The Official History Publication of the U
The Official History Publication of the U
Major items in this issue: • ‘What’s a Torpedo Between Friends?’ HAL McCORMICK • “Scuttlebutt from SANTOS” • History U-235, U-250, U-251 and USS DRUM • The INTELLIGENCE PAGE is back – WOW!! •• PPEETTEER R’’ss PPeerriissccooppee • New Feature – “Died or Escaped?” (replaces Spook Stuff!) • Diving with “Dex” – another great sea story • Report on Argentina getting interesting - REAL INTERESTING! • An Italian Submariner’s Memories TM “Yesterday’s Enemies are Today’s Friends” The Official History Publication of the U-Bootwaffe The SHARKHUNTERS Intl, Inc. President’s P. O. Box 1539 Hernando FL 34442 Phone (352) 637-2917 FAX (352) 637-6289 Column Written & Copyrighted by Harry Cooper Founded – February 1983 KASSLER BANK for European deposits BLZ 520 900 00 KTNMR 157 0814 03 IBAN: DE68520900000157081403 BIC: GENODE51KS1 Volume 26 June 2008 Number 4 ISSN 1046-7335 Publisher/Editor Administrative Assistant Assistant Editor Document Coordinator Business Consultant Legal Consultant Researcher Translators (German) (Russian) (Spanish) (French) Far Eastern Correspondent Videographer Harry Cooper Kaycee Cooper Meaghan Cooper Sean Cooper ‘Jamaica Jay’ Jeffrey Green Brian Orlando Walter Kern Jason Bulkeley Jason Bulkeley Martin Fernandez Kevin Farrell Yoya Kawamura Bud Dana Sharkhunters purpose is submarine history with main emphasis on the German U-Boats – the collection, preservation and dissemination of this history without politics, prejudice or propaganda. The KTB Magazine of Sharkhunters is published nine times annually. Subscription is by Membership only. _____________________________________________ Sharkhunters Advisory Board EMILIE CALDWELL-STEWART (2480-1992) …. …… 2008 BILL OLSEN (2431-LIFE-1992) ………………………… 2009 Oblt. GÜNTHER HEINRICH (1945-LIFE-1991) ………. 2010 Skipper of U-960 – the last boat through Gibraltar. WILLIAM NAPIER (2290-C/LIFE-1992) ………………. 2010 MYRON BLAHY (5432-1997) …………………………… 2010 JOHN BUCK (3884-LIFE-1994) …………………………. 2011 Oblt. “Hai” Maßmann (4522-LIFE-`1995) ….. ………….. 2011 TILMAN HESS (5817-LIFE-1999) ………………………. 2011 DAVID MOBLEY (417-LIFE-1987) …………………….. 2012 STEVE SHOCK (2213-A/LIFE-1992) …………………… 2013 MATT HALL (6187-2000) ……………………………….. 2013 HAROLD GAY (286-1987) ………………………………. 2013 VICTOR TURON (28-1984) …………………………….. 2014 RICH delFAVRO (1495-LIFE-1990) ……………………. 2014 CHRIS BANDA (6733-2003) …………………………….. 2014 MARY MYERS (7025-2005) …………………………….. 2015 LOREN CHARLES (3818-2003) ………………………… 2015 PETER STOCKNER (6894-2004) ……………………….. 2015 BILL REED (13-LIFE-1983) ……………………………… 2016 JAMES KENNEDY (1906-LIFE-1991) …………………... 2016 Conning tower emblems by GEORG HÖGEL (240-LIFE-1987) From Sharkhunters President HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) Battle of the Falklands To our friends and Members in Argentina – relax, we do not mean the battle which you call the battle of the Islas Malvinas. We do indeed mean the battle of the Falkland Islands which took place in the early stages of World War One. It was during this battle in which the cruiser squadron commanded by Admiral Graf von Spee was all but wiped out in the southern Atlantic. Only the cruiser DRESDEN (photo top right front page) escaped. On board DRESDEN was a young Oberleutnant zur See named Wilhelm Canaris (photo top left front page). After the escape from Royal Navy, they went through the Straits of Magellan and plotted dozens of “U-Plätze”; coves and harbors where ships could hide from prying eyes. These charts were updated in 1938 when the old line ship SCHLESWIG HOLSTEIN retraced the route. Canaris went ashore in Chile and on horseback in 1915; he crossed the Andes into Patagonia where he found a sleepy little town in the eastern foothills that looked just like Bavaria. Better yet, he was a guest on a massive ranch owned by the Schaumburg-Lippe family, one of the princely houses in Germany. Wilhelm Canaris went on to become an Admiral and in command of the Abwehr (German Secret Service) in WW II. Now where do you think this story goes from here in 1915 into the years leading up to World War II……..and beyond? You’re going to get a history lesson that you never got in high school. What of the lower photo on the front page? At the lower left we can see breaking waves on the shore – but what shore? It is also evident that a shallow shelf runs out perhaps two kilometers but look closer – we mentioned this phenomenon on page 35 of KTB #208 last month. What do you think you are seeing? We will tell you what is there in subsequent issues. You will be astounded! _____________________________ Back Issues Available Now that we are putting our KTB Magazines on the computer, we can offer back issues of all KTB #182 up to the current which we can send via email. Please check Page 38 for full details. You’re going to read history, FACTUAL history with proof that you’ll never see anywhere else. KTB #209 PAGE 2 “What’s a Torpedo Between Friends?” by HAL McCORMICK (1184-+-1989) As we often see, history – maybe call it FATE – but something has brought Sharkhunters Members back together after decades. In this piece, Commander HAROLD McCORMICK (1184-+-1989) remembers the time his path crossed with JÜRGEN OESTEN (1681-LIFE-1990) one stormy night. _____________________________ EDITOR NOTE – It was U-861 under command of JÜRGEN OESTEN that sank this ship. SS WILLIAM GASTON was built in 1942, owned by WSA and operated by the American West African Line. Under command of Master Harry W. Chase, she was making 10 knots and drawing just over 27 feet under her cargo of 9,038 tons of corn. Her armament consisted of one 5 inch and one 3 inch deck gun and eight .30 caliber machine guns. McCORMICK was the Gunnery Officer. On 19 July, SS WILLIAM GASTON sailed independently from Buenos Aires bound for Baltimore. In heavy seas, U-861 fired a torpedo that hit starboard between #4 and #5 holds. The force of the explosion blew out the port side, blew off the #5 hatch, torn open steam lines and there were tons of corn flying all over the decks. The ship’s company of eight officers, thirty-three men and twenty-six Armed Guards began to abandon ship. About fifteen minutes later, the second torpedo hit just forward of the stern post rolling the ship over. She sank stern first in less than three minutes. The crew was still abandoning ship at that time. The Number 1 lifeboat was smashed by the heavy seas but the other three boats and one raft were successfully launched. A patrol plane later spotted the wreckage and called in a search. Late in the evening on 25 July, the seaplane tender USS MATAGORDA (AVP-22) picked up all the survivors. There were no casualties. seaplane on routine anti-submarine patrol. Its seaplane tender, USS MATAGORDA, reached the scene during the following night, rescued the entire crew in separate operations and sank the boats and raft with machine gun fire. Two days later we were put ashore at Florianopolis, Brazil in the custody of US Vice-Consul William Preston Rambo of Hamilton, Ohio. Because housing facilities were limited, the ship’s Master, Harry Chase of New York City, the other Merchant Officers and crew were quartered in the town jail, the enlisted men in a nearby military barracks while I, in a rather embarrassing bit of diplomatic protocol, was invited to be the Vice-Consul’s house guest. Later we were transported to Rio on the Brazilian steamer ITABERA then by Naval Air Transport DC-3 via jungle airstrips in Northern Brazil, French, British and Dutch Guinea, Trinidad, Cuba and on to Miami and New York City. The trip required nearly a week because of frequent overnight stop-overs to handle passengers, mail and cargo; and because of only limited navigational facilities in Latin America at that time there was no night flying. After brief leaves at home, the crews were reassigned, separately to other ships, for the remaining years of the War. Nearly 40 years later, after retiring from US Corporate life, I undertook a personal research project to try to ascertain the circumstances of WILLIAM GASTON’s sinking. I learned through researching our adversary had been the German submarine U-861, under Commander Jürgen Oesten. I later learned that Oesten had survived the War and had become a successful businessman in Germany where he operated two companies engaged in designing and installing complete sir-conditioning systems for ships in Europe, the Middle East and Far East. Here in HAL’s own words: Sunday evening, July 23, 1944 the American Liberty Ship SS WILLIAM GASTON on which I served as a US Naval Gunnery Officer was twice torpedoed and sunk during a violent Pampero storm in the South Atlantic while sailing independently between Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro. Despite mountainous seas, 67 Merchant and Navy crewmen were able to abandon ship in three lifeboats and one raft, which soon drifted far apart in the story darkness. I was one of 14 men on the raft. After a nasty, nauseous night, we discovered at daybreak that we had no drinking water and only wormy chocolate for food. With little shipping in the wartime South Atlantic, our prospects for survival were not very good. Nevertheless, within 24 hours the lifeboats and the raft were discovered by a US Navy MARINER HAL McCORMICK (left) and JÜRGEN OESTEN during a Sharkhunters “Patrol” in Chicago. This was an excellent example of the Sharkhunters motto: “Yesterday’s Enemies are Today’s Friends” They were both sworn in as honorary Chicago police officers, along with three other U-Boat Skippers. KTB #209 PAGE 3 Happy Birthday! Members celebrating a birthday in June 2008 include: 1st 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 12th 15th BURGESS JAMIESON (896-1989) Ordnance, Korea JOHN RICHARDS (1310-1989) DON HARDMAN (7113-2006) ALBERT KNOBLICH (2563-1992) RICH LUNDIN (6713-2003) MILO HUNGERFORD (513-LIFE-1988) USN (Ret) DUANE LUTHE-CHARLES (5821-LIFE-1999) DAVE BAILLARGEON (831-1993) GÜNTHER HOLLDORFF (207-1986) L. I. Trainee aboard U-416 25 Years Ago in our KTB KTB #4 was the first to be called our KTB Magazine. What does it mean? In the German language, it is common to run several words together to make one huge word that tells a story - then abbreviate the word for ease of communication. So we have Kriegs (war) Tage (daily) Buch (book) and when you put them all together, the word is Kriegstagebuch (literal translation = daily war book) and was shortened to KTB = ship's log. This first ever issue of our KTB (newsletter at that time) was sent on 25 May 1983 to even more people. There were no Members per se at that time and not even any dues. I was Vice President of a company in Chicago and used the company copy machine and their postage........we were only talking about a handful of people. We reported on a fellow named Roger Miklos who had claimed to have found a specially modified U-Boat sunk in the Turks & Caicos Islands (lower Bahamas chain) naturally filled with gold, jewels, art from the Louvre and naturally, escaping high ranking people from the Third Reich. The story was quickly debunked. There were two other stories we were looking into - one was about a U-Boat on the Pacific coast of Ecuador and the other was about a U-Boat with uranium aboard headed for Japan at the end of the war. The first was later found to be untrue while the latter was...................well, you'll see. We informed the readership about a guy named Heinz Houben who claimed to have been I.W.O. on several boats then Skipper of a Type XXI on war patrol in the South Atlantic. All totally FALSE! The boats he claimed to have served aboard were all lost with all hands and the U-number he gave for his Type XXI was actually assigned to a Type XXIII that was never built and there were no Type XXI boats in the South Atlantic. KTB #4 was three pages and done on that manual typewriter and we were still a very small group indeed. Today we are more than 7,300 Members in 76 countries, some of which no longer even exist. How far we have come! 16th 17th 17th 17th 17th 21st 21st 22nd 22nd 24th 25th 25th 28th 29th FRANK RACZ (1471-1990) RADM VLADIMIR GRISHANOV (2533-1992) RICHARD ARNOLD (3601-C-1994) JOE FRANCE (6523-2002) ION SOLTAN (7096-2006) DETLEV ZIMMERMANN (247-LIFE-1987) Diving planesman aboard U-315 JOHNNIE JOHNSON (4736-LIFE-1996) CARL REICHL (1197-LIFE-1989) RICH FARNHAM (2523-LIFE-1992) Captain THOMAS MALONE (1415-LIFE-1990) STEVE GROHE (1312-LIFE-1989) MSGT DAVID HAGEN (3813-1994) ARTHUR JACOBSON (2154-A/LIFE-1992) LARRY DINKIN (6949-2005) HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you from our more than 7,300 Members in 76 countries, and we wish you MANY MORE! Remember – we don’t know your birthday until you tell us. No, it was NOT on your Membership application – you must tell us. And no, it not ‘special people’ who are mentioned here – it is any and all Sharkhunters Members who tell us their birthday. PAGE 4 Comments on our eKTB eKTB #208 was sent via email to those Members who chose to receive theirs immediately – and with color photos. Some remarks: a Member in Canada: “Just read part of the eKTB – great articles! Real nice pictures to go with them. This is the stuff I love to read and learn about.” from RAUL COLON (7194-2007): “One of the best eKTB yet. Great stuff!!!!” from DON NEAR (7317-2008): “Well, you sure do have one great eKTB. I had to stop reading #208 a few minutes ago to tell you this. It is so damn spellbinding I can’t read it fast enough – just great detective work. I love the Pete’s Periscope and all the spook info. I just can’t believe how good all this stuff is. Ain’t no fiction book as good; better even than my favourite Clive Cussler! That’s a hell of a good piece about H-G Hess. He would be happy. Keep the truth coming.” KTB #209 By HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) This is the beginning of a very long treatment on the part that Argentina played – knowingly or not – not only in WW II but also for decades before the war began – and for many years afterward. This series actually began in KTB #206 when I reported on my visit to this really country, with rather light tourist type photos but now we get down to serious history. You will read parts of this history in this section but also more in regular features such as PETER’s PERISCOPE, the Intelligence Page, Spook Stuff as well as other articles that appear for perhaps one issue only. You will have to gather the facts as they are released in each of these pieces and piece them together in a logical order…..just like in school with the exception that this is REAL history, not the simple warm oatmeal they put in the politically correct books – the real history! We may even go back over some facts that we’ve given previously but it all goes to paint the complete picture. We will however, sometimes use false names to make sure than no living person had their live uprooted by……well, by anyone. _____________________________ Baron Ludwig, from our research, was not doing well with the family fortune in Germany and so, went to Argentina to manage the ‘Estancia’ for the Schaumburg-Lippe family. He died shortly after the end of WW I and his grave stands on a rise in a huge field next to an Argentine pine tree, overlooking his beloved ‘Estancia’. A logical place to begin would be with the crushing defeat of the Kaiser’s cruiser squadron under command of Admiral Graf von Spee in the area of the Falkland Islands in the early stages of the First World War. The cruiser light DRESDEN (photo on page 1) was the only ship to survive, and it dashed off into the Magellan Strait to avoid destruction. While transiting the Strait, young Oberleutnant zur See Wilhelm Canaris made intricate studies of the multitude of hidden harbors and coves all along the way – and there were dozens! These were known as “U-Plätze” which meant hidden places. They were not secret bases as some novelists would have one believe. They were merely hidden harbors and coves with hard to see entrances, tell trees and deep water. In true German fashion, each one of these “U-Plätze” was given a number and all the specifics were recorded such as where the entrance lay; sailing directions into the entrance; distance to nearest civilization; distance to main steamer routes; depth of the water, type of holding bottom; direction of prevailing winds; how many ships of what size could remain hidden in there and much more information. Photo above – the Baron’s grave. Photo below – the view from his grave. After DRESDEN made her successful passage through the Straits of Magellan, Canaris disembarked in southern Chile and for whatever reason, went – by horseback – over the Andes into the western edge of the district of Patagonia in Argentina. He went to a huge, which we will merely call ‘Estancia’ for this piece. Canaris was welcomed at ‘Estancia’ and stayed there for some time. For decades before and after this visit, ‘Estancia’ was owned by the German princely house of Schaumburg-Lippe. The manager of ‘Estancia’ was a German nobleman, Ludwig Graf von Bülow. That is a familiar name inasmuch as OTTO von BÜLOW (305-+-1987) was skipper of U-404 and holder of the Knights Cross. Furthermore, the wife of another U-Boat Skipper was of the familie von Bülow. It is not a large family. KTB #209 Canaris went the 20 or so miles to the nearby town, which we will call ‘Stadt’ for this piece, and found that it was just like Bavaria. This was a sleepy little town of a few hundred people and hundreds of miles from the nearest neighboring town. It was an ideal place, and apparently the seeds of an idea were planted with Canaris in that tiny town of ‘Stadt’. PAGE 5 Happy Birthday! Members celebrating their birthdays in July include: 1st 1st 3rd 3rd 3rd 4th Captain JAMES GAVIN (1058-1989) DAVID SHAW (1395-1990) GÜNTHER BUDDENBAUM (1229-LIFE-1992) SHEILA BREVOGEL (1676-LIFE-1990) ROBERT BRANEN (4847-LIFE-1996) ALFRED RUDOLF (228-1986) U-Bootfahrer, rode several boats. 4th PAUL GATZKE (1222-1989) Cook on Kriegsmarine supply ship. Cdr. FRANCO deBERARDINIS (6771-2004) 4th With Decima MAS then USN SEALS 5th DALE SIMPSON (4036-LIFE-1994) JESS BONDS (7038-2006) 6th 8th LAWRENCE NOTHDURFT (5510-A/LIFE-1998) 8th AUGUST KLUGER (6505-2002) JAMES HILL (805-1988) 11th 13th Adm. VALENTIN SELIVANOV (2545-1992) C.O. Russian Naval Administration (Retired) 18th Prof. RENEÉ von WÖRDE PhD (887-1988) 20th BILL REED (13-LIFE-1983) USN destroyer veteran – Sharkhunters Advisory Board. 21st JAMES SANTOS (4896-A/LIFE-1998) 22nd Dr. JACK WOLPER (945-C-2005) 23rd ZEL EATON (55-LIFE-1984) Retired Spook – Sharkhunters Advisory Board 23rd JAN BEGG (310-1987) 24th MIKE EPSTEIN (5-LIFE-1983) US Army veteran – 82nd Airborne. 