USCG Auxiliary Seamanship Study Guide
USCG Auxiliary Seamanship Study Guide
AUXILIARY SPECIALTY COURSE SEAMANSHIP (AUXSEA) STUDENT STUDY GUIDE PUBLISHED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY COMDTPUB P16794.42 ;;,kffff'M Commandant U.S.CoastGuard 21@ SecondStreetS.W. Washington, DC 20593-0001 G-NAB-1 Staff Symbol: Phone: (2O2) 257-LooL COMDTPUB PL6794.42 I 5 APR1992 C O M M A N D A NPTU B L I C A T I O N P 1 6 7 9 4 . 4 2 Course Seamanship (AUXSEA); Student Auxiliary Specialty Study Guide Subj: 1. is intended for use as the student P_UBPOSE. This publication Course in study guide for the Auxil-iary Specialty purposes only It is published for instructionalSeamanship. and is not policy material. 2. The Auxiliary DIRECTIVES AFFECT_E_D_. Operational is Course, Student Workbook, CG AUX 498-2(74), 3. DISCUSSION. This publication contains instructional regarding Coast Guard Auxiliary information Seamanship. j-nclude: in this new edition Major revisions Specialty canceled. a. New chapter on anchoring proper safety procedures fouled anchor. techniques which reviews the for anchoring and clearing a b. New chapter on duties and manners which reviews the dutj-es expected of the deck hand, radio watchstander, J-ookcut, hel-msman, and towing navigator, engineer, watch. c. Redesigned and expanded topics on terminology, boat gear types. materials, and steering construction d. Revised chapter on internal combustion engines, ( I/O's). on inboard-outboards including information D I S T R I B U T I O- N5 P 1 P e . 1 3 0 a b d e o h J K A B D E F u H SN ee NON-SrANDARDDlsrRlBUTlo : page 2. m n o p q u w x v z COMDTPUP BL67694.42 19sZ 15 APR 4. ACTION. District Commanders shall insure that this publication is used as a resource for Auxiliary training and instructors that all Auxiliary and teaching assistants are aware of this publication and become thoroughly familiar with its contents. /QA,rx W. J. ECKER Chief, 0ffjce of NavlgailonSafety ir :C IjltCr ' ,r ,,e1, Scr vices Nonstandard Distribution Auxiliary Auxiliary National Board Department Chiefs Auxiliary Past NationaL Commodores TABLEOFCONTE}MS Pago iv TNTRODUCTION CIIAPTER 1-TENMINOLOGY, BOAT CONSIRUTTIONMATERIALS AIID STEERING GEARTYPES INTRODUCTION.......... FIBERGLASS BOATS.... wooDBoATs .,......... l-l 1-l ...,...... ...................., ............,............ t-5 ,.......1.7 ALUMINUM ................ l-8 FABRIC0nflatables) l-8 .......,....... TypEs oF STEERINC $YSTEMS andSmallBoatHandling CHAPM.ANPiloting Seamanship ;....................Chap1er onNauticalTerms EdyEditions andAcronyms;Section8, Appcndices Iater Editions...SectionI ChapterI andAbbreviations STUDYQUESfiONS CHAPTDN,2 - BOAT MNNTENANCE cH2 CHAPTER 4 * MARLINSPIIG SEAMANSHIP TNTRODUCTTON 4-l .......,........ 4,1 TYPESOFROPE NanualLine 4-l 4-l SyntheticLine ...,...,....... +3 Wire Rope u3 CARE OF LINES LINE USAGE,KNOTS,HITCHES,BENDS,AI.{D SPLICES...................-........,. 4-5 4-5 "DippingfteEye4-5 SquareKnot.........,..., . Bowline 4-6 Half Hitch M Clove Hitch 4-7 TimberHitch 4r7 RolliogHitch 4.8 SheetBend/BecketBcnd..*.....,.... 4-9 4.9 SAICING Short Splice 4-9 Eye Splice 4-10 STOWINGLINE 4-l I CHAPMAN Piloting Seananshipand Smail Boat Handling Early Editions ......Chaperon Marlinespikc Seamanship LaterEditions STUDYQT.IESTTONS Section3, Chapter13 .. 4-r2 CHAPTEN.5 _ BOAT IIANDLING INTRODUCTION STUDYOUTLINE BasicPrinciplesof Boat Handling Dock Lines and Their Use Landing at aPier GettingClear of a Berth Manzuverat Slips in tigbt Quarters Handling Twin ScrewBoats STUDYQUESTTONS 5.I 5-I CHAPMANPiloting Searnanship and Small BoatHandling Eatly Editiom, Chapteron Power Cruiscr Seamanship Iator EditionsnSection3, Chapte{9 54 CIIAPTEB 6 * H0AVY WEATIIER INTRODUCTION wrNDwAy8s.................... STORMTIDEWAVES SEISMICWAVES TIDALWAVE$ SWELLS suRF............ WAKES cRosssEAs............ 6.I 6.r 63 G4 64 6.4 M 65 6s TI{BETFECTOFWINDANDCURRENT ONMANEUVERING................... 65 HEAVYWEATIIEROPERATION 6.8 TrrESEAANCHOR(DROGUE)..................... 69 6ll and Small Boat Handling CIIAPMAN Piloting Searnanship Early Editions ....,..Sectionon Boat HandlingUnder Adverse Conditions Editions ::.T.:13::::.T:1::g#ffiHHJ1T Later .,..,-:..".:-::::1" STUDYQT]ESTIONS cH2 GI3 CIIAFTER 7 - ASSISTANCETO BOATSIN DISTRESSAND DAMAGD CONTROL INTRODUCTrON....,..... 7.1 RIGIITINGA CAPSIZEDSAILBOA.T 7.1 REFLOATINGASTRANDEDVESSEL 7A APPROACHINGABURNINGVESSEL 7.5 FrREFIGInING............. 7.5 PLUGGINGAI{DPATCHING ....,.I".r....r.,... 7.6 D8WAT8RrNG................. ?-10 andSmallBoatHandling CHAPMANPiloting,Seamanship EarlyEditions sn Stranding, AssistingandTowingandonEmergency ,.....Section LaterEditions................-:.:::::::.T.::::::.:.:.:::::::.:::::.::5ffiJfffiff srIJDy QUESTIONS.................. .............r!.,.... 7-13 CTIAPTER 8. NAVIGATION RI]LES INTRODUCTION STUDYOUTLINE 8.1 8-1 NAVIGATION RULES: LIGHTS AND DAY SHAPES ThoU. S' InlandRrltt Intehationil Rulesof the Road CHAPMANPilotingSeamanship ondSmallBoatllandling EarlyEdritions, ChaptoronNavigationRules LaterEditioq$!Section3, Chapters 7 andI STUDYQUESTTONS CHAPTER9- AIICEORING INTRODUCTION ....,......... STUDYOUTLIM .................. 9.1 9-1 Atchoring GroundTackls Anchoring Te,chniques PermanentMoorings CHAPMAN Piloting Seamanship and Small Boat Ilandling Early Editions, Chapto on Anchoring Later Editiong Section3, Chapter12 STUDYQUESTIONS ...............