Dr. Nursalam, M.Nurs
Dr. Nursalam, M.Nurs
Model of Nursing Research By: Dr. Nursalam, M.Nurs (Hons) School of Nursing, Airlangga University CURRICULUM VITAE Name Address E-mail : Dr. Nursalam, M.Nurs (Hons) 081339650000 : Jl. Keputih Tegal Timur 62 Surabaya 60111 : nursalam@fkp.unair.ac.id HIGHER, EDUCATION: 1. Doctor, Model of Nursing Care for HIV-AIDS, Postgraduate Programme, Airlangga University, 2005 2. Honours Master of Nursing, 1997, University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia 3. Master of Nursing (Coursework), 1996 Univ. Wollongong, NSW, Australia 4. Med. Surgical Nursing, Lambton College, Sarnia Ontario Canada, 1991 5. Diploma III in Nursing, Sutoma Surabaya 1988 ORGANISATION AND WORKING EXPERIENCES 1. Lecturer and nurse in Diploma III in Nursing, Anesthesia, Ministry of Health, RI Surabaya (1988 – 1997) 2. Lecturer in School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine / Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University (since 1998) 3. Organization 1. Vice, Head, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, UA (1999– 2008) 2. Vice Head, PPNI Educatin & Training, East Java Nursing Association (2000 – 2010) 3. Dean, Faculty of Nursing Airlangga University (2008 – 2010) 4. Nursing Manager, Airlangga University Hospital (2011-now) PUBLICATION : •Books = 15 •Acredited journal & presentation (national & international)= 21 •Unaccredited journal = 17 : “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.“ (Albert Einstein) John Maynard Keynes said: The greatest difficulty in the world is not for people to accept new ideas, but to make them forget about old ideas” nursalam -2006 A knowledge base is necessary for the recognition of nursing as a science by health professionals, consumers, and society (Burns & Grove, 2001; Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2005) What is Nursing Research? Research is diligent, systematic inquiry or investigation to validate and refine existing knowledge and generate new knowledge Nursing research must address questions relevant to the profession of nursing – Grow the body of literature / body of nursing knowledge related to our profession (Burns & Grove, 2001; – What is related to our profession? Melnyk & FineoutOverholt, 2005) One goal of nursing research Development of evidence-based practice, with nurses using the current, best research findings in their delivery of care (Burns & Grove, 2001; Melnyk & FineoutOverholt, 2005) Forming A Good Questions: EVIDENCE BASED - PICO P = Patient population or disease of interest (age, gender, ethnicity, with a certain disorder hepatitis) I = Intervention or range of interventions of interest (exposure to disease, prognostic factor A, risk behavior) C = Comparison, you want to compare the intervention against (no disease, placebo or no intervention, prognostic factor B, absence of risk factor) O = Outcome of interest (accuracy of diagnosis, rate of occurrence of adverse outcome) In (P) immobile acute care patients, what is the effect of (I) turning every 2 hours on (O) prevention of pressure ulcers compared with (C) not turning (Burns & Grove, 2001; Melnyk & Fineoutpatients every 2 hours? Overholt, 2005) 5 Steps to EBP Ask the burning clinical question 2. Collect the most relevant and best evidence 3. Critically appraise the evidence 4. Integrate all evidence with one’s clinical expertise, patient preferences, and values in making a practice decision or change 5. Evaluate the practice decision or change 1. (Burns & Grove, 2001; Melnyk & FineoutOverholt, 2005) NURSING RESEARCH MODEL M M P / PMW 1. MASALAH (PROBLEM) 2. METODOLOGI (METHODS): (DESAIN; POPULASI, SAMPEL, SAMPLING; VARIABEL-D-O; INSTRUMENT; PULTA; ANALISIS; ETHICAL CLEARANCE) 3. PENULISAN (WRITING): CONTENT & nursalam-MASALAH STRUKTUR 1. SEARCHING OF RESEARCH PROBLEM ---- Phenomena A GOOD RESEARCH PROBLEM? ORIGINALITY