Copy of Jan-Feb 2013 - Word of Faith | Family Worship Cathedral
Copy of Jan-Feb 2013 - Word of Faith | Family Worship Cathedral
Winter 2013 We had our cake and ate it too! Meet the Bronners You’ve met the parents, now for those who haven’t….let’s meet the Bronners. February is Heart Month. Add these heart-healthy foods to your diet. Songs in the Key of Love Loving couples dancing to the music of marriage! Black History Month Celebrate the heritage at diverse local events. Word of Faith Times a publication of the Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral’s Media Ministry Bishop Dale C. Bronner FOUNDER/SENIOR PASTOR Pastor Christopher Boyd EXECUTIVE PASTOR PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS Mae Battle Gloria Buchanan Betty Dunham Alice Evans Lafayette Hughes Florence Jackson Louis Martin Alice McCloudy Juanita Clark-Reese Beverly Simmons Maeomi Stembridge Beverly Wicker Peggie Wimby Sylvia Chambless Jerry Griffin Ruth Maddox Ruth Morton Jacquelyn Sims Stephanie Williams COPY EDITORS Lillie Hinton Linda Trotter GRAPHIC ARTISTS Shajan Clay Bevis Liddelow STAFF WRITERS Mercedes Douglas Stephen Hinton Jill Watkins PHOTOGRAPHERS Lloyd Caldway, Jr. Edward Guy Gilbert Hunter “His love endures all” Psalm 100:5 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Cathy B. Hope EXECUTIVE EDITOR Marian C. Barnes Media Ministry Email address: WOF Times provides its readers with relevant and current information pertinent to the Christian walk and lifestyle. The WOF Times staff will make every effort to provide material which is educational, entertaining, encouraging and inspiring. All of this is done in an effort to assist WOF Times readers in developing a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. DALINA BRONNER PHELPS & MARQUIS PHELPS “I am the oldest and shortest of the five of us. My husband, Marquis Phelps and I will celebrate five years of marriage on March 8th. We are new parents to our baby girl, Aviya Analise Phelps who was born on December 17, 2012. In May 2009, I graduated from Atlanta Christian College with a B.A. degree majoring in music with a specialization in performance and pedagogy and minoring in Biblical Studies. After completing my studies there, I began teaching private voice and piano lessons and have been teaching ever since. I enjoy my private teaching, love singing and enjoy assisting Dr. Nina with the Sanctuary Choir.” Marquis Phelps graduated from Atlanta Metropolitan College and is an entrepreneur. He takes pleasure in encouraging and building people. NEIEL BRONNER ZIMBRON & LUIS ZIMBRON Pictured above: Luis & Neiel. Right: Eliana Grace and her grandfather. Neiel Bronner Zimbron is a wife and mother to a year-old daughter, Eliana Grace. She is the Director of Communications at WOF and teaches teenage girls in the Sunday School class, Jewels for Jesus. Neiel enjoys performing spoken word, reading and writing. She aspires to become an author and speaker. Her husband, Luis likes spending time with family, eating good food, playing the piano, listening to music and learning new things. KIRSTIE & KRISTIE BRONNER Kristie Bronner is a senior music major at Spelman College with a 4.0 GPA. She studies classical voice at school and serves as a section leader and chaplain to the Spelman College Glee Club and she writes Contemporary Christian music. She leads the youth praise team along with her twin sister Kirstie and is an assistant director in the teen choir during her breaks from school. She plans to record Contemporary Christian music with Kirstie, serve as a leader in Word of Faith's Worship and Arts Ministry and serve as a youth events coordinator in ministry. She also does inspirational speaking and ministry to young ladies at schools, churches, and other events. She teaches the Jewels 4 Jesus Sunday school class for teenage young ladies with two of her sisters, Kirstie and Neiel. She is engaged to be married. Kirstie Bronner is a senior music major at Spelman College who aspires to write, teach, and record Contemporary Christian and Gospel music. She is the student conductor and alto 1 section leader of the Spelman College Glee Club, and she, along with her twin sister, lead the youth praise team and help with the SALT Choir both at WOF. Kirstie also aspires to do motivational speaking to women, and she currently teaches a Sunday school class (along with two of her sisters) for young women, ages 14-18. She is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the Golden Key Society, and the Leadership and Success Society, among a number of other academic associations. After graduation, she will also continue coordinating youth events as she does now. She has been a leader in coordinating the Purity Conference of 2011 and the threeday Awaken Me: Removing the Blindfolds Conference of 2012 that drew over 600 young people from WOF and beyond. She plans to continue in these musical and ministerial endeavors that connect with her passion for God, music, and fulfilling the great commission. DALE BRONNER, II Walking in the footsteps of his grandfather, Nathaniel