November RPConnect 2014 - Reformed Presbyterian Church


November RPConnect 2014 - Reformed Presbyterian Church
Reformed Presbyterian Church
21 E. Locust St., Ephrata, PA 17522
(or A Great Way to Show the Love of Christ)
by Shirley Lapi
Yes, it’s true. I am a raging scardy-cat when it comes to
talking to my family and friends about their relationship
with Jesus Christ. Some of them have no relationship.
Some of them may have one, but don’t go to church.
Some of them are doing sports programs with their kids
on a Sunday morning and have made that their God. They
are all on my prayer list, and praying for these friends and
family members is much easier than talking to them
directly about their salvation. I get so scared and tonguetied!! I have even invited some of them to RPC in the
past. I’ve included an “any time you want to come to
church with us, just let us know” pitch in my Christmas
letter. But that’s as far as it goes.
Well note this: something’s coming up at RPC from the
Mission Committee that may help me with my scardycat problem.
Starting November 16, and subsequent Sundays, Nov. 23,
Nov. 30, Dec. 7, the ushers will have beautiful, printed
invitations available after each church service for us to
pick up and use to invite our friends and family members
to an Invite a Friend/Family Member church service here
on Sunday, December 14. On those Sundays, you can pick
up as many hand-it-to-them-directly invitations, as you
want, made especially for that Sunday. The invitation has
the date (Dec. 14), the location, the time, and “Dessert
Reception for All” on the 3rd floor after church (no SS that
day) printed on it. It will also give our regular Sunday
school schedule. This printed invitation takes the “scary”
out of inviting my unchurched, used-to-go-to-church, outof-the-habit-of-going-to-church, friends and family to my
church. It may even trigger a discussion about Jesus (Oh
Boy, now I am scared!).
N O V EM B ER 20 1 4
Nov e mbe r 2 0 13
Is su e 9
Confession of a Raging Scardy Cat
Everything you wanted to know...
Meet the Sauders
Meet Kathleen Golias
Meet the Brandts
Do you Love Serving? Do you Love Little Children? 4-5
If you’re thinking this invitation is to show how
wonderful we are that Sunday, or that we are better
than any other church, think again. This is to show the
love of Christ. No agenda, just building relationships.
This visit could be one link on someone’s road to
salvation. Or, it could be they find they are thirsty for
the living water that only Jesus can give, and keep on
My brother lives in Blandon, on the other side of
Reading. I will be giving him and my sister-in-law an
invitation and say, “You know, Bruce, we have some
members who live right up the road from you (Kevin
and Salome Tiemann), who are very active in our
church. It’s not really that far away.” My best friend’s
granddaughter just had a baby and I’m going to give
her an invitation and also give her one for her
granddaughter to see if they would like to come.
Morris and I are going to give out at least 10
invitations because statistics show that if you give 10,
maybe 1, or 2, will accept. And that’s good. In a
perfect world, if we each gave out 10 invitations, and
even had only 1 person come with us (or meet us
there) that morning, we could have up to 100 visitors!
If only half had friends/family members visit that
Sunday, there would be 50 visitors! WOW! Wouldn’t
that be something! I think we’re putting that on our
prayer list right now. Our prayer will be for each of you
to take a number of invitations, give them to friends
and family, let go, and let the Holy Spirit take control.
The newsletter sometimes has “Meet the
ABOUT THE RPCONNECT NEWLETTER BUT WERE ____________.” We choose people at random and we
also like to introduce our new members this way. You will
By Shirley Lapi
Tammy Bernarduci and I became co-editors of the
RPConnect newsletter about two years ago. Therefore,
this article about the newsletter may be wa-a-a-ay
overdue. We believe that communication is key in any
organization, and even more important in our church.
We want to provide you with the most information we
can, in any way we can. Hence this article.
Right now, the newsletter is published four times a year:
February, May, August, and November (usually the last
Tuesday of the month). That is all that Tammy and I can
do on a part-time basis. However, we are always looking
for “reporters.” If we get enough writers for the
newsletter, we can publish it more often, perhaps every
two months. That would be awesome. All you
“wannabe” writers—you can write about your testimony,
or we’ll give you some topics, or Pastor Tom will think of
some topics, or you can think of one yourself and get
approval from Pastor Tom, and we’re off and running.
Starting in the next newsletter you will see “The Book
Review Corner.” Kathy Noll will be writing a book review
on a book she will recommend for your reading pleasure.
