2016 print media kit - Russell Johns Associates
2016 print media kit - Russell Johns Associates
2016 PRINT MEDIA KIT ABOUT HISTORYNET Dear Advertiser: HistoryNet is the world’s largest publisher of history magazines. Our portfolio includes nine publications: America’s Civil War, American History, Aviation History, Civil War Times, Military History, MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of Military History, Wild West, World War II and Vietnam. HistoryNet magazines have a total paid circulation of approximately 350,000 and a combined readership of 1.4 million loyal readers. Our website, HistoryNet.com, attracts approximately 1.2 million unique visitors each month, making it one of the Web’s largest and most popular history sites. HistoryNet at a Glance Number of titles: 9 Total paid circulation: 350,000 (75% Subscription/25% Newsstand) Renewal rate: 70% Total audience: 1.4 MM Male readers: 91% Median read time per HistoryNet issue: 1 hour, 48 minutes Median age: 54.9 years Median HHI: $101,973 College educated: 92% Currently taking/plan to take educational courses/degree programs: 61% Thank you for reviewing our media kit. We look forward to assisting you and developing an advertising plan for your specific needs. Source: 2010 reader survey, Steven Flans & Assoc. ABOUT OUR MAGAZINES HistoryNet has assembled a team of publishing’s best and brightest editorial talent. Each publication is a category leader thanks to the outstanding editors, writers and designers who deliver compelling content. Insightful articles inspire, educate and increase reader involvement. HistoryNet publications are a smart and well-designed environment to showcase your products or services. American History In its 50th year, American History is the oldest continually published magazine devoted to exploring the rich textures of the American experience. In every issue, engaging writing, fresh insights and outstanding photography and artwork bring the people, places and events that have shaped our past to life. Too Conservative? How Reagan’s ’76 Campaign Upended the GOP Establishment ★ DECEMBER 2015 US/Can $5.99 Roger Vance | Editor in Chief | American History Editor in chief of the nine HistoryNet magazines, Too Conservative? Vance also serves as editor of American History magazine. He has been with the magazine publishing group since 1994 and was the founding editor of HistoryNet.com in 1996. Who owns History? Born to be an American John Ford’s Mythic West HistoryNet.com Military History Miltary History explores the causes, conduct and consequences of warfare in six exciting issues each year. Noted historians, journalists, photographers and artists provide in-depth and always fascinating insight into the people, weapons and conflicts that have shaped our world. MHQ MHQ takes readers on an exciting journey to the world’s greatest battles and campaigns spanning the last 5,000 years—from ancient warfare to modern conflict. Distinguished authors and historians cover soldiers, leaders, tactics and weapons throughout history in vivid detail. Wild West Wild West chronicles the American Frontier before Lewis and Clark’s transcontinental journey. Packed with stories of cowboys, soldiers and settlers, this title examines modern-day echoes of the Old West. Stephen Harding | Editor | Military History A U.S. Army veteran, Harding holds BA and MA degrees in history from the University of California, and as a defense journalist covered the conflicts in Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Iraq. He is also a New York Times best-selling author of books on World War II history. Michael Robbins | Editor | MHQ A Ph.D. in American history, Robbins