German Cross in Gold


German Cross in Gold
German Cross in Gold
Holders of the SS and Police: Volume 8
“Wiking:” Kepplinger to Zäh
Volume 8 (shown at left) concludes the “Wiking” German Cross in Gold
holders study by examining nearly 100 recipients of the award along with
information on numerous other significant personnel and an addendum
adding new material to previous volumes in the series. Essential for both
historians and collectors, this second volume on one of the "Classic" Waffen-SS units is enhanced by 191 illustrations. Foreword by Peter Imberger.
ISBN: 1932970282 • 378 pages • 191 photos • $54.95 plus postage
The first of two volumes, "Wiking" Part I includes the most detailed Combat Elements chapter of the series to date in both text
and photos. The divisional commanders are also covered in expanded text detail and unpublished images. The 78 German Cross
in Gold recipient biographies covered in Part I include the two
longest of “Wiking,” Swords holders Hans Dorr and August Dieckmann. Among the 33 Roll of Honor Clasp and Close Combat Clasp
in Gold holders are further unpublished images and details, including previously unconfirmed award holders. An addendum adds significantly to prior volumes with previously unpublished award
ceremony images of “Das Reich” and the complete surviving award
documents for another German Cross in Gold holder. A comprehensive study essential
to anyone interested in armored units of the Waffen-SS. ISBN: 1932970274
432 pages (100 pages more than previous volumes) • 242 photos • $54.95
Leaders of the SS & German Police, Volume II.
Reichsführer-SS ~ SS-Gruppenführer (Hans Haltermann to Walter Krüger),
by Michael D. Miller with Andreas Schulz.
In this long-awaited second volume, Miller and Schulz continue to examine the men who comprised the senior leadership of the most important and notorious of all the Third Reich’s myriad
military and paramilitary organizations. The coverage given is considerably more comprehensive
than in Volume I, including a wealth of heretofore unpublished documents and photos relating
to 56 well-known and not-so-well-known officers. British historian and author Sir Ian Kershaw
has written, “The reference works of Michael Miller and Andreas Schulz, painstakingly compiled
on the basis of meticulous research, are a great help to historians of the Third Reich and to
anyone wishing to learn precise biographical and career details of the Nazi leadership.”
ISBN: 1932970258 • 566 pages • 249 photos • Deluxe binding • $72.95 ✪
Also by Michael D. Miller
GAULEITER - The Regional Leaders of the Nazi Party and their Deputies, 1925-1945
By Michael D. Miller and Andreas Schultz
Drawing on a wealth of documents, many from original personnel files in the
Bundesarchiv in Berlin, the authors present highly detailed and fascinating biographies of these men who governed Germany on Hitler’s behalf. The text is
compemented by numerous photos, many unpublished, plus examples of autographs. In addition to the biographies, a lengthy section provides information
on all of the 43 Gaue (regions) of Nazi Germany. Military history author Richard
Hargreaves writes of the manuscript...”the most comprehensive overview I’ve
seen in any language.” 560 pages • 289 photos • Deluxe binding • $69.95 ✪
The Service Daggers of the SS - by Ralf Siegert with contributions by Ross J. Kelbaugh and Sven Georgi.
This is the English version of the highly acclaimed German title.
A "must have" for any SS-Dagger collector. On 417 pages with
more than 1200 photographs and illustrations the service daggers of the SS are explained in detail, including the Röhm Dagger
and the Himmler Dagger. Numerous examples of daggers of all
time periods, and a special chapter dedicated to chained daggers, make this book an invaluable addition to each library. The
book is in landscape format 8-1/2" x 11" and comes in a slipcase. - $135.00 plus shipping ✪
Get the SS & German Police Set!
Now available - Volume 1 & 2
together for only $102.95.
48 Years of
Serving Our
R. James Bender Publishing
PO Box 23456
San Jose, CA 95153-3456
Bender Publishing now offers these titles from B&D Publishing. See more titles from other publishers inside.
The Kriegsmarine Awards by Sascha Weber and Gerhard R. Skora - A two-volume set
presenting the histories and descriptions of the war badges of the Kriegsmarine, the Diamond versions, the Navy Honor Roll Clasp, the Narvik Shield in Gold, cloth badge versions,
and more. Over 1,000 pages and 3,000 photos in detailed color and descriptions allow collectors to easily recognize what to look for when considering acquisition of a particular
award. Rare photos and documents complement this study • Hard bound • $169.00 ✪
The Iron Cross by Dietrich Maerz and George Stimson - 608 pages written about the
German Iron Cross First Class (EK 1) decoration of 1939. Including hundreds of pages about
the history of the award, its manufacturing, award procedures, and most importantly, precise data. With 1,500 color photographs, and scans to enable the reader to positively identify genuine pre-1945 examples. The book contains chapters on miniature versions,
presentation cases and award documents. • $150.00 ✪
The Flak Badges Of The Luftwaffe and Heer by Marc Garlasco - A definitive work
about these two badges, includes history, documents, cases and over 50 known variants,
all presented with superb quality photography. Over 800 pictures, most in color, on 430
pages - Hard bound, linen cover with a glossy dust jacket • $109.00 ✪
The German Cross by Dietrich Maerz - The first ever in-depth examination of this prestigious award, with complete chapters on the history of the order, manufacturing techniques, award procedures, characteristic details of all of the known (some unknown)
manufacturers of both metal and cloth versions, cases, award documents, and more on 448
pages with over 1,200 photos/illustrations. The most complete reference work on the German Cross in Gold and Silver. • Hard bound • $130.00 ✪
The Krim Shield by Sascha Weber - Over 140 pages with more than 300 full color photos,
and detailed descriptions of all of the currently known variations of this decoration. Includes examples of award documents, entries, miniatures, reproductions, and more which
have never before been gathered together into one volume. • Hard bound • $79.00 ✪
The Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross by Dietrich Maerz (NEW DUST COVER) - The regulations, distribution and all accepted makers of the highest award in never before seen detail on 400 pages with over 500 photos, diagrams and tables. Including an in-depth
discussion of Oak Leaves, Swords, Golden Diamonds, Grand Cross and the elusive Star to
the Grand Cross. • Hard bound, linen cover with dust jacket • $124.95 ✪
The Luftwaffe Ground Combat Badge by Sascha Weber - Another first for collectors.
