Hanger booklet
Hanger booklet
Mech Hangers 1 Page 1 7 GT Alloy and S imilar 1992 to current. S imilar to hanger 33 2 8 3 15 T ype B dropout for 2000 G T F its 2000 & 2001 Moab, Homegrown, R ocket B rian Lopes 04 frame C HUC K E R NIR V E : R as h B R IS A B IK E S 10 T his dropout fits all US A made XC R I Drive bikes : T rek 2002: 2000 road 2003: 1200 road, 2200 road, 2300 road '99 XC R 1000, S T S XC R 2000 & S TS XC R 1000 6 2002-04: Allez S eries R oad 2003-04: S -works E 5 Aerotec R oad 2003-04: S equoia, S imus 2004: S -works T armac, R oubaix 2004: Doice 12 TR E K 2002-04:F isher Mtn all models 2003: Alpha s eries , Multitrack S eries , Navigator S eries. 2003-04: 4100, 8000, F uel 90 Liquid G T Double bolt Dropout, fits: All '93, '94 and '95 rigid alloy ramed MT B /Hybrid models . 94 Team R TS 95 Team LT S , Team R TS , R T S -1, R T S -2 f 96 R TS -3 16 T R E K dropout 1996-97: F is her Mtn and s imilar 11 F s r xc S works Dh G round control E nduro P 1-P 3 S tump jumper R ockhopper Hardrock 2001-03: S tumpjumper M2 2001-04: B ig Hit 2003: R ockhopper Mtn, R ockhopper F s r Mtn, S tumpjumper F s r M4 Mtn 2004: F sr xc T rek 2003: 7500 F X 2003-04: 1000 road, 1200 road, 1800 road S C HW INN TR E K 2002: 2000 road 2003: 1200 road, 2200 road, 2300 road - 00 - 01 - 00 - 01 - 02 - 00 - 02 - 03 14 9 4 99 00 97 00 00 99 97 98 S chwinn dropout 2000: s upers port R oad Als o known as type "A" R eplacement for P re 2001 G T. Als o fits : 95 B AC KW OOD AT B , LT S , S T S DH, S TS 1, LOB O DH, '00 AG G R E S S OR , AR R OW HE AD, T E MP E S T 2000-2001 I-drive and s imilar. 5 13 S chwinn R eplaceable Dropout F its all S chwinn Alloy MTB 's from 1995-1999 1996: Homegrown S weets pot 1997: Homegrown 1999: Moab 2000: Moab, R ocket 88 2001: Mes a C annondale 1991-2004: Mountain 17 C annondale 1991-2004: R oad 18 2002-03: E nduro 2003-04: E pic, E pic fs r, S works HT , S -works E nduro F s r, S tumpjumper Ht. 2004: Hardrock, R ockhopper, Hotrock, A1F S C annodale E arly S calpel Mtn wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers Page 2 Type H, K ona Dropouts. Als o fits : B roadribbs , S tows , W ades C ycles , K HS , MAR T Y N AS HT ON'S NE W TR IALS B IK E C annondale S ingle s ided 2 G iant 2002-03: T C R Once T eam 2002-03: OC R R oad 2004: OC R S eries , T C R , TC R C ompos ite 22 A replaceable dropout for most G iant MT B bikes 1997-98: ATX 1999-03: XTC , AC , NR S , R ainer, B oulder S E , Y ukon, I quana. K ona 2001: F ire Mountain G iant 1999 ZR R oad, 2000 ZR R oad 1000, 2001 ZR X 24 '96 G T R oad Hanger, fits: '97 E dge-Aero, E dge, F ury, R age and S trike '98 E dge Aero, F ury, Attack, S trike & F orce AL '99 E dge Aero K HS 1995-97: Alite 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 F X T LT 3 and most LT 1's 1999 pro R ALE IG H 1996-97: M600, M800 R eplaces Derby#32-00-200 J amis 2002-03: Dakar and others 27 28 1999-2001: Once T eam, TC R , OC R . 23 K HS Alite, F lite Haro E xtreme B arracuda 1996-current: Team and s imilar 32 26 20 21 31 25 19 33 K HS (R eplaces K HS #73-079-175 & #73-079-165) 2001: Alite, 500, 800, F TX s port, trail 2002: Alite, 500, 1000, 2000, T &C DLX, F T X T rail 2003: T &C DLX, Alite 300, 500 K ONA 1994: K ula, K ula Deluxe K HS 2000: Dominatrax R eplaces K HS #73-079-200 R ALE IG H 1997: M400 R eplaces Derby#32-00-280 NIS HIK I 1997: C as cade R eplaces Derby#32-00-280 S imilar to hanger No 1 34 LITE S P E E D Many models of Lites peed. K HS