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Towards a Better Future — integrating people with
developmental disabilities into the community
Volume 28
Report of the Chair & President
Tali Nizic Appointed Chair of
Reena Board
New Board Members
5 Reena Presentations at Annual
6 Reena Foundation Awards
We Reflect on the Summer Past
7 OPADD To Connect Through
Video-Conferencing Technology
Another Successful Offering of
the DDC Program
8 Music with a difference
9 Deloitte & Touche LLP
Impact Day
10 Synagogues embrace
Reena Clients
A celebration of life
Reena Foundation
11 Report of the Chair of the
Reena Foundation Board
12 Report of the President
New Leadership Update
13 Join us in welcoming our
newest board members
14 Chairmans Circle Reception
Ladies High Tea with
The Duchess of York, Sarah
15 CIBC Donates $25,000
The Annual Telethon
5th Annual Theatre Night
16 Guys Night Out 2008
Endowment Funds
17 Alex Eisen Society Welcomes
a New Member
18 Thank You to Our Donors
Magna Dinner
Take out your calendar
Number 4
December 2008
Annual General Meeting
oyous music rang out at the Toby
and Henry Battle Developmental
Centre on September 10th. The
occasion was Reena’s Annual
Meeting, and the capacity audience
were thrilled as Reena’s choir almost
raised the roof with their delightful
voices. Under the direction of
volunteer choir master Fern
Dworkin, the Reena clients showed
how much they love to sing and
they set the tone for the meeting to
The upbeat mood continued as
guest speaker, Claudine A. Cousins,
Regional Director in the Central East
Region of the Ministry of
Community and Social Services and
Ministry of Children and Youth
Services, brought greetings and
spoke of the high regard with which
Reena is viewed by her ministry.
She expressed her delight in
attending because “tonight I get to
mingle with Reena families who put
their trust in the agency when it comes
to the care of their children or siblings; I
get to meet some of the individuals who,
through the support of Reena, bloom to
their full potential and I get to meet
many of the staff of Reena who work
tirelessly each
and every day
to support the
individuals in
their care.”
Cousins then
spoke about the
of Developmental Services
and Bill 77
which was
Claudine A Cousins
introduced to
the Ontario Legislature on May 15, 2008,
and how it will affect agencies. She
acknowledged that the changes being
proposed in Bill 77 are wide-ranging and
continued on page 3
Reena’s choir under the direction of choir master Fern Dworkin.
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Report of the Chair
of the Reena Board
by Tali Nizic
President & CEO
by Sandy Keshen
2 • Kolreena • July 2008
nclusion of people with special
needs has been a fundamental
principle of Reena since its
inception in 1973. Inclusion is the
foundation that informs all the
planning, programs and services that
Reena offers. At Reena we strive for a
time when the principles of inclusion
and acceptance will be entrenched as
common practice, and when people
with disabilities can fully participate in
educational, spiritual, communal, social
and recreational activities. It is
gratifying to see these principles
become embedded in provincial
legislation and in Jewish communal
life. We are delighted to tell you about
two special initiatives taking place over
the next year that do just that.
The Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act (AODA) of 2005 sets out
accessibility standards that will
identify, remove and prevent barriers
for daily living for people with
disabilities. We are happy to report that
Reena’s proposal to the EnAbling
Change program of the Ministry of
Community and Social Services has
received funding to design a pilot
program to develop educational tools,
resources and best practices for
synagogue outreach.
Many studies and anecdotal
evidence support the importance of
personal faith and spirituality in the
lives of people with disabilities and
their families. Congregational life can
act as a valuable support mechanism.
Removing existing barriers in
synagogues will improve accessibility
to the full participation in faith and
religion that other Ontarians may
While many synagogues are already
embracing people with disabilities, this
project will support synagogue administrations in implementing policies and
procedures that are consistent with the
core principles of independence,
integration and equality of
opportunity. Through the EnAbling
Change program we will be able to
work within the Jewish community to
develop customer service training
programs to educate synagogues about
their responsibilities under AODA to
make their congregations barrier-free.
We will offer training for ushers, board
members, volunteers and lay leadership
on the customer service standards of
AODA so they can meet their
obligations under the Act.
A long-term aim of this program is to
develop inclusion committees within
individual congregations. These
committees will reinforce the given
training and take a leadership role in
continuing education after the
completion of the project. We will assist
in the implementation of policies and
procedures that support these
measures, and will work towards the
establishment of a city-wide inclusion
network. We will also create toolkits
with templates, tip sheets and sample
policies and procedures, and
disseminate the toolkit to other faith
and culture organizations for sectorwide compliance with AODA. This will
reduce the costs, learning curve, and
staff requirements that may otherwise
inhibit sector-wide faith and cultural
organizations from offering full
participation to people with disabilities.
Reena is proud of the leadership role
it is taking in enabling synagogues to
continue to be more inclusive and
pleased to work with the province in
supporting other faith and culture
agencies servicing people with
disabilities in meeting accessibility
standards across the sector.
Inclusion Week – February 2009
The mission of the Inclusion Initiative of
UJA Federation is to lead and promote
full participation in Jewish life for
people with disabilities and their
families within the Jewish community.
Its goal is to inform, inspire and engage
the entire Jewish community in
achieving inclusion for people with
special needs across the broad range of
community life.
cont’d on page 3
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Letter to Sandy Keshen
Report cont’d from page 2
Toronto’s Inclusion Initiative is
joining the North American Jewish
community inclusion initiative
scheduled for February 2009, with a
week of local, community-based
activities. In late November it will host
Shabbat Itanu – a Shabbat of Inclusion
across the GTA. Synagogues will be
invited to a planning meeting to
encourage the participation of
congregations across the spectrum of
the Greater Toronto Jewish
Some of the events being planned
for February 2009 include:
• The Second Annual Community
Inclusion Awards of Excellence
• A Community Forum to identify
how inclusion has improved the
quality of life for people with special
needs and their families
• Sunday Brunch and Film Event with
the screening of the award winning
film Praying with Lior
• Youth/Young Leadership Outreach.
An inspirational day with youth
groups, youth movements, young
leadership groups and camps to
encourage inclusion in day-to-day
• Community Organized/Hosted
Events at schools, camps, community
centres and clubs, to be arranged
For more information about
Inclusion Week, please contact Fay
Rotman at fayrotman@rogers.com or
416.924.6211 # 255.
We look forward to working with
the Inclusion Committee of Federation
on many other projects.
In my 16 years of shooting for
Reena, I have been in many of the
homes. Today I was shooting ID
photos in the David & Luba
Smuschkowitz ElderHome. I was so
impressed by the dedication of the
staff that I felt I should write to you.
The level of loving kindness,
dedication and patience that the
staff showed to the clients was awe
inspiring. I was touched. I just
wanted you to know.
Shana Tova
Barry Shainbaum
Barry Shainbaum Productions
Annual Meeting cont’d from page 1
complex and highlighted a number of
the critical parts.
The Developmental Services Act is 35
years old. Bill 77, the Services for
Persons with Developmental
Disabilities Act, if passed, would
replace the existing Act. The proposed
legislation recognizes that, with the
right supports, individuals with
developmental disabilities can live
independently and thrive in their
communities. A clear definition of
“developmental disability”, a change
in the tone of language, more choice
and control over the supports received,
and a change in attitude that is long
overdue, were some of the points
Cousins covered in her remarks.
She continued, “There are people
and agencies that are overwhelmed by
the scope of change proposed by the
new legislation. But the changes need
to happen to improve service, increase
choice and improve fairness for
individuals and their families. At the
end of the day, agencies will continue
to deliver services. But, direct funding,
application centres, and new eligibility
criteria and definition of
developmental disability, will all mean
that agencies must be flexible. Reena is
one agency that consistently shows
flexibility and the ability to respond to
the needs of those they serve. The
ministry has no doubt that Reena will
evolve to meet the challenges and
seize the opportunities that
Developmental Services
Transformation will bring.”
The annual meeting marked the end
of Helen Vale’s term as Chair of the
Reena Board. “During my term as
Chair, I am thrilled to have witnessed
the creative solutions to age-old
concerns to help families cope with
housing, summer activities, transition
from school to adulthood, the opening
of three homes, the creation of
Pathways to the Community and the
introduction of an integrated camping
experience for children with a
developmental disability.” Helen
expressed her admiration for the
Reena staff who, under the leadership
of the indomitable President & CEO
Sandy Keshen, demonstrate a high
level of expertise, commitment and
care in helping people with a
developmental disability to live safely
in the community with dignity and
Carolynn Morrison, Chair of the
Nominations Committee thanked
outgoing board members Heather
Goose, Steve Sherman and Helen
Vale. She then introduced Tali Nizic,
newly elected Chair and four new
board members.
Treasurer’s Report:
The Treasurer ’s Report was presented
by Donald Bennett, who thanked the
Finance Committee for their efforts.
He also thanked the auditing firm of
Deloitte & Touche which was reappointed as auditors for the
organization for the coming year.
