Limnol. Oceanogr., 33(5), 1988, 1116-l 136 0 1988, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Organic matter sources to the water column and surficial sediments of a marine bay John I. Hedges,’ Wayne A. Clark, and Gregory L. Cowie School of Oceanography, WB-10, University of Washington, Seattle 98 195 Abstract Sediment trap and net plankton samples were collected monthly for a year at three depths in a marine bay (Dabob Bay, Washington). These materials and subsamples from a sediment box core were analyzed for lignin oxidation products as well as elemental and stable carbon isotope compositions. The sediment core was compositionally uniform over its entire 50-cm length. The elemental and lignin compositions of the sediment trap and core samples indicate nitrogen-rich (atomic C : N = 7.5) plankton-derived organic matter mixed with vascular plant debris. At most, vascular plant debris accounts for 10% (nonwinter months) to 35% (winter months) of the total organic carbon in the upper water column (30 m) sediment trap samples and consists predominantly of gymnosperm wood along with some nonwoody gymnosperm tissues and angiosperm woods. Bulk land-derived organic matter in Dabob Bay contains a maximum of 50% vascular plant debris and comprises an average of one-third of the total organic carbon in the sediment trap samples and two-thirds of the total organic carbon in the underlying sediments. Lignin in the sediment trap and core samples shows evidence (from elevated vanillic acid:vanillin ratios) of white-rot fungal degradation before (but not after) introduction to the water column at the study site. Vascular plant debris introduced to the bay has already lost almost half of its initial bulk polysaccharide. Glucose yields are particularly low whereas rhamnose and fucose are obtained in excess of expected yields and must have additional sources. Lignin and neutral sugars together account for ~20% of the total organic carbon in the sediment trap and core samples. Overall, the sediments of Dabob Bay compositionally resemble the gymnosperm wood-rich particulate material introduced to the overlying water column during winter and poorly record the input of plankton and other types of vascular plant debris during nonwinter months. Most of what is known about the sources of organic matter to ancient and modern aquatic environments has been obtained from the analysis of sedimentary deposits (Eglinton and Murphy 1969; Tissot and Welte 1978). Sediments have been a rich source of organic geochemical information because they provide large, time-averaged samples of known sequence from a great variety of depositional environments and ’ To whom correspondence should be addressed. Acknowledgments This research was supported by NSF grants OCE 8219294 and OCE 84-21023. Contribution 1767 from the School of Oceanography, University of Washington. We thank Rita Homer for plankton characterizations, Jeff Stem for elemental analyses, and Coastal Science Laboratories for isotopic measurements.- Roy _ Carpenter and Carl Lorenzen shared equipment for the field studies and John Ertel aided on numerous cruises. Gray Drewry and Phil Crawford proved invaluable boat captains over the course of I5 cruises. This manuscript benefited from reviews by John Ertel, Karen Weliky, Cindy Lee, Michael Peterson, and three anonymous reviewers. , geologic ages. Due to the wide range of stabilities and transport mechanisms exhibited by different organic substances, however, even modern sedimentary records are biased toward refractory biogenic components and specific hydrodynamic classes of particles (Moore 1969; Prahl 1985). Information concerning short-term variations in source intensity and composition also can be attenuated or lost due to sediment mixing. The most extensive sedimentary records have been laid down over geologic time in high energy coastal marine environments (Tissot and Welte 1978) where differential transport, selective degradation, and postdepositional mixing of marine and terrigenous organic materials are especially pronounced. One means of evaluating the extent to which1 sedimentary records reflect actual biological and geographic sources is to directly compare the compositions of organic materials settling through the water column with those preserved in the underlying sediments. Such studies usually involve anal- 1116 Organic matter sources 20’ 123OW 40’ 20’ 1224 20’ 123*W 40’ 20’ 1220 0’ Fig. 1. Dabob Bay and its relation to Puget Sound, Washington. The inset shows the station site. yses of sediment trap and core samples from a given site and have now been carried out in marine environments for a variety of compound classes including hydrocarbons (Bates et al. 1984, 1987), sterols (Gagosian et al. 1983), amino acids (Montani and Okaichi 1985), neutral sugars (Cowie and pigHedges 1984a), and photosynthetic ments (Taguchi 1982; Furlong and Carpenter 1988). In almost all cases, distinct compositional differences have been found between settling and accumulating organic materials. These differences often can be attributed either to short-term changes in organic matter sources or to selective degradation in the water column or at the watersediment interface. In only a few comparisons has it been possible, however, to distinguish these variables by yearlong sediment trap studies that take into account seasonal variability and establish the relative magnitudes of the water column and sediment accumulation fluxes (e.g. Prahl and Carpenter 1979; Prahl et al. 1980; Taguchi 1982; Bates et al. 1984). Similar comparisons have not as yet been reported for lignin, a major phenolic constituent of vascular land plants, nor evaluated in light of synoptic data from other organic source indicators. We report here a study of the lignin, elemental, and stable carbon isotope compositions of particulate organic materials in the water column and surface sediments of a coastal marine bay (Dabob Bay, Wash- 1117 ington). One goal of this study is to test for short-term changes in the diagenetic state and sources of particulate organic matter in the water column of the bay as they relate to local processes. In addition, these sources will be compared to those indicated by the underlying sediments in order to test how well the sedimentary record matches the seasonally averaged organic input both in the types and amounts of materials present. Finally, the lignin, stable carbon isotope, elemental and previously published neutral sugar (Cowie and Hedges 1984a) compositions of these samples are compared as source indicators and a major biochemical inventory is determined. A complementary paper discussing the fluxes and reactivities of lignins, carbohydrates, total organic carbon, and nitrogen in Dabob Bay follows. Site description Dabob Bay is a northward extending arm (max depth, 195 m) of Puget Sound that is separated from Hood Canal by a sill at 120 m (Fig. 1). All the samples described here were collected at a station 110 m deep in the northern bay that has been the site of almost continuous sediment trap studies over the last decade. Dabob Bay has been used as a study site because it is similar to the local open coastal ocean with respect to plankton composition, bloom periodicity, and control of sedimentation by zooplankton fecal pellets (Winter et al. 1975; Shuman 1978; Bennett 1980). The bay also is removed from direct river influence (Ebbesmeyer et al. 1975) and is sufficiently deep (> 100 m) to study processes in the water column. Although its deep waters remain oxic year-round (Ebbesmeyer et al. 1975), the bay has gentle horizontal advection (~4 cm s-l: Kollmeyer 1965) below the thermocline that favors relatively efficient collection of particulate materials by sediment traps (Staresinic et al. 1978; Lorenzen et al. 198 1; Butman et al. 1986). The underlying elastic sediments are highly bioturbated (Bennett 1980; Carpenter