ÿþ2 0 1 2 C atalog - Cudd Quarter Horses LLC
ÿþ2 0 1 2 C atalog - Cudd Quarter Horses LLC
BOBBY JOE & RENEE JANE CUDD QUARTER HORSES, LLC NEAR DISPERSAL & CONSIGNMENT SALE JULY 21, 2012 • 11:00 AM BOBBY JOE & RENEE JANE CUDD Box 1122 • Woodward, OK 73802 Home Phone (580)256-6666 • Cell Phone (580)515-3133 www.cuddquarterhorsesllc.com • email: starlaoldham@cox.net AUCTIONEERS Phil Schooley • Todd Tucker PEDIGREES Curt Donley • Joel White RINGMEN Buck Waite • Dick Munsell Merlyn Siegfried • Spence Kidney DVM Kyle Taylor • Woodward, Oklahoma Wayne Sizelove • Buffalo, Oklahoma Rick Olson • Buffalo, Oklahoma CLERK Geraldine Young • Ada, Oklahoma MOTELS Northwest Inn • (580) 256-7600 Western Sands • (580) 256-7442 Holiday Inn Express • (580) 256-5200 Days Inn • (580) 256-1546 LaQuinta Inn • (580) 256-5533 Wayfarer Inn • (580) 256-5553 Super 8 Motel • (580) 254-2964 Downtown Motel • (580) 256-6486 Hampton Inn • (580) 254-5050 Red Country Inn • (580) 254-9147 CUDD QUARTER HORSES, LLC. Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd P.O. Box 1122 Woodward, OK 73802 Office Telephone (580) 256-6666 GOLDSEEKER BARS 0320700 1962 Sorrel Stallion • 25 Years Old Percentage (TB) M idw ay (TB) Gossip Avenue (TB) M yrtle Dee (TB) Luke M cLuke (TB) Civil M aid (TB) Spanish N ick Nick Shoem aker M exicala Rose Three Bars Spanish Joy Joy Ann Gold M ount Red Bird Shoem aker AQHA SUPREME CHAMPION New Buyer Checking Account Verification FROM __________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Address __________________________________ Telephone (_____)___________________________ Farm Name ________________________________ Address __________________________________ Telephone (______)__________________________ Name of Bank ______________________________ Address __________________________________ Telephone (______)__________________________ Bank Officer to be Contacted ________________________ Account Number ______________________________ Additional Information ___________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Horses Will Be Negative Coggins Tested Registration Papers Will Be Withheld Until Checks Have Cleared The Bank New Buyers Must Have Cash, Cashiers Check, or Current Letter of Credit All Foreign Buyers Must Pay in U.S. Funds All Guarantees Lie Between Buyer and Seller Inspect Horses Prior to Purchasing Sale Company Does Not Guarantee Consignments In Any Other Way Than Providing Proper Registration Papers, Transfers, and Breeder’s Certificates TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The Cudd Production & Consignment Sale acts as mediator only. ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND GUARANTEES LIES BETWEEN THE BUYER AND THE SELLER. The highest bidder will be the buyer, and if dispute arises between two or more bidders, the horse in dispute shall immediately be put up again for advance bids. If there are no advances, the horse shall go to the person from whom the auctioneer recognized the last bid. The auctioneer will decline any bid made by parties who have defaulted in former purchases, or by persons who, in his judgment are not responsible bidders. Terms of the sale are cash and payment in full must be made to the cashier immediately after the sale. Upon receiving payment for a horse, the cashier will issue an order to obtain delivery. Buyers are cautioned not to lose these orders. Buyers assume all expenses and risks on horses after they have left the auction ring. Buyers must make arrangements with the Cudds for care of stock until it can be removed. Upon failure of compliance with any of the above conditions, the lot shall be resold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such resale shall be made good by the defaulter, immediately. If any person shall purchase a lot and not pay for it as prescribed above, nothing shall prevent the auctioneer or the owner from compelling the purchaser to pay for it if the auctioneer or seller shall so deem it. Every effort has been made to assure correctness of the catalog, but the Cudds, sales management, and auctioneers are not responsible for errors or omissions, and assume no liability on its part or on the part of the seller as to any statements, either verbal or written, regarding horses sold. Registration papers will be given to the buyer as soon as checks have cleared or credit established. THE BUYER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRANSFER. All known defects will be announced before each horse is started. Every horse will be sold under this rule. Therefore, no horse can be rejected by buyer when struck off by auctioneer. The seller guarantees all mares to be bred to stallions as indicated in the catalog. We believe them to be in foal, but are selling them as they are and without return privileges, unless otherwise stated. Immediately after the horse is sold, it will be the sole risk and responsibility of the buyer thereof, but possession of the horse cannot be obtained by him until payment in full has been made. Buyers unknown to this firm must furnish current signed letter of credit, cash, or cashier’s check. Agent’s Authorization. Persons acting as agents must so indicate on the Sale Ticket and file an Agent’s Authorization in form satisfactory to Cudd Near Dispersal & Consignment Sale simultaneously with settlement of the buyer’s account. Buyers and spectators are cautioned to be careful while on the grounds and particularly while horses are being shown or sold in the sale ring. The management and Cudd will not be responsible for accidents. Reference Sire Renee Jane & Leo Goldseeker at 26 years of age LEO GOLDSEEKER AQHA #779220 ◊ 1971 Sorrel Stallion T h re e B a rs (T B ) G o ld s e e k e r B a r s P e rc e n ta g e (T B ) M e r t le D e e S p a n is h J o y S p a n is h N ic k Joy Ann San M an Leo Leo San V 's L i t t l e W a g g o n e r S a n d y L o u S m ith B o o t s M S m ith M o n s ie u r J o e L it tle R o c k S ta r Proven sire of Halter Futurity winners and Performance Futurity winners. Leo Goldseeker has 2 Halter points, 1 Heading point, and 1 Western Pleasure point. He is an easy breeder; has a super disposition, big hip and pretty head and sires colts with the same good nature and beauty. Reference Sire KING W GOLDSEEKER “MUSCLES” 1988 Sorrel Stallion Three Bars (TB) Goldseeker Bars Percentage (TB) Mertle Dee Spanish Joy Spanish Nick Joy Ann Sailalong Skipper W Brush Along Skip's Hope Skippers King Silver Leche Skipper Silk Standing at Cudd Quarter Horses HERMAN GOLDSEEKER AQHA #3576698 ◊ 1996 Bay Stallion Goldseeker Bars Leo Goldseeker Three Bars (TB) Spanish Joy Sandy Lou Smith San Man Leo Boots M Smith Smooth Herman Jet Smooth Carol's Ethel Hermans Jewel Perfection's Miss Mr Perfection Clara Dondi Standing at Cudd Quarter Horses DOC TIVIO GOLDSEEKER AQHA #3693618 1997 Bay Stallion Goldseeker Bars Leo Goldseeker Three Bars (TB) Spanish Joy Sandy Lou Smith San Man Leo Boots M Smith Doc's Prescription Doc Bar Jameen Tivio Chula Duquesa Pequeno Vaquero Sugarine Docs Duquesa Standing At Cudd Quarter Horses RHINESTONE BARTENDER AQHA #3421180 ◊ 1995 Red Roan Stallion Two Eyed Jack Two Id Bartender Two D Two Triangle Tookie Prissy Joann Roan Bar Jo Ann Bar Rhinestone Jack Two Eyed Jack Dude's Scarlet All Eyes On Jackie Handi's Frosty Rey Handicap King Joycey Rick Rhinestone Bartender is a true performer. He holds 18 AQHA points in roping events & has a Register of Merit in Performance. His sire, Two Id Bartender, is an AQHA World Champion in Jr. Heading and Heeling with 164 performance points and 19 halter points. He holds an ROM in performance. Two Eyed Jack, his grandsire, is the leading sire of AQHA Champions and AQHA Hall of Famers. Standing At Cudd Quarter Horses CALLAGHANS FOREMOST AQHA #2595199 ◊ 1987 Sorrel Stallion Three Bars TB Percentage (TB) Myrtle Dee (TB) Spanish Joy Spanish Nick Joy Ann Forko Otoe Miss Bailey 1 Miss E Dexter 5 Eddie Dexter Miss Bailey 10 Goldseeker Bars Miss Fork 10 SMART N PEPTO AQHA #3421180 ◊ 2003 Chestnut Stallion P eppy S an B adger P eptobo onsm al M r S an P eppy S ugar B adger R oyal B lue B oon B oon B ar R oyal Tincie S m art Little Lena D oc O 'Lena S m art P eppy D ainty O ak D oc's O ak D ainty Faw n D ainty Lena Standing At Cudd Quarter Horses MR TYREE DRIFTER AQHA #3828272 ◊ 1999 Buckskin Stallion M r B aron Red R ed B aron Bell Two E yed P atti Im a Tyree H arlan's Tyree Im a M cK ee Joe Jack H oney B ar W atch Joe Jack Leo B ar H oney M r Tyree R ed D riftin Dolly Jack Drifter's D oll D rifters B oy D olly B im Reference Sire SPANISH BARBERA AQHA #3693608 ◊ 1997 Sorrel Stallion Skip's Barber Skippa Lark Skip Barba Spanish Galla Skip's Bid Spanish Kit Bar W atch Joe Jack Two Eyed Jack Watch Jo Moore Spanish Array Watch Tonto Gal Duster's Gal Star Duster Kaweah Tonto Gal Owned By: Joel and Jane Qualm Pitzer Ranch Reference Sire Two Id Bartender Rhinestone Bartender Two Eyed Jack Prissy Joann All Eyes On Jackie Rhinestone Jack Handi's Frosty Rey Joe Star Joe Watch Joe Jack Dot Pat Star Faris Fly Bravo Bar Fly Topless Babe Patsy Jo Star Standing at R B Quarter Horses Rusty Breeze • Carter, OK (580) 486-3437 or (580) 729-6849 Reference Sire ZANS DIAMOND SHINE AQHA #3784711 1999 Palomino Stallion Genuine Doc Doc Bar Gay Bar's Gen Diamonds Sparkle Mr Diamond Dude Pollyanna Rose Zans Diamond Sun Zan Parr Bar Diamonds Sparkle Shining Spark Zans Diamond Ring Commander's Tilt Commander King High Tide Leo Zans Diamond Shine is the earner of $38,542 and has 558 working points. He is an AQHA World Champion in Senior Calf Roping and Senior Heeling. His first colt crop is 5 years old and two of them are NCHA money earners. As of today he has colts qualified in 8 events for the 2009 AQHA World Show. Standing at SCHROEDER RANCH Freedom, OK ● (580) 621-3611 www.schroederranch.com ZAN JUAN ZACK 1 5317492 Red Roan Gelding, Foaled April 28, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Sk ippe r W Bar s S ho Bueno C ash Mis s Bar Denny S he rm a n Le o Zan Zan dys D es ir ed V ision Z an J uan Leo N ormans Irish S en or S onny D ude W C W inn ing L ady V is ion s Styl e S ty li sh S tockin gs Mr Snoop er Lena Moore Star A good looking red roan gelding that has been started and is making a good one. He’s definitely one you want to look at! He is paid up in the AQHA Incentive Fund. BLUE BRONSIN 2 5298065 Bay Roan Gelding, Foaled May 8, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd PC Br o ns in S u n Fr o s t R ed R o c k e tte Le o s N if tyw o od B l an to n W o o d L e os N if ix ie B r on sin s D ri ft e r D o c's M a lb e c D oc B ar Is la T iv io M al b e cs Littl e L a dy T ro u bl e s T w o S t ep M r T rou ble S te p Ja gu a r's G a l Not too many daughters of Doc’s Malbec around, but this gelding is big and stout and rides around. He has the pedigree to be an outstanding performance horse. He is gentle and ready to go! ZAN JUAN QUINCY 3 5306743 Bay Roan Mare, Foaled May 10, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Tw o Id B a rt end er T w o Ey ed Ja ck Pris sy Jo an n Rh ine stone Ba rten de r A ll E y es O n J ack ie R hin es ton e Jac k H an di's Fr os ty R e y Z an Ju an Le o Z an Pa r r B a r Im a Ta r B aby L e o N or m an s Ir is h Z and ys Pe te Ir is h Be t t y Za n J uan Ree da AQHA Incentive Fund paid and also eligible for the Pitzer Ranch Horse Invitational. She is a pretty bay roan mare that has been started and is doing well. Zan Juan Reeda is the mother of Reed Goldseeker who is a great barrel horse. SIR QUINCY PARR 4 5399089 Gray Stallion, Foaled May 17, 2011 Bruce Rader S ix Po un d s S te r ling S tr ai t Si lve r L it tle C ar a t P ar r S a n Ba r Z an s F ir st Ch o ic e Z an Pa r r R a m b o T yne Ty r e e Za n Par r R am b o Z an Pa r r Ba r M is tr e ss H an n ah Q ui nc y Z a na S h ay n a Q uin c y A nn a S ir Q ui ncy D a n R o xa n na 6 4 Sire is a grandson of Strait Silver & a greatgrandson of Peppy San Badger and Zan Parr Bar. Dam is a daughter of Zan Parr Rambo (8.5 calf roping & heeling points) and a granddaughter of the great, Sir Quincy Dan. This colt should be an excellent performance prospect. CROWNED REDBUCK 5 5390135 Buckskin Mare, Foaled April 7, 2011 Keener Herefords Two E yed R ed Buc k Mr Baron Red Ima Ty ree M r Ha rla n Re d Bu ck Ms H a rl an Pr inces s Mr Har lan J ac k S iesta Kim ble D ocs O kie Q uix ote Mis s Poco T ary Crow ned Ok ie Ok ie s P in e Girl Jim H ank J r D udes Supe rette Mis s Bell e Pine Ultra-modern feminine filly. Has the good buckskin color in a medium muscled, medium to large frame. This filly is out of our top producing mare who’s colts have always been accepted quite well in this sale. This is her first Buck colt and she’s exceptional. GOLD HOTTIE 6 5417914 Dun Mare, Foaled May 3, 2011 Elvin & Gail Downey Docs Super Cross Doctor J Coun t Pico P ie Gol d Mo unt Music MZ QT Popcorn Drygun Dun Kilowatt W ata P ipedream Handsome Highbrow Colorem Drysan pepleo High Brow Hottie S usie Nita Hot Coca Cola W alkntalk Susie Fancy dun filly. She will turn your head. Bred to be cowy. BROKEN O BOON BOOGIE 7 5097952 Bay Mare, Foaled March 10, 2008 Cody Sander C o achs Boo n B oo ns P ine P retty Lin e Bo o ns F ro ste d Gu n Fancy Lad y T hree F ancy s B aker To m F ancy Lady Tw o Luc ky Pe rk D oc's P re sc ription Lucky Bott om 93 LP B oo gie DP B orn T o Boog ie D ry R ock P is tol O le B anci ta Broke to ride and gentle. GENUINE DIAMOND JJ Pending 8 Palomino Tobiano Gelding, Foaled June 1, 2011 Bobbi Shrum G enuine D oc D oc Bar G ay B ar' s G en Genuine S pin Do cto r Mis s D iamond Della My First Tr y Mr Diamo nd D ude Blondy' s Dude C reepy My F ir st Dia mon d Fire D iamon d Painted Diamond This cute palomino paint gelding is halter broke, gentle and sensible. He has been trimmed and will tie. His brothers and sisters have all been really good cow horses and he should make a good one too! VEGAS GOLDSEEKER 9 5309967 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled April 7, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd L eo G old s e e k e r G o lds e ek e r Ba r s S a n d y L o u S m i th D o c T iv io G o lds e e ke r D o c D u q ue s a Sin C ity Za n D oc 's P re sc rip tio n C hu la D u qu e s a Z a n Pa r r Ba r S i n C ity S an d y S in C i ty H a zz ie F a n ta s t ic H a zz ie H az a rd s B o D u ke F a n ta s t ic Ja n e A nice gelding that has been started and is ready to go on with. Take a look! 10 BOONSMAL GOLDSEEKER 5309968 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled July 8, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd P ep to b oo n sm a l P e p p y Sa n Bad g e r R oy a l Blu e M o o n S m a r t N P e p to D ai nt y L e n a S m art L it tl e Le n a D ain t y O a k L eo G old s e e k e r G o lds e ek e r Ba r s S a n d y L o u S m i th S ally G o lds e ek e r S w e et S ug a r Sa lly S u g a r Ag ai n S a lly s B a by AQHA Incentive Fund paid. Look at some of the greats in this geldings pedigree. He has been started and doing good. Don’t miss this one! HARLAN W GOLDSEEKER 11 5212428 Buckskin Gelding, Foaled May 30, 2009 Mark Holkum Mr Bar o n R e d Im a Ty re e M r T yre e R e d M r T yr e e D rifte r Jo e Ja c k H on ey B ar D r if ter 's D oll D r iftin Do lly Ja ck G o lds e ek er Bar s D iv i's D ou ble C allag ha n s D ivid en d P ri nc e s G old D oc B a r Le nas L er oy La dy s G a me La dy Le ro ys G am e A great Mr Tyree Drifter buckskin gelding that is paid up in the Incentive Fund. Lots of pedigree here. In training with Marty Richardson for a year. A big horse TINA BARS CASH X0694235 12 Bay Gelding, Foaled April 18, 2010 Marshall & Taryn Long P eppy San B adger Mr San P eppy Sug ar B adge r T ina Lena B ars D oc O'L ena Mis simac B ars Miss N Cas h D as h Fo r C a sh D oc N Mis sy Tin a Bar s P eppy Docs Mis s N Cash Len as Baby Ru th D oc O'L ena R uthy Lu Cash is a real eye catcher. This little gelding was very easy to start and will have 30+ rides on him. Rode in the pasture a lot, super gentle, easy to trim and load. Check out his papers, he is bred to watch a cow and make a super nice using horse. Swung a rope on him and has drug a log around. Quiet and gentle, appendix papers. SS PEPTOS SPIN 13 5076793 Red Roan Gelding, Foaled April 28, 2008 Pitts Livestock P eptoboon smal Pep py Sa n Badg er R oya l Blue Moon O ld Sw eet Ma rtha D oc 's S olano G lo's Mis s Marth a Paddy s Ir ish W hisk ey Pep py Sa n Badg er D oc 's S tarlig ht Lit tle Pep to ro ani Ir ish C r eam S pin C he x My Spin D oc O Dy namite Bue no C hex S haron This well bred roan gelding is broke real good, extremely cowy. If you lose a cow on him, it’s your fault not his. Will work real well cow of reining class. He has been used in starter yard and on the outside. 14 HEAT N THUNDER 5026000 Bay Mare, Foaled January 9, 2007 Dwight & Peggy Van Dorn H o ll yw o o d Du n It H o ll yw o o d Ja c 86 B l o ss o m B e rry R iv O L e n a D o c O 'L e na M is s Rive r's H o s s Kin g R e b el W im p S h o wd o wn Sp ik e B a y e tta B a b y Holly wo od Heat Mis s Black Th under M is s C u ti e T h u n d e r T hunder M ajor C u ti e R o an Gentle with plenty of go...soft and stout. She would make a good rope horse, just needs to be rode. So fine to look at. She has the right attitude. BARONS TWO ID JACKIE 3554354 15 Sorrel Mare, Foaled April 21, 1997 Stan Blundell B aron Bell Baron R e ed L H Fannie Belle Bar Fly Ba ron J ac ks B ar Fly Tw o Id W at ch J oe T wo Ey ed Ja ck Bar Fly Sug ar W atc h Jo e Jac k T wo Id P atty Q ueen Watch Tw o Id Tina T ina J oe Ja ck Mons ieur J oe J ack O ak C reek Princes s She’s been a great broodmare. An own granddaughter of the great Baron Bell on the top side with Watch Joe Jack on the bottom. She should have been shown at halter when younger. She was broke to ride as a 2 year old, but hasn’t been ridden in several years. Great disposition and easy keeper. Has good babies, and has produced color when bred to a colored stud. BLUE DEAR 16 4953124 Blue Roan Mare, Foaled September 11, 2006 Elvin & Gail Downey A zul C aballo A migo Blue Lav en Plenty Blue Docs Pl ent y P ep Lady Van zi Pep JK Vans i Pep JK Lady Tillobruc e P r inc e Jo e Jac k T wo Ey ed Ja ck Pay Day Du ches s Don ns P ep py Ka nsas Pep py Kan sas Deer Pep py Ba be 3 This fancy blue roan mare was one my husband wanted for a calf horse but health didn’t permit him to. She is stout and athletic. JASPER GOLDSEEKER 17 5302551 Red Roan Gelding, Foaled April 29, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Sk ipp e r W Bar s S h o B ue n o C as h M is s B a r D e n ny S h e rm a n L e o Z a n Za n d ys S um m e r G r e at Z a n J ua n L eo N or m a n s Ir is h G o lds e ek e r Ba r s S u m m e r L a rk S m o kin G o ld s ee k e r S m o ke A N o te H ire d G u n s m o k e P o lly s H o bb y AQHA Incentive Fund paid. Smokin always raises one that will ride. He has that good roan color and has been started, doing good. RHETT GOLDSEEKER 18 5309966 Red Roan Gelding, Foaled May 20, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Sk ipp e r W Bar s S h o B ue n o C as h M is s B a r D e n ny S h e rm a n L e o Z a n Za n d ys L eo G old s e e k e r Z a n J ua n L eo N or m a n s Ir is h G o lds e ek e r Ba r s S a n d y L o u S m i th F r an ce s G old S e e ke r P r inc e s Le e 2 B ar P a r on ' s 2 B ar M e r it's M iss L e e This cute roan gelding is not very big, but he is stout! He’s gentle and has been started. He’s gonna be a dandy. HHSPANISHGOLDSEEKER 19 5375634 Bay Mare, Foaled April 16, 2011 Shelley Hanson S panish B arbera Spa nis h Array W atc h Tonto G al HH B aca Ba rbera Ba ca T e G oldseek er King W G old seek er Bac a Te Flit D oc Tivio Go lds eek er Leo G oldsee ker D oc s Duqu esa Billie W Gold seeke r Little Sis Nae B ars Lit