March 2010 - Entertainment News NW
March 2010 - Entertainment News NW
Call now to advertise in Entertainment News NW • 815-6286 Welcome to Entertainment News NW! Please call 360.815.6286 or email to receive a rate sheet. 1 A D V E R T I S E R S ’ I N D E X – T H A N K Y O U ! 12th Street Shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Diamond Antiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Skagit Symphony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Anacortes School District . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Skagit Valley Casino Resort . . . .back cover Apple Yarns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Flats Wine & Tapas Bar . .inside front cover Skylark’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Artwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Garden Spot Nursery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Star Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . .inside back cover B.C. Gem & Mineral Show . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Good Earth Pottery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Studio UFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Bayside Vein & Laser Center . . . . . . . . . .29 Jazz Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Taylor Shellfish Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Beauty in the Bead Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Lithtex NW . . . . . . . . . . . .inside front cover Tin Hut Concerts: The Wailin’ Jennys . . .30 Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism . . .12 McIntyre Hall Performing Arts Center .1, 16 Tivoli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Boundary Bay Brewery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 META Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 UNCLAD 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Bruton and Schellberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Mount Baker Theatre . . . .inside front cover Unique West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Chrysalis Inn & Spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Nimbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Village Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Chuckanut Bay Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Linda Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 WCC Promotions Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Conway Muse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Old Fairhaven Association . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Whatcom Chorale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Covet Boutique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Pickford Film Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Whatcom Symphony Creative Dancewear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Renaissance Celebration . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Dakota Art Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Skagit County Historical Dance Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Orchestra . . . . . . . . . . .inside back cover Wool Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Museum . . . . . . . . . . . .inside back cover YES Massages (Eileen Gribble) . . . . . . . .19 MARCH 2010 Volume 7 Number 2 P.O. Box 2606 • Bellingham, WA 98227-2606 360.815.6286 • email: • The ENNW Publishing Team Mark Fuller • 676.0428 • Barb Fuller • 676.0428 • Dorothy Tjoelker-Worthen • 815.6286 • Carey Worthen • 815.6286 Gladys Crnich • 656.6577 • Randal Parker • 708.2644 • Circulation ENNW prints 10,000 copies & distributes to over 200 sites in Whatcom and Skagit Counties.For a current list of distribution sites go to Deadlines We request Press Releases, Photos and Calendar Items by the 10th of the month before its release (March 10th for April issue). Send an email if you would like to be on our monthly reminder list. PR, Calendar & Photos Please keep Press Releases to 60-100 words per item. Shorter press releases receive priority in placement. Calendar items include: name of the event and/or performer, the venue, time, cost, phone or email or website. They will be crossreferenced with press releases when possible. Digital photographs or artwork are welcome. Please provide digital photographs or artwork at least 3x3 inches, in color if you have it, and 300dpi in high quality jpg format. Submission Guidelines Article ideas are encouraged with a sample of your writing style. You will be given credit and a bio line, but at this time we are unable to pay for articles. If we accept your proposal, please plan on writing 350–700 words. Advertising We would like to encourage you to consider advertising with us. We feel we offer a great value for your hard earned advertising dollars. Due to the quality, ENNW is not in the recycle bin in a day or two. Many readers report they hold onto it all month long, resulting in better value. If you would like a rate sheet, please call or email to request one. Your advertising will make it possible for us to continue. Copyright & Pub Info ©2010 Entertainment News NW. Reproduction of contents in any format is forbidden without written permission from ENNW. ENNW is only responsible for ad cost in the event of an error. Every effort has been made to gather accurate information regarding events. Please contact the sponsoring agency for more details. Phone numbers are Area Code 360 unless otherwise noted. Printed at Lithtex NW, Bellingham, WA, USA. 2 2 • Business Spotlight: The Chrysalis Inn & Spa 4 • Sebastián in Bellingham 5 • The Art Of It All – An Interview with the Director of UNCLAD 2010 6 • Family & Kids / Whatcom Home & Garden Show® 7 • Crafts 8-10 • Art 11 • Art / Health & Fitness 12 • Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage 13-20 • Pull-out Calendar 21 • Spreading Dance All Over Bellingham 22 • Dance 23 • Dance / Benefits & Fundraisers 24 • Benefits & Fundraisers / Potpourri 25 • Theatre 26 • Theatre / Music / History / Kasey Anderson Releases Nowhere Nights 27-28 • Music 29 • Celebrating Sounds of South Africa with Ladysmith Black Mambazo 30 • Music / The Helsinki Academic Male Choir KYL In Concert 31 • Music / Potpourri 32 • Literature / Film ON THE COVER: “Libra” was the first of 16 sculptures installed in Bellingham designed and built by internationally renowned sculptor, Sebastián. The sculptures will be on display through September. Photo by Tore Ofteness. See feature story on page 4. THIS PAGE: April Verch, Canadian Fiddle Champion and stepdancer, will perform with her band in both Whatcom & Skagit County this month! See pages 27 & 28. 3 Sebastián in Bellingham by Joanna Nesbit The City of Bellingham has long been a supporter of public art, purchasing and placing art in public locations around town for more than 40 years. Now the City of Bellingham, Allied Arts of Whatcom County, and the Sebastián in Bellingham Project, coordinated by Bellingham resident George Drake, are partnering to bring us “Sebastián in Bellingham,” a worldrenowned outdoor sculpture exhibit by the one of the most prominent contemporary sculptors in Mexico. The exhibit by “Sebastián” (Enrique Carbajal) celebrates Mexico’s Bicentennial of Independence, the 100th anniversary of Mexico’s Revolution, and the Vancouver Winter Olympics. The installation’s February 12 opening on Iron Street coincided with the Winter Olympic opening. George Drake, local project coordinator, says the city is lucky to host an exhibit of such renowned international caliber. Considered one of the most influential sculptors today, Sebastián has installations in over 100 major cities in the United 4 States, Mexico, and other countries. In November, he received an award in Italy for being one of the outstanding artists in the world. So how did little Bellingham get so lucky? Originally, Drake had thought to arrange the exhibit for Vancouver and the Winter Olympics but discovered he was about two years too late. So he decided that Bellingham, close to Vancouver, could serve as an alternative locale and bring international visitors across the border. “The goal of this project is not just to show the art of Sebastián, but to bring world-wide attention to Bellingham and Whatcom County as a destination for cultural tourists,” says Drake. Art is an important Sebastián component of our community, but the exhibit will also benefit Bellingham’s tourism industry. “We know visitors come specifically to see the sculptures on Western’s campus and in our Big Rock Garden Park [created by the Drake family],” says Janice Keller, Communications Manager for City of Bellingham. “Hosting the largest collection in the U.S. or Canada of Sebastián’s work will attract arts and culture tourists to our area, and bring them right into Bellingham’s downtown to enjoy restaurants, galleries, and shops.” The outdoor installation consists of a collection of 15 urban sculptures transported from Mexico City that will be placed in Bellingham’s downtown Cultural District within easy walking distance from the Whatcom Museum campus, and on the grounds of the Bellingham Public Library and Bellingham City Hall. Sebastián, originally from Ciudad Camargo, Chihuahua, Mexico, produces large-scale, brightly-colored sculptures with a geometric theme, more poetic than logical, using steel and aluminum as materials. You won’t be able to miss them. The walking route includes locations on or near sidewalks along Champion, Commercial, Grand, and Prospect Streets. Project organizers are currently working with the city of Vancouver for the loan of one additional piece, which would bring the downtown total to 16, and a final Sebastián sculpture, owned by the city, is on display in Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 Big Rock Garden Park. “The original vision for the walking route was that people might start at the Lightcatcher Building and follow the Esfera (Sphere), curently on display route roughly at the corner of Kentucky & Iron Streets, will be moved downtown counterlater this month. clockwise, but certainly they can start anywhere,” says Keller. The sculptures will be relocated from their Iron Street locale beginning in early March, a process expected to take two weeks, and will be on display until October 2010. One of Sebastián’s pieces, “Las Palomas” (The Doves), a war memorial, will be exhibited until August, at which point it will be donated to Korea to serve as the Korean War Children’s Memorial, dedicated to the 500,000 children who died in the war, as well as honoring all who sought to save their lives. Primary project sponsors are the Sebastián in Bellingham Project, Allied Arts of Whatcom County, and City of Bellingham, with the support of a $25,000 grant from the Washington State Tourism Department. Additional public and private partnerships, including Whatcom Community Foundation and other organizations, have contributed to make this project possible. The project is still seeking sponsors for each individual sculpture at $1,000 each. Sponsors’ names will appear on the identifying placard with the piece, as well as in all advertising materials. They will also receive an autographed copy of Sebastián’s new coffee table book. For more information, visit,, or the “Sebastian in Bellingham” Facebook page. Brochures with walking maps are available online or at downtown locations, including Allied Arts of Whatcom County, Downtown Partnership/Downtown Visitor Center, Bellingham/Whatcom County Tourism Visitor Information Center, Whatcom Museum, and Bellingham City Hall. Joanna Nesbit is a frequent contributor to Entertainment News Northwest. Her work has appeared in FamilyFun, Wondertime, and online. She also writes for Bellingham’s parent website,, where she can be found blogging as Moxie Mom on the parent life. 360.815.6286 The Art Of It All — An Interview with the Director of UNCLAD 2010 that common, especially one that features top artists from all over the country. And When a television channel dedicated to we’ve earned a reputation for high quality the culinary arts hit the airwaves a little artwork that collectors and artists are more than a decade ago, culinary artists proud of. Also, many people who come to across the nation were ecstatic to share the show end up being surprised at how their art with people who wanted to learn beautiful and tasteful and eclectic the show and share in their passion. A fascination is. with “all things culinary” launched a Has the show changed much over movement of shows, competitions, and a the years? new appreciation for the art. “Foodies” are a dedicated and loyal bunch! Every year, more and more artists hear about the show and submit their work. Nine years ago, in a small gallery on Camano Island, a fun and unique art show Nine years ago we featured 29 artists … called “UNCLAD” figuratively started a and now we’re up to 105 artists. And as the new “channel” show has grown, so has the quality of the dedicated exclusively to artwork. Of course we try to add nude art. With the something new each year … we’ve had same dedication and book readings, a fashion show, wine enthusiasm as those top tastings, and last year we added the 24competing chefs, the hour life-drawing marathon to benefit Relay artists in UNCLAD are for Life. This year, we’re adding a chef thrilled to show off competition to our fundraising efforts. That their passion for is really exciting! drawing, painting and How do art collectors feel about sculpting nudes. And this show? thousands of viewers Our collectors are very excited about the are drawn to the show Spitting Image, annual UNCLAD show. I get calls months acrylic by Kay Little each year, curious to in advance asking for the show dates and see the latest creations when a preview of the art will be available and partake in the festival known as online. Collectors are proud of the art they UNCLAD. purchase and enjoy This year the UNCLAD 2010: March 13–28 sharing their festival will be held in Gallery by the Bay, Downtown Stanwood collections with Stanwood at Gallery Opening Reception: friends. And an by the Bay from Saturday, March 13, 11am–8pm audio tour of the March 13th through show is available 28th and will include a Wine Tasting and Chef Competition that enhances the variety of events to benefit Relay for Life viewing experience including music, wine, Saturday, March 27, 6–9pm for visitors. a life drawing Tickets to this event are required and Do you notice marathon, cooking benefit the American Cancer Society any changes in demonstrations and trends as far as the juried art exhibition highlighting the what the artists are working on talents of artists from all over North and sharing? America. There seems to be a growing interest in Artists from as far away as New York the classical methods of drawing and have submitted their art for the show, the same place ironically that originated that food channel everyone knows about. Three thousand people coming to Stanwood may not be as big as a festival in New York, but for such a small town, it definitely has everyone curious. And my own curiosity compelled me to find out what all the hype was about. I had the opportunity to ask Gayle Picken (owner/operator of Gallery by the Bay and the show’s director) about this big fascination with nude art. by Jason Delma Kassandra, painting by Tamara Stephas painting. This year’s show includes several artists associated with the Gage Academy, including Juliette Aristides. And we’ll have an evening lecture/ slideshow presentation by Tenaya Sims, instructor and founder of the Georgetown Atelier. What highlights can people look forward to in this year’s show? We have a lot of new artists this year … from New Mexico, the East Coast, and the Mid-West. And, we have several largescale paintings that will be incredible to see in person. One painting is over 8 feet wide! Also, for the first time, Migration-West, photo by Michael Seif we have two jewelers in the show. Check for a complete schedule of events and a preview of the artwork. Call (360) 629-4297 for more information. Chef Jason Delma has been in the Culinary Arts profession for twenty seven years, the aerospace industry for twenty three, and has appreciated the fine arts his entire life. What draws so many people to the small town of Stanwood for this art show? I think it’s the unique nature of the show … a show dedicated to nude art is just not Please call 360.815.6286 or email to receive a rate sheet. 5 Synchro Exhibit – 10th anniversary of synchronized ice skating in Bellingham. Bellingham has had one or more active youth and adult synchronized ice skating teams for every one of the past ten years. This alone is a major accomplishment in our corner of the Synchro world. We have brought home numerous awards, ribbons, medals, and trophies, but even more importantly, wonderful memories of camaraderie and fun. To celebrate there will be a special Synchro Exhibit at the Bellingham Sportsplex, open to the public on Mon., March 1, 5-8pm and Sat., March 6, 9am-12pm. More info: 384-3793. Mount Vernon Christian School presents the children’s play “The Princess and the Goblin” on Fri. & Sat., March 12 and 13, 7pm, with a matinee on March 13, 2pm. Adapted from the novel by George MacDonald, this magical tale of young Princess Irene finding the strength to take on the world has proved to be one of the most enduring and influential of the great 19th century children’s classics. Stuart Paterson’s acclaimed stage version is packed with fun and adventure. Guarded day and night, and made frightened of the sinister goblins who lurk under The Great Mountain, Princess Irene fears she may never be brave enough to live outside the high walls of her father’s palace. A magical play for the whole family! Info: 424-9157. Bellingham’s first-ever St. Patrick’s Day Parade to honor Police, Fire – An inaugural St. Patrick’s Day Parade hits downtown streets on Sat., March 13 at noon. The event is being produced by an all-volunteer committee to honor Bellingham’s Police and Fire Department. “Especially this year, we want these brave men and women to know that the community supports them,” said Janet Lightner, a parade committee chair. Along with high-stepping Irish dancers, pipe bands and marching bands, parade organizers aim to “green” the parade as much as possible, encouraging human-and green-powered floats representing businesses, schools, neighborhood associations, clubs, and groups from all over the community. The parade will follow Bellingham Parks & Recreation Dept.’s Runnin’ O’ the Green Race and Fun Run at Bloedel Donovan Park. More info: 303-9332 or Visit, or Bellingham Roller Betties – Join the Bellingham Roller Betties as they roll into their 2010 season with “The Dawn of Derby” on Sat., March 13 at the Whatcom Community College Pavilion Gym, 237 W. Kellogg Road, Bellingham. Doors open at 4pm, bout begins at 5pm. Upcoming 2010 season dates include April 10, May 15, June 12 and July 17. Purchase tickets online at, or at the following local businesses: Old School Tattoo, Merch Bot, Casa Que Pasa and The Community Food Co-op (Downtown and Cordata). Tickets are $12 for adults, $6 for children 12 and under. Season passes are available for $50. More info: or contact Free Demo Classes March 22-April 3 – Music Together By the Bay will start enrollment for the Spring 2010 session on March 14, providing fun-filled, enriching and inclusive music classes for children ages 0-5 and their parents and/or caregivers. Interested families may attend a free 45minute class before enrollment. Demo classes will run March 22-April 3. Spring session starts April 7. Visit the Music Together By the Bay website at or call Director Jen Mallett at 756-1819 to reserve your place in class. Preschool Morning – Come and experience with your child a window into a Waldorf Kindergarten on Sat., March 27, 10-11:30am, at Whatcom Hills Waldorf School. Through this hands on experience you will have the opportunity to see how your child responds (1 parent & 1 child). Activities will include: play time, finger games, snack, outside play, Q&A, and good-bye circle. Come prepared to play outside whatever the weather. Please RSVP to 733-3164 or email: The School is located at 941 Austin St., Bellingham. Pacé Atelier Art Studio now enrolling for Spring Art Classes and Summer Camps – Come and explore lots of exciting media with sculptor Jacquie Bresadola, including: clay, plaster, printmaking, drawing, painting, potter’s wheel, stone carving, and more. Jacquie has been facilitating art classes with kids of all ages for over 20 years. Ongoing monthly classes available Tues., Wed., & Thurs. for kids ages 4-teens and adults. Call for summer schedule. $65-$80 per month. 