cissor- tailed lycatcher
cissor- tailed lycatcher
BRONZE WILDLIFE MONUMENTS 1 26 2016 Scissor-tailed lycatcher F klahoma tate ird O S B Sculptor: Bryce Pettit Monument Location: Tulsa Airport, Main Lobby NatureWorks Wildlife Stewardship Recipient: Donne Pitman 2016 ART SHOW The NatureWorks Wildlife Art Show and Sale will be on March 4-6 at the Renaissance Hotel. Many of the world’s finest wildlife artists will be present and offer for sale their original art at this event. 2016 MONUMENT NatureWorks will erect our 27th heroic realistic bronze wildlife monument Rocky Mountain Billy Goat Each monument honors an individual or group that has voluntarily promoted strong wildlife conservation values and been responsible for important wildlife successes, and is the recipient of the NatureWorks Wildlife Stewardship Award. Monument Patrons provide the financial support required for the success of this program. Names of Patrons are inscribed on the bronze plaque that is part of each monument. The NatureWorks Monuments Program is only possible with the generous support of these Patrons. Pine 75 11 244 11th e sid River 21st 8 14 23 6 44 11 2 7 19 20 22 4 10 51st 18 21 61st 71st 169 Ri Jenks ve Dri de rsi ve Elwood Ave 75 41st Lewis Ave 44 31st Yale Ave 244 Harvard Ave 75 Mingo Road 5 15 Peoria Ave Utica Ave 3 ive Dr 16 96th 26 13 Memorial Ave 75 51 Tulsa Int’l Airport Gilcrease Museum Rd 1 24 12 81st 91st Creek Turnpike 101st 17 9 111th 75 121st 141st Harvard Ave 131st 121st 131st 25 141st Numbered yellow squares on this map correspond with monument numbers. To be a Monument Patron, contact either Steve Berklacy 918-712-7210 or Darla Knight 918-557-5966, NatureWorks Promotes Wildlife Conservation NatureWorks is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. All donations are totally tax deductible. s lainsPl P L Y RIZZLY RIZZLY G 1994 1994 1994 G 11 Stuart Park by Gilcrease Museum Sculptor Jim Agius Stuart Park by by Gilcrease Gilcrease Museum Museum Stuart Park Sculptor Jim Jim Agius Agius Sculptor NatureWorks NatureWorks NatureW Wildlife WildlifeStewardship StewardshipWildlife Award Award St presented presentedtoto presente Harold Harold C. C. Stuart StuartHarold C In Inrecognition recognitionofofhis hislifelong lifelongIn recognition commitment commitmenttotothe theconservation conservation commitment t ofofwildlife, wildlife,his hisgenerous generoussupport support of ofof wildlife, his international internationalwetland wetlandprojects, projects, international his his w dedication dedicationtotothe thepreservation preservation dedication ofofour our to t natural naturalresources, resources,and andabove abovenatural all, all,his his resourc leadership. leadership. leadership. Donated DonatedDonated to tothe theCity Cityofof Tulsa Tulsa toby bythe City of Tuls NatureWorks, NatureWorks, NatureWorks, Inc. Inc.and andits itsPatrons Patrons Inc. an ildlife Harold HaroldStuart StuartHarold was wasthe thefirst firstrecipient recipient Stuart ofofthe the was NatureWorks NatureWorks theWildlife Wildlife first recipi the Stewardship Stewardship Stewardship first Award Awardand andwas washonored honoredAward with withthe theplacement placement andofofwas the thefirst first honor to monumental monumental the monumental wildlife wildlifebronze bronzeart artCity piece piece wildlife donated donatedby byNatureWorks NatureWorks bronzetotoart the theCity City piece rk, ofofTulsa. Tulsa. of This This adjacent Tulsa. monument, monument,This “Plains “PlainsGrizzly”, Grizzly”, monument, isislocated locatedininStuart Stuart “Plains Park, Park,adjacent adjacent Grizzl oan totoGilcrease Gilcrease toMuseum Museum Gilcrease Stuart. on onland landdonated donated Museum totoTulsa Tulsaby byHarold Harold onand and land Joan JoanStuart. Stuart. donated 1995 1995 1995 22 ip Award Wildlife Stewardship Award presented to presented to John S. “Jack” Zink ZinkJohn S. “Jack” Zink For enthusiastic support of wildlife f wildlife For enthusiastic of utilization wildlife conservation, hissupport generous utilization conservation, generous of our natural his resources forutilization the r the of our natural for and the his enrichment of resources our citizens, , and his enrichment of our citizens, and his civic leadership in fostering awareness g awareness civic in fostering awareness of ourleadership environment. of our environment. Donated to the City of Tulsa by Tulsa Donated by to the CityInc. of Tulsa NatureWorks, and by its Patrons c. and NatureWorks, its Patrons Inc. and its Patrons 31st 31st and and Riverside Riverside Drive Drive 61st Sculptor Sculptor Mike Mike Sughroue Sughroue 31st and Riverside Drive Sculptor Mike Sughroue NatureWorks NatureWorks Wildlife Stewardship Award N W J F c o e c o D N John & Donnie Brock, CCI / Crane Carrier Co., Sam P. & Mary Lou Daniel, Carrier JohnCo., & Dr. Donnie Sam Brock, CCI P./ & Crane Mary John Co., Lou Sam P.Daniel, & Mary Lou Daniel, & Vincent & Aleatha Kelly &Carrier Family, Rich & Sally Minshall, & Family, Dr. Rich Vincent & & Aleatha Sally Minshall, & Family, Rich &Donne Sally &Minshall, Bob & Cadijah Patterson, JimKelly & Carol Pielsticker, Sandy Pitman, rol Pielsticker, Bob & John Cadijah Donne Jim &Harold Carol &Bob Sandy Pielsticker, Pitman, & Sandy C. &Patterson, Vicki J. Smith, C. & FrancisDonne Langford StuartPitman, & old C. & John Francis C. & Vicki J.Langford Smith, Harold C. &Stuart Francis Langford Stuart 1996 1996 33 River Parks at Denver Avenue Sculptor Stephen C. LeBlanc River Parks at Denver Avenue Sculptor Stephen C. LeBlanc NatureWorks NatureW presented to present Wildlife Stewardship Award Wildlife S Joseph H. Williams Joseph H For his inspiration and leadership For in his inspir the causes of wildlife conservation, thehiscauses of generous giving of time and resources generous for givi the betterment of all our citizens, the andbettermen for bringing an awareness, on for a national bringing a level, of the importance of wildlife. level, of the im DonatedDonated to the City of Tulsa tobythe City of Tuls NatureWorks, NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons Inc. an Mary & DickMary Albert, Ann&& Jack Dick Graves, Albert, Aleatha & Dr. Ann Vincent&Kelly, Jack Gr Judi & Bob McCoy, Judi Kathy&& Jim Bob Moore, McCoy, Vickie & JohnKathy Smith, & Jim Harold C. & Frances Harold Langford C. Stuart, & The Frances Williams Companies Langford S 1997 1997 44 presented to 70th Street in River Parks Sculptor Robert Ball 70th Street in River Parks Sculptor Robert Ball NatureWorks ip Award Wildlife Stewardship Award Na Wi enwood Kenneth R. Greenwood Ke commitment For his dedicated personal commitment rvationtoand promoting wildlife conservation and energy,hisand generous giving of time, energy, and our natural personal resources to enrich our natural he awareness environment and increase the awareness of conservation principles. For to p his pers envi of c Tulsa Donated by to the City of Tulsa by Do c. and NatureWorks, its Patrons Inc. and its Patrons Na k Graves, Larry &Aleatha Doris Darden, Ann & &Dr.Vincent Jack Graves, Larr AleathaKelly, & Dr.Vincent y