Aria Health – Torresdale Honored with Gift of Life Award Bucks


Aria Health – Torresdale Honored with Gift of Life Award Bucks
A ria
Aria Health – Torresdale Honored with Gift of Life Award
From left to right: Geralyn Puleo, RN, Kenneth J. Braithwaite, II, Regional Executive,
DVHC and Senior Vice President, The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania
(HAP), Gweneth O’Shaughnessy, Director Hospital Services, Gift of Life Donor Program,
Howard M. Nathan, President & CEO, Gift of Life Donor Program, Jessica Stillman, Hospital
Services Coordinator, Gift of Life Donor Program, Carole Medoff, Vice President, Aria
Health, Dr. Gary Welch, Director of Trauma and Vice President of Quality, Aria Health, Linde
Finsrud Wilson, Chief Operating Officer (COO), Aria Health, and James Hazlett, RN, ICU
Nurse Manager, Torresdale Campus.
The life-saving power of organ donation can
only occur with the assistance of dedicated
and compassionate hospital professionals
who understand the needs of patients
waiting for transplant and ensure that
families are given the opportunity to donate.
At its annual breakfast on October 23,
Delaware Valley Healthcare Council (DVHC)
honored Aria Health – Torresdale with
its Gift of Life Award, which recognizes
hospitals that provide superior support to
patients and their families throughout the
organ donation process.
DVHC partnered with Gift of Life Donor
Program – the region’s organ procurement
organization (OPO) – to create the award in
2006 as a means of recognizing hospitals
for excellence in family care and outstanding rates of performance in organ donation.
The staff and leadership at these hospitals
best exemplify a commitment to donation
as part of end-of-life care.
“This was definitely a team effort.
It began with a rededication of efforts
from our Organ Donation Council spearheaded by our Gift of Life liaison, Jessica
Stillman, and nursing administration.
The council re-energized physician and
nursing staff with multiple in-services,
meetings and events,” said Dr. Gary
Welch, Director of Trauma and Vice
President of Quality at Aria Health. “I’m
just proud to be part of it and hope we
can keep up the good work.”
“This accomplishment with regards
to consistently facilitating organ
donations requires the commitment
and dedication of the entire hospital
community,” said Jessica Stillman,
Hospital Services Coordinator for the Gift
of Life Donor Program. “Many departments work together to ensure that the
process moves smoothly for the family.
Without the support of the nurses, physicians, respiratory therapists and anesthesiologists in the trauma department, ED,
ICU and OR, along with Aria administration, there would be no donation process
at all. And ultimately no patients would
receive the organ transplants they so
desperately need.”
The need for more donors continues
to be an urgent one. Today, there are nearly
6,000 patients in this region awaiting the gift
of a life-saving organ transplant, joining the
103,000 people nationwide.
About Gift of Life Donor Program:
Since 1974, Gift of Life has served as the
link between donors and patients awaiting
life-saving transplants in the eastern half
of Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey
and Delaware. In that tenure, the OPO
has coordinated more than 28,000 lifesaving organ transplants and hundreds of
thousands of tissue transplants.
For more information on organ and
tissue donation, please call the Gift of
Life at 1-800-DONORS-1 or visit its
website, n
Bucks County Courier Times Readers Vote
Aria’s Bucks Campus “One of the Best”
Congratulations to the Bucks Campus for being voted “One of the Best”
hospitals in Bucks County for 2009 by the readers of the Bucks County
Courier Times. In 2008, the Bucks Campus was honored by Courier
readers as one of the best hospitals for emergency care in Bucks County.
Article and photo ideas, contact: Maria Cerceo Slade • • 215-612-4952 • Fax 215-612-5001 W W W. A R I A H E A LT H . O R G
Aria Demonstrates
Creativity and Spirit
through Fall Harvest Door
Decorating Contest
Aria’s Rewards and Recognition
Committee would like to send a
special thanks to all the Nursing
Units and Departments who took
part in Aria’s first “Fall Harvest Door
Decorating Contest.” Winners were
chosen based on creative skill and use
of design in “A Fall Harvest” theme.