has been editor of seven magazines including Oceans, Audubon, and Military History. He has been published in New York, Discover, Popular Science, Mother Jones, Rolling Stone, National Wildlife and National Geographic Traveler. Robbins has won numerous awards and authored six books. Greg Lalire | Editor | Wild West Since 1989, Lalire has been editing and writing for magazines. He has won numerous awards from Western Writers of America and authored Captured: From the Frontier Diary of Infant Danny Duly. ABOUT OUR MAGAZINES ✯ TOUR THE TREASURES OF ALBEMARLE SOUND ✯ CIVIL WAR TIMES FEBRUARY 2016 “ The eyes of thousands will look on what you do tonight VOL. 55, NO. 1 —Colonel Shaw to his soldiers in the 54th Massachusetts before the attack on Battery Wagner ROBERT SHAW’S BURIAL ● COAL PATCH TREASURES ● CIVIL WAR MONUMENTS Civil War Times Civil War Times examines the personalities, battles, social issues and culture that defined America’s most turbulent era. From the misery of slavery, to the chaos of battlefields, Civil War Times brings the war to life with energetic writing from top scholars, period photography, and an unbiased analysis of the conflict. ” 1 with Buried # Category WITH HIS BLACK TROOPS AT BATTERY WAGNER Best Seller NEW DISCOVERY! his Men REBELS DESCRIBE BURYING COLONEL ROBERT G. SHAW $5.99 U.S./Can. CIVIL WAR MONUMENTS HistoryNet.com TOWN SQUARE SOLDIERS PETERSBURG, VA. CIVILIANS UNDER FIRE February 2016 Karen Jensen | Editor | World War II Jensen has been editor of World War II magazine for four years, after spending five years as managing editor. She arrived at HistoryNet with 12 years’ experience as an editor at Air & Space/ Smithsonian magazine, and earlier worked in writing and editing for U.S. News & World Report book division. She is the author of two books on wildlife habits and habitats for the National Wildlife Federation. WWII World War II interprets and illuminates the world’s largest and deadliest conflict, presenting fresh perspectives on key campaigns, battles and personalities from leading historians and journalists. The war showed humanity at its best and worst, # challenged our concepts of good and evil Category and permanently altered the globe. Best Seller 1 Aviation History Chronicles the rapid progression of manned flight from early aeronautical experiments to the advent of the space age. Informative articles by top aviation writers, complemented by cutting-edge graphics, detailed technical illustrations and rare photos. Dana Shoaf | Editor | Civil War Times After graduate school, Shoaf began his career working for Time-Life, Inc., as a writer and researcher on the Voices of the Civil War series and has published a number of articles and book reviews on the Civil War. He is currently researching the impact of the percussion cap on the tactics of the Civil War. NO JOKE: POLISH JET-POWERED BIPLANE CROP-DUSTER AVIATION H I S T O R Y jump jet HOW HAWKER’S REMARKABLE HARRIER GOT VTOL RIGHT Carl von Wodtke | Editor | Aviation History Editor of Aviation History since 2008, von Wodtke spent the preceding 12 years as group managing editor for all titles published by this company and the group’s former owners. MARCH 2016 FIVE YEARS IN THE AIR: WORLD’S LUCKIEST AIRLINE PILOT WHY BRITAIN AVOIDED ACEWORSHIP IN WORLD WAR I HistoryNet.com Vietnam Stories of soldiers fill Vietnam with fresh insights into the debates that still surround one of our most controversial wars. Firsthand accounts and articles by scholars and journalists are enhanced by images from award-winning photographers. Chuck Springston | Editor | Vietnam Editor of Vietnam magazine since 2014, Springston previously was news editor