Neil and Sue Huntley. - Hartside Nursery Garden
Neil and Sue Huntley. - Hartside Nursery Garden
2013 Descriptive Catalogue £2.00 A selection of Rare and Unusual Hardy Plants grown in the North Pennines Tel 01434 381372 Neil and Sue Huntley. Hartside Nursery Garden near Alston, Cumbria CA9 3BL tel or fax 01434 381372 e-mail; Hardy Plant Collections Try one of our collections of Trough Plants including a Dwarf Shrub or Conifer$ Col ! Our selection of !" Plants suitable for a trough# including a %&'$"" Dwarf Shrub or Conifer$ Col ( Our selection of (" Trough Plants inc$ a Dwarf Shrub and a %)'$"" Conifer$ Trough gardens allow us to grow a range of the choice small plants in a position where thay can be admired in perfect condition$ We will include a slow growing conifer to give architectural interest plus a range of good small growing Alpines to give form and colour over a long period$ Try a collection of Woodland Plants including *Wood Anemones+$ Col !" Our selection of ) Different Woodland Garden Plants$ %(!$"" Col !! Our selection of !" Different Woodland Garden Plants$ %&"$"" Woodland plants have become very popular recently$ We will include lovely forms of our native *Wood Anemone+# plus Trilliums# Uvularia# Tiarellas and other shade tolerant plants$ Try one of our collections of Easy and Reliable Rock Garden Plants$ Col !' Our selection of !" Easy and Reliable Rock Garden Plants$ %(,$'" Col !) Our selection of (" Different Easy and Reliable Rock Garden %-'$"" Plants$ Col !, Our selection of -" Easy and Reliable Rock Garden Plants$ %."$"" These popular collections will include our selection of plants to give foliage and flower colour over a long period$ Usually including a range of Campanula# Dianthus# Lewisia# Phlox# Saxifraga and other showy# easy and reliable plants suitable for most soil conditions$ Collections of Rare and Unusual Alpines for a Raised Bed or Alpine House$ Col !. Our selection of !" Rare and Unusual Alpines$ %&'$"" Col !/ Our selection of (" Rare and Unusual Alpines$ %)'$"" We will select a range of the better more compact growing Alpines for this choice collection$ We will include some of the lovely compact European Primulas# Saxifrages# Soldanellas and other choice plants$ Try a collection of Autumn Flowering Gentians$ Col &" Our selection of ) Different Autumn Gentians$ We will supply a %(!$"" range of shades from white through pale blue to rich dark blues$ e0mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude$co$uk Try one of our selections of Asiatic and Petiolaris Primulas" Col !# Our selection of ! Asiatic and Petiolaris Primulas" $%&"'' We have a good range of rarely offered Primulas from which we will make a selection to give a flowering season from early spring through to the summer" Interesting and unusual compact plats for a lime free soil that is not too dry" We have a good stock of Rhododendrons and offer the following collection" Col (' Our selection of ( different Slow Growing Rhododendrons" $%("'' We have a good range of compact slow growing Rhododendrons this spring and will make a selection to include a range of flower colours and foliage forms" Try a collection of Peat Garden Plants including Dwarf Rhododendrons" Col (# Our selection of )' Plants including a Dwarf Rhododendron" $*#"'' Col (! Our selection of %' Plants including Dwarf Rhododendrons" $!#"'' The plants suitable for a Peat Garden have always been some of our favourites" This will include a Slow Growing Rhododendron for spring colour plus a range of other plants suitable for a lime+free soil" Ericaceous Shrubs, Autumn Flowering Gentian, Primulas and other plants from the wide range we grow" (Please remember to add postage as necessary) e+mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude"co"uk Welcome to our Spring !"#$ catalogue% We hope this year is more &normal'( !"#! was not the best of gardening years( we would just like a season without too many extremes! We hope you( our customers are looking forward to getting out in the garden and trust we may be able to tempt you with some additions to your plant collection% The plants we are listing are looking good( budding up and full of potential% We will be having a busy season once again attending a number of Alpine Garden Society Shows( Scottish Rock Garden Shows as well as the Spring and hopefully Autumn Shows at Harrogate and Malvern plus Gardening Scotland at the end ofMay and beginning of June and the RHS Show at Tatton Park in Cheshire in July plus other Plant Fairs etc% We have a good range of plants available this spring and many more varieties coming on for later in the year% Look out in this catalogue for a super selection of spring and summer flowering Saxifrages% Divisions of the true Dodecatheon )Red Wings* can just be seen at ground level as I write this( other Dodecatheons include the lovely white D% dentatum and the lovely D% pulchellum subsp% pulchellum will make fine plants for the garden% An interesting range of Asiatic Primulas are listed including one of our long time favourites( P% )Tantallon* which is already starting to flower% Other choice plants available from this catalogue include the lovely Weldenia candida( +we only have very few this year , so be quick-( plus a good range of Roscoeas including some lovely &Harvington' forms and the still rarley offered red flowered R% purpurea )Rubra*( +what used to be called )Red Ghurka*-% Look out also for some good reliable Corydalis and many more of our old favourites( Fritillarias( Phlox( small Hostas( Dwarf Rhododendrons( Sanguinaria and others% We also offer a range of plant collections( these are always good value and always include our selection from the best plants available at the time of ordering% We can often quote to make up collections for specific requirements( please enquire% We try to offer a range of plants that are less readily available at Garden Centres( often being considered too slow to propagate on a large scale( or they can be propagated in only small numbers% is now available with a download of our latest catalogue% As time permits we will add latest offers and news to the site which we hope will be of interest to those with web access% Most of the plants we offer are grown with little or no protection at our Nursery in the North Pennines% The plants we deliver by mail order are the same plants sold at the Nursery% We send the plants in their pots by a !. or ./ hour service( carefully wrapped so that once received( apart from having to replace any grit top dressing that has been taken off before dispatch they should be ready to be planted out in your garden% Situated in the North Pennines we welcome visitors to the Nursery during our business hours% We hope you enjoy reading our catalogue and ordering some plants or collections% Good Gardening( Neil and Sue Huntley We welcome visitors and will try to give advice on plants when we can! however! we are a small business and my wife and I are very often out on the Nursery and therefore! not always available to answer the phone! but please try again if you need to speak to us! or write enclosing a SAE" We have changed our opening hours! please read below" We will not always be open until ##"$%am if we do not have staff available earlier but if you would like to visit earlier in the morning please telephone first to make an appointment" Please Note:& If you wish to collect an order! or are coming for very specific items! please give us adequate notice! at least several days to avoid disappointment" U" K" Orders by Post! FAX or e&mail Some items are available in small numbers so please send us a list of substitutes if possible" The time and cost of making cheque refunds is prohibitive so if you will not accept substitutes or a credit note! we suggest you pay by 'Limited Cheque(! 