Kelly, & O’Hornett, Kathy & Jim Carol Moore, Frances & Jim W. O’Hornett, Pielsticker, Carol Kathy & Jim Pielsticker, er, Vickie & John Mary & Joseph Smith, Seger, Vickie & John Smith, rd Stuart,Harold Joe C. && Frances Terry Langford Williams, Stuart, Joe & Terry Williams, Ha & Jack Zink Janet & Jack Zink 1998 1998 55 River Parks at Cincinnati Avenue Sculptor Kim Kori River Parks at Cincinnati Avenue Denver Avenue Sculptor Kim Kori Presented by Presented b NatureWorks NatureW to The City of Tulsa toforThe Cit its 100th Birthday,its 100th B January 18, 1998. January 18 Donated Donated to the City of Tulsa to the by City of Tulsa b NatureWorks, NatureWorks, Inc. Inc. HappyHappy Birthday Birthd Tulsa ! Tu 1998 2002 1998 1998 610 6 6 49th Street BOK Plaza at and 71st Riverside Street and Drive Riverside Drive 49th Street and Riverside Drive Sculptor Geoffrey Jim Gilmore C. Smith Sculptor Geoffrey C. Smith 49th Street and Riverside Drive Sculptor Geoffrey C. Smith NatureWorks Wildlife Stewardship Award NatureWorks Nat u re NatureWorks ip Award Wildlife Stewardship Wi Award l d l i f e Wildlife Stewardship Award presented to presented to Robert E. Lorton presented to p re s e n icker James W. Pielsticker Ja m e s James W.leadership Pielsticker For providing in W conservation causes, for ent to wildlife For his personal commitment Fo to r h i s p e r s For hisgenerously personal commitment to his p personal vation, giving promoting wildlifeofconservation, ro moting w promoting wildlife conservation, energy and resources enhance e, energy, his generous giving oftotime, h energy, i s g e n e ro u s his generous giving of time, energy, and for his enrich conservation and personal principles, resources toa enrich n d persona and personal resources to enrich commitment to fostering and hisstrong our natural environment, o andu histhe r natural our natural and hisvalues awareness oftoenvironment, important wildlife nity through dedication our community d e through d ication t dedication to our community through our citizens. in civich ffairs. by his participation affairs. i s p articipa his participation in civic affairs. Tulsa Donated by Do Tulsa by n a t e d Donated to to the the City City of of Tulsa by to c. and NatureWorks, its Patrons Inc. NatureW and its its Patrons Patrons NatureWorks, Inc. and Bank of Oklahoma LarryMary Darden, L.L.&&J. Mary Collins, & & Larry Gena Darden, & Franden, Robert J. Gena Roger Franden, Mary J.Roger RogerRobert Collins, Doris Doris L. Darden, Robert &&Gena Franden, William S. & Ann Atherton, Marilyn & Ray Biery, David & Sheila Bond, John & Donnie Brock, en & Marian Ann Greenwood, & Jack Graves, Ken Marian Greenwood, Ann & Ann & Jack Graves, & Marian Greenwood, Pat & Arnold Brown, Patty & Joe Cappy, Sheldon & Jan Detrick, F&M Bank, b Hudson, Dena Scot &&Christopher &Gallemore, Melissa && Dr. Bob&Hudson, Hudson, Dena Ison, ScotAnn Melissa & Ison, Chri Dena Christopher Dr. Alan Scot &&Melissa Ison, Donald & Becky Vera Geismar, & Jack Graves, Gary Elaine Jones, Aleatha Kelly, Larry &&Barbara . Vincent Gary &&Kelly, Elaine Jones, Gary Larry Aleatha && Dr. Barbara Vincent & Kelly, Elaine Larry Mills, Mills,Jon Stephen & Barbara Heyman, Dena & Dr. Bob Hudson, Dr. Vincent &Barbara Aleatha Mills, Kelly, RichJames Sally Minshall, Frances W. O’Hornett, Bank ofofOklahoma N.A., . O’Hornett, Rich &&Sally Minshall, Rich of Oklahoma & Bank Sally N.A., Oklahoma N.A., Min C.Bank Mayoza, M.D.Frances & Family, JoeO’Hornett, & Carol McGraw, Rich & Sally Minshall, Mrs. James W. Peevy, Douglas & Susan Pielsticker, Mary Joseph Seger, John & Julie Nickel, Bank of Oklahoma, James W. Peevy, Jim&& &W Carol Pielsticker, usan Pielsticker, Mrs. James Mrs. W. Peevy, Douglas Mary James &Mrs.Joseph Pielsticker, Mary Seger, Joseph . Seger, Pee Milann RaySiegfried, Siegfried, Harold C. Langford Harold C.&&&Ray Frances Langford Stuart, Donne &Frances Sandy Pitman, Jim &Stuart, Tollie Prall, Ray d C. & Frances Milann Langford Harold Milann C. &&Stuart, Frances Langford Stuart, & FredReaves, Randi Wightman, Mr. & Mrs. H. Leigh & John W.C.Wightman, “Tiny” Dorothy Tomsen, Tulsa World, Ed & Jeanne & Wienecke,Ra Mr. & Mrs. Fred Joseph &&Randi H. &Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Joseph Fred H.Williams, Williams, Fred N. & Randi S. Wightman, Jack Zink Janet & Jack Zink Jack Zink Janet & Jack Zink 77 63rd Street in River Parks Sculptor Jocelyn Lillpop 63rd Street in River Parks Sculptor Jocelyn Lillpop p 1999 1999 NatureWorks Nature Aw a Wildlife rd StewardshipWildlife Award S presented to presen e l m aL.n Beauchamp Selman L. Beau p a s a S eFor n hisa visionary to leadership r For as a Senator his visio r promo and tWildlife i nCommissioner g and promoting Wildlife nd for sound wildlife practices, and sound for wildli c i v i c a n his d strong commitment to civic hisand strong co ave enric conservation hed causes t thath have conser e enriched the vation lives of all Oklahomans. lives of all O DonatedDonated to the City of Tulsa tobythe City of Tuls NatureWorks, NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons Inc. an tti Brett Sue &Brett Misty Biery, & Greenway David Misty & SheilaBiery, Bond, James David A. & Patti , Sue & Greenway, Sheila Bon ee Foundation, Ken & Marian Ken Greenwood, & Marian Phil & Johnnie Greenwood, Hart, Jayzee Foundation, Phil & Jo nna Dr. & McCarthy Mrs.Dr. Vincent &Kelly, Mrs. Dick &Vincent Joan Link, Jack , Kelly, & Donna McCarthy, Dick & Joan rol Pielsticker Jim & Kathy Jim Moore,& Mrs. Kathy James W. Peevy, Moore, , Jim & Carol Mrs. Pielsticker, James W. elman, Joseph L. & MaryJoseph Seger, Charles L. & Kathryn & Mary Selman, Seger, Ch nda Swenton, Harold C. &Harold Frances Langford C. Stuart, & Frances Michael & Lynda Langford Swenton, Stua oundation Dr. Nelson & Jean Dr. Wolfe, Nelson Rocky Mountain & Jean Elk Foundation Wolfe, Rock 2002 2000 2000 810 8 Wildlife Stewardship Award NatureWorks presented to Robert E. Lorton honors The Swan Lake Waterfowl Society BOK Utica Plaza Avenue at 71st at 18th Street Street and Riverside Drive Sculptor Jim Bradford Gilmore J. Williams Utica Avenue at 18th Street Sculptor Bradford J. Williams NatureWorks Nat h The Wa t For providing leadership in wildlife conservation causes, for giving generously of his personal energy and resources to enhance nser vation th For their extra special conservation Fo r conservation principles, and for his promoting efforts in protecting and promoting e f f o r t s strong commitment to fostering the hereby waterfowl at Swan Lake, thereby waterf awareness of important wildlife values ans and enriching our the lives of Tulsans and oure n r i c h by our citizens. visitor visitors. ety to the City of Tulsa by Do n a Tulsa Donated by Inc. and its Patrons c. and NatureWorks, its Patrons Nat u Bank of Oklahoma ne Blankenship, Brenda Doris & Blankenship, Larry Darden, Brenda A. Biery, Robert & Mary Anne Doris & LarryA. Darden, B William S. & Ann Atherton, Marilyn & Ray Biery, David & Sheila Bond, John & Donnie Brock, Jack Graves, Jayzee Foundation, Jan S JanPat&&Sheldon Detrick, Ann & Jack Graves, Jayzee Foundation, Arnold Brown, Patty & Joe Cappy, Sheldon & Jan Detrick, F&M Bank, & Kelly, CarolDonald & Joe McGraw, Aleatha & Dr. VincentAlan Kelly, Carol & Joe & Becky Gallemore, & Vera Geismar, AnnMcGraw, & Jack Graves, shall, Kathy & Jim Moore, O’Connor Minshall, Jim Moore, Stephen &Bonnie Barbara Heyman, Dena & Dr. BobKathy Hudson,&Dr. Vincent & Aleatha Kelly, amily, Carol Jim Bob James Mayoza, M.D. & Pielsticker, Family, Joe & Carol McGraw, RichPielsticker, & Sally Minshall, BobC.