Congratulations are sent out to
our three campus winners:
Frankford Campus
Data Center
Torresdale Campus
Nursing Unit 3B
Bucks Campus
Radiology Department
The victorious departments and units
were awarded a pizza party. Many
thanks to all participants!
Aria Pulse
Walter Reed Hospital Holiday Drive Brightens Spirits
of Injured Soldiers
(Left to right):
Volunteers Rose
Weinman and May
Rayburn, along with
Finance Department
employees Linda Day
and Linda Manini,
helped coordinate the
Walter Reed Holiday
Troop Drive effort.
Aria Health’s Volunteer Department led a holiday drive to collect much-needed donated
items from employees to assist soldiers recuperating from injuries at the Walter Reed
Hospital in Washington, DC. Aria collected a total of 34 boxes containing items noted
below which were sent on a caravan of trucks to Walter Reed, where they were handdelivered and much appreciated.
• Prepackaged cookies, candy and snacks
• Socks, slippers,
• Gloves, scarfs
• Weight lifting gloves
• Electric razors
• Umbrellas
• Pre-paid national
and international
phone cards
• Portable DVD players
• DVDs
• iPods
• Cash
• Personally addressed letters and cards
Aria Health’s Frankford Campus Spreads the Joy of the
Holiday Season through Children’s Choice Toy Drive
In Aria Health’s tradition of giving, the
Frankford Campus recently held its
annual Children’s Choice toy drive and
Christmas party. Our generous employees donated 275 toys which were sorted
and distributed to 88 local children from
Children’s Choice, a local non-profit
Christian agency that provides community-based, specialized foster care and
adoption services.
The toy drive effort was led by Aria’s
Representatives from Aria Health and
Nurse Champions and representaChildren’s Choice, along with Santa, prepare
tives from Sodexho. Special thanks go
for the toy drive celebration.
to Kass Milligan, Executive Secretary,
Frankford Campus Administration, 2A, 2C/3C, Cath Lab/EPS/CT, OR, Care Management, Staff
Development, Frankford Campus ER, Susan Shotzbarger, Co-Chair, Laura Staudenmayer,
Co-Chair, Mary Ann Fenerty (TC), Beth Thornton (TC), Lauren Watson (TC), Barb Gelenberg
(FC), and Fred Manthai (BC).
Founded in 1982 by Drs. William and Carolyn
Eberwein, Children’s Choice services over 1,000 children
and has locations in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland,
and Washington D.C. In addition to coordinating the
annual toy drive event, Aria Health has also donated
space and food to the organization’s Oxford office
located at 900 E. Howell Street for the past five years.
Donated toys and presents awaiting
If you would like more information about Children’s
the excited reactions of 88 local
Choice or foster care, please call 610-521-6270. n
children from Children’s Choice
Rosemarie Rahill Honored with Linda Creed’s
2009 Angel Award
Rosemarie Rahill, Aria Health’s Women’s
Health Coordinator and Fast-Track Breast
Health Program Navigator, recently
received Linda Creed’s Angel Award for
2009. Linda Creed bestows this annual
award to an individual or corporation who
has made an outstanding contribution
to women and the breast cancer
community. Through her coordination of
Linda Creed-sponsored breast cancer
(Left to right): Donna Duncan, Executive
screenings at Aria Health, Rosemarie has
Director, Linda Creed, Rosemarie
cultivated a long-standing partnership
Rahill, Aria Health, and Kathy Lentini,
that has made mammograms accessible
President, Linda Creed, at the Angel
and provided optimal care to women in
Award presentation ceremony.
Aria’s service area.
