November 2008 - Grand Valley Public Library


November 2008 - Grand Valley Public Library
The Piecemakers’ Star
Published by the:
Nov. 2008, Volume 15, Issue 3
***President’s Message ***
Are you ready? Really ready? November is shopping month,
and guild meeting is no exception! So, bring your cash and chequebook and visit the vendors and members who will all have quilting
related items for you to purchase. Please bring a shopping bag to help
the environment.
Between shopping and socializing, we will hear Darlene, from
Country Concessions speak on “Trends in Fabric”, we’ll do “Show
and Tell” and of course the regular business. We will also be seeking
your approval to purchase a laptop with programs for producing the
Last month I took some friends to Ailsa Craig for the African
Quilt Show- 180 pieces by quilters from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda,
Zimbabwe and Malawi. The designs and colours reflected their countries and life, and the embellishments were spectacular. Leah and I
each have a CD which you can borrow, though it doesn’t do justice to
the quilts ! A great event! Leah took lots of notes for our show!
I’m sure we must overwhelm you sometimes with all the
things we are involved in. How can you be an active member? Placemats, community quilts, Block of the Month, incubator quilts,
birthday club, journals and more need member participation, pick one
or two that you can contribute to and join in. To everyone already
helping, THANK YOU!
See you all on November 17th.
Pat Kalapaca
Inside this issue:
The Committee
Library Block
Stitch ‘n Share
Community Projects
Morning Glories
Bulletin Board
Quilt Show Focus
Birthday Club
CDS Quilt
What’s On
Program Block
Birthday Block
Refreshment Block
Set Up/Take Down
Next Meetings
Dufferin Piecemakers Quilting Guild, P.O. Box 325, Orangeville, ON L9W 2Z6
The Executive
Pat Kalapaca
Janet Slater
Past President:
Judi Sullivan
Liz Nash
Mary Light
Yvonne Guse-Rahn, Shirley Roberts
Lois Brown, Pat Burbidge,
Nancy Snook
Mary Lou Crosland,
Cathy MacArthur, Pam Neilly
Jeanne Bell
Linda Ritchie
The Committees
Birthday Club:
Beckie Shaw, Nanette Horton
Block of the
Daphne White , Mary DeVries
Anne Parsons, Marion Cole
Bulletin Board:
Bev Prior
Penny Squirrel, Shirley Roberts,
Norah Ledermann, Fern Pugh
Debra Wilson, Cheryl Staeger
Leah Mitchell
Anne Crowder, Marg Rayner
Pat Chambers, Norma Mintz
Lucky Draw:
Susan Pirie, Joan Tipping,
June Moir, Diane Woodward
Morning Glories
Leah Mitchell
Quilt Show:
Leah Mitchell, Mary Light
Rosemary Galbraith, Heather
Stevenson, Pat Forrest, Linda Horner
Joan Lorbach, Jeanne Bell,
Susan Pirie, Yvonne Conway,
Judi Sullivan
Stitch ‘n share
Betty Sanderson
Judi Sullivan
This list is for Guild purposes only
Please send newsletter submissions to:
Jeanne Bell
Linda Ritchie
Page 2
Anne Crowder, Marg Rayner
Pat Chambers, Norma Mintz
We are selling off a selection of our library books.
They will be available at the November guild meeting.
Check out the sale table at the library.
Expand your home library for $2.00 A BOOK
All proceeds go toward purchasing new titles for the
library… for which your
The library committee is looking for suggestions on books you would like our
guild to purchase for the library.
There is a sheet at the library table to write down your suggestions. Please
be specific ( Title & Author)
Library Procedures
The Guild library has been created for the use of members of the Guild and operates on the
honour system. Guild Library books may be borrowed for one month (from one meeting to
the next meeting).
Sign Out Procedures
1. Remove the sign out card from the pocket in the front of the book and record your
name, telephone number the due date (which will be the next meeting –month and year
2. Give the card to the person at the library table. (If there is no card, please check with the
person at the library desk and they will either locate the card or make a substitute.) The
library staff will give you a due dates slip to insert into the pocket to remind you to
return it the next month.
3. A maximum of 3 books may be signed out by one member.
To return a book, you simply put the book in the return box and the library staff will handle
the rest.
If you forgot or need to keep the book longer than one month, there is no problem. However, if you have kept a book longer than 3 months, an overdue charge of 1 fat quarter will
be charged for each overdue book.
Stitch ‘n Share
Betty Sanderson
Stitch and Share meets every Wednesday from 1:30 to 4:00
PM at the Meridian Credit Union on Broadway in Orangeville. (Enter the conference room via the back parking lot.)
