Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus 30
Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus 30
(Annual Subscription Rs. 25/- only) 30 JESUS REDEEMS 1978 - 2008 JOHN 14:14. Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus Editor: J. Selvakumar April 2008 Volume : 8 Issue : 9 I n the precious name of Jesus Christ I convey my loving greetings to you! By the grace of the Lord, I and the Jesus redeems family are fine and I hope that you and your family are fine! For you and your family, we, the Jesus Redeems prayer team, pray regularly. I believe that you too have been praying for me and our Jesus Redeems ministry. Hearing your prayers the Lord has been doing wonderful things in our ministry. The Lord blessed the Peace Prayer Walk that we conducted for 21 days in Sri Lanka, for restoring peace to the nation. He gave us the grace to offer intrusive prayers, one day in each district. The Lord helped me and my wife to visit eight districts and pray for peace. He also gave us the grace to visit Vavuniya, Mannar, Mattakilappu, Triconamalai, the war ridden areas. The Lord brought together Singhalese pastors and Tamil pastors, Singhalese people and Tamil people to pray together in one accord. It is certain that the Lord will establish peace in Sri Lanka in an unexpected way. We have planned with the Lord to conduct the Thirappin Vaasal Prayer in Sri Lanka each month. Please continue to pray for peace in the island nation. The deliverance Festival in Madurai was greatly blessed by the Lord. People, who are non Christians, gathered in multitudes and received salvation. Praise God! We have been initiating Gethsemane Prayer Centres in each district, to pray for the Blessed Tamil Nadu. We have been raising armies of God to pray for each district and to carry out the ministry there. We have been printing and sending lakhs of tracts for their ministry. We have also been using thousands of gospels for this purpose. Pray for the salvation of Tamil nadu. We have been praying as a team for all of you and your families who read this magazine. Please pray for this ministry. Your prayers and support have been a blessing to our ministry. With prayers, we make use of all your contributions, for the ministry. Grace be with you! Your Brother, JOHN 14:14. S ome problem has been troubling you! He is ready to change your problem of Some need has been worrying you! Some debts! disease has been threatening you! He is waiting to give you success in your Are you feeling troubled, wondering, studies! “Who will help me? Where shall I go for my He is ready to bless your business! need?” He is willing to exalt you in your Don’t worry. Jesus Christ is ready to help profession! you. It is possible for Him to do a miracle for He is prepared to organize your children’s you in this matter. He has given you this wedding! promise; He is waiting to bless you with a child! “If you ask anything in my name, I Do you expect a miracle in a particular will do it.” (John 14:14) (New matter? He is ready at the moment, to do this International Version) miracle for you. He addresses only you, when He says this. For you, He is prepared to do anything. He is He says that whatever you ask, he will do it. ready to heal you. This is because He loves you. It is only because Jesus Redeems 1 April 2008 He loves you that He is waiting to do a miracle for you. watching others pray. After the message when I led the people in prayer, he never closed his eyes to pray to Jesus. He was only watching the others pray. Everything is possible for Him! He is all powerful! He was waiting for the meeting to get over. He was thinking, “They have told me that only when Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus lays his hands on my head and prays for me a miracle will happen.” So he was waiting. He gave vision to the blind! He healed the lepers! He made the lame walk! When the meeting was over, he rushed to the front for prayer and knelt down. I laid my hands on his head and prayed for him too, as I did for every one. But, he didn’t receive healing; there was no change in his hand. He brought the dead back to life! Nothing is impossible for Him! If you expect Him to do a miracle for you, you need to do something! He was greatly disappointed and wondered, “They told me that I will be healed if Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus laid his hands on my head and prayed. But nothing has happened.” ASK, YOU WILL RECEIVE! Jesus has given us the promise: “You may ask me anything, I will do it.” However, he attended the Thirappin Vaasal prayer in the following month too. He was waiting for Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus to pray for him placing his hands on his head, and he knelt down to pray. I as usual prayed for him too as I did for every one else; but he was not healed. The pain remained. So, you should ask; open your mouth and pray for yourself ! He likes to listen to your voice. Only when you ask, He shall gladly do wonderful things for you. In the Thirappin Vaasal Prayer held in Nalumavadi, once a brother shared his testimony. He returned with anguish, wondering why nothing had happened to him, even when Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus prayed for him. He was unable to use his right hand and was in severe pain. He attended the Thirappin vassal Prayer as he had heard some one saying, “Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus prays and Jesus does miracles.” However he never gave up; he attended the Thirappin vaasal prayer in the third month too. At the time of the final prayer, I was leading the people in prayer, and when I said, “Keep your hands on the sick part of your body and He attended the meeting with fasting. He listened to all testimonies. He was Jesus Redeems 2 April 2008 call out to Jesus.” The whole gathering started praying. For your self, for your matters, you should pray. Whatever you may ask Him in prayer, he shall give you. He looked around and it struck him that he too can try praying for himself. For the first time, he looked up to Jesus and prayed. “Jesus, I am unable to use my right hand. The pain is unbearable. Please heal me.” “Ask, and it shall be given you;…For every one that asketh receiveth;....”