February 2008 - Insite Brazos Valley
February 2008 - Insite Brazos Valley
ECO FRIENDLY: Home products that save money and the planet February 2008 $1.95 FAVORITE SPACES We Accept All Major Insurance Plans Everyone is welcome at Scott & White YOU ARE We believe the name on your insurance card shouldn’t keep you from seeing some of the top names in health care. That’s why we’re now accepting all major insurance plans. That means you can be thankful that Scott & White’s world-class doctors, specialists and facilities are available to more individuals and families than ever before. So, live your life. And breathe easier. No matter what name is on your insurance card. COVERED For more information or to schedule a visit call 979-691-3300 http://bcs.sw.org publisher’sdesk THERE’S A CHAIR in the sunroom of our house If you need insurance built better for Texas that anyone is welcome to sit in, including our cats, but is still known as “my brown chair.” It’s the place I go in anticipation of a glass of tea, a new magazine or book and at least a brief respite from deadlines and daily life. It is also the place in our house you are most likely to find my husband, kids and cats lolling about, talking and generally winding down from the fervor of the day. It is my favorite space. There are two stories in this month’s Insite that speak to the heart of a home: one is about how our favorite places build a refuge for our relationships and the other spotlights the latest in eco-friendly home products available locally. Both topics are close to my heart and I want to say a special thanks to the five public figures that shared a private view of their own favorite spaces. As for the green home products, the variety – and economy – of building and remodeling in an environmentally friendly way is “think global, act local” at its best. More than 20 years ago, MetLife Auto & Home® can match your needs step for two step. With outstanding homeowners protection, including Full Replacement Cost and Water Damage Coverages, built Texas-style. Call today to learn more or receive a quote: Monte Beall, PCS 4103 S. Texas Avenue, Suite 103 Bryan, TX 77802 mbeall@getmetagent.com 979-696-7700 my husband and I had to ship most of what we needed to restore our historic home down from the northeast. Now you can buy low- or no-VOC refinishing products and sustainable building materials from local retailers. When the president of the Brazos Valley Home Builder’s Association is promoting green building techniques, you know the eco-ideal has finally grown its own market. It’s enough to warm your heart – and your home. – Angelique Gammon Guarantees are subject to product terms, exclusions, and limitations and the insurer’s claims-paying ability and financial strength. MetLife Auto & Home is a brand of Metropolitan Property and Casualty Insurance Company and its affiliates: Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Company, Metropolitan Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Metropolitan General Insurance Company, Metropolitan Group Property and Casualty Insurance Company, and Metropolitan Lloyds Insurance Company of Texas, all with administrative home offices in Warwick, RI.Coverage, rates, and discounts are available in most states to those who qualify. See policy for restrictions. © 2007 MetLife Auto & Home L12077820707(exp1110)[TX] 0711-6362 © UFS Subscribe & Save 2 years for just $19.95 (57% off newsstand price) 1 year for just $12.95 (45% off newsstand price) Call (979) 823-5567 or www.insitegroup.com and click on Subscribe Now 4 Insite/February 2008 contents areaevents | page 6 What’s Happening Activities around the Brazos Valley compiled by the Insite Magazine staff 6 artsmart | page 10 Innovation in the Arts MSC OPAS recognized for season preview show by Craig Boleman communityoutreach | page 11 The Art of Helping Children Event to honor champions and friends of children by Candace Leslie 10 11 favoritespaces | page 14 Heart & Home Bricks and sticks build places where love can grow by Nancy Hardeman ecofriendly | page 22 Get Green Home products that save money and the planet by Erin Hill Littlefield 14 departments 4 Publisher’s Desk 30 Business Briefs 22 The home of your heart Notable Brazos Valley news INSITE Magazine is published monthly by Insite Printing & Graphic Services, 123 E. Wm. J. Bryan Pkwy., Bryan, Texas 77803. (979) 823-5567 www.insitegroup.com Volume 24, Number 11. Publisher/Editor: Angelique Gammon; Account Executive: Cynthia Kauder; Graphic Designer: Alida Bedard. Insite Magazine is a division of The Insite Group, LP. Reproduction of any part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Insite Printing & Graphic Services Managing Partners: Kyle DeWitt, Angelique Gammon, Greg Gammon. General Manager: Carl Dixon; Production Manager: Mike Hogeboom; Pre-Press Manager: Mari Brown; IT Manager: Glenn Richards; Office Manager: Wendy Sweard; Sales & Customer Service: Molly Barton, Linda Browning; Janice Hellman; Kim Hogeboom; Manda Jackson; Cynthia Justice; Marie Lindley; Production: Anthony Battles; Stephen Beatty; Joe Campise; Marilyn Carey; Don Coburn; Ricky Conchola; Armando Elguezabal; Jeremy Frank; George Galloway; Connie Gosch; Brad Hillegeist; Cadence King; Doug Madison; Arthur Maldonado; Gene McCallum; Frank Ramirez; Randy Valencia; Jimmy Welch. February 2008/Insite 5 what’shappening compiled by the Insite Magazine staff FEBRUARY events February 21 at 7:30 p.m., MSC OPAS presents “Movin’ Out,” in Rudder Theatre. The Broadway musical by director/choreographer Twyla Tharp and Billy Joel is set over two decades during the time of the Vietnam era, presented by a cast of musicians, singers and dancers. For more information or to purchase tickets, call the MSC Box Office at (979) 845-1234 or visit www.opas.tamu.edu. areawide February 1 from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., the Frame Gallery hosts First Fridays. Join the Frame Gallery in Downtown Bryan on the first Friday of every month for local art, live music, horse drawn carriage rides, and more. Jazz band starts at 6:30 pm. For more information, Beginning February 1 and continuing throughout the month, the Arts Council of Brazos Valley presents “Lunar New Year” at the Texas Gallery. Displayed at this Asian art exhibit are artifacts from China, Japan and Indonesia. A reception featuring art, music and food will be held February 7 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is free. For more information, contact the Arts Council at (979) 696-2787. Beginning February 1 and continuing throughout the month, join The Children’s Museum of the Brazos Looking for love? contact Greta Watkins at (979) 822-0496. Valley for a variety of special programming and activities for children. Highlights this month include special recycling programs, the Daddy/Daughter Dance, space days and more. For specific program dates, times and more information, contact The Children’s Museum at (979) 779-KIDS (5437) or visit www.mymuseum.com February 1-2 at 7:30 p.m., MSC OPAS presents Ray Benson & Asleep at the Wheel in “A Ride with Bob: The Bob Wills Musical” in Rudder Theatre. Call the MSC Box Office at (979) 845-1234 for ticket information. February 7 at 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., The George Bush Presidential Library and Museum presents “The Life of the Buffalo Soldiers” at the Frymire Auditorium at George Bush Presidential Library Center. Features will be the legacy and history of the contributions by the African American Cavalry and Infantry Regiments. Admission is free. For free reservations email Bush.Education@nara.gov or call Monica Lerma at (979) 691-4006. February 7 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., the American Heart Association will host the 2008 Go Red for Women Luncheon at the Hilton College Station Hotel and Conference Center. Linda Shelton is the featured speaker along with honorary co-chair Cherry Ruffino. They will discuss the signs of heart disease and stroke and how it affects women. New this year will be two optional educational seminars from 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. This annual event is a chance for women to gain valuable knowledge about heart disease and stroke and to raise funds that will support research and education efforts. Tickets are Find your four-footed, furry-faced, forever friend at Valentine’s Day ns Half-Price Adoptio th February 14 2207 Finfeather Rd. · Bryan, TX 77801 · (979) 775-5755 · www.brazosanimalshelter.org 6 Insite/February 2008 M etabolic Makeover for Weight Loss You have trouble losing weight. You have tried everything, and are heavier now than when you started. You look in the mirror each morning, and ask “why can’t I take off the pounds and keep them off?” Maybe it’s not you, it is your disordered metabolism. Fixing your metabolism, enhancing the furnace of your body, is the key to effective management of your weight. Metabolic disorders will short circuit any attempt to lose weight. How the body is functioning chemically, those pathways, must be working well before you can lose weight. When those highways are blocked, there are tell-tale signs. You gain weight, have sleep problems, suffer with migraines, have mood disturbances like anxiety, depression, and PMS. Your joints ache and you have no energy. The medications you take just seem to make things worse. Or if they do help, they just reduce the suffering but not the underlying cause. There is a way out of this madness. We don’t guess, we measure. Our Comprehensive Metabolic Profile helps discover the underlying causes of your symp–toms. It provides the blueprint for recovery and revitalization of your metabolism. In our Natural Waves Metabolic Makeover, we provide targeted nutrition and supplementation. We prescribe an easy to do fat-burning exercise protocol. We monitor your weight loss throughout the program with body composition analysis, measuring percentage of body fat, water, and lean tissue. We use our CraveBuster system to remove the food and sweet