A passion for performance. We color up your life. We mold our


A passion for performance. We color up your life. We mold our
A passion for performance.
We color up your life.
We mold our environment – our environment molds us.
EUROCEM – exclusive representation in Serbia & Montenegro. 8
"New applications = new customers."
School for blind person's companions, Allschwil/Switzerland.
The information magazine of Holcim White Ltd
Edition No. 01/2003
A passion for performance.
Dear Reader,
Karl A. Baumann
Phone + 41 58 850 61 80
Fax + 41 58 850 61 60
class athlete can achieve their best
thing that concerns white cement.
only if they are “consumed” by their
Whether it’s a matter of continually
I would like to wish you and your
goal, an enterprise, too, has to be
refining our product quality, opti-
family a very happy 2003, a New Year
performance-focused if it is to hold
mizing our supply chain processes,
that is healthy and successful both
its own in everyday competition.
helping you develop new ways to
in your private lives and in business.
What makes Holcim White so
make better use of white cement, or
At the beginning of this new edition
unique is our “Passion for Perfor-
simply giving our best whenever we
of Whiteboard, let me comment our
mance”. Being highly motivated, we
talk to you – Holcim White sees and
understanding of passion for per-
endeavor to provide you, the cus-
defines itself through its passion. I
formance at Holcim White and how
tomer, with above-average perfor-
am therefore very much looking for-
you will benefit. Both in business
mance benefits on a daily basis.
ward to the new business year that
and in everyday life we can apply a
simple equation: passion = per-
But how do you, as a customer, ben-
formance. Without sacrifice it is
efit if we are “consumed” by passion
impossible to attain extraordinary
for performance? Passionate work
achievements, and vice versa. More-
is reflected in enthusiasm and
over, without extraordinary per-
knowledge. This cutting edge in
Karl A. Baumann
formance no one can stand out
expertise leads to the creation of
Managing Director
from the crowd and create added
lasting values. At Holcim White we
value. In the same way that a top-
are passionate performers in every-
Paving stones out of white cement.
lies before us.
Holcim Whiteboard 01/03
Have a good read.
We color up your life.
Variety and a spot of color add beauty to our lives (especially during the
winter period, which tends to be
rather grey at the moment). This
motto applies not only to everyday
life, but particularly to any building
objects, no matter how small, which
are based on white cement. Gone are
the days when everything had to be
Marc O. Hasler
Phone + 41 58 850 61 81
Fax + 41 58 850 61 60
grey in grey. The continuous painting
of coats upon coats on walls and
ceilings is a thing of the past.
Colored concrete and plaster products made of white cement offers an
ideal way to combine functional
requirements and visual “beauty and
color preferences”. It allows you to
play with colors, shapes, structures,
and patterns. It has a special appeal,
due to its durability, color fastness,
and firmness, even under difficult
environmental conditions and under
maximum stress.
have therefore understood that a
the experiences that become possible through products based on our
white cement. Ultimately, they lead
to a more “beautiful perception” and
often to an increase in the quality of
life. After all, we all enjoy spots of
beauty and color in our lives. At
Holcim White, we are committed to
making our own contribution to this
Urban developers and architects
in pastel shades? These are some of
upgraded if they add that certain
something in the form of colored
With this in mind, I hope you will
enjoy reading Whiteboard.
Have a pleasant reading.
concrete blocks or other white
cement applications.
Best wishes,
Whereas certain aspects of concrete
– such as visual impact, design, and
esthetics – were viewed rather criti-
Marc O. Hasler
Marketing and Communications
cally at one time, they have now
acquired a totally new dimension. In
fact, they have been rediscovered in
a new way. Shopping malls, public
squares, stadiums, etc. can have a
lastingly positive effect on people
and make a permanent impression
on us if they are done in “white” concrete. Who doesn’t enjoy strolling
through a city center with colored
interlocking or mosaic paving stones
Exposed concrete wall at the school for blind person's companions,
Holcim Whiteboard 01/03
Buyers’ meeting in Visegrad,
A Hungarian customer talking to Marc Hasler (Holcim White, left).
Customers were welcomed at a buyers’
issues in ecology, concrete technology
meeting, held by Holcim (Hungária) Rt.
and product innovations. Holcim White,
at the Silvanus Hotel in the historic
too, had occasion to present the cur-
former royal city of Visegrad on Octo-
rent and future applications of white
ber 4 and 5, 2002. The meeting com-
cement. The meeting was success-
prised a series of talks. Well-known
fully rounded off by the subsequent
guest speakers from the worlds of
wine tasting session, dinner, and an
science and research talked about
entertainment program.
