RUSA Program Proposals, 2016 12. ***22 Annual


RUSA Program Proposals, 2016 12. ***22 Annual
RUSA Program Proposals, 2016
This document contains 11 program proposals in PDF format for RUSA for the 2016 annual conference. It does not
include the proposals for preconferences or institutes. The program titles are:
Building Metacognition into the Process of Articulating an Information Need
***Building Stronger Libraries through Collective Action (does not count against the 10 program slots)
Business of Vacations: Outlook and Resources for the Hospitality Industry
Educating for the Future of Reference
Emerging Technologies Librarians: Changing Roles for Changing Times
Not Your Average Consortia
Partnering for the Common Good: Libraries, and Genealogical Societies
Please Sign In: Assessing Non-Curricular Library Workshops in Academic Libraries
***Readers' Advisory Research and Trends Forum (does not count against the 10 program slots)
Resource Sharing in Tomorrowland- A Panel Discussion About the Future of Interlibrary Loan
Usability and You: Website Usability Testing @ Your Institution
12. ***22 Annual Reference and Research Forum ( does not count against the 10 program slots
Please review these proposals for recommendation to the RUSA board at their board meeting on:
Monday, June 29, 2015 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Location: Moscone Convention Center, 200-212 (S)
RUSA has 10 program slots for Annual Conference.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO Program (there is a program proposal included in the spreadsheet and the PDF document for this
ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum (there is a program proposal included in the spreadsheet and the PDF
document for this program)
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program.
When reviewing the proposals, you’ll see that two columns at the beginning of the Excel spreadsheet that
accompanies this document labeled:
Approved, Y or N
Comments, Suggestions, etc.
These columns have been provided for you to let the RUSA office know whether the proposal was approved or
not, and if the reviewers had any comments, suggestions, etc. to help the submitters as they plan their program
– or why the proposal was rejected. Please complete the two columns and send back to
immediately after approval by the RUSA board.
Note that some proposals request funding and you will have to decide whether to recommend the requested
funding to the board. You have the option of approving the program but not the funding. If you approve a
program but not the funding request, please be sure to include in the comments that the proposal is approved,
but the funding request is rejected.
If you need more time to review the proposals, please let us know by sending a message to the email above.
The RUSA Office will notify all proposal submitters after the conference and will provide your
comments/suggestions to them.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact Susan Hornung,
Rev. June 2, 2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Building Metacognition into the Process of Articulating an Information Need
Submission Type: Annual Conference Program - 60 Minute Session
Submission Status: Complete
Susan A. Ariew
Academic Services Librarian for Education
University of South Florida
Role: Presenter
I have been a faculty member at the USF Tampa Library since January of 2005. Before that, I came from Virginia Tech where I
worked as the College Librarian for Education & Human Development. I spent much of my professional life as an academic
librarian, first at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, at the Center for Research Libraries in Chicago, and then at
Virginia Tech. I have also spent several years teaching English, writing, and composition at the high school and collegiate levels.
My research
and publication interests include academic libraries' use of open access videos, academic librarians' status, collaborative
relationships between librarians and academic faculty, diversity resources for teachers, and assessment tools for evaluating
library instruction and student learning. Currently I am conducting research with Dr. van Ingen about the research process and
preservice teachers. We hope to learn more about how to connect research to practice for classroom teachers. For a list of my
publications and presentations see:
Sarah van Ingen
Assistant Professor
University of South Florida
Role: Presenter
Dr. van Ingen is an assistant professor at the University of South Florida. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in
mathematics education. Dr. van Ingen’s research agenda lies at the intersection of mathematics education and teacher
preparation. Her work is defined by a commitment to prepare and support teachers to facilitate equitable mathematics learning
environments. Within the context of an award winning school-university partnership, she is engaged in research on how to
prepare teachers to leverage research and other forms of knowledge to meet the mathematics learning needs of all children.
Estimated audience attendance:
• 100
Format of program:
• Presentation
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
• Other (please specify below)
Learning Objectives
1. Upon completion, participants will be able to identify different stages in the process of articulating an information need.