cravings that sabotage all other weight loss programs. No amount of willpower can overcome a disordered metabolism. As we weaken the cravings, you get stronger. Our Metabolic Makeover helps restore your sleep so your body can heal itself. Everything works together to re-build your capacity for a restorative, dependable sleep life. We revitalize your hormones to enhance weight loss, energy, and libido. You do not have to make the journey alone. Dr. Bailey provides wellness coaching and education, along with a 674-page nutrition and mealplanning book. You can you lose weight and keep it off, sleep better, have more energy, think better, move better, and have a better sex life. You can overcome your current problems and enjoy true wellness. You can avoid debilitating lifestyle diseases, like arthritis, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. We also work with your other doctors to reduce, if possible, your need for medications that treat the problems you already have. We believe that the rest of your life can be the best part of your life, and the time to start is finally here. The Natural Waves Metabolic Makeover is available only at Bailey Health & Wellness Center. What are you waiting for? Release your potential for a healthy life today. Please call Dr. Bailey at Bailey Health and Wellness Center at 979.822.2225, visit the website at www.NaturalWavesProgram.com, or email drbailey@baileyhwc.com. BAILEY Health & Wellness Center David W. Bailey, DC, MPH Our Comprehensive Metabolic Profile measures over 100 biochemical pathway markers to detect your metabolic dysfunctions that relate to: Energy and Endurance Cardiovascular Function Antioxidant Function Liver Detoxification Capacity Cell Inflammation Mental and Emotional Function Digestive Disorders Stress Related Disorders Adrenal, Thyroid, and Sex Hormone Imbalances 3 Enzymatic Malfunction 3 Vitamin Deficiencies 3 Food Allergies 3 Inhalant Allergies 3 Yeast Overgrowth 3 Carbohydrate Metabolism 3 Fat Metabolism 3 Intestinal Dysbiosis 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 what’shappening February 9 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Brazos County Master Gardener Association presents “Fruit Trees for the Brazos Valley and Heirloom Vegetables” at the Brazos Center. Topics will include information on heirloom vegetables and various fruit trees fit for the Brazos Valley. Tickets are $10 and registration opens at 8:30 a.m. For more information contact the Brazos County Master Gardener Association at 823-0129 or email brazosmg@tamu.edu. February 9 at 10 a.m., the American Guild of Organists and Concerts on Carter Creek host guest artists Dr. Steven Egler, organist, and Fran Shelly, flutest, for Master Class at the First Presbyterian Church in Bryan. For more information call (979) 693-8141. March 1, OPAS Jr. presents “Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley,” in Rudder Theatre. For more information or to purchase tickets, call the MSC Box Office at (979) 845-1234 or visit www.opas.tamu.edu. February 9 at 1 p.m. and February 10 at 6 p.m., the American Guild of Organists and Concerts on Carter Creek host Music for Organ and C Instrument at the First Presbyterian Church in Bryan. For more information call (979) 693-8141. $30; seating is limited. For more information, contact CoChairs Cortney Tenhet (ctenhet@neutralposture.com) or Dedra Nevill at dnevill@davidgardnersjewelers.com. February 9 at 7 p.m., the local chapter of the American Cancer Society (ACS) will host the 2008 Cattle Baron’s Ball at The Zone Club at Kyle Field. CoChairs Amanda and Rob Childress and Julia and David Gardner will host “From Denim to Diamonds…” for this 12th anniversary event celebration. Live music, dinner, gaming, and auctions will raise much-needed funds to support the Brazos Valley Chapter of the ACS. For more information, contact Sheree Moore at (979) 776-1464 or visit www.cattlebaronsball.net. February 7-9, 14-16, and 21-23 at 7:30 pm, StageCenter presents “Make Me a Match,” a comedy about the perils of modern day matchmaking. Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for students and seniors, and $6 for children 12 and under. All tickets are $6 on Thursdays. For more information contact StageCenter at (979) 696-2787. Now you’re Tabletop Bridal Registry cookin’… Gourmet & Kitchen Cookbooks Decorative Accessories Gifts THE POMEGRANATE Downtown Brenham, Tx. 203 West Alamo Street Brenham, Texas 77833 979.836.1199 8 Insite/February 2008 February 14-16, 21-23 at 7:30 p.m., and February 17, 24 at 2 p.m., the Navasota Theatre Company presents “Almost Maine,” a romantic comedy about the triumphs and disappointments of love experienced by the residents of Almost, Maine. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or reservations may be made by phone at (936) 825-3195. February 16 at 1:30 p.m., the International Institute presents the 4th International Guitar Festival at Round Top. Throughout the day artists will participate, including Cem Duruoz, Juan Miguel Canizares and Philippe Bertaud. For the full schedule and more information, call (979) 2493129 or visit www.festivalhill.org. February 17 at 10 a.m., a workshop and Master class with Cem Duruoz and Philippe Bertaud will be held. For more information call (979) 249-3129 or visit www. festivalhill.org. February 20 at 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum invites you to “Celebrate President’s Day,” at the Frymire Auditorium at George Bush Presidential Library Center. This is an interactive presentation exploring the challenges President Washington and the Constitutional framers faced. Featured is historical impressionist Peter M. Small. Admission is free. For free reservations email Bush.Education@nara.gov or call Monica Lerma at (979) 691-4006. February 21-23 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. daily, support the used book sale at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Brenham sponsored by the Fortnightly Club to benefit the Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library. Admission fee is $10 per person on February 21 and $1 following days. Parking is free. Call (979) 337-7201 for more information. February 21 at 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., the Piney Woods Fine Arts Association presents “James and the Giant Peach” at the Crockett Civic Center. Composed of both deaf and hearing actors, each actor will use Sign Language as the audience hears a voice through a microphone. Tickets are $3. For more information contact the Piney Woods Fine Arts Association at (936) 544-4276 or visit www.pwfaa.org. February 23 from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., the Grimes County Master Gardeners will hold a Landscaping and Planting Seminar at Martha’s Bloomers in Navasota. Topics at the seminar will include “Designing and Accessorizing Your Landscape,” “Garden Preparation and Water Systems,” and “Landscaping for Wildlife.” For a registration form and information, contact the Grimes County Extension Office at (936) 825-3495. February 23 at 7:30 p.m., the Brazos Valley Chorale presents Nobility of Pop at the College Station Hilton. Tickets are $60/person. For more information, or to purchase tickets, go to www.bvchorale.org or call (979) 776-1776. February 24 at 5 p.m., the Brazos Valley Symphony presents “Myths, Nymphs, & Fairy Tales” at Christ United Methodist Church in College Station including music by Mendelssohn, Mozart, and Mussorgsky and guest artist, Hakan Rosengren, playing a clarinet concerto. Tickets are $25 for adults; $8 for students and are available through the MSC Box Office by calling (979) 845-1234 or visit boxoffice.tamu.edu. February 25 at 7:30 p.m., the Friends of Chamber Music present a Community Chamber Concert featuring Marian Anderson String Quartet and the Colorado String Quartet at First Presbyterian Church in Bryan. Admission is free. For more information, call (979) 690-3593 or visit www.communitychamberconcerts.com. February 29, March 1-2, 7-9, the Arts Council of Brazos Valley and the Theatre Company present “Camelot.” Performances are Fridays at 7 p.m., Saturdays at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. Ticket sales are cash, check or credit card, and can be purchased online at www.theatrecompany.com or at the Arts Council (2275 Dartmouth St. in College Station). For more information, call the Arts Council at (979) 696-2787. Tuesday & Wednesday, March 4 & 5 (7:30 PM) Rudder Auditorium Sponsored by: TICKETS: MSC Box Office 979-845-1234 www.MSCOPAS.org Bringing World-Class Entertainment to the Brazos Valley March 4 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., the American Business Women’s Association presents the first Mini Conference at the Holiday Inn & Suites. Women are invited to enhance their business skills and knowledge while networking, shopping, and listening to speakers provided by the Bryan College Station Charter Chapter. National President Lina Lawson, and Vice President Vicki Marlett will be keynote speakers for the event. Professional development certificates will be offered for attendees. Advanced registration is required by February 26. The event includes a meal and corporate tables are available. For more information, contact Rilene McCord at (979) 779-6886 or email hospitality@abwabcs.org. i February 2008/Insite 9 artswatch by Craig Boleman The Producers MSC OPAS Innovation in the Arts MSC OPAS was recently selected by the National Arts Marketing Project Conference as one of 15 arts organizations from across the United States for their innovation in marketing and communication. OPAS was selected from among numerous applicants for its partnership with KBTX News 3 to unveil the 35th anniversary season via a 30minute program that aired exclusively on the station on April 19, 2007. Executive Director Anne Black, who has been with OPAS for 23 seasons, states, “This was the first year we tried a season unveiling collaboration with KBTX and it yielded fantastic results. This summer’s season kickoff campaign produced more new season ticket buyers in recent history, with a record number of season ticket orders arriving in the first week of sales.” OPAS has a history of setting precedence for presenters across the nation. Ten years ago, OPAS was the first presenter to host a “Preview Party” event for season ticket holders. Today, numerous arts organizations across the country unveil their seasons with similar events. While the KBTX program replaced that event last spring, Black forecasts that next season’s unveiling may combine the “Preview Party” with the season unveiling on KBTX. She continues, “You can bet, we not only presented our ideas at the November conference, but we also listened to what others do as well. We are always looking for new and innovative ways to reach new audiences with our message. As to what the future holds, you’ll have to stay tuned.” For more about MSC OPAS, including the events coming to the 35th anniversary season, visit www.MSCOPAS.org. i Coming from MSC OPAS this Spring: Asleep at the Wheel in A Ride by Bob February 1-2, Rudder Auditorium Movin’ Out February 21,Rudder Auditorium The Producers March 4-5, Rudder Auditorium Cat on a Hot Tin Roof March 6, Rudder Theatre From OPAS Jr. Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley March 1, Rudder Theatre For performance times and ticket information, call (979) 845-1234 or visit www.MSCOPAS.org lose weight and gain back your life The Physician’s Centre Hospital Surgical Weight Loss Program u Procedures performed include: Lap-Band, Gastric Sleeve, and StomaphyX for Gastric Bypass patients that have regained some of their weight back u Specialized program that focuses on individualized patient care, before, during and after surgery u Beautiful private patient suites with a sitting room for family and friends Call (979) 731-3905 to attend a free seminar and decide if Surgical Weight Loss is right for you A new way of caring 10 Insite/February 2008 Hospital communityoutreach by Candace Leslie rear their ugly heads far too often, turning what should be a gentle, trusting childhood into a time of fear and loneliness. We don’t always have “a village” to raise our children, but we do have a goodly number of local people committed to easing the paths for many struggling youngsters. Some mentor and tutor, coach sports, become big brothers and sisters, or work with the courts to advocate in children’s interests. Many teach. Others commit long hours to service organizations, donating time as well as money and raising funds for a variety of programs. A variety of celebrity autographed ostrich eggs, including this one signed by Richard Petty and other NASCAR notables, will be auctioned at this year’s event. The Champions, Friends & Advocates On March 1, Voices For Children, Inc., the local chapter of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) will hold its fifth annual fund-raiser, The Art of Helping Children Art Auction and Dinner. While the chief purpose of this delightful event is increasing financial support for the growing organization, it is also a way to recognize some of the individuals who are making a difference in the lives of children. Past recipients have been as varied as the The Art of Helping Children What a perfect world this would be if all children had happy homes and 18 years of carefree growing-up. For too many youngsters, there is no such utopia. Even here in the Brazos Valley, neglect and abuse * * * THE ART OF HELPING CHILDREN DINNER & ART AUCTION WHEN: March 1, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. WHERE: Brazos County Expo Complex at 5827 Leonard Road in Bryan. FOR INFORMATION: Voices for Children, Inc., (979) 822-9700; www.vfcbrazos.org or e-mail vfc@ voicesforchildren.org capacities in which they serve. They included Margi Lalk, Candy Rust, Judge Van Stovall, Ronnie Jackson, Richard Guerrero, Becca Simons, Helen Spencer, Jacque Flagg and Scott DeLucia, Ann and Kevin O’Neill, and Mel and Willie Pruitt. This year, four new honorees will join this stellar roster at the Voices for Children, Inc.’s Fifth Annual Art of Helping Children Art Auction and Dinner. VFC has selected David and Julia Gardner as the “Champions of Children.” Local philanthropists and * * * * 2008 (EREWHENYOUNEEDUS February 2008/Insite 11 communityoutreach Photo by Eric Aguirre Julia and David Gardner have been selected by Voice for Children, Inc. as the 2008 Champions for Children. community volunteers, the Gardners unstintingly support local charities, many of which serve children and families. Voices for Children has been a grateful recipient of the Gardners’ interest and generosity since its inception in 2001. In addition to his role as a public school teacher, this year’s “Friend of Children,” Agustin Lara, gives time to several nonprofit organizations, including leading Bryan elementary students in the Ballet 12 Insite/February 2008 Folklorico Los Altos de Jalisco. Lara founded this after-school dancing group in 2006 and they perform at various events throughout the community. That same year, Lara was nominated as “Person of the Year” by the Hispanic forum and has received many awards including “Teacher of the Year” by Anson Jones and Milam Elementary Schools. Ginny Gibbs has been a volunteer CASA for Voices for Children since 2003. “She has a true passion to affect children’s outcomes in anyway that is in her power to do so,” says VFC Executive Director, Liana Lowey. “She is always one of the first to volunteer additional aid and time when the need calls” and has even drawn her family into her VFC involvement. Ginny has been named by VFC as the 2008 “Advocate for Children.” The Event This year’s Art of Helping Children Art Auction and Dinner will be held at an exciting new venue, the Brazos County Expo Complex, with catering by Global Events. As in previous years, silent auction entries will include a wide variety of fine oil paintings, watercolors, and sculptures from artists across the Brazos Valley and the Southwest. There will be an enchanting garden scene painted by Bryan artist Bets Davis who has contributed annually since the first year’s call for donations, and several multi-medium paintings by popular artist, Mary Stone. Ed Hoag, remembered by many as a local artist, teacher, and signature member of the Texas Watercolor Society and Western Art Association continues to contribute to The Art of Helping Children even though he now resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Another long-time contributor is Dr. Joe Smith of Caldwell, whose remarkable sculptures with the signature of “J. Lyle,” are well-known in the Brazos Valley and beyond. Autographs of the rich and famous also fall within the definition of art especially since the coveted signatures are inscribed on ostrich eggs. Donated by the Wildlife and Exotic Animal Center at the College of Veterinary Medicine at TAMU, ostrich eggs are initially used for scientific research and weigh about three-and-a-half pounds. These perfect empty-shell specimens, signed by such notables as mystery writer Tony Hillerman, highly decorated NASCAR driver Richard Petty, and Southern-homecooking queen, Paula Deen, have proven to be especially popular with auction bidders. Students from Saint Michael’s Episcopal School are also decorating ostrich eggs which will be used for table decorations. These, too, will be for sale at the dinner. While traditional artists and their works have been the heart and soul of the auction since its inception, boundaries have continued to expand while still falling comfortably within the above definition of art. “The Art of Fine Living” will include such elegant items as a brunch for 12, rounds of golf, spa baskets, and a night at a B&B. This has given local businesses and individuals a chance to donate some of their particular specialties while expanding the range of auction items. The Organization Ginny Gibbs and 50 other current volunteer advocates are committed to helping fulfill the mission of Voices for Children, Inc., the local CASA: To advocate for the best interest of abused and neglected children under the court’s jurisdiction until each is placed into a safe, nurturing, and permanent home and to ensure that each child’s needs are addressed and fully met. Each CASA volunteer undergoes extensive training in order to become a voice for children during the stressful journey through the court system. Appointed by a district court judge, each one stays with his or her child or sibling set throughout the course of the case (usually 12-18 months.) They talk with therapists, teachers, foster parents, biological parents and family members, and professionals involved with the case, seeking to gather information to better advocate for the child. They do not work alone, but closely with volunteer coordinators to develop action plans and recommendations on each case. For most children, the CASA is the only constant in their turbulent lives while in foster care. Currently, VFC can serve only about half of the cases requested by the court. More volunteers are always urgently needed. One might think volunteers surely must be folks with plenty of time on their hands. This is seldom so. While a number are active retirees, many CASAs also hold jobs, raise families, and take part in other community and church activities. Like Ginny Gibbs, they find being CASAs satisfying in so many ways. “I would do just about anything for this organization,” Ginny says, praising its accomplishments with children and, equally, expressing great admiration for the staff that so skillfully supports its volunteers. “With such a kind and smart team behind me, I have learned how to effect change in the lives of children, and that change can happen today. “For children to have the consistency of one adult in their lives is so important,” she has learned. “Inspired and rejuvenated” by volunteering for VFC, Ginny has discovered that in working with children, “one must never give up hope.” i For information on how you can become a CASA volunteer for