lobba bull Sale 08 - Live Oak Beefmaster Breeders Association
lobba bull Sale 08 - Live Oak Beefmaster Breeders Association
BEEFMASTER BULL SALE 2013 Saturday, January 5, 2013 — Three Rivers, TX Lunch 11 a.m. — Sale Time 12 Noon Awards Presentation 11:30 a.m. Live Oak County Fairgrounds — Hwy. 281 South • The Live Oak Beefmaster Bull Sale is the longest running, most dependable offering of high quality Beefmaster bulls in the Southwest. • Every bull will be weighed at the sale site. • Every bull must meet minimum weight per day of age requirements. • All bulls will be graded by a select panel of graders. • All bulls will be walked through the ring and graded individually starting at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, January 4. This is an excellent opportunity to view all the bulls and visit with the industry’s leading producers and buyers; however, bulls will be available for viewing beginning Thursday, January 3. • Per BBU’s new requirement: All bulls in this sale are guaranteed to have passed a Breeding Soundness Evaluation (BSE) and be confirmed a satisfactory potential breeder by a licensed veterinarian. • This is a BBU approved sale. Per BBU’s guidelines, all consignors are required to guarantee their bulls’ fertility for at least 120 days. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE! This year’s Christmas card artist is 14-year-old Joshua. The artwork will be auctioned off at the beginning of the sale with proceeds to benefit the South Texas Children’s Home. If you are coming to the sale from a long distance, and need assistance in hauling your bulls, please contact the sale manager, Anthony Mihalski at 210/415-0888. Prize money will be awarded to the top 10 grading bulls and a special Live Oak BBA commemorative belt buckle will be presented to the consignor and the buyer of the high grading bull. Sale Barn located on Highway 281 between Three Rivers and George West, TX. Sale Day Phone: 210-415-0888 Mobile Catalog may also be viewed online at: www.lobba.net or www.anthonymihalski.com All bulls sell with breeding soundness evaluation and all have been trich tested. Motel Accommodations: Don Moore’s Best Western, Three Rivers, TX / 361-786-2000 Best Western, George West, TX / 361-449-3300 Holiday Inn Express, George West, TX / 361/444-0882 Best Western, Beeville, TX / 361-358-9999 Atrium Inn, Three Rivers, TX / 361-786-1500 Econo Lodge, Three Rivers, TX / 361-786-3563 Regency Inn, Three Rivers, TX / 361-786-3541 Mathis Inn, Mathis, TX / 361-547-0200 Steak dinner Friday night sponsored by Lyssy & Eckel at the sale site. IF YOUR ARE NOT ABLE TO ATTEND THE SALE AND ARE INTERESTED IN PLACING A BID, PLEASE CALL ANTHONY MIHALSKI AT 210/415-0888. BBU's Mission Is To Enhance Breeder's Ability To Raise and Promote Cattle Based Upon The Founding "Six Essentials." Disposition, Fertility, Weight, Conformation, Hardiness, Milk Production. This is a BBU Approved Sale and follows the BBU Voluntary Approved Sale Agreement. The BBU Voluntary Approved Sale Agreement is on file at the BBU office. BEEFMASTER BREEDERS UNITED • WWW.BEEFMASTERS.ORG Auctioneer & Sale Manager: Sale Sponsor: Sponsored by Live Oak Beefmaster Breeders Association www.lobba.net Anthony J. Mihalski 7320 Triple Elm North • San Antonio, TX 78263 210-648-5475 • Fax 210-648-4939 Mobile 210-415-0888 • aj1mihalski@aol.com Lawrence Lyssy, President • 210/414-2266 Don Kasper, Secretary/Treasurer • 361/786-3056 Throughout history, this sale has offered not only the best commercial bulls, but the best herd sire prospects of the breed. PAGE 2 Beefmaster Breeders Association www.lobba.net OFFICERS & DIRECTORS Lawrence Lyssy - President, San Antonio, TX Bob Siddons - Vice President, Austin, TX Don Kasper - Secretary/Treasurer, Three Rivers, TX Rocky Carillo - Ex-Officio, Kenedy, TX BOARD MEMBERS H.T. (Tim) Chapman - Rockport, TX • Jim Dunkin - Paige, TX Beto Martinez - Alice, TX • Bill Skoruppa - George West, TX Melvin Scherer - Meyersville, TX • Billy Welkener - Kenedy, TX Danny Dominguez - Benavides, TX • Tim Pollok - San Antonio, TX Trey Scherer - Brenham, TX • Elton Lieke - New Braunfels, TX Gary Halepeska - Goliad, TX • Tony Psencik - San Antonio, TX • Membership Form • Live Oak Beefmaster Breeders Association Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State: ________________________________________________________________ Zip: ____________________ Phone: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Membership Dues: $30.00 Make Checks Payable To: L.O.B.B.A. Mail To: Don Kasper • P.O. Box 26 • Three Rivers, Texas 78071 PAGE 3 BEEFMASTER BULL SALE 2013 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Friday, January 4, 2013 1:00 p.m. - Bull Judging 5:30 p.m. - Happy Hour & Social. 6:30 p.m. - Steak dinner and fun auction. Steak dinner sponsored by Lyssy & Eckel. Saturday, January 5, 2013 8-11:30 a.m. - Coffee & donuts, viewing of bulls 9:00 a.m. - Live Oak BBA Annual Meeting 11:00 a.m. - Early lunch 11:45 a.m. - Opening announcements 12 NOON - LIVE OAK BBA Bull Sale beginning with the special lot to benefit the South Texas Children’s Home. Even though the Live Oak Association has been hosting the bull sale since it’s beginning 32 years ago, the graded bull sale began in 1995. This spring will be 32 years since we had the first sale in this barn. The following is a list of previous winners with high grading bulls: •1995: Leroy Foerster - Orange Grove, TX •1996: Weldon & Helen Goebel - Cuero, TX •1997: Lyssy & Sons - San Antonio, TX •1998: Charles Ragus - Shreveport, LA •1999: C.W. Tuma - Premont, TX •2000: Jerry Vordenbaum - Seguin, TX •2001: Jim & Anita Dunkin - Paige, TX •2002: Royce & Rose Witte, The Homestead, Giddings, TX •2003: Trent Cromer, Circle C Beefmasters, Axton, VA •2004: Ted Cain, Cain Cattle Company, Wiggins, MS •2005: Bill & Dusty Carr, Webb County, Laredo, TX •2006: Bobby Melloan, Horse Cave, KY •2007: David Joeris - Moore, TX •2008: Collier Farms - Brenham, TX •2009: Harold & Kyle Hoge - Joshua, TX •2010: Dr. Thomas, Lazy Susan Ranch, Savannah, TN •2011: L2 Ranch, Fred & Judy Long, Beeville, TX •2012: Toby Lester, Bentonville, AR •2013: ? Be sure to join us for food and fun on Friday evening to be held in the coliseum at the sale site. Social-Happy Hour & Appetizers: 5:30 Steak dinner sponsored by Lyssy & Eckel. PAGE 4 Beefmaster Breeders United Approved Sale Agreement (For Consignors, Sale Managers and Consultants) In consideration of the permission granted by Beefmaster Breeders United (“BBU”) for the undersigned to conduct a BBU Approved Sale and the mutual agreements set forth below, I hereby agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. All cattle to be sold shall be represented by the seller as properly identified with permanent identification number. All identification numbers, branded or tattooed on an animal, and the description must match identically the identification numbers, holding brands and description listed on the Certificate of Breeding. 2. At the time of the sale, all cattle exhibiting any genetic defect that, in the opinion of the designated BBU official, would be a detriment to the breed, and all cattle that, in the opinion of the designated BBU official, would classify “X” under the BBU Voluntary Classification Program will be removed from the sale offering. 3. BBU’s fees for services rendered in connection with an Approved Sale are available upon request from the BBU office. 4. The designated BBU official responsible for implementing the above regulations will be at the sale site in ample time to inspect the cattle and accompanying records prior to the commencement of the sale and I agree to provide such official with appropriate access and accommodations required to assure full compliance with the terms of this Agreement. 5. All cattle sold, other than First and Second Cross calves under fourteen (14) months of age and the embryo recipients, must have BBU Certificates of Breeding. All First and Second Cross calves under fourteen (14) months of age must be accompanied by a properly completed and executed Application for Certificate of Breeding. The sale management or seller must present all Certificates of Breeding (or applications when applicable) to the BBU office ten (10) business days prior to sale date. Substitute animals will be accepted provided the Certificates of Breeding (or applications) are in compliance with all applicable requirements upon arrival at the sale site. 6. All semen and frozen embryos sold at a BBU Approved Sale must have a completed BBU AI Certificate Form or Embryo Bill of Sale provided at the time of the sale. The BBU AI Certificate Form or Embryo Bill of Sale shall include, if applicable, the Blood Typing Case # and DNA Genotype Case # of the bull whose semen is sold, or the sire and dam of the embryos being sold. All A’I Sires and Donor Dams must have a DNA Profile on file (or Blood Typing, if applicable) at BBU prior to the approved sale date. BBU approved sale catalogs must include the blood type case number and DNA genotype case number of all animals selling that have been typed; and include the blood type case number and DNA genotype case number of the sire and dam (if typed) of all animals selling. The PV designation for “Parent Verified” must also be included in the BBU Approved Sale catalog on each animal to which it is applicable. 7. BBU Certificate of Breeding number of each service sire of a bred female must be indicated in the sale catalog. 8. If an animal is classified, such classification must be reflected in the catalog, as provided for below or on the pen card if applicable or announced from the box. All existing available official BBU performance information will be included in the following block, (only that portion of the block must be printed where official BBU information exists) for the display of official BBU classification and performance information. The sample block below may be used or other formats may be used but the information must be official BBU data as listed on the registration certificate. 1. In making this agreement, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless BBU, it officers, directors, employees, agents, and authorized representatives from any liabilities which may arise in connection with a BBU Approved Sale. I acknowledge that I have read and understood all of the terms of this Agreement and the currently applicable Terms and Conditions of BBU Approved Sales. FAILURE BY A MEMBER TO COMPLY WITH THIS SIGNED AGREEMENT WILL BE AUTOMATIC CAUSE FOR APPEARING BEFORE THE BBU ETHICS AND RULES COMMITTEE TO SHOW CAUSE WHY HE/SHE SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO RETAIN HIS/HER MEMBERSHIP IN BBU. The provisions of this Agreement only apply to a sale that has qualified to the satisfaction of BBU as a “BBU Approved Sale.” Such qualification shall be manifested by the certifying statement of an authorized officer, director or staff person of BBU expressed from the sale box immediately prior to the sale. All BBU Satellite Sales shall be conducted in conformance with, and subject to, the terms and conditions of this Approved Sales Agreement. By signing this agreement, I agree to abide and be bound by this Agreement and all currently applicable Terms and Conditions of BBU Approved Sales. Name: _________________________________________________ (Please print) BBU Membership/Customer #: ______________________ Date: ______________________ Signature: _______________________________________________ ACCEPTED BY BBU: By: ____________________________________________________ Date: ______________________ July 8, 2011 PAGE 5 Kenedy Credit Office 1-866-583-9881 Robstown Credit Office 1-866-387-1538 Laredo Credit Office 1-888-218-5508 Edinburg Credit Office 1-888-218-5506 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 EMBRYO TRANSFER •Complete In Clinic Services •Mobile Lab On Farm Services •Recipient Programs ULTRASOUND •Reproductive Evaluation •Early Pregnancy •Fetal Sexing GENEX SEMEN SERVICES Contact: Reagan Brooks 8751 Kingsbury Road • Kingsbury, Texas 78638 (830) 639-4045 • (830) 639-4048 Fax reagan@agrimarkgenetics.com PAGE 8 PAGE 9 DITTMAR LUMBER CORP. Est. 1937 WHOLESALE/RETAIL WE DELIVER TREATED LUMBER •Plywood •Paint •Fencing •Electrical Supplies •Plumbing Supplies •Farm & Ranch Supplies •Treated Posts & Poles •Roofing Materials •Doors -- Windows •Tools (Power & Hand) SAN ANTONIO: 500 Seguin St. Toll Free: 800-292-7811 • Phone: 210/226-3141 FLORESVILLE: 1145 Hwy. 181 N. Phone: 830/393-9142 FREDERICKSBURG: 1776 S. Hwy. 87 Phone: 830/997-0322 OVER 60 YEARS OF HELPING THE PROFESSIONAL AND DO-IT-YOURSELFER PAGE 10 7-9-10 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 BEEFMASTER BULL SALE 2013 INDEX TO CONSIGNORS: Alvarez Beefmasters, Dr. Oscar Alvarez ............................................................................................. 