Prospectus - Capernwray New Zealand


Prospectus - Capernwray New Zealand
Everything you need to know about
Capernwray New Zealand
In the midst of a fast-moving, demanding world, it’s
very important to have a sense of who we are and
where we are going – so we’re not just caught up
in all the hype and action and find ourselves swept
along without realizing it. Life is too good to let slip
through our fingers!
Capernwray is a place where you can truly find out
what life is all about. We begin on the basis that
God is real and that He knows what He’s doing and
where He’s going! We also want you to know that
He has invited us to actually share in what He is
doing on planet earth right now. Through the study
of His Word and the discovery that He wants to live
His Life in us, this becomes wonderfully clear and
everything else pales into insignificance…
We have a very vibrant community life at
Capernwray and it really is a life enriching
experience just to be part of this – but the main
focus is on you establishing a valid, genuine
personal walk with Christ that will enable you
to live meaningfully, and equip you to serve
effectively in the maelstrom of today’s
So don’t let the grass grow under your
feet… take a leap and come ready to
join the adventure of a life-time
Peter Thomas
National Director
3 The NZ Locations
5 Course Information
8 Course Outline
9 Monavale Campus
11 Geraldine Campus
13 Adventure Bible
School (ABS)
15 Other Opportunities
For Training
17 General Information
19 Statement of Faith
20 Student Profiles
22 Other centres
- Application Form
- Reference Forms
- Dates and Fees
New Zealand Locations
Torchbearers has been operating for over 50 years internationally and is continually
growing year by year. There are approximately 1000 students attending a
Capernwray Torchbearer Bible school somewhere in the world at any one time. It is
well respected and widely known in Europe and North America but has a relatively
low profile here in NZ. It’s one our best kept secrets!
We are blessed with three locations here in new Zealand, the
main campus “Monavale Homestead” which is the largest of
our campuses with purpose built accommodation blocks and
lecture facilities. This is based within 5 km from the historic
township of Cambridge (population around 11,000). Cambridge
is well known for its horse studs, and its beautiful trees from
all over the world. Monavale is a well-known beautiful, historic
homestead in the centre of the Waikato region, famous for its
role in the making of the Lord of the Rings and specifically “The
Shire” ( Hobbiton where “Bag End” was located) also for its
winding rivers lakes and limestone caves, and some of the best
farming production in the world.
The Crossing
“The second campus is located at “The Crossing” in Geraldine,
right in the heart of the south island of New Zealand – also
known as “middle earth”! The Crossing is a lovely historic
manor house situated on 37 acres exactly 4 km from downtown
Geraldine, with vivid views of the “Four Peaks” mountain range,
and bordering the Waihi river. Geraldine is a small rural town
with a friendly village atmosphere. It is situated just 1 hr and 35
minutes south of Christchurch on the main highway to Mt Cook
and Queenstown. The town and its surrounding district has
something for everyone and at a pace to suit each individual’s
needs. Nearby there are rivers, lakes, forest walks, mountain
trails and ski slopes.
The Adventure Lodge
The Third location is “The Adventure Lodge” 25 km from
Monavale Homestead and is situated on farm land beside lake
Karapiro one of the biggest hydro lakes in New Zealand. Its
extensive decks and large windows, make for some beautiful
lake and bush views and gets the most out of this location for
the Adventure Bible school held 3 times a year for 6 weeks at
a time. This ideal location is the base for all sorts of activities
which involve taking the students out into the Lords creation
for a very challenging time of discovery about themselves and
Course Information
General Course Outcomes
This course is registered with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and Capernwray is registered
as a Private Training Establishment (PTE) with approval to offer this course.
1 Bible Knowledge
Students will be able to demonstrate a good
knowledge of the Bible. This will include general
overviews as well as more detailed knowledge
of specific books, themes, doctrines and
characters. The students should be able to study
the Bible effectively for themselves after the
course and be able to teach others in small study
group situations. They should also be able to
demonstrate the relevance of the Bible for today’s
world cultures and defend its importance in an
apologetic sense.
2 Spiritual Formation
Students will be able to demonstrate personal
spiritual formation. This forming of Christian
character will be shown in their response to
community living in an international setting. They
should be able to offer a stable life-style and a
mature understanding of human nature and God’s
purpose for humanity. They should display respect
of others and a servant attitude to others.