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Tali Nizic Appointed Chair of Reena Board
ali Nizic was named Chair of
the Board of Reena at the
Annual Meeting held on Sept.
7, 2008. She has been a member of the
Reena Board since June 2005 during
which time she chaired the agency’s
Continuous Quality Improvement
(C.Q.I.) committee of the Board
which ensures that the quality of care
and services provided by Reena are reviewed on a proactive
and progressive basis to best serve client needs. In 2004 she
was a key player on Reena’s Family Forum Committee on
‘Empowerment’, was a member of Reena’s Family
Involvement Committee and also served as a member of
Reena’s Education Task Group.
”I am delighted and honored to be appointed to this
prestigious position at such exciting times,” Nizic said,
“Reena is such a valuable organization dedicated to
integrating individuals with development disabilities into
mainstream society with the emphasis on providing Judaic
programming and a Jewish environment.
“My goal as chair will be to promote Reena’s vision about
choices, commitment and partnerships; choices for
individuals who want a greater say in the direction of their
Paula Sonshine is a Special
Education Teacher for both
adults and children and has
also taught English as a
second language to adults
and children. Paula has
been a member of Reena’s
Learning and Development
Committee for the past five
years and has hosted
Sonshine Day in honour of
the department staff and
volunteers for a number of
4 • Kolreena • July 2008
Julie Schwartz
Julie Schwartz holds a B.A.
in American Civilization and
an MS.Ed in Counselling
Psychology from the
University of Pennsylvania.
Her professional activity has
focused on marketing,
consumer and advertising
research. Julie's volunteer
commitments have
included: chairing the
Special Education Committee at Holy Blossom
Temple, participating in the
conception and initiation of
Mod Squad at Reena,
working on the business
development committee for
Common Ground Co-Op,
providing consultation on
Thomas Adler
the communications and
Thomas Adler is a lawyer
marketing committee at Awho has been involved
Way Courier Express,
with Chabad’s Friendship
canvassing for the Heart and
Circle for the past 3 years.
Stroke Foundation, and
The Friendship Circle
participating on the
reaches out and extends a
inaugural One Family Fund
helping hand to families
Sea to Sea Hike in support
who have children with
of victims of terror in Israel.
special needs. His caring
Julie is eager to use her
and commitment to
energy and skills to help
individuals with special
Reena continue provide its
needs will be of great
stakeholders with relevant,
benefit to the Reena Board. involving, and clear
communication pieces.
New Board Members
Paula Sonshine
lives and for families who need assistance in planning
and providing supports in the future.
Tali Nizic is President and CEO of Controllers On Call,
a niche staffing organization specializing in the placement
of middle to executive level accounting, finance and
human resources professionals in contract and full time
Jan Allin
Jan Allin obtained her
Master of Social Work
degree from the University
of Toronto, and worked in
the area of children’s
mental health for many
years. Jan currently
volunteers at Baycrest and
serves as a member of the
Leadership Council at
North York YMCA.
“I first became aware of
Reena through a
fundraising event held by
the Reena Foundation. I
was so impressed with the
work the agency is doing in
the community that I felt
compelled to volunteer to
help Reena expand its
programs for people with
developmental disabilities
in the community.”
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Reena Presentations at Annual Meeting
Helen Vale (l) presents the 2008 Reena Board
Member of Distinction Award to Laurine
The Tammy Gutstein Humanitarian Award for
2008 was presented by Helen Vale to Carolynn
Morrison (r).
Rabbi Kelman (l) presented the Rabbi Joseph
Kelman Award to Constable William Steed
Proud winner of the 2008 Employee of the Year
Award was Renee Bloom
Tali Nizic (r) presented an illuminated address
to outgoing Chair, Helen Vale
Tali Nizic (l) presents a Reena pin to Heather
Goose, outgoing member of the Reena board.
Deanna Berry-Glamna (r) is the proud recipient of the 2008 Trevor
Rosenberg Scholarship. Making the presentation is Paula Sonshine,
member of the Learning & Development Committee and newly elected
member of the Reena Board of Directors
The 2008 Employer of the Year Award was presented by Helen Vale (l) to
Winners. Members of the Winners staff, Tatuaba Tekenaymanot, Heaven
Tekenaymanot, Farzanah Shirazi and Poarj Mehranoz, were on hand to
accept the award.
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Reena Foundation Awards
rank A. Wilson, Chair, reported that the Reena
Foundation had achieved much over the past year,
due in no small measure to the strong team of
Board and Board Committees that the Foundation has
put in place. He highlighted the top three priorities for
the Foundation for the coming year.
First and foremost, is a major fundraising campaign to
raise $18million to build the Reena Community
Residence at the Wolf and Joseph Lebovic Community
Centre. Under the leadership of Tobie Bekhor and
Irving Feldman, this campaign will raise dramatically
more money than the Reena Foundation has ever come
close to in previous years.
Next, the Foundation remains completely committed
to funding the Respite and Enrichment Programs at
Reena which last year equated to a cheque to Reena in
the amount of $400,000.
And thirdly, of equally high importance is to ensure
that the New Leadership Group of Reena Foundation,
chaired by Steven Weisz, remains strong and vibrant
and continues to attract the very cream of the up-andcoming philanthropic leadership.
He thanked outgoing members of the Foundation
board Ruth Berger, Judy Bronfman, Jennifer Jackson,
Sheila Libfeld, Carolynn Morrison and Seymour
Schwartz: and welcomed six new board members.
Frank Wilson presents a pin to
outgoing Foundation Board member
Carolynn Morrison.
Heather Goose accepts the Sam
Handler Award for Excellence in
Family Philanthropy from Frank A.
Frank Wilson presents the Reena
Foundation Board Member of
Distinction Award to Steven Weisz.
Corporate Philanthropy Award was
presented to Bob Bisset on behalf of
the Bank of Montreal.
We Reflect on the Summer Past
By: Ann Szabo, Manager, Resource Managerm Outreach & Respite Services
lthough summer has come and gone; let us take a
moment to reflect and remember it at this time of
the year. The warmth and excitement of the summer
programs at Reena will live in the memories of the children,
youth and adults who attended them. Over 150 individuals
participated in one or more of the summer programs this
past season.
Summer Recreation North and South ran for nine weeks
with daily activities that included sports and recreation, arts
and crafts, social skills, community outings in Toronto and
York Region; special guests who performed their magic for
the campers and staff alike. Each year this program grows in
capacity and quality because we are able to offer it to more
children and youth while keeping the program fresh and
exciting. Unlike other camps that end at 3:00 p.m., Summer
Recreation is open for business from 9-4:00 p.m., Monday to
Friday. This program has fostered many youth to learn and
grow as volunteers, staff and participant, while providing
inclusion in the community.
Although we had a lot of rain this summer, the camp
Northland Experience will be remembered by the 17
6 • Kolreena • July 2008
children who attended one or more 10-day sessions in the
beautiful hills of Haliburton. They participated in all the
camp activities including water front frolic, rock climbing,
arts and crafts, sports, evening programs and meals while
sleeping in their own cabins. For some children full inclusion
was on the roster. Four children joined in the last session of
camp for full inclusion with some support from Reena staff.
This was the third year we partnered with Camp Northland
and it will not be the last.
Another partnership that was fun and exciting this
summer was the Camp Arrowhead day camp on the shores
of Lake Simcoe. Many children did not have a lot of summer
options available to them. We expanded our Sunday Friends
program by adding a summer session called Sunday in the
Sun that included four Sundays at the beautiful waterfront of
Camp Arrowhead and four Sundays at different beaches in
the GTA.
Reena’s Camp Northland and Sunday in the Sun programs
have been funded in part by: Reena Foundation, the Miriam
Alkin Memorial Fund, the Lorne and Carol Goldstein Family
Endowment Fund and Donna and Howard Winik.
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OPADD To Connect Through VideoConferencing Technology
By Ron W. Coristine, M.P.A., Project Manager
OPADD has been approved to become a member of the
provincial videoconferencing system available through the
Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN). The approval
includes acquisition and installation of a videoconferencing
system that will allow the Ontario Partnership to connect
with its regional committees, local projects, partners and
others with an interest in aging and developmental
The OPADD Project requested that the installation be
made at Reena. Reena hosts the provincial meetings of
OPADD and plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the
partnership is a viable and effective force for systemic
The videoconferencing system will allow OPADD to link
into other existing videoconferencing sites across Ontario.
This will support greater participation at provincial
meetings for people across Ontario and ensure that each
region has a voice at the table. People can travel to their
nearest videoconferencing site to link up with others across
the province.
This videoconferencing capacity can be used not only for
meetings of the provincial table, but also meetings of
OPADD Task Groups and Regional Co-chairs. The
videoconferencing facility can open new avenues for
training and development of staff within the two sectors.
