Published for customers of Hy
Published for customers of Hy
• Italian • Bakery • Kitchen • Chinese Friday, February 26, 2016 Published for customers of Hy-Vee Food Store, Marshall, Minnesota 56258 NOTICE: Marshall Food4Kids, a non-profit organization that helps hungry children in Marshall, is participating in a fundraising event at the Marshall Pizza Ranch, February 29, 5-8 p.m. The organization will receive donations in the form of tips from guests & 10% of the sales during that time. ATTENTION TO HY-VEE CUSTOMERS/TRADER READERS: Submit your ads only by dropping off at Hy-Vee or online at index.php/trader before 7 am Mondays. No phone calls please. We reserve the right to edit or decline word advertisements that do not follow guidelines. The Trader is offered for personal advertisements and notices as a service provided by Hy-Vee for Hy-Vee customers. It is not meant for business advertisers. If you are a business and wish to advertise in the Trader please call 507-537-1551 and ask for sales or email and someone will contact you. Ads are printed on space available basis only. NOTICE: Fish Fry at St. Clotilde Catholic Church, Green Valley, Friday February 26, serving from 4:30-7 p.m. All you can eat Pollack, potato, coleslaw & drink. NOTICE: Lamberton SAL wildgame/bullhead feed, Saturday, March 5th., 5-8 p.m. at Legion Hall. NOTICE: When submitting an ad for the Hy-Vee Trader the submission form must be completed, with NAME, & PHONE NUMBER if these are not on the submitted form they will not be published in the Hy-Vee Trader. NOTICE: Ruby's Pantry Food Distribution first Thursday of every month, March 3, 4:30-6pm, National Guard Armory, 500 Timmerman Dr., Marshall, $20 cash donation no checks/credit/ debit/EBT cards receive abundance of grocery items, bring 2 laundry/tote baskets, hosted by Holy Redeemer Church in partnership w/Western Community Action. For info on the program, email for more information Art Olson, broker 300 West College Dr • Marshall, MN 56258 507.532.5756 • 011516t77029lb NOTICE: Downsizing continues-208 Walnut, Thursday, February 25, 8a.m.-6p.m. Friday, February 26, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, February 27, 8 a.m.-noon. Quality wood and upholstered pieces, Drexel Heritage dining room table & 6 chairs, curio cabinet, etegere, book drum & Verdigris coffee table & misc. 122415t76923lp Cottonwood, MN Taking applications for full-time employment Apply in person at 604 Michigan Rd., Marshall, MN or call 532-3211 to set up an appointment. 022616t79130dr MLS 122415t76919lp View all our listings at: 507-537-4321 • 800 E Main St. Marshall Serving Southwest MN & Southeast SD 123115t77387lr Buying or Selling Your Home? Contact Us! Sedation (IV & Oral) • Laser Dentistry • Implants Clear Correct Invisible Braces • ZOOM! Whitening Emergency Appointments • Flexible Financing Most Major Dental Plans Accepted • Family Friendly Flat Screen TVs in patient rooms Call Today 507-532-2233 EW N 304 W. Lyon St • Marshall, MN PATIENT L! IA SPEC NOTICE: Family Fun Night 6:30 p.m. Saturday, February 27, Minneota American Legion. Bingo for pork loins, hams & bacon. Food available from local 4-H Club, games of chance, gun raffles, door prize of 870 shot gun, silent auction and much more. NOTICE: Minneota FFA is serving a waffle feed with fried eggs, sausage, toast & beverage, Sunday, February 28, 8:30 a.m.-12 noon, school cafeteria, along w/silent auction, free will offering. BH Electronics, Inc. EOE/M/F/Vet/Disability NOTICE: Free Tax Preparation; Western Community Action is offering free tax preparation services to individuals & families that meet our income guidelines, $35,000 for individuals, $55,000 families. Call Western Community Action to have your Taxes done for Free. We do taxes in Marshall on Tuesday & Thursday from 5:30-8 p.m. & Saturday mornings from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Redwood Falls on Mondays from 5:15-7:30 p.m. To make your appointment and get your refund fast. Appointments encouraged, walk-ins will also be served if possible. Ph. 537-1416. NOTICE: The Minneota Knights of Columbus are having a Taunton Style pancake & sausage supper, Sunday, February 28, 4-7 pm, St. Ed's church basement. 