&& Cadijah Patterson Family, Carol & Jim John Nickel, BankLeigh of Oklahoma, James W. Peevy, Jim Carol Pielsticker, n Reaves, Joseph L.& John & Mrs. Mary Jody Seger, & B Jody&&Julie Brad Porter, Reaves, Joseph L. &&Mary Seger, Harold & Frances LangfordHarold Stuart, Donne & Sandy Pitman, Jim &Stuart, Tollie Prall, d C. & Frances Langford The The C.Siegfried Family, C.Stuart, & Frances Langford Leigh & John Reaves, W.C. “Tiny” & Dorothy Tomsen, Tulsa World, Ed & Jeanne e, Randi and Edwin Fred & Jeanne Wightman Wienecke, Randi and Fred Wightman Wienecke,Ed Fred N. & Randi S. Wightman, Jack Zink 2001 2001 99 NatureWorks NatureWorks Nature Wildlife Award S Wildlife Stewardship StewardshipWildlife Award presented presented to to presen J.M. J.M. “Ja J.M. “Jack” “Jack” Graves Graves n d 96th Street and South Delaware Sculptor Ron Lowery 96thStreet Streetand andSouth SouthDelaware Delaware 96th SculptorRon RonLowery Lowery Sculptor rd in For For his stead For his his steadfast, steadfast, lifelong lifelong promotion promotion of of the finest of the the finest finest wildlife wildlife conservation conservation values in his business and personal values in his values in his business and personal life, for his generous support of for his g life, for his generous supportlife, of wildlife conservation activities, wildlife and cons wildlife conservation activities, and for for his in leade for his his leadership leadership in in civic civic activities activities in our our commun our community. community. Donated Donated to toby Donated to the the City City of of Tulsa Tulsa bythe City of Tuls NatureWorks, NatureWorks, Inc. and Inc. an NatureWorks, Inc. and its its Patrons Patrons hy Biery Arvest Bank, Arvest Jim T.Roy Bank, & Katherine , Lynne JimBarnes, T.Roy Walter& & Dorothy Katherine Biery, Lyn Arvest Bank, Jim T.Roy & Katherine Lynne Barnes, Walter & Dorothy Biery, ck,Patty & Joe Cappy, Patty Doris &&Larry Joe Darden, Cappy, Jan & Sheldon Doris Detrick,& Larry D Patty & Joe Cappy, Doris & Larry Darden, Jan & Sheldon Detrick, enwood, Donald &Donald Becky Gallemore, & Alan Becky & Vera Geismar, Gallemore, Marian & Ken Greenwood, Alan & Vera Donald & Becky Gallemore, Alan & Vera Geismar, Marian & Ken Greenwood, Lee, Jayzee Foundation, Jayzee Aleatha Foundation, & Dr. Vincent Kelly, LarryAleatha & Marilyn Lee, & Dr. Vin Jayzee Foundation, Aleatha & Dr. Vincent Kelly, Larry & Marilyn Lee, vy, Jim & Kathy Moore, Jim Julie&& John Kathy Nickel, Mrs. Moore, James W. Peevy, Julie & John Jim & Kathy Moore, Julie & John Nickel, Mrs. James W. Peevy, l, Carol & Jim Pielsticker, Carol Brad& & Jody Jim Porter, Pielsticker, Jim & Tollie Prall, Brad & J Carol & Jim Pielsticker, Brad & Jody Porter, Jim & Tollie Prall, egfried, Leigh & John Leigh Reaves, Ray & &John Milann Siegfried, Reaves, Robin & Cherrie Ray Siegfried, & Milann Si Leigh & John Reaves, Ray & Milann Siegfried, Robin & Cherrie Siegfried, John & Vickie Smith, John Harold C. && Vickie Frances Langford Smith, Stuart, Harold C. John & Vickie Smith, Harold C. & Frances Langford Stuart, liford Ed & JeanneEd Wienecke, & Jeanne Fred N. & RandiWienecke, S.Wightman, Mollie Williford Fred N. & Ra Ed & Jeanne Wienecke, Fred N. & Randi S.Wightman, Mollie Williford 2002 2002 2002 10 10 10 n For providing leadership in es, for wildlife conservation causes, For providing leadership in for ersonal giving of his personal wildlifegenerously conservation causes, for hance energy and resources to personal enhance giving generously of his energy and resources to enhance nd for his conservation principles, and for his conservation principles, and for his tering the strong commitment to fostering the strong commitment to fostering ldlife values awareness of important wildlife the values awareness of important wildlife values by our citizens. by our citizens. Tulsa Donated by to the City of Tulsa by BOK Plaza at 71st Street and Riverside Drive BOK Plaza at 71st Street and Riverside Drive Sculptor Jim Gilmore Sculptor Jim Gilmore Robert E. Lorton BOK Plaza at 71st Street and Riverside Drive Sculptor Jim Gilmore NatureWorks ip Award Wildlife Stewardship Award NatureWorks Wildlife Stewardship Award presented to presented on Robert E. to Lorton Na Wi Ro Fo r wild givi ene con stro awa by o Do Donated to the CityInc. of Tulsa c. and NatureWorks, its Patrons andby its Patrons Na NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons f Oklahoma Bank of Oklahoma Bank of Oklahoma Biery, David William S.&& Ann Sheila Atherton, Marilyn Bond, & Ray William John Biery, David & &Donnie Sheila Bond, John Brock, & Donnie Brock,S. William S. & Ann Atherton, Marilyn & Ray Biery, David & Sheila Bond, John & Donnie Brock, appy, Sheldon Pat & Arnold & Jan Brown,Detrick, Patty & Joe Cappy, F&M SheldonBank, & Jan Detrick, F&M Bank, Pa Pat & Arnold Brown, Patty & Joe Cappy, Sheldon & Jan Detrick, F&M Bank, n & Vera Geismar, Donald & Becky Ann Gallemore, & Jack Alan & Graves, Vera Geismar, Ann & Jack Graves, Donald & Becky Gallemore, Alan & Vera Geismar, Ann & Jack Graves, Dr. Bob Hudson, Stephen & Barbara Dr. Heyman, Vincent Dena && Dr. Bob Aleatha Hudson, Dr. Kelly, Vincent & Aleatha Steph Kelly, Stephen & Barbara Heyman, Dena & Dr. Bob Hudson, Dr. Vincent & Aleatha Kelly, oe & Carol James McGraw, C. Mayoza, M.D. Rich & Family, & Sally Joe & CarolMinshall, McGraw, Rich & Sally Minshall,Jam James C. Mayoza, M.D. & Family, Joe & Carol McGraw, Rich & Sally Minshall, Mrs. James John & Julie W. Nickel, Peevy, Bank of Oklahoma, Jim &Mrs. Carol James John W.Pielsticker, Peevy, Jim & Carol Pielsticker, & John & Julie Nickel, Bank of Oklahoma, Mrs. James W. Peevy, Jim & Carol Pielsticker, , Donne & Harold Sandy C. & Frances Pitman, Langford Stuart, JimDonne & Tollie & Sandy Pitman, Prall, Jim & Tollie Haro Prall, Harold C. & Frances Langford Stuart, Donne & Sandy Pitman, Jim & Tollie Prall, hy Tomsen, Leigh & John Tulsa Reaves, World, W.C. “Tiny” & Ed Dorothy &Leigh Tomsen, Jeanne Tulsa World, Wienecke, Ed & Jeanne Wienecke, & J Leigh & John Reaves, W.C. “Tiny” & Dorothy Tomsen, Tulsa World, Ed & Jeanne Wienecke, S. Wightman, Jack Zink Fred N. & Randi S. Wightman, Jack Zink Fred N. & Randi S. Wightman, Jack Zink 2003 2003 2003 11 11 rd n es f 57th Street & Riverside Drive Sculptor Jim Gilmore 57th Street & Riverside Drive 57th Street & Riverside Drive Sculptor Jim Gilmore Sculptor Jim Gilmore 11 NatureWorks Nature Wildlife StewardshipWildlife Award S NatureWorks Wildlife Stewardship Award presented to presen W.C. “Tiny” W.C. “T presented to Tomsen W.C. “Tiny” Tomsen For his lifetime achievements For in