Founded in 1987 as the first free-standing breast cancer organization in Pennsylvania,
Linda Creed is dedicated to the early detection and treatment of breast cancer. This
dedication is demonstrated through free mammography screenings for women who are
uninsured or underinsured. To date, more than 15 hospitals, including Aria Health, have
participated in the program, which has screened over 8,000 women. n
Calling All Frankford Hospital/Aria Health
School of Nursing Graduates
The annual School of Nursing Alumni banquet will be held on May 6, 2010 at the
Fountain Room on Southampton Road from 5 – 9 pm. There will be a buffet and
open bar and the cost is $40 per person. Please call your classmates and join us.
The cost for new graduates is $25. If you have any questions, please contact
Anne Curran via e-mail at or
Congratulations to CAREPlus Award Winners
September/October 2009
Denise Magloire
Robert Tralies
Denise M. Zanni
CNA Monitor Tech
4 East, Frankford Campus
SPD Distribution Tech
SPD, Torresdale Campus
Lab Tech – Laboratory,
Bucks County Campus
Denise ensures that all
of her charts are 100%
and works additional
shifts if needed. She
goes above and beyond
to help everyone. She
is very respectful and
always gives more than
Robert is a hard worker
and has learned every job
in the department. He is
courteous, conscientious
and respectful of everyone, helping everyone
inside and outside the
Denise will always go
above and beyond to
support her coworkers
and her department.
Her approach to all her
customers is always
warm and pleasant. She
always looks to improve
patient satisfaction.
2010 United Way
Campaign Underway
Aria Health’s 2010 United Way
campaign is underway and will run
through the end of February. We
have made improvements in the
campaign in hopes of increasing
employee participation. For 2010, we
have adopted a campaign theme, “2
dollars a pay can make someone’s
day,” which underscores our focus on
participation as opposed to amount
of donation. Volunteers will be
located at each campus cafeteria to
answer questions and accept donation paperwork. A chart monitoring
our activity will be displayed at each
campus. To further encourage
participation, departments with the
highest percent participation will
be recognized in several ways. As
always, employees may donate
directly to their home campus.
Aria Health thanks you in advance
for your compassion and generosity. n
ARIN meets Aria
Contributed by: Karen L. Green MHA,
BSN, RN, CRN, Radiology Charge Nurse
The Association for Radiologic and Imaging
Nursing (ARIN) recently held its 3rd Annual
Fall Symposium in Philadelphia. Over 200
imaging nurses attended the symposium’s
educational and networking opportunities.
Aria Health was well represented among
the faculty of 13 presenters.
Karen Green, MHA, BSN, RN, CRN,
Radiology Charge Nurse and ARIN National
President, presented Communication: The
Key to Patient Safety. She discussed the
National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) related
to Patient Handoff and the Code of Conflict
that can occur during this process.
Mary Walsh, BSN, RN, Staff Development
Educator, presented Medication Safety in the
Radiology Department. Mary highlighted the
many potential opportunities where an error
may occur within the Imaging setting. She
offered strategies to avoid these situations.
Dr. Brian Dunfee, Interventional Radiology,
presented an overview of Hepatic
Embolization Procedures in the Treatment of
Hepatic Carcinomas. The treatment options
Dr. Dunfee discussed are available through
Aria’s Interventional Radiology Department. n
Aria Pulse
Outpatient Nutrition Center Hosts “Kids in the Kitchen”
Workshop at Torresdale
Aria Health’s Outpatient Nutrition Center recently inspired some young chefs during
“Kids in the Kitchen,” a workshop led by registered dietitians Jenny Koscho (standing,
left) and Kathy Franklin (standing, right) for children ages 6 to 12. The “chefs in
training” learned about the proper way of eating healthy through a variety of fun
activities, games and food preparations.
