forms of compensation paid to the employee. Specifically excluded from benefits under this provision are employees who: Were hired as temporary employees for a specified period of time; Leave work due to a reduction in the work force; Were offered but refused to accept another suitable position with the organization; • Were provided the opportunity to be retained for any length of time by a successor employer. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 34 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Pay Advances Neither pay advances nor extensions of credit on unearned wages can be provided to employees. If a regular payday falls during an employee’s vacation, the employee’s paycheck will be available upon his or her return from vacation. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 35 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Administrative Pay Corrections The employer takes all reasonable steps to assure that employees receive the correct amount of pay in each paycheck and that employees are paid promptly on the scheduled payday. In the unlikely event that there is an error in the amount of pay, the employee should promptly bring the discrepancy to the attention of the employer so that corrections can be made as quickly as possible. Once discrepancies are identified, they will be corrected in the next regular paycheck. Overpayments will also be corrected in the next regular paycheck unless this presents a burden to the employee (where there is a substantial amount owed). In that case, the employer will attempt to arrange a schedule of repayments with the employee to minimize the inconvenience to all involved. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 36 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Pay Deductions And Set Offs The law requires that the employer make certain deductions from every employee’s compensation. Among these are applicable federal, state, and local income taxes. The employer also must deduct Social Security and Medicare taxes on each employee’s earnings up to a specified limit that is called the Social Security “wage base.” The employer matches the amount of Social Security taxes paid by each employee. The employer offers programs and benefits beyond those required by law. Most are fully paid for by the Park District, some require contributions from the employee. Employees who wish to participate in these programs may voluntarily authorize deductions from their checks. If you do not understand why deductions were made or how they were calculated, your supervisor can assist in having your questions answered. The Park District also deducts IMRF (Illinois Municipal Retirement) from each eligible employee on all wages earned. The employee’s share of IMRF is 4.50% that is tax sheltered, that is, exempt from federal and state tax. The Park District contributes to the IMRF for each eligible employee based on actuarial tables maintained by the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 37 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Safety Establishment and maintenance of a safe work environment is the shared responsibility of the employer and employees from all levels of the organization. The employer will attempt to do everything within its control to assure a safe environment and compliance with federal, state, and local safety regulations. Employees are expected to obey safety rules and to exercise caution in all their work activities. They are asked to immediately report any unsafe conditions to their supervisor. Not only supervisors, but also employees at all levels of the organization are expected to correct unsafe conditions as promptly as possible. Ail accidents that result in injury must be reported to the appropriate supervisor, regardless of how insignificant the injury may appear. Such reports are necessary to comply with laws and initiate insurance and workers’ compensation procedures. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 38 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Smoking Smoking by staff and patrons is prohibited on the grounds of any Park District facility with the exception of the golf course grounds and Oak View rental area. Staff, while on duty at the Oak Lawn Park District, are not allowed to smoke on any park district property Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised Date: 07-13-98 Revised Date 10/15/2007 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 39 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Overtime Compensation When operating requirements or other needs cannot be met during regular working hours, employees will be given the opportunity to volunteer for overtime work assignments. All overtime work must receive the supervisor’s prior authorization. Overtime assignments will be distributed as equitably as practical to all employees qualified to perform the required work. Overtime compensation is paid to all nonexempt employees at the following rate(s) and in accordance with federal and state laws: • One and one-half times straight-time rate for all hours over 40 in a workweek. As required by law, overtime pay is based on actual hours worked. Time off on sick leave, vacation leave, or any leave of absence will not be considered hours worked for purposes of performing overtime calculations. Failure to work assigned overtime may result in disciplinary action, up to and including possible discharge. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised 10/15/2001 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 40 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Use Of Equipment And Vehicles Equipment and vehicles essential in accomplishing job duties are expensive and may be difficult to replace. When using property, employees are expected to exercise care, perform required maintenance, and follow all operating instructions, safety standards, and guidelines. Please notify the supervisor if any equipment, machines, tools, or vehicles appear to be damaged, defective, or in need of repair. Prompt reporting of damages, defects, and the need for repairs could prevent deterioration of equipment and possible injury to employees or others. The supervisor can answer any questions about an employee’s responsibility for maintenance and care of equipment or vehicles used on the job. All employees are required to follow the cell phone safety guidelines, as set forth in this manual, while operating Park District equipment and vehicles. The improper, careless, negligent, destructive, or unsafe use or operation of equipment or vehicles, as well as excessive or avoidable traffic and parking violations, can result in disciplinary action, including discharge. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Revised 04/12/04 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 41 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Family And Medical Leave Because the Oak Lawn Park District is a public agency, the Family Medical Leave, effective August 5th, 1991, all Oak Lawn Park District employees who have worked for the district for twelve (12) consecutive months and who worked for at least 1250 hours of actual work (not including sick, holiday, vacation or any other paid or unpaid leave) during the twelve month period immediately preceding the commencement of the leave, are eligible for up to (12) twelve weeks of unpaid job protected leave for the birth of a child, the placement of a child for adoption or foster care, or the serious health condition of the employee or an immediate family member. General requirements You may elect, or the Park District may require you to substitute accrued pay leave such as vacation and sick-time or paid lost time under the Illinois Worker’s Compensation Act for a corresponding portion of the family leave. The balance of the twelve (12) weeks of family leave remaining after substituting such paid leave shall be taken without pay. Effective Date-August 5, 1993. If an eligible employee has taken a leave prior to the effective date of the Act it will not be counted against the employee’s twelve-week allotment, even if it qualifies as an FMLA leave. The district will count employment periods to the Act’s effective date in determining whether employees are eligible for leave. As a result, employees may be eligible for FMLA leave as of the August 5, 1993 effective date. Also, an eligible employee may take an FMLA leave even if the qualifying leave took place before the effective date. Eligibility To be eligible an employee must have been employed 12 months, (these do not have to be consecutive months) by the Park District and must have worked at least 1,250 hours during those 12 months preceding the start of the leave. Leave entitlement - Eligible employees are entitled to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period. A 12-month period, for the purposes of determining eligibility for an FMLA leave, is defined as a 12-month period measured forward from the first date FMLA is used. That is, an employee cannot use an FMLA leave until 12 months have expired from the first FMLA taken. Job protection - An employee returning from leave will be reinstated to either the same position or to an equivalent position with equivalent benefits, pay and working conditions. However, you will not be restored to your previous position or an equivalent position if you would have been laid off or had you not gone on leave, you will be put on the same status you would have been on had you not gone on leave. If you fail to return to work following your leave, you will be considered to have abandoned your position and for that reason you will be dismissed. Certain “key employees” are exempted from the job protection provision when necessary to prevent substantial and grievous economic injury to the operations of the employer. Benefits protection - The Park district will maintain coverage under its “group health plan” for the duration of the employee’s leave. Any coverage will be provided under the same conditions as would have been provided if the employee had not taken leave. If the employee taking FMLA leave is paying for dependent coverage, the dependent portion of the premium is due in the Business Office no later than the 30th day of each month. Unless otherwise arranged for, dependent coverage will be terminated if the premium