Our “cement man” at the
Hawaii Ironman.
One of Switzerland’s top-class ath-
late “our” athlete again on his out-
letes, sponsored by Holcim White,
standing performance. The winner
took part in the hardest triathlon in
among the men was Tim Deboom
the world – the Hawaii Ironman in
(USA), in 8:29:56, and an outstanding
2002. Out of 1,594 athletes from 49
victory among the women was
nations, Christoph Mauch achieved a
achieved by Natasha Badman (SUI),
fine 18th place in 8:57:07. On this
in 9:07:54.
occasion we would like to congratuChristoph Mauch reaching the destination.
Holcim White workshop.
On November 25 and 26 everyone at
work. The two-day workshop culmi-
Holcim White took part in a work-
nated in some easy footing, conduct-
shop in Zurich. Under the guiding
ed by two of the best triathletes in
principle “Passion for Performance”,
Switzerland. Increased pulse rates
the entire crew spent two days
and quite a few red faces gave evi-
receiving valuable and useful infor-
dence of the wholehearted dedica-
mation on topics such as commit-
tion of the Holcim White staff.
ment and technical expertise, which
they can now put to good use in their
The Holcim White Sales Team.
Holcim Whiteboard 01/03
Holcim White as a SAP
success story.
Holcim White uses state-of-the-art
CRM system from SAP at Holcim
information technology to provide
White has led to the following article,
customers with optimum service.
which we don’t want you to miss:
The successful deployment of the
mySAP™ Customer Relationship Management
I want our customers to have a
face, to ensure that their
requirements are reflected in
the entire customer interaction.
…SAP and implementation
partner acag are supporting us
to achieve this goal.
Karl A. Baumann, Managing Director,
Holcim White
Holcim White – Excellence in white.
Holcim White, a Swiss-based sales and marketing organization
that markets white cement, is fully committed to being a solution
provider to its customers in Central and Eastern Europe.
To provide better value to its customers, Holcim White needed
to identify their needs in a systematic way and, accordingly,
design a tailor-made approach for offering products, services,
technical support, and logistics. With mySAP™ Customer Relationship Management (mySAP™ CRM), Holcim White brings
to its customers the right solution for their expectations, while
responding to all market developments in an uncomplicated
and competent manner. Relationships are enhanced with the
customers being at the center of their business.
Holcim White Ltd
Advertisement of SAP.
Crafting value.
Holcim White is to be perceived by
in six countries in Central and Eastern
customers as the “leading solution
Europe. The result of this survey is a
provider” of white cement. To find out
range of services offered by Holcim
even more about the needs of our
White. “We have a listening ear,” says
customers, we have set up a project
Amar Banerjee, Project Manager of
titled “Crafting Value”. The aim of the
“Crafting Value”, “for the specific
project is to offer customers value-
needs of our customers. We take their
added services in all matters of white
suggestions seriously, and thanks to
cement and across the entire range of
our technical expertise and interna-
the value chain. The core of the pro-
tionalism, we are in a position to offer
ject was a customer survey conducted
solutions based on partnership.”
Amar Banerjee (from right to left) together with a Romanian customer
and Adrian Garofeanu, Sales Representative Romania.
Cement applications &
concrete technology course.
For about five days in January 2003,
properties, concrete fundamentals,
the Holcim White crew took part in a
site practices, and concrete aplica-
special seminar on white cement appli-
tions. The training covered both theo-
cations and concrete technology.
retical knowledge and practical appli-
Based on Holcim’s modern research
cation of the theory. The aim was to
and development infrastructure in
further enhance everyone’s technical
Holderbank, Switzerland, cement and
expertise and to develop a platform
concrete experts provided knowledge
that can be used for the benefit of
in cement fundamentals, cement
and together with customers.
All the training participants at a glance.
Holcim Whiteboard 01/03
We mold our environment – our
environment molds us.
Cement as a building material is seen
tured cements these days, we there-
as the motor of human efficiency and
fore no longer talk about a standard-
creativity throughout the world. Not
ized mass product”; today cements of
only does it combine a variety of
all kinds are binders that yield unique
building materials into a whole, it
qualities in the eventual end prod-
also adds security, durability and an
ucts through strategic ready-to-ship
esthetic quality to our surrounding.