Voices for Children, Inc. and to learn of other ways that you can serve, call (979) 822-9700 or visit the website at www.vfcbrazos.org. The next two-week classroom training begins February 16, 2008. Independent Study Options (ISOs) are scheduled for March and May, as well as being offered at other times as interest demands. Buddy’s Brazos Appliance MONOGRAM Amana Bosch Broan DCS Estate Friedrich Fisher-Paykel Frigidaire Hotpoint JennAir KitchenAid Maytag Scotsman Sub Zero Thermador U-Line Whirlpool Wolf Zephyr PROFILE We sell it, deliver it, install it and service what we sell! NEW SALES & SERVICE 260-7187 260-1600 3815 South Texas Avenue February 2008/Insite 13 Heart & Home Where is your favorite place in your home…your retreat whenever you have a moment to yourself? It could be your kitchen, your patio, even your bathroom. It may be pretty or cozy, elegant or peaceful – or all of the above – but most of all, your favorite place makes you feel safe … and loved. Some very public people have shared the secrets behind their own very private places. Each one has a favorite space that brings them peace and is the retreat in their life for the relationships that matter most. Mark and Cathy Conlee’s backyard cabana Brick and sticks build places where love can grow 14 Insite/February 2008 favoritespaces story and photos by Nancy Hardeman Mary Mike and Polly Hatcher M ary Mike Hatcher, well-known radio personality and frequent emcee for area charity events, shares her home with her mother, Polly Hatcher. “My favorite place in the house is my living room,” Mary Mike says without hesitation. “This room welcomes me when I come home at night. It is the first thing I see in the morning. It is the heartbeat of my house.” Mary Mike is a very busy woman, currently a senior account representative for WTAW. She designs and sells advertising and frequently provides the voice in radio ads; in years past, she was one half of the popular WTAW morning program, “Muck and Mire.” Serving as host of many charitable luncheons and dinners, and volunteering her name and energy to worthwhile community organizations is almost a second job for Mary Mike. When Mary Mike and her mother built the house in 1995, they planned ahead for a time when Mrs. Hatcher might need special accommodations. Her wing has wide doors and accessible bath facilities to allow for easy passage of a wheelchair. The kitchen, breakfast room and dining room are all well defined but movement between them and the living room is unrestricted due to open doorways and lack of thresholds between rooms. A wall of windows opens to a cheerful enclosed garden room, which Mrs. Hatcher has filled with flowering plants. “That is Mother’s garden,” Mary Mike says. “She loves to see things bloom.” After living with white walls for years, last year Mary Mike had the living room and nearby dining room painted in lively Tuscan We’ve had wedding showers, baby showers, family christening parties, staff parties from the radio station.” When Polly Hatcher celebrated her 80th birthday in 2001, more than 100 people came for the party. “We even had tents set up in the backyard to make room for everyone but people keep congregating here in this room,” Mary Mike laughs. “I come from a large family, and they come often. We can This is the communication center for our family – engagements have been announced here, good news has been shared and big decisions are made here.” Mary Mike Hatcher colors. “I love Italy,” she says, “and I love the warmth and texture of the finish.” The color, a muted tangerine, combines with the wood plank floors and family antiques to create a calm and soothing spot for this energetic woman to unwind and regroup. “Mother sits in her chair and I sit in mine and we talk about our day. This is the communication center for our family – engagements have been announced here, good news has been shared and big decisions are made here. seat 12 people just in the chairs that are here and, when we have a large group, we drag in as many chairs as we need.” To Mary Mike, the time spent with her mother here is the reason that this room is her favorite. “Mother and I watch the news together,” she says. “We watch I Love Lucy reruns and laugh. We play with her puppy. She has had a difficult year healthwise and the time we spend together in this room is very special to me.” February 2008/Insite 15 hearthome Excellence – Pure and Simple When it comes to something as important as a home for your family, you want someone who understands your household’s priorities. That’s why Debi dedicates herself to your needs throughout the course of your home sale or purchase. Her incredible attention to detail, genuine care and use of the latest technological resources and marketing strategies give you a distinct advantage in the Bryan-College Station area home market. When you are considering a move, there is only one person to consider – the one professional who will give you the kind of personal attention you and your family deserve. www.debistoll.com Direct Line (979) 229-8463 526 University Dr. E. Suite 101B College Station, TX 77840 Bryan-College Station Fain and Janie McDougal “M 12850 Old Wellborn Rd. # 100 • College Station www.aggielandpools.com (979) 696-0400 16 Insite/February 2008 y kitchen is the heart of my home,” philanthropist and volunteer Janie McDougal says. “It is such a sunny, pleasant, cheery place to be.” Bright windows, a huge granite-topped island, and spacious counters and cabinets combine to create a pleasant and homey room. When their house was being built, Janie commissioned a sevenfoot mural of Texas wildflowers on the wall behind the stove. Artist Joyce Ahearn of Houston hand painted the work on individual tiles depicting Janie’s favorite flowers as well as a beeskeep and honeybees. Ahearn had recently started using a different type of tile and, within weeks of the installation, cracks began to appear in the surface. However, the artist redid the entire mural on new tiles and personally came to oversee the replacement of all the handpainted tiles in the kitchen. This time it was successful and the mural remains as vivid today as it was 12 years ago. “I love the painting!” Janie says. “When she repainted it, we didn’t make any changes in the scene she had done originally. I love the colorful flowers and the little bees.” Additional tiles scattered around the kitchen, also created by Ahearn, contain favorite Bible passages of the family members. Janie’s choice is a verse from First Thessalonians Healthy Relationships 5 Things You Can Do Today … and Keep Doing Tomorrow Elegance! Go GREEN with by Angelique Gammon Everyone knows the general advice on how to nurture and grow strong relationships: the importance of communication, trust and caring. It’s the actual day-to-day execution where most of us fall down on the job. Life is busy and demands our time and attention … relationships are supposed to be there when we need them, but they deserve our attention, too. In a completely unscientific – but really interesting – survey, we asked people what they would like the people they are with in a relationship to do for them. Whether it’s a spouse or partner or close friend relationship, here are five relationship tips anyone can pick up and run with. Be the planner … In most relationships, it’s usually one person who most often takes the time to plan an outing or getaway … or neither does. So be the planner. It doesn’t have to be elaborate – just do it. Hire the sitter, review the movie times, pick a restaurant or pick up carry out and just go to the park and sit and talk. If finances are tight, pack cheese and crackers; give the kids to a neighbor and “camp” in your own backyard – alone and away from phones, work and distractions. The point is you taking the time to plan how you will spend time with someone you care about. Beautiful Fluorescent lighting available in wrought iron and satin nickel finishes Remember When … dealers lighting One of the oldest tricks in the relationship books is to remind one another of what attracted you to each other in the first place, whether it’s your spouse or a special friend. The first time you met, your best (or maybe even worst) time together, a special memory you share. If you’re having trouble coming up with things to talk about, “Remember when…” is a sure-fire conversation opener. an employee owned company Corner S. College & Koenig in Bryan 775-1697 Laugh out loud … Humor helps any relationship over life’s bumps. Conflict is unavoidable in any long-term relationship, but often, after the heat of the moment has passed, some conflicts seem silly. See if you can find the strength to laugh in the face of adversity – maybe even at yourself – the next time conflict comes knocking at your relationship door. You have to know what makes the people closest to you laugh…don’t be afraid to pull out all the silly humor from your personal joke bag. Better still, try humor before the friction starts. Start with a smile. It will improve any moment. Hug … Never underestimate the power of touch to deliver a message you may not have the words for … hug when you say goodbye in the morning and see one another again in the evening. Hug a (good) friend. Add a little back rub or a squeeze. Hugging was voted number one in our unscientific survey as the easiest – and most overlooked – way to show someone every day that you care. Say something nice … Sometimes it seems as if the world is divided into two groups: those who can always think of something nice to say about someone, and those who really struggle to pay a compliment. If you fall into the second camp, work at it. It may be as simple as saying, “I know it’s going to be a long day today, but knowing you’ll be here at the end of it makes me smile.” For him, it’s easy to compliment her appearance on special occasions – try telling her she looks nice on an “ordinary” day. For both of you, trying thanking your partner for the day-to-day things they do that build your life together – cooking dinner, picking