FFS Board Of Directors - Fresno Folklore Society


FFS Board Of Directors - Fresno Folklore Society
Volume 44 Edition 11
November 2015
Submit articles to:
By the 15th of each month
FFS Board
Denise Sciandra
Vice President
Paul Starcevich
Sue Wirt
Jim Ross
A N o n - P ro f it C or p or at i o n f o r Tr ad i t io na l A rt s
Notes from Board President, Denise Sciandra
I'm new to the world of publishing. When I received the galley proof for
"Harry's Songbook," it became immediately clear why publishers make
proofs. In my case, there would have been 100 songbooks with off-center
front and back covers and pages so thin that the print bled through.
Happily, both errors are easily correctable. By the time you read this
column, I will have received a second proof and, presumably, both errors
will be fixed and production will begin in earnest on the 100 books. Below is a small
version of what the front cover of this 8½ x 11-inch book will look like.
Concert Master
Steve Ono
Patty Bennett
Lifetime Member
Alan Hubbart
Members At Large
Ron Bohigian
Bill Lehr
Karen Starcevich
Ann Lamb
Bill Johnson
Flyer Editor
Bill Johnson
Calendar Editor
Maria Glover
HM 559-322-8677
Cell 559-281-8278
Logo Design
by Tom Walzem
at Otto Creative
Banjo Frog Art
by Jon Adams
I have 100 CDs in clear plastic sleeves with adhesive backs just waiting to be placed in
the inside back cover of the songbook. Once I receive the books, I will assemble a
crew to join the CDs with the songbook.
A launch and celebration party have been planned for Saturday, December 5, beginning at 12 noon at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno. An invitation is in the
newsletter on the Future Events page and is also listed on the calendar page.
The Fresno Folklore Society “Flyer” is a monthly publication.
FFS P.O. Box 4617 Fresno, CA 93744
Submit articles for publication to dulcifolk@gmail.com
by the 15th of each month
Last Column I wrote about “Lyquid Amber” who stayed with us at
Sweet’s Mill. One of the members of Liquid Amber, Hans York, recently
called us and asked if he could stay with us in Fresno for a week. He had
been touring and playing gigs for some time and needed a place to stay
between gigs at Berkeley and the Auberry Library. He arrived early Sunday evening and had dinner with us.
As is usual when we have guests, we exchanged information
about each other. During our exchange, he indicated he liked to cook,
and that he often cooked dinner for his partner. I returned that I loved to cook with my sons, and that they
were creative culinary artists.
The next day, as we were laying out our plans,
he asked if he could help in any way. Immediately a
light dawned in my head and I asked if he would like
to cook dinner for us one day that week, as I was
busy trying to stir up jam inventory. He said that he’d
love to.
The next day he headed out to run errands,
when he returned, he was clutching two huge grocery bags from Whole Foods. He then proceeded to cook a
gourmet meal of 3 mushroom soup, Escarole salad with his own created dressing, grilled vegetables, roasted
baby potatoes, chicken thighs stuffed with ham and cheese, and, as he said, “a Texas treat,” of grilled grapefruit. Hungry yet? Mmmm, it was delicious.
Wow! Since I began writing this month’s column some big things happened in my life. Many of you
know that Jim had a heart attack then a triple bypass October 2, and I am now busy caring for him. He’s
getting a little better every day. “Baby steps,” as daughter Kelly says.
Because of my need to be with him, I was unable to attend the Harvest Festival at Intermountain
Nursery. Sue Wirt and Ann Lamb know that this is one of my big jam sales and they organized, and with Karen Starcevich, ran the sales with my grandson’s Paul Ross and Jeremy Olday helping to set up and take
down the booth. Many thanks to all of them for their efforts, as they brought in nearly half of the amount
needed to bring Karen Mueller to the California Autoharp Gathering in May.
Many thanks to those of you who volunteered to help me with Jim, and those who expressed love,
concern, and/or prayers for his recovery.
Good news! We have a date set for Suzy and Eric Thompson’s concert to benefit Lynn’s Jam. Mark
your calendars for January 29, 2016 at Frank’s Place. Of course there will be Lynn’s Jam for sale there. Look
for some holiday flavors like pumpkin butter and cranberry conserve.