This book describes regulations, documents and cases in addition to known variants of the
Luftwaffe equivalent to the Infantry Assault Badge, making a perfect addition to Webers
earlier study. The subject is covered on 136 pages with over 500 color photos - Hard bound,
linen cover with dust jacket • $79.95 ✪
The Glider Pilot Badge by Stijn David - The first book about this rare badge and the
brave men who earned it. An exhaustive study that includes known variants of the award
and the history, documents and cases. This badge was awarded to some of the bravest men
of the WWII! Over 250 pictures, mostly in color, on 139 pages - Hard bound, linen cover
with a dust jacket • $59.00 ✪
The Infantry Assualt Badge by Sascha Weber - Already highly acclaimed in its German
version, the English edition is an important and indispensable addition to every collector’s
library. All known variants of the badge are discussed and explained in detail including over
1,000 pictures on 253 page. • Hard bound, linen cover with a dust jacket • $90.00 ✪
The Awards of the Heer, Vol. 1 by D. Maerz/B.Hartmann - This first book of a two-volume set of reference books is the most complete work regarding the decorations a soldier
of the German Wehrmacht could be awarded. Over 800 pictures on 448 pages - Delux Binding • $115.00 ✪
The Party Badge by Jo Rivett - With over 500 pages and more than 2,000 color photos,
author, Jo Rivett presents the history, designs, manufacturing and intrinsic details of the
Party Badges of the NSDAP. The topic is covered in depth. A detailed chapter on the Golden
Party Badges rounds off this critical and provocative book. 524 pages - $115.00 ✪
The Wehrpaß and Soldbuch of the Wehrmacht by A. Scapini/A. Gorzanelli - The Wehrpaß
and Soldbuch of the Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, and Waffen-SS are covered on 328 pages
in great detail. Each is translated into English and the meaning and purpose for every entry
is explained in detail. - $110.00 ✪
The Memel Medal by A. Scapini - Over 150 pages presenting all known original variations
of this fairly rare medal, but also shows all the known fakes. The history of the medal as
well as the packages and the documents are also part of this important book. Includes 159
pages with over 500 pictures and photographs, most in color - $60.00 ✪
NEW and Now Available at Bender Publishing.
The Camouflage Helmets of the Wehrmacht - by Paul Martin
This is the first time that an author has tackled the difficult
subject of camouflage helmets and Paul Martin has done it
in the only way possible: by showing many genuine examples.
This first volume examines the sprayed, brushed, and textured
helmets as well as those with wire camouflage. On over 300
pages in full color genuine examples are presented in never
before seen detail. An indispensable reference for the serious
collector of any camouflage helmet. • Large Format • Hard
Cover • 312 pages • 715 photos, most in color • 120.00
plus shipping from Bender Publishing.
Volume 2: Troop Carrier Command, Pathfinders,
Glider Troops, The Jump Uniform
Volume 1: WWII American Airborne: Early Years, Training,
Jump Wings, Parachutes, Jump Helmets, Paramarines
by LTC (Ret.) JOHN R. ANGOLIA assisted by Jake Powers
Military Consulting Services provided by George A. Petersen, NCHS, Inc.
“Heroes in Our Midst” continues in this 2nd
volume with an in-depth study of everything
airborne-related. The Troop Carrier Command
chapter outlines training and tactical operations, aircraft used, uniforms, insignia, plus
116 Troop Carrier squadron patches.
Pathfinders are covered in similar fashion
showing uniforms, insignia, and their specialized radar, lighting and signal equipment. The
massive chapter on Glider Troops covers tactical glider development
and operations, plus uniforms and insignia worn by glider pilots and
troops to include the evolution of garrison cap patches of all styles. All
known makers of glider qualification badges and their associated trimmings are detailed in full color. The paratroopers’ Jump Uniform is a
stand-alone 160 page chapter showing numerous photos of the “balloon
cloth” coverall, the M1941 and M1942 jump uniforms and their modifications, and an extensive 42 page study of jump boot evolution by manufacturer. The chapter concludes with coverage of the M1943 field
combat uniform with a special emphasis on modified M1943 jump
512 pages • 1400 photos (most in color) • $94.95 ✪
Foreword by General (Ret) James J. Lindsay
“Heroes in Our Midst” Volume 1 - When the
intent to address the history of the WWII U.S.
airborne forces was first contemplated, the
reaction was “What can one do that hasn’t already been done?” Upon hearing of the project, historians, advanced researchers,
collectors, and fans of the airborne stepped
forward asking, “What can I do to help?”
