- County of Lennox and Addington
- County of Lennox and Addington
Schennehorn, Harold L. - in Collegiate hockey team, 1913 Schennehorn, Harold L. - in Collegiate Jr Football Team, 1910 Sche.rr!'ehorn, Harold L. - in Collegiate Sr Football Team, 1912 Schennehorn, Jean ( ) at Windover School, 1934 Schenrehorn, June (in Collegiate class, 1960) Schriver, Percy ( ) pupil at West ward School 1920 Scott, Bert ( ) Newburgh Football Club, 1901 Scott, carrie L. (bl880) or wcy (bl883) in graduation robes Scott, Clarence 22 in pagent 1917 Scott, D. ( ) in Collegiate Soccer Team, 1922 :11:10 Scott, D. ( ) with Gibbard Baseball Team, 1934 #8 Scott, D., Miss ( ) in collegiate orchestra, 1926 ilO Scott, ron [ronald A. ( 1902-)] in Collegiate rugby team, 1922 N00545 ) with Gibbard Baseball Team N00667.1 Scott, ronald ( Scott, Finnin ( -1918) [1st Depot Batt.] in England June 21 N0206l Scott, r~ederick [1874-1942] at picnic in 1890's N00458 Scott, rrederick [1874-1942] in football Team cl893 N00531 Scott, G. ( ) in Collegiate Jr Football Team, 1909 N00538 Scott, G. ( ) in Collegiate Sr Football Team, 1909 N00539 Scott, C~orge ( ) in Bible Class cl915 N01116 Scott, George ( ) in Collegiate Sr Football Team, 1910 ~00541 Scott, John- reference to wedding of, on mount [wife, Ann] N00636 Scott, John, Rev. ( ) N01668 Scott, Jonathon, Rev. ( ) N01656 Scott, Letha ( ) in 'Mikado' cl921 #40 N00693 Scott, Letha [Aletha] 05 in pagent 1917 N00462 Scott, Minnie ( ) as a girl with her teacher, cl868-70 N01667 Scott, w.c. - unidentified young peq;>le [found at Scott Heme] N0ll73 scott, W.D. - unidentified young people [found at Scott Home] N0ll74 Scr imshaw, Leo ( ) in COllegiate Jr Football Team, 1910 N00540 Scrimshaw, R. ( ) in Collegiate Jr Football Team, 1910 N00540 Sedore, Elrena (in Collegiate class, 1959) NC0529 sedore, John Roy ( -1917) as private, 146th Batt. [AZO} N02062 Seeds, Will ( ) Excelsior Cheese Factory wor ker NOl46l Selby, Anglican Church Rectory N00788 N00786 Selby, Cheese Factory in winter Selby, Cheese Factory in winter [copy] N00786 Selby, Selby United Church N00785 selby , Selby United Church N00784 N01729. 1 selby, veterans, Br andon, William B. 1900c p Unknown 976.P0246 F23 1918 pc Unknown 976. P0224 Wl6 n.d. n.d. p p Unknown Powell 976.P0731 976.P0716 C03 COl 1900c p l900c p Unknown Unknown 976.P0236 976.?0235 F23 F23 1916 l905c l895c n .d. n.d. 1964 1964 Unknown OSborne Hulett 976.P0 222 976.P0507 Wl6 977.P0209 B 977.P0209 A 976. Pl263 976.Pl212 012 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es N00553 N00540 N00542 N00787 N00530 N00491 N00725 N01172 N00462 N00544 N00705 N00525.1 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 128 pc p p p p p p Young Young Eadie Eadie 976. P0688 P09 012 012 012 012 ~01514 N00267 N00469 N00469 N00500 t-;00462 1900c p 1917 p 976.P0504 976.P0223 Wl6 l900c p Unknown 976.?0581 P09 1866c p Unknown 978.P0483 014 1898 Sheldon/Davis 977.P0363 Pl3 p09 Ar ch iv es Unknown Richardson y N00029 N0l460 N02063 N022ll N00525 NOC526 N01459 · N00466 N00705 N00466 N00466 N00483 N00483 N00655 N00529 N00527 N00654 N00675 N00675 N00500 N0048l N00693 N00645 N01533 N01365 N00470 NG2176 N02176 Selby, veterans, Carscallen, Roy cl916 Selby, veterans, ~nison, L. i'7illiam, cl818 Selby, veterans, Innis, Lewis J. cl917 Selby, veterans, McKittrick, Bernice Grant, 1915 Selby, veterans, Robinson, James A. , c19l 7 sexs:-nith - aeroplane crash at his farm sexsmith, James v. ? (1835-1911) Sexsnith, John Joseph ( -1917) as private [22lst Batt.] Sexsrnith, M.E. of Empey Hill, Bay of C).linte Conf., 1891, #129 sexsnith, Maude #14 in collegiate orchestra 1925 ) in collegiate class, 1937 Sexsmith, Patricia ( sexsrnith, Samantha Jackson (1839-1911) Sexsmith, Shirley ( ) in Grace United Church Choir 1962 with Gibbard Basel:::lall Team, 1934 # 1 Sexsmith, w. ( Seymour, Albert ( ) in Grace United Church Choir 1962 Seymour, Ethel ( ) in Grace United Church Choir 1962 Seymour, Gilbert ) at west ward School, c1922 Seymour, Marion ( ) at West Ward School, cl922 Shana:man, Russell ( ) in tennis club cl900 41:16 Shane, Betty (in Collegiate class, 1959) Shane, Margaret ( ) in collegiate class, 1950 Shanr.aman, Russell [sic] ( ) at tennis par ty 1899 tl4 Shannon, ••• [male] in orchestra of HMS Pinafore, 1911 #53 shannon, Norma (1889-1969) in HMS Pinafore, 1911 i7 Shannon, Norma E., of Napanee, at M:xle1 School 1907 Shannon, Otis ( ) as pupil West Ward School cl902 Shannon, Will { ) as the 'Mikado' cl92l *12 Shannon, William (1859-1935) snowshoe club, 1885 #12 Shannon, Willie [W. J. ( 1859-1935) 1 as small boy Sharp, Claude ( ) at Rotary cl947, Si~ter il8? Sharp, Kate, Miss 25 at party, 1917 Shar~, ?, 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawawa, 1938 Sharpe,?, Sr., 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawawa, 1938 Sharpe, Mary Sterling ( ) taken in Kingston, Feb. 10 Shaughnessy, Mae, Selby - postcard fran Oct. 26 19 28 Shaver, Belle (Gentile) [Mrs. w. T. J 66 in Bible Class Shaver, J.R., Mrs. (1851-1916) 19 in Bible Class Shaver, Kenneth J., of Napanee, at Model School 1907 Shaver, William 44 in pagent 1917 C ou nt N02048 selby, veterans, Brandon, William B. L& A N01729 N0l751 N01806 N01913 N01.982 SUbject Index to Photographs, p. 129 p N0l314 N00458 p Rice/Allen 978.P0375 015 UnknCMn Unknown unknown Unkn<:Mn Unknown Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Shaver, William T. 67 in Bible Class Sheffield, veterans, King, Stanley D. 1918 Sheffield, veterans, Mouck, Ernest, 1915 Sheffield, veterans, r.t)uck, Frederick, 1915 Shepherd, Charles H., part of Methodist ordination, 1900 Sheppard, William ( ) in Order of ~resters cl910 Sheridan, Evelyn (member of collegiate class, 1921) Sherman, vi.T., Maj-Ge:1., during Civil war [carte de visite] 1864c Sherwcod, H.B. - residence at Napanee - in The Heart of Napanee Shetler, Helen ( ) in Grace United Church Choir 1962 Shibley, Deborah Denning ( ) [~xs. J.A. Shibley] cl900 i9 Shibley, ~borah J~nning - as Mrs. R.G.H. Travers, 1914 Shibley, Fred w., Mrs. ( ) with tennis club cl900 #3 Shibley, John A. (cl866-1902) - childrens' picnic he hosted Shibley, John A. (c1866-1902) - childrens' picnic he hosted Shibley, John A. (cl866-l902) - childrens' picnic he hosted Shibley, John A. (cl866-1902) - childrens' picnic he hosted Shibley, John A. (c1866-1902} home of, Napanee Shiffel, c. ( ) on Beaver staff 1890-1900 Shilli:1gton, Reta ( ) in collegiate class, 1937 Shipnan - unidentified boy & girl in pony trap n.d. Shipman - unidentified group on grass 1920c Shifrn3.n - unidentified man [Degraff?] in winter, before VMl 1914b Shipnan - unidentified man [~raff?] with dog [AZO J;X>stcard] n.d. Shipman - unidentified man [Root?] with dog n.d. Shiflll3!1, Ernie ( c1868) taken .Adams, New York, age 10, March 1878 Shipman, Heta Marie Wallbridge (1876-1955) in fashion of 1902 1902c Shipman, Heta Marie Wallbridge (1876-1955) profile 1902c Shipman, ~eta Marie Wallbridge (1876-1955) swbnnming with friends 1927c Shipman, Heta Marie wallbridge (1876-1955) with husband cl 918 Shipnan, Heta Marie Wallbridge (1876-1955) wit."l sister? 1902c Shiprr~, Heta Marie Wallbridge (1876-1955) with uniden~ ~~ 1902c Shipnan, Heta Marie Wallbridge (1876-1955) [group] cl918 Shipman, Heta Marie wallbridge (1876-1955) [wedding day] 1893 Shipnan, Jane A. Brewster (1835-1901) in garden with husband c1900 Shi;_:rnan, Jane A. Brewster (1835-1901) with husband, prob. 1896 Shif1Mn, Reuben Brewster ( 1868-1967) - inne on Water Street Shipman, Reuben Brewster (1868-1967) - home on Water Street Shipnan , Reuben Brewster (1868-1967) - hcne on water Street (wint) Shi~~, Reuben Brewster (1868-1967) at picnic in 1890 ~ s L& A N00469 N01930 N02004 N02005 N02245 NOG685 N00523 N01128 N00247 N00466 N00655 NOC65o N00655 N01680 N01679 N01681 N01678 N00655 N00622 N00526 N01338 N01337 N01336 NOl346 N01347 N0l318 N01324 N01325 N01339 N01331 N01327 N01326 NOl332 N01323 N01320 !>J01322 NOOo40 N00639 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 130 p Clarke Clarke Unknown 977.P0052 977.P0086 977.PD063 977.P0089 977.P0091 977.P0069 977.P0097 977.P0096 977.P0093 p Clarke Clarke 977.P0085 977.P0095 p p p p p p p p p Armsbury N00500 N02HS N02J.76 N02192 N02177 N02194 N02180 N02l89 N02190 N02174 N02l78 N02206 N01267 N00463 p p p p p p p p y Ar ch iv es Reuben Brewster (1868-1967) at the piano 1918c Reuben Brewster (1868-1967) at the piano 1918c Reuben Brewster (1868-1967) in garden late in life 1965c Reuben Brewster (1868-1967) with Geo. Degraff 1918c Reuben Brewster (1868-1967) with Geo. Degraff [group} 1918c Shipnan, Reuben Brewster (1868-1967) with wife 1918c Shipnan, Reuben Brewster (1868-1967) with wife {wedding day) 1893 Shipnan, Reuben Brewster (1868-1967) [with Mr & Mrs Wallbridge?J 1915c Shipnan, Reuben Brewster - lx>at ccrowned v~ith VanAlstyne c1895 Shipmant Reuben Brewster - with his wife in boat Petrel, c1894 Shipn1an, Reuben s. (1821-1901) and wife [prob. 75th birthday] 1896 Shipman, Reuben s. (1821-1901) in his garden [stereoscope] 1890c Shipman, Reuben s. (1821-1901) in his garden [stereoscope] 1890c Shipnan, Reuben S. (1821-1901) on 75th birthday, Dec. 18th 1896 Shirley, Paul, Rev. { } Church of England n.d. Shoemaker, C.A. ( ) with Collegiate hockey team, 1927 Shorey, ••• [female] ( ) in HMS Pinafore, 1911 #23 Shorey, George ( ) in Collegiate football team, 1905 Shorey, George ( ) in Collegiate football team, 1905 Shorey, George H. ) elec. engineer, Royal Navy on leave 1918 Shorey, Kenneth M., of Napanee, at Model School 1907 Shorey, S.J. of Trinity Methodist, Bay of ().Jinte Cont., 1891 #95 Shorey, w. Percy, of Napanee, at Model School 1907 Shorts, Roy {1895-1917) as serg't, 39th Batt., in London 1915 Shortts, Caneron F. 'Slushy' ( ) Coll. rugby team, 1931 Sickling, w. in Napanee Firefighters, 1966, #11, middle row Siler., Helen, of Deseronto, at Model School 1907 Sills, Charles D., 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawa, 1937 Sills, Charles D., 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawawa, 1938 Sills, Charles D., at 47th Batt. R.C.A. reunion, Napanee c1947 Sills, Charles D., Capt. 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawawa, 1939 Sills, Charles D., Chief Instructor, Majors' Tr. Oourse, 1941 Sills, Charles D., Chief Instructor, Majors' Tr. Course, 1942 Sills, Charles D., Commanding Officer, 21st Reg., Halifax, 1944 Sills, Charles D., Commanding Officer, 21st Reg., Halifax, 1944 Sills, Charles D., Major at Petawawa with 47th, 1937 Sills, Charles D., Major, 47th Batt. R.C.A. Ski Patrol 1941 Sills, Egerton R. ( ) clerk of South Fredericksburgh n.d. Sills, Elizabeth ('Betty') w. ( ) Mrs. Martin, group cl870 Sills, Erastus [E.R. (1850-1929)] 22 group cl917-21 C ou nt ~01491 Ship!lan, Shipman, Shipnan, Shir:man, Shipnan, Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown 977.P0064 977.P0065 977.P0068 977.P0083 977.PG073 977.P0066 977.P0075 977.F0092 Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi COl Shi a st st a Hulett p Unknown 977.P0082 977.P0087 977.P0090 977.PD081 976.P0717 p UnkrxJWn 977.P0001 p Shillrnan 976.P0225 Wl6 p Unknown 984.p0G05 022 unknown Unknown Hulett L& A N0l334 N01335 N01340 N01333 N0l332 N01331 N01323 N01329 N01579 N01577 N01322 N01319 N01320 N0l321 N01653 N00556 N00675 N00537 N00536 N02145 NOOSOO N022ll NOOSOO N02065 N00549 SUbject Index to Photographs, p. 131 ~00695 N00469 N00469 N00462 N00523 N00462 es iv Ar ch y C ou nt N00463 N00500 N00470 N00495 N01267 N00680 N00538 N00519 N00460 N02176 N02184 N02186 N01644 N00464 N00464 N00458 N00470 N01749 N01967 N0049l N00526 N00705 N00827 N0 2066 N00552 N00527 Sills, Erastus, Mrs. [Mary B. Hawley (1851-1946)] 10 cl917-21 Sills, Erastus, Mrs. [Mary B. Hawley] at picnic in 1890's Sills, Gar field [James Garfield (1884-1942)?] 05 group c1923 Sills, Garfield [James Garfield (1884-1942)?] 