Sentinel Week 13 - South Atlantic Media Services
THE SENTINEL South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd. Vol. 4, Issue 13 - Price: £1 “serving St Helena and her community worldwide” SKELETON CROWNED GRAVITY RUSH 2015 CHAMPIONS Thursday 18 June 2015 A Day For Mothers SPECTATOR INJURIES MAR GREAT EVENT page 3 Richard Wallis, SAMS T he third annual Gravity Rush held by SHAPE saw homemade go-karts race through the streets of Jamestown in front of a captivated crowd. Some spectators got more than they expected when the high speed action crossed the safety barrier between racer and audience. An unfortunate run of accidents saw four people taken to the Jamestown Hospital as a precautionary measure. Twelve teams raced to become Gravity Rush 2015 Champions and in the end it was new cart ‘Skeleton’ that pipped ‘Bring It’ to the line. The morning started bright but clouds closed in and it was a grey day that always threatened to rain. The crowds were gathering when continued on page 15 Leaders Rainbow Guides Enrolled page 5 Island Games Team page 9 2 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL ST HELENA SNIPPETS French Visitors in the Harbour Last Visit of the Albatros Jane Durnford, SAMS Stern of the Albatros A rriving at St Helena on Tuesday morning was the French Navy vessel Albatros. The ship is on its way to Brest in France, where it will be decommissioned after 47 years serving the French Navy. Whilst the ship was in the harbour, the fiftyman crew took turns coming ashore over the two days. On the first day, the captain and 25 crew members attended a remembrance ser- vice at Napoleon’s tomb and later had drinks with the Acting Governor and Mrs Burns and invited guests at the Briars Pavillion. At the remembrance service at the Tomb, Acting Governor Sean Burns welcomed all onboard the Albatross to St Helena. In his speech saying, “St Helena’s connection with France is well know and firmly embedded in the island’s history that linked back to 200 years when the Emperor Napoleon was exiled to St Helena.” Captain Commander Riaz Akhoune followed with some of his own words in French for his crew members, as it was a great honour for them to pay tribute to Napoleon Bonaparte. The Albatros has been responsible for patrolling a staggering 2.25 million square meters of some of France’s remotest islands in the Southern Ocean, some of it in very inhospitable conditions. Only way on and off is via a rope ladder L-R: Captain Commander Riaz Akhoune, Acting Governor Sean Burns and Cheif of Police Trevor Botting Invited guests at the Briars Pavilion on Tuesday evening THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 3 ST HELENA SNIPPETS There is no Greater Love than a Mothers Love for a Child A Day for Mothers to Share Experiences and Enjoy Good Company Anne Clarke, SAMS P rince's Lodge was filled with laughter and baby babble on Wednesday 10 June, when 50 mothers and their babies came together for an away day hosted by Midwife Rosie Mittens and Community Staff Nurse Marilyn Pidgley. The day consisted of many activities for both mothers and babies as well as a chance for mothers to sit down in a comforting atmosphere and share their stories with one another. "I initiated this day to try and bring together all of the mothers and babies," said Rosie, "and to basically have a fun day out and share experiences with each other." The doors were opened at 10am and parents were invited to stay until 3pm. Questionnaires were circled, "to see how our services can be improved," said Rosie, "there were also questions about midwifery and child health." Mothers attending the event appeared to have had a good time, "it's been an opportunity to say hello to everyone and exchange stories on sleeping habits and feeding," said mummy Tara Thomas, "you can become a little isolated when you are at home, so it's a good chance to meet up and talk to other mums," she added. Sarah Williams told The Sentinel, "everybody experiences different things and I found it very interesting to be a part of the event." Midwife Rosie Mittens was very pleased with the turnout on the day, "everybody seemed to have enjoyed the day and a lot of mummies informed that they hope that we will continue to hold an event such as this in the future." 4 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL SENTINEL Free Glasses for ALL Children COMMENT Scheme Expanded to Include 17 and 18-Year-Olds Nicole Peters, SAMS F eeling down? Haven’t had the best of days? There are times when we all suffer from being upset, need a little cheering up, or just don’t feel our normal selves. I have to admit, there are times when I, personally, have not felt or acted the way I should do, and have let the smallest things just ruin my mood entirely. It’s a horrible feeling, I know, and we’ve all been there! But I’m here to help turn that frown upside down. Here are a few pick-meups which just might be handy if ever you need them. Write a list: Sometimes we are simply just overwhelmed with the amount of things that are happening in our lives. Preparing for exams is one example. So keep your tasks organised with a to-do list. Things which first seem complicated to juggle will seem more controlled having a planned timetable. Keep active: There is nothing like getting out of the house and enjoying a bit of exercise. Any workout of any sort can lift your mood completely and is a great way to relieve stress. Allow some TLC: It is always good to take time out for YOU. Feeling better about yourself on the outside can make you feel so much better on the inside. Why not take a relaxing bath or try a new hairstyle. Pampering sessions can be the simplest things but can make a huge improvement on your mood. Music: With the help of the lyrics or beat of certain songs, listening to music can be a great healer. Let loose, whether you choose to sing or bust a move. Turn up that volume! Talk to someone: If anything is bothering you, one of the best things to do is to share it with a friend. There’s nothing worse than ‘bottling it up’ as they say. I like to think that life is too short to be unhappy. So jump around, do the twist (like Martin George), and enjoy the company of your loved ones. I hope everyone has a brilliant week! South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd., The Media Centre, Castle Gardens, Jamestown, St Helena, South Atlantic Ocean, STHL 1ZZ. Tel: 22727 E:, W: time education. Assistant Chief Secretary Paul McGinnety, who is part of the Safeguarding Children’s Board, explained they had received good feedback, but they found people thought fter public feedback on their initiative “it would enhance the scheme if we were to which means children under the age of 16 will widen it out to those children and young peoreceive free glasses and hearing prescriptions, ple up to the age of 18.” the Safeguarding Children’s Board have an- Most recipients of this new scheme will alnounced they will be extending the scheme ready have prescriptions, and the aid will be to include anyone up to the age of 18 in full- backdated to include any purchases from the first of January this year. Some people need a regular change of prescription meaning an added burden on families Mr McGinnety Come an join in our… said. Although there is not an endless “pot of money” the board Activity day at Millennium Forest on hopes to support as Wednesday 24th June many people as possible and Mr McGinnety Staring at 10am to 2pm said it was “a step in the right direction.” When asked if SHG can afford Contact Martina Peters, Forests Schools officer on the costs of the scheme, 22224 or he said they cannot afford not to as it could The theme for this activity day is Marine life with activities hamper the developsuch as: ment of some children • Paint your own footprint which would ultimately • Make Flax fish have a higher cost for • Observe live sea creatures the island. The scheme will not Plus Treasure hunt starts at 12. fund people wanting to Tree planting will still take place. buy expensive designer glasses, however they will be given an amount of money towards their purchase. The project is currently funded for two years, and further funding will be needed when that runs out. August Graham, SAMS A THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 5 ST HELENA SNIPPETS "It's an Honour to be A Part of The Family" Two Leaders and Six Rainbow Guides Enrolled Anne Clarke, SAMS Half Tree Hollow’s Rainbows and Brownies with their leaders Inset: Branch commissioner, Alice Phillips, Natasha Stevens and Prudence Joshua A small ceremony was held at Walcott Hall in Half Tree Hollow on 10 June with invited guests and parents for the enrolment of two volunteer Rainbow Guide leaders and six rainbows. Natasha Stevens and Prudence Joshua are in full time employment, however, they have committed their time once a week for the organisation. "It's is an honour to be a part of the family," said Natasha, "it also makes me proud to see, the young rainbows now enrolled into the organisation." The Association operates in districts across the island, all of which are driven forward by volunteer leaders. During weekly meetings girls and young women are given a space to be themselves, have fun, build brilliant friendships, gain valuable life skills and make a positive difference to their lives and communities. "We build girls confidence and raise their aspirations. We give them the chance to discover their full potential," said Prudence. Branch Commissioner Alice Phillips took the liberty of awarding the new leaders and rainbows with a promise badge before the ceremony concluded with a bring and share. would like to extend a sincere thank-you to doctor Francisco and midwives Rosie Mittens and Erika Bowers for their support. Thanks are also extended to mum Gillian and dad Peter for all their love and support throughout and to all those that sent wishes, cards and gifts. Beautiful Bundle of Joy Ayesha Duanne Stroud-Williams Anne Clarke, SAMS G orgeous baby girl Ayesha Duanne StroudWilliams was born to proud first time parents Nicolette Stroud and Rico Williams on 14 April at 5.45am. Weighing a healthy 6lb 3oz, baby Ayesha, “is a happy and contented little girl,” said mummy. Being a first time parent, Nicolette