Comal 4-H News June 2016 - Comal County Extension


Comal 4-H News June 2016 - Comal County Extension
Comal 4-H News
June 2016
325 Resource Drive, New Braunfels, TX 78132-3775
Phone: (830) 620-3440
Fax: 830.620.3446
this issue:
Welcome, Wanda!
Mandatory Barn Meetings Set
County Livestock Show Checks are IN!
State Shooting Sports Games Open!
Time for Poultry Orders!
o State Fair Broilers
o Turkeys!
Validation Dates
Learn to Earn – Time to Sign Up!
Dance at the Courtyard Marriott
Sewing Camp!
Range Camp @ Slumber Falls
Comal County 4-H Award Applications
Recordbooks DUE June 24
Special Awards DUE June 24
New Camps at the 4-H Center
District 10 4-H Horse Show
D10 Care Package Service Project
Heifer International
County Extension Facebook Page
Youth Ag Lifetime Leadership Tour
Alabama 4-H S.A.F.E.
Taylor County Horsemanship School
TAMU Horse Judging Camps
Club News
Clover Kudos
We are happy to welcome Wanda Austin as
our new Administrative Assistant. Wanda
enjoys spending time with her two daughters
and husband and reading mystery romance
books. Welcome, Wanda!
Mandatory Barn Meetings Set!
For those of you who want to house a 2016-2017
4-H project in the Extension barns, the barn
meetings have been set!
Mandatory barn meetings are scheduled for:
June 13, 2016 - 6:30 p.m. - Extension Meeting
July 18, 2016 - 6:30 p.m. - Extension Meeting
August 16, 2016 - 6:30 p.m. - Extension Meeting
You MUST attend one of these meetings in order
to house an animal at the Extension facility. The
stalls are filled on a first come-first paid basis
after you have attended a barn meeting and
signed a Barn Boarder Agreement.
**New this year: You may come prepared to pay
for your stalls at the barn meeting - you will need
to sign the agreement and pay $75 per head for
lambs, goats and hogs - exact change or check
made payable to Comal County. Horses are $100 a
month (for stall and paddock).
**Be sure to read the Barn Boarder Agreement there are some changes this year! The
agreement is posted on our web site. Click here to
read the Barn Boarder Agreement and Facility
If you need a printed copy of the 2016-2017 Barn
Boarder Agreement, they are available at the
Extension office. Signed agreements will not be
accepted until you have attended a barn meeting.
Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid,
service, or accommodation in order to participate in meetings are encouraged to contact the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
office at, 830-620-3440 five days prior to the event so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
County Livestock Show Checks are IN!
If you have completed and turned in your
thank you cards for your county show
livestock buyers, you may now stop by and
pick up your auction checks! Quite a few of
you still have your floor checks here, as well.
And no, they cannot be left out for you,
nor will they be mailed to you. Please stop by
- you must sign for your check(s).
Please get those thank you notes done, if
you haven't yet. They need to be turned in to
the Extension office written, addressed,
stamped and unsealed. Please remember that
notebook paper is NOT APPROPRIATE for these
thank you cards. If you haven't found out who
your buyers were yet, you can email Janet for
your list ( You must
write thank you cards to each of the buyers on
your list!
These checks are for ANIMALS ONLY those that were auctioned off at the Comal
County Junior Livestock Show in March!
Texas 4-H Shooting Sports State Games now
open! Registration for Texas 4-H Shooting
Sports State Games is open for all disciplines:
Step 1: 4-H Connect (General registration
and payment submission) is open through June
Step 2: iClays (specific event entry and
scheduling) is now available for all
disciplines—Archery, HMPR (Hunting,
Muzzleloading, Pistol, & Rifle), & Shotgun
The State Games Handbook containing all the
pertinent event information, detailed
registration instructions, etc, is available on
the Shooting Sports webpage: under
the “Contests” tab.
Poultry Orders! TURKEY and BROILER info!
New rule for this year for broilers purchased
Houston/Austin, State Fair) - Families with
multiple exhibitors in the same household will
now be allowed to share an order of broilers
when selecting birds to bring to the major
livestock shows. If you need clarification of
this rule, click here.