29 at party, 1917 Sills, Garfield, Mrs. 28 at party, 1917 Sills, Garfield, Mrs. 48 group c1923 sills, I br i { )- i n Collegiate Sr Football Team, 1912 Sil ls, Ibri [Sr.] 18 group cl917-2l Sills, I bri, t-1rs. 19 group cl917-21 Sills, Jessie s. , of Napanee, at ~el School 1907 Sills, Keith, as a boy at Grace Methodist #30 at party, 1917 Sills, Marjorie ( ) at west Ward School, c1920 #33 Sills, ~artin ( ) with wife and Wager Family cl 870 Sills, Mrs - in ''Iemple of Fame', 1911 Sills, Ralph (lB96) in Collegiate Jr Football Team, 1909 Sills, Ralph (1896) Napanee Collegiate, 1913 *25 sills, Ralph (1896) on baseball team, 1912 Sills, Ted, 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawawa, 1938 Sills, Ted, 47th R.C.A., doing gun drill cl940 Sills, Ted, 47th R.C.A., doing gun drill c1940 Sills, Wellington - view of falls, Yarker, from his house cl912 Sills, Wellington [B] 04 group cl923 sills, wellington [B], Mrs. 45 group cl923 Sills, [Erastus] ( ) at picnic in 1890's Sills, [Ibri?] Mrs. 12 at party, 1917 Sillsville, veterans, Carroll, Joseph Wilkison, 1917 Sillsville, veterans, McCrudden, William, 1918 Silver, Fern ( ) pupil at West Ward School 1920 Silver , Phyllis ( ) in coll egiate class, 1937 SL'li'IDns, G. ( ) on Gibbard Baseball Team, 1934 #18 Simmons, leila, as a child at Wilton Public School 1901-2 Si~pk ins, Ross ( -1917) as private, l46th Batt., Kingston 1916 Simpson, Allan ( in Collegiate hockey team, cl908 Si~son, Hele n ( ) in collegiate class, 1950 ) in 'Passing Show', 1923 Simpson, Tommy ( Si~e, A.O. 34 in Bible Class Sine, A. a ., Mrs. 33 in Bible Class Sine, Blake 50 in pagent 1917 Sine, Ibrothy (member of collegiate class, 1921) Sine, Neva (later Mrs. R.T. Richards) 64 in pagent 1917 L& A N00463 N00458 N00464 N00470 N00470 N00464 N00542 N00463 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 132 p Boyes 976. P0226 Wl 6 N0l2ll N01233 N0l236 N01235 N01219 N01234 N01204 N01217 N01222 N0122l N01223 N01229 N01208 N01209 NOl2l 4 N01215 N01207 1869c a Unkna.vn 976.P0146 P23 pc Unkna.vn pc Unknown p Unknown pc Unkl'lCMll p Unknown p White p Unknown pc Unknown p Unknown p Ryder pc Unknown p Slocum p Hewke p Unknown p Jubilee p Jubilee p Unknown a Unknown Unknown a p Hell is p McVey 977.P0787 977.P0793 977.P0797 977.P0789 977.P0809 977.P0780 977.P0799 977.P0790 977.P0789 977.P0820 977.P0798 977.P0818 977.P0819 977.P078l 977.P0815 977.0813 977.P0794 977.P0802 977.P0808 977.P0824 977.P0807 977.P082l 977.P0822 977.P0795 977.P0796 977.P0782 977.P0823 977.P08l7 977.P0816 977.P0806 977.P0805 977.PC784 F25 F25 F25 F25 F25 F24 F25 F25 F25 F24 F25 F24 F24 F25 F24 F24 F25 F25 F25 F25 F25 F24 F25 F25 F25 F25 F25 F24 F24 F25 F25 F24 iv es 1910c 1920 1922c 1920c 1912c 1870c n.d. 1910c 1928c 1905c 1913c l902c 1899c n.d. l898c l898c 1922c 1905c 1905c 1909c n.d. 1916c 1909c 1909 1909 1912c l 92lc n.d. 1893c 1893c l916c 1887c Ar ch y C ou nt N01224 N01227 N01231 N01228 N01226 N01205 N01232 N01225 NOl237 N01203 N01218 N0120l N01202 N0l216 NOl2l0 Sine, Neva [later Richards] ( ) in 'Mikado' cl92l i25 Skinner, Clifford - Camden East Public SChool group 1903 Skinner, George - Canrlen East Public School group 1903 Skinner, Myrtle - cartden East Public School groop 1903 Snall, Samuel ( ) in Sunday School Class cl895-1900 Snart, Christina r«x:>re (1769-1869) Sllart, I..Drne ( ) Mayor of Napanee, opening Eaton's 1966 Snart, Lome ( ) with Napanee canets hockey team, 1960 Smedley - Alice with her babies, Muriel & Helen Smedley - baby, Eric Robert born July 22nd, l92C Snedley - bay wearing plus-fours in a garden Smedley - couple [sister & brother-in-law?] on beach [Brighton?] Smedley - Muriel and Helen taken in the Bolt garden Smedley - two little girls with basket, Dittlehampton, England Smedley - two men standing by a boat Smedley - unidentified child [boy?] standing on chair Smedley - unidentified couple in front of [N. American] tenenent S'nedley - unidentified family with young baby, Syracuse N.Y. Smedley - unidentified girl Snedley - unidentified girl in party dress, Watertown N.Y. Smedley - unidentified girl with tennis racquets, Watertown N.Y. Snedley - unidentified girl, Albany, N.Y. S:tedley - unidentified girl, London, England &nedley - unidentified girl, I.ondon, England Smedley - unidentified man Smedley - unidentified man pulling a toboggan Smedley - unidentified man with horse and sleigh Snedley - unidentified man [brother-in-law?) IDndon, England Smedley - unidentified man, Taken in 'lbronto Smedley - unidentified soldier {Canadian Mounted Rifles?] Snedley - unidentified wanan, London, England Soodley - wedding [sister?) Clock .House, Sept. l l Smedley - wedding [sister?] Clock House, Sept. 11 Smedley - woman and baby [sister?], London, &~land So.edley - woman [sister?] taken in Brighton Smedley - {George Smedley as a baby?] London, England Slledley - [George Smedley with his father?] I.Dndon, England ~d.l ey - (C'..eorge 9rodley 1 s father?] Smedley - [George Smedley's father?] Sr:tedley - (George Snedley' s father?], Winchester, England L& A N00693 N00099 N00099 N00099 N00457 N02232 N01527 N00663 Subject Index to ?hotographs, p. 133 p p p p p p Unknown Studios Unknown Unknown USA Bown p l-bra Tear p Leavy p p p & Son Unknown Unknown Palmer N02247 N00463 N02069 N00529 N02070 N02205 N00481 N00500 N00596 N00462 N00547 N02175 N00495 N00650 N00654 N01382 N00690 N00691 N00649 l916c 1893c 1887c n.d. p p p p Unknown 978.P0406 Pl4 Unknown 976.P0518 P09 Pahner Hughes 977.P0804 977 .P0803 977.P0785 Ar ch iv es 1978c p 977.P0812 F24 F24 F24 F25 Unknown Unknown 1954c p y C ou nt ~00558 snedley - (George Smedley's mother?] Snedley - [George Snedley' s mother?] Smedley - (George Slredley' s IOOther?] , Winchester, England Smedley - [George Smedley's sister?] London, England ) in Sunday School Class c1895-1900 Smith, Albert ( Smith, Betty ( ) at NCI, 1919 Smith, C.B. ( ) with Collegiate Soccer Team, 1922 #6 Snith, Chris, on "Jigger.. , an invention of James Ibnovan, 1895 ) in collegiate class, 1950 Smith, Don ( Smith, Edna ( ) at west Ward School, c1920 #37 9ni th, Everett ) in Collegiate rugby team, 1922 Snith, Fred Montgrnery ( ) at tennis party, 1899 #2 Smith, G.B. ( ) with Collegiate rugby team, 1922 ~ith, G.E., Enterprise - postcard to sent 1912 Smith, Gerald F. (cl907) as a boy, 58 in pagent 1917 Snith, Gerald F. (cl907) as child, west Ward School, 1915 i6 Srr,ith, Gerald F. (cl907) in Grace United Church Choir 1962 ) Judge Smith, Gerald F. (cl907) Pres. Collegiate Athenian Soc. 1924 Smith, Gerald F. (cl907Sni th, G:>ldwyn ( ) in 'Passing Show', 1923 S:ni tn, Goldwyn ( ) in Collegiate Athenian soc., 1924 Snith, Goldwyn ( ) [photo-engraving of painting] Smith, Jacob [F.] 23 group cl917-21 Sr.ith, James E. ( ) private, Forestry Corp., England, ~c Smith, Joan (in Collegiate class, 1959) Smith, John ( ) as private, [28th Batt.] smith, John. L. ( ) warden of Lennox & Addington ~i th, Neta ( ) as pupil ~st Ward School c1902 Smith, Ora, of Napanee, at Model School 1907 Snith, Reginald ( ) in Ch. Walters I:Bnce Orchestra cl925 Snith, Rowena 08 in pagent 1917 ~ith, W. eVerett (1905-1961) in Collegiate rugby team, 1924 #4 Smith, Wa1droff, 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawa, 1937 Snith, Wilfred { ) at ~st Ward School, cl920 *03 Smith, William C. [1858-1943?] in Banjo Club cl890 Snith, v~illiam c. [1858-1943] at tennis party I 1899 tB Smith, William c. [1858-1943] cl875 [group] t6 Smith, William C. (1858-1943] in 'M:::>ther Goose Lancers' Smith, William C. (1858-1943] in amateur theatrical cl887 Smith, William c. [1858-1943] in Curling Club 1902 L& A N01213 N01212 N01206 N01220 NOQ457 N00522 N00544 N01528 N00527 N00495 N00545 N00654 N00545 N00831 N00462 N00482 N00466 N01465 N00558 N00695 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 134 n.d. pr Alexander 973.POlCG 021 1917 p Booth 976.P0003 Wl6 1916 n.d. p Unknown X Wl6 p Unknown 984.P0005 022 N00500 N00553 N00538 N00339 N0054l NC0542 N00554 N00652 N00697 N0056l N00703 N01582 N0l~83 N01384 N02272 N00860 NOl l 58 N00658 N01678 N01679 NO.l.680 N01681 N01599 N00698 es N00463 N00469 N00464 N00495 iv N00464 N00464 Ar ch N0ll07 N00692 nt y N02HW N0ll05 C ou NOC645 N00458 William c. [1858-1943] in cycling club, 1886 #5 William c. [1858-1943] in Picton, 1892 [group] William c. [1858-1943] in tennis club, cl899, #10 William c. [1858-1943] jeweller ? cl877 [gr oup ] #9 ~.ith, William c. [1858-1943] snowshoe club, 1885 #3 a nith, Zan ( ) at picnic in 1890's smythe, Con, on major-s' trainin:J CO\Rse, Petawawa, 1942 Sneath, Caroline Herrington ( cl893-cl965 Mexico) & r.auder:, 1915 Sneath, Caroline Her::t:ington (cl893-c1965) [3rd fm left] c19l 6 Sneath , Caroline 11etrington - in amatem: theat.r:·ical cl924 #24 Snider, A.. D. [Alfred o. (1862-1935) J 20 gr oup c l 923 Snider , A. D., Mrs. 45 gr.-cup cl923 Sni der: , Angeline Mat:shall ( lJI:t:s. Joseph J. 08 bl921 Snide1·, Joseph Jacob 02 i n Bible Class snider , ,Joseph Jacob 56 g:r.·oup cl923 Snyder:, En-.a ( ) at west ward School, cl920 #28 Soby, El i zabeth F. , of Napanee, a t Model School 1907 s:ioy, Jack ( ) in Collegiate hocl<ey team 1913 Soby, Jack ( ) in COllegiate Jt: Football Team, 1909 Soby, Jack ( ) in COllegiate S:r.· Football Team, 1909 Soby, Jack ( ) in Collegiate Sr Football Team, 1910 Soby , Jack ( ) in Collegiate Sr Football Team, 1912 Soby, Jack w. ( ) Collegiate hockey team cl9l 4 #5 Social events, card playing, c1896 Social events, dance (costLJre) 1920, Napanee 'Ibwn Hall Social events, dance, masquerade during W:>rld War 1 Social events, excursion, Gibbard Furnitm·e, Massassaga Park 1909 Social e vents, excursions, outing to Glen Island, AugUst 1897 tl Social events, excursions, outiOJ to Glen Island, August 1897 #2 Social events, excursions, outing to Glen Island, August 1897 #3 social events, ice-cream par lour party c1902 Social events, picnic in summerhouse c1902 Social events, picnics 11 Camping at High l-'alls 11 , 1910 Social events, picnics, 1908 Golf Club Picnic, Napanee social events, picnics, John A. Shibley• s childre.ns' picnic i 1 Social events, picnics, John A. Shibley's childrens' picnic #2 social events, picnics, John A. Shibley's childr:ens' picnic #3 Social events, picnics, John A. Shibley's c hildrens' p icn ic #4 Social events, unidentified outdoor event [Regal postcar d] SOcieties & clubs, debati~, ''Ihe Fo:t.un', Napanee cl888 Smith, Smi th, Smith, Smith, L& A NOf;467 N01390 N00653 NOl 383 SUbj ect Index to Photographs, p. 135 1897 1897 1897 190lc 190lc 190lc l90lc 1900c a a a p p p Unknown Unknown Unkoclwn I:Iulett Hulett Hulett p "HUlett pc Unknown 976.P1679 976.Pl678 976.P1677 976.P0849.01 976.P0849.01 976. ?0849.01 976.P0849.01 975.P0539 wr4 Wl'4 Wl'4 C04 C04 C04 C04 ww N0086~ N01765 N01815 N01944 N02079 N02260 N02155 N00442 N00693 N00693 N00555 :-J00554 N00693 N00555 N00481 p Park Bros. 973.P000l 021 Unknown Unknown 976.P0674 976.P0675 976.P0676 977.P0262 977.P0862 977.P0261 976.P1204 976.P0746 017 012 012 012 012 012 012 017 iv es 1927 Ar ch y N00062 N0027l N00686 N00687 N00688 N00859 N02ll5 N01364 NC1365 N00460 N00461 N00461 N00799 N01647 N00794 N00795 N00797 N00798 N00799 N00796 C ou nt ~ !01487 Societies & clubs, Foresters - home of Oronhyatekha, Napanee Societies & clubs, Foresters, meeting in Napanee during 1880's societies & clubs, Foresters, wearing ceremonial robes societies & clubs, fraternities, Delta Kappa Epsilon, !br.onto Societies & clubs, lODE, Mary Gooderham, President, 1912 Societies & clubs, Masonic Order - see Bath, Masonic Hall societies & Clubs, Oddfellows, Argyle Lodge No. 212 Hall Societies & clubs, Oddfellows, Meeting in Napanee cl9~0 Societies & clubs, OOdfellows, Napanee lodge cl930 SOcieties & clubs, o:idfellows, Napanee Lodge cl935 Societies & clubs, Orange IDdge, Forest Mills cl918 Societies & clubs, Red Cross, Field Director C.M. warner, 1918 societies & clubs, Rotary presentation [may be 1947 anniversary] Societies & clubs, Rotacy- [possibly 1947 anniversary] Solmes, F. ( ) on baseball team, 1912 Solrnes, F. ( ) in cast of concert, 1915 Solmes, [F.], Mrs. ( ) in cast of concert, 1915 South Fred., Haybum, Napanee Merchants' Ferry appr. ~harf South Fred., Mcibwall Menorial Chapel, during celebration South Fred., Mci::Owall Meroc>rial Chapel, front view SO:.Jth Fr ed. , McibWall Menorial Chapel, side view South Fred. , Napanee Merchants • Ferry, Adam H<:Mi tson in charge south Fred. I Napanee Merchants r Ferry, Adain rt>wi tson in charge South Fred. , Napanee Merchants' Ferry, notarized South Fred., Sandhurst Anglican Church South Fred., Sillsville, fran Mellow driveshed (looking w) [copy] South Fred., veterans, Clute, Hiram Casey, cheesernaker, cl9l6 South Fred., veterans, 1:2tlor, Walter P. 1915 South Fred., veterans, Lloyd, Bruce, cl918 south Fred., veterans, SWeet, Stanley cl917 Sparks, Ella, in unidentified group, February, 1919 Spear, Roy, with 47th Feg. Band, Petawawa, 1914 ( trcmbone) Spencer, .•••• Mrs., Sil1sville- postcard from 1913 S~ncer, Beulah ( ) in 'Mikado' c1921 #30 Spencer, Ivan ( ) in 'Mikado' cl921 ~36 Spencer, Ivan ( ) in Collegiate hockey team, cl918 U Spencer, Leon ( ) Collegiate hockey team cl914 #9 Spencer, Leon ( ) in 'Mikado' cl921 i23 Spencer, Leon ( ) in Collegiate hockey team, cl918 #2 Spencer, Pearl (1891-1972) as pupil west Ward School cl902 L& A N00683 N00684 N00685 N02242 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 136 1895c 1900c 1900c 1907c 1907c 1920a 1964 1904b p p p p p p p p Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Eadie P.E. Photo Co N00536 N00538 N00539 N00541 N00540 N00542 N00247 N00657 N00658 N00659 N00203 NOOSSO N00552 es iv Ar ch y C ou nt ~}00 537 Spencer, Pearl (1891-1972) [later Denison] 07 at party, 1917 Sports, baseball - Gibbard Meroorial Park in Napanee Spor ts, baseball, 1934, Gibbard's Interrrediate 'B' Chamipions Sports, baseball, 1934, Gibbards' Intermediate 'A' Champions Sports , baseball, 1940's, Gibbards' Baseball Team Sports, baseball, before 1900 Spor ts, baseball, Gibbard's Team Spor ts, baseball, Grace Methodist s.s. Baseball Team, 1912 Sports, baseball, McFarland Garage Baseball Team Spor ts, baseball, unidentified team cl893 Sports, basketball (women's), 1931 Spor ts, billiards, 1923 Sports, boating, rowing Sports, lx>ating, speedboats, Charles Walters in 'Red I:evil' c1908 Sports, boxing, Attwood, Joe, welter weight champ. of Canada 1917 Sports, cricket, 1886 Spor ts, cricket, Napanee Cricket Club [& Kingston C.C.?] bl900 Sports, cu~ling, Championship Team before 1900 Sports, curling, Napanee Club 1902 Sports, cycling, 1886 Sports, football, 1893c Spor ts, football, 1896c Sports, football, 1897 Sports, football, 1901, Newburgh Football Club Sports, football, 1902 Sports, football, 1904 Sports, football, 1905 Sports, football, 1905 Sports, football, 1909 Sports, football, 1909 Spor ts, football, 1910 Spor ts, football, 1910 Sports, football, 1912 Spor ts, golf - in 'Ihe Heart of Napanee pat. 1907 Sports, golf, 1908 Sports, golf, 1908 Spor ts, golf, 1928 Sports, hockey - Enterprise Hockey Team Spor ts, hockey, l900c Sports, hockey, 1908 L& A N00470 N00567 N00706 N00705 N00704 N00600 N00667.1 N00460 N007ll N00858 N00557 N00662 N00296 N01363 N02162 N00651 NCl35l N00648 N00649 N00647 N00531 N00532 N00533 NOG725 N00534 N00534 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 137 Sports, hockey, 1913 Sports, hockey, 1914 Sports, hockey, 1918c N00~56 Sports, hockey, 1927 SportS 1 hockey 1 19601 Napanee CcnetS NOG663 Sports, hockey, Gibbard's Team cl916 N00667 Sports, horse racing, Napanee cl922 N00630 N00861 Sports, hunting, deer hunting at 1hirty Island Lake Sports, hunting, deer, garre hung at Kelly's Meat Market cl900 N01354 Sports, ice-boati~, Malcolm Getty