NOVELTY CONTRIBUTION ON THEORY AND PRACTICE TRENDS / PREVALENCY WHY..... MALNUTRITION ? WHY..... SURVEILANCE (DHF)? WHY..... TRADITIONAL MEDICINE WHY..... ENVIRONMENT WHY..... HEALTH BEHAVIOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT HOW? STRESS 19 SEARCHING NURSING RESEARCH PROBLEM (P-34) IDEA Prolonged 1st Stage of labour 1. TOPIC NURSING SCIENCE: MATERNITY, PEDIATRIC, etc. BRAINSTROMING Factors that cause the prolonged? LITERATURE REVIEW Factors: 5P, the dominant one is psyche: husband support - has not been studied VARIABLES 5P (power, passage, passanger, psychological, provider ...) Anxiety, straining strength , age, parity, family support, Admission time, stress etc. 2. CASE SELECTION: INC, Hospitalisation stress,, etc. 3. NURSING PROBLEM: NANDA / GORDON (F1-F2) “Prolonged 1st stage of labour F-I-N-E-R FRAMEWORK 4. RESEARCH QUESTIONS (Q-S-S) What is the effect of husband support on acceleration of cervix dilatation 1st stage of Labour for inpartum mother? 5. AIM AND OBJECTIVES (BLOOM + Objective + (V-V) ……. To explain the effect of husband support on acceleration of cervix dilatation for inpartum mother TITLE nursalam-MASALAH 6. EFFECT OF HUSBAND SUPPORT ON ACCELERATION OF CERVIX DILATATION FOR INPARTUM MOTHER EXAMPLE: PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION BASED ON COMPETENCIES MATERNITY NURSING ANC INC Ax pregnant women Leopold-I PNC Physical examination Leopold-I BBLR Pregnant excercise Leopold-I HRP Reproductive problem Health education Contraception Cont ....... MATERNITY NURSING ANC PNC INC Assessment Stage I Labour sign BBLR Assessment Stage -II cervix dilatation Physical change Pain management Phsychologic al change Delivering preparation HRP Reproductive problem Assessment Stage -III Placenta Delivering guide Bleeding APGAR score Contraception Assessment Stage -IV Bleeding Bounding Attachment Cont ....... MATERNITY NURSING ANC PNC INC Assessment Vital sign Involution Vulva Higiene Diagnosis Lactation Breast care BBLR HRP intervention Reproductive problem Implementation Contraseption Evaluation Postpartum blues Mobility Diet Lactation Management Puerperium excercise SPIDER WEB INPARTUM (1ST STAGE OF LABOUR ) ? Nutrition status Pregnant ? excercise ? ? ? Power: Nutrisi ? ? INPARTUM ? ? ? ? ? ? SPIDER WEB DIABETES MELLITUS ? ? ? Treatment ? ? ? Diabetic wound Activity : type (DM excercise, walking, etc) ? ? Central Theme Blood glucose DM ? ? ? ? ? ? SPIDER WEB TOPIC / PROBLEM: PATIENT SATISFACTION Hospital don’t know what px-expect Wards Operating Over theater All Patients Nobody takes any interest No case conference No name tag Nurse Scope of The Problems Poor Relationship with health team Never H.E-when Pt.discharge PATIENT SATISFACTION Hospital Policy not research based Nurses don’t believe Research result Different trust Nurse don’t do research No response on complain No programme to visit Community SOURCES OF RESEARCH PROBLEMS NANDA (9 Exchanging) GORDON (11 Health function pattern) P. Problem E:? (Factor/ V. Independent) S:Signs & Symptoms NURSING PROCESS: Nursing diagnosis Sources: 1. Clinical/Co mmunity 2. Literatur review 3. Book/ journal 4. Discussion/ seminar RESEARCH PROBLEM Framework development (based on nursing theory: ROY; OREM; KING; etc.) p. KEY: - F: Feasibility - I: Interesting - N: Novel - E: Ethics - R: Relevant SEARCHING RESEARCH PROBLEM – F1 & F2 (SOURCES TO WRITE CHAPT 1 & 2) F- 1 1. 2. 3. 4. Sekitar 15 – 20% anak usia 5 – 6 tahun mengalami enuresis dan kebanyakan dari mereka adalah laki-laki (Norby, 2005). Prevalensi enuresis pada usia 5 tahun adalah 7% untuk laki-laki dan 3% untuk anak perempuan (Houts, 1991) Dampak secara sosial dan kejiawaan yang ditimbulkan akibat enuresis sungguh mengganggu kehidupan seorang anak (Harjaningrum, 2005). Teori Functional bladder capacity mengatatakan bahwa anak dengan enuresis memiliki kapasitas fungsional kandung kemih yang lebih kecil dibanding anak yang tidak mengalami enuresis(Whale & Wong,1999). F-2 1. Bladder-retention training biasanya dilakukan pada anak dengan kapasitas fungsional kandung kemih yang kecil (Harjaningrum,2005). 