Teach Responsibility One Day at a Time
Teach Responsibility One Day at a Time
Millennium Middle School www.millenniumstars.org “HOME OF THE STARS” Sc April 2013 Edition Dates To Remember April 10 Summer Academy & Sports Camp Parent Information Meeting 6:30 p.m. April 12 Pizza With Principal April 18 April 23-‐ 24 April 25 There is no TIP Project for the 4th quarter. Therefore, please keep in mind the grade weights for all content area classes are: Quarterly Exam STAR Tests/Quizzes HW/BEST/Class Talent Show Auditions Honor Roll Assemblies SAC/SAF – 6:30 p.m FCAT TESTING April 15-‐26 15% 5% 40% 40% The teachers and support staff will be discussing with the students the promotion requirements for this school year. All students must pass Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Mathematics. All grade level students must pass four out of the six classes for the year. If you have any questions regarding your child’s progress, you may either contact the teachers or your grade level guidance counselor. Please stress to your children to keep all radios, game boys, cameras, pagers and any other objects that may distract their learning out of school. Remember, cellular phones may only be used before or after school. If they are seen or heard during the school day they will be confiscated and returned only to a parent. Also, please be aware of anything your child may have in their book bag that might be considered a weapon. We must all make a concerted effort to keep our school safe. Happy Spring to everyone. We will begin the FCAT testing period on April 15, 2013. FCAT Testing will be that entire week. Parents, please make sure that your students arrive to school on time, eat breakfast and get a good nights rest. We know that are teachers have done their very best to prepare our students and they will perform well. Report Cards Issued 8th Grade – 6:00 p.m. 7th Grade – 6:30 p.m. 6th Grade – 7:00 p.m. April 30 Principal’s Message Sincerely, Dr. Cheryl Cendan Principal April 2013 Edition General Information for our STAR Parents and Students School Hours Students 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM Breakfast Begins at 9:00 AM Students who are walkers or who are dropped off by parents may not enter breakfast after 9:10 AM Notices and Reminders The drop off location is in the front of the building. No students should be dropped off in the bus loop for safety reasons. Only those parents who have an appointment with their child’s teachers are permitted to enter campus. Upon entering the campus, you must go directly to the Visitors Station, sign in and get a visitors pass. Visitors’ passes are only valid for one day. With so many people entering and exiting campus, it creates an unsafe environment and prohibits the faculty and staff from carrying out the responsibility of making sure that all children entering the Millennium campus are safe and secure. Also, if you have a concern about your child, please call the office to make an appointment. The staff at Millennium Middle is dedicated to making sure that your children have an effective school atmosphere. That cannot be carried out if there are several unannounced visits. An appointment also assures that your needs concerning your child can be discussed and taken care of without any interruptions. The Learner’s Creed I believe in myself We ask that you do not arrive on campus prior to 4:15 PM to pick up your children. Parking is limited and the space that we do have is reserved for appointments, deliveries, etc. and my ability to do Also, dismissal is the most hectic part of the day. A request for early dismissal of your child must be made prior to 4:00 PM. After that time, we will be unable to call your child to the office. Please do not request that we do so. I will listen, All transportation arrangements for your child should be made ahead of time. We do understand that emergencies do arise and will do our best to accommodate your needs. We are also asking that you do not call the school asking that messages be delivered to your child during class time. To insure that communication is accurate please make sure that your child is aware of things before he or she leaves home in the morning. These guidelines and procedures are not established to inconvenience anyone or to make you feel unwelcome at Millennium. They are simply necessary for the safety and well being of every child entrusted in our care. Your understanding, cooperation, and assistance are greatly appreciated. unannounced visits. An appointment also assures that your needs concerning your child can be discussed and taken care of without any interruptions. We ask that you do