“I am incredibly grateful that my son has somebody who sees him


“I am incredibly grateful that my son has somebody who sees him
Spring 2014
“Angel brings help, comfort, and laughter.
She is helping Emily to become more
independent, confident and focused.
Angel makes it so much easier to work
through difficult problems and tasks that
make Emily feel nervous, afraid, or upset.”
—Emily’s mother, Kimberly
Pam Hand
Puppy Raiser:
Mark Elder
Foster Family:
Cindy Martin
Debbie Conner
“I am incredibly grateful that my son has
somebody who sees him and not just autism.
Asia doesn't care if Micah talks differently;
she loves him for HIM.”
—Micah’s mother, Rachel
Breeder: Pam Hand
Puppy Raiser: Termaine Richardson
Trainer: Susan Maynard
Flash Helps Charlotte with mobility:
She helps her keep her balance, helps
with transitioning from different
surfaces and manage stairs, and Flash
will pick up things that Charlotte drops.
Charlotte has Flash’s full attention.
Breeder: Pam Hand
Puppy Raiser: Keith MacDonald
Trainer: Connie Kniseley
Kim Noel and
Janell Love
Puppy Raisers:
Penny and
Brown Stegall
Lesleigh Cook
Breeder: Pam Hand
Puppy Raiser: Jae Hairston
Trainer: Carol Waters
“Romeo is my best friend. I haven't had many friends
in my life. But now I have one forever!” —DeAnna
“He is my partner and best companion! He is always
there for me, 24/7. I think he sleeps with one eye
open. My activities of daily living have improved a
lot since I got Titus because he is able to help me and
is there for me with unconditional love and support!”
Sandy had a calming affect on Gary, while
giving his wife, Cindy, peace of mind when
she was not home. Sandy helped Cindy care
for Gary in many ways.
Gary loved Sandy dearly for the short time
they had together before he passed away.
Jenny Mitchell
Puppy Raisers:
Steven Cole and
Jeff Connor
Connie Kniseley
“Paris offers Jake independence, which makes him feel
secure and confident in so many situations. Paris
inspires Jake to socialize, try new adventures and
continue to enjoy his life.” —Jake’s mother, Lori
Breeders: Clay & Mike Morrissett
Puppy Raisers: Robert Fisher & Krista Vannoy
Trainers: Carol Waters & Elizabeth Nemore
Pam Hand
Puppy Raiser:
Holland Davy
Trainer: Nancy
Rocky says that just simply having Boon by his
side gives him peace of mind and a sense of freedom
of movement. “He is great companion and always
in a good mood. Most importantly, he helps me
to forget my limitations and has improved
my quality of life.” —Rocky
Breeders: Tracy
and Jackie Waller
Puppy Raiser:
Kim Noel
Lesleigh Cook
Breeder: Pat Weisse
Puppy Raiser:
Kacy Toliver
Foster Family:
Susan Lambui
Trainer: Debbie Conner
“Gatsby is a partner that helps my child
succeed where there was no success
previously. I am feeling a connection with
my son that has been slowly fading the past
several years. I am excited for the future and
am anticipating much more positive change
and improvement.” —Tyler’s mother, Tina
“The students talk because of Deuce
and his presence. They work harder
and read more complicated
words because Deuce is there
to listen. His existence is
nothing but positive.”
—Stacey BRAAC
“Claire says that the very best thing about
having Jazz is that they are able to be
together all the time. Jazz makes her
numerous hospital visits less scary and a
lot easier to manage. He goes with her
for X-rays, and he soothes her while she
gets stitches, biopsies and new tubes. He is
also there for Claire when she wakes up
after anesthesia, which is very comforting.”
Breeder: Beth Semones
Puppy Raisers: James Flaherty and Robert Hough
Foster Family: Judy Bates
Trainer: Connie Kniseley
—Claire’s mother, Karen
“Seth has increased my emotional and physical
quality of life.” Sarah continues to say, “This fall
I plan to begin my doctorate in feminist philosophy
with the goal of publishing and becoming a
professor. These ambitions never could have
been realized without Seth. He has given me
the gift of independence.” —Sarah
Breeder: Pam Hand
Puppy Raisers: Ivy Lidstone
and Donzia Mumford
Foster Family: Michael Rindorf
Trainer: Debbie Conner
Cal alerts us by barking when
Nicolas is having night terrors.