tle B illy Ma n Lil Lady Tro uble Some of the best bloodlines a yearling can have. Ground work already started, turn her out for a year and she will be big! REDBUCKS CHOICE 5409424 20 Buckskin Mare, Foaled May 31, 2011 Bruce Rader T w o E ye d R e d B u c k M r B ar o n R e d I m a T y re e JJ R e dbu c k T w o Id C o u n t e s s T w o Id B a rt e n d e r J u st C o u n t M e N i ce Za n P ar r R am b o Z an P a r r B a r M is tr e ss H a n n a h T yn e T y re e C a s h D o m in a t o r T yr a Z a n s F i rs t C h o ic e Sire has 2.5 AQHA halter & 5 heeling points and is by Two Eyed Red Buck, Pitzer Ranch senior sire and out of a daughter of Two Id Bartender. Dam is a granddaughter of Zan Parr Bar and Cash Dominator, AQHA Champion. This is a very pretty filly that should ride. AMBER GOLDSEEKER 21 4089072 Palomino Mare, Foaled April 5, 2000 Keri Ward T hr ee Bar s Spa n is h Jo y G o ldse ek e r Bar s Ki ng W G olds ee k er S kipp er S ilk Sai la lon g Sk ip s H o pe T e N Am b er Te N' Te Am be r Que st Ba c a Te F lit Bac a's H ar d L uc k F lit M e M y L uc ky Ba c a A nice palomino daughter of King W Goldseeker that is out of a buckskin mare. In foal to Rhinestone Bartender for a 2013 foal. Her baby will be eligible for the Pitzer Ranch Horse Invitational. A really nice broodmare...take a look! SHINEY GOLD BID 22 5293594 Red Dun Stallion, Foaled April 17, 2010 Jacob & Christina Alford S hining Sp ark G enuine D oc D iam onds Spark le S even S Spar ks G old Mis se d G old Z an G old J ac k Mis se d Pas s Za ns Misty G old Z an Parr Ba r S k ips Mis ty Gold B ids R ed R obin D omino Duk e B ar B ids R ob in Za ns R ed R ob in Shiner is a very good stud prospect. He’s a red dun with just the right amount of chrome and a perfect head. As of April 1st, he has had 2 months riding. He’s loping nice slow circles, catching leads and has actually already had some work behind the lead steer and hot heels. His sire, Seven S Sparks Gold, a son of Shining Spark, has 1 halter point and 263.5 performance points. He was the 2004 Reserve World Champion Junior Tie Down horse, AQHA Performance Champion, Superiors in heading, heeling and tie down. His dam is by Zans Misty Gold, son of Zan Parr Bar. He has 1.5 halter points and 209 performance points. We will post pics on www.alfordropehorses.com. LITTLE MUSIC RASCAL 23 5318428 Red Roan Gelding, Foaled December 31, 2008 Elvin & Gail Downey Lad dy B oy Cash Bar Y Showboy Sandia Star Kasas Silky Big Kansas Jr Silky Go Lucky Happy's Cardinal Happy Hancock My B eaver 1 3 Shu Shu Bel Star S hiek Liz Hancock Sh u Cash Badger La Bele Han co ck Extra fancy color, wide dorsal stripe. My husband saved him back to make a calf horse but couldn’t due to health. Started as a two year old. PARADOX CD KANDY 24 4441266 Sorrel Mare, Foaled May 28, 2003 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Doc O 'Lena D oc B ar Poc o Len a CD O le na C D C hica S an Ba dger D oc's Hi ck or y Pep py Sa n Badg er Z orra C h ica D oc B ar Mis s Ch ic kasha Hi ck orys Ha nd y K a ndy H an dy G old Za n Bl ack G old Zan H andy Hired G irl A really pretty daughter of CD Olena who is in foal to Herman Goldseeker. She is a doll to handle and can be caught anywhere. She is broke to ride and has had some cutting training. CD Olena won $170,706 NCHA, her dam has 9 open points and 5 Amateur Performance points. 25 BREEZY GOLDSEEKER 4610128 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled February 25, 2005 Martin Webster L e o G o ld s e e k e r G o ld s e e k e r B a r s S an d y L o u S m i th E d d y R ed G o ld se e k e r P a yto n s G o ld F i n g e r G o ld F in g er s S ol o S o n o ita C a ll a g h a n s F o r e m o s t G o ld s e e k e r B a r s M is s F o r k 1 0 A B r e e z e G o ld se e ke r C a l lag h a n S e a B r e e z e G o ld s e e k e r B a r s 2 T T C e e G ir l Seven year old gelding that has had a lot of riding. Lots of chrome, in the prime of his life. JADA GOLDSEEKER 26 5298461 Sorrel Mare, Foaled May 27, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd G oldseeker Bars Thr ee Bars Spa nis h Joy Ca ll ag hans F orem os t Mis s Fork 10 For ko b y O toe Mis s E D ext er 5 O n T he Money Re d Ben nie's Big Red Dolly P riest Cl ai rv oy an t Rune E J Cross Bars Easy Jet Tear Bar V alentine A big, nice mare that has all the potential of being a barrel horse. She has all the right stuff. She has been started. DAX GOLDSEEKER 27 5308166 Bay Roan Gelding, Foaled April 15, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd T w o Id B a rt en d e r T w o Ey ed J a ck P r is sy Jo a n n Rh ine s tone B a rten de r A ll Ey e s O n J a ck ie L eo G old s e e k e r R hin e st on e Jac k H an d i's F r os ty R e y G o lds e ek e r Ba r s S a n d y L o u S m i th Ba y La dy Go lds e ek e r Bl ack L i gh tn in g Ba r W a r M a c h in e B l ac k J e w el B a rs AQHA Incentive Fund paid. The dam to this nice gelding always raises horses that have a lot of sense and want to please. This horse will be eligible for the Pitzer Ranch Horse Invitational. He has been started and is ready for you! REDBUCKS SANGRIA 5390137 28 Bay Stallion, Foaled April 26, 2011 Keener Herefords Tw o E ye d R ed Bu c k M r Bar o n R e d I m a Ty re e M r H a r la n Re d B u ck M s H a rl an Pr in ce s s S a ng ria s P lay b oy M r H a r la n J ac k S ie sta Kim b le S an g ri as Pla y rig h t S oc k Pe pp y M o on K H R o s ie s P l ay G i rl St orm y R o s ie R o s e S to rm y Bi ll C o dy H o nd o R o se This horse colt is a good looking dark bay. Medium muscle, medium frame. A good combination of cow horse bloodlines along with some of the best Pitzer blood you can find. He should make an exceptional riding, working or performance horse. 29 MH CAUGHT YOU LOOKIN 4536184 Red Roan Gelding, Foaled March 2004 Shannon Stephens Dual Pep Peppy San Badg er Misseul Doc Kits Little Ga rfie ld Pretty Little Kitty Smart Little Lena Docs Kitty La nce Jones Pa Jones Sugar Note S wingin Maxi Lena Lynx Melody Looki n Garfield is a big pretty roan that is gentle, gentle. Trained cutter. Really quiet outside and look at his pedigree! COLTONS REDBUCK 30 5409423 Palomino Stallion, Foaled May 5, 2011 Bruce Rader Tw o E ye d R ed Bu c k M r Bar o n R e d I m a Ty re e JJ R e dbu c k T w o Id C o u nt es s T w o Id B a rt en d er J u st C o u n t M e N ice Za n Par r R am b o Z an Pa r r Ba r M is tr e ss H an n ah M ila d y D om ina to r C a s h D o m in at or C e rt ain Silve r M ila d y A p sa r ok e Sire has 2.5 AQHA halter & 5 open heeling points. Dam is a daughter of Zan Parr Rambo (8.5 heeling & calf roping points) by Zan Parr Bar. Second dam is a daughter of Cash Dominator, AQHA Champion. This is a big, stout and pretty colt that would a stud prospect. MISS BLACK THUNDER 31 2897494 Black Mare, Foaled February 26, 1990 Dwight & Peggy Van Dorn S how dow n Sp ik e S ho wdo wn Lit tle D ut ch G irl Bay etta B aby K i ng W im p Sun Je anette B rown King Rebe l Wimp Th under M aj or M aj or Ro yal J Q uarter M ar e 1 39 Mis s Cutie T hun der Cutie R oan M onk ey S S on D otti e R oan You don’t want to miss this one! She is 100% Foundation Quarter Horse. Don’t see that anymore. Producer of multiple AQHA qualifiers in roping events, one was Reserve World Champion at the AQHA World Show. She has qualified 3 years in a row. One of her filly’s, Heat N Thunder, is in this sale. This mare is gentle and a sweetheart. In foal to Rhinestone Bartender for 2013 foal. Foal will be AQHA Incentive Fund eligible and eligible for the Pitzer Ranch Invitational Ranch Horse Competition. MR KING BARTENDER 32 3807943 Red Roan Stallion, Foaled April 22, 1999 Martin Webster T w o Id B ar te nde r T w o Ey ed Ja ck Pr is sy Jo a nn Rh ines tone B a r ten de r A ll E y e s O n J ack ie R h in e ston e Jac k H a nd i's F ro s ty R ey M r G ay Ba r K ing G ay B ar Kin g Kin g's Pe pp y B e a M is s Da n dy G a y Fa ris F ly Br av o Bar F ly T op le ss Bab e Martin has had this horse since he was a yearling and has raised a lot of nice red roan colts by him. He has an outstanding pedigree to cross on any kind of a mare. He is broke to ride and is a quiet nice horse to be around. BEDDER JACK 33 5181356 Bay Gelding, Foaled May 9, 2009 Clyde Lamar R ed B a ro n B e ll T w o Ey ed P at ti M r Ba ron R e d T w o E y ed R ed B u c k H ar la n' s T yr ee Im a M cKe e I m a T y re e J o e J a ck H on e y B a r W a tc h Jo e Ja c k L e o B a r H on e y R e d D e b bie M r Ba r o n R e d D eb b ie P a t S t ar R e d D e bb ie J a ck This horse has had a lot of riding time in the pasture and the arena. He is really gentle. He is ready to go to the ranch or the roping pen. HOTTIES HIGH BROW 34 5281348 Sorrel Mare, Foaled December 31, 2008 Elvin & Gail Downey Docs Super Cross Doctor J Coun t Pico P ie Gol d Mo unt M usic MZ QT Popcorn Drygun Dun Kilowatt W ata P ipedream Handsome Highbrow Colorem Drysan pepleo High Brow Hottie S usie Nita Hot Coca Cola W alkntalk Susie This was my pick of the colts for her responsiveness. Very light. Big hip and a nice neck. RICKY GOLDSEEKER 35 5293893 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled April 14, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd L eo G o lds e ek er G o lds e ek er Bar s San dy Lou Sm ith Do c T iv io G o lds e e ke r D o c D uq ues a D oc 's P re sc ript io n C hu la D uq ue s a W oo ds C o lo n el C olo ne l F re ck le s G in nie W o od S an ta F e F re c k S an ta F e C a n Bar C a n San ta F e G irl I usually don’t keep horses til they are 3, but I kept a few geldings back last year so I would have something a little older with a little more riding. This horse has been in training for 5-6 months with Bill Lynn in Amarillo. He has had outside riding. He is broke and ready to go on with in any direction. Santa Fe Freck always raises one of the better riders! ROCCO W GOLDSEEKER 36 5355046 