MoveMe Improvisation Festival
MoveMe Improvisation Festival
STRUT Dance presents MoveMe Improvisation Festival Dance: Music: Performance: Anything Can Happen Sat 22 Nov – Sun 30 Nov #MoveMeImpFest STRUT Director’s welcome to the festival What’s it all about? Improvisation: the Wasabi ingredient of any contemporary dance feast! What is it about the performance of improvisation - this once-off, never to be repeated event - that makes it such a thrill? Ladies & Gents, it is my pleasure to introduce you to STRUT Dance’s inaugural MoveMe Improvisation Festival: where anything can happen. Is it the exposure of the raw creative impulse? Or the embrace of irreverence, risk and danger that draws us in? Since arriving in this glorious city 18 months ago my team and I have been busy developing an ambitious program of opportunities for our local and national contemporary dancers & choreographers. Now it is time to celebrate what we have accomplished so far, and invite you in for a taste of what contemporary dance in Perth has to offer. I cannot think of a better way to do that than with this dynamic performance program of Improvisation in dance, music & performance. Improvisation holds an important place in contemporary dance practice – as the process many choreographers use to spark the creation of new work. And for you – the audience… Well, the experience of watching improvised performance is best explained by my fellow dance sector champion Felicity Bott (Director Ausdance WA) who once described it to me as ‘something akin to snorting wasabi’. Ha! A whiplash rise of burning delight that brings tears to the eyes and a fire to the belly! Improvised Performance: Anything Can Happen It can be hilarious, it can be provocative, it can be sublimely beautiful… and for nine days in November you can see for yourself what Improvised Performance can be, as STRUT Dance presents the inaugural MoveMe Improvisation Festival: where anything can happen. Jo Pollitt, Paea Leach, Jacob Lehrer & Sam Longley to international performance greats Rosalind Crisp, Ros Warby, Andrew Morrish & Michael Schumacher – this festival will fire-up your world. So I invite you to throw caution to all winds, bring nothing but your kill-a-cat curiosity… Open your eyes, ears (and YES your nostrils) to the first ever MoveMe Improvisation Festival. The MoveMe Improvisation Festival is Perth’s first ever Performance Improvisation Festival, presenting the work of some of the world’s best contemporary improvisation artists across dance, music & performance. So join us to discover these new works, and delight in the unexpected! Parts of the program have been developed through the Dance Sites Network - a continuing partnership between STRUT Dance, Dancehouse (Melb) & Critical Path (Sydney). As part of this national dance network various festival artists & works will tour to Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane after their MoveMe Improvisation Festival seasons: Critical Path (Sydney) presents Rosalind Crisp 29 - 30 Nov Andrew Morrish 2 - 4 Dec Ros Warby 3 - 5 Dec Ausdance QLD presents Rosalind Crisp 5 - 6 Dec Dancehouse (Melb) presents Ros Warby 11 - 12 Dec For all bookings refer to Ticketing page (page 21) Here comes that Wasabi!!! Improvisation is fresh, captivating and unpredictable… and this festival brings you some of the best from home Paul Selwyn Norton STRUT Dance Director and around the world. From local heroes like MoveMe’s welcome to the festival As naming partner of the inaugural MoveMe Improvisation Festival MoveMe is pleased to welcome you to this bold new event on WA’s contemporary dance calendar. represents the collaborative power of the West Australian contemporary dance sector. We are a unique one-stop-shop for professional contemporary dance performance in WA. 2 Follow us at, and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to find out what contemporary dance events are on near you, all year round. The MoveMe Improvisation Festival is about taking chances and venturing into the unknown - this is your invitation to be moved. Images L - R Choreographer Michael Schumacher Photo by: Carsten Sasse Cellist Tristan Parr (TURA New Music). Cover image: Michael Schumacher Photo by: Yana Paskeba STRUT Dance presents contemporary dance events all year round – stay in the loop by signing up as a STRUT subscriber via our website (it’s free!). 