The days of the standardized mass
So what about white cement? Gone
products are gone.
are the days when there was only one
We live in an age of information
requirement: “It has to be white and
technology, incredibly fast data col-
turn solid.” The range of end products
Jürgen Oecknick has a Ph.D. in en-
lection and direct data transfer – a
based on white cement is far too
gineering and has been working
world of continuous change. Archi-
broad now. A manufacturer of final
for Holcim White as Head of Re-
tecture has to keep up with these
rendering, for instance, requires a
search and Development since
developments: even bigger heights,
completely different type of cement
January 1, 2003. After his first
even more delicate structures, even
with regard to setting and hardening
degree at the Construction Engi-
greater functionality – and technolo-
kinetics than a producer of cast stone.
neering Institute in Moscow he
gies that are even better adapted to
White binders added to ready-mixed
studied for a doctorate at today’s
suit everyday human needs. To
concrete for architectural purposes
Technical University of Cottbus.
achieve this, planners and imple-
must have different qualities from
menters make use of the latest deve-
white cement used in pre-cast parts.
lopments in the building materials
industry. When we refer to manufac-
White cement concrete with different aggregates.
White cement with grey gravel
and white sand.
White cement with grey gravel
and red sand.
Jürgen Oecknick
Phone + 41 58 850 61 85
Fax + 41 58 850 61 60
Jürgen Oecknick has had over
15 years of professional experience
White cement is a special binder
in the German cement industry
with large potential.
and has worked as head of re-
The problems that arise if one
search & development, as produc-
ignores these inherent “natural laws”
tion manager and as head of appli-
cannot be alleviated through lower
cations engineering. For the last
prices; after all, inexpensive construc-
seven years Jürgen Oecknick was
tion must not be equated with the
an authorized signatory at a medi-
spontaneous use of cheap input
um-sized construction material
material. White cement is a special
company, where he was re-
binder with a large amount of poten-
sponsible for the development and
tial that has not been fully ex-
technical distribution of cement
hausted. The ready-to-ship prepara-
and special binders as well as for a
tion of white cement for each specific
product line involving 30 ready-
area of application, its consistent pro-
mixed concrete facilities.
duction and its efficient use in collab-
White cement with grey gravel
and green sand.
White cement with grey gravel
and black sand.
oration with the customer – these are
the principles of the Research and
Mr. Oecknick likes to play tennis,
listening to Classic as well as Rock
White. We are confident that, togeth-
music and enjoys relaxing with his
er, we will be very successful in 2003.
Division at
“Concrete People” –
made of white cement.
Victor, the gentleman with a briefcase
ing human sculptures, using white
in the foyer of the Holcim (Schweiz)
and grey cement, though they also
head office is impossible to ignore.
enjoy working with colored concrete.
No matter when you enter the build-
After starting with the creative use of
ing, Victor is there already, greeting
clay, they continued with the produc-
you with a smile. But Victor is not a
tion of “Concrete People”. As well as
normal employee of Holcim (Schweiz).
Victor, the two artists have created
Rather, he is a life-size concrete sculp-
Vreni, Marie-Louise, Harald and Paul,
ture made of white cement, created
commissioned by Holcim (Schweiz).
by the two artists Jacqueline Scholten
These are the works of art that
and Hannelore Holz.
populate and enliven the working
environment of the head office on
The two friends both live in Switzer-
Hagenholzstrasse in Zurich, adding
land and have known each other sev-
an artistic touch to the business-like
eral years.They share a passion for mak-
atmosphere. “Using concrete made
from white cement is very popular
among artists. It provides an ideal
combination of creative options and
an effective expressiveness. The
resulting works of art have a uniquely convincing visual impact, if not elegance,” says Hannelore Holz.
And the use of white cement is indeed very wide-spread in the creation
of sculptures, statues and other
works of art. Together with restoration and renovation, these uses form
the artistic range of applications for
white cement.
Hannelore Holz & Jacqueline Scholten.