507-423-6274 NOTICE: Several volunteer opportunities for our monthly Ruby's Pantry Food Distribution in Marshall, held first Thursday of each month, National Guard Armory, opportunities begin at 3pm, bring your friends, family or work groups. For more information on how you can help, email For information on the program NOTICE: Beginning Experience of SW MN/ Marshall Singles Dance. Saturday, March 5, 8 p.m.12 a.m., Center Post in Lake Benton, Music provided by Breakeven. All singles 21 and over welcome. NOTICE: Benefit for Francis Miller, Saturday March 5, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Walnut Grove Community Center, 311 6th St Walnut Grove. Meal/Silent Auction, all money raised deferring ongoing medical bills for Lymphoma Cancer. LLC. NOTICE: Ole & Lena Show, Sunday, February 28, Wood Lake Community Center, 3 p.m. All welcome, put on by Lighterside Clowns. NOTICE: Fur Trade in Minnesota, a new traveling exhibit from the Minnesota History Center opens March 5, Lyon County Museum, 301 W Lyon Street. Fur Trade in Minnesota will be on view through May 15. Ph. 537-6580. NOTICE: ACT on Alzheimer's is bringing ArtSage to Marshall, Monday, February 29, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. First Lutheran Church, 100 Church Street, Marshall, For more information and to register call the Adult Community Center 537-6109. Cost to attend is $10. NOTICE: Knights of Columbus Fish Fry, Carlin Hall, Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, serving 4:30-7 p.m. Adults, $10, kids 7-12, $4, Under 6 Free. Desserts will be available from youth group. Proceeds from the dessert sale, benefit the Holy Redeemer Youth Group. FOR SALE: Westgate Palace Resort in Orlando, FL, minutes from Disney World, across from water park and other activities, 2 bedrooms, sleeps 6-8, completely furnished, lots of room for 7 days, excellent vacation site, pay maintenence and filing fees, yours to own, every odd year. Ph. 829-6714 or 537-4972. NOTICE: Boy Scouts of America Troop 320 French Toast Breakfast, Sunday March 13, 8 a.m.12 noon, Cornerstone Methodist Church. Serving French toast, sausage, orange juice, milk and coffee. Adults $8, Children 4-12 $5, 3 & under Free. All proceeds support Troop 320’s activities. Marshall Mini Storage New & Bigger Sizes Available 5 x 10 to 10 x 35 email: • 1410 South Saratoga, Marshall, MN • ROAD IS NOW OPEN - Hwy. 23 & Saratoga Rent is income based and our residents are 62 and older or disabled Call 507-532-4029 or email FILL YOUR CART. FOR SALE: Brand new Copper simmering pot to cook potpourri in water on stove, plus potpourri in original box, $10; 1 iron clothes line pole, $10; Cannon computer printer, 3 years old, $30 2 wooden fence posts, $5/ea.; Small pet cage, 24”x18”x12”, $10; Brand new ladies tee shirts, size XXL, with different saying’s or logos, $10/ea. Ph. 532-9229. FUEL YOUR CAR. FOR SALE: 2006 Grand Marquis Mercury, A1 shape, 79,000 mi. Ph. 320-855-2648 or 320-841-0924. FOR SALE: Sonaris Bathmaster, reclining & vertical, this is the answer for problem bathers, single button, BO. Ph. 337-1972. FOR SALE: Queen size mattress & box spring, $200 or BO; 32’ steel dock, cedar decking, good shape, $750. Ph. 828-9011. FOR SALE: 255/70R17 general AT tires, all four match, $60 for all. Ph. 530-0970. FOR SALE: Small square bales of 4th cutting alfalfa hay. Ph. 532-6748. WANTED: 4 baby moon hub caps for 19’ rim, 2 rear view mirrors, 1997 El Camino. Ph. 532-2587. FOR SALE: 6’x20’ Delta livestock trailer, 5th wheel, new steel 10” up on sides and front, good to excellent shape. Ph. 531-0071. FOR SALE: New quilted size bedspread, multi color in gold, maroon & brown, includes 3 large matching pillows, $80. Ph. 532-6020. FOR SALE: Wooden baby cradle, many porcelain dolls, ladies new HD leather jacket. Ph. 605-553-2628. FOR SALE: Tire chains for small tractor. Ph. 734-6881. FOR SALE: 8’ wooden toboggan, has attachable padding. Ph. 859-2583. FOR SALE: 1929 Minneapolis swather, motor was turned once or twice a year so it is not locked, $100 or BO. Ph. 605-695-8175. 