State Fair of Texas Broilers: Due June 10,
2016 - Must be ordered in multiples of 25,
maximum of 75 per exhibitor, or a maximum
of 75 per family, if sharing the set of birds
with multiple exhibitors. Cost of chicks is
$1.25 each. Payment in full must accompany
order. Pickup date will be August 25th. State
Fair livestock show entries are due August
Turkey Orders: Due June 10, 2016 - Must be
ordered in multiples of 25, maximum of 75
per exhibitor, or a maximum of 75 per family,
if sharing the set of birds with multiple
exhibitors. Cost of poults is $3.50 each.
Payment in full must accompany order. Pickup
date will be sometime the first week of
Broiler Orders: Due September 15, 2016 There will be one order for the Houston and
Austin stock shows, and one order for the
San Antonio and County birds. COUNTY
BIRDS must still be ordered by exhibitor (50
birds for county, 75 birds each, if going to
San Antonio, as well). Cost is $1.25 per chick.
Payment in full must accompany order. Pickup
date will be sometime mid-January, 2017.
Bring exact change or checks made payable to
Comal 4-H Council to pay for your chicks and
Please remember that ORDERING BIRDS
does NOT enter you in any livestock shows.
Livestock show entries are usually taken in
early November. Watch your email, the
newsletter and the blog for more info!
Validation Dates for 2016-2017 4-H Year
Steer and Heifer Validation:
June 13, 2016 - 8 a.m. to noon - Fairgrounds
State Fair Animal Validation:
June 20, 2016 - 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. - Fairgrounds
Lamb & Goat Validations:
October 11, 2016 - 9 a.m. - Smithson Valley
High School
October 12, 2016 - New Braunfels High School
- Time TBA
Swine Validation:
Week of November 14-18 – To Be Announced
Learn to Earn - This Summer's Weekly
Programs! For those of you ready to start
planning your summer activities, below is
the info on the "Learn to Earn" series
(formerly known as Wacky Wednesdays).
We’ll focus on the 3rd “H” of 4-H: Hands – the
“doing” part!
These programs are open to 4-H'ers of any age
and their friends. Sessions are free for 4-H
members, $10 for non-members.
Each session is 1:30-3:30 in the Extension
Meeting Room.
June 22: Learn to Earn General Session –
Handling Your Money - Learn
about financial responsibility, how
to open a checking and savings
account, how to manage money.
(Minimum 3, Maximum 40 in class)
June 29: Babysitting - Learn the basics of
babysitting, child care, parent communication,
how to make and manage money babysitting.
(Min 3, Max 40)
July 13: Upcycled Clothing
Re-Fashion & Trashion Learn to create your own
upcycled clothing and
business. (Min 3, Max 20)
July 20: Cookie and Cupcake Decorating Learn about baking and decorating
cookies, plus the requirements to be
able to sell home-made cookies.
(Min 3, Max 20)
July 27: Lawn Care and Lawn
Mowers - Learn the basics of lawn
care and how to run a successful
lawn care business. (Min 3, Max 40)
August 3: Graduation Celebration
Awards will be given to those who
attend multiple sessions!
Register for classes by calling Janet at 830620-3440 or by email at
Dance at the Courtyard Marriott!
District 6 is holding their Leadership Lab here
in New Braunfels and have invited all actively
enrolled Comal County 4-H members, 8th
through 12th grade, to join them for a
DANCE at the Courtyard Marriott on Thursday,
June 16th. See the flyer on the blog for all the
info - make some new friends at the dance!
Always wanted to learn
how to sew? Pack a lunch
and come to Connie’s
Sewing Camp, July 12-15
in the Extension Meeting Room. Camp
will be from 9 am to 3 pm each of those
days. Learn to read patterns, explore
gadgets and fabrics, and use a sewing
machine! Make a fun, easy project! Cost
will be $20 per family – parents and 4-H
age kids are welcome!