3815 Bakerview Spur Rd., Bldg. 2. More info: 393-1335, or 6 Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 Save the Date: • B.C. Gem and Mineral Show April 9, 10, 11 – This year’s annual gem and mineral show will be held on Fri., Sat., & Sun., April 9, 10 & 11 and is all about “crystals!” Over 40 dealers will be on-hand with many gifts, gems and minerals to purchase. Knowledgable artists will be demonstrating their craft: silversmithing, carving, beadmaking and much more! Kids’ activities include creative workshops, smash rocks, “Spin & Win” and other fun stuff. A great event for the whole family! Hours: Fri., 10am-8pm; Sat., 10am6pm; and Sun., 10am-6pm. This show is not far from the Sumas, Lynden and Peach Arch borders at the CFV Fairgrounds Ag-Rec Bldg., 32470 Haida Dr., Abbotsford, B.C. Tickets: $6 adults, $2 students, children under 6 are free with an adult. On Sat. and Sun., any Boy Scout/Girl Guide, Big Brother/Big Sister or any affiliated organizations can show their ID and get in FREE! Three-day passes are also available. More info: • Bellingham’s Annual Stamp and Coin Show April 10 & 11 – At the Hampton Inn, Fox Hall in Bellingham. Show hours: Sat., 10am-6pm and Sun., 10am-4pm. Info: 6768720 or • The 49th Annual Mount Baker Rock and Gem Show April 10-11 – At the Bloedel-Donovan Park Community Center, 2214 Electric Ave. in Bellingham. Show hours: 10am-5pm. More info: 384-3187. Whatcom Home & Garden Show® The Building Industry Association of Whatcom County presents the 31st Annual Whatcom County Home & Garden Show® Fri., March 5, 10am9pm, Sat., March 7, 10am-8pm and Sun., March 7, 11am-5pm at the Northwest Washington Fair Grounds in Lynden. Home & Garden Channel (HGTV) Design Star Contestants, 2008 season Matt Locke (pictured top) & 2009 runnerup Dan Vickery (pictured bottom) will be on the main stage Sat., March 6 at 1pm for a “duel of the designers” contest & demonstration. Diana Bailey, Home Show Director said, “People in attendance will be able to interact with the designers and will have an opportunity to help guide what the designers will create. It will be an interactive demonstration and one presentation not to miss!” Attendees of the show will also find hundreds of products for their home, plus lots of great ideas for those “do it yourselfers.” Each day during the show attendees will be able to attend different seminars from information on green technology, “how to” demonstrations, and information on gardening. More info and seminar schedule: 671-4247, 360.815.6286 Whatcom Community College Craft Classes for March include “Wireworks II: Beyond the Basics” on March 8 (1 session, $35) and “Hand Crafted Jewelry: Silver Fusing II” on March 15 (1 session, $35). To register, visit or call 383-3200. Northwest Quilting Connection presents Sharyn Mellors and her “Whimsical Journey of Imperfection and Quilting Angels in a Perfectly Pointed World” in a trunk show of her work. She will be discussing her unique creative process at the NQC’s meeting at the Lynden Community Center on Sat., March 13, 10am. Inspired by her quilting angels, Sharyn lets her quilts develop as she works. Her distinctive style of quilting – with painted faces and other original techniques – draws on her experience as a doll designer and tole painter. The program is free to members; a donation is requested from non-members. Info: 920-8982 or Lecture at La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum – “Felt from Ancient to Modern: An Overview of Cultural Uses and Technique” with Zia Gipson, feltmaker/mixed media, will be held on Sat., March 13, 1pm. Zia presents a history of felt from its earliest origins to the current upsurge in using wool fibers for artwork, wearables and household objects, with examples of contemporary felt objects, Turkish kepenek (shepherd’s coat), and 20th century rugs from Asia. She’ll answer your questions about felting. $5, includes admission. 703 S. 2nd St, La Conner. Info: 466-4288 or 24th Annual Spring Craft & Antique Show March 18-20 – Spring is just around the corner, and in Lynden, that means the 24th Annual Spring Craft and Antique Show at the Northwest Washington Fairgrounds on Thurs. & Fri., March 18 & 19, 10am-8pm, and Sat., March 20, 10am-5pm. Not your run of the mill craft show, this one will tickle your spirits with over 100 amazingly talented artisans. Shop for handcrafted gifts, home décor, garden and vintage treasures. Have lunch or a latte in the Garden Café while enjoying ongoing entertainment. You’ll find something for everyone, so grab your shopping bags, call a friend, and join us for the fun. General admission $5 / $4 seniors / 12 and under free with return privileges. Free parking. For a list of vendors and an entertainment schedule visit ONGOING • Apple Yarns – Sit, Knit & Crochet: Mon., 10am-noon and 5-8pm; Wed., 1-3pm; Thurs., 5-8pm. Located in Barkley Village. More info: 756-9992 or visit • Beauty in the Bead Shop – Outstanding collection of gemstone beads, pendants and pearls. Beading Classes offered. Bakerview Square, 436 W. Bakerview, #111. Hours: 11am-6pm Mon., Wed. & Fri.; 11am-8pm Tues. & Thurs.; and 11am-5pm Sat. & Sun. More info: 393-4605. • Knit Night – NW Handspun Yarns offers a Knit Night every Tues. from 5:30-8pm, and a Knit Day every Wed. from noon-3pm, at 1401 Commercial St., Bellingham. Call or check website for class schedule and events. 738-0167, • La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum – Ongoing exhibits: "Imagery and Imagination" by Lura Schwarz Smith and "On the Surface" by members of the Whidbey Island Surface Design Association continues through March 28. Hours: Wed.-Sun., 11am-5pm. Admission $5, members and children under 12 free. 703 S. 2nd St., La Conner. Info: 466-4288, or visit • Stampadoodle & The Paper Cafe – Free lunchtime craft demo every Wed. from noon-1pm. A different papercrafting or scrapbook technique each week. Info: 647-9663 or check online at for monthly schedule. 1825 Grant St., Bellingham. More info: 647-9663, • Whatcom County Libraries – Knit Night every Mon. at Sumas Library, 67:30pm (988-2501). Kept in Stitches (formerly Knit Night) every Tues. at Everson Library, 6:30-8pm (966-5100). Knit Night every Wed. at Deming Library, 6:30-8pm (592-2422). More info: New Exhibit at La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum – March 31-June 27: “Hardware” with the New Image Group Artists & “Collaborations” with Sharon Baker & Elaine Bowles. Museum admission $5, members & children under 12 free. Hours: Wed.-Sun., 11am-5pm; April 7/week, 10am-5pm. 703 S. 2nd St., La Conner. Info: 466-4288 or Please call 360.815.6286 or email to receive a rate sheet. 7 Vikki Jackson exhibits at La Vie En Rose Bakery – “In the Water and the Air” features all new work depicting images of local critters with a twist, executed in a stylized manner to express the motion, temperature and emotion within the subject. Jackson presents a clean, graphic feel to each piece that allows the pattern and design in an image dance. 20% of sales go to the NW Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. Show runs through March 31. 111 W. Holly St., Bellingham. “An Imaginary Library: Children’s Books That Do Not (Yet) Exist” – The Western Libraries at Western Washington University is hosting an exhibit of original art by 72 illustrators from 30 countries. The participating artists were invited by the International Youth Library in Munich, Germany, to create an original book cover for a book that does not yet exist but which someday the artist would love to create. Each book cover is accompanied by a short text that expresses the artist’s idea. The original paintings, sketches, and drawings by some of the world’s best known children’s book illustrators will be on display in the fourth floor Rotunda at Wilson Library on the Western campus through April 30. This exhibit comes to WWU from Chicago, having been staged already in Japan, Greece, and Iran. This is the last stop, and the only West Coast venue. Visit More info: sylvia.tag@ or Call for Artists – The Anacortes Arts Festival is calling fine artists to participate in the 2010 Juried Open Competition Aug. 6-8. Esther Luttikhuizen, Curator of Collections, 4Culture, will jury the exhibit titled “NEXT.” Exhibiting artists will be eligible for awards of $10,500 recognizing both 2D and 3D work. Artists submit multiple digital images from which bodies of work will be selected. Submission deadline: March 25. Applications and info available: March and April in the Village Books Readings Gallery – In celebration of National Poetry Month, Mary Gregg Byrne will present works incorporating watercolor, calligraphy, and some of her favorite poems in a show called “A Certain Slant of Light.” Mary is a master watercolor artist, also skilled in drawing, calligraphy, printmaking, illustration, and portraiture painting. Come see how beautiful poetry can look. More info: Artwood, a Gallery of Fine Woodworking will feature the turned woodwork of Steve Pulver for the month of March. Steve, retired from Cherry Point Oil Refinery and a lifelong fisherman, has been using his woodworking skills and showing at Artwood for 10 years. Using local woods, Steve makes salad bowls of all shapes and sizes, beautiful small wine goblets, pens, holiday ornaments and many turned wine stoppers. Whether you are looking for a wedding, birthday, or holiday present, a handmade salad bowl is one of the best items as it will last forever! Come to Artwood and make your choice! 1000 Harris Ave. in Historic Fairhaven, Bellingham. More info: 647-1628. Annual ReArt Show: Call to Artists – The ReStore has partnered with Allied Arts of Whatcom County to bring the ReArt Show back for a 9th year! Applications are being accepted from residents of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and B.C. Submitted work may be reasonably considered “recycled art” if it is entirely, or primarily, composed of at least 75% material(s) that would have otherwise been disposed into the waste streams; including collage, assemblages, wall hangings, sculpture and 2- or 3-dimensional artwork. The jury will focus on craftsmanship, materials use and creativity. Applications: The ReStore and Allied Arts office or and Submission deadline is March 8, 5pm. Accepted works will be shown at the Gallery April 2-30. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-5pm; Sat., noon-5pm. More info:, 676-8548, ext. 5 or The 3rd Floor Studios at Loomis Hall in Blaine present Nancy Emeral, whose evocative acrylic paintings “Inner Landscapes” are on display in Ste. 306. Photographer Helen Worley’s image “Yachat’s Morning” has been chosen for the website of the late Irish poet/philosopher John O’Donohue, author of Anam Cara, exhibits in Ste. 401. Paintings from Mary Bender’s award-winning summer exhibition at the Washington State History Museum are displayed in her loft, Ste. 402. DonnaLee Elke’s newest mixed media/collage pieces will be on view in Ste. 302; and in the Allied Arts Members Show. Fused glass artist Christine Grinsted in Ste. 304 features her view of the natural world with “Elements in Glass.” 288 Martin St., Blaine. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-5pm. Trish Harding School of Art at Studio UFO – Open Studio Painting (any medium) with Trish Harding, Wed. (March 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31) or Thurs. (March 4, 11, 18 & 25), 10am-3pm, $198 for all five Wednesdays or $158 for all four Thursdays or $46 for one session; you must specify dates (no refunds or rollovers). • Drawing Session (pre-registration required; no instruction): Clothed Figure Drawing, Tues., March 16, 10am-noon, $12 prepay plus $2 minimum model tip at time of session. • Figure Painting “Clothed” 8 Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 360.815.6286 Workshop with Trish Harding, Sat., March 20, 10am-3pm, $69 plus minimum $2 tip for model at time of workshop. • Watercolor Workshop: “Juice It Up” with Trish Harding, Mon., March 22, 10am-12:30pm, $34. • Upcoming classes at WCC include Advanced Figure Drawing, Fridays, March 5-26, 1-3:30pm. Register at 383-3200. • More info: 319-6115, email trish.harding@ or visit 301 W. Holly St., Suite M-4. “Decorations” – Honey Salon is proud to present “Decorations” by Orion Misciagna, March 5-30. Misciagna will be showing abstract and figurative work ranging from ink to oil. Opening reception will be Fri., March 5, from 6-10pm during Downtown Bellingham Art Walk. Honey Salon is located at 310 W. Holly St. next to Rocket Donuts. More info: 630-3349 or visit Salon hours are Tues.-Sat., 8am-7pm. Whatcom Community College Art and Photography Classes for March Didi Lutz Exhibits at the Blue Horse Gallery March 5-26 – Swiss include “The Art of the Uffizi” starting March 4 (2 sessions, $45), “Advanced Figure Drawing” starting March 5 (4 sessions, $109), and “Watercolor Studio” starting March 5 (4 sessions, $109). To register, call 383-3200 or visit Northwest Masters at La Conner Seaside Gallery hosts “Winter Showcase” – Northwest Masters at Seaside Gallery, an artists/gallery cooperative, welcomes Camano Island artist Jack Gunter to the group. The plein-air oils of special guest artist William F. Reese are highlighted through March 14. The “Early Spring” show, featuring special guest artist Grant Saylor of Everett, begins March 20 and runs through May 9 (opening reception is March 20, 4-8pm). The group consists of artists: Ned Mueller, Jack Dorsey, Mark Bistranin, Steven R. Hill, Annette Tamm, David Nichols, Catherine Moffat, Nathan Drushinin, Aleks Kargopoltsev, and Mark Conley. This eclectic show features pleinair oils and pastels, portraits, glass sculptures and photography. The artists will discuss their work with on-site art demonstrations. 112 Morris St., La Conner. Hours: Fri.-Sun., 11am-5pm. Info: 466-5141. Allied Arts Annual Members’ Show March 5-26 – Allied Arts of Whatcom County will host its 2010 Members’ Show in March. Participation is open to all current Allied Arts Members at any level of membership. This show will feature work from over 100 members, including professional artists and new or emerging ones. Works will range from traditional paintings to photography to contemporary sculptures and everything in between. Allied Arts is a non-profit gallery, proceeds go to support the arts in our community. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10am-5pm, Sat., noon-5pm. Info:, 676-8548, ext. 5 or Bay Street Village Studio Artists will be open for Art Walk on Fri., March 5 from 6-10pm. Enjoy a wide variety of work and meet the artists in their studios. Featured this quarter: Francie Allen, Brett Baunton, Sarah Bolerjack, Prentiss Cole, Jeni Cottrell, Christine Feltman, Trish Harding, Linda Hughes, Johnna, Sharon Kingston, Mary Jo Maute, Denise Snyder, and Lynn Young. Visit all 10 studios (13 artists) and be entered to win cool art. More info: born, local artist, Didy Lutz will be exhibiting her mixed media work in a mini solo show at the Blue Horse Gallery from March 5-26. Lutz’s work is abstract, colorful and whimsical. Join us for an artist’s reception on Fri., March 5, 6-10pm. 301 W. Holly St., Bellingham. Gallery hours: Tues.Sat., 11am-5:30pm or by appointment. More info: 671-2305 or “Four Seasons” exhibit at the Blue Horse Gallery March 5-26 – Four talented artists – Ruthie V., Mary Froderberg, Valerie Collymore and Lisa McShane – will show local landscapes that portray the essence of Northwest seasons. Some works were painted on-site in plein air to capture the serenity and beauty of the area while others were finished in studio using their unique style. Join us for an artists’ reception on Fri., March 5, 6-10pm. 301 W. Holly St., Bellingham. Gallery hours: Tues.-Sat., 11am-5:30pm or by appointment. More info: 671-2305 or New Joel Brock Exhibit at Gallery Cygnus – “A Look at the Journey.” Welcome Home Joel Brock! Joel Brock, accomplished Northwest painter and pastel artist, worked in his studio space in La Conner for 10 years. He is returning to this space, now the home of Gallery Cygnus, showing new work as well as a sampling of the type of art work he created during that ten years. Opening celebration is Fri., March 5, 6-8 pm; show continues through March 28. Hours: Fri.-Sun., 11am-5pm. 109 Commercial St., La Conner. 466-5521. “Pain & Pleasure” by Trish Harding at Studio UFO – An installation by Trish Harding using the “All Star Wrestling” genre as a vehicle to address the idea of what gives pain & pleasure to the participants as well as the spectator opens on Fri., March 5, 6-10pm, during the Downtown Art Walk. More info: 319-6115, email trish.harding@ or visit 301 W. Holly St., Suite M-4. Works on Canvas Studio & Gallery hosts “Third Person Plural” March 5-27 – This exhibit features the abstract paintings of Chris Shreve, Kay D. Little and Sharon Kingston. Varying from surreal to hard-edge to softly evocative of landscape, these three artists convey attitudes, emotions, narrative and meaning in their works. Opening reception will be held (continued on next page) Please call 360.815.6286 or email to receive a rate sheet. 9 (continued from page 9) during Downtown Bellingham Art Walk on Fri., March 5, 6-10pm. Bay St. Village, 301 W. Holly St. More info: or 739-2474. Mindport Exhibits – We invite you to join us for “Speak Easy 3: An Evening of Poetry,” featuring local poets Susan J. Erickson, Kari Galbraith, Christine Kendall, David M. Laws and Oliver de la Paz on Fri., March 5, 7-9pm. The exhibit area will be closed for that evening’s reading. In the gallery: “Sea Stars Up Close and Personal,” photos by Nancy Burnett, continues through March 30. Hours: Wed.-Fri., noon-6pm; Sat., 10am-5pm; and Sun., noon-4 pm. Admission: $2. Info: 647-5614 or MoNA Style 2010 “The Art of Lingerie” – The Museum of Northwest Art presents its annual wearable art show, a one-day sale featuring works by 40 Northwest artists on Sat., March 6, 10am5pm. Meet the artists and shop for clothing, jewelry, accessories, and items for the home. This year’s silent auction theme is “Lingerie.” For your admiration and amusement, invited artists have gone “undercover” to produce one-of-a-kind variations on intimate apparel – available for bidding until 5pm. Enjoy lunch with your friends at one of our sponsor restaurants, where, on informal “runways,” live models will show off the artists’ creations. Modeling is from 11:30am-1:30pm (reservations advised) at: La Conner Brewing Company, 466-1415; Nell Thorn Restaurant & Pub, 466-4261; La Conner Seafood & Prime Rib House, 466-4014; Seeds Bistro & Bar, 466-3280. Proceeds support participating artists and MoNA. More info: 466-4446, ext 109 or SoulCollage® Workshops and Classes – Sat., March 6, 10am-4pm: Sowing Seeds of Creativity: A full day SoulCollage® Introductory Workshop; $65 fee includes all materials and light refreshments. • Fri., March 12, 6:309:30pm: SoulCollage® Community Suit Class; $30. • Fri., March 19, 6:309:30pm: Introduction to SoulCollage®. This evening workshop includes a brief explanation of the process, time for card creation and a brief discussion of ways to use the cards you’ve created. This workshop is for anyone who is interested in self-discovery and self-expression in a fun, creative, supportive environment. No formal artistic experience required. Fee: $30 includes all materials.• All classes led by Jamie Olson, SoulCollage® facilitator, and held in Bellingham (directions sent upon registration). For more info and to register: 739-0101 or email: bellinghamsoulcollage@ to register. John Simon, “With the Wind” – Smith & Vallee Gallery is proud to present new work by Edison artist John Simon. Similar to the herons he depicts, Simon’s artwork has quiet subtleties. Wrought with Northwest mysticism, Simon allows viewers to not merely see the Skagit Valley landscape but sense the quiet bubble of the creek and the flap of snow geese wings as they take flight. An artist’s reception will be held on Sat., March 6, 5-8pm. Show runs March 5-28. Hours: Wed.-Sun., 11am5pm. 5742 Gilkey Ave., Edison. Info: or 305-4892. Thomas Wood at Lucia Douglas Gallery: Boulevard Park Studies and new work – Thomas Wood was commissioned to do a mural for the Boulevard Park Porch Project in 2009; many of the paintings in this exhibit are studies from this endeavor. Drawing inspiration from the Jazz Alliance posters he created in the past, the artist painted fanciful park scenes. Vivid, active and imaginative, these scenes show halfanimal/half-humans playing instruments and listening to music. The exhibit includes other studies of a highly stylized seascape in blue-grey tones. An artist’s reception will be held on Sat., March 6, 6pm. 1415 13th St., Bellingham. Info: 733-5361 or Marketing Ideas – Marissa Papetti of fifthonsixth presents “5 Marketing Ideas” on Thurs., March 11, noon-1pm, at Allied Arts, 1418 Cornwall Ave. in Bellingham. If your New Year’s resolution involves making your art more profitable, our Brown Bag Classes are a great place to start. Presentations focus on ways to get you and your work more professional and out into the world. Held the second Thurs. of every month in the gallery, classes are scheduled during lunch breaks – bring your sack lunch! In 2006, Marisa Papetti founded fifthonsixth inc. Her vision was to create a company to promote local artists and turn their dreams into reality. Marissa discusses 5 different free outlets for marketing. Cost: $5 members, $7 non-members. RSVP by March 8, 676-8548, ext. 5 or A Mixed Media and Large Sculpture art opening at Loomis Hall Gallery will be held on Fri., March 12, 69pm. Leading Pacific NW Sculptors display large work: Don Anderson, Suzanne Averre, Lanny Bergner, Brett Cleveland, Shirley Erickson, Julia Haack, Steve Jensen, Sheila Klein, Moriyuki Kono, Ann Morris, Thor Myhre, Ries Niemi, Julie Speidel, Gerry Stecca & Ken Wiener. Guest curated by Thor Myhre, the show will be exhibited for six months throughout 10 Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 the architecturally dynamic three story building. Resident artists open their studios to the public showing their latest work in glass, fabric, oil, acrylic, jewelry, photography, pastel and mixed media. Studio artists: Mary Bender, Megan Cary, Peg Cutting, Donna Lee Elke, Christine Grinstad, Nancy Haygeman, Janet Rudnick, John Scott, Patricia Schmidt, Patricia Stevens, Barbara Wean & Helen Worley. Large sculpture runs through July 31. 