We would love someone else to come forward to do this
also. Then we could have two book review corners. We
could rename the column “The Book Review Nook!”
The newsletter normally is sent to you via email, and is
also accessible on our awesome website We can also mail it to you if you
wish, but you need to let us know. You can contact me,
Shirley Lapi (717-335-3711), and give me your name and
The newsletter usually has articles by Pastor Tom and
Brian Ingraham, a Calendar of Events (for you to mark
your calendars), mission committee and missionary
news, and various other articles.
be able to read Meet the Sauders, Meet the Patrick
Brandts, and Meet Kathleen Golias in this issue of the
newsletter. The newsletter is playing catch-up with this
column, and we will be looking back in the archives to see
if we missed some “new members” in the past. If we did,
some members should get ready for a phone call from
me to do an article on them for the February newsletter.
So, I hope I’ve covered the what’s, when’s, who’s, and
why’s of the RPConnect. If you know of anyone at RPC
who is not currently receiving the newsletter and would
like to receive it, please contact Tammy Bernarduci (717)
413-5700 or email her at We will
get your name on the list.
Finally, on the Sunday following the Tuesday that the
newsletter gets emailed, we have hard copies available in
the narthex on the left-side shelf coming into the narthex
from the sanctuary. There are other booklets there also,
along with the RPConnect for you to take.
by Shirley Lapi
Jason and Kristen Sauder
live in Ephrata and came
to RPC about a year ago.
They met at church when
they were younger, and
have been married for
5 years.
Kristen was born and raised in Ephrata. She graduated
from Ephrata High School in 2006 and received a BA in
English Communication from Lebanon Valley College in
2010. Jason was born and raised in New Holland and
graduated from high school with a Home Schooling
Diploma in 2002.
He is currently working on his BS in Biblical Ministry
from Lancaster Bible College and following his
graduation, he plans to attend seminary. Jason works
for his family business, Wood Creations LLC in Ephrata.
Kristen works for Friendship Community in the business
They live in Lititz and have two children: Owen—5 and
Eli—3. Whew, that’s 10 grandchildren and I’ll bet they
have a great time when all those cousins are together!!
Kathleen was born in Nuangola, PA near Wilkes-Barre,
and graduated from Crestwood High School, which is
near Mountain Top, PA. Previously she worked in
Jason and Kristen came to RPC through a friend who had Scranton at the Scranton Counseling Center in the
visited here for a few months. They have been attending billing office. In the past, she has also been the organist
since September 2013. Their friend didn’t stay, but they for several churches. She was raised Presbyterian, and
stayed and joined RPC in April of this year.
after moving to Lititz, found RPC because she was
looking for a more “reformed” Presbyterian church.
Kristen’s hobbies are gardening, reading, and cooking.
She became a member in April of this year.
Her favorite hymn is “Holy, Holy, Holy.” Something no
Kathleen’s hobbies are sewing, singing, baking, and
one knows about Kristen is that she makes her own
laying the piano (and we have heard her wonderful
playing at church). Her favorite Bible verse is Psalm 100,
and her favorite hymn is “O Worship the King.” She told
Besides working on his studies, Jason enjoys weight
this reporter that this hymn was sung for her 8th grade
lifting and health and nutrition practices. His favorite
graduation and the class learned all the verses. She’s
Bible verse is what he calls the introduction to the
not sure she can sing all verses by heart, but said
Gospel of John (first chapter). His favorite hymn is “Be
probably the first two at least! Something no one knows
Thou My Vision.” Something no one knows about Jason about Kathleen is that she is one of eight children (the
is that he can ride a unicycle and juggle (not necessarily baby), and that she plays the xylophone.
Kathleen is part of the Harris/Vos small group. She is
The Sauders are part of the Jerry and Genean Hesko
also in the RPC choir and we are delighted that she is a
Small Group. RPC is delighted that Jason and Kristen are member of our church family!
now members of our church family.
by Shirley Lapi
by Shirley Lapi
Kathleen lives in
Ephrata and has been
married to her husband
Dave for 43 years.
Kathleen and Dave
have three children,
David, married to
Andrea. They live in
Mansfield, OH and have
four children: Joel—14, Matthew—21, and twins Mary
and Isabel—10. Next we have Beth, married to Floyd.