-. %3 CHAPTERTO-DUTIESAI\IDMAI\INERS INTRODUCTION l0-l lG.l l0-3 DUTIES MANNERS POLLUTION COURTESY BOARDINGA COASTGUARDVESSEL STUDYQUESTIONS llt cH2 104 lc.5 10{ This Page Left Intentionally Blank Reverse of Page iii CHAPEER 1 TEnMtNOI.ocy, BOf[ CONSIRUCIITOD|lrATERflxJ, AIID grEERnrG CEAR lrpEs provides lnforrnation on overall chapter This MTRODUCrIq}!. ffimatexia1susedforboatbui1ding.Itgivessomeofthe Students are also introduced to advarltages and disadvantages of, each. wlth seamanship. associated Fina}ly Terms" some of the "Nautical material systems. The readS-ng steering there is a review of corunon pages of this chapter for this l-esson can be found In the following and in designated portions of Cna4tril Pil.gttllgt, FeaoanqLlip?tl4.,FTet+ In the earlier Boat EandlinE, m6- cEapEer on l{ lerma. in Sectl,on I sed upon these readings, # is editions of CIIAPMAN,the naterial fn the later editionsr the material in is materials to boat ewner has nany boat building Today's prospective all' a far cry from yesteryearr when practically choose from. It's ls woodr Now, there boats were built from one material-wood. plus many combinations of fero-cement, aluminun, steel, fibergrlass, hulls with wooden decks, these, For instance, yoo can see fiberglass lnteriors, and deck houses. The same is true for aL1 of the other material$. You don't need the desire to be a boat builder to learn more about boat and what building. The more you know about how boats are built you able to sel-ect build them' the bet,ter will be materials are used to year year. will her This after lesson a boat and then to maintain you In boat building materlals use today and to sofite of the introduce you will find in aL1 systems nearly the, steering w111 explain powerboats. l^tith fiberglass. Today, fj.berglass begin FIBEF€LaSS=,BgryS. Iletrs ffipo1izestheboatbui1ding1ndustry.Thiswasnot new innovation is a relativel,y and has always so. The use of, fiberElass the last few decades, come to replace wood as the primary on1y, within has become so The reason fiberglass boat building material. Thousands of boat is due to the fact that it is so easily maintained. to their delight that, taking care of a olrners have discovered its wooden counterpart, fibergJ-ass boat is far easler than maintaining yards in the spring is proof enough. Owners of A J.ook at fitting-out them ready for launching, wooden boats spend hour upon hour getting is boats find that much Jess maintenance-time Owners of fiberglass required. But then again, fiberglass is not exactly a miracle material either. It rreeds requiree proper care and, contxary to what many people think, painting periodically. cH2 The word fiberglassdoesn'treally define the material. It is more exactly plastic reinforcedwith fiberglass.The British use a more accuratedescription- CRP, which standsfor glassreinforced plastic. A fiberglasshull, then, is composedof shandsand layers of fiberglasssaturaledwith iesin. This constuction can be comparedwith that of reinforcedconcrete.The fiberglassstrartds sompareto the steelrods andthe resin comparesto ttre cement. Just as with any other kind of boat building material, there ate good fiberglassboats and bad fiberglass boats. There are ilulny ways to use fiberglassin building a boat and, predictably, thereare firrr supportersof eachof these, itsel{ the reinforcing Fiberglass material,comesin four differerttforms-mat, chopped and cloth, wovon roving, strands(frgure 1-1). Mat is a mass of randomly choppedfiberglass fibers that are either bonded together with resin or mechanicallystitchedtogether. It is usedas a primaryreinforcsrnentfor the hull andthe deckofa boat. Fiberglass Mat Fiberglass Cloth -nt \\vA-. ,fr?5Ry}\rU It is alsousedto reinforcejoints andto providea waterproofbanier.Fiberglass -/4ti{t*-o just it is what the implies. is rurme cloth anopeq squareweavewith strands WovenRoven goingin trivodirectionsonly.It is usedas ChoppedStands Thefour primarytypesof a primary for hullsanddecks,and Figurel-I.-The four primary reinforcoment fotthe typesof fiberglassreinforcemetrts. commonlyusedasa reinforcemenl surfacecoat(calledthe gelcoat).Wovett roving is almost exactly like cloth but it has a heavierweave, It is used as a primary reinforcement for hulls anddecks.Choppedshandsarejust that,fiberglassthathasbeenchopped into very srnallpieces. iW -qlfililh' Thetwo basictypesof resinrxedin boatconstuctionarepolyesterandepoxy. Polyester resins are mostcommonlyfouud.Theyare versatile,easyto handle,andhavea relativelylow cosL Epoxyresinsarestrongerthanpolyesters, but then,theyaremoreexpensive. Theyarealsovery difficult to work with. t-2 resi-ns. There are many substances conmonly actded to boat building the are used to control Others Some are used to harden the resin. to make the resin are used others Stift curing tirne of the resins. are extremely laninates fiberglass since untreated retardant fire to rnake thern fire retardant Resins that have additives flanmable. smoke, and char in the presence of heato but will discolor, will not break into flame. to build a must be fol-lowed which various steps are There part for that matter. First a oE any fiberglass huII, fiberglass like the This is a nale nold that looks exactly plug must be nade. or almost any product. It can be made of wood, plaster, finished and cheaply to cut and is often rnade very fightly other naterial, mold, also known The pluq is used to make a cavity down on costs. or other It too may be made of wood, plaster, aS a female mold. rnold The cavity it is made of f iberglass. }lany tines materials. much in the same way that a pan hutl, is used to rnake the finished There are two ways to use a cavity mold in is used to bake a cake. One is the hand-Iayup process, and the hull. a fiberglass building of process. Sometimes a combination other i; the chopped-strand the gel coat is In the hand-Iayup process, first the t$to is used. give the boat its applied to the inside of the mold, which will cloth is Next a layer of fiberglass surface. cotor anO its finish layer This with resin. to it gel and bonded coat on the down taiO of c o m b i n a t i o n s A f t e r t h i s , r e i n f o r c e m e n t . a s a a c t s of cloth are added strands chopped sornetimes and roving, \doven mat, cloth, of the huII is the desired thickness layers until in successive has a lot to do a r e c o m b i n e d m a t e r i a l s f i b e r g l a s s H o w t h e obtained. w i t l b e h u l l t h e d u r a b l e a n d s t r o n g witn how to the applied process, In the chopped-strand 9el coat is first g u n , w i t h r e s in and w h i c h i s f e d a T h e n n o l d . inside of the cavity and ruixes the strands chops operation in one strands, fiberglass g e l coat. t h e o v e r i s s p r a y e d m i x t u r e T h e resins. them with get an as to so great of skill amount a gun requires Handling the g e l A ny c o a t . o v e r t h e w i t h r e s i n m i x e d even layer of fiberglass p l a c e s i n s o n e t h a t i s