288 Martin St., Blaine. Hours: Tues.Sat., 11am-6pm. Info: 603-4121, or Three New Exhibits Open March 13 at MoNA – “Resonances: Contemporary Echoes Modern.” NW curators select regional artists from different generations whose works share affinities of subject, style, and/or process. Participating curators: Sarah ClarkLangager, Director, Western Gallery; Kathleen Moles, Curator, MoNA; John Olbrantz, The Maribeth Collins Director, Hallie Ford Museum of Art; and Jake Seniuk, Director, Port Angeles Fine Art Center. • “Resonance in Glass” is in the Benaroya Glass Gallery with three artists whose work in glass directly echoes each other: Ginny Ruffner, James Minson, and Masami Koda. The unifying theme of the exhibition is lampworked glass. • “Poses from the Permanent Collection” features works which take a look at traditional portraits and an abstraction of “the pose.” Exhibits run March 13-June 13. Opening receptions for all shows are Sat., March 13, 2-5pm. 121 S. First St., La Conner. Info: 466-4446 or Gallery Tour of “Out of Bounds” and “Bloom: The Elephant Bed” – Join Barbara Matilsky, curator of art, for a walk-through of the inaugural exhibitions at the Lightcatcher on Sun., March 14, 2pm. Learn about the works of art, themes of the exhibitions, and the story of how these shows evolved. Lightcatcher Building, 250 Flora St., Bellingham. Free with paid admission / Museum members free. Info: 778-8930 or Thurs. Brown Bag at Whatcom Museum: March 18, 12:30pm – Italy – Art Cities of the Veneto (NE) & Coastal Villages of the Cinque Terre. George King (photographer) and Nancy Nesewich (tour guide) spent Oct. 2009 in Northern Italy; with George in the Northeast, and Nancy alone in the Cinque Terre – they share their travels from stunning architecture and art to tiny fishing villages. Sponsored by Village Books. 1892 Old City Hall Building, 121 Prospect St., Bellingham. $3 / Museum members free. Info: 778-8930 or Good Earth Pottery features Whatcom County High Schools’ Art Students – Budding ceramic artists from high schools throughout Whatcom County will have their creations on display at Good Earth Pottery through the month of March. A reception for the students will be held on Sat., March 20 from 2-5pm. 360.815.6286 Representing over 50 local artists, Good Earth Pottery is located at 1000 Harris Ave. in Fairhaven. Hours: Sun., noon-5pm, Mon. & Wed.-Sat., 11am-6pm, closed Tuesdays. More info: 671-3998 or Whatcom Art Guild Meeting (WAG) – WAG will meet at the Bellingham Public Library Community Room on Mon., March 22, 7pm. Each meeting has an informative program on topics relative to the arts. All persons interested in the arts and the public are welcome. Next meeting is April 26. Info: 384-4045 or visit Open Sun. & Mon. noon-5pm, Tues.-Sat. 10am-5pm. Admission: $5, $4 seniors, $2 students, under 12 and members free. 121 S. First Street. More info: 466-4446 or visit • Pacific Marine Gallery – Original watercolors by James R. Williamson, as well as limited editions, remarques and giclees. Watercolor and drawing classes on Wed., 79pm: five 2-hour classes for $135. More info 738-8535. 700 W. Holly St., Bellingham. • Studio UFO – Ongoing art shows: All About Flowers, 1400 W. Holly St.; Bandito’s Burritos, 120 W. Holly St.; DIS, Cornwall Ave.; Red Berry, 202 E. Holly St.; and Wild Buffalo, 208 W. Holly St. (Trish Harding). Colophon Cafe downstairs, 1208 11th St. (Nancy Woodward). Sterling Real Estate, 2620 N. Harbor Loop Dr., Suite 17 (Ann Chaikin). WECU, Fairhaven Branch, 1225 Harris Ave. (Patricia Montgomery). More info: 319-6115 or visit • Western Gallery – “Transformations 6: Contemporary Works in Glass” exhibition continues through March 13. Admittance is free and open to the public. More info: 650-3963, or LifeQuest Classes – St. Joseph Hospital’s LifeQuest program offers the following classes in March: Eating for a Healthy Life (3 sessions), Tues., March 2, 9 & 16, 6:30-8pm ($48); Fasting Cholesterol Lipid Panel, Sat., March 13, 7-9am ($25, $10 for glucose); Brain Boosters, Sat., March 13, 10am-noon; Healthy Weight (6 sessions), Mon., March 22-April 26, 6-8pm ($125); Tobacco Free (6 sessions), Wed., March 3-31, 6:308pm ($100); Building Better Bones (3 sessions), Thurs., March 25-April 8, 67:30pm ($48); and Take Heart Cardiovascular Screening, Fri., March 19, call for appointment time ($55). Info: 788-6720, “Healing with Spirit Guides” – A one-evening workshop will be held Tues., March 2, 7-9pm, at 2221 James Street, Bellingham, office of local clairvoyant Jill Miller. All of us have spirit guides – those amazing spirits that are there to champion, advise, teach and heal us. In this workshop, Jill will help you identify and connect with your guides for the purpose of healing. The workshop will include a demonstration of spirit guide readings. $10 person. Info: 647-7134 or “Energy Exploration” – This six-week ONGOING • Bellingham Art Walk – The Downtown Bellingham Partnership invites you to join other art lovers to explore downtown’s diversity of art venues during the Art Walk on Fri., March 5, 6-10pm, in downtown Bellingham. Art Walk maps available at participating venues and the Downtown Visitor Center, 1304 Cornwall Ave. or (available one week prior). The next Art Walk is April 2. • BellinghamART – Saturday Animation Classes suitable for 8-year-olds to adults: Introduction to Classic Animation, Sat., 12:30-2pm; and Classic Animation, Sat., 10:30am-noon. • Winter Drawing and Painting Classes: Register anytime for weekly Children, Teen, and Adult classes. Everyone at any age can learn to draw and paint, and feel proud of their results. All art tools and materials supplied with tuition. Visit for class descriptions, schedule, tuition fees and registration or phone 738-8379. 1701 Ellis Street, Studio 203, Bellingham. • Big Fat Fish Company – Ongoing exhibition: “The Essence: Sylvia Chesley Smith and Enid Wilson present Oil Paintings” through mid-May, curated by Rebecca Meloy. 1304 12th St., Fairhaven. More info: 201-9038, • Dakota Art’s La Conner Art Workshops celebrate 31 years of educating and inspiring artists! Workshops in all media and levels: pastel, watercolor, collage, encaustic, oil, and acrylic. Join us! Our new schedule begins this month. More info: 888-345-0067, ext. 5 or visit • Lightcatcher – Continuing exhibitions: “Out of Bounds” – Art from the Collection of Driek and Michael Zirinsky continues through March 21. John Grade’s “Bloom – The Elephant Bed” continues through April 20. Lightcatcher Building, 250 Flora St., Bellingham. Open Tues.-Sun., noon-5pm. Admission is $10 general, $8 student/senior/military, $4.50 children under 5, Museum members free. More info: visit www.whatcommuseum.orgor call 778-8930. • Museum of Northwest Art (MoNA) in La Conner – Continuing exhibitions: “Maxine Martell Retrospective,” “Nancy Callan: Glass Fantastic,” and “Selections from the Permanent Collection: Brown as a Primary Color” continue through March 3. Whatcom Community College Health, Fitness & Recreation Classes for March include “Pilates Beginning” starting on March 3 (5 sessions, $49), “Pilates Flow” on March 8 (4 sessions, $55) and “Simply Yoga: Restorative Poses” on March 16, 17 or 19 (1 session, $20). To register, call 383-3200 or visit Anusara Yoga Workshop with Alexis Britton – Have more fun, become more expansive and learn new and innovative ways to understand the meaning of being on the Yogic Path. Alexis Britton, certified Anusara yoga teacher, leads this workshop, taught in three sessions March 6 & 7: Sat., 9am-noon; Sat., 2-4pm; and Sun., 9am-noon. Entire workshop $110, $45 Sat. or Sun. morning, and $30 Sat. afternoon. Workshop held at 8 Petals Yoga Studio, 1317 Commercial St., #203, Bellingham, Registration info: Susan D’Onofrio, 319-1601, Please call 360.815.6286 or email to receive a rate sheet. class with local clairvoyant Jill Miller is being offered both Tues. evenings from March 9-April 13, 7-9:30pm, and Thurs. mornings from March 11-April 15, 9:30amnoon. The class focuses on specific spiritual energy aspects, including earth & cosmic energies, male & female energies, healing & creative energies, and Kundalini energy. Meditation techniques will be included. $150 for the 6-week session (ask about weekly payment arrangements). Info: 647-7134 or Classes will be held at 2221 James St., Bellingham. Free Skin Cancer Screening – Dr. Liz Vennos, M.D., Board Certified Dermatologist, will provide free skin cancer screening on Fri., March 26. Limited space available. Open to new patients only. Appointment required. Call 647-2188 to schedule. Info: ONGOING • Healing Hour is offered 5:30-6:30pm on the second and fourth Wed. of the month at 2221 James St., Bellingham, office of local clairvoyant/energy healer Jill Miller. Just drop in and experience an energy healing and chakra cleansing. $5 person. Info: 647-7134 or • Intenders of the Highest Good Circle – Meets the 2nd Friday of the month (March 12), 7-8:30pm, at the Community Food Co-op Connections Building, Forest St., Bellingham. Free. Facilitated by Len-Erna Cotton. More info: 527-3624, or • Joy of Pilates Studio – Try out Pilates for free in one of our monthly Pilates Intro clinics. See website for more info. Squalicum Harbor, 22 Harbor Mall, Bellingham. Info: 224-1433, • Meditation Hour is offered 5:30-6:30pm on the first and third Wed. of the month at 2221 James St., Bellingham, with local clairvoyants Jill Miller & Reggie Hahn. Combination of guided meditation and quiet time for inner reflection. $5 person. Arrive early, doors close promptly at 5:30pm. Info: 647-7134 or (continued on page 26) 11 Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage by Andrew Clarke Aside from the ubiquitous pinches and heavy consumption of Guinness associated with St. Patrick’s Day, nothing characterizes this March holiday quite like Corned Beef and Cabbage. However, oftentimes this somewhat misunderstood dish is given little more than lip service, resulting in plates of stringy beef, mushy and overcooked vegetables, and a bland and watery broth. This really is a shame, because homemade corned beef and cabbage can be a wonderful and satisfying end-of-winter meal, and a great and easy introduction to curing your own meats. Although almost universally considered to be an Irish dish, in fact corned beef and cabbage traces its roots to the IrishAmerican community. In Ireland, the closest traditional dish is bacon and cabbage, in which the meat is more similar to Canadian bacon or ham. Traditionally, Irish farmers kept cattle primarily for their dairy products, raising sheep for their wool and hogs and pigs for meat. As a result, salt pork and bacon were the most common type of protein found on Irish tables. Irish immigrants, who moved to the Eastern Seaboard in the mid and late 1800s, found pork too expensive, and needed a cheaper and more readily available alternative. They incorporated the Jewish staple corned beef into their diet because of its similar taste and texture to traditional Irish bacon, not to mention its relatively inexpensive cost, resulting in the tradition we now celebrate today. The term “corned” refers not to the grain – there is no corn used in the preparation of corned beef – but to large kernels of rock salt that were initially used to preserve the meat. In earlier English the word corn was used to refer to any small seed or grain. The similarity in size between a grain of wheat and a kernel of salt led to the term “corned,” which means a cut of meat preserved in salt or salt water. Essentially, corned beef is a cut of beef brisket that has been “pickled” in a brine of salt and spices. The brisket is a cheap cut of meat from the breast of the cow, the area in between its forelegs. As it is a well-used muscle, brisket meat can be tough and lends itself to curing and long cooking. Two of the brisket’s other claims to fame, pastrami and Texas barbeque, both benefit from a cure or rub and several hours of cooking. Given proper care and attention, the brisket, blessed with great beef flavor and a surfeit of mouth-filling collagen, can be one of the most rewarding pieces of meat to work with. That being said, store-bought corned beef can sometimes fall flat, being overly salty and lacking real deep beef flavor. However, corning a brisket at home is easy, satisfying and mostly hands-off. All you need is a good piece of brisket from the butcher, some salt and a handful of pickling spices, and time. I like to add a bit of pink salt, a nitrite/salt blend harmless in small quantities (available from, and an essential ingredient to much home curing), to the meat to help it keep its rosy hue. Corned beef prepared without pink salt will end up a more drab gray-brown. I also like to build the depth of flavor in the corned beef by preparing the brine with beer as well as water, and spike the cooking liquid with Guinness for extra tastiness. When it comes to actually cooking the brisket, digging the slow cooker out of the cupboard is a good idea. The long and low heat will perfectly cook the meat, and allow you some freedom not to hover around the kitchen. Finally, rather than cooking your cabbage and other vegetables in with the brisket (which can be hard to judge and lead to a mushy meal), I like to wait until the meat is done, remove it from the liquid, and keep it warm while you cook the vegetables. Add in some floury potatoes, cold Irish beer, and good friends, and you’ve got a St. Patrick’s Day feast to remember. Andrew Clarke is a Line Chef at Nimbus Restaurant. Photo courtesy of Nimbus Restaurant Home-Corned Beef 6 cups water 2 cups lager beer 1-1/2 cups kosher salt 1 cup brown sugar 1-1/2 Tbls pink salt (optional) 1/4 cup pickling spice + extra for cooking One 6-8 lb flat-cut brisket Two 16-oz. cans of Guinness beer Cabbage, onions, turnips, carrots, etc. Combine all ingredients except Guinness in a non-reactive container, cover, and refrigerate for 8 days, making sure brisket stays submerged in brine with a plate. Remove and rinse brisket and place in slow cooker. Add a small handful of extra pickling spice, the cans of Guinness, and water to cover the brisket by about an inch. Cook on high for 4-5 hours, or until meat is fork tender. Carefully pour off most of the cooking liquid into a large pot and add the cabbage and whatever vegetables you might want. Bring to a simmer and cook until vegetables are just tender. Drain and reserve liquid. Serve sliced brisket with floury potatoes, vegetables, and cooking liquid. 12 Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 360.815.6286 MARCH 2010 MONDAY 3/1/2010 Synchro Exhibit: 10th Anniversary of Synchronized Ice Skating, Bellingham Sportsplex, 5-8pm, open to the public, 384-3793. (pg. 6) Teen Movie Night (ages 13-18), Lecture Room, Bellingham Public Library, 5:30pm, call for title, 778-7323. Everson Friends Meeting, Everson Library, 6:30pm, 966-5100, VB Reads … General Literature, “Wandering Star” by Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio (author not attending), 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) TUESDAY 3/2/2010 Eating for a Healthy Life Class (3 sessions) begins, LifeQuest, 6:30-8pm, $48, 788-6720. (pg. 11) Author Reads: “The Love Israel Family: Urbane Commune, Rural Commune” by Charles LeWarne, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) “Healing with Spirit Guides” one-evening workshop, Jill Miller, 2221 James St., Bellingham, 7-9pm, $10, 647-7134, (pg. 11) Open Mic featuring David Zhang at 8:30pm, Three Trees, 7pm, no cover, Bellingham Photography Club, Roeder Home, 7:15pm, free, public invited, (pg. 24) Barnum Jack, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Jasmine Riley, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Jazz Jam featuring John Stowell Trio with Rene Worst & Jud Sherwood, Boundary Bay Brewery Tap Room, 8:30-11:30pm, $1 cover, 647-5593, WEDNESDAY 3/3/2010 Morning Laughter, Community Food Co-op Connections Bldg., 7:30am, Daytime Spinners Group, Roeder Home, 10:30am-3pm, 366-4030. The Bellingham Music Club, Faith Lutheran Church, 10:30am, free, 671-0252. (pg. 26) VB Reads ... Business Book Group hosted by Janet Ott, “Outliers: the Story of Success” by Malcoln Gladwell (author not attending), Village Books, noon, 671-2626, (pg. 32) P ULL-O UT C ALENDAR Birchwood Garden Club Meeting, with Jerry Jeff Reier & Mark Woodworth (casual jazz Rock on Rhododendrons, Whatcom Museum Rotunda Room, 7pm, Dream Workshop with Jenny Davidow, M.A., Bellingham (near WWU), 7-9pm, $20, 676-1009, guitar), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 8pm-midnight, all ages, no cover, 715-3642. Inner Circle, Wild Buffalo, 9:30pm, $10 advance / $12 door, 312-3684, tickets at Friends of Island Library (FOIL) Meeting, Lummi Island Library, 7:30-9pm, 758-7145, Women’s Open Mic Showcase with Chuck Dingee, Fairhaven Pub & Martini Bar, sign-up at 7:30pm, music at 8pm, no cover. Clarinetist Carl Johan Stjernström in Concert, FRIDAY 3/5/2010 Friends of the Library Book Sale, Lynden Library, 10am-5pm, 354-4883, One-of-a-Kind Hispanitas Shoes Sample Sale (size European 37 from Spain), 12th Street Shoes in Fairhaven, details at 733-2066. WWU PAC Concert Hall, 8pm, free, 650-3130, (pg. 26) THURSDAY 3/4/2010 Thurs. Brown Bag Series: Slow Travel in Egypt, Wade Marlow, Whatcom Museum, 1812 Old City Hall, 12:30pm, $3 / Museum members free, 778-8930, Teen Wii Night for middle and high schoolers, Blaine Library, 5:30pm, 332-8146, META Performing Arts Auditions: “Annie,” Presbyterian Church, Mount Vernon, 6-9pm, 466-3072, (pg. 25) Author Reads: “I Don’t Have Kids! The Guide to Great Childfree Living” by Ellen Walker, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) “Oliver,” Ferndale High School Auditorium, 7pm, tickets at the door, adults $10, seniors & students $7, group rates for 10+, 383-9261. (pg. 25) “Camelot,” Mount Baker Theatre, 7:30pm, tickets $69, $60, $49, $37 & $20, 734-6080, (pg. 25) “South Pacific,” Bellingham High School Theatre, 7:30pm, tickets $8 at the door. (pg. 25) “The Wedding Singer: A Musical Comedy,” Brodniak Theater, Anacortes High School, 7:30pm, $12 adults, $6 students, (pg. 25) “Here’s to the Women!” multi-media presentation by Songwriter Linda Allen, Whatcom Community College Syre Center, 1pm, (pg. 26) The Reluctant Writer (grades 3-6), Center for Expressive Arts and Experiential Education, 4:15-5:15pm, $10 drop-in, META Performing Arts Auditions: “Annie,” Presbyterian Church, Mount Vernon, 6-9pm, 466-3072, (pg. 25) Wine Tasting, Skylark’s, 6-8pm, $15, 715-3642, Bike to Work and School Day Planning meeting, 314 E. Champion St., 6:30-8:30pm, 671-BIKE, Tobacco Free Class (6 sessions) begins, LifeQuest, 6:30-8pm, $100, 788-6720. (pg. 11) Please send Press Releases, Photos & Calendar Listings to Thanks! 