June 2013 - CSI Parish Sharjah
June 2013 - CSI Parish Sharjah
1 2 LETTER FROM THE VICAR Dear all in Christ, This is the first edition of the parish bulletin, after the installation of the newly elected parish committee. I would like to wish all office bearers & all the members of the New Parish Committee and new committees of all organizations. They may be guided and used in their tenure, by the God Almighty, for the wellbeing of His church and for the Glory of His name, in this land. The month of June is blessed with the memorial days of “John the Baptist” who came to prepare the way for Jesus Christ; “St. Peter”, the very first disciple that Jesus called in the beginning of His public ministry; St. Paul, who has received the delegation of the discipleship through the vision at the Damascus gate; St. Barnabas, who had been considered to be one among the apostles of Jesus Christ due to his hard work and commitment for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The historical records of the first centuries claiming that most of the original twelve Apostles were martyred for their beliefs and the mission for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. June 11th is the day of “Barnabas”. He was a Jew from Cyprus. Though he is not mentioned among the twelve apostles, in the New Testament, he is considered as an apostle as he has been called and sent by the Apostles,to take the task of the Gospel. The account of sending Barnabas with Paul out on the first missionary journey, is recorded in Acts.13. June 24this the day of “John the Baptist”. John’s ministry was to bring the word of God and preach a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. John’s baptism is a one–time rite in preparation of God’s approaching salvation. John’s baptism anticipates the Spirit’s coming, while Christian baptism reflects the Spirit’s arrival through Jesus Christ. 29th June is the day of St. Peter. The Apostle Peter is one of the great stories of a changed life in the Bible. He willingly suffered persecution, imprisonment, beatings, and even rejoiced at the fact that he was worthy to suffer disgrace for the Lord’s sake(Acts.5:41) 30th June is the day of St. Paul. St. Paul casts light on our relationship with Lord. He is the apostle, the traveler who was opened to all peoples. May God bless you all. . Rev. Jacob John Mullackal Vicar 3 CTlJ¸¶´¡j¨Ê J·® Jt·¡l¢v ±d¢i¨j d¤Y¤Y¡i¢ ¨Yj¨ºT¤´¨¸¶ d¡j£n® J½¢×¢ O¤hYki¢v l¼ ©mnh¤¾ d¡j£n® f¤¾×¢¨Ê Ba¬¨· ±do¢Ú£JjXh¡X¢Y®. CTlJi¤¨T d¤Y¢i H¡e£o® g¡jl¡p¢Jw´¤« F¿¡ J½¢×¢i«L¹w´¤« o«MTcJq¤¨T d¤Y¢i g¡jl¡p¢Jw´¤« S¡u Bm«oJw ©cy¼¤. Y¹w O¤hYki¢v Cj¢´¤¼ J¡k«, Cª j¡Q¬·®, ¨¨al·¢¨Ê Y¢yc¡h« hpY§¨¸T¤¼Y¢c¤«, ogi¤¨T BÅ£il¤« gªY£Jl¤h¡i cÁi®´¤ ©lÙ¢ ±diТ´¤¼Y¢c¤« ¨¨al Jj¹q¢v Dd©i¡L¢´¨¸T¨¶ F¼® ±d¡tÏ¢´¤¼¤. Jt·¡l¢c® lr¢¨i¡y´¤l¡u Aii®´¨¸¶ oî¡dJ ©i¡p¼¡u, ©i¡p¼¡u ©im¤ Jt·¡l® Y¨Ê djo¬ m¤±m¥ni¤¨T Bj«g·¢v ¨Yj¨ºT¤· d±ÉÙ® m¢n¬Á¡j¢v H¼¡hc¡i l¢m¤Ú d©±Y¡o® d©±Y¡o, ©im¥±J¢oí¤l¢¨Ê o§tLê¡©j¡pX·¢c¤ ©mn« ah¡o®©J¡o® atmc·¢v J¥¨T A©¸¡oíkY§·¢¨Ê c¢©i¡L« kg¢µ l¢m¤Ú dª©k¡o®, d¢¼£T® o¤l¢©mn ©M¡nX·¢c¤ ©lÙ¢i¤¾ JU¢c¡Ú§¡c·¢¨Êi¤« At¸X·¢¨Êi¤« AT¢Ì¡c·¢v A©¸¡oíkLX·¢©k´® dj¢LX¢´-¨¸T¤Ji¤« ¨Oií l¢m¤Ú ¨ft¼f¡o® ¨ft¼f¡o F¼¢ly¨T Ac¤oäjX¡ c¡q¤Jq¡v Q¥x h¡o« Ac¤±Lp¢´¨¸¶¢j¢´¤¼¤. Jt·¡l¢¨Ê d±ÉÙ® m¢n¬Á¡y« Y¹q¤¨T l¢m§¡o·¢c¤« aªY¬ c¢tlp-X·¢c¤« ©lÙ¢ jÇ o¡È¢Jq¡i¢·£yJi¡i¢y¼¤ F¼® Ba¬ c¥×¡Ù¤Jq¢¨k Oj¢±Y ©jKJw ¨lq¢¨¸T¤·¤¼¤. Q¥x 11 ¨ft¼f¡o¢¨Ê a¢ch¡X®. J¤©±d¡o¤J¡jc¤« ip¥ac¤h¡i ¨ft¼f¡o®, d¤Y¢ic¢ih·¢v J¡X¤¼ d±ÉÙ® A¨¸¡oíkÁ¡y¨T d¶¢J i¢v Dw¨¸T¤¼¢¨¿Æ¢k¤« o¤l¢©mn aªY¬ c¢tlpX·¢c¡i¢ A©¸¡oíkÁ¡ j¡v Aii®´¨¸¶ l¬Ç¢ BiY¢c¡v A©¸¡oíkLX·¢©k´® dj¢LX¢´¨¸¶¢-j¢´¤¼¤. dª©k¡o¢¨Ê H¼¡h¨· h¢nXs¢ i¡±Yi¢v ft¼f¡o¢©ci¤« H¸« Aiµ¤ F¼® A©¸¡.±dlt·¢Jw 13~¡« AÚ¬¡i·¢v ©jK¨¸T¤·¢i¢¶¤Ù®. 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Jt·¡l¢©c¡T¤¾ c½¤¨T fÜ ·¢©k´® l¢. dª©k¡o® ¨lq¢µ« l£m¤¼¤. oJk hc¤n¬t´¤ ©lÙ¢ A©¸¡oíkc¡J¤Ji¤« F¿¡i¢T·¤« oÕ¡j¢i¡J¤Ji¤« ¨Oií l¬Ç¢i¡X® l¢.dª©k¡o®. sl.©Q´f® ©Q¡x h¤¿i®´v CTlJ l¢J¡j¢ 4 PARISH BULLETIN JUNE 2013 ALMANAC OF JUNE 2013 02.06.2013 07.06.2013 14.06.2013 21.06.2013 28.06.2013 2nd Sunday after Pentecost “II lift up my eyes to the hills above” above 2 Kings 2: 1 - 12 Acts. 1: 11 11 Psalm. St. Luke. 121 :1 – 8 24 :44 -53 3rd Week After Pentecost “Environment Environment & Protection of God’s creation” creation Genesis 8: 15 - 22 Psalm. Romans. 8: 1818 25 St. Mathew 33:1 - 12 6:25 -34 4th Week After Pentecost “Life Life in the Spirit” Spirit Exodus 13: 17 - 22 Romans. 8: 11 17 Psalm. St. John. 145:1 -21 16:12 -16 5th Week After Pentecost “Witness through suffering” suffering Jeremiah 15: 15 - 21 1 Peter . 4: 1212 19 Psalm. St. John. 13:1 - 6 18:1 -11 6th Week After Pentecost “Community Community in God’s Kingdom” Kingdom Micah 6: 6 - 8 1 Peter . 