of Washington Business Journal. Earlier, he was a writer or editor for publications in Shreveport and Lafayette, Louisiana, and Orlando, # Tampa and Jacksonville, Florida. Category 1 Best Seller America’s Civil War America’s Civil War delivers revealing articles on the most formative and tumultuous period in American History—the Civil War. Noted authors and historians present stories of the many battles and personalities of the period. HISTORYNET.COM That Decided the War 10Battles HINT, Gettysburg Isn’t OnE... US $ 5.99 Custer VS Mosby Fatal Game of Hangman GLORIETA PASS NOVEMBER 2015 Dead Men Speak Chris Howland | Editor | America’s Civil War Since 2006, Howland has worked as a senior editor at World War II and Civil War Times, and as managing editor of America’s Civil War before assuming the reins at ACW. Prior, he worked as a reporter and editor for The Washington Post, UPI and the Journal newspapers. OUR INFLUENTIAL READERSHIP WHY ARE HISTORYNET READERS IMPORTANT TO YOU? Because they are influencers—the word-of-mouth leaders whose recommendations encourage others to buy your products. Each influential opinion leader impacts 10 to 20 additional purchase decisions. OUR READERS ARE THE OPINION LEADERS WITH THESE QUALITIES: • Well-Educated. 68% have graduated from college+, over 2½ times greater than the U.S. population 37% have a postgraduate degree, nearly five times higher than the US average 60% are taking or plan to take educational courses or degree programs in the coming year • Thoughtful. Our readers spend an average of 1 hour and 48 minutes reading each issue Read/purchase an average of four books every three months 37% read five or more books every three months 31% listen to audiobooks • Successful. HistoryNet readers have a median household income of $101,973 • Experienced. Our subscribers’ median age is 54.9 years. YOU’LL REACH OVER 1.4 MILLION INFLUENTIAL READERS EACH MONTH WITH HISTORYNET MAGAZINES! Source: 2010 reader survey, Steven Flans & Assoc. OUR INFLUENTIAL READERSHIP What are HISTORYNET’s nearly 1.5 million readers doing when they’re not reading about historic events and places? Visiting them. Over one million HistoryNet readers plan to visit historical sites this year! Our readers are more than twice as likely than the general population to travel for special events, and more than eight times as likely to visit national parks. But that’s not all… • 1.14 million of them plan to visit historical sites within the next year • Over one million of them will visit museums • 610,700 will travel to special events and reenactments Plus, each one of our opinion leaders has the power to influence others to do the same. 58% HISTORYNET.COM Sharpshooters Break Vicksburg Siege Where is General Joe Johnston’s Colt? of readers plan to travel in the next 12 months** to historical sites (all nine titles): 1,142,600 visitors This is dummy copy as yet another it HOOKER REDEEMED JANUARY 2016 51% of readers plan to travel in the next 12 months** to museums (all nine titles) 45% of readers plan to travel in the next 12 months** to national parks (all nine titles) **Source: 2010 reader survey, Steven Flans & Assoc. this is dummy copy as lookout mountain 46% Planned /took a trip to a historical site in the past 12 months as a result of seeing ads/articles in Civil War Times and America’s Civil War**: OUR INFLUENTIAL READERSHIP WHO IS THE HISTORYNET READER? AFFLUENT, EDUCATED MALE OUR READER’S AGE Age 18-49: 28% Age 25-54: 38% 26% 65+ 6% 11% 18-34 35-44 23% 34% 45-54 55-64 54.9 Median age of HistoryNet magazines’ total readership GENDER Male: 91% Female: 9% EDUCATION College educated: 92% Graduated college+: 68% Postgrad