is, “coping with the role okay,” and “enjoying every moment.” Daddy is “very proud” of his baby daughter and both parents 6 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL NOTICE BOARD ST HELENA HOSPITALITY UP-SKILLING PROJECT HOW CAN WE SUPPORT YOU TO BUILD A BETTER BUSINESS & TO MAKE MORE MONEY? We are moving closer to a new era on St Helena when the island is set to receive many more visitors that we presently see. This will have a huge impact to food and accommodation providers who will experience an increase in tasks such as ordering supplies, customer enquiries and bookings. Our team would like to support any Local Hospitality Business on a one to one basis over a set time period who would like to focus on improving one or more aspects of their product over an agreed period of time. We will spend time to understand your business and then jointly agree solutions to consider implementing. The list below contains suggestions on the kind of subjects we would be happy to support. x Food costing and profitability x Menus, recipes and ingredients x Making the most of sales x Reservations and bookings for accommodation x Accommodation standards and improvements x Creating simple standards for your business such as opening and closing procedures x Marketing your business: Who are my customers and why is a website so important? x Advice on Equipment If you have any questions or are interested in one of the team visiting you for an initial discussion please contact Gillian Moore, Hospitality Services Project Manager on Tel 22110 / 22920 or e-mail before Friday 03rd July 2015 The Economic Development Group | Head Office | ESH Business Park | Ladder Hill Tel: +290 22920 | Fax: +290 22166 | Email: OPENING OF DISTRICT CLINICS PUBLIC NOTICE VACANCY PLUMBER The Environment and Natural Resources Directorate is seeking to recruit a Plumber within their Property Division. The role will involve carrying out all domestic plumbing and related duties such as assessing faults and complaints of clients, estimating materials and supplies for the work required, manufacturing specific items of steel and ironmongery and maintaining direct and in-direct domestic plumbing systems. Experience in working with scaffolding and platforms would be an advantage and the applicant should have a drivers licence in classes A and C. The Health Directorate has announced that Nurse-led clinics are now reopening in the Island’s districts. Opening times are as follows: Half Tree Hollow Clinic • Monday 22 June from 10am to 2.30pm • Friday 26 June from 10am to 12.30pm The pharmacy bus will be at Half Tree Hollow Clinic at the above times. The salary for this post is at Grade B commencing at £6,542 per annum. Longwood Clinic • Wednesday 24 June from 10am to 12.30pm If you are interested in finding out more about this post please contact the Foreman Plumber, Mr Leroy Plato on telephone No 22054. or 22360. With effect from Wednesday 24 June, the pharmacy bus will be at Longwood Clinic each Wednesday from 10am to 12.30pm. Application forms and copies of the job profile are available from the Receptionist at the ANRD Office at Scotland or Essex House. Completed application forms should be submitted to the Human Resources Manager, Essex House by no later than 12 noon on Wednesday 1 July 2015. The district clinics will be Nurse-led, providing both general and diabetic appointments. To book an appointment, contact the Medical Records Office on Tel: 22321. Mrs Sarah Troman Head of Property and Housing 16 May 2015 The Levelwood Clinic is undergoing final renovation work, and an announcement about its opening will be made soon. For the moment, the pharmacy bus will continue its current arrangement in Levelwood. SHG 16 June 2015 THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 7 ST HELENA SNIPPETS/NOTICE BOARD Waiting For the Rains Scott’s Mill Reservoir Relining Complete Richard Wallis, SAMS T he water crisis that is threatening the people of St Helena may be helped as Scott’s Mill has now been relined. The relining was completed on Saturday when the last push was made before the reservoir was allowed to start refilling. The new lining is approved for the next 15 to 20 years and took under a week to install. The use of hosepipes and sprinklers for any purpose including watering of gardens and plants; washing vehicles, and washing down hardstanding areas including driveways and other paved areas was prohibited from Monday 15 June by Connect. The ban affects consumers in the Hutts Gate, Redhill, Levelwood, Blue Hill, Head O’Wain, Burnt Rock, Horse Pasture and Thompson’s Hill areas. Functional Skills Adult English & Maths Course Days Venue Duration Start Date Functional skills Tuesday’s 9am-11am, LLS classroom 2 ½ hours per session Thursday’s 9am-11am & English Tuesday’s 4:30pm-6pm Week Starting 29th June Functional Skills Monday’s 2pm-4pm, LLS Classroom 2 ½ hours per session 2015 Wednesday’s 2pm-4pm & Maths Monday’s 4:30pm-6pm Closing Date 22nd June 2015 For further information and registration please contact Training Coordinator on Telephone 22607 or email: 8 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL NOTICE BOARD Sponsored Busy Hands A fundradiser with a difference in aid of the Women’s Corona Society Ladies, Gents, Young People, keep your hands purposefully busy for up to 2 hours Have fun with Craft work – letter/card writing – music – sorting items/photos – laptop work etc. etc. It’s your choice... and for your benefit! Just work at getting as many sponsors as you can or if it’s a last-minute decision just turn up on the night and give a donation. Date: Tuesday 14 July Time: 7-9pm Place: “Harlyn” Half Tree Hollow Sponsor forms are available from J. Patsy Flagg (23727), Doreen Bagley (23446), Dawn Thomas (22611), Hazel Stevens (24333) and Mandy Constantine (22522). Prizes: 1st, 2nd and 3rd for those raising the most sponsor money Plan for the evening: 1. Please arrive at 6.30 pm with your sponsor paper so that money collected can be checked for prize giving. 2. Sponsor activities will start at 7pm sharp. 3. Tea/coffee and light refreshments will be available. No charge, but a small donation will be appreciated. Corona members look forward to your busy hands at “Harlyn” VACANCY TEMPORARY REVENUE SECURITY OFFICER Fixed Term for Six Months from July 2015 to December 2015 -RLQXVWRFHOHEUDWH )DWKHUV¾'D\ An opportunity is available to anyone seeking to gain experience and/or learn and develop new skills or build on existing skills. The Revenue Security Officer will be responsible to the Customs Officer (Operational) for providing support to HM Customs and Excise Officers /HDUQDERXW*RGWKHEHVW)DWKHURIDOODVZH FHOHEUDWHWKHIDQWDVWLFIDWKHUVLQRXU FRPPXQLW\ .LQJVKXUVW&RPPXQLW\&HQWUH 6XQGD\21st -XQH 11.00DP 7KHVHUYLFHZLOOEHIROORZHGE\DEULQJDQG VKDUHIHOORZVKLSOXQFK»DOOZHOFRPH The successful candidate will be required to work unsocial hours including early mornings/evenings/nights, weekend and Public Holidays and must be prepared to board vessels and yachts in all weather conditions. The Post will be paid at Grade A, which is £5,106. A £200 per month enhancement will also be payable for work performed out of hours. For further information about this opportunity, please contact Mr Jonathan (Jon) Holland, Head of Customs and Port Control on telephone no. 22287 or email Application forms which are available from Corporate Human Resources and Corporate Finance should be submitted through Directors, where applicable, to Clare O’Dean Corporate Human Resources, The Castle or e-mail by no later than 4pm on Tuesday, 23rd June 2015. Corporate Services June 2015 THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 9 NOTICE BOARD Island Games Team Jersey Nick Stevens, Chairman (NASAS) O n Saturday 20th June eight competitors Alexia Reynolds (Athletics 100m & Long Jump) Ben Dillon (Swimming 50m & 100m Free Style and 50m Butterfly) Martin Buckley (Golf) Jordie Andrews (Shooting 50m) Madolyn Andrews (Shooting) Kayleigh Harris (Shooting) Chelsea Benjamin (Shooting) Jodie Scipio-Constantine (Shooting) and 3 team officials Gavin George (Chef-de-Mission) Pat Henry(Team Manager) Barbara Osborne (Team Manager) will leave St Helena for the Natwest Island Games in Jersey. The St Helena team will arrive in Ascension on 22nd June and depart for the UK on 23rd June; they will arrive in Jersey on Friday 26th June. The team will be joinED in Jersey by Simon Henry (Shooting), Patrick Sim (Golf) and Malcolm Williams (Golf). The Games will run from Saturday 27th June until Friday 3rd July. The team will arrive back to the Island on 15th July 2015. Jersey Island Games team to depart St Helena on Saturday To prepare for an international event like the Island Games is no easy task and as Chairman of the National Amateur Sports Association of St Helena I would like to thank all the Coaches and Committee Members. I will particularly like to say a big thank you to our Secretary Sarah Botting who did the majority of the work in preparing for the Jersey Games. Sarah was ably assisted by our Office Assistant Olive Williams. NASAS would also like to thank our sponsors (SURE; St Helena Tourism, Benji Clean- ers, Pasty Flagg, St Helena Golf Club, New Horizons, Jamestown Rifle Club, St Helena Line, Safe Guarding Directorate, Mr & Mrs Andrew Pearce, Bank of St Helena and Ascension Island Government) as without them we wouldn’t have been able to send such a large team. We at NASAS wish the team all the best and look forward to every team member performing well in their sport. Their aim is to better the achievements of the Island games in Bermuda and bring back some more medals. EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FOR A PROGRAMME LEADER TIP OF THE WEEK… A shower uses approximately 10 litres of water per minute. If a family off 4 each reduce their daily shower time by 1 minute, they save up to 40 litres per day, £12.50 per year. Expressions of interest are required for a Programme Leader within the Education & Employment Directorate for a period of one year, commencing 1 July 2015. The Programme Leader will be responsible for coordinating and managing the delivery of professional development activities for teaching staff leading to formal qualifications in teaching and