up the kids, even chores around the house. Yes, it’s part of their “job” in the relationship, but it never hurts to show your gratitude, and that perhaps, is the easiest compliment of all to pay. last er Ther heat r e ve t wa u’ll eriod yo y…pe bu %X\WKHQHZ0DUDWKRQ:DWHU +HDWHU DQG\RX·OOJHWPRUHWKDQ \RXUPRQH\·VZRUWK<RX·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·WJHW NQRFNHGDURXQGE\EURRPVPRSV YDFXXPVRUWR\V 0HHWV$6+5$(VWDQGDUG$ &RS\ULJKW 0DUDWKRQLVDUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUN RI:DWHU+HDWHU,QQRYDWLRQV,QF 31 &ORMOREINFORMATIONCALLUSAT OR WWWMIDSOUTHSYNERGYCOM February 2008/Insite 17 hearthome that begins “Rejoice always.” “Anytime we have people at the house, whether it is our children or friends, everyone seems to gather in the kitchen,” Janie McDougal says. “They sit at the island and chat while I put the meal together. I love to cook, even though I’m not a very good cook. But this is a great cooking kitchen. I also like that it is open to the den but it’s not all one room.” A large den and a sunny breakfast room open off the kitchen on two sides and a butler’s pantry connects the kitchen to the dining room. Janie has spent most of their marriage as a volunteer for various community and charitable organizations. She serves on the board of the Brazos Community Foundation and she and her husband Fain are benefactors of numerous charities in Bryan and College Station, especially those that are health related. Closest to her heart may be the St. Joseph Foundation, where she and Fain headed the highly successful Promise Campaign, raising millions of dollars to benefit St. Joseph Hospital. On Sunday morning, Fain McDougal spreads the paper “all up and down the island or spreads out papers and drawings he’s working on,” Janie adds. “It’s a great work space for him, and we are together.” When Fain’s company developed the Sweetwater subdivision, he and Janie chose a large, somewhat secluded lot for their own home. Deer graze in the yard, and smaller wildlife scamper across. “Even so,” Janie says, ”we find that we start and end our day talking together in the kitchen.” W hen Old World Craftsmanship and New Technology Merge…® • Each piece custom made just for you • Heirloom quality, competitive pricing • Repair and Restoration Service Reba and Bob Ragsdale 3rd Floor Compass Bank Building College Station 979 764-8558 www.bescojewelers.com Custom Design Specialists for over 18 Insite/February 2008 24 Years “W e enjoy our entire house, but we really love the living room,” Reba Ragsdale says. “We love the openness of the room and the way the light comes in through the sunroom right behind us. Our children and grandchildren come here for Christmas and for birthdays. It is a lovely place to gather.” Even during years of working as director of donor relations for the 12th Man Foundation, Reba was an active community volunteer. She was named the Chamber Volunteer of the Year, and was the first woman to be elected president of the Bryan Rotary. Since her retirement, her involvement in charitable activities has increased. In the past few years, she has chaired the Cattle Baron’s Ball, the Surviving and Thriving Luncheon for Breast Cancer, and, for several years, the Newman 10 Rotary Club Awards. In 2006, she received the prestigious Jefferson Award for her numerous contributions to the community. Currently, Reba serves as chair of the St. Joseph Foundation. Although she is very modest about the work that she does, a week doesn’t go by that some organization doesn’t benefit from Reba’s efforts. Having a place of personal refuge is extremely important to her and she has filled their home with beautiful and meaningful belongings. “The living room is a calming, quiet place,” Reba says. “I feel peaceful here.” The Ragsdales purchased their home from an acquaintance in 2002 and have made only minor changes. Their previous home had been filled with built-in cabinets and bookcases and they had not expected There is no TV in this room but there are lots of chairs. People can look at each other and carry on a conversation. – Bob Ragsdale to find another with that feature. They were delighted to find the house they bought had even more built-in cabinets and shelving than in their old house. However, one difference was obvious right away. “The wall behind the bookshelves and fireplace was painted red when we moved in and we weren’t certain that we would leave it that way,” Reba says. “Then we saw what a dramatic background the color made for our art and photographs and left it exactly as it was.” The woodwork throughout the room, including that on the red wall, is a lustrous white that keeps the red from being overwhelming. Other walls in the room are a mellow khaki and glow with a soft light. Also, the high ceilings allow for furniture that they had not been able to display previously. A tall walnut wardrobe stands opposite the fireplace, an heirloom from Bob’s great-aunt Bess Ragsdale. His unmarried aunt was a self- R R I V I E R A D AY S PA The Day Spa With A Christian Attitude f ift o the g s Give tion thi a x a s l e e r ntin Vale y Da Hair Salon & Makeup Skin Care Services Body Treatments Nail Services Massage & Aromatherapy Waxing Spa Packages Available Heated Saltwater Lap Pool Hot Tub Steam Room L Memberships Available L Open Mon-Fri 9am-8pm Sat 9am-6pm L Gift Certificates Available L 2821 Rock Prairie Road, College Station, TX 77845 979.693.0350 ~ 979.693.0489 ~ www.RivieraDaySpa.net February 2008/Insite 19 hearthome taught artist who lived with Bob’s family when he was a young man. Her photograph and some of her artwork hang in their home. The flowered couches, the tufted velvet chairs, and the antique mahogany furnishings create a room that is both charming and comfortable. Bob and Reba are active in their church and frequently have church gatherings in this room as well as occasionally holding small committee meetings and planning sessions for their various organizations. “We like this room because we can talk, because everybody can talk when we have guests,” Bob added. “There is no TV in this room but there are lots of chairs. People can look at each other and carry on a conversation. Even when it is just Reba and me, we can catch up without any distractions.” Chris Schmidt is the real estate professional that believes in mixing business with pleasure. You will enjoy working with this highly success ful agent. Call Chris today for a complimen tary copy of his personal brochure and a copy of “20 Questions you must ask your next agent before signing…” Before you buy or sell your next home, talk to me. (Even if you don’t use me.) Direct line (979) 574-7452 Shirley and Ben White E-mail Chris@ChrisSchmidtRealtor.com Web site www.ChrisSchmidtRealtor.com UNITED, REALTORS 20 Insite/February 2008 O ne look at the “Aggie Room” in the home of Ben and Shirley White would convince any casual observer that one or both had attended Texas A&M University. Maroon carpet, maroon recliners, Gig’em afghans, and memorabilia (ranging from fine art to bobblehead dolls) collected over a lifetime of fandom fill the room. Even the hall runner leading to the doorway is edged in Aggie maroon. Part study and part sitting room, this is where Ben and Shirley catch up with each other, sit to watch TV or read, and enjoy replays of Aggie games. This is also where Ben keeps up with his responsibilities as mayor of the City of College Station. “We like the feel of the room,” Shirley says. “For us, it is very comfortable and easy. Not formal, not stuffy, just us.” Surprisingly, neither Ben nor Shirley attended Texas A&M although their children and grandchildren are Aggies. However, Ben says, “I’ve been an Aggie at heart since I was a child. My dad was a Texas grad and we always came to College Station for the football games. I loved it. I loved the Corps of Cadets. I loved the band. Much to my dad’s dismay, I loved everything about A&M. I wanted to grow up and play basketball here.” Unfortunately, Ben was not able to win a scholarship to play basketball in Aggieland and he reluctantly went elsewhere. “I was too proud to come here if they wouldn’t let me play,” he says sadly. “I wished so many times that I had not been so proud.” This was during I use it as an office, too, but mostly we just come in here to relax. The kids and grandkids come for visits and we always seem to wind up here. – Ben White the time of the Korean War and, shortly afterwards, he was drafted. Ben served in the Army (although in Kansas, not Korea), married Shirley and became a father. He did go back to school but his dreams of being an Aggie drifted into the background. During a career in a healthcare associated field, Ben and Shirley primarily lived in the Austin area. The traffic and congestion took its toll and when he retired, they started looking for a more pleasant place to live. Actually, Ben has retired several times but it doesn’t seem to stick. Even here, he serves as executive director of the Brazos Valley Parkinson Association. After checking out a few Hill Country communities, Ben and Shirley decided to look at College Station. “We’ve had season tickets to football since 1978,” Ben says. “We decided, why not live in a place that we have enjoyed for years?” They found their lot and Shirley designed their home. They moved into their new home in July, 2001 and Ben was elected mayor of his new hometown in 2007. Originally, the couple had planned on Shirley’s mother living with them and designed the room to accommodate her health needs. “When my mother made the decision not to move, we immediately started making plans to furnish the room with the things we had accumulated,” Shirley says. “I use it as an office, too,” Ben adds “but mostly, we just come in here to relax. The kids and grandkids come for visits and we always seem to wind up here.” Versatile Light Control NEW! from Top to Bottom Vignette® Modern Roman Shades with the new Top-Down/Bottom-Up design option offers top-down or bottom-up operation for flexible light control and added privacy. Contact us for a free consultation today. 