2016 Fair Exhibit Results by Last Name
2016 Fair Exhibit Results by Last Name
The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name orlo Aquilegia Garden Seelinger - Hunting Valley, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Ageratum, 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Asters, annual, 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Celosia, plumes, 3 blms 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Chrysanthemum,pernl, 3 stms 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Coreopsis, 3 stms 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Dahlia, novice grwr, sm 3 blms 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Helichrysum(straw flr) 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Ylw up to 2 1/2" 3 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Physalis, Chinese Lantern, 3s 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Any othr perennial nt lstd, 3 1st-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - White 1st-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Pink/Rose 1st-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Vase of Glads(more than 3) 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Geranium, sngl or dlb blm 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Sultana, in blm (Impatiens) 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Begonia, any type otd flwr hng 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Gettysburg National Military P 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Zion National Park 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Death Valley National Park 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Shenandoah National Park 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Blue Ridge Parkway Nat Park 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Great Smokey Mtns Nat Park 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Reserve Best of Show-dsgn clas 1st-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Marigolds 1st-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of dahlias, nv or casl gr 1st-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of mixed annuals 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds,Orng 2 1/2 " &ov3 bl 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, White 3 blooms 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Verbenas, 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinni, Daisy Flwd/Pinwheel F 3 2nd-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Yellow 2nd-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Vase of 3 stems, any color 2nd-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Vase of 3 stms, diff clr,sm sz 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Cactus and/or Succulent Grdn 2 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Fern 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Acadia National Park 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Cuyahoga Valley National Park 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Indiana Dunes National Lakesho 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Cape Cod National Seashore 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Denali National Park & Preserv 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Mammoth Caves National Park 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Yosemite National Park 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Unusual Blossom in a Bud Vase 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Any othr annual nt listed 3 st 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Glacier Bay National Park 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Grand Tetons National Park 1 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Hot Springs National Park 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Lantana, 3 stems 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Orng up to 2 1/2" 3 4th-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Basket of old fashioned flower 4th-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Mixed Greenery, 5 stem 4th-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of grains or grns, 1 vari James Adamic - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Duck Tape Item(wtch sze Lmts) Brittany Adams - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Holland Lop-Sld Patt 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-Siam Sbl 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-Siam Sbl 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Holland Lop-Sld Patt 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Rex-Brkn Grp Ellen Adams - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - A.O.V. Ameraucana - Hen 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Medium not specified 1st-Fine Arts - Ceramics (Teens 13-17) - Ceramic, Handbuilt, animal 1st-Fine Arts - Ceramics (Teens 13-17) - Ceramic, Handbuilt, no mold 2nd-Poultry - Standard Poultry - A.O.V. Continental - Hen 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Spaghetti Squash Gabrielle Adams - Chardon, OH 3rd-Honey - Honey - Liquid Honey - Amber Ext Light Sam Adams - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - A.O.V. Continental - Hen Scott Adams - Burton, OH 1st-Maple Syrup - Miscellaneous - Maple Novelty Design Susan Adkins - Burton, OH 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Pickled Beans Faith Aldridge - Burton, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Bundt Cake - state variety 4th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Peanut Butter Cookies - 6 on p Regina Alfonso, SND - Chardon, OH 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's three piece set Alison Allin - Chesterland, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Candy - Turtles 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cookies - Drop 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cookies - Filled 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Novelties 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Filled - state variety Charlie Allin - Chesterland, OH 1st-Honey - Junior Class (12 and under) - Muffins 1st-Honey - Junior Class (12 and under) - Best of Show Jr. Cls - Rosette 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Practical (ages 6 and under) 2nd-Honey - Junior Class (12 and under) - Cookies, cut 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Ceramics(12 & Under) - Ceramic Sculpture,An-hand buil 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Ceramics(12 & Under) - Ceramic Specimen nt lstd-hblt 2 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Henry Allin - Chesterland, OH 3rd-Maple Syrup - Junior Maple Baked Goods - Cookies (1/2 doz) Emily Ambrose - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Pencil - Any Subject - Teen 1st-Fine Arts - Photos-Teens - Black & White (Teens) Kellie Andre - Burton, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Weird & Wacky - Candid Ellen Angeles - Novelty, OH 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - Red Pouter - Hen 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - Racer - Cock 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - Racer - Hen 2nd-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - Racer - Cock Ellen Mary Angeles - Novelty, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Doll(6 and under) Fabian Angeles - Novelty, OH 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - Blue Pouter - Cock 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - Red Pouter - Cock 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - A.O.V. Pouter - Cock 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - A.O.V. Pouter - Hen 1st-Poultry - Best Female & Male (Sec. 5-7) - Best Female 1st-Poultry - Best Female & Male (Sec. 5-7) - Best Male 2nd-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - Blue Pouter - Cock 2nd-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - A.O.V. Pouter - Cock Sophia Angeles - Novelty, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Doll (7-9) Ellie A Angle - Newbury, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Ink - Any Subject - Teen Erin M Angle - Newbury, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Peanut Butter Cookies - 6 on p June-marie Angle - Newbury, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Misc. Cookie - state variety Gayle Anton - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Child's sweater 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Hat and scarf set 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's afghan (shell stitch) 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Vest 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Adult's sweater 2nd-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Crocheted 2nd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Crocheted article Shelby Arnett - Kingsville, OH 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare Under 32" 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Adult Showmanship Brooke Arnold - Chardon, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature - Summer Scene Kayla Arnold - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Madame Alexander Dolls Willow Athens - Chardon, OH 3 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Rex-Black Nicholas Auth - Thompson, OH 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Spring Yearling Heifer Joanne Babnik - Chardon, OH 1st-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Blueberries 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Corn 2nd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Cherries, Sweet 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Poncho or cape 2nd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Cntd Crs Sth ptr frmd 11/14 8x 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - 2 practical potholders mtd 3rd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Stuffed or quilted toy un 12" Jo Bailey - Madison, OH 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old & Ovr Gel Ovr34"-38" 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 3 By One Owner-3 by Same Owner 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Mtl lClrStal/Glds Ltd Pto/App 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old &Ovr Gelding 34"&Und Rosemary Baker - Montville, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature - Summer Scene Julie Balazs - Chardon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Palm, any variety 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Cactus or succulent abv 18" 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Flge plnt nt mntd abv stat var Andrea Ballas - Burton, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Mini Lop Brkn Patt 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Mini Lop-Sld Ptrn 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Mini Lop-Sld Pattern 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Rex-Black 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Rex-Otter 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Rex-Otter 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Rex-White 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Rex-White 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - 6/8 Buck-Satin-Black 1st-Rabbits - Best Rabbit - Best Rabbit in Show - Trophy 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Mini Lop-Sld Pattern 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Rex-Otter 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Rex-White 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Mini Lop-Sld Pattern Emma V Balunek - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature (B&W) 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Animal (B&W) 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature - Fall Scene 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Selfie Kathy Barbina - Aurora, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Dress Lenny Barcikoski - Hiram, OH 4th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 215 to 227 lbs. Karen Barnes - Chardon, OH 4 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Souvenir Glass 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Doll Bed 0r Cradle 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - Hall 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Sedum, 3 stems 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Tumbler - Footed 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cannas, 3 stalks 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Phlox, perennial, 3 stems Richard Barstow - Middlefield, OH 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - Red non-grape sweet wine 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - White non-grape sweet wine Tricia Barstow - Middlefield, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Purchased Teddy Bear 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Jewelry - Bead Ethan Bartlett - Newbury, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Automoblie 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Truck Olivia Bartlett - Newbury, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Chocolate Chip Cookies-6 on pl 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Lego Model - Geauga Co Fair Sc 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite Animal Coll (10-12) 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite Collection (ages10-12 Stephanie Bartlett - Newbury, OH 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - 1 one-pound maple sugar brick 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - Eight small sugar cakes 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - Pt jar of sifted stirred sugar 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - One Pt soft maple icing 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - Best Maple Show - Rosette 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Syrup - 1 qt. Dark Amber Maple Syrup 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - 1/2 lb maple cream w/nuts 3rd-Maple Syrup - Miscellaneous - Maple Novelty Design Anne Bates - Cortland, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Sugar & Creamer 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Cambridge Item 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - Hall 4th-Baked Goods - Candy - White Fudge Cindy R Beamish - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Child's outerwear 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Girl's preschool otf/dr casual 2nd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Child's Quilt-Yth Bed-Mach Qlt 2nd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Specimen not listed 3rd-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Patchwork Sr. Ellen Beebe - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Gloves or mittens Mary Beebee - Akron, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Loom woven article Jeanette Beery - Montville, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Yeast Bread - Wheat 5 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cup Cakes 1st-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Fruit - any variety 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Bisque or Parian-Reproductions 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - China (glaze finish) 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Best of Dolls - Rosette 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Toothpick Holder 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Salt & Pepper Shakers 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Sherbet 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Milk Glass 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Hand Painted Item (Sgnd or dtd 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Pitcher 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Child's Cup 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Occupied Japan (Classes 1-6) - Cup & Saucer 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Biscuits or Cracker 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Campbell's Soup 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Madame Alexander 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Shirley Temple 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Character Doll 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Celluloid 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Composition 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Bisque 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Honey Swt Rls 6 on plate 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Candies 2nd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Oatmeal 2nd-Baked Goods - Candy - Chocolate Fudge 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Sugar Free - state variety 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Holiday article - any other 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Bisque or Parian(antiques only 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Corn Husk 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Bride 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Vegetable Dish 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Specimen not listed 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Specimen not listed 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Milk Bottle - Decorated 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Hammered Aluminum 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Spice Set 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Coca-Cola 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Baking Powder 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - Roseville 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Dated Item 3rd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Canned Goods 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Maple Walnut Muffins (6/fl pn) 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Maple Loaf Cake 3rd-Baked Goods - Candy - White Fudge 3rd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Specimen not listed 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Hard Plastic 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Nationality 6 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Sugar & Creamer 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Specimen Not Listed 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Cup & Saucer 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Red 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Made in Japan 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Specimen not listed 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Plain Aluminum 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Mixing Bowl 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Electric Iron 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Electric Toaster 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Coffee 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Maple Syrup 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Specimen not listed 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Art Deco Item 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Old Calendar 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Boy or Girl Scout Item Will Belew - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Maple Syrup - Jr. Classes Misc 12 and Under - Gift Pack Christine Belliveau - Burton, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Holland Lop-Sld Patt Ellen M. Beluscheck - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Crs stitch specimen stmpd patt Karen Bena - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's afghan (shell stitch) 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - granny square 1st-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Crocheted 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Two fancy potholders mtd 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - filet stitch 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's afghan (ripple stitch 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - any other stitch Linda Benbow - Chardon, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Specimen not listed 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Filled - state variety Joyce Benesh - Montville, OH 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Maple Apple Pie-Crumb Crust 1st-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - White Bread 1st-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Misc. Yeast-State Variety 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Blueberry 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Cornmeal 1st-Baked Goods - Cakes - Misc.-State Variety 1st-Baked Goods - Cakes - Best in Bundt Cakes 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Cup Cakes, 1/2 dz. 2nd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Dinner Rolls 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Cookies (6) Whitney Beorn - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Dutch - Chocolate Bill Berger - Chagrin Falls, OH 7 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature - Fall Scene 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - People - Portrait 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Portrait - Human (B&W) 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - People School Activity 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Still Life (B&W) 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature (B&W) Suzanne Berger - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Still Life (B&W) Monica Berk - Novelty, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Non-Yeast Bread - Var. not lst 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cookies - Filled 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Misc. Muffins, state variety 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Best in Muffins - Rosette 2nd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Herb Yeast 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Wreath - any Holiday a/or Med 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Gift Wrapped Package-any occas 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Handmade Bears 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Cup Cakes, 1/2 dz. Peter Berk - Novelty, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Honey - Amber 1st-Honey - Honey - Best of Show Liquid Hny - Rste 2nd-Honey - Honey - Liquid Honey - Amber Light Phoebe Berk - Novelty, OH 2nd-Honey - Junior Class (12 and under) - Muffins 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Souvenirs - Out of State 2nd-Flower Show - Youth Division - Marigolds; orng/gld, 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Youth Division - Hydrangea, 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Youth Division - Zinnias, 3 blooms 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Peppers-Any other variety 3rd-Flower Show - Youth Division - Black-eyed Susans, 3 stems 4th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Any other variety Thomas G Berlin - Aurora, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Variety Not Listed-state var. Lynne Bieznieks - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Wine Rita Bieznieks - Newbury, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Batter Bread - Braided 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Cakes, Dark or LIght 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Brown Bread w/fruit or nuts 1st-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Vegetables - any variety 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Pastries (Tarts, Bakla, Eclr 2nd-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Pickle Kathleen Binnig - Thompson, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Centaurea, Blch Btn 3 stms 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Dahlia, novice grower mxd 3blm 1st-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Vase of 3 stems, any color 1st-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Vase of 3 stms, diff clr,sm sz 8 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Special Petunia Award Cls42-50 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Ageratum, 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Dahlia, novice grwr, sm 3 blms 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Echinacea, 3 stms(prpconeflwr) 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Sunflowers, 3 Blms w/stms un 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Rudbeckia, 3 stems Michael Blair - Newbury, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Blueberry Scones 2nd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Orange Cranberry Scones 2nd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Misc. Scones, state variety Palina Blair - Newbury, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Sugar & Creamer 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Tumbler 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Syrup Pitcher 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Salt & Pepper Shakers 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Candy Dish 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Juice Reamer 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Specimen not listed 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Beads 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Biscuit/Donut 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Rolling Pin 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Baking Powder 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - Watts 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Chenille Bedspread 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Crocheted Bedspread 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Old Calendar 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Furniture (Classes 1-4) - Small Stand 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Furniture (Classes 1-4) - Small Rocking Chair 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Goblet 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Salt & Pepper Shakers 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Water Pitcher 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Specimen Not Listed 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Sugar & Creamer 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Mixing Bowl 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Canning Jar - 3 Different 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Coffee 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Specimen not listed 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Water Pitcher and 1 Glass 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Covered Butter Dish 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Vegetable Dish 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Unusual Pitcher (Anml, brd et 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Occupied Japan (Classes 1-6) - Cup & Saucer 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Cookie Jar 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Geauga County Item Tim Blair - Garner, NC 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Specimen not listed 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Ceramic Animal 9 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Plate of Cookies 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - CeramicThrown Wheel/Container Allison Blasko - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Wearable 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite Collection (ages10-12 3rd-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (9 to 12 yrs) - Specimen not listed Ryan Blasko - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Sugar Cookies, Frosted - 6 Mary Blitz - Chardon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Sedum, 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Sansevieria 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Flr plnt nt mtnd abv ov 12" 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Burton Floral Award Bst Otdr P 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Spice Set 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Canister Set 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Buffet Set - 3 pcs. 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - insulators - 3 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Christmas Cactus 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Jade 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Bonsai 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Ball Dahlia or Mini Ball Dahli 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Food Ricer 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - Specimen not listed 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Charcoal - Any Subject - Adult 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Mini Dec Dahlia - under 4" 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Sherbet 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Juice Reamer 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Clock Emily Boban - Madison, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Acrylic - Any Subject - Teen 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Watercolor - Any Subject - Tn Allison Bode - Newbury, OH 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Variety not listed 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Garlic, 4 on plate 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Mint 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Chocolate 3rd-Culinary - Jelly - Vegetable Pam Bode - Newbury, OH 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Strawberry Ethan Bolton - Middlefield, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck- Polish - Broken Sally A Bonick - Thompson, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Calendula, 3 blms 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Malva(Mallow)3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Indiana Dunes National Lakesho 1st-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Pr of mtching vases of oid fas 1st-Flower Show - Garden Club Booth Displays - Best Display of 20 Varieties 10 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Shenandoah National Park 3rd-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Vase of 3 stems, any color 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Gettysburg National Military P 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Acadia National Park 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Death Valley National Park 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Cape Cod National Seashore 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Blue Ridge Parkway Nat Park 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Great Smokey Mtns Nat Park 3rd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of petunias 3rd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Basket of old fashioned flower 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Morheads/Macrophyllas 4th-Flower Show - Design Division - Cuyahoga Valley National Park 4th-Flower Show - Design Division - Yosemite National Park Page W Borger - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Socks - one yarn Camden Bowden - Willoughby, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Wht Crstd Blk Polish - Hen 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - A.O.V. Cochin - -Hen 1st-Poultry - Best Female & Male (Sec.1&2) - Best Female Reagan Bowden - Willoughby, OH 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - A.O.V. Cochin - Cock 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Blk Silkie(Brd & N-Brd) - Hen Julie Bowers - Mantua, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Halter Obstacle 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Mtl lClrStal/Glds Ltd Pto/App 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Hltr Gelding-18 Yrs & Un 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Adult Showmanship 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old &Ovr Gelding 34"&Und 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Hltr Gelding-18 Yrs & Un 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old & Ovr Gel Ovr34"-38" 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Mtl lClrStal/Glds Ltd Pto/App Collin Boyk - Hiram, OH 5th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 2268 to 239 lbs. Devin Boyk - Hiram, OH 4th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 240 to 252 lbs. Dylan Boyk - Hiram, OH 5th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 279 to 290 lbs. Kyle Boyk - Hiram, OH 6th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 2563 to 265 lbs. Heather Boyle - Burton, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Tradescantia (Wandering Jew) 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other"Opn Cntr Dh Anemone 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - Other fully double DahliaWLSTN 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - Other open centered Dahlia 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Dec[FD<ID] Dhl Biclr/Var 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Dahlia, novice grower mxd 3blm 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Euphorbia,Snw on Mtn 3 stms 11 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia, Sngl Multiflora, 3 st 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Rudbeckia, 3 stems 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - Miniature Dahlia-2" to 4" in D 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Dec[FD<ID] Dhl Biclr/Var 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cosmos, 3 stms sngl 4th-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Dec[FD<ID]Dhl All Blends Erin Brady - Chardon, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Computer Aided - Any Subject Mary Braford - Chardon, OH 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Sedum, 3 stems Sarah B Breland - Montville, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Any Other Variety 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Potato Any Variety(10 per con) 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Fny,Lvble Frstnd Screcrow 2nd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Whole 2 Layer Frostd Cake-st v 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Any other variety William M Breland - Montville, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Displays - Bst Display of Vegs w/potatoes Amber Rose Bremenour - Hudson, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Ceramics(12 & Under) - Ceramic Sculpture con-Hnd buil Anna Brent - Burton, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Black Australorps - Hen 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Blue Andalusian - Pullet 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Golden Campine - Pullet 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Buff Brahma - Hen 2nd-Poultry - Standard Poultry - A.O.V. Continental - Pullet 3rd-Swine - Market Hog Show - 266 to 278 lbs. Paul Brent - Burton, OH 5th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 240 to 252 lbs. Annie Bresnahan - Newbury, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Polish-Black 3rd-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Peaches Mary Bresnahan - Newbury, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Polish-Broken 1st-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Peaches 3rd-Rabbits - Doe - Litter, 6 - 8 Weeks Old - Doe & Litter Ace Brewer - Mentor, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-Himalayan 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-REW 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-Sbl Mrtn 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Nthrlnd Dwf-Siam Sbl 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-Sbl Mrtn 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Nrthlnd Dwf-Siam Sbl 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-Sbl Mrtn Sr. Mary Ann Brewster - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - 2 practical potholders mtd Kelli Briggs - Hiram, OH 12 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Beef - Main Anjou - Jr. Year Female 1st-Beef - Main Anjou - Grand Champion Female 3rd-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - No-Sew Blanket Bruce Brigham - Burton, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Rhubarb, 12 stalks 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - 3 on a plate - Zucchini, Golden Karen Bright - Hiram, OH 1st-Goats - Oberhasli - Doe 2 Yrs. & Under 3 1st-Goats - Oberhasli - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 1st-Goats - Oberhasli - Grand Champion 1st-Goats - Oberhasli - Dam and Daughter 1st-Goats - Oberhasli - Best Three Does 1st-Goats - Oberhasli - Udder Class 1st-Goats - Oberhasli - Intermediate Kid 1st-Goats - Oberhasli - Grand Champion Junior 2nd-Goats - Oberhasli - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 2nd-Goats - Oberhasli - Udder Class 3rd-Goats - Oberhasli - Udder Class Joe Brilla - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Landscape (B&W) 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Best of Photography - Rosette 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - HDR - Any Subject Jamie Brinkerhoff - Garrettsville, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Shawl Jamison K Brizendine - Shaker Heights, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Collections - Practical collected by Adult Susan Brochak - Unionville, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Cup & Saucer 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Potato Masher Red or Grn Handl 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Apron 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Specimen not listed Janice Brockway - Huntsburg, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Pies - Peach Emily Brousseau - Chardon, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Pies - Peach 1st-Baked Goods - Pies - Best in Pies - Rosette 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Selfie Kimberly Brown - Burton, OH 4th-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Salsa Elise Bruening - Montville, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Gingerbread House-Bst/adlt-Rs/ 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Wood burning Martha Bruening - Montville, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Specimen not listd-see rle #13 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Bst crocheted artl all 1st com 1st-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Sculpted 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Gingerbread House-Bst/adlt-Rs/ 13 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Margo Brugger - Chesterland, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Mini Rex-Black Gretchen A Bryan - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Red Cayenne 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beans - Lima, 1 qt. box 1st-Fruits - Berries - Red Raspberries, 1 pt. 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Dwf Frnh dbl 3 stms 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia, Sngl Grandiflora 3s 1 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Phlox, perennial, 3 stems 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Combination 2 fruits 2nd-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Other Herbs 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Origami 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Pee Gees/paniculatas 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Dwf Frnh sngl 3 stm 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Orng up to 2 1/2" 3 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Any othr perennial nt lstd, 3 2nd-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - White 2nd-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Orange/Salmon 2nd-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Lavender 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Mixed Greenery, 5 stem 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Apron 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Crocheted Bedspread 3rd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Blackberries 3rd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Applesaauce 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Calligraphy 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cosmos, 3 stms sngl 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Dwf Petite 3 stms 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Multiflora 3 stms 3 cl 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Snapdragons Antirrhinum 3 spks 3rd-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Orange/Salmon 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Mammoth Caves National Park 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Ageratum, 3 stems 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Coreopsis, 3 stms 4th-Flower Show - Design Division - Blue Ridge Parkway Nat Park 4th-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Pr of mtching vases of oid fas 4th-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of 3-5 hosta leaves Samuel Bryan - Chardon, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Railroad Item Justin Bsker - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Squash - Zucchini, Green 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Any Other Variety Mary Buckey - Newbury, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Echinacea, 3 stms(prpconeflwr) 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Ice Cream Scoop 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Food Ricer 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Wagon 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Railroad Item 14 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Furniture (Classes 1-4) - Smoking Stand 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Tumbler 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Hand Painted Item (Sgnd or dtd 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Child's Cup 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Child's Plate 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Teddy Bear 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - China (glaze finish) 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Corn Husk 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Beads 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Canister Set 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Doll Bed 0r Cradle Blayde Buckner - Chardon, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Rolls 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Wire 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Decorative made by a teen 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Oil - Any Subject - Teen 4th-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Brownies 5th-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Cookies, state var., 6 Dakotah Buckner - Chardon, OH 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Yeast Rolls, Maple Icing 1st-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Yeast Baking Drake Buckner - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Cucumbers-Pickling Type,Sml 1st-Maple Syrup - Junior Maple Baked Goods - Cookies (1/2 doz) 1st-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Dill Pickles 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Wearable 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - A Day at the Ocean 2nd-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Peaches 2nd-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Green Beans 2nd-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Strawberry Jam 3rd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Oatmeal Cookies - 6 on a plate 4th-Flower Show - Youth Division - Black-eyed Susans, 3 stems Seri Buckner - Chardon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - The Wizard of Oz 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Fny,Lvble Frstnd Screcrow 3rd-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (5 to 8 yrs) - Machine sewed article 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 5 5th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Sugar Cookies, Frosted - 6 Diane Buehner - Chardon, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's formal dress(prom) Lawrence Buehner - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Woodworking - practical - Orig David Bunkin - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Watercolor - Any Subject - Adu Ricki Bunkin - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Lantana, 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Dahlia, novice grower mxd 3blm 15 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Jennifer Burden - Hiram, OH 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - A.O.V. Rse Cmb Cl Leg - Cock 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - A.O.V. Rse Cmb Cl Leg - Cock LuAnn Burger - Montville, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Yeast Bread - Herb 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Rye Bread 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Pastries (Tarts, Bakla, Eclr 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Cookies (6) 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - White Bread 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Wheat Bread 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Best Maple Baked Goods 1st-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Herb Yeast 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Bar 1st-Baked Goods - Pies - Cherry 1st-Baked Goods - Pastries - Baklava 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Girl's Blouse 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Girl's preschool otf/dr casual 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Adult pajamas 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Child's pajamas 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Matching otfs, mthr/dghtr hs/h 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Practical apron 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Charm Bracelet 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - World War ll Item - no guns 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Batter Bread - White 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cakes, Bundt 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Pies - Nut(Pecan, Walnut, etc. 2nd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Rye Bread 2nd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Sweet Bread 2nd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Lemon Poppyseed Scones 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Ginger 2nd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Spice 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Girl's preschool otf/dr dr up 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Girl's outfit/drs casual 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Girl's otf/dress (dress up) 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Pull Toy 3rd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Yeast Bread - Wheat 3rd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cookies - Shaped or Formed 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Brown Bread w/fruit or nuts 3rd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Whole Wheat Bread 3rd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Chocolate Bundt 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's casual dress 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Railroad Item 4th-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Parsley Patience Burkholder - Burton, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Tomatillo, 4 on plate 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Poncho or cape 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Adult's sweater 16 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - popcorn stitch 1st-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - Crocheted Afghan 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature - Spring Scene 2nd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Favorite Cake or Bundt st var 2nd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Misc. Gluten Free, state varie 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - People Activity 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Pie Pumpkin 3rd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cookies - Drop 3rd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Brownies, frosted/plain 6 plt 3rd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Favorite Pie, state variety 3rd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Favorite Muffins, state variet 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Hat and scarf set 