Minimum class size: 5
Maximum class size: 15
RSVP: July 5th
Range Camp - June 20-22, 2016
The Comal-Guadalupe Soil & Water Conservation
District #306 is sponsoring their 21st annual Range
Camp June 20-22, 2016. This year's camp will be
held at the Slumber Falls Camp Facilities in New
Braunfels on River Road.
There is a $75 registration fee. The District will
pay for all expenses, including lodging, drinks and
For camp forms and what to bring, contact Janet
at or Beverly at the Soil &
Water Conservation District directly at 830-3790930, extension 100.
Comal County 4-H Awards – Recognizing 4-H Members for their Accomplishments (See awards
packet for more information). All are due June 24, 2016! Scrapbooks due July 22nd!
4-H Project Medals/Pins (for those who submit a recordbook)
4-H Gold, Silver & Bronze Star Awards
o Gold Star Award (quota determined by state office):
 For those members who have at least completed 9 grade & have completed at least 3 years in 4-H
 Members must submit an awards program recordbook
 Member must have completed projects in 3 different project areas and participated in one or more activities in at least 3
areas (see awards packet)
 Members must have exhibited leadership skills by serving as officer, committee chair or junior/teen leader in an activity or
 Member must have participated in 1 or more community service activities.
o Silver Star (I Dare You) Award (maximum of 3 awarded):
For those members who have at least completed 9 grade and meet all of the Gold Star criteria listed above.
o Bronze Star (maximum of 3 awarded):
 For members who have completed 6 , 7 , or 8 grades and have completed at least 2 years in 4-H.
 Members must submit an awards program recordbook
 Member must have completed projects in 3 different areas and participated in 1 or more activities in at least 3 areas (see
awards packet).
 Member must have exhibited leadership skills by serving as a club officer or committee member and/or a junior or teen
leader in an activity or project
 Member must have participated in 1 or more community service activities.
Rookie of the Year Award
A maximum of one 4-H member from each Comal County 4-H Club may be chosen by the club managers as a Rookie of
the Year. This award is given ONLY to FIRST-YEAR 4-H members who complete a recordbook and have participated in one
activity in two different project areas. See awards packet for more information.
Club Scrapbook Award (Sample scorecard in the awards packet)
Each Comal County 4-H Club has the opportunity to enter a club scrapbook in this annual contest. Scrapbooks are compiled
throughout the year and due at the end of the 4-H year, prior to the Awards Program. Scrapbooks are judged according to the
Comal County 4-H Club Scrapbook Scorecard in the awards packet. Scrapbooks are DUE July 22 in the Extension office.
Format must be one of the following:
- Traditional Scrapbook-printed photographs and memorabilia in a traditional scrapbook format-must be smaller than 13x17”
- Digital Scrapbook – use a digital scrapbook format; submit an electronic copy on flash drive or CD OR print the pages and
submit hard copy of the scrapbook.
- PowerPoint Presentation – submit a PowerPoint presentation on a flash drive or CD.
Special 4-H Awards – We are looking for SPECIAL PEOPLE, ORGANIZATIONS and BUSINESSES to recognize and thank
for their support of 4-H! 4-H members, leaders and parents may submit nominations for the awards below. Award recipients
are chosen by Comal County 4-H Council executive officers and each recipient is recognized with a plaque at the Awards
Program in August. The very short nomination form is available in the awards packet.
Alumni Award
To earn the Alumni Award, an individual must be a former 4-H member. This person must have been involved as an Adult
Leader, taught 4-H projects, or given assistance to the 4-H program in some manner. Exemplary leadership, citizenship and
concern for youth are further qualifications.
Friend of 4-H Award
This is awarded to an individual outside of the 4-H organization who has made a very special contribution to 4-H through his
or her time, influence or special support.
Meritorious Service Award
This award is presented to a business or organization which has given outstanding support to the 4-H program.
Honorary 4-H Member Award
This award is given to a person who has served 4-H with loyalty, enthusiasm, leadership, and support, and who works or has
worked directly with the 4-H program.
Other items to note:
Personal Information Page (required, but
not judged) available as a fillable PDF
• Junior Books - current year's report form
• Intermediate books - include prior year's
report forms as part of the overall evaluation
• Senior books - include three year's prior
report forms as part of the overall evaluation.
