Notice of Race - Hobie Cat 16 Masters


Notice of Race - Hobie Cat 16 Masters
2013 Hobie Cat
Hobie 16 Open
Hobie 16 Masters
Hobie 16 Women
Hobie 16 Youth Spi
Hobie 16 Open Spi Cup
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
October 11th to 19 th, 2013
Notice of Race
photo by Andrea Puddu
Windsurfing Club Cagliari • viale Marina Piccola s.n. • 09126 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
phone and fax: +39.070.372694 • •
1. Organizing Authority
1.1 The Organizing Authority (OA) is Windsurfing Club Cagliari
(Cagliari, Italy) with the Italian Hobie Class Association and
the European Hobie Class Association (EHCA).
2013 Hobie Cat
Notice of Race
2. Venue
2.1 The Championships will be sailed at Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
3. Rules
3.1 The Championship will be governed by the rules as defined in
the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).
3.2 Furthermore, the following rules will apply: Hobie Cat Class
Rules including Appendix E.
3.3 No National Authority prescriptions will apply.
3.4 The official language is English. If there is a conflict between
languages the English text will take precedence.
4. Advertising
4.1 ISAF Regulation 20 (ISAF Advertising Code) applies.
4.2 Boats may be required to display advertising of the event
sponsors on both sides of both hulls, as indicated by the OA.
4.3 Individual sponsorship conflicting with the event sponsor’s
business category shall not be allowed.
4.4 Sponsorship for alcohol and tobacco is not allowed according
to EU regulations.
5. Eligibility
5.1 Eligibility according to ISAF Regulation 19 (Eligibility Code)
will be required for all competitors. In addition, the skipper
and crew shall be a paid-up member of a National Hobie
Class Association or Hobie Fleet in good standing with the
IHCA (IHCA General Class Rule 26).
5.2 To qualify for Junior, Youth and Masters events, IHCA
General Class Rule 17.7 and 17.8 apply.
6. Entries
6.1 All entries shall be made through the official entry form
available on the event’s website, www.hobiecat-cagliari2013.
6.2 The Registration office can be reached at
A.S.D. Windsurfing Club Cagliari
viale Marina Piccola sn - 09126 Cagliari, Italy
tel & fax: +39 070 372694
6.3 The entry form with all information filled in and the payment
of the non-refundable entry fee shall be received not later
than August 31st, 2013. Any later entry will be accepted at the
sole discretion of the OA and will be subject to an additional
entry fee.
6.4 The entry fee includes a race pack and admission to all the
events included in the official social program.
6.5 The Entry fee is to be paid in Euros (no other currencies
accepted) by bank transfer to the bank account specified by
Windsurfing Club Cagliari. All cost of money transfer is to be
paid by the sender.
6.6 Banking information is as follows:
name = Windsurfing Club Cagliari
bank = Banca di Cagliari
IBAN = IT 44 T 07096 04800 000000003321
Windsurfing Club Cagliari • viale Marina Piccola s.n. • 09126 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
phone and fax: +39.070.372694 • •
6.7 The bank transfer shall clearly indicate Class, sail number,
country, name of the skipper.
2013 Hobie Cat
Notice of Race
until Aug 31st, 2013
after Aug 31st 2013
Hobie 16 Youth Spi
€ 90
€ 140
Hobie 16 Women
€ 90
€ 140
Hobie 16 Masters
€ 90
€ 140
Hobie 16 Open Spi Cup
€ 90
€ 140
Hobie 16 Open
€ 180
€ 270
Hobie 16 Spi Cup + Open
€ 250
€ 360
Hobie 16 Women + Open
€ 250
€ 360
Hobie 16 Masters + Open
€ 250
€ 360
6.8 All entries, when accepted, will be displayed on the official
Championship website. This can be considered a confirmation of entry.
6.9 If less than 10 entries are accepted for an event by August 31st
2013, this event may be cancelled and the entry fees will be
6.10 Any fee to be fulfilled at Registration shall be made in cash
and in Euros.
7. Boats
7.1 All events will be “bring-your-own-boat” events.
7.2 A limited number of charter boats will be available. Details
and conditions will be posted on the official event website,
8. Hobie Cat 16 main sails and battens
8.1 Hobie Cat Europe will provide main sails, jibs and battens to
all Hobie 16 teams participating in the Hobie 16 Europeans
Gold fleet. No other sails and battens shall be used.
8.2 No modifications to the sails or battens shall be made without
prior written approval of the Race Committee.
