Soil Block Home Construction - Universal Design Consortium
Soil Block Home Construction - Universal Design Consortium
Soil Block Home Construction BTEC SustainableBuildings III Conference SantaFe, New Mexico OctoberI7-I8,200I CharlesW. Graham,Ph.D.,AIA, and RichardBurt, Ph.D,MCIOB.I Abstract Affordable housingis neededin almostevery country of the world. In the United States, the needfor affordablehousingis especiallycritical in the Coloniasalongthe TexasMexico border. Among the many altemativesavailablefor low-cost housingproduction in areaslike the Colonias,compressedsoil block and straw bale consfuction are two altemativesbeing studiedfor their suitability. A researchproject involving a review of the literatureon soil block home constuction, comparisonof compressedsoil block machines,and analysisof proceduresfor constructingcode-complianthousingwas completed. The most common field testprocedurefor soils, thejar or sedimentationtes! was studiedto seehow much variancetherewas betweentests. Six samplesof the same soil were testedten times to measurethe amountofvariance betweenthe samples. The findings were that fte jar testsgaveacceptableresultsif the analystfollowed standard practices. This paperpresentsa summaryof the major categoriesof earthhome constuction, a review of soil block making machines,and concludeswith a summaryof the findings of the soil testprocedures. Introduction Affordable housingis neededin almostevery county of the world. kr the United States, the needfor affordablehousingis especiallycritical in the Coloniasalongthe TexasMexico border. Residentsin the Coloniasneighborhoodsmake an averagehousehold incomeof only about$11,000annually(Salinas1988). Studieshavealsoshownthat Coloniasresidentslike to build their own homesto savemoney. At least60% of the 300,000residentswho live in approximately1,500communitiesalong the Texas-Mexico border provide sweatequity through their own labor and use scavengedrecycled,and low-cost materialsto eitherbuild their homesentirely, or add major additionsonto them to savecosts(Roach 1993;Ward and Macoloo t992). ' CharlesGraham is an architect and the Mitchell EndowedProfessorof Housing Researchin the Departmentof Construction Scienceat Texas A&M University. Richard Burt is an Assistant Professorin the Department of Construction Scienceat Texas A&M University. Before coming to the United States from England,Dr. Burt was a CharteredBuilding Surveyor. Dr. Grahamcan be reachedat Dept. of ConstructionScience,College of Architecture, College Station,Texas77843-3137,979-U5-0216(phone), (email). Dr. Burt can be reachedat Dept. of Construction Science,College (phone), ofArchitecture, College Station,Texas77843-3137,979-U5-0994 (email). Among the many altemativesavailablefor low-costhousingproductionin areaslike the Colonias,compressedsoil block and staw bale constuction are currently being studied for their suitability. Coloniasresidentsare often from Mexico and otherLatin American counfriesand so they readily identify with most forms of concreteor masonry constuctiorl which is popularin thesecounties. Many have alsohad experiencewith adobebricks and rammedearthconstruction,but they view them asbeing inferior to manufacturedmasonryunits suchas fired clay bricks and concreteblocks. Few, however,have actually seencompressedsoil blocks usedin code-complianthome constuction. The trend in Texasis for housingmadeof compressedsoil block to be usedfor higher incomehome owners,but studiesareunderwayto determinethe efficacy of using compressedsoil blocks in home constuction for low-incomepeople. Demonstation projects around the world have shownthat this approachis feasible. Preliminary studies by architects,engineers,anthropologists,sociologies,and public policy expertshave found that compressedsoil blocks for the constuction of walls are affordable,the materialsarereadily available,and when homesaredesignedproperly,residentswill acceptthem. What is needed,however,are demonstation projectsin the Coloniasalong the Texas-Mexico border to show the residentsthere how to build atftactive,codecomplianthousingtltat will allow the homeownersto contibute their time and resources in the selflassistedhousingconstuction