Reka Cables


Reka Cables
Reka Cables
– Holding everyday
life together.
Reka Cables has its roots firmly in Hyvinkää, where cable
was first produced in 1961. Since then, Reka has spread its
operations further afield, with production plants now at
Riihimäki and Keuruu in Finland, and Podolsk in Russia.
Premium quality and catering to customers’ needs have
always been of the greatest importance to Reka.
In a way, cable is like the thread of life: it is needed in everything and everywhere. Absolutely nothing would run
without cable. Reka has a genuine desire to be increasingly involved in this period, to evolve and to help customers
to build new projects.
Together we’re building
a better world. Everything
starts with a small step.
2011 is a year of celebration for the 50th anniversary of Reka Cables. The first cables were
produced in Hyvinkää in 1961, when my grandfather, Onni K. Rentto, founded a cable factory
as a division of Rentto Oy, with the trademark RE-KA.
Leading the way in cable for half a century
Reka Kaapeli Oy (Reka Cables Ltd) has travelled a long and busy road to the present day.
Over the decades, we have developed our operations and expanded our product range
as well as our offices and factories. Production started in Keuruu in 1973 and in Riihimäki
in 1999. We opened our production plant in Podolsk, Russia, where we produce mediumvoltage cable, in 2007.
Reka is a Finnish company with a strong international presence. The cornerstones of our
production are high-quality products, reliability, outstanding service and a flexible attitude.
With these guiding principles, we provide our customers with additional value beyond
question. An international presence and profitable growth form our core goals.
I believe in my heart and know in my mind that we will succeed in achieving these goals.
Behind us we have decades of invaluable experience and craftsmanship, as well as the
capacity to rise to the challenges of today. Our support comprises a broad network of stakeholder groups and highly-qualified and passionate personnel. On such strong foundations
we will be able to produce leading cable for another 50 years.
Markku E. Rentto
Managing Director
Reka Cables Ltd
T he long and winding story
Reka Group’s roots go as far back as 1898, when Edvard Rentto began his industrial career
working at the Korkeakoski shoe factory.
Cable production started in 1961 in Hyvinkää when the company, then known as Rentto Oy,
rented one floor of the Villayhtymä factory to set up a cableproduction facility.
T he Golden Era of the 60s:
new machinery boosted production capacity
underground cable, our own
premises and a new limited
to a completely new level.
The first installation cables approved by the
RE-KA Oy (RE-KA Ltd), as a subsidiary of Rent-
Finnish Inspection Centre for Electrical Instal-
to Oy. Reka has been a member of the Finn-
lations were dispatched to customers in May
ish Electrotechnical Trade Association since
1961. Cable production was initially just a
1966. Membership made it possible to deal
division of Rentto Oy with the trademark RE-
with wholesalers and also took the sale of cab-
KA and the distinctive green-brown wire. In
le in a new direction.
In 1965 a separate company was established,
spring 1962, we also started to manufacture
underground cable for new machines. Gradu-
T he 1970s: export took off,
ally, however, the production area began to be
volume of production grew
too small. And so at the beginning of 1965 we
In 1970, the company’s name was changed
finally moved into our own new production
to Kaapelitehdas REKA Oy (Cable Factory
plant in the Sahanmäki district of Hyvinkää.
REKA Ltd). The first export was consigned
Covering 1 500 square metres and filling
to Iceland in 1972. That same year, the Hy-
13 000 cubic metres, the premises and the
vinkää plastics plant burned down and a
of Reka Cables
new one was built in its place the following
1997. The drawing of aluminium wire started
In 2006, the Riihimäki plant saw the be-
year. 1973 also saw the start of PVC-plastic
up in 1988 at Hyvinkää. Reka Oy became a
ginning of big investment, which brought
parent company for the whole group in 1989.