learning. This post will be based at the Education Learning Centre and will require approximately 15-25 hours per week. Essential criteria for this position is: • An internationally recognised teaching qualification (for example, PGCE or DipEd) or hold a Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) • A minimum of five years’ teaching experience • Experience of organising teacher professional development activities (for example, as Head of Department, Lead Teacher or Subject Leader) For further information regarding this post, please contact Mrs Kerry Yon, Assistant Directorate, Lifelong Learning Services, on telephone number 22607 or e-mail Expressions of interest should be submitted to the Human Resources & Administration Manager at the Education Learning Centre or email by no later than 4pm on Wednesday 24 June 2015. Mrs Shirley Wahler, Director Education & Employment Directorate 10 June 2015 10 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL NOTICE BOARD Enterprise St Helena Board of Directors’ Meeting EnterpriseStHelenawishestoinformthePublicthataBoardofDirectors’MeetingwillbeheldonWednesday24th June2015at9:00amattheEnterpriseStHelenaHeadOffice,BusinessPark,LadderHill. Agendaitemsthatwillbeconsideredare: OpentothePublicandPress x PresentationbyparticipantsofSolidWasteManagementExposureVisit x AgricultureSupportandANRDProposal2015/2016 x ProcurementofFibreOpticLinkbetweenStHelenaTouristOfficeandEnterpriseStHelenaOffice x FundingSupporttoFishermen’sAssociation x MaritimeTrainingSupport—Update AcopyoftheAgendaandBoardPapersopentothePublicforthisparticularmeetingwillbeavailablefromMonday 22nd June from the Board Secretary, Natasha Bargo on telephone No. 22920 or email: or Enterprise St Helena Tel: +290 22920 | PO Box 117 | | Jamestown Fax: +290 22166 | Situated at Kunjie Field First building on your right. Car park is available. Opening hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays From 4pm – 6pm Contact Jean Fowler on Tele no 24044 | St Helena Island Email: | South Atlantic Ocean | | STHL 1ZZ Web: The Property Division has two Residential Development Site’s for sale LAND FOR SALE These sites are within the Levelwood area and the Longwood area. Levelwood Site: Within the Bellstone area, access to the site spurred of from an existing track and services can be easily connected as they are within the vicinity. Longwood Site: Below Blackfield area, access to the site spurred of from an existing track and services can be easily connected as they are within the vicinity. On sale are ladies, men’s and children’s clothing in assorted sizes to suit everyone. Come and have a browse! These sites are registered as: Parcel number SH0466, measuring 0.446 acres. Parcel number LWN0435, measuring 0.171 acres. Closing date for bids are 12 noon, Friday 3rd July 2015 Please contact: Gina Henry, Crown Estates Officer on email address:, telephone on number: 22270, or collect Particulars from Essex House, Jamestown. THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 11 ST HELENA SNIPPETS/NOTICE BOARD Making Queues “More Manageable” Successful Bank Kiosk a Good Move for Bank of St Helena Liam Yon, SAMS I n September 2014, the Bank of St Helena (BoSH) introduced the Bank Kiosk at the Customs Terminal building. The aim of the kiosk was to combat the build-up of large queues as, “there was a noticeable increase of activity from customers,” at BoSH said Mercia George, Marketing and Customer Services Manager. The kiosk has been in operation for ten months and Mercia said, “It’s been going well.” Once the kiosk became widely known, the frequency of use increased and, “it has been building ever since.” The kiosk is located at the Customs Terminal Building across the bridge. “We gave customers the option of another banking option in Jamestown,” said Mercia, “and obviously there is considerable activity in that lower area with office staff and also other business activity.” Ship days also played a big part in the choosing of the location. BoSH received good customer feedback from their satisfaction survey, with customers finding the kiosk, “extremely useful.” Along with their Mobile Banking sites, Mercia said the kiosk has been very successful. “The kiosk has been a welcome edition,” she said, “it has helped to spread the load so that the queues are more manageable.” The kiosk offers, “most of the teller services that you will get at the main bank,” including cash withdrawals, pay-ins, account transfers, credit/debit card cash advances and currency exchange. Opening times for the bank kiosk are Thursdays and Fridays from 9am till 2.30pm and on ship days. Two locals taking advantage of the Bank Kiosk - shop. Interested Persons Should: Have knowledge in Customer Service, Cash Hand Handling Security dllin iin ng & Secur ity y Ideally have some Supervisory experience & For further inform information, m mation n, n Company’s including the Co any’s attractive benefits package, please contact Nicola Constantine, Manager (Warrens Department Store) on telephone number: 22137 or via email address: Application forms may be collected from Solomons Reception Desk, in the Main Office Building, Jamestown or alternatively an electronic copy can be requested via e-mail address: and should be completed and returned to Nicola Essex, Human Resources Manager, Solomons Office, Jamestown, by 24 June 2015. Solomon & Company (St Helena) Plc has the vacancies for Sales Assistant (Full-time) & Sales Assistant (Temporary – 6 Months) Job Outline To provide a high standard of customer service and to assist with the day-to-day running of the shop. Interested Persons Should: Have knowledge in Customer Service, Cash Handling & Security Be literate in Maths, English & IT Ideally have knowledge and experience in Stock Taking Salary for the post is £5,993 per annum (£499.42 per month). 12 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL LIFESTYLE & CULTURE Kerry Yon’s new craft shop Crafty Couple Starting Small Jane Durnford, SAMS H usband and wife team Garron and Kerry Yon have been making craft items since 2009. They first started creating a small supply of St Helena-themed Christmas cards to sell in one small shop. Since then the business has grown and they now have stock in various shops, including the Arts and Crafts, and have recently secured a unit upstairs in the Market. Kerry has been making craft for the most of her life, and has always been interested in craft activities. Kerry also learnt to make crochet which is now incorporated into GK Crafts. Garron has an interest in paper, with these combined interests; GK Crafts was born using their first initials. Kerry is still in full employment but Garron now works full time on the business, which takes over and above the normal working hours. When not producing items for sale, the couple practise making products that could turn into an item for sale. When ordering supplies the couple must plan ahead for special events such as Father’s Day. They have become better at managing orders as it is a lengthy process to get supplies. Kerry and Garron are always looking for ways to expand their range and now they have their own premises in the Market they will build on that. When asked about where the pair gets their inspiration from, Kerry said, “It can really be from everything, it could be good views or scenery or an item of clothing, which could trigger an idea.” The couple have also noticed an increase in sales, as people are buying more locally-made items and they have now expanded to more shops. One of the cruise ship visits earlier in the year saw GK Crafts have two outlets selling items to tourists, one was in Jamestown and the other was on Longwood green, but as Kerry said “sometimes tourists are just not interested in buying souvenirs”. GK Crafts have recently moved to their new premises and when asked what it is like compared to having to pack up their stock at the end of the day and taking it home, Kerry said, “It’s like a dream to have everything set out, so customers can see the items clearly,” and now they don’t have the worry of booking a table in the Market up to 10 days in advance and customers can browse and come back to the Market Unit if they cannot make their mind up. GK Crafts specialises in various cards, gifts and homemade island souvenirs, their unit in the Market is open three days a week and orders can be placed for items such as birthday and wedding invitations. THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 13 TIME OUT COFFEE BREAK HUMOUR O ne day Frank was happily minding his own business when he heard some chanting coming from next door. “Twenty one, twenty one twenty one..”. After listening for a few minutes curiosity got the better of him and he strolled over to see if he could figure out what it was all about. Nearing the house he spotted a small hole in the wall. Frank bent down and peered through the hole into the house. Suddenly as if out of nowhere, a finger came out of the hole and poked him in the eye. Frank fell back clutching his eye, he then heard the chanting change “twenty two twenty two twenty two….” A lady came in for a routine physical at the doctor’s office . “Here,” said the nurse, handing her a urine specimen container. “The bathroom is over there on your right. The doctor will be with you in a few minutes.” A few minutes later the lady came out of the bathroom with an empty container and a relieved look on her face. “Thanks! But they had a toilet in there, so I didn’t need this after all!” CRAZY MAZE Find your way through this ‘Crazy Maze.’ Enter through the gap on the left and work your way through to the middle. Good Luck! SENTINEL REBOOT - Local news from this time last year Both Sainttrading containers that should have arrived on St Helena this week are stuck in Cape Town, removed from the RMS St Helena by South African Customs just before the vessel sailed for St Helena. Go-Kart racing through Jamestown for Gravity Rush 2014 was another fantastically successful day out on Sunday, organised again superbly by SHAPE Manager, Martin Joshua. This is surely now a permanent community fixture on St Helena’s annual calendar after just it’s second staging. Fifteen go-karts of various designs and ‘controllability’ thrilled a crowd estimated between 600 – 800. Football: Rovers celebrated a brilliant display of football on Sunday as they knocked Basil Read off the top of the table by five goals to two. PEOPLE ...Places I have worked Famous Birthdays 18 June - 24 June Blake Shelton (39) Singer - 18 June Lionel Richie (66) Singer - 20 June Prince William (33) Royalty - 21 June Jason Mraz (38) Singer - 23 June Lionel Messi (28) Footballer - 24 June DID YOU KNOW... • In 1933, Mickey Mouse, an animated cartoon character, received 800,000 fan letters. 