Horus - Como gerenciar documentos multimídia com ferramentas de


Horus - Como gerenciar documentos multimídia com ferramentas de
Ricardo Alexandre de Oliveira
Fernando Ercolin
Consultor TI
Consultor TI
Enterprise Content Management
Gestão de Conteúdo Empresarial
É a capacidade de administrar os conteúdos digitais corporativos de forma Inteligente
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20 % visível
80% submerso
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20% são dados Estruturados.
80% são dados Não-estruturados. Fonte: Gartner
Por Exemplo :
ERP, CRM e outros sistemas
Por Exemplo :
Documentos, Planilhas, Videos, Imagens e outros
90% das informações no mundo hoje estão em meio digital. Fonte : AIIM.org
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O que é o ECM ?
“É um conjunto de tecnologias usadas para gerir o ciclo de vida das
informações não-estruturadas de uma organização, contemplando as
fases de criação/captura, armazenamento, versionamento,
indexação,gestão, limpeza, distribuição, publicação, pesquisa e
arquivamento, relacionando os conteúdos com processos de negócio" Fonte : wikipedia.org
“ECM is the strategies, methods and tools used to capture, manage, store,
preserve, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes.
ECM tools and strategies allow the management of an organization's unstructured
information, wherever that information exists." - Fonte : www.aiim.org
Curiosidade : Vivemos numa época na qual nunca foi tão fácil obter informações.Atualmente,uma edição de um dos jornais
mais conhecidos do mundo, o New York Times contém mais informações do que uma pessoa comum poderia receber durante
toda a sua vida no século 18.
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Como é a vida sem o ECM ?
• Distribuídos em unidades móveis (Pendrives e Discos USB)
• Distribuídos
em várias
(Estações de
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50% da informação armazenada é inútil ou está desatualizada - Fonte : IDC
• Distribuídos em várias máquinas em unidades de rede (Servidores)
• Até existe uma política de acesso, porém dependente da área de TI
• Arquivos
em caixas de
Principais problemas ...
Tempo de Recuperação : É difícil a localização dos arquivos ?
Situação do Documento : É a versão mais atual ?
Backup : A TI tem dificuldades de fazer o backup ?
Segurança : O documento é confidencial , como fica a
segurança ?
Problemas de Armazenamento: Quantas cópias do documentos estão espalhados pelas mídias e
redes internas?
Validade do Documento : Como se faz o controle de validade do documento ?
Exclusão do Documento : Como se faz o controle de quem pode apagar o documento ?
Executivos gastam 45% do tempo buscando informação, e muitas vezes não encontram. - Fonte : IDC
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Arquivos Físicos
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Estatísticas sobre o mundo Não-Estruturado
90% das organizações acreditam que a capacidade de gerenciamento de informações em meio digital são fundamentais
para seu futuro.
54 % das organizações se deram nota 5 ou inferior na gestão da Informação (Em uma escala de 1 a 10)
52% das organizações tem pouca ou nenhuma confiança nas suas informações digitais.
52% das organizações tem dúvidas que são precisas, acessíveis e confiáveis.
5% até 15% é o tempo que os profissionais gastam lendo documentos
50% do tempo é destinado a procura dos documentos
7.5% de TODOS os documentos SÃO PERDIDOS
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A vida com uma solução de ECM
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Content and Documents
Unstructured content enters an organization's IT infrastructure from a variety of sources.
Regardless of how a piece of content enters, it has a lifecycle. Follow a document through its
lifecycle as viewed through the use of ECM technology.
Electronic Unstructured Data: email, instant message, text document, spreadsheet, etc.
Electronic Forms
Paper Documents/Forms
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Paper generally enters the organization through a scanner, or sometimes, a multifunction
device. In centralized scan operations, large volumes of paper are put into the system by
dedicated workers. In distributed operations, smaller volumes of documents are captured with
lower volume scanners or multifunction devices closer to their point of creation.
Document Imaging
Software captures the image of the paper document. Increasingly, electronic document images
have the same legal status as a paper document.
Forms Processing
Business forms are ingested into the system. Most forms today are "structured"-the location of
the form elements are known. The ability to process unstructured forms, those without a predefined form template, is improving.
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Technologies that allow paper information to be translated to electronic data without manual
data input. Recognition technologies have progressive capabilities from optical character
recognition (OCR) to intelligent character recognitions (ICR) and are important for converting
large amounts of forms or unstructured data to usable information in a content management
A taxonomy provides a formal structure for information, based on the individual needs of a
business. Categorization tools automate the placement of content (document images, email,
text documents, i.e., all electronic content) for future retrieval based on the taxonomy. Users
can also manually categorize documents. Critical step to ensure that content is properly stored.
An essential part of the capture process, creates metadata from scanned documents
(customer ID number, for example) so the document can be found. Indexing can be based on
keywords or full-text.
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Document Management
Document management technology helps organizations better manage the creation, revision, approval, and consumption of electronic
documents. It provides key features such as library services, document profiling, searching, check-in, check-out, version control,
revision history, and document security.
Records Management
Content of long-term business value are deemed records and managed according to a retention schedule that determines how long a
record is kept based on either outside regulations or internal business practices. Any piece of content can be designated a record.
Email Management
As the de facto standard for business communication, removing emails from the server and saving them to a repository isn't enough.
Email must be classified, stored, and destroyed consistent with business standards-just as any other document or record.
Web Content Management
Web content management technology addresses the content creation, review, approval, and publishing processes of Web-based
content. Key features include creation and authoring tools or integrations, input and presentation template design and management,
content re-use management, and dynamic publishing capabilities.