'Debit Card( or 'Credit Card(! when we will charge only for those items available" When ordering by Post! FAX! e&mail or over the Phone please either fill in the order form or clearly give us the Quantity you require plus both the Plant Name and the Code in the Box to the left of the Plant Name to save any confusion" Please send cheque payable to “Hartside Nursery Garden”, or quote your card details" Packing and postage :& We will usually deliver using a )* hour service! this costs a flat rate of +*",% for any size parcel! we can pack up to approximately )% plants per parcel & many more than )% plants please add more postage for extra parcels" -We can send your plants using a .) hour service for +#)"%% per parcel if you prefer/" Using the )* hour service your plants should be delivered two days after leaving the Nursery avoiding long delays in transit" These rates DO NOT cover delivery to N" Ireland! the various Islands and the North of Scotland where we will use the best service available to us! please include postage of at least +#,"%% for these areas" Orders to Channel Islands! please allow +.% Orders within the EU" We can pack up to about )% plants per parcels and send using a $&, day carrier for about +.% & +., per parcel to most EU Countries & Please enquire" Plants are reserved as soon as orders and payment are received" They are packed for dispatch by our careful staff! being sent as soon as possible when the weather and growing conditions are suitable" Some delays are inevitable where certain plants are involved! but we do our best to dispatch plants at appropriate times" We will not dispatch during extreme weather conditions" A signature may be required on delivery so if no&one is usually at home during the day please give instructions e"g" 'Please leave next door(" Please send a list of substitutes or we will use our discretion" Complaints must be notified within 0 days of receipt of parcel" PLEASE NOTE OUR OPENING HOURS FOR 2013 THE NURSERY WILL NORMALLY BE OPEN AS BELOW:OPEN FROM MARCH 14th - APRIL - MAY AND JUNE Monday to Friday (not including Bank Holidays) 11.30am - 4.30pm. Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays 12.30pm - 4.00pm. JULY - AUGUST - SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER Tuesday to Friday 11.30am - 4.30pm. Saturdays and Sundays - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Bank Holidays 12.30pm - 4.00pm. DURING THE WINTER MONTHS AND AT ALL OTHER TIMES - BY APPOINTMENT During busy periods and when we are at Shows etc. the Nursery may not be open every day. If you are coming specially during our busy season or during the winter months, we advise a phone call to check someone will be here to assist you. A&' A,* A,& A//% A/$. A$,& Andromeda polifolia !Macrophylla"# This selection has a more compact habit with darker broader foliage and many large pink bell flowers in spring# $%cm# Androsace carnea var# halleri# A good reliable plant forming compact domes+ many pink flowers# Ideal in scree garden or trough# Androsace carnea subsp# laggeri# A super compact growing mound of needle-like foliage+ many pale pink flowers in spring+ ideal trough or scree-garden plant# .cm# Few# Androsace pyrenaica# Tiny rosettes cluster together to produce tight mounds of grey-green# Masses of small white flowers cover these mounds in the spring# Ideal in Alpine House# Frequently seen at AGS shows# Anemone nemorosa !Bowles Purple"# A reliable form of our native 0Wood Anemone1+ rich purple-blue flowers in spring# /%cm# Good spreading habit# Anemone nemorosa !Virescens"# This unusual plant has large green feathery bracts for 0flowers1+ giving a very strange appearance# An interesting addition and certainly a talking point! ( )#*% ( )#%% ( )#%% ( )#%% ( .#*% ( .#*% A/./ Anemone ranunculoides# An attractive plant with bright green foliage and rich golden-yellow flowers in early spring# Good spreading habit# /%cm# ( .#*% A/.. Anemone trulliifolia# A splendid rare 0Himalayan Buttercup1+ only a few to spare this season# Somewhat like a larger A# obtusiloba# These seed raised plants may give a range of blue or white flowers in the spring# $%cm# For a lime free soil that is not too dry# Antennaria dioica !Minima"# An old favourite+ this delightful compact form of the native 0Mountain Ever-lasting1 forms tiny huddled buns of silvery-edged foliage in a trough garden or scree+ $ cm stems carry the long lasting heads of papery-pink flowers during the summer# Aquilegia viridiflora# An unusual plant with attractive greenybrown flowers in early summer# An elegant and desirable plant# $*cm# ( &#%% A/)& A/,, e-mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude#co#uk ( )#%% ( )#%% A()* A.$/ A..# A.&$ A.'$ C2$& C($. C($' Arisaema candidissimum! China! This is a fabulous hardy plant for many different soils! Very slow to propagate by division! Large" #$cm tall" sweetly scented white spathes" tinged with pink stripes which erupt from dormancy in June % July before the foliage which follows immediately! The large Trillium%like leaves can be &'cm across when fully grown and are attractive in themselves! This plant has a very long dormant period from October to May % June! Best in a well drained rich soil" these long lived plants will be admired by those looking for something different! Armeria caespitosa! A dwarf ,Thrift- which forms rounded cushions over which the many papery pink flowers are carried in spring! 'cm! A good plant for the general rock garden but small enough for a trough! Aruncus aethusifolius ! A splendid little plant for many situations in the garden" creamy%white fluffy flower heads produced in early summer over fern%like fresh green foliage " the foliage turning brilliant red in autumn! Best autumn colour is achieved when the plant is in an open position! This plant will grow in sun" shade" dry or damp % what more could one want! Astilbe crispa 0Perkeo1! A lovely compact Astilbe which we have grown for many years having acquired our original plants from Jack Drakes Nursery in the Cairngorms! Stiff dark green foliage above which are carried the shell pink flowers on erect stems in August! #$ % &$ cm! Japan! Will tolerate quite dry situations in good light! Astilbe simplicifolia 0Sprite1! One of the most popular members of this family! An excellent compact plant for the front of a border" very dark green finely cut foliage with many shell%pink plumes of flowers in late summer and autumn! &$cm! Tolerates drier situations than the larger Astilbes! Campanula 0Hilltop Snow1! Attractive creeping Campanula with many white bells on wiry stems in summer! Choice! Good in sunny raised bed or rock garden! Cassiope 0Badenoch1! Low mound of grey% green foliage" many waxy white bells! Cassiope 0Edinburgh1! A fine plant for lime free conditions with an upright habit" rich green whipcord%type growth forming a bushlet #$cm high! Pure white bells with red edged calices! April! This excellent form was given an RHS Award of Merit in ()'/! e%mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude!co!uk + *!$$ + #!$$ + &!'$ + 2!$$ + &!'$ + &!$$ + &!$$ + &!$$ Clematis marmoraria$ A tiny non%climbing sub%shrub found in New Zealand as recently as the !