2: 99 10 Psalm. St. Luke. 99 :1 - 9 6 :27 -36 ALMANAC OF JULY JU 2013 05.07.2013 07.07.2013 12.07.2013 19.07.2013 7th Week After Pentecost “Stewardship: Stewardship: Christian giving” giving Exodus 36:2 - 7 2 Corinthians.9: 66 15 Psalm. St. Luke. 116 :12 - 19 21: 1 -4 7th Sunday After Pentecost “Stewardship: Christian giving” giving Exodus 36:2 - 7 2 Corinthians.9: 66 15 Psalm. St. Luke. 116 :12 - 19 21: 1 -4 8th Week After Pentecost “Theological Theological education & service” service Jeremiah 18:1 - 10 1 Corinthians.1:18Corinthians.1:18 29 Psalm. St.Mathew. 119 :89 - 104 2: 1 -13 9th Week After Pentecost “Pastoral Pastoral Ministry” Ministry Exodus 3:1 - 12 2 Thimothy.4: 11 5 Psalm. St. John. 80:1 – 7 21: 15 -19 5 NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS NEW CHURCH MEMBERSHIP We encourage those who attend our service to become fullfledged members. As per the amended constitution of the Parish, eligibility, procedure and documents required for obtaining new church membership is as follows: Eligibility: Eligibility for membership shall be limited to those : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Who are baptized in the Church of South India, or any other Churches in communion with CSI. Who have valid UAE residence visa at the time of application. Who are not disqualified or ex-communicated by any of the Dioceses of the CSI or any other Churches in communion with CSI, or who are not members of any other religious worshiping groups. Who have duly completed and applied on the prescribed membership form with the names of the spouse, children and dependant parents if any, A communicant member of a church in communion with CSI having no congregation of its own locally may become a member provided the applicant is not a member of any other local church and satisfies all the above clauses for eligibility. For a new membership, the applicant shall not be a member of any of the CSI Parishes in the UAE. Documents Required: 1) Duly filled in application form 2) Recent passport size photograph 3) Passport copy including valid resident visa page 4) A no objection letter from Vicar of home parish if the applicant doesn’t have membership in any other CSI Parish in the UAE. 5) If the applicant has membership in any other CSI Parish in the UAE, a no objection cum membership cancellation certificate from the Vicar is needed. 6) If applicant does not submit a no objection certificate, upon receipt of the application, the Vicar shall arrange to send a verification cum No Objection form to the applicant’s home Parish with a copy to the applicant. The applicant shall make necessary follow up to get the above certificate within a period of 3 months for finalizing the membership application. 6 Approval: 1) If the Parish Committee, after checking the application and documents gives approval for membership, the Vicar in coordination with the treasurer shall inform the applicant to pay a minimum of three months promised subscription within three months of the date of approval. Otherwise the application shall be considered null and void. 2) The name of applicant who has paid subscription within the specified period of time and that of their dependant family members residing in the UAE, shall be entered in the church register and their membership will start from that date. 3) The decision of the Parish Committee shall be final in the matter of admission to membership. PARISH DIRECTORY The new Parish Directory 2013 is ready for distribution. Kindly collect a copy per family, from the committee members. Please note that this is for personal reference only and should not be used for business purposes. PARISH CONSTITUTION As per decision of Annual General Body meeting, our Parish Constitution is available from Treasurer on payment of Dhs.5/-. PARISH COMMITTEE 2013-2014 The new Parish Committee for 20132014, took charge of the office on 3rd May 2013. We request the whole hearted support and prayers of all Parish PARISH COMMITTEE 2013-14 President Rev. Jacob John Mullackal Vice President Thomas George Church Wardens Ebby Abraham Sunil Joseph John Secretary M C Thomas Treasurer Sunil George Kurian Jnt. Secretary Aby Jacob Thazhikayil Jnt. Treasurer Abraham Paikad Internal Auditor Abraham Daniel Members Minimol Jacob Meena Vinod Sanjiv Chandy George P Varghese External Auditor Sajan Baby John SWC MANAGING COMMITTEE 2013-‘14 Treasurer Aby Itty Jacob Members Thomas P George Priju John 7 members. We also thank all members of the out going committee for their selfless efforts in keeping the harmony and the betterment of the Parish. SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday School Anniversary 2012-2013 was held on Friday, 3rd May, after the divine service. Rev. Nebu Zachariah was the chief guest. Students presented beautiful songs and prizes were distributed to winners of Annual Examination and Talent competitions. A retreat for Sunday School teachers was held on 18th May. Rev. M A Jacob, director of CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese Sunday Schools led the session. From this year onwards the Sunday School academic year will be from January to December. The new academic year for Sunday School started on 24th May 2013 and will end by December 2013. All parents are requested to take prime interest in sending their wards regularly to Sunday School. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”. Prov. 22:6 EPISCOPAL VISIT Rt. Rev. Thomas K Oommen, Bishop of Madhya Kerala Diocese visited our Parish on 10th May 2013, our Church Day, and led the divine service. A joint meeting of CSI Parish committees of Sharjah, Dubai and Abudhabi was held after the divine service presided over by the Bishop. UAE CHOIR FEST 2013 The 12th UAE CSI Choir Festival was hosted by our Parish on 17th May 2013 along with the divine service. More than 150 choir members from all three CSI Parishes of UAE sung in harmony and was a wonderful experience. Rev. M A Jacob, Secretary of the CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese was the chief guest. Sincere thanks to Choir Master, Organist, all choir members and those worked behind in successfully organising the event. POOR BOX For those of you who wish to extend support to the poor and needy, we have a poor box placed at the rear, near main entrance door. PARISH BULLETIN Secretaries/co-ordinators/convenors of all organizations/Activities/ Prayer Groups/ Events are requested to send matters to be included in the next issue of Parish Bulletin, before 20th of every month. We also welcome constructive comments and any corrections required, from church members. The Birthdays and Wedding anniversary days of one month in advance will be 8 published and incase of any discrepancies in dates or omissions, kindly notify it to the committee members for correction. The cost for inserting a full page advertisement in colour is Dhs.350/- and for Black & White is Dhs.150/-. CAPTIVE BENEFIT PROGRAM Inorder to facilitate adequate risk coverage to the Parish members, a Captive Social Benefit Program is implemented by the Parish General Body. Benefits: Life coverage for members (accident & sickness) – Dhs.25,000/Body repatriation for members & dependants (accident & sickness) – Dhs.7000/Eligibility: All subscribing members and their dependants registered as per CSI Parish membership register. The enrollment forms are available in the Church and all members are requested to fill in and submit the forms along with the requisite contribution. For details please contact Mr. Sanjiv Chandy (050 5995854), Mr. George P Varghese (050 7876201) or Mr. Dilip Cheriyan (050 5150815). READERS & SIDESMEN The list of members assigned with specific roles in the Divine service during the month are listed on Page 14 . All enlisted members are requested to come prepared on time and take up their assignments without fail. For details kindly contact Mr. Ebby Abraham (050 6539734) or Mr. Sunil Joseph John (050 3462345). Order of procession and recession: The order of procession should be Cross bearer, Choir, reader with Bible, sidesman with Elements, followed by Clergy and the Bishop if present. The order of recession should be Cross bearer, Choir, reader with Bible, sidesmen with Offertory, sidesman with Elements, followed by Clergy and Bishop if present. HOLYLAND TOUR The Parish committee is making arrangements to conduct a tour to visit the Holy Land under the leadership of our Vicar from 8th to 14th October 2013. The expected package rate is Dhs. 4500/- for adults and Dhs. 3500/- for children below 12 years. For more details kindly contact the Vicar or any member of the Parish committee. OBITUARY Rev.A K George (91) G/Father of Elza Anand (A10025), passed away on 4th May at Kappil, Kayamkulam. 9 Mrs. Soubhagyavathy (83) Mother of Sidney O Moses (S10272), passed away on 10th May 2013 at Calicut. Mrs. Aleyamma Abraham (71) M/o Sindu Kuku (K10153) passed away on 14th May 2013 at Kottayam. Mrs. Annamma John (78) M/o Ida Jacob (M10191) passed away on 22nd May 2013 at Kumily. Mrs. Sosamma Kurian (84) M/o Varghese Kurian (V10317) passed away on 1st June 2013 at Arpookkara, Kottayam. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15 Bishop Rt. Rev. K Michael John Bishop Michael John, the first bishop of the CSI East diocese, has gone to his eternal glory on 27th April 2013 at the age of 88. After his ordination in 1953, he was appointed as the missionary of Karappuram Mission in Chertala and later as the Secretary of Christian Institute, Alappuzha. As a pastor, he served the parishes of Ranni, Alappuzha, Olassa, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kottayam, Ascension Church, Kanjikuzhy, CSI Church in Kuwait, Mavelikara and CSI Church, Toronto. In 1981, he was appointed as the Special Officer to form the CSI Diocese of East Kerala. On 5th of January 1984, he was consecrated as the first Bishop of East Kerala Diocese. A great shepherd and a spiritual leader, a profound teacher, eminent preacher and effective pastor- he is more than our words and expressions. 