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Vest 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - ripple stitch 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature - Winter Scene Caleb Burnett - Chardon, OH 3rd-Swine - Market Hog Show - 2563 to 265 lbs. Jeff Burr - Burton, OH 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - Eight small sugar cakes 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - One pound maple cream 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - Pt jar of sifted stirred sugar 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - 1/2 lb maple cream w/nuts 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB"Cac[C,SC,IC,LC] Red 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - 1 one-pound maple sugar brick 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Orchid Kristi Burr - Burton, OH 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB"Cac[C,SC,IC,LC] Red 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Dec[FD<ID] Dhl Biclr/Var 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Dec All Blends 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Dec[FD<ID]Dhl Pk-Lavende 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini" Dec[FD,ID]Dhl Ong/Brz 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Ball" Pompon Dahlia <2" Matthew Burton - Chardon, OH 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Junior 2 Yr. Old in Milk 6th-Dairy - Holsteins - Summer Yearling Heifer Jim Butler - Jefferson, OH 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Summer Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Reserve Jr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Junior three year old 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Dry Cow 5 Yrs. Old or Over 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Sr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Grand Champion Female Jersey 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Best Uddered 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Dam and Daughter 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Produce of Dam (female only) 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Spring Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Fall Yearling Heifer 17 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Reserve Jr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Junior three year old 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Dry Cow, 3 Yrs. & Under 4 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Dam and Daughter 2nd-Dairy - Jerseys - Jr. 2 Yr. Old in Milk 2nd-Dairy - Jerseys - Dam and Daughter 2nd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Fall Heifer Calf 2nd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Summer Yearling Heifer 2nd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Junior Best three Females 2nd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Produce of Dam (female only) 2nd-Dairy - Supreme Champion Female - Supreme Champion Female 3rd-Dairy - Jerseys - Best Uddered 4th-Dairy - Ayrshires - Best Uddered Jessa Byrnes - Hiram, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Jalapeno 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Qt. box Okra 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Hubbard, Blue 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Garlic by weight 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Winter Squash largest Hub g/b Sidney Cala - Huntsburg, OH 2nd-Swine - Market Hog Show - 215 to 227 lbs. Deb L Calvin - Painesville, OH 1st-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Variety not listed 1st-Culinary - Butter - Apple 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Tole Painting - Wood decorativ 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Tole Painting - metal decorate 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Charcoal - Any Subject - Adult 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Embroidered Tea Towel 2nd-Culinary - Butter - Peach 2nd-Culinary - Butter - Other Butters 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Vegetable 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Child's sweater 2nd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Punch embroidery-picture frmd 2nd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Specimen not listed 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Ink - Any Subject - Adult 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Pear 3rd-Culinary - Jelly - Mint 3rd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Ethnic Class with Yeast 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Felted wool purse 3rd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Clothing Article Jeff J Campbell - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Bell Hybrid 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Eggplant, 1 white 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Eggplant, 1 purple 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia, Grandiflora 3 stm 3 c 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Multiflora 3 stms 3 cl 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Sunflowers, 3 Blms w/stms un 18 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of petunias 1st-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Sunflowers 1st-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of 3-5 hosta leaves 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - "AA" or "A" Dec Dahlia 8"& ovr 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - "BB" Cactus Dahlia 4" to 6" 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Other fully double Dahlias 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Other open centered Dahlias 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Best "A-AA" Dahlia- Rosette 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Best Opened Centered - Rosette 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Cactus[C,SC,IC<LC]Org/Brz 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - Multi Bl Ent "BB" Cac 3 bl sm 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Cal Wonder 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Celosia, plumes, 3 blms 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Dbl Grndiflra 3 stm 1 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Dbl Grdflra 3 st 3 clr 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Bi-clr Dbl 3 st 1 var 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Mixed Greenery, 5 stem 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of mixed perennials 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - "BB" Cactus Dahlia 4" to 6" 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Cactus[C,SC,IC<LC]Org/Brz 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"DecFD,ID] Dhl Reds 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Orchid 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - Multi Bl Ent Mignon Sngl 5 bl 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Early Girl 3rd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Pr of mtching vases of oid fas 3rd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of grains or grns, 1 vari 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - "BB" Cactus Dahlia 4" to 6" 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other"Opn Cntr Dh Anemone 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - Multi Bl Ent Mignon Sngl 5 bl 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Chrysanthemum,pernl, 3 stms 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Rudbeckia, 3 stems 4th-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Marigolds 4th-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of mixed annuals Gloria Cardinale - Chesterland, OH 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Grape Marin Carlson - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Wearable Tatum Carpenter - Chardon, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Costume Class 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Adult Showmanship 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Halter Mare-18 Yrs. & un Brie Carr - Thompson, OH 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Fall Heifer Calf 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Junior Champion Female 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Cntd Crs Sth ptr fmd 16/22 8x 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Ctd Cr Sth prt fmd16/22 8x10 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Dwf Frnh sngl 3 stm 19 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Coleus 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Senior 2 Yr. Old in Milk 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Dwf Petite 3 stms 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia, Sngl Grandiflora 3s 1 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Senior 3 yr old 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia, Grandiflora 3 stm 3 c 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Fall Yearling Heifer 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Jr. Best Three Females 5th-Dairy - Holsteins - Summer Yearling Heifer 5th-Dairy - Holsteins - Dam & Daughter 6th-Dairy - Holsteins - Winter Heifer Calf Cheryl Carr - Thompson, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Cntd Crs Stch ptr frm 11/14 8x Harry Carr - Thompson, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Dwf Petite 3 stms 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Full Blown 1 blm 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - White or near White - 1 blm 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Dwf Frnh sngl 3 stm 3rd-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Pink/Rose Janice Carter - Novelty, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Cookies, state variety, 6/Plat 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - "B" Decorative Dahlia 6" to 8" Leona Carver - Burton, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Specimen not listed 2nd-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Intermediate-Adult Birthday 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Holiday Decoration - other 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Greeting Card-any occas/no env 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Practical made by an adult 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Fused Glass Mary Cassidy - Chesterland, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - CeramicThrown Wheel/Container Gary Catella - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Plate of Cookies 3rd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Fragrance 1 blm Alex Cavanagh - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 Sec. 50% or more Trefoil 3rd-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Sheaf of Spelts Frank Cavanagh - Newbury, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - Yellow - flat 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Potatoes - 10 Tubers - Rural Russet 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Consumer Pack - Potatoes (One var per basket) 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Consumer Pack - Onions(One variety per basket) P.J. Cavanagh - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Dry Cow, 5 Yrs. Old or Over 5th-Dairy - Holsteins - Cow 5 Yrs. Old or Over in Milk Sandy Cellio - Warren, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Pillowcase 20 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - Other - Specify entry 3rd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Placemants - 2 mounted John Cermak - Middlefield, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Rutgers 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Red Hybrid 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Red Patio 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Young's Beauty 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Cushaw - any color 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Crimson Sweet 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Sugar Baby 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Any Other Variety 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Pride of Wisconsin 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Any Other Variety 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Best of Show-Sec. 12 -16 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Carrots-4 On A plate - Danvers Half Long 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Paste Type - Roman 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Early Girl 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Hybrid Type 2nd-Fine Arts - Collections - Decorative collected by Adult 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Ceramic handdbuilt,no mold adt 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Ceramic Animal 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Ceramic, Decorative item 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Flat Dutch 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Any other variety - round 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Carrots-4 On A plate - Nantes 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Long Yellow - Hot 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Long Red Hot 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Celebrity 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Vegetable, Novelty, Natural Gr 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Charleston Gray 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Honey Rock 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - CeramicThrown Wheel/Container 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Ceramic, Practial item Joseph Cermak - Middlefield, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Red Type 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Largest cabbage - round 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Largest cabbage - flat 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Any other variety - flat 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Paste Type - Roman 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Potatoes - 10 Tubers - Red Pontiac 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Hybrid Type 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Flat Dutch 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Danich Ballhead 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Any other variety - round 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Long Red Hot 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Gypsy 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Paste Type - Italian 21 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Red Cherry ( Lg. Type) 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Red Patio 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Butternut 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Crimson Sweet 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Charleston Gray 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Honey Rock 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Pride of Wisconsin 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Rutgers 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Potatoes - 10 Tubers - Any other variety 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Young's Beauty 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Cushaw - any color 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Sugar Baby 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Any Other Variety Tim Cermak - Middlefield, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Long Red Hot 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Marglobe 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Any other variety 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Honey Rock 1st-Fine Arts - Collections - Practical collected by a Teen 1st-Fine Arts - Collections - Decorative collected by a Teen 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Red Type 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Largest cabbage - flat 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Any other variety - flat 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Ponderosa 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Young's Beauty 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Sugar Baby 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Any Other Variety 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Zucchini by weight 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Red Cherry ( Lg. Type) 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Jack O'Lantern 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Butternut 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Crimson Sweet 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Pride of Wisconsin 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Hybrid Type 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Any Other Variety 3rd-Fine Arts - Collections - Favorite collection of a Teen Cynthia Ceroky - Newbury, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Pastel - Any Subject - Adult 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Collage, Flat to Hang, Adult Kylie Ceroky - Newbury, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 8 Michele Cervenka - Burton, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Extracting Honey- Shlow or Me 1st-Honey - Honey - Gift Pack - see Honey Rule 7 1st-Honey - Honey - Best of Show Gift Pack - Rste 2nd-Honey - Honey - Liquid Honey - Amber Ext Light 2nd-Honey - Honey - Honey - Dark 22 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Sherry A Chafin - Newbury, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Carrot Cake Joanne Chambers - Chesterland, OH 3rd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Knitted Article Carter Chapek - Solon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (5 to 8 yrs) - Painted T-shirt 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Souvenirs of Ohio 3rd-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (5 to 8 yrs) - Specimen not listed Charlie Chapek - Solon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Lego Models from a kit Collin Chapek - Solon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Automoblie Linda Chapek - Thompson, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Yellow Pear Type Sally Chapek - Solon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Skirt or Pants 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Housecoat or robe 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Separates (matching) 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Fancy apron 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Child's costume 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's formal dress(prom) 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Best Formal or Bridal Gown 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Origami 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Purchased Doll/handmade cloth 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's casual dress 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Matching otfs, mthr/dghtr hs/h 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Practical apron 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Placemants - 2 mounted 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Adult costume 3rd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Table runner Ryann Chapman - Montville, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Folg Plnt nt mtnd abv stat var 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Flr plant not mentnd abv un12" Eric M Charmley - Newbury, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 7 Grace E Charmley - Newbury, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Ceramics(12 & Under) - Ceramic Specimen nt lstd-hblt 5th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Chocolate Brownies-6 on plate Mary Kate Charmley - Newbury, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 4 and under Theresa M Charmley - Newbury, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Crocheted doll or animal Cheryl Chernicky - Novelty, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Ctd Crs Sth on ln ptr fmd o 8x 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Ctd crs sth on ln smpl fmd8x10 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Ctd Crs Sth ln ov 8x10 smpl 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Cntd Crs Sth - any other 23 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Best embroidered article - 1st 2nd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Embroidered article Connie Christopher - Newbury, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Misc. Cookie - state variety 1st-Baked Goods - Cakes - Carrot Cake 3rd-Baked Goods - Pies - Apple-Raisin Angel Chudzik - Orwell, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old & Ovr Gel Ovr34"-38" 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Grand Champion Gelding 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 3 By One Owner-3 by Same Owner 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Hltr Gelding-18 Yrs & Un 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Hltr Gelding-18 Yrs & Un 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Open Driving Obstacle 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Horse 4 - Up Hitch 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Showmanship 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Open Driving Obstacle 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Opn Sngl Htch crt-any age 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sngl Htch Crt- Gentlemen Drive 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Sngl Htch Dr-18 & under Ted Chudzik - Orwell, OH 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Farm Team - No show harness 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Unicorn Craft Hitch 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - 4-Up Draft Hitch 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sngl Htch Men's Dr Crt Stal/Gl 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch-Ldy's Dr-Geldings 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Tandem Draft Hitch 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Cart 14 - 18 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Htch Ladies Dr Crt Stal/G 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch-Man Dr-Geldings Traci Chudzik - Ashtabula, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Halter Mare-18 Yrs. & un 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Team Hitch 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 3 By One Owner-3 by Same Owner 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sld Clr Mare-opn to all othr c 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sngl Htch Crt- Gentlemen Drive 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Open Driving Obstacle 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sngl Htch Crt - Ladies Drive 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Team Hitch 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare 32" - 34" 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Opn Sngl Htch crt-any age 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sngl Htch Crt - Ladies Drive 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sngl Htch Crt- Gentlemen Drive 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Sngl Htch Dr-18 & under Catherine Chuha - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - 3 on a plate - Summer Straightneck 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Grape 2nd-Culinary - Gift Pack - Gift Pack-5 jars-all jams 24 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Paste Type - Roman 3rd-Culinary - Butter - Other Butters Debbie Chuha - Chardon, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Jewelry Box Abigail R Clute - Chardon, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Chocolate Chip Cookies-6 on pl 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Toy (6 and under) Austin Clute - Chardon, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Lego Models from a kit 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 8 Jodi R Clute - Chardon, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Professional Classes - Photography Joe Cluts - Novelty, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - Sweet Spanish, yellow 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - White Bermuda 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - Red Type 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Garlic by weight 1st-Honey - Honey - Honey - Unique Natural Flavor 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Candies 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Best of Show Candies - Rosette 1st-Culinary - Dried - Corn 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - Any other variety 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - One White Onion by weight 2nd-Honey - Honey - Honey - Amber 2nd-Honey - Honey - Beeswax - Hand Dipped Candles 2nd-Culinary - Dried - Other Fruits 2nd-Culinary - Dried - Peppers 2nd-Culinary - Dried - Onion 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Tomatoe by weight 3rd-Honey - Honey - Beeswax - Non Decor - Hny Rl 6 3rd-Honey - Honey - Beeswax - Molded candles 3rd-Culinary - Dried - Other Vegetables 3rd-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Dill 4th-Culinary - Dried - Apples 4th-Culinary - Dried - Tomato 4th-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Jam or Jelly Mary Cluts - Novelty, OH 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Reduced sugar - any variety 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Centerpiece or doily un 16" mt 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Hat and scarf set 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Jewelry 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Hat 1st-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Crocheted article 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Placemants - 2 mounted 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cosmos, 3 stms, dlb 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Cherry 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Socks - two or more yarns 25 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Knitted Article 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Patchwork article 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Machine sewn doll clths 3 out 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Any othr annual nt listed 3 st 3rd-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Jam or Jelly 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Centerpiece or doily ov 16" mt 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Scarf 3rd-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Crocheted 3rd-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Applique 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Decorative made by an adult 4th-Culinary - Jelly - Mint Lucy Coakley - Chesterland, OH 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Practical apron Neomi Colburn - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Black 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Hammered Aluminum 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Jewelry Box 2nd-Domestic Arts - Decorated Tables - "It's A Small World"ie,Mex,Asi 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Cambridge Item 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Doll Bed 0r Cradle Karen Colini - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Dec[FD,ID] Dhl Purple 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Ball" Miniature Ball Dahlia 1st-Flower Show - Court Of Honor - Best Ball/Min Ball Dahlia 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB"Dec[FD,ID} Reds 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Dec [FD,ID] Biclr/Variega 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini" Dec[FD,ID]Dhl Ong/Brz 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Dec[FD,ID] Dhl Purple 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Fuly Dlb Dh Stellar 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other"Fuly Dlb Dh Waterlilly 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Dec [FD,ID] Biclr/Variega 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Dec[FD<ID]Dhl All Blends Morton Collen - Madison, OH 2nd-Grange Exhibits - Grange Exhibits - Ledge Grange Barbara Collier - Garrettsville, OH 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - Red non-grape sweet wine 2nd-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Knitted 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Specimen not listd-see rle #13 Paige Collister - Newbury, OH 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old Mare Over 34"-38" 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old & Ovr Gel Ovr34"-38" 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Halter Mare-18 Yrs. & un 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Weaning & Yearling Stal,Mrs,Gl Savannah Colucci - Chardon, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Showmanship 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Halter Obstacle Susan Z Conover - Parkman, OH 26 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Best needlework hobby-All 1st 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Handwoven article Ecco Conte - Philadelphia, PA 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Disney Character 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Tractor Judy Conte - Philadelphia, PA 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Mechanical Toy 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Adult costume Curtis Cook - Pittsburgh, PA 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Syrup - 1 qt. Light Amber Maple Syrup Patti Cook - Middlefield, OH 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Zucchini Relish 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Pickled Beets 3rd-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Oregano 4th-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Cucumber, sweet 4th-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Sage Carol Cooper - Montville, OH 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Obstacle Drvg (Dnky or Mul 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Pleasure Driving(Dnky or Mule) 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Halter - Jacks/Geldings 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Showmanship 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Adult Race - In hand event 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Coon Jumping Div 1 38" & under 3rd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Showmanship Madalyn Couch - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Photo(12 & Under) - Color Picture - any subject Colleen M Cresho - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Carrots-4 On A plate - Nantes Evan E Croucher - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Miniature Match Box Cars 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite collection(ages 7-9) Keegan M Croucher - Burton, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite Animal Col (6 & under Matthew T Croucher - Burton, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Miniature Match Box Cars Beth Croup - Chardon, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Madame Alexander Jim Croup - Chardon, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Art Deco Item Scott Crozier - Willoughby, OH 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Cuyahoga Valley National Park Sandra Cseplo - Burton, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Shirley Temple Natalie Cserhati - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pony Fine Harness sngl hitch 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - PnySnglHth-Pl or Fn H No Dft 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pony Sngl or tm Antique Veh 27 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pny Sngl Hth Fn or Pl Har 2/4 Morgan Csontos - Huntsburg, OH 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Lop-Brkn Patt Lisa Cundik - Wadsworth, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Still Life (B&W) 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Animal (B&W) 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - People Activity 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Animals and Birds 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature - Spring Scene 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Architecture-Building or Struc Nancy Curtiss - Aurora, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's Blouse 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Scarf 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Handwoven article 1st-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Fine - sport 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Cup & Saucer 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Tumbler - Footed 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Water Pitcher and 1 Glass 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Covered Butter Dish 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Vegetable Dish 2nd-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Light - Dk, light worsted 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Salt & Pepper Shakers 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Sugar & Creamer 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Specimen not listed Francine Cverna - Burton, OH 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Bread & Butter 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Peach 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Juice Reamer 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Occupied Japan (Classes 1-6) - Vase 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinni, Daisy Flwd/Pinwheel F 3 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Zion National Park 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Compact 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Blueberry Melissa Dahlhausen - Chardon, OH 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cookies - Shaped or Formed 2nd-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Orange Bread 3rd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Non-Yeast Bread - Var. not lst Oliver Daling - Thompson, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Shoebox Diorama Luci Dalton - Mentor, OH 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Pear 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Sugar Free - state variety 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Variety not listed Danielle R Dancy - Mantua, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Pastries - Strudel 2nd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Banana Nut 3rd-Baked Goods - Candy - Favorite Candy, State Variety 28 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Doug Daugherty - Chardon, OH 1st-Beef - Miniature Hereford - Spring Yr. Female 1st-Beef - Miniature Hereford - Grand Champion Female 1st-Beef - Miniature Hereford - Reserve Champion Female 1st-Beef - Miniature Hereford - Pair of Females 2nd-Beef - Miniature Hereford - Spring Yr. Female Sr. Barbara Daugherty - Chardon, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature - Fall Scene Dana Davis - Thompson, OH 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Tomatoes 4th-Culinary - Vegetables - Corn Mattie Davis - Thompson, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Peppers-Any other variety 1st-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (9 to 12 yrs) - Painted T-shirt 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Painted Pumpkin 4th-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Peaches 5th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Any other variety Cate Dawson - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - American Girl Doll-No acesorie 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Doll (10-12) Malcolm Dawson - Montville, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - People School Activity Sally Dawson - Burton, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Refrigerator Set - 3 pcs. 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Bridge Set 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Dresser Scarf 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Artemisia, 3 stems, all vartys 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Luncheon Cloth 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - World War ll Item - no guns Mary St. Leo DeChant, SND - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Counted cross-stitch 2nd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Cntd Crs Stch ptr frm 11/14 8x Cheryl DeFrancesco - Chardon, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Ethnic Class with Yeast Elaina DeVault - Aurora, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature - Winter Scene Craig Dean - Windham, OH 3rd-Wine - Beer Classes - Homemade Beer - Light JoAnn Delafranconi - Burton, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Patchwork quilt - hand quilted 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Quilt w 2 or mr tech. hand qui 2nd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Applique quilt - hand quilted 2nd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Qltd wall hngng ov 15x20 hq John Deligianis - Thompson, OH 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Flemish Giant-Fawn Zoey Deligianis - Thompson, OH 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Lop-Brkn Patt 29 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Thomas Delong - Concord Twp., OH 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - White vinifera dry or semi-dry 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - White or red dessert sweet 3rd-Wine - Wines Classes - White french hybrid dry/semi Sandra Demchik - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Big Bertha 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Composition 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Hard Plastic 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Bisque or Parian-Reproductions 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - China (glaze finish) 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Bisque 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Character (depicts personality 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Celluloid Judy Demko - Cleveland, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Favorite Muffins, state variet 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Rudbeckia, 3 stems 3rd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Misc. Gluten Free, state varie 4th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Vegetable Novelty Brian Depner - Chardon, OH 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Cow 5 Yrs. Old or Over in Milk Susan Derrow - Burton, OH 1st-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Raspberries, Black 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Cucumber, sweet 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Yellow Peppers 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Pickle Relish 1st-Culinary - Butter - Other Butters 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Marmalade 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Blackberry 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Plum 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Variety not listed 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Best in Jams 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Apple 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Blackberry 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Grape 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Peach 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Blueberry 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Combination 2 fruits 2nd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Blueberries 2nd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Grape Juice 2nd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Variety not listed 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Corn 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Raspberry, red 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Raspberry, black 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Black Raspberry 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Cherry 3rd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Cherries, Sour 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Vegetables for Soup 30 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Variety not listed 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Mixed Pickles 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Zucchini Relish 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Chili Sauce 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Blueberry 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Cherry 3rd-Culinary - Jelly - Red Raspberry 3rd-Culinary - Jelly - Elderberry 3rd-Culinary - Jelly - Variety not listed 4th-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Blackberries 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Grape 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Reduced sugar - any variety 4th-Culinary - Jelly - Strawberry 4th-Culinary - Jelly - Vegetable Candace Desantis - Burton, OH 4th-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Other Herbs James Detrow - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Oil - Any Subject - Teen Peter Detrow - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Favorite Pie, state variety 1st-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Best in Gluten Free -All first 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Oil - Any Subject - Teen Jeannie Devereaux - Northfield, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Decorated Tables - Tea Party 1st-Domestic Arts - Decorated Tables - Best Table Becky Deweese - Painesville, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Sugar 1st-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Intermediate-Child's Birthday 2nd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Frosted Cupcakes-6/plt St vrty 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Oatmeal Christopher Dibattista - Garrettsville, OH 3rd-Wine - Wines Classes - White or red dessert sweet Annette R Dicillo - Cleveland, OH 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Cakes, Dark or LIght 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Marmalade 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Blackberry 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Maple Loaf Cake 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Grape 3rd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Misc.-State Variety Aubrey Dietzel - Painesville, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Cookies, state var., 6 1st-Fine Arts - Ceramics (Teens 13-17) - Ceramic, Handbuild container 1st-Fine Arts - Ceramics (Teens 13-17) - Ceramic, Thrown Wheel, no mold 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Unusual Pitcher (Anml, brd et 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Lace Tablecloth 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Tumbler 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Made in Japan 31 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Embroidered Tea Towel 3rd-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Bar Cookies, state var., 6 3rd-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Candy - state variety 6 on pla Angelina Dilillo - Chardon, OH 2nd-Swine - Market Hog Show - 2268 to 239 lbs. Marie Dimick - Burton, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Candy - Peanut Butter Fudge Maureen A Doerner - Newbury, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Lady's pullover sweater- 1 yrn 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Socks - one yarn 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Shawl 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Infant's Afghan John Dolence - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Fruits - Berries - Blueberries, 1 pt. 