For further information call Betty Sanderson 519-942-3015
**The group sincerely thanks Meridian for the use of the
conference room provided at no charge to the
participants. **
Morning Glories
Leah Mitchell
The Morning Glories meet at the Grand Valley Public
Library the second Friday of each month September to
June from 9 a.m. to noon. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please bring a cup and a loonie for coffee. We take turns
bringing muffins and milk. Bring your hand work and
your Show & Tell. Need some advice? Bring your project, we love to help.
Submitted by Linda Ritchie:
At one of the meetings, someone asked how to remove
pencil marks. I found this in the June, 2004 Quilters News­
letter Magazine
1 / 4 cup water
3 / 4 cup rubbing alcohol
7­8 drops of clear liquid dish detergent
Carefully apply with a soft toothbrush.
Rub genly
At our October meeting the Morning Glories held a "sewing bee"
to make 25 Breast Cancer Pillows. A great big "Thank You" to
Cobweb & Caviar for the Northcott Quilt for a Cure fabric which
we used to make 50 pillow cases. These pillows are used by
women who have had breast surgery. Placing the pillow under
the arm helps to relieve pressure on the surgical site. If you
know someone who needs a pillow just ask Leah.
Community Projects Block
Many of our guild members have been generously contributing to Community Projects with their gifts of
time and fabric. All of this is deeply appreciated and will help us meet our goals this year.
A workshop has been planned for the afternoon (1:30 p.m. start) of our guild meeting on November 17th to
continue assembling blocks and tops and pin and machine stitch full size Ultimate Scrap Quilts or work on
placemats to be donated to the Meals on Wheels program. The tops, backing and batting is ready to stitch
and is just awaiting your machine and walking foot. A pattern for placemats and batting will be available
and you just need to bring your machine, regular sewing supplies and some fabric for your placemat,
(Christmas fabric and an alternative fabric for the back would be great). We will again share a delicious
pot-luck supper before the meeting (I bring the baked potatoes!) and tea or coffee is available. Please
consider joining us for a fun and productive afternoon of stitching.
The fourth Tuesday afternoon of each month (1:30 p.m.) has also been set aside for Community projects.
Cobwebs and Caviar in Shelburne has graciously allowed us to use the upstairs classroom to cut and stitch
blocks for our large quilts. If you can‛t attend either of these afternoons, please consider stitching some
blocks at home or making an incubator quilt (max. 30” X 30”) for our hospital. We will also need some
smaller quilts or lap quilts (up to 45” X 60”) for older children (especially boys). There are many ways to
be involved with Community Projects and it is a wonderful opportunity to spend some time with some generous talented quilters.
Fern, Norah, Penny and Shirley
Page 3
"Thank you to my
secret sister for my
birthday gift!
A new pattern and
technique to play with
and thread and
trim too!! I'll enjoy!! "
Linda Horner
Shelburne Ontario
To My Birthday Secret Sister:
Many thanks for your
generous gift that was
delivered to me at the
September guild meeting.
It was great to be with my
quilting friends to end off my
birthday. Your good wishes &
gift were greatly appreciated.
Fern Pugh
"WOW.. I am just so
lucky to be spoiled
by my Secret Sister....
Thank you so much for
the lovely Halloween
card and
fabric... it is fabulous!!!
Yvonne Conway
Thanks to my secret
sister for the
fat quarters.
They are greatly
Thank you
to my very special
secret sister for
such a sweet, sweet
birthday gift!
Connie Walterhouse
Beckie Shaw
Many thanks to Guild members for supporting the
2009 Calendar/Journal project. Of the initial order
of 100 (40 calendars/60 journals) there are only 9
journals remaining for purchase!
Please contact Mary Light to reserve your copy if
you haven‛t already done so. Cost is $25.00, cash or
check payable to DPQG. For those who have prepaid
or preordered, you will be able to pick up your order
at the November meeting.
The Guild wishes
to offer
sincerest condolences
to Laurene Nuttall
on the loss of her son.
Our thoughts are with
Laurene and her
For your Information.
The Financial records for 2007-08 Guild year, including the 2007 Quilt Show, have been completed and
presented to the Executive by the Financial Reviewers Debra Wilson and Cheryl Staeger. They reported that
the finances are in good order. You may view these reports upon request at any time. "Thank you" to Alanna
Woodrow for her diligence in keeping the financial records for the last two Quilt Shows. "Thank you" also to
Debra Wilson and Mary Light for drafting financial guidelines and to Beckie and Fred Shaw for reviewing these
Page 4
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Page 6
A chance to escape from the usual routines, and sew, sew, sew all weekend. No meals to prepare,
just time for lots of fun and laughter. Start a new project, finish some UFOs or bring along a troubling
project that others can assist with.