about another CCV insulation line and 10 000
square metres of new, modern production
Production of installation cables and smaller
T he turn of the millennium
space. Production space was also bought in
Keuruu. After the mid-70s, we began to
– working towards more modern, expansive production
make PVC drainpipes. Around the same
The first CDCC line at Riihimäki was set up in
time, we expanded our cable harnesses pro-
Paloheimo’s former fibreglass factory. There,
Reka Cables today
duction and began to make cable especial-
the production of medium and high-voltage
At 50 years young, Reka Cables is a growing in-
ly for the automotive industry. The drawing
cables began in 1999, which ushered in a new
ternational company. In total, there are almost
of copper wire at Hyvinkää began in 1977.
era. A modern packing centre with automatic
500 employees and five production plants: at
packing machines and automatic guided
Hyvinkää, Keuruu and Riihimäki, as well as two
vehicles was built at the Keuruu factory.
plants in Russia, at Podolsk. The clear focus of
cables was transferred from Hyvinkää to
T he 1980s: greater capacity
Podolsk, Russia, where the production of medium-voltage cable started in autumn 2007.
for installation cable
our production is instal-
The Keuruu plant was expanded
lation, power and high-
in 1984. Today, it is the produc-
voltage cable and ex-
tion site for installation wires
ports account for 50% of
and cables, instrumentation
production. The most sig-
cables and small-diameter
nificant market areas are
underground cables. A cable har-
the Nordic countries, Rus-
nesses factory was set up at Ter-
sia and the Baltic states.
vakoski in 1986, which later led
to the establishment of a separate company in 1992, Reka Harnesses, which was later sold in
Cable, cable everywhere
Civilisation would not run without electricity. Electricity enables us to work more effectively and provides a safer and
more comfortable life for us all.
Reka Cables is one of Finland’s biggest cable producers. We supply quality cable solutions for industry, construction and electricity transmission needs.
Cables are needed for many different applications and all applications have their own
special requirements. Reka Cables produc-
do not stop to think how many activities
es a range of cables, from 75 V data-transfer
require cable and in how many places it is
cables to 145 V high-voltage underground
needed. It is often hidden away from view:
The production of cables, design of cable
underground, high above our heads, inside
networks and the installation of cables is
the walls of our homes or enclosed around
precise work, which only a skilled profes-
the office. Even wireless networks require
sional is able to carry out.
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we
some sort of cabling in order to function.
Emma Rönnholm
uses cables in her art
Emma Rönnholm is a professional in her
you think of a huge natural force that grows
own field: she comes up with creative ways
through the floor. I hope that it makes peop-
to use Reka cable, that often somewhat
le think about the similarities between ca-
break the mould. Emma will graduate with
bles and plants and trees. Cable networks
a master’s degree in visual arts from the Hel-
are like the roots of the city; they hold the
sinki Academy of Fine Arts in 2011 and her
structures together in a very organic way.
piece, “Salaliittoteoria” (Conspiracy Theory)
In a way, man simultaneously copies and
is part of her final project exhibition.
destroys nature,” clarifies Emma Rönnholm of her vision.
“I was studying as an exchange student in
Paris and the enormous cable set-ups in the
She says that she uses so-called “eve-
metro stations made a real impression on
ryday invisible raw materials” in her art;
me. It got me thinking about the essence of
materials that are so common that we
cables as a symbol of power and energy and
do not even notice them. “Here, cables
how a huge amount of bare, visible cable
have offered some fantastic possibili-
can feel really quite sinister – especially if its
ties. And they are visually brilliant,” en-
intended use is unknown,” explains Emma.
thuses Emma.
“This gave me the idea of making an enormous tree with a trunk of cables. It makes
Where does cable come from?
Reka Cables always uses the very best raw materials in its cable production
and the most environmentally-friendly and recyclable materials.
Cable production involves copper, alumini-
Besides being long-lasting, the cable must
We use a certified quality management sys-
um, various plastics and laminates depend-
also be durable against the conditions par-
tem that complies with standard SFS-EN ISO
ing on the final usage conditions of the ca-
ticular to the installation environment: ex-
9001:2008. Quality management involves
treme temperatures and their fluctuations,
quality control and quality assurance. Our
strains caused by water and ice, wind, che-
quality management is supported by test-
micals, oil, and even the gnawing of rodents.
ing facilities and laboratories.