For more information on upcoming nutrition workshops, please call 215-612-4863. n
Care Management Department Dedicates
“Terri’s Coat Closet”at Torresdale Campus
Contributed by Charlene Garvin,Lead Clinical Quality Care Manager
The story of “Terri’s Coat Closet” began in December
2008, when a patient at Aria Health’s Torresdale Campus
was mistakenly given Social Service Assistant Terri
Flanagan’s winter coat to wear after discharge. A
common practice of the Care Management Department
is giving donated clothing (most from department staff)
to our clients who may need them. When the mishap
with Terri’s coat was realized, an investigation and
Terri Flanagan cuts ribbon
the “Coat Search Party” was deployed. Her coat was
to mark dedication of Terri’s eventually found, but in the meantime, Terri sent along
Coat Closet.
another donated coat for the patient to wear. Since that
time, it has become the mission of “Terri’s Coat Closet” to provide necessary donated
attire to Aria’s patients, thus providing a compassionate and dignified discharge. n
Aria Health Nurse Champions Help HALT Hunger
Aria Health’s Nurse
Champions, including
(left to right) Beth
Thornton, RN, 2A,
Susan Shotzbarger, RN,
EPS, and Lauren Watson,
RN, 2A, collected more
than 1,000 donated food
items in their annual
HALT Hunger food drive.
Aria’s Nurse Champions once again helped organize the annual HALT Hunger holiday
food drive. Thanks to the generosity of Aria employees, 1,005 non-perishable food
items were collected among the Frankford, Torresdale and Bucks County campuses.
The donations were distributed to four local organizations that provide food to
members of our communities in need, including: The Calvary Chapel (food cupboard),
Holmesburg United Methodist Church (soup kitchen), A Woman’s Place (shelter for
victims of domestic violence), and Frankford Group Ministries (food cupboard).
Thanks to everyone who participated. You continue to help make Aria Health a
strong community partner! n
Aria Pulse
Pavilion MRI Receives 3-Year
ACR Accreditation Renewal
Aria Health congratulates our MRI physicians and staff at the Pavilion MRI location
for recently receiving a 3-year renewal of
accreditation from the American College
of Radiology (ACR). The ACR has recently
changed the criteria for accreditation
making the process more challenging. We
received accreditation in the Head/Neck,
MRA, Spine, MSK and Body modules.
New MRI System/Advanced Cardiac
Software at Torresdale
A new MRI system was recently
installed at the Torresdale Campus.
The new unit has demonstrated higher
performance, better patient positioning,
safety and comfort, and also comes with
advanced neuro, body, extremity, spine,
vascular and cardiac applications. New
cardiac software includes 2D and 3D
delayed enhancement imaging, which is
outstanding in myocardial assessments,
helping to identify remaining, healthy heart
tissue following a heart attack. Higher
performance, improved productivity,
better patient positioning, safety &
comfort can also be found with the new
MRI system.
Medical Imaging Associates has five
MRI locations at Aria Health facilities,
including the Frankford, Torresdale and
Bucks County Campuses as well as The
Pavilion (2451 Grant Ave) and Professional
Court (10160 Bustleton Ave, Suite D),
Outpatient Centers.
For addition Aria’s MRI services, or to
schedule an appointment at any of our
locations, please call 215-464-8050. n
Bucks County Campus
Ultrasound Department
Receives ACR Accreditation
Aria Health – Bucks County’s Ultrasound
Department recently received American
College of Radiology (ACR) accreditation for January 2010 to April 2013. The
Department passed the review with a
100% score, which is rarely achieved.
Much appreciation and gratitude to
Jeanne Beisel, Ultrasound Supervisor,
Dr. Jason Sagerman, Dr. Carl Rubin,
Nancy Dellaguardia and all the sonographers who rotate through the Bucks
County Campus and contributed to this
accreditation. n
Independence Blue Cross (IBC) Recognizes Aria Health Physicians for Practice Quality
Independence Blue Cross (IBC) recently recognized four Aria Health Physician Services
doctors in honor of their practice “achieving the rank of #1” in the Practice Quality
Assessment Score (PQAS) program for 2009.