3 Ministry Skills
Students will be able to demonstrate ability in
a range of ministry skills. They should be able
to present a clear personal testimony to their
commitment to Christ. They should be able to lead
another person to understand how to become
a Christian. They should be able to encourage
another Christian in their spiritual formation
(Discipleship). They should be able to participate
effectively in a range of ministry programmes (eg
youth work, Sunday school teaching, etc). They
should be able to understand the purpose of the
church and be able to contribute to the life of their
church on completion of the course.
4 Understanding of Missions
Students will be able to demonstrate an
understanding of the world of missions. The
students should have a basic knowledge of the
Biblical basis of missions and an understanding
of some of the issues involved in cross-cultural
missions. The students will also have a knowledge
of a range of mission organisations.
Purpose and Principles
We’re here to encourage and assist you… to come to know the risen, indwelling
Lord Jesus Christ more personally. To understand the written Word and its revelation
of Christ through careful study of the Scriptures. To come to understand God’s
will for your life. To develop your God given abilities so that you may become a
more effective member of the body of Christ, His Church. To discover and prove in
everyday experience the reality and relevance of the Christian life as Christ Himself is
allowed to work in and through your life. To gain a working knowledge of the Word
of God so that you are better equipped for daily living and Christian service.
General Course Information
The Bible School programme in general is
designed to move students towards knowing
the indwelling person of the risen Lord Jesus
Christ through the careful teaching, study, and
application of God’s Word, in order to prepare
them for joyful Christian living and effective
service. They will not only know what it means
to become a Christian, but to BE one.
Areas of training
Much emphasis is placed on the practical outworking
of one’s personal faith in Christ. Students are assigned
to a local church for regular involvement. One week in
every term is spent off campus co-operating with local
churches in a Ministry Week. This takes the students into
schools, youth clubs, home groups, community visitation
and service etc.. Note: additional training will be taught in
Resident teachers and guest speakers from around the
world come to teach a curriculum devoted to surveying
the Scriptures in order that students may know Christ
in His fullness. The guest speakers are either members
of the International Torchbearer Staff or are other
experienced Christian leaders who draw from a rich
personal relationship with Jesus Christ as they share
God’s Word from a fresh and dynamic perspective.
The curriculum covers individual books of the Bible
and some related topical series such as: Apologetics,
Evangelism, Missions, World Religions, Church History,
Bible Study Methods, Personal study, assignments,
parallel reading. Presenting Bible studies are also a
significant part of the programme and complement the
material presented in the lectures.
A Bible School Certificate is awarded to students fulfilling
course requirements. A transcript is issued upon the
completion of the course.
Other areas of training that are taught and evaluated
include learning how to:
write a Bible Study
lead others in a Bible study
lead another person to receive Christ
encourage another believer.
give a clear personal testimony
accordance with each student’s involvement in these activities.
Missions has a prominent place in the programme.
Visiting missionaries bring up to date information of the
needs and opportunities worldwide. There are studies on
how to approach people of other religions and cultures.
Capernwray frequently offers the “Perspectives on
World Missions” course which is a widely recognised and
valued course.
Assessment and grades are given through a variety of
assignments including study papers, Bible assignments,
practical ministries and attitude/behaviour. Final
assessment will be based on all of the above and a final
mark given as follows: Distinction, Merit, Pass, Audit, Fail
Pastoral Care of International Students
CODE: Capernwray New Zealand has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care
of International Students. Copies of the Code are available from the New Zealand Ministry of Education website at
Full details of immigration requirements, advice on rights
to employment in New Zealand while studying, and
reporting requirements are available from Immigration
New Zealand, and can be viewed on their website at
students are not entitled to publicly funded health
services while in New Zealand. If you receive medical
treatment during your visit, you may be liable for the full
costs of that treatment. Full details on entitlements to
publicly funded health services are available through the
Ministry of Health, and can be viewed on their website at
The Accident Compensation Corporation provides
accident insurance for all New Zealand citizens, residents,
and temporary visitors to New Zealand, but you may still
be liable for all other medical and related costs. Further
information can be viewed on the ACC website at www.
students (including group students) must have
appropriate and current medical and travel insurance
while in New Zealand.
Example Course Outline
Introduction to Bible Study & Ministry Skills /
Various Capernwray Staff / 18 hours
An introduction to the purposes and nature of the
course. A Practical explanation and practice of putting
a Bible study together. An introduc tion to a number
of ministry skills including using drama, story-telling,
scripture memorisation, puppets etc.