sailing the Witch, cl900 N01645 Sports, rugby , 1922 N00545 Sports, rugby - see also, Sports, football before 1919 + Sports, rugby, 1924 N00547 Sports, rugby, 1927 N00548 Sports, rugby, 1931 N00549 N01596 Sports, sailing, M.B. Mills on Napanee River Sports, skating, 1955, Opening Night of Napanee Arena N00664 Sports, snowshoeing, 1885 N00645 -1· Sports, soccer - see also, Sports, Football before 1919 Sports, soccer, 1919 N00543 Sports, soccer, 1922 N00544 Sports, speed boat racing, cups fran Trenton Races, 1909 N0164l Sports, swimning, "Setting up Exercises", Algonquin Park, 1920 N01362 Sports, tennis, 1899 N00654 Sports, tennis, 1900 N00655 N00653 Sports, tennis, cl899 Sports, tobogganing, 1886 N00646 N00556.l Sports, track and Field, 1924 Sproule, Joseph ( ) in front of his hotel, cl900 N00775 N00774 Sproule, Joseph ( } in front of P.O. OOessa N00554 Stacey, Harry w. ( ) COllegiate hockey team cl914 i4 N00548 Stalker, R. ( ) Oollegiate rugby team, 1927 #01 ) in collegiate orchestra, 1926 #03 N00525.l Stalker, R. ( Stalker , Roland ( ) at west Ward School, cl920 #10 N00495 Stanly, •• , ( ) in cast of concert, 1915 N00461 N00538 Stark, R. { ) in Collegiate Jr Football Team, 1909 Stark, R. ( ) in Collegiate Jr Football Team, 1910 N00540 N00554 Stark, Robert ( ) Collegiate hxkey team cl914 4H2 N00576 Stark, ~-Yilliam ( ) as a boy, Napanee, cl910 Steacy, Harry ( ) in 'Mikado' cl921 #34 N00693 N00553 N00554 N00555 p Hawley 976.F0419 Unknown 975.P0445 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es n.d. Subject Index. to Photographs, p. 138 1904 p 017 Subje~t es Steacy, Harry { ) in HMS Pinafore, 1911 #37 Steacy, Hawley (1889-1981) in HMS Pinafore, 1911 #44 Steacy, Mae [May Steacy (1887-1975)] in Temple of Fame 1911 Steacy, Mary ( ) in collegiate class, 1937 Steele, Ethel, in unidentified group, February, 1919 Stein, Paul ( ) - Denbigh Mill in his time, 1890 Stella, veterans, Cochrane, Ja.rres cl914 Stella, veterans, Cochrane, Sam cl917 Sterling, Jack (1IV.':!r00er of collegiate class, 1921) Stevens, c. ( ) in Collegiate Sr Football Tearll., 1909 Stevens, Charles ( ) at picnic in 1890's Stevens, Charles ( ) Mayor of Napanee 1894-5 1896c Stevens, Charles - coal wharf at foot of West Street cl9ll Stevens, Charles - one of large group at Napanee Reunion, 1924 Stevens, Charles Sr. 54 in Bible Class Stevens, Charles Sr. , Mrs. 55 · in Bible Class Stevens, Flo - in 'Temple of Fame' 1911 Stevens, Madeleine ( ) in 'Passing Show', 1923 Stevens, Marion E., of Napanee, at Model School 1907 Stevens, Russell ( ) #1 in collegiate orchestra 1925 Stevens, Russell ( ) in 'Passing Show', 1923 Stevens, Walter ( ) as child at west Ward School, 1915 #11 Stevens, [Charles Manson (1880-1972)] 21 in Bible Class Stevenson, ? ( ) pupil at West Ward School 192Q Stevenso:'l, George ) in Forun (club) c1888 Stevenson, Jessie, as child in front of Newburgh heme, 1913 Stevenso~, John {Hen.) (1812-1884) MLAOnt. 1867-71 n.d. Stevenson, John (Hon.) (1812-1884) MLA Ont. 1867-71 n.d. Stevenson, John (Hen.) (1812-1884) MIA Ont. 1867-71 n.d. Stevenson, John (Hon.) (1812-1884) MLA CXlt. taken in 'Ibronto n.d. Stevenson, John, Mrs. ( ) in Picton, 1892 [group] Stevenson, Paul, as child in front of Newburgh home, 1913 Stewart, ,J. ( ) on Gibbard Baseball Team, 1934 #1 Stewart, J. ( ) in Collegiate Soccer Team, 19 22 #12 Stewart, J. ( ) in Collegiate Jr. Soccer Team, 1912 Stewart, J.H. - postcard fran (HarrcMsmith), 1910 Stewart, Jack ( ) in Gibbard Baseball Team Stewart, Jay ( ) Gibbard Baseball Team bl950 #l s~ewart, John ( ) in Collegiate rugby team, 1922 Stickney, D. B. ( ) Newburgh (centre) before 1880 Richardson 976.P0499.01 P08 p p p Richardson Richardson Richardson Ewing 973.P0098.03 973.P0098.01 973.P0098.02 976.P0500 P03 P03 P03 C03 Ar ch iv p y C ou nt L& A N00675 N00675 N00680 N00526 N02260 N00173 N01766 N01767 NC0523 N00539 N00458 N01458 N01554 N00874 N00469 N00469 N00680 N00695 NOOSOO N00525 N00695 N00482 N00469 N00491 N00698 N00757 N01399 N01399 N01399 N01674 N01390 N00757 N00706 N00544 NC0543 NOll 58 N00667.1 N00704 N00545 N007l 8 Index to Photographs, p. 139 p p Unknown Unknown 976.P0505 976.P0505 Oll pc Unknown 977.POC04 Wl6 p p unknown Richardson ? 976.P0618 976.P0502 010 02 pc Unknown 977.P0006 Wl6 a a Schemerhorn Schemerhom 976. PC768 976.?0761 012 012 a a a a a a a a Schermerhorn Schenrerhorn Schennerhorn Schenrerhom Schemerhom SChenrerhorn Schenneroorn Schemerhorn 976.P0767 976.P0762 976.P0770 976.P0765 976.P0687 976. P0687 976.P0764 976.PC766 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 p 011 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es N00637 Stickney, Edwin Wilmott (1869-1953) - obituary glued on mount N00637 Stickney, Edwin Wilmott (1869-1953) in 1912, age 43 1912 Stickney, Edwin Wilmott [family home?] built 1869 N00636 1913 N00636 Stickney, Emmeline- reference to wedding of, on mount Stinson, Dave ? ( ) as child at West Ward School cl912 N00493 N00704 Stinson, David Haner (cl909-1972) Gibbard Baseball Team bl950 #3 N00667.l Stinson, David a:xner ( c1909-1972) in Gibbard Baseball Team Stinson, !:avid Enner ( c1909-1972) on Gibbard Baseball Team 1934 #8 N00706 Stinson, David, as Canadian soldier in France cl944 N02191 N00099 Stinson, Fred, teacher - Canden East Public School group 1903 Stinson, Sadie ( ) as child at west Ward School c1912 N00493 Stintson, ••• (Mrs) - at sweetnam House, vennachar cl900 N00 l 49 Stock, Lizzie - Camden East Public School group 1903 N00099 stone, Arthur Roy ( ) R.M.D. #3, staff clerk, Napanee 1918c N02075 stone, carol (in Collegiate class, 1960) N00530 N00530 Storey, Eleanor (in Collegiate class, 1960) Storms, Jeremiah (1834-1915) farner constable Napanee [oopy] l894c N00601 N01392 Storms, Jeremiah (1834-1915) police constable, Napanee 1881c Storms, Marshall ( ) as child at west Ward School c1912 N00493 Storms, Marshall ( ) as child at west Ward School, 1915 #9 N00482 Storr, Miss ) in cast of concert, 1915 ~00461 Storr, P. ( in cast of concert, 1915 N00461 Starring, Stewart ) in Collegiate football team c1896 NOU532 N00533 Starring, Stewart ) in Collegiate football team, 1897 Storring, w.w. ( ) private, 240th Batt. [Velox pc} N02076 l918c Storring, William (1904-1935) -camden, s.s. 17, group N00116 Stood, c., CSO, Petawawa, with Majors' Course, November, 1941 N02194 N00469 stover, M.s. 57 in Bible Class Stt"athcona, Boarding House and old offices 1902c N00802 ~008 1 2 Strathcol".a, BoardirXJ 'House at the Mills 1902c Strathcona, bridge over the Napanee River, Mills behind c1902 N00803 N00809 Strathcona, Davy Hone on Newburgh Road l902c Strathcona, Devil' s Elbc:M, The, taken at Lasher house Selby Rd. N00804 1902c N00807 Strathcona, Granger Heme on Newburgh Road l902c N00808 Strathcona, Granger a:xne on Newburgh Road, west side 1902c N0080l Strathcona, Lutheran Church at the Mills 1902c N0080l Strathcona, Lutheran Church at the Mills [copy} 1902c N00805 Strathcona, McGuirn hare, fonner1y ~Miller place 1902c N00803 Strathcona, Napanee Paper Canpany Mill, falls & cerrent works 1902c Strathcona, Rathbun Cement Works beyond Paper Mill, cl902 N00803 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 140 1902c a SChermerhorn 976.P0769 012 1902c a 1902c a 1915c p Scherrrerhorn scherrrvarhorn Unknown 976.P0296 976.P0763 969.P0046 012 012 P22 1917c pc Unknown 977.P0007 Wl6 1915c p 1918c p Richardson Brown 976.Pl859 977.P0002 Wl6 W16 1892 1892 1892 1892 1964c 1964c Hulett Hulett Hulett Hulett Eadie Jr Eadie Jr 976.P0691 976.P0690 976.P0689 978.P0524 978.P0493 978.P0494 017 017 017 012 012 012 C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Strathcona, School Strathcona, veterans, r:arlington Maxwell T. cl915 Strathcona, veterans, Pybus, Edward J., cl916 Strathcona, wright, H.M. & Garnpany [mill built after 1870] Strathcona, Wright, H.M. & C<:mpany, mill and machine roan Stratton, Charles Milton, MD ( ) Stratton, Charles Milton, MD ( ) at Napanee C.I. c1890 Suttor., Margaret (in Collegiate class, 1959) Sutton, Rescue ( ) Newburgh boys' football team 1912 SWeeney, James, Mrs. ( ) in Picton, 1892 [group] Sweet, E. ( ) on Gibbard Baseball Team, 1934 #13 Sweet, Gerald ( ) at school in N::>rth Fred. 1936 sweet, Ken ( ) in collegiate class, 1950 Sweet, Stanley ( ) private, 146th, Valcartier [AZO] Sweet, William ( ) in Gibbard Baseball Team Sweet, William ( ) Gibbard Baseball Team bl950 '#13 SWeetman, A.N. ( ) in cycling club, 1886 #3 SWeetnam, Ann {possible identification] Vennachar House (group) SWeetnam, George w. - hane Vennachar c1900 Sweetnam, Herbert ca.rman - Vennachar c1900 SWeetnam, Herbert Cannan [possible ident] Vennachar House (group) Sweetnam, Herbert carman, teacher at Glenfield School before WW1 SWeetnam, Willet casey ( ) Vennachar House (group) Switzer, Ethelbert ( ) pupi 1 at west ward School 1920 Switzer, Maud ( ) in 'r-t:>ther Gx>se Lancers 1 Switzer, Maud ( ) in Banjo Club cl890 [Mrs. O.L. Herring] Switzer, Oscar Harold } 48th Can. Highlanders Switzer, Percy Ross ( ) 72nd Batt.' in california SWitzer, "R. ( on Gibbard Baseball Team, 1934 #3 Switzer 1 Rene 'Boneyard' ( ) Coll. rugby team, 1931 Switze:rville, Methodist Church built in 1826 Swi tzerville, Methodist Church built in 1826 Swi-tze:rville, Metlxx:list Church built in 1826 Switzerville, Methodist Church built in 1826 [copy of copy] Switzerville, Methodist Church, rnenorial plaque added 1951 Switzerville, united Church [built 18921 switzerviile, veterans, Lewis, William Milton, c1917 SWitze:rviller, veterans, Smith, James E., 1917 Symington, Julia A. Morden ( -1913) l•trs. Thanas, class 1890 Symington, Julia A. Morden ( - 1913) 1909 with her Bible Class L& A N00810 N01796 N02039 N00806 N008ll N02226 N00517 N00529 N00745 N01390 N00706 N00762 N00527 N02079 N00667.l N00704 N00467 N00196 N00149 N00149 N00196 NOOlSS N00196 NC049l N00690 N00650 N02C81 N02082 N00706 N00549 N00813 N00813.2 N00813.1 N008l 3 N00814 N00815 N01943 N02069 N00459 N00469 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 141 p p p p p p T n.d. n.d. 1912 1964 1964 1964 1884 n.d. 1964 1912 1912 Unknown pc unknown p pc Unknown Eadie Eadie Eadie a Unknown p Unknown p Eadie pc Unknown pc Unknown p p p 976.Pl280 977.P03l8 976. Pll64. 04 976.?1333 976.Pl223 976.Pll92 976.P0308 976.P0587 976.Pl 304 976. Pll62.11 976.Pll61.05 012 012 012 012 012 012 041 012 012 012 012 976.P05l2 976.P0513 Wl6 Fl3 y Ar ch iv es Tamworth, 'TarnNOrth Tragedy' 1914 hearing concemin;; Dr. Robinson Tamworth, Blacksmith Shop, once first school in Sheffield Tamworth, Olrist Church Anglican and cenetery behind [copy] Tamworth, Christ Church Anglican, front [Int. Fine Art P.C.] Tamworth, COntinuation School Tamworth, Continuation School, demolished in 1974 Ta~rth, COntinuation School, demolished in 1974 Tamworth, Continuation School, demolished in 1974 Tamworth, First N.T. & Q. Train at the station, August 4 Tamworth, First School in Sheffield Twp. Tamworth, Main Street TaaMC>rth, Main Street Tamworth, Public School 1'am\.«)rth, veterans, Adair, Thanas cl917 Ta.T!WOrth, veterans, Carscallen, Anita c1916 Tamworth, veterans, Harrison, Jaxres Vincent cl917 Tamworth, veterans, Marlin, A.W. c1917 TaJ'll'V'X)rth, veterans, McKay, Archibald c1916 Tamworth, veterans, Mauck, Ernest, 1914 Tamworth, veterans, Richardson, Robert M. cl917 Taverner, Frederick Lome (1879-1969) 12 group cl923 Taverner, Margaret Burrell (1879-1959) 27 group cl923 Taverner, Winnifred (rrember of collegiate class, 1921) ) Newburgh Academy 1899 Taylor , Charles ( Taylor , Elizabeth ) at ~st ward School, cl922 ?aylor, W.B. ( with Collegiate hockey team 1913 Taylor, W.B. ( 't11ith Collegiate Sr Football Team, 1912 Taylor, W.J. ( ) in Forum (club) cl888 Telegernann, Miss [cello] ( ) in 'Mikado' cl921 #49 Te1egernann, Miss [violin] ( ) in 'Mikado' c1921 #53 'Delegemann, Miss [violin} ( ) in 'Mikado' c1921 #55 Telegernann, Mr. [conductor) ( ) in 'Mikado' cl921 #52 Telfer , Alice [Mrs. Robert of Hunboldt Sask] - see Paul, Alice Telg!'lan, • • • [male] in orchestra of HMS Pinafore, 1911 f50 7e..