due is more than 30 days past due. While on FMLA leave, you will not accrue or earn vacation leave, personal leave, sick leave or any other leave. If an employee fails to return from leave due to circumstances within the employee’s control, then the Park District will take the necessary steps to recover the premium payments it made to maintain coverage for the employee during the leave period. FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 42 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Serious health conditions - A “serious health condition” for purposes of the FMLA is defined as an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves: 1) a period of incapacity or treatment in connection with inpatient care, 2) a period of incapacity requiring absence from work, school, or other regular activities for more than three (3) days that also involves continuing treatment by a health care provider; or 3) continuing treatment for prenatal care or for a chronic or long term condition that is incurable or so serious that, if not treated, would likely result in a period of incapacity of three (3) or more days. Voluntary or cosmetic treatments, which are not medically necessary, are not “serious health conditions” unless inpatient care is required. Allergies, stress and substance abuse, however, may be “serious health conditions” if the criteria outlined above are met. Intermittent and reduced scheduled leaves - Leave for the serious health condition of an employee or an employee’s spouse, child or parent may be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule when medically necessary. In order for a leave to be medically necessary, there “must be a medical need for leave as distinguished from voluntary treatments and procedures”, and the medical need must be “best accommodated through intermittent or reduced leave schedule”. The employee will attempt to schedule the leave so as not to disrupt the District’s operations, and the District may assign the employee to an alternate position with equivalent pay and benefits that better accommodate the intermittent or reduced schedule leave. The taking of intermittent leave or leave on a reduced work schedule will not result in the reduction of the total amount of leave available to the employee. There is no minimum for the length of any single absence under an intermittent or reduced schedule leave. Relationship to paid leave - No paid leave is required by the FMLA. However, under certain circumstances, the FMLA permits the employee to elect, or the District to require substitution of accrued paid leave for any part of the period of leave so that the total amount of paid and unpaid leave equals 12 weeks. Employee notice requirement - The employee must provide the District with al least 30 days advance notice prior to an FMLA leave if the need for the leave is foreseeable, based on an expected birth, placement for adoption of foster care, or upon planned medical treatment of a serious health condition of the employee or family member. If the circumstances are not foreseeable 30 days in advance, notice must be provided as soon as practical. If an employee has actual notice of the FMLA notice requirement, and the need for the leave and the date of the leave are clearly foreseeable, and the employee fails to provide 30 days notice, then the District will deny leave until 30 days after notice is given. Outside Employment – Employees on family medical leave may not use this time to be gainfully employed by others. If the Park District becomes aware of such employment while the employee is on family medical leave, this shall be grounds for termination of the employee. Medical certification - The District will require medical certification to support any requests for FMLA leave based on the serious health condition of an employee or an employee’s family member. If the District has any questions about the medical adequacy of the medical certification, the District may require additional medical opinions, at the expense of the District. The District may designate a second opinion from a health care provider so long as the District on a regular basis does not employ the health care provider. If the second opinion differs from the original certification, the District may require a third opinion by a neutral provider, at the District’s expense. The District and the employee will select the neutral provider jointly, and both are required to act in good faith in designating the provider. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 Reviewed and revised by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District 12/08/08 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 43 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Modified Duty Policy The Oak Lawn Park District is committed to providing employees with every reasonable opportunity to maintain career and employment status and benefits. To that end, we have developed a modified duty program for employees who have sustained work-related injuries or illnesses. We feel that a modified duty program is mutually beneficial and may aid in the employee’s recovery. The purpose of the modified duty program is to provide a temporary modified work assignment, with feasible and applicable. The feasibility of modified duty shall be determined on a case-by case basis, taking several factors into consideration, including but not limited to, the employee, the specific physical or mental impairment, the essential functions of the job, the work environment and the ability of the Oak Lawn Park District to provide accommodation. Noncompliance with the modified duty policy may result in a reduction of workers Compensation benefits and possibly disciplinary action. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 07-13-98 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 44 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Personal Leave Without Pay The Director of Parks and Recreation may grant a supervisory or regular employee a leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed one year. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to submit a written request through his supervisor for this type of leave, stating the reasons for the request. Upon the expiration of a regular approved leave without pay, the employee shall be reinstated in the position that he held at the time the leave was granted. If the employee should fail to report for duty within a reasonable time at the conclusion of his stated leave, he shall be discharged. Leaves without pay shall only be granted when it will not unduly interfere with the best interests of the Park District. Application for leave of absence for training or study which should better equip the employee in rendering service to the Park District shall be considered a justified request for leave unless the interests of the District are prejudiced in attempting to temporarily fill the position left by that employee. In general, no leave shall be granted primarily in the interests of the employee except in the case where he has shown by his record of service to be of above average value to the District and whose services it is deemed desirable to retain even at a sacrifice to the District. Approved by the Board of Commissioners FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 45 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Military Leave A leave of absence without pay will be granted to any employee who enters any branch of the United States armed services. Benefit accruals for any employee serving on active duty longer than 30 consecutive days will be calculated in accordance with applicable federal laws. The employee will be reinstated with full seniority to his or her former position or to a comparable position if application for re-employment is made within 90 calendar days of the date of an honorable discharge or the date of release from hospitalization following discharge. Any employee who is a member of a reserve component of the armed forces will be placed on unpaid leave for his or her annual two-week training duty. Benefit programs will be unaffected, and the employee may elect to use any vacation entitlements for the absence. Training leaves will not normally exceed two weeks per year, plus reasonable travel time. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 46 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Employee Conduct And Work Rules To assure orderly operations and provide the best possible work environment, the employer expects employees to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interests and safety of all employees and the employer. It is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable in the work place, but the following are examples of infractions of rules of conduct that may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or termination of employment. • Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of Park District property • Inappropriate Personal Telephone and Cell Phone Usage (see policy on Personal Use of Telephones and Cell Phones) • Falsification of timekeeping records • Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs • Possession, distribution, sale, transfer, or use of alcoholic or illegal drugs in the work place, while on duty, or while operating employer-owned vehicles or equipment • Fighting or threatening violence in the work place • Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of employer-owned or customer-owned property • Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct • Violation of safety or health rules • Smoking in prohibited areas • Sexual or other unlawful harassment • Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials, such as explosives or firearms, in the work place • Excessive absenteeism or any absence without notice • Unauthorized absence from work station during the work day • Violation of personnel policies • Unsatisfactory performance or conduct • Employment with the Park District is at the mutual consent of the Park District and the employee. Revised by the Board of Commissioners 04/12/04 Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 47 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Drug And Alcohol Use Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy PURPOSE The Oak Lawn Park District has implemented this policy