(Matt. 7:7,8) This is the promise given by Jesus. Believe in this promise and ask Him. Repeat His promise, “You may ask me for anything; I will do it!” You shall see wonders! Jesus was so far waiting for him to pray, so that He could do the miracle. The moment he prayed, Jesus touched him. His pain vanished at once and he was able to use his right hand normally. ASK IN THE NAME OF JESUS! He came running to the stage, to share his testimony. “For the past two months, I was prayed over by Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus and in spite his laying his hands on my head and praying for me, I was not healed. Today, I looked up to Jesus and prayed for my healing. At once Jesus has healed me,” he said happily. “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” (John 14:14). This is what Jesus has promised. That is, in the name of ‘Jesus’, repeating the name Jesus, you should ask. Only then, he can do whatever you ask for. My heart rejoiced when I heard this as he had learnt the right thing. As long as he didn’t pray, Jesus never did a miracle. The moment he opened his mouth and asked, Jesus did a miracle. The heaven doesn’t accept prayers that are raised without the name of Jesus. Such prayers which don’t carry the name of Jesus are like letters sent without the address. You should understand that it is not the servants of God who do miracles; it is Jesus who does. It is not enough if the servants of the Lord pray for you; Jesus is waiting for you to pray; you should realize this. You will not receive a reply for them. Jesus has given you the promise: “Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. ” (John 16:24) Please understand that many servants of the Lord may pray for you; yet, only when you When you ask, uttering the name of Jesus, pray, He shall do wonders. Keep this in mind. Without your praying, however much may you shall certainly receive miracles, that your others pray for you, you will never receive any joy may be full. For the blind Bartimaeus who called out, blessing. Jesus Redeems 3 April 2008 liver badly affected by jaundice, that hit me in the year 2007. At this juncture, a friend of mine, introduced the Thirappin Vaasal Prayer at Nalumavadi, with words of assurance for a miracle in my life, if I happened to take part in the Prayer with full faith. Accordingly, I attended the m e e t i n g f a i t h f u l l y . At the sight of a huge crowd, that had converged, a fresh faith was kindled in me. This being the first experience with such meetings, I was closely watching the proceedings of the meeting. When the brother was raising the prayer for the deliverance of people, I, who had never known how to pray, simply made the brother ’s prayer my own, intertwining my heart with his own, cried loudly to God, for my life, with tears down my cheeks a deep cry, never in my life. “Son of David, have mercy on me”, He gave eye sight and made him rejoice. (Mark 10: 46–52). When Peter, the disciple of Jesus addressed the man who was lame from birth and said, “In the name of Jesus get up and walk” , he was healed, jumped up and walked. Peter explained, “And his(Jesus Christ) name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.” (Acts 3: 1–16) At this hour, God’s power embraced me like a gentle breeze. I could sense a great change taking place in my body. God gave me abundant health through a miracle. I have been trouble–free since then. Even today, when the name of Jesus is uttered, miracles do happen. Also, my wife had been suffering from a tumour in her breast. I attended the meeting with the family and prayed earnestly for her healing.The tumour disappeared in thin air before we reached home after prayer. God did it. Glory to God! I know a family who believed in the name of Jesus, prayed and received miracles. They shared their testimony with us in one of the meetings and you can read it. A Hindu by faith, I had been in death-bed for 45 days, unable to walk, with the We have accepted LORD Jesus Christ as Saviour of our family, because of the miracles he has done. - Elangovan, Madurai. Jesus Redeems 4 April 2008 Just see how the Lord has done a miracle, as Place your hand on this, kneel down and soon as He was called in the name of Jesus! say this prayer, with faith: He shall do miracles for you in the same way. Whatever be the matter, when you pray in the name of Jesus, “Jesus, please do me a miracle,” you shall receive the miracle. Jesus, I thank you for forgiving my sins! But, before using the name of Jesus, you Thank you for accepting me should have accepted him in your life. Only when you accept Him as your father, you as your child! are authorized to use His name. I thank you for hearing my prayers! Only the children have the right to use the father’s name. You too should become His In the name of Jesus, let me receive children. You needn’t pay anything for this. a miracle in this matter. The only thing you need to do is, pray whole heartedly, “Jesus, forgive my sins! You have promised; “Whatever you Come into my heart. I accept you as my father.” ask in my name, I shall do it.” Let me Now that you are His child, you can pray in receive healing in your name! His name, and receive miracles. Let my needs be fulfilled in the name Now, write down in this space the details of of Jesus! the matter in which you expect a miracle, and pray with faith. In the name of Jesus, let ways be opened! ......................................................................... ......................................................................... In the name of Jesus, let all obstacles be shattered! ......................................................................... In the name of Jesus, let miracles happen! ......................................................................... ......................................................................... As I have prayed in the name of Jesus, I believe that you have done a miracle! ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ......................................................................... In the name of Jesus, I expect miracles! ......................................................................... ......................................................................... In the name of Jesus……… ......................................................................... Amen! Amen! Jesus Redeems 5 April 2008 TO YOUR NOTICE PLEASE...! Miracle Testimony WRESTLED LIKE JACOB! Seven of us underwent a by-pass surgery in Muscat on 1992. Of the seven, I am alone alive. Fifteen years after the operations, for roughly 1½ years, the same old trouble with the inherent symptoms, began to emerge, increasing day by day. After examination, the doctors said, “There is a block in your heart. Another surgery is a must, which amounts to 4 to 6 lakhs.” Without any inclination for surgery a second time, I returned home with a heart, pain-struck. I fell at God’s feet and implored struggling with God like Jacob, “LORD God, I am your child. You perform a miracle by healing me. Henceforth, I won’t spend money in a hospital. Instead, I will offer that money to the Tabernacle of God.” Meanwhile, my wife had mailed a prayer request to the Brother, to which he replied, “We prayed for your miracle in the gathering of more than 40,000 believers. God will, by all means, do a miracle to you.” Subsequently, God showed His grace to us that the doctors, who reexamined me said amazingly, “There is no problem in your heart.” It was totally in line with the letter of reply from the Brother after prayer. Presently, I am a living witness to LORD Jesus, with abundant health in Him. - G. Abraham, Trichy. ? In case, more than one Jesus Redeems magazine, either for an individual or a family, knock at your door, please inform us without fail. ? Pray more for the Jesus Redeems magazine ministry. Support with your liberal offering. ? Volunteers could send the offering through M.O., or D.D., or Cheque. Please don’t send the money, on any account, enclosed in an envelope. ? For every correspondence with the office, please give your full address with the Pincode clearly. FOR THE KIND ATTENTION OF THE BENEFACTORS…! "Anywhere Account" is available with following banks to send your offerings to JESUS REDEEMS MINISTRY. BANK Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd., Axis Bank-Thoothukudi NAME Jesus Redeems Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus A/C. NO 054150330890001 105010100115988 If you have 'Internet Banking Facility', it is easy for you to send the offering safely and speedily round the clock directly to either of our Bank Accounts. For more payment options, please visit our Web Page : "" You can also use all kinds of "Credit / Debit Cards" [VISA, MASTER CARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DINNERS CLUB, CITI BANK E-CARDS & JCB CARDS] for sending your offerings online. Apart from these facilities, you can also utilize the services of, "Western Union Money Transfer" as well as, "Money Gram" and inform us the Control Number along with your Full Address for the purpose. If you choose to send your offerings through, "Cheque" or "Demand Draft", send them by the specific name of, "Mohan C. Lazarus" payable at the State Bank of India, Tirunelveli Main Branch (Branch Code : 0932) to our address. More Details: Mobile : 9942235305, Email : Jesus Redeems 6 Website : http// April 2008 News from Tirunelveli:- WOMEN’S NEW LIFE CAMP! Roughly 1,200 sisters took part in the Women’s New Life Camp, conducted blessedly, by God’s grace, in PalayamkottaiSelvi Mahal on 16 Feb., 2008. the sisters in Jesus Redeems Ministry, shared their testimonies with one another. Sis. Joyce Lazarus, gave the message focussing on the verse, “ The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands, the foolish one tears hers down” (Pro. 14:1), with vivid illustrations from the women in the Bible. God’s power was active there. Scores of sisters were touched Dr. Anburajan, himself a trustee, and in-charge of the by God and returned home with a Jesus Redeems Branch Office, had grandly made the ground work resolve to build their houses like the for the meeting. Bro. Panneer Selvam led us all in worship with wise woman. The name of the lord the songs of praise. was glorified. Later, Sis. Joyce Lazarus, stood up in the gap to pray for - Camp Coordinator. family blessings. All joined the prayer with tears. Following this, TESTIMONIES FROM WOMEN’S NEW LIFE CAMP! I WAS TOUCHED! I was touched by the Word, that wise women alone could build their houses. Lending ear to the true advice, “ Spending more than ones income, results in curse”, I have made up my mind to spend within limits. A NEW LESSON TO ME! It had been a blessing to know how to pray, how to manage a family, and what the good qualities of a woman are. - Anu Albert, - A. Siva Selvi, Palayamkottai. Perumalpuram. RELEASED FROM - M. Mary, Keelanatham. CAPTIVITY! BAPTIZED! NEW CREATURE! I had been a captive of an I rejoiced with the baptism God touched my heart with evil spirit for years. God of the Spirit, beyond the sister’s piece of advice to delivered me from the evil measure, during prayer. obey our husbands. I have given influence during prayer in the - A. Buwaneshwari, up my stubbornness. God’s camp. Palayamkottai. blessings have started flowing in. - C. Esther, Nellai Town. HIS GRACE! God spoke to me in this camp. It was a great blessing. I have received knowledge and wisdom, the spirit of prayer also. - C. Sweetlin, Thoothukudi. Jesus Redeems 7 April 2008 LET US START REBUILDING! their offerings. Apart from this we need 9,560 sheets. We can finished the work in easily, if we receive the remaining amount. Please pray for this, that God should raise sponsors for this project. We introduce to you Bro. Adam Benhur George of Chennai, who testifies to how she received blessings from God. Struggling for years without