~leton, Charles Ptrcdy MD ( ) major, London, March 3 Templeton, Edith Marjorie Furnival (1888-1978) with family Templeton, Robert K. (cl918-1944) as a baby with family, cl918 C ou nt N00580 N00818 N00824 N00825 NOC820 N00821 N00823 N00822 N00826 N008l8 N00817 N00816 N00819 N01694 ND1750 N01879 N01952 N01980 N02003 N02043 N00464 N00464 N00523 N00741 N00483 N00553 N00542 N00698 N00693 N00693 N00693 N00693 N00674 N00675 N02083 NOll 20 N01120 Symington, Thomas (1843-1922) in Curling Club 1902 L& A N00.649 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 142 1916 p 1918c p &waine Hawley N00530 N00483 N00557 N02084 N01274 N00741 N00495 NOG49l N01542 N00390 N00663 N0048l N00491 NJ0495 N00466 N01724 N00483 N0074l Hulett 976.P0514 P09 p Unknown 976.P0509 P09 p Macnabb 976.?0515 P09 pc unknown p Unknown 977.P0010 978.P0487 Wl6 F27 p Unknown 978.P0441 018 Ar ch iv es p y C ou nt N00483 N02175 N02l76 N00527 N00523 N02191 N00530 N00529 Sarah Adaline Perry (1858-1951) with sister-in-law l893c William ( ) in COllegiate football team, 1905 William (1848-1908) ccrfounder of Napanee Beaver 1900c ~~illiam (1848-1908) in curling Club 1902 William (1848-1908) outside Beaver Off ice, 1903 ~leton, William (1848-1908) with Beaver staff 1890-1900 Templeton, William (1848-1908) with lawyer Henry Perry, N.Y. n.d. Ta~leton, William, RCA (1912-1944) as a boy with family cl918 Templeton, William, RCA ( 1912-1944) sch<x>l rugby team, 1927 #04 Templeton, Winnifred ( ) at tennis party, 1899 Ul Templeton, Winnifred ( ) in tennis club c l 900 #1 Templeton, Winnifred [possible i.d.] in tennis club, cl899 #14 Terrill, A.J., Rev. 18 group cl923 'larry, A. (female), Napanee z.txiel Class l912 ThanpsoP., Arthur ( ) at west Ward SChool, c1922 Thanpson, Arthur, 47th Batt. R.C.A., .Petawa, 1937 Thanpson, Arthur, 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawawa, 1938 Thcrnpson, Barbara ( ) in collegiate class, 1950 Thanpson, Beverly (r:ernber of collegiate class, 1921) Thamoson, Bruce as Canadian soldier in France cl944 TharPson, r:avid {in Collegiate class, 1960) Thanpson, Diana (in COllegiate class, 1959) Thompson, Diana (in Collegiate class, 1960) 'I'haTlpson, Edna ( } at west ward School, cl922 Thompson, Edna ( ) in Collegiate basketball team, 1931 Thompson, Elijah ( ) Private, 146th Batt. [AZO pc] 1916 T'!'lcmpson, Ephraim, son of Matilda Wagar 1867c Thompson, Flo ( } Newburgh Acadeney 1899 Thartpson, rrank ( ) at west ward School, cl920 #08 Thanpson, Frank ( ) pupil at ~st ward School 1920 Thanpson, Fred ( ) '1\.lrnkey at Napanee Gaol [fm group] 1945 'Iha:npson, Grace, Little .F alls N.Y., postcard to Thanpson, Lller ( ) trainer Napanee Carets hockey team 1960 Thanpson, Jessie ( ) as pupil West Ward School cl902 ·r hanpson, Joe ( ) pupil at West Ward School 1920 'i'hanpson, Joseph ( ) at West ward School, cl920 lH 7 Thanpson, June ( } in Grace United Church Choir 1962 Thcrnpson, L.A. ( ) 3rd Special Service Corps. , cl916 Thcmpson, Madeline { ) at West Ward School, cl922 Th.anpson, Madelon ( ) Newburgh Academy 1899 Templeton, Templeton, Templeton, Templeton, Te!!lpleton, L& A N01463 N00537 N01462 N00649 N00619 N00622 N01464 . N01120 N00548 N00654 N00655 N00653 N00464 N00501 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 143 N00723 ~00723 + NOOSOl N00695 N00695 N00458 N00459 NOl466 t-;COT/4 N00774 N00774 N01382 N01383 N00481 N00481 N0ll63 N00099 N00099 N00693 N00466 N02088 N02089 N00663 N00179 es iv N00467 N00698 1870c p 1918c p F27 Paltridge Unknown 978.P0468 X W16 Unknown 976.P05ll PD9 carswell ? 976.ro579 F20 977.P00ll Wl6 Wl6 Ar ch N00525.1 N02175 t-;02176 N00680 N02174 N01273 N02085 Marie (in Collegiate class, 1960) Marion ( ) at West Ward Schcol, c1920 i32 r-1arion ( ) Newburgh Acadetey 1899 Marion ( ) pupil at West Ward School 1920 ?1arjorie #17 in collegiate orchestra 1924 ~pson, Marjorie #20 in collegiate orchestra 1925 Th~pson, Marjorie ( ) in collegiate orchestra, 1926 #11 Thanpson, r-taurice, 47th Batt. R.C.A. I Petawa, 1937 Thanpson, Maurice, 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawawa, 1938 Thcrnpson, Miss - in 'Temple of Fame' 1911 Thanpson, Norris doing gun drill with 47th, Petawawa, 1937 Thanpson, Robert, taken in Seaforth, Q1.tario T.hanpson, \v.G. ( ) private, 1st Depot ~pt. 'Ibompson, rr~illiaJTl ) in cycling club, 1886 #ll Thompson, Willia~ ) in Forum (club) cl888 'Iha:'lson, James ( interior of Mill, camJ.en East 'I'hrnlson, John ( ) interior of t~ill, Carrden East Thcmsonville - interior of Paper Mill cl890 Tice, ••• ( ) principal, Napanee Model School, 1912 Tierney I Kathleen ( ) in 'Passing soow•, 1923 Tierney, l'<iaurice o. (1908) in 'Passing Show' , 1923 Tilley, Fred ( ) at picnic in 1890's Tilley, Fred ? ( ) in Symington Bible Class 1890 Tilley, Samuel Leonard (1818-1896) KCMG, MP, New Brunswick Tinmerman, c.w. ( ) in front of P.O. Qlessa Timmerman, John A. ) in front of P.O. Odessa Tirrmerman, P.S. ( ) in front of P.O. CX!essa 1bbey, Al.n:ond ( ) cl875 [group] ~n Tobey, Al.Irond ( ) cl877 [group] #7 lbbey, ~Kothy ) as pupil west Ward School cl902 lb.bey, William ( ) as pupil West Ward School cl902 Tan 'Ihulnb, celebrated dwarf, with wife and baby Tbn~ins, Stanley - Camden East Public School group 1903 Tank ins, William - Canrlen East Public School group 1903 TOmlinson, Fred ( ) in 'Mikado' cl921 #15 Tanpkins, Anne ( ) in Grace United Church Choir 1962 'Ibmpkins, Percy J. ( ) 6th Can. Batt., England Tcrnpkins, Thanas w. ( ) 6th can. Res. Batt. I England ·.:.oppazz i n i, Ted ( in Napanee Canets hockey team, 1960 Tor.onto, Grey, W.M. & J.G., separator in Petzold Mill y N00~25 Thanpson, Thm.pson, Thanpson, Thctnpson, Thanpson, C ou nt N00495 N0074l NU049l N00524 L& A N00530 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 144 n.d. p 1867c p 1918 1918 pc Taylor pc Unknown 977. P0009 ~00576 N00230 N00205 N00254 p UnknCMn 977.P0143 013 p Unkna.rm 976.P0336 OiO 1915c p Unknown 976.P0346 017 1910c p 1910c p Unk110WJ1 976.0335 A 976.0335 B 010 010 es n.d. Ar ch iv 1917 y N00412 N01262 N01312 N00208 N00434 N00631 N00629 N00050 N00267 N00274 N00432 N00865 N00435 N00438 N00653 N00725 N00254 N0044l N00614 N01307 N00647 N00725 N00576 C ou nt ~00596 'Ibronto, Grey, W.M. & J.G., smutter in Betzold Mill 'Ibronto, Grey, w.M. & J.G., unidentified rrachinery :Petzold Mill Toronto, Rosedale, Mulock house 'Iburism, Mary Snale Bennett & daughter at Lake I..ouise cl917 Trades/professions, carpenter, sash & door makers from 1890's Trades/professions, chemist, Charles Bartlett Trades/professions, cobbler - unidentified shop, source unknown Trades/professions, pedlar, soft-soap maker Billy Applebee cl908 Trades/professions, pedlar, soft-soap maker Billy Applebee cl908 Trades/professions, ships, refurbishing Katie Eccles, Napanee Transportation, land, automobile, cl916 Tr.ans~rtation, land, autarobile, 1917 McLaughlin Buick, Napanee Transportation, land, automobile, 1920's ·.rranspor tation, land, autCJIDbile, 1921 Tra!1Sportation, land, autaoobile, 1949 Transportation, land, automobile, 1952 Transportation, land, automobile, 1957 Transportation, land, autaoobile, 1960 Tra:tsportation, land, autamobile, at Agricultural Park cl922 Transportation, land, automobile, at Agricultural Park cl922 Transportation, land, autaoobile, Bath, 1935 Transportation, land, automobile, before 1928 Transportation, land, automobile, cl920 Transpor tation, land, autatobile, c1950 Transportation, land, autamobile, in driving park, Napanee [copy] Transpor tation, land, automobile, [1920's?] Transportation, land, autarobile, [1940's?] Transportation, land, bicycle (waren) Transportation, land, bicycle - in Newburgh cl911 'I'ranspor tation, land, bicycle - Napanee cl905 Transportation, land, bicycle, cl918 Transportation, land, bicycle, ~:rmile Bicycle Shop Transpor tation, land, bicycle, outside cheese factory cl897 Trans};X)rtation, land, bicycle, pennyfarthing Transportation, land, buckboard - in Newburgh cl911 Transpor tation, land, buckboard cl910 in Napanee Transportation, land, buckboard cl910 in Napanee Transportation, land, buggies Transportation, land, buggies & buckboards TransJ:X)rtation, land, buggies - Napanee cl905 L& A N00190 N00185 N00881 N01072 N01368 N01421 N00870 N01538 N01537 N01551 N01342 N00577 Subject Index to POOtographs, p. 145 Unknown ~00582 N00'700 N01295 N01244 N00826 N01528 N00864 N00804 N00268 N00431 land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, land, buggies outside Bay View Hotel, Bath cl901 buggy buggy y Ar ch iv es buggy, 1893 buggy, cl885 carriage factory in OOessa carts horse-drawn cab c\Wl.l, Napanee Market Square horse-drawn vehicles at Crysler's farm 1913 annibus (horse-drawn) ox cart oxen oxen - Lockwood children with animals pony cart, 1898 railways - Engine railways, Bay of (Uinte R. R. railways, Bay of Qu inte Shed, Napanee railways, Bay of Q..linte, Yarker Bridge railways, Bay of Quinte, Yarker Station railways, C.N.R. line north of Nap. fm air railways, C.N.R. locarotive railways, C.N.R. station Newburgh 1913 railways, C.N.R., R.S. Richardson, Sup't railways, conductor c1928 railways, engine no. 12, Pt. Co1borne 1914 railways, Grand TrUnk railways, Grand Trunk :11:740 [before 1916] railways, Grand Trunk :11:914 railways, Grand TrUnk, 'International Ltd' railways, Grand Trunk, Crossing before 1870 railways, Grand Trunk, deraillrent, Napanee railways, Grand Trunk, derailment, Napa.nee railways, Grand Trunk, first clerk 1877 railways, mention of train wreck I«x:hester railways, N.T. & Q., 1st train at Tamworth railways, wheels patented by Ibnovan, 1895 roads, c1904, s. Fred. roads, 'Devil' s Elbow, Strathcona • land, sleigh - Public utilties 1930 land, sleigh, 1912 1960c p Unknown 976.P0791 021 1909b pc Unknown 976.Pll77.03 010 1913 1900 976. Pll77. 02 976.P0306 010 016 C ou nt ~00848 N00832 N02251 N00345 N00727 N02042 N01247 N01242 N00350 N00342 N00323 N00581 N00446 Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Tr"ansportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, T!:"ansportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transpor tation, Tr ansportation, Transi;XJrtation, L& A N00064 N00775 N00262 N00403 N00779 N00778 N0004l N00429 N02252 N00258 N00222 N00197 N00158 N00634 N00092 N00204 N00701 SUbject Index to Photographs, p. 146 pc p Unknown Hulett N0164l N00531 N00481 N00645 N00467 N00645 N01125 N01124 N02092 N00469 N00526 Unknown Parks Unknown Unknown 975.P0224 978.!'0447 976.Pll 77. 04 976.Pl 648 1905c 1900c 1900c Unknown Unknown Unknown 976. P0343 976.P1221 976.P0320 wr3 WI'3 977.?0263 977.F0863 976.Pl289 976.Pl643 WI'3 WI'3 p p p es iv N01569 N01566 N01567 N01565 N01565 N01565 N01570 N:.Jl552 N01569 N01575 N01598 N02135 N00656 N00648 N02l 56 N02091 N02180 SUbject Index to Photographs, p.- 148 WT3 1905c p 1900c p 1912 eli 1914c pc 1915c p 1900c 1900c 1916b l916b 1916b 1912c Ar ch ~015 64 y N00072 N01574 N01573 N01563 C ou nt N0157l .N02244 Transportation, water, speedboat, Red ~vi!, The, cl908 Transportation, water, steamer Transportation, water, steamer Aletha [copy) Transportation, water, steamer Armenia & steamer Ella Ross Transportation, water, steamer Brockville at: Adolphustown, June 7 Transportation, water, steamer Brockville at Massassaga Park Transportation, water, steaner Brockville [at Massassaga Park?] Transportation, water, steamer Caspian leaving Bath 7ransportation, water, steaner Ella Ross [& ~.menial Transportation, water, steamer Jessie Ba ••• leaving Kingston '!ranspor-tation, water, steamer Lalronde at dock, Napanee Transpor tation, water, steamer I.aironde on Napanee River [copy] Transportation, water, steaiTEr Paradis ??? Bay of Quinte Tr-ansportation, water, steamer ()..linte Q.Jeen, Hay Bay dock [copy] Trans[X>rtation, water, steamer Q..linte Q..leen, Hay Bay dock [copy} TransfJOrtation, water, steamer CUinte Q.leen, Napanee [copy] Transportation, water, steamer ()..linte O;een, Napanee [Picton pc] TransJ,X>rtation, water, steamer Q..dnte Ween, Napanee [Picton pc] Transportation, water, stearrer Reindeer aground for last tirre Transportation, water, steamer Reindeer at Napanee cl900 Transportation, water , steaner Reindeer, Bay of Q.linte Transportation, water, steamer Toronto of canada Steamship Lines Transportation, water, steamer, Glen Island Ibck Transportatioo, water, steamer, Reindeer, mate r::elbert Wiskin VW11 Travers, D3oorah D. s. ( ) at Young Mothers' Club cl914 Travers, Harold ( ) on curling team, before 1900 ~~avers, R.G.H. ( ) as Lieut., 39th Batt. 1915 Travers, William ( ) 156th Batt., Toror.to Trent, ?, on majors' training course, Petawawa, 1942 Trenton Power Boat Races - trophies [walters-wagar oversize] Trimble, Clarence 11 Shorty11 ( ) in Football Team cl893 Trimble, Helen ( ) as pupil ~st Ward School cl902 Trimble, Thanas ( ) snowshoe club, 1885 #2 Triwb1e, W.J. ( in cycling club, 1886 #6 Trirnble, William ( ) snowshoe club, 1885 #14 Trull, Sybil Muriel ( ) on marriage June, 1907 Tri.lll, Sybil Muriel ( } on marriage June, 1907 Trtrnpour, William Earl M.M. ) 13th R.H.C. [AZO pc] Tullock, w., Mrs. 11 in Bible Class T'...ll'l~T\()r., Eleanor ( in collegiate class, 1937 L& A NOl363 N00307 N01568 N01374 N01572 unknown Wagar, Roy p wager, Roy ? pc Unknown pc Unknown pc Unknown p I:egraff, Geo. p X ~76.Pll73. 976.P0318 Wl'3 wr3 WI'3 021 wr3 WI'3 22 WI'3 wr3 WI'3 1900c a 1920c p 1900c p Unknown Unknown Unknown 976. P03l3 977.P0053 975.20531 'YIT3 1919c p Fraser 977.POC12 l·v l6 1909 p Dunn & Co. 975.P0552 020 1915 pc Unknown 977.P0013 Wl6 WT3 WiJ es 976.Pl637 977.P0059 WI'S l897c 1895c 1895c 1895c 1895c 1B94c 1909c p Hulett Unkno.m Unknown Flack Unknown Hulett Unknown 976.l?032l 976.P0310 977.P0062 977.PD061 97S.P0306 976.Pl642 976.PllB2 WT4 Wr4 WI'4 wr4 Wl'4 wr4 wr4 1897c a 1920b p 1910c p Unknown Unknam Unkna.m 977.P006U 976.P0315 977.?0057 WI'4 wr4 wr4 976.P03l7 977.P0058 977.P0055 976.Pll8l 977.P0054 976.P0056 A 976.P0056 B 976.P0319 976.Pl64l 975.P0557 976.P03l2 976.Pll83 977.P0508 976.Pl645 'Nrl iv Subject Index to Photographs, p. 147 Y..'I'2 l900c p Unknam 1916c pc Unknown Ar ch ~01585 N01579 N01580 N01581 N0157B N01577 N01576 N01641 N015BB N0l587 N01586 N00365 N01552 N01 555 N01556 N01557 N01559 NOlSSB N01558 N0155l NOlSSl NOl 56l N01560 N01550 N01554 N01553 y N00797 N00798 NC0799 N01562 N01589 N01582 land, street watering cart in Napanee, 1921 land, surrey cl914 land, truck, 1930 land, wagon land, wagon - market day in Napanee land, wagon - Pinney, Rosetta cl9l6 land, wagon cl921 water, ferry, Glenora ~rry in 1910 water, ferry, Napanee Merchants' ~rry water, ferry, Napanee Merchants' Ferry water, ferry, Napanee Merchants• Ferry water, ferry, unidentified [copy - restricted] water, laker Horace s. Wilkinson [AZO pc] water, pleasure craft, Jessie Forward water, pleasure craft, Jessie Forward water, pleasure craft, Petrel water, pleasure craft, Petrel water, pleasure craft, Petrel leaving Watertown water, pleasure craft, Petrel on Hay Bay water, pleasure craft, Petrel on South Reach water, pleasure craft, Red 03vil (copy] water, pleasure craft, Red Devil - cup won 1909 water, pleasure craft, steam launch in parade water, pleasure craft, U & I [copy] water, pleasure craft, U & I, docking water, sailing ships water, schooner - ships in Napanee Harbour water, schooner A on Bay of ()Jinte water, schooner A on Napanee River water, schooner A on Napanee River water, schooner aground water, schooner aground in Napanee River water, schooner aground in Napanee River water, schooner Katie Eccles, Napanee water, schooner Katie Eccles, Napanee [copy] water, schooner Keewatin off Point Ann water, schooner Keewatin on the I.Dng Reach water, schooner launching [from glass negative] water, schcx:>ner Will iarr: Jamieson, Napanee water, schcx:>ner, unidentified at Napanee [Irwin] C ou nt NOOOll Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, T"cansportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, 'I'ransportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, Transportation, L& A N00412 N01416 NOC268 N00272 N00425 NOC119 NOC708 1900c l900c l900c l900c l910c l910c 19l0c l900c l900c 1912 1910c 1860c l9llc l920c a a a a p p p p Unknown Unknown Unknown p p Unknown p Unknown p Unknown p UnkllCJ'.tln p Wilson, James p Wilson, James p Carnahan, H. p Unknown gn Unknown p lbbinson, John pc Unknown WI'l WTl Wrl WI'l wrl wrl wr1 WI'l W:rl Wrl WI'l WTl Wfl iv es uens, ? , 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawawa, 1938 Dens, ?, 47th R.C.A. c1938 Uens, Audrey ( ) in collegiate class, 1950 Uens, Lena ( ) in collegiate class, 1950 Ungar, ••••• Mr. ( ) in Symington Bible Class 1890 U'lgar, John ( ) at poultry d.e:ID, c1914 ungar, John [John w. (1846-1921) ?] 