degree: 37% Currently taking or plan to take educational courses/degree programs: 61% *Source: 2010 reader survey, Steven Flans & Assoc. OUR INFLUENTIAL READERSHIP WHO IS THE HISTORYNET READER? HOUSEHOLD INCOME 29% 6% $150K+ $200K+ 24% 12% $100K$149,999 $50K 14% $50K-$74,999 15% $75K-$99,999 MEDIAN HHI: $101,973 $101K+ Median HHI of HistoryNet magazines’ total readership Source: 2010 reader survey, Steven Flans & Assoc. JOB STATUS Employed full time: 55% Employed part time: 4% Retired/looking for work: 41% MARITAL STATUS Never married: 12% Married/living with partner: 73% Legally sep/wid/div: 15% QUALITY CIRCULATION WHAT IS OUR CIRCULATION? 350,000 PAID CIRCULATION (ACROSS OUR NINE TITLES) 75% 25% NEWSSTAND SUBSCRIPTION • We have loyal subscribers. HistoryNet magazines have a 70%+ renewal rate—one of the highest in the industry! • HistoryNet boasts an impressive 40% sell-through rate on newsstands, significantly higher than the average title. • 83% of subscriptions are sold directly by us (instead of agents). This “direct to publisher” sub yields the highest-quality subscriber. • We’ve successfully raised newsstand cover prices while maintaining steady newsstand sales. • HistoryNet publications “own” the history category at Barnes & Noble: —Eight HistoryNet publications are ranked in the top 45 producers! —Three are in the Top 10— including MHQ in the #2 spot! • We’re committed to circulation growth. While others are cutting, we are investing in subscription growth through quality sources like direct mail. Source: 2010 reader survey, Steven Flans & Assoc. Barnes & Noble Magazine Ranking History Category 1. BBC History UK 2. MHQ: Quarterly Journal of Military History 3. Sea Classics 4. Military History Specials 5. All About History 6. WWII Quarterly 7. National Geographic Specials 8. Air Classics 9. World War II 10. Military History 11. Strategy and Tactics 12. Smithsonian Collectors Edition 13. The Almanac 14. Archaeology Magazine 15. History Revealed Revenue Ranking 9/13 through 6/14 16. World at War 17. True West 18. THEI/Time 19. Ancient Warfare 20. Life Special 21. Civil War 22. MH: WWII History 23. Modern War 24. Medieval Warfare 25. THEI/Life 26. Naval History 27. First World War Bookaz 28. THEI 31. Military Heritage 32. History of War UK 33. Warships International 34. America in WWII 35. Biblical Archaeology 36. Future Great Battles SER 37. BBC History Special 30. Atlantic SIP 45. American History 29. Wild West 38. America’s Civil War 39. Civil War Times 40. Armchair General 41. Vietnam 42. Britain at War 43. America in WWII SIP 44. National Geographic Pictures OUR DISTINGUISHED ADVERTISERS WHO ADVERTISES IN HISTORYNET PUBLICATIONS? Advertisers TOURISM TOURISM EDUCATION EDUCATION PUBLISHING PUBLISHING 000800-MIHP-140900.pgs The Decisive Battles of World History Taught by Professor Gregory S. Aldrete LECTURE TITLES 70% off ER 26 R FE OR D UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN–GREEN BAY TIME O ED F IT ST ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT BANKING/INSURANCE BANKING/INSURANCE LIM GAMING GAMING BY AU GU 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. What Makes a Battle Decisive? 