10 REGULAR EVENTS & PROGRAMS WEEKLY DIVINE SERVICE Holy Communion Service on every Friday from 8 am in the Church. FIRST SUNDAY HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE Holy Communion Service on 1st Sunday of each month from 8.30pm in the Church. BIBLE CLASS Bible classes are regularly conducted on Sundays from 8.30pm, except the first Sunday. INTERCESSORY PRAYER Conducted every Wednesday from 8.30pm onwards in SWC Hall# 3 FASTING PRAYER Held on each Saturday from 10.30am onwards in SWC Hall# 6. AREA PRAYER Area prayer meetings on every first/second Friday evenings. Details on Page 15. CHOIR Choir practice on all Fridays from 10.30am in SWC Hall# 6 and on Thursdays from 8pm in SWC Hall# 4. Prayer Meeting from 7.30pm on 4th Friday of each Month, at SWC Hall# 6. JUNIOR CHOIR Practice sessions on all Saturdays from 6 to 8pm in SWC Hall# 4. SUNDAY SCHOOL Conducted every Friday after Divine Service in the Church and concludes by 1pm. WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP Held on 2nd Friday of every month in SWC Hall # 4, and on 4th Fridays in SWC Hall # 5, after Divine Service. ALMAYA FELLOWSHIP Held on 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month from 11 am onwards in SWC Hall# 5. YOUTH MOVEMENT Meetings held on 1st, 3rd and 4th onwards. Fridays in SWC Hall# 4 from 10.30am 11 On 2nd Friday, meeting is held at member’s residence from 10.30am onwards. On 2nd Thursdays, Prayer rayer meeting is held in SWC Hall# 4 from 8.30pm onwards. MALAYALAM CLASSES Malayalam Classes are normally conducted on Saturdays from 4.30pm to 6pm, in SWC Hall# 4. All those who are interested to learn Malayalam are requested to make use of this rare opportunity. For details, please contact Mrs. Jessi Bobi or Mrs. Fegi Ginu TEENAGER’S MEETING Meetings for teenagers are regularly conducted to keep them motivated and to develop positive approach towards their life upholding the Christian values. Mr. Sanjiv Chandy (050 5995854) is entrusted by the Parish Committee to co-ordinate co the meetings PRAYER AYER REQUESTS & THANKSGIVING PRAYER REQUESTS For the sick: • Mrs. Aleyamma Abraham (A10010) for complete recovery after the surgery. surgery • Mrs. Mary Chacko, M/o Mr. M C Thomas (T10304) for recovery from hip bone fracture. • Mr.Varghese, Varghese, F/o Mr. Koshy Varghese (K10152) for recovery from fever. fever General Topics: • • • • • All organizations of Parish. >Children Children pursuing higher studies. Those who are in search of a job. >All All children especially teenagers Those who are in financial crisis. >Children Children staying in distant places Diocesan Bicentenary nary programs Parents & relatives staying away from us Those who wish to post special prayer rayer requests or thanksgiving may please e-mail mail the details to mini.itty@gmail.com or fill-in fill in the prayer request form which will be available in the Church and submit in prescribed box. 12 CSI MADHYA KERALA DIOCESE 1816 - 2016 BICENTENARY CELEBRATION Be proud to be a part of this great heritage and teach your children about this. Below are few of the highlights: CMS College, Kottayam is the first college in Kerala and was started by Rev. Benjamin Bailey in 1817. Rev. Benjamin Bailey established the first printing press in Kerala in 1821 at Chalukunnu, Kottayam and was named CMS Press. The first complete Malayalam Bible was printed and published by Rev. Benjamin Bailey in 1841 at CMS Press, Kottayam. Slavery was banned in Travancore for the first time by Rev. Joseph Peet on 8th March 1835 at Mundrothuruth. This was even before Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in America. 'Njana Nikshepam' the official magazine of CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese, which was started by Rev. Benjamin Bailey in 1848 at CMS Press, Kottayam is the first printed and published magazine in Malayalam. CMS Missionaries opened schools in Church and near by buildings to teach all class of people.That is how the word "pallikoodam" in malayalam emerged. "Palli" means Church and "Koodam" means gathering room. The first systematic Sunday School in Kerala was started at Holy Immanuel CSI Church, Mallappally by Arch Deacon Oommen Mammen in 1880. The first theological institute in Kerala was started by CMS Missionaries at Pazhaya Seminary, Kottayam. But later, the Seminary was handed over to Malankara Church. In 1916, the then Bishop C H Gill initiated a youth meeting in the Diocese and it was called as Travancore Cochin Anglican Youth Convention. This was the first youth organisation in Kerala. CSI VHSS, founded in 1938 by Bishop Dr. C K Jacob at Pallom and later moved to Thiruvalla in 1942 is the first Deaf School in Kerala. 