2. Pada beberapa anak dengan kapasitas fungsional kandung kemih yang kecil, penggunaan pembelajaran Bladder-retention training selama beberapa hari dapat membantu meningkatkan kapasitas fungsional kandung kemih pada malam hari (Marc Cendron,1999). 3. ............ Masalah Pengaruh pembelajaran Bladder-retention training terhadap kemampuan dan frekwensi enuresis pada anak pra sekolah (3 – 6 tahun) belum dapat dijelaskan. nursalam-MASALAH 2. WRITE CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW •THEORITICAL REVIEW (USE OF NURSING THEORIES & OTHER RELEVANT THEORY) •THEORITICAL MAPPING (RESEARCH ORIGINALITY) nursalam-MASALAH Review of the Literature Research should be built on the work of others The “Literature” is all the written sources relevant to your topic Primary source – Written by the person who originated , or is responsible for generating, the ideas published Secondary source – Summarizes or quotes content from primary sources – Paraphrase the works of primary authors Meta-analysis or systematic reviews Your work should mostly contain primary sources. Citations should be of primary sources not secondary sources Generally, try to keep cited references to within 5 years (Burns & Grove, 2001; Melnyk & FineoutOverholt, 2005) N ARTICLE / RESEARCH TITLE O AND AUTHOR RESEARCH METHOD (D-S-V-I-A) RESULT 1 Relationship of elderly excercise on body fit (Palestin, 2006) -elderly exercises - vital signs quantitative hubungan signifikan antara senam lansia dengan tingkat kebugaran lansia 2. Pengaruh Senam Aerobik terhadap Peningkatan Kebugaran Wanita Menopause (Hartini, 2007) Kuantitatif Pra eksperimental Senam Aerobik memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada peningkatan kebugaran (stabilisasi nadi, RR, tekanan darah & menopause syndrome) 3 Pengaruh Senam Lansia terhadap Kebugaran Jasmani pada Lansia (Rochman, 2009) -Latihan Senam Aerobik - Peningkatan Kebugaran - Senam Lansia - Kebugaran (stabilisasi nadi, RR, tekanan darah) Manfaat Senam terhadap Kebugaran Lansia (Kartinah, 2008) - Senam Tera - Kebugaran Observational rancangan analitik Ada Hubungan Senam Lansia dengan kebugaran jasmani Kuantitatif pra eksperimental Senam Tera berpengaruh dalam menstabilkan kadar immunoglobulin 5 Perbedaan Pengaruh Senam Otak dan Senam Lansia terhadap Senam Otak Keseimbangan pada Orang Lanjut Usia (Herawati, 2008) Senam Lansia Keseimbangan Quasi eksperimen Senam otak dan senam lansia memberikan hasil yang positif terhadap keseimbangan Lansia 6 Hubungan antara Karakteristik Personal dengan Kemandirian dalam Activiy of Daily Living (ADL) pada Lansia (Fathur, 2007) Hubungan Antara Tingkat Depresi Dengan Kemampuan Aktivitas Dasar Sehari-Hari Pada Lansia (Firmannulah, 2010) karakteristik personal kemandirian dalam Activiy of Daily Living Inferestial analitik eksperimen Tingkat Depresi Dengan Kemampuan Aktivitas Dasar Sehari-Hari Deskriptif analitik kolerasi Pengaruh Pemberian Penyuluhan Kesehatan Terhadap Perubahan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Tentang Activity of Daily Living (ADL) pada lansia (Setyowati, 2009) Pengaruh Pembelajaran Terbimbing terhadap Tingkat Kemandirian ADL LAnsia (Kusrumentahingtyas,2010) Pemberian Penyuluhan Kesehatan Perubahan Pengetahuan Activity of Daily Living Sikap Activity of Daily Living Deskriptif dengan pendekatan eksperimen korelasional karakteristik personal memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kemandirian dalam Activiy of Daily Living (ADL) ada hubungan yang signifikan dengan interpretasi korelasi negatif antara tingkat depresi dengan kemampuan aktivitas seharihari pada lanjut usia penyuluhan kesehatan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan lansia tentang ADL - Pembelajaran Terbimbing - Kemandirian ADL Kuantitatif Pre Eksperimental Hubungan antara Tingkat Depresi dengan Ketergantungan dalam ADL (Activity of Daily Living) pada Lansia (Aprinia, 2006) Hubungan antara Gaya Hidup dengan Tingkat Ketergantungan dalam Aktivitas Kehidupan Sehari – hari Lansia tingkat depresi Studi korelasi ketergantungan dalam ADL (Activity of Daily Living) gaya hidup Quasi eksperiment tingkat ketergantungan dalam aktivitas kehidupan sehari – nursalam-MASALAH hari Karateristik Demografi Studi korelasi, kemandirian 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Hubungan Karateristik Demografi dengan Kemandirian dalam Activity Daily Living (ADL) pada Lansia Pembelajaran Terbimbing memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap Tingkat Kemandirian ADL LAnsia Ada hubungan antara tingkat depresi dengan ketergantungan dalam ADL (Activity of Daily Living) pada lansia Terdapat hubungan antara gaya hidup dengan tingkat ketergantungan dalam aktivitas kehidupan sehari – hari lansia Ada hubungan antara Karateristik Demografi dengan kemandirian 3. DEVELOP A 1. FRAMEWORK (QUANTITATIVE) 2. RESEARCH QUESTION (QUALITATIVE) nursalam-MASALAH FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT 1. ROY: ADAPTATION MODEL 2. OREM: SELF CARE 3. CARING: WATSON & SWANSON 4. KINGS: OPEN SYSTEM MODEL 5. LEININGER: SUNRISE MODEL 6. etc. nursalam-MASALAH What is the link between nursing theory and the research process? Theory provides direction for nursing research Relationships of components in a theory help to drive the research questions for understanding nursing Chinn and Kramer (2004), indicate a spiral relationship between the two Nursing also utilizes non-nursing theories Adaptation Model Input Stimuli Adaptation level Effectors Control processes Coping mechanisms Regulator Cognator Physiological function Self-concept Role function Interdependence Output Adaptive and ineffective response Feedback Person as adaptive system. (From Roy, C. [1984]. Introduction to nursing: An adaptation model [2nd ed., p. 30]. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.) PNI Psycho Neuro Immunology HEALTH Lived Experience Potential Co-Factors Person Factors Pre tx: Critical Factors Psychosocial Moderators Perceived Stress Coping Pattern s Psychosocial Functioning NeuroEndocrine Mediators Immunological Mediators Quality of Life Physical Health PNI (Thorton & Andersen, 2006 FRAMEWORK (p.403– ADAPTATION & PNI) Counseling for patient with Stress – pre op Learning process (cognator) Perception (+) Coping (+) Cognition Emotion Stress Hypotalamus (CRF) H P Pituitary (ACTH) A AXIS Adrenal Cortex (Cortisol ) IMMUNE RESPONSE MODULATION (CD4; cytokin; IgG) nursalam-MASALAH Adrenal medulla (Catecolamines Vital signs (T, P, R, PB) A D A P T A T I O N OREM Self-care Self-care capabilities (self-care agency) R Therapeutic self-care demand R < Conditioning factors Deficit R FIG. OREM – SELF CARE DEFICIT R Nursing Agency (supportive Educative) Conditioning factors Conditioning factors R The Structure of Caring Maintaining belief Philosoohical attitudes towards persons (in general) and the designated client (in specific) Knowing Informed understanding of the clinical condition (in general) and the situation and client (in specific) Being with Message conveyed to client Doing for Enabling Therapeutic actions ( ) Client wellbeing Intended outcome The structure of caring as linked to the nurse’s philosophical attitude, informed understandings, message conveyed, therapeutic actions, and intended outcome. (from Swanson, K. M. [1993]. Nursing as informed caring for well-being of others. Image: The Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 25 [4], 352-357.) Human Interaction for Goal Attainment (King) FEEDBACK PERCEPTION NURSE JUDGMENT ACTION PATIENT ACTION REAC TION INTERAC TION JUDGMENT