2. Upon completion, participants will be able to discuss how metacognition relates to the process of articulating an information
3. Upon completion, participants will be able to identify strategies that build student metacognition as it relates to articulating an
information need
4. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
5. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference: 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Preliminary program/institute/preconference description:
Assisting students in articulating what library scientists call an “information need” is a complex, iterative process, and one that often
takes the student through several stages. Co-presenters of this program will present findings from a study focused on building student
metacognition of the recursive process of exploring topics, managing them, and creating research-guiding questions that change as
they interact with academic resources. Presenters will offer specific intervention strategies that build students' capacity for productive
Please comment on the timeliness of the proposed program topic.
Theoretical material presented on information need has not been fully understood in practice, given what we now know and
understand about metacognition and brain-based learning. Findings from our study illustrate what the stages of formulating an
information need look like in practice and point the way to new interventions. We hope to bring new perspective to an age-old
problem that takes place at the reference desk and in the classroom every day.
Target audience:
Academic reference and instruction librarians would be most interested in this program.
Scheduling Times
First Preference
Sat 10:30-11:30am
Second Preference
Sun 10:30-11:30am
Third Preference
Mon 10:30-11:30am
Additional Information
Each section may have one program at the Annual Conference depending on ALA Headquarters.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program
1st priority
Do you have a co-sponsor within ALA?
If yes, please specify
Budget Request
If you are requesting funding, please describe amount & purpose of funding.
Any other important details about this program about which we need to know?
One co-presenter is a faculty member at my institution and is not an ALA Member. Can she get support for conference
Would you consider generating increased interest in the program by working with the RUSA office to develop a free (or
paid) webinar, a short teaser video, or some other type of multimedia?
Yes 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Building Stronger Libraries through Collective Action
Submission Type: Annual Conference Program - 60 Minute Session
Submission Status: Complete
Jennifer Dorning
Role: Contact Person
Estimated audience attendance:
• Fewer than 50
Format of program:
• Panel with head table
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
• Other (please specify below)
Learning Objectives
1. Upon completion, participants will be able to know where to go if they are interested in starting a union in their workplace.
2. Upon completion, participants will be able to describe how social media tools can be used to organize a union in their
3. Upon completion, participants will be able to list examples of successful labor-management partnerships that have strengthened
4. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
5. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
AFL-CIO/ALA Labor Committee
Preliminary program/institute/preconference description:
A century after the first library workers union was founded, library workers continue to work within labor unions to improve wages
and working conditions. Unions also advocate on behalf of library employers, coordinating campaigns with library administrations to
protect and increase funding and awareness.
Speakers will highlight examples of labor-management collaborations for library advocacy, service enhancements, and share
strategies and outline legal protections for those looking to form a union and organize through social media.
Please comment on the timeliness of the proposed program topic.
Recent court cases on the use of social media to organize a union will be reviewed and discussed--this is a gray area for many workers
who may not know their rights in the workplace. Also, unions have been partnering with libraries to keep libraries staffed and funded.
We will highlight some of those examples and educate attendees on how unions can be a source of support for ballot initiatives that
fund libraries as well as how unions can help hold politicians accountable.
Target audience:
All library workers.
Scheduling Times
First Preference
Mon 10:30-11:30am 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Second Preference
Sun 10:30-11:30am
Third Preference
Sun 3-4pm
Additional Information
Each section may have one program at the Annual Conference depending on ALA Headquarters.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program
Do you have a co-sponsor within ALA?
If yes, please specify
Budget Request
I would not request funding
If you are requesting funding, please describe amount & purpose of funding.
Any other important details about this program about which we need to know?
We will likely need A/V, specifically PowerPoint capability.
Would you consider generating increased interest in the program by working with the RUSA office to develop a free (or
paid) webinar, a short teaser video, or some other type of multimedia?
No 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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The Business of Vacations: Outlook and Resources for the Hospitality Industry
Submission Type: Annual Conference Program - 90 Minute Session
Submission Status: Complete
Stonebraker Ilana
Business Information Specialist
Purdue Univerisyt
Role: Contact Person
Remain planner?
Appointed by BRASS
Estimated audience attendance:
• 200
Format of program:
• Panel with head table
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Learning Objectives
1. Upon completion participants will be able to articulate trends in the hospitality industry
2. Upon completion, participants will be able to visualize ways that librarians can work with local chambers of commerce to
encourage tourism and entrepreneurship.
3. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
4. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
5. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Preliminary program/institute/preconference description:
While we are staying the happiest place on earth, why not learn about the booming resort industry? Come hear from industry experts
about directions and opportunity for growth the growing service economy. Take the information back to your local chambers of
commerce as well as entrepreneurs and students.
Potential Speakers (still tbd): UCF librarians, Disney Resort speakers, local business people, Plunkett, etc
Please comment on the timeliness of the proposed program topic.
This topic was selected because of its appeal to public librarians as it incorporate local economies and academic librarians who often
serve HTM departments.
Target audience: 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Academic business librarians, reference librarians, public librarians, those who work with local chambers of commerce, librarians on
Additional Information
Each section may have one program at the Annual Conference depending on ALA Headquarters.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program
1st priority
Do you have a co-sponsor within ALA?
If yes, please specify
Budget Request
I would request funding
If you are requesting funding, please describe amount & purpose of funding.
300 dollars for speaker fees
Any other important details about this program about which we need to know?
This program has already been approved by the BRASS executive committee.
Would you consider generating increased interest in the program by working with the RUSA office to develop a free (or
paid) webinar, a short teaser video, or some other type of multimedia?
Scheduling Times
First Preference
Mon 8:30-10am
Second Preference
Mon 8:30-10am
Third Preference
Mon 8:30-10am 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Educating for the Future of Reference
Submission Type: Annual Conference Program - 90 Minute Session
Submission Status: Complete
Jason Coleman
Undergraduate and Community Services Librarian
Kansas State University Libraries
Role: Program/Preconference Chair;Contact Person
Jason is the current chair of RSS' Education and Professional Development for Reference Committee, which is a co-sponsor of
this program. He is the facilitator of Kansas State University Libraries' Ask A Librarian Team and one of the coordinators of
Hale Library's Library Help services. In these positions he provides oversight for training of reference staff and assists with
training of student workers. He has published and presented on topics related to reference management, virtual reference, and
student supervision.
Estimated audience attendance:
• 200
Format of program:
• Panel with head table
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Learning Objectives
1. Explain three factors library school educators are required to take into account when deciding what content to cover in
reference courses.
2. Describe two innovative approaches library schools are using for preparing students to meet the reference needs of the present
and the near future.
3. List four skills that current reference practitioners see as highly relevant for current reference practice.
4. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
5. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Specifically, RSS' Education and Professional Development for Reference Committee. We are co-sponsoring this with ALISE's
Curriculum Special Interest group.
Preliminary program/institute/preconference description:
We propose a panel of two library science educators and two reference practitioners who hire reference staff. A moderator will pose
questions to the panelists and to the audience. The questions will be related to the following general topics:
· Which skills are most needed to help patrons in today's information ecosystem.
· What changes should be made to how students are being prepared to help patrons find information.
· The factors influencing how decisions about reference curriculum are currently made.
Please comment on the timeliness of the proposed program topic.
This program is topically similar to a series of discussion forums sponsored by RSS' Education and Professional Development for
Reference Committee at Annual 2014 and Midwinter 2015 and upcoming at Annual 2015. Those forums were focused on
engendering discussion of what preparation library schools should be providing for reference practitioners. The panel we are
proposing here will expand on the themes that emerged during those discussions. The panel will bring together LIS reference 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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educators and reference practitioners - which is a unique program feature, to the best of our knowledge.
Target audience:
Public services librarians from public and academic libraries, reference librarians, instruction librarians, reference managers and
coordinators, deans and directors, library school educators.
Additional Information
Each section may have one program at the Annual Conference depending on ALA Headquarters.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program
Do you have a co-sponsor within ALA?
If yes, please specify
However, ALISE (a closely related organization) is co-sponsoring.
Budget Request
I would not request funding
If you are requesting funding, please describe amount & purpose of funding.
Any other important details about this program about which we need to know?
We have not determined who our panelists will be, but the two co-sponsoring committees have several experienced practitioners
who know a number of quite visible reference practitioners, e.g., Marie Radford, Dave Tyckoson. Our co-sponsors on ALISE's
Curriculum SIG are well-connected to the community of LIbrary educators and would be able to recruit two panelists with little
Would you consider generating increased interest in the program by working with the RUSA office to develop a free (or
paid) webinar, a short teaser video, or some other type of multimedia?