approachesthat they are familiar wittr. This paperreviews the various methodsof earthenconstuction, discussescompressedsoil block constuction techniques,and reportsthe findingsof a study in which a simple field test for the compositionof the soil from which the blocla aremadewas evaluatedfor its accuracy. Earth Construction Techniques Houbain (1994) identified threeways in which unbakedearthis usedas a building material: o Unbakedearttrin monolithic load-bearingform; o Unbakedearthin the form of load-bearingmasonry;and, o Unbakedearthin conjunctionwith a load-bearingstucture. Cob walling, suchas usedin England,is an exampleofunbaked earthusedin monolithic load-bearingform. Figure 1 showsexamplesof cob wall constuction in England. Another monolithic load-bearingform of earthconstuction is rammedearth. This is one of the oldest methods,dating back to the medievalages. Figure 2 showsrammedearttr constructionin Arizona. Figure 3 showshow unbakedearthis formed to createa monolithicload-bearinewa[. Figure1. CobWallingConstruction in England Figure2. RammedEarthConsffuction Aiznm @hotocourtesyof RammedEarttr Development Inc. at http//www.rammedearth. com/) Figure 3. Building a Cob Wall Unbaked earthmay also be formedinto masonryurie suchasbricks or blocks using varioustechniques.A taditional methodusedin the SouthwestUnited Statesis adobe. Adobe bricks are often hand formed in molds and dried in the sun. They areplentifi.rl, they are inexpensive,ard when usedproperly, they can yield good resultsfor home consftuctionbecauseof the durabilrtyin serviceand flexibility in supportof different home designs. Figures4 and5 show examplesof adobeconsffuction. Figure 4. Adobe Chwch in New Mexico Figure5. AdobeHouseinFort Davis, Texas Anotherapproach to houseconstuctionusingearthenmaterialsis in conjunctionwith a supportstucture.Wattleanddaubis anexampleof ttrisform. A slightlyhigherlevelof sophistication to theconstuctionprocessis requiredbecause theearthenmaterialsmust be incorporated with carefullyplacedwoodenmembersto createthewallsfor stuctures. Oneof thebenefitsof thistypeof constuction,however,is thatthinnerwallsare possible,therebytakingup lessfloor space.Figures6 and7showexamplesof wattleand daubconstuction. Figure6. WattleandDaubWall Construction Figure7. WattleandDaubWall Construction Compressed Soil Block Construction In contemporary timesmachines havemadeit possibleto producehigherquatlfybricks or blocksusingsoil asthebasicingredient.Sundried,uncompressed adobebrickscanbe improvedgeatly by,compressing thesoilto higherdensities.In manycases,compressed soilblockscomeout of themachinereadyto lay in thewallsin their"green"condition, withoutadditionaldryingor baking.Thisis because thesoil is compressed to veryhigh densities.Further,themachinesusedto compress thesoilblocksarecapableof making manybricksin a shortperiodof timethatareruriformin density,shapeandoverall dimensions.Machinesin usetodayincludebottrmanuallyoperafed andmechanically methodsto compress thesoil intobricks. Oneof themajorlimitationsof the operated is ttrattheyareslowandoneis limitedin howmuchforcecanbe nranualmachines apphedto thebricks. Figures8 and9 showexamples of two manuallyoperated machines. Figure8. CinvaRamManualMachine Figure9. AuramPressManuallvlachine Addinga hydraulicramto compress thesoil andautomated conveyorsto deliverbricks from themachineto thework areaprovidesa highlevelof productioncapacityand quahtyto theprocess.As manyas300-320bricla per hourcanbe producedfrom these machines.Compressed soilbricksmayhavecompression stengthsof 1,200-1,400 p.s.i.,suitablefor load-bearing constuctionundertheright conditions.As noted previously,bricksfromttresemachines areconsistent in stengthanddimensiorq aslong procedures arefollowedfor qualitycontol (e.g.soil mixeshaveto havethe asstandard correctamountof clayandsan{ moisturehasto beverycloseto beingthesamein all unitsproduce4andhandlingandplacement techniques haveto bllow accepted procedures).TheAdvancedEarthenConstuctionTechnologies (AECT)machines, producedin SanAntonio,Texas,aregoodexamples of qualitymechanically operated machines.Thesemachinesareavailablein threedifferentsizes:theImpact2001Series, the3000Series,andthe4000Series. Figurel0 