October - NLA-International
October - NLA-International
litalC.-{rlational Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155,3439 N.E' Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232'1959- Natlonal Leather Association Internat¡onal LINK DISCLAIMER (the ultimate disclaimer) By Jan Hall - with an Editor's suggestions - PROMOTIONAL OPPORTT]NITY The following is the "ultimate disclaime/' designed to cover every eventuality, every foreseeable & unforeseeable faux pas which the editor/authors/printer/envelope stuffer/ postie mightbe liable for. Given the litigious nature of Society atthe moment, we ALL have to cover our posteriors you know!! Anyway, here it is... ! The National Leather Association: International is now accepting advertising for The LINK, its bi-monthly member's newsletter, with an identical ad linked to the new business associates page of the NLA-I's web siæ. This promotion is at a special, introductory price, so don't delay, consider advertising in the National Leather Association International' s publication. Newsletter L¡VING IN LEATHER XIV 'l'ho lrtj'l'URE: October 10, 1999 The following rates include, insertion of course, if you want to advert¡se in in The LINK for 2 issues, and 4 on the web site: months just The LINK, the rates for insertion in 2 issues are: lli Mo¡u, l'rn l'lomel!!!! Rememberwhen you cr¡ught tnc ûnd Tommy tying each otltcr up'l Wcll Mom it's gone full circle r¡¡rrl lrcrc I r¡nr at Living In Leather )ilV in lrrttrty lrkrridu. For the event they are 'This Link does not reflect the thoughts or opinions of either me (the Prez), my perv friends, or my huge, vicious dogs; don't quote me on that; actuallY, don't quote me on culllrr¡¡ it lrt l,cuthcrdale. anything; Copyright (C) 1999 NLAI; all Cover Back Cover rights reserved. lnside Front This document is distribution copyrighted to the extent that you may distribute this posting and all its associated parts freely but you may not make a profrt from it or includethe article or parts of it in commercial publications, or as Cover 360.00 Back Cover 3OO'OO lnside Front 290'00 350'00 And, if you opt for advertising on the web site alone, the rate for a 4 month insertion is a straight $25.00. For more info, please contact: Hromovy at "sslick@gte.net'. or call [501] 253- 2832, You can also write her at 304 Spring Street, Eureka Springs, 4R72632' change without notice; text is slightly enlarged to show detail. actual persons, living or Resemblance dead. is unintentional and coincidental; all to models are over 18 years of age; dry clean only; do notbend, fold, ormutilatel do not¡oll up and use as a swatting device; anchovies or jalapenos added to Link articles upon requesq your mileage may vary; no substituúons are allowed. present to win. batteries not included. Action frgures soÌd separately, as The Link was packed full. Contents may have settled during mailing; sanitized and sealed for your protection' Do not use if safety seal is broken. Do not use while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment; safety goggles may be required for delivery; if defects are found, do not try to frx them yourself, but retum to an authorized s/m service center; please remain seated until during use. For your own protection, call before you dig; use only with ProPer ventilation. For extemal use only; if a swelling, redness, rash, or irritaúon develops, discontinue use or use more; do not place near a flammable or magnetic source; keep away from open flames; avoid inhaling fumes or contact with mucous membranes. For a limited time only while supplies last; offer void where prohibited; news is provided "as is" without any warranties expressed or implied; user assumes full liabilities; not liable for damages due to use or misuse; equal opportunity Link employer; no shoes, no shif, no Link; caveat emptor; read at your own risk; leather may contain materials some readers find objectionable. Parental advisory: explicit lyrics; keep away from pets and small children. Limitone-per-familyplease;nomoneydown; no purchase necessary; ask us about our ¡o¡-pain trade-in plan. You news- need not be Link contents under pressure, may explode if incinerated. Smoking these Links may be haza¡dous to your health: the best safeguard, second only to abstinence, is the use of a good laugh. Text is made from 1007o recycled electrons and magnetic particles; no animals were used to test the hilarity of this Link; no salt, MSG, preservatives, a¡tifrcial color or the scene has come to a complete stop; a singletail in the mirror may be closer than it appearsl this disclaimer does not cover hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and other Acts of God, sonic boom vibrations, electromagnetic radiation from nuclea¡ blasts, unauthorized repair, improper installation, misuse, typos, misspelled words, missing or altered signatures, and incidents owing to computer or disk failure, accidental file deletions, or milk coming out of your nose due to laughing while drinkingl other restrictions may apply. If something offends you, lighten up, get a life, and move on." A non-leather version of this wonderiul disclaimer was on the JOKES main Page: www.people.cornel Ledu/pages/bsl 6/iokemain flavor added. If do not induce vomiting. If ingested, symptoms persist, consult a scene-friendly emergency room; contents are ribbed for your pleasure; slippery when wet. Must be 18 to '4ÁCflùifl I Page 20 participating Internet sites; slightly higher west of the Rockies; allow four to six weeks That page also ¡s part of Bill Stebbins' Home Page: www.people.cornell.edu/pages/bs16 Amusingly, Jan Høll mom, making me choose between subjects like bondage, flogging and cbt.....what's a person gonna do? And yes mom, I ate well, they had a bbq luncheon with burgers and such. origittul thcatrical production, thatl llrirrk cvcrt you tnom, would have found vcry littttty, tutd I never wanted it to end. If food was great! Not only did Guy Baldwin give a speech, but also, Breaux, who directed a movie about my lifestyle talked to us as we dined. Then the show stafed mom, and I almost split a gut laughing to Shann Can who was the entertainer and emcee. Then I saw some of the most incredible acts thcy lupcd enter; possible penalties for early withdrawal. One size fits all; pain offer is valid only at Some assembly required' Saturday was just like Friday' except I was more exhausted, but didn't da¡e want to sleep through a thing. Also, now I knew so many of the other participants. I even went to a book signing and some of my favorite authors like Guy Baldwin and Molly Devon were there! Again the sadists were at work l'rrt cxhuuslcd, but having the time of my lll'c, 'l'hursduy night started with an ilrcrcdihlc curribean buffet by the water rurul nrultlcnly wc were herded inside and lurw nn part of any fee-based services or products' Further redistributions only allowed unedited and in its entirety by electronic t¡ansfer (anonymous FTP, Gopher, WW'W and mail servers), storage media, and printed copy as long as this notice is included and no monetary fee is charged; jokes subject to r ISSUE 5 o October, 1999 ll¡rrl, I wtnl n copy to share it with friends ht¡e k ltolnc, I think you might even enjoy it ilronr, 'l'hur$duy night I went to this great tltttt¡cott, but mom, I'm sure you don't wunl lo hc¡tr nbout that!!!! Saturday night was the gala formal dinner. The tables looked beautiful mom and the by the Human Sculpture Troupe, all of which I can't tell you about! The evening trritlny stJnrinr¡rs 0t 9 a.m. ! !! So I was up at 8 a.m' a great Brunch followed bY more workshops til 3:00 p.m. Good thing that I decided to stay down here for an extra day mom, cause maybe, finally, these sadists will give me time to go to the beach across thestreet!!!! Love. Your every laving adult chíA LTVING IN LEATIIER XTV October 7-10.1999 was amazing. I nctually got up early, for these lìrlks rìrc truc sadists, stafing great it's not over yet mom. Tomorrow there is Mom, this trip IS amazing. I've met so many new friends, I am so glad that I attended, and For More i¡formation write to: Living In Leather XfV 3439 NE Sandy BIvd.PMB #155 Portland. OR9'7232 http://www.nla-i.com or LIL1999nla@aol.com http ://www.nIa-i.com.4il.html (National Leather Association International) http://www.nla-i.com/frames/Ifü details.html (NLA-I Living In Leather) or.... HURRICANE I,tL NLA-Florida, PO Box 491I Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33338-4911 ivl to gcl thc hrcakfast that was included' I )kl I ntcrtlion thc folks putting this on are ¡rrrlixls lttont'l Wcll it's true, for every lwo hours I hucl to chose between SIX tlll'l'crcnt wttrkshopsl I wish I had a split ¡rcrsorrtlity so I could attend two at oncclII'l'hc scminars lastcdtil 4:30p.m. Oh, ycult tnonr, thcy fcd me lunch too, ¡rizzu, cucsur sulad, brcadsticks, & mom llrc pnstu ltutl u suucc.iust likc at homel I hcatlcd to the fìllccl with ol' lhcnl, r¡rcr¡,,,,,'¡"w(t vcrulittg E Tltlf Al'tcr nll lltc sctttiltt¡rs gïelll vcrì(l(lrs. Moln. i think i nluxcd out Ctrtlll! lrridty rright thcrc wcrc givcn ttntl lttls ol'litn wtts hud and ruwr¡rds I cvcn wcnt und visitctl thc South Florida rrry Vistt Ilos¡litality rooml Ncxt door thcy hucl lwo professional m¡¡sscuscs, so you gucsscd it mom, I got the most incrcdible rnussage! TIûHÅ "Christine Baker & Mark Frazier presenting NLA-l Banner at LIL in Portland" liatl¡-ational et¡onel Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232-19stslilll( Leather Association: lnternat¡onal, PMB #155, 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd,, Portland, OR 97232- "EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE" Executive Committee Jan Hall, President Spencer Bergstedt, Vice President Don Bastian, Sgt-at-Arms Mark Frazier, Treasurer Phil "Flutfy" Swenson, Secretary Athena Lyons, NCSF, LIL Committee Jim Richards, Elections Eric Lawrence, LIL Committee George Cameron, LIL Vendor Coord. Mitch Williams, Chapter Liaison Appointees: Hardy Haberman, WebMaster Tony DeBlase, NLA Archivist Sallee Huber, P&P Manager Dean Felt, Volunteer Coordinator Ron Hertz, Electronic Resource Ctr Rick Spector, Membership Chair (assisted by Tammy in the membership drive) Bruce Armstrong, Link Editor Hromovy, Advertising Rep, NLA Chapters We currently have 10 NLA Chapters in operation throughout North America. Please contact Mitch Williams, Chapter Liaison, with any corrections and./or alterations at: clothespinjunkie @ hotmail. com Well, the ballots have been counted and s/fn R(flvlsr the So, the line-up for Living In Leather XfV conference [LIL] will showcase sm authors. Authors who willbe atLIL to do book signings include Molly Devon, EC 2000 is: President - Spencer Bergstedt Vice-President - Athena Lyons Secretary - Lady Victoria Treasurer - Ma¡k Frazier Joseph Bean, Tristan Taormino, Guy Baldwin, At-Largemembers: MitchWilliams The Activist Roundtable at LIL this year will include fundraising tactics for activists to use to fund projects. Lolita and Jack McGeorge will be EricLawrence Lynda "Ms Twisted" Blakeslee I{romovy hosting ¡ Wes Randall Passes Awav it's been obvious that a revision ofNLA-I Policy and Procedures was necessary to bring the organization into compliance with its By Laws, changes that had been made over the years, and a cla¡ification of the roles of Chapters and NLA-I itself. morning while being cared for at BaileyBoushay. Sallee Mallard Huber, former NLA-I Co-Chair 92-94, was appointed by the EC as the P&P Manager, with the assignment to present a re-write of the P&P. During the Aug. 29th meeting of the EC, the proposed changes were finally accepted by the EC. Mitch Williams, EC Member and Chapter Liaison, will be mailing out copies of the new P&P to the Chapters, and Huber has sent an electronic version of the work to NLA-I Webmaster Hardy Haberman. NLA-I PresidentJa¡r Hall is lookingforward to the ofhcial 'unveiling' of the new P&P during LIL, where Chapters and Members can provide input for any additions or changes they may wish to discuss. The newly revised P&P will also be included in EC Member George Cameron's "Red Book', an historicaVarchival collection of NLA papers and statements. Jan Hall said, "The NLA offers its sincerest thanks to Sallee Huber for her time and work to prepare this updated P&P for the EC's approval. Despite the complexity of the task, Sallee stuck with it to its completion." It's Huber's hope that the revised P&P will lay to rest much of the confusion and ambiguity that has existed between the roles of Chapters and NLA-I, as well as offering further protection to the rights of individualmembers. HuberwelcomestheinputofanyNLA-IMembersastosuggestionsforfutureP&P changes, as she feels P&P to tæ an on-going process, and can be reached at: malla¡dS0O@juno.com Salle Huber 'Wes was one of the six cofounders of Generic Leather Productions back in 1990. Wes came up with the name "Generic Leather Productions." 'Wes was also Mr. Leather 1991 and Northwest Mr. Drummer 7995. A co. founder of the annual Washington State Vy'ashington State Leather Pride Week Celebration & past President of NLA: Seattle, he was featured on the cover of Drummer #I42 and. appeared in several Zeus Studio videos. Most recently, Wes was a Supervisor at The Cuff Complex and a judge at the 1999 V/ashilgton State Mr. Leather Contest. A memorial was held later that week at the Seattle A¡boretum. \Ve all miss him dearlv. will - for LIL hotel reservations call: The Cla¡ion Hollywood, 954-458-1900; or 1-800-Cla¡ion @e sure to mention NLA or Living in Leather to get our special room rates, $75-85.00). travel a¡rangements contact: Tony Gorrell, Travel Bureau of Dallas, l-800-598- contact: LIL14REG@AOL.com - for NLA-I's membership form & information contact: http://www.nla-i.com 7004. Below is the Treasure/s Report for the period ending el20l99. As you can s was a big iump in The LINK expenses (better newsletters = more money), as substantial increase in LIL revenues (a sure sign of our rapidly appt 'conventionl'). All in all, we are heading into the Living ln Leather weeker healthy balance & a positive financial attitude. lf you have any comments or q please let me know. Respectfully Submitted, GENERALOPEFATING Mark Frazier, Treasurer 1999 Opening Balance (1/01/99) .....$17,051.00 LIVING IN LEATHER TULI (1/01/99) Opening Balance One of Seattle's community leaders passed awayTuesday, July 6th, 1999. V/es Randall passedpeacefully in his sleep early Tuesday Page2 The incoming Chapter Chair Representative be named at Living In Leather XlV. FLORIÐA - for LIL registration forms Cordially, - for LIL www.col ght.com/n la-okc/i ndex.htm Since last year, much-needed WisdomKeeper - JanHall www.nla-l.com,/dallas (nla-dallas@ juno.com) NLA-Florida, PO Box 491 1, Ft. Lauderdale FL 33338-4911 www.geoc¡t¡es.com/-zometimes/nla-f l.htm NLA-Houston, PO Box 66553, Houston TX 77266-6553 NLA-New England,831 Beacon St#9100-164, Newton Center MA 021 59-1 822 www.nla-newen gland.org NLA Calgary, 10'lA-601-'17 Ave. SW, Calgary, AB, Canada, T2S 083 NLA-New Orleans, PO Box 820302, New Orleans LA 70122 wurw.nolafetish.com NLA-Oklahoma City, 4400 N. Hemingway #236, Oklahoma City OK, 731 18 REVISED P&P PASSED BY EC this practical and presentátion. Athenø Lyons, NLA-I EC TX 75219-0432 FORÎ LAUDERDALE Cain Bedinger, Bert Herman, Drew Campbell, Viola Johnson, and Cain Berlinger. http://adu lt.denclty.com,/NLAColumbus/ Nl-A-Dallas, PO Box 190432, Dallas LIVING IN LEATHER elected to the Executive Commitæe. Ch¡istine Baker Rick Spector NLA-Atlanta, PO Box 7941 , Atlanta GA 30357-7941 NLA-Austin, PO Box 49801, Austin TX 78765 Nl-A-Columbus, PO Box 2763, Columbus OH 43216 NLA INTERNAT¡ONAL ßOUNDTRBTC... ...RT ut xlv in. Athena Lyons, Lady Victoria, Lynda "Ms Twisæd" Blakeslee, Hromovy, Ch¡istine Baker, and Rick Spector have been results are ....$31,147.00 lncome: Vendors Presenters Volunteers Thursday Dinner........... Sunday Brunch Registration Total income Expenses: Dallas ........... Refund Vending Coord............ Presenter Coord ........... Vendors Advertising.... Hotel ............. Total Expenses .................... Closing Balance (8/20199) TRAVEL FUND Opening Balance (1/01/99) lncome:.,.,..... ............,..$ 7,655.00 ..................200.00 950.00 ......................40.00 ........., 125.00 ............ 3.095.00 .......$12,065.00 ......... $1500.00 .175.00 140.00 178.00 777.OO ........... 1,589.00 ....,,... 1.000.00 ....... $5,359.00 ....... $37,853.00 ...,.... $3,179.00 .................... nil George Cømeron Page 3 lia"k-ationat Leather Association: lnternat¡onal, PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232-195 #.