&'()s forming small mounds* eventually +(cm across after many years* of dark green ferny leaves$ The # cm diameter cup%shaped creamy%white flowers are produced in abundance once the plant is established$ A plant for a rich scree or Alpine House$ This plant continues to be in demand and is always admired when seen in flower* many people not believing a Clematis could be so small! C+(+ Cornus suecica$ A superb small creeping plant$ Crisp white flowers followed by red berries$ Few only$ C+1. Corydalis transsylvanica /Beth Evans0$ Another of these early flowering forms of Corydalis have a very short growing season$ Starting to appear above ground here as early as January and flowering in early spring they can be dormant once again by late April! This super form has bold pink plumes of flowers in early spring$ Few$ #(cm$ C+!& Corydalis buschii$ A rarely offered small species which we have found extremely tolerant$ The foliage on this species will quickly scorch if conditions are too dry but it can recover quite quickly when watered well$ Fine pale green ferny foliage* attractive dusky%pink flowers in late spring on .cm stems$ Spreads underground to form good clumps$ Best out of too much direct sun$ C-(' Corydalis /Craigton Blue0$ Fairly vigorous hybrid between C$ flexuosa and C$ elata with almost evergreen foliage$ Forms good sized clumps for the front of a border in partial shade$ Good bold stems carrying rich blue flowers in early summer$ "(cm$ C!"# , -$(( , .$(( , 1$(( , 1$(( , 1$(( C++( Corydalis flexuosa /China Blue0$ A splendid form of this brilliant plant* grey%green foliage and masses of bright turquoise%blue spur%shaped flowers over a long period$ Later to flower for us than 2Purple Leaf3 but earlier than 2Pere David3$ Spring$ +(cm$ , 1$(( C-+- Corydalis flexuosa /Heavenly Blue0$ New to us* another of these free flowering blue corydalis$ Spring$ , 1$(( e%mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude$co$uk Corydalis solida subsp$ solida %George Baker&$ These early flowering forms of Corydalis have a very short growing season$ Starting to appear above ground here as early as January and flowering in early spring they can be dormant once again by late April! An excellent plant with rich terracotta'pink flowers in spring$ A bulbous rooted plant which forms compact clumps( the bulbs usually reliably doubling each season$ )*cm$ C"#" Corydalis %Kingfisher&$ An excellent hybrid between C$ cashmiriana and C$ flexuosa$ This almost evergreen plant produces flowers over a very long period$ More vigorous than C$ cashmiriana but retaining much of the charm of that compact species$ Brilliant blue spur'shaped flowers on *,cm stems$ Good foliage$ C!!. Corydalis malkensis$ /previously C$ caucasica alba0 A lovely early flowering plant with creamy'white flowers in early spring( so tolerant that even small bulbs accidentally thrown out when repotting have built up into a good clump and flower reliably every year on the compost heap! )cm$ C!-1 Cotoneaster adpressa %Little Gem&$ An excellent little shrub for trough or scree$ Compact mounds of small shining leaves which turn bright scarlet in autumn$ *,cm$ C!2* Cotoneaster %Teulon Porter&$ A good easy evergreen prostrate shrub which forms compact ground hugging carpets of dark green foliage with white flowers and red berries$ Ideal over the edge of raised walls$ C!#! Cyananthus lobatus %Giant Form&$ A showy form with very large lilac'blue flowers in summer$ )-cm$ C!1# Cyananthus microphyllus x lobatus %Sherrifs&$ An interesting hybrid with small leaves and many rich blue flowers$ Easy and reliable$ Low growing$ -cm x !,cm$ C!11 Cyananthus microphyllus$ This wonderful small plant is ideal for a trough or raised bed$ We have not offered this plant for many years but have now built up a stock once more and offer this fine plant which has good sized mid'blue flowers through the summer months over a carpet of grey'green foliage$ -cm x !,cm across$ D*-! Dentaria digitata$ Easy woodlander with lilac'pink flowers in spring$ D*-* Dicentra cuccularia %Pink Punk&$ Choice selection with pink tinged flowers$ C!"# e'mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude$co$uk + "$,, + -$,, + "$,, + "$-, + "$-, + "$,, + "$,, + "$,, + 2$,, + "$-, D!"# Dicentra cucullaria$ A lovely% choice N American native$ A description does not do justice to this wonderful little plant$ Silver& grey finely&cut foliage with elegant flights of pearl&white% yellow tipped flowers$ May$ !"cm$ For a cool shady spot$ ' ($)" D*(( Dodecatheon clevelandii subsp$ patulum$ A rarely offered small growing species with pale pink flowers$ D!+! Dodecatheon dentatum$ An unusual dwarf ,Shooting Star- with creamy&white flowers$ !"cm$ May.June$ Peat Garden$ ' ($"" Dodecatheon media$ A lovely species with many nodding rich mauve&pink flowers on +"cm stems in late spring$ Easy and reliable in a soil that does not get too dry$ Dodecatheon pulchellum subsp$ pulchellum$ A good compact growing plant producing many rich mauve&red flowers in spring on *"cm stems$ N$ America$ Dodecatheon /Red Wings0$ The true plant propagated by division% therefore only a few available$ Lovely plants with large red flowers on short stems$ Often offered as seed raised plants which are not the true thing! Draba bruniifolia$ Dwarf cushions of narrow hairy edged dark green leaves% heads of dark yellow flowers on short stems$ Dryas suendermanii$ Attractive large creamy coloured single anemone&like flowers on !"cm stems over carpets of glossy oak&like foliage$ The flowers are followed by wonderful silky seed heads in late summer and autumn$ Large mats eventually% #"cm & ! metre across$ A super% strong growing plant for the larger rock garden or allowed to trail over rocks or low walls$ Epimedium grandiflorum /Nanum0$ A very desirable% slow growing plant for the peat garden or large trough$ Large white flowers on short stems in April.May$ Epimedium /Little Shrimp0$ A good small growing plant with shrimp&pink flowers in spring$ *"cm$ ' ($"" D!+( D*)( D!1) D!)" D!2* E!2 E!!! e&mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude$co$uk ' ($"" ' ($"" ' )$"" ' ($"" ' ($"" ' ($)" ' ($)" FERNS F$% F%( F(+% F-. F+'( F+(' F+$. Ferns are very popular as hardy garden plants! with plants suitable for moist shady positions and some which will tolerate drier more sunny positions" We grow a wide range! from tiny choice alpine varieties for the Rock Garden and Alpine House! through the medium sized reliable garden Ferns to the larger growing species for the Wild Garden and Pool Side" Many will tolerate sun or shade" The species which we find more tolerant of drier more open conditions include the species and varieties of Dryopteris! Polypodium and Polystichum! these would also appear to tolerate drier shady conditions for us" Most of the other species and varieties prefer moist shade" Athyrium filix femina Victoriae" Found originally in Stirlingshire over one hundred years ago" Up to three feet tall! the narrow fronds are cruciate and cristate throughout giving a criss#cross effect" Blechnum penna#marina" Easy creeping species forming a good ground cover after a few years! dark evergreen glossy fronds with a bronze tinge in the winter" ('cm" Blechnum penna#marina )Cristata*" A fairly slow spreading fern with evergreen fronds each with a small crest at the tip" Dryopteris erythrosora Prolifera" A wonderful small plant with neat fronds tinged pink on the new growth" Few only" Fairly slow" (.cm" & %"'' & %"'' & ,"'' & %"'' Gymnocarpium dryopteris )Plumosum*" A lovely very hardy form of our British Native /Oak Fern0" Slowly creeps around underground forming attractive clumps of delicate looking