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled April 16, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd G ol dseek er Bars T hree B ars Spa nish Joy Ki ng W G o ld s ee k er S kipper S ilk W oods Colon el Sailalong Sk ips Hope C olo nel Fr eck le s G inni e W ood S an ta F e F re c k Santa F e C a n Bar C an San ta F e G irl AQHA Incentive Fund paid. A very nice King W Goldseeker gelding that has it all, good looks and a good mind. Take him anywhere and be proud. He rides great! JESSIES LADY BUG 37 5237240 Red Dun Mare, Foaled June 13, 2008 Dennis Nail Jessies Mr Red Jessie's Dream Lou L ou Hancock Docs Jes sie Red Hollywoods Chick Stormy Thunde r Cloud Chicks B ar Six Golden Branch Hum B ug Hancock Chekota Stor my River Stormi n Bar Doll Handle Bar Doll Handle Bar Lasan Vandys Talent Junior rodeo prospect. Flashy dun mare that has been used on the ranch, dragged calves to the fire, tagged calves, dragged calves in the trailer and will work a rope. She has been started out of both sides of the box. 38 CHRISSIE GOLDSEEKER 5316407 Sorrel Mare, Foaled May 20, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd G old see k er Bar s T hr ee Bar s Spa nis h Jo y Ki n g W G o lds eek er S kip pe r S ilk Sc ar let W a t ch Sailal on g Sk ips H o pe W a tc h Jo e Ja c k Sc ar let T y re e S ha lom s L eg en d Ou r C lass y Pa ge Blon dy' s D ud e Sha lom This filly has a lot of good foundation bloodlines that would make her an outstanding broodmare. She has been started and is doing good. King W Goldseeker is 24 years old, so there won’t be many more colts by him. SMOKES GUN 39 5092065 Dun Gelding, Foaled September 27, 2007 Elvin & Gail Downey Docs Super Cross Doctor J Coun t Pico P ie Gol d Mo unt Music MZ QT Popcorn Kilowatt W ata P ipedream Doctor I S moke Mr Gu n Smoke Docs Hot S moke Smo ken Donnette Donnino Peponino Mencha Po bre Color deluxe! Dark dun with zebra stripes. Started working rope. Has nice stop. Moved cattle in pasture. WATCH ME PERFORM 40 5348954 Bay Gelding, Foaled February 4, 2011 Calvin Campbell Gen uine Doc O Lena Genuine Doc Rosezana Lena Genuine Nim ble Ole na Docs Nimble Jackie Mr Silverton e Jack Docs Poco Kim Barons Featur e Red Mr Baron Red Quincys Fancy Julene Watch A Red Baron W atch Ja ckies Sta r Canspicuous Star W atch Jackie B o Nice colt. Real correct with a big hind let. He’s stout and should make a top performance cow horse. A Super Horse and World Champion rope horse on his papers. KK SPLASH OF FROST 41 5428002 Sorrel Stallion, Foaled June 3, 2008 Rich Bartlett Sun F rost Doc's Jack Frost Prissy Cline Sun Frost Coun try Kips Countr y Com ma Country Rebel John's Lobo Snotty Doc Sak Em Stan Docs Sadie Twistin Johnni Twister Jet John's Lobo Snottys Johnn i 120 days riding, 60 days barrel training with Heidi Rause of Canton, KS. Loaded with chrome and easy to handle. Go whatever direction you would like with this horse. 42 PATS RIVER BUCK 4273541 Buckskin Gelding, Foaled April 20, 2002 Bodee Baldwin Ki d C lu O b vi ou s C o n clu si on C o nc lu s iv es L a ce Th e C in na m o n Kid Br en n a B a r on Be lle R o o s t er R e y De l B ar o n B e ll S ir R o an E W a sp R e y De l S a n L a dy V er m a jo 1 04 Je s s e Ja m e s Da m e M is s Je s s ie H il l J e ss ie J a m e s S ho wd o wn C la r kie Really nice gelding, extra broke. Used on the ranch and in feedyards. Gentle everytime you catch him. He would make a head horse overnight. He has the best color and is sound. PEP SAN SUG 43 3951950 Bay Gelding, Foaled May 22, 2000 Cassie Wood Do c's J Ja y D o c Bar P au la J u m pu p Le tters R e mi nde r E ig h t e e n Le tt e rs A g ain u M is s Be r ty A b ne r D o c L eo S a n B ird ie D o c 's S u g B ird ie I re n e Sa n M is s S ilv e r P e p M r San P e pp y M is s Silv er B u g M is s Bi rd ie P e p “Kip” is extremely gentle and easy to be around. He is easy to shoe, bathe, clip and handle. Kip has gathered and doctored calves outside. He is a finished heel horse. Kip handles great in the box. Anyone could ride and rope off of Kip from a 10 year old kid to your grandpa. AUDACIOUS TO ME 5210819 44 Dun Stallion, Foaled April 7, 2009 Bruce & Joi Melton L e o G olds ee k e r G olds ee k er Bar s San d y Lo u Sm ith He r m a n G o lds e ek e r He rm an s J ew e l Au da c iou s T o A T e Sm oo th H er ma n Per fe c tio ns M iss Aud a ciou s T e Z an s Re ne e M is s T o A T e M is s J a ck E yed S nip Sni ps Da n dy T im e Ja ck Ey ed D oll You’ll look good in the roping box on this one. “Rackers” has about 60+ days riding. He’s well mannered and can be your next stud prospect or gelding. He is truly dunskin (buckskin/ dun) he should produce lots of color. Rackers stands about 14.3 is smart and attractive. Give him a look. Questions call Joi at 580-254-0512. VIC GOLDSEEKER 45 1,006,517 Bay Gelding, Foaled April 25, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd L e o G o lds e ek e r G o ld s e e k e r Ba r s S an d y Lo u S m i th D o c T iv io G o lds e e ke r D oc D uq u es a D o c 's P re sc rip tio n C h ul a D u q ue s a Irish D o c B ar T exa s T e a A ll S ta r H a rd G o D o c J ay B a r L et o J a y Ba r L e o L e to s Im a g e K a w as a k ir iz on A smaller type gelding that is dark bay with 4 socks and some white on his face. Will make a dandy little gelding. He’s started and riding quiet. TOBY GOLDSEEKER 46 5298070 Bay Gelding, Foaled April 20, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd L eo G old s e e k e r G o lds e ek e r Ba r s Sa n d y L o u S m i th D o c T iv io G o lds e e ke r D o c D u q ue s a D oc 's P re sc rip tio n C hu la D u qu e s a Z a n Ju an L e o Z a n Pa r r Ba r Im a Ta r B a by L e o Z a n J ua n B ar e tta Jill s R e ru n C at C an Do Ji lly A cute little bay gelding with a pedigree to do most anything. He is started and ready to go. FIREWATER N FROST 47 4806642 Brown Gelding, Foaled April 19, 2006 Hoffman & Hoffman S un F r o st D o c 's J a c k F r o st P ris sy C lin e P C C a s hi ng In Fr o s t Fo res t N a tiv e C a s h N a tiv e F or e st F lo we r Fi re W a te r F lit F lit B ar S la sh J H a r le tta D r L eo s L ad y D r E llis M is s B D a w n F ir e w a t e r Ta ffy Sun Frost & Firewater Flit… .enough said if you are in the barrel business. Gentle and safe for anyone to ride. In training with J.R. Reichert of Glenpool, TX and Michelle Hoffman of Medford, OK. Hauled this season to WPRA & 4-D Barrels. Sells sound. Watch the video on sale day. WATA FLASH 5132090 48 Buckskin Mare, Foaled May 10, 2007 Elvin & Gail Downey D ocs S up er Cros s D oc tor J Coun t Pico P ie Gol d Mo un t M usic MZ Q T P opc orn Kilow att W ata P ipedream W ild Flash er Mr W ild Deck Latc hem D e bbie Fla she rs Wil d La dy Je npago L ady D oc s Sm ok y Pine R ail A J enpag o Dark buckskin color and well balanced...big hip, nice head, very catty. Started as a two year old. Use as a broodmare or go on with her. CUDD QUARTER HORSE SALE PROVEN PERFORMERS RHINESTONE COWGIRL Ridden by Michelle Hoffman or Medford, OK 1st WPRA Pro Futurity in Hutchinson, KS 3rd WPRA Pro Futurity in Guthrie, OK 4th WPRA Pro Futurity in Abbyville, KS Purchased at Cudd Quarter Horse Sale in 2009. CUDD QUARTER HORSE SALE PROVEN PERFORMERS REED GOLDSEEKER Shown heeling by Brock Nichols ETTA GOLDSEEKER Shown at barrels by Alicia Ary CUDD QUARTER HORSE SALE PROVEN PERFORMERS SON O HOMBRE Purchased by Matt Winne at the 2007 Cudd Quarter Horse Sale Ridden by Eli Lord at a South Dakota High School Rodeo Currently owned by Dean Moncur Eli competes on Son O Hombre in steer wrestling and team roping (heading and heeling). 49 HOLLYWOODS MY DADDY 5390139 Bay Mare, Foaled April 11, 2011 Keener Herefords Hollywood Heat Hollywood Du n It Riv O Lena Hot Sc otc h Holly woo d Seven Scotch A ngels Scotchs S even Two Eyed Jodie S ue Hot Scotch Hollywood Hollywood He at Seven Scotch Angels Show Down Hollywo od St ormy Rosie Rose Stormy Bill Cody Hondo Rose Wow! Look at this one! A double bred Hollywood filly. Just an experiment that seems to have worked quite well. She is a dark bay with medium muscle. She is the only Hollywood colt in the sell, so don’t miss this one! GALLO PATRON 50 5399085 Bay Stallion, Foaled May 3, 2011 Bruce Rader G allo Del Ci elo P ep py Sa n Badg er D oc's S tar lig ht Mis ch ief M aking S r Mak ing My Mov e S r Misc hief Make r Cuch ara Patron P ep py Su n Deck F ly R oan Z ans First Ch oice Z an Par r Rambo T yne Tyree Ga llo S im p ati co S an s Firs t C h o ic e Sire has ROM in reining and is a money earner. Dam is a granddaughter of Zan Parr Rambo (8.5 AQHA roping & heeling points) by Zan Parr Bar. Cuchara Patron is a grandson of Peppy San & Roan Light. This is a pretty colt with an excellent performance pedigree. EYES JOE CLARK 51 5283792 Chestnut Gelding, Foaled May 16, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd M r Ba ron R e d R ed B a ro n B e ll T w o Ey ed P at ti T w o E y ed R ed B u c k I m a T y re e M r J oe s So n g H ar la n' s T yr ee Im a M cKe e M r Ba r o n R e d W a tc h Jo e s S o ng K a r en s S o n g Qu e e n Jo e Ja c k W a tc h Jo e Ja c k T w o Id P a tty Q ue e n This good gelding has AQHA Champions and World Show qualifiers all through his pedigree. He is AQHA Incentive Fund paid and has all the potential of getting to the World Show himself. He is also eligible for the Pitzer Ranch Horse Invitational. Smaller type horse and Pitzer branded. HE MY JOE JACK RED 52 5284267 Bay Gelding, Foaled May 14, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd J oe Jack H oney Bar W atc h Jo e Jac k Leo B ar H oney Miss Pe arly R ed Mr Bar on Red Mis s Jack P early Fiddle On Jack T w o Ey ed Ja ck Lit tle Mus ic Da ves Lady Fa ir O il Do t Jack W illie s La dy Fair Jo e J ac k R ed S he s My 40 9 AQHA Incentive Fund paid. Pitzer Ranch Horse Invitational eligible. A smaller type Pitzer branded gelding that has all the makings of a performance horse. His sire was a great performance horse with more than 100 heading and heeling points with a Superior in both. GENUINE FRECKLES 53 5397471 Palomino Stallion, Foaled May 11, 2011 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Gen uine D o c O Lena G enuine D oc R os ezana Lena Sky H igh Salu te S k y H igh Le o Mis s Gill Salut e Mr Genuine Poco D ry Frec k les C olo nel Hotrodd er Mis s Guth rie Dr y D oc s G old N Glitte r Ja ck ies Gold B ee C inn amon Doc B ar S alero S coote r A good looking performance bred yearling stallion that is halter broke and gentle. He is eligible for the Farmers & Ranchers Futurity at Salina, KS. This colt is good enough to be a stud, but would make one of those “top end” geldings. 