Revelation / Peter Thomas B Ed (Hons), BD,
M.T.S., Director, Capernwray New Zealand /
24 hours
A careful reading through the text of Revelation
to establish the basic content of the book and its
implications for Christian living today; a look at the
Christological implications and various eschatological
Minor Prophets / Peter Bichan, ABS Director,
Capernwray New Zealand / 12 hours
An introduction to the minor prophets as a genre and
a particular in depth look at Malachi drawing out its
devotional implications for today
Letters to the Seven Churches /
Dr Jerry Benjamin / 12 hours
Teaching from the book of Revelation, this study
expounds the letters written to the seven churches in
Asia, as authored by Jesus Christ Himself. The study
proclaims the simply singular message of the living and
indwelling Lord Jesus, and of His preeminence in and
over everything in our lives. The Progress of Redemption /
Dale Epp, Director, The Crossing,
Capernwray New Zealand / 12 hours
A chronological survey of the entire Bible tracing the
promises for the coming of the Messiah and seeing
the whole story of God’s redemptive plan for humanity
Daniel / Peter Thomas B Ed (Hons), BD, M.T.S.,
Director, Capernwray New Zealand / 12 hours
An overview of the Babylonian/Persian period and
particularly the presence of God’s representatives
(Daniel and friends) in the midst of an alien culture. We
draw out the devotional and practical implications for
Christian living today from the first 6 chapters as we
examine the prophetic outcomes anticipated in Ch7-12.
How to Study the Bible / Hayden Johns,
NZDip. Bus, B.A., M.A.,PGCert (TertTchg)
Pastoral Dean, Capernwray New Zealand /
8 hours.
This course leads the student into an in-depth and
practical analysis of Bible study tools, methods, and
production into written form.
Colossians / Lincoln Badger MDiv / 12 hours
Colossians is the most Christological of Paul’s epistles.
This course entails a careful exposition of Colossians.
The student should be enriched by understanding the
Supremacy of Christ in all things and be led into a deeper
faith in Christ.
Life of David / Neil Bernard
B.Th, Grad.Theol., Grad.Dip.Min. / 12 hours
An introduction to the character of David; his place
historically, socially and spiritually in the Bible and the
nation of Israel. Spiritual principles can be learned from
his relationship with God.
Ephesians / Hayden Johns, NZDip. Bus,
B.A., M.A.,PGCert (TertTchg) Pastoral Dean,
Capernwray New Zealand / 12 hours
An overview of the book of Ephesians from saints then to
saints now touching on the different roles of the Trinity
including the Doctrine of Justification by Faith, the Spirit
filled Life, the Person and Work of Christ and the exalted
position of the Church
Apologetics / Lewis Meyer B.Sc. Dip.Biblical
Studies / 10 hours
An in depth systematic and rational analysis of vital
Christian belief systems (the revelation of the Bible, the
existence of God, miracles, the resurrection and the
deity of Christ) in the light of modern challenges from
secularism, atheism and new age mysticism.
Missions / George Booth National Director of
Operation Mobilisation / 9 hours
A study of the Biblical basis for mission and various
aspects of mission particularly cross-cultural issues
The Abiding Life / Ray Andrews,
PhD, Full-tim Counsellor & Teacher, Abiding
Life Ministries International / 12 hours
Looking at the full meaning of ‘abiding in Christ’ with
particular implications for being freed from past personal
experiences, psychological and spiritual factors that
have shaped our personalities. An examination of the
‘thinker, feeler, doer’ phenomenon and how it helps us
understand ourselves and our place in God’s service.
Example Timetable
The following is a sample of the course timetable:
Monavale Homestead
The Basics
The course offered at Monavale has been designed to have a practical ministry
content, an intentional discipleship aspect, as well as the foundational teaching
common to all Capernwray (Torchbearer) Bible Schools.
The basic course summary:
Approximately 14 class hours per week of Bible teaching
A weekly ministry programme
A weekly discipleship group programme
Times of community prayer, worship, and devotions.
Weekly assignments
1 / 2 nine day weeks of Ministry
Sunday fellowship nights
2 day break-through ministry assignment
A weekly ‘work afternoon’ in and around the property
Daily duties and responsibilities
‘Quiet days’
Family fun nights
The program is designed to let students interact more closely with teachers and with
fellow students in classes. Students are encouraged and challenged in these courses
and will be given personal counsel in their studies for practical application.
Monavale Homestead
It is owned and operated by Torchbearer Trust of NZ. It serves as both a residential Bible
School and a conference / function centre. It is a beautiful property set in 14 acres in the
Waikato heartland, five minutes drive south of Cambridge, “town of trees”, well known for
its many antique shops, coffee house’s and gardens.