27th ROLAND IHLE (5511-C-1998) 28th WILLIAM GROSS (2877-1993) Radarman aboard USS BROOKLYN in World War II HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you from our more than 7,300 Members in 75 countries, and we wish you MANY MORE! Remember – we don’t know your birthday until you tell us. No, it was NOT on your Membership application – you must tell us. And no, it not ‘special people’ who are mentioned here – it is any and all Sharkhunters Members who tell us their birthday. Argentina’s Place in the War (cont’d) Oberleutnant zur See Wilhelm Canaris went up through the ranks to become Admiral Canaris and was commanding the Abwehr, the German Secret Service. In the photo right, we see him at the rank of Korvettenkapitän. What Canaris apparently saw in this little town of ‘Stadt’ was a reflection of the German state of Bavaria. There were the mountain like the Alps, the Alpine type lakes, it was near to a German owned ranch (the ‘Estancia’) and best of all, it was hundreds of miles from the nearest large city – a very long way from even another town. We believe that the seeds were already planted with Canaris for a German town here is a remote area, far away from anyone’s eyes. These photographs are NOT Bavaria but rather they are a little town that we call ‘Stadt’ far away in Argentina. There are the mountains across the Alpine type lake, and the buildings in town are just as you would find in Bavaria. But they are not Bavaria and not old photos. These photos were taken in January 2008 Membership PRIDE! From RICK FOGEL (7281-2007) when he returned to receiving the Sharkhunters daily HOT MAIL: “Here is my email to get back on the HOT MAIL. Proud to be a Member of Sharkhunters – wish I could have joined years ago. I really enjoy reading about the heroes of the Vaterland and I respect them as any other veteran! Once again; proud to finally be a Member!” Glad to have you wish us now and for a long time RICK. PAGE 6 Remember – we said that you would have to pull things together from various articles and features that are running in the KTB for many months to make a clear – well, fairly clear – idea of what went on in Argentina and more important – WHY. There will be much more on this as we go forward. (Cont’d on page 10) KTB #209 by MIKE KOSS U-967 was commissioned 11 March 11 1943 and originally commanded by ObLt Loeder; later to FK (then KL) Albrecht Brandi, a Knight’s Cross winner. At the end of the boat’s career ObLt Eberhard (July, 1944) took command. May, 1944 “We hope our schnorkel course will be deducted from our leave time; it will bring us luck in the Mediterranean.” Waldmar Jahn Oblt (ING) and LI U-967 ran a patrol in the North Atlantic under Loeder and lost a man overboard. Brandi took command in the Med to sink the USS FLECHTELER, a destroyer during May 1944. U-565 U-565 was commissioned April 10th, 1941 under the command of ObLt Jebsen, later by Knight’s Cross winner KL Wilhelm Franken and completed its career under KL Fritz Henning. U-565 ran 18 war patrols. After running two patrols in the North Atlantic under Jebsen, U-565 broke through Gibraltar in November, 1942 and operated in the Med for the rest of her career. Some of the Mediterranean patrols were off Oran and Algerian coasts December 1942 and an anti invasion mission near Salerno in September 1943. In November, U-565 faced British forces off the islands of Leros and Coos. U-565 sank the British light cruiser NAIAD in May 1942, a British destroyer PARTRIDGE, and in November 1943, two unidentified British submarines. EDITOR NOTE – On 15 November 1943, U-565 fired at a submarine and heard a detonation of her first torpedo at 3 minutes 42 seconds and it is probable that this accounted for the loss of HMS SIMOON which went missing at this time. They heard what was probably end of run detonation of 13 minutes for the second torpedo. The second attack on a British submarine came on 20 November 1943 and there is no confirmation. U-565 was docked in Salamis Harbor during the time when the engineer and other members of the crew visited and trained aboard U-235 during May. The luck Waldmar Jahn wished was not to be, for his boat U-565 was bombed by Allied forces and damaged so severely that it was decommissioned and scuttled in Salamis harbor. Five men were lost during the bombing. th June 11 , 1944 “With the help of U-235, we have become enthusiastic Schnorkelers! Our thanks for the friendly reception! With the schnorkel we will intensify battle with the enemy again! ….Also in the Mediterranean.” Johan Oswald Prior KTB #209 Lt (ING) and LI U-967 (Brandi) U-967 remained in Toulon Harbor while Prior took training aboard U-235 in the Baltic Sea. Later in the summer, Allied forces bombed Toulon and damaged U-967 so badly that it was decommissioned. The emblem needs no explanation. June 20th, 1944 “One can only say: Fine, ei, ei! High lives the schnorkeling! Hearty thanks for the schnorkel training, all the best and great success for U-235, wishes the schnorkel delegation of the sister boat U-230; (Two – Three – Hole).” Helmut Friedrich ObLt (ING) and LI Walter Rau Ober Masch Maat Hanno Brumotte Maat U-230 U-230 was commissioned 24 October 1942 and originally commanded by KL Seigmann. U-230 operated in the North Atlantic and one mission of mine laying in Chesapeake Bay. On 5 December 1943, U-230 broke through Gibraltar and operated in the Mediterranean sinking several landing craft, and a sub chaser PC-558 at Anzio. ObLt z.S. Erbach took command on 17 August. Four days later the boat was scuttled in Toulon Harbor after severe damage from an air attack. U-230 carried the emblem of the 9th flotilla in Brest. A detailed story of U-230 can be found in Herbert Werner’s “Iron Coffins”. This well researched piece on the history of U-235 will continue next page and the new feature regarding Argentina’s place in World War II (and beyond) will continue further on in this issue. PAGE 7 Happy Birthday! Members celebrating their birthdays in August include: 2nd 2nd 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 11th 15th 17th 19th 23rd 26th 27th 28th 28th 29th 29th DARCY BIRKHOLZ (864-1988) GARY ZIMMERMANN (2595-LIFE-1992) He rode USS ATULE (SS 403) MARTIN FERNANDEZ (6522-2002) Currently serving, US Army in Korea TOM FYDRYK (5289-LIFE-1997) PAUL DeBacco (7321-2008) JOHN DRAGO (6798-2004) USN SeaBee Captain ALFRED McLAREN PhD (5835-1999) Skipper USS QUEENFISH (SSN 651), President Emeritus Explorer’s Club BILL DUNN (1019-1989) DOUG COOK (6013-2000) CHRIS WILLS (1935-A/LIFE-1991) USCG (Ret) CHARLES SWEENEY (7121-2006) USN SeaBee G. FRANK REYNOLDS (4935-1996) CHRIS HARRIS (6422-2001) JAMES KENNEDY (6284-2001) Radarman in WW II aboard LCI-425 YOYA KAWAMURA (1739-LIFE-1991) Sharkhunters Far Eastern Representative TILMAN HESS (5817-LIFE-1999) Attorney, son of H-G HESS (125-+-1985) HAROLD ‘Butch’ GAY (286-1987) Chopper pilot and nephew of Ens. GEORGE GAY (3300-+-1993) Admiral FELIX GROMOV (2542-1992) Chief of Russian Navy (Retired) HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you from our more than 7,300 Members in 76 countries, and we wish you MANY MORE! Remember – we don’t know your birthday until you tell us. No, it was NOT on your Membership application – you must tell us. And no, it not ‘special people’ who are mentioned here – it is any and all Sharkhunters Members who tell us their birthday. Membership PRIDE! JANE RITTER (7334-2008) is a new Member, and she wanted to get some beautiful, rare hand signed prints and to help the U-BootEhrenmal too, so she ordered two. Here is what she emailed: “The beautiful prints arrived today!! Many thanks for sending them so quickly and I appreciate receiving the free print. I wish I had discovered Sharkhunters a long time ago. I wonder how many great monthly issues I have missed. The latest one has been read completely and I’m anxiously waiting for the next one. Thanks for your finding the former U-Boat crews and giving them the credit they so earnestly deserve.” Information on how your purchase of any of our hand-signed prints with the signature of HANS-GEORG HESS (125-+-1985) on it is on page 41 of KTB #208 last month. We will send 25% of the purchase price from now until 31 July to the German U-Boat Memorial in the name of HANS-GEORG HESS. PAGE 8 The Story of U-235 (continued) June 20th, 1944 “U-235 the past master of the high art of schnorkeling already has a glorious background and by her constant activity and security rendered new possibilities and impetus to the submariners. Future results may be on the credit of U-235. Long live the ‘old sister’ U-235!” Dipl ING Rubnitz KL (ING) in Agru-Front training “Commanding officer is permitted to schnorkel experiences at the Agru-Nord” pass on (One wonders how many successful schnorkel attacks were a result of skills gained from the crew of U-235) June 29th, 1944 “The OKM Ost (Naval High Command East) was arguing about the loading time of the schnorkels. They did not leave the matter open as they delegated two representatives. With love they schnorkeled a loading time which may be considered timeless.” P.H. Mohdieck Marine Ober ING. Dipl (ING) Hundt . Schnorkel “loading time” was not defined at this writing. No date “Whether the LI is iron hard or soft, both steering deep – Bad.” Rachner ObLt (ING) Wolka Lt (ING) Gagenmüller Lt (ING Rachner served aboard U-410 which operated from February 1942 to its end in Toulon Harbor March 1944. It is assumed Rachner was with the Toulon based group which visited U-235 during the summer of 1944. Unlike Hela, Toulon was not an oasis of peace during 1944. The reference of the “LI” being hard or soft; U-235 was fitted with Anskonia’s “Iron LI” once in the eastern training front at Hela. This refers to a rudder device. LI is also the chief engineer, so there’s a pun. Apparently, at certain depths the rudder improvements were not evident to Rachner. ____________________________ Follow this well researched piece as it continues on the next page. KTB #209 July, 1944 “I came, I saw, I schnorkeled!” Kronenberg ObLt (ING) Trainer II U.L.D. Kronenberg’s last assignment was on U-555 which served as a training boat for its entire 52 month career. U-555 was commissioned January, 1941 and was sunk in “Operation Deadlight” in 1945. The U.L.D. (U-boot-Lehrdivision) was a training group located in Gotenhafen. Graduates from the two U.L.D. groups went to U-235 and others for advanced training in Hela in the Baltic Sea (northern area of Poland). July, 1944 “It is a great pleasure to meet officers of the old and proven 6th Flotilla again! To the commander and crew of the first schnorkel boat, always a happy voyage. Break your mast and sail!” U-445 was commissioned 30 May 1942 and commanded by ObLt z.S. Fenn, then ObLt z.S. Graf v. Treuberg after 11 January 1944. U-445’s early career involved operations in the North and Central Atlantic, later off Gibraltar, Freetown and the Gulf of Guinea. As with a number of submarines during the spring and summer of 1943, U-445 suffered an outbreak of diphtheria. (KL Klaus Becker, former C.O. of U-235 also suffered the same on his U-360). Karl-Heinz Peter transferred from U-445 to become an instructor at Hela. U-445 went on to an anti invasion patrol and was lost with all hands by depth charges from the British frigate LOUIS. U-445 carried the emblem of Rendsburg on the tower and the insignia of a buffalo on their hats, both originated from Fenn and crew, 1942. July, 1944 “Through U-235 we became new and enthusiastic schnorkelers. Hearty thanks to the commander and crew!” Schroeder Lt (ING) and LI Karl-Heinz Schober ObLt (ING) Karl-Heinz Peter U-518 Oblt (ING) Shown above is the original hand drawing of U-518’s emblem, sketched as they departed the Stettin yards January, 1945. The signature of Schroeder and its C.O. Offermann are on the page. Now, AO Agru-Front U-445 U-518 was commissioned 25 April 1942 and commanded by FK Brechmann, but for the balance of her career the C.O. was ObLt z.S. Offermann. This Type IXC boat ran training exercises in the Baltic during the summer of 1942 and later went to Canada where she landed an agent in New Brunswick on 9 November 1943. During the summer of 1943, U-518 ran operations in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and Panama. EDITOR NOTE – PETE PETERSEN (1113-1989) rode this boat for one patrol. The men of U-518, now under Offermann, took schnorkel training aboard U-235 then embarked for the next mission off cape Hatteras August 1944. While schnorkeling there she torpedoed the SS GEORGE ADE which survived to be sunk by a storm shortly after the attack. (We will report more on the sinking of GEORGE ADE when this series continued next month in KTB #210.) KTB #209 PAGE 9 20 Years Ago in our KTB KTB #43 was published September 1987 and we were going ahead to create an archive here in the USA. I also reported that I had left my job as Vice President of a large company in Chicago with a nice salary, to more the Sharkhunters operation to Florida and devote all my time to preserving this history. My wife of just two years KAY COOPER (161-LIFE-1985) thought I was crazy – we were expecting our first child in November. She thought it was probably a really stupid decision on my part. Argentina’s Place in the War (cont’d) As reported in KTB #206, HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) went to Argentina on a very special mission. We are now able to divulge the reasons for the expedition and what was learned. Remember, anything that would cause harm to anyone still living is either masked or is withheld. We continue with the report by HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) from page 6. A Large German School For years USS SILVERSIDES (SS 236) was docked at Navy Pier in Chicago and past mayors loved having this historic boat there, and charged the organization that ran it a mere one dollar per year for the dock space. Then came Mayor Harold Washington, a man of great controversy, and he decided that one dollar per year was not enough – and he demanded $40,000 per year! It was rumored that Mayor Harold had some friends who needed that dock space for commercial boats…..but that was only a rumor; the same for the stories that Mayor Harold liked to run around wearing a bra and women’s panties – but again, an unproven rumor. It turned out to be great for SILVERSIDES that she had to move, and she went across Lake Michigan to the town of Muskegon, where she sits today in a great museum area and is lovingly maintained. We reprinted the report of 18 June 1942 by the US Naval Attaché at Tangier about the loss of the French submarine SURCOUF. We reported the death on 3 June 1987 of HERBERT SCHULTZE (191-+-1986). HORST HASLAU (167-+-1986) was Radioman aboard U-1230 when they dropped off two agents on the coast of Maine, including our friend ERICH GIMPEL (884-1988). HORST sent us a huge packet of information with drawings, photos etc. of that landing. KTB #43 was just 12 pages long and typeset on a typewriter. You are beginning to comprehend the magnitude of this discovery by looking at the area that is so much like Bavaria as well as the construction of the buildings – very much like Bavaria. In this little town ‘Stadt’ there is a large German school (photo above) and in the photo below, we see also a large German cultural center. And the German Cultural Center Membership PRIDE! On page 40 of KTB #208 last month, we published the complaints of IAN WALLACE (7177-2007) in which he claimed HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983), Sharkhunters President, was making a fortune and he complained that he had not received his eKTB for some months and he complained about that too – but he had changed his email address and didn’t bother to tell Sharkhunters. He was offered the chance to be honorable and apologize for his errors, but he did not. DON NEAR (7317-2008) emailed: “I just finished reading 208. What a job you do, Harry. I can’t believe that meathead that thinks you or anyone else for that matter have a money machine going down there. I ran a newspaper pressroom for many years and I know what goes into printing a magazine of the quality of the KTB magazine and also all the hours it takes to do it, so I thank you for that. Some people are such morons at times, but there will always be a few. I also thank you for taking the time to email me – I forgot you are the head honcho there and it is indeed rare to hear from the head man.” Member’s comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome here and we try to reply in a timely manner. PAGE 10 Please keep in mind that there are not old photos taken years ago. These photos were taken January this year – 2008. Warsteiner beer is one of my favorite beers – when I am in Austria or Germany but imagine my surprise when I saw Warsteiner beer sold in many places in ‘Stadt’. One may wonder why this excellent beer from Germany is so popular in the outback of Patagonia. Keep reading, you’ll find that this gets more and more interesting. (continued next page) KTB #209 We continue with HARRY’s report: ______________________________ Anyone who knows me knows that I can’t speak Spanish at all, so when I went to dinner with two Argentine friends, I figured they would get stuck translating the menu for me. That’s me on the left, NAHUEL COCA (7304-2008) in the center and noted historian, researcher and author ABEL BASTI (7305-2008) on the right. There is so much about this little town that doesn’t make sense in the normal way. For instance, just prior to the war, a very large and very expensive hotel was built just outside ‘Stadt’. Why would anyone build such a magnificent hotel at such a little town so far away from any other towns? Far away from ANYTHING……. Perhaps a more pertinent question would be – why would General Dwight Eisenhower be interested in this hotel and this town? There is a photo of him standing in front of this hotel apparently before he was President and if so, then the photo would have been taken sometime before 1952. Remember – this is out in the wilderness. The owner of the hotel was a man of about 75 years, tall with blue eyes and hair that once was blond before it went white. He could not speak English well at all and I have no Spanish so we stumbled along with the menu – the owner speaking, NAHUEL translating into English – then an idea popped into my head. Since I do speak German fairly well, I asked the owner in German if he had an English menu. He replied, in German, that he did not – but we went on speaking in German for about two minutes. Then I asked him, in German, why he spoke such good German. OH! He looked startled for a moment, then stammered out that he was really Swiss. Okay, we’ll believe that………… The owner and his friend, obviously an Argentinean, played and sang for us. He played an accordion and his friend played the guitar, and they sang typical gaucho songs in Spanish. It was 8pm and we were the only three customers in the restaurant, so I asked him if he would play the Matrosen Lied – the sailor’s song that tells how they are sailing to attack England. No, sorry – he didn’t know that song. Okay, I went back to the table and the owner continued to play and sing the gaucho songs. About ten minutes later, I was jerked back to reality as I heard a very familiar tune and I began to sing along. It WAS the Matrosen Lied! He went all the way through that song, then moved directly into the Panzer Lied – the song of the armored divisions. What idiot would take a photo of a parking lot – of the pavement of a parking lot? I guess I’m that idiot, but if you travel Germany much, you will recognize these paving stones – they are used all over Germany and Austria for street and parking lot paving. But this photo was taken at another luxury hotel in Chile – also very far away from anything else. He smiled when he saw the startled look on my face – he smiled, gave me a ‘thumbs up’ and continued. For a Swiss, he sure knew his German military marches…..and the food was great too. KTB #209 We’ll look at this hotel in KTB #210 next month; this hotel where, until recently, hundreds of veterans came together every year on 20 April. You can probably guess why. If not, we’ll tell you. PAGE 11 NOW AVAILABLE in North America! Finally, you can purchase EXECUTION FOR DUTY, written by PETER HANSEN (251-LIFE-1987) from Amazon Books. 15 Years Ago in our KTB KTB #97 was published some 15 years ago and we were running the memories of GERD RICHTER (214-+-1986), the radioman aboard U-81 under FRIEDERICH GUGGENBERGER (269-+1987) when they sank the aircraft carrier HMS ARK ROYAL in the western Mediterranean. We were also running the story by Captain ARTHUR MOORE (533-1988) about the United States Merchant Marine in World War II. LOU HANSEN (2587-1992) reported that apparently there was an early-war action between USS R-1 (SS 78) and an unidentified German U-Boat off Bermuda on 16 April 1942. We listed all the U-Boats that were in the area NW of Bermuda and east of Cape Hatteras and wondered which boat it could have been. We also listed all the boats off the American East Coast in early 1942. PETER HANSEN (251-LIFE-1987) covered Stalin’s dogged, blind view that despite evidence that BARBAROSSA was coming, he would not believe it. PETER goes into the reasons why Stalin refused to believe the obvious. This book is the factual, dramatic, fascinating, intriguing thriller for demanding, curious readers looking for historical accuracy. New startling and humane insights from the very inside! Makes a wonderful present for all people and veterans alike. CLASSIFIED AD Handmade Replica Metal and Enamel U-Boat Cap Devices Classified ads bring results! Contact us for the rates. COPYRIGHT Reminder As always, there is great history on the pages of our KTB Magazine. Please remember that each and every one of our Sharkhunters KTB Magazines is copyrighted and everything in each and every issue is also copyrighted. Back to Germany, Austria, Poland Start saving up your vacation days – Sharkhunters are returning to olde Europe on two Patrols in 2008. On the “Southern Patrol” we visit Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. On the “Northern Patrol” we visit Germany and Poland. Details are in this issue and also on the website now. PAGE 12 Lager Siegfrieg…..Rottach am Egern We were trying to learn details about this place – we believe it had plenty to do with the escape route of thousands who flew Europe. It is mentioned in the book “Escape from the Bunker”. We continued the story about R-Boats by ALFRED NUESSER (1092-+-1989). He rode the R-Boats from the Caucasus to the Mediterranean. We gave a short history of the battleship HMS MALAYA which was seriously damaged by U-81 in the same attack that sank HMS ARK ROYAL. Dr. HEINZ SCHLICKE (1820-1991) was one of the scientists that the US grabbed up in Operation PAPERCLIP and he gave us insights into the ride across the Atlantic in U-234. Dr. JUDE STACKPOLE (1334-+-1990) was vigorously digging into the codes used and especially the Triton code, which was not broken by the Allies but the Allies had the code. To any intelligent person, that would indicate that someone on the inside either gave or sold these codes to the Brits. JUDE wondered if Admiral Canaris (right) was so anti-Hitler that he could also be anti-German. JUDE never got to the end of his search. He was riding his motorcycle on a bright, sunny Saturday morning and someone blew through a stop sign and killed him instantly. When we asked JUDE’s son, a lawyer, for copies of JUDE’s research papers he told us that he just ‘threw all that junk out’ so we’ll never know. We were running more of the long piece by VICTOR HAWKINS (1364-+-1990) on the Royal Navy submarines. There was more of the essay ‘Conduct of