What was initially intended to be a single volume has turned into a formidable series on the subject. This first volume deals in great detail with the Early Years, Airborne Training,
Parachute Qualification Wings and Trimmings, Evolution of Military
Parachutes, Jump Helmets, and Paramarines in 528 pages, 1660 photos
(most in full color), large format deluxe binding, with the first 500
copies signed and serial numbered - at a bargain price of $94.95 plus
postage. Future volumes, each over 500 pages, will cover Troop Carriers,
Glider Troops, Pathfinders, Service and Jump Uniforms, Divisional/ Unit
patches, Distinctive Insignia, Special Insignia, Equipment, Weapons,
Tactical Operations, Unit Colors (Flags and Guidons), and Paper-Related
528 pages • 1,660 photos - Most in Color
Large Format Deluxe Binding • $94.95 ✪
Collect the set!
Get German Cross in Silver and German Cross in Gold
Volumes 1 thru 7 at 33% off. • $239.00 (Reg. $359.60)
Add Volume 8 to your purchase of the German Cross set for only $35 more.
Delivered to: USA: $8.24 • Canada: $42.45 • Europe/Asia: $61.75
Collect the complete set of German
Cross in Gold by Mark C. Yerger!
German Cross in Silver Holders of the SS and Police: For the first time,
full biographical data and unpublished photo material is available for the
SS and Police holders. The award itself is in full color, its recommendation
process, and actual award documents are also included. 208 pages • 127
photos & documents • deluxe binding • $34.95 ✪
German Cross in Gold Holders of the SS and Police
Volume 1: “Das Reich.” Kurt Amlacher to Heinz Lorenz. Research provides
comprehensive information for the holders of this prestigious decoration
to include the combat narrative that actually resulted in the award. An
appendix includes the most detailed Order of Battle listing of commands
compiled to date, as well as new data on the Division’s Roll of Honor Clasp
and Close Combat Clasp in Gold holders. 432 pages • 295 photos/illustrations • deluxe binding • $44.95 ✪
Volume 2: “Das” Reich.” Karl-Heinz Lorenz to Herbert Zimmermann. This
work concludes the known confirmed holders of the German Cross in Gold
of “Das Reich” who were awarded their decoration for combat while members of that division. 432 pages • 247 photos • deluxe binding • $44.95 ✪
Volume 3: Regiment and Division “Nordland.” Yerger’s extensive contacts
throughout the world helped him once again author a historical journey
which leads us through the combat actions of “Nordland’s” recipients of
the German Cross in Gold in great detail. 252 pages • 139 photos • deluxe
binding • $44.95 ✪
Volume 4: presents new material and photos on the Waffen-SS Cavalry.
Emphasis is on the Kavallerie Brigade, “Florian Geyer,” and “Maria Theresia.” Data for unit development, commanders, and senior staff, is the most
inclusive yet published. A full campaign report by a senior commander,
Allgemeine-SS riding units, Honor Clasp, and Close Combat Clasp in Gold
holders are included. Feldpost data, multiple officer assignment lists and
addendum. 368 pages • 151 photos • Deluxe Binding • $44.95 ✪
Volume 5: covers the first half of German Cross in Gold holders of the
Polizei Division and independent Polizei Units. Exacting new details of this
unit that saw combat in the West, Russia, and Greece includes its numerous
commanders and senior staff, as well as an exhaustive study of its development and Kampfgruppe Polizei Division. The Honor Clasp and Close Combat Clasp in Gold holders of the formation are detailed, all enhanced with
a wealth of previously unseen documents and photos. Foreword by Leslie
Fiorenza. 320 Pages • 138 photos • Deluxe binding • $44.95 ✪
Volume 6: Completes the study of the Polizei Division German Cross in
Gold holders in previously unrecorded detail. In addition, the independent
Senior SS and Polizei holders of the award are examined, many of whom
were higher SS and Police Leaders. Along with significant and previously
unseen photos and documents, the author, Mark C. Yerger added an addendum that updates previous volumes in the series with new information
and illustrations. Foreword by George M. Nipe. 320 pages • 126 photos
and illustrations Deluxe Binding • $44.95 ✪
Volume 7: The first of two volumes, "Wiking" Part I includes the most
detailed Combat Elements chapter of the series to date in both text
and photos. The divisional commanders are also covered in expanded
text detail and unpublished images. The 78 German Cross in Gold recipient biographies covered in Part I include the two longest of “Wiking,” Swords holders Hans Dorr and August Dieckmann. Among the 33
Roll of Honor Clasp and Close Combat Clasp in Gold holders are further
unpublished images and details, including previously unconfirmed
award holders. An addendum adds significantly to prior volumes with
previously unpublished award ceremony images of “Das Reich” and the
complete surviving award documents for another German Cross in Gold
holder. 432 pages (100 pages more than previous volumes) • 242 photos • $54.95 ✪
Germany’s Combat Helmets 1933-1945: A Modern Study
by Ken Niewiarowicz
Perhaps the best reference yet written on the overall subject of the Third Reich steel helmet.