Digital Asset Management
Similar in functionality to document management, DAM is focused on the storage, tracking, and use of rich media documents (video,
logos, photographs, etc.). Roots of the technology are in the media and entertainment industry, currently experiencing growth, especially
in marketing departments. Digital assets typically have high intellectual property value.
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Structured and unstructured-the core of many ECM systems. This is where the data resides
and where much of a company's investment in ECM resides. A repository can be a
sophisticated system that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, or as simple as a file folder
system in a smaller company. The key is to have information that can be found once it is placed
in the system.
Content needs to "live" somewhere. Storage technology (optical disks, magnetic, tape,
microfilm, RAID, paper) provide options for storing content online for rapid access or near- or
off-line for content that isn't needed often.
Content Integration
Enables disparate content sources to look and act as a single repository.
As storage media ages, content must be moved to new media for continued accessibility.
Backing up content in various formats and/or locations helps to ensure business viability in the
face of a disaster.
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One of the greatest benefits of a strong ECM system is the ability to get out what you put in. By
having strong indexing, taxonomy, and repository services, locating the information in your
system should be a snap.
Distribution of content for reuse and integration into other content.
Recasting content based on the needs and cultural mores of different global markets.
Drawing on a taxonomy and based on established user preferences, various types and subjects
of content can be delivered via user-defined preferences.
Content gets where and to whom it needs to go through a number of tools. Content can be
delivered via print, email, websites, portals, text messages, RSS feeds.
Paper Electronic
Portal, Intranet, Extranet, Email, Fax
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Collaboration technologies enable individual users, such as employees or business partners to
easily create and maintain project teams, regardless of geographic location. These
technologies facilitate collaborative, team-based content creation and decision-making.
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Restricts access to content, both during its creation and management as well as when
Digital Rights Management - prevents the illegal distribution of rights-managed content by
restricting access to content down to the sentence level as well as granting/restricting
permissions for forwarding and accessing content.
Digital Signatures - ensures the identity of a document sender, and the authenticity of the
PKI - uses a public and private key pair held by a trusted third party to transact business over
the public Internet.
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Exemplos de Soluções IBM
“With its FileNet P8 architecture,FileNet infuses content
management applications with process management. Launched
by business events, collaborative content or records management
applications can trigger additional workflows. Cleanly automated
processes that can change when business conditions change:
That’s the objective FileNet is assembling its software to help
companies achieve.”
IBM Content Manager Enterprise Edition
manages all types of content - document images, electronic office
documents, XML, audio, video - with support for a breadth of
platforms, databases, and applications. It is a platform that delivers
maximum flexibility, accelerates application deployment, and lowers
total cost of ownership
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Soluções IBM – Líder de Mercado
Fonte : Gartner - Quadrante Mágico
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IBM Filenet
Componentes :
Filenet Content Engine / Filenet Process Engine *
Ofertas para Mercado :
PIE – Product Image Edition (Part Number Único – IBM Datacap +
ACM – Advance Case Manager (tem como base o Filenet)
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Laboratório 1
Como verificar se o Filenet está ativo ?
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Laboratório 1
Ordem para “subir” os componentes :
DB2 (Banco de Dados)
Tivoli Directory
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Laboratório 1
Ordem para “subir” os componentes (Continuação) :
WebSphere (Servidor de Aplicação)
Process Engine
Após a inicialização dos componentes acessar novamente o endereço :
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Laboratório 1
Login e Senha :
Explorar a Interface Workplace XT
Visualizar as principais funcionalidades
Publicar nosso primeiro documento na ferramenta
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Laboratório 1
Definições :
Object Store , Diretório , Arquivos , Versionamento , Pesquisa
Interface :
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Laboratório 1
Verificar o Gerenciador de Tarefas do Processo (E iniciar)
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Laboratório 2
Publicar o primeiro documento
Criar um arquivo texto e inserir a informação : Olá , mundo !
Acessar o Workplace XT
Criar uma Pasta : ERBD
E publicar o documento (Pode ser utilizado a função drag and drop)
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Laboratório 2
Criar a Pasta :
Selecionar a Object Store ;
Criar no Ícone de Nova Pasta;
Digitar : ERBD ;
Clicar em Incluir ;
Clicar em OK.
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Laboratório 2
Publicar um Documento na Pasta “ERBD” .
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Laboratório 2
Concluir a publicação
Expor os conceitos de segurança do documento
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Laboratório 3
Desafios (Tempo 10 Minutos)
Como visualizar o documento publicado ?
Como publicar uma nova versão ?
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FileNet Enterprise Manager (FEM)
Para os consultores do Filenet *
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Qual a utilidade das Classes de Documentos?
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Business Process Management (BPM)
What is Business Process Management (BPM)?
BPM is a way of looking at and then controlling the processes that are
present in an organization. It is an effective methodology to use in times
of crisis to make certain that the processes are efficient and effective, as
this will result in a better and more cost efficient organization.
BPM should not be a onetime exercise. It should involve a continuous
evaluation of the processes and include taking actions to improve the
total flow of processes. The steps that can be recognized in BPM are:
Analyze,Re-design and model,Implement,Monitor,Manage,Automate
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Projetista de Processos
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Exemplo de Processo
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Exemplo de Processos
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Exemplos de Processos
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Content Analytics
Video 3
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Soluções IBM ECM
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Considerações sobre escolha do ECM
Quantos anos já existe a solução ?
A empresa dona do player é sólida no mercado ?
Disponibiliza abundante documentação sobre o ECM ?
Tem programas de treinamento e capacitação ?
O produto é robusto para crescer conforme a necessidade ?
Tem um parceiro sólido na região (Preferencialmente na mesma cidade) ?
O produto pode ser usado para Alta Disponibilidade e Recuperação de Desastres ?
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Obrigado !
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