Date: Friday, April 24 to Sunday, April 26, 2009
Time: 10:00 am (or whenever you can arrive) till 2:00 pm Sunday
Place: Crieff Hills Community, Crieff, ON (south of Guelph and 401, west of Hwy 6)
Cost: $235 - includes 2 nights accommodation (2 beds per room with ensuite) and 3 lunches, 2 suppers and 2 breakasts!
Registration: at the NOVEMBER meeting with two post dated cheques for $117.50 each, dated Nov.
30 and Jan. 30 (Other terms negotiable for 3 or 4 equal payments.)
Pam Neilly will be accepting cheques and registration forms.
The fall retreat will be held on October 16 to 18, 2009 at Crieff Hills Community beginning at 10:00
am on Friday and ending at 2:00 pm on Sunday. Mark the date on your calendar now! 24 spaces
Registration for this retreat will begin at the FEBRUARY meeting.
******2009 BIRTHDAY CLUB ******
It‛s time to sign up for the 2009 Birthday Club!!!
Simply fill out the form with your name, address, birthday (the year is not necessary) and your
favourite quilting style, i.e., piecing, appliqué, paper piecing, miniatures, scrap quilts, favourite
colour(s), etc.
Drop the completed form off at the 2009 Birthday Club location and then next month you will
find out who your secret sister is for 2009.
During 2009 you can have lots of fun not only remembering your Secret Sister‛s birthday, but
also surprising her at other times during the year if you wish – Valentine‛s Day, the arrival of
spring, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. Let your imagination go wild!
* * * * * SIGN UP TONIGHT ! ! ! ! * * * * * *
If you signed up for the 2008 Birthday Club, all the Secret Sisters for 2008 will be revealed at
the January meeting!
Page 7
The following note was received by Mary Light from Chaplain Ted Guthrie:
The deed is done! Jane delivered the CDS Quilt to Gen Hillier on Monday, Oct 27th. This is the quilt we invited
each of you to make a block for back in the spring. It was completed in September, and it took a while to track
down Gen Hillier. He is still in Ottawa, so Jane was able to arrange for a presentation on Monday, Oct 27th, when
she went to town to deliver 24 CCRP quilts to Capt Bush for distribution. This may be the total of quilts for 08; we'll
have to wait and see.
I am attaching a few photos of the CDS quilt; I have several others (showing the event when he was opening the
package and seeing it for the first time), but out of consideration for those who may have dial-up internet, I am not
including them. If you would like to see the others, reply to this email to request them. The photos attached show
(CDS) Jane, Jennifer, Pat and Sue Keeler when they displayed the quilt at the TIQG meeting in late Sept, and
(CDS2) the friends who went with Jane to Ottawa for the presentation.
I am also attaching a document I wrote for Judy Lyons, a quilt appraiser from Burlington, whom Jane contacted for
an appraisal on the CDS quilt. It will give you a fairly comprehensive story of the making of this quilt.
Thanks so much for helping and doing your part to make this a special quilt
for a special man.
Piece, Ted (for Jane)
The CDS Quilt (presented to Gen Rick Hillier on Oct 27th, 2008 to mark the occasion of his retirement as CDS from the
Canadian Forces)
Jane Guthrie conceived the project in April, 2008. She selected and purchased the material, prepared and mailed out the
kits, contacted those who made blocks, and together with Marla Cameron, made nine blocks to fill out the quilt. There are 44
blocks in the quilt.
Jennifer Hodge designed the block.
Pat Lemaire organized the assembly and quilted it.
Gwen Langlotz and Sue Keeler helped Pat assemble the quilt.
These Quilters each made a block: Janet Melanson, Pearl Lavigne-DiMillo, Joan Tipping, Karen Clark, Margie Bartlett,
Elspeth King, Beth Crumby, Debbie Schmidt, Pat Bourgeois Hume, Cathy Mallory, Elaine Theriault, Lauren Liebscher,
Barb Winstanley, Diana Hughes, Sue Rummerfield, Kathleen Pollock, Margaret Mitchell, Carol Hunter-Ward, Shirley Magee
Christine Nuttall, Flo Steers, Linda Garrett, Corry van Haastert, Louise Forrest, Jill Omichinski, Shirley Westaway,
Liz Johnson, Elsie Schuler, Nancy Trowbridge, Sharon Jamieson, Brenda Dunsmore, Denise Neufeld, Robin Brown, Barb
Smith, Sharon E. Zurbrigg,
Page 8
What’s On
Nov. 15, 2008—March 1, 2009. A Few of Our Favourite
Things: A quilt Exhibit at Wellington County Museum &
Archives RR #1, Fergus, ON N1M 2W3, 0536 County Road
18, Township of Centre Wellington (between Fergus and
Elora) . Opening Reception: Friday, November 14, 2008,
7:20 to 10pm. The Grand Quilt Guild of Fergus showcases
their most recent work. The exhibit reflects the various interests of their members. For more information visit or phone 519-846-0916
May 1-2/09 Hats off to Quilting. Lucknow Community
Centre, Lucknow, ON Fri 10-8, Sat 10-4. Quilts, wall hangings, merchant’s mall, viewer’s choice, lunch room. Adm. $4.