1. Belize • Benjamin Franklin was the fifth in a series of the youngest son of the youngest son. 2. Canada • Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete. 3. St Helena Andy Simspson If you would like to take part, we need a good picture of you (which we can do) and your top 3 - it could be your top 3 movies, songs, books or cars. It could be your top 3 places on St Helena, or top 3 achievements. The more interesting the better chance of being chosen, as we will only print 1 per week! Email: with subject heading, top 3. • The people of Israel consume more turkeys per capita than any other country. • In Quebec, there is an old law that states margarine must be a different colour than butter. • A “quidnunc” is a person who is eager to know the latest news and gossip. • A group of hares is called a Husk. 14 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL NOTICE BOARD 16 June 2015 PRESS RELEASE Dear Valued Customer Launch of Mobile Services – Saint Helena I am pleased to report that we have made considerable progress with our Canadian Vendor, Star Solutions International Inc. (“Star”). Shipping arrangements for the mobile network infrastructure required for St Helena have now been concluded with the professional assistance of our freight fowarder Richard James International. The mobile network infrastructure will arrive in July 2015 along with two engineers from Star. However, in June 2015, Mark Heron, Chief Executive, Diego Garcia and Chief Technology Officer, South Atlantic and Diego Garcia, will arrive to oversee the remaining project elements to install and commission the network infrastructure. Our on-island networks teams, lead by Adam Yon, Manager Networks, are making considerable progress with enabling works at various transmission sites around the island and at the Briars, Technical Operations Centre, to meet the necessary requirements to install the remaining equipment when it arrives. We are delighted to advise you that Sure and Star are working towards a timeline to roll-out a Postpaid and Prepaid Mobile Service to St Helena in September 2015. We will keep you updated on the progress towards the launch timelines and will provide more details of the Postpaid and Prepaid packages that will be available at launch in due course. Yours sincerely, Hensil O’Bey Chief Executive T +290 22218 E THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 15 ST HELENA SNIPPETS SHAPE’s continued from front page all the drivers had their alcohol breath tests administered by the police. No drivers from the twelve teams failed. When the driving was finished the prizes were given out to Champions Skeleton with Pilling Primary picking up the junior school cup when Red Devils proceeded further than St Paul’s Bumble Bee kart. There were moments of sad reflection in the announcement that the Gravity Rush Cup would be renamed in honour of Sharon George, who worked tirelessly with SHAPE and was loved across the island, who unfortunately died earlier this year. With all the prizes collected, and the bank holiday Monday to recover, the party really started. The crowds enjoyed the stalls on offer and music by the Big Easy entertained everyone late into the night. It was a great day enjoyed by all the drivers but with the injuries sustained by the spectators many have asked if this will be the last Gravity Rush for St Helena. SHAPE workers: Sarah Dalton, Emma Piek and Trevor Henry GRAVITY RUSH 2015 SKELETON TAKES SHARON GEORGE GRAVITY CHALLENGE CUP Shavone Hayes cruising down in Skeleton before the races Ambulance rushed to the scene after a crash saw one spectator needing medical attention Spectators outside of the White Horse Tavern TURN OVER FOR MORE FANTASTIC PHOTOS FROM THE DAY 16 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL ST HELENA SNIPPETS GRAVITY RUSH 2015 PHOTO SPECIAL SHAPE’s Martin Joshua Eddie Duff entertaining the crowds Chris Furniss taking the mandatory breath test Jon Lambdon in The Power and Glory approaching the finish line without front wheels Louis Youde in Pilling Primarys Red Devil Clown, Pamela Murray Cool Runnings crashing into the tyres at the bend All twelve carts lined up for viewing at the bridge before the races began THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 17 ST HELENA SNIPPETS Large crowds gathered behind the tyre barricades Ryan Young racing the Monster Machine Ricardo Fowler in the Green Bean before the races Compere for the day, Merril Joshua SHAPE Clown, Trevor Henry Nigel Henry racing runner-up cart Bring It Danny-Ray Roberts-George set the fastest time of the day in the Silver Arrow Karl Joshua in Shapin’ Up Martin George entertaining the crowds with some dancing MORE PHOTOS 18 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL ST HELENA SNIPPETS Richard Wallis dragging the Sentinel Flyer to victory following a collision with Green Bean Anelka Leo in the Flamin’ Eagle during viewing Tessa Roberts in St Pauls Primarys Bumble Bee The final between Bring It and Skeleton came down to a photo finish Richard Wallis racing the Sentinel Flyer SHAPE Novelty Cart, Slim-a-Soup Drivers and their teams celebrating a day of racing following the presentation Linda George lifting the trophy for Pilling Primarys Red Devil THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 19 SCHOOL PAGE Prince Andrew School 25th Anniversary Celebrations Contribution, PAS O n Saturday, 6th June Prince Andrew School held its 25th Anniversary Dinner Dance at the Rock Club. Attending were former head teachers and education officers, support and ancillary staff and teachers spanning the history of the school from its inception, right up to the present day. The Big Easy, who entertained the guests, were simply fantastic! Headteacher, Mr Paul Starkie, commented on the year’s events: “Over the year we have seen the performance by ‘Blue Magic’ and had the memorable production of ‘We will Rock You’. There was our Open Day and special 25th Anniversary assembly. In the foyer of the school we provided a display of memorabilia and a collage in the shape of ‘25’ of the current school community. We had the planting of 25 ebony trees on the school site, a highly successful fashion show and more recently our fun day was very well attended.” Mr Starkie also spoke of the key role the school has played in the community: “Prince Andrew School has always been very much a family school with a caring and supportive philosophy. Many young people have been through Prince Andrew School over the last 25 years and most have gone on to be highly successful in a range of careers. All have benefited from the learning experiences the teachers and support staff have provided. “Students leaving PAS today enter the global employment network and it is now more important than ever that our young people are aspirational, with the drive and determination to succeed. We also want them to have the personal skills and the values to enable them to be successful in work and life. “From a distance, the fabric of the school may not appear to have changed very much over 25 years. However, thanks to a succession of innovative staff, provision for our students has never stood still. It has not always been a smooth ride, of course, and we have all had to be resilient in seeking solutions to the many challenges staff have faced over the years. Our present compliment of staff epitomise the best traditions of the school with their commitment and professionalism. We are never complacent and are constantly striving to improve. We are all very proud to be associated with Prince Andrew School. I thank everyone for continuing support and for being ambassadors for our school in the wider community.” Plans for Conservation to go Global! On Friday 5th June the Conservation Enrichment group braved the wind and rain to begin collecting information for their latest project. The twelve students, accompanied by four members of staff excitedly boarded Johnny Herne’s boat, The Enchanted Isle, to be taken to Lemon Valley to undertake underwater photography. The purpose of the trip was to take photographs of the marine life, in particular endemic species, and use them to document the natural wonders and conservation issues on and around the island. The photographs will be accompanied by text describing the marine habitat around St Helena. It will also outline some of the current problems that are being faced in order to preserve and protect our beautiful environment. This information will be just a small part of the group’s project which will ultimately involve collecting and compiling information about all the key species and habitats of St Helena. The plan is to upload the finished project onto the UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum (UKOTCF) website to enable the information to be available on a global scale. Seven of the twelve students jumped into the chilly sea without a second thought and set to work scanning the water for marine life. This was no mean feat, particularly as they all had to keep their life jackets on making it very difficult for them to move! Rhez Crowie and Liam Adams manned the camera and did a fantastic job taking as many underwater pictures as they could in the time available. The trip was great fun for staff and students alike and credit should be given to the students whose positive behaviour and good humour made it an enjoyable and worthwhile experience for all. 20 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL NOTICE BOARD SAMS RADIO 1 102.7MHz, 90.5MHz, 105.1MHz, 105.3MHz Also Live Streaming via Sunday 21st June is Another “Non-Baptist Day” No “Baptist” services will be held this day! Instead the Baptist Congregations invite everybody to come and enjoy a time of singing, fellowship, worship and simply sharing the Christian faith with one another. There will be two such meetings; please come to the one which is most convenient for you: 1. Blue Hill Community Centre at 3.00 pm (Family Guest Service) 2. Jamestown Baptist Chapel at 6.00 pm (Uplift Service) CONTACT THE SHOW To reach the Radio 1 team, call 22727, or email: You can also contact us via our Facebook page - just visit the SAMS website, www.sams. sh, click the Facebook link at the top right of every page. St Helena News: Monday to Fridays at 7am, 10am, 12noon, 5pm, 7pm & 10pm also at 3am & 5am Tuesday to Saturday. Saturday news: 8am & 12noon Monday to Friday There is no dress code, and you will not be asked to donate money. Musicians will be there to accompany the singing. Vincent March will be leading at Blue Hill, with guest musicians; Gareth Drabble leads at Jamestown (his last Sunday before his trip to Poland). Refreshments will be served at both venues. Come and enjoy a time of hearty singing & Christian fellowship. APPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMISSION SUNRISE 7am to 10am Live music, entertainment, discussion, interviews and trivia. includes: 7am: St Helena News 12.00pm: St Helena News, public service announcements and notice board. Repeated at midnight everyday. SATURDAY CHART BUSTERS A compilation of top chart hits, both new and old. REWIND Saturday 9.30am. Repeated on Saturday at 6.00pm, Monday at 7.30pm & Wednesday at 12.15pm. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application has been received in respect of the following proposals: 1. Proposed Bar and Bistro adjacent to the property of Barbara and Sexton Yon, Blackfield, Longwood, Land Parcel No. LWN 137 2. Proposed 2 Bedroom Dwelling House adjacent to the property of Lionel George, Levelwood, Land Parcel No. DPRR 253 2nd CHANCE SUNDAY 9.00am - Selection of recorded interviews and programmes from the week, mixed with easy listening sounds for a chilled out Sunday. Copies of the applications and plans may be inspected at the Planning and Building Section, Essex House, Main Street, Jamestown, Monday to Friday, from 8.30 am to 4 pm. IN CONVERSATION Every week day at 5:30pm or 7.30pm Another chance to hear interviews that made the news during last week and also this week. B&H GOLD Ben and Harriet Hathway host 1 hour of all time great tracks. Wednesday 5.30pm. Repeated on ‘2nd Chance Sunday.’ PRIME TIME John Lamdon and Andy Parkinson share their passion for mathematics and classic rock and pop. Every second Thursday 5.30pm. Repeated on ‘2nd Chance Sunday.’ PAS SHOW - ‘News & Views’ Mondays after 7pm news & notice board. Replayed Fridays, after 10am news & notice board. GOSPEL FM Every Second Thursday 7.30 - 9.30pm and repeated Monday 12.15pm Presented by John Moyce, 30 minutes of childrens’ feature followed by 90 mins of gospel music. POT LUCK Sunday 28 June and repeated following Thursday 7.30pm, where Stedson Francis plays a mixture of middle of the road easy listening music, interspersed with local and international history. THE CHART SHOW Wednesday 10.30am Presented by Helen Wallis and John Woollacott. Catch up on the latest chart music. Repeated Wednesday 8.30pm, Thursday 12.15pm and Saturday 1.00pm. A MUSICAL JOURNEY Monday 2.30pm Presented by Ferdie Gunnell. Repeated Tuesday 7.30pm and Second Chance Sunday. BBC WORLD SERVICE NEWS 24/7 on our 2nd radio channel. 100.7 MHz and 88.1MHz Any person who wishes to make representations on the above applications should make them in writing within 14 days to the Chief Planning Officer, Land Development Control Authority, Essex House, Main Street, Jamestown. Martin Hannah Chief Planning Officer Email: 18th JUNE 2015 THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 21 NOTICE BOARD The Swordfish – Offshore Fishing Dorian Caswell, the owner of the local fishing vessel “The Swordfish” has recently commenced offshore fishing to Bonaparte seamount. Dorian has previous experience of offshore fishing having been to the seamounts on board the MFV Portzic, however, he is now skippering his own boat which he built himself. The maiden voyage of “the Swordfish” to Bonaparte seamount commenced on Tuesday, 14th April, when Dorian and Andrew Yon loaded ice and le St Helena at 7pm. The trip took 12 hours at a speed of 6 knots and they arrived at the Bonopart seamount at 7am where they commenced their search for fish. A er about an hour of searching they came upon a shoal of fish and caught 3.23 tonnes of tuna. A er they had cleaned, packed and iced the fish, at around 1pm they headed back to St Helena, arriving in James Bay 14 hours later. Dorian said “The trip was an amazing experience” he went on to say “I would like to thank ESH for their support which has made this venture possible.” Dorian has since been out to the seamounts again, and has been achieving similar catch rates within a similar meframe. Exco Report - Tuesday 16 June 2015 E xecutive Council met today, Tuesday 16 June 2015. There were two items for discussion on the Open Agenda, the first of which was the Social Security (Amendment) Bill, which ExCo agreed should be presented to Formal Legislative Council on Monday, 6 July 2015. This amendment is intended to allow for working years after the age of 65 to count towards the required Basic Island Pension (BIP) qualification period. The amendment also addresses qualifying years for those who worked in a family business, regardless of whether they were paid or not. It also covers those who had a child under the age of five years, were caring for a disabled child or were in receipt of a disability allowance or carer’s allowance. ExCo, 16 June 2015 ExCo agreed that the second item, the Equality & Human Rights Commission Bill, should also be presented at Formal LegCo. This Bill establishes the Commission as a legal entity and allows for the Commissioners to examine any potential human rights violations. The meeting concluded at 9.50am. 22 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL CHURCH NOTICES FaithMatters Lieutenant Coral Yon OUT OF SIGHT , OUT OF MIND We are very busy people. Whether at work or at play, our minds are moving even faster than our bodies. Most of us like to stay busy, but there is so much to do and not enough time to do it. Time management can help us prioritize, but somehow we still go to sleep wishing we had the time or energy to do a few more things on our “to do” list. "Out of sight, out of mind" nudges us to take care of those things that are right in front of us at the expense of leaving those things that are not as obvious to do at a later date. For many of us, that usually means taking care of the outside of the house first, what others can see, and not worrying so much about the inside, which few people can see. Spiritually we do the same thing. We go to DIOCESE OF SAINT HELENA The Cathedral Parish of St Paul Sunday 21 June 12th Sunday of the Year 8.00 a.m. Eucharist, Cathedral 10.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Cathedral 3.30 p.m. Sung, St Peter Thursday 25 June 10.00 a.m. Eucharist, Arabia Sunday 28 June 13th Sunday of the Year 8.00 a.m. Eucharist, Cathedral 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist/Parade, St Andrew 11.15 a.m. Sung Eucharist, St Helena & the Cross 5.30 p.m. Choral Evensong, Cathedral The Parish of St James Sunday 21 June 12th Sunday of the Year 9.30 a.m. Sung Eucharist, St James Wednesday 24 June 7.30 a.m. Eucharist, St James Thursday 25 June 7.30 a.m. Eucharist with healing, St John Sunday 28 June 13th Sunday of the Year 9.30 a.m. Sung Eucharist, St James 7.00 p.m. Evening Prayer, St John Parish of St Matthew Sunday 21 June 12th Sunday of the Year 8.00 a.m. Eucharist, St Matthew 11.00 a.m. Eucharist, Pledges 7.00 p.m. Sung Eucharist, St Mark Tuesday 23 June 7.00 p.m. Sung Eucharist, St Mark Sunday 28 June 28th Sunday of the Year 11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist, St Matthew church and help with various functions because that’s what others see. What about the inside? Are we spending time in the Word and praying to be closer to the One we go to church to worship? Are we trying to be more like Jesus -- who should be at the heart of every church function -- whether we evangelize or build up the body of Christ? The Pharisees were more concerned about their outward appearance to man than they were about their personal relationship to God. Jesus denounced their attempts to make themselves look good in giving, prayer, and fasting. He told His disciples to pray, give, and fast in secret, and then the Father would reward them openly. Being seen and praised by others cannot hold a candle to what God has in store for those who serve and love Him with sincere hearts. We are never out of God’s sight or off His mind. Psalm 33:18 says, But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love. II Chronicles 16:9 says, For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the BAPTIST NOTICES Saturday 20 June Prayer meeting, 7:00 am, Sandy Bay Chapel Church Council Meeting, 3:00 pm, Knollcombes Chapel GOCOM Meeting, 4:00 pm, Knollcombes Chapel Sunday 21 June Family Guest Service Blue Hill Community Centre, 3 pm (Leader: Vincent March; Preacher: Pastor Graeme) Uplift Service Jamestown Chapel, 6:00 pm, (Leader: Gareth Drabble; Preacher: Pastor Graeme) Other activities: Sunday School, 10:00 am, Baptist Manse, Jamestown Prayer Meeting, 5:00 pm, Jamestown Schoolroom Tuesday 23 June Bible Study & Refreshments, 7:30 pm, Jamestown Schoolroom (Led by Pastor) earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. Job 36:7 says, He does not take His eyes off the righteous. He enthrones them with kings and exalts them forever. Thank you, Lord, that even though I get temporarily distracted by the hectic pace of this life, You are never too busy for me. And He’s never too busy for you. Take care and God bless. Activities at the Army this weekend Sunday 21 June 2015 SPECIAL SERVICE FOR FATHER’S DAY AT THE JAMESTOWN HALL AT 11AM . ALL ARE WELCOME. Every Wednesday Evening Prayer meeting & Bible study at the Half Tree Hollow Guide Hall at 7.30pm. All are welcome. There is always a warm welcome for you at the Salvation Army. If you would like to know more about The Salvation Army’s