They live in Washington state and have four children:
Floyd—15, Abby—11, Kyle—9, and Ryan—7. Last, but
not least, is Eileen, married to Jeff.
Patrick and Katie (Kathryn) Brandt live in Lititz and came
to RPC about a year ago. The Brandts have been
married for 6 years and have two children: Kyra—4 and
Phillip—1. Kyra loves dance class and reading books.
Phillip loves to snuggle.
Katie was born in Wenonah, NJ and graduated from
Gateway Regional High School in Woodbury Heights, NJ.
She graduated from Millersville University with a BS in
Elementary and Early Childhood Education and was on
the Marauders’ Swim Team. She met Pat at Millersville
through mutual friends and the rest is history!
Patrick (Pat) was born in Lock Haven, PA and
graduated from Cedar Crest High School. Pat
graduated from Millersville University with a BS in
Math and Secondary Education. Surprise, surprise, his
roommate at Millersville was none other than RPC’s
very own Nick Crowther.
The Brandts married and lived in Millersville until Pat
got his job teaching math at Garden Spot High School.
Looking for a home a little closer to his job, they found
in Lititz their just-right home to start raising their
family. Katie had two long-term substitute positions,
one at Brecknock Elementary and one at New Holland
Elementary until Kyra was born.
Pat said his buddy Nick Crowther had always given
them an open invitation to visit RPC, and they took
him up on that invite about a year ago. When
searching for a church after moving to Lititz, after
leaving a few, one would say OK, and the other would
say, eh!! And so it went until they visited RPC. After
that first visit, they both said, yep, this is for us! And
we are so delighted that they said yes to our church
and became new members in April of this year.
Katie’s hobbies include running and art. She enjoys all
Christian hymns and songs. Something no one knows
about Katie is that she was once a vegetarian and she
is a world traveler!!
Pat’s hobbies include art (he has an artistic bent) and
spending time with his family. His favorite Bible verse
is Isaiah 52 (the whole chapter) because you can see
Jesus being talked about in the Old Testament.
Something no one knows about Pat is that he plays
the drums.
The Brandts are part of the Eric and Amy Weaver
small group. RPC is delighted that the Patrick Brandts
are a part of our church family.
The Brandt’s
by Sharon Fasnacht
What comes to your mind when you think of RPC? A
thought that often comes to my mind is a beacon of
light. We are involved in many ministries—with our
own church family, with our local community, out
into our nation, and throughout parts of the world!
The thought of our church being a beacon of light to
our community comes to mind especially when I
think of our Awana program. Awana is a nondenominational children’s program whose goal is to
reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ, and
train them to serve him. Every Wednesday evening
our church doors open, beckoning children,
kindergarten through 6th grade, to join us for
laughter, fun, and most of all, to hear about the love
of Jesus. Forty-five to fifty kids excitedly come into
our church each Wednesday. First we have an
opening with the praise band (Joe, Ben, Dean, and
Lori) singing exuberant praises to God with words
like “My life, my hope and my strength is in you
Lord,” and even songs with the Old and New
Testament books! We have council time (lessons
about who God is, how he works in our lives, how he
is our Savior and friend, etc.), handbook time
(Scripture memory and learning what the verses
mean), and a rowdy game time on the third floor with
our fearless game director, Beth Plowmaker!
This year we invited children of PATH moms to join us
(PATH changed their meeting nights from Tuesday to
Wednesday), handed out approximately 50 flyers at the
Ephrata parade, and put the Awana sign up on our
Locust Street door. We prayed that the Lord would send
the children he wanted us to reach. And he has! I think
of two sisters whose mother registered them the first
night and answered the “Who brought you?” question
on our registration form with “Walking by.” Another set
of sisters come because one of our leaders walked to
the women’s homeless shelter two blocks away on
Church Street (I never knew was even there!) before
Awana began one evening, and assured these girls and
their mother that the girls would have transportation
provided and would be safe at our church if she allowed
them to come. Just last week these sisters brought
some friends who are also at the shelter to Awana! Two
other children are from a community family that one of
our church families took Christmas gifts to, kept in
contact with, and started bringing to Awana. Several
weeks ago we had a parent night and many parents
from our community families joined us! There are
children coming who know very little to nothing about
Jesus and his story, have only heard the names of God
and Jesus used as swear words, and we have the
wonderful opportunity to share our faith and introduce
them to Jesus. Currently, 19 of the 32 kids who are
Sparks age have no church listed on their registration
form, and 9 of the 22 T&T kids have no church home
listed. We also have many children with us from our
own families and other church families who are loved,
discipled and encouraged in their walk with the Lord.