the War at Sea’ written by Großadmiral Karl Dönitz. We announced that MANFRED ROEDER (15171990) had just become a grandfather! We gave the specifications for the French submarine SURCOUF and a photo. KTB #97 was typeset by Pen Harms on a computer, 28 pages in length but by being typeset on a computer, we got more onto 28 pages than we did before on a typewriter-set KTB of 32 pages. KTB #209 from REMBRANDT It is best to begin this section with an idea of what you will read here. Very simply – who did and who did NOT die in Germany at the end of the war and who did or did not die in South America. Our S.E.I.G. Agent REMBRANDT was in the Spook World until his recent retirement, and he sent us a very thick file compiled by other professional agents on Dr. Josef Mengele. You will read that many governments closed the file on Mengele when it was reported that he was swimming in the Pacific Ocean off Chile, suffered a massive stroke and drowned. Mengele’s home in Hönhof, Paraguay Please keep in mind also that these reports were compiled mostly by ‘Nazi hunters’ so you may have to excuse some of the rhetoric. Okay – that being said, we begin. Peter xxxx 5 December 2007 This will be complex to explain and I fear this thread will be attacked by the Borg. I have sent off some emails and will have more information shortly – I hope. It is a complex story to unfold and it will take some days to post all the relevant information. First, I met in Los Angeles Tony xxx xxxxxx and his wife Suzanne at a Christic Institute event. Tony was Dutch and during World War II, an intelligence officer for the Free Dutch Forces and a Nazi Hunter. I told him about my uncle Raphael (the man who coined the word Genocide, wrote Genocide Convention, legal expert at Nürnberg) and we started to talk. He told me about how he and his wife were hired by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Los Angeles, to find Josef Mengele and how they found him alive (after the CIA, USG, Press, Posner and others had reported him dead). Parts of my email are private, but this is a portion from 2005: Dear Peter, Indeed, this is a voice from the past. We do remember meeting you than at Jan’s home and giving you the first day ‘Kennedy Murder’ copies of TIME, LIFE etc. I’m now 85 years old and quite invalid (on night oxygen due to the altitude here) and can no longer drive etc. but fortunately, I can still hear, see and think. In 1990 we left California for Holland where we stayed until 2000 and returned here to xxxxxxx. When I retired and left Holland I donated all my research to them. They have an incredible collection of information, particularly on the US, for international researchers like you. KTB #209 My name is Eva Kor. I am a twin who at age 10 survived Dr. Mengele’s experiments at Auschwitz. Fifty-four years ago the world didn’t know about me or the truth of what was being done to us. For the past month I have been exposed to a systematic distortion of the facts and truth for the purpose of sensationalism, a personal vendetta and a sick political agenda. This attack has been conducted by ‘Der SPIEGEL’ and a reporter by the name of Bruno Schirra – a vindictive grandson of a holocaust survivor. EDITOR NOTE – Der SPIEGEL is a very large magazine in Germany. Spiegel means mirror. It is beyond me to understand how a beautiful meeting of two adversaries, namely Dr. Münch, an SS doctor from Auschwitz and me, a survivor, could be misconstrued to be anything other than what is was. We met in Auschwitz in January 1995. We hoped to heal the pain, teach the truth and to prevent prejudice. I harmed Dr. Münch by inviting him to Auschwitz and exposing him to a reporter like Bruno Schirra who cannot accept that there was one decent human being who was an SS doctor in Auschwitz. With the help of my sister in Israel, I located 122 individuals who were surviving Mengele twins. We, the surviving Mengele twins, were the darlings of the media. That ‘glory’ did not last long. In June 1985 a bunch of dry bones was dug up in Embu, Brazil. A team of many forensic experts from the USA, Brazil, Germany and Israel studied the badly crushed dry bones for a total of 14 days and then issued a statement to the press that they were 99% sure these were Josef Mengele’s bones. We survivors were not part of this investigation and had no input, nor were our opinions sought. In 1992 the final report of the Mengele investigation was issued by the U.S. Justice Department. This is a 600 page report titled: “In the Matter of Josef Mengele, a Report to the Attorney General of the United states” On page 169 it states: “It was learned that Karl-Heinz (Mengele’s nephew and stepson) and Hans Sedelmeier (the Mengele family attorney) met with Dr. Münch after the date of Mengele’s purported death. They wanted to ascertain his opinion concerning Mengele’s chances of acquittal if he were put on trial. Münch told Sedelmeier and Karl-Heinz that he had no doubt that Mengele would be found guilty. Not surprisingly, Dr. Münch assumed from the conversation that Josef Mengele was alive and his whereabouts were known to Sedelmeier and Karl-Heinz Mengele. After reading this, I thought to myself – So the Mengele family went to see Dr. Münch to ask him if Josef Mengele’s corpse would be found guilty or innocent. Absurd! I determined I must verify this by finding Dr. Münch and talking to him. I asked Dr. Münch about Josef Mengele and the visit of Karl-Heinz Mengele and Hans Sedelmeier. He said, They came to see me two times to ask me if Josef Mengele would be found guilty. I interrupted him and said Josef Mengele is already dead, wasn’t he? No, Sedelmeier replied. He was alive and well in 1982 but he is tired of hiding. (continued next page) PAGE 13 10 Years Ago in our KTB The sad front cover of KTB #135 had that famous photo of OTTO KRETSCHMER (122-+-1985), the top submarine Skipper of any navy in WW II. “Silent” OTTO had just been killed in a terrible accident aboard a cruise boat on the Donau River near München. He and Mrs. Kretschmer were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary and on 3 August 1998 he fell down the stairs, hit his head and went into a coma from which he didn’t recover. He died two days later on 5 August. The making of the two Pearl Harbor scapegoats (Admiral Kimmel and Major General Short) prepared by FRANK WEINGART (842-1988) put a spotlight on how the two officers were set up to take the heat for the ‘surprise’ attack by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor. There was more on the actions – and demise, of U-162. There was a trip report from our 1998 “Northern Patrol” with photos, of course. PETER’s PERISCOPE by PETER HANSEN (251-LIFE-1987) covered Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg (photo right) and his failed coup attempt. His brother, Count Berthold Schenk von Stauffenberg was caught up in the web and even though he had nothing to do with the plot, he suffered the same fate at the end of a strand of piano wire. PETER also revealed the involvement of Britain’s MI-5 in this and other failed attempts on Hitler’s life – they supplied the plastic explosives that were used. The KTB Magazine at that time was 28 pages in length and done on a computer. Plastic Surgery Clinic….in 1945 I guess we forgot to mention – when we were in the little town of ‘Stadt’, we found a large hotel that was built in 1945, the last year of the war. However, this place was not built initially as a hotel. It was built as a plastic surgery clinic in 1945 – the last year of the war – in this little town – far away from just about everything. It seemed like every time we found the answer to one riddle, five more unsolved riddles popped up……...and we could see that there was almost no end to the history we were uncovering. You will continue to be amazed at what we learned. Do you want to come with us next time? Keep reading……….. PAGE 14 Died……..or Escaped (continued) Before we continue here, let’s see if we have this correct. The governments of the world, USA and Germany among them, had declared Josef Mengele was dead prior to 1979 but this lady spoke with Mengele’s lawyer and his stepson – and they both confirmed that Mengele was alive in 1982 – some three years after he was declared dead? Remember – it was also major world governments that publically proclaimed that Hitler and Bormann were both dead in Berlin in the days before the Red Army overran Berlin – but privately, acknowledged that they did not die then or there. Okay, let’s continue with what Eva Kor learned. She continues: Ithought to myself; ‘Wow! That means Josef Mengele was alive in 1982’ If that is true, he could not be buried in Embu, Brazil, and those bones that were buried in 1979 and dug up in 1985 could not be his. I still wonder where Dr. Mengele is today and what happened to our Auschwitz files. NOTE from Peter xxxxx – Posner of the CIA said Mengele was buried in Embu – case closed. Appendix from the government report on Mengele 169 (He) refused to take part in the diabolical selection process at Auschwitz, was acquitted of war crimes by the Government of Poland in 1947. It was learned that Karl-Heinz Mengele (Mengele’s nephew and stepson) and Hans Sedelmeier met with Münch after the date of Mengele’s purported death. According to Münch, Sedelmeier and Karl-Heinz wanted to obtain Münch’s opinion concerning Mengele’s chances of acquittal if he were put on trial. Munch told Sedelmeier and Karl-Heinz that he had no doubt that Mengele would be found guilty. Not surprisingly, Münch assumed from the conversation that Josef Mengele was alive and his whereabouts were known to Sedelmeier and Karl-Heinz Mengele. In addition, Israeli investigators uncovered a letter dated 8 March 1979, approximately one month after Josef Mengele’s purported death. This letter was typewritten by Almuth Mengele, Rolf’s wife, to Josef Mengele on the occasion of what she thought to be his 69th birthday. In the letter, she wished her father-in-law a happy birthday and described new developments in the life of her family. In the normal course of correspondence between the Mengele family and the fugitive, this letter would have been sent (directly or indirectly) to the Bosserts for delivery to Josef. Before mailing the letter, son Rolf added a handwritten postscript to this letter, which was addressed to the Bosserts. He noted that he had learned of his father’s death. Next, as is well known to the JFK Research community, Posner is a creature of the CIA and IMO and that most other good JFK Researchers spouts knowingly false US Intelligence and Government lies on the events of Dallas 11/22/63. Like John McCloy and Allen Dulles, Mr. Posner is a Wall Street lawyer. When his book appeared on JFK, I didn’t have to open it to know it was CIA disinformation, as I knew already of his misleading and CIA-figleaf book on Mengele. We can begin to see actual proof that much of what governments publish publically is not always the honest history. More on this next month. KTB #209 From VINCENT APOSTOLICO (5896-C-1999) Early operations in the Mediterranean demonstrated that engagements between surface vessels, despite being spectacular, rarely provided definitive effects. Soon it was demonstrated that control of the sea corresponded to dominance in the air. Therefore, the Regia Aeronautica had to bear ever heavier responsibilities. Since the beginning, aerial attack on ships was conducted by bombers which, despite being highly accurate, lacked enough destructive power thus demonstrating the disproportion between the means and the results. On 27 August 1940, Lieutenant Buscaglia conducted the first Italian attack employing a torpedo, thus making operational the most dangerous attack weapon against the Royal Navy. The first experimental launches of airborne torpedoes dated back to 1914. Nevertheless, Italy entered the war without a single squadron of torpedo launchers. At the end of World War One, attempts to employ aerial torpedoes were not successful due to inadequate equipment, faulty techniques and limited support from the military hierarchy, experiments continued. Several aircraft were used from the Caproni Ca.33 to the Macchi M.24 and the very latest S.55. Later on, experimentation continued on the Cant Z.506 with the dual role of torpedo bomber and bomber, even though the time of the flying boat had already reached its azimuth. Fairey SWORDFISH…..the ‘Stringbag’ Meantime the ‘Reparto Sperimentake Aerosiluranti’ (Experimental torpedo bomber group) assembled in Gorizia at the beginning of 1940 received the Savoia Marchetti SM.79 which, although not originally designed as a torpedo bomber, was a strong, fast and maneuverable aircraft, far superior to the British SWORDFISH. During the entire conflict, the British ‘Gobbo Maledetto’ (Damn Hunchback, so named for the unusual shape of the fuselage) became the standard aircraft used by all torpedo bomber squadrons representing an insidious & dangerous presence for Allied ships. The Savoia Marchetti SM.79 was designed during the mid-1930’s as a military version of the civilian transport SM.79P. This trimotor, with a mixed superstructure (wood and metal) won several speed and endurance records thanks to its 750 hp Alfa Romeo 126 RC.34 engines. Tri-motor CANT Z.506 Meantime, the war had already started and during the encounter off Calabria, British torpedo bombers made their foray into the Mediterranean aboard aircraft carriers. Despite lack of success, it was possible to anticipate the potential of this terrible new weapon. Confirmation of this potential was dramatically evident the night of 11 November 1940 when British SWORDFISH launched from the aircraft carrier HMS ILLUSTRIOUS inflicted a terrible strike against the Italian Fleet in the harbor of Taranto, dramatically altering the balance of power in the Mediterranean. EDITOR NOTE – Just two dozen SWORDFISH (photo top next column), known to their crews as ‘stringbags’ devastated the Italian Fleet at Taranto; and showed the Japanese that such an attack was entirely feasible. PAGE 15 The military version was equipped with three 12.7mm and one 7.7mm machine guns. Ordnance included bombs loaded into an internal bomb bay plus two torpedo supports under the wings. It was first used in combat during the Spanish Civil War where it demonstrated high maneuverability and speed even though it was too light and at times, unstable. It was capable of continuing flying with just two engines, capabilities which were of great use during engine failures. Excellent also was the ability of the plane to float, giving the crew time to bail out in case of a forced sea landing. On 10 August 1940 after a summary preparation, the only five SM.79 belonging to the ‘Reparto Sperimentake Aerosiluranti’ were transferred to the airport of Ciampino, just outside Rome. From here, they were then transferred to Al Adem, from where the first mission against Alexandria took place. The attack, which planned a simultaneous attack from two directions against units in port, was not very successful mostly due to the shape of the harbor itself and to adverse weather conditions. In the following months, Italy created more units and refined its weapons and techniques. Meantime, making up for all the time wasted in the previous years during 1941 the Regia Aeronautica (continued next page) KTB #209 Italian Torpedo Bombers (continued) began harvesting the first results, hitting 30 units and sinking 9. Unfortunately, the price was very high and of the 260 aircraft used, 14 were shot down and 46 damaged. Post-war statistics showed that on average, a crew was shot down after just three missions. It is time to begin the 2008 Membership Contest! And already we have several entrants – all are the Contest Leaders. WILLIS CARTO (1059-1989) ………………………..…….. 1 C. W. LOHR (1247-1989) JOHN CHATTERTON (1818-1991) ABEL BASTI (7305-2008) C. W. was out to a quick and early lead but CARTO, the publisher of The Barnes Review and also the American Free Press, has joined him as has CHATTERTON of ‘Deep Sea Detectives’ TV show as well as author BASTI – what about you other Members? You gonna’ give them a challenge? There is so much you can win in this contest – stand on it! Sorry – I used to be a racing driver. Here are the prizes for the 2008 Membership Contest Everyone wins – for each new Member you recruit, we’ll deduct $5 from your next year’s renewal dues. If you bring at least five new Members aboard, your next year’s dues are FREE. For each five new Members – another free year. Noteworthy missions took place in 1942 with the massive attack on a Malta bound convoy, the Second Battle of Sirte mid June and mid August with the increased activity came an even more furious reaction from anti-aircraft units. Meantime, the Italian aeronautical industry was trying to improve on the SM.79 by installing more powerful engines, updating onboard equipment and by increasing autonomy through the installation of fuel tanks in the bomb bay. The limitations imposed by the original design of the aircraft for civilian use were many, so in 1940 it was decided to begin working on a successor, the Savoia Marchetti SM.84. The original design was ingenious, utilizing some of the existing and highly tested components already in use on the SM.79 and developing others. In fact, the SM.84 would have the same wing on the SM.79 but more powerful engines, the Piaggio P.XI RO.40, capable of 1,000 hp. The fuselage was completely redesigned, introducing a split tail thus offering more advanced defensive control. In addition, the internal defense armament was replaced with four 12.7mm guns. Unfortunately, the SM.84 did not have the flying characteristics of its predecessor and it was prone, during takeoff, to go face down and in general, it was hard to maneuver. Despite these faults, the SM.84 was assigned to the torpedo launcher squadrons in January 1941. The 41st Stormo, so equipped, was transferred to the Aegean where it was operational until 1942 with very few positive results. GRAND PRIZE – FREE ‘PATROL’ ! During September 1941, the SM.84s of the 282nd Squadriglia based in Sardinia were deployed against a convoy which had left Gibraltar and were able to seriously damage the battleship LORD NELSON, a cruiser and another unit. But this missed intervention by the Regia Marina made the sacrifice superfluous. Later on, a new version of the plane, the SM.84bis was released, but without the expected results. So in 1942, this new model was used as a torpedo bomber but soon after, removed from service. On 8 September 1943, thirty SM.84s were captured by the Germans and mostly destroyed. The SM.79s survived the armistice and were utilized by the German controlled ‘Repubblica Sociale Italiana’ until the end of the war. ___________________________ Whoever recruits the most new Members (minimum of 20) in 2008 comes on any one of our 2009 ‘Patrols’ absolutely FREE! We continue with this article in KTB #210 next month and take up the topic of the Italian torpedoes. Watch for it. CHRIS BANDA (6733-2003) won the 2007 Contest and he is going on our “Southern Patrol” absolutely free! You can win too! Membership PRIDE! And some help. Third Prize – Free Hand-Signed Photo The Member who recruits the third most new Members (minimum of 10) will have their choice of any of our hand-signed photos, and some of them are extremely rare and quite valuable. Second Prize – Free Hand-Signed Print The Member who recruits the second most new Members (min. of 15) receives any of our hand-signed prints – their choice. Please contact us if you need brochures etc. to help you tell others about our great Sharkhunters Membership. Do you go to militaria or gun shows? Hand out the brochures. Your friend reads your KTB? Sign them up with their own Membership. The possibilities are absolutely endless! Don’t wait – get in the race. As you see by the 2007 Membership Contest results – Members DO win! The green flag is up and there’s plenty of time for you. Jump in! PAGE 16 CHESTER MERCER (5742-1999) needed another eKTB #208 sent, which we did immediately. His email that followed said: “KTB #208 arrived as you said it would. Thank you for your efforts… head a great organization!!!!! I look forward to meeting you someday.” Members comments are always welcome. KTB #209 thru PETER’s PERISCOPE PETER HANSEN (251-LIFE-1987) spent time working for the Abwehr (German Secret Service) during WW II. His information is known to a mere handful of people. He gives this secret information only to Sharkhunters. Some Member History And Shortages of Men KARL WILHELM GRÜTZEMACHER (1367-+-1990) became a Leutnant (Ing.) on 1 January 1943 and was promoted to Oberleutnant (Ing.) on 1 October 1944, attached to the Class of 1940 although not originally part of the Class. He became L.I. on U-427, commanded by Oberleutnant Graf (Count) Karl Gabriel von Gudenus, Class of 1938. U-427 was assigned to the Barents Sea Flotilla in Narvik and surrendered there in May of 1945. I imagine GRÜTZEMACHER may have been earlier a senior petty officer or petty officer for either diesel or electric engines on U-47, who was later given a commission as a so-called Volks Offizier once he participated in additional training classes and passed the applicable