79-82 McAllen, TX Bois d’Arc Beefmasters ................................................................................................................... 91-92 Tonkawa, OK Carpenter, Steve & Lana, Dance Creek Beefmasters ............................................................................ 20-22 Tecumseh, OK Casey, Janssen “Butch” & Mary Ann .................................................................................................. 56-60 Harahan, LA Cedar Valley Farm, Curtis Oliver ....................................................................................................... 85-88 Vine Grove, KY Channarock Farm, Charlie Jones ...................................................................................................... 76-77 Rockfield, KY Chapman, H.T. (Tim) ....................................................................................................................... 64-66 Whitsett, TX Cherry Glen Beefmasters, John & Sue Pierson ......................................................................................... 78 Vacaville, CA Cottage Farm Beefmasters ................................................................................................................. 8-11 Jackson, TN Dittfurth, Frank, Timber Ridge-Dittfurth Family .......................................................................................5 Livingston, TX Emmons Ranch, Steve & Cindy Emmons ............................................................................................ 41-45 Fairfield, TX Guadalupe Ranch, Manuel Quintanilla ................................................................................................... 67 Laredo, TX Halepeska, Gary ............................................................................................................................. 18-19 Goliad, TX J&T Farms, Jerry & Tammy Thomas ................................................................................................. 71-72 Henderson, TN Joeris, David S. ................................................................................................................................... 69 Moore, TX Jones, Clark, Jones Beefmasters ...................................................................................................... 52-53 Savannah, TN Kasper, Donald, Kasper Beefmasters ..................................................................................................... 61 Three Rivers, TX Kreger Beefmasters and Bedlam Beefmasters .......................................................................................... 90 Tonkawa, OK L2 Ranch, Fred and Judy Long ............................................................................................................. 1-4 Beeville, TX Lieke, Saundra & Elton, BCE Beefmasters .............................................................................................. 63 New Braunfels, TX Lindow, Danny ............................................................................................................................... 73-75 Vidor, TX Lyssy & Sons ...................................................................................................................................... 6-7 San Antonio, TX Panther Creek Partners, Bacchus Farm, James Ellis, Jr. ...................................................................... 83-84 Jackson, TN Poses Lazy P Ranch .............................................................................................................................. 62 Corpus Christi, TX Ozark Embryonics, Toby & Trevyr Lester ................................................................................................ 89 Bentonville, AR Rancho Tres Hijos, Bub & Nancy Epley .............................................................................................. 49-51 Tilden, TX Rathke, Herman L. ............................................................................................................................... 70 Del Rio, TX PAGE 13 BEEFMASTER BULL SALE 2013 INDEX TO CONSIGNORS (Continued): Rod Farms ..................................................................................................................................... 35-40 El Campo, TX Siddons, Bob & Bonnie, Arrowhead Ranch ......................................................................................... 23-25 Tilden, TX Sralla, Edward .................................................................................................................................... 68 Edna, TX Southern Cattle Co., John Downs ...................................................................................................... 12-17 Dothan, AL Swinging ‘B’ Ranch, Loran (Mackie) & Norma Jean Bounds .................................................................. 26-28 Axtel, TX T5 Ranch, J.C. Thompson ..................................................................................................................... 55 Roans Prairie, TX Thunder Valley Ranch, Paul Hill ........................................................................................................ 93-95 Commerce, GA Vaughn Family Farms, Davin Vaughn ...................................................................................................... 48 Mt. Vernon, MO Vaughn Family Farms, Davin Vaughn and Steve & Cindy Emmons .............................................................. 47 Walker, Ray .................................................................................................................................... 29-32 Big Spring, TX Walker, Ryan & Pam ........................................................................................................................ 33-34 Big Spring, TX PAGE 14 L2 Ranch Bulls LOT 1............................BULL LOT 3 ..........................BULL BRAND: 88/11 BBU NO.: C1006734 COLOR: Red BRAND: 97/11 BBU NO.: C1006738 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: L2 Ranch, Fred & Judy Long - Beeville, TX L2 Warrior 79/08 DNA US4039452PV BREEDER: L Two Ranch BIRTH: 1-23-11 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 *Dolce Freddo II 92/02 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 Sugrgirl 825 Miss Sugarbelle 62L12 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter CONSIGNOR: L2 Ranch, Fred & Judy Long - Beeville, TX **Infinity 120/96 **Milk & Honey 45/98 Tiger Sugar 64/91 * **Dolce Freddo 34/92 L2 Next Level 142/08 DNA 585255A PV **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 Jezabelle 62J8 Judith Ann 111/08 DNA 644816A PV OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.0 12 12 2 8 0.3 EPD: .47 .45 .45 .17 .29 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 99 103 98 Ratio: 5 6 5 Contmp.: 74 698 1063 Adj. Trait: Rib Fat: Rib Fat: BREEDER: L Two Ranch BIRTH: 2-26-11 **Spartacus 86/653 Infinite Lady 79/98 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 Carmenett 15/00 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9-77 **Infinity 120/96 **Miss Judy 6/91 **Infinity 120/96 **Milk & Honey 45/98 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Miss J15 145/91 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 0.8 11 17 -2 3 0.0 EPD: .33 .31 .31 .17 .26 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 100 100 100 Ratio: 1 1 1 Contmp.: 77 678 1092 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: LOT 2 ..........................BULL LOT 4 ..........................BULL BRAND: 89/11 BBU NO.: C1006735 COLOR: Red BRAND: 117/11 BBU NO.: C1006740 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: L2 Ranch, Fred & Judy Long - Beeville, TX L2 Captain Jack 43/07 DNA US4039456PV Totally Lucey 49/06 BREEDER: L Two Ranch BIRTH: 1-28-11 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 **Farrah Anna 42/9 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 **Totally Sugar 61/97 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.3 15 20 0 8 0.3 EPD: .54 .52 .52 .21 .36 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 101 102 98 Ratio: 5 6 5 Contmp.: 73 691 1062 Adj. Trait: **Infinity 120/96 **Milk & Honey 45/98 **Synergy 84/95 **Tiger Anna 96/97 **Infinity 120/96 **Milk & Honey 45/98 **Spartacus 86/653 **Sugar Ann 45/6 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: CONSIGNOR: L2 Ranch, Fred & Judy Long - Beeville, TX L2 Warrior 79/08 DNA US 4039452 PV Anna Rose L2 78/09 BREEDER: L Two Ranch BIRTH: 3-9-11 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 *Dolce Freddo II 92/02 L2 Captain Jack 43/07 Peggy Sue 20/06 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.3 14 21 2 9 0.5 EPD: .52 .50 .50 .23 .34 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 99 100 100 Ratio: 5 6 5 Contmp.: 74 677 1083 Adj. Trait: PAGE 15 **Infinity 120/96 **Milk & Honey 45/98 Tiger Sugar 64/91 * **Dolce Freddo 34/92 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 **Farrah Anna 42/9 **Spartacus 86/653 Infinite Lady 79/98 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: LOT 7 ..........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Lyssy & Sons - San Antonio, TX BRAND: 31/950 BBU NO.: C1013683 COLOR: Red Maverick 17/557 DNA US3000526 PV **Lyssy & Sons 128/658 DNA 527987A BREEDER: Lyssy & Sons BIRTH: 3-17-11 Salsa 94-403 Spear Ranches 9020 Spear Ranches 5130-2C **Tabasco 3018K10 **Miss Tabasco 929/4 Collier Farms 83/8 Tango 53/5 Little Horn 221/2 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Little h 146 **Bryan Ranch 15/8 Schutts 61 Wolf Creek Ranch 8/221 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: U Conformation: 2 Underline: 3 Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -2.1 15 30 3 10 0.6 -0.11 -0.1 -0.11 EPD: .47 .47 .44 .14 .21 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 109 99 109 98 75 115 Ratio: 4 4 3 3 3 3 Contmp.: 72 674 996 11.44 0.91 0.18 Adj. Trait: LOT 5 ..........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Frank Dittfurth, Timber Ridge-Dittfurth Family - Livingston, TX NAMED: Jase Quasar 991 DNA 26B BT 7176A Marilyn 19/5 Sweet Sensation 293T4 **Infinity 120/96 **Secret Sensation 276 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter 89 3 0.18 LOT 8 ..........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Cottage Farm Beefmasters - Jackson, TN BRAND: 507 BBU NO.: C1008378 COLOR: Red BREEDER: Dittfurth Family BIRTH: 3-26-11 **Cavalier 19/5 Rump Fat: Here is another powerhouse Maverick son out of the Lyssy 128/658 donor. This bull will add growth, bone and style to his calves. Look at the EPDs that Lyssy 31/950 has and will not be 2 until March. This bull has performance bred into him, he has an actual REA of 11/86 and 1.2/CWT and a yearling weight of 1100 lbs. Study the bone, strength of top, and definition of muscle this bull possesses. With a low birth weight EPD this bull will work on heifers, breed him with confidence and watch the performance he will add. Its not every day you find this caliber of bull with performance and pedigree. Take him home and put him to work. Lot 5 BRAND: 152/11 BBU NO.: C1001285 COLOR: Red/MUL Rump Fat: -0.21 PE **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 * **Snow Cloud 8/164 **Jungle Red 3018 CF Sugar Britches 040 DNA 345274A **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 **Spartacus 86/653 Victoria’s Secret 72/91 Cottage Farm 631 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.3 6 4 0 3 -0.2 -0.23 0.0 0.02 EPD: .36 .31 .29 .21 .23 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 100 100 100 Ratio: 1 1 1 Contmp.: 84 639 947 33.17 Adj. Trait: BREEDER: Cottage Farm BIRTH: 4-4-11 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 **Painted Tiger 3-390 Bovanna 04/5 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1-126 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Vanna 5660 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.4 19 25 2 11 0.5 0.16 -0.1 0.03 EPD: .36 .44 .44 .17 .45 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 100 107 105 91 67 98 Ratio: 1 3 3 3 3 3 Contmp.: 69 882 1278 38.44 11 1.4 0.31 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: 0.08 PE Rump Fat: If you’re looking for a red bull with power, pedigree and a good disposition, here he is! Jase is a paternal brother to the great Logan, wrapped up with some of the best maternal genetics in the breed on his bottom half. His dam, Sweet Sensation continues to produce some of the best offspring at Timber Ridge. Let Jase make an impact in your herd! Weights & Measures. Lifetime Member. Rump Fat: -0.03 PE Rump Fat: 96 3 0.53 An outstanding Sugar Britches son out of the great Painted Tiger and Bovanna daughter. CF 507 has outstanding length, thickness and straight