|at¡onalLeathefAssociation:lnternational,PMB#155,3439N.E.SandyBlvd.,Portland,oR97232-1959-link PRESIDENT'S REPORT There's only a month to go before you have a new President, Spencer Bergstedt. I want to take this opportunity to recap some of First Come, First Party by Joseph W. Bean, Executive Di¡ector of LA&M the super things have been accomplished this year. The Leather Archives & Museum is ready to celebrate its new, permanent home in Chicago, and you're inviæd! First, we have a terrifrc convention coming up in October. There, secrets will berevealedto you; the mysterious willbe shownrightin front of you; our love that da¡e not speak its name will be shouted out; friendships will be forged, and our bonds will grow stronger. As of August 4, 1999, the LA&M is legally the owner of the forrner Greenview A¡ts Center at 6418 N. Greenview Ave., Chicago n- 60626. (You may now record that as the permarient mailing address for the LA&M in your address file.) Sometime in October it will be possible to start the move-in of the collections, Second, this year has brought us valuable gains in many ¿ueas. For after tenant leases have terminated and some essential repairs and reconstruction have been done. This brings up two big issues: Paying the mortgage andcelebrating the achievement. First things first, let' s celebrate. The Grand Opening of the LA&M on Greenview will take place on the weekend of February 17-27. Yes, I know, that's not a weekend per se. It's a Thursday, for theribbon-cuttingceremony and achral opening ofthe building to the public, through President's Day Monday: Four days to party! The details are not yet settle( but the weekend will also be Leatherfest Chicago, sponsoredby Cell Block, and there are probably going to be special events in other locations-like the Chicago Eagle-as well. There's time to frgure all that out, but the time is now to make your plan to be in Chicago for the big weekend. Thursday's Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony will be everyone' s hrst chance to see the new building. We certaidy don't expect to have all the exhibits and work spaces in thei¡ final order by then, and we don't promise the complete and stately order of things that you might expect at, say, the Smithsonian Institutions. Whereverwe areinthe process of setting thingsup, we'lljust stop and party with you. At some point in the weekend, most likely Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon, there will be a dedication program and the presentation of the Centurion Awards to the Leatherman and Leatherwoma¡r of the Century and ten other Centurions. This program will take place in the 200-seat theater in the new building! (Ihere are actually 161 installed seats and the occupancy permits justunder 200, so space is definitely limited. If you want to be part of this historic moment, you'll need to reserve ea¡ly. First come, fust party.) Speaking of space space-as I just did in parentheses-I am amazed at myself. At the former Cla¡k Sneet addres s, we' d have, been doing well to have 50 or 60 people in the building at one time, and were shocked when 150+ people came through in the course of the evening for the opening of Kink A Women' s Perspective. Now, we can easily accommodaæ 400 people at a time, and it is still appropriate to be warning you that "space is limited." That's progress with a capital P, don't you think? As the frnal details of the Grand Opening Weekend, Centu¡ion Awards Program and Leatherfest a¡e worked out, the news will be announced by all means available, but you don't have to wait. You can let me know you're interested now, and I'll send the details directly to you along with ticketing information as soon as they are available, and-because I heard from you before the announcement-you'll get priority in ticketing and seating. Then there's subjectnumbertwo: Paying themortgage. Obviously, any andall money contributed to the building fund is dedicated lrst to the paying of the mortgage atthis point. Butthe current level ofsupport forthe capital campaign is not going to do thejob. Besides, people who can not afford to write a $500 check (and that's most ofus!) are not much encouraged by the established system for recoCniring dono¡s to the fund to buy the building. So, naturally enough, someone came up with a new and brilliant plan. example, we now have a fully updated manual of policies and procedures of the EC. Our Link looks fabulous, has exciting content, and a¡rives to members securdin an envelope. W'e have a new packet of information that is sent out to to\ilns who want to start chapters; and in fact, we have a new chapter, Oklahoma City! We now have monthly mailings to chapters of helpful information. In the membership area, NLA bought an upgraded computer to give the best service possible to new members. This year more businesses have made alliances with Details of all of this will follow, but my gratitude to everyone for sharing my dream and participating ìn it is already up and running full-steam ahead. As I write this letter to you, pins and patches are being developed and will soon be available as part of membership. Our web site has abrand new look, but that's not all you get-as of this year you can now download membership forms and convention registration forms in a user-friendly way. You can get a copy of the bylaws there. You can even buy SM books there! Third, we continue to be strong in education and activism, continuing our role with the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF). I threw some pennies into a fountain and wished for them. They happened because a lot of people cared to take the time to make them happen. These people deserve our recognition and thanks: Spencer Bergstedt, who is directing LtL'99 and who has lined up dynamite workshops. Eric Lawrence and Beth F., who are making sure LIL is on track in Florida. George, who has provided the Red Book this year as well as achieved a fine vendor area at the convention. Don Bastian, who has been instrumental in bringing theword of safe, sane, consensual to Canada; the Calgary chapter is going strong! Jim Richards for us an updated catalogue of policies and procedures for the EC. Ron Hertz, who helps with electronic archiving; IIromovy, with advertising; and Tammy, with the membership drive. Finally, a hearfelt thanks for the efforts of all of our chapters to provide education, fun, support to charity, and fellowship throughout the country, throughout the whole year. It is through these chapters that much of the best work is done towards our Statement of Purpose: New England, Atlanta, Florida, Houston, Austin, Dallas, New Orleans, Columbus, Calgary, and Oklahoma. ass. Yours in Leather, fan Høll VICE PRESIDEN?'S REPORT by Spencer Bergstedt I hope you're all getting as excited about the upcoming LIL as I am! I tell ya, we are going to have such a good time this year. There a¡e great presenters and workshops, some of my favorite entertaine¡s and authors, great food, good friends, and the beach right across the street. So what else has been happening at NLAI beyond LIL planning. Well we've been holding our elections - I hope y' all voted! ! ! I think we had apaficularly good crop sf nqminees this year - people with a strong committment to the leather community. In between running my business, getting married in July, planning a conference for 500 lawyers that happens two weeks after LIL, and gee, trying to actually spend time with my leather kids, I've been ha¡d at work with NLAI related tasks. I've also been answering emails from all over the place about fiIICllåEL BETÏHGTR, PH.O,, M,F,C,E, LIL. æd Co¡tsuJlaf¡on #&fFfll49l The EC has finished reviewing our Policies & hocedures and are pleased to announce that we have passed a new and improved handbook ofP&P. 1126 Fillmore Stræt I've been working on getting things ready for the incoming EC tucense (415) a variety of matters, getting us listed in the DAMRON guide and the Whole Lesbian Info book and providing each of them with info about NLAI and Pryeimtft er*py 563'61tì wice (415)563.ñ129 For more information or to conüibute to the collections or funding of the LA&M, write Leather Archives & Museum, 6418 N. Greenview Ave, Chicago, IL 60626 or e-mail jwbean@ix.netco¡n.com leather activists. Rick Spector, who keeps membership and convention registration in order and up to date. Mitch Williams, who shepards in new chapters and provides chapters with monthly mailings. MarkFrazier, who keeps ourtreasury impecably. Flufiþ Swenson, who got LIL off to a great start and keeps our records. Karen S. and Bruce Armstrong, who both did Links to be proud of. Doug Buhrer, who did our Link printing. Hardy Haberman, our reliable Webmaster. KT Chase, for helping to get the mail. Tony DeBlase, who reminds us of our history. Sallee Huber, who brought I'm proud of the National Leather Association. We kick , These things did not happen because Mercea Strecker, AmericanLeatherwoman 1998, devised a scheme by which just about anyone could become a major donor to the building fund. It's a pledge plan in which you may promise as [ttle as $20 a month and charge it to a credit card, use your check card, send in checks, or set up automatic payments . Even at the minimum rate of $20 a month, a donor who stays in the program for 25 months will have donated $500 and be recognized as having bought a "brick'on the plaque at the new building. Anyone who stays in longer or pledges at a higher monthly rate will, almost painlessly, be an even bigger donor. For example, if you pledge $30 a month and stay in the program for the entire 60 months of its existence, your gift will amount to $1,800.00 that you never knew you could afford to give. If you want details on this program, e-mail Bill Stadt (IMrl@mindx.com) or write to Mercea Strecker, Executive Ofhces,5015 N. Clark Steet, Chicago IL, 60640. It' s time for the confetti and cheering and a bit of champagne, don' t you think? Time topatourselves on the back (ust for a moment) and to congratulate each other. We, the leathercomrnunities of the world, have purchasedabuilding in which we can preserve and enjoy, research and remember the times and people and accomplishments of our commonpast-our heritage-and where we can safely compile the legacy we are leaving for future leatherfolk. Page 4 us. heading up our elections. Athena Lyons, our NCSF rep, who is bringing to the convention a bevy of great authors and inspiring fax rnepsycfÊf.q,rw€lf.com $an Franeiscs, f; 94115 meeting to hopefully make everyone comfortable and feel like they have all the information they need for the meeting and the year. See "VP REPORT" on page 6 Page 5 li-k-ational Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, Ong72g2-1 Remove the VP REPORT, continued from page 3 I've been preparing for the Annual General Membership meeting. If you have anything in particular that you would like discussed at the AGM, please let me know. One of the things on the agenda is a motion to alter the NLAI Statement of Purpose. The proposed changes are as follows: '"To provide information and education to individuals, organizations, publications and businesses within our communities to fight for: freedom of expression, freedom of the press, the right to f ree association and equal treatment under the law." Why? V/ell J. ñlEdien Why? Transgenderals is an oldterm, not used by anyone in the gender llÆ.Ë" #üf"å communities. -+¡ationalLeatherAssociation:lnternational,PMB#155,3439N.E'SandyBlvd.,Portland,oR97232-195FÉ]r¡( leaving their positions vacant just prior to the CIIAPTER IT{EWS FROM NLA: DALLAS (aka Dr. election process beginning. After one year as Spark of Desi¡e co-owner Art Z. obsession: magnificent has a Quackula) MaL Mitch Williams stepped down as did Calendar ltems: t {" Haete La Vista Bulg*s... Transgendered persons covers a wide range of individuals and th*y wcn't be hack I change its the EC thinks that the cunent times on this issue. Nov. 2 - NLA: Dallas General Meeting and 3. In section workshop. Topic: Dominance & submission the popwer exchange found in many SNI/ leather relationships and is often described as an erotic dance. To remove the words ttdefense fundstt lawyers that would be necessary to evaluate cases, nor do we have the kind of staff or money necessary to do theinitial screenings. Why? NLAI 4. In section 7 does not currently have the resources, staff, skills, and more to be able to responsibly handle legal defense fund. Vy'e don't have the kind of numbers of To change the wording to: website (www.nla-i.com/dallas) and our sexual acts between consenting adults." Why? Its atighter sentence that conveys the goal of the organization. I look forwa¡d to hearing your comments and questions and to seeing you all helps direct and focus the organizations At goals. LIL. YIL. Spencer one word in Section 6: FLEAMARKET IN NEW ENGI-A,ND For example, the chapter supplied everyone with handy pocket-sized booklets about selves once agun at this summer's Fetish basic sm safety. The local sm women's group sold food and pop all day. Chapter members and other volunteers did an effrcientjob of setting up and taking down, Fleamarket. Shoppers numbering over including putting up some interior walls. The New England chapter outdid them- Other volunteers checked-in people at the door, ran raffles, provided security assistance, assembled the sacks, and handled the huge number of vendor tables and chairs. Exit interviews of shoppers were conducted to provide some feedback. Both vendors and shoppers felt thatit hadbeen agreat day. 2,100 came to buy and cruise at this one-day event. For several hours in the afternoon, there was a line to get in, stretching down the streeq a fifteen-minute wait to enter, so as not to exceed the building's crowd capacity. Many people also attended night parties hosted by other workshops Midori. by Fetish Diva Sincerely, Jan Høll was an armory. There were also "l heard that it was a great time. Keep up the G.R.E.A.T. work, NLA: New England.., information tables by va¡ious local groups. Shoppers were Page 6 dinner meeting and exchanged information and paperwork. Plans a¡e already under way to set the 2000 program schedule that will again include the very successful and well-received Advanced Workshops that were open only to NLA: Dallas members. The 2000 schedule will be announced at the November General meetilg. Newsleather newsletter. It been on the has traditionally fust Sunday of December. I\LA: Dallas elects their 99lfi) officers general meeting the members of NLA: Dallas elected their new Executive Council. The new ofhcers and committee At the July chairs took their respective offices at the August 3 meeting. Co-Chai¡ Ken Benson sta¡ts his second year of his two year term and is joined by new co-chair Ann Brown (MsMine to many), a long time Dallas leather activist and player. Three term co-chair Lynda Blakeslee (known to many as Ms Twisted) turned her reins (and whip) of power over to Ann in a very emotional thank you for the support and friendship and experiences she has had through her involvement in the NLA: Dallas chapter. Lynda was Assistant Di¡ector for LIL XItr (along with Hardy Haberman) in Dallas, and is continuing her involvement in the chapter as co-director with Jim Richards of Beyond Vanilla X (see related a¡ticle below for more BV X information). weekend in November, but co-directors Lynda Blakeslee and Jim Richards have not been able to locate a leather/kinkfriendly hotel or venue for the very popular annual educational event. The event was not held in 1998 so the chapter could concentrate on LIL X[I, and in the previous three years the event has grown to capacity at the G/L Community Center where it has been held. The directors and the EC felt it was very important to find a venue that will ...Editor "Some of the New England Group" treasurer Jim Glass. Hardy Haberman was reelected as a Member-at-Large and is joined by new MaLs Ryan Shaw, Miss Kiny and Phillip Hamilton. Membership Chai¡ James Jordan and Newsleather editor Brittany were ¡eelected and joined by new program chair Ron Hertz and social chair Robert Owen. Art's favorite piece is a muscle therapy box from the '60's, a Medcotronic. The recipe is to put one electrode into a vagina, and another in the rectum. Turn it on, and there is a nice crescendo orgasmic effect. Art has several cautions about the devices. First, old ones often have problems, for example, frayed cords. Be inquisitive and take your purchases apart to see how they are how to repair them. Second, to avoid causing a heart attack, do not use anything above the waist but a violet wand. Third, use ground-fault interrupters, and use a multi-oì¡tlet strip that has an on & off switch. Fourth, stay away from can and want to can attend. Tentatively plals are set for an early spring date. The EC and di¡ectors also plan on establishing a pemranent date for it. Watch for future updates or check out the NLA: Dallas website at www.nla-i.com/dallas or The Leather Networks calendar page w ...See "ZAP" on page 6 al ww.leathernetwork. com/calendar. submitted by Wølradt, S ecretary CIIAPTERNEWS FROM NLA: CALGARY We at NLA: Calg-y have just finished our weekend (members only) Top/bottom Auction/ Playparty and raised $1 125.50. Because it was for members only, we added a few more folks...total members now at 75! Also, books sales of 'Chainmale' are good, and the funds will now allow our workshops. Victoria relocated to San Francisco and MaL Artemis Silverowl relocated to Austin, Texas of course also know that there a¡e two other reasons for Art to collect these things; first, he was struckby lighnring as a child, and secondly, because it's a good way to get a date. attendance cap that had to be placed on it in 1996 and 1997. Plus with this being the 10th year of the event the organizers wa¡rt to make it one to remember and one that as many people as was 2 yean as treasurer began collecting shortly after Living in working. This is the only way to begin to learn Bledsoe. Former program chair Lady Stepping down after Bill "I Leather in 1992," A¡t says. "That was the year that I hea¡d the late Albert K¡aus explain about electrical play. I justknew I had to have some of that stuff!" 