F lite 2000: 2001-03 F lite 700: 2003 Alite 4000: 2003 K HS 1998: Alite 2000, 3000 1999: Alite 2000, 3000,4000 R eplaces K HS #73-079-135 29 35 30 36 J amis 2000-03: Al S port C omfort frames P roflex/K 2 2001: Zed 2.0 2002: Zed 1.0,Zed 2.0 R eplaces K 2#K 013012 Nirve: HT X wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers 37 Page 3 49 43 J amis 1998-2001: Dakar 38 K HS , Diamondback, B IANC HI, Mas i R ALE IG H (R eplaces Derby #32-00-240) 1998: M80, F 500 1999: M40, M45, M55, M60, M80, F 500 2000: M45, M50, Derby P olice 50 44 K ona, R aliegh, T rek, J amis, Diamondback, Univega, B ianchi, Haro, P roflex/K 2 Als o fits many G eneric road frames DIAMONDB AC K R ALE IG H 1999-00: M7000, M8000 2000: Apex, Zetec C omp 2001: Apex 2002: Apex, X-1-, X-20, X-25 UNIV E G A 2001:DS 900 R E P LAC E S DE R B Y #32-00-290 45 39 51 R ALE IG H 1998: M400, M600, M800 G iant: 2002-03 DH K ona, K HS , Diamondback, Haro UNIV E G A 1998: DS 900, 950 1999: Alpina 500, 600, 700, DS 900, 950 40 52 46 T R E K and K lien 1999: AT B and similar 41 R ALE IG H (R eplaces Derby #32-00-230) 1998: M7000m, N8000, M7500, M400 1999: M600, M800 53 47 DIAMONDB AC K 2000: E xpert, Mas ter (replaces Derby # 32-00-260) UNIV E G A (R eplaces Derby # 32-00302) 2000: DS 700, DS 900, DS 950 K ona 1998: J ake the S nake Orange S ub 5,XC , P atriot,66, Zero, Misisle, MrO Haro 2002: XC R (US A made frame) HAR O, R ALE IG H, UNIVE G A Do not confus e with hanger #42 42 54 48 K ona, Diamondback, R aleigh, B ianci, C entuar, Mas i Daimondback R eplaces Diamondback #32-90-250 K HS 2000: Alite 3000, 4000 2001: Alite 1000 2002: Alite 4000 HAR O 2002-04: E xtreme, XLS C AR R E A K raken wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers 55 Page 4 100 61 B IANC HI 2001-02: E V 4 2003-04: S L3 and others R eplaces B ianchi#E 7046 & E 7038 HAR O 1999: E s cape 7.5 P roflex/K 2 2001: Zed 3.0/4.0/5.0/Team 2002: E nemy, Zed 3.0/4.0/Team R eplaces K 2#K 013016 101 66 56 R OC K Y MOUNT AIN 2003-2004 R MX 2003 S witch 1999-2003 R M6 and R M7 2003-2006 E T S X 2003-2006 V ertex, F us ion, T railhead and Latitude Als o fits s ome V oodoo bikes Y eti – all models Als o fits : P roflex/K 2 1997: All 9 styles F S 1998-02: All F S bikes 2003: E nemy, Zed, C ross, C omfort, F S 57 S unn Hanger Muddy F ox DH and C oyote DH3 dropout F its the Muddy F ox DH T eam bike from 2002 and 2003 and the C oyote DH3 102 68 R OC K Y MOUNTAIN P roflex/K 2 2001-02: All models 2003: All Models, Mach F its s ome American made frames 2004-2006 S witch 2004-2005 S layer 2004-2006 E dge R eplaces K 2#K 013906 Als o F its R MX E lement 70, Team, 58 59 60 103 69 R ALE IG H 2000: R 800 R eplaces Derby#32-00-300 F UJ I Team and others R eplaces Derby#32-00-300 R OC K Y MOUNT AIN F its s ome American made frames F its All R oad B ikes 104 74 F E LT 2000-04: All models NORCO/ROCKY MOUNTAIN 2000 G-Spot and Hollowpoint 2001 G-Spot, Ginsu, Hollowpoint 2002 G-Spot, Ginsu, Hollowpoint, Hustler, Showdown, Excursion 2003 SGS Expert/Sport, Hollowpoint Team/Expert/Sport, Sinister DX/DS Sage LX 2004 SGS FR Team/Pro/Expert/Comp/Sport B IANC HI 2001-02: E V 4 2003-04: S L3 and others R eplaces B ianchi#E 7046 & E 7038 Also Fits Various Norco 2001-2006 VPS Frames with 10mm QR Axles Azonic: S abre 105 K ona: V oodoo: E cho trials fram e wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers 106 Page 5 112 118 NOR C O F its s ome S aracen bikes. G T Dhi dropout F its 2001-2006 VP S with 