1. Insulation material
2. Semiconductive
3. Dryer
4. Pay-off
5. Accumulator
6. Conductor preheating
7. Extruder head
8. X-ray
9. EHT
10. Curing tube
11. Cooling tube
12. End seal
13. Take-up
Tahvanainen now works as a production
manager and his job for today’s Reka Cables
is more to do with working towards achieving results. The job description essentially
involves production development, the maximisation of production costs and the enhancement of competitivity.
Väinö Tahvanainen, 65, has worked for Reka since 1972, when he
started working on various different cable-production tasks at the Hyvinkää factory. In that same year, the first exports were sent to Iceland.
It is one thing that Väinö Tahvanainen remembers particularly well.
Other important milestones include the opening of new factories, the
awarding of quality certification and the opening of the second insulation line at Riihimäki at the end of 2006.
Significant changes in production during Tahvanainen’s time include
the start-up of our own PVC production in 1973. This self-sufficiency
enabled the fast production of mixtures according to the wishes and
special conditions of the customer.
“The drawing of copper and aluminium wire and the production of a
completely separate cable unit also pushed cable production forward
into a new age. Regarding the production process, unnecessary stages
of work were dropped as purchasing and storage were simplified and
production was made easier,” reflects Tahvanainen.
The job description of the foreman between 1970 and 1980 was emphatically centred around organisation: leadership and tasks related
with direction and surveillance. The foreman would assign detailed
tasks to those directly under him and watch over the performance of
the work.
Väinö Tahvanainen has long enjoyed his work life, but what is the secret to this enjoyment?
“A varied job that challenges you,” answers Väinö without hesitation.
“The work of the foreman is very important and it is challenging to
lead a project involving different people in such a way that everyone
is happy. When you succeed, you feel great. The improvement of the
working environment and job satisfaction is fundamental, as a good
environment is in direct relation to the motivation of employees,” says
The longstanding Reka man has a few good pieces of advice, which he
believes can be of use to younger employees:
“I recommend thinking positively. It gives your life belief, creativity and
a good spirit. I never give up, even if the situation looks bad from some
perspectives – you can always find another perspective and think
about and resolve the problem from that angle.”
That’s no doubt how it is and we can keep this in mind!
We care about people and
In our production, we consider the requirements of the wellbeing of the environment. Our environmental management
system is certified in compliance with standard SFS-EN ISO
Reka Cables’ main environmental goal is
Our third goal is to increase recyclability. Ex-
to improve the efficiency of the use of raw
amples of this include the re-use of plastic
materials, particularly in terms of metal raw
and metal waste from various processes, re-
materials. This means the optimal use of ma-
cycling cable drums and pallets, and the op-
the same cable help to lighten the burden
terials and the minimisation of waste ma-
timal use of packaging (PYR-system).
on the environment.
Reka Cables’ quality management system is
little as possible substances that might be
High quality is also an act of
friendship for the environment
hazardous to health or the environment.
When cable is designed and prepared care-
system covers the design, development,
Our cables meet the requirements of the
fully using high-quality and safe materials, it
marketing, sales and production of cables
RoHS directive and the REACH regulation.
is reliable and durable. Decades of use from
at Hyvinkää, Keuruu and Riihimäki.
Our second environmental goal is to use as
certified in compliance with standard SFSEN ISO 9001:2008. Our quality management
the environment
A safe and motivating
working environment
The overall well-being and job satisfaction
In terms of safety, we pay special atten-
of personnel undoubtedly also increases
tion to occupational health and safety, fire
We aim to always build towards a safer and
lively common leisure activity. Reka Cables’
safety and electrical and chemical safety.
more efficient working environment. We do
personnel have excelled in ice fishing com-
We carry out annual plant and department
all we can to support the physical, psycho-
petitions or rowing at Sulkava, amongst
risk assessments. We also monitor closely
logical and social well-being of our person-
other activities. Community spirit is also
emergency alerting procedures and possi-
built through trips and events.
ble work accidents, so that we can prevent
these as much as possible.