3 King St Arts Centre State Theatre Centre of WA: Rehearsal Room 2 PICA The Blue Room Theatre VENN Gallery EVERY DAY 11am - 5pm MON 17 MoveMe Festival IMP State Theatre Centre of WA: Courtyard TH U 20 ICP (Jacob Lehrer & David Corbet) drop-in studio practice viewing IMP is a jester, a wild-card and a provocation… FR I 21 IMP is the ‘I M P’ in improvisation, and is your entree to the Festival experience. But IMP is unpredictable – where will IMP appear? And will you be game to accept IMP’s dance invitation? Ro t rray 174-176 William St 2. PICA 51 James St 5 St SAT 29 en S t 1. State Theatre Centre of Western Australia Que BEAST#3 Jo Pollitt & Paea Leach No-one will tell us... Rosalind Crisp 12pm - 3pm 8pm 6:30pm Rosalind Crisp Workshop session 1 BEAST#3 Jo Pollitt & Paea Leach ICP Performance No-one will tell us... Rosalind Crisp 6pm 9pm 7pm 6:30pm Unwrapping danse Rosalind Crisp Happy Little Accidents Sam Longley, Damon Lockwood & Sean Walsh The Bluest Room Michael Schumacher ICP Performance 12pm - 3pm 8:30pm 7pm Rosalind Crisp Workshop session 3 The Ferrymen Andrew Morrish & Peter Trotman The Bluest Room Michael Schumacher 12pm - 3pm 9am - 12pm 8pm 6:30pm 5pm - 6pm Andrew Morrish & Peter Trotman Workshop session 1 Entanglement Jacob Lehrer & David Corbet Warby Solos (double-bill) Impro Open Perf Sessions 5. VENN Gallery 16 Queen St The Ferrymen Andrew Morrish & Peter Trotman 7pm The Bluest Room Michael Schumacher 8:30pm 8pm 6:30pm 5pm onwards Andrew Morrish & Peter Trotman Workshop session 2 Dans Le Jardin Michael Schumacher & Alex Waterman Entanglement Jacob Lehrer & David Corbet Warby Solos (double-bill) Impro Open Perf Sessions 9am - 12pm 8:30pm 8pm 5pm 5pm onwards Andrew Morrish & Peter Trotman Workshop session 3 Dans Le Jardin Michael Schumacher & Alex Waterman Entanglement Jacob Lehrer & David Corbet Improvisation Forum Impro Open Perf Sessions 1pm - 4pm Ros Warby Workshop session 1 1pm - 4pm Ros Warby Workshop session 2 9am - 12pm SU N 30 t Wil lia Ln 4. King St Art Centre 365 Murray St 8:30pm 9am - 12pm 3. The Blue Room Theatre 53 James St mS 4 WED 26 FR I 28 n gS ce L Prin St Mun St 3 2 Kin Mu Wo lf Hay St t 1 ster Ln 4 eS es TH U 27 Festival Map No-one will tell us... Rosalind Crisp Rosalind Crisp Workshop session 2 Nic ks Wi llia Ln m St TU E 25 #MoveMeImpFest Jam BEAST#3 Jo Pollitt & Paea Leach 8pm MON 24 Best sightings go into a draw for VIP tickets to selected shows. OPENING NIGHT (double-bill) SAT 22 Some of Perth’s hottest performance talents will be strutting with IMP this festival - don’t miss these sightings across social media via #MoveMeImpFest. If you see IMP – IMProvise!!!… Anything could happen! on ICP (Jacob Lehrer & David Corbet) drop-in studio practice viewing SU N 23 Photo by Simon Pynt If you manage to glimpse IMP (you’ll have to be quick!), record your sighting and post to Facebook, Twitter +/or Instagram using #MoveMeImpFest (selfies, gifs, videos, photo-bombs all accepted). ngt 11am - 7pm Michael Schumacher open rehearsal 8pm IMP will be making unexpected appearances around Perth during October & November in the lead-up to, and during the festival. We lli 3pm - 5pm Andrew Morrish & Peter Trotman Workshop session 4 1pm - 4pm Ros Warby Workshop session 3 8:30pm The Ferrymen Andrew Morrish & Peter Trotman 6:30pm Sonic iMpro Concert Tura New Music 9:30pm Festival Closing Party + STRUT Up and Dance 2015 Program Launch Opening Night Introduced by festival MC: Sam Longley BEAST #3 +No-one will tell us… Date Sat 22 Nov Season Continues Sun 23 - Mon 24 Nov Time 8:00pm Time 8:00pm Venue PICA Performance Space, Perth Cultural Centre, 51 James Street, Northbridge Venue PICA Performance Space, Perth Cultural Centre, 51 James Street, Northbridge Tickets Full - $30 Conc / Members - $25 (to book see ticketing page) Tickets Full - $30 Conc / Members - $25 (to book see ticketing page) More details Beast #3 (World premiere) Jo Pollitt & Paea Leach (AUS) Beast #3 is the third rendering of an original score created in 2012 as a ‘side by side song cycle of movement’. It is driven by a particular physicality shared by Pollitt and Leach emboldened by a perpetual duet of long distance correspondence. The original Quiet Beast was a duet created and performed in collaboration with writer Marcella Polain and musician Mace Francis, presented at Venn Gallery in Perth 2012. The 2nd incarnation Amplified Beast was performed by 30 WAAPA undergraduates and guests in 2013. ‘They pick up and put down their feet for years and years and years.’ Marcella Polain (Quiet Beast 2012). This 3rd version Beast #3 both develops and responds to the original score in an intimate continuum offset by the poetic banality of real life, song cycles, and the physicality of words rendered by dancers as writers. Deeply informed by the rigorous exchange between the dancers and the dance, the work is a paradox of simultaneously building and collapsing structures to reveal attention, mark interruption and amplify potential. Performers Jo Pollitt, Paea Leach, Patricia Wood, Rachel Arianne Ogle, Tony Currie, Lanie Mason Lighting Ellen Knops 6 Image: Jo Pollitt & Paea Leach, Photo by: Eva Fernandez No-one will tell us… (WA premiere) Rosalind Crisp (AUS / FRANCE) “It’s magical.... No one will tell us (the artists) what to do, (the audience) what it means, (anyone) what it is. Well, it’s dance, dance theatre even, like never before.” Keith Gallasch, RealTime No-one will tell us... thrusts four performing artists into an immediate encounter. These are long-term collaborators, fully engaged in their individual artistic practices: dance artist Rosalind Crisp, rock musician Hansueli Tischhauser, performance improvisor Andrew Morrish and lighting designer Marco Wehrspann. What happens when their practices collide? What is ripped apart? What remains? How do they co-exist? Performers Rosalind Crisp (Aus/ France), Andrew Morrish (Aus/France), Hansueli Tischhauser (Switzerland) Lighting Marco Wehrspann (Germany) Rosalind Crisp and Andrew Morrish are also presenting a series of workshops during the festival (for details see Workshops page). Production Rosalind Crisp/Omeo Dance (Aus/France) Image: Rosalind Crisp & Hansueli Tischhauser in No-one will tell us..., Photo by: Patrick Berger 7 ICP Entanglement (Impression Comparison Perspective) Jacob Lehrer & David Corbet (AUS) with Madeleine Flynn & Tim Humphrey (AUS) (World premiere) Jacob Lehrer & David Corbet (AUS) with Madeleine Flynn & Tim Humphrey (AUS) Exposing our real-time choreographic performance practice. In Physics, ‘Entanglement’ is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated. Performers Jacob Lehrer and David Corbet Background: David Corbet and Jacob Lehrer are long time dance collaborators/researchers and have been creating dance together since 1997 both nationally and internationally. They are joined by Madeleine Flynn and Tim Humphrey who are long time music/sound experimenters and collaborators and in 2012 won the national APRA-AMC Award for Excellence in Experimental Music. These two teams first worked together in 2006. Season Thurs 27 – 29 Nov Three times a night, two nights in a row. ICP is a performance model developed to encourage audiences to cultivate a deeper understanding of the presentation of artists’ work, by offering short performance ‘grabs’. David, Jacob, Madeleine and Tim will perform 3 short performances (of 20-30 mins each) per night. A single ticket allows entry to one, two or all 3 slots. See them once - you get an impression. See them twice - you have a comparison. The third time gives you perspective. Stay for the whole evening, or pick and choose across the shows… Performers Jacob Lehrer and David Corbet Musicians Madeleine Flynn and Tim Humphrey Season Mon 24 – Tue 25 Nov Time 6:30 pm Venue VENN GALLERY, 16 Queen Street, Perth Tickets Full - $20 Conc - $15 (to book see ticketing page) More details ICP in practice Jacob Lehrer & David Corbett will be preparing this work in the the Venn studio space from 17-21 November. They welcome your presence anytime between 11am - 5pm on those days, plus on the 21st a special view-fromthe-bar edition at 6:30pm and 7pm (free). Grab a drink, see some action! Musicians Madeleine Flynn and Tim Humphrey Tickets Full - $20 Conc - $15 (to book see ticketing page) More details Time 8:00 pm Venue State Theatre Centre of WA - Rehearsal Room 2, 174-176 William Street, Perth (corner of Roe St) “Mellifluousness like honey takes over. The question of who is one or the other loses grip and for me, the real performance begins: like the eye circling a Mobius strip, they and I become both without and within.” RealTime 8 Photo by Andrew Campbell 9 Unwrapping danse Happy Little Accidents (Australian premiere) A performed dance lecture by Rosalind Crisp (AUS) (World premiere) Sam Longley, Damon Lockwood and Sean Walsh (AUS) a partial lecture about a partial history an unfinished d a n s e by a saturated body an ongoing practice… exposed. If nothing