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beans - Yellow String, 1 qt. box Rebecca Doss - Newbury, OH 3rd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Peaches Jacy Drabek - Newbury, OH 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Californian 1st-Rabbits - Best Rabbit - Best Second Reserve in Show 1st-Domestic Arts - Teen Classes (13 - 19 yrs) - Specimen not listed 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Teens Only-The Grand Canyon Bo 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Practical made by a teen 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Holiday Decoration - other Jeny Drabek - Newbury, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-Otter 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 11 - 12 2nd-Flower Show - Youth Division - A Day at the Ocean Jillian Drabek - Newbury, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Youth Division - The Great Geauga County Fair Dominic Dragolich - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Practical made by a teen Giana Dragolich - Huntsburg, OH 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Sunflower-1 largest head 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Sunflower- 1 tallest head Mariah Dragolich - Huntsburg, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Purse 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Yeast Rolls, Maple Icing Cindi Dreyer - Newbury, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Pies - Blackberry 3rd-Baked Goods - Pies - Favorite Pie -State Variety Desiree Dulla - Chardon, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Animal (B&W) Sandra M Dulla - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Architecture-Building or Struc 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature - Spring Scene 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Floral 32 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Laura Duncan - Middlefield, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Bride 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Ginny Dolls Sue Dunton - Auburn Twp., OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Any outdoor flwrng hng nt ment 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Portulaca Sandy Durczak - Chardon, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Zucchini Bread 2nd-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Other Misc. Breads-State Var. Kassie Durkee - Burton, OH 1st-Swine - Market Hog Show - 2563 to 265 lbs. 1st-Swine - Market Hog Show - Reserve Champion Market Hog Nora Eason - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Adult's vest or sleeveless swt 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Best knited article all 1st co 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Wall hanging ov 15x20 1st-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Superfine-lace or fingering 1st-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Light - Dk, light worsted 1st-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Medium - worsted 1st-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Super Bulky 1st-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Best Skein of Yarn - all 1st c 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Gloves or mittens 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Socks - one yarn 2nd-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Fine - sport 2nd-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Bulky - chunky 3rd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Handwoven article 3rd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Loom woven article Diane Eastridge - Middlefield, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Apple Bread Kristy Eastridge - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Children Diane Ebie - Ravenna, OH 1st-Beef - Angus - Jr. Calf Female 1st-Beef - Angus - Cow class-2 yrs. or older 1st-Beef - Angus - Grand Champion Female 1st-Beef - Angus - Pair of Females 1st-Beef - Angus - Cow/Calf Class-current fair yr Rex Ebie - Ravenna, OH 1st-Beef - Angus - 2 yr. old Bull 1st-Beef - Angus - Grand Champion Bull 1st-Beef - Angus - Reserve Champion Female 1st-Beef - Angus - Produce of Dam 1st-Beef - Angus - Jr. Get of Sire 2nd-Beef - Angus - Jr. Calf Female 2nd-Beef - Angus - Cow class-2 yrs. or older 2nd-Beef - Angus - Pair of Females 2nd-Beef - Angus - Cow/Calf Class-current fair yr 33 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Beef - Angus - Jr. Calf Female 3rd-Beef - Angus - Cow class-2 yrs. or older 3rd-Beef - Angus - Pair of Females 3rd-Beef - Angus - Cow/Calf Class-current fair yr Benton Edic - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Potatoes - 10 Tubers - Red Pontiac Joanne Edic - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - One pound maple cream 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - 1/2 lb maple cream w/nuts 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - 1 one-pound maple sugar brick Sage Edwards - Chagrin Falls, OH 4th-Sheep - Market Lambs - Pen of Two Market Lambs T Charles Edwards - Garrettsville, OH 3rd-Wine - Wines Classes - Red native dry or semi-dry Alan E Eggleston - Cortland, OH 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - White or red dessert sweet 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - Mead honey wine; dry/semi/swt 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - Wht or rd non-grape dry/semi d Jeannine Eging - Chardon, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Brownies, frosted/plain 6 plt 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Maple Loaf Cake 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - White Bread 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Wheat Bread 2nd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - White Bread 2nd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Cookies, state variety, 6/Plat 3rd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Batter Bread - White 3rd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Honey Swt Rls 6 on plate 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - Eight small sugar cakes 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - One Pt soft maple icing 3rd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Tea Ring 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Molasses 3rd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Chocolate 3rd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Spice 3rd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Yellow Ron Eging - Chardon, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Yeast Bread 1st-Baked Goods - Pastries - Tarts or Tartlette - 6 on plat 2nd-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Favorite Cake(No custard/cream Daniel Eibler - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Snapdragons Antirrhinum 3 spks 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Rutgers 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Any variety Janie Eibler - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Painted Pumpkin Zoe Eichele - Chardon, OH 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Holland Lop-Brkn Patt Sarah Eisenhart - Chardon, OH 34 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Fall Yearling Heifer Kendra L Embrescia - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Professional Classes - Artwork Claire Englert - Burton, OH 5th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Sunflower-1 largest head Holly Englert - Burton, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 11 - 12 Louis Ensten - Twinsburg, OH 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Youth Halter - 14 yrs & under 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Youth Showmanship 14 yrs. & un 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Youth Group Race 14 yrs & un 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Coon Jumping Div 1 38" & under 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Obstacle Drvg (Dnky or Mul 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Youth Group Race 14 yrs & un 3rd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Pleasure Driving(Dnky or Mule) 3rd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Youth Halter - 14 yrs & under 3rd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Halter - Jacks/Geldings 3rd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Youth Showmanship 14 yrs. & un 3rd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Costume Class 4th-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Showmanship 4th-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Adult Race - In hand event David Ersek - Aurora, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Squash - Zucchini, Green Bill Erzen - Chardon, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Architecture-Building or Struc Lowell Evans - Hiram, OH 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Rome Beauty 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Baldwin 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Ozark Gold 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Red Delicious 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Spy 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Mollies Delicious 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Stayman Winesap 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Cortland 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Golden Delicious 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Mutsu 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Jonagold 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Granny Smith 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Gala Diane Fabec - Chesterland, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cosmos, 3 stms sngl 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Verbenas, 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinni, Daisy Flwd/Pinwheel F 3 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Acadia National Park 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Cuyahoga Valley National Park 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Glacier Bay National Park 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Grand Tetons National Park 35 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Hot Springs National Park 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Cape Cod National Seashore 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Yosemite National Park 1st-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Unusual Blossom in a Bud Vase 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Geauga County Activity 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Asters, annual, 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Centaurea, Blch Btn 3 stms 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Phlox, perennial, 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Rudbeckia, 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Zion National Park 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Death Valley National Park 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Blue Ridge Parkway Nat Park 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Basket of old fashioned flower 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of mixed annuals 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Calendula, 3 blms 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Indiana Dunes National Lakesho 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Denali National Park & Preserv 3rd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of mixed perennials 4th-Flower Show - Design Division - Shenandoah National Park Hanna Fabian - Painesville, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Watercolor - Any Subject - Tn Teagan Farley - Burton, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Sunflower, 1 largest head Laura Fay - Jefferson, OH 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Doe Under 2 Yrs in Milk 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 2 Yrs. & Under 3 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 3 Yrs. & Under 4 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Grand Champion Doe 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Reserve Grand Champion Doe 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Champion Challenge Class 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Senior Get of Sire 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Produce of Dam 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Best Three Does 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Udder Class 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Junior Kid 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Intermediate Kid 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Reserve Champion Junior 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Junior Get of Sire 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Junior Produce of Dam 1st-Goats - Best 4 Sr.Does/any breed/age - Best 4 Does/Any-1 Exhibitor 1st-Goats - Best 4 Sr.Does/any breed/age - Best Doe in Senior Show 2nd-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 2nd-Goats - French Alpines - Best Three Does 2nd-Goats - French Alpines - Intermediate Kid 2nd-Goats - French Alpines - Senior Yearling 3rd-Goats - French Alpines - Champion Challenge Class 36 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Goats - French Alpines - Udder Class 3rd-Goats - French Alpines - Senior Yearling 4th-Goats - French Alpines - Udder Class 4th-Goats - French Alpines - Intermediate Kid 4th-Goats - French Alpines - Senior Yearling 5th-Goats - French Alpines - Senior Yearling Ashley Fazzolare - Burton, OH 4th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 266 to 278 lbs. Heather Fenstermaker - Newbury, OH 1st-Poultry - Geese Classes - Sebatopol - Young Goose Liesel Fenstermaker - Newbury, OH 1st-Poultry - Geese Classes - Sebatopol - Young Gander Dominic Ferrante - Chardon, OH 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Spring Yearling Heifer Vincent Ferrante - Chardon, OH 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Fall Heifer Calf 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Spring Heifer Calf Debbie Findlay - Chardon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - "B" Dahlia-6" to 8" in Diamete 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - "BB" Dahlia-4" to 6" in Dia 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - Miniature Dahlia-2" to 4" in D 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - Ball or Miniature Ball Dahlia 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - Best Novice Entry- Rosette 1st-Flower Show - Court Of Honor - Best "BB" Dahlia 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Specimen not listed 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - "B" Dahlia-6" to 8" in Diamete 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Specimen not listed 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - Other open centered Dahlia Tammy Fink - Conneaut, OH 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Dam and Daughter 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Senior Yearling 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Grand Champion Junior 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Reserve Champion Junior 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Doe Under 2 Yrs. in Milk 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Doe 2 Yrs. & Under 3 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Doe 3 Yrs. & Under 4 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Champion Challenge Class 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Dam and Daughter 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Best Three Does 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Intermediate Kid 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Senior Yearling 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Reserve Champion Junior 2nd-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 2 Yrs. & Under 3 2nd-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 3 Yrs. & Under 4 2nd-Goats - French Alpines - Senior Get of Sire 2nd-Goats - French Alpines - Dam and Daughter 2nd-Goats - French Alpines - Produce of Dam 37 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Goats - French Alpines - Junior Produce of Dam 2nd-Goats - Lamancha - Senior Yearling 2nd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Produce of Dam 2nd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Udder Class 2nd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Intermediate Kid 2nd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Junior Get of Sire 2nd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Junior Produce of Dam 2nd-Goats - Best 4 Sr.Does/any breed/age - Best 4 Does/Any-1 Exhibitor 3rd-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 2 Yrs. & Under 3 3rd-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 3rd-Goats - French Alpines - Dam and Daughter 3rd-Goats - French Alpines - Produce of Dam 3rd-Goats - French Alpines - Best Three Does 3rd-Goats - French Alpines - Intermediate Kid 3rd-Goats - Lamancha - Junior Produce of Dam 4th-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 3 Yrs. & Under 4 4th-Goats - French Alpines - Champion Challenge Class 4th-Goats - French Alpines - Best Three Does 4th-Goats - Lamancha - Senior Yearling 4th-Goats - Recorded Grades - Udder Class 4th-Goats - Recorded Grades - Junior Kid 5th-Goats - French Alpines - Udder Class 5th-Goats - Recorded Grades - Senior Yearling 6th-Goats - French Alpines - Udder Class 6th-Goats - French Alpines - Senior Yearling 6th-Goats - Recorded Grades - Udder Class 6th-Goats - Recorded Grades - Junior Kid Amy Firem - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Unusual Plant, Edible Variety 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Vegetable Novelty arranged ex 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Vegetable, Novelty, Natural Gr 1st-Culinary - Dried - Tomato 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Tomatillo, 4 on plate 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Summer Flat White 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - Mead honey wine; dry/semi/swt 2nd-Culinary - Dried - Apples 2nd-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Parsley 3rd-Wine - Wines Classes - White non-grape sweet wine 3rd-Culinary - Dried - Other Fruits 3rd-Culinary - Dried - Corn 3rd-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Basil Emily Flauto - Newbury, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Specimen not listed James Fleenor - Mentor, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Child's Plate 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Specimen not listed Bowen Fogel - Chagrin Falls, OH 38 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Dutch - Blue Patricia Ford - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Pastries - Variety Not Listed 3rd-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Other Misc. Breads-State Var. Hannah Forsythe - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Photo(12 & Under) - Color Picture - any subject 5th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Bar Cookies - state variety 6 Mary Foster - Middlefield, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Lionhead-Tortoiseshel 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-New Breeds/Varieties 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Lionhead-Tortoiseshell Cristyl Fox - Cleveland, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Am. Fuzzy Lop-Broken 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Am. Fuzzy Lop-Brkn 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Am. Fuzzy Lop-Solid 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe - Am Fuzzy Lop-solid 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Holland Lop-Brkn Patt 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr.Buck-New Breed/Varieties 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Am. Fuzzy Lop-Brkn 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Am. Fuzzy Lop-Solid Jim Fox - Atwater, OH 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Spring Heifer Calf 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Summer Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Spring Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Winter Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Fall Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Reserve Jr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Junior Best Three Females 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Junior 2 Yr. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Senior 2 Yr. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Cow 4 Yrs. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Senior Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Reserve Senior Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Grand Champion Female Guernsey 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Best Uddered 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Dam and Daughter 1st-Dairy - Guernseys - Produce of Dam (Female only) 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Fall Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Spring Heifer Calf 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Winter Heifer Calf 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Fall Heifer Calf 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Spring Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Winter Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Jr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Junior Best three females 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Jr. 2 Yr. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Sr. 2 Yr. Old in Milk 39 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Senior 3 year old 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Reserve Sr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Reserve Grand Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Jerseys - Best Four Dairy Cows 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Spring Heifer Calf 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Winter Heifer Calf 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Fall Heifer Calf 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Summer Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Winter Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Jr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Junior Best three Females 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Jr. 2 Yr. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Sr. 2 Yr. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Cow 4 Yrs. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Dry Cow 5 Yrs. & Over 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Reserve Sr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Reserve Grand Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Best Four Dairy Cows 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Produce of Dam (female only) 2nd-Dairy - Guernseys - Fall Heifer Calf 2nd-Dairy - Guernseys - Junior Best Three Females 2nd-Dairy - Guernseys - Res. Gr. Champion F Guernsey 2nd-Dairy - Guernseys - Best Uddered 2nd-Dairy - Guernseys - Dam and Daughter 2nd-Dairy - Guernseys - Produce of Dam (Female only) 2nd-Dairy - Jerseys - Junior Best three females 2nd-Dairy - Jerseys - Junior three year old 2nd-Dairy - Jerseys - Best Uddered 2nd-Dairy - Jerseys - Produce of Dam (female only) 2nd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Fall Yearling Heifer 2nd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Senior three year old 2nd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Best Uddered 2nd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Dam and Daughter 3rd-Dairy - Guernseys - Best Uddered 3rd-Dairy - Jerseys - Summer Yearling Heifer 3rd-Dairy - Jerseys - Dam and Daughter 3rd-Dairy - Jerseys - Produce of Dam (female only) 3rd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Junior Best three Females 3rd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Best Uddered 3rd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Dam and Daughter 3rd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Produce of Dam (female only) 4th-Dairy - Jerseys - Best Uddered 4th-Dairy - Jerseys - Dam and Daughter 5th-Dairy - Jerseys - Best Uddered 5th-Dairy - Ayrshires - Best Uddered 6th-Dairy - Jerseys - Best Uddered 6th-Dairy - Ayrshires - Best Uddered 40 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Theresa Fox - Cleveland, OH 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Am. Fuzzy Lop-Broken Sarah Frain - Geneva, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Honey Swt Rls 6 on plate 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Barbecue Sauce 1st-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Whole Wheat Bread 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Chocolate Chip 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Best in Cookies - Rosette 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Yeast Bread - Wheat 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Pie - Fruit, Double Crust 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Apple 3rd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Blueberry 3rd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Banana Nut 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Strawberry Rhubarb Molly Francis - Lyndhurst, OH 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Brown Bread w/fruit or nuts 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Glacier Bay National Park 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Cookies (6) 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinnias, Lilliput or Pompom 3 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - Specimen not listed Christina Fraser - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Buckeyes - Hen 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Polish - Black 1st-Rabbits - Best Rabbit - Best First Reserve in Show Liam Fraser - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Slvr Duckwing O.E. Game - Hen 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Mini Rex-Brkn Grp Louise Fraser - Chardon, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Pin or Brooch 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Fountain Pen Leasa Fratoe - Burton, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Rye Bread 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Ginger Ronald Fratoe - Bristolville, OH 3rd-Wine - Wines Classes - Red grape sweet wine Ronald C Fratoe - Burton, OH 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - Red vinifera dry or semi dry 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - Red French hydbrid dry or semi Ronald M Fratoe - Auburn Township, OH 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - Rose wine, dry or semi dry 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - White native dry or semi-dry 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - White grape sweet wine Bettye Freeman - Burton, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Red Cherry ( Lg. Type) 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Syrup - 1 qt. Medium Amber Maple Syrup 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Syrup - Best qt of Maple Syrup-Rosette 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Coconut 41 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Adult Sportswear 1st-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Orange/Salmon 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Dress 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Matching otfs, mthr/dghtr hs/h 3rd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Qltd wall hngng ov 15x20 mq 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Chrysanthemum,pernl, 3 stms Heather Freeman - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Californian Jennifer Freeman - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Children 2nd-Maple Syrup - Miscellaneous - Gift Pack (See Rule #8) 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Weird & Wacky - Candid 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Portrait - Human (B&W) 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - People - Portrait Rebecca Fritinger - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Shaded 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Rex-Otter Scott Fritinger - Middlefield, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Self 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Netherland Dwf-Orng 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Agouli 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Agouli 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Self 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Self Jean Frohring - Burton, OH 3rd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Quilt w 2 or mr tech. hand qui Tabitha Fulmer - Burton, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Chocolate Chip Aimee Galloway - Chardon, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Big Boy Donna Galusick - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Child's sweater 1st-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - Knitted Afghan 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Scarf 4th-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - No-Sew Blanket Emily Gardner - Broadview Hts, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's afghan (ripple stitch 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's afghan (any other sti Dominic Gattozzi - Kirtland, OH 2nd-Wine - Beer Classes - Homemade Beer - Light 3rd-Wine - Beer Classes - Homemade Beer - Dark Cindy Gazley - Burton, OH 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Stewed Tomatoes 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cannas, 3 stalks 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Bread & Butter 4th-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Pickle Relish Hudson Geiss - Burton, OH 42 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Maple Syrup - Jr. Classes Misc 12 and Under - Gift Pack Paula Geiss - Burton, OH 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Pie, Maple Pecan 2nd-Maple Syrup - Miscellaneous - Maple Novelty Design Piper Geiss - Burton, OH 1st-Maple Syrup - Jr. Classes Misc 12 and Under - Maple Novelty Design 1st-Maple Syrup - Jr. Classes Misc 12 and Under - Best of Jr Misc - Rosette Laura Georgevich - Twinsburg, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Polymer Clay Craft-Adult 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Jewelry - Specimen not listed 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Combination of Any Mediums 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Ink - Any Subject - Adult Sam Georgevich - Twinsburg, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Computer Generated Design 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Purchased Teddy Bear 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Charcoal - Any Subject - Adult 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Polymer Clay Craft-Adult 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Scratch Art Elaine M. Gerber - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Collage, Flat to Hang, Adult 2nd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Embroidered Specimen 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Hard Plastic 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Fancy apron 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Greeting Card-any occas/no env 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Ginny Dolls Dawn M Gerlica - Chardon, OH 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Grape 1st-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Parsley 1st-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Oregano 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Nasturium, 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Salvia, annual red 3 stems 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Horseradish, 1 fruit 2nd-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Basil 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Coreopsis, 3 stms 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of grains or grns, 1 vari 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Asters, annual, 3 stems 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Rudbeckia, 3 stems 3rd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of mixed annuals 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Balsam, 3 blms 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Snapdragons Antirrhinum 3 spks Deborah Gerner - Madison, OH 1st-Goats - Nubian - Doe Under 2 Yrs. in Milk 1st-Goats - Nubian - Doe 2 Yrs. & Under 3 Yrs. 1st-Goats - Nubian - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 1st-Goats - Nubian - Grand Champion 1st-Goats - Nubian - Reserve Grand Champion 1st-Goats - Nubian - Dam and Daughter 43 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Goats - Nubian - Best three Does 1st-Goats - Nubian - Udder Class 1st-Goats - Nubian - Junior Kid 1st-Goats - Nubian - Senior Kid 1st-Goats - Nubian - Senior Yearling 1st-Goats - Nubian - Grand Champion Junior 1st-Goats - Nubian - Reserve Champion Junior 1st-Goats - Nubian - Junior Get of Sire 1st-Goats - Nubian - Junior Produce of Dam 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Senior Kid 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Reserve Champion Junior 2nd-Goats - Nubian - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 2nd-Goats - Nubian - Udder Class 2nd-Goats - Nubian - Junior Kid 2nd-Goats - Nubian - Senior Kid 2nd-Goats - Nubian - Senior Yearling 3rd-Goats - Nubian - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 3rd-Goats - Nubian - Udder Class 3rd-Goats - Nubian - Senior Kid 3rd-Goats - Nubian - Senior Yearling 3rd-Goats - Best 4 Sr.Does/any breed/age - Best 4 Does/Any-1 Exhibitor 4th-Goats - Nubian - Udder Class Angela Giaimo - Chardon, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Peanut Butter 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Fused Glass 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Decorated - Holiday or Themed Gayle Gifford - Chesterland, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - woodturning (lathe work) 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Decorative made by an adult 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Woodworking - practical - Orig Linda Gifford - Chesterland, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Wood burning 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Luncheon Cloth 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Children's Clothing 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Embroidered Tea Towel 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Dresser Scarf Joan Gilliland - Okemos, MI 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Qltd wall hngng ov 15x20 mq 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Best quilt - 1st competing 3rd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Specimen not listed Tami Gingrich - Middlefield, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Red Cherry ( Sm. Type) 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Garlic, 4 on plate 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Farm Products - 1 Dz. wht eggs lg. graded crtn 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - Any other variety Sr. Anne Glaser - Chardon, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Ctd Cr Sth prt fmd16/22 8x10 44 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Louise Glew - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Candy Dish Andrew Glinski - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Blk Brstd Rd O.E. Game-Hen 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Ameraucana - Hen 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Blk Silkie(Brd & N-Brd) - Cock 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Frizzles - Cock 1st-Poultry - Geese Classes - China - Old Goose 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - A.O.V. Muscovy - Old Hen 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Saxon - Old Drake 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Saxon - Old Hen 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - White Crested - Old Drake 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Khaki Campbell - Old Drake 1st-Poultry - Guinea Classes - Lavender - Old Cock 1st-Poultry - Guinea Classes - Pearl - Old Hen 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - A.O.V. Jacobin - Hen 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - A.O.V. Pigeon - Cock 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - A.O.V. Pigeon - Hen 1st-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Blackberries 1st-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Cherries, Sweet 1st-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Pears 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Pickled Beans 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - A.O.V. Cochin - -Hen 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Mille Fleur Bel Brd d'Ucc-Cock 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Wht Silkie(Brd & N-Brd) - Hen 2nd-Poultry - Geese Classes - China - Old Goose 2nd-Poultry - Duck Classes - Saxon - Old Drake 2nd-Poultry - Duck Classes - White Crested - Old Drake 2nd-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - Racer - Hen 2nd-Fruits - Berries - Blackberries, 1 pt. 2nd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Peaches 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Carrots 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Tomatoes 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Beets 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Beans, green string 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Barbecue Sauce 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Raspberry, black 4th-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Applesaauce 4th-Culinary - Vegetables - Beans, yellow string Justin Glinski - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Black Brstd Rd Mod Game-Cock 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Black Brstd Rd Mod Game - Hen 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Blk Brstd Rd Mod Game-Cockerel 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Blk Brstd Rd Mod Game-Pullet 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - A.O.V. Modern Game-Hen 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Red Pyle O.E. Game - Cock 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - A.O.V. Old Eng Game - Cock 45 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - A.O.V. Old Eng Game - Hen 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Mille Fleur Bel Brd d'Ucc-Cock 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Pencilled Runner - Old Drake 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - A.O.V. Runner - Old Drake 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Snowy Call - Old Drake 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Pastel Call - Old Hen 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - A.O.V. Call - Old Drake 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - A.O.V. Call - Old Hen 1st-Poultry - Guinea Classes - A.O.V. - Old Cock 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - Red Fantail - Cock 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - A.O.V. Homers - Cock 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - A.O.V. Homers - Hen 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - A.O.V. Modena - Cock 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - A.O.V. Modena - Hen 1st-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Peaches 1st-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Best in Fruits 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Carrots 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Beets 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Tomato Juice 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Vegetables for Soup 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Zucchini Pickles 1st-Culinary - Dried - Apples 1st-Culinary - Dried - Other Fruits 1st-Culinary - Dried - Other Vegetables 1st-Culinary - Dried - Peppers 1st-Culinary - Dried - Onion 1st-Culinary - Dried - Best of Dried 1st-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Dill 1st-Baked Goods - Candy - Chocolate Fudge 1st-Baked Goods - Candy - Peanut Butter Fudge 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Black Brstd Rd Mod Game-Cock 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Black Brstd Rd Mod Game - Hen 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Blk Brstd Rd Mod Game-Cockerel 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Blk Brstd Rd Mod Game-Pullet 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Blk Brstd Rd O.E. Game-Hen 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - A.O.V. Old Eng Game - Cock 2nd-Poultry - Duck Classes - Grey Call - Old Drake 2nd-Poultry - Duck Classes - Grey Call - Old Hen 2nd-Poultry - Duck Classes - Snowy Call - Old Drake 2nd-Poultry - Duck Classes - Pastel Call - Old Hen 2nd-Poultry - Duck Classes - A.O.V. Call - Old Drake 2nd-Poultry - Duck Classes - A.O.V. Call - Old Hen 2nd-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - Red Fantail - Hen 2nd-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - A.O.V. Pigeon - Cock 2nd-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - A.O.V. Pigeon - Hen 2nd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Blackberries 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Sauerkraut 46 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Beans, yellow string 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Barbecue Sauce 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Variety not listed 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Mixed Pickles 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Pickled Beans 2nd-Culinary - Dried - Corn 2nd-Culinary - Dried - Tomato 2nd-Baked Goods - Candy - White Fudge 2nd-Baked Goods - Candy - Peanut Brittle 2nd-Baked Goods - Candy - Turtles 2nd-Baked Goods - Candy - Favorite Candy, State Variety 3rd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Cherries, Sweet 3rd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Pears 3rd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Blueberries 3rd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Grape Juice 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Tomatoes 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Dill 3rd-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Other Herbs 4th-Culinary - Vegetables - Beans, green string 4th-Culinary - Vegetables - Stewed Tomatoes 4th-Culinary - Butter - Peach Ryan Glinski - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Red Pyle O.E. Game - Pullet 1st-Poultry - Geese Classes - Embden - Old Gander 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - A.O.V. Runner - Old Hen 1st-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - Red Fantail - Hen 1st-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Candy - state variety 6 on pla 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Red Pyle O.E. Game - Pullet 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Slvr Duckwing O.E. Game - Hen 2nd-Poultry - Geese Classes - Embden - Old Gander 2nd-Poultry - Duck Classes - Pencilled Runner - Old Drake 2nd-Poultry - Duck Classes - A.O.V. Runner - Old Drake 2nd-Poultry - Duck Classes - A.O.V. Runner - Old Hen 2nd-Poultry - Pigeons Classes - Red Fantail - Cock 2nd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Pears 2nd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Chocolate 2nd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Chocolate Bundt 2nd-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Yeast Bread 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Syrup - 1 qt. Dark Amber Maple Syrup 3rd-Culinary - Butter - Apple 3rd-Culinary - Butter - Peach 3rd-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Non-Yeast Baking 4th-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Peaches 4th-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Dill Jann Glove - Newbury, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Collections - Decorative collected by Adult 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Quilt 47 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Roma Taylor Memorial Award - T - Rona Taylor Memorial Award-Try 3rd-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - Patchwork Quilt Virginia Goebelbecker - Chesterland, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Quilt 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinni, Daisy Flwd/Pinwheel F 3 2nd-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - Patchwork Quilt 3rd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Baby's quilt machine quilted Jackson Goglin - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 11 - 12 Ledger Goglin - Chagrin Falls, OH 4th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Chocolate Brownies-6 on plate Rowan Goglin - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Strawberry Jam 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite collection(ages 7-9) Robert J Graham - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Wine - Beer Classes - Homemade Beer - Dark Brian Gran - Solon, OH 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Cherry Soren Gran - Solon, OH 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Combination (2 fruits) 4th-Culinary - Jelly - Apple Alex Grant - Newbury, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Portulaca 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Marigolds 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of 3-5 hosta leaves 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Sedum, 3 stems 4th-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of petunias 4th-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Mixed Greenery, 5 stem Paula Grant - Newbury, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Orange Bread 1st-Baked Goods - Candy - White Fudge 1st-Baked Goods - Candy - Molded Chocolate/any Clr st Fl 1st-Baked Goods - Candy - Best in Candy 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Specimen not listed see rl #13 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Christmas Cactus 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Portulaca 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Non-Yeast Bread - Var. not lst 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Org maple baked goods w/recipe 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Vegetables for Soup 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Table runner 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia, Grandiflora 3 stm 3 c 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Coleus 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Carrots 3rd-Baked Goods - Candy - Chocolate Fudge 3rd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Felt specimen 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Animals and Birds 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Asparagus Fern 48 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Fern 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Shenandoah National Park 3rd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of 3-5 hosta leaves 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia, Sngl Multiflora, 3 st 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Multiflora 3 stms 3 cl Pamela Graves - Wickliffe, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - People School Activity Joyce Grawunde - Novelty, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Oil - Any Subject - Adult Rob Gray - Burton, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Vegetable Novelty Wendy Griffin - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - 2 or more stitch patt 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's afghan (2 or mr patrn Amy Grinstead - Chesterland, OH 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-English Lop-Sld Ptrn 2nd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-English Lop-Brkn Ptrn Jacob Grinstead - Chesterland, OH 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - 6/8 Buck-English Lop-Sld Ptrn 3rd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-English Lop-Brkn Ptrn Sarah Grinstead - Chesterland, OH 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-English Lop-Brkn Ptrn Trevor Grinstead - Chesterland, OH 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-English Lop-Brkn Ptrn Ela Grzywinski - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Decorative - 1 item 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite An Coll(ages 7-9) Jody Grzywinski - Burton, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Child's quilt - hand quilted Linda Gustafson - Chardon, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Original design Calla Haar - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 6 Cassandra Haar - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Wine - Beer Classes - Homemade Beer - Light 1st-Wine - Beer Classes - Homemade Beer - Dark 1st-Wine - Beer Classes - Best of Show in Beer - Rosette 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Chocolate Chip Beth Halasz - Chardon, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Specimen not listed 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Ethnic-State Nationality Shirley Hale - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-French Lop-Sld Ptrn 2nd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-French Lop-Sld Ptrn 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Holland Lop-Sld Patt Olivia Hall - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Bar Cookies - state variety 6 49 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Best in Jr. Baking - Rosette Charles Hamilton - Jefferson, OH 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Single Hitch Cart Dr 60 & over 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch-Man Dr-Geldings 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Open Team Hitch-No show harnes 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Gelding, 5 years & over 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sngl Htch Men's Dr Crt Stal/Gl Shirley Hamilton - Painesville, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's afghan (2 or mr patrn 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Specimen not listed Norman Hanks - Montville, OH 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Men's Dr Cart Mare 5th-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld Samantha Hargis - Burton, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Polish-Blue 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Polish - Chocolate 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Chocolate 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Polish - Black 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Polish - Blue 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck- Polish - Broken 3rd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Misc. Muffins, state variety Billie Jo Harper - Rock Creek, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Polymer Clay Craft-Adult 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Holiday Decoration - Christmas Randy W Harrod - Chesterland, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Human Interest (B&W) 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Weird & Wacky - Candid 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Landscape (B&W) 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - HDR - Any Subject Megan Hartman - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Intermediate-Adult Birthday Barb Hartman-Sasak - Middlefield, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - One White Onion by weight 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Elderberry 1st-Fine Arts - Collections - Practical collected by Adult 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Spider 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Ring - Man's 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - Hall 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Boy or Girl Scout Item 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Achillea (yarrow) 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Asters, hardy, 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Chrysanthemum,pernl, 3 stms 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Helichrysum(straw flr) 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Multiflora 3 stms 3 cl 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Hng bskt cactus and/or suc sng 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Grand Tetons National Park 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Combination (2 fruits) 50 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Culinary - Jelly - Combination 2 fruits 3rd-Fine Arts - Collections - Favorite collection of Adult 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Ageratum, 3 stems 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Celosia, plumes, 3 blms 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Gaillardia, 3 stems 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Malva(Mallow)3 stems 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Cactus and/or Succulent Grdn 2 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Jade 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Portulaca 3rd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Mixed Greenery, 5 stem 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Dated Item 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Raspberry, black 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Echinacea, 3 stms(prpconeflwr) 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Nasturium, 3 stems 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia, Sngl Grandiflora 3s 1 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinnias, Dahlia Flwered, 3 blm 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Cactus or succulent abv 18" 4th-Flower Show - Design Division - Indiana Dunes National Lakesho Janine Hartory - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - A.O.V. Old Eng Game - Cockerel Paul R Haskins - Butler, OH 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Fall Heifer Calf 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Res. Jr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Junior 2 Yr. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Senior 3 yr old 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Cow 5 Yrs. Old or Over in Milk 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Senior Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Grand Champion Female Holstein 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Best Uddered 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Best Four Dairy Cows 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Dam & Daughter 1st-Dairy - Supreme Champion Female - Supreme Champion Female 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Winter Heifer Calf 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Jr. Best Three Females 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Cow 4 Yrs. Old in Milk 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Best Uddered 6th-Dairy - Holsteins - Best Uddered Garrett Hastings - Chardon, OH 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Summer Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Winter Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Jr. Best Three Females 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Fall Heifer Calf Jack Hastings - Chardon, OH 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Spring Heifer Calf Mary Beth Hearns - Newbury, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Other Misc. Breads-State Var. 1st-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Best in Misc. Breads 51 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Blueberry 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Earrings - Mounted 3rd-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Banana Nut Bread 3rd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Favorite Cake - state variety 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Wrist Watch - Ladies Camden Hedrick - Burton, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Farm Products - 1 dz. Novelty eggs/crtn Harold Hedrick - Chardon, OH 1st-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Sheaf of Rye - 2-4 " in Dia. 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Potatoes - 10 Tubers - Katahdin 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Potatoes - 10 Tubers - Kennebec 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - One Potato by weight 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Potatoes - 10 Tubers - Red Pontiac 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Freestanding Scarecrow Judging - Funny Loveable Scarecrow Kim L Hein - Orwell, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Frosted Cupcakes-6/plt St vrty Pat Hein - Middlefield, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Handmade(complete doll/cloth) 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Milk Bottle - Decorated 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Sterling Silver Item 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Dated Item 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Silverplated Item 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Celluloid 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Bisque or Parian(antiques only 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Composition 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - My Favorite Doll - old 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Composition 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Bisque Marci Hellegers - Burton, OH 1st-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1sec. 50%/more trefoil-1st cut 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Corn Relish Kimberly Herczog - Chardon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Outdoor,combination flrw,hngng 2nd-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Apple Bread 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Sunflowers, 3 Blms w/stms un Carolyn Hering - Burton, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Gaillardia, 3 stems 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Nasturium, 3 stems 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Asters, annual, 3 stems Maryjo E Hernandez - Burton, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Six Frosted Cupcakes-st variet Kate Hershberger - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Sheep - Market Lambs - Middleweight Market Lambs 1st-Sheep - Market Lambs - Reserve Champion Market Lamb Chip Hess - Newbury, OH 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Geldings 3 years and under 6 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Produce of Dam 52 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Mares 6 years and over 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pony-Frm Tm.- Htd Frm Vhl 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Mares 6 years and over 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Best Matched Pair - Mares 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sng Hth Pl Ct-Yth18/u 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny Sngl Drft Hth Crt Y18 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony Tm Htch Ladies Dr 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl Dft Hth cart 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony Team-Youth 18 and U 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pony Obstacle - single cart 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sng Hth Pl Ct-Yth18/u 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pony-Draft Tm Htch 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony drft tm htch Mens d 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl Drft Htch Ct-Lad 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-SnglDrft Hth Ct-Mens 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny Sngl Drft Hth Crt Y18 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pny- Obstacle Team 5th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pony-sngl HthPl Crt-Ldy D 5th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl HthPl Crt-Mns Ct 5th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl Drft Htch Ct-Lad 5th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pony Obstacle - single cart 6th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pony-sngl HthPl Crt-Ldy D 6th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl HthPl Crt-Mns Ct 6th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pny Sngl Hth Fn or Pl Har 2/4 6th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl Dft Hth cart Curtis J Hess - Chardon, OH 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Mares 3 years and under 6 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Grand Champion Mare Cl 6-9 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Geldings 6 years and over 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Grand Champion Gelding Cl12-15 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Reserve Champion Gelding 12-15 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Best of Show 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Best Matched Pair - Geldings 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pony-sngl HthPl Crt-Ldy D 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl HthPl Crt-Mns Ct 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Championship Pny Hth Pl cart 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pony-Draft Tm Htch 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony drft tm htch Mens d 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl Drft Htch Ct-Lad 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-SnglDrft Hth Ct-Mens 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny Sngl Drft Hth Crt Y18 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony Tm Htch Ladies Dr 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pny Unicorn Hth 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pny Sngl Hth Fn or Pl Har 2/4 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pony Sngl or tm Antique Veh 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl Dft Hth cart 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony Tandem Dft Hth 53 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Champion Pony Draft Cart 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony Team-Youth 18 and U 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Champion Draft Pony Team 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - 4 Pony Draft Hitch 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - 6 Pony Draft Hitch 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Geldings 6 years and over 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Produce of Dam 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Best Matched Pair - Mares 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pony-sngl HthPl Crt-Ldy D 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sng Hth Pl Ct-Yth18/u 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pony-Draft Tm Htch 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony drft tm htch Mens d 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl Drft Htch Ct-Lad 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-SnglDrft Hth Ct-Mens 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl Dft Hth cart 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Champion Pony Draft Cart 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Champion Draft Pony Team 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pony Obstacle - single cart 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Championship Pny Hth Pl cart 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pny Sngl Hth Fn or Pl Har 2/4 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pny- Obstacle Team 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Champion Pony Draft Cart 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Geldings 6 years and over 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl HthPl Crt-Mns Ct 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony Tm Htch Ladies Dr 6th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pony Obstacle - single cart Linn Hess - Orwell, OH 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Mares 6 years and over 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Reserve Chamiopn Mare Cl 6-9 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Best Matched Pair - Mares 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pony-Frm Tm.- Htd Frm Vhl 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sng Hth Pl Ct-Yth18/u 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pny- Obstacle Team 1st-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pony Obstacle - single cart 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl HthPl Crt-Mns Ct 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Championship Pny Hth Pl cart 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny Sngl Drft Hth Crt Y18 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony Tm Htch Ladies Dr 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pny Unicorn Hth 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pny Sngl Hth Fn or Pl Har 2/4 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pny- Obstacle Team 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony Tandem Dft Hth 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony Team-Youth 18 and U 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - 4 Pony Draft Hitch 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Geldings 6 years and over 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Haflinger - Produce of Dam 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pony-sngl HthPl Crt-Ldy D 54 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl HthPl Crt-Mns Ct 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pony-Draft Tm Htch 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Draft Pony drft tm htch Mens d 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl Drft Htch Ct-Lad 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-SnglDrft Hth Ct-Mens 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pony-sngl HthPl Crt-Ldy D 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl Dft Hth cart 4th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pony Obstacle - single cart 5th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pny Sngl Hth Fn or Pl Har 2/4 5th-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Drft Pny-Sngl Dft Hth cart Chase Hickey - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Sngl Cmb White Leghorn - Cock 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Mille Fleur Bel Brd d'Uc - Hen 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Tan-Lilac Ryan Hickey - Southington, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Whole 2 Layer Frostd Cake-st v 2nd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Bundt Cake - state variety Donna Hlad - Cleveland, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Infant's Afghan 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Afghan 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Ndlpt Spec plstc cnvs any othr 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Infant's 3 piece set Regina Hlavach - Bedford, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Bran 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Org maple baked goods w/recipe Alexis Hofstetter - North Bloomfiel, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Pumpkins - Pie Pumpkin 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Any Other Variety Carolyn Hofstetter - North Bloomfiel, OH 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Acorn 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Tole Painting - metal decorate Mia Hofstetter - North Bloomfiel, OH 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Red Cherry(4 on plate 3rd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Whole 2 Layer Frostd Cake-st v 4th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Pumpkins - Pie Pumpkin Aiden Hollingsworth - Burton, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Automoblie Alison Hollingsworth - Burton, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Folg Plnt nt mtnd abv stat var Lia Hollingsworth - Burton, OH 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - Salvia, three stems,annl ay cl 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite Animal Col (6 & under 5th-Flower Show - Youth Division - Black-eyed Susans, 3 stems Matt Hollingsworth - Burton, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Advanced-Special Occasion 1st-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Best in Advanc Cake Decorating Randy Hollis - Newbury, OH 55 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Hay & Grain - Grain - Yellow Field, this yr. no husk 3rd-Hay & Grain - Grain - Tallest Stalk of Corn Rose M Holva - Eastlake, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Wall hanging - fine cut 3rd-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Two or more Techinques Kevin Holy - Montville, OH 2nd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 Sec.Grass Hay ess 50% legum D. Holzheimer - Aurora, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Quilt w 2 or mr tech mach quil Diane Holzheimer - Aurora, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Quilt by a group - adult hnd q Tom Holzheimer - Aurora, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Human Interest (B&W) Sharon Hoopes - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's afghan (any other sti 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Crocheted edge article 2nd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Crs stitch specimen stmpd patt 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Crocheted doll or animal 2nd-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - Crocheted Afghan 3rd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Pillowcase Lois Hoover - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - Quilt by Group 3rd-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - Other - Specify entry Joanne Hopes - Orwell, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Plain Aluminum Anthea Hopkins - Hiram, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Pies - Peach Colby Hopkins - Hiram, OH 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pony Fine Harness sngl hitch Lucinda Hopkins - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Bisque or Parian(antiques only 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - My Favorite Doll - old 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Composition 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Hat Michelle Hopkins - Hiram, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Pies - Blueberry Sadie Hopkins - Hiram, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Pies - Apple-Raisin Wendy Hopkins - Burton, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Occupied Japan (Classes 1-6) - Vase 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Kitchen Utensils - 3 pcs. 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Apron 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Teddy Bear 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Pull Toy 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Truck 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Vegetable Novelty arranged ex 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Felted wool article 56 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Cookie Cutter w/Wd Hndle 3 pcs 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Plain Aluminum 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Rolling Pin 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Boy or Girl Scout Item 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Geauga County Item 3rd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Embroidered Specimen 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Biscuit/Donut 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Food Ricer 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Hammered Aluminum 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Children's Book Troy Hornak - Burton, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Mini Lop-Brkn Patt Betty Hostetter - Orwell, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Combination planter-outdoor Eric Hotchkiss - Burton, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Lego Models - not from kit Ian Hotchkiss - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Ink - Any Subject - Teen Jessica Householder - Warren, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - HDR - Any Subject Glen Housel - Jefferson, OH 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Doe Under 2 Yrs. in Milk 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Doe 2 Yrs. & Under 3 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Grand Champion 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Reserve Grand Champion 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Dam and Daughter 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Best Three Does 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Udder Class 2nd-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Doe 2 Yrs. & Under 3 2nd-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Dam and Daughter 3rd-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Udder Class 4th-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 4th-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Udder Class 5th-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Udder Class Theresa Hren - Chardon, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Patchwork quilt - mach quilted Sandy Hughes - Thompson, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Handmade Bears 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Wood burning 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Pencil - Any Subject - Adult Peggy Hull - Cleveland, OH 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Furniture (Classes 1-4) - Small Rocking Chair Owen Hunt - Southington, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Gingerbread person-6 on a plat 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Ceramics(12 & Under) - Ceramic Specimen nt lstd-hblt Jeral Hurd - Middlefield, OH 57 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Fine Arts - Professional Classes - Artwork Lillian Husek - Chardon, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 9 - 10 Nadina B Iadimarco - Burton, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Apple/Cinnamon Joshua Inks - Chardon, OH 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Syrup - 1 qt. Medium Amber Maple Syrup Richard Ivans - Chesterland, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Corn - Popcorn Strawberry, 5 ears 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Potatoes - 10 Tubers - Any other variety Ryan Ivans - Chesterland, OH 2nd-Beef - Open Class Steers - 1100-1249 Lb. Lightweight Jan Jackam - Burton, OH 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Red Raspberry 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Strawberry 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Best of Jellies 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Blueberry 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Tumbler 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Water Pitcher 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Pin or Brooch Paul Jackam - Burton, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - Sweet Spanish, yellow Louise Jackson - Chardon, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Cracker Jar 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Mixing Bowl 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Gingerbread House-Bst/adlt-Rs/ 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Vase 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Postcards - 6 dated Jack Jacobs - Burton, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Gldn Laced Wyandotte - Hen Cindy Janasik - Chesterland, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Nut Bread 1st-Baked Goods - Cakes - Spice 1st-Baked Goods - Cakes - Favorite Cake - state variety 1st-Baked Goods - Cakes - Best in Cakes 2nd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Yellow Paul Janoske - Chardon, OH 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Syrup - 1 qt. Dark Amber Maple Syrup 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Syrup - 1 qt. Light Amber Maple Syrup Diane Jenkins - Newbury, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Tatted specimen Karen Jeric - Novelty, OH 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Cactus Pink-Lavender 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB"Cactus[C,SC,IC,LC] White 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"DecFD,ID] Dhl Reds 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Cac[C,SC,IC,LC]Dh Reds 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Ball" Pompon Dahlia <2" 58 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Dec[FD<ID]Dhl All Blends 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Ball" Miniature Ball Dahlia 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Cac[C,SC,IC,LC]Dh All Bl 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Collarette Rick Jevnikar - Chardon, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Bread, Yeast or misc St var Emily Johnson - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe - Dutch - Blue Madolynn Johnson - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Dwarf Hotot 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Summer Yearling Heifer Ronald L. Johnson - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Dutch - Black 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-New Zealand-White 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Thrianta Travis Johnson - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Polish - Blue 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Polish-Chocolate 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Winter Heifer Calf Keith Joles - Chardon, OH 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Blackberry Jessie Jones - Newbury, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Dominique-Cockerel 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - A.O.V. Ameraucana-Cockerel 1st-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Bread, Yeast or misc St var 1st-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Misc. Gluten Free, state varie 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Patchwork article 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Child's pajamas Jilly Jones - Newbury, OH 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Am. Fuzzy Lop-Brkn 5th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Vegetable Novelty Zoe Jones - Newbury, OH 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Blue Swedish - Young Drake 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Blue Swedish - Young Hen Edith Jordan - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Minature 1/2"Scale-Holiday 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Latch Hook article 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Tradescantia (Wandering Jew) 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Indr hng bskt folg nt mntd abv 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - My Favorite Doll - new 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Purchased Teddy Bear 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Asparagus Fern Ted Jordan - Garrettsville, OH 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - Marigolds; orng/gld, 3 stems 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Hand Puppets 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Practical (ages 7-9) 2nd-Flower Show - Youth Division - Marigolds; yellow, 3 stems 59 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Tracie Kacir - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Fused Glass 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Strawberry Rhubarb Cory Kajder - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Maple Walnut Muffins (6/fl pn) 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Maple Loaf Cake 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Geauga County Activity 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Bi-clr sngl 3 st 1 var 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Rubeckia, 3 st. over 3" 2nd-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Brownies 2nd-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Bar Cookies, state var., 6 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinnias, Dahlia Flwered, 3 blm 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cleome,Spider plnt 3 blms 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinni, Daisy Flwd/Pinwheel F 3 Karen Kajder - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Cup Cakes, 1/2 dz. 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Org maple baked goods w/recipe 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cleome,Spider plnt 3 blms 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinnias, Dahlia Flwered, 3 blm 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Toy Dishes - Lmt 6 in a contre 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Maple Walnut Muffins (6/fl pn) 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Maple Apple Pie-Crumb Crust 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Bi-clr sngl 3 st 1 var 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Rubeckia, 3 st. over 3" 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Occupied Japan (Classes 1-6) - Specimen not listed 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Pie, Maple Pecan 3rd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Pecan Rolls 3rd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Cornmeal 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Lantana, 3 stems 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Any 5 pc. - Sme.Pattern & Clr Joyce C Kallay - Chesterland, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Decorated Tables - Winter Wonderland Shelly Kaman - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinnias, Lilliput or Pompom 3 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Cactus and/or Succulent Grdn 2 4th-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Unusual Blossom in a Bud Vase Nancy Kapitanec - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Child's nightgown 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Lodge Badge 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Child's costume 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Specimen not listed 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Maple Syrup 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - McCoy Chris Kartley - Garrettsville, OH 1st-Hay & Grain - Silage - One peck baleage 1st-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Wheat 2nd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 Sec.50%/more alfalfa-1st cut 60 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 sec.50%/more alfalfa2/3 cut 2nd-Hay & Grain - Grain - Yellow Field,last yr. no husk 2nd-Hay & Grain - Grain - Ensilage, 5 stalks, husk open 2nd-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Sheaf of Wheat 3rd-Hay & Grain - Silage - 1 Peck Corn Silage 3rd-Hay & Grain - Grain - Field Corn Elaine Kartley - Garrettsville, OH 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Costume Class Meghan M Kartley - Garrettsville, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Pee Gees/paniculatas 4th-Flower Show - Design Division - Denali National Park & Preserv Kristopher Kastor - Chardon, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Ceramics(12 & Under) - Ceramic Sculpture,An-hand buil Patricia Kazsuk - Montville, OH 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Beans, green string 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Tomato Juice 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Corn 4th-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Corn Relish 4th-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Zucchini Relish Tammy Kearns - Newbury, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Peanut Butter 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia, Sngl Multiflora, 3 st 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Refrigerator Natalie Kehoe - Burton, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Acrylic - Any Subject - Teen 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Pencil - Any Subject - Teen Marcia Keller - Madison, OH 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Produce of Dam 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Junior Kid 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Grand Champion Junior 1st-Goats - Best 4 Sr.Does/any breed/age - Best Doe in Junior Show 2nd-Goats - French Alpines - Champion Challenge Class 2nd-Goats - French Alpines - Udder Class 2nd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 3rd-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 3 Yrs. & Under 4 3rd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 3rd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Junior Kid 5th-Goats - Recorded Grades - Udder Class Gunita Kennell - Chesterland, OH 4th-Flower Show - Design Division - Great Smokey Mtns Nat Park Rita Kenney - Burton, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Two or more Techinques Maddy Kevern - Painesville, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Oatmeal Cookies - 6 on a plate 3rd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Chocolate Chip Cookies-6 on pl Tommy Kevern - Painesville, OH 4th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Bar Cookies - state variety 6 61 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Marcy Kiefer - Chagrin Falls, OH 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Strawberry Brian Kimmel - Burton, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Favorite Pie-no custard/cream Leigh King - Sandy Lake, PA 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Open Driving Obstacle 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Country Pleasure Driving 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Western Cntry Pleas Driving 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Sngl Htch Dr-18 & under 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Country Pleasure Driving 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Opn Sngl Htch crt-any age 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sngl Htch Crt- Gentlemen Drive 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Western Cntry Pleas Driving 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Opn Sngl Htch crt-any age 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sngl Htch Crt - Ladies Drive 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Country Pleasure Driving 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Open Driving Obstacle Kelly Kitko - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Partridge Plymth Rock-Cock 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Partridge Plymth Rock - Hen Lynn Kitko - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Goats - French Alpines - Senior Kid 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Dominique-Pullet 2nd-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Buff Orpington - Pullet 2nd-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Black Australorps - Hen Joseph Klima - Thompson, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Sunflower, 1 largest head 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Spaghetti Squash 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Wine 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - 3 on a plate - Summer Crookneck 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Small Type, Gourd 4 on plate 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Rhinestone Necklace 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Charm Bracelet 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Biscuit/Donut 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Carrots-4 On A plate - Danvers Half Long 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Cal Wonder 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Red Cherry ( Sm. Type) 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Rhubarb, 12 stalks 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Vegetable Novelty arranged ex 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Painted Pumpkin 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Pickle Relish 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Folk Art 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Ice Cream Scoop 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Grater 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Canning Jar - 3 Different 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Potato Masher Red or Grn Handl 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - insulators - 3 62 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 4th-Culinary - Vegetables - Tomato Juice 4th-Culinary - Vegetables - Spaghetti Sauce 4th-Culinary - Butter - Apple 4th-Culinary - Jelly - Grape Adelyn Klimek - Cleveland, OH 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Black East Indie - Young Drake 1st-Poultry - Best Female & Male (Sec. 3&4) - Best Male 2nd-Poultry - Duck Classes - Black East Indie - Young Drake James Klingman - Middlefield, OH 5th-Sheep - Market Lambs - Middleweight Market Lambs Brycen P Klotzbach - North Bloomfiel, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Photos-Teens - Color Picture - Teen Lynn Knable - Burton, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds Ylw 2 1/2" & ov 3 bl 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Orng up to 2 1/2" 3 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Ylw up to 2 1/2" 3 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Scabiosa, Pincushion Flr 3 blm 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Pee Gees/paniculatas Lizzie Knapp - Chardon, OH 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Summer Yearling Heifer Hunter W Knight - Thompson, OH 2nd-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Dill Pickles 2nd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Yeast Baking - state variety 6 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Souvenirs of Ohio Jondavid G Knight - Thompson, OH 5th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Painted Pumpkin Kendall Knight - Thompson, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (5 to 8 yrs) - Specimen not listed 4th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Whole 2 Layer Frostd Cake-st v Soniafaith E Knight - Thompson, OH 5th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Painted Pumpkin Kathryn L Koch - Huntsburg, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Geauga Co. Fair Scene/ay md/A 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Pin or Brooch Catherine Kocina - Newbury, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Hat 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Holiday article - Christmas 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Purse 3rd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Cntd Crs Stch ptr frm 11/14 8x Ronald Koeritzer - Novelty, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Stained Glass Karl R Koerlin - Burton, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Ceramics(12 & Under) - Ceramic Sculpture con-Hnd buil Kevin Koerlin - Burton, OH 3rd-Honey - Honey - Liquid Honey - White Cindy Kolacz - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Loom woven article 63 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Variety not listed 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Reduced sugar - any variety 2nd-Culinary - Dried - Other Vegetables 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Felt specimen 2nd-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Medium - worsted 3rd-Culinary - Dried - Tomato 3rd-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Light - Dk, light worsted 3rd-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Bulky - chunky 4th-Culinary - Dried - Corn Scarlet V Kole - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Chocolate Brownies-6 on plate 3rd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Bar Cookies - state variety 6 5th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Six Frosted Cupcakes-st variet Kelly Kolenic - Novelty, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 7 Maggie Kolenic - Novelty, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Decorated cupcake cake 6-12c 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Polish - Chocolate Grace Koppelman - Chardon, OH 2nd-Sheep - Market Lambs - Middleweight Market Lambs 4th-Sheep - Market Lambs - Middleweight Market Lambs Sammi Kosie - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Lop-Brkn Patt 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Lop-Sld Pattern 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Tan-Chocolate 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Lop-Brkn Patt 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Mini Lop Brkn Patt 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Lop-Sld Pattern 2nd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-New Zealand-White 3rd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-New Zealand-White Janice Koster - Burton, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Water Pitcher 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Any 5 pc. - Sme.Pattern & Clr 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Tumbler - Footed 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Sherbet 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Covered Butter Dish 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Unusual Pitcher (Anml, brd et 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Tumbler 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Decorated Stacey Kovach - Chardon, OH 4th-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Coon Jumping Div 1 38" & under Jim Kovacs - Burton, OH 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Celebrity 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Gypsy 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Paste Type - Italian 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Any Other Variety Cindy L Kraus - Parma, OH 64 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - filet stitch 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Stole or shawl Debbie Krause - Burton, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Rug - fine cut 1st-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Best Hooked Article-All 1st Lauren Kristo - Chardon, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Intermediate-Wedding Cake Cheryl Krol - Auburn Twp, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Wrist Watch - Ladies 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Cuff Links 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Electric Iron 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Potato Masher Red or Grn Handl 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Music Box 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Jewelry 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Wire 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Jewelry - Bead 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Toothpick Holder 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Black 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Beads 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Ring - Ladies 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Grater 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - insulators - 3 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Lodge Badge 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - 1933 World's Fair Item 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Clock 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Earrings - Mounted 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Cookie Cutter w/Wd Hndle 3 pcs 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Kitchen Utensils - 3 pcs. Pam Krotzer - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Cow 4 Yrs. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Reserve Senior Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Reserve Grand Champion Female 1st-Baked Goods - Cakes - Chocolate 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Silverplated Item 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Junior 2 Yr. Old in Milk 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Junior 3 year old 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Cow 5 Yrs. Old or Over in Milk 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Best Four Dairy Cows 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Dam & Daughter 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Ice Cream Scoop 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Winter Heifer Calf 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Best Uddered 5th-Dairy - Holsteins - Best Uddered Jack Kuehn - Thompson, OH 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Winter Yearling Heifer Lucas Kuehn - Thompson, OH 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Senior 3 yr old 65 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Emily Kusar - Huntsburg, OH 5th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Red Cherry(4 on plate Jenny LaMarca-Colitto - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Wood 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Cambridge Item 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Specimen Not Listed 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Specimen not listed 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Wrist Watch - Man's 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Maple Syrup 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - Rockwood 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Character Doll 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Compact 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Art Deco Item 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Hat 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - 1933 World's Fair Item 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Composition 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Pin or Brooch 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Wrist Watch - Ladies 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Specimen not listed 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Cookie Jar 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - McCoy 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - Watts 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Milk Glass 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Ring - Ladies 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Ring - Man's 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Milk Bottle - Decorated 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Specimen not listed 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Dress Brielle Laird - Huntsburg, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (9 to 12 yrs) - Specimen not listed Cailynn Laird - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (9 to 12 yrs) - Crocheted or knitted article Dawn Laird - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Child's dress 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Vest 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Centerpiece or doily un 16" mt 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Child's sweater 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Purchased Doll/handmade cloth Delainy Laird - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite collection(ages 7-9) 2nd-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (5 to 8 yrs) - Machine sewed article Eden Laird - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 6 3rd-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (5 to 8 yrs) - Painted T-shirt Mary T. Landies - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Novelties 3rd-Maple Syrup - Miscellaneous - Gift Pack (See Rule #8) 66 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Heather Lane - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Buff Orpington - Pullet 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - A.O.V. Araucana - Pullet 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Netherland Dwf-Chtnut 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Brkn Pat Michelle Lane - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Grey Call - Old Drake 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Grey Call - Old Hen 1st-Poultry - Best Female & Male (Sec. 3&4) - Best Female Christine Lanstrum - West Farmington, OH 1st-Grange Exhibits - Grange Exhibits - Huntsburg Grange Alicia Larkins - Chardon, OH 4th-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 2 Yrs. & Under 3 Esther Lasich - Huntsburg, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Pencil - Any Subject - Teen Laura Lasich - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Pastel - Any Subject - Teen 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Charcoal - Any Subject - Teen Corry Laswell - Chardon, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Cookies, state var., 6 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Jewelry - Specimen not listed Pam Laswell - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Ceramic, Practial item 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Best of Ceramics - Rosette 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Ceramic, Decorative item Linda Laurent - Middlefield, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Occupied Japan (Classes 1-6) - Figurine Josh Laurenty - Painesville, OH 1st-Beef - Open Class Steers - 850-1099 Lb. Handy Weight 1st-Beef - Open Class Steers - 1100-1249 Lb. Lightweight 1st-Beef - Simmental - Spring Year Female 1st-Beef - Simmental - Grand Champion Female Ben Lausin - Thompson, OH 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Cow 5 Yrs. Old or Over in Milk 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Best Four Dairy Cows 5th-Dairy - Holsteins - Jr. Best Three Females Joe Lausin - Thompson, OH 1st-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 Sec.Grass Hay ess 50% legum 1st-Hay & Grain - Silage - 1 Peck of Silage 1st-Hay & Grain - Silage - 1 Peck Haylage 1st-Hay & Grain - Silage - Best of Silage 1st-Hay & Grain - Grain - Yellow Field,last yr. no husk 1st-Hay & Grain - Grain - Field Corn 1st-Hay & Grain - Grain - Best of Corn 1st-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Sheaf of Oats 1st-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Oats 1st-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Barley 67 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Soybeans grown last year 1st-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Sunflower Seeds (striped) 1st-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Best of Seeds 1st-Hay & Grain - Best Of Show - Chester Rzeszotarski Mem Awrd 1st-Hay & Grain - Best Of Show - Geauga Soil & Wtr Cons Awrd 2nd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 Sec. 50% or more Red Clover 2nd-Hay & Grain - Grain - Yellow Field, this yr. no husk 2nd-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Sheaf of Spelts 2nd-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Soy Bean 2nd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Wheat 2nd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Shelled Corn-1 qt. last year 3rd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 Sec.50%/more alfalfa-1st cut 3rd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1sec50%/more red clov.