Due: June 24, 2016
CHANGES FOR 2015-2016
Record Books submitted for judging in 2016
are to be completed using the Microsoft Word
forms found at
Texas 4-H Recordbook Categories with Explanations
Member categories
• Junior (grades 3-5)
• Intermediate (grades 6-8)
• Senior (grades 9-12)
Clarification on reporting of learning
experiences: Activities that occur in non-4-H
settings such as other community or youth
organizations or in a self-directed project may
be reported in the Junior Diary, Intermediate
Personal Journal or Senior Section I as learning
All competitive events outside of 4-H are to be
reported as non-4-H.
4-H members winning first place in a
record book category may enter that same
category again.
Several updates are listed at the very
beginning of the Family Guide. You can find
this on our web site under the Publications
and Information tab. Click here to see the
Family Guide with updates and Recordbook
Senior aged 4-H members and adult volunteers
are needed to help judge county recordbooks
on June 28 in the Extension meeting room.
Please let us know you’re available – we’ll
provide lunch!
New Camps at the 4-H Center!
• Livestock Judging can be reported as a 4-H
project. Other judging contest activities will
continue to be reported within the 4-H Project
it supports. (Whereas Horse Judging supports
the Horse Project, Livestock judging involves
multiple species; thus it can be reported as a
stand-alone project.)
Recordkeeping Tool available: Please see
Appendix F of the Family Guide to the Texas 4H Recordbook to learn about an online
recordkeeping system created by Claire
Godwin, Williamson County 4-H member. This
is a TOOL and is not an online Record Book.
ADDED: Agriculture Sciences
REMOVED: Dairy, Housing & Home
Environment and Safety.
Please see category descriptions, efforts have
been made to ensure the books in the
eliminated categories have a place to enter.
The Texas 4-H Center has an exciting
summer planned but would like to highlight
two camps in particular. Prime Time Xtreme
Camp is in its second year and will feature
high level camp activities such as Knockerball
soccer, advanced challenge course, and of
course, nightly dances.
Beginner Shooting Sports Camps are
designed to introduce members to the 4-H
Shooting Sports projects in a safe, positive
For more information, go to our website at
You can hold your spot at camp today by
registering with a $25 deposit. Spots are going
very quickly, so sign up ASAP!
District 10 4-H Horse Show
The District Horse Show will be June 14-15 in
Uvalde at the Uvalde County Fairplex. Those
competing are: Madison Crowder, Clay Elbel,
Cody Elbel, Emma Feldman, Allison King,
Makenzie Knipe, Carlye Lawrence and Peter
Skrivanek. Good luck to all!
Community Service Opportunities
District 10 Care Package Service Project
Consider donating a part of your auction or floor
check, and encourage friends and family to
contribute to Heifer International so we can keep
on "Making the Best Better" all around the world!
Helena MacCrossan, Bluebonnet 4-H Club
County Extension Facebook Page - LIKE this!
Please go to our Comal County Texas A&M
AgriLife Extension Service
Facebook page and LIKE it! We
are shutting down our 4-H
Facebook page as 4-H info will
be always be posted on the
blog and some info will make
its way to the office Facebook page, as well.
Find out all about Extension - what we do,
programs offered, etc. We love 4-H, but we're
so much more!
For example: Did you know we have a series
of DIY Saturdays going on? Classes are from 9
am to 11 am and cost is $15 per person. We
must have payment in advance (exact change
or checks payable to Comal Program Council).
We've already had a backyard chickens
program in April and the big Open House in
May (over 400 people attended!). Here's the
schedule for the rest of the year:
June 11 - Pickle Perfect - How to can pickles!
Only one opening left in this class.
July 9 - Catching Rainwater - How to make
your own rain barrel at home.
August 13 - Bat Frenzy - How to make your
yard a safe haven with a bat box.
Heifer International
Many of us raise animals for stock shows, and it's
quite an experience. We earn a lasting love for
agriculture, and sense of accomplishment for
raising blue ribbon animals. Unfortunately, many
people around the world don't have the same
opportunities as us.