in response to overwhelming evidence that alcohol and drug abuse has a detrimental impact on employees’ health, job performance, safety, and efficiency. Since Park District employees operate, supervise and maintain parks, facilities, programs, and equipment for use by members of the public and perform services that may have a direct effect on the health and safety of members of the public and fellow employees, the Park District wishes to assure the health and safety of its patrons and employees. This policy also expresses the Park District’s desire to satisfy the requirements of the federal and state Drug Free Workplace Acts (41 U.S.C.A. § 701 et seq. and 30 ILCS 580/1 et seq.). In accordance with these statutes and concerns, the Park District has resolved to maintain a drug free workplace. The purpose of this policy is to inform employees of the Park District’s investigation, treatment and disciplinary policy relating to alcohol and drugs. As such, all Park District employees will abide by its terms. As with all policies in this Manual, this policy is subject to periodic addition, modification, or deletion. This policy does not replace any of the provisions or requirements of the Park District’s Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing Policy for position that require a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). See Alcohol and Drug Procedures For CDL Employees Policy. Park District employees who operate Park District commercial motor vehicles and possess a commercial driver’s license have special responsibilities necessitated by the fact that they operate vehicles that require additional skill and attentiveness over that of non-commercial motor vehicles. As part of its continuing commitment to safety and to comply with federal law, the Park District has established a controlled substance and alcohol testing policy for Park District positions that require a commercial driver’s license (“Alcohol and Drug Procedures For CDL Employees Policy “). Both the Park District and the federal government recognize that it is important to establish programs to help prevent accidents and injuries resulting from the misuse of alcohol or use of controlled substances by drivers of commercial motor vehicles. The Alcohol and Drug Procedures For CDL Employees Policy is in addition to and supplements and complements rather than supersedes all other Park District policies, rules, procedures, and practices, including without limitation this Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy. However, for persons to whom the Alcohol and Drug Procedures For CDL Employees Policy applies, in the event of any conflict between any of the provisions of the Alcohol and Drug Procedures For CDL Employees Policy and the provisions of any other Park District policy, rule, procedure, or practice, the provisions of the Alcohol and Drug Procedures For CDL Employees Policy will control. ACTS PROHIBITED The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance, including cannabis and alcohol, is prohibited on Park District Property or while acting on behalf of the Park District. DEFINITIONS For purposes of this Policy, the following definitions apply: 1. “Alcohol” means any substance containing any form of alcohol, including but not limited to: ethanol, methanol, propanol and isopropanol. 2. “Cannabis” is defined as provided in the Cannabis Control Act (720 ILCS 550/1 et seq.) which provisions are specifically incorporated in this Policy by reference. 3. “Controlled Substance” means a controlled substance in schedules I through V of section 812 of Title 21 of the United States Code, which provisions are specifically incorporated in this Policy by reference. 4. “Criminal Drug Statute” means a criminal statute involving the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of any controlled substance or cannabis. 5. “Director” is the Director of Parks and Recreation of the Oak Lawn Park District. FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 48 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 6. “District Property” means any building, park, gym, pool, office, common area, open space, vehicle, parking lot, or other area owned, leased, managed, used or controlled by the Park District. District Property also includes property used by Park District patrons while on Park District sponsored events or field trips or property of others when presence thereon by the Park District employee is related to employment with the Park District. 7. “Drugs” mean Legal Drugs and controlled substances, including cannabis. 8. “Legal Drugs” mean prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs which have been obtained legally and are being used in the manner and for the purpose for which they were prescribed or manufactured. 9. “Medical Facility” means any physician, laboratory, clinic, hospital, or other similar entity. 10. “Policy” means this Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy of the Oak Lawn Park District. 11. “Possess” means to have either in or on an employee’s person, personal effects, desk, files, or other similar area. 12. “Public Safety Responsibility” means a position in which the nature of an employee’s duties is such that impaired perception, reaction time, or judgment may place a member or members of the public or other employees at risk of serious bodily harm, or is responsible for the administration or enforcement of alcohol/drug policies. 13. “Under the Influence” means that the employee is affected by alcohol or drugs in any determinable manner. A determination of being under the influence can be established by a professional opinion, a scientifically valid test, a layperson’s opinion, or the statement of a witness. VOLUNTARY TREATMENT It is the responsibility of each employee to seek assistance before alcohol or drug problems lead to disciplinary action. The Park District will not discipline an employee who voluntarily seeks treatment for a substance abuse problem if the employee is not in violation of the Park District’s drug and alcohol policy or other rules of conduct. Seeking such assistance will not be a defense for violating the Park District’s drug and alcohol policy, not will it excuse or limit the employee’s obligation to meet the Park District’s policies, rules of conduct, and standards including, but not limited to, those regarding attendance, job performance, and safe and sober behavior on the job. Employees who suffer from alcohol or drug abuse are encouraged to consult voluntarily with Park District management and undergo appropriate medical treatment. Participation in such treatment will be at the employee’s expense, although some of these expenses may be covered under the employee’s group health plan. Please see the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel for details. Park District management will attempt to keep such voluntary discussions and medical treatment confidential in accordance with this Policy. SCREENING AND TESTING The Park District may require employees whose job functions require them to operate or maintain vehicles or machinery, handle hazardous or toxic materials or substances of any kind, or have Public Safety Responsibility to be screened or tested on a random basis, or may require any employee to be screened or tested following a work place accident involving a possible violation of safety rules, during and after an employee’s participation in an alcohol or drug counseling or rehabilitation program, or upon reasonable suspicion that the employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The screening or testing will be conducted by a medical facility selected by the Park District at the Park District’s expense. The screening or testing may require an analysis of the employee’s breath, urine and/or blood or such similar substance as the medical facility may recommend. Employees who undergo alcohol or drug screening or testing will be given the opportunity, prior to the collection of a specimen or other testing, to disclose the use of legal drugs and to explain the circumstance of their use. If an initial test is positive, a second test will be conducted from the same sample. A confirmed positive drug and/or alcohol test may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Each Park District employee is required to sign a consent form, a copy of which is included with this Policy, at the time this Policy is distributed to the employee. Prospective employees applying for positions that require a commercial driver’s license will be required to sign a consent form prior to taking the pre-employment drug screening. Prospective employees for positions that require a pre-employment physical will be required to sign a consent form prior to taking the preemployment physical. Each employee and prospective employee may also be required to sign a separate consent form requested by the Medical Facility conducting the screening or testing. Refusal to sign any requested consent form will result in non-hire or FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 49 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, as deemed appropriate by the Park District, in its sole discretion, under the circumstances. TREATMENT If the medical facility recommends treatment, the Park District may, depending on the circumstances as determined in the sole discretion of the Park District, give the employee one opportunity to undergo treatment offered by a clinic or trained professional mutually acceptable to the Park District and employee. Participation in such treatment will be at the employee’s expense. The employee must enter the treatment program within ten (10) days from the time of recommendation of treatment. The Park District may reinstate the employee provided that the employee submits a statement issued by the medical facility certifying successful completion of the treatment program, that the employee is released to return to work, and that the employee agrees to all conditions of reinstatement as determined by the Park District, which may include, but is not limited to, future alcohol and/or drug testing. USE OF LEGAL DRUGS Any employee who operates or maintains a vehicle or machinery, handles hazardous materials or substances of any kind, or has public safety responsibility and who has taken a legal drug must report the use of such legal drug