54 TWO EYED JO HILDA 5369635 Palomino Mare, Foaled May 12, 2011 Gary Parker M r Ba ro n R ed R e d B a ro n B e ll T w o E y e d Pat ti Im a T y re e H a rla n ' s T yr ee I m a M cK e e T w o E y ed R ed B uc k J oe J a ck H o n ey Ba r W a tc h Jo e J ac k L e o B a r H on e y W at c h J o e H ild a W a tc h Jo e J ac k H ild a Pa t Sta r T w o J o e H il d a Broodmare prospect. Pretty headed with a lot of flash and golden color. Bald face and stocking legged, with a lot of shape and muscling. Two Eyed Red Buck is 21 this year and books are closed to outside mares. He’s a proven broodmare sire and Pitzer Ranch is using them to cross on the ranch’s proven sires, topping sales in the fall colt sale. Two Joe Hilda is getting old and one of the top colt producers every year. One of the last double bred Watch Joe Jack mares this close on papers alive today. Pitzer Ranch branded and eligible for Pitzer Ranch Horse Competition. ELANS BLUE DUDE 55 5137119 Blue Roan Stallion, Foaled April 13, 2008 Matt Mardis Elans P layboy Freckles Playboy Miss Elan Legacys Candy Lega cy Candy Roan Elans Leg acy Majestic Freckles Colonel Freckle s Poco Bear To ne Gallant Rio Dude Gallant Dude Dolly Rio Fin ely A Fre ckles A super nice true blue roan 4 year old gelding. He has been used outside and is 100% sound and gentle. He is the real deal, write your own guarantee. HOMBRES BOOTS 56 5078302 Palomino Gelding, Foaled April 30, 2008 Bill Lynn G enuine D oc D oc Bar G ay B ar' s G en Genuine H om br e Sev en S Marg arita Son O L eo Mis s T S tuar t Mr Ba ron Red R ed B aro n Bell T wo Ey ed P at ti Pat Jo J ac k W atc h Jo e Jac k Pat 's K im W atch B oo tsy Red A pretty Pitzer branded palomino gelding that has had a lot of riding in the arena and in the feedlot. Stands about 14.2 with a pretty head and beautiful color. He is just the right size for a calf roping horse, take a look! IMA GENUINE RED 57 5284264 Sorrel Stallion, Foaled May 4, 2010 Mark Holkum G enuine D oc D o c Bar G a y B a r' s G e n G e n ui n e H om br e Sev e n S M a rg a rita M r Ba ro n R e d S on O L eo M is s T S tua r t R e d B a ro n Be l l T w o E y e d P a t ti D u st e r s A un t R ed D u s te r Au n t M in R BM D u s te r W olf Z e ro 's M e lb a This good Hombre colt is paid up in the Incentive Fund. Out of a daughter of Mr Baron Red, he has a license to ride. He’s a smaller type horse with a huge hip and pretty head. He’s been in training for almost a year with Marty Richardson. RED HAT HOMBRE 58 4647401 Palomino Stallion, Foaled June 25, 2005 Martin Webster G enuine D oc D oc Bar G ay B ar' s G en Genuine H om br e Sev en S Marg arita Son O L eo Mis s T S tuar t Mr Ba ron Red R ed B aro n Bell T wo Ey ed P at ti Lady T wo H at Billy Tw o Hat 2 T wo Ey ed S tink er La dys R e d Hat This is a very pretty son of Genuine Hombre. He has that golden palomino color with a pretty head. He sires babies with nice heads and big hips. He is Pitzer branded and was broke to ride when he was 2 or 3. A nice horse to be around. He’s paid up in the AQHA Incentive Fund. He’s only 7 and would still make a great great gelding. DIANETOMEETUGUYS 59 5223147 Palomino Mare, Foaled May 10, 2009 Hoffman & Hoffman S un F r o st D o c 's J a c k F r o st P ris sy C lin e F r en c hm a n 's L a dy L a ug hin g Bo y C a s e y's L ad y lov e T he Si gn a tu re N o ho lm e I I M a b le C hic k To o F r en ch m a n s G u y M is s S ig n a S tr ea k in g D a s h M is s S tr ea k in D ash M e is c u te Frenchmans Guy has prodigy with earnings of $3 Million and Miss Signa is the daughter of The Signature (SI 104). Started on barrels, is quiet and gentle. She is eligible for all MAJOR futurities in 2013. In training with Michelle Hoffman of Medford, OK. Sells sound. MR HANCOCK STEP 60 4905784 Gray Stallion, Foaled January 6, 2006 Martin Van Dorn H um B ug H ancoc k H ec k No H a ncoc k H um B ug B ar Hanc ock Si lver Buddy W ag goner D oc Tivio R oy al Ho tro dder R after L Stormy D oc s W agg oner Snip D oc 's H ot rodd er R oya l O cc asion Mis s Hotro d Step Sno w S tep Big Ste p Mis s Leowan Nice ranch horse that can do anything in the pasture. Also has been in the roping arena and makes a good heeling horse. IMA JOE JACK RED 61 5299553 Red Roan Mare, Foaled February 28, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd J oe Jack H oney Bar W atc h Jo e Jac k Leo B ar H oney Miss Pe arly R ed Mr Bar on Red Mis s Jack P early Jo e J ac k R ed T w o Id B artender T w o Ey ed Ja ck Pris sy Jo ann C la ssic ally Spe cial C her okee C las s Ju st C ou nt M e N ice M s Tw o I d Sp e cial An absolutely gorgeous bay roan daughter of Joe Jack Red who has 53 AQHA heading and 58 AQHA heeling points and was 2005 Superior Heading & 2004 Superior Heeling horse. This is the kind of filly you want to put in the broodmare band. She will raise some pretty performance babies. She has been started. 62 MS GAYBAR GOLDSEEKER 5306744 Palomino Mare, Foaled March 6, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd G o ld se e k e r B a r s T hr e e B ar s S pa n is h Joy K i ng W G ol ds ee k er S k ip pe r Silk Po p p ys D a n dy S ai la lo n g S k ip s H o p e I m a Da n d ee B a r P op p y So ck s P o pp ys G old ie T w o Ga y Ba r S coo t er G a y B a r K in g B ill' s M er tz This is probably one of the prettiest palomino fillies I’ve ever raised. She has the color and the pedigree to do anything. This filly will halter. She is stout! Paid up in the AQHA Incentive Fund. TALENT SEEKER HM 63 5194843 Bay Mare, Foaled February 18, 2009 Kelly Adams Goldseeker Bars Three Bars ( TB) Spanish Joy Cheyenne Fever Reed Cheyenne Royal Manan a Mis Gol dsee kin Fever Ban jos Bingo Leo B ingo Missy Banjo Tivios Mix Tivio B ar Hucks' Dot Tiv io J o L ea This is a nice bay mare that was shown as a weanling. Gentle and easy to handle. FINAL FOCUS 5240358 64 Blue Roan Stallion, Foaled May 7, 2007 Elvin & Gail Downey To p S ug T op Moon S ug ar Time G al U ncu t D iamo nds K ee per Bee B ar Ju st D iamonds Cow ie Kid C ow boy Doctor H us ky s C owgirl Mo on Jus tice Azul Qu ick silver B ar A zul Pr inc ess A z ul C ab allo Amigo P rin ces s R ou ge Very nice disposition. Used to move cattle and started working a rope. Patterned on barrels. MILADYS REDBUCK 65 5409421 Buckskin Mare, Foaled June 11, 2011 Bruce Rader T w o E ye d R e d B u c k M r Baron Red Im a T y r e e JJ R e dbu c k T w o Id B a rt e n d e r Ju st C o u n t M e N i ce T w o I d C o u n te ss Te N' Te S u z a n O il Mad e O f Te M ila d y T e C a s h D o m in a to r C e r t a in S il ve r M il a d y D o m in a t o r This is a pretty buckskin filly whose sire has AQHA halter & heeling points. Her dam is sire by Made of Te, AQHA Champion, and she’s out of a daughter of Cash Dominator, also an AQHA Champion. This filly should ride and eventually make a good addition to your broodmare band. CC SKEETER JAC 66 4682088 Palomino Gelding, Foaled April 11, 2005 Bodee Baldwin P eppy San B adger Mr San P eppy S ug ar Badge r Tivios Miss Sk eet R ig ht O n Tivio Mis s Adr ianna Skeets Peppy Ho lly wood J ac 8 6 E as ter King Mis s Ho lly wood Mis s Satin Jac A G reat S t ar G rea t Pine B en nett St ar Bar Extra nice horse. Finished reiner that has been shown. We have roped calves for 45 days in the arena and been heeling on him. He is gentle for anybody. Sound EYES SUPER RED 67 5283946 Buckskin Stallion, Foaled May 10, 2010 Mark Holkum M r B a ro n R e d R e d B a ro n B e l l T w o E y e d P a t ti Im a T y re e H a rla n ' s T yr e e I m a M cK e e M r B a ro n R e d R e d B a ro n B e l l T w o E y e d P a t ti H a lf T im e K a te S up e r H a lf T i m e W a tc h Jo K a t e T w o E y e d R ed B u c k K a t e s H a l f ti m e R e d A big, nice buckskin by Two Eyed Red Buck. He has been in training with Marty Richardson. This horse has it all...pedigree and that beautiful buckskin color! Don’t miss this nice gelding. JOES DOUBLE SONG 68 5369202 Sorrel Stallion, Foaled May 26, 2011 Gary Parker M r J o e s S on g M r B ar o n R e d W a tc h Jo e s S o n g S how M e A S on g J oe s S h o w M e G o ld M o n ey M r S on n y M on e y S ho w M e T h e T o w n M r B a ro n R e d R e d B a ro n B e l l T w o E y e d P a t ti Jo L e ft W a tc h Jo e J a c k P a t 's L a st M is s J o R e d A real prospect here...Sire, Show Me A Song Joes, a.k.a. “Colt 45” is 15H palomino winner of 2011 Battle In The Saddle Championship and 2011 AQHA World Champion Head Horse with Mark Wray riding, 2010 All Around Hi Point Senior Horse, 2007 PHBA World Champion Head Horse, 8 time Year End Hi Point Top 10, and hauled to US Ropings across the country. Dam, Miss Jo Red, is a proven producer with offspring earning superior heeling and World Show qualifiers. She is by the Super Horse, Mr Baron Red, and out of the great broodmare, Jo Left, by Watch Joe Jack. This colt will be an improvement to someone’s breeding program after his show career, or just have fun roping or ranch work. Pitzer Ranch branded and eligible for all Pitzer Ranch Invitational Ranch Horse Competition. Last year’s winner won over $11,000 plus a saddle. 