et al. 1985) and become reducing within a few centimeters of the surface, as is typical of many coastal deposits. A major portion of the published data on the comparative compositions and fluxes of 1118 Hedges et al. organic matter in the water column and sediments of coastal marine environments comes from sediment trap studies in Dabob Bay. Analyses of sediment core and monthly sediment trap samples from this site have already been reported for aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons as well as organic carbon, nitrogen, and stable carbon isotopes (Prahl and Carpenter 1979; Bennett 1980; Prahl et al. 1980). The neutral sugar compositions of most of the samples to be described here also have been published (Cowie and Hedges 1984a). Additional information on primary production rates (Welschmeyer and Lorenzen 1985a,b), pigment and elemental fluxes (Bennett 1980; Welschmeyer and Lorenzen 1985a,b; Downs and Lorenzen 1985), and sediment compositions and accumulation rates (Furlong and Carpenter 1988) is also available. Sampling procedure Methods used to collect the plankton, sediment trap, and sediment core samples are described in detail by Cowie and Hedges (1984a). Briefly, bulk “phytoplankton” was collected monthly for a year (July 198 1-July 1982) by matched noon and midnight vertical tows with a 64-pm-mesh net over the upper 50 m of the water column. One sample split was frozen for stable carbon isotope analysis and a second was stored in Formalin for counting. The remaining bulk sample was separated by wet sieving into 1,700-, 850-, 300-, and 64-pm size fractions which were frozen. Self-closing, Hg-poisoned sediment traps (Shuman 1978; Lorenzen et al. 198 1) were deployed between plankton collection dates (14 samplings total) in four-trap arrays moored at 30, 60, and 90 m at the 110-mdeep study site. Individual traps had an id. of 16 cm, a height-to-diameter ratio of 3 : 1, and were deployed with baffles (13-mmsquare apertures) positioned flush with the cylinder mouth. Diagonal pairs of Hg-poisoned and untreated sediment traps were included in three early deployments to test the effects of poisoning, and duplicate pairs of poisoned samples also were collected during winter 1982 at all three water depths to assess overall compositional reproducibility. After large, physically intact zoo- plankton “swimmers” were separated, particulate: material was recovered from all traps by continuous centrifugation at 15,000 rpm and washed with distilled water to remove salt. An undisturbed 50-cm-long sediment box core was collected (2 1 July 198 1) at the trap deployment site and subsampled with a plastic tube (8-cm i.d.). Subsamples from the smaller core were immediately removed at 2-cm intervals within a N,-filled glove bag and centrifuged under N2 to recover pore waters., which were analyzed for Fe, Mn, N02-, N03-, NH4+, POd3-, SiO,, and alkalinity as described by Murray et al. (1978). Sample preparation and analysis Plankton, sediment trap, and sediment core samples were freeze-dried for 2-4 d. Sediment core samples were not corrected for salt, which accounts for an average of 5% of total sample mass and would reduce mass-based concentrations proportionately. Weight percentages of organic carbon (OC), inorganic carbon (IC), and total nitrogen (N) were determined with a Carlo Erba model 1106 CHN analyzer using vapor phase acidification to remove and quantify carbonates (Hedges and Stern 1984). Stable carbon isotopic distributions were determined on dried carbonate-free samples by Coastal Science Laboratories (Austin, Texas) and are reported here in 6l 3C notation as the per mil (Q/00)relative deviation from the PDB carbon standard (Degens 1969). Lignin-derived phenols were produced by Cu0 oxidation (Hedges and Ertel 1982) and analyzed as their trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives by gas chromatography on two 30-m by 0.25-mm-i.d. fused silica capillary columns coated with either SE-30 (100% dimethyl polysiloxane) or DB- 170 1 [86% dimethyl-( 14%)-cyanopropylphenyl polysiloxane] liquid phase. Dual analyses were necessary because nonlignin Cu0 reaction products from some lignin-poor sediment trap samples coeluted on the SE-30 column with ferulic acid, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, and acetosyringone. Overall yields of these three compounds were determined from the DB- 170 1 analysis, after scaling to the final SE-30 results on the basis of vanillic acid Organic matter sources 1119 Table 1. Symbol definitions and units (when appropriate). V S C A 28 P PO s: v $d: Al)v (Ad : Al)s oc TC i:; : 6°C w (0:E)v (0:E)t AVPD %VPD %Ter c u Total yield (mg) of vanillin, acetovanillon, and vanillic acid per 100 mg of sample organic carbon Total yield (mg) of syringaldehyde, acetosyringone, and syringic acid per 100 mg of sample organic carbon Total yield (mg) of p-coumaric and ferulic acid per 100 mg of sample organic carbon (total cinnamyl phenol yield) Total yield (mg) of the above eight lignin-derived phenols per 100 mg of sample organic carbon (A=V+S+C) Total yield (mg) of the above eight lignin-derived phenols per 10 g of bulk sample Total yield (mg) of g-hydroxybenzaldehyde, p-hydroxyacetophenone, and p-hydroxybcnzoic acid per 100 mg of sample organic carbon Total yield of p-hydroxyacetophenone per 100 mg of sample organic carbon Weight ratio of total syringyl to total vaniilyl phenol yield Weight ratio of total cinnamyl to total vanillyl phenol yield Weight ratio of vanillic acid to vanillin Weight ratio of syringic acid to syringealdehyde Organic carbon Inorganic carbon (carbonate) Total nitrogen (organic plus inorganic) Atomic ratio of carbon to nitrogen Weight ratio of nitrogen to carbon Per mil relative deviation of the 13C: 12Cratio of a sample from the 13C: 12Cof the Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB) standard Weight ratio of the observed yield of a compound from a sample normalized to the yield expected from only the vascular plant component Weight ratio of the observed yield of a compound from a sample normalized to the yield expected from both the vascular plant and fresh plankton components Calculated A of the vascular plant debris in a sample (obtained in a ternary mixing with S: V and C: V as input data) Estimated percentage of the total organic carbon in a sample that exists in the form of vascular plant debris Percentage of total organic carbon that is terrestrially derived Spearman’s rank correlation procedure Mann-Whitney U-test which seldom pounds. coelutes with other com- Lignin biomarker methods Lignins are phenolic polymers which occur uniquely in vascular land plants, where they constitute up to 30 wt% of the mass of woody tissues (Sarkanen and Ludwig 197 1). Cu0 oxidation of lignin yields simple phenols that can be used to characterize lignin in a wide variety of natural samples including soils (Ertel and Hedges 1984), sediments (Hedges and Mann 19793; Hedges et al. 1982) and natural waters (Meyers-Schulte and Hedges 1986; Ertel et al. 1986). The total yield (in mg per 100 mg OC) of the three vanillyl (V), three syringyl (S ), and two cinnamyl (C) lignin-derived phenols (defined as A; Hedges and Mann 1979a) serve as an approximate indicator of the relative lignin content of organic mixtures. The main symbols and their definitions are listed in Table 1. The corresponding total yield of the same phenols normalized to 10 g of bulk sample (Z8) is roughly proportional to absolute lignin content. The weight ratios S : V and C : V are useful parameters for characterizing lignins from different types of vascular plant tissues (Hedges and Mann 1979a). Finally, field and laboratory studies give evidence that ratios of vanillic acid to vanillin, (Ad : Al)v, and syringic acid to syringaldehyde, (Ad : Al)s, can reflect the extent to which a lignin sample has been oxidatively degraded by white-rot :fungi (Hedges et