Scheduling Times
First Preference
Sat 1-2:30pm
Second Preference
Sun 1-2:30pm
Third Preference
Sun 8:30-10am 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Emerging Technologies Librarians: Changing Roles for Changing Times
Submission Type: Annual Conference Program - 90 Minute Session
Submission Status: Complete
Donna Scanlon
Electronic Resources Librarian
Library of Congress
Role: Program/Preconference Chair
Remain planner?
Incoming Chair of MARS Sections
Beth Boatright
Emerging Technologies Coordinator
Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne
Role: Presenter
Beth is an emerging leader for RUSA for 2014/2015 and has been an emerging technologies librarian for several years. She
chairs the Emerging Technologies Section Hot Topics Discussion Group and is active in a number of other areas.
Estimated audience attendance:
• 300 or more
Format of program:
• Presentation
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Learning Objectives
1. At the end of this program, participants should be able to identify relevant strategies for keeping up with emerging technology
developments in libraries used regularly by emerging technologies librarians.
2. At the end of this program, participants will be able to describe several different variations of job descriptions and
responsibilities of emerging technologies librarians.
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
RUSA MARS Section Program
Preliminary program/institute/preconference description:
Emerging Technologies Roles and Librarians. We'll take a look at the day in the life of Emerging Technologies Librarians, the trends
in job descriptions, tips for successfully juggling competing priorities, and advice and strategies for keeping up.
Please comment on the timeliness of the proposed program topic.
As job titles and roles change, this is a timely topic for many of our members and would be members, within MARS and beyond.
Target audience: 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Emerging technologies librarians, technology librarians, reference librarians, liaison librarians, etc
Additional Information
Each section may have one program at the Annual Conference depending on ALA Headquarters.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program
1st priority
Do you have a co-sponsor within ALA?
If yes, please specify
Budget Request
I would not request funding
If you are requesting funding, please describe amount & purpose of funding.
Any other important details about this program about which we need to know?
Would you consider generating increased interest in the program by working with the RUSA office to develop a free (or
paid) webinar, a short teaser video, or some other type of multimedia?
Scheduling Times
First Preference
Sun 1-2:30pm
Second Preference
Sat 1-2:30pm
Third Preference
Sun 8:30-10am 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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'Not Your Average Consortia'
Submission Type: Annual Conference Program - 60 Minute Session
Submission Status: Complete
Anya N. Arnold
Resource Sharing Specialist
Orbis Cascade
Role: Presenter
Remain planner?
Anya coordinates and leads collaborative groups composed of vendors and member library staff to develop recommendations
and procedures that oversee the day to day workings of the consortial resource sharing program which contains 37 members
libraries and the courier program which has 87 library locations. Before and after obtaining her MLIS from the University of
Pittsburgh she worked at OCLC and played a lead role in numerous strategic program development and technology initiatives
within Resource Sharing.
Stef Morrill
Role: Presenter
Remain planner?
Director of WILS (formerly Wisconsin Library Services) a non-profit membership organization that facilitates collaborative
projects and services to save our members time and money and to advance library service, primarily in the state of Wisconsin.
Most of our members are libraries, but we also work with cultural institutions, government agencies, and other non-profits to
develop partnerships and projects.
Anne E. McKee
Program Office for Resource Sharing
Greater Western Library Alliance
Role: Presenter
Remain planner?
Anne E. McKee, GWLA Program Officer for Resource Sharing 2000-. McKee received her M.L.S. from Indiana University,
Bloomington and has had a very diverse career in librarianship. McKee has been an academic librarian, a sales rep for two
subscription agencies and now a consortium officer for the past 12 years. A former President of NASIG, McKee is on the Serials
Review Editorial Board, and 3 publisher/vendor library advisory boards.
Estimated audience attendance:
• 100
Format of program:
• Panel with head table
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Learning Objectives 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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1. A) At the conclusion of this program, attendees will be able to walk away with relevant “best of” ideas for consortial
opportunities to use within their own libraries.
2. B) At the conclusion of this program, attendees will have solutions to problems they have experienced from experts in the
consortial arena and from other attendees.
3. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
4. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
5. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Preliminary program/institute/preconference description:
Changes to libraries has a direct impact on consortial partnerships. This program will offer relevant insight
related to consortial opportunities.
Please comment on the timeliness of the proposed program topic.
