Poster I
Poster I
Welcome Message Dear Colleagues, It is my great pleasure to welcome all of the participants to The International Conference of The Korean Ceramic Society for the 50th anniversary. On behalf of the organizing committee, first of all, I would like to thank all participants and sponsors for their voluntary contributions and dedicated efforts to be held The Conference successfully. With overwhelming support of all these members, The International Conference of The Korean Ceramic Society is held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Korean Ceramic Society. The Korean Ceramic Society (KCerS) was founded in 1957 along with diverse corporations that have become the principle axis in the ceramics industry. These include the cement, refractory materials, glass, and the pottery and porcelain industries. Since that time, KCerS has grown into a most influential domestic ceramic material-related society with more than 1,500 members, 16 committees and six branches. The conference handles the overall scope of the ceramics research fields, especially the conference covers 6 branches of KCerS, such as the branches of the cement, refractory materials, glass, pottery and porcelain industries. The 21st century’s science and technology spreads its territory to nano-scale dimension, information technology, environment and energy issues, and bio-applications. Hence, the importance of the ceramics has aroused our attentions due to their versatility in utility as the essential part of nano/micro-electronic materials and devices, and energy conversion systems. The Conference therefore has been organized in order to provide and share the latest information and trends of the research to scientists, engineers, and technicians who are actively working in the field of the ceramics world-wide. Program of The Conference are substantial, More than 410 oral and poster presentations as well as four plenary sessions are scheduled on November 8-10, 2007. In each session, diverse categories of ceramics materials and their applications will be discussed, and other emerging fields related to ceramics will be also given by renowned scientists from around the world. I am convinced that The Conference will be most important event in the 50th anniversary ceremony of the Korean Ceramic Society, providing valuable opportunities for all participants to meet their colleagues, sharing technical knowledge and social experience, and strengthening our friendship. I expect The Conference can serve as a good opportunity to strength cooperation and create synergy effects not only for the ceramists but also human beings. I hope you may benefit by all theses activities. Now, come and enjoy a forgettable special event of the KCerS at aT center, Seoul, Korea. Yoon, Seok-Jin, PhD, Chairman, The International Conference of The Korean Ceramic Society for the 50th anniversary Kang, Won Ho, Professor President The Korean Ceramic Society 1 Conference Information ■ Information for the Presentations : ■ Registration Fee : Category Regular Member Student Member Non Regular Member Non Student member Pre-Registration (Before or On October 26, 2007) ₩200,000 (USD 200) ₩100,000 (USD 100) ₩250,000 (USD 250) ₩120,000 (USD 120) On site Registration (After Oct. 26,2007) ₩240,000 (USD 240) ₩120,000 (USD 120) ₩290,000 (USD 290) ₩140,000 (USD 140) * Registration fee includes the abstract book and admissions to all scientific sessions, lunch, exhibition, and 50th anniversary celebration (Registration fee for students is not included the 50th anniversary celebration). * Payment by USD will be applicable for foreign participant only. * Registration Receipt A receipt will be issued at the registration desk with the registration packets during the conference. Registration Packets * Registration packets for advance registrants will be distributed at the registration desk. They contain a name tag, coupons for the conference and for any official gathering that you may have registered. * Name Tag Participants are required to wear their name tag in the session room, which are given upon registration. Cancellation Policy : * Notification of cancellation must be received in writing to the Conference secretariat by E-mail or Fax. The refund will be 80% of your payment until October 26, 2007, but after October 26, 2007, no refund. Only cancellation made in writing is acceptable. Before October 26, 2007 80 % * The official presentation language is English. According to the sessions, the Korean language can also be available. * Oral presentation Time : 25 minutes for invited speaker and 15 minutes for general speaker. The speakers should submit the hard disk (USB) files to the session chair before the presentation. * Poster presentation time will be 13:00 ~ 17:00 for each days. The posters should be pasted on the panel board between 12:00 and 13:00 for each days. * Please understand that some papers, which submit with oral presentation, may be changed to the poster presentation due to the time limitation of the Conference. ■ Information for Hotel Accomodations : * Refer to attached sheet. Those who want to stay the Hotel Seoul KyoYuk Munhwa HoeKwan, please write and submit it to the KCerS ■ Contact : * Ms Joo Rang Park (Secretary of the KCerS) Tel : +82-(0)2-584-0185, Fax : +82-(0)2-586-4582, E-mail : Home Page : ■ Map of the Conference Site After October 26, 2007 No Refund * Payment Method : The payment can be made by the bank transfer, or by the credit card through the Home Page ( of the Korean Ceramic Society(KCerS). Name of Bank: Woori Bank Account No.: 792-01976713-013 Depositor : The Korean Ceramic Society ·The shuttle bus will be served from Yangje subway station (line 3) to the conference site (aT Center) every 15 minutes. * Those who want to pay by the Bank Transfer should also make pre-registration through the Home Page of the Korean Ceramic Society. 2 3 Poster Exhibition I-P-1~I-P-146 4 Mc-1~Mc-4 Poster Exhibition II-P-1~II-P-156 5 9 Cmt-3 ~ Cmt-4 4 5 2007 THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE KOREAN CERAMIC SOCIETY FOR 50TH ANNIVERSARY 7 6 Room A Oral: 2007. 11. 8. (Thu) Environment and Energy Materials (EE) 09:00-10:20 Session chair : Kozo Ishizaki/ Dong Soo Park Age of Starting Solutions-Novel Parameter for EE-1 09:00-09:25 Nanoparticles Synthesis from Liquid Phase (invited talk) Naoya Enomoto (Kyushu University, Japan) Synthesis and Photocatalytic Activity of EE-2 09:25-09:50 Brookite Phase TiO2 Nanoparticles (invited talk) Burtrand I. Lee (Clemson University, USA) Materials Design of Oxide Thermoelectrics for EE-3 09:50-10:20 High Performance Energy Conversion (invited talk) Kunihito Koumoto (Nagoya University, Japan) 10:20-10:40 Coffee Break Plenary Session I Chair : Soo Wohn Lee 10:40-11:20 Toward Materials Design Concept in Molecular and Lattice Level to Inspire New and Wide Industrial Application Koichi Niihara, Tadachika Nakayama, Hisayuki Suematsu, Tuneo Suzuki (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan) Plenary Session II Chair : Doo Jin Choi 11:20-12:00 Role of Science & Technology in Achieving Economic Development of Korea Dongwha KUM (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) 12:00-13:00 Lunch Environment and Energy Materials (EE) 13:00-14:50 Session Chair : Butrand I Lee/Leticia Torres Martinez Soft Solution Synthesis and Morphological EE-4 13:00-13:25 Control of ZnO Films and Particles with Developed Superstructures (invited talk) Shu Yin, Tsugio Sato (Tohoku University, Japan) Preparation of Eco Luminescent Ceramics by EE-5 13:25-13:50 Micro-deoxidization (invited talk) Jun-ichi Matsushita, Kwang Bo Shim* (Tokai University, Japan, *Hanyang University) 8 Room A Oral: 2007. 11. 8. (Thu) Surface Chracteriization of High Purity SiO2 EE-6 13:50-14:15 Powders by Temperature Programmed Desorption Mass Spectrometry (invited talk) Koji Matsumaru, Yuta Showa, Kozo Ishizaki (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan) Chemically Deposited Sb2Se3 Anode for Thin EE-8 14:30-14:50 Film Lithium Batteries Arun Patil, Vaishali Arun Patil, Ji-Won Choi, Seok-Jin Yoon (Korea Insitute of Science and Technology) 14:50-15:10 Coffee Break Environment and Energy Materials (EE) 15:10-17:40 Session Chair : Shu Yin/ Koji Matsumaru Processing of Ceramic Nanocomposite EE-9 15:10-15:35 Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage (invited talk) M. Willert-Porada, T. Gerdes, S. Schoemaker, S. Pajkic, H. Wolf (University of Bayreuth, Germany) Anodic Performances of Highly Ordered EE-10 15:35-16:00 Mesoporous Carbon Materials with Various Pore Diameters (invited talk) Sujit Kumar Mondal, Toshiyuki Mori, Ajayan Vinu (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan) Carboxyl, Amine and Thiol Functionalized EE-11 16:00-16:25 Mesoporous Carbon Materials (invited talk) Dhanashri P. Sawant, T. Mori, Ajayan Vinu (National Institute for Materials Science, Japan) Freeze Drying Synthesis of Oxide Materials: EE-12 16:25-16:50 Recent Achievements and New Horizons (invited talk) Oleg A. Shlyakhtin*,**, Young-Jei Oh* (*Korea Institute of Science and Technology, **Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) Photocatalytic TiO2 Thin Films by AerosolEE-13 16:50-17:15 Deposition: From Micron Sized Particles to Nano Grained Thin Film at Room Temperature (invited talk) Dong Soo Park, Jungho Ryu, Kun-Young Kim, Byung-Dong Hahn, Jong-Jin Choi, Woon-Ha Yoon (Korea Institute of Materials Science) Semiconductor Photocatalysts (invited talk) EE-14 17:15-17:40 L. M. Torres Martinez, L.L. Garza-Tovar, R. Gómez*, G. del Angel* (Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México, *Universidad Autónoma MetropolitanaIztapalapa, México) 9 Room B Oral: 2007. 11. 8. (Thu) Room B Matthias Wuttig (RWTH Aachen University of Technology, Germany) Electronic Materials (Ec) 09:00-10:20 Session Chair : Ji Won Choi Template-directed Fabrication and Unique Ec-1 09:00-09:25 Applications of Monodisperse TiO2 Nanotubes (invited talk) Changdeuck Bae, Hyunjun Yoo, Sihyeong Kim, Kyungeun Lee, Hyunjung Shin (Kookmin University) Glycothermal Process for Barium Magnesium Ec-2 09:25-09:40 Tantalate Nanopowders Synthesis Amar BADRAKH, Hong-Chan CHO, Hyun-Sig KIL, Su-Hyun HWANG, Dae-Young LIM (Paichai University) Room Temperature Impact Consolidation Ec-3 09:40-09:55 Phenomena on Aerosol Deposition Method for Development of Novel Nanocomposite Materials Jae-Hyuk PARK, Jun AKEDO (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan) Advanced Electro-ceramics Manufactured by Ec-4 09:55-10:20 Smart Process (invited talk) Yukio Sakabe (Murata Manufacturing Co,. Ltd., Japan) 10:20-10:40 Coffee Break Plenary Session I Chair : Soo Wohn Lee 10:40-11:20 Toward Materials Design Concept in Molecular and Lattice Level to Inspire New and Wide Industrial Application Koichi Niihara, Tadachika Nakayama, Hisayuki Suematsu, Tuneo Suzuki (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan) Plenary Session II Chair : Doo Jin Choi 11:20-12:00 Role of Science & Technology in Achieving Economic Development of Korea Dongwha KUM (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) White Light Emission from a Mesophase Ec-6 13:25-13:40 Silicate Thin Film Incorporated with Rare Earth Ions and Organic ligands Dan ZHAO, Seok-Jun SEO, Byeong-Soo BAE (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) The Red Emitting Phosphor of Several Ec-7 13:40-13:55 Composition Eu doped Gd2O3/Al2O3 System Jiwoong KIM, Shinhoo KANG (Seoul National University) ZnO Grown Ionic Polymer-Metal-Ceramic Ec-8 13:55-14:10 Composite (IPMCC) by Electroless Chemical Deposition Sang-Mun KIM, Il-Seok PARK, Kwang J. KIM (University of Nevada, USA) Deposition and Characterization of Indium Tin Ec-9 14:10-14:25 Oxide Thin Films by Cesium-assisted DC Magnetron Sputtering Jaewon SONG, Cheng Jin AN, Yong Cheol SHIN, Cheol Seong HWANG, Sung Jin PARK*, Neung Ku YOON* (Seoul National University, *Sorona Inc.) Bottom-Up Fabrication of Advanced Ceramic Ec-10 14:25-14:50 Films using Tailored Liquids (invited talk) Kazumi Kato, Kiyotaka Tanaka, Xiulan Hu, Xiangju Meng, Shingo Kayukawa, Kazuyuki Suzuki, Yoshitake Masuda, Tatsuo Kimura (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan) 14:50-15:10 Coffee Break Electronic Materials (Ec) 15:10-16:55 Session Chair : Kunihito Koumoto New Progress in Nanograin Barium Titanate Ec-11 15:10-15:35 Ceramics and Its Applications (invited talk) Xiaohui Wang, Xiangyun Deng, Longtu Li (Tsinghua University, China) Ec-12 15:35-16:00 12:00-13:00 Lunch Electronic Materials (Ec) 13:00-14:50 Session Chair : Jae-Shin Lee Ec-5 13:00-13:25 10 Towards Universal Memories? Exploring the Potential of Phase Change Materials (invited talk) Oral: 2007. 