al. 1982, in press; Ertel and Hedges 1984; Ertel et al. 1986). Statistics All intervals about arithmetic means are shown here as f 1 SD and all confidence intervals are at the 95% (P = 0.05) level 1120 Hedges et al. unless otherwise indicated. All linear correlations are made with the orthogonal leastsquares method (Weisberg 1980) because error is involved in both measurements. Nonparametric statistical tests are used throughout because their assumptions are less restrictive. The two specific tests that were used and the abbreviations by which they will be identified are: Spearman’s rank correlation procedure (TP)for correlation between pairs of variables in one group (Zar 1974) and the Mann-Whitney U-test for difference in variability between two groups (Sokal and Rohlf 198 1). horizon. All other dissolved constituents generally increased sharply below 1 cm, but exhibited minima between 5 and 10 cm, possibly due to irrigation. Sediment core and trap samples-Elemental and stable carbon isotopic compo- sitions of the sedimentary organic matter varied little over the length of the 50-cm box core (Table 2). Compositions were particularly uniform for the O-22-cm samples (n = 10) for which the variabilities in %OC (2.56&-O. LO), (C:N)a (12.0&0.3), and 613C (- 22.1+ 0. 17~) were comparable to the corresponding analytical precisions (Hedges and Stem 1984). No fine-grained carbonate Results was detected in any sediment core sample. Net plankton samples-Vascular plant Percent OC’ and atomic C: N values for debris was not evident microscopically in the winter deployment of duplicate 30-, the net plankton samples, which also did 60-, and 90-m poisoned sediment traps were not include small (~64 pm) plankton. The determined with average percent deviations diatom Chaetoceros concavicornis domifrom the mean of IL 2.4 and IL 1.3%. The nated (> 80% abundance) the 64-300~pm average deviation in 613C between the dusize fractions through summer and early fall plicate 60-m traps was *0.2?&~ Average 198 1, when the net plankton had an atomic percent deviations from the mean for the carbon to total nitrogen ratio,, (C: N)a, of nine pairs of Hg-poisoned and unpoisoned 6.3 and a 613C of -26.0%0. The net tow sediment traps (three deployments at three depths) were +4.9% for %OC and * 5.1% samples collected during late fall through for (C : N)a. Although there was no apparent winter (14 October-l 1 February) contained trend in %OC between poisoned and unonly small numbers of copepods and other small zooplankton. A sample from the end poisoned traps, eight of the nine poisoned of this period had a (C : N)a of 5.1 and a samples had lower (C : N)a values. 613C of -24 .6%0. Over the study period, the OC contents of the Hg-poisoned sediment trap samples The 19 March 1982 collection was domranged from 2.5 to 13.5% with consistently inated (N 90%) by the diatom Thalassiosira low values (3.OOkO.3 1) throughout the water decipiens. Another chain-forming diatom, Cerataulina bergonii, predominated (> 95Oo) column (Fig. 2a) for materials collected durFebruary). in the: 2 April sample which had a 613C of ing winter (10 November-12 During most of the rest of the year %OC - 19.5Ym. Phytoplankton were absent from the 14 May tow sample, whereas Phaeocys- became progressively smaller with increastis pouchetii and Nitzschia seriata were ing depth in the water column. Percentages of ino:rganic carbon (Table 3) were appreequally abundant in the 23 April sample. Skeletonema costatum (- 50%), N. seriata ciable (0.2-3.0%) only during spring and (-20%), and mixed Chaetoceros species summer months and also decreased with water depth. Atomic C : N values (Fig. 2b) (-20%) were found in the 10 June collection which had a (C: N)a of 5.4 and a g13C ranged from 6.5 to 14.7 and generally mirrored YoOC trends. (C : N)a ratios averaged of - 22.0?& 13.0 f 0.9 for the nine winter samples and Sediment pore waters-The ambient botexhibited no consistent relationship to detom water contained only trace (~2 PM) ployment depth. levels of Fe, Mn, N02-, and NH,+ along A complete time series in 613C was dewith typical concentrations of POd3- (3 PM), termined only for the midwater column (60 N03- (35 PM), and SiO, (83 PM). Dissolved m) tra.ps (Fig. 2c), which exhibited values nitrate was present only at trace concentrations throughout the 50-cm deep core, and in a relatively narrow range of - 2 1.9 to - 23.5!&1 from summer through winter 198 1, nit&e was detectable only in the O-l-cm Organic matter sources 1121 MONTH JASONDJFMAMJJ 16 (4 T T 12 - T M T 0- T T M B M B M 4J fi B BB Te %PpTBB I 0 ~~oomooooo-6w-c‘! c‘! c‘! c? h! c‘! c‘! c‘! c‘! “! N. h! c‘! ru 9 000000000000000 M T q I I I I I I (b) T 14 - I4 12 - Ii 10 - T v BT MM T 8 T AL---- T TM I 6 BP la I i@ I I - 19 I c1 I 9 (cl M -. 1 -25 - M P I 0 P I I I I 100 200 DAYS AFTER 1 JULY I 300 1981 I 4 0 Fig. 2. Weight percent organic carbon (%OC), atomic carbon to nitrogen ratio, (C: N)a, and stable carbon isotope composition (Bi3C, per mil variation relative to the PDB standard; Craig 1953) vs. time for particulate sediment trap samples from Dabob Bay. Corresponding means (+- 1 SD) for 10 samples from the 0-22-cm horizon of a sediment core taken at the study site are illustrated by the pair of horizontal lines in each plot. The 613Cvalues of net (64-300 pm) plankton samples (P) collected from the upper water column at the same site are given in panel c. Other abbreviations: T-top (30 m), M-middle (60 m), and Bbottom (90 m) sediment trap samples. a maximum of - 19.3% in March 1982, and values of -20.1 to -2 1.4Ym thereafter. The range in S13Cfor synoptic top, middle, and bottom trap samples collected at three different times of the year was consistently < l%+ with no clear trends vs. depth. Overall, elemental and stable carbon isotope compositions of winter trap samples were 1122 Hedges et al. similar to those of the underlying surface sediments (Fig. 2). Lignin compositions also changed little over the length of the Dabob Bay core (Table 2) Within the 0-22-cn1 sediment horizon, variability in lignin compositional parameters was within the analytical precision of + 10% (Hedges and Ertel 1982). Average percent deviations of individual lignin parameters for samples from poisoned duplicate traps ( 15 January-l 2 February 1982) deployed at 30, 60, and 90 m were also within + 10% except for C : V (IL 14%). The S : V ratios of the Dabob Bay sedi.ment trap samples varied little with time or deployment depth (Fig. 3a) .and had an overall average of 0.26 -t-O.03 (n = 40). C: V values were uniformly low (0.05 kO.01) at all water depths during winter months (Fig. 3b), but increased (~0.08) during spring 1982 and summers of both 198 1 and 1982. P : V values also were elevated (> 0.16) during nonwinter months (Fig. 3c) at which time they decreased with increasing water depth. The average S : V (0.21 +O.O l), C : V (0.07+0.01), and P: V (0.12t0.01) ratios of the surface (O-22 cm) sediment were significantly (U) lower than those obtained from both nonwinter and (in the case of S : V and P: V) winter sediment trap samples. Total absolute yields (mg) of lignin phenols per 10 g dry weight of sample (28). ranged from about 2 to 11 throughout the year (Fig. 4a) and were uniformly high (8.9+ 1.O) during winter at all three trap deploynlent depths. 