With the growth of consortia and significant changes to them, this is relevant to a variety of libraries. Consortia agreements are
evolving and with the reduction in collections budgets, many libraries are relying on these organizations to meet their patrons' needs.
Target audience:
Public, Special and Academic Libraries who are involved, interested in or affected by consortia and current developments in these
areas. All types of library types and job positions would be interested in this program given consortial partnerships
across the globe.
Scheduling Times
First Preference
Sun 10:30-11:30am
Second Preference
Sat 3-4pm
Third Preference
Sun 3-4pm
Additional Information
Each section may have one program at the Annual Conference depending on ALA Headquarters.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program
3rd priority
Do you have a co-sponsor within ALA?
If yes, please specify
Budget Request
I would not request funding
If you are requesting funding, please describe amount & purpose of funding.
Any other important details about this program about which we need to know?
This is sponsored by the RUSA STARS / LLAMA SASS Consortial Borrowing Joint Committee
Would you consider generating increased interest in the program by working with the RUSA office to develop a free (or
paid) webinar, a short teaser video, or some other type of multimedia?
Yes 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Partnering for the Common Good: Libraries, and Genealogical Societies
Submission Type: Annual Conference Program - 90 Minute Session
Submission Status: Complete
Michael Hall
Deputy Chief Genealogical Officer
FamilySearch International
Role: Program/Preconference Chair
To be given later
Curt Witcher
Allen County Public Library
Role: Presenter
To be given later
Drew Smith
Academic Librarian
University of South Florida
Role: Presenter
To be given later
Amy Johnson Crow
Certified Genealogist
Self Employed
Role: Presenter
To be added later
Estimated audience attendance:
• 300 or more
Format of program:
• Panel with head table
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
• History
• Other (please specify below)
Learning Objectives
1. Upon completion, participants will be able to identify examples of successful partnerships between libraries and genealogical
2. Upon completion, participants will be able to identify opportunities for their own libraries to partner with a local genealogical
3. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
4. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
5. Upon completion, participants will be able to ... 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Genealogical Committee
Preliminary program/institute/preconference description:
Come to hear stories of successful collaboration between all types of libraries (Public, Academic, School, and Special), and
genealogical societies. Learn how you can leverage these partnerships to the benefit of your library. We invite you to come and
discuss and ask questions on how these types of partnerships can work for you.
Please comment on the timeliness of the proposed program topic.
Interest in family history (genealogy) is at an all time high across the nation. In addition, Technology is making possible partnerships
between libraries and societies that would not have been possible a few years ago.
Target audience:
Any library with genealogical collections and/or archives or that serve patrons with an interest in Family History.
Additional Information
Each section may have one program at the Annual Conference depending on ALA Headquarters.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program
1st priority
Do you have a co-sponsor within ALA?
If yes, please specify
Budget Request
I would not request funding
If you are requesting funding, please describe amount & purpose of funding.
Any other important details about this program about which we need to know?
Would you consider generating increased interest in the program by working with the RUSA office to develop a free (or
paid) webinar, a short teaser video, or some other type of multimedia?
Scheduling Times
First Preference
Sat 1-2:30pm
Second Preference
Sun 1-2:30pm
Third Preference
Sat 1-2:30pm 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Please Sign In: Assessing Non-Curricular Library Workshops in Academic Libraries
Submission Type: Annual Conference Program - 60 Minute Session
Submission Status: Complete
Katherine Ahnberg
Academic Services Librarian
University of South Florida
Role: Presenter
As a new librarian with growing experience as a poster presenter, panelist, and co-workshop leader I am excited to submit new
work in a practical format which will empower attendees to put assessment in their own institutional context. For further
information regarding my qualifications and professional involvement, please visit
Estimated audience attendance:
• 50
Format of program:
• Single speaker
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Learning Objectives
1. Upon completion, participants will be able to identify their peer and aspirant institutions
2. Upon completion, participants will be able to apply simple benchmarking rubrics to compare institutional workshop
3. Upon completion, participants will be able to design 1-5 survey questions, utilizing best practices in questionnaire creation.
4. Upon completion, participants will be able to identify the key components of successful and "needs improvement" library
workshop programs.