activities, contact Lt. Coral Yon on telephone nos 22703/24358. Take care and God bless. Seventh Day Adventist Saturday 20 June 9:15- 10:40am- Sabbath School 11:00- 12:00- Divine Service 2:00- 3:00pm - Pathfinder Programme Monday 22 June 7:00 - 8:00pm - Bible Study (Home of Pam and Lionel Joshua) Cleugh’s Plain Wednesday 24 June 7:30- 8:30pm- Prayer Meeting in Jamestown Church ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND Further contact: Paul Millin, Tel: 22267 BAHA’I FAITH Wednesday 24 June Bible Study, 7:30 pm, Deadwood (Led by Hazel) Home of Winnie Thomas BAHA’I CENTRE Gumwoods DEVOTIONAL MEETING Thursday 25 June Bible Study, 5:30 pm, Sandy Bay Chapel, (Led by Pastor) Bible Study, 7:30 pm Blue Hill Community Centre (Led by Pastor) THURSDAY EVENINGS at 8pm. ALL ARE WELCOME Telephone 24525 For further information please call Pastor Graeme Beckett at 22388 “Remember not your own limitations; the help of God will come to you. Forget yourself. God’s help will surely come!” Abdu’l- Baha THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 23 WORLD NEWS SNIPPETS US 2016 US 2016 Presidential Race Heats Up The presidential race in the United States has been heating up, with most of the forerunners stepping forward. After much media speculation, Jeb Bush, brother of former president George W, and son of George HW Bush, has finally announced that he will be running for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. Bush has recently faced sustained criticism for delaying the announcement of his candidacy, therefore allowing him to operate outside the rules which govern how a candidate can fundraise. Bush has also faced criticism after the media has unearthed a 2001 law which was introduced when he was governor of Florida. The so-called Scarlet Letter law “required single mothers who did not know the identity of the father to publish their sexual histories in a newspaper before they could legally put their babies up for adoption,” the Huffington Post’s Laura Bassett reported. This ‘name-andshame’ legislation was only replaced when a court in Florida deemed it unconstitutional on the grounds that it was an invasion of the privacy of individuals. However, as CNN points out, this criticism which has been levelled at Bush from American progressives may actually be a boon to him in his bid for the GOP nomination as it shows him as a man who values the so-called ‘traditional family unit’ which American conservative voters value. The frontrunner for the Democratic nomination for president, Hillary Clinton, has also come under fire recently. Media magnate Rupert Murdoch – who this week incidentally announced he will step down as CEO at 21st Century Fox – took to Twitter on Sunday to falsely claim that Clinton wants to “outlaw free speech” about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans issues (LGBT). “Sounds almost fascist,” Murdoch continued. However it is unclear which part of the speech Murdoch was referring to. Murdoch’s right-wing mouthpiece Fox News has also launched unsubstantiated attacks on Clinton. For instance anchor Sean Hannity said he could not find any instance of Hillary Clinton standing up for women’s rights in the Middle East, claiming that her silence had been bought by these countries in the form of donations to her foundation. However Media Matters pointed out that on a number of occasions Clinton has addressed women’s rights in the countries which Hannity named. Media Matters/Guardian/CNN/Huff Post Morsi Sentenced to Life Man Attacks Texas Police HQ A court in Egypt has sentenced former president Mohamed Morsi to life imprisonment for charges of spying for Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Sentences were also handed down to a number of other members of the Muslim Brotherhood for their involvement in the trial. Morsi has already received a death sentence in an unrelated trial which rights group Amnesty International called a “sham.” “This verdict shatters any remaining illusion of independence and impartiality in Egypt’s criminal justice system,” Amnesty’s Deputy Middle East and North Africa Director Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui said. Earlier this year the New York Times argued this crackdown on Islamists in the country “under the baseless contention that they are inherently dangerous, is becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.” Al Jazeera Early on Saturday morning a man opened fire on a police headquarters in Dallas, Texas. Later in the afternoon he was shot and killed by a police sniper. “Authorities say it was miraculous no one else was injured in Saturday’s attack,” the Guardian reported. Fox News came under criticism on Media Matter for America’s website for questioning how the gunman could buy an armoured vehicle “but ignored questions about how [he] acquired an arsenal of firearms and bombs.” The conservative news station, which is unapologetic in its defence of the US Second Amendment which protects citizens’ right to own guns, ran a segment showing how simple it was to by military surplus vehicles online. CNN were also criticised for their claims that mental illness may “lead to violence” on two occasions. Media Matters/CNN/The Guardian In Brief The community on Canna was ‘in turmoil’ this week after the island’s first crime in years was recorded on Friday when thieves stole from the local shop. The shop, which usually is left unlocked so that fishermen can buy what they need and use the free Wi-Fi, was ransacked of sweets, chocolate bars and biscuits. Elsewhere Chris Evans has signed a contract with the BBC to head up an all-new Top Gear team. The future of the show has been in jeopardy since the sacking of Jeremy Clarkson after he punched a producer. Russian president Vladimir Putin has unveiled an army theme park, dubbed a ‘military Disneyland’. “Lunch consists of army rations, shopping is mainly for Vladimir Putin accessories, and instead of riding rollercoasters children can play with grenade launchers and clamber over heavy weaponry,” the Guardian reported. 24 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL NOTICE BOARD DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE? DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE? The Safeguarding Children’s Board has today launched an awareness campaign around knowing where your children are. This is not a campaign that threatens the family events that we all cherish on the Island, that seeks to stop children and young people having fun, or that impinges on their rights. We simply want to protect all children and young people from harm - and central to this is knowing that they are in a safe environment at an appropriate time. The Safeguarding Children’s Board is committed to working with the community and understands that there will be times when children and young people are out later than normal, enjoying family events. We fully support this as it is important that family values and events are promoted and celebrated. Where the Board does have concerns is when children and young people are in and around licensed premises well into the night, and sometimes into the early hours of the morning. In such circumstances, Police Officers may well enquire as to why children and young people are out so late and where there are concerns, they will be encouraged to return home. These are isolated events, but we as a community have an obligation to protect all of our children and young people. The Safeguarding Children’s Board is not a parent or a guardian – but in the interest of your children’s safety, we would ask that you know where your children are at all times and support the agencies that seek to protect our children and young people. SHG, 16 June 2015 PUBLIC LIBRARY SERVICE HOSTING READING AWARNESS DAY THURSDAY 25TH JUNE 2015 The Public Library Service will be hosting a Reading Awareness Day on Thursday, 25 June with activities starting from 10.30 am. The day will include activities for both Primary and Secondary aged children consisting of word searches, a treasure hunt, quiz, storytelling and craft sessions based around pirate stories so do come dress as a pirate character. There will be book displays of different categories not only in the library but also in shops. Stories will be read over Saint FM and SAMS radio 1 by children of different ages. The aim of the day is to promote and encourage reading and to remind children of the importance of reading. It is also hoped to encourage children, parents, guardians, careers and teachers to use what is on offer at the Public Library. Do come along to the Public Library and enjoy the day. Jill Young Librarian THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 25 ST HELENA SNIPPETS Printech on the Move Richard Wallis, SAMS T he printing company that helps to bring the island its two newspapers has moved into its new purpose built building at Half Tree Hollow. Printech has been situated near Scott’s Mill Reservoir for many years but its new premises will provide a better working environment for the staff. The paint was still drying when The Sentinel visited the new building to see the heavy lifting equipment being used to offload the large printing presses. The move had been carefully planned as the window between producing the newspapers is very short. There will be a full report in next week’s Sentinel. Seeing the Wood for the Trees New Internal Auditor Looking to Build a Team August Graham, SAMS H aving spent just over a month on St Helena, the island’s new Head of Internal Audit John Kanes feels he is settling in well. He hopes to ensure the internal auditors are seen as trusted advisers who people come to for advice. Speaking to The Sentinel Mr Kanes wished to challenge the perceptions of what internal audit entails. It is the job of external audit to ensure that financial statements are in order whereas Mr Kanes’ internal audit team are focussed around providing advice to SHG. “We look at financial things when we need to,” Mr Kanes said, however the job generally involves looking at anything that the government is doing. “We’ll look at what someone’s doing and what they’re trying to achieve,” and help them maximise the benefits from the projects. Internal auditors “come in and see the wood for the trees,” and Mr Kanes was keen to Head of Internal Audit John Kanes highlight that this is not accounting, in fact it’s more about listening to other’s problems. The word audit even comes from the Latin for hearing. Mr Kanes said auditors need to be inquisitive “or as I sometimes put it nosy” and have the ability to ask questions, even stupid ones. When he arrived on the island Mr Kanes was told that he has no staff as the last member of internal audit had left her job the day before. However he says that this is a “mixed blessing” as it will allow him to build his team from scratch. He will therefore be looking to recruit new staff for the department. Mr Kanes says he is enjoying island life. He has previously lived in Kent in England and used to work at the British Houses of Parliament. 