ever goes as planned then surely it is better to not have a plan in the first place. What holds up when the wrapping is gone? Is there a leg to stand on once the spectacle is bumped out? What was there anyway, before it got stitched up? In a performed-danced-discussion Rosalind Crisp dances and talks about what she is doing, exposing aspects of her continually evolving project, d a n s e, and how her practice is sustained and transformed over time. d a n s e is a modality of work that Rosalind Crisp has been developing between Australia and France since 2005. It is about a way of working with the body and an ensemble of unstable principles which guide the production of movement. These principles are continually transforming, constituting a language that is both rigorously identifiable and constantly mutating. Accidents are the things you don’t plan to happen, the moments when the universe pulls the rug out from under you and expects you to fall. But when the fall turns into a stumble and the stumble into a step and the step turns into a wander down an unexpected and exciting path, then that is a happy little accident. Embracing the unknown, the endless possibilities and the empty stage, Happy Little Accidents is a show about saying yes to what life throws at you whether it be love, lemons or llamas. Using the long form improvisation techniques of Viola Spolin, Del Close and Keith Johnstone, Happy Little Accidents sees three actors collide with verbal dexterity, theatrical spontaneity and unfettered joy to create an original one hour theatre performance unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Image: l-r Sean Walsh, Sam Longley, Damon Lockwood, Photo by: Max Wellington Performer Rosalind Crisp Video Eric Pellet/Le Fresnoy Date Tue 25 Nov Time 6:00pm Rosalind Crisp is also presenting a series of workshops during the festival (for details see Workshops page). More details Venue King St Arts Centre, 365 Murray Street, Perth Tickets Full - $15 Conc - $10 (to book see ticketing page) 10 Image: Rosalind Crisp, Photo by: Patrick Berger Performers Sam Longley, Damon Lockwood and Sean Walsh One show only 25 November 9pm Venue PICA Performance Space, Perth Cultural Centre, 51 James Street, Northbridge Tickets Full - $30 Conc / Members - $25 (to book see Ticketing) “It takes a consummate actor to turn a laughing audience into a serious one in the space of a couplet…” The irrepressible Sam Longley (The Big HOOHAA!) is your Festival M.C. throughout the season and will be popping up at every premiere to set you on your path. Sam will also be chairing the Improvisation Forum on Sat 29th (see page 20) Carol Flavell Neist ArtsHub 11 The Bluest Room Dans le Jardin (World premiere) Michael Schumacher (USA) (Australian premiere) Michael Schumacher (USA) & Alex Waterman (USA) The Bluest Room is the thrilling culmination of Schumacher’s two week long improvisation masterclasses with local dancers (STRUT members) and musicians. Michael will activate the nooks and crannies of the The Blue Room Theatre – flooding the space with music, dance and instant composition. “Michael Schumacher is the Guru of Improvisation.” The Guardian, UK. The Bluest Room is co-commission between STRUT Dance and TURA New Music. All musicians appear courtesy of TURA and The City of Perth. For an opportunity to participate in Michael’s unique workshop and performance event send STRUT an EOI by 31 Oct: Performers Michael Schumacher with workshop participants Musicians Rachael Dease: voice/ electronics, Tristen Parr: cello/ electronics and Louise Devenish: percussion Plus guests Season Tue 25 - Thurs 27 Nov Time 7:00 pm Venue The Blue Room, Perth Cultural Centre, 53 James Street, Northbridge Tickets Full - $25 Conc - $15 (to book see ticketing page) More details Dans le Jardin is a site-specific duet piece for outdoor space performed by Michael Schumacher (dance) and Alex Waterman (cello). For this special Perth season, Waterman will compose a new score for cello and electronics for Schumacher to perform in the State Theatre Centre’s Courtyard. As always the work will unfold in real time in an improvised manner, drawing on the feedback and flow of the audience itself. Originally conceived for the Lyon Biennale, Dans le Jardin was performed in the courtyard of the Museum of Fine Arts in Lyon. At that location, Alex and Michael worked with the geometry of the formal garden, the flow of the public, the statuaries, and the