showstheImpact2001Seriesmachine.It is a small,tailer-mountedmachine thatcomeswith eithera 6.5h.p.gasolineor 7.0h.p.dieselengine,andeithermanually operated mold. Thismachinecanproduce230- 300 operatedmold or automatically blocksperhourin a varietyof dimensions.For example , 2 ll2 " - 4" (5.0cm - 4.5 cm) thiclg5.5" (14 cm) wide,and12" (30.5cm) longarecommon.Eachblockweights between9-18pounds(4.1Kg to 8.1Kg) depending onthesoilandblockthickness. Blocksarebondedtogetherusingthewet thin soil slurryor otherconventional methods. Thesoil slurryis madewith waterandscreened soil.Blockscanalsobeplacedin the wall usingthetaditionalthickmudmortarmethod. TheImpact2001Seriesmachineusesa widevarietyof soilswith prepared naturalsoil in therangeof 4-12percentTypically,themachinerequiressoilwith a moistures combinedclay (15-20percent)andsilt (powder)contentof approximately 25-40percent (by volnrne),anda sharpsandcontentof approximately 40-70percent(by volume).The machinedoesnot requireanyaggegateGock) to makea strongsoil blockfor most Theblock compressive applications. stengthsrangefrom 600p.s.i.(42Kglcrr2) to 1,200 p.s.i.(70 Kglcrrf) dependingon thesoil.A forceof approximately 72, usedto produceblockswith 1,091p.s.i.compressive stengthon 5.5in. x 12in. x 2.0-4.5in. placedon theblockduringblockproduction at lesspressure block This machineoperates andthrs it canwork acrossa wettersoilrangethanthelargerAECT machines. Thenexthigherproductioncapacityis providedby the3000Seriesmachine.It hasa dieselengneanda largeenoughhopperto holdsoil for dozensof blocksto beproduced at a time. Thismachineis capableof producing300blocksperhourandis suitablefor themediumapacity contactor.An exampleof thismachineis shownin Figure11. Figure12givesanexampleofthe largestmachine availablefrom AECT,the5000Series. Thismachinehasa four cylinderdieselengneandanevenlargerhopperfor soil storage. It utilizesa tumtablettnt hasfourmoldsin it Eachtimethemachinemakesa compressed soil block,thetumtablerotates90". In thefirst stagethe soilsaredropped into themold"in thesecondstagethesoil is compressdin thethird stagethebrick is raisedup outof themol4 andin thefourthstagethebricksexit ontotheconveyor. Bricls comeout of themachineat therateof approximately 800bricksperhorn. Up to 230,000lbs.of force/pressure is appliedto thesoilto producebricksof 1,643p.s.i. compressive stengthon 10'kl4" block Themanufacturer claimsthatit takessix or sevenworkersto keepup with themachinewhenremovingbricksandstackingthemnear the work areas. Figrre 10. AECT Impact2001Compressed Soil BlockMachine @hotocourtesyof AECT at h@:// Figure11. AECT3000Series Compressed Soil Block Machine (Photocourtesyof AECT at h@://www.webspace4me.neV-fwehman) Figure11. AECT 5000SeriesCompressed Soil BlockMachine (Photocourtesyof AECT at htp // Oualitv Control productioncapacityof themachines, To achievemrudmum whethermanuallyor mechanically operated, theusermustfollow certainprocedwesthathavebeendeveloped fromhistoricalexperience andernpiricalanalysis.Essentially, therearetwo basicareas of qualitycontrol: suitabilityof soil,andsuihbilityofmasonryunis. Suiubilityof Soil A reviewof theliteraturefoundthattherearethreecharacteristics thatgreatlyaffect suitabilityof soil. Theseincludethecomposition ofthe soil,themoisturecontentof the sorl,andtheplasticrtyof thesoil. An idealsoilwouldbecomposed of soilwith a (15-20 (powder) percent)andsilt combinedclay contentof approximately 25-40percent (by volume),anda sharpsandcontentof approximately 40-70percent(by volume).The (rocla)to makea stong soilblockfor mechanical machinesdo not requireanyaggregatn t/i' however,fine aggregates mostapplications, up to diarreterandnot morethan5-10 percentof thevolumearesometimes allowed. Soilmoisturecontentcanftmgefrom4-l2o/oby weight depending uponthesoilmix (e.g. sandandclaypercentages). As notedpreviously,theImpact2001Seriesmachineby AECT c:n useslightlywettersoilsthanthelargermachines.Theplasticityof thesoilis pnrnarilya fi.nctionof theclay. Thehighertheplasticityindexof thesoilthegreaterits shrinkandswellcharacteristics at differentmoisturecontents.Moremoisturecauses the theclayto shrink Claywith plasticity clayto expandovertime,anddryingcauses indexesof up to 25 or 