We know that when Cal barks,
he is requesting help for his boy.
—Nicholas's mother, Summer
Breeder: Pam Hand
Puppy Raisers: Donzia Mumford and Kacy Toliver
Trainer: Connie Kniseley
A big thanks to the Advanced Trainers in
The Prison Pup Program at Bland Correctional Center:
Robert Fisher, Paul Patterson, Alex Fisher, Keith Miller, Brian Cox, &
Justin Stoney. Not shown: Scot Elliott, Dave Galloway, and Richard Briggs.
Advanced trainers in Bland are the most experienced inmates in The
Prison Pup Program. They work in conjunction with our professional
trainers to further the higher level of training of Saint Francis Service Dogs.
The Roanoke Valley Academy of Medicine
Alliance (RAMA) Foundation announces
the 16th Annual Book & Author Dinner
to be held on Friday, April 11, 2014 at
The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center.
The RAMA Foundation is coordinating
this event to financially benefit area
community service projects, including
Saint Francis Service Dogs.
For more information:
540 553-1956 or
You can make a donation online at www.saintfrancisdogs.org!
It’s convenient, fast, secure and simple.
Star City Canine Training Club of Roanoke in honor
of Dr. Lisa Wilson
Mary Rotondo and Alan White in honor of Jim and Sue Ellen
Foss and Stan and Diane White
Becky Allen in honor of Ed Allen
Roanoke Valley Association of Realtors in honor of Betty T.
Trinette Atri in honor of Shacquel Evans, Twenty-Two, and
James and Donna Baker in honor of Jacob Sutherland
Jan Barnett in honor of Ben
Judy Bates in honor of Saint Francis Service Dog, JAZZ
Kimberly Belcher in honor of Delilah, Max, and Lizzy
Karen Berglund in honor of The Glowczynskis, The Lemons,
The Roberts, The Osbornes, The Kirtleys, The Browns, and
The Fitzpatricks
Adam, Leigh Ann and Madeline Bishop in honor
of Rev. and Mrs. Tom Durrance
John Blackburn, Jr.in honor of the amazing, Cabell Youell
Rozanne Oliver and Bob Bayer in honor of Sharon Boggess
Rose Booth in honor of Bodie, Jake and Paris Jones
Nancy D. Branson in honor of Chipper
Donna Britt in honor of Brian Britt
Kathryn Buchanan in honor of Karen Dame
Eric and Meg Buchanan in honor of Ashby Garst
Catherine Caddy in honor of Lilly
Lynn Carter in honor of Meredith Poole
Margo Carter in honor of McNeil Labradors and
the Veteran Service Dog Program
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Carty, Sr.in honor of Michelle Karim
Bill and Judy Caudill in honor of Sadie and Mattie
Peter and Jenny Chapman in honor of Scott Kitts
Molly and Lily Chen in honor of Panther Creek Labradors
Steve Childers in honor of John Childers from Flash and
Anne Cockrell in honor of Ginny and Ross Mackenzie
L.L. and Frances Combs in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Roberts
Country Corner Farms in honor of Earlene Davis
True S. Coxe in honor of Margaret Coxe
Pearly Davis in honor of Jake Jones, Bodie, and Paris
Andrew Deal in honor of Valerie and Katie Belle Deal
Diane DiNardo in honor of Reese and Laci
Barry and Valerie Dick in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
McFarland, Dr. and Mrs. Mark Steinhauer,
and Dick and Tom Sklenar
Barbara M. Dickinson in honor of Fiona, my own personal
service dog and savior
Marfisa Dimicco in honor of all of my dogs
Walter Dixon in honor of Susan Maynard
Erika Dluzniewski in honor of Jeff, Jude, Alec, and Piper
Dorothy Dodson in honor of Karen and Tom Whitt
Ann Doyle in honor of Sarah Connor
Jean Eakin in honor of Maggie Mae
Ed Ellwood and Pat Davidson in honor of Steve and Brenda
Hawks, Maureen and Jimmy Ritter, Cindy's Dog Grooming
Salon (Cindy, Jessica and Jamie), and Sarah Rubush
Sandra Evans in honor of Roxie and Ruger
Ann Finch in honor of Susan
Kathleen Fitzpatrick in honor of Lorie Long
Joan Freeland in honor of Claire Privitera
Jack and Leslie Frusco in honor of Diana and John Holman,
Wendy and Dennis Day, Kim and Gloria Woodward, and
Lynn Woodward
Kate Gilchrist in honor of Vic Gilchrist
Jacob and Linda Gish in honor of Linda L. Perdue
Diana Good in honor of Fleta and Jesse Wilson
Iris Green in honor of Sadie Mae Hughes Bain
Dan Griffith in honor of Bodie, Jake and Paris Jones
Michael Grossin honor of Toby and Buck
William and Leil Hackett in honor of Well Pet Group and Dr.