Cable for all conditions
Reka Cables produces, sells
and markets safe cables,
which are made in compliance with strict cable standards.
Reka Cables produces a range of cables,
Reka’s service is unique
from 75 V data-transfer cables to 145 V high-
Reka Cables is an international and reliable company whose production methods and pro-
voltage underground cables. Our product
cesses are born as a result of decades of experience and the seamless combination of the
range includes data-transfer cables, instal-
latest innovations. The materials we use are first class and our products are high quality.
lation wires, control and instrumentation
It is the result of precise, careful and long-term work.
cables, power cables and medium and highvoltage cables for industry, construction
We could almost be talking about tailor-made cables, as you will always find the right type,
and electricity transfer needs.
size and length of cable from Reka for each application – and exactly the quantity you want.
Our personal and skilled service makes us an outstanding partner. We are also
renowned for our quick and reliable delivery. We do exactly what we promise.
That’s how it is – It is as if Reka was made to lead!
Reka Cables’ brands:
- The ultimate in fire-resistant cable.
- Reliable cables speak for themselves.
When a power supply has to be guaranteed during a possible fire, Flamerex is the right choice. Its smoke emission is extremely low and its transmission rate does not
falter in heat, fire or flames. The Flamerex copper wire is
bound with a superior, non-flammable and insulating
mica chord. Its structure is halogen-free and it contains
no PVC. Flamerex cables do not spread fire, whether individually or in a bundle.
Standard conditions require flexible and reliable cable,
which has outstanding installation properties. Reko from
Reka is just that. Reko is a standard cable that can be used
for demanding everyday use and the quality of which can
be seen in the balance between installation and operating properties. Its PVC materials are long-lasting, leadfree and, in terms of installation properties, outstanding.
Like Flamerex, they will not spread fire, whether individually or in a bundle.
- Next generation cable.
- The most reliable earthing cable.
Rekoclean is a high-end product, which has been developed especially for spaces that are difficult to evacuate
where there are lots of people. These include nurseries,
schools, old people’s homes, restaurants and public buildings. Rekoclean is halogen-free and PVC-free, so that, in
the event of a possible fire, it will not spread fire, whether
individually or in a bundle, and its smoke emission is low.
Rekoclean is easily made of recyclable material.
Dryrex is a medium and high-voltage cable designed for
voltage levels of 10-145 kV, which enables the underground distribution of electricity in accordance with the
requirements of an urban environment. Dryrex is produced using dry-vulcanised technology at Riihimäki, in
one of Europe’s most modern cable production plants.
Production plant
Contact information:
Our head office is at Hyvinkää and our other Finnish production plants are
at Keuruu and Riihimäki. The Russian plants are at Podolsk. We have sales
companies located in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Russia.
+358 207 200 20 |
Head Office
Reka Kaapeli Oy
P.O. Box 12
Street Address
Niinistönkatu 8-12
Production plants
Neo Industrial Plc
cables. The production process covers the entire production
longs to the Reka Group, which is in the business of invest-
chain from raw materials to finished cables. Hyvinkää makes
ment, industrials and real estate. Neo Industrial is a Finnish
PVC, PEX and LSF plastic compounds and aluminium and cop-
industrial conglomerate, whose B-share is listed on the Nas-
per wires for cables.
daq OMX Helsinki.
The Keuruu plant specialises in installation, control, signal
Neo Industrial’s strategy is to make long-term investments in
and data-transfer cables and special fire-resistant and halo-
industrial companies with joint synergy benefits. It’s current
gen-free cables.
business segments are Cable, Single Family Housing and Vis-
The Hyvinkää plant specialises in the production of power
Reka Cables’ parent company is Neo Industrial Plc. It be-
cose Fibers. Neo Industrial’s goal is to develop companies in
The Riihimäki plant manufactures medium- and high-volt-
the long-term and to raise the productive level of invested
age cables. Thanks to investments made between 2006 and
capital. An investment in Neo Industrial is a good way of own-
2008, the capacity of the plant has doubled. The cable pro-
ing interesting non-listed companies.
duction processes at the plant range all the way from aluminium wire drawing to the testing of the finished product.