t h i c l c a h u l l i n result will rniscalculations p r o d u c e w e a k a t e r r i b l y w i l l t h a t something in others, and thin boat. it is strengthened huLl has been built After the basic fibergtass of the boat is Then the rest and other members. witn stiffeners etc. added such as the declcs, the cabins, the superstructure, huII is to use the matched die Another nay to make a fiberglass rnethod. Matched dies are nothing more than male and female molds, usually made of metal, that are clamped together with a laminate amount of pressure and heat, the the correct By applying between. hult is made uniform throughout. l--3 S t i l l a n o th e r co n stru cti o n nethod is called sandwich constr uction. r t c o n s i s ts o f a co re n a te rial, usuar ly wood, such as balsa, th at i s s a n d w i ch e d o n e i th e r si de by layer s of fiber glass inpr egnated -used with resin. ottrer core materials that are soietirnes are foaned plastics or plywood. Sandwich construction provides a boat tfat_ is very strong and buoyant. There is one diawback though. Should the laninate become cracked, noisture can enter and stirt dry rot in the wooden core. This can cause a najor problern. (see figure t-2.) BArSA n63rerA55 OR oTt-lE< tAh,{lNAIE @MATE€IAU Figurc 1-2.-Srndwich construction. Thc fiberglrs lamina& can bc madc up of rny combinrtion of mrt. doth, or roving. Ulrally only the cutsidc of thc hoctformed in thir manncr'u finichcd with gcl coal The advantages of fiberglass boat construction are many. Fiberglass by its very nature. is irnpervious to narine borers, shipworns; and rot. Since the fibergJ-ass hull does not have any seams as such (after a1l it is. ? one-piece hurr) there cannot be any reaks through seams or joints. The color can be molded into fiberglass, so for a few years, at least, tbe hult need not be painted. Don't be fooled, however, the bottoms of fiberglass boats are still affected by'qarine growths and barnacles. rt is wise, then, to coat the bottom with antifouling paint. Fiberglass boats can be extremely strong. This is true even though they have very IittIe franing. This is not to say there are no weak fiberglass boats, though. The quality of the engineering that goes into any kind of a boat directly affects how stiong that boat will be. Another advantage of fiberglass is that it can be molded into alrnost any shape, naking it very easy for the boat designer. rt should be noted, however, that flat surfaces are not exactly ideal boats. for fibergrass Frat surfaces, when used, are norrnarly re-inforced with some other type of naterial. One of the disadvantages of fiberglass as a boat building material is that it is heavier than water. Fiberglass does not have inherent buoyancy. fn other words, a fiberglass boat filled with water will sink, unless it has built-in flotation. Such flotation is usually provided by using air tanks, styrofoam, balsa wood, oF other very light ruaterials. L-4 boats is that they are usually of fiberglass Another disadvantage and weight are related. strength heavy. In fiberglass, very strong fiberglass boats Though it is hard to mal<e a general rule, ones night or night not be boats-Iight heavy fiberglass are usually There is much research and developnent going on these strong ones. laminates while at the days to cut down on the weight of fiberglass strength. their same tirne increasing is that it is boat construction of fiberglass Another disadvantage bubbles in Air too easy to cover up shoddy workmanship. all and yet they weaken the huII, laminates can materially fiberglasS in many of the There are so many layers unseen. are virtually in the bubbles that air today built boats being fiberglass t h a t are B o a t s u n d e t e c t a b l e . a r e i n s t a n c e , l a y e r s , f o r innermost uneven thicknesses, night have rnethod by the chopped-strand buitt yet it is very hard to determine that this is trueimpossible to huII, it is virtual-Iy up a fiberglass Without cutting who b o a t b uilders F i b e r g l a s s i t s m a k e u p . what went into tetl the doing are boats of their and cutaways provide cross-sections y o u t e I I e x a c t ly t r u t h , i n can, Then buying public a real service. what you are buying. has rnaterial The use of wood as a boat building WOOD BOATS. w ith y e a r s . I n c o m p e t i t i o n in the last twenty rapidly declined g r o u n d . T h is lost it has steadity and other plastics, fiberglass This is boats. is not to say that wood is not good for building There are many people who would not trade a far from the truth. Even to those who favor the of wood for any other one. boat built This can be seen wood represents the ultimate. modern synthetics, boats, that their in the large number of boat owners who insist have as much wood in fiberglass, constructed even though basically as is economically possible. All wood can be grouped in two general classes - hardwoods, which come from trees with broad leaves, and soft woods, which come from the words leaves. Actually, or scale-Iike trees with needle-like since some of the soaccurate, hardwood and softwood are not truly called softwoods, such as southern yellow pine and douglas fir are hardwoods, such as basswood and harder than some of the so-called cottonwood. types of wood, but, surprisingly There are hundreds of different In many cases' u s e d in boat building. w i d e l y f e w a r e v e r y enough, q uantities and s u f f i c i e n t i n w o o d c e r t a i n o f the Lvailabifity of M a n y t y p e s f a c t o r . d e c i d i n g t h e b e e n h a s dinensions suitable used because longer are no past building for boat wood used in the available. they are no longer readily The following used in boat is a table of characteristics todaY: building t-5 of some of the woods l{AROWOOO Tvpr ot Wood Ur Ogrlitig Arh HrarV, hrrd, ..rd ttiff Mortly fo? orr Gr-nharn Orcry cisttnt Grnrnl LignumVitrr Vrry hrrd rnd voy hcary Prop.l|lr dlaft b..ringr Africrn Mrhognny Hrrd rnd drcry f.drtlnt Furnitun, fLntrrr and htrrion Mrhogrny Hervy nd hrrd, low dr?ink g. Furniirn, {|rrurra. imrrian rnd Dl.nkirre Ork H.rvy, hrrd, niff, frd nroag Fnmrr rrd othrr ttructu?rl m.'nban Philigprinr