11. 8. (Thu) Ceramic Powders for Advanced CeramicsWhat is Ideal Ceramics Powders for Advanced Ceramics (invited talk) Shigeyuki SOMIYA (Fellow of American/Japan Ceramic.Soc., Japan) Preparation of SrAl2O4:Eu Thin Film Sensitive Ec-13 16:00-16:15 to Visual Light by RF Sputtering Seiki KIM, Hyunjun PARK, Changgon KWAK, Mijae LEE, Jonghoo PAIK, Byunghyun CHOI, Jinchul KIM*, Yongwoo KIM* (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & 11 Room B Oral: 2007. 11. 8. (Thu) Technology, *Shinhan Ceramic Co., Ltd.) Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Properties of 16:15-16:30 0.948(K 0.5Na 0.5)NbO 3-0.052LiSbO 3 Lead-free Piezoelectric Thick Film by Aerosol-Deposition Jungho RYU, Jong-Jin CHOI, Byung-Dong HAHN, Woon-Ha YOON, Dong-Soo PARK, Kun-Young KIM (Korea Institute of Materials Science) Ec-14 Reliability of Low-Firing Multilayer Ceramic Ec-15 16:30-16:55 Actuators using PMN-PZT Piezoelectric Ceramics (invited talk) Jae-Shin Lee, Mun-Seok Choi, Sung-Youl Cho, Sung-Hoon Kim*, Yeon-Hag Jeong*, Dae-Su Lee**, Soon-Jong Jeong**, Jae-Sung Song** (University of Ulsan, *Samjeon Co., Ltd., **Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute) Room C Oral: 2007. 11. 8. (Thu) Pottery (Pc) 09:00-10:30 Session Chair : S. B. Kim 09:00-09:10 Pc-1 09:10-09:30 Opening Development of Heat Resistant Whiteware Glaze Duckkyeom Kim, Ungsoo Kim, Jaewhan Pee, Euiseok Choi (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology) A Study on Durability of the Wall Tile Pc-2 09:30-09:50 Jong-Sung Kim (Daelim Ceramic Co. Ltd.) Relation between Composition and Its Coloration Pc-3 09:50-10:30 of Copper Glaze and Iron Glaze Hiroo TaKashima (Former staff of Government Industrial Research Institute Nagoya, Japan) 10:30-10:40 Coffee Break Plenary Session I Chair : Soo Wohn Lee 10:40-11:20 Toward Materials Design Concept in Molecular and Lattice Level to Inspire New and Wide Industrial Application Koichi Niihara, Tadachika Nakayama, Hisayuki Suematsu, Tuneo Suzuki (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan) Plenary Session II Chair : Doo Jin Choi 11:20-12:00 Role of Science & Technology in Achieving Economic Development of Korea Dongwha KUM (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) 12:00-13:00 Lunch Pottery (Pc) 13:00-15:00 Session Chair : W. S. Cho Development of Sanitary Ware Body with Low Pc-4 13:00-13:20 Pyroplastic Deformation Sung-il Kim, Jin-Wook Park (Daelim Ceramic Co. Ltd.) The Major Challenges that the Traditional Pc-5 13:20-14:00 Ceramics Sector is Facing in the Globalization Era 12 13 Room C Oral: 2007. 11. 8. (Thu) J.M.F.Ferreira*, P. Torres*, H.R. Fernandes*, I. Ganesh*,** (*University of Aveiro, Portugal, **ARCI, India) Room D Oral: 2007. 11. 8. (Thu) Computational Materials Science (Cms) 09:00-10:40 Session Chair : Jaichan Lee Study on the Thermal Characteristics of Pc-6 14:00-14:20 Tantalum-based Non-toxic Inorganic Pigments by Microemulsion Method Jae-Hwan Pee, Jong-chul Park, YooJin Kim, Hyeon Bae*, Jae-Soo Shin*, Eui-Seok Choi (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, *Shinceramic Co., Ltd.) Cms-1 Multiscale First-principles Calculation Method 09:00-09:25 (invited talk) Jeung Ku Kang (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Pollution-Free Ceramic Decorative Materials Pc-7 14:20-15:00 (invited talk) Cao Chun E (Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, China) Cms-2 Tight-binding Simulation Study of Nano09:25-09:50 materials (invited talk) Gun-Do Lee (Seoul National University) 15:00-15:10 Coffee Break Cms-3 Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Nano09:50-10:15 Materials : A New Research Tool for Nanotechnology (invited talk) Kwang-Ryeol Lee (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) Pottery (Pc) 15:10-17:10 Session Chair : S. M. Lee Clay Bricks and Pavers Contribute to Urban 15:10-15:30 Regeneration Young Do Kim (Gonggan Ceramic Co.) Pc-8 New Challenges to Improve the Preparation of Pc-9 15:30-16:10 Ceramic Bodies (invited talk) Günter Hessling (Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH&CO. KG, Germany) Cms-4 10:15-10:40 Improvement Study of Ceramic Manufacturing Process using FEM (invited talk) Jong-In IM (KICET) Influence of CrCl3 in Sphene-Pink Pigments Pc-10 16:10-16:30 Hyun-Soo Lee, Byung-Ha Lee (Myongji University) Plenary Session I Chair : Soo Wohn Lee 10:40-11:20 Toward Materials Design Concept in Molecular and Lattice Level to Inspire New and Wide Industrial Application Koichi Niihara, Tadachika Nakayama, Hisayuki Suematsu, Tuneo Suzuki (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan) Glaze-Body Interactions in Porcelains: Pc-11 16:30-17:10 Understanding Glaze Chemistry Shifts Due to Body-Glaze Interactions William M. Carty, David Finkelnburg, Thomas Lam, James Roberts, HyoJin Lee (New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, U.S.A.) Plenary Session II Chair : Doo Jin Choi 11:20-12:00 Role of Science & Technology in Achieving Economic Development of Korea Dongwha KUM (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) 12:00-13:00 Lunch Structural Ceramics (Sc) 13:00-14:50 Session Chair : Ji Yeon Park, Tatsuya Hinoki 13:00-13:05 Opening Remarks Japanese Activity on Development of SiC/SiC Sc-1 13:05-13:35 Composites for Fusion Application (invited talk) Akira Kohyama 14 15 Room D Oral: 2007. 11. 8. (Thu) (Kyoto University, Japan) Current Activity on SiC-based Ceramics for 13:35-14:00 the Next Generation Nuclear Energy System in Korea (invited talk) Ji Yeon Park, Weon-Ju Kim, Choong Hwan Jung (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Sc-2 Irradiation Effects on Mechanical Properties of Sc-3 14:00-14:25 Advance SiC/SiC Composites (invited talk) Tatsuya Hinoki, Kazumi Ozawa, Hirotatsu Kishimoto, Akira Kohyama (Kyoto University, Japan) Energetics and Formation Kinetics of Defect Sc-4 14:25-14:50 Clusters in 3C-SiC (invited talk) Kazunori Morishita, Yoshiyuki Watanabe, Akira Kohyama, Howard L. Heinisch*, Fei Gao* (Kyoto University, Japan, *PNNL, USA) 14:50-15:00 Coffee Break Room E Oral: 2007. 11. 8. (Thu) Ceramics Materials Bank Seminar(CMB) 09:00-09:45 Session Chair : Kwang-Jin Kim 09:00-09:05 Opening Building of a Ceramics Database as a CMB-1 09:05-09:25 Information Infrastructure to Promoting Materials Industry (invited talk) Seong-Min JEONG, Won-Seon SEO, Tae-Ui HONG, Hyoung-Ju KWON, Kwang-Jin KIM (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) Introduction to Information Center for CMB-2 09:25-09:45 Materials from the Viewpoint of DB Construction and Service (invited talk) Joon-Hyung Lee, Jeong-Joo Kim (Kyungpook National University) 09:45-09:50 Coffee Break Structural Ceramics (Sc) 15:00-17:05 Session Chair : Weon-Ju Kim, Kazunori Morishita Development of Material Property Database Sc-5 15:00-15:25 and Relevant Test Technology for Fusion Applications of SiC/SiC Composites (invited talk) Takashi Nozawa (Japan Atomic Energy Ageney, Japan) Fabrication of Aluminium Doped Silicon 15:25-15:50 Carbide Fibers Having Various Shape Via Different Route (invited talk) D. H. Riu*, D. G. Shin*,**, E. B. Kong*, K. Y. Cho*, S. H. Huh*, Y. H. Kim*, H. E. Kim** (*KICET, **Seoul National University) Sc-6 Ceramics Materials Bank Seminar(CMB) 09:50-10:30 Session Chair : Won-Seon Seo Computer Simulation Approach to the CMB-3 09:50-10:10 Characterization of Materials Properties (invited talk) Sangil Hyun (KICET) Application of Computer Simulation for CMB-4 10:10-10:30 Ceramic Molding Technology(invited talk) T.S. Kwak (Jinju National University) Mechanical Characterization of NITE-SiC/SiC Sc-7 15:50-16:15 Composites for Material Design (invited talk) Yong-Bum Choi, Tatsuya Hinoki*, Satoshi Konishi* (Hiroshima University, Japan, *Kyoto University, Japan) High Temperature Strength of Liquid-Phase Sc-8 16:15-16:40 Sintered Silicon Carbide Ceramics (invited talk) Young-Wook Kim, Toshiyuki Nishimura* (University of Seoul, *NIMS, Japan) Sc-9 16:40-17:05 16 Utilization Efforts for Advanced SiC/SiC Composites in Japan(invited talk) Joon-Soo PARK*,** Akira Kohyama*, Tatsuya Hinoki* (*Kyoto University, Japan, **Institute of Energy Science and Technology, Co., Ltd., Japan) 17 Room A Oral: 2007. 11. 9. (Fri) Plenary Session III Chair : Hae Won Lee 09:00-09:40 Synchrotron Investigations of Ceramic Coatings: In Situ Studies of Phase Evolution and Stress Katherine T. Faber (Northwestern University, USA) 09:40-12:00 Ceremony 12:00-13:00 Lunch Refractory Ceramics (Rc) 13:00-14:40 Session Chair : Sik Sunwoo 13:00-13:05 Welcome Address Dr. K. S. Hahn (KIST) Refractory Education in Korea (invited talk) Rc-1 13:05-13:35 Byungsei Jun (Kyungnam University) Effect of Fe Alloy on Damage of Refractories Rc-2 13:35-13:55 for Vacuum Degassing Vessel Mun Kyu Cho (RIST) Room A Rc-7 15:25-15:40 Oral: 2007. 11. 9. (Fri) Stress Relaxation Effect on Slope-type Bricks for Slag-Line of Ladle-Furnace Jun Young Yang, Sik Sunwoo, Kwang Chul Choi (Chosun Refractories Co., Ltd,) Rc-8 Properties of Cupola Ramming Material and 15:40-15:55 Field Trial Hyung-Sug Lee, Young-Wook Noh, MyungWook Moon (Dongkuk Refractories Co. Ltd.) Thermal Stress Simulation for Phase Change Rc-9 15:55-16:10 Random Access Memory Byung Keun Kim, Sung Sun Kim*, Jun Hyun Bae, Jun Ho Cha, Kyung Ho Kim, Hong Lim Lee (Yonsei University, *Hynix Semiconductor Inc.) 16:10-16:20 Coffee Break Plenary Session IV Chair : Eung Soo Kim 16:20-17:00 Perspective and Prospect of Electromagnetic Ceramics Yao Xi*,** (*Xian Jiaotong University, China, **Tongji University, China) Influence of Additives on Properties of High Rc-3 13:55-14:15 Alumina Refractories Yun-Tak Lim, Chang Jung Eum (POSREC) Recent and Prospective Development of Rc-4 14:15-14:40 Ceramics in China - Focusing on the R&D Activities in Shanghai Institute of Ceramics Hongjie Luo (Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) na Refractories Yun-Tak Lim, Chang Jung Eum (POSREC) 14:40-14:50 Coffee Break Refractory Ceramics (Rc) 14:50-16:10 Session Chair : Byungsei Jun Development and Application Results of Silica Rc-5 14:50-15:10 Sol bonded Castable for Main Trough of Blast Furnace Do-Mun Choi, Sik Sunwoo (Chosun Refractories Co., Ltd) Rc-6 Development of Foaming High-Temperature 15:10-15:25 Insulating Castable Myung Won Lee, Chang Gi Ha, Bong Seong Yim (Korea Refractories Co. Ltd.) 18 19 Room B Oral: 2007. 11. 9. (Fri) Plenary Session III Chair : Hae Won Lee 09:00-09:40 Synchrotron Investigations of Ceramic Coatings: In Situ Studies of Phase Evolution and Stress Katherine T. Faber (Northwestern University, USA) 09:40-12:00 Ceremony 12:00-13:00 Lunch Electronic Materials (Ec) 13:00-14:20 Session Chair : Yong Soo CHO Ec-16 Recent Developments of Electronic Ceramics 13:00-13:25 in Japan (invited talk) Noboru Ichinose (Waseda University, Japan) Ec-17 Comparison of Electrical Properties between 13:25-13:40 High-k HfO 2 Thin Films on Strained and Relaxed Si 1-x Ge x Substrates after Postdeposition Annealing Tae Joo PARK, Jeong Hwan KIM, Jae Hyuck JANG, Kwang Duk NA, Cheol Seong HWANG (Seoul National University) Room B Oral: 2007. 11. 