13 ABC WITH MEMORY VERSES A - All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 B - Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. Acts 16:31 C - Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Ephesians 6:1 D - Depart from all evil and do good. Psalm 34:14 E - Even a child is known by his doings. Proverbs 20:11 F - Fear not, for I am with you. Isaiah 43:5 G - God is love. 1John 4:8 H - Honor your father and your mother. Exodus 20:12 I - If you ask anything in my name, I will do it. John 14:14 J - Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me. John 14:6 K - Keep your tongue from evil. Psalm 34:13 L - Look to me, and be saved. Isaiah 45:22 M - My son, give me your heart. Proverbs 23:26 N - No man can serve two masters. Matthew 6:24 O - O give thanks to the Lord: for He is good. Psalm 118:1 P - Praise you the Lord: for it is good to sing praises to our God. Psalm 147:1 Q - Quit you like men, be strong. 1Corinthians 16:13 R - Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exodus 20:8 S - Seek you the Lord while he may be found. Isaiah 55:6 T - The Lord sees me. Genesis 16:13 U - Unto you, O God, do we give thanks. Psalm 75:1 V - Verily, verily, I say to you, whatsoever you ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you. John 16:23 W - Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in you. Psalm 56:3 X - Exceeding great and precious promises are given to us. 2Peter 1:4 Y - You are the light of the world. Matthew 5:14 Z - Zion heard, and was glad. Psalm 97:8 CHOIR COMMITTEE 2013 Choir Master: Sunil Abraham Asst. Choirmaster: Abraham Mathew Organist: Moncy Cherian Asst. Organist: Geemon M George President: Rev. Jacob John Mullackal Vice President: Sanjiv Chandy Secretary: Rajesh Koshy Mathew Treasurer: George P Varghese Jnt. Secretary: Benila P John Jnt. Treasurer: Alisha Maria David Committee members: Ebby Abraham Sam Kurien Binny Mathew Pribu John Titus Joseph 14 WOMENS FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE 2013 Vicar: Rev. Jacob John Mullackal President: Dr. Sally Jacob Vice President: Achamma Varghese Secretary: Alice Titus Treasurer: Jeena Sajan Jnt. Secretary: Daisy Roy Committee Members: Aleyamma Abraham Annamma Varghese Jessi Bobi Cherian Jessy Bobby Varghese Minimol Jacob Saramma Thomas Seeja Bobby SUNDAY SCHOOL COMMITTEE 2013 President: Rev. Jacob John Mullackal Headmaster: John C Varghese Secretary: John Daniel Treasurer: Manju E Abraham Jnt. Secretary: Josephine Sujith Committee Members: K J Roy Latha E Abraham Leena Roy Fegi Mathew Manju Jerry Sherin Jacob YOUTH MOVEMENT COMMITTEE 2013 Vice President: K John Varkey President: Rev. Jacob John Mullackal Secretary: Joji Varghese Treasurer: Bijo M Alexander Jnt. Secretary: Jancy Biju Thomas Jnt. Treasurer: Subin A S Committee Members: Jisha Lal Sindhu Kuku Philip Jerold Sujesh Abin George Abraham ALMAYA FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE 2013 President: Rev. Jacob John Mullackal Vice President: Sajan Baby John Secretary: Saiju Mathew Treasurer: Priju John Jnt. Secretary: Eapen P E Jnt. Treasurer: Varghese P Oommen Committee Members: M C Thomas Varghese Mathew Bobi Cherian Babukutty P M Kurian Mathai Ebby Abraham Thomas George 15 16 17 BIRTHDAYS – JUNE 2013 Date ID# Name Mob. Tel. Res. 1 Jun 2 Jun 2 Jun 2 Jun 3 Jun 4 Jun 5 Jun 5 Jun 5 Jun 5 Jun 5 Jun 5 Jun 6 Jun 6 Jun 6 Jun 7 Jun 7 Jun 7 Jun 7 Jun 7 Jun J10107 B10043 N10197 P10211 M10188 M10182 J10138 M10181 R10229 R10237 S10248 S10272 D10070 J10453 S10250 D10430 J10134 J10499 S10288 T10308 Jeffrey Jacob Mathew Supriya Mariam Joseph Nishanth Thobias Nithin P John Meghna Susan Mathews Aaron John Mathew Ronish George John Irene Susan Mathew Rubin Richard Nathan Hannah Roy Jeena Sajan Cicily Gracy Moses Sherry Dainey Thomas Jacob Fenn Salil M Cherian Aksa Mariam David Nikhil Samuel Krupa Grace John Suchi Mercy George Thomas P. Cherian 050 5860327 050 5957141 055 8705404 050 4527050 050 6348560 050 9013821 050 5371384 050 7843098 050 6902345 056 6279237 050 6249277 050 5471239 050 3470192 050 4503087 050 5768852 050 2329757 055 6796158 052 9970139 050 6358174 050 6974356 06 7650327 0 0 06 5590684 06 5679380 06 5443091 06 5614525 06 5454719 0 06 5508723 06 5376329 06 5681530 0 04 2383842 0 0 06 5654723 06 5241560 06 5445927 06 7460496 8 Jun 8 Jun 8 Jun 8 Jun 8 Jun 9 Jun 9 Jun 10 Jun 11 Jun 11 Jun 11 Jun 12 Jun 13 Jun 13 Jun 13 Jun 14 Jun B10040 B10467 J10104 R10218 T10302 B10050 S10244 B10043 B10048 R10397 S10491 S10283 A10448 B10058 W10334 E10075 Babukutty P M Nevin Babu Oommen Sheeba Kurian Rajiv Joseph Thomas Koshy (Saji) Sini Mani Joseph Liji Sabu Jyothi Mary Joseph Bini Alex Thomas Synderla Cyril Salin