Aria’s Rewards & Recognition Team recently recognized and celebrated Dominick
Commodaro, DO, Neal Erkes, MD, Audrey Kleeman, MD, Herman Palat, DO, and their
office staff responsible for this important accomplishment with a “Party on the Spot.” Linda
Kidd, Practice Manager of Aria Health Physician Services, presented each physician with
their individual 2009 Independence Blue Cross commemorative plaque. These physicians
represent four of only 127 physicians that achieved the #1 rank in the five-county area consisting of thousands of primary care physicians. Congratulations to these four outstanding
physicians and their office staff for achieving this exciting milestone!
The practices were presented with a “Certificate of Excellence” in recognition of their
efforts. Linda Kidd and the Rewards & Recognition Team congratulated staff for their hard
work and exciting achievement. A tray of cookies was provided to each practice to enhance
the festivities.
Keep your eyes open for other upcoming celebrations by your Rewards & Recognition
Team. You never know when and where they might show up! n
Congratulations to:
Audrey K. Kleeman, MD
Oxford Valley Internal Medicine
402 Middletown Boulevard, Suite 214
Dominick Commodaro, DO
Commodaro Family Practice
2807 Bristol Pike
Neal Erkes, MD
Northeast Internal Medicine
9501 Roosevelt Blvd, Suite 506
Herman Palat, DO
Central Square Medical
2469 Grant Ave
Oxford Valley Internal Medicine
Linda Kidd, Practice Manager, Karen Hoyle, Audrey
Kleeman, MD, Nicole Leichter, and Sandra Curry of
Oxford Valley Internal Medicine. Bridget Trapp and
Lynette Minni from Bucks Surgery stopped in to offer
their congratulations.
Commodaro Family Practice
Linda Kidd, Practice Manager, Jessica Knauss,
Felicia Bieneman, Joanne Christiansen, Office Manager,
Andre Covington, Dominick Commodaro, DO, Veronica
Ragan, and Debbie Sinclair of the R & R Team.
Northeast Internal Medicine
Nichole Lindmar Chima, Kimberly Becco, Linda Cione,
Linda Kidd, Practice Manager, Neal Erkes, MD,
Evey Palat, Practice Coordinator, Debbie Sinclair,
R & R Team, Marc Schlessinger, R & R Team,
Barbara McGeehan, R & R Team, Debbie Dziedina
and Theresa Biting
Central Square Medical
Linda Kidd, Practice Manager, Marc Schlessinger, R & R Team,
Debbie Sinclair, R & R Team, Evey Palat, Practice Coordinator,
Barbara McGeehan, R & R Team, Herman Palat, DO,
Patricia Donahue, Michelle Burger, Leigh Ann Zuccarelli,
Carol Cubis, and Brianne Kleppinger.
Aria Pulse
Alfred R. Bogucki, MD, FACS
Alfred R. Bogucki, MD, FASC
Minimally Invasive/Laparoscopic Surgery
General Surgery
Trauma Surgery
President, Aria Health Medical Staff
Chairman, Aria Health Medical
Executive Committee
Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery
Jefferson Medical College,
Thomas Jefferson University
Northeast Philadelphia Office:
Aria Health – Torresdale
Medical Office Building, Suite 125
3998 Red Lion Road
Philadelphia, PA 19114
Bucks County Office:
Oxford Valley Medical Plaza (OVMP)
Suite 101C
240 Middletown Boulevard
Langhorne, PA 19047
For more information or to schedule
an appointment at either location,
please call 1-877-808-ARIA (2742)
or 215-824-4559.
Board-certified in general surgery, Dr. Alfred Bogucki specializes in advanced
minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures including laparoscopic cholecystectomy,
hernia repair and appendectomy at Aria Health.
With special interest in critical care as well as surgical oncology, Dr. Bogucki is
a senior attending physician practicing general surgery, trauma surgery, minimally
invasive laparoscopic surgery, critical care and surgical oncology at Aria since 1993.
He also serves as an instructor to other physicians in advanced trauma life support.