fresh green broadly triangular fronds! best in a situation out of direct sun" Only ('cm tall" Totally deciduous" Polypodium vulgare Bifido Multifidum" Handsome evergreen fern with long narrow fronds ending with a large flat crest" Good in dry shade" & %"'' Polystichum setiferum Congestum" Dense upright fronds with overlapping pinnae form vase#shaped plants" Always a popular and attractive evergreen fern for many positions" Will tolerate both moist or dryish conditions" (.cm" & %"'' e#mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude"co"uk & %"'' Polystichum setiferum Plumosum Densum! The "Downy Filigree Fern#! An elegant plant with overlapping pinnules! Flat$ spreading fronds have a mossy appearance! Excellent for cutting% as are most of the Polystichum! &'cm! Polystichum setiferum Proliferum! This easy and reliable fern which we have grown for many years will tolerate drier situations% although it does not like to suffer drought! The lacy evergreen fronds last right through the winter and then the fresh green fronds unfurl from the centre of the plant in the spring! Spread &+ $ ,+cm! An excellent addition to most gardens! These bulbil raised plants are all identical! Fritillaria camschatcensis .Aurea/! A few divisions only of this rarely offered attractive yellow form! Not as vigorous for us as the dark forms and somewhat shorter flower stems% an interesting and worthwhile addition! * &!++ F1+) Fritillaria camschatcensis Alaskan Form! Dark brown$black bell flowers% 1$)cm long% held in heads of usually 1 or ) per stem% early summer! * ,!++ F(-& Fritillaria camschatcensis Black Form! This is the form we have offered for many years simply as F! camschatcensis% but everyone who sees it admires its robust habit and very dark almost black flowers% much darker than most of the other forms! They build up into impressive clumps which spread around in a peaty moist soil! Almost black bell flowers% )cm long% held in heads on &'cm stems% in early summer! Kamchatka! * ,!++ F(&) F(&' F(-' e$mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude!co!uk * &!++ * 0!++ GENTIANA (Gentianaceae) G&' A popular family of plants with species from around the world! Most gardens should be able to grow some species as the range includes lime tolerant and peat loving species" plants for a cool moist soil and those for a sunny well drained scree etc!! Most have showy blue trumpets! If you do not have the required lime#free soil for the autumn varieties" try growing them in containers! Some of the faster growing" spreading varieties like G! $Eugens Bester% make very good plants for containers where they will hang over the edge and provide a good Autumn display! Plant in a lime free compost with added composted bark and some grit" slow release fertiliser and keep well watered in a dry spell! We find the Autumn Gentians flower freely in a sunny position! All the Gentians we grow are extremely hardy and are grown without protection! Gentiana acaulis! Alps! The popular (Swiss Trumpet Gentian(" seen by many on holidays in the Alps! Evergreen carpet of smooth leaves" rich" deep blue trumpets in spring! Will tolerate lime! )cm! * &!'' G+), Gentiana dinarica Coll! Stitt! A choice free flowering form with good rich blue trumpet flowers in spring! * &!'' G-' Gentiana verna subsp! angulosa! The ever popular .Spring Gentian/! Brilliant star# shaped blue flowers in May! Glossy bright green rosettes! )cm! An ideal plant for troughs and raised beds! The British Native species grows wild not many miles from our Nursery! Gentiana $Alex Duguid%! syn! farreri $Duguid(s Form%! Turquoise#blue flowers in September 1 October! Best in a sunny position in lime free soil! )cm! * &!'' Gentiana $Amethyst%! Rarely offered compact plant" rich violet#blue trumpets! * &!'' G0+) G-2 e#mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude!co!uk * &!'' Gentiana !Blue Silk"# An excellent plant raised by Dr# Lever# Silky blue rich flowers in the autumn# A few plants only of this fine introduction# G'') Gentiana !Braemar" Striking new selection* flowers have white markings on deep royal blue# Tidy habit# Bred by Ian McNaughton# & '#(( Gentiana !Compact Gem"# A compact habit and many freely produced rich blue trumpet flowers make this one of the best of the new autumn Gentians# Raised by Dr# Lever# Gentiana !Eugens Allerbester"# An exciting introduction from German Nurseryman Eugen Schleipfer* wonderful double flowers of mid blue in early autumn# & '#(( Gentiana !Gew-hn" JP# Rich mid blue with bold white markings in the throat# A very attractive addition# G''. Gentiana !Iona"# Sky/blue flowers on robust* compact plants# Early Autumn flowering# A choice plant for rich lime free soil in garden or containers# & '#(( G$% G+( G,)$ G,.' G01, Gentiana !Shot Silk"# Super new plant* rich blue with a silky sheen# Few only of this fine plant which will become very popular# Gentiana !Silken Night"# Few only at present of this new selection with dark violet/blue trumpet flowers# G,'% Gentiana !Starlight"# Rich azure blue flowers on sturdy growing plants of fresh green foliage# One of my favourites amongst the new additions# Few only# Autumn# G'0% G0,0 Gentiana !Strathmore"# Large pale blue trumpets* this vigorous carpeter looks wonderful when a mature carpet is achieved after a few seasons# A very reliable and tolerant plant# This continues to be one of the most popular forms we sell# Flowering from mid September through to November# 0(cm trumpets on mats up to %(cm across# e/mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude#co#uk & '#(( & '#(( & '#(( & '#(( & '#(( & '#(( & '#(( G''( Gentiana !The Caley"# Named in celebration of $%% years of The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society# Large blue trumpet& shaped flowers with white markings# Late Autumn# G*$+ Geranium sanguineum !Ankums Pride"# One of the most intense coloured compact Geraniums we have come across# Almost florescent pink flowers over a long period# Likes a sunny position# ,-cm x +%cm# One of my favourites# ) '#%% Gunnera magellanica# A good ground cover for a moist position# Bright green crinkled foliage# S# America and the Falklands# Helleborus lividus# A fine species for a sheltered position. attractive almost silver markings on the foliage of this fine early flowering species# '%cm# Helleborus x ericsmithii 0Winter Moonbeam0 PBR # Strong growing selection. large creamy&white flowers from February to April# As the flowers mature they finish deep red in colour# Very attractive marbled foliage throughout the year# Helleborus x ericsmithii !Winter Sunshine"# The rarely offered complex cross between H# niger. H# argutifolius and H# lividus# Attractive plant for the border# Large pink& flushed white flowers# Pewter tinged dark green leaves# Very few available# ) '#-% G$+, H,/, H*($ H,%$ H*(* H+- H**$ H$/- Helleborus x ericsmithii# A complex hybrid between H# niger. H# argutifolius and H# lividus# Attractive plant for the border# Large pink&flushed white flowers# Good foliage# Hepatica nobilis# 1triloba2 A wonderful plant for the early spring when the attractive anemone&like flowers appear before the foliage# Colour varies from white through pink to rich purple&blue# Dark green three lobed leaves# (cm# HOSTA 1Liliaceae2 We grow a range of smaller growing Hostas. many suitable for rockery or trough gardens# Hosta !Blue Mouse Ears"# Thick almost fleshy blue foliage on this small growing Hosta# A fine addition for the front of a border or still small enough for rock gardens# ,-cm# Hosta !Pandora"s Box"# Tiny green and white variegated Hosta for trough garden. containers or rock garden# A plant always in demand when people see it# Leaves only + cm long for us on mature plants# H$+/ Hosta !Stiletto"# A good small growing Hosta for the front of a border or even small enough to include on the rock garden. narrow foliage. medium green with creamy margins# $-cm# e&mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude#co#uk ) '#%% ) -#%% ) ,%#%% ) ,%#%% ) +#%% ) '#%% ) (#%% ) (#%% ) (#%% Hosta !Twist of Lime"# Lemon yellow with a dark green margin# A good small hosta# Small enough for rock garden and good in containers# Hylomecon japonica# A very easy and reliable plant for partial shade which we have grown here for many years# Good sized golden yellow flowers in late spring held above the bright green foliage# $( cm# Spreads underground to form good sized clumps# A plant which we have come to take for granted and have overlooked in the garden for many years but which really attracted a lot of attention when we featured it in flower on the corner of our stand at Malvern last May# Iris cristata# -Crested Iris.