Veterans Home Barn Dance
Members of the FFS volunteered to host the first Barn Dance at the Veteran’s
Home of California on October 14. Larry Cusick organized the event and the
mega band included Charli Christy, Kelly O’Neill, Chris Alsing, Don Priest, John
McDaniel, Kathryn and Carl Johnsen, Katzi and David Engle, Barbara LaRae, and
Dean Lloyd. Susan Heidebrecht and Barbara Gray and her son did a beautiful job
of assisting with the dances, which were called by Larry and Kathryn. The vets
were very appreciative of the music, and some surprised us by joining right in
with the dances. The home is beautiful. For most of us, it was a first visit. We
encourage you to volunteer to present your own program there. You will be glad
that you did! (Kathryn Johnsen)
Here we are again. It is November and the WILPF Crafts Faire is coming on December 12, the second Saturday this year. As usual, it is to be held in the social hall at the Big Red Church (The First Congregational
Church) at 2131 N Van Ness Blvd, one block north of Fresno High School. Get your palates ready for the wonderful homemade soups, bread, and desserts that are offered. There will be lots of booths full of unique
gifts, Fair Trade items, music all day on the stage, raffles, a silent auction, fresh produce, activities for children, and peace community information booths. Some FFS members have booths at which you can purchase items for yourself or as gifts. Penny Critchlow will have her fabulous woven ruanas and scarves and
crocheted hats; Ann Lamb will be there with her delightful bird and critter houses; Emily Johnsen makes
beautiful glass beads which she will covert to jewelry items for you to wear; Sue Wirt will have her fleece
blankets and pillows (oh so soft); Lynn Ross will have Lynn's Jams there (fundraiser for Musician's Project)
and those of you who missed out on purchasing jam at the Intermountain Nursery Craft Fair can stock up or
give them as gifts to your friends or family (or keep for yourself). FFS will have CDs and memberships for sale
as well. Pat Wolk will be selling raffle tickets for WILPF and drawings are held all day. There are always lots
of good items donated for the silent auction. If you wish to donate something, bring it in by 9:30 am to get it
set up. Let all of your friends and family know about this fun, free event. It is a good day to spend hanging
out with your buds, listening to good music, eating excellent food, and browsing the various booths for just
what you need for gifts for the upcoming holidays or someone's birthday, or somethings for yourself that you
cannot get in a store. Some people come and stay all day just to have a good time. The event starts at 10 am
and ends at 4 pm. See you there. (Sue Wirt)
Once dubbed “WHRP-All
Evo All the Time”,
Evo Bluestein leads a class periodically, typically
on a Saturday morning from 10 AM to noon.
Participants bring an autoharp and pay $35 each.
Autoharp teacher and hall of famer (yes, there is
an Autoharp Hall of Fame) Evo Bluestein teaches
from his Four Easy Steps Method and introduces a
wide repertoire of songs. We meet at Bea
Berrettini's home in Madera Ranchos. After class
we sit down for a great lunch prepared in advance
by Bea. What a treat! You are invited to get an
autoharp and meet with us. Then when the
California Autoharp Gathering comes around in May, you'll be ready for all the workshops that go on up
there in Dunlap (St. Nicholas Resort Ranch). It's a great way to get going with music, learning a little music
theory and quickly accompanying your singing or the stringband jam. To get an autoharp or to join in the fun
email Evo evo@evobluestein.com.
Civil War Revisited, October 24 and 25, 2015
On the weekend of October 24 and 25, several members of the Fresno Folklore Society became time
travelers at Kearney Park in west Fresno, as musicians for the Civil War Revisited event. As musical reenactors at this historical event, they volunteered their time and provided entertainment unique to this
wonderful event that was attended by hundreds of spectators as well as a great number of period reenactors representing both the Union and the Confederate States.
As the gates opened on Saturday morning they were greeted by music of the period played by local band,
Spur of the Moment. This group played in the music circle just across the driveway from the Kearney
Mansion. Elaine Fetterman led the group off with an exciting fiddle tune and band members Steve Barnett,
Ed Hawke, Betsy Meland, and Elizabeth Layous followed with songs we all love and associate with that time
period. As folks stopped to enjoy the music, it really set the tone for the weekend. Soon Dawn Mish joined
in with some unusual and very fun woodblock accompaniment. Be sure to ask her about her musical
“coaster” box and two lead pencils.