Contact: www.betonskulpturen.ch
Holcim Whiteboard 01/03
EUROCEM – success based on continuity.
nomic and cultural metropolis in this
with extremely urgent orders. Han-
area. The EUROCEM name and logo
dling the increase in product require-
represent the prosperity of the coun-
ments and, above all, in new services,
try as a part of Europe. Its vision and
will be one of the main challenges in
mission as well as its proven compe-
our business in the future.”
tence are very much in line with the
The Holcim White family keeps grow-
Miki Klacar
and assistant.
credo of Holcim White: to create
Producers of white cement applica-
added value for our customers and to
tions are convinced that the demand
be recognized as the premier provider
for high quality construction material
of white cement solutions in Central
will grow in correlation with the pur-
and Eastern Europe.
chasing power of the economy. The
trend towards appearance-oriented
ing. EUROCEM – the new exclusive
distributor of Holcim White cement
“In an environment like this, where a
construction activities is already be-
in Serbia & Montenegro – has special
transforming economy is at the be-
coming obvious, especially in the city
links with a well-known expert in
ginning of a new era, strong cus-
of Belgrade.
white cement in South Eastern
tomer focus is the key to success. It is
Europe: Mr. Miki Klacar. After years of
important that there should be confi-
The Holcim White team wishes
successful partnership and positive
dence between all parts of the supply
EUROCEM all the best as it launches
experience with one other, all Holcim
chain – from the production plant to
into this new era of development and
White products are now being dis-
the end user – and this can only grow
prosperity, and we look forward to a
tributed and placed on the market
through continuity”, says Mr. Klacar,
continuation of our successful busi-
through his newly founded company,
when asked about his major business
ness relationship.
a change that has been effective
principles. “With Holcim, we have
since January 1. EUROCEM is located
always had a partner that guarantees
near Slavija Square in the center of
reliability and consistent product
Belgrade, which is still the main eco-
quality, even when we had to cope
Holcim Whiteboard 1/02
"New application options =
new customers."
In today’s interview we speak to “our man in Poland” – Stanislaw Rowinski,
Ph.D. Stanislaw Rowinski (63), Sales Representative for White Cement in
Poland, has had many years of experience in cement within the Holcim
Group. He has worked in sales & distribution, both at home and abroad, for
over 20 years and is regarded as a well established expert. From 1991, he
worked as a General Director of the cement trading company AB Trading,
today’s Holcim (Polska) Sp z o.o. He holds a doctoral degree in railway engineering from the Polytechnical University of Moscow. Stanislaw Rowinski
loves classical performances of the Polish theater, has two daughters, and
has been married for over 40 years. Whiteboard asked him a number of
questions about the white cement market in Poland.
What is your vision – your aim as
to successfully provide customers
Sales Representative in Poland?
with information and services and to
I want to be a real friend to my cus-
do so at a high level of quality, while
tomers. I want to show my existing
working out solutions with them.
and new customers the different
applications of white cement and
What makes you so unique as
open up to them new options of
Holcim (Polska)?
application through our products.
Since January 1, 2003 Holcim Polska
What is on your mind for Poland at
Cementownia Wejherowo. Together
the moment?
with this company, situated some
The economic situation has not been
300 km from Warsaw, we are making
very good in Poland in recent years.
use of positive synergies. In this way
However, its growth rate for 2003 is
we are now in an even better position
expected to be 3%.
to meet the needs of our customers
Moreover, the planned entry of
and of the logistical situation and
Poland into the EU in 2004 should
have a positive effect on the economic situation and on economic
What are your next aims?
Poland’s planned entry into the EU is
accompanied by plans to become
What activities are you planning to
open to export products. This year we
achieve more specific and more per-
will be focusing on the development
sonal communication with new and
of finished products into new and dif-
existing customers?
ferent areas of application for white
We are planning to set up specific
cement. Business activities in 2003
events, geared towards the various
will center upon meeting the needs
groups of customers. Also, our strate-
of each customer, particularly in the
gic marketing activities and the
individual customers’ segment.
transfer of technical and logistical
expertise will support our endeavors
White cement application
in the segment of Art & Garden.
Stanislaw Rowinski
Phone + 48 22 858 96 15
Fax + 48 22 642 93 70
Always close at hand –
the Holcim White sales team.
As well as benefiting from Holcim's unrivaled production network in Central and
Eastern Europe, its many years of experience in the production of cement and
concrete, and the synergies offered by Holcim's global coverage, Holcim White
possesses yet another vital strength - its information-oriented customer support
program. The ladies and gentlemen presented below offer local support in the
implementation of your ideas:
Karl A. Baumann
Sales Area Manager a. i.