-1st cut 3rd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 sec.50%/more alfalfa2/3 cut 3rd-Hay & Grain - Grain - Ensilage, 5 stalks, husk open Liz Lausin - Thompson, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Bundt Cake - state variety 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Best in Jr. Cakes - Rosette 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Spring Yearling Heifer Suzy Lausin - Thompson, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Pie-No Custard, Cream,Pump. JoAnn Lavich - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Cntd Crs Sth ptr frmd 11/14 8x Ray Lazar - Mantua, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Woodcarving Betty Learn - Huntsburg, OH 3rd-Sheep - Wool - Hampshire 4th-Sheep - Wool - Hampshire Julie Leasure - Hiram, OH 1st-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Basil 1st-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Pumpkin Bread 2nd-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Sage 2nd-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Oregano 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Beets 3rd-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Parsley 4th-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Cherries, Sweet 4th-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Blueberries Baruce Leichtman - Thompson, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Silver Laced Wyandotte - Hen Sr Joela Leinberger - Chardon, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's afghan (any other sti Nancy Leirer - Novelty, OH 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Stewed Tomatoes Chris Lenart - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - Other open centered Dahlia Nathan C Lewandowski - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Ceramics (Teens 13-17) - Ceramic, Handbuild container 68 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Wyatt Lewis - Newbury, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Havana-Broken 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr.Buck-Havana-Black Annalise Leyda - Orwell, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Polymer Clay Craft - Teen George Liebenauer - Burton, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Specimen not listed 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Best of Show - $8.00 & Rosette - Best of Show-$8.00 & Rosette 3rd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Oats Mary Liebenauer - Burton, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Souvenir Glass Donna Light - Newbury, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - granny square Megan L Light - Roaming Shores, OH 4th-Sheep - Market Lambs - Lightweight Market Lambs Dianne Lillibridge - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Character (depicts personality 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Nationality 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Madame Alexander Dolls Annette Linkous - Kirtland, OH 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Dahlia, novice grwr, sm 3 blms Cindy Linn - Burton, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Bonsai Isaac M List - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Painted Pumpkin 1st-Fine Arts - Collections - Favorite collection of a Teen 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Jack O'Lantern 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Duck Tape Item(wtch sze Lmts) Lois Locher - Chesterland, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Goblet 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Vase 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Fostoria Item 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Rhinestone Necklace 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Children's Book 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Salt & Pepper Shakers 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Specimen not listed Elizabeth Lockemer - Newbury, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cucumbers-4 On A Plate - Pickling Type, small 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beans - Green String, 1 qt. box 3rd-Honey - Honey - Liquid Honey - Amber Light Harry Lockemer - Newbury, OH 4th-Culinary - Vegetables - Barbecue Sauce Brooke Long - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Oatmeal 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Chocolate Mark Longrich - Middlefield, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Cookies, state variety, 6/Plat 69 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Kathy Lough - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Patchwork quilt - mach quilted Gail Love - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - White Cochin - Pullet 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Slvr Duckwing O.E. Gm-Cockerel 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Golden Seabright - Cockerel 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Satin-Chocolate 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Satin-Chocolate 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Satin-White 1st-Honey - Honey - Crystalized Honey 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Am. Fuzzy Lop-Broken 3rd-Honey - Honey - Beeswax - Decor. - frm a mold 5th-Goats - French Alpines - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 5th-Goats - French Alpines - Intermediate Kid Glenda Love - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Jewelry - Bead Patricia M Loveland - Thompson, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Decorated Scrapbook Page 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature (B&W) 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Children 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Human Interest (B&W) Gail Lozori - Aurora, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Multi-Clr Mare lmtd to pnto/ap 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare Over 34" - 38" 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Multi-Clr Mare lmtd to pnto/ap 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare 32" - 34" James Lubetkin - Amagansett, NY 1st-Baked Goods - Cakes - Yellow Bundt 1st-Baked Goods - Cakes - Chocolate Bundt 1st-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Favorite Cake(No custard/cream 1st-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Plate of Cookies 1st-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Best in Men's Baking 3rd-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Miscellaneous Bread-state vty Dee Ludlow - Chardon, OH 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Variety not listed 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Plum Shively Luke - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 4 and under 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Decorative - 1 item 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Practical (ages 6 and under) 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Decorative (ages 6 and under) 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Miniature Match Box Cars 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Doll(6 and under) Georgia Luoma - Burton, OH 2nd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - PnySnglHth-Pl or Fn H No Dft 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Refrigerator 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - shell stitch 70 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Floral 3rd-Haflinger Halter/Pony Hitch - Pony Hitch/Sunday - Pony Fine Harness sngl hitch Candy Lutz - West Salem, OH 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Fall Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Pair of Ram Lambs 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Yearling Ewe 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Pair of Yearling Ewes 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Fall Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Spring Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Pair of Ewe Lambs 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Reserve Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Breeders Young Flock 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Best 5 Head 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Fall Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Spring Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Pair of Ram Lambs 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Reserve Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Yearling Ewe 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Pair of Yearling Ewes 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Fall Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Spring Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Paiar of Ewe Lambs 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Reserve Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Breeder's Young Flock 1st-Sheep - Shropshire - Best 5 Head 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Fall Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Spring Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Pair of Ram Lambs 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Reserve Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Yearling Ewe 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Pair of Yearling Ewes 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Fall Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Spring Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Pair of Ewe Lambs 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Reserve Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Breeder's Young Flock 1st-Sheep - Dorset - Best 5 Head 2nd-Sheep - Montadale - Spring Ram Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Montadale - Yearling Ewe 2nd-Sheep - Montadale - Spring Ewe Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Shropshire - Yearling Ewe 71 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Sheep - Dorset - Yearling Ewe Pat Lybarger - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - "BB" Decorative Dahlia 4" to 6 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Other open centered Dahlias 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Dec[FD,ID] Dhl Yellow Bryce Mabe - Chardon, OH 1st-Swine - Market Hog Show - 279 to 290 lbs. 1st-Swine - Market Hog Show - Champion Market Hog Brinn MacLellan - Chesterland, OH 3rd-Goats - Nigerian - Junior Kid Holly Macek - Middlefield, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Specimen not listed 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Storms David Maddox - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Produce of Dam 2 by same Mare 3rd-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Get of sire 3 by same Stallion 3rd-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Matched team at halter 3rd-Draft Horses - Supreme Champions - Super Senior Halter Mare 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Sr. Draft Horse Show-14-18 Julia Madej - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr.Buck-Havana-Black Addy Mager - Unionville, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Thrianta Natalie Majc - Euclid, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Liquid Honey - Amber Ext Light Christine Malnar - Jefferson, OH 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Doe 3 Yrs. & Under 4 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Doe 4 yrs. & under 5 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Grand Champion 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Reserve Grand Champion 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Champion Challenge Class 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Senior Get of Sire 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Produce of Dam 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Best Three Does 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Udder Class 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Senior Yearling 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Grand Champion Junior 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Junior Get of Sire 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Junior Produce of Dam 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Junior Kid 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Intermediate Kid 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Senior Yearling 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Grand Champion Junior 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Junior Get of Sire 1st-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Junior Produce of Dam 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Doe 4 yrs.& under 5 72 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Grand Champion 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Reserve Grand Champion 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Udder Class 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Senior Kid 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Junior Get of Sire 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Junior Produce of Dam 2nd-Goats - Lamancha - Doe 4 yrs. & under 5 2nd-Goats - Lamancha - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 2nd-Goats - Lamancha - Best Three Does 2nd-Goats - Lamancha - Udder Class 2nd-Goats - Lamancha - Junior Kid 2nd-Goats - Lamancha - Junior Get of Sire 2nd-Goats - Lamancha - Junior Produce of Dam 2nd-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 2nd-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Udder Class 2nd-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Senior Kid 2nd-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Senior Yearling 2nd-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Junior Get of Sire 2nd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Junior Kid 2nd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Senior Kid 2nd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Senior Yearling 3rd-Goats - Lamancha - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 3rd-Goats - Lamancha - Udder Class 3rd-Goats - Lamancha - Junior Kid 3rd-Goats - Lamancha - Senior Yearling 3rd-Goats - AOP (All Other Purebreds) - Senior Yearling 3rd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Udder Class 3rd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Senior Yearling 3rd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Junior Produce of Dam 4th-Goats - Lamancha - Udder Class 4th-Goats - Lamancha - Junior Kid 4th-Goats - Recorded Grades - Senior Yearling 5th-Goats - Lamancha - Senior Yearling 5th-Goats - Recorded Grades - Junior Kid 6th-Goats - Lamancha - Senior Yearling Alexander Maloney - Auburn Twp, OH 1st-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Applesauce Kelly A Maloney - Chesterland, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Selfie Deanna Mansfield - Newbury, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Felted wool article 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Purse Paul Mansfield - Newbury, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Sunflower, Tallest 1 head 3rd-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Vegetables - any variety 3rd-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Pickle 73 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Christine Marchand - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Jewelry - Combination of mediums 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Miniature 1/2" Sclae - One Rm Annika Markoff - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Havana-Chocolate 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Havana-Chocolate Marilyn Martell - Middlefield, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Ethnic-State Nationality 1st-Baked Goods - Cakes - Yellow 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Yeast Rolls, Maple Icing 2nd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Pecan Rolls 2nd-Baked Goods - Pies - Favorite Pie -State Variety 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Centerpiece or doily ov 16" mt 3rd-Baked Goods - Candy - Peanut Butter Fudge Ashton Martin - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Peanut Butter Cookies - 6 on p Isabella Martin - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Lop-Sld Patrn 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Lop-Sld Patrn Janet Marz - Solon, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Favorite Muffins, state variet 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Wall hanging 15x20 & un 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Wreath - any Holiday a/or Med 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Combination Planter - indoor 2nd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Brownies, frosted/plain 6 plt 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Outdoor,combination flrw,hngng 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Framed Document 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Purse 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Cactus and/or Succulent Grdn 2 Keirstan Masnick - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Rabbits - Doe - Litter, 6 - 8 Weeks Old - Doe & Litter 1st-Rabbits - Doe - Litter, 6 - 8 Weeks Old - Best Doe & Litter - Trophy Bethany Mason - Mantua, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Teen Gingerbread House & Roset 2nd-Domestic Arts - Teen Classes (13 - 19 yrs) - Crocheted or knitted article Bianca Mason - Mantua, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Gingerbread House & Rosette 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Minature 1/2"Scale-Holiday 2nd-Fine Arts - Teen Classes - Jewelry Gwen Mason - Mantua, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Refrigerator Set - 3 pcs. 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Decorated Scrapbook Page Matt Massena - Geneva, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Ginger 1st-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Favorite Pie-no custard/cream 2nd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Sweet Rolls 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Molasses 74 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Bar 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Misc. Cookie - state variety 3rd-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Rolls Tim Matlock - Hiram, OH 1st-Sheep - Suffolk - Spring Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Suffolk - Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Suffolk - Yearling Ewe 1st-Sheep - Suffolk - Pair of Yearling Ewes 1st-Sheep - Suffolk - Fall Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Suffolk - Spring Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Suffolk - Pair of Ewe Lambs 1st-Sheep - Suffolk - Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Suffolk - Reserve Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Suffolk - Breeders Young Flock 1st-Sheep - Suffolk - Best 5 Head owned by exhibitor 2nd-Sheep - Suffolk - Yearling Ewe 2nd-Sheep - Suffolk - Fall Ewe Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Suffolk - Spring Ewe Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Suffolk - Pair of Ewe Lambs Ryan Mayoros - Hiram, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - Any other variety 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Yellow, Semi Hot Bell Type 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Celebrity 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Consumer Pack - Onions(One variety per basket) 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - Sweet Spanish, yellow 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - White Bermuda 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - One White Onion by weight Carson McCandless - Burton, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Computer Generated Design Evania McCandless - Burton, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 9 - 10 Karena McCandless - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Storms Ethan McCaskey - Chardon, OH 2nd-Swine - Market Hog Show - 279 to 290 lbs. Noah McCaskey - Chardon, OH 3rd-Swine - Market Hog Show - 2268 to 239 lbs. Patt McClain - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cosmos, 3 stms sngl 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cosmos, 3 stms, dlb 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Rubeckia, 3 st. over 3" Beverly McClelland - Chardon, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Felted wool purse Tammy McClintock - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Sngl Htch Dr-18 & under Mary Beth McCormack - Solon, OH 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Mint 75 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Horseradish, 1 fruit 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Plum Dorothy McCoy - Newton Falls, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Oil - Any Subject - Adult 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Acrylic - Any Subject - Adult Barbara McCullough - Burton, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature - Winter Scene 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - People - Portrait 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - People Activity Gene McCune - Auburn Twp, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Comb Honey Round 1st-Honey - Honey - Best of Show Comb Honey - Rste 1st-Honey - Honey - Chunk Honey 1st-Honey - Honey - Pollen 1st-Honey - Honey - Best of Show Honey Specialties 1st-Honey - Honey - Beeswax - Non Decor - Hny Rl 6 1st-Honey - Honey - Beeswax - Decor. - frm a mold 2nd-Honey - Honey - Cut Comb Honey 2nd-Honey - Honey - Extracting Honey- Shlow or Me 2nd-Honey - Honey - Beeswax - Molded candles Taidhgin McElroy - Chesterland, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Orange Cranberry Scones Evelyn McHugh - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Cntd Crs Sth - Holiday Ptr Angelle McIntire - Chesterland, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Halter Jumper 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Showmanship 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Halter Jumper 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Halter Mare-18 Yrs. & un Sandy McLeod - Chardon, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Peanut Butter Douglas McMullen - Hiram, OH 1st-Fruits - Berries - Blackberries, 1 pt. 2nd-Fruits - Berries - Blueberries, 1 pt. Frank McWhorter - Aurora, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Candy - Peanut Brittle 2nd-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Rolls 3rd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Blueberry Scones 3rd-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Variety Not Listed-state var. Alison Mccloskey - Hunting Valley, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Portrait - Human (B&W) 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Nature - Summer Scene Neal N Mcfarlane - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Bar Cookies, state var., 6 3rd-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Brownies Patricia Mcgee - Mantua, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cookies - Drop 76 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Best of Show Cookies - Rosette 2nd-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Dill 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Fern Patrick Mcguigan - Russell Townshi, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Beeswax - Hand Dipped Candles 1st-Honey - Honey - Misc., non-edible(soap,cosme,e Roger Mckinstry - Thompson, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Gypsy 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Salsa 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Best in Pickles 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - 3 stems with pods 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Sugar & Creamer 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Furniture (Classes 1-4) - Small Rocking Chair 4th-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Yellow Peppers Carol Mead - Chardon, OH 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Raspberry, red 1st-Culinary - Gift Pack - Gift Pack-5 jars-all jams 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Blueberry 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Peach Lilija Meadows - Burton, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Lemon Poppyseed Scones Andy Mehall - Novelty, OH 3rd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1sec.less than 50% legume-1st 3rd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 Sec. 50% or more Red Clover Amanda Meitz - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - No-Sew Blanket 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Grater 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - Specimen not listed 2nd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Cherries, Sour 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Spider 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Sauerkraut 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Tradescantia (Wandering Jew) Judy Mellinger - Hiram, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Miniature 1/2" Sclae - One Rm Kevin Melter - Middlefield, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beans - Green String, 1 qt. box 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - 3 on a plate - Summer Crookneck Morgan Merlini - Painesville, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old &Ovr Gelding 34"&Und 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Grand Champion Gelding 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sld Clr Stal/GeldAll Othr Clrs 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Adult Showmanship Wendy Mesnick - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Netherland Dwarf-Blk Desirae Metcalfe - Middlefield, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Mtl lClrStal/Glds Ltd Pto/App 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Weaning & Yearling Stal,Mrs,Gl 77 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Grand Champion Jr. Stallion 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Stallion Under 32' 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Costume Class Robert Meyer - Chesterland, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Woodworking - decorative - ori Hannah Michalakes - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Oatmeal Cookies - 6 on a plate Joanne Mihalacki - Montville, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - My Favorite Doll - new John P Mihalik - Chardon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Vine plants not mentioned 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Morheads/Macrophyllas 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Flr plant not mentnd abv un12" 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Flr plnt nt mtnd abv ov 12" 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Folg Plnt nt mtnd abv stat var Phyllis A Mihalik - Chardon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Begonia, Tuberous rooted in bl 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Jade 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Flr plnt nt mtnd abv ov 12" 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Cactus or succulent abv 18" 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Flr plant not mentnd abv un12" 3rd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Unusual Blossom in a Bud Vase Bernice Mikula - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Jam or Jelly 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Fern 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Specimen not listed 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Strawberry 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Hat Sharon Millard - Pierpont, OH 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Sngl Htch Dr-18 & under 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Halter Jumper Bennett Miller - Burton, OH 5th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Peanut Butter Cookies - 6 on p Cindy Miller - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Annabelles/arborenscens 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds,Orng 2 1/2 " &ov3 bl Karen Miller - Chardon, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Ethnic-State Nationality Karen K. Miller - Garrettsville, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - any other stitch 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - 2 or more stitch patt Katelyn Miller - Burton, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 8 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Toy (7-9) 4th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Sugar Cookies, Frosted - 6 Nicole Milliff - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Child's quilt - hand quilted 78 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Mel Milliron - West Farmington, OH 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Pleasure Driving(Dnky or Mule) 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Halter - Jacks/Geldings 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Adult Race - In hand event 3rd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Obstacle Drvg (Dnky or Mul Ron Miner - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Decorative Yellow 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Cactus Yellow 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Cactus Reds 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Dec [FD,ID] Orng/Brnz 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB"Dec[FD,ID} Reds 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Dec [FD,ID] All Blends 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other"Opn Cntr Dh Novelty Ope 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Orchid 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Orchette 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Single 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Mignon Sng 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - Multi Bl Ent "BB" Dec 3 bl sm 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - Multi Bl Ent Nov Opn 5 bl sm v 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - Multi Bl Ent Collarette 5 bl s 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - Multi Bl Ent Mignon Sngl 5 bl 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - Multi Bl Ent Any Op Ctr Com 5 1st-Flower Show - Court Of Honor - Best "B" Dahlia 1st-Flower Show - Court Of Honor - Best Multiple Bloom Entry 1st-Flower Show - Court Of Honor - Best of Show Dahlia 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "b" Cactus Orange-Bronze 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Cactus Reds 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Cac[C,SC,IC,LC]Dh All Bl 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Ball" Ball Dahlia-ovr 3 1/2" 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other"Opn Cntr Dh Anemone 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other"Opn Cntr Dh Novelty Ope 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Collarette 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Orchette 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Single 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Mignon Sng 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - Multi Bl Ent Any Op Ctr Com 5 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Cactus All Blends 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Ball" Miniature Ball Dahlia 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Single 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Mignon Sng Ella Mitchell - Hiram, OH 1st-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1sec.less than 50% legume-1st 1st-Hay & Grain - Silage - 1 Peck Corn Silage 1st-Hay & Grain - Grain - Tallest Stalk of Corn 1st-Hay & Grain - Grain - Ensilage, 5 stalks, husk open 2nd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1sec50%/more red clov.-1st cut 3rd-Hay & Grain - Silage - One peck baleage 79 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Gerald Mitchell - Hiram, OH 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Fall Yearling Heifer 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Dry Cow, 5 Yrs. Old or Over 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Spring Yearling Heifer 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Senior 2 Yr. Old in Milk 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Dam & Daughter 6th-Dairy - Holsteins - Fall Heifer Calf Jeannette E. Mitchell - Chardon, OH 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Bread & Butter 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Strawberry Rhubarb 1st-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Pickle 1st-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Best in Person over 70 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Filled - state variety 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Dill 2nd-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Jam or Jelly 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Crocheted edge article 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Specimen not listed see rl #13 4th-Culinary - Vegetables - Vegetables for Soup Justin Mitchell - Ravenna, OH 2nd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Rye Anna Montazzoli - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Sheep - Market Lambs - Pen of Two Market Lambs 4th-Sheep - Market Lambs - Heavyweight Market Lambs Philip Montazzoli - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Sheep - Market Lambs - Lightweight Market Lambs Barbara Montgomery - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - Applique Quilt Jerry Moreno - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - "BB" Decorative Dahlia 4" to 6 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Mini Dec Dahlia - under 4" 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Best "B-BB" Dahlia - Rosette 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Best M, BA, MBa, P - Rosette 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Dec Bicolor/Variegated 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Dec[FD,ID} Purple Arlene Morgan - Auburn Twp., OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Purple Top Turnip, 4 on plate 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Sunflower, 1 largest head Jonah Morgan - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Rex-Black 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Sunflower-1 largest head 4th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Painted Pumpkin Audrey Morgan-Ard - Montville, OH 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe - Dutch - Chocolate Charles Morgret - Burton, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Orng up to 2 1/2" 3 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Ylw up to 2 1/2" 3 Kari Morgret - Burton, OH 80 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Gift Wrapped Package-any occas Bonita Morris - Newbury, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Dolls - Corn Husk 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - My Favorite Doll - old 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Quilt 3rd-Fine Arts - Collections - Decorative collected by Adult Christine Morris - Jefferson, OH 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Stallion, Weanling 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Jr. Grand Champion Stallion 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Grand Champion Stallion 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, Weanling 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, 2 years & under 3 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Jr. Grand Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Jr. Reserve Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, 3 years & under 4 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, 4 yrs, & over Broodmare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Sr. Grand Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Sr. Reserve Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Grand Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Reserve Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare & suckling colt 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Matched team at halter 1st-Draft Horses - Supreme Champions - Supreme Champion Stallion 1st-Draft Horses - Supreme Champions - Breeders Class 1st-Draft Horses - Supreme Champions - Super Senior Halter Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Pee Wee Showmanship 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Ladies Dr Cart-Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Men's Dr Cart Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch Ladies Drive-Mares 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch - Man Driver-Mares 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Driver 60 & over 2nd-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, 4 yrs, & over Broodmare 2nd-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld 2nd-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare & suckling colt 2nd-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Matched team at halter 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Men's Dr Cart Mare 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Open Team Hitch-No show harnes 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Tandem Draft Hitch 3rd-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld 3rd-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Matched team at halter 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Ladies Dr Cart-Mare 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Unicorn Craft Hitch 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Drft Horse undr Sdl - English 4th-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld 4th-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Matched team at halter 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Adult Showmanship 81 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - 4-Up Draft Hitch 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgl.Hitch Cart 13 & under 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Single Hitch Cart Dr 60 & over 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Tandem Draft Hitch Liberty Mosher - Chardon, OH 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Sunflowers, 3 Blms w/stms un Brooke Mostar - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Misc. Muffins, state variety Tom J Mostar - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Honey - Honey - Gift Pack - see Honey Rule 7 2nd-Honey - Honey - Beeswax - Non Decor - Hny Rl 6 3rd-Honey - Honey - Extracting Honey- Shlow or Me Madalin Muehleisen - Burton, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (9 to 12 yrs) - Embroidered article Sheri Muehleisen - Burton, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Applique quilt - hand quilted Alexander Mulacek - Burton, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Canned Goods 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Best of Show Misc - Rosette 2nd-Honey - Honey - Misc., non-edible(soap,cosme,e 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cakes, Variety not listed 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Cucumber, sweet 3rd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Novelties 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Asters, hardy, 3 stems 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - 3 stems with pods 4th-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Bread & Butter 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Raspberry, red Mason Mulacek - Burton, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Any variety 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - 3 on a plate - Summer Crookneck 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Charleston Gray 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cakes, Variety not listed 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Best of Show Cakes - Rosette 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Variety not listed 1st-Culinary - Butter - Peach 1st-Culinary - Butter - Best in Butters 1st-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Other Herbs 1st-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Best in Dried Herbs 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Asters, hardy, 3 stems 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Any Other Variety 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Potatoes - 10 Tubers - Rural Russet 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - 3 on a plate - Summer Straightneck 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Any Other Variety 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Canned Goods 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Corn Relish 2nd-Culinary - Butter - Apple 2nd-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Pumpkin Bread 82 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Honey - Honey - Misc., non-edible(soap,cosme,e 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Cucumber, sweet 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Yellow Peppers 3rd-Culinary - Dried - Apples 3rd-Culinary - Dried - Peppers 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Pee Gees/paniculatas 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Dwf Frnh dbl 3 stms 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Candy Dish 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Blackberry 4th-Culinary - Dried - Other Fruits 4th-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Oregano 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Celosia, plumes, 3 blms Kim Mullet - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Halter - Mules 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Showmanship 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Pleasure riding 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Coon Jumping Div 2 39" & above 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Halter - Mules 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Pleasure riding 3rd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Halter - Jennets 3rd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Adult Race - In hand event 4th-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Halter - Jacks/Geldings Addison Munson - Burton, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Chocolate Brownies-6 on plate Emmett Munson - Burton, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Peanut Butter Cookies - 6 on p Owen Munson - Burton, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Sugar Cookies, Frosted - 6 Vickie Murfello - Novelty, OH 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Morheads/Macrophyllas Myra Musick - Burton, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Felt specimen Rachel Mykrantz - Chardon, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Mini Dec Dahlia - under 4" 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - "B" Decorative Dahlia 6" to 8" 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - "BB" Decorative Dahlia 4" to 6 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Ball Dahlia or Mini Ball Dahli 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"DecFD,ID] Dhl Reds Luke Nedved - Middlefield, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 9 - 10 Maggie Nedved - Middlefield, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Souvenirs - Out of State 4th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Chocolate Chip Cookies-6 on pl Richard Negrelli - Willoughby, OH 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Geranium, sngl or dlb blm 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Folg Plnt nt mtnd abv stat var Abby Nelson - Chardon, OH 83 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Dominique - Hen Audrie Nelson - Windsor, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Ceramics (Teens 13-17) - Ceramic, Handbuilt, animal Jeremy Nelson - Windsor, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Pastel - Any Subject - Adult 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Pencil - Any Subject - Adult John Nelson - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Spelts 2nd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Oats 2nd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Barley 3rd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 Sec.Grass Hay ess 50% legum 3rd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Shelled Corn-1 qt. last year Katrina Nelson - Windsor, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Hng bskt cactus and/or suc sng 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - My Favorite Doll - new Quinn Nelson - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Beef - Open Class Steers - 850-1099 Lb. Handy Weight 3rd-Beef - Open Class Steers - 1100-1249 Lb. Lightweight 6th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 279 to 290 lbs. Thomas Nelson - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Dominique - Hen Kylie Neumore - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Photo(12 & Under) - Black&White Picture-any subjec Gabriella Nicastro-Keglovic - Chardon, OH 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Halter Jumper 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Western Cntry Pleas Driving Daniel Nichols - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Sheep - Market Lambs - Heavyweight Market Lambs 1st-Sheep - Market Lambs - Champion Market Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Market Lambs - Pen of Two Market Lambs 3rd-Sheep - Market Lambs - Heavyweight Market Lambs Kathy Nieman - Jefferson, OH 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch Ladies Drive-Mares 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch - Man Driver-Mares Roy Nieman - Jefferson, OH 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Mare, 2 years & under 3 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Jr. Grand Champion Mare 2nd-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Mare, 3 years & under 4 2nd-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Get of sire 3 by same Stallion 2nd-Draft Horses - Supreme Champions - Super Senior Halter Mare 3rd-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Mare, 3 years & under 4 4th-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Matched team at halter 5th-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld Meg Noah - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - New Hampshire Red - Pullet 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - A.O.V. Continental - Pullet Ronald Noah - Chagrin Falls, OH 84 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Corn - Sweet Corn 5 ears Yellow Sr. Louray Noll - Chardon, OH 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Wealthy 1st-Fruits - Crab Apples - 12 Crab Apples - Any Variety 1st-Fruits - Plums - Stanley Prune 