not arrive on campus prior to 4:15 PM to pick up your children. Parking is limited and the space that we do have is reserved my best at all times. Just for today: I will see, I will speak, I will feel, I will think, I will reason, I will read, I will write, I will do all these things with one purpose in mind, to do my best and not waste this day, for this day will come no more. April 2013 Edition No Checks Accepted for Meal Services After April 26, 2013 In accordance with year-‐end procedures, and to ensure all checks received by the School District have adequate time to be processed by the bank prior to the end of the 2012 -‐ 2013 school year, checks will no longer be accepted as payment for meal services after Friday, April 26, 2013. Effective May 1, 2013, Food and Nutrition Services cannot accept checks as payment for student meals for the remainder of this school year. If you have any questions, please contact the Food and Nutrition Services Department at 754-‐321-‐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pril 2013 Edition Teach Responsibility One Day at a Time The three R’s are basic to school success, but teachers say another R is especially important: Responsibility. Students who learn responsibility at home are more likely to turn in assignments on time, listen to and respect teachers, cooperate with other students and follow school rules. These are all traits of students who succeed in school. To teach your child responsibility: • Assign age-appropriate chores at home. Post a calendar where your child can list (and check off) daily responsibilities. • Teach your child daily responsibility for homework. Expect her to follow a regular routine. If she struggles with an assignment, don’t do it for her. Send a note telling the teacher where she ran into trouble. Ask how you can support classwork at home. • Expect your child to be responsible for submitting assignments on time. If she consistently forgets her homework papers, don’t rush to the school with the work. Your child may get a lower grade, but she will be more responsible next time! • Praise your child when she demonstrates responsible behavior. Copyright@2009 The Parent Institute April 2013 Edition Pizza with the Principal Every month Dr. Cendan honors students that are being recognized by their teams for a variety of reasons. “Pizza with the Principal” was held on March 15, 2013 for the month of January. The following students were honored by their teams: Student Name Students Name Students Name Students Name Abraham, Angel Dansby, Brandon Lechene, Kristen Rhoden, Mikaylea Agudelo, Ethan Davis, Brielle Lewis, Marc Robinson, Nikki Aliaga, Jean Davy, Exdol Machette, Rohan Rodriguez, Indiana Alvarez, Samantha Dimeola, Anthony Manly. Ambreia Rolle, George Alzate, Paulina Dorismar, Joema Martilien, Omichenadere Romero, Vanessa Amos, Mario Dussan, Brandon Marzan, Kevin Ruiz, Christopher Andrade, Israel Espinosa, Daniel McBean, Krishnann Russell, Jasmine Ansley, Gregory Evans, Alliyah McBean, Nadia Sager, Ashley Antonio, Tiana Fajardo, Annie McClure, Tyler Samuels, Donovan Bautista, Carolina Fleming, Zari McGlomary, Issac Sanchez, Isaiah Beckford, Malik Gacia, Donna Melendez, Brandon Sanchez, Lorenzo Bernico, Sophia Garcia, Juan Mills, Mariah Saunder, Jermiah Bonadonna, Alexis Georges, Grady Molina, Yoan Saunders, Darian Bonadonna, John Gonzalez, Alexandra Montgomeri, Sara Siddiqui, Tanzeel Bowen, Willena Grant, Alexis Mora, Zitlally Singh, Sunil Bowland, Xantia Gutierrez, Valerie Motino, Jose Smith, Sshania Brady, Kobe Hall, Brandon Nierenberg, Taylor Swan, Ayshamil Bragonier, Taylor Harvey, Nathaniel Noel, Sharine Taylor, Shayla Brantley, Alyssa Hawkins, Diamond Nunes, Nickoy Tenn, Kayla Brantly, Alyssa Heaton, Esteban Paul, Unglid Thomas, Dequonya Brown, Jada Herbert, Kai-‐Leon Pels, Daniel Thomas, Makayla Capita, Cassandra Hicks, Lynzwll Perez, Nicole Thompson, Adejza Caputo, Arianna Horace, Beachy Perez, Valentino Torres, Dominique Carlisle, Diana Ingram, Naomi Peterson, Titus Valarezo, Jorge Castano, Andres Ingram, Sarah Piatek, Ethan Vega, Kaylyn Chowder, Tayondric Jackson, Jordan Pierre, Billy Vega, Madison Chowdhury, Ahnaf Jacobs, Kelvin Pierre, Tara Vega, Nyasia Christia, Donshay Jones, Marcus Pineda, Antonio Vilbrun, Angela Clevelon, Gerdy Kelly, Simone Poleon, Randy Voltaire, Malick Coach, Cha'Mye Knight, Shahogany Ramirez, Melanie Williams, Jarvis Creary, Korey Lanas, Shania Ramirez, Sebastian Williams, Miesha Crooks, Dominique Larrydale, Richard Ray, Devon Wilmot, Latayne Reid, Ashley Zubair, Sharick Zuniga-‐Padilla, Vanessa April 2013 Edition April 2013 Edition
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