Details and heretofore little known facts are presented in a chronological order through the
examination of scores of the finest original examples. The reader will come away with a better understanding of the production, adornment and period modification in design of the
combat helmets of Hitler's armed forces.
468 pages • 867 Color Photos • Deluxe Binding • $72.95 • ISBN No. 1-932970-12-6
3rd Printing
An Illustrated Catalog and History from the Revolutionary War to Present. This significant work includes many new illustrations and photographs showing soldiers wearing chevrons throughout the history of the US Army.
Illustrated summary tables catalog and show each authorized chevron as well as widely worn unofficial chevron designs. All include titles
and dates of wear. For each rank chevron Col. Emerson explains how changes in army technology and organizations resulted in new NCO positions
and the soldiers’ associated duties. One entire chapter covers miscellaneous chevrons such as coast artillery rates, Army Mine Planter sleeve insignia, World War I telephone operator ranks, the Army Transport Service chevrons, and many others. Data and illustrations are logically arranged
by time and when appropriate, by category. Paintings, drawing, and photos and research details have been gathered from National Archives,
government repositories, museums, and private collections. Some are published here for the first time.
Collectors, military historians, museum personnel, reenactors, and those just interested in the U. S. Army will enjoy this important book.
It will quickly become a standard reference work for libraries and museums.
446 pages • 920 photos and illustrations • Large format • Deluxe Binding $79.95 (plus shipping) ✪
Headgear of Hitler’s Germany, Volume 5
By Wilhelm P.B.R. Saris, Roger Bender, Otto Spronk and
Stan Cook
The in-depth research of Third Reich political and
semi-political headgear continues. Thousands of foreigners served in the wartime transportation formations of “Speer” and “Todt.” Also detailed are the early
labor organizations known as the “Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst” which would evolve into the “Reichsarbeitsdienst.” The RAD chapter is loaded with new facts and has a 60-page study of the traditions
cap badges explaining their design and wear. The evolution of headgear
and insignia for all of the above is meticulously covered plus hundreds of
rare photos of them in wear.
512 pages • 931 photos, many in color • Deluxe binding • $79.95 ✪
Military Pilot & Aircrew Badges of the World (1870Present) Volume 1: Europe (Albania-Hungary)
By Don Chalif and Roger J. Bender
While cleaning up our warehouse we came across
about 200 copies of this long out-of-print title. For those
interested in European Flying Badges this publication has
been the “bible” for years.
Over 25 years of research has gone into this history
and evolution of international air forces and their badges
from 1870-1982. This volume covers, with descriptive
text and photos, the European countries of Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, East Germany, Great Britain, France and Hungary.
224 pages • 559 photos/illustrations • Large Format • Deluxe Binding • $44.95 ✪
War Badges of the Kriegsmarine
By Gordon Williamson
A perfect companion to “Torpedo Los,” this
book covers the War Badges of the Kriegsmarine
with particular emphasis on the surface units.
Packed with detailed obverse and reverse color
shots as well as close ups of hinges, pins and
maker marks giving the collector and military enthusiast detailed coverage of all the major variants
of these desirable badges.
As well as the badges themselves, a huge range of rare award
documents, paybook entries and other documentation is provided, along
with many rare and previously unpublished detailed wartime images showing the awards being worn.
380 Pages • 1,121 photos, most in color • Deluxe binding • $79.95 ✪
Equipping the Corps, Volume 1:
1892 to 1937 - Webgear, Weapons and Headgear
By Alec S. Tulkoff
Tulkoff has once again combed through countless archives and
private collections to bring never before seen USMC pieces of
equipment and photographs together in this first of a two volume set. Volume I covers the field gear, small arms (pistols, rifles and machineguns) and headgear from 1892 to 1937. The evolution of the Marine
Corps bell crown cap is meticulously documented with both photographs and archival
documentation. Arsenal and Quartermaster records thought to have been destroyed
were located and new serial numbers attributed to the Marine Corps have been identified for Krag rifles (1,000) as well as M1903 rifles, M1912 Colt Automatics, BAR’s
and even a handful of shotguns. Detailed information about quantities contracted
are supplied in the field gear chapter in regards to cartridge belts and suspenders.
384 pages • 861 photos, most in color • Deluxe binding • $79.95 ✪
Coming in
• Hoffmann Postcards: The “R” (Ritterkreuz) Series.