Mthogany Modarrtaly d.crf ratinrnt Jrd modantrly lntl?io.r Tcrk Strong, hirly hrrd, altaly workcd, vary dccay rc3rtttnt Hull rnd plrnking, nrlingt and oth.r finirrgr Hclrry, hrrd. nrong, rriff. retirtlnt to Intlriorr Bltk Walnut d.cay Tvx Ur Ourliticr Cyprur lighr rnd modarrtcly ttroog Goml Alaskr Ccdar ModGrrt!ty lighr rrd rnodaEtrly lo! in rtra?rgth. Hrt axcll|!nt waking rnd finirhing proPCnt6 Gmrnl Cadar Light, nEdcr.taly nrong. hahly rdinant to dccry Pbnking O o u g l a sF i r Strong. moderrtaly hrrd, hrany, rnd modcrataly dccay ncrrtt!nl Gcncnl Eancrn Lrrctl (H!ck- Modrntaly K|!at Jror\g One of the biggest considerations of wood for boat building is how it wiII endure. The effect of decay, marine borers, weathering, heat, etc., makes the difference between good wood and bad wood. How t'rood stands up to decay is an important factor. Decay-causing gradually fungus plants reduce wood to a punky or crunbling mass. Fungi that cause decay thrive in danp conditions caused by fresh brater rather than salt water. Wood used in boats, that is not properly ventilated, allowing the danpness to evaporate, wiII almost surely be attacked by decay. More on this in lesson two. soFTvrrooo of Wood The principal considerations in selecting wood for boat building are strength, decay resistance, and availability. The secondary,but still important, properties of woods that affect their selection for buitding are workabi I ity and witer absorption. Softwood of all wood species is Iow in decay resistance. Hardwood varies considerably in decay resistance according to the type of wood. Only a few types of wood are rated high in this property. Hardwood of such species as douglas fir, cedar, rnahogany, southern yellow pine, western larch, and white oak, is usually classified as moderate in decay resistance and generally gives good service under nold conditions of decay. mrtackl Southarn Ycllow Pinr h.rd alrd titong Plrnking, kmll nrrt'|.. dacl bdnr Eancm Whitr Pinr light. wc€hL mod?rttaly low in nrln€th Otcking md Plrnkirrg 1-6 STEEL. There are two metals that are most cornmonly used to build boats, steel and aluminurn. Steel has been used in the past, and in large boats and for fairly for that matter, too, the present, yachts, while aluminum has been used for large and small craft. of canoes and john aluminum accounts for the najority For instance, b u i l t t o d a y . boats The main construction. advantages to steel There are several stronger is ratio steel, on a strength-to-weight is that advantage r e s i s t a nce to i n r a t e s h i g h a l u m i n u r n . I t w o o d , o r than fiberglass, A r e s i s t a n ce. a n d f a t i g u e abrasion resistance, stiffness, inpact, s t r e n g t h e q u a l a h u l l o f t h a n be lighter huII made of steel will material. made of another boat building Steel, deals with noise. Another advantage for steel construction noisy b e i n g o f a c c u s e d b e e n have and fiberglass alurninum, w ood. t h a n r e a d i l y m o r e they conduct noise that is, rnaterials; t han l e s s n o i s y however, is true, steel, Though this is certainly except wood. aII material Steel and aluminuro are to fire. advantage is resistance The final still A steel huIl will than other materials. resistant more fire or after a fire that would have destroyed her fiberglass be afloat This does not mean, however, that the non-steeI wood counterparts. To the by the steel. be fire-shielded parts of a steel boat will leaving just a steel boat can be gutted just as quickly, -ontrary, the hull. quick is its boats steel for of disadvantage A potential proper maintenance. A steel huII that has without deterioration can turn into a sorry fron corrosion correctly not been protected period Boat owners who tend to of tine. a short mess within boat. boats would do better with a fiberglass neglect their steel, Like ALttllINI'Ir{. One of the construction. is its material building boats made of many snitl is ideally be very light to aluminurn are many advantages there prinary advantages of aluminum as a boat This is why you see so weight. liqht to A canoe, which is required alurninum. suited for aluminun construction. is and fiberglass, steel aluminum, Iike is advantage Another be It must, however, Iike the others, to narine borers. inpervious painted with a botton paint to reduce the growth of marine plants to remember that aluninu:n and the It is irnportant on the botton. and when in contact netals, paint dissirnilar are botton in copper Unless you p r o c e s s e l e c t r olysis. o f t h e u p s e t w i t f o t h e r witl each paint between the hull and the put a layer or two of non-metallic orderin short be corroded your aluminum witl paint, tottorn need not be waterline the above ind superstructures hulIs Alurninun of steel. the extent to oxidize not does alurninum painted at all L-7 one disadvantage of aruminum is that it is a very good heat conductor. Aluninum hulls tend to sweat considerably because of Another disadvantage this. is that alurninum has a fairly low point. nelting rn the presence of a fire intense with heat, aluminum will mert more readily than will steel. Another disadvantage is that it is noisy. rt is so noisy that if the hull of an aluminurn boat is not specially treated against noise, it will conduct sounds unheard of in boats built of other materials. To sit in an outboard-motor-powered, non-sound-darnpened alurninum boat being operated at high speed can be deafening. FABRTG (rnflatables). A class of gaining boats increased popularity is the inflatables. They have been around for long tine but only started to gain utility during and after I{W II. These boats have a wide range of uses frorn the light single p1y for play to the many layered laminates used for running rapids and heavy ocean use. Use of many of the synthetic rnaterials, including one that is now proof vests, enable the builders used for bullet to fabricate for extreme toughness. As in other materiars, a wide range of design is now being produced including large boats with inboard engines and rigid hulls with tremendous seakeeping abilities. These qualities make them valuable for such duties as boardirg, rescue in heavy seas, and where the requirement is for maximum buoyancy and shallow draft. There are several advantages of fabric boats over other boats. One the ease of transport is both in the deflated and inflated condition. fnflations may be accomplished by CO, bottles, but generally is done with an air punp. The materiars are tough and with reasonable care these boats wirr rast a rong time. They do not rust, blister, or have dry-rot, and storage and haul out can be easier than boats made of other materials. TYPES OF STBEEING SYSTEI{S. Basically, there are six different types of steering systems in use on pleasure boats today. Some of them are fairly simple, requiring few gears or pulleys, but others are extremely complex and employ scores of moving parts. Here are the six: 1, 2. 