For example, videoconferencing may be used to deliver an
adapted U-First! training curriculum and portions of the
Reena/George Brown College Developmental Disabilities
Counsellor program offered in partnership with Kerry's
Place Autism Services, Montage Support Services, New
Leaf: Living and Learning Together Inc., New Visions
Toronto, and The Salvation Army Broadview Village.
The installation is expected to be completed by mid
December. OTN will then provide training to identified staff
at Reena who will take responsibility for use of the equipment. Videoconferencing should commence early in 2009.
Another Successful Offering of the DDC Program
e are very excited to announce the Graduation
Celebration for the 8th successful session of
Reena’s Developmental Disabilities Counsellor
(DDC) Program in partnership with George Brown
College. This will be our 4th graduating class with our
expanded partnership that includes five other
developmental service agencies (*see our partners listed
below). The celebration will again be hosted by George
Brown College at their St. James Campus on December
17th, 2008. The recently completed July 2008 offering of
the program resulted in 27 graduates who are eagerly
awaiting their opportunity to embark on their career in the
developmental services field.
Georgia Quartaro (Dean of General Education and
Access) will be the MC of the event again. Dr. Reza
Moridi (MPP for Richmond Hill and the Parliamentary
Assistant to the Minister of Training, Colleges, and
Universities) is confirmed to attend and will formally
address the graduates and guests. Tali Nizic (Chair –
Reena Board of Directors) will deliver the “Welcome
Address”. Robert Ock (Regional Executive Director for
Kerry’s Place Autism Services) will speak on behalf of the
expanded partnership of agencies. Sandy Keshen
(President & CEO - Reena) and Ken Beck (Chair - Reena’s
Learning and Development Committee) will also be in
Thank you very much to all of the supervisors and staff
of Reena who were involved in sharing their knowledge
and supporting the learning goals of our students during
their placements at our day program and group home sites.
Also, thank you to our clients for opening their homes and
being so receptive to the learning process for our students.
We have been creating high quality newly trained
staffing capacity for Reena and our partners since 2003
through this training model. We, at Reena, are very proud
of this program that has evolved into such a wonderful
partnership between George Brown College and our
agency partners. Thank you to Sandy Keshen and Ken
Beck for their vision, leadership, and guidance toward
continued excellence in learning and development at
*Expanded DDC Partnership of Agencies: Kerry’s Place
Autism Services, Montage Support Services, New Leaf:
Living and Learning Together Inc., New Visions Toronto,
and The Salvation Army Broadview Village
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Dr. Reza Moridi, MPP for Richmond Hill and
Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of
Training, Colleges and Universities,
addressed the Provincial Legislature on
Monday, Sept. 22nd, 2008
Mr. Reza Moridi: I rise today to speak of an
organization known as Reena, a not-for-profit social
service agency established thirty-five years ago that
provides residential support for over 300 adults as well
as outreach programs that enhance the lives of
developmentally disabled individuals. In addition,
Reena provides valuable internships to post-secondary
students. Every year, Reena offers close to 5,000 training
places to 50 external agencies. Reena has established an
accredited program in partnership with George Brown
This summer, I had the privilege of attending the
graduation ceremony of Reena's developmental
disabilities counsellor program at this college. I also had
the opportunity of visiting Reena's facilities, including a
family home centre in Richmond Hill, and saw firsthand the dedication and contribution of the
management, staff and volunteers.
I wish to thank all those who work in the field of
developmental services. Due to their dedication and
hard work, our society can move forward together and
more people will be able to live with independence,
dignity and self-reliance.
It is my pleasure to acknowledge the contributions of
Sandy Keshen, CEO; Carolynn Morrison, past chair;
Tali Nizic, a vice-chair of Reena; and their colleagues in
the members' gallery.
8 • Kolreena • July 2008
Music with a difference
By Robert Clarke, Support Worker
One, two, three shouts the loud voice of Michael Raznick
and the over eighty member choir (clients and staff) sing:
“Rise and shine and give G-d the glory,
Rise and shine and give G-d the glory,
Children of the Lord…”
With the skilful fingers of Sybil Rabinowitz, our music
volunteer, clients and staff gather around the piano each
Monday morning for a time of inspirational singing. We
rock the Battle Centre with songs like: “The more we are
together, the happier we shall be” You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine” and “Old McDonald had a farm.”
Music is designed to inspire and stimulate the mind to
positive things. Every time we meet for music
appreciation, clients choose songs that they like to sing.
Everyone sings joyfully, laughing and high-fiving one
another for the choice of songs.
Songs are placed in groups and each group has its
• Gross motor: movement activity of music
• Oral motor/articulation: songs or activities to practice
blowing, tongue movement, lip rounding and specific
speech sounds.
• Language: songs and activities to develop vocabulary
comprehension of language.
• Fine motor: finger-play activities and instrument use.
Sometimes clients and staff may not produce the perfect
“Sound of Music,” but who cares about how long the
notes are held or how beautiful the facial expressions are,
it’s all about making the week ahead of us work. Yes,
music works; it plays a big part in our lives every Monday
morning. Come and join us.
Special thanks to Karen MacKenzie-Stepner – Speech
and Language pathologist and Sybil Rabinowitz –
Volunteer Pianist – who greatly help us
with our Music Communication Program.
This program at Reena is enabled
through contributions to
the Music Endowment
Fund created at the Reena
Foundation. If you would
like to donate to the
Music Maker program
please call Shari at the
Foundation office
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Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
By: Jessica Kassabian, Volunteer Services, Reena
ur 2nd annual Impact Day,
sponsored by Deloitte &
Touche LLP was held on
Friday, September 5th, 2008. We had a
fantastic turn out, with more than 315
Deloitte, a leading professional
services firm, offers their clients a
broad range of fully integrated
services in areas that include
accounting, assurance and advisory,
tax, risk management, business,
financial, and human capital
Deloitte is committed to helping
those in need, whether at home or
abroad. Each year in September on
Impact Day – a firm-wide day of
volunteer service, Deloitte’s 7600
employees in 56 offices across the
country dedicate their time to
proactively making a difference in the
communities where they work and
This year, over 85 employees from
Deloitte generously volunteered their
time to Reena, participating with
much enthusiasm, warmth, and spirit
to make the day a very special one for
all of us.
Except for a brief shower, Mother
Nature was kind and spared us the
forecasted rain and thunderstorms.
Everyone who attended the event
wore grins that stretched from ear to
ear. The many exciting activities
ensured that the smiles remained
throughout the day. In the Toby and
Henry Battle Developmental Centre,
there was a lively drum program in
the cafeteria, music circle in the
Wellness Centre, indoor games, such
as bowling and beanbag toss in the
gym, and a vibrant clown who
bounced from room to room.
Concurrently, in Downham Park,
there were parachute games, face
painting and various relay and
carnival games. Regardless of the
location, everyone was guaranteed a
grand ol’ time!
At lunch, the attendees were treated
to an array of refreshing beverages,
juicy hotdogs, tasty potato chips,
delicious pasta salad, sweet and sticky
candyfloss, scrumptious cookies and
pastries, sweet-tasting fruits and
yummy pareve ice cream. There was
plenty of food to satisfy
every appetite, big or
September 5, 2008
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There is no doubt
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Day on September 5, an
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feel compelled to tell yo
annual Deloitte &
erful event! Every ind
This was such a wond
Touche LLP Impact
stic and welcoming. Th
Deloitte was enthusia
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Day was a great
participated with such
of the Reena
success! On behalf of
was infectious; this wa
mine who
, it was difficult to deter
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by the
es more. I was so moved
would like to thank
was enjoying themselv
tte individuals and by
generosity of the Deloi
everyone who
dedication to Reena.
lusion participated and
ions, the
For too many corporat
helped make this
dent that, at Deloitte,
is a mere pla
steadfast action. Please
year ’s event one to
this parent’s appreciatio
convey to
for their efforts.
Here’s to next
Thank you,
year ’s Impact Day!!
Esther Yermus
Kolreena • July 2008 • 9
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Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
Synagogues embrace
Reena Clients
As in past years, Reena clients were given the opportunity to
attend High Holiday Services in their neighbourhood
synagogues at no charge. Participation in religious practices
is very important to our clients. Reena wishes to thank the
boards and members of the following synagogues who
responded to our request and warmly welcomed our clients
into their communities.
Adath Israel Congregation
Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto Congregation
Beth David B'nai Israel Beth Am
Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda
Beth Sholom Synagogue
Beth Torah Congregation
Beth Tzedec Congregation
Holy Blossom Temple
Kolel: The Adult Centre for Liberal Jewish Learning
Pride of Israel Synagogue
Shaarei Shomayim Synagogue
Shaar Shalom Synagogue
Temple Emanu-El
Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto
Shana Tovah! At 21 Manadon
Submitted by Jessica Carpio, Support Worker
Clients gave thanks this New Year by celebrating the year
past with lots of food, drink and honey cake! The residents
of 21 Manadon enjoyed dipping apples in honey, thinking
ahead to their New Year and all the things they would like
to accomplish.