150 allow the event to grow beyond the D e øn Joining Ken and Ann on the EC are Dean Walradt, re-elected as secretary and new medical quackery of the past. His collection spans from violet wands, to medical batteries, to diatherrry pads, to muscle stimulators. Most items in the collection a¡e 50 to 100 years old. Vy'e asked A¡t to illuminate us about these items. 'We The EC has decided to postpone Beyond Vanilla X. It had originally been set for the fust clubs, and a series of evening Vendors frlled every nook and cranny of the huge circular building, which in its past life treated to a series of demos and each received a sack of business and informational fl yers. The old and the new EC members met at a Beyond Vanilla X POSTPONED December - No general meeting or workshop. The annual NLA: Dallas Holiday Party will be scheduled in the next couple of months and infomration published through the NLA: Dallas 8 "To advocate for the decriminalization of all statement is fine except fo¡ the fact that it calls upon the organization to do things it is not currently doing, doesn't really have the ability to do, and certainly won'tbe doing in the near future. The changed language as above reflects NLAI's strong committment to education and social change in a way that 2. To change social chai¡ Silk. Oct. NLA: Dallas General Meeting and work shop. Topic: HI-INTENSITY PLAY - Caning, zippers, single-tails and more. 7pm at the G/L Community Center, Reagan & Brown in the Oak Lawn area. 5- language to keep up with the 1. To rewrite section 5 as follows: help build and strengthen tttransgendered personstt NLAI should In the Statement of Purpose ítffitt word 6transgenderals" and replace it with the phrase, us to start flying in speakers for Don Bøstian Art Z. takes electrical play to new heights. Photo credit: Jan Hall Page 7 li,-k-ational "APr" Leather Association: lntefnat¡onal, PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, oR Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Btvd., Portland, OR 97232-195 THUNDER IN THE MOUNTAINS continued from page 5 by Lolita (Lolita does "Thunder") anything flammable. Last, do not use glass -ì¡ational inside the body. "Be aware the people are very different in how conductive they are," he says. "When you do it right, quackery is very satisfying to play with!" A¡t's business sells new violet wands that a¡e not as touchy as the antique ones. HOWTO \ilRITE A LETTER TO TIIE EDITOR The NCSF thinks every good letter to a media organization should stress the following four points: Resou¡ce Center, can contact NLA through the website, http://www.nla-i.com, or write to our PMB. Jøn Hall booknoteso.. A Fragile Union, is a collection of ten years of work. Joan Nestle's new book from Cleis, "Á'rtZ.. and h¡s amaz¡ng old electrical gadgets." Photo credit: Jan TheMaleBody(Bordo, pub. byFarra, Staus, & Giroux) maps out what is thought of the male body in U.S. cultu¡e, particulady the private The Technology of Orgasm (Johns Hopkins, by Maines) details the history of use of the vibrator for women. pans. Ever Since Adam and Eve (Potts & Short) is a weighty Cambridge University tome that still may entrance folks The Whole Lesbian Sex Book, by Newman (pub. by Cleis), is a guide for lesbian and bi 'women. of our ilk lookjng for Along with her usual insights about butch- interesting reading about the anthropology of femme, this book relates her struggle with colon cancer, and hew illness affects sexuality. sexual behavior. Jason Cromwell has written Transmen and FTMs, published by the Univ. of Illinois Press. JustLike a Woman (Bantam), by Dianne Hales, uses gender science to redefine what makes women different from men. Alaskan historian Lael Morgan is the author of Good Time Girls of the Alaskan-Yukon Gold Rush. (Mountaineers Press) When Chickenheads Come llome to Roost Do you realize how many classic works have (Simon & Schuster) is afeisty, general Íeatise on the nature of black women, by Joan Morgan. Some discussion about black women who effectively work their erotic power. been tragets ofcensorship? Ka¡olides et al. make And speaking of Joan, she's part of Cleis's new anthology entitled The Oy of Sex. Edited by Marcy Sheiner, this collection is 20 tales of Jewish women's erotica, and besides Joan includes Erica Jong and Marge Piercy. Jo Foxworth and Moyer Bell press bring us The Bordello Cookbook. with stories of historical American women who were...successful. by Jeanne Bauer. note of the top books despised for religious, political, social, or sexual reasons in 100 Banned Books (pub. by Checkmarþ. Recþs Prometheus offers A History of X meaning the history Calendars for 2000: The Perfect Guy; Sellers: [800] 625-3386 Wild Words from Wild Women, Putnam: [212] 366-2000 Women of Star Trek, Pocket: 18001223-2336 Aubrey Beardsley, Brown Trout; [800] 6266579 Men of Structure, At-A-Glance; [800] 6266579 of (Ford), pornographic films. Reviews have not been good, noting that there is little here on gay films, and much here that is offtopic. Grove has just brought out John Rechy's The Coming of Night, a novel that follows its gay cha¡acters through LA in 1981. Some sm themes; plenty ofplot; as usual, Rechy is not for the squeamish. The author just won a lifetime achievement award at the tenth annual Publishing Triangle event. Love and Desire, by Ewing, is a photographic study of human intimacy. (Chronicle Books) Silver Pixel press offers techniques on photography in The Nude (by Pinkard). .rVhips & Chainstt The Splintered Day (Serpent's Tail) concerns a bi woman obssessively focused on love and sex in multicultural New York. Author V.K. Mina has been cha¡acterized as "a queer-positive Hen¡y Miller for the year 2000." Justice at Risk (Doubleday, by Wilson) is a murder mystery involving police brutality coverups and gruesome "gay S&M underworld" sex and violence. I 1l What aficle or story you are writing ab'óut; 2l That you are a member of a large and active local community; 3l What you did or didn't like about the story. 4l Draw a personal connection between your opinion and the story in question. Here's an example: "Dear Editor: I would like to express concem about the series columns published by your newspaper in December, 1998, and February and March, 1999, about the Carter Stevens Pocono weekends and events in the Poconos for people whose sexual preferences include BDSM and other alternative sexual expression. Conúary to the implication of your articles, we who participate in such events are ordinary citizens. The Kinsey New Report on Sex i¡ 1990 found that between 5Vo to l07o of the population share our interestin SM as a form of of aficles and sexual expression. In particular, those who attend BDSM weekend events which involve signifrcant expense tend to be professionals, parents, teachers and, in all cases I am aware of, We spent Friday morning at the pool. Being a mile above sea level, the sun is very strong and just a little will do ya. In the afternoon, Michael, Frank Strona and I borrowed Nanette's car (the leverage in negotiating this was that I would mention Nanette in the P+P in exchange for the use of her vehicle: Thank you, Nanette !) and headed out of the city to go horseback riding. Frank had only one limit for the excursion and I pushed it. Oy! We never found the right horses but we had a nice drive and then dinner at a good Mediterranean restaurant. Friday night's Meet & Greet was moved indoors because of the rain. The presenters and the judges were introduced. I could not believe that I was there among the legends and icons of the community. Then the contestants were announced. Th¡ee women and nine men would compete for the local titles that would go on to IML and MsL. The event organizers had had some problems with the dungeon location and were forced to relocate 2 weeks before the event. No problem! The parties were held at a fitness cetter. Very perfect. The Some trainingfloorwasabout5000squarefeetwithplentyofequipmentthatsuiteditselftobondage. players took advantage of the weights and pulleys for CBT scenes. Others did a locker room hazing scene. The showers were also used. There was a lot of creative energy. I played with a couple on Friday night (and I forgot to ask ifl could mention them in the P+P and I never mention anybody here without permission). The top pierced the bottom and attached jeweþ to her chest with needles. I then used a thuddy moose flogger on her back and she growled. IwenttoSMAnd Becauseofthetimechange,itwaseasyformetowakeupforthelOamworkshops. The Law with Lenny Broberg, a former IML and a San Francisco cop. He gave us a view from the cop'sperspective. Copsdonothavealotofdiscretionwhenenforcingthelaws. Solawsneedtobe changed. At Noon I gave my Caning workshop. teresa was my bottom. I had met teresa last year at Thunder andshebecameanAOlbuddyofmi¡e. Buddy? Didlsaybuddy? Harumph! ShehasIM'dmeand goaded me for the last six months. My answers made her very nervous. Heheh! The workshop was a lot of fun. I felt comfortable with her and the participants. I showed them how to cane butt as well as the back of thighs, the fronts of thighs, the insides of thighs, calves, pecs and even her back. Even after I left her bruised all over, two people volunteered from the audience to try bottoming to the cane. They left srniling. ...Continued next page €--*- Circlct Prr:ss reputable citizens. We conduct our activities in F ¡¡ ¡-¡ s rr F'.pu*-L-A srr<; Er)¡ ¡ rrù þT Cr-c¡t.i,{ T,-rn, 514.95 private and do not do anything to emba¡rass Deviant Desires by Gates (pub. by Powerhouse) is a conversation with people about their fantasies. Continuum has published Sexuality in America (by Francouer), which looks at sexuality in terms of the aspects of biology, psychology, social structure, and spirituality. "An SlM AnChology" I just loved Thunder In The Mountains. For two years in a row, this was just a great event and they treat their presenters like guests of honor (or as Mr Marcus says, "holy cows." LOL). Michael Horowitz and I disemba¡ked from our plane and there was Paks ready to direct us through the Denver airport and chauffeur us to the hoæI. The Ramada had been undergoing big renovations and looked great with its indoor Southwest theme and new outdoor landscaping. The staff was friendly and helpful. Anyone who has detailed questions about quackery, or would like to request in-depth electrical play information from the NLA Page 97232-195S-lþ¡ people of different views. Your newspaper coverage ofthis eventis uninformed and in my viewbiased. As youknow, itledto cancellaúon of the Ca¡ter Stevens weekends, which was !:útuiistìs giìláa Lllj 1)ÕlrËr ùltil ILr-çt fTùln {öd"lt's sgl+tsl unrlcr¿,3re>urrri. 'llx:sc trusla s9.{;rirs ttansf¡>¡tn nt¡¡<le'r* ro'-xt¡¡t.[. frtis!ì(rs {5r/ì\4" t'u¡rcl¡¡ge. *'tc-) Ínl{:t rvhE>le Ít::tv âir(}ti(: u'tr¡'l¡:ls. !\litJt c¡¡ver ¿¡rt greatly unfair. lfnr.rs Frìcr\it -fl¡f: Ent;rlrç HÞG[: ():r¿NrBr:s Irt>nr (-ìrc.l+t Èræks ínto rrne.: l {l+-Íara!¡¿F ¿)¡.'¡J't tr'\/ai('rt 5rf.'t<.rrrtJ:, hw {irq:ilire '}'+n. ¿!4¡¡f<¡, l>r,' I-,¿*sre¡r }r. tlurha, f:rÌi¡¿t: f .:iir:lv:l:, *$ît<:¡l l:,r, ¡::c¡ñroi¡l, rtrril Èì:r.y,.'<J iJrr¡¡:fs, *r:Literd l:r¡ (:t:::ili:¡ 'l'¿rxr Thás coH¿ution is [<iltk1' atr¿1 c{iÌf'x'e¡rt, h'ít!ì ;e clteide<Ì 5/ ir4 You goffa love those Cosmo quizzes. Here's a whole anthology of them from Hearst: adult slumber parties. If you have coÍrments about or suggestions, please e-mail NCSFreedom@aol.com. Please alert us to positive, negative or neutral stories about sexual minorities in your local media For those of you who like weeping in scenes, you please e-mail NCSFreedom@aol.com. might enjoy Lutz's Crying (Norton), which is a natu¡al and cultural history of tea¡s. Be sure to check out the NCSF web site at: Jan Hall http ://www.ncsfreedom.org ^A' Clrtq:ur,-¡- .I'rrl$LÐrYr-lD tìr (:ÉrcÌll.Þ 515.95 Sincerely, 'Jane Smith' (your address here) (IMPORTANT - your phone number here)" Comspolitan Bedside QuizBook. Suitable for Évv Þfi¡:l¡¿.rr:l òvl:rrrrrirr¡.r. edgr'. Fôr åE ÈGn1ËitltÉ i:;4t¿tlc)trì of s,/ft': fÌcliÕrÌ, ercltjc¿ì ðr'È{J fìÕl.v1Ö, s(:r'¡d 3f É 5r{5E ¡üvisfl I *'Ê- .fg6: s1¿-rl'*rYlet-Ê, ctr c¡ìefk Õnl¡n(: .îE !v!vw.cifc¡e{.conìTo ûr(fÊt $É:r¡<:È ch{¡¿k (]Í r'ttÉrìÊ:y Src}er Í}ILáE $3-5O shippüûg Ëcrr tlìc first t}ôf}k. and Sl -G0 for eecF! åddit.ior}*l boc¡x(. .ind -r ståterneflt tfìat y('t.¡ are at le.lst ¡ g .years (}f åge- Circlet Press, Dept NLA 99 PtvtB #27A 177A Mass .Aúe C'arnbridge M.A. O214() vrf \,vvrf -c ¡ rc ¡ et -c o rrr or effrail circlet-order@ci rclet-corn Page I Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155, 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, oR Leather Association: Internat¡onal, PMB #155, 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Port¡and, On g72g2-1 Ii-k-ational "THUNDER ¡N rHE T:"In|Jå:nf"' *r", At 2pm I attended Peter Fiske's Whipping Workshop. Notbecause I necessarily wanted to learn more about Whipping but it was Peter Fiske and he is a legend! Peter unpacked about After that she was pretty done! Greg was there and I went staight for his balls, unzipping his jeans and ptrlìing them and squeezing them. He allowed me the amusement, yelling in pain, and thentu¡ned the tables on me. I lethim. Although heis usually abottom, he is avery skilled top and a lot of fun. He caned my pecs and left pretty switched. It did not At 4pm, I was on the "Creating & Developing A teresa and tried all sorts of toys out on her. My favoriæ was a long whip by Roger Paterson. It had three tails that had little stingy multiple crackers. I also liked his short hippo sjambok with the metal tþ and handle. was a program that I had suggested because last year's Thunder was the first ever leather event for so many of the attendees and I felt that there was a need for this topic. I was relieved to see a After a half hou¡, Peter instructed us to switch. Uh-oh! I had beaten the crap out of teresa in the crowded room. I was also nervous that my prepded presentation would be too novice-ish. But I stole an idea from Frank and handed out BDSM Relationship" panel with Frank, Michael, Cleo Dubois, Sþ Renfro and Vi Johnson as moderator. It was a very interesting panel as we are all very different both in the way we relaûe with our partners but also in how we relate within the community. I am still feeling a bit fragile a¡ound this tgpic, but managed to get past it talking about poly and how I am pulling away from the idea of building a leather family and getting into building a ci¡cle. The ci¡cle is more fluid and not as hiera¡chal as a family. I love hierarchy but I find that sometimes the family model can be stifling - especially among my circle of switches and how they interacl with paper to the audience and asked them each to each other. 