3. Tiller Drum and cable Sprocket and chain 4. 5. 6. Rack and pinion Gear and shaft HydrauJ-ic system is the earliest The tiller type of steering arrangement, and the sinplest, ft is stitl used widely on sailboats, but has found use for powerboats. Iimited Just about the only powerboats still are small launches. using tillers Tillers are easy to handle and have no complicated gears or pulleys. A tiller steering systern is piece of wood or netal more than a horizontal nothing that is attached to the head of the rudder stock. 1-8 are predorninantly used Tillers The nain in sailboats. is that disadvantage of a tiller it takes up too much room in the of a boat. And, of cockpit in a large boat course, a tiller Iittle mechanical very has 1-3.) advantage. (See fig. Tru.ER systen is The drum and cable probably the next sinplest system. ft is nade up steering to a drurn connected a of wheel. A cable is steering The two bound around the drun. ends of the cable, after passing are attached to through pulleys, or rudder quadrant. the ti]ler one When the wheel is tuned, side of the cable is wound uP on the drurn while the other side is This is transmitted unwound. to rudder the pulleys through the boat quadrant or-tilIer; or the turn to the right wiII depending on which waY the left, wheel is turned. (See fiq. 1-4.) the sprocket and chain Actually, more than a i s nothing system d r u m and cable t h e o f variation o f a drum, a I n s t e a d system. a n d i nstead of u s e d ; sprocket is j . n c omPatible a cha a cable, ' used. is sprocket, the with s Ystem Operation of the steering and d r u m to the identical is cable sYstem Figurc 1.3.-A tillcr rtecring,yrtrm. F,Lt:Y 51FSRtNe Figurc 14.-Thc drum rnd flcxible cablc rtocring ryr tom. Ths cabler can bc rfiadred to r tittor or rudder quadrrnt. steering The rack and pinion system is becoming more and more takes uP popular, because it less room than the three tYPes above and gives the described sensitive nore operator boat Figun 1-S.-Thc rrck and pinion (purh-pulll (See fig. 1-5. ) The steering. rtecringJystem. smalI a has wheel steering pinion gear at the end of the This shaft. wheel steering gear engages a rack, pinion Attached to the rack is rather than round, gear. wnicn is a flat, This cable is attached a cab1e, which is in a conduit. l_-9 at the other end to the rudder assembly. There is no need for pulleys in this system and the cabre Can go up, down, and around according to the layout of the boat" when the pinion gear turns and engages the rack, the cabre is pushed or pulled, ac6ordinq io which way the steering wheel is turned. The cable iransmits €fris push or pull to the rudder assenbly, which in turn translates it into right or left rudder. The gear and shaft steering systern is seldom found on small boats. rt is found more often on large craft, usually commercial boats. At the end of the steerinq wheel i-s a bevel driving gear, which engages another gear that is connected to a shaft. The shaft, sornetimes utilizing joints, universal travels from the steering wheel to the rudder, where its notion is transrated by a worm gear, a bevef gear, or cables and purreys, to reft or righl rudder: Hydraulic steering systems are sinilar to automotive power steering. This type of system is being found on an increlsing number of recreational vessels. They use hydraulic fluid that i; purnped through a system to actuate the rudder. The steering wheel is connected to a pump with valves. l{hen the wheel is turn6d, the pump pushes fluid through the appropriate valves into hydraulic lines that carry the fluid to the actuating cylinder. rn the cylinder, the motion of the fluid is translatea into teft or right rudder by a linkage to the rudder head. 1-L 0 STUDY QUESTIONS l-. saturated 2. List the is hull A fiberglass composed of . with four types of rnaterials: reinforcing fiberglass t_. 2. 3. 4. 3. The two types of resins used in fiberglass construction are and 4. There are many substances are used to added to boat building resins. They and to known as a 5. A rnale rnold is 6. A f emale rnold is 7. The hand-layup known as a and chopped-strand processes are used in A. and chopped-strand processes, the is applied to the inside of the rnold first- g. In the g. In the matched-die method the with are clamped together hand-Iayup 10. What core materials lt_. List the advantages are used in of sandwich construction? fiberglass-built t -LL boats. 12. List the disadvantages 13. What are the of two general boats. fiberglass-built classes of wood? in considerations L4. What are the principal various types of wood for boat building? l-5. List 16. the advantages of The disadvantage of steel steel 17. Why rnust you put a layer hult of an aluminum boat of 18. List the advantages 19. List the disadvantages 20. The six types of for for boat boat of steering building systems are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. t-L2 is paint between the copper bottom paint? boat aluminum for of building. of nonmetallic and a layer of aluminum for selection the building. boat building. 21. Thesimpleststeeringsystemis the 22. The cuve or sweepof the deckof a vesselwhe.nviewedfrom the side is tlre 23, Theoutwardcruvatureof the sidesof the boatnearthe bow that is usedto keep thedeckdrieris calledthe 24. What arethe threebasicshapesof thEbottomof a boat? 25. Whatis thediftrence betweena displacement andplaninghuln 26. In wood boa constnrcdon, the plank attachedstartingat the gunwaleis the 27. What is the differcncebetwe€na trunk cabin and a raiseddeck cabin? 