acoustics of the arches around the garden, as well as the open air of the courtyard setting. Background: Michael Schumacher and Alex Waterman met in Amsterdam in 1999 and their first collaborations were with Magpie Music and Dance Company. They both grew up in Idaho and felt a connection through having journeyed from there and meeting one another in Amsterdam. They also share a common love of practicing improvisation infused with compositional ideas and structures. SPECIAL OPEN STUDIO Michael Schumacher is opening his rehearsal studio at King St Arts Centre for a free special event in celebration of Pride 2014. Date Fri 21 November Time 3pm - 5pm Venue King Street Arts Centre To register attendance communications@ 12 Pg12 Image: Michael Schumacher, Photo by: Yana Paskeba Dance Michael Schumacher Cello Alex Waterman Lighting Ellen Knops Season Fri 28 – Sat 29 Nov Time 8:30 pm Venue The Courtyard, State Theatre Centre of WA, 174-176 William Street, Perth (corner of Roe St) Tickets Full: $30 Conc: $25 (to book see ticketing page) More details “… if dance is the most poetic of the arts and the cello of instruments, then Michael Schumacher and Alex Waterman are the perfect duo with their Dans le Jardin.” The Monaco Times Warby Solos Ros Warby (AUS) “Ms Warby is a treasure. She moves with an operatic fullness and emotes with shameless abandon, all the while remaining fascinatingly inscrutable.” New York Times. Season Thurs 27 – Fri 28 Nov Time 6:30pm Venue PICA Performance Space, Perth Cultural Centre, 51 James Street, Northbridge Tickets Full - $30 Conc - $25 (to book see ticketing page) Ros Warby presents a double bill of her new solo work Court Dance (2014), plus her adaptation of US choreographer Deborah Hay’s solo work No Time to Fly (2010). More details No Time to Fly Court Dance (Australian premiere) Choreography: Deborah Hay (USA) Adaptation and Performance: Ros Warby (AUS) (World premiere) Choreography and Performance: Ros Warby (AUS) “No Time to Fly is choreographed to provide clear and comprehensive instances of non-linear reality for the performer and audience alike. The dancer is practicing a continuity of discontinuity within her unique experience of the choreography – thus engaging the depth of her dancing. The dancer’s choice to perform much of the choreographed material that determines No Time To Fly requires catastrophic acts of perception as she dis-attaches from a multitude of former behavior.” (Deborah Hay) Warby began working with Deborah Hay in 1998. Her instant alignment with Hay’s performance practice was clear from the beginning and it has continued to inform and expand Warby’s ongoing solo practice with rigor and question, constantly stripping away any attachment to what is known or expected within the realms of what dance can be. Court Dance is Warby’s new solo currently in development. Underlying this work is a consideration of our relationship to hierarchy and its impact on our systems through its constant presence, however subtle. Within the work Warby attempts to eliminate hierarchy within individual movement and performance vocabularies in order to expand these vocabularies to include what has not yet been imagined. The development of this solo has been supported by UCLA World Arts and Cultures / Dance. Ros Warby is also presenting a series of workshops during the festival (for details see Workshops page). Background: Ros Warby is one of Australia’s leading dancer/choreographers. She has been creating and performing solo dance since 1990 and her award winning work has been presented in Australia, Europe and the USA. 14 Image: Ros Warby, Photo by: Jeff Busby 15 The Ferrymen Andrew Morrish and Peter Trotman (AUS) Two wild-eyed ferrymen dip their oars into dark swirling currents of imagination. With silver tongues, movements that beguile, and boats that pitch and sway, they blithely promise the impossible. Daring to travel in such company, will you see your way to night’s end? Performers Andrew Morrish and Peter Trotman Background: Andrew Morrish and Peter Trotman first met in 1981 during the dawn of the ‘improvisational performance’ scene in Melbourne, working mostly with Al Wunder in his company Theatre of the Ordinary. Time 8:30 pm Lighting Marco Wehrspann Season Wed 26 - Fri 28 Nov More details Venue PICA: Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Perth Cultural Centre, 51 James Street, Northbridge Tickets Full: $30 Conc: $25 (to book see ticketing