28 increased steadily from summer 198 1 into the winter maximum and then decreased toward a second minimum in summer 1982. During nonwinter months 28 values were typically higher for deeper sediment traps (Fig. 4a). Organic-carbon-normalized yields of total lignin-derived phenols (A) also were high, 3.OkO.3 mg (100 mg OC)-’ in all winter sediment trap samples (Fig. 4b). During the rest of the year, A values ranged from about 0.2 to 1.9 and exhibited trends with season and deployment depth similar to those observed for 28. The average 28 (6.OkO.4) and A (2.3 + 0.1) values of the underlying surface sedin1ents were significantly (U) lower than the corresponding averages for the winter sedinlent trap samples. Acid-to-aldehyde MONTH JASONDJFMAMJJ -. _- ‘1 L 0.30 M TTMM’TT El a (4 BP B B 61’ BM TT 4-Q (#j 0.20 I ! T T”---- 0.10 ! ’ ’ l ’ I 1 . O----I T M (b) T 0.20 - T M M -T 3.0 T T B -T 2.0 - (cl T $ T 1.0 MM B OO T T MM T T MBkmp. I 100 MT I T I I 200 DAYS AFTER 1 JULY Bb! T 14 BE I 300 I 400 1981 Fig. 3. S : V, C : V, and P: V vs. time for sediment trap samples from Dabob Bay. The sediment ranges (horizontal lines) are the means _t1 SD for the O-22cm depth interval. Symbols and abbreviations as in text and Fig. 2. ratios within the vanillyl, (Ad : Al)v, and syringyl, (Ad : Al)s, families averaged 0.35kO.04 and 0.333-0.09 and were significantly associated (r,) with each other, but not with time of year or depth of sediment trap deployment (Table 3). Discussion Organic matter sources-Initial observations about the sources of organic matter to the water column and sediments of Dabob Bay can be drawn from the broad compositional characteristics of the sediment trap and core samples. For example, the measurable yields of lignin-derived phenols Organic matter sources 1123 MONTH from all sediment core and trap samples JASONDJFMAMJJ (Fig. 4) indicate that vascular land plant de- ’ Iii bris was present in the water column 10 (4 throughout the year and has accumulated T t;lv B 8 in the underlying sediments for about 100 ‘7 M I!! yr (avg sediment accumulation rate = 0.5 M-T-BT 6 -B T-Mcm yr-I: Carpenter et al. 1985). Secondly, 8 e-,8 B 8 the production of syringyl and cinnamyl 4 .M M T T Y compounds by all samples (Fig. 3) demT 2 onstrates that both angiosperm and nonwoody vascular plant tissues, respectively, must be continuously present (Hedges and P Mann 1979a). Finally, the low (C : N)a (< 15) B 6 and A (< 3.5) values of all the sediment trap u and core samples (Figs. 2,4) relative to most types of vascular plant tissues (Hedges et al. 1986) indicate that nitrogen-rich organic matter from sources other than vascular plants is always present. The nitrogen-rich organic component of the sediment trap and core samples can be 100 200 300 400 better defined by a plot of %OC vs. %N (Fig. DAYS AFTER 1 JULY 1981 5) which gives an excellent fit to a straight Fig. 4. 28 and A vs. time for sediment trap samples line (r2 = 0.96) over a wide concentration from Dabob Bay. Other details as in text and Fig. 2. range. The line extrapolates to a negative %N value at zero %OC, indicating that essentially all the nitrogen in the samples is sion line all correspond to samples from top organic (Hedges et al. 1986). The slope of (30 m) traps that were collected during nonthe line (a C : N weight ratio of 6.3), which winter months. The lower (%OC < 3.5, %N corresponds to an atomic C : N of about 7.5, < 0.35) portion of the trend consists almost indicates the composition of the nitrogenexclusively of data for winter trap samples rich organic component. The higher values (all depths). Thus, the elemental composi(%OC > 10.5, %N > 1.50) along the regrestion of the sediment trap samples can be 4:j!F,F;!, , y$ 1 14 12 10 4 2 I 0’ .O I 0.4 I I I 0.8 I 1.2 %N I I 1.8 I I 0 Fig. 5. Weight percent organic carbon (%OC) vs. weight percent total nitrogen (%N) in sediment trap samples from Dabob Bay. The sediment range is the mean f 1 SD for the 0-22-cm depth interval. For the regression linc: slope = 6.29, Y-intercept = 1.09, r2 = 0.96. 2.3 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.1 5.30 7.66 10.40 6.52 6.56 3.21 3.19 2.98 6.15 5.58 7.90 9.25 5.98 3-21 Jul 21 Jul-20 Aug 20 Aug-15 Sep 15 Sep-15 Ott 15 Ott-10 Nov 10 Nov-16 Dee 16 Dee-15 Jan 15 Jan-l 2 Feb 19 Mar-2 Apr 2-23 Apr 23 Apr-14 May 14 May-10 Jun 10 Jun-8 Jul %IC 8.89 12.50 13.50 11.00 6.86 2.50 3.32 2.49 2.88 7.03 6.04 11.20 12.10 6.90 %OC 3-21 Jul 21 Jul-20 Aug 20 Aug-15 Sep 15 Sep-15 Ott 15 Ott-10 Nov 10 Nov-16 Dee 16 Dee-15 Jan 15 Jan-12 Feb 12 Feb-19 Mar 19 Mar-2 Apr 2-23 Apr 23 Apr-14 May 14 May-10 Jun 10 Jun-8 Jul Period 0.80 1.15 1.20 0.82 0.90 0.28 0.32 0.27 0.86 0.64 1.08 1.34 0.82 1.59 1.72 1.95 1.55 0.82 0.20 0.31 0.21 0.31 0.99 0.70 1.54 1.80 0.98 %N 7.72 7.77 10.1 9.24 8.54 13.4 11.6 12.9 8.35 10.2 8.53 8.05 8.56 6.52 8.48 8.08 8.28 9.76 14.6 12.5 13.8 10.8 8.31 10.11 8.48 7.84 8.21 (C : N)a -21.9 -23.6 -23.5 -22.9 -22.5 -23.5 -23.0 -23.2 - 19.3 -20.1 -21.4 -21.4 -20.6 -21.9 -23.5 -22.9 -23.1 6°C. PO Trap degth 0.44 0.026 0.23 0.017 0.25 0.023 0.27 0.015 0.27 0.018 0.33 0.048 0.30 0.038 0.32 0.040 0.27 0.024 0.25 0.012 0.44 0.031 0.41 0.028 0.28 0.017 0.3 1 0.021 ~-ran -a-y depth 0.36 0.023 0.30 0.017 0.21 0.011 0.26 0.017 0.28 0.017 0.31 0.043 0.32 0.034 0.35 0.038 0.19 0.009 0.24 0.021 0.45 0.020 0.36 0.020 0.23 0.017 P s = 30 m 0.15 0.05 0.13 0.04 0.19 0.05 0.34 0.08 0.64 0.18 2.48 0.74 1.97 0.54 2.36 0.67 1.42 0.37 0.27 0.06 0.78 0.22 0.37 0.08 0.21 0.04 0.30 0.07 = 60 m 0.60 0.15 0.46 0.10 0.39 0.08 0.64 0.18 0.77 0.23 2.44 0.72 1.99 0.48 2.25 0.58 0.34 O.i2 0.77 0.21 0.57 0.13 0.41 0.09 0.39 0.11 V 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.12 0.10 0.13 0.03 0.08 0.15 0.08 0.08 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.08 0.11 0.08 0.04 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.07 C 0.78 0.57 0.48 0.86 1.04 3.27 2.57 2.95 0.50 1.05 0.85 0.57 0.58 0.22 0.19 0.26 0.45 0.85 3.31 2.59 3.13 1.87 0.37 1.09 0.55 0.30 0.44 A P: v 4.15 4.40 5.03 5.59 6.84 10.51 8.21 8.80 3.05 5.88 6.70 5.30 3.48 0.60 0.65 0.54 0.40 0.36 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.55 0.31 0.78 0.87 0.58 1.98 2.92 2.43 1.74 3.46 1.30 4.96 0.78 5.80 0.43 8.29 0.13 8.59 0.15 7.79 0.14 5.40 0.19 2.59 0.93 6.58 0.57 6.18 1.10 3.68 1.29 3.03 1.03 23 0.25 0.22 0.21 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.24 0.26 0.35 0.27 0.22 0.21 0.27 0.32 0.28 0.28 0.24 0.29 0.30 0.28 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.28 0.21 0.19 0.22 s: v 0.07 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.10 0.11 0.26 0.18 0.21 0.15 0.20 0.04 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.15 0.12 0.27 0.23 0.22 C: V 0.36 0.43 0.41 0.32 0.31 0.33 0.36 0.33 0.35 0.34 0.35 0.38 0.40 0.38 0.41 0.42 0.35 0.35 0.38 0.38 0.33 0.33 0.35 0.34 0.38 0.41 0.38 (Ad : Al)v 0.29 0.38 0.45 0.31 0.29 0.26 0.29 0.28 0.34 0.29 0.33 0.37 0.33 0.21 0.45 0.33 0.35 0.34 0.27 0.34 0.30 0.34 0.50 0.29 0.37 0.67 0.29 (Ad : Al)s Table 3. Lignin and elemental compositions of Dabob Bay sediment trap samples vs. water depth. Abbreviations as in Table 2, except %IC-weight % inorganic carbon, and Po-p-hydroxyacetophenone in the same units as P. Organic matter sources 1125 explained by the presence of two types of particulate material: one of which has an elemental composition similar to the underlying sediment plus a second type which is rich in organic matter with an average (C : N)a of near 7.5 and is introduced via the upper water column during nonwinter months.. Similar trends in elemental composition have been reported for sediment trap materials from various other coastal marine environments (Ansell 1974; Hargrave and Taguchi 1978; Chester and Larrance 1981; Taguchi 1982). Plots of the individual carbon-normalized lignin parameters V, S, and C vs. the weight ratio of nitrogen to organic carbon, (N : C)w, can be used to test the previous mixing model and to determine whether the nitrogen-rich component is lignin-free. For this application the parameter (N : C)w is preferable to conventional nitrogen-normalized ratios which vary nonlinearly with V, S, and C during simple mixing. Plots of V, S, C, and A vs. (N : C)w all give good fits to straight lines with significant negative slopes (Fig. 6). The intercepts of all four lines lie between 0.15 and 0.16, which corresponds to an atomic C : N of 7.3-7.8. These linear trends indicate that mixing of nitrogen-poor vascular plant remains with a lignin-free organic component of