5. Upon completion, participants will be able to create basic outlines for active assessment of their institution's workshop
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Preliminary program/institute/preconference description:
Use benchmarking strategies and engage with your peer and aspirant institutions to create a tailored assessment of your library's stand
alone, non-curricular academic workshops. Conducted to address a gap in current scholarship, this IRB certified study at the
Univesity of South Florida offers insight into practical questions related to the time and staff academic libraries invest in developing,
promoting, teaching, and assessing workshop programs. Are workshops worth the effort? Join the discussion at ALA.
Please comment on the timeliness of the proposed program topic.
A literature review reveals very little current scholarship on this topic, the majority of which is discipline of institution specific.
Target audience:
This session is aimed for public service professionals in academic libraries; all attendees welcome.
Scheduling Times 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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First Preference
Sun 3-4pm
Second Preference
Mon 10:30-11:30am
Third Preference
Mon 3-4pm
Additional Information
Each section may have one program at the Annual Conference depending on ALA Headquarters.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program
Do you have a co-sponsor within ALA?
If yes, please specify
Budget Request
I would not request funding
If you are requesting funding, please describe amount & purpose of funding.
Any other important details about this program about which we need to know?
Thank you for considering this application.
Would you consider generating increased interest in the program by working with the RUSA office to develop a free (or
paid) webinar, a short teaser video, or some other type of multimedia?
Yes 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Readers' Advisory Research and Trends Forum
Submission Type: Annual Conference Program - 60 Minute Session
Submission Status: Complete
Neal Wyatt
Dr. Neal Wyatt
Role: Contact Person
Committee chair
Estimated audience attendance:
• 250
Format of program:
• Panel with head table
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Learning Objectives
1. Upon completion, participants will be able to better meet the needs of readers.
2. Upon completion, participants will be able to process the influx of new genre titles published each year and use them for
suggestions and read-alikes.
3. Upon completion, participants will be able to better keep abreast of the changing publishing cycle as it impacts public
4. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...manage the genre landscape and understand how genres relate to one another
5. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...keep up with new titles and place them within their genre affiliations.
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
RA Research and Trends Committee
Preliminary program/institute/preconference description:
The RA Forum explores the cutting edge of RA practices and services. The forum will present speakers who will explore an area of
RA critical to today's practitioners. The general focus this year will be on the necessity of understanding genres and subgenres and
librarians difficulty in keeping up with them as they change and identifying new authors/titles that fit within the genres/subgenres.
Please comment on the timeliness of the proposed program topic.
The program is specifically designed to address a current aspect of RA, something of immediate pressing concern to librarians or
something that will impact service in the near future. This topic is one that has been repeatedly mentioned in a series of surveys
conducted in the past several months/years. The most recent was in March.
Target audience:
RA librarians, public service librarians, collection development librarians, technical services librarians,
Scheduling Times 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
Page 2 of 2
First Preference
Sat 10:30-11:30am
Second Preference
Sat 3-4pm
Third Preference
Sun 3-4pm
Additional Information
Each section may have one program at the Annual Conference depending on ALA Headquarters.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program
Do you have a co-sponsor within ALA?
If yes, please specify
Budget Request
I would not request funding
If you are requesting funding, please describe amount & purpose of funding.
Any other important details about this program about which we need to know?
Would you consider generating increased interest in the program by working with the RUSA office to develop a free (or
paid) webinar, a short teaser video, or some other type of multimedia?
Yes 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
Page 1 of 3
Resource Sharing in Tomorrowland- A Panel Discussion About the Future of Interlibrary Loan
Submission Type: Annual Conference Program - 90 Minute Session
Submission Status: Complete
Tom Bruno
Associate Director for Resource Sharing and Reserves
Yale University
Role: Program/Preconference Chair;Contact Person
Tom has worked for over 10 years in ILL and has published and presented extensively on the topic of resource sharing.
Angela Galvan
Digital Reformatting Specialist & Head, Interlibrary Services
Ohio State University
Role: Presenter
Angela is Digital Reformatting Specialist and Head of Interlibrary Services for The Ohio State University Health Sciences
Library. Her work centers on the intersection between scholarly comm, DH, and resource sharing, with an emphasis on systems
Kurt Munson
Acting Head of Access Services
Northwestern University
Role: Presenter
20+ years experience providing interlibrary loan/document delivery services management, reserves both print and electronic,
reference and public services assistance to users both local and remote in a number of academic settings, supervisory experience
(15+ years) of both professionals and non-professionals.