lines. Oasis and Bovanna always combine to make outstanding animals. LOT 6 ..........................BULL LOT 9 ..........................BULL BRAND: 120/945 BBU NO.: C1007946 COLOR: Red BRAND: 502 BBU NO.: C1008373 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Lyssy & Sons - San Antonio, TX Maverick 17/557 DNA US3000526PV **Lyssy & Sons 128/658 DNA527987A **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter BREEDER: Lyssy & Sons BIRTH: 12-30-10 Spear Ranches 9020 **Miss Tabasco 929/4 Tango 53/5 Little Horn 221/2 Salsa 94-403 Spear Ranches 5130-2C **Tabasco 3018K10 Collier Farms 83/8 **Infinity 120/96 DNA 674A Bt 5956A **Little h 146 **Bryan Ranch 15/8 Schutts 61 Wolf Creek Ranch 8/221 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: U Conformation: 1 Underline: 3 Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -2.0 15 31 3 11 0.6 -0.11 -0.1 -0.11 EPD: .48 .47 .44 .14 .21 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 111 101 108 109 82 109 Ratio: 9 6 2 2 2 2 Contmp.: 70 610 939 11.71 1.6 0.12 Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: Cottage Farm Beefmasters - Jackson, TN **Oasis 655 DNA 251620A BT 7628A **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter BREEDER: Cottage Farm BIRTH: 4-3-11 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Cherokee Phantom USA **Sugar Ann 45/6 * **Phantom Warrior 3/254 **Madam X 3/293 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 **Sandman 10-1 **Sex Appeal 062/0 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -0.6 25 37 -2 11 0.9 -0.06 0.2 0.08 EPD: .58 .56 .56 .33 .56 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 110 105 106 100 122 115 Ratio: 10 8 8 5 5 5 Contmp.: 64 746 1167 38.47 10.99 2.7 0.34 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: -0.21 PE Rump Fat: 109 2 0.19 Performance and predictability! Here’s a Maverick son out of a cornerstone donor that we have built our program around. Look at his EPDs, he is in the top 20% in the breed for birth, weaning and yearling weights. He has an actual REA of 11.71 and 1/2/CWT. If you’re needing a bull to put on heifers, do it with confidence. At the Genetic Development Center in Navasota, Texas Maverick calves’ average daily gains were 4.34 lbs./day. Lyssy 120/945 ties it all together, phenotype, heavy muscled, and moderate. Don’t pass up the opportunity to put a great herd bull in your program. Rump Fat: 0.10 PE Rump Fat: 99 5 0.52 CF 502 is a tremendous full brother to Adrenaline. Outstanding length, muscle, and correctness, along with strong performance. Outstanding opportunity. PAGE 16 LOT 10 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Cottage Farm Beefmasters - Jackson, TN BRAND: 509 BBU NO.: C1008380 COLOR: Red CF Sugar Britches 040 DNA 345274A Tiger Vanna 601 DNA 387394A PV BREEDER: Cottage Farm BIRTH: 4-5-11 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 **Painted Tiger 3-390 Kavanna 040 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Unity HF/736 DNA 463968A PV **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1-126 **Sir Kiffer 6/3 Bovanna 04/5 Rump Fat: -0.04 PE Rump Fat: 69 5 0.36 CONSIGNOR: Cottage Farm Beefmasters - Jackson, TN Cottage Farm 801 BREEDER: Cottage Farm BIRTH: 4-3-11 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 **Xcite 497 Bomb Shell 396 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Princess Al II 293H8 Rump Fat: 108 3 0.6 Bomb Shell sons and grandsons are always great herd sires. CF 505 is outstanding in all critical areas. Tremendous thickness, performance and fertility are bred into this prospect. **Synergy 84/95 **Dolce Freddo II 92/02 **Infinity 120/96 **Miss Judy 6/91 CONSIGNOR: Southern Cattle Co., John Downs - Dothan, AL NAMED: Southern S. Britches 0545 CF Sugar Britches 040 DNA 345274A HMS 2649/6 DNA 387393A PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter BREEDER: Southern BIRTH: 9-24-10 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 **Cavalier 19/5 L2 Maiden Lady 154/00 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 **Synergy 84/95 Infinite Lady 79/98 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.6 13 15 -1 6 0.3 -0.03 0.1 0.05 EPD: .54 .48 .44 .17 .31 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 100 99 Ratio: 11 7 Contmp.: 78 532 Adj. Trait: **Red Sugar 104/93 **Prissy Lady 117/93 Tiger Sugar 64/91 * **Dolce Frecco 34/92 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 **J Fifteen 15/88 **Ed. Mtrs. & Serv. 6-2 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -1.0 4 12 2 4 0.1 -0.14 0.0 -0.01 EPD: .56 .51 .48 .26 .38 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 117 95 Ratio: 11 3 Contmp.: 65 466 Adj. Trait: LOT 12 ........................BULL BRAND: 0545 BBU NO.: C1010641 COLOR: Red Rump Fat: BREEDER: Southern BIRTH: 2-28-11 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter 0.13 PE Rump Fat: -0.10 PE CONSIGNOR: Southern Cattle Co., John Downs - Dothan, AL NAMED: Southern Access 1088 Infinite Lady 79/98 DNA 131A BT 7614A Rump Fat: **Black Magic 120/97 Miss Scarlet USA 8-1 **The Postman 465/6 **Channarock Farm 9183 LOT 14 ........................BULL L2 Access 64/04 DNA 884A BT 9150A **CJ’s Desperado 530 **Adair 062/7 **Spartacus 86/653 **Sex Appeal 062/0 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 **Synergy 84/95 Princess V 74/96 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.7 8 6 1 5 0.0 -0.16 -0.1 -0.03 EPD: .34 .31 .28 .17 .19 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 100 100 Ratio: 1 1 Contmp.: 74 559 Adj. Trait: BRAND: 1088 BBU NO.: C1013493 COLOR: Red **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.9 13 15 -6 1 0.2 0.10 0.1 0.06 EPD: .47 .47 .45 .17 .45 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 100 97 94 109 100 101 Ratio: 2 3 3 3 3 3 Contmp.: 71 797 1151 36.81 13.17 2.1 0.32 Adj. Trait: **Cavalier 19/5 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 11 ........................BULL CF Sugar Britches 040 DNA 345274A BREEDER: Southern BIRTH: 12-15-10 **Black Jack 21 Gator 457 DNA 369977A PV BT BBU428 **Channarock Farm 800/0 Another great Sugar Britches son out of the Tiger Vanna cow. Bone, thickness, good looks and performance are all strong traits on this strong prospect. BRAND: 505 BBU NO.: C1008376 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Southern Cattle Co., John Downs - Dothan, AL NAMED: Southern Unity 0652 BRAND: 0652 BBU NO.: C1013494 COLOR: Red **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.3 13 22 0 7 0.3 0.22 -0.1 0.03 EPD: .50 .48 .48 .15 .48 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 97 101 101 120 54 95 Ratio: 10 8 8 5 5 5 Contmp.: 74 722 1103 36.52 13.21 1.2 0.28 Adj. Trait: LOT 13 ........................BULL Rump Fat: 0.00 PE Rump Fat: Lot 12 PAGE 17 Rump Fat: -0.08 PE Rump Fat: LOT 15 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Southern Cattle Co., John Downs - Dothan, AL NAMED: Southern C. Sugar 1035 BRAND: 1035 BBU NO.: C1010654 COLOR: Red **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 DNA 134A BT 7526A **L2 Santa Maria 104/01 DNA 122A BT 7403B **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Infinity 120/96 **Farrah Lady 2/92 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Ed. Mtrls. & Serv. 6-2 Trinity 16-02 BT 7843A **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 **J Fifteen 15/88 **Madam X 3/293 Halepeska 887 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.3 18 19 3 12 0.5 -0.11 0.1 0.04 EPD: .59 .56 .54 .34 .44 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 88 116 Ratio: 11 7 Contmp.: 88 642 Adj. Trait: The Captain 910 DNA 599719A PV Silk Stockings 293H11 DNA 565484A PV BT 6691C Tiger Sugar 64/91 **Farrah Lady 2/92 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -0.6 14 21 2 9 0.4 EPD: .52 .48 .44 .19 .29 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 98 103 Ratio: 7 4 Contmp.: 76 598 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: -0.06 PE Rump Fat: **Painted Tiger 3-390 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **J Fifteen 15/88 **Madam X 3/293 Halepeska 677 **Cavalier 19/5 DNA 302A BT 5679A Lotta Sugar 77/07 DNA 546926A PV **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 L2 Infinite Sugar 142/00 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 0.6 8 0 -1 3 0.0 EPD: .54 .51 .47 .31 .38 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 99 107 Ratio: 11 7 Contmp.: 79 575 Adj. Trait: * **L Bar 5502 Collier Farms 587/3 Halepeska 299 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Rump Fat: L Bar 2174 Broussard 0/3918 Energizer 45/97 **Halepeska 113 **Tabasco 3018K10 Dunkin Farms 5-259 Energizer 45/97 **Halepeska 113 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.1 21 28 -3 8 0.7 EPD: .23 .50 .45 .21 .41 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 101 99 Ratio: 7 2 Contmp.: 652 914 30.73 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: 139’s breeding inclludes 5502, Energizer (Synergy son) and Tobasco. His dam is a good, solid production female with an excellent calving record and excellend udder. Check out the good, solid EPDs. BREEDER: Southern BIRTH: 8-23-10 **Lazy M 1-5/5 Rib Fat: Rump Fat: BREEDER: Halepeska BIRTH: 3-25-11 Halepeska 299 Rump Fat: CONSIGNOR: Southern Cattle Co., John Downs - Dothan, AL NAMED: Southern Cavalier 0407 **Spartacus 86/653 Rib Fat: CONSIGNOR: Gary Halepeska - Goliad, TX BRAND: 139 BBU NO.: C1017262 COLOR: Red LOT 17 ........................BULL BRAND: 0407 BBU NO.: C1010638 COLOR: Red/WUL/SF Ike 181-1/01 *Halepeska 259 * **L Bar 5502 Halepeska 279 LOT 19 .........................BULL GDH 401 Rib Fat: GDH 462 080’s breeding includes Trinity, Black Magic, Cavalier and 5502. His dam is another solid production female with an excellent calving record and excellent udder. Check out the excellent EPDs. **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 Rib Fat: **Morning Glory 3033J4 **Country Western 340/9 **Magic Mom 72/2 **Cavalier 19/5 **Thompson-Rkng T 3033 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.6 15 21 -3 5 0.1 EPD: .23 .44 .39 .17 .21 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 109 97 Ratio: 5 2 Contmp.: 558 876 Adj. Trait: BREEDER: Southern BIRTH: 12-2-10 **Oasis 655 **Black Magic 120/97 Halepeska 438 CONSIGNOR: Southern Cattle Co., John Downs - Dothan, AL NAMED: Southern Captain 0631 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 BREEDER: Halepeska BIRTH: 8-29-10 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 16 ........................BULL BRAND: 0631 BBU NO.: C1010649 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Gary Halepeska - Goliad, TX BRAND: 080 BBU NO.: C1010612 COLOR: Red/SF/MUL BREEDER: Southern BIRTH: 1-18-11 **Infinity 120/96 LOT 18 .........................BULL LOT 20 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Steve & Lana Carpenter, Dance Creek Beefmasters - Tecumseh, OK BRAND: 30-1 BBU NO.: C1010874 COLOR: Red **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9-77 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Kentucky Princess 9039 Bonfire 8038 DNA US3000914 PV **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Infinity 120/96 **Totally Sugar 61/97 **Legend’s Lady 99/1 DNA 393A BT 8474A Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter BREEDER: Dance Creek BIRTH: 5-12-11 Black Bayou 1071/3 EMS Amazing Ace 630 **Cavalier 19/5 Wilmoth & Sons 33/9 **Polled Mandate 404/5 * **Mullins 2C46/8 Ace In The Hole 70/3 EMS Miss Buff 86-6 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 **Synergy 84/95 **L2 Victor’s Sister 45/93 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: U Conformation: 1 Underline: 2 Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.9 15 16 2 9 0.3 0.01 -0.1 -0.01 EPD: .44 .41 .34 .15 .21 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 98 103 104 84 74 Ratio: 3 3 2 2 2 Contmp.: 79 576 12.98 2.03 0.17 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: -0.08 PE Rump Fat: 80 2 0.33 This is one of the best bulls we have produced. He is a solid red, polled/scurred Bonfire son out of a flushmate to the Nirvana cow. This calf is very thick and heavy boned. This is a true herd sire prospect. Embryo calf classified U 1/2. Pedigree, performance and conformation in one package. PAGE 18 LOT 21 ........................BULL LOT 24 ........................BULL BRAND: 26-1 BBU NO.: C1010872 COLOR: Red/MUL BRAND: 120 BBU NO.: C1012935 COLOR: Dark Red CONSIGNOR: Steve & Lana Carpenter, Dance Creek Beefmasters - Tecumseh, OK Bonfire 8038 DNA US 3000914PV **Legend’s Lady 99/1 DNA 393A BT 8474A BREEDER: Dance Creek BIRTH: 5-8-11 Black Bayou 1071/3 EMS Amazing Ace 630 **Cavalier 19/5 Wilmoth & Sons 33/9 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Polled Mandate 404/5 * **Mullins 2C46/8 Ace In The Hole 70/3 EMS