We have a wonderful team of leaders and helpers who
commit their time and energy to loving and teaching
these kids. There is, however, a need to do much more
teaching and explaining the gospel words (and loving
and encouraging) than we are able to do, and we need
additional helpers!
and laughter as well as times of quiet and learning.
Will you prayerfully consider if the Lord would have
you join our group of helpers or listeners? Both
helpers and listeners come weekly or every other
week. Helpers come from 6:20–8:15 p.m. and
listeners from 6:45–7:45 p.m. We also have a big
need for nursery helpers from 6:15–8:20 p.m. Any
one of our leaders, myself or Courtney would love
to explain more about the role you can have in a
child’s life right here at RPC, a child who will then
take that message of hope home with them and
into the community!
visitors who are coming on
“Bring A Friend /Family
Member on December 14. ~
We’d love to have you come and visit us on a
Wednesday night and see firsthand our times of singing
CHRISTMAS DINNER: Saturday, December 6th at 5:30pm. Come enjoy a great meal and
fellowship. Menu: Turkey, Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Carrots, Apple Sauce,
Cranberry Salad, Rolls/butter and some yummy homemade desserts. Special entertainment
“Christmas in the 1940’s” presented by Servant Stage Co. Donation towards food and
HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: Sunday Worship services will be at the regular time, 9:30 AM, throughout
the holidays. Children's Worship and Sunday school will not be held on December 28.
CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE OF LIGHTS: Please join us for a service of anthems, carols and
readings, Saturday, December 24, at7:00 PM at RPC. Meditation given by Thomas E. Nicholas.
Five volunteers are needed to staff the nursery during the Christmas Eve service. (If we don't
have enough volunteers to fully staff the nurseries, we may only have nursery available for
parents who are participating in the service.) Please contact Amy Weaver, 572-6550, if you
would be willing to serve in this wonderful ministry to parents.
ANGEL TREE tags available today in the narthex. (Gifts for local children with a
parent in prison.) Deadline for presents to be brought to the church: Nov. 29.
COOKBOOKS: available for purchase in the narthex through Dec 21.
Cookbooks make a great gift or purchase a cookbook for a missionary!
Buying a cookbook supports short term missions! Cost: $10 each
Corrections to be made in the cookbooks.
 Abby Rutters recipe of “Better than Box Mix Brownies”
page 158 add 1/2 cup flour to list of ingredients.
 Beryl Grasser and Sharon Fasnacht's recipe “Taco Dip” add
two 8 oz blocks of cream cheese, softened (instead of one).
The Old Testament is the
most important part of
the Bible, except for the
New Testament!
by Brian Ingraham
This year's fall retreat was full of fun new changes. We
still had the staples that makes for a great fall retreat:
worship times, messages from God's word, flag football
and great memories with friends. However, this year we
took our retreat to a new location called Victory Valley
Camp. God provided the perfect camp for us. We had
delicious meals all weekend (homemade apple crisp!), a
bumpy hayride, crackling bonfire, as well as rockclimbing and games in their state-of-the-art gym
Our numbers grew to about 25 students this year (our
largest fall retreat to date) and I can't say enough good
things about the leaders that went along. I'm so grateful
for Nick and Rachel Klein, Jerry and Genean Hesko and
Jeremy Labs. After our main sessions, these leaders led
small groups (called C-Groups) and truly invested in the
Kingdom by further discipling our students. Our
messages were centered around the theme of "Be
Transformed" and we spent a lot of time looking at who
we are as sinners in relation to God and his Holiness. As
our awareness of these two realities grows, we become
more appreciative of the cross and how undeserving we
are of His grace. Our students were able to reflect on
these foundational truths all weekend and write about
them in their journals.
Two new DVD’s—
“The Crippled Lamb” and
“Adventures in Odyssey,
Electric Christmas” Plus many
new books, including the
“Sugar Creek Gang” series and
the “Narnia” series Easy selfcheckout in the 2nd floor
Children’s Library Don’t forget to
fill out a wish-list form while you
are there!
Your prayers were greatly appreciated and we are also
thankful for the anonymous contribution that was made
to help offset our costs and allow for more youth to