Also within easy access is the city of Hamilton (25 mins) famous for
its shops, gardens and river walks or paddle-boat rides. In the other
direction is Lake Karapiro (20 mins) with its water and picnic spots.
In the purpose built conference centre we offer guest and student
accommodation. With warmly designed bedrooms and each having its
own en-suite bathroom. They open onto a covered veranda at ground
floor level. We have facilities for those who have disabilities.
Ministry Expectations
Our weekly ministry programme is a vital part of the course and offers the
most unique training experience. Each student is placed in a different ministry
each semester, gaining a range of experience from teaching prepared Bible
lessons, to sharing a testimony, engaging with children, or simply by ‘hanging
out’ with the youth. More importantly, these ministries provide opportunities
for students to give away and apply the truth they are learning - making a real
impact in real lives!! – learning to “go and make disciples” themselves!
Ministry weeks:
Another unique aspect of the ministry programme each term is completing
Ministry week as a team. The students are sent in teams all over the North
Island and being guided by the staff, students will learn all the aspects of
ministry working along side a local church. This will mean having a ‘prep
week’ in which the team plan the ministry week in conjunction with the local
church they are assigned to. This can take on many forms from running a kids
club to leading services, leading Bible studies, Bible in schools and teams to
serve in very practical ways in a community. Part of this is training a equipping
students and for them to see what they may be gifted in, in a ministry
Campus Based:
In the second semester there is a campus based mission called
‘Breakthrough’. Again teams are set up and have to be very creative in
setting up a theme and sharing the gospel in a way that spring boards off
our contemporary culture. The Campus turns itself into Pharaoh’s court, a
Pirate fortress, Narnia’s Forest’s or Middle Earth. Students are challenged to
articulate their faith and share the hope that is within them to a young target
Overseas Missions
Most semesters there is one overseas mission trip opportunities available.
These are voluntary trips offered for to up to twelve students. The ministry
includes a combination of practical service projects to be done as well as
opportunities to put on youth and children’s programmes for remote tribal
communities. There is an additional cost for this (POA) and students are
accepted for these on an application basis.
In every part of life here at Monavale, from personal devotions to the
lectures, from weekly ministries to mission trips, and from discipleship groups
to the benefits of life in a small community is designed to nurture spiritual
growth in your life so that you become a person whose life continually points
others to Christ. You will realize that you have a LIFE that matters – Christ’s
Life in you!!
Business Ministry Leadership
BML stands for Business, Ministry, Leadership and is a
new course we are running to teach Bible based business
Basically we are looking at how to be professional in the
things we do (whether work, church, ministry) but also how
to maintain integrity and not be overly influenced by a world
that has all but rejected God.
Our Monavale campus has accommodation available for 64
student beds, arranged in 2 separate accommodation blocks,
with each block containing 8 individual student rooms. Each
room provides accommodation for between 2 - 4 students (all
of same gender) with 2 sets of bunk-beds. Each room has own
toilet and shower facilities.
For more information contact Dave Firth, BML Course Director,
on +647 823 1815 or email
The general course content will consist of the following:
• Apologetics and scriptural integrity
• Business models in scripture
• What the Bible says about Management, Marketing,
Money & Leadership
• Ministry in the workplace
• Professionalism in ministry
BML Course Information
The 10 week BML course will consist of a mixture of
lectures, group discussion, case studies & problem
solving, assignments, practical application, workshops,
testimonies, etc.
Subjects covered will include: Finance, Management,
Advertising, Marketing, Communication, Leadership,
Conflict resolution, Goal Setting, Relationships and
Who is BML for?
The course is open to anyone that wants Bible based
business training but will target specific groups
including; Business owners, Ministry leaders, Church
leaders and Pastors, Youth Pastors, Ministry workers,
Missionaries and past Capernwray Students. Currently,
Capernwray New Zealand does not offer a second year
course so the BML course may be appropriate for past
students that want to enter one of the fields mentioned.
The Crossing
Hi! My name is Dale Epp and I direct the
work here at The Crossing. Are you asking
questions like these: “Where am I going
with my life?”, “What do I really believe
in?”, “How does God want me to live?”,
and “What is the Bible all about anyway?”.
If you are, I’d like to encourage you to
consider taking some time out to come to
The Crossing for Bible School to find some
answers to questions like these and more.