Sara Beebe
Hugh and Anne Hagan in honor of Chris and Lisa Kliefoth
Pam Hanks, The Don Loves and The Ann Loves in honor of
Lucy Davis
Tina Hatcher in honor of Tyler Hatcher and Gatsby
Rosy and Eric Heinsohn in honor of Muffy Thompson
Sandra Holloman in honor of Krista Vannoy
John and Jane Holmgren in honor of Connie Kniseley
Clint and Nancy Hopkins in honor of Brian Britt
Frederick P. Howe and Gayle M. Shelden in honor
of Lambeau
Rick and Carol Huffman in honor of Clay and Mike Morrissett
Dean and Allison Humbert in honor of Stacy Lam
Violet Husar in honor of all veterans
Gary and Nani Jarrell in honor of Christony Jarrell
Dan and Jennifer Joiner in honor of Beech Road Dogs
Mark Journell in honor of Katie
Bill and Charlotte Kagey in honor of Stephanie McNeill
Sara Kelley in honor of Bandit
Princess Killinger in honor of Bates and Anne Killinger
Barbara Kiracofe in honor of Jake Jones
Pat Knopka in honor of Megan, Jonathan, and Daisy
Kathryn Lynn Kokiko in honor of Regina Schwabe, DVM
Roseann Kornichuk in honor of Krista Vannoy
Gloriadene Lancaster in honor of Janet Wynot and Sharon
Harry Lea in honor of Charlie Riddle and Bandit
Laura Leonard in honor of Robert Melton and Vic Cardell
Erik, Dawn and Emma Leonard in honor of Dr. and Mrs.
G.A. Godwin
Pat Lester in honor of Ashby Garst
Richard E. Lewis, Jr.in honor of our veterans
Neil and Sue Lutins in honor of Louise Lutins, on her birthday
David MacPherson in honor of Evan MacPherson
Wilbur Mann in honor of The Mann Family
Mary L. Marshall in honor of Al and Claudia Vick
Cathy McClung in honor of Mary Lou and Stewart Bruce
Donna McCray in honor of Zoey McCray
Kevin and Julie McCullough in honor of Barry Karet
Eric McMillan in honor of Jake and Paris Jones
Stevie McNeill in honor of Charlotte and Bill Kagey and
Ginny and Rudy Straub
Nicki Meyer in honor of the staff at Saint Francis Service Dogs
Jeanette Mistele in honor of our veterans program
Barbara Mitchell in honor of Marley
Mr. and Mrs. W.K. Moles in honor of Shadow
Dean and Sally Mook in honor of Bill Clarkson
Clay and Mike Morrissett in honor of The Birthday Girls,
Dear Friends, and Evelyn Turner
Pamela Moskal in honor of Yoshi Moskal
John and Kathy Mundy in honor of Hokie and Lucky
David and Pat Nash in honor of Sally Craver
Barbara Neal in honor of Roger and Ruby
Sherry Newcomb in honor of The Tom Wilsons
Jim and Marleen North in honor of all of our Roanoke friends
Barbara Osborne in honor of Jennie Robinson and Winston
Patti Palmer in honor of Bonnie Martin
Patti Palmer in honor of Allen and Susan Palmer
Linda Perdue in honor of Betsy and Lou Santospago, Trish
and Tom Rappold, and Linda and Jake Gish
Patty Powell in honor of Jean and Dave's Anniversary
Lawrence E. Ptaschek in honor of Chuck Saldarini and King
Wayne Williams and Randy Jones in honor of Carolyn Boley
and in memory of Ed Boley, Ann and Francis Csonka, and Jack
and Wendy Volhard
Hope Rector in honor of all cancer patients at LGH
Robin Reed in honor of Debbie Rigsby
Blair and Barbara Reynolds in honor of Jennifer Koogler
Randall R. Rhea, MD in honor of Sally and Sam Craver
Frankie Robbins in honor of Harry Hoyt
F.C. Rockwell in honor of Robin Eastham and Markona
Susanne Roderick in honor of Great Aunt Jean Gurley
Roger Rubin in honor of Mary Anne Rubin
Tony Russell in honor of Karen Russell
Mary Ryan in honor of rescue dogs
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Sallade in honor of Jane and Bob Smola