13 MARCH 2010 Whatcom County Home & Garden Show®, Northwest Washington Fair Grounds, 10am9pm, adults $7, seniors 55+ $6, children under 16 free, 671-4247, (pg. 6) One-of-a-Kind Hispanitas Shoes Sample Sale (size European 37 from Spain), 12th Street Shoes in Fairhaven, details at 733-2066. Barkley Toastmasters Club, Moss Adams LLP, noon, 685-2284. Family Bingo Night, Ferndale American Legion, 5:30-8pm,, 778-3681. (pg. 23) Artist’s Reception: Didi Lutz Blue Horse Gallery, 6-10pm, 671-2305, (pg. 9) Artists’ Reception: “Four Seasons,” Blue Horse Gallery, 6-10pm, 671-2305, (pg. 9) Artists’ Reception: Bay Street Village Studio Artists (10 studios / 13 artists), Downtown Art Walk, Bay Street Village, 6-10pm, (pg. 9) “Becoming energy wise: easy ways to save money and the planet” with former KIRO 7 chief meteorologist Andy Wappler, Whatcom County Home & Garden Show® Main Stage, 6pm, free with admission, (pg. 6) Opening Reception, “Third Person Plural” Exhibit, Works on Canvas Studio & Gallery, Bellingham, 6-10pm,, 739-2474. (pg. 9) Opening Reception: “A Look at the Journey,” Joel Brock, Gallery Cygnus, La Conner, 6-8pm, 466-5521. (pg. 9) Opening Reception: “Decorations” by Orion Misciagna, Honey Salon (next to Rocket Donuts), 6-10pm, 630-3349. (pg. 9) “Pain & Pleasure” by Trish Harding, Studio UFO, 6-10pm, 319-6115, (pg. 9) “The Odd Couple,” RiverBelle Dinner Theatre, 6:30pm, $35 dinner & show or $20 dessert & show, reservations 336-3012, (pg. 25) 5th Annual Fundraising Gala for Bellingham Chamber Chorale, Bellingham Golf and Country Club, 7pm, $60, (pg. 23) First Fridays with Swil Kanim, Stuart’s at the Market, 7-9pm, no cover, 714-0800. “Oliver,” Ferndale High School Auditorium, 7pm, tickets at the door, adults $10, seniors & students $7, group rates for 10+, 383-9261. (pg. 25) Skagit Human Rights Festival, Phillip Tarro Theatre, Skagit Valley College, 7pm, by donation. (pg. 32) “Radium Girls,” Claire vg Thomas Theatre, 7:30pm, $12 / $10 / $8, 354-4425, (pg. 25) Skagit Opera presents “Madame Butterfly,” McIntyre Hall, 7:30pm, $56 / $44 / $38 / $25, 866-624-6897 ext. 2, (pg. 25) “South Pacific,” Bellingham High School Theatre, 7:30pm, tickets $8 at the door. (pg. 25) “The Marriage of Figaro,” WWU Performing Arts Center, Room 16, 7:30pm, $14 adults, $12 seniors, $10 students, 650-6146, (pg. 25) “The Wedding Singer: A Musical Comedy,” Brodniak Theater, Anacortes High School, 7:30pm, $12 adults, $6 students, (pg. 25) 14 P ULL-O UT C ALENDAR James Lee Harris Band, Chuckanut Ridge Wine Skagit Human Rights Festival: Natural Building Company, 8pm, 527-0900, Knathan Ryan (alternative / country / folk rock), Three Trees, 8pm, no cover, Workshop, Skagit Valley Food Co-op, Room 308, 9am-2pm, fee TBA, 336-5087 ext. 136. (pg. 32) Artist Reception: John Simon, Smith & Vallee Gallery, Edison, 5-8pm, 305-4892, (pg. 10) KZOK presents Skagit Rocks featuring Magic Bus, Skagit Valley Casino Resort Pacific Showroom, 8pm, $15, Sarah Jane & Steve Faucher (jazz guitar with vocals), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 8pm-midnight, all ages, no cover, 715-3642. The Sonja Lee Band, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Jerry Jones Quartet (20’s, 30’s & 40’s jazz hits), Star Bar Lounge, 8:30-11:30pm,, 299-2120. Marlin James & Mo’ Trouble (contemporary, classic and country rock), Skagit Valley Casino Resort Winners Lounge, 9pm-1am, no cover, The Clumsy Lovers, Wild Buffalo, 9:30pm, cover, 312-3684, tickets at SATURDAY 3/6/2010 Anusara Yoga Workshop with Alexis Britton, 8 Petals Yoga Studio, Bellingham, 9am-noon & 2-4pm, $110 entire workshop, $45 Sat. or Sun. morning, $30 Sat. afternoon, 319-1601, (pg. 11) Synchro Exhibit: 10th Anniversary of Synchronized Ice Skating, Bellingham Sportsplex, 9am-12pm, open to the public, 384-3793. (pg. 6) WWU’s Seventh Annual Children’s Literature Conference, Performing Arts Center Concert Hall, 9am-3:30pm, $75 full-time students/retired teachers, $115 non-students, preregistration required, 650-3308, (pg. 32) Friends of the Library Book Sale, Lynden Library, 10am-5pm, 354-4883, MoNA Style 2010 “The Art of Lingerie,” The Museum of Northwest Art, 10am-5pm, modeling 11:30am-1:30pm, free, 466-4446, ext 109, (pg. 10) Teen Writers Studio (grades 8-12), Center for Expressive Arts and Experiential Education, 10am-noon, $20 drop-in, Whatcom County Home & Garden Show®, Northwest Washington Fair Grounds, 10am8pm, adults $7, seniors 55+ $6, children under 16 free, 671-4247, (pg. 6) Workshop: Sowing Seeds of Creativity, SoulCollage®, 10am-4pm, $65, 739-0101, (pg. 10) One-of-a-Kind Hispanitas Shoes Sample Sale (size European 37 from Spain), 12th Street Shoes in Fairhaven, details at 733-2066. “Duel of the Designers” Home & Garden Channel (HGTV) Design Star Contestants, 2008 season Matt Locke & 2009 runner-up Dan Vickery, Whatcom County Home & Garden Show® Main Stage, 1pm, free with admission, (pg. 6) “Radium Girls,” Claire vg Thomas Theatre, 2pm, $12 / $10 / $8, 354-4425, (pg. 25) Traditional Jazz Society: Mud Bay Jazz Band Lite, VFW Hall, Bellingham, 2-5pm, $8 “Celebrating Children... Creating Futures” Fundraiser for WCEL, Bellingham Golf & Country Club, 5:30pm, $75, tickets at 671-3660, ext. 101, (pg. 23) Community Food Co-op Annual Meeting and Party: “The Real Cost of Food: Values and Choices,” Bellingham Cruise Terminal, Fairhaven, 5:30-10pm, 734-8158, (pg. 24) Skagit Preschool & Resource Center: “SPARC Your Engines,” St. Joseph Center, Mount Vernon, 5:30pm, tickets $60, table sponsorships $500, 428-5972. (pg. 23) Artist Reception: Thomas Wood, Lucia Douglas Gallery, 6-8pm, 733-5361, (pg. 16) NWRC’s Wild Things Auction, Northwood Hall, 6-10pm, $50, 647-1415, (pg. 23) “The Odd Couple,” RiverBelle Dinner Theatre, 6:30pm, $35 dinner & show or $20 dessert & show, reservations 336-3012, (pg. 25) Author Reads: “My One Hundred Adventures” & “Northward to the Moon” by Polly Horvath, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) “Oliver,” Ferndale High School Auditorium, 7pm, tickets at the door, adults $10, seniors & students $7, group rates for 10+, 383-9261. (pg. 25) Blue Moon Ballroom 2nd Birthday Ballroom and Latin Dance Party, Foxtrot lesson 7:30pm, Cha Cha lesson 8:15pm, dancing 9-11pm, $5 each, no partner necessary, potluck style refreshments and food, 647-9778, Ian McFeron, Wild Buffalo, 7:30pm, no cover, 312-3684, “Radium Girls,” Claire vg Thomas Theatre, 7:30pm, $12 / $10 / $8, 354-4425, (pg. 25) Skagit Swings, Maple Hall, 7:30pm, $15 / $17, 466-2665, (pg. 27) “South Pacific,” Bellingham High School Theatre, 7:30pm, tickets $8 at the door. (pg. 25) Sweet Medicine (reggae), Chuckanut Brewery & Kitchen, 7:30pm, no cover, 752-3377, “The Marriage of Figaro,” WWU Performing Arts Center, Room 16, 7:30pm, $14 adults, $12 seniors, $10 students, 650-6146, (pg. 25) “The Wedding Singer: A Musical Comedy,” Brodniak Theater, Anacortes High School, 7:30pm, $12 adults, $6 students, (pg. 25) Fourth Corner Folk Dancers First Saturday Folk Dance Party with Grupa Dunbarov and Musika Parea, Fairhaven Library, 8-11pm, $10-$15 suggested donation / $5 students, 380-0456. (pg. 22) James Higgins and the Muddy Boots Band, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Jovon Miller Rhythmic Jazz Ensemble, members, $6 students, $10 non-members, 592-5505 or 734-2973. (pg. 26) Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 Chuckanut Ridge Wine Company, 8pm,, 527-0900. 360.815.6286 MARCH 2010 Rose Laughlin (folk / celtic / roots), Three Trees, 8pm, no cover, Stirred Not Shaken (casual jazz with vocals), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 8pm-midnight, all ages, no cover, 715-3642. La Rosa Trio (jazz and Latin music), Star Bar Lounge, 9pm-midnight,, 299-2120. Marlin James & Mo’ Trouble (contemporary, classic and country rock), Skagit Valley Casino Resort Winners Lounge, 9pm-1am, no cover, Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground, Carney, Wild Buffalo, 10pm, cover, 312-3684, SUNDAY 3/7/2010 One-of-a-Kind Hispanitas Shoes Sample Sale (size European 37 from Spain), 12th Street Shoes in Fairhaven, details at 733-2066. Whatcom County Home & Garden Show®, Northwest Washington Fair Grounds, 11am5pm, adults $7, seniors 55+ $6, children under 16 free, 671-4247, (pg. 6) “Gardening with Ciscoe” KING5’s ‘Gardening with Ciscoe Live’ star Ciscoe Morris, Whatcom County Home & Garden Show® Main Stage, 1pm, free with admission, (pg. 6) “The Wedding Singer: A Musical Comedy,” Brodniak Theater, Anacortes High School, 1:30pm, $12 adults, $6 students, (pg. 25) NW Tulip Trekkers Volkswalk: Skagit Valley Food Co-op, Mount Vernon, 1:45pm,, 392-0101. Mount Baker Theatre Organ Society: Andy Crow, Mount Baker Theatre, 2pm, suggested donation $10, under 18 free. (pg. 27) “Radium Girls,” Claire vg Thomas Theatre, 2pm, $12 / $10 / $8, 354-4425, (pg. 25) Skagit Opera presents “Madame Butterfly,” McIntyre Hall, 2pm, $56 / $44 / $38 / $25, 866-624-6897 ext. 2, (pg. 25) “South Pacific,” Bellingham High School Theatre, 2pm, tickets $8 at the door. (pg. 25) “The Marriage of Figaro,” WWU Performing Arts Center, Room 16, 2pm, $14 adults, $12 seniors, $10 students, 650-6146, (pg. 25) VB Reads … Lesbian Book Group, “Olivia” by Dorothy Strachey (author not attending), Village Books, 2pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Skagit Human Rights Festival, Lincoln Theatre, 3pm, $10. (pg. 32) Author Reads: “Catalyst (Barque Cats Tales #1) by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, Village Books, 4pm, 671-2626, (32) Bellingham Laughter Club, Downtown Food Co-op Connections Building, 4-5pm, $2, 734-4989,, (pg. 24) Hearts Toward Home International: Oscars 2010!, Silver Reef Casino Pavilion, 4:30pm, tickets $49 single, $79 couple, 714-1525,, (pg. 23) Dances of Universal Peace, Center for Spiritual Living, Mount Vernon, 7-9pm, 333-1178. (22) Irish Session (traditional pub music), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 7-10pm, no cover, 715-3642. P ULL-O UT C ALENDAR MONDAY 3/8/2010 Anime @ your Library (ages 12-18), Dodson Room, Bellingham Public Library, 5:30-7:30pm, 778-7323. Book Discussion Group (“Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters” by Mark Dunn), Blaine Library, 6-8pm, 332-8146, Friends of the Ferndale Library Meeting, Ferndale Library, 7-8:45pm, 384-3647, “Noises Off!” Auditions, Claire vg Thomas Theatre, 7pm, (26) TUESDAY 3/9/2010 Author Reads: “Full Moon at Noontide: A Daughter’s Last Goodbye” by Ann Putnam, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) “Noises Off!” Auditions, Claire vg Thomas Theatre, 7pm, 354-4425, (pg. 26) Open Mic featuring Jason Lee at 8:30pm, Three Trees, 7pm, no cover, James Lee Harris Jr., Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Jazz Jam featuring Jennifer Scott Trio with Rene Worst & Jud Sherwood, Boundary Bay Brewery Tap Room, 8:30-11:30pm, $1 cover, 647-5593, WEDNESDAY 3/10/2010 Open House, Whatcom Hills Waldorf School (adults only), 9:15am-noon, RSVP to 733-3164. (pg. 24) Sudden Valley Women’s Club Buffet Luncheon, Sudden Valley Bob’s Burgers & Brew, 11am, $15, RSVP to 714-8901. (pg. 10) Rockband! on the Wii (for teens 11 and older), Lynden Library, 12:30pm, 354-4883, VB Reads ... Afternoon Book Chat, “Sweeping Up Glass” by Carolyn D. Wall (author not attending), Village Books, 1pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Auditions for “Oklahoma!”, Skagit Valley College’s Phillip Tarro Theatre, 3-6:30pm, 416-7723. (pg. 26) Anime Club for middle and high schoolers, Ferndale Library, 3:30-4:40pm, 384-3647, Flash Fiction (grades 5-8), Center for Expressive Arts and Experiential Education, 4:15-5:15pm, $10 drop-in, Northwest Singles Club, Cascade Pizza on Meridian Street, 5:30pm dinner, 7:15pm meeting, 398-1852. Chuckanut Sandstone Writer’s Theater Open Mic, Firehouse Cafe, Fairhaven, 7pm. Free Poetry Workshop: Finding Your Poetic Voice (ages 18 and up), Lynden Library, 79pm, free (reserve your spot with Jeff Schiller at 303-4652), 354-4883, Improv Playworks: Awaken the Spontaneity Within! with Sheila Goldsmith, 302 W. Illinois, 7-9pm, free, pre-register at 756-0756. (pg. 26) Iraq War Anniversary and Vigil, David Rovics, Whatcom Peace & Justice Center, Bellingham, 7pm, tickets $10 at the door. (pg. 31) Journaling with Heart: “Weaving Words of Light” with Jenny Davidow, M.A., near WWU, 7-9pm, $20, 676-1009, Mary Marshall (acoustic rock), Three Trees, 7:30, no cover, Please send Press Releases, Photos & Calendar Listings to Thanks! THURSDAY 3/11/2010 A Whale Watching Tale (learn about grey and humpback migratory patterns and behaviors), Bellingham Senior Activity Center, 10-11am, free, 733-4030. Lynden Women’s Connection Brunch Meeting, Homestead, 10-11:30am, $12 includes lunch, reservations (by March 9) 966-5258. (pg. 31) 5 Marketing Ideas Class, Allied Arts, noon-1pm, $5 members, $7 non-members, RSVP 676-8548, ext. 5, (pg. 10) Thurs. Brown Bag Series: Barnum Jack Acoustic Duo, Whatcom Museum, 1812 Old City Hall, 12:30pm, $3 / Museum members free, 778-8930, (pg. 27) Wii Party for middle and high schoolers, Ferndale Library, 4-6pm, 384-3647, Author Reads: “The Local News” by Miriam Gershow, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) “Oliver,” Ferndale High School Auditorium, 7pm, tickets at the door, adults $10, seniors & students $7, group rates for 10+, 383-9261. (pg. 25) Open Mic with Chuck Dingee featuring Amber Darland (singer-songwriter) at 9:30pm, Fairhaven Pub & Martini Bar, sign-up at 7:30pm, music at 8pm, no cover. The Soweto Gospel Choir, Mount Baker Theatre, 7:30pm, tickets $42, $35, $29 & $20, 734-6080, (pg. 27) “The Wedding Singer: A Musical Comedy,” Brodniak Theater, Anacortes High School, 7:30pm, $12 adults, $6 students, (pg. 25) Michael Patrick (classic jazz ensemble), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 8pm-midnight, all ages, no cover, 715-3642. FRIDAY 3/12/2010 BHS Band Fundraiser: “A Night of Latin Romance” Dinner and Swing Dance, Bellingham High School Commons, 6-10pm, advance tickets for dinner and dance $25 / $40 / $10, dance only tickets at the door $10 / $5. (pg. 23) Mixed Media and Large Sculpture Opening, Loomis Hall, 6-9pm, 603-4121 (pg. 10) “March Madness” Swing Dance, Squalicum High School Forum, doors open at 6:30pm, insruction at 7pm, dance 8-10:30pm, $10 adults / $5 students and seniors / 10 and under free, 734-7353. (pg. 22) SoulCollage® Community Suit Class, SoulCollage®, 6:30-9:30pm, $30, 739-0101, (pg. 10) “The Odd Couple,” RiverBelle Dinner Theatre, 6:30pm, $35 dinner & show or $20 dessert & show, reservations 336-3012, (pg. 25) Fidalgo Youth Symphony Spring Concert, McIntyre Hall, 7pm, $15, 866-624-6897 ext. 2, (pg. 27) Intenders of the Highest Good Circle (facilitated by Len-Erna Cotton), Community Food Co-op Connections Bldg. on Forest St., 7-8:30pm, free, 527-3624, Misty Flowers, Stuart’s at the Market, 7-9pm, no cover, 714-0800. “Music for Awakening,” Narayan & Janet, Rainbow Ridge Center, Anacortes, 7-9:30pm, $15 donation, 588-4583, 200-9509, (pg. 27) 15 MARCH 2010 “Oliver,” Ferndale High School Auditorium, 7pm, P ULL-O UT C ALENDAR Coldnote, Snug Harbor, Wild Buffalo, 9:30pm, tickets at the door, adults $10, seniors & students $7, group rates for 10+, 383-9261. (pg. 25) Skagit Human Rights Festival, Phillip Tarro Theatre, Skagit Valley College, 7pm, by donation. (pg. 32) “The Princess and the Goblin,” Mount Vernon Christian School, 7pm, tickets, 424-9157. (pg. 6) Volcanoes! with WWU Geology Professor Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, Blaine Library, 7-8pm, free, details at 332-8146, Fasting Cholesterol Lipid Panel, LifeQuest, Dance Gallery’s 19th Annual Spring Concert, Buy Our Books at The B.O.B. Shop Grand Opening at the Old Dimitri’s City Annex Firehouse Performing Arts Center, 7:30pm, tickets $12, 676-4113, (pg. 21) “The Wedding Singer: A Musical Comedy,” Brodniak Theater, Anacortes High School, 7:30pm, $12 adults, $6 students, (pg. 25) Scrub and Megan, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Stirred Not Shaken, Chuckanut Ridge Wine Company, 8pm, 527-0900, The Romanza Duo: William Friedson and Greg Potter (classics to jazz), Three Trees, 8pm, cover by donation, Tim Matheis & Ray Downey (classic instrumental jazz), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 8pm-midnight, all ages, no cover, 715-3642. Fortune 500 (semi-punky poppyseed rawk candy), Star Bar Lounge, 9pm-midnight,, 299-2120. The Goods (top 40 dance & 60’s to 80’s rock), Skagit Valley Casino Resort Winners Lounge, 9pm-1am, no cover, cover, 312-3684, tickets at SATURDAY 3/13/2010 7-9am, $25 + $10 for glucose, 788-6720. (pg. 11) Pancake Breakfast, Bellingham Senior Activity Center, 8-11am, $5 adults, $3.50 children, $13 family (2 adults, 3 kids under 12), 733-4030. adjacent to the new Ferndale Library building site on Main St., 9am-2pm, 384-0252, Brain Boosters, LifeQuest, 10am-noon, 788-6720. (pg. 11) Daughters of Norway Meeting, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, 10am, 734-2318. (pg. 31) Intermediate Writers Studio (grades 4-7), Center for Expressive Arts and Experiential Education, 10am-noon, $20 drop-in, Northwest Quilting Connection: Sharyn Mellors, Lynden Community Center, 10am, 920-8982, (pg. 7) Preschool Puppet Show: “The Rough-Face Girl” presented by Whatcom Hills Waldorf Early Childhood Program (ages 3-6), Dodson Room, Bellingham Public Library, 11am-noon, 778-7323. UNCLAD 2010 Opening Reception, Gallery by the Bay in Stanwood, 11am-8pm, 629-4297, (pg. 5) “Handwriting Without Tears Foundations,” Anne Zucchi, Launching Success Learning Store, 11:15am, registration required, $12, 527-2641, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Downtown Bellingham, noon,, 303-9332, (pg. 6) “Felt from Ancient to Modern: An Overview of Cultural Uses and Technique,” Zia Gipson, La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum, 1pm, $5, includes admission, 466-4288, info@laconnerquilts. (pg. 7) Opening Reception: “Resonances: Contemporary Echoes Modern,” “Resonance in Glass,” “Poses from the Permanent Collection,” Museum of Northwest Art, 2-5pm, 466-4446, (pg. 10) Second Saturday Scandinavian Dance, Norway Hall, Bellingham, 2-5pm, $8 (18 and under and Wergeland Lodge members free), 734-2516, (pg. 22) “The Princess and the Goblin,” Mount Vernon Christian School, 2pm, tickets, 424-9157. (pg. 6) Ukulele Workshop on Country and Clawhammer Ukulele by Lil Rev, Nancy’s Farm, 2-3:30pm, $20, concert at 4:30-6pm, $10 (both for $25), 966-4640, 734-0561, (pg. 27) Author Reads: “Preston Singletary: Echoes, Fire, and Shadows” by Preston Singletary, Village Books, 4pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Bellingham Roller Betties, Whatcom Community College Pavilion Gym, 5pm, $12 / $6 children 6-12, (pg. 6) Camp Fire USA Samish Council Centennial Dinner & Auction, Best Western Lakeway Inn, 5pm, $45, 733-5710. (pg. 23) “The Odd Couple,” RiverBelle Dinner Theatre, 6:30pm, $35 dinner & show or $20 dessert & show, reservations 336-3012, (pg. 25) Bellingham Scottish Country Dance Ceilidh, Eagles Hall, 7-10:30pm, $7 adults / $5 students, (pg. 22) Contra Dance, Fairhaven Library, workshop 7pm, dance 7:30-10pm, $8-$10, 676-1554, (pg. 22) Haiti Relief Fundraiser Dance, Crystal Ballroom, Leopold Retirement Center, Bellingham, 7pm, admission free, donations requested,, 714-0054, (pg. 24) “Oliver,” Ferndale High School Auditorium, 7pm, tickets at the door, adults $10, seniors & students $7, group rates for 10+, 383-9261. (pg. 25) Ronnie Milsap in Concert, Silver Reef Pavilion, 7pm, $45, 1-866-383-0777, ext. 126. “The Princess and the Goblin,” Mount Vernon Christian School, 7pm, tickets, 424-9157. (pg. 6 Dance Gallery’s 19th Annual Spring Concert, Firehouse Performing Arts Center, 7:30pm, tickets $12, 676-4113, (pg. 21) Poncho Sanchez Latin Jazz Band, McIntyre Hall, 7:30pm, $40 / $35 / $32, 866-624-6897 ext. 2, (pg. 27) The Walrus, Wild Buffalo, 7:30pm, no cover, 312-3684, “The Wedding Singer: A Musical Comedy,” Brodniak Theater, Anacortes High School, 7:30pm, $12 adults, $6 students, (pg. 25) 16 Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 360.815.6286 MARCH 2010 April Verch Band, The Conway Muse, 8pm, tickets $20,, 800-838-3006,, 445-3000. (pg. 27) Giant’s Causeway, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Marion Weston Trio, Chuckanut Ridge Wine Company, 8pm, 527-0900, Rainbow Squares Square Dancing, Ten Mile Grange, Lynden, 8-10pm, $5, 733-4487, The Bear Market (alternative / indie / rock), Three Trees, 8pm, no cover, The Spencetet (classic jazz quartet), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 8pm-midnight, all ages, no cover, 715-3642. Coyote Blues (tasty rock, cookin’ blues), Star Bar Lounge, 9pm-midnight,, 299-2120. That 80’s Show (80’s show band), Skagit Valley Casino Resort Winners Lounge, 9pm-1am, no cover, The Red Elvises, Wild Buffalo, 10pm, cover, 312-3684, SUNDAY 3/14/2010 Modern Dance Master Class with Sonia Dawkins, Firehouse Performing Arts Center, 11am-1pm, $14, $12 students,, (pg. 22) St. Patrick’s Day Potato Fest, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, Bellingham, 11:45am, by donation, 733-6749, (pg. 24) Flexibility and Floorwork – A Bellydance Technique Workshop, Unitarian Fellowship Hall, 1-4pm, $35 advance, $45 at door,, 969-5700. (pg. 22) “The Wedding Singer: A Musical Comedy,” Brodniak Theater, Anacortes High School, 1:30pm, $12 adults, $6 students, (pg. 25) Author Appearance: “The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition” by Alan J. Stein and Paula Becker, Skagit County Historical Museum, La Conner, 2pm, $4 adults, $3 seniors, $8 families, 466-3365, (pg. 26) Gallery Tour: “Out of Bounds” and “Bloom: The Elephant Bed,” Barbara Matilsky, Whatcom Museum Lightcatcher, 2pm, free with paid admission, Museum members free, 778-8930, (pg. 10) Skagit Human Rights Festival, Lincoln Theatre, 3pm, $10. (pg. 32) P ULL-O UT C ALENDAR TUESDAY 3/16/2010 Clothed Figure Drawing Session (no instruction), Studio UFO, 10am-noon, $12 prepay plus $2 minimum model tip at session, 319-6115 or visit (pg. 8) Kids Book Club (power readers, grades K-2), Lummi Island Library, 3-4pm, 758-7145, Newcomers Luncheon, Bellingham Golf & Country Club, noon, $16, reservations 714-9747. (pg. 31) Roeder Home Writers Group, Roeder Home, 1-4pm, 647-0724, Poetry (grades 7-12), Center for Expressive Arts and Experiential Education, 4:15-5:15pm, $10 drop-in, North Cascade Massage Connection Educational meeting, 6pm, more info: Cheryl 733-2368. Author Reads: “Sugar Cookies and a Nightmare” by Carol Kearns, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Meet the Author: Martin Burwash (“Vis Major: Railroad Men, an Act of God – White Death at Wellington”), Lynden Library, 7pm, 354-4883, Northwest Washington Theatre Group Auditions: “The Wizard of Oz,” 7pm, location TBA, (pg. 26) Open Mic featuring Bob Galford at 8:30pm, Three Trees, 7pm, no cover, Leahy, Mount Baker Theatre, 7:30pm, $42, $35, $27 & $20, 734-6080 or (pg. 28) The Librarians, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Jazz Jam featuring Organ Donor Tour with Delvon Dumas, Jud Sherwood & Chris Spencer, Boundary Bay Brewery Tap Room, 8:30-11:30pm, $1 cover, 647-5593, WEDNESDAY 3/17/2010 Morning Laughter, Community Food Co-op Connections Bldg., 7:30am, Book Discussion Group (call for title), Blaine Library, 10am-noon, 332-8146, Daytime Spinners Group, Roeder Home, 10:30am-3pm, 366-4030. Engaged Citizens Book Group, “The Magic of Dialogue” by Daniel Yankelovich (author not attending), Village Books, noon, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Whatcom Symphony Orchestra Concert: Celestial Classics (The Planets, plus Dan Sabo performs Grieg), Mount Baker Theatre, 3pm, $10-$24, 734-6080, (pg. 27) Irish Session (traditional pub music), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 7-10pm, no cover, 715-3642. MONDAY 3/15/2010 Game Night: Open Play @ your library (ages 12-18), Bellingham Central Library Lecture Room, 6-7;30pm, 778-7323. Jazz Celebration II: “Generations of Jazz,” First Baptist Church, 7pm. (pg. 28) Northwest Washington Theatre Group Auditions: “The Wizard of Oz,” 7pm, Cascade Business Park, (pg. 26) Please send Press Releases, Photos & Calendar Listings to Thanks! 