26 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL NOTICE BOARD Contact Support Centre Operator Would you like to be a part of a team providing quality customer service? Interested in working as part of the MariƟme Coast StaƟon? Then look no further, SURE is looking for a Contact Support Centre Operator to join their team. EssenƟal Requirements: Good communica on skills – must be able to deal effec vely with both customers and members of staff Adaptability – must be prepared to undertake shi work on a regular basis Ability to operate as part of a team and independently Experience in a customer service role Good command of wri en and spoken English Computer Literate Salary for the post will start at £6000.00 per annum. The successful candidate may be required to serve a proba onary period of 6 months. Join us and you will enjoy some of the many benefits that Sure offers. For further informa on regarding the responsibili es of the post, please contact the Supervisor, Ashton Yon on T: +290 22023 or E: For a copy of the job descrip on and applica on form, please contact Shara Robinson, Human Resources and Administra on Manager at Bishops Rooms on Tel no: +290 22800 or email: Applica ons should be submi ed to Human Resources and Administra on Manager, Sure South Atlan c Limited, Bishops Rooms, Jamestown by 4pm on Monday 29 June 2015. THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 27 ST HELENA SNIPPETS/NOTICE BOARD Comair Top SA Customer Satisfaction Survey - St Helena gets New Airport Code August Graham, SAMS S t Helena’s future air services provider, Comair, has come out well from a survey in South Africa. The latest SA Customer Satisfaction Index on the country’s domestic airlines has found the company to have the second highest customer satisfaction rate in the country. Comair scored 75 of 100, considerably higher than the industry average of 69.1, however they did poorly on dealing with customer complaints. It was also announced on Tuesday afternoon that the Island’s IATA code, which is used to identify airports, has been confirmed. IATA, the International Air Transport Association, assigns unique three-letter codes for airports. Passengers flying to and from St Helena will find the letters HLE on their documentation. There were not many options for St Helena, as most of the obvious choices have already Mobiles by September been taken, however HLE was recommended by Legislative Council and Endorsed by Executive Council and has now been assigned by IATA. Furthermore rumours that Atlantic Star will be flying from Luton Airport seem to be unfounded. Despite CH Aviation reporting this, Captain Andrew Radford, the Director of Atlantic Star, told The Sentinel that the article was “speculative” and that it is “unlikely to be Luton.” August Graham, SAMS Sure Sets Deadline for Introduction of Much-Anticipated Development A fter months of speculation Sure South Atlantic have announced that they have made progress with their Canadian vendor Star Solutions International and are therefore pleased to say mobile services will be rolled out on St Helena in September. The shipping arrange- For F ffurther th iinformation, f ti including the Company’s attractive benefits package, please contact Frederick Crowie Wholesale Manager on telephone number: 22408 or via email address: Application forms may be collected from Solomons Reception Desk, in the Main Office Building, Jamestown or alternatively an electronic copy can be requested via e-mail address: and should be completed and returned to Nicola Essex, Human Resources Manager, Solomons Office, Jamestown, By 26 June 2015 ments for the mobile network infrastructure required for St Helena have now been concluded and two engineers from Star will arrive in July along with the mobile infrastructure. More details will become available closer to the time. Solomon S l & Company (St Helena) Plc has a vacancy for a Labourer/Driver Within Warrens Wholesale Job Outline To provide an efficient service, preparing and distributing goods to customers and company outlets. Interested Persons Should: Have a valid driving license Have good Customer Service skills Be able to work unsupervised Be able to perform maintenance and minor repair work Salary will start at £116.85 per week, (£6,076per annum). Insert St Helena & Proud Print Numbers: Up Download Numbers: Up Facebook Followers: Up Every Week An Estimated 2,500+ People Read The Sentinel all over the world Advertise Here to Reach Them All The Sentinel is online every Monday FREE to view & download Every back issue of The Sentinel is available at all times from our website, meaning ongoing promotion for any advertising placed here Our deadline for submissions is 4pm on Tuesdays, or reserve space in advance for a later deadline Contact us for information or to submit ads to: Insert SENTINEL INSERT SAMS Radio 1 Interview of the Day Afternoons at 5.30pm or 7.30pm. A replay in full of interviews making the news on St Helena L Streaming www. IVE SUNRISE! Join our team on SAMS Radio 1, Monday to Friday, 7-10am. All the latest gossip and news from St Helena, announcements and music, plus different guests each day. It’s a GREAT way to get the day started. News & Noticeboard Second Chance Sunday every week day at: 3am, 5am, 7am, 10am, 12pm, 5pm, 7pm, 10pm 9am every Sunday: Catch up on all the best interviews from the week in our special, Second Chance Sunday, beginning every Sunday at 9am Latest News, Notices, Adverts and Conversation from St Helena, 24/7, streaming from: 28 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL SENTINEL SPORT JUNIOR FOOTBALL RESULTS Fixtures Week 2: Pitch 1 Beginners League: 9am Longwood Dynamites v St Paul’s Dream team Primary League 9.40am: Sharpshooters v Chop Shop Allstars Beginners League 10.20am Longwood Dynamites v Jungle Rangers Primary League 11am: Sharpshooters’ v Galaticos Pitch 2: 9am: Cobras’ v 5 aside Allstars 9.50am: Rocketeers v Classic Seven 10.40am: Shay’s Hell Hounds v Penny Whistles Nick Stevens The first competitive round of Junior Football took place on Sunday. It was really good to see such a large crowd of parents and friends in attendance to support the young footballers. The results are: Beginners League: St Paul’s Dream Team 2 v Longwood Dynamites 2 Goal Scorers for Dream team: Taylan Peters 1 & Nathan Hudson 1 Goal Scorers for Longwood Dynamites: Keanu Samuel 1 & Thomas 1 Players of the Match: Nathan Hundson(Dream Team) & Cian O’Keeffe (Longwood Dynamites) Jungle Rangers 8 v St Paul’s Dream Team 2 Goal Scorers for Jungle Rangers: Lars Williams 5, Ethan Timm 2 & Oliver Tyson 1 Goal Scorers for Dream Team: Nathan Hudson & 1 Own Goal Player of the Match: Lars Williams (Jungle Rangers) Primary League Sharpshooters 5 v Chop Shop Allstars 2 Goal Scorers for Sharpshooters: Joey Thomas 2; Matthew Owen 1 & Joey Thomas 1(year 5) Goal Scorers for Chop Shop: Ethan Harris 1 & Evan Constantine 1 Player of the Match: Joey Thomas (Sharpshooters) Galaticos 5 v Chop Shop Allstars 2 Goal Scorers for Galaticos: Aiden Yon-Stevens 2; Christo Crowie 1 & Alex Harris 2 Goal Scorers for Chop Shop Boys: 1 own Goal & Micadean Crowley Player of the Match: Aiden Yon-Stevens (Galaticos) 11-15 Year olds League: Rocketeers 13 v Penny Whistles 2 Goal Scorers for Rocketeers: Kalen Crowie 6; Tanisha Benjamin 1, Rhys Francis 4, Chloe Thomas 1 & 1 own Goal Goal Scorer for Penny Whistles: Trystan Thomas 2 Players of the Match: Kalen Crowie & Chloe Thomas (Rocketeers) Shay’s Hell Hounds 5 v Cobra’s 3 Goal Scorers for Hell Hounds: Tyler Scipio 4 & Samir Maggott 1 Goal Scorer for Cobra’s: Ma-Kyle Fuller 1; Dylan O’Keffee 1 7 Arjay Fuller 1 Player of the Match: Tyler Scipio (Hell Hounds) GOLF NEWS St Helena Golf Club Report Weekend 13, 14 June 2015 Saturday 13th – Second 18 Hole qualifiers Round of 72 Hole Club Open championship 2015 First qualifier’s score added to second round qualifier’s score and first twelve players qualified as follow:Scott Crowie – 141 Deon de Jager – 148 Lawson Henry – 149 Leon Crowie – 153 Larry Thomas – 157 Mike Harper – 157 Jeffery Stevens – 158 Nicky Stevens – 159 Martin Buckley – 160 Larry Legg – 161 Tony Green – 162 Arthur Francis – 162 Sunday14th First Round Open Championship – Top three leaders – gross scores:Scott Crowie – 71, Larry Thomas – 71,Lawson Henry – 73 Contributed by Rodney Buckley Ladies top three – net scores:Sonia Niemand - 65, Helen Stevens - 76, Ann George -92 ‘A’ Flight –top four – net scores:Dax Richards – 71,Gavin Crowie – 71, Eric Roberts – 73, Roy Reynolds – 73 ‘B’ Flight – top three – net scores Donald Bowers – 70, Ray Yon – 73, Peter Williams – 73 ‘C’ Flight – top three – net scores Stuart Moors – 69, John Theron – 70, Hensil Beard – 71 Final Round this coming Saturday – Tee-off time 9 am – commencing with the Ladies and followed in reverse order with ‘C’ Flight. Dinner in the Club House for those booked at 6.45 pm: Presentation of trophies at 8 pm for members and guest; followed by music for dancing by the “Par 3’s”. Deon DeJager and Lawson Henry walking to the second green THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 29 SENTINEL SPORT NAILS AND SCOTT ON TOP Scott Crowie will look to make it title number nine in nine years next week Larry ‘Nails’ Thomas aims to take the title from defending champion, Scott Crowie Damien O’Bey, SAMS L arry ‘Nails’ Thomas and eight time defending champion, Scott Crowie are locked in a tie for first place following