Louis and Betsy Santospago in honor of Linda Perdue
Tom and Jenny Sease in honor of Elaine Addison
Carla Semones in honor of Beth Semones
Robin Settle in honor of Jesus Christ
Timothy Shank in honor of Barbara and G.L. Shank
Derek and Jenny Slaughter in honor of Debbie Conner
Mrs. Gene Smallwood in honor of Lucy Peete
Eddie and Missy Smith in honor of Marilyn Wilson
John H. Smithey, Jr. in honor of Sharon L. Stanley
Maria Sparkman in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Little
Rob and Terri Steele in honor of all the United States men
and women at arms serving in all branches of military service
Bobby and Lisa Strong in honor of Tom and Peggy Strong
Paula Stump in honor of Courtney Campbell
Jimmy and Francis Sublett in honor of Deb Duerk
Anne Sumpter in honor of Stella, Duncan, and Sam
Charlita and Mikie Taylor in honor of Mary Rotondo
Janet Thompson in honor of Lucy
Nancy Tucker in honor of all of the service dogs on the
Angel Tree
Alan and Kim Turner in honor of Judy Bates
Evelyn Turner in honor of Clay and Mike Morrissett
Evelyn Walke in honor of Albert and Carolyn Gard
Ann K. Watson in honor of Marti and Andy Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Weisman in honor of Jilda
Barksdale, O.D.
Jane White in honor of Sally Glei
Halley White in honor of Mary Rotondo
Jane B. White in honor of Cindy Vickers and Sandy
Gary and Gina Wilburn in honor of Zellie
Nancy and Byron Yost in honor of Warren and Jenny
Charles and SarahYouell in honor of Janice and Sonny Martin
Betty Young in honor of Foxie Lady
Westlake Veterinary Center in honor of all Smith
Mountain Lake area volunteers
Hoggan Family in honor of Ryan and Katie Read and George
Laurie M. Adkins in recognition of Ann B. Messick
John Balconi in recognition of David Phelps
Joan Bascom in recognition of Francis Ahern
Richard Becker in recognition of Frankie
Melissa Brumbaugh in recognition of Chelsea
Catherine Buchardt in recognition of Alex
Chip and Janet Chidester in recognition of Susan and Barkley
Hill and Rev. and Mrs. Chidester
Wesley and Evelyn Conner in recognition of Frankie
Ben Cooper in recognition of Harry McConnell
Evelyn Cox in recognition of Cody Frye
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Cunningham in recognition
of Jane E. Cunningham
Doris R. Day in recognition of Petula
Dave and Judy Derr in recognition of Champ
Paula Eager in recognition of Maud, the brown
and white Dalmatian
Don Edmunds in recognition of Daisy
Broaddus and Luann Fitzpatrick in recognition of Vic
and Kathy Gilchrist
Garland and Elizabeth Flippen in recognition of Annie
Ellen K. Flora in recognition of Dorothy K. Kirby
Edith and Walter Glowczynski in recognition of
Maggie Bear
Bob and Judy Griffith in recognition of Howie
Donna Horak in recognition of Penny
Nicole Larochei n recognition of Frank Sheddler
David and Ann Lawrence in recognition of Jean Denton
Lisa Meyer Vineyard in recognition of Lily
Barbara H. Miller in recognition of Howard Miller
James and Teresa Morris in recognition of Otis,
Shaddy, Pete, and Ms. Ellie
Lee and Susan Osborne in recognition of Maggie and Mizzy
Bruce and Gloria Parker in recognition of Cecil Mae Russell,
John Anderson, and Kathryn Mae Gray
Mr. and Mrs. N.B. Patterson in recognition of Nikki
David K. Peterson in recognition of Martha C. Peterson
Doris Prillaman in recognition of Rita Rufty and Baylee Grace
Luther Quick in recognition of Shane
Rick and Yvonne Rayburn in recognition of Cabo Combs
Susan Schott in recognition of Stephen H. Schott