September 10 - Fall Gardening - Gardening
pointers and garden tour.
October 8 - Herbs Galore - How to grow and
cook with seasonal herbs.
November 12 - Gifts from the Kitchen - Get
gift ideas for easy, inexpensive Christmas gifts
lovingly made from your kitchen.
Youth Agricultural Lifetime Leadership-July 24-29
Announcing the return of the Youth Agricultural Lifetime Leadership (YALL) Tour for
2016!! This year’s tour will be a 6 day trek (July 2429) through West Texas.
Last year’s trip was lots of fun and very
educational for the kids who participated. The youth
were exposed to different aspects of agriculture,
which in turn gave them insight into different career
opportunities they never knew existed. They also
were able to tour different college campuses.
This is for eligible youth who are interested in
expanding their knowledge of agriculture to become
spokespersons in promoting the industry. This tour
is open to all counties in Districts 10 and 12, as well
as Mason, Menard & Llano counties.
If you are interested in the application form,
contact Janet at Application
deadline is June 17, 2016.
Blinn Livestock Judging Camp
Alabama 4-H S.A.F.E. August 19-21
Below is information regarding the 4-H
Archery, Air Rifle, BB Gun & Shotgun
Invitational at Buckmasters Expo,
Montgomery AL - August 19-21, 2016. This
event is coordinated by the Alabama 4-H
Shooting Sports Program and open to any 4-H
member in a 4-H Shooting Sports project from
any state. All details are contained in the
Alabama 4-H is delighted to host a 4-H
Archery, Air Rifle, BB Gun and Shotgun
Invitational Tournament August 19-21 in
Montgomery. We would love for as many
states as possible to come to "the Heart of
Dixie" for fellowship and fun!
For more information, check the blog!
Taylor County 4-H Horsemanship School
The Taylor County 4-H Horse Club will host a
4-H horsemanship clinic this summer. All ages
and levels of riders are welcome. You will
learn basic horsemanship, tack and horse
theft awareness. Limited to 20 riders!
The school will be June 3 & 4, 2016 - 8 a.m. 4 p.m. at Emerald Gates Ranch, 1225 South
Hwy 83/84 in Abilene. Cost is $65 each, which
includes snacks and lunch both days. No
stalling available.
For more information, contact Heather Ryan
( or 512-848-9608)
or Vicki Patton (325-668-6948).
TAMU Horse Judging Camps
The 10th annual TAMU Horse Judging Camps
will be held June 22-24 and July 6-8 for youth
ages 12-18. This is a great opportunity to
judge several live classes and practice reasons
in a one on one with previous and current
coaches and members of the TAMU Horse
Judging Team. Click here to go to our
website and register online. No previous
experience is required to attend.
2016-2017 4-H Club Manager Meeting
June 21 - CLUB MANAGERS ONLY - 6:30
p.m. – Chartering and other info – VERY
Bulverde 4-H Club's May meeting
The Bulverde 4-H Club held its monthly
meeting and end of the year party on Monday,
May 9, 2016 at the Twin Sisters Hills Ranch.
There were 9 members, 7 parents and 4
guests present.
We had election of officers. Next year’s
officers will be:
President: Kaitlyn Keil
1st Vice President: Reagan Hoffmann
2nd Vice President: Cody Stricker
3rd Vice President: Bryan Haddock
Secretary: Lucas Bryand
Reporter: Addison Markle
Parliamentarian: Reagan Hoffmann
Historian: Curtis Stricker
Council Delegates: Reagan Hoffmann, Clay
Hoffmann, Bryan Haddock
Alternate Delegates: Cody Stricker, Curtis
members and 18 adults). We had food, games
and a whole lot of fun! New officers were
introduced. Our next meeting will be in
Submitted by Kayla Wunderlich, Reporter
2016-2017 Vet Science Officers
President: Makenzie Knipe
Vice-President: Sarina Mims
2nd Vice-President: Clay Elbel
Secretary/Reporter: Cortney Myers
Parliamentarian: Allison King
Health & Safety Officer: Bridget Martin
Council Delegates: Allison King, Valkyrie
Myklebust, Cortney Myers
Alternate Delegate: Rebecca Aylesworth
We enjoyed a cookout of hamburgers and
all the fixings, kayaking, fishing and having a
great time together on the beautiful pond and
Our next meeting will be September 12,
2016 at the Rahe Bulverde Elementary School
Curtis Stricker, Reporter
Sherwood's May Meeting
Sherwood 4-H Club met on May 2nd for their
end of year party with 34 present (16
Gruene Kountry's May Meeting
Gruene Kountry 4-H Club held their May
meeting on Sunday, May 1st, at Lazy L and L
Campground. There were 50 people in
attendance: 22 members, 24 adults and 4
We conducted our business meeting and
held the election for next year's officers.