to their immediate supervisor if the legal drug may cause drowsiness or if it may alter judgment, perception or reaction time. The burden is on the employee to ascertain from the employee’s doctor or pharmacist whether or not the legal drug may have such a potential side effect. The information will be retained by the Park District in a confidential manner and will be disclosed only to persons who need to know. The employee’s immediate supervisor, after conferring with the department head or Director, will decide whether or not the employee may safely continue to perform the job while using the legal drug. Failure to declare the use of such legal drugs may be cause for discipline up to and including dismissal. NOTICE OF CONVICTIONS Any employee who is convicted of violating any federal or state criminal drug statute must notify the Director within five (5) days of such conviction. For purposes of this notice requirement, a conviction includes a finding of guilt, a no contest plea, and/or an imposition of sentence by any judicial body for any violation of a criminal statute involving the unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, dispensation, possession or use of any controlled substance or cannabis. Failure to notify the Director may subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. DISCIPLINE/PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION 3. An employee who reports to work or is found during working hours to be or to have been under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances, or cannabis or who manufactures, possesses, uses, sells or dispenses alcohol, controlled substances, or cannabis while on District property or while acting on behalf of the Park District, is convicted of a drug related crime, causes financial or physical damage to the Park District property, its employees or patrons as the result of alcohol or drug abuse, or fails to report the use of legal drugs in accordance with this Policy, will be disciplined in accordance with the Disciplinary Action Section of the Park District’s Personnel Policy Manual. In addition to or in the alternative, depending on the circumstances as determined by the Park District in its sole discretion, the Park District may require the employee to successfully complete an alcohol and/or drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by the Park District and by a federal, FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 50 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL state or local health law enforcement or other appropriate agency. An employee who participates in a treatment program will be expected to meet job performance standards and comply with all rules established by the Park District. Participation in a treatment program will not, in itself, protect the employee from disciplinary actions should job performance remain unsatisfactory. 4. In addition to the examples of misconduct that may subject an employee to disciplinary action contained in this Policy and the Manual, the Park District will discipline an employee up to and including dismissal for the following: (1) if the employee refuses to submit to diagnosis, testing or screening upon request of the Park District; (2) if the employee tampers in any way with the specimen given to the medical facility for purposes of alcohol or drug screening or testing; (3) if the medical facility recommends treatment and the employee refuses to undergo such treatment; (4) if, while undergoing treatment, the employee fails or refuses to follow the course of treatment; (5) if the employee, during the course of or following treatment, is again under the influence of alcohol or drugs in violation of this Policy; or, (6) if the employee fails to notify the Director of a conviction for violating any federal or state Criminal Drug Statute in accordance with the “Notice of Conviction” section of this policy. PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING As a final prerequisite in the Park District’s employment selection procedure, all persons otherwise offered a full-time position with the Park District will be required to undertake a physical examination which includes a drug and alcohol screening test. INSPECTIONS In order to assure that employees comply with the prohibition on manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing, or using alcohol, controlled substances, or cannabis, employees may be subject to inspection as follows: 3. Lockers, desks, files, vehicles, equipment and other containers and property owned or leased by the Park District and which an employee is permitted to use during employment with the Park District, are and remain the property of the Park District. Employees are not permitted to keep controlled substances, cannabis or alcohol in or on such property. Any such property reasonably suspected of having or holding such substances is subject to search by the Park District. 4. Any refusal to submit to such an inspection will be treated as an act of insubordination and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. RECORDS The Park District will maintain medical records relating to alcohol or drug abuse, diagnosis, and treatment confidential and in a file separate from the regular personnel files. Access will be limited to those who need to know. The Park District will not disclose these records to persons outside the Park District without the employee’s consent unless disclosure of the records is necessary for legal or insurance purposes. FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 51 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Consent To Drug and/or Alcohol Screening or Testing I hereby voluntarily consent to submit to drug and/or alcohol screening or testing by a physician, clinic, laboratory or medical facility chosen by the Oak Lawn Park District (“Park District”) at the Park District’s expense. I hereby consent to the physician, clinic, laboratory or medical facility taking and analyzing a sample or specimen of my breath, urine, saliva, blood and other similar substance. I also authorize the physician, clinic, laboratory or medical facility to disclose his, her or its findings, conclusions, and opinions regarding the drug and/or alcohol screening or testing to a Park District official or a designated representative. I hereby further consent to Park District’s contacting my physician or pharmacist to verify my reported use of legal drugs in accordance with the Park District’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy and authorize my physician or pharmacist to provide all information requested by the Park District regarding my use of such drugs, including without limitation the possible effects of such use on my performance of my job functions. I also acknowledge receiving, reading and understanding the Park District’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy. I understand that, in accordance with this policy, failure to execute this document and submit to drug and/or alcohol screening or testing, or failure to report to the Park District the use of legal drugs as required by the policy, may result in non-hire or disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Employee Name: ___________________________ (Print) Employee Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Witness Signature: __________________________ FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 52 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Alcohol and Drug Procedures for CDL Employees D.O.T. DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROCEDURE Introduction In an effort to promote public safety and to help prevent accidents and injuries the U.S. Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) instituted regulations that establish a zero tolerance level for the presence of alcohol or controlled substances in the system of any individual who operates or maintains a commercial class vehicle. The regulations establish testing requirements to help ensure compliance with the alcohol and controlled substance prohibitions. The controlled substances prohibited by the D.O.T. regulations are: Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates, Amphetamines, and Phencyclidine (PCP). The following procedures have been developed to implement the D.O.T. regulations, which can be found in 49 CFR Parts 40 and 382. The numbers inside the parentheses appearing in many of the sections refer to 49 CFR Part 40 or 382 sections relevant to the particular procedure. Employees who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Adverse Effects of Alcohol and Drug Use Unlawful use of drugs and alcohol poses a number of risks. Alcohol and drug abuse can lead to a number of health problems, such as lung cancer, obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic respiratory infections, liver disease, high blood pressure, cardiac disease, and seizures. Drug abusers are at an increased risk for AIDS and hepatitis. The impairments drugs cause mean users (and their nearby co-workers) suffer more accidental injuries and motor vehicle accidents. Drugs can also rob the user of his or her ability to place for and reach long-term goals, to deal constructively with stress and anxiety, or to have successful and satisfying friendships and family relationships. Because drug use is unlawful, lives can be ruined when users are arrested, jailed or injured by drug-related violence. The District has gathered a variety of pamphlets and other materials about alcohol and drugs. These materials are available from the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel. In addition, full-time employees may access the confidential Employee Assistance Program (E.A.P.) for information and assistance with alcohol or drug use. Full-time employees may obtain information about the District’s E.A.P. through the employees’ immediate supervisor or the Superintendent of Finance and Personnel. Affected Employees 3. The following employees are subject to these alcohol and drug procedures, restrictions, and requirements: All employees who are required to have a valid CDL drivers license as a condition of employment and operate a commercial vehicle for the Oak Lawn Park District. This includes full-time and part-time employees. 