21 at party, 1917 Unger, Schuyler ( ) outside cheese factory c1896 unidentified airman, Royal Flying Corps. [ 11Mr. John"] Toronto Unidentified baby, Napanee Unidentified baby, West Side, New York Unidentified couple (winter marriage photo?] during vvw1 Unidentified couple [winter marriage photo?] during WW1 Unidentified couple, Watert~n N.Y. Unidentified family group [cut down fran large photograph] tr.identified family, Napanee Unidentified girl, Rochester, N.Y. unidentified group of girls, Napanee, 1890's [damaged] Unidentified house, north side Unidentified house, west side Unidentified lady, friend of Gertrude Wagar Unidentified lady, Napanee unidentified man Unidentified man Unidentified man [large oval portrait of bearded man in sweater] Unidentified man with his dog unidentified man [donated by Judge Smith] unidentified man, Eau Claire, Wisconsin [verso "5849"] Unidentified man, Napanee Unidentified man, Napanee Unidentified man, Providence R.I. unidentified man, Sacrarrento california .. \..•! .. ·-i • Unidentified naval officer Unidentified officer, fusiliers [21st or l55th?] Ar ch N02187 N00527 N00527 N00459 N00430 N00470 N0l306 N02151 N01482 N01484 N01526 NOlS26 N02262 N01536 N02237 N01480 N0l4l 4 N00898 N00899 N01597 N0l413 N02254 N02241 N02203 N01415 N01475 N01474 N01403 N01404 N01485 N01479 N02147 N02148 u y ~02176 C ou nt N0l365 N02260 TUrner, visiting Seaford Camp, 1918 1\..lrner, Margaret ) at ¥\est ward School, cl922 1\.lstin, George James ) at Rotary cl947, Sitter #13 Tuttle, Edith, in unidentified group, February, 1919 L& A N02159 ~00483 SUbject Index to Photographs, p. 149 1917c n.d. 1885c 1917c 1917c 1920c 1900c 1904c 1885 n.d. n.d. n.d. 1900c 1895c 1890c n.d. n.d. 1900c l895c 1885c 1900c 1945c 1920c 1865c 1917c 1917c p p p p p p p p p p p p p p a p p p p p p p p p p p Dixon Hulett Thompson Richardson Richardson Charlebois Unknown Richardson ? wa-rd law/Learned Hulett 976.P1474 976.P0559 976.P056l 978.P0088 976.Pl681 x 979.P0082 975.P0220 976. P0 55 7 975.P0376 Unkn~ 976.P0752 Unknown 976.P075l Clarke 975.P0550 Boyes 975.P0375 Unknown 975.P0169 Richardson ? 975.P0221 Richardson 975.P0222 Unknown 976. POl 51 Hulett 976.P0548 Merrtman & Tebo 976.P0547 Richardson 973.P0073 Skitch 973.P0074 Dabina 976.P0562 walters 976.P0556 Unknown 977.P0661.02 unknown 977.P066l.Ol Wl8 PlO ?10 P14 Pl4 P24 015 020 PlO POS 013 013 ~ POS 021 020 022 P06 P09 P09 P04 P04 PlO PlO Wl8 Wl8 N00530 N02257 N00526 N00537 N00702 N00644 N00554 N00623 N00644 N00702 N01306 N01504 N00464 N00685 N00702 N00644 NOl490 p pc pc p p p p p p p p Carswell Unknown Unknown Unknown Wheeler Hulett Peart Gregg unknown !Ybnk Peavey p Burgess & James 973.P0006 es n.d. l916c 1916c 1900c l916c l895c l885c l885c l878c n.d. 1885c iv 11 1906 Ar ch nt y v C ou N01~30 Unidentified prince Unidentified priv., highland regiment, canada [surname begins B] Unidentified soldier - may be James Stoddart ??? [AZO] Unidentified street - found in walters~ar Collection Unidentified stretcher bearer, England Unidentified woman in highland dress unidentified wanan, Rochester, N.Y. Unidentified wanan, ~hester, N.Y. Unidentified wanan, seated [oval] Unidentified wanan, 'Ibronto, probably taken in 1920's Unidentified young man, Faripault, Minnesota Unidentified, Phoebe" ( ) pupil at ~st Ward School 1920 unions, Strike Crnmittee, Winnipeg [fran Walters-Wagar Coll.] United Church - Adolphustawn u.c. Ur.ited Church - Adolphustown u.c. United Church - Adolphustown U.C. Urquhart, Enrna, in unidentified group, February, 1919 USA, Judges of Supreme OOurt USA, New York State, Syracuse, Syracuse Cricket Club 1886 uSA 1 unidentified American post office [Warner?] Uttrich, Hannah may, 12 years old, Dec. 15th Valentyne, Barrie (in Collegiate class, 1960) Valentyne, Reece in costune, County Centennial, 1964 Van Volkenburg, Marion ) in collegiate class, 1937 Vanalstine, 'Bert ( ) in Collegiate football team, 1905 Vanalstine, c. ( in Napanee Fire Company 1910 #14 Vanalstine, c. ( Excelsior Fire Brigade 1910 Vanalstine, carl ( ) Collegiate hockey team cl914 #10 Vanalstine, Elliot ) as copy boy for Standard cl878 Vanalstine, r'.J. ( Chief of Excelsior Fire Brigade 1910 Vanalstine, F.J. ( ) in Napanee Fire Company 1910 #12 Vanalstine, Frank L. (1873-1954) outside cheese factory cl896 Vanalstine, Fred. J. ( ) of Napanee Express cl 948 Var~1stine, Frederick James 19 group cl923 Va:1alstine, George ( ) in Order of Foresters cl910 Vanalstine, H. ( in Napanee Fire Ccmpany 1910 :H8 Vanalstine, H. ( ) Excelsior Fire Brigade 1910 Vanalstine, H. in Napanee Firefighters, 1960 iS, front r:oN L& A NOll GO N02149 N02146 N01602 N02150 N01478 N01483 N01481 N01477 N02246 N01476 N00491 N02209 N00025 N00023 N00024 N02260 N02224 N0065l N02253 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 150 n.d. 976.P0583 976.Pl702 977.P0005 975.P0553 977.P0659 976.P0552 976.P0560 976.P0558 976.P0555 975.P0172 976.P0554 F20 Wl8 Wl8 ~'{iJ ~vl B Pl O PlO PlO PlO 021 PlO 022 pr Harris/Ewing 976.P0672 P2l Unknown Unknown 976.Pl665 977.P0792 021 F25 1910c p 1918 p ~~01579 N01577 N00508 N0048l N02238 N02238 N02238 N02238 X Wl 7 Richardson ? 976.P0522 020 Ar ch iv es Unknown nt y N00333 N00322 N00390 N00462 N00460 N00460 N01306 N00693 N00519 N00442 N00441 N00571 N02201 N02202 N02260 N00299 N00460 N00458 Harold 'Tiny' ( ) on billiards team, 1923 Harold ( ) private [4th C.F.A.) 1915 p Hazel - postcard to December 1913 Jacob B. (184D-l912) 52 in Bible Class Marshal ( ) in Collegiate rugby team, 1922 Marshall ( ) in Ooll. track team, 1924 #10 Marshall ( ) in Coll. rugby team, 1924 #16 Mary Jane (wells) (1841-1930) 53 in Bible Class Percy ( ) in collegiate class, 1950 R. in Napanee Firefighters, 1960, #21 back row Ralph ( ) at West Ward School, cl920 #26 T.A.J. 58 in Bible Class Tressa Beatrice Lasher 44 group cl923 W.D., Mrs. (William?) 02 group cl917-2l w. D., Mrs., Hayburn - _postcard to 1911 W.D., Mrs., Napanee- postcard to Dec. 17, 1914 W.D., Mrs., postcard to 1914 [Ruby} Pearl (1898-1967) later Ballance #62 1917 c. ( ) on baseball team, 1912 D. ( ) on baseball team, 1912 Duncan ( ) outside cheese factory cl896 Hazel ( ) in 'Mikado' c1921 #24 Hazel ( ) Napanee Collegiate, 1913 t09 Hazel - postcard to 1913 Hazel - postcard to cl918 Hazel - postcard to in Rayburn c19ll Hazel, in Oleen•s Faculty of Arts, 1927 [group] Vanalst~e, Hazel, in Q.J.een's Faculty of Etlucation, 1919 [group] Vanalstyne, Hazel, in unidentified group, February, 1919 Va11alstyne, Hazel, Napanee - postcard to Aug. 1915 Vanalstyne, R. ( ) on baseball team, 1912 Vanalstyne, Will ( ) at picnic in 1890's Vanalstyne, William D. on boat, Petrel [left] cl895 Va."'lalstyne, William D. on boat, Petrel [standing] c1894 Vanalstyne, William, Mrs. - postcard to, 1916 Vanblariccrn, aigar ( ) as pupil ~vest Ward School cl902 Va~Bogart, Anne ( ) [later 1f\Oods] with family Van~Ibgart, Carrie ( ) [later \bX!s) with family VanDeBogar t, ~Rlla ( ) with her family Van~Bogart, Francis N. (1836-1909) with his family, Napanee l893c p C ou N00463 Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalsti:;e, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstine, Vanalstyne, Vanalstyne, Vanalstyne, Vanalstyne, Vanalstyne, Vanalstyne, Vanalstyne, Vanalstyne, Vanalstyne, L& A N00662 N02093 N00475 N00469 N00545 N00556.1 N00547 N00469 N00527 N01490 N00495 .N00469 NOC464 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 151 ND2175 N00529 NOC519 N02100 N004B1 NOOS48 N00556 NCC539 N00552 NOQS,QO N00491 N01718 N01862 ) with family Harry ( ) with family p p Ar ch iv es Ladrue ( ) with family Maurice ( ) as lx>y with family va~Ho:;;;art, Nancy Pen:y (1838-1919) with husband, children VanDeBogart, Pauline ( ) [later Burleigh] with family VanDeBogart, William L. (1865-1925) with family Vandervoort, Olarles Wilbur (1864-1943) ice-cream party [i 4] 1902c Vandervoort, Charles Wilbur (1864-1943) party at his stmnerhouse 1902c Vandervoort, Harold (1874-1904) at ice-cream party, cl902 #3 Vandervoort, Harold (187 4-1904) at sl.lli'OOrhouse party, cl902 Vandervoort, Wilbur c. (1893-1915) 48th Highlanders, Napanee 1914 Vandervoort, Wilbur c. (1893-1915) 48th Highlanders, Valcartier 1914 VandervOJrt, Wilbur: C. (1893-1915) postcard from, 1914 [ •x•] Vandervoort, Wilbur c. (1893-1915) postcard fran, 1915 Vanderwater, w.c. ( ) private [12th York Rangers] 1916 Vandewater, J.A. - shop on Bridge Street, Yarker vanrusen, \01. ( ) Collegiate rugby team, 1927 i20 Vanrusen, w. ( ) in Collegiate hockey team, 1927 Vanrusen, w. ( ) in collegiate orchestra, 1926 t02 vanrusen, William ) at West Ward School, c1920 i21 or 22 VanDJsen, William [ -1948] G:>lf Club, cl928 VanDusen, William [1887-1941?] in Bible Class ~1915 Vankoughnet, Edna 34 in pagent 1917 var.koughnet, George carmanding rear gun, Petawawa, 47th, 1937 Vankoughnet, I.aura 38 in pagent 1917 Vankoughnett, George, 47th Batt. R.C.A.., Petawa, 1937 Van~oughnett, George, 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawawa, 1938 Vankoughnett, Virginia (in Collegiate class, 1959) Vanluven, Edna 'Elizabeth' ( ) Napanee Ooll., 1913 #08 Vanluven, Egerton Ronald ( ) 15th Army Med. Corp. 1917c Vanluven, Helen ( ) as pupil West ward School cl902 Vanluven, L. ( Collegiate rugby team, 1927 #11 Vanluven, L. ( ) in Collegiate hockey team, 1927 Vanluven, w. ( ) in Collegiate Sr Football Team, 1909 Vanluven, Wilrcot ( ) in Collegiate mckey team, cl908 Vannest, Mata, of Newbrugh, at rt1odel School 1907 ) pupil, West Ward School 1920 Vanvol kenburgh, 'Roland ( Vermachar, veterans, Ball, John I..eslie 1916 Ven:1achar, veterans, Gil.roour, J. Alex 1918 Hulett Hulett 975.P0109 017 017 X p pc Unknown Unknown 976.P0230 977.P0177 Wl7 Wl7 p Unknown 977.P0028 Wl7 p Richardson 977.P0029 y N02095 N02163 N02164 N02094 N00831 N00548 N00556 N00525.1 N00495 N00659 N0lll6 N00462 N02174 N00462 N02l75 Frank ( C ou nt ~02096 VanD3Bogart, VanrEBogart, Va.r.DeBogart, Vanr::eBogart, L& A N02238 N02238 N02238 N02238 N02238 N02238 N02238 N02272 N00860 N02272 N00860 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 152 ~01240 N01243 N01246 N01241 N01242 N01244 N01258 N00622 N00464 N00469 N00376 N00622 N00702 N00644 N01490 1918 pc Graham n.d. 1916 1914c 1914c n.d. n.d. 1930c 1930c 1930c 1930c l930c l930c 1930c 1930c 1930c 1930c 1930c 1915c 1928c 1912c 1915c 1928c 1914c 1914 1915c n.d. p pc p p Carswell ? Unknown Unknown Unknown p Unknown p Unknown p Unknown p Unknown p Unknown p Unknown p Unknown p Unknown p Unknown p Unknown p Unknown p Unknown p unknown pc Unknown pc Unknown p Unknown pc Unknown pc Unknown p Unknown es iv Ar ch nt y N01249 N01250 N01256 N01253 N01254 N01255 N01252 N01259 N01260 N01257 N0126l N0125l N01245 N0l247 C ou NOl248 Vennachar, veterans, Gilirour, w.c. cl917 Vennachar, veterans, Gregg, Charles Adam, cl917 Vennacher , veterans, Wilson, Liford w., cl915 Vent on, Percy E. ( ) 1 ~pot Batt. , England Verabioff, IJ:>rne, teacher at NOOS, 1964 Vick, R. in Napanee Firefighters, 1966, #14, back row Victoria, QJeen, as a widow Villneff, Philip John ( 146th, England, Christmas Vi~e - Jackie and his dog Carlo Vine - unidentified couple "Mother and Lad" Vine - unidentified man #2 ·Jine - unidentified man #2 [taken at Aunt Mae's houseJ Vine - ~~identified man #3 with freshly killed chicken Vi~e - unidentified man i4 at gas station Vine - u..'1identified man #4 at Macpherson House Vine - unidentified man #4 at Macpherson !louse Vine - unidentified man #4 at Macpherson House with litte boy Vine - unidentified man #4 carrying topcoat Vine - unidentified man i4 in meadow Vine - unidentified man #4 in meadow Vine - unidentified man 4*4 in meadow with little boy Vine - unidentified man #4 near the Napanee River Vine - u~identified man #4 on boardwalk Vine - unidentified railwayman "KP 11 with American cousin Vi~e - ur.identified railwayman as conductor [AZO postcard] Vine - unidentified railwayman as young man in Sunday best Vi~e - unidentified railwayman in SUnday best [AZO postcard) Vine - unidentified railwayman slightly older [AZO postcard] Vine - <.midentified railwayman with friend in front of boxcar Vi~e - unidentified railwayman with Geo. McLean and engine Vi~e - unidentified railwayman with plaster on chin [AZO pc] Vine - unidentified young people and bicycle Vine, 'Lena' ( ) on Beaver staff 1890-1900 Vine, Car.cie wilson (1880-1966) Mrs. wn. E. 35 group c1923 Vine, Carrie Wilson (1880-1966) [Mrs. W.E.] 60 in Bible Class Vine, EXU th ( ) , at Crystal Palace, Napanee c1906 Vi~e, Euith (1878-1973) on Beaver staff 1890-1900 Vine, G. ( ) in Napanee Fire canpany 1910 U9 Vine, G. ( ) Excelsior Fire Brigade 1910 vine, s . in Napanee Firefighters, 1960 #18 back ITM L& A N01863 N01867 N02132 N02097 N00560 N01491 N01162 N02098 N01239 NOl 238 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 153 p Unknown pc Unk:nc7tm p Unknown 977.P0027 '..