Miss Buff 86-6 Siddons 172/6 BREEDER: Siddons BIRTH: 3-3-11 **Houston 715 Siddons 84/4 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 **Synergy 84/95 **L2 Victor’s Sister 45/93 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: U Conformation: 2 Underline: 2 Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.4 16 18 2 10 0.3 0.01 -0.1 -0.01 EPD: .44 .41 .34 .15 .21 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 91 104 96 116 126 Ratio: 3 3 2 2 2 Contmp.: 84 583 11.92 2.83 0.29 Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: Bob & Bonnie Siddons, Arrowhead Ranch - Tilden, TX Siddons 56/4 Aristocrat 34/0 Coulter K Seven 257 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter * **King Cotton 179 **Zipperer 267 Aristocrat 34/0 L BAr 0226 **Scarlet’s Pride 4101 **Aristicow 27/6 Multiple Coulter K Seven 519 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.8 10 12 3 8 0.2 -0.08 0.1 -0.01 EPD: .21 .44 .38 .14 .21 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 109 Ratio: 11 Contmp.: 500 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: -0.08 PE Rump Fat: 120 2 0.5 Rump Fat: -0.06 PE Rump Fat: Flushmate to the 30-1 calf and many people like this one the best. Dark red with a mottle underline, this Bonfire son out of Legend’s Lady will catch your eye. Embryo calf and classified U 1/2. Don’t overlook these two young bulls. Lifetime member. Whole herd reporting. LOT 22 ........................BULL LOT 25 ........................BULL BRAND: 103 BBU NO.: C1010865 COLOR: Red BRAND: 16 BBU NO.: C1019004 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Steve & Lana Carpenter, Dance Creek Beefmasters - Tecumseh, OK Big Casino 602 DNA 324906A PV Dance Creek 804 BREEDER: Dance Creek BIRTH: 3-17-11 Jackpot 2/927 Dance Creek 401 Olshan 4/20 Chad Pecore 301 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: U Conformation: 2 Underline: 2 Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 2.3 12 18 -1 5 -0.1 EPD: .38 .34 .29 .08 .19 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 98 99 Ratio: 3 3 Contmp.: 76 675 Adj. Trait: **Black Jack 21 Miss Staci 927 Too Grand 0107 **Synfully Good 112 Siddons 172/6 Rib Fat: BREEDER: Siddons BIRTH: 2-17-11 **Houston 715 Siddons 84/4 Wilmoth & Sons 97/1 Rocker Ranch 007 **Levi Z 5/8 Socks 102 Rib Fat: CONSIGNOR: Bob & Bonnie Siddons, Arrowhead Ranch - Tilden, TX Coulter K Seven 738 * **King Cotton 179 **Zipperer 267 Aristocrat 34/0 L Bar 0226 Multiple Coulter K Seven 448 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Multiple K Coulter 738 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.4 8 10 3 7 0.3 -0.08 0.1 0.04 EPD: .14 .36 .28 .08 .15 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 110 Ratio: 11 Contmp.: 505 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: -0.03 PE Rump Fat: Big Casino son that is solid red and stout. Big Casino has sired 4 top ten bulls at Live Oak. Collier Farms has a full brother to 103 working in their herd. This calf’s dam has a great udder and is extremely fertile. 103 will work in anyone’s herd. Lifetime member. Whole herd reporting. LOT 23 ........................BULL LOT 26 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Bob & Bonnie Siddons, Arrowhead Ranch - Tilden, TX BRAND: 123 BBU NO.: C1012927 COLOR: Red/MF Siddons 50/8 BREEDER: Siddons BIRTH: 3-6-11 Aristocrat 34/0 Coulter K Seven 241 Guajolote 458 Frosted Tiger 613 J.R. Young 120 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Scarlet’s Pride 4101 **Aristicow 27/6 Payette River Ranch PR9728 Coulter K Seven 931 **Painted Tiger 3-390 Savanna 516 **Sir Kiffer 6/3 Shiloh’s Sister 465 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -0.3 -1 0 1 1 0.0 -0.10 -0.1 -0.05 EPD: .23 .42 .34 .12 .19 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 97 Ratio: 11 Contmp.: 443 Adj. Trait: Lifetime member. Whole herd reporting. CONSIGNOR: Swinging ‘B’ Ranch, Loran (Mackie) & Norma Jean Bounds - Axtell, TX NAMED: SWB Hey Kat • DNA US 9001041006 PV BRAND: 111/11 BBU NO.: C1007305 COLOR: Red Bullet Proof 864 DNA US 9000957935 PV Magical Pearl 31/3 DNA US 9000957651 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Rump Fat: -0.06 PE Rump Fat: BREEDER: Bounds Swinging B Ranch BIRTH: 3-16-11 CJ’s Bandelero 960 **Oasis 655 **CJ’s Desperado 530 Work Of Art 507 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Country Western 340/9 **Magic Mom 72/2 **Montgomery Prop Inc 92/145**High Cotton 87/270 **Freida 515 **Black Magic 120/97 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 2.0 19 28 0 10 0.4 0.04 0.0 -0.05 EPD: .50 .47 .45 .14 .24 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 97 104 101 110 143 100 Ratio: 14 6 6 6 6 6 Contmp.: 66 632 893 11.98 2.11 0.13 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: -0.02 PE Rump Fat: 78 6 0.15 Here is a herd sire ready to go to work! Great EPDs! On top of that he has a 1.27 Ribeye and a 2.11 IMF. His ratio on ribeye is 110 and IMF 143. He has great genetics. Out of one of our great donors, Magical Pearl and the great one, Bullet Proof! PAGE 19 LOT 27 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Swinging ‘B’ Ranch, Loran (Mackie) & Norma Jean Bounds - Axtell, TX NAMED: SWB Stonewall • DNA US 9000957606 PV BRAND: 55-11 BBU NO.: C1003547 COLOR: Red Bullet Proof 864 DNA US 9000957935 PV BREEDER: Bounds Swinging B Ranch BIRTH: 1-15-11 CJ’s Bandelero 960 **Oasis 655 **CF’s Grand Cherokee 346 Tily 160 DNA 403180A **Tiger Lily 031 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Mark and Leesa Blau 592 **Cherokee Phantom USA **Sex Appeal 062/0 **Painted Tiger 3-390 Brown Sugar 811 Walker 522 Schell Ranch TFS 610 DNA 840A BT 9104A Miss Staci 927 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Rump Fat: 0.01 PE Rump Fat: 88 9 0.29 Hyland 810 * **Walker 015 Jim Dandy 320 * **Walker 17/5 CONSIGNOR: Ray Walker - Big Spring, TX BRAND: 130 BBU NO.: C1006023 COLOR: Red **Black Magic 120/97 Miss Scarlet USA 8-1 **CF’s Grand Cherokee 346 CJ’s Miss Awesome 646 Walker 947 BREEDER: Walker BIRTH: 4-6-11 WPR’s Big Red 0602 Lasater 4384 Mark and Leesa Blau 592 Walker 670 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: U Conformation: 1 Underline: 3 Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -0.3 9 13 1 5 0.4 EPD: .19 .41 .33 .08 .19 ‘ ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 100 Ratio: 9 Contmp.: 483 Adj. Trait: -0.02 PE Rump Fat: 125 6 0.24 Bullet Proof and Staci Image! There is nothing else to say! I suppose, I can say, Great Numbers! Also, I say Performance! He is a herd sire deluxe. Here is an opportunity for a great one! Rump Fat: LOT 31 ........................BULL WPR’s 0808 Rump Fat: Rump Fat: -0.06 PE 135 has very good females in his pedigree. He was born in the driest year on record around Big Spring. You will like his color and 1/3 classification. **CJ’s Desperado 530 Work Of Art 507 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.9 17 27 -1 7 0.4 -0.08 0.0 -0.06 EPD: .52 48 .48 .15 .26 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 97 100 110 100 89 138 Ratio: 21 6 6 6 6 6 Contmp.: 67 610 974 10.88 1.31 0.18 Adj. Trait: Lasater 7615 Lasater 9721 Lasater 7532 Blau 018 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: U Conformation: 1 Underline: 3 Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -0.2 0 4 -3 -4 0.0 0.01 0.1 0.02 EPD: .21 .45 .38 .17 .23 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 94 Ratio: 7 Contmp.: 507 Adj. Trait: BREEDER: Bounds Swinging B Ranch BIRTH: 3-4-11 **Black Jack 21 Rocking R Gideon 2/28 Walker 2/55 CONSIGNOR: Swinging ‘B’ Ranch, Loran (Mackie) & Norma Bounds - Axtell, TX NAMED: SWB Vor-Tex • DNA US 9001041008 PV **Oasis 655 Lasater 1673 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 28 ........................BULL Bullet Proof 864 DNA US 9000957935 PV BREEDER: Walker BIRTH: 1-23-11 *Mark and Leesa Blau 337 Wow! Bullet Proof and our great donor, Tilly. Her progeny have been our top sellers! Now you have an opportunity to purchase a top herd sire. Has a 1.28 ribeye and a 2.71 IMF, great numbers across the board! CJ’s Bandelero 960 CONSIGNOR: Ray Walker - Big Spring, TX BRAND: 135 BBU NO.: C1003685 COLOR: Red **CJ’s Desperado 530 Work Of Art 507 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.3 12 13 0 6 0.3 -0.20 0.0 -0.05 EPD: .52 .50 .50 .17 .26 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 97 98 95 95 112 106 Ratio: 21 12 9 9 9 9 Contmp.: 67 629 811 10.93 2.71 0.24 Adj. Trait: BRAND: 29/11 BBU NO.: C1001108 COLOR: Red LOT 30 ........................BULL Lasater 1537 Laster 9653 Lasater 1526 Lasater 2176 Lasater 1673 *Mark and Leesa Blau 337 Circle C 12/2 Walker 3-58 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: 130 has good EPDs and the best disposition. He is an April calf, has a 1/3 classification and his sire is doing a great job for me. LOT 29 ........................BULL LOT 32 .........................BULL BRAND: 145 BBU NO.: C1003686 COLOR: Red BRAND: 112 BBU NO.: C1005967 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Ray Walker - Big Spring, TX Mark and Leesa Blau 592 BREEDER: Walker BIRTH: 1-26-11 Lasater 1673 *Mark and Leesa Blau 337 Walker 705 Circle C 12/2 Walker 3-51 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: U Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.6 21 29 -1 10 0.6 EPD: .23 .44 .36 .15 .21 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 127 Ratio: 7 Contmp.: 685 Adj. Trait: Lasater 7615 Lasater 9721 Lasater 7532 Blau 018 WPR’s 0808 Rib Fat: BREEDER: Walker BIRTH: 3-25-11 WPR’s Big Red 0602 Lasater 4384 **Scarlet’s Pride 4101 Dee Vanna 177/8 Hyland 810 **Walker 726 Rib Fat: CONSIGNOR: Ray Walker - Big Spring, TX Walker 932 Mark and Leesa Blau 592 **Walker 726 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: U Conformation: 1 Underline: 3 Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -0.5 6 10 2 5 0.4 EPD: .21 .42 .34 .10 .19 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 107 Ratio: 9 Contmp.: 519 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: 145 is a full brother to the bull Hans Wittenburg bought in the 2011 LOBBA bull sale for $13,500.00. His sire was the high selling bull in the Beef “On” Forage sale in 2006. Lasater 1537 Lasater 9653 Lasater 1526 Lasater 2176 Lasate 1673 *Mark and Leesa Blau 337 **Cotton Dandy 965 **Boydstun 108 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: 112 has good EPDs and is classified 1/3. His ancestors are the best cow family I have owned. His dam’s next calf was sold as a show heifer. PAGE 20 LOT 33 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Ryan & Pam Walker - Big Spring, TX NAMED: Mr. EZ BRAND: 11/0 BBU NO.: C1000989 COLOR: Red Big E 8085 EMS Smooth Eva 4-9 DLF Java 12103 Choyote 69/8 Chalupa 21/4 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: U Conformation: 1 Underline: 3 Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 0.3 6 8 3 5 0.1 EPD: .21 .15 .14 .06 .08 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 100 100 Ratio: 1 1 Contmp.: 67 640 Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: Rod Farms - El Campo, TX BRAND: 094 BBU NO.: C1008321 COLOR: Light Red BREEDER: L. Lewis BIRTH: 11-21-10 BJ Baby 215 LOT 36 ........................BULL **Black Jack 21 Adair 444/0 EMS Smoothconnection 698 EMS Miss Buff 86-6 Maverick 17/557 DNA US 3000526 PV **Mr. Coffee 9006/8 Southern Tiger 293 896/8 Polled Tiger 42/9 Taquita 34/0 Rod 883 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: BREEDER: Rod BIRTH: 12-15-10 Spear Ranches 9020 **Miss Tabasco 929/4 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 Rod 683 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -1.6 13 14 3 9 0.4 EPD: .31 .42 .38 .14 .21 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 92 Ratio: 3 Contmp.: 580 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Salsa 94-403 Spear Ranches 5130-2C **Tabasco 3018K10 Collier Farms 83/8 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 Mr CCC 230 Of 684 230 Hill’s 46 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Mr. EZ is a polled bull that is classified U 1/3 out of a first calf heifer. He’s grown into an impressive young bull and is linebred Painted Tiger (3X) with a great disposition. Lifetime member. Whole herd reporting. LOT 34 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Ryan & Pam Walker - Big Spring, TX NAMED: Viva Las Vegas BRAND: 148 BBU NO.: C1005248 COLOR: Red Fabulous Las Vegas 911 DNA US 90009480 PV **Oasis 655 L Bar 8485 TS Elvira 626 Hubble L&C 122/2 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: U Conformation: 1 Underline: 3 Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 0.1 18 18 -1 8 0.5 EPD: .24 .23 .21 .12 .15 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 100 Ratio: 1 Contmp.: 576 Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: Rod Farms - El Campo, TX BRAND: 124 BBU NO.: C1008281 COLOR: Light Red/MUL BREEDER: Texas Star BIRTH: 1-1-11 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 LOT 37 ........................BULL **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Tabasco 3018K10 DNA 525673A PV BT 7091A * **L Bar 5502 L Bar 5445 Cain 895 Cain 990 Wittenburg 5223 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: BREEDER: Rod BIRTH: 2-13-11 **Red Tiger 9075 Jungle Spice 786 Wittenburg 361 Nelaz Ranch 7-027 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.9 24 30 4 16 0.8 EPD: .31 .48 .41 .24 .28 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 101 Ratio: 10 Contmp.: 674 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: **Painted Tiger 3-390 **Miss Gladys 388-6 **Cavalier 19/5 Jungle Fever 3019/5 **Scarlet’s Pride 4101 *Wittenburg 6252 **Natural Selection 10-1 **Chuck Howley 17/2 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Viva Las Vegas is a red bull classified U 1/3 out of a U 1/2 dam and Fabulous Las Vegas, the son of Captain Sugar-Oasis that was sold at the Vegas convention. Lifetime member. Whole herd reporting. LOT 35 .........................BULL LOT 38 ........................BULL BRAND: 093 BBU NO.: C1008272 COLOR: Dark Red BRAND: 128 BBU NO.: C1008276 COLOR: Red/MF/MUL CONSIGNOR: Rod Farms - El Campo, TX Maverick 17/557 DNA US 3000526 PV Honey Bunns 1-09 BREEDER: Rod BIRTH: 12-13-10 Spear Ranches 9020 **Miss Tabasco 929/4 Black Granite 1105 Coffee Honey 149 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -1.1 18 22 5 14 0.5 EPD: .33 .39 .34 .10 .17 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 110 Ratio: 3 Contmp.: 690 Adj. Trait: Salsa 94-403 Spear Ranches 5130-2C **Tabasco 3018K10 Collier Farms 83/8 **Black Jack 21 Hot Pepper Lady 119-3 **Mr Coffee 9006/8 Honey Girl 906 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: CONSIGNOR: Rod Farms - El Campo, TX Rod 898 BREEDER: Rod BIRTH: 2-25-11 Rod 693 **Circle C 7-80 *Spear Ranches 4247 Spear Ranches 2044 Spear Ranches 2074 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.0 25 32 5 17 0.5 EPD: .21 .41 .33 .12 .15 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 111 Ratio: 10 Contmp.: 740 Adj. Trait: PAGE 21 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 Sralla 432 **Scarlet’s Pride 4101 **Clark Jones Farms 306 Spear Ranches 9171 Spear Ranches 7160-2C Spear Ranches 9020 Spear Ranches 9077 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: LOT 39 ........................BULL LOT 42 ........................BULL BRAND: 130 BBU NO.: C1008273 COLOR: Red/MUL BRAND: 14 BBU NO.: C1004007 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Rod Farms - El Campo, TX BREEDER: Rod BIRTH: 3-4-11 **Mr Coffee 9006/8 Rod 913 Rod 674 Hilltop Ranch 39-03 Collins 192-8 Collins 46-4 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -0.4 -1 3 2 1 0.0 EPD: .17 .41 .34 .12 .17 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 82 Ratio: 10 Contmp.: 549 Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: Emmons Ranch, Steve & Cindy Emmons - Fairfield, TX **Sandman 10-1 Miss JF 9006 Mr CCC 230 Of 684 230 Rod 507 **Painted Tiger 3-390 DNA US3000923 BT 3081B * **Classic Cotton 89/135 Dunkin Farms 9-057 Sugarmanna 469 Collins 46-0 EMS Body By Smooth 0-31 DNA 4919925 BT 7700A Rib Fat: Rib Fat: BREEDER: Emmons Ranch BIRTH: 12-26-10 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1-126 EMS Smoothconnection 698 EMS Jackie 5-1 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Robert E. Lee 8/092 **Barfield 8/123 McCullars 116 **Volunteer 66 Windy Hills 320 Robbie 24/2 EMS Warrior IV 1-12 Carl Hofstetter 77 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.9 0 3 4 4 0.2 -0.10 -0.1 -0.03 EPD: .55 .52 .52 .31 .38 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 95 90 96 87 67 75 Ratio: 7 4 4 4 4 4 Contmp.: 79 607 842 10.98 0.82 0.12 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: -0.05 PE Rump Fat: 106 4 0.26 An embryo Painted Tiger son ut of our great donor “Body By Smooth”. LOT 40 ........................BULL LOT 43 ........................BULL BRAND: 137 BREEDER: Rod BBU NO.: C1008290 BIRTH: 3-26-11 COLOR: Dark Red/MF/MUL Rod 693 Rod 898 BRAND: 115 BBU NO.: C1009948 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Rod Farms - El Campo, TX **Circle C 7-80 **Knockout 809 Little Man 22/4 **Spooky B045 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 0.8 9 15 0 4 0.2 EPD: .21 .41 .34 .14 .15 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 96 Ratio: 10 Contmp.: 639 Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: Emmons Ranch, Steve & Cindy Emmons - Fairfield, TX **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 Sralla 432 **Scarlet’s Pride 4101 **Clark Jones Farms 306 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 DNA 134A BT 7526A Barkley 22/2 **Bryan Ranch 86/1 Squirt P302 Sparkling Gem 30/90 EMS Miss Buff 86-6 DNA 4919923 BT 7699A Rib Fat: Rib Fat: BREEDER: Emmons Ranch BIRTH: 3-13-11 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 Terra Deos L&C 4356 Diamond M 86-0 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Ed. Mtrls. & Serv. 6-2 Thompson-Rkng T 3555 **Thompson-Rkng T 3788 **Franchise 354-3 **Yaeger 37/3 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.5 14 12 4 11 0.4 -0.01 -0.1 -0.07 EPD: .55 .51 .48 .28 .34 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 90 116 109 95 115 Ratio: 7 3 3 3 3 Contmp.: 83 630 10.26 1.13 0.15 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: -0.25 PE Rump Fat: 98 3 0.19 A super Captain Sugar son out of our great donor “Miss Buff”. LOT 41 ........................BULL LOT 44 ........................BULL BRAND: CR 120 BBU NO.: C999491 COLOR: Dark Dun/RE BRAND: 122 BBU NO.: C1009947 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Emmons Ranch, Steve & Cindy Emmons - Fairfield, TX **Painted Tiger 3-390 DNA US 3000923 BT 3081B Lucy’s Nirvana 049 DNA US4019074PV BREEDER: C&R Farms BIRTH: 10-28-10 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1-126 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 Nirvana 96/1 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.2 8 10 3 7 0.2 EPD: .34 .34 .34 .31 .31 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 100 Ratio: 1 Contmp.: 71 Adj. Trait: A powerful Painted Tiger son out of a Nirvana daughter. CONSIGNOR: Emmons Ranch, Steve & Cindy Emmons - Fairfield, TX **Robert E. Lee 8/092 **Barfield 8/123 McCullars 116 **Volunteer 66 **Infinity 120/96 DNA 674A BT 5956A **Infinity 120/96 **Milk & Honey 45/98 **Cavalier 19/5 Wilmoth & Sons 33/9 EMS Miss Buff 86-6 DNA 4919923 BT 7699A Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: BREEDER: Emmons Ranch BIRTH: 3-19-11 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 Terra Deos L&C 4356 Diamond M 86-0 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Cherokee Phantom USA **Sugar Ann 45/6 * **Phantom Warrior 3/254 **Madam X 3/293 Thompson-Rkng T 3555 **Thompson-Rkng T 3788 **Franchise 354-3 **Yaeger 37/3 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -0.8 -1 0 3 2 -0.1 -0.02 0.0 -0.01 EPD: .55 .51 .48 .31 .36 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 101 76 100 95 100 Ratio: 7 3 3 3 3 Contmp.: 76 414 9.36 1.13 0.13 Adj. Trait: A fancy Infinity son out of our great donor “Miss Buff”. PAGE 22 Rump Fat: -0.12 PE Rump Fat: 93 3 0.18 LOT 45 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Emmons Ranch, Steve & Cindy Emmons - Fairfield, TX NAMED: EMS 022 BRAND: 022 BBU NO.: C991244 COLOR: Red **Cavalier 19/5 DNA 302A BT 5679A EMS Body By Smooth 0-31 DNA 4919925 BT 7700A **Lazy M 1-5/5 EMS Smoothconnection 698 EMS Jackie 5-1 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter CONSIGNOR: Vaughn Family Farms, Davin Vaughn - Mt. Vernon, MO BRAND: 1033 BBU NO.: C1002877 COLOR: Red BREEDER: Emmons Ranch BIRTH: 1-20-10 **Spartacus 86/653 LOT 48 .........................BULL **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9-77 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Kentucky Princess 9039 CF Captain Vanna 053 DNA 380330A PV Windy Hills 320 Robbie 24/2 EMS Warrior IV 1-12 Carl Hofstetter 77 Aphrodite 852 DNA 345280A BT BBU360 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.0 3 -2 -1 1 0.0 -0.36 0.1 -0.02 EPD: .55 .54 .52 .31 .36 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 93 99 94 102 122 69 Ratio: 20 11 10 10 10 10 Contmp.: 77 626 773 10.45 1.81 0.1 Adj. Trait: BREEDER: Bailey Farm BIRTH: 9-18-10 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 Bovanna 04/5 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 **Oasis 655 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Vanna 5660 **Infinity 120/96 **Milk & Honey 45/98 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.7 19 24 0 10 0.5 -0.11 0.0 0.02 EPD: .31 .29 .29 .15 .23 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 100 100 100 100 Ratio: 1 1 1 1 Contmp.: 759 8.79 3.21 0.11 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: -0.04 PE Rump Fat: 48 10 0.1 Rump Fat: -0.04 PE Rump Fat: 100 1 0.12 A full brother to Smooth Cavalier, the 2009 National Champion Bull. Enough said! LOT 46 ........................BULL LOT 49 ........................BULL BRAND: 128 BBU NO.: C1005471 COLOR: Brown/Paint BRAND: 13/11 BBU NO.: C1002739 COLOR: Red/SF CONSIGNOR: Emmons Ranch & Vaughn Family Farm - Fairfield, TX **Cavalier 19/5 DNA 302A BT 5679A EMS Amazing Ace 630 DNA 991A BREEDER: Emmons Ranch BIRTH: 3-28-11 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 Ace In The Hole 70/3 EMS Miss Buff 86-6 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9-77 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Kentucky Princess 9039 Jack Of Diamonds 99/5 DNA 1017A BT 9339A **Black Jack 21 Sugar Pie 42/01 Terra Deos L&C 4356 Diamond M 86-0 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.9 3 0 1 3 -0.1 0.02 0.0 0.07 EPD: .54 .48 .45 .29 .34 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 98 91 100 100 100 Ratio: 7 2 1 1 1 Contmp.: 78 557 10.21 1.22 0.11 Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: Rancho Tres Hijos, Bub & Nancy Epley - Tilden, TX Rancho Tres Hijos LP 38/8 BREEDER: Rancho Tres Hijos LP BIRTH: 11-17-10 **Black Jack 21 Sugar Pie 42/01 Catalyst 729 Rancho Tres Hijos LP 20 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Black Magic 120/97 Miss Scarlet USA 8-1 **Infinity 120/96 Q Tee Pie 13/9 Cain 537 Lasater 610 * **Forty-Four 44/6 Brauchle 2 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.7 10 17 5 10 0.0 0.04 0.1 0.04 EPD: .47 .48 .47 .19 .24 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 94 111 100 104 92 82 Ratio: 22 26 8 8 8 8 Contmp.: 81 643 885 11.21 1.8 0.07 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: -0.02 PE Rump Fat: 100 1 0.23 Rump Fat: 0.05 PE Rump Fat: 103 8 0.17 A thick, powerful embryo son of Cavalier and Amazing Ace. This bull will take your program to the next level. Don’t miss this outstanding bull. This Jack Of Diamonds son is out of a Catalyst daughter and is long and stout. With solid EPDs and ultrasound numbers, he also brings Forty-Four genetics. He should make an excellent herd bull. LOT 47 ........................BULL LOT 50 ........................BULL BRAND: 55/0 BBU NO.: C998181 COLOR: Red BRAND: 4/11 BBU NO.: C1004282 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Vaughn Family Farms, Davin Vaughn and Steve & Cindy Emmons BREEDER: Vaughn Family Farms BIRTH: 8-28-10 Spear Ranches 5133 VFF Objective 1197 DNA USMARC200_BM_0705 Spear Ranches 5130-2C BT 7622A Special Edition 658 DNA 467277A PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter CJ’s Soul Man 168 EMS Miss Buff 86-6 Wolf Creek Ranch 1/152 **Kupper 305 Wolf Creek Ranch 1/105 Spear Ranches 2233 Clark Jones Farms 721 Soulmans Momma 928 Terra Deos L&C 4356 Diamond M 86-0 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -1.7 9 19 3 8 0.1 0.18 0.2 0.03 EPD: .47 .38 .38 .23 .26 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 109 97 98 105 116 95 Ratio: 3 3 3 3 3 3 Contmp.: 72 585 926 10.95 4.11 0.2 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: -0.06 PE Rump Fat: 106 3 0.24 CONSIGNOR: Rancho Tres Hijos, Bub & Nancy Epley - Tilden, TX Nolan Ryan 5/44 DNA US 3000876 Rancho Tres Hijos LP 20/6 BREEDER: Rancho Tres Hijos LP BIRTH: 11-12-10 Rocker Ranch 306 Rocker Ranch 020 Ole Yeller 5367 Rancho Tres Hijos LP 1 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Sierra 44 8116 *Rocker Ranch 503 Rocker Ranch 787 Arcularius 462/4 * **Forty-Four 44/6 Brauchle 26 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.1 8 14 0 4 -0.2 0.07 0.0 -0.03 EPD: .47 .45 .45 .14 .23 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 105 100 101 110 107 71 Ratio: 22 26 8 8 8 8 Contmp.: 73 577 899 11.88 2.1 0.06 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: -0.09 PE Rump Fat: 109 8 0.18 An El Duque son out of an Ole Yeller daughter, this beautiful light red bull has very good EPDs and ultrasound numbers. His genetics include Forty-Four on both top and bottom. He should be an excellent female producer. PAGE 23 LOT 51 .........