60 whips from his collection. Wow! I had always heard of his collection. He was going to let us all play with his toys. We all chose partners and could take one toy at a time to try out, I partnered up with caning demo and then used the nastiest whips on her and now I was supposed to switch! Peter had no nice whips on the table. lhey were all mean - no deerskin. A lot of the people in the workshop left because they did not want to switch, but I decided to stay and be a sport and switch with teresa. We t¡ied out different whips and it felt good. At 4pm, I went to BDSM With No Toys with Tony DeBlase topping CJ. What a hoot! Tony went from seûsuous to sadistic using hands, nails, mouth, knees and feet. When Tony asked for input from the audience, I was happy to oblige. Now CJwants hisrevenge. OK! Sounds good to me. I missed the big clothespin scene and got to the contest late. Rich Dockter aqd CJ took 200 clothespins each to raise money for the Michael and Leather A¡chives & Museum. These were placed on as 10 zippers with 20 clothespils each. Ouch! I had bought 10 clothespins and wrote on them "Lolita Wants CJ & Rich To Suffer." We saw some of the contestants' speeches and questions. Tim Creekmore was named Mr. Rocþ Mountain Leather '99 and Phyllis Darcy is Ms. Rocky Mountain Leather '99. Bruce Chopnick spoke about many things in his step down speech. I was impressed when he spoke of how sometimes mistakes a¡e made but that we have to let go and move forwa¡d. He pointed out Coors' sponsorship of the contest as an example. He also took off his Rocky Mountain Leather vest and modeled his gorgeous new IML vest made by David Menkes. After the coritest, it was back to the dungeon. teresa \ryas still not done - she still wanted to play. I found a nice padded weight lifting bench and tied her to it with her legs spread wide. I put clarnps on her labia and then singletailed her. Then I took the clamps off and single tailed her pussy directly. Page 1 0 ma¡ks. On Sunday moming, I went to BDSM Burnout with Frank. This was a topic I could relate to and Frark is a great presenter. At Noon, I presented BDSM 101. Iwas abitnervous about this one. It write a question. the ice with a mini-talk oD terminology and then collected the questions. While some of At 8pm about5O ofus metfor di¡ner and went to Racine's. The restaurant \¡/as very friendly and accommodating and the food was good. Joseph the attendees were not shy about asking Bean made a toast to the organizers of Thunder. writing down thei¡ questions so that they would be Then Connie made a toast about the upcoming nuptials of CJ and Nanette. Afterwa¡ds, back at the hotel, I did an electricity scene with Cristo, her fi¡st scene with an Ornron. I broke questions, others felt more comfortable anonymous. Soon, the gfoup became comfortable and asked questions as we went along. It was easy to fill the time and everybody lea¡ned what they wanted to lea¡n. Cool! At 2pm, I went to see Body Punching with Brian Dawson and Mark Frasier. They stared with a sexy demo that lasted ahalf hour. The two spoke about various aspects from safety to the fetish side. Then we sptt up and punched each other as Brian and Mark went around the room giving us tips. I paired up with teresa again and we BD/SM Study matter that she was all bruised up - teresa is a pain pig. (Well, my pecs were bruised, too, and I liked having her punch me there.) On Monday, Paks came to pick me, Midori and Blue up to go to the airport. Midori had sooooo much luggage ....OK, well, she had been traveling for 3 weeks, but still! Paks managed to pack all of the luggage in but I had to ffavel with Midori on my lap. I did not suffer - she's light, her skin is just so soft and she's an interesting conversationalist, too. LOLITA MEMBERSHIP CHAIR'S REPORT LIL 14 in the MEMBERSHIP REPORT people who are have registered for (as of 8/1/99) under member rates that a¡e not -l.lational MynameisWillDamon,andl'madoctoralstudentspecializinginsexresearchattheUniversityoflllinoisatChicago. l0 Active Chapters - Chapter breakdown: Atlanta = 11 Austin = 17 Calgary = Jf Columbus = 38 Dallas = 111 Florida = 26 Houston = 13 New England = 19 New Orleans = 24 Oklahoma City = 12 None = 141 I've also added this problem to the interested in learning how these factors relate to BDSM role preferences. It takes about 20 minutes to complete; most of the questions are multiple choice and can be answered quickly. Participants can remain completelyanonymous. QuestionnairescanbesenttopotentialparticipantsviaE-mailorviamail(withapostagepaid,returnenvelope)' Take part in important new research that can help others better understand BDSM and reduce the misconceptions associated with it. If interested or if you have questions, you can contact me via E-mail at: BDSMstudy@aol.com, or wdamon@uic.edu viathe study's website http ://members. aol. corn/BDSMstudy/index.html or by phone ar my roll-free number, 67T642-8321 (enter PIN #1152). Thank you for your time. UNIVERSIW OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO Department of Psychology (MC 285), iOOg e"h"uioral Sciences Building, 1007 West Harrison Street Chicago, lllinois 6061 7-71 37 We need your help to learn more about HETEROSEXUAL men who like SadoMasochism (SM), ìlVhat is this questionna¡re about? You are being invited to participate in a research study conducted by Will Damon, a doctoral student specializing in sex research at the University of lllinois at Chicago. This questionnaire was developed to find out more about adult heterosexual men (18 +) who are involved in SM (or D&S or B&D). More spec¡fically, this questionnaire asks about job characteristics, personal characteristics, and SM experiences. By doing this research and publishing the findings, I hope to help others better understand SM and reduce the misconceptions associated with it. How can I participate? Membership Chair's Reportthat's in the latest Link, so maybe the members themselves wiÌl get onto their Chapter to have things sent in a timely manner whenever they get this Link. LIL14 I am asking you to please take about 20 minutes of your time to complete the questionnaire and return it as an E-mail attachment to BDSMstudy@aol.com. lf you would prefer, you can also return it by mail to Will Damon, BDSM study investigator, at the UIC address above. Registered as of 8/1/99 Can I participate anonymously? Vendors = 23 Vendors' Asst. = 12 Volunteer = 17 lf you would like to complete this questionnaire, I do not need to know your name or any identifying information. However, if you would also like to participate in a follow-up intervieq I will need some way to contact you. I have sent you a contact information form in a separate E-mail file. lf you are interested in doing a follow-up interview, please send the contact information form back to me as a separate E-mail attachment from that in which you Full = 36 Presenters = 3 Comps = 3 Gift Cert. = 1 Formydissertation, I am conducting aquestionnaire study of adult heterosexual men (18 +) who a¡einvolved in BDSM orfor whomBDSM is a significantpart of their sexual fantasies. The questionnaire asks about personal characteristics, job characteristics, and BDSM experiences. We are database. I've written Chapters to no avail. Commercial Members = 20 Active Individual Members = 470 Total = 490 97232-1959-ljlrk send the questionnaire. This way, your questionnaire responses and contact information will never be in the same file. Even given this precaution, it is possible, though rare, for people to "break in" to E-mail systems; thus, individuals otherthan the intended recipient may have access to your E-mail. lt is advisable to not respond via E-mailfrom your place of employment. Once I receive your E-mail attachment, it will be downloaded, printed onto hard copy, and the E-mail file will be deleted. At this point, I can assure you strict confidentiality. Your answers will be seen only by the staff of this study, No information that could identify you and your unique answers will be released to anyone or published in any form. Your contact information will be physically separated from the questionnaire and kept in a secure and locked location. The contact information will be used only for the purpose of contacting you for a follow-up interview; after the interview is complete, your contact information will be destroyed. When I contact you, I will follow any instructions you may have in order to keep our contact discreet and confidential. What if I have further questions? You're participation is completely voluntary. lf you have any questions or comments about this research, please write to the study investigator Will Damon, M.4., at E-mail address above, or call Dr. Joseph Stokes at (312) 996-4462. For questions about the rights of subjects, please contact the UIC Office of Protection from Research Risks at (312) 996-1975. lf you find during the questionnaire that answering questions about your SM experiences is upsetting, you may want to contact the National Mental Health Services Knowledge Exchange Network at (800) 789-2647. Ïhey can provide you with information about counseling services in your area. Alternately, you may want to contact the Society of Janus at (415) 292-3222 or at www.soj.org. They can provide you with information about the SM support and education group nearest you. By completing and returning a questionnaire, you are indicating that you are a heterosexual man over the age of 18 with interests in SM. I hope to receive a completed questionnaire from you soon! utc There's still a problem with chapters getting dues/applications to us. This is evident by the Page 11 Ii-k-ational Leather Association: ¡ntefnat¡onal, PMB #155, 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Poftland, OR Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155, 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232-195 some semblance For information on what Døedalus by Race Bannon Editorial Note: We are fortunate in having Race Bannon, noted author & publisher, as a contributor to this LINK. Thanks, Race, ..TIIE PLAYGROT]ND OF THE MII[D'' When mostpeople discuss how to do S/lvI, they generally concentate on the physical aspects how to tie someone up, how to spank someotre properly, how to do a hot wax scene, etc. But that's only oûe component of S/1v1. The really important part is the mind. How do you feel during an S/IVI scene? What goes tbrough your mind as a scene is taking place? What we're referring to here is menta.l technique. Mental technique covers the erotic world of the mind. It focuses on techniques used to enhance a person's mental enjoyment of the scene, apart from the physical sensations. Mental technique is much harder to define or illustrate because it is so unique to each individual and each different scene. It is also important to remember that the physical and mental aspects of an S/IVI scene often, in not usually, blend one into the other in such a way that they become barely distinguishable. What follows is a discussion of how the mind plays such an importarit pa¡t in S/lvI, and how to make the best use of this fact. The discussion will give you a better idea as to how to utilize 584 Castro Street, PMB 518, San Francisco cA 941 14-2594, U.S.A. Phone (415) 626-1867 Fax (415) 487-1137 In The Unlimited Mind We all have physical limitations. But ou¡ minds know no such limitations. We can think about anything without regard for physical bounda¡ies. This fact can be exploited to both partners' benefit in an S/IVI scene. Now, this is a very important concept, so pay attention. In S/ùI, it makes absolutely no difference what the body is doing so long as the mind is having a good time. In fact, you can experience and enjoy an S/1VI without your body being involved in any way. S/M fantasies a¡e a good example of this. The scenes that exist in your fantasies are just as much an S/lvl experience as any other. This doesn't mean that most of us don't want to also experience S/lvI in the physical world as well. However, it is importantnotto dismiss your fantasies as un¡eal. They make you feel good, and nothing that does that can be considered un¡eal. Think about how important this is. You don't actually have to do something to experience the fun of that activity. Let's say you have repeatedly fantasized about being tied up and spanked severely, but the actual reality of it doesn't appeal to you much. Ifyou can find a partner who would enjoy making you feel as though you are being tied up and spanked, you can have just as much fun with this type of scene, as someone who is actually doing it. At some level, this phenomenon is utilized by everyone who enjoys S/M. not actually be slaves, but they feel that way during the scene. In order for someone to enjoy the mental aspect for your mental tecbnique negotiation process comes lJ {l scenes, order to Role playing is a vital part of much of S/NI. Some people do not have a complete S/M experience unless a cefain amount ofrole play takes place. Although various roles might manifest themselves in cefain physical ways, role play is basically a mental S/I\lf technique. be productive, you must have a pretty good idea of what turns your partner on, and that's where the web: htto://www. bannon.com/daedalus your own mental techniques to better your Roles Getting the Information You Need They can also be reached by: e-mail: daedalus @ bannon,com, People who enjoy kidnap S/M scenes are not actually kidnapped, but they feel that way during the scene. Thei¡ mind, at least to some extent, believes they are being kidnapped. People who enjoy being tortwed by their captor would not necessari-ly enjoy being tortured in reality, but they feel that way during a scene. People who enjoy being a slave to a master or mistress might Page 12 thei¡ S/lvI needs met. -{¡at¡onal Daedalus Publishing Co. 'A Basic Guide To Søfe ø.nd, Fun SIM Loaernøhing" searching for undiscovered territory. Remember also that how you say something often is more important than what you say. playing. Neither way is more correct, but the latter person is going to find it a lot easier to get publìshes, you cøn wríte to: LEARNING THE ROPES of the SIM role they are 97232-1959-ljlll{ of S/ù1, theymustbe ableto tapinto thechildlike quality of imaginative play. In other words, they must be able to pretend. Now, there may be some in the S/IVÍ community who willbalk atthe term pretetrd. "But what we do is real," many will say. Yes, it is real, but it is also in the realrn partner's dominant represents. It wouldbe niceif there were some magic way to get such information, but there isn't. It must be done on a case by case basis. But it must be done if your scenes are to reach the heights of pleasure you desire. I call a reality in reality while others find it very Finding a person's reality threshold is an exact a¡t form, at best. There is no one method of getting this information. One good ¡eason for this is that the person you are playing with, and probably you you¡self, havenotgiventhis much thought. You know what turns you on, but you have not b¡oken it down into reality and fantasy componeûts. And perhaps there is no need to. Sometimes excessive analysis of something th¡eshold, the easier it is for them to realize thei¡ S/14 fantasies. The reason is obvious. Thei¡ mind can more easily fill in the reality gaps. While one person might need a fully equipped dungeon with lots of ornate S/lvl gear and a partner who maintains a strict role persona, and personmight onlyneed a dimly litbedroom with a few S/IVI toys and a partner who maintains possible. fl a while. Using the mind-before-body concept can be a useful tool for S/Nf play. If you have an interest in some aspect of S/lvI and your partner does not, or has never thought about it before, introduce the idea in a non-threatening way, perhaps in a activity you want to experiment memorable scene arìyway. So why bother? Go into the scene with as much preparation as But extensive is not necessary here. Simply around to trying something any new idea. Few people think about something as exciting as S/M one day and do it the next. They dwell on it for on. What mental information as you do to thei¡ safer sex guidelines and safe words. You are 50Vo of the scene. Besides, if you don't get this information, you are likely to have a not so Mind Before Body Before you ever had sex, your mind may have enjoyed countless sexual experiences in your fantasies. Before you experience anything in life, you usually think about it fi¡st. So it is with s/l\4. No two people take the same path to S/lvf. But one thing is alrnost always true. Their mind usually thought about it before they did it with their body. And usually it takes time to get of a fantasy role although I guess perhaps some such person existed