In 2009, he was appointed President of Aria’s Medical Staff and Chairman of Aria’s
Medical Executive Committee, pairing key leadership roles with broad clinical
Dr. Bogucki earned an undergraduate degree in biology from St. Joseph’s
University. He went on to receive a masters degree in biochemistry from Hahnemann
University Graduate School, completing his thesis on cancer treatment in 1983.
After receiving a medical degree from the Medical College of Pennsylvania, Dr.
Bogucki completed an internship and residency in general surgery at the Hospital of
the Medical College of Pennsylvania, where he served as Chief Resident in Surgery
in 1992. He received additional training in surgery at the Philadelphia VA Hospital and
later completed a fellowship in trauma surgery at Aria Health.
Dr. Bogucki is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons (ACS), a member
of the Society of Laparoscopic Surgeons (SLS) as well as the Society of American
Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES). In addition, he serves as
assistant clinical professor of Surgery at the Jefferson Medical College of Thomas
Jefferson University.
Did you know there is an option for a 1/2
inch incision when you have surgery?
Benefits of minimally invasive or laparoscopic procedures vs.
traditional open surgical approaches include:
Minimal blood loss
Less post-operative pain
Less scarring
Shorter hospital stays
Quicker recovery times
Earlier return to full activities
To learn more about minimally invasive surgery and Aria’s
surgical team, visit us online at
To get the latest news, updates and clinical program
information from Aria Health, sign up for our
e-newsletter at
Aria Pulse
Jeffrey T. Brodsky, MD
With over 20 years of experience in surgical oncology and general surgery,
Dr. Brodsky has expertise in the surgical management of esophageal cancer, gastric
cancer, intestinal and colon cancer, rectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, gallbladder
and biliary cancer, hepatic tumors, soft tissue sarcoma, melanoma, breast disease
and adrenal tumors.
He is also a board-certified general surgeon highly skilled in minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery, specializing in the treatment of hernias, gallbladder and biliary disease,
gastrointestinal and colorectal disease, and hepatobiliary and pancreatic disease.
Dr. Brodsky’s training includes a surgical internship and residency at New York
University Medical Center. He also completed a fellowship in surgical oncology at
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. He received his medical degree
from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Highlights of Dr. Brodsky’s surgical oncology and general surgery practice at
Aria Health include the following:
Jeffrey T. Brodsky, MD
Surgical Oncology
Minimally Invasive/Laparoscopic Surgery
General Surgery
Northeast Philadelphia Office:
Aria Health – Torresdale
Medical Office Building, Suite 235
3998 Red Lion Road
Philadelphia, PA 19114
Bucks County Office:
Oxford Valley Medical Plaza (OVMP)
Suite 101C
240 Middletown Boulevard
Langhorne, PA 19047
For more information or to schedule
an appointment at either location,
please call 1-877-808-ARIA (2742)
or 215-612-5630.
for a
Esophageal and Gastric Cancer
•Aggressive Surgical Approach to Maximize Cure Rate
•Extensive Experience and Meticulous Surgical Approach
Resulting in Superior Outcomes
Pancreatic, Hepatic and Biliary Tumors
•Shorter Operative Times
•Lower Complication Rates
•Minimal Blood Loss with Rare Need for Transfusion
•Decreased Hospital Stay
Rectal Cancer
•Maximize Opportunity for Sphincter Preservation and Avoidance of Colostomy
•Oncologic Resection to Minimize Local Recurrence
•Nerve Preservation to Avoid Bladder and Sexual Dysfunction
•Reconstructive Technique to Minimize Complication Rate
•Colon Resection
•Pancreatic Resection
•Liver Resection
Need a referral or an appointment with a specialist?
Call 1-877-808-ARIA (2742)
In August, Aria Health launched the Health Source Call Center, a new,
free physician appointment, referral and information system. Since that time,
our Call Center representatives have facilitated physician referrals and appointments
for hundreds of patients. We can match you with the right primary care doctor or a
specialist. With just one call to 1-877-808-ARIA (2742), our representatives will:
• Provide information to you about a physician
• Answer questions about services, office hours and what insurance
a physician accepts
• Make an appointment for you or provide a physician referral
Call us today. Our Call Center representatives look forward to serving you!