4. The above employees are subject to these procedures and regulations at all times while on duty including all overtime and call back time. An exception may be made by the Director to exempt an employee from alcohol use restrictions if the employee is attending off site training and is not expected to return to duty for the remainder of the day. Employee Requirements (382.201 to .215): To meet the D.O.T. regulations, the following requirements are placed upon affected employees. The Director in making temporary work assignments for employees may make exceptions to these requirements. 8. Affected employees will not consume any product containing alcohol or controlled substances while on duty. 9. Affected employees will not report for duty while there is any alcohol or controlled substance in their system (unless the use is pursuant to the instruction of a physician who has been informed of the affected employee’s job duties, and has advised the affected employee that the substance does not adversely affect his/her ability to safely perform his/her job). 10. Affected employees will not possess any product containing alcohol or controlled substances while on duty. FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 53 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL 11. Affected employees cannot report for duty within four hours of having consumed alcohol and may not perform safety-sensitive functions (this includes but is not limited to operating motor vehicles or equipment) within four hours after using alcohol. 12. Affected employees must immediately report for testing when so ordered, and must cooperate with testing personnel and procedures. 13. Affected employees must agree to release testing results to the Park District and to the substance abuse professional (S.A.P.), and to release the substance abuse professional’s report to the Park District. 14. Affected employees cannot consume alcohol for eight hours following an accident involving a death or an accident for which the employee received a moving violation for their operation of a commercial class vehicle which contributed to the accident or until the employee undergoes a post-accident or controlled substance test, whichever occurs first. The employee must remain available for testing for a period of eight hours for an alcohol test or 72 hours for a controlled substance test. Tests Performed: Detailed descriptions of the testing procedures are contained in 49 CFR Part 40 and Part 382. A brief description of the testing procedure follows. 3. Alcohol Test a) Employee immediately reports to the designated testing facility, shows a photo identification card, and signs testing form. b) Employee blows into alcohol testing device. If employee cannot exhale sufficient quality of air through the machine for a complete test a medical exam will be performed. c) If test results are negative the employee returns to work. Results will be reported to the Director. d) If test results are positive, another test will be performed after a 15-minute wait but before 20 minutes. The employee may not eat or drink anything nor belch during the waiting period for the retest. e) If retest results are negative, test is reported to the Director as negative. f) If retest results are positive, the test results are immediately reported to the Director. 4. Controlled Substances Test: Testing will only be performed for the five controlled substances prohibited by the D.O.T. regs - Marijuana, Cocaine, Opiates, Amphetamines, and Phencyclidine. a) Employee immediately reports to the designated testing facility, shows a photo identification card, and signs the testing form. b) Employee provides a urine sample. If unable to provide sufficient quantity for testing, the employee will be asked to drink water (up to 24 oz. in two hours) and attempted again. c) Hospital personnel will perform required testing to verify that the specimen sample has not been tampered with. The employee returns to work. d) Sample is sent to Lab where it is split in half. A screening test is performed on a portion of one of the sample splits. If negative results are obtained the testing is reported as negative to the medical review officer (M.R.O.) who in turn reports negative results to the Director. e) If screening tests are positive, sophisticated confirmation testing is performed on the rest of the split sample. Results are reported to the M.R.O. If negative the M.R.O. reports a negative result to the Director. f) If the results are positive, confirming the presence of one of the five controlled substances, the M.R.O. will contact the employee to talk over the results of the test to determine if there is a legitimate clinical reason for the presence of the drug, and will decide if test results are negative or positive. If the employee cannot be reached by the M.R.O., the Director will be contacted to tell the employee to contact the M.R.O. If FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 54 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL contact is not made in 72 hours the M.R.O. will determine the test results as positive. The M.R.O. reports to the Director test results as positive or negative. g) If test results are positive, the employee will be removed from duties of operating or maintaining a commercial class vehicle. The employee has 72 hours in which to request a retest of the second split sample, and can request that the split sample be tested at a second lab. A negative retest of the split sample will cancel the first positive results. Six circumstances under which testing will be performed: Pre-employment Testing (382.301, 413) Before a new employee is hired or before an existing employee may be transferred to a position in which operating or maintaining a commercial class vehicle is required, both alcohol and controlled substance testing is required. If an employee has not been in a random testing pool for one month, then alcohol and controlled substance testing must be performed before the employee may operate or maintain a commercial class vehicle. Alcohol test results must be below 0.04 and controlled substances negative or the employee cannot be hired to the position without a substance abuse professional evaluation. There is no requirement that the prospective employee be hired or that they see the M.R.O. or S.A.P., but an attempt must be made to inform the prospective employee of the test results and to seek an evaluation. e. In addition to submitting to testing, the prospective employee must supply the Park District with the names of all firms for which they have been employed in the previous two years operating or maintaining commercial class vehicles. The prospective employee must cooperate fully with the Park District in obtaining from each of the previous employer’s results of any positive test, S.A.P.’S reports, and any refusals to test. 2. Random Testing (382.305) a. All affected employees will be placed in pool from which random selections for testing will be made. Random testing will be for both alcohol and controlled substances. b. The annual rate of testing for the entire pool will be as directed by the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, currently 10% per year for alcohol and 50% per year for illegal drugs. c. Every employee in the selection pool has an equal chance of being selected each time a drawing is made. d. Selection for testing will be performed on a sufficiently random basis by the Consortium. Employees will not know when testing is complete for the year nor when to anticipate the next selection. e. A surplus of names will be generated so that another selection may be made in place of an employee who is temporarily on leave. 3. Reasonable Suspicion Testing (382.307) i. When a supervisor has reason to believe that an employee has alcohol or controlled substances in their system they contact another supervisor or management official trained in the signs and symptoms of drug and/or alcohol misuse who will also observe the employee. If both supervisors are FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 55 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL in agreement, the employee will be driven to the designated testing facility for alcohol or controlled substances testing as appropriate. j. The supervisor’s determination must be based upon specific, describable, current observations of the employee’s appearance, behavior, speech or body odor. Possession alone is not sufficient cause to require the employee to submit to testing. k. When a reasonable suspicion determination has been made, the employee must immediately stop operation or maintenance of a commercial class vehicle. (For 24 hours or until a negative test result whichever comes first). l. The employee will be informed of his or her right to consent or refuse testing, and the consequences of refusing testing or failing an alcohol or drug test. The employee will be asked to review and sign a Consent/Refusal Form. m. The supervisor calls the designated testing facility to advise that the employee will be reporting for the testing. A supervisor must accompany the employee under suspicion to the testing facility, preferably. n. If an employee refuses to submit to a test, he will be required to call someone to drive him home. If unable to find someone, a cab will be called. The Park District will pay for the cab with reimbursement by the employee when he returns to work. If the employee insists on driving himself, the local Police Department will be called and notified. o. Testing for alcohol reasonable suspicion should be performed within two hours, but cannot be conducted if eight hours have passed since the determination was made. A written report must be submitted to the Director for the file explaining why testing was not performed within two hours. Controlled substances testing should be performed as soon as possible but not after 32 hours since the determination was made. p. The supervisor(s) making the determination must submit a signed written description citing the specific observations, which led to the reasonable suspicion testing. The written description should be submitted before the test results have been received. 