69 TWO SHADY JACKIE 5283949 Buckskin Mare, Foaled May 8, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd M r Ba ron R e d R ed B a ro n B e ll T w o Ey ed P at ti T w o E y ed R ed B u c k I m a T y re e H ar la n' s T yr ee Im a M cKe e Q u ixo t es M im D oc Q u ixo te L yn xs M is si S h a d y Jo D o c D oc W a ts on Sha dy J o S h a dy J o Q u ix o te AQHA Incentive Fund paid and also Pitzer Ranch Horse Invitational eligible. This is a pretty, dark buckskin. She has the looks and the pedigree to be a great performance and/or broodmare. Two Eyed Red Buck is 21 years old already, not a lot of years left to be siring these good fillies! 70 DUTCHESS GOLDSEEKER 5308161 Buckskin Mare, Foaled March 27, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd L eo G o lds e ek er G o lds e ek er Bar s San dy Lou Sm ith He r m a n Go lds e eke r He rm ans Jew el Tw o E ye d R ed Buc k Sm oot h H er ma n Per fec tio ns M iss Mr B ar o n R e d Im a Ty re e Im a Re d B uc ks D oll P ar do n Mis s D o lly W a tc h Pep U p D ut c he ss H ob o Do ll A big athletic mare with that great buckskin color. She is gentle to handle and has been started. SMOKIN LUCKY RENO 71 5068069 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled April 23, 2008 Marshall & Taryn Long S mokin Le e Smokin Jose Carol's Leo Lady Smo kin Re ward Quixotes Reward Frekles Quixote Doc Quixote Susie Rewa rd Colonel Freckle s Quixotes Reward Freck les Luck y Reno Cupcake Double Reno Silver L ucky Ren o Double Meditation Reno is a flashy, streak faced sorrel gelding with a big stop and will turn around. He has had calves drug on him and is broke, broke in the bridle. Super gentle and quiet. He has a scar on his left rib cage that does not bother him at all. He is a must see! VVF GOLDFINGER SHINE 5024250 72 Sorrel Mare, Foaled April 20, 2007 Dwight & Peggy Van Dorn S h in i n g Sp a rk G e n u in e D o c D ia m o n d s Sp a rk le Za ns D ia m o nd S hi ne Za ns D i a m o n d R in g Z a n s Di a m o n d Su n C o m m a n d e r's Ti lt H u g o T h e Tr u c ke r T ru ck le F ea t u re M is s M a g n u m Ba r R e a l G ol d fin ge rs R e a l Fi n g e r G o ld F in g e rs N u b bi n 's Pa l Green broke. We didn’t ride her for a year. She picked up on her training right where she left off. Moves nice with a good, solid stop. She has the potential to go in any direction. Take a look at this one...there are not many Gold Fingers mares left. HOLLYS ICHI FRECKLE 73 5011288 Red Dun Gelding, Foaled May 28, 2007 Shannon Stephens H ig h Brow C at H ig h Br ow H ic ko ry Sm art Little Kitty Cat I ch i Lan ey D oc D oc Quixote C hris tmas Four C o lonel Frec k les Je we l's Leo B ars C hris ty J ay H olly C omma nder C omma nder K ing Je ss ie's H olly Holly s Fr eck le Walley is a pretty and stout dun gelding. We have used him on the ranch and he is handy at all aspects of ranch work. Gentle, gentle. HL CHIPARHETT 74 5355637 Bay Stallion, Foaled February 10, 2011 Ron & Somer Richards Two E yed R ed Buck Mr Bar on Red Im a Tyree Te E ye d R he tt B u c k A u daci ous Sca rlet Aud acious Te Z ans Re nee Grande Obs essio n Mr Sonny Money Si erras O bsession Smok eys Tyree B ell Sm okey s G ray C las sy R ed B ay M ea M y a B el le Rhett is a unique individual in that he has that halter horse look with a pedigree to ride. Rhett placed 3rd in the Iowa Weanling Stud Colt division and continues to look like a stud prospect. Big and gentle with no vises, a great show horse prospect. ROYAL BLUE BARTENDER 5226566 75 Bay Roan Stallion, Foaled April 21, 2009 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd P eptoboon smal Pep py Sa n Badg er R oya l Blue M oon S ma rt N P e pto D ai nty L ena R hine stone Bartende r Sm art Littl e Lena D ain ty O ak T w o Id B art ender Al l E yes On Jac ki e Ho n e y B e a B arte nd e r D ot s Hone y B e a Jo e Star J oe Mis s April H oney I don’t usually keep them til they are 3, but I kept a few geldings last year so that I would have something a little older with a little more riding. This is an athletic gelding with a lot of stop and turn around. He has been in training with Bill Lynn in Amarillo for 5-6 months. He has had outside riding and is going to make a great gelding for anything. HONEYBEE GOLDSEEKER 5298066 76 Blue Roan Mare, Foaled April 23, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd L eo G o lds e ek er G o lds e ek er Bar s San dy Lou Sm ith He r m a n Go lds e eke r He rm ans Jew el R h ine sto ne B ar ten de r Sm oot h H er ma n Per fec tio ns M iss T w o I d B art en der All E ye s On Ja c kie Ho ne y B ea B ar te n der D ot s H o ne y B e a Jo e Sta r J oe Mis s Ap ril H one y A blue roan is the hardest color to raise and this is a good one! She is pretty, she is athletic and she rides around really nice. A barrel prospect here. TWO EYED DI 77 5307171 Bay Roan Mare, Foaled March 25, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Tw o Id B a rt end er T w o Ey ed Ja ck Pris sy Jo an n Rh ine ston e B a r ten de r A ll E y es O n J ack ie Tw o E ye d R ed Buc k R hin es ton e Jac k H an di's Fr os ty R e y Mr B ar o n R e d Im a Ty re e T w o E y ed B ev y An n Be vy An n W at ch W a tc h Jo e Ja c k Bev y A nn This is a big bay roan mare that is started and she is pretty! She is eligible for the Pitzer Ranch Horse Invitational. 78 LYNS GOLDSEEKER 5390138 Buckskin Mare, Foaled April 11, 2011 Keener Herefords L eo G o lds e ek er G o lds e ek er Bar s San dy Lou S m ith He r m a n Go lds e eke r He rm ans Jew el Sm oot h H er ma n Per fec tio ns M iss Z a n P ar r C r ic k e t Z an Pa r r Ba r R ho de s P a t sy J a ck s Star G em Ja ck T w o S tar G ray G e m Ba ca Cr ick e ts Go l d G em A very feminine, sleek little buckskin filly. We had all intentions of keeping this filly when she was born, but have decided to cut the herd even more so she’s for sell. She is by Renee’s good Herman Goldseeker stud. You can’t go wrong with that breeding. Her dam is a palomino that has produced color and produced several good riding colts. JJ FIRST CHOICE 79 5321794 Bay Stallion, Foaled June 12, 2010 Bruce Rader Tw o E ye d R ed Bu c k M r Bar o n R e d I m a Ty re e JJ R e dbu c k T w o Id C o u nt es s T w o Id B a rt en d er J u st C o u n t M e N ice Za n Par r R am b o Z an Pa r r Ba r M is tr e ss H an n ah T yn e T y ree C a s h D o m in at or T yr a Z a n s Fi rs t C h oic e Sire has 2.5 halter points and 5 AQHA heeling points. Dam is a granddaughter of Zan Parr Bar and Cash Dominator, AQHA Champion. Second dam is a granddaughter of Harlans Tyree. Due to a prior neck injury and severe cut on his hock, he is being offered as a stud prospect only. He has the conformation and pedigree to enhance a breeding program. PEPTO BOONS MEL 80 5276892 Gray Gelding, Foaled May 25, 2009 Bruce & Joi Melton P eptoboon smal Pep py San Badger Roya l Bl ue Moon Sma rt N Pe pto D ainty L ena Sm art Little Lena Dainty Oak Mel Pe p Mel Bar Ms Peponita Del l MB S ally Mel Bar Miss Sally T o M P Pe p S ally “Grinch’s” top side is self explanatory, his bottom side is Melvin Rittenhouse’s breeding know locally for producing excellent performance horses. Grinch is intelligent with a long ground covering stride and tremendous athleticism. Take him any direction you choose and you won’t be dissatisfied. Questions, call Joi at 580-254-0512. REAL GOLDFINGERS 81 3222479 Gray Mare, Foaled April 29, 1993 Dwight & Peggy Van Dorn Truc k le Featur e T ruly Truc kle ( TB) F eature That Hugo The T ru cker Miss Magnum Bar T hree Bars ( TB) Mis s Mangum G old Fin ger s Edd ie Red R o se Sad ie Lace Nubbin 's P al N if ty Pa l 119 Monti N ubbin Real F ing er Nice big, gray mare. Every colt we have from her is nice. Produces smart, strong ranch and rope horses. Don’t overlook this mare...there’s not many Gold Fingers mares left out there. In foal to King W Goldseeker for a 2013 foal. Foal will be AQHA Incentive Fund eligible. 82 MISS JACQUELINE 089 3538526 Gray Mare, Foaled April 6, 1996 Dwight & Peggy Van Dorn W agg oner 101 W aggo ner's Snip N ugge t's Miss ie Blu e Bird Lew is R oman N ose R ed B ir d Lew is Natur al His tory Pep onita N atural Gr ey C utter Mis Jacq S ixtyn ine MisJ ac q Thirty fiv e Sav annah Jr Mis s Jac q C ord Big, strong mare that is a cowboy’s horse. She was used as a heading horse and ranch horse before she became a broodmare. Lots of stamina. She has AQHA points and is 92% foundation quarter horse. In foal to King W Goldseeker for a 2013 foal. Foal will be AQHA Incentive Fund eligible. GOLDIE CJ 83 5343690 Palomino Mare, Foaled September 29, 2007 Elvin & Gail Downey D ocs S up er Cros s D oc tor J Coun t Pico P ie Gol d Mo unt M usic MZ Q T P opc orn Kilow att W ata P ipedream W imp y S u gar D oc C J Sugar W im py Dry Silk y Lil Silk Pro San dia Star CJ Silk Goes back to our Skipper W stud. Her mom was an exceptional rope horse. Started as a two year old. Pretty palomino color. SHEZA HOLLYWOOD CUTIE Pending 84 Chestnut Mare, Foaled June 9, 2010 Bobbi Shrum Hollywood Du n It Hollywood Jac 86 Blossom B erry Holly wood Vinta ge Taris Little Vintage Peppy San Badg er T aris Vintage Genuine Spin Doctor Genuine Doc Miss Diamond Della Sheza Genu ine Cutie Bay Cutie Dude Docs Expectatio n Eggers Cutie Dude This is a nice 2 year old filly that has 60 days riding with Lori Campbell at Arnett, OK. She is showing lots of athletic ability. Her sire, Hollywood Vintage, is a NHRA money earner. Take a look at her! RAISIN GOLDSEEKER 85 X0691793 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled April 24, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd T hree B ars Spa nish Joy G ol dseek er Bars Ca ll ag h a ns F orem os t F orko b y O toe Mis s E D ext er 5 Mis s For k 10 R are Je t Mis s Fair Dolly R are B ar Ra is in R a re J e t Boc a Rio Ef for tless Fas t N Fatal A great barrel prospect here! Look at all the speed horses in his pedigree. He has been started