Kelly O’Neill and Bill Johnson began to jam with the band and seats for the spectators were soon filled. As
singers from other groups joined in the jam, it was apparent that music was a very important part of this
At 11 AM, more musicians took their places at several different
venues. Mountain Hollar was next to play. Barbara LaRae Brown,
Karen Starcevich, Jimmy Collier, and Charli Christi, from Oakhurst,
brought their wonderful sounds to the music circle. Again, these
volunteer musicians all dressed in period costumes and pleased the
spectators as they entered the grounds. Their unique style fit the
period so very well. Barbara entertained with her banjo and fiddle
playing, while Jimmy also played the banjo and sang. Karen made
beautiful sounds with her autoharp. Most unusual, but a real crowd
pleaser was Charli playing rhythm on her bucket bass, and
dulcimer, great additions to the time period represented.
Mountain Hollar Band
In addition to playing with groups of musicians, Bill Johnson also played his
dulcimer solo, both in the mansion’s large living room for folks taking the tour
of the house and on the wide porch. The folks eating their meals on the
veranda were treated to his very special music. Bill then moved and played in
several spots amongst the re-enactors tents. What a treat.
Katydid, aka, Katy McFarlane, strolled the
grounds and sang songs of the period. She was
accompanied by Elaine Fetterman on the fiddle.
Her period costume and beautiful voice added
Bill Johnson
so much to the ambience of the event. On
Sunday, she again sang, and this time was accompanied by the wonderful Red
Rag Andy Band.
Saturday noon saw the fabulous Gilly Girls Band on stage playing for a very
large and appreciative audience. These girls all play multiple instruments and
Kelly O’Neill and the Gilly Girls
are huge crowd pleasers. Jerry, of J.B. Sound Company provided excellent
sound support for the girls. The girls and their mother, Danette, were dressed in beautiful period dresses that
their mother had sewn for them, just for this occasion.
Civil War Revisited (continued)
Dad Jeff, also dressed in costume looked as though he had just stepped out of an 1860’s
photograph. I think it is noteworthy to mention these girls are two sets of twins and
reside in Prather. Their local talent and presentations have been well honed by Evo
Bluestein and parents, Danette and Jeff. Danette’s Mom and Dad were also on hand all
week end, helping with set ups, take downs, and all the details it takes to get four young
musicians that all play multiple instruments ready to entertain.
Thank you, Gillinghams. I really loved your rendition of Googer
Peas. Individually, and as a group, the girls, Savannah and Morgan,
11 year old twins, and Jullian and Hailey, 8 year old twins, play
some very fun songs. I think we will see a lot more or them in the
future. Thank you all for being part of the Civil War Revisited!
Jeff and daughters
Also playing music on Saturday, were the wonderful group of children from the Floyd
Elementary School of Kerman and their instructor, Kathy Goodlad. Thirteen children
came to entertain that day, and entertain they did. Each child played their autoharp and sang for a large
audience that included the President Lincoln re-enactor. As he answered their questions between songs, it
was very apparent how interested in the events of the day these children were. After they finished with their
music they were treated to a tour of the Kearney Mansion. They also had time to tour the encampment area
and visit several of the demonstration tents. I spoke to Kathy later in the week and she said the children
carried stories back to school of their adventure and are already asking if they can participate next year. I
again wish to thank Evo for the wonderful job he has done to bring music into these young people’s lives.
They will carry this time with them for years to come.
Red Rag Andy Band
Sunday afternoon, local band, Red Rag Andy helped close the day
with a fabulous presentation in front of the mansion by the
fountain. Most everyone knows this group of musicians and how
much they can add to any event. As visitors were leaving they were
left with this exceptional group’s sounds to close out their visit to
another time and place. Members Barbara and Andy Brown, Terry
Barrett, Kathryn Madison, and Barry Schultz, are the folks that
created this wonderful sound. Also joining in the fun, Evo
Bluestein helped make this local group a star attraction. Thanks to
all of you for supporting this event.
As I reviewed the weekend I was really taken by how many people said it was their first time to attend the
Civil War Revisited and how much they had learned about the history of our nation because of this event. So
many folks that attended the lectures presented by the re-enactors stated they had no idea about several of
the subjects that were discussed and really loved the opportunity to learn from what was presented. And,
many, many folks told me the music was so refreshing. To hear those sounds many of us remember from our
youth was like a step back in time. The musicians were so well received and set the tone for the weekend.
I wish to especially thank Barbara LaRae Brown and her endless help and time devoted
to the Civil War Revisited. She made my job as Musical Chairperson much easier and
very enjoyable. I hope we can team up again, Barbara. And again, thank you.