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Morheads/Macrophyllas 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Stayman Winesap 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Rome Beauty 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Baldwin 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Granny Smith 2nd-Fruits - Pears - Bosc 2nd-Fruits - Pears - Bartlett 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds lgst & Bst any Clr 3 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Snapdragons Antirrhinum 3 spks 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Red Delicious 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Jonathan 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - McIntosh 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Melrose 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Spy 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds,Orng 2 1/2 " &ov3 bl 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Bi-clr sngl 3 st 1 var 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinnias, Lilliput or Pompom 3 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinni, Daisy Flwd/Pinwheel F 3 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - 3 stems with pods Emily Nyzen - Hiram, OH 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Corn-Sweet Corn-3 ears bi-clr Henry Nyzen - Hiram, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Corn-Sweet Corn-3 ears bi-clr 4th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Red Cherry(4 on plate 4th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Squash - Zucchini, Green John Nyzen - Hiram, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Red Cherry(4 on plate 4th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Corn-Sweet Corn-3 ears bi-clr James O'Connor - Rome, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Sunflower, Tallest 1 head 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Acorn Sharon O'Donnell - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Sheep - Border Leicester - Spring Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Border Leicester - Pair of Ram Lambs 1st-Sheep - Border Leicester - Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Border Leicester - Reserve Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Border Leicester - Yearling Ewe 1st-Sheep - Border Leicester - Pair of Yearling Ewes 1st-Sheep - Border Leicester - Spring Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Border Leicester - Pair of Ewe Lambs 1st-Sheep - Border Leicester - Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Border Leicester - Reserve Champion Ewe 85 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Sheep - Border Leicester - Breeder's Young Flock 1st-Sheep - Border Leicester - Best 5 Head 1st-Sheep - Wool - Blue Faced Leucester 2nd-Sheep - Border Leicester - Spring Ram Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Border Leicester - Yearling Ewe 2nd-Sheep - Border Leicester - Spring Ewe Lamb William O'Donnell - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Sheep - Blue Faced Leucester - Yearling Ram 1st-Sheep - Blue Faced Leucester - Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Blue Faced Leucester - Yearling Ewe 1st-Sheep - Blue Faced Leucester - Pair of Yearling Ewes 1st-Sheep - Blue Faced Leucester - Spring Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Blue Faced Leucester - Pair of Ewe Lambs 1st-Sheep - Blue Faced Leucester - Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Blue Faced Leucester - Reserve Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Blue Faced Leucester - Best 5 Head 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Yearling Ram 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Spring Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Reserve Champion Ram 2nd-Sheep - Blue Faced Leucester - Yearling Ewe 2nd-Sheep - Blue Faced Leucester - Spring Ewe Lamb Eileen O'Hara - Newbury, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Sedum, 3 stems 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cleome,Spider plnt 3 blms Jayme O'Neill - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Lop-Brkn Patt Kevin O'Reilly - Middlefield, OH 1st-Hay & Grain - Grain - Yellow Field, this yr. no husk 1st-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Sheaf of Wheat 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's casual dress 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's Jacket 2nd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Soybeans grown last year 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Skirt or Pants 2nd-Fine Arts - Ceramics (Teens 13-17) - Ceramic, Handbuilt, no mold 3rd-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Soy Bean 3rd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Wheat 3rd-Fine Arts - Ceramics (Teens 13-17) - Ceramic, Handbuild container Mary O,Neill - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Lionhead - REW Mya Ober - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Lop-Brkn Patt Kathy Obradovic - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's three piece set Clare G Obrien - Novelty, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's three piece set 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Ceramic handdbuilt,no mold adt 86 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Dale Olson - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Ink - Any Subject - Adult 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Geauga Co. Fair Scene/ay md/A 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Pastel - Any Subject - Adult 3rd-Honey - Honey - Honey - Dark 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Watercolor - Any Subject - Adu John Omerza - Newbury, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Horseradish, 1 fruit 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - One Pt soft maple icing 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Spaghetti Squash 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - One pound maple cream 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Sugar - Pt jar of sifted stirred sugar 3rd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Favorite Cake or Bundt st var Nancy Ondrejka - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Patchwork 1st-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Specimen not listed 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Baby's quilt machine quilted 2nd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Qltd wall hngng ov 15x20 mq Owen Orlowski - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Beginner-Child's Birthday 1st-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Best Beginner Cake Dec. 1st-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Favorite Cake or Bundt st var Josie Orosz - Chardon, OH 1st-Beef - Grade Point Cattle - Spring Yr. Female 1st-Beef - Grade Point Cattle - Reserve Champion Female 2nd-Beef - Grade Point Cattle - Jr. Calf Female 3rd-Beef - Grade Point Cattle - Jr. Calf Female Jenna M Osborn - Middlefield, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite Animal Coll (10-12) Judy M Osborn - Chesterland, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Collage, Flat to Hang, Adult Frances Owen - Moreland Hills, OH 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - Zinnias, 3 blooms Larry Owen - Andover, OH 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Jr. Draft Horse Show-13&Under 2nd-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, 2 years & under 3 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Sr. Draft Horse Show-14-18 3rd-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, 2 years & under 3 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch driver 13 & under 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Farm Team - No show harness 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Men's Dr Cart Mare 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch Ladies Drive-Mares 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch - Man Driver-Mares 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Drft Horse undr Sdl - English 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Tandem Draft Hitch 6th-Draft Horses - Purebred Belgians - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Ladies Dr Cart-Mare 87 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Phil Owen - Moreland Hills, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinni, Daisy Flwd/Pinwheel F 3 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Sunflowers Shirley Page - Streetsboro, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Purse 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Lady's pullover sweater-m t 1 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Socks - two or more yarns 1st-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Knitted Article 1st-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Machine Embroidery Article 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Infant's 3 piece set 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Lady's cardigan sweater 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Purse 2nd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Machine Embr. - Pillow Case 2nd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Clothing Article 2nd-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Counted cross-stitch 2nd-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Machine embroidery 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Occupied Japan (Classes 1-6) - Figurine 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Pin or Brooch 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Buffet Set - 3 pcs. 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Fountain Pen 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Adult's vest or sleeveless swt 3rd-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Knitted 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Jewelry Box Barb Palmer - Chardon, OH 3rd-Grange Exhibits - Grange Exhibits - Hambden Grange Glen Palmer - Chardon, OH 1st-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Soy Bean 1st-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Best of Sheafs of Grain 1st-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Sunflower Seeds (black oil) 2nd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Sunflower Seeds (striped) 3rd-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Sheaf of Rye - 2-4 " in Dia. Monica Patrick - Chardon, OH 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sld Clr Stal/GeldAll Othr Clrs 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Produce of Dam-2 of Dam Shown David W Patterson - Chesterland, OH 1st-Fruits - Consumer & Gift Packs - Apples - 4 to 10 containers 1st-Fruits - Consumer & Gift Packs - Apples - 4 to 10 containers 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Jonathan 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - McIntosh 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Paulared 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Empire 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Jersey Mac 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Ginger Gold 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Idared 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Any other variety 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Cortland 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Golden Delicious 88 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Jonathan 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Melrose 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Paulared 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Empire 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Jersey Mac 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Mutsu 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Gala 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Any other variety 1st-Fruits - Apples-Four-Tray - One Variety 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Pyramid - Red 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Pyramid - Green 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Cortland 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Honey Crisp 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Golden Delicious 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Macoun 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Melrose 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Mutsu 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Jonagold 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Gala 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Honey Crisp 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Macoun 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Trays - McIntosh 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Ginger Gold 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Idared 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Jonagold 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Eight-Tray - One Variety John S Patterson - Chesterland, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Photos-Teens - Black & White (Teens) Martha Pavlick - Chardon, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Beginner-Special Occasion 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Ctd Cr Sth Smpl fmd 11/14 8x10 Don Pavlish - Pepper Pike, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Professional Classes - Photography Rob J Pealer - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Wine - Wines Classes - Red French hydbrid dry or semi Robert Pealer - Auburn Twp, OH 3rd-Wine - Wines Classes - Red vinifera dry or semi dry Brianna Peck - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Machine Embr. - Picture framed 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Greeting Card-any occas/no env 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Stuffed or quilted toy un 12" 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Holiday Decoration - Christmas 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Decorated Scrapbook Page Marilyn Percic - Burton, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Apple/Cinnamon Molly Percic - Burton, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Chocolate Brownies-6 on plate 89 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Roman Percic - Burton, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Youth Division - Sunflowers; undr 8" dia, 3 stm 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Lego Models - not from kit Chris Perfetto - Chardon, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Photos-Teens - Color Picture - Teen Laura Perlic - Newbury, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Pastries - Variety Not Listed Mike Perlic - Newbury, OH 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - Red French hydbrid dry or semi 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - Red grape sweet wine John Petersen - Montville, OH 1st-Beef - Simmental - Jr. Calf Female 1st-Beef - Simmental - Cow Class - 2 yrs. & older 1st-Beef - Simmental - Reserve Champion Female 1st-Beef - Simmental - Pair of Females 2nd-Beef - Open Class Steers - Feeder Calf - Born aftr Jan. 1 3rd-Beef - Open Class Steers - Feeder Calf - Born aftr Jan. 1 4th-Beef - Open Class Steers - Feeder Calf - Born aftr Jan. 1 Yvette Petersen - Chesterland, OH 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Partdg Wyandotte - Hen 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Partdg Wyandotte - Hen 2nd-Fine Arts - Ceramics (Teens 13-17) - Ceramic, Handbuilt, animal 5th-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Brownies Gerald Petrus - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Woodworking not specified 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Woodworking - decorative - ori Courtney Pezak - Cleveland, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Geauga Co. Fair Scene/ay md/A Jason Phillips - Mentor, OH 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - White native dry or semi-dry 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - White french hybrid dry/semi 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - Red native dry or semi-dry Morgan Piecuch - Chardon, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Beginner-Special Occasion Lydia Pierce - Middlefield, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia, Sngl Multiflora, 3 st 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Gaillardia, 3 stems 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cannas, 3 stalks 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia, Sngl Grandiflora 3s 1 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Bi-clr sngl 3 st 1 var 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Ylw up to 2 1/2" 3 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia, Grandiflora 3 stm 3 c Cooper Pikor - Rome, OH 2nd-Sheep - Market Lambs - Heavyweight Market Lambs 2nd-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Spring Ewe Lamb 3rd-Sheep - Market Lambs - Middleweight Market Lambs Parker Pikor - Rome, OH 90 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Sheep - Market Lambs - Lightweight Market Lambs 3rd-Sheep - Market Lambs - Lightweight Market Lambs 3rd-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Spring Ewe Lamb Sutton Pikor - Rome, OH 3rd-Swine - Market Hog Show - 240 to 252 lbs. Nicole Pishnery - Cleveland, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Sweet Bread 1st-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Best in Yeast Baking Sarah Plante - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Rex-Otter Tammy Plants - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Freestanding Scarecrow Judging - Funny Loveable Scarecrow Sam Pleva - Burton, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Barred Plymouth Rock-Young Pen 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Mille Fleur Bel Brd d'U-Cockrl 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Silver Seabright - Cock Karen Poczontek - Medina, OH 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare Over 34" - 38" 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sld Clr Mare-opn to all othr c Taylor Poff - Chardon, OH 1st-Beef - Open Class Steers - 1250 Lb. & Up Heavyweight 1st-Beef - Open Class Steers - Grand Champion Steer Larry M Pohto - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Polish-Black 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Polish-Black 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Polish - REW 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Rex-Broken Group 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Holland Lop-Sld Patt 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Polish-Black 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Polish - Black Susan Pohto - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Holland Lop-Sld Patt 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Holland Lop-Sld Pattr 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Rex - Otter 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Thrianta 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Thriantan 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Thriantan 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Holland Lop-Brkn Patt 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Holland Lop-Sld Pattr 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Thrianta 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Thrianta 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Thriantan 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Thrianta Stephanie M Pokorny - Mentor, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Stole or shawl 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Specimen not listd-see rle #13 Landon W Polack - Gates Mills, OH 91 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Geauga Co. Fair Scene/ay md/Tn 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Papier-mache Robin L Polack - Gates Mills, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Decorated Tables - "It's A Small World"ie,Mex,Asi 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Occupied Japan (Classes 1-6) - Specimen not listed 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Raggedy Ann & Andy Paul Polomsky - Chardon, OH 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - Red native dry or semi-dry 3rd-Wine - Wines Classes - Rose wine, dry or semi dry Victoria Poole - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Celery, 3 bunches 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Qt. box Brussels Sprouts 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Flr plant not mentnd abv un12" 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Indr hng bskt folg nt mntd abv 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Burton Floral Award Bst Indr P 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Farm Products - 1 dz. brn eggs, lg. grd/crtn 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Long Yellow - Hot 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Painted Pumpkin 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Pickle Relish 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Farm Products - 1 Dz. wht eggs lg. graded crtn 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Corn - Sweet Corn 5 ears bi-colored 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Pickled Beets 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Salsa 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Peach 3rd-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Intermediate-Child's Birthday 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Wreath - any Holiday a/or Med 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Dbl Grndiflra 3 stm 1 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Petunia Dbl Grdflra 3 st 3 clr 4th-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Dill 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Flr plnt nt mtnd abv ov 12" Jamie Porter - Chardon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Rudbeckia, 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Statice, annual See-Pink or Th 1st-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Red Blends 1st-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Tallest, any color 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Artemisia, 3 stems, all vartys 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Annabelles/arborenscens 2nd-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Pink/Rose 2nd-Flower Show - Best Display of Gladiolus - Red Blends 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinnias, Dahlia Flwered, 3 blm John W. Porter - Garrettsville, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Specimen not listed 3rd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Embroidered article Leslie Porter - East Claridon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cannas, 3 stalks 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Salvia, annual blue, 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Gettysburg National Military P 92 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Hot Springs National Park 3rd-Flower Show - Design Division - Yosemite National Park 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Annabelles/arborenscens 4th-Flower Show - Design Division - Grand Tetons National Park 4th-Flower Show - Design Division - Mammoth Caves National Park Rebecca Portman - Hiram, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Woodcarving Charlene Powell - Burton, OH 1st-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Grape Juice 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Carnival 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Cookie Jar 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Coca-Cola 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Coffee 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Chili Sauce 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Fostoria Item 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Ring - Man's 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Goblet 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Salt & Pepper Shakers 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Silverplated Item 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Truck 4th-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Pears Amelia Praetzel - Chardon, OH 3rd-Swine - Market Hog Show - 279 to 290 lbs. Elise A Praetzel - Chardon, OH 2nd-Swine - Market Hog Show - 2563 to 265 lbs. Robert Praetzel - Chardon, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Favorite Pie-no custard/cream Ryan Praetzel - Chardon, OH 6th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 2268 to 239 lbs. Judy Prasek - Newbury, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Chair pad(s)-wide cut 1st-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Wall hanging - wide cut 2nd-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Pillow - fine cut 2nd-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Two or more Techinques 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Shirley Temple 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Quilt 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Teddy Bear 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Children's Clothing Alyssa Priester - Jefferson, OH 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Produce of Dam (female only) Linda Prochaska - Beachwood, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Pies - Pecan Maryann Prochaska - Beachwood, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Dinner Rolls 1st-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Pecan Rolls 1st-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Tea Ring 1st-Baked Goods - Pastries - Variety Not Listed 93 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Baked Goods - Pastries - Best in Pastries 3rd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Sweet Rolls Jayna Prochazka - Charlottesville, VA 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Animals and Birds Ryan Ratajczak - Burton, OH 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Vegetable Joseph Rath - Chardon, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Big Boy(4 on Plt) 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Pumpkins - Jack O'Lantern 4th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Potato Any Variety(10 per con) Amelia Reda - Huntsburg, OH 5th-Flower Show - Youth Division - Zinnias, 3 blooms Elizabeth Reda - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Toy (6 and under) 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Shoebox Diorama 4th-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Dill Pickles 5th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Whole 2 Layer Frostd Cake-st v Sarah Reda - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Fawn & White Runner-Old Drake 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Fawn & White Runner - Old Hen 1st-Poultry - Duck Classes - Snowy Mallard - Old Drake Scott Reda - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Toy (10-12) 3rd-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Green Beans 3rd-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Dill Pickles 3rd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Yeast Baking - state variety 6 Christina Redfern - Burton, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Decorated - Holiday or Themed 2nd-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Banana Nut Bread 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Sugar Bruce Reilly - Newbury, OH 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Dutch - Black Kattie Reilly - Newbury, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-Black 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Netherland Dwf-Otter 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-Otter 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Beveren-White 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Beveren-White 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Beveren-White 2nd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Beveren-White 3rd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Beveren-White Lydia N Reiss - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Watercolor - Any Subject - Tn 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Acrylic - Any Subject - Teen Edward Reiter - Southington, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Asparagus Fern Cailee Rendlesham - Chagrin Falls, OH 94 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Sheep - Market Lambs - Pen of Two Market Lambs 5th-Sheep - Market Lambs - Heavyweight Market Lambs Sr. M Donnal Resar - Chardon, OH 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Peach 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Raspberry, black 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Cherry 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Combination (2 fruits) 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Pear 1st-Baked Goods - Pies - Favorite Pie -State Variety 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Strawberry Rhubarb 2nd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Plum 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Elderberry 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Strawberry 2nd-Culinary - Gift Pack - Gift Pack-5 jars-all jellies 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Raspberry, red 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Variety not listed 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Reduced sugar - any variety 3rd-Culinary - Jelly - Apple 3rd-Culinary - Jelly - Grape Samuel Rettinger - Kingsville, OH 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Gelding, 3 & 4 years 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Sr. Grand Champion Gelding 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Grand Champion Gelding 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Htch Ladies Dr Crt Stal/G 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sngl Htch Men's Dr Crt Stal/Gl 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch-Ldy's Dr-Geldings 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Tandem Draft Hitch 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Unicorn Craft Hitch 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - 4-Up Draft Hitch 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - 6-Up Draft Hitch 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Drft HorseUnder Saddle Western 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Drft Horse undr Sdl - English 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Adult Showmanship 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Adult Showmanship 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Gelding, 5 years & over 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Single Hitch Cart Dr 60 & over 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch-Man Dr-Geldings 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Open Team Hitch-No show harnes 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Mtchd Grade Tm at Hltr G a/o M Adam Retych - Newbury, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Ink - Any Subject - Teen Max Retych - Middlefield, OH 4th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 2563 to 265 lbs. Mark Ricci - Huntsburg, OH 5th-Dairy - Holsteins - Winter Heifer Calf Celeste Richards - Garrettsville, OH 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - White french hybrid dry/semi 95 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - Wht or rd non-grape dry/semi d 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - Red vinifera dry or semi dry 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - White grape sweet wine 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - Red grape sweet wine 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - White non-grape sweet wine 1st-Wine - Wines Classes - Best of show in Wine - Rosette 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Rudbeckia, 3 stems 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - Rose wine, dry or semi dry 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Cleome,Spider plnt 3 blms 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - 3 stems with pods 3rd-Wine - Wines Classes - White vinifera dry or semi-dry 3rd-Wine - Wines Classes - Red non-grape sweet wine 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Echinacea, 3 stms(prpconeflwr) 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Phlox, perennial, 3 stems 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Dwf Frnh dbl 3 stms 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Rubeckia, 3 st. over 3" 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Sedum, 3 stems 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Verbenas, 3 stems 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Any othr annual nt listed 3 st Joyce Richardson - Huntsburg, OH 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Postcards - 6 dated Madison Rickelman - Chardon, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Six Frosted Cupcakes-st variet 3rd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Sugar Cookies, Frosted - 6 Beth Rider - Burton, OH 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Sr. Draft Horse Show-14-18 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Showmanship Champion 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Sr. Reserve Champion Gelding 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Reserve Champion Gelding 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgl.Hitch Cart 13 & under 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Cart 14 - 18 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch driver 14 - 18 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Champion Draft Horse Team 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Gelding, 3 & 4 years 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Htch Ladies Dr Crt Stal/G 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Drft HorseUnder Saddle Western 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Drft Horse undr Sdl - English 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Mtchd Grade Tm at Hltr G a/o M 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Htch Ladies Dr Crt Stal/G 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Drft HorseUnder Saddle Western 4th-Draft Horses - Supreme Champions - Super Senior Halter Mare 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch-Ldy's Dr-Geldings 5th-Draft Horses - Supreme Champions - Super Senior Halter Mare 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Adult Showmanship 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Ladies Dr Cart-Mare Jim Rider - Burton, OH 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch-Man Dr-Geldings 96 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - 6-Up Draft Hitch 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - 4-Up Draft Hitch 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Tandem Draft Hitch 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Unicorn Craft Hitch Erica Ringler - Willoughby, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Apple Bread Kellie Ristau - Hiram, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Non-Yeast Baking 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Medium not specified 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Woodworking - practical - Orig 2nd-Fine Arts - Collections - Favorite collection of a Teen 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinnias, Lilliput or Pompom 3 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - American Girl Doll-No acesorie 4th-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Cookies, state var., 6 Abigail J Ritosa - Chardon, OH 3rd-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (9 to 12 yrs) - Machine sewed article Isabella M Ritosa - Chardon, OH 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Child's costume Brenda Roberts - Burton, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Long Yellow - Hot 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Jalapeno PJ Robison - Rock Creek, OH 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Mare, 3 years & under 4 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Sr. Reserve Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Reserve Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Produce of Dam 2 by same Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Get of sire 3 by same Stallion 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Matched team at halter 1st-Draft Horses - Supreme Champions - Best of Show Trophy 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Adult Showmanship 2nd-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld 2nd-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Matched team at halter 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Ladies Dr Cart-Mare 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch Ladies Drive-Mares 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch - Man Driver-Mares 3rd-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld 4th-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Pee Wee Showmanship 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Pee Wee Showmanship 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Men's Dr Cart Mare 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Unicorn Craft Hitch Aria Rogers - Cleveland, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 4 and under 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Decorative (ages 6 and under) Carol Rogers - Burton, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Zucchini Bread 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Sugar Free - state variety 97 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Louis Rorimer - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Jr. Bull Calf 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Grand Champion Bull 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Jr. Calf Female 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Winter Calf Female 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Sr. Calf Female 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Cow Class-2 yrs. & older 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Grand Champion Female 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Reserve Champion Female 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Pair of Females 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Cow/Calf Class-current fair yr 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Breeders herd 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Produce of Dam 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Pair of Calves 1st-Beef - Belted Galloway - Jr. Get of Sire 1st-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Sheaf of Spelts 2nd-Beef - Belted Galloway - Cow Class-2 yrs. & older 2nd-Beef - Belted Galloway - Pair of Females 2nd-Beef - Belted Galloway - Cow/Calf Class-current fair yr 2nd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Spelts Russell Rosch - Burton, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Carrot Cake Jerry Rose - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Tomatoe by weight 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Pumpkin Squash by wt & Rosette 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Pumpkin only by wght & Rosette Stella Rose - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - Patchwork Quilt Miriam W Rosenblatt - Beachwood, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Stole or shawl 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Shawl 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Specimen not lstd see rle #13 Tena Rosner - Cleveland, OH 3rd-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Wall hanging - fine cut Susan Ross - Chardon, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Banana Nut Karen M Rossi - Chesterland, OH 3rd-Goats - Lamancha - Doe 4 yrs. & under 5 3rd-Goats - Nigerian - Doe 4 yrs. & under 5 Laurie Roth - Chesterland, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Furniture (Classes 1-4) - Child's Furniture - 1 pc. 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Coconut Kathy J Rothenfeld - Beachwood, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Decorative made by an adult 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Holiday Decoration - other 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Tole Painting - unlisted 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Oil - Any Subject - Adult 98 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Pencil - Any Subject - Adult 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Tole Painting - Wood decorativ 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Acrylic - Any Subject - Adult 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Scratch Art Susan B Runo - Aurora, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - Roseville Lisa M Ruple - Burton, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Herb Yeast Beth Ryan - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Cal Wonder 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Largest cabbage - round 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cucumbers-4 On A Plate - Straight Eight 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Eggplant, 1 purple 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Potatoes - 10 Tubers - Kennebec 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Red Type 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - 3 on a plate - Zucchini, Green Dale Ryan - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1sec50%/more red clov.-1st cut 1st-Hay & Grain - Hay - Best of First Cutting 1st-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 Sec. 50% or more Red Clover 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Consumer Pack - Tomatoes(One var per basket) 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Consumer Pack - Yukon Gold Potatoes 2nd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1sec.less than 50% legume-1st 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Consumer Pack - Squash(One var per basket) 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Consumer Pack - Potatoes (One var per basket) Ron Rzeszotarski - Garrettsville, OH 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Dry Cow, 3 Yrs. & Under 4 1st-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 Sec.50%/more alfalfa-1st cut 1st-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 sec.50%/more alfalfa2/3 cut 1st-Hay & Grain - Hay - Best of Second Cutting 1st-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Shelled Corn-1 qt. last year 2nd-Hay & Grain - Silage - One peck baleage 2nd-Hay & Grain - Grain - Tallest Stalk of Corn 2nd-Hay & Grain - Grain - Field Corn 3rd-Hay & Grain - Silage - 1 Peck Corn Silage 3rd-Hay & Grain - Grain - Yellow Field,last yr. no husk 3rd-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Sheaf of Wheat 3rd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Soybeans grown last year 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Dry Cow, 5 Yrs. Old or Over 5th-Dairy - Holsteins - Spring Yearling Heifer 5th-Dairy - Holsteins - Fall Yearling Heifer Bob A Sage - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Corn - Sweet Corn 5 ears Yellow 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Jack O'Lantern 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Buttercup 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Consumer Pack - Squash(One var per basket) 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Consumer Pack - Squash (mixed varieties) 99 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Fruits - Consumer & Gift Packs - Peaches - 4 to 10 containers 1st-Fruits - Consumer & Gift Packs - Apples - 4 to 10 containers 1st-Fruits - Consumer & Gift Packs - Mixed Fruit - 4 to 10 contain 1st-Fruits - Apples-Pyramid - Red 1st-Fruits - Apples-Pyramid - Green 1st-Fruits - Apples-Pyramid - Red/Green(Alternating Rows) 1st-Fruits - Apples-Pyramid - Best of Show Sec. 1&2-Rosette 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Stayman Winesap 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Cortland 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Red Delicious 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Honey Crisp 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Golden Delicious 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Macoun 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Melrose 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Milton 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Spy 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Mollies Delicious 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Spartan 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Holiday 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - 20 oz. Pippin 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Mutsu 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Jonamac 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Jonalicious 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Jonagold 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Granny Smith 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Gala 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Akane 1st-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Burgundy 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Stayman Winesap 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Red Delicious 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Honey Crisp 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Macoun 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - McIntosh 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Milton 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Spy 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Rome Beauty 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Mollies Delicious 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Spartan 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Holiday 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Ginger Gold 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Mutsu 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Idared 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Jonamac 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Jonalicious 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Jonagold 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Granny Smith 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Akane 100 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Burgundy 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Any other variety 1st-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Best of Show (Sec. 2-5) 1st-Fruits - Apples-Eight-Tray - One Variety 1st-Fruits - Pears - Bosc 1st-Fruits - Pears - Bartlett 1st-Fruits - Pears - Seckel 1st-Fruits - Pears - Asian 1st-Fruits - Peaches - White Peaches 1st-Fruits - Peaches - Coral Star 1st-Fruits - Peaches - Blushing Star 1st-Fruits - Peaches - Nectarines 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beans - Green String, 1 qt. box 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Corn - Sweet Corn 5 ears bi-colored 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Jonathan 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - McIntosh 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Empire 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Jersey Mac 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Ginger Gold 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Idared 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Any other variety 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Cortland 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Golden Delicious 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Jonathan 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Melrose 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Empire 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Trays - Gala 2nd-Fruits - Apples-Four-Tray - One Variety 2nd-Fruits - Plums - Stanley Prune 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Corn - Sweet Corn 5 ears white 3rd-Fruits - Apples-Plate(5 To A Plate) - Rome Beauty David A Sage - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Corn - Sweet Corn 5 ears white 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Corn - Sweet Corn, Any Othr Var,5 ear 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Small Type, Gourd 4 on plate 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Winter Squash largest Hub g/b 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Corn - Sweet Corn 5 ears Yellow 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Pie Pumpkin 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Buttercup 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Large Type, Gourd 4 on plate 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Pumpkin Squash by wt & Rosette 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Pumpkin only by wght & Rosette Elisabeth Sage - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - 1 Qt. Beans (Green or Yellow) 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Beets, 4 on a plate 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Pumpkins - Pie Pumpkin 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Pumpkins - Jack O'Lantern 101 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Painted Pumpkin 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Squash - Hubbard, Green 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Squash - Acorn 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Squash - Butternut 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Corn-Sweet Corn-3 ears white 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Corn-Sweet Corn-3 ears bi-clr 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Corn-Sweet Corn-3 ears bi-colo 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Sweet Corn - Any Other Variety 4th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Any Other Variety Caroline Sahley - Brecksville, OH 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "AA"or "A" D Pink - Lavender 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Dec [FD,ID] Yellow 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Cactus[C,SC,IC,LC]Pk-Lvn 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini" Dec{FD,ID]Dhl White 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Dec[FD<ID]Dhl All Blends 1st-Flower Show - Court Of Honor - Best Miniature Dahlia 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "AA" or"A"Dec All Blends 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "AA"or"A" Cactus All Blends 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Dec [FD,ID] All Blends 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB"Cactus[C,SC,IC,LC]All Blen 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB"Cactus[C,SC,IC,LC]All Blen Samantha J Samaco - Ravenna, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sld Clr Stal/GeldAll Othr Clrs 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Opn Sngl Htch crt-any age 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sngl Htch Crt - Ladies Drive 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare 32" - 34" 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Halter Jumper 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Western Cntry Pleas Driving Bernadette Sandacz - Willoughby, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Child's sweater Stephen J Sandham - Chesterland, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Ceramics (Teens 13-17) - Ceramic, Handbuilt, no mold Kathleen J Sanniti - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Variety not listed Michael V Sanniti - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Spaghetti Sauce Ryan Sauder - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Photos-Teens - Color Picture - Teen 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Practical made by a teen John Sauter - Willoughby, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Variety Not Listed-state var. 