and on his way. MOSTLY GOLDSEEKER 86 5301499 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled February 28, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd G oldseeker Bars Thr ee Bars Spa nis h Joy Ca ll ag hans F orem os t Mis s Fork 10 For ko b y O toe Mis s E D ext er 5 Za n Jua n Buck Zan Juan Leo Troubles Bu bbles Easter Ba r L ynn Easter s Silver Ba r Mis s De de Lyn n Za n J uan Ken na A big, stout gelding that has been started. He is riding decent. PEPPY SAN DASHER 87 X0698405 Gray Stallion, Foaled May 6, 2011 Bruce Rader S tr a i t S i lve r L it tle C a r a t S ix P o u n d s S te r lin g P ar r S a n Ba r Z an P a r r R a m b o T yn e T y r e e Z an s F ir st C h o ic e C o p o te P e a k S pe c ia l T a m E le va te d D a sh N o P e p py D a sh er X e ro x P ep p y N o w a ta M o o n B u g P e p p y s N o w a ta This colt’s sire is a grandson of Strait Silver and he is out of a granddaughter of Zan Parr Bar. Dam was a granddaughter of Copote Peak (SI 100), by Dash For Cash. A big, good looking colt that should make a barrel or team roping prospect. EZ KINGS MARK 4347811 88 Red Dun Gelding, Foaled May 18, 2003 Bodee Baldwin Diamo nd N D un K ing D iam ond N K ing D iam ond N H elena Diam on d N K ing dynam o Diamo nd N D yna Pet G olden Be Goo d D iam ond N D y namo D oc D iam ond N P et R oguish Be G ood Lady Yellow Dog Gol den C and y Maid Candy Bar Maiden H ominy Sam H ired Ma iden Gentle for anyone. He is broke for beginner or cowboy. Used on ranch, carried flag in rodeo and parades. Sound. SPANISH DENVER BAR 89 5306295 Chestnut Gelding, Foaled May 4, 2010 Mark Holkum Spa nis h Arr ay S k ip' s B arb er S pa nis h Ga lla S pan ish B arb era W atch Tonto G al Tw o E yed Red Buc k W atc h Jo e Jac k D us ter' s Gal Mr Baron R ed Ima Ty ree Buck s Mi ss D env er Mis s J ac kie D enve r T wo Ey ed Ja ck D ot P at Sta r How may times do we get to see Two Eyed Jack, Watch Joe Jack, Mr Baron Red and World Champion, Spanish Array on a set of horse papers with a double shot of the good Star Duster and Pat Star Jr mares in the mix. This colt is made very correct and has a lot of stout muscle and a leg of every corner. He’ll be just the size to do anything. His sire, Spanish Barbera, has AQHA performance points and halter points as well. FORKS NEW PLAYBOY 90 5185382 Chestnut Gelding, Foaled April 6, 2009 Marshall & Taryn Long G ra ys Starlight Pep py Sa n Badg er D oc 's S tarlig ht Te jon s New S tar N e w O r lena Pla yboy s B adge D oc O'L ena T is a McC o y F re ck les Playboy Bad ge O f Cour age P laybo y Ath ena J azz y Luth ena D ual Jaz z Luthe na Coley is a super nice 3 year old gelding, born and raised on the historic Pitchfork ranch in Guthrie, OK. Been used to doctor yearlings outside and drug calves. Rides super nice and is made like a ranch horse should be. Lots of size, good bone and good footed. Will watch a cow and after he matures will be a big gelding. Can flat out run if asked to, but he is very laid back. Could make a nice head horse or even a barrel prospect. COYE W GOLDSEEKER 91 5308165 Palomino Gelding, Foaled April 5, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd G ol dseek er Bars T hree B ars Spa nish Joy Ki ng W G o ld s ee k er S kipper S ilk R hinestone Jac k Sailalong Sk ips Hope T w o Ey ed Ja ck D ude's St arlet Rh ine s tone K itty C edarkitty C edar wood Bar K itty AQHA Incentive Fund paid. A real nice gelding that has as much potential as any gelding in the sale. He has been started and looks good. JETT GOLDSEEKER 5308162 92 Palomino Gelding, Foaled March 27, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd G oldse ek er Ba rs T hr ee Ba rs S pa nis h Joy Ki n g W G ol dseek er S kipp er Silk Fi ddle On Jac k S ailalo ng S k ips H op e T w o E y e d Ja ck Lit tle M us ic Fid dle r s Fan c y F ox ie P oco L itt le F an cy P oc o Po we r E x J r C ot ton E yed Jac k AQHA Incentive Fund paid. A stout palomino gelding that has been started. He’s nice, don’t miss him! 93 MS SPANISH SEEKER HM 4468404 Chestnut Mare, Foaled May 7, 2003 Kelly Adams G old seekin Fe ver G oldseeker Bar s C hey enne F eve r M r S pa nis h H M S pani sh J oyan n MH G old seekin Fe ver Mac h I D ayd ream in A nnie G oldseeker Bar s C hey nne Fever Gotta be G old s ee k in Gott abe Im press ive Impr es sive G otta Lot ta G lare Halter broke and gentle. Open. 94 COLONEL GALLO 5399084 Bay Mare, Foaled May 23, 2011 G allo D e l C i elo P ep p y Sa n Ba dg e r D o c 's S t ar lig h t M is ch ie f M ak in g S r M ak in g M y M ov e S r M isc h ie f M a ke r F rec k les Flitb a r C o lo ne l H ot r od d e r L e o L e na Sa n G a llo S im p at i co Z a n P a r r F lit Z an s F ir st Ch o ic e Z an Pa r r R a m b o T yne Ty r e e Sire has an ROM in reining and is a money earner. Dam is one of my best producing mares and was very cowy. Her pedigree includes some of the great bloodlines, Colonel Freckles, Flit Bar, Zan Parr Bar, etc. This is a shapey filly. TIVIO 95 Grade Brown Tobiano, Foaled 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd L e o G olds ee k e r G olds ee k er Bar s San d y Lo u Sm ith Do c Tivio G o lds ee ker D oc D u qu es a D o c 's P re sc rip tion C h ula D u que s a C a ba ller os D ut c h M e D utc h T oo C r is to C a bal ero P a cs To nk a Ba r T on k a ton ( TB) Pac s Su s ie B ar P ax My st ic N igh t A big, good looking, unregistered black and white gelding. He is started and rides nice. Use him for anything. DOCS QT 96 5031323 Dun Mare, Foaled September 13, 2006 Elvin & Gail Downey D ocs S up er Cros s D oc tor J Coun t Pico P ie Gol d Mo un t M usic MZ Q T P opc orn Kilow att W ata P ipedream Doc S olie Sug ar D oc Sam S olis Sug ars Pa tty B ar Mic helle S uga r B ar S ier ras Pat T e Sierra Te Leo's Pe aches Fancy dun mare with a doll head, huge hip and is cowy. Ridden on ranch and started with rope. PARR BAR PETE 97 4557258 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled May 9, 2004 Stan Blundell Sk ip pe r W Ba rs Sho B ue no C a sh Mis s B a r D enn y S he rm a n Le o Z an Zan dys R eds C e da r Ba ro n Z an J u an Leo N or m an s Ir is h Mr Bar o n R e d F ancy Je nn y B a rk Ce d a r B a ro n S u si e I m pr ess iv e Su s ie B ar Im pr es sive B ar V an Sus ie Ba r R eed Pete is a nice gelding by Sherman Leo. He was ridden by Alyssa Bigon here at Woodward for approximately 4 months. They checked cattle on wheat pasture and worked cattle in the sale barn on him, but has has been turned out to pasture for the last couple of years. Should be easy to start back riding. Guaranteed sound. 98 A SWEET CADILLAC 4920085 Red Dun Mare, Foaled April 9, 2006 Kelly Day R hine stone Bartende r T wo Id B art ender All E yes On Jac kie Th e C ow bo y C adilla c Pats y J o St ar W atch Me Dude T o Jo e Star J oe F aris Fly Silve r A do Dude Madam Mis s W atc h S weet An d F lashy To Flas hy And S we et Sir Saint D ude Milliron Flash y This is a beautiful roan mare with a great disposition. She is a nice size and built like you like them. She will ride around nice and has been roped on some. Ready to go on with. Take a look at her! IKE GOLDSEEKER 99 5306746 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled March 3, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd G old see k er Bar s T hr ee Bar s Spa nis h Jo y Ca ll ag h ans F o r em os t M is s For k 10 R h ine sto ne B ar ten de r F or ko b y O to e Mis s E D ext er 5 T w o I d B art en der All E ye s On Ja c kie S ev e ns R en o A m b er s R e n o Star Jo e Sta r J oe Mis s Re no B ar Ike has been started and is doing good. He is in the last colt crop of Foremost. Might make a barrel horse. SMART LITTLE MECCA 5306742 100 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled July 7, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd P eptoboon smal Pep py Sa n Badg er R oya l Blue M oon S ma rt N P e pto D ai nty L ena Sm art Littl e Lena D ain ty O ak Mecc a San L eo Miller Sa n Sud den Imp res sion Ski ppin C edar Sue R ays Doc H ard Luck Sue A nn M ec c a C ia ra One of the few Pepto geldings in the sale. He has been started and is riding nice. Mecca Ciara is a Donald Gordon mare and she always raises nice babies. There is no Impressive breeding in her pedigree. 101 COLTONS SAN PARR 5405489 Bay Mare, Foaled April 26, 2011 Blake Rader S ix Po un d s S te r ling S tr ai t Si lve r L it tle C ar a t P ar r S a n Ba r Z an s F ir st Ch o ic e Z an Pa r r R a m b o T yne Ty r e e H a nk in s Kin g T ar i H a nk in s G old nu gg e t C a rla T a r i P o c o A bbe y H a n ki n s L a Pe p py P o c o L a S an Pe p p y C u t A Po c o Sire is a grandson of Strait Silver and out of a granddaughter of Zan Parr Bar. Dams pedigree includes King Hankins, Doc Tari, Doc’s Prescription, Mr San Peppy, etc. This is a big shapey filly that should ride. 102 RHINESTONE JOE 5235981 Bay Roan Stallion, Foaled June 24, 2009 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd T w o Id B ar te nde r T w o Ey ed Ja ck Pr is sy Jo a nn Rh ines tone B a r ten de r A ll E y e s O n J ack ie Joe S ta r Jo e R h in e ston e Jac k H a nd i's F ro s ty R ey W atc h Jo e Jac k D o t P a t S ta r Jo D ee H anc o c k S ta r Ba r D ee G r a y Lu cy F igu re F our T hr ee Bar D e e Gr ay R ose This gelding was always behind everyone else in size and growth. He’s 3 now and has been started. He’s finally started to grow. He is a gentle and kind horse and rides that way too. Eligible for the Pitzer Ranch Horse Invitation. VVF LENAS EGO 103 4446077 Sorrel Mare, Foaled May 16, 2003 Dwight & Peggy Van Dorn D oc O 'Lena D oc Bar Poc o Len a Le nas Jewe l Bars Freck les Roy al Pepp y Lena San Je we l's Leo B ars C ala mity Adam s Pep py Sa n C ee Len a Cee Beu lena G ay B eu G ay B ar King N ellie G r ay A nn Green broke, rides smooth, rolls back...plenty of potential. Dam is a producer of multiple money earners in AQHA and