Louise Atman, Mark Schecter and Renee Bloom enjoyed
the opportunity to attend Beth Tzedec’s holiday services
with many blessings from the Rabbi and community alike.
Renee sang along to some of her favourite childhood
hymns and listened eagerly to the Torah and Shofar
services. Before leaving synagogue, both Renee and Louis
kissed the Torah as the Rabbi came around, Max made time
for a prayer by himself and Renee made a special prayer
for her mother.
All three residents had many laughs and smiles
throughout the two days of services, and looked forward
to coming home and sharing their stories with their
Something tells us here at 21 Manadon that it will surely
be a Happy and Sweet New Year.
10 • Kolreena • July 2008
A celebration of life
Submitted by Staff, Clients and Supervisor
of 236 Crestwood
he staff and clients at 236 Crestwood celebrated
the long and happy life of George Rosenthal,
who passed away suddenly on September 23rd,
2008 at the age of 74. George had been at Reena since
August 1984 and had moved into Reena’s ElderHome
in April 2005.
He will be sadly missed by all his
friends and staff, but in particular
by Winifred Carney who was his
support worker for over 10 years.
They loved to go out to the movies
(the picture show) to eat, and to go
to the theatre. They also went out
for long walks in the
From the moment George moved into Crestwood he
brightened up the place with his lively singing voice.
George loved music and was always singing. He
seemed to know the words to every song ever written.
Parades were his favourite entertainment. George
always spoke about parades he had either been to or
was going to and would sing parade type songs in
Sad News...
t is with deep sadness that we announce that one
of our young Outreach clients has passed away.
Avi Spiegel was a happy 12-year-old boy who had
attended our Summer Recreation as well as the
Sunday Friends Club for several years. You could
usually see Avi walking around the
Battle Centre with his worker,
Arvin. He always had a
mischievous smile on his face.
Avi loved coming to programs at
Reena and always enjoyed
participating in all the activities
offered, in particular he loved
swimming and water play. Avi had
a way of lighting up the room, and
making everyone feel welcome.
His friends and staff would always take time to greet
him, and spend a moment with him.
He will be greatly missed by all. Our thoughts are
with his parents, Malka and Elliot Spiegel, at this time.
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Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena Reena Kolreena
Report of the Chair
of the Reena
Foundation Board
by Frank A. Wilson
ver the past few issues I have
focused my message on the
major capital campaign that
we are now actively developing. This
will no doubt be the focus of all our
efforts over the coming 12 months as
we try to raise the funds required for
the new Reena Community Residence
on the Joe and Wolf Lebovic Jewish
Community Campus in north Vaughan.
We are very excited about taking on
this project – the biggest campaign that
Reena Foundation has ever
It will take extraordinary leadership –
and we have found just that in our
campaign co-chairs, Tobie Bekhor and
Irving Feldman. Tobie and Irving are
actively seeking out a fundraising team
that will help us meet the challenge of
an $18 million campaign effort. I invite
anyone reading this message, anyone
who agrees that the building of a
residence for people with disabilities in
the heart of a vibrant Jewish
Community Centre is good for people
with disabilities and good for the
community, to call us and get involved
in our fundraising efforts– we need
It will also take a mobilized
community. It has often been stated
that the measure of the greatness of a
society is how we treat our most
vulnerable. It is time. It is time that we
all stand up and speak out for people
with developmental disabilities. It is
time that our community accepts
people with developmental disabilities
in every walk of life. It is time that we
stop putting up barriers to integration.
UJA Federation, as a full partner in
our campaign, has made a very bold
statement of acceptance by putting the
new Reena Community Residence
front and centre on The Joe and Wolf
Lebovic Jewish Community Campus.
Let us all follow that example and get
involved – support the campaign and
make this project a reality. It will be the
first of its kind in North America and it
will set the standard for care of people
with disabilities for generations to
Get involved. Give generously.
Thank you
Holiday Cards
Just in time for
the holidays!
Purchase your holiday cards and support
Reena Foundation at the same time.
For more information or to place an order please
call Shari Silverman at 905-764-1081 ext. 34.
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Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Report of the
by Gary Sim
eople are what make an
organization like Reena
Foundation strong. Nowhere is
this more important and obvious than
in the various events that are staged to
help raise money for Reena. This past
late summer/early fall period is witness
to a strong and vibrant community of
support for Reena.
We began September with our
Chairman’s Circle Reception, sponsored
by our friends at BMO Bank of
Montreal. This was our opportunity to
say thank you to all our major donors,
endowment fundholders and Alex Eisen
Society members. They showed up in
good numbers to show their continuing
support for the work Reena does.
On September 16, Reena Foundation’s
5th Annual Theatre Night took place at
the Toronto Centre for the Arts. Reena
took a leadership stance in bringing
together Zareinu, Akim and The
Bellwood Centre to gain greater
exposure for our sector. Over 500 people
joined us for the evening – a fantastic
On September 18, The Duchess of
York, Sarah Ferguson, entertained over
250 attendees at the Reena High Tea.
The Duchess spoke eloquently about
how impressed she was with the work
of Reena. I congratulate and thank
Chair Heather Goose and her entire
committee for this wonderful event and
the exposure for Reena!
On September 24, the 6th Annual
Guys Night Out at Woodbine
attracted over 250 people, again in
support of Reena and our Respite and
Enrichment Programs. Sure, they had
a great time too. I thank Co-Chairs
Larry Berdugo, Steve Cook, Jonah
Laist and Steven Weisz for their
enduring efforts in this ongoing
On October 18, eighty people
attended the 5th annual Magna
Dinner for Reena. This event raised
over $50,000! As always, the event was
first class because of the extraordinary
leadership of Co-Chairs Tobie Bekhor,
Lili Litwin and Lorne Weiss and their
entire committee.
Finally, on October 30, the second
annual wine tasting/gourmet food
event, Flourish, was staged at the
Manyata Court in Hazleton Lanes.
The event attracted people of all ages
and garnered significant media
attention. My thanks go out to Chair
Lisa Bradburn and her hard working
committee for this amazing event.
All this could not have happened
without extraordinary people doing
extraordinary things. Are you an
extraordinary person and would you
like to get involved in the planning of
one of these events for next year? Call
our offices now.
New Leadership Update
New Leadership kicked off the fall season with two
exceptional events that brought in over $25,000 for
Reena Foundation.
Guys Night Out was held on September 24 and
attracted over 250 men to Woodbine Racetrack. It was
an evening filled with good company and some healthy
On Thursday October 30 our wine and gourmet food
event Flourish brought 300 guests out to taste wines
from around the world and taste delicious food at
Manyata Courtyard. The Wine Ladies from 1050 Chum
12 • Kolreena • July 2008
hosted the event and were a class act. A special thanks to
Lisa Bradburn and her entire committee for all their effort
and hard work to make the event a success.
As always, we are constantly looking for new and active
members to join the New Leadership Division. If you are
between the ages of 20-45 and would like to get involved
with fundraising, event planning and brainstorming to
help raise funds and awareness for this great cause, please
contact Shari at the Reena Foundation Office.
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Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Join us in welcoming our newest board members
Marshall Gottlieb
Marshall brings a wealth of business and
fundraising experience to the board having
served many different community organizations
including JNF and the Starlight Foundation.
Marshall and his wife Rosalie are long time
supporters and ambassadors of Reena. Marshall
most recently played a key fundraising role in the
success of the 2008 Reena Gala.
Adam Henechowicz
Adam is the director of Business Development
at Stryco Products. He has been involved with
the Reena Foundation for over seven years in
many different capacities. Besides the Reena
Foundation he is involved on a volunteer basis
with Birthright Israel and the March of the
Living, leading three trips over the last five years.
Adam graduated from the University of Western
Ontario in 2001 with a degree in Health Sciences
and is currently pursuing a Master degree.
Leon Kieselstein
Leon is married to Fran, and is a father of Mike
age 31 and Matt 29. He graduated from the
University of Toronto in 1969 and the University
of Windsor Law School in 1972 and was called to
the bar in 1974. He practiced law for over nine
years and remains a member of the bar in the
Province of Ontario. He has worked in the
financial services industry primarily in the private
client wealth management area. He is presently
employed as a Vice President and Investment
Advisor with T.D. Waterhouse. Leon became
interested in the good works of Reena when his
nephew became a client sometime ago.
Joe Mimran
Joe has been in the fashion business since 1977,
Joe and his brother Saul founded Alfred. He
founded Club Monaco in 1985 which grew to 140
stores internationally as well as Caban – both
were sold to Polo Ralph Lauren in 2000.
Joe then started a design development and
brand consulting business in 2001 which designs
all the President’s Choice Home products and in
2002 Joe and his wife created a luxury women’s
apparel line called Pink Tartan which is sold
across Canada and the US.
In March 2006 Joe created a line of apparel and
accessories for Loblaws called Joe Fresh Style.
Joe has been the Chairman of the not for profit
Fashion Design Council of Canada since 2004. Joe
also sits on the board of Royal Laser, a public steel
company he helped found in 2004.