# Eastern United States# Small rhizomes/ leaves up to 0+cm# Superb clear lavender1blue flowers with bright orange crests# One of the best dwarf Irises for a cool moist soil# Makes a good pan for the Alpine House# ' %#(( Iris cristata !Alba"# A beautiful rare white form of the above# Jeffersonia dubia# A choice plant for semi1shade# Wonderful blue flowers in spring# )(cm# A few good sized plants available this spring# L 0$( Leucopogon fraseri# A dwarf New Zealand shrublet# Grey1green foliage/ tiny tubular flowers# L 0*) Lewisia !Little Mango"# Many pale yellow2orange flowers over a long period# A new plant/ proving very popular and reliable# Trough or scree# L 0)+ Lewisia !Little Plum"# Many plum coloured flowers over a long period# A new plant/ proving very popular and reliable# Ideal in a trough or scree garden# L 0(( Lewisia tweedyi !Rosea"# One of the most spectacular alpines when grown well# A superior plant for the Alpine House where its large thick pale green leaves build up to form a large rosette/ huge flowers/ up to 3cm in spring# L &3 Lewisia tweedyi# One of the most spectacular alpines when grown well# Huge flowers/ up to 3cm diameter/ erupt in the spring giving a long lasting display of delicate apricot1pink# L ,0 Linnaea borealis var# americana# -Twin Flower.# From the bronzy coloured creeping carpet of rounded leaves the dainty pink flushed white bells are carried two per head on wiry stems in late summer# For the peat garden# +cm# Few only of this choice plant closely related to our British Native# M3) Mukdenia !Karasuba"# Attractive woodland garden plant# Palmate foliage turning red in autumn# Creamy1white flowers in spring# $( cm# China# ' +#(( ' &#(( H$%& H$)$ I), I$( J+ e1mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude#co#uk ' *#+( ' *#+( ' *#+( ' *#(( ' *#(( ' *#(( ' *#(( ' +#(( ' *#(( O !" O !* Oxalis laciniata hybrids# Chance seedlings which appeared on the nursery several years ago# Most have fine blue$grey foliage% finely segmented like O# laciniata# All have open goblet$shaped% almond$scented flowers% various shades of lavender$blue veined with purple# Plants will vary but should all suit a rich well drained soil in trough or scree# &cm# May $ June# Oxalis Sheffield Swan Strain# Fine plants with large pure white flowers over blue$ grey foliage# &cm# ' (#)) ' (#)) Parahebe x bidwellii# A nice easy little shrub for the rock garden# Small rounded leaves and veined flowers through the summer# P,), Phlox adsurgens -Wagon Wheels.# Huge salmon$pink flowers with a darker stripe to each petal% the narrow petals appearing like the spokes of a cartwheel# A long flowering period from May to August should guarantee this plant a position in all suitable soils# ,&cm tall x (&cm across eventually# Cut back hard after flowering or in early spring to encourage plenty new growth from the centre# P,,/ Phlox douglasii -Kellys Eye.# A very showy plant with pale pink flowers with a dominant red eye# !cm# P,+, Phlox douglasii -Tycoon.# Another compact variety for the rock garden or raised bed# Easy and showy% many red flowers in early summer# &cm# P,+/ Phlox -McDaniels Cushion .# One of the best and most reliable carpeting varieties# Huge pink flowers completely hide the fresh green foliage in summer# /cm x ")cm# Ideal trailing over the edge of a trough or wall# Can be cut hard back to encourage lots of new growth when needed# P,+!0 Phlox subulata -Candy Stripes.# White flowers splashed with carmine$pink# Spring# Larger growing than the P# douglasii forms but more compact than most of the P# subulata varieties# ' (#)) Phylliopsis -Pinnochio.# Many freely produced pink flowers on this attractive bi$generic hybrid# P,)*) Phylliopsis -Sugar Plum.# A rarely offered form with wonderful large pink bell flowers in spring and often producing a few flowers in the autumn# Few only# +&cm# ' (#&) P+) P,"0 e$mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude#co#uk ' (#)) ' 0#)) ' 0#)) ' 0#)) ' 0#)) ' (#&) P#$ P*** Podophyllum hexandrum! Marbled foliage like umbrellas" white flowers in spring followed by large red fruits in the autumn! A few good strong plants! Polygala calcarea (Lillet)! Suberb tiny polygala with many long lasting deep blue flowers! We should have a few plants available this year! $cm! A choice plant for trough or scree! % &!'' % +!'' PRIMULA (Primulaceae) This has always been one of our favourite families! We have an increased range of asiatic species and forms available this year and will be building up the range further in future! The European species and hybrids have proved very tough and continue to give us much pleasure! Look out for a tremendous range of P! allionii forms and hybrids! AURICULA SECTION PRIMULAS P+,+ Mostly spring flowering! Most like a deep rich soil preferably in full sun! Ideal for trough gardens" scree or Alpine House! Primula (Aire Mist)! Large pure white flowers over neat large sticky rosettes! A plant much admired when seen on the show bench! % $!'' Primula (Bileckii)! Tiny clumps of leaves! Deep crimson flowers" spring" a few again this autumn! P-,,+ Primula (Blindsee(! A new hybrid primula with attractive creamy white flowers in spring! Good show plant or ideal in trough garden! P-,-' Primula (Cathy)! .allionii x Linda Pope CB B-*/*0! A new selection with good large flowers! Spring! % +!'' Primula marginata Cut Leaved Form! Grown very much for its interesting lacerated foliage and heavy coating of farina! Small blue1grey flowers! P$'# Primula vochinensis! Compact growing plants" ideal for trough or rock garden! Short stemmed rich pink flowers in late spring! P$#2 Primula (Wharfedale Village)! A beautiful pubescens hybrid with freely produced greeny1white flowers in large heads! The foliage has a heavy coating of silvery meal" especially when given some protection from excess rain! An ideal plant for the Alpine Enthusiast or the Auricula Collector! % +!'' P$'- P$,- e1mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude!co!uk % $!'' % $!'' % +!'' % +!'' ASIATIC and OTHER PRIMULAS Mostly late spring and summer flowering! most like a rich! moist acid soil" We give the section names in brackets at the beginning of each description" P#$% Primula alpicola" &Sikkimensis' An easy and reliable plant for a rich border or peat garden" Beautifully scented nodding bell flowers which can vary from pale creamy( yellow to rich violet(purple! all heavily covered in meal inside the bell" )$ ( *$cm" Early summer" P#-, Primula cernua" &Muscarioides' An excellent new plant! flat rosettes of somewhat hairy leaves! )$cm stems carry violet( blue flowers in early summer" P#., Primula flaccida "&Soldanelloides' &previously listed as P" nutans"' A wonderful plant from W" China" Narrowly elliptical to oblanceolate leaves! softly hairy" Tapering heads of crystalline(blue funnel(shaped! nodding bell flowers in June ( July on )$cm stems" Relatively easy to grow in a soil given adequate water during the growing season! but with good drainage for the winter" P#/% Primula 0Johanna1" &Farinosae' & P" warshenewskiana x P" clarkei'" An excellent free flowering plant with perfectly formed rounded flowers of candy pink! each with a white eye in spring" Good compact foliage" -$cm" Very tough and reliable" A plant for a peaty trough! or suitable for a peaty border! or also grows well in containers and could be admired to perfection when displayed in the Alpine House in the early months of the season" P%--/ Primula maximowiczii" China" A fine plant with unusual nodding! narrow tubular flowers that reflex at the tip! very fragrant" Clumps of narrow foliage" Moist but not too wet! semi(shade" *$cm" Not offered by us for several years" P##- Primula munroi" &Previously P" involucrata'" &Farinosae' An easy and reliable attractive small plant for a moist peaty position! heads of white flowers tinged pink" May ( June" Sweetly scented" )$cm" P%.$ Primula orbicularis" &Nivalis' A choice and desirable plant" Silver foliage and heads of pale yellow flowers" Only a few" e(mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude"co"uk + *",$ + *",$ + *",$ + *",$ + #"$$ + *",$ + #"$$ P!"# Primula sieboldii $Winter Dreams%& Strong growing' pure white flowers& P*#+ Primula vialii& , Muscarioides- ,synonym P& littoniana- Yunnan& .Red Hot Poker/ like flowers of rich lavender contrasting with the bright red calyx during the summer months& 0"cm& ( )&"" Primula warshenewskiana& ,FarinosaeCreeping stoloniferous carpet of glossy rosettes' studded with the profusion of bright pink flowers in early spring and often into the autumn& 0cm& ( )&1" P*#! ( )&1" PETIOLARIS PRIMULAS Asia& Our favourite section containing some of the most beautiful primulas' many flowering during very early spring& They prefer a north2facing' shady spot in rich' moist' peaty soil& Winter protection ensures unspoilt flowers and will maintain farina on the flowers and foliage of some species and varieties& Seed of many species and varieties is scarce if set at all' and the seed is not always easy to germinate& Hence these plants are often propagated from division only' making them plants which are only rarely offered for sale& P*13 Primula gracilipes $Minor%& Bhutan' many pale pink flowers nestling in the centre of the compact crinkled rosette of leaves in very early spring& The white throat has yellow spots& This plant will tolerate a more open situation than many other Petiolaris Primulas& Free flowering and rewarding in a shady crevice& 3cm& One of the easiest and longest lived of this section& P4)00 Primula hoffmanniana& Lavender pink flowers in spring on this Petiolaris Primula which has thread2like stolons allowing it to form clumps over a period& Few only at present& P*3+ Primula $Redpoll%& ,previously listed as petiolaris LS4!31+ but thought to be a hybrid with P& boothii- One of the best' rich deep red buds and rich purple2red flowers& Dark flat rosettes& Early flowering' excellent plant for peat garden or for show& We only have a few of this plant this year& Originally introduced in 4!)! from East Sikkim by Ludlow and Sherrif e2mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude&co&uk ( +&"" ( +&"" ( +&"" P!!! Primula "Tantallon#$ A wonderful and showy% but fairly easy hybrid% P$ whitei x P$ edgeworthii which is rarely offered for sale$ The rich lavender&blue flowers appearing above the heavily silvered foliage in the early spring% sometimes now soon after the new year$ Forms good clumps after several years which split well to spread them around$ One of the few Petiolaris Primulas to survive the hardest of winters and hottest of summers when others have died from root frosting or heat and drought! Good strong plants again this year$ ' ($)) OLD FASHIONED PRIMROSES Old fashioned garden plants of the Vernales section% now popular once more% giving reliability of flowering and ease of growth% they add greatly to the flowering season of almost any garden$ P*+!( Primula "Dark Rosaleen#$ New$ Dark foliage% crimson flowers$ Spring$ P!-* P!-- P/). P*.0( P*.(( P*.(P*../ P*.(/ Primula "Garryade Guinevere#$ Rich purple&bronze foliage throughout the year% soft pink primrose&like flowers in spring% easy and reliable$ A wonderful% showy plant$ Primula juliana "Lady Greer#$ Another popular plant which we have grown without problem for over .) years$ Neat heads of pale creamy&yellow flowers which become tinged with pink as they age% easy and reliable$ +)cm$ Forms good clumps after a few seasons$ Grow in sun or partial shade$ Primula juliana "McWatts Cream#$ An easy variety similar to Lady Greer$ Creamy&yellow flowers which fade with a tinge of pink$ Primula "Perle von Bottrop#$ A long lived plant forming carpets of growth with many deep purple flowers each with a small yellow eye$ Easy and reliable$ Spring$ Pulsatilla albana$ A good compact growing 1Pasque Flower2 for well drained rich soil$ Flower colour can vary$ Pulsatilla halleri "Grandis#$ A good plant with large flowers in late spring$ Lilac blue$ Pulsatilla vulgaris "Eva Constance#$ The plants offered are seed raised selections from this lovely red flowered form$ Spring$ Reliable$ Few$ Pulsatilla vulgaris Barton3s Pink$ Attractive dusky pink flowers in spring$ Selected seed raised plants$ e&mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude$co$uk ' ,$)) ' ,$)) ' ,$)) ' ,$)) ' ,$)) ' ,$)) ' ,$)) ' ,$)) ' ,$)) DWARF RHODODENDRONS (Ericaceae) R&' R+, R0/ R0) R'& R'' R10 R/*, R//+ A large genus which has been divided by the botanists into many series! We grow mainly the dwarf and slow growing species and hybrids! These grow on open hillsides forming Rhododendron Heaths in their natural habitat" similar to our own moorland! For best results they should be planted in an open situation" shaded from the mid#day sun" in lime free soil that does not get too dry! Ideal inter#planted with other small Ericaceous shrubs like Cassiopes" Gaultherias etc! compact Asiatic Primulas" Soldanellas" Shortias" Autumn flowering Gentians and many of the other plants we grow! Rhododendron campylogynum $Patricia%! A good introduction from America! Striking plum#red bell#flowers! Rhododendron $Carmen%! -forrestii x didymum. One of the best" with a low# growing habit" neat dark green rounded leaves" good sized blood#red flowers! Rhododendron $Curlew%! -ludlowii x fletcherianum. Large" open" beautiful" bright yellow flowers" good dark foliage! )&cm round after about /* years! Rhododendron $Egret%! -campylogynum white x racemosum $White Lace%. Compact plant with many white bell flowers in May! Good dark rounded foliage! Recent introduction! Rhododendron $Ginny Gee%! -keiskii $Yaku Fairy% x racemosum dwarf. One of the best of the recent introductions from America" very free flowering! Pink and white flowers over compact low growing plants! Wider than high with good dark green foliage on reddish stems throughout the year! Rhododendron impeditum! A very compact species" aromatic foliage and many clusters of mauve flowers in spring! ,*cm! One of the most reliable of these popular plants! China! May! Very hardy! Rhododendron keleticum! A super species forming low mounds of dense dark green growth" smallish leaves" aromatic foliage" open saucer shaped flowers are purplish#crimson with purple spots held above the foliage on erect stems in late spring! Only /*cm high and spreading about )&cm across after several years! Rhododendron $Lori Eichelser%! -forrestii Repens x $Bowbells%. A first rate hybrid from America! Tight grower with comparatively large cherry#pink flowers in May! +*cm! Dark foliage! Rhododendron $Oban%! -$Grouse% x keiskii $Yaku Fairy%. A very attractive hybrid with good year round foliage forming low growing mounds" many cherry#pink flowers! 