-11 7 976.F0580 977.P0026 977. ?0832.12 977.P0832.01 977.P0832.14 977.P0832.04 977.P0832.05 977.?0832.11 977.P0832.18 977.P0832.20 977.P0832.19 977.?0832. 08 977.p0832.17 977.P0832.15 977.P0832.07 977.P0832. 16 977. P0832. 06 977.P0832. 10 r'20 Wl 7 977. P0832. 23 977.P0962 977.P0832. 03 977.P0829.09 977.?0832.22 977.?0832.02 977.P0832.2l 977.P0832. 13 F'26 F26 F26 F26 F'26 F26 F26 F26 F26 F26 F26 F26 F26 F26 F26 r'26 F26 F26 F26 F26 F26 F26 F26 F26 NOJl19 Vine, H.W. of Napanee Fuel & Supply - postcard produced for Vine, Harry w. (1904-1969) 68 in pagent 1917 vine, Miles, Mrs., and young son, at Macpherson House Vine, Miles, Mrs., and young son, at Macpherson House [1962 copy] Vine, Percy s. (1894-1979) in Bible Class cl915 Vine, Percy s. - old academy deroolished by him for new hane Vine, Percy s. - old acadeiey deitDlished by him for new heme Vine, w. ( ) Excelsior Fire Brigade 1910 Vine, ~Jilliam ( ) in Napanee Fire Canpany 1910 i9 Vine, William ( ) with Gibbard Hockey Team cl916 #13 Vine, William E. (1883-1948) 61 in Bible Class Vine, William E. (1883-1948) 17 group cl923 Vine, William E. (1883-l948) 45 in pagent 1917 Vine, William E. (1883-1948) in Gibbard Fifty Year Club, 1947 Vine, William E. (1883-1948) in Order of Foresters cl910 Vine, William E. (1883-1948) with Gibbard Baseball Team Violet, veterans, Williams, John, 1916 Vivian, John ( ) bookseller, as a boy, Napanee Vroanan, •••• , Dr. - residence at Napanee - The Heart of Napanee Vrocman, John Perry, MD (1859-1923) playing cards cl896 #2 Vroanan, ,John Perry, MD (1859-1923) with his family Vroanan, Josephine ( ) with her family cl914 Vrcx:man, Mary C. (1892-1922) as pupil West Ward School c1902 Vrocman, P. ( ) in Collegiate Jr Football Team, 1909 Vrocman, P. ( ) in Collegiate Jr Football Team, 1910 ) in Collegiate Sr Football Team, 1912 Vroanan, Percy \i'roanan, Percy Ham (1895-1978) as cadet, with his family c1914 Vrocman, lbse Catherall ( 1864-1940) playing cards cl896 #4 Vrooman, Rose Catherall (1864-1940) with her family cl914 N00557 N01601 N00491 N01593 t\01271 N02261 N00461 N01 279 N01592 Waddell, Frances 'Fanny' ( ) in 0011. basketball team, 1931 \'/agar - identified as "Gertrude Wagar's mother 11 1900c p \-Jagar, Aleta ( ) pupil at West Ward School 1920 Hagar, Archibald, and workers at bakeshop, Kittery, Maine ??? 1895c a ) as child c1866 Wagar, Beecher ( Wagar, Byron ( 1868) with his family, Napanee ) in cast of concert, 1915 Wagar, c., Mrs. ( Wagar, Elias Puffer (1818) cl867, sitter #6 'Wagar , Fred ( ) with friends, Napanee cl900-1910 Unkrx:x-m Unknown 977. P07l4 976.P0003 F26 F26 1865c p Powell 976.P0520 P09 1914c p Hawley 976.P052l F13 Unkrx:x-m 976.Pl507 Unknown 975.P0549 iv es l949c p 1949c p Ar ch y C ou nt w L& A NOC242 N00462 N01262 N01262 N01116 N00642 N0064l N00644 N00702 N00667 N00469 N00464 N00462 N00667.2 N00685 N00667.1 N02l27 N01468 N00247 N00652 NOlll9 N01119 N00481 N00538 N00540 N00542 N01119 N00652 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 154 N01280 NOl278 N00500 N00652 N00652 N01 293 N00550 N00554 N01285 N00196 N02261 N02261 N01278 N01353 N00858 N01369 N01284 N00750 N0226l N01280 N01294 N01290 N01291 p Richardson 978.P0464 027 1914c 1883c 1883c 1866c p p p Unknown HUlett Richardson Richardson 978.1?0472 978.Pl574 978.1?0470 978.P0484 F28 F28 027 1900c p Unknown 978.P0478 F28 1910c Lodalph 978.P0475 F28 1900c p l900c p Richardson ? Richardson 975.P0551 978.P0477 1900c l883c 1900c 1867c 1867c Richardson Richardson 978.P0491 978.P0474 978.PJ479 977.PG336 978.P048l F28 iv es p Ar ch N01282 N01271 N02261 N0l563 N00685 N01293 N0l353 N01271 N00519 N01278 N02261 1866c y N01281 Fred ( ) with unidentified group cl900 Fred E. , member of strike ccmni ttee, Winnipeg, 1906 German [l86D-1931] son of Henry & Martha, about age 6 Gertrude ( ) as pupil West Ward School, 1887 Gervis Arthur ( ) son of Philander Wagar, Iowa Henrietta Mar ia Cole (1861-1951) [Mrs. Ephraim A.] Henrietta [1864-1949] daughter of Henry Henry and Martha, children of B:i r am (1864) with his family, Napanee Irene ( ) on steamer Lamonde, cl900 J. ( in Order of Foresters cl910 Jane ( ) [Mrs. t>bah] with her husband cl900 Kathleen M. (1890-1970) in Grace Church Group c l 904 Luella ( ) (later Mrs. Clayton Brown] child, cl866 v~agar , I'Yl.artha ( ) Napanee Collegiate, 1913 i05 Wagar, Martha wager (1836-1920) [Mrs. Henry] 1883, sitter #6 Wagar, Matilda (1836) with her sons, Napanee wagar, Matilda wager (184D-1923) with husband wn. N. cl883 Wagar, Matilda Wager (1840-1923) [Mrs. William] 1883, sitter #5 Wagar, Matilda, of Newburgh, at M:xiel School 1907 Wagar, Nelson, MD. ( ) playing cards cl896 i l3 wagar, Nelson, Mrs., playing cards cl896 #ll Wagar, ~oah, ( ) with wife Jane, on porch wagar, Perry ( ) with Collegiate hockey team cl900 Wagar , Perry W. ( ) with Collegiate hockey team cl914 i8 Wagar, Philander (1835-1925), Harroc>ny, Minnesota Wagar, Philander G. (1853-1927) [possible i.d.] Vennachar (group) wagar, Reuben (1861) with his family, Napanee Wagar, Rufus (1870) with his family, Napanee Wagar, Sarah Maria W. ( ) [Mrs. Reuben L.] 1883, i2 Wagar, Stella Grace (1884-1978) in Grace Chur ch Group cl904 Wagar , Sy on baseball team cl893 Wagar , unidentified group including Wn. Car son, Fr ed Wagar ~ Wagar, ·.mi dentified man in early 30's, Napanee Wagar , William- denolition of hare, former Bell house, Newburgh wagar, Willi am Nelson (1831) - wife & children of, Napanee Wagar, William Nelson (1831-1894) [Moscow] with wife Wager - unidentified family sitting in dooryard 'Wager - unidentified man, thought t o be Napanee wager - unidentified roan, thought to be Napanee C ou nt ~01286 Wagar, wagar, Wagar, Wagar; Wagar , Wagar, Wagar, lvagar, Wagar , Wagar , Wagar, Wagar , Wagar, wagar, L& A N01369 N02209 N01270 N00479 Subj ect Index to Photographs, p. 155 p p p a p p Unknown Unknown UnknCMn ~ F28 021 F28 F28 F28 F28 NG l29~ N00495 N01265 N01268 N00517 NC1294 N01294 NCl272 N01279 N01268 N01267 N01279 N0l 276 N01279 N01278 N02245 N00765 Unknown 978.P0482 F28 1870c p 1870c p Powell/Tobey Unknown 977.PC335 978. ?0461 027 027 1870c p Richardson 978.P0485 027 1870c p Unknown 978.P0489 027 n.d. 1867c l870c 1870c p Hulett I.odalph Richardson Richardson 978.P0533 978.P0471 978.P0490 978.P0465 027 F27 027 027 l 874c t 978.P0462 F27 1883 p Richardson 978.P0473 F27 l 900a p Richardson 976.P0523 012 Ar ch iv es 1870c p y N01279 N01279 N01267 N01268 N01268 C ou nt ~OJ. 2 79 Wager - unidentified wanan, thought to be Napanee Wage:!:" [Perry or Si?] ( ) in Football Team cl893 Wager, Al:·nira Grant ( ) Mrs. Leonard [TanMOrth? l Wager, Apheus ( ) with her parents cl870 \'Jager , Bathsheeba (1859-1916) [d. Leonard Wager, Ta:rrwor th] cl874 ~ger, Bruce ( ) in Collegiate football team, 1905 ) Napanee, picture mailed to Minnesota Wager, Ce>rdelia ( Wager, David ( ) with wife and daughter WalJer , David, Mrs. ( ) with husband and daughter c1870 Wager, Elias P. (1818) with wife & Martin Sills Family cl870 Wager, Elizabeth w. ( ) (Mrs. Jacob) c1870 ) ~rs. Jacob Huffu.an ~-Jager wager I Elizabeth w. ( t\lager, Eiltily Draper (1817-1888) Mrs. William T. of N. Fr ed. Wager, George Parliament (1828-1891) c1867, sitter #2 wager , Harriet Bradshaw ( ) Mrs. Thanas of N. }"'red. ~ger, Hiram (1864-1916) -group c1900 Wager , J acob H. (1825-1915) and wife Elizabeth wager, Jacob Huffman (1825-1915) c1867, sitter #7 Wager, James Huffman (1833-1905) of North Fred., cl867, sitter #4 Wager, Leonard (1823-1894) [later of Tamworth] c1867, sitter #3 Nager , Lydia w. (1818-1904) (Mrs. Elias) in group c1870 wager, Lydia W. (1818-1904) Mrs. Elias Puffer Wagar Wager , Mary Harriman (1826-1906) Mrs. Geo. Parliament Wager \~ger, Matilda (1840-1923) -group cl900 \'lager, 1-".aurice ( ) at west Ward School, c1920 #02 f'lager, Millesia ( ) daughter of Jacob wage r , Nancy Charlotte Huffman ( ) Mrs. James H. Wager ) at Napanee c.r. c1890 Wager , Nellie ( Wager, Reuben ( ) - group c1900 wager, Rufus ( ) - group c1900 Wager, Rufus [1870-1954] brother of Reuban, as young man, Napanee Wager, Thanas (1791-1871) 6 sons and 1 s-in-1, Hamony, Minnesota ~~ager , Thanas (1791-1871), daughter and daughters-in-law of Wager, Thomas (1791-1871), two of his daughters with husbands ~Jager, Thanas (1831-1898} of North Fred. cl867, sitter #1 wager , Willette, d. of Wn. T. , & her cousin Bathsheeba, Tamworth Wager, William T. (1814-1891) c1867, sitter #5 Wager, William T. [married 1835] daughters of Wagg, w. Wellington, part of Meth:x:list or dination, 1900 Waghom, ;..;alter ( ) Excelsior Cheese Factory worker L& A N01292 N0053l N01268 N01269 N01 276 N00537 N01264 N01269 N01269 N01267 N01266 N01268 N01268 N012.79 N01268 N01294 N01266 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 156 p p p N02ll1 N02l76 N02187 N01646 t'J01646 N00462 N01646 N02ll2 N01646 N015l3 ~01469 N01330 N01328 ~01329 N01330 NOl328 N01329 N00675 N004B2 N00522 es iv N00493 N00492 N00495 N01646 N02107 N02108 N02109 N01646 Ar ch ~00482 nt y ~00523 N00488 N00201 1915 pc Unknown 1916 pc Unknown 1918c p Unknown 976.P0232 977.?0025 977.P0024 Wl7 1916c pc Unknown 977.P0023 Wl7 Unknown 977.P0022 Wl7 Unknown 977.P0286 976.P0524 977.P0067 977.P0088 Pl3 P09 Shi Shi \.Yl 7 Wl7 C ou ~00693 Wagoner, Richard, 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawawa, 1938 Waite, • • • • • • Mr. - organist at St. l1ary Magdalene's waitson, t4argaret ( ) in collegiate class, 1937 Wales , Adeline, (c1849-1917 TOronto) 25 in Bible Class Wales, John 37 in Bible Class wales, John, member of strike ccmnittee, Winnipeg, 1906 Wales, Marion Ethel (1904) 39 in pagent 1917 wales, Marion Ethel (1904) in 'Mikado' cl921 #11 Wales, Marion Ethel- (member of collegiate class, 1921) Wales, Mata ( ) teacher at East Ward School cl895 Walker, A. - Store in Enterprise [Canada Post Card] Walker, Burton ( ) as child at west Ward School, 1915 #14 ) as child at West ward School cl912 Walker, Burton ( walker, cecil ( ) as boy at west Ward School 1920 ~~alker, Clifford ( ) at West Ward School, cl920 #05 Walker, I:Bn as pupil at Richroond s.s. 9 cl897 Walker, Frederick D. (1897-1916) as private, 8th C.M.R. walker, G. H. ( cl897) {87th can. Grenadier Guards] England ) Can. Am¥ Service Corps. Walker, E . G. ( Walker, Jane as pupil at Richmond s.s. 9 c1897 Walker, Keith ( c1900) [235th Batt.] [AZO] walker, leo, 47th Aatt. R.C.A., Petawawa, 1938 Walker, Leo, 47th R.C.A. cl938 Walker, Margaret as pupil at Richmond s.s. 9 cl897 Walker, Nary as pupil at Richroond s.s. 9 cl897 Walker, Ray 54 in pagent 1917 Walker, Smith as pupil at Richmond s.s. 9 cl897 ;Na1ker, V.A. (cl897) 3rd Batt Walker, William as pupil at Richmond s.s. 9 cl897 Wallace- unidentified young man, found in Wallace's drugstore Wallace, Nargaret Beattie (1845-1920) Wallbridge, Etiway M. (1847-1930) & wife - grave site Wallbridge, Edway M. (1847-1930) & wife [possible identification] Wallbridge, Edway M. (1847-1930) [possible identification] cl915 Wal1bridge, Lydia (1842-1922) & husband - grave site Wallbridge, Lydia (1842-1922) & husband [possible i.d.] cl915 Wallbridge, Lydia (1842-1922) [possible identifification] cl915 Waller, Nora ( ) in HMS Pinafore, 1911 *26 Waller, Tillie ) as child at west Ward School, 1915 #22 Waller, Tillie ) at NCI, 1919 L& A N02176 N00454 NOC525 N00469 N00469 N02209 N00462 Sub:ject Index to .Photographs, p . 157 1914 p 1888c 1870 l960c 1915c p p p p Unknown Unknown unknown ~ialler, William ( ) with Collegiate hockey team cl900 Waller, william Thornton (1865-1955) Walmsley, Marion ( ) at NCI, 1919 Walsh, Geneva ( ) in collegiate class, 1937 Walsh, John ( ) owner of Jessie Forward [crouching] 1897 walsh, John - his steam launch, Jessie Forward, cl897 walsh, Michael James (cl876) training officer, Enterprise Walters - flowering almond and forsythia in yard, Napanee Walters - flowering almond and forsythia in yard, t~panee Walters - flowering almond and forsythia i~ yard, Napanee ~¥alters - flowering alioond and forsythia in yard, Napanee Walters - mother, Beryl; children Roger and Trudy Walt.ers - Trudy (Gertrude Maud) 2 years Walters - Trudy (Gertrude Maud) 2 years ~016 1 5 11 il'i"al~ers - unidentified children Bob and John" N01627 Walters - unidentified cottage [Harlowe?] on Christmas card N01640 Walt.er s - unidentified couple [Beryl ?] N01613 walters - unidentified elderly women N01618 'i~al~ers - unidentified family N01617 Walters - unidentified man in naval uniform [Ted Tbdd??] N0l 606 walters - unidentified man in naval uniform [Ted Todd??] N01 605 N016iJ4 walters - unidentified man playing golf Walter s - unidentified sash & door makers [from Gertrude Wagar ?] N01368 walter s - UJ'lidentified view, Christmas card fran 'Bonhams' NJl638 Walters - ~~identified wanan [Barlowe?] £-.:01611 Walters - unidentified women [Beryl ?] N01612 walters - unidentified wanen [Barlowe?] N01607 N016l0 Walters - unidentified women [Harlowe?] ~~alters, Alice ( ) at West Ward School, cl922 N00483 Walters, Allan MD ( ) as a ooy in colonial costune NO l357 ) as a boy in colonial costune N01357.1 walters, Allan MD ( walters, Allan MD { ) as boy at Tt~st ward School 1920 N00492 N00522 walter s, Allan MD ( ) at NCI, 1919 N00495 walters, Allan MD ( ) at West ward School, cl920 #09 ~'lalter.s, Allan MD ( ) in 'Passing Show' , 1923 N00695 Walters, Allan MD ( ) in Collegiate Athenian Soc., 1924 N00558 Walcer s, Allan MD ( ) in Collegiate rugby team, 1922 iX-00545 Walters, Allan MD ( ) in Collegiate rugby team, 1924 #13 N00547 N00544 Walters, Allan MD ( ) in Collegiate Soccer Team, 1922 i8 walters, Allan MD ( ) in COllegiate track team, 1924 #01 ~00556.1 1905c p Richardson 976.P054l P02 1917c 1964c 1964c 1964c 1964c 1945c 1945c 1945c 1965c n.d. 1940c l970c 1947c 1918c l918c 1918c 1890c l964c l940c 1940c l920c l940c 977.P0017 975.?0634. 