5 Star QG. Contact Volaine Hodgins 519-395-5479
May 2-3/09. The Quilted Odyssey. Jim Archdekin Rec
Centre 292 Conestoga Dr., Brampton Sat 1-5. Sun. 10-4.
Vendors, door prizes, tea room, raffle quilt, mini quilts, raffle
& more. Adm. $5. Contact Elaine 905-819-9703 or visit the
May 8-10/09 Feelings in fabric 2009: Memories of Mom.
Evinrude Centre, Monaghan & Lansdowne Streets,
Peterborough, ON Fri 6-9, sat 10-5, Sun 10-4. Quilt display,
redwork display, block challenge, demonstrations, members
boutique, tea room, large vendor’s area.
Kawartha Quiltmakers QG.
Notes from your Program Committee:
November is Vendors Night! Bring your Wallets! Bring
your bags! Come prepared to stock up your stash or to purchase new items to work on. OR If you have finished products you would like to sell contact the program committee
to PRE-BOOK a table for the meeting.
Traditionally December is our potluck month and a time
for Socializing. We will have the usual business, show and
tell and we will have a craft of some sort. More info to
follow in the Dec. issue of the newsletter.
Yvonne, Shirley, Lois, Pat and Nancy
Submitted by Leah Mitchell
What Can You Get From A Fat Quarter?
from the Port Perry Patchers Quilt Guild
One fat quarter will give you:
99 - 2" squares
50 - 2 1/2 squares
42 - 3" squares
30 - 3 1/2" squares
20 - 4" squares
16 - 4 1/2" squares
12 - 5" squares
12 - 5 1/2" squares
9 - 6" squares
6 - 6 1/2" squares
Same ad Every Month
Type of Ad
Ad Size
Secret Sister
Ad Changes Required
$ 2.00
$ 7.00
$ 8.00
$ 8.00
Half Page
Full Page
Prepay for the year and get a 10% discount!
Page 9
-submitted by
Beckie Shaw, Nanette Horton
Nanette Horton
Nov 15
Barbara Bany
Nov 20
Linda Ritchie
Nov 21
Ellen Grove
Nov 28
Happy Birthday!
Refreshment Block
Rosemary Galbraith, Heather Stevenson
We thank Beckie Shaw, Lynne
Norman, Debbie Dopson, Elaine
Crawford and Nanette Horton for
our November treats.
I can‛t believe it‛s that time already.. Dec. is our Christmas pot
luck! Those whose names begin
with A-M are asked to bring finger
foods for pot luck, from N-Z a
Food Bank donation, please and
thank you.
General Meeting:
Date: Monday , Nov. 17, 2008
Monday, Dec. 15, 2008
Please wait until 7:00 to arrive. This will allow
time for the committee volunteers to set up the
“Set Up” and “Take Down” Block
Set Up
Take Down
Cheryl Westlake
Sherrin Palmateer
Beckie Shaw
Louise Cornelius
Margo Richardson
Bonnie McClellan
Pat Burbidge
Norah Ledermann
Gredina Merkins
Caren Digasparro
Mary Lynne Simpson
Orangeville Fairgrounds
5 Sideroad of Mono
Remember those with allergies
and keep our refreshments
“nut free” !
If anyone has been missed, please let us know
at the newsletter table.
7:00 p.m. Doors Open
Executive Meeting:
Thursday , Nov. 27, 2008
7:00 p.m.
Please call Pat if you will be attending.
next meetıng brıng:
Name Tags Worn
Mug for coffee/tea
Show and Tell
Journals for FTP
Loonie for the Raffle
Toonies for Library Sale
Toonies for BOM Quilt Draw
Money and eco friendly bags for purchases
Library Books
And a …...
A few things to remember:
During the meeting please….
Turn off the ring on your cell phone, or go to
another room to use it
Keep the conversations to a minimum when
there is a speaker.
Participate in keeping our meetings scent free
(we have members and guests who are allergic to
Family Transition Place
Our commitment to FTP is 200 journals for the year. Please help by
donating one or two at any time of the year.
The journals need to be about 6”x8”, lined pages, bound by either
coil or glue. Consider making a fabric cover.
Please leave them in the basket provided at any meeting.