We believe that God is alive and well,
and desires that every person know Him
personally and enjoy the fullness of their
relationship with Him. And as we grow in
this knowledge of Him, we’ll find that we
can truly live confidently and meaningfully
(with direction!) in a fallen, aimless, and
increasingly unstable world that seems to
have everything to offer but nothing that
we need. At The Crossing, we simply want
you to discover the risen and living person
of the Lord Jesus Christ for yourself as He is
revealed in the Scriptures, and realize how
relevant He is in your life and how sufficient
He is for your life because He IS your life! So
come down, be prepared to learn and grow,
take the time and opportunity to establish
the foundation of your LIFE in Christ, for the
‘REST’ of your life, and enjoy everything else
that the south island has to offer as well…
The Basics
Course summary
Approx 19 class hours per week of Bible teaching
A weekly ministry programme
A discipleship programme
Times of community prayer, worship, and devotions.
Weekly assignments
A 6 day inner-city mission trip
A practical ministry assignment
(Planning and executing a weekend youth camp)
A 2 week international mission trip (optional)
A weekly ‘work afternoon’
Daily duties and responsibilities
‘Quiet days’
Family fun nights
Because the class size is smaller, the program
allows students to interact more closely
with teachers and with fellow students in
classes. Students will be encouraged and
challenged in these courses and will be given
personal counsel in their studies for practical
The Crossing
The The course at The Crossing has been designed to have a greater practical ministry content, an
intentional discipleship aspect, as well as the foundational teaching common to all Capernwray
(Torchbearer) Bible Schools. The programme is limited to 20 students who wish to be serious learners in
the Word and ways of God.
Our weekly ministry programme is a vital part of the course and
offers a rich training experience. Each student will be placed in
approximately 3-4 different ministries per week, gaining a wide range
of experience from teaching prepared Bible lessons, to sharing a
testimony, to engaging with children, or simply by ‘hanging out’ with
the youth. More importantly, these ministries provide opportunities
for students to give away and apply the Truth they are learning
- making a real impact in real lives!! – learning to “go and make
disciples” themselves!
A unique aspect of the ministry programme iscompleting a practical
ministry assignment as a team. Being guided by the staff, students
will learn all the aspects of a camp and write a Christ-centered
programme. They will decide the theme for the camp, choose the
games and activities, make the schedule, write the cabin devotions
and chapel messages. Then they will lead and execute their
Semester 1 (Feb - June) – Regional Mission Trip In the second term of
the first semester there will be a 6 day inner city mission trip which
involves visiting places of worship for different faiths and world
religions. Students will be able to talk directly to the representatives
of these different faiths and learn first hand what their faith or
religion is about, what they believe and why. Students will also be
challenged to articulate their true faith, possibly defend their faith,
and most likely share the hope\ that is within them. These visits
are designed to ultimately solidify the students’ faith in Christ. This
mission trip also involves working with and alongside other ministries
in the inner city area, such as a homeless shelter downtown, and
a youth drop-in centre. These places will expose students to other
forms of ministry and provide a hands-on platform for them to put
their faith into practice.
Overseas Mission Trip
Semester 2 (July - Dec) - There will be an overseas mission trip
opportunity available in the second semester each year as part of
the programme. The ministry will include a combination of practical
service projects (construction etc) as well as opportunities to put on
youth and children’s programmes for remote tribal communities.
There is an additional cost for this and students are accepted for these
on an application basis.
Every aspect of our programme, from personal devotions to the
lectures, from weekly ministries to mission trips, and from discipleship
groups to the benefits of life in a small community of up to 20
students plus staff, is designed to nurture spiritual growth in your life
so that you become a person whose life continually points others to
Christ. You will realize that you have a LIFE that matters – Christ’s Life
in you!!
Adventure Bible School
The Adventure Lodge
Adventure Bible School
Bored with the Christian life, sick and tired of how others tell you your life with
God should be? Want to know first hand how you can build a relationship with
the Creator of the universe!
ABS (Adventure Bible School) is an outdoor based Bible School. It is run over
six weeks and is aimed at developing the whole person; body, soul and spirit,
particularly in the area of Christian living. Sea, sky, mountains, bush, and caves
provide the setting for our classroom. Through challenging outdoor activities
designed to stretch you, we explore practical Christian living and how we relate
to God, others and ourselves. Students will receive a Certificate in Christian
Development and Leadership using Adventure-based learning (ABL) upon
completing the course.