in another place and time. Amazon queen is more casual conversation. Or leave a magazine or book around the house which discusses the S/M dream about and hope to have fulhlled in reality? And how much of this should remain fantasy? Expect such information from your partner also. You have as much right to this ruins the enjoyment of it. person's reality Roles can be based in either reality or fantasy. Nurses and doctors really do exist, while an Good, honest and open communication between partners is vital. Tell your partner exactly how you feel about S/IVI and what situations turn you and emotional elements are required for a scene to work for you? Do you like an extremely affectionate or rigid approach from yow partner? What erotic fantasies do you necessary. No two people are the same. the lower a submissive needs. that doesn't tell you how they like ,it administered or what situation the fantasv threshold. This th¡eshold is the degree ofreality they find necessary to an SIM scene. [n other words, how much of the S/ùf situation must be based in reality for there to be a successful S/IVÍ experience? Some find they need little of a Generally, or Spanking means something different to each of these people. You might have gotten an "I like spanking" from them during negotiations, but The Reality Threshold having a sense of a person's reality threshold is all that is necessary. It is more something you feel about a person than a fact you know. a role? A role is the part you play in the erotic theater presentation we call a scene. It is the personality you adopt for the duration of the scene. The terrn "role" is also sometimes used to identify the side of the power dynamics you are playing on. For example, the bottom role or top role, the dominarit role or the submissive role. Whatis example. One partner might think of spaniöng as a fantasy punishment scene, while the other considers spanking as merely serving their And therein lies the dilemma many face in S/IVI - how to make a scene real enough to be exciting, but grounded enough in reality so as to abide by the safe, sane and consensual guidelines. The satisfactory solving of this dilemma is the goal of mental S/M technique. scene based play Two people might both enjoy spanking, for of make believe. Each S/lvl player has what into Unfortunately, though, negotiations often become merely a lisúng of physical dos and don'ts. Many mental requirements important to a scene are often left unsaid. with. Or introduce the idea during your other erotic play without acting on it. If your partner has an inclination toward such an S/lvI activity, their mi¡d will dwell on it and eventually they may decide they want to try it. Allowing plenty of time to let it simmer is the key. Of course, they just might nothave any interest at all in what you brought up and that's OK too. There are plenty of other choices in S/lvL The Power of the Voice the power of the human voice is amazing. A few well-chosen words delivered with the right volume, pace and inflection can influence someone greatly in a matter of seconds. This holds true for one's sexuality as well. The degree of submersion into the role can also vary from person to person. While one person may elect to take on only a few of the characteristics of a role, another may try to literally become thatrole with costuming, voice, cha¡acter, personality and manner, all in line withthe assumption of thatrole. There is no one right way to play. The S/lvl community tends to foster a number of traditional S/M play roles. This does not mean these are the best ones. They are simply the roles that a large percentage of the S/M population favo¡s. Just a few of the more popular are master/mistress-slave. father/mother-son/ daughter, abductor-captor, and dungeon master/ mistress-torture victim. You will encounter such roles if you develop a network within the S/M community. Be ca¡eful not to be too heavily influenced by other people's preferences. If the roles you prefer to play with do not fall within traditional styles, do not try to conform. Being open to experiencing new things is always a good idea, but bending your desires solely to meet the approval of others rarely proves to be worthwhile. Be yourown person. Play your own way. I would venture to say that most people in the S/ scene do not play with specific roles. Rather, the roles they adopt are personal creations Learn to use your voice to your advantage in S/lvI scenes. Experiment with the words you use and M how you deliver them. Experiment with pieced together from va¡ious elements of of silence as a coufiterpoint to the different roles they fantasize about or encounter sound of your voice. Someone as gifted verbally can take their partner through the most amazing scenes while doing nothing more, physically, than holding that person. The voice influences the mind and it can take offfor erotic outer space in daily life. Since they are personal creaúons, they can be fulfilling erotically because more is moments invested in them. Race Bannon Page 13 ational Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR li..lc-ationalLeathefAssociation:lnternational,PMB#155,3439N.E.SandyBlvd.,Portland,oR97232.1959"Sado-Masochism: It's a Republican Thing' National Coalition for Sexual Freedom September Media Update: ncsfreedom@aol.com - vìtww.ncsfreedom.org "SF Drummer Boy resigns over allegations: Lack of evidence clears Duncan McKenzie" Bay Area Reporter, August 27,1999 by Katie Szymanski a¡e what caused certain members of the "It's ha¡d to believe the community wishes this way when they've seen how badly bruised my body was," said Dover. resignation. "I did suggest it might be in his best interest to resign, considering his emotional trauma and the controversy within the community," Turner told the B.A.R. "But I want to quell the rumors thathe was dismissed. He did not resign in disgrace, but with integrity." Dover won the SF Drummer Boy title in April, and went on to compete in the Northern California Drummer Boy contest on July 24. It was after that event that Dover alleges the abuse took place. In an a¡ticle published Jltly 29, Dover told the B.A.R. that he and Duncan McKenzie of Chicago had agreed upon a safe SM encounter on the night of July 24, btt '"There has to be a ca¡eful balance between not scape goatilg the leather community for a rare scene gone bad, and not abusing a true victim by saying he shouldhave expected it," Fiske told the "It comes down to the fact that you cannot give consent to an assault." B.A.R. Fiske said the most important lesson from the Dover-McKenzie incident is that safety comes hrst. "Investigate before you date. Sometimes discussing limits is not enough, which is why Texas during the early '80s when I fi¡st ¡aû across the existence ofLesbian sado-masochism. I had no clue that we engaged in the violent, corrupt legacies of the womanhating Marquis de Sade and self-hating von Sacher-Masoch. Why, I wondered, would any the nation into silent compliance, much like sado-masochists used sex and guilt to manipulate Lesbians 30 years later. In the '50s, opposition Democrats publicly supported anticommunism just as privately dissenting l,esbians felt compelled to pay public lip service to s/m in Lesbian feminist deliberately the '80s and early '90s. Substitute "vanilla," "sex-police," or my particular favorite, "sexnazi," for "pinko" or "commie." If letters to hurt men who have always "pushed" whatever boundaries women have labored to construct? We gain genuine power by resisting our brutal conditioning, not by further submitting to it; by setting, not erasing, those limits. One womar told me that s/m 'þlay" was how she dealt with memories of childhood sexual abuse. Okay, I thought, it's a therapeutic tool, a passing phaseon thepathtowholeness, away of working through unthinkable old trauma. Fine, but then move on! paficularWest Coast Festival where, after gaining ground for years, sado-masochists had virtually take over, strutting about in thei¡ I recall one harnesses, whips, chains, big knives, and andther assorted paraphernalia, turning work crews into Lesbian or want to be hurt herself? My Texan guides who practiced "s&m" (as it was called before "slash" replaced "&") tried to explain, but I didn't get it. I figured I must be missing dysfunctional families run by a "daddy" who ridiculed and bullied whoever was disinclined to 'þlay." To require the non-consensual participa- something. masochistic mind-fuck for feminists. It was time to educate myself, so I wrenched my mind open and read the brand new Coming Ío Power, and whatever else I could find on the subject. Everything I learned led me back to the inescapable conclusion that s/m was even more repulsive and un-feminist than I had previously thought. Everyone seemed to be going along, especially the Festival authorities who pretended s/m was harmless and hoped that ignoring it would make it go away. But it never does. [nstead, it ups the ante a¡d provokes increased dissociation which in turn produces even deeper numbness. tion of the enti¡e crew exemplihes the sado- Lesbian Connection, personal conversations, and attention in the media are any indication, it would seem that the s/m star has lost some of its shine. However, it may have survived as the predominant Lesbian sex model for young or new dykes by default. But who exempted s/m from the thoughtful scrutiny we feminists used to apply to Whether or not there was a lack of consent between Dover and McKenzie remains unan- masochism as 'Tust another" (and "cool") sexual practice, but in fact, s/m has little to do with sex. swerable. But statements from the San Francisco Police Departrnent's Sex Crimes Unit suggest that inconsistencies with Dover's account point to a lack of evidence against McKenzie. S/IVI serves I When questioned, dykes told me that they felt powerful by'þushing limits" through s/m. Okay. Lesbians are good at'þushing limits." Butpain? everything? For one thing, light-weight pundits and "sexperts" have been legitimizing sado- only to glamorize the Humiliation? Excuse me, but doesn't Patriarchy depend on the absence of these limits? Isn't it very sat in on an s/m meeting. "What's your position on s/m?" challenged a smirk on her face and a leather vest over her flexing muscles. Her nose was chained to her ea¡. woman wearing a The question was i¡rtended to intimidate me. She already knew what I thought because it was no secret. WE had both worked at past Michigans, and until that moment she and I had enjoyed a casual friendship. "Well," I answered, meeting her eyes and holding them steadily, "the more I learn about s/ m the more I hate it!" There was a stunned silence. Eyes migrated and bodies shifted. A bit of grumblirg and they resumed the conventional "poor us" rehash of thei¡ victim status. Since sado-masochists had clearly assumed control of this Festival with no apparent dissent, was surprised to spot a small hand written announcement for an impromptu gathering to be held for women who wanted to discuss the s/m presence. This in itself, I felt, was an act of great courage and I wondered who the brave Lesbians were who would risk the public scom a mere suggestion of potential non-support for s/m would surely produce. I I admired the women who had idtiated this "non-judgmental" (as the notice said) session, and decided to check it out. As I started to make my way up to the isolated site, a million reasons for turning back raced through my mind. I was, I realized with a shock, afraid that someone might see me. Despite my long experience of holding unpopular opinions, as clea¡ as my convictions were, and as publicly confrontational as my ...Continued next page dominance/submission we feminists are on earth to overthrow. Feminism moves toward wholeness. SadoInspectorDonald O'Connorwith the Sex Crimes Unit told the B.A.R. that >McKenzie was never arrested, just questioned and released. And while Dover insists that he filed charges against McKenzie and will proceed with the case, O'Connor said no charges were f,rled and the police department would not bring charges against McKenzie. that McKenzie "I talked to Mr. Dover, or whatever he's calling himself these days," O'Connor told the B.A.R. "And the department feels there is a lack of cooperating evidence to charge Mr. McKenzie." McKenzie could not be reached for comment, but friends ofhis said he was "deeply hurt" and that his reputation had been tarnished by the The B.A.R. erroneously reported in the July 29 a¡ticle that McKenzie was a¡rested and charged, when in fact he was not. allegations. This a¡ticle is posted on: http://www.ebar.com.ibarlnew s.htm#a¡ticle3 Many in the leather community were quick to Page 1 4 It was on tour in Republicans maintained control by intimidating public spaces exist to explore things safely," said Fiske. "You cannot give up responsibility for safety, whether you a¡e a bottom or a top." refused to give Dover a safe word once the two entered McKenzie's hotel room. Dover said McKenzie then proceeded to brutally attack him, bullwhipping him over 150 times, crushing his testicles with a mallet, and ejaculating into his sores before announcing he was HlV-positive. defend McKenzie once the story broke, and discussions on the Internet atd at local leather bars have speculated about the accuracy of Dover's account. Dover said these speculations During its heyday in the Lesbian community, sado-masochism reminded me of America's red scare during the repressive 1950s. Backthen, the Reporter has lea¡ned. "I was asked by the title owner himself to resign," Dover told the B.A.R. "People in the community felt I could not c¿ury the title any further. So rather than watch him pull the title, I gave it up." Turner, however, said he did not ask for Dover's "Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child." (J. to it problem with evaluating and prosecuting cases of actual SM abuse, according to Peter Fiske, former chai¡ of the 1 5 As sociation, a local leather club. DrummerBoy title ownerPhilip Turner calls "dignified," Dover resigned his "Drummer Boy" title on August 17 due to growing suspicion in the leather community that he fabricated or embellished his story of alleged abuse. Dover said that Turner, who owns Daddy's ba¡ and sponsors the regional San F¡ancisco Drummer Boy contest, asked him to resign. spaces, unsuspecting bystanders have been routinely subjected to images of terrifying brutality and degradation. An involuntary 1990 Michigan Womyn's Music Festival audience was strafed with s/m propaganda from an unma¡ked low-flying air-plane. Why? Danforth Quayle) Of cou¡se bruising is nothing new or unusual in consensual SM sex, which is in fact the very and enslaved, controlled, and punished us for millennia. In the midst of women's so-called 9,1999 "safe" his allegations that he was abused during a consensual SM scene in July, the Bay Area In a move that Dover describes as "pressured" of A Perspective by Alix Dobkin community to call for his resignation. take San Francisco Drummer Boy Chris Dover has resigned his title due to public controversy over enough, but far worse is the insistence that we all witness ¡e-enacfnents how men have Lesbian & Gay New York 97232-195+-fþ¡ Send signed letters to theBay AreaReporter,395 e- Ninth St¡eet, San Francisco, CA 94103. Or masochism fragments, and reinforces dissociative behaviors. As I see it, s/m has played a major role in getting Lesbians off the ferninist track and back on the patriarchal bandwagon. Actually, given the overabundance of these images everywhere in patriarchy, it would be surprising women did not absorb and reflect them, if especially those individuals made paficularly vulnerable through early sexual abuse. The strength of s/m's addictive allure is proportional to numbed feelings, but not everyone belongs to the "tribe of survivors of atrocities frozen in childhood," as Carolyn Gage, the noted Lesbian 1 playwright, orice corrunented. I believe that sex has mo¡e to do with deeply personal intimacy than with public performance ,i or play-acting fantasy. So of course I am distressed by public displays of aggtessive "tops" and servile "bottoms" at Lesbian events, particularly because not only do they present themselves as "sexually correct," but also as the sole/single Lesbian sexuality worth mentioning. mail: B ayAreaReporter @ quentincrisp.com To eroticize torture and humiliation is bad Page 15 fln¡-lational Leather Association: Internat¡onal, PMB #155,3439 N'E. Sandy Blvd', Portland, oR 97232-195 I've gotten i¡to It disturbed a bunch of trouble for publicly resisting s/m, much like I am now branded "anti- opposition to s/m was, I had still bought in to the stereotype so successfully perpetrated by s/m propaganda, and I had to force myself to continue on. way to uûderstand it: bi" and "transphobic" in certain misinformed Fewer than a dozen Lesbians sat in a circle on the rock forrnation, far away f¡om the crowds. We introduced ourselves, and each told, in true consciousness-raising fashion, why we were there and our thoughts about the s/m prevalence "Some of my friends a¡e sado-masochists. I see how it damages and changes them, and I don't feel comfortable with them anvmore. What am I supposed to do?" at the Festival and in our communities. "I'm afraid to "NCSF - Media Update," continued... of One 'woman after another spoke about not wanting to censor any woman, about the importance of respecting each one's right to make her own a community she had lea¡ned to trust and love? and frightened her, and she had no say what I think to my friends." and boots and bondage. -l.