page) Image: Vocalist Rachael Dease “Adroit and beguiling” Village Voice, New York Tura New Music: Sonic iMpro Concert A melding of styles and clashing of colours will create unique sonic moments on the last night of the festival. Close your eyes and open your ears for this one, as improvising musicians from across the festival come together for a special one-off performance. Artists include Rachael Dease voice / electronics Tristen Parr cello / electronics Louise Devenish percussion Alex Waterman cello Hansueli Tischhauser electric / acoustic guitar One show only Sat 29 Nov Time 6:30 pm Venue PICA Performance Space, Perth Cultural Centre, 51 James Street, Northbridge Tickets Full: $30 Conc: $25 (to book see ticketing page) Later Peter and Andrew set up a practice together investigating how abstract choreographic ideas could translate to the realm of language, how language could be viewed as dance and dance as language, or not. Out of this practice came such iconic works as The Charlatan’s Web, Avalanche, Grist For The Mill and Of Bliss and Blunder. “They’re a bloody scream” RRR FM, Melb “An absolute delight” Sydney Morning Herald Andrew Morrish and Peter Trotman are also presenting a series of workshops during the festival (for details see Workshops page). Rachel Dease, Tristen Parr, Louise Devenish, Madeleine Flynn and Tim Humphrey perform courtesy of Tura New Music and City of Perth. Madeleine Flynn piano / electronics / brass Tim Humphrey piano / electronics / brass TURA Tura New Music Ltd is a not-for-profit arts organisation based in Perth, Western Australia. Tura is a producer and an advocate for new music and the sonic arts. Founded in 1987, Tura has a proud history of achievement in initiating cultural development in Western Australia from inner city Perth to remote communities in the Kimberley. 16 Tura supports, advocates and ignites new music and sound art in collaboration with artists, our partners and audience members. With a fresh, edgy and professional perspective, we provide the means, support and opportunities that enables the relentless pursuit of musical discovery. Image: Andrew Morrish & Peter Trotman, Photo by: Andrew Morrish 17 Workshops During the festival four of the performing artists will offer a series of improvisation intensives for professional performers or for the naturally curious… Rosalind Crisp Andrew Morrish Ros and Peter Trotman Warby Workshop dates Mon 24 - Wed 26 Nov, 12 - 3pm (3 days) Workshop dates Thurs 27 - Sun 30 Nov, 9am - 12pm (4 days) Workshop dates Fri 28 - Sun 30 Nov, 1pm - 4pm (3 days) Venue King St Arts Centre Venue King St Arts Centre Venue King St Arts Centre Cost $100 Cost $100 Cost $100 Bookings Online bookings only then search for ‘Rosalind Crisp workshop’ Enquiries/booking assistance email: Bookings Online bookings only then search for ‘Andrew Morrish workshop’ Enquiries/booking assistance email: Bookings Online bookings only then search for ‘Ros Warby workshop’ Enquiries/booking assistance email: Open Improvised Performance Sessions: We Want You! Performance session dates 27 Nov from 5pm 28 Nov from 5pm 29 Nov from 5pm This is your opportunity to present your own improvised performance in the main space of The Blue Room Theatre as part of the festival. The Festival may offer you some rehearsal space and a technician for your performance if necessary… but you must provide the thrill! Venue The Blue Room Theatre Perth Cultural Centre 53 James Street, Northbridge Works of between 15 mins + 60mins are eligible to apply. Audience tickets $10 per hour slot (to book see ticketing page) Expressions of interest (with a brief summary of your work for performance) to: 18 Image: Ros Warby, Photo by: Reno Pizzi 19 Improvisation Forum Date Sat 29 Nov Time 5pm Venue PICA: Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts Perth Cultural Centre 51 James Street, Northbridge Tickets Free event Ticketing Plan your own improvisation experience here. If you were lucky, you would have watched them strutting their improv stuff in their own shows across the festival. Now watch them battle their wits to help you understand what the hell it was all about! Four festival favourites - Andrew Morrish, Jo Pollitt, Michael Schumacher and Ros Warby sit down to debate the question: What makes a great improvisation, and what makes improvisation great? Sam Longley chairs proceedings, doing his best to keep things on track (but as always, with improv anything