The results:
President: DeDe Davis
1st VP: Shelby Steinbach
2nd VP: Sarah Syamken
3rd VP: Clay Migura
Secretary: Madison Migura
Treasurer: Michael Syamken
Parliamentarian: Caitlyn Homewood
Historian: Wyatt Edwards
Reporter: Brynnleigh Miller
Council Delegates: Falon Cochran, Kylee
Edwards, Keene Kreusler
Alternate Council Delegates: Alex Davis,
Wyatt Edwards
We then had time to play ball and fish in
the river. It was a fun afternoon.
Submitted by Kasen Kreusler, Gruene
Kountry Reporter
change our meetings to the first Sunday of
every month starting next year. Our officers
for next year will be:
President- Clay Elbel
First Vice President- Makenzie Knipe
Second Vice President- Ashley Fuqua
Secretary- Jacey Hall
Reporter- Cody Elbel
Treasurer- McKenna Hall
Parliamentarian- Madison Crowder
Historian- Emily Boylan
Junior Officers- Jacey Welch, Wyatt
Council Delegates- Makenzie Knipe, Emily
Boylan, Peter Skrivanek, McKenna Hall,
Bridget Martin (alt.)
Official District Contest Results!
Leaders 4 Life Contest
2nd place team: Claire Schaeferkoeter, Colton
Kadlacek, Dylan Wunderlich, Madilyn Howell,
Rylee Wunderlich
Meat Judging Contest
Senior High Point Individuals:
1st place: Barrett Kerr
4th place: Katie Price
Senior Teams:
2nd place: Barrett Kerr, Caleb Elzey, Clay
Elbel, Cody Elbel
3rd place: Katie Price, Keith Shoemake, Andie
O'Brien, Parker Lee
Horse Club - May Meeting
The Comal County 4-H Horse Club met for our
final meeting on 5/2/16 at the Comal County
Extension office. The Hippology team that
won Reserve Champion at Western Nationals
was awarded their belt buckles. We had a
horse health minute on using the Hot Walker
Safely. Members were reminded about the
District and State Horse Shows. We voted to
Range & Pasture ID Contest
Junior High Point Individuals:
1st place: Kasen Kreusler
2nd place: Reagan Ackermann
4th place: Owen Vollbrecht
Junior Teams:
1st place: Kasen Kreusler, Owen Vollbrecht,
Reagan Ackermann
3rd place: Ray Allen Schaefer, Weston
Ackermann, Wyatt Edwards
Intermediate High Point Individuals:
1st place: Davis Mathews
2nd place: Keene Kreusler
3rd place: Kylee Edwards
Intermediate Team:
1st place: Davis Mathews, Keene Kreusler,
Kylee Edwards
Senior High Point Individuals:
1st place: Hayden Mathews
3rd place: Phillip Vineyard
Senior Team:
3rd place: Caitlyn Homewood, Hayden
Mathews, Helena MacCrossan, Phillip Vineyard
Range Evaluation Contest
Junior High Point Individuals:
2nd place: Owen Vollbrecht
4th place: Reagan Ackermann
Martin, Jena Rust, Rylee Wunderlich
2nd place: Braxton Alexander, Dylan
Wunderlich, Kristofer Wantzloeben
Intermediate High Point Individuals:
1st place: Kayla Wunderlich
2nd place: Ty Schaeferkoeter
Senior High Point Individuals:
1st place: Morgan Elsworth
2nd place: Clayton Eckhardt
3rd place: Megan Eckhardt
4th place: Jacob Elsworth
5th place: Mitchell Rhodes
Senior Team:
1st place: Clayton Eckhardt, Megan Eckhardt,
Mitchell Rhodes, Jacob Elsworth
Senior High Point Individuals:
1st place: Hayden Mathews
4th place: Phillip Vineyard
Fashion Show
1st place, Junior Construction-Every Day
Living: Peyton Wirebaugh