8.3 A refundable deposit of 200.00 € will be required from
each Hobie 16 team for the use of the provided sails. A
charter fee of 50.00 € per set is required. Both deposit and
fee shall be paid in cash and in Euros (no other currencies
9. Competition format
9.1 All classes will compete in their own fleet.
10. Schedule of events
10.1 The Hobie Cat 2013 European Championships includes:
8 races scheduled for the Hobie 16 Women, Open Spi Cup,
Masters events;
14 races scheduled for the Youth event;
8 races scheduled for the Hobie 16 Open Qualifiers series;
14 races scheduled for the Hobie 16 Open Final series.
HC Open Spi Cup
October 12th to 13th
8 races
HC Women
October 12th to 13th
8 races
HC Master
October 12th to 13th
8 races
HC Youth Spi
October 12th to 15th
14 races
HC 16 Open Qualifing Series
October 14th to 15th
8 races
HC16 Open Finals
October 16th to 19th
14 races
Windsurfing Club Cagliari • viale Marina Piccola s.n. • 09126 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
phone and fax: +39.070.372694 • •
11. Registration
Friday, October 11th
Registration: HC16 Youth Spi, HC16 Women, HC16 Masters,
HC16 Open Spi Cup
Opening Ceremony
Saturday, October 12
2013 Hobie Cat
Notice of Race
Racing : HC16 Youth Spi, HC16 Women, HC16 Masters,
HC16 Spi Open Cup
Sunday, October 13th
Racing : HC16 Youth Spi, HC16 Women, HC16 Masters,
HC16 Spi Open Cup
Registration: HC 16 Open European - Qualifying Series
Prize-giving Ceremony: Women, Masters, HC16 Spi Open Cup
Monday, October 14th
Racing : HC16 Youth Spi; HC16 Open - Qualifying Series
Tuesday, October 15th
Racing : HC16 Youth Spi; HC16 Open - Qualifying Series
(latest start option for HC16 Youth Spi and Qualifiers: 15:00 local time)
Registration: HC16 Open - Finals
Prize-giving Ceremony: HC16 Youth Spi
Wednesday, October 16th
Racing : HC16 Open - Finals (Gold, Silver)
Thursday, October 17th
Racing : HC16 Open - Finals (Gold, Silver)
Friday, October 18th
Racing : HC16 Open - Finals (Gold, Silver)
Saturday, October 19
Racing : HC16 Open - Finals (Gold, Silver)
Prize-giving Ceremony: HC16 Open (Gold, Silver)
11.1 Competitors to the 2013 Europeans shall register at the
Regatta Office, according the following schedule:
Friday, October 11th: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday, October 12th and all other race days: 08:00 – 20:00
11.2 Only boats that have completed their registration, have paid
all their fees and have passed the prescribed check-in procedure before closing of the registration are entitled to race.
11.3 Pre-qualified skippers/helms for the Hobie 16 Open Finals
(Gold Fleet) must have their registration completed no later
than 15:00 on Tuesday, October 15th, 2013.
11.4 If failing to comply, the skipper’s/helm’s pre-qualified spot
will be added to the number of open spots and the competitors at fault will have to race in the Silver Fleet.
11.5 The following documentation is required for Quick Check-in:
a) Official Entry Form;
b) Release and Indemnity Agreement;
c) Consent for the processing of personal data;
d) Copy of valid Hobie Cat Association membership
e) Copy of insurance, in English (minimum coverage:
€ 1,500,000.00).
11.6 Participants who will not able to submit all of the above at
Registration (before the 31st of August) will be required to
submit it at Regatta Check-in and will not be entitled to the
Quick Check-in procedure.
12. Measurement and certificates
12.1 Measurement certificates are not required but each boat and
competitor shall abide by the International Hobie Class rules.
12.2 Corrector Weights, if applicable, must be made available for
Windsurfing Club Cagliari • viale Marina Piccola s.n. • 09126 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
phone and fax: +39.070.372694 • •
inspection at the Check-in procedure during registration and
at any time during the regatta.
12.3 The OA reserves the right to conduct checks at registration,
before and after each race.
2013 Hobie Cat
Notice of Race
13. Sailing Instructions
13.1 Sailing Instructions will be available at Registration.
14. Courses
14.1 The Championship shall use Standard IHCA Courses.
15. Penalty System
15.1 Rule 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.
15.2 An arbitration system may be invoked for protests involving
rules of RRS Part 2. The Sailing Instructions will detail the
16. International Jury
16.1 An international Jury will be appointed for the Hobie events.
16.2 Decisions of the jury will be final as provided in RRS 70.5.
will be the total of her scores excluding her worst score.
17.5 When 9 races or more have been completed, a boat’s score
will be the total of her scores excluding her two worst scores.
18. Support boats
18.1 Support boats shall be registered and may not enter race areas
during racing.
18.2 All support boats shall fly their national flag and identification as supplied at registration.
18.3 Support boats shall be required to provide safety assistance, if
so requested by the race officer.
19. Safety
19.1 Personal flotation shall be carried at all times while racing
under the provisions of RRS 40. It is recommended that personal flotation is carried at all times while afloat.