30wouldbe acceptable for mostapplications.Theplasticityindex of themixedsoil,includingclay,silt,andsand/gravel, shouldnot exceed12-15(the differencebetweentheUpperandLowerAtterburgLimits,asdetermined by laboratory goal testing).Theconstuctor's is to useminimummoisturein a mixtureof clay,silt and thathasa plasticityindexshownthroughhistoricaluseof thesoilsto produce sand/gravel blocksthatcanbe laidin thewallswithoutunduedryrngtimes. Excellentreferences for theseprocedures maybe foundin McHenry(1984),Easton(1996),andMinke (2000). Suitabilityof MasonryUnits Oncea suitablesoilmixturedesignandoptimalmoisturecontentaredefined,blocksmay be produced.However,theirsuitabilityfor consftrctionmustbe examined carefully, procedures onceagainfollowingestablished for analysis.Thebuildingcodes(e.g.see theNew MexicoAdobeandRammedEarthBuildingCode,at requirethatthemodulusof rupture, compressive stength,andabsorption rateof thebrickcomplywith at leastminimum standards.Thesewill not be discussed in greatdetailhere,but anotherexcellentexample is Boulder,Colorado'sAltemativeBuildingMaterialsCode, ofthe coderequirements whichcanbefoundat Chapter97, EarthenMasonryUnits,givestherequirements for code-compliant earttrenconstuction. Test Jaror Sedimentation reviewof theliteratureconducted An extensive by ttreauthorsfoundthatoneof themost for soilmix designis thejar or sedimentation commonqualitycontol procedures test (sometimes alsoreferredto astheshakerjar test). Thisis oneof themostcommontests foundin theliteranreon earthbuilding. Thistestmeasures theproportions of clay,silt, andsand/gravel. Thejar testconsistsof the followingsteps: jar up to 1/3of ib volumewith dry soil; Fillinga quartcanning Addingcleanwaterup thesecond-third of thejar's height; Addinga pinchof saltto thewater; Mixing thesoil,waterandsaltwith a paddleor otherdevice; Wittr ttrelid onttrejar, shakingthejar vigorouslyuntil thesoilparticlesarein suspension; 6. Lettingthejar sit for onehour; 7. Again,with fte lid onthejar, shakingit vigorously,andallowingit to sit for oneminute; 8. After oneminute,madcingtheheightofthe finegravelandsand"whichwill readilysettleto thebottomofthejar, asTl; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. After 30 minutes,adda secondmaft to thepointwherethefine gravel,sand andsilt havesettledout of thewater,asT2; 10.After another24 hours,addinga markat thehighestlevelof thefinegravel, sand,silt, andclay,just wherethewaterandsoil contentshaveseparated visually,asT3; and" I l. Calculating ttrepercentages of theingredienbof thesoilby followingttre equations whereT1 : depthof sandT3-T2: depthof clay,T2-Tl: depthof silt andwhereeachdepthis dividedby T3 andthenmultipliedby 100. Reliabilityof JarTests Statistical An analysisof ttrestatistical reliabilityof drejar testfoundthatit is reliableif oertain procedures arefollowed. To studythereliabilityof thejar test,six samplesof soilswere tested10timesin a laboratorysetting.Thegoalwasto comparetheresultsof the measurernents recordedwith eachotherto seehowmuchvariancetherewasbetweenthe readings.Thesamplereadingswererecordedindependentb by two graduatestudents wittr civil engineering undergraduate degrees in theDepartrnent of Construction Science at TexasA&M Universityoverthe swnmerof 2001. Figure12showsttrejar afterthe soilhasfinallvsettled Figure12. Jaror Sedimentation TestPerformedat Texas A&M Universiw -lar 'l sitf Sand Jar 2 Clav Sand sitr Clav Mean 44.0 24.8 31.1Mean 40.9 17.9 41.2 StDev 3 6 270 //-2n. 399 443 386 26 195 163 214 1?9 422 403 429 Vin 3 StDev 33 1 qst tel 29 1 q s t e l 3 4 4 Max 264 Min 1 7 41 q Mav 1 6 450 430 47r| 5 7 R 6 37 160 Clav 344 q 5 lt c l cst cl Ranoe Jar t 5 0 Sand Mean 456 StDev 95tJCl 951Cl 1 : 465 448 Mar 47R Min 439 3 9 Ranoe Jar 5 Mean SlDev 95UCl 95LCl Max Min Rannc Sand 431 2n 443 418 47 1 408 6 3 ??6 30n 190 110 sitf 229 5 261 197 303 143 160 sih 249 3 F 272 226 333 21A 11q. 8r Clav Ranne -lar A silr Sand 1 5 3ql 3 1 q [\.,lcan 495 4 F : StDev 348 95tlcl 2 9 0 qst cl 51 4 179 ?52 477 142 336 3 R 6 [\rlav 24 Min 3.C 543 451 -lar 6 3 2 0 Mean ? 