1st place, Intermediate Buying-Special
Interest: Reagan Hoffmann
1st place, Intermediate Construction-Every
Day Living: Presley Wirebaugh
2nd place, Intermediate Construction-SemiFormal to Formal: Lila Moseley
3rd place, Intermediate Construction-SemiFormal to Formal: McKenna Hall
1st place, Intermediate ConstructionTheatre/Costume: Nahalie Stidhem
1st place, Senior Buying-Fantastic Fashion
under $25: Helena MacCrossan
1st place, Senior Buying-Semi-Formal to
Formal: Jenna Hall
Senior Team:
3rd place: Caitlyn Homewood, Hayden
Mathews, Helena MacCrossan, Phillip Vineyard
1st place, Senior Storyboard-Wearable:
Helena MacCrossan
Soil Judging Contest
Junior High Point Individuals:
1st place: Dylan Wunderlich
2nd place: Claire Schaeferkoeter
3rd place: Isabella Martin
4th place: Braxton Alexander
5th place: Rylee Wunderlich
1st place, Intermediate Textile-Household
Item: McKenna Hall - BEST OF SHOW!
1st place, Intermediate Textile-Kitchen Item:
Reagan Hoffmann
Junior Team:
2nd place: Kasen Kreusler, Owen Vollbrecht,
Reagan Ackermann
Intermediate High Point Individuals:
1st place: Davis Mathews
Intermediate Team:
1st place: Davis Mathews, Keene Kreusler,
Kylee Edwards
Junior Teams:
1st place: Claire Schaeferkoeter, Isabella
3rd place, Share-the-Fun Vocal: Payton Miner
5th place, Educational Presentation - The
Broiler Project: Helena MacCrossan
Duds to Dazzle
placed second in the Junior/Intermediate
division of the District 10 Leaders4Life
Contest on April 20th. The team consisted of
Madilyn Howell, Colton Kadlacek, Claire
Schaeferkoeter, Dylan Wunderlich and Rylee
Wunderlich. For the contest, the 4-H'ers
were given the task of incorporating
numerous types of motions into a simulated
4-H meeting and executing a promotional 4H event.
District Livestock Judging Contest
Sewing Zebras (juniors)
3rd place: They made "on the go place-mat" to
store silverware in pockets and roll up!
Peyton Wirebaugh, Madison Migura, Brynnleigh
Miller, Hannah Pape
Livestock Judging Contest
Junior Top Teams - Beef:
3rd place: Dylan Wunderlich, Layton Hemann,
Peyton Wirebaugh
Scissor Sisters(intermediate) 2nd place - Halie is
modeling the skirt they cut from old jeans.
Reagan Hoffmann, Presley Wirebaugh, Nahalie
Stidhem, Claire Anderson, Lila Moseley
Junior Top Individuals - Sheep/Goat:
1st place: Rylee Wunderlich
5th place: Layton Hemann
Junior Top Teams - Sheep/Goat:
1st place: Abigail Cloe, Rylee Wunderlich,
Wyatt Edwards
3rd place: Dylan Wunderlich, Layton Hemann,
Peyton Wirebaugh
Junior Top Individuals - Swine:
2nd place: Dylan Wunderlich
Junior Top Teams - Swine:
3rd place: Dylan Wunderlich, Layton Hemann,
Peyton Wirebaugh
The Comal County Junior Leaders4Life team
Junior Top Individuals - Overall:
4th place: Dylan Wunderlich
Junior Top Teams - Overall:
2nd place: Dylan Wunderlich, Layton Hemann,
Peyton Wirebaugh
Intermediate Top Individuals - Swine:
1st place: Kayla Wunderlich
Intermediate Top Individuals - Reasons:
1st place: Kayla Wunderlich
text their vote for their favorite. The
performer receiving the most votes, will be
named this year’s 4-H Has Talent winner!!