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Rancho Tres Hijos, Bub & Nancy Epley - Tilden, TX BRAND: 50/11 BBU NO.: C1002711 COLOR: Red WPR’s Luke 0838 DNA 554113A Rancho Tres Hijos LP 78/9 BREEDER: Rancho Tres Hijos LP BIRTH: 12-14-10 Janice E. Headings 6/5 *Wallen Prairie Ranch 0610 Special Edition 19/7 Rancho Tres Hijos LP 81/7 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter CONSIGNOR: T5 Ranch, J.C. Thompson - Roans Prairie, TX NAMED: T5 377-0 BRAND: 377/0 BBU NO.: C1003140 COLOR: Red * **L Bar 5502 Shanda 3/06 Lasater Beefmaster 3056 Lasater Beefmaster 3670 HMS Hav-A-Dee 1206/8 BT 6939A Catalyst 729 Nolan Ryan N-R 5 Forty-Four Magnum 34 Rancho Tres Hijos LP 16 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.1 12 20 4 10 0.2 0.20 -0.1 -0.04 EPD: .44 .44 .42 .08 .17 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 114 109 101 118 61 94 Ratio: 6 26 8 8 8 8 Contmp.: 67 630 899 12.82 1.19 0.08 Adj. Trait: LOT 54 ........................BULL L2 Maiden Lady 154/00 DNA 341136A PV BT 7900A BREEDER: T Five BIRTH: 12-26-10 **Havana 485 **Miss Dee 343 **Synergy 84/95 Infinite Lady 79/98 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Classification: NP Rump Fat: 0.04 PE Rump Fat: 133 8 0.22 Dark red, very muscular bull with excellent EPDs and ultrasound numbers. This bull has outstanding genetics which includes 5502, Special Edition and Forty-Four. * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Vanna 5660 **Cherokee Phantom USA **Sex Appeal 062/0 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Prissy Lady 117/93 **Infinity 120/96 **Miss Judy 6/91 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.0 3 9 2 4 -0.2 -0.11 0.0 0.01 EPD: .52 .48 .45 .26 .28 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 97 100 96 75 100 Ratio: 3 3 2 2 2 Contmp.: 88 540 9.22 1.53 0.11 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: 0.01 PE Rump Fat: 85 2 0.14 Stout, hard muscled red bull out of Havana and Miss Dee, and Maiden Lady (Synergy and Infinity). Raised in a drought year by a momma on straight poor quality hay. Actual REA: 11.95, IMF: 1.52. His performance has been excellent despite his environment. Buy with confidence. LOT 52 ........................BULL LOT 55 ........................BULL BRAND: 10102 BBU NO.: C1007524 COLOR: Light Red BRAND: 378/0 BBU NO.: C1003141 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Clark Jones, Jones Beefmasters - Savannah, TN NAMED: Mr CJ 10102 **Infinity 120/96 DNA 674A BT 5956A Miss Superior 8 DNA 213A BT 8205A BREEDER: Clark Jones BIRTH: 12-29-10 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 **Painted Tiger 3-390 Black Magic 7-21 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter CONSIGNOR: T5 Ranch, J.C. Thompson - Roans Prairie, TX NAMED: T5 378-0 **Cherokee Phantom USA **Sugar Ann 45/6 * **Phantom Warrior 3/254 **Madam X 3/293 **Cavalier 19/5 DNA 302A BT 5679A **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1-126 Sequoyah 4/3/16 Red Dawn 1/5 Windy Hills 2067 DNA 696A BT 8925A OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.2 14 21 4 11 0.3 -0.02 0.1 0.06 EPD: .44 .48 .45 .31 .36 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 108 101 96 114 104 Ratio: 3 2 2 2 2 Contmp.: 634 983 9.68 3.71 0.36 Adj. Trait: BREEDER: T Five BIRTH: 12-30-10 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 **Infinity 120/96 Temptation 9006 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9-77 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Kentucky Princess 9039 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 **CJ’s Desperado 530 Clark Jones Farms 243 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.4 7 2 -4 0 0.0 -0.32 0.1 -0.01 EPD: .51 .47 .44 .31 .34 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 97 109 104 125 100 Ratio: 3 3 2 2 2 Contmp.: 87 592 10.06 2.53 0.11 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: 0.06 PE Rump Fat: 92 2 0.38 Rump Fat: -0.01 PE Rump Fat: 115 2 0.19 Scan Data: REA: 10.99; IMF: 3.71; Ribeye: .38; Rump: .39. If you like Cavalier, you will like this calf. Out of an infinity daughter and born in a drought year like we have never seen before and raised on straight poor quality hay. His Actual REA was 12.85 and IMF of 2.46. Consider this bull in your optiions this year. LOT 53 ........................BULL LOT 56 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Clark Jones, Jones Beefmasters - Savannah, TN NAMED: MR CJ 10104 BRAND: 10104 BBU NO.: C1007525 COLOR: Light Red **Infinity 120/96 DNA 674A Bt 5956A Miss Superior 8 DNA 213A BT 8205A BREEDER: Clark Jones BIRTH: 12-29-10 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 **Painted Tiger 3-390 Black Magic 7-21 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Cherokee Phantom USA **Sugar Ann 45/6 * **Phantom Warrior 3/254 **Madam X 3/293 CF Adrenaline 170 DNA US 3000940 PV **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1-126 Sequoyah 4/3/16 Red Dawn 1/5 L Two Ranch 70/05 DNA 559266A PV OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.9 11 16 4 9 0.2 -0.02 0.1 0.06 EPD: .44 .50 .48 .31 .36 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 103 99 104 86 96 Ratio: 3 2 2 2 2 Contmp.: 604 958 10.58 2.81 0.33 Adj. Trait: Scan Data: REA: 11.89; IMF: 2.85; Ribeye: .35; Rump: .46. CONSIGNOR: Janssen “Butch” & Mary Ann Casey - Harahan, LA BRAND: 135-0 BBU NO.: C1005846 COLOR: Red Rump Fat: 0.06 PE Rump Fat: 108 2 0.45 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter BREEDER: Casey Crooked Bar C Farm BIRTH: 12-23-10 **Infinity 120/96 **Oasis 655 **Synergy 84/95 **L2 Santa Maria 104/01 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Prissy Lady 117/93 **Infinity 120/96 **Farrah Lady 2/92 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.6 13 20 0 7 0.4 -0.13 0.2 0.11 EPD: .38 .47 .47 .19 .29 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 93 90 100 132 97 Ratio: 3 3 3 3 3 Contmp.: 498 640 8.42 1.52 0.12 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: 0.13 PE Rump Fat: 74 3 0.13 An Adrenaline son out of L2, 70-05 Synergy daughter. He will work for you! His full brother is lot no. 57. PAGE 24 LOT 57 ........................BULL LOT 60 ........................BULL BRAND: 136-0 BBU NO.: C1005847 COLOR: Red BRAND: 6-1 BBU NO.: C1012501 COLOR: Dun CONSIGNOR: Janssen “Butch” & Mary Ann Casey - Harahan, LA CF Adrenaline 170 DNA US 3000940 PV L Two Ranch 70/05 DNA 559266A PV BREEDER: Casey Crooked Bar C Farm BIRTH: 12-25-10 **Infinity 120/96 **Oasis 655 **Synergy 84/95 **L2 Santa Maria 104/01 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter CONSIGNOR: Janssen “Butch” & Mary Ann Casey - Harahan, LA BREEDER: Casey Crooked Bar C Farm BIRTH: 1-17-11 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 Bullet Proof 864 DNA US 9000957935 PV **Red Sugar 104/93 **Prissy Lady 117/93 **Infinity 120/96 **Farrah Lady 2/92 **Synergy 84/93 Super Sugar 35/3 DNA 314961A PV BT BBU221 **Sexy Lady 393 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.1 18 30 0 10 0.6 -0.13 0.2 0.11 EPD: .38 .47 .47 .19 .29 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 103 111 97 80 114 Ratio: 3 3 3 3 3 Contmp.: 554 787 8.16 0.92 0.14 Adj. Trait: CJ’s Bandelero 960 **Oasis 655 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.6 16 20 -2 6 0.5 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Ratio: Contmp.: Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: 0.13 PE Rump Fat: 153 3 0.27 **CJ’s Desperado 530 Work Of Art 507 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Prissy Lady 117/93 **Sandman 10-1 **Sex Appeal 062/0 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: An Adrenaline son out of L2 70-5, a Synergy daughter. This bull has depth, length and thickness, plus good EPDs. His full brother is lot no. 56. South Mississippi Gain-On-Forage Bull Test Results: 1st Per. ADG Ratio: 117; 2nd Per. ADG Ratio: 107; Test ADG: 2.56; Test ADG Ratio: 111. Here is a Bullet Proof son with ample bone and muscle. LOT 58 ........................BULL LOT 61 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Janssen “Butch” & Mary Ann Casey - Harahan, LA BRAND: 98-0 BBU NO.: C1005849 COLOR: Red/MUL **Cavalier 19/5 DNA 302A BT 5679A L Two Ranch 70/05 DNA 559266A PV BREEDER: Casey Crooked Bar C Farm BIRTH: 9-22-10 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 **Synergy 84/95 **L2 Santa Maria 104/01 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter BRAND: 27 BBU NO.: C1017130 COLOR: Dun **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9-77 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Kentucky Princess 9039 T Five 56/5 D Kasper 32/4 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Rump Fat: -0.02 PE Rump Fat: LOT 59 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Janssen “Butch” & Mary Ann Casey - Harahan, LA **Cavalier 19/5 DNA 302A BT 5679A L Two Ranch 70/05 DNA 559266A PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter BREEDER: Casey Crooked Bar C Farm BIRTH: 9-23-10 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 **Synergy 84/95 **L2 santa Maria 104/01 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: EPD: ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Ratio: Contmp.: Adj. Trait: PLP Dee Dee’s Girl 133/07 **Black Jack 21 **Oasis 655 Tiger Sugar 64/91 Lucey’s Lady 18/04 -0.02 PE Rump Fat: A Cavalier son out of 70-05, L2 Synergy donor. Again, he has the muscle and bone to add pounds to your calves. A full brother to lot no. 58. Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: BREEDER: Poses Lazy P Ranch BIRTH: 3-1-11 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Rump Fat: * **Levi 369 **Painted Lady 1/90 Four L 9/61 D kasper 22/9 22 CONSIGNOR: Poses Lazy P Ranch - Corpus Christi, TX NAMED: PLP Black Gold CF Jack In The Box 008 DNA 324264A **Red Sugar 104/93 **Prissy Lady 117/93 **Infinity 120/96 **Farrah Lady 2/92 **Black Jack 21 Jezabelle 62J8 Total Eclipse 124-0 Bradley’s Circle J 69/2 LOT 62 .........................BULL BRAND: 4411 BBU NO.: C1005534 COLOR: Black **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9-77 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Kentucky Princess 9039 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.9 8 4 0 4 0.1 -0.34 0.1 0.03 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: Ratio: Contmp.: Adj. Trait: Foerster Rainbow E695 D Kasper 77/5 A Cavalier son out of 70-05, Synergy donor. He has the muscle and bone to put pounds on your calves. A full brother to lot no. 59. South Mississippi Gain-On-Forage Bull Test Results: 1st Per. ADG Ratio: 98; 2nd Per. ADG Ratio: 106; Test ADG: 2.62; Test ADG Ratio: 102. BRAND: 100-0 BBU NO.: C1011157 COLOR: Red/MUL BREEDER: Kasper BIRTH: 7-25-10 Dallas 62P13 T Five 132-7 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Prissy Lady 117/93 **Infinity 120/96 **Farrah Lady 2/92 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.9 8 4 0 4 0.1 -0.34 0.1 0.03 EPD: .39 .39 .39 .33 .34 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 100 Ratio: 1 Contmp.: 580 Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: Donald Kasper, Kasper Beefmasters - Three Rivers, TX NAMED: D. Kasper 27/10 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 0.5 19 27 2 11 0.6 EPD: .28 .26 .26 .14 .19 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 100 100 Ratio: 1 1 Contmp.: 59 990 Adj. Trait: **Black Magic 120/97 Miss Scarlet USA 8-1 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Painted Tiger 3-390 **Sugar Ann 45/6 L2 Captain Lucey 116/01 Fifteen Maid 15/98 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Most docile bull we have ever raised. Black Jack 21 and Oasis on the sire side with Painted Tiger and L2 Lucey’s Lady on the dam side. Proven genetics. PAGE 25 LOT 63 .........................BULL LOT 66 .........................BULL BRAND: 1107/0 BBU NO.: C1003492 COLOR: Light Red BRAND: 190/1 BBU NO.: C1019010 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Saundra & Elton Lieke, BCE Beefmasters - New Braunfels, TX NAMED: BCE 1107/0 BREEDER: BCE BIRTH: 11-7-10 Siddons 55/4 Siddons 205/6 Siddons 56/4 Buddy 1-9 **Rochelle 270 Schutts 22 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Aristocrat 34/0 Coulter K Seven 218 Aristocrat 34/0 Coulter K Seven 257 BREEDER: H.T. Chapman BIRTH: 2-28-11 Mr. Bill 32/02 Hugh T Chapman 81/8 La Mejor Cattle Co. 7145 **Cavalier 19/5 **REL 105 Pride Two 160 **McDowell Ranch 31 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: U Conformation: 2 Underline: 2 Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.6 9 11 -1 4 0.2 0.02 0.1 0.03 EPD: .41 .41 .38 .12 .33 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 102 89 93 99 113 106 Ratio: 6 6 2 2 2 2 Contmp.: 75 565 1043 33.32 11.91 4.21 0.37 Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: H.T. (Tim) Chapman - Whitsett, TX NAMED: H.T. Chapman 190/1 **Mr Lee Vi 47/0 Hugh T. Chapman 27/7 Hugh T. Chapman 112/4 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.0 12 22 -1 5 0.2 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Ratio: Contmp.: Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: 0.01 PE Rump Fat: 105 2 0.52 * **Classic Cotton 89/135 **Joe A. Festervan 2231 The Rock 8/4 Six F Ranch 94/0 * **Levi 369 **Adair 062/7 Precept 053 H T. Chapman 88/0 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Moderate frame with body length and straight back. Lifetime member. Whole herd reporting. LOT 64 .........................BULL CONSIGNOR: H.T. (Tim) Chapman - Whitsett, TX NAMED: H.T. Chapman 32/1 BRAND: 32/1 BBU NO.: C1019008 COLOR: Red Hugh T. Chapman 24/7 Hugh T. Chapman 123/4 Hugh T. Chapman 132/8 Vintage 70/01 H.T. Chapman 87/1 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 0.7 5 7 -1 1 0.3 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Ratio: Contmp.: Adj. Trait: * **Levi 369 **Adair 062/7 **PW II 340-6 H.T. Chapman 95/2 Guadalupe Ranch 63/5 DNA 539509A **Scarlet’s Pride 4101 **Maxon-Dixon Queen 3-2-6 Sir Cherokee Lee 349/5 Four M Ranch 106-5 L Two Ranch 73/05 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: LOT 65 .........................BULL CONSIGNOR: H.T. (Tim) Chapman - Whitsett, TX NAMED: H.T. Chapman 134/1 BRAND: 134/1 BBU NO.: C1019009 COLOR: Red Hugh T. Chapman 81/8 BREEDER: H.T. Chapman BIRTH: 11-30-10 Mr. Bill 32/02 La Mejor Cattle Co. 7145 H.T. Chapman ;84/3 Waterloo 55/97 HT Chapman 44/0 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 0.5 12 21 2 8 0.3 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Ratio: Contmp.: Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: Guadalupe Ranch, Manuel Quintanilla - Laredo, TX BRAND: 50/0 BBU NO.: C1002952 COLOR: Red BREEDER: H.T. Chapman BIRTH: 11-8-10 **Mr Lee Vi 47/0 LOT 67 .........................BULL * **Classic Cotton 89/135 **Joe A. Festervan 2231 The Rock 8/4 Six F Ranch 94/0 **Phantom 0266 **Schutts 47 Cow 47 Xerox 32/6 H.T. Chapman 13/7 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: BREEDER: Guadalupe Ranch BIRTH: 11-29-10 **Cavalier 19/5 **Guadalupe Ranch 32/3 **Synergy 84/95 **L2 Santa Maria 104/01 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.0 13 15 1 7 0.3 EPD: .42 .38 .34 .21 .23 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 98 107 Ratio: 2 2 Contmp.: 70 656 Adj. Trait: **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 Titan XLT 6/00 Cottage Farm 638 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Prissy Lady 117/93 **Infinity 120/96 **Farrah Lady 2/92 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: LOT 68 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Edward Sralla - Edna, TX BRAND: 0115 BBU NO.: C996722 COLOR: Red Trinity 16-02 BT 7843A Sralla 280 BREEDER: Sralla BIRTH: 2-22-10 **Black Magic 120/97 **Morning Glory 3033J4 Scarlet’s Success 169/8 Sralla 5133 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.2 6 11 0 3 -0.1 EPD: .24 .45 .38 .21 .21 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 103 Ratio: 5 Contmp.: 650 Adj. Trait: **Country Western 340/9 **Magic Mom 72/2 **Cavalier 19/5 **Thompson-Rkng T 3033 **Scarlet’s Pride 4101 **Clark Jones Farms 306 Barbon 6-3 **Sralla 074 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Here is a red, super strong polled prospect out of Trinity. ESO115 is out of a bull that goes back to Scarlet’s Pride and Scarlet’s Success. Check out the clean underline on him. He is a moderate framed bull with lots of length. Don’t overlook this package. His offspring all have been polled. PAGE 26 LOT 69 .........................BULL LOT 72 .........................BULL BRAND: 1788X BBU NO.: C997628 COLOR: Red BRAND: 211 BBU NO.: C1019313 COLOR: Paint CONSIGNOR: David S. Joeris - Moore, TX BREEDER: Channarock Farm BIRTH: 3-24-10 Black Bayou 1017/3 Chrk Genesis 1500T DNA US3000546 PV **Chrk Miss Reba 1194/5 Cain 977 DNA 318188A BT BBU242 The Casey Bull 2-54 Cain 567 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Polled Mandate 404/5 * **Mullins 2C46/8 Doc 2D-OC81 Channarock Farm 906/2 BREEDER: J&T Farm BIRTH: 4-3-11 **Infinity 120/96 Full Throttle 172 DNA US 3000491 PV **Oasis 655 **CJ’s Desperado 530 HMS 3019/2 DNA 794A BT 9048A Casey 2-63 **Century 2000 Mueller 41 4193 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -0.9 40 52 2 22 1.2 0.19 0.1 -0.05 EPD: .51 .47 .47 .14 .28 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 102 114 111 124 123 145 Ratio: 28 23 5 5 5 5 Contmp.: 65 756 1102 15.53 3.5 0.24 Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: J&T Farms, Jerry & Tammy Thomas - Henderson, TN L Two Cattle 75/95 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -0.1 13 21 -1 5 0.4 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Ratio: Contmp.: Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: -0.05 PE Rump Fat: 125 5 0.34 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Cherokee Phantom USA **Polled Beauty 211 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Prissy Lady 117/93 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Polled. LOT 70 .........................BULL LOT 73 .........................BULL BRAND: 57/0 BBU NO.: C1013266 COLOR: Dark Red BRAND: 23/11 BBU NO.: C1019320 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Herman L. Rathke - Del Rio, TX Walker 2/48 BREEDER: Rathke BIRTH: 7-14-10 Hyland 810 Walker 632 Brushy Creek 8-80 Brushy Creek 2-116 Barfield 0331 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: EPD: ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Ratio: Contmp.: Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: Danny Lindow - Vidor, TX **Cavalier 19/5 Prissy Missy 293/5 Jim Dandy 320 **Walker 317 **Cavalier 19/5 DNA 302A BT 5679A Brushy Creek 5-32 H Bar C 40/7 Barfield 4085 Barfield 0298 HMS 2700/6 DNA 613857A PV Rib Fat: Rib Fat: BREEDER: Danny Lindow BIRTH: 5-15-11 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 **Painted Tiger 3-390 L2 Maiden Lady 154/00 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.1 6 3 1 4 0.0 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 103 103 Ratio: 4 4 Contmp.: 71 676 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9-77 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Kentucky Princess 9039 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1-126 **Synergy 84/95 Infinite Lady 79/98 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: LOT 71 .........................BULL LOT 74 .........................BULL BRAND: 111 BBU NO.: C1019312 COLOR: Red BRAND: 16/11 BBU NO.: C1019321 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: J&T Farms, Jerry & Tammy Thomas - Henderson, TN Full Throttle 172 DNA US 3000491 PV HMS 3019/2 DNA 794A BT 9048A BREEDER: J&T Farm BIRTH: 4-2-11 **Infinity 120/96 **Oasis 655 **CJ’s Desperado 530 L Two Cattle 75/95 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -0.1 13 21 -1 5 0.4 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Ratio: Contmp.: Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: Danny Lindow - Vidor, TX **Red Sugar 104/93 **Vanna 5660 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Cavalier 19/5 DNA 302A BT 5679A **Cherokee Phantom USA **Polled Beauty 211 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Prissy Lady 117/93 HMS 2700/6 DNA 613857A PV Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: BREEDER: Danny Lindow BIRTH: 5-8-11 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 **Painted Tiger 3-390 L2 Maiden Lady 154/00 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.1 6 3 1 4 0.0 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 98 92 Ratio: 4 4 Contmp.: 75 602 Adj. Trait: Polled. PAGE 27 **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9-77 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Kentucky Princess 9039 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1-126 **Synergy 84/95 Infinite Lady 79/98 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: LOT 75 .........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Danny Lindow - Vidor, TX BRAND: 24/11 BBU NO.: C1019322 COLOR: Red **Cavalier 19/5 DNA 302A BT 5679A HMS 2700/6 DNA 613857A PV BREEDER: Danny Lindow BIRTH: 5-16-11 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 **Painted Tiger 3-390 L2 Maiden Lady 154/00 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.1 6 3 1 4 0.0 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 99 101 Ratio: 4 4 Contmp.: 74 662 Adj. Trait: LOT 78 .........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Cherry Glen Beefmasters, John & Sue Pierson - Vacaville, CA NAMED: CG 2780 BRAND: 2780 BBU NO.: C998897 COLOR: Red **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9-77 * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Kentucky Princess 9039 Tiger J 918/7 BREEDER: Cherry Glen Ranch BIRTH: 10-2-10 Tiger II 8127 Jezabelle 62J8 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1-126 **Synergy 84/95 Infinite Lady 79/98 Collier Farms 284/8 **Fusion 578/3 Collier Farms 281/6 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Classification: NP Rib Fat: Rib Fat: **T II 86/2 **Tiger Lilly 31/2 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Miss Judy 6/91 **Tabasco 3018K10 **Phantom’s diamond 119/9 Seven-C Anderson 007 Bueno Creek 9/0 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -0.6 6 7 0 3 0.3 -0.15 0.1 0.03 EPD: .39 .38 .36 .10 .34 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 88 94 93 94 102 113 Ratio: 2 2 2 2 2 2 Contmp.: 89 518 861 33.17 8.93 2.1 0.13 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: 0.03 PE Rump Fat: 105 2 0.2 Tiger II, Jezabelle, Fusion and 007 are just the beginning of the proven genetics backing up the predictability of this solid young prospect. CG2780 is deep-made, thick and big-hipped with a good disposition. LOT 76 .........................BULL LOT 79 .........................BULL BRAND: 1936 BBU NO.: C1015006 COLOR: Red/SF/MUL BRAND: AB10119 BBU NO.: C1007645 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Channarock Farm, Charlie Jones - Rockfield, KY NAMED: Chrk 1936 Triple Threat 1503/7 DNA 437137A PV Lilly Mae 1210/5 DNA 296029A BREEDER: Channarock Farm BIRTH: 4-28-11 Doc 2D-OC81 Waterloo 902 **Black Jack 21 Annie Mae 517 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter CONSIGNOR: Alvarez Beefmasters, Dr. Oscar Alvarez - McAllen, TX NAMED: AB Zeus * **L Bar 5502 Phallon 512/7 The Casey Bull 2-54 Dunkin Farms 6-162 Black Cavalier 19/4 DNA 409A BT 8508A **Black Magic 120/97 Miss Scarlet USA 8-1 Channarock Farm 110/9 Channarock Farm 386/5 Harrod Farms GJ592 DNA US400046744 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -1.3 13 24 -1 6 0.6 0.30 0.0 0.00 EPD: .50 .47 .45 .15 .48 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 98 94 96 Ratio: 13 18 18 Contmp.: 65 692 963 38.18 Adj. Trait: BREEDER: Oscar Alvarez/Blanca R BIRTH: 3-31-10 **Cavalier 19/5 **Magic Mom 72/2 **Black Magic 120/97 Mousey Tiger 811 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.7 12 16 2 8 -0.1 EPD: .33 .33 .29 .21 .21 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 100 100 Ratio: 1 1 Contmp.: 70 544 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: 0.11 PE Rump Fat: **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 Ronnie 007 Circle K 223-0 **Country Western 340/9 **Magic Mom 72/2 **Painted Tiger 3-390 Triple T 293/91 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: LOT 77..........................BULL LOT 80 .........................BULL BRAND: 1974 BBU NO.: C1015020 COLOR: Red BRAND: AB10205 BBU NO.: C1012500 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Channarock Farm, Charlie Jones - Rockfield, KY NAMED: Chrk 1974 Triple Threat 1503/7 DNA 437137A PV Channarock Farm 721T10 BREEDER: Channarock Farm BIRTH: 6-12-11 Doc 2D-OC81 Waterloo 902 CJ’s Soul Man 168 Channarock Farm 721/0 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter * **L Bar 5502 Phallon 512/7 The Casey Bull 2-54 Dunkin Farms 6-162 Clark Jones Farms 721 Soulmans Momma 928 **Cavalier 19/5 **Phannie Marie 171/1 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -1.2 11 19 -1 5 0.6 0.13 0.1 0.03 EPD: .48 .45 .42 .15 .41 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 98 89 96 Ratio: 5 6 2 Contmp.: 64 646 1007 39.35 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: 0.12 PE Rump Fat: CONSIGNOR: Alvarez Beefmasters, Dr. Oscar Alvarez - McAllen, TX NAMED: AB Atila BREEDER: Oscar Alvarez/Blanca R BIRTH: 6-18-10 **Tabasco 3018K10 **Fusion 578/3 DNA US3000510PV BT 9293A **Phantom’s Diamond 119/9 Special Lady AB08111 Waco 62M15 Special Angel 1414/4 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Red Tiger 9075 Jungle Spice 786 Patillo’s Phantom 35/93 **JM 639/3 **Cavalier 19/5 Jezabelle 62J8 **Xcite 497 Angel 39 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -2.4 6 4 0 3 0.0 -0.27 0.2 0.08 EPD: .42 .34 .31 .15 .21 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 99 100 Ratio: 2 1 Contmp.: 70 492 Adj. Trait: PAGE 28 Rump Fat: 0.07 PE Rump Fat: LOT 81 .........