1274 B.C. Kadesh—Greatest Chariot Battle 479 B.C. Plataea—Greece Wins Freedom 331 B.C. Gaugamela—Alexander’s Genius 197 B.C. Cynoscephalae—Legion vs. Phala 31 B.C. Actium—Birth of the Roman Empire 260–110 B.C. China—Struggles for Unifica 636 Yarmouk & al-Qadisiyyah—Islam Trium 751 Talas & 1192 Tarain—Islam into Asia 1066 Hastings—William Conquers England 1187 Hattin—Crusader Desert Disaster OUR DISTINGUISHED ADVERTISERS WHO ADVERTISES IN HISTORYNET PUBLICATIONS? Advertisers MILITARY SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS MILITARY SUPPORT ORG. MUSEUMS MUSEUMS PARTNERSHIPS PARTNERSHIPS Since 1987, Washington, DC has been the home of the Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Run, held over Memorial Day Weekend as a peaceful demonstration to bring awareness to the plight of prisoners of war (POW) and those missing in action (MIA). Attracting visitors from all 50 states and over half a dozen countries, the Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Run is the largest annual gathering in the Washington, DC area and one of the world’s largest events with a crowd nine times larger than the Super Bowl! National History Day (NHD) is a highly regarded academic program for elementary and secondary school students. Each year, more than half a million students, nationwide participate in the NHD contest. More than 5 million students have gone on to careers in business, law, medicine and countless other disciplines where they are putting into practice what they learned through NHD. As authorized by Congress and on behalf of the Nation, we are doing what should have been done 50 years ago: thanking and honoring our 7.2 million living Vietnam veterans and the families of all 9 million who served. We are proud to join more than 7,000 local, state and federal organizations as Commemorative Partners in this most noble effort. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS WHAT WHAT SIZE SIZE IS IS YOUR YOUR AD? AD? HERE ARE YOUR OPTIONS HERE ARE YOUR OPTIONS HISTORYNET.COM ✯ TOUR TOUR THE THE TREASURES TREASURES OF ALBEMARLE OF ALBEMARLE SOUND SOUND ✯ HISTORYNET.COM NO JOKE: POLISHPOLISH JET-POWERED BIPLANE CROP-DUSTER BIPLANE CROP-DUSTER NO JOKE: JET-POWERED H II SS TT OO RR YY jump jump jet jet HOW HAWKER’S HOW HAWKER’S REMARKABLE REMARKABLE HARRIER HARRIER GOT GOT VTOL RIGHT VTOL RIGHT “ The eyes of thousands will will look lookon on what you do tonight —Colonel —Colonel Shaw Shawto to his soldiers soldiers in in the the 54th Massachusetts before the attack on Battery Wagner ROBERT SHAW’S BURIAL ● COAL PATCH TREASURES ● CIVIL WAR MONUMENTS ★ A A VIATION VIATION VOL. 55, NO. 1 10 10 Battles Too Conservative? Too Conservative? BattlesThat That Decided the Deci ded the WarWar HINT, Gettysburg Isn’t OnE... HINT, Gettysburg Isn’t OnE... FEBRUARY 2016 How Reagan’s ’76 Campaign Upended Upendedthe theGOP GOPEstablishment Establishment CIVIL WAR TIMES Too Too Conservative? Conservative? ” with Buried with Buried NEW DISCOVERY! NEW DISCOVERY! his his Men Men REBELSDESCRIBE DESCRIBE BURYING COLONEL ROBERT G. SHAW REBELS BURYING COLONEL ROBERT G. SHAW US/Can $5.99 Who owns History? History? Born Bornto to be an American American John Ford’s Mythic MythicWest West Custer VS Mosby US $ 5.99 NOVEMBER 2015 HistoryNet.com ACW_COVER_NOVEMBER_2015_v2.indd 1 NOVEMBER 2015 FIVE YEARS FIVE YEARS IN THE AIR:IN THE AIR: WORLD’S WORLD’S LUCKIEST LUCKIEST AIRLINE PILOT AIRLINE PILOT WHY WHY BRITAIN BRITAIN AVOIDED AVOIDED ACEWORSHIP ACEWORSHIP IN WORLD WAR IN WORLD I WAR I Fatal Game of Hangman Dead Men Speak GLORIETA PASS Dead Men Speak WITH WITHHIS HISBLACK BLACK TROOPS TROOPS AT BATTERY AT BATTERY WAGNERWAGNER MARCH 2016 MARCH 2016 Fatal Game of Hangman Custer GLORIETA VS PASSMosby HistoryNet.com HistoryNet.com $5.99 U.S./Can. HistoryNet.com HistoryNet.com DECEMBER 2015 CIVIL MONUMENTS CIVIL WARWAR MONUMENTS TOWN SOLDIERS TOWN SQUARESQUARE SOLDIERS PETERSBURG, PETERSBURG, VA. VA. CIVILIANS UNDER FIRE UNDER FIRE CIVILIANS February 2016 2016 7/31/15 9:51 AM American History, America’s America’s Civil Civil War, War, Aviation Aviation History, History, Civil Civil War War Times, Times, Vietnam, Vietnam, Wild Wild