his lifeti wildlife conservation, his endless wildlife cons For his lifetime achievements in commitment of energy commitment resources wildlife conservation, hisand endless promoting conservation causes, promoting c commitment of energy and resources promoting conservation causes, and his personal direction ofand the his perso and his personal direction ofProgram the NatureWorks Monuments Nature Work NatureWorks Program that provides Monuments constant reminders that of provide thatbeauty provides of beauty in the in constant wildlife.reminders the the beauty in wildlife. DonatedDonated to the City of Tulsa tobythe City of Tuls Donated to the City of Tulsa by NatureWorks, NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons Inc. an NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons la William Bond, S.William & Ann Atherton,S. Lindi&Biery Ann & Barrett Atherton, Biery, David & Sheila Lindi Bond,Biery & William S. & Ann Atherton, Lindi Biery & Barrett Biery, David & Sheila Bond, en, John Brock, & Patty Donnie Cappy,Larry LarryBrock, DorisDarden, Darden, Joe & Patty John&&Donnie DonnieJohn Brock, Joe Joe& & Patty Cappy, &&Doris wood, Dwayne Dwayne Ann Graves,Ken Ken Flynn, MarianGreenwood, Greenwood, Jack & Ann G Dwayne&&Twila TwilaFlynn, Flynn,Jack Jack & && AnnTwila Graves, &&Marian an Stephen Link, & Stephen Barbara Heyman, & Dr. Barbara Vincent & Aleatha Heyman, Kelly, Dick Joan Dr. Link,Vincen Stephen & Barbara Heyman, Dr. Vincent & Aleatha Kelly, Dick & &Joan Link, ckel, Richard Richard Madden, & &&Velvetta KathyMoore, Moore,John John Madden, JulieNickel, Nickel, Jim & K Richard&&Velvetta Velvetta Madden, Jim Jim Kathy &&Julie J.J.David Nunneley, David Mr.&&Mrs. Mrs. & Allen Marilyn AllenG.G.Oliphant, Oliphant, Nunneley, M David&&Marilyn MarilynJ. Nunneley, Mr. Pielsticker Mrs. James Mrs. W.W.Peevy, James Harold & Frances Peevy, Langford , Harold Stuart,Carol CarolM.M. C. Pielsticker, & Frances Mrs. James Peevy, Harold C. C.W. Frances Langford Stuart, Pielsticker, Brad&&Jody JodyPorter, Porter, Jim & Tollie Prall, &&Leigh , Brad Brad Jim Tollie & Jody Prall, John JohnPorter, LeighReaves, Reaves, Jim & Tollie Mike&Mike &Lynda Lynda Swenton, Children of Swenton, W.C. “Tiny” Tomsen, Tulsa World, ulsa Mike World, Swenton, & Lynda Children W.C. “Tiny”&&Dorothy Dorothy Children Tomsen, Tulsa World, of W.C. “ Wienecke,Fred FredEd Randi S. J.J.I. I.Zink EdEdWienecke, && Randi Wienecke, S. Wightman, Wightman,J.J.F.F.&&Fred Zink& Randi S. 2004 2004 2004 12 12 12 Johnpresented T. Nickel to John T. Nickel nd In recognition of his profound ildlife interest and dedication to wildlife In recognition of his profound his conservation principles, forwildlife his interest and dedication to upport commitment and generous support conservation principles, for his or hisof commitment conservationand causes, and support for his generous tensivepersonal efforts tocauses, ensureand extensive of conservation for his available natural habitat forever available personal effortsbeing to ensure extensive habitat beingwildlife. forever available . to natural native Oklahoma Sculptor Stephen C. LeBlanc Wildlife Stewardship Award presented to 96th Street and South Delaware 96th Street and South Delaware Sculptor Stephen C. LeBlanc NatureWorks 96th Street and South Delaware Sculptor Stephen C. LeBlanc NatureWorks Award Wildlife Stewardship Award to native Oklahoma wildlife. Tulsa Donated by to the City of Tulsa by Donated to the CityInc. of Tulsa c. and NatureWorks, its Patrons and by its Patrons NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons yan, & William Blake S. & AnnBiery, Atherton, Robert Joe W.,& Ryan, Patty & Blake Biery, Cappy, Joe & Patty Cappy, William S. & Ann Atherton, Robert W., Ryan, & Blake Biery, Joe & Patty Cappy, e Winery James&& Maxine Nickel Conover, & Far Nickel Niente Winery Winery, & Nickel & Nickel Winery, James & Maxine Conover, Far Niente Winery & Nickel & Nickel Winery, rsery, Aleatha AnnAnn & Jack & Dr. Greenleaf Vincent Nursery, Aleatha Dr.Vincent VincentKelly, Kelly, & JackGraves, Graves, Greenleaf Nursery, Kelly, Aleatha &&Dr. Lorton,Richard Richard & Joan Link, & Bob Velvetta & Roxana Lorton, Madden, Richard & Velvetta Madden, Richard & Joan Link, Bob & Roxana Lorton, Richard & Velvetta Madden, ma, Mr. JimJim and & Kathy Mrs. Moore, Allen G. Oliphant, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.Allen AllenG.G.Oliphant, Oliphant, & Kathy Moore,Bank BankofofOklahoma, Oklahoma, Mr. and d & Jody JimJim Peevy Porter, & Julie Jim Peevy Luke, & Brad Tollie & Jody Prall, Porter, Jim & Tollie Prall, Peevy & Julie Peevy Luke, Brad & Jody Porter, Jim & Tollie Prall, aty Smith, J.T.J.T. Nickel Sarah & Patrick Bill and Stokely, Caty Sarah&&Bill BillStokely, Stokely, NickelFamily, Family, Patrick and Caty Smith, Smith, Sarah s Langford Stuart, Harold Stuart, HaroldC.C.&&Frances Frances Langford Langford Stuart, RobertR.Peter R.David David/ /Steve Steve Davis Dan Tanner, Tanner, Peter / Dan Tanner, Robert M.Davis Walter, // Dan PeterM. M.Walter, Walter, Edwin Wienecke,Fred FredN. N.&& Randi Randi S. Wightman, Randi S. Wightman, Edwin H.H.Wienecke, Jack Zink Wightman,Jack JackZink Zink 2005 2005 13 13 Tulsa International Airport Sculptor Mike Sughroue Tulsa TulsaInternational InternationalAirport Airport Sculptor SculptorMike MikeSughroue Sughroue ip NatureWorks NatureWorks Natur Aw a rd Wildlif Wildlife Stewardship Wildlife Stewardship Award Award presented presented to to Carl Carl Pierceall Pierceall presen Carl P o wildlife For unsel For For unselfish unselfish dedication dedication to to wildlife wildlife gh his conservat conservation causes through his conservation causes through his Wi l d l i f e service to the Oklahoma Wildlife service to service to the Oklahoma Wildlife mited, an d Commiss Commission, Ducks Unlimited, Commission, Ducks Unlimited, and and o n s . Henumerous ha sorganizations. numerou other numerous other organizations. He He has has dmap fo r left a last left left aa lasting lasting mark mark and and roadmap roadmap for for o l l ow. other conservationists to follow.other con other conservationists to follow. toby Donated to DonatedDonated to the the City City of of Tulsa Tulsa bythe City of Tuls NatureWorks, Inc. an NatureWorks, Inc. and NatureWorks, Inc. and its its Patrons Patrons nd, William& Sheila S. & Ann Atherton William William S. S. & & Ann Ann Atherton, Atherton, David David & Sheila Bond, Bond, inda Sam P. Sam & Mary Goldsmith, P.Daniel, & Mary Lou Daniel, Larry & Do Lou Larry & Doris Darden, Sam P. & Mary Lou Daniel, Larry & Doris Darden, Ray Ray & & Linda Linda Goldsmith, Goldsmith, and Family Ken & Marian , &Greenwood, Dr. Vinc Ken & Marian Greenwood, Dr. Vincent Aleatha Kelly and Ken & Marian Greenwood, Dr. Vincent & Aleatha Kelly and Family, Family, & Julie Mr. & Nickel, Mrs. Bob Lemons, McKinney & Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lemons, McKinney & Stringer PC, John & Julie Nickel, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lemons, McKinney & Stringer PC, John & Julie Nickel, Jim & Tollie Prall, Joh