123115t77050lb FOR SALE: 18’ tiltbed car trailer, like new, used twice, $3,900; Nipco 98 heater, works good, $75. Ph. 530-0823. 2 WANTED: Kitchen cabinets & countertop; Used Hydraulic dump trailer, one that you pull behind pickup. Ph. 530-5043. FOR SALE: Downsizing, depression glass, green, pink, yellow pieces, couple curio cabinets, like new; Long length brown tan fur coat, $95; White rabbit fur jacket, $45. Ph. 537-1659. 1 Bedroom Apartments Available FOR SALE: 950 head permitted cattle farm located 5 miles North of Marshall on Hwy 59, 10.76 acres, building site houses a 5 bedroom, 3 bath home, hot tub & pool, 40x45 & 60x96 shop with infloor heat/wood boiler heat, hydro-swing doors, two other machine sheds w/hydro doors, bedding shed, hay shed, cemented pads for loading feed, treating facility, grain bins, much more. Ph. 530-7308. FOR SALE: 500 gallon chem tank for field cultivator, IH front end, weights & brackets, IH 2 pt-3 pt conv. hitch, approx 80 cement blocks. Ph. 530-7414. FOR SALE: Dual hub wheel spacers, 5”x10 bolt, JD combine head mover. Ph. 423-6369. FOR SALE: Corn stalk bales, large, rounds. Ph. 530-5199. NOTICE: Join our grief share support group, for anyone who is journeying through grief healing, meets every Monday 6:30 p.m. Meets at the gathering space at Holy Redeemer Church. The material allows you to begin at anytime. For more information. Ph. 401-0601 or 530-1418. FOR SALE: Cherry wood piano, Samick, upright tuned yearly, great shape; Maytag washer/dryer, 8 years old, black, works great, $400 for the set; 2 black pendant light fixtures, 1 year old, $50/ea.; Bathroom vanity, oak w/ivory sink, good shape, $100; Office cabinet w/desk & book shelf. Ph. 828-5227. 532-6971 123115t77519lp NOTICE: The Split Rail Saddle Club is looking for vendors to join us on Saturday, February 27, Baked Potato/Taco-in-a-bag, Crafts & Tack Sale, Echo Community Center. For more information call Vicki 320-226-6723. Any type of items such as cosmetics, household crocheted or knitted items and of course new or used tack. WANTED: Dog kennel. Ph. 828-3007. 120415t75531ll NOTICE: The Split Rail Saddle Club will be hosting a Baked Potato/Taco-in-a-bag Fundraiser on Saturday, February 27, 11a.m.-1 p.m., Echo Community Center, Echo. Cost $6 for your choice of one of the two. Silent Auction w/many items to bid on as well as a Craft and Tack Sale. If you would like to donate items for the Silent Auction, please contact Carrie 530-7784. To sign up for space for the Craft & Tack Sale contact Vicki 320-226-6723. Tickets will be on sale at the door. GIVEAWAY: Sears Kenmore, electric dryer, heat works, needs new drum pads, has no 220 plug in, you haul. Ph. 530-6088. THE HY-VEE FUEL SAVER & PERKS™ REWARDS PROGRAM! SIGN UP TODAY! FOR SALE: 2 prom dresses, size 8, worn once, great shape, $50. Ph. 320-894-4385. FOR SALE: 2008 Polaris 800 Dragon 155, 1730 mi., $4,500; 2005 Polaris 900 159, 2,123 mi., $3,500. Ph. 320-226-5362. Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent FOR SALE: Grass hay, small squares, $1.75/bale, stored inside. Ph. 530-0787. WANTED: Old mini bikes or used scooter, will pay cash. Ph. 530-1752. FOR SALE: 1992 F-250 regular cab, flat bed, 4x4, 351, 112,000 mi., 5 speed. Ph. 215-0699. FOR SALE: 2 drawer file cabinet, solid oak, $50; 2 pairs men’s dress shoes, worn once each, $35/pair. Ph. 320-333-7941. FOR SALE: Pampered Chef, medium size bar ban, $10; New large size hand embroidered dish towels, $3/ea. Ph. 247-5228. FOR SALE: Grass & mixed horse quality hay, small squares, stored inside, grass $2.50/bale. Ph. 640-1467. WANTED: German Shepard puppy. Ph. 531-0904. FOR SALE: Firewood, still have a few cords left, $160/cord. Can deliver or you can pick it up yourself & save the delivery cost. Ph. 227-0860. GIVEAWAY: Blue recliner, good