a house of y God’s grace, about 40,000 children of our own, we had God gather at the Thirappin Vaasal Prayer contributed Rs. 1,200/-, a every month. As you know, the Prayer small amount, yet as much Meeting is held in a large shed of thatches. As as we could, towards the we have to contend with many discomforts in construction of the Tabernacle of God. As the current arrangement, it is God’s pleasure, a result, God was gracious enough to that He willed to build the Tabernacle of enable us to purchase a house of God. He himself gave us a free site for it, in our own. order to carry on the ministry. God’s In case you are also moved to support, you Tabernacle is being built with an area of 2 lakhs sq. ft., so as to seat 50,000 people could take up any of the following, on behalf comfortably for prayer. The job of of your family–one or two or five or ten construction, started in the year 2000, is going sheets. It is time you had your part in raising on unhindered, by His grace. God has been the Tabernacle of God. guiding us till the present moment, totally If you feel the inspiration of God in you to debt-free. Praise God! support the project, you may send a Cheque The reason is that God raised people to or DD in the name of Tabernacle of God, pray and offer for it. The initial stage of construction, that is the concrete-work, is over payable at any Bank-Branch at Tirunelveli to the following address. by God’s grace. The next stage is roofing. - Mohan C. Lazarus. Address: Following it, flooring and then the relevant Tabernacle of God, Jesus Redeems, finishing is to be done. Nalumavadi - 628 211, Thoothukudi Dt., India. Roofing is, by way of sheet-covering, supported by iron truss-work. God has OUR ADDRESS graciously supplied us the funds to buy the truss-work. Therefore, sheetJESUS REDEEMS, covering is the next job. Please pray Nalumavadi-628 211, for this. Thoothukudi Dt., Tamilnadu, INDIA. Until now, we have received the Ph : (04639) - 235 305, 235 705 Fax : (04639) - 235 415 amount for 4,440 sheets. God shall Visit: Email : bless those who uphold this project by TABERNACLE OF GOD! B Jesus Redeems 8 April 2008 News from Kanyakumari Dist.,:- GOD’S BLESSINGS IN ARUMANAI! Bro. J. Jeyakumar At last terraces provided seats Uncontrollable crowd, thronged! G od blessed in abundance, the Deliverance Festival on 6,7,8 Feb., 2008 in Arumanai, Kanyakumari District. The Christian Fellowship in and around Arumanai had made splendid arrangements for the meeting, under the leadership of Bro. Stephen, Bro. John Selvaraj and Bro. Devaraj. Despite heavy downpour on three days, God had made thousands of people to converge on the ground, discerning their heart’s desire. He confirmed His Word, each day, using His Servants mightily. - Coordinator. God’s Children in fasting-prayer Rev. Vetha Sironmani who prayed in each meeting Brothers Stephen, Devaraj and John Selvaraj who had grandly organised the meetings 9 News from Madurai Dist.,:- Tearful dedication to LORD God Standing in the gap to pray for Madurai Youth in large numbers GREAT DELIVERANCE IN MADURAI! G od was gracious enough to organize a great Deliverance Festival, led by the Holy Spirit, on 6,7,8,9 March 2008 in Madurai, the Temple City of Tamil Nadu. God’s children had smartly arranged the meetings in Thamukkam Grounds, under the leadership of dear Bro. Manuel Jeyaraj. God emerged victoriously with His glory, banishing all hurdles. It was a great joy that all the believers and pastors of every church united together and got involved in the ministry with one accord. God had gathered, a large crowd, mostly non-christians, from all directions, for every meeting. He used His servants mightily. His power and authority were manifested. On the final day, the Spirit of God came down heavily and broke the bondage of curse of his people. Several people glorified God through their testimonies of miraculous healing, both in the night meetings and fasting prayer by day. God showered His blessing in the Youth Meeting also. That Rt. Rev. Dr. Christopher Asir, the CSI Bishop, Ps. Joseph Balachandran, Senior Pastor-Good Samaritan Church, and Rev. D. N. Rajan, Sec., The Pentecostal Pastors Fellowship presided over the meetings with their felicitations, infused fresh courage in us. 13 YEAR– TUMOUR GONE AWAY! Though a doctor I am, I suffered hugely from a tumour in uterus for 13 years, which melted away in thin air, at my fervent prayer in the meeting. I enjoy a total deliverance and a robust health. Praise God! - Dr. Hepzibha, Madurai. Ps. Joseph Balachandran Bro. Manuel Jeyaraj Rt. Rev. Dr. Christopher Asir Bro. Vincentraj Rev. D. N. Rajan (CSI Bishop - Madurai & Ramnad) - Coordinator. The overflowing crowd in Thamukkam 10 11 A FEW OF THE MIRACLES JESUS DID IN MADURAI GAVE ME CLEAR MIND! CALLED ME BY NAME! I used to behave in an unsteady and confused way, mentally affected. My talk too was very loose. Therefore, I used to fall a victim to cheats and impostors. I prayed with a burden in my heart. A bright light shone upon me. My mind became very clear. I feel a great change in me. Praise be to God! - Joel, Madurai. There had always been a predominant fear of death in me, because of the acute asthma troubling me since 1996. I was looked down by my relatives. I prayed heartily in the meeting. God called me by name through the Brother, and revealed that He was healing me. Instantly, I was healed. Millions of - Kasthuri, Madurai. thanks to God! BACK–PAIN DISAPPEARED! ABUNDANT HEALTH! I suffered from enormous back–pain for several months. I am an ex-service man. I The pain intensified, of late, for a did not consent to the suggestion month, so much that I couldn’t of the doctors for a surgery in bend. I received a miraculous my kidney for the problem that healing at the touch of God’s had been troubling me for 8 years. power during prayer. Thousands of thanks to Also, my wife had the trouble of - Muniyammal, Theni. back-pain. God ordered good health to both of God! us in the first meeting itself. BLEEDING STOPPED! - Amalraj, Madurai. Afflicted with too much of bleeding, for 3 years, CURSE DESTROYED! and recently the disorder getting I remained firm that God aggravated for 16 days, at a would heal me, contrary to the stretch, I could hardly go to work. doctor’s proposal for the surgical God healed me miraculously in removal of the tumour in the answer to my intense prayer. It is all God’s grace! uterus, which I had suffered for - Velammal, Madurai. 