|ationalLeatherAssociation:lnternational,PMB#155'3439N'E.SandyBlvd.,Portland,oR97232.l95+fin¡ But my job, as I see it, is to question mindless givens, to stir thhking, and encourage women to love themselves wholly, not in fragments like was the suÍrmer when I was six." remembers Adam, who is wearing a paw-printed T-shirt at the bash. "I was in the tall grass outside my grandmother's house and some olde¡ cousins, who were maybe 12 or 13, were tickling my feet. It was an overwhelrning experience. I felt really impressions, running the gamut from political repugnatce to personal agonzrng memories triggered by familiar and gruesome sights, familia¡ tales I had hea¡d from sco¡es of women in private discussions. Most diffrcult for me had been tryitrg to explain s/m to my teenaged daughær at Michigan. Why did she need to know about incomprehensible crueþ practiced by members "My father kicked the shit out of me when I was a kid! I know what those boots mean." LGNY does not have a website where you can view this article. To respond, write to: Each of us had to overcome the brainwashing making us distrust the motives of others, but we were each glad we came. Like with all genuine consciousness raising, we felt strengthened by each other's stories and relieved to learn that we weren't alone. Or f¡ekas. Feminism was alive and I was proud of us. 150 Fifth Avenue, 6th Floor New York, Irl-Y 10011 U.S.A. ...Continued next page As with many foot fans, a sense of I should be "footophobia, a common Western phenomenon thatcomes frompeople's fear of their own sexual attraction towards feet." It wasn' t until 1 9 87 that he attended his lrst foot-fetish party, a direct ancestor ofFoot Friends, and began shedding his - www.onelist. conr/subscribe/Leather-boy Pa¡t of what brings about 125 men to these fetish parties is clearly the possibility of fìnding the foot match just right for them. But even with couples and threesomes and foursomes sucking on each other's toes under the glow of looping foot-porn videos, the friend element ofthis event seems almost as important as the foot play. "I know a lot ofthe people I met here from ordinary gay bar events," says Saxe. "And then we run into each other here and we say, 'Well, this is wonderfuM didn'tknow you . . . 'Now there's something special that we have in common that we can talk about." shame. 'tsa¡efoot John," the Foot Friends 25-year-old doorrnan, has made a home for himself in this chummy world, even though he wasn't particularly into feet when he fi¡st saw the group's help-wanted ad in H/X magazine. Now, a year after his interview during which he had his toes sucked for the lrst time in his life John often meets partygoers for lunch or the theater. And since he is moving back to California and this is his last night collecting $10 from each attendee and informing the non-foot-obsessed who happen to stumble in that "this is a party for men into feet and footwa¡e" John finds himself Many members of Foot Friends, which caters to primarily gay, male foot love¡s, describe the process as a second coming out. "I came out as a gay man when I was 21, but it took until I was about 25 for me to be comfortable with the fact clothes segment of the population. that Expanding into leather work, we started to attract customers who were looking for quality leather clothes, coats and e¡otic BDSM toys. Latex clothes and toys were imported from England, Los Angeles (Syren Rubber) and Chicago (House of Whacks) giving us some of the finest rubber lines availableonthe markettoday. To complimentourownline of leatherproducts, we alsobroughtinMr. SÆetters Leather from San Francisco. Glass Art Studio evolved through our art interests and soon we found ou¡selves not only making stained glass items, but carrying various lines of contempora¡y giftware, from gargoyles to \ryrought i¡on candelabras. Ou¡ actual involvement with NLA-I came I was interested in feet, tickling, foot "It was much easier to come out as a gay man. I didn't bondage," says Peter Saxe, now 34. understand my interest in feet. I thought I was the only one." G,,ry, a27-year-old who used to fantasize about in army boots as a child in upstate New York, was similarly isolated. "I felt like I was a freak for it," Guy says. But attending the Foot Friends pa¡ties got Guy thinking that "maybe we're all freaks. Now, to me it's so normal, it's not even funny." men about prior to LIL 12 when we were approached to bid on building the replacement flag for NLAI. I had known of NLA-I through my friend Don Bastian's involvement but had never had the time or opportunity to join. Timing seemed right for me to get involved, so between my business, B & B, making the leather flag and personally presenting the flag at Portland, to doing workshops at Portland, Dallas and soon atFt. Lauderdale, being awarded NLAI "Woman of the Yea¡", I have certainly enjoyed my involvement with NLA on both the This list is a pansexual forum for Leatherfolk who play as boys, and those who love them. Being a boy can be more than being a butch bottom or submissive male; it's about energy. Let's talk about what makes us boys in Leather. Please do your trolling in private email. This isn't a list about sex with minors, so if you're a minor or want one, please seek another list. No spamming or flaming. That is a *hard* limit! !! Subjects might include: shame followed on the heels of Adam's discovery. "I became very aware around eight or nine that adults looked at my footsy thing somehow playing other games." Indeed, he met with so much disapproval, Adam came to define it as B &B Leatherworks, Lingerie by Barbie, Cozy Time AdultBabywea¡ and Glass Art Studio have all been combined and will now be known as B & B Emporium! We have always been heavily involved in the alternate lifestyles, starting out as Lingerie by Barbie and servicing the TVÆS and women's 6 out of control. There was something frighæning and at the same time liberating." askance," he says. "Parents thought -ßüßLEA'Ir{EKWOKT$- 1 r I LGIIY a - ct{KtsúA(E ßAKEK Page Maybe it was when they were four, or seven, or maybe even 18, but at some point the serious foot lovers at last week's Foot Friends pafy rcalized that the bony, veiny body parts at the end of the leg were much more than a way to get around. "It Republicans. freak because I don't like what I'm seeing and no one else says anything." "I feel like likes to give pleasure to another guy's feet and that he's into tickling and a¡oma. '\., 1,2,4,6" says he's into receiving massage, foot ücking, of the larger community of queers and sexual minorities which whom lesbians are lumped these days. My big mouth, perverse impulse to buck the party line and resolute loyalty to women has cost me, ca¡eer-wise. sectors "But, why, Mom? Why would anyone want to do that?" rüomen told their stories: choices. We each then described our "Sole Searching: Men Meet To Find Feet" Village Voice, September 1, 1999 Body Politics by Sharon Lerner Indeed there is little shame on display at the Lure in the West Village, where two Foot Friends events are held per month. Foot Friends (www.foofriends.com) also hosts one monthly foot "action" party that is explicitly sexual and held at private clubs. At the Lu¡e, zippers remain receiving good-luck backslaps and fæewel-l foot kisses from the regulars. Ageplay; 3l 4l 5l 6l D/s; Intemalization of the boy role; 7l Packin'; 8l 9l Service issues; Negotiation issues; Good scenes; Bad scenes, etc. Posting is encouraged, so please don'tjoin just to lurk. Remember: there a¡e no dumb questions, just disrespectful ones. No file attachments permitted. You'Il staf off moderated, but afteryou'vebeen approved Meanwhile. a foot model and local studentathlete wearing his team uniform displays his muddy cleats while revelers bind and tickle his ba¡e feet. Another pro sits in the metal footworship throne, which bears a certain resemblance to a shoe shine set-up, except that no shoes are involved. A wiry man named Anthony and start posting, you'll be taken off moderated status. Spencer Fusco makes his way through the scene, wearing black, high-top sneakers and a label that reads "V l,2,3,4,7." According to the foot code, that means Fusco is versatile (as opposed to interested in just giving or receiving), open to massage, foot licking, socks, boots/sneakers/ shoes, and aroma. Fusco's label doesn't let on that he's taken hundreds ofphotographs offeet (he calls himself a "footographer"). Or that he's obsessed with really big feet and wing tips. Or thathe likes to sit in coffee shops sometimes, 'Just watching men in sandals." Nor can the label or Fusco himself do much to explain the origin of his passion. "It's zipped, though socks, shoes, boots, and sandals are often cast to the beery wind. just the way I've always been," he International and Local levels and regtet not In the betterlit central room, getting involved sooner. To read this article, go to: www. villagevoice.com/columns/993 5/lemer Send mail to: Letters to ttre Editor, The Village Chrßtine Baker around proudly sporting Hello-my-narne-is ¡ style labels that make them look like conventioneers, except instead of their names the wearers' foot fThanks Christine - Editorl preferences a¡e listed according to the "foot code" posted on the walls. "G, 5, 7," means a guy partygoers mill 1l 2] BDSM; says, shrugging. Voice, 36 Cooper Square, New York, NY 10003. Or fax to 212-475-8944 or e-mail to editor @ villagevoice.com Page 17 Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #'155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR97232-1 [ff¡-f,fational " L E AT H E R - S/M N E W S " ï:iJi:Hf #å::ffi:'i'ñ.'f.'ii l;ff ::"#l,,'tr',ff Í;"Ï #1 that ABLE change the narne to jive with the orientation requirements - i.e., Gay American Leathennan, American Leather Lesbian or some such. Notes fTomLOLITA WOLF t@ 1999I If you want to write a letter, the email ABWFORLESBIANS AND GAYS ONLY address is ableprod@borg.com Please CC me at LolitaSSC@aol.com Last year, Boymeat was struck with a case of titleholder-itis. LOL. He wanted to run for a title. He decided that the perfect title for him would be American Leatherboy. As a leatherperson in his early 20's, he felt that this title could enable him to do more ouEeach to Gen-Xers. Boymeatreceived much encouragement from those a¡ound him including many respected leaders and titleholders - eveû a former ABW titleholder! He wrote to ABLE Productions, the sponsor of American Brotherhood Weekend which includes American læatherman, American Leatherwoman and American Leatherboy. He received an answer back explaining that, as a bisexual (they checked his AOL profile), he was not eligible to compete. The titles were only open to those who "self-identify as gay and lesbian." Jim Cobb and Roger Fleming of ABLE Productions told Boymeat both in person and viaemail about abad experience with American Leatherwoman 1995 while it was still being produced by MCL Productions. They said that, other than 2 events, she had no contact with the gay and lesbian community in her title year. Hmmmm, so, one bad titleholder who happened to be a bisexual has ruined it for all bisexuals. We have also seen gay and lesbian titleholders who have not fulfilled their obligations to the satisfaction of thei¡ sponsors. am very proud of Peggy aka O. She came i¡ 2nd Runner-up at IMsL and impressed a lot of folks. S ome of them encouraged her to run for American læatherwoman. Being familiar with Boymeat's ineligibility, she told them I that she was also ineligible because she is a bisexual. They were very surprised because they did not know the requirements of the title and had PHOENX SOCIETY FINDS NEW CLT]BHOUSE The Phoenix Society has found a new clubhouse. It's larger, with more parking, and within a reasonable distance of the old clubhouse. To facilitate leasing the new space, Phoenix is now a non-shareholding corporation in the State of Maryland. passes. Info: www.phoenixsociety.org"http://www.phoenixsociety.org NE\ry WOMEN'S SM GROUP IN TORONTO A new women's S/m discussion goup has formed in Toronto, ON. Focused on the experienced player, member are requested to have some experience and/or to have take an S/m 101 course prior to attending parties and such. The group meets 7pm the lrst Wednesday of every month at the 519 Community Centre, 519 Chu¡ch St. Info: falcnqrl@durham.net MOD FTJLFILLS KIDNAP FANTASIES FOR CIIARITY The Men of Discipline DC have a unique and exciting way to raise money for Brother Help Thyself and Servicemen's Legal Defense Fund. Adult at the IMsL contestants, and did you know that of the top frve placers, four of them a¡e ineligible to compete at ABW because of their orientation? Bravo to IMsL forbeing inclusive and accepting the diversity of ttre leaders in the women's community. This diversity is not only apparent at IMsL, but also on a local level, and it's the local level that generates the local titleholders that then compete at the International level' Here in llYC. 4 out of the 10 officers of LSM are not self-identified BDSM aficionados who live within a 50 mile radius of Washington, DC pay a $25 entry fee and complete a simple application. The MOD will draw a list of ten persons who will be placed under surveillance starting October lesbians. I also checked with the top men's contests, International M¡ I-eather and International Mr Drummer. Both contests are open to all orientations. [n fact, a traûsman placed in the top ten at IML in 1998. 21. Ãfter aweek of surveillance, two lucþ persons will be selected for the kidnapping. The winners will not know when, where or how they will be kidnapped. They will be abducted and taken for 24 hours to a secluded location for a long ûerm isolation scene. Participants will not be harmed and may safeword at any time. Info: modkidnap@linuxmail.org or www.dcpride.org/lVlOD/entrance .ev.ril.¡lrle.., new group for Dominant wómen. It is intended to be a support group, a sharing ideas/advice $oup, a listening to rants/ bitches group ! It is a re-energizing get-to gether for fun and relaxation. The group will meet every first and third Friday at 8pm at Moonstruck Diner, a mistessblair@mail.com A NEW GROI]P IN NEW ENGLAND Prints, T-sfiirts, $weatshirts fF-âl'{irts - ¿rr1ú õ?ye¿ilâhk¡'{s rrllite. srßatl ,(,t[ \'u. H.tìrs, il!(Ëg{. !È.tt1'; flÀrìf tGa In 6olor cr Slock sã¿uF- Pt¿iw' fK¡ lri[ìrì. a.+ !]!eå úir?rc sri<¿ ¡ot til núd ch iîàtr 1 8 5ü15Û (Þ1tô{ì. Any cÐrtßoaÌ ond Whife ãtlllE-the-Èt¡rk@hotmaft.€oÈr rsi¡¡r S Page ' For n?úrÈ ißfrrûìat¡Õn plesEe ÊnlÉ.ll; Prints ññÞÈYùJ I ahB :¿!,-{ 3t,1 llÌu rlàrge. ti$ffi,0åt:å"i*!ËåËr.î'iÉ,jxl'l1ll1,Ífll; zRoù.rc.rrolt Õtr lì ßDtCOn; New Gua¡d Leather Masters & Daddies who will help facilitate discussions on the D/s lifestyle, its ins and outs, its training, its history and its future. After a served dinner attendees will be welcome at a dungeon party hosted by Inquisition Dallas. Info: www.leathernetwork.com Alkallah has recently sta¡ted Haven, a leather/fetish group in the New England a¡ea. Based in the Cent¡al Connecticut a¡ea with a chapter in Western Massachusetts, Haven is working toward mainstream acceptance and eliminating stereotypes of our lifestyles. In addition to hosting discussions, demonsûations and hands-on workshops, Haven works on projects in their community (the leather one and the mainstream one). They offer support to each other and to other groups and they socialize together. Info: www.freespeech.o¡g/haven ...continued next page golf, sauna and workout room. There is also a nightclub with fulI 'ime DJ and dance floor, a separate room for taditional OTK spankers and a special erotic spankers area. The resort is BYOB but will have set-ups, mixers and ice. Prices are all-inclusive double occupancy: $475 per single maìe, $360 per single female or $625 per couple. Info: 800-326-9431 or Ca¡terS@aol.com Cleo, Joansie, and Si¡ Ken introduce The Resource Pool (TRP), an educational gíoup dedicated to providing the workshops for the BDSM community in the Washington, DC area. Sponsored by TPE, the workshops will usually be held on a frst or thi¡d Saturday, from I to 5 pm. Location of the workshops varies. Info: www.