9. (Fri) Ec-21 Phase Evolution and Chemical Stability of 15:05-15:20 High k LTCC Materials Won Bae LIM, Viswanathan S. SAJI, Ravindra K. GUPTA, Yong Soo CHO (Yonsei University) Ec-22 Effect of CuO on the Sintering Temperature 15:20-15:35 and Piezoelectric Properties of Lead-free 0.95(Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-0.05SrTiO3 Ceramics In-Tae SEO, Hwi-Yeol PARK, Kyung-Hoon CHO, Sahn NAHM, Hyeung-Gyu LEE*, Hyung-Won KANG* (Korea University, *Korea Electronics Technology Institute) Ec-23 A Detailed Model for the Filamentary Resistive 15:35-16:00 Switching in TiO2 Thin Films (invited talk) Kyung Min Kim, Byung Joon Choi, Yong Cheol Shin, Seol Choi, Cheol Seong Hwang (Seoul National University) 16:00-16:20 Coffee Break Plenary Session IV Chair : Eung Soo Kim 16:20-17:00 Perspective and Prospect of Electromagnetic Ceramics Yao Xi*,** (*Xian Jiaotong University, China, **Tongji University, China) Ec-18 Effect of B2O3 on the Sintering Temperature 13:40-13:55 and Microwave Dielectric Properties of the Zn1.8SiO3.8 Ceramics Jin-Seong KIM, Ngoc-Huan NGUYEN, MyungEun SONG, Sahn NAHM, Jong-Hoo PAIK*, Jong-Hee KIM*, Hwack-Joo LEE** (Korea University, *Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, **Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science ) Ec-19 Silicates for Microwave/millimeterwave 13:55-14:20 Dielectrics (invited talk) Hitoshi OHSATO (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan) 14:20-14:40 Coffee Break Electronic Materials (Ec) 14:40-16:00 Session Chair : Sahn NAHM Ec-20 Dielectric Ceramicsfor Microcircuit and 14:40-15:05 Flexible Electronic Systems (invited talk) Hong Rak Choi, Deuk Ho Yeon, Ik Jin Choi, Won Bae Lim, Yeon Hwa Jo, Hyung Sub Lee, Byeong Gon Kim, Jun Seok Lee, Viswanathan S. Saji, Ravindra K. Gupta, Yong Soo Cho (Yonsei University) 20 21 Room C Oral: 2007. 11. 9. (Fri) Plenary Session III Chair : Hae Won Lee 09:00-09:40 Synchrotron Investigations of Ceramic Coatings: In Situ Studies of Phase Evolution and Stress Katherine T. Faber (Northwestern University, USA) Room C Oral: 2007. 11. 9. (Fri) Bok Hyeon Kim, Jongmin Lee, Won-Taek Han (GIST) Gc-7 Effect of B2O3 in Borosilicate Glass on 15:40-15:55 Phosphate Ion Removal from Solution Jin-su Nam, Cheol Young Kim (Inha University) 15:55-16:20 Coffee Break 09:40-12:00 Ceremony 12:00-13:00 Lunch Glass (Gc) 13:00-14:20 Session Chair : Dong Wook Shin Plenary Session IV Chair : Eung Soo Kim 16:20-17:00 Perspective and Prospect of Electromagnetic Ceramics Yao Xi*,** (*Xian Jiaotong University, China, **Tongji University, China) Gc-1 Bioactive Calcium Phosphate Glass-based 13:00-13:30 Materials (Special Lecture) Toshihiro Kasuga (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan) Gc-2 Spectroscopic Analysis of Rare Earth doped 13:30-13:50 TeO 2-MoO3 Glasses for Broad Band Optical Fiber Amplifier (invited talk) Woon Jin CHUNG, Bong Je PARK*, Hong Seok SEO*, Joon Tae AHN*, Yong Gyu CHOI** (Kongju National University, *ETRI, **Korea Aerospace University) Gc-3 Effect of TiO2 on Leaching Characteristics of 13:50-14:05 Silicate Glass-Ceramics Containing EAF Dust Hwan Sik KIM, Seung Gu KANG, Yoo Taek KIM, Gi Gang LEE, Jung Hwan KIM (Kyonggi University) Gc-4 Fabrication of Vitrified Diamond Abrasives at 14:05-14:20 Low Temperature by Cu-Containing Vitrified Bond D.Y. PARK*,**, Cheol Y. KIM*, D.S. SEO*,**, S.H. LEE*,** (*Inha University, **Shinhan Diamond) 14:20-14:40 Coffee Break Glass (Gc) 14:40-15:50 Session Chair : Joon Young Lee Gc-5 Trends on New Process and Glass Products in Europe 14:40-15:10 Nathalie Elkhiati (Display Glass Alliance Inc., France) Gc-6 Fabrication of Nonlinear Optical Glass Fiber 15:10-15:40 with an Elliptic Core and Its Applications to Optical Devices (Special Lecture) 22 23 Room D Oral: 2007. 11. 9. (Fri) Plenary Session III Chair : Hae Won Lee 09:00-09:40 Synchrotron Investigations of Ceramic Coatings: In Situ Studies of Phase Evolution and Stress Katherine T. Faber (Northwestern University, USA) Ceremony 09:40-12:00 12:00-13:00 Lunch Materials Characterization (Mc) 13:00-14:20 Session Chair : Seung Chul Choi, Rino Choi Mc-1 The Key to the Nano World - Atomic Force 13:00-13:35 Microscopy (invited talk) San-il Park (Park Systems) Mc-2 Thermal Characterization of Advance 13:35-14:00 Ceramics Prior to, During, after the Sintering Process (invited talk) Jürgen Blumm (NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH, Germany) Mc-3 Atomic Level Characterization with a New 14:00-14:25 Advanced STEM (invited talk) Eiji Okunishi (Jeol Ltd., Japan) Mc-4 The Latest X-ray Equipment and Method for 14:25-14:50 Nanotechnology (Nano particle size distribution & structure identification) (invited talk) Tomikatsu Kubo (Rigaku Corporation, Japan) 14:50-15:00 Coffee Break Industry-Academia-Research Institute Collaboracion Workshop (IAR) 15:00-16:30 Plenary Session IV Chair : Eung Soo Kim 16:20-17:00 Perspective and Prospect of Electromagnetic Ceramics Yao Xi*,** (*Xian Jiaotong University, China, **Tongji University, China) Room A Oral: 2007. 11. 10. (Sat) Engineering Ceramics (Er) 09:00-10:20 Session Chair : Young-Wook Kim Er-1 Thermal Stability in Ternary Carbide and 09:00-09:25 Aluminium Titanate Ceramics in Controlled Atmospheres (invited talk) I.M. Low, Z. Oo, W.K. Pang (Curtin University of Technology, Australia) Er-2 Fabricatin of β-SiAlON by Nitriding and Post09:25-09:40 Sintering of Si Mixture : I. Without Excess Liquid Phase Eun-A NOH*,**, Young-jo PARK*, Hai-Doo KIM* (*Korea Institute of Materials Science, **Andong National University) Er-3 Porosity Control of Porous Silicon Carbide 09:40-09:55 Ceramics using Hollow Microspheres as Sacrificial Templates Jung-Hye EOM, Su-Ho CHAE, Young-Wook KIM, In-Hyuck SONG*, Hai-Doo KIM* (The University of Seoul, *Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) Er-4 Excellent Thermal Shock Resistant Materials 09:55-10:20 with Ultra Low Thermal Expansion Coefficient (invited talk) Ik Jin Kim, Ludwig J. Gauckler* (Hanseo University, *Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland) 10:20-10:40 Coffee Break Engineering Ceramics (Er) 10:40-11:50 Session Chair : Deug Joong Kim Er-5 β A Study of Creep Behaviour of Some α/β 10:40-11:05 Sialon Ceramics (invited talk) B.S.B. KARUNARATNE (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka) Er-6 Physical and Mechanical Properties from 11:05-11:20 Modified Silicon Carbide with Different Chlorine/Hydrogen Contents Hyun-Ju CHOI, Jeon-Kook LEE*, Dae-Soon LIM (Korea University, *KIST) Er-7 Strength Recovery Behavior of Machined Si3N4 11:20-11:35 /SiC Composite by Crack-healing Young-Soon JUNG, Wataru NAKAO, Koji TAKAHASHI, Kotoji ANDO, Shinji SAITO* 24 25 Room A Oral: 2007. 11. 10. (Sat) (Yokohama National University, Japan, *NHK Spring Co. Ltd., Japan) Er-8 Fabricatin of Y-Stabilized α-SiAlON by 11:35-11:50 Nitriding and Post-Sintering of Si Mixture : I. Without Excess Liquid Phase Young-Jo PARK*, Eun-A NOH*,**, Hai-Doo KIM* (*Korea Institute of Materials Science, **Andong National University) Room B Oral: 2007. 11. 10. (Sat) Electronic Materials (Ec) 09:00-10:20 Session Chair : Eung Soo Kim Ec-24 Ceramic Processing Technologies for System 09:00-09:25 Integration (invited talk) Jong-hee Kim (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology) Ec-25 Perspective on Aerosol Deposition Method for 09:25-09:40 3-D Integration of Passive Components Song-Min NAM, Young Joon YOON*, JongHee KIM* (Kwangwoon University, *Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) Ec-26 Preparation of Ag Nanoparticles Incorporated 09:40-09:55 Transparent Conducting Oxides by Photochemical Solution Deposition Hyuncheol KIM, A. Sivasankar REDDY, Hyung-Ho PARK (Yonsei University) Ec-27 Resistivity Behavior of Ga-doped ZnO 09:55-10:20 Transparent Conducting Oxide (invited talk) Sang Yeol Lee (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) 10:20-10:40 Coffee Break Electronic Materials (Ec) 10:40-12:00 Session Chair : Won Seon Seo Ec-28 ALD Growth of Hafnium Oxide Thin Film by 10:40-11:05 Remote Plasma Technique (invited talk) Hyeongtag JEON (Hanyang University) Ec-29 Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of the 11:05-11:20 Bi6Ti5TeO22 Thin Film for MIM Capacitors Joo-Young CHOI, Chang-Hak CHOI, Sahn NAHM, Jung-Oh HONG*, Jung-Soo LEE* (Korea University, *Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co.) Ec-30 The Improvements in the Reliability of High k 11:20-11:35 Dielectrics by Atomic Scale Nitrogen Depth Profile Control during Atomic Layer Deposition Wan Joo MAENG, Hyungjun KIM (POSTECH) Ec-31 Microstructure and Piezoelectric Properties of 11:35-12:00 Lead-free (1-x)(Na0.5K0.5)NbO3-xCaTiO3 Ceramics Hwi-Yeol Park, Kyung-Hoon Cho, Sahn Nahm, Hyeung-Gyu Lee*, Hyung-Won Kang* (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University *Korea Electronics Technology Institute) 26 27 Room C Oral: 2007. 11. 10. (Sat) Cement (Cmt) 09:00-10:50 Session Chair : Jong Taek Song 9:00-9:10 Cmt-1 9:10-10:00 Opening Address Tae Woong Song (Kyungnam University) Environmental Technical Management of Cement Industry in Japan and the Quality Control for the Fluidity of Aluminate PhaseRich Cement (invited talk) Etsuo Sakai, Masaki Daimon (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Cmt-2 Utilization of Waste Materials as Resources 10:00-10:50 -An Approach of Yamaguchi Local Government in Japan (invited talk) Seishi Goto*,** (*Yamaguchi University, Japan, **KIGAM, Korea) 10:50-11:00 Coffee Break Cement (Cmt) 11:00-12:30 Session Chair : Seung Heun Lee Cmt-3 Properties of Concrete using Portland Blast11:00-11:50 Furnace Slag Cements with Different Slag Fineness and a Chemical Composition (invited talk) Nobukazu Nito, Kiyoshi Koibuchi, Takeshi Ohtomo*, Shingo Miyazawa** (DC Co., Ltd., Japan, *Taisei Corporation, Japan, **Ashikaga Institute of Technology, Japan) Cmt-4 Review of the Heavy Metals in Korea Ordinary 11:50-12:10 Portland Cement Seung Heun Lee (Kunsan National University) 12:10-12:30 Summarized Discussion 28 Room D Oral: 2007. 11. 10. (Sat) Semiconductor (Se) 09:00-10:15 Session Chair : Heon-Jin Choi Se-1 Nanocrystal Silicon Light Emitting Devices 09:00-09:25 (invited talk) Gun Yong Sung (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) Se-2 Cu-doped GaN As a New Class of Diluted 09:25-09:50 Magnetic Semiconductors (invited talk) Heon-Jin CHOI, Ungkil KIM, Han-Kyu SEONG, Tae-Eon PARK, Hannah JEONG, Ryong HA, Ju-Jin KIM*, Jae-Young KIM** (Yonsei University, *Chonbuk National University, **Pohang University of Science and Technology) Se-3 Characteristics of Phase Change Memory 09:50-10:15 Devices based on Ge-doped SbTe and Its Derivative (invited talk) Byung-ki Cheong (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) 10:15-10:40 Coffee Break Bio Ceramics (Bc) 10:40-11:55 Session Chair : Wooyoung Lee Bc-1 Mesoporous Platinum Thin Film for Sensory 10:40~11:05 Devices Taek Dong Chung (Seoul National University) Bc-2 Biomolecular Detection by Nanogap 11:05-11:30 Nanodevices (invited talk) Wan Soo Yun (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) Bc-3 Sol-Gel Ceramic Materials for Protein 11:30-11:55 Patterning, Enzyme-Encapsulated Sensors, and Array Chips (invited talk) Chan Beum Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) 29 2007. 11. 