2 years. The tumour melted down, the moment when the Brother prayed, “Let tumours vanish.” 25 YEAR-ASTHMA Also, we had been noticing a curse falling on HEALED! the first-born in our family and that of our Plagued with asthma for relatives. I am also a first–born. God set us free, 25 years, I prayed putting my destroying the curse, in answer to a prayer with a hand in the chest, amid - Selvarani, Madurai. heavy heart. intervening cough in the meeting. I became completely trouble-free. EVIL SPIRIT FLED AWAY! - Robert, Madurai. I was living with a burdensome heart, wrestling with HEALING WITHOUT SURGERY! an evil spirit that caused an Detected with an abnormal obsessive fear, a persistent growth of tissues in my nerve, whizzing sound in ears, which the doctors opined as very sleeplessness by night and a difficult and expensive to dreadful sense as if someone had kept holding fast surgically remove, I had been and pulling my hair. I cried to God, soaked in suffering from severe pain in my tears. The Holy Spirit called me by name through right hand for 6 years. God the Brother and said, “The predominant fear in your made the tumor fade away in a moment, hearing heart is removed.” That’s all. Instant deliverance! my spirited prayer. Glory to God! Glory to God! - Jeyaraj, Pasumalai. - Padma Packiaraj, Puthoor. 12 Pray! Pray! OUR BROTHER'S FOREIGN MINISTRY! In SINGAPORE Date & Time Youth Festival 2008 April 30 (7:30 p.m) Family Blessing Prayer Camp 2008 May 1 (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m) Place Contacts Church of the Epiphany, No: 407, Jalan Kayu, Singapore - 799 512. Rev. Steven Asirvatham, Tel: 64814358 Church of the True Light, No: 25G, Perak Road, Singapore - 208 142. Rev. Samuel Kunjumone, Tel: 90622694 In AMERICA Date & Time Standing in the Gap Prayer 2008 July 24th Evening, July 25th & 26th Place Camp Wo-Me-To 1200 Knopp Road, Jarrettsville, MD21084. U.S.A. (Wednesday to Sunday) C.S.I. Boys Hr.Sec.School Ground, Head Post Office Rd., Good shed Rd., Covai-1. Daily evening 6:00 Messages: Bro. A. Jawahar Samuel, Bro. J. Sam Jebadurai, Pas. I. Rathinam Paul , Bro. Cruz Dhivakaran, Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus Tel : (240) 295 0420, (240) 481 5268 Jesus Redeems Magazine In Telugu By the great big wonderful grace of Jesus, we are publishing our Jesus Redeems magazine in Telugu language too. Those who need copies of this Telugu edition may please contact the address given below, with your clear address and Pin code. We shall send you the magazine. Please introduce this magazine to your Telugu speaking friends. Kindly continue to pray for this ministry. (Messages will be given in Tamil only) – The Editor. Contact: Jesus Redeems, Nalumavadi-628 211, Thoothukudi Dt., Tamilnadu. Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus will bring the word of God on 4th May 2008 Love of Jesus Ministries, Covai - 641 044. (Ph :- 0422 - 2247488, 2248240) PH : 04639 - 235 305, 235 705, FAX : 04639 - 235 415 E-MAIL : ) For 24 hours Prayer Help Jesus Redeems (Jesus Redeems Representative, U.S.A) In COVAI 2008 April 30th to May 4th Bro. Rajesh, Bro. Devasahayam, Tel : (301) 528 5758, (301) 792 7054 Email: PERINBA PERUVIZHA '08 Contacts Bro. Mani, Tel : (301) 445 5646, (240) 417 9993 13 April 2008 : 04639 -235 315 News from House of God-Nalumavadi h:- SAW MY TEARS! "...He will With a heart loaded with agony, following an abortion and two stillbirths, within 4 years of marriage, I prayed in the Thirappin Vassal for the most desired blessing. God graciously made me conceive in a month, blessing me with a beautiful baby-girl in time. Praise God! give you the desires of your heart. " - Stella Anburaj, Thoothukudi. Psalms 37:4 BLESSED ME WITH A JOB! We are from a Hindu family. My husband and I earned our livelihood through daily wage labour only, and we suffered in poverty at home. After praying sincerely in the Thirappin Vaasal, we returned leaving a prayer request to the Prayer Cell. The Brother had sent a reply praying over it, assuring a job for us. Accordingly, God blessed me with the job in the Nutritious Meal scheme, amidst keen contest, though I had no money or men power to speak for. What is your supplication? Whatever it may be our LORD will provide you. God has established the Thirappin Vaasal Jebam to pray with you and for you. See the miracles that God has done in the previous days by hearing the supplications. MADE HIM WALK! My grand-son, though one–year old, crawled on belly, unable to walk. I attended the Thirappin Vaasal Prayer Meeting and prayed for him. God made him walk, before the next meeting itself, in answer to my prayer. It is amazing! - Jeyaseeli, Nazareth. MARRIAGE BLOCK CLEARED! For about 5 years my son’s marriage was being hindered. After my fervent prayer in Thirappin Vaasal for my son’s matrimony, God himself arranged and solemnised, taking away the obstacles. All thanks to God! - Vasantha Kumari, Edayankudi. Jesus Redeems - Pitchai Rani, Vallivilai. I am a Hindu by faith. I lost my husband at the age of 24, and with two-year old child, dependent on me, I have been battling for life. Having heard of the Thirappin Vaasal Prayer through a TV programme, I attended it and poured my heart to God with tears. God heard the prayer. By His grace, He opened up a way for me and my employers themselves called me and offered me a job. How great is our God! - Jeyanthi, Trichy. GAVE FRESH LIFE! My father, belonging to a Hindu family, had been fighting for life in a hospital in coma following an accident in which resulted in blood clot in his head. He was abandoned by doctors. Having heard of Thirapin Vaasal, I had 14 