the third round in Longwood Golf Club’s Open Championship. In the second qualifying round Scott’s one under par saw him claw back the two shot lead Lawson Henry had opened up in round one, and Deon De Jager’s 72 was enough for him to finish the qualifiers in second, some five shots behind Scott. However, since the club adopted a new format for the Open a few years back, these scores were insignificant and the 12 qualifiers started from scratch for the final two rounds of the event. Lawson’s good form deserted him and although he improved by five shots in round three, the lead has now changed hands. ‘Nails’, who was 16 shots of the pace following the qualifying Nick Stevens will need to make up ground if he is to challenge for the title rounds, benefitted the most from the new format and he now shares the top spot with Scott after both shot three over par 72’s. Lawson lies in third place on 73 and Nick Stevens’ 76 earned him the final spot in the first four ball, who will tee off at 9am on Saturday 20 June. In the ladies sector, Sonia Niemand has opened up a commanding eleven shot lead over Helena Stevens. Sonia shot a net three under par sixty five whilst Helena recorded a seventy six. Lawson Henry will need to find his form if he is to take the title 30 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL SENTINEL SPORT Football; Manchester City have tabled a second bid of around £40m for Liverpool and England forward Raheem Sterling, according to Sky sources. Sky reported on Tuesday that Chelsea were interested in signing the 20-yearold but were not prepared to meet Liverpool’s £50m valuation for the player. With the winger refusing to sign a contract extension at Anfield, a number of Europe’s clubs have been linked with a move, but it would seem only City have made any official bid. It is understood City had a £25m-plus bid rejected last week and Sky sources are reporting on Wednesday that last season’s Premier League runners-up have returned having improved their initial offer by a figure in the region of £10-15m. Skyports News Football; Chelsea have agreed a season-long loan deal with Monaco for Radamel Falcao, according to Sky sources. Falcao spent last season on loan at Manchester United but boss Louis van Gaal opted against making the move permanent after he scored just four goals in 26 Premier League appearances. Falcao made his name in Europe with Mourinho’s former club Porto, where he 41 goals in the Portuguese Primera and 21 in 21 appearances in Europe. He moved to Atletico Madrid for £35million in 2011 where he continued to be prolific, scoring 70 goals in 90 appearances in all competitions. Monaco signed him in 2013 for £52m but he suffered from injuries and played just 22 times over two season, scoring 13 goals in all competitions. Falcao, who has 25 goals in 52 appearances for Colombia, was under considerable scrutiny at Old Trafford last season during an expensive loan for United, and was criticised by Van Gaal for a lack of fitness. Skyports News NBA; The Golden State Warriors won their first NBA title in 40 years, beating the Cleveland Cavaliers 105-97 to take the best-of-seven series 4-2. Stephen Curry and Andre Iguodala, the Most Valuable Player in the finals series, had 25 points apiece. LeBron James once again led the injury-hit Cavaliers with a game-high 32 points. “This is something special. From the start of the season this is what we envisioned,” said Curry. The Warriors were the top-seeded team in the play-offs after having the best record in the regular season and they become the first team since the Chicago Bulls in 1991 to win a title with no players having prior finals experience. Steve Kerr also becomes the first rookie coach to capture the crown since Pat Riley with the Los Angeles Lakers in 1982. BBC sport Harts’ midfielder, Carlyn Yon, with eyes on a loose ball Harts 2 - 2 Rovers Sat 13 June 2015 - Match Report August Graham, SAMS continued from back page Despite their initial pressure, Harts were often outmuscled and bullied off the ball, even in the beginning of their game when their dominance was clear. Rovers, who seemed to be playing a 4-1-4-1 formation, showed physical supremacy which allowed the team to put their impression on the match. This was especially noticeable on two occasions when they combined it with skilful passing to get themselves into a position to shoot. Wayne Crowie almost scored an own goal less than ten minutes af- ter the team conceded their first when another nicely-weighted cross from Harts’ right wing forced Crowie to intervene. However his attempted headed clearance did not go as planned and forced his keeper to make a save. When preparing for the ensuing corner the two had a heated discussion. Rovers’ Denny Leo looked sharp throughout the game ensuring that the opposition keeper was tested on a few occasions. His attempts on goal paid off in the 35th minute when nice interplay between Leo and Ross O’Dean let the former burst through the defence on the left side of the penalty area and slot a good shot that, despite the keeper getting a hand to it, sailed into the far side of the goal. The roar of the crowd and the celebrations following the Rovers’ Gary Benjamin being loaded into an ambulance after sustaining a neck injury THE SENTINEL | Thursday 18 June 2015 31 SENTINEL SPORT FOOTBALL RESULTS Saturday 13 June 2015 Raiders 1 Fugees 4 Harts’ Chris Owen showing his skills as he nutmegs Rovers’ Nico Benjamin J Yon (2), A Henry, C Harris MoM: Dion Yon C Phillips Harts 2 Rovers 2 C Yon, S Stroud D Leo, R Benjamin MoM: Rico Benjamin Crystal Rangers 6 Wolves 3 Bank (3), J Johnson, N Stevens (pen), D Reynolds MoM: Bank J Duncan, R Coleman, A Hudson YPoM: Jordan Thomas FOOTBALL FIXTURES Saturday 20 June 2015 Raiders Wirebirds 1.30pm 3.30pm Axis Fugees org. Harts org. Bellboys Sunday 21 June 2015 11.45pm 1.30pm 3.30pm C Rangers Rovers Wolves CSB org. Fugees Bellboys org. Wirebirds org. Wirebirds Harts FOOTBALL LEAGUE TABLE goal saw Leo lose his bandana with a big smile on his face. But Rovers’ joy did not last long as their opponents soon took back the lead, with a brilliant strike on the volley by Shane Stroud from outside the area sailing into the goal to the crowd’s delight. However once again the scoring team’s period of celebration was brutally interrupted as Rico Benjamin pulled the trigger to make it 2-2 shortly before the half-time whistle. The second half, which took almost 90 minutes from start to finish, saw less goals, but much more drama. Not long after the game resumed Rovers scored their third of the game, which was disallowed. Denny Leo crossed a ball into the box and a collision between the striker and keeper meant the ball trickled into the net. But the collision between the two caused the referee to award Harts a free kick. However sadly the game took a worse turn as two players went down in the Rovers’ half of the pitch. It was to be 40 minutes before play resumed again. One of the Rovers players, Gary Benjamin, had a neck injury and was taken to hospital as a precautionary measure; however he was lucky and quickly recovered. Once the ambulance had left the pitch, being applauded away by everyone on Francis Plain, the players were well-rested after the 40-minute break in play. The game therefore picked up good speed again. Immediately after the whistle Harts went on the attack and missed a shot from outside the penalty area. Harts had one of the last good goal scoring chances of the game as Rico Williams dinked a Barcelona-esque ball over the Rovers defence and into the opposition box, falling for his striker, Jason George, who missed despite the keeper having been wrong footed to the opposite side of the goal. After the final whistle the score remained the same as before the start of the second half, with both teams picking up one point from this 2-2 draw. Rovers’ Dean Okali winning a header in the midfield Rovers Wirebirds Fugees C Rangers Harts CSB Axis Raiders Wolves Bellboys P 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 W 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 L 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 3 2 D 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 GF 21 12 9 12 5 5 3 7 5 1 GA 2 1 3 19 2 4 8 14 14 13 GD Pts 19 7 11 6 6 6 Ͳ7 6 3 4 1 3 Ͳ5 3 Ͳ7 0 Ͳ9 0 Ͳ12 0 FOOTBALL HOT SHOTS Player Joseph'Ace'Hlongwane RicoBenjamin RonanLegg RossO'Dean Bank ChristianPhillips DennyLeo JordanYon KevinHudson ThapeloPooe AlexHudson AntonHenry CarlynYon CodyThomas LiamYon MasharaYon NickStevens RicoColeman SanjayClingham ShaneStroud AndrewYon AntonioGreen ClaytonBenjamin CodyHarris DaneWade DarrenReynolds GaryBenjamin JacobDuncan JordanJohnson JulianFowler Kamahonsa MarvinBenjamin RyanBackhouse RyanGeorge RyanMoyce ScottCrowie Team Wirebirds Rovers Rovers Rovers CRangers Raiders Rovers Fugees CSB Wirebirds Wolves Fugees Harts CRangers Fugees Raiders CRangers Wolves Wirebirds Harts Rovers Axis Rovers Fugees Axis CRangers Rovers Wolves Wolves Raiders CRangers Raiders CSB Harts CSB Bellboys League & hotshots table produced by The Sentinel. Results & fixtures provided by SHFA Total 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 Thursday 18 June 2015 | THE SENTINEL SPORTS ARENA DRAWING IT EVEN Harts’ Mark Williams putting in a slide tackle of Rovers’ man of the match Rico Benjamin Harts and Rovers can’t be separated after a game marred by injury Harts 2-2 Rovers Sat 13 June 2015 - Match Report August Graham, SAMS T he first goal came not long after kick off in Saturday’s second game. Only ten minutes after the whistle Chris Owen showed great skill to allow the ball roll through his legs and out towards the right wing. Wrongfooting his defender he was given good time and space to lift the ball into the penalty area for Carlyn Yon to nod over the head of the keeper, and into the back of the net. It seemed early on that Harts were in charge of the game, they were applying pressure, especially down that right wing which led to the first goal. However this early anxiety for Rovers would not define the game which saw both sides push forward on a number of occasions. continued inside Rovers’ Brian Sim defending the line against Harts’ Ryan George
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