West West American History, Ad Size Size Non-Bleed Ad Ad Bleed Ad Ad Ad Non-Bleed Bleed Spread 15” x 10” 16” x 10 3/4” Spread 15”xx10” 10” 16” x 10 3/4” Full Page 7” 8 1/8” x 10 3/4” Full Page 7” x 10” 8 1/8” x 10 2/3 Page 4 5/8” x 9 3/4” 5 1/4” x 10 3/4” 3/4” 2/3 x 9 3/4” 5 3/4” 1/2 Page Horizontal 4 7”5/8” x 4 3/4” 8 1/4” 1/8” xx 10 5 3/8” 1/2 7” x 4 3/4” 8 1/8” x 5 3/8” 1/2 Horizontal Vertical 4 5/8” x 7 1/8” N/A 1/2 Vertical 4 5/8” x 7 1/8” N/A 1/3 Vertical 2 1/4” x 9 3/4” N/A 1/3 2 N/A 1/3 Vertical Square 4 1/4” 5/8” xx 9 4 3/4” 3/4” N/A 1/3 4 N/A 1/6 Square Vertical 2 5/8” 1/4” xx 4 4 3/4” 3/4” N/A 1/6 Vertical 2 1/4” x 4 3/4” N/A 1/6 Horizontal 4 5/8” x 2 3/8” N/A 1/6 4 N/A 1/12Horizontal Page 2 5/8” 1/4” xx 2 2 3/8” 3/8” N/A 1/24 Page 2 1/4” x 1 1/8” N/A 2-Page Spread 2-Page Spread 2-Page Spread Military History, MHQ*, World War II Military History, MHQ*, World War II Ad Size Non-Bleed Ad Bleed Ad Ad Size Non-Bleed Ad Bleed Ad Spread 16” x 10” 17 1/4” x 11 1/8” Full Page 7” x 10” 8 3/4” x 11 1/8” 2/3 Page 4 5/8” x 9 3/4” N/A 1/2 Horizontal 7” x 4 3/4” N/A 1/2 Vertical 4 5/8” x 7 1/8” N/A 1/3 Vertical 2 1/4” x 9 3/4” N/A 1/3 Square 4 5/8” x 4 3/4” N/A 1/6 Vertical 2 1/4” x 4 3/4” N/A 1/6 Horizontal 4 5/8” x 2 3/8” N/A 1/12 Page 2 1/4” x 2 3/8” N/A *MHQ offers bleed size only for Cover 2, Cover 3 and Cover 4. 1/24 Page 2 1/4” x 1 1/8” N/A *MHQ offers bleed size only for Cover 2, Cover 3 and Cover 4. Large File Transfer When sending files larger than 7MB Large File Transfer please send using WeTransfer.com When sending files larger than 7MB For more information please contact: please send using WeTransfer.com Barb Justice For more information please contact: BJustice@historynet.com MCA Russell Johns 703-779-8339 production@russelljohns.com 2/3 Page 2/3 2/3 Page Page 1/3 Vertical 1/3 Vertical Vertical 1/3 1/6 Vertical 1/6 1/3 Horizontal Horizontal 1/2 Horizontal 1/2 1/2 Horizontal Horizontal Full Page Full Page Page Full 1/2 Vertical 1/2Vertical Vertical 1/2 1/3 Square 1/31/3 Square Square 1/6 Vertical 1/6 Horizontal 1/6 1/12 Vertical Page 1/12 Page ADVERTISING SPECIFICATIONS READY TO SUBMIT YOUR AD? HERE’S HOW HistoryNet can accept digital ads from both Macintosh and Windows platforms. Before submission, please confirm that your application and media are listed below. FILE TYPE • EPS—Illustrator, Quark XPress • TIFF, PDF—PhotoShop, InDesign Ads created in MS Word, MS Publisher, PowerPoint or any other word-processing program will NOT be accepted. For advertisements prepared in Quark XPress, place the page layout document and all images (use Collect for Output) in one folder. Collect all the fonts, both screen and printer, used in the document and place them in a folder labeled “fonts” inside the document folder. It’s critical that you supply all fonts used, even such common ones as Times and Helvetica. Different versions of fonts with the same name from the same foundry have different metrics or kerning pairs, and those differences can cause type to reflow. We will use your fonts exclusively for your ad. FONTS We can only accept PostScript Type 1 fonts. If TrueType fonts are used, they must be converted to outlines in Illustrator or a similar program, or embedded within a PDF. 