2402 Broadmoor Bldg A, Suite 104 Bryan, Tx · 979-776-5267 ©2007 Hunter Douglas Inc. ®Registered trademark of Hunter Douglas Inc. accent fabric outlet & upholstery fabulous fabrics @ fantastic prices • 1000’s of bolts of first quality fabrics in stock • Custom built furniture and upholstery • Designer fabrics at a fraction of the cost • Drapery panels and pillows • Decorative drapery hardware No need to travel out of town for a huge selection of fabrics! 400 Lake • Bryan, TX 77801 • 979.822.4071 February 2008/Insite 21 hearthome Mark and Cathy Conlee W hen Mark and Cathy Conlee added a cabana in their backyard in 1999, their original goal was simply to conceal a solar water heating system for their pool. The cost of heating the water for the two-year-old pool was more than Mark wanted to pay. A system of plastic pipes laid out in the sun, combined with a pump to circulate the water, would solve the problem. “Our contractor said we would need a flat surface at least 40-feet long to hold the pipes and he suggested that we build something attractive and useful,” Mark says. “It is a timber frame structure, built in an Amish style of pine and held together with wooden pegs instead of nails. All of the pieces were cut, shaped, and laid out in our driveway. It was like watching a huge puzzle being put together.” Not only does the cabana add an extra month to the beginning and end of the swimming season, but also the ceiling fans and the southern-facing roof provide both shade and breezes during the summer heat. “Even though we thought it was beautiful,” Cathy adds, “we didn’t expect it to make the difference in our lives that it did.” The couple quickly found that the openair cabana became their favorite spot. “What I like best is that it is not in here,” Mark says, referring to the house itself. “In here, the phone is ringing, the TV is playing. If we have a disagreement, it is in here. Out (BMMFSZ4QFDJàD.BUFSJBMT].BHB[JOF])BMG]$.:, there, it is peaceful. It gets me away from the normal day-to-day stuff.” Cathy Conlee frequently hosts parties, showers, receptions, and meetings in the cabana. Occasionally, friends ask to hold their parties there. Cathy can set up five or six tables and comfortably seat 40 or more people for a meal. “When the kids are here (the Conlee’s have two grown children and a new grandson), we build a fire in the firepit and talk and joke and admire the baby,” Mark says. “It is sort of like camping, without all the muss and fuss.” But their more common use of the cabana is for coffee and the paper in the morning and for relaxing and talking together in the evenings. Wooden rockers pulled up to an old wood-burning stove can ease the chill of a cool evening or make for a calm beginning to days that can become very hectic. Mark Conlee, mayor of the City of Bryan, has a demanding schedule and he says that the quiet of the cabana provides him a place of solitude. After a stressful city council meeting, Mark comes home and sits quietly to unwind. “He puts on music from the 1960’s and ‘70’s, maybe talks with a friend, but usually just reads or talks with me,” Cathy says. “It is a great time for us to catch up from a busy day and for me to know what is going on with him. It’s his favorite spot and he lets me share it with him.” i A BEAUTIFUL WAY TO SAVE $50 Visit your Hunter Douglas Gallery & receive a $50 rebate* on your purchase of custom window coverings. *valid on purchases of $500 - $999. For quality, style, service, and exceptional value - find it all at the Hunter Douglas Gallery. We also offer: OInterior Design Service Brazos Blind & Drapery 3806 South Texas Ave Bryan, TX 77802 *Call or visit our showroom for details. Limit one offer per customer. Offer expires 03/31/2008. brazosblinddrapery.hdwfg.com 979-260-7103 © Copyright 2006 Hunter Douglas Inc., ® Registered Trademark of Hunter Douglas Inc., TM Trademark of Hunter Douglas inc. 22 Insite/February 2008 10326 ecoproducts by Erin Hill Littlefield Builder Bruce Martin of Bandera Master Builders adheres to green building techniques that both consumer and eco-friendly. Get Green n Home Products that save money AND the planet You wouldn’t know by looking that all of the light bulbs in Bruce Martin’s home are compact fluorescent bulbs, those “curly-cue” bulbs that cost more and last longer, since nearly every light fixture, from Tiffany-style lamps and opaque glass, covers those bulbs. You wouldn’t know that even his ceiling fans meet Energy Star specifications, along with all the windows and appliances (at least those that come with Energy Star ratings), or that the entire house is “wrapped,” in a sense, with 1-inch Foamular boards and proprietary adhesive spray-in insulation that exceeds the required R13 factor, making the house both silent and fairly cheap to heat and cool (a $90 electric bill last July). You also wouldn’t know that he stained the distinctive concrete slab floor himself. “I ended up saving money and being green, since no fuel was expended for a ton of tile made overseas,” says Martin. But you would know that the home is stylish, with rough-hewn (and local) cedar beams, an outdoor fireplace and a limestone façade. Martin just happens to be a green builder, and he practices what he preaches. As president of the local Homebuilders Association and committed member of the National Homebuilders Association, he adheres to the NHBA’s guidelines on green building. “To some extent everyone is a green builder,” says Martin, since Texas and national building codes require that new homes meet energy efficiency levels. Those same codes will most likely become even more energy conscious. NHBA will be unrolling its new green program on February 14. Martin says that the NAHB announced in a press release “that when a green home doesn’t look or feel significantly different, then green has arrived.” For many people in the Brazos Valley, those green choices are beginning to arrive. “Since 20, 30 or 40 years ago, everything has had to change. A lot of people are mandated to do green building whether they really know it or not,” he says. Martin definitely knows it. His company, Bandera Master Builders, offers multiple “green” choices to its customers. The website www.banderamasterbuilders.com offers information about the NHBA’s eight phases of green building, which include optimal value engineering, energy efficiency, environmental and community stewardship, resource efficiency, reduction of passive solar heat gain, and water conservation (including low-flow toilets and showerheads). Decisions like planting native trees, incorporating a gray-water sprinkler system (which Martin does), building with engineered products like SmartSide (a commonly-used siding “made from the little chips they would otherwise throw away or burn,” says Martin) can “green” a home, Kent Moore Cabinets in Bryan has changed to a waterborne finishing technology that is among the most environmentally friendly finishes available anywhere in the world. February 2008/Insite 23 ecoproducts layer by layer. Employing local craftsmen and purchasing local products are also part of environmental stewardship, as is recycling. Even more careful use of dimensional lumber in framing can significantly reduce waste; more builders are realizing that green building can save money. Consumers are realizing, too, that environmentalism is about smart, sustainable choices, not a total renunciation of convenience or style. There is a growing awareness in our community, though it’s obvious that central Texas is not California. For some, that’s probably a relief. But even here in the south, where environmentalconsciousness has lagged, consumers are starting to care. Martin says that, “For the last two or three years, the number one driver for green building is energy efficiency.” Polls show the second reason is health; number three is that “it’s the right thing to do for the environment.” Their pocketbooks may motivate people, but that doesn’t mean they can’t do some good while outfitting their homes. “Consumers are getting really educated on green building,” says Martin. He cites one NBHA article conclusion that consumers are expected to double spending on green products and services in the near future. For those in Bryan/College Station there are plenty of businesses that offer those indemand green products and services, from the ground up. Flooring n C huck Moreau, Brazos Valley Carpet Outlet owner, carries carpet products from Shaw and Mohawk, two innovative companies. The Shaw Green Edge recycles carpet fibers, while Mohawk uses “alternate products such as corn,” and “a polyester that is basically recycled coke bottles and things like that,” says Moreau. “We sell a lot of that,” he says. In the past, those innovative polyesters didn’t always perform as well, but the fiber construction has really improved. Don Foltermann, carpet manager at 24 Insite/February 2008 Chapman Paint Company, says, “Everything is now cradle-to-grave,” which means recycling more frequently, even carpet padding. “The price is about the same,” he says of these innovative carpets, sometimes even a little less. Moreau lauds industry efforts to recycle wood. Whereas previously, used wooden flooring might have been “just scrapped,” many companies now strip down discarded wood and refinish it. In some cases, this means reclaimed wood from old barns and historical buildings with lots of character, like “old nail holes, burn marks and cracks,” says Moreau. “It’s really neat stuff,” he says excitedly. BVCO does sell it, but Moreau admits the current demand from customers for unique historical planks isn’t overwhelming. “I do see the manufacturers moving toward green, making it more price-effective,” he adds, and believes it will become “more predominant in our market.” As an environmentally conscious person, he notes “it has to start with me,” he says, meaning additional promotion of “green” flooring choices in the future. Bathing Beauty Voted best of the brazos valley 