Aria Pulse
Aria Health Celebrates Healthcare Quality Week
Aria Health celebrated healthcare quality week October 18 -14, 2009. Through the
annual celebration, Aria salutes its staff members that dedicate themselves to
improving healthcare quality and patient safety each day.
Aria marked Healthcare Quality Week by announcing the winners of the 2009 Aria
Health Way-to-GLOW! Quality awards at the Quality Committee meeting on October 21.
The Rapid Response Team for effectively
decreasing the number of inpatient “Code
6” calls and improving the use of narcotics
and reversal agents. Those pictured (left to
right): Dr. Gary Aaronson, Chairman of the
Quality Committee, Trish Nichols, RN, Staff
Development, Jacque Miller RN, 4A, Jim
Hazlett, RN, Nurse Manager ICU TC, Barb
Salapata, RN, Nurse Manager, Frankford
Campus, and Aida Bridges, RN, Nurse
Manager 2B
Nursing Unit 2 North, Bucks County Campus for
effectively decreasing the number of hospital acquired
catheter related urinary tract infections and central line
infections on their unit. Those pictured (left to right):
Dr. Gary Aaronson, Chairman of the Quality Committee,
Jessica Pastushok, RN, Heather Lackman, RN, and Kelly
Herninko, RN, Nurse Manager
Juniata Family Practice for winning the
2009 quality award from Health Partners for
exceeding key quality healthcare indicators.
Those pictured (left to right): Mary Magee, RN,
MSN, Administrative Director of Quality, Dr.
Subarao Gorti, Medical Director, and Dr. Gary
Aaronson, Chairman of the Quality Committee
Care Management for effectively using the missed opportunities report
to increase performance in acute MI, pneumonia and heart failure care.
Those pictured (left to right): Dr. Gary Aaronson, Chairman of the Quality
Committee, Charlene Garvin, RN, Annette McDonough, RN, Mary Lou
Flores, RN, Sandra Clarke, RN, and Joanne McGettigan, RN, Director of
Care Management (missing from photo: Christine McPeake, RN)
Diabetes Program for receiving re-certification. Sharon Ulmer, RN, CDE, Program Coordinator
hip and knee replacement. Linda Hagan, RN and Kim Burgess, RN, Coordinators
Ortho Initiative at Bucks County Campus for designing a patient focused program for Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians (LAOH) Division #39
Supports Aria’s Breast Cancer Survivors’ Luncheon
Top Row (Left to Right): Breast Cancer
Survivor Debbie Maxwell, and LAOH Division
#39 Members Maureen Mallon and Peggy
O’Donnell. Bottom Row (Left to Right): LAOH
Division #39 Members Kathleen Milligan,
Arlene Carr and Debbie Hartman
Aria Pulse
Members of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians (LAOH) Division #39, an
organization based in Mayfair that raises funds and develops programs to support
local causes and charities, attended Aria’s annual Breast Cancer Survivors Luncheon
held on October 29, 2009 at the Torresdale-Frankford Country Club. For the past
several years, the LAOH has generously supported the cost of the Luncheon with
funds raised through “Kate’s Way,” an annual breast cancer awareness walk held
in Northeast Philadelphia to honor the memory of Kate Palchick, a former member
of the LAOH who unfortunately lost her battle with breast cancer in 2006. Kate had
received care at Aria Health’s Cancer Center. Thanks to the LAOH, more than 100
breast cancer survivors enjoyed a delightful lunch, entertaining keynote presentation
and an informative Question & Answer Session with Aria panelists, including Medical
Oncologist Julia Kennedy, DO, Radiation Oncologist Shari Rudoler, MD, Breast
Surgeon Jennifer Chalfin Simmons, MD, and Radiologist and Mammography Section
Chief Sonja Cerra-Gilch, MD. n