could happen!). This event will be live streamed across the world. To tune in contact prior to the day. +Closing Party Launch of STRUT’s 2015 Program PICA The Blue Room Theatre Book online Book online Book over the phone 08 9228 6300 Mon-Sun 10am - 5pm Book over the phone 08 9227 7005 Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm Book in-person PICA Box-Office 51 James Street, Perth Cultural Centre, Northbridge Tue - Sun 10am - 5pm. Book in person The Blue Room Theatre’s Box-Office Perth Cultural Centre, 53 James Street, Northbridge Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm and one hour before show time. State Theatre Centre Courtyard / State Theatre Centre Rehearsal Room 2 King Street Arts Centre Book online Venn Gallery Book over the phone: Book online Ticketek Theatre and Arts Hotline: 1300 795 012 Ticketek Special Needs Line: 1300 665 915 Ticketek Group Bookings Hotline: 1300 364 001 Mon - Sat 9am - 9pm, Sun and Public Holidays 9am - 7pm (WST). Book online General booking enquiries STRUT Dance: 08 9321 4066 General booking enquiries STRUT Dance: 08 9321 4066 Book in person State Theatre Centre’s Box-Office cnr Willam St & Roe St, Northbridge Mon - Fri 10am - 5:30pm Date Sat 29 Nov Time 9.30pm Venue PICA: Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts Perth Cultural Centre 51 James Street, Northbridge It’s the last dance folks, this time with a glass in your hand and a grin on your chops, as we wave goodbye to it all… Yes it’s goodbye to all things 2014 but a massive HELLO to the incredible STRUT Up and Dance program for 2015! From 9:30 onwards, join us at PICA to celebrate the end of Perth’s first Improvisation Festival and the beginning of more exciting times ahead in 2015. His Majesty’s Theatre Box-Office 825 Hay St, Perth Mon - Fri 9am - 5:30pm Saturday - 10am - 5.30pm Perth Concert Hall Box-Office 3 St Georges Terrace, Perth Mon - Fri - 9:30am - 5:30pm Subiaco Arts Centre Box-Office 180 Hamersley Road, Subiaco Mon - Fri 9am - 4:30pm Photo by Simon Pynt 20 21 Credits / Contacts STRUT’s great thanks go to MoveMe Improvisation Festival #MoveMeImpFest STRUT Dance STRUT Dance is a national centre for choreographic development based in Perth, WA. It is STRUT’s vision to make Perth a beacon of excellence and innovation for dance artists across Australia. STRUT offers professional dance practitioners (STRUT members) a range of skills development and professional development opportunities throughout the year – connecting them with national and international masters in dance towards the creation of their own new choreographic work for performance. STRUT presents performance events throughout the year as part of its dynamic dance program. Sign-up as a subscriber (it’s free!) to stay in the loop: Web Facebook Twitter @STRUT_WA STRUT Dance staff STRUT Dance Board Director Paul Selwyn Norton Chair Olwyn Williams Business and Development Shane Colquhoun Treasurer Steve North Program and Communications Jo Pickup Finance Natalie Johnson Board Members Aimee Smith Amy Wiseman Deborah Robertson Jon Smeulders June Moorhouse Justin Rutzou Liesbeth Goedhart Tamar Kennedy Administrative Support Carly Armstrong MoveMe is the umbrella marketing initiative for the growing and vibrant contemporary dance sector in Western Australia. is your unique onestop-shop for professional contemporary dance performance in W.A. Aside from simply keeping our audience in the loop with what’s on, MoveMe is a platform for connecting artists with audiences. MoveMe Improvisation Festival Staff Production Manager Jason Thelwell Technical Manager Chris Donnelly 22 Production Assistant John Byrne Our purpose: to encourage and develop broad community awareness and engagement with the breadth of contemporary dance practice. MoveMe is managed by Ausdance WA and acknowledges the investment of the Government of Western Australia through the Department of Culture and the Arts. STRUT is proud to partner with Bivouac to offer all festival artists and workshop participants a 15% discount on beverages and food between 12 noon and 5pm, and $3 coffees at anytime during the festival (Nov 22 - Nov 30). This offer is valid only upon proof of festival artist + workshop participant passes throughout the festival. First Floor, King St Arts Centre 365 Murray St, Perth T 08 9321 4066 E 23 STRUT Dance First Floor, 357 – 365 Murray Street Perth WA 6000 PO Box 7011, Cloisters Square Perth WA 6850 W T 61 8 9321 4066