Jim & Tollie Prall, John & Leigh Reaves, Jim & Tollie Prall, John & Leigh Reaves, bara T Harold omsen, C. & Frances Langford Stuart Harold Harold C. C. & & Frances Frances Langford Langford Stuart, Stuart, W.C. W.C. “Tiny” “Tiny” & & Barbara Barbara Tomsen, Tomsen, i S.TheWightman, The Frank G. Weimer Family, Ed Wien Frank G. Weimer Family, Ed Wienecke, Fred & Randi S. Wightman, The Frank G. Weimer Family, Ed Wienecke, Fred & Randi S. Wightman, WindRiver As WindRiver WindRiver Associates Associates 2006 2006 2006 14 14 42nd 42ndStreet Streetand andRiverside RiversideDrive Drive Sculptor SculptorJocelyn JocelynLillpop LillpopRussell Russell 42nd Street and Riverside Drive Sculptor Jocelyn Lillpop Russell NatureWorks Nat u re W NatureWorks S ip Award Wildlife Wi Award ldlife Wildlife Stewardship Stewardship Award presented presented to to p re s e n t Council Indian In Council dian N Indian Nations Nations Council America Boy B America oy S c o Boy Scouts Scouts of of America conservation For promotion of wildlife Fo conservation r p ro m o t i o For promotion of wildlife conservation d for principles in scouting, p andrfor inciples in s principles in scouting, and for citizenship developing leadershipd ande citizenship ve l o p i n g l e a developing leadership and citizenship te ethical skills in scouts that promote ski ethical lls in scout skills in scouts that promote ethical n appreciation conservation c an o appreciation n s e r va t i o n v conservation values values and and an appreciation t. of of our natural of our our natural natural environment. environment. Tulsa Donated by to Do of by nated Donated to the the City City of Tulsa Tulsa by to c. and NatureWorks, its Patrons NatureW Inc. and its its Patrons Patrons NatureWorks, Inc. and Atherton, Jim Everett T.Roy & Maureen Barnes, Ashley, William Everett David S. & Ann Atherton, & Sheila Jim T.Roy & Barnes, Bond, Maureen David & Sheila Bond, Ashle Everett Everett && Maureen Maureen Ashley, Ashley, William S. & Ann Atherton, Jim T.Roy Barnes, David & Sheila Bond, man, Calumet John & Donnie Oil Brock, Company, Dr. John & Mrs. ToddLon A. Brockman, & & Bonnie Calumet Donnie Oil Company, Canada, Lon &Brock, Bonnie Canada, Dr. John John && Donnie Donnie Brock, Dr. & Mrs. Todd A. Brockman, Calumet Oil Company, Lon & Bonnie Canada, , Larry & Doris Patty &Darden, Joe Cappy, Mary Lou Steve & Sam Patty Daniel, & Annette Larry & Doris & Darden, Davis, Joe Steve & Annette Cappy, Davis, Ma Patty Annette Davis, Davis, Patty&&Joe Joe Cappy, Cappy,Mary Mary Lou Lou && Sam SamDaniel, Daniel,Larry Larry && Doris Doris Darden, Darden, Steve & Annette Sue Greenway, Ray GoldsmithGary Eagle Ray Scout W.‘48, Goss, James Goldsmith A. Brad & Patti Sue& Greenway, Brenda Gary W.Eagle Harwood, Goss, Brad & BrendaScout Harwood, ‘4 Ray Ray Goldsmith Goldsmith Eagle Scout ‘48, James A. & Patti Sue Greenway, Gary W. Goss, Brad & Brenda Harwood, RichardDr.&Vincent Joan & Aleatha Link, Dr Kelly,. Bob John Vincent & NancyR. Lemons, Lippe RichardEagle && Joan Link, Aleatha Scout John R. Lippe ‘02, Eagle Scout Kelly, ‘02, B Dr. Dr. Vincent Vincent && Aleatha Kelly, Bob & Nancy Lemons, Richard & Joan Link, John R. Lippe Eagle Scout ‘02, n, LinscottDon & &Luna Lonna Lockhart, P.C., Robert Don Richard & Roxana Lorton, & & Velvetta Linscott Lonna & Luna Madden, P.C., Richard Lockhart, & Velvetta Madden, Ro Don Don && Lonna Lonna Lockhart, Lockhart, Robert Robert && Roxana Roxana Lorton, Linscott & Luna P.C., Richard & Velvetta Madden, rcer Eagle James C. Scout Mayoza James M.D. ‘02, EagleLogan Scout ‘52,C. Kelly R.R.Mercer Mercer Mayoza Eagle Scout Eagle ‘02, Logan Scout M.D. R. Mercer ‘04, Eagle Scout Eagle ‘04, S James James C. C. Mayoza Mayoza M.D. M.D. Eagle Eagle Scout Scout ‘52, ‘52, Kelly R. Mercer Eagle Scout ‘02, Logan R. Mercer Eagle Scout ‘04, le ScoutJim‘28, & KathyStephen Moore, Jim Ken Selby, L. & “Beau” & Kathy Melodie Selman Eagle Scout Smith, ‘28, Moore, Stephen SPIRITBANK, L. & Melodie Smith, Ken SPIRITBANK, Selby Jim Jim & Tollie KenSelman Selby, “Beau” Selman Scout Stephen L. & Melodie Smith, Jim& &Kathy KathyMoore, Moore, Ken Selby,Prall, “Beau” Eagle Scout ‘28,Eagle Stephen L. ‘28, & Melodie Smith, SPIRITBANK, ” & Barbara Harold C. Tomsen, Stuart Harold Eagle ScoutDaniel Age 12 ‘24,C. W.C. B. “Tiny” Trumbo Stuart & BarbaraEagle Tomsen, Daniel Eagle Scout B. Trumbo ‘99, EagleScout Scout ‘99, A SPIRITBANK,Harold C. 12 Stuart Scout Age 12 ‘24,Tomsen, W.C. “Tiny” & Barbara Tomsen, Harold C. Stuart Eagle Scout Age ‘24,Eagle W.C. “Tiny” & Barbara Daniel B. Trumbo Eagle Scout ‘99, mily, Edwin Walton Family H. Wienecke, Walton Foundation, The FrankFred G. Weimer Family N. Family, & Randi Edwin H. Wienecke, Foundation, S. Wightman, Fred N. & Randi S. Wightman, The DanielFoundation, B. Trumbo Eagle ScoutG.‘99,Walton FamilyEdwin Foundation, The Frank Walton Family The Frank Weimer Family, H. Wienecke, FredG.N.Weimer & RandiFamily, S. Wightman, , Dr. Nelson & Jean Wolfe WindRiver Associates, Dr. Nelson & Jean Wolfe W Edwin H. Wienecke, FredWindRiver N. & RandiAssociates, S. Wightman,WindRiver Associates, Dr. Nelson & Jean Wolfe Dr. Nelson & Jean Wolfe 2006 2006 15 15 30th and Riverside Drive Sculptor Ronnie Wells 30th and Riverside Drive 21st Sculptor Ronnie Wells NatureWorks Nature honors honor Ducks UnlimitedDucks U ce 1937 For their visionary efforts since For 1937their vis managin in conserving, g restoring andin managing conservin a t s f o r wetlands and associated habitats wetlands for and North America’s waterfowl. North Amer DonatedDonated to the City of Tulsa tobythe City of Tuls NatureWorks, NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons Inc. an This monument made This possible monument by the made p generosity of J. MICHAEL generosity GEER & FAMILY of J. MICHAE 2007 2007 16 16 Galveston Galveston Avenue Avenue in in River River Parks Parks Sculptor Sculptor Daniel Daniel Parker Parker Galveston Avenue in River Parks Sculptor Daniel Parker NatureWorks Nat u p Award Wildlife Award ldlif Wildlife Stewardship Stewardship Wi Award presented presented to to p re s Sutton Georg George Miksch Sutton Center Avian Research Center Avian dershipFor Fo r p r ov i For providing providing national national leadership leadership rvation, in promoting sound conservation, in promo in promoting sound conservation, inciples education, and and research research principles principles education education, neglected on endangered, endangered, rare, rare, and and neglected neglected on endan on species species of species of of birds. birds. Tulsa Donated by to Do by nate Donated to the the City City of of Tulsa Tulsa by c. and NatureWorks, its Patrons Inc. Natur its NatureWorks, Inc. and and its Patrons Patrons .Roy Barnes Hal Barbara Ty Allen, Allen, Renner Bill & & Ann Ann Barnes, Atherton, Jim Jim Hal T.Roy The Barnes Biery & & Ty Renner Renner Family, Barbara Barnes, The The Biery Biery Family, Family, All Hal & && Barbara Bill Atherton, T.Roy Barnes & Ty Barnes, Leslie Bushaw, David Joe John David & & Patty Brock, Cappy, Dick & John Bushaw, Sheila Joe && Patty Cowen, John Lori David & & Sheila Sheila Bond, Bond, John & Donnie Donnie Brock, Dick & & Leslie Leslie Bushaw, Joe &Lori Patty Cappy, Cappy, John & & Bond, Lori Cowen, Cowen, r, Donald Sam & & &Becky Mary Lou Lou Daniel, Daniel, Gallemore, Steve & & Sam Ruthie Duenner, Duenner, Ray Donald Donald & Linda & & Becky Becky Mar Gallemore, Goldsmith, Ray & &y Linda Goldsmith, Goldsmith, Lou D Sam Mary Steve Ruthie & Gallemore, Ray Linda ach, Gary Gary W. & Elise Jack Gar Kilpatrick, Greg yKach, Richard W Gary . & Elise & Joan Kilpatrick, Richard Joan J GaryKuck W. Goss, Goss, Mrs. Mrs. Jack Graves, Graves, Greg & & Connie Connie Kach, Gary Kuck Kuck &Goss, Elise Kilpatrick, Link, Richard & &Mrs. Joan Link, Link, , Richard &Don Don Velvetta & Lonna Lonna Lockhart, Lockhart, Madden, Bob & & Roxana Roxana John Lorton, Don Richard & Julie & Velvetta VelvettaNickel, Madden, & John John Lonna & Julie Julie Nickel, Nickel, Lo & Bob Lorton, Richard & Madden, & Prall, John & Leigh Bob Cissy Ken & Prall, Bob Bob & &Reaves, Cissy Parker, Parker, Jim Jim & Tollie TollieSelby, Prall, John John & & Leigh Leigh Reaves, Reaves, Ken Ken Selby, Selby, Melody Smith, Ian, Patrick & Thomas Thomas Shahan, Shahan, & Caty Stephen Ian, Smith, L. & & Melody MelodyMaureen, Harold Smith, Patrick PatrickC. & Caty Caty Stuart, Smith, Harold Harold C. C. Stuart, Stuart, & Th Ian, Maureen, Maureen, & Stephen L. Smith, & Smith, amily, Edwin Michael Lynda Wienecke, Swenton, Michael The G. Family, & Edwin Randi & H. S.Lynda Wightman, Fred Swe Michael & &H. Lynda Swenton, The Frank FrankFred G. Weimer WeimerN. Family, Edwin H. Wienecke, Wienecke, Fred N. N. & & Randi Randi S. S. Wightman, Wightman, ms, John & Kay Wilson Joseph H. H. Williams, Williams, John John & & Kay Kay Wilson Wilson Joseph 2007 2007 17 17 Oklahoma Aquarium Sculptor Scott Shaffer Oklahoma Aquarium Sculptor Scott Shaffer NatureWorks NatureW honors honors ium The Oklahoma The AquariumOkla For making viewable and For “hands on” making vie izens aquatic wildlife available to aquatic all the citizenswildlif y i n of greater Tulsa and visitors of to our greater city in Tulsa a l u e s such a way as to promote such the finest a values way as t of aquatic wildlife education. of aquatic wild DonatedDonated to the Oklahomato Aquarium thebyOklahoma A NatureWorks, NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons Inc. an This monument made This possiblemonument by the mad generosity of CAROLgenerosity & JOE MCGRAW of CAROL 2008 2008 18 18 honors honors all all former former 53rd 53rdStreet Streetand andYale YaleAvenue AvenueininLaFortune LaFortunePark Park Sculptor SculptorJim JimGilmore Gilmore r 53rd Street and Yale Avenue in LaFortune Park Sculptor Jim Gilmore NatureWorks NatureWorks ip Award Wildlife Wildlife Stewardship Stewardship Award Award Na Wi NatureWorks NatureWorks rons Monument Monument Patrons Patrons Na M butions For For their their invaluable invaluable contributions contributions we gratefully and continuing and continuing support, support, we we gratefully gratefully ns for making acknowledge acknowledge all all our our patrons patrons for for making making ents Program the NatureWorks a Monuments the NatureWorks Monuments Program Program aa success. success. Fo r and ackn the succ nty by Donated Do Donated to to Tulsa Tulsa County County by by c. and NatureWorks, its Patrons Inc. and its Patrons NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons Na & Ann Atherton, Hal Pat Allen, William S. Bailey, Pat Hal & & Barbara Barbara Allen,and William Keith S. & & Ann Ann Atherton, Atherton, Pat and and Keith Keith Bailey, Bailey,Hal ie Brock, David Dr. & & Mrs. Bond, Todd & A.Brock, Brockman, Dr. Todd David & Sheila Sheila Bond, John John & Donnie Donnie Brock, Dr. & & Mrs. Mrs.David Todd A. A. Brockman, Brockman, BurdickPat && Arnold Lori & & John Burdick Family, Pat & & Pat & Family, Arnold Brown, Brown, Keith Keith & Cathy Cathy Burdick & & Cowen, Family, Lori Lori & John John Cowen, Cowen, & H. Ray Goldsmith, Sam & Mary Lou Daniel, Gary Linda & W. H. Ray Goss, Goldsmith, Gary W. Goss, Sa Sam & Mary Lou Daniel, Linda & H. Ray Goldsmith, Gary W. Goss, Harrell, Gary Mrs. Graves, & & Sandy Kilpatrick, Gary Mrs Mrs. Jack JackKuck Graves, Kent Kent &Elise Sandy Harrell, Harrell, Gary Kuck Kuck & & Elise Elise Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick, hart, Bob Joan & & Roxana Link, Lorton, Lockhart, Joan Bob Nielsen, Lorton, & D Joan & Dick Dick Link, Don Don & & Lonna Lonna Lockhart,Chris Bob & & Roxana Roxana Lorton, Chris Chris Nielsen, Nielsen, en, Mr. & Mrs. Richard John & T. Nickel, Madden, Richard & Velvetta Velvetta Madden, Mr. Mr. & & Mrs. Mrs. John John T. T. Nickel, Nickel, en, Tollie MacKenzie & Jim O’Brien & Leigh MacKenzi O’Brien, & John & Reaves, Leigh MacKenzie O’BrienPrall, & MacArthur MacArthur O’Brien, Tollie Tollie & Jim Jim Prall, Prall, Leigh & & John John Reaves, Reaves, rank G. Weimer Michael Family, Swenton, Ed Frank Wienecke, G. Mich Michael & & Lynda Lynda Swenton, The The Frank G. Weimer Weimer Family, Family, Ed Ed Wienecke, Wienecke, htman, Roy & Sandy Randi S. & Fred Wilkins N. Wightman, Roy & Sandy Wilkins Randi S. & Fred N. Wightman, Roy & Sandy Wilkins de Rio Grande Rio G ys 2009 2009T urkeysT 19 19 Main Library at 4th and Denver Sculptor Ron Lowery Main MainLibrary Library atat4th 4th and andDenver Denver Turkey Mountain Trailhead Sculptor Sculptor Ron Lowery Lowery 71st & S.Ron Elwood Ave Sculptor Ron Lowery NatureWorks NatureWorks NatureW d Wildlife Wildlife Award St Wildlife Stewardship Stewardship Award presented to presente presented to The The Nati The National National Wild Wild Turkey Turkey F Turkey Federation Federation a ild ng For For Oklahoma providing For providing providing leadership leadership in in Oklahoma for promoting conservation for of the promoting for promoting conservation of the Wild Wild Turkey Turkey the Turkey and and preservation preservation of of the hunting hunting and pre traditions. traditions. traditions. Donated to to the Library Tulsa by City-C DonatedDonated to the the Tulsa Tulsa City-County City-County Library by NatureWorks, NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons Inc. an NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons ey, Hal HalWilliam & Barbara S. Allen, Pat William Bailey, Hal & & Barbara Barbara Allen, Allen, William S. & & Ann Ann Atherton, Atherton, Pat and and Keith Keith Bailey, S. & An n, David David Todd Blair Brockman, Bond, & Todd & Blair B David & & Sheila Sheila Bond, Bond, Todd & && BlairSheila Brockman, Lori Lori & John John Cowen, Cowen, W. The The Family, Frank Gary G.