volume 2 - Research@JCU
volume 2 - Research@JCU
VOLUME 2 A Typological Basis for the Assessment and Management of Wetland Water Quality in the Dry and Wet-Dry Regions of Tropical Queensland ACTFR Report No. 04/04 Appendices May 2004 Prepared by Barry Butler Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research James Cook University, Qld. 4811 Phone: (07) 47814262 Fax: (07) 47815589 email: actfr@jcu.edu.a APPENDIX A Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 1 A1 CASE STUDY: WATER QUALITY VARIATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WATERWAYS OF THE HERBERT FLOODPLAIN A1.1 Introduction A1.2 Methods Sampling entailed the collection of a discrete water sample from a depth of 30cm below the water surface and at a lateral position that approximated mid-stream. Most sites were sampled on two or three occasions, representative of different seasonal conditions, provided that water was present during field trips. Samples were analysed for a wide range of parameters including nutrients, suspended solids (suspended particulate matter), chlorophyll a, major ions, organic carbon, BOD and colour (see Appendix tables for further details). Temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen were determined in the field using Hydrolab multi-parameter probes and, in many cases, cool dark-equilibrated samples were returned to the laboratory for further analysis of pH and conductivity. During the early stages of the project, field measurements were confined to spot readings taken at the times when samples were collected. However, it became evident that metabolism in the water body was too high and variable for spot measurement of this kind to be interpreted. Hence, monitoring protocols were altered to ensure that measurements were conducted at least twice during each sampling event – once during the early to mid-afternoon and once during the early morning (temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH values reach daily maxima and minima at these times of day). Detailed descriptions of prevailing and antecedent conditions of flow, weather, shade, riparian vegetation, instream biomass, depth, etc. were recorded whenever samples or field readings were taken. The qualitative or semi-qualitative observations for each biophysical variable were classified into nominal or ordinal categories (e.g. high, medium and low). These category variables were then used to examine relationships between biophysical conditions and water quality, and to generate key data summary groupings. A1.3 Results and Summary Plots A substantial database of biophysical records and associated category variables has been compiled; these have not been tabulated here but are referred to where relevant in the text. The results for each monitoring parameter are summarised and compared with data obtained from other components of the water quality monitoring program in the box plots shown at the end of this appendix. These figures are clustered box plots, each of which employs the same category and cluster variables. Each plot displays the data obtained for one particular water quality parameter and values can be read off the horizontal axis. Data analysis has shown that hydrographic (flow) state is the main factor influencing water quality so, for summary purposes, data have been divided into separate groups along the vertical axis in accordance with their allocated flow category. These nominal flow categories have been selected to fit the conditions encountered during sampling exercises, and do not precisely match established hydrological terminology. Categories are defined as follows: 1) Event Peak – applies to any situation where water levels were changing by more than 5% per day relative to peak discharge levels. It incorporates both the rising and early falling stages of the hydrograph. 2) Falling Hydrograph (falling limb) – includes cases where water levels were dropping by more than 5% per week but less than 5% per day. This stage is extremely brief or virtually absent from some waterways in the study area, especially constructed drains. However, at study sites that support significant base flows, this criterion represents the flows that are maintained very soon after surface runoff is no longer observable (i.e., soon after rainfall stops). 3) Stable base flow – includes situations where water levels were falling by less than 5% per week, but where there was still visible surface flow within, upstream or downstream of the monitoring site. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 2 4) No flow – applies to cases where there was no visible flow greater than 0.01 m/sec in any part of the water body that was protected from wind-induced currents. This category groups together data collected at sites that were genuinely stagnant with those that were subject to substantial throughflow of groundwater. These types of sites could be discriminated using various methods (such as comparing the rates at which water levels change, with the rates predicted from evapotranspiration data); however, there were insufficient data to justify further categorisation. These categories would ideally have been based on discharge rate measurements rather than water levels, but the required data could not be collected. Each box displayed within a particular hydrographic category contains data collected from a different type of sampling site, each type being distinguished by its colour and position relative to other boxes. (Within each hydrographic category, boxes are always displayed in the same order and relative position, with a gap being left in the appropriate position if there are no data available for any particular combination of categories). The sample types employed for general survey data are as follows: 1) Minimal inputs from cane farms – data from samples collected at times and places where it was obvious that very little of the water had originated from farmland. In most cases the water came from mountainous rainforest catchments. Notionally this category contains reference data, but most of these sites were located high in the lowland watershed so the data are only indicative of one wetland type (upper catchment stream) that is poorly represented in the more heavily farmed areas lower in the catchment. Accordingly, direct comparisons with other sample types are not strictly valid. There is in fact only one instance (on Ripple Creek) where sites are sufficiently similar to allow direct comparisons. These cases are not displayed separately on the box plots but are discussed individually where relevant in the text. 2) Moderate inputs from cane farms – data obtained at times and places where it was clear that a significant proportion of the water originated from farmland but where the amounts originating from other areas were either unknown or known to be significant. 3) High inputs from cane farms – data obtained from samples collected from water bodies with catchments that are dominated by cane farms. The variability displayed by the boxes for these sample types can be attributed mainly to between-site differences but includes some cases where water quality has changed over time at an individual site. The plots also summarise data collected during other water quality monitoring activities conducted as part of this project. This includes three types of samples collected at the Lagoon Creek study site and storm-event samples collected by an autosampler located on a communal farm drain in the Macknade area. Samples and readings taken from Lagoon Creek were allocated one of the following sample-type categories: 1) routine sampling station/autosampler - collected from close to mid-channel and 30cm below the water surface, and so directly comparable to the regional survey samples; 2) transect samples taken less than one metre below the water surface - taken at various points on one of five lateral transects located at fixed intervals along the length of the lagoon; and 3) transect samples taken from depths greater than 1 metre below the water surface along the same sampling transects as (2). The boxes shown for Lagoon Creek sample types 2 and 3 simultaneously display spatial and temporal variations, while the boxes for type 1 samples display temporal variability only. In most cases, samples were collected only once on each day (or sampling trip), unless hydrographic conditions changed, but meter readings were taken at different times of the day during most sampling trips. Where necessary (i.e., in cases where doing so has a significant effect on the summary statistics) morning and afternoon field measurements are plotted as separate parameters. This means that the variability displayed in the plots can be attributed to differences between days and/or sampling trips. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 3 In most cases, data were collected manually and at a relatively low sampling frequency, but the Lagoon Creek routine sampling station and Macknade Drain were sampled intensively during and immediately after the one significant storm event that occurred after autosamplers were installed. The data displayed in the Macknade Drain box plot were all obtained from this single storm event. The Lagoon Creek event peak and falling hydrograph data include samples that were opportunistically collected whenever anomalous flow conditions were encountered, but data are still dominated by samples collected during the single autosampler event. Accordingly, the plotted values should only be used as a rough guide to the kinds of concentrations that can occur during a storm event. The results of the intensively monitored event are discussed in detail separately in appendix B. A1.3.1 Electrical conductivity (salt concentrations): Figures 1 & 2 • Conductivity values were generally low throughout the floodplain regardless of flow conditions. Values higher than 500 µS/cm were observed only during periods when flow was absent and even then, only in Cattle Creek, suggesting that this is probably a natural characteristic of that system. Values at all other sites were significantly lower than 350 µS/cm on most occasions. • In our experience the distributions of local species of freshwater macrophytes, invertebrates and fish are not noticeably affected by variations in conductivity if concentrations remain below 1,000 µS/cm (roughly equivalent to total dissolved salt concentration of 500 mg/L). This suggests that salt concentrations are not a significant ecological issue on the Herbert floodplain. (Note that in some parts of this region it is not uncommon to find that invertebrate communities correlate with conductivity but this almost certainly stems from a close correlation between conductivity, flow and season). • Whenever flows were present, conductivities were generally highest in cane-affected areas, suggesting that farmed catchments contribute more salt to the system than other parts of the catchment. However, a significant proportion (if not all) of this effect can be attributed to the natural hydro-geology of the floodplain and the fact that the sites that are most affected by farm runoff are located low on the floodplain where they naturally receive less dilution from rainforest systems and higher levels of subsurface input from floodplain soils and ground waters. • The above effect is evidenced by the somewhat unusual (for this region) relationship between conductivity and flow. Almost without exception, our monitoring of intermittent inland streams in this region has shown that conductivity levels fall dramatically during storm events, and rise gradually during periods of base flow, achieving maximum values when flows stop. In contrast (Cattle Creek aside), the conductivity of streams on the Herbert floodplain increases during storms and falls to minimum levels when flows are low. There is little doubt that this is due to inputs of water from headwater streams in the forested ranges which continue to discharge low salinity water long after the lowland catchment areas have ceased producing runoff. These inputs of water dilute and/or disperse salt and other contaminants and therefore have an important bearing on the vulnerability of individual water bodies to adverse impacts from farm runoff. In general, all other factors being equal, higher inputs from rainforests would be expected to reduce both conductivity concentrations and vulnerability to impact. • Statistical analysis of both pooled and hydrographically grouped data have shown that conductivity is very strongly correlated (r2>0.97) with concentrations of sodium, calcium, magnesium, hardness, chloride, bicarbonate and alkalinity. Accordingly, the concentrations of these salts have not been individually plotted. It is, however, worth noting that (Cattle Creek aside) alkalinity and hardness levels generally range from extremely low to low, seldom exceeding 40 mg CaCO3/L. This indicates that most waters on the floodplain are poorly buffered (i.e., they have limited capacity to neutralise acids) and are very soft. Water hardness reduces the toxicity of many commonly occurring toxicants, especially trace metals. Soft waters can therefore be particularly vulnerable to adverse effects from such contaminants. A1.3.2 Morning and afternoon dissolved oxygen concentrations: Figures 3 and 4 • Figure 3 includes only data collected early enough in the morning to be indicative of the daily minium values that would have been achieved if there had been cycling due to photosynthesis in the water Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 4 column. Such cycling was evident to some extent at most sites, the main exceptions being cases where oxygen values were chronically low, either during the peak of the hydrograph (at which time increased turbidity can prevent photosynthesis) or during periods of low flow at sites that are infested with floating and/or emergent weeds (also preventing photosynthesis in the water column). In both these cases the morning reading is still usually indicative of the daily minimum but the daily maximum is often not significantly higher. On rare occasions during our research in this region, we have encountered light-limited heterotrophic (microbe dominated) water bodies that heat up sufficiently during the day to cause an oxygen sag resulting in the daily minimum being observed in the afternoon. (A 10oC increase in temperature can increase microbial and plant respiration rates by a factor of 2 to 3 fold). A few of the macrophytedominated wetlands on the Herbert floodplain can exhibit a subtle version of this effect during cloudy days or periods of high turbidity but there are no cases where this was a significant factor in Figure 3. • Figure 4 includes only data collected between midday and 4pm. These are roughly indicative of the maximum oxygen concentration achieved on each day that the site was sampled. The actual time of the maximum depends on the light exposure period and the flow rate. The peak occurs near the middle of the day at sites that become shaded in the afternoon and/or have high flow rates, and later in the afternoon at sites that are shaded in the morning and/or are stagnant. • All sites were hypoxic (under-saturated) in the morning. Even reference sites that receive flows of good quality water from forested headwater streams did not achieve the 90-120 %Saturation levels recommended in ANZECC (2000) Guidelines for tropical wetlands, or the 85-105 %Saturation levels recommended in Draft Queensland (2001) Water Quality Guidelines for lower catchment streams in the Wet Tropics. The reference sites were low-productivity streams so diel cycling was moderate, and although oxygen concentrations were higher in the afternoon, they still did not reach guideline levels. It is therefore clear that more realistic local dissolved oxygen guidelines are needed. This problem is not unique to the Herbert floodplain (or to cane-growing areas) – overall our research in the region indicates that perennial rainforest streams and a few well-aerated reaches of large rivers are the only freshwater habitats in the wet-dry and dry tropics where dissolved oxygen levels remain close to saturation for prolonged periods (and even at these sites levels fluctuate during storms and/or prolonged dry spells). • The effects of cane farm runoff are most evident when flows (and therefore farm runoff) are present. When flows are low or absent, in-stream processes dominate, individual sites exhibit much more independent behaviour, and between-site variations increase substantially. • In order to put these results into an ecological context two additional reference lines have been added to the plot. These have been derived from the experimental findings presented in subsequent appendices, and represent the best available estimates of critical ecological thresholds that are currently available. It should be noted these are not guideline values but rather a priori indications of the kinds of critical acute exposure thresholds that will need to be taken into consideration when developing guidelines. The upper reference line (50 %Saturation) is an estimate of the concentrations below which even brief exposure can induce significant sublethal responses such as avoidance and behavioural modification, in sensitive species and/or age classes. It also coincides roughly with the point at which gill ventilation rates in fish begin to increase non-linearly indicating that proportionately larger amounts of energy are being consumed in order to breathe. Overseas studies have shown that the resulting energy deficit can cause serious chronic problems such as failure to reach reproductive maturity as well as reduced growth and loss of condition. Another consequence of the rapid increase in ventilation when oxygen concentrations are decreased below 50 %Saturation is that animals pass much larger quantities of water across their gills. This can substantially increase contaminant uptake, thus increasing their susceptibility to toxins. The second reference line (at 25 %Saturation) is an a priori estimate of the concentration below which the acute lethal limits of sensitive species and/or age classes of fish are likely to occur. Further Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 5 reductions in oxygen concentrations below this level would be expected to severely stress or kill one species and/or size class of fish after another, even if levels remain that low for only a short time. • It is evident from figure 3 that even at reference sites, levels sometimes fall below the 50 %Saturation threshold and in one instance levels dropped to just below the lower limit. This suggests that oxygen availability is one of many natural habitat factors that determine the composition of biological communities in these ecosystems. There is little doubt that prior to European settlement there would have been many floodplain wetlands that were chronically hypoxic and which would have provided habitat for those species that are specially adapted to such conditions. However, in this study we have selected sites which should provide water quality conditions capable of supporting all but the most sensitive of local aquatic species. Accordingly, the low saturation levels reported for farm-affected sites are cause for concern and deserve much closer investigation. It is particularly noticeable, for example, that when stormwater was present, all of the sites categorised as having high levels of input from cane farms reported minimum daily concentrations well below the lethal threshold for sensitive species and within the range that our tests have shown to be acutely lethal to key species such as barramundi. • These findings leave no doubt that dissolved oxygen availability is the main driver of ecosystem condition in freshwater wetlands in this region. A1.3.3 pH: Figures 5, 6 and 7 • pH is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration and indicates whether a solution is acidic, alkaline or neutral (a pH value of 7.0 is neutral; lower than this is acidic; higher is alkaline). The pH of most natural waters is primarily governed by free concentrations of carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, carbonate and bicarbonate, each of which reacts with the others to establish an equilibrium pH value. As a rule of thumb, increasing carbon dioxide concentrations cause pH values to fall and decreasing carbon dioxide concentrations cause pH to rise. All aerobic organisms release carbon dioxide when they respire (breathe), hence aquatic plant and animal respiration tends to reduce pH levels in the surrounding water column. In contrast, plants consume carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight to manufacture organic substances such as sugars. Consequently, when submerged plants are exposed to adequate light levels (i.e., in the day time) they consume large quantities of carbon dioxide, and pH levels in the surrounding water rise. This results in cyclical daily pH fluctuations similar to those observed for oxygen. Each water body has a different characteristic pH when biological processes are absent and carbon dioxide concentrations are at equilibrium with the air. Nevertheless, the pH levels of many natural wetlands are a reflection of the balance between carbon dioxide inputs (from the air and from respiration) and carbon dioxide consumption (by plants during daylight hours). The main exception to this general rule is situations where acids are present in significant quantities, as can happen in natural wetlands that produce large quantities of humic acids or when acid sulphate runoff is present. Due to the above complexities, three different pH estimates have been plotted in the data summaries. Figures 5 and 6 display morning and afternoon field measurements that essentially parallel the oxygen samples discussed previously, in that they provide estimates of daily minimum and maximum values. However, the factors that determine whether the lowest levels of pH occur in the morning or afternoon are much more complex. In this dataset it can be assumed that when flows were low, pH values were at a minimum in the morning. When flows were high the relationship between time of day and pH level varied between sites, although in each case there is still a high probability that the reported value is either a daily maximum or a minimum. The third pH plot (Figure 7) shows laboratory measurements obtained from samples that were equilibrated with the air in the dark at 25oC. This process removes many (but not all) biogenic pH effects and provides some indication of what the pH level would have been in the absence of biological activity (and/or short term physical influences such as the supersaturation of carbon dioxide that can occur in rainfall and some groundwater discharges). Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 6 • Current draft guidelines for pH levels in Queensland streams (EPA, 2001) suggest that values should fall between 6.0 and 8.0, as indicated by the reference lines in the pH plots. It is clear from the plots that field pH values complied with the guideline when flow was low or absent. During the falling limb and baseflow stages of the hydrograph there was no significant difference between reference sites and sites that receive farm runoff. The results suggest that a lower guideline limit of approximately 6.1 (median value) would be appropriate for those stages of the hydrograph. Field pH levels were noticeably lower than the guideline value of 6.0 during events, median values being in the order of 5.8, which is approximately equivalent to fresh rainwater. Reference sites were not sampled during events in this project; however, it should be noted that the reported levels are very similar to the values that we have previously obtained from rainforest streams located in the coastal ranges of the wet tropics, and are higher than the levels that are often reported for Melaleuca wetlands. More data are required but at this stage it appears likely that a value of 5.8 would be a realistic lower guideline level for median field pH values during event peaks (i.e., at times when surface runoff is the main source of the flow). Any values less than or equal to 5.5 could be indicative of problems and should be investigated. All of the reported field measurements comply with this tentatively proposed guideline. (It should be noted that in the monsoonal tropics runoff during storm events can be very dilute leading to very low ionic strengths. The standard glass combination electrodes that are supplied with most pH meters do not usually yield reliable measurements in low ionic strength waters. Most manufacturers offer optional electrodes specifically designed for such situations and it is essential that these are used when monitoring storm events in the wet tropics). • The lower pH values obtained during storm events are caused by super-saturation of carbon dioxide (cold rain droplets take up large amounts of carbon dioxide which must be released when the rain reaches the ground and heats up). Consequently, the equilibrated storm samples analysed in the laboratory (which have had time to release excess carbon dioxide) yield pH levels that are not significantly different from samples collected during the falling limb of the hydrograph. A minimum median value of 6.5 is probably a realistic guideline for laboratory pH values, although based on our experience with rainforest streams, a median level of 6.2, with an absolute minimum (for any individual sample) of 6.0, can be expected in many relatively pristine streams. • The extremely low laboratory pH values reported for Macknade Drain occurred during the February storm event. There is a high probability that these are indicative of farm-related water quality problems. These results are discussed in detail in section 1.3. • The higher field pH levels observed during periods of stagnation are due to the combined effects of increased alkalinity concentrations, decreased re-aeration and increased plant productivity. Both morning and afternoon values generally complied with the water quality guidelines; however, afternoon measurements taken within submergent macrophyte beds yielded values significantly higher than the upper limit of 8. As would be expected, these higher levels are not evident in the laboratory analyses (because samples have been kept in the dark and have had the opportunity to take up carbon dioxide from the air). • It is tempting to conclude that an upper limit of 8 would be an acceptable guideline for both field and laboratory pH levels in the Herbert floodplain. However, it is important to remember that the processes that increase pH levels during the day are the same ones that produce oxygen. Most of the study sites are prone to hypoxia and since they are poorly re-aerated when flow rates are low, production of oxygen by plants appears to be one of the few natural means of ameliorating this undesirable condition. In other words, higher levels of photosynthesis by submergent plant biomass may be desirable and this would inevitably increase field pH values, probably to levels much higher than the guideline value of 8.0. This raises the question of whether such high levels of productivity would be sustainable or would simply lead to other problems. Much more research will be necessary before this question can be answered confidently, but at this stage it seems likely that outcomes will depend on which plant species are involved. Notably, we have encountered water bodies in other parts of this region (e.g., the Ross River Weirs) that seem to be capable of sustaining high levels of native submergent plant productivity for prolonged periods without developing serious problems, other than some loss of recreational amenity due to high plant biomass. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 7 It currently seems likely, therefore, that amelioration of many of the existing hypoxia problems in local wetlands will rely on rehabilitation measures aimed at reducing the competitive success of exotic water weeds and enhancing the productivity of desirable native plant species. If this is accomplished, afternoon pH levels are likely to rise well above current guideline values whenever flows are low. It is likely that local aquatic animals are well adapted to cope with pH fluctuations of this kind, so unless the levels of productivity causing these high pH values are attributed to problematic species, or plant growth rates are shown to be unsustainable, these high values should not necessarily be considered problematic in their own right. However, an additional issue that must be considered when evaluating the pH requirements of wetlands is that high pH values greatly increase the toxicity of ammonia. Data presented later demonstrate that potentially dangerous concentrations of ammonia can occur at certain times and places in wetlands, especially those that receive runoff from cane farms or that are subject to impacts from livestock. Any guideline for upper pH levels in such wetlands must take these situationspecific risks into account. A1.3.4 Suspended particulate matter: Figures 8 and 9. • Suspended particulate matter (SPM) is also sometimes referred to as total suspended solids (TSS), suspended sediment concentrations (SSC), or simply sediment concentrations. • It is clear from the plots that when flows are present, SPM concentrations increase in proportion to the inputs from cane farms. This result confirms the findings of Bramley and Roth (2002) who reported significant positive correlations between SPM concentrations and increased cane farming pressure in the lower Herbert Catchments. • SPM levels during periods of stagnation are driven by site-specific factors and therefore varied quite widely between sites. • As would be expected, SPM concentrations were highest during storm events. The event data shown in these plots are discussed in detail. • SPM concentrations are influenced by a complex range of situation and site-specific factors. Moreover the relative importance of different factors varies tremendously over the hydrograph. For example, catchment characteristics are an important determinant of the concentrations that occur during storm events, while in-stream biophysical factors such as hydrodynamics and biological activity often play a leading role during periods of very low flow. Due to these complex natural variations the SPM requirements and tolerances of wetlands vary enormously, making it impossible to propose guidelines that are valid and meaningful for all local wetlands. This is problematic because, while there are undoubtedly some wetlands that are remarkably tolerant of changes in SPM concentrations, there are also many where anthropogenic changes in SPM concentrations can cause very significant alterations to the ecosystem, and perhaps most importantly in this region, can modify the metabolism of a water body leading to substantial changes in oxygen status. The experiments provide some quantitative indications of the kinds of effects that can occur and suggest a methodology for determining critical ambient levels. Unfortunately, each water body (indeed each part of each water body) responds differently to SPM and has different water clarity requirements, so the methods that have been developed must be applied independently to individual sites. Much more sophisticated approaches (than have been developed to date) to inventory and classification of wetland systems and identification of key habitats will need to be employed before it will be possible to apply these methods at subcatchments scales. A1.3.5 TOC, colour and BOD: Figures 10, 11 and 12. • TOC (Total Organic Carbon), colour and BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) are related parameters. TOC provides a measure of the total amount of organic matter contained in water samples. This comprises fine particles of detritus, microbes, plankton, dissolved humic substances and other Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 8 dissolved substances such as sugars and alcohols. A variable proportion of this material (depending on when and where samples are taken) is readily degradable and consumes significant amounts of oxygen. Colour provides a measure of the intensity of yellow-brown colouration in the water. This is usually caused by humic organic substances but can be affected by high concentrations of other substances, especially iron complexes. In this dataset, colour is closely correlated to DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon). BOD is determined by a standardised laboratory test designed to quantify the amounts of readily biodegradable (i.e., oxygen demanding) organic matter present in a sample. The test was originally designed for sewage testing and it is subject to many limitations and potential interferences when employed in natural waters. Nevertheless, in the absence of any better alternative, it is widely employed in this application. • Pristine waters generally have BOD levels less than 2 mg/L and all ten samples collected from reference sites during this study reported these low values. This simply means that the concentrations of rapidly degradable organic matter suspended or dissolved in the water column were low enough to ensure that only small quantities of oxygen were consumed over the five-day duration of the standard BOD test. It does not necessarily mean that the biological oxygen demand of the water body as a whole was low (larger plants and animals, microbes and animals in the bottom sediments and benthic algae can be the principal sources of oxygen consumption, especially in shallow waters), nor does it mean that organic carbon concentrations were low (humic substances such as tannins are degraded very slowly and therefore can be present in high concentrations without exerting much oxygen demand). • TOC concentrations were low at all reference sites, with values ranging from 0.4 to 3.2 mg/L, which is typical of rainforest streams. In forest catchments, a high proportion of the organic carbon usually comprises particulate organic detritus (e.g. very small particles of leaf material) so values do not usually correlate with colour (which is indicative of dissolved organic substances). This absence of correlation with colour was evident at reference sites. Paradoxically, colour concentrations were somewhat higher than would normally be expected of other kinds of waters with similarly low TOC concentrations. This is also typical of local rainforest streams and seems to indicate that the dissolved organics from rainforest catchments have unusually strong colouration. The colour intensities obtained at reference sites in this study are at the high end of the range that we have observed in pristine wet tropics streams. • Concentrations of TOC, colour and BOD were significantly higher at sites that receive cane farm runoff than they were at reference sites, and the differences were most consistent during events and the falling stages of the hydrograph (i.e., at times when large amounts of farm runoff were present). Natural wetland systems are known to be extremely variable with respect to both concentrations and composition of TOC and colour. Natural Melaleuca wetlands, for example, can be expected to produce tannin-stained waters with TOC and colour levels higher than those reported in farming areas, while many submergent-plant-dominated wetlands consistently maintain low TOC and colour concentrations similar to those observed at reference sites. It is likely that the large spatio-temporal variability of colour (and therefore light attenuation) in natural wetland systems is an important mechanism for maintaining their high biodiversity. Consequently, there is no simple numerical guideline that can be applied when attempting to determine if colour and TOC concentrations are acceptable – requirements vary immensely between water bodies and over time. However, there is no doubt that the overall effect of wetland reclamations, clearing of land and riparian vegetation, aquatic weed invasions and monoculture farming has been to remove much of the natural diversity of carbon sources from these systems, creating a situation where both the composition and concentrations of TOC in local waterways are now much more uniform than they once were. This means that concentrations may be close to natural in some wetlands but completely deviant in others. Bohl et al. (2001) have also shown that cane-farm runoff can at times (especially when runoff is generated during the cane-cutting season) contain high concentrations of sugars and sugar degradation products released from cane juice spilled during harvesting. These dissolved organic compounds, Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 9 which rarely occur in detectable quantities in natural systems, are highly bioavailable and exert much higher oxygen demands than natural humic substances. There were very limited opportunities for this study to sample runoff generated during the cane-cutting season, so the results presented here are only indicative of the conditions that prevail at times when there is a low potential for sugar to be released from farms. The presence of sugar would undoubtedly increase BOD levels and decrease the correlation between TOC and colour (because sugar and its degradation products are generally colourless). • In the absence of significant inputs of sugar and under the weather conditions encountered during this study, BOD, TOC and colour reached maximum levels during the falling limb of the hydrograph (at times when subsurface inputs would be expected to dominate). The concentrations maintained during the event peak were still significant, and since discharge rates were much higher at that time, it is likely that these surface-runoff-driven flows were responsible for the majority of carbon export from the catchment. However, the comparatively smaller amounts introduced during the much more prolonged periods when flows were driven by sub-surface inputs clearly have the greatest potential to affect the receiving ecosystem. These inputs undoubtedly play a significant role in maintaining the hypoxic conditions that have consistently been encountered at study sites. • Publications dealing with organic carbon in wetland systems often emphasise its direct role as a source of energy (in food webs) and/or consumption of oxygen. However, in natural wetland systems the creation of coloured water can be the principal means by which organic carbon influences the productivity and diversity of the ecosystem. Colour absorbs significant amounts of photosynthetically active light and therefore interacts with turbidity (caused by SPM) to determine when, where and how different plant species can grow. This not only affects community structure but also impacts on metabolism and therefore the oxygen status of the water body. In particular, it is important to understand that even if coloured organic matter has negligible BOD, high levels can substantially decrease the concentrations of DO in a water body simply by preventing plants from photosynthesising. • High BOD concentrations were reported from samples collected in the severely hypoxic bottom layer of the water column at Lagoon Creek. This may be indicative of the generation of oxygen-demanding by-products from anaerobic decomposition of organic detritus, but could also be attributable to inflow of groundwater containing high concentrations of BOD. Based on consideration of the behaviour of other contaminants, the former seems more likely than the latter, but more research is needed to reach a definite conclusion. A1.3.6 Chlorophyll a and phaeophytin: Figures 13 and 14 • Chlorophyll a is used as an indicator of phytoplankton (planktonic algae) biomass. Phaeophytin is the inactive form of chlorophyll a and is the first degradation product to appear when algae die. Some algae store excess chlorophyll in the form of phaeophytin if it is not currently needed for some reason (e.g. high light levels). Since algae have the capacity to transform one to another, chlorophyll and phaeophytin concentrations must be interpreted very cautiously. But as a central rule, a predominance of chlorophyll a is likely to be indicative of vibrant, growing algal populations, while a predominance of phaeophytin suggests some form of stress. • Figure 13 shows that while chlorophyll levels are generally substantial most of the time, extreme concentrations are comparatively rare, particularly in view of the fact that in many instances nutrient, light, and flow conditions would have been conducive to very high levels of plant growth. Moreover, most of the high concentrations shown on the plot are of little consequence: the few high values reported for Macknade Drain (event peak) resulted when algae that had grown in the puddles of water lying in the drain between events was flushed out, while the high concentration reported at Lagoon Creek on the falling hydrograph were isolated to one small area at the upstream end of the lagoon and never spread any further. The very high concentrations observed in the bottom waters of the Lagoon Creek study site during periods of no flow were more significant as they persisted for long periods over significant sections of the water body. These occurrences coincided with very high concentrations of Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 10 highly bioavailable ammonia and FRP. Notably, even though the phytoplankton biomass was extremely high, oxygen evolution rates were not sufficient to increase dissolved oxygen concentrations, suggesting that heterotrophic (microbial) productivity was very high at the time. • In the majority of cases phaeophytin concentrations were higher than chlorophyll, suggesting that phytoplankton were not experiencing optimal conditions. • Chlorophyll samples were not collected during all field trips, but visible phytoplankton blooms were rare and were confined mainly to small isolated pools that formed as ephemeral wetlands began to dry up. • The combined evidence of field observations, metabolism (oxygen and pH cycling) measurements, chlorophyll sampling and laboratory experiments allow us to summarise the status of phytoplankton in the Herbert wetlands over the course of this study as follows. The biomass of phytoplankton in wetlands that receive cane farm runoff is generally higher than it is at reference sites but the differences are more subtle and less consistent than they are for most other productivity indicators. Ambient concentrations consistently remain substantial and in many other, less productive, types of water body would rate as being high. However, in these wetland environments the productivity of other components of the ecosystem (especially large plants and microbes) is so high that phytoplankton are rarely a major contributor to overall productivity. Blooms occur occasionally but are usually brief and isolated, and in the longer term phytoplankton are rarely able to out-compete other organisms. This failure to achieve dominance means that algal blooms appear to be less of an issue than they might be in other types of aquatic ecosystems. Nevertheless, significant levels of biomass are sustained and these undoubtedly play some role in oxygen dynamics and support certain food webs. Hence, phytoplankton cannot be ignored even when evaluating habitats that are strongly dominated by other producers. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 11 Figure 1 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Samples collected by autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier Inter-quartile Range 25th Freshwater Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Research Median Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Outlier 12 Figure 2 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Samples collected by autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Inter-quartile Range Median Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 13 Figure 3 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier Inter-quartile Range 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Median Samples collected by autosampler Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 14 Figure 4 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier Inter-quartile Range 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Median Samples collected by autosampler Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 15 Figure 5 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Inter-quartile Range Median Samples collected by autosampler Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 16 Figure 6 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Inter-quartile Range Median Samples collected by autosampler Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 17 Figure 7 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier Inter-quartile Range 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Median Samples collected by autosampler Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 18 Figure 8 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Inter-quartile Range Median Samples collected by autosampler Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 19 Figure 9 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Inter-quartile Range Median Samples collected by autosampler Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 20 Figure 10 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Inter-quartile Range Median Samples collected by autosampler Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 21 Figure 11 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Inter-quartile Range Median Samples collected by autosampler Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 22 Figure 12 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Inter-quartile Range Median Samples collected by autosampler Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 23 AWQG 2000 Draft QWQG 2001 Figure 13 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Samples collected by autosampler Transect samples taken >1m below the surface *Excludes an outlier (224 µg/L) Minimum value that Is not an outlier Inter-quartile Range 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Median Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 24 Figure 14 REGIONAL SURVEYS LAGOON CREEK STUDY SITE MACKNADE CANE DRAIN Minimal inputs from cane farms Routine sampling station / autosampler Moderate inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken <1m below the surface High inputs from cane farms Transect samples taken >1m below the surface Minimum value that Is not an outlier 25th Percentile Inter-quartile Range Median Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Samples collected by autosampler Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 25 APPENDIX B CASE STUDY: INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF FLOATING WEED MATS ON THE HYDRAULICS AND OXYGEN STATUS OF A BURDEKIN FLODPLAIN LAGOON. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 26 B1. CASE STUDY: INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF FLOATING WEED MATS ON THE HYDRAULICS AND OXYGEN STATUS OF A BURDEKIN FLODPLAIN LAGOON. B1.1 Aim To determine the effect of removing a dense assemblage of floating macrophytes from a permanent lagoon on the Burdekin floodplain in terms of oxygen regime and hydrodynamic flow patterns. B1.2 Site Description/background These field experiments were conducted at Gorizia’s Lagoon, a permanent lagoon located on Sheepstation Creek, approximately 5 kilometres north-west of the township of Brandon. The creek system is a floodplain distributary channel that hosts a chain of naturally permanent lagoons. Prior to the commencement of surface water irrigation on this section of the floodplain the creek flowed only intermittently and during the dry season water in the lagoon was a surface expression of the local watertable. However, the system is now used to distribute water for irrigation purposes and this has resulted in the establishment of an artificially perennial flow regime. The altered flow regime has resulted in extensive invasions of aquatic weeds into this system (initially water hyacinth followed by para grass and other emergent species). These infestations have progressed to the point where most of the lagoons in the system are now completely covered by a dense mat of floating vegetation, resulting in substantial loss of aquatic habitat value. Local stakeholders are attempting to rehabilitate the lagoons by removing the weeds using mechanical harvesting techniques, that provided a unique opportunity for us to examine the effects of weed removal on the ecology, water quality and hydrodynamics of the lagoons. The study detailed here deals with the immediate effects on dissolved oxygen and hydrodynamics. Studies of the longer-term effects on water quality, habitat values and fish populations have been reported by Perna. B1.3 Method This field experiment was completed in two stages. The first stage involved conducting an initial assessment of hydrodynamics and water quality in the lagoon (two months) prior to the commencement of weed harvesting. The second stage involved conducting the same analyses after weed harvesting was completed to assess the net gains for the system in terms of water quality and hydrodynamic efficiency. The hydrodynamics in the lagoon were assessed using a fluorescent dye tracer (Rhodamine WTS). This involved injecting the dye at the upstream extent of the lagoon and collecting regularly timed water samples for dye analysis downstream at a transect to determine the detention time and general flow patterns through the lagoon. Samples were also collected at the downstream extent of the lagoon to obtain a total detention time for the lagoon under the prevailing conditions. Rhodamine WTS concentrations were analysed using a Turner Model TD700 Flourometer. Data collection for hydrodynamic assessment entailed: The collection of water samples (for dye analysis) at regular time intervals from different points across a transect located about one quarter of the way through the lagoon. Water samples were collected at different points in the water column using a system of pipes connected to a peristaltic pump located on the adjacent bank. The collection of water samples at the downstream extent of the lagoon (using an ISCO 3700 autosampler) for dye analysis to determine a total lagoon detention time. Estimating inflow rates using the velocity-area method and a Swoffer model 3000 velocity meter, for the duration of the tracer study. Water quality assessments comprised: Logging of physico-chemical parameters at the upstream and downstream extents of the lagoon using Hydrolab multi-parameter probes throughout the term of the experiments and for a period of time afterwards. Collection of physico-chemical data from the dye sampling transect points using a Hydrolab multi-parameter probe and flow-through cell connected sequentially to the pipe-work via the peristaltic pump. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 27 The collection of diel cycling data at predetermined locations on the lagoon at regular depths through the profile post-harvest when access via a boat became possible. Considerable effort was expended to remove the dense macrophyte assemblages. Initial trials with the weed harvester proved difficult and it proved necessary to use an excavator to remove the bulk of the plant material while the water harvester cut off pieces of the plant mat and maneuvering them over to the excavator. A vast majority of the plant material was removed prior to the post-harvest assessments, with only about 10 percent remaining at the upstream end of the lagoon. This could not be removed due to access difficulties. B1.4 Results Figure 1 and 2 show images of the lagoon pre and post-harvest, respectively. It can be seen that the weed mat consisted of a complex assemblage of several aquatic and semi-aquatic plant species including para grass (Brachiaria mutica), bulrush (Typha domingensis), swamp rice grass (Leersia hexandra) and spiny mudgrass (Pseudoraphis spinecens) while Figures 3 and 4 show the extent of the floating weed mat before and after harvest. Also indicated on these figures are the locations of upstream and downstream monitoring stations, the dye sampling transect and the location of the downstream dye sampling station. Hydrodynamic dye analysis The location for the dye sampling transect (See Figures 3 and 4) was chosen so that the flow of water entering the main body of the lagoon could be traced through the water column. The three sampling points were located at 1, 2 and 3 metre depths at approximately the centre of the lagoon (40 metres from the bank) with a total depth of the lagoon at this point of 3.5 metres. The dye was injected at the same time on respective days (1000 hours) for both the pre and post-harvest analyses at the upstream culvert that represents the upstream extent of the lagoon (See Figures 3 and 4). The results of the dye study pre-harvest (Figure 5) and post-harvest (Figure 6) show that a severe channelling of the flow occurred midway through the water column when the water surface was totally covered with a layer of floating plants (See Fig. 6). This figure shows that a large majority of the water that entered the lagoon short-circuited through the centre of the water column with minimal surface mixing and exited the lagoon relatively quickly. Figure 6 shows that once the plants were removed surface flows predominated which resulted in greatly enhanced mixing and re-aeration of the water body. The study also included the collection of dye samples at the downstream extent of the lagoon but this was only successful for the post-harvest experiment. This was probably due an insufficient amount of dye used in the pre-harvest experiment, which could not be measured once it had diluted through the whole lagoon. The post-harvest dye trace experiment was, however, successful because a significantly higher concentration of dye was used (3 times more than for pre-harvest) and we were able to produce a time-of-travel plot for the entire lagoon (see Figure 7). It can be seen from this plot that the first significant dye concentrations were measured about 54 hours (2.25 days) after injection with the average detention time being about 72 hours (3 days). Although we were not able to measure the pre-harvest detention time there is little doubt that it would have been significantly less than 3 days (at existing inflow rates) due to the piped flow effects evidenced by the results obtained further upstream (Figures 5 and 6). A feature of Figure 7 is the significant deviation from plug flow, as evidenced by the lack of a significant single peak in the dye concentration curve. This is typical of a system with complex mixing patterns within which incoming waters flow through a large majority of the lagoon volume before exiting the system. This is a much-improved scenario for enhanced re-aeration of the water body compared to the pre-harvest case. Water quality analysis Hydrolab multi-parameter probes installed at the extreme upstream and downstream ends of the lagoon (Figures 3 and 4) collected physico-chemical data during and immediately after the dye tracer study. The parameters measured included dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and specific conductivity. In this study we were primarily concerned with the dissolved oxygen levels as it the primary factor that dictates fish habitat quality in these systems. The dissolved oxygen levels at the upstream and downstream locations (logged over Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 28 4 days) and the respective estimates of flow rates are shown in Figures 8 and 9 (pre and post-harvest respectively). Remarkable improvements in dissolved oxygen levels due to weed removal are clearly evident. Figure 8 shows that water that entering the lagoon pre-harvest was poorly oxygenated (with daily dissolved oxygen cycling from 0 to a maximum level of 10% saturation during the study) the water became almost totally be oxygenated (anoxic) once it reached the downstream end of the lagoon. After the weeds were removed (Figure 9) the situation improved dramatically with minimum daily dissolved oxygen levels of 10% saturation improving to 50% saturation once the water reached to downstream end of the lagoon. It is also important to note that the observed improvement in the upstream dissolved oxygen levels (pre to postharvest) was primarily due to the rehabilitation of a major upstream lagoon in the interim. Figures 10 and 11 show the dissolved oxygen levels that were measured at three different depths midway across the lagoon at the dye sampling transect. These figures demonstrate that severely hypoxic/anoxic conditions persist under dense macrophyte assemblages of this type but relatively healthy conditions can be restored once the plants are removed. They also highlight how rapid recovery in dissolved oxygen levels can be achieved when it is considered that the point at which these measurements were taken is only about 30 meters from the upstream water hyacinth clogged section of the lagoon (see Figure 4) under which the dissolved oxygen levels would have been severely depressed. Additional diel cycling and vertical profile data were also collected at 5 locations along the thread length of the lagoon. Figures 12, 14 and 16 show the morning readings of dissolved oxygen, temperature and pH respectively, measured at three different depths starting at the origin (representing the location of the dye sampling transect) and extending almost 1 kilometre to the downstream end of the lagoon. Figures 13, 15 and 17 show the equivalent late-afternoon readings at these same locations. A general improvement in dissolved oxygen levels can be seen going from the upstream to downstream end of the lagoon. The slight peak in the late-afternoon readings (Figure 13) can be explained by the shallow depth (< 2 metres) and the dense assemblages of submergent plants (consisting primarily of waternymph or Najas tenuifolia) found from about 50 to 300 metres thread length during the time of the post-harvest experiments. B1.5 Discussion The results of the dye analysis show that the floating mats create an upper boundary on the waterbody which acts as a confining surface that causes the flowing water to preferentially flow through the middle of the water column (see Figure 5) instead of across the water surface, which was the case once the plants were removed (see Figure 6). This piped flow caused a situation whereby the replenishment of the dissolved oxygen by atmospheric re-aeration was severely inhibited. Combined with the total shading effect of the floating plants that resulted in minimal plant photosynthesis within the water column, constant conditions of severe hypoxia/anoxia occurred throughout the entire water body (see Figure 10). Once the free water surface was restored to the lagoon the majority of the water flowed through the near surface layers (see Figure 6). This greatly enhanced re-aeration and mixing within the lagoon and when combined with the effect of prevailing winds on the water surface, which further enhances deep mixing, the expectation that a greatly enhanced dissolved oxygen regime would result proved to be correct. The water quality measurements taken during the experiment confirm this view. Figure 8 shows that a net deterioration in the quality of water flowing through the lagoon was found to occur before the plants were harvested. While Figure 9 shows a dramatic net improvement in water quality from the upstream to downstream extent of the lagoon (note that the input water was also of an improved quality compared to the unharvested case due to the rehabilitation of upstream lagoons during the course of the study). The results in Figures 12 and 13 provide clear evidence that there was rapid establishment of submergent plant growth within the shallower (<2 m) section of the lagoon. This results in a healthy level of diel oxygen cycling which enhanced daytime oxygen concentrations without inducing adverse levels of hypoxia overnight. Long-term monitoring will be needed to determine: 1) if reinfestation of floating weeds can be prevented; and 2) if improvements can be sustained in the long term. Experience in the area to date indicates that the submergent macrophytes that re-establish after removal of weed mats are generally native species but the potential for invasions by problematic weed species such as Hymenachne and Cabomba cannot be disregarded. There is also potential for submergent plant biomass to increase to the point where respiratory demand can exceed re-aeration capacity especially during periods of low flow supplementation and/or Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 29 cloudy weather (other studies (Perna, 2003) have reported significant oxygen sags in cleared lagoons under such circumstances). The risks of adverse outcomes of this kind are exacerbated by the current water management practice of allowing flow supplementation to fall to minimum levels when irrigation demand drops during cloudy periods (farmers generally stop irrigating if rain appears imminent). There is theoretical potential to provide an environmental flow allocation to boost re-aeration rates at such times but the feasibility of doing this is yet to be investigated. The absence of riparian shade trees increases the risk of such problems. Riparian shade could potentially create patches of edge habitat with sparse aquatic vegetation assemblages that would act as refugia for aquatic organisms during brief oxygen sags. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 30 Figure 1: Gorizia Lagoon before weed removal. Figure 2: Gorizia Lagoon after weed removal. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 31 Figure 3: Aerial view of Gorizia Lagoon before weed harvest indicating extent of weed infestation (green hashed) consisting of a complex assemblage of aquatic plants and open water (blue solid). Downstream dye sampling point Dye sampling transect Downstream logging Hydrolab location Upstream logging Hydrolab location Dye injection point Figure 4: Aerial view of Gorizia Lagoon after weed harvest indicating extent of remaining weed infestation (green hashed) consisting primarily of water hyacinth and open water (blue solid). Downstream dye sampling point Dye sampling transect Downstream logging Hydrolab location Upstream logging Hydrolab location Dye injection point Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 32 Figure 5: Dye time-of-travel curve before weed harvest. Dye Concentration, ug/L 15 12 9 6 3 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 45 50 Time, hours 1 metre deep 2 metres deep 3 metres deep Figure 6: Dye time-of-travel curve after weed harvest. Dye Concentration, ug/L 15 12 9 6 3 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Time, hours 1 metre deep Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 2 metres deep 3 metres deep 33 Figure 7: Dye concentrations recorded at the outlet end of the Lagoon after weed harvest. Dye Concentration, ug/L 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time, hours Figure 8: Dissolved oxygen data logged before weed harvest with corresponding estimates of the upstream flow rates. 3 90 2.5 80 70 2 3 60 Flow Rate, m /s Dissolved Oxygen Concentration,% Saturation 100 50 1.5 40 1 30 20 0.5 10 0 12/03/02 00:00 0 12/03/02 12:00 13/03/02 00:00 13/03/02 12:00 14/03/02 00:00 14/03/02 12:00 15/03/02 00:00 15/03/02 12:00 16/03/02 00:00 Time Upstream DO Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Downstream DO Upstream Flow Rate 34 Figure 9: Dissolved oxygen data logged after weed harvest with corresponding estimates of the upstream flow rates. 3 90 2.5 80 70 3 2 Flow Rate, m /s Dissolved Oxygen Concentration,% Saturation 100 60 1.5 50 40 1 30 20 0.5 10 0 04/02/03 00:00 0 04/02/03 12:00 05/02/03 00:00 05/02/03 12:00 06/02/03 00:00 06/02/03 12:00 07/02/03 00:00 07/02/03 12:00 08/02/03 00:00 Time Upstream DO Downstream DO Upstream Flow Rate Figure 10: Dissolved oxygen levels measured at the dye sampling transect before harvest. Dissolved Oxygen Concentration, % Saturation 10 8 6 4 2 0 12/03/02 00:00 12/03/02 06:00 12/03/02 12:00 12/03/02 18:00 13/03/02 00:00 13/03/02 06:00 13/03/02 12:00 13/03/02 18:00 14/03/02 00:00 14/03/02 06:00 14/03/02 12:00 14/03/02 18:00 15/03/02 00:00 Time 1 metre depth Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 2 metre depth 3 metre depth 35 Figure 11: Dissolved oxygen levels measured at the dye sampling transect after harvest. Dissolved Oxygen Concentration, % Saturation 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 04/02/03 00:00 04/02/03 06:00 04/02/03 12:00 04/02/03 18:00 05/02/03 00:00 05/02/03 06:00 05/02/03 12:00 05/02/03 18:00 06/02/03 00:00 06/02/03 06:00 06/02/03 12:00 06/02/03 18:00 07/02/03 00:00 Time 1 metre depth 2 metres depth 3 metres depth Figure 12: Early morning dissolved oxygen distribution along the Lagoon thread length after harvest. Dissolved Oxygen Concentration, % Saturation 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Thread Length, m 0.3 metres depth Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 0.5 metres depth 1 metre depth 36 Figure 13: Late afternoon dissolved oxygen distribution along the Lagoon thread length after harvest. Dissolved Oxygen Concentration, % Saturation 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Thread Length, m 0.3 metres depth 0.5 metres depth 1 metre depth Figure 14: Early morning temperature distribution along the Lagoon thread length after harvest. 34 Temperature, Deg.C 32 30 28 26 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Thread Length, m 0.3 m Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 0.5 m 1m 37 Figure 15: Late afternoon temperature distribution along the Lagoon thread length after harvest. 34 Temperature, Deg.C 32 30 28 26 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Thread Length, m 0.3 m 0.5 m 1m Figure 16: Early morning pH distribution along the Lagoon thread length after harvest. 8 pH 7.5 7 6.5 6 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Thread Length, m 0.3 m Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 0.5 m 1m 38 Figure 17: Late afternoon pH distribution along the Lagoon thread length after harvest. 8 pH 7.5 7 6.5 6 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Thread Length, m 0.3 m Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 0.5 m 1m 39 APPENDIX C SPATIO-TEMPORAL WATER QUALITY VARIABILITY WITHIN INDIVIDUAL WATERBODIES Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 40 C1 LAGOON CREEK AMBIENT MONITORING Detailed monitoring of physico-chemical parameters was conducted at Lagoon Creek on the Herbert River floodplain from November 1999 to March 2002 to gain an understanding of spatial and temporal variation of these parameters under a variety of hydrological and seasonal conditions. In November 1999, this monitoring coincided with a fish kill. C1.1 Methods Readings were taken along a series of five transects (set perpendicular to the water flow) which were established over a 0.5-1 km section of the creek. The section of creek surveyed on any given trip depended on accessibility; occasionally, dense mats of water hyacinth prevented access to some areas. At each transect, morning and afternoon readings of dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and conductivity were recorded throughout the water column (from just below the surface to the bottom) at each of three locations (left-hand-side edge, middle, right-hand-side edge). C1.2 • Results and Summary The data collected during this study comprise more than 1600 measurements of dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and conductivity, which were used to evaluate the limnology and metabolism of the lagoon in order to determine the key drivers of the oxygen status of the lagoon. The dissolved oxygen data are summarised in two box plots: 1) Figure C1-1, which shows the effect of hydrographic conditions on vertical distribution and diel cycling of oxygen concentrations; 2) Figure C1-2, which shows how the distribution of morning and afternoon oxygen concentrations (indicative of daily minima and maxima) in the oxygenated near-surface layer of the water column varied between sampling trips over the course of the study. • Each box in Figure C1-1 displays variations over both time (between sampling trips) and space (different locations within the lagoon). The boxes in Figure C1-2 on the other hand display spatial variations over the length and breadth of the surface layer of the lagoon. • It is immediately obvious from these plots that the precise timing (within minutes to hours) and location (within ten to twenty centimetres) of a DO reading has a very large bearing on the results that are obtained. Hence, the probability of any individual random spot measurement yielding a representative result is very low. However, data of the kind presented in these figures can be analysed in conjunction with biophysical data in order to determine the most likely times and locations of daily maximum and minimum values, and this provides a basis for the collection of spot measurements that can be meaningfully interpreted. • Some diel cycling was evident in the near-surface layer of the water column during storm events. This is largely due to photosynthetic oxygen production by phytoplankton during daylight hours. Oxygen concentration at depths greater than 1m below the surface were consistently low and generally correlated with flow rates (i.e., concentrations fell as flow rates fell). This can be attributed to reduced re-aeration (i.e., reduced rates of introduction of oxygen into the water from the air). Even though there was measurable production of oxygen in the near-surface layer during events, concentrations were consistently low, daily maximums rarely exceeding 20 %Saturation. Even in the most highly oxygenated parts of the lagoon, daily minimum values were below 10 %Saturation most of the time during events. Concentrations were frequently below the asphyxiation thresholds of oxygendependent fish species suggesting that these species, if present, would have needed to employ specialised tactics such as aquatic surface respiration (ASR) in order to survive. Such responses to low DO were observed on several occasions during this study. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 41 • The trend of decreasing dissolved oxygen concentration with decreasing flow continued during the falling limb of the hydrograph. There was still some oxygen production in the near-surface layer but afternoon dissolved oxygen concentrations were generally lower than they were during the event peak. This appears to be due to increased colour (leading to light attenuation and reduced photosynthesis). • Early mornings during the falling stages of the hydrograph are by far the most stressful times for oxygen-dependent aquatic organisms and this is when stressed or dying animals are most commonly observed rising to the water surface. Our experiments indicate that in fresh waters, dead fish initially sink and may take more than 12 to 24 hours to float to the surface, so the time of appearance of dead fish is a poor indicator of when they died. Note that 80% of the 140 morning readings taken on the falling limb of the hydrograph were below 5 %Saturation. • The lagoon was generally thermally stratified during daylight hours (i.e., the surface water layer was warmer and more buoyant than the water beneath it, so the two layers did not mix). However, on some occasions, especially during winter, the surface layer cooled sufficiently overnight for some mixing to occur in the mornings. Mixing can introduce oxygenated surface water into the bottom layers but at the same time carries poorly oxygenated bottom waters to the surface. This effect is evident in the falling hydrograph data shown in Figure C1-1, with bottom oxygen levels tending to be higher in the mornings than they were in the afternoon and near-surface morning values being lower than would otherwise be expected. • During periods of stable baseflow, morning oxygen values remained very low but daytime oxygen production was significantly higher, with dissolved oxygen concentrations greater than 10 %Saturation being achieved 75% of the time during the afternoon. This could have provided some relief to organisms capable of utilising the near-surface layer of the water column. It was evident in our experiments (see appendix D) that juvenile barramundi and rainbow fish sleep during the night and appear to require less oxygen at such times. It is likely that many species exhibit this characteristic. Moreover, water temperatures fall during the night and this significantly reduces the metabolic oxygen requirements of all cold-blooded animals. Low oxygen concentrations are therefore most stressful when they occur during hot daylight hours). • During periods of stagnation, oxygen concentrations were far more variable but on at least 75% of occasions were significantly higher than at other stages of the hydrograph. The higher concentrations can be attributed mainly to photosynthetic production by submergent plants (in this case mainly Ceratophyllum and its associated bio-film). Vertical stratification was present most of the time (i.e., there was a distinct oxygenated surface layer) even during winter, although the somewhat elevated morning concentrations in the bottom layer indicate that there was some overnight mixing. • The high variability in dissolved oxygen concentrations in the surface layer was due to a variety of both spatial and temporal factors. On individual trips, concentrations were highest within dense submergent macrophyte beds and lowest in sections of the lagoon that were becoming overgrown with water hyacinth. Between-trip variations were due to fluctuations in weather (levels were lower on cloudy days than sunny) and water quality (high concentrations of BOD were occasionally present). Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 42 C1.3 Responses of Fish to Changes in Water Quality at Lagoon Creek A fish kill was observed at Lagoon Creek during ambient monitoring in November 1999, six days after the first significant rainfall event of the 1999-2000 wet season. Approximately 200 bony bream (Nemalatosa erebi; 30-40 cm total length TL), six barramundi (Lates calcarifer; 25-90 cm TL), one eel-tailed catfish (species unknown; 50 cm TL) and several thousand shrimp (Macrobrachium idae, M. latidactylus, M. tolmerum; 2-8 cm TL) were observed floating dead on the water surface. In addition, many barramundi (3040 cm TL) and an eel-tailed catfish (species unknown; 25 cm TL) were seen performing aquatic surface respiration (ASR), while several hundred shrimp were either “jumping” at the water surface or crawling out onto emergent plants. Near-surface DO levels during this event were extremely low (Figure C1-2). Based on known thresholds (see experimental results in Appendix d) it is probable that DO at this time would have been sufficiently low to have caused the kill, regardless of any other water quality factor(s). High ammonia concentrations (up to 1166 µgN/L) were also recorded during the fish kill. However, the low pH values at this time (6.14 - 6.74) would have prevented the majority of this ammonia from occurring in the most toxic (un-ionised) form. Netting surveys conducted by the Hinchinbrook Landcare Group indicated that hypoxia-intolerant species were present in the lagoon during the 2000 dry season. For example, both barramundi and bony bream were caught during September 2000. Our monitoring at this time indicated that DO levels had improved significantly since the previous wet season (Figure C1-2). No behavioural responses such as ASR were observed during this time. Within 24 hours of the first rainfall event of the 2000-01 wet season (November 2000), barramundi (30-45 cm total length) and bony bream (20-30 cm total length) were observed performing ASR but no dead fish were seen. At the time, near-surface DO levels were very low during both the morning and afternoon, although not as low as levels recorded during the 1999 fish kill (Figure C1-2). Several barramundi performing ASR were collected and placed in stream-side tanks filled with Lagoon Creek water that was constantly aerated (DO levels reaching as high as 62 %Saturation). All fish ceased performing ASR when placed in the aerated Lagoon Creek water and showed no apparent distress behaviour. In one tank, the aerator failed and DO levels fell to 7 %Saturation. The barramundi in this tank were observed performing ASR, but ceased this behaviour once DO levels were raised to 9 %Saturation and higher. These observations provide strong circumstantial evidence that DO was the main water quality stressor causing ASR behaviour during the November 2002 event. Although DO levels were clearly stressful during the 2000 event, they appear to have been just above lethal threshold values. It is also possible that fish did die at our monitoring site during the 2000 event, but were not observed because they sank and were washed downstream. However, the existence of a tidal barrier immediately downstream of our site that impedes water flow, and the fact that not a single dead fish was seen during intensive monitoring in the two-week period following the storm event, suggests this is unlikely. It should also be noted that fish performing ASR during the 1999 and 2000 events were easily caught by hand net. This would not be possible under less stressful water quality conditions, and highlights the vulnerability of fish to predators (and other factors such as sunburn) while performing ASR. Our experiments indicate a sharp transition from lethal to sublethal effects with respect to DO. From these findings, we would predict that differences in concentration of only a few %Saturation would make the difference between life and death for sensitive species. The observations at Lagoon Creek strongly support this contention, with DO concentrations during the 1999 fish kill being only a few %Saturation lower than the levels that the same fish species (and size classes) were able to survive in 2000. This illustrates that management need only achieve relatively minor improvements in oxygen status to gain substantial potential environmental benefits. Very low DO levels were also recorded during and after the February 2002 storm event (Figure C1-2). Based on observations in 1999 and 2000, responses such as ASR and mortality would have been expected from hypoxia-intolerant species. However, no fish were observed performing ASR, and daily searches along a 1 km stretch of the creek during the two-week period following the event failed to find any dead fish. Fish surveys conducted using a boat-mounted electro-fisher indicated that the only fish present were tarpon and empire gudgeons, both of which can tolerate very low DO levels. Thus, it appears that no hypoxia-intolerant Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 43 species were present in the creek at the time of the event. This highlights the fact that the absence of behavioural stress response or mortality following runoff events (or at any other time) does not necessarily indicate that water quality at that time is adequate for the survival of sensitive species – such species may be absent from the water body. The absence of hypoxia-intolerant species in February 2002 is surprising given that DO levels recorded during the preceding dry season should have been sufficient to ensure their survival (Figure C1-2). It is possible that a mass mortality event occurred during this time but was not detected. Unfortunately, heavy commitments to our experimental program precluded more intensive monitoring at Lagoon Creek during this period. In summary, the main water quality parameter associated with fish stress or fish kills at Lagoon Creek throughout this study was low DO. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 44 Figure C1 – 1: Variation in dissolved oxygen concentrations with depth and time of day DEPTH <1M BELOW SURFACE DEPTH >1M<1.5M BELOW SURFACE DEPTH >1M BELOW SURFACE Afternoon Afternoon Afternoon Morning Morning Morning Minimum value that Is not an outlier Inter-quartile Range 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Median Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 45 Figure C1 – 2: Temporal variations in the concentrations of dissolved oxygen in the near-surface layer of the water column at the Lagoon Creek study site TIME OF DAY Afternoon (E) – Storm Event (F) – Falling Hydrograph (B) – Baseflow (N) – No Visible Surface Flow Morning Minimum value that Is not an outlier Inter-quartile Range 25th Percentile Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Median Maximum value that Is not an outlier 75th Percentile Extreme Value Outlier 46 C2 LAGOON CREEK STORMEVENT C2.1 Equipment and Sampling Protocols ISCO-3700 automatic samplers equipped with conditioned polyethylene sample hoses and coarse solid strainers were deployed at the lagoon creek study each site. These were fitted with level actuators (constructed by the Electronics Section of the Advanced Analytical Centre at James Cook University) which automatically initiated a pre-programmed sampling sequence whenever water levels in the stream exceeded a pre-determined height. The autosamplers were not refrigerated but had a central well, which held ice to keep samples cool. The cylindrical ice well was surrounded by 24 one-litre polyethylene sample bottles. Preliminary tests indicated that in summer conditions, ice in the well did not last for 24 hours and did not cool samples to less than 5oC. However, it was discovered that, provided that the autosampler was not exposed to direct sunlight, samples could be maintained below 5oC for 24 hours by using every third sample bottle as a cold pack to supplement the ice in the well. This approach was adopted for the duration of the project. The autosamplers were installed on high banks in quite open locations. It was therefore necessary to construct sturdy housings capable of withstanding cyclonic winds or partial immersion during floods, providing adequate shade to ensure the instrument and samples did not overheat during summer heat waves, and providing adequate protection of personnel and samples while the sampler was being serviced during storms. The equipment was also vulnerable to human interference so steps were taken to ensure that the installation was as secure as possible and that it was impossible to tamper with samples without leaving evidence. Since the autosamplers were not refrigerated it was imperative that samples were iced down and/or removed and properly preserved as soon as possible after collection. To assist in this regard the Lagoon Creek autosampler was fitted with a mobile phone which would call laboratory staff whenever sampling was initiated. As a back-up, local landholders also volunteered to phone if it started raining. At least one laboratory staff member was on call at all times to ensure that samplers were attended to as soon as possible after the commencement of an event, and every 24 hours thereafter to remove samples and replace ice. Lagoon Creek is often poorly mixed (especially during the falling limb of storm hydrographs) and there was a high probability that a significant proportion of the flow would be confined to the near-surface layer of the water column. It was therefore necessary to employ a more complex installation to ensure that samples were drawn from 30cm below the surface, regardless of water depth. This was accomplished by mounting the sample hose inside a flexible polyethylene conduit, the end of which was attached to floats. The autosamplers were installed during the 2001 dry season (while water levels were low) in order to monitor any storm events that occurred during the 2001/2002 wet season and 2002 dry season. This proved to be one of the driest periods on record for the Herbert floodplain, and during the twelve month monitoring program there was only one rain event that generated sufficient runoff to induce stormwater flows. C2.2 Results Rainfall associated with the monitored event commenced on February 15, 2002, and peaked the next day with Ingham registering 231mm for the 24 hours up to 9:00 a.m. on February 16. The rain event lasted just under four days with a total precipitation of 434mm being recorded at Ingham. By wet-dry tropics standards this was a moderate storm event and very little flooding was evident in the area. Because the event occurred during an atypically dry period (monthly rainfall totals over the preceding six months ranged from just 1 to 98mm), the reported monitoring results are unlikely to be truly indicative of normal stormwater quality. The dry conditions maintained over the twelve months of our study clearly affected catchment runoff coefficients. For example, 160mm of rainfall was registered during April but there was no detectable surface runoff into Lagoon Creek. By contrast, an overnight rain event of only 40mm which occurred on March 5 while catchment soils were still wet from February rains generated sufficient runoff to increase stream flows Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 47 noticeably. (The sampling event triggered by the February rainfall was still in progress on March 5, so the small spate that occurred at that time has been treated as part of the main flow event). The autosampler functioned satisfactorily during the course of the event, yielding 16 samples per day at regular pre-programmed time intervals over the peak of the hydrograph. Sampling intensities were reduced when flow conditions stabilised but, nevertheless, the numbers of samples collected far exceeded the budgeted allocation for analyses. Accordingly, only selected samples were subjected to comprehensive analyses. Most samples were analysed for pH, conductivity, colour and turbidity, and samples were chosen for further analysis if one or more of these parameters exhibited a significant change. The results of these preliminary analyses were plotted against the hydrograph, and additional samples were selected for analysis in cases where concentration changes did not match hydrographic variations and/or where the difference between consecutive data points was large. Flows at Lagoon Creek are subject to complex natural regulatory mechanisms and this necessitates the development of empirical stage discharge relationships. These curves have not yet been developed because there has been insufficient rainfall since sampling commenced, so it is not possible to estimate discharge rates from relative water levels. However, if stage discharge curves are developed in the future it will be possible to retrospectively calculate discharge rates for the February 2002 storm event. It is important to recognise that the relationship between water level and discharge rate is not linear. Water levels in a lagoon can rise significantly before there is any substantial flow, while further increases in water level can result in exponential increases in discharge rate. Accordingly, the water levels plotted in Figures 1a to 1f provide only a very coarse indication of the shape of the event hydrograph and should be interpreted cautiously. It is particularly important to note that the plot almost certainly under-estimates the relative height of the flow peak. In fact, it is likely that discharge rates during the three days of peak flow would have been in the order of ten times higher than at other stages of the event. Figure 1a and 1b • There was a striking rise in total nitrogen concentrations up to levels in excess of 6,000µg N/L during the rising stages of the event. High levels were maintained for 4 or 5 days with concentrations decreasing gradually, roughly in proportion to flow, before stabilising at above 1000µg N/L during the transition to base flow. • Concentrations of nitrogen, SPM and turbidity increased rapidly during the rising stage of the hydrograph and reached a maximum at the peak of the hydrograph. SPM and turbidity concentration fell rapidly within a day or so (soon after rainfall intensity decreased). In contrast, nitrogen concentrations remained elevated for two more days before significant declines occurred. The sustained nitrogen levels were attributable to an increase in nitrate concentrations during the early falling stages of the hydrograph. The timing of concentration peaks of SPM and nitrate relative to daily rainfall is plotted in Figure 1.3-1f. • Concentrations of SPM were very moderate for a storm event and did not exceed 110mg/L even at the peak of the hydrograph. The samples collected during this event were, in fact, visibly less turbid than runoff observed (but not sampled) during early wet season rain events in the late 1990’s. This issue is discussed later in the context of particulate phosphorus export. • The nitrogen exported during the rising/peak stages of the hydrograph comprised approximately equal proportions of particulate nitrogen and nitrate. However, more than 80% of the nitrogen exported during the initial falling stages of the event was in the form of nitrate. • Flows during the early stages of the event can be attributed mainly to surface runoff. There are few significant off-stream storages of surface water in the Lagoon Creek catchment so once rainfall ceases, flows drop off rapidly and subsurface inputs are responsible for an increasingly higher proportion of the flow. Initially this runoff would be expected to originate mainly from shallow soil layers, with contributions from deeper groundwater increasing gradually until it became the major source of the elevated base flow remaining in the aftermath of the storm event. The appearance of very high concentrations of nitrate only during the early falling stage implicates soil-water through-flow as a Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 48 major source of nitrate export. Moreover, sudden declines in concentrations during the later stages of the event suggest that deeper groundwater was not a significant source of nitrate on this occasion. • The concentrations of nitrogen, and particularly nitrate, reported during this event were extremely high compared to the concentrations normally observed in regional waters during periods of base flow. In the case of nitrate, they are one hundred times higher than the levels that would normally be expected in storm water originating from rainforest catchments, and approximately ten times higher than the concentrations that are normally reported during high flow events in inland rivers with catchments dominated by grazing. • The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority have identified riverine nitrate export as one of the major existing catchment-based threats to the integrity of the Great Barrier Reef. From this perspective, the high nitrate concentrations observed in this event are clearly cause for concern. • However, the significance of nitrate in freshwater ecosystems is much more difficult to judge. Nitrate is not particularly toxic in freshwater; high concentrations adversely affect receiving ecosystems mainly by stimulating excessive growth of plants and microbes. The principal cause for concern is usually excessive growth of phytoplankton leading, for example, to algal blooms. However, this happens only when nitrogen is the main factor limiting plant growth. In this instance, it is very likely that nitrate was available in such an over-abundance and for such a short time (during which cloudy weather conditions, turbidity and discoloured water would almost certainly have ensured that plant growth was limited by light availability) that such effects are unlikely to have occurred in the creek. However, this does not mean that the ecosystem was unaffected. Pearson and Connolly (2000) have demonstrated that high levels of nitrate stimulate microbial decomposition in local rainforest streams. There is also broad international consensus amongst wetland scientists that microbial biomass increases in direct proportion to inputs of nitrate, provided that adequate organic carbon is present. Moreover, nitrate in the presence of low oxygen concentration (as observed during this event) would be expected to stimulate the growth of denitrifying bacteria. These are facultative anaerobes (they breathe oxygen when it is present but use nitrate as an alternative source for respiration if oxygen is not freely available), so the development of significant populations would be expected to hinder the recovery of oxygen levels in the aftermath of the storm event. Potential impacts of this kind have not yet been studied in tropical waters, but until there is evidence to the contrary it would be prudent to assume that such processes are potential contributors to the chronic hypoxia problems that are regularly observed in the waters of cane-growing areas. Figure 1c • During this event, ammonia constituted only a minor proportion of the total nitrogen export. It is likely that this is typical of events which occur after prolonged periods of dry weather during which urea and other ammonia-based fertilisers would be oxidised to nitrate in the soil. However, during wet periods, soils can become waterlogged (particularly in low lying floodplain areas) and it is possible for soils to become severely hypoxic. Under such conditions, the conversion of ammonia to nitrate (which requires oxygen) should be inhibited, and it is likely that ammonia would constitute a much larger proportion of the nitrogen carried away in runoff, as was the case in the storm-water samples from the wetter period during the early months of this study (see section 1.2). • The initial sharp peak in ammonia concentration during the rising hydrograph can almost certainly be attributed to catchment inputs; however, the broader peak which developed on the falling hydrograph is most likely due to instream production through ammonification (microbial decomposition of organic nitrogen to form ammonia). Oxygen levels in the creek were too low for this ammonia to be oxidised to nitrate, hence it accumulated. A second ammonia peak occurred about a week later. This coincided with the cessation of diel oxygen cycling and establishment of constantly low oxygen values, again indicating the involvement of in-stream generation processes. • Unlike nitrate, high concentrations of ammonia are toxic to aquatic organisms. The concentrations of total ammonia encountered during this event approached the toxicological thresholds reported for free ammonia in section 5 of this report. However, the low pH of the water would have ensured that most Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 49 of this was in the (much less toxic) ionised form, hence there was a low risk of direct toxicological harm from ammonia. • Total phosphorus concentrations during the peak of the event (less than 400µg/L) were moderate. As was the case with nitrogen there was a pulse of particulate P during the rising stage, followed by an increase in dissolved inorganic forms (FRP) on the falling limb of the hydrograph, with the contribution from FRP rising from <20% to a maximum of 75% before falling off to only 10% at the bottom of the hydrograph. Despite this variability in speciation, total phosphorous levels remained remarkably constant for more than a month during and after the event peak. This can be attributed to a gradual rise in organic phosphorus concentrations, which compensated for the decline in FRP levels. These patterns appear to be reasonably representative of what can be expected of storm events that occur in the mid to late wet season when most fields are planted and ratoon crops are at a reasonably advanced stage of regrowth. At such times the runoff from fields is very obviously less turbid than it can be early in the wet season when many fields are bare and/or under cultivation. During the very early stages of this project, prior to the commencement of sampling, we observed several instances where very turbid water was discharging from cane drains. No early wet season rain events occurred after our event sampling program was instigated, so events of that kind have not yet been sampled. However, based on our observations and given the well established correlations between turbidity, SPM and particulate phosphorus concentrations, it is very likely that such sampling would demonstrate that particulate phosphorus concentrations are significantly higher when events occur during, or soon after, the harvest. Figure 1d • Colour was almost certainly due to the presence of filterable organic matter (based on hue and the absence of significant concentrations of inorganic colorants such as ferrous iron) but was more closely correlated to phosphorus than it was to TOC or DOC. This suggests that concentrations of colourless organic matter fluctuated somewhat during the course of the event, and that organic phosphorus was associated mainly with coloured organic constituents. Figure 1e • In cane-growing areas, BOD concentrations can be expected to be highest when storm events occur during the harvesting season (when there is cane juice on the ground) and/or during prolonged wet spells (when anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in saturated soils can generate oxygen demanding by-products). The February 2002 event occurred months after harvesting and marked the end of a prolonged summer dry spell. This probably represents a best case scenario for BOD export so it was not surprising to find that no extreme concentrations occurred during the event, the maximum value reported being 7mg/L. Nonetheless, concentrations were still ecologically significant and were maintained over the entire course of the 40-day sampling event, the minimum concentration reported being 2.2mg/L. • The continuous curve labelled “Bottom DO” is a plot of the dissolved oxygen data obtained from a CSIRO Land and Water data logger (Hydrolab) that had already been installed at the site prior to the commencement of this study. This instrument was deployed at a fixed depth in the water column and, prior to the event, was located in the hypolimnion (a stable layer of bottom water which does not mix with oxygenated surface water layer and therefore tends to become anoxic). Consequently, DO values close to zero were being recorded at that time. The inflow of storm water caused some initial mixing of the water column, bringing some oxygenated surface water down to the depth of the sensor. However, during the rising stages of the event, oxygen losses greatly exceeded inputs, and oxygen fell to less than 10 %Saturation levels through the entire water column. • Oxygen losses result from the combined effects of BOD (microbial oxidation of organic matter suspended or dissolved in the water column), benthic respiration (consumption of oxygen by microbes, plants and animals living on or in the bottom sediments), and transportation downstream. The main sources of oxygen are inflowing water, re-aeration (from the overlying air) and, during daylight hours only, photosynthetic production of oxygen by submergent plants. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 50 • The turbulent flows generated by storm events significantly increase the rate at which oxygen from the air is delivered into, and mixed through the water column. Moreover, the rate at which oxygen from the air enters the water increases tremendously (logarithmically) when the DO concentrations at the water surface decrease. Accordingly, re-aeration rates at the Lagoon Creek site must have been relatively high during the rising/peak stages of the hydrograph. Since DO concentrations did not rise above 10 %Saturation (and were considerably lower in most cases), oxygen consumption rates must have been even higher. This appears to be the result of several interacting factors: 1) BOD concentrations were undoubtedly a contributing factor, the minimum DO levels coinciding with the BOD peak of 7mg/L. 2) The reaches of the creek upstream of the study lagoon were heavily infested with water hyacinth and the water under these weed mats is known to be severely hypoxic. Through flow of this water would undoubtedly have placed demands on the system’s re-aeration capacity, especially during the very early and late stages of the event. 3) The combined effects of cloudy weather, turbid water and a sudden increase in water depth would have severely inhibited the capacity of submerged plants to produce oxygen via photosynthesis. Such effects have been examined experimentally in this study and are discussed in subsequent sections of this report. It is noteworthy that the maximum oxygen values observed during the event coincided with the sudden fall in turbidity levels during the early falling stages of the event. The processes discussed above occur over quite small scales of time and space and, in many cases, make only subtle contributions to the overall picture. However, from the experimental work reported elsewhere in this report, it is clear that aquatic organisms can asphyxiate within minutes if they are exposed to DO concentrations below their survival threshold; and that asphyxiation thresholds for all of the species tested to date are so sharp that survival probability can be reduced from 100% to 0% by a DO concentration change of only 1-2 %Saturation. This means that a single, very brief oxygen sag can have overwhelming effects on the ecosystem, sometimes causing such severe damage that it no longer matters what happened in the longer-term. The DO concentrations encountered during and immediately after this event were low enough to have caused a fish kill if DO-dependent fish species had been present prior to the commencement of the event. In this case, however, the lagoon was in such poor condition leading up to the event that no such species were present. • On the early falling limb of the hydrograph, turbidity and BOD concentrations dropped and DO levels rose to their maximum value of 5 %Saturation. Concentrations in the bottom layer then fell in direct proportion to flow (due to reduced re-aeration and mixing) until base flows were re-established. By this time, a stable hypolimnion (bottom layer) had formed and DO levels remained close to zero. • Manual spot measurements taken 30cm below the water surface at the routine monitoring site (“Surface DO”) and at the upstream end of the lagoon (“DO @ top of lagoon”) show that there was significant diel cycling of DO throughout the surface layer of the water column during the falling limb of the hydrograph. During this time, DO levels rose to as high as 25 %Saturation in the afternoons but fell overnight. This is indicative of photosynthetic oxygen production by phytoplankton and submerged plants. Cycling remained evident in various places in the lagoon for a few weeks until water hyacinth gradually covered the water surface, shading out submerged plants (and preventing them from photosynthesising). Regardless of these changes, minimum daily DO concentration in the surface layer never rose above 5 %Saturation during the 30 days of base-flow monitoring. • Cycling of this kind in the surface water layer can be crucial to the survival of some organisms, especially DO-dependent fish. Observations conducted during hypoxia tolerance testing (section 3) indicate that fish which sleep during the night substantially reduce their oxygen requirements. These fish appear to be pre-adapted to cycling oxygen levels, sleeping when DO concentrations are lowest and becoming active during the day when they are highest. Our experimental observations suggest that the cycling observed during the falling limb of the event under discussion would have been adequate to ensure the survival of many oxygen-dependent fish (if they had been present). Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 51 • The results leave no doubt that DO availability is by far the most important water-quality-related factor governing the ecological condition of Lagoon Creek. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 52 Figure 1a to 1f: 1a: Lagoon Creek storm event, February 2002. Plots show temporal variations in relative water depth and contaminant concentrations during and immediately after the event Total nitrogen, nitrate, suspended particular matter (x40) and turbidity (x40) over the full sampling period (41 days) 7000 1800 6000 1200 4000 3000 600 2000 1000 0 13/02/2002 0:00 0 18/02/2002 0:00 Total N (µg/L) 23/02/2002 0:00 28/02/2002 0:00 Nitrate (µg N/L) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 05/03/2002 0:00 10/03/2002 0:00 SPM x40 (mg/L) 15/03/2002 0:00 20/03/2002 0:00 Turbidity x40(NTU) 25/03/2002 0:00 Water Level 53 Relative Water Level (mm) Concentration (see legend) 5000 1b: Total nitrogen, nitrate, suspended particular matter (x40) and turbidity (x40) during the first 8 days of the flow event 7000 1800 1600 6000 1400 1200 4000 1000 800 3000 600 Relative Water Level (mm) Concentration (see legend) 5000 2000 400 1000 200 0 0 15/02/2002 0:00 16/02/2002 0:00 17/02/2002 0:00 18/02/2002 0:00 19/02/2002 0:00 20/02/2002 0:00 21/02/2002 0:00 22/02/2002 0:00 23/02/2002 0:00 Total N (µg/L) 1c: Nitrate (µg N/L) SPM x40 (mg/L) Turbidity x40(NTU) Water Level Total phosphorus, filterable reactive phosphorus (FRP), ammonia and colour over the full sampling period 600 1800 400 1200 300 200 600 Relative Water Level (mm) Concentration (see legend) 500 100 0 13/02/2002 0:00 0 18/02/2002 0:00 Total P (µg/L) 23/02/2002 0:00 28/02/2002 0:00 FRP (µg P/L) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 05/03/2002 0:00 10/03/2002 0:00 Ammonia (µg N/L) 15/03/2002 0:00 20/03/2002 0:00 Colour (TCU) 25/03/2002 0:00 Water Level 54 1d: Total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and colour(÷6) over the full 1800 35 1600 30 25 1200 20 1000 800 15 600 Relative Water Level (mm) Concentration (see legend) 1400 10 400 5 200 0 0 13/02/2002 0:00 18/02/2002 0:00 23/02/2002 0:00 TOC (mg/L) 28/02/2002 0:00 05/03/2002 0:00 10/03/2002 0:00 DOC (mg/L) 15/03/2002 0:00 20/03/2002 0:00 Colour (TCU/6) 25/03/2002 0:00 Water Level sampling period 1e: Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and dissolved oxygen (DO) over the full sampling period DO values include measurements taken by a data logger deployed at a fixed depth in the bottom water layer adjacent to the autosampler (Bottom DO), spot measurements taken in the near-surface water layer adjacent to the autosampler (Surface DO) and spot measurements taken in the near-surface water layer at the upstream end of the lagoon (surface DO at top of lagoon) 30 1800 20 1200 15 10 600 Relative Water Level (mm) Concentration (see legend) 25 5 0 -5 13/02/2002 0:00 BOD 0 18/02/2002 0:00 23/02/2002 0:00 28/02/2002 0:00 Bottom DO (% Sat) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 05/03/2002 0:00 Surface DO (%Sat) 10/03/2002 0:00 15/03/2002 0:00 20/03/2002 0:00 Surface DO @top of lagoon (%sat) 25/03/2002 0:00 Water Level 55 1f: Concentrations of nitrate and SPM in relation to daily rainfall over the full sampling period. 1800 350 1600 300 1400 200 1000 800 150 600 Rainfall and Concentraion Relative Water Level (mm) 250 1200 100 400 50 200 0 15/2/02 0:00 17/2/02 0:00 Water Level 19/2/02 0:00 Daily Rainfall @Ingham (mm) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 21/2/02 0:00 Nitrate ÷20 (µg N/L) 0 23/2/02 0:00 SPM x3 (mg/L) 56 APPENDIX D EXPERIMENTS Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 57 D1 D1.1 EFFECTS OF REDUCED CLARITY DUE TO SUSPENDED PARTICULATE MATTER ON THE UNDERWATER LIGHT CLIMATE OF AQUATIC SYSTEMS Aim We aimed to determine empirical relationships between the concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) and the amounts of light available to support the growth of aquatic plants at different depths in the water column of freshwater wetlands. D1.2 Methods This experiment was conducted in two main stages. The first step was to conduct laboratory experiments in a specially built light attenuation column to enable us to test a wide variety of different water clarities very quickly. The second step was field calibration which entailed comparing in-situ field measurements of light attenuation to measurements obtained in our laboratory light attenuation column, in order to derive validated estimates of the numerical relationship between SPM concentrations and light attenuation in natural systems. Sample testing The experiment was conducted using a specially constructed light attenuation column which was designed to measure the intensity of light after it has passed through the overlying column of water. This was used to examine the effects of water depth on light attenuation by simply varying the quantity of water in the column. It was designed to allow us to use natural sunlight (using a flat reflecting mirror to direct parallel light beams down the column) as the incident light source and to simulate natural water column conditions. It consisted of a 150 mm diameter by 1 metre long PVC pipe which had a circular glass sheet sealed into its base (Figure D1–1). This column slotted into a base fitting that housed a LI-COR Quantum sensor (Model No. LI-192SB) as shown in Figure D1–2. To determine the light attenuation capacities of water with different SPM concentrations, specifically prepared water samples were progressively placed into the column and a large flat mirror used to focus parallel sunlight beams directly down the column and into the sample. The sample water would scatter the incident light and a proportion would reach the light sensor located at the base of the column. The received light intensity was recorded as Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) in units of micro-Einsteins per metre squared per second. Sample preparation involved the collection of erodable soil material from drains in the Herbert River floodplain area. Nine soil samples were collected, ranging from light clays to dark organic soils (see Table D1-1). Each of these soils was analysed for moisture content, organic/inorganic composition and the less than 63 micron size fractions. Preparation of the stock water suspensions included the following steps: 1) Approximately 500 g of each of the soil samples was soaked in R-O water overnight and aggregations broken down by manual agitation. 2) The saturated samples were then transferred to a 15 L settling column filled with R-O water, vigorously agitated and then allowed to settle for 24 hours. 3) The supernatant suspension was decanted and collected (precipitates were discarded). 4) This stock suspension was subjected to serial dilution in order to prepare a series of test suspensions (total of 5 different SPM concentrations) with concentrations ranging from the maximum obtained in the stock suspension (see Table D1-2) down to less than 10 mg/L. Each of the test suspensions prepared (A-I) was then tested in the light attenuation column as follows: 1) The column was thoroughly cleaned. 2) The incident PAR light intensity was determined by directing sunlight down the empty column using the flat reflective mirror. 3) Aliquots of each test suspension were incrementally added to the column in order to progressively increase the depth of suspension in the column. After each addition, sunlight was directed down the column and the PAR light intensity at the bottom of the column and the water column depth were recorded. Whenever possible, additions continued until the light at the bottom was less than 1% of the incident light intensity (i.e., until the euphotic depth was exceeded). Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 58 Accordingly for each soil sample, the experiment yielded data indicative of the changes in PAR light intensity with water depth over a range of SPM concentrations. These data were used to calculate extinction coefficients and corresponding euphotic depths. Table D1-1 Properties of 9 soil samples collected for experimental light attenuation tests. Sample Moisture (%) A 7.5 B 4.3 C 8.6 D 46.5 E 47.2 F 1.7 G 5.3 H 4.5 I 0.7 Table D1-2 Organic Composition (%) 3.3 6.1 6.5 11.3 10.4 3.8 4.7 5.8 2.0 Inorganic Composition (%) 96.7 93.9 96.5 88.7 89.6 96.2 95.3 94.2 98.0 Less than 63µm Fraction (%) 25.3 66.9 94.2 93.4 82.9 56.9 48.2 98.5 19.3 Greater than 63µm Fraction (%) 74.7 33.1 5.8 6.6 17.1 43.1 51.8 1.5 80.7 Properties of 9 stock water samples prepared for experimental light attenuation tests. Sample Colour TCU A 10 B 20 C 10 D 2 E 20 F 15 G 10 H 600 I 25 Turbidity NTU 100 924 922 295 354 514 1120 5445 337 Filterable Turbidity (GF/C) NTU 21.3 58.7 19.1 12.0 25.9 15.4 31.6 1200 24.9 TSS mg/L 72 544 434 204 267 277 629 2790 205 TDS mg/L 51.1 27.7 26.3 47.1 32.7 28.5 23.3 107.3 48.5 Organic SPM Composition (%) 23 13.2 10.4 8.3 12.9 19.9 14.1 18.5 17.9 Inorganic SPM Composition (%) 77 86.8 89.6 91.7 87.1 80.1 85.9 81.5 82.1 Calibration The attenuation characteristics of the test column used in these experiments are proportional to but not the same as those of natural waters. To correct the experimental results for natural conditions it was necessary to measure the light attenuation characteristics of a number of different natural systems. Different types of SPM occur in receiving waters at different times and places depending on a range of factors and these variations have to be incorporated into the calibration process. Measurements of SPM concentrations and turbidities (as well as secchi depths) were taken at several local water bodies with different clarities, and the in situ light attenuation properties determined. Composite samples of the water were also taken and tested in the laboratory column to determine the light attenuation correction factor. It was then possible to correct the experimental values for the “real world’. Limitations of this calibration are discussed in Section D1.5. D1.3 Results Figure D1-3 shows the soil samples used to produce the SPM stock solutions (top row) and the filter disks from the TSS analysis (middle row). Even though these soils were quite different in composition and looked very different, the fines which remained suspended in our test column were surprisingly similar in Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 59 appearance. When the organic fraction of the fines was removed from the filter paper using an oxidizing furnace (set at 600 oC) the residue was even more similar in appearance (bottom row). This may be attributable to the fact that all samples were collected from the Herbert River floodplain; that is, it is likely that the fine fraction of all floodplain soils were historically derived from the same source – the Herbert River. Most of the observed differences are due to variations in particle size distribution (a function of localized hydro dynamic factors) and autochthonous organic matter. Figure D1-4 shows an example of how one particular soil (Sample D) appeared before the preparation of the SPM solutions, after emersion followed by 24 hours of settling and the corresponding texture of the suspended material after filtration (filter disk). This figure displays the similarity between the colour of the SPM in the settling column and the colour of the SPM contained on the filter disk (Figure D1-3) and the stark difference between the colours of the soil sample (left) and the SPM (right). The light attenuation curves for all nine soil samples were obtained (soil sample D is shown as an example in Figure D1-5) and the experimental light extinction curves were derived using the average value obtained at each successive depth for all nine soil samples (Figure D1-6). The experimental euphotic depth (depth at which 1% of the incident light intensity is received) was also calculated and is shown in Figure D1-7. So far only seven sites have been examined (Table D4-3), all located in the Burdekin catchment because freshwater sites with open water surfaces (i.e., not weed infested) and sufficient inorganic turbidity and depth to perform the tests are rare on the Herbert floodplain during the dry season. The water clarity associated parameters analysed during the field testing phase and the actual values obtained are shown in Table D1-3. The results of the in situ light attenuation study for the three Burdekin floodplain field sites (i.e., sites 1, 2 & 3) are shown in Figure D1-8. The laboratory column measurements obtained from water samples collected at these field sites are shown in Figures D1-9. From the results of the field and water sample tested light attenuations, we derived a light extinction calibration curve for the sites tested (see Figure D1-10). Note that the light extinction values in the higher end of the scale (> 30 m-1) are estimates based on the theory that at higher turbidities (< 0.15 m euphotic depth), which is the diameter of the experimental column, the experimental light attenuation would perform similarly to that of the field sites. The gap in the calibration curve (between field k= 1.71 m-1 and field k=30 m-1) will be completed once suitable field sites are found that have clarity values within this range. Table D1-3 Parameters measured at each calibration test site. Secchi Depth Suspended Solids Turbidity Concentration (m) (NTU) Calibration Test Sites Location 1. Clare Weir Lower Burdekin River 0.65 18 7.0 2. Payards Lagoon North Burdekin floodplain 0.90 13 8.0 3. Church's Lagoon North Burdekin floodplain 7.00 5 4.2 4. Muckibulla Waterhole Upper Burdekin 0.22 78 85 5. Gorman's Lagoon Upper Burdekin 0.01 2570 2590 6. Lake Amelia Upper Burdekin 0.09 364 197 7. Pajingo Waterhole Upper Burdekin 0.23 73 86 (mg/L) The curve of best fit for the light extinction coefficient calibration (Figure D1-10) is a power function with the following equation (R2 = 0.972): Kfield = 0.5957 Kcolumn1.0167 ……....… (1) Using this calibration equation we obtain the corrected light extinction coefficients and euphotic depths as shown in Figures D1-11 and D1-12. D1.4 Discussion Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 60 Due to the severely dry conditions encountered during our experiments it has proven impossible to field calibrate our laboratory findings in the Herbert. The interim calibrations presented here are based on Burdekin data and should be validated on the Herbert floodplain as soon as sufficient rainfall occurs. Nonetheless the light attenuation column response should not be greatly affected by sediment composition, so the interim calibration should yield close approximations of the true values. Even though the nine soil samples displayed very different properties, in terms of their organic contents and colour, they all fit the general trend shown by Figures D1-11 and D1-12. Using this relationship it has been possible to derive a curve of best fit that can be used to predict the light attenuation coefficient, for any given freshwater wetland within the study region (i.e., Herbert River floodplain)(see Figure D1-13). We have used SPM concentrations to derive these relationships. It is theoretically feasible to derive similar relationships using other clarity-related parameters such as turbidity, secchi depth, black disc visibility, apparent colour, etc but these have not been used in this study because it is much more difficult to link such parameters quantitatively to land management indicators such as soil erosion and sediment delivery rates. The basis for this work is the exponential light attenuation equation: IZ = IO e-kd ………………. (2) Where: IZ = Light intensity at depth z, µEinsteins/m2/s; IO = Incident light intensity, µEinsteins/m2/s; k = Light extinction co-efficient, m-1; and d = Water depth, m. This equation indicates that light passing through a water column will be scattered and absorbed (attenuated) at an exponential rate determined by the light extinction co-efficient, k. Each water body has a unique attenuation characteristic that depends on many factors with just one being the concentration of suspended solids in the water column. Other factors include colour, phytoplankton and colloidal concentration. However, SPM concentration can play a dominant role in light attenuation, particularly during and soon after catchment runoff events. With accurate calibration within a study area, it is possible to estimate the light attenuating properties of a water body by determining the SPM concentration and using a calibration equation (similar to Figure D1-13) to estimate the extinction coefficient. This coefficient can then be used to calculate the euphotic depth for that system using equation (2). Additionally, the light intensity can be calculated for any depth within that water body for any given incident light intensity. D1.5 Summary and Conclusion The purpose of this experiment was to quantify the effects on light attenuation due to SPM discharged from farm drains. Soil samples were collected from close proximity to drain invert points and are representative of the material which would be expected to be discharged from the drains during the next storm event. The gravel, sand and coarse silt portion of this material is too heavy to remain suspended in the water column long enough to affect water clarity over biologically relevant time scales. Accordingly, samples were pretreated to collect only particles which (in the absence of flocculation) could remain suspended in a 1 metre deep water column for more than 24 hours (i.e., medium to fine silt, clay and colloids). This is the portion of the soil material introduced to the aquatic environment from catchment areas that is responsible for persistent turbidity. In most water bodies, this material is either gradually flushed from the system by base flows or slowly flocculates and/or settles during periods of prolonged dry weather. Hence, in many areas, including the Herbert floodplain, there is seldom much of this material left in the water column by the end of a prolonged dry spell (some wetlands in the Burdekin are exceptions to the rule because they contain colloids which are resistant to flocculation and therefore remain turbid even during droughts). The Herbert district soils tested in these experiments were quite different in colour and composition. However, the suspended particulate material they liberated was much more similar in appearance and the light attenuation characteristics of the suspensoids obtained from samples were very similar (see Figure D13). All samples were collected from the floodplain so many of these similarities could be attributable to the Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 61 fact that most of the fine inorganic soil material ultimately originated from Herbert river. Accordingly it would be advisable to test soils and waters from other catchment areas before accepting the general applicability of the relationships obtained in these experiments. This experiment was conducted during a severe dry spell, so the turbidity in most local water bodies was either at a minimum or could be attributed to in-stream production of SPM that is very different in composition from that originating from cane farms. Accordingly it was not possible to properly field calibrate the results of laboratory experiments. The distributary channels of the Burdekin floodplain, due to the presence of chronically turbid Burdekin Dam water, are the only waterways in local farming areas that have maintained high turbidity levels during this dry spell. Even these waters are approaching the clearest they have been since the Burdekin Dam was commissioned well over a decade ago, so the full range of turbidities required for field testing could not be found in this area. Moreover, the SPM composition of Burdekin Dam water is unique so it is possible that field calibrations conducted in the Burdekin floodplain would not be applicable to any other cane growing area. The only natural water bodies in the local region that maintained high turbidity levels during the dry spell were inland lagoons which are quite remote from the floodplain. As an interim measure and in the absence of any alternatives, field calibrations were conducted in lagoons of this kind. Results provide first order indications of what can be expected in the floodplain waterways but accurate quantitative measures will only be obtainable when it rains in the study area. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 62 Figure D1 – 1: Picture of the light attenuation column. Figure D1 – 2: Picture of the base piece with light sensor installed and connected to the Li-Cor quantam meter. Figure D1 – 3: Soil samples and corresponding filter disks (before and after oxidation) of the 9 SPM water samples. Soil A Soil B Soil C Soil D Soil E Soil F Soil G Soil H Soil I Soil sample Suspended solids Residue after oxidation Figure D1-4: Soil sample D and the corresponding SPM sample in the settling column prior to extraction. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 63 Figure D1 – 5: Experimental column light attenuation profiles of SPM water sample D. 0 Water Depth, m 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Light Intensity, µE/m2/s 204 mg/L 102 mg/L 51 mg/L 25.5 mg/L 12.75 mg/L Figure D1 – 6: Experimental (uncorrected) light extinction coefficients for the 9 soils and the 5 different suspended solids concentrations for each soil type. Extinction Coefficient, m -1 1000 100 10 1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Suspended Solids Concentration, mg/L Soil A Soil B Soil C Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Soil D Soil E Soil F Soil G Soil H Soil I 64 Figure D1 – 7: Experimental (uncorrected) euphotic depth plots for the 9 soils and the 5 different suspended solids concentrations for each soil type. 1 Euphotic Depth, m 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 Suspended Solids Concentration, mg/L Soil A Soil B Soil C Soil D Soil E Soil F Soil G Soil H Soil I Figure D1 – 8: Field results obtained during the light attenuation calibration experiment (sites 1,2 & 3). 0 0.5 Depth, m 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2 Light Intensity, µE/m /s Clare Weir Payards Lagoon Church's Lagoon Log. (Clare Weir) Log. (Payards Lagoon) Log. (Church's Lagoon) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 65 Figure D1 – 9: Laboratory column results obtained during the light attenuation calibration experiment (sites 1,2 & 3). 0 0.2 Depth, m 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2 Light Intensity, µE/m /s Clare Weir Payards Lagoon Church's Lagoon Log. (Clare Weir) Log. (Payards Lagoon) Log. (Church's Lagoon) Field Measured Light Extinction Co-eff., m-1 Figure D1 – 10: Interim calibration curve derived from field testing and experimental results. 1000 100 10 1 0 0 1 10 100 1000 -1 Column Tested Light Extinction Co-eff., m Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 66 Figure D1 – 11: Corrected light extinction plot for the 9 soil samples. Extinction Coefficient, m -1 1000 100 10 1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Suspended Solids Concentration, mg/L Soil A Soil B Soil C Soil D Soil E Soil F Soil G Soil H Soil I Figure D1 – 12: Corrected euphotic depth plot for the 9 soil samples. Euphotic Depth, m 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 Suspended Solids Concentration, mg/L Soil A Soil B Soil C Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Soil D Soil E Soil F Soil G Soil H Soil I 67 Figure D1 – 13: Interim prediction curve for the light extinction co-efficient. Extinction Coefficient, m -1 1000 y = 0.412x 0.6607 2 100 R = 0.9678 10 1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Suspended Solids Concentration, mg/L Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 68 D2 EFFECTS OF LIGHT INTENSITIES ON THE METABOLISM OF SUBMERGENT AQUATIC PLANTS D2.1 Aim We aimed to quantify the metabolic response of submergent aquatic plant species to changing light intensity levels. D2.2 Methods Preliminary experiment A preliminary experiment was undertaken to determine the approximate metabolic responses of various local submergent plant species to different light intensity levels with a view to selecting two plant species for use in the main replicated experiment. We also used this experiment to select appropriate light intensity levels for use in the main experiment. This preliminary experiment involved the collection, acclimation and preparation of four common species of submergent plants from the Ross River weir system. The four most common species found in Ross River were: Hydrilla verticillata, Ceratophyllum demersum, Cabomba caroliniana and Vallisneria gracilis. Note that, in natural waterways, these plants usually have a biofilm of algae and/or microbes growing on their surface. No attempt was made to remove this associated biota from the plant specimens used in the experiments. Consequently, it is not possible to separate the relative effects of the experimental treatments (in this case light intensity) on the target plant species from effects on the associated biofilm. Nonetheless, the use of plants with associated biofilm in the experiments makes the results more realistic and ecologically relevant than if the biofilm had been removed. A light exposure chamber capable of maintaining the desired light and temperature conditions was constructed for use in both the preliminary and main experiments (see Figure D2-1). This consisted of an 80 litre storage bin, which was painted black on the inside. An access sleeve was installed at one end to allow insertion and retrieval of Winkler sample bottles without interfering with the light levels within the chamber during the experiments. Layers of translucent plastic were then placed over the chamber to obtain the required light intensities within the chamber. Light levels where measured using a LI-COR Quantum sensor (Model No. LI-192SB) which was mounted vertically within the chamber, and positioned to ensure that accurate readings of the incident light levels were obtained. Samples were prepared the day before by inserting a pre-weighed specimen of each plant species into a standard Winkler bottle containing filtered tap water and plant nutrient. Each bottle was sealed and placed in a constant temperature chamber (at 28 o C), in the dark overnight. The following day, when oxygen levels were low enough to begin the preliminary experiment, each sample was exposed for a certain period (1-5 minutes) to a number of different light intensity levels starting from almost complete darkness (1-3 µE/m2/s) to full sunlight intensity (1200-1500 µE/m2/s) while constantly logging dissolved oxygen levels and temperature. Samples were subjected to constant stirring throughout the experiments via a magnetic stirrer placed immediately below the metabolism chamber. Main experiment In this experiment we aimed to quantify the metabolic responses of submergent macrophytes to different incident light intensities. To achieve this, it was necessary to determine respiration and photosynthesis independently. Respiration rates were determined in a specifically designed dark room which was equipped with: • • constant temperature water bath with cover; magnetic stirrer; Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 69 • • dissolved oxygen and pH measuring equipment (WTW CellOx 325 DO probe and a WTW SenTix 41 pH probe with associated WTW Universal Pocket Meter); and a very low intensity light source. The photosynthesis phase was conducted using the metabolism chamber positioned in an open area, fully exposed to the sun. The two species of macrophytes (Hydrilla verticillata and Ceratophyllum demersum) selected for the main experiment are the most common and abundant submergent native plant species that occur in coastal lowland wetlands in the Herbert to Burdekin region. Specimens were collected from the freshwater portions of Ross River, in Townsville (Gleeson’s and Aplin’s weir sections) and placed in a holding tank at James Cook University in an open area and supplied with sufficient nutrients for them to thrive. They were allowed to acclimate for approximately one week before representative samples were taken for use in the experiments. This procedure allowed the plants to become accustomed to the light conditions that they would be exposed to in the photosynthesis experiment and also ensured a relatively healthy biomass of plants. Samples of each of the two plant species were prepared the day before the commencement of metabolism measurements. This involved weighing 10 standard samples of each species (approximately 4 g) and placing each into a standard Winkler bottle containing filtered tap water with added plant nutrient. These sample bottles were then sealed and placed in the dark at a constant temperature of 28 oC overnight to obtain dissolved oxygen levels of between 20 and 40 %Saturation prior to the experiment commencing. A total of ten sample bottles where used for each of the two plant species. These were divided into two sets of five bottles with one bottle from each set used as the temperature reference. This enabled us to conduct four replicates at each light intensity while only using each set of samples for two light exposure events. This was necessary to ensure that dissolved oxygen within the samples did not rise to levels higher than the desirable maximum of 90 %Saturation. The experiments were carried out on two cloudless days in July 2002. This was to ensure that the metabolism chamber received a relatively constant light intensity over time scales ranging from 10 to 30 minutes. The bottles were then carefully sealed and placed in the dark chamber to respire for 20 minutes. Subsequently the samples were unsealed, reread and placed directly into the light exposure chamber for the required exposure time (see Table D2-1). After exposure they were again placed in the dark chamber for a further 20 minutes to determine if any changes in the respiration rate had occurred due to the light exposure. The four replicate samples were treated in this same way for each light intensity level. Initial pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen levels were determined in each sample bottle immediately prior to the commencement of the experiments. Sample bottles were immersed in water to a depth of 5cm while in the light exposure chamber in order to maintain a relatively constant temperature of between 27 and 29 oC. By constantly monitoring the reference bottle temperature using a WTW CellOx 325 combined DO & temperature probe it was possible to maintain the sample bottles within the acceptable temperature range for the duration of the tests. When temperatures began to drift during the tests, the water in the chamber was exchanged as shown in Figure D2-1. During dark respiration, the sample bottles were placed in a covered water bath (within the dark room) which maintained a constant 28 oC temperature within the sample bottles. At the conclusion of each set of experiments, readings of the final pH were taken, the sample bottles emptied and the oven-dry weights of the sample plant material determined using standard laboratory procedures. Table D2-1: Exposure Times at Different Light Intensities. Hydrilla verticillata Light Intensity, 2 µE/m /s 0 105.5 181 600 1450 Exposure Time, minutes 20 30 15 10 10 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Ceratophyllum demersum Light Intensity, Exposure Time, minutes µE/m2/s 0 20 100.5 30 272 15 760 15 1350 15 70 D2.3 Results Preliminary experiment The results of the preliminary metabolism experiment are shown in Figure D2-2. While Ceratophyllum and Vallisneria displayed very similar photosynthetic responses under these constantly stirred conditions, Hydrilla performed significantly better while Cabomba performed unpredictably and erratically, displaying a very heightened photosynthetic response at certain times, but not responding to light exposure at all at other times. We are yet to determine the reasons for this peculiar behaviour. This experiment suggests that the three native species (Hydrilla verticillata, Ceratophyllum demersum, and Vallisneria gracilis) each respond to changes in light intensity in a similar predictable manner while under these specific experimental conditions Cabomba did not. Since Cabomba is a noxious weed and emerging pest species in this region, this deserves closer investigation. For these experiments, we focused on Ceratophyllum and Hydrilla, for the following primary reasons: • • • these two species are the most common native aquatic submergent macrophytes in this area; both display predictable responses to a wide range of light climates; and Vallisneria is not nearly as prolific in this area as the other species. The other aim of the preliminary experiment was the selection of appropriate light intensity levels for the main experiment. Four different light levels were sufficient to provide the critical points on the metabolism curves; they were 100, 200, 600-700 and 1300-1500 µE/m2/s. We found from our preliminary experiments that different plant species respire at different rates. At a constant temperature of 28oC in a constantly stirred state, Hydrilla and Ceratophyllum respired at approximately the same rate while Cabomba had a substantially higher rate (see Figure D2-3). These results show that Cabomba has a higher metabolism than the native plant species and that the native species may be at a competitive disadvantage in terms of growth rates, at least under the conditions used in these tests. We also examined the effect of different water temperatures on the respiration rate of Ceratophyllum. Figure D2-4 shows the results of this experiment where Ceratophyllum was subjected to different water temperatures (i.e., 18, 28 and 38 oC) and the respiration rate measured under constantly stirred conditions. This suggests that plant respiration rate increases at an exponential rate as the ambient water temperature increases from 18 to 38oC. The Q10 (temperature coefficient) for respiration (i.e., ratio of increase due to a 10 o C increase in ambient temperature) varied from 2.11 (18 to 28 oC) to 2.44 (28 to 38 oC) in this experiment. These values are higher than the traditionally accepted Q10 value of 2 stated in many scientific publications. Main experiment The results of the main experiment for the two species tested (Ceratophyllum and Hydrilla) are displayed graphically in Figures D2-5 and D2-6. These plots show how photosynthesis rate increases with light intensity. It can be seen that a threshold point (that we have termed the Optimum Light Utilization Point or OLUP) is reached whereby the rate of increase in photosynthesis with light intensity dramatically decreases at a certain light level. For Hydrilla this threshold point is approximately 207 µE/m2/s and for Ceratophyllum it is 265 µE/m2/s. The effects of high light intensities on Ceratophyllum are more complex than Hydrilla (see Figure D2-6). The shaded bars at the side of the plots in Figures D2-5 and D2-6 provide an indication of the types of natural conditions that would typically produce the different light intensities shown. Of particular note is that both plant species are capable of net oxygen production (and growth) under very low light conditions (heavy shade) if they exist at or near the surface of the waterway. At 1 metre depth they are still capable of some production even in waters with turbidities greater than 40 NTU in clear, sunny and unshaded conditions. The compensation point (the point at which the plants exactly balance their rate of oxygen production and consumption) is an important factor in determining the success of any given species. This depth is a Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 71 boundary within the water column that dictates the depth at which plants can actually grow and accumulate biomass. The euphotic depth (i.e., depth at which the light intensity is 1% of the incident) is widely used as a surrogate for the compensation depth because the actual compensation point varies widely between species and even within the same species. It was determined during this experiment that the compensation point of Hydrilla is approximately 11 µE/m2/s while for Ceratophyllum it is about 32 µE/m2/s for these particular sets of conditions. This effectively means that Hydrilla is capable of existing in deeper and more turbid waters than Ceratophyllum and is likely to be most competitive immediately after flushing events when water clarity is typically at a seasonal minimum. The calibration curves from experiment D1 were used to calculate the depths at which threshold light levels for Hydrilla occurred under different combinations of ambient SPM concentration and incident light intensity. The calculated values are plotted in Figure D2-7. This plot shows, for example, that in direct sunlight the critical threshold depth varies from approximately 1.75 metres at 10 mg/L SPM concentrations to over 10 meters at 1 mg/L. These depths decrease substantially when the incident light intensity falls due to shading (either by cloud cover or riparian vegetation). Over this same SPM concentration range, the euphotic depth varies from 2.4 metres to over 21 metres. As an example, if the SPM concentrations of a waterway always remained greater than 10 mg/L then these aquatic plants would not be able to colonize depths greater than 2.4 metres at any time. Parts of the water column than are deeper than the euphotic depth are known as the aphotic zone. Here no net photosynthesis occurs and in most waterways this critical depth varies (sometimes on very short time scales) depending upon the light attenuation characteristics of the water column. This light attenuation can be caused by many factors (eg. SPM, plankton, dissolved colour, colloids, etc.) but during major runoff events SPM from the catchment is usually the main contributor and was the primary focus in this study. Considerations of this kind can be used to classify different parts of water bodies based on variations in light climate. This is illustrated by example in Figure D2-8 which shows that three different light zones can be identified in the hypothetical situation portrayed in the figure. Zone A represents the upper water column where excess light is generally available for use by submergent plants. Plants located in this zone are potentially light inhibited but photosynthesise at high levels. Zone B is bounded by the OLUP above and the euphotic depth below (the euphotic depth is used as an estimate for the compensation point in this example). Plants in this zone are able to utilize light very efficiently to produce biomass and oxygen (if not nutrient limited), but can be expected to respond very strongly to subtle changes in light intensity (and/or clarity). Zone C (aphotic zone) may or may not exist depending upon the clarity and depth of the water body. It represents the area where plants are not able to grow (i.e., respiration is greater than photosynthesis). D2.4 Discussion The preliminary experiment showed that the photosynthetic performance of submergent plants differed greatly between species. Under the test conditions Cabomba in particular proved to be extremely erratic in its responses to incident light intensities and did not exhibit a consistent photosynthesis rate over the range of light intensities used (see Figure D2-2). The other three species Hydrilla, Ceratophyllum and Vallisneria performed more consistently. The former two species were used for the main experiment, primarily due to their prevalence in the wetlands of the Herbert to Burdekin floodplain wetlands. A primary objective of the main experiment was to identify critical light intensity levels that induce a change in response by the plants. The experiment with Hydrilla was particularly successful in this regard with an obvious threshold light level (OLUP) of 207 µE/m2/s obtained, that represented a point where photosynthesitic response to increased light intensity was severely inhibited (see Figure D2-5). Ceratophyllum was more complex, exhibiting a less pronounced decline in the rate of increase in photosynthesis at 265 µE/m2/s and partial recovery in photosynthetic response at light levels above 760 µE/m2/s and up to 1360 µE/m2/s (see Figure D2-6). However, rates of increase were still significantly retarded at light levels higher than the initial threshold of 265 µE/m2/s. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 72 These experiments represent a limited range of conditions compared to the natural environment. Many other variables affect plant responses to ambient conditions, such as season, growth phase, condition, acclimation, acclimatisation, etc., so these results are only intended to be indicative of the performance of these plant species in freshwater wetlands in this area. Much more extensive testing and replication would be needed to quantify natural variability fully. D2.5 Summary and Conclusion Figure D2-8 illustrates some important concepts. For a given set of conditions (level and type of light exposure and bathymetry) there are critical ranges of SPM concentration that will impose fundamental restrictions on the spatial distribution of primary productivity. At concentrations that are above a critical limit, photosynthesis will be severely retarded throughout the entire water column. Under these conditions emergent/floating plants are the only autotrophic species that can grow and productivity within the water column must be heterotrophic (i.e., based on consumption of organic carbon by microbes, zooplankton, invertebrates, etc.). At intermediate SPM levels there is sufficient light penetration to allow photosynthesis to occur in the upper water column and in benthic habitats in the shallow littoral zones. This creates situations where the balance between heterotrophy and autotrophy varies spatially throughout the water body leading to very heterogeneous metabolic characteristics. However, in most large lagoon systems that are not choked by floating weeds, the majority of the water column becomes autotrophic with productivity being mainly planktonic. Below a lower SPM threshold concentration, light penetration all the way to the bottom may be possible enabling the establishment of benthic autotrophic communities (rooted macrophytes, benthic algae, biofilms, etc.) Resulting in the activation of new benthic food webs. Changes in SPM concentrations within the upper concentration range have little impact on autotrophs; however, once levels fall below the upper threshold, further reductions can greatly affect primary production rates in the water column (nutrient limitation is unlikely to be a factor in the wetland environments under consideration). Similarly, below the lower threshold, variations in SPM can be expected to substantially affect benthic productivity. The process-level changes from heterotrophy to mixed productivity to autotrophy play a pivotal role in determining the types of biological communities that develop in the water body. In other words, SPM changes within the bounds of critical limits can be expected to affect the productivity of existing biological communities while changes which cross threshold values are much more likely to bring about fundamental changes in the types of biological communities that colonize the water body. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 73 Figure D2 – 1: Light exposure chamber design. Direction of light quanta l Layers of translucent plastic sheeting Water level (approx. 5 cm deep) Access Submersible pump & water discharge pipe Temperature probe and meter Light sensor & meter Sample bottles Figure D2 – 2: Net oxygen evolution at different light intensities by four common species of submergent aquatic plant. 1400 2 Light Intensity, µE/m /s 1600 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 O2 Evolution Rate, mg O2/min/kg of wet plant Ceratophyllum Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Cabomba Hydrilla Vallisneria 74 Figure D2 – 3: Aquatic plant respiration rates of three local species (Hydrilla, Ceratophyllum and Cabomba) at 28oC under constantly stirred conditions. 0.025 Respiration Rate, mg O2/min/g oven-dry plant 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 Hydrilla Ceratophyllum Cabomba Figure D2 – 4: Aquatic plant respiration rates of Ceratophyllum at different ambient water temperatures under constantly stirred conditions. Dark Respiration Rate, mg O2/min/g oven-dry plant 0.035 0.03 0.025 y = 0.0013e 0.0819x 2 R = 0.9973 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Temperature, Deg.C Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 75 Figure D2 – 5: Photosynthetic response of Hydrilla to different light intensity levels. In direct sunlight in summer 2000 Relative light levels incident on water surface Relative light levels at different turbidities and at a constant depth of 1 m Dec 22 Light Intensity 2 Incident Light Level, E/m /s Annual light intensity range on clear days Direct Sunlight 1500 June 22 Relative light levels at different depths and with a constant turbidity of 20 NTU y = 86375x - 16478 2500 µE/m2/s 1500 µE/m2/s 0 - 0.5m depth 0 - 10 NTU Sunset Sunrise Time of Day 1000 Part Shade Threshold point x = 0.192, y = 207 500 0.5 - 1m depth 10 - 20 NTU Medium Shade Deep Shade Heavy Shade 0 -0.05 1 - 1.5m depth 1.5 - 2m depth 20 - 40 NTU y = 1075.3x > 40 NTU > 2m depth 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 Photosynthesis Rate, mg O2/min/g oven-dry plant Figure D2 – 6: Photosynthetic response of Ceratophyllum to different light intensity levels. In direct sunlight in summer 2000 Relative light levels incident on water surface Relative light levels at different turbidities and at a constant depth of 1 m Relative light levels at different depths and with a constant turbidity of 20 NTU Direct Sunlight Dec 22 Light Intensity 2 Incident Light Level, E/m /s Annual light intensity range on clear days 1500 June 22 2500 µE/m2/s 1500 µE/m2/s 0 - 10 NTU y = 4867.8x - 180.17 Sunset Sunrise Time of Day 1000 Part Shade Threshold point x = 0.152, y = 265 y = 12158x - 1588.3 500 Medium Shade 10 - 20 NTU y = 1737.7x 20 - 40 NTU Deep Shade Heavy Shade > 40 NTU 0 -0.05 0 - 0.5m depth 0.5 - 1m depth 1 - 1.5m depth 1.5 - 2m depth > 2m depth 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 Photosynthesis Rate, mg O2/min/g oven-dry plant Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 76 Figure D2 – 7: Plots of the depths at which the Optimum Light Utilisation Points (OLUP’s) occur for different incident light levels and different suspended solids concentrations for Hydrilla. Incident light intensities used were: 2000 µE/m2/s (direct sunlight), 800 µE/m2/s (part shade) and 400 µE/m2/s (medium shade). Suspended Solids Concentration, mg/L 10000 OLUP for Hydrilla = 207 µE/m2/s (Ceratophyllum = 265 µE/m2/s) 1000 100 10 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Depth, m Direct sunlight Part shade Medium shade Euphotic Depth Figure D2 – 8: Plot of the curves for the OLUP (Hydrilla) and euphotic depth in direct sunlight (2000 µE/m2/s) with the photic zones identified for a wetland with a nominal suspended solids concentration of 10 mg/L. Suspended Solids Concentration, mg/L 10000 Zones within a wetland with SS Concentation = 10 mg/L Light Inhibition Zone (A) 1000 Optimum Plant Efficiency Zone (B) Aphotic Zone (C) 100 Estimate of Plant Compensation Point C 10 Critical Threshold Curve Depth of zone A = 1.6m 1 Euphotic Depth Curve OLUP Curve 0 2 A 4 B 6 C Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Depth, m 77 D3 D3.1 THE EFFECTS OF SEDIMENTATION ON DISSOLVED OXYGEN, PH AND PLANT GROWTH IN AN AQUATIC MICROCOSM DOMINATED BY THE SUBMERGENT PLANT CERATOPHYLLUM DEMERSUM Aim An experiment was conducted to determine how moderate levels of sedimentation affect water quality and the metabolism of Ceratophyllum demersum, a submergent native aquatic plant that commonly dominates waterways in local cane-growing areas. The experiment focused on the effects of sedimentation (the settling of silts and flocculated clays and colloids) and excluded the effects of increased turbidity from suspended particles such as unflocculated clays and colloids and also of burial by coarse sediment. Water clarity effects were dealt with as a separate issue in Experiments D1 and D2 while the effects of coarse material are discussed D3.2 Methods The experiment was conducted in an outdoor compound at James Cook University, Townsville using 30-litre glass tanks. The tanks were positioned such that they were exposed to direct sunlight each day from approximately 0915 to 1630 hours. Each tank was stocked with 300 g (wet weight) of Ceratophyllum demersum which had been collected from a local waterway (Ross River). This plant species commonly has a biofilm of algae and/or microbes growing on its surface. This bio-film was not removed from the plant specimens used in this experiment to ensure that the results are applicable to natural waterways. Plants were submerged in each tank by entwining them through weighted plastic mesh. When submerged, the plants extended through the mesh at the bottom of the tank and almost reached the water surface. The density of plants used in the experiment was visually similar to that observed in moderate stands of C. demersum in natural waterways. Experimental Conditions Plants were exposed to 1 of 3 sediment treatments: (1) plants buried under a light to moderate layer of flocculated silt, (2) plants placed on top of a layer of silt, and (3) plants not exposed to silt. The experiment was a randomised block design with each treatment being replicated 3 times. Treatments and plants were allocated randomly to tanks. The sediment used in the experiment was collected from a local dam (Lavarack Upper Dam) whose catchment consists of 100% natural vegetation (in order to minimise the risks of introducing anthropogenic contaminants). Preparation of Sediment Suspension Coarse particles (gravel and sand) were removed by suspending the sediment and allowing it to settle for a few minutes. At the end of the settling period, the supernatant was collected and the material that had fallen out of suspension was discarded. The supernatant was then filtered through 1mm fibreglass mesh to remove coarse particulate organic matter. Dispersed clay and colloid particles were then removed by suspending the resultant sediment in 30 litres of filtered tap water. Ninety drops of flocculent (AquaclearTM) were added and the sediment was allowed to settle. After 2 hours, the supernatant was decanted and discarded while material that had fallen out of suspension was collected. This last process was repeated several times to ensure the removal of clay particles from the sediment. Experimental Treatments Treatment 1 – Plants buried under sediment Treatment 1 tanks were established by filling them with 26 litres of filtered tap water and adding plants. One litre of concentrated sediment was then added to each tank. Care was taken to ensure that sediment was added over the entire surface area of the tank. After 1 hour, 90 drops of flocculent were added to each tank and the sediment was allowed to settle overnight. The following morning, it was observed that the majority of sediment had settled out of solution and was covering the plants. The appearance of sediment covering the plants was very similar to what we have observed in local waterways subject to moderate sediment loads. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 78 Treatment 2 – Plants above layer of sediment Treatment 2 tanks were established as per the treatment 1 tanks with the exception that plants were not added until after the sediment had settled overnight. The result was that a layer of sediment covered the bottom of the tanks but the plants in the water column were not covered with sediment. The purpose of this treatment was to separate the effects of smothering (treatment 1) from the effects of sediment per se. Treatment 3 – Control Treatment 3 tanks were established by initially allocating a duplicate tank to each experimental tank. The duplicate tanks were filled with 26 litres of filtered tap water at the same time as the treatment 1 and 2 tanks. Sediment and flocculent were added to the duplicate tanks as per treatments 1 and 2. Following overnight settling of the sediment, 24 litres of the supernatant was siphoned from each duplicate tank into the corresponding experimental tank. Two litres of filtered tap water was added to each experimental tank to give a final volume of 26 litres. Plants were then added to treatment 3 tanks. The procedure of filling treatment 3 experimental tanks with supernatant from duplicate tanks was necessary to ensure that the composition of the water was identical in all treatments. Addition of Nutrients Nutrients (N as NaNO3 and P as K2HPO4) and trace elements (Seachem™) were added to each tank on the day following the addition of sediment. Initial concentrations of N and P were similar to those found in unmodified waterways during periods of good water quality. Adjustments to Experimental Conditions Tanks were exposed to a range of light regimes and levels of re-aeration during the experiment. Light regimes were created by covering the tanks with layers of translucent colourless or black plastic. Light attenuation categories ranged from low (1) to high (5). Categories were: (1) 2 layers colourless plastic, (2) 4 layers colourless plastic, (3) 2 layers black plastic, (4) 3 layers black plastic, and (5) 4 layers black plastic since natural sunlight was being used the timing of adjustments was dictated by weather conditions, and the practical need to maintain dissolved oxygen levels within normal limits. (For example during consecutive cloudy days oxygen levels gradually became hypoxic and it was necessary to admit more light in order to prevent anoxia). Re-aeration was inhibited (to enable changes in oxygen concentration to be used as a measure of photosynthesis rates) by placing a layer of clear plastic on the water surface of each tank. Monitoring of Responses The experiment ran for 22 days. During this time, dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature were measured at a standard position and depth in each tank every morning (0800-0900 hrs) and afternoon (1530-1630 hrs) using a WTW Multiline meter. Datalogging subsequent to the experiment verified that these were the times of daily minima and maxima for these parameters. Observations on plant condition and weather were also made daily. D3.3 Results Daily variations in dissolved oxygen concentrations and pH are plotted in Figures D3-1 to D3-6. Data are either indexed as a proportion of mean control values or are presented as actual values. For simplicity of presentation and interpretation, dissolved oxygen data are plotted as mean index values in Figures D3-1 and D3-2. These data are discussed further below. Ranges of dissolved oxygen and pH recorded in each tank are plotted as index values and actual values in Figures D3-3 to D3-6. The addition of sediment reduced (i) dissolved oxygen concentrations (Figures D3-1 and D3-2), and (ii) pH and the degree of pH cycling (Figures D3-5 and D3-6). Trends in dissolved oxygen concentrations in tanks where sediment was added (either on top of, or below, plants) were similar during both mornings and afternoons (Figures D3-1 and D3-2). On at least one occasion per day during days 2 to 16, dissolved oxygen Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 79 concentrations in tanks where plants were smothered with sediment were lower than in tanks where sediment was present but plants were not smothered. Reductions in dissolved oxygen concentrations were particularly evident during this period when plants were exposed to low light levels (light attenuation category 5; periods of cloudy days). On day 14 it was noted that plants that had been smothered with sediment had begun producing new branches that were not covered with sediment. These plants, as well as plants in the other two treatments, continued to grow during the remainder of the experiment. At this time, dissolved oxygen concentrations in both sediment treatments increased and approached the levels recorded in control tanks. During the last few days of the experiment, mean dissolved oxygen concentrations in tanks where plants were smothered exceeded levels in tanks where sediment was present but plants were not smothered. Plant growth appeared to be most prolific in the “smothered” treatment tanks at this time. D3.4 Discussion The addition of sediment to the experimental tanks brought about a substantial reduction in dissolved oxygen and pH levels, and suppressed diel pH cycling. This suggests that the sediment contained significant quantities of organic matter which was acting as a substrate for microbial respiration, leading to increased consumption of oxygen and production of carbon dioxide. Examination of the results obtained at times when light levels were not severely limiting (attenuation categories 1 to 4 and cloudless days) suggest that effects due to the presence of sediment (regardless of whether plants were covered by it or not) diminished gradually over time and would have been undetectable after 10 to 15 days if adequate light conditions had been maintained. This is almost certainly indicative of constant reduction in the concentrations of organic matter in the sediment and consequent reduction in microbial respiration rates. The results suggest that, by the end of the experiment, virtually all of the sedimentary organic matter had been consumed and that microbial respiration rates were the same as that in the control tanks. The effects of smothering plants with sediment were far more subtle and less predictable. The main initial effect was an increase in the intensity of light required for optimum photosynthesis and hence an increase in the compensation point (the light level at which oxygen production is equal to oxygen consumption). Accordingly, when light levels were higher than the optimum there was no readily discernable effect from smothering, but at lower light levels (light attenuation category 5 and/or cloudy weather) reduction in oxygen production and pH cycling was evident. This is a very important finding because in the real world sediment is normally introduced into water bodies during rain events, so sedimentation rates are often highest at times when light levels are suppressed by turbidity in the water, increased water column depth and cloudy weather. Suppression effects were relatively short-lived and the smothered plants were able to grow through the sediment layer within about 13 days. Once this had happened the smothered plants began to photosynthesise vigorously and towards the end of the experiment appeared to be photosynthesising more efficiently than the plants in other treatments. This probably indicates that the plants were utilising the nutrients present in the sediment that they were in intimate contact with. The effects observed in this experiment are governed by great variety of variables – sediment added, depth of smothering, organic composition of sediment, incident light intensity, water clarity, water depth, re-aeration and mixing rates, and temperature – which all play important roles in determining outcomes. The conditions chosen for this experiment simulate just one of the many scenarios that can occur in natural waters, so findings must be interpreted cautiously. Nevertheless, some important qualitative outcomes are evident: • The organic matter and microbes contained in sediment are the principal source of impact from settlable sediments. The maximum impacts are likely to become evident soon after the introduction of sediment (within hours to a few days depending on initial microbial abundances) and are likely to gradually diminish over periods of several days to a few weeks if conditions do not become severely hypoxic (allowing microbes to decompose organic matter to carbon dioxide). Recovery is likely to be significantly delayed if oxygen levels remain low enough to force microbes to respire anaerobically leading to the production of oxygen demanding by-products such as organic acids, alcohols, methane and hydrogen sulphide. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 80 • Ceratophyllum is clearly well adapted to cope with the smothering effects of silts and flocculated sediments and it would be reasonable to assume that other species with a demonstrated ability to compete in environments that are periodically subject to pulse inputs of sediment would possess similar adaptations. Nevertheless, their capacity to tolerate smothering is clearly finite and is heavily reliant on the maintenance of adequate light and oxygen levels in the surrounding water column. Specifically it is clear that smothering increases the optimum light utilisation point (OLUP smothered), so smothered plants require higher light levels in order to photosynthesise efficiently, and are therefore much more susceptible to adverse effects from decreased clarity and cloudy weather. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 81 Figure D3 – 1: Mean treatment values for dissolved oxygen concentrations recorded each morning during the experiment. Data are indexed as a proportion of mean control (Plant Only treatment) values. Light attenuation categories range from 1 (highest light level) to 5 (lowest light level). Light Attenuation Category 1 2 3 4 5 4 Re-aeration Inhibited Re-aeration Not Inhibited 1.2 Plant Only (No Sediment) Plant Buried Under Sediment Plant on Top of Sediment Morning Data Mean index of dissolved oxygen (% saturation) 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 cloudy 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 cloudy Time (days) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 82 Figure D3 – 2: Mean treatment values for dissolved oxygen concentrations recorded each afternoon during the experiment. Data are indexed as a proportion of mean control (Plant Only treatment) values. Light attenuation categories range from 1 (highest light level) to 5 (lowest light level). Light Attenuation Category 1 2 3 4 5 4 Re-aeration Inhibited Re-aeration Not Inhibited 1.2 Plant Only (No Sediment) Plant Buried Under Sediment Plant on Top of Sediment Afternoon Data Mean index of dissolved oxygen (% saturation) 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 cloudy 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 cloudy Time (days) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 83 Figure D3 – 3: Dissolved oxygen concentrations recorded each morning and afternoon during the experiment. Data are indexed as a proportion of mean control (Plant Only treatment) values. Light attenuation categories range from 1 (highest light level) to 5 (lowest light level). Numbers are experimental tank numbers. Light Attenuation Category 1 2 3 4 5 4 Re-aeration Inhibited Re-aeration Not Inhibited 1.4 4 Plant Only (No Sediment) Plant Buried Under Sediment Plant on Top of Sediment 1.3 44 Index of dissolved oxygen (% saturation) 1.2 4 1.1 4 4 4 711 4 1.0 11 9 9 6 12 11 5 6 8 8 7 1210 10 5 7 5 12 9 10 0.8 8 6 0.9 7 11 9 5 10 12 6 8 0.7 4 44 119 11 9 911 8 10 6 6 10 10 78 7 8 5 12 5 612 5 127 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 4 4 4 44 119 11 119 911 1111 11 9 11 9 9 12 6 6 10 10 8 7 9 8 12 10 512 5 8 67 95 7 10 5 710 7 8 66 8 5 1010 7 8 6 5 1212 8 712 10 7 6 8 6 5 12 12 5 7 8 0.1 4 4 9 4 9 11 1111 11 910 9 6 6 7 10 8 5 10 7 1012 7 8 8 7 6 65 8 5 5 12 12 4 9 44 49 4 9 4 4 9 1111 11 911 11 9 11 9 9 6 11 6 11 7 10 10 6 107 77 8 10 7 5 10 712 5 7 105 610 10 8 12 8 12 7 6 6 8 6 86 5 8 8 5 5 8 5 5 12 1212 12 12 4 12 49 4 49 4 9 4 4 9 4 9 4 4 7 114 912 11 11 6 6 12 10 6 9 9 7 9 11 7 1111 11 11 10 911 5 5 8 11 10 7 10 7 12 6 5 108 12 5 8 77 10 7 8 710 7 5 6 10 10 12 6 10 6 8 5 5 612 8 12 5 68 5 8 12 5 12 6 8 12 8 49 712 4 11 7 6 910 11 5 8 10 12 5 8 6 15 20 4 12 9 4 76 910 11 7 11 5 128 10 5 8 7 4 9 12 11 10 8 5 6 6 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 cloudy 13 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 cloudy Time (days) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 84 Figure D3 – 4: Dissolved oxygen concentrations recorded each morning and afternoon during the experiment. Data are actual values. Light attenuation categories range from 1 (highest light level) to 5 (lowest light level). Numbers are experimental tank numbers. Light Attenuation Category 1 2 3 4 5 4 Re-aeration Inhibited Re-aeration Not Inhibited 200 4 9 11 190 12 6 8 180 10 7 170 5 11 4 9 6 Plant Only (No Sediment) Plant Buried Under Sediment Plant on Top of Sediment 10 8 5 7 12 160 Dissolved oxygen (% saturation) 150 140 130 120 110 100 2 3 90 70 60 4 50 7 11 5 12 9 10 8 6 40 4 8 7 5 12 11 9 4 6 8 10 12 2 5 3 1 7 27 5 3 12 1 4 11 9 7 10 7 6 5 8 8 12 10 5 6 12 11 9 6 8 10 2 1 33 2 1 80 6 10 2 1 3 4 9 5 11 7 10 12 6 8 4 9 11 2 3 1 210 6 1 3 5 8 12 47 11 9 7 8 12 5 10 6 30 20 10 4 2 4 2 1 2 9 3 211 1 3 11 1 9 1 3 3 4 4 1110 5 6 97 8 11 10 7 8 12 9 5 6 10 7 6 12 8 5 12 10 8 7 6 5 12 9 11 12 6 10 8 2 4 9 11 10 6 2 5 1 23 7 3 7 25 8 1 12 3 1 3 1 4 4 11 9 11 10 8 7 6 5 12 9 9 9 4 4 9 4 11 4 9 11 6 10 2 7 25 3 8 1 12 3 4 1 11 9 9 4 2 2 6 211 10 7 5 3 3 212 1 8 1 3 6 110 3 1 8 4 47 11 11 95 9 1012 10 7 7 6 6 8 8 5 5 12 12 10 7 10 12 6 8 5 12 4 9 6 11 10 7 11 6 7 10 8 2 5 12 3 2 1 3 4 1 11 9 7 10 6 8 5 12 9 4 12 6 10 7 11 5 8 8 2 3 3 2 9 12 4 6 7 11 10 5 8 47 1110 96 5 712 8 10 6 5 8 12 47 11 910 6 5 12 78 10 3 2 12 5 2 21 21 21 3 3 8 4 1 4 3 3 1 1 7 1 7 9 11 9 4 11 4 11 10 9 10 12 5 8 6 12 9 5 6 11 8 7 10 5 6 12 7 10 8 6 12 5 8 5 6 8 12 15 16 17 9 4 22 4 2 29 9 2 24 11 3 31 3 31 3 1 1 11 311 1 7 410 1 9 11 6 8 75 6 1012 8 5 12 4 6 12 11 7 10 5 10 7 8 6 12 5 9 12 4 6 10 7 11 5 8 3 2 1 3 2 1 7 4 9 7 12 9 11 11 10 12 8 5 5 10 6 8 6 2 3 1 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 cloudy 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 cloudy Time (days) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 85 Figure D3 – 5: pH values recorded each morning and afternoon during the experiment. Data are indexed as a proportion of mean control (Plant Only treatment) values. Light attenuation categories range from 1 (highest light level) to 5 (lowest light level). Numbers are experimental tank numbers. Light Attenuation Category 1 2 3 4 5 4 Re-aeration Inhibited Re-aeration Not Inhibited 1.15 Plant Only (No Sediment) Plant Buried Under Sediment Plant on Top of Sediment 4 1.10 4 1.05 Index of pH 4 1.00 11 4 6 9 8 10 5 0.95 7 12 4 54 11 5 76 9 11 6 11 910 8 12 10 8 6 5 12 7 9 7 8 10 12 0.90 4 4 4 4 4 11 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 5 5 11 5 11 7 7 9 11 9 9 6 7 10 9 10 6 6 8 9 10 8 12 12 12 811 9 11 5 10 9 6 6 10 7 12 7 8 5 6 8 8 5 10 6 8 10 12 0.85 5 12 7 4 4 4 11 5 11 5 6 9 11 9 9 911 5 6 7 10 7 10 7 6 8 8 10 12 9 11 8 1211 129 5 10 7 6 8 12 10 6 5 7 6 8 12 5 10 8 12 7 12 11 5 6 99 711 10 8 12 5 6 10 7 8 12 9 4 4 44 4 9 9 11 9 1111 11 99 11 5 6 711 11 10 9 6 6 5 5 7 10 7 10 7 6 8 10 12 5 8 8 9 8 7 12 1210 5 6 11 12 8 12 6 10 12 5 7 8 7 4 4 4 9 11 9 511 7 6 10 8 6 7 5 1210 11 9 9 11 9 7 611 10 7 6 5 5 10 8 5 12 8 1210 7 6 8 8 12 12 9 10 6 5 7 8 12 6 10 7 5 6 10 5 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 9 11 9 6 5 7 10 8 12 11 12 cloudy 13 4 4 9 11 5 7 6 9 10 8 12 11 10 7 7 6 5 12 5 6 8 8 12 4 4 49 9 11 7 5 9 6 10 8 12 11 6 7 5 12 10 8 5 6 7 11 9 8 12 10 5 7 11 9 6 12 10 8 7 12 11 6 10 5 8 8 12 8 12 1 4 44 10 0.80 0 4 11 4 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 cloudy Time (days) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 86 Figure D3 – 6: pH values recorded each morning and afternoon during the experiment. Data are actual values. Light attenuation categories range from 1 (highest light level) to 5 (lowest light level). Numbers are experimental tank numbers. Light Attenuation Category 1 2 3 4 5 4 Re-aeration Inhibited Re-aeration Not Inhibited 10.0 9.5 4 11 9 6 8 10 9.0 5 7 12 4 11 6 9 10 8 5 7 10 6 12 8 5 8.5 pH Plant Only (No Sediment) Plant Buried Under Sediment Plant on Top of Sediment 4 11 7 12 4 8.0 7.5 4 5 7 6 11 12 9 8 10 7.0 11 5 6 7 12 9 10 8 4 4 11 9 4 9 4 4 9 4 9 11 5 4 12 7 12 7 5 5 9 7 11 7 6 10 6 12 12 8 8 10 11 11 4 11 9 4 11 4 11 9 11 9 4 9 7 55 4 11 6 11 9 10 6 7 12 5 10 812 9 8 6 11 5 10 9 6 8 7 712 10 8 12 6.5 11 9 11 5 5 910 6 10 7 76 8 8 1212 6 10 5 8 412 7 5 11 6 9 7 10 12 8 410 6 5 7 8 1112 9 5 7 6 10 8 12 7 8 9 4 4 9 9 9 9 6 8 5 10 4 9 4 10 6 8 4 4 4 11 4 10 6 45 7 9 411 9 411 410 6 10 7 5 5 6 1112 8 11 9 5 5 9 7 10 6 7 68 7 10 8 812 12 12 10 45 6 7 8 11 912 6 5 10 7 8 12 8 1112 9 6 10 7 5 8 12 10 7 6 11 95 5 68 7 10 12 8 12 10 12 13 14 4 4 9 411 5 6 10 7 98 11 5 7 612 10 8 12 9 10 6 5 7 411 4 12 8 5 11 7 910 9 6 11 10 5 8 5 7 6 10 7 612 8 8 12 12 15 16 11 10 11 7 12 7 11 10 6 6 7 5 10 12 5 5 6 8 4 12 48 48 4 10 6 7 5 412 8 11 9 5 6 10 7 12 8 5 11 9 7 6 10 8 12 11 5 9 7 6 10 8 12 18 19 20 5 11 9 7 6 12 10 8 5 7 9 11 6 12 10 8 21 22 6.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 cloudy 17 cloudy Time (days) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 87 D4 EFFECTS OF LIGHT DEPRIVATION AND HYPOXIA ON A SPECIES OF SUBMERGENT AQUATIC PLANT (CERATOPHYLLUM DEMERSUM) D4.1 Aim To provide preliminary indications of the capacity for Ceratophyllum (a native submergent plant that commonly dominates local floodplain wetlands with unobstructed water surfaces) to cope with light deprivation and different levels of hypoxia, and to obtain initial estimates of critical exposure times for survival under these conditions. D4.2 Methods In this experiment plant samples (and associated bio-film) were placed in small aquaria in a constant temperature room for a period of several weeks under various fixed ambient light and oxygen conditions. The metabolic performance of test specimens was monitored at regular intervals to determine how the health of the plants was being affected. The experiment was conducted in an aquarium room that maintained an air temperature of approximately 27 oC. It was important to replicate natural conditions as much as possible for this experiment so that the plant material functioned in a natural manner for the duration of the tests. A functioning ecosystem was established within each tank by inserting unpolluted sediment sourced from the local area (strained to remove large debris) and aged aquarium water (to ensure the inclusion of healthy aquatic microbes). A flocculent was added and the water allowed to settle for two days until a constant level of high clarity was achieved. Each of four identical 30-litre aquaria were subjected to one of the following experimental treatments: 1) Plants exposed to a daily photoperiod of 7 hours creating diel oxygen cycling between 10 and 120 %Saturation. This mimics the conditions encountered in natural macrophyte assemblages located in wetlands with significant background respiration. This is essentially a control to confirm that the plants can thrive in the experimental tanks if exposed to favourable light and oxygen conditions. 2) Plants kept in complete darkness at dissolved oxygen concentrations between 20 and 30 %Saturation. In many places these oxygen levels would be considered to constitute severely hypoxic conditions; however, 20 to 30 %Saturation levels are typical of the concentrations encountered in the mid-depths of local wetlands during periods of stagnation and throughout most of the water column in the aftermath of flow events. Accordingly, by local standards, these conditions could be described as being moderately hypoxic. 3) A tank of water exposed to complete darkness and low oxygen concentrations. This is a control tank used to determine background respiration levels due to organisms suspended in the water column. 4) Plants kept in complete darkness under severely hypoxic conditions (dissolved oxygen < 5 %Saturation). This treatment simulates the conditions that frequently occur in the hypolimnion of most wetlands deeper than 1 to 2 m (depending on size and location, etc.). Monitoring in Lagoon Creek (Herbert floodplain) has demonstrated that a hypolimnion of this kind can form at a depth of less than 1.0 m even during the falling stages of a storm hydrograph (i.e., long before the lagoons stagnate). Moreover, on occasions, anoxia can persist throughout most of the water column for periods of several days to weeks. Research conducted in the Burdekin wetlands has demonstrated that Water Hyacinth mats can also create dark severely hypoxic conditions similar to those employed in this treatment. Plant material was obtained from the Aplin’s weir section of the Ross River in Townsville and immediately placed in the tanks (1, 2 & 4) along with sufficient plant nutrient to sustain the plants for the duration of the experiment. Approximately the same biomass of plant material was carefully placed in each tank (1, 2 & 4) with minimal sediment resuspension and an initial metabolism test performed on all four tanks. Metabolism tests involved placing samples of aquaria water and plant (when present) from each tank in clear glass Winkler bottles and then determining oxygen evolution and consumption rates during alternative periods of photosynthesis (20 minutes) and dark respiration (30 minutes). This was done by determining oxygen concentrations in each bottle (using a WTW CellOx 325 combined DO and temperature probe) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 88 before and after it was placed either within a photosynthesis chamber (equipped with two (2) Sun-Glo full spectrum aquarium lamps) or in a dark respiration chamber. After the completion of each test the sample water was returned to the respective tank and the oven-dry weight of the plant material determined. The tests were performed in triplicate on samples collected from each tank every 1-2 days until practically all the viable plant material had disappeared from tanks 2 and 4. D4.3 Results The results of the oxygen production/consumption tests are shown in Figures D4-1 and D4-2. These figures show the mean and standard errors of the three replicate tests performed on each day. The plants contained in tank 1 remained viable throughout the experiment and were actively producing new biomass from day one. Some variation in the oxygen production and consumption rate plots can be seen (Figures D4-1 and D4-2 respectively) but averages of about 200 and 25 mg O2/minute/ kg of oven-dry plant material were obtained. In tank 2, which was subjected to moderately hypoxic conditions, the plants survived for a period of 31 days before they totally disintegrated. Prior to this the plants went through stages of yellowing (after about 10 days) and fragmentation (after about 20 days) indicating that they were under severe stress. The oxygen production/consumption plots (Figures D4-1 & D4-2) show that the plant photosynthetic performance decreased after about 10 days and gradually declined (with a slight recovery seen at 25 days) to about half the peak after 31 days. Importantly it was found that the plant fragments (even after 31 days) were still capable of significant photosynthesis and were able to recover if exposed to sufficient light. Respiration stayed relatively constant during the initial stages of the experiment (up to 20 days) then gradually increased in the final stages indicating that significant microbial decomposition was occurring. In tank 4, which was subjected to severely hypoxic conditions, the plants survived for a period of 21 days before they fragmented and then disappeared. The plants underwent the same visible stress reactions as the plants in tank 2 but the timeframes were shorter. The yellowing started after only 7 days and fragmentation occurred after about 13 days. A rapid fall in the photosynthetic response occurred after 13 days (see Figure D4-1) with a net negative value recorded on the 21st day indicating that the respiration within the bottle exceeded photosynthesis. D4.4 Summary and Conclusion From the results of this experiment we have been able to estimate in broad terms the length of time that Ceratophyllum can remain viable when subjected to conditions of little or no light, and depressed oxygen levels – conditions that occur regularly in freshwater floodplain habitats. This experiment was designed to give us an understanding of the ability of this submerged plant species to survive such conditions. We examined the photosynthetic and respiratory responses of plant samples, to brief periods of exposure to bright light and total darkness, to determine the point at which plant viability was affected. At 27oC in dark anoxic conditions this species of plant is able to survive without detectable loss of physiological condition for about seven days. Signs of stress in the form of progressive yellowing, fragmentation and reduced photosynthetic response developed from this time on. After 21 days practically all plant material had either disappeared or decomposed to a severe degree and fragments were no longer capable of recovery. In dark and hypoxic conditions the plants maintained physiological condition for a period of 10 days, after which time photosynthetic response dropped off and plants began to yellow. Plants began to fragment (after 20 days) and after 31 days little viable plant material remained. These conditions of low light and oxygen availability are typical of those that occur in many local wetland systems particularly in deeper sections and/or in the aftermath of runoff events. An important finding of this experiment was that Ceratophyllum remains viable until almost all of its biomass has completely decomposed and is therefore capable of rapid regeneration if sufficient light levels are restored in the interim. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 89 Figure D4 – 1: Photosynthesis oxygen production of Ceratophyllum samples. Oxygen Production, mg O2/min/kg oven-dry plant Tank 1: Normal Conditions 300 250 200 150 100 Good plant health maintained throughout the experiment 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Day Number Oxygen Production, mg O2/min/kg oven-dry plant Tank 2: Hypoxic Conditions 300 250 Plant expiry after 31 days 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 30 35 Day Number Oxygen Production, mg O2/min/kg oven-dry plant Tank 4: Anoxic Conditions 300 250 Plant expiry after 21 days 200 150 100 50 0 -50 0 5 10 15 20 25 Day Number Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 90 Figure D4 – 2: Respiratory oxygen consumption of Ceratophyllum samples. Oxygen Consumption, mg O2/min/kg oven-dry plant Tank 1: Normal Conditions 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 25 30 35 25 30 35 Day Number Oxygen Consumption, mg O2/min/kg oven-dry plant Tank 2: Hypoxic Conditions 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 Day Number Oxygen Consumption, mg O2/min/kg oven-dry plant Tank 4: Anoxic Conditions 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 Day Number Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 91 APPENDIX E. EXAMPLES OF CATCHMENT CLASSIFICATION OR TYPOLOGY Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 92 E1 DRAFT TYPOLOGY FOR RIVERINE WETLANDS IN THE BURDEKIN CATCHMENT Table E1.1 lists reaches that have been provisionally allocated to one of four major types. E1.1 Type 1 Reaches Most type 1 watercourses in the Burdekin generally rise in rainforested coastal ranges that generate large quantities of exceptionally high quality runoff. Rainfall intensity, duration and frequency are far greater in these upland subcatchments than in any other part of the Burdekin catchment. Precipitation is distinctly seasonal, peaking during summer months, but even in the dry season there is usually enough rainfall to ensure that headwater streams are virtually perennial and that flow spates are not rare. In low-order rainforest stream subtypes suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations streams can rise to 100-500mg/L very briefly during the peak of a flood event but levels decline rapidly on the falling stage of the hydrograph, seldom exceeding 20mg/L once rainfall ceases. SPM contains an unusually high proportion of organic (humic) material and appears to be dominated by silt-sized particles which settle rapidly in calm waters. Soil throughflows contain exceptionally low SPM concentrations (<1mg/L) and are low in nutrients (total nitrogen <150µg/L; total phosphorus <10µg/L). Additionally, the productivity of receiving streams is light-limited (preventing phytoplankton growth) and bottom substrata are very coarse-textured (i.e. contain few readily suspendable particles), consequently low flows are often exceptionally clear, attaining underwater visibilities in excess of 20 metres. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 93 Table E1.1: Preliminary classification of reaches based on hydrological regimes Type 1 2 Characteristics • Baseflows from rainforest streams are adequate to displace most lowland surface runoff prior to stagnation • Numerous permanent waterholes (often small) • Upper reaches virtually perennial • • • 3 • • 4 • • Ephermeral Few permanent waterholes Insufficient baseflow to displace surface runoff from semi-permanent and ephemeral waterholes Streams contain large permanent pools (instream waterholes and/or off-channel lakes) that are maintained by ground water Two distinct classes a) Baseflow adequate to displace surface runoff b) Baseflow inadequate to displace surface runoff Artificially supplemented baseflows create perennial flow conditions Includes irrigation water distributaries and irrigation tailwater drains. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research Location/Reach North-East • Upper Burdekin (above Valley of Lagoons) • Michael Ck • Running R. • Star R. • Keelbottom Ck South-East • Broken R. • Urannah Ck. • Grant Ck. • Emu Ck. North • Dry River North-East • Douglas Ck Western • Gray Ck • Clarke R. • Maryville Ck • Upper Lolworth Ck. South-East • Broughton R. • Rollston R. • Campaspe R. • Upper Cape R. • Warrigal Ck • Amelia Ck. North • Wyandotte Ck? • Reedy Brook Ck • Valley of Lagoons • Fanning R. West • Upper Broken (Clarke) R. • Basalt R. • Clarke River (headwaters only) • Lower Lolworth Ck • Toomba Ck • Fletcher Ck • Lower Cape R. South • Lower Belyando R.? • Lower Mistake Ck? • Lower Suttor R.? • Burdekin R. below BFD Coastal Floodplain • Sheepstation Ck • Plantation Ck • Saltwater Ck (Inkerman) • Cassidy Ck • Barratta Ck. 94 The lowland reaches of the Type 1 tributary streams listed in Table E1.1 benefit tremendously from the dilution, dispersion and flushing capacity provided by flows from the low-order rainforest streams in their headwaters. Rains in the lowland catchment areas are brief and infrequent, therefore the poorer quality runoff from these watersheds is almost inevitably displaced by the much more persistent flows of high quality water from the mountains. Channel scouring and bank erosion in the lower reaches cause increases in turbidity and nutrient concentrations but water quality is still far better than in most other inland streams. In the aftermath of very large-scale rain events (eg the exceptionally wet months associated with Cyclone Joy) baseflows can be sustained for a year or more, but in most years surface flows cease by the middle of the dry season. In these more typical years lowland stream reaches fragment into a series of relatively small waterholes that often contain relatively high quality water. Permanent water holes of this kind are the only reliable refugia for aquatic life during prolonged dry spells and provide habitat types that are poorly represented in the main river, hence they have high conservation significance. These types of streams are very efficiently scoured by storm flows which leave behind clean bottom sediments that are seldom finer than medium sand and which contain little bioactive organic matter of any kind – living or dead. Hence events of this kind ostensibly reset the aquatic ecosystem and mark the beginning of a recovery period that involves numerous successional changes in both the ecological community and water quality. Recovery may take many months to several years depending on the severity of the flood event and the length of the ensuing dry spell. The key features of these successional changes are summarised in the following points: • • • • • • • • • • • Water quality is generally at its best when pools first become isolated. Instream benthic biomass and productivity are minimal after a major storm flow. Salinity levels rise over time but changes are independent of evaporation suggesting that there are still significant flows of water through the basal sands. This indicates that the waterholes can have much higher dilution and dispersion capacity than their size might otherwise suggest. During prolonged periods of baseflow fine sediments (which form a thin layer over the coarse basal sands) and coarse particulate organic matter (eg leaf litter) are deposited on the benthos, leading to the gradual establishment of benthic heterotroph communities (microbes, macroinvertebrates, etc.). Over time decreased water depth and increased clarity gradually enable benthic autotrophs (plants) to become established. The quality of water in isolated pools is governed by instream biophysical processes that are driven by very localised, site-specific factors. Consequently, consecutive waterholes in the same stream reach can develop strikingly different water quality characteristics if they are of different sub-types. Water quality may be adversely affected by small, localised events and especially congregations of livestock and other animals. The probability of such events occurring increases substantially with time until flows are re-established. Waterholes usually become isolated while the catchment is still relatively green and numerous ephemeral drinking sources are still available to terrestrial animals, hence animals tend to be dispersed widely During dry spells waterholes gradually lose dilution capacity and accumulate biomass. Re-aeration rates fall to low levels, reaching a minimum in sub-types characterised by low surface area to volume ratios and/or low wind exposure. Even in sub-types with high surface areas, windy conditions and significant wind fetches are often required to achieve re-aeration rates high enough to compensate for respiratory oxygen consumption. At the same time oxygen consumption rates approach a maximum, hence dissolved oxygen concentrations are often low and are heavily reliant upon the production of oxygen by submerged plants. This makes the waterholes naturally susceptible to acute impacts from instream disturbances. (For example resuspension of bottom sediments by wading animals can rapidly increase turbidity to the point where in-stream oxygen production ceases and aquatic animals die of asphyxiation). The frequent prolonged dry spells that increase the vulnerability of aquatic habitats to localised disturbances also affect the catchment. Pasture grasses dry out, (increasing the water requirements of livestock), temporary drinking water supplies disappear and terrestrial animals are forced into riparian areas in the vicinity of permanent watering points. This results in an exponential increase in livestock pressure around permanent waterholes at the time of the year when the water bodies are least able to cope. Waterholes are particularly vulnerable to the development of water quality problems during hot, dry summer months (due to high productivity rates and thermal stratification of the water column). These conditions also increase the water requirements of animals so there is an attendant increase in livestock pressure. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 95 • Rain events that occur before baseflows have been re-established can induce major, often catastrophic, water quality deterioration because waterholes retain very poorly diluted runoff from the local watershed. This is a major source of between-site water quality variations in– the probability of such an event occurring at particular sites must be taken into consideration when conducting between site comparisons. Intrinsic differences in natural runoff quality (dependent on catchment topography and lithology etc) must also be taken into account, but in practice some factors are more important than others. For instance the proportion of dispersible clays and colloids in catchment soils can have a larger bearing on turbidity outcomes than the total erosion potential (silts and coarser suspended sediments settle, so turbidity does not persist if these are the dominant suspensoids contained in runoff). For example, available data indicate that conventionally tilled farms are a major source of SPM losses (i.e. a major source of sediment export), while trash blanketed cane-fields have much lower total sediment yields. However, trash blanketed fields retard runoff and preferentially yield fine dispersible sediment. Consequently runoff entering receiving waters from blanketed farms on the tail of the hydrograph can (perhaps ironically) contain higher and more persistent turbidity levels than runoff from tilled farms. Similarly the potential for serious oxygen sags to result from effects other than turbidity changes is dependent on the amounts of bio-available organic matter in the catchment soils. • These problems can occur in pristine environments but are much more common and severe in grazing areas especially when livestock and/or feral animals are allowed to congregate in the riparian zone, and in irrigated farming areas where tailwaters are discharged into sluggish or stagnant streams. The total quantities of sediment and nutrient retained within tributary streams and waterholes are negligible compared to the quantities that pass through them during high flow periods, and the amounts of contaminant required to induce major episodic or periodic water quality problems in vulnerable waterbodies are even lower. This is particularly true of livestock excrement which exerts significant oxygen demand and only needs to be present in very small amounts to exacerbate natural hypoxia problems. • The maintenance of natural aquatic ecosystems in these streams is reliant on the provision of swift flows with adequate power to reset the ecosystem (by flushing out biomass and fine sediments), and frequent, relatively prolonged inputs of high quality baseflows from the rainforested headwaters. Regulation of the upstream reaches of such systems clearly has the potential to adversely affect both of these attributes. The only existing dams of this type in the Burdekin catchment (Paluma and Eungella) are relatively small and are located high enough in the system to ensure that measurable impacts on natural stream hydrology are confined to a few relatively small stream reaches. It would however, be extremely difficult to construct larger dams on higher order streams in these systems without significantly impacting upon downstream reaches. Even if releases from the dam were used to artificially supplement baseflow it is highly unlikely that the quality of the impounded water would be high enough to serve as an adequate substitute for natural flows. The dam waters would almost certainly develop thermal, oxic and chemical stratification during summer months. Surface waters would be exposed to sunlight and would be significantly warmer than normal for shaded rainforest streams. They would be much more biologically active and would contain elevated concentrations of plankton, nutrients and potentially, cyano-bacteria. Deeper waters would almost certainly be anoxic and contain even higher concentrations of bioavailable nutrients, organic carbon, dissolved metals and potentially, viable phytoplankton. Such water would not offer the same dilution capacity as natural baseflows, and would be likely to stimulate entirely unnatural ecological processes, and consequently, further water quality changes. In Type 1 lowland streams, long term ambient water quality is largely dependent on the condition of the upper catchment and local riparian environments; the condition of the greater catchment is much less relevant in this regard. Stormwaters on the other hand, can originate from any watershed in the catchment so during storms water quality depends more on overall catchment condition. The vast majority of the contaminants exported to downstream environments are mobilised during brief but intense storm events. These flow through the receiving stream so rapidly that they are seldom of consequence to the freshwater ecosystem, provided that acutely harmful conditions do not develop. (Acute episodic water quality effects are too complex to summarise here, but are discussed in other sections of this report). In fact it is common to find that stream reaches that maintain good water quality most of the time, do so largely because the contaminants contained in poor quality stormwaters are flushed away so efficiently. Hence many of the tributaries and reaches that have been identified as high risk with respect to their capacity to transport fine sediments to the sea (for example by CSIRO’s Sednet model) have a somewhat paradoxical tendency to maintain good water quality most of the time (except briefly during storm events). Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 96 E1.2 Type 2 Reaches Type 2 streams sustain negligible baseflows and consequently contain very few permanent or even semipermanent aquatic habitats. A few drought-resistant waterholes, which are presumably surface expressions of locally developed ground water tables, persist in a few places (for example two locations on the Rollston River and four in the lower Campaspe River). The importance of these as refugia for aquatic organisms is unknown, however, they are rare aquatic habitats and arguably deserve protection on that basis alone. The water quality of such habitats has not yet been studied in detail but it is currently assumed that these few small reaches will behave similarly to Type 3b streams. In many respects Type 2 streams function as biologically inert drains that intermittently discharge pulses of quite concentrated stormwater from their respective subcatchments. The ways in which streams of this type contribute to downstream water quality are dependent on the timing and intensity of rain events in their respective catchments relative to others. Most of the larger Type 2 streams drain relatively dry catchment areas and do not flow as frequently as Type 1 systems. Many drain watersheds with bare erodible soils that are subject to severe gully erosion, so the quantities of sediment discharged when they do flow, can be substantial. On rare occasions, especially during drought years, individual inland catchments of this kind may receive localised rainfall while the rest of the catchment remains dry. In such cases discharges from type 2 streams enter the river while it is at low baseflow and poor quality stormwaters may remain in the river and estuary long enough to affect ambient water quality and ecosystems condition. However, Type 2 streams are much more likely to flow during wet season months when other wetter catchment areas are already generating swift flows. Historically, contaminants delivered to the river system at such times would have been flushed downstream to the sea quite rapidly. There is little doubt that this still occurs in the Bowen/Broken catchment but the fate of the stormwater contaminants that currently enter the river upstream of the BFD is less certain. Much of the sediment and nutrient mobilised by small/localised storm events, especially those that occur when the dam is below FSL, will remain in the freshwater system. These will contribute to the persistent turbidity in the dam (which tends to act as a very large type 3b waterbody). However, our observations indicate that the vast majority of the fine sediment discharged during large storm events pass through the dam without being trapped. This contention is not currently supported by CSIRO’s Sednet model which predicts that 90% of the fine sediment carried into the dam will be trapped there. (This model has not yet been calibrated for the Burdekin and the authors note that the trapping capacity of the dam may have been over estimated). It will not be possible to confidently identify the main sources of sediment and nutrient exports to the marine environment until this discrepancy is resolved. E1.3 Type 3 Reaches Type 3 stream reaches have not been as well studied as Type 1 and are considerably more diverse. Consequently, many sub-types will need to be identified. They include a few streams such as Toomba Creek and the lower parts of Lolworth Creek that receive sufficient inputs of ground water (from the Chudleigh Basalts) to flow perennially; however, most systems of this type eventually stop flowing and retract into a series of permanent instream waterholes and/or off-channel lakes. The quality of water retained within such systems depends on the capacity of baseflows to dilute and disperse surface runoff which, because it is generated from (often disturbed) lowland catchments, is generally turbid and of relatively poor quality compared to other potential water sources. Type 3a systems receive sufficient baseflow to displace stormwater runoff before surface flows cease, hence water quality directly reflects the quality of the aquifers from which baseflows originate. When the water comes from basalt (or limestone, as is the case in the upper reaches of Broken River in the Clarke River catchment) this water can be expected to be quite clear and moderately saline by local surface water standards (conductivity 250 to 800 µs/cm). These waters have some capacity to slowly flocculate fine sediments and this helps reduce the persistence of the turbidity that inevitably results if bottom sediments are disturbed. By contrast, in cases where flows originate from lower salinity sources, (eg shallow alluvial aquifers) the water starts out clear but can rapidly become turbid and remain that way for long periods if bottom sediments are disturbed (for example, by wading livestock). Low baseflow (Type 3b) systems such as upper Fanning River and the lower reaches of Cape River (with its associated floodplain wetlands) are not capable of completely displacing surface runoff and hence seldom Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 97 achieve the very high water quality levels that are evident in many Type 1 systems at the beginning of the dry season. Nevertheless, ground water throughput can be sufficient to gradually dilute and/or exchange the water retained in permanent waterholes so that by the end of prolonged dry spells, they can potentially contain better quality water than many Type 1 systems. Waterholes in Type 3 systems experience post-flood successions that are similar to those discussed for Type 1 systems, but the following differences exist: • • • • Type 3 waterholes generally have superior ground water throughput. This provides higher dilution making them less vulnerable to adverse effects from localised contaminant inputs and/or instream disturbances. Channel scouring is not usually as efficient as it is in Type 1 and 2 systems so significant benthic biomass and fine sediment may still be present after storms. Interactions between water quality and biota can therefore be significant even during the falling limb of the storm hydrograph. Background water quality (i.e. in the absence of instream and riparian influences) is subject to greater spatial variability than equivalent Type 1 systems due to the natural diversity of ground water sources. By contrast, long term temporal variations tend to be less pronounced because biophysical conditions do not fluctuate as severely as they do in many Type 1 systems. In situations where waterholes are sustained entirely by ground waters, it is not uncommon for salinity to rise to levels as high as 1500 µS/cm. (In rare cases isolated waterholes in the vicinity of mineralised ground water formations may develop conductivities in excess of 6,000 µs/cm. However, effects are very localised and will not be discussed here.) Our field observations suggest that conductivity levels up to 1500µs/cm do not greatly affect the aquatic fauna in this region. However, it does seem likely that salinity changes of this kind would play a significant role in determining which aquatic plant species become dominant. (Note that regional survey data often show strong correlations between conductivity and macroinvertebrate community structure, but our research suggests that this is an artefact created by the even stronger correlations between flow and conductivity). There is also usually a concomitant increase in water hardness whenever salinities rise, and (because hardness promotes flocculation) sediment settling rates often increase accordingly. The resulting improvement in water clarity stimulates plant growth, further complicating the relationships between salinity and plant community dynamics. Since they occur mainly in drier catchments, Type 3 systems can generally be expected to export stormwaters to downstream environments less frequently and efficiently than Type 1 streams. The Belyando/Suttor system is not sufficiently well understood to be able to confidently propose a water quality model at this stage. It is understood that due to its low relief and the existence of extensive inland floodplains, this system has a much less peaky hydrograph and significantly lower contaminant transport capacity than the Burdekin River. The system is known to be chronically turbid but it is uncertain if this is a natural condition. We suspect that it may be, because the combined effects of low sediment transport capacity, low baseflow and low conductivity water (all natural features) would be expected to create conditions where fine sediments are not flushed from the system and cannot settle (due to lack of flocculation). For similar reasons, we speculate that the Belyando River may be much more vulnerable to certain anthropogenic impacts than most rivers in the Burdekin catchments. (The chronic turbidity of the Belyando system has often been attributed to the existence of dispersible clays and colloids in catchment soils but our research indicates that the composition of suspended sediments entering the BFD from the Burdekin and Bellyando/Suttor arms of the impoundment on the tail of storm hydrographs are remarkably similar, and that the total concentrations in the Burdekin arm are sometimes higher than the Belyando arm – this evidence supports the contention that detention of stormwater is a more important determinant of ambient water quality outcomes than stormwater quality per se) At this stage it is appears that most aquatic habitats in this catchment would be Type 3b systems that are maintained by very low throughputs of low salinity ground water, but this assumption needs to be tested. The lower reaches of the Belyando River, Mistake Creek and Suttor River support an extensive network of large permanent waterholes and off-channel wetlands. These aquatic habitats in particular demand research attention. E1.4 Type 4 Reaches Type 4 systems comprise waterways that were once mixtures of Types 1, 2 and/or 3, but which now maintain artificially elevated baseflows due to constant inputs of irrigation water from the BFD. The Burdekin River Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 98 main channel and irrigation water distributaries on the floodplain, exhibit water quality characteristics that are uniformly similar to the BFD. The water is reasonably good in quality except that it is usually undesirably turbid, but the lack of spatial and temporal water quality variability has contributed to a loss of aquatic habitat diversity. The ecological condition of the main channel has not been examined in great detail but current indications are that the artificial water quality regime is capable of sustaining a functional, albeit significantly altered, ecosystem. This is not the case in floodplain distributaries such as Sheepstation and Plantation Creek. Here the aquatic habitats created by the permanent presence of flowing water have been invaded by massive infestations of floating and emergent aquatic weeds. These have severely de-oxygenated the water, effectively eliminating many dissolved-oxygen-dependent animal species. It is likely that weed invasions of this kind would have occurred regardless of the quality of the water being introduced into these systems (due to the constant presence of water), but there is little doubt that the chronic turbidity of the BFD water has enhanced the competitive success of the invading weeds (all of which are emergent species that can obtain light regardless of water clarity). Moreover, even though the concentrations of nutrients in BFD water are quite moderate, constant inputs of the water provide a virtually inexhaustible nutritional supply for aquatic weeds, making them much more difficult to manage. Experimental projects have demonstrated that water quality suitable for the maintenance of most local aquatic species can be restored if weeds are removed, but it is yet to be determined if these improvements can be maintained in the long term. Notably the hypoxic waters in the rehabilitated parts of these systems rely quite heavily on flow to provide reaeration, and stressful conditions can develop if flows stop. This is a significant management issue because flows currently fall to a minimum when irrigation demand drops off during the onset of rainy weather. At such times cloudy weather also reduces instream oxygen production by plants, so oxygen sags can occur. These might be avoided or at least minimised, by providing an environmental flow allocation to maintain reaeration until adequate stormwater flows are achieved. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 99 APPENDIX F REVIEW OF PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO THE FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO RE-AERATION AND MIXING IN WETLANDS AND THE MODELING AND ESTIMATION OF OXYGEN FLUXES Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 100 F. REVIEW OF PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO THE FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO RE-AERATION AND MIXING IN WETLANDS AND THE MODELING AND ESTIMATION OF OXYGEN FLUXES F1. INTRODUCTION The world literature on the topic of re-aeration and mixing is basically divided into two categories that deal with distinctly different waterbody types. On one hand are the lotic (or flowing) systems such as rivers and streams that are very well mixed that do not stratify readily and are generally very efficient at distributing surface oxygen through the water column. The re-aeration of these systems is primarily a function of flow rate, depth and bed slope. The other category are the lentic (or non-flowing) systems such as lakes, lagoons, reservoirs and palustrine wetlands that are not so efficient at oxygen distribution and which have to rely primarily upon wind and wave action to distribute oxygen to deeper waters. They stratify readily, particularly in areas with high solar irradiance levels and low wind strengths, creating physical barriers (eg. thermoclines or haloclines) to the movement of dissolved oxygen through the water column. In both cases the re-aeration rate (across the air/water interface) is governed by the same mechanism and is basically a function of the difference between the dissolved oxygen concentrations in the surface film and the saturation level. However, it is the transport of this dissolved oxygen away from this surface film to deeper waters that determines the oxygen regime of the water body and the factors that affect this transport (or mixing) is the main focus of this review. F2. Lotic Systems Atkinson, J.F., Blair, S., Taylor, S. and Ghosh, U. (1995) Surface aeration. In Journal of Environmental Engineering, 121, No. 1, pp. 113-118. An analytical approach to calculating the surface oxygen flux is presented that enables the modeling of DO in a density-stratified river. A two-dimensional (vertical plane) model is used that is based on a twofilm approach that describes the mass transfer process at the air-water interface. This model assumes the presence of two adjacent laminar films in intimate contact (ie. air and water) with the gas transfer being governed by diffusion within these films and relatively well-mixed turbulent zones on either side of these interfaces (see figure below). where: Kh = Henry’s constant; δ = film thickness. The method presented is based on the assumption that the mass flux of oxygen is proportional to the DO deficit within the water body, ie. J = KL(Cs – C) where: J = mass flux; C = DO concentration; Cs = saturated DO concentration; and KL = bulk mass-transfer coefficient. For a mixed water body of depth H, the rate of change of DO due to atmospheric flux is, Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 101 dC A = KL (C s − C ) dt Vol where: A = surface area; Vol = volume = AH. H = water body depth. This method estimates a value for the liquid film thickness δ, because turbulence controls gas transport and the point at which turbulence just starts to be important, compared with molecular diffusion determines the critical film thickness. So the re-aeration coefficient is given by: K2 = Dm K = L δH H where: Dm = molecular diffusivity for DO and the film thickness, δ is estimated to be: ⎛ν 3 H ⎞ δ ≅ A2 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ ⎝ U ⎠ 1 4 where: ν = kinematic viscosity; U = mean velocity; and A2 = a derived co-efficient. Using these equations it is possible to estimate the re-aeration coefficient K2, and then calculate the bulk mass-transfer coefficient KL, which can be used to model the mass flux of oxygen across the air-water interface. So in principle the larger the water film thickness (which is basically a function of depth and mean flow velocity) the lower the flux of oxygen either into or out of the water body. Wilcock, R.J., Nagels, J.W., McBride, G.B.Collier, K.J, Wilson, B.T. and Huser, B.A. (1998) Characterisation of lowland streams using a single-station diurnal curve analysis model with continuous monitoring data for dissolved oxygen and temperature. N.Z. Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 32, pp 67-79. A single-station diurnal curve model, DOFLO (Dissolved Oxygen at Low Flow) was tested on DO and temperature data sets collected over several days from 23 lowland streams in New Zealand. The model produced reach-average values for: • Reaearation coefficient at 20oC, K2(20); • Maximum daily rate of photosynthesis production of oxygen at 20oC, Pmax; • Daily respiration rate at 20oC, R20; and • Ratio of respiration rates10oC apart, Q10. Additionally, 24 hour average estimates for the ratio P/R were also calculated for the sites. The range of values calculated for these stream were: • K2(20) of 0.05-40 d-1 and median of 6.0 d-1; • Pmax of 1.75-86.5 g m-3 d-1 and gross primary production over a day of 0.5-29.2 g m-2 d-1 (calculated from Pmax); • R20 of 3.5-55.0 g m-3 d-1; and • P/R ratios of well below 1 representing heterotrophic systems with higher amounts of respiration compared to photosynthesis. Diurnal curve analysis using DOFLO yields parameter values that describe existing stream conditions at the time of monitoring and also quantify the stream’s potential diurnal DO variation. The DOFLO model assume the diurnal DO is affected by three fundamental processes: re-aeration, plant and bacterial respiration and photosynthesis, ie. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 102 dC = K 2 (C s − C ) + Pi − Ri dt The model assumes homogeneous conditions extending upstream for a distance of at least: 3U where: K2 U = mean stream velocity (m s-1) in the reach; The re-aeration coefficient K2 is calculated from equations that are a function of mean water depth (H) and mean water velocity (U) ie. K 2 ( 20) = 5.61 U H3 The authors suggested that classification of the streams using cluster analysis of the three DOFLO calibration parameters (K2(20), Pmax, R20) utilizing experimental variables such as DOmin and Tmax (see diagram below) gives a method of grouping sites according to similarity of processes affecting their DO. The clusters identified and the features of these systems were: Cluster 1: large diurnal DO ranges with very low re-aeration coefficients (average K2(20) values of 1.1 d1 ); Cluster 2: low re-aeration rates and low values of Pmax and R20; Clusters 3 and 5: high respiration rates balanced by moderate to high re-aeration coefficients; Cluster 4: high re-aeration coefficients and low productivity and respiration rates. Charpra, S.C. and Di Toro, D.M. (1991) Delta method for estimating primary production, respiration and re-aeration in streams. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 117, 5, pp. 640-655. The delta method is a tool used to estimate stream re-aeration, primary productivity and respiration rates on the basis of diurnal dissolved oxygen measurement. Features of the diurnal curve are used to determine (by a graphical method, see figures below) the key DO related parameters detailed below: • The time of minimum deficit (Dmin) (relative to solar noon) is used to estimate the re-aeration rate; • The deficit range (∆) is used with the reaearation rate to predict photosynthetic production; and • _ The average deficit ( D ) can be used in conjunction with the re-aeration rate and production rates to compute respiration rates. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 103 Plant primary productivity and respiration (mg L-1 d-1) versus time. Dissolved oxygen deficit (mg L-1) versus time. Dissolved oxygen concentration (mg L-1) versus time. A series of graphs (detailed in the reference) based on several Fourier series solutions are then used to calculate the re-aeration and photosynthesis rates for the stream, while the equation: _ R= Pav +ka D , is then used to calculate the respiration rate. A serious limitation of the method is that it is assumed that photosynthesis can be adequately represented as a half-sinusoid. As such this method is not appropriate for streams that are shaded for any time during the day due to overcast conditions and/or riparian/bank shading. Other assumptions are that stream temperatures are constant and longitudinal oxygen gradients are negligible (ie. a uniform distribution of plants upstream of the diurnal monitoring station). The assumption of constant temperature and therefore respiration is entirely unrealistic in the dry and wet-dry tropics. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 104 McBride, G. (2002) Calculating stream re-aeration coefficients from oxygen profiles. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 128, 4, pp. 384-386. This paper builds on the work of DiToro (1991) by presenting an alternative method of determining the re-aeration coefficent ka(20). A logistic curve is fitted to the numerical solution developed by DiToro that enables direct calculation of the stream re-aeration rate, ie: k a ( 20) ⎡ 5.31η − φ ⎤ = 7.48ϕ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ ηφ ⎦ 0.85 withϕ = 1.0241 20 −T ⎡f ⎤ andη = ⎢ ⎥ ⎣14 ⎦ 0.75 where: ϕ = temperature correction factor; η = photoperiod correction factor; φ = time lag of minimum deficit relative to solar noon (hr); f = photoperiod (hr); and T = water temperature (oC). This equation can be used to estimate the stream re-aeration coefficient given only the time lag, photoperiod duration and daily average water temperature. Wilcock, R.J. (1988) Study of river re-aeration at different flow rates. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 114, 1, pp. 91-105. A study was performed in a fast-flowing, turbulent river in New Zealand to assess the effect that varying flow rates had on the measured re-aeration coefficient. A gas tracer method (methyl chloride with rhodamine WT used to correct for dispersion and other dilution effects and to calculate time of travel) was used to measure the re-aeration coefficient (K2) using a number of equations that are temperature dependent. The figure shows how the re-aeration coefficient varies with temperature for this river. The upper curve is fitted to measurements made at ambient temperature and the lower curve is fitted to data corrected to 20oC. The equation of this lower curve is: K2(20) = 22.4Q-0.324 where Q is the river flow rate. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 105 G3. Lentic Systems Imberger, J. (1987) Hydrodynamics of lakes, Australian Water and Wastewater Association, Technical paper, pp. 401-423. A brief review of the dynamic processes operating in a lake or reservoir is given that is focused on the factors that influence their thermal structure. Australian lakes generally stratify in spring and over summer since the potential energy loss induced by the heating at the surface far exceeds the mechanical energy introduced by the wind. Seasonal stratification in lakes can be disturbed in several ways, including: • The diurnal mixed layer (surface layer) is influenced by the daily weather changes in temperature. Vertical mixing is enhanced by the surface waters cooling during the night and plunging to a depth of neutral buoyancy thus deepening the surface layer (the layer in which there is active mixing) until solar heating re-commences early in the morning. • Barotropic and baroclinic waves are produced when wind stress at the surface is transmitted through the mixed layer and acts to set up a series of basin seiches or oscillations. On the commencement of a wind event the water body is deformed and must suddenly resist a surface stress. This disturbance is transmitted through the mixed layer and may cause a range of different waves (barotropic/baroclinic, Kelvin, Poincare, shelf and surface waves). These waves set the fluid into motion so that, on average, the stresses imposed by the wind are balanced by friction and advective inertia, ie. a steady circulation is generated. • For strong winds seiche oscillations may actually cause water from some depth to surface or upwell (see figure below). Wind induced thermocline tilting occurs and as it proceeds the thermocline spreads at the upwind end and compresses at the downwind end. At the upwelling end water from some depth is exposed to the turbulence induced by the wind, which mixes it with the remaining surface water. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 106 • • • The heat capture at the surface of a lake is often uneven causing differential heating and cooling to occur. This can cause longitudinal temperature gradients to occur, particularly in shallow sidearms and embayments were waters change temperature more rapidly due to their smaller depth and volume. These gradients can cause sizable water exchanges to occur between these shallow zones and the main body of the lake. The differential adsorption of the waters caused by variations in clarity can cause patches of warmer water surrounded by cooler water (see figure below). This causes mixing to occur whereby deeper water is constantly circulated to the surface. Other circulations include: differential deepening of the thermocline by inconsistent wind stresses, internal waves that propogate randomly throughout the density stratified portions of the water column, internal mixing in the hypolimnion, boundary mixing close to the extremities of the lake and intrusion, inflow and outflow generated disturbances. All these compounding factors interact to produce a very complex mixing regime that is impossible to fully predict. Florida Lakewatch (2001) A beginner’s guide to water management-lake morphometry. Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Florida, Part 4, pp. 20-28. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 107 The movement of water (or mixing), caused by wind effects, is explored as well as the role of lake morphometry. Wind travelling across a water surface creates underwater currents that tend to move water particles horizontally through the water column. At the same time, water particles are being distributed in an irregular swirling motion known as turbulence. When waves are created they cause circular movement of water particles (see figure below). The radius of the orbits gets smaller as they move downward and become negligible at a depth of about one-half the wavelength (mixing depth) or Zmix=0.5L. The longer the fetch length the greater the wavelengths and wave heights and hence greater the mixing depth. Similarly, the greater the wind speed the greater the mixing depth. There is potential for bottom sediment resuspension if the mixing depth is greater than the water depth. The table below was presented that can be used to determine the mixing depth (ft) given a fetch length (ft) and wind velocity (miles/hr). This table was produced using the wave theory above and standard engineering equations. A quick method of estimating the impact of wave mixing on a whole lake was also presented which involves the calculation of the dynamic ratio,ie, Dynamic ratio (DR) = square root of the lake area (km2)/lake mean depth (m). Lakes with DR >0.8 were subject to wave disturbance at all areas of the lakebed at least some of the time while lakes with DR<0.8 showed linear decrease in areas disturbed at one time or another. For example if Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 108 the ratio were 0.4, only about 50% of the lakebed would be disturbed at one time or another. This relationship was found to occur during a study in Florida lakes and it is not clear whether it would be valid elsewhere and in smaller waterbodies. Also the calculation assumes that the lake does not contain significant amounts of aquatic plants (which would reduce the degree of disturbance by wave action). Robertson, D.M., Imberger, J. and Boland, K. (1990) Lake number, an indicator of reservoir mixing: a water quality management tool. Water, pp. 29-33. The lake number (LN) approach was developed to enable an easily measured parameter to be calculated that reflects the dynamic physical behavior of density-stratified lakes and reservoirs and which can be used to predict changes in specific water quality parameters. It is defined as the ratio of moments about the center of volume of the water body of the stabilizing force of gravity to the destabilizing force supplied by wind stress. Changes in the lake number correlate to changes in deep water dissolved oxygen, iron and manganese concentrations and surface chlorophyll concentrations in two Australian (Western Qld) and one USA lake. The equations used to calculate LN are as below. ⎛ Z ⎞ gS t ⎜⎜1 − t ⎟⎟ ⎝ Zm ⎠ LN = ⎛ Zg ρ o u* 2 Ao 3 / 2 ⎜⎜1 − ⎝ Zm ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ where: g = gravity; St = Schmidt stability; Zt = thermocline height from bottom; Zm = maximum depth of water body; ρo = water density at surface; u* = friction velocity; Ao = surface area; Zg = height to center of volume of reservoir; St = ∫ Zm 0 ( (z − Z )* A( z ) * ρ ( z ) * dz g u* = 1.612 × 10 −6 * U w ) where: z = depth from bottom; A(z) = area of the lake at depth; ρ(z) = density of the water at depth z. 2 1/ 2 where: Uw = wind velocity at 10m above the water surface. A LN of 1 indicates that the wind is just sufficient to force the thermocline to be deflected to the surface at the upwind end of the lake. For LN >> 1 the stratification will be strong and dominate the wind stress. For LN <<1 the stratification will be weak and mixing through the water column will occur. Hodges, B.R., Imberger, J., Laval, B. and Appt, J. (2000). Modeling the hydrodynamics of stratified lakes. Hydroinformatics 2000 Conference, Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, 23-27 July 2000. The wind, surface thermodynamics and inflow dynamics provide the energy sources for transport, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), internal waves and mixing. A conceptual type model is shown below that encompasses these transport factors associated with wind energy. The energy from the wind and thermodynamics directly influences the TKE and stratification in the upper layer (epilimnion) while indirectly influencing the mixing across the thermocline (metalimnion) through entrainment and generation of internal waves. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 109 Stefan, H.G., Fang, X., Wright, D., Eaton, J.G., and McCormick, J.H. (1995). Simulation of dissolved oxygen profiles in a transparent, dimictic lake. Limnology and Oceanography, 40(1), pp. 105118. A study was performed on a small (6.6 ha), highly transparent and wind sheltered lake in northeastern Minnesota, called Thrush Lake. A deterministic one-dimensional model was developed to simulate vertical dissolved oxygen profiles on a daily basis. The model uses the standard re-aeration equation for calculations of oxygen fluxes and uses the equation of Wanninkhof (1991) for calculations of the bulk surface oxygen transfer velocity, ke, ie: ke = 0.108U101.64(600/Sct)0.5 where: U10 = wind speed 10m above the lake; Sct = Schmidt number of oxygen at the surface water temperature = µ/ρ*Dv; µ = water viscosity; ρ = water density; Dv = diffusivity. Hence the rate of oxygen transfer is a function of these parameters as well lake morphometry, lake trophic state and weather parameters (air temperature, dew point, solar radiation, windspeed and sunshine percentage) and are inputs into the simulation model presented. Ambrosetti, W. and Barbanti, L. (2002). Physical limnology of Italian lakes. Relationships between morphometric parameters, stability and Birgean work. Journal of Limnology, 61(2), pp. 159-167. The relationship between morphometric parameters with maximum stability and maximum Birgean work (quantity of external energy required to produce a certain distribution of density) are analysed for 31 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 110 Italian lakes. It was shown that in deep lakes the depths are more correlated with the stability and fetch length is more correlated with work. In shallow lakes the depths are correlated with both stability and work. Parameters that were considered in the study were: volume, area, maximum depth, mean depth, fetch area (Area1/2), effective fetch (maximum effective fetch + maximum effective width/2), depth of epilimnion, depth of thermocline and other stability related terms (total, chemical, thermal). Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 111 APPENDIX G IMPORTANT BACKGROUND INFORMATION ABOUT DISSOLVED OXYGEN AND ITS BEHAVIOUR IN DRY AND WET-DRY TROPICAL WETLANDS Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 112 G1. IMPORTANT BACKGROUND INFORMATION ABOUT DISSOLVED OXYGEN AND ITS BEHAVIOUR IN DRY AND WET-DRY TROPICAL WETLANDS Reduced dissolved oxygen (DO) availability is by far the most important and widespread water quality issue in tropical wetlands, especially in dry and wet/dry catchments. These systems are naturally prone to the development of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency). Even at relatively pristine reference sites, concentrations of DO rarely exceed 80 %Saturation, and can at times fall to levels low enough to be stressful to some aquatic organisms. This suggests that DO availability has always played some role in determining which biological communities inhabit certain wetlands. Nevertheless, there are also unequivocal indications that wetlands that receive anthropogenic contaminant inputs suffer from much more severe, frequent and prolonged episodes of hypoxia than sites that receive runoff from less disturbed catchments. (See for example the case studies shown in Appendix A and B) Few of the freshwater wetlands that we have surveyed in disturbed coastal catchments to date are capable of supporting the biological communities and ecological values which in our experience are desired by the local community. There is often insufficient oxygen for highly valued fish species such as barramundi and mangrove jack to survive and, even where they can survive, conditions may still be too stressful for them to prosper. Many wetland systems that once provided prime habitat for such highly regarded fishery species are now populated by less valued, hypoxia-tolerant species such as tarpon, gudgeon and eels. Presence of tolerant species can be misleading. During our investigations it has been common for land holders to point to highly visible display of fish activity as evidence that the waterways are healthy. However, tolerant species such as tarpon can survive in low oxygen conditions by gulping air. Tarpon do this by darting rapidly to the surface, creating the visual impression that they are feeding; and it only takes a small number of tarpon to create the impression of high fish abundance, so such displays can be evident even after extensive fish kills. They really only provide evidence that the water is hypoxic, and do not indicate presence of a healthy fish community. Some wetlands can maintain adequate oxygen levels for most of the year and therefore support reasonable populations of DO-dependent fish. If wetlands of this kind experience a catastrophic oxygen sag (due, for example, to inputs of oxygen-demanding organic matter from the catchment) fish kills commonly ensue. Acute mortality events of this kind are relatively rare but they are a highly visible manifestation of existing problems and often attract much attention from the local community. Such events are cause for concern but they also provide some grounds for optimism because they demonstrate that the affected wetlands are capable of maintaining reasonable fish stocks most of the time. This means that managers can achieve useful environmental outcomes by implementing remedial measures to reduce the severity of oxygen sags during particular types of storm events. While this is by no means simple, it is often achievable with existing and emerging technology. Ironically, many of the wetlands that do not currently experience fish kills are of far greater concern and present much more complex challenges to managers because they are simply incapable of sustaining high enough oxygen levels for sensitive species to ever become established. It is particularly worrying that more than half of the wetlands we have surveyed in the Herbert-Burdekin region over the past four years fall into this category, suggesting that the major factor preventing fish kills from occurring is the exclusion of all sensitive fish species (due to poor water quality and/or the existence of physical barriers to recruitment). Dissolved oxygen concentrations are influenced by a range of interdependent natural processes. Our current research on wetland water quality is demonstrating that in slowly flowing waters there are very few, if any, biological, chemical or physical processes that do not ultimately affect oxygen. This means that while dissolved oxygen is a very effective indicator of overall condition, it can also be exceptionally complex to interpret. It is not possible to properly appreciate the ways in which human activities influence the oxygen status, and ultimately the ecological condition of receiving waters, without first becoming familiar with the Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 113 major sources of natural DO variability and some relevant biophysical concepts and terms. These are summarised in the following points. • Oxygen is only slightly soluble in water, and rarely reaches concentrations higher than 14 mg/L in natural waters. The amounts which can be dissolved in the water increase when the temperature and salinity of the water fall, or the barometric pressure in the overlying air rises. A water that contains the maximum amount of oxygen that can be obtained from the overlying air under the prevailing conditions of temperature, salinity and air pressure is said to be saturated and the dissolved oxygen concentration is 100 %Saturation. It is important to understand that even at the saturation point (when no more oxygen from the air can dissolve in the water) there is constant exchange of oxygen between the water and air. However, oxygen moves much more slowly through water than it does through air, unless the water is being vigorously mixed. Therefore, if one of the factors that determines the saturation concentration (e.g., temperature) changes, dissolved oxygen concentration can take a substantial time to adjust. During this adjustment period, concentrations can deviate significantly from saturation. For example, if cool water (capable of holding large amounts of oxygen) is suddenly warmed up, the solubility of oxygen decreases, the saturation concentration falls, and some of the oxygen in the water must escape into the overlying air. However, it can take hours for the oxygen in the bottom of a water body to reach the overlying air and, until this happens, concentrations in the water will be higher than 100 %Saturation. This water is said to be supersaturated with oxygen. The reverse happens when temperatures fall: oxygen enters the water from the air and concentrations remain below saturation until the oxygen is distributed through the entire water volume. In this case the water is said to be under-saturated. • The above processes occur in water bodies that heat up during the day and cool down at night. Hence cyclical daily fluctuations are evident in many natural water bodies. This is referred to as diel cycling (i.e., over 24 hours; note that “diurnal” is sometimes incorrectly used in this context, but “diurnal” refers to daylight hours only – cf. “nocturnal”). • Most field meters can read oxygen concentrations as both mg/L (sometimes referred to as parts per million or PPM) and %Saturation. If the water temperature, salinity and barometric pressure are known, either of these can be calculated from the other. There is confusion in the literature regarding which is the better measure to employ in water quality investigations. In practice both measures are needed to fully interpret data, but %Saturation is the most readily interpreted and ecologically relevant of the two. It is the saturation level that directly indicates how much oxygen is available for aquatic organisms to breathe, not the amount that is dissolved in the water. As a rule of thumb, a fish in water that is 100% saturated with oxygen is able to gain access to an amount of oxygen equivalent to that in the overlying air. If the concentration falls to 50 %Saturation then it can only obtain half the amount of oxygen that is in present in the overlying air. The mg/L concentrations of dissolved oxygen required to achieve these saturation levels vary enormously, particularly with temperature, so results expressed in terms of mg/L are much more difficult to interpret. (Technically minded readers should note that it is the partial pressure of oxygen in the water that is of primary concern. At saturation the partial pressure in the water is equal to that in the thin layer of moisture-saturated air at the surface boundary layer. Meters that read partial pressure are available and are widely used in some scientific disciplines, but they are not generally used in water quality investigations). • There is confusion in the water quality literature regarding the significance of the reduced solubility of oxygen in warm waters, and it is not uncommon to encounter statements suggesting that this is the reason oxygen levels are low in tropical waters. Such statements are misleading because, while warm tropical waters do usually tend to be under-saturated in oxygen, this has little to do with the solubility of oxygen. The lower solubility of oxygen in warm water simply means that less oxygen needs to dissolve in the water in order to achieve any particular saturation level and it is the saturation level that determines how much oxygen is available to organisms in the water. The fact that more oxygen can dissolve in cold water is not an indication that there is more oxygen available for animals to breathe, but rather that much more oxygen must dissolve in the water in order for animals to be able to breathe. This is evidenced by the fact that asphyxiation (death due to lack of Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 114 • oxygen) occurs at quite similar saturation levels in both cold and warm water fish even though the mg/L concentrations at which this occurs are much higher for the cold water species. All aerobic organisms consume oxygen when they breathe (a process called aerobic respiration). Some fully aquatic organisms breathe air but most extract dissolved oxygen from the water they live in. Consequently, natural bodies of water that contain many aquatic organisms constantly consume oxygen. The amounts of oxygen consumed depend, in part, on the total mass of organisms (i.e. biomass) respiring in the water. In many water bodies this biomass comprises mainly microscopic organisms (microbes) that live either in the water column or in the bottom sediments. Submerged aquatic plants (including planktonic algae) can also occur in very large quantities in some wetlands and these also contribute to the total oxygen consumption of the system. (Emergent and floating plants obtain oxygen mainly from the air and do not directly contribute to oxygen consumption in the water. They do, however, provide habitat and sustenance for other organisms which do consume DO from water). • The total amount of oxygen consumed by all the organisms in a water body is sometimes referred to as its biological oxygen demand. This should not be confused with the water analysis term, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), which refers to the amount of oxygen consumed by a sample of water when it is subjected to a standardised laboratory incubation test. The BOD test measures only one of many factors that contribute to overall biological oxygen demand. • Plants that are exposed to adequate sunlight take up carbon dioxide and transform it into sugars during photosynthesis. This process produces oxygen as a by-product. Emergent and floating plants generally release oxygen into the air but all submerged plants (and photosynthesising microbes) release oxygen directly into the surrounding water. Since photosynthesis can only occur during daylight hours this can result in enormous DO fluctuations, with plants producing much more oxygen than they consume during the day, and consuming oxygen at night. The resulting diel cycling of DO concentrations is usually much more pronounced than the cycling induced by temperature variations, and in extreme cases levels can vary from zero to greater than 100 %Saturation over the course of a single day. Provided that plant growth is not limited by other factors (such as light or nutrient availability), rates of photosynthetic oxygen production are far more rapid than the plants’ respiratory consumption rates. Therefore, in plant-dominated systems, DO levels seldom fall to zero overnight, although concentrations may become very low if conditions suddenly change and reduce photosynthesis during the day (e.g., if it is very cloudy). However, only a very brief period of photosynthesis is required (e.g., a break in the clouds) for higher concentrations to be restored. • Regardless of the processes that cause DO concentrations to deviate from saturation, exchanges of oxygen with the overlying air (re-aeration) continually act to return the system to saturation. The rate at which oxygen enters (or leaves) the water increases exponentially as concentrations move further away from saturation; that is, rates increase disproportionately when concentrations are extremely low or extremely high. This mechanism is important as it protects water bodies against the development of extreme concentrations. • Re-aeration rates also depend on the surface area of the water body and the amount and type of mixing that is present. Typically, re-aeration rates are highest in shallow, turbulent flowing waters. Wind is also an important facilitator of re-aeration, especially in stagnant wetlands. Re-aeration processes do not necessarily increase oxygen concentrations – in situations where waters are supersaturated they reduce oxygen concentrations to saturation level. • The DO concentrations at a particular location and time are usually the sum of inputs from upstream, oxygen consumption and production within the water body, and re-aeration. Since oxygen consumption is usually highest at the bottom and exchanges with the air occur at the surface, there is a natural tendency for DO concentrations to vary with depth. Moreover, plants (and the microbes and animals attached to them) tend to favour particular parts of a wetland (for example, shallow sections), introducing further spatial variability. The nature of these variations change over the course of the day as light levels change. The situation is further complicated by the effects of Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 115 passing clouds and shade from trees, which modify the rates at which plants in different parts of a wetland produce oxygen at different times. • If conditions are very turbulent re-aeration rates can become so high that they overwhelm all of these other processes such that DO concentrations throughout the entire water column deviate little from saturation. However, rainforest streams are the only freshwater environments on the Queensland tropical floodplains where such conditions occur regularly. Some very open wetlands may approach this condition during very windy weather but, in the majority of cases, biological processes have a measurable effect on the distribution of DO concentrations throughout the water body. As a result, it can be exceptionally difficult to determine and/or describe the oxygen concentrations in a water body. Spot measurements (typically used in monitoring programs) are usually meaningless, and even large numbers of measurements are difficult to interpret if they are collected from a single point in the water column. • In most local wetlands, oxygen consumption can usually be attributed entirely to the respiration of microbes, plants and other organisms, including fish. However, in some cases, chemical oxygen consumption processes also play an important role. (This is sometimes referred to as chemical oxygen demand and should not be confused with an analytical test, which goes by the same name. This test, often abbreviated as COD, was originally developed as a more rapid substitute for the standard 5-day BOD test. It utilises a chemical oxidation method to obtain a rapid estimate of the total organic matter present in a water sample. Oxygen consumption due to inorganic reactions may also contribute to the final result, however, most standard methods include steps to minimise such effects. The result is reported in terms of the amounts of oxygen that would ultimately be consumed in the process of decomposing organic matter in the sample even though some of it may not be biodegradable). Ferrous iron, which is present in some ground waters, and is a major constituent of acid sulphate runoff, is the most important inorganic source of oxygen demand in cane growing areas. Ferrous iron reacts with oxygen to form insoluble ferric oxyhydroxides, which are visible as orange-brown precipitates when present in high concentrations. This reaction not only consumes oxygen but also produces hydrogen ions sometimes resulting in reduced pH levels. • Water that is devoid of oxygen is said to be anoxic, that which is oxygen deficient is hypoxic and that which contains adequate oxygen levels to support most oxygen-requiring functions is said to be oxic. “Hypoxia” and “hypoxic” are somewhat subjective terms that must be interpreted in the context within which they are used. In this report hypoxic can be taken to imply that oxygen concentrations are low enough to affect key ecological functions. • At temperatures above 4 ºC (ie all of the time in the tropics), warmer water is less dense than cool water, so when the surface waters of a wetland are exposed to sunlight they heat up and tend to float on top of the cooler waters underneath. This can lead to the formation of two separate layers of water that do not mix with one another – a process called stratification. The bottom layer does not have access to oxygen from the air but experiences high levels of respiration because it is in contact with bottom sediments, so it can become severely hypoxic or anoxic. Tropical wetlands can be stratified most of the time, especially if they are deep and/or sheltered from wind. During cooler months diurnal stratification is quite common (i.e., separate layers form during the day but mixing occurs during the night). • The tendency for DO concentrations to be higher near the surface of a water body is particularly pronounced in the microscopically thin layer of water that is in direct contact with the air. Some species of fish can exploit this layer very efficiently by using aquatic surface respiration (ASR) (not to be confused with the gulping of air that is used by some other species). Most local species do not perform ASR as efficiently as many of the exotic species that have been introduced into our wetlands, but it is still an important short-term survival mechanism, especially for small individuals. Even large adult barramundi, with mouths and gills far too large to enable proper ASR, can be observed lying on their sides at the surface in an attempt to obtain a little extra oxygen when conditions are very stressful. Most laboratory determinations of hypoxia tolerance use artificial lowoxygen atmospheres, so ASR is not an available option for test specimens. Accordingly, reported Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 116 asphyxiation thresholds are somewhat higher than might be expected in natural waters where ASR is available. However, animals that only use ASR when they are forced to, often expose themselves to increased risks of predation and sunburn, and cannot participate in normal behaviours such as feeding and breeding. Accordingly, asphyxiation thresholds determines by laboratory tests provide meaningful indications of the levels at which there is high risks of acute harm to animals, even though actual asphyxiation will not necessarily occur in natural environments until levels become significantly lower. • The amounts of oxygen produced and consumed by photosynthesis and respiration in the water column depend not only on the amounts and types of biomass that are present, but also on the activity levels of the individual organisms that make up that biomass. This is governed by several factors, some of which are species-dependent, but the most important are light availability and temperature. The relationships between light intensity and photosynthetic oxygen production in some of our most common local submergent plant species have been examined quantitatively in this project (see Appendix D). Our results show that local species behave in much the same way as plants that grow in other parts of the world, in that each is adapted to perform optimally at different light levels. This means that although it is always true that higher light levels (due, for example, to reduced turbidity or colour in the water) will result in increased oxygen production, the effect is far from linear, may have an upper threshold, and depends on which species are present. Consequently, the effects of shade, turbidity and colour, all of which influence the amounts of light reaching aquatic plants, are extremely complex and not easily predicted; in some cases changes in these factors may significantly alter productivity levels while in others a change of similar magnitude may have no detectable effect. • Appendix D shows how critical light threshold values can be determined for particular plant species and how this information can be used in conjunction with depth profiles and data on incident light intensity to predict the effects of light-attenuating parameters such as turbidity or colour on a particular water body. This work clearly demonstrates that the capacity of water bodies to tolerate changes in ambient concentrations of light-attenuating parameters (such as Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), turbidity and colour) varies enormously between wetlands, making it impossible to propose any simple guideline values that could be meaningfully applied to all situations. Currently, guidelines can only be developed for individual water bodies on a case-by-case basis. The BLC classification proposed in this report addresses this problem by identifying classes of water bodies with similar susceptibilities to changes in light attenuation as a basis for the development of typespecific rather than site-specific guidelines. • The effects of temperature on the rates of biological processes are commonly expressed in terms of a standardised temperature coefficient known as the Q10 value. The Q10 is the factor by which a rate of a biochemical process changes in response to a 10oC increase in temperature. Published data from around the world indicate that Q10 values for respiration range from 2 to 4 for most types of aquatic organisms, including microbes, plants, invertebrates and fish. Our experiments found that Q10 values for local aquatic plant species were within the range of 2.4 to 3. That is, a temperature increase of 10oC will cause oxygen consumption rates to increase by as much as 3-fold. (Note that Q10 values refer to temperature changes that occur over periods in the order of hours; processes such as accumulation and acclimatisation allow organisms adjust their biochemical systems to accommodate more gradual and/or long-term temporal changes, such as seasonal ones, so effects are not usually so pronounced). Many of the large, well-mixed water bodies that are typically the principal focus of water quality investigations have relatively stable water temperatures on a day-to-day basis, even though seasonal variation can be high. Consequently, short-term temperature variations are not of great concern in understanding physical dynamics. The situation is very different in the small, shallow, poorly mixed wetland systems of tropical Queensland. Temperatures in these water bodies commonly fluctuate by 8 to 12oC each day. Moreover, small-scale spatial variations can be just as large – a deep shaded backwater, for example, can be strikingly cooler than a shallow section that is exposed to the sun. Variations of these kinds have an enormous effect on the distribution of DO concentrations over time and space and must be taken into account when modelling or interpreting biophysical processes. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 117 APPENDIX H TECHNICAL CONSTRAINTS TO THE SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF EXISTING NATIONAL AND STATE WATER QUALITY GUIDELINES IN THE DRY AND WET-DRY TROPICS Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 118 H1. TECHNICAL CONSTRAINTS TO THE SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF EXISTING NATIONAL AND STATE WATER QUALITY GUIDELINES IN THE DRY AND WET-DRY TROPICS Water quality evaluation requires knowledge of the water’s physical and chemical characteristics but this in itself provides a very limited basis for assessing whether water quality is “acceptable”. In order to reach such conclusions data must be evaluated against various benchmarks; the choice of benchmark being dependent on the purpose of the assessment. Prior to 1992 there were no authoritative national guidelines or standardised benchmarks for water quality assessment in Australia. Various international and state guidelines were available but these related almost exclusively to a few specific beneficial human water e\uses. The situation changed in 1992 with the signing of the COAG Agreement on Ecologically Sustainable Development, which committed the states the tenets of the National Water Quality Management Strategy (NWQMS, ANZECC, 1992). – a Commonwealth initiative that included the development of Australia’s first national water quality guidelines (ANZECC, 1992). These guidelines, which have since been revised by ANZECC and ARMCANZ (2000), called for managers and investigators to identify all of the protectable environmental values (PEV’s) that should be attributed to particular bodies of water, and to then select indicators and benchmarks appropriate to each PEV. Notably PEV include, not only human water uses (such as drinking, irrigation and recreation) but also the integrity and health of natural aquatic ecosystems. The 1992 ANZECC Water Quality Guidelines (WQG) related only to the assessment of long term ambient water quality in natural surface water bodies under low flow conditions. Assessments of the quality of stormwaters, effluents and attenuation zones, and the issues of contaminant loading, export rates and the potential for acute effects resulting from brief episodic water quality disturbances, were not addressed. Similar constraints apply to the recently revised guidelines (ANZECC and ARMCANZ 2000), although for the first time they include some advice on how to develop situation-specific benchmarks for contaminant export loads (which requires monitoring of stormwater flows) and detail direct toxicity assessment methods which could be used to evaluate acute water quality effects in particular situations. The guidelines cover a range of water quality parameters and indicators that is as broad as possible within existing ecotoxicological data constraints. However, due to information deficiencies, guideline values suitable for use as benchmarks in water quality assessments are not yet available for many parameters and/or PEV’s. (For example guideline values for the protection of aquatic ecosystems have not yet been developed for the most of the pesticides currently being used by farmers in North Queensland). The authors point out that it is not possible to develop guideline values that are applicable in all situations, so the default values presented in the current guidelines only provide a starting point for risk assessment – if these values are exceeded it will not necessarily mean that environmental values are being harmed but rather that investigators should use to develop locally relevant water quality benchmarks, and provide advice relating to the evaluation and management of water quality problems. The water quality evaluation programs implemented by water resource managers fall into two distinct categories: 1) Ambient assessments, aimed at determining if the quality of water contained within a particular body of water is adequate to maintain the PEV’s identified for that water body; and 2) Assessments of downstream effects, which attempt to determine the extent to which fluvial contaminant exports influence ambient conditions in downstream receiving waters. The new national WQG contain substantial quantities of advice relating to ambient assessments but most of it is generic in nature. The existence of situation-specific modifying factors is noted, but methods for dealing with them have not been elucidated or are explained by way of case studies and examples that are not applicable in the dry and wet-dry tropics. Given the sheer size of Australia and the diversity of its waterways it would be unrealistic to expect national guidelines to contain more specific advice, and particularly, information relating to the more sparsely populated and poorly studied parts of the continent. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 119 The WQG document comprise several hundred pages of text and substantial amounts of supporting data and information, so it is already a substantial undertaking to read them, and there is little doubt that incorporation of more specific advice would serve to confuse rather than inform. Accordingly the authors’ insistence that local jurisdictions will need to develop their own guidelines is more than justifiable. It seems likely that the paucity of detailed guidance relating to the assessment of downstream effects will be addressed in future revisions of the guidelines but in view of the relative remoteness of the dry and wet-dry tropics, it would be unrealistic to expect specific advice relevant to this region to be incorporated in the foreseeable future, if at all. Hence it is probable that managers will be heavily reliant on locally developed guidelines. Most of the advice contained in the national guidelines is based on experience gained from research in large perennial water bodies located in temperate areas of the world, and there are sound grounds to doubt that this is directly applicable to the intermittent fluvial systems of the dry and wet-dry tropics of Queensland, and especially to the relatively small wetland systems that are typical of the region. This chapter summarises the approaches advocated in the national guidelines and identifies some barriers to successful implementation in the dry and wet-dry tropics. Most of the identified problems relate to ecological water quality assessments (ie water quality monitoring programs aimed at determining if the ecological function and diversity of the aquatic ecosystem is being adequately protected). However, there are also some indications that the designs of monitoring programs primarily aimed at water resource assessment may not adequately contend with the hydrological and biophysical conditions encountered in this region. H1.1 Resource Assessment Resource assessments are more straightforward than ecological assessments, mainly because there are a variety of authoritative water quality criteria available (eg. NHMRC 1996 Drinking Water Guidelines, (ANZECC and ARMCANZ 2000) Australian and New Zealand Water Quality Guidelines) and it is generally unambiguous which of these constitute appropriate benchmarks for evaluating various aspects of a water’s resource value. The current ANZECC AND ARMCANZ (2000) Guidelines represent a departure from historical convention in that they specify trigger values rather than simple non-exceedance values. Compliance with a trigger value can be taken to indicate unqualified suitability for use while a breach of the trigger value indicates that closer investigation would be required before a definite conclusion can be reached. For example in the case of irrigation use, investigations might take into consideration the types of crops to be irrigated and areal soil and drainage properties. The guidelines therefore make allowance for the fact that a particular water may be unsuitable for irrigation in some situations but well suited for use in others. Other triggered investigations simply require a closer analysis of available water quality data. For example a water body with salinity levels above the trigger value may still be quite acceptable for use if concentrations of troublesome ions such as sodium or sulphate remain within acceptable limits. Despite these minor complications, assessing the suitability for human use is still a conceptually straightforward procedure and in most cases published criteria are just as applicable in dry tropical catchments as they would be anywhere else. However, this does not mean that the unique characteristics of each catchment does not need to be taken into consideration in resource evaluations. It is particularly noteworthy that the vast majority of water quality data available for these systems comprise salinity and major ionic concentration values obtained from samples collected mainly under baseflow conditions. However, in the dry tropics there are few tributary streams or river reaches where the volume and reliability of baseflows are inadequate to be of value for most human uses except livestock watering (although there may be some limited exploitation by small-scale users in some cases) and most water supplies are derived from spears installed in the bed sands or adjacent alluvial aquifers. The baseflows in perennial reaches are more widely used but the volumes of water available for major resource development are extremely limited compared to the quantities that are available from storm flows. Moreover, baseflows are usually extracted either from near the bottom of deep river reaches and waterholes, (or from spears), and since most waterbodies in the dry tropics are vertically stratified Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 120 (discussed later), the quality of water at the surface (where most water samples are currently collected) is a poor indicator of the quality of the water that is actually being used. Even during quite prolonged dry spells, the water retained in large dams is usually dominated by surface runoff that is carried into the reservoir during small-scale storm events or the falling stages of major flood events; the quantities of baseflow entering large impoundments are very commonly inadequate to significantly affect water quality. Smaller reservoirs (i.e. most weirs) are much more significantly influenced by baseflows, but relationships between the quality of water entering the storage and the quality of water being extracted and/or released from it, are exceptionally complex and not easily predicted, even if inputs are closely monitored. It is therefore concluded that data indicative of the quality of baseflows in unsupplemented river reaches are an extremely dubious tool for resource assessment and development. Data indicative of the rising and falling stages of the event hydrographs are arguably more relevant and can be used to assess the quality of water that can be captured by various methods (eg water harvesting or reservoir construction) but these would need to be interpreted in conjunction with data obtained from impoundments in order to examine and predict storage effects. Reports on water quality seldom point out that the ionic concentration data that dominate most existing datasets in the tropics are useful for evaluating suitability for irrigation and livestock watering but are of limited use for potability assessment. These parameters provide some insights into the water’s suitability for human consumption but they are mainly of only aesthetic concern. For example, high levels of salts and hardness may adversely affect the taste of water and may cause nuisance problems such as formation of scales in plumbing fixtures and kitchen items, but they will not harm the consumer. People in rural areas throughout the dry tropics routinely drink ground water with hardness and/or salinity levels well in excess of water quality guidelines. (In many cases they do this even in situations where there is soft, low-salinity surface water available nearby, because they feel that the ground water is less likely to be microbiologically contaminated.) Biological contamination and physical and chemical factors that affect the efficiency of disinfection processes are far more likely to be the principal constraints on potability and water treatment for drinking. For example, high levels of faecal contamination from livestock, which can carry human pathogens such as Cryptosporidium, could be a major problem in some areas. Linked with high concentrations of organic matter, colour, suspended solids, turbidity, and dissolved iron and manganese, all of which reduce the efficiency of standard disinfection methods, water treatment costs could be increased to the point where the water is no longer considered a desirable resource. Currently, there are virtually no data available for any of these parameters , except for turbidity, in most dry and wet-dry tropical catchments. H1.2 Ecological Assessment H1.2.1 Available guidelines Ecological water quality evaluations are far more complex than others because it is not always clear precisely what benchmarks should be used. It is generally accepted under the National Water Quality Management Strategy (1992) that the principles of ecologically sustainable development allow for a certain amount of deterioration in both water quality and ecosystem condition (in some circumstances at least) provided that a functional aquatic ecosystem is maintained. This poses a variety of very complex philosophical questions. For example, how much change is acceptable and what constitutes a functional ecosystem? And how do we incorporate systems that are subject to natural periodic, seasonal or episodic water quality deterioration? ANZECC and ARMCANZ (2000) Water Quality Guidelines (WQG’s) are currently the authoritative source of guiding principles relating to these issues. Queensland WQG’s (currently in draft) are due for release and these will contain more specific advice on how to apply the ANZECC principles in Queensland catchments. The ANZECC and ARMCANZ (2000) guidelines ushered in a new (and somewhat experimental) era for water quality assessment and management in Australia. Notably, for the Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 121 first time the National guidelines are based on ecological risk assessment principles and promote the concept of holistic issue-based water quality management. They strongly advise that managers take account of all of the factors influencing the condition of an ecosystem as a whole, in order to ensure that the ecological issues of highest priority are addressed and that the most appropriate indicators are used. (For example resources should not be invested in monitoring nutrient concentrations unless it has been established that (i) nutrient inputs are likely to be a major factor influencing the condition of the ecosystem in question and (ii) that nutrient concentrations are the most accurate indicator of effects). The capacity to arrive at such decisions is contingent on a well-developed understanding of the aquatic system and a knowledge of how various factors interact to determine ecological outcomes. The recommended means of achieving this is through the development of holistic conceptual models. The guidelines suggest that the concentration and bioavailability of contaminants in the water column can often vary so much over time and space that water samples are not necessarily a reliable indicator of risk potential. Accordingly, ANZECC advocates the use of a variety of alternative indicators that have never previously been included in water quality guidelines. These include benthic sediment residues, biological tissue residues, biological condition indicators (such as macroinvertebrate diversity and stream metabolism), and direct toxicity measurements. The guidelines do not yet recommend specific benchmarks for most of these indicators but they do include interim guideline values for sediment quality. Additionally, it is expected that the Queensland Guidelines will include reference data for both benthic sediments and biological tissues. However, in both cases the range of contaminants dealt with is limited mainly to commonly occurring heavy metals and a few artificial organic toxicants, (most of which are not widely used in the tropics) so in many cases individual investigators will still need to obtain their own reference data. Arguably the most significant innovation in the new guidelines is the abandonment of the simple inflexible limit-based criteria that have traditionally been the cornerstone of water quality guidelines, in favour of very flexible risk-based trigger values. The approaches used to derive trigger values vary somewhat depending on whether the parameter being dealt with is a toxicant or a stressor (i.e. a nontoxic, naturally occurring chemical or physical characteristic that affects the health and survival of aquatic organisms). Toxicants Trigger values for toxicants have been derived from statistical analysis of available ecotoxicological data and are designed to stipulate the contaminant concentration at which a particular percentage of species will be protected with a specified level of certainty (eg. 90% of species protected with 50% certainty). The guidelines recommend certain default combinations of protection and certainty levels for use in various types of water body, but the selection of these is ultimately left to the discretion of local jurisdictions. To this end the guideline package includes a CD-ROM that contains raw toxicological data and software which will allow individual users to calculate a situation-specific (eg. local or regional) trigger value using any combination of protection and certainty level they deem to be appropriate. Notably it is also feasible to set aside toxicity data for species that are not present in the local area and/or add data for local species if it comes available. Compliance with the selected trigger value is taken to indicate that the minimum level of protection desired by local water quality managers is being achieved. Exceedances of the trigger value do not constitute a true compliance failure but rather indicate that more detailed investigations will be needed to determine if the risk of harm is unacceptable. The investigations that are triggered depend on the toxicant being dealt with and are clearly delineated in the guidelines. They are required because the toxicological data from which the initial trigger values are derived relate to the behaviour of bioavailable forms of the toxicant under standard laboratory conditions, and cannot be validly applied to natural waters where a diversity of site-specific biophysical factors interact to substantially modify bioavailability and therefore toxicity. Triggered investigations are to be carried out in a step-wise fashion, and each step results in an adjustment to the trigger value to take account of a particular toxicity-modifying factor. (Following this process to its logical conclusion would ultimately result in the development of a site-specific water quality guideline value that accurately Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 122 reflects actual ecological risks.) At the completion of each step, data are re-evaluated against the new modified trigger value and further steps are required only if they are still in exceedance. At each step local managers have the choice of accepting that there is a potential risk of environmental harm and instituting remedial measures, or proceeding to the next step in order to evaluate risks more accurately. Each subsequent step involves more complex and costly studies so the relative costs and benefits of proceeding with further investigations will need to be weighed up carefully. These approaches attempt to strike a balance between the scientific need to conduct very detailed sitespecific investigations to quantify toxicological risks accurately and the pragmatic consideration that such undertakings are costly and should only be implemented in situations where risks are demonstrably high enough to provide an imperative. Stressors Physical and chemical stressors (including parameters such as water clarity, sediment and nutrients, which have been the principle focus of most recent research in regional aquatic systems) are not normally considered to be toxic but can exert very strong influences on aquatic ecosystems by modifying productivity, food webs, inter-species competition, etc. Natural temporal and spatial variations in stressor levels play an important role in determining the diversity and function of natural ecosystems. (For example some water bodies are characteristically deficient in nutrients and therefore support biological communities and processes that are very different from naturally eutrophic water bodies). Different stressor levels are required by different ecosystems so it is not feasible to set generic limits that would apply in all situations. Accordingly ANZECC trigger values are to be derived from reference data collected from comparable types of water bodies that are considered to be in an acceptable condition. The guidelines provide generic advice regarding the selection of reference data sources and determination of acceptable levels of departure from reference, and statistical decision rules for data evaluation are documented. These procedures can also be adapted to other parameters such as biological and habitat indicators. Default trigger values are suggested for some combinations of parameters and water body type, but ultimately the choice of reference source, acceptable level of departure and therefore trigger value is left to the discretion of local jurisdictions. The recommended statistical decision rules all relate to the central tendency of the water quality data – the median being preferred if the data are not normally distributed (as is usually the case) and the mean being favoured if they are. (No attention has been given to the potential effects of extreme values, changes in variance or other potentially relevant statistics). A guideline for nitrogen might, for example, stipulate that the median concentration should not exceed the 80th percentile of the reference range. If the 80th percentile nitrogen concentration of the selected reference data is 800µg/L then the trigger value for nitrogen is set as a median concentration of 800µg/L. Again exceedances of the trigger value indicate the need for more detailed, usually site-specific, investigations to determine if the ecosystem is actually being modified to an unacceptable degree. Traditionally reference data are obtained by monitoring undisturbed sites. However, such sites are absent for certain types of water bodies in many parts of Australia. Moreover, many waterways are now permanently altered to the extent that they could no longer be expected to behave like a natural water body. In such circumstances, the use of undisturbed reference sites could easily create unachievable water quality expectations. Accordingly, ANZECC leave open the possibility of local jurisdictions electing to use as a reference source, partially degraded sites that are in a condition that is considered to be acceptable to the local community. This requires a great deal of subjectivity and has more to do with socio-economics and politics than science. Experience suggests that most of the default (generic) trigger values contained in the ANZECC and ARMCANZ (2000) guidelines (for both toxicants and stressors) are very unlikely to be directly applicable in the dry tropics. This means, that the prescribed trigger modification and development processes will probably need to be implemented to obtain realistic local water quality criteria. In the case of toxicants default trigger values are most likely to be overly conservative because factors such as turbidity commonly reduce toxicity. Hence, compliance with the default values would be expected to guarantee that the ecosystem is being protected. However, there may be important exceptions to this Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 123 general rule and these are discussed later. In the case of stressors, default trigger values are derived from statistics gathered from a narrow range of regional reference sites, and it is inconceivable that these could function as a valid and meaningful reference for all types and situations H1.2.2 Application of water quality guidelines in Queensland Management of water quality in Queensland is regulated by the Environmental Protection Act (1994) and the Queensland Environmental Protection (Water) Policy (1997) (EPP). The EPP Water states that water quality management in Queensland shall be consistent with the management processes expressed in the National Water Quality Management Strategy (which includes the ANZECC and ARMCANZ 2000 Australian and New Zealand Water Quality Guidelines). The EPP also states that locally derived guidelines (sanctioned by the environmental authority) will take precedence over state guidelines, which in turn take precedence over national guidelines. The same policy is supported in the National Guidelines. No local guidelines have yet been developed for the Queensland dry tropics so the State guidelines will take precedence (once they are released). The national guidelines for ecosystem protection do not actually provide water quality criteria but rather a prescriptive framework that local jurisdictions should use to develop their own criteria. The large number of choices left to the discretion of local authorities means that the ANZECC guidelines cannot be fully implemented until the Queensland Guidelines are finalised. The National WQG’s provide default trigger