Course Aims and Learning Outcomes
Students successfully completing the course will have a thematic knowledge of
the Bible and particularly its revelation of authentic community.
Students successfully completing the course will be able to nurture their own
personal and spiritual development as defined by Biblical principles.
Students successfully completing the course will be equipped to function
effectively in a multi-cultural community.
Students successfully completing the course will be equipped to nurture the
personal and spiritual development (ie life-skills) of others through relational
means and targeted programmes.
Students successfully completing the course will be able to offer basic leadership
skills and supportive skills relevant to both the Christian and general communities.
Students successfully completing the course will have an understanding of
adventure-based learning relevant to both the Christian and general communities
Students successfully completing the course will have an understanding of and
commitment to environmental responsibilities as defined by
Biblical principles illustrated and applied through the outdoor activities.
This is achieved through a balance of:
Practical Bible Study
Adventure Activities
Practical Activities
Will I Be Fit Enough?
Activities are intended to challenge people at their own level, as fitness, age, and
ability are considered. However, we suggest a reasonable level of physical training
be undertaken in preparation for the course. No prior experience is necessary, but
you should be able to run 3Km without stopping. Be prepared to be stretched both
spiritually and physically, as this is not a sight-seeing holiday camp!
Nuts and Bolts
The Adventure Bible School (ABS) is run on a “need to know basis”, so you will
not know what you will be doing from moment to moment, day to day. From your
exercise in the morning to night-fall there will always be an element of surprise. This
does not mean that we have not planned it!
The activities are run according to NZOIA ( NZ Outdoor Instructors Association www. standards. With NZOIA qualified instructors. Staff are trained in first aid
and safety management. Safety is one of our primary concerns at all times.
Due to the nature of the outdoor environment in New Zealand we reserve the
right to change activities as we see fit to maintain safety. We also reserve the
right to exclude students from activities if we feel safety or well being might be
You CAN take the ABS course in conjunction with a Capernwray Bible
School term, semester or year!
Other Training Opportunities
This is an option that is available to students after one year of study here at
Capernwray. The Internship program offers students an opportunity to develop
leadership skills and experience, and to give an opportunity to study selected areas
that will enhance future ministry. It also assists Capernwray in the effectiveness of
its ministry to the Bible School students and in its wider ministries.
The Course is made up of :
A Study Component
including study and research skills and more in-depth look
at Biblical topics. (Research paper)
A Leadership Component
Development of leadership skills, and personal leadership
philosophy and style.
A Student relational component
Serving students in their practical needs and the
pastoral needs of the student community.
A Practical skill component
To develop and assist students skills and abilities in
practical ministry.
Each of these is monitored and supervised by a faculty member. Students may also
be placed in local Churches and Christian agencies for a period of further study and
practical training. Application for internships are made after arrival at school or on
completion of course either from Geraldine or Monavale.
Missions Awareness Team
Most years Capernwray offers two opportunities for students to travel to an
undeveloped country and to spent up to 16 days seeing life from a different
Mission awareness is designed to see the world through the eyes of the people
that live in that country. Travelling with our Missions co-ordinator your eyes will be
opened to the larger purpose of the “Great Commission” - “Go into all the world”.
Your heart can’t help but be touched and you will see the “real” rather than the
“touristy”, and have an opportunity to minister to people in practical ways.
The trip is held in the break between terms. If you have always been interested in
missions but never really known what to do about it please consider this option
as part of your course. Application can be made on arrival at school. For more
information please contact us for a ‘hit pack’. POA
Travel Team
Adventure is a one word that sums up Capernwray Bible School. The ‘Travel Team”
is a team of students who have completed the Capernwray training course and have
volunteered for the Travel Team ministry experience. They are on the road for six to
eight weeks and work with churches and other organizations in a variety of ways.
This leads to all sorts of adventure around New Zealand.
They are basically willing to do anything but typical involvements are:
Helping run youth programmes, children’s programmes
School and community outreaches, Bible in school’s programmes, Kids Clubs
Community service and support through practical work projects
Sunday church services, home group Bible studies etc, what ever the needs are!
The team is trained and prepared to present dramas, testimonies, devotional talks
etc and can generally fit into any situation. However, the focus is not so much on a
‘stage presentation’ as such but on personal contact with people and ministering
relationally and sharing the Lord Jesus’s life in everyday situations. Application to TT
are made after arrival at School.