examinations. This was not an infrequent thing that such Obermaschinists or Obersteuermann gained commissions. Some were activated, others turned into wartime service officers. But U-47 was not one of his assignments as L.I. As you may already know, the U-Boat Service was never able to remedy the sometimes acute shortage of Leading Engineers (L.I.) and capable Engineering Officers to be assigned eventually as Directing Engineers on U-Boats. An even greater scarcity existed what concerned front experienced Engineering Officers! This problem was NEVER solved, thus Engineering Officers were often shifted around on short notice to fill open positions on emergency basis but virtually all captains fought tooth and nail with the Personnel Bureau to keep and retain such competent and front experienced Engineering Officers and senior petty officers too for that matter. During several periods of time, there existed likewise a shortage, though less acute, of trained commanders but this an on and off situation. However, from that May of 1943 onward, also known as “Black May” or the “Stalingrad at Sea”, the shortage became greater with FRONT EXPERIENCED COMMANDERS, as increasingly more of the officers shipped to the commander’s training courses and supplementary classes were men from the surface navy, from land commands, former naval air force chaps and officers who had been serving in staff positions mainly. EDITOR NOTE – About a year ago, we ran a series on the more than 100 U-Boat Skippers who were initially fliers in the Kriegsmarine. There were only numerically suitable replacements, NEVER on the needs of experience & competency in operating front U-Boats. Many of them no doubt good men, but because of lacking front experience, they were doomed for practical purposes and had barely even a chance to bring back a U-Boat from a single first patrol…..just surviving, not to mention any sinkings of course. KTB #209 Altogether 1,418 naval officers passed these various commander training and refresher courses from 1935 to 1945. This number is about equivalent to three entire naval academy prewar officer classes incidentally. A total of 538 captains remained with their sunken U-Boats or got killed while their boats were destroyed. Nine captains died in various kinds of accidents, four committed suicide at war’s end. Two were shot by navy peletons (Heinz Hirsacker and Oskar Kusch). Two were relieved of command and reduced to the ranks…… of these was Walter Köhntopp from U-995 and the other was Oberleutnant Franzke who had commanded U-3 and was later killed on a minesweeper, while Köhntopp survived his minesweeping assignment. EDITOR NOTE – As of sometime in 2006, we were informed that Walter Köhntopp was pushing to have history revised in his favor. Two more were summarily relieved from command as unsuitable and transferred to shore assignments. One died on a Japanese submarine and one more on a former Italian submarine. Wolfgang Lüth was accidentally shot a week after capitulation by a guard at night. Werner Henke was killed by guards as American POW at Fort Meade and Heinz Eck was shot by the British. EDITOR NOTE – It was Lüth himself who issued the order to the sentries that anyone who did not return the password the first time was to be shot. It was at night, Lüth was deep in thought and didn’t hear the challenge, so the sentry who was under command of GERD THÄTER (194-+-1986) fired. Lüth was killed instantly. An inquiry was held and found there was no wrongdoing – it was an accident. Henke’s death is officially listed as ‘killed while escaping’ but it is hardly an escape attempt when a POW calmly walks to the wire on a sunny day and begins climbing. He had been tricked badly by (then) Captain Dan Gallery when picked up at sea and it is thought that he was severely distressed. The story of Heinz Eck is a long one, but it boils down to the Brits waiting until the war was over and got their POWs back so there could be no retaliation from Germany, then putting Eck on trial but telling him if he swore at his trial that Großadmiral Dönitz ordered all U-Boat Skippers to machine gun men in the water, that Eck would walk out a free man. Eck realized that this would doom Dönitz to the gallows and since there was no such order, he was honorable and at the cost of his own life, he said there was no such order. Furthermore, one must realize that not each and everyone of these 1,418 officers actually were assigned as U-Boat captains, much less front U-Boat commanders for various reasons and due to different circumstances, apart from ability and competency compared to passing examinations and training classes of course, to evaluate these statistical figures and numbers properly! PAGE 17 Peacetime Submarine Disasters by CHESTER L. SOMMERS (5569-1998) There were no submarines lost due to accidents in 1944 or 1945; those were the height of the war years and most of the world’s submarines were in the war so any losses there would be combat losses and not accidental. 5 December 1946, the 256 ton French submarine ex U-2326 was lost to unknown causes off Toulon, France to unknown causes. The water depth is not known and the boat was not salvaged. The entire crew of 26 men were lost. This boat was a German Type XXIII that was surrendered in a British port in May 1945 and was renamed HMS N.35 in the Royal Navy in 1945 then given to the French in 1946. 27 June 1946, 1,290 ton Spanish submarine C-4 was accidentally rammed while running submerged by the Spanish destroyer LEPANTO eight miles off Soller in the Balearic Islands of Spain. The boat went down in 1,000 feet of water and was not salved. All 46 men were lost. No boats were lost during 1947 and 1948. Here is the running total of submarines lost in peacetime since the beginning of submarine history. England – 21 France – 15 USA – 14 Russia – 8 Japan – 7 Italy – 3 Chile – 1 Denmark – 1 Sweden – 3 Germany – 8 Netherlands – 3 Spain – 1 Meeting our Members 7051-2006 7052-2006 7053-2006 7054-2006 7055-2006 7056-2006 7057-2006 7058-2006 7059-2006 7060-2006 7061-2006 7062-2006 7063-2006 7064-2006 7065-2006 7066-2006 7067-2006 7068-2006 7069-2006 7070-2006 TOM MANNING US JAMES MOORE US GEORGE McAFEE US LYNDSEY HAMM US WILLIAM SAURER US His uncle is PAUL SAURER (296-1987) MICHAEL WARD US MICHAEL TOMKOVITCH US JAMES DOUBLE US ROBERT BONSTEAD US WAYNE TECHET US DAVID FIELD US JOHN BAGBY US Former crewman aboard P.3 ORION LEE WHEELER US TAD COWDEN US SHAWN McCLEARY US FRANCES CARDENAS US CHRIS CLIFFORD US RICHARD HLUBNY US RYAN SHAFER US REINER DÄHNERT PORTUGUAL Is your Membership Number above 7070? If it is, please send us a short CV/biog about yourself. Let the Members know who you are, what you do and what are your interests. Send a photo if you like. We’ll scan it and return it to you undamaged. In any case, please do not be a “one-liner”. Tell us about yourself. PETER’s PERISCOPE (continued from prev. page) Naturally, those wounded and injured on operations but who later on recovered are not included in these numbers but there were quite a few such officers also; some returned after hospitalization to U-Boat service; others were declared medically no longer fit for U-Boat service and transferred to either training class jobs or similar shore assignments if they were also no longer able to pass medical examinations for surface navy assignments. In this connection one must also remember that quite a few, especially of the older Reichsmarine prewar officers who became U-Boat commanders had to be reassigned after a limited number of war patrols as those were simply too demanding for men over thirty roughly. Many developed ulcers and similar stomach or digestive tract problems because of the canned food and restricted as well as repetitious diet that was provided– for lack of fresh food, meat, vegetables and fruit etc. To mention just a few things, often not realized or conveniently forgotten these days, somebody with bleeding ulcers is not generally a man able to concentrate painfully and strongly, to say the least. Eating not much else but soup and scrambled egg dishes from powdered eggs likewise, is not the most successful way to treat such health problems. Additionally, many of these same older officers also developed eye troubles and poor eyesight problems on account of the strain and the climatical conditions. If one can’t see clearly through a periscope, it is almost impossible to command a U-Boat much less operate it in operational actions. With reference to U-572 and Kapitänleutnant Heinrich ‘Heinz’ Hirsacker who had also been II. W. O. and I. W. O. on U-124 under WILHELM SCHULZ (162-+-1986) I should add that Hirsacker sunk the following ships: 16 April 1942 DESERT LIGHT 2,368 GRT Panamanian 20 April 1942 EMIRE DRYDEN 7,164 GRT British 7 August 1942 DELFSHAVEN 5,281 GRT Dutch ‘Heinz’ Hirsacker commanded U-572 on six war patrols before he was relieved and court martialed. As you know, after the war the British and later also the Americans set up and organized the various German Mine Sweeping Services. Initially, the British simply took over still existing mine sweeping flotillas and R-Boat flotillas under the command of Rear Admiral Hans Bütow, later also Vice Admiral Friederich Rüge. In some cases, the entire crews with officers were retained but in others, a part preferred to get moved to POW camps rather than sweeping mines, a rather ingrateful task. The British filled up the empty spots with volunteers from various POW camps under their direction. Sometime later similar operations were organized by the American navy too. These various operations lasted for more than ten years altogether; from 1945 to about 1956 when the rest was taken over and transferred into the new Bundsmarine largely. At the height of these operations, there was an average of 28,000 men engaged in these Mine Sweeping Commands in different sea areas. With other words, this was not some small and inconsequential set up operationally. But almost nothing is published about this and only very few people even know and remember these operations, as minesweeping and mine clearing is by and large, a thankless, dirty and rough work business!! ______________________________ (more PETER’s PERISCOPE in KTB #210 next month) PAGE 18 KTB #209 U-250 Type: Built by: Launched: Commissioned: Feldpost Nr.: Sunk: Sunk by: Location sunk: Position sunk: VII-C Germania Werft (Kiel) 11 November 1943 12 December 1943 M54453 30 July 1944 Soviet submarine M-103 and possibly assisted by sub chaser DS-910 and Soviet aircraft Koivisto Straits, Gulf of Finland Unknown (? ??? men lost) Here are comments from Captain ROBERT THEW (333-+-1987) who had served with ONI until retirement, then with the NSA: In April 1942 she began operating in the arctic and in early May she attacked convoy PQ.15 but missed an escort. At the end of June she was deployed against the expected convoy PQ.17 as part of the ‘Eisteufel’ (Ice Devil) Group and on the 10th after the convoy had scattered, she sank one ship on 5,255 tons that had been damaged earlier. In August she conducted ice reconnaissance in the Kara Sea. In late September she operated against Convoy QP.14 without success. The only Skipper of U-250 was Kapitänleutnant Schmidt. After training and shake-down operations in the Baltic, U-250 went into the Gulf of Finland to attack Soviet shipping but was herself sunk. Only six of the crew were rescued. NOTE – There is some question whether M-103 was a submarine or a sub chaser. U - 251 Type: Built by: Launched: Commissioned: Feldpost Nr.: Sunk: Sunk by: Location sunk: Position sunk: VII-C Bremer Vulkan (Vegesack) 26 July 1941 20 September 1941 M15758 19 April 1945 RAF aircraft from Squadrons 143, 235 and 248 assisted by Norwegian aircraft of the 333 Squadron So. of Gothenberg 56º 37’ N x 11º 51 E’ (3 39 men lost) First C. O. of U-251 was Kapitänleutnant (later Korvettenkapitän) Heinrich Timm (photo left) from commissioning until turning over command to Oberleutnant zur See Sack. Command then passed to Oberleutnant zur See Joachim Sauerbier who had served aboard U-120 and U-56 but who was killed in action aboard U-251. U-251 was first attached to the 13th U-Boat Flottille based in Trondheim as a frontboot. She operated heavily in Arctic waters against Allied convoys to Russia between April 1942 and June of 1943. She took part in the famous battle against the ill-fated Convoy PQ.17. KTB #209 Kapitänleutnant Timm (white cap) looks on as his crew is given a sendoff on a new mission. Ships Sunk by U-251 under Timm 03.05.42 JUTLAND Brit stmr 6,153 GRT 10.05.42 EL CAPITAN Pana stmr 5,255 GRT (EL CAPITAN had been previously damaged by bombs from JU 88 bombers of III./K.G. 30 on 6 July.) ______________________________ EDITOR NOTE – A Sharkhunters Member found the wreck of U-251 some years ago, but keeps the location secret. Welcome BULGARIA! When STEFAN STANCHEV (7341-2008) came aboard as a new Member, BULGARIA became the 76th nation in which there are Sharkhunters Members. There are now almost 7,400 Sharkhunters Members in 76 countries including some countries that don’t even exist any longer. Which country will be the 77th nation in Membership? Remember, the sun is always shining on Sharkhunters Members somewhere in the world. Sharkhunters in 76 Countries! PAGE 19 bÇ XàxÜÇtÄ ctàÜÉÄ We just learned that our good friend Major General PYOTR BARABOLYA (1936-+-1991) of the Soviet Navy has received his Final Orders and has begun his Eternal Patrol. Old U-Boat Memories This FT about U-45 of WWI, sent to us by HANS PUSTELNIK (7269-2007), was his father Sepp Pustelnik who wrote the original letter to Herr Schulte. It was translated by JASON BULKELEY (7254-2007). We continue here from KTB #208. ____________________________ REPORT OF RADIOTELEGRAPH OPERATOR JOSEF PUSTELNIK on the sinking of the S.[M.]S. U-Boat [U-] 45 and the eventual fate of both rescued personnel On 5 September 1917, the U-45 departed on a special mission from Helgoland harbor to the English coast. The next day, 6 September, the U-boat sent a telegram reporting all well on board. The voyage continued through the North Sea up to the Orkney Islands. Shortly before reaching them, upon reaching the Pentland Firth, the U-boat submerged and resurfaced just on the other side of the crossing. They stayed submerged from that point, continuing northerly around Scotland, passing the island of Saint [K]ilda. From there, they continued to the North Channel, which separates Ireland from Scotland and forms the entrance to the Irish Sea. In 1992 when our Sharkhunters “Russian Patrol” was in Moscow, HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) visited with PYOTR in a rest sanatorium. No it’s not a misprint – he was a Major General in the Soviet Navy, but that’s another story. Farewell PYOTR my friend – fair winds and smooth seas to you. Other Actions Japanese submarines 23 December 1943, the I.J.N. submarine Ro.111 under command of Kapitänleutnant Naozo Nakamura, sank the 7,934 ton British steamer SS PESHAWUR at 11º 11’ N x 80º 11’E. 13 March 1944, Ro.111 still under command of Kapitänleutnant Nakamura, sank the 3,962 ton Indian steamer SS EL MADINA at 20 54’ N x 89 36’E. These were the only actions initiated by Ro.111 or Nakamura during World War II. Just three months later, on 11 June 1944, Ro.111, still under command of Nakamura, was attacked and sunk at 00º 26’N x 149º 16’E by the destroyer USS TAYLOR (DD 468). Membership PRIDE! Email from Lt. Col “MAD” MAX RIEKSE (7109-2006): “Thanks for NOT being anti-German; just good history, research and setting the record right is great. Keep up the good work.” On 11 September the sub reached Ballycastle Lighthouse and came so near to land that the crew could have thrown a stone at the lighthouse. Until then, no enemy ships were sighted, so the commander, “Captain Sittenfeld,” decided to return back to the North Channel, to begin a new foray into the Atlantic Ocean, where traffic was heavier, promising a tidy haul. Around 11:00 pm, radio telegraph operator Pustelnik intercepted and deciphered an enemy radio transmission, the contents of which are as follows: “A convoy of six supply ships from America coming. Await escort destroyer on quadrant [I]B 50 miles NE. of the Scottish coast.” When the commander was handed this telegram, he immediately decided to get ahead of the destroyers and destroy the convoy. So he turned around again in the North Channel, passing the Irish Sea and arriving at the agreed-upon checkpoint through the Saint George Channel. That way, he could get ahead of the enemy destroyers on the spot by 24 hours, and be ready to get to work completely unhindered by them. At around 9:00 am on the 12th, the commander, who was standing watch at the tower, sighted an enemy sub far away. It wasn’t possible to make out the exact type of ship, due to the extremely turbulent sea, which was swelling from 11-12. He ordered his radio telegraph operator to send pre-arranged recognition signals with his equipment to ascertain the type and to be certain that it was an enemy ship. The presumed enemy didn’t respond, so the captain ordered his telegraph operators to repeat the attempt one more time at 1000 hours. Once again, there was no response. At that, the captain said “good, we’ll wait some more.” His telegraph operator called again, unsolicited, at 1100 hours, without waiting for his commander’s orders. He kept sending the signals in question for more than 20 minutes, again without success. At 12:00 noon when his watch ended, the commander proceeded below decks, ate his lunch in peace and then lay down to rest a little. The acting commander, Lieutenant Commander at Sea Schmidt, took over his watch . From then on, Lieutenant Commander Schmidt was at the Tower, [in addition to] the three men of the watch, an off-duty Chief Petty Officer, and for a short while Pustelnik and Stoker Babbel, who would soon be off-duty. (continued in KTB #210 next month) KTB #209 PAGE 20 Fighter ACES (begun in KTB #200) We continue with the fighter ACES of the various air forces of the war. You know that a fighter pilot with five or more aerial victories is considered an ACE. For some reason, the list of Soviet ACES does not begin at 5 victories either but rather in the teens. We go up one level and now alphabetically list the fighter ACES credited with 6 victories: Captain Charles Adams Lt. Col. John Alison Captain Stanley Adams 1st Lt. Lester Arasmith Rudolph Augarten USAAF -2 1st Lt. Ellis Baker Lt. (jg) James Bare Lt. (jg) James Barnes Lt. Col. Robert Baseler Major Henry Bille Major Lawrence Blumer Lt. (jg) Robert Blyth Lt. Cdr. Arthur Brassfield USAAF USAAF USAAF USAAF Israel - 4 USAAF USN USN USAAF USAAF USAAF USN (6½victories) USN The USN WILDCAT was a hot fighter Cdr. Charles Brewer Lt. Johnnie Bridges Lt. Col. John Bright USAAF – 3 1st. Lt. Harley Brown Major Harry Brown Major Meade Brown Lt. Cdr. Carland Brunmier Major George Buck Lt. (jg) William Burchkalter Captain Robert Byrne Lt. Matthew Byrnes Major Raymond Callaway Captain Richard Campbell 1st Lt. Richard Candelaria Captain Raymond Care Captain Kendall Carlson Lt. (jg) Daniel Carmichael Lt. (jg) Charles Carroll Major James Carter KTB #209 USN (6½victories) USN AVG – 3 USAAF USAAF USAAF USN USAAF USN USAAF USN USAAF USAAF USAAF USAAF USAAF USN USN USAAF Major Creighton Chandler USMC Lt. Col. Lewis Chick USAAF Lt. Col. Chow Chi-Kei China Ens. Robert Clark USN Lt. Col. Robert Coffey, Jr. USAAF Major J. D. Colinsworth USAAF Captain Roger Conant USMC Major Walter Cook USAAF Lt. William Copeland USN 1st Lt. Ray Crawford USAAF Major Harry Crim USAAF Lt. Richard Cowger USN Lt. (jg) Melvin Cozzens USN (6½victories) Lt. Donald Cronin USN Sergeant Wenceslas Cukr Czech Captain Donald Cummings USAAF (6½victories) Captain Arthur Cundy USAAF Captain Edward Czarnecki USAAF Lt. Merl Davenport USN 1st Lt. Barrie Davis USAAF 1st Lt. Richard Deakins USAAF 1st Lt. Cecil Dean USAAF Lt. Leslie Decew USN 1st Lt. Edwin Degraffenreid USAAF Lt. Anthony Denman USN Captain Elliiott Dent USAAF 1st Lt. Joseph Dillard USMC Captain William Dillard USAAF Captain Eugene Dillow USMC Major Jefferson Dorroh USMC 1st Lt. Urban Drew USAAF URBAN “BEN” DREW (4717-1996) shot down the first Me 262 in combat. He shot down the Squadron Leader and his wingman - and sank the largest flying boat at the time. Captain William Drier USAAF Captain Frank Drury USMC Lt. (jg) Paul Drury USN (6½victories) Captain Charles DuBois USAAF Total Number of ACES Naturally, this is a totally Unofficial count, but so far we count: FIVE aerial victories: SIX victories: U. S. Army Air Force – 264 38 20 U. S. Navy – 129 U. S. Marine Corps – 37 6 I.J.N. Air Force – 8 Flying Tigers – 6 ½ Royal Canadian Air Force – 5 Chinese Air Force – 3 1 Royal Air Force – 2 Belgian Air Force – 2 Hungarian Air Force – 2 Czech Air Force – 1 1 Polish Air Force – 1 Soviet Air Force – 1 PAGE 21 By BILL ROONEY (2656-2001) Members of Garth Doyle’s crew “Sir Tropfrepus” when in China, got the idea of buying a pig from one of the farmers who could be found on the roadways in Hsin Ching hauling this item of livestock to the village in their wheelbarrows. Members of the crew bargained with this farmer using, in addition to Chinese paper money, a