PERCEPTION FEEDBACK TRANSACTION LEININGER Health (well being) Of Individuals, families, group and institutions Diverse health systems Diverse health systems Nursing Professional system Nursing care decisions and actions cultural care preservation/ maintenance cultural care accommodation/ negotiation cultural care repatterning/ restructuring Culture congruent care Father or intimate partner d cb a Mother Infant a b c d Becoming a mother: A revised model. (From R. T. Mercer, 2008) PERCEIVED SERVICE QUALITY FOR PATIENT WITH “JAMKESMAS” (Parasuraman) Word of mouth Service Quality Dimensions: (RATER) •Reliability •Assurance •Tangibles •Empathy •Responsiveness Personal needs Expected service Perceived service Past experience Service Quality Assessment 1. Expectations exceeded ES<PS (Quality surprise) 2. Expectations met ES~PS (Satisfactory quality) 3. Expectations not met ES>PS (Unacceptable quality) 4. WRITE AIM AND OBJECTIVES nursalam-MASALAH Research aim: To examine the effect of pre op counseling in nursing care on reducing stress response, vital signs stability and immune response modulation for pre op patient with ...... Objectives 1.To explain .......... on reducing stress response 2. To explain ....... patient coping 3. To prove on ....... vital signs 4. To proveon ........ cortisol 5. To prove on .......... Immune response modulation (CD4; cytokin; Ig) nursalam-MASALAH 5. TITLE / RESEARCH TOPIC 1. BRIEF AND CLEAR 2. NO MORE THAN 14 WORDS 3. STATE THE OBJECTIVE AND RESEARCH VARIABLES (DESIGN, SAMPLE, PLACE) nursalam-MASALAH TITLE TO EXPLAIN (TAKE OUT) EFFECT OF PRE OP COUNSELING IN NURSING CARE ON REDUCING STRESS RESPONSE, VITAL SIGNS AND IMMUNE RESPONSE MODULATION FOR PATIENT WITH PRE OP OR PRE OP COUNSELING IN NURSING CARE ON REDUCING STRESS RESPONSE, VITAL SIGNS, AND IMMUNE RESPONSE MODULATION FOR PATIENT WITH PRE OP Oleh: Nursalam NIM . 090214910D nursalam-MASALAH HYPOTHESIS (quantitative!) Hypo = low Thesis = statement (a prediction about the relationship between variables.). H1: There are effect of counseling on reducing stress response, vital signs and immune response modulation pre op patient with ....... nursalam-MASALAH 6. WRITE CHAPTER 1 (INTRODUCTION) 1.1 BACKGROUND (MSKS / MKSS) 1.2 SEARCHING RESEARCH PROBLEM 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.4 AIM AND OBJECTIVE (BASED ON FRAMEWORK) 1.5 BENEFIT nursalam-MASALAH CHAPTER 1,2,3: ALREADY BAB 1 S/D BAB 3 SUDAH TERJAWAB CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1. Background (MSKS / MKSS) Paragraph 1: problems (F1 & F2) Paragraph 2: scale of the problems Paragraph 3: chronological Paragraph 4: Solution 2. Research questions 3. Aim and objectives 4. Benefit (theoretically & Practice) CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER 3: FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESIS CHAPTER 4: RESEACH METHODS nursalam-MASALAH 7. WRITE CHAPTER 4 (RESEARCH METHODS) D –DESIGN (non experiment & experiment) S – SAMPLE (POPULATION, SAMPLING, SAMPLE SIZE) V – VARIABLE (independent, dependent, ........) I – INSTRUMENT (Observation, questionnaire, scale, in vivo – vitro, in depth interview) A – ANALYSIS (T-S-S-V) nursalam-MASALAH “My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy; you don’t make them because they are cheap; you don’t make them because they’re popular; you make them because they’re right” Fr. Theodore Hesburgh (Burns & Grove, 2001; Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2005) CONCLUTION 1. Deciding the Area of reseach and brain storming – spider web 2. Searching research problems based on empirical and theoritical (write chapter literature review) 3. Write framework & hypothesis 4. Write chapter Introduction 5. Write reseach methods nursalam-MASALAH “You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great” mtrla/13072010 --------- Les Brown ---------- 56 GOOD LUCK mtrla/13072010 57