April 2008 requested for prayer for my father in despondency. In answer to the prayer raised, God gave him a fresh lease of life, bringing back his senses, without any surgery, to the great amazement of the doctors. It is indeed a miracle from God! - Selvakumari, Nagercoil. DEATH-BED CHANGED! With both kidneys damaged, given up by doctors, I was in my death bed. Hearing the prayer in the Thirappin Vaasal, which I had requested, God had ordered a transformed kidney and abundant health in me, much to the surprise of the doctors. I am trouble-free. Glory to God! - Deva Subitha, Kumarapuram. HEARD THE PRAYER! Suffering from bleeding at the second month of pregnancy, the doctors had advised voluntary abortion. I attended the Thirappin Vaasal in this painhit situation and prayed tearfully. God heard the prayer. He blessed me with the normal delivery of a beautiful baby-girl in time, without any deformity. It is His wonderful grace! CANCER HEALED! The doctors had fixed only fifteen days for my life, because of cancer in my alimentary canal . Counting my days on earth, I attended the Thirappin Vaasal with tears, which I released at God’s feet in prayer. In answer, He delivered me wholly from cancer, providing good health. God’s grace is awesome. - Rubiniyammal, Uvari. STOMACH ACHE CHANGED! Affected with severe stomach pain, not controlled by drugs, for 5 years, I attended Thirappin Vaasal Prayer on the persuasion of a mother, well acquainted with me. During prayer in the meeting, the touch of God’s power made the severe pain vanish. I have been trouble – free since then. All glory to God! - Ponnammal, Alwar Thirunagari. DIABETES HEALED! God delivered me totally from diabetes, I had been suffering from, for 7 years, in answer to my prayer in Thirappin Vaasal. Thank God! - Anitha, Uvari. - Selva Raj, V.K. Puram. Your Miracle Day: 2008 APRIL 26 LORD Jesus Christ who performed miracles to these people, will do the same to you. Whatever your troubles be, please write to us with your address distinctly and the pin code. You pray fasting with faith on the same day. Jesus Christ will do miracles to you. We will be praying from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. on the Thirappin Vaasal Prayer day. You too pray, by that time, wherever you might me. We will communicate to you the answers from God during the prayer. Contact Address: Thirappin Vaasal Prayer, Nalumavadi-628 211, Thoothukudi Dt., Jesus Redeems 15 April 2008 News! Trafficking of children also continues to be a serious problem in India. The nature and scope of trafficking range from industrial and domestic labour, to forced early marriages and commercial sexual exploitation. Existing studies show that over 40 per cent of women sex workers enter into prostitution before the age of 18 years. Moreover, for children who have been trafficked and rescued, opportunities for rehabilitation remain scarce and reintegration process arduous. The arrest of Indian kidney transplant racketeer Amit Kumar alias Santosh Raut has lifted the lid off a huge well-ramified illicit international organ trading ring with operations running into billions of dollars across several countries. (IPS A nightmare is beginning to unfold in the heart of India: latest intelligence reports say that armed Naxalites have a presence in 170 districts in 15 states of India as of now, and spreading wide and far. Half the male tuberculosis deaths in India are caused by smoking, and three quarters of the smokers who become ill with tuberculosis (TB) would not have done so if they had not smoked. These are the conclusions of a major new study led by the Epidemiological Research Center in Chennai, India and primarily funded by the UK Medical Research Council and Cancer Research UK. ( KOTTAYAM, APRIL 3. The followers of Pope John Paul II in Kottayam are reminiscent of the Papal visit nearly two decades ago. It was on February 8, 1986 that the ‘Great Traveller’ arrived in the town. It was for the first time that a Pope had arrived here to meet his flock, counted among the oldest congregations in Christendom. Sister Alphonsa (1910-1946) of Kerala was beatified in 1986 by the late Pope John Paul II on a visit to India. She will be formally canonised in October. She had burnt and disfigured herself to avoid a marriage, having chosen to dedicate her life to Christ. She will become a saint ahead of the Albanian nun Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Mother Teresa was beatified in 2003. The decision to accord sainthood to Sister Alphonsa was made over the weekend at a meeting between the Pope and other cardinals at the Vatican. Sister Alphonsa, whose real name was Anna Muttathupadathu, was Jesus Redeems described by those who knew her as generous and loving. (BBC News. March 2008) Archeologists this week completed eight weeks of digging at a cave close to Kibbutz Tzuba near Jerusalem, revealing a monumental rock-hewn water system dating back to the time of King Hezekiah, from the 8th century BCE. Last year the site received world-wide attention with the discovery of a cave said to have been used by John the Baptist and his followers for baptism purposes and cultic rituals. ( Indian President Pratibha Patil told parliament on Monday that she still hoped the nuclear deal would go through, after warnings from the U.S. government that time was fast running out. Mrs. Pratibha Patil Mr. Manmohan Singh Mr. Manmohan Singh told a news conference that the deal was not dead, although it had been delayed. India remained “committed to see that this process is carried forward”, Mr Singh said and added that efforts were on to evolve a consensus. (Reuters) DINDIGUL AUG. 9. A total of 671 lawyers today boycotted courts at Nilakottai, Palani, Vedasanthur, Dindigul and Kodaikanal. Their demands included bringing Thanjavur and Karur districts under the control of the High Court Bench in Madurai and withdrawal of notification laying down a 25-point conduct rules for lawyers by the Madras High Court. In Theni district, 300 lawyers boycotted courts at Aundipatti, Periakulam, Uthamapalayam and Bodinaickanur taluks, demanding the withdrawal of the notification. 