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Adult outerwear Mary Sayre - Newbury, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Decorated 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Furniture (Classes 1-4) - Child's Furniture - 1 pc. 2nd-Poultry - Standard Poultry - A.O.V. Ameraucana - Pullet 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Carnival 102 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Domestic Arts - Decorated Tables - "It's A Small World"ie,Mex,Asi Sidney Schaden - Burton, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Yeast Baking - state variety 6 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Doll (10-12) 5th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Chocolate Chip Cookies-6 on pl Tyson Schaden - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 5 Taylor D Scheel - Eastlake, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Intermediate-Spec. Occasion 1st-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Best Intermediate Cake Dec. Christine Schiemann - Geneva, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Stallion Under 32' 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Halter - Jennets 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Mtl lClrStal/Glds Ltd Pto/App 4th-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Halter - Jennets 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare Over 34" - 38" 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 3 By One Owner-3 by Same Owner 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Showmanship 5th-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Showmanship Gene Schlosser - Saegertown, PA 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Mtchd Grade Tm at Hltr G a/o M 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch driver 13 & under 2nd-Draft Horses - Supreme Champions - Super Senior Halter Gelding 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Mtchd Grade Tm at Hltr G a/o M 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgl.Hitch Cart 13 & under 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Single Hitch Cart Dr 60 & over 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch-Ldy's Dr-Geldings 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Driver 60 & over 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Gelding, 5 years & over 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sngl Htch Men's Dr Crt Stal/Gl 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Gelding, 5 years & over 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch-Man Dr-Geldings 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Gelding, 5 years & over Nancy Schmidt - Collins, OH 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Fall Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Pair of Ram Lambs 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Fall Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Pair of Ewe Lambs 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Breeder's Young Flock 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Best 5 Head 2nd-Sheep - Tunis - Fall Ram Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Tunis - Pair of Yearling Ewes 2nd-Sheep - Tunis - Fall Ewe Lamb 3rd-Sheep - Tunis - Yearling Ewe 4th-Sheep - Tunis - Yearling Ewe 103 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Abby Schneider - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Barred Plymouth Rock-Hen Anna Schneider - Chardon, OH 2nd-Poultry - Standard Poultry - Buckeyes - Hen Elizabeth Schneider - Burton, OH 2nd-Swine - Market Hog Show - 266 to 278 lbs. Kane Schneider - Nivemty, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Lego Models from a kit 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Sunflower- 1 tallest head Karoline Schneider - Burton, OH 1st-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Applesaauce Katherine Schneider - Chardon, OH 5th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 215 to 227 lbs. Kurt Schneider - Chardon, OH 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Syrup - 1 qt. Light Amber Maple Syrup Margo Schneider - Newbury, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Pies - Apple-Raisin 3rd-Baked Goods - Pies - Cherry 3rd-Baked Goods - Pies - Blueberry Robert Schneider - Willoughby, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Refrigerator Susan Schneider - Ravenna, OH 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Pink Blend 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Dark Red 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Any Color not mentioned 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Hybrid Tea Granda Flora Spray 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Floribunda 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Floribunda-multiple blooms 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Climber 1 stem 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Shrub 1 spray 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Shrub 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Polyantha spray or single 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Old Garden Rose 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Light Pink 1 blm 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Dark Pink 1 blm 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Red Blend 1 blm 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Fragrance 1 blm 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Hybrid Tea Granda Flora Spray 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Floribunda-multiple blooms 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Climber 1 stem 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Polyantha spray or single 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Old Garden Rose 3rd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - White or near White - 1 blm 3rd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Medium Pink 1 blm 3rd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Apricot/Apricot Blend 1 blm 3rd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Single 10 petals or less 3rd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Floribunda 1 blm 104 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Floribunda-multiple blooms 3rd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Shrub 1 spray 3rd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Shrub 1 blm Theresa Schneider - Chardon, OH 4th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 2268 to 239 lbs. Carolyn Schue - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Cherries, Sour 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Spaghetti Sauce 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Best in Vegetables 1st-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Sweet Rolls 2nd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Favorite Pie, state variety 3rd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Dinner Rolls Thomas Schue - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Early Girl 2nd-Culinary - Canning & Preserving Fruits - Applesaauce David Schultz - Solon, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Mechanical Toy Laura Schultz - Solon, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Decorated Tables - Winter Wonderland Bill Scott Sr. - Hiram, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Potatoes - 10 Tubers - Any other variety 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beets - 4 On A Plate - Detroit Dk Red Richard Sedivy - Newbury, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Combination of Any Mediums 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Best in Sculpture - Rosette Katie Seifried - Bainbridge, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Banana Nut Bread 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Oatmeal 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Misc. Scones, state variety 1st-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Best in Scones - Rosette 1st-Baked Goods - Cakes - Frosted Cupcakes-6/plt St vrty 2nd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Cornmeal 2nd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Blueberry Scones 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Occupied Japan (Classes 1-6) - Cup & Saucer Melissa Seifried - Wooster, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's afghan (ripple stitch 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's afghan (shell stitch) Tommy Seifried - Bainbridge, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Six Frosted Cupcakes-st variet Michael Sestak - Burton, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Cookie Cutter w/Wd Hndle 3 pcs 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Clock Lorraine Sevich - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Artemisia, 3 stems, all vartys Carissa Shaffer - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Wine - Wines Classes - White vinifera dry or semi-dry Terry Shaffer - Chardon, OH 105 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Baked Goods - Pies - Strawberry, Rhubarb Dakota Shandle - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Pie Pumpkin 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Corn - Sweet Corn 5 ears white 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Hubbard, Blue 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Large Type, Gourd 4 on plate 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Winter Squash largest Hub g/b 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Buttercup Jan E Sharp - Ashtabula, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old Mare 34" & Under 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare Under 32" 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Mare and Current Foal 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Grand Champion Jr. Mare 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Stallion Under 32' 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Produce of Dam-2 of Dam Shown 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Best Matched Pair 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Weaning & Yearling Stal,Mrs,Gl 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Mare and Current Foal 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 3 By One Owner-3 by Same Owner 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Best Matched Pair 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Multi-Clr Mare lmtd to pnto/ap 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Halter Obstacle 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Country Pleasure Driving 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Multi-Clr Mare lmtd to pnto/ap Mary Shisila - Chesterland, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Latch Hook article Amelia R Shively - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite Animal Col (6 & under 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Doll(6 and under) 2nd-Flower Show - Youth Division - The Wizard of Oz Bethany G Shively - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Decorative (ages 6 and under) 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 5 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Practical (ages 6 and under) 3rd-Flower Show - Youth Division - The Great Geauga County Fair Caroline Shively - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - White Flat 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Freestanding Scarecrow Judging - Classic Field Scarecrow 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Cactus or succulent abv 18" 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - Yellow - flat 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Onions-4 On A Plate - Red Type 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Big Boy 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - 3 on a plate - Zucchini, Green 2nd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Stuffed or Quilted Toy ov 12" 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Papier-mache 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Calligraphy 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Cactus or succulent 18" 0r les 106 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Gift Wrapped Package-any occas Christina Shively - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Practical (ages 7-9) 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Decorative (ages 7-9) 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - Happy Birthday! 2nd-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (5 to 8 yrs) - Painted T-shirt 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite An Coll(ages 7-9) 2nd-Flower Show - Youth Division - Black-eyed Susans, 3 stems 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Souvenirs - Out of State 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Doll (7-9) Jacob R Shively - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Onions-Yellow Globe(4 plate) 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Onions-Any other variety 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Practical (10-12) 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Decorative (ages 10 - 12) 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite An Coll(ages 7-9) 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Truck 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - 1 Qt. Beans (Green or Yellow) 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Toy (10-12) 4th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Sunflower-1 largest head 4th-Flower Show - Youth Division - A Day at the Ocean Sarah M Shively - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Practical - 1 Item 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - Sunflowers; undr 8" dia, 3 stm 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Big Boy(4 on Plt) 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Pumpkins - Jack O'Lantern 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Costume Jewelry 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Toy (7-9) 2nd-Flower Show - Youth Division - Happy Birthday! 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Sunflower-1 largest head 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Shoebox Diorama Teresa Shively - Burton, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Freestanding Scarecrow Judging - Funny Loveable Scarecrow Penny Shook - Garrettsville, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beans - Yellow String, 1 qt. box 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cucumbers-4 On A Plate - Pickling Type, small Elise Silipini - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Agouli 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Agouli 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Agouli 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Agouli 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-AOV 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Brkn Pat 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Brkn Patt 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Brkn Pat 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Brkn Patt 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Self 107 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Self 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Tan Patt 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck - Tan - Black 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-New Zealand-White 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Self 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Tan Patt 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Jeresy Wooly-Tan Patt 3rd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-New Zealand-White Dedra Sims - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Zucchini Relish 2nd-Culinary - Gift Pack - Gift Pack-5 jars-all pickles 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Adult outerwear 3rd-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Strawberry 3rd-Culinary - Gift Pack - Gift Pack-5 jars-all jams 3rd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Misc. Scones, state variety 3rd-Domestic Arts - Decorated Tables - Tea Party 4th-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Combination (2 fruits) Natalie Grac Sipula - University Hts, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Decorative made by a teen Tom Siu - Chardon, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Collections - Favorite collection of Adult 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Geauga County Activity Cayden Skolaris - Burton, OH 5th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 2563 to 265 lbs. Gabrielle Skolaris - Burton, OH 4th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 279 to 290 lbs. Gianna Skolaris - Burton, OH 2nd-Swine - Market Hog Show - 240 to 252 lbs. Jan Slosar - Chesterland, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Butternut 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Made in Japan 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Children's Book 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Milk Glass 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Canister Set 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Character Doll 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Compact Jillian Smetana - Chardon, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - American Girl Doll-No acesorie 3rd-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Beginner-Special Occasion Cindy Smith - West Farmington, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Two fancy potholders mtd 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Bride 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Coleus Devin Smith - Rock Creek, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Rex-Castor 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Holland Lop-Sld Patt Elizabeth N Smith - Chagrin Falls, OH 108 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-English Lop-Brkn Ptrn 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-English Lop-Brkn Ptrn 2nd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Englosh Lop-Sld Ptrn Lizzie Smith - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Englosh Lop-Sld Ptrn Sloan Smith - Chardon, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Specimen not listed Tammy A Smith - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Doe Under 2 Yrs. in Milk 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Doe 2 Yrs. & Under 3 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Doe 3 Yrs. & Under 4 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Doe 4 yrs. & under 5 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Grand Champion 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Reserve Grand Champion 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Senior Get of Sire 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Dam and Daughter 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Best Three Does 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Udder Class 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Junior Kid 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Senior Yearling 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Grand Champion Junior 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Reserve Champion Junior 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Junior Produce of Dam 2nd-Goats - Nigerian - Doe 2 Yrs. & Under 3 2nd-Goats - Nigerian - Doe 3 Yrs. & Under 4 2nd-Goats - Nigerian - Doe 4 yrs. & under 5 2nd-Goats - Nigerian - Udder Class 2nd-Goats - Nigerian - Senior Yearling 2nd-Goats - Nigerian - Junior Produce of Dam 3rd-Goats - Nigerian - Udder Class 3rd-Goats - Nigerian - Senior Yearling 3rd-Goats - Nigerian - Junior Produce of Dam Judy Snyder - Willoughby, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Acrylic - Any Subject - Adult 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Minature 1/2"Scale-Holiday Aggie Sojka Sperry - Chardon, OH 1st-Maple Syrup - Miscellaneous - Gift Pack (See Rule #8) 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Syrup - 1 qt. Medium Amber Maple Syrup Ilana Solomon - Chesterland, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Harlequin- Magpie Max Soltis - Middlefield, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Lionhead-Tortoiseshell Monique Soltis - Middlefield, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-New Breeds/Varieties 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Farm Products - 1 dz. brn eggs, lg. grd/crtn 2nd-Rabbits - Doe - Litter, 6 - 8 Weeks Old - Doe & Litter 109 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Farm Products - 1 dz. Novelty eggs/crtn Mike Soltis Jr. - Middlefield, OH 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - 6/8 Doe-Californian 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Lop-Sld Pattern 4th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Sunflower- 1 tallest head Dee Dee Soncrant - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Havana-Broken 1st-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (9 to 12 yrs) - Specimen not listed 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr.Buck-Havana-Black 2nd-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (9 to 12 yrs) - Machine sewed article 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Havana-Broken Joe Soncrant - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Ntherlnd Dwf-Black 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Nthrlnd Dwf-Chstnut 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-Chstnut 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Nthrlnd Dwf-REW 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-Siam Sbl 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Netherland Dwf-Otter 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Nthrlnd Dwf-Otter 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Nthrlnd Dwf-Otter Thomas Sopczak - Mentor, OH 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "AA"or"A" Dec Orange--Bronze 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "AA" or"A"Dec All Blends 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "AA"or"A" D Bicolor/Variegated 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "AA"or"A" Cactus Yellow 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "AA"or"A" Cactus Reds 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "AA"or"A" Cactus All Blends 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Dec All Blends 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "b" Cactus Orange-Bronze 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Dec[FD,ID] Pink-Lavender 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Dec [FD,ID] Biclr/Variega 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB"Cactus[C,SC,IC,LC]All Blen 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Mini"Cac[C,SC,IC,LC]Dh All Bl 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Ball" Ball Dahlia-ovr 3 1/2" 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Fuly Dlb Dh Stellar 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Other" Opn Cntr Dh Collarette 1st-Flower Show - Court Of Honor - Best "A" or "AA" Dahlia 1st-Flower Show - Court Of Honor - Best Other Fully Double Dahlia 1st-Flower Show - Court Of Honor - Best Other Open Centered Dahli 1st-Flower Show - Court Of Honor - Largest Dahlia 1st-Flower Show - Court Of Honor - Reserve Champion Dahlia 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Cactus Yellow 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Cactus All Blends 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Cactus[C,SC,IC<LC]Org/Brz 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Ball" Pompon Dahlia <2" 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "AA" or"A"Dec All Blends 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Cactus Yellow 110 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "BB" Dec [FD,ID] All Blends 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "Ball" Ball Dahlia-ovr 3 1/2" Margaret A Soplata - Newbury, OH 3rd-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Sage Margaret M Soplata - Newbury, OH 1st-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Sage 4th-Culinary - Dried Herbs - Basil Sr. Barbara Soplata - Chardon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Basket of old fashioned flower 1st-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of mixed perennials 1st-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of grains or grns, 1 vari 2nd-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - No-Sew Blanket 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of petunias 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Pr of mtching vases of oid fas 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Origami 3rd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Mixed Greenery, 5 stem 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Mechanical Toy 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Truck Phillip Sosna - Mineral Ridge, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Ceramic Animal Darlene Sparks - Montville, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old Mare Over 34"-38" 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Grand Champion Jr. Mare 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sld Clr Mare-opn to all othr c 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Sr. Grand Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Percherons - Grand Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Supreme Champions - Supreme Champion Mare 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Stallion 32" - 34" 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Halter Mare-18 Yrs. & un 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sngl Htch Crt - Ladies Drive 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Pee Wee Showmanship 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Produce of Dam-2 of Dam Shown 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Horse 4 - Up Hitch 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Mare and Current Foal 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Best Matched Pair 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sld Clr Mare-opn to all othr c 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Costume Class 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Ladies Dr Cart-Mare 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Mare and Current Foal 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sld Clr Stal/GeldAll Othr Clrs 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Drft HorseUnder Saddle Western 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Adult Showmanship 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Men's Dr Cart Mare Ann Sparrow - Burton, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Sedum, 3 stems Kelly J Spath - Kensington, OH 111 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old & Ovr Gel Ovr34"-38" 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare Over 34" - 38" 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old &Ovr Gelding 34"&Und 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sld Clr Mare-opn to all othr c 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Costume Class James Speelman - Thompson, OH 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - A.O.V. Cochin - Cock Joyce Sperry - Chesterland, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Pie - Fruit, Double Crust 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Pies - Nut(Pecan, Walnut, etc. 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Best of Show Pies - Rosette 1st-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Pie, Maple Pecan 1st-Baked Goods - Pies - Blackberry 2nd-Baked Goods - Pies - Pecan Eleanor Spirka - Montville, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Danich Ballhead 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Habanero 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Paste Type - Italian 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Summer Flat White 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Batter Bread - White 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Non-Yeast Bread - Apricot 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Best of Show Breads - Rosette 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cakes, Bundt 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Carrots-4 On A plate - Nantes 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Red Cayenne 2nd-Honey - Honey - Whipped Honey-Air Beaten 2nd-Honey - Honey - Beeswax - Decor. - frm a mold 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Yeast Bread - Herb 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Garlic, 4 on plate 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Potatoes - 10 Tubers - Kennebec Leah Spisak - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Centerpiece or doily ov 16" mt 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - shell stitch 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - any other stitch 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Centerpiece or doily un 16" mt 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - ripple stitch Bob Spitler - Bristolville, OH 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Sunflower, Tallest 1 head Roberta Square - Newbury, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Qltd wall hngng ov 15x20 hq 1st-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Pillow - fine cut 1st-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Original design Johnathan M Squibbs - Orwell, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Stallion Over 34" - 38" 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Produce of Dam-2 of Dam Shown 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Best Matched Pair 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Horse Tandem Hitch 112 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Horse 4 - Up Hitch 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Grand Champion Sr. Stallion 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Mare and Current Foal 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Horse Tandem Hitch 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Team Hitch 2nd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1sec. 50%/more trefoil-1st cut 2nd-Hay & Grain - Hay - 1 Sec. 50% or more Trefoil 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare Under 32" 3rd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Team Hitch 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Youth Showmanship 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Weaning & Yearling Stal,Mrs,Gl 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Best Matched Pair 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Multi-Clr Mare lmtd to pnto/ap 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Team Hitch Chuck St. James - Chardon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - White or near White - 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Dark Pink 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Yellow Blend 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Orange/Orange Blend 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Apricot/Apricot Blend 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Fragrance 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Any variety mix 2 blms 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Vase of Lovelies 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Queen 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - King 1st-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Princess 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Wht or nr Wht 1 Blm 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Pink Blend - 1 bloom 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Yellow/Yellow blend 1 bloom 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Orange/Orange blend 1 bloom 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Sngl 10 petals or less 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Spray any color, 1 spray 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Queen 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Princess 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Mini Flora Pink/Pink Blnd 1 bl 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Mini Flora Red- 1 blm 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Mix/match - 3 blms 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Any Variety mix/match 5 blm 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Vase of Lovelies 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Orange/Orange Blend 1 blm 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Any Color not mentioned 1 blm 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Full Blown 1 blm 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Floribunda 1 blm 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Shrub 1 blm 2nd-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Pink Blend - 1 bloom 2nd-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Red 1 bloom 2nd-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Spray any color, 1 spray 113 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Pink Blend 1 blm 3rd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Dark Pink 1 blm 3rd-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Pink Blend - 1 bloom 3rd-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Spray any color, 1 spray Laura St. James - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Lady's cardigan sweater 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Stole 1st-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Knitted 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Holiday article - Christmas 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Table runner 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - Red 1 bloom 1st-Flower Show - Miniature Rose Blooms - King 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - 2 practical potholders mtd 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Lady's pullover sweater- 1 yrn 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Adult's vest or sleeveless swt 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Coat 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Specimen not lstd see rle #13 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Apricot/Apricot Blend 1 blm 2nd-Flower Show - Rose Blooms - Shrub 1 spray 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Afghan Nancy Ann Staffeld - Garrettsville, OH 1st-Goats - Oberhasli - Reserve Champion Junior 1st-Goats - Recorded Grades - Senior Get of Sire 2nd-Goats - Oberhasli - Intermediate Kid 2nd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Doe 4 yrs.& under 5 2nd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Dam and Daughter 2nd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Best Three Does 3rd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Doe 4 yrs.& under 5 3rd-Goats - Recorded Grades - Produce of Dam 3rd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Afghan 4th-Goats - Recorded Grades - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 5th-Goats - Recorded Grades - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over Robin Stanley - Montville, OH 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Fall Heifer Calf 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Summer Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Jr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Reserve Jr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Cow 4 Yrs. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Cow 5 Yrs. Old & Over in Milk 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Dam and Daughter 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Produce of Dam 2nd-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Sr. 2 Yr. Old in Milk 2nd-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Dam and Daughter Allen K Stay - Novelty, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Woodcarving Bonnie Steele - Middlefield, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Hooked article 114 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Tom Steenson - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - "BB" Dahlia-4" to 6" in Dia 2nd-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - Miniature Dahlia-2" to 4" in D 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - "BB" Dahlia-4" to 6" in Dia Chloe Steger - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Pastel - Any Subject - Teen 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Decorative made by a teen Geralyn Stenger - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Holiday article - any other 2nd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Afghan 2nd-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Super Bulky 3rd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Crocheted article 3rd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Crocheted doll or animal 3rd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Stuffed or Quilted Toy ov 12" 3rd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Holiday article - Christmas Emily Stern - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Standard Poultry - A.O.V. Ameraucana - Pullet 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Slvr Spngld Hamburg - Hen 1st-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Ethnic Cookies - state var & N 2nd-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Cookies, state var., 6 Olivia Stern - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Slvr Spngld Hamburg - Cockerel 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Slvr Spngld Hamburg - Pullet 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Silver Seabright - Cock 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Silver Seabright - Hen 1st-Poultry - Best Female & Male (Sec.1&2) - Best Male 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Slvr Spngld Hamburg - Cockerel Patricia Stern - Chardon, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Practical made by an adult 2nd-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Slvr Spngld Hamburg - Pullet 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Landscape (B&W) Sandra Stevenson - Chesterland, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Calligraphy 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Ceramic, Decorative item 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Children's Clothing 2nd-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Intermediate-Child's Birthday 2nd-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Patchwork 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Practical made by an adult 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Ceramic, Practial item 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Ginny Dolls 3rd-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Patchwork article 3rd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Madame Alexander Dolls 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Child's Plate 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Madame Alexander 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Furniture (Classes 1-4) - Child's Furniture - 1 pc. Scott Stewart - Newbury, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Liquid Honey - Amber Light 115 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Cara Stone - Montville, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Practical - 1 Item 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Decorative (ages 10 - 12) Teresa Stopek - Montville, OH 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Yellow Peppers 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Duck Tape Item(wtch sze Lmts) 3rd-Fruits - Crab Apples - 12 Crab Apples - Any Variety 3rd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - White Bread 3rd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Sweet Bread 3rd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Oatmeal 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Decorated - Holiday or Themed 3rd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Crs stitch specimen stmpd patt 4th-Flower Show - Design Division - Glacier Bay National Park Diane Strahan - Burton, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Machine sewn article 2nd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Quilt Doreen Strahler - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Embroidered article 2nd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Pillowcase Kathleen Street - Garrettsville, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Pies - Cherry Emily Strlich-Waybright - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Rex-Castor Marian Stryczny - Windham, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Embroidered quilt mach quilted Theodore Stryczny - Windham, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Miniature 1/2" Sclae - One Rm Jeanine Sturdevant - Painesville, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Asparagus Fern Kristin L Sullivan - Macedonia, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Girl's preschool otf/dr dr up 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Best sewn article-all othr 1st 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's Blouse 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Fancy apron Mary Sullivan - Chardon, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Weaning & Yearling Stal,Mrs,Gl 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare Over 34" - 38" 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Grand Champion Jr. Stallion 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Grand Champion Sr. Mare 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Halter Obstacle 5th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Halter Obstacle Jessica L Surace - Montville, OH 2nd-Goats - Nigerian - Junior Kid Julia Surace - Montville, OH 1st-Goats - Nigerian - Junior Get of Sire 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Any other variety 6th-Goats - Nigerian - Junior Kid 116 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Vincent Surace - Montville, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Farm Products - 1 dz. brn eggs, lg. grd/crtn 3rd-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Zucchini Bread Mercdes Sustar - Newbury, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Intermediate-Spec. Occasion Jaimie Sutter - Newbury, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Adult Showmanship 2nd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Cookies (6) Natalie Suvak - Novelty, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Bar Cookies - state variety 6 Emmalee Svoboda - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Charcoal - Any Subject - Teen Karen Swan - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Specimen not listed 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Charm Bracelet Jill Syracuse - Chardon, OH 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Chili Sauce 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Salvia, annual blue, 3 stems 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - China (Classes 1-10) - Marmalade or Jam Container 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - McCoy 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Luncheon Cloth 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Spaghetti Sauce 2nd-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Vegetables - any variety 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Lantana, 3 stems 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Nasturium, 3 stems 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Water Pitcher and 1 Glass 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Any 5 pc. - Sme.Pattern & Clr 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Kitchen Utensils - 3 pcs. 