17 MARCH 2010 P ULL-O UT C ALENDAR Whatcom Writers & Publishers Meeting, 24th Annual Spring Craft & Antique Show, ADACon – All Day Anime & Cosplay (ages 12- Bellingham Golf & Country Club, 5:30pm, $20 buffet dinner and meeting / $5 meeting only, RSVP by March 12 to 201-7373 or by email to “Discover Your Body-Mind Intelligence” with Jenny Davidow, M.A., Skagit Food Co-op, 6:30-8:15pm, free, 676-1009, Everson Book Club (“The Dog Who Wouldn’t Be” by Farley Mowat), call for location, 6:30pm potluck, 7:30pm discussion, 966-5100, Friends of the Blaine Library Meeting, Blaine Library, 6:30pm, 332-8146, Author Reads: “Europe’s Promise: Why the European Way Is The Best Hope in An Insecure Age” by Steven Hill, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Northwest Washington Fairgrounds, 10am8pm, $5 / $4 seniors / 12 and under free, (pg. 7) Barkley Toastmasters Club, Moss Adams LLP, noon, 685-2284. 18), Bellingham Central Library Lecture Room, 12-5pm, 778-7323. Artists’ Reception: Whatcom County High Schools’ Art Students, Good Earth Pottery, 2-5pm, 671-3998, (pgs. 10-11) Free Poetry Workshop: Finding Your Poetic Voice (ages 18 and up), Lynden Library, 79pm, free (reserve your spot with Jeff Schiller at 303-4652), 354-4883, St. Patrick’s Day Party featuring Basda (traditional Irish pub music, corned beef and cabbage, Guinness draft), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 7-10pm, no cover, 715-3642. Acorn Project, St. Patty’s Day Party, Wild Buffalo, 9:30pm, cover, 312-3684, tickets at THURSDAY 3/18/2010 24th Annual Spring Craft & Antique Show, Northwest Washington Fairgrounds, 10am8pm, $5 / $4 seniors / 12 and under free, (pg. 7) Thurs. Brown Bag Series: Italy – Art Cities of the Veneto (NE) & Coastal Villages of the Cinque Terre, George King & Nancy Nesewich, Whatcom Museum, 1812 Old City Hall, 12:30pm, $3 / Museum members free, 778-8930, (pg. 10) Bellingham Cooperative School Trivia Night Fundraiser, Chuckanut Brewery & Kitchen, 6-9pm, $30 advance / $35 at the door, more info at 752-2577 or 733-1024. (pg. 24) Family Wii Night (for children under 12 with a parent), Blaine Library, 6-8pm, 332-8146, Third Thursday Local Music Series: Lovage, Swan Cafe, Community Food Co-op, Downtown, 6-8pm, free, 734-8158, (pg. 28) “Math Intervention Strategies,” Bruce Camblin, Launching Success Learning Store, 6:30pm, registration required, free, 527-2641, The Knitting Guild, Ferndale Library, 6:308:30pm, 384-3647, Written Expressions (Open Mic), CEAEE, 1317 Commercial St., 6:30-9:0pm, 671-5355. 5th Annual Ladies Night, Kulshan Cycles, 7-9pm, Vocal Showcase Open Mic with Walt Burkett (acoustic jazz guitar), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 8pm-midnight, all ages, no cover, 715-3642. Hackensaw Boys, Spoonshine, Wild Buffalo, 9:30pm, cover, 312-3684, tickets at FRIDAY 3/19/2010 Take Heart Cardiovascular Screening, LifeQuest, $55, call for appointment, 788-6720. (pg. 11) 18 Workshop: Monkey with a Silent “k” (difficult money problems), Bellingham Senior Activity Center, 1:30-5pm, $15, register at 733-4030. Blue Skies for Children’s 3rd Annual St. Patrick’s Day Casino Night, BIA Building, 6pm, tickets $50,, 756-6710. (pg. 24) Introduction to SoulCollage® Workshop, SoulCollage®, 6:30-9:30pm, $30, 739-0101, (pg. 10) “The Odd Couple,” RiverBelle Dinner Theatre, 6:30pm, $35 dinner & show or $20 dessert & show, reservations 336-3012, (pg. 25) Author Reads: “The Endless Forest” by Sara Donati, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Family Storytelling with the Bellingham Storytellers Guild, Fairhaven Library Fireplace Room, 7-8pm, free. 714-9631 or 778-7188. Skagit Human Rights Festival, Phillip Tarro Theatre, Skagit Valley College, 7pm, by donation. (pg. 32) Dance Gallery’s 19th Annual Spring Concert, Firehouse Performing Arts Center, 7:30pm, tickets $12, 676-4113, (pg. 21) Dulcimer Doctors with a Cure (mountain dulcimer), Three Trees, 8pm, no cover, Fritz & the Freeloaders (“Ballads, Love Songs, and Hearbreakers”), Chuckanut Ridge Wine Company, 8pm, no cover. The Swing Gang, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. The Unusuals (guitar, bass, flute), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 8pm-midnight, all ages, no cover, 715-3642. Latigo Lace (contemporary country dance), Skagit Valley Casino Resort Winners Lounge, 9pm1am, no cover, Flowmotion, Hot Buttered Rum, Wild Buffalo, 9:30pm, cover, 312-3684, tickets at Project Labyrinth: Spring Equinox Celebration, The Village Green, Fairhaven, 3-6pm, free, 410-9228, (pg. 31 Opening Reception: “Early Spring” Show, Seaside Gallery in La Conner, 4-8pm, 466-5141. (pg. 9) “The Odd Couple,” RiverBelle Dinner Theatre, 6:30pm, $35 dinner & show or $20 dessert & show, reservations 336-3012, (pg. 25) Dance Gallery’s 19th Annual Spring Concert, Firehouse Performing Arts Center, 7:30pm, tickets $12, 676-4113, (pg. 21) Every Single Day (surf music), Chuckanut Brewery & Kitchen, 7:30pm, no cover, 752-3377, Skagit Symphony Masterpiece Concert featuring Bassoonist Graham Logen, McIntyre Hall, 7:30pm (pre-concert lecture at 6:45pm), $35 / $25 / $22, 866-624-6897 ext. 2, (pg. 28) Too Slim and the Taildraggers, Wild Buffalo, 7:30pm, no cover, 312-3684, Kat’s Singer/Songwriter Circle, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Killian’s End (alternative rock), Three Trees, 8pm, no cover, Roaring ’20s Dance (USA Dance Bellingham), Blue Moon Ballroom Studio, Charleston lesson 8pm, dance from 8:45-10:45pm, $10 / $7 members, 734-5676 or 920-0101, (pg. 22) Sabrina y Los Reyes, Chuckanut Ridge Wine Company, 8pm, 527-0900, Telefon (casual jazz trio), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 8pm-midnight, all ages, no cover, 715-3642. Latigo Lace (contemporary country dance), Skagit Valley Casino Resort Winners Lounge, 9pm1am, no cover, Vicci Martinez, Wild Buffalo, 10pm, cover, 312-3684, SATURDAY 3/20/2010 SUNDAY 3/21/2010 24th Annual Spring Craft & Antique Show, Northwest Washington Fairgrounds, 10am5pm, $5 / $4 seniors / 12 and under free, (pg. 7) Creative Writing Workshop II with Susan Colleen Browne, Sudden Valley Adult Center, 10am-2pm, $35, register at 714-8901, email Figure Painting “Clothed” Workshop with Trish Harding, Studio UFO, 10am-3pm, $69 + $2 minimum tip for model, 319-6115, (pgs. 8-9) Teen Writers Studio (grades 8-12), Center for Expressive Arts and Experiential Education, 10am-noon, $20 drop-in, Antiques and Collectibles “View and Value,” Bellingham Senior Activity Center, 11am-4pm, $6 per item or 3 for $15, 733-4030. (pg. 24) “Math Intervention Strategies,” Bruce Camblin, Launching Success Learning Store, 11;15am, registration required, free, 527-2641, Chuckanut Brewery Tour, Chuckanut Brewery & Kitchen, noon, $5 (21+), free under 21. 7523377, Benefit Performance: “Undersea Interludes,” Northwest Ballet School, 1pm, $15 adults / $5 children, 714-1246, (pg. 24) Whatcom Chorale Concert, First Congregational Church, Bellingham, 3pm, $15 adults, $12 students/seniors, $5 age 18 & under, 738-7166, (pg. 28) Dance Gallery’s 19th Annual Spring Concert, Firehouse Performing Arts Center, 5pm, tickets $12, 676-4113, (pg. 21) Southside Community Meal: Meet Your Neighbors!, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Bellingham, 5-6:30pm, free, 733-6749, Irish Session (traditional pub music), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 7-10pm, no cover, 715-3642. Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 360.815.6286 MARCH 2010 MONDAY 3/22/2010 Watercolor Workshop: “Juice It Up” with Trish Harding, Studio UFO, 10am-12:30pm, $34, 319-6115, (pgs. 8-9) Workshop: What Diplomats Do: Inside a U.S. Embassy (1st of 2 sessions), Bellingham Senior Activity Center, 3:30-5:30pm, $32, register at 733-4030. Healthy Weight Class (6 sessions) begins, LifeQuest, 6-8pm, $125, 788-6720. (pg. 11) Teen Book Club (read any version of “Robin Hood”), Ferndale Library, 6-8:45pm, 384-3647, Ferndale Friends Book Club: “Mudbound” by Hillary Jordan, Ferndale Library, 7pm, 384-3647, Whatcom Art Guild Meeting, Bellingham Public Library, 7pm. (pg. 11) TUESDAY 3/23/2010 Library Tour at Lunchtime (bring your bag lunch), Blaine Library, noon-1pm, 332-8146, Kids Book Club (runaway readers, grades 3-6), Lummi Island Library, 2:30-3:30pm, 758-7145, Bellingham Reads (“Sonata for Miriam”), Central Library Dodson Room, 6:30-7:30pm, free, 778-7323. Author Reads: “The Devil’s Star” by Jo Nesbø, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Deming Friends Meeting, Deming Library, 7pm, free, 592-2422, Barnum Jack, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Jazz Jam, Boundary Bay Brewery Tap Room, 8:30-11:30pm, $1 cover, 647-5593, WEDNESDAY 3/24/2010 City Club: “We the People” or “We the corporations”? panel discussion, Northwood Hall, noon-1:30pm, $11/$16 includes luncheon, Lynden Friends of the Library Meeting, Lynden Library, 1pm, 354-4883, Workshop: What Diplomats Do: Inside a U.S. Embassy (2nd of 2 sessions), Bellingham Senior Activity Center, 3:30-5:30pm, $32, register at 733-4030. Kids Write! (grades 2-4), Center for Expressive Arts and Experiential Education, 4:15-5:15pm, $10 drop-in, First Gear Bicycle Class, REI, 6pm, registration required at 671-BIKE, (pg. 00) Free Poetry Workshop: Finding Your Poetic Voice (ages 18 and up), Lynden Library, 79pm, free (reserve your spot with Jeff Schiller at 303-4652), 354-4883, Dana Lyons’ “Three Legged Coyote” CD Release Concert, Roeder Home, 7:30pm, $8-1$12, (pg. 28) THURSDAY 3/25/2010 Thurs. Brown Bag Series: The Protea String Quartet Meets Beethoven & Mozart Head On, Whatcom Museum, 1812 Old City Hall, 12:30pm, $3 / Museum members free, 778-8930, (pg. 27) P ULL-O UT C ALENDAR Building Better Bones Class (3 sessions) Intermediate Writers Studio (grades 4-7), begins, LifeQuest, 6-7:30pm, $148, 788-6720. (pg. 11) Bicycle Travel Series featuring the North Cascades Highway and Oregon Coast, REI, Sehome Village Mall, 6:30-8:30pm, The Chuckanut Radio Hour, Crystal Ballroom, Leopold Retirement Residence, 6:30pm, tickets $5, 671-2626,, (pg. 32) Center for Expressive Arts and Experiential Education, 10am-noon, $20 drop-in, Preschool Morning, Whatcom Hills Waldorf School, 10-11:30am, RSVP to 733-3164. (pg. 6) The Met: Live in HD – “Hamlet,” Lincoln Theatre, 10am, $22, $18 seniors, $15 students, 336-8955, (pg. 28) Saturday Afternoon at the Library: Pioneer Stories of Whatcom County by Troy Luginbill, Everson McBeath Community Library, 3pm, free, 966-5100. (pg. 26) Brother Dalton’s Euphonic Elixir, Stuart’s at the Market, 3:30-5:30pm, no cover, all ages. Friends of the North Fork Community Library Meeting, call for location, 7:30pm, 599-2020, Chad Petersen & Friends (jazz guitar with vocals), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 8pm-midnight, all ages, no cover, 715-3642. Kasey Anderson, Green Frog Cafe. (pg. 26) FRIDAY 3/26/2010 Free Skin Cancer Screening with Dr. Liz Vennos, M.D., new patients only, call 647-2188 for appointment, (pg. 11) Friends of the Everson Library Used Book Sale, Everson Library, 10am-4pm, 966-5100, Workshop: A Paradigm Shift: The Changing Face of Retirement (1st of 2 sessions), Bellingham Senior Activity Center, 3:305:30pm, $32, register at 733-4030. Family Fun Night (bring the kids for pizza, Wii Bowling, pool, ping pong, card games, Pictionary, and more fun), Bellingham Senior Activity Center, 5pm, 733-4030. “The Odd Couple,” RiverBelle Dinner Theatre, 6:30pm, $35 dinner & show or $20 dessert & show, reservations 336-3012, (pg. 25) Author Reads: “Cottonwood and the River of Time: On Trees, Evolution, and Society” by Reinhard Stettler, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Phil Vassar, Skagit Valley Casino Resort Pacific Showroom, 7pm & 9:30pm, $48, Skagit Human Rights Festival, Phillip Tarro Theatre, Skagit Valley College, 7pm, by donation. (pg. 00) Spring Messiah Concert, 1st Christian Reformed Church, Lynden, 7pm, by donation. (pg. 28) Biagio Biondolilo, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Scrub and Meg, Chuckanut Ridge Wine Company, 8pm, 527-0900, Sonja Lee Band (casual trio with jazz blues, soul), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 8pm-midnight, all ages, no cover, 715-3642. Freddy Pink (classic rock and soul horn band), Skagit Valley Casino Resort Winners Lounge, 9pm-1am, no cover, Bellingham Books to Prisoners Fundraiser, Chuckanut Brewery & Kitchen, 7:30-10:30pm, more info at 752-2577. (pg. 24) UNCLAD 2010 Wine Tasting and Chef Competition to benefit Relay for Life, Gallery by the Bay in Stanwood, 6-9pm, tickets at 629-4297, (pg. 5) “The Odd Couple,” RiverBelle Dinner Theatre, 6:30pm, $35 dinner & show or $20 dessert & show, reservations 336-3012. (pg. 25) Author Reads & Slide Show: “Rewilding the World: Dispatches from the Conservation Revolution” by Caroline Fraser, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Contra Dance, Fairhaven Library, workshop 7pm, dance 7:30-10pm, $8-$10, 676-1554, (pg. 22) Spring Messiah Concert, Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, Bellingham, 7pm, by donation. (pg. 28) Swing Dance, Bellingham Senior Activity Center, 7-9pm, by donation, 733-4030, 676-5750. (pg. 22) April Verch Band, Nancy’s Farm, 7:30pm, $15 suggested donation, 966-4640, 734-0561, (pg. 28) Helsinki Academic Male Choir KYL in concert, Whatcom Community College Syre Auditorium, 7:30pm, ticket info at 714-8600 or (pg. 30) Ladysmith Black Mambazo, McIntyre Hall, 7:30pm, $40 / $35 / $32, 866-624-6897 ext. 2, (pg. 29) The Dear Johns (old-time country music), Chuckanut Brewery & Kitchen, 7:30pm, no cover, 752-3377, Marion Weston Trio, Chuckanut Ridge Wine Company, 8pm, 527-0900, SATURDAY 3/27/2010 NW Tulip Trekkers Volkswalk: YMCA, Bellingham, 9:45am,, 392-0101. Deming Book Club (“The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” by Junot Diaz), Deming Library, 10am, free, 592-2422, Friends of the Everson Library Used Book Sale, Everson Library, 10am-4pm, $3 a bag from 3-4pm, 966-5100, Please send Press Releases, Photos & Calendar Listings to Thanks! 19 MARCH 2010 P ULL-O UT C ALENDAR Rainbow Squares Square Dancing, Ten Mile Journey to Control: Living with Diabetes, Grange, Lynden, 8-10pm, $5, 733-4487, Sabrina y Los Reyes, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Star Anna and The Laughing Dogs, The Conway Muse, 8pm, tickets $12,, 800-838-3006,, 445-3000. (30) Thomas Harris Trio (classc jazz trio), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 8pm-midnight, all ages, no cover, 715-3642. Freddy Pink (classic rock and soul horn band), Skagit Valley Casino Resort Winners Lounge, 9pm-1am, no cover, Lynden Library, 6:30pm, free, 354-4883, Open Mic with Laurel Leigh, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Three Trees, 7pm, no cover, The Librarians, Honey Moon Tasting Room, 8pm, no cover, 734-0728. Jazz Jam featuring Jud Sherwood trio with Blake Angelos & Larry Holloway, Boundary Cascade Ensemble: Baroque Gems, Whatcom WEDNESDAY 3/31/2010 (reservations by March 22 please), 734-4820. (pg. 31) Benefit Improv Show for Alternative Humane Society, Upfront Theatre, doors open at 6:30pm, show at 7pm, tickets $15 at 671-7445 or (pg. 24) Hejira Concert, Rainbow Ridge Center, Anacortes, 7pm, $10 donation, reservations, 588-4683, (pg. 30) Irish Session (traditional pub music), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 7-10pm, no cover, 715-3642. MONDAY 3/29/2010 TANK – Teen Advisory and Review (ages 1218), Bellingham Central Library Dodson Room, 4:30-6pm, 778-7323. 20 6:30pm, $35 dinner & show or $20 dessert & show, reservations 336-3012, (pg. 25) Open Mic featuring Jenna Freeman at 8:30pm, SUNDAY 3/28/2010 YWCA Northwest Women’s Hall of Fame Dinner, Northwood Hall, 4:30pm, $30 noon, 685-2284. “The Odd Couple,” RiverBelle Dinner Theatre, TUESDAY 3/30/2010 Bay Brewery Tap Room, 8:30-11:30pm, $1 cover, 647-5593, Museum, 1812 Old City Hall, 2pm, $3 / Museum members free, 778-8930, (pg. 30) VB Reads ... Feminist Book Group, “Passing” by Nella Larsen (author not attending), Village Books, 2pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Art of Jazz: Hal Galper Trio, The Amadeus Project, 4-6:30pm, $15, members free, (pg. 30) FRIDAY 4/2/2010 Barkley Toastmasters Club, Moss Adams LLP, Workshop: A Paradigm Shift: The Changing Face of Retirement (2nd of 2 sessions), Bellingham Senior Activity Center, 3:305:30pm, $32, register at 733-4030. Publish It! (grades 8-12), Center for Expressive Arts and Experiential Education, 4:15-5:45pm, $20, Author Reads: “Vis Major: Railroad Men, An Act of God--White Death at Wellington” by Martin Burwash, Village Books, 7pm, 671-2626, (pg. 32) Free Poetry Workshop: Finding Your Poetic Voice (ages 18 and up), Lynden Library, 79pm, free (reserve your spot with Jeff Schiller at 303-4652), 354-4883, “Here’s to the Women!” multi-media presentation by Songwriter Linda Allen, Anacortes Library, 7pm, (pg. 26) Scrap Arts Music, Mount Baker Theatre, 7:30pm, tickets, $39, $32.50, $27.50, $25 & $20, 734-6080, (pg. 30) THURSDAY 4/1/2010 Open Mic Showcase with Chuck Dingee, Fairhaven Pub & Martini Bar, sign-up at 7:30pm, music at 8pm, no cover. SATURDAY 4/3/2010 “The Odd Couple,” RiverBelle Dinner Theatre, 6:30pm, $35 dinner & show or $20 dessert & show, reservations 336-3012, (pg. 25) Clinton Fearon and the Boogie Brown Band, Wild Buffalo, 9:30pm, cover, 312-3684, tickets at SUNDAY 4/4/2010 Bellingham Laughter Club, Downtown Food Co-op Connections Building, 4-5pm, $2, 734-4989,, (pg. 24) Irish Session (traditional pub music), Skylark’s in Fairhaven, 7-10pm, no cover, 715-3642. TUESDAY 4/6/2010 Daytime Spinners Group, Roeder Home, 10:30am-3pm, 366-4030. Bellingham Photography Club, Roeder Home, 7:15pm, free, public invited, (pg. 24) Jazz Jam featuring Jennifer Scott Trio with Rene Worst & Jud Sherwood, Boundary Bay Brewery Tap Room, 8:30-11:30pm, $1 cover, 647-5593, WEDNESDAY 4/7/2010 The Bellingham Music Club, Faith Lutheran Church, 10:30am, free, 671-0252. (pg. 26) Wine Tasting, Skylark’s, 6-8pm, $15, 715-3642, Bike to Work and School Day Planning meeting, 314 E. Champion St., 6:30-8:30pm, Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 671-BIKE, 360.815.6286 Spreading Dance All Over Bellingham Bellingham’s community contemporary dance group, Dance Gallery, has been waging a campaign to involve more people in dance. A nonprofit collective since 1991, Dance Gallery holds classes, rehearses, and performs primarily at the Firehouse Performing Arts Center in Fairhaven, but their reach is much larger. The group has reprised a longtime habit of free performances during ArtWalks. In September, they held two half-hour showings at the Blue Moon Ballroom, and Erin Moore, Christina Claassen, Jessika Spencer, more free ArtWalks shows are planned. Cassandra Hogl, Lucy Morse, and Barbara Christenson These short, informal shows allow much in “How to meet the needs of your target audience,” by interaction between dancers and audience, WWU’s Susan Haines. Photo by John P.A. Hogl, including post-show talks. It’s a good way to see what Dance Gallery is up to (and Dance Gallery has regularly hosted imagine yourself part of it) without risk or choreographers and performers from other commitment. areas. At their upcoming concert at the They tried something very new on Firehouse, they’ll feature a dance piece Halloween last year, and it was an from Nanaimo dancer-choreographer Holly overwhelming success. The event was a Bright plus pieces created by Paula Clancey, Monster Mash—a freewheeling occasion Susan Haines, Brian Dawbin, and Amii for kids to move around and burn off all LeGendre, and by DG members Melody that candy—at the Firehouse in Fairhaven. Liu and Mary Jean Van Almen. (The show Half a dozen stations encouraged mirroring takes place with the support of the movement, playing on physical therapy Washington State Arts Commission and equipment, dancing with scarves, bouncing the Bossak-Heilbron Charitable with stretchies, reaching and jumping, and Foundation.) Previous years saw works by so on. Each was overseen by a Dance Bill Evans, Wade Madsen, Pablo Cornejo, Gallery volunteer. The kids loved it—the Michele Miller, Melissa Rolnick, and many volunteers stopped counting at 250 who others. Often, a came in the choreographer setting a door, and Dance Gallery performs piece on the dancers none of them March 12, 13, 19, 20: 7:30 pm will teach a class or wanted to March 21: 5 pm workshop series while leave! The Firehouse Performing Arts Center in town—a fine chance energy level Tickets $12 (Village Books, Co-op, door) for exposure to talents was uberSilent auction; post-performance chat not normally available inspiring, and Firehouse classes: here. something Mon 6-7:30 (basic, improv), Dance Gallery similar is Wed 6-7:30 (int./adv.), occasionally performs planned for Fri 10-11:30 (multi-level). (or teaches) elsewhere 2010. More info: 676-4113 or in Washington and The Gallery B.C.