atomic C : N = 7.5 produces the lignin and elemental concentration trends observed in the Dabob Bay samples. The compositional characteristics of the nitrogen-rich component [(C : N)a = 7.5, A = 0, %OC > 13.51, along with the timing and apparent shallow depth of its introduction in the water column (Fig. 2b), are all consistent with a planktonic source and exclude a primarily allochthonous origin. This conclusion is in agreement with other sediment trap studies at the same site, which indicate strong direct relationships between the flux of total organic carbon and the flux of plankton-derived hydrocarbons (Prahl et al. 1980) and pheopigments (Downs and Lorenzen 1985) through the midwater column during nonwinter months. Such patterns also appear to be typical of greater Puget Sound (Bates et al. 1984; Baker et al. 1985) and other coastal marine regions (e.g. Chester and Larrance 198 1; Taguchi 1982). qedges et al. 1126 3.0 (N:C)w (N:C)w Fig. 6. Total V, S, C, and A (inset) vs. the weight ratio of total nitrogen to organic carbon, (N: C)w, in sediment trap samples from Dabob Bay. All lignin parameters are defined in the text. For the regression lines: V-slope = -36.9, X-intercept = 0.15, r2 = 0.81; S-slope = - L0.4, X-intercept = 0.15, r2 = 0.80; C-slope = -1.99, X-intercept = 0.16, r2 = 0.36; A-slope = -48.3, X-intercept = 0.15, r2 = 0.81. All the Dabob Bay sediment trap and core samples produce p-hydroxyl phenols (P : V = 0.1-3.0) in patterns similar to those exhibited by the cinnamyl compounds (Fig. 3). The three p-hydroxyl phenols (p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, p-hydroxyacetophenone., and p-hydroxybenzoic acid) are produced in appreciable amounts (P : V= 0.050.80) by the Cu0 oxidation of most vascular plant tissues except angiosperm woods (Hedges 1975; Chang and Allan 1971) and sometimes have been included in parameters used to estimate lignin concentrations (e.g. Leo and Barghoorn 1970; Gardner and Menzel 1974). However, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde and p-hydroxybenzoic acid also have been found among the Cu0 reaction products of a blue-green alga, a brown alga, a fungus, and the amino acid, tyrosine (Hedges 1975) none of which produce measurable amounts of p-hydroxyacetophenone (Hedges 1975). As a test of their respective origins, total yields of all three p-hydroxyl phenols and the individual yield of p-hydroxyacetophenone were normalized to 100 mg OC (parameters P and PO, respectively) and plotted vs. (N : C)w as was previously done for r/; S, and C (Fig. 6). PO exhibits a significant (r,) inverse relationship with (N : C)w and gives a reasonably good fit to a straight line (r2 = 0.48) with a significantly (rS) negative slope and an intercept near 0.19. In contrast, P fluctuates between 0.2 and 0.5 and shows no association with nitrogen content (Y,). Therefore, p-hydroxyacetophenone is largely lignin derived, whereas the bulk of p-hydroxybenzaldehyde and p-hydroxybenzoic acid comes from other sources such as plankton. Thus, use ofp-hydroxyl phenols as lignin indicators can be problematic without supporting evidence for this source. Vascular plant sources of the Dabob Bay sediment core and trap samples can be evaluated by comparing their lignin compositional parameters (Tables 2, 3) to those of different broad categories of fresh land plant tissues. For such comparisons, the diagenetic state of the lignin-bearing material is an important consideration because microbial degradation can lead to substantial alterations of original lignin and carbohydrate compositions (Crawford 198 1; Hedges et al. 1985; Ertel et al. 1986). In particular, whiterot fungal degradation of angiosperm wood characteristically increases the acid : aldehyde ratios in both the vanillyl and syringyl phenol families and concomitantly reduces A and S: V (Hedges et al. in press). The observation that the acid : aldehyde ratios of the sediment trap samples [(Ad: Organic matter sources 1127 1.2 1.0 0.8 $ 0.8 . TT o.o+Qcqbm. 0.0 0.4 I 0.8 I I 1.2 MT c:v Fig. 7. S : V vs. C : V for sediment trap and core samples from Dabob Bay. Abbreviations: A-angiosperm woods; a-nonwoody angiosperm tissues; G-gymnosperm woods; g-nonwoodygymnosperm tissues. All ranges are averages k 1 SD. Other symbols and abbreviations as in text and Fig. 2. Representative lignin compositions for the various types of vascular plant tissues are from Ertel and Hedges (1985). Al)v = 0.35 -I 0.04, (Ad: Al)s = 0.33t-0.09, n = 401 (Table 3) are uniformly elevated above the range of 0.1-0.2 characteristic of most fresh vascular plant tissues (Ertel and Hedges 1984; Hedges et al. 1986) suggests that the remnant lignin has been subjected to white-rot fungal degradation (Hedges et al. in press). Elevated acid : aldehyde ratios at all water .depths and throughout the year demonstrate that these compositions are fixed before introduction to the upper water column at the study site. Because most fungi are obligate aerobes and can be inhibited by high water content (Levi 1973), the fungal degradation evident in lignin from the sediment trap samples probably occurred on land before introduction to the bay (see also Hedges et al. 1986; Hamilton and Hedges 1988). The essentially constant acid : aldehyde ratios observed throughout the Dabob Bay core (Table 2) suggest that in situ degradation of sedimentary lignin by white-rot fungi has not occurred to an appreciable extent over the lOO-yr interval (Carpenter et al. 1985) represented by this sequence, but do not rule out other types of microbial degradation. The (Ad: Al)v values of the Dabob Bay core and trap samples (0.29-0.43) are near the range (0.28-0.30) obtained for physically intact vascular plant fragments in a modern Washington continental shelf sed- iment (Ertel and Hedges 1985), but distinctly lower than corresponding ratios for bulk soil organic matter (0.6-0.8) and for humic substances in soils (0.6-2.5) and dissolved in freshwater (0.8-2.3) (Ertel and Hedges 1984; Ertel et al. 1984, 1986). Thus, the lignin in the Dabob Bay trap and sediment core samples appears to occur primarily in vascular plant debris, as opposed to more highly degraded humic substances. Similar conclusions have been drawn for ligninbearing materials in other modern coastal sediments (Hedges and Parker 1976; Ertel and Hedges 1985) and are supported by the large quantities of finely dispersed vascular plant remains that can be sieved from sediments at the study site (pers. obs.). Because the lignin in the Dabob Bay samples is not extensively altered, estimates can be made of the types and amounts of vascular plant debris they contain. Qualitative interpretations of vascular plant sources can be made from a plot of the S : V and C : V values of individual sediment trap samples (Hedges and Mann 1979a). On such a plot (Fig. 7), the compositional points for all winter and most low-carbon nonwinter trap samples fall in a vanillyl phenol-rich domain (S : V = 0.2-0.3; C: V = 0.03-0.08) as is typical of many sedimentary lignin mixtures from the Washington region (Hedges and Mann 1979a; Hedges et al. 1128 Hedges et al. 1984; Ertel and Hedges 1985; Prahl 1985). All compositional points for the other samples trend toward the nonwoody gymnosperm end member. This decrease in S : V with increasing C: v is expressed exclusively by nonwinter sediment trap samples from the upper (30 or 60 m) water column (Table 3). The direction of the S : v vs. C: V data trend (Fig. 7) is different from any previously reported for the Washington region (previous references). The observed trajectory, however, can be produced by combining a gymnosperm wood-angiosperm wood mixture (S : V g 0.23, C: v s 0) at varying proportions with nonwoody gymnosperm tissues such as conifer needles (S: I’ = 0, C: V = 0.5; Table 4). In contrast, no combination of nonwoody angiosperm tissues (such as tree leaves or grasses) with softwood