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Coleus 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Carnival 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Spice Set 4th-Culinary - Jelly - Variety not listed Judy Szydlowski - Chardon, OH 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Sauerkraut 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Beans, yellow string 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Dill 1st-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Mixed Pickles 1st-Culinary - Jams and Preserves - Blueberry 1st-Culinary - Gift Pack - Gift Pack-5 jars-all pickles 2nd-Culinary - Vegetables - Beans, green string 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Pickled Beets 3rd-Wine - Wines Classes - White native dry or semi-dry 4th-Culinary - Vegetables - Tomatoes 4th-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Pickled Beans LoLita Tate - Cleveland, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Euphorbia,Snw on Mtn 3 stms 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Heliopsi (false sunflower) 3 s 117 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Calendula, 3 blms 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, Dwf Frnh dbl 3 stms 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Red Cherry(4 on plate 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Coreopsis, 3 stms 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Zinni, Daisy Flwd/Pinwheel F 3 Lynette Tatonetti - Painesville, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Red 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Earrings - Mounted 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Canning Jar - 3 Different 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Framed Document 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Postcards - 6 dated 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Shirley Temple 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Cuff Links 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - World War ll Item - no guns 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Rhinestone Necklace Ayla Taylor - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Doll (7-9) 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 7 Cynthia Taylor - Burton, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Character (depicts personality Dick Taylor - Middlefield, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Rug made by a Man 2nd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Hooked article 2nd-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Wall hanging - wide cut Gabriella Taylor - Burton, OH 4th-Baked Goods - Junior Baking - Six Frosted Cupcakes-st variet Jeff Taylor - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Woodworking - decorative - ori 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - woodturning (lathe work) 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - Woodworking not specified Laurie Taylor - Burton, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Truck 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Specimen not listed Sia Taylor - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Toy (6 and under) Talia Taylor - Burton, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Doll (10-12) 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Woodworking - woodturning (lathe work) Zachary Thobe - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Consumer Pack - Potatoes (One var per basket) 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Truck 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Lego Models - not from kit 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Lego Model - Geauga Co Fair Sc 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - One Potato by weight Diane Thomas - Newbury, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Afghan Terry Thomas - Rome, OH 118 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Misc. Yeast-State Variety Isaac Thompson - Hiram, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite Collection (ages10-12 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Decorative (ages 10 - 12) Emma Timm - Chesterland, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Photo(12 & Under) - Color Picture - any subject Maggie Timm - Chesterland, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Photos-Teens - Black & White (Teens) Jim Timmoms - Burton, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Specimen not listed 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Zucchini by weight Williams Timmons - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Senior 2 Yr. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Senior three year old 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Sr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Grand Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Ayrshires - Best Uddered 1st-Dairy - Milking Shorthorns - Summer Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Milking Shorthorns - Jr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Milking Shorthorns - Grand Champion Female 2nd-Dairy - Guernseys - Summer Yearling Heifer 2nd-Dairy - Jerseys - Summer Yearling Heifer 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Jr. Best Three Females 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Cow 4 Yrs. Old in Milk 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Dam & Daughter 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Best Uddered 5th-Dairy - Holsteins - Spring Heifer Calf 5th-Dairy - Holsteins - Fall Heifer Calf 6th-Dairy - Holsteins - Spring Heifer Calf Dee Ann Tobin - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Farm Products - Lard, 2 lbs/new cl gls cng jar 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Farm Products - 1 Dz. wht eggs lg. graded crtn 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beets - 4 On A Plate - Mangle-Wurtzel 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beets - 4 On A Plate - Detroit Dk Red 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Girl's outfit/drs casual 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Girl's otf/dress (dress up) 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Machine Embr. - Pillow Case 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Clothing Article 1st-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Machine embroidery 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Rag Doll 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Machine sewn doll clths 3 out 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Farm Products - 1 dz. Novelty eggs/crtn 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Yellow Pear Type 2nd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Machine Embr. - Picture framed 2nd-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Applique 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Purchased Doll/handmade cloth 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Hat 119 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Gloves or mittens Clayton Tomasek - Hiram, OH 3rd-Swine - Market Hog Show - 215 to 227 lbs. Edith Tomasek - Hiram, OH 1st-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Green Beans 1st-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Best in Junior Canning 1st-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (9 to 12 yrs) - Machine sewed article Garret Tomasek - Hiram, OH 5th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 266 to 278 lbs. Wyatt Tomasek - Hiram, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Painting-Drawing - Age 6 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Decorative - 1 item Liz Topalian - Burton, OH 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - "AA" or "A" Dahlia-ovr 8" in D 1st-Flower Show - Dahlia - Open (Classes 1-98) - "B" Cactus All Blends 2nd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of dahlias, nv or casl gr 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Any othr perennial nt lstd, 3 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia: Novice Classes 1-8 - "B" Dahlia-6" to 8" in Diamete 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Dahlia, novice grwr, sm 3 blms Gavin Torok - Warren, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite collection(6&under) Julie Torok - Warren, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Big Boy 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Corn - Best of Show Sec. 2 -11 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Scratch Art 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Big Bertha Anthony Torre - Huntsburg, OH 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Yearling Ram 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Spring Ram Lambs 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Pair of Ram Lambs 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Reserve Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Yearling Ewe 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Pair of Yearling Ewes 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Fall Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Spring Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Pair of Ewe Lambs 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Reserve Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Breeders Young Flock 1st-Sheep - Hampshire - Best 5 Head 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Supreme Ram 1st-Sheep - Wool - Hampshire 2nd-Sheep - Hampshire - Spring Ram Lambs 2nd-Sheep - Hampshire - Yearling Ewe 2nd-Sheep - Hampshire - Spring Ewe Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Hampshire - Pair of Ewe Lambs 120 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Sheep - Hampshire - Breeders Young Flock 2nd-Sheep - Hampshire - Best 5 Head 2nd-Sheep - Wool - Hampshire 3rd-Sheep - Hampshire - Yearling Ewe 3rd-Sheep - Hampshire - Spring Ewe Lamb 3rd-Sheep - Hampshire - Pair of Ewe Lambs 4th-Sheep - Hampshire - Spring Ewe Lamb 5th-Sheep - Hampshire - Spring Ewe Lamb Bradley Toth - Mentor, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Toy (7-9) 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Models (12 & Under) - Lego Model - Geauga Co Fair Sc Judy Toth - Garrettsville, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Quilt w 2 or mr tech mach quil Rachael Toth - Chardon, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Mini Satin - Black 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr.Buck-Mini Satin Otter Rodney Toth - Hubbard, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Any Other Variety 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Large Type, Gourd 4 on plate 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds,Orng 2 1/2 " &ov3 bl 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds Ylw 2 1/2" & ov 3 bl 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds, White 3 blooms 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Marigolds lgst & Bst any Clr 3 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Sedum, 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Any othr annual nt listed 3 st 1st-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Mixed Greenery, 5 stem 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Vegetable, Novelty, Natural Gr 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Pumpkins - One - Cushaw - any color 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Tomatoe by weight 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Euphorbia,Snw on Mtn 3 stms 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Melons - Small Type, Gourd 4 on plate 3rd-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of Marigolds 4th-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Any othr perennial nt lstd, 3 Shari Toth - Mentor, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Rug-any type except hooking Donald Trask - Chesterland, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Holiday Decoration - Christmas 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Stained Glass Joshua Tribuzzo - Montville, OH 2nd-Dairy - Jerseys - Spring Heifer Calf 2nd-Dairy - Ayrshires - Spring Yearling Heifer Gabriella Trivisonno - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (5 to 8 yrs) - Machine sewed article 1st-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (5 to 8 yrs) - Specimen not listed Nancy Troutman - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Embroidered Specimen 1st-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Specimen not listed 121 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Applique 1st-Domestic Arts - Pillows - Best pillow-all 1st competing 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Stuffed or Quilted Toy ov 12" 1st-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Embroidered quilt mach quilted 3rd-Domestic Arts - Handwork by Person over 70 Yrs - Quilt Alex L Tuggle - Amherst, OH 1st-Sheep - Suffolk - Reserve Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Montadale - Spring Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Yearling Ram 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Fall Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Spring Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Pair of Ram Lambs 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Reserve Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Yearling Ewe 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Pair of Yearling Ewes 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Spring Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Pair of Ewe Lambs 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Reserve Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Breeders Young Flock 1st-Sheep - Oxford - Best 5 Head 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Yearling Ram 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Spring Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Reserve Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Yearling Ewe 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Pair of Yearling Ewes 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Spring Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Tunis - Reserve Champion Ewe 2nd-Sheep - Suffolk - Spring Ram Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Suffolk - Pair of Yearling Ewes 2nd-Sheep - Suffolk - Breeders Young Flock 2nd-Sheep - Suffolk - Best 5 Head owned by exhibitor 2nd-Sheep - Montadale - Pair of Ram Lambs 2nd-Sheep - Montadale - Pair of Yearling Ewes 2nd-Sheep - Montadale - Pair of Ewe Lambs 2nd-Sheep - Montadale - Breeders Young Flock 2nd-Sheep - Montadale - Best 5 Head 2nd-Sheep - Oxford - Spring Ram Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Oxford - Yearling Ewe 2nd-Sheep - Oxford - Spring Ewe Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Tunis - Spring Ram Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Tunis - Pair of Ram Lambs 2nd-Sheep - Tunis - Yearling Ewe 2nd-Sheep - Tunis - Spring Ewe Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Tunis - Pair of Ewe Lambs 2nd-Sheep - Tunis - Breeder's Young Flock 122 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Sheep - Tunis - Best 5 Head 3rd-Sheep - Suffolk - Yearling Ewe 3rd-Sheep - Suffolk - Fall Ewe Lamb 3rd-Sheep - Suffolk - Spring Ewe Lamb 3rd-Sheep - Suffolk - Pair of Ewe Lambs 3rd-Sheep - Montadale - Spring Ram Lamb 3rd-Sheep - Montadale - Yearling Ewe 3rd-Sheep - Montadale - Spring Ewe Lamb 4th-Sheep - Suffolk - Yearling Ewe 4th-Sheep - Montadale - Yearling Ewe 4th-Sheep - Montadale - Spring Ewe Lamb Joe Turon - West Farmington, OH 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Winter Heifer Calf 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Fall Yearling Heifer 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Jr. 2 Yr. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Sr. 2 Yr. Old in Milk 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Sr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Reserve Sr. Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Grand Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Reserve Grand Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Best Uddered 2nd-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Jr. 2 Yr. Old in Milk 2nd-Dairy - Brown Swiss - Best Uddered Meg Turon - West Farmington, OH 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Winter Heifer Calf 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Junior Champion Female 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Junior 3 year old 1st-Dairy - Holsteins - Dry Cow, 5 Yrs. Old or Over 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Spring Heifer Calf 2nd-Dairy - Holsteins - Dry Cow, 3 Yrs. & Under 4 3rd-Dairy - Holsteins - Fall Yearling Heifer 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Fall Heifer Calf 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Summer Yearling Heifer 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Cow 4 Yrs. Old in Milk 4th-Dairy - Holsteins - Best Four Dairy Cows 6th-Dairy - Holsteins - Dam & Daughter Joanne Turos - Garrettsville, OH 1st-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Rye 2nd-Hay & Grain - Sheaf of Grain - Sheaf of Rye - 2-4 " in Dia. Kathy Uncapher - Burton, OH 1st-Culinary - Vegetables - Variety not listed 1st-Baked Goods - Pies - Blueberry 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Floral 2nd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Whole Wheat Bread 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Child's dress 2nd-Domestic Arts - Decorated Tables - Tea Party 3rd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cakes, Bundt 123 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 3rd-Maple Syrup - Maple Baked Goods - Maple Apple Pie-Crumb Crust 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Stewed Tomatoes 3rd-Baked Goods - Muffins/Scones - Orange Cranberry Scones 3rd-Baked Goods - Pies - Pecan Alison Ungar - Medina, OH 1st-Sheep - Merino - Spring Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - Merino - Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - Merino - Yearling Ewe 1st-Sheep - Merino - Pair of Yearling Ewes 1st-Sheep - Merino - Fall Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Merino - Spring Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Merino - Pair of Ewe Lambs 1st-Sheep - Merino - Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Merino - Reserve Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Merino - Breeders Young Flock 1st-Sheep - Merino - Best 5 Head Owned by Exhibitor 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Fall Ram lamb 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Pair of Ram Lambs 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Yearling Ewe 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Pair of Yearling Ewes 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Fall Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Spring Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Pair of Ewe Lambs 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Reserve Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Breeders Young Flock 1st-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Best 5 Head Owned by Exhibitor 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Yearling Ram 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Fall Ram Lamb 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Spring Ram Lambs 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Pair of Ram Lambs 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Reserve Champion Ram 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Yearling Ewe 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Fall Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Spring Ewe Lamb 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Pair of Ewe Lambs 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Reserve Champion Ewe 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Breeders Young Flock 1st-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Supreme Ewe 1st-Sheep - Wool - Merino 1st-Sheep - Wool - Natural Colored Sheep 1st-Sheep - Wool - Champion Fleece 2nd-Sheep - Merino - Yearling Ewe 2nd-Sheep - Merino - Fall Ewe Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Yearling Ram 124 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Spring Ram Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Yearling Ewe 2nd-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Fall Ewe Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Spring Ewe Lamb 2nd-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Pair of Ewe Lambs 2nd-Sheep - Natural Colored Sheep - Breeders Young Flock 2nd-Sheep - All Other Breeds - Yearling Ewe 2nd-Sheep - Wool - Merino 2nd-Sheep - Wool - Natural Colored Sheep Frances Urbancic - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Teen Classes (13 - 19 yrs) - Crocheted or knitted article 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Lady's pullover sweater- 1 yrn Marie Vail - Chesterland, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Coat 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Specimen not lstd see rle #13 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Infant's Afghan 2nd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Afghan 3rd-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Child's sweater Julia Valentine - Southington, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Molasses Dorothy Van Poppel Ray - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Felted wool purse 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Raggedy Ann & Andy 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Toy Dishes - Lmt 6 in a contre 4th-Culinary - Canning by Person Over 70 Year - Vegetables - any variety Zack Vandevander - Newbury, OH 3rd-Flower Show - Youth Division - Zinnias, 3 blooms Clint Vanover - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Habanero 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Any variety Laura Vargo - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beets - 4 On A Plate - Any Oher Variety 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Any other variety - round 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Carrots-4 On A plate - Danvers Half Long 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Carrots-4 On A plate - Chantenay 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Turk's Turban 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beets - 4 On A Plate - Detroit Dk Red 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's Jacket Kelly Varner - Rome, OH 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Clydesdales & Shires - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Clydesdales & Shires - Sr. Grand Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Clydesdales & Shires - Sr. Reserve Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Clydesdales & Shires - Grand Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Clydesdales & Shires - Reserve Champion Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Clydesdales & Shires - Produce of Dam 2 by same Mare 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Clydesdales & Shires - Get of Sire 3 by same Stallion 1st-Draft Horses - Purebred Clydesdales & Shires - Matched team at halter 125 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Draft Horses - Supreme Champions - Super Senior Halter Gelding 1st-Domestic Arts - Needlework Hobbies - Stuffed or quilted toy un 12" 2nd-Draft Horses - Purebred Clydesdales & Shires - Mare, 4 years & over Yeld 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Farm Team - No show harness 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Gelding, 3 & 4 years 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Mtchd Grade Tm at Hltr G a/o M 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Drft Horse undr Sdl - English 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Htch Ladies Dr Crt Stal/G 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Drft HorseUnder Saddle Western 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Drft Horse undr Sdl - English Ted Vasbinder - Warren, OH 3rd-Hay & Grain - Seeds and Other Grains - Spelts Connie Vasileff - Montville, OH 1st-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Geldings - Gelding, 5 years & over 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Single Hitch Cart Dr 60 & over 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Htch Ladies Dr Crt Stal/G Travis Veleba - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Maple Syrup - Jr. Classes Misc 12 and Under - Gift Pack 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Ceramics(12 & Under) - Ceramic Sculpture con-Hnd buil 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite Animal Coll (10-12) Judy Venaleck - Huntsburg, OH 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Displays - Bst Display of Vegs w/o potato Alora Verch - Chardon, OH 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Wht Silkie(Brd & N-Brd) - Hen 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Shaded 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Shaded 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Tan Patt 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Tan Patt 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Nthrlnd Dwf-Brkn 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Nthrlnd Dwf-Otter 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Nrthlnd Dwf-Siam Sbl 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-New Zealand-Black 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-New Zealand-Broken 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Ntherlnd Dwf-Black 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Nthrlnd Dwf-Brkn 2nd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-New Zealand-White 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Vegetable Novelty 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Photo(12 & Under) - Black&White Picture-any subjec 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Netherland Dwf-Otter Cassandra Verch - Chardon, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Vegetable Novelty 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Photo(12 & Under) - Black&White Picture-any subjec Megan Viezer - Middlefield, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe - Dutch - Chocolate 1st-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Englosh Lop-Sld Ptrn 2nd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Beveren-White 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Rex-Otter 126 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name Jen Vinecourt - Burton, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Cabbage-One Head - Flat Dutch 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Electric Iron 3rd-Baked Goods - Gluten Free - Bread, Yeast or misc St var John Vinecourt - Burton, OH 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Electric Toaster Lee Vogel - Bloomville, OH 1st-Beef - Limousin - Spring Yearling Bull 1st-Beef - Limousin - Jr. Yr. Bull 1st-Beef - Limousin - Grand Champion Bull 1st-Beef - Limousin - Sr. Calf Female 1st-Beef - Limousin - Jr. Year Female 1st-Beef - Limousin - Grand Champion Female 1st-Beef - Limousin - Reserve Champion Female 2nd-Beef - Limousin - Jr. Bull Calf 2nd-Beef - Limousin - Pair of Bulls 2nd-Beef - Limousin - Winter Calf Female 2nd-Beef - Limousin - Jr. Year Female 2nd-Beef - Limousin - Pair of Yearlings 3rd-Beef - Limousin - Pair of Females 3rd-Beef - Limousin - Breeder's Herd 3rd-Beef - Limousin - Produce of Dam 3rd-Beef - Limousin - Pair of Yearlings 3rd-Beef - Limousin - Pair of Calves 3rd-Beef - Limousin - Jr. Get of Sire 3rd-Beef - Limousin - Senior Get of Sire 4th-Beef - Limousin - Pair of Females 4th-Beef - Limousin - Produce of Dam 4th-Beef - Limousin - Jr. Get of Sire 4th-Beef - Limousin - Senior Get of Sire Rod Vogel - Tiffin, OH 1st-Beef - Limousin - Jr. Bull Calf 1st-Beef - Limousin - Winter Bull Calf 1st-Beef - Limousin - Summer Yearling Bull 1st-Beef - Limousin - Pair of Bulls 1st-Beef - Limousin - Reserve Champion Bull 1st-Beef - Limousin - Jr. Calf Female 1st-Beef - Limousin - Winter Calf Female 1st-Beef - Limousin - Late Summer Year Female 1st-Beef - Limousin - Spring Yr. Female 1st-Beef - Limousin - Cow Class - 2 yrs. & older 1st-Beef - Limousin - Pair of Females 1st-Beef - Limousin - Cow/Calf Born Current Fair Yr. 1st-Beef - Limousin - Breeder's Herd 1st-Beef - Limousin - Produce of Dam 1st-Beef - Limousin - Pair of Yearlings 1st-Beef - Limousin - Pair of Calves 127 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Beef - Limousin - Jr. Get of Sire 1st-Beef - Limousin - Senior Get of Sire 2nd-Beef - Limousin - Jr. Calf Female 2nd-Beef - Limousin - Pair of Females 2nd-Beef - Limousin - Breeder's Herd 2nd-Beef - Limousin - Produce of Dam 2nd-Beef - Limousin - Pair of Calves 2nd-Beef - Limousin - Jr. Get of Sire 2nd-Beef - Limousin - Senior Get of Sire Susan Vokoun - Chardon, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Tea Ring Angela Volcensek - Chesterland, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Misc. Breads-No Yeast-Loaf Pan - Pumpkin Bread Rich Volcensek - Chesterland, OH 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Black Raspberry 1st-Culinary - Jelly - Cherry 1st-Culinary - Gift Pack - Gift Pack-5 jars-all jellies 1st-Culinary - Gift Pack - Best of Gift Packs - Rosette 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Red Raspberry 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Blackberry 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Peach 3rd-Culinary - Jelly - Strawberry 4th-Culinary - Jelly - Combination 2 fruits Libby Volzer - Chardon, OH 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Occupied Japan (Classes 1-6) - Specimen not listed Marge Wachsmuth - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Knitting - Infant's 3 piece set Cindy Wagner - Orwell, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Papier-mache Wally Waldbauer - Newbury, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Textiles (Classes 1-11) - Dresser Scarf 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Music Box 2nd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Salsa 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Begonia, any type otd flwr hng 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Any outdoor flwrng hng nt ment 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Red 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Toy Dishes - Lmt 6 in a contre 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Tomato Juice 3rd-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Corn Relish 3rd-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Medium not specified 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Rolling Pin 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Pottery (Classes 1-6) - Roseville 4th-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Pickled Beets 4th-Culinary - Pickles and Relishes - Variety not listed Kirk Walker - Chardon, OH 1st-Beef - Open Class Steers - Feeder Calf - Born aftr Jan. 1 1st-Beef - Open Class Steers - Reserve Chamption Steer 128 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Beef - Grade Point Cattle - Jr. Calf Female 1st-Beef - Grade Point Cattle - Grand Champion Female 1st-Beef - Grade Point Cattle - Pair of Females 1st-Beef - Supreme Champion Female - In Memory of Terrence Friel 4th-Beef - Grade Point Cattle - Jr. Calf Female Rebecca A Walker - Garrettsville, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Jewelry - Specimen not listed Elizabeth Walsh - Middlefield, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cake Decorating - Beginner-Adult Birthday Liberty Walton - Germantown, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Geauga County Item 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Furniture (Classes 1-4) - Small Stand Alan Ward - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Jr. Draft Horse Show-13&Under 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Cart 14 - 18 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch driver 13 & under 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch driver 14 - 18 2nd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Driver 60 & over 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Jr. Draft Horse Show-13&Under 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Pee Wee Showmanship 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgl.Hitch Cart 13 & under 3rd-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgle Hitch Cart 14 - 18 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Sr. Draft Horse Show-14-18 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgl.Hitch Cart 13 & under 4th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Open Team Hitch-No show harnes 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sgl.Hitch Cart 13 & under 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sngl Htch Men's Dr Crt Stal/Gl 5th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Single Hitch Cart Dr 60 & over 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Showmanship - Pee Wee Showmanship 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Sngl Htch Men's Dr Crt Stal/Gl 6th-Draft Horses - Draft Horse Hitches - Team Hitch-Man Dr-Geldings Holly Ward - North Bloomfiel, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Pies - Strawberry, Rhubarb 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Bar Jeremy Ward - North Bloomfiel, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Non-Yeast Baking 1st-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Best in Teen Baking - Rosette Jonathon Ward - North Bloomfiel, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Candy - state variety 6 on pla Christopher Ward SR - North Bloomfiel, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Miscellaneous Bread-state vty Bonnie Warnky - Chagrin Falls, OH 2nd-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cup Cakes 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Handmade(complete doll/cloth) Marylouise Warren - Lakewood, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Quilt w 2 or mr tech. hand qui Jason Watson - Chardon, OH 129 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Holland Lop-Brkn Patt Esther Weaver - Orwell, OH 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Cactus or succulent 18" 0r les Linda Weaver - North Bloomfiel, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Embroidery - Ctd Crs Sth ln ov 8x10 smpl Mark Webb - Bristolville, OH 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Youth Halter - 14 yrs & under 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Costume Class 3rd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Youth Group Race 14 yrs & un 5th-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Halter - Jennets 5th-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Adult Race - In hand event Giles Webinger - Chardon, OH 1st-Goats - Oberhasli - Doe 4 yrs. & under 5 1st-Goats - Oberhasli - Reserve Grand Champion Nelson Webinger - Chardon, OH 5th-Sheep - Market Lambs - Lightweight Market Lambs Victoria Webinger - Chardon, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Quilting - Baby's quilt machine quilted Rachel Webster - Chardon, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Chair pad(s)-fine cut 2nd-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Wall hanging - fine cut 2nd-Domestic Arts - Hooking - Rug - fine cut Darlene r. Weddell - Vienna, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - 2 or more stitch patt Rea Wedekamm - Chesterland, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Ceramics - Ceramic handdbuilt,no mold adt 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Watercolor - Any Subject - Adu 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Paintings - Best of Artwork - Rosette 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Cactus or succulent 18" 0r les 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Combination Planter - indoor Karen S Wehn - Lockport, NY 2nd-Fine Arts - Dolls - Nationality 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Photography - Storms 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's Blouse 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Cuff Links Carolyne Weikert - Burton, OH 2nd-Culinary - Jelly - Variety not listed 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Depression Glass (1-16) - Syrup Pitcher 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Miscellaneous (Classes 1-21) - Old Calendar 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Pull Toy Lily Weinberger - South Russell, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Misc-Sunflower- 1 tallest head Kimberly Weiss - Newbury, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower) 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Verbenas, 3 stems 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Any outdoor flwrng hng nt ment Caitlin Wendl - Chardon, OH 130 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Baked Goods - Teen Baking - Brownies Tammy Wendl - Chardon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Flge plnt nt mntd abv stat var 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Combination planter-outdoor Austin Wetzel - Chardon, OH 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Peppers-Any other variety Gene Jr. Wetzel - Chardon, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Peppers-4 On A Plate - Jalapeno 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beans - Yellow String, 1 qt. box 3rd-Culinary - Vegetables - Beans, yellow string Jack Wharton - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Pumpkin only by wght & Rosette 3rd-Flower Show - Dahlia-Small Grower (Cl 1-12) - Other open centered Dahlias Elizabeth H Wheeler - Thompson, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Amateur Sculpture - Combination of Any Mediums Noelle Wheeler - Thompson, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's career dress 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Adult costume 2nd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Separates (matching) 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Girl's outfit/drs casual 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Skirt or Pants 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's Jacket 3rd-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Lady's formal dress(prom) Hannah Whitmer - Chesterland, OH 4th-Goats - Nigerian - Junior Kid 4th-Goats - Nigerian - Senior Yearling Hillie Whitmer - Chesterland, OH 5th-Goats - Nigerian - Senior Yearling Rebecca Whitmer - Chesterland, OH 1st-Goats - Lamancha - Junior Kid 2nd-Goats - Nigerian - Doe 5 Yrs. & Over 5th-Goats - Nigerian - Junior Kid 6th-Goats - Nigerian - Senior Yearling Taylor Wiegand - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Collections - Favorite collection of Adult Mary Ann Wieliczko - Maple Heights, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Candy - Favorite Candy, State Variety 3rd-Baked Goods - Candy - Peanut Brittle 3rd-Fine Arts - Collections - Practical collected by Adult Dawn Wiench - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Nthrlnd Dwf-Slvr Mrtn 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck- Polish - Broken Beverly Williams - Chardon, OH 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Specimen not listed Damia Williams - Middlefield, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Onions-Sweet Spanish(4 Plt) 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Any other variety 131 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Domestic Arts - Junior Classes (5 to 8 yrs) - No sew applique 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Hand Puppets 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Costume Jewelry 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Potato Any Variety(10 per con) 5th-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Squash - Zucchini, Green Lewis Williams - Wickliffe, OH 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Beets - 4 On A Plate - Any Oher Variety 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Red Cherry ( Sm. Type) 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Geranium, sngl or dlb blm 2nd-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Herbs, combination planter 3rd-Flower Show - Specimen Cut Flowers - Annabelles/arborenscens Nicky Williams - Farmdale, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Professional Classes - Photography Sr. Laura Wingert - Chardon, OH 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Mammoth Caves National Park 2nd-Flower Show - Design Division - Great Smokey Mtns Nat Park Linda L Wise - Atwater, OH 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare 32" - 34" 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Grand Champion Sr. Mare 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Stallion 32" - 34" 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Grand Champion Sr. Stallion 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Supreme Miniature Halter Horse 1st-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sngl Htch Crt- Gentlemen Drive 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - 2 Yr. Old &Ovr Gelding 34"&Und 2nd-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Western Cntry Pleas Driving 4th-Miniature Horse - Miniature Horse Show - Sr. Mare 32" - 34" Olivia Wittlock - Middlefield, OH 6th-Swine - Market Hog Show - 240 to 252 lbs. Kaiden Wolcott - Chardon, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Tomatoes-Big Boy(4 on Plt) 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite collection(6&under) 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - 1 Qt. Beans (Green or Yellow) 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Pumpkins - Pie Pumpkin 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Squash - Butternut Cindy Wolf - Chesterland, OH 1st-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Costume Class 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Halter - Jennets 2nd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Youth Showmanship 14 yrs. & un 3rd-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Coon Jumping Div 1 38" & under 4th-Donkey & Mule Show - Donkey and Mule - Youth Halter - 14 yrs & under Mareen Wolfe - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Flower Show - Specimen Plants - Herbs, combination planter 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Clear Glass ( Classes 1-12) - Tumbler 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Pin or Brooch 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Jewelry (Classes 1-12) - Ring - Ladies 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Specimen not listed 2nd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Misc.-State Variety 132 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Colored Glass (Classes 1-7) - Decorated Chase Wolfram - Burton, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Peppers-Cal Wonder(4Plt) 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Squash - Zucchini, Green John Wolfram - Burton, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Corn - Sweet Corn 5 ears bi-colored 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Zucchini by weight 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - One Potato by weight 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Miscellaneous - Eggplant, 1 purple 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Acorn Alyssa Wood - Middlefield, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Rex-Blue 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Rex-Brkn Grp 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Rex-Brkn Grp 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Lilac 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Rex-Otter 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Mini Rex-Brkn Grp Carlie Wood - Middlefield, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Jeresy Wooly-Tan Patt 1st-Honey - Junior Class (12 and under) - Cookies, cut 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Specimen not listed 1st-Fine Arts - Junior Ceramics(12 & Under) - Ceramic Sculpture,An-hand buil 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Brkn Patt 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Self 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Shaded 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Brkn Pat 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Brkn Patt Graycen Wood - Auburn Twp., OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Sewing - Adult outerwear 1st-Domestic Arts - Teen Classes (13 - 19 yrs) - Machine sewn article Laurie Wood - Middlefield, OH 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Self 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Shaded 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Self 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Jr. Doe-Jersey Wooly-Tan Patt 3rd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-Jersey Wooly-Self 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Occupied Japan (Classes 1-6) - Figurine 3rd-Antiques & Collectibles - Dolls (Classes 1-9) - Character Doll Jeremy Workman - Olmsted Falls, OH 1st-Honey - Honey - Honey - Dark 1st-Honey - Honey - Beeswax - Molded candles 1st-Honey - Honey - Best of Show Beeswax - Rste 1st-Honey - Honey - Baked Goods - Cookies - Shaped or Formed 2nd-Honey - Honey - Comb Honey Round 3rd-Honey - Honey - Honey - Amber 3rd-Honey - Honey - Gift Pack - see Honey Rule 7 Ally Wrench - Chagrin Falls, OH 133 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Mini Lop-Sld Patrn Ken Yamamoto - Middlefield, OH 1st-Fine Arts - Amateur Crafts - Stained Glass Evelyn Yates - Chagrin Falls, OH 3rd-Fine Arts - Junior Crafts (12 & under) - Costume Jewelry Gwynne Young - Chardon, OH 4th-Flower Show - Vase Displays - Vase of mixed perennials Mark Young - Chardon, OH 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Kitchenware (Classes 1-24) - Electric Toaster 1st-Antiques & Collectibles - Director's Award - &8.00 & Ros - Director's Award-$8.00 & Rste 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Advertising Items (Classes 1-9 - Specimen not listed 2nd-Antiques & Collectibles - Toys (Classes 1-11) - Tractor Cyndi Yoxall - Garrettsville, OH 1st-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - ripple stitch 1st-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - Other - Specify entry 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Farm Products - Lard, 2 lbs/new cl gls cng jar 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Two fancy potholders mtd 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Poncho or cape 3rd-Domestic Arts - Vietnam Veterans - Crocheted Afghan Owen F Yuhasz - Novelty, OH 2nd-Rabbits - Six Class Rabbits - Sr. Buck-English Lop-Brkn Ptrn 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Junior Classes 12 yrs & Under - Potato Any Variety(10 per con) Linda Zack - Chagrin Falls, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Pumpkin Squash by wt & Rosette 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Denali National Park & Preserv 1st-Flower Show - Design Division - Best of Show-design class Isabella Zaffiro - Chesterland, OH 2nd-Rabbits - Four Class Rabbits - Sr. Doe-Havana-Broken David A Zagara - Burton, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - 3 on a plate - Zucchini, Green 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - 3 on a plate - Zucchini, Golden 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Tomatoes-Stem Removed-4/Plate - Yellow Pear Type 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Any other variety Laura A Zagara - Burton, OH 1st-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Displays - Bst Display of Vegs w/o potato 2nd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Squash - One - Any other variety 2nd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Ethnic Class with Yeast Maria Zagara - Burton, OH 1st-Baked Goods - Cookies - Oatmeal 2nd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Coconut 2nd-Baked Goods - Cakes - Favorite Cake - state variety Sofia Zampino - Chardon, OH 1st-Swine - Market Hog Show - 240 to 252 lbs. Genevieve Zarack - Huntsburg, OH 3rd-Baked Goods - Yeast Baking - Misc. Yeast-State Variety 3rd-Baked Goods - Cookies - Sugar Patti Zebrowski - Painesville, OH 134 The 2016 Great Geauga County Fair Results by Last Name 1st-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Bulky - chunky 2nd-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Superfine-lace or fingering 3rd-Domestic Arts - Skein of Yarn - Fine - sport Craig M Zelenak - Chesterland, OH 2nd-Baked Goods - Class Men Only-State Variety - Miscellaneous Bread-state vty Alyse Zemba - Chardon, OH 1st-Swine - Market Hog Show - 215 to 227 lbs. Madelyn Zemba - Chardon, OH 1st-Swine - Market Hog Show - 2268 to 239 lbs. Natalie Zemba - Chardon, OH 1st-Swine - Market Hog Show - 266 to 278 lbs. Darlene Zenisek - Hiram, OH 2nd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Infant's afghan (2 or mr patrn 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Adult's sweater 3rd-Domestic Arts - Crocheting - Afghan - granny square Emma Zimperman - Newbury, OH 1st-Beef - Hereford - Jr. Bull Calf 1st-Beef - Hereford - Grand Champion Bull 1st-Poultry - Bantam Poultry Groups - Buff Brahma - Cock Terry Zion - Chardon, OH 3rd-Farm Prod. & Vegetables - Heaviest By Weight - Garlic by weight Isabella Zippay - Middlefield, OH 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - Marigolds; yellow, 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - Petunia; Bi-color, 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - Petunia; Solid, 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - Black-eyed Susans, 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - Hydrangea, 3 stems 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - Sedum, three stems 1st-Flower Show - Youth Division - The Great Geauga County Fair 2nd-Maple Syrup - Junior Maple Baked Goods - Cookies (1/2 doz) 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Dolls/Toys (12 & Under) - My Favorite Toy (10-12) 3rd-Culinary - Junior Canning (9-12 Yrs.) - Strawberry Jam 3rd-Flower Show - Youth Division - Marigolds; orng/gld, 3 stems 3rd-Flower Show - Youth Division - A Day at the Ocean 4th-Flower Show - Youth Division - Zinnias, 3 blooms John Zippay - Middlefield, OH 2nd-Fine Arts - Junior Collections(12 & Under) - Favorite collection(6&under) 135
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