—Bumbershoot, has a new improvisation teacher, Jessica Tacoma First Night, Seattle and Nanaimo Houston. A theatre and movement Fringe Festivals, 12 Minutes Max, and graduate of Cornish College of the Arts, Velocity; and at area locations such as she often teaches improv at Monday-night Assumption School, Bellingham, classes; and she’s planning a kids’ improv Squalicum, and Mount Baker High Schools, workshop. Other teachers include Dan Celebrate Bellingham, and Van Zandt Dalley, Rosemary Kaholokula, Lynn Community Hall. The group is available to Schmidt, Julia Milburn, and Alona perform, teach, or lead movement games; Christman. if you’d like to bring dance into your school, Last fall, Dance Gallery took part in a after-school, senior, or other community unique opportunity to celebrate the program, please ask them. contributions of Tina Klix, one of their People often wonder what it means to cherished founding members and an active be a community dance collective—quite a supporter of the arts in Bellingham. The rare bird, according to the visiting evening benefit involved diverse talents— choreographers. The members wonder dance, song, music, and theatre—delighting themselves sometimes, but they know it the audience and easing her journey has a few key pieces. Everyone helps—for through the daunting terrain of medical performances, outreach, and classes. treatment. Classes are affordable—currently $8 per Please call 360.815.6286 or email to receive a rate sheet. Everyone had a blast at Dance Gallery’s Halloween Monster Mash. Photo by Cassandra Hogl. class with a 10-class card. Community members of all levels are welcome, from young teenagers through seniors. Performance opportunities, always with a goal of artistic merit, allow them to improve their skills and express their life experiences. Planning occurs through a board composed of group members as well as folks in the community. Their general meetings often involve passionate discussion of large decisions, challenges, and solutions. All members’ contributions are welcome. Why do Dance Gallery members care so much? Maybe it’s because, in today’s world of virtual-only closeness, cell phones, texting, and emails, dance is about something else altogether that people need. It’s about developing a physical intelligence, together, in one real place . . . interacting with each other via our bodies—in a safe way . . . and just moving big for the sheer joy of it. Body language can express intense emotions very effectively. Seek out a chance to become more fluent in your own body language, in the company of Dance Gallery. And never, ever stop moving! 21 a particular sacred phrase or phrases, inspired by a large variety of religious traditions from around the world. No experience is necessary; come alone or bring a friend; all dances are taught to the group each time. Next dances are: March 7, May 2, and June 6. More info: Reverend Jessie at 333-1178, Whatcom Community College Dance Classes for March include “Latin Dance: The Rumba and Cha-Cha” starting March 3 (4 sessions, $55). To register, visit or call 383-3200. Fourth Corner Folk Dancers Host First Saturday Folk Dance Party – “March Madness” Swing Dance – Grupa Dunbarov and Musika Parea, two Balkan ensembles from Vancouver, B.C., will play Sat., March 6, from 8-11pm at the Fairhaven Library, 1117-12th Street, Bellingham. Musika Parea specializes in Greek and Turkish music, and Grupa Dunbarov focuses more on Balkan and Romany music. Come join us for music and dancing! All ages welcome, no partner necessary. Experience helpful, but not necessary. Please bring clean soft-soled shoes to dance in. $10-$15 suggested donation; finger food contributions welcomed. More info: 380-0456. The Squalicum High School Jazz Ensemble brings home their energetic act with the annual “March Madness” swing dance on Fri., March 12. Come hear the fantastic Squalicum band and special guests, the Bellingham Youth Jazz Band, as they perform legendary jazz standards. Tickets available at the door: $10 adults; $5 students and seniors; children 10 and under are free. Doors open at 6:30pm, free swing dance instruction (with the Western Swing Kids) starts at 7pm. Dance goes from 810:30pm. Squalicum High School Forum, 3773 East McLeod Road, Bellingham. More info: 734-7353. Dances of Universal Peace in Mount Vernon – The Dances of Universal Peace are a group of simple dances to live music held the first Sunday of most months at the Center for Spiritual Living, 1508 N. 18th Street, Mount Vernon. The focus of each dance is in the singing of Second Saturday Scandinavian Dance will be held on Sat., March 13, 25pm, at Norway Hall, 1419 N. Forest St. in Bellingham. Live music by Seattle’s Skandia Kapell. $8 (Wergeland Lodge members and youth 18 & under free). Info: Bob & Carol Olson,, 734-2516. BCDS Contra Dances – Sat., March 13: Music by Sheep King from Bellingham with caller Julianne Dickelman from Bellingham. • Sat., March 27: Music by Brad n’ Steve and The Deluxe. All dances 7-10pm at the Fairhaven Library. Cost is $8-$10 at the door. No fragrances please! Bring a reusable water bottle for water. More info: 676-1554, email or Scottish Country Dance Ceilidh – Bellingham Scottish Country Dancers will hold a Ceilidh on Sat., March 13, 710:30pm, at the Eagles Hall, 1125 N. Forest St., Bellingham. Dancing for everyone to live music; all dances will be taught. Admission is $7 adults / $5 students. More info: 733-9084, Modern Dance Master Class – Sonia Dawkins of SD Prism Dance Theatre and Pacific Northwest Ballet (Seattle) will teach an intermediate/advanced modern master class, Sun., March 14, 11am-1pm, at the Firehouse Performing Arts Center in Fairhaven. Cost: $14, $12 with student ID. Space is limited. Master Class Series produced by Bellingham Repertory Dance. More info: bellinghamrepertorydance@, Flexibility and Floorwork – A Bellydance Technique Workshop will be held with Astarte on Sun., March 14, 14pm, at the Unitarian Fellowship Hall, 500 W. Section St., Mount Vernon. Three hours of safe muscular techniques, drills and proven methods to improve your dance for only $35 advance, $45 at door. Bring a yoga mat and/or knee pads, an old veil or towel, and questions! For more info and to register 22 Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 visit or contact Astarte at 969-5700. Roaring ’20s Dance – USA Dance Bellingham will hold a Roaring 20’s Dance at Blue Moon Ballroom Studio, 1213 Cornwall Ave., downtown Bellingham, on Sat., March 20. The Charleston will be taught by Joel from 8-8:45pm; and then dance from 8:45-10:45pm. Cost is $10 / $7 members. Refreshments will be available. More info: Skeeter Smith at 734-5676 or 920-0101. Swing Dance – The Bellingham Senior Activity Center presents a Swing Dance with the Bellingham Youth Jazz Band on Sat., March 27 from 7-9pm. Doors open at 7pm with swing dance instruction by Michal Spinale, then the 24-member band and smaller combos directed by Mark Kelly take the stage at 7:40pm with a mix of swing, Latin and other dance styles. Refreshments are provided, and all ages are welcome. Admission is by donation, which benefits the BYJB and the Senior Center, located at 315 Halleck Street. More info: 733-4030 or 676-5750. ONGOING • Bellingham Country Dance Society – Contra Dance (New England Style Country Dance), 2nd and 4th Sat. of each month at the Fairhaven Library. Workshops at 7pm, dance from 7:30-10:30pm. Live bands and callers, no experience needed, no partner necessary, no fragrances please, bring your water bottle, and wear soft-soled shoes. $8$10 at the door. Info:,, 676-1554. • Bellingham Repertory Dance – Every Thursday (beginning March 18) Night Dance Classes, 6:15-7:45pm at The Firehouse PAC, 1314 Harris Ave. in Fairhaven. Taught by a different company member each week with their choice of dance style such as jazz, modern, ballet, lyrical and repertory classes. Drop-ins welcome; class cards available. $7 per class! Info: 734-2776 or • Bellingham Scottish Country Dancers – Beginner classes held 1st & 3rd Tues. (March 2 & 16), 7:30-9:30pm. Intermediate classes held 1st & 3rd Wed. (March 3 & 17). Combined Levels classes held 2nd & 4th Wed. (March 10 & 24), 7-9:30pm. Advanced class Fri., March 19, 7:30pm. $8 drop-in fee or memberships available. Melody Hall, 4071 Home Rd., Bellingham. No partner or experience needed; wear soft shoes. Monthly dances held. Info: Mary Anderson 733-9084, • Bellingham Scandinavian Dance Class – Instruction in easier dances from the countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland on Wednesdays, 7-8:10pm weekly through early June at Norway Hall, 1419 N. Forest St. Instruction continues in couple turning dances from 8:20-9:30pm. $2 donation per evening. Info: Bob or Carol Olson 734-2516, • Bellingham Senior Activity Center Dancing – Ballroom Dancing, every Tues., 1:45-4pm, $4 per class, music by Sentimental Journey, refreshments provided. • Country 360.815.6286 Line Dancing for beginners and beyond on Wed., 9:15-10:30am, $6 per session. • Young At Heart Tap Lessons for beginners, basics and beyond on Wed., Thurs. & Fri., 3:304:30pm, $25 per month. Info: 733-4030. • Burlington Scandinavian Dance Class – Instruction in couple turning dances from the countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland on Mondays, 7-9pm weekly through mid-May at Burlington Lutheran Church, 134 E. Victoria Ave. $2 donation per evening. Info: Bob or Carol Olson 734-2516, • Dancing For Joy – Now registering for classes in Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Hip Hop, Modern, Musical Theater, Ballroom, Cardiodance and more. Classes for ages 6 months to adult, all ability levels, non-competition based program in a 4500 sq. ft. facility which includes 3 dance studios with sprung floors and viewing windows, an espresso/snack shop, and a comfortable waiting room. Only two blocks north of Sunset Dr. on Hannegan Rd. More info or to register on-line, visit our website at or call 715-0900. • Fourth Corner Folk Dancers – Requests and teaching of Balkan, Greek, Israeli, and Romany folk dances with live and recorded music every Thurs., 7-10pm, at the Fairhaven Library, 1117-12th Street. All ages welcome, no partner necessary; please wear clean soft-soled shoes. $5 donation requested, first time visitors free. Info: 380-0456. • Northwest Ballet – The classical ballet program emphasizes fundamental ballet concepts with a time honored curriculum used by professional schools worldwide. All Creative and Pre-Ballet students are welcome without prior dance experience. New students entering Ballet I through Professional Division levels are accepted by placement audition. Progress is determined by mastering all the essential technical elements in weekly classes presented during the school year. All classes are taught by qualified instructors who are comfortable working with students of all ages and abilities. Students are also given the opportunity to perform in classical ballet productions at Mount Baker Theatre and McIntyre Hall. Classes in modern, lyrical, jazz and tap are also taught. More info: 714-1246, email, 1417 Cornwall Ave., 2nd floor, downtown Bellingham. • Rainbow Squares – Mainstream square dancing on the second and fourth Saturdays through May at the Ten Mile Grange, 6958 Hannegan Rd., Lynden, from 8-10pm. Cost is $5 per person at the door. Info: 733-4487 or visit • USA Dance Bellingham – Argentine Tango Dance Practica & Lessons every Mon. (March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29), 7-9pm, with a free orientation class from 7-7:40pm. Cost is $5 / $3 members. • Tango by the Bay is every second Sat. of the month (March 13), with a free orientation class from 8-9pm, dance 911pm. No experience or partner needed and no advance registration. Cost is $5 / $3 members. • Ballroom Dance every third Sat. (March 20) of the month at Blue Moon Ballroom Studio, 8-10:45pm. Cost is $10 / $7 members. More info: 734-5676 or 920-0101, Family Bingo Night Fun! Families looking for a way to spend the evening together for fun and games need to come to the Ferndale American Legion for Bingo Night! Bring everyone for pizza, prizes and a great night of entertainment on Fri., March 5, 5:30-8pm. There will be prizes for every winning game, both for kids and adults. Childcare available for those too young to play. Bingo Night is a fundraiser for the Pleasant Valley Montessori Association, a licensed Washington State nonprofit. Proceeds benefit community outreach programs in Whatcom County and tuition assistance. 5537 2nd Ave., Ferndale. Info: 78-3681, or visit March 5 Fundraising Gala – Bellingham Chamber Chorale presents its fifth annual fundraising gala on Fri., March 5, 7pm, at the Bellingham Golf and Country Club, 3729 Meridian Street. Tickets for the event, which includes a three-course dinner, fine wines, musical entertainment, and a silent and live auction, are $60 per person and are available for purchase at, Piper Music, Village Books, and the Community Food Co-Op. If you wish to contribute to the auction or gala, or would like additional event information, contact Betsy Senff at 428-5822. More info: Celebrating Children…Creating Futures: WCEL’s Annual Fundraiser – The Whatcom Center for Early Learning (WCEL) will hold its 6th annual fundraiser, “Celebrating Children…Creating Futures,” Sat., March 6, 5:30pm, at the Bellingham Golf and Country Club, 3729 Meridian St. The gala benefit is the primary fundraiser of the year for WCEL and an important source of revenue. The event features live jazz by the local Thomas Harris Jazz Trio, a gourmet dinner, wine tasting, and live and silent auctions. More info: visit To purchase a ticket for the event, call 671-3660, ext. 101. Please RSVP no later than February 26. Tickets are $75. Skagit Preschool and Resource Center’s “SPARC Your Engines” – The “SPARC Your Engines” Auction to benefit children in Skagit County will be held Sat., March 6 at St. Joseph Center in Mount Vernon. The 8th annual event will include a buffet dinner, live and silent auctions. Tickets to the event, sponsored by Whidbey Island Bank and Skagit State Bank, cost $60 per person and are available at SPARC, 320 Pacific Place. Doors open at 5:30pm. Table sponsorships are $500 and include eight tickets. Proceeds go to help SPARC programs providing services to young children & families with special needs. Info: 428-5972. Wild Things Auction March 6 – Have you ever encountered a wild animal on the road or in your yard and wondered what can be done or who to call? We at Northwest Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (NWRC) are here to help. NWRC is a Please call 360.815.6286 or email to receive a rate sheet. local non-profit organization that cares for injured and orphaned wildlife. This past year over 800 animals came in for rehabilitation at our center. They require medical care and proper nutrition as we aid them in the healing process so they can be released back to their wild lives. Please join us as we raise money at our Wild Things Auction, to be held on Sat., March 6, 6-10pm. There will be a silent, live, and dessert auction including a buffet dinner, wildlife trivia and jazz music by the Mark Kelly Quartet. The event will take place at Northwood Hall (3240 Northwest Ave., Bellingham) and the cost is $50 person, or table captains can buy a table of eight for the price of seven. RSVP is advised. More info and tickets: contact Jan Stamey at 647-1415, e-mail:, or visit Oscars 2010! – Presented by Hearts Toward Home International on Sun., March 7, 4:30pm, at the Silver Reef Casino Pavilion. Join us as we celebrate The Academy Awards live on the big screen! Dress up and experience all the glitz and glamour of The Oscars with a silent auction, gourmet buffet & desserts, nohost bar, goody bags and more! This is the premiere and only Oscars party in Whatcom County! All proceeds benefit our returning men and women in uniform. Hearts Toward Home is a local, non-profit charitable organization founded by Dr. Bridget C. Cantrell, Ph.D. and is dedicated to the restoration and reintegration of trauma survivors. Tickets: $49 single, $79 couple. 4876 Haxton Way, Ferndale. Info and tickets: 714-1525, monica@ “A Night of Latin Romance” – Bellingham High School Jazz Band presents “A Night of Latin Romance” Swing Dance & Spanish Paella Dinner on Fri., March 12 in the Bellingham High School Commons, 2020 Cornwall Avenue. Dinner at 6pm; free swing dance lessons at 7:30pm; and dance to the music of the BHS Jazz Band (Matt Cole, Director) from 8-10pm. Dinner/dance tickets available only in advance at: Village Books, Community Food Co-op, BHS band, or email: $25 individual / $40 couple / $10 children 10 and under. Tickets for dance only are available at the door: $10 adults / $5 students/seniors. Also: no-host mocktail bar, white elephant silent auction, gift basket raffle, and dessert & coffee by donation. All proceeds go to Bellingham High School Band. Camp Fire USA Centennial Dinner & Auction March 13 – Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Camp Fire USA at a dinner and auction to benefit Samish Council and Camp Kirby on Sat., March 13 at Best Western Lakeway Inn, Bellingham. Cocktail hour and silent auction begins at 5pm, dinner at 6:30pm, with live auction following. Tickets are $45 per person. Call 733-5710 for tickets. More info: (continued on next page) 23 (continued from page 23) Haiti Relief Fundraiser – Dance the night away for a good cause! The 18-piece Swing Connection big band and the American Red Cross, Mount Baker Chapter, are co-sponsoring a dance on Sat., March 13. 7pm, in the Crystal Ballroom of the Leopold Retirement Center, 1224 Cornwall Ave., Bellingham. Admission is free, but 100% of all the voluntary contributions offered at the dance will support the ongoing and vital, nationwide Haitian relief effort being provided by the American Red Cross. Members of the local chapter will be on hand to answer questions about the relief program. Expect a mix of swing-era tunes, Latin numbers, and contemporary arrangements of good old ballads and blues. Visit More info: 7140054 or St. Patrick’s Day Potato Fest – Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church is holding a St. Patrick’s Day Potato Fest on Sun., March 14, 11:45am, in the Fellowship Hall, 1720 Harris Ave. in Fairhaven. A free-will offering will be taken for the Bellingham Food Bank, Soup’s On, and Maple Alley Inn. Matching funds provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. The Mission Circle will provide baked potatoes, choice of toppings, cole slaw, dessert and coffee. More info: 733-6749, Trivia Night Fundraiser – Celebrating the 40th anniversary of Bellingham Cooperative School, we are hosting a fundraiser on Thurs., March 18, 6-9pm, at Chuckanut Brewery (in the outside seating area). Brain-teasing questions and stimulating music will test your trivia knowledge! Hosted by Jack Brounstein, knowledge bowl and college bowl winner and former Bellingham Cooperative School student. All ages welcome. Register as a team or be assigned to one at the door. Tickets: $30 per person in advance, $35 at the door, includes one free beverage. More info and registration: 733-1024, children. To reserve tickets in advance or for more info call 714-1246 or email Blue Skies for Children’s 3rd Annual St. Patrick’s Day Casino Night March 19 – The luck of the Irish Bellingham Books to Prisoners Fundraiser – Come join us at Chuckanut will be with you as you enjoy mock casino games, appetizers, a no-host bar, music and raffles! The event will be held at the BIA Building, 1650 Baker Creek Place in Bellingham on Fri., March 19, 6pm. Tickets $50. More info, tickets and volunteer opportunities: 756-6710, or visit Antiques and Collectibles “View and Value” – Join us on Sat., March 20, 11am to 4pm at the Bellingham Senior Activity Center, 315 Halleck St., and have experts evaluate your antiques and artifacts such as jewelry, small antiques, stamps, flatware, vintage toys & photos, coins, art pieces, vintage books, and more (portable items only). Cost is $6 per item or 3 items for $15. Take a tour of the Center and purchase a slice or whole pie in our Coffee Bar Lounge! Info: 733-4030. Northwest Ballet to Hold Benefit Performance – Students from the Northwest Ballet School will present “Undersea Interludes” choreographed by John Bishop on Sun., March 21 in Northwest Ballet’s grand ballroom at 1417 Cornwall Ave., 2nd floor. The event will begin with a reception and silent auction at 1pm. The performance will begin at 2pm. Proceeds from the event will support Northwest Ballet’s upcoming performance season which begins with the premiere of “The Little Mermaid” coming to Mount Baker Theatre and McIntyre Hall in May. Suggested admission price for the 2pm performance is $15 for adults, $5 for Bellingham Photography Club meets the first Tuesday of the month on March 2, 7:15pm, at the Roeder Home, 2600 Sunset Dr. in Bellingham. The program topic is “Digital Work Flow.” Free, public is invited; new members are always welcome! Next meeting will be April 6. Info: Community Food Co-op Annual Meeting and Party – “The Real Cost of Food: Values and Choices.” Join us on Sat., March 6, 5:30-10pm at the Bellingham Cruise Terminal in Fairhaven. Evening includes: 5:30-6:30pm – delish dishes from the Swan Café; 6:15-8pm – meeting, board candidates, guest speaker Derek Long of Sustainable Connections; and 8-10pm – dessert and dancing to the Acorn Project. 