12mm R ear Axle (E xcept 2005 and 2006 T eam DH) Iron Hors e S G S 2003-2004 107 113 C arrera, Merida GT Old steel hanger for pre ’93 G T bikes 108 119 E li Omen S ix S hooter R evolver 114 The dropout for the vertical dropouts on the DMR bikes 109 120 S aracen MAR IN F its various S aracen bikes Nail-trail R ocky-ridge Indian-fire-tria W old-ridge Attack-trail 115 S pecialized 05 Demo 8 E nduro 110 TOMAC l 121 K ONA 2005 S aracen, Hoax S utra J own cowan E xplos if (frame) 2004 - E xplosif 116 122 New G T hanger S ome T urner frames IR ONHOR S E W arrior full-s us pens ion bikes Azure MK III Y akuza Dual S us pens ions (Aniki, Ojiki and K umicho) 111 117 S aracen hanger 123 Iron Hors e S unday All Iron Hors e S undays from 2005-2007 C ube hanger fits AMS and others wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers 124 Page 6 135 130 KONA STINKY 2006-2007, possibly some other models by KONA This is a unique dropout that fits only a few KONA models, please compare it to the one you have on your bike to make sure it's the one you need. TIT US Motolite, R acer- X, S upermoto, S witchblade, Quas i-moto AS Y LUM: OC D frames 125 TOMAC Moah 136 JAMIS 2006 Dakar XLT 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 C ommencal 126 IR ONHOR S E : 2003 V IC T OR Y / 131V arious F uji B ikes 137G T DHI 127 132 138 T E AM and s ome other models S C HW INN road bikes: s ome of the 2006 models MAS I: s ome models K INE S IS : K R -1 F rame and s ome other models P R INC IP IA MS L P R O and othe. P R INC IP IA frames V arious B H B ikes r 133 128 139 V arious De R os a B ikes F its many F UJ I models. Als o fits s ome 4E VE R and W HE E LE R models 134 129 MAR IN 2003-2006: mount vis ion pro, mount vis ion, rift zone, eas t peak 2004-2006: attack trail, wolf r idge, rock s prings 2004: alpine trail S pecialis ed P 3 140 G T i-drive 5 Mongoos e, Haro wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers 141 147 142 153 Airbourne, S tork S anta C ruz C ameleon 143 149 155 B ans hee, Muddy F ox 150 Devinci B MC K ona, G ios, Marin, Mass i, R idley 157 K ona: S tab S upreme V entanol V entana 152 F elt P innerello 156 151 146 S capin S pecialized R oad Da B omb DH 145 Merida Magnesium 154 148 Iron Hors e DH 144 Page 7 158 E lls worth, Dare & R ouge models S inister: V arious 12mm Axle B ikes wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers 159 Page 8 165 S ANT A C R UZ: 2007 - Heckler, C hameleon, J uliana 160 P R INC IP IA: 2001-2002 mountain bikes 161 P R INC IP IA: V arious Models 162 169 CANNONDALE 2007-08 road models LiquiGas - SystemSix Si 3 Ultegra, Synapse carbon SL 2 Ultegra Ironman - Slice Six13 Si 2, Slice Aero 3, Sprint CAAD9 Optimo 4 SystemSix - SystemSix Team Si 1, SystemSix Team Si 2, SystemSix Team Si 3 Six13 – Team 1, Team 2, Team 3 CAAD9 – Optimo 2, Optimo 3 CAAD8 – Optimo 1, Optimo 2 Synapse carbon – SL-1, SL-2, 1, 2, Féminine Carbon 1, Féminine Carbon 2, Féminine Carbon 3 Synapse alloy – Synapse 1 / 2 / 3 / 4, Synapse Féminine 3, Synapse Féminine 4 Synapse Sport - Synapse Sport 3 / 4 163 LOOK : 2008 MT B 986 and others 173 167 W ILIE R : IZOAR D and more... 174 168 F OC US frames: 2006 R aven / expert 2007 F irs t / expert 2008 F irs t / extreme / expert 171 P R INC IP IA: V arious Models P R INC IP IA: MT B 12mm axle - s ome of the frames 164 170 172 166 B MC : 2008 – P ro Machine S LC 01 G IANT: 2008 R eign 0 / 1 / 2 F ull-Dynamix: M1 C arbon C E R V E LO S oloist and R 2.5 