Phone + 41 58 850 61 80
Fax + 41 58 850 61 60
Mobile + 41 79 239 94 73
Fabienne Arnold
Sales Coordinator
Phone + 41 58 850 61 71
Fax + 41 58 850 61 60
Mobile + 41 78 628 97 62
Lubica Weidnerová
Sales Coordinator
Phone + 421 34 7765 135
Fax + 421 34 7765 526
Mobile + 421 903 401 398
Stanislav Belanec
Sales Representative
Slovakia, Czech Republic
Phone + 421 34 7765 189
Fax + 421 34 7765 526
Mobile + 421 903 554 616
Peter Mikula
Sales Representative
Ukraine, Bulgaria
Phone + 421 34 7765 189
Fax + 421 34 7765 526
Mobile + 421 903 649 193
Bálint Kató
Sales Representative
Phone + 36 33 461 788/2338
Fax + 36 33 461 953
Mobile + 36 30 986 1374
Stanislaw Rowinski
Sales Representative
Phone + 48 22 858 96 15
Fax + 48 22 642 93 70
Mobile + 48 602 482 147
Gordan Kuljak
Sales Representative
South-East Europe
Phone + 385 1 36 98 837
Fax + 385 1 36 98 839
Mobile + 385 98 45 63 06
Adrian Garofeanu
Sales Representative
Phone + 40 21 231 77 08/09
Fax + 40 21 231 77 14/15
Mobile + 40 740 110 540
Alexander Denisov
Sales Area Manager
Phone + 70 95 916 79 01
Fax + 70 95 916 79 03
Mobile + 70 95 969 445 01
Günter Lukas
Sales Representative
Phone + 43 1 889 03 03
Fax + 43 1 889 03 03 30
Mobile + 43 664 104 63 56
David Hossli
Head of Supply Chain
Phone + 41 58 850 61 78
Fax + 41 58 850 61 60
Mobile + 41 79 334 49 39
Jürgen Oecknick
Dr.-Ing., Head of Research
and Development
Phone + 41 58 850 61 85
Fax + 41 58 850 61 60
Mobile + 41 79 770 62 06
Holcim Whiteboard 01/03
A colored white cement application an apartment building in Kilchberg.
On this page we would like to show you a building that has been constructed from and with white cement. It is a
building with an outstandingly unique architectural design, unmistakable colors and a unique position. The special
position of this property in Kilchberg gives its tenants a magnificent view of Lake Zurich and of the surrounding
countryside. The residential complex “Im Broelberg 8” is a building of a very high standard and one that excels in its
powerful architectural design and superb workmanship. The most significant element about this building is its exte-
rior, with its persuasively precise cubature and its clarity of layout and colors. Thirteen exclusive apartments with a
loft-like character give evidence in this building what an amazing residential quality can be achieved with colored
concrete made from white cement.
Concrete type:
B 35/25 F
Holcim (Schweiz) AG;
Albaro 5, grading curve:
0/16 mm, coloring pigments: Pieri Pp 700 pure
orange, additives: 1.2%
GLENIUM 27 CH, 0.8%
Rheocure, 0.4% delvostabilizer
Gebrüder Hodel AG,
6340 Baar, Switzerland
Gigon Annete & Guyer
Mike AG, 8005 Zürich,
Concrete plant:
Minder Beton AG , 8834
Schindellegi, Switzerland
Year of construction
Holcim Whiteboard 01/03
This and that.
Tell us your opinion!
Nobody is perfect and Rome wasn't built in a day either. So we look forward to welcoming any ideas, tips, and
suggestions you may have for inclusion in our magazine. With your help we hope to get better and better. Please
send your feedback to Holcim White Ltd, Hagenholzstrasse 83, CH-8050 Zürich, Switzerland, Fax +41 58 850 61 60
or by e-mail to marc.hasler@holcim.com, quoting the word “Whiteboard”. Thank you very much. Anyone writing
in will receive a small token of our appreciation.
Inspiration Material.
The following material can be obtained from your local sales contact or from
Holcim White Head Office:
Image Brochure.
The Adventures
Application Brochure.
Product Brochure.
Whiteboard is a dialogue-oriented
information magazine produced by
Holcim White Ltd for customers and
other interested parties. It focuses on
providing open and useful information on white cement and the activities of Holcim White Ltd on the Central and Eastern European markets.
Whiteboard normally appears at the
end of each quarter and is available in
an English-language version.
Responsible manager:
Marc O. Hasler
Contact address, re-orders:
Holcim White Ltd
Reference “Whiteboard”
Hagenholzstrasse 83
CH-8050 Zürich/Switzerland
Phone + 41 58 850 61 61
Fax + 41 58 850 61 60
Holcim Whiteboard 01/03