28. What re limber holesandwhat purposedo they senre? 29. The use of two or more materials in the hull of a vessel is known as cons8uction. 30 The portion of the extotior hull at the waterline is called top. cH2 r-13 thp 31, The spokeof a steeringwheel that is vertical when the rudder is exacfly centered is the _spoke. 32. Theverticaldistancebetweeuthewaterlineandgunwaleis _. 33. Desctibethecharacteristics of thefollowiugsailboatqpes: Catboat Sloop Ketch Yawl 34. Thegrosstonnageof a vesselis l-14 cH2 CHAPTER 2 BOAT IIAII'TENAIICE at the end of the lesson are study questions IIflrRODUCTION. The and not on any outside chapter in this based on the readings readings. tines Hauling out tine is one of the nost important HAULfNG OtIf. boaters, your To most boat. to ensure the proper maintenance of the end of the boating Season, and out signals however, hauling out period just before the fittj"ng maintenance is put aside until is dangerous, That attitude the boat is launched in the spring. Many of the maintenance chores since it can mean more work later. you night face in the spring can be handled when the boat is hauled at if the job is handled correctly out, or can even be prevented you go What you do when you haul your boat, and how the beginning. between a well-naintained can mean the difference about Aoing it, of your intentions. boat and a poorly rnaintained boat, regardless When you haul your boat, whether the job is done by you or at a of the is the proper blocking thing to consider yard, the first canoes, and though dinghies, Boats should be stored upright, hull. they are upside down provided can be stored craft small other The Upright boats must be blocked correctly. covered adequately. weight of the boat should rest on the keel, which should itself of the bottom of the keel. rest on blocks to allow ventilation feet along the keel and five every about be spaced should Blocks get you to the bottom of the keel can that enough so be high should y o u blocl. tp your boat, W h e n y o u r c h o r e s . m a i n t e n a n c e p e r f o r m to prevent p o s s i b l e ; this will a s g e t a s l e v e l w a t e r l i n e t h e try to d e s i g ned to h t a s n o t s h e s t r a i n s t o s u b j e c t e d b e i n g f r o m the boat o n t h e s horing r e s t t o b o a t t h e w e i g h t o f t h e a l l o w n o t Do handle. t h i s s h o r i ng is u p r i g h t ; b o a t t h e t o h o l d t o u s e y o u h a v e wiII that o n the s t r a i n s e x c e s s i v e s i n c e s u p p o r t s , a s l a t e r a l inten-ded only the to damage severe do could the hull of and bottom sides t h e b o a t . o f strength structural your boat on a be storing if you will The procedures to follow keel; the side o n h e r r e s t s h o u l d T h e b o a t are the same. traiier upright. b o a t t h e k e e p o n l y s h o u l d supports of the trailer .Be t he boat wiLl s o t h a t t r a i l e r t h e o f certain to block up the tongue be level at her waterline. procedure begins. After the boat is blocked up, the real laying-up onners see their many boat Too It is here boats are neglected. that all work on a s s u m e a n d boats hauled up on shore at this stage spring. the following her has ceased until 2-1, rmnediatery after the boat is haured, crean the botton of arl growths and narine life. rf you wait to do the job, all that growth on the bottorn will dry up and harden like cement. In short order, it will seem as if that ness has become a permanent part of the hull. At the same time, wash the entire hull down witn fresh water, including decks and superstructure. This is especially important if you are going to store the boat under cover, u" tha fall and winter rains will then have no chance to wash away all the saltwater that can becorne crusted on every surface. LAYING ttP. When laying up the steps that must be taken. Drain, and if necessary, RV antifreeze. boat, winterize there your water are several systen with inportant non-toxic FilI the fuel tanks and use a fueL stabilizing compound. This wiII prevent the formation of varnish in the fuel system and aid in reducing water condensation in the tanks. Drain the bitge. Leave the drain prug out, but stow it where you can find it before launching. rf you don,t have a drain in tne bottom of your boat, pump out as much as you can and then sponge dry the rest. change the engine oil and filter and then lay up the engine according to the specifications of the particulai engine that you are using; each manufacturer has instructions that upply to it= machinery. This usually involves a ttfoggingrr procedure-wnich coats the cylinder walls with oil to prevent corroJion. Remove the battery and store it in a rocation not subject freezing. The battery should be checked periodically maintained in a fulty charged state during storage. to and Go through the entire boat and remove arr the perishables you can find. Don't be faced with returning t o y o u r b o a t i n t h e s p r i n g and discovering a lingering odor that wiII not go away, rf you have a holding tank, flush it appropriate non-toxic RV antifreeze. boat that might freeze. out with fresh water Remove alr liquids a n d add i n the Remove all" clothes, bedding, mattresses, jackets, rife etc., clean them before storing in a clean ventilated, dry place. Take out everything that is movable, including are likery aspects for theft, such as the tools, radiotelephone, oars, etc. and aIl those itens that compass, navigation After all of this gear is out of the boat, wash down the interior, including the cockpit area, lockers, and forepeak. Remove the fLoor-boards and leave them off to allow the bilge to ventilate. If the boat is to be covered, leave the engine cover off. 2-2 ff you are going to keep the Your boat is now ready to be covered. if not, the best bet is to But better. the boat in a shed, so much p l a s t i c . Whatever you use, be sure o r a t a r p cover the boat with around the covering to spaces Leave ventilated. that the boat is p r e v e n t c o ndensation, which will w i