or hardwood can account for the observed high C : I/ at low S : I/ characteristic of the spring and summer samples. Thus, the Dabob Bay samples appear to contain at least three broad types of vascular plant tissues and are the first local sedimentary mixtures to give evidence for the specific presence of nonwoody gymnosperm tissues. A simple mixing model (Ertel and Hedges 1985) can be used to roughly estimate the percentages (on an organic carbon basis) of the various types of vascular plant tissues in the Dabob Bay samples as well as the total weight percent of carbon present as vascular plant debris (VPD). In this model the weight percentages of different fresh tissue types (in ternary mixtures) which best fit the sedimentary S : I’ and C: I’ values are calculated along with the percentage of lignin-free organic carbon needed to dilute the A of this hypothetical mixture (AVPD) down to the A of the natural sample. This model treats sedimentary vascular plant tissues as being well preserved and thus likely underestimates angiosperm components due to preferential syringyl phenol degradation and overestimates vascular plant carbon due to selective polysaccharide loss (Hedges et al. 1985, in press). When the lignin model is run for ternary mixtures of gymnosperm and angiosperm wood with either nonwoody gymnosperm or angiosperm tissues, the calculated con- centrations of gymnosperm wood, angiosperm wood, and total vascular plant debris are all relatively insensitive (within k 10%) to the choice of the nonwoody tissue type. Therefore, based on the previously presented arguments against a major nonwoody angiosperm component, only the results for mixtures of nonwoody gymnosperm tissues with gymnosperm and angiosperm woods are discussed. The calculated major components of vascular plant tissue mixtures in Dabob Bay sediment trap samples (Table 4) are gymnosperm woods (46 & 16%), nonwoody gymnosperm tissues (43 + 19%) and angiosperm woods (1 1 + 3%). High levels of both gymnosperm (55-60%) and angiosperm wood ( lo- 15%) occur in all fall and winter samples. Wood levels are lowest in spring when nonwoody gymnosperm tissues typically predominate, particularly in the upper water column. This seasonal pattern may reflect the combined effect of a pulsed input of nonwoody angiosperm tissues in spring as well as preferential mobilization of coarser wood-rich debris during winter storm events (Prahl 1985; Hedges et al. 1988). The estimated AVPD values of the previously described plant tissue mixtures range from about 4.5 for spring to almost 8.5 for winter trap samples (Table 4). The corresponding percentages of the sedimentary total organic carbon in the 30-m samples that are represented by vascular plant debris [%VPD = (A/AvPD) x 1001 range from a maximum of 30-40% in winter to <5% in summer (Fig. 8a). The calculated compositional characteristics of the sediment core samples closely resemble those of the winter trap materials, except that estimated levels of angiosperm woods are slightly lower due to the smaller S : I’ of the sediments. The factor of 10 range in A values compared to the AVPD range of 2 for sediment trap samples (Table 4) clearly indicates that the seasonal variation in A (Fig. 4b) is primarily driven by dilution of vascular plant debris with plankton remains. The A of the total land-derived organic matter in these samples can be estimated by extrapolating the regression line in Fig. 6 to the (N : C)w of the terrigenous organic fraction. Bennett (1980) has demonstrated, Organic matter sources 1129 Table 4. Plant end-member mixing model results for trap and sediment samples from Dabob Bay. Abbreviations: A-angiosperm woods; G-gymnosperm woods; g-nonwoody gymnosperm tissues; %VPD-% total carbon present as vascular plant debris; AVPD-A value of the pure tertiary tissue mixture; %Ter-percentage of total OC that is terrestrially derived. Period %A 3-21 Jul 21 Jul-20 Aug 20 Aug-15 Sep 15 Sep-15 Ott 15 Ott-10 Nov 10 Nov-16 Dee 16 Dee-15 Jan 15 Jan-12 Feb 12 Feb-19 Mar 19 Mar-2 Apr 2-23 Apr 23 Apr-14 May 14 May-10 Jun 10 Jun-8 Jul 11 8 14 11 15 16 15 14 13 8 10 5 5 6 3-21 Jul 21 Jul-20 Aug 20 Aug-15 Sep 15 Sep-15 Ott 15 Ott-10 Nov 10 Nov-16 Dee 16 Dee-15 Jan 15 Jan-12 Feb 19 Mar-2 Apr 2-23 Apr 23 Apr-14 May 14 May-10 Jun 10 Jun-8 Jul 11 12 11 13 14 15 12 13 14 11 6 6 8 3-21 Jul 21 Jul-20 Aug 20 Aug-15 Sep 15 Sep-15 Ott 15 Ott-10 Nov 10 Nov-16 Dee 16 Dee-15 Jan 15 Jan-12 Feb 19 Mar-2 Apr 2-23 Apr 23 Apr-14 May 14 May-1OJun 10 Jun-8 Jul 13 10 10 12 13 15 13 13 14 14 10 12 9 30-m traps SD 60-m traps SD 90-m traps SD Trap overall SD Sediment* SD* 11 4 11 3 12 2 11 3 9 1 * Calculated for the 0-22-cm sediment %ci % Trap depth 30 m 27 62 21 71 60 26 49 40 27 58 59 25 24 61 58 28 53 34 30 62 34 56 13 82 77 18 18 76 Trap depth 60 m 51 38 69 19 22 67 50 37 51 35 57 28 58 30 54 33 38 48 38 51 14 80 25 69 19 73 Trap depth 90 m 56 31 54 36 51 39 57 31 30 57 57 28 61 26 59 28 56 30 53 33 43 47 40 48 32 59 Averages and standard deviations 40 49 19 22 46 43 17 20 52 36 9 10 46 43 16 19 37 54 2 2 depth interval (n = 10). %VPD AVPD %Ter 4 4 3 6 10 40 31 39 25 6 17 12 7 9 6.0 5.3 8.2 7.2 8.2 8.3 8.3 8.1 7.7 5.8 6.3 4.4 4.7 4.9 6 5 7 13 24 95 74 89 53 11 31 16 9 13 11 7 6 11 14 40 33 38 7 16 18 11 11 7.3 8.4 8.1 7.5 7.7 8.1 7.8 7.7 7.0 6.6 4.6 5.3 5.2 22 16 14 25 30 93 73 84 14 30 24 16 17 17 7 9 12 16 40 36 36 15 22 24 14 13 7.8 7.2 7.2 7.7 7.8 8.2 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.8 6.7 6.8 6.0 39 14 19 25 37 93 83 83 34 49 46 26 23 15 13 17 12 20 11 17 12 33 2 6.7 1.5 7.0 1.2 7.5 0.6 7.1 1.2 7.2 0.1 32 32 35 28 44 26 37 29 65 4 1130 Hedges et al. based on inorganic sedimentary constituents, that the Dosewallips River (Fig. 1) is likely the major source of terrigenous detrital materials to Dabob Bay. Other smaller rivers emptying into southern Hood Canal drain basins of similar relief and vegetation. Two samples of suspended particulate material collected by Bennett (1980) in summer and winter from the lower Dosewallips River had (C : N)a values of 13.5 and 17.4, respectively, which correspond to an average (N : C)w of 0.076. Extrapolation of the A vs. (N : C)w plot (Fig. 6) to this value yields a A of 3.5. The maximal fraction of vascular plant debris in the terrigenous component of each sample (estimated by dividing 3.5 by the corresponding AVPD) averages about half for all trap and core samples. This result suggests that a major portion of the bulk terrigenous organic carbon is present in other forms such as soil organic matter, charcoal, or fossil substances associated with sedimentary rocks. Because the (C : N)a range of the particulate organic matter discharged by the Dosewallips River is distinctly lower than values (25-500) typical of vascular plant tissues (Hedges et al. 1986) the riverine vascular plant debris must either carry considerable immobilized nitrogen (Gosz et al. 1976) or be mixed with relatively nitrogen-rich materials such as soil organic matter (atomic C : N g 10-l 2; Meybeck 1982; Hedges et al. 1986). The percentage of total terrestrially derived organic carbon (%Ter) in the individual samples can be estimated by dividing their measured A value by 3.5. This calculation involves the assumption that the lignin-bearing and bulk particulate organic matter discharged by local rivers maintain a constant ratio throughout transport and deposition. The resulting percentages of bulk terrigenous organic carbon for individual trap samples (Table 4) run about twice the previously discussed %VPD levels with values consistently exceeding 70% at all depths in the winter and dropping below 20% in the upper water column during bloom periods (Fig. 8b). Average estimated percentages of terrigenous organic carbon in the 30-, 60-, and 90-m sediment traps are about 30,35, and 45%, with a sediment core MONTH 8 JASONDJFMAMJJ j 4o n 30 g 20 4 g lo 3 g g 0 100 80 PUNT DEBRIS 2 3 60 3 0 40 E 2 