734-8158, Bellingham Laughter Club – Think Globally, Laugh Locally at the Downtown Food Co-op Connections Building on Sun., Brewery and Kitchen to help raise funds for Bellingham Books to Prisoners on Sat., March 27, 7:30-10:30pm. Open to all ages! There will be a raffle and silent auction. Music line-up: Lovage (traditional American music), Clarence Gallagher and Company (old-time country blues and ragtime), and Sweet Medicine (reggae funk). Suggested donation at the door is $5. All proceeds go to Bellingham Books to Prisoners ( All funds raised for BTP in March will be matched 2 to 1 by an anonymous family foundation. Chuckanut Brewery & Kitchen is located at 601 W. Holly St. More info: Benefit Improv Show – On Sun., March 28 the Upfront Theatre will hold a benefit show with proceeds going to the Alternative Humane Society. Tickets are $15. Doors open at 6:30pm, and the show starts at 7pm. To purchase tickets, contact AHS at, or call 671-7445. Save the Date: • “Inherit the Wind” at Bellingham Theatre Guild to benefit Whatcom Volunteer Center – This spring’s first performance of “Inherit the Wind” will be presented as a fundraising event for the Whatcom Volunteer Center’s programs on Thurs., April 8, starting with wine, hors d’oeuvres, and a silent auction at 6:30pm, curtain time at 8pm and desserts and coffee as well as time for final auction bids at intermission. Advance tickets $35, available at 725 N. State St. or 734-3055. March 7, from 4-5pm. Join Certified Laughter Leaders and experience the health benefits of vital, social, exuberant laughter exercises the first Sunday of the month. Cost is $2. Next meeting is Sun., April 4. Info:, 734-4989,, Open House – Whatcom Hills Waldorf School will hold an Open House (for adults only) on Wed., March 10, 9:15am-noon. Please come and join us as we walk through the grades and feel what it is like to be a Waldorf student for a day. We will observe in the classrooms, tour the school and have a Q&A with teachers. Please RSVP to 733-3164 or email: 941 Austin St., Bellingham. Buffet Luncheon – Sudden Valley Women’s Club hosts a Buffet Luncheon on Wed., March 10, 11am, at Sudden Valley (continued to page 31) 24 Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 360.815.6286 META Performing Arts Auditions for “Annie” – Auditions will be held Wed. & Thurs., March 3 and 4, 6-9pm, at the Presbyterian Church, 15th & Broadway in Mount Vernon, across from Skagit Valley Hospital. Performances run June 4-13 at McIntyre Hall, Mount Vernon. The large cast includes both adults and youth, ages 7+, and will feature a 20-piece live orchestra. Interested parties should prepare a one-minute song, and if interested in a speaking part, a one-minute monologue. Schedule auditions: 466-3072. Visit: Ferndale High School presents the musical “Oliver” – Performances will be held on Thurs., Fri. & Sat., March 4, 5, 6 and March 11, 12, 13 at the Ferndale High School Auditorium at 7pm. Tickets will be sold at the door: adults $10, seniors & students $7. If interested in group rates for 10 or more people, call 383-9261. Bellingham High School Fine Arts presents “South Pacific” – Bellingham High School drama and music department continues its performance of the famed Rogers and Hammerstein musical “South Pacific” on Thurs., Fri., & Sat., March 4-6, 7:30pm at the BHS Theatre, with a matinee on Sun., March 7, 2pm. All tickets $8, available at the high school or at the door one hour before show times. The BHS production features over 40 student actors, an orchestra and stage crew. The show is directed by Teri Grimes with a set design by Ben Vandermay. Longtime music teachers Linda Short and Mark Schlichting assist. Seniors Adam Bigelow, April Hoag, Olivia Shrum, Finn Hopper and Danielle De Lisle play the leads, along with Freshman Brad Anderson. Based on the James Michener Pulitzer Prize winning novel, the show tells two intertwined stories of American troops in the South Pacific during World War II. Revived on Broadway in 2008, it won several Tony awards with signature songs as “Some Enchanted Evening,” “There Ain’t Nothin’ Like a Dame,” and “Wonderful Guy.” Biggest musical in Anacortes High School history “The Wedding Singer: A Musical Comedy” opens March 4 – More than 60 students gather daily in preparation for the biggest musical production in Anacortes High School history. If you like musicals, you are going to love “The Wedding Singer: A Musical Comedy,” scheduled for eight performances starting Thurs., March 4 and running through Sun., March 14 at Brodniak Theatre, Anacortes HS. “The Wedding Singer,” with a PG-13 rating, will be the first major production to feature new lights and sound equipment made possible by generous community donations. Performance dates: March 4-7 and 11-14, 7:30pm Thurs., Fri. & Sat., and Sun. matinees at 1:30pm. Tickets available only at the door, $12 adults and $6 students. Info/cast list: Mount Baker Theatre presents “Camelot “ – Let the quest begin! The the Mount Baker Theatre on Thurs., March 4, 7:30pm, in Bellingham. This sumptuous tale is sure to delight audiences with its soaring melodies, magnificent costumes and an enduring love story set among the historic grandeur of medieval England. From the celebrated team of Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe, who created the beloved musical “My Fair Lady,” comes this dazzling musical adaptation of T.H. White’s The Once and Future King, one of literature’s most cherished fables. This is an extraordinary musical that has something for everyone – romance, comedy, drama, and a score full of memorable songs like “The Simple Joys of Maidenhood,” “Camelot,” “The Lusty Month of May” and “If Ever I Would Leave You.” Tickets: $69, $60, $49, $37 & $20. Info/tickets:, 734-6080. “The Odd Couple” – RiverBelle Dinner Theatre in Mount Vernon proudly presents Neil Simon’s classic comedy, “The Odd Couple,” through April 3. Shows will run every Fri. & Sat. evening, doors open at 6:30pm. $35 dinner & show, or $20 dessert & show. 100 E. Montgomery. More info:, 336-3012. “Madame Buttefly” – Skagit Opera presents “Madame Butterfly” at McIntyre Hall in Mount Vernon on Fri., March 5, 7:30pm, and Sun., March 7, 2pm. Join us for one of the best loved operas of all time, a masterpiece of beautiful music and tragic love, and Puccini is a master of the genre. Come see and hear something beautiful; sung in Italian with English titles. Alastair Willis conducts and Erich Parce is stage director. Tickets are: $56 / $44 / $38 / $25, available at 866-624-6897 ext. 2, “Radium Girls” – Lynden Performing Arts Guild presents “Radium Girls” at the Claire vg Thomas Theatre, Dutch Village Mall, 655 Front St., #13, Lynden. A sweeping and poignant drama. With warmth and humor, the girls at the factory tell their true story of American commerce, labor, health, and public opinion. This one will really sneak up on you – don’t miss it. Directed by Shawn Fuller. Performance dates are March 5 & 6 at 7:30pm and March 6 & 7 at 2pm. Tickets: adults $12, seniors & students $10, children $8. Box office is open Tues.-Sat., 1-3pm. Info: 354-4425 or visit “The Marriage of Figaro” at WWU Performing Arts Center March 5-7. The Western Washington University Opera Studio continues its presentation of a comic opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart March 5-7 in the WWU Performing Arts Center, Room 16. “The Marriage of Figaro” is based on a comedy by Pierre Beaumarchais, and is an entertaining, slapstick tale with deep, emotional roots. Shows: Fri. & Sat., March 5-6, 7:30pm, and Sun., March 7, 2pm. Tickets available at the WWU Box Office. $14 adults, $12 seniors, $10 students with a valid ID. Hours: (continued on page 26) Knights of the Round Table descend upon Please call 360.815.6286 or email to receive a rate sheet. 25 (continued from page 25) 11am-5pm,Mon.-Sat., and one hour prior to the performance. Individual tickets or disability accommodations: 650-6146 or visit More info: 650-3787 or 650-3130. “Noises Off!” Auditions – Lynden Performing Arts Guild is holding auditions for “Noises Off!” at the Claire vg Thomas Theatre in Lynden on March 8 & 9, at 7pm. A show that clearly defies description – many say the funniest play in decades! With its strangely odd cast within a cast that’s even stranger. There are times when a grown-up just needs to laugh! Directed by Christopher Jones. More info: 354-4425 or visit Skagit Valley College announces auditions for “Oklahoma!” by Rogers and Hammerstein, directed by Andy Friedlander and Diane Johnson. Auditions will be held on Wed., March 10, 3-6:30pm at the Phillip Tarro Theatre, Skagit Valley College, 2405 E. College Way, Mount Vernon. Performances are scheduled for May 14, 15, 21, 22, 7:30pm and May 16, 2pm at McIntyre Hall in Mount Vernon. Rehearsals will be late afternoons, Mon.-Thurs. Info: 416-7723. Bellingham Music Club – The program on Wed., March 3, 10:30am, at Faith Lutheran Church, Northwest Ave. and McLeod Rd. will feature the Enid Carrick High School Piano Awards recipients. Next meeting is April 7 featuring WWU Music Awards recipients. Info: 671-0252, “Here’s to the Women!” – Songwriter Linda Allen will be celebrating the release of her ninth recording, “Here’s to the Women!,” with three multi-media presentations, sponsored by Inquiring Mind of Humanities Washington. The first will be Wed., March 3, 3:30pm, at the Whatcom Community College; the second at Anacortes Library Wed., March 31, 7pm; and the third at the Whatcom Museum, Thurs., May 13, 12:30pm. She will also be joined by friends in a special CD release celebration concert on Sat., April 17, 7:30pm at the Fairhaven Library (sponsored by the Whatcom Homemade Music Society). Her presentations explore the silencing and the raising up of women’s voices on the long road to Suffrage, as women celebrate one hundred years of the Awaken the Spontaneity Within!– Improv Playworks presents a free workshop for adults taught by Sheila Goldsmith on Wed., March 10, 7-9pm, at 302 W. Illinois (Illinois & Sunset Dr.), Bellingham. Preregistration required. • Ongoing registration for Kids Improv Class (6-week session), Sundays, March 7-April 18 (except April 4), 3:30-4:45pm. Cost is $85. Info: 756-0756. Northwest Washington Theatre Group (NWTG) – Auditions for “The Wizard of Oz” will be held on Mon. & Tues., March 15 & 16, 7pm (both nights mandatory) at Cascade Business Park, 5373 Guide Meridian, #F5 and #F6, Bellingham. Call backs on Wed., March 17. Performances will be held at the historic Mount Baker Theatre on May 21 & 22, 7:30pm. Tickets available at 734-6080, or online at More info: • Yoga Dharma ~ a wing and a prayer – Yoga as spiritual practice. Ongoing classes 5 days a week. Keystone Center of the Arts, 619 Commercial Ave., Anacortes. Call dunja, 770-7891, for class schedule or email • Yoga with Susan D’Onofrio at 8 Petals Studio – Gentle, nurturing yoga instruction in a non-competitive environment. Reduce stress, relieve pain, feel great! Make yoga part of your happy and healthy lifestyle today. Beginning and intermediate classes offered throughout the week at beautiful downtown studio with easy parking. Call Susan D’Onofrio 319-1601 or visit for updated Fall schedule and more info. 1317 Commercial St., #203, Bellingham. 26 Whatcom Community College Music Classes for March include “The Drumming Circle” on March 6 (1 session, $35). To register, call 383-3200 or visit Traditional Jazz Society – Listen and dance to the New Orleans / Dixieland music of the Olympia-based Mud Bay Jazz Band Lite on Sat., March 6, 2-5pm, at the VFW Hall, 625 N. State St. in Bellingham. Band members are: Dave McCrary Kasey Anderson Releases Nowhere Nights “The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition” authors at Skagit County Historical Museum – Authors Alan J. Stein and Paula Becker (you’ve seen them on PBS!) share stories and photos from their book about this grand event of 1909 that brought Seattle and Washington into the national spotlight on Sun., March 14, 2pm at the Museum. Presented in conjunction with featured exhibit “The Way We Played: Early Skagit Recreation.” The Museum is located at 501 S. 4th St., at the top of the hill in La Conner. Open Tues.-Sun., 11am-5pm. $4 adults, $3 seniors, $8 families. More info: 466-3365 or museum. Saturday Afternoon at the Library – The Friends of the Everson Library invite (continued from page 11) vote in Washington State. For more info, visit Chamber Music – International performing artist Carl Johan Stjernström will perform on Wed., March 3, 8pm at the Concert Hall of the PAC on the WWU campus. Swedish clarinetist Stjernström collaborates with WWU faculty Jeffrey Gilliam and Milica Jelaca Jovanovic, pianists, and the WWU Faculty String Quartet – Walter Schwede, Grant Donellan, Eric Kean, and John Friesen, in a night of chamber music, celebrating the works of Mozart and Schumann. Free. More info: 650-3130 or you to hear Mr. Troy Luginbill, Director of the Lynden Pioneer Museum, as he tells Pioneer Stories of Whatcom County on Sat., March 27, at 3pm in Everson McBeath Community Library, 104 Kirsch Dr. Hear the Tale of Hans Berthusen and the Bear. Be entertained by stories of The Missing Whiskey and The Cranberry Wedding. All welcome. Free. More info: 966-5100. ONGOING • Skagit County Historical Museum – Fun for the whole family. Continuing exhibition: “The Way We Played: Early Skagit Recreation” continues through July 3. Open Tues.-Sun., 11am-5pm. Admission: $4 adults / $8 families / $3 seniors & children 6-12 / free under 6. 501 S. 4th St., La Conner (top of the hill). More info: 466-3365 or Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 Singer-songwriter, Kasey Anderson has released a new CD, Nowhere Nights, on Red River Records. Built upon the artist’s most personal set of compositions to date, Nowhere Nights is about “the things people carry and the things they leave behind,” Anderson says. Among the highlights of Nowhere Nights is its leadoff track, “Bellingham Blues.” Perhaps the most chilling song Anderson has ever written is “I Was A Photograph,” inspired by Lance Cpl. James Blake Miller, a soldier whose stoic visage, photographed by Luis Sinco, became one of the iconic images of the Iraq war. Although the track was not born of Anderson’s personal experiences, it seems right at home among 10 tales of Anderson’s own soulsearching and self-examination. Anderson will be on tour promoting his new album through April 30. You can catch him in Bellingham at the Green Frog Café on March 25 at 9:30pm. 360.815.6286 (trumpet, leader), Clive Collins (trombone), Joe Baque (piano), Cary Black (bass), and Bruce Simpson (drums). Admission is $8 members, $6 students, $10 non-members. More info: 592-5505 or 734-2973. Skagit Swings – La Conner Institute of Performing Arts presents Skagit Swings, big band swing music, on Sat., March 6, 7:30pm, at Maple Hall. Tickets are $15 / $17 and can be purchased through the Next Chapter Bookstore, La Conner, 466-2665. More info: Organ Concert – Mount Baker Theatre Organ Society presents Andy Crow at the console of the Mighty Wurlitzer on Sun., March 7, at 2pm at the Mount Baker Theatre. He is well-known throughout the Northwest as a top-notch musician, equally at home on the organ and piano, employing rich harmonies and creative arrangements. Suggested donation $10, under 18 free. Info: Thurs. Brown Bags at Whatcom Museum: March 11, 12:30pm – Barnum Jack Acoustic Duo. Barnum Jack is an acoustic music duo currently based in Bellingham. They play progressive old-time family-style song and tune and traditionaltinged contemporaries. • March 25, 12:30pm – The Protea String Quartet Meets Beethoven & Mozart Head On. The Quartet performs Beethoven’s “Harp” Quartet (opus 74), along with Mozart’s Kochel 575. This is a Bellingham-based group whose sole purpose is to air great works and to have fun doing it! Sponsored by Village Books. 1892 Old City Hall Building, 121 Prospect St., Bellingham. $3 / Museum members free. Info: 778-8930 or Mount Baker Theatre presents (direct from South Africa) The Soweto Gospel Choir – In cooperation with Andrew Kay and David Vigo, the Soweto Gospel Choir will perform on Thurs., March 11, 7:30pm at the Mount Baker Theatre in Bellingham. The two-time Grammy Award-winning Choir is heralded as one of the most exciting groups to emerge in world music in recent years. Through vibrant rhythm, movement and its renowned vocal tapestry, the Choir performs a repertoire that reflects the past, present and future and blends elements of African gospel, Negro spirituals, reggae, and American pop music. The 26-strong Choir has sung alongside superstars including Bono, Queen, Annie Lennox, Dionne Warwick, Jimmy Cliff and Celine Dion, and has shared top billing in Paris with South African legend, Johnny Clegg. Tickets: $42, $35, $29 & $20. Info/tickets: 734-6080 or Narayan & Janet perform “Music for Awakening” at the Rainbow Ridge Center in Anacortes, 12702 Reservation Rd. on Fri., March 12, 7-9:30pm. Narayan & Janet’s powerfully uplifting music is a perfect match for the new Center and will include a concert set from their new CD, “All Bliss,” followed by an hour of group chanting in a musical soundscape. You will hear a blend of pop, world music, jazz, R&B, and Sanskrit chant influences which feature wonderfully blended vocals, Janet’s organ and keyboard sounds, and Narayan’s jazzy muted trumpet and flugelhorn melodies. Visit Suggested $15 love offering. More info: 588-4583 or 200-9509. Ukulele Workshop at Nancy’s Farm – Lil Rev will be giving a Ukulele workshop on country and clawhammer Ukulele on Sat., March 13 from 2-3:30pm for $20 and performing a concert from 4:30-6pm for $10. You can attend both for $25. Nancy’s Farm is located at 2030 E. Smith Rd. More info: 966-4640, Poncho Sanchez Latin Jazz Band – McIntyre Hall presents Poncho Sanchez Latin Jazz Band on Sat., March 13, 7:30pm. Widely acknowledged as the most popular Latin jazz artist in the world, Grammy Award winner Poncho Sanchez brings his fiery congas and legendary ensemble to McIntyre Hall for a sizzling hot evening of Afro-Cuban jazz, salsa, and vintage Latin soul. With more than two decades as one of the busiest and most successful Latin jazz bandleaders in the world, Poncho Sanchez has become one of the idiom’s most important practitioners. In concert, he spins vivacious tales that pay homage to the glories of a half-century tradition that was born when Afro-Cuban rhythms merged with bebop. The bearded, jovial conguero and the members of his veteran octet are today living symbols of this tradition. Tickets are $40 / $35 / $32, available at 866-624-6897 ext. 2, or online at April Verch Band at The Conway Muse – On Sat., March 13, 8pm, The Conway Muse presents April Verch, the Canadian Fiddle Champion and stepdancer who headlined last July’s Skagit Valley Highland Games. A beguiling blend of folk, jazz, old-time, bluegrass, and Appalachian roots music merged with the music of the Scottish Highlands, with guitarist Clay Ross & Cody Walters on bass and banjo. Tickets $20,, 800-838-3006. More info: 445-3000, or visit WSO presents Celestial Classics – The Whatcom Symphony will present Celestial Classics on Sun., March 14 at 3pm in the Mount Baker Theatre. Featured as guest artist is local favorite Dan Sabo, performing Edvard Grieg’s immortal “Piano Concerto in A Minor.” Mr. Sabo studied in Paris and at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels, where he received a Higher Diploma in Chamber Music with great distinction. Gustav Holst’s magnificent orchestral suite “The Planets” is the showpiece of this heavenly concert. Each of the seven movements explores how a specific planet influences the emotions of the human psyche. Scored for large orchestra, Holst uses extra brasses, winds, and timpani, plus less-often used orchestral instruments such as bass oboe, celeste, organ, and contrabassoon. The concert also includes a special treat: Artistic Director and Conductor/Composer Roger Briggs will premiere “Pulsars,” his exciting new “cosmic” overture. Tickets range from $10 to $24 and are available through the Mount Baker Theatre box office: 734-6080. More info: 756-6752, (continued on page 28) Fidalgo Youth Symphony Spring Concert – Directed by Sharyn Peterson, talented young musicians from around our region perform orchestral pieces from the Classics to the Contemporary at McIntyre Hall in Mount Vernon, on Fri., March 12, 7pm. Tickets are $15 festival seating, available at 866-624-6897 ext. 2, or online at Please call 360.815.6286 or email to receive a rate sheet. 