• USMC Eagle, Globe and Anchor History: 1868-1963
• Heroes in our Midst: Volume 3
• Third Reich Reichsbahn Eagles
Ulric of England Publications
German Military Timepieces of World War II: Volume 1 (2nd edition)
This concise book details the most important military timepieces including the
special chronographs of the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine deck watches. German
Army service/contract watches and may more are excellently described along with
detailed photography. 48 pages • Over 90 photos • Soft cover • $19.99
German Military Timepieces of World War II: Volume 2
Covers details in the complex field of German Military Timepiece serial numbering
allowing the collector/researcher to date a timepiece. Virtually every known German timepiece is superbly displayed and clearly detailed. Further enhanced by
various archive documents, detailed drawings and period photographs. 136 pages
• Over 150 photos • Soft cover • $39.99
German Military Timepieces of
World War II Volume 3: German Army/Waffen SS
Chapter 1 - D-H Numbering Analysis
Chapter 2 - Heer D-H Wristwatches
Chapter 3 - D-U + D1-H Wristwatches
Chapter 4 - Heer D-H Pocket Watches
Chapter 5 - Entries of Heer Watches in Soldbuchs
Chapter 6 - Waffen-SS Timepieces
Chapter 7 - The Special SS Observer Timepiece
Chapter 8 - Entries of Watches in Waffen-SS Soldbuchs
Chapter 9 - Duty Clocks for Heer + Waffen-SS
Chapter 10 - Timepieces for German Military Vehicles.
144 pages • 384 Color photos • Large format • Hard bound • $79.95
Collecting Third Reich Recordings - by Stuart C. McKenzie
The author presents an unrivaled historic and musical study of recordings released
in the 1930s/1940s. This well-documented book is in three parts: Music and musicians; history and manufacture of military recordings with a well illustrated study
of record labels; and all postwar recordings from pre-1945 originals where available. 120 pages • 313 photos • Soft cover • $30.00
Chariots of War
This book details the development of the small submersible, “human
torpedo,” or “chariot” as used by the Italian Navy against the British
from 1941-1944. 170 pages • 215 photos • Large format • Case bound
• $49.95
Third Reich & Political Cuffbands
Volume 1: includes enhanced photographs, outlines all the main cuffband manufacturing types, and shows examples of reproduction cuffbands produced since the 1960’s. 80 pages • 230 photos • Soft bound
• $29.99
Volume 2: addresses manufacturing idiosyncrasies, and the complex
subject of reproductions in greater detail. 120 pages • 373 photos •
Soft bound • $39.99
Reinhard Heydrich: the Biography (Vol. 1–The Road to War)
Reinhard Heydrich was a controversial, enigmatic character, and ingenious diplomatic negotiator. To understand this complex man, the
authors have uncovered previously unpublished information (including documents and photographs from numerous private archives)
which relate to both Heydrich’s political and personal life, and they
present an objective and comprehensive picture. Large format • 166
pages • 272 photos • $49.99
Reinhard Heydrich: the Biography (Vol. 2–Enigma)
Details the life of Heydrich from the beginning of the Second World War, his involvement in the Jewish question and posting as acting “Reichs-Protector” for Bohemia-Moravia. Leading through until Heydrich’s assassination in 1942, his “State
Funeral” and continuing with the precarious life of his wife Lina and their family
until her death in 1985. Large format • 272 pages • 500 photos • $59.99 ✪
Apex of Glory - By Blaine Taylor
“Apex of Glory” relives the glories and tragedies of
the Mercedes-Benz Company over seven turbulent
decades, and reveals the incredible rise of the company
throughout the period of Hitler’s Third Reich. In particular it is the huge, and largely previously unpublished,
photographic archive of Mercedes-Benz covering the period of the Third Reich. This archive had originally been
put together by Mercedes-Benz in 1940, and given to
Hitler as a special presentation gift of over 50 albums.
372 pages • 464 photos/illustrations • large hardbound
format • $99.99 ✪
Collecting World War II German Military Pay & Service
by Ulric of England/Nigel Allison
An example of the Service Book (Wehrpass) is shown, broken down page by page with full English translations, also examples of Pay Books
(Soldbuch) for Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine and Waffen-SS with the same treatment. Of particular use to the collector or researcher is an A-Z glossary of most
items of uniform and equipment detailed in the Pay Book. 128 pages • over 150
photos • glossy soft cover • $39.99
Fresh Find!
Just found in the back of
our warehouse is a stash of
Painted Steel: Steel Pots, Vol. II!
Painted Steel: Steel Pots, Volume II
by Chris Armold
This volume features painted and unit marked helmets of WWI and WWII, plus a
variety of divisional, regimental and subordinate markings. Special full-color plates
detail subordinate unit markings such as the tactical markings used by the U.S.
2nd Division in WWI. In addition, insignia and specialty markings such as USN
beach battalion, Army engineers, medics, MP and airborne division tactical markings are examined. A complete chapter is devoted to the history of the U.S. tank
and combat vehicle crewman’s helmet from WWI to present. Other chapters provide
tips on reproductions and fake representations of U.S. helmets and accessories.
384 pages • 1,053 photos (hundreds in color) • deluxe binding • $57.95 ✪
Subscribe today to the M.A.