þe.com/resourcepool TRIDENT KNIGHTS MILLENNTT]M CRUSADE The Trident Knights of Charleston I host Millennium Crusade Janua¡y 28-30, 2000 in Charleston, SC. The theme sci-fi. Vi Johnson, Joseph Bean, Catherine Gross, Master Doug, and boy bob a¡e among those who will present demos a¡d discussions on Flogging, Safety in Pocono SAMS (Pocono Sma¡t-Ass Masochists Society) is a new email list for SAMs and all other people who thinkBDSM should be fun and Consensual. to mention Safe, Sane and I'm hoping for a lighthearted community, full of friendship and interesting ideas. The listwill welcome all types of BDSM- Ca¡ter Stevens announces his fi¡st party of the new century January 2l-23,2000. You may remember that Ca¡ter lost the resort in the Poconos due to local pressure because of the natu¡e of his party weekends. It was unfair discrimination! Other Poconos resorts also felt pressure and would not host his events. Ca¡ter has now found a new 1000 acre resort for his fetish and spankers parties in the Berkshire hills of western Massachusetts. The event will take over the entire hotel and property with room for 350 guests. The hotel staff knows about and fully approves of this kind ofparty. The resortoffers cross country skiing, downhill skiing, 1200-foot Toboggan Slide, horseback riding, outdoor pool and indoor pool, hiking trails, six tennis courts, softball freld, volleyball & bocce courts, archery range, skeet shooting range, golf driving range, miniature There is a growing movement in the LGBT community which supports sexual liberation as part of a greater social and economic justice. There are even plans to have a track of sexuality workshops at Creating Change this year. Info: www.creatingchange.org ff you will be no discrimination against such things as kink, age, race, orientation, location, IIALLOWEEN IN CHICAGO etc. To subscribe: www. onelist. com,/subscribeÆoconoSAMS It is hoped that Pocono SAMS will evenhrally be built into a real-time community in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania" USA. NEW GROTJP IN DC AREA NEW SM WOMEN'S GROUP IN PIilLLY addition there Workshops such as "Safe, Sane and Consensual for Novices," "Politics of Sexual Diversity," and the annual Leather Caucus have become staples at the conference. These panels provide forums for the leather community to discuss our coûrmon goals and to educate LGBT activists. There Knights the group rate). Info: http://members. aol. com/TriKnights Edge Fetish community to participate in the annual gathering of LGBT activists and organizers. puppies, those who prefer not to be labeled, etc. will be vendors. Weekend package is $85. The host hotel will be the Holiday Inn Riverview (US 17 & the Ashley River l-800-Holiday - ask for the Trident SM, Leather History, SM Spirituality, California on November 10-14. The conference has been a great opportuniry for the SM-Leather- are interested in learning more about the Leather contingent going to Creating Change, contactSusanWrightof New York SM Activists at: \\tightnyc@aol.com or call 718-383-3318. interested people, Dom/mes, Tops, Sadists, Switches, subs, bottoms, masochists ponies, Cleo, Joansie, and Si¡ Ken introduce The Resource Pool (TRP), an educational group dedicated to providing the workshops for the BDSM community in the Washington, DC area. Sponsored by TPE, the workshops will usually be held on a fi¡st or third Saturday, from 1 to 5 pm. Location of the workshops varies. Info: www.þe. com/resourcepool Play, Household SM, and SM Relationships. In 97232-1959-link ANEWPOCONOSSM LIST playful, not CARTER HAS ANEWVENT]E 400 West 23rd St. Info: , Masters Dean Wal¡adt and Jim Glass host Master's Retreat December 11 in Dallas, TX. This event is a day long discussion group for Masters, Daddies & those identifying as such (of any gender) to gather with experienced Old and A NEW GROT]PFOR DOMMES IN IIYC Mistress Blai¡ has started A letter writing campaign has been sta¡ted. There are two examples of letters floating a¡ound the Intemet. One asks that ABLE Productions MASTER'S RETREAT IN DALLAS NEW GROI]PIN DC AREA The last meeting at the old site was Friday, August 27 (Toybag Swap Meet) and the new space will open approximately 3 weeks after that. To offset the higher cost of the new space, door fees will be raised by $5 per person. Additional fundraising includes a donation prograrn where $100 gets your name listed on a plaque, $500 get the listing that plus a lifetime membership and $ 1000 gets you the listing, a lifetime membership plus 24 single party thought that ABW was open to all. I took a look ationat Leather Association: lnternat¡onal, PMB #155, 3439 N.E, Sandy Blvd,, Portland, OR Malicious Masquerade will be held October 293 1 and will feature a fetish Masquerade B all with various BDSM performance art, a 10,000 square foot dungeon with play parties on both Friday and Saturday nights, workshops and discussions, leather games of skill and fun, and a group dimer on Saturday. This is being sponsored by the Leathernet who also host Vicious Valentine. All activities will take place aÍ. the host hotel, the O'Ha¡e Ra¡nada Hotel in Rosemont, Ill ($90 per nighr. 847-827-5137 - menrion LeatherNet). Info: www.leatherquest.com SUSAN WRIGTIT'S SM CLASSICS Masquerade has published "SM Classics" edited by Susan V/right. This is a collection ofpieces by the best SM writers in the last 20 years. The authors included a¡e like a who's who of SM: MATRD( is new SM educational group founded and run by women to provide a forum for discussion and education for the entire leather community in Philadelphia. Participants can Laura Antoniou, Guy Baldwin, Race Bannon, Joseph Bean, Pat Califia, Molly Devon, Ivo Dominguez, Dossie Easton, William A. Henkin, Sybil Holiday, Trevor Jacques, Catherine A. hear panels of speakers active iû the SM community, discuss different perspectives, raise questions in a safe environmeng and earn and grow. Liszt, Geoffrey Mains, Philip Miller, Cha¡les The first panel will be "Ethics and SM" 7:30pm on Thursday, Oct. 28 at the William Way Center. The panel includes Viola Johnson (author of "To One of the realÌy cool features of the book is the Love, To Obey and To Serve"), Kali Morgan (owner of Fetishes Boutique), Tama¡a Dobson (Ms. Philadelphia Leather), a member of the PhiladelphiaBondage Club and others. Info: matrixphl@yahoo.com. LEATffiRFOL\ " Creating Change" The Nacional Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTÐ hosts Creating Change in Oakland, Moser, Faki¡ Musafar, John Preston, david stein, Cecilia Tan, Mark Thompson, Larry Townsend, John Warren, and Jay Wiseman. of a bio on each author with an extensive bibliography. This is an excellent resource and will help readers determine which authors they like and what fu¡ther books to read. You can find SM Classics at Purple Passion and inclusion other fine fetish stores. It's also available on the web from Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble. You can find Susan Wright at NYSMA meetings and at the Wednesday, October 20th TES ¡assting where she and Kelly present "Sensual Spanking" (she'll have some books with her which she will sell and sign at the break). Page 19 li-k-ational allonrl L¡¡lh¡r A¡¡oclctlon: lnternat¡onal, Leather Association: tnternational, PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232-195 The SouthEast LeatherWomen's Group has taken on a project to attempt to orgarliz.e a list of leatherwomen's clubs, women's organizations and publications across the nation. We hope to be able to compile this i¡formation to be placed onto a webpage on the iûternet, as well as to be listed in pubtcations such as the Leather Journal. SouthEast LeatherWomen's Group was forrned in order to compile this information into a as a networking tool for the women in the southeast in order to strengthen the women's community. We welcome support from anyone across the nation to network with us. Ou¡ database for publication or about any questions which you may have about our group. [Her email address is SCl-ethrwmn@aol.com - Edl mission is not to be exclusive from the Yours in the Unity of Leather Community, community, but to be inclusive in the broader community. Paula Smíth Please feel free to contact me with any grouPs, publications or i¡forrnation which you may have Coordinator SouthEast LeatherVy'omen's Group Ms. LeatherPride '99 LIVE FROM CHICKENSTOCK '99 By Kyri Connelly and Schelli Dittrnann (.,lhanks to Inlito) While still high from the workshop, Kyri,'Schelli and Max came up with the idea to have a mini run, just for TNG types. BR would host it and invite TES. What a great chance they thought to get everyone together and network and sha¡e ideas. But they needed a hook, something or someone to get them all together. That is when On August 14,1999 an event of historic proportions occu¡red. It was not signihcant in size, compared to say IML or BR'98, but it was the thought that counted. Flocks of I 9-35 year olds from all over the eastern seaboa¡d gathered together in a small Northem Virginia dungeon to sit and listen to a living legend. The event was Chickenstock '99. What the heck was this event and why didn'tyou hearaboutityou may be asking? Well my friends allow me to explain to you how Chickenstock'99 came to be. Once upon a ki¡ky time there was a leatherdyke in DC, and she was searching for a way to give back to her community. Recognizing a need for outreach to the hordes of young kinþ people searching for the knowledge thatwouldempower themto become strong and brave young leather folks. She ran for the Boa¡d of Black Rose and was elected' Then changes began to happen. A new group was bom under the Black Rose banner, they called it The Next Generation-and like everything at Black Rose, and it got shortened to BR-TNG. Vi Johnson' s phone rang. Flash-forward to August 1999, announcements had been made and the time had come for Chickenstock 99. More than 50 khþ young folks flocked to Jack's Castle loaded down with heavy toy bags, pasta salads, amazing cheesecakes and their thi¡st for knowledge and leather history. Recognizing a need for outreach to the hordes of young khky people searching for the knowledge that would empower them to become sEong and brave young leather folks. Vi came loaded with an amazing a¡chive display of books, newsletters and her wonderful storytelling. She began speaking in an informal gathering and soon there were several dozen people piled at her feet hanging on her every word. \ryhat better than to move the crowd into the spacious dungeon, to a cozy comer compleûe with a rocking chair and fireplace? Everyone settled in forwhat turnedoutto bo atwelve-hourjoumey throughthehistory of this feat, and the brave leatherdyke realized she would need some help. From the shadows, emerged one of the brightestyoung leatlìer talents to come around on a long time. This is how Kyri and Schelli became pa¡tners in ,,TO I,OVE,'I'O OBEY, TO SERVETT - [\ 97232-1gstslilfl( INTERVIEW WITH VIOLA JOHNSON When they made Vi Johnson, did they break the mold? How did this artazirrg sadomasochist come into our NLA tribe? The unbelievable, but true, story is in Mystic Rose Book's new book, "To Inve, To Obey, To Seme." At the coaching of Molly Devon and the late Phil Miller (authors of "Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns'),Yi Johnson handed over her intimate dia¡ies of slave li[e. What was written for herself only as a journal of discovery now allows us a glimpse into the lifestyle some d¡eam of. It' s a fascinating, real-life tale of a sometimes harrowing nature, some of which took place before "safe, saûe, consensual" became our mainstay. If you already know Vi, and have thought her mysterious, this book will provide some answers but hint at more questions. If you don't know her, you will find a portrait of curiosity, courage, stamina, and steadfast love. The medium itself-the diary-is, in and of itself, a picture of the time in which the dia¡ist lived, such as the journals of Anais Nin and Andy V/arhol. As such it is a landma¡k publication. I askher aboutthe book and Vi tells me, "I must admit thatl really am delighted and justa bitshocked that it has had such a positive and moving reaction in people. There is no way that I can explain just how nervous I was when the book first came out. Iæts face it-it's pretty raw and emotional in places. I was writing it just for me." lVhen did you decide on this way of life? "In truth, I didn't really decide, It just sort of happened. I got into the Scene exploring Jill's fantasies. The role play and interactions with her heþd me get to know her better. The book can only touch on the complicated events that got the two of us together. Somewhere along the line I came to realize thatl was playing to meet a need thathgd grown inside of me.Itwas no longerthe intellectual curiousiry thathad originally gotten me involved, but something else... Something that, although I couldn't explain it, was as much a part of me as my need for food or ai¡." What would you do ovcr lf you had the chance? "In the perfect vision of 20/20 hindsight there a¡e some individual incidents that I would like to change, if only to see what the outcome might be. Yet to change even onc, might huvc takcn me to a different place than the one that I have come to. I am very happy with who I am and all that I have learned on this journcy cullcd lifc. Evcry day, every event, joyous or pahful, had taught me something and made me stronger for the lesson." community. Of cou¡se a break was taken to eat, what else but chicken. With full bellies, everyone returned to the dungeon to resume These letters became the call sign of mariy young people in the Washington area searching for others like them. This was not an easy PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR the dialogue. Vi read f¡om her latest book, To Love, To Obey, To Serve, her personal diary oflife as an old gua¡d slave. The audience was captivated and was eager to ask many questions. All of which, she eagerþ answered and also sta¡ted them of on thinking aboutwhatit was they broughtto this community. What role has the NLA playcd ln your llfc? "I wasn't a¡ound for the bcginnings ol'thc NLA, but I havc been a part of the group since its early days. I remember the struggles to incorporate SSCA joining. I still remember some of the byJaws meetings, andthe struggles by folks like Steve Maidoff, Guy Baldwin, and Rncc Bunnon to writc a Statcment Of Purpose that would be a living document for leather generatiors to come. Those principles were then, und still nrc, part of my lifc. I bclieve in what the NLA stands for." and SeattleÆortland into onc group, rnudc strong,cr by thc facilitating BR-TNG. \ühatis your hope lor thc rcadcrs ofthls book? The fnst meeting was held a¡rd 35 young leather folks showed up to attend the DC Gay and Iæsbian Film Fest. Meetings were held once a month, and it continued to grow. Soon it got bigger than just DC, and TES-TiNG was spawned. BR's sister group from NYC, The Eulenspiegel Society (TES) now had its very own young persons leather group. If you wonder at this point why clubs as large and ever growing as TES and BR needed a youth outreach program, then I ca¡r offer this explanation. The leather community and many clubs in paficula¡ a¡e beginning to gray. If no one is willing to make groups friendly and accessible to our kinþ youth, then who will carry on our traditions and the torch? TNG was there to are your future. ltll this void. We Kyri, Schelli and fellow TNGer Tyler were asked to come to San Francisco, Califomia-Fagdad, Sodom by the Bay, a¡rd do a In April 1999, workshop at læather Leadership Conference (LLC). They presented withDan and Carlos. The workshop was standingroom only. Many folks attending were concemed with the fact that their groups were begiruting to age and no young people were joining. It was a positive experience for the youth to present their side and for the elders to be heard as weII. We all listened to one another. Many great ideas were