commodity much more valuable – cigarettes. The transaction was completed and the pig hauled off to the plane. It was decided to stash the pig, properly trussed up, in the rear unpressurized section by the putt-putt (the APU or auxiliary power unit). This particular porker weighed between 200 and 300 pounds. The crew used ropes to haul him through the rear access door, which was seven to eight feet off the ground. Crewmembers used the five or six rung ladder. Needless to say, the pig was uncooperative and engaged in plenty of kicking and snorting. After takeoff and reaching altitude, one of the crew observed the critter through the window in the bulkhead door and noticed that it wasn’t breathing in a healthy pig manner. Garth advised the crew that they had a lot of yen and rupees invested in the pig in addition to many packs of cigarettes, and they better get the pig inside the pressurized area. Meanwhile, due to some mechanical malfunction, flight Engineer Kloster reported difficulty in maintaining cabin pressure at the 8,000 feet equivalent. Accordingly, crewmembers were advised to don their oxygen masks – but what about the pig? Doyle reminded his crew of their investment which he didn’t intend to lose. Reluctantly, crewmembers had to share their oxygen with the pig, switching a mask from crewmember to pig, resulting in a joke that went “One for me, one for the pig. One for me, one for the pig!” The crew used the phrase as their inside joke long after the event. And what thanks did the crew of Sir Tropfrepus get for their adventure, with probably the only pig to touch down in India? We must remember that pigs are not known to hold back their bodily functions, especially when under stress such as making a flight over the Hump and being wrestled off the plane. _____________________________ New Outhouse on the Rock More aviation “insights” from BILL ROONEY (2656-2001) The converted ‘Rock’ outhouse was a three or four holer placed over a pit. Since the entire base was built on lava rock, any outhouse pits were necessarily not very deep. Very early on after the 45th Heavy Bomb Group was transferred to the Rock, it was determined that the pit under one of the enlisted men’s outhouses had fulfilled its purpose and a new pit had to be created. Pits in lava rock were created, not dug. To accomplish the creation of a new pit, Matt, Bennie and Pop volunteered to lead the effort since they were supposedly ex-miners with some experience in this sort of thing. Many other volunteers with little or no experience in such matters also participated. They got the necessary compressor, jackhammer and dynamite. Matt Sarish said this: “I didn’t quite agree with Pop Connors and Bennie that we drill vertically into the rock for our charge. We made one shot and only created fissures or red dust while rocking the adjacent outhouse a bit. I suggested for the next shot we drill at an angle and to increase our formula of TNT by about three sticks, which I was sure would be much more effective. We didn’t appreciate just how effective! Indeed it blew a hole in the rock to a satisfactory depth, but it also blew the adjacent outhouses out of sight!” ___________________________ Veterans remember – we want ALL your stories of your time in the war NO MATTER which branch of which military from which nation – we want ALL your memories! Please send them here and if you can enclose photographs too, all the better. We’ll scan your photos then return them unharmed. ______________________________________ The “One for me, one for the pig” drill lasted for almost four hours of the six hour long flight across the Hump. According to Kloster, the pig kicked loose and had to be rounded up and trussed down again. Upon landing in Chakulia, they found some former farm boys in the squadron to help unload the pig. However, the Flight Surgeon determined that the pig was unfit for human consumption and condemned it. However, these orders were circumvented and the pig was eaten anyhow, but was served only to the officers however, the Flight Engineer says it was served to all at the 4th of July barbeque. PAGE 22 Membership PRIDE! From HAROLD HAUBRICH (4048-1994): “I thoroughly enjoy your magazine. I read it all every time.” Regarding JOHN WALLING (7092-2006) from his daughter: “My father, John Walling, subscribes to our KTB and thoroughly enjoys it! I wish he would have found your site years earlier so I could have sent him on some of your trips. Now, his health will not allow it. Thanks! And especially thanks for the joy you’re bringing my father with all of your emails and publications.” KTB #209 As you see on the last page of this issue of this KTB, our January/February 2008 Expedition to Argentina and Chile was so successful that we are going back in early 2009 and are already in the planning stages. And yes, we need your help in the way of funding – TAX DEDUCTIBLE donations are requested. Page 44 has all details. What was the purpose of this watchtower? Who lived at this estate? Do you recognize these large circular objects? FREE – we will send a commemorative History Coffee Mug to all who donate - no matter the amount; VERY FREE – We will send Print H (hand-signed by Rear Admiral Fluckey) to all who donate $500 or more. Be part of this historic expedition by helping us with your TAX DEDUCTIBLE donations. Details on page 44. ______________________________________________________________________ Russia’s Nuclear Fleet Captain ANATOLIY SMAL (2073-1991) informed us that a new book is about to be released about the Russian nuclear Navy. It is written by the last Supreme Commander of the Soviet Navy, Fleet Admiral (five stars) VLADIMIR CHERNAVIN (2240-1992) around the end of this year. We have no word yet if it will be released in English at that time. bÇ XàxÜÇtÄ ctàÜÉÄ We just learned that Vice Admiral Komorav began his Eternal Patrol some time ago. Komorov was the deputy in the Soviet Navy behind CHERNAVIN. When HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) was in Moscow in 1991, Komorav made him welcome in the Admiralty. When COOPER was about to leave the (then) Soviet Union, Komorav came to COOPER’s Moscow apartment with a fine gift… was a beautifully mounted AKULA Class hunter killer submarine which at that time, was all but unknown to any navies outside the Soviet Union. Sail on in peace with fair winds and calm seas, Admiral Komorav. And thanks for that beautiful gift. HARRY tells us that is still sits proudly on his memory cabinet. Pride on Reaching 400,000 CHERNAVIN (with Sharkhunters cap) left and SMAL (right) This photo taken in Moscow during our 1992 “Patrol in Russia”. KTB #209 DON NEAR (7317-2008) had this to say about Sharkhunters reaching 400,000 ‘hits’ on our website: “Congratulations! That is indeed a milestone and I’m glad I’m now part of it. Keep up the good work. It is sorely needed.” PAGE 23 FREE CDs! Yes, FREE! That’s right – each & every year that you renew your Membership, you may select any one of these great CDs as your FREE GIFT. ACD-2 Music of the U-Bootwaffe; ACD-3 Music of the Wehrmacht, mostly U-Boot; ACD-4 Italian naval music; ACD-5 Music of the Luftwaffe I; ACD-6 German music from the war years; ACD-7 Russian naval and folk music; ACD-8 Music of the Luftwaffe II; ACD-9 Germany military music, mostly Kriegsmarine; ACD-10 Very funny U.S. Air Force songs; ACD-11 Japanese Navy music from World War II; ACD-12 Interview with ERICH TOPP (118-+-1985) ACD-13 Interview with BOB MAHER (221-1986); ACD-14 Sea Chanteys – Lale Anderson and original Lili Marlen; ACD-15 WASP Tales part I; (the WASP were the Women’s ACD-16 WASP tales part II; Airforce Service Pilots) ACD-17 Interview with OTTO GIESE (45-+-1984); ACD-18 Interview with HORST DEGEN (116-+-1985) part I; ACD-19 Interview with HORST DEGEN (116-+-1985) part II; ACD-20 Drums and Trumpets, DDR Army Band; ACD-21 Austrian Folk Music; ACD-22 Marches, DDR Army Band. ACD-23 Speeches, Music and BISMARCK ACD-24 Dönitz speech and great music This are all great CDs – music of the war years and before; music from the Army Band of the DDR which no longer exists and many interviews with veterans who are no longer with us and they are yours FREE! Each year when you renew ON TIME, you will be able to select any one of these (we will be adding more soon) CDs as your free gift, and we will ship it out to you at no charge – we even pay the shipping for your free CDs. GREAT GIFTS! On receiving his FREE gifts for renewing rapidly, DENNIS STOCKS (4813-1996) sent this email: “The CD and DVD as below arrived safely today. Thanks again. These perks of Membership are thoroughly enjoyed and I watch-listen to my collection over and over. It’s an amazing experience to listen to those who actually made history. This is an astonishing resource that should be protected. Your efforts to collect and preserve this material deserve the highest commendations.” Members remember – if you send in your renewals with the first reminder, you receive any of our CDs absolutely FREE. And if you have been a Member for five or more years, you may select any of our more than 160 DVDs ALSO FREE….in ADDITION to your free CD. If you are on the automatic renewal with your credit card on file, you will never be late! So when you see on your statement that your annual dues have been charged, just send us an email, a note of just call here at HQ and tell us which you want. It IS that easy. ____________________________________ Horton on the Fly – in Brazil? If you are on the automatic credit card renewal program, you’ll get your free CD as well. When you notice the charge on your credit card billing statement, just let us know by email, FAX or ‘snail mail’ which CD you want as your free gift, & we ship it – FREE! Can’t wait? Want them now? No problem! If you wish to buy any of these CDs, they are only $15 (plus $3 shipping) each. Send us your order with your check or credit card information and we’ll get your CD(s) right out to you. You’ll love them! Guaranteed! That’s right – if you don’t like your CD for any reason, return it for a full refund. Heads you win – tails you can’t lose! AND FREE DVDs – Yes, FREE! If you have been aboard as a Member for FIVE CONSECUTIVE YEARS, you also receive a FREE DVD if you renew in a timely manner. Your FREE DVD is in addition to whatever CD you choose as your free gift – and Sharkhunters even pays the postage. Which DVD can you have? Any one you want from our file of more than 160 films – it’s yours FREE with your FREE CD when you renew your Membership dues in a timely manner. Check our website for the complete listing of DVD selections. AUTOMATIC Dues Renewal When you see your automatic dues renewal charge on your statement, let us know by email or snail mail which CD and DVD you want, and we’ll ship it pronto. PAGE 24 We came across this photo which IS SAID to be a German built Horton Flying Wing bomber. We are also told that this photo was taken many decades ago – over Brazil! Is this a true photograph? Is it really a Horton Flying Wing bomber? Is it really airborne over Brazil? These are things we intend to find out on our return expedition. Will you help us return? Read page 44 this issue carefully then please send your TAX DEDUCTIBLE contribution. As an aside – that Horton Flying Wing looks a lot like……well, like the B-2 Stealth bomber of the U.S. Air Force, doesn’t it? Think there is a reason for that? When we return to South America in 2009, we will have more answers to many more riddles. KTB #209 Intelligence Page We promised our Members that this was the beginning of a fantastic look into a history that has not been fully revealed as yet and there is a lot more to be revealed – a WHOLE LOT MORE! _____________________________ ‘Black Boats’ We hope to have more to tell you about certain ‘Black Boats’ because as soon as this issue is finalized and taken to the print shop, Sharkhunters President HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) will be in Europe, speaking with a friend and Member who rode these U-Boats that didn’t exist……………. The report will be in KTB #210 and if it is what we think it will be, more history will be rewritten. Watch for it. We have already listed many of the officers of GRAF SPEE who made it back to Germany to continue to serve in their armed forces (Wehrmacht) or stayed in South America to work there. Here are more GRAF SPEE Officers who returned Günter Schiebusch was W.O. and returned to Germany in 1940 to U-Boat Training. October 1941 to April 1942 he was commander of U-252 then April to November 1942 he was Kommandant of the 5th U-Bootflottille. In 1944 he went to OKM Staff. He was promoted to Korvettenkapitän in 1944. EDITOR NOTE – The secret roster of Kriegsmarine officers given to us by OTTO KRETSCHMER (122-+-1985) showed that Schiebusch was still living in Germany in 1985. Georg Ratsch returned to Germany in 1940. He was promoted to Kapitänleutnant in 1944. He was also living in Germany in 1985. Helmut Hiersemann was W. O. aboard GRAF SPEE and returned to Germany in 1941. We do not know what he was doing in South America for that missing year. Promoted Korvettenkapitän 1943. Carl Klepp was Engineer aboard GRAF SPEE and he returned to Germany in 1940. He was promoted to Kapitänleutnant (Engineer) in 1943. Paul Ascher was 1. A. O. aboard GRAF SPEE and he returned to Germany quickly after the loss of the ship; he returned in 1939. He was promoted to Kapitän zur See in 1941 – and posted aboard BISMARCK. He was killed 27 May 1941. How did these men get out of South America? What did those who stayed behind in South America do? We’re looking into that. KTB #209 Coincidence? Parallel? In the book “Escape from the Bunker” which was pretty much the work of DON ANGEL ALCAZAR de VELASCO (158-+-1985), he tells of the Commander named ‘Jui’, which is not a very German name and he also talks about a junior officer being constantly disrespectful to the Commander. Does Jui = Jacobi? In the 1994 interview with PAUL BOCHEN (5051-+-1996), BOCHEN (who was crew on one of the ‘Black Boats’) said this: “He could not recall a name – could be Korvettenkapitän Jacobi? In his views, the I.W.O. was a Gestapo man because he very loudly berated the Kommandant.” Is it possible that this was the same ‘Black Boat’ that took DON ANGEL and Martin Bormann to Puerto Coig in Patagonia? We still have ample stock of this book, and it will open your eyes to the aftermath of the war. The book is only $20 each and Sharkhunters will pay the postage for you in the USA. Outside the USA, please add $5 postage. We do not charge for the postage – the post office does, and we merely collect it and pay it to them. In this book, DON ANGEL tells of the time he was summoned for a special mission in 1953 to meet with…… the book for that information. However, DON ANGEL thought that the plane took him to Antarctica but this was either an error on his part or more likely, deliberate Spook misinformation. This would not be unusual for an agent who wanted to tell a story but not divulge too much. We believe that he landed on the place we call the ‘Estancia’ for many reasons, which we will go into in later issues. Get the book – it will open your eyes! Who was DON ANGEL working for? Who did he meet with in this mysterious place? If you accept the carefully scripted suicide in the bunker theory, then keep your eyes closed and don’t order this book. But if you want to really know what happened, this book is the beginning. PAGE 25 Intelligence Page (continued) We reference the alleged sunken U-Boats (see front cover) and we asked S.E.I.G. Agent SECOND SON for his thoughts. He stated: For the printed paper KTB via the post We are sorry and sad to report that Membership dues will increase by $5 at all levels of Membership. As you know, we do our very best to keep Membership dues as low as possible and any time we are forced to raise them is a direct result of increased costs, usually increased costs from the Post Office. In this case, it is the constantly rising postage costs, but also thanks to the greed of the oil companies, we have no choice. Sharkhunters has an old (1987) Suburban truck that we use to bring the printing from the print shop to the school for the KTB to be assembled then to the Post Office for mailing to our Members. When we got this old truck about five years ago, it cost only about thirty-five dollars to fill the fuel tank. We just filled up again a few days ago – and it cost more than one hundred dollars to fill the same tank with the same amount of fuel! And so sadly, dues must increase to just keep up with the increased costs. On 1 January 2009, all levels of Membership will increase by $5. NO DUES INCREASE With the eKTB via the Internet Sorry, we do not wish to confuse Members. On 1 January 2009 dues will increase by $5 only for Members who receive the printed paper KTB Magazine through the Post Office. There will be NO DUES INCREASE for Members who receive their eKTB via the Internet. We promised that that there would never be a dues increase for those receiving the eKTB via Internet and that is true – there is NO DUES INCREASE for Members who receive their eKTB via the Internet. Those dues remain at: $50 per year – Seaman Level $75 per year – Commander Level $150 per year – Admiral Level Dues for the eKTB no matter what country you live – they are all the same and they will NEVER increase. If you are not yet receiving your eKTB via the Internet, you might wish to think about making the change. You will save a lot of money, your eKTB will reach you at least one month sooner and it is in color. All you have to do is send us an email and tell us to switch you to the eKTB – it IS that simple! Please remember to include your name (first and last) and we’ll take care of the change. Email us at: Change to the eKTB now! Get it instantly – save money – full color photos – why not? PAGE 26 “I need to establish a good search method for the submarines that are on the bottom of the sea covered with sand. I need to know what technology and how much money is necessary to find them. The submarines are 30 meters below the sea and 2 kilometers from the coast.” This was dated 16 October 2007 ____________________________ COOPER sent to S.E.I.G. Agent TIGER on 23 December 2007: “My friend confirmed that his ‘Black Boat’ made three patrols from Spain to the Sargasso Sea AFTER the end of the war where they transferred civilians onto a tramp steamer……but he cannot remember the names of the civilians. He told me what kind of boat it was and he told me which boat took Martin Bormann to Argentina, but I will do more cross checking on this part of the story before making a definite announcement. I think that he will remember more when I visit with him the next time. He is concerned because twenty years ago, he was told that if he spoke about these patrols, he would be killed. Now, twenty years later, the men who made these threats are probably dead and my friend, who is all the time smoking cigarettes, is dying of cancer and so he has nothing to fear. He will give me more information and I think he may even remember the names of the civilians when I see him next.” ______________________________ From S.E.I.G. Agent REMBRANT on 24 December 2007: “Have you heard of Operation LAST CHANCE? Maybe you will encounter some of the last old hardcore SS? Some 18 members of the Waffen SS live in (Stadt). A place you have to investigate of course is the estate of (Estancia). Perhaps it is a good idea to do Chile as well. You know Villa XX from Schaffer and the hardcore Abwehr officers who are running the wealthiest community in South America. One of my loyal informers in Ecuador told me a very rare story about Mengele. It seems that he IS STILL ALIVE and living in the capital Quito protected by neonazis and armed forces units!” _____________________________ These are recent communications but we are also opening our old files that have been kept secret for fifteen or twenty years. It must be apparent already, that we are ripping away the well scripted history that we were all taught in school. The history we all learned in school is like a bowl of cold oatmeal – there is nothing there. We are certain that by the time we are finished with the REAL history of this portion of World War II as well as before and after, your eyes will be opened. Keep reading. KTB #209 Intelligence Page (continued from previous page) More from our Communications Files As we were preparing for the January-February 2008 expedition to Argentina, S.E.I.G. Agent TIGER told us: “We will visit every Nazi related place – you will be amazed how many you have here, we will visit ‘Estancia’, a Nazi colony where Hitler stayed some years after the war not far from the city. Also we will go to (Casa), a huge house built by Perón’s right hand man on a far away shore of a huge lake. XXXXX says that Hitler stayed in this house until ‘Stadt’ turned into a tourist city in the 1950’s then he moved to Cordóba (province).” ____________________________ From Agent REMBRANDT prior to our heading south: “Maybe it is possible to track down some new evidence about the whereabouts of SS Doctor Heim.” _____________________________ Again from REMBRANDT: “I have found something what looked like the