More than 25 years of excellence! • Check out the Collector’s Pack - the first 80 titles available for only $201.00 (Reg. $440)
R. James Bender Publishing
PO Box 23456 • San Jose, CA 95153 • USA • Ph. (408) 225-5777 • Fax: (408) 225-4739 • • e-mail:
Bender Publishing Titles
The Civil War Uniforms of the United States Marine Corps:
The Regulations of 1859
By Lt. Col. Charles H. Cureton, USMCR(Ret.) and David M. Sullivan
This book is the first in-depth study of Civil War Marine uniforms and equipment ever undertaken, and it includes hundreds of contemporary studio portraits of officers and men wearing the items described and illustrated in the
1859 uniform regulations plus hundreds of color photographs of surviving material. There are complete chapters on the evolution of Marine insignia, swords,
headdress, and all types of uniforms and clothing. 296 pages • 475 Color Photos
and Period Portraits • Large Format Deluxe Binding • $79.95 ✪
River Patrol Insignia of the United States Navy (Vietnam) 1966/1972
by Scott Kraska & Stephen Kirby
Those who served in Task Force 116 are among the most elite teams deployed
by the U.S. Navy in Vietnam: PBRs, SEALs, Seawolves, and Black Ponies. Their
mission was to route the enemy deep within the secluded waterways of the
Delta. This book illustrates the colorful insignia, emblems and artifacts used
by these units in great detail. 168 Pages • 375 Color Photos • Large Format
Deluxe Binding • $59.95 ✪
Handbook of the Hitler-Jugend Bann Numbers and Gebiet Triangles
by Wilhelm P.B.R. Saris with Philippe Gillain and Jeff Hammond
The author presents the reader with an in-depth development of HJ Gebiet triangles, shoulder straps and their colors, and the ranking systems. Additionally,
the triangles and shoulder straps for all known special forces and formations
are covered. This book is a “Must Have” for all HJ collectors and researchers.
784 Pages • 1034 Photos/Illustrations • Deluxe Binding • $89.95 ✪
Uniforms, Organizations & History of the German Police: Vol. 2
By John R. Angolia & Hugh Page Taylor
This massive volume documents the uniforms, shoulder boards, collar tabs,
uniforms of Police generals, specific insignia, awards, decorations, belts and
buckles. Then comes the history, organization and uniforms of five of the major
branches of the Police organization: the Protection, Traffic and Municipal Police, the Gendarmerie (including the motorized branch) and the Technical Emergency Corps (TN). 808 pages • 1,083 photos/Illustrations (Most in full color)
• Deluxe binding • $89.95 ✪
The War Merit Cross - by Gordon Williamson and Josef Charita
This book painstakingly reviews The War Merit Cross from 1939 through the postwar
years. Hundreds of color photos show the fronts, backs, pins, hinges, maker’s marks,
presentation boxes, and award certificates while clearly laying out the manufacturing
details to help identify each medal. In addition, the book closes with an illustrated
biography section complete with a list of recipients of the Knight’s Cross of the War
Merit Cross, with and without Swords, and details on how and when they earned
their medals. 458 pages • 739 photos • deluxe binding • $64.95 ✪
Defending the Reich - by David Littlejohn
This work gives a history of the air war, year by year, introducing the reader to the
active ground defenses...Flak, radar, searchlights, etc. The picture is completed with
coverage of Germany’s civil defense structure which included the Luftschutz, TeNo,
Police and Fire Services, Werkfeuerwehr, Luftschutzpolizei, Fire Services (Youth), etc.
All the above organizations are richly illustrated in color and period photos, and show
related uniforms, rank and specialty insignia, daggers, flags, medals and helmets.
680 pages • 1573 photos/illustrations (many in color) deluxe binding • $79.95 ✪
Aiguillettes of the Third Reich - by Wilhelm P.B.R. Saris
Aiguillettes were the most indispensable part on a uniform when on parade, for adjutants or for special duty services. The extensive text is an in-depth uniform study
of almost every state and Party organization, including the evolution of patterns as
well as hundreds of detailed color photos of aiguillettes and their parts, plus numerous portraits of them in wear. 640 pages •1034 photos/illustrations (many in
color) deluxe binding • $79.95 ✪
Leaders of the SS & German Police, Vol. 1: Ahrens to Gutenberger
by Michael Miller
This first volume provides detailed biographical sketches and photos of 71 senior
leaders of the SS and German Police. You will know promotion dates, every position
held during their career, decorations received, postwar prosecution, and personal data
like family, religion, etc. For the autograph collector examples of signatures are also
provided. 498 pages • 288 photos/51 illustrations • deluxe binding • $48.95 ✪
Headgear of Hitler’s Germany
by Wilhelm P.B.R. Saris & Jill Halcomb Smith
Volume 3: The complexities of Political Headgear are unraveled with dates of introduction, insignia changes, and a historical background showing headgear evolution