8 (Thu) 12:00-17:00 Poster I I-P-1 Synthesis of Silicon Carbide Nanopowders by DC Plasma System J. H. RHEE, I. K. YU*, S. CHO* (National Fusion Research Institute, *NFRI) I-P-2 Synthesis of Nanosized Cobalt Particles by using a Solution Combustion Synthesis in an Air Atmosphere Choong Hwan JUNG, Ji Yeon PARK (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) I-P-3 Deteriorative Property Evaluation Research of Slag Cement by Sulphuric Acid Dong Cheol PARK, Jung Woo LEE, Hae Young CHOI, Tae Su MIN, Tae Hyeob SONG* (INTChem Co.,Ltd., *Korea Institute of Construction Technology) I-P-4 Effect of Sub-micron Particles on the Sintering of Silver Paste Hyun Geun HAN, Dong Seok SEO, Jong Kook LEE (Chosun University) I-P-5 Effect of Bi2O3 on the densification of ZnO Young-Jae LEE (Seoul National University) I-P-6 Preparation of Copper Powder with High Purity and Dispersability from Acidic Copper Chloride Solutions Hang Chul JUNG, Man Sik KONG, Hyun Seon HONG, Jin ki CHO*, Joon Kyun LEE**, Gang Nam LEE***, Yoon Eui HAN**** (Institute for Advanced Engineering, *Korea Polytechnic University, **Korea Institute of Industrial Tech., ***Teawon Chemical INC., ****Daechang IND.) I-P-7 Sinterability and Conductivity of Nanoparticlesdispersed Silver Paste for Low Sintering Temperature Sung Hyun PARK, Dong Seok SEO, Jong Kook LEE (Chosun University) I-P-8 Surface Change of Calcium Carbonate Caused by the Reaction with Amino Acids Miyoung RYU, Kwangsuk YOU*, Jiwhan AHN*, Hwan KIM (Seoul National University, *Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Researches) I-P-9 Fabrication of Dense Nano-Si3N4 Ceramics by Spark Plasma Sintering Won-Sik KIM, Jae-Hee KIM, Sung-Woo CHOI, SeongHyeon HONG, Doh-yeon KIM (Seoul National University) I-P-10 Fabrication of Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposite Blade for Dicing Semiconductor Wafer Kyung Soon Jang, Kee Sung Lee (Kookmin University) I-P-11 Micro-patterning of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond 30 on I-P-Type (100) Si Substrate using ESA Seeding Seungkoo LEE, Jonghoon KIM, Ohmyoung KWON, Dae-soon LIM (Korea University) I-P-12 Development of Miniature Quad SAW Filter Bank Based on PCB Substrate Youngjin Lee, Jonghoo Paik (KICET) I-P-13 Synthesis Characterization of Co doped Y2O3 Particles by Glycothermal Process Jun-Seop KIM, Jeong-Hun SON, Dong-Sik BAE (Changwon National University) I-P-14 Luminescent Properties of Calcium Aluminate and Dicalcium Silicate using the Pechini Method Sung-Woo CHOI, Seong-Hyeon HONG (Seoul National University) I-P-15 Synthesis of Uniform SnO2 Nanoparticles by Solution Phase Method using Capping Reagent and Seeds Daihong KIM, Seong-Hyeon HONG (Seoul National University) I-P-16 Characteristic of Lithium Silicate Powder Fabricated by a Polymer Solution Route Sang-Jin LEE, Jong-Hoon LEE, Shin-Il KO, ChoongHwan JUNG* (Mokpo National University, *Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) I-P-17 In-situ Processing of Mullite Whisker/Alumina Particulate Composite from Kaolin Byung Moon KIM, Yong Ki CHO, Seog Young YOON, Hong Chae PARK (Pusan National University) I-P-18 Synthesis and Characterization of CoxZn1-xFe2O4 Nanoparticles by a Reverse Micelle Sun woog KIM, Hyeon Cheol KIM, Dong Sik BAE (Changwon National University) I-P-19 Characteristic of Calcium Phosphate Fabricated by using Oyster Shelll Sang-Jin LEE, Yong-Chun LEE, In-Ho KIM, HyungSoo KIM, Hoon-Chul LEE (Mokpo National University) I-P-20 Dense Ceramics of (K,Na)NbO3 Produced from Powders Prepared by Various Calcination Condition Jung-Yeul YUN*,**, Byung-Jae SHIN*, Min-Soo KIM***, Jae-Ho JEON*, Suk-Joong L. KANG** (*KIMS, **KAIST, ***KERI) I-P-21 Synthesis and Characterization of Titania Nanotube/Nanorod Seiki KIM, Changgon KWAK, Hyunjun PARK, Mijung JI, Youngjin LEE, Byunghyun CHOI (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology) 31 2007. 11. 8 (Thu) 12:00-17:00 Poster I I-P-23 I-P-24 Glycothermal Process for Barium Magnesium Tantalate Nanopowders Synthesis Amar BADRAKH, Hong-Chan CHO, Hyun-Sig KIL, Su-Hyun HWANG, Dae-Young LIM (Paichai University) Fabrication and Characteristics of AZO Thin Films by DC Moving Magnetron Sputtering Hyun CHOI, Minho KANG, Sunkwon LIM, Seungho YANG (HEESUNG Metal Ltd.) I-P-25 Evaluation for Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Si-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 Thin Film Kyung Ho KIM, Jun Hyun BAE, Jun Ho CHA, Hong Lim LEE (Yonsei University) I-P-26 Interface Toughness of Epoxy Film on Aluminum Suseong LEE, Soohyun LEE, Sunam KIM, Sangbong JO, Jondo YUN (Kyungnam University) I-P-27 A Study on Optical/Electrical Properties of Si doped Ge2Sb2Te5 Thin Films Sung-Jin PARK, In Soo KIM, Sang-Kyun KIM, SeYoung CHOI (Yonsei University) I-P-28 I-P-29 I-P-30 Electrical/Optical characteristics of Sb Based Phase Change Materials Sung-Jin PARK, In Soo KIM, Se-Young CHOI (Yonsei University) Interface of Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) Film with Silicon Soohyun LEE, Dong-soo PARK*, Nigel BROWNING**, Jondo YUN (Kyungnam University, *Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, **UC Davis, USA) RESET Simulation of PRAM with Crystallization Behavior During Quenching Process Jun-hyun BAE, Jun-Ho CHA, Kyung-Ho KIM, YoungKook LEE, Keun-Ho LEE*, Young-Tae KIM*, HongLim LEE (Yonsei University, *Samsung Electronics co., LTD.) I-P-31 Effect of SnO2 Addition on the Sintering Behavior of CaCu3Ti4O12 Ceramics Cheong-Han KIM, Yeong-Kyeun PAEK (Andong National University) I-P-32 Characterization of the Fracture Strength for Silicon Carbide Coating Layer in Nuclear Fuel Particles by Internal Pressurization Test Minu KIM, Hyeon Keun LEE, Do Kyung KIM (KAIST) I-P-33 Electrical Property of GeSb Alloy Film Jun Ho CHA, Jun Hyun BAE, Kyung Ho KIM, Hong Lim LEE 32 (Yonsei University) I-P-34 The Effect of Lubricant Addition on the Mechanical Properties and Cutting Performance of Micro Blades Song-Hee Kim (Kangwon National University) I-P-35 Characteristics of Tube-type Piezoelectric Motor Fabricated by Aerosol Deposition Woon Ha YOON (KIMM) I-P-36 Properties of the Colored Tantalum Nitride Powders Produced by Ammonolysis Jong-Chul PARK, Jae-Hwan PEE, Jae-Soo SHIN*, Hyeon BAE*, Ung-Soo KIM, Eui-Seock CHOI (KICET, *Shinceramic) I-P-37 Synthesis of Black Color Spinel Pigment without Cobalt Oxide Seong-Ho LEE, Man-Chul SUH*, Jun-Ho KIM*, Byung-Ha LEE (Myongji University, *Korea Polytechnic University) I-P-38 Comparison of Thermal Behaviour of Inorganic Polymer and OPC in High Temperature Dong-cheol Park, Wan-hee Yang, Hae young Choi, Sea-hyun Lee,* Tae-hyeob Song* (Intchem Co.,Ltd., *KICT) I-P-39 Ultrasonic Diagnosis for Microstructure of Onggi Yeong Tae LEE, Woo Suck SONG, Seung Hyun YOO, Seung Chul CHOI (Ajou university) I-P-40 Changing Morphology and Crystal Structure in Ettringite by Heavy Metal Ion Dong-Yun HAN, Kwang-Suk YOU, Ji-Whan AHN (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources) I-P-41 Thermal and Electrical Properties of (La 1-x Srx)(Cr0.85 Fe0.05 Co0.05 Ni0.05)O3-δ δPerovskites Ravindra K. GUPTA, Ik Jin CHOI, Chin Myung WHANG*, Yong Soo CHO (Yonsei University, *Inha University) I-P-42 Study of Improvement of Adhesive Strength on Surface Electrode and LTCC Substrate Yongseok CHOI, Euntae PARK, Beomjoon CHO, Hyungho KIM, Sunah YIM, Minji KO (Samsung electro-mechanics) I-P-43 Ni Coating Characteristics of High K Capacitor Ceramic Powders Jung Min PARK, Hee Young LEE, Jeong-Joo KIM* (Yeungnam University, *Kyungpook National University) I-P-44 Low Field Magnetoresistance of La-Sr-MnO3 Thin Films Young-Min KANG, Alexander ULYANOV, Sang-Im YOO 33 2007. 11. 8 (Thu) 12:00-17:00 Poster I KIM**, Hyung-Bock LEE (Myongji University, *Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology, **Kyonggi University) (Seoul National University) I-P-45 I-P-46 I-P-47 I-P-48 I-P-49 I-P-50 I-P-51 Effects of Crystal Structure on Microwave Dielectric Properties of MgTiO3, MgWO4, MgB2O6 (B=Nb, Ta) Ceramics Chang Jun JEON, Eung Soo KIM (Kyonggi University) The Effects of TiO2 Interlayer Phase Ttransition on Structural Properties of PLZT Thin Films Derived by R.F. Magnetron Sputtering Method Chul Su LEE, Ji Eon YOON, Dong Hyun HWANG, Won Hyo CHA, In Seok LEE, Young Gook SON (Pusan National University) Effects of High Energy Ball Milling on The Sintering and Piezoelectric Properties of LeadFree (K 0.44 Na 0.52 ) (Nb 0.86 Ta 0.10 ) O 3+0.04LiSbO 3 Piezoelectric Ceramics Young Hyeok KIM, Dae Young HEO, Weon Pil TAI, Jae Shin LEE* (Ulsan Fine Chemical Industry Center, *University of Ulsan) Characterization of Al2O3 Thick Film Embedded in the Flexible Substrate by Aerosol Deposition Method Hyun Min CHO*,**, Se Hoon PARK*, Kyu Bok LEE*, Hyeong Joon KIM** (*Korea Electornics Technology Institute, **Seoul National Univesity) A Comparison Study BST and PLZT Thin Films on ITO- coated Glass Won Hyo CHA, Ji-Eon YOON, Dong-Hyun HWANG, Chul-Su LEE, In-Seok LEE, Young-Guk SON (Pusan National University) Synthesis of Aqueous ZnO Nano-sol and Its Characteristics Hae Chon SONG*,**, Youngmin CHOI*, Sahn NAHM**, Beyong-Hwan RYU* (*Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, **Korea University) The Rheological Study for Tape Casting of Leadfree Transparent Dielectric Slurry for PDP Byung Yong WANG*,**, Dae Soon LIM**, Young-Jei OH* (*Korea Institute of Science and Technology, **Korea University) I-P-52 Photoluminescence Properties of CaYBO4:Eu3+ PDP Phosphor Codoped with Rare-earth (Gd) and Various Metal Ions (Al, Zn, La, and Mn) J. K. LEE, J. K. SUNG, J. H. LEE, Y. KWON, P.R. KIM*, J.-K. KIM*, Y. KIM*, K. PARK (Sejong University, *Dankook University) I-P-53 Characterization of MAl2O4:Eu2+ (M=Sr,Ba,Ca) Synthesised by Sol-gel Method Yong-hyun KIM, Kyu LIM, Sei-ki KIM*, Eung-Soo 34 I-P-54 Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Properties of (Bi1/2 Na1/2)1-x Cax TiO3 Lead-free Ceramics Yong-Hyun LEE, Jeong-Ho CHO*, Byung-Ik KIM*, Duck-Kyun CHOI (Hanyang University, *Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) I-P-55 Dielectric Characteristics of Different Filler Addition in Pb-free White Dielectric Layer Yong-Tae AN*,**, Byung-Hyun CHOI*, Mi-Jung JEE*, Hyung-Sun KIM** (*KICET, **Inha University) I-P-56 Investigation on Domain Switching Behavior of Ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Thin Film Capacitors Gun Hwan KIM, Hyun Ju LEE, Keun LEE, Cheol Seong HWANG (Seoul National University) I-P-57 Dielectric Characterization of HfO2-TiO2 Stack Films Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition Minha SEO, Seong Keun KIM, Cheol Seong HWANG (Seoul National University) I-P-58 Effect of Annealing on Domain Structure in Heteroepitaxial PbTiO3 Films Fabricated on NbSrTiO3 Substrate by Hydrothermal Epitaxy Tae-Seon HYUN, S.H. HAN, S. K. CHOI (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) I-P-59 Microstructure and Piezoelectric Properties of (1-x)(Na0.5K0.5) NbO3-x(Ba0.95Sr0.05)TiO3 Ceramics Mi Ro KIM*,**, Hyun Cheol SONG*, Ji Won CHOI*, Yong Soo CHO**, Hyun Jae KIM*, Seok Jin YOON* (*KIST, **Yonsei University) I-P-60 Properties of High Strength LTCC Substrate Material with Variation of Process Condition Sin-il GU*,**, Zee-hoon PARK*, Hyo-soon SHIN*, Dong-hun YEO*, Jong-hee KIM*, Eun-tea PARK***, Sahn NAHM** (*KICET, **Korea University, ***Samsung ElectroMechanics Corp.) I-P-61 Structure and Properties of IZO Transparent Conducting Thin Films Fabricated by PLD Method Pan-Young KIM, Jai-Yeoul LEE (Yeungnam University) I-P-62 Formaldehyde-sensing Characteristics of La1-x SrxMO3 (M = Fe, Co, Mn) Ceramics Han Ji KIM, Jeong Beom CHOI, Shin Do KIM, Kwang Soo YOO (University of Seoul) I-P-63 Properties of ZnO:Al Films in Accordance with Al Concentration Fabricated by E-beam Evaporation Dae-Hyun KIM, Eun-Kyung JEONG, In-Soo KIM, 35 2007. 11. 