NCHA events. In foal to Rhinestone Bartender for a 2013 foal. Foal will be eligible for the AQHA Incentive Fund and Pitzer Ranch Invitational. BABES JETDECK 104 5086727 Bay Mare, Foaled May 7, 2007 Elvin & Gail Downey D ocs Sup er Cros s D oc tor J Coun t P ico P ie Gol d Mo unt M usic MZ Q T P opc orn P lay boys J et K ilow att W ata P ipedream Je t's Pay Da y S us ie De eds Jet s S pic e Babe C actus Su gar Babe R obbins Cac tus Q ue Lit tle S ugar Cat I kept this mare back for a barrel horse but circumstances didn’t let me have time for her. Extremely athletic and can run! The Jets Pay Day horses have been proven for barrels. MISS SILVER HOTROD 105 4520925 Gray Mare, Foaled January 1, 2004 Martin Van Dorn H um B ug H ancoc k H ec k No H a ncoc k H um B ug B ar Hanc ock Si lver B ud dy W ag goner D oc Tivio R oy al Ho tro dder R after L Stormy D oc s W agg oner Snip D oc 's H ot rodd er R oya l O cc asion Mis s Ho tro d S tep Sno w S tep Big Ste p Mis s Leowan Nice ranch horse that can do anything in the pasture. Also been in the roping arena and makes a good heeling horse. In the future she will be a valuable broodmare. SUSIE LEO SEEKER 106 5104856 Red Dun Mare, Foaled April 22, 2008 Shelley Hanson Skipper W Bar s Sho Bueno C ash Miss Bar Denny She rm a n Le o Zan Zan dys Zan Juan Leo Normans Irish Classic W atch W atc h Jo e Jack Classy Tyree Cool Sus an Cool Jack Eyed Br enda Cause W atch en S u sa n Started right, sweetheart of a mare. Catch her anywhere...always in your pocket. Sherman Leo terrific build, take her home and take her in the direction you want. HURLEY GOLDSEEKER 107 5424520 Buckskin Stallion, Foaled March 20, 2011 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Luc ky Little L ena Sm art Little Lena Chex y Lady Luc ky L ittle Playbo y P layboys Fancy She ba Fre ckles Playboy Doc Fan cy Tim e King W Golds eek er G olds eeker Bars Skipper Silk Kiowas G amb le Kiowa D iam ond She zno G amble Ho pe Go lds e e ke r This is a performance bred yearling stud that has a lot of look and pedigree to be a good one. He is halter broke and gentle. HARLEY GOLDSEEKER 5298069 108 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled March 25, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd L eo Goldseek er Goldseek er Bar s San dy Lou Smith Do c Tiv io Go lds e e ke r Doc Duques a Doc 's P re sc ription Chula Duquesa C lass ic W atc h W atch Jo e Jack Clas sy Tyree Cool Susan Cool Eye d Jack Brenda Cause W atch e n Su sa n This is a cute gelding that rides nice. He’s flashy with a coon tail and roan all down his sides. Plenty of chrome. 109 STONEY GOLDSEEKER 5316409 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled May 10, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd G ol ds ee k er Bar s T h r ee B ar s S p a n is h J oy K i ng W G o ld s ee k er S kip p er S ilk Sm ok e y D u st er T oo S a ila lo n g S k ip s H o p e M r D u ste r T o o P o c o As h w oo d Q u i ck S m o ke y Du ste r M e Q u ic k H ip pi e M e Q u ic k T o H ipp ie 5 AQHA Incentive Fund paid. A big sorrel gelding that should be able to do anything. He has been started and is ready to go on with. 110 DOCBARSSEEKINMARIAH X0590465 Bay Mare, Foaled April 27, 2001 Kelly Adams Im p r e s si ve L u c k y B ar ( T B) G la m o u r B a rs Im p r es s iv e Do c ba r HM L o m in o Ba r G old se e k in Fe v er M y D a nd y B o b S av a ge L ig h tly G o ld s e e k e r Ba r s C h ey n ne F e ve r G o l d s ee k in g Q ue st C a ll M e W e e Q u es t Halter broke and gentle. Open. C a ll M e G o tt a B ug g y B o BROKEN O KIT KAT 111 5241824 Brown Mare, Foaled March 14, 2009 Cody Sander C o a c hs B o o n B oo n s P in e P re tt y L in e B o o n s F ro ste d G u n F a n c y La d y T hr e e F an cy s B a k e r T o m F an cy L ad y T w o B l a ck ja ck s D a n d y S on n ys B la c k ja c k T or n a b a r JJ M i s s K u tt in K it ty B il ls P i n e K i t ty P er k in s P i n e T ur p e n ti n e C a t Broke to ride and gentle. BEN GRADE 112 Bay Gelding, Foaled 2000 Jason Hillman This good bay gelding has been used on the ranch all of his life. He is 12 years old. He has lots of eye appeal with plenty of bone and size to go all day. 113 OTIS GOLDSEEKER 5298071 Bay Roan Gelding, Foaled April 3, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Tw o Id B a rt end er T w o Ey ed Ja ck Pris sy Jo an n Rh ine ston e B a r ten de r A ll E y es O n J ack ie R hin es ton e Jac k H an di's Fr os ty R e y Z an Ju an Le o Z an Pa r r B a r Im a Ta r B aby L e o M s Za n J u an S e ek e r Fairy tai l G o lds e ek er C alla gh an s F or em o s t C alla gh an s F air y ta le Stout made roan gelding that is eligible for the Pitzer Ranch Horse Invitational. He has been started and is ready to go on with. 114 JON GOLDSEEKER 5307688 Sorrel Gelding, Foaled April 1, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Tw o Id B a rt end er T w o Ey ed Ja ck Pris sy Jo an n Rh ine stone Ba rten de r A ll E y es O n J ack ie Kin g W G old s ee k e r R hin es ton e Jac k H an di's Fr os ty R e y G o lds e ek er Bar s Sk ipp e r Silk Fa nny Le e G old se e ker A not he r H allel ujah Jo hn Le o Bar s en et ta Another Rhinestone gelding that is eligible for the Pitzer Ranch Horse Invitational. This will be a using kind of gelding. He has been started. ELLA GOLDSEEKER 115 5308163 Bay Mare, Foaled March 28, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Tw o Id B a rt end er T w o Ey ed Ja ck Pris sy Jo an n Rh ine stone Ba rten de r A ll E y es O n J ack ie L eo G o lds e ek er R hin es ton e Jac k H an di's Fr os ty R e y G o lds e ek er Bar s San dy Lou Sm ith Frec k e tta Golds ee k e r Sa nta Fe Fr ec k W o ods C o lon el San ta F e C a n Some people just like a bay mare. This is a good one. She is out of a really nice Leo Goldseeker mare and she is already riding nice and quiet. She will be eligible for the Pitzer Ranch Horse Invitational. SPARKN UP 116 5046165 Dun Gelding, Foaled April 20, 2007 Pitts Livestock Shing Spark Genuine Doc Diamonds Sparkle Sparkup theba lleus Codys Cat Balleu Kid Five Cody April Red V an W innerinic Doc's Remedy W inninic Cute Chic anic Masters Chick Masters Fr eckles Missy Ja y This 14.2 bucksking gelding is well bred, real cowy and has a big stop. He will make a great calf of breakaway horse. Good on trails also. What he lacks in size, he makes up in heart. Been used in starter yard and on the outside. GALLOS CHICK 117 5400635 Sorrel Mare, Foaled April 26, 2011 Bruce Rader G allo D e l C i elo P ep p y Sa n Ba dg e r D o c 's S t ar lig h t M is ch ie f M ak in g S r M ak in g M y M ov e S r M isc h ie f M a ke r G a llo S im p at i co King W G o lds e ek e r G o ld s e e k e r Ba r s S k ip p e r S ilk M on i t a W G o l ds ee k er D ic k Son o ita A c e 's Go ld e n P in e M o ni ta So n ita This pretty filly has an immaculate pedigree on both her top and bottom sides. Her sire has his ROM in reining and is a money earner. The Goldseeker Bars have been great performance horses and Dick Sonoita sired some of the top roping horses in the past. DOCS MISS J JAY 118 4614095 Chestnut Mare, Foaled May 9, 2003 Elvin & Gail Downey Te ss Jay doc D oc 's J J ay Lit tle Tes s C raft y Tr ouble R ed Tr ouble Z ip C ord Jac k s A Dandy Ja ck s Raz or B ac k Mar ina Dandy Jayd oc s Tr ou ble Jac ks Lady Etern al B ig Tow n Bar Mr Eternal Bar Big Tow n Pretty chestnut with flaxen mane and tail. She would be an asset to your broodmare band. An eye catcher! MACY GOLDSEEKER 119 5308168 Sorrel Mare, Foaled April 20, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Tw o Id B a rt end er T w o Ey ed Ja ck Pris sy Jo an n Rh ine stone Ba rten de r A ll E y es O n J ack ie S u mm er G re at R hin es ton e Jac k H an di's Fr os ty R e y G o lds e ek er Bar s Sum m er La rk Le An na Go lds e e ke r N o Fril ls F ran cin e Jo hn Le o Bar s en et ta She’s a sorrel, but she’s a nice mare with a big hip and has been started. LeAnna always raises a good baby. This good filly will be eligible for the Pitzer Ranch Horse Invitational. PEPTO GOLDSEEKER 120 5308167 Red Roan Gelding, Foaled April 16, 2010 Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd P ep to b oo n sm a l P e p p y Sa n Bad g e r R oy a l Blu e M o o n S m a r t N P e p to D ai nt y L e n a S m art L it tl e Le n a D ain t y O a k H er m a n G o ld se e ke r L e o G ol ds ee k er H er m a n s Je we l M s Z a n J ua n C an d y Z a n J ua n L eo Ji lls R e r un Z a n J ua n H er m ie AQHA Incentive Fund paid. A great pedigree on a great little gelding. He has been started and with all the outstanding horses on his papers, he’s sure to be a good one! ◊ NOTES ◊ ◊ NOTES ◊ ◊ NOTES ◊ HOME OF THE GOLDSEEKERS Working Horses With The Looks & Ability To Do It All CUDD QUARTER HORSE FARMS (580) 256-6666 Carlotta Baggs running barrels at the TCRA Finals on a Docetta Lynx purchased at the Cudd Quarter Horse sale. ◊ DIRECTIONS ◊ South side of Woodward on Downs Avenue to Jiffy Trip and Hickman Drilling Company. Go South on Edgewood, two blocks and you are on the farm. N Downtown Woodward West on Hwy 270/412 /3 Downs Ave. Hw y2 Jiffy Hickman Trip Drilling FARM 70 To Mooreland /3 • Transportation provided to and from Airport. (Airport has 5,500 feet of runway.) MAIL BIDS TO: Bobby Joe & Renee Jane Cudd Cudd Quarter Horse Farms P.O. Box 1122 Woodward, Oklahoma 73802 Dear Sirs: I would like to enter a bid of $__________ for Lot Number _______, listed in your catalog. It is agreed that I will pay $10.00 over the highest bid at the sale, up to the amount listed above. Signature of Bidder Address of Bidder Telephone Name of Bank Address of Bank IMPORTANT A check for 24% of the mail bid must accompany this letter. If the bid is not successful, the check will be returned. If the bid is successful, the remainder of the purchase price must be forwarded upon notice from CUDD QUARTER HORSE FARMS.