Heidi Nance-Bajorek
Head of Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Document Delivery Services
University of Washington
Role: Presenter
Heidi Nance is the Head of Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services at the University of Washington Libraries in
Seattle, Washington. She received her Master's in Library and Information Science from the University of Washington iSchool,
and her B.A. in English Literature from Seattle Pacific University. She co-authored "Global Resource Sharing," published by
Chandos Press, in 2009. She lives in Seattle with her husband, son, two misbehaving cats, and "Happy Turbo Hammy the
Hamster." Her interests include assessment, workflow analysis, licensing, international ILL, planners (both digital and analog),
and cheesecake. She can also make a mean pivot table.
Carolyn Gardner
Information Literacy & Educational Technology Librarian
University of Southern California
Role: Presenter
Carolyn's professional expertise includes information literacy, scholarly communication, and the application of technology in
academic libraries. Her recent research with Gabriel Gardner about the use of social media to bypass traditional ILL was a
highlight of the 2015 ACRL Conference.
Estimated audience attendance:
• 150
Format of program: 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
Page 2 of 3
• Panel with head table
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Learning Objectives
1. 1. Identify several different viable models for the future of resource sharing services
2. 2. Assess their own patrons’ awareness (or lack of awareness) of library services and think critically about how to meet
unaddressed service needs
3. 3. Recognize and adapt to the ever-changing environment for resource sharing services ipants will be able to ...
4. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
5. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Preliminary program/institute/preconference description:
What is the future of ILL? Is it shiny and automated? Is it distributed and crowd-sourced? Is it integrated with other library servicessuch as Acquisitions or Collection Development- so as to be totally invisible? Or is it just plain broken and/or obsolete? Join a panel
of librarians both inside and outside of the field as they share their visions of resource sharing in Tomorrowland. Bring your own
Please comment on the timeliness of the proposed program topic.
Interlibrary Loan has undergone a dramatic shift over the past several years from being an ancillary service supplementing existing
library collections to a critical component in meeting library patrons’ day to day information needs. At the same time, new patrons
unfamiliar with many “traditional” library services (such as ILL) are bringing their own expectations and demands to us in unusual
ways. This panel will attempt to highlight these existing tensions and help provide some examples of how to move resource sharing
forward to anticipate future patron needs.
Target audience:
Access Services librarians, Collection Development librarians, Resource Sharing Librarians
Additional Information
Each section may have one program at the Annual Conference depending on ALA Headquarters.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program
1st priority
Do you have a co-sponsor within ALA?
If yes, please specify
Budget Request
I would not request funding
If you are requesting funding, please describe amount & purpose of funding.
Any other important details about this program about which we need to know?
Would you consider generating increased interest in the program by working with the RUSA office to develop a free (or
paid) webinar, a short teaser video, or some other type of multimedia?
Scheduling Times 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
Page 3 of 3
First Preference
Sat 1-2:30pm
Second Preference
Sun 1-2:30pm
Third Preference
Sun 8:30-10am 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Usability and You: Website Usability Testing @ Your Institution
Submission Type: Annual Conference Program - 60 Minute Session
Submission Status: Complete
Kathleen Phillips
Graduate and Government Documents Librarian
Marshall University
Role: Presenter
I have completed website usability testing as part of my job responsibilities at both a solo librarian with a small budget at a
community college, and as part of a group of librarians looking to update the library's virtual presence at a university. In each
case, I created, implemented, assessed, and applied the tests and their findings to each institution's websites.
Estimated audience attendance:
• Fewer than 50
Format of program:
• Presentation
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Learning Objectives
1. Upon completion, participants will be able to create and run their own website usability test.
2. Upon completion, participants will be able to analyze the results of a website usability test.
3. Upon completion, participants will be able to apply the findings of the website usability test in order to update their own
websites and make them more user friendly.
4. Upon completion, participants will be able to determine what kinds of questions and scenarios should be presented based on
where they work (public, academic, special, etc.).
5. Upon completion, participants will be able to complete the entire usability testing process for free or little cost to the library.