8 (Thu) 12:00-17:00 Poster I I-P-74 Atomic-layer-deposition of PbO, ZrO2 and TiO2 Thin Films for Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Thin Films Hyun Ju LEE, Gun Hwan KIM, Cheol Seong HWANG (Seoul National University) Dependence of Microwave Dielectric Properties on Structural Characteristics of (MgB1-xSbx)2O6 (B5+=Nb, Ta) Ceramics Sung Joo KIM, Soo Eung KIM (Kyonggi University) I-P-75 UV Curable High k Thick Films on Flexible Substrates Hong Rak CHOI, Viswanathan S. SAJI, Ravindra K. GUPTA, Yong Soo CHO (Yonsei University) The Effect of V 2O 5 over Doping on the Fine Structure of Piezoelectricity Ceramics in Pb[Mn1/3Sb2/3)0.05 Zr0.475Ti0.475]O3 Ceramics Jae yong LEE, Ki young SONG, min soo LEE (Hannam University) I-P-76 Origin of Different Ferroelectric Behaviors Between PbTiO3 and PbZr1-xTixO3 Capacitors on Nb-doped SrTiO3 Fabricated by Hydrothermal Epitaxy Below Curie Temperature Seungho HAN, Woosong AHN, Hongcheol LEE, Sikyung CHOI (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) A Study on the Crystallization of AmorphousSilicon by Seed Layer and its PolycrstallineSilicon Thin Film Transistors BongKwan SHIN, Namkyu SONG, YoungSu KIM, SangJoo LEE, MinKyu LEE, SeungJae YUUN, Jaehwan KWON, SungHun YU, SeWan SON (Seoul National University) I-P-77 Preparation and Properties of CuSb2O6-doped SnO2 Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition Chae Jong LEE, Seung Hyun BYUN, Young Woo HEO*, Joon-Hyung LEE*, Jeong-Joo KIM*, Hee Young LEE (Yeungnam University, *Kyungpook National University) I-P-78 Analysis of Resistive Switching Characteristics in TiO 2 Thin Film by Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy Yong Cheol SHIN, Kyung Min KIM, Byung Joon CHOI, Seol CHOI, Cheol Seong HWANG (Seoul National University) I-P-79 Sol-Gel Fabrication of Amorphous Zinc Tin Oxide Semiconductor Channel Layer for Fabrication of Transparent TFT Seok-Jun SEO, Chaun Gi CHOI, Seung-Yeon KWAK, Young-Hwan HWANG, Dan ZHAO, Byeong-Soo BAE (KAIST) I-P-80 Atomic Layer Deposition of Ru Thin Films for Electrode of Ru-Insulator-Ru Capacitors Sang Young LEE, Seong Keun KIM, Gyu Jin CHOI, Woo Young PARK, Kyung Min KIM, Minha SEO, Cheol Seong HWANG (Seoul National University) I-P-81 High Quality CaCu3Ti4O12 Thin Films Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition Sung Yun LEE, Sang Im YOO (Seoul National University) I-P-82 Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Donordoped BaTiO3 Ceramics Prepared with PVA/PVB Binder Content Jeong-Cheol LEE*,**, Seong-Jae MYONG*, MyoungPyo CHUN*, Jeong-Ho CHO*, Byoung-Ik KIM*, Dong-Wook SHIN** Se-Young CHOI (Yonsei University) I-P-64 I-P-65 I-P-66 I-P-67 Solution-Processed Indium Zinc Oxide Transparent Thin Film Transistors Chaun Gi CHOI, Seok-Jun SEO, Young-Hwan HWANG, Dan ZHAO, Byeong-Soo BAE (KAIST) I-P-68 Photocurrent Characteristics of MAl2O 4:Eu 2+ (M=Ba, Ca, Sr) Gwang sug SHIN, Eung Soo KIM, Hyung Bok LEE*, Sei Ki KIM** (Kyonggi University, *Myongji University, **KICET) I-P-69 CO Gas-sensing Properties of Thin films Prepared by Low Pressure Evaporation Method In geol JI, Jae-hee OH, Taegyung KO (Inha University) I-P-71 I-P-72 I-P-73 36 The Fabrication and Electrical Properties of Metalinsulator-semiconductor Device using Atomic Layer Deposited HfO2 and ZnO Thin Films Kwang Duk NA, Tae Joo PARK, Jaewon SONG, Jeong Hwan KIM, Cheng Jin AN, Cheol Seong HWANG, Sung Min YOON*, Sang-Hee Ko PARK*, Chi-Sun HWANG* (Seoul National University, *ETRI) Electrochemical Properties of Carbon Cryogel for Supercapacitor Min-Seob SONG*,**, Sahn NAHM**, Young-Jei OH* (*Korea Institute of Science and Technology, **Korea University) Study on The Electrical Properties of Directpatternable BLT Films Formed by Photochemical Metal-organic Deposition Hyuncheol KIM, Hyeong-Ho PARK, Hyung-Ho PARK, Tae Song KIM* (Yonsei University, *Korea Institute of Science and Technology) 37 2007. 11. 8 (Thu) 12:00-17:00 Poster I Properties of (K,Na)NbO3 Piezoelectric Ceramics with Green Density Jong-Ho NOH*,**, Byung-Ik KIM*, Jeong-Ho CHO*, Myung-Pyo CHUN*, Yong-Hyun LEE*,**, DongWook SHIN**, Duck-Kyun CHOI**, Byung-Ryul CHOI* (*KICET, **Hanyang University) (*KICET, **Hanyang University) I-P-83 Effects of Various Post Annealing Temperature of TiO2 Buffer layer on Ferroelectric Properies of (Pb1.1La0.08)(Zr0.65Ti0.35)O3 (PLZT) Thin Films Ji-Eon YOON, Chul-su LEE, Won-Hyo CHA, InSeok LEE, Dong-hyun HWANG, Young-Guk SON (Pusan National University) I-P-84 Resistive Switching Behaviors of Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 Thin Films Sung-Mok JUNG*,**, Young-Hwan KIM**, Sang-Im YOO* (*Seoul National University, **Korea Institute of Science and Technology) I-P-85 Fabrication of ZrO2 Nano Tube by Atomic Layer Deposition Nak-Jin SEONG, Woong-Chul SHIN*, Soon-Gil YOON, Sang-Ouk RYU** (Chungnam National University, *NCD Technology, **Dankook University) I-P-86 Electrical Properties of Lead Free Ferroelectric NBT Thin Film due to Excess Sodium Addition Byung Soo LEE, Yong Hee KANG, Young Ho KIM, Sang Keun GIL, Dong Heon KANG (The University of Suwon) I-P-87 Process Conditions Affecting Dielectric Properties of High Quality Factor, Low Permittivity LTCC Substrate Material Zeehoon PARK, Hyosoon SHIN, Donghun YEO, Jonghee KIM, Byungok PARK* (KICET, *Kyungpook National University) I-P-88 I-P-89 I-P-93 Control of Charge Transports in Nonvolatile Resistive Memory Devices through Embedded Nanoscale Layers using Atomic Layer Deposition of NiO and Al2O3 Yun Deok OK, Sung Yong LEE, Jun Young LEE, Byung Soo SO, Jin Ha HWANG (Hongik University) I-P-94 Photoluminescence Characteristics of (Y,Gd)BO3: Eu3+ Phosphor Codoped with Al, Zn, Mn Ions J. H. LEE, J. K. LEE, J. K. SUNG, Y. KWON, Y. S. SHIN*, J. Y. KIM**, K. PARK (Sejong University, *Ceronics, **Hoseo University) I-P-95 A Study on the Electrical Properties on the LowTemperature Poly-Si Thin-Film Transistor with a Multilayer Gate Dielectric Young-Su KIM, Nam-Kyu SONG, Bong-Kwan SHIN, Seung-Jae YOON, Min-Kyu LEE, Jae-Whan KWON, Sung-Hun YU, Se-Wan SON, Seung-Ki JOO (Seoul National University) I-P-96 Effect of Sintering Atmosphere on the Microstructure Evolution of MLCC Sang-Hoon LEE, Sung Bo LEE, Doh-Yeon KIM (Seoul National University) Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials as Solution Processible Gate Dielectrics for Organic Thin Film Transistors Chaun Gi CHOI, Seok-Jun SEO, Young-Hwan HWANG, Dan ZHAO, Byeong-Soo BAE (KAIST) I-P-97 Li2O excess (Na0.4875K0.4625Li0.05)(Nb0.95Ta0.05)O3 Leadfree Piezoelectric Ceramics So-Hyun Jeon, Min-Soo Kim, Jeong Joo Park*, SoonJong Jeong, In-Sung Kim*, Bok-Ki Min*, Jae-Sung Song (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, *Kyungsang National University) Pulsed Laser Deposition of CuInO2 Thin Films for Transparent Conducting Oxide Jong-Chul LEE, Se-Young UM, Young-Woo HEO, Joon-Hyung LEE, Jeong-Joo KIM (Kyungpook National University) I-P-98 Two Dimensional Patterning of Ferroelectric PbTiO3 Cell by Templated-self-assembly Ryoung Hee KIM, Si Kyung CHOI (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) I-P-90 Structure and Surface Morphology of LaVOx Thin Films Hyunkyu AHN, Jihyun PARK, Jaichan LEE (Sungkyunkwan University) I-P-99 Side Void Free Via Paste for Non-shrinkage LTCC Substrates Hyoung Ho KIM, Eun Tae PARK (Samsung Electro-Mechanics) I-P-91 The Growth of SnO 2 Nanowires by Thermal Evaporation and H2, CO Gas Sensing Property with Temperature Jeong Hoon JEUN, Won Sik KIM, Seong Hyeon HONG (Seoul National University) I-P-100 The Fabrication of Dielectric and Magnetic Ceramic Composite Material for EMI-Filter Un-Yong KIM*,**, Myoung-Pyo JEON*, Jung-Ho CHO*, Byoung-Ik KIM*, Dong-Wook SIN** (*Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, **Hanyang University) I-P-92 A Study on the Sintered Density and Piezoelectric I-P-101 Characterization of (Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7)0.7(MgO)0.3 38 39 Poster I I-P-102 I-P-103 I-P-104 I-P-105 I-P-106 I-P-107 I-P-108 I-P-109 40 2007. 11. 8 (Thu) 12:00-17:00 Gate Insulators for Low Voltage Operating Thin Film Transistors Fabricated at Room Temperature Nam Gyu CHO, Dong Hun KIM, Hun PARK, Ho Gi KIM, Il-Doo KIM* (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, *Korea Institute of Science and Technology) I-P-110 Highly Sensitive Chemical Nanosensors Based on Aligned and Random ZnO Nanowires Jae Young PARK, Sang Sub KIM (Inha University) Physical and Electrical Features of the Grain Boundary in Nano-grained BaTiO3 Ceramics Prepared by Two-step Sintering Sunmin MOON, Namhee CHO (Inha University) I-P-111 Electrical Properties of Ga and Li Co-doped ZnO Ceramic Dae-Yoon KIM, Joon-Hyung LEE, Young-Woo HEO, Jeong-Joo KIM (Kyungpook National University) I-P-112 Effect of SnO 2 on the Microwave Dielectric Properties of Rutile (Zn 1/3Ta2/3)0.5(Ti1-xSnx)0.5O2 ≤ x≤ ≤ 0.30) Ceramics (0.0≤ Seock No SEO, Eung Soo KIM (Kyonggi University) I-P-113 Phase Formation and Dielectric Properties of (Pb,La)[Mg,Nb]O3 with Bi Substitution Wan-Woo JUNG, Nam-Kyoung KIM (Kyungpook National University) I-P-114 Electrical Properties of Aerosol-Deposited PZT Thick Films on Ti Substrate Ki-Hun KIM, Byung-Dong HAHN*, Dong-Soo PARK*, Jong-Jin CHOI*, Jungho RYU*, Woon-Ha YOON*, Chan PARK (Pukyong National University, *Korea Institute of Materials Science) I-P-116 Effect of Cooling Rate and After Heat Treatment on the Thermal Conductivity of AlN Ceramics Hyeon-Keun LEE, Do Kyung KIM (KAIST) I-P-117 The Effects of M trO (M tr=Mn,Co,Ni,Cr) on the Sintering and Electrical Properties of Sb2O3-doped ZnO Youn-Woo HONG, Hyo-Soon SHIN, Dong-Hun YEO, Jong-Hee KIM, Jin-Ho KIM* (KICET, *Kyungpook National University) I-P-118 Performance Optimization of BaTiO3-Based Thick Film Capacitors Embedded in Printed Circuit Boards Byeong Kon KIM, Viswanathan S. SAJI, Ravindra K. GUPTA, Jun Chul KIM*, Nam Kee KANG*, Jun Kwang SONG**, Yong Soo CHO (Yonsei University, *Korea Electronics Technology Institute, **Korea Testing Laboratory) I-P-119 Application of Colossal Magnetoresistance Mn Oxide Deposited by RF Sputtering for Microbolmeter Tae-Jung HA, Sun Gyu CHOI, A. Sivasankar REDDY, Byoung-Gon YU*, Hyung-Ho PARK (Yonsei University, *Electronics and Application of Micro-patterned Al2O3 Films Grown by Aerosol Deposition Method to Integrated System Modules Jae Chang PARK*,**, Hyung-Jun KIM***, Young Joon YOON*, Jong-Hee KIM*, Song-Min NAM***, Kwang Bo SHIM** (*KICET, **Hanyang University, ***Kwangwoon University) Characteristic of Field Effect Transistors using ZnO Nanowires Kyoung-won KIM*, Gun-eik JANG*, Dong-won PARK*,**, Jeong-O LEE**, Beom-soo KIM* (*Chungbuk National University, **Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology) Compositional Dependence of Physical and Dielectric Properties in an AluminoborosilicateBased LTCC System Dong Wook SHIN, Viswanathan S. SAJI, Ravindra K. GUPTA, Yong Soo CHO, Jun Chul KIM*, Nam Kee KANG* (Yonsei University, *Korea Electronics Technology Institute) Comparison of Ferroelectric and Fatigue Behavior of Pr-doped Bismuth Titanate (BPT) Thin Films Prepared by MOCVD and Sol-Gel Process Dong-Kyun KANG, Byong-Ho KIM (Korea University) Fabrication and Characterization of Directpatternable ZnO Film Containing Pt Nanoparticles Synthesized by Photochemical Metal-organic Deposition Hyuncheol KIM, Yong-June CHOI, A. Sivasankar REDDY, Hyung-Ho PARK (Yonsei University) Effect of the PVB Binder & BBP Plasticizer on the Physical Properties of the Green Sheet for LTCC Application Hyeokjung KWON*,**, Hyosoon SHIN*, Donghun YEO*, Jonghee KIM*, Yongsu CHO** (*KICET, **Yonsei University) Piezoelectric Properties of (Na 0.5K 0.5 )NbO 3 Ceramics doped with Mono-valent Oxides Young Seok LEE, Byung Soo LEE, Yong Soo CHO*, Deuk Ho YEON*, Dong Heon KANG (The University of Suwon, *Yonsei University) 41 Poster I 2007. 11. 