Sajan George Dr. Anna Rekha Oommen Aju Varkey Santhamma Boas Anoop Wilson Renjith Varghese Eapen 050 4991218 055 4424325 050 6331244 050 5693758 050 5776013 050 4238285 050 4650231 050 5957141 050 7954720 050 3835213 056 6507754 050 5992565 055 1074417 050 5270744 055 9145982 050 5744243 06 5334489 0 02 6493664 06 5363280 0 04 2345194 04 2577423 0 055 8210391 06 5509618 04 4585510 06 7660291 0 0 0 055 8731382 18 14 Jun R10240 Roy Mathew 050 8733023 06 5324133 15 Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 16 Jun 16 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18 Jun 18 Jun 18 Jun 19 Jun 19 Jun 19 Jun 19 Jun 20 Jun 20 Jun 21 Jun 21 Jun 21 Jun N10199 S10282 G10081 J10105 J10142 S10273 R10228 A10007 M10181 P10203 B10062 S10263 S10271 S10375 J10132 M10179 M10192 R10216 S10282 Manju N George Sudeep Cheriyan Ann Susan George Rania Anna Jacob Sincy Joji Siju J Thomas Suja Reji Koshy Shawna Mary Abraham Paul John Mathew Mithun Philip Bobi Cherian Vijila Shibu Jonathan Jacob Varghese Subin A S Dr. Roji Varghese Mathew I B (Dr) Mohan Cherian George Winny Anna Varkey Annie Sudeep 050 5876697 050 8748446 050 6328164 050 5676951 050 5294739 050 3015649 050 7347723 050 7883097 050 7843098 050 5404441 050 6349684 050 8927288 050 5648064 050 3631698 050 7784890 050 7867896 050 4902534 055 8134748 050 8748446 06 5537922 06 5536620 06 5593950 06 5553320 0 04 2391136 050 5033778 06 5219130 06 5454719 07 2286886 06 5669801 06 7422176 06 5307983 0 04 2558622 06 5610235 07 2269372 0 06 5536620 22 Jun 22 Jun 23 Jun 23 Jun 23 Jun 23 Jun 23 Jun 24 Jun 24 Jun 24 Jun 24 Jun 24 Jun 25 Jun 26 Jun 26 Jun 26 Jun 26 Jun 26 Jun B10040 M10183 G10090 G10094 J10104 P10205 T10427 A10008 F10079 K10153 M10193 S10244 R10424 A10011 A10468 B10046 B10058 D10485 Cyril Babu Alan J Mathew Leena Mary George Lissy George Jacob Kurian Philip Koshy Aaron Philip Thomas Abraham P Ninan 050 4991218 050 5773828 050 7876201 050 7993900 050 6331244 050 7585836 050 5677257 050 9567127 Fritz Leo Clement Kanakasseri 050 6539734 Kuku Markose Philip 050 7961839 Nisha Abraham 050 5246209 Sabu Mathew 050 4650231 Roy George 050 7500735 Minimol Jacob 050 6442349 Alesa Ancy Alex 050 7692277 Biju Thomas Ovanalil 050 8657538 Bibin Boas 050 5270744 Roshini Dale 050 7102566 06 5334489 06 5723929 06 5735043 07 2282824 02 6493664 055 9865618 06 5550327 0 06 5669267 06 5630665 06 5618280 04 2577423 050 8468172 04 3373614 06 5216695 06 7412558 0 0 19 26 Jun 26 Jun 26 Jun 26 Jun 27 Jun 28 Jun 28 Jun 28 Jun I10102 J10434 L10166 S10444 J10469 P10211 S10271 S10286 Bincy Sara Itty Rahan Jibi Ninan Liju Philip Ashish Sam Shine Joseph Abraham Benila P John Siby Varghese Chacko Adriel John Abraham 050 8089754 050 3972947 050 9800300 050 8432686 055 4974173 050 4527050 050 5648064 050 6991257 0 055 7568540 06 5212582 055 8082950 06 5484437 06 5590684 06 5307983 06 5595873 29 Jun 29 Jun 29 Jun 30 Jun 30 Jun 30 Jun 30 Jun 30 Jun J10454 R10222 S10280 B10050 R10397 S10286 S10380 T10298 Sheena Elsa Jerry Linnet Ranjith Solomon T G Bino Mani Joseph Roy Samuel Sunil Abraham Sacchin koshy Jacob Salamma Thankachen 050 4625498 050 9368363 050 5186813 050 4238285 050 3835213 050 6991257 050 9685546 050 5490468 050 8023959 050 1994105 0 04 2345194 06 5509618 06 5595873 0 0 BIRTHDAYS – JULY 2013 Date 1 July 1 July 2 July 2 July 2 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 3 July 4 July 4 July 4 July 4 July 4 July 4 July 5 July 5 July 5 July ID# A10037 P10201 D10490 J10413 T10300 J10132 S10249 S10253 S10269 S10286 A10038 L10161 M10184 M10185 M10187 T10302 A10377 B10057 J10478 Name Edric Arun Stephen Franklin Louis K Jijo Daniel Binu M James Annamma Thomas Tim Varghese John Saumya Sajan Liya Mareena Sam Shyju Abraham Thomas Andrew John Abraham Daniel Thomas Dan Vanessa Godson Mathew K Varghese Desin Mathew Mathew Oommen Aileen Grace Thomas Aleyamma George Manju Blesson Joanne Joju John Mob. Tel. Res. 050 3636072 050 6322993 055 7611543 050 1630975 050 4512902 050 7784890 050 7465279 050 4984164 050 8942700 050 6991257 050 4212947 050 7267466 050 2530301 050 4977391 050 5277494 050 5776013 050 4627783 050 9198741 050 1467946 06 5627750 06 5599552 0 0 06 5505492 04 2558622 0 06 5483024 050 7295953 06 5595873 06 5757423 06 5483661 0 06 7461623 0 0 06 5303885 050 9771759 06 5364318 20 5 July 5 July 5 July R10217 Rajesh Koshy Mathew R10230 Rejith M S10270 Jonathan Jacob Philip 050 4625131 06 5435392 050 5026841 050 8094580 050 6757635 04 2563130 7 July 7 July 7 July 7 July 8 July 8 July 8 July 8 July 8 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 9 July 10 July 10 July 10 July 11 July 11 July 12 July 12 July 12 July 12 July 12 July 12 July 12 July A10004 A10417 N10461 T10389 A10001 G10092 M10180 M10363 T10300 N10195 S10286 T10310 V10330 C10464 K10150 R10237 E10074 T10312 A10018 J10140 J10453 M10171 S10288 