I wish to thank all the musicians that came out and volunteered their time and talents to
this historical weekend. We hope you enjoyed being there as much as we enjoyed having
you there. I had such a good time at this event that I am already thinking ahead to next
year and I hope you will all join us again for a rip-roaring good time at the 2016 event.
(Elaine Fetterman)
Elaine Fetterman
For those of you who have heard Doug Adamz perform, I
hope that you will attend this concert and bring your friends.
Doug Adamz is a singer-songwriter and instrumentalist. He
has written music for the Joffrey Ballet, writes and performs
Middle Eastern belly dance music, has an Irish band, and
writes some of the funniest songs I have heard. We have our
favorites and he is willing to oblige our requests to perform
them when he comes to town. Bernardo's Serenade and The
Authentic Skulls of Pancho Villa are two of them and he encourages the audience to sing along with him. Cost of the
concert is $10.00 for advance and FFS tickets and $12.00 at
the door for non-members. Tickets can be purchased ahead
of time at National Hardware and Patrick's Music, on line
through fresnofolkconcerts.com and, if you see me (Sue
Wirt), I will have them as well. I do hope that all of you show
up and enjoy this performance as much as I do. He is performing with Stevie Coyle, who is (of course) another fine
musician. Their interaction on stage enhances the experience. (Sue Wirt)
Americana Concert featuring an
Authentic American
F u t u r e
E v e n t s
Be sure to RSVP soon!
John McCutcheon
Friday, January 15, 2016
Big Red Church, 10 am-4pm, Free. The church is located
at 2131 N Van Ness Blvd., 1 block north of Fresno High
School. Saturday, December 12, 2015
Eric & Suzy Thompson have devoted their lives to the
pursuit of weird and obscure old-time American music—warped fiddle
tunes in odd tunings, cinematic ballads, country blues songs that contain
mysterious metaphors, early Cajun music with incomprehensible French
lyrics and backwards chords. Using fiddle, mandolin, guitars, Cajun
accordion, banjo (and the occasional odd
instrument such as the ten-stringed cuatro) Friday, January 29, 2016
they bring these early 20th Century sounds
Frank’s Place
right into the present day.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Mia Cuppa
Every Wednesday : Kenny Hall’s Friends Old Time Music Jam @ Santa Fe Basque Restaurant, 5:30 to 7:30 pm
– Free
Every Thursday : Honky Tonk Jam hosted by EZ Mark Poschman @ Full Circle Brewery, 5-7 pm. 620 F St.,
Fresno, CA, (559) 264-6323. - FREE
Monthly Events:
1st Sunday:
Kelley’s Corner Jam @ Pizza Factory in Madera Ranchos, 2-5 pm.
1st Saturday:
Chris & Tina Galfo’s English Country Dance @ Auberry Library, 7 to 9 pm. Live music with
Sherron Brown and Jean Kilpatick. Donation.
1st Saturday:
Sacred Harp Singing is scheduled twice a month, with some variability in dates and times.
Call Linda Booth for details at 292-6469.
2nd Sunday:
Irish Jam @ La Boulangerie, Fig Garden Village at 2:30 to 4:30 pm.
2nd Monday:
FFS Board Meeting @ Sante Fe Basque Restaurant, 7:30 pm.
2nd Saturday:
Contra Dance @ Cal Arts Academy, caller Evo Bluestein, live music by Barry Shultz and Karana Hattersley-Drayton, 6:30-9:00 pm, $6 donation. 4750 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno, CA, Studio E.
3rd Saturday:
English Country Dance @ California Arts Academy, caller Evo Bluestein, no partner required
in advance, live music by Sherron Brown and Sam Cunningham, 6:30 to 9 pm, $6 donation.
FFS and related Events (FFS in Bold)
Nov 7, Sat.
Contra Dance @ Bear Mountain Library in Squaw Valley, 6:30 pm, $5.
Nov 13, Fri.
Evo's Americana Concert @ Goldstein's Mortuary and Delicatessen, 9-11 pm, Free. The
concert is free but attendees should purchase drinks. It is a beer bar that recently opened
just north of Me N Ed's at 1279 N Wishon.
Nov 22, Sun.
