The Unitizer


The Unitizer
Unit 498 ACBL San Mateo, Ca
July 2015
The Unitizer
July Unit Game
Saturday, July 11th
11:30 Lunch and Registration
12:15 Game Begins!
$16 entry fee - includes a $1 donation
to the ACBL Educational Foundation
Unit Game
Saturday, July 11
Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 14
Mentor/Mentee Game
Thursday, July 16
Chinese American Bridge
Saturday, July 25
Visit our website:
All Levels Encouraged
Sign up at the Bridge Center
By July 9th.
Patti Frederick
Bayshore Bridge Club
Charity Unit Game Sanction #UE1507498A
June Unit Game Overall Winners
Stratification A
1. Art Quey and Virginia Wailes
2. Adrienne Oliff and Ruth Tuckman
3. Don Friedman and Gary Near
4. Aster Wu and Loretta Baines
Stratification B
1. Art Quey and Virginia Wailes
2. Jay Bates and Mary Bates
3. Elizabeth and Mike McCall
4. June White and Linda Schwarz
Stratification C
1. Elizabeth McCall and Mike McCall
2. Jacqueline Lowenberg and Randall Brubaker
3. Danna and Mark Sorenson
4. Anne Javer and Virginia Maclean
Unit 498 Calendar
Upcoming NAP Games
July 16, 29
Aug 3, 12, 28
Remember the normal M-Tu-WTh-F afternoon games at 12:15 PM
with lunch on Thursday and
I/N games Tu/F at 9 AM
No Thursday morning game except
monthly mentor/mentee game.
Evening games:
Tuesday evening 7 PM - Doug Hong
Th (Barometer) 7 PM - Will Watson
June 70% Games
Dariush Youssefi and Siamak Parsanejad 72.3%
Arlie Lamb and Art Quey 71.2%
Rose Bauer and Pamela Hakman 70.5%
President’s Letter
by Ginny Wailes
It is qualifying time for the NAP
(North American Pairs) competition. For those of
you who are not familiar with this competition, it is
a grass-roots event on ACBL’s calendar. Players
advance through a series of qualifying steps
culminating, if successful, at the North American
Bridge Championship in Reno in March, 2016. The
three flights are A-Open, B-fewer than 2500
masterpoints, and C-Non-life masters with fewer
than 500 masterpoints. ACBL and District 21 will
provide subsidies for some of the qualifiers to the
national event. Remaining afternoon qualifying
games at the Bayshore Bridge Club are scheduled
for July 16, July 29, August 3, August 12, and
August 28. Extra masterpoints will be awarded with
half red and half black for most players. Following
these club games, we will be holding a qualifying
NAP unit game on Sunday, September 20, at the
bridge center with more details to follow. The
district finals are the last step before the NABC. For
more information, please see the District 21
website. A big thank-you to June White, our NAP
Coordinator, for all of her help, and another big
thank-you to Patti Frederick and Raad Bunni for
their help as well. Good luck to you all!
At our last board meeting, the board voted to
amend the last sentence in Article X, Committees,
of our unit’s bylaws. The article now states, “The
President with the approval of the Board of
Directors shall appoint such committees as may be
necessary or desirable to perform the functions of
the organization and he shall define their duties.
The committees shall include Tournament
Committee, Conduct and Ethics Committee, and
Nominating Committee.” Ted Richmond and
Loretta Baines have agreed to serve on the
Tournament Committee, Christy Hevener, Loretta
Baines, and Linda Schwarz have agreed to serve on
the Conduct and Ethics Committee, and we will
address the Nominating Committee when the time
comes next year. If you are interested in serving on
any of these committees, please let us know, as we
welcome additional participation.
June was a busy
month at the bridge
center. Lori Bard and
Marianne Guttas
coordinated yet
another terrific unit
June White and Loretta Baines
game on June 20. We had an earlier start time,
10:00 AM, on a beautiful morning with bagels and
other goodies served. We are interested in
feedback from our players, so please let us know if
you prefer the 10:00 AM or 12:15 PM start time for
our unit games. Thank you, Lori and Marianne, for
a wonderful event.
Marianne Guttas, Jackie Lowenberg, Lori Bard
June 22, the Longest Day supporting the
Alzheimer’s Association, was a full day of activities
in the bridge community. Thanks to Fred Chasalow,
Patti Frederick, and Sandra Tilch for coordinating
the day’s events. Sandra Tilch, Fred Chasalow,
Sandy Chasalow, Nancy Gordon, Al Malouf, and
Pete Klebofski all helped with preparations
beforehand at the bridge center. Mary Bates
started off the actual day with a bridge lesson
followed by a morning Intermediate/Newcomer
game directed by Raad Bunni. Jackie Lowenberg
took photographs to commemorate the event.
Patti Frederick, Christy Hevener, Sandra Tilch, and
Fred Chasalow then provided a delicious lunch and
Edie Wong was in charge of checking the players in
for the afternoon game. There were fourteen full
tables, a fine turnout. Meanwhile, The
Metropolitan Bridge Club was also having an
afternoon game. Finally, The Chinese American
Bridge Club and QuickTricks Bridge Club ran
concomitant evening games in San Francisco.
Thank you to everyone who helped with the day’s
activities, and thank you to all the participants.
Money was raised for a most important and worthy
Fred Chasalow, Longest
Day Team Leader
Our next unit game is on
Saturday, July 11. Lunch will
be served at 11:30 AM and
play will begin at 12:15 PM.
This game will benefit another
good cause, the ACBL
Educational Fund, since $1.00
per participant will be
donated to this fund. We
hope to see you at this game.
Our August 15 and 16
sectional at the San Mateo County Event Center is
quickly coming up. We hope you will be able to
participate, and we hope this location works out
well for you. Please see the attached flyer for more
Jackie Lowenberg deserves a special thank-you
since, among her other significant contributions to
the unit, she has been hard at work on an ongoing
basis creating a monthly column in the District 21
Unitscope section of the Contract Bridge Forum.
She does a terrific job with her informative and
readable entries. It is an ongoing effort with
advance planning necessary. Thank you very much,
Jackie, for your wonderful representation of our
Our next board meeting is on Tuesday, July 14, at
3:45 PM at the bridge center. You are welcome to
attend. We hope this upcoming summer is a very
good one for you. Thank you all.
Sandra Tilch
Patti Frederick
Like Us On Facebook
Unit 498’s Facebook page is up and running
and you should check it out. Sally Samuels is
doing a great job as the administrator of our
page, posting pictures, videos and other useful
If you have any problems or questions, please
email Sally at and
she will try to help you. If you have photos or
videos to post, send them to Sally at this email
address as well.
Unit 498’s Board of Directors
Vice-President and
District 21 Representative
Tournament Coordinator
District 21 Representative
Unit Game Coordinator
Unit Game Coordinator
Virginia Wailes
Linda Schwarz
Jackie Lowenberg
Loretta Baines
Ted Richmond
June White
Lori Bard
Marianne Guttas