condition. Ph. 485-2026. FOR SALE: 23 black & baldy plus a few red calves weighing about 700 lbs., home raised on grain and round bales shots done, poured market price, & 3 Tom wild turkeys, large size. Ph. 532-2094. FOR SALE: 2005 Jeep Liberty Limited, loaded, leather, sunroof, 4x4, 84,000 mi., salvage title, chrome factory wheels, $5,700. Ph. 320-226-1531. WANTED: Vehicles in any condition to be used for Fire department training with the jaws of life. Ph. 320-979-7071. FOR SALE: Ph. 430-0776. WANTED: Model cars, trucks, semi trucks & trailers, kits or put together, 1/25 or 1/24 scale. Ph. 532-3599. kids. FOR SALE: Dish washer racks for Kenmore washers, fits several models, very good condition, $60. Ph. 865-4421 or 530-3585. FOR SALE: 2001 Dodge Durango. 4x4, heated front seats, brakes wired to pull a camper, hitch, 3 seats, clean, high miles, runs good, 4 new tires in 2014. Ph. 368-4339. FOR SALE: 16" Hereford Tex Tan saddle, $500; 15" Billy Cook Rope Saddle, $600; 15" Hereford rope saddle, $375; Pony and youth saddles, $175. Ph. 828-7356. FOR SALE: 27" 10hp Norma 2 stage snow blower w/electric start & light, synthetic engine oil, excellent condition, $375. Ph. 829-7271. FOR SALE: 1988 JD 444E 2 buckets, bale spears, pallet forks, rubber tire scraper, 12,700 hrs, great shape, $23,000. Ph. 530-7007. FOR SALE: Grass hay small squares 500+, inside & tested. Ph. 530-5683. FOR RENT: FOR SALE: Used Holton Trombone, very good condition, made in USA, $225. Ph. 537-9690. 700 North Jefferson, Minneota FOR SALE: Round bales of road ditch hay, large 1100#, $55 & 600# bales $40/bale. Ph. 640-1654. Westview Apartments 123115t77386lr 2BR attractive apartment starting at $425. New windows, flooring and appliances, large walk in closet, peaceful setting. Save $200 on your 2BR apartment (Minneota vs Marshall) Kathy 605-480-1547 or 507-530-6272 CARR PROPERTIES RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL RENTALS James Carr (507) 532-2291 FOR SALE: Tom Brady & Randy Moss, New England Patriots jerseys men's XL, $25; 2 Golden Gopher football jerseys XL, $25 for both. Ph. 530-5440. Lindsey Paulson Leasing Agent (507) 829-6582 FOR SALE: 2014 JD 673 tiller, excellent condition, $3,250. Email: Office: 1601 Hwy 59 North, P.O. Box 1215, Marshall, MN 56258 123115t77228lr FOR SALE: Boxes of boys clothes Sm-5’s, selling the boxes, nice condition; Oak entertainment center; Kids air hockey table; Computer scanner, Scanjet 2100c HP; Small sunflower & burgundy flower centerpieces; New never used, baby bouncer seat that vibrates; Infant car seat; Pink toddler booster car seat, all items excellent condition. Ph. 828-5215. the LOST: Pontiac car keys on SMSU lanyard with a red cross as well, lost somewhere in Marshall. Ph. 530-3414. FOR SALE: 1988 Jeep Cherokee Chief, 4.0, 35,000 mi., good tires, some rust, $1,500. Ph. 485-3431. FOR SALE: 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 stall garage, family room w/wood fireplace, 4 seasons porch, fenced yard w/shed, in Marshall. $154,900. Ph. 532-3554. for FOR SALE: Home made flannel nightgown, round yoke, size medium will fit a size 14-18. 5'5 " to 5'8", purple tie dyed new material, will deliver to Marshall, $35. Ph. 320-855-2419. FOR SALE: Gazelle exercise equipment, very cheap, Women’s & men’s clothes, dishes, table games, books, bedding, wine glasses, pots, small articles & much more, everything cheap. Ph. 537-4873. FOR SALE: 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo AWD, 210,00 mi., tires only have 4,000 miles on them, doesn't use any fluids, regular maintenance, $1,200. Ph. 626-0410. fun FOR SALE: Ruger M77 Hawkeye 22-250 all weather, maybe had 200 rounds through it, 3x9 Nikon Prostaff scope, w/bullet drop compensation, like new condition, & Henry 44mag. Order of the Arrow, 100th Anniversary Edition Gold Boy, never been fired, Value will increase each year due to edition, 22-250, $850 for the gun, scope, and hard case. Henry Retails $1,000, comes in original box. Ph. 430-0715. WILL DO: Interior painting for the winter, over 20 years experience, free estimates, references, insured. Ph. 929-0621. WILL DO: Puppy/dog training looking, new to the area, I have excellent skills & training. Looking to start training in the early spring. Ph. 636-208-2295. Go-cart, FOR SALE: 1999 Dodge cummins 5.9 24v., runs great, few very recent updates, no rust, silver, interior great, no cracks on new dash, new batteries. 