8 (Thu) 12:00-17:00 Telecommunications Research Institute) I-P-120 I-P-121 I-P-122 Tunable Property of Post-RTA BST Thin Films on Silicon Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition(PLD) Chil-Hyoung LEE*,**, Kwang-Hwan CHO*, ChongYun KANG*, Doo-Jin CHOI**, Young-Jei OH* (*Korea Institute of Science and Technology, **Yonsei University) Frequency Dependence of Dielectric Properties in Alumina Thick Films Grown by Aerosol Deposition Method Jae Chang PARK*,**, Hyung-Jun KIM***, Young Joon YOON*, Jong-Hee KIM*, Song-Min NAM***, Kwang Bo SHIM** (*KICET, **Hanyang University, ***Kwangwoon University) Low Temperature Sintering and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Bi2O3-Added Zn1.8SiO3.8 Ceramics Myung-Eun SONG, Ngoc-Huan NGUYEN, Jin-Seong KIM, Sahn NAHM, Jong-Hoo PAIK*, Jong-Hee KIM*, Hwack-Joo LEE** (Korea University, *Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, **Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) I-P-123 Microstructure and Electrical Properties of NiOdoped ZnO-Bi2O3-Sb2O3 Youn-Woo HONG, Hyo-Soon SHIN, Dong-Hun YEO, Jong-Hee KIM, Jin-Ho KIM* (KICET, *Kyungpook National University) I-P-124 Room Temperature Deposition of Ferroelectric Thin Films for the Application of Embedded Capacitors Young Joon YOON, Jae Chang PARK, Jong-Hee KIM, Song-Min NAM* (KICET, *Kwangwoon University) I-P-125 Effect of Eu-doping on the Electrical and Optical Characteristics in ZnO:Al Thin Film Sangho PARK, Shinhoo KANG (Seoul National University) I-P-126 Combined Atomic-layer- and Chemical-vapordeposition, Selective Growth of Ge2Sb2Te5 Films on TiN/W Contact Plug Byung Joon CHOI, Seol CHOI, Yong Cheol SHIN, Kyung Min KIM, Cheol Seong HWANG, Yoon Jung KIM*, Suk Kyung HONG* (Seoul National University, *Hynix Semiconductor Inc.) I-P-127 42 Investigation of Conducting Oxide and Metal Electrode Work Functions on Lanthanum Silicate High-K Dielectric Hee Young LEE, Daniel J. LICHTENWALNER*, Jesse S. JUR*, Angus I. KINGON* (Yeungnam University, *North Carolina State University, USA) I-P-128 Gd2O 3/Y 2O3-doped (La 2(CeㆍZr)2O7) Pyrochlore System as Materials with Stable Thermal Expansion Coefficient for Thermal Barrier Coating Application So-Young YOON*,**, Sung-Min LEE*, Kwang-Bo SHIM**, Hyung-Tae KIM* (*KICET, **Hanyang University) I-P-129 Fabrication and Phase Evolution Behavior of CA6/ZrO2 Composite using CaZrO3 and Al2O3 Sang-Hyun LEE, Sung-Jin KIM, Shin KIM, DongHyun KIM, Gun-Jun PARK, Sang-Yeup PARK (Kangnung National University) I-P-130 Conduction Mechanism of 1 wt% Y2O3-doped AlN Ceramics Sung-Min LEE, Won-Jin LEE*, Hyung-Tae KIM (KICET, *Komico.LTD) I-P-131 Effect of the Chlorination Reaction Time on the Formation and Tribology of Modified Carbon Layer Min-Gun JUNG, Hyun-Ju CHOI, Dae-Soon LIM (Korea University) I-P-132 Strength Degrations from Hertzian Contact Damages in Nitried Pressureless Silicon Nitride Ceramics (NPS) Kil Ho GUAHK, Kee Sung LEE, In Sub HAN* (Kookmin University, *Korea Institute of Energy Research) I-P-133 Effect of Plate Al 2 O 3 on the Synthesis of Fluorophlogopite Sung Jin PARK, Sung Jin KIM, Sang Woo HONG, Jun Ho SONG, Hee Gon BANG, Sang Yeup PARK (Kangnung National University) I-P-134 Thermal Conductivity of AlN Ceramics Fabricated by Hot-press Sintering Yun Mi CHOI*, Jae Hong CHAE*, Joo Seok PARK*, Kyoung Hun KIM*, Jong Pil AHN*,**, Dae Geun KIM*,*** (*KICET, **Inha University, ***Hanyang University) I-P-135 Effect of Additive Composition on Sinterability of SiC Powders Myong-Hoon ROH, Won-Joong KIM, Young-Wook KIM (The University of Seoul) I-P-136 Freeze Cast Symmetric Three-Layer Mullite-Matrix Composites with Improved Damage Resistance Yong Ki CHO, Jae Myung LEE, Seog Young YOON, Hong Chae PARK (Pusan National University) I-P-137 Pressureless Sintering of AlN Ceramics with Y2O3 Sintering Additive 43 2007. 11. 9 (Fri) 12:00-16:20 Poster I Yun Mi CHOI*, Jae Hong CHAE*, Joo Seok PARK*, Kyoung Hun KIM*, Jong Pil AHN*,**, Dae Geun KIM*,*** (*KICET, **Inha University, ***Hanyang University) I-P-138 I-P-139 I-P-140 I-P-141 I-P-142 I-P-143 I-P-144 I-P-145 44 Physical Properties of Alumina Bushing Manufactured by Gel-casting Dae Geun LEE, Kwang Taek HWANG (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) Synthesis and Optical Properties of Mullite Nanowires Ungkil KIM, Hankyu SEONG, Myeongha KIM, Heonjin CHOI (Yonsei University) Garnet-based Ceramics as New Materials for Thermal Barrier Coatings So-Young YOON*,**, Sung-Min LEE*, Kwang-Bo SHIM**, Hyung-Tae KIM* (*KICET, **Hanyang University) Sintering Behavior and Mechanical Property of B 4C Ceramics Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering Kyoung Hun KIM*, Jae Hong CHAE*, Joo Seok PARK*, Dae Keun KIM*,**, Kwang Bo SHIM** (*KICET, **Hanyang University) Preparation of Oxide Films on the AZ31 Magnesium Alloy using Micro-arc Oxidation and Evaluation of the Corrosion Resistivity of Alloys Hyun Sam RYU, Seong-Hyeon HONG (Seoul National University) Mechanical Property and Microstructure of Silicon Nitride Fabricated by a Spark Plasma Sintering Dae Gean KIM*,**, Jae Hong CHAE*, Joo Seok PARK*, Kyoung Hun KIM*, Jong Pil AHN*, Yun Mi CHOI*, Kwang Bo SHIM** (*KICET, **Hanyang University) Densification and Mechanical Property of HotPressed SiC with Boron and Carbon as a Sintering Additive Jong-Pil AHN*,**, Jae-Hong CHAE*, Joo-Seak PARK*, Kyoung-Hun KIM*, Dae-Gean KIM*, YunMi CHOI*, Hoyung-Sun KIM** (*KICET, **Inha University) Properties of White Polymer Light Emitting Diodes Using Host-Dopants Sang Baie SHIN, Su Cheol GONG, Hak Min LEE, Ik Sup SHIN, Young Chul CHANG*, Ho Jung CHANG (Dankook University, *The Korea University of Technology and Education) II-P-1 Synthesis of Carbon Aerogel by Super Critical Drying JANG A-Rum, KIM Chang-Yeoul*, SEO Dong-Hak** (Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, *Korea Institute of Ceramic Engieering & Technology, **Department of Chemical Engineering ,Hanyang University) II-P-2 Electrochemical Analysis of WO 3 Thin Film Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis Method Chang-Yeoul KIM, Min LEE, Tae-Young LIM (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) II-P-3 Low Resistivity Fluorine Doped Tin Oxide Coating by Spray Pyrolysis Method Chang-Yeoul KIM, Doh-Hyung RIU, Seung-Heon HUH (Korea Institiute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) II-P-4 Hybrid Silica Aerogel Composite Synthesis from MTEOS and TEOS KIM Chang-Yeoul, JANG A-Rum*, and SEO DongHak** (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engieering & Technology, *Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University, **Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University) II-P-5 Fabrication of Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ δ/Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-δ δ Composite Oxygen Permeation Membrane Young Chul CHA, Hae Jin HWANG, Ji Woong MOON* (Inha University, *Korea Institutes of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) II-P-6 LiFePO4/C Synthesis Process Improved by High Energy Milling Sung Ik HWANG*,**, Kwang Soo YOO**, ChangSam KIM* (*KIST, **University of Seoul) II-P-7 Synthesis and Characterization of AuPt CoreShell Structure Nanoparticles for PEMFC Catalysts Nam Hee PARK, Young Min LEEM, Lae Sung LEE, Jung Mo YOON, Hong Ki LEE*, Yeon Tae YU (Chonbuk National University, *Woo Suk University) II-P-8 Microstructural Evolution of Annular Fuel Pellet during Simulated Gas Swelling Young Woo RHEE, Dong Joo KIM, Jong Hun KIM, Jae Ho YANG, Keon Sik KIM, Ki Won KANG, Kun Woo SONG (KAERI) II-P-9 Protective Coating of Spinel Phase on a Ferritic Stainless Steel for IT-SOFC Interconnector Jong Seol YOON, Hae Jin HWANG, Ji-Woong MOON* (Inha University, **Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) II-P-10 Non-galvanic Hydrogen Production by Water Splitting using Cermet Membranes Cheol-Jae PARK, Moong-Bong CHOI, Won-Suk LIM, 45 2007. 11. 9 (Fri) 12:00-16:20 Poster II Sun-Ju SONG (Chonnam National University) II-P-11 Thermal Performance Evaluation of Transparent Insulation Wall System with Transparent Insulation Panel Joon soo KIM, Yong jin YOON (Korea Institute of Energy and Research) II-P-12 Preparation of Smart Glazing Aerogel with DCCA Seon-woo PARK*,**, Sahn NAHM**, Young-Jei OH* (*Korea Institute of Science and Technology, **Korea University) II-P-13 Synthesis of Au/TiO2 Flowerlike Core-shell Nano Particles and Morphological Study by using FESEM Suraj Kumar TRIPATHY, Young Min LEEM, Nam Hee PARK, Yeon Tae YU (Chonbuk National University) II-P-14 Relationship Between Dimensional Change Rate and Density Change of Annular Pellet Dong-Joo KIM (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) II-P-15 Fabrication and Characterization of the TiO 2 Nanorods for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Electrodes Eun Yi KIM, Mi Young YOON, Chin Myung WHANG (Inha University) II-P-16 Characterization of Eco-Friendly Wallpaper with Additional Amount of Nonmetallic Minerals Sang-Won MYOUNG, Yeon-Gil JUNG, Yoon-suk NAM*, Woon-Sub KYOUNG*, Ho-Min KIM* (Changwon National University, *Eden Bio Wallpaper Co., Ltd.) II-P-17 Thermochemical Processing for Hydrogen Production using Cerium Oxides Hae Sung LEE, Yun Deok LEE, Seung Muk BAE, Jin Ha HWANG (Hongik University) II-P-18 Thermal Performance Evaluation of Transparent Insulation Wall with Ventilation System Joon soo KIM, Yong jin YOON (Korea Insitute of Energy and Research) II-P-19 Potassium Dititanate Catalyst for Diesel Soot Oxidation So Ye PARK (POSTECH) II-P-20 II-P-21 46 Electrochemical Characteristics of Co3(PO4)2Coated [Co0.1Ni0.15Li0.2Mn0.55]O2 Cathode Materials for Lithium Rechargeable Batteries Sang Hyo LEE*,**, Kwang Man KIM*, Bon Keup KOO** (*ETRI, **Hanbat National University) Characteristics of Si1-xGex:H Thin Films Prepared by Sputtering System for Tandem Structured Solar Cells Hyo-Jin KIM, Do-Yun KIM, Sang-Kyun KIM, SeYoung CHOI (Yonsei University) II-P-22 Intermediate Kernel Characteristics Prepared with Sol-Gel Technology Kyung Chai JEONG, Yeon Ku KIM, Seung Chul OH, Moon Seoung CHO (KAERI) II-P-23 Dehumidification of Ion-exchange Resins and Their Sheet used in Passsive Desiccant Wheel Jeong-gu YEO*, Jeongmin HONG*,**, Churl-hee CHO*, Sung-june CHO***, Young-soo AHN* (*Korea Institute of Energy Research, **Hanyang University, ***Chonnam National University) II-P-24 Improved Electrochemical Properties of Li(Ni0.7Co0.3)O3 for Li-Batteries with Controlled Firing Conditions Geun LEE Dae*,**, Ravindra K GUPTA**, Yong Soo CHO**, Kwang Taek HWANG* (*Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, **Yonsei University) II-P-25 Surface Modification of Bipolar Plates for PEMFC Application Gwang Yon JEON*, Un Ki HWANG**, Young Hoon YUN*, Jin-Ho JUNG***, Yon Ho SONG**** (*Dongshin University, **Hanyang University, ***Chonnam National University, ****Chosun University) II-P-26 Feasibility Studies on Nanoporous Silicon Nitride Membrane Derived from Preceramic Polymer Young-Mi KIM, In-Hyuck SONG, Young-Jo PARK, Hai-Doo KIM (Korea Institute of Materials Science) II-P-27 Fabrication and Electrochemical Study of SOFC Unit Cell Prepared by Tape-casting and Co-firing Ho-Sung KIM, Sun-Il PARK, Yu Cheol SHIN, JongHo LEE, Sang-Hoon HYUN*, Yun-Sung LEE**, Moo Sung LEE**, SeongJae BOO (Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, *Yonsei University, **Chonnam University) II-P-28 Activation Energy and Master Sintering Curve of a UO2 Sintering Process Jae Ho YANG, Dong-Joo KIM, Keon Sik KIM, Kun Woo SONG (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) II-P-29 Effects of (Y, Ca)-codoping on the Electrical Conductivity of Zirconia Ceramics Dong-Kyu SHIN, Cheol Jae PARK, Byung Yun CHOI, Jung Kwang JEON, Sung Hwan JIN, Kwon Hee JUNG, Pyung An AN, Sun-Ju SONG, Jong-Sook LEE (Chonnam National University) II-P-30 Electrochemical Investigation on Aggregation Behavior of Pt Nanopartilces during Heattreatment of Pt/C Catalyst for Fuel Cell Young Min LEEM, Nam Hee PARK, Rae Sung LEE, Jung Mo YOON, Hong Ki LEE*, Yeon Tae YU (Chonbuk National University, *Woo-Suk University) II-P-31 Promoter Effect on Ni/YSZ Anode Catalyst of SOFC for Direct Internal Reforming 47 2007. 11. 