Good luck, Payton!
WHEP Participants Recognized
Congratulations to Hayden Mathews and Hannah
Kolb, who were recognized in the Spring 2016
"Whoa - The Official Newsletter of the Fort Worth
Stock Show & Rodeo." See the article below!
From Coach Casey Ellis: "All of these 4-H'ers
did wonderful this year while still juggling all
of their extracurricular activities. I was
honored to work with all of them! Go Comal!"
Congratulations, Payton!
The Texas 4-H Youth Development Program is
pleased to announce that we have chosen the
five finalists for the 2016 Texas 4-H Has
Talent Competition. We had an outstanding
group of submissions this year with over 45
applicants. We wish we had an opportunity
for all to perform. However, we did have to
narrow it down to our five finalists, who are:
Adalay and Caroline Sexton, Parker County
Chase Richburg, Brazoria County
Reece Moffett, Bexar County
Payton Miner, Comal County
Alyssa Hale, Austin County
These finalists will perform before thousands
on Tuesday, June 7th “LIVE” during the 7:30
pm General Assembly. Following all
performances, the audience will be asked to
Comal County Rodeo Queen Contest
Interested in running for Comal County Rodeo
Comal County Rodeo Queen info meeting
Date: June 14, 2016
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Comal County Fairgrounds
*This is an informational meeting only, please
do not bring horses.
Questions? Call Tim Irvin at 830-214-5903
District Horse Quiz Bowl Results
Two Senior Teams Advance to State
Our horse quiz bowl teams did a great job
representing Comal County at the District 10
4-H Roundup.
In the Senior Division:
Placing 1st and advancing to State 4-H
Roundup is the team of Ashley Fuqua, Jacey
Hall, Clay Elbel, and Bridget Martin.
Placing 3rd and also advancing to State 4-H
Roundup was the team of Allison King,
Cheyanne Hatley, Helena MacCrossan, and
Cody Elbel.
In the Intermediate Division:
Placing 1st was the team of McKenna Hall,
Madison Crowder, Jacy Welch, and Peter
Placing 2nd was the team of Nathanael Hall,
Allyson Reyna, and Hannah Strahl
4-H'ers at Relay for Life!
JUNE 2016
Ambassador Apps
Taylor County
State Roundup - - VOTE FOR PAYTON @
4-H Has Talent!
Texas A&M - - - - - -
College Station - - -
State Fair Broiler
Orders, Turkey
Steer and Heifer
Validation, 8-12,
Comal Fairgrounds
District 10 4-H Horse
Show – Uvalde
District 10 4-H
Horse Show Uvalde
Senior Leadership
Lab Dance w/ D6
6:30 pm, EMR
Comal County Fair
Rodeo Queen Info Mtg
Remember Dad!
Happy Father’s
State Fair Animal
Validation, 8-9 am
4-H Club Manager
Meeting re: Charters
IMPORTANT! 6:30 pm
District Leadership
Lab – Brownwood
District Leadership
Lab – Brownwood
Range Camp @
Slumber Falls- - -
Range Camp @
Slumber Falls - - - - -
Learn to Earn:
General Session
TAMU Horse
Judging Camp
Recordbook Judging
9 am
Learn to Earn:
03 2015-2016
4-H Council Officer
Meeting, noon
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service – Comal County
325 Resource Drive, New Braunfels, Texas 78132-3775
Phone: (830) 620-3440
FAX: 830.620.3446
Taylor County
Pickle Perfect
Class at Extension
Office Must RSVP!
6:30pm, Club House
TAMU Horse
Judging Camp
24 Lab Concludes
Special Awards,
Gold, Silver &
Bronze Star Award
TAMU Horse
Judging Camp
July 1
July 2