frames wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers 175 Page 9 181 P INAR E LLO: 2000 – P rince aluminum / S candium carbon 176 187 182 188 B H & R ALE IG H LAP IE R R E models : X-R ide, X-C ontrol and others 177 183 189 184 190 185 191 186 S C OT T : S park – ltd / 10 / 15 / 20 / 30 / C ontess a C OMME NC AL Hanger: S upreme DH 05 B OAR DMAN S C OTT : S cale C arbon 180 C OMME NC AL Hanger: Abs olute 05-06, C ommencal C ombi B OAR DMAN P AC E 179 TR E K : F uel ex 7 / 8 / 9 / 9.5 and s ome R emedy B OAR DMAN C ommencal S upreme DH 178 C OMME NC AL C ANNONDALE : Any 12mm T hru Axle: G emini, G emini DH, P rophet 4x, MX, J udge 192 B OAR DMAN T IME Hanger: 2009: E dge P uls e, E dge R S , P ro T eam, S peeder, Uteam, R XR UL T eam 2008 E dge, P ro T eam, P uls e, S peeder, Uteam wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers 193 Page 10 199 C OMME NC AL Hanger: S upreme DH 06, C ommencal F urious 194 205 W heeler 4900 & K ines is 200 J AMIS , P INNE R E LLO. J amis Hanger: 2009: Xenith C omp, P ro, Xenith S L, Team, 2007 Xenith C omp Als o fits: P inerello 2009: F M1, F t1, C X, F P , P ina, P rince, F P 3 195 206 OR B E A: 2008 ONIX / OR C A / various carbon frames S are cen, B e-one and C arrera 201 207 F IJ I Hanger Als o fits : 4E ver, K awas aki mtb, W heeler, K ettler platinum, MS C – K oncept, S aracen – Ariel 2 196 C ube, 2008 and 2009 various models 208 202 203 197 209 Marin K ONA: 2007 – K ula S upreme, Major J ake 2008 – K ula S upreme, K ula Deluxe, Major J ake 198 204 K ona K han R ibble road bikes G iant Alloy all years B MC : R oad frames R ibble road bikes 210 K uota F actory and others Orange wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers 211 Page 12 223 217 T itus (not to be confus ed with D/O 124) C annondale S calpel 212 218 213 224 219 T rek S ess ion 09-10 214 225 C ommencal B olt T hru R aleigh 2008-2009 29er (geared), S ojourn 220 226 R otec Merida Matts 215 C ommencal QR C ommencal DH V itus 221 C ommencal Meta 6 Maxle 227 C ommencal Abs olute Look 596 216 228 222 G iant G lory 2010 T orelli S chiels wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers Page 12 235 229 DMR 230 241 236 242 Diamond B ack P innerello *NE W * 231 237 243 Novara 244 238 Novara B oardman R ocky Mountain 233 Novara IB iS T wenty F our S even 232 T rek MT B Lapierre 245 239 Novara R agley 240 234 V itas 246 B ianchi Novara wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers Page 13 260 253 247 254 248 E ddy Merkcx B H / S cheils S pecialized R oad 261 G iant Defy T itus 255 249 262 Alan Novara 266 256 250 T rek R oad B ianchi 258 S als a Intens e M6 C anyon S cott 252 Intens e M9 267 257 251 Moda 268 F ixie Lites peed wwww.betd.co.uk Mech Hangers 269 Page 14 279 B oardm an 271 corratec 281 Orange / Felt Specialized fits 2004 Evo 4 and Gringo for 2005 Evo 4, Crush and Gringo. - Camber (all models) - 2013 - Camber 26" (Pro/Expert) - 2012 - Camber 29" (Pro/Expert/Comp) - 2012 - Enduro - 2012-2013 - Epic 29" - 2012-2013 - S-Works Enduro - 2012-2013 - S-Works Epic 26" - 2012 - S-Works Epic 29" - 2012-2013 - S-Works SJ FSR (26"/29") - 2012-2013 - Stumpjumper FSR (26"/29") - 2012-2013 - SX - 2013 272 Carrera 283 273 GT Road Bike YT Industries Noton - Play - Tues Wicked 2011: - Noton - Play II white - Tues II - Wicked 277 whyte 2012: - Noton - Play schwarz - Tues - Wicked 150/ 160/ 170 278 B'twin wwww.betd.co.uk
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