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Preliminary program/institute/preconference description:
Is your library’s website performing at its best? Do users find it accessible or impossible to navigate? Designing and administering a
website usability test is an important step to ensure that virtual information is accessible. In building the test, finding participants, and
analyzing and applying the findings, any library's website can be updated for little to no cost. Two West Virginia libraries conducted
such testing which lead to major website changes.
Please comment on the timeliness of the proposed program topic.
Website usability testing is a task that any and all libraries should be routinely conducting. With shrinking budgets, it is more
important than ever to begin thinking outside of the box and looking for ways to reduce unnecessary costs. Anything skills that can be
easily learned and applied in house, including website usability testing, should be learned and taken advantage of to the fullest extent.
Target audience:
Any library that has a website - public, academic, special, etc. and any librarian who is in charge of or involved with the upkeep of
said website will benefit from this session. Even if website creation and maintenance is outsourced, librarians can still conduct in
house testing and will ultimately have a stronger grasp of everything related to the website. 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
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Scheduling Times
First Preference
Sat 10:30-11:30am
Second Preference
Sun 10:30-11:30am
Third Preference
Sat 3-4pm
Additional Information
Each section may have one program at the Annual Conference depending on ALA Headquarters.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program
Do you have a co-sponsor within ALA?
If yes, please specify
Budget Request
I would not request funding
If you are requesting funding, please describe amount & purpose of funding.
Any other important details about this program about which we need to know?
All information presented will be accompanied with handouts and people who attend the session will be provided with the slides
and a sample test upon request.
Would you consider generating increased interest in the program by working with the RUSA office to develop a free (or
paid) webinar, a short teaser video, or some other type of multimedia?
Yes 5/27/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
Page 1 of 2
22nd Annual Reference Research Forum
Submission Type: Annual Conference Program - 60 Minute Session
Submission Status: Complete
Ava Brillat
English, Classics, & Theatre Arts Librarian
Richter Library 347B, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
Role: Program/Preconference Chair;Presenter
Remain planner?
Ava M. Brillat, MLIS
English, Classics, & Theatre Arts Librarian
Richter Library 347B, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
Estimated audience attendance:
• 200
Format of program:
• Panel with head table
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Learning Objectives
1. Attendees will be able to discuss new developments in reference research, with subject content to be determined by the
speakers. Attendees will have discussed and evaluated different reference research topics.
2. Attendees will be able to apply new methods of data collection in reference services as shared by the speakers.
3. Attendees will have discussed and evaluated different reference research topics by interacting with the panel speakers by
interacting with the panel speakers.
5. Upon completion, participants will be able to ...
Name of RUSA unit proposing program/preconference:
Preliminary program/institute/preconference description:
The Reference Research Forum continues to be one of the most popular and valuable programs where attendees can learn about
notable projects conducted in the broad area of reference services such as user behavior, virtual services, reference effectiveness and
assessment, and organizational structure and personnel.
Please comment on the timeliness of the proposed program topic.
We host the Reference Research Forum every year to help librarians stay informed in the continuing developments in reference. Each
year, we select thoughtful speakers who present on new developments in reference, using research and statistics that can be applied to
many different types of libraries.
Target audience:
We select a variety of speakers to represent many different library types. Academic, public, and special libraries have all been
Scheduling Times
First Preference
Sun 10:30-11:30am
Second Preference
Sat 10:30-11:30am 06/04/2015
2016 Annual RUSA - Call for Proposals
Page 2 of 2
Third Preference
Sun 10:30-11:30am
Additional Information
Each section may have one program at the Annual Conference depending on ALA Headquarters.
The following programs are not counted against the section’s one guaranteed program:
AFL-CIO/ALA Joint Committee Program
Literary Tastes
RA Research & Trends Forum
Reference Research Forum
RUSA President’s Program
1st priority
Do you have a co-sponsor within ALA?
If yes, please specify
I specified no, not "yes"
Budget Request
I would not request funding
If you are requesting funding, please describe amount & purpose of funding.
Any other important details about this program about which we need to know?
The selection for speakers will take place in the fall. More clearly defined learning objectives and subject matter as well as target
audience will be forthcoming after the selection of speakers has been completed. Will need a Panel with a head table and a single
speaker podium, microphones for discussion in the audience area should also be available.
Would you consider generating increased interest in the program by working with the RUSA office to develop a free (or
paid) webinar, a short teaser video, or some other type of multimedia?
Yes 06/04/2015