Doug Adamz and Stevie Coyle @ Mia Cuppa Cafe, 6 pm, $10 Adv/FFS, $12 door. Come and
listen to their original songs and fingerstyle guitar. Mia Cuppa is located at 620 E Olive in
the Tower. Advance tickets are available at National Hardware, Patrick's Music and
www.fresnofolkconcerts.com See concert page and article.
Nov 28, Sat.
Evo Bluestein Old Time String Band Class @ Cal Arts Academy, 9-3 pm. Confirm at
Dec. 5, Sat.
Sing Along Launch of “Harry's Songbook” @ Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno, 12-3
pm, free. The UU Church is at 2672 E Alluvial Ave., between Chestnut and Willow. RSVP
suggested to Denise Sciandra at denises@comcast.net. See whole invitation in newsletter.
Dec. 12, Sat.
WILPF Peace Community Craft Fair @ Big Red Church, 10 am-4pm, Free. The church is
located at 2131 N Van Ness Blvd., 1 block north of Fresno High School. See article.
Jan. 15, Fri
John McCutcheon @ UU Church, 7:30 pm, $20 Adv/FFS, $25 at door. See Concert page.
Jan. 29, Fri.
Eric & Suzy Thompson @ Frank's Place, 8 pm, $15 Adv/FFS, $20 door. Coming, courtesy of
Lynn's Jams. YaHoo!! Appalachian, Cajun, Country Blues. Stay tuned for more info.
Feb. 11, Thur.
Berrymans @ Mia Cuppa Cafe, 7:30 pm, $10 Adv/FFS, $12 at door. Get your funny bone
1 Kelly’s Corner Jam 2
@ Madera Ranchos
Pizza Factory 2-5 pm
November 2015
4 Kenny Hall’s 5 Honky Tonk w/ EZ 6
Friends @ San- Marc @ Full Circle
ta Fe Basque, Brewery, 5-7 pm.
5:30 to 7:30 pm
7 English Country
Dance @ Auberry Lib.
7-9 pm, FREE
Sacred Harp Singing
3-5 pm, call to confirm 292-6469
Contra Dance @ Library in Squaw Valley, 6:30 pm, $5.
11 Kenny Hall’s 12 Honky Tonk w/ EZ 13 Evo's Americana 14 Contra Dance @
Friends @ San- Marc @ Full Circle
Cal Arts, 6:30-9:30
ta Fe Basque, Brewery, 5-7 pm.
@ Goldstein's Mortu- pm, $6 donation
5:30 to 7:30 pm
ary and Delicatessen,
9-11 pm, free. See
Event page for details.
8 Irish Jam @ La
Boulangerie, 2:304:30 pm
9 FFS Board
Meeting @ Santa
Fe Basque @ 7:30
18 Kenny Hall’s 19 Honky Tonk w/ EZ 20
Friends @ San- Marc @ Full Circle
ta Fe Basque, Brewery, 5-7 pm.
5:30 to 7:30 pm
21English Country
Dance @ Cal Arts
6:30 pm $6 donation
22 Doug Adamz and 23
Stevie Coyle @ Mia
Cuppa Cafe, 6 pm,
$10 Adv/FFS, $12
door.See article.
25 Kenny Hall’s 26 Honky Tonk w/ EZ 27
Friends @ San- Marc @ Full Circle
ta Fe Basque, Brewery, 5-7 pm.
5:30 to 7:30 pm
28 Evo Bluestein Old
Time String Band
Class, Location TBD,
9-3 pm. Confirm at
Non-profit org
PERMIT #1033
FRESNO, CA 93706
P.O. Box 4617
Fresno, CA 93744
Return Service Requested
Wo u l d y o u l i k e t o b e c o m e a m e m b e r o f t h e F r e s n o F o l k l o r e S o c i e t y ?
The Fresno Folklore Society (FFS) is a non-profit community-based organization. It sponsors traditional music, dancing, and
other traditional art forms. FFS hosts potlucks and jam sessions; it encourages and promotes new musicians through classes,
recording opportunities and other support. FFS members share visions and concerns for a peaceful and just world and
actively support efforts to create an eco-friendly environment.
Membership Levels: $20.00 individual; $30.00 family; $50.00 corporate sponsor
Membership information:
Number of family Members: ________
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What are your special folklore interests? ______________________________________________________________________
For more information visit our website at www.fresnofolklore.org
Membership payments and donations can be mailed to: FFS
P.O. Box 4617 Fresno, CA 93744

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