& Weimer Kilpatrick, Family, W. Gary K The Frank Frank G. G. Weimer Weimer Family, Gary Kuck Kuck & Elise Elise Kilpatrick, Gary Gary W. Goss, Don & Lonna Lockhart, Goss, Richard Don & Velvetta & Lonna Madden, Lockhart, R Goss, Don & Lonna Lockhart, Richard & Velvetta Madden, Mel Mel Julie Melinda Nickel, Tollie Mel & & Melinda Melinda Mercer, Mercer, Julie&& & John John Nickel, Jim Jim & &Mercer, Tollie Prall, Prall, Julie & Jo , MacKenzie MacKenzie & Leigh & MacArthur O MacKenzie O’Brien O’Brien & MacArthur MacArthur O’Brien, O’Brien,O’Brien Leigh & & John John Reaves, Reaves, an Ken Ken & Selby, Swenton, Randi N. Lynda Swento Ken Selby, Selby, Michael Michael & Lynda Lynda Swenton,Michael Randi S. S. & & Fred Fred & N. Wightman Wightman ant heasantPh P es Eludes E obcat obcat 2010 2010 B 20 20 Location LocationininRiver RiverParks, Parks,67 67ththSt. St. Sculptor SculptorJocelyn JocelynL.L.Russell Russell Location in River Parks, 67th St. Sculptor Jocelyn L. Russell NatureWorks NatureWorks Nat ip Award Wildlife Wi l d Wildlife Stewardship Stewardship Award Award presented to presented to astingsE. E. Grant Grant Hastings Hastings and and Morris Landis Landis “Bo” “Bo” Morris Morris L both spent “To ho “To honor honor these these men men who who both both spent spent“ To ts to benefit aa lifetime dedicating efforts to benefit a l i f e ti lifetime dedicating efforts to benefit Oklahoma Ok l a h o Oklahoma wildlife.” wildlife.” sa by Donated Donated to to City City of of Tulsa Tulsa by by Do n a t c. and NatureWorks, its Patrons Inc. Patrons u NatureWorks, Inc. and and its itsNat Patrons & Ann Atherton, Hal Pat William & S. Hal & Bailey, Pat & Barb Hal & & Barbara Barbara Allen, Allen, William S.Keith & Ann Ann Atherton, Atherton, Pat & & Keith Keith Bailey, Bailey, y LouDavid Daniel, & Sheila Bond, Linda David Sam P. & & Mary Ray Lou Daniel, Goldsmith, Linda & & Ray Shei Goldsmith, David & Sheila Bond, Sam P. & Mary Lou Daniel, Linda & Ray Goldsmith, ood, Gary Alexander W. Gary Marian & Kriz Greenwood, &W Dennis Alexander . J. Goss, P. & Dennis Gary W. Goss, Goss, Marian J. & Ken Ken Greenwood, Alexander J. Kriz Kriz &Kriz, Dennis P. P. Kriz, Kriz, k & Joan Gary Link, Kuck & Elise Tucker Kilpatrick, Gary Dick & & Vickie Joan Link, Tucker Link, Kuck & Vickie Link, Gary Kuck & Elise Kilpatrick, Dick & Joan Link, Tucker & Vickie Link, lvetta Don & Lockhart, Richard & Melinda & Madden, Lonna Mel Mercer, & L DonMadden, & Lonna LonnaDon Lockhart,Mel Richard& & Velvetta Velvetta Madden, Mel & Melinda Melinda Mercer, Mercer, all, Leigh Julie & & John John & Nickel, Nickel, John Julie Jim Reaves, & Tollie Tollie Prall, Prall, Leigh Leigh Ken & John John & Selby, Reaves, John Ken Selby, Selby, Julie Jim & & Reaves, Ken mily, Ed & Jeanne The Wienecke, Family, The The Frank Frank G. G. Weimer Weimer Family, Ed Ed & & Jeanne Jeanne Wienecke, Wienecke, ed N. Wightman Randi S. & Fred N. Wightman Randi S. & Fred N. Wightman SShinnery hinnery hinn S ak O akobwhites ak O O 2011 2011 2011B e s Bobwhites Bo 21 21 54th Street & Yale Avenue in LaFortune Park Sculptor Eric Slocombe 54th Street&&Yale Yale Avenue Avenue in in LaFortune LaFortune Park Park 54th Street SculptorEric EricSlocombe Slocombe Sculptor NatureWorksNatureW NatureWorks Wildlife Stewardship Stewardship Wildlife Award Ste Wildlife Award presented to pr presented to o l Winthrop l Winthrop W. (Win) Winthrop Ingersoll (Win) Ingersoll To honor honor his his lifetime lifetime commitment To honor to his life To commitment towildlife wildlife hite conservation and to his stewardship conservation of Bobwhite conservation and to his stewardship of Bobwhite and h. Quail habitat habitat on on his Quail habitat Ranch. on Quail his McFarlin-Ingersoll McFarlin-Ingersoll Ranch. DonatedDonated to Tulsa Tulsa County County to by Tulsa County by Donated to by NatureWorks, NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons. Inc. an NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons. cy William, S.William & Ann Atherton, S. Pat& & Keith Ann Bailey, Atherton, John & Sharon Beckwith, Pat & Lynn Keith & Steve Berklacy, Bailey, Joh William & Ann Atherton, & Keith Bailey,Keith JohnTodd Sharon Beckwith, Lynn Steve Childers, Berklacy, Keith ers, Sheila &S. Sheila Dave Bond, Todd & Dave &Pat Blair Brockman, Bond, &&Cathy Burdick, & Blair Howard Brockman, & &Pamela Bond, Todd & &Blair Brockman, Keith & Sam Cathy Burdick, Howard &Lou Pamela Childers, , Sheila Lori&&Dave JohnLori Cowen, & SamJohn Mary Lou Cowen, Daniel, Michael & Vicki & Eimen, Mary 1st Bank of Oklahoma, Daniel, Mi Lori &Linda John&Cowen, Sam & Mary Lou Daniel, Michael & VickiRanch, Eimen, 1st&Bank of Goss, Oklahoma, McFar Ray Goldsmith, Linda Gary & W. Ray Goss, McFarlin-Ingersoll Goldsmith, Gary Kay Win W. Ingersoll, Linda Joleta & Ray Ingersoll Goldsmith, Gary W.& Goss, McFarlin-Ingersoll Ranch, Kay &Spurlock, Win Spurlock Joleta Wendy, Ingersoll Ingersoll Keener, Spurlock Walt & Bryce &Ingersoll, Wendy, Inge Joleta Ingersoll & Wendy, Ingersoll Keener, Walt && Elise BryceNiente Spurlock, Ingersoll Razz & Radley Spurlock Keener, Razz Niente & Ingersoll Radley Smith, Gary Keener, Kuck Kilpatrick, Razz & Radley Keener, Niente Ingersoll Smith, Gary Kuck & Elise Kilpatrick, Alexander J.Alexander Kriz & Dennis P. Kriz,J. Robert Kriz & Nancy & Lemons, Dennis RichardP&. Velvetta Kriz,Madden, Robert & Na Alexander Kriz & Dennis P. Kriz, Robert & Mercer, Nancy Richard Madden, Melinda &J.Mel Melinda Mercer, Paula && Paul Mel Moore, Jim & Lemons, Kathy Moore, Paula Mike&&Velvetta & Peggy Paul Murray, Moore, J Melinda Mel Mercer, Paula&& Paul Moore, Jim & Kathy Moore, Mike &W.Peggy Murray, Julie && John Nickel, Julie Mackenzie John O’Brien &Nickel, Macarthur O’Brien, Mackenzie Francis O’Hornett, O’Brien & M Julie & JohnPaul Nickel, Mackenzie Macarthur O’Brien, W. O’Hornett, & Beverly Pixley,O’Brien Tollie Paul & &Jim Prall, & Beverly Leigh & JohnFrancis Reeves, Pixley, Tollie & Jim PaulMichael & Beverly Pixley,Swenton, Tollie & Jim Prall, Leigh && John Reeves, ily John & Nicole John , FFE, & Nicole & Lynda FFE, Jerry Michael E. Thompson, The Lynda Frank G. Weimer Swenton, Family, Jer John & Nicole FFE, Lynda Swenton, E. Thompson, The G. Weimer Family, N. & R Ed &Michael Jeanne&Wienecke, Ed Fred N. &Jerry & Jeanne Randi S. Wightman, Wienecke, I.W.Frank Woods Fred Ed & Jeanne Wienecke, Fred N. & Randi S. Wightman, I.W. Woods Rocky Mountain Bighorn 2012 22 Turkey Mountain Trailhead 71st & S. Elwood Ave Sculptor Paul Rhymer NatureWorks Wildlife Stewardship Award presented to Randi and Fred Wightman In honor of a lifetime of supporting wildlife conservation. Donated to City of Tulsa by NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons The Keith & Pat Bailey Family, Jim T.Roy Barnes, Todd & Blair Brockman, Keith & Cathy Burdick, Lori & John Cowen, Sam & Mary Lou Daniel, Melissa “Missy” Eubanks, Linda & Ray Goldsmith, Gary W. Goss, Mrs. J.M. Graves, Ken & Marian Greenwood, Alexander J. Kriz / Dennis P. Kriz, Gary Kuck & Elise Kilpatrick, Joan & Dick Link, Richard & Velvetta Madden, Melinda & Mel Mercer, Julie & John Nickel, Bryan & Angela Nunneley, The Prall Family, Leigh & John Reaves, Rich & Cartmill, Inc., W.C.”Tiny” & Barbara Tomsen, The Frank G. Weimer Family, Carolyn C. & John R. Woodard, III 2013 Porcupine Herd Caribou 23 46th and Riverside Drive Sculptor Sam Terakedis NatureWorks Wildlife Stewardship Award presented to John D. Groendyke In honor of a lifetime of supporting and promoting wildlife conservation all across the