Our plants at Podolsk are situated 50 km to the south of
Moscow, in the town of Podolsk. ZAO Reka Kabel produces
medium-voltage cables using western production technology, and OAO Expokabel different control and instrumentation cables.
Working at Reka Cables
Reka Cables takes care of the complete well-being of the work community.
The best sign of our personnel satisfaction is the great number of long-term
Personnel´s years of service
33 35
31 29
28 28 26
1616 1514 15
23 21
19 19
24 24
13 12
9 9
8 8
6 76
10 9
2 4 3 1 1
0 0 0 0 0
40-44 y
45 y-
0-4 y
5-9 y
10-14 y
15-19 y
20-24 y
25-29 y
30-34 y
35-39 y
Your cable salesman at your service
Director, Sales and Marketing
Jorma Haapanen
Director, Sales and Marketing
Mobile +358 400 435 402
Product Management
Jyri Koskinen
Product Manager
Mobile +358 40 845 1291
Maarit Konu
Communications Manager
Mobile +358 400 939 722
Domestic Sales
Ari Skinnari
Sales Support Manager
Mobile +358 40 831 3265
Reijo Lehtinen
Key Account Manager
Mobile + 358 400 482 328
Martti Lius
Key Account Manager
Mobile +358 400 541 639
Jaana Saunamäki
Key Account Manager
Mobile +358 400 601 285
Reino Kauppila
Key Account Manager
Mobile +358 400 911 895
Päivi Laine
Sales Assistant
Mobile +358 40 529 6370
Maire Turpeinen
Sales Assistant
Mobile +358 40 511 2682
Sales Support
Tel. + 358 207 200 222
The Baltic States, Europe
and Overseas Projects
Tarmo Nevala
Regional Export Manager
Mobile + 358 40 763 5894
Tatiana Antikainen
Export Assistant
Mobile +358 40 485 5520
Karoliina Lunnas
Export Assistant (on maternity leave)
Mobile +358 40 486 2170
Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark,
Norway and Sweden
Sirpa Pötry
Regional Export Manager
Mobile + 358 40 503 2535
Lars Johannessen
Sales Manager, Denmark
Mobile +45 20 75 00 85
Ulf Sekkelsten
Sales Manager, Norway
Mobile +47 905 202 59
Satu Hämäläinen
Export Assistant (on maternity leave)
Mobile +358 40 350 4598
Marja-Leena Sailio
Export Assistant
Mobile + 358 40 717 9364
Sam Forsbeck
Sales Manager, Sweden
Mobile +46 705 352 159
Roger Nilsson
Sales, Sweden
Mobile +46 703 805 820
Mirja Pietilä
Export Assistant
Mobile +358 40 718 5772
Alexander Lapin
Sales Director, Russia
Mobile +79857 640 664
Maria Trushechkina
Marketing Manager
Mobile +7925 518 6207
Kseniya Salueva
Marketing Manager (on maternity leave)
Mobile +7925 518 6653
Alexander Akimov
Regional Sales
Mobile +7916 286 99 39
Aleksanteri Kolo
Regional Sales
Mobile + 358 400 182 648
Evgeny Krasilnikov
Product Manager
(MV and HV cables)
Mobile +7 921 743 28 45
Irina Väänänen
Export Assistant
Mobile +358 40 707 3895
Oksana Rantala
Export Assistant (on maternity leave)
Mobile +358 407 007 761
Oleg Ivanov
Regional Sales
Mobile +7 921 944 79 26
Anna Zaitseva
Sales support
Mobile +7 921 435 50 51
OAO Expokabel
Igor Dolgolenko
Sales Manager , Special Cables
Mobile +7 925 081-17-79
Ilya Gusev
Regional Sales
Mobile +7925 518 56 31