General Information
There are a few other things that you might want to know
before you go through the process of applying to come to
Computers, Email & Skype
There is an expectation that students will attend
every meal. We take very special care to prepare good
nutritious food 3 times a day, with fresh fruit and veg
coming in daily. We eat in a delightful “Orangery”. We
cannot make allowances for special meals unless it is for
medical reasons in which a doctor’s letter will accompany
your application.
We have a shared computer suite on which you can send
and receive emails (using your own Capernwray allocated
email account) and for study assignments etc. The cost for
the use of the computer facility is included in a Student
Equipment fee that is paid upon your arrival at school.
Wireless internet access is available only via personal
laptops (full internet access is not available via the school
provided computer suite) and is accessed via a pre-paid
coupon system. It is suggested that you consider bringing
a laptop to school to assist you in your studies and with
communication back home etc.
Neat & casual dress is expected for lectures and daily
living. Note that Autumn-Winter is mid April - mid Sept.
Spring-Summer is mid Sept - mid April. Please bring the
appropriate clothes for the season. Temperatures range
from 0-12 c Winter 15-35 c Summer. All students are
expected to maintain a clean, neat and tidy appearance.
Students should show moderation and modesty at all
times, no matter what the prevailing fashions may be
elsewhere. This especially applies to swim wear. Each
Wednesday is work day around the property, so please
bring appropriate clothing with you. A laundry room at
the school allows you to wash for $2 and dry a load for
$4.00 Wash price includes laundry powder. Ironing boards
and irons are provided.
All bedding (sheets, pillows, pillowcases etc) are provided
by the school but you will need to bring your own towels,
face cloths, hand towel, bath and beach/pool towels. You
may bring and extra quilt for your bed if you wish.
If you wish to listen to music during your time here at
school, it may only be listened to with MP3 Players so
as not to disturb other students or guests. If you play a
musical instrument please feel free to bring it along. We
would love to have this gift and talent here at school.
Telephone & Mail
We have a phone card system for students wishing to
phone home from the 3 Facilities. Contact details are:
Monavale Homestead
Student 64 7 823 0108
or 64 7 823 0208
mail addressed to:
PO Box 702 Cambridge
3450 New Zealand
The Crossing
Student 64 3 693 1943
mail addressed to:
PO Box 64 Geraldine 8751
New Zealand
ABS Lodge
ABS Student
64 7 883 1943
mail addressed to:
PO Box 702 Cambridge
3450 New Zealand
(Please make sure the
sender includes your
name name the address)
You should probably budget for around $200 per month
for personal spending money. There are two, 2 weeks
breaks between terms during which you will need to
cover all costs. It is required that all students be away
from the school during these breaks. There will be some
extra costs for your study books, library, photocopying/
printing etc. (this is included in the Student Equipment
fee above). Stationery is the students responsibility to
provide. Fee Payments: (see inserts for actual fees)
There are three methods of payment
1) The quickest method from overseas is by credit card.
You can forward your Visa, Mastercard or Bankcard
details for a credit card transaction (Due to the the large
transaction amount, you must ring your credit card
company and authorize the full amount to be debited.)
2)The second way is a Direct Telephone Transfer to our
bank account (Your bank can do this for you).
3) Finally you may forward a Bank cheque in $NZ made
out to “Torchbearer Trust of NZ” Please add $20 for bank
charges. Our bank account details will be available on
your acceptance email /letter.
Withdrawal or Cancellation:
Up until the end of the eighth day of the Monavale or The
Crossing course, a withdrawn student who has paid their course
fees is entitled to a full refund less 10% or $500 of the total fee,
whichever is the lesser.
After 8 days into the Monavale or The Crossing courses, the
school is under no legal obligation to reimburse students for
fees in the event of withdrawal from the course, and will not
ordinarily do so. However, in exceptional circumstances (e.g.
health, family bereavement) the school will at its discretion
reimburse a proportion of the fees. This will be to a maximum of
50% of fees and may take 2 to 3 months to be reimbursed.
Up until the end of the fifth day of the ABS course, a refund less
25% of the total fee will be made if a student withdraws and has
already paid his/her fees.
After 5 days into the ABS course, the school is under no legal
obligation to reimburse students for fees in the event of
withdrawal from the course, and will not ordinarily do so.
However, in exceptional circumstances (e.g. health, family
bereavement) the school will at its discretion reimburse a
proportion of the fees. This will be to a maximum of 50% of fees
and may take 2 to 3 months to be reimbursed.