9 (Fri) 12:00-16:20 Poster II Jieun CHOI, Jongsik CHUNG (POSTECH) II-P-32 II-P-33 Thermal Behaviors of Frits in Ag Pastes for Silicon Solar Cells Dong Sun KIM, Seong Jin HWANG, Sang Wook LEE, Hyungsun KIM (Inha University) II-P-43 Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Titanium Alloy by Aerosol Deposition Sang Woo KIM, Dong Seok SEO, Jong Kook LEE (Chosun University) II-P-44 Enhancement of Densification and Dissolution Resistance of Pig Bone Derived Hydroxyapatite by Hot-pressing Young Gook KIM, Dong Seok SEO, Jong Kook LEE (Chosun University) II-P-45 Preparation of Strontium Ion-containing Hydroxyapatite Particle for Bone Replacement Jung-Sin CHOI, Zin-Kook KIM, Hyung-Bin JI, HongChae PARK, Seog-Young YOON (Pusan National University) II-P-46 Control of Pore Size and Distribution in Water Permeable Concrete Zheng Xun YANG, Na Ra HA, Kyu Hong HWANG, Jong Kook LEE* (Gyeongsang National University, *Chosun University) Hydroxyapatite Surface Layer Coating on Titanium Substrate Processed by Biomimetic Method Chang-Hun LEE, Hyeong-Ho JIN, Hong-Chae PARK, Seog-Young YOON (Pusan National University) II-P-47 Continuum Mechanical Approach on Co-firing behavior of a Gd-doped Ceria and a NiO-YSZ Anode Body Jaemyung CHANG, Suk-Joong L. KANG (KAIST) Hydroxyapatite Formation with Different Ca Salts by Precipitation Process Sang-Yong JI, Tea Wan KIM, Hong-Chae PARK, Seog-Young YOON (Pusan National University) II-P-48 Grain-Boundary Engineering in Fluorite-Structure Oxide Electrolytes Jong-Heun LEE (Korea University) Camphene-based Freeze Casting for Advanced Porous Ceramics with Controlled Pore Structure Byung-Ho YOON, Hyoun-Ee KIM, Young-Hag KOH* (Seoul National University, *Korea University) II-P-49 Deposition of Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Al2O3, Ti, and Ti6Al4V by a Chemical Bath Method Lak-Hyoung LEE, Jung-Soo HA (Andong National University) II-P-50 Biomimetic Nanocoating Technology of Metallic Titanium Particles Young Uk SIM, Hyeong Ho JIN, Seog Young YOON, Hong Chae PARK (Pusan National University) II-P-51 Two-Step Sintering of Hydrothermally Prepared HAp Nano Powders In-Young RYU, Dae-Joon KIM, Myung-Hyun LEE* (Sejong University, *Korea Institute of Ceramics) II-P-52 Fabrication and Characterization of Porous Hydroxyapatite/t-ZrO2 by Microware Sintering Do Van TUYEN, Ho-Yeon SONG, Joo-Yang MANG, Byong-Taek LEE (Soonchunhyang University) II-P-53 Formation of TiO 2 Coating Layers on the Biomedical Ti Alloys Na Ra HA, Zheng xun YANG, Kyu Hong HWANG, Jong Kook LEE* (Gyeongsang National University, *Chosun University) Influences of Processing Conditions on Crystallization Properties of LiMn2O4 Thin Films Dong Wook SHIN*,**, Ji-Won CHOI*, Yong Soo CHO**, Seok-Jin YOON* (*Korea Institute of Science and Technology, **Yonsei University) II-P-34 Synthesis of High Strength Nanoporous Silica Aerogel by an Ambient Pressure Drying Chul Eui Kim, Hae Jin Hwang, Young Chul Cha (Inha University) II-P-35 Influence of SOx on the Cathode Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Seon Hye KIM, Toshihiro OSHIMA, Yusuke SHIRATORI, Kohei ITO, Kazunari SASAKI (Kyushu University, Japan) II-P-36 II-P-37 II-P-38 II-P-39 II-P-40 II-P-41 II-P-42 48 Aerosol Deposition Jong-Jin CHOI, Dong-Soo PARK, Jungho RYU, Byung-Don HAHN, Woon-Ha YOON (Korea Institute of Materials Science) The Enhancement of Grain-Boundary Conduction in Gadolinia doped Ceria by the Addition of CaO Pyeong-Seok CHO, Sung Bo LEE*, Yoon Ho CHO, Doh-Yeon KIM*, Hyun-Min PARK**, Jong-Heun LEE (Korea University, *Seoul National University, **Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) Study on Electrochemical Properties and Optimization for Pr0.3Sr 0.7Co 0.3Fe 0.7O 3-δ δ as the Cathode Materials for IT-SOFC Kwangjin PARK, Changbo LEE, Junghyun KIM, Joongmyeon BAE (KAIST) Feasibility Studies on the Fabrication of FineChannel RBSN Coating on Coarse-Channel SRBSN Young-Jo PARK, In-Hyuck SONG, Hai-Doo KIM (Korea Institute of Materials Science) Oxidation Behavior of Ferritic Steel Alloy Coated with Highly Dense Conductive Ceramics by 49 2007. 11. 9 (Fri) 12:00-16:20 Poster II II-P-54 Dense Nano-structured Hydroxyapatite Coating by Room Temperature Powder Spray in Vacuum Dong-Soo PARK, Byung-Dong HAHN, Hyoun-Ee KIM*, Jong-Jin CHOI, Jungho RYU, Woon-Ha YOON (Korea Institute of Materials Science, *Seoul National University) II-P-55 Immunoaffinity Biochips for Medical Diagnosis Jae-Chul PYUN (Yonsei University) II-P-56 Surface Modification of Hydroxyapatite for Implantable Materials Sukyoung KIM, Myun-Whan AHN, Inn-Kyu KANG*, Sung-Su CHUN (Yeungnam University, *Kyungpook National University) II-P-57 II-P-58 II-P-59 β-TCP Films Biocompatibility of Biphasic HA/β Fabricated by Aerosol Deposition Byung-Dong HAHN, Dong-Soo PARK, Hyoun-Ee KIM*, Jong-Jin CHOI, Jungho RYU, Woon-Ha YOON (Korea Institute of Materials Science, *Seoul National University) Granular Effects of β-Tricalcium Phosphate on the Shelf-Life of Brushite Bone Cement from the View Point of Hardening Behavior Sun-Ae LEE, Young-Woo KIM, Tai-Joo CHUNG, Kee-Ahn LEE, Kyung-Sik OH (Andong National University) Preparation of Calcium Phosphate Bone Cement Containing Demineralized Bone Matrix Young-Woo KIM, Sun-Ae LEE, Tai-Joo CHUNG, Ju-Woong JANG*, Kyung-Sik OH (Andong National University, *Korea Bone Bank) II-P-60 Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO Nanowires by Thermal CVD Method Kyoung-won KIM, Gun-Eik JANG (Chungbuk National University) II-P-61 Optical, Electrical and Structural Properties of Boron Doped nc-Si:H Thin Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering Do Yun KIM, Hyo Jin KIM, In Soo KIM, Se Young CHOI (Yonsei University) II-P-62 Effect of O2/Ar Gas Flow Ratio on the Structural and Optical Properties of Mg0.05Zn0.95O Epitaxial Thin Films Grown on Al2O3 by RF Magnetron Sputtering Sung Dae KIM, Seung Wook SHIN, Jong-Ha MOON, Jin Hyeok KIM (Chonnam National University) II-P-63 Growth Mechanism of Hydrogenated Nanocrystalline Silicon Thin Film by Hydrogen Plasma Etching and Thermal Activation Energy Do Yun KIM, Hyo Jin KIM, In Soo KIM, Se Young CHOI (Yonsei University) II-P-64 Synthesis of Platelet AlO(OH) Nano Colloids by 50 Hydrothermal Reaction of γ-Al2O3 Dong Uk CHOE, Byung Ki PARK, Jae Rock LEE (KRICT) II-P-65 The Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure on the Optical and Structural Properties of Al Doped ZnO Thin Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering Method SeungWok SHIN, Sung Dae KIM, Jong-Ha MOON, Jin Hyeok KIM (Chonnam National University) II-P-66 Effect of Hydrothermal Reaction Time on Physiochemical Characteristics in Synthesis of Platelet AlO(OH) Nano Colloids Dong Uk CHOE, Byung Ki PARK, Jae Rock LEE (KRICT) II-P-67 Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Nanocluster in TMEE-A Zeolite Seok Ju LEE, Chang Sung LIM, Ik Jin KIM (Hanseo University) II-P-68 Atomic Displacements in Oxygen Deficient SrTiO3-δ δ by X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy Euiyoung CHOI, Juho KIM, Doduc CUONG, Jaichan LEE (Sungkyunkwan University) II-P-69 Optical and Dielectric Properties of B2O3-SiO2Al2O3 Glass System with Rare Earth Oxides Juyeon WON, Wookyung SUNG, Sangwook LEE, Hyungsun KIM (Inha University) II-P-70 Sintering Behavior of Diamond and Metallic Glass Powders using Magnetic and Current Pulse Processes SangJae AN, MinSeok SONG, KiJung CHEONG, TaekSoo KIM* (Shinhan Diamond Industrial Co. Ltd., *Korea Institute of Industrial Technology) II-P-71 Luminescent Properties of β-SiAlON:Eu 2+ Microcrystals Prepared by Solid State Reaction Jeong Ho RYU, Youn Gon PARK, Hyong Sik WON, Sang Hyun KIM, Hideo SUZUKI, Chulsoo YOON (Samsung Electro-Mechanics) II-P-72 Size-Dependant Photoconductance in Zinc Oxide Nanowires Ryong HA (Yonsei University) II-P-73 ZnO Multi-quantum Wells Prepared by Sol-gel Technique In-June KIM, In-Soo KIM, Se-Young CHOI (Yonsei University) II-P-74 Tunable Luminescent Properties of Yellow Y3Al5O12:Ce3+ Nanocrystalline Phosphors for the Application to White Light Emitting Diodes Dong-Kyoon LEE, Heesun YANG, Ho Seong JANG*, Duk Young JEON* (Hongik University, *Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) 51 2007. 11. 9 (Fri) 12:00-16:20 Poster II II-P-75 Synthesis and Optical Properties of Silicon Nanoribbons Tae-Eon PARK, Myeongha KIM, Heon-Jin CHOI (Yonsei University) II-P-76 Modulation of Er-coupled Silicon Nanowires for Silicon Photonics Myeongha KIM, Ungkil KIM, Tae-Eon PARK, Ryong HA, Heon-Jin CHOI (Yonsei University) II-P-77 Structural and Electrical Properties of Indium Doped ZnO Thin Films Fabricated by RF Magnetron Sputtering Dong Hun KIM, Nam Gyu CHO, Hoon PARK, Ho Gi KIM (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Gamut Youn Gon PARK, Jeong Ho RYU, Hyong Sik WON, Sang Hyun KIM, Hideo SUZUKI, Chul Soo YOON (Samsung Electro-Mechanics) II-P-87 Improvement of the Optical Properties of YVO4:Eu3+ Thin Film Phosphor using the MicroSized Hole Array Pattern Ji Yeon HAN, Jong Hyuk KANG, Ho Seong JANG, Duk Young JEON (Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology) II-P-88 Electrical and Structural Features of Transparent Conducting CuAlO2 Thin Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering Seok-Man HAN, Nam-Hee CHO (Inha University) II-P-78 A Study on MgxZn1-xO Thin Films Prepared by Sol-gel Process In Soo KIM, In June KIM, Do Yun KIM, Se Young CHOI (Yonsei University) II-P-89 Luminescent Properties from ZnO and MgO- or CaO-Coated ZnO Core/Shell Structured Nanocrystals Jong-Jin LEE, Heesun YANG (Hongik University) II-P-79 The Nanostructural, Optical, Electrical Features of nc-Si:H Thin Films Prepared by Al-Induced Crystallization Jae-Hyun SHIM, Nam-Hee CHO (Inha University) II-P-90 II-P-80 Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of SrGa2S4:Eu Green Phosphor by Various Methods Eun Jin KIM, Hyoung Seok DO, Seong-Hyeon HONG (Seoul National University) Effect of Heat Treatment on Electrical, Structural and Optical Properties of Ag doped ZnO Thin Films Eun-Kyung JEONG, Dae-Hyun KIM, In Soo KIM, Se-Young CHOI (Yonsei University) II-P-91 Synthesis of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+ Phosphor and Its Luminescent Properties under UV/VUV Excitation Ki Hyuk KWON, Sivakumar V., Won Bin IM, Ho Sung JANG, Hyung Sun YU, Sung Wook KIM, Duk Young JEON (KAIST) II-P-92 Processing of Dense 2D SiC Fiber-SiC Matrix Composites Kwang-Young LIM, Young-Wook KIM, Ji Yeon PARK*, Dong-Soo PARK** (University of Seoul, *Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, **Korea Institute of Materials Science) II-P-93 The Oxidation Behavior of ZrB2-based Mixed Boride Seung Jun LEE, Do Kyung KIM (KAIST) II-P-94 Preparation of Oxide Coatings on Stainless Steel Substrate and Comparison of Thermal Emissivity Joonho YUN, Hyung Mi LIM, Chin Myung WHANG*, Byung Soo KNAG**, Seung-Ho LEE (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, *Inha University, **Apro System Co. Ltd) II-P-95 Rapid Synthesis and Consolidation of Nanostructured NbSi2-SiC-Si3N4 Composite from Mechanically Activated Powders by HighFrequency Induction-Heated Combustion Soo-Kyung BAE, In-Yong KO, Jin-Kook YOON*, In-Jin SHON (Chonbuk National University, *Advanced functional materials Research Center ) II-P-81 II-P-82 II-P-83 II-P-84 Luminescent Property of Silicate-based Yellowemitting Phosphors for White LEDs Ho Seong JANG*, Bong Je PARK*,**, Sung Wook KIM*, Ji Yeon HAN*, Duk Young JEON* (*Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, **Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) Improved Water Resistivity of SrS:Eu2+ by SiO2 Coating with DEDMS Hyoung seok DO, Eun jin KIM, Seong-Hyeon HONG (Seoul National University) Microstructure and Luminescence Properties of Eu2+-doped Calcium Silicate Thin Films for LED Application Bo yun JANG, Sung soon PARK, Joo Suk PARK (Korea Institute of Energy Research) ZnO Band Gap Engineering by Incorporation of Sb In-June KIM, Do-Yun KIM, Se-Young CHOI (Yonsei University) II-P-85 Red Luminescence from a Mesophase Silicate Thin Film Incorporated with Eu:Y 2 O 3 Nanoparticles Dan ZHAO, Seok-Jun SEO, Byeong-Soo BAE (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) II-P-86 Preparation and Luminescence Properties of SiAlON:Eu2+ Green Phosphor for High Color 52 53 Poster II II-P-96 II-P-97 II-P-98 II-P-99 Rapid Synthesis of Dense Nanostructured TiSi2 by Pulsed Current Activated Combustion and Its Mechanical Properties Byung Ryang KIM, In Yong KO, Jin Kook YOON*, In Jin SHON (Chonbuk National University, *KIST) Comparison of Magnesium Hydroxide Particles Prepared by Precipitation and Hydrothermal Methods for Flame Retardant Application MI KYUNG HYUN, Hyung Mi LIM, Joonho YUN, Donh Jin LEE, Seung-Ho LEE, Chin Myung WHANG*, Sang Ok JEONG** (Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, *Inha University, **Nanotech Ceramics Co. Ltd.) Mechanical Properties and Synthesis of Dense ZrSi 2 by High-Frequency Induction Heated Combustion Jeong Hwan PARK, In Yong KO, Jin Kook YOON*, In Jin SHON (Chonbuk university, *Metal Science & Technology) Comparative Study Between Poly(II-P-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) and PPV/Ag Nano-composite Tae-Jung HA, Cho-Young LEE, Hyung-Ho PARK (Yonsei University) II-P-100 Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC) Containing CaCu3Ti4O12 as a Filler Dong wook LEE, Jae hwan PEE, Ung Soo KIM, Yong Soo CHO*, Eui seok CHOI (KICET, *Yonsei University) II-P-101 The Effect of Dilution Gases On the Deposition of ZrC by Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition Method Jong Hoon PARK*,**, Choong Hwan JUNG*, MoonSung CHO*, Do Jin KIM**, Ji Yeon PARK* (*Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, **Chungnam National University) II-P-102 Properties of Complex Laminate Consisted of Ceramic-Polymer Hybrid and Prepreg Seong-Dae PARK*,**, Myong-Jae YOO*, Woo-Sung LEE*, Se-Hoon PARK*, Dong-Kook KIM** (*Korea Electronics Technology Institute, **Hanyang University) II-P-103 Oxidation Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of Graphite Substrate with SiC and Si3N4 Coatings Prepared by Solid-Vapor Reaction Ji-Hun KANG, Hyun-Min CHA, Yeon-Gil JUNG (Changwon National University) II-P-104 Fracture Toughness of SiCf/SiC Composites with Thickness of Interlayer Seok Min KANG*,**, Weon-Ju KIM*, Soon Gil YOON**, Ji Yeon PARK* (*Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, **Chungnam National University) II-P-105 Preparation and Characterization of Perlite Hollow Spheres Joon soo KIM, Churl hee CHO (Korea Institute of Energy and Research) 54 2007. 