20 0 SEDIMENT 100 200 300 DAYS AFTER 1JULY 1981 Fig. 8. a-The calculated maximal percentages of total organic carbon occurring as gymnosperm woods (G), nonwoody gymnosperm tissues (g), and angiosperm woods (A) vs. time; b-The percentages of total terrigenous organic carbon (present in chemically recognizable plant debris and other forms) vs. time within the 30-m sediment trap and bottom sediment samples from Dabob Bay. 0 average of 65% (Table 4). The conclusion that most of the particulate organic material accumulating in the sediments of Dabob Bay is of terrestrial origin agrees with both aluminum-normalized carbon flux calculations (Bennett 1980) and the paucity of mar-me-derived hydrocarbons in the deposit (Prahl et al. 1980). The compositional data alone, however, do not indicate whether the elevated concentrations of lignin and bulk terrigenous organic matter within the sediment result from mixing or digenesis (see Hedges et al. 1988). Correlations with other source indicators -Stable carbon isotope compositions have found wide application as indicators of the relative amounts of marine- and terrestrially derived organic materials in a variety of coastal marine environments (Fry Organic matter sources and Sherr 1984). In particular, excellent agreement between A and 613C as indicators of terrigenous organic carbon has been reported for modern sediments from the southern Washington continental shelf (Hedges and Mann 1979b). The Dabob Bay sediment trap samples exhibit almost a 4%0 annual range (-23.6 to - 19.3YL~)in 613C(Fig. 2c), which includes the average sediment core value of -22.1 +O. I?&. These 613C values do not exhibit a statistically significant association (rS), however, with either A (Fig. 4b) or (C : N)a (Fig. 2b). This lack of correlation between 613C and the latter two internally consistent (Fig. 6) source indicators suggests that the stable carbon isotope compositions of the Dabob Bay samples do not result from simple mixing of a 13C-depleted terrigenous component with 13C-rich autochthonous organic matter, as is often observed (Fry and Sherr 1984). A similar conclusion was drawn by Prahl et al. (1980) based on trends in 613C vs. C : N and pristane during an earlier (1977-1978) sediment trap time series at the same site and depth. The isotopic data for the four seasonal net tow samples collected during the 198 l1982 study (Fig. 2c) indicate that the variability of 13C : 12C within local net plankton may partially explain the lack of a clear association of 613C with other source indicators in the sediment trap and core samples. Microscopic observation of all four bulk net tow samples indicated that they were essentially free of vascular plant remains. However, the 613C values ranged from -26.0?& for a fall sample rich in C. concavicornis to - 19.5Ym for a spring sample comprised almost exclusively of C. bergonii. The 6.57~ range in 613Cbetween these two diatom-rich mixtures is comparable to the “usual” difference between marine- and terrestrially derived organic carbon in many temperate coastal marine environments (Degens 1969; Fry and Sherr 1984). Comparable carbon isotopic variations in marine phytoplankton have been observed at the other temperate marine sites (Fry and Sherr 1984; Gearing et al. 1984). The Dabob Bay sediment trap materials generally exhibit more positive 613C values than net plankton collected during the same 1131 season, but still clearly reflect the ~Y&Jchange in 613C between the winter and spring net plankton (Fig. 2~). Thus net plankton appear to strongly affect, but not completely control, the isotopic composition of the sediment trap samples. Either preferential loss of 12C from net plankton-derived organic matter or an additional unsampled source of isotopically “heavy” marine organic carbon (possibly in the <64-km size fraction missed by the sampling net) is needed to produce the generally observed enrichment of 13C in the trap vs. the net plankton samples. Carbohydrate-lignin relationships- Neutral sugar compositions have been reported for many of these same samples and compared to patterns obtained from various marine and vascular plant sources (Cowie and Hedges 1984a). The high yields of ribose and fucose and the low yields of total neutral sugars and a-cellulose-derived glucose that were obtained are typical of plankton and bacteria and indicate that the carbohydrate components of the Dabob Bay sediment trap and core samples are primarily marine derived. Although trends toward the distinctly separate compositional ranges of fresh vascular plant tissues are observed in the winter trap and sediment core samples (Cowie and Hedges 1984a), associations (r,) between A and the carbohydrate parameters used to discriminate marine vs. terrigenous sources (e.g. ribose- and fucoserelated parameters) are weak. In addition, S : V is not associated (rS) with %(xylose), or mannose : xylose as would be expected for angiosperm sources. Also %(mannose), and mannose : xylose do not exhibit a significant association with either I’ or %VPD, both of which should be directly related to levels of gymnosperm tissues (Cowie and Hedges 1984a). These generally poor associations are surprising considering the high levels of vascular plant debris (Fig. 8) in the core and winter sediment trap samples and the factor of 5-l 0 higher yields of neutral sugars that are typically obtained from fresh vascular plant tissues vs. marine plankton (Cowie and Hedges 1984a). On the basis of the extensive polysaccharide losses previously reported for peats (Hatcher et al. 1983) and 1132 Hedges et al. sediment-buried woods (Hedges et al. 1985), it is reasonable to expect that the vascular plant debris in the Dabob Bay samples also may have lost a major portion of their original carbohydrates. MONTH JASONDJFMAMJJ n 6, -1 (4 X X X from the vascular plant component of the Dabob Bay samples can be made by comparing the total yield of an individual neutral sugar from a sample to the amount that should be obtained solely from the fresh vascular plant components (Hamilton and Hedges 1988). Such observed-to-expected ratios for vascular plant sources, (0 : E)v, can be determined for individual sugars by dividing the actual yield by the sum of the fractions of individual plant tissues (Table 4) multiplied by their average yield of the same sugar (Cowie and Hedges 1984a). Any sugar whose (0 : E)v ratio is substantially < 1 must be depleted in the vascular plant component (see Hamilton and Hedges 1988). For simplicity, (0 : E)v ratios are presented only for individual neutral sugars in the sediment core (O-22-cm average) and 30-m sediment trap samples, the latter of which exhibit the extreme compositional contrasts observed in the sample set (Table 3). The nine neutral sugars fall into two groups based on their (0 : E)v ratios (Fig. 9a). Group 1 consists of glucose, lyxose, mannose, and xylose which all are produced from the sediment core and winter trap samples in smaller amounts than expected from vascular plant sources alone. All four of these sugars are produced in characteristically high yields by vascular plant tissues (Sjostrijm 198 1; Cowie and Hedges 1984a). The mean (0 : E)v ratios over the 3 months of winter for glucose (0.36), lyxose (0.39) mannose (0.49), xylose (0.82), and total carbohydrates (0.62) correspond to average depletions of about 65, 60, 50, 20, and 40%, respectively. The corresponding depletions within the underlying surficial sediment (Fig. 9a) are comparable and well within the range of alteration found previously for sedimentburied woods (Hedges et al. 1985). The (0 : E)v ratios of lyxose, mannose, and xylose in sediment trap samples from the nonwinter months are consistently > 1 (Fig. 9a). Glucose ratios for the 30-m sed- xG MX A test for preferential polysaccharide loss Y M -----G-z- 1 G X x--x--,- t M G M x E M --G&-- hii x 0 ! I A F (b) 10 - R R 2 I OO I I 100 DAYS