S10418 V10321 Rachel Susan George Riya Elsa Anish Sana Clement Timothy George Thomas Sonia Abby Eleyamma George Mathew Iykara Mathew Eapen Manju Gejo Thomas Rinu Ninan Anila Anna Sunil Leila Elizabeth Solomon Albey Vinod Samuel Charles John George Thanu Elizabeth Koshy Leena Roy Eapen Varghese P. Philip Hanna Titto Caroline Susan Ajith Merin Ann Varkey Jacob Fenn Nisha Manu George Sunil George Kurian Jency Samuel Varghese Thottathil (Byju) 050 2940312 050 6381042 055 4800187 050 6496674 050 5100217 050 7962838 050 8562609 050 6918401 050 4512902 050 6941548 050 6991257 052 9161863 050 2051412 050 7156951 050 6553400 056 6279237 050 5764921 050 4701538 050 5629431 052 7515647 050 4503087 050 2126131 050 6358174 050 3596458 050 6965944 0 06 5758443 055 2812901 06 7453397 055 5100217 06 5597086 0 06 5610695 06 5505492 06 5446877 06 5595873 055 7232665 056 7146975 06 5366776 04 2545683 06 5508723 06 7481928 0 0 056 1080265 04 2383842 050 3049838 06 5445927 06 5376740 06 5251871 13 July 13 July 13 July 14 July 14 July 14 July 14 July 14 July 15 July 15 July C10432 J10481 L10165 B10492 J10146 J10399 R10219 V10318 J10123 S10374 Thomas Chandy John Kuriakose Poonithara Jaidon Varghese Lijo Bindu Biju Tharian Joseph T J Jeanne Sara Joe Rolin Rajiv Varghese Mathew Jilesh Cheriyan Simran Susan Jacob 055 8502847 055 7434259 050 6500419 050 7979084 050 6560820 050 8737205 050 2486434 050 5818274 055 2343117 050 3971557 06 5234401 0 06 5232241 04 3371400 06 5503561 06 5754140 06 5753518 0 06 5508874 04 2207847 21 17 July 17 July 17 July 18 July 18 July 18 July 18 July 18 July 19 July 19 July 19 July J10133 S10289 S10405 A10025 B10046 L10163 S10374 T10305 A10417 J10483 P10210 Rijo Raju Ashwin John Kottarathil Nia Subin Ambat Anand J. John Ashley Mary Biju Leyo Christian Muthu Rakesh Jacob Annamma Thomas Abel Tom Anish John K John Norah Pribu John 050 6336267 050 3462345 055 6574257 050 5865593 050 8657538 050 8682320 050 3971557 050 7963002 050 6381042 050 6367615 050 4828796 06 5654723 06 5728849 055 4524115 06 7429575 06 7412558 0 04 2207847 06 5618796 06 5758443 06 5593109 06 7490236 20 July 20 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 22 July 22 July 22 July 23 July 23 July 24 July 25 July 25 July 25 July 26 July 26 July 26 July G10086 S10279 E10075 J10455 R10440 B10049 J10477 S10289 J10399 S10270 J10454 A10373 J10453 P10205 A10007 R10219 R10383 Anju Anna George Ashika Mary John Geboy P. Eapen Nitha .P.John Sarah Rex Varghese Shawn George Mathew Jilow J.R Anie Sunil Joseph Joe Mathew Joan Susan Philip Sunitha Jerry Jessy Albert Jacob Jacob Fenn Tisha Ann Philip Sharon Mariam Abraham Staicy Elsa Rajiv Bishu Thomas 050 6360281 050 4951526 050 5744243 050 6875276 050 1223721 050 3059736 050 1454226 050 3462345 050 8737205 050 6757635 050 4625498 050 8653160 050 4503087 050 7585836 050 7883097 050 2486434 050 8705440 055 9425602 06 5427843 055 8731382 06 5633628 055 8088451 050 2067334 056 2347238 06 5728849 06 5754140 04 2563130 050 8023959 06 5624630 04 2383842 055 9865618 06 5219130 06 5753518 04 2576205 27 July 27 July 27 July 28 July 29 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 31 July 31 July B10050 L10164 T10304 A10012 T10313 G10098 J10115 J10116 D10490 P10210 Brayan Joseph Mani Libu Cheriyan Robin Mukkath thomas Sheeba Jacob Alice Titus Givin G George Bency Jelin Jen Ninan Philip Jeena Rachil Daniel Norina Pribu John 050 4238285 050 6398109 050 4520736 050 5863730 050 7469738 050 8866212 050 9836776 050 7994634 055 7611543 050 4828796 04 2345194 0 06 5423110 06 5509632 06 5671860 06 5303270 06 5509177 07 2282670 0 06 7490236 22 31 July R10382 Cina Renoy Cherian 31 July S10248 Sajan Prince 050 7493240 0 050 6249277 06 5376329 WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES - JUNE 2013 Date ID # 1 Jun R10445 Rex L Thomas & Ancy Rex Thomas 1 Jun V10401 Vinod Marcus & Meena Vinod 3 Jun M10188 Mathew P. John & Hema Mathew 7 Jun A10015 Aji Mathew Chackalayil & Siby Mathew 7 Jun J10472 Joji John T & Bessy Joji 8 Jun 8 Jun 11 Jun Name Abin George Abraham & Ida Sarah Mathew Adavikkal Kunjachan David & A10013 Thresia David George Modayil Thomas & Dr.Nina G10089 Thomas A10004 11 Jun R10220 Rakesh Philip & Neena Rakesh 11 Jun S10491 12 Jun 13 Jun Salin Sajan George & Liju Anna John Santhosh Chenathara Koshy & S10415 Sindhu Santhosh George Samuel (Jayan) & Lissy G10094 George 13 Jun J10475 John Mathew & Manju John 13 Jun S10280 Solomon T G & Annamma Solomon 16 Jun J10125 John C. Varghese & Accalamma Varghese 17 Jun B10059 Bobby K Mathew & Mitha Bobby 18 Jun J10134 John Samuel & Feby Samuel Mobile Ph. 050 2183527 055 3012342 050 6348560 050 5699485 050 5276968 050 2940312 050 5865751 050 5464715 050 1317852 056 6507754 050 2458031 050 7993900 050 9421908 050 5186813 050 6349345 050 7960365 050 6796158 Tel. (Res) 06 5482943 055 