Joe has three daughters and one son. His
oldest daughter Kaylee is a resident in a Reena
owned apartment.
Mike Nethercott
Mike Nethercott is President of Infinia Canada,
a North American marketing and branding
agency. He has more than twenty years of
experience in marketing and sales in senior
international roles with Fortune 500 companies
while based in Brussels, New York and Toronto.
Mike is also a former navel officer and lives in
Richmond Hill with is wife Sarah and two
children, Paige and Cole.
Arnold Unger
Cofounder and CEO of Renee’s Gourmet
Foods, the #2 Salad dressing company in Canada
behind Kraft. It is sold in every major
supermarket in Canada and in the USA. He has
manufactured and sold many dressings and
sauces to such accounts as KFC, Mr. Sub, The Keg
and East Side Mario’s to name a few.
Anrold sold the company to H.J Heinz two
years ago. He is not retired as he has many
business interests that he is still involved in.
Renee’s was voted one of Canada’s 50 Best
Managed Companies for the last five years.
He was voted Entrepreneur of the Year by
Ernst & Young and the National Post.
Arnie is involved with a number of charities
such as: Easter Seals, Sick Kids, The Starlite
Foundation and Mount Sinai. He and his siblings
have been involved with and supportive of Reena
for many years and maintains the Helen Unger
Fund at Reena in memory of his sister.
Helen Vale
Helen has served for many years on the Reena
Board, and for the past two years as Chair of the
Board. She will step down as Chair at the
September 10 AGM of Reena. Helen has also
served on the Board of the Women’s Auxiliary at
Baycrest and we are very proud to note that
Helen is the UJA Federation’s 2008 winner of the
Shem Tov award for exceptional community
Helen is the proud aunt of Rebecca Farb a
popular attendee to Reena’s Respite and
Enrichment programs.
Marshall Gottlieb
Adam Henechowicz
Leon Kieselstein
Joe Mimran
Mike Nethercott
Arnold Unger
Helen Vale
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Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Chairmans Circle Reception
hairmans Circle members, Alex Eisen Society members and Endowment
Fund holders all came together at the Chairmans Circle reception on
Thursday September 4. Bank of Montreal hosted the cocktail reception in
their executive suites for 75 of our donors. Awards were presented to Endowment
Funds that had reached granting level ($5000).
Sherry Cooper was our guest speaker for the evening. Dr. Cooper is in constant
demand as a speaker and writer because of her ability to simplify and de-mystify
the complex subjects of economics and finance. Canada’s national newspaper
calls Sherry “the megawatt celebrity economist”.
The Chairmans Circle of donors recognizes individuals and organizations that
have given Reena gifts of over $10,000.
Recognizing members of this prestigious
group through this annual reception is a way
in which Reena Foundation says thank you
to those who have given substantially
towards a brighter future for children with
developmental disabilities.
Helen Vale and Rochelle Carrady
Frank Wilson and Dr. Sherry Cooper
Heather Hoffman and Judy Wilson
Ladies High Tea with The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson
On Thursday, September 18, 2008 at
the Windsor Arms Hotel,
approximately 250 women gathered
to have tea and scones with The
Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson.
The Duchess fulfilled and surpassed
all expectations; she was a most
gracious and entertaining speaker.
The Duchess of York,
“I want to share the Reena
Sarah Ferguson
introductory video we just viewed
with the hospice in Romania that ties children to their
bed for twelve hours a day. Reena Foundation has
demonstrated that if given the time and understanding,
individuals with developmental disabilities can lead a
wonderful life, and for that, I thank you Reena
Foundation for your outstanding work!” Sarah Ferguson,
The Duchess of York.
Reena Foundation would like to thank Heather Goose,
and her entire committee for once again planning an
exceptional event. Sponsors for the event included
Malka and Harry Rosenbaum, Martin and Heather
Goose, Allen and Judy Berg, Herman and Marya Grad
and Marsha and Stan Fenwick.
14 • Kolreena • July 2008
Monica Weshler,
Brenda Weshler and
The Duchess of York
(l-r) Tali Nizic,
Duchess of York, Gary
Sim, Spencer Simon,
Heather Goose, Dayna
Bleeman, and Jody
Martin and Heather
Goose with the
Duchess of York
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Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
CIBC donates $25,000
n Sunday November 30,
CIBC celebrated the grand
opening of its new branch in
Thornhill at the corner of Centre Street
and Bathurst Streets. This opening was
newsworthy to CIBC as it is the first
branch in Vaughan to offer full-service
banking seven days a week.
CIBC marked the opening by
presenting a $25,000 cheque to Reena
Foundation Chair Frank Wilson. The
cheque represented CIBC’s
commitment to the $2.5 million
campaign for the David and Luba
Smuschkowitz Reena ElderHome. This
home is now the permanent residence
to 10 elderly Reena clients. This cheque
has allowed Reena to completely pay
off its various commitments and the
house is mortgage free.
Reena and Reena Foundation
extend their thanks to CIBC for its
ongoing commitment to the
community and in particular to
people with developmental
disabilities through their generosity to
Joining Frank Wilson for the
ceremonies were Gary Sim, President
Reena Foundation, Wendel Clark,
Toronto hockey legend, Sandra Yeung
Rocco, Vaughan City Councillor, Alan
Shefman, Vaughan City Councillor,
and MPP Peter Shurman and CIBC
executives from the branch, region
and corporate offices.
From left to right: Alan Shefman, Ward 5
Councillor; Julie Gallinaro, Associate VicePresident, Toronto North District, CIBC Retail
Markets; Frank Wilson, Chair of Reena
Foundation’s Board of Directors; Lia Venir, Branch
Manager, Larry Tomei, Senior Vice-President of
Central Ontario, CIBC Retail Markets; Peter
Shurman, MPP Thornhill; and Gary Sim, President,
The Reena Foundation
The Annual Telethon
n Sunday November 23, Reena Foundation launched its
annual telethon. This year’s telethon was co-chaired by
Donald Bennett, Ricky Brooks and Mitchell Shnier. SF
Partnership graciously donated their office space for the launch.
Both Reena and Reena Foundation Board members, committee
members, Reena clients, family members, staff, students and
community volunteers came out to help bring in much needed
funds for Reena’s Respite and Enrichment Programs. Thanks to
the tremendous effort of over 20 volunteers, the launch raised
Thank you to everyone who played a part in our very
successful telethon.
5th Annual Theatre Night, Jersey Boys
he 5th Annual Reena Theatre Night took place
on Tuesday September 16, 2008 at the Toronto
Centre for the Performing Arts. Jersey Boys has
had an extremely successful run on Broadway and
proved to be just as great in Toronto.
250 guests joined us for a reception before the play. A
special thanks to CIBC for sponsoring the reception.
Reena Foundation was proud to partner with Akim,
Zareinu and The Foundation for Living Independently
to bring more profile to our sector.
Reena Foundation would also like to thank our gift
bag sponsors, Apollo Health and Beauty, Ganz Brothers
and Warner Music.
Thank you to everyone who joined us.
Gary Sim,
Ken Fielding
from CIBC and
Frank Wilson
Steven Kazman
Samuel and Eliav family
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Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Guys Night Out 2008
ell over 250 people attended Guys Night Out at Woodbine
Racetrack on September 24, 2008. It was an evening filled with
wagers on horses, a prime rib buffet, a silent auction and great
company, all for a great cause. The response from the attendees was
nothing short of fantastic and as a result we raised much needed funds for
Reena’s Respite and Enrichment Programs.
A special thanks to the co-chairs Jonah Laist, Larry Berdugo, Steven Weisz
and Steve Cook and to our title sponsor Eagle Professional Resources Inc.
Mark your calendars for next year’s Guys Night Out on September 9, 2009!
50/50 winner
Xerox sponsored Table
(l-r) Larry Berdugo, Steve Cook, Jonah Laist,
Steven Wiesz and Gary Sim, President Reena
Foundation with Argo Blue Thunder Cheer
Sandy Holley and Steve Cook
Endowment Funds - Securing Reena's Future
Establishing a family endowment fund creates your own legacy at Reena and a wonderful way of encouraging future
generations to follow in your philanthropic footsteps. The whole family can donate to your fund and watch it grow over
the years and generations.