values for some parameters (such as nutrients) in freshwater streams, marine waters and parts of estuaries (but not wetlands). However, the freshwater defaults are derived from reference data that are representative of only a few stream-types and in some cases, limited sets of flow conditions. They are unlikely to provide ecologically meaningful benchmarks for most regional aquatic systems. The draft Queensland Guidelines (March 2001) confirm that the approaches recommended in the national guidelines are to be adopted in Queensland. They accept ANZECC’s default trigger values and acceptable risk limits for toxicants and the default statistical decision rules for physical and chemical stressors. These are as follows: • Pristine Systems No detectable change to toxicant levels. ° ° No departure from reference conditions. ANZECC recommend similarly stringent measures for waters with high conservation values but the status of World Heritage Areas, national parks and other designated conservation areas are not specifically discussed in the available drafts of the Queensland Guidelines. • Slightly to Moderately Modified Systems (most waters in Queensland) ° Toxicants in water: Toxicant concentration trigger values should be set to protect 95% of species with 50% certainty. ° Toxicants in sediments: Trigger values should protect 90% of species. ° Physical-Chemical Stressors: The median value of the indicator should not move outside of the 20th to 80th percentile reference range. ° Biological Indicators: To be determined at a regional or local level. • Highly Disturbed Systems To be determined at a local level. Options include selecting disturbed reference sites with acceptable ecological condition characteristics or relaxation of the allowable effect sizes for slightly modified sites (eg. use of 10th and 90th percentile reference values instead of 20th and 80th percentile). Local jurisdictions can amend any of these benchmarks if they have reasonable justification. In the case of toxicants only two types of water are recognised: 1. Fresh Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 124 2. Marine There are no specific guidelines for other categories such as brackish, estuarine or ground waters. In the case of other parameters the draft Queensland Guidelines consider six water types (ANZECC also recognise lakes and wetlands as separate water types but these are not included in the current draft of state guidelines): • Upper catchment (upland stream) • Lower catchment (lowland stream) • Upper estuarine • Mid-estuarine • Enclosed coastal • Marine The Queensland Guidelines divide water types into the following bioregions: • • • East Coast: Catchments between the NSW border and the wet tropics excluding inland areas of large catchments such as the Fitzroy and Burdekin. Wet Tropics: East Coast catchments between Ingham and Cape York Inland Rivers: Intermittent slow flowing streams in lowland areas away from the coast, which are characterised by high levels of turbidity. Reference statistics and default trigger values for selected parameters have been collated for several of the above combinations of water type and bioregion. The stated intention is to incorporate higher levels of water type division into future versions of the guidelines. Notably it is intended that future reference data sets will include sub-divisions representative of different conditions of flow and season, but this requirement has not yet been addressed. The use of local reference data is strongly encouraged provided that quality assurance is acceptable. Lower catchment water classes are currently defined as streams with reduced riffles, larger pools and significant areas of muddy substrata. The latter requirement essentially excludes many streams in the lower catchment and floodplain of wet/dry and dry tropical rivers which, in their natural state, often maintain coarse sandy substrata all the way to the estuary. H1.2.3 Implementation in the dry and wet/dry tropics Local interpretations and implementation of the new generation water quality guidelines are likely to have a significant bearing on the types of monitoring and management strategies that are developed well into the foreseeable future. Many of the principles and approaches recommended in the new generation water quality guidelines are largely untested in the dry and wet/dry tropics and until that happens it will not be possible to answer fundamental questions about the acceptability of water quality in local aquatic systems. Moreover, many of the recommendations in the guidelines are based on assumptions that are unlikely to be valid for most water bodies in dry and wet/dry tropics, so there are sound reasons to doubt that any useful improvements could be gained by implementing the guidelines in their generic form without adding extensive refinements to account for local conditions. The guidelines place a great deal of onus on the local jurisdiction to carry out such refinements but the available advice regarding how this should be done is currently inadequate to guarantee successful outcomes in local catchments. Our current understanding of water quality processes in the tropics is insufficient to recommend the precise refinements that are needed (that would be a substantial undertaking in its own right) but we do know enough to be able to identify some potential pitfalls and recommend preferred lines of investigation aimed at developing more suitable alternatives. Toxicants Toxicants are not a major catchment-wide issue in sparsely populated catchments where free range grazing is the dominant land use but are potentially a sub-regional issue in areas that are subject to more Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 125 intensive human development. Most of these developments have limited potential for widespread impacts but high potential for adverse effects on initial receiving waters. It is important to recognise, however, that much of the degradation that has occurred in the systems as a whole is probably the result of cumulative effects from many localised impacts of this kind. Notably potential toxicant sources such as urban centres, industrial processing plants, ports, sugarcane farms, horticulture and aquaculture are generally concentrated in near-coastal subcatchments. This has resulted in the loss of and/or irreversible alterations to, many of the unique freshwater and marine wetlands that once formed an extensive mosaic of highly productive and exceptionally diverse aquatic habitats along the coastal plains. In many cases the remnant habitats are not only the primary receiving waters for anthropogenic toxicant inputs, but have also been altered to the extent that their capacity to tolerate exposure to toxicants has been significantly modified. Moreover, many toxicants are particle-reactive (i.e. under certain environmental conditions they either adhere to the surface of sediment particles through processes such as sorption, or precipitate to form insoluble particles, while under other conditions they can occur in free dissolved form) so their mobility and fate in the environment is often governed by sediment transport processes. Other factors being equal, sediment export efficiency decreases with increasing distance and time of travel (due to deposition within the drainage system). Consequently the close proximity of near-coastal catchments to the sea greatly increases the probability of toxicants being delivered to the marine environment. For example reconnaissance scale modelling using the CSIRO SedNet model (Prosser et al 2001) indicates that although sugarcane farms produce only 0.8% of the total catchment soil erosion they occupy subcatchments that are responsible for 9% of the total quantities of fine sediment delivered to the coast. Current water quality guidelines focus quite heavily on evaluating the concentration of toxicants in water. However, due to the biophysical instability of most aquatic systems in this region the concentrations and bioavailability of most toxicants can be expected to fluctuate enormously over time and space, making it extremely difficult to obtain accurate or representative results. Moreover, even if quantification proves feasible there are several constraints to accurate data interpretation: • The toxicity data upon which trigger values are based include few local species and notably, lack information on local keystone species (such as barramundi and sooty grunter, for example). • The system of setting guidelines to protect a certain percentage of species is unlikely to be effective unless it is proven that this is adequately protective of valued keystone species (eg. fishery species and major components of food webs). It is doubtful if there is sufficient available information to identify key species other than perhaps fish and their prey in the unusually (by national standards) diverse aquatic systems of the tropics. • The guidelines are based on the premise that toxicants are only bioavailable if they are freely dissolved and in a form that can pass directly through biological membranes such as gills and cell walls. It is generally assumed that toxicants attached to suspended sediment particles (and that is where most toxicants are normally found) are not sufficiently bioavailable to be of concern. However, there is evidence (acknowledged in the guidelines) that some sediment-feeding organisms take up toxicants from ingested sediment particles. There is equally clear evidence that this is not always the case, but in chronically turbid aquatic environments, sediment feeders (such as microcrustacea and other planktonic organisms) could play a vital role in natural food webs and, unless proven otherwise, it would be prudent to check for such effects. Our current inability to predict the importance of sediment feeders highlights the urgent need for process-level ecological research in the tropics. • Many of the principles outlined in the guidelines are mainly applicable to large well-mixed water bodies such as estuaries, lakes and large perennial rivers where biophysical conditions vary only moderately over time and space. As discussed in elsewhere, most of the time rivers in the dry tropics behave like small, poorly-mixed streams and drainage systems are fragmented into numerous ostensibly separate small water bodies. Each water body functions independently to some extent and biophysical conditions within them are commonly subject to enormous variation. For example, in extreme cases, over the course of a normal day dissolved oxygen concentrations in a water hole can fluctuate from zero to supersaturation, temperature can vary by more than 12oC, and pH can rise from around 7 to values in excess of 10. Furthermore the range of values obtained by sampling at different Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 126 • depths in the water column at one instant in time can be just as large. Many of the procedures recommended in the guidelines for developing site-specific trigger values entail the use of chemical equilibrium models and published toxicological data to predict the effects of parameters such as dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature on the bioavailability and toxicity of contaminants. In the waters of dry tropical river systems it would often be a substantial undertaking to simply quantify the status of these modifying parameters, let alone predict their effect on the toxicity of other substances. One of the initial steps recommended for the derivation of metal trigger values is to adjust for the antagonistic (i.e. toxicity reducing) effects of hardness, and for some common metals, algorithms are provided which allow a modified trigger value to be calculated. The algorithms are a function of hardness, but are said to also account for the effects of pH and alkalinity. This is based on an assumption, which is valid in many situations, that hardness can be attributed almost entirely to calcium carbonates. It is important to recognise though that the geochemical diversity of natural catchments is such that this assumption will not be true in all water bodies. More importantly, inputs of metals from mines, industrial effluents, mineralised subcatchments, acid sulphate soils and some farms are likely to be associated with acids and sulphates. Thus, problematic metal concentrations are often most likely to occur in situations where the assumptions behind the hardness-modifying algorithms are least likely to be valid. Particular caution is needed in near-coastal wetlands with an elevation less than 5m AHD that have not been surveyed for acid sulphate soil and/or where such soils are known to be present. Accordingly, it is concluded that collection and meaningful interpretation of data relating to toxicants in water is likely to be a substantial and challenging undertaking and is unlikely to be achieved by employing the kinds of routine monitoring methods that are currently used throughout most of the dry tropics. An option suggested in the national guidelines for routine monitoring of particle-active toxicants is to examine residues in bottom sediments and/or the tissue of aquatic biota. Physical-Chemical Stressors ANZECC (and Draft Queensland) WQG include in this category most of the parameters that are currently of primary concern in most rural and many urban catchments (nutrient, sediment, turbidity, oxygen, etc). The basic premise behind the approaches recommended for stressors is that their effect on ecosystems accrue gradually over long periods and hence that “average” levels are a useful indicator of the potential for adverse effects. Ostensibly it is assumed that since these parameters are not toxic that occasional extreme values have little practical significance and hence extremes receive little statistical weight in the analyses used for data interpretation. Recent research findings (summarised in other sections of this report) cast serious doubts on the validity of this assumption in the dry and wet/dry tropics and especially in wetland environments. There are clear indications that the condition of many wetland ecosystems in the region may be largely governed by the frequency and severity of episodic water quality disturbances during which certain stressors either reach acutely lethal levels (eg. dissolved oxygen, pH or temperature) or induce such rapid increases in biological activity (e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus, turbidity, organic matter) that acute problems such as fish kills occur. As discussed elsewhere such episodes occur naturally but it is apparent that in many cases human water and land-use practices have substantially increased their frequency and severity. Most episodes occur during dry times when there is minimum connectivity in the system so the effects of localised extinction events can be quite prolonged and full recovery may not be possible until the next flow event. For example, a single brief event that causes oxygen levels in a water hole to fall to zero for just a few hours, may be the single factor preventing the aerobic organisms living in a water hole from surviving a drought. Available data also indicate that the variations in oxygen, temperature and pH levels that can occur over the course of a single day can be almost as large as those that occur over an entire season, and in some cases spatial variations within a water body at a particular instance in time can be just as significant. (See figures 1 and 2 for example). Dissolved oxygen levels, in particular, can fall below lethal thresholds briefly at night and/or at certain depths in the water column long before conditions deteriorate to the point where daytime surface values indicate the potential for harm. For this reason we are convinced that Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 127 random daytime spot measurements of parameters such as oxygen, pH and temperature are at best uninterpretable, and at worst can be completely misleading. These considerations lead to the following conclusions: • The collection of meaningful data for parameters such as dissolved oxygen (DO2), pH and temperature, which can fluctuate rapidly in time and space, requires the adoption of specialised monitoring techniques and modified indicator parameters should be considered. For example, minimum daily dissolved oxygen or maximum daily temperature can be meaningful indicators, but randomly determined estimates of dissolved oxygen and temporal are not. • In cases where stressor levels can potentially cause acute mortality it is very doubtful that guidelines based on mean or median levels would be capable of achieving the level of protection being sought. Long-term medians may be a useful indicator of some effects and should be retained, but improved consideration of extreme values and the attendant risks of acute effects need to be incorporated into the data assessment process. There are many alternative approaches that could be used to achieve this end and these need to be investigated. For example, threshold values could be derived from local tolerance test data and then statistical analyses could focus on analysing the frequency of compliance breaches (note that breaches can occur from time to time even at pristine reference sites). • The fact that variations in stressor levels can be severe even over very small spatial scales (eg. microhabitats surrounding individual plants) has important ramifications for biological monitoring, as does the fact that many ecosystems are ultimately limited by oxygen availability. Benthic invertebrates for example, often utilise quite different microhabitats from, say, small fish. Planktonic species on the other hand are exposed to the physical and chemical conditions in the greater water column and large fish have limited capacity to utilise small microhabitats (most large native fish species appear to have limited aquatic surface respiration capabilities). For this (and other) reasons one biological community (eg. macroinvertebrates) is not necessarily a sensitive indicator of the status of other organisms. The national WQG provide some basic generic advice on the selection of biological indicators but they do not consider differences in the susceptibility of different indicators to different water pressures in different environmental settings. Basically there is a need to review the selection of biological indicators to ensure that individual water body characteristics, dominant water quality issues and habitat preferences are taken into consideration. • Many anthropogenic impacts (such as flow regulation, increased turbidity, introduction of organic matter, loss of riparian vegetation) increase the tendency for oxic stratification to develop in water bodies. In some cases (eg. weir pools) a substantial percentage of the benthic habitat in a water body can become severely hypoxic for most of the year essentially eliminating all aerobic productivity in those parts of the water body that are deeper than a certain depth (in some cases considerably less than 1 metre). Most of the organisms which once inhabited these bottom waters are still present in the waterbody, but they are now confined to shallow sections and this undoubtedly limits the potential productivity of the community. In such circumstances, biological indicators of the kind recommended in the WQG, which rely mostly on presence-absence data are unlikely to detect effects even if the total productivity of the macroinvertebrate community has become severely limited. Supplementary indicators such as pool habitat value assessment or biomass/productivity measurements would be needed to detect such effects. Regardless of the statistics used for data analysis, reference data are required in order to obtain meaningful interpretations. Selection of appropriate reference sites (and reference conditions) is crucial if accurate evaluations are to be accomplished – the use of an excessively degraded reference site will result in water quality objectives being set too low to be adequately protective, while an unusually good quality site may lead to unachievable objectives being set. Based on the research findings discussed in and personal experience, it is clear that the available reference data, including those contained in draft Queensland water quality guidelines, cannot validly be used to derive meaningful trigger values for the majority of dry tropical wetlands including riverine ones. The refinements proposed for future versions of the Queensland guidelines, which include the incorporation of a larger number of water types and division of data into different flow regimes and seasons, could improve this situation, but the methods used will need to be substantially more sophisticated than those that have traditionally been employed in water quality data analyses. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 128 At a minimum, flow divisions need to be capable of discriminating between the discrete stages of the hydrograph identified in the conceptual models proposed in Section 2 of this report. Note that the nutrient and sediment concentrations observed during these flow states indicate quite different things, so there are valid grounds for questioning the logic of combining the data together (as is almost always done). Note, for example, that under higher flow conditions low nutrient concentration would normally be considered to be an indication of good quality; however, under lower flow conditions very low nutrient concentrations may be obtained from heavily impacted eutrophic sites where productivity is dominated by attached plants and algae (which assimilate nutrients from the water column very efficiently). Strikingly different states can exist even at this level of flow division. For example our research on the Townsville Field Training Area (TFTA) has identified three sets of conditions that result in very significant differences in water quality expectations in stagnant water holes (i.e. three subdivisions of low flow conditions). This project also demonstrated that seasonal division of data was an ineffective water quality discriminator in the Burdekin study area. The above approaches provide a potential framework for meaningful data analysis and for assessing the inherent vulnerability of sites to particular kinds of impacts under different sets of conditions. In our experience one of the most important factors to take into consideration when selecting reference sites is that the quality of water in a river reach or wetland that normally receives infrequent, sluggish flows of runoff from a semi-arid lowland catchment could never be expected to be as good as the water in a stream that is frequently flushed out by high flows generated from undisturbed coastal ranges. Significant differences of this kind can occur over quite small spatial scales. For instance, Keelbottom Creek and Fanning River, adjacent tributaries in the upper Burdekin catchment, exhibit such differences. Clearly there is an urgent need to develop a more sophisticated typology for water bodies if the approaches advocated in existing and emerging water quality guidelines are ever to become an effective management tool. ANZECC and ARMCANZ Guidelines acknowledge this need and identify the development of an improved typology as a priority for future research.. An improved system is essential not only for reference data selection but also as an aid to holistic assessment of vulnerabilities, threats and issues. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 129 Figure 1 Physico-chemical data logged at 20 minute intervals at site S25 on Keelbottom Creek from 12:00 on 06-10-99 to 19:00 on 07-10-99 8.0 32 110 7.9 31 100 7.8 30 7.7 29 1.6 1.4 90 80 1.2 70 pH 7.5o 7.4 Temperature ºC 60 7.3 27 50 26 40 25 1.0 0.8 Conductivity (mS/cm) 28 Dissolved Oxygen (%Sat) 7.6 30 7.2 24 20 7.1 23 10 7.0 22 0 12:00 16:00 20:00 00:00 04:00 08:00 12:00 16:00 0.6 0.4 20:00 Time 0 Depth, m 1 2 3 4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 DO, % Sat. 6:58AM 4:34PM Figure 2 8:23AM 5:24PM 10:00AM 6:17PM 12:50PM 2:14PM 3:33PM Inkerman Lagoon daily cycling, Site 3 (downstream) on 28-03-02 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 130 APPENDIX I OVERVIEW OF WATER QUALITY PROCESSES AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES IN WATERWAYS OF THE BURDEKIN REGION Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 131 I1. OVERVIEW OF WATER QUALITY PROCESSES AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES IN WATERWAYS OF THE BURDEKIN REGION I1.1 Contaminant Exports from the Catchment The overwhelming majority of water quality-related research and monitoring in the dry tropics (and indeed most Great Barrier Reef catchments) have focused on the issue of riverine contaminant inputs into the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) lagoon. Efforts to date have concentrated mainly on monitoring and/or modelling end-of-river sediment and nutrient export loads. Little attention has been devoted to determining rates of export of other contaminants, managers electing instead to monitor residues in the bottom sediments and biota or changes in ecological indicators in receiving waters. However, it is generally accepted that the majority of toxicants released into the GBR lagoon (with the major exception of dissolved species of nitrogen) will be attached to very fine sediment particles when they first enter the marine environment. This significantly increases the potential importance of sediment export management. The following general conclusions can be drawn from the available research literature: • Riverine runoff is the largest external source of nitrogen and phosphorus to the GBR lagoon and is the main source of sediment and nutrients that is directly influenced by human land use and water management practices. • Over the long term the majority of water, nutrient and sediment discharged into the GBR lagoon originates from the dry catchments of the Burdekin and Fitzroy rivers. • Even in the wet tropics, the majority of export occurs during storm events, usually associated with cyclones and tropical lows. In the Burdekin, Fitzroy and other dry catchments, the quantities discharged at any other time are negligible. Accordingly ambient water quality data (which are currently gathered almost exclusively during low flow periods) do not provide useful information about end-of-river export rates. • Flood pulses generated by runoff from the wetter northern (Burdekin) and south-eastern (Bowen/Broken) subcatchments of the Burdekin River pass through the river system with remarkable speed and as a consequence the majority of contaminant export typically occurs over the course of a few days to a week. The flood hydrographs generated by runoff from the drier, lower gradient Belyando/Suttor subcatchment rise and fall more gradually, but most sediment discharge still generally occurs over no more than a month or so. On rare occasions prolonged rainfall or consecutive storm events can extend storm hydrographs out to one or two months but even in these cases the majority of sediment export is generally associated with a few brief flow peaks of no more than a few days’ duration. Many of the shorter rivers and creeks that rise in the coastal ranges have been flashier hydrographs and can often be expected to maintain high discharge levels for periods in the order of hours rather than days once rainfall intensity in the catchment declines. Even low gradient systems that rise on the coastal plains 89e.g. Lagoon Creek) exhibit rapid hydrographic responses to intense rain events, discharge rates falling by one or two orders of magnitude within a few days of the cessation of rainfall it is impossible to obtain meaningful contaminant export data from such sites without implementing automated sampling programs. • Nitrogen export rates are much less well understood as there are very limited monitoring data available for large scale flow events in the dry tropics. Available data indicate that the correlations between particulate and dissolved forms of nitrogen are significantly different from those observed in Wet Tropics rivers. Accordingly it does not appear to be valid to extrapolate findings from more intensively studied rivers such as the Johnstone. Despite the erratic episodic nature of discharges from the dry GBR catchments and the enormous interannual and inter-decadal variability of export patterns, most attempts to model sediment export have focused on average annual load estimates. Given that human management decisions are generally required to deal with current situations and projections for the immediate future, it is doubtful if longterm average estimates provide a very meaningful management tool in the dry tropics – the reality that total inputs into the GBR lagoon from the dry tropics can be negligible over dry decades and enormous in a flood year is inescapable. Moreover, total exports appear to be dictated by large-scale flood events with Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 132 a recurrence interval in the order of 8 to 20 years depending on the system and the contaminant flux rates that occur during such events are so high that minor variations in the intensity, duration and location of rainfall could lead to export load variations large enough to be equivalent to of low flow discharge. For example Belperio (1979) estimated the following end of river sediment export values for the Burdekin River prior to the construction of the Burdekin Dam: Sediment Load Tonnes x 106 Washload Bedload Average Year Flood Year (1957-58) Drought Year (1968-69) 24hr Peak Discharge (3, 600m3/s in 1974) I1.2 3 0.45 19.7 3.7 0.008 0.001 6.4 1.7 Contaminant Exports to Estuarine Wetlands To date virtually all research dealing with downstream impacts of catchment runoff has focused on receiving environments outside of the river mouths (i.e. within the GBR lagoon itself), even though the boundaries of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA) are currently defined by the low water mark and therefore encompass the river estuaries. It is however, patently clear that estuaries are subject to far greater and more direct anthropogenic pressures than any other marine waters, and that the risk of water quality-related damage to estuarine ecosystems is substantially higher (in some cases by orders of magnitude) than it is in other parts of the GBRWHA. It has been clearly established that in terms of total quantities the overwhelming majority of water, nutrients, sediment and associated contaminants discharged into the GBR lagoon from dry and wet/dry catchments are delivered into the sea via the main river channels during large flood events. As discussed previously, contributions from the relatively small, near-coastal catchments are disproportionally high due to their close proximity to the sea, but the inland catchment areas of large rivers like the Burdekin and Fitzroy are so large that they are still the main source of contaminant exports. Furthermore the total quantities of sediment carried to the marine environment rivers in baseflows are negligible in virtually all catchments. It is evident that a very large proportion of the solute and very fine, potentially bio-active, sediments carried by floods will pass so rapidly through the river estuaries and creeks that they should be expected to have little, if any, impact on the ecosystem (provided that acutely stressful conditions do not develop). A significant proportion of this material appears to flocculate and settle before salinity levels in river plumes increase to about 10 and during floods this generally happens outside the river mouths. (There may potentially be significant deposition of silt-sized particles in the estuarine parts of the floodplain during the peak of floods. These are important from a geomorphological and ecological viewpoint but are much less relevant to water quality). Some of the sediments that flocculate off-shore may, depending on prevailing conditions, be carried back into the estuary from which they came but most will be gradually redistributed further north. Unflocculated material, on the other hand, will disperse with the river plume and can be expected to travel large distances in a short time. During the falling limb of the hydrograph, stormwaters in the estuary will begin to be displaced by seawater, and salinities will rise to levels high enough to induce flocculation. This means that there will be a sudden increase in the probability of bioactive sediments being deposited within the estuary. At the same time the residence time of stormwater within the estuary increases, providing greater opportunity for bio-assimilation of dissolved contaminants (including those which desorb from fine sediments). The potential for contaminants to become involved in ecological processes within the estuary would also be Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 133 expected to increase as flows fall, and ultimately the relatively small amounts carried into the system when the river is at baseflow would be expected to exert disproportionate effects on the ecosystem. Similarly, the contaminants carried into the estuary in runoff from small localised storm events, have the potential to significantly affect the ecosystem even though the amounts involved represent a negligible proportion of the total quantities that pass through the system in the longer term. There is evidence from research conducted in other regions that a significant proportion of the productivity of estuaries can be attributed to utilisation of fluvial nutrient inputs, so it is likely that anthropogenic changes to the quantities and/or the timing of delivery of riverine nutrients to estuaries will have significant effects on the ecosystem. It must also be recognised that unlike coastal waters, estuaries, especially their upper parts, do not receive the full benefit of the dilution, mixing and re-aeration capacity potentially available from the sea. During spring tides the tidal wedge can penetrate significant distances into the estuary and this provides reasonable mixing, dilution and dispersion in the lower estuaries. However, in the tributaries and intertidal wetlands at the top of the estuary, mixing can be quite poor, and it is not uncommon to find that the ebb and flow of tidal seawater simply pushes estuary water back and forth. (During the dry season this can be evidenced by the development of inverse salinity gradients). Moreover, during extreme neap tide sets (i.e. more than one third of the time in many parts of the dry tropics) there is very little tidal movement and mixing can be poor even in the lower estuary. At places and times where mixing is poor, biological processes (such as respiration) can exert large effects on water quality. This, coupled with low dilution and dispersion capacity, can create conditions where the ecosystem is vulnerable to acute, episodic water quality impacts. Other factors being equal the probability of this occurring rises rapidly with increasing distance from the open sea. The above considerations lead to the general conclusion that individual estuaries can be expected to be most affected by runoff generated from their own local subcatchment areas and that some of the most adverse affects could be associated with quite small localised events. This is a significant conclusion because in many cases the local subcatchments surrounding the estuary are completely dominated by intensive agricultural and/or urban developments. The small sinusoidal channels and intertidal wetlands at the top of the estuary are at much higher risk than the larger main channels but because of their comparatively small size many investigators tend to ignore them. It is important to recognise, however, that these parts of the system provide specialised aquatic habitats that are poorly represented, sometimes absent, from the lower estuary. Moreover, the cumulative area of benthic habitats provided by all these small systems can amount to a very significant total, indicating that they are significant contributors to the total productivity of the estuarine ecosystem. From a water quality viewpoint the estuaries of the Burdekin floodplain fall into the following broad groups based on existing differences in the flow regimes of the systems that feed into them: 1. The right bank of the floodplain (from Yellow Gin Creek to the Elliot River). The Burdekin River flood plume often extends as far south as Cape Upstart and has reached the Whitsundays on occasions, (Devlin et al, 2000) so these small southern estuaries may potentially receive some inputs of fine particulate and dissolved contaminants from the Burdekin River via the sea. Here streams are largely unsupplemented and ephemeral. Presumably they have always delivered sediment and nutrients to their small estuaries mainly as pulses during storm events. Landholders construct temporary bund walls to capture the last of the freshwater flows in several of these systems but it is doubtful if baseflows were ever sufficiently prolonged for this to significantly affect the nutrient budget of the estuary. Runoff from horticultural developments on the levee banks of Molongle Creek and the Elliot River drain away from the main watercourse. This protects the river from adverse water quality effects but there is potential for agrochemicals to accumulate in the small coastal receiving streams nearby (eg. RM Creek). Apart from this, anthropogenic impacts seem likely to be confined to increases in the size of the nutrient and sediment pulses delivered from grazing lands in the coastal catchment areas during storms. All of the creeks maintain coarse basal sands all the way to the estuary indicating that fine sediments are transported very efficiently during floods. Hence small scale stormevents in the coastal catchments are almost certainly the main source of contaminant loading within the estuaries. Since such events are relatively rare these estuaries are Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 134 relatively safe from fluvial inputs of anthropogenic contaminants even through some parts of the catchment are in poor condition. 2. Floodplain creeks and streams that are used to distribute irrigation water (eg. Plantation Ck, Sheepstation Ck, Warren’s Gully, Iyah Ck, Kalamia Ck, Pink Lily Lagoon). These once ephemeral streams now support permanent flows of Burdekin Falls Dam BFD water. This water is turbid but otherwise of good quality when it first enters the streams, but water quality is currently being spoiled by deoxygenation and other related problems caused mainly by exotic weed invasions. Levees have been constructed at the top of the estuary in most of these systems in order to prevent ingress of seawater into the lower reaches of the streams. This has caused the formation of extensive artificial freshwater wetlands which are now choked with exotic weeds and/or miscreant monocultures of Typha. These changes could alter the nutrient budget of the estuaries in many ways, but much closer investigation would be required to determine precise effects. Perhaps more importantly, the poor quality waters ponded behind the levees are hypoxic and as a result contain significant concentrations of potential toxicants such as hydrogen sulphide. This water has the potential to create acutely lethal conditions if suddenly released into the estuary. The risks of this happening will be greatest during small storm events and/or the initial rising stages of a large storm event. This is an issue that warrants closer investigation. 3. Floodplain creeks that are used to drain irrigation tailwater and storm waters away from cane farms (Barrattas Creek and associated lagoons such as Collinson’s and Didjeridoo). The most closely studied example of this is the Barrattas Creek system. This was once an ephemeral system which retracted into a series of permanent lagoons during the dry season. The creek is now perennial and supports high baseflows and frequent swift flows due to supplementation by tailwater releases. Nutrient concentrations in the tailwater are extremely variable but, on average, approximate the levels that would be encountered on the falling limb of the hydrograph in a stream that is subject to moderate grazing pressure. This is significantly higher than would be expected in a similar stream if it was at baseflow. Regardless of the significance of these concentrations (which is yet to be determined) artificial flows now constantly supply nutrients to the estuary during the dry season when natural inputs would have been negligible, and this must have significantly increased dry season nutrient loading in the estuary. There is also a high potential for tailwater flows to contain agrochemicals such as pesticides and heavy metals and for occasional episodic pulses of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), severely hypoxic water and/or high ammonia concentrations, each of which could be acutely lethal to marine organisms under certain circumstances. Since these effects occur mainly as pulses (determined by the timing of irrigation and rain events relative to cropping operations on individual farms) they are unlikely to be detected, let alone quantified, by the grab sampling methods currently being employed in routine monitoring programs. Even occasional brief occurrences of acutely toxic conditions can have prolonged effects on biological community structure and function. In cases where they recur, such episodes could be the main factor governing the condition of the ecosystem in the long term. There is therefore an urgent need to develop and implement more suitable monitoring techniques. 4. The tidal reaches of the Haughton River. This estuary benefits from connections with the extensive Cromarty Wetlands system to the north and the large relatively unaltered Barramundi Creek estuary system to the south. Tidal circulation appears to provide reasonably efficient dilution and dispersion at the confluence of the Haughton River and Cromarty Creek (during the dry season hypersaline waters indicative of poor mixing are usually confined to reaches of Cromarty Creek that are well upstream of the junction). In the aftermath of flood events freshwater discharges from the Cromarty channel provide additional flushing for periods of several weeks to a few months. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 135 It is therefore concluded that storm waters discharged into the estuary from the Haughton River will be dispersed and diluted more efficiently than they are in most regional estuaries. Hence, the Haughton estuary is expected to be less vulnerable to water quality problems than most others in the area. Modifications to baseflow inputs due to the presence of the Haughton Weirs (Giru and Val Bird) will probably have affected dry season nutrient processing in the tidal reach between the weir and Cromarty junction, but since natural baseflows were quite low and baseflow modifications are minor it is unlikely that effects would be measurable further downstream. Currently there are virtually no interpretable long term ambient water quality data available for the estuarine wetlands in the dry tropics. A fortnightly grab sampling program was instigated in the Burdekin River Irrigation Area (BRIA) in 1988. This program, which continued for more than a decade, originally included two estuarine sites but it became apparent that the data would be uninterpretable due to natural variations in tidal conditions, etc., so monitoring focused entirely on freshwater sites during most of the program. The freshwater data provide some indication of the concentrations of nutrients being carried towards the estuary but due to limited flow rate data it is difficult to confidently determine flux rates. Moreover, it is impossible to tell how much of this reached the estuary, when it arrived, or what form it was in when it got there. Recent research has shown that dissolved oxygen availability is the most important water quality issue in the freshwater wetlands of the dry tropics. It is possible, perhaps likely, that in many places this problem extends downstream into the estuaries, the surveys conducted in conjunction with the current study have demonstrated that the inherent tendencies towards the development of hypoxia that is so evident in freshwater wetlands are also obvious in estuarine wetlands. There was inadequate rainfall during the coarse of this study to be able to determine if the severe oxygen sags experienced in freshwater wetlands during small stormevents are transferred into the estuary, but the potential for adverse effects of this kind appears to be high, so detailed monitoring of oxygen dynamics should be treated as a priority for future estuarine investigations. This would require the adoption of specialised monitoring procedures because the levels of oxygen (and temperature and pH) within the water column can fluctuate massively over very small scales of time (eg. minutes to hours) and space (centimetres to metres). The spot measurements currently being collected in regional monitoring programs cannot be interpreted and, because measurements are inevitably taken during daylight hours when oxygen levels are highest, are usually misleading. It should also be noted that there are currently no Australian or Queensland water quality guidelines available for estuaries. At the moment investigators generally need to employ professional judgement to determine if the ANZECC (2000) freshwater or marine guidelines are most applicable in any given situation. However, based on our limited studies in this area to date, we doubt whether either freshwater or marine water quality criteria are strictly relevant. In contrast, we believe that marine sediment quality guidelines should generally be applicable in local estuaries and it is expected that reference values for estuarine sediments will be included in the forthcoming Queensland Water Quality Guidelines. Due to the episodic nature of toxicant inputs into estuaries, water sampling can be a very inefficient and expensive monitoring technique, so residue monitoring is generally a preferred alternative. However, a few naturally occurring toxicants such as ammonia and hydrogen sulphide degrade without leaving signature residues, so water sampling is the only means by which they can be detected. In this case the most practical (and affordable) approach is to conduct detailed risk evaluations to propose hypotheses about the places and times when high concentrations are most likely to occur, and then implement brief targeted sampling exercises to test these hypotheses. Most toxicants such as metals and pesticides, on the other hand, will accumulate to some extent in benthic sediments and biota. Sediment and tissue residues are a reasonably reliable indicator of exposure to these kinds of contaminants. I1.3 Ambient Water Quality in Freshwater Drainage Systems The brief intense flow pulses which dominate the hydrograph in most dry and wet/dry drainage systems have important ramifications for water quality assessment and management. The most important of these are: Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 136 • • • • The potential for impacts on the marine environment depends almost entirely on the quality of stormwater generated during flood events. The resource potential of surface waters depends mainly on the quality of water discharged during the falling limb of large flood events and/or the rising and falling limbs of smaller storm events. (This is the water which is most likely to be harvested in large quantities or captured in impoundments; some water may be harvested during the rising stages of large floods but high suspended sediment loads and bed sediment movements make pumping difficult and these very high flows are also sustained only briefly). Estuaries are also likely to be affected mainly by contaminant inputs associated with small events and the falling limb of flood hydrographs or by baseflows supplemented by irrigation runoff land in a few cases of industrial or urban effluent discharges. As a general rule (to which there may be a few important exceptions) instream productivity is mainly governed by what happens during very small storm events and the very low flows that are present most of the time. Water quality research in most of the dry tropics primarily deals with contaminant flux estimates and relates mainly to the evaluation of downstream, rather than instream, impacts. There have been few previous attempts to examine or establish links between water quality, ecosystem conditions and biophysical processes in wetlands in this region of Australia, and even basic water quality data are unavailable in most cases. Ambient water quality data are available for some major tributary streams and river reaches, mainly through state agencies (NRM and EPA). These have been collected using standard routine monitoring techniques which have proved to be effective in many parts of the world and in many types of water body (eg infrequent random or irregular interval grab samples and spot measurements). However, our research indicates that there are sound grounds to doubt if such data can be interpreted in an ecologically meaningful way in most of the dry and wet-dry tropics. (This situation is not a criticism of the agencies involved, who have correctly followed well established historical conventions; we are challenging the paradigms upon which these conventions are based). The reasons for the current deficiencies are numerous but the following factors have a significant bearing: • Conventional monitoring practices have been developed mainly in temperate regions of the world and are primarily based on experience gained from monitoring large, well-mixed water bodies such as large coastal embayments, lakes and large perennial rivers. Detailed studies of smaller water bodies, especially in the tropics, have been confined mostly to swiftly flowing well-mixed perennial mountain streams. Dry tropical rivers are large well-mixed systems for only a few weeks to a few months a year (at which time instances discharge rates can rival most of the world’s rivers)– most of the time the systems comprise small shallow streams, a few sluggish, poorly mixed deeper reaches, numerous small very poorly mixed water holes (both instream and off-channel), permanently inundated, ground water dependent floodplain wetlands and ephemeral/intermittent wetlands that are dry most of the time. Systems of this kind are very poorly represented in the water quality literature. • Ecologically based water quality monitoring is a relatively new undertaking, especially in tropical Australia. Many of our water quality scientists gained their experience in resource assessments and hydrological investigations and have had limited exposure to the principles of aquatic ecology. One of the most obvious consequences of this is a tendency to focus monitoring and management efforts on large water bodies and to attempt to collect samples representative of the majority of water volume contained in an aquatic system (this is usually the appropriate strategy when the requirement is to quantify contaminant fluxes or assess resource potential; the value of a resource is after-all, proportional to the volume available for use). In contrast, the productivity of aquatic ecosystems, especially shallow ones, is usually much more closely linked to the surface area and quality of benthic habitats than it is to water volume. Aquatic productivity, for instance, is normally measured in terms of carbon fixation per unit area, not per unit volume. This dictates the adoption of quite different criteria when evaluating the relative importance of various parts of the system and/or deciding when or where to focus investigations. For example, a relatively large (by dry tropical standards) turbid river reach with coarse sandy bottom is likely to support much lower levels of productivity than a comparatively small off-channel billabong or a series of small permanent water holes in a nearby tributary. No attempt has yet been made to determine an energy budget for a local Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 137 river system; however, based on published data the cumulative contribution from numerous small water bodies to the total area of productive benthic habitats in the system as a whole, is likely to be substantial. Moreover, such water bodies often provide habitats that are poorly represented or largely absent in the main river system, so they make a significant contribution to the diversity of the system as a whole. It follows that the current tendency to focus research and monitoring efforts almost entirely on the main river channel is inappropriate if general aquatic ecosystem health is being assessed. • • Monitoring sites that are to be used to quantify fluxes of water and/or contaminants must be strategically located within the drainage system to ensure that the inputs from various subcatchments are adequately captured. Additionally, because flow data are needed for flux estimates, the precise location of the monitoring station will usually be dictated by stream gauging requirements. Ecological/ambient monitoring sites on the other hand, should ideally be located in areas that best represent the dominant and/or most valuable aquatic habitats in each area. In large, relatively homogenous perennial systems these two kinds of sites commonly coincide so it is feasible to utilise a single monitoring site network for all purposes. However, this is rarely the case in the spatially and temporally heterogeneous systems of the dry tropics. Effective water quality monitoring program designs need to be based on a conceptual understanding of the main biophysical factors and processes that govern water quality and ecological conditions. ANZECC and ARMCANZ (2000) WQG and ANZECC (2000) Guidelines for Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting, both promote the use of holistic conceptual models to assist in issue prioritisation, and the subsequent selection of appropriate indicators and monitoring regimes. However, few of the examples and case studies contained in these and other reference documents are applicable in this region, and it is only recently that we have begun to develop sufficient understanding of local environments to be able to propose viable alternatives. I1.4 Water Quality and Management in Floodplain Wetlands I1.4.1 Unsupplemented near-coastal wetlands On their way to the sea, the contaminants released from highly disturbed coastal subcatchments may be diluted and dispersed, firstly by influxes of storm waters originating in undisturbed parts of the local watershed; secondly by riverine discharges arising from the greater catchment area; (which are often large enough to overwhelm iputs from small coastal catchments) and, ultimately, by the immense volumes of seawater in the marine environment. At the same time contaminants participate in numerous biophysical transformations such as settling, oxidation, sorption or desorption, bioassimilation, decomposition, biochemical or chemical conversion, precipitation or volatilisation. These processes generally guarantee that the concentrations of contaminants introduced by runoff from intensively developed subcatchments decrease incrementally with increasing time and distance from the source. Such processes play a crucial role in determining the susceptibility of different aquatic ecosystems to impact from various anthropogenic contaminant sources. Freshwater wetland systems, which are the initial recipients of contaminant inputs in many intensively developed areas, are subject to greater risks of harm than any other regional ecosystems. These highly vulnerable wetlands include the numerous tributary streams, coastal distributary creeks, lagoons and swamps that drain subcatchments dominated by human activity. Most of these discharge into much larger, less vulnerable water bodies that are often considered to be more ecologically and socio-economically important due to their larger size. However, many of the smaller wetland systems play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of regional aquatic ecosystems – they may, for example, provide breeding and nursery habitats that are virtually absent from large rivers and/or estuaries. These aquatic ecosystems must currently contend not only with frequent and prolonged exposure to poorly diluted stormwater and wastewater inputs, but also a unique variety of other natural and anthropogenic stresses. Most of the water bodies in question are relatively small, poorly mixed, poorly aerated, and support high levels of natural productivity. They are therefore inherently prone to the periodic development of stressful water quality conditions. In the pre-European landscape, wetland habitats were so abundant and diverse that these natural tendencies would not have presented a problem. The occurrence of “poor” water quality at certain times and places within the complex wetland mosaic probably played a vital role in the maintenance of high diversity by providing Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 138 habitat for organisms specifically adapted to conditions that are stressful to competitors; and in habitats of this kind, episodes of catastrophic water quality failure would simply have provided opportunities for predators and scavengers to feed more easily. Such events were sustainable because there were other refuge habitats nearby that were more than capable of maintaining regional fish stocks and biodiversity. The contemporary situation is very different. Most wetlands represent mere fragments of the extensive habitat mosaics that once occupied most watersheds, especially along the now intensively developed sections of the coastal plains. The progressive destruction and reclamation of wetlands since European settlement, and especially the accelerated losses due to sugar industry expansion during the last quarter of the 20th century, have been well documented. In many subcatchments, wetland habitats that were once dominant features of the landscape (e.g., Melaleuca (paperbark) swamps) are now either absent or exist only as small isolated remnants. Most commentators have pointed to the resulting loss of stormwater detention and contaminant removal capacity as the major adverse impact of these changes. The associated losses in fishery productivity and regional biodiversity have also been identified as cause for concern, but the effects on the fundamental ecology of the freshwater wetland ecosystems and the consequent implications for best management of the remaining habitats have received little attention. For this reason some important points are often overlooked, as follows: • • • Most of the remaining wetlands in agricultural areas have been retained because they serve as natural drains and/or useful water reservoirs, and in most cases they have been altered (by drainage works, installation of flow regulation structures, tidal barriers, culverts etc) to enhance these capabilities. Selective retention has thus favoured a few wetland types and these have often been modified in ways that make them much more similar to one another than they once were. Accordingly there has been greater loss of habitat diversity than most published figures suggest. The condition of remnant wetlands is poorly documented, but it is clear that a wetland is not necessarily capable of performing any of its natural functions simply because it still retains water. Our research on the Herbert and Burdekin floodplains indicates that, because of loss of riparian vegetation, aquatic weed invasions and hydrological modifications due to irrigation, the majority of wetlands are severely degraded. In most cases it is unlikely that they would be able to function normally even if the quality of water flowing into them was excellent. Habitat degradation is so widespread that it has been impossible to locate sites that might represent how these systems would have functioned under natural conditions. Therefore, we have had to resort to studies examining the effects of different types of degradation to piece together some understanding of the underlying natural processes. Habitat loss and degradation, linked with other pressures, such as fishing, have created a situation where it is extremely doubtful that any wetlands could ever be successfully restored to their natural state. Moreover, in these heavily altered landscapes it is very likely that the best possible ecological and socioeconomic outcomes would be achieved if remnant wetlands were actively managed to ensure that they take on new functional roles that better compensate for the overall accrued losses. Such management measures would require establishment and maintenance of new, essentially artificial ecosystems, capable of sustaining the ecological values desired by the community, and might involve the construction of new wetland habitats. Strategies of this kind are already being trialled in several areas, ( in conjunction with initiatives such as Landcare, NHT, SIIP) but it is too early to judge if their objectives are being accomplished. Nevertheless, it is clear that the functions and needs of tropical wetland systems are not sufficiently understood for managers to be able to make informed decisions. There is a widely held view that management to minimise contaminant export to the marine environment will automatically be beneficial to freshwater ecosystems (and vice versa). This assumption is rarely valid; in fact there are many instances where the two objectives can be mutually exclusive. For example, total retention of agricultural contaminants within the freshwater drainage system would effectively eliminate exports to the marine environment, but in the process, freshwater habitat values could be totally destroyed; moreover, the resulting loss of fishery productivity and ecosystem connectivity would almost certainly impact on marine food webs so the net benefit to the marine environment would be questionable at best. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 139 The identification of management measures that are beneficial to all aquatic ecosystems, and the ability to reach appropriate compromises when such options are not available, require a well developed understanding of the ecology of the region, and knowledge of the tolerances and vulnerabilities of individual ecosystems and their components. Current National Water Quality Guidelines (ANZECC 2000) promote the idea of holistically evaluating the factors that determine aquatic ecosystem condition in order to ensure that management is directed at the most important issues. This advice is particularly pertinent to regional wetlands and underpins most of the research we have carried out in recent years. The current research project has focused on identifying and examining the most important water-qualityrelated issues that affect wetlands that are the primary recipients of anthropogenic contaminants. The biophysical factors and anthropogenic influences that make these wetlands particularly vulnerable to ecotoxicological impacts are also major influences on the relative importance of various water quality processes. Consequently, the main issues of concern are somewhat different from those that have been identified for other aquatic ecosystems and especially adjacent marine environments. I1.4.2 Burdekin floodplain a) Water quality influences Coastal floodplain Many of the aquatic ecosystems on the coastal floodplain are currently in very poor condition. Factors such as clearing of riparian vegetation, introduction of exotic weeds, drainage alterations and hydrological modifications, combine to undermine natural ecological functions and increase the vulnerability of water bodies to water quality problems. There is unequivocal emerging evidence (see Perna 2003 for example) that water quality problems exist, but the extent to which they can be attributed to various potential causes is only now being studied in detail. Nevertheless, there are clear qualitative indications that the following issues dominate. Water management and use Several of the coastal creeks that were once ephemeral have been transformed into perennially flowing waterways due to constant distribution of irrigation water (eg. Sheep Station and Plantation Creeks) or tailwater disposal (eg. Barrattas Creek). Theoretically this increase in flow could increase re-aeration, dispersion and dilution rates and hence, reduce the vulnerability of these systems to certain water quality problems. In practice three factors act against this: 1. Water usage and demand, and therefore flow rates, often fall to a minimum when rainy conditions prevail. This results in a sudden increase in vulnerability at the times when water quality threats are highest. 2. Exotic weeds and Typha monocultures have invaded (or are invading) large sections of most distributary channels and wetlands. These very efficiently strip oxygen from the water column so artificial baseflows simply distribute hypoxic water downstream. The risks of other water quality factors causing damage to these ecosystems is currently very low, simply because they have already been degraded to the point where few sensitive organisms remain. However, weed removal and rehabilitation programs are currently underway and initial results indicate rapid recovery of biodiversity is achievable. There are also clear indications that artificial flows in the distributaries become a valuable source of oxygen for downstream ecosystems, if weeds are removed from upstream reaches. The chronic turbidity of BFD irrigation water substantially alters the ecology of receiving waters and is almost certainly one of the factors contributing to the invasive success of exotic weeds (which appear to cope with constant turbidity much better than most native plants). However, it appears that a functional ecosystem, capable of supporting those elements of natural ecological function that are of most concern to the local community Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 140 (eg. nursery habitat for barramundi), could be maintained if other problems such as weed invasions and loss of riparian habitat, are redressed. 3. Virtually all of the waterways on the floodplain other than major tailwater drains like the Barrattas Creeks have been cut off from the estuary through the construction of weirs, bund walls and levee banks. Hence watercourses which once entered the estuary through super-tidal salt flats and intertidal mud flats, which offer little resistance to the passage of stormwaters, now terminate in permanently inundated freshwater ponds which have become choked with weeds. These ponds greatly increase the residence time of poor quality first-flush water. Even with the weeds removed efficient flushing will be delayed significantly while the pond is filling, so the highest level of protection would only be achieved by removing all flow obstructions. (This strategy would provide the additional benefits of allowing fish passage and ingress of seawater which would prevent the re-establishment of most freshwater weeds). It is understood that the North Burdekin Water Board may be prepared to trial rehabilitation works of this kind in Plantation Creek. Note that the concentrations of nutrients in tailwater can at times be considerably higher than they are in the irrigation water. However, most of the time flow rates in the irrigation channels are substantially higher than they are in tailwater drains. Hence the total quantity of nutrients passing through the system may be quite similar in both cases. Farming and irrigation • Laser-levelling of farms, reclaimation of wetland sump areas and drainage improvements, etc. have undoubtedly increased the rate at which water-borne contaminants enter natural watercourses and this is likely to exacerbate the effects of first-flush runoff. Some farms use recycling ponds capable of capturing a small quantity of the initial runoff but the net benefit of these has not been studied. • Recent work by the Sugar CRC, CSIRO Land and Water (CLW) and ACTFR has shown that the runoff from cane farms can at times contain dangerously high levels of BOD. This BOD appears to be attributable mainly to sugar (and its degradation products) deposited in fields from cane juice released during harvesting. In most soils, microbes degrade sugars quickly so the concentrations in soil can usually be expected to decrease rapidly after harvest. The dynamics of this have not been examined closely but trials to date show that BOD levels in the tailwaters generated by the first post-harvest irrigation event can be more than an order of magnitude higher than the limit of 20mg/L that is normally specified in EPA effluent discharge licences for sewage treatment plants. Our surveys also show that many receiving water bodies already suffer from chronic hypoxia and are unlikely to be able to cope with the introduction of any BOD. Much research has focused on the releases of sediment and nutrients from farms into the aquatic environment. Cane farming requires the use of large quantities of nitrogen-based fertilisers and current indications are that about one third of this is used by the crop and that another third volatilises. The remainder can potentially be released into the aquatic environment. Accordingly many researchers have identified releases of nitrogen from canefarms, especially in the dissolved inorganic form, as a major issue for downstream effects on the GBR. It is generally assumed that there would be similar potential for impacts on freshwater and tidal wetlands but this is a far more complex issue. Tropical marine ecosystems, for instance, are generally considered to be nitrogen limited (i.e. the ecosystem would be expected to exhibit immediate productivity increases in response to nitrogen inputs). The situation in wetland environments, where other factors clearly limit productivity in various places and/or at various times, is not as straightforward. Moreover, different plant types and/or species are often simultaneously subject to different limiting factors (eg. floating weeds vs emergents vs submergents). The issue of nutrient limitation in shallow wetlands is also complicated by the capacity of many plants to obtain nutrients from bottom sediments and soil, and in environments dominated by species which do this, it appears that the major effects of changes in nutrient levels in the water column are to modify the plant community structure rather than gross productivity levels. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 141 Regardless of these complications it is clear that dry season nutrient and sediment loads have substantially increased in all the waterways that receive irrigation water, simply because there is now water constantly flowing into the system at times when natural flows are absent. The extent to which this contributes to existing weed problems is not known. It is probable that the modified hydraulic regime would in itself lead to excessive aquatic weed accumulations. However, the presence of high nutrient loads has almost certainly to accelerated the rate at which this happens and chronic turbidity levels definitely give the existing problematic (floating and emergent) species a competitive advantage over other less invasive submergent native plant species that re-establish when weeds are first removed. Nutrients and sediments are unlikely to be of concern to wetland environments during the rising stage of the flood hydrographs because most are non-toxic and will pass so rapidly through the wetlands that they will have little effect. (Increases in turbidity which would be of concern in other parts of the catchment, are less of a problem on the floodplain because most of these wetlands have adapted to regular inputs of turbid BFD water). However, ammonia (derived from fertilisers such as urea, ammonium phosphate and ammonium nitrate), is toxic at high concentrations and levels which could be acutely toxic are occasionally detected in cane drains and initial receiving streams. For example the toxicity of ammonia varies enormously depending on pH, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentrations, so high levels do not necessarily indicate that damage is being done (we are currently testing local species under local conditions to clarify this matter). Fertilisers containing ammonia are converted to comparatively innocuous nitrate quite rapidly in farm soils, so the risks of harm are only high when rainfall (or irrigation) occurs soon after fertilisers are applied. It is therefore likely (as is the case for so many of the potential water quality issues in the Burdekin) that impacts would be manifested in the form of brief, infrequent, localised but severe exposure episodes. Other toxicants that are likely to be found in cane-farm runoff include mercury (which is used in organic forms as a fungicide), copper and zinc (which are applied as trace element fertilisers), cadmium (which is a contaminant of some phosphate fertilisers) and a range of pesticides (see Table X). The potential for the release of these contaminants depends on many factors (eg. soil composition and condition, time since application, method of application, etc.) and, as with ammonia, releases are most likely to be episodic and difficult to predict. Very little effort has been made to determine if there is evidence of accumulations of, or exposure to, these toxicants in the wetlands that are most likely to be affected by farm runoff. The majority of studies that have been conducted focus on the marine environment, which benefits from enormous dilution capacity and therefore provides very limited insights into conditions in the freshwater and estuarine wetlands. Hunter et al. (1998) reported on the pesticide monitoring that has been conducted in the Burdekin floodplain canegrowing areas to date. They summarise results obtained from samples of water, sediment and biota collected from streams, water holes, irrigation supply channels and drains of the BHWSS on individual sampling trips conducted in 1990, 1992 and 1993, and samples collected from a single drain in 1995, 1996 and 1997. Modern pesticides degrade quite rapidly and inputs are known to be episodic and erratic, hence concentrations would be expected to vary enormously over time and space. Consequently the total number and spatial coverage of sampling events to date are far too low to be able to draw any definite conclusions. However, low levels of pesticide residues and especially the herbicides atrazine and 2,4-D, were detected in several samples on several occasions. Hunter et al. conclude that the results provide evidence of the presence of a number of pesticide residues in several drains, streams and lagoons in the BRIA, that the environmental significance of the findings remain uncertain, but that monitoring should be continued as a precautionary measure. Mortimer (2000) reported on the concentrations of metals in mud crabs collected from six estuaries along the Queensland coast. The mean concentration of most metals obtained from analysis of ten crabs collected “near Ayr” were similar to or lower than the levels reported from other estuaries, but mercury concentrations were almost twice as high as those reported for the Brisbane River and an order of magnitude higher than other sites. The author does not comment on this result but to our knowledge canefarming is the only potential source of such contamination in the Ayr region. Table 2: Estimated annual pesticide amounts (kg active ingredient/year) used in the Burdekin Catchments (Hamilton & Haydon 1996) Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 142 Catchment b) Pesticide Haughton Burdekin Atrazine 24300 19300 2,4-D 6900 5500 Ametryn 6200 4900 Glyphosate 5300 4200 Diuron 4100 3300 Management implications Implications for inland waters and coastal floodplains are treated separately here but deficiencies in current monitoring techniques are evident in both. During most of the year (i.e. when the unsupplemented parts of the system are at baseflow or during small flow events) monitoring is especially difficult because the system is fragmented into effectively independent water bodies within which localised biophysical factors govern water quality characteristics. Moreover, in many cases water quality within an individual water body can fluctuate massively over very small scales of space and time. It is only during the falling limb/tail of the hydrograph that the system ever comes close to matching the paradigms (of catchment driven water quality gradients) upon which traditional ambient monitoring programs are largely based. At such times the system generally forms a drainage continuum made up of a series of reaches defined mainly by confluences of tributaries, within which instream physical and biological processes exert only subtle and gradual water quality effects. Furthermore, most biological transformations occur in the water column at this stage of the hydrograph, so contaminants are bioassimilated into planktonic biomass which can be captured in water samples. Conceptually at such times the river channel functions as a relatively inert conduit that conveys a biologically active stream of water. Under these conditions grab samples and spot measurements can usually be interpreted meaningfully, as long as major discontinuities in mixing and aeration patterns (caused by waterfalls, rapids, weirs, etc.) are taken into consideration. The risks of acute effects from physical and chemical stressors are also sufficiently low for the ANZECC and ARMCANZ (2000) recommended approaches for interpretation to be applicable. Later in the hydrograph benthic biological processes gradually begin to dominate and the rivers turn into a living conduit that exerts major influences on the quality of water passing through it and as the system fragments it becomes increasingly heterogeneous making conventional monitoring techniques entirely ineffective. The flood hydrograph is of particular interest for resource development because it is this water that is most likely to be retained in large reservoirs. Current monitoring focuses mainly on determining the conductivity, salt composition and turbidity of this water. This work provides fairly convincing evidence that salinity is unlikely to be a significant issue in any major Burdekin catchment (especially when exploitable flows are present) and it is doubtful if further monitoring of this kind would change that evaluation. It is equally evident, however, that high turbidity is an important issue for water managers. The chronic high turbidity levels in the BFD are undoubtedly a significant source of impact on all downstream aquatic ecosystems. The chronic reduction in water clarity throughout all parts of the distributary system is clearly visible to all observers and is a potential source of dissatisfaction from the local community. The chronic turbidity of the BFD was not anticipated – expert opinion prior to the dam’s construction was that the suspended sediments would settle in the dam. This poor predictive capability is one of many examples of the deficiencies of dealing with suspended sediments as a gross property rather than examining its separate components. In a catchment such as the Burdekin where stormflows carry large Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 143 quantities of sediment, the only means of reliably predicting the quality of waters that will be trapped in an impoundment is to monitor the composition and settling properties of the sediment that will be carried into it. Note that simple inexpensive tests capable of conveying very useful information of this sort can be developed for routine monitoring purposes. It is strongly recommended that managers commission a small research project to develop such methods for incorporation into routine monitoring programs. The relatively small number of remaining floodplain wetlands that do not receive inputs of irrigation supply or tailwater are subject to the same water quality influences as the wetlands on the inland floodplains, where free-range grazing is the main source of anthropogenic impact. Coastal floodplain Most of the wetlands on the developed sections of the floodplain at this time are now of a different type than they once were, due to the constant artificial throughputs of (mostly turbid) irrigation water. Aquatic weed management is undoubtedly the priority issue on the floodplain, and until the existing infestations are brought under control other water quality management measures are unlikely to achieve many environmental gains. The following recommendations therefore apply mainly to systems where exotic and excessively invasive weeds have been brought under control (and the community-based NHT projects which we participated in during the course of this project are attempting to accomplish this). Note that this does not mean that the water courses should not support a large biomass of native and/or less invasive aquatic plants. • The current practice of allowing water flows in the distributary channels (and drains) to fall during rainy weather (when demands are low) places significant stress on any water body that is accustomed to higher flows, especially if it supports high levels of submergent biomass. Our work has shown that the weather only has to become cloudy and still, for oxygen concentrations in open water bodies to drop to stressful levels if flow rates are low. It would therefore be advisable to adopt a policy of, wherever possible, providing artificial flows in distributaries and drains during rainy weather until stormwater flows are sufficiently high to provide dispersion and aeration. • • • • The adoption of best practice farming methods including the use of grass filter strips, first-flush runoff traps, etc. would also be highly recommended. Green cane trash blanketing (GCTB), a practice which is widely used in other cane growing regions, but not in the Burdekin, is often promoted as a means of reducing soil and nutrient loss. However, the effect of green cane trash blanketing on BOD releases has not yet been properly evaluated so it is uncertain if this approach would be a desirable option in the Burdekin. It would be worth investigating the feasibility of using irrigation water to supplement stormflows during small-scale events in order to help flush out weeds (especially hyacinth). Wherever feasible it would be advisable to re-establish connections to estuaries and remove the weed infested artificial wetlands that have formed at the end of distributary channels. There are insufficient data to determine if contemporary releases of toxicants from farms should be treated as a priority issue. A program to monitor residues in sediments at different times of the year, throughout the entire floodplain (including the estuaries), should be implemented to evaluate risks. (Toxicant concentrations in the water column vary far too rapidly for water samples to be useful in this regard). A less rigorous but more affordable alternative to a broad survey would be to conduct a risk assessment to determine when and where various toxicants should accumulate and then carry out a more modest sampling program targeting the highest risk sites. (This should take the times of chemical applications, etc. into account). More extensive monitoring would only be required if unacceptable accumulations are detected at the targeted sites. Prevention of irrigation tailwater releases is often considered to be the best-practice option for canefarming. This is probably a justifiable stance provided that two prerequisites can be satisfied: 1) that the receiving water body is in good condition and has never previously been subject to prolonged tailwater flows, and 2) that the quality of water in recycling dams (which will eventually overflow into the drainage system when it rains) is acceptable. We do not currently have sufficient data indicative of the quality of water in recycling ponds to assess if the latter condition is fulfilled. The first prerequisite is important because several of the wetlands on the floodplain are in such poor and vulnerable condition that they undoubtedly stand a better chance of maintaining useful ecological functions if they receive the benefits of re-aeration and mixing, etc. provided by artificial flows of tailwater. This is because they have Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 144 accumulated such a high biomass that flushing of any kind is preferable to stagnancy. Benefits are likely to accrue even if the tailwater is moderately contaminated with agrochemicals. Water containing very high levels of sugar and other BOD causing substances, however, are an exception to this rule. There is an urgent need to take steps to prevent such water from entering any natural waterway. Other wetlands, depending on the amount and type of biomass they contain, may indeed benefit from less tailwater. Basically this is a situation where a horses-for-courses approach would achieve the best net benefit. Currently, it would be necessary to conduct quite detailed investigations at each individual site to determine the preferred option. This again illustrates the potential benefit of a typology scheme that would enable recommendations to be optimised for site types rather than individual sites. Inland waters When the hydrograph is falling there is green feed available for livestock (and hence their water consumption requirements are at a minimum) and there is drinking water available all over the catchment. Therefore livestock are usually widely dispersed and do not congregate around any particular water body (or part of a water body) for long. It follows that the main source of ambient water quality problems in the catchment (i.e. congregations of livestock in riparian zones) is largely absent at the time of the year when the river is probably best placed to cope with it. Accordingly, the probability of detecting impacts from grazing at this stage of the hydrograph is low. Inputs of oxygen demanding organic matter (especially manure), the induced effects of turbidity and nutrients on natural instream oxygen demand and the consequent development of hypoxia, are the principal sources water quality problems associated with congregations of livestock in riparian zones. These effects are seldom manifested over large lengths of river but instead as a scattered array of severe localised catastrophes in numerous isolated water holes palustrine wetlands and river reaches. Few of these are large enough to be considered critical in their own right but the cumulative loss of productivity and diversity from all affected water bodies is potentially very significant. Dissolved oxygen integrates the effects of most of the biophysical and water quality processes occurring in the water body, and is therefore a potentially useful indicator. It is also the parameter which is most likely to limit ecological conditions and therefore is also the main habitat quality determinant. Under base flow/stagnant conditions, concentrations of contaminants, and particularly oxygen, fluctuate enormously over even small spatial and temporal scales, making detection and quantification by conventional means very difficult. Data indicative of average concentrations and conditions are at best, impossible to interpret meaningfully, and at worst are entirely misleading. Spot measurements of dissolved oxygen are virtually impossible to interpret unless they are supported by a great deal of biophysical data (allowing sources of dissolved oxygen variability to be identified) but even then interpretation may prove impossible. For example, many thousands of spot measurements of oxygen have been collected in the Burdekin catchment over the years, but no more than a handful of them can be interpreted with any confidence. Even if oxygen data indicative of spatial and temporal variations are collected, they can be extremely difficult to summarise and analyse. We are currently attempting to ameliorate this problem by developing an indexing system that analyses fluctuations and predicts their ecological significance. It would not normally be feasible to monitor oxygen fluctuations routinely with the required resolution. (This requires measurements to be taken at different places in the water column at least several times between dusk and dawn). We are currently developing models to predict spatial and temporal distribution patterns in different types of water body, enabling meaningful interpretation with many fewer measurements and allowing identification of the conditions under which simple spot measurements are adequate. Vertical oxic stratification in the water column is a very common and widespread phenomenon during the hot summer months and this increases in severity when flow rates fall. Any alterations which create deeper, more turbid waters or increase the oxygen demand of bottom sediments (which is often the ultimate result of eutrophication) can exacerbate the extent and severity of hypoxia in the bottom waters. This is clearly a major impact of weir and dam construction and is one of the major ways that anthropogenic sediment and nutrient inputs impact on local waterways. The formation of a severely Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 145 hypoxic hypolimnion effectively eliminates aerobic organisms from all of the benthic habitats covered by that layer of water. In some cases this can lead to the loss of up to 95% of all benthic habitats. It is noteworthy that water measurements taken at the surface provide no indication of this loss of productive habitat. Moreover, the surface layer often contains good quality water so macroinvertebrate samples collected from shallow sections of the water body also yield indications that conditions are good, and the fact that their total biomass has been decimated is seldom detected. Nutrient concentrations in the water column are impossible to interpret under low flow conditions unless biological processes in the water body are understood. It is noteworthy for example that hyper-eutrophic water bodies can display either extremely high or extremely low nutrient concentrations (and anything inbetween) depending on the balance between benthic and planktonic productivity. (If the system is dominated by phytoplankton the total nutrient levels reported from water samples will be high because the phytoplankton themselves are included in the sample, but if benthic plants are dominant they can assimilate nutrients from the water column very efficiently, and since they are not included in samples, low nutrient concentrations are reported). The quantities of contaminants required to cause major problems in a stagnant water hole are negligible compared to the quantities that flow through the watercourse at other times. Hence, models and monitoring programs directed at estimating annual or seasonal contaminant loads and fluxes are not sensitive indicators of potential problems. Vulnerabilities vary greatly over time and between sites. For example, our research in the Dotswood area (Burrows and Butler, 2001) showed that Fanning River was inherently much more vulnerable to water quality problems than Star River and Keelbottom Creek. Early in the research project we failed to recognise this and pooled all control site data together to use as a reference source, thereby combining together data from sites with naturally good and naturally poor water quality. These were compared with data collected from cattle-impacted sites which by coincidence were mostly sites with lower vulnerability (and therefore with higher natural water quality expectations). Statistical analysis indicated that cattle were having little impact even though the evidence from other observations was to the contrary. This led to the development of a prototype classification scheme designed to rank the relative vulnerability of each site every time a sample was taken, allowing us to ensure that we only compared data representative of sites with similar natural water quality expectations. By employing this approach, statistical analyses confirmed that livestock were indeed having significant adverse effects on water quality. This demonstrates how typological analysis can be used as a tool for selecting appropriate reference sites and conditions. Biological indicators are of limited use for detecting the effects of acute episodic water quality disturbances that occur during the rising stage of the flood hydrograph because once flows increase above critical levels, mobile species will move away while most sedentary organisms will be flushed away, along with any evidence of water quality damage that may have occurred leading up to the flow peak. For example, we have found (Butler and Burrows 2001) that after flood events in the tributaries of the northern Burdekin, macroinvertebrate populations are so sparse that standard rapid sampling techniques are incapable of confirming if all of the taxa that should be there are present. The fact that many get washed away should not be taken to indicate that it doesn’t matter if organisms are killed (for example by asphyxiation) during events – post-event recoveries are heavily reliant of the survival of the few individuals that manage to remain in place during these events. Detection of the adverse effects of concern could only be accomplished by employing relatively expensive remote data-logging or automated sampling equipment. However, the effectiveness of this approach will depend heavily on site selection and even the precise location within the water column that is chosen to take readings. The conventional strategy of deploying data loggers at stream gauging sites is likely to be particularly ineffective unless it can be demonstrated that the gauging point is representative of the most valuable parts of the ecosystem both in terms of its re-aeration capacity and its in-stream biological community. In our experience this is seldom the case. It is also worth noting that probes deployed at a fixed distance above the bottom will often end up immersed in severely hypoxic bottom waters when waters rise, thus giving the misleading impression that conditions are worse than they really Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 146 are. Floating sensors that remain suspended in the near-surface layer at all times are preferred for this work. The above factors call for the use of monitoring techniques that are logistically difficult to implement and far too costly to justify unless there is compelling evidence that the potential risks are high. It will be important to ensure that limited resources are devoted to studying water bodies that are important enough and vulnerable enough to justify the effort. The logical means of achieving this is to classify regional water bodies into types that support similar water quality processes and biological functions, and which have the same natural tendencies to develop particular water quality problems. This classification method essentially begins where most ecological and geomorphological classifications end – existing classification systems identify similarities in the physical and biological structure of water bodies while ours attempts to identify similarities and differences in the way that these attributes influence factors such as mixing, water detention time, input sources, re-aeration and contaminant trapping capacity, etc. which ultimately determine how contaminant inputs affect water quality. In order to avoid confusion between these different classification methods we have elected to refer to ours as a typology. Once an appropriate typology has been developed it will be possible to map the occurrence of water body types over the entire catchment. By linking this to existing and emerging GIS data it will be possible to determine which are the most valuable, vulnerable and/or threatened water bodies (from both water quality and ecological perspectives). The typology is particularly necessary as a basis for determining vulnerability, because vulnerable sites naturally tend to suffer from water quality problems (that could easily be misinterpreted as being attributable to anthropogenic impacts). However, it also has many other potentially valuable management applications. For example, controlling livestock and feral animal access to the riparian zone (and the water) is the only known means of improving the existing water quality problems in most inland waters (see Figures x and y). The most effective way to maximise ecological gains from improvements such as riparian fencing, would be to employ the typology to identify which sites most need to be protected based on a knowledge of their relative importance and vulnerability. The potential for brief episodic water quality deterioration during the early rising stages of flow events is usually not factored into environmental release strategies. However, in cases where local rainfall is delivering runoff into the river reaches downstream of a partially filled impoundment, there is potential to employ controlled releases of environmental flows to disperse and aerate locally generated stormwaters until river water begins to flow over the spillway. (This measure would be difficult to accomplish and may only be justified if more detailed investigations confirmed both the need for and feasibility of such action). Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 147 Figure 4: Comparison of water quality in fenced and unfenced water holes in the Dalrymple Shire Relative deviation from the reference 20 15 TN TDN 10 Nitrate Ammonia 5 TP TDP 0 N= FRP 7 7 7 7 7 7 Fenced Figure 5: 7 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Unfenced Causes of incidences of severe water quality degradation in water holes in the Dotswood Station area (Northern Burdekin). Total number of incidents = 36 17% 11% Instream Livestock Unexplained 53% Local Runoff Low Water Level 19% Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 148 APPENDIX J BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WETLAND CLASSIFICATION Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 149 J1. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF KEY WETLAND CLASSIFICATION REFERENCES Ainslie, W. B. (1994). Rapid wetland functional assessment: its role and utility in the regulatory arena. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 77(3-4): 433-444. Four basic steps in the regulation of dredge and fill activity are outlined in the US Guidelines of the Clean Water Act as: 1) evaluation of practicable alternatives; 2) evaluation of relation of discharge to other environmental standards; 3) assessment of significant degradation to waters of the US; and 4) assessment of appropriate steps to minimize impacts. Steps 1,3, and 4 require wetland functional assessment The developing functional assessment procedure, based upon functional indicators which can be recognized in the field and can form the basis for functional indices, shows potential for being rapid and inexpensive, scientifically-based and replicable. Arthington, A. H., and Hegerl, E. J. (1988). The distribution, conservation status and management problems of Queensland's althalassic and tidal wetlands. In “The Conservation of Australian Wetlands” (A. J. M. P. S. Lake, Ed.), pp. 59 - 109. Surrey Beatty &Sons Pty Ltd, New South Wales, Australia. The major definitions of wetlands are discussed. The Ramsar Convention definition is provided but cast aside for what is considered a more appropriate definition, provided by the Environmental Council of New Zealand. It is considered that the proliferation of local, regional and state inventories using a variety of classifications, definitions and colloquial terms is the biggest problem in Australian wetland classification. The authors provide a brief description of wetland types within Stanton and Morgans (1977) 12 terrestrial biogeographic regions, allowing a systematic breakdown of wetlands associated with vegetation and landform patterns. Appendix I lists each of the major wetland aggregations of the Queensland mainland and gives a brief description of the prominent features and major vegetation formations. In addition a distribution map of the areas occupied by mangrove species communities is provided. Threats to wetlands, conservation status of Queensland wetlands and their distribution, selection of wetlands for conservation, and conservation priorities are discussed. Augusteijn, M. F. and Warrender, C. E. (1998). Wetland classification using optical and radar data and neural network classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing 19(8): 1545-1560. NASA's Airborne Terrestrial Applications Sensor (ATLAS) multi-spectral data and Airborne Imaging Radar Synthetic Radar (AIRSAR) data were used to investigate the ability of a neural network based classification technique to delineate upland and forested wetland areas and to distinguish between different levels of wetness in a forested wetland. The neural network technique separated upland from wetland spectral signatures and discriminated two out of four different water regimes identified by the NWI within the wetland area. Both ATLAS and AIRSAR data sources, when used in isolation, could separate wetland from upland about equally well, but better performance was observed when these data sources were combined. Babb, J. S., Cole, C. A., Brooks, R. P. and Rose, A. W. Hydrogeomorphology, watershed geology, and water quality of wetlands in central Pennsylvania. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 71(1): 21-28. Hydrogeomorphology refers to landscape position and source of water and is a characterising feature of wetland function. It is hypothesised that wetlands of differing hydrogeomorphology will provide waters of different quality; this project tested this hypothesis. A subset of reference wetlands were characterized by their water chemistry (pH, conductivity, alkalinity, ferrous iron, nitrate, ammonia, and phosphate). It was found that: • Differences in pH and alkalinity were due more to local bedrock geology than hydrogeomorphic class, Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 150 • • • Nitrate concentrations differed by HGM class and nitrate and ammonia were strongly negatively correlated with the amount of organic matter present, Phosphorus and ferrous iron were correlated in a complex interaction with soil water, soil organic matter, and the levels of oxygen present in the soil, and that Local levels of disturbance did not seem to be related to water quality in the wetlands. These data show the importance of understanding local geology when planning for a wetland creation project and indicate the significance of correct landscape placement for wetland creation projects. Barson, M. M., and Williams, J. E. (1991). “Wetland Inventory - towards a unified approach. (Draft Discussion Paper for Technical Workshop hosted by the Rural Resources and Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, August 5 - 6 1991, Canberra).” Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra. There is a need for a unified approach in wetland classification and inventory; different regions within Australia may still utilise classification systems that are appropriate for their region and needs, as long as a common core data set is adopted. This will ensure that regional variability between similar wetlands will be minimised. Included are suggestions for a potential core data set, brief reviews of the international and national literature on wetland classification, and an extensive list of scientific papers concerned with different classification techniques. The authors suggest that the classification system developed by Cowardin et al. (1979) is too detailed for use in Australia. Bernert, J. A., Daggett, S. G., Bierly, K. F., Eilers, J. M., Eilers, B. J. and Blok, E. (1999). Recent wetlands trends (1981/82-1994) in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA. Wetlands 19(3): 545-559. A two-stage, stratified, systematic sample design was implemented in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA, to quantify wetland and land-use changes from the 1980s to the 1990s. The Stage I sample (n = 711) was drawn from public land survey sections and was stratified by land use and runoff potential. The Stage II sample (n = 114) re-sampled the Stage I sample stratified by the amount of hydric soils identified in the Stage I sample. Wetland and upland classes were delineated on large-scale aerial photographs, digitized into ARC/Info coverages, and compared to quantify land-cover changes. Total loss of wetlands to uplands during the study period was about 3,800 ha, representing a 2.1 percent wetland loss from the 1980s. The net loss after adjusting for wetland gains was about 2,750 ha. During the study period, 70 percent of the wetland loss was associated with agriculture, six percent was lost to urbanization, and 24 percent was lost to other changes. The loss of wetlands to agriculture and the conversion of wetland types was consistent with a pronounced climatic component related to below-normal precipitation from 1985 to 1994, although continued installation of tile drains and expansion of irrigated agriculture also may have contributed to the changes. The loss of wetlands to agriculture raised questions regarding the effectiveness of current agricultural wetland policy, which appears ill-prepared to protect small wetlands or to deal with loss of wetlands from intensified use of existing farmland. This study identified a larger number and area of wetlands compared with national wetland surveys because of the larger scale data used in this study, the nature of the strata used in the statistical design, and the inclusion of palustrine farmed wetlands in the land-use classification. Blackman, J. G., Span, A. V., and Whiteley, L. A. (1992). “Provisional Handbook for the Classification and Field Assessment of Queensland Wetlands and Deep Water Habitats.” Wetland Inventory Team, Conservation Strategy Branch, Department of Environment and Heritage, Northern Regional Centre, Pallarenda. A provisional system for the classification of wetlands and deep water habitats based on the system devised in the USA by Cowardin et al.(1979) modified for Queensland conditions. Five major wetland types are described: marine, estuarine, riverine, lacustrine, and palustrine. The classification system described is hierarchical, progressing from systems and subsystems, class, subclass, and dominance types. Modifiers may be applied at the class and subclass level. A Queensland Referencing Number Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 151 (QRN#) is suggested as a method of identifying individual wetlands by their Brooks Number from the Australian 1:250 000 topographic map series, sequential number for the wetland assemblage/aggregation and individual number within an assemblage. Basic concepts and procedures for recording primary field data for the systematic assessment of wetland habitats throughout Queensland are included. Boyd, R., Dalrymple, R. and Zaitlin, B. A. (1992). Classification of clastic coastal depositional environments. Sedimentary Geology 80(3-4): 139-150. A new classification for clastic coastal environments is proposed. It includes the full range of major depositional settings including deltas, strand plains, tidal flats, estuaries and lagoons. A ternary process classification used two axes: 1) the relative power of wave versus tidal processes, and 2) relative fluvial power (increasing upward), and was used to illustrate the genetic process-response relationships between major coastal environments. The evolutionary classification combines the concept of two sediment sources (river and marine) with a relative sea-level parameter to classify embayed as well as linear and elongate/lobate shorelines. Brinson, M. M., and Rheinhardt, R. (1996). The role of reference wetlands in functional assessment and mitigation. Ecological Applications 6, 69 - 76. This investigation into the use of reference wetland sites on functional assessment and mitigation includes potential misuses as well as highlighting the advantages. Methods on how to determine reference sites is provided and the process of functional assessment is described by flow diagrams and a case study. Bucher, D. and Saenger, P. (1994). A classification of tropical and subtropical Australian estuaries. Aquatic Conservation 4(1): 1-19. 571 tropical and subtropical Australian estuaries north from Carnarvon on the west coast around to Coffs Harbour on the east, were measured for relative areas of mangroves, salt marsh/clay pan, seagrass, intertidal flats and open water. There were strong relationships between mangrove:salt marsh area and average annual rainfall, although there are no consistent trends in the absolute area of each wetland type. Classification of estuaries into three distinct groups is based on rainfall and the dominant wetland type. Three categories can also be distinguished on wetland proportions. Greater tide range coincides with a greater area per estuary of all wetland types. Cole, C. A. and Brooks, R. P. (2000). Patterns of wetland hydrology in the ridge and valley province, Pennsylvania, USA. Wetlands 20(3): 438-447. The objective in this project was to examine the hydrology of several wetlands over an extended period of time to achieve adequate information on moisture regimes and year-round hydrodynamics. Wetlands and analyses were organised around hydrogeomorphic (HGM) principles. Results showed that: • Ground-water-dominated wetlands (riparian depressions and slopes) were the wettest sites, • Surface-water systems (headwater and main-stream floodplain wetlands) were drier, • There was little difference between slopes and the floodplain wetlands in the amount of time water was within the root zone, • Riparian depressions were wetter longer, • The average duration of water within the root zone was almost a year for riparian depressions and much less for all other wetland types, • Disturbance contributed significantly to hydrologic behaviour, more so than HGM classification. It is concluded that knowledge of HGM subclass might serve as a useful surrogate for actual knowledge of site-specific hydrology. Though the level of uncertainty increases with surface-water systems, HGM Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 152 subclass allows a large degree of predictability. The applicability of this technique to different latitudes and longitudes has yet to be tested. Cowardin, L. M., Carter, V., Golet, F. C., and LaRoe, E. T. (1979). Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.http:// www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/1998/classwet/classwet.htm. A report on what has been considered one of the most versatile classification schemes. Many other classification systems around the world have been developed using this scheme as their basis. Limits of wetlands/deepwater habitats are briefly discussed, with the emphasis of the report dedicated to the description and application of the classification system. Dale, P. E. R., Chandica, A. L. and Evans, M. (1996). Using image subtraction and classification to evaluate change in sub-tropical intertidal wetlands. International Journal of Remote Sensing 17(4): 703719. Remote sensing was used to monitor the impacts on a sub-tropical intertidal wetland before and after it was physically modified to manage a mosquito breeding problem. Analysis was by subtracting and classifying digitized images taken before and after modification. Types of change, and the spatial extent of change, could be determined, including increased inundation as a result of increased tidal flushing, indicated by reduced spectral values, and increased. mangrove size and spatial extent. Edgar, G. J., Barret, N. S., Graddon, D. J., and Last, P. R. (2000). The conservation significance of estuaries: a classification of Tasmanian estuaries using ecological, physical and demographic attributes as a case study. Biological Conservation 92, 383 - 397. Although referring to estuaries the concepts presented in this report can be extrapolated to wetlands. There is considered a need to classify estuaries into assemblages so that it may be determined which of those assemblages, and which individual estuaries, require protection. In agreement with Barson & William (1991), this concept considers that different regions within Australia may still utilise systems of classification specific to that regions needs, provided a core data set be used. Categorisation of estuaries is based on geomorphological and hydrological attributes, followed by physical classifications (validated by comparison of biological attributes, such as invertebrate and fish data sets). Estuaries within each group are then assessed for their level of anthropogenic disturbance. Methods, including statistical requirements are thoroughly covered. Everard, M. (1997). Development of a British wetland strategy. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 7(3): 223-238. Declining British wetlands have a long history of over-exploitation. The development and acceptance of a single consistent definition and classification scheme, agreeable to all organizations with interests in wetlands, will allow for better coordination of wetland policy which is mandatory to avert a continuing loss of the nation's wetland resource. It will also contribute to the development of a clear national wetland strategy, in fulfilment of the Ramsar Convention. The establishment of a National Wetland Forum is essential to build a consensus on key issues, and assist in the development of a national strategy for wetlands. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 153 Fairweather, P. G. (1999). Determining the 'health' of estuaries: priorities for ecological research. Australian Journal of Ecology 24, 441 - 451. Another report focusing on estuaries but providing concepts potentially applicable to other wetlands. 'Ecosystem health' and its application to environmental management and assessment is explored, and a list of potential assessment criteria suggested (including the status of indicator species). Other methods of assessing ecosystem health, such as the use of 'snap-shot' measurements and eco-assays, are discussed. Ferren Jr, W. R., Fielder, P. L., and Leidy, R. A. (1996). Wetlands of the Central and Southern California Coast and Coastal Watersheds: a methodology for their classification and description. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.http://lily.mip.berkley.edu/wetlands/titlepag.html. Rather than simply provide an inventory of the types of wetlands, this report focuses on the proposed methodology for classifying California wetlands. The report provides a modified Cowardin et al. (1979) methodology that incorporates keys, water regimes, water chemistry, hydrogeomorphic units (categories, series, and units), and substrate characteristics, and then places them into a numerical, hierarchical classification system. Background information on the study is bolstered by reference to hydrogeomorphic units, ecosystem functions and socio-economic values. Following an overview of earlier efforts in wetland classification in California, focus turns towards how to use the classification methodology, rationale for classification and the presentation of tables of hierarchical information to be used during the classification of a wetland. Keys to system (estuarine, marine, palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine), subclass and class are provided. Ferreira, J. G. (2000). Development of an estuarine quality index based on key physical and biogeochemical features. Ocean and Coastal Management 43(1): 99-122. EQUATION - Estuarine QUAlity and condiTION, is an index presented for integrated evaluation of estuarine quality. It is based on an aggregation of four different components: • vulnerability, • water quality, • sediment quality, and • trophodynamics. These four components are combined into a 1 (worse) to 5 (better) overall grade. Testing of the index was carried out on five different estuaries in the US and Europe, with ecosystems chosen to study a range of physiography, tidal regimes, organic loading and contamination by persistent pollutants. Tests were also carried out on 'concept' estuaries and using different scenarios for two of the chosen estuaries. A range of scores resulted that agreed with other authors, and the methodology is useful as a decision support system, synthesising the basic descriptors of estuarine quality: physical aspects, water quality, benthos and higher trophic levels (including socio-economic aspects of fisheries). Field, D. W., Alexander, C. E., and Broutman, M. (1988). Toward developing an inventory of U. S. coastal wetlands. Marine Fisheries Review 50, 40 - 46. The development of the national inventory of coastal wetlands of the USA, compiled from individual state and county inventories, of which a variety of classification techniques were utilised. From this variety of classification systems, wetlands could only be easily consolidated into 4 wetland categories according to vegetation associations. A table of classification methods used by each state/county is provided. Owing to the variety of state/county based classification methods, and the variation in timing of the individual inventories, the existing data was unsatisfactory for compiling a national database. Ongoing efforts for a national database are discussed. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 154 Finlayson, C. M., Bailey, B. J., Freeland, W. J., and Fleming, M. R. (1988). Wetlands of the Northern Territory. In “The Conservation of Australian Wetlands” (A. J. M. P. S. Lake, Ed.), pp. 103 - 126. Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd, New South Wales, Australia. The classification and distribution of Northern Territory wetlands, their conservation status and their maintenance, is discussed. Drawn largely on the information provided by Paijmans et al. (1985), it does not strictly adhere with that author's classification system. In general the classification in this case revolves around the biota of the wetlands of the Northern Territory. A generalised map of the geographical distribution of the Northern Territory wetlands is provided along with a detailed text descriptions. Finlayson, C. M., and von Oertzen, I. (). Wetlands of Australia: northern (tropical) Australia. pp. 195 304. An overview of the general climatic and geological (eg. drainage pattern) of Australia as an introduction of the ecological attributes of wetlands. The distribution of wetlands in northern (tropical) Australia and their classification has primarily been drawn from Piajmans et al. (1985). This is a hierarchical classification system that assigns different wetlands into classes, each of which have been briefly described in terms of hydrological and vegetation attributes. Topics include the structural and floristic classification of wetlands, regional classification systems used in Queensland and the Pilbera, Western Australia, characteristics and ecological variables associated with seagrass meadows, mangrove swamps, salt-marshes and flats, freshwater swamps, seasonally inundated floodplains and billabongs, and lakes, the biological aspects of conservation, and recommendations on the directions that conservation should take. Finlayson, C. M., Von Oertzen, I., Jacobs, S. W. L. and Brock, M. A. (1993). Wetlands of Australia. Wetlands of the world: inventory, ecology and management. Vol. I. D. F. Whigham. Handbook of Vegetation Science, 15/2, Kluwer: 195-304. Temperate and tropical Australian wetlands are classified on the basis of physiography. For temperate Australia, information on the flora and fauna is reviewed on the basis of wetland classification within each of the major Australian Drainage Divisions, whereas for northern Australia, ecological information is summarized according to the major wetland types. Biological aspects of conservation issues are discussed with recommendations on the broad directions that conservation of Australian wetlands should take: the need 1) to examine wetlands from a total catchment and drainage basin perspective; 2) to consider conservation as one of several uses for a wetland; 3) to unify the status of reserve systems between the Australian States; 4) to give equal attention to all developments hazardous to wetlands rather than focussing on those with a high media profile; and 5) in temperate Australia, the need for more information on arid zone wetlands to assess their conservation status and value, and an immediate expansion of current research activities and/or control of threats posed by feral animals and alien weeds Finlayson, C. M. and Van Der Valk, A. G. (1995). Classification and inventory of the world's wetlands. Vegetatio 118(1-2): 192. The objective of this paper is to establish a framework for developing an international classification system for a global inventory of wetlands. An array of wetland classification and inventories from around the world are recognised, including those from the Ramsar Convention, Europe, the Boreal mires in Finland and Scandinavia; India; China; South Africa; Australia; Canada; and the US. A sampling design with global application is proposed. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 155 Flint, R. W. and Younk, J. A. (1983). Estuarine benthos: long-term community structure variations, Corpus Christi Bay, Texas. Estuaries 6(2): 126-141. Hierarchical classification procedures applied to channel versus shoal habitats identified benthic community structure patterns that were associated with a major disturbance (dredging) to the area, as well as minor, more frequent disturbances associated with large ship traffic and shrimp trawling activities, illustrating the resilience of benthic communities to disturbance. Species number and total density were also related to changes in salinity patterns. Gerla, P. J. (1999). Estimating the ground-water contribution in wetlands using modeling and digital terrain analysis. Wetlands 19(2): 394-402. The contribution of ground water to a wetland's water budget can be a major component in classifying a wetland; to overcome expenses and difficulties associated with such a measure, an estimation technique is described that combines the use of a digital elevation model (DEM) with transient numerical modeling and assumes that the water table reflects the general pattern of surface topography. By knowing or assuming hydraulic conductivity and using the model water-table configuration, an estimate for groundwater flow to and from each discretized grid node can be estimated and mapped, showing the simulated distribution of recharge and discharge within and surrounding the wetland. Using a 30-m, 1:24,000 scale DEM grid in combination with data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife National Wetlands Inventory, the model predicts the most likely areas of ground-water interaction in and near wetlands and lakes. More quantitative results can be obtained by applying observed water budget and soil/aquifer parameter data. Gilvear, D. J. and McInnes, R. J. (1994). Wetland hydrological vulnerability and the use of classification procedures: a Scottish case study. Journal of Environmental Management 42(4): 403-414. The relative importance of wetland water balance equation variables (climatology, surface-water and groundwater) are used to categorise wetlands into 12 types, each class of which can also be assigned a hydrological vulnerability to a number of man's activities and various types of water pollution. This classification scheme was successfully tested to assess its usefulness as a first stage in wetland hydrological vulnerability assessment using Scottish Natural Heritage data. Gren, I. M., Folke, C., Turner, K. and Bateman, I. (1994). Primary and secondary values of wetland ecosystems. Environmental & Resource Economics 4(1): 55-74. A classification of wetlands based on primary (intrinsic development and maintenance) and secondary (resources and services generated) values is suggested in an attempt to adequately valuate the multifunctionality of a wetland. Case studies that use different valuation methods demonstrate the different degrees to which the primary and secondary values can be quantified. It is concluded that only part of the total wetland value can be captured in monetary terms. Gwin, S. E., Kentula, M. E., and Shaffer, P. W. (1999). Evaluating the effects of wetland regulation through hydrogeomorphic classification and landscape profiles. Wetlands 19, 477 - 489. This classification system has been developed so that changes between naturally occurring wetlands and mitigated wetlands can be examined. The hydrogeomorphic classes for natural wetlands (depression, riverine, slope, and lacustrine fringe) are defined using the principles developed by Brinson (1993) and Smith et al. (1995), as are three hydrogeomorphic classes for the mitigated wetlands. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 156 Harper-Arabie, R. M. and Kolm, K. E. A stepwise, integrated hydrogeomorphic approach for the classification of wetlands and assessment of wetland hydrological function in the Southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Geological Society of America, 1998 annual meeting 30(7): 121. A step-wise, integrated hydrogeomorphic approach (HGM) for the classification of wetlands in the southern Rocky Mountains was developed providing a framework for determining wetland hydrologic function. The approach includes the following analyses: • surface features, including hydrophytes, peat and mineral soils, surface water, topography, beaver activity; • subsurface features, including geomorphologic deposits, geology, and hydrogeology; and • ground-water system features, including water levels, recharge, and discharge. Critical variables that could be assessed for determining wetland function, and two wetland classes, slope and riverine, were identified. Fifteen hydrologic function equations are proposed for the southern Rocky Mountain wetlands: • two functions pertain to the atmospheric processes (ATMin and ET); • seven functions pertaining to the surface water processes (SWin-riverine, SWin-slope, SWoutriverine, SWout-slope, SWstore-dynamic, SWstore-long term, and ED); and • six functions pertaining to the ground-water processes (GWinterception, GWmovement, GWoutriver, GWout-springs and seeps, GWstorage-dynamic, and GWstorage-long term). 24 variables were defined to complete the hydrologic function assessment process, and each of the variables was assigned a ranking between 0. 0 and 1. 0 with respect to the reference site. Hauer, F. R. and Smith, R. D. (1998). The hydrogeomorphic approach to functional assessment of riparian wetlands: Evaluating impacts and mitigation on river floodplains in the U.S.A. Freshwater Biology 40(3): 517-530. Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) classification is applied to riparian wetlands of two alluvial rivers. The HGM approach to functional assessment of wetlands was developed to appease wetland lost or degraded by anthropogenic impacts. It is based on: • classification of wetlands by geomorphic origin and hydrographic regime, • assessment models that associate variables as indicators of function, and • comparison to reference wetlands that represent the range of conditions that may be expected in a particular region. Riverine wetlands are characterized by formative fluvial processes that occur mainly on flood plains (e.g. US bottomland hardwood forests that typify the low gradient, fine texture substratum of the south-eastern coastal plain and the alluvial flood plains that typify the high gradient, coarse texture substratum of western montane rivers). Assessment models for fourteen alluvial wetland functions are described, each of which is a composite of two to seven wetland variables that are independently scored in relation to a reference data set developed for alluvial rivers in the western U.S.A. Scores are summarized by a 'functional capacity index' (FCI), which is multiplied by the area of the project site to produce a dimensionless 'functional capacity unit' (FCU). When HGM is properly used, compensatory mitigation is based on the FCUs lost that must be returned to the riverine landscape under statutory authority. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 157 Heath, R. A. and Grange, K. R. (1982). Classification of New Zealand inlets: short-circuiting environmental assessment of New Zealand coastal inlets. Proc. river and estuary mixing workshop, Hamilton, NZ, 1981. J. C. Rutherford. 49, NZ Water & Soil Miscellaneous Publication: 91-92. The potential for environmental problems associated with inlets can be predicted from the factors such as residence time of the inlet waters; the tidal excursion of coastal waters; the tidal energy dissipation; the freshwater inflow; width and depth. Henderson, F. M., Hart, T. F., Jr., Heaton, B. P. and Portolese, J. E. (1999). Mapping coastal ecosystems over a steep development gradient using C-CAP protocols. International Journal of Remote Sensing 20(4): 727-744. Coastwatch Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) was used to map over 5500 sq. km of Long Island, New York. This paper describes the adjustments made to the protocol to conform to local environmental conditions, and the methodology employed to map five upland and four wetland land cover types. The incorporation of ancillary data sets with TM imagery produced an accuracy of over 90%, remedying the spectral confusion among land cover resulting from TM alone. Hills, J. M., Murphy, K. J., Pulford, I. D., and Flowers, T. H. (1994). A method for classifying European riverine wetland ecosystems using functional vegetation groups. Functional Ecology 8, 242 252. Plant attributes are used to formulate a model of vegetation in terms of plant functional groups. Easily measurable plant traits that are associated with the C (competitor), S (stress tolerator), and D (disturbance tolerator) strategy types are determined and used to classify wetland communities into functional vegetation types. A brief literature review on the classification of vegetation into functional groups is accompanied by detailed information on methods to determine which functional traits particular species use. Holmes, N. T. H. (1999). Recovery of headwater stream flora following the 1989-1992 groundwater drought. Hydrological Processes 13(3): 341-354. Over a three year period in spring, summer and autumn from 1993 to 1995, 118 sites on 24 headwater reaches of groundwater streams were investigated in an effort to identify the effects of typical low flows and bed drying on aquatic and wetland plants following an exceptionally long period of poor groundwater recharge between 1989-92. Determination of the rate, and extent, of recovery of aquatic plants following drought conditions is crucial for conservation bodies, water regulators and water utilities to help them make judgements on the degree of impacts groundwater abstractions have/could have on river flows, and separating these from natural causes. The macrophyte survey data have been used to develop a classification system for headwater streams fed by groundwater and demonstrate clear insight into the flora expected in groundwater streams based primarily on flow periodicity and channel form. The behaviour of individual species helps in environmental assessment of proposed new abstractions, and allows accurate predictions on which ones might decline, be lost or invade, and for predicting the benefits of alleviation strategies based on target flows. Species relevant to different scenarios are provided; there are very distinctive communities associated with streams in the upper reaches of groundwater catchments, and these can be correlated with different flow and physical habitat characteristics. Some communities are very stable, and changed little during and after the drought; others are highly sensitive, and changed dramatically after flows returned to 'normal' at the end of the drought, or when impacting abstractions were curtailed. In most systems flora returned to predicted stable states within two years of normal recharge, even at locations where there had been no flow for several years. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 158 Huffman, R. T. and Tucker, G. E. (1984) Preliminary guide to the onsite identification and delineation of the wetlands of Alaska. STAR, 22(19), 1984 The classification system in this guide is adapted from that utilized by the National Wetlands Inventory Project of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, but frequently departs from this system to describe common and/or distinct wetland communities or associations. Imhof, J. G., and FitzGibbon, J. E. (1999). A procedure for developing a riparian/valley classification system for management. In “Proceedings of the Second Internation Conference on Natural Channel Systems” (P. Young and A. Boyds, Eds.), March 1 - 4, 1999, Niagra Falls, Canada. The procedure involves the development of a classification system via the identification of key functions of riparian zones, determining ecological models, establishing functional principles, and determining the appropriate scale for the data collection and assessment. It is suggested that any classification system developed through such a procedure should provide an understanding of the role of a particular valley form and composition in relation to riparian zone and stream channel form and function. A brief review of the literature of the various functions within riparian zones is accompanied by a procedure for developing a classification system for riparian zone management. Kangas, P. C. (1990). An energy theory of landscape for classifying wetlands. Forested wetlands. A. E. Lugo. Ecosystems of the World, 15, Elsevier: 15-23. Arguing that environmental energy sources determine ecosystem characteristics, and that therefore the spatial expression of energy sources becomes the distinguishing feature of land classification schemes, such a classification is applied to forested wetlands. Different forms of water distribution are matched with different wetland forms, distinguishing between background water supplies, centres, zones, strings and islands, and strips. Keddy, P. A. (2000). Wetland ecology : principles and conservation. New York, Cambridge University Press. A synthesis of the existing field of wetland ecology, using a few central themes: • basic characteristics of wetlands, • key environmental factors that produce wetland community types, and • unifying problems such as assembly rules, restoration and conservation. The volume draws upon a range of wetland habitats and geographic regions, from Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, as well as from North and South America. Klemas, V. V. (2001). Remote sensing of landscape-level coastal environmental indicators. Environmental Management 27(1): 47-57. The efficiency, availability and cost effectiveness of remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) are allowing researchers and managers to take a broader view of ecological patterns and processes. Landscape-level environmental indicators (e.g. watershed land cover, riparian buffers, shoreline and wetland changes) can be detected by Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and other remote sensors to provide quantitative estimates of coastal and estuarine habitat conditions and trends. Landsat 7, and new satellites, carrying sensors with much finer spatial (1-5 m) and spectral (200 narrow bands) resolutions has made the monitoring of large coastal areas and estuaries, and the detection of coastal and wetland condition changes more feasible and accurate. This advancing technology provides effective and efficient alternative management strategies, particularly when the range of techniques for generating, organizing, storing, and analysing spatial information are combined with mathematical models. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 159 Kolm, K. E. and Emerick, J. C. (1997) An approach for the evaluation of wetland structure, hydrology, and biogeochemistry for wetland ecosystem management in the Southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Geological Society of America, 1997 annual meeting 29(6): 67 A long-term research effort to develop a multidisciplinary, quantitative approach to evaluate wetland structure, hydrology, and biogeochemistry for wetland ecosystem management in the southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Wetlands structure encompasses topography, vegetation, soils, and geomorphic and geologic materials. Wetlands hydrology encompasses the climate, surface water, and ground-water aspects of wetlands ecosystem process and function. Wetlands biogeochemistry is characterized by the abiotic and biotic chemical processes that occur in and between the biota, water, and geologic and geomorphic materials. This approach integrates: • Conceptualization of wetland-system structure, hydrology, and biogeochemistry; • Characterization of wetland ecosystem structure; • Characterization of wetland system hydrology; • Characterization of chemical partitioning within the wetland ecosystem; • Characterization of abiotic and biotic metals behaviour within selected reference wetland ecosystems; and • Confirmation of hydrologic and chemical behaviour within a wetland ecosystem using modelling. Kudray, G. M. and Gale, M. R. (2000). Evaluation of national wetland and inventory maps in a heavily forested region in the upper great lakes. Wetlands 20(4): 581-587. The extent of accuracy of National Wetland Inventory (NWI) maps was reviewed using field data from 148 plots in the Hiawatha National Forest ecological classification and inventory program. NWI maps were over 90% accurate in identifying uplands and jurisdictional wetlands, with least accuracy (90.7%) achieved in identifying forested wetlands. The most common error was the NWI classification of wetlands on a poorly drained upland soil that often occurs in complexes with wetland soils in the region. Forested wetlands with a cover type similar to adjacent uplands were also a source of error on NWI maps. Though NWI maps proved highly accurate, improvement could be achieved by the mapping of wetlandupland complexes. Lent, R. M., Waldron, M. C. and Rader, J. C. (1998). Multivariate classification of small order watersheds in the Quabbin Reservoir Basin, Massachusetts. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 34(2): 439-450. GIS data was used to delineate and define landscape attributes (hydrologic, geologic, and geographic features) of 83 Massachusetts watersheds. The basin was subdivided into three subbasins based on the evaluation of chemical constituents collected from water samples over a year (principal component analysis accounted for about 90 percent of the variance in water chemistry data, with the principal components defined as a biogeochemical variable related to wetland density, an acid-neutralization variable, and a road-salt variable related to density of primary roads). ANOVAs determined that all stream water constituents were significantly different among subbasins. Multiple regression techniques were used to relate stream water chemistry to landscape attributes. Important differences in landscape attributes were related to wetlands, slope, and soil type. Lotspeich, F. B. (1980). Watersheds as the basic ecosystem: this conceptual framework provides a basis for a natural classification system. Water Resources Bulletin 16, 581 - 586. Factors that form the basis for any classification system of ecosystems are broken down into 'state' and 'transactional' factors. 'State factors' include climate and geology, whereas 'transactional factors' refer to such things as soil properties and vegetation characteristics. Rather than a discussion on the development of a classification system, it emphasises the points that must be verified during the development of such a system, with particular reference to ecosystem processes. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 160 Luternaur, J. L., Atkins, R. J., Moody, A. I., Williams, H. F. L., and Gibson, J. W. (1995). Salt marshes. In “Geomorphology and Sedimentology of Estuaries” (G. M. E. Perillo, Ed.), pp. 307 - 332. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Assessment of the geomorphological and sedimentary processes of estuarine marshes is supplemented by the status of numerical modelling. Coastal marsh morpho-sedimentology, sediment processes, colonisation of vascular and non-vascular plants, sedimentation rates, and estuarine marsh dynamics are discussed with the proposition that numerical models can be approached only after specific questions relating to these processes be answered. Ming-Ko, W., Rowsell, R. D. and Clark, R. G. (1993). Hydrological classification of Canadian prairie wetlands and prediction of wetland inundation in response to climatic variability. Occasional Paper Canadian Wildlife Service 79: 22. Four groups of wetlands are distinguished with temporal variation in wetland inundation creating a continuum between groups. Ephemeral, intermittent, semipermanent, and permanent wetlands, are categorised on their annual proportion of inundation, the variable water source dependent on the local influences. In late summer, flooding of permanent and some intermittent wetlands can be determined by fluctuations in the regional water table. Fractions of ephemeral and intermittent wetlands inundated during spring and early summer were predicted with near certainty using snowfall of current and past winters Mucha, A. P. and Costa, M. H. (1999). Macrozoobenthic community structure in two Portuguese estuaries: Relationship with organic enrichment and nutrient gradients. Acta Oecologica 20(4): 363-376. A study of the structural and functional aspects of the macrozoobenthic communities and their relationships with the organic enrichment and nutrient gradients in water and sediment. The study was carried out in two Coastal ecosystems under strong anthropogenic pressure: the Sado estuary and the Aveiro Lagoon. Samples were collected at four stations between October 1994 and April 1995. Results indicated that spatial variability, both horizontal and vertical, was higher than the temporal variability, due to local hydrodynamism, organic load and granulometric structure of the sediment. Comparing the community structure at the different stations, the existence of disturbance cases not directly related to organic enrichment gradients could be observed. The interpretation of the functional role of the macrozoobenthic communities at the water-sediment interface was based on the trophodynamic group classification. This approach indicated the sensitivity of different groups to organic enrichment, confirming the role of burrower subsurface-deposit feeders as opportunists associated with organic enrichment and, on the other hand, the influence of certain trophodynamic groups in the nutrient transfer processes, particularly the association between tube-builder omnivores and burrower carnivore and nitrate content in interstitial water. NRC. (1995). “Wetlands: characteristics and boundaries (National Research Council).” National Academy Press, Washington. A unique definition of wetlands (as opposed to RAMSAR) is presented. Chapters cover various aspects of wetland ecology including: • the nature of wetland ecosystems and their response to alteration, • analysis of the properties that delineate wetlands from other ecosystems (e.g. hydrology, soils, vegetation, and a combination of these), • the importance of delineation within regional boundaries, and • the use of maps, images, and modelling in the assessment of wetlands Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 161 Paijmans, K., Galloway, R. W., Faith, D. P., Fleming, P. M., Haantjens, H. A., Heyligers, P. C., Kalma, J. D., and Loffler, E. (1985). “Aspects of Australian Wetlands (Division of Water and Land Resources Technical Paper No. 44).” Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia. Australian wetlands have been classified into 6 major categories: lakes, swamps, land subject to inundation, channels, tidal flats, and coastal water bodies. Information is provided in the form of rainfall, surface-runoff, and evaporation maps, and maps covering drainage divisions, landform regions, and distribution of different wetland types. A hierarchical classification system has been applied with discussion on the delineation between classes within each wetland category, and their vegetation characteristics. Pawlowicz, R. and Farmer, D. M. (1998). Diagnosing vertical mixing in a two-layer exchange flow. Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans 103(13): 30,695-30,711. The use of temperature as a characterising determinant has been overlooked in most classification schemes, however a proper understanding of the effects of surface heating can explain observed seaward changes in the slope of temperature-salinity correlations. This paper demonstrates that along-channel changes in the slope of T-S correlations are virtually independent of vertical mixing but are directly related to horizontal layer transport, and that c hanges in the layer salinities can be related to various ratios of horizontal and vertical transports. A diagnostic determination of Lagrangian transport and mixing can be made from a combination of these results from standard hydrographic observations of layer temperature and salinity and an estimate of the surface heat input Perillo, G. M. E. (1995). Definitions and geomorphological classifications of estuaries. In “Geomorphology and Sedimentology of Estuaries” (G. M. E. Perillo, Ed.), pp. 17 - 47. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Proposes a newly devised morphogenic classification system as distinct from the traditional four: physiographic, tidal range, evolutionary, and morphological. Prandle, D. (1985). On salinity regimes and the vertical structure of residual flows in narrow tidal estuaries. Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Science 20(5): 615-635. The level of stratification in narrow estuaries is shown to be related to an algorithm containing elements of 1) velocity structure and 2) the square of the 'flow ratio', providing a simple classification for estuarine stratification to indicate the sensitivity of any particular estuary to changing conditions. Pressey, R. L. (1989a). Wetlands of the Lower Clarence Floodplain, northern coastal New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society New South Wales 111, 143 - 155. A vegetation inventory and description of wetlands of the Lower Clarence floodplain. Wetlands surveyed were ranked according to their conservation value, which was determined via five attributes. Pressey, R. L., and Harris, J. H. (1988). Wetlands of New South Wales. In “The Conservation of Australian Wetlands” (A. J. McComb and P. S. Lake, Eds.), pp. 35 - 57. Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd, New South Wales, Australia. Includes consideration of wetland resources, impacts and threats, present conservation and management, and future conservation and management. Wetlands are described as being rather homogeneous within their divisions (coastal, inland, tableland and man-made) in terms of their geomorphology, hydrology, Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 162 and in particular biological attributes. Recognition is made of the need for a comprehensive definition and assessment of the NSW's wetlands to produce quantifiable information and map resources. Ramm, A. E. L. (1990). Application of the community degradation index to South African estuaries. Water Research 24(3): 383-389. The categorisation of 62 estuarine and lagoonal systems situated on the Natal coast in South Africa was based on a community degradation index (CDI) of fish assemblages. The systems were first classified into six major groups based upon eight physical-hydrologic parameters. CDI values were calculated for each system by comparing a reference faunal list with species lists resulting from biological surveys conducted between 1981-1986, resulting in values ranging from 0.2 (un-degraded) to 8.2 (severely degraded). Rio, J. N. R. and Lozano-Garcia, D. F. (2000). Spatial filtering of radar data (RADARSAT) for wetlands (brackish marshes) classification. Remote Sensing of Environment 73(2): 143-151. Mapping of important wetlands for migratory birds is essential for management and conservation; the object of this report was to determine the most effective spatial filter treatment applied to a two-angle RADARSAT data set to reduce speckle effects and improve marsh classification performance of Tamaulipas wetlands. Eighteen spatial filter treatments were applied to the data based on four different algorithms: Maximum a Posteriori, Lee-Sigma, Local Region, and Median. Classification of the filtered images resulted in five general classes, which were statistically compared. The Lee-Sigma algorithm with three iterations and square window sizes of three, five, and seven pixels, respectively, produced the best overall results with the 8-m pixel RADARSAT data. Rochford, D. J. (1959). Classification of Australian estuarine systems. Archivio Di Oceanografia e Limnologia 11, 171 - 177. Meteorological, morphometric, hydrological and circulatory data are seen as 'standard' requisites for the estuarine classification system. An idealised estuary is considered to consist of four zones, (marine, tidal, gradient and freshwater) distinguished by hydrological (pH, salinity, temperature, dissolved 02 and inorganic nutrients), circulation, sediment and biological properties. This system displays weaknesses in its limited use to within Australia (due to terminology difficulties especially with respect to salinity and temperature), and its utilisation of average conditions only. A concluding discussion by an American based scientist provides a brief review of the paper and describes the pertinence of this system in the USA. Rosgen, D. L. (1994). A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22, 169 - 199. A classification system for rivers in which morphological characteristics are organised into stream types. Seven major stream types are described in which six additional types are delineated. A stream hierarchical inventory system utilising the stream classification system is presented, along with specific examples. Roy, P. S. (1984). New South Wales estuaries: their origin and evolution. Coastal geomorphology in Australia. B. G. Thom, Academic Press: 99-121. A model of evolutionary change is developed from a classification of estuaries and stages in estuary evolution accounting for both the physical changes and the accompanying biological changes. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 163 Semeniuk, C. A. (1987). Wetlands of the Darling System - a geomorphic approach to habitat classification. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 69, 95 - 112. Wetlands range through many inter-gradational categories (in particular between riverine, estuarine and marine systems). There are advantages and disadvantages of attributes such as vegetation, water quality, and internal and external morphology in the classification of wetlands, all of which are discussed supported by a list of references. This classification system is primarily targeted towards 'land-based' wetlands of the Darling System. Semeniuk, C. A., Semeniuk, V., Cresswell, I. D. and Marchant, N. G. (1990). Wetlands of the Darling System, southwestern Australia: a descriptive classification using vegetation pattern and form. Journal Royal Society of Western Australia 72(4): 109-121. A classification is proposed for wetlands of the Darling System based on the scale of wetland vegetation copmlexes; extent of vegetation cover over the wetland; internal organization of vegetation in plan; vegetation structure; and details of the floristic/structural components. Shaffer, P. W., Kentula, M. E. and Gwin, S. E. (1999). Characterization of wetland hydrology using hydrogeomorphic classification. Wetlands 19(3): 490-504. Water levels were monitored in 45 wetlands for three years to characterize the hydrology of wetlands in the vicinity of Portland, Oregon, USA and classified wetlands by hydrogeomorphic (HGM) class to determine whether hydrologic regimes differed in wetlands in different HGM classes. Hydrologic regimes were also compared in naturally occurring wetlands (NOWs) and mitigation wetlands (MWs) and in wetlands with/without a human-made water-retention structure, to determine whether and how human modifications are changing the hydrology of wetlands. No relationship was found between hydrologic attributes and land use, soil association, or wetland area, nor significant differences related to presence of a water-retention structure and to wetland type (NOW or MW). Water levels were higher with less temporal variability and more extensive inundation (as % wetland area) in MWs and in wetlands modified to include a retention structure. HGM class was very effective for characterizing wetland hydrology, with significant differences among HGM classes for water level and for extent and duration of inundation. Slope wetlands demonstrated the lowest water levels and inundation period; riverine wetlands experienced intermediate conditions, while depressions had the highest water levels and greatest extent and duration of inundation. Geomorphic setting and wetland structure are both shown to be important in defining wetland hydrology and support the use of HGM for wetland classification. Sharifi, M. (1990). Assessment of surface water quality by an index system in Anzali Basin. The hydrological basis for water resources management. Proc., symposium, Beijing, 1990. U. Shamir. Publication, 197, Iahs: 163-171. A water quality index was developed in order to integrate the composite influence of various physical, chemical and biological parameters measured by the Bureau of Reclamation of Anzali wetland in 18 different places in the area and some water courses in the basin over 5 years. This index depends upon a hierarchy of weights of parameters which were selected on the basis of a policy of land use in the area as well as considering nature and the amount of the polluted material and pattern of Caspian Sea water penetration into the Anzali wetland. Eventually a five group classification system was developed to examine the possibility of improving the general management of water. The water quality index system, which was used for the first time in Iran, also served as a satisfactory means of unambiguous communication between experts and the public. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 164 Tiner, R. W. (1999). Wetland indicators : a guide to wetland indentification, delineation, classification, and mapping. Boca Raton, Fla., Lewis Publishers. US wetland indicators are presented that illustrate the current state of scientific wetland recognition and mapping. Plants, soils, and other signs of wetland hydrology in the soil, or on the surface of wetlands are the focus towards understanding the current concept of wetland and methods for identifying, describing, classifying, and delineating wetlands. Tomczak, M. (1996). Definition of Estuaries; empirical estuary classification. http://www.es.flinders.edu.au/~matton/ShelfCoast/notes/chapter11.htm. A discussion on different estuarine classification schemes and their theoretical foundations. The first classification scheme is solely based on topographical features (proposed by Pritchard, 1952). Types of estuaries include 'positive' estuaries (salt-wedge, highly stratified, slightly stratified, and vertically mixed), 'inverse' or 'negative' estuaries and salt plug estuaries. Each type of estuary is discussed in relation to the rate and location of fresh water volume and salt water volume mixing, and classified within a 2-dimensional framework (vertical and lateral, from estuary mouth to upstream). Additional of a third dimension (lateral, from bank to bank), imposes classification modification due to the Coriolis force which concentrates flow on the left of the estuary (looking in the direction of flow). A final type of estuary, the intermediate estuary, includes hydrodynamic characteristics such as the temporary disappearance of the thermohaline (at the interchange from estuary to ocean embayment). Töyrä, J., Pietroniro, A. and Martz, L. W. (2001). Multisensor hydrologic assessment of a freshwater wetland. Remote Sensing of Environment 75(2): 162-173. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and visible/infrared (VIR) satellite imagery for mapping the extent of standing water in the Peace-Athabasca Delta are assessed. SAR images contain data about the geometric and electrical characteristics of the objects, while VIR images contain information about the reflectivity of objects. Radar pulses can also penetrate vegetation to some degree depending on the wavelength and vegetation thickness. Generally technologies that complement eachother can be used in combination to enhance any output; thus it is hypothesized that flood mapping will be more efficient when Radarsat SAR and SPOT multispectral imagery are applied together. This hypothesis was tested with results indicating that flood mapping in both spring and summer conditions has significantly higher accuracy when Radarsat and SPOT imagery are used in combination, rather than separately. Radarsat imagery is more accurate when acquired at low incidence angles. Unknown. (1999a). Classification, vegetation analysis, and inventory of coastal wetlands. U. S. Environment Protection Agency & Environment Canada. http://www.epa.gov/grtlakes/solec...ers/coastabia/classification.html. A discussion on the classification of the Great Lakes coastal wetlands based on 'site-types' (riverine, lacustrine etc.), geomorphic type, and vegetation. This classification system has been developed from the Michigan natural Features Inventory. A table of the classification scheme, plates of most of the wetland types, and a description of nine identified groups based on both abiotic and vegetation analysis, are provided. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 165 Van Soest, F., Williams, A., Parkinson, R. and Kent, M. (2001). Methodology development for wetland restoration planning based on topography and soil hydrology. IAHS-AISH Publication (268): 271-278. This paper presents a novel approach for the identification of suitable wetland restoration sites at a regional scale, using readily available soil and topographic data. The study focuses on Rhôs pasture, a floristically diverse wet grassland community, which has been under threat from agricultural improvement in the past and more recently from neglect. The HOST classification was used to describe soil hydrological properties and topography was expressed using the In(a/ta&nbeta;) topographic index. Distributions of soil hydrology and the topographic index under Rhôs pasture sites were compared to the distributions of the total area and significance of the differences was assessed with chi-squared tests. Results were integrated into a decision support system, which predicted 72% of the existing sites. The method provides a useful tool for restoration planning at the decision-making scale. Wells, E. D. and Zoltai, S. (1985). The Canadian system of wetland classification and its application to circumboreal wetlands. Aquilo Series Botanica 21: 45-52. The Canadian Wetland Classification System consists of 4 levels: 1) wetland classes (eg bog, fen, marsh, swamp); wetland forms (eg domed bogs, slope fen, stream marsh); 3) vegetation (plant communities, associations); and 4) specialized needs of particular disciplines. Its development and structure, its application to the classification of peatlands in E Newfoundland and its relationship with wetland classification systems in northern Europe are discussed. Wells, J. T. (1995). Tide dominated estuaries and tidal rivers. In “Geomorphology and sedimentology of Estuaries” (G. M. E. Perillo, Ed.). Elsevier, Amsterdam. 'How are tidal-dominated estuaries classified?' is addressed with a summary of the important processes and attributes of 'tidal-dominated' estuaries. Physical processes such as the effects of tide on sediment dynamics, estuarine morphology, and sedimentology are reviewed accompanied by a list of examples, with description/discussion, of this type of estuary from around the world. Whigham, D. F., Dykyjova, D. and Hejny, S. (1993). Wetlands of the world: inventory, ecology and management. Volume I. Handbook of Vegetation Science, 15/2, Kluwer: 768. Distributions of wetlands, description of wetland types, wetland classification systems, ecological characteristics, wetland use and conservation and recommendations on what should be done for each type of wetland are covered. The intention of this work is to provide an overview of the world's wetlands and an introduction to the literature on their distribution, biota, management and ecology. Whigham, D. F., Rains, M. C., Mason, J. A., Kahn, H., Ruhlman, M. B., Nutter, W. L., Lee, L. C., Brinson, M. M. and Rheinhardt, R. D. (1999). Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) assessment - a test of user consistency. Wetlands 19(3): 560-569. User consistency in the application of hydrogeomorphic (HGM) functional assessment models is assessed by comparing two teams of individuals trained in the HGM methodology. Results from the analysis of 44 riverine wetlands on the Coastal Plain of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, USA over a three-week period demonstrated a high degree of agreement between the two assessment teams for both Variable Subindices and Functional Capacity Index Scores, indicating that the assessment models were robust and results were repeatable. It was found that it is important to use only those variables whose measurements are repeatable, otherwise HGM functional capacity scores are detrimentally affected, especially functions that are modelled by only a few variables. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 166 Whittecar, G. R. and Daniels, W. L. (2000). Use of hydrogeomorphic concepts to design created wetlands in southeastern Virginia. Geomorphology 31(1-4): 355-371. To overcome detrimental affects of constructed wetlands, sufficient study of the geomorphic and hydrologic processes active at the mitigation site, and greater understanding of the geomorphic processes that created natural wetlands in that area, need to be incorporated into the construction planning. HGM classification for the assessment of wetland functions requires examination of surface and subsurface processes, but refinement of concepts to include geomorphic evolution would vastly improve wetland construction design and management. Winter, T. C. and Llamas, M. R. (1993). Hydrogeology of wetlands. Journal of Hydrology 141(1-4): 269. The Hydrogeology of Wetlands Symposium, 28th International Geological Congress in Washington, DC, in July 1989A was held to assemble papers describing hydrogeologic studies of wetlands representative of different geographic regions, wetland types, and study approaches. Study locations ranged geographically from wetlands in the Arctic to the Subtropics and covered wetland types including coastal, riverine, depressional glacial terrane, and dunal depressions. Different study approaches included regional syntheses, analyses of groundwater flow systems, wetland-river interaction, and geomorphologyvegetation interaction. Zhang, S. Q., Zhang, S. K. and Zhang, J. Y. (2000). A study on wetland classification model of remote sensing in the Sangjiang Plain. Chinese Geographical Science 10(1): 68-73. The identification and discriminate isolation of around 20 categories of wetlands in the Sanjiang Plain of China is reliant upon remote sensing. However, TM Landsat imagery is inefficient where there is wetland similarity or illegibility of the wetland spectrum, and to compensate spectrum enhancement, pseudo colour composites, and algebra enhancement of TM images have been applied. Distracting noise e.g. from atmosphere transportation, make even these improvements deficient. It is considered that geographical analysis, based on physical features of wetlands reflecting the diversification of spectrum information of wetlands, which include the spatial-temporal characteristics of the wetlands distribution, the landscape differences of wetlands from season to season, the growing environment and the vertical structure of wetlands vegetation and so on, must be included. Artificial alterations to spatial structure of wetlands are also suggested as important symbols of wetlands identification from remote sensing images. Zogg, G. P. and Barnes, B. V. (1995). Ecological classification and analysis of wetland ecosystems, northern Lower Michigan, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25(11): 1865-1875. Ecosystem types are identified on the basis of simultaneous integration of physiography, climate, hydrology, soil, and vegetation. Wetland types were better discriminated using ground-flora vegetation, hydrology, or soil characteristics, rather than by canonical variates analysis of overstory composition data. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research 167 J2. LIST OF WETLAND CLASSIFICATION REFERENCES Ainslie, W. B. (1994). Rapid wetland functional assessment: its role and utility in the regulatory arena. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 77(3-4): 433-444. Anonymous. National wetland classification system. U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper: 318. Arthington, A. H., and Hegerl, E. J. (1988). The distribution, conservation status and management problems of Queensland's althalassic and tidal wetlands. In The Conservation of Australian Wetlands (A. J. M. P. S. Lake, Ed.), pp. 59 - 109. Surrey Beatty &Sons Pty Ltd, New South Wales, Australia. Augusteijn, M. F. and Warrender, C. E. (1998). Wetland classification using optical and radar data and neural network classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing 19(8): 1545-1560. Augustinus, P. G. E. F. (1995). Geomorphology and sedimentology of estuaries. In Geomorphology and Sedimentology of Estuarie” (G. M. E. Perillo, Ed.), pp. 333 - 357. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Babb, J. S., Cole, C. A., Brooks, R. P. and Rose, A. W. Hydrogeomorphology, watershed geology, and water quality of wetlands in central Pennsylvania. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 71(1): 21-28. Baker, J. M., and Wolff, W. J. (1987). Biological Surveys of Estuaries and Coasts - estuarine and brackish-water sciences association handbook. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Barson, M. M., and Williams, J. E. (1991). “Wetland Inventory - towards a unified approach. (Draft Discussion Paper for Technical Workshop hosted by the Rural Resources and Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, August 5 - 6 1991, Canberra).” Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra. Bayly, I. A. E. (1974). Australian estuaries. Ecological Society of Australia: Proceedings 8, 41 - 66. Bayly, I. A. E. (1980). Estuaries and coastal lakes. An ecological basis for water resource management. W. D. Williams. Canberra, Australian National University Press: 391-398. Beadle, N. C. W. (1981). The Vegetation of Australia. (Chapter 23, Part 4). Gustav Fuscher Verlag, New York. Beeftink, W. G. (1977). Salt-marshes. The coastline - a contribution to our understanding of its ecology and physiography in relation to land-use and management and the pressures to which it is subject. R. S. K. Barnes. London, John Wiley and Sons: 93-122. Beer, T. (1983). Australian estuaries and estuarine modelling. 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