4. Post Accident Testing (382.303) a. A surviving driver of a commercial class vehicle involved in an accident in which a death occurred or for which the driver received a ticket for the operation of their commercial vehicle having contributed to the accident, will be tested for both alcohol and controlled substances. d. The driver will remain readily available for testing after an accident until 32 hours have passed or earlier if a supervisor advises that testing will not be necessary. c. A driver cannot consume any alcohol within eight hours following an accident unless a supervisor advises that no testing will be required or testing has already been performed. d. If a death occurs or a driving citation is issued, alcohol testing will be performed within two hours but no testing after eight hours, and controlled substance testing within 32 hours. A written record must be FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 56 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL submitted to file explaining why alcohol testing could not be performed within two hours if such is the case and a record if either testing could not be performed. 6. Return to Duty Testing (382.309): a. Alcohol and controlled substances testing will be performed with negative test results (less than 0.02 alcohol) on all affected employees who: b. Have been removed from duty of operating or maintaining a commercial class vehicle for refusing to test or testing positive for controlled substances or alcohol greater than 0.04. Employee will be responsible for all costs associated with this classification of return to duty testing or c. Have not been in a random testing pool for more than 30 days. (Employees who have been on extended leave). 6. Follow-up Testing (382.311,605) a. Any affected employee who has refused to test or who has tested positive for controlled substances or greater than 0.04 alcohol content and has been determined by a substance abuse professional to require help in dealing with their substance abuses problem will be subject to follow up testing. b. The Director will order the affected employee to immediately report for surprise alcohol or controlled substance (or both) testing at the frequency prescribed by the substance abuse professional. The Director will advise the S.A.P. of the test results. The duration of surprise testing will continue as long as required by the S.A.P. to a maximum of five years. c. At a minimum, six unannounced tests will be required within the first 12 months of return to duty. This minimum must be conducted regardless of whether the S.A.P. deems no more testing is required. d. Employee is responsible for all costs associated with follow-up testing. Consequences of failed or refused tests (382.605) 1. An employee will be immediately removed from duty upon the employee’s refusal to cooperate with testing procedures or upon receipt of positive test results. Employees who refuse to submit to testing or fail an alcohol or drug test are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. 6. The employee selects a substance abuse professional (S.A.P.). The employee is responsible for payment to the substance abuse professional and subsequent counseling and rehabilitation. The employee’s medical insurance may be used to help pay for these services. A list of S.A.P.’s will be provided the employee, however, the employee is free to choose any certified S.A.P. 7. The employee signs a release allowing the Park District to release the test results to the S.A.P. and signs a release for the S.A.P. to report back to the Director. 8. The S.A.P. will report back to the Director that the employee: a. Does not require any help in dealing with a substance abuse problem - in which case the employee may be returned to full duty. b. That the employee requires and is cooperating with continued counseling and rehabilitation and may return to full duty, or may not return to full duty FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 57 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL yet. c. That the employee requires but is not cooperating with counseling and rehabilitation and may not return to duty. 9. The employee is responsible for obtaining any counseling or rehabilitation prescribed the S.A.P. and must provide appropriate releases for counseling and rehabilitation professionals to report back to the S.A.P. Employees are advised that the U.S. D.O.T. regs require that the additional counseling and rehabilitation not be performed by any business entity in which the S.A.P. has a financial interest. 6. When the S.A.P. reports to the Director that the employee may return to full duty of operating and maintaining commercial class vehicles the employee must: a. Test negative in return to duty alcohol or controlled substances testing (or both tests if so indicated by the S.A.P.). b. Continue with any rehabilitation therapy if so prescribed by the S.A.P. c. Test negative in unannounced follow up testing as prescribed by the S.A.P. or at a minimum, six tests in the first 12 months of returning to duty as ordered by the Director. Required Training 1. 2. 3. 4. All affected employees will be informed of the new D.O.T. regs and these policies and procedures to implement the regs. All supervisory personnel will receive training in recognizing physical signs of alcohol misuse and controlled substance use prior to any employee being ordered to submit to reasonable suspicion testing by that supervisor. Sixty minutes of training for alcohol misuse recognition and 60 minutes of training for controlled substance use recognition is required. All new employees and newly transferred employees to affected positions will receive training prior to operating or maintaining a commercial class vehicle. All newly hired supervisory personnel will receive 60 minutes of alcohol misuse recognition training and 60 minutes of controlled substances use training prior to their requiring any employee to submit to reasonable suspicion testing. All employees will sign a receipt that they attended the training. The receipt will be kept in Park District records. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 10/18/94 Amended by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District 05/14/07 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 58 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Sexual And Other Forms Of Impermissible Harassment The Oak Lawn Park District abides by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination. Actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation or religion, or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. Individuals covered under this policy include the following: • All employees of the district • All elected or appointed officials • All suppliers/vendors and other such non-employees who conduct business the agency • All volunteers of the Park District Any individual included who has reason to believe that he or she is the victim of impermissible harassment should promptly report the facts of the incident to one of the following designated person(s): • Immediate supervisor, unless the supervisor is the person to whom the alleged complaint is directed against. • The safety committee chairman or other safety committee representatives who may be so designated from time to time. • The Director of Parks and Recreation The report of the facts can be done verbally, in written or taped format and must include the name of the person making the complaint, the person to whom the complaint is alleged against, the date, time and location, if applicable, and the nature of the complaint. A prompt investigation will be conducted, and the employer or agency will take appropriate corrective action where it is warranted. A person coming forward with a complaint will not be subject to sanctions. Any employee engaging in any improper harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible discharge. In the event the alleged complaint is directed against an individual other than an employee, the agency reserves the right to take appropriate legal action. Revised 09/08/2003 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 59 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Attendance And Punctuality To maintain a safe and productive work environment, the employer expects employees to be reliable and to be punctual in reporting for scheduled work. Absenteeism and tardiness place a burden on other employees and on the employer. In the rare instance when an employee cannot avoid being late to work or is unable to work as scheduled, he or she should notify the supervisor as soon as possible in advance of the anticipated tardiness or absence. Poor attendance and excessive tardiness are disruptive. Either may lead to disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 60 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Return Of Property Employees are responsible for all property, materials, or written information issued to them or in their possession or control. Employees must return all property of the employer that is in their possession or control in the event of termination of employment, resignation, or layoff, or immediately upon request. Where permitted by applicable laws, the employer may withhold from the employee’s check or final paycheck the cost of any items that are not returned when required. The employer may also take all action deemed appropriate to recover or protect its property. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 61 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Resignations In order to resign from a position with the Park District in good standing, an employee shall be required to submit to the Director of Parks and Recreation through his immediate supervisor a written notice of resignation at least fourteen days prior to the actual date when the employee wishes to leave employment. This written resignation shall give reasons for leaving. Failure to comply with this section shall be entered in the personnel record of that employee. The supervisory personnel involved shall report a written notice of resignation of supervisory or regular employees immediately to the Director of Parks and Recreation. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 62 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Security Inspections The Park District wishes to maintain a work environment that is free of illegal drugs, alcohol, firearms, explosives, or other improper materials. To this end, the employer prohibits the control, possession, transfer, sale, or use of such materials on its premises. The employer requires the cooperation of all employees in administering this policy. Desks, lockers, and other storage devices may be provided for the convenience of employees but remains the sole property of the employer. Accordingly, the Director or anyone that is designated by the Director at any time, either with or without prior notice, can inspect them, as well as any articles found within them. The employer likewise wishes to discourage theft or unauthorized possession of the property of employees, the employer, visitors, and customers. To facilitate enforcement of this policy, the employer or its representative may inspect not only desks and lockers but also packages and persons entering and/or leaving the premises. Any employee who wishes to avoid inspection of any articles or materials should not bring such items onto the employer’s premises. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: 04-08-91 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 63 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Solicitations In an effort to assure a productive and harmonious work environment, persons not employed by the Park District may not solicit or distribute literature in the work place at any time for any purpose. The Park District recognizes that employees may have interests in events and organizations outside the work place. However, employees may not solicit or distribute literature concerning these activities during working time. (Working time does not include lunch periods, work breaks, or any other periods in which employees are not on duty.) In addition, the posting of written solicitations on company bulletin boards is prohibited. Bulletin boards are reserved for official organization communications on such items as: • Employee announcements • Internal memoranda • Job openings • Park District announcements Effective 04-08-91 Revision Date FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 64 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Disciplinary Actions The tenure of all employees shall be contingent upon acceptable conduct and satisfactory performance of duties as determined by the District. Failure to meet acceptable standards of conduct and job performance will result in disciplinary action. This progressive disciplinary procedure is for the purpose of improving the behavior of an employee that may be detrimental or disruptive to the effective operation of his department and the District. This disciplinary procedure need not be followed under circumstances where the Director believes that an employee’s unsatisfactory behavior warrants accelerated or compound disciplinary action up to and including discharge. Causes for disciplinary action are listed on page 46 of this manual. This list is not all-inclusive. Verbal Warning A verbal warning is the first step in the disciplinary procedure. The immediate supervisor shall discuss the situation with the employee along with suggestions for correcting the problem. A discipline form marked “verbal” is used and a copy is placed in the employee’s personnel file. The verbal warning has an effective date of twelve (12) months, if not followed by any other discipline during that period. Written Warning A written warning may follow one or more verbal warnings issued to an employee for a repeated offense. Also, depending upon the severity of the act, a written warning can be issued without prior verbal warning. The immediate supervisor shall discuss the problem and a warning of what discipline may follow, up to and including discharge. A discipline form is used and a copy is placed in the employee’s personnel file. The written warning has an effective date of twelve (12) months, if not followed by any other discipline during that period. Suspension The Department Head may suspend an employee without pay when lesser forms of disciplinary action have not corrected the employee’s behavior. The employee may also be suspended for a first offense of a more serious nature. The suspension shall be for a period not to exceed five (5) working days. Written notice of suspension including the reasons and extent shall be forwarded to the Director within twenty-four (24) hours of the action and shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file. Discharge The Director or Department Head, upon recommendation of the supervisor, may discharge an employee when all other disciplinary steps have failed to correct the employee’s behavior. Major infractions may dictate immediate discharge without progressive discipline. A written notice of discharge including effective date, time and stating the specific charges shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file. A final job performance evaluation stating the details of unsatisfactory performance will be completed as soon as possible. FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 65 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Grievance and Disciplinary Action Appeal Any employee who has any grievance concerning work conditions, job classifications, salary, disciplinary action or any other matter related to his job shall have the right of appeal without prejudice or penalty under the following procedures: A. The employee should first discuss his grievance with his immediate supervisor in an attempt to resolve the problem. B. If his grievance is not so resolved, the employee may appeal his grievance in writing to the Department Head within five (5) working days of the previous discussion. The Department Head shall investigate all sides of the grievance and shall notify the employee of his decision and the reasons therefore within ten (10) working days of the appeal. C. If his grievance is not so resolved, the employee may appeal his grievance in writing to the Director within five (5) working days of the previous notification. The Director shall investigate all sides of the grievance and shall notify the employee in writing of his decision and the reasons therefore within ten (10) working days of the appeal. The highest level of appeal is the Director. No appeals may be made to the Board of Commissioners because the Board is not involved in the hiring or firing process. D. If the employee requests a meeting with the Department Head or Director, the meeting must take place within ten working days of the requested meeting date. If the Grievant requests a postponement of the meeting date, only one such postponement will be granted, barring exceptional circumstances as determined by the Park District. If the requested meeting has not taken place within the guidelines set up by this policy, then the matter will be considered closed and no further grievances may be filed. E. In the case of reports or complaints of unlawful discrimination or harassment employees may go directly to the Board of Commissioners. Employees are encouraged to report to their immediate supervisor in cases of unlawful discrimination or harassment but may go to any level of management or the Board of Commissioners. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: Revised: 09/13/04 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 66 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy The Oak Lawn Park District (Park District) is committed to complying with all applicable provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act (“ADA”). It is the Park District’s policy not to discriminate against any qualified employee or applicant with regard to any terms or conditions of employment because of such individual’s disability or perceived disability so long as the employee can perform the essential functions of the job. Consistent with this policy of non-discrimination, the Park District will provide reasonable accommodations to a qualified individual with a disability, as defined by the ADA, who has made the Park District aware of his or her disability, provided that such accommodation does not constitute an undue hardship on the Park District. The Park District will make all decisions concerning recruitment, placement, selection, training, hiring, advancement, discharge or other terms, conditions, or privileges of employment based on job-related qualifications and abilities. Employees with a disability who believe they need a reasonable accommodation to perform the essential functions of their job should contact their department head. The Park District encourages individuals with disabilities to come forward and request reasonable accommodation. If you feel uncomfortable making an accommodation request to your department head or you believe your accommodation request was not properly managed, report to the Director. On receipt of an accommodation request, your department head and your immediate supervisor will meet with you to discuss and identify the precise limitations resulting from the disability and the potential accommodation that the Park District might make to help overcome those limitations and perform the essential job functions of your position. The Park District will determine the feasibility of the requested accommodation considering various factors, including, but not limited to the nature and cost of the accommodation, the Park District’s overall financial resources, the accommodation’s impact on the operation of your department, including the ability of other employees to perform their duties, and on the Park District’s ability to provide its services to the public. What is considered a reasonable accommodation will be based on a case-by-case analysis. The Park District will inform the employee of its decision on the accommodation request or on how to make the accommodation. If the accommodation request is denied, employees will be advised of their right to appeal the decision by submitting a written statement explaining the reasons for the request. If the request on appeal is denied, that decision is final. The ADA does not require the Park District to make the best possible accommodation, to reallocate essential job functions, to create new positions, or to provide personal use items (i.e., eyeglasses, hearing aids, wheelchairs, etc.). An employee or job applicant who has questions regarding this policy or believes that he or she had been discriminated against based on a disability should immediately notify the department head or Director. All such inquiries or complaints will be treated as confidential to the extent permissible by law. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: March 10, 2003 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 67 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy Equal Employment Opportunity has been, and will continue to be, a fundamental principle at the Oak Lawn Park District (Park District), where employment is based upon personal capabilities and qualifications without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation or any other protected characteristic as established by law. In accordance with federal, state and local laws, it is the policy of the Park District to provide equal employment opportunities to all qualified persons. All of our personnel policies, procedures and decisions pertaining to hire, promotion, transfer, layoff, rates of pay, discipline, discharge and other terms and conditions of employment are made and executed without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship status, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability unrelated to an individual’s ability to perform the essential functions of the job, association with a person with a disability, unfavorable discharge from military service or military status or any other category protected by state or federal law. We make reasonable accommodations when necessary for all employees and/or applicants with disabilities, provided the individual is otherwise qualified to perform the essential functions of the job. Such individuals are encouraged to discuss their need for a reasonable accommodation with the Business Manager The Business Office has overall responsibility for this policy and maintains reporting and monitoring procedures. Employees’ questions or concerns should be referred to the Business Manager. If the employee is uncomfortable reporting to the Business Manager, the employee should report to his Department Head, Director or President of the Board of Commissioners. Approved by the Board of Commissioners Oak Lawn Park District: March 10, 2003 FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 68 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Service Training, Education Tuition Reimbursement, Conferences and Seminars Service Training It shall be the practice of the District to conduct special in-service training programs that will better equip an employee to fulfill his job responsibilities. Education Tuition Reimbursement • If, in the opinion of the Director and Department Head, some ultimate benefit will accrue to the District, permission may be granted to full-time employees to attend educational courses and to make partial or full reimbursement of tuition. 2. Requests for tuition reimbursement must be made before the educational course is taken. 3. Tuition reimbursement will be granted only upon successful completion of the educational course. Successful completion is defined as a minimum Grade of C, or equivalent. 4. If an employee leaves the District service within thirty-six (36) months after receiving tuition reimbursement, he must return all monies received. 5. Time off may be granted by the Director upon the recommendation of the Department Head to attend educational course if work schedules can be arranged and if it is determined that the education will make the employee more valuable to the District. Conferences and Seminars • Opportunities to attend and participate in professional conferences, conventions, seminars and technical meetings shall be provided to all employees. With prior approval of the Director and the Department Head and subject to budgetary provision, an employee may attend such functions without loss of pay and at District expense. Reimbursable expenses may include registration fees, transportation, lodging, meals and other legitimate expenses. Revised 4/12/04 per OLPD Board approval FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 69 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Cell Phone Safety Guidelines • • • • • • • • Use your cell phone only when parked or have a passenger use it. Never dial the phone or take notes while driving. If your phone rings while driving, let your voice mail take the call and listen to the message later when parked. Dial when the vehicle is stopped. Become familiar with the phone and utilities available safety features such as one-button dialing and hands free operations. Make sure the phone is easy to see and reach. If you must answer your cell phone, let the person you are speaking to know you are driving; suspend the call until you can pull over. Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations on your phone or with passengers in your car. Revised 4/12/04 per OLPD Board approval FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 70 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Comp/Flex Time Policy A. Comp Days Comp days are earned when administrative or supervisory staff works on a scheduled day off. (A scheduled day off is defined as a vacation day, personal day or official Park District holiday). Comp days are earned at a 1 to 1 rate, that is, one comp day for 1 scheduled day off, with the exception of these holidays/events: th 4 of July (2 to 1) Memorial Day (2 to 1) Labor Day (2 to1) Easter Egg Hunt (will be earned 2 to 1 in 2006 only. Will be a 1 to 1 beginning 01/01/2007) Spookview is earned as 1 to 1 (can be earned 2 to 1 at the discretion of the Department Head based on hours worked prior to the event) In each of these instances Comp Days are earned at a 2 to 1 rate, that is, 2 Comp Days for 1 day worked. Comp days can be accumulated to a maximum of 5 days and may be carried for a maximum of three (3) months at which time they are lost if unused. An additional three (3) months carrying time may be granted at the discretion of the Director. Comp days are not the same as Flex Time (see B below and examples). Flex Time is when administrative or supervisory staff works beyond the normal workday of 8 hours or the normal workweek of 40 hours. A Leave Request form must be completed when Comp Days are being taken. B. Flex Time The normal workweek for all administrative and supervisory staff, per their job description, shall be as necessary to properly perform the duties of their job. They shall be considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for their services. This means that sometimes they are required to work outside of the normal workday of 8 hours or the normal workweek of 40 hours. When this happens they may be allowed to take Flex Time at the discretion of the Director or their Department Head. Flextime is defined as time off granted to administrative or supervisory staff for working beyond their normal work schedule. Flex time is earned at a 1 to 1 rate; that is, 1 hour of flex time for 1 hour worked beyond the normal schedule. Flex Time is not the same as Comp Days. Comp Days are taken in lieu of a scheduled day off (see A above and examples). Flex Time cannot be accumulated and must be used as soon as possible. It is not necessary to complete a Leave Request form when taking Flex Time. It is, however, the responsibility of the person to make sure that their immediate staff and the Director know that Flex Time is being used. This is so that staff and the Director know where that person is if someone is asking for them. C. Proper Use of Comp Days and Flex Time Comp Days and Flex Time must be used according to the procedure listed in A and B above only. Any misuse of this policy will result in disciplinary action. FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 71 OAK LAWN PARK DISTRICT ADMINSTRATIVE MANUAL Comp/Flex Time Policy Examples Example 1 – Supervisor A must come in on Saturday for program registration and works for two hours. Does Supervisor A use Comp Days or Flex Time? Answer: Supervisor A uses Flex Time on a 1 to 1 rate. In this case, Supervisor A gets two hours Flex Time. This is because administrative and supervisory staff is considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for their services, and Flex Time is used when administrative or supervisory staff work outside the normal workweek of 40 hours. Example 2 – Supervisor B works a sporting event for 4 hours on Saturday and 4 hours on Sunday. Does Supervisor B use Comp Days or Flex Time? Answer: Supervisor B uses Flex Time on a 1 to 1 rate. In this case Supervisor B gets 8 hours Flex Time. This is because administrative and supervisory staff is considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for their services, and Flex Time is used when administrative or supervisory staff work outside the normal workweek of 40 hours. Further, since Flex Time cannot be accumulated Supervisor B cannot use this 8 hours of Flex Time for one complete day off. He/she must use the Flex Time as 4 hours one day and 4 hours on another day. Example 3 – Administrator A works the normal 8 hours on Friday, then must come in again in the evening to work for a Cultural Arts event. Administrator A works 3.5 hours that night. Does Administrator A use Comp Days or Flex Time? Answer: Administrator A uses Flex Time on a 1 to 1 rate. In this case Administrator A gets 3.5 hours Flex Time. This is because administrative and supervisory staff is considered to be on duty whenever a need exists for their services, and Flex Time is used when administrative or supervisory staff work outside the normal workday of 8 hours. Further, if Administrator A works again on the following Saturday and/or Sunday night he/she would still use Flex Time. th Example 4 – Supervisor C works on the 4 of July. Does Supervisor C use Comp Days or Flex Time? Answer: Supervisor C uses Comp Days because he/she has worked on a scheduled park holiday. In this case Supervisor C gets 2 comp days. This is because he/she has fallen into one of the exception categories listed under Section A and earns 2 Comp Days for each 1 day worked. Example 5 – Administrator B has scheduled a week’s vacation and, for some reason has left a number where he/she can be reached. Administrator B is called back to work after using only 3 vacation days. Does Administrator B use Comp Days or Flex Time? Answer: Administrator B uses Comp Days on a 1 to 1 rate because he/she has worked on a scheduled day off. In this case Supervisor C gets 2 comp days. FULL TIME PERSONNEL MANUAL 72