357 advocate, including nine female advocates belonging to Sivaganga, Manamadurai, Ilayankudi, Thirupattur, Karaikudi and Devakottai, participated in the agitation and 277 lawyers, including 10 ladies of Ramanathapuram district, boycotted court proceedings. Similar instances of strike by lawyers all over India has lead to the stagnation of above 33 lakhs pending cases. (The Hindu) 16 April 2008 News from House of God-Nalumavadi:- Dear Brother, Immediately after having received the Blessed Family Prayer card, I started praying jointly with you. Since then, God’s blessings in many ways – peace in family, no deficit, and ample protection. - S. William Christopher, Chennai. Dear Brother, Becoming a partner in Blessed Family Prayer, we have been praying for the repayment of the loan of Rs. 60,000/-. God graciously helped us to do it, hearing our prayer. FAMILY BLESSING PRAYER! For your family to be blessed... - C. Santhosh Raj, Agasthiyarpatti. D Dear Brother-in-Chirst, o you want your family to be filled with peace and prosperity? For this purpose, the Lord has initiated FAMILY BLESSING PRAYER PARTNER PLAN. Nearly 32,152 families have enrolled themselves in this plan and are praying together. I have been praying for these families along with my wife and our Jesus Redeems Prayer Team. The Lord hear our prayers and has been performing miracles in these families. Letters of testimony are coming day after day from many people. Here we publish a few of them to be read and to offer praises to God… Dear Brother, There had been no blessing in my business, being impeded in several ways. After partnering the Blessed Family Prayer and joining prayer everyday, blessing at home all days! Joining your Blessed Prayer Parter plan, we had requested you to pray for a house -site to us. We prayed. You too prayed and wrote to us. Subsequently, God provided us a house-site and helped us graciously to build a house of our own, to fulfill our desire. - S. Joseph, Bangalore. The Lord who blessed these people, is also willing to bless your family. If you have not yet joined in this Family Blessing Prayer Plan, enroll yourself today itself. There is no fee for this. Application form can be had from the following address. Contact us immediately. - Mohan C. Lazarus. Contact: FAMILY BLESSING PRAYER PARTNER, NALUMAVADI-628 211. THOOTHUKUDI DT., S.INDIA. - Browsy, Veerapandiya Pattanam. Jesus Redeems 17 Ph:(04639) -235 305, 235 705, Fax: (04639) - 235 415 Email: April 2008 2008 May, June Ministry Meeting In Manamadurai (Sivagangai Dist.,) YOUTH FESTIVAL Messages Place, Date, Time May 1 (Thursday) Jesus with us Church, (Keela Melakudi Road) Contacts Pr. Joseph Amalraj, Manamadurai. Jesus Redeems Team Manamadurai (Ph: 04574 - 291 416, Cell: 94869 54370) Morning 9:30 to Afternoon 2:00 In Vijayawada (A.P) DELIVERANCE FESTIVAL Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus, Bro. Yesanna (Guntur) May 6,7,8,9 Vijayawada (Messages will be given in Tamil and Telugu) Daily Evening 6:00 2008 May 21st, In House of God, Nalumavadi Teenagers Camp In Pudukottai (Near Tanjore) DELIVERANCE FESTIVAL morning 9:00 to 23rd afternoon 1:00 (For Boys, Age 13-20) Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus, with Servants of God & Doctors 2008 May 24th, (Messages will be given in Tamil only) morning 9:00 to 26th afternoon 1:00 (For Girls, Age 13-20) June 5,6,7,8 Iyyanar Ground, Alangudi Road, Pudukottai. Daily Evening 6:00 In Nalumavadi ---------- Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus, Bro. A. Appadurai. (Messages will be given in Tamil only) For Registration & Other Details: Jesus Redeems Branch Office, No.2, Kamala First street, Chinna Chockikulam, Madurai – 625 002. Ph: 0452 – 2531305, 9442665966. Contact Address: Jesus Redeems, Teenagers camp, Nalumavadi – 628 211. Thoothukudi Dist., Ph: 04639-235 305 Bro. Sahayaraj, (Cell : 9443365854) Jesus Redeems’ DELIVERANCE CAMP-2008 Place: Date: House of God, Nalumavadi. 2008 May 2 9 3 1 th morning 9:00 to th evening 3:00 Messages : Bro. For more Details: (Ph: 04639-235 305) Jesus Redeems 18 April 2008 Mohan C. Lazarus, Bro. A. Appadurai, Bro. Yesanna (A.P). "The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance." (Psalm 112:6) A MAN AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART has entered into Glory MY FATHER! MY FATHER! grace to meet the Brother, talk to him and pray with him, at least, once a year. He had been so lenient as to ask me to phone him any time, giving his contact number. I never troubled him, leaving the option of calling to him. But he himself used to contact me over phone, with affection, “Brother, why didn’t you talk to me so long?” In case the time-gap between meeting him with my family happened to widen, he himself used to make a love-packed phone-call, “Thambi, why didn’t you meet me so long?” Brother Dr. D.G.S. DHINAKARAN The Apostle of LOVE who prayed for millions (July 01, 1935 - February 20, 2008) B y the time Elijah was lifted up to heaven by God, Elizha cried out, “My Father! My Father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel.” (2 Kings 2:12). Nalumavadi is a very small village. I invited him to my village with great reluctance. But he cheerfully accepted the invitation and said, “I will, of course, come as soon as the House of God in Nalumavadi is built, Thambi.” When Elizha was suffering from illness from That he came and consecrated the House of which he died, Jehoash, the King of Israel, wept over God in the Year 1989 and the Soul Winning him and cried, “My Father! My Father! The Training Centre in 1998. His visits can never be chariots and horsemen of Israel.” (2 Kings effaced from our deep memory. 