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Alvarez Beefmasters, Dr. Oscar Alvarez - McAllen, TX NAMED: AB Power Company BRAND: AB10439 BBU NO.: C1019113 COLOR: Red The Electric Co. 3155 DNA 298502A BT BBU61 Harrod Farms 416 DNA 346102A BT BBU372 Black Jack’s Sister 3160 **Black Jack 21 **Jungle Cat 002 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 0.7 9 12 3 8 0.1 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 100 Ratio: 1 Contmp.: 78 Adj. Trait: CF Sugar Britches 040 DNA 345274A **Red Tiger 9075 **Prissy Lady 117/93 **Black Magic 120/97 Miss Scarlet USA 8-1 Cottage Farm 815 DNA US4018527 PV **Black Magic 120/97 Miss Scarlet USA 8-1 **Painted Tiger 3-390 Jungle Fever 3019/5 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Priola 83/06 DNA US4018635 PV Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Priceless AB08108 DNA US4018631PV The Electric Co. 3155 Cabela 8/4 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 0.9 8 6 3 7 0.1 EPD: .24 .23 .21 .12 0 .14 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Ratio: Contmp.: Adj. Trait: Chrk Genesis 1500T DNA US3000546 PV Equity 8295A Black Jack’s Sister 3160 **Cavalier 19/5 Cottage Farm 512 Channarock Farm 1193/4 Rib Fat: **Black Jack 21 Vanna 2 76/98 Black Bayou 1071/3 **Chrk Miss Reba 1194/5 Channarock Farm 686/9 Channarock Farm 704/9 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -1.4 30 36 0 15 0.9 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 100 95 Ratio: 4 4 Contmp.: 72 709 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: BREEDER: Cedar Valley Farm BIRTH: 5-29-11 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Rump Fat: **Black Magic 120/97 Miss Scarlet USA 8-1 **Synergy 84/95 **Vanna 5660 CONSIGNOR: Cedar Valley Farm, Curtis Oliver - Vine Grove, KY **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Painted Tiger 3-390 **Meadowood Magic 103 Rib Fat: **Oasis 655 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 LOT 85 .........................BULL BRAND: 11-1 BBU NO.: C1018815 COLOR: Red BREEDER: Oscar Alvarez/Blanca R BIRTH: 8-14-10 Maggic Mae 62H17 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 0.8 9 13 1 5 0.1 EPD: .34 .44 .39 .17 .28 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 98 Ratio: 3 Contmp.: 682 Adj. Trait: CONSIGNOR: Alvarez Beefmasters, Dr. Oscar Alvarez - McAllen, TX NAMED: AB Mister Priceless **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 BREEDER: Bacchus Farm BIRTH: 8-1-10 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 82 .........................BULL BRAND: AB10303 BBU NO.: C998511 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Panther Creek Partners, Bacchus Farm, James Ellis, Jr. - Jackson, TN BRAND: 080 BBU NO.: C1003588 COLOR: Red BREEDER: Oscar Alvarez/Blanca R BIRTH: 12-8-10 Equity 8295A LOT 84 .........................BULL **Polled Mandate 404/5 * **Mullins 2C46/8 Doc 2D-OC81 Channarock 906/2 **Cavalier 19/5 **Phannie Marie 171/1 **American Standard 172 Mamie 347/4 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: LOT 83 .........................BULL LOT 86 .........................BULL BRAND: 090 BBU NO.: C1001605 COLOR: Red BRAND: 11-2 BBU NO.: C1018816 COLOR: Red CONSIGNOR: Panther Creek Partners, Bacchus Farm, James Ellis, Jr. - Jackson, TN CF Sugar Britches 040 DNA 345274A French Kiss 397 DNA 313358A BT 6758D **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter BREEDER: Bacchus Farm BIRTH: 8-1-10 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 **Spartacus 86/653 **Sex Appeal 062/0 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Gladiator 8/36 **Dreamlady 2C 9-77 * **Levi 369 **Adair 062/7 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.8 16 19 -5 3 0.3 0.05 0.0 0.03 EPD: .41 .47 .44 .19 .31 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 96 Ratio: 3 Contmp.: 665 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: 0.07 PE Rump Fat: CONSIGNOR: Cedar Valley Farm, Curtis Oliver - Vine Grove, KY Chrk Genesis 1500T DNA US3000546 PV Channarock Farm 623 BREEDER: Cedar Valley Farm BIRTH: 6-22-11 Black Bayou 1071/3 **Chrk Miss Reba 1194/5 Doc 2D-OC81 Channarock Farm 918/2 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -2.4 46 57 -5 18 1.6 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 96 104 Ratio: 4 4 Contmp.: 75 777 Adj. Trait: PAGE 29 **Polled Mandate 404/5 * **Mullins 2C46/8 Doc 2D-OC81 Channarock Farm 906/2 * **L Bar 5502 Phallon 512/7 **The Postman 465/6 Channarock Farm 541/7 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: LOT 87 .........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Cedar Valley Farm, Curtis Oliver - Vine Grove, KY BRAND: 11-4 BBU NO.: C1018817 COLOR: Red Chrk Genesis 1500T DNA US3000546 PV Channarock Farm 3-01 BREEDER: Cedar Valley Farm BIRTH: 6-26-11 Black Bayou 1071/3 **Chrk Miss Reba 1194/5 Monarch 500/7 Channarock Farm 749/0 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 90 .........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Kreger Beefmasters and Bedlam Beefmasters - Tonkawa, OK NAMED: JK Boomer BRAND: 230/0 BBU NO.: C1007153 COLOR: Red **Polled Mandate 404/5 * **Mullins 2C46/8 Doc 2D-OC81 Channarock Farm 906/2 Black Bayou 1071/3 DNA US3000542 BT 8891A * **Ranger’s Pride 815/9 **Mattie 346/4 **American Standard 172 Mamie 347/4 Ava 778 DNA 558A BT 8735A BREEDER: Kreger BIRTH: 8-18-10 **Polled Mandate 404/5 * **Mullins 2C46/8 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -1.0 29 36 -2 13 0.8 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 104 101 Ratio: 4 4 Contmp.: 69 752 Adj. Trait: Classification: NP Rib Fat: Rib Fat: **Natural Selection 10-1 **Channarock Farm 9183 Multiple Comiskey 8 **Spartacus 86/653 **Lazy M 1-5/5 **Sandman 10-1 **Sex Appeal 062/0 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.7 19 20 0 10 0.5 0.00 0.1 -0.02 EPD: .50 .47 .44 .26 .33 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 107 99 Ratio: 4 4 Contmp.: 79 626 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: 0.08 PE Rump Fat: JK Boomer is long bodied, correct and extremely clean underlined. Make sure and look down his extremely wide top. He is packed with meat. Dark red color and excellent growth EPDs with low birth weight. His dam is our great Ava donor, mother of the Sugar Dadee herd sire and full sister to Oasis. LOT 88 ........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Cedar Valley Farm, Curtis Oliver - Vine Grove, KY BRAND: 11-3 BBU NO.: C1018818 COLOR: Red Chrk Genesis 1500T DNA US3000546 PV 704 X Bandito 1309/5 BREEDER: Cedar Valley Farm BIRTH: 6-19-11 Black Bayou 1071/3 **Chrk Miss Reba 1194/5 Bandito 958/2 Channarock Farm 704/9 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter LOT 91..........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Bois d’Arc Beefmasters - Tonkawa, OK NAMED: BD 8/1 BRAND: 8/1 BBU NO.: C1015508 COLOR: Red/MF **Polled Mandate 404/5 * **Mullins 2C46/8 Doc 2D-OC81 Channarock Farm 906/2 Chrk Mo Express 1684W BREEDER: Bois d’Arc BIRTH: 5-18-11 Mo-Jo 1204/5 **Chrk Miss Reba 1194/5 CJ’s Bandelero 960 Annie Mae 517 **American Standard 172 Mamie 347/4 Silent’s Foundation 9/4 * **L Bar 5502 Silent’s Selection 5-067 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -1.0 30 37 -1 14 0.9 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 101 101 Ratio: 4 4 Contmp.: 72 753 Adj. Trait: Rib Fat: Rib Fat: OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -0.3 34 46 -3 15 1.0 EPD: .45 .42 .36 .15 .23 ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 97 114 Ratio: 10 8 Contmp.: 77 813 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: **Black Jack 21 Annie Mae 517 Doc 2D-OC81 Channarock Farm 906/2 L Bar 2174 Broussard 0/3918 **Natural Selection 10-1 Dunkin Farms 3-01 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: Polled. LOT 89 .........................BULL LOT 92 .........................BULL BRAND: 00 45 BBU NO.: C1019405 COLOR: Red/SF BRAND: 14/1 BBU NO.: C1015507 COLOR: Dark Red CONSIGNOR: Bois d’Arc Beefmasters - Tonkawa, OK NAMED: BD 14/1 CONSIGNOR: Ozark Embryonics, Toby & Trevyr Lester - Bentonville, AR NAMED: TTL 0045 Busted 22 603 DNA US 3000550 BT 9264A TTL The Black Heifer 01/01 BT 7762A BREEDER: Bel Genetics BIRTH: 11-18-10 **Black Jack 21 Miss Staci 927 Challenger 5-2-48 Lester’s Baby Doll 1-09 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: 1.0 3 5 0 2 -0.2 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 100 100 Ratio: 1 1 Contmp.: 80 772 Adj. Trait: **Black Magic 120/97 Miss Scarlet USA 8-1 **CF’s Grand Cherokee 346 CJ’s Miss Awesome 646 Chrk Genesis 1500T DNA US3000546PV **Cherokee Phantom USA Razzle Dazzle 11049 La Queen’s Pride 7/145 Miss Rose Pebbles 9-111 Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Bois d’Arc 140/6 BREEDER: Bois d’Arc BIRTH: 4-3-11 Black Bayou 1071/3 **Chrk Miss Reba 1194/5 **CF’s Grand Cherokee 346 Bois d’Arc 44/4 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Polled Mandate 404/5 * **Mullins 2C46/8 Doc 2D-OC81 Channarock Farm 906/2 **Cherokee Phantom USA **Sex Appeal 062/0 **Prime Time 5338 *Barbon 23/8 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: -0.3 31 39 0 16 0.7 0.12 0.0 -0.08 EPD: .50 .47 .41 .15 .29 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 100 98 Ratio: 10 8 Contmp.: 75 703 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: TTL 0045 is a slick, polled, red herd sire prospect by Busted 22 (2008 SEBBA Performance Champion) and The Black Heifer (Miss Beefmaster America, 2003). TTL 0045 has the look that you would expect from this mating with the stoutness and performance that is demanded by our breeding program. TTL 0045 had an actual weaning weight of 727 and yearling weight of 1,235. PAGE 30 Rump Fat: -0.07 PE Rump Fat: LOT 93 .........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Thunder Valley Ranch, Paul Hill - Commerce, GA NAMED: TVR 1202 BRAND: 1202 BBU NO.: C1019244 COLOR: Red CF Sugar Britches 040 DNA 345274A Kiffer’s Prissy 9115 DNA 599523A BREEDER: TVR BIRTH: 10-16-11 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 **Sir Kiffer 6/3 **Prissy Lady 117/93 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Cherokee Phantom USA **Adair 062/7 **Spartacus 86/653 **Madam X 3/293 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 0.4 12 15 -2 4 0.3 0.04 0.1 0.04 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 100 100 Ratio: 1 1 Contmp.: 71 598 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: 0.05 PE Rump Fat: LOT 94 .........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Thunder Valley Ranch, Paul Hill - Commerce, GA NAMED: TVR 1109 BRAND: TVR 1109 BBU NO.: C1019243 COLOR: Red Exodus 1728W BREEDER: TVR BIRTH: 4-27-11 Chrk Genesis 1500T Channarock Farm 1310/6 **Synergy 84/95 TVR 619 Forever Farrah 41/03 **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter Black Bayou 1071/3 **Chrk Miss Reba 1194/5 CJ’s Soul Man 168 Hubble L&C 21/2 **Red Sugar 104/93 **Prissy Lady 117/93 **Painted Tiger 3-390 Red Farrah Lady 41/97 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: -0.2 24 32 0 13 0.8 EPD: PE PE PE PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: 100 100 Ratio: 1 1 Contmp.: 69 611 Adj. Trait: Rib Fat: Rib Fat: Rump Fat: Rump Fat: LOT 95 .........................BULL CONSIGNOR: Thunder Valley Ranch, Paul Hill - Commerce, GA BRAND: 476 BBU NO.: C1000644 COLOR: Red CF Sugar Britches 040 DNA 345274A Tiger Vanna 601 DNA 387394A PV **=Typesetter, *=Pacesetter BREEDER: Cottage Farm BIRTH: 3-20-11 **L2 Captain Sugar 12/02 **Oasis 655 **Painted Tiger 3-390 Kavanna 040 **Infinity 120/96 **Sugar Ann 45/6 **Cavalier 19/5 **Sex Life 388 **Painted Warrior 0026 **Dunkin Farms 1-126 **Sir Kiffer 6/3 Bovanna 04/5 OFFICIAL BBU INFORMATION: Classification: NP Conformation: Underline: Expected Progeny Differences: BW: WW: YW: Milk: TM: SC: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 1.2 14 20 0 7 0.4 0.22 -0.1 0.03 EPD: .50 .36 .36 .15 .26 PE PE PE ACC: BW: WW: YW: Scrotal: REA: %IMF: Rib Fat: 97 Ratio: 10 Contmp.: 74 Adj. Trait: Rump Fat: -0.04 PE Rump Fat: PAGE 31 • NOTES • PAGE 32 PAGE 33
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