6231077 06 5651724 0 06 5357613 04 8017211 0 06 5615230 0 04 4585510 0 07 2282824 06 5218116 06 5558352 06 5620843 0 06 5654723 23 18 Jun L10164 Libu Cherian & Sheena Libu 19 Jun G10083 19 Jun S10259 20 Jun R10238 Roy John & Aji Roy 21 Jun M10186 22 Jun A10028 Anil George & Mercy Anil George 23 Jun J10413 James Mathew & Aleyamma James 24 Jun J10142 Joji M John & Sincy Joji 24 Jun L10163 Leyo Christian Muthu & Neema Leyo 27 Jun J10107 Jacob Mathew C & Gemini Jacob 29 Jun R10411 Robby Pappachan George Joseph (Nithin) & Nisha George Santhosh Kumar Thomas & Annamma Santhosh Mathew Kathettu John & Moni Mathew 050 6398109 050 7295144 050 3646266 050 4543793 050 3005943 050 6457893 050 1630975 050 5294739 050 8682320 050 5860327 050 7676045 0 04 2577045 055 8644398 0 06 5486557 06 5620836 0 0 0 06 7650327 0 WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES - JULY 2013 Date ID # Name 4 July S10263 Shibu J & Vijila Shibu 5 July T10450 Thomas Thomas & Surya Mariam Thomas 7 July K10157 Kuruvilla Ipe & Sareena Ipe 7 July T10427 8 July Thomas Philip & Merin Mary George George P. Varghese & Leena Mary G10090 George 8 July J10132 John P. George & Dr. Roji Varghese 9 July T10423 Thushaj George Philip & Josna Thushaj 10 July M10194 Moncy Raymond & Gini Elizabeth Mobile Ph. 050 8927288 050 4705048 050 6969098 050 5677257 050 7876201 050 7784890 050 8846203 050 6282502 Tel. (Res) 06 7422176 06 5357861 0 06 5550327 06 5747596 06 5533046 050 1593023 04 2962346 24 11 July S10272 12 July G10098 12 July K10154 13 July B10046 13 July J10119 14 July C10432 14 July S10287 15 July B10043 15 July P10211 15 July S10284 16 July J10399 19 July D10072 19 July J10388 19 July P10210 21 July G10092 23 July R10215 23 July S10244 24 July R10424 26 July P10201 27 July S10265 28 July M10191 Sidney Othon Moses & Cicily Gracy 050 Moses 5471239 050 Gibu George & Merin G. George 8866212 Kurian P. Thomas & Roshini Sara 050 George 1533086 050 Biju Thomas Ovanalil & Jancy Biju 8657538 050 Jerry Philip & Manju Jerry 7466947 055 Chandy Thomas & Meenu Chandy 8502847 050 Sunil George & Valsa Sunil 1851232 050Biju Joseph & Molly Joseph 5957141 050 Priju John & Benila P John 4527050 050 Sujil Jacob & Rajani Sujil 6526485 050 Joe Mathew & Simy Susan Mathew 8737205 050 Dilip Cheriyan & Jemy Susan Dilip 5150815 050 Jacob Kurian & Mercy Jacob 5298841 Pribu John Inchakkalodil & Teeja 050 Pribu John 4828796 050 George Philip & Eleyamma George 7962838 050 Rajeev C. George & Suja C. George 5485052 050 Sabu Mathew & Liji Sabu 4650231 050 Roy George & Deepa Roy 7500735 Percival Clement Kanakasseri & 050 Leela Silvia 6322993 050 Shibu Samuel & Ribcy Shibu 3213630 050 Moan Jacob & Ida Sara John 6572674 06 5681530 06 5303270 06 5756181 06 7431908 06 5726740 06 5234401 06 5652950 0 06 5590684 06 5631209 06 5754140 0 0 06 7490236 06 5597086 06 5535593 04 2577423 050 8468172 06 5599552 04 2691209 04 2204643 25 CONTACT DETAILS – CHURCH & ORGANISATIONS CHURCH Presbyter :Rev. Jacob John Mullackal Vice President :Mr. Thomas George Church Warden:Mr. Ebby Abraham Church Warden:Mr. Sunil Joseph John Secretary :Mr. M C Thomas Treasurer :Mr. Sunil George Kurian 050 4254057 050 4512902 050 6539734 050 3462345 050 4520736 050 6358174 revjacobjohnmullackal@gmail.com geovilla@eim.ae ebby28@gmail.com yeskot@gmail.com mcthomas@aad.com sgkurian@yahoo.com SUNDAY SCHOOL Head Master :Mr. John C Varghese Secretary :Mr. John Daniel Treasurer :Mrs. Manju E Abraham 050 6349345 jcmattam@gmail.com 050 4505581 john@dormagulf.com 055 8062100 manjupaikad@rediffmaill.com YOUTH MOVEMENT Vice President :Mr. K John Varkey 056 1080265 k_john_varkey@yahoo.com Secretary :Mr. Joji Varghese 050 2237703 jojiov@yahoo.com Treasurer :Mr. Bijo Mathew Alexander 050 3898004 bijo_alex@hotmail.com ALMAYA FELLOWSHIP Vice President :Mr. Sajan Baby John Secretary :Mr. Saiju Mathew Treasurer :Mr. Priju John 050 8270525 sbjohn@eim.ae 050 7969618 saijum36@yahoo.com 050 6349684 johnpriju@gmail.com WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP President :Mrs. Sally Jacob Vice President :Mrs. Achamma Varghese Secretary :Mrs. Alice Titus Treasurer :Mrs. Jeena Sajan 06 5661088 06 5251871 06 5671860 06 5376329 shjcsi@eim.ae thottomtvm@gmail.com titustiruvalla2011@gmail.com sajanprince@gmail.com 050 5595854 050 6991257 050 5246209 050 4625131 050 7876201 sanjivct@gmail.com sunilpoopada@yahoo.com ihsnum22@hotmail.com rajeshkoshym@gmail.com georgepanavelil@yahoo.co.in CHOIR Vice President :Mr. Sanjiv Chandy Choir Master :Mr. Sunil Abraham Organist :Mr. Moncy Cherian Secretary :Mr. Rajesh Koshy Mathew Treasurer :Mr. George P Varghese SHARJAH WORSHIP CENTRE Treasurer :Mr. Aby Itty Jacob 050 6442349 jacob_aby@hotmail.com PRAYER GROUP Co-ordinator :Mr. Ebby Abraham 050 6539734 ebby28@gmail.com 26 27 28
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