Rosanne Schwalenberg in recognition of Mary Francis Logan
Freda M. Smith in recognition of Connor Smith
Scott and Abby Smith in recognition of Judith A. Smith
Deborah Speaks in recognition of Franklin D. Speaks
Rick and Beverly Taavon in recognition of Joan and Donovan
Nick and Marilyn Thomas in recognition of Koosh
Dr. and Mrs. Gus Vlahos in recognition of Dane Austin Miller
H.L. Wyrick in recognition of Janet
Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Yagle in recognition of Gracie Martin
Karen Zaleski in recognition of Barbara and Elizabeth Fassett
ANR Career Solutions, Inc. in recognition of Frank Sheddler
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Copenhaver in recognition of Hamish
Frederick P. Howe and Gayle M. Shelden in recognition of
Marguerite Saule in recognition of Bernard and
Charlotte Blommer
Judy Bates in loving memory of Maximus, Murphy, and Pepe
Eddie Higgenbotham and Donald Deal in loving memory of
Mz. Mugze
JoAnn Adams in memory of Maury Adams
Nancy Adams in memory of Daniel and Ruth Knepp
Floyd and Judy Addison in memory of Molly
Sandi Adkins in memory of John R. Gibson, Al
Williamson, and Baron
Jake and Pam Allison in memory of Bleu and Angus
Carrol Amerson in memory of Brandy
Beverly Anderson in memory of Opie
Claire Bender, MD in memory of Nike
Gina Beninato in memory of Barbara Beninato
Steve and Judy Bodley in memory of Stewart Baucom
Matilda Bradshaw in memory of Beowulf Ellett
Bill, Ellen and Grace Breedlove in memory of Jackson and Lord
Martha Brown in memory of Winston
Eugene and Shirley Callaway in memory of Harley
Charmaine Carmack in memory of Burt and Betty
Cundiff, Gwen and Harold Poff, and Cyrus and Sylvia Carmack
Betty W. Carroll in memory of Ada and Lucy
Ted and Lois Cash in memory of Anthony Yancey
Janet Castle in memory of Charles McDilda
Bill and Judy Caudill in memory of Annie
Dorothy Chidester in memory of Ben Chidester and Susan
and Barkley Hill
Marcia Day Childress in memory of Stephen Mayer
Kitty Coxe Koomen in memory of Dr. William S. Coxe
and Kathleen Kelly Coxe
Sandra Cranston in memory of Colonel Robert Cranston
Sally Craver in memory of Millie
Barbara Cullen in memory of Louie the Bassethound
Barbara Daniel in memory of Dante, faithful friend of
the Leaheys, and Hammie
Lucy Davis in memory of Mimi H. Riggan
Joy Decker in memory of Mrs. Dorothy Campbell
Phil Dennis in memory of Mike and Jenny Dennis
Diane DiNardo in memory of Misty and Zoe
John and Diane D'Orazio in memory of Apollo
Vin and Bonnie Edwards in memory of Gladys C. Clement
Frank and Lucy Ellett in memory of Fiona
Lisa Faist and Bill Nash in memory of Bruce Palmenberg
Mary Catherine Fifer in memory of Lance Moore
Kathryn Figg in memory of Lance Moore
Susie Fletcher in memory of Gertie Girl
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Franck in memory of Lil
Molly Garver in memory of Jack and Catherine Richardson
Rachel Goff in memory of Jake Goff
Diana Good in memory of Tracy Collins' mother
Bette and Clayton Gove in memory of Ruthie
Nelson and Brenda Greene in memory of Huckleberry
Lisa Gross in memory of Fuzz
Sandi Gross in memory of Bailey
Michael R. Gross in memory of Kristin Gross
Bill and Leil Hackett in memory of Betsy Brittigan
Sarah Hafensteiner in memory of Marc Hafensteiner
Nancy P. Hagan in memory of William C. Hagan
Deb Haggerty in memory of Lexi, my Golden Retriever
Greg and Michele Haley in memory of Buster
Maria, Barney, Allison and Alexander Hammond in memory