Disclaimer :In the event of the liquidation or receivership of the Bible
School, student refund claims of fees will take priority over other
creditors. In the event of liquidation or receivership of the Bible School,
students would be offered places at the Capernwray sister school in
Australia, subject to space being available. Arrangements are in place for
spaces to be offered by Pathways College in Auckland, and the East West
Training College, Gordonton.
Shared Facilities:
Monavale Homestead and The Crossing are beautiful
venues and well suited to a variety of activities. As well
as the Bible School, They both serve as conference
and seminar, wedding and social function venues. This
provides opportunities for you to meet an interesting
array of people, and for them to meet you. Students will
be expected to fully vacate their rooms during two week
breaks. We seek to host and serve all who come to us as
part of our service in Christ. We look forward to you being
part of the family here.
Life File
The Life File is the student handbook that you receive
when you come with everything you need to know in
detail about the day to day life in all three facilities. There
is a full copy of the “Life File” available for you to look at or
download off the web and is a part of the process of filling
out your application forms. We ask you to read and sign
off on the fact that you agree with its content before you
Please fill out the Application Form,
making sure that you answer each
question that is applicable. In addition
to the Application Form, please give one
Referee Form to your Minister/ Pastor/
Priest and the second Referee Form to an
adult other than a family member that
knows you well.
The Application Form is available
online here:
The Referee Form is available here: www.
Please send back to us the following,
as we cannot process your application
without them :
The completed Application Form
(Read the Life File). www.capernwray.
Immigration Information
Two (2) passport photographs as
you intend to appear in School,
no larger than 5.4cm by 4.5 cm
(2½” by 1¾ ”)
This is a very important page to have a look at so please
go to our website and read all the information carefully
and view the PDF files listed there. You will find a link for
a standard Study visas here:
bible_school/Application_Overseas_Students or www.
Your two Reference forms (unless your
referees have chosen to mail them
Overseas students wanting to come to Bible School in New
Zealand require a Student Visa. We CANNOT accept you as
a student if you arrive here without one.
Compulsory Medical Insurance
Medical / Travel insurance is compulsory for all students
entering New Zealand to study, and the New Zealand
Ministry of Education has strict guidelines as to acceptable
levels of cover. All Insurances must comply with these
guidelines which from part of the Code of Practice. We
have liaised with Medical / Travel insurance brokers who
are pleased to offer you a choice of excellent student
plans from two insurers, OrbitProtect and Uni-Care. These
plans meet the Code of Practice guidelines. The insurance
application forms will come with your acceptance pack.
Passport Information
If you do not have a current passport no. at the time of
application, this information can be sent / emailed at a
later date.
Please Note: that your application cannot be completed without
your referee forms being completed and processed
A registration fee of $75.00 NZD
by Credit card or Bank Draft is
additional to the School fee and
is not refundable. Please make
Bank Drafts payable to:
We cannot accept personal
Mail the above to:
The Registrar,
Capernwray New Zealand
P.O.Box 702, Cambridge,
New Zealand.
Telephone 64 (07) 823 1800
Fax 64 (07) 823 1809
Statement of Faith
God is the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Lord Jesus Christ is God’s Son being one with the
Father. All things are created by Him and for Him.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ became man through
the operation of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
He became man.
He was without sin and of His free will, and by His
sacrificial death upon the Cross, He brought about
salvation for this fallen world.
He is the only mediator between God and mankind,
and by accepting His salvation through faith, a person is
justified from sins and receives forgiveness and eternal
Jesus Christ is risen bodily from the dead.
Jesus Christ will return to deliver just judgement and to
bring all things to completion.
The Holy Spirit is God in unity with the Father and the Son.
We believe that through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
Jesus Christ comes to dwell within those who accept Him
through faith. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, a
person becomes a new creature, and is being transformed
into the likeness of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ adds those who believe in Him to His Body,
His Church, the Body of Christ on earth, a Fellowship of all
true Believers, of which He is the Head.
The Bible is, in its entirety, the revelation of God for
mankind, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Torchbearer Centres
Schloss Klaus
Porteurs du Flambeau
Costa Rica
Capernwray Hall
Holsby Brunn
Capernwray Harbour
Ravencrest Chalet
Timberline Lodge
Kingfisher Project
His Hill
Purtatorii de Faclie
Himalayan Torchbearers
Pondok Kepenrey
Medan Fettes
New Zealand
Monavale; ABS; The Crossing
3553 Cambridge Road, Cambridge, 3495, New Zealand
Main Office Tel: +64 7 823 1800
Fax: +64 7 823 1809