Bronner, father and uncles before him, Dale is a junior at Morehouse College where he’s a Philosophy major. Aside from his studies, he spends time listening to music, playing the guitar and is quite the boxing fan. When asked his plans for the future, his answer is simply, “to do what I love.” We Honor Marriage Ministry Our mission is to create an atmosphere where God’s love abides in such a way that couples would be drawn to His word, His will and His way for their lives. To encourage couples to receive the skills and knowledge necessary to form and sustain healthy and holy families. To establish support groups to counsel and mentor the unhealthy marriages, as well as provide training for those with a heart to reach the lost and teach the found with the love of God in marriage. We desire to be an effective point of reference for the pre-married and married couples through courses such as Radical Love and Marriage Enrichment that involves social activities, seminars, workshops, conferences, retreats and counseling. Marriage Enrichment meets every Sunday for community, accountability and responsibility for your relationship with Christ Jesus. Ministry Leaders: George and Yvonne Amos Sabrina C. Stewart is the Executive Assistant to both Bishop Bronner and Dr. Nina Bronner. Within that capacity, she also serves as the Director of Special Events for Word of Faith Cathedral. Ms. Stewart’s vision and creativity in event design launches the mood of church anniversaries, conferences and other celebrations. Ms. Stewart shared with WOF Times that she begins preparations for her assignments well in advance so that every detail of the theme flows together for that “wow factor”. Her goal is to make each occasion memorable from catering to entertainment and lighting SABRINA C. STEWART to sound. She wants WOF guests to simply sit back and enjoy! “Honor her hands for all that her hands have done, and let her works praise her at the gates.” Proverbs 31:31 20th Anniversary INSIDE THE GATES... The theme for the 21st Church Anniversary was “Great Gatsby Holiday Glam.” She selected lush, satin table linens in pewter for the head table and pin-tucked crimson taffeta for the VIP seating. The floral arrangements included black baccarat rose balls, pure white hydrangea, peacock and ostrich feathers accented with lush green foliage and sparkling gems. To add a note of elegance, the head table was outfitted with tall silver candelabras draped with pearls and crystals. To complete the look, custom menu cards were exquisitely done with glitter accents. On the following pages, WOF Times has featured some amazing couples who love being married to each other. They’re sharing some good old-fashioned antidotes that help to keep their relationships sweet and spicy! We’ve added some vintage R&B songs for each couple just to set the tone. “You and I” Here we are on earth together, It’s you and I God has made us fall in love, it’s true I’ve really found someone like you. “The Radical Love course and Marriage Enrichment classes have taught us a lot about love and holy matrimony. We have been married for 48 years and appreciate being a part of a church with a marriage ministry. Three things we do to keep our union fresh are: spend time with God, spend time with each other and maintain a peaceful home. Spending time with God includes praising Him, spending time reading His word and meditating on God’s word. We pray for each other and ask the Lord for wisdom, understanding, knowledge and discernment regarding how to treat each other. We get the right answers to solve situations that come up. Spending time together, frequent dates and vacations stimulate our senses and godly conversation. Our home is peaceful; and a haven from the cares of the world: mistakes are permitted and laughter is frequent. Forgiveness and not “going to bed angry” have aided us in keeping the peace. In the beginning of our marriage, we didn’t do all these things, but with God’s grace and mercy and continuous learning - our marriage has endured. For us, divorce is NOT an option. It gives us joy to encourage other married couples. Never Quit!” Joyce & Clifton Beeks “You’re All I Need to Get By” Like sweet morning dew I took one look at you And it was plain to see You were my destiny. “There may be many clever tips on how to keep your marriage fresh, but we have found that nothing is more important to restoring a “newness” to love like the willingness to change. There is a freedom in realizing that when we got married, part of God’s plan was to use our differences to transform us into the image of Christ. That means we were never designed as one flesh, to remain the same as we were apart. When we allow God to change us, even in the areas of identity that we have previously held dear, our commitment to Him, as well as our love for one another is refreshed and He is faithful to make all things new. After all, the excitement of new experiences is quickly soured when we bring the same old stuff along with us on the journey!” Maurice & Ericka Cooper Howard & Sherrye