of Sophie
Cyrus and Bonnie Harbourt in memory of Sandy Harbourt
John Harris III, DDS in memory of Andi
Fenton and Jane Harrison in memory of Spaz the Wonder Cat
Joanne M. Hawley in memory of Maggie
Sandra Hawthorne in memory of my dear, precious Coco
Charlotte Hines in memory of Barbara Dow
Nancy Holland in memory of Barbara Holland
Charles and Joyce Holloway in memory of Queenie Girl
William and Susan Honeycutt in memory of Leona Honeycutt
Terri S. Huffman in memory of Beverlye C. Young and Duke
Susan Humphries in memory of Brownie
William Jewell in memory of Edith Alberta Newman
Stuart and Karen Jones in memory of Loriens Reva Jones
Andrew and Shannon Kartesz in memory of Nova
Shirley Kelley in memory of Bodie
Elizabeth Kidd in memory of Dr. Beth Ann Collins
Trinette Kirkman in memory of Mary Bryan Matney
LindaKirkwood in memory of Rudy Kirkwood
Chris and Lisa Kliefoth in memory of Jenny and Ben
Connie Kniseley in memory of Micah
Tom and Jo Anne Lacey in memory of Pat Finch
Elizabeth Lamons in memory of Thomas W. Lamons
Jo Ann Lampros in memory of Dr. James Lampros
DonnaLancaster in memory of Kasi, Kennedy, and Mandy
Rosemary Larsen in memory of Brittany and Blue
Mark and Cynthia Lawrence in memory of Ellen Lawrence
Janet Ledniczky in memory of Goldie
Leslie Leedy in memory of Gini Sloan
Alice Lively in memory of Dr. Joel Singer
Janell Love in memory of Jayne and Eric Secor's precious Logi
and Jan Stice's beloved Lucas
Ronnie and Janell Love in memory of Nike and Bucky
Victoria Luzader in memory of Charlie
Roberta F. Marshall in memory of Navihoe
Roberta Marshall in memory of Hayward Marshall
Sue Martin in memory of Griz
Joan Martin in memory of Greyhound April
Elizabeth B. McCorkindale in memory of Richard Duncan
Cathy McWilliams in memory of all our beloved pets
Theresa Mercier in memory of Holly Noel
Shireen Merritt in memory of my mother, Shirley Brown
Celia Michalski in memory of Darlene Haymond
Sarah A. Miller in memory of Edward L. Janney
Kathy, Dick and Drew Miller in memory of Dane Austin Miller
Mark and Linda Miller in memory of Susan Hill and Barkley
Margaret Mills in memory of Betty K. Turner
Jean Mistele in memory of Everest
Tom and Cindy Mohr in memory of Ozzie Hanna
Steve and Debby Moore in memory of Lance Crumpacker Moore
Kathy Morck in memory of Thora, Emma, and Campbell
George and Vicki Morgan in memory of Dozer
Clay and Mike Morrissett in memory of Phil Padgett, John
McCusker, Bill and Tommie Whitman, and Andy Turner
Mr. and Mrs. G. Marshall Mundy in memory of Moppit
Clifford Murray in memory of Danny Sheppard
Phil and Nona Nelson in memory of Alan Nelson
Carrie Nelson in memory of John P. Nelson
Peggy Ann Neumann in memory of 4 Weimaraner dogs
Fred and Betty Newcomb in memory of Fairlyn
Michael O'Connor in memory of Lexie
Yvonne Olson in memory of Hecate
John and Lisa Olver in memory of William D. Parker
William Overstreet in memory of Catherine "Kitty" Overstreet
Danna Owen in memory of Sophie Danna Owen
Rebecca Perdue in memory of Fiona
Linda Perdue in memory of Ed Boley
Sharon Pheil in memory of Zee Zee
Joseph and Wallie Polinski in memory of Tam and Nikki
David and Lynn Price in memory of Michael Thacker
Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Rakes in memory of Deirdre Teeter
Debi Thompson and Reed Lombart in memory of Kodi and Moe
Dr. William Reefe in memory of Beverley Reefe
Alfred and Patricia Revels in memory of Frank and Loretta