01 975.P0634.04 975.?0634.02 975.PG634.03 976. ?l5l6 976.?1517 976.?1515 975. P0640 975.P0632 976.Pl503 975.P0638 976.Pl512: <j75. P0636. 02 975.P0636. 0l 97S.P0635 975.P0512 975.P0639 975.Pl506 976.Pl502 976.Pl5ll 976.Pl506 Wl7 :..M p p p p a p p p p p Unknown Unknown Unknown Unkno.m Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unkno.m UnkncMn Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown p p Walters Walters 979.P0220 975. P0624 p p p p L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv es N00550 N0l388 N00522 N00526 N01582 N01585 N02113 N01634 N01637 N01635 N01636 NC16l4 N0l61 6 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 158 1917 1917 p p p p p p p p ~ ~.yt ~'1.-J ¥WW ru IWI V\W w.-7 TMv lAW '!tJt.J li-l-\1 V\W hW 'i{fJ V.M V\W \WJ V\W \o'M Allan MD ( in Walters Dance Orchestra cl925 Allan MD ( verso photo West Ward School Allan MD #9 in collegiate orchestra 1925 Allan MD t07 in collegiate orchestra 1924 Charles A. (1879-1963} in Order of Foresters cl910 Charles A. (1879-1963) with 'Nautical Knot', 1923 t35 Charles A. (1879-1963) Charles A. (1879-1963) at Rotary c1947 Sitter t3 Charles A. (1879-1963) Christmas at 160 East Street 1960 ct~rles A. (1879-1963) in launch, 'Red Devil' [copy] l908c Charles A. (1879-1963) M:;Jr. PUC, at covered bridge cl907 ~harles A. (1879-1963) receiving Qresentation at Rotary 1947c Charles A. (1879-1963} receiving presentation at Rotary 1947c Charles A. (1879-1963) with his dance band cl925 Charles A. - Charles Walters Dance Orchestra l925c Charles A. - Charles Walters ranee Orchestra [duplicate entry] Char les A. - cup he won with boat, Red Devil, 1909 Charles A. with friends in boat, Red Devil 1909c Charles A. (percussion] - in 'Mikado' cl921 #57 Charles A., on the ice near cartwright's Mill cl900 Charles Jr ( ) #2 in collegiate orchestra 1925 Charles Jr ( ) - postcard to, fran Helen, 1920 Charles J r { ) as a boy, wearing costume 1917 Charles Jr ( ) collegiate orchestra, 1926 iOS Charles Jr ( ) in 'Passing Show', 1923 C~r.ge Thomas (1881-1969) in ~er of Foresters cl910 ~.valters, George Thanas on the ice near Cartwright's Mill cl900 walters, James Evert (1876-1955) on ice, cartwright's Mill cl900 Halters, tollargaret ( ) in Collegiate basketball team, 1931 walters, Stella G. (1884-1978) inCh. walters Dance orchestra cl925 ;\!alters, T. ( ) with Collegiate football team, 1897 Ward, G.C.T., MD ( ) in cycling club, 1886 il Ward, Grace (1893) (later Fleming] as child cl895 Ward, Laura A. (1876-1940) at Presbyterian organ, 1899 ~lard, laura A. ( 1876-1940) in tennis club cl900 #7 Ward, Laura A. (1876-1940) [later Andrew] tennis party 1899 i12 Ward, Mabel Herring [18741 [group] cl895 Ward, Samuel ( ) - House Warner , ? outside Gerow• s cheese factory, cl896 warner, Clarance - home of, interior, Young Mothers• Club cl914 p p Walters Unknown 977.P0243 976.P03ll p p Unknown Unkn<:7Nn 975.P0541 976.Pl469 p Hawley ? Hawley ? 975.P0507 975.P0507 p Walters 979.P0221 p C ou nt y Ar ch iv es Walters, "Walters, Walters, Walters, Walters, walters, Walters, Walters, Walters, Walters, Walters, Walters, Walters, Walters, Walters, Walters, Walters, walters, Walters, walters, Walters, Walters, Walters, walters, Walters, walters, L& A N00696 N00482 N00525 !\i00524 N00685 N00694 + N01365 N0l366 N01363 N01358 N0l364 N01364 N00696 N00696 N00696 N01641 N01576 N00693 N01595 N00525 NC1362 N01356 N00525.l N00695 N00685 N01595 N01595 N00557 N00696 N00533 N00467 N01427 N00444 N00655 N00654 N01427 N00113 N01306 N00656 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 159 NOOSOO + Warner, warner, warner, warner, warner, warner, warner, Warner, Warner, Warner., wamer, Clarance M. ) as High School student, Napanee Clarance M. ) Red Cross Field Director, R. I. Clarance M. as Pres. Historical Society, 1907-1916 Clarance M., with Dr'. Wilfred Campbell, 1912 Clarance, Mrs. ( ) at Young Mothers' Club cl914 r'lorence ( ) at Napanee c. I. cl890 Florence L., of Newburgh, at Model School 1907 Harvey, park named after - see Napanee, Warner Park 1900c p 1918 p 1916c p Richardson Bachrach Bachroch 976.Pl048 977.P0030 976. ?0519 !1-117 p Shorey 976.P023.l Wl7 1895c p Shorey 977.P0534 Pl3 1918c p Whiting 977. P002l Wl7 n.d. n.d. cl cl Unknown Unknown 976.?0671 976.P0670 013 es ~02116 N02115 N01467 N0l676 N00656 N00517 1915 P09 L& A C ou nt y Ar ch iv Sidney ( cl808-1886) , old hanestead Ernest town Twp. N00856 'War tman, Alvin E., D.C.M. ( -1916) 4th Field Ambulance, 'lb. N02ll7 Wartman, Clarence ( ) in Collegiate Sr Football Team, 1909 N00539 Wartman, Clarence ( ) Collegiate Sr Football Team, 1910 N00541 Wartman, Cortland Home (1859-1916), dentist, with wife, Tbronto N01517 wartman, Enma leonard ( ) with husband, Tbronto, c1895 N01517 WartJr.an, Nard ( ) Newburgh boys' football team 1912 N00745 Watts, J. E. - carriage factory in Qiessa N00778 Way, E. ( ) Collegiate rugby team, 1927 #21 N00548 ) in collegiate orchestra, 1926 #07 N00525.1 way, E. ( ltJay, G. (female), Napanee f\'bdel Class 1912 N00501 weagent, Clarence S. ( ) Lieut. , 39th Batt., Englanct N02118 Weatherill, Mae, in unidentified group, February, 1919 N02260 webb, Pearl ( ) in HMS Pinafore, 1911 #14 N00675 webb, William ( ) at West Ward School, cl922 N00483 Webber, D. A., RCE, Halifax, at Petawawa, t\bvember, 1941 N02194 websdale, Jaxoos F. ( -1918) 70 in Bible Class N00469 Webster, H. ( ) Collegiate rugby team, 1927 #06 N00548 ~bster, H. ( ) in Collegiate hockey team, 1927 N00556 weiss, Egbert (1885-1959) in 'Mikado' c1921 #35 N00693 Weiss, Egbert [ 11Bert11 ] (1885-1959) in Bible Class c1915 N01116 t~ller, leRoy - canden East Public SChool group 1903 N00099 Wells, ? , Sergent, 48th Highlanders, Valcar tier, 1914 #9 N02163 Wells, Charlie on baseball team cl893 N00858 wensley, veterans, Brooks, Gordon cl917 l\101732 wesley, John ( ) Chapel in I.Dndon, England N00883 Wesley, John ( ) Tomb in London, England N00882 W?stp1ain, veterans, Sedore, John !«)y, 1916 N02062 wr~atley, Ernest (Belleville) 16 in pagent 1917 N00462 Wheeler, Audr ey in costure, County Centennial, 1964 N02257 W17 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 160 013 NOOSOO N01471 N02181 N02176 Unknown 976.P0543 COl Farmer Bros. 973.P0072 PD4 1909c pc 1909c pc 1909c pc Unknown Unknown unknown 976.P0533 976.P0535 976.P0534 P09 P09 P09 1905c p 1905c p Unknown Unknown 976.P0542 976.PD564 P09 PlO 1882c 1867c p p Unknown Unknown 977.P0316 977.PD317 Fl8 Fl8 1867c 1870c p p Unknown Unknown 977.PD315 977.P0312 Fl8 Fl8 1888c a Unknown 976.PD540 P23 1916 pc Unknown 977.P0014 Wl8 1865c p Powell 976.P0539 PD9 1895 p 1940c p Taber Unknown 976.P0538 977. P0257. 05 W23 p es n.d. iv 1900c p Ar ch y NOl402 NOGl H N02245 + N01470 NOl470 N01470 N00.289 N01473 N01486 N01365 N00659 N00555 N0ll48 N01146 N01147 N0ll45 N01147 N00528 N00466 N02231 N00502 N02l 27 N01667 N01472 C ou nt NOOSOO Wheeler, Calvin ( ) [copy fran book] Wheeler 1 Ibnal.d, as canadian soldier in France c l 944 Wheeler, Helena M. 'Lena' ( ) in 'Mikado' cl921 #37 Wheeler 1 John ( ) pupil at West Ward School 1920 Wheeler, L. ( ) in Collegiate Soccer Team, 1922 #13 Wheeler, Leonard ( ) in Collegiate rugby team, 1922 Wheeler, Ruth ( ) at west Ward School, cl922 Whitaker, ? , Maj, RCA, Lindsay, at Petawawa, November, 1941 w11ite, Archibald w. (189D-1968) with bales of Daly Tea cl921 1.•1h.ite, Jack ( ) in Napanee Ccmets hockey team, 1960 Whiteman, George, of Deseronto, at ~1 Sch<X>l 1907 Whitney, James Pliney ex; (1843) [signed] Toronto Whitsmith, Dayly - Canden, S.S. 17, group Whyte, J .M. , part of .Methcx:list ordination, 1900 vhckham, John ( c181D-1909 Kingston) Nickham, John, at Crystal Palace Grounds [same series neg. 306] n ici<ham, John, at Crystal Palace Grounds [scrap of postcard] Wickham, John, at Crystal Palace Grounds [scrap of postcard] Wickham, John, crossing D.mdas Street [AZO postcard] -~iggins, Thanas Henry ( ) Wiggins, Thanas Henry ( ) [possible i •d. 1 Wiggins, w. ( ) at Rotary cl947 Sitter #11 Wiggins, w. ( ) Golf Club, cl928 Wiggins, w. ( ) with Collegiate hockey team, cl918 *6 Wilde, ~~ Amelia Phillips Wilde, Ann Amelia Phillips with baby Wilde, Ann 1\melia Phillips with husband, Napanee cl870 Wilde, 'I.banas Robert with his son Wilde, Thanas Robert, with wife, Napanee Wilkinson, Eleanor ( ) in collegiate class, 1953 Wilkinson, Nancy ( ) in Grace United Church Choir 1962 Wilkinson, W.H. ( ) Judge Williarns, • • • [male] student Napanee Model School cl892 #1 Williams, John ( ) 5th C.M. R., England, May Williams, Minnie ( ) as girl with her teacher, cl868-70 \-Ji lliams, Perry ( ) farroor, Ernestt.o.t/n Twp. '~illiams, R. Mae, of carrpbellford, at Model Sch<X.>l 1907 ~.Jilliams, Walter Scott ( -1911) taken in San Francisco Willoughby, John Bradley MD (1887-1956) at military drill Willougl"l.by, John, 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawawa, 1938 L& A NOl650 N02l91 NOC693 N00491 N00544 N00545 N00483 N02l94 N00709 N00663 Subject Index to Photog-raphs, p. 161 PD9 NOOllS N00533 N02255 N00655 N00479 N00522 N022ll N00557 N00526 N00099 N00462 N02130 N00460 N0221l N02255 N00725 N00554 N02255 N02132 N00530 N00481 N00693 N00675 N00694 977.P068 2 977. ?0699 Fl(i campbell 977.P0016 Wl8 Stedman 977.P0018 Wl8 iv es FlO Ar ch N00540 N00541 N00540 N00ll4 Unk~ y N00547 N00524 N00525 N00525.l N0049l N00 553 Rodger C ou nt N01196 Wills, Charles ( ) in Collegiate football team, 1897 ~.Yilson, 'Wimp' ( ) in Order of Foresters cl910 ~~ilson, Allie (Mrs. George Wilson}, 'Ibronto - postcard to Wilson, Andrew (1884-1910) Newburgh Football Club, 1901 Wilson, Ann Macpherson (1802-1872) taken in St. Andrew's Scotland 1862c p W"ilson, Ann Macpherson (1802-1872) [fran a daguerreotype] 1858c da Wilson , Archibald ( ) in COllegiate rugby team, 1924 #8 Wilson, Archie #01 in collegiate o rchestra 1924 ~vilson, Archie UO in collegiate orchestra 1925 Wilson, Archie ( ) collegiate orchestra, 1926 #09 Wilson, Audrey ( ) pupil at west Ward School 1920 Wilson, Bogart ( ) in Collegiate hockey team, 1913 T,itlilson, Bogart ( ) in Collegiate Jr Football Team, 1910 Wilson, Bogart ( ) in Collegiate Sr Football Team, 1910 \1lilson, c. ( in Collegiate J r Football Team, 1910 Wilson, Charles ( ) - House ~~ilson, Charles ( ) - House Wilson, Charles ( in Collegiate football team , 1897 Wilson, Charles E. ) with family cl895 Wilson, Charles E. ) [later MD] in tennis club c1900 tl2 Wilson, Charles MD ) as pupil West Ward School, 1887 Wilson, Clinton ( ) at NCI, 1919 Wilson, D. [fatner of J.P. Wilson] Bay of Quinte Conf. 1891 ;166 Wilson, IDrothy ( ) in Collegiate basketball team, 1931 Wilson, Dorothy ( ) in collegiate class, 1937 Wilson, Florence, teacher - Canden East Public School g roup 1903 Wilson, Gladys (later Mrs. C. Reid) 40 in pagent 1917 Wilsor., Grace ( ) nurse, Winnipeg, November 1918 p wilson, J. ( ) on baseball team, 1912 Wilson, J.P., Rev. Dr. of Grace Methodist, B of Q Conf. 1891 #163 Wilson, James Arthur (1868-1944) with family cl895 Wilson, Joe ( ) Newburgh Football Club, 1901 Wilson, John R. ( ) with Collegi ate hockey team cl914 #6 Wilson, J ohn T. ( ) with f amily cl895 Wilson, Li ford w. ( } private, 146th Bat t., England 1915c p Wilson 1 Marie (in Collegiate class, 1960) Wilson, l~arion ( ) as pupil West Ward School cl902 Wi lson, Marion ( ) in 'Mikado' c l921 -lt41 Wilson, r.otarion ( ) in HMS Pinafore , 1911 jl9 Wilson, ~·1ary E. Snith (1880-1970) with 'Nautical Knot', 1 923 #40 L& A N00533 N00685 N00341 N00725 N01177 SUbject Index to Photographs, p. 162 Subj ec~ es Wilson, Mary E. Smith (1880-1970) with amateur theatre cl924 #46 Wilson, ~ary E. Smith (188D-1970) with col! orchestra 1926 #14 ~Jilson, Mary E. Smith (1880-1970) with HMS Pinafore, 1911 #48 Wilson, Mary E. Smith (1880-1970) [violin] 'Mikado' cl921 *54 #14 with collegiate orchestra 1924 Wilson, Mary E. smith Wilson, Mary E. smith #15 with collegiate orchestra 1925 vo/ilson, t•!ary Moyle (1843-1917) with her family cl895 Wilson, Mary Moyle (1843-1917) with husband, Oct. 16, 1917 ) in Collegiate Jr Football Team, 1910 Wilson, R. ( Wilson, R. ( ) on Gibbard Baseball Team, 1934 #6 Wilson, Ralph as Canadian soldier in France cl944 Wilson, Ibbert IXM ( ) stretcher bear er, 4th C.M.R., Eng. Wilson, Roy ( ) Gibbard Baseball Tea'll bl950 #4 Wilson, Roy ( ) in Gibbard Baseball Team Wilson , Ruth, in unidentified group, February, 1919 Wilson, Sam [pos. 1854-1928] caretaker, Crystal Palace cl910 \-lilson, Uriah (1841-1918) with his family Wilson, Uriah (1841-1918) with wife, Golden Wedding, Oct. 16 Wilson, Uriah Morley (187Q-1933) in Curling Club 1902 ~ilson, Uriah Morley (1870-1933) in Order of Foresters cl910 Wilson, Uriah Morley (1870-1933) with family cl895 Wilson, Uriah Morle¥ (1870-1933) [lawyer son of Uriah Wilson] Wilson, W.G. at decilcation of County cenotaph, July 1920 Wilson, W.G. at dedication of County cenotaph, July 1920 wilson, W.G., Mrs. playing cards c1896 #3 Wilson, w.s. ( ) at Rotary Club cl947, Sitter #9? Wilson, Walter ( ) in Forum (club) cl888 Wilson, Wilfred des. ( ) lieut., C.A.s.c. Wilton, -Public SChool, Teacher Mr. Mc().larrie, winter 1901-2 Wilton, veterans, Babcock, Kenneth cl916 Wilton, veterans, Bush, Walter Clarence 1912 viilton, veterans, Hutcheson, James 1916 Wilton, veterans, Warner, Clarance M., 1918 Winoover, Clarence ( ) Collegiate Sr Football Team 1910 Windover, Clarence J. (1892-1916) in Bible Class cl915 Windover, Flossie #18 in collegiate orchestra 1925 Winter, Edwin ( ) in collegiate class, 1950 Wiseman, C. Reginald (1905) 55 in pagent 1917 Wiseman, Clayton A. (1872-1950) 14 in pagent 1917 Wisken - identified as Mr & Mrs Wiskin, Peteroorough [AZO pc] Ar ch iv 1918c pc