2&cm x )*cm after several years! e#mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude!co!uk ( )!** ( )!** ( )!** ( )!** ( )!** ( )!** ( )!** ( )!** ( )!** R)) R+( R'.. R'.% Rhododendron keleticum !Radicans"# One of the smallest creeping rhododendrons$ dense dark shiny aromatic foliage$ large purple flowers on stalks held above the foliage# June# % & '(cm# Small enough for a trough garden# Rhododendron !Too Bee"# ,campylogynum !Patricia" x keiskei !Yaku Fairy"- Frilled flowers of deep pink and cream$ giving a very unusual effect# Dense compact habit# Very hardy# A sister to Wee Bee# Rhododendron !Wee Bee"# ,campylogynum !Patricia" x keiskei !Yaku Fairy" - Frilled flowers in shades of pink$ giving a very unusual effect# Dense compact habit# Very hardy and reliable# Rhododendron !Wren"# ,ludlowii x keiskei !Yaku Fairy"- One of the most popular with very good dark green foliage forming dense compact rounded mounds$ the clear yellow open cup shaped flowers are very freely produced in late spring# /(cm# * +#(( * +#(( * +#(( * +#(( ROSCOEA R/// R/01 R//. (Zingiberaceae) These plants often do not appear in growth until May$ they then grow rapidly and flower for many weeks producing a succession of orchid&like flowers# Ideal in the herbaceous border with Hostas$ Hellebores etc# preferring good drainage so that they do not become waterlogged during their dormant period# Roscoea !Beesiana "# Very pale creamy& yellow flowers$ the bottom lip often tinged purple as they mature# A strong growing hybrid forming good sized clumps after a few years# Long succession of flowers in late summer# +(cm stems# Roscoea cautleyoides !Pennine Purple"# Our own selection$ a chance seedling which stood out as having a better colour than the other lilac and purple forms around# We have been slowly building up the numbers of this selection by dividing the plants regularly and now offer a few this season# A good clean colour with an attractive contrasting cream eye# Flowering mainly in May & June and producing some flowers regularly later in the summer# +(cm# Awarded a Preliminary Commendation by the Joint Rock Garden Plant Committee# Roscoea cautleyoides# An attractive very hardy species forming good clumps with many pale yellow orchid&like flowers in early summer# This species sets seed relatively easily and will seed around# ,Very occasionally pale lavender!- 0(cm# e&mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude#co#uk * %#(( * 2#(( * 2#(( R!"! Roscoea #Cinnamon Stick$% An new selection of R% purpurea with bold red stems and green foliage& large pale lavender flowers in late summer% A few young plants only to spare this season% ' (%)) R!"* Roscoea #Harvington Evening Star$% A new plant to us% Rich dark purple flowers with a white eye% We believe this is a form of R% humeana% Roscoea #Harvington Raw Silk$% A new selection with good clean large pale yellow flowers which develop before the foliage% Probably a R% humeana hybrid% ' +%)) Roscoea #Harvington Royale$% Choice new selection with large rich purple flowers in early summer% Best in good rich soil& but not too wet in winter% Roscoea humeana% A choice species which starts flowering on very short stems before the foliage emerges% Early summer% Choice% Rarely offered% Roscoea #Monique$% White flowers with faint streaking on this choice selection of R% Beesiana% ' +%)) Roscoea purpurea forma rubra% A few only at present of this desirable plant with its showy red flowers which are carried in late summer% These seed raised from the popular R% #Red Ghurka$ may have green or red stems%% Well drained for winter% /)cm% R-0+ Roscoea purpurea #Wisley Amethyst$% A most attractive variety with white flowers boldly streaked with rich amethyst in summer% These do not like to be too wet in winter% /)cm% ' ")%)) Roscoea purpurea var% procera% 1Previously listed as R% procera2 An interesting plant with flowers of rich purple over a long period from June.September% Vigorous and easy% Best in well drained rich soil% Dormant in winter and often does not appear in growth until late May or early June% /)cm% Roscoea #Spice Island$% New selection with purple tinged foliage and large pale lilac flowers in late summer% Best not too wet in winter% ' (%)) R!"( R!", R!"" R-+! R!"- R--+ R!"/ e.mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude%co%uk ' +%)) ' +%)) ' +%)) ' +%)) ' (%)) S% S/ S+' S0 S1, Salix apoda Male ! A good easy spreading low "Willow#$ large hairy catkins in spring! Salix )Boydii)! The ever popular slow growing "tree# for troughs etc! Silver*grey rounded foliage! Found by Dr! Boyd in the Cairngorms in the +,-(.s! Salix myrsinites jacquinii! One of the best dwarf "Willows#$ for a miniature trough garden! Twiggy$ with small$ ruby*red catkins! 0cm! Salix nakamurana var! yezoalpina! A super willow with large catkins in the spring! Prostrate habit$ silvery foliage! Sanguinaria canadensis )Flore Pleno.! 2S! c! )Multiplex.3 "Blood Root#! This magnificent plant is always in demand when seen in flower in April* May$ a choice plant with eye*catching double white flowers held on erect +(cm stems just as the blue*grey leaves start to appear! 0(cm! Grow in rich semi*shaded soil! & %!'( & /!(( & %!'( & %!'( & /!(( SAXIFRAGA (Saxifragaceae) A large family of plants with something for everyone and almost every situation in the garden! Spring flowering cushions and late summer flowering species! Many are evergreen and have good foliage throughout the year! S%% Saxifraga )Cranbourne.! 2x anglica3! Deep rose*pink flowers on dark green rosettes! S-'( Saxifraga bursiculata )King Lear.! 2S! burseriana x S! x apiculata! White flowers in spring! Neat silvery cushions! S-%4 Saxifraga burseriana )Princess.! Good easy plant for trough or rock garden! Cushions of growth$ white flowers in spring! S'Saxifraga boydii )Sulphurea.! Silvery hummocks with clear yellow flowers in early spring! ,cm! Ideal in a trough garden! S-1/ S,' S-' S-1 S4' Saxifraga biasolettoi! Good compact silvery foliage! Ideal in trough! Showy$ unusual red spires in early spring! Seed raised plants! Saxifraga )Bridget.! 2x edithae3! Compact hummocks of silver rosettes$ drooping heads of red flowers! ,cm! Saxifraga cochlearis )Minor.! Super little plant for a trough garden or crevice on a rockery! Compact silvery mounds$ neat sprays of white flowers in the summer! 1(cm! Saxifraga )Canis Dalmatica.! An easy showy variety with silver rosettes and plumes of white flowers spotted with pink all over! Summer! 0(cm! Saxifraga )Drakula. 2ferdinandi*coburgii3! Good compact hummocks of silvery foliage$ many rich yellow flowers in spring! e*mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude!co!uk & %!(( & %!(( & %!(( & %!(( & %!(( & %!(( & %!(( & %!(( & %!