11. 9 (Fri) 12:00-16:20 II-P-106 The Technology for Reduction of Exhaust Gas through Growing SiC Whisker at the Inner Pore Ik Whan KIM, Jun Kyu KIM, Doo Jin CHOI (Yonsei University) II-P-107 Physicochemical Properties of Hollow Glass Microspheres Made of Glassy Volcanic Fragment Named as Shirasu Joon soo KIM, Churl Hee CHO (Korea Institute of Energy and Research) II-P-108 Characteristics of Hot Gas Filtering Layer Pore Using Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide on Amount of Feldspar Dong Hwee PARK*,**, Sung Ho YUN**, Jae Ho HAN**, Sang Whan PARK**, Hyok Bo KWON* (*Kyungnam University, **KIST) II-P-109 Surface Modification of Ordered Mesoporous Silica Film by HMDS Treatment Tae-Jung HA, Sun Gyu CHOI, A. Sivasankar REDDY, Hyung-Ho PARK (Yonsei University) II-P-110 Growth of B4C Nanowires and Nanobelts in Porous SiC Bodies In Chul JUNG, Kyo Hun KOO, Dong Hyuk KIM, Jaehyung LEE, Ho Seong LEE* (Yeungnam University, *Kyungpook University) II-P-111 Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica Spherical Particles with Ultra-low Density Jeong-Gu YEO*, Sungsub SONG*,**, Churl-hee CHO*, Kyung-do SUH**, Young-soo AHN* (*Korea Institute of Energy Research, **Hanyang University) II-P-112 Growth of SiC Nanowires inside Porous SiC Bodies using Pd Catalyst Sun Hee CHO, Sang Woong NA, Yong Duk KWON, Jaehyung LEE, Ho Seong LEE* (Yeungnam University, *Kyungpook University) II-P-113 A Novel Method to Fabricate Unidirectional Porous Hydroxyapatite using Bubble Formation Phenomenon in a Viscous Polymeric Slurry Shamiul ISLAM, Ho-Yeon SONG, Joo-Yang MANG, Byong-Taek LEE (Soonchunhyang University) II-P-114 Synthesis and Characteristic of TiO2 Thin Film with High Porosity via Supercritical Drying Won Ju SUNG, Sang Hoon HYUN, Dong Hyun KIM* (Yonsei University, *Korea Electric Power Research Institute) II-P-115 Research Activity on the Porous RBSN/SRBSN at KIMS Young-Jo PARK, Hai-Doo KIM (Korea Institute of Materials Science) II-P-116 Processing of Polysiloxane-Derived Porous Silicon Carbide Using Expandable Microsphere and PMMA Sphere as Templates In-Hyuck SONG, Young-Mi KIM, Hai-Doo KIM, Young-Wook KIM* (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, *The 55 Poster II University of Seoul) II-P-117 Ceramic Foams Coated with Zeolite Nano Rystals Xiaouu Fan*, Ik Jin Kim, Ludwig J. Gauckler* (Hanseo University, *Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland) II-P-118 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Sc-stabilized Zirconia Electrolyte Fillm Prepared by Elecrton Beam Physical Vapor Deposition Gun Woo PARK*,**, Hee Lak LEE*,**, Ji Haeng YU**, Sang Kuk WOO**, Kyeong Ho BAIK* (*Chungnam National University, **KIER) II-P-119 Performance of Short Stacks and 1kW class stack for SOFC Power Generation System Young-Sung YOO, Taehee LEE, Jin Hyeok CHOI, Tae-Sung PARK, Jung-Han KIM* (Korea Electric Power Research Institute, *Daesung Industrial Co., Ltd.,) II-P-120 Synthesis of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3 Coated Oxide Powders Jungdeok PARK, Jongshik CHUNG (Pohang University of Science and Technology) II-P-121 Synthesis and Characterization of (Sr,Mg)-doped LaGaO3 Solid Electrolyte by Combustion Method Young Hoon SEONG, Seung Hwan JO, Muralidharan P., Do Kyung KIM (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) II-P-122 Electrical Conductivity and Catalytic Performance of EE-doped (A=Y, La, Sm, Yb) Strontium Titanate Perovskites Cathode for Reversible Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Jun LEE, Hae Jin HWANG, Ji-Woong MOON* (Inha University, *Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) II-P-123 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Stabilized Zirconia Electrolyte Film Prepared by Spin Coat Hee Lak LEE*,**, Gun Woo PARK*,**, Ji Haeng YU*, Sang Kuk WOO*, Kyeong Ho BAIK** (*Korea Institute of Energy Research, **Chungnam National University) II-P-124 Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Ce0.85Gd0.15 O1.925 Electrolyte by Urea-nitrate Process Woo Jin KANG, Book Hee KIM, Min CHEN* (Hydrogen & Feul research Center, *Wuhan University of Technology, China) II-P-125 Effects of Strontium Gallate Additions on Sintering Behavior and Electrical Property of Samaria-doped Ceria Kwang Hoon CHOI, Min Woo PARK, Yong Gyu CHOI*, Joo Sin LEE (Kyungsung University, *Gyeongbuk Regional Innovation Agency) II-P-126 Electrical Characterization of Dense and Porous Nanocrystalline Gd-doped Ceria Electrolytes Seung Hwan JO, P. MURALIDHARAN, Do Kyung KIM (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) II-P-127 Effects of Solvent and Chelating Agent on the 56 2007. 11. 9 (Fri) 12:00-16:20 Phases of La0.8Sr0.2CrO3 and SrCrO4 for SOFC Applications Byoung Ik LEE, Chin Myung WHANG (Inha University) II-P-128 Study on Electrochemical Properties of Ba0.5Sr0.5 Co0.8Fe0.2O3- Electrode with Various Electrolytes Yu-Mi KIM, Jung Hyun KIM, Joongmyeon BAE (KAIST) II-P-129 Development of Conductive Ceramic Coating of Metallic Interconnects for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Seong Soo PYO*,**, Seung Bok LEE*, Tak Hyoung LIM*, Sang Hoon HYUN**, Rak Hyun SONG*, Dong Ryul SIN* (*Korea Institute of Energy Research, **Yonsei University) II-P-130 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Perovskite Structure (Ln0.5Sr0.5CoO3, Ln:Pr, Nd and Sm) as Cathode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Jung Hyun KIM, Yu-Mi KIM, Seung-Wook BAEK, Joongmyeon BAE (KAIST) II-P-131 Cathode Properties of Samarium-based Oxide for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Seung-Wook BAEK, Changbo LEE, Jung Hyun KIM, Joongmyeon BAE (KAIST) II-P-132 Surface Exchange Reaction and Ionic Conductivity of Oxygen in Composite Cathode Changbo LEE, Sunyoung KIM, Joongmyeon BAE (KAIST) II-P-133 Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Ce 0.8Sm 0.2O 1.9 Ceramics by Urea-combustion Technique Min CHEN, Bok Hee KIM, Byeong Kuk AHN, Woo Jin KANG, Qing XU* (Chonbuk National University, *Wuhan University of Technology, China) II-P-134 First-principles Study of Interface Defects in Si Oxynitride Eun-Cheol Lee (Kyungwon University) II-P-135 Effects of a Au-Cu Back Layer on the Properties of Spin Valves Jaeyong KANG, Jangsik IN, Ajay TIWARI, Sangho LEE, Sanghoon KIM, Jongill HONG (Yonsei University) II-P-136 Synthesis and Characterization of Thermally Stable Pt/SnO2 Nano Particles for Gas Sensor Insang YOO, Kyuhong KYUNG, Shinobu FUJIHARA*, Sae-hoon KIM (Kangnung National University, *Keio University, Japan) II-P-137 Fabrication of Adsorption Layer using TiO2-ZnO Sol and CMC Compound Materials Insang YOO, Kyu-hong KYUNG, Jang-hoon JANG, Sae-hoon KIM 57 2007. 11. 9 (Fri) 12:00-16:20 Poster II (Kangnung National University) Device Sung Hwan BANG*,**, Han Bo Ram LEE*, Hyung Jun KIM* (POSTHCH) II-P-138 H2, CO Sensing Property of TiO2-SnO2 Thin Films Myung YANG, Seong Hyeon HONG (Seoul National University) II-P-139 Redox Behavior and Diffusivity of Antimony and Cerium Ion in CRT Display Glass Melts Hyokwang KIM, Junhong KIM, Kidong KIM (Kunsan National University) II-P-140 The Structural and Electrical Properties of PbTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition Sukjin JUNG, Taekjib CHOI, Jaichan LEE (Sungkyunkwan University) II-P-141 Microstructure Analysis of Shock Compacted Gd-doped Ceria Ha Neul KIM, Soon Nam CHANG*, Naresh THADHANI**, Do Kyung KIM (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, *Agency for Defense Development, **Georgia Institute of Technology) II-P-142 Solvothermal Synthesis of Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles Jang-Hoon HA, Do Kyung KIM, Hong Goo CHOI* (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, *Samsung Corning Precision Glass Co., Ltd.) II-P-143 Fabrication of Super-hydrophobic Surface Using Hydrophobic Silica Insang YOO, Jin-ho KIM*, Jae-cheol CHOI, Sae-hoon KIM (Kangnung National University, *SNT Co., Ltd, Japan) II-P-144 Stability of Aqueous Hematite Suspensions with Poly (acrylic acid) Eun Hee LEE, Kyung Mo KIM, Wan Young MAENG (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) II-P-145 Characteristics of Pyrolytic Carbon Deposited on Spherical Particles by a Fluidized-Bed Chemical Vapor Deposition Jung-Nam PARK*,**, Jong Hoon PARK*, Weon-Ju KIM*, Moon Sung CHO*, Chae-Hyun LEE**, Ji Yeon PARK* (*Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, **PaiChai University) II-P-146 Homogeneous Ceramics through Combined Rapid Quenching Technique and Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) Young-Hwan Han*,**, Kazuyuki Kakegawa*** (*University of California at Davis, USA, **Sungkyunkwan University, ***Chiba University, Japan) II-P-147 Correlation between Giant Magnetoresistance and Magnetization in Granular films with Lognormal Distribution of Nanoparticles Ajay TIWARI, Sanghoon KIM, Jaeyong KANG, Jongill HONG (Yonsei University) II-P-148 Metal Thin Film Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition for Contact Application of Nanoscale 58 II-P-149 Effects of Crystal Structure on Microwave Dielectric Properties of ATiO3(A=Ni, Mg, Co, Mn) Ceramics Eung Soo Kim, Chang Jun Jeon (Kyonggi University) II-P-150 Substrate Dependence on Formation of Thick Films in Aerosol Deposition Method Dong-Won LEE, Jae Chang PARK*, Hyung-Jun KIM, Young Joon YOON*, Jong-Hee KIM*, Song-Min NAM (Kwangwoon University, *Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) II-P-151 Thick Film Planar Resistors Composed of Insulator and Conductor by Aerosol Deposition Method Jong-Min OH, Jae Chang PARK*, Hyung-Jun KIM, Young Joon YOON*, Jong-Hee KIM*, Song-Min NAM (Kwangwoon University, *Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) II-P-152 Possibility of Ceramic-based Polymer Composite Integrated Substrates Employing Aerosol Deposition Method Hyun-Jun NA, Hyung-Jun KIM, Jae Chang PARK*, Young Joon YOON*, Jong Hee KIM*, Song-Min NAM (Kwangwoon university, *Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technoogy) II-P-153 Microstructure of Alumina-based Polyimide Composite Thick Films Fabricated by Aerosol Deposition Method Hyung-Jun KIM, Jae Chang PARK*, Young Jun YOON*, Jong-Hee KIM*, Song-Min NAM (Kwangwoon University, *Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology) II-P-154 Method of Manufacturing Ceramic Tapes and Their Applications Beom-Joon CHO, Yong-Seok CHOI, Eun-Tae PARK (Samsung Electro-Mechanics eMD) II-P-155 Structural Phase Transition of Ge2Sb2Te5 Cells with TiN Electrodes using Homemade W heater tip for Phase Change Random Access Memory (PRAM) Application Hyun Jung KIM, Si Kyung CHOI, Suk Hoon KANG*, Kyu Hwan OH* (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, *Seoul National University) I-P-156 Domain Formations in Heteroepitaxial Lead Titanate Films Fabricated by Hydrothermal Epitaxy Below Curie Temperature S.H Ahn, S.K CHOI (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) 59
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