27 (continued from page 27), or by calling the office at 756-6752. Jazz Celebration II: “Generations of Jazz” – Local jazz artists will perform music composed by Robert (Bob) Storms, a musician who has performed with all of these artists at some time during his 50 years in Whatcom County. Jazz Celebration II will be held Mon., March 15, 7pm at the First Baptist Church, Flora & Commercial in Bellingham. The songs to be performed will be Bob’s favorites from his four-book collection entitled “Tunes From Toneville.” The title is taken from fellow musician Mark Kelly’s artwork of the same name. You’ll hear swing, bebop, Latin, traditional, ragtime, jazz, waltzes and more, all played by the finest local jazz players. Three generations of musicians will be featured; under 30 (young artists), over 30, (not-so-young artists) and wayyyyy over 30 (master musicians). Catch the Northern Lights Jazz Orchestra (NLJO) in a special appearance at the concert. The 18-piece ensemble plays the compositions of composer Paul Sorensen at 9pm. Hear “The Outlaw,” “Abalone Steak” and other new pieces performed by NLJO. Tickets on sale at the First Baptist Church in Bellingham. Info at 223-8845. Mount Baker Theatre presents “Leahy” on Tues., March 16, 7:30pm – Leahy is the musical powerhouse of eight brothers and sisters who wow audiences whenever they play. The band is a whirlwind triple-threat of fiddle-driven music, dance and vocals augmented by keyboards and percussion. Their music combines the influence of their Irish and Scottish roots with pop, country and traditional Canadian music. Leahy’s musical career is lined with awards and distinctions as diverse as the music they play; the subject of the Academy Award-winning documentary “Music Most of All,” they are the recipient of multiple Juno Awards (Canadian equivalent of the Grammys). Tickets: $42, $35, $27 & $20. More info/tickets: 734-6080 or Lovage at Food Co-op – Third Thursday Local Music Series features the newly formed, local group Lovage Thurs., March 18, 6-8pm, in the Swan Cafe at the Community Food Co-op, downtown Bellingham. Lovage weaves entrancing guitar arrangements through songs with beautiful, layered vocal harmonies in one big, heart-opening breath. Lovage is currently a duo, Eric Schmitz and Aryay Ingram, who combine their considerable talents as acoustic guitarists, song writers and vocalists. Free. 1220 N. Forest St. Info: 734-8158, Bassoonist Graham Logen in Masterpiece Concert – The Skagit Symphony is pleased to welcome bassoonist Graham Logen performing Mozart’s “Bassoon Concerto” for the Masterpiece Concert scheduled for Sat., March 20 at 7:30pm at McIntyre Hall. During the pre-concert lecture beginning at 6:45pm, Maestro Shakarian will discuss the evening’s repertoire which includes Brahm’s “Symphony No. 2” and Beethoven’s 28 Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 “Lenora Overture No. 3.” Tickets are $35 / $25 / $22 (military / senior / student discounts $3) unless otherwise noted, and are available at 866-624-6897, or online at More info: Whatcom Chorale Concert – The ninety voices of the Whatcom Chorale, conducted by Artistic Director Deborah Brown, will present romantic choral depictions of the nomadic life, including Brahms’ “Gypsy Songs,” Schumann’s “Gypsy Life,” and Elgar’s “From the Bavarian Highlands” on Sun., March 21, 3pm at the First Congregational Church in Bellingham. $15 adults, $12 students/seniors, $5 age 18 & under. Tickets available at Piper Music, Village Books, Greenhouse, Everybody’s Store, Downtown Bellingham Partnership office and at the door. Info: 738-7166 or “Three Legged Coyote” CD Release – Dana Lyons, best known for his comedy hit single “Cows With Guns,” will perform in a CD release concert for his latest album, “Three Legged Coyote” on Wed., March 24, 7:30pm, at the Roeder Home, 2600 Sunset Drive, Bellingham. Produced by Casey Neill, “Three Legged Coyote” is a blend of ballads and comedy, stretching musically from a western desert sound to a full-on New Orleans jazz jam to close the album. $8-$12 donation at the door. Co-sponsored by the Whatcom Family & Community Network and the Whatcom Homemade Music Society. More info: Spring Messiah Concert! The Lynden Choral Society invites you to join us as we present the 2nd half of Handel’s “Messiah” during this year’s Lenten season. There will be two concerts, one on Fri., March 26 at the 1st Christian Reformed Church, 1010 Front St., Lynden, at 7pm and one on Sat., March 27 at Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, 2600 Lakeway Dr., Bellingham, at 7pm. A donation will be taken at the door to help cover costs. More info: Crystal at or Ethan at 410-8537. The Metropolitan Opera’s Emmy Award winning series “The Met: Live in HD” continues in its fourth season and its first season at the historic Lincoln Theatre. Performances begin at 10am Pacific Time (1pm in NY) and will be viewed in real time live around the world. Tickets: $22, $18 seniors, $15 students. Upcoming performances include: “Hamlet” March 27; “Armida” May 1. 712 First St., Mount Vernon. Info: 336-8955 or April Verch Band at Nancy’s Farm – The April Verch Band will be performing on Sat., March 27, 7:30pm. April is an award-winning Canadian fiddler playing traditional and original music. Suggested donation is $15. Nancy’s Farm is located at 2030 E. Smith Rd. More info: 966-4640, (continued to page 30) 360.815.6286 Celebrating Sounds of South Africa with Ladysmith Black Mambazo by Stephanie Dethlefs For over four decades, Grammy Awardwinning Ladysmith Black Mambazo has been sharing the traditional music of their Zulu homeland with a worldwide audience. On Saturday, March 27, the a cappella singing group will bring their joyous blend of gospel and native South African music to McIntyre Hall Performing Arts and Conference Center in Mount Vernon for what is sure to be an unforgettable performance. This is the first time the group will perform at McIntyre Hall. “I schedule a variety of programs each year and hope to present a well-balanced offering for the community,” says Nida Tautvydas, Executive Director of the Performing Arts and Conference Center. “Ladysmith Black Mambazo was selected because of their high artistic quality and their underlying message of peace, unity, love, and social harmony.” The traditional sound of Ladysmith Black Mambazo, called Isicathamiya (Is-Cot-AMe-Ya,) originated in the early part of the 20th century when black workers were taken from their homes by rail to work in the mines. After long hours of exhausting labor, the men would sing songs and dance to keep each other entertained. The men called themselves Cothoza Mfana – tip toe guys – referring to the dance steps crafted carefully so as not to disturb the camp security guards. As the miners returned to their homelands, Isicathamiya became a cultural phenomenon and a popular form of social competition. Ladysmith Black Mambazo’s founder, Joseph Shabalala, participated in these competitive singing groups in the 1950s and later began his efforts to put together his own group. He recruited brothers, cousins, and friends, and taught the men the harmonies he’d dreamed of. In time, Ladysmith Black Mambazo had a sound uniquely their own, and they quickly grew in local popularity. In 1970, a radio broadcast led to their first record contract. Since then, the group has recorded more than 40 albums. It has been more than 20 years since Paul Simon was inspired to use their traditional sounds in his Graceland album, a recording that is regarded as highly influential in the explosion of interest in “world music.” Since then, Ladysmith Black Mambazo has been nominated for and won several Grammy awards, including 1987’s win for Best Traditional Folk Recording for Shaka Zulu, an album produced by Simon, and a win in 2005 for Best Traditional World Music Recording for Raise Your Spirit Higher. Most recently, the group was awarded a 2009 Grammy for ILEMBE: A Tribute To King Shaka. They are the subject of a 2001 documentary film titled “On Tip Toe: Gentle Steps to Freedom,” which was nominated both for an Academy Award and an Emmy. They have recorded songs for a variety of movie soundtracks, brought their sounds to the theater stage, and appeared in numerous commercials. Ladysmith Black Mambazo are no strangers to famous faces. They have collaborated with a wide variety of musicians including Simon, Natalie Merchant, Taj Mahal, Emmylou Harris, Stevie Wonder and Dolly Parton. Recently, they joined Sarah MacLachlan for a pair of television performances and collaborated on an album with Josh Groban. The group has also performed for the prestigious audiences at Nelson Mandela’s inauguration in 1994 and at a celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s 50th Anniversary as Monarch in 2002. Founder Shabalala’s mission has always revolved around the preservation of traditional South African music. With original members of the group retiring (and the recent death of Shabalala’s brother and group-mate Jockey) Shabalala has begun to recruit “the next Mambazo generation,” which both infuses the group with a new youthful energy and ensures that the musical traditions of his people will not disappear. Ladysmith Black Mambazo performs at McIntyre Hall on Saturday, March 27, at 7:30 p.m. with an estimated running time of 120 minutes. Tickets to join the audience for this authentic world music performance range in price from $32 to $40, and can be purchased in person at 2501 East College Way, Mount Vernon, or by phone at (360) 416-7727x2, during the business hours of 12-6 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday (a $3 fee is applied to purchases by phone). Tickets can also be purchased online at (a $1 fee applies). Stephanie Dethlefs writes with one hand while parenting her two small children with the other. She is also the founder of the Young Writers Studio in Bellingham. Please call 360.815.6286 or email to receive a rate sheet. 29 (continued from page 28) The Conway Muse presents Star Anna and The Laughing Dogs March 27 – A return engagement to The Conway Muse for singer-songwriter Star Anna and her band on Sat., March 27, 8pm, Star Anna’s voice is full of passionate country soul. Her emotional songs are gritty yet simple ballads that are equal parts trash Americana-laced rock and sophisticated storytelling. The Three Laughing Dogs are guitarist Justin Davis, bassist Frank Johnson & drummer Travis Yost. Twangy, lonesome, haunting Northwest Alt-country that rocks! Tickets $12,, 800-838-3006. Info: 445-3000, or visit Cascade Ensemble: Baroque Gems – The Cascade Ensemble will perform music from the Baroque era, including J.S. Bach and Telemann on Sun., March 28, 2pm. Featuring musicians from Whatcom, Skagit and B.C., they have been dedicated to playing music for 15 years from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern eras. 1892 Old City Hall Building, 121 Prospect St., Bellingham. $3 / Museum members free. Info: 778-8930 or Art of Jazz Series – The Jazz Project presents the Hal Galper Trio on Sun., March 28, 4-6:30pm, at The Amadeus Project, 1209 Cornwall Ave. in downtown Bellingham. Performing will be Hal Galper piano, Jeff Johnson bass, and John Bishop drums. Tickets are $15 or free for Jazz Project members. Sponsored by Boeing Matching Grants. More info: or 650-1066. Hejira Concert at Rainbow Ridge Center in Anacortes will be held on Sun., March 28, 7pm. Don Baragiano and Ashraf Hakim bring dedication and passion together to charm audiences. Their playful musical interplay and improvisational solos highlight Don’s unique compositions. Space limited, come early or call to reserve your spot. $10 donation suggested, no one turned away. 12702 Reservation Rd., Anacortes. Info: 588-4683, www.rainbowridgecenter. The Mount Baker Theatre presents Scrap Arts Music on Wed., March 31, 7:30pm. Scrap Arts Music excites the senses with intricate rhythms, raw energy, athletic choreography and the greenest – and most inventive – reuse of materials on stage today. Fashioned from industrial scrap and offbeat materials ranging from accordion parts to artillery shells, their one-of-a-kind instruments are as visually striking as their music is sonically riveting. Audiences from four continents have welcomed this electrifying quintet, embracing their intoxicating mix of music, movement and spectacle. Tickets: $39, $32.50, $27.50, $25 & $20. A “Found Sound” demonstration/lecture will be held on March 31, 4pm. Tickets: $20. Info and tickets:, or 734-6080. Save the Date: • The Wailin’ Jennys are appearing at the Lincoln Theatre in Mount Vernon, Sat., April 10, in two shows at 3pm & 8pm. Reserved seats are $34 / $30 / $21, available at, 800-838-3006. 30 Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 ONGOING • Boundary Bay Brewery – Mon.: Paul Klein plays piano in the tap room from 6-8pm (ragtime, jazz & blues), no cover. Mon.: Bluegrass Mondays wit the Polecats, 8:3010pm in the tap room, no cover. Tues.: Jazz Jam in the tap room, 8:30-11:30pm, sponsored by The Jazz Project, $1 cover. Wed., Aaron Guest plays piano in the tap room, 5-7pm, no cover. Sat.-Thurs: Happy Hour Menu 4-6pm in the tap room. Fri.: The Late Show, every other Friday at 11pm, $4 cover, as a benefit to local non-profits. More info: 647-5593. 1107 Railroad Ave., Bellingham. • Chuckanut Ridge Wine Company – Thurs.: Blake Angelos Jazz Trio, 8pm. Fri. & Sat.: Live Music, 8pm (check website for updated music schedule). 1017 N. State St., Bellingham, 527-0900, • Honey Moon – Wed.: Open Mic. Thurs.: The Naked Hearts, featuring Jan Peters and Majnun (eclectic, old world acoustic). Tues., Fri. & Sat.: Live music. Music starts at 8pm. 1053 N. State St. Alley (access off the alley behind Pepper Sisters restaurant), Bellingham. Hours: Tues.-Sun., 5-11pm. More info: 734-0728. The Helsinki Academic Male Choir KYL In Concert The Helsinki Academic Male Choir KYL from Aalto University of Helsinki, will tour the Pacific Northwest with a final concert in Washington DC. The tour is under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Finland, Mrs. Tarja Halonen. The opening concert is in Bellingham on March 27 at 7:30pm at Whatcom Community College SYRE Auditorium. The program consists of traditional Finnish male choir music as well as American and international songs, accompanied with modern pop music arrangements for male choir. Although their roots are from the classic music of Jean Sibelius, they have also gained fame performing arrangements from such modern day artists as Madonna, Backstreet Boys and others. KYL is a very versatile choir, and you can expect to hear something for every listener! Admission to the concert is $20 general, $10 students. For more information please contact: Tapio Holma, Events Coordinator at 714-8600 or 360.815.6286 • Skagit Valley Casino Resort Winners Lounge – iKaraoke every Thurs., 8pm- 3pm-close. Info: 293-2120, midnight. Live Music Fri. & Sat., 9pm-1am. More info: 877-275-2448, • Stuart’s at the Market – First Fri. of the • Skylark’s Hidden Cafe & Wine Parlor in Fairhaven – Acoustic Casual Jazz every Thurs., Fri. & Sat. at 8pm; Irish Session on Sun. at 7pm. Our shows are always all ages and no cover. 1308 Eleventh St. Call 715-3642 for schedule. • Star Bar in Anacortes – Closed for Spring Cleaning March 14-31. Live Music Fridays and Saturdays. Open for dining Tues.Sat., 5-9:30pm; Lounge open Tues.-Sat., (continued from page 24) Bob’s Burgers & Brew, 2145 Lake Whatcom Blvd. There will be a book exchange and Garden Club speaker. RSVP to Carolyn at 714-8901, or email: More info: Iraq War Anniversary Vigil – On Wed., March 10, the Whatcom Peace & Justice Center will co-host anti-war folk musician David Rovics at 100 E. Maple St., 7pm. This event will observe the 7th Anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and will include a candlelight vigil to remember all who have suffered, and still suffer, in this ongoing tragedy. This event is being cohosted by the Mission, Justice & Social Concerns Committee of the First Congregational Church and Veterans for Peace Chapter 111. Tickets: $10 at the door. Brunch Meeting – The Lynden Women’s Connection, an all-county women’s group, will hold their monthly brunch Thurs., March 11, from 10-11:30am at Homestead in Lynden. Guest speaker is Laurie Zurinsky from Olalla, a published author. Special feature is the Celtica Highland Dance School from Langley, B.C. $12 inclusive, reservations required. Invite your friends! Call Ruth at 966-5258 by March 9 for brunch reservations and complimentary babysitting. The next brunch will be April 18. month, Swil Kanim, 7-9pm; Last Sat. of the month, Brother Dalton’s Euphonic Elixir, 3:305:30pm. Bellingham Public Market, 1530 Cornwall Ave. More info: 714-0800 or visit • Three Trees Coffee – Closed March 2327 for Spring Break. Open Mic every Tues., 7pm; Live Music Fri. & Sat. nights, 8pm. Featured artist of the month is Kimberly Lee. Open Tues.-Fri., 4-10pm and Sat., 10am11pm. 118 W. Holly St., Bellingham, Daughters of Norway March Meeting – Daughters of Norway, Nellie Gerdrum Lodge #41, will meet at 10am on Sat., March 13 at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, 1720 Harris Ave., Bellingham. Candace Brown, Cultural Director for Embla Lodge #2, Tacoma, will be presenting the history of Scandinavian knitting, with discussion of patterns and designs particular to the different countries. Guests welcome. Info: 734-2318. Newcomers Luncheon – The next Whatcom Newcomers Luncheon will be held Wed., March 17 at noon at the Bellingham Golf & Country Club, 3729 Meridian St. This month’s speaker is Pete Kremen, Whatcom County Executive. Call Grace at 714-9747 for lunch reservations ($16 per person). More info: visit Project Labyrinth presents 3rd Annual Spring Equinox Celebration March 20 – Come experience the tranquility of the new blossoms while Please call 360.815.6286 or email to receive a rate sheet. • Tivoli – Bar Tabac plays the 1st Wed. of every month. Open Tues.-Sun., 4:30-9:30pm. 1317 Commercial St., downtown Bellingham, 594-4313. • Wild Buffalo – Mon.: DJ, free, 10pm. Tues.: Open Mic hosted by Roger Mills and Craig Jewell, no cover, sign-ups at 6pm. Wed.: Reggae Night with the Blessed Coast DJs, $1 cover, 10pm. Thurs.-Sat.: Live Music, 9:30pm, cover. Fri.: Happy Hour Jazz, 68pm, no cover. Sat.: Early Show at 7pm; Late show at 10pm. First Sunday of each month is Swing Night, 6:30-8:30pm, no cover. 208 W. Holly St., Bellingham. Info: 752-0720 or walking the labyrinth on Fri., March 20, 36pm at the Village Green in Fairhaven. Free to the public, all ages are invited to come and experience the transforming nature of physical meditation. A labyrinth is a spiral that guides one through a meditative walk, taking the visitor first into its center and then back out. Info: 410-9228 or March 28 Dinner Honors Exceptional Whatcom Women – Several Whatcom County women, who have made exceptional contributions to their community, will be inducted into the YWCA Northwest Women’s Hall of Fame during its 12th annual anniversary dinner at 4:30pm. Sun., March 28 in Northwood Hall, 3240 Northwest Avenue. Honorees will be selected the second week in March. Dinner reservations ($30) are due no later than March 22 by calling the YWCA at 734-4820, or emailing Space is limited, so early reservations are advised. More info: 31 Poetry Contest – The 5th annual Sue C. Boynton Poetry Contest invites singlepoem submissions from Whatcom County residents of all ages and experience. Free. Submissions accepted between March 1 and April 7. An awards ceremony will be held at the Bellingham Cruise Terminal on Wed., May 12 and winning poems displayed for a year on the downtown Bellingham Poetry Walk and on WTA buses. Guidelines and info: VB Reads – General Literature: Mon., March 1, 7pm – Wandering Star by JeanMarie Gustave Le Clezio. • Business Book Group: Wed., March 3, noon-1pm – Outliers: the Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell. • Lesbian Book Group: Sun., March 7, 2pm – Olivia by Dorothy Strachey. • Afternoon Book Chat: Wed., March 10, 1pm – Sweeping Up Glass by Carolyn D. Wall. • Engaged Citizens Book Group: Wed., March 17, noon – The Magic of Dialogue by Daniel Yankelovich. • Feminist Book Group: Sun., March 28, 2pm – Passing by Nella Larsen. Authors do not attend these events. More info: 671-2626 or February Events at Village Books – Our February Literature Live Calendar is packed with engaging author events and workshops to inspire and entertain you! Tues., March 2, 7pm: The Love Israel Family: Urbane Commune, Rural Commune by Charles LeWarne. Thurs., March 4, 7pm: I Don’t have Kids! The Guide to Great Childfree Living by Ellen Walker. Sat., March 6, 7pm: My One Hundred Adventures & Northward to the Moon by Polly Horvath. Sun., March 7, 4pm: Catalyst (Barque Cats Tales #1) by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. Tues., March 9, 7pm: Full Moon at Noontide: A Daughter’s Last Goodbye by Ann Putnam. Thurs., March 11, 7pm: The Local News by Miriam Gershow. Sat., March 13, 4pm: Preston Singletary: Echoes, Fire, and Shadows by Preston Singletary. Tues., March 15, 7pm: Sugar Cookies and a Nightmare by Carol Kearns. Wed., March 17, 7pm: Europe’s Promise: Why the European Way Is The Best Hope in An Insecure Age by Steven Hill. Fri., March 19, 7pm: The Endless Forest by Sara Donati. Tues., March 23, 7pm: The Devil’s Star by Jo Nesbø. Fri., March 26, 7pm: Cottonwood and the River of Time: On Trees, Evolution, and Society by Reinhard Stettler. Sat., March 27, 7pm: Rewilding the World: Dispatches from the Conservation Revolution by Caroline Fraser (includes slide show). Mon., March 29, 7pm: Open Mic with Laurel Leigh. Wed., March 31, 7pm: Vis Major: Railroad Men, An Act of God--White Death at Wellington by Martin Burwash. • All events held in the Readings Gallery unless noted otherwise. We hope you’ll join us! At Village Books we’re building community, one book – and one author event – at a time! 1200 11th St. in Fairhaven. More info: 671-2626 or Whatcom Community College Writing Classes for March include “Oral History Workshop” on March 6 32 Entertainment News Northwest ~ March 2010 (1 session, $35). To register, call 383-3200 or visit Seventh Annual Children’s Literature Conference March 6 – WWU will host four award-winning children’s authors and illustrators and an editor/book publisher at its Children’s Literature Conference on Sat., March 6, 9am-3:30pm at the Performing Arts Center Concert Hall on the WWU campus. The conference, which is geared toward adults, is sponsored by the WWU English Department and includes presentations from the speakers, lunch, book sales and autograph sessions. Cost: $75 full-time students/retired teachers, $115 nonstudents. Includes coffee, muffins & lunch. Preregistration required, 650-3308. Flier and registration forms: More info: 650-3227. The Chuckanut Radio Hour – The March 25th edition of the Chuckanut Radio Hour will have a real Western theme. Our guest authors, Mark Spragg (Bone Fire) and Laura Bell (Claiming Ground), hale from Wyoming and their books are strong evocations of the Western landscape. Ron Hardesty will bring his own style of music with a distinctive Western flavor and we’ll have Cowboy Poetry in the Poet’s Corner. The show begins with music at 6:30pm and taping at 7pm (we ask that everyone be seated by 6:45pm). Co-sponsored by the Leopold Residence. Tickets ($5) available at Village Books or online at Info: or 671-2626. Are our Perceptions Driven by the Media? – The 7th Annual Skagit Human Rights Festival (SHRF) expands with a mix of speakers, discussions, and films at two locations this March. Films will be shown at the Phillip Tarro Theatre, SVC Campus and the Lincoln Theatre, downtown Mount Vernon. A full schedule and representation of event resources is available at and local bookstore The Tattered Page will have relevant books available at the festival. For more info: contact Jodie Buller at skagitHRF@, 336-5087 ext. 136. 360.815.6286 Entertainment News NW is available in PDF at