I I 200 AFTER I 1 JULY I 300 1981 1 A SEDIMENT Fig. 9. Observed to expected (0 : E) yield ratios for selected sugars vs. time in 30-m sediment trap and sediment core samples. a. Ratio of observed yield to the expected yield from the vascular plant component alone, (0 : E)v. b. Ratio of observed to expected yields from the vascular plant and plankton components combined, (0 : E)t. Abbreviations: G-glucose; Mmannose; X -xylose; A- arabinose; F- fucose; Rrhamnose; T-galactose. iment trap samples, however, are < 1 during periods of spring and autumn when appreciable amounts of plankton-derived organic matter are present (Fig. 8). Glucose, therefore, must be depleted in the plankton component as well. Evidence that glucose, a common storage sugar, is particularly susceptible to degradation has also been observed for anoxic sediments (Hamilton and Hedges 1988) as well as suspended particulate (Ittekkot et al. 1982) and sediment trap materials (Cowie and Hedges 1984a; Hamilton and Hedges 1988). The reason that the (0 : E)v ratios of the four group 1 sugars are not < 1 during nonwinter months probably is because the low overall VPD concentrations in these samples (Fig. 8) greatly reduce the potential to detect carbohydrate depletion in the terrigenous component. Based on the uniform (Ad : Al)v values observed for all the sediment trap samples (Table 3), it seems reasonable to expect that the woody plant de- Organic matter sources 1133 MONTH 2oJ r A S 0 N M M ‘PZdLlGI;IN 0 POLYSA $? 16 c t 0 A 100 DAYS 200 AFTER 1 JULY 300 1981 J IARIDE SEDIMENT Fig. 10. Calculated weight percentages of the total organic carbon contributed by lignin and polysaccharide vs. time for 30-m sediment trap and surface (O-22 cm) sediment samples. The factors used to convert neutral sugar yields to the carbon equivalents are based on the wt% of carbon in the molecules, the water loss involved in polymerization to polysaccharides, and the corresponding average recovery efficiencies reported by Cowie and Hedges (1984b, their table 4). The factors used for converting lignin phenol yields to total lignin carbon are based on the wt% of carbon in the molecules, the fractional carbon recovery vs. an intact phenyl propane unit of equal methoxy content, and theoretical production efficiencies of 30, 90, and 100% for vanillyl, syringyl, and cinnamyl phenols (Chang and Allan 197 1). bris introduced during nonwinter months will have suffered similarly extensive carbohydrate losses. A testfor “excess”sources among the other (group 2) sugars can be made by dividing the actual yield of an individual sugar by the maximum total yield that could be expected from fresh vascular plant material and plankton combined (Hamilton and Hedges 1988). To determine this second total ratio, (0 : E)t, the maximal plankton contribution was determined by multiplying the fraction of nonvascular plant carbon in the samples (Fig. 8a) by the average yields of individual neutral sugars from Dabob Bay phytoplankton (Cowie and Hedges 1984a). These calculations give maximum estimates of expected carbohydrate yields because preferential loss of lignins vs. neutral sugars is rare in nature (Crawford 198 1; Tanoue et al. 1982; Hedges et al. in press), and the vascular plant component actually is carbohydrate-depleted (previous discussion). In addition, all nonvascular plant material is assumed to be present as plankton even though substantial amounts of fossil or highly degraded soil organic materials apparently are present (Fig. 8) and can be expected to be relatively carbohydrate poor (Swain 1969). Finally, in order to allow for the possibility that the vascular plant tissues (< 50% of total sample carbon) might contain little or no polysaccaride, an (0 : E)t of 2 (corresponding to a pure phytoplankton source) is taken as the lower bound for an excess source for each sugar. Three of the group 2 sugars (galactose, rhamnose, and fucose) all have (0 : E)t ratios > 2 and thus are produced in substantial excess of expected maximal plankton plus vascular plant yields from all core and 30-m trap samples (Fig. 9b). The degree of excess production is especially pronounced for rhamnose and fucose, which have average (0 : E)t ratios near 8 and 5 and therefore come predominately from unidentified sources. Strong excess sources for these two deoxy sugars are also indicated by similar treatment of compositional data for plankton, sediment trap, and core samples from Saanich Inlet (Hamilton and Hedges 1988). Although the biological origins of the group 2 sugars are yet to be determined, bacteria can yield high relative concentrations of rhamnose and fucose (Cowie and Hedges 1984a; Kenne and Lindberg 1983) and are likely candidates. Whatever the biological sources, the fact that the 30-m trap samples 1134 Hedges et al. exhibit high (0 :E)t ratios (Fig. 9b) indicates that the excess sugars are derived either from land or the upper water column. A major biochemical inventory--It is possible from the present data set (Tables 2, 3; Cowie and Hedges 1984a) to calculate the maximal fraction of the total organic carbon in the Dabob Bay samples that can be accounted for as lignin and polysaccharide and, by difference, the minimal fraction that must be present in other forms. These calculations are applied to the 30-m sediment trap samples and the underlying sediment (O-22 cm) in order to evaluate the widest range of compositions. The factors used to convert molecule mass to biopolymer carbon are given in the caption to Fig. 10. On average, total polysaccharides account of 9% of the total organic carbon in the sediment trap samples and 6% of total carbon in the surface sediment (Fig. 10). Glucose, the predominant neutral sugar, contributes about a third of the total polysaccharide carbon. In comparison, lignin accounts for about 0.5-7% of the bulk organic carbon, with highest values in the winter trap and sediment core samples. Approximately 90% of the total lignin carbon in the gymnosperm wood-rich Dabob Bay samples is present in vanillyl (guaiacyl) structural units. Together, chemically recognizable polysaccharides and lignins comprise about 5-20% of the total organic carbon in the sediment trap samples with average levels near 10% for both the sediment trap and core samples (Fig. 10). The previous calculations leave about 90% of the total organic carbon unaccounted for at the molecular level. The maximal amount of the remaining uncharacterized organic carbon that could be present as protein can be estimated by multiplying the weight percent of bulk nitrogen by the average weight ratio of C : N (3.3) in phytoplankton protein (DiTullio and Laws 1983). This calculation provides only an upper bound for protein carbon because a major portion of the total nitrogen likely is present in other forms such as humic substances (Lee and Cronin 1982; Henrichs et al. 1984). These maximal estimates of protein carbon in the sediment trap samples still range from only 25 to 60% with a mean value near 40, as compared to a value of 35% for the surface sediment horizon. The resulting maximal estimates of total carbon in the form of major biochemicals (polysaccharides + lignin + protein) average about 50% for the 30-m sediment trap samples and 45% for the underlying sediment. Thus even with these extremely generous estimates, less than half of the total organic carbon can be accounted for on average as major biochemicals. The bulk of the organic carbon in the Dabob Bay sediment trap and core samples must be present in other forms such as lipids, fossil organic matter, and hydrolysis-resistant polymers. Overview Large seasonal fluctuations occur in the types and relative amounts of terrigenous and marine-derived particulate organic materials in the water column of Dabob Bay. 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PRAHL, Submitted: 13 July 1987 Accepted: 23 September I987 Revised: 23 June 1988