secret diaries of Admiral Byrd. I know that it is coming from a doubtful source, perhaps you will notice after reading the minutes of the Admiral, there are perhaps clues for the ‘hidden site’ called by Dönitz ‘the Shangrila for the Führer’. I like to know is it fiction or fact? Perhaps you and your Sharkhunters have some great ideas or other information. The fun begins with the flight’s log of Admiral Byrd. The hollow earth crap is just a trick to remove the investigators from digging deeper than that.” ______________________________ EDITOR NOTE – We are in agreement with REMBRANDT; this report allegedly written by Admiral Byrd during his time in command of Operation HIGH JUMP is a little hard to believe. There are many theories of why he had such a large battle group including an aircraft carrier, a submarine, several warships and some 5,000 men for what was reported to be a simple mapping operation over Antarctica. Many Members and some here at HQ believe there definitely was more to the mission, but so far there is no firm proof of anything else. Still, Germany sent a force to this same area in 1938 for an alleged mapping mission with a force that included at least one large aircraft catapult ship with BV 138 flying boats aboard. EDITOR NOTE (continued) – It is reported that these BV 138 flying boats were to drop stainless steel markers, rods of about 2 meters long, along what would be the border of ‘Neu Schwabenland’, Germany’s claimed area in Antarctica. Again; there is speculation, but no proof. Still, one must wonder why Germany sent a task force to this forgotten part of the world before the beginning of World War Two…..and the US sent a very large task force to the same isolated part of the world for the allegedly same reason shortly after the end of the war. Food for thought….. The BV 138 flying boat was built by the well known Blohm & Voss shipyards in Hamburg, the same shipyard that built not only the battleship BISMARCK but also a great many U-Boats. They reportedly were both hated and loved by their aircrews. The main drawback was the very limited visibility for the pilot when taking off and landing. However, once airborne, the three diesel powered engines could remain aloft for hours upon hours. Perhaps this was a determining factor is the use of these flying boats for the mission to map Antarctica in 1938 to mark the borders of what they referred to as ‘Neu Schwabenland’. _____________________________ From S.E.I.G. Agent PIZZARRO we received this: “Yes, I have the story of Skipper Wermut U-530, but U-530 has not guest on board. Near Mar de la Plata, 30 miles south near Punta Mogades Lighthouse was the Skipper Heinrich Garbers with his vessel PASSIM, on shore 11 July 1944. And 80 miles inland, in a farm where a very good German agent codenamed SARGO = Becker with his group 12 and with radio station for the PASSIM vessel. Vessel is the name for a sailing boat. Operation name – WOLLIN I. PASSIM has 10.5 tons cargo for SARGO and Argentina General Perón. In December 1944, Sargo gave a very long radio code to Berlin, to the RSAH for the next operation in spring 1945. Name of the operation was Feuerland!” _____________________________ FEUERLAND! We have heard so much about this operation, and now we will be telling more and more about it. (continued in KTB #210 next month) KTB #209 PAGE 27 5 Years Ago in our KTB KTB #166 was published in February 2003 and the front page showed our pride at reaching our 20 years anniversary, and we thanked all our Members for making Sharkhunters such a success. Thanks to the Members but especially, thanks to the veterans, Sharkhunters has become the official worldwide publication of U-Boat history. We were ending the interview with HELMUT SCHMOECKEL (1455-LIFE1990), Skipper of U-802. he also wrote a book (available in German only) entitled ‘Humanity on the High Seas’ in which he chronicled the many times U-Boats stopped to give aid to survivors of ships they had sunk. We were into chapter 13 of the book “Spy for Germany” written by ERICH GIMPEL (884-LIFE-1988), which told of his life as a German Agent. His mission to sabotage the ‘Manhattan Project’ and halt the American atomic bomb project came to a bad end when he was betrayed by fellow agent William Colepaugh and was arrested by the FBI. Former American spook RICHARD GAY (6314-2001) was giving his insights into the Operation ELSTER that brought ERICH and Colepaugh to the United States. Under the title GAS PRICES TOO HIGH we were running the transcript of the Senate hearings into the so-called American oil companies providing fuel to all sides during World War Two. At that time, just five years ago, Americans were worried that gasoline would go above $2 per gallon……and look at it now – about to hit $4 per gallon! In our ‘Scuttlebutt from Santos’ JAMES SANTOS (4896-A/LIFE-1996) gave us an overview of the early boats in WW II starting with the “S” boats and into the early fleet boats. Ritterkreuzträger In the entire length of World War II from 1st September 1939 through 8th of May 1945, only 145 Knights Cross medals were awarded to the men of the U-Bootwaffe. Only about 1/3 of one per cent received this high award; one man out of 268 was so honored. That is about one man from almost 6 boat crews; one man in about 300 - A very high honor, indeed. The 85th Knights Cross was awarded to Kapitänleutnant Harald Gelhaus, Skipper of U-107 and U-143. The award was made 26 March 1943. The 86th Knights Cross was awarded to Korvettenkapitän Karl Nietzel, Skipper of U-510. The award was made 27 March 1943. The 87th Knights Cross was awarded to Kapitänleutnant Günther Seibicke, Skipper of U-436. The award was made 27 March 1943. The 88th Knights Cross was awarded to Kapitänleutnant Ulrich Folkers, Skipper of U-125. The award was made 27 March 1943. The 89th Knights Cross was awarded to Kapitänleutnant Hans Heidtmann, Skipper of U-559. Award was made 12 April 1943. The 90th Knights Cross was awarded to Kapitänleutnant Helmut Möhlmann, Skipper of U-571. The award was 16 April 1943. The 91st Knights Cross was awarded to Kapitänleutnant Gunter Jahn, Skipper of U-596. The award was made 30 April 1943. The 92nd Knights Cross was awarded to Kapitänleutnant Wilhelm Franken, Skipper of U-565. The award was made 30 April 1943. The 93rd Knights Cross was awarded to Kapitänleutnant KLAUS BARGSTEN (328-+-1987). He had been I.W.O. aboard U-99 under OTTO KRETSCHMER (122-+-1985) then became Skipper of U-521. The award was made 30 April 1943. In PETER’s PERISCOPE, former Spook PETER HANSEN (251LIFE-1987) goes deeper into the mystery of the missing boats and talks about U-530 and U-977 in particular, and how they were able to make it all the way to Mar de la Plate, Argentina. ‘Secrets of Feuerland’ was the title of a piece we were doing, sort of an early look at what we are releasing now about the Argentina connection to the war. There was more coded messaging. We were also running “Life on Board of Submarines” by ERICH TOPP (118-+-1985). The title is self-explanatory. KTB #166 was 44 pages in length and typeset on a new generation computer. The photos were nice, but nowhere near as crisp and sharp as they are in today’s modern KTB. _______________________________ Remember – your comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome. As a Member of this organization, your input matters and we give all of your thoughts careful consideration. PAGE 28 BARGSTEN Markworth The 94th Knights Cross was awarded to Kapitänleutnant Günther Heydemann, Skipper of U-575. The award was made 3 July 1943. The 95th Knights Cross was awarded to Kapitänleutnant Friedrich Markworth, Skipper of U-66. The award was made 8 July 1943. This list of Knights Cross recipients continues in KTB #210. KTB #209 The Silent Service USS DRUM (SS 228) Built by: Design: Keel laid: Launched: Sponsor: Commissioned: First Skipper: Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Government 11 September 1940 12 May 1941 Mrs. T. Holcomb 1 November 1941 LCDR Robert Rice One of the older submarines, USS DRUM was in the war quickly. In February of 1942, she operated off the dreaded Bungo Suido, made famous by “NED” BEACH (1163-+-19989) in his book and later movie “Run Silent! Run Deep!” starring Clark Gabel, Burt Lancaster and many other well known actors. Under LCDR Rice, USS DRUM was off Osaka in April 1942 and into May. She made six attacks with the resultant loss of four Japanese ships. Five months later, USS DRUM was back in the same waters and sank three more Japanese ships. During the runup to the Battle of Midway, USS DRUM was on her way eastbound, coming out of Japanese waters headed for home. She, along with 5 other American submarines similarly deployed, were given all available data on the impending battle and ordered to intercept any Japanese ships retreating from Midway. During the blockade of the Japanese stronghold at Truk, there was USS DRUM again as part of the picket line. She attacked three large ships and assumed damage to each, but there was no confirmation. This was a real war horse, and in October 1942, USS DRUM was again off the Japanese home islands and sank three more ships. In December 1942, USS DRUM was under a new Skipper, LCDR B. F. McMahon and relegated to mine laying. She was back where she began, laying a mine barrage in the Bungo Suido between Shikoku and Kyushu. USS DRUM was hit and damaged on 22 November 1943. the official U. S. Navy report is as follows: “Depth charged by two Japanese PC’s while at about 300 foot depth. Conning tower after bulkhead plating and door frame cracked in way of upper door hinge. Leakage through crack was minor, however, being only 2 or 3 gpm at deep submergence. MBT No. 7 vent riser leaked at flange. Maneuvering room hard patch leaked over control cubicle. Torpedo impulse air system forward leaked slightly. No. 2 periscope optics were deranged. Ship terminated patrol.” In October 1944, USS DRUM, now under command of CDR. R. H. Rindskopf, was one of three American submarines in a ‘wolf pack’ code named ‘Bannister’s Beagles’ patrolling the ‘Convoy College’ area during which time she sank three more ships. KTB #209 Battle Summary of USS DRUM Prepared by Captain ROBERT THEW (333-+-1987): 1st War Patrol (R. H. Rice) 14 April through 12 June 1942; sank 2 May 1942 MIZUHO seaplane tender 12,150 GRT 9 May 1942 unknown freighter 4,000 GRT 13 May 1942 SHONAN MARU freighter 5,264 GRT 25 May 1942 KITAKATA MARU freighter 2,380 GRT 2nd War Patrol (R. H. Rice) 10 July through 2 Sept. 1942; sank No attacks 3rd War Patrol (R. H. Rice) 23 Sept. through 9 Nov. 1942; sank 8 Oct 1942 HAGUE MARU freighter/passenger 5,641 GRT 9 Oct 1942 HACHIMANZAN MARU freighter 2,461 GRT 20 Oct 1942 RYUNMAN MARU freighter 5,106 GRT 4th War Patrol (B. F. McMahon) 29 Nov. 1942 - 24 Jan. 1943; sank No attacks 5th War Patrol (McMahon) 24 March through 13 May 1943; sank 9 April 1943 OYAMA MARU freighter 3,809 GRT 18 April 1943 NISSHUN MARU freighter 6,380 GRT 6th War Patrol (McMahon) 7 June through 26 July 1943; sank 17 June 1943 MYOKO MARU freighter/pass 5,087 GRT 7th War Patrol (McMahon) 16 August thru 6 October 1943; sank 8 Sep 1943 HAKUTETSU MARU freighter 1,334 GRT 8th War Patrol (D. F. Williamson) 2 Nov. - 5 Dec. 1943; sank 17 Nov 1943 HIE MARU ex-supply 11,621 GRT 9th War Patrol (Williamson) 9 April through 31 May 1944; sank No attacks 10th War Patrol (M. H. Rindskopf) 24 June - 14 August 1944; sank One sampan and took two prisoners 11th War Patrol (Rindskopf) 9 Sept. through 8 Nov. 1944; sank 24 Oct SHIKISAN MARU freighter/pass 4,725 GRT 26 Oct TAISHO MARU freighter 6,886 GRT 12th War Patrol (F. M. Eddy) 7 Dec. 1944 - 17 Jan. 1945; sank No attacks 13th War Patrol (Eddy) 11 February through 2 April 1945; sank No attacks USS DRUM was awarded 12 Battle Stars; was decommissioned 16 February 1946; reserve training ship until 30 June 1968. She is now a Memorial ship in Mobile, Alabama. PAGE 29 FREE CDs! Yes, FREE! That’s right – each & every year that you renew your Membership, you may select any one of these great CDs as your FREE GIFT. ACD-2 Music of the U-Bootwaffe; ACD-3 Music of the Wehrmacht, mostly U-Boot; ACD-4 Italian naval music; ACD-5 Music of the Luftwaffe I; ACD-6 German music from the war years; ACD-7 Russian naval and folk music; ACD-8 Music of the Luftwaffe II; ACD-9 Germany military music, mostly Kriegsmarine; ACD-10 Very funny U.S. Air Force songs; ACD-11 Japanese Navy music from World War II; ACD-12 Interview with ERICH TOPP (118-+-1985) ACD-13 Interview with BOB MAHER (221-1986); ACD-14 Sea Chanteys – Lale Anderson and original Lili Marlen; ACD-15 WASP Tales part I; ACD-16 WASP tales part II; (the WASP were the Women’s Airforce Service Pilots) ACD-17 Interview with OTTO GIESE (45-+-1984); ACD-18 Interview with HORST DEGEN (116-+-1985) part I; ACD-19 Interview with HORST DEGEN (116-+-1985) part II; ACD-20 Drums and Trumpets, DDR Army Band; ACD-21 Austrian Folk Music; ACD-22 Marches, DDR Army Band. ACD-23 Speeches, Music, BISMARCK ACD-24 Dönitz surrender speech and great music This are all great CDs – music of the war years and before; music from the Army Band of the DDR which no longer exists and many interviews with veterans who are no longer with us and they are yours FREE! Each year when you renew ON TIME, you will be able to select any one of these (we will be adding more soon) CDs as your free gift, and we will ship it out to you at no charge – we even pay the shipping for your free CDs. If you are on the automatic credit card renewal program, you’ll get your free CD as well. When you notice the charge on your credit card billing statement, just let us know by email, FAX or ‘snail mail’ which CD you want as your free gift, & we ship it – FREE! AUTOMATIC DUES RENEWAL The Automatic Dues Renewal Program, which has been in effect since the early part of 2002, is well received by our Members. It saves the time and headaches of having to fill out a form each year, sticking it into the envelope, licking the flap – hunting for a stamp. YOU GET A FREE CD! For our Members with credit card numbers on file – there is nothing for you to do. When your dues are due, they are just charged to your account and your Membership is renewed for another year – it is THAT simple! When you see the charge appear on your statement, send us an email, a FAX or call to let us know which FREE audio CD you want for your renewal, and it will be sent to you immediately. Which audio CD do you want? Look our website for the list. They sell for $15 each plus shipping, but one is yours FREE when you renew your Membership. MAYBE A FREE DVD TOO! If you have been a Member for five or more consecutive years, you may also select any of the great Sharkhunters videotapes or DVDs IN ADDITION TO the audio CD. Let us know your selection & the DVD or videotape too will be sent, also FREE. Members love this program. Do we have your credit card data? If not, just send it here and you are on the list for simple automatic renewal. Cancel anytime you wish – but this certainly is easy! WARNING! WARNING! This very possibly is the last year that our “Southern Patrol” will have our group staying at the Hotel zum Türken! In a conversation with our dear friend INGRID SCHARFENBERG (3308-A/LIFE-1993), the owner of the hotel, we are told that her health is failing and she doubts that the hotel will be open any more after the end of 2008. Can’t wait? Want them now? No problem! If you wish to buy any of these CDs, they are only $15 (plus $3 shipping) each. Send us your order with your check or credit card information and we’ll get your CD(s) right out to you. You’ll love them! Guaranteed! That’s right – if you don’t like your CD for any reason, return it for a full refund. Heads you win – tails you can’t lose! AND FREE DVDs – Yes, FREE! If you have been aboard as a Member for FIVE CONSECUTIVE YEARS, you also receive a FREE DVD if you renew in a timely manner. Your FREE DVD is in addition to whatever CD you choose as your free gift – and Sharkhunters even pays the postage. Which DVD can you have? Any one you want from our file of more than 160 films – it’s yours FREE with your FREE CD when you renew your Membership dues in a timely manner. Check our website for the complete listing of DVD selections. AUTOMATIC Dues Renewal When you see your automatic dues renewal charge on your statement, let us know by email or snail mail which CD and DVD you want, and we’ll ship it pronto. PAGE 30 We will still have our “Southern Patrol” year after year, but if the Hotel zum Türken closes in 2008, we will not stay there again OR visit the bunkers and tunnels that radiate out from the basement of the hotel. We ask you to please keep Frau SCHARFENBERG in your prayers. She is a fine lady and a good friend. KTB #209 FANTASTIC Southern Patrol! Saturday 13 September through Saturday 27 September – 15 DAYS We’re going places in 2008, meeting people like never before Our very special hotel on the Obersalzberg is a quaint three centuries old Bavarian gasthaus, filled with history, owned by our good friend INGRID SCHARFENBERG (3308-A/LIFE-1993). During World War II, this was the HQ for Hitler’s personal guard when he was on the mountain and was 100 meters from his home. When you walk the courtyard of the hotel, in the drive or next door where Hitler’s home stood – you are walking in the footsteps of history. When you turn in for the night, you’ll wonder who slept in this room 65 or 70 years ago. Who took their schnapps in the dayroom downstairs 7 decades past? Is your imagination up to it? Bunkers, Tunnels running beneath the homes. In the cellar of our hotel is the entrance to the underground bunker system that honeycombed the mountain for miles. Hitler, Göring, Bormann, the guards all had their bunker systems and we are right there! München – Where it all Began We tour the many famous places in München by bus and on foot, and we have our lunch in the Hofbraühaus where the famous “beer hall putsch” started in 1923. The Swastika is still in the ceiling! Feldherrnhalle Buildings of the Reich Feldherrnhalle (photo above left) was the intended goal of the 9 November 1923 “Putsch” but it was just a few meters to the left in this photo where the armed confrontation took place – you just have to be there to feel it! We see other buildings of the Reich, standing today. Plenty of photo-ops! Ulrichbergfest! The “Memorial on Ulrich’s Mountain” might be a good translation and it is here, atop one of the highest mountains in the Tyrol of southern Austria it takes place the third Sunday of September each year. Inside the ruined cathedral are memorial plaques to so many of the divisions, brigades etc. of the fallen soldiers. A huge cross stands near the cathedral. _____________________________ The Eagle’s Nest! This was the rest house that Martin Bormann had built for Hitler’s 50th birthday. We will be there – in the elevator inlaid with highly burnished copper to the massive fireplace of Italian marble sent by Mussolini to the room where Eva Braun took tea with her friends. The ladies are selling “Schnaps” on the mountain (photo left above) and the money goes to the veterans. What is ‘Schnaps’? Ask a moonshiner about ‘white lightning’! The photo right is the veterans in the ‘Honors’ section, and our Sharkhunters group is seated right with them – up front! Elevator Entrance View from the top From the deck at the Eagle’s Nest high atop Kehlstein Mountain, we can see all the way to the famed Salzburg Castle. KTB #209 The ceremonies, the dozens & dozens of veterans with their flags, the Austrian Army band – and when they play “der Gut Komerad” (the German version of Taps) tears will fill your eyes and you’ll get a lump in your throat. PAGE 31 More Information on this Fantastic “Patrol” Our time on the mountain is priceless, but the time is not finished. We have our lunch with hundreds of veterans (photos below) on the mountain meadow just below the area of the ceremony. The brats and the beer are excellent! Bring the camera. Our time with these wonderful veterans isn’t finished yet. Not one but TWO evenings we are guests of honor (photos below) with hundreds of veterans from the Gebirgsjäger; the Falschirmjäger, the Waffen SS and other divisions. You will meet them! Naturally, there is MUCH more – too much to list it all. _____________________________ Nürnberg The Name Says It All! We visit the famous places of the beginning of the Reich and we will learn why Nürnberg was chosen – the Zeppelinfeld (photo below) where the speeches were made – we stand on the same podium and we are in the OFF LIMITS ‘Gold Room’ where Hitler held his receptions before his speeches AND we’re INSIDE his private office! Bring the cameras. The Congreßhall (photo above) was built like the Coliseum in Rome, but far larger. It too, is OFF LIMITS but as we know, the term ‘Eingang Verboten!’ really means ‘Sharkhunters welcome!’ We are IN Room 600 of the ‘Palace of Justice’ where the Nürnberg ‘War Crime Tribunals’ were held. This is a normally operating courtroom, but we have it to ourselves for an hour or so. Photos? Of course! You’ll walk where so many famous people have walked! Can you handle it? Due to new demand, we have reinstated our visit to Oktoberfest AND we enjoy an evening dinner cruise on the Adriatic in Opatija, Croatia, a favorite place of the Hapsburgs. HIGH POINTS of this “Patrol” include: • Dinner with the veterans in a magnificent medieval castle; • Shooting competition high in the Alps; • Dinners with vets of many branches of the Wehrmacht; • The magnificent ULRICHBERGFEST Memorial; • Lunch with veterans on the mountain; • Stay in the hotel that housed Hitler’s personal guard; • Visit to the beautiful Eagle’s Nest; • We go INTO the bunkers under Hitler’s guard HQ; • We tour the famous buildings in München; • The Deutsches Museum; • Visit the famous places in Nürnberg; • Dinner cruise on the Adriatic; • OKTOBERFEST! Your low Sharkhunters “Patrol” price of only $2,976 includes all the above plus all hotels (double occupancy), all transportation on our deluxe motorcoach, all breakfasts, entry to all places listed, all meetings with the veterans. Add $600 if you wish a single room. We visit this historic place – and you will stand right on the spot where the leaders of the Reich stood to make their speeches. You will be INSIDE this historic place – but no speeches, please. PAGE 32 for more details. Sharkhunters P.O. Box 1539 Hernando, FL 34442 (352) 637-2917 KTB #209 During the ‘COLD WAR’, close encounters sometimes became deadly. In June 1970, the attack submarine USS TAUTOG (SSN 639) was shadowing a Soviet nuclear missile submarine in the northern Pacific. The Russian commander became suspicious and made a looping turn to check for a possible training American. USS SCORPION heading out to sea _____________________________ In 1986, USS AUGUSTA (SSN 710) ran into a Soviet nuclear submarine in the North Atlantic. AUGUST seen here, is running surfaced during another mission. They were testing a new type of sonar system aboard AUGUSTA when the incident took place. ____________________________ USS TAUTOG (SSN 639) heading out to sea On 11 February 1992, USS BATON ROUGE (SSN 689) was cruising off Russia’s Kola Inlet when she collided with the Soviet fast attack submarine BARRACUDA. Neither boat was lost. EDITOR NOTE – This maneuver was unofficially known as a “Crazy Ivan”. One TAUTOG crewman remembered it this way, “All of a sudden Ivan was coming screaming at us!” Below - USS TAUTOG practicing an emergency blow The Soviet boat’s propellers struck the American submarine as she streaked by TAUTOG’s sail. TAUTOG had a thick hull and withstood the impact, but the Russian sub wasn’t so lucky. Apparently the collision ruptured the propeller shaft seals and with the pressure of the deep submergence, water gushed into the boat at a fearsome rate. Sonar operators aboard TAUTOG could hear the sounds of the Soviet submarine breaking up and sinking. _____________________________ USS SCORPION (SSN 589) was lost near the Azores in May of 1968. Rumors persist that she was lost as a result of a similar commission with a Soviet submarine that was following her. She is on the bottom at 10,000 feet in this photo. KTB #209 _____________________________ James Crenshaw rode USS JOHN MARSHALL (SSBN 611) said, “We knew Soviets were out there, probably sometimes right beside us as we patrolled the vast areas of the Pacific.” Next month – ‘Special Ops’ warfare. PAGE 33 More information about U-250 Thanks to CHUCK MYLES (1068-1989) we learn: This boat was sunk 30 July 1944 in the Gulf of Finland by depth charges from the Soviet sub chasers DA-910 and M-103 and bombed by several Soviet aircraft in position 60º 28’N x 28º 25’E in the Koivisto Straits after an attack on the 54 ton Soviet patrol MO-105, which was sunk. Forty-six of the crew of U-250 were killed. The commander, Kapitänleutnant Werner-Karl Schmidt ad five others were taken prisoner by the Soviets. He was released from captivity in March 1949. U-250 was raised by the Soviets in early September 1944, moved to Kronstadt on 15 September 1944, repaired then commissioned into the Soviet Navy as TS-14. The boat was later broken up. The Russians found secret documents, an Enigma M4 machine as well as a Zaukönig acoustic torpedo. They refused a British technical team permission to examine the boat, the equipment or the torpedo. What is the new information is that the Kriegsmarine did not want this boat raised, so S-Boats dropped mines around the watery grave of U-250 lying off Viborg to stop the Russians from raising U-250. The S-Boats were from 5. S-Flottille, which had lost all but one boat in the Channel and was now being reconstituted practically from scratch. As Großadmiral Karl Dönitz was pressing for results, the three serviceable boats of 5. S-Flottille (Kapitänleutnant Holzapfel) set out at once for Reval in company with the depot ship HERMANN VON WISSMANN, arriving on 15 July 1944 and from there, proceeding to the Kotka Skerries where 6. S-Flottille had lain in the spring. Other boats followed once serviceable and so by August, the Flottille stood at eight boats as ordered, although the depot ship was west of Helsinki for fear of air attack. To compensate for this, a provisional land base was set up and from here the Flottille sailed a few minor operations, searched for survivors of the three German torpedo boats sunk in their own minefield while laying mines, and they dropped mines around the watery grave of U-250 off Viborg to prevent the raising of the submarine. Shortly after laying these mines, S-80 hit a mine and sank with five crewmen. This was on 8 August 1944. T-22, T-30 and T-32 of the 3. S-Boat Training Flottille sank. T-23 escaped undamaged. _____________________________ More information about U-74 Thanks to CHUCK MYLES (1068-1989) we learn: As a rule, Telex was used in the Mediterranean for messages between the flotilla staffs and Naval High Command in Rome. As there was no fixed command center and the Flotilla Commander led from a boat, there was little important information useable by Ultra. The British received indirect information regarding the first operations of 3rd U-Bootflottille operations when Ultra decoded messages sent to U-74 on 21, 22 and 23 December 1941, advising of submarine operations off Malta. In the Black Sea and Baltic, Ultra was not significant. Z.B. 1417/23/12-U-74 again informed that ‘our own MTBs will be operating during the night 23-24/12 in Square 3491 (east of Malta) and to the southward of that position’. PAGE 34 Return Expedition To South America As you read on page 23 and again on page 44, there will be another Sharkhunters Expedition to South America in 2009; most probably the month of January and possibly over into February. This will not be a soft Sharkhunters “Patrol” with a deluxe motorcoach taking the participants from place to place – this will be another fact finding expedition similar to the one just accomplished during which we visit sites of interests to historians of the Third Reich activities during and after the end of the war. We do need your help with your TAX DEDUCTIBLE donations as you saw on pages 23 and 44. We listed the gifts that we would send to donors – but let us add another gift here. Everyone who donates a minimum of $100 will receive a copy of the expedition report AND a CD of all the photos we will take on the expedition. Thanks in advance for your support with this expedition. COPYRIGHT Reminder As there is great FIRST PERSON history on the pages of our KTB Magazine as well as many well-researched articles on the history of the U-Bootwaffe, it is all copyrighted. Please remember that each and every one of our KTB Magazines is copyrighted and everything in each and every issue is also copyrighted and protected. Nothing may be reprinted, copied or disseminated in any way without written permission from Sharkhunters. Same for Photographs Our photographs are also copyrighted and you will notice that we are now forced to put our website address on all our photos. For some reason, many of our photographs are popping up on that website that the veterans & serious researchers call uboat-dot-NOT and the owner of the website doesn’t know how that is happening. However, when we spot our photos on that website, he is quick to remove them but we wonder how many more are on the site and more to the point – how did they get onto that website when they’re clearly Sharkhunters property. HHhhhmmmm. KTB #209 First Time Ever – Bunkers in the East! Saturday 27 Sept. thru Friday 10 Oct. 2008 From Berlin east to Warsaw, Following this Historic Course This is an original and very special “Bunker Patrol” specifically designed for our Sharkhunters. For years, our Members have been demanding a “Bunker Patrol” deep into areas of Poland once controlled by the Reich. Our “Bunker Patrol” begins with a tour of Spandau. Heading east, we tour the massive fortification “Oder Warthe Bogen” similar to the Siegfried Line with forts, bunkers, gun emplacements and connecting tunnels. We visit Fort #VII (Colomb) and the town of Poznan. After visiting this historic place, we move on to Torun and visit the cathedral of Gneses as well as the house of Copernicus. After dinner, we enjoy a pleasant stroll along the Vistula (Weichsel) promenade in Torun. In Berlin we tour the mansion, the place of the so-called “Wannsee-Conference” (photo above) and we also visit Karlshorst, the mansion in which Jodl signed the surrender. It is just as it was on the day of this signing. Above and below – some of the sights in Poznan An day is devoted to the Headquarters of the OKW (Military High Command) and their bunkers, tunnels and other fortifications outside Berlin, seen below. We travel the old city section of Poznan, also Fort #2 then in the famous city of Gdansk (Danzig) we visit the historic railway bridge near Tezew. We visit the bunker complex at Hela Peninsula and visit Westerplatte where the old German battleship SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN began World War II by firing into the fortification. Hitler’s assassination was planned here. KTB #209 We’re 40 meters deep PAGE 35 More Fantastic Bunkers – including WOLFSSCHANZE! We’re also treated to visit aboard currently operational submarines of the Polish Navy – a Russian built KILO and a German built KOBBEN. We also visit aboard a Polish destroyer that saw combat action in WW II, the THUNDER (seen here in the war). We meet with Polish veterans as well as officers and men currently serving in the Polish Navy. Destroyer THUNDER KILO PLEASE NOTE – On this “Bunker Patrol” supper as well as breakfast is included. Did you know that Heinrich Himmler had a hardened bunker site not far from Wolfsschanze? It wouldn’t be a REAL Sharkhunters “Patrol” if we missed that, so we visit the field HQ of Himmler near Pozezdrze. KOBBEN We visit the massive fortress Marienburg (Malbork) the biggest brick castle in all Europe. Then to Rastenburg! Do you want a better photo of the bunker complex? You can take the photo yourself on this “Patrol”. We tour the bunker area Mauerwald and enjoy a dinner cruise on the Mauersee aboard a beautiful cruise ship. We visit the citadel at Modlin – a massive structure! WARSAW! We tour the military museum, the Warsaw Museum, Museum of 1944 Polish Uprising and much history. During our final evening we enjoy farewell dinner with Polish dancing and folkloric group. We spend an entire day at WOLFSSCHANZE! It was here that von Stauffenberg placed the bomb that was intended to kill Hitler. Photos above and below. HIGH POINTS of this “Patrol” include: • Visits into Spandau, the ‘Wannsee’ Mansion and OKW; • All hotels including all breakfasts and all suppers; • Transportation aboard our deluxe motorcoach; • Visits into the fortifications and bunkers listed; • The Polish warships and visit with the veterans; • WOLFSSCHANZE! A huge piece of living history! • Himmler’s bunker HQ complex. Your low Sharkhunters price of only $2,987 includes all of the above plus hotels (double occupancy), transportation, breakfasts, suppers, meetings etc. Add $600 if you wish a single room. for more details Sharkhunters PAGE 36 P. O. Box 1539 Hernando, FL 34442 (866) 258-2188 TOLL FREE KTB #209 Submarine Stories from SubVet ROBERT “DEX” ARMSTRONG (6909-2004) Marl "Tinker" Garlock He became Lil' Abner from then on. The next morning, Lil'Abner shows up at morning chow. The cook yells out, "Watcha havin, Abner?" I am an odd man to memorialize Tink Garlock, a shipmate who died aboard REQUIN. I do not have the eloquent vocabulary or the ability to craft the phrasing required to do proper honor to a fallen mate. Wish I did… If anyone rates such a homily, it's Tink. This one is rough. We were alley rats together and well after his death I came to know and love his family - his brother, his sister and his lovely mother. "Watcha got?" "Pretty much anything you want, but if you eat turtle eggs and hummin' bird wings, then go to Annapolis and eat forward. You take what y'want, but y'eat what you take…" "Give me a dozen eggs scrambled, four toast, six link sausage, shitload of bacon and black coffee." "Hey kid, never bullshit a cook. If you're serious, you got it. You pull my leg and I'll bounce you off the inside of the pressure hull." "I AM serious. You gonna’ stand there all day runnin' yur mouth, or are you gonna’ earn what they pay you and fix me some breakfast?" Tink ate one dozen eggs and everything that went with it. "Hey kid, you got a gahdam tapeworm?" USS REQUIN around the end of the war "Garlock… Is it true that your mother couldn't afford to feed you anymore, so she smashed your plate and tossed your butt out the door?" His name was Marl Garlock. He came from McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania where they called him "Tinker" or "Tink"… We called him "Lil' Abner." The day he arrived he dropped down the after battery hatch, dumped his gear and came forward to the crews mess where we were taking a small mid-morning Spanish recess, swapping lies with coffee. He had just cleared Great Lakes. He was a tall lad. They ran out of dungaree trousers his length and issued him trou that hit him three inches above his ankles. They used to say that God never intended to create mice…..they were elephants before they entered the Navy supply system. So there was this new guy; freshly minted sub school grad via the T-division on the Orion; standing there in GP boots (general purpose high tops) and high-water pants. "Hey kid, tide's out… You can roll 'em down." "Hey Lil' Abner, what happened? Did Dogpatch burn down?" USS REQUIN dockside in Pittsburg Tink could take it and deal it out. Within a week he had degenerated into a full-fledged after battery rat; talked about hunting all the time. Closest most of us had come to hunting was doin' in rats with a pellet gun while they were doing their 'Rockettes' imitation across our mooring lines. "Hey Abner, you'n Daisy Mae lookin' fer a home?" (continued next page) KTB #209 PAGE 37 Remembering HANS-GEORG HESS We received a letter from TILMAN HESS (5817-LIFE-1999), son of our dear departed friend HANS-GEORG (125-+-1985) who began his “Eternal Patrol”. TILMAN wrote: “Your letter from 1 April 2008 was such a fantastic honor for Hans-Georg, and I/we are very thankful on behalf of him to say thank you, thank you, thank you. Hans-Georg believed in God and we know him close to Him now. You can imagine that I miss him as well.” ______________________________ Great Sharkhunters Prints New Member JANE RITTER (7334--2008) ordered some of our beautiful art prints that were hand-signed by HANS-GEORG HESS (125-+-1985) because we will donate a full 25% of the purchase price of these prints to the U-Boot-Ehrenmal in his name on all such orders we receive up to 31 July this year. She wrote: “The beautiful prints arrived today!! Many thanks for sending them so quickly.” EDITOR NOTE – These ARE beautiful prints and as stated, 25% of all money we receive from sales of these specific prints by 31 July will be donated to the U-Boot-Ehrenmal in the name of HANSGEORG HESS (125-+-1985). Details are on page 41 of last month’s issue, KTB #208 and on the next page of this issue. Check it out. _____________________________ BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE! We no longer keep any back issues here. It had gotten out of hand so badly that entire storerooms were filled with back issues, so we do not keep them any longer. But the ‘Master Copies’ are still kept here and so we can offer back issues at these prices: • • • If you receive the eKTB and lose one of the issues you received via the Internet, replacement eKTB is FREE; If you wish any other back issues that are stored on our hard drive (from KTB #182 to current) we will send it via the Internet and the cost is only $5 per issue; If you wish ANY back issues printed on paper from the masters we have here at HQ, the cost is $10 each and Sharkhunters will pay the postage in the USA. Outside the USA, please add $2 for postage. It isn’t us – it’s the post office who charges…..we merely collect the postage. Back Issues come quickly, according to LAWRENCE NOTHDURFT (5510-A/LIFE-1998) who emailed: “Just a short note to let you know that I have received the hard copies of KTB #206 and #207. Much thanks for your prompt response. You guys always come through. You have better customer service than Wal Mart and are much more efficient than the government. Once again, thanks.” Need back issues? Just let us know and we’ll send them right out to you in the manner you request. PAGE 38 The Sad Story of “Tinker” Continues - Page 27 Lil' Abner was neck-deep in 90% of the stupidity cooked up in the alley, but since he can no longer defend himself, I leave him out of the stories. That way, when I buy the farm and get to where either God or the devil billets boat sailors, Tink won't punch my lights out and will have saved me one of those racks where you don't hot sack… Like in God's goatlocker (When you die, everyone makes Master Chief - that's why they call it Heaven). Lil' Abner went down in the pump room to wipe down the diamond plate deck plates and equipment. He opened and lifted out a plate so the belowdecks watch could see the bilge level and pump when necessary. At some point, he stretched out on the deck plates. Belowdecks watch and trim manifold operator thought he was catching siesta Zs. What had happened was that Tink Garlock was wiping down with a solvent that came in a can with no warning that it was toxic and shouldn't be used in confined spaces. Someone said that it was intended to clean airplanes and that anywhere you could put an airplane was not a confined space. Argument useless at this point since Tink was overcome and he died in the pump room. His brother, Bob Garlock took this tragic, senseless loss and fashioned it into a living tribute to Tink. Bob Garlock began the REQUIN reunion. He started rounding up sailors who served on REQUIN from '45 to '70. The list grows larger each year as does the reunion. Without Bob Garlock, there would be no reunion. It's always in Pittsburgh because that's where the boat is. At the first reunion, we took a boat ride down the Ohio and back. It was a beautiful fall evening. Snipes gathered at the fantail to suck their lungs full of diesel exhaust and play the 'Do you remember that silly bastard off the USS So-in-so' game. Tim Conaty, a third class quartermaster, was forward. The skipper, Ed Frothingham yelled, "Conaty, can you fix our position?" "Aye sir… If my calculations are correct, we are either approaching La Harve or entering Tokyo." Then someone yelled, "Jeezus, isn't this perfect weather?" And someone, can't remember who, hollered back, "What did you expect? We've got Lil' Abner standing watch on the weather!" He was ship's company… Always will be. _____________________________ EDITOR NOTE – Anyone who has served in the military in any branch of service for any country has probably lost a friend or two during their hitch, even when there is no combat involved. The military is a highly professional organization with serious responsibilities and sometimes working with high technical and rather dangerous equipment. It is always hard to lose a buddy, especially in a noncombat situation…..but it happens, and we always remember those who don’t return. Did you know it was Sharkhunters who saved USS REQUIN from the cutting torch? More on that later. KTB #209 In Memory of HANS-GEORG HESS (125-+-1985) As you know, we donate 10% of all our print sales to the Deutsch U-Boot-Ehrenmal (the German Submariner’s Memorial) BUT as a tribute to this fine man, we will donate not 10% but 25% and not just prints but for everything on this page. That’s right – 25% of all the money that comes in from sales of these items through the end of July this year will be donated to the U-Boot-Ehrenmal. Hand-Signed Limited-Edition Fine Art Prints YOUNGEST COMMANDER Three months past his 21st birthday, Oberleutnant zur See der Reserve HANS-GEORG HESS took command of U-995 and became the youngest combat submarine commander of World War II and possibly of all time. Hess was a brave, fearless commander and soon earned the Knights Cross and he skippered his boat for five successful war patrols at a time when 9 out of 10 U-Boats didn’t return from their first war patrol. Now you may have a hand-signed print (only 1,000 made) of Captain Hess. The actual size of this rare print is 11” x 14” Order