exchanged. We are in need of mentors and teachers and they were in need of an infusion of youth and ideas intheirorganizations. Kyri and Schelli offeredBR-TNG as a model to guide them in their outreach to youth. Page 20 We don'twantyou to thinkthatthis eventwas allleaming andnoplaying, we were, after all, young, kinky and in a fabulous dungeon! Some folks played and enjoyed the use of the great equipment. Others stood by and enjoyed watching, and yet others went upstairs with Vi where the talk to tumed to vampi¡es. She read fromher fustbook, Dhamphir: Child of the "I have a lot of hopes for those who read 'To Love, To Obey, To Seme.'First, I hope that those who read it will understand that this is a kind of history book, not a 'How To.' I hope that readers will understand that times were different when I came out. Organizations like the NLA were forrned partially to help alleviate the loneliness, and make us all feel a little safer as we sea¡ch for, and expresss! our unique Blood. It was getting close to sumise a¡rd the final [ttle one was pried away from Vi's feet. As good-byes were said, emails exchanged, and hugs abounded, a feeling of pride swelled in our little facilitator hearts. Kyri and I realized that we had done something wonderful here. We had brought two generations that much closer. Those so willing to leam and grow wereputin touchwith someonewho has becomeknownas alegend amongst her community. We were indebted to Vi for sharing her perspectives, ideas and dreams for our future with us. She told us all that ou¡ debt would be paid when we had done what she had. rile would be paid in fulI when we had sha¡ed what we knew with someone else. As a foot note, Kyri and Schelli are coming soon to a town and leather event near you, armed with a written model that outlines how to set up, organize and facilitate a TNG group in your club or town. Plans are already underway for Chickenstock 2k. Feel free to conüact them at Kyri @ br. org and Schelli @br.org. 6û 5k¡ff Street, Suite 166 HaR"lden, {T üð517 {ãs3}776-ûì s5 {&ss}858-s755 sexual individualify. I hope that those who pick it up who have also lived the life of a slave. or d¡eamed of livi-ng that life, will ¡ealize that they are not alone in their quest for an owner who will love and cherish them. Most of all, I hope that the readers will realize that we have all done some pretty crazy (in hindsight) things for love and for those whom we love. Each person's road may be different. But I have come to realize that the emotions we feel, while on the path we choose, are our coÍlmon and binding thread." m In addition to the diaries by Vi, the book includes a commenta¡y section by NlA:Atlanta' s Victoria Gayton. Mystic Rose Books can be reached by calling 1-203- 3354330. The publishing compatry's email is mystrose @palace.com. Jøn HøIl Page 21 li-k-ational Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155, 3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97232-195 This year the Fetish Flea outdid itself, bursting at the seams. For the first time ever, thete was a huge line outside that snaked a¡ound the corner evening. Libby and Mentor had thei¡ annual Sunday, (Ì'r'r.lr¡r Iirrr ¡rut together a Leather activist hrr¡nclr rrl lrcr ¡rllcc.. Jan Hall was invited to addrcss tl¡t' r'vcrrl. We were too exhausted to go, but wc lrc¡rrtl it wcntreally well. Jan's speech was wc I I rccc i vctl and everyone felt re-energizcd about NL¡\ national. We hea¡d Jan had a grcal time in Boston and we were certainly glltl sltc came! The Flea market is expanding itt sco¡x' this time it felt like a thrcc tlity t'vt'ttl. ()ttt post-flea hot tub and Chinese food party, where graæfuItiredflea attendees could rest their weary festivities did not end thcrc lìrr wt' wt'tr' llt'¡ttlt'rl off for four days on lltc t'tt¡r' \vtllt Mt\ltr'\\ and lasted all day. Cecelia Tan, the FFM bones and nourish up for rest of the evening festivities. Laliquc. There were several after parties to choose from. We had reserved at The Gallery, but one could have gone to Restraints, The Ramrod or a host of other private parties. We had stashed our toys at The Gallery the night before when Midori spoke, Srrrrrlrry wrllr prr'¡rl pre-crowd madness. The flea ma¡ket, for those of you who don't know is a bi-annual event hosted by NLA New England. Hundreds of kinky vendors get together at The Cyclorama in Boston for a day offetish vending like you've never seen before. This yeu over 2,200 people attended the Flea Market. SUMMER FUN IN NEJY ENGLAND BOSTON AT ITS BEST! by Abilina klitorial Note: This wonderful report came to me via Lolita - thanks! And, "Tha¡ks" to Abilina fo¡ writing about her 'summer funl' Robert and I packed our bags for a 10 day road lrip to New England in the middle of July. There was so much happening in Boston we could not slay away. organizer kept the doors ope.n an exfta hour so everyone had a chance demo. We wandered around for five hours or so, Lalking with friends, making a few purchases here and there. We even picked up a little something for Lolita, but we haven't told her yet. Oops! - I guess she knows now.... A lot of the national We had lots of help carrying up our 10 toybags to vendors were there like Purple Passion, Toy Bag, Wate¡ HoIe. but in addition a lot of local vendors It was a packed workshop with standing room onJy as we went through our various suspension demonstrations. There were plenty of eager volunteers to try out equipment and positions. We left one woman suspended the entire class in our cargo net. We wanted to sho,w people how to do suspension with very little equipment and space. And of course we're the bondage missionaries...:) Afterwards about 30 of us went out for Sushi and kept the festivities going for the evenhg. The following night we went to Midori's talk, presented by New England NLA. She talked about body worship and fetish worship and had several props with her to accentuate her talk. It was a very cozy setting, held at the Gallery, and a VERY ambitious thing for NE NLA the night before their mammoth Fetish Flea Ma¡ket. We were delighted to see Jan Hall there, from NLA National- I don't remember the last time she was in Boston. She drove 13 hours straisht to be there fo¡ this weekend. Saturday was the big day and finally after 13 Fetish Flea ma¡kets, we have learned how to pace ourselves. Go to bed early the night before. Take a cab to the Flea, don't even attempt to drive. Dress comfortably, saveyour hot fetish for the with lots of talent. Dragon outdid himself with his new line of corsets and Black Lab contilues to make outstanding leather creations. The ki¡ky craftspeople in New England a¡e first class. When we left at 5:00, there was still a huge line outside. Amazing! We showered, napped and got dressed for the second and thi¡d parts ofthe so it was wonderful to stroll into the party without lugging everything up 3 flights of stairs. Sometimes I wonder what sex wouldbe like if we only had to carry a condom. We had planned our scene in advance so we scurried for the equipment we wanted. 140 people were expected for the evening, so Danny had rented extra space. Dragon helped out with extra equipment and the place looked fantastic. We wanted to do an err...suspension scene, but one a little more involved than the ones at the class. "Ready for Summer Fun" vet wrap. He then buckled seve¡al wide black leather straps around be putting me in a tight hog-tie, with my legs and arms bent way back. He hung white ropes from the black straps to a ba¡ overhead. When this was all done he removed the bench I was laying on and I floated gracefully in the ai¡. Oh yes, and he had inse¡ted a large vibrator before wrapping me up so I was eventually allowed to have a large orgasm. I understand they had to unplug the extension cord to the air-conditioner fo¡ me to have my orgasm. My apologies to everyone suffering in the 90 degree heat. ltnt¡¡t' ott lx'¡ttltllttl placc slrt'lt¡rr llr'r rltttt¡1r'ltt n rttlrlrrttrltttl,l, No tlrcaty lrrtsttttlttl lrt lr{'t, lrtrlr'rtl rt lrtlrttlottr liFltl ¡t and liry tolrtt tvillt r¡tlltltlt¡tl r'r'tlltt¡r. 'ittttl skyligltts ¡rrv¡rtllrl r¡r llr'¡ lr¡tr kptottttrl ttt rlt'si¡tt was cvitlcnl (\'r'r \'\\'lrlrr'. \\'lllr ltllh' lottt'ltt's ol elegancc irttrl ',il1rltlrlh rtllillt Siltrtll lr)y\ w('tr displayctl itt irtt rrtrllr¡ttr'Iutln rrrl)lr('1, ¡t'rl rilk draped thc lrut L¡rtiltttrrl ill ltr't lr'l lrlIt k S¡t¡ttl Andrews (Ìosr Srrlrrr rurrl r lrrrlrl llt tt't ltIiltll, antique truttkr ¡tttrl rrr r r',¡ìilt h'r r'\'r't Vrvltr'tr'. Robe¡t was ilt ltr'¡tr','tt l¡,' rh¡'¡ llrr' rt ¡rrtrrtl Scott also did a very cool suspension scene with duct tape and a metal frame on his bottom. He hooked up this internal cooling system on her, with water running through a hose that went down her spine and exited right by her pussy. Very, very cool to watch. Gawd - we were having such a good time and we had only been here three We got to the Flea a little bit before it opened to schmooze with friends and take advantage of the daYsl ...continued next page lrirrslorl lltis t¡rw ¡riccc of leather into a lrt. It must have been hot for lhc ruh llrc¡c lo wllclì thc very whip made that nrir¡lrr iI it't' rrl wor k ol rvrrr l¡rtt'r r¡sctl r¡n hcr body. We didn't see that \r'r'n(' hrc¡r,¡sc wc wcre downstairs playing, but w(' \utc t'rrotrgh hcard the screams. 'l lrt'rc was also another hot scene there that night I lrld ncvcr sccn before - a a scrotal infusion. Sissy hrd actually had this done to herbefore, I'd sccn ¡rictures, so I knew what to expect. The man llrc lrosts did this to was amazing in his own right lrc h¿ul t¡vcr 80 piercings - 50 of them in his gcnituls! With the scrotal infusion, an IV of sirlirrc is inserted into the scrotal sac. andoverthe corrrsc of an hour or two, the testicle sac expands Io thc sizc ol'large grapefruits. I am told this lasts lor l tlay or two and eventually the scrotal sac rcturns to normal. I was just surprised with all tlrrrsc picrcings he didn't leak! ¡tlity Wc said our emotional good-byes that night to l,irlit¡uc and Sissy and continued with our Theyardis pri\,¡rll rrtrl ¡r'tlr'r I llt ¡rottt, ¡rlrtv Sltr' has two potty ( ¡ttlr, rt Irtrlrh¡ l, \\'llr'lr' \rllll(' humanponics lt¡t\'r'llrt\r,l l,,t ,,\,'t ¡t \r'r't'h My favorite featrrrc rv¡rr llr¡' lr¡rl lttlr I ltr lttt¡rr'r'ltlrlt' ¡ulvcnturcs. We spent Thursday with Roxanne rrnrl Scott, as their guests for some kilky waterskiing. Actually, it was a vanilla outing, but half llrc lìrlks there were scene friends. It was fun sccirrg cvcryone in thei¡ vanillapersona, all ofus with or¡r sccret smiles about our connection. llry, lct nre tell you, Lady J can ski! She was irrrrlzing - lots of hidden talents in our kinþ outstanding Sisry l\l¡rlrl can I say aboul llrr' rr\lrl lrr rrr rrll Wllitl r{'\l fourdays, cx('clll lllrrl \\'r lrr'\r'r I rllllt'lrI llrl ¡lll, Lord, that gitl t'rtrr ¡rlrtlr llrr' lltt¡'r' rrl ttr ll¡¡tl incfedible crlcl llì, ¡rlrl \\ I' llî rl rlt ltlllt lt t tl ll ¡tr tvr' could find. Wrtlr \tr,,t rr r ¡r',lrrrrrll\' lltto¡r'¡¡¡¡' some food itl lltr' rlttttl,,', rtt, IltIt f tt ¡t', llr r |('¡lloll lt I stop. One highli¡ltt ol llrr tt',ll \r'¡n ottt ltt¡r lo lltc beach whcrt' ttc lrrr¡ lr'rl l{olrltl ¡¡lttr' Wr' lrlok Laliquc's h()¡rl ilil1 lrr r¡ ¡'¡ ¡t rrlr' l',1¡rttrl, tvillt itll (ltll implentcttlr ol rh'rlrttr llltr Wr' lrrtrl l{rrlrt'rl tli¡¡ hiS own 8r¡t\'r'¡[rrl llt¡'¡t rvr'\¡rl¡rlr wlirl)llc(l llilll frorn rtcck lo lll Wr'¡rttl rtttlltt'rrlott'rltlttcl ltt¡^-tl ovcr lhirl ¡rtrl Ilrr'tr rr rulrlrr'r lroorl willt ir lrtcittltittg Yltt ttr'r'r't lrtrrrv rvlutl yorr'll l'irttl ht:¡rt'lrt'o¡rrlrrrft l lrlrr rvr' lotvr'tctl lri¡u irrlo ltis 97232-195-lilfl{ early because tomorrow was a big day. Besides Robert had been wearing his hamess for several hours. I took him back to the hotel for some htense CBT. Luckily, I had a gag. Itirrr space. tubc. Ik' llrrlr'rl ltlr' \rnr(' ('xoli(' ltttoy lrottt That one scene wiped us out, it was long and intense, so we spent the ¡est of the evening enjoying other scenes and talking with friends. Fnizer was hungry to play so I hooked him up with our lovely Lilly and enjoyed watching them play for an hour or so. afterparties. Page22 ('lrl r'\r tlr'lrr'rl Wlr¡rl Sissy was lhcrr'¡r\ rrlll, lrr ¡ttlvltlt'ltt't We had done this scene once before, so we were pretty sure I woukl survive. Robert hooded me and then wrapped me from head to toe in white private play prrty.'l'hc highlight ol-this party was that Joc Whcclcr wus lhcrc tkring a whip making demo - wh¡rl u trc¡rl! Wc got to see him make a whip llorrr se r llclr it was nlcsrnerizing to watch Saturday was the annual BDS picnic. It was lots of fun with great friends and food and activities. We had our own private pavilion so we could do some kinky things. Questioner got tied up with the tug of war rope. We dragged out our pussy harness and cargo net and suspended folks from the rafters Wc it¡tivt'rl rtl I rtlir¡ttr"r ('rt¡x' to get in. This will probably be thei¡ last time at The Cyclorama they need MUCH bigger space. In addition, Boston Dungeon Society does demos all day long at the Flea which a¡e widely attended. This year there were topics ranging from electric play, basic impact, bondage and more. Mistress Lalique dazzled us with her pony demo and Boomer kept us entranced with his Single-Tail We arrived on July 22rld. to do a workshop on Suspension for The Boston Dungeon Society. the class room at Inner Explorations. Hey- when you drive, you can take as much as you want... Nntlonnl Leather Association: lnternational, PMB #155,3439 N.E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR ( otil tìì un l ty. lrr itlrry was the kickoff for the BDS picnic wtrckcntl. I ticd upRobertnice and tightin abody h¡rrncss with his cock pulled way back and we wcnt to tlrc KCP - Kinky Cocktail Party. No play, jrrst krts ol' l'ctish and socializing. We showed wctltling ¡rictures, and kinky pictures all a¡ound of the pavilion. We had lots of excellent technical help, so mostly we just sat back and enjoyed. Saturday night was the BDS picnic play parfy at The Gallery. This was becoming our home away from home. This time it was Robert's turn to sub. I managed to suspend the M¡.S. sleepsack from Danny's web chain with Robert in it. It looked sooooo hot. The flogging crowd was a bit bewildered though, I had taken up the prime flogging spot with my Bondage scene. I tried not to be too greedy and eventually let him down. Then we went in the smaller play room for a two person suspension scene. We suspended Lilly upside down and tied her hands to a rope leading to Robert's cock, while he was bound on the floor. Then we cranked her up high, delighting in Robert's moans and groans, mixed Lilly's delicious It in with noises. was with great sadness that we left Sarurday night, because we knew our New England adventure was coming to an end the nextday. But we had had 10 kinky days in arow, truly enjoying the best of Boston and envi¡ons. From the Berkshires, to Cape Cod, we savored all the delicacies that New England had to offer. And of to Maryland Dungeon counfy, where furthe¡ erotic encounters awaited our arrival. course, we were heading back lìrl cvcryonc. We were good doobies and left ...Abìlina THE LINK October, 1999 Published by The National Leather Association - artolltr'r ¡rlirttr'l lnternational. ¡¡titvt' ;ttttl t ot't'tt'rl ltttn rr'¡llt r¡¡tttl, rvtllt ttolltittg llrrt ir llil ol llrt'r¡t¡rrlr rtlrl lrtr'rrlltttr¡.1 trrlx'rtickirl¡l t¡ul. Wc ltxrk trrrrs lrryrrr¡t orr ltrttt, lx'ttt¡t lr¡tllrirrF bcautics, Wc porr[crl wirl('r 0\,('r llrt'r¡rttrl lll ilr¡tht' Original non-fiction articles in The LINK, unless otherwise stated, may be reprinted by non-profit organizations, provided full credit is given to the author, NLA-1, and The LINK. Original fiction, it heavier. decoratctl llilr witll photographs and artwork remains the property of the author/owner, and may not be reprinted without oermtsston. lrt'¡rt lr ¡rtl iurrl carefully controlledhis brcathirrg. Wc tor¡ltl lrr'¡rr faint moans coming from the hot¡cl. Wc lirrllly needed to let him out because the boirt wirs in danger ol'being beached with the outgoing titlc. He was wipcrl when we let him out and reportcd it was vcry, vcry intense. On Wctlrrcstlly, thc last night of our visit we all drove 3 l/2 lror¡r's oul. to the Berkshi¡es to a small Letters and/or ariicles for The LINK can be sent to: LINK Editor, PMB #155, 3439 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR 97232-1 959. Advertising rates available on request. For a promot¡onal opportunity in LINK, see page 24. Page 23