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Air Purifying Concentrated Solutions Developed from patented formulation, it contains Perfect Microbeshield that gives rapid and effective results by eliminating up to 99% of bacteria, viruses and fungi in the air and on all sorts of surfaces. Green Apple antibacterial, refreshing and enhances creativity Orange Peel uplifting, enhances alertness and mental focus, calms tired nerves Clary Sage Vanilla calming, seductive & soothing eases tension and anxiety and promotes feeling of safety & security Citronella Sakura natural insects repellent, stimulating, refreshing & deodorizes. sensual, cherry blossom, freshness of spring time Lily Improves sleep, relieves tension and relaxing Relaxing calming, relieves tension, anxiety and stress Morning Dew fresh and natural, soothing and calm the spirit Peppermint uplifting, relieve cold & headache ENJOY EVERY BREATH Fresh Lemon deodorizes, increases mental clarity and enhances vitality Green Tea Peppermint & Eucalyptus Sandalwood Lavender Microbeshield Eucalyptus Soothes cold symptoms boosts concentration and improves breathing relaxes mind and body, increases alertness and reduces anxiety relaxes, counters stress and uplifts the spirts refreshing and rejuvenates the body with a soothing earthy scent Tea Tree & Lavender Rose Lotus calming, soothing, embodies peace and harmony uplifting, relieves stress and creates an enchanting atmosphere delightful scent, relaxing and calming Coffee Cranberry Uplifting Oasis promotes blood circulation, helps alleviate fatigue www.perfectaire.co.za www.facebook.com/perfectaire ENJOY EVERY BREATH refreshing, energizes and calms tired nerves improves alertness, blood circulation and reduces anxiety soothing blend that promotes a feeling of peace and tranquility sterilizing, antibacterial, anti fungus and eliminates odour Base Product improve breathing and relieve cold Lemongrass relieve headache, antibacteria, remove odour and uplifting Bamboo lift spirit, soothing and relieve stress Rainforest relieves stress and uplifting Leaf PB-169 Unhygienic indoor air causes: Innovative and Sassy Live healthy. Stay happy. A clean and comfortable home or workplace makes you feel good and healthy. However, unhealthy indoor air is an invisible threat to your well-being. It contains bacteria, dusts, Breathing difficulties and asthma Allergies, rashes, itchy skin Starfish Headaches, dizziness, fatigue PB-168 Lower mental concentration Air Purifier - Basic •Rated power: 13W •Water tank volume: 1.5L •Weight: 1.3kgs Lower productivity at work Outflow of purified air (clean air with tinge of aroma) 2900 rpm +/-to elimate malodour, bacteria and viruses by scrubbing the air Inflow of impure, polluted air Concentrate dissolves in normal tap-water Mode of kill (Starvation) Bacteria DNA Plasma membrane Cell Wall perfect Viruses DNA / RNA Escherichia Coli Staphyloccocus aureus Slmonella typhimurium Pseudomonas aeruginosa Legionella pneumophilia microbeshield formulation Herpes simplex Virus type 1 Vaccina Virus strain Elstree Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus capsid envelope Tested by : TUV SUD PSB Pte Ltd (Singapore) ALS Technichem (S) Pte Ltd Seashell PB-166 Air Purifier - Basic •Rated power: 13W •Water tank volume: 1.5L •Weight: 1.3kgs Middle Colors How it works (Disinfect / re-energize / refresh) Rotating at PB-269 Air Purifier with rainbow LED light •Rated power: 13W •Tank capacity: 1.5L •Weight: 1.6kgs Sneeze, cough, itchy eyes, runny nose moulds, pollens, smokes and microscopic pollutants that may cause eye, nose and throat irritation. Air Purifier - Basic Rated power: 13W• Water tank volume: 1.5L• Weight: 1.3kgs• Rainbow Corona Virus Hybrid Scent Diffuser Snow Ball • Rated power: 48W • Water tank volume: 1.8L • Weight: 1kgs PB-09 Scenting creates a positive environment by reducing stress, relieving tireness, improving alertness and performance levels. Scenting also induce a positive experience thereby improving customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Suitable for: living rooms • bedrooms • showrooms • offices • gyms retail shops • hotels • banks Bliss / Blissful PB-78 / PB 78LN Basic / LED with negative ION generator Rated power: 13W• Tank capacity: 0.75L• Weight: 1kgs• Air Purifier with LED light Rated power: 13W• Tank capacity: 0.75L• Weight: 1.28kgs• UDew PB-68 Air Purifier with LED light Rated power: 14W• Tank capacity: 0.75L• Weight: 0.8kgs• U Timber PB-98 Air Purifier with LED light •Rated power 10W -- 14W •Water Tank volume: 670ml •Weight: 0.7Kgs Egg PB-969 Air Purifier with rainbow LED light Rated power: 16W• Tank capacity: 1L• Weight: 2.3kgs• UGlobal PB-88 Air Purifier with LED light •Rated power: 10W •Tank capacity: 0.75L •Weight: 0.75kgs Magic Ball 3G Premium Air Purifier with LED Light Rated power: 13W• Tank capacity: 0.75L• Weight: 1.34kgs•
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