State of Oklahoma. Donated to City of Tulsa by NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons Hal & Barbara Allen, William S. & Ann Atherton, The Keith & Pat Bailey Family, Bank of Oklahoma, Martha & Terry Barker, Robert Clark Chamberlin, Anna & Phillip Childers, Commercial Title, John & Lori Cowen, Sam & Mary Lou Daniel, Larry Darden II & Chris Darden & Families, Sheldon & Jan Detrick, Linda & John Gibbs, Linda & Ray Goldsmith, Gary W. Goss, Marian & Ken Greenwood, Groendyke Transport, Inc., Gary Kuck & Elisa Kilpatrick, Doug Kirkpatrick, Alexander J. Kriz & Dennis P. Kriz, Robert & Nancy Lemons, Jim & Mary Lewis, Bruce & Karen Mabrey, Richard & Velvetta Madden, Melinda & Mel Mercer, Julie & John Nickel, Cleo & Cleodith Ochs, In Loving Memory of Cissy Parker, The Prall Family, Leigh & John Reaves, Rich & Cartmill, Inc., Mary Jo & Treak Tasker, C. Philip & Nancy Tholen, Jan E. Tomsen & Erik J. Tomsen, The Frank G. Weimer Family, Wells Fargo Advisors, Randi & Fred Wightman Coyote Pups Singing Lesson 2014 24 9th and Main St, Jenks, OK Sculptor Paul Rhymer NatureWorks Wildlife Stewardship Award presented to Sam P. Daniel For his strong personal commitment to wildlife conservation causes, and for providing leadership to ensure the success of many conservation groups. He voluntarily donated his personal time, efforts, and resources to assist important wildlife, civic, and military affairs. Donated to City of Jenks by NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons Hal & Barbara Allen, Keith & Pat Bailey, Steve & Lynn Berklacy, Pam Bewley - Commercial Title, The Biery Family, John & Donnie Brock, John C. & Mary Ann Bumgarner, Anna & Phil Childers, Charles & Robin Caswell -, Commerce Bank, John & Lori Cowen, Sam & Mary Lou Daniel, The Ted & John Daniel Families, Jeff & Judy Davis - Arby’s, Ray & Linda Goldsmith, Doerner, Saunders, Daniel & Anderson LLC, Scotty Edwards - Cherokee Spur Ranch, Gary Goss, John & Virginia Groendyke, Phil Hinch – Property Company of America, Gary Kuck & Elise Kilpatrick, Alexander J. Kriz & Dennis P. Kriz, LoUna Ladd, Jim & Mary Lewis, Dick & Joan Link, Richard & Velvetta Madden, Ed Mascarin, Paula A. Marshall - The Bama Companies, Mel & Melinda Mercer, Mike & Peggy Murray, John & Julie Nickel, Jim & Tollie Prall, John & Leigh Reaves, Tom & Diane Shupe, Mike & Lynda Swenton, Treak & Mary Jo Tasker, Tiny & Barbara Tomsen, Fred N. & Randi S. Wightman, Ray H. & Barbara N. Wilburn 2015 Cherokee Boss Elk 25 Entrance to Washington Irving Park 137th & Memorial Dr. Sculptor Stephen C. LeBlanc NatureWorks honors Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation For their promotion of strong hunting ethics and wildlife conservation principles; and for their work helping create a community of hunters well equipped with superior outdoor, shooting, and hunting skills. Donated to City of Tulsa by NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons Erected with support of the CITY OF BIXBY and FRIENDS OF IRVING FOUNDATION Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Oklahoma State Bird 2015 26 Tulsa Airport Sculptor Bryce Pettit NatureWorks Wildlife Stewardship Award presented to Donne Pitman For his lifelong commitment to the conservation of wildlife. He has given generously of his personal energies and resources to help ensure important native species of wildlife will forever continue to be available for future generations in the State of Oklahoma. Donated to The Tulsa Airports Improvement Trust by NatureWorks, Inc. and its Patrons Steve & Lisa Antry, Nick & Mary Aston, The William S. & Ann Atherton Foundation, Pat & Keith Bailey, John & Sharon Beckwith, Steven & Lynn Berklacy, Pam Bewley - Commercial Title, The Biery Family, The John & Donnie Brock Foundation, Charles & Robin Caswell, Annamarie & Phillip Childers, Commerce Bank, Sam & Mary Lou Daniel, Larry & Doris Darden, Doerner Saunders Daniel & Anderson LLP, Wendy & Gentner Drummond, Dwayne & Lisa Flynn, Patricia & John Freese, Ray & Linda Goldsmith, Gary W. Goss, Bette & Michael Graves, Brad & Brenda Harwood, Win & Kay Ingersoll, Mary Jackson, Ben & Cathy Kemendo, Gary Kuck & Elise Kilpatrick, Bill & Darla Knight, Alexander J. Kriz & Dennis P. Kriz, Jim & Mary Lewis, Richard & Velvetta Madden, The John W. & Jerry E. Marshall Foundation, The Kevin J. & Jill S. Marshall Family Trust, Ed Mascarin, Mel & Melinda Mercer, Pete & Helen Messler, John & Julie Nickel, Mackenzie O’Brien & Macarthur O’Brien, Bob & Cissy Parker, Sandie & Donne Pitman, Tracy, Jennifer & Raegan Poole, The Prall Family, Jay Pruett, Leigh & John Reaves, Rich & Cartmill, Inc., Mary Jo & Treak Tasker, The University of Tulsa, Fred N. & Randi S. Wightman, Roy & Sandy Wilkins NatureWorks is TOTALLY TULSA. NatureWorks has no national or other affiliation. NatureWorks has no paid employees. All management, direction, and efforts are by our volunteer Board of Directors 2016 Board of Directors President������������������������� Mike Linscott V. President������������������������� Mel Mercer Treasurer������������������������� Ben Kemendo Secretary����������������������� Steven Berklacy Art Show Chair�������������������Pete Messler Monuments Chair�����������������Brett Biery Projects Chair����������������� Dwayne Flynn Vic Bailey David Bond Kelly Bostian Les Boyle Doug Collins Sam Daniel Mike Flick Gary Goss Peggy Grant Dick Hoar Darla Knight Virgil Lampton Richard Lee Dean Luthey Joe McGraw Dave Mitchell Jack Morris David Nunneley Brian Nunneley Jay O’Melia Bill Stokely Treak Tasker Mark Thomas WC “Tiny” Tomsen Al Wilson Vic Vreeland NatureWorks Promotes Wildlife Conservation Visit our website Photos by R&S Photography 918-724-4367 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION PROJECTS Funds from our Wildlife Art Show have funded these Projects: Improved Deep Fork wetlands Built Tall Grass Prairie hiking trail Landscaping at the Tulsa Zoo Outdoor Classroom, Broken Arrow school Feed for waterfowl at Swan Lake Printed ODWC Waterfowl Atlas Replacement swan at Swan Lake Restocked Eastern wild turkeys, Grove,OK Scholarships to high school wildlife artists Disease study of Wichita Mtns elk herd Waterfowl project at Kerr Reservoir Trout habitat below Lake Tenkiller dam Bought McCurtain Co wetland for ODWC Tulsa Zoo Friends children’s nature program Exhibits at Oxley Nature interpretive center Greentree wetland project at Lake Eufaula Purchase of land for Deep Fork Refuge Oklahoma “Hunters for Hunger” program Honorariums to OK Duck Stamp artists DU wetlands project at Lake Keystone Signage for Nickel Wildlife Preserve Oklahoma Operation Game Thief Deer targets to trap illegal deer poachers Sutton Avian Center “Eagle Nest Cam” Grand River Paddlefish study by ODWC Habitat improvement at Oologah WMA Habitat improvement at Spavinaw WMA “Outdoor Oklahoma” for OK schools Catchable Rainbow Trout in Tulsa ponds Hunter access at Lake Eufaula W.M.U. Water transfer project at Choteau WMA If you know of a wildlife conservation need in NE Oklahoma, please call or e-mail our NatureWorks Projects Chairman, Dwayne Flynn, 918-495-1599 or