3 StDev 3 4 1 95UCl 3 0 0 9 5 1C l 35'2 Mav ) 4 6 Min 1 n 6 Ranoe 1.2 2 6 21 1 1 1 7 9A sitf 25 3 3 47.5 27.2 30.7 443 5,n,7 231 275 42A 323 224 8 : 9 9 31 8 246 7 t 1 4 3 Ranoe Clav 3.0 I Sand 45 9 364 324 A O Clav 291 ? F Table 1. StatisticalResultsof Jar or SedimentationTest Table 1 showsthe resultsof the testson the six jan. The resultsshow that thereis some variation betweenthe resultsrecordedfor eachjar. The silt result for Jar 3 is of particular interestas the minimum value was I4.3% andthe maximum value was 30.30 , a ftmgeof 16%. This would appearto indicate a largeamountof variation for ttris test. However, the rangebetweenthe upper and lower 95% confidenceintervalsis only 6.40/o,suggesting that ttris testhasgreaterprecisionif more testsare carriedout. This experimentonly evaluatedthe variancewithin eachsampleand did not t€stthe soil compositionagainst other methodsof testing. The next phasein this researchis to comparethe accuracyof thejar testwith a laboratorymethodfor soil analysis,suchasparticle size analysisby sedimentation/sieving. The New Mexico Adobe and RammedEarth Building Code statesthat "Each of the tests prescribedin the code shall be appliedto sampleunits selectedat random at a ratio of 5 units/25,000bricks to be usedor at the discretionof the building official" (http://www.earthbuildine.corn/nm-adobe-code.htnl). This test is to establishthe jar produced. suitability of the blocks The testwill help to make surethat a good soil mixf,re, with a high probability of meetingthe finish block requirements,canbe produced. The experimentwith thejar test indicatesthat the more samplesone tests,the closerone will get tci finding an accurat€representationof the soil being used. The authorswould recommendthat at least5 randomsoil samplesfrom variouslocationsin 10 the mixed batch of soil, as it would go into the hopperof the machine,shouldbe tested. More sampleswould be better,but 5 shouldbe the minimum. Following the code requirementto test brick samplesat a ratio of 5 uni*/25,000 bricks, one would then samplethe soil at a minimum of 5 locationsin the samequantityof soil necessaryto produce25,000bricks. Again, theseareminimum requirementsfor soils analysis. Other testssuchas plasticity, sieveanalysis,drop test moisturecontentand slump needto be incorporatedinto the processof determiningthe suitability of the soil for making codecompliantbricks. Recommendations for Future Research. The quality conffol of soil block manufacnreis a fruitfrrl areafor research.Researchat TexasA&M University will be focusedinitially on the urccuftrcy andreliability of field testsfor the compositionof the soil usedin the manufactureof the soil blocks. Future researchwill also focus on the soil block units themselves.The New Mexico Adobe and RammedEarth Building Code requiresan averagecompressivestength of 300 pounds per sqwre inch and a modulus of rupture of 50 poundsper squareinch for compressed soil block units. Researchwill be conductedto identiff the compositionof soils in Texas that will produceblocks to meettheserequirements.The researchwill alsoinvestigateif the compressivestength or modulus of ruphre of the compressedsoil blocks can be predictedby a nurnberof independentvariablessuchas the compositionof the soil. References Easton,David. 1996.The RammedEarttrHouse. White River Junction,Vermont Chelsea GreenPublishing. Houben,Hugo. (1994)Earthen Architecture and Modernity. Proceedingsof the 'Out of Earth'Conference 1994,Cente for EarthenArchitecture,University of Plymouth, England. Roach,Katherine. 1993. "Investigation of ColoniasResidents'Potentialfor Self-Help Housing Consfuction" (unpublishedthesis). Deparffnentof ConstructionScience,TexasA&M University. McHenry, Paul Graham. 1984. Adobe and RammedEarlh Buildines. New York JohnWiley & Sons. Minke, Gemot. 2000. Earth ConstructionHandbook.Southampton,U.K.: WIT Press. Salinas,E. (1988). The ColoniasFactbook A survevof livine conditionsin rural areasof South Texas and West TexasBorder Counties. Surveyforthe TexasDepartrnentof Human Services.Austin, Texas:Office of Stategic ManagementResearch,and Development.June. Ward, Peter;and Macoloo, G. Chris. 1992."Articulation Theory and Self-Help Housing Practicesin the 1990s." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research(March), vol.16,no.1. 11
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