Print B Only $60 (plus $10 shipping) _____________________________ Hand-Signed Limited-Edition Fine Art Prints CONVOY in SIGHT This beautiful black and white print is signed by 18 veterans of the War at Sea…..15 Skippers, 8 Knights Cross holders and one with the Knights Cross with Oak Leaf and Crossed Swords. Your print is hand-signed by: Hans-Georg Hess, Knights Cross Horst v. Schroeter, Knights Cross Helmut Witte, Knights Cross Jürgen Oesten, Knights Cross Paul Brasack, Knights Cross Alfred Eick, Knights Cross Kurt Diggins, C. O. of U-458 Siegfried Koitschka, Knights Cross Erich Topp (Knights Cross, Oak Leaf and Crossed Swords; Günther Heinrich, Skipper of U-960 Gerd Thäter, Skipper of U-466 Helmut Schmoeckel, Skipper of U-802 Hermann Hoffmann, Skipper of U-172 Herbert Werner, Skipper of U-953, author ‘Iron Coffins’ Matthias Brünig, Skipper of U-106 Volkmar König, midshipman on U-99 Gerhard Richter, radioman aboard U-81 Peter Hansen, U-Bootfahrer and Abwehr agent THÄTER and HESS Only 500 of these prints have been made and all are hand-signed by these men of history, eight of whom have already begun their ‘Eternal Patrol’. This is a great historical print! Kapitänleutnant GERD THÄTER made the trip through the ‘Gates of Hell’ (Gibraltar) not once but twice! He was Skipper of U-466 and his I.W.O. HANS-GEORG HESS proved to be a superb XO and he later got command of his own Type VII-C boat. Order Print AJ Only $250 (plus $10 shipping) _____________________________ Yesterday’s Enemies are Today’s Friends This is the motto of Sharkhunters and it is the title of this print. These men were very close up to the day that THÄTER began his “Eternal Patrol”. They each hand-signed the 1,000 black and white prints. This is a genuine MIKE WOOTEN print. Order Print AK Only $100 (plus $10 shipping) ___________________________ All Prints are Numbered and Registered All prints from Sharkhunters are numbered and ownership is registered here on our master computer. This ensures that you and only you have that specific print and you further enjoy the security of knowing that your ownership of your own print is kept on file here at Sharkhunters Headquarters. REMEMBER – 25% of all money that comes in from items on this page until 31 July will be donated to the U-Boot-Ehrenmal. KTB #209 This print is hand-signed by 3 German and 3 American skippers. GERMAN SKIPPERS Erich Topp Rolf Thomsen Hans-Georg Hess AMERICAN SKIPPERS Gene Fluckey Slade Cutter Edward L. Beach All of these fine warriors have departed on their ‘Eternal Patrol’. Order Print AL Only $125 (plus $10 shipping) PAGE 39 Sharkhunters Historic Coffee Mugs Make a Mug of WHO? We are frequently asked why we don’t offer a coffee mug with the photo of this Skipper or that pilot etc and usually we DO have that veteran featured on a coffee mug. Here is the list of who we have already set up and ready to ship: NOTE: On these, the Luftwaffe Pilot’s Badge is on one side and the veteran’s photo is on the other. They include: E-1 Eaglehunters Crest E-2 Günther Rall E-3 Adolf Galland E-4 Wolfgang Späte * E-5 Benno Hermann E-6 Hans-Ekkehard Bob E-7 Erich Hartmann E-8 Artur Pipan E-9 Erich Biene E-10 Viktor Petermann E-11 Gerhard Studemann E-12 Hermann Buchner E-13 Gerhard Krems E-14 Willi Dipberger E-15 Frank Neubert E-16 Franz Kieslich E-17 Georg von Zirk E-18 Hans Wohlbier E-19 Günther Bierbauer E-20 Hans Dally E-21 Siegfried Fischer E-22 Oscar Boesch E-23 Franz Grap E-24 Herbert Ihlefeld E-25 Erhard Jähnert E-26 Hans-Ulrich Rudel ** E-27 Günther Kempin E-28 Heinrich Meyering E-29 Horst Petzschler E-30 Herbert Rauh E-31 Werner Roell * - the reverse is the photo of the KOMET rocket plane he flew. ** - the reverse is the photo of his STUKA. Japan’s Escort Carriers by RAUL COLON (7194-2007) Japan is universally recognized as a major carrier power during World War II when the Imperial Japanese Navy possessed the most powerful carrier force in the world. It was with this force, coupled with well designed aircraft and excellent combat pilots; that Japan was able to roam free on the vast Pacific Ocean during the first months of the war. The force continued to be the backbone of the entire fleet well into late 1942 when attrition, mainly experience aviators, began taking its toll. By late 1943 the once vaunted Japanese carrier force was a shell of its former self. Now relegated to decoy and even suicide missions, the carrier force was powerless to stop the United States Navy’s drive towards the Japanese home islands. But this sad end should not overshadow the nation’s ability to produce some of the finest carriers ever developed. Japan’s fleet carrier program has been the subject of many books, articles and papers. Their design, development and deployment had been well covered, but not so the Japanese escort carrier force. Japan’s escort carrier fleet program began in the shadows of the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922 which regulate the type of ship and total tonnage of each major naval power. Almost immediately each of the signatories tried to circumvent the Treaty’s limits in tonnage and capital ship designs. In Japan, a covert program began in earnest to convert passenger liners into aircraft carriers. Most of the liners that underwent the conversion program entered the Japanese fleet as escort carriers instead of capital, fleet flattops. Imperial Japan intended these converted liners to work side-by-side with the Combine Fleet. Unfortunately, they possessed a low speed capability (between 20 and 24 knots), lacked a true catapult system and the necessary storage capability to complement the main fleet elements. It is because the above described limitations, the primarily mission profile for these “converted liners” was that of ferrying aircraft across the vastness of the Pacific. It was not until late in the war that Japan’s escort carries were organized into a collective combat unit, the Grand Escort Command, with the assignment task of protecting the merchant and convoy shipping. (this will continue in KTB #210 next month) With the exception of E-17 (von Zirk) all these pilots were decorated with the Knights Cross or higher. U-Boat Losses by Flotilla Our Sharkhunters Historic Coffee Mugs are $15 each (plus $5 shipping. And we can usually ship within one week of receipt of order. It is complicated to fire these mugs so we do it once a week. by CHUCK MYLES (1068-1989) In KTB #210 next month, we will list the U-Boat Skippers that we feature on our Sharkhunters Historic Coffee Mugs. As with all Sharkhunters Gift Items – your satisfaction is guaranteed or your purchase price is quickly refunded. Membership PRIDE! MARTIN FERNANDEZ (6522-2002), currently serving in the U.S. Army overseas, emailed this: “Knowing the truth is awesome!! Here’s to another great year!!!” PAGE 40 The 4. U-Bootflottille (4th Submarine Flotilla) based in Stetin was a training flotilla from May 1941 through May 1945. Since this was a training flotilla, their losses were nowhere near as great as those of the Front Flotillas. However, they lost 18 U-Boats out of a total of 283 – 6.4% in total. Flotilla Commanders were: • Kapitänleutnant Werner Jacobsen May through July 1941; • Kapitänleutnant Frauenheim (pictured here) July and August 1941; • Fregettenkapitän Heinz Fischer from August 1941 to the end of the war. (this feature will continue in KTB #210 next month) KTB #209 Submarine Stories from JAMES SANTOS (4896-A/LIFE1996) Albert (Albie) Niess from Russ von Moppes In June of '48, as an 18 year old FN striker, I was standing on the deck of the USS NEREUS as one of 40 others awaiting assignment to submarines. The Duty Officer read off four names: Zech; Woods; Woodruff and Van Moppes, and told us to report to VOLADOR and POMODON. The remaining 36 men were assigned messcooking aboard NEREUS. The duty officer's name was Ziezenkowski, and he was no doubt tired of all those assignment lists which continually led off with names beginning with the letter 'A'. Assigned to POMODON and to the after torpedo room for berthing, I met TM2 Albie Niess. With Albie, if it didn't move it had better shine, and if it moved it had better be clean and squared away or it was sent to the after battery to bunk. In reality, TM1 Pennington was in charge of the room, but you would never have known it. Leaving POMODON and Albie Niess in Yokosuka in '51 as a squared away EM2, I attended IC School then on to Instructors School; NTC; Nuclear Power School; and OTC. As a newly commissioned Ensign, I reported aboard the RASHER in 1958 as the Commissary Officer. Several of the current RASHER roster were aboard, including the CO, Cal Turk; Reed Grady, XO; Don Walsh; Thom Warburton; Larry Shumaker, and Gib Carter. LCdr. Grady was relieved by Fred Fagin and I had been promoted to 1st Lt., Weapons Officer. Fred asked if I could find a COB for Rasher and I immediately thought of Albie. We found him and the rest was magic. Albie knew every white hat, their strengths and weaknesses, and how to get the most from every one of them. A model for the wardroom, he was in great part responsible for RASHER winning the Division and Squadron 'E' during that period, as well as for a very successful WestPac cruise. I have had many blessings and a wonderful life that had it's origins in the mentorship of TMC Albert (Albie) Niess. If there be a 'fish' in heaven, it be a hot, straight and normal run under his guidance. _____________________________ Albie and Butch from Dave Hackett For whatever it's worth, I would like to pass on something about two real submarine Chief Petty Officers, Albie Niess & Butch Koenig. In 1960 I was 24 years old going on 15, and had a problem of NOT showing up on my duty weekends. One day the XO told me he had enough of my s_ _ _, and that I could explain it to the CO over the long green table. Later, while cleaning up in the forward battery well, Albie came down wearing dress blues. I said, "Albie, you're going to destroy your uniform. The battery acid will eat holes in it." KTB #209 He said, "Don't worry about my uniform. You worry about getting your act together. You're going on five days basket leave and get your yourself together, come back and be a sub sailor!" I told him the XO was taking me to mast and he said he would speak to the XO. EDITOR NOTE – For those not familiar, the ‘Captain’s Mast’ is the way the Navy refers to an Article 15 hearing of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) in which the unit commander has the authority to hear minor charges against an individual and can impose minor penalties. Don’t ask how this Editor knows….. When I came out of the well, the XO saw me, gave me a dirty look and told me to see the yeoman for my leave papers. I went on leave and kept thinking about Albie crawling around the battery well in his dress canvas. NO WAY was I going back and screw over someone who went out of his way to help me. I know that is what got me started growing up. Butch was my Chief and he and Albie decided that maybe, just maybe, I might make a submarine sailor someday. I hope I made it! I have served in a lot of boats since then with various duties: PO, CPO, and COB. I have had many Chiefs and COBs, but NONE the equal of Chief Petty Officer Albie Niess and Chief Petty Officer Butch Koenig. (there will be more Scuttlebutt in KTB #210 next month) 12 May 2008! That is when Members who receive the electronic eKTB were reading this issue – IN FULL COLOR! When was the printed paper KTB delivered the post? SAVE MONEY! ALL Members - in the USA or outside the USA…..anywhere in the world receiving the eKTB pay • only $50 per year at Seaman level; • just $75 per year at Commander level; • and $150 per year at Admiral level. These dues will NOT INCREASE! No matter what happens to the cost of postage, it does not affect those receiving the eKTB so the dues will not increase. It is easy to change from the printed paper KTB to the instant electronic eKTB. Just send an email to us and tell us that you want the eKTB. It IS that easy! is the email address – some out of the dark ages – and save money! PAGE 41 Secret Chinese Submarine Base How Sharkhunters Helped Save USS REQUIN One of our S.E.I.G. Agents has sent us this information, taken from the "Daily Telegraph" in England, said to be the best selling quality newspaper in Britain. In this article, with accompanying photo from the 'Daily Telegraph', it states that China has built a major underground nuclear submarine base that could challenge American power in the region. When we moved from a Chicago suburb to Tampa, Florida in 1988 USS REQUIN was in the Hillsborough River. She had been open to visitors as a memorial boat but the Navy Cadets who had been operating and maintaining the boat did not renew the contract and the boat was just locked up and languishing at the river’s edge. The story is backed up by this photo from this Agent who, as yet, does not have a S.E.I.G. code name. Secret submarine bases hewed out of solid mountains is nothing new. The Soviet Navy did the same in the Black Sea at the Ukrainian port city of Balaklava, better known from "The Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred Lord Tennyson. We were there with our 1995 "Patrol in Russia and Ukraine" and again to the same places in 1996. We walked far out on a point of land where we saw lookout towers built centuries ago by the Phoenicians but manned by Russian security forces in 1995 and 1996 - and we could look back at the sheer cliffs on both sides of the entrance to the harbor. In the vertical cliffs on one side of the harbor, the massive iron doors of the entrance into the secret Russian submarine base were easily seen. Hiding submarine bases inside mountains is not a new idea, but with the massive influx of money to China from their trade goods sold in just about every major nation in the world, the Chinese military is moving forward a great speed to build a huge military force and is rapidly becoming a full-fledged blue water navy. It would be foolish to take them lightly. While it once was a good idea to hide submarine bases inside mountains - with the advent of the always present "eye in the sky" of the satellites, is it really a good idea still? Once inside, the submarines are invisible to the satellites - but they have to surface to come into the mountain bases and at that time, they are visible to the satellites. _____________________________ Update from another Member Another Member who is still unnamed tells us that when she was in ONI (Naval Intelligence) in the 1990’s, the U.S. Government knew about this base. Any additional info from Members? PAGE 42 We approached the city to operate the boat and to make our HQ on board, but Mayor Sandy Freedman decided that we must be a bunch of Nazis even though many U.S. Navy veterans contacted her and tried to explain that we’re a history organization and with no political direction at all. In our plan, we would operate the boat as a Memorial, have submarine veterans as well as U.S. Navy high school NROTC cadets act as tour guides and maintain the boat. After the bills would be paid, the remainder would be split three ways between Sharkhunters, the city of Tampa and the NROTC cadets. She wouldn’t even meet with us and turned a deaf ear. She turned the boat over to a local Boy Scout leader which, on the surface, didn’t seem to be a bad idea - they are an American group. However, this Scout leader did not have the boat open to visitors at all and just used the boat for his Boy Scout meetings. Well, actually he WAS using the boat for more than Boy Scout meetings – he was doing things to & with his Scouts that definitely not in the Boy Scout manual! The Tampa Police stormed aboard USS REQUIN (SS-481), caught the Scout leader in the Captain’s cabin with one of his Scouts. The evening news and the local newspapers featured photos of this guy being led off the boat in handcuffs – a terrible thing for an American submarine! Enter Captain BOB O’NEILL (904-1993), USN Retired. There is something terrifying about a US Navy four-stripe captain in dress whites when he’s angry. With HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) in tow, BOB stormed the Mayor’s office but she was chicken and so sent one of her flunkies to talk with BOB. The flunky said that they would be happy to give Sharkhunters the same contract to run the boat that they gave to the Scout leader. BOB read it said that only an idiot would agree to what the mayor was demanding, so it did not go to Sharkhunters. But the story doesn’t end there. That nitwit mayor was rumored looking for a wrecking company to break up USS REQUIN in the river! We ran a blistering editorial in our KTB Magazine which was republished in POLARIS, the magazine of the World War II SubVets, and there was so much pressure on Mayor Sandy that the idea of scrapping out the boat was shot down. Someone picked up the ball and contacted the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburg and they took the boat. She is well maintained there and is a fitting tribute to the men of the Silent Service – saved from the incompetent Tampa Mayor. PS: Sandy Freedman’s husband was going to be given a nice job by Bill Clinton but turned out that he had dirty hands…..something about a bank known as BCCI, money laundering, drugs, etc……… Don’t you just love a story with a happy ending? KTB #209 For Sale – Museum Quality U-Boat Caps White Top U-Boat Captain’s Caps…...$150 Soldbuchs……………………………..$ 20 Brass Kriegsmarine Buckles………….$ 30 Museum quality Cap Tallies………….$ 15 Gold WW II U-Boat Badges…………$ 25 (In blue cases) Kriegsmarine Grid Maps……………..$ 45 WW I German Navy Battle Flags……$ 75 (23” x 16½” inches, cotton/linen) These are superior quality remakes of the World War II Captain’s White Top U-Boat caps. These have the smaller gold braid trim on the bills as correct for the rank of Kaleu (Kapitänleutnant) as seen in ‘Das Boot’. Our caps are very well made – heavy white cotton canvas tops; real black leather straps around the front, gold embroidered wreath and cockade with the gold embroidered eagle and swastika on top portion, gold Kriegsmarine buttons on each side, brown leather sweatbands with proper stamp and the underside of the bill is leather. Gold antiquated eagle and Hackenkreuz can be furnished upon request. 7/12 The caps are absolutely stunning quality, made especially for our company. They can also be put with a World War II display. We have furnished them to military museums not only in the United States but also in Canada, Australia and Austria. Our caps are so well made they can be worn! If you are the proud owner of a boat, you could be your own Commander! The quality is such that the caps should last you a lifetime, worn with or without the upper insignia (your decision). EDITOR NOTE – We have one of these caps for display. They are indeed, outstanding. They are good looking and of a very high quality. They are just a super, super Kriegsmarine cap. We know you’ll be pleased. I am retired military. More than 2,900 customers have purchased from us and as stated previously, we have furnished U-Boat Skippers caps to military museums CAP TALLIES – at present, we have in stock the following museum quality collector grade cap tallies: • Kriegsmarine • BISMARCK • GRAF SPEE They are made exactly like ‘originals’ selling for hundreds of dollars. KTB #209 Shipping on our caps and all other items in the USA is $7.50 via Priority Mail and use delivery confirmation. Cap tallies, belt buckles, World War I flags and grid maps are shipped rolled. Satisfaction Guaranteed! We have always offered 100% satisfaction in anything we sell, and we take PayPal, checks or money orders. To Place Your Order Joe Fischer Wild Geese Farms Military Antiques 1055 Aire Court Murfreesboro, TN 37128 Telephone (615) 895-5754 EDITOR NOTE – DO NOT ORDER from Sharkhunters. You must order directly through Wild Geese Farms. PAGE 43 You KNEW we were going back! Our recent expedition to Argentina and Chile was primarily to meet face to face the friends with whom we have been corresponding, and to see if there really was substance to these rumors. There is great substance, and many more riddles that must be solved so we’re planning a return expedition to this area with Geiger counters, metal detectors, experts in various fields and we will spend more time on site, doing more research in Argentina and Chile and filming it all. We need your help! All this takes money, so we would like you to send what you can to help with our return expedition – and your donations are tax deductible, so please think big - it is sorely needed! You may send your check or send a note to charge your donation to your credit card. Make your check or charge to Sharkhunters International Submarine Research Institute (S.I.S.R.I. if you don’t like to write so much) and send it here. This is a legally constituted 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization and you may deduct your donations from your taxes. Check with your tax preparer on this. Thanks in advance. YOU can help uncover honest history - send your donation today and be part of it! In KTB #210 next month, we’ll ask for volunteers to be with us and we will tell the criteria. PAGE 44 KTB #209