Pirerican Gall. 977.P0015 Wl8 1895c a 1917 p Richardson ? Cooke 977.P0584 976.P0536 021 P22 l910c p Richardson 976.P0537 Fl2 1916c p 1902c p Unknown Unknown 977.P0019 97l.P0014 Wl8 1910c pc Unknown 975. P0536 y C ou nt L& A N00692 N00525.1 N00675 N00693 N00524 NOUS25 N02255 N02227 N00540 N00705 N02191 N02133 N00704 N00667.l N02260 N00377 N02255 N02227 N00649 N00685 N02255 N0ll15 N02l 93 N02168 N00652 N01365 N00698 N02134 N00827 N01709 N0l738 N019ll N02115 N00541 N0ll16 N00525 N00527 N00462 N00462 N01600 Index to Photographs, p. 163 012 N00470 N00464 NOl306 N00~93 N00219 Moule MJule 976.P0203A 97€.P02038 \-Jl8 pc Unknown 977.P0020 Wl8 pc Unknown 976.PQ204 Wl8 pc Wl8 Ar ch iv es pc nt y C ou ~00676 N00675 N00580 N00656 N00707 N01428 N01362 N00377 N01427 N00ll9 N00117 NQ0l20 N01539 N01'761 N0l762 N02137 N00464 N00462 N00464 N00529 N00707 N00519 N00099 N00482 N02139 N00464 N00470 Delbert ( -1917) as private [93rd Batt] Peterborough 1916 Wiskin, Delbert ( -1917) as private [93rd Batt] Peterborough 1916 (vithers 1 Ken in costune, County Centennial, 1964 Withers, 'lhanas w. (1866-1899) on baseball team cl893 Witney, Mr. ( ) in cast of concert, 1915 Witt, Barry - mentioned on postcard, 1908 ) Ooll. hockey team cl914 ~11 Wblfe, Morris 'Curly' { Wblfe, z.brris ( ) in Collegiate hockey team, c19l8 f4 WOlfe, Morris ( ) in HMS Pinafore, 1911 Wolfe, Morris ( ) in HMS Pinafore, 1911 #39 WOmen's issues, abortion - hearing before Robinson trial 1914 'M:Inen's issues, T!Otherh<:xxi, 1914, Young r-t>thers• Club Meeting Women 1 s issues, work, clerical workers at Daly Tea Co. 1921 Vbnen, daughters of Irish imnigrants, Napanee, c1881 ~n, doing 11 Setting up Exercises,. at camp, Algonquin Pk, 1920 r£men, Exhibition of Needlework at crystal Palace cl910 l(bmen, r>latilda Aylsworth and feroale descendants c1895 Women, Pinney, Rosetta and Hawkins family cl916 Women, Pinney, Rosetta with her stock cl917 ~n, Pinney, William and family sawing wood cl916 WOmen, Polly Elliott cl910 ~"bren, war work, Jessie Cleall supervisor wing repair, 1M'U \-oren, war work, Jessie Cleall supervisor wing repair, VMl ~' Herb R. (1889-1917) France, just after Battle of Vimy Ridge 1917 WOOdcock, Clayton 11 group cl923 WOodcock, Clayton 67 in pagent 1917 ;'bX]cock, Clayton, Mrs. 39 group c1923 VbJdcock, Ibnna (in Collegiate class, 1959) r«:x:xjcockl Elsie working at Daly Tea Canpany 1 January, 1921 Woodcock, Gladys ( ) Napanee Collegiate, 1913 #12 \bodcock, Mary - Canrlen East Public School group 1903 'ibodcock, Stella M. (1903) child at West ward Sch<x>l 1915 #17 W::x:ldcock, Thanas Wilton ( -1917) 146th Batt., England l917c V.:bodcock, Walter (1880-1967) 14 group cl923 li\OOOcock, Walter (1880-1967) 01 at party, 1917 Yb:xlcock, walter, Mrs. 22 at party, 1917 ~cock, "Walter, Mrs. 32 group cl923 ~nskin, L& A N02135 N02l35 N02257 N00858 N00461 N00414 NOQ554 N00555 Woodcock, Willnrd ( ) outside cheese factory cl896 Stella ( ) as child at West Ward School cl912 'fJoods, Benny - Mill on the salm::>n River 1 Forest Mills ~codk, Subj ect Index to Photographs, p. 164 es W:x>ds, Lepha ( ) as child at west Ward School cl912 Woods, Iepha ( ) as child at rest ward School, 1915 U9 W:x>ds, Lepha ( ) at NCI, 1919 rb:rls, Stephen ( ) - cheese oox factory site Woods, Volney ( ) Napanee Collegiate, 1913 #23 V<mlsey, I...loyd D. - Air Shade Aluminum, his business on Hwy 2 Wl~ay, Harry, MD ( ) snowshoe club, 1885 #8 Wright, Doris ( ) in collegiate class, 1937 ~~ight, Eleanor A. Morgan (1842-1903) playing cards cl896 #1 Wright, Leila ( ) outside family hare, Napanee cl898 ~v.right, Leila - one of large group at Napanee Reunion, 1924 Wright, Leila Ada (1878-1961) at age 3 weight, R.G., Mrs. ( ) outside f~ily heme, Napanee cl898 Wright, Reuben G. (1841-1923) playing cards cl896 #9 ~wn, 4th c.D.T.M.B., x Battery in France YWJl, 6th Canadian Reserve, at Seaford, Sussex, April 15 ~1, 6th Canadian Reserve, C Ccmpany in England ~Hll, 15th Batt. at Vilich Muldorf, Germany, January 22 ~.Wl, 39th Batt. Field Kitchen, England [large original] V.Wl, 39th Battalion, Co. 4, Lieut. R.G.H. Travers in ccmnand WWl, 39th Battalion, Co. 4, Lieut. R.G.H. Travers in command vM'l, 47th Regimental Band at Petawawa, 1914 ViiW'l, 48th Highlanders, 15th Batt. in England, February WWl, 48th Highlanders, C Canpany at Valcartier, September Wl, 80th Battalion, C Canpany, drilling on llindas Street, fall WWl, 80th Battalion, C canpany, drilling on D..lndas Street, fall WWl, 146th Batt. recruituing poster s [see also 427.1] WWl , camp Pettawawa, 1914 -group of officers, Ernest Mauck ~1 , Canadian troops in England outside their hut YoWl, canadian troops in England, the ness line WWl, cenotaph, dedication of County memorial, July 1 ~Ml, cenotaph, dedication of County rooroc>rial, July 1 WWl, cenotaph, dedication of County menorial, July 1 iv 1881 Ar ch nt y C ou N00482 N00522 N00219 N00519 N00770 N00645 N00526 N00652 N00634 N00874 NOll66 N00634 N00652 N02165 N0216l N02160 N02l96 N02l95 N02156 N02156 !i;Q2l55 N02164 N02163 N02157 N02157 N00427 N02003 N02167 N02166 N02168 N02168 N02168 N00200 N02159 N00572 N0ll06 N01755 N01072 N0136l L& A N00493 M-Vl' ~seronto, camp ~nhawk' t-Ml , General TUrner at consultation, Seaford, sept. 18 WWl, German gun displayed in Warner Park, Napanee WWl , Harold Herrington in unifo:rm, Queen • s Hosp. Reinforcerrents w-n , nedical dispensary behind W.N. Cha.lrcers, Montreal, 1917 \Wo!l, Peace Parade [? Napanee? 1 ~WJl, Peace Parade [?] on Napanee Market Square c1918 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 165 p Hulett 976.P0525 F22 977.P0762 976.P0159 976.P0160 973.P0009 976.Pl494 977.P0l35 977.P0135 Wl9 1918c 1919 1918c 1919 1917c 1915 1915 pc Unknown pc Hilton pc Wade, c. p Unknown p Elliott & Fry 1915 1914 1915 1915 pc Unknown pc Unknown p Unknown p 1915c l915c 1920 1920 1920 pc Unknown pc Unknown p Hawley p Hawley p Hawley 976.P0245 976.P0244 97S.P0203 C 975.P0203 A 975.P0203 B Wl9 1918 pc Hilton 976.Pl 482 Wl9 p p Unknown Unknown Unknown 977 .1?0172 977.?0171 976.Pl242 976.Pl 480 Wl9 Wl9 020 020 Wl9 Wl9 Wl9 Wl9 Wl9 W20 \•J20 W20 N00830 N00830 N00828 N00836 N00846 N00831 N00847 N00831 Subje~t WW2, WW2, WW2, WW2, WIJ2, WN2, WW2, WW2, ~~2, vM2, \WJ2, WiJ2, WW2, WN2, \\W2, WlJ2, 1JiM2, WW2, y Ya:rker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Unknown 977.P0280 1920 p Hawlay 973.P0013 020 1941 l940c 1940c 1939 1940c 1940c 1940c 1938c 1945c 1944c p p p Artona 97l.P0009 977.P0257.01 977.P0257.06 976.Pl483 977.P0257, 03 977.P0257.02 977.P0257.04 976.P0350 973.P0079 976.Pl486 W23 es pc iv WN2, WW2, WW2, 1919 Ar ch \~'71, VM!1, WWl, y ~vl, WNl, ·~1 , \Wll, WW1, Peace Parade [?] on Napanee Market Square cl918 Royal Flying Cbrps. - Aeroplane crash cl919 Royal Flying Corps. - Aeroplane crash cl919 Seaford Camp - Capt. Joe Attwood, boxer, 1917 Seaford Camp where 6th Can. Reserve was stationed, Easter unidentified soldier and bride, Napanee cl917 veterans posing at the anrouries, cenotaph ~e.rercony, July l War Effort, Allan walters in costure, 1917 [also 1357.1] War Effort, boys in costume for parade, 1917 47th Batt. R,C,A. Ski Patrol, Petawawa 47th Batt. R.C.A., gun drill 47th Batt. R.C.A., gun drill 47th Batt. R.C.A., Petawawa 47th R.C.A., gun drill 47th R.C.A., gun drill 47th R.C.A., gun drill 47th R.C.A., rren standing at ease Canadian soldier with English friends, I.Dndon Canadian soldiers in France Canadian soldiers in IDndon (Coburn & Holland) Sept. 6 1942 Canadian solidiers on furlough, England cenotaph, additional slab giving WW2 Honour List, 1964 Ccmnander of Halifax Fortress, Col. c.s. Craig, 1944 German High catmand meeting Crown Prince of Germany Halifax Fortress, Headquarters Sports Day, June Halifax Fortress, Headquarters Staff, 21st Reg. RCA, April P.lajors' Training Course, Petawawa, Januacy 24 Majors' Training Course, Petawawa, t-bVember [large orig.] Newburgh High School students in unifonn R.C.A.T.C., B Troop, C Batt., Peta'11awa, i'A.arch C ou nt ·~1 , L& A N01360 N00034 N00034 N02162 N02158 N01526 N02193 N01357 N01356 N02178 N02183 N02182 N02177 N02185 N02184 N02186 N02l87 N02198 N0219l N02188 N01405 N02170 N02197 N02173 N02190 N02l89 N0218C N02l94 N00749 N02179 Benjamin Wheel Mfg. Co. [copy of p.c. same series 306] Benjamin Wheel Mfg. Cb. [same series neg. 306] Bird's Eye View Bridge and Rapids [Canadian Post Card] Bridge and River [copy of a postcard] Bridge Street [copy of a postcard] Bridge Street [AZO postcard] Bridge Street [Gordon, MacKay & Oo. postcard sent 1912] Index to Photographs, p. 166 p p p p Unknown Unknown Artona Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown p .p Unknown pc Unknown \-723 W23 W23 W23 W23 W23 ·w23 W24 W23 1944c p Unknown 973.P0075 P04 n.d. 1944 1944 1942 1941 pc p p p p Unknown canadian Army canadian Army Artona Artona 977.P0149 976.Pl487 976.Pl489 971.P0010 973.P0010 W23 W23 W23 W23 020 1941 p Artona 973.POOll ~723 1913c 1913c 1913c 1913c 1913c 1913a 1930c 1912b pc Unknown pc Unknown pc Unknown pc Unknown pc Unknown pc Unknown pc Unknown pc Unknown 976.Pll62.02 976.Pll62.02 976.P0773 976.Pll62.07 976.P0779 976. P0778 977.PD510 977.P0509 013 013 013 013 013 013 013 013 General Store & Ewart 1 s Hall [.sane series 306] Falls, with rapids & bridge behind [came ser ies neg. 306] Falls, with rapids & bridge behind [copy of postcard] Falls, with rapids & bridge behind, from Sills House General View [sane series neg. 306] Main Street [same series neg. 306] Methodist Church [postcard same series neg. 306] Mills [copy of a postcard] Public School Public School Railway Bridge fcopy of a postcard] Railway Station [same series neg. 306] River View [Canadian Ibst Card] School built 1872 [Canadian Post card] St. Anthony's Anglican Church [same series neg. 306] Unidentified Street in winter [same street as 844] unidentified Street (copy of a postcard] veterans, Babcock, Harry LeRoy, 1920 veterans, Babcock, Harry Leiby, cl918 veterans, cambridge, Kenneth cl915 veterans, Cambridge, William M. cl916 veterans, Deare, Frank M.M., cl918 veterans, Eagle, Eric, R.F.C. in TOronto, 1918 veterans, Franklin, Arthur 1916 veterans, Hamilton, Wm. Stewart cl918 veterans, Holland, Howard Wilson 1916 veterans, Irish, Frank cl915 veterans, Oldham, J. cl916 veterans, Sbmpkins, Ross, 1916 veterans, walker, H.G. cl918 veterans, Walker, Keith cl916 veterans, Walker, V.A., 1914 wesleyan Methodist Church, built 1868 wesleyan Methodist Church, built 1868 wesleyan Methodist Church, built 1868, side view [Roy Street?] [copy of a postcard) YarrCM, Robert, as child at play, Napanee, 1953 Yarrow, Rohert, as child at play, Napancc, 1953 Yean'IKXXJ, D. in Napanee Firefighters, 1966, US, back rOil Yeanans, Gertrude M. ( ) Belleville, Christmas l913c 1913c 1913c 1912c 1913c 1913c l913c n.d. 1977 1977 n.d. 1913c 1913c 1913c 1913c 1913c 1913c pc Unknown 976.Pl162.09 pc Unknown 976.Pll62.08 pc Unknown 976.PC775 p Ontario View 00 976. P0299 pc Unknown 976.Pll 62.04 pc Unknown 976.Pll 62. 10 pc Unknown 976.P1162.06 pc Unknown 976.P0774 p Eadie 978.F0079. 01 p Eadie 978.P0079. 02 pc Unknown 976.P0300 pc Unknown 976.Pll 62.01 pc Unknown 976.Pll62.03 pc Unknown 976.Pl162.05 pc Unknown 976.Pll63.25 p Unknown 976.P0780 pc Unknown 976.P0777 1977 1977 1977 19l3c p p p pc Eadie Eadie Eadie Unkl'lCMn 978.?0077. 02 978.P0077.03 978.P0077.01 976.P0776 013 013 1923 p McCOrmick 978.P0550 029 013 013 013 017 013 013 013 013 013 013 Ol3 Ol3 013 013 013 013 013 y Ar ch iv es Ewart' s C ou nt Yarker, Yarker, Yar!<.er, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yar ker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, YarKer, Yarker, Yarker, Yar ker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker, Yarker I Yarker , Yarker, Yarker, L& A N00835 N00840 N0084l N01644 N00842 N00829 N00838 N00834 N00850 N00849 N00848 N00832 N00837 NOOR39 N00833 N00845 N00844 N017l0 N017ll N01741 N01742 N01800 N01830 N0l850 N01878 N01904 N01914 N02012 N02066 N02109 N02lll N02ll2 N00851 N00851 N00852 N00843 N0l630 N01629 N01491 N01303 Subject Index to Photographs, p. 167 013 013 ~ Yeanans, Gordon ( ) at school in North Fred. 1936 Yokane , F. R. ( ) on Standard Staff cl878 York, H., on baseball team c1893 York, Marie ( ) in collegiate class, 1950 Young - unidentified farmer photographed by Maurice Young [fran Bath] in Collegiate hockey team, cl918 t7 Young , Young, ? outside Gerow's cheese factory, cl896 ( Young, Anne ) at West ward School, cl922 ( You~, Benjamin H. - 1914) - unidentified tombstone Young, Elleda ( ) Napanee Collegiate, 1913 #03 Young, Eva working at I:aly Tea Canpany, January, 1921 Young, F., Miss { ) in cast of concert, 1915 Young, Gail (in Collegiate class, 1959) Young, Gary ( ) in collegiate class, 1953 Young, Henry Rankin ( -1915) - unidentified tanbstone Young, Ke!1 in costll'!le, Oounty Centennial, 1964 ) in cast of concert, 1915 Young, L., Miss ( Young, Laura ( ) in collegiate class, 1950 Young, !..eon ( ) in collegiate class, 1950 Young, Pearl Pen:y (1898-1979) Mrs. Clay Young in concert 1915 Young, Sandra ( ) in collegiate class, 1953 Young, Sharon (in Collegiate class, 1960) N00866 zavi, Jarko, t-1rs. demonstrating pottery at Napanee Fair Zavi, Jarko, Mrs. demonstrating pottery at Napanee Fair Young 977. ?0212 F30 Unknown UnknCMn 976.P0lll 976.P0112 017 017 iv Ar ch y C ou nt z L& A ~00867 1952c p es N00762 N00623 N00858 N00527 N01312 N00555 N01306 N00483 N00884 N00519 N00707 N00461 N00529 N00528 N00884 N02257 N0046l N00527 N00527 N00461 N00528 N00530 Subject Index to Photogr aphs , p. 168 ** *** 1959 1959 p p L& A nt y C ou Ar ch es iv
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Ernestown - amended copy of 1783 map in 2 parts
Ernestown - amended copy of 1783 map in 2 parts
Er nestown - amended copy of 1783 map [negative]
L&A - Walling Map, photographed in 14 sections