2001-2002-2003 2004-2005-2006 2007 Paint n J ust as the flooring industry is addressing the chemicals it uses in carpets, so too is the world of paint, says John Jahnke, of Chapman Paint Company. It doesn’t take an environmental activist to recognize that paint fumes aren’t exactly healthy. Paint choices inched toward low-odor and the elimination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the recent past, but “now nearly everything is green and more environmentally friendly,” says Jahnke. He is particularly intrigued by Benjamin Moore’s new Aura product line because it reinvents the concept of paint. “They’ve rethought the whole process, and the colorants are totally different from the standards by every other company.” Usually colorants have different oils, but the Aura line is pure colorant with water. Jahnke says even the tinting machine is different; it uses a humidifier to keep the • custom shower enclosures • beveled glass & mirrors • heavy glass • glass blocks 822-5871 • 810 S. Washington, Bryan • www.acmeglass.com • tabletops • framed mirrors February 2008/Insite 25 ecoproducts paint moist. This new line is also a one-coat product with a unique color-lock that means customers can use flat paint in bathrooms or any sheen anywhere they want. “It still looks like a gallon of paint,” he laughs, but is completely different inside. In the case of the Aura line, the color vibrancy and VOC reduction means a significantly higher price. For some consumers, especially those with allergies or sensitivities, that price increase is worth it, though it is not yet “a mass market product,” he says. One woman contacted Chapman about Aura paint before they had received it, but Jahnke promised her she could be “the first in Brazos Valley” to buy it, and she was. Jahnke says, “My speculation is that five to seven years from now, that old system will be gone,” and all paint will use these oil-free colorants. It’s “market changing.” Benjamin Moore and other paint lines are also selling paints with reduced solvents. For his business, he says it’s the quality that sells first and then “oh yeah, it’s also green.” The technology was first available in California and Europe (“they are always ahead of us, in terms of standards,” says Jahnke), and is unrolling stateside one market at a time. “It’s the thing of the future,” he says. “The market will drive it because they have to ultimately get away from the entrenched system.” The Aura paint line and all other paints sold there are available in two-ounce sample jars so that customers can test the colors before buying an entire gallon. Cabinets n In 2004, Kent Moore Cabinets decided to update its finishing center to something more automated. They traveled to an Atlanta builder products show to see what was available, says Teresa Galliher, vice-president of sales West at KMC, and discovered a waterborne technology “being used in Europe that had not been brought to the U.S. on a widespread basis.” This Giardina Flatline system is “the most environmentally friendly finish available in the world,” and KMC offers it right here in our community, one of only a handful of companies in the U.S. to use this unique finishing system. (More information is available at www. kentmoorecabinets.com.) When KMC upgraded to Giardina Flatline, “hardly anybody asked or mentioned it,” says Galliher, “but in the last six to eight months, more people are asking about it.” The idea that green products lead to a compromise in quality couldn’t be further from the truth at Kent Moore Cabinets. “Actually it’s a superior product with smooth, consistent application,” says Galliher. Additionally, the flatline system meant getting away from VOC-emitting varnishes. They have cut their VOC emissions tremendously. “We wanted to make an impact on the environment by doing that,” she adds. It just so happens that Giardina is also more durable. Galliher is proud that their system would easily “qualify” in California, where compliance regulations are more stringent. “Usually what happens in California eventually rolls over to the rest of the country,” she says. “We are already there.” Interiors by Joan General C ontracting and P rofessional Interior Decorating • Renovations, Remodeling & New Home Construction • Design Consultations •Kitchen & Bath Renovation Specialists • Custom Window Treatments Joan Rockett (979) 676-2035 – cell • (979) 567-9371 – studio 25 Years Experience 26 Insite/February 2008 Kent Moore Cabinets recycles wood scraps and sawdust, which is used as “an alternative energy source” for another company; it fuels their boiler. They also recycle their solvents. In keeping with their company-wide environmental statement, they only purchase lumber “from companies that use sustainable forestry practices. What we don’t do is buy wood out of the Brazilian rain forest,” says Galliher. So green thinking is the company culture at Kent Moore Cabinets that the state of Texas “has asked us to apply for an award they are giving for environmentally friendly businesses,” states Galliher. KMC is also applying for their trade association’s environmental stewardship certification. “It’s so important,” she says sincerely. “We want to make our environmental efforts go hand in hand with our operating costs so that customers can buy the environmentally friendly stuff without it being a huge increase in cost to them, like the waterborne sealing.” Window n treatments O ne of Barbara Holley’s customers suffers from breathing problems requiring her to use a breathing machine. This woman did a little interior design homework and discovered that ADO’s Actibreeze fabric “literally cleans the air, not only of dust but of bacteria,” says Holley, owner of Holley’s Window Fashions. It was the perfect fabric for this client, and Holley could not be more thrilled to be selling it. “I don’t know how they made it,” says Holley, but it is just “great!” You might assume that industrial-grade odor-eliminating fabric only came in shades of gray or tan better suited for medical offices (where it is actually used) than cheery living rooms, but the Actibreeze fabric selections “are very pretty,” says Holley cheerily, who has sold the relatively new product for about a year. It is perfect for people “who want to use fabric but have allergies.” Holley also sells environmentally friendly shutters made of composite wood material or manmade products that look every bit as elegant as wood. She is proud that the interior design industry “has been very focused on trying to really help our environment as we make our surrounding areas beautiful.” She has made a personal commitment “to use green products as much as possible.” This means selling fabrics that incorporate bamboo; “they look the same as cotton or linen,” she says, without any stiffness. For Holley, the marriage of beautiful interiors with green products “is a wonderful thing.” Showers n “G lass is green,” says Donna Morehead of Acme Glass. “We’ve been thinking about how we can better advertise that.” Of course she’s not just talking about green-tinted glass. Our ubiquitous shower curtains “release chemicals in the bathroom” when they’re in use and clutter landfills when they’re not. Morehead recommends checking out bathenclosures.org for some surprising information about the dangerous toxicity of polyvinyl chloride, used in most “Barbara has given us a room beyond our expectations… it’s a warm comfortable, cozy room our entire family can enjoy” – Donise Ernst WINDOW FASHIONS & INTERIORS 4091 Highway 6 S. • College Station (979) 690-8889 · Cell (979) 219-1482 • Email holleyswfi@msn.com February 2008/Insite 27 getgreen Your Source for Seamless Rain Gutters HOME PRODUCTS SHOW Looking for the newest in home building and remodeling products – all in one place? Visit this year’s Brazos Valley Home Builder’s Association Home Products Show in its new location at the Brazos County Expo Center, February 23-24. More than 130 suppliers of all things home-related will be available to answer all your home product questions. Admission is $3 per adult; $2 for seniors; $1 for children 12 years old and under. For Custom sheetmetal fabrication and installation more information about the 2008 Home Products Show, call (979) 846-1420. Quality service and materials at affordable prices Color coordinated to match any home Experienced, knowledgeable installers One-on-one customer service you deserve RainStopper Sheetmetal, LLC Alice Wager · Gutters 979.218.4629 Doug Avery · Sheetmetal 979.777.9046 Office 979.774.0738 • 12587 State Hwy. 30 College Station, TX 77845 shower curtains. For this reason, Acme Glass’s “shower enclosures are better than shower curtains,” says Morehead. Anyone who has ever unfolded a brand-new vinyl shower curtain knows well the odor that accompanies it. The curtains are often difficult to keep clean, which can lead to other health issues. While none of their customers have yet asked about the environmental benefits of shower enclosures, “there are people who are really interested in going green,” says Morehead. A glass shower enclosure can be an attractive, environmentally friendly way to go. Pools n 216 N. Bryan Ave. In historic downtown Bryan “M Original Works of Art paintings • pottery • photography jewelry • mosaics lithographs • drawings woodwork • mixed media Custom Framing diplomas • needlework family mementos Greta Watkins, owner framegallery@txcyber.com 28 Insite/February 2008 “Red Rose” by Sherry O.S. Ginzel Experience First Friday@The Gallery on the first Friday of every month art & music • food & friends 822-0496 10:00am – 5:30pm Tuesday – Saturday ost people do not want a green pool,” jokes Mark Davies of Aggieland Pools. “Our purpose is to keep the environment out of your pool.” However, even outdoor pools can go a little green, and not in an algae way. Davies says an ozonator can help reduce chlorine usage to some degree, though with the warm water and constant sun we experience here, the reduction is not as great as it would be in cooler climates. Salinated pools