19.2 Competitors shall wear a wetsuit or drysuit.
19.3 No personal buoyancy is to be worn underneath a drysuit.
20. Berthing
20.1 Boats shall be kept in their assigned places in the boat park at
the beach.
21. Radio communications
17. Scoring
17.1 The RRS Appendix A – Low Point System will apply.
17.2 One race is required to be completed to constitute an event,
Qualifiers or Final series.
17.3 When fewer than 4 races have been completed, a boat’s series
score will be the total of her race scores.
17.4 When from 4 to 8 races have been completed, a boat’s score
21.1 A boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing
nor receive radio communications not available to all boats.
This restriction also applies to mobile telephones.
22. Prizes
22.1 Prizes will be awarded to at least the best three in all classes.
Windsurfing Club Cagliari • viale Marina Piccola s.n. • 09126 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
phone and fax: +39.070.372694 • •
The best European skipper (and crew) acquires the title of
“European Champion” in each event.
22.2 Other prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the OA.
23. Disclaimer of liability
2013 Hobie Cat
23.1 The OA and any other party involved in the organization
will accept no liability for any personal or material damage
sustained prior to, during or after the event.
23.2 Competitors participate in the Championship entirely at their
own risk. See RRS 4, Decision to Race.
24. Insurance
Notice of Race
24.1 All entrants shall have a current Public Liability and Third
Party Property Insurance policy, including coverage when
racing at the venue of the Championship, of not less than €
1.500.000 or equivalent for each boat. Proof (English) of such
insurance and coverage has to be presented at registration.
24.2 The OA reserves the right to exclude a team from participation, if such team fails to provide the requested proof of
insurance and coverage at Registration.
24.3 Any competitor under the age of 18 years will be required to
obtain parental/guardian consent.
25. Right to use name and likeness
25.1 In participating in the Hobie European 2013, a competitor automatically grants to the OA and the sponsors of the
Championship the right - in perpetuity - to make, use and
show, from time to time and at their discretion, any motion
pictures and live, taped or film television and other reproductions of him/her during the period of the competition for
the said Championship in which the competitor participates
and in all material related to the said Championship, without
26. Information and entry address
OA Hobie European 2013
A.S.D. Windsurfing Club Cagliari
viale Marina Piccola sn - 09126 Cagliari, Italy
phone and fax: +39.070.372694,
Facebook: Windsurfingclub Cagliari
European Hobie Cat Association:
27. Shore facilities
27.1 Boats will be accommodated in the parking area, which is
accessed from the back entrance of the Club. Before the races,
the boats can be armed in this area and brought directly to
the beach in front of the Club (30 to 40 meters).
27.2 Driving on the beach, also with boat trailers, is strictly
28. Accommodation and travel
28.1 Competitors shall make their own housing arrangements.
28.2 Italian regulations prohibit sleeping in campers and caravans
along public roads and in public parking areas. Similar regulations apply to camping on the beach.
28.3 No camping area nearby.
28.4 No extra fees will be charged for using car and trailer parking
lots, launching of dinghies, equipment rinsing.
28.5 All competitors will have free access to showers and drinking
water in the Club.
Windsurfing Club Cagliari • viale Marina Piccola s.n. • 09126 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
phone and fax: +39.070.372694 • •
2013 Hobie Cat
28.6 The OA has entered into agreements with hotels and B&Bs in
the area. All locations are at walking distance or easily reachable by bus. Shuttle bus service to and from the Club could be
provided by some hotels.
28.7 Hotels and B&Bs will be listed on the official website and
booking information will be available.
28.8 Special deals on ferry rates negotiated with one or more
companies will be announced on the official website.
29. Weather information
Notice of Race
Windsurfing Club Cagliari • viale Marina Piccola s.n. • 09126 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
phone and fax: +39.070.372694 • •
Regione Sardegna - La Sardegna vista dall'alto -
2013 Hobie Cat
Notice of Race
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
Windsurfing Club Cagliari • viale Marina Piccola s.n. • 09126 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
phone and fax: +39.070.372694 • •
2013 Hobie Cat
Notice of Race
Cagliari - Poetto Beach and Marina Piccola Harbour
Windsurfing Club Cagliari • viale Marina Piccola s.n. • 09126 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
phone and fax: +39.070.372694 • •
2013 Hobie Cat
Notice of Race
1) boat areas
2) trailers & Hobie Cat truck/container
3) sail sheds
4) office
5) Jury room
6) gates to the beach
7) changing rooms, showers and toilets
8) restaurant & bar
9) public parking
Poetto Beach: Windsurfing Club Cagliari
Windsurfing Club Cagliari • viale Marina Piccola s.n. • 09126 Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
phone and fax: +39.070.372694 • •