(( S#$% Saxifraga ferdinandi!coburgi var" rhodopea" A lovely selection with rich golden!yellow flowers over silver mounds" Spring" Good for trough garden" S#Saxifraga )Gloria*" +burserIana," A lovely silvery mound with many pure white flowers" S-# Saxifraga )Hindhead Seedling*" +x boydii ," A super variety with large pale yellow flowers" Silvery cushions" March" S00( Saxifraga irvingii )Jenkinsae*" Rosettes of spiny grey!green leaves. many pale pink flowers opening from darker buds in early spring" March ! April" / ! -cm" S1// Saxifraga )Karel Capek*" +x megasaeflora, Deep rose coloured flowers. paler towards edges. very slow. compact mounds" S1-/ Saxifraga landaueri )Leonore*" + burseriana x stribrnyi x marginata, Pinkish flowers in spring" Needs well drained position" S0#$ Saxifraga primulaize )Salmon*" A neat and easy variety forming mounds of dark green rosettes" Many sprays of rich orange!red flowers in late summer" 0-cm" S#0- Saxifraga )Penelope*" Peach flowers in March" Compact mounds" & '"(( Saxifraga )Popelka*" + marginata , White flowers which show pink tinges as they fade" Compact plants for trough or rock garden" S#$( Saxifraga )Slack2s Supreme*" A very good plant forming large rosettes with a large flower spike in early summer" Raised bed or trough garden" S$3 Saxifraga )Southside Seedling*" An excellent plant for the rock garden. trough or front of well drained border" Bold pyramidal plumes of flowers heavily spotted with scarlet over the white background making a stunning effect" '-cm" Tough silvery rosettes" S13' Saxifraga )Vreny*" An easy and reliable silver saxifrage" Creamy! white flowers in early summer" $cm" S1-' Saxifraga )Wheatley Rose*" + x megasaeflora , Good sized rose! pink flowers on this neat cushion plant" Spring" S''# Saxifraga )Blackberry and Apple Pie* +fortunei," Attractive foliage. rich green leaves each with reddish markings on the end of each lobe with dark blackberry!red undersides. many creamy!yellow flowers in autumn" & '"(( Sedum )Bertram Anderson*" Dark purple foliage. deep pink flowers" 3-cm" & /"(( S1-0 S3# e!mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude"co"uk & '"(( & '"(( & '"(( & '"(( & '"(( & '"(( & '"(( & '"(( & '"(( & '"(( & '"(( & '"(( S!"# Sedum $Lidakense%& Always a popular plant in late summer and early autumn when in flower& Deep pink flowers over greyish foliage& S!*# S,-. S(#. S(/! T*"( U *" Sedum $Weihenstephener Gold%& An easy and reliable plant for general rock garden& Red leaves in winter) large heads of yellow flowers& Soldanella $Spring Symphony%& Free flowering selection with many lavender+blue fringed bell flowers in spring& Spreads to form clumps&*!cm& Soldanella $Villosa%& A strong growing reliable plant with fringed lavender+blue flowers in spring& Builds up to form carpets of glossy rounded green leaves& !"cm& Sorbus reducta & Attractive 0Dwarf Rowan1) forms thickets of stems) white flowers and clusters of rose+pink berries) with colourful autumn foliage& ."cm& One of the most popular and attractive of the dwarf trees for the rock garden or large trough& Tiarella $Pink Skyrocket%& Many pink tinged flowers over a long period& Good in semi+shade& Cut foliage with darker markings& Long flowering season& Uvularia grandiflora& 0Big Merry Bells1& A delightful and easily pleased plant from N& America& Unusual drooping yellow flowers with petals which appear to be twisted when the flowers open in spring& Spreads underground to form fine clumps in the border& ("cm& high& e+mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude&co&uk ' (&"" ' (&"" ' -&"" ' -&"" ' -&." ' -&"" ' 2&"" W! Weldenia candida" A rarely offered plant which makes a fine addition to any collection" Mature plants flower over a long period# the individual flowers only lasting one day but flowers are produced for some weeks through the summer months" Featured on our display at Gardening Scotland this year and attracting a lot of attention" A monotypic genus from Mexico and Guatemala" The plant forms a thick branching tuberous rootstock which is slow to divide# the leaves are strap$shaped and remain close to the ground in a star$fish form of rosette" The pure white three petalled cup$shaped glistening flowers are stemless# they have long corolla tubes which carry them above the foliage in May $ June" A plant for a deep# rich well drained soil# a raised bed or trough or a deep pot" They dislike winter wet# but can be kept bone dry without a problem" Few" e$mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude"co"uk % &'"'' Plants for Special Places Plants for Troughs and Sinks! Androsace Antennaria dioica "Minima# Campanula $small% Gentiana verna forms Iberis saxatilis Lewisia Oxalis laciniata hybrids Phlox $compact% Primula $auricula secrtion% Rhododendron $small% Salix $smallest% Saxifraga $smaller cushions and compact silver varieties% Sempervivum $compact% Plants for Rock Garden& Scree Garden and Retaining Walls! Campanula Chiastophyllum Dianthus Dryas suendermanii Geranium Gentiana acaulis Lewisia Penstemon Phlox in variety Saxifraga Sedum Sempervivum Veronica Plants for a Peat Bed and Woodland Garden! Andromeda Astilbe Cassiope Cyclamen Cyananthus Dicentra Dodecatheon Gaultheria Hepatica Hylomecon Phyllodoce Primula $ Asiatic and Petiolaris sections% Rhododendrons in variety Sanguinaria Saxifraga fortunei in variety Soldanella Thalictrum Trillium Uvularia Vaccinium e'mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude!co!uk D1r D1d Pkd No" Ref Neil and Sue Huntley BLOCK CAPITALS Nr" Alston+ Cumbria" CA, -BL PLEASE Tel" 1 Fax" &%*'-'( -#*-2) e.mail enquiries@plantswithaltitude"co"uk Hartside Nursery Garden * Please make sure we have all the correct details" Spring )%*- Name * Address PLEASE NOTE; A signature may be required on delivery so if is usually at home during the day please give instructions e"g" /Please leave next door0 * Town * County * Postcode * Daytime Telephone Qty Code ! Plant Names p Office Use Carried forward from other side Plants Total Carriage Charge @ !"#"$% per parcel &up to '% plants per parcel( )' hour service @ !*'"%% per parcel &up to '% plants per parcel( Cheque 1 remittance Value If you have access to the internet and1or can receive e.mail please give us your e.mail address so we can advise you of special offers etc" as they become available" e.mail address_____________________________________________________________ Please charge to my Visa1MasterCard account" My card number is :. Signature Start Date Issue No" Expiry Date Security Code* 6789 123 * Last - digits on back of card Name &on Card( Address &for Card( Postcode Telephone e.mail address Qty Code Plant Names # p Office Use Brought forward Carried forward to other side SUBSTITUTES: Some plants are available in limited numbers! we try our best! but if possible please give an adequate list of substitutes otherwise we will use our discretion" Ghyll Burn Cottage Treat yourself to a quiet get away in the North Pennines. Alston lies in the heart of the North Pennines! an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty" Wild unspoiled country ideal for walking! touring or just taking it easy" Sit outside and watch Roe Deer wander past or the Red Squirrel feed" #If you are lucky!$ Ghyll Burn Cottage nestles in a wooded valley within the Nursery Garden one and a quarter miles from Alston" Fully equipped to sleep four to six people and dating back to %&'(! Ghyll Burn cottage offers a warm and comfortable welcome for a )Get away from it all* break" Details from; Sue Huntley! Hartside Nursery! near Alston! Cumbria CA+ ,BL tel-fax (%.,. ,'%,/0 www"cottageguide"co"uk-ghyllburn e1mail; ghyllburn@plantswithaltitude"co"uk