Rita Reynolds in memory of Daniel Heiney
Dave and Christine Rise in memory of our yellow lab, Abbey
Pam Robbins in memory of Rudy
Lloyd and Sara Ruona in memory of Blue
June Rutherfoord in memory of Georgia, my English Setter
Charlotte Sandy in memory of Bart, Scotch, Pepper, Tanner,
and Bear
Stephen and Cynthia Sayers in memory of our dog, Mackenzie
Frances Schaaf in memory of Elizabeth Kapraun
Lynn Schedler in memory of Alex and Cinnamon
Tom and Jenny Sease in memory of Ida Mary Addison
Dennis and Beth Shearer in memory of Chaney and Nahnee
Robert Shepherd in memory of Jasmine
Jane A. Sink in memory of Jazza
T.W. and Dolores Skelly in memory of Michael C. Thacker
Jo-Ann Slan in memory of Steven and Richard Slan
Jack and Terri Smith in memory of Tom Wiley
Jeanne Snead in memory of Otis
Carrie Souter in memory of Greg Tolzmann
Bonny Spruill in memory of Mugze
Tom and Peggy Strong in memory of Beau Lunsford
Arnold and Eileen Strulson in memory of Sophie
Greta Stull in memory of Linda, Eddie, and Girls
Maryanne Sweeney in memory of Booda
Forrest and Susan Tabor and Erin Fariss in memory of
Louise Catherine Rees
Sandra Terwiske in memory of LCpl. Alec R. Terwiske
Greg and Diane Thomson in memory of Cappi
Mike and Lisa Tolusso in memory of the Tolusso dogs who
have passed: Nala, Bridgette, Laddie, Maggie and Lucy
Roberta Dianne Toney in memory of Paddle, Niko, and
Elisabeth Turner in memory of Maddie
Paula P. Vail in memory of Fiona
Debra Vascik in memory of Auggie
Jill Vincent in memory of Monkey
Anna Mae Vincent in memory of Katie
Judith Walter in memory of Homer and Rentiger
David Weaver in memory of Dr. Eydie Robacker
Marty and Linda Weekley in memory of Lucy Gill
Lainey Wilhelm in memory of Fiona
Alan and Dawn Wilkerson in memory of Maggie Wilkerson
Angela Wilson in memory of Helen Bunn
Jim and Bev Wisser in memory of Gus and Hooker
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wyss in memory of Charles Michael
Charlie and Coo Youell in memory of Roo-Roo
Sugarfoot Kennels in memory of Fiona
V.L.F. Charitable Trust in memory of Virgil and Wanda
The Leeps Foundation in memory of Jane E. Cunningham
The Chris Gladden Family in memory of Seamus and Joe
Norman and Lynn Dillon
Carolyn Perkinson
John and Barb Riesser
Brannon and Joy Shiflett
Catherine Vickers
Ed and Jane White
Susan Zachary
Karen Zachary
Stephen Zachary
The Doctors and Staff at Roanoke Animal Hospital
Marilyn Bussey
Harriet Dahlgren, Ruth, Jessica and Mary Jane
Ed Ellwood and Pat Davidson
Thomas and Rebecca England
Connie Kniseley
Pam Robbins
Steve and Jeanne Tabscott
Katherine H. Tarter
Bruce and Judy Hagadorn
Connie Knisely
Carla Semones
Franklin County High School Faculty and Staff
Nancy Cunningham
Samantha Furman
Meredith and Roberta Garrett
Sally Glei
Linda Montgomery
Pamela Robbins
Nancy Vest
P.O. Box 19538
8232 Enon Drive
Roanoke, VA 24019
(540) 342-3647
Saint Francis Service Dogs is a non-profit, 501(c)(3)
organization that raises and trains service dogs
for children and adults with disabilities.
An envelope is enclosed for your convenience
if you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution
to support the mission of Saint Francis Service Dogs.
A financial statement is available upon written
request from the Virginia Office of Consumer Affairs.
Thanks to Purina for supplying all of the food and
treats for The Saint Francis Puppy Program, The
Prison Pup Program, and The Training Program.

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