I I This allow air to circulate. be a good idea to It night in dry rot andr/or a foul sroell. result l arge, to support i s i f i t framework over the boat, build a liqht framework. constructed PVC pipe makes an easily the covering. that it is Make certain Now check over the covering for security. Go over securely. knotted are aII tie-downs and that on tiqhtly y o u r m i n d about i n point, and if there is any doubt each itress p l a c e s w here Check for not. hold, then it will whether it will p l a c e s w h e r e i t is gear in and put chafing occur, chafe night t h e o n t e n s i o n Bungee cords are good for maintaining for. called cover. especially during her layup period, Check the boat periodically If you leave the boat after storms (before, too, for that rnatter). has your sornebody nearby that yard, make sure a storage in in an emergency. telephone nurnber so that you can be contacted from a common problen-the Moored boats suffer BOTTOU pArNTS. bottoms by marine growths over a period of tine. f"r,,f:-.,q of their presence of their of these growths and the severity The tyb" seem to c o u n t r y o f t h e a r e a s S o m e c o n d i t i o n s . o n l o c a l depenal the no matter but others, growths than pronote more marine a b o a t's t o a t t a c h e d b e c o n e w i l l o r g a n i s m s s o m e a t l e a s t location, s e a s o n . b o a t i n g t h e o f c o u r s e t h e o v e r bottom Though Marine growth takes two forms: vegetable and animal Life. the h u l l , p a r t s o f a b o a t ' s a l l o v e r b e f o u n d both types can the around growths to congregate vegetable for generai tendency is p a r t s the o f l o w e r t h e o v e r g r o w t h s s p r e a d t o and anirnal waterline A n i m al f u n g i . a n d a l g a e , w e e d s , g r o w t n i n c l u d e s Vegetable huII. ( i n t r o p i c a l w o r m s a n d s h e l l f i s h , m i n u t e growths iriclude barnacles, climates). and is unprotected can happen to a wooden huII that Two things t he p l a n t l i f e o n o f b u i l d u p g r o w t h s . T h e by marine attacked is the boat performance of the great that bottorn can become so w i l l s p e e d h e r a n d s l u g g i s h b e c o m e The boat wiII reduced. greatly t h e i n g r o w t h c a n r e s u l t o f a n i m a l The attack reduced. 6" q."itly i s T h i s h u I I . t h e o f d e s t r u c t i o n weaiening and perhaps even the waters. true of mlrine borers that are found in tropical especialiy by borers and other than wood are not threatened Boats of materials boats are s t e e l a n d aluminum, ferro-cement, worms; fiberglass, beliefs, sorne to But contrary irnpervious to tnis type - i t t a cof k e dgrowth. g r o w t h must be a n d by vegetable be can still thly as wooden hulIs. protected as carefully 2-3 rn years past, the sorution to the probrem bottoms with copper. Sailors discovered that, not corrode much in the presence of sea water, off soluble poisonous salts when inmersed in sarts, dS they wash off the surface of the prevent the adhesion of weeds, sherlfish, and was to sheath hurl although copper does it constantly gives salt water. ihese copper, effectively worms to the hurr. Today, boaters use modern bottom paints perform that the same function as copper sheathing. These paints kilI marine growths in their early stages, preventing a build-up of vegetation ind aninal life on the bottour. The principle of these paints is the same as for the copper sheathing-a constant solution of poisonous matters (prinarily copper and mercury) is given off by the paint. ilarine growths are thus discouraged by what is in effect an antiseptic filrn on the bottom of the boat. one difficulty of bottorn paint is that it is far less permanent than ordinary marine paint. The paint is dissolving in the water, so that at the end of a boating season, there will be very tittle left. Most bottom paints sold today rnust be applied annually for this very reason. But when choosing between painting the bottom once a year, or scraping growths off the bottorn periodically, most boaters wisely choose the former. Another problern caused by bottorn paint is galvanic action, which will be discussed later on in this lesson. Paints that contain mercury and/or copper react with certain other metals in such a way that the metals can be corroded. For instance, a wooden boat that has ferrous fasteni-ngs, such as iron, wiII soon have no fastenings at all if it is painted with a copper bottom paint. This is one reason why you don't hear much about iron boat nails these days. Even galvanized ferrous fastenings can deteriorate under copper paint if onry a tiny nick is made in the zinc coating. special sacrificial zinc anodes help prevent galvanic action (as discussed and should not be painted. later) when buying and apprying bottom paint, be extremery carefur. Read the laber and tark it over with your paint dearer. l,tatch the bottom paint to your boat. Consider the other rnetals in your boat that wiII be influenced by the painti for instance, the metal in propeller, the skeg, strut, shaft, rudder pintles and gudgeons, Manufacturers have developed many different etc. botton paints for many different conditions. Odds are that you will find one that is suited to your boat. ideally DRY ROT. Dry rot is one of the evils that face owners of wooden boats. It is always Iurking about, ready to strike when and where you least you have it expect it. ff and cure it, it often just after you have convinced yourself reappears that it is qone for good. 2-4 as this type of rot only can take hold in Dry rot is a nisnomer, the presence of wetness or dampness. It is caused by a fungrus that dry rot, seems to discourage Saltwater on fresh water. thrives taken hold. it has once it cure not necessarily though it, wiII It has a of dry rot is its snell. indication Usually the first probably Once you have snelled dry rot you will rnusty, moldy odor. the worl< of the fungus that it. You are snelling never forget powdery, the fibers of the wood and reduces it to a soft' attacks spongy, weak ness. you suspect the dry rot, If places to look are dark, first Check out areas danp places. in the form where fresh water, can or condensation, rain of Some of the nore likelY enter. bilge, in the places are: the garboard strakes; especially in the Planking in the floorsi around and behind the frames; at the of bottom top and the frames; between the deck beans and the deck; under the deck; and between under the coaning in the the deck; and the coaming the meets where it transom bottom and the sides. nRlxtrg a1pft4o --/tE.r6 fR^rts' st Br.