13:14). The moment the bitter news that God has taken up dear Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran struck my ears, my soul too started crying, “My Father! My Father! The chariots and horsemen of India.” God has plucked him out. The stark fact that Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran is not with us in this world, is not at all acceptable to my heart. REASON- the Having fought a good fight... ineffable love he extended to us! I have come across scores of dear servants of God. But I have never seen Whenever he left his station for ministry, he any servant of God, displaying so great a love on used to telephone me, “Thambi, I go on such a other servants of God and on others, as Bro. D.G.S. ministry. Pray and send me.” After such ministries, Dhinakaran. he never failed to speak again, now joyously, over To begin with, I mailed a letter to the Brother in phone, about what all God did in the meetings. the year 1979. In response, he sent a telegram back He used to predict openly what God intends to to me, asking me to meet him. At the maiden do to nations. Whenever I went to meet him in meeting, he collected the primary data of my life and person, I had noticed a large number queued up to see of my ministry. Henceforth, God helped me by His him. I would have got appointment for five minutes, Jesus Redeems 19 April 2008 but he would go on talking to me for half an hour or I have known him aiding several ministers even one hour, seating me comfortably. With an and giving succour to the destitute. I have open heart he used to express, “To whom shall I share seen him helping with love and concern the poor my burden, Thambi.” workers, engaged in village ministry. God has He has spoken to me about a number of God’s taken away a man of compassion, who servants, known to him. He had always appreciated would endure all things-one who never gave the positive things about them. Never about even a simple, self-explanatory reply to the false negatives. I have observed a distinct humility charges and slander against him in print or media, but in him while speaking about other ministries, simply said, “God will look after these.” always treating them as superior to himself. In the beginning of January this year, one morning, my wife said, “It seems God is going to take the Brother to His bosom.” When I asked her about this she said that God spoke to her in the early morning, “It is enough, my son had suffered for me. I’m going to take him to be for ever with me. I have set an Angel ready to take him to me.” Though we could understand that God had decided to call the Brother home, we had been praying to God to add some more years to him. Yet, when He goes plucking it away, who can prevent it? How can I forget the intense love which impelled him once to advise us with good We will meet again! Yet... concern, “Thambi, Our physical system has been In September 2007, calling me and my wife to badly affected by too much fasting for too many his house, he was conversing very joyfully. I days. I wish you all did the ministry, for a long time, cannot forget the face in full bloom, with with good health.” which, he, child-like, was blissfully talking to us, Our soul goes on crying, “My Father! My “Now I am all right. See Thambi, the limbs too are Father!” Yet, when LORD Jesus Christ comes regaining their strength.” again, He will bring Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran with Him. The firm hope that we would see him When I was once in Gujarat with the Shaloam again gives us the comfort! Ministry, I found Bro. Devadoss, the founder of - Mohan C. Lazarus. the Shalom Ministry, encountering a critical situation. He was in urgent need of Rs. 4 lakhs for the ministry, to be met within four months. We were crying to God to help us out of the predicament. That evening there was a surprise call from Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, who talked to Bro. Devadoss. “When I was praying for your ministry, God disclosed that you are in a tight corner. What’s it?” enquired Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. While Bro. Devadoss explained the situation, the Brother promised him Rs. 4 lakhs in two days and ensured that it reached him as promised. Alas! We have lost a God’s Servant, who had a great heart to identify the needs of the ministries with the leading of the Holy Spirit and lend a helping hand in time! Jesus Redeems 20 Pray! Pray without fail for the family of Jesus Calls Ministry, who is passing through a big grief of bereavement. Pray intently that the God of Comfort gives them comfort, and the God of Might uses them mightily still more. April 2008 As a loving father Smile without blemish As one in our family In my house (Nalumavadi) As a good counselor Dedication of the House of God (1989) Dedication of Soul Winning Training Centre (1998) One who honoured another above himself R.N.P. No. TNENG / 2000 / 3545. Postal Regn. No. SSPOs / TTN - 166 / 2006 - 2008. Post W.P.P. No. TN / WPP - 36 / SR / 2006 - 2008 (Within India). Overseas Regn.No. SSPOs / TTN - 193 / 2006 - 2008. In NAGERCOIL SOME OF THE MIRACLES PERFORMED BY JESUS IN THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS! Scot Christian College Ground, 2008 April 17,18,19,20 Extremely troubled by absolutely drugresistant stomach pain, owing to the sway of an evil spirit over me, I attended the Brother’s meeting. The pain melted down at the touch of God’s Power, at the time of prayer. The evil spirit too fled away. - Rajalakshmi, Dindigul. (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) Evening 6:00 Messages: Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus, Bro. A. Appadurai. FASTING PRAYER! Scot Christian College Auditorium, April 19th (Saturday), Morning 9:00 to Afternoon 1:00, Message: Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus Contact: Jesus Redeems Branch Office, Nagercoil. (Ph: 04652-279469) Pray! Participate! And also Bring others! YOUR SORROW WILL BE TURNED INTO JOY! on issi m d ! A e Fre EVIL SPIRIT FLED AWAY! 18 YEAR-ASTHMA HEALED! Plagued with a completely drugrepellent asthma for 18 years, and a fear dominating me, I attended the Brother’s meeting for my healing. The whole trouble disappeared as the Brother prayed for the sick. I am absolutely free. - Jesintha Mary, Periyapallapatti.