CHAMPION - $100,000 +
Morris & Beverly Baker
Foundation Fund
David Esplin Fund
Jenny Hammond Fund
Bert & Marilyn Raphael Advocacy Fund
PARTNER - $50,000 +
Martin Goodman Fund
Bernice Guziker Fund
Irving & Sylvia Ungerman Fund
New Leadership Fund
Stevie Gottlieb Fund
Reena General Fund
BUILDER - $25,000 +
Joe & Helen Berman Fund
Catalano Family Fund
E.B. Esplin Fund
Kenny Freeman Enducation Fund
Rose & Manny Lipman Fund
Fred Samuels Fund
Jon Sherkin Fund
Helen Levin Fund
Rebecca Farb Fund
PATRON - $10,000 +
Fern Aronoff Fund
Bacal Family Fund
Norman & Fay Bacher Fund
16 • Kolreena • July 2008
Mayda & Max Beck Fund
Binder-Peckman Education Fund
Michael & Tillie Blinder Fund
Paul Cantlie Fund
Jolene and Morris Carrady
Education Fund
Roslyn & Norman Climans Fund
Phyllis & Irving Feldman Fund
Rienne Fleischmann Fund
Sybil Goldberg Fund
Rose & Max Goldenberg
Hanigsberg/Sossin Fund
Diane Harris Fund
Morris Henechowicz Fund
Angela Iannuzziello Fund
Aaron Murray Keshen Music Fund
Kieselstein Family Fund
Al & Sheila Libfeld Fund
Donald Lipman Fund
Liss Family Fund
Jack & Pearl Mandel Fund
Michaels Family Fund
Morrison Family Fund
David J. Nizic fund
Rayman Family Fund
Ed Richmond Fund
Trevor Rosenberg Fund
Schwartz Family Fund
Jordan & Sandi Soll & Family Fund
Helen Unger Fund
Weisman Family Fund
Wilson Family Fund
Ross Family Fund
Morris & Mary Yuchtman Family Fund
Susan Harris & Daivd Kassie Fund
LEADER - $5,000 +
Abramowitz Family Fund
Barrington Family Fund
Leane Begley Fund
Allen & Judy Berg Fund
David & Deborah Breslove Fund
Les & Bertie Bulkin Fund
Ted B. Chester Family Fund
Laura Cohen Fund
Harry Edelstein Fund
Eiley Family Fund
Epelbaum Family Fund
Ethel & Hirsch Erdle Fund
Lipa Fleising Fund
Alex Flomen Memorial Fund
Goose Family Fund
Leslie Hartman Fund
Justein Family Fund
David & Molly Kelman Memorial Fund
Joshua, Zachary &
Catherine Machado Fund
Mayers Family Fund
Frances O'Leary Family Fund
Peake Family Fund
Stu & Fay Rotman Fund
Teper Family Fund
Morris & Fay Vanek Fund
Ernie Weiss Family Fund
Weizenberg Family Fund
Whyne/Karp Family Fund
Frank & Judy Wilson Fund
Frank & Elaine Simkevitz Family Fund
Les Agasee Fund
Robert Berdugo Fund
Sandy & Jerry Brooks Fund
The Canada Israel Experience Fund
Durigon Family Fund
Alex, Olga & Marvin Eisen Fund
Pearl Goldstein Continuing
Education Fund
Jesion Family Fund
John and Fanni Rev Fund
The Occupational Therapy Fund
The Wachsberg Family Fund
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Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Alex Eisen Society Welcomes
a New Member
I recently had the opportunity to sit with Leon and Fran
Kieselstein and to discuss their desire to include Reena in
their estate planning. Leon and Fran were the recipients
of this year’s Family Philanthropy Award because of their
compassionate and generous support of Reena. They
were eager to share their reasoning for including Reena
in their wills because they hoped their story would
inspire others to do the same.
Here is their story.
“Daniel Duschinsky, a long time
recipient of services from Reena, is
my sister’s son.” began Fran. “Before
being introduced to Reena and the
wonderful programs it offers, Danny
was introverted, lonely and afraid of
many, many things that he
encountered in day-to-day life. As a
result he did not get out and he did
not grow as an individual. In turn,
my sister was very protective of
Danny, but always fearful of what
would eventually happen to Danny.
As parents of a child with a
developmental disability it is a
constant concern. Most parents
cannot comprehend the anxiety of not
knowing what will happen to your
child when you are gone. It was a
constant stress.
“Then Danny went on a Birthright
Israel trip with Reena – it changed
his life. Danny became more and more involved with Reena and
its various programs and today Danny is sociable and he
integrates easily with people. This has allowed my sister more
time for herself and allowed her to give Danny more
independence. She now knows that Danny will be in good
“We have always considered ourselves to be a charitable
family” says Leon, “but ten years ago we were not in a position
to give very much in the way of time or financial resources.
Today we consider ourselves blessed and we believe that it is
important to give back. We have chosen Reena as our focus, not
only because of Danny, but because we have seen first hand how
Reena can profoundly touch lives. We didn’t want to put our
focus on a large organization where our gifts might be
swallowed up in a giant bushel – it is great to see the difference
your donation can make to a vulnerable life.
“We established The Kieselstein Family Endowment Fund a
few years ago and we continue to support it whenever we can.
Endowments will ensure that there is a strong and vibrant
Reena long after we are gone. An
important part of building that
endowment fund for us is a gift
from our estate. Our children are
so proud to be a part of this
support. We are now in a position
where our kids are grown and
looked after so we have included
Reena in our wills – and it is
important that our children will
continue the tradition we have
“We truly believe that our lives
started to get better when we
started to do things for other
people. We have seen first hand
that you do get back in various
ways what you give. But more
importantly, we are not alone in
this world and we have an
obligation to give back. We are
truly thankful that there is a
Reena and we are proud
We would like to acknowledge the following
individuals of the Alex Eisen Society:
Edith Abramczyk
Larry Berdugo
Hy Eiley
Alex Eisen
Leon and Fran Kieselstein
Susan Feldman
Malcolm Peake
Honey Schipper
Joe Weisman
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Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Thank You to Our Donors
The Donor Recognition List below reflects cumulative gifts of $36 or more received from August 1st to October 31st 2008. We thank all
donors for their generous contributions including those requesting anonymity. Our Honourial and Memorial card program at Reena
Foundation continues. What better way to say Mazal Tov or convey condolences than with a contribution to Reena Foundation? Cards
are available from $10 each. If you wish to make a donation, please call Reena Foundation at (905) 764- 1081, ext. 34. We apologize for
any errors or omissions. To help us correct our records, please call the Foundation office, at the number above.
Builder - ($25,000.00 + )
Guardian - ($500.00 + )
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Berholtz
CA - Plus Inc.
Patron - ($10,000.00 + )
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Cash
Great Gulf Homes Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Davidson
ING Foundation
Deloitte & Touche LLP
South Inlet Properties Ltd.
Dersean Investments Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Peter-Paul Du Vernet
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Feldman
Leader - ($5,000.00 + )
Sam and Gitta Ganz Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldband
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Goose
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Goose
Jodal Health Care
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall W. Gottlieb
Mr. David J. Kassie and Ms. Susan Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Grad
Tom's Place
Mr. Irving Green
Trow Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Ms. J. Greenspoon
Mr. David Hager
Benefactor - ($1,000.00 + )
Ms. Jordana Hochman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hoffman
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Barkin
HSBC Bank Canada
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Bien
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Israel
Brooks Barristers & Solicitors
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jesion
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Katz
Cosa Nova Fashions Ltd.
Mrs. Rose Kazman
Dr. and Mrs. Wilson H. Coulter
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Klein
Dorvict Resource & Consulting Centre Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kobric
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Eisen
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Kushner
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eliav
Mr. Howard Kutner
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Fenwick
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Latner
Glencorp Properties Inc.
Mr. Marshall Lofchick
Mr. Robert Goldberg
Mr. Page Magen
Senator and Mrs. Jerry Grafstein
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. McKellar
HealthSource Plus
McKellar Structured Settlements Inc.
Independent Financial Concepts Group Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mostyn
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karp
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Nisker
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Kazman
Mr. Stephen O'Leary
Mrs. Sandy Keshen
Onofrio Sinopoli, CA
Mr. Irwin Kurtz
Ms. Lisa Plener
Lee Rocca Forming Limited
Ms. Heather Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Liss
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ross
Lizzies Old Timers Association
Mr. Ed Samuel
Mrs. Sheila Loftus
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherkin
Manulife Investment
Nathan & Lily Silver Family Foundation
Miller Bernstein Greenwood LLP
Ms. Ellie Tesher
Mrs. Faye Minuk
Ms. Myrna Wallace
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Moncarz
Dr. Edward Wein
North American Produce Buyers Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Yossi Weisman
Panfinancial Insurance Agencies Ltd.
The Eddie and Marilyn Weisz Family Fdn.
Panfinancial Investments Management Ltd
Mr. Norman Woo
Ricoh Canada Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Yermus
Mr. Laurin Saltzman
Mrs. Lillian Samuels
Friend - ($100.00 + )
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Schaffer
A. & L. Dental Laboratory
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Abrams
SF Partnership, LLP
Act II Jewellers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Sherkin
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adler
The Silent Auction Company
Mr. Thomas Adler
Dr. and Mrs. Jordan Soll
Ms. Tani Agar
The Sam Sorbara Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Sheila Agasee
Mr. John Stapleton and Ms. Barbara Brown
Algood Casters Ltd.