may offer a slight green advantage, though a saline system “is just a different way of making chlorine,” says Davies. A new variable-speed pump called the Intelliflo “changes the flow rate so that it reduces electricity usage,” and does offer a measurable reduction in energy consumption. (The energy costs for traditional pumps can cost $100 per month.) Lights n “T he customers are the ones coming to us,” says Dane Brock of Dealers Lighting. “We have had a lot of interest.” They’ve heard about compact fluorescent light bulbs and want to know more. These bulbs “use much less energy, thereby conserving oil, and actually produce less heat, so it takes less energy to cool your home in the summer,” Brock says. This means lowered utility costs for consumers, which is also good. LEDs, the little bulbs used in car headlamps are on the horizon, though with a hefty price tag right now, says Brock. Brock shares that, “If one lightbulb was changed in every household it would make a huge difference in the amount of energy consumption.” The compact fluorescent version of a typical 60-watt bulb would “only pull 13-15 watts,” he says, “and they do last longer,” from 4000 to 10,000 hours. Of course those bulbs do cost a bit more, and for some consumers, especially those building new homes with lots of bulbs to buy, that $2 to $3 extra per light bulb “can be hard to swallow.” But someday, perhaps soon, compact fluorescent bulbs will be what everyone uses. “That change has already started,” says Brock. Some regulation is already in place, and California has outlawed the selling of “a standard light bulb after this year.” Texas may not be the next state on the bandwagon, but think how nice it would be to change light bulbs half as often and reduce electricity usage. Appliances n “T he difference between an Energy Star-qualified appliance and one that just meets basic government requirements is about $8 a year,” says David Price of Buddy’s Appliance. He says that the cost difference is usually minimal, and customers do see a reduction in electric bills, almost evening out the difference. “You might spend $30 more for a fridge and yet save $7 to $8 on energy,” says Price. Some cities – not Bryan or College Station – offer rebates to consumers who purchase Energy Star appliances, a real motivator. Typically the Energy Star rating is found on refrigerators, laundry machines and dishwashers. Price does note that Energy Star-rated front-loading washing machines are nearly double in price from traditional machines. What consumers might not know, however, is that that traditional washing machines use 4550 gallons of water per load. The front-loaders use only 25 gallons, a serious reduction. “Regular washers do meet energy guidelines but front-load washers far exceed them,” says Price. “For home use, Westinghouse made them for 30 years but nobody would buy ‘em. Now people are buying them,” he adds. Air n Conditioning B ruce Martin thinks that HVAC systems absolutely need to go green. Even if you’re not building a new home, air condition systems can be remodeled or retrofitted. He recommends “a zoned central AC system” that includes a dampener in the attic, controlled by the thermostats. The cost is about $1000, but the gain could be greater over the long run. His 1800-squarefoot home has five zones. Why zone, you ask? “Why cool the whole house to 71 degrees during the summer if you only need it in your bedroom?” he answers. In his home, he doesn’t turn on the guest bedroom zone unless someone is using it; energy isn’t wasted on a room not in use. He also recommends programmable thermostats as well as variable-speed air handlers, which better reduce humidity without resorting to the full-blast-thenturn-off cycles of traditional ACs. Martin says that 70 degrees with a traditional AC unit “will feel a lot hotter than 70 degrees in a house with a variable air handler,” and the air handler cuts back on energy consumption. Another available energy-saving appliance is a tankless water heater; Martin estimates that the cost is about $1300 more, but says a family of four would recoup that in four to five years. Because there is no reservoir of hot water you’re paying to heat 24 hours a day, the customer saves; because a gas jet heats all water as it enters from an exterior wall, showers never run cold, no matter how many houseguests are staying. Customers of Mid-South Synergy, the Navasota-based electric cooperative, also have access to an environmentally friendly water heater, sold by the cooperative, says Jeff Murski, marketing coordinator. The Mid-South Synergy website (www.midsouthsynergy.com) offers tipsheets on saving energy as well as an energy calculator to give a better sense of consumption patterns. Murski says that they “also offer to our membership energy audits to provide tips to make their houses more efficient and not use as much electricity.” While a few of his customers have installed solar panels or a geo-thermal ground water system, most are interested in small measures they might take to reduce rising electric bills. Murski predicts that like all technology, cuttingedge environmental apparatus will become more mainstream and affordable. Barbara Holley thinks 2008 is the year for Bryan/College Station to catch the vision of environmental stewardship. “Unfortunately I have to say that the B/CS area is not quite as forward thinking in this area, but I think we’re catching up now in our thinking green. More and more people are thinking about our environment,” she believes. Bruce Martin likes to tell customers that those eight green phases are doable. “You can get a lot of payback for a small investment, which you can recoup. There are a lot of things you can do that are already affordable!” i February 2008/Insite 29 quality customer service that... MAKES YOU FEEL AT HOME 123 E. Wm J. Bryan Pkwy. Bryan, Texas 77803 979.823.5567 • 800.364.2665 Toll Free • 979.823.3894 Fax www.insitegroup.com localnotables compiled by the Insite Magazine staff accessories. The company is the largest woman-owned business briefs February 2008 furniture manufacturer, co-founded by mother/daughter team of Jaye Congleton and Rebecca Boenigk. Neutral Posture is a certified women’s business enterprise (WBE), and is one of the top diversity suppliers for the U.S. government and for Fortune 500 companies worldwide. For more information regarding the N·tune™ Seating System, please visit www.getntune. com. (l-r) Walter Charnizon, president of Continental ?`Me-CTUXQ /^[O[PUXQ An Extended Stay Island Favorite! Exhibitions; Cortney Tenhet, marketing manager for Neutral Posture; Dr. Jerome J. Congleton, professor at Texas A&M University and consultant for Neutral Posture; Michele Smithey, vice president of Customer Relations for Neutral Posture; Dr. Mark Benden, executive vice president of Sales for Neutral Posture. (l-r)Cindy Peaslee and Liz and Michael Perez were recently recognized as the 2007 Mayor’s Downtown Impact Award recipients. Peaslee is vice chair of the Downtown Bryan Economic Development Association and chair of the Events & Tourism Committee. The Perez’s are owners of Papa Perez Mexican Cuisine in historic Downtown Bryan. All were recognized for their work in the revitalization of Downtown Bryan. Hospice Brazos Valley recently was honored during BTU’s annual Power Pedal Week. (l-r) Debbie Britten, CFO of Hospice Brazos Valley, received a $1,500 check from Joe Hegwood, CFO of BTU, along with Craig Borchardt, CEO and president of Hospice. After six months of construction and a $1.5 million renovation, the College Station Hyatt Place recently celebrated with a Grand Opening. The event was held in conjunction with the B/CS Chamber of Commerce and Brazos Valley Restaurant Association’s Epicurean Extravaganza Hawthorn Suites at the Victorian Resort • Free Hot Breakfast Daily • Free Internet Access • Free Social Hour Each Wednesday Evening • Spacious one and two bedroom suites with private Gulfview balconies Two Swimming Pools for Year-Round Fun • Paradise Cove pool features a water drop mushroom, a floating alligator, water cannon, and zero depth entry with bubbling jets to tickle your toes • Heated Waterfall Lagoon pool has a romantic rock waterfall More Resort Amenities • Fitness Center, Lighted Tennis Court, Picnic Pavilion and Game Room Group Sales & Catering Service • We offer a wide variety of meeting opportunities for your events From $89 Sun-Thurs, January and February Not valid holidays, weekends, and special events. Rates subject to availability. Preview. Festivities included menu tasting from local restaurants, live music Neutral Posture’s newest innovation, the N·tune™ and door prizes. The free event was open to the public Seating System, has earned the company its 5th and included tours of the newly remodeled guestrooms. consecutive Attendees’ Choice Award at the 2007 In November, the hotel officially changed over from National Ergonomics Conference and Exposition AmeriSuites to Hyatt Place. The owner is Kyle Legends, in Las Vegas. The N·tune™ concept is all about raising and the hotel management is the Oldham Goodwin desk heights from 30” up to 40” and then raising the Group, which has provided management of the hotel chair to stool height, allowing users to easily and freely since early 2006. For more information, contact Hyatt stand up to work when needed. Neutral Posture is a Bryan Place College Station at (979) 846-9800 or The Oldham based manufacturer of ergonomic seating products and Goodwin Group at (979) 268-2000. i at The Victorian Resort & Conference Center 6300 Seawall • Galveston 800-231-6363 www.hawthorn.com February 2008/Insite 31 innovative caring dedicated • Microsurgery • Minimally Invasive Spine • Complex/Revision Spine • Dynamic Stabilization • Artificial Disc Replacement • Scoliosis • Trauma 3201 University Drive East Brazo Suite 255 pine Mukund I. Gundanna, M.D. Troy M. Duley, PA-C. Bryan, Texas 77802 (979) 774-0411 Tel (979) 776-0508 Fax www.brazosspine.com
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