from the 1920s to 1945. Of special significance is a 60 page full-color addendum
for ease of recognition. 592 Pages • 1,069 photos • deluxe binding • $54.95 ✪
- by Wilhelm P.B.R. Saris with Stan Cook, Otto Spronk & Jill Halcomb Smith
Volume 4: Includes the General-SS, SS Special Purpose Troops, SS-Death’s Head
units and the Germanic-SS (Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and Denmark). Coverage
continues on the National Socialist Automobile Corps and the National Socialist
Motor Corps with its numerous sub-units. The complex evolution of the insignia, the
ranking and piping systems, the various organizational and school headgear styles,
plus full documentation and detail-filled photos grace this large reference. 512 pages
• 824 photos/illustrations • deluxe binding • $59.95 ✪
For Germany: The Otto Skorzeny Memoirs
edited by Craig W.H. Luther, Ph.D. & Hugh Page Taylor
Otto Skorzeny is one of the best known and colorful figures of the Third Reich. Before
he died in 1975 he personally entrusted Bender Publishing with the formidable task
of producing the most detailed and up-dated version of his incredible life story. A
quarter of a century later, the ultimate story of “Scarface” Skorzeny” is finally available. Complete with an exhaustive index, providing biographical details not found
in the text. 528 pages • 248 photos • deluxe binding • $48.95 ✪
Dressed for Duty, America’s Women in Uniform: (1898-1973)
by Jill Halcomb Smith
Volume 1: This landmark reference presents an overall view of the role of women in
the service of our nation’s defense plus an in-depth study of the evolution of their
uniforms and insignia (many in color). Fifty organizations are covered in this volume,
some of which are: Aerial Nurse Corps of America; Army Nurse Corps; Cadet Nurse
Corps; Citizen’s Defense Corps; Motor Corps of America; National Security Women’s
Corps; Navy Nurse Corps. etc. 480 pages • 1,089 photos & illustrations • deluxe binding • $54.95 ✪
Volume 2: A continuing study of women in our nation’s defense, plus their uniforms
and insignia. Some organizations covered include: Relief Wings, Inc., the Salvation
Army, USO, “Hello Girls,” United States Coast Guard Women’s Reserve (SPARS),
United War Work Campaign, WAVES, Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), Women
War Correspondents, WAAC/WAC, United States Naval Reserve (F), YMCA, YWCA,
etc. 544 pages • over 1,300 photos/illustrations (most in color) deluxe binding •
$59.95 ✪
Russian Helmets: from Kaska to Stalshlyem 1916-2001
by Robert W. Clawson
“Russian Helmets” provides the keys to accurate identification of the various models
of Russian and Soviet helmets. In addition it notes numerous rare experimental models and evaluates their contribution to the evolution of subsequent production models. Photos of the various models as well as cutaway drawings and diagrams are
included. 128 pages • 161 photos (most in color) • deluxe binding • $34.95 ✪
US Silent Service: Dolphins & Combat Insignia 1924-1945
by David A. Jones
This book chronicles the developmental history of US submarine insignia prior to
1945. Each insignia is photographed (obverse and reverse) and magnified in color.
All known contractors are covered plus embroidered versions, mess dress variations,
the Roll of Honor, submarine combat insignia, battleflags, launch memorabilia and
related submarine collectibles. 224 pages • 532 photos/illustrations (most in color)
• deluxe binding • $39.95 ✪
Waffenrock: Parade Uniforms of the German Army
by Ltc. (ret.) Timothy J. Curley & Neil G. Stewart
87 examples of this important uniform are portrayed in beautiful, full-color professional photography...illustrating every branch-of-service Waffenfarbe for enlisted
men, NCOs and officers. Details of their insignia, interior markings and tailoring are
covered for each uniform. This massive “gem” of a publication comes in a beautiful,
heavy-duty slipcase. 592 pages • large 8-1/2 x 11 format • 1,140 photos, most in
stunning color • deluxe binding with slipcase • 7 pounds • $119.95 (See shipping
info for special requirements on this title.) ✪
The Call Of Duty: Military Awards & Decorations of the United States
of America - By Ltc. John E. Strandberg & Roger James Bender
This monumental work spans over two centuries and illustrates in striking color the
evolution of U.S. military decorations from 1782 to the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal in 2003. In this comprehensive reference, not only are the obverse, reverse,
and approprivate rim markings illustrated in full color, it also states eligibility for
the award and gives historical background. The authors have also been able to expand the coverage of known rim number styles and number ranges for Army, Navy,
and Marine Corps campaign medals. 560 pages • 1,293 photos (most in color) •
deluxe binding • $69.95 ✪
Postcards of Hitler’s Germany - by R. James Bender
Volume 1 (1923-1936): Three basic categories of postcards are chronologically covered: official issue, “printed to private order” for special events, and propaganda.