T.E.S.- The Employment Solutions
Mr. Shahin Alizadeh
The Frances Tanenbaum
Ms. Jan Allin
Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Irene Alpert
Mr. Luciano Tauro and Ms. Michelle Mele
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Altbaum
UJA Federation
Dr. David A. Alter and Ms. Lisa Mandel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wachsberg
Ms. Margaret Anava
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Waitzer
Ms. Andrea Anders
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walton
Ms. Sharon Anisman
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Weizenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Appleby
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Ashley
Windfields Farm
Ms. Adele Aston
Ms. Marcia Zalev
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Attar
Ms. Lina Barmack
Estate of Samuel Gotfrid
18 • Kolreena • July 2008
Mrs. Patricia Barrington
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Barris
Dr. Carrie Beallor
Beck Taxi Ltd.
Ms. Ellen Beglaubter
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Belzowski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Belzycki
Mr. Moise D. Bendayan
Ms. Pearl Berens
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berkow
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Binder
Dr. and Mrs. David Bleeman
Mr. Leon Bloom and Dr. Bernita Young
Mrs. Rachel Blumenfeld
Ms. Susan Blye
BMO Bank of Montreal
Mrs. Maureen Bogoroch-Ditkofsky
Mr. Ilia Bolotine
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Borins
Ms. Andrea Bronstein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Brooks
Mr. Mel Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Latham Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Byspalko
Mr. Ross Carrubba
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ceresne
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Chait
Ms. Murina Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chandler
Ms. Ruth Chelin
CIBC World Markets Children's Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Climans
Mrs. and Mr. Adrienne Cohen
Mrs. Andrea Cohen
Councillor and Mrs. David Cohen
Cole Engineering
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Colt
Coobera Capital Corp.
Mr. Irving Cooper
Ms. Joy Cunningham
Mr. Paul Curley
David Merkur Holdings Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Davis
Ms. Elaine Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis
Mr. Sender Deutsch
Ms. Meena Dhillon
Mr. and Mrs. Etan S. Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Diamond
Ms. Diana Dickenson
Mr. Lino DiMaria
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Disenhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dogon
Mr. Paul Douglas
Dr. Larry Lerner
Mr. Stephen Dupuis
Mr. and Mrs. Hy Eiley
Mr. Gary Eisen
Mr. Robert Eisen
Ms. Danielle Eliav
Dr. Mark Eltis
Entra Consultants
Ms. Patti Falus
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Farb
Ms. Diana Fehler
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Feinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Fenig
Mrs. Florence Fenwick
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Fenwick
Mr. Jonathan Ferrier
Ferro Technique Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Flam
Mrs. Joan Flomen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flomen
Flora Dimenna Interior Design
Mr. and Mrs. Julis Fortis
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Foster
Ms. Shari Freiberg
Ms. Paula Frisch
Ms. Liza Furman
Mr. Keith Ray and Ms. Leslie Gales
Ms. Marsha Gallinger
Mrs. Sally Gallinger
Mr. Howard Gang
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Garnet
Ms. Judy Garr
Mr. Joseph N. Gelmon
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gertner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gilbert
Dr. Brian M. Ginzburg
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Glass
Mr. Aaron Glazer
Mr. Ira Gluskin
Ms. JoAnn Gold
Ms. Ricki Goldber
Ms. Ricky Goldberg
Ms. Gail Goldfarb
Ms. Marilyn Goldhar
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Goldman
Ms. Anette Goldstein
Mrs. Ellen Goldstein
Ms. Nomi Goodman
Mr. Brian Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Green
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greenberg
Mr. Thomas Griffin
A. E. Grossman Foundation
Ms. Charlotte Grove
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Gruenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Moishe Gryfe
Guidelines Advertising Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Farokh S. Hakimi
Mr. Gerald Hartman and Ms. Sigal Advocat
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Henechowicz
Hereditary Holdings Trustee
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hirshberg
Ms. Diem-Quan Hoang
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hochman
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hoffman
Holy Blossom Temple
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Inspektor
Mr. and Mrs. Neville Isaacman
Mr. Bruce Isakow
Ms. Anita Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Jacobson
Mrs. Martha James
Ms. Natalie Kampelmacher
Mr. Beni Kantorovich
Ms. Joan Karsh
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kay
Ms. Tova Kenigsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kieselstein
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kirsch
Mr. Eli Klein
Ms. Linda Klein Hossack
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Klein
Ms. Betty Kneiss
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Korn
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Kravetz
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Kruger
Mr. Stanley Kugelmass and Mrs. Margery
Mr. Lawrence Kurtz
Ms. Magi Lanz and Mr. Michael Pascal
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Laski
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Laskin
S6703 Kolreena-Dec 08 12/2/08 12:56 PM Page 20
Kolreena Kolreena Reena Foundation Kolreena Kolreena
Ms. Susan Laufer
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lefton
Ms. Shawna Leibtag
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Leiderman
Mr. Maxwell Leroy
Mrs. Eva Levi
Mr. Richard Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Levy
Mr. Leon Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Al Libfeld
Ms. Faigie Librach
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lichtman
Ms. Sarah Llewellin
Mr. Vincent Lobraico
Ms. Michele Lobraico-Perkell
Mr. Fernando Lopez
Mr. Marc Lorrer
Mr. Edward A. Lycklama
Ms. Lori Mandelbaum
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Mandelcorn
Mr. Rocco Marcello
Mrs. Stacey Markin
The MBTW Group
Ms. Michelle A. McCarthy
Mr. Gary McRiner
Ms. Soxy Melamdowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Michaels
Mid West Quilting
Mr. Geoff Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Morris Milner
Ms. Michelle Moll
Ms. Martine Moubazbaz
Mr. Jeff Musson
Mr. Michael Naiberg
Ms. Lorraine Natelsky
Ms. Cindy Nathan
National Bank
Mrs. Sheryl Nightingale
Noble House Consultants Inc.
Norman & Co. C.A.'S
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Norris
Nunu Educational Products
Nutcracker Sweet Inc.
Mrs. Gail Gordon Oliver
Ostrovtzer Independent
Mutual Benefit Society
Paragon Drywall Contractors
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Peranson
Peregrine Promotions Inc.
Perry Krieger & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Pesses
Ms. Pauline Pezim
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Pitch
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Podolsky
Ms. Carol-Anne Poplak
Ms. Marline Porepa
Ms. Elissa Price
Ms. and Mr. Eva Prizant
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Pulver
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Rabie
Ms. Danielle Rabinowitz
Mr. Rapoport
Ms. Lynn Raskin
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Rauchwerger
Ms. Barb Ravka
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reffes
Ms. Penny Rehaut
Ms. Zelda Reich
Mr. Howard Reininger
Dr. and Mrs. Russell Rendely
Mr. Chuck Resnick
Ms. Marianne Rev
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Richler
RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Rosenberg
Ms. Renee Rosenzweig
Mrs. Nancy Ross
Mrs. Mary Rossler
Mr. Richard M. Rotman
Mr. Jonathan Ruben
Ms. Sharon Rudy
Ms. Karen Rybko
Ms. Elaine Sacks
Ms. Frank Salemi
Mr. Mitchell J. Sanders
Ms. Renee Schachter
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scheinman
Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Schipper, Q.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Schmelzle
Mr. Marty Schmerz
Ms. Paula Schonberger
Ms. Susan Schouela
Mr. David Schrage
Mr. Andrew Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Schwartz
Mr. J. Glenn Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shapera
Mr. Austin Shapiro
Dr. Marla Shapiro
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Shedletsky
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Sheriton
Mr. Craig Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Shiff
Mr. Stephen Shulman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shur-Ami
Ms. Robyn Siegerman
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Silver
Ms. Carol Silver
Ms. Shauna Silver
Ms. Raina Silverberg
Ms. Evelyn Silverberg-Hoffman
Ms. Ruth Simone
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Sklar
Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. Slan
Ms. Cynthia Small
Ms. Janice Socket
Solidcad Group Inc.
Ms. Dahlia Solomon
Ms. Guela Solow-Ruda
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Sonshine
Mr. David C. Spector and Mrs. Donna Eaton
Ms. Gail Spetter
St. Helen's Meat Packers
Steele Valley Developments Ltd.
Ms. Sharon Stein
Ms. Julie Steiner
Mrs. Betty Steinhauer
Ms. Cherie Stekel
Ms. Debbi Stern
Ms. Lori Straitman
Ms. Pamela Strashin
Ms. Natalie Strigberger
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Strom
Mrs. Martha Sud
Dr. Sharon Sussman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taksa
Mrs. Anji Tarek-Kaminker
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Temkin
The Tenenbaum Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tenenbaum
Ms. Rachel Tenenbein
Mr. Shane Teper and Ms. Faye Blum
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Teper
Ms. Debra Terespolsky
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Trager
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Turk
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Turkienicz
Mr. and Mrs. Irving I. Ungerman
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Vale
Mrs. Ruth Wagman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wainstock
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Waks
Ms. Teri Walderman
Walker, Nott, Dragicevic Associates Ltd.