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PRINTING/MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS • Printing Type: Web Offset • Binding: Saddle-stitch: Trim 7 7/8” x 10 1/2” America’s Civil War, Aviation History, Vietnam • Perfect Bound: Trim 8 1/2” x 10 7/8” Military History, MHQ, World War II • Perfect Bound: Trim 7 7/8” x 10 1/2” American History, Civil War Times, Wild West • Covers: 150 linescreen • Body: 150 linescreen (4C); 110 linescreen (B&W) • Safety: Live matter not intended to bleed must be 1/4” from the trim edge • Bleed: Allow for 1/8” trim on all bleed sides PROOF POLICY • Black & White: A content proof is requested. The proof must be printed at 100% with registration marks. This can be pulled from either a laser or inkjet printer. • Four-Color: HistoryNet requests a content proof for all ads. The content proof (printed at 100% with registration marks and a color bar) can serve as a color proof if it adheres to SWOP standards (a list of SWOP certified proofers can be found at www.swop.org/certification/certmfg.asp). 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Proofs are still required for ads submitted electronically (see Proof Policy for requirements). SEND ADS USING WETRANSFER.COM Use WeTransfer.com for files over 7MB. Please compress files prior to sending. You will receive confirmation from WeTransfer once we’ve downloaded your files. Please contact us via phone or email if we haven’t downloaded it within 24 hours. Proofs are still requested for ads submitted electronically (see Proof Policy for requirements). 2016 ADVERTISING DISPLAY RATES WHAT DOES IT COST TO ADVERTISE? HERE ARE OUR RATES AMERICAN HISTORY Frequency: 6x/year Paid Circulation: 46,000 Ad Size 1x 3x 6x 9x Page $3,030 $2,787 $2,666 $2,515 2/3 Page $2,272 $2,090 $1,999 $1,886 1/2 Page $1,742 $1,603 $1,533 $1,446 1/3 Page $1,313 $1,208 $1,155 $1,090 AMERICA’S CIVIL WAR Frequency: 6x/year Paid Circulation: 27,000 Ad Size 1x 3x 6x 9x Page $1,830 $1,684 $1,611 $1,519 2/3 Page $1,373 $1,263 $1,208 $1,139 1/2 Page $1,052 $968 $926 $874 1/3 Page $793 $730 $698 $658 12x $2,363 $1,772 $1,359 $1,024 MHQ: THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MILITARY HISTORY Frequency: 4x/year Paid Circulation: 18,000 Ad Size 1x 2x 4x 8x Page $1,457 $1,340 $1,282 $1,209 2/3 Page $1,092 $1,005 $961 $907 1/2 Page $838 $771 $737 $695 1/3 Page $631 $581 $555 $524 1/6 Page $379 $348 $333 $314 12x $1,428 $1,071 $821 $619 VIETNAM Frequency: 6x/year Paid Circulation: 31,000 Ad Size 1x 3x 6x 9x Page $3,750 $3,563 $3,375 $3,188 2/3 Page $2,813 $2,672 $2,531 $2,391 1/2 Page $2,156 $2,048 $1,941 $1,833 1/3 Page $1,625 $1,544 $1,463 $1,381 12x $3,000 $2,250 $1,725 $1,300 12x $1,597 $1,198 $918 $692 WILD WEST Frequency: 6x/year Paid Circulation: 40,000 Ad Size 1x 3x 6x 9x Page $2,714 $2,497 $2,388 $2,253 2/3 Page $2,035 $1,873 $1,791 $1,689 1/2 Page $1,561 $1,436 $1,373 $1,295 1/3 Page $1,176 $1,082 $1,035 $976 12x $2,117 $1,588 $1,217 $917 CIVIL WAR TIMES Frequency: 6x/year Paid Circulation: 39,000 Ad Size 1x 3x 6x 9x Page $2,714 $2,497 $2,388 $2,253 2/3 Page $2,035 $1,873 $1,791 $1,689 1/2 Page $1,561 $1,436 $1,373 $1,295 1/3 Page $1,176 $1,082 $1,035 $976 12x $2,117 $1,588 $1,217 $917 WORLD WAR II Frequency: 6x/year Paid Circulation: 72,000 Ad Size 1x 3x 6x 9x Page $4,734 $4,355 $4,166 $3,929 2/3 Page $3,550 $3,266 $3,124 $2,947 1/2 Page $2,722 $2,504 $2,395 $2,259 1/3 Page $2,051 $1,887 $1,805 $1,703 12x $3,692 $2,769 $2,123 $1,600 MILITARY HISTORY Frequency: 6x/year Paid Circulation: 41,000 Ad Size 1x 3x 6x 9x Page $2,777 $2,555 $2,444 $2,305 2/3 Page $2,083 $1,916 $1,833 $1,729 1/2 Page $1,597 $1,469 $1,405 $1,325 1/3 Page $1,203 $1,107 $1,059 $999 12x $2,166 $1,625 $1,246 $939 AVIATION HISTORY Frequency: 6x/year Paid Circulation: 40,000 Ad Size 1x 3x 6x 9x Page $2,047 $1,883 $1,801 $1,699 2/3 Page $1,535 $1,412 $1,351 $1,274 1/2 Page $1,177 $1,083 $1,036 $977 1/3 Page $887 $816 $781 $736 All rates are gross. Cover 4: add 20%. Cover 2: add 15%. B&W rates: 4C rates minus 15%. 2016 ISSUE DATES WHEN DO WE NEED YOUR AD? 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