These images depict a mini-history of National Socialist Germany from many historical events to the complex latticework of German culture and society. The basic cards
are not only pictured, but all known variants are listed or illustrated. 368 pages •
1,078 photos • deluxe binding • $54.95 ✪
Volume 2 (1937-1939): As with Volume 1, all known variations are listed or illustrated, plus special stamps and cancellations. 360 pages • 1,200+ photos/illustrations
• deluxe binding $54.95 ✪
Volume 3 (1940-1945): As with the first two volumes, it chronologically covers official issues, “printed to private order” for special events and propaganda cards for
the years 1940-1945. For added interest, the colorful cards from annexed and occupied countries are also included. 304 pages • 1,000+ photos • deluxe binding •
$54.95 ✪
Leaders & Personalities of the Third Reich - by Charles Hamilton
Volume 1: Charles Hamilton has blended a unique gathering of autographs, biographies, and rare photographs to give a personal view of Adolf Hitler and the individuals who influenced him, and those he captivated with his notions of a “Master
Race” and “Thousand Year Reich.” Chapters include: Hitler’s Handwriting, The Molders
of Hitler’s Mind, The Führer’s “Inner Circle,” Staff, Adjutants, & Friends, The Gauleiters, The Women in Hitler’s Life, Builders of the New Reich, Personalities of the Third
Reich, and Prominent Refugees from the Third Reich. 480 pages • 876 photos/autographs • deluxe binding • $44.95 ✪
Volume 2: Records the lives and activities of additional personalities associated
with Nazi Germany. Chapters include: Hitler as an Artist, The “Degenerate” Artists,
The Master Spies, Men Against Hitler, Those Held Accountable, Cultural Leaders of
the Third Reich, Cohorts and Allies of the Third Reich, The Field Marshals and Grand
Admirals, and Soldiers of the Reich: Air Force. 480 pages • 724 photos/autographs
• deluxe binding • $44.95 ✪
Labor Organizations of the Reich - by John Angolia & David Littlejohn
This work details the complexity of the German labor organizations and their eventual
absorption by the Nazi Party. Accompanying the history and make-up of these organizations is an in-depth study of their uniforms, insignia, decorations and flags.
560 pages • 1,600 illustrations • deluxe binding • $54.95 ✪
Hitler’s Military Headquarters - by Aaron L. Johnson
This work photographically covers the various headquarters from which Hitler conducted the German military effort during WWII. It also details all of his movements
during the course of the war. Besides numerous unpublished photos and maps, material concerning the composition of Hitler’s headquarters, its guards, plus its higher
military and political staffs are included. 240 pages • 391 photos • deluxe binding
• $35.95 ✪
Gestapo Chief: The 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Müller
by Gregory Douglas
Volume 3: Includes documents proving that Müller was working for U.S. intelligence;
the large Soviet spy ring in England; details of Swiss bank accounts looted by the
CIA; U.S. intelligence documents on Pearl Harbor showing the extent of prior knowledge of the Japanese attack; the origins of the bloody Stalin purges of the late
1930s; Roosevelt’s successful plan to keep refugee Jews from finding safety in the
U.S.; and the Slapton Sands disaster in 1944. 286 pages • 68 photos/illustrations •
deluxe binding • $35.95 ✪
Müller Journals: The Washington Years, 1948-1950, Vol. 1
by Heinrich Müller, edited by Gregory Douglas
Müller survived the war and in 1948 was recruited by the U.S. CIA. From 1948
through 1952, Müller worked closely with top leadership of the CIA. During this period, he recorded the secret activities of the CIA and his observations about the
White House and its top aides. The McCarthy probes and Müller’s part in them, the
Korean War, anti-Semitism in official circles, CIA plans to overthrow foreign governments, high-level theft of government funds, Müller’s connection with Kim Philby
and other Soviet agents are found in the journals. 272 pages • 74 illustrations •
deluxe binding • $35.95 ✪
Other titles available from Bender Publishing
Volume I - Army Aviation & Commemorative Airship
Badges. Hardback. 184 pages. Full color. The first book to
cover in detail Imperial German WWI flight training and requirements for flight badge award criteria as well as badge
construction details. It also provides information on how to
identify fake badges. • $75.00 ✪
Volume II - The German Navy and Central Powers Air
Services. Hardback. 248 pages. Full color. A continuation of
Vol. 1, it is rich in content and history, as well as full color
pictures. Covers Imperial German Naval Air Service badges
plus qualification, training, and details on fakes. Most Central
Powers (Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, & Bulgarian) Air Services
information enclosed has never been published. • $85.00 ✪
The German Luftwaffe & Heer Paratrooper Badges of
World War II - 1936-1945 by Thomas Durante
This comprehensive guide illustrates each and every maker of
the German Luftwaffe and Heer paratrooper badges of World War
II. All eleven manufacturers are methodically presented in unrivalled detail and clarity, and each of their 87 variants is systematically catalogued with detailed pictures, unique
characteristics and precise dimensions. Previously unknown
makers of several Luftwaffe Paratrooper badges are identified for the first time and
recently discovered variants of the Heer paratrooper badge are also revealed and detailed in this volume. Cloth badges, award documents, cases, 1957-version badges
and miniatures are also meticulously detailed in addition to many never seen photographs in this all-encompassing work. Over 630 pages and 1,200 color photographs
in 8”x10” hard-cover format; this volume is a must have for both the experienced
and novice collector alike. Over 630 pages • 1,200 color photos/illustrations • Large
8” x 10” hard cover format • $150.00 ✪
Flight Badges of the Allied Nations, 1914-1918: Volume I
The French, Russian, and Romanian Air Services
by CDR. Robert S. Pandis USNR (Ret.)
A new work on in the series on Flight Badges of the Allied Nations, 1914-1918. This is the third volume offered
(Volume 1 in the series) covering the flight badges of the French, Russian, and Romanian Air Services. It includes
never before published information and photographs on what is a very difficult area for researchers and collectors.
This volume is a "must have" for both serious aviation historians and collectors of these rare decorations. Signed
by the author. hard cover; 320 pages • 1,113 color photos. • $95.00 ✪
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