Mrs. Nadine Walman
Ms. Jacqueline Walt
Mr. Howard H. Warner, C.A.
Ms. Ellen Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Weinberg
Mr. David Weinper
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Weisleder
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Weiss
Mrs. Nora Weizenberg
Werger Holdings Inc.
Ms. Brenda Weshler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael West
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wexler
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Whyne
Mr. David Wilson
Ms. Lyn Wolfson
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Wolfson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wolfstadt
Mr. Jason Wong
Mr. Stephen Farb and Ms. Esther Yermus
Mr. William J. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Yudell
Ms. Dorothy Zafir
Mr. Joe Zeki
Mrs. Jane Zeligman
Ms. Esther Zeppieri
Ms. Gloria Zive
Donor - ($36.00 + )
Mrs. Ethel Abramowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ain
Ms. Lori Alter
Mr. Oscar Appleton
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Balitsky
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bank
Mr. Henry Barkin
Reverend Eleanor Barrington
Ms. Yona Barzilay
Mr. Ken Beck and Ms. Debby Kassoy
Mr. Scott Belton
Judge and Mrs. Norman Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. David Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bleeman
Ms. Renee Bleeman
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Bloom
Ms. Malka Bornstein
Ms. Ivana Carlosena
Mrs. Rochelle Carrady
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Cazes
Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Chad
Ms. Eileen Chadnick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chesney
Ms. Rosy Chodirker
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard R. Cohen
Mr. Mates Cohen
Ms. Sari Colt
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crandell
Mr. Barry David
Mrs. Helen Disenhouse
Ms. Phyllis Disenhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Drash
Mrs. Bernice Druzin
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Eisen
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eves
Ms. Sara Feldman
Ms. Nancy Finger
Mrs. Irene Fink
Ms. Lillian Finkler
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Fleising
Ms. Jane Freed
Ms. Norma Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Friedman
Ms. Beverly M. Fromer
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gardiner
Mrs. Paula Gardner
Ms. Fern Glicksman
Ms. Ruth Glicksman
Ms. Elaine Goldbach
Mr. Jeff Goldband
Ms. Lori Goldenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goldfarb
Mrs. Esther Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Erin Gorenkoff
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Grad
Mr. David Grader
Green Tower Holdings Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Greenbaum
Mrs. June Greenberg
Mr. Joel Greenstein
Mr. Mel Goodman and Ms. Donna Grober
Dr. Linda Gruson and Dr. Richard Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Halberstadt
Mr. and Mrs. Yehudi Hendler
Ms. Miriam Herberman
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hersch
Ms. Katherine Hick
Ms. Jennifer Hoffmann
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Izenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jacob
Ms. Susan Kantrowitz-Akrish
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Kaufman
Ms. Melissa Kelman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Kestenberg
Mrs. Zelda Korenblum
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Korzinstone
Mrs. Chava Kwinta
Mr. Philip Ladovsky
Mr. Ian Landy
Ms. Shirley Leaf
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Lerner
Ms. Shoshana Lev
Mr. Alex Levin
Ms. Penni Levman
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lipman
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Litovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lubinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Mandel
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Margulis
Mr. and Mrs. Uri Mayer
Ms. Esther Melunsky
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Milian
Mrs. Hilda Mitz
Ms. Lori Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. Morrison
Ms. Anna Nadler
Ms. Lynn Nissenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Opolsky
Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Orfus
Mr. Samuel Pasternack
Mr. Fleetwood Pellew
Mr. and Mrs. Yitz Penciner
Mr. Elliott Peranson
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Pernica
Ms. Margie Posluns
Ms. Karen Propper
Ms. Ruth Rapoport
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Rosenblatt
Ms. Minnie Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rotman
Mrs. Carla Sage
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sandy
Mr. and Mrs. William Savlov
Mr. Alen Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Al Schwartzberg
Ms. Wendy Scolnik
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seidman
Mrs. Eileen Shapero
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Shoub
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simkevitz
Mr. and Mrs. Laury Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Spiegel
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Spiegel
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Spiro
Ms. Rena Spring
Mr. and Mrs. David Stern
Mrs. Maxine Sugar
Mrs. Etta Sugarman
Sunmark Dental Centre
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Szames
Mrs. Wendy Teperman
The Teper Family Endowment Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tweyman
Ms. Sally Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. William Webb
Mrs. Florence Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weiss
Ms. Mary Wilson
Ms. Leslie Wise
Dr. Shelly A. Wise
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Wolfman
Mr. and Mrs. Saul York
Mrs. Betty Zelunka
Mr. Brian Zidel
Kolreena • July 2008 • 19
S6703 Kolreena-Dec 08 12/2/08 12:56 PM Page 1
The 2nd annual Wine event took place at the
Manyata Court yard in Hazelton Lanes on
October 30. The event received significant PR
coverage and attracted many new people. VIPs
included Mike Bullard and The Wine Ladies
from 1050 Chum. Lisa
Bradburn was the Chair of this
Some Wineries included: Le
Sommelier, Billy’s Best Bottle,
Creekside Wines, Colio Estate
Wines, Charton Hobbs & Evian
Water, Lailey Vineyards, and
Diamond Estates.
Reena Chair Tali Nizic: Vice-Chairs Stanley Abraham, Julia
Hanigsberg, Elaine Norris, Laurine Schmelzle. Secretary
Esther Yermus. Treasurer Donald Bennett. Founding Chair
Rabbi Joseph Kelman. Immediate Past Chair Helen Vale. Past
Chairs Sam Handler*, Syrma Kochberg, Harvey Adelman,
Eleanor London, Marilyn Raphael, Harley Mintz, Harold
Wodinsky, Hy Eiley, Rob Berkovitz, Angela Iannuzziello,
Stanley Kugelmass, Howard Ungerman, Fay Rotman,
Carolyn Morrison, Life Director Joe Berman* Legal Counsel
Bert Rapael, Q.C., L.S.M. Directors Thomas Adler, Jan Allin,
Tammy Balitsky, David L. Cohen, Rabbi Aaron Flanzraich,
Robert Lesser, Al Libfeld, Marilyn Raphael, Hyla
Rubenstein, Julie Schwartz, Mona Sherkin, Paula Sonshine.
President and CEO Sandy Keshen
Batay Reena Chair Howard Ungerman. Secretary/Treasurer
Harold Seidel. Immediate Past Chair Murray Klein. Directors
Danny Iannuzziello, Sheila Libfeld, Paul Minz.
Reena Foundation Chair Frank A. Wilson. Vice Chair, Jeff Rayman,
Once again this first class event was held at the
Magna Golf Club. Eighty people were in attendance
and were entertained by a Paul McCartney sound
alike. The evening raised just over $50,000, as we
used the event to say thank you to some of our
Laurine Schmelzle and Senator and
initial donors to the Capital Campaign.
Mrs. Grafstein
The inaugural Community Commitment Award was
presented at the Magna dinner to Senator and Mrs.
Jerry Grafstein. This award will be presented
annually to the individual whom the Reena
Foundation Board of Directors recognizes as having
made an outstanding lifetime contribution to
making the community in which we live, richer and
more accepting of all people. Our thanks again to
Elfrieda Stronach, Lorne Weiss,
the Cooper & Stronach families as well to chairs
Florence and Sydney Cooper and
Tobie Bekhor, Lorne Weiss and Lili Litwin.
Tobie Bekhor
Hy Eiley, Gerald Hartman, Ronald Hoffman, Murray Klein, Ira
Treasurer, Leon Kieselstein. Secretary Irving Feldman. Past Chairs
Sack, Frank Simkevitz. Hon. Legal Counsel Bert Raphael, Q.C.,
L.S.M. Directors Tobie Bekhor, Larry Berdugo, Ricky Brooks,
Marshall Gottlieb, Adam Henechowicz, Harry Kichler, Murray
Klein, Esther Michaels, Joe Mimran, Mike Nethercott, Honey
Schipper, Mitchell Schnier, Arnie Unger, Helen Vale Rep. Reena
Board, Richard Wachsberg, Lorne Weiss, Steven Weisz
President Gary E. Sim, CFRE
* Deceased
Design and Production: Mad Macs Communications & Graphics
Print: Print Three, Downsview
Hon. Editor: Laurine Schmelzle
Reena is affiliated with George Brown College
Printed on recycled paper, using vegetable-based inks
Head Office: Toby and Henry Battle Developmental Centre
927 Clark Avenue West, Thornhill, ON L4J 8G6
Tel (905) 889-6484, (905) 889-2690 (Direct line)
Fax (905) 889-3827 E-mail: info@reena.org
Web site: www.reena.org
Take out your calendar
• Not Just Another
March 21, 2009
Charitable No. 10809 3642 RR0001
Reena is funded by:
Saturday Night
For information on any of these events contact:
The Foundation Office 905-764-1081 x34
927 Clark Avenue West
Thornhill, ON L4J 8G6
Reena Foundation Tel: (905) 764-1081
Ministry of Community and Social Services
and generous supporters in the community
Publications Mail Agreement