160,000 mi,. $14,500 or BO. Ph. 430-0715. FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home w/detached 2 car garage with several out buildings. 6.5 miles north of Redwood Falls $115,000 Ph. 430-0618. FOR SALE: 2001 F150 Super Crew Ford, very clean, 4,000 mile on new tires, engine & drive train never been touch, runs out good, $4,000 or BO. Ph. 828-9365. FOR SALE: 12” Rockford Fosgate P2 Subwoofer, enclosed in a sealed box, has a 500 Amp 2 channel Power series Amplifier attached to the box, w/power & fuse, ground, RCA cabling, & speaker wire, all needed wiring, $400 or BO. Ph. 430-7145. WANTED: Junk cars & trucks, pay cash and haul them away. Ph. 320-226-5842. Hy-Vee Trader Published for Hy-Vee by the Marshall Independent 3 WANTED: 1973-1987 Chevy, 4 door crewcab truck for parts, any condition, complete or not. Ph. 320-321-0220. FOR SALE: Nordic track Exp 1000x folding treadmill, track is 20x54, digital display, excellent condition, $125 or BO. Ph. 829-3873. FOR SALE: 2003 Saturn Vue, black, 199,000 mi., 3.0 V6, brand new tires, great shape inside & out, $2,900 or BO. Ph. 476-5686. FOR SALE: 50 big square bales of alfalfa, RFV 160; 39 big square bales of alfalfa RFV, 125. Ph. 829-0933 WANTED: Used treadmill, good condition. Ph. 828-2120. FOR SALE: Set of Polaris ATV tires, & rims, like brand, 30x10x14. Ph. 605-351-7839. FOR SALE: Whirlpool clothes dryer, large capacity, good condition, $65; Sofa hide a bed, good condition, no pets on it, $50. Ph. 836-6435. FOR SALE: Fiberglas top for Jeep YJ, 4 R245/75R16 tires and aluminum wheels for Chevy Silverado. Ph. 320-262-2752. FOR SALE: JD 7000 6 row narrow & JD 7100 6 row or 9 row, skip planter. Ph. 360-8798. FOR SALE: 1988 Ford F-250, 4x4, fiberglass mechanics body, 7-1/2' Western Straight Blade w/Pro-wings. Ph. 320-269-6940. FOR SALE: 300 small square bales, grass hay, $3/bale stored under a roof. Ph. 828-2613. WANTED Long hair, male cat, of good bigger cat genes, plus 2 long hair, unrelated females, prefer kittens or under 1 year old, can trade 2 gemstone earring sets of $70 value for each cat. Ph. 476- 8839 or email: FOR SALE: 2007 Dodge Caravan, 144,600 mi. 3.8 engine, stow & go heated seats, DVD player, needs maintenance, rear blower works, but rear AC does not, good condition, $5,000 or BO. Ph. 250-0885. Town &Country Agency 110 N. 3rd St. Hanley Falls, MN 507-768-3494 FOR SALE: 2003 Olds Alero, 130,000 mi., excellent condition, new tires, brakes & alignment. Ph. 829-5387. WILL DO: Apartment or house cleaning, weekly, bi weekly, monthly 1 time, well liked experienced. Ph. 337-0071. FOR SALE: 1985 Ford Ranger 4x4, A/C, new tires, 99,000 mi., auto, V6, $1,900 or BO. Ph. 320-361-0024. 122415t76920lp 330 2nd Ave. WoodLake, MN 507-485-3111 •Septic Tank Pumping •Portable Toilet Service 1-800-530-9607 1160 County Road 63 P.O. Box 382 Balaton, MN 56115 (507) 734-6381 Fax: (507) 734-6107 MPCA #573 0020516t78211lr 300 Front St. Russell, MN 507-823-4391 FOR SALE: 5 bedroom split entry house, Cottonwood Lake across from the golf course, triple car garage+, composite deck, Heat-n-glow fireplace, mega storage. Ph. 423-5162 or 651-955-2903. “Where you need us… When you need us.” 122415t76921lp Main Office: 800 E. Main - POBox 270 Marshall, MN 122415t76922lp An Independent Insurance Agency Enviro Pump–Plus FOR SALE: 16'x6'x6'6" 4 horse livestock trailer, divider gate, small livestock sliding door on the rear door, side door, new floor, new paint, trailer sides inside & out sprayed w/Kevlar Bedliner, new aluminum trim & rock guard, lights & brakes work. Ph. 320-226-0384.
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