Nicholson Be certain that your marriage is God ordained. As time progresses, we get caught up in our daily lives. When we have days or moments that aren’t so great, we must stop and reflect on the beginning. What was it that attracted me to that person? Remember, that no one is perfect and this includes you and your mate. “Always & Forever” Always and forever, each moment with you Is just like a dream to me, that somehow came true. It’s nice to slow down and smell the roses. Now, our kids are grown and independent. We can enjoy our grandchildren, family vacations or outings. Or, quiet times together; a night out to the movies. We just enjoy being together. Slow down and savor the rest of the journey. Share each other’s differences and learn from them. Helen Keller said, “Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within.” “For the Love of You” Driftin’ on a memory. Ain’t no place I’d rather be than with you. Lovin’ you, well, well, well... The Secret to Making Our Marriage Last We are committed to our relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as the head of our lives and the intimacy of our marriage spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. We take our assignment of marriage to heart and agree that divorce is not an option. Our faith is what keeps our marriage fresh and fun! The word that brings compassion for us in marriage is Hebrews 13:4. Marriage is honorable among all...We believe to honor is to listen and speak respectfully to one another. We acknowledge our weaknesses and strengths as another opportunity for prayer and praise. The fun in our lives is had in making memories through travel, adventures with our family, fellowshipping with friends and finding humor in our daily lives. Yvonne & George Amos Not Just Surviving: Really in Love! We have been married for over 33 years and it hasn’t been without a challenge. We have truly understood that “Life Ain’t Been No Crystal Stair”, however, we have embraced the fact that God has been with us every step of the way! Although, we weren’t nearly as secure in our relationship with the Lord when we got married, we had the examples of our parents, (both sets married for more than 50 years) that marriage is a commitment. As the years passed and we grew closer to God, we came to acknowledge the fact that a true marriage is a covenant relationship between a man, a woman and God. It is through that understanding that our love has grown and we two have become one. We have purposed to be faithful to each other so that our own children might witness the example of the love of Jesus Christ in a marriage relationship. Not only our children, but other family members, friends and those we don’t even know! Our 33 years have been a time of enjoying each other through good times and consoling each other through times of grief. We know that God has been the thread of love that has run through the tapestry of our lives helping us to continually build our covenant relationship. Betty & William Kennebrew “Let’s Stay Together” I, I’m so in love with you. Whatever you want to do, is all right with me. ‘Cause you make me feel so brand new. And I want to spend my life with you. Tips for A Better Relationship • Establish priorities early in the relationship, with your marriage at the top of the list. • The demands and activities of parenthood must not crowd out the husband-wife interaction. • Be alert for the warnings signs of a deteriorating relationship: nagging, sarcasm, possessiveness, criticism and discontent with self. • Achieve a balance between “doing your own thing” and enjoying shared activities. Love in the Bible Here are some Holy Scriptures that teach us about love: “We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19 “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7 “Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart.” 1 Peter 1:22 “No, in all these we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8: 37-39 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 “Love is patient. Love is kind….It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians13: 4-7 Let’s Celebrate! WOF celebrated it’s 21st Anniversary on Friday, December 21, 2012 at the Georgia International Convention Center in College Park, GA. Nearly 2,000 members, guests and friends met for an evening of entertainment, dinner and fellowship. Jazz vocalist Avery Sunshine kicked off the night with her soul infused selections, followed by BET comic, Prescott whose homespun tales had the crowd in stitches. American Idol R&B singing sensation, Fantasia brought the house down with her robust and electrifying performance. She was also accompanied by her mother, Diane Barrino on a few gospel selections including “Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior.” Later, Bishop Bronner and Dr. Nina Bronner were honored with a commendation from the White House in the form of a plaque with a message and picture signed by President Barack Obama. HONOR THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT: 1963-2013 Celebrate Black Heritage!!! The year was 1963, and as the whole world watched, events in Birmingham sparked the beginning of the end of a centuries-long struggle for freedom. In the year leading up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the city’s most courageous citizens fought for a world where we could all live as equals. And this year, we celebrate their strength, their determination, their defiance and the enduring legacy of their hard-won victory over oppression. Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, America’s cultural ambassador, bringing African American cultural expression to the world. @ the Fox Theater, February 14-17, 2013 Author’s Discussion and Community Lecture In collaboration with the Atlanta Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen, the AARL will host historian, Zellie Rainey Orr, who will discuss her latest publication, High Flyin’ with the Tuskegee Airmen. This well crafted and historically accurate book brings to life the trials and triumphs of America’s first black military aviators. This event will also include a discussion with former Tuskegee Airmen. “High Flyin’ with the Tuskegee Airmen” Saturday, February 16th @ 3:00 pm Auburn Avenue Research Library February is Heart Month Eat heart–healthy foods! The foods you eat influence your heart health. Tons of fried foods, boatloads of ice cream and heavy doses of buttery sauces can clog arteries, making for one unhappy heart. Be good to your heart-include these foods in your diet. Chickpeas: Any bean is a welcome addition to a heart healthy diet. Black, lima, navy, pinto and garbanzo (aka chickpea) beans are all high in cholesterol-lowering fiber. Chickpeas are also packed with vitamin B-6 which helps lower homocysteine (higher levels of homocysteine mean a higher risk of heart disease. Leafy Greens: A diet high in magnesium may help lower blood pressure, triglycerides and increase the healthy HDL cholesterol. Foods packed with magnesium include leafy greens like spinach and Swiss chard, as well as sweet potatoes, quinoa and cashews. Sardines: This underappreciated fish packs a heart-healthy pinch. Sardines contain hearthealthy Omega-3s like other fatty fish, but sardines with soft bones give you the added bonus of calcium and vitamin D. Both work together to help reduce the risk of heart disease along with strengthening your bones. Milk: Studies show that foods high in calcium and vitamin D can help reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 15 percent. They also show that most folks don’t get enough milk each day. Add milk to smoothies, cereal, coffee and drink a glass with meals and snacks. Salmon: Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are packed with Omega-3 fats which help lower triglycerides (fat in your blood) and total cholesterol. Salmon also contains vitamin B-12, which is shown to help lower the risk of coronary heart disease. Almonds: Adding almonds to your diet has been shown to help reduce the bad LDL and total cholesterol. Almonds can also help lower C-reactive protein, another risk factor for heart disease. Oats: Oats have soluble fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol. Although rolled oats may be your first choice, don’t count out other forms of oats like oat bran, oat flour and steel cut oats. Follow these easy tips, like eating well and exercising, to keep your heart strong. I DECREE… By Bishop Dale C. Bronner I DECREE that Jesus is Lord over my life, my thoughts, my imagination, my desires, my house, my city, my state, my nation, and my world! I DECREE that the failures of my past will no longer hinder the promises of my future. My latter days will be greater than my former! I DECREE that the pressures and failures of my past are forming the treasures of my future! I DECREE that I am no longer WHO I used to be. I am a new creation in Christ with a glorious future. I DECREE that the fruit of the Spirit are abundant and growing in my life. I DECREE that my body is healthy and strong, my mind is alert and disciplined, and my spirit is perceptive and receptive to the things of God! I DECREE that I am rapidly coming out of debt and changing the habits that put me there. I DECREE that I am growing as a person and developing as a leader. I am a lifelong learner! I DECREE that I am focused on my life assignment to serve God and humanity with all I am and all I have. I DECREE that I am abounding in the love of God and that I am a vessel of God’s amazing grace! I am an encourager and mentor for others. I DECREE that I have uncommon favor for uncommon results in my life! I am engineered for excellence, created to conquer and sent to succeed. I DECREE that I am a bold witness for Jesus Christ and many shall come into faith with Christ as a result of my witness. I DECREE that, because of the shed blood of Jesus for me, sin has no more power over my life! I DECREE that I will fulfill my destiny and become everything that I shall have wished I had become when I stand before God! So let it be written… so let it be done!
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