(.t. GfEcoLLY 6!6crs{8t€ gdr.b.d @ra-a lnrlt whcrc dry rot drrivcr Figun 2'1.4ommon Thc tranroor d $c bil6 ir alro I gtctt collcstor of ttt' Look in all of the above praces, locations likelY and any other Get to sight alone. But don't confine your inspection as weII. probing. for soft around Dig start or a spike, and out your knife, You easily. and disintegrate are easy to penetrate spots that get your at parts to boat of remove various have to night your the search get but dirty, hands and even areas, suipicious (See fig. 2-L-) ruust be done if you want your boat to lastThe fungus will it nust be renoved. After you have found dry rot, if it is not checked, and merely soaking it wildfire spread like it, is not o! something you think night kill witn a preservative, and.get as nuch on wood innediat€IY, Cut out the affected eneugh. back into good wood, By cutting side of the rot as you can. either There is no way to tell for a margin of error. you are providing section or not. rotten if tne fungus has spread from the obviously on the market that is said to help you There is a preparation wood. People out the affected the dry rot problem without for the most have had good results who have used thi-s material worth investigating. part, and it is certainly 2-5 The rnost effective way to lick the dry rot problem is to prevent it from gettin.g place. in your boat in the first The best way of doing this is to keep fresh water out and stop it from collecting. This neans naking sure that hatches are tight, decks are well caurked, fittings are bedded in conpound, etc. rf fresh water get into your boat, then you have nothing can't to worry about. But you must also be certain that fresh water can also get out of your boat. Condensation can form inside the boat and cause dry rot as easily as can rainwater frorn without. Make sure your boat is well ventilated at aII times. Another way to prevent dry rot is to appty wood preservative to aII unpainted and unvarnished surfaces. There are many preservatives on the market today that are effective, though nothing will offer you total protection. onry by being constantly on your guard can you keep dry rot out of a wooden boat. GALVAI{IC ACTION. The process of electrolysis is based on the principle that two dissinirar metars, when praced in sart water (or non-pure generate fresh-water), electricity by a chemicar process. garvanic This is action. Galvanic action is the principle behind the functioning of a dry-cell battery. It is also the prime element in the destruction of metals in a boat. The corrosion of metals by electrochernical action is something all boaters must be concerned with. Unless careful attention is paid to the types of rnetars that go into a boat, the fastenings, fittings, and even the huII of metal boats can quickly deteriorate and crumbre away. Though galvanic action is a probrem faced primarily by boats used in salt water, fresh-water boaters cannot be totarry ignorant of the probrern. Not all fresh water is pure, and even water that is ever so slightly chemically brackish can set galvanic action into motion. Galvanic action as boaters know it, takes place when two dissinilar metals that are electrically connected are immersed in nonchemically-pure water. The metals actually don't even have to be the water; corrosion place in can take when the metals are connected only by danp wood. galvanic By action, one metal of the two is corroded at the expense of the other. what exactry is a who are not boaters p r o v i d e s Table the or flIeast noble.rf more nobre metali destroyed. dissimilar netal? To make it. easy on those chemical engineers, the following Electrolytic answer. Metals are rated as being rtmost nobletl Current wilt flow fron the less noble to the in the process, the less noble metal will be 2-6 THE ELECTROLYTIC TASLE fn the table, the nost noble metals are at the top, and the noble metals are at the Ieast bottom. In other words, nickel with aluminum in nontogether pure produce water will an electrical current that wiIl eventually result in the destruction of the alurninum. action Galvanic is insidious. It takes place when you least expect it. For instance, if you paint on the use copper botton huII of an aluminun boat, the copper in the paint will corrode the alurninum in the hull. The only bray you can prevent this, you must use a assuruing that paint, is to copper anti-fouling put a layer of paint between the non-ruetallic two. But even then, you must be that the coverage of the certain paint is absolute. nonnetallic exposure of the The slightest in below can result aluninum galvanic action. Mrranry Monrl Nickcl Eronzr {rillcon} Copprr Eras lrtdl Sron:r {dunrlruml Gun mrol Brut lyrllow) Bron:r (phqhor) Tin L..d Stacl (rtainlorl I ron Strl (mildl Aluminum Crdmium Galwnizrd iroo tnd cta.l Zirc Megrniwn Th. illtalr clot togath.r in thir t$h can bo tnrd to{adr.r. Mrtali frr ap.n clnnot. For insoncr. brooza rnd coppar crn bc urcd togcthr; alqminum and copprr crnnot. yellow brass, conposed ordinary the a nd copper, carries of zinc in seeds of its own destruction the galvanic action in, Sdy, a over a period of tine, salt water. Ieaving a spongry mass of copper. erode the zinc, brass screw, wiII brass screws, brass sea cocks, and valves are For that reason, useless in salt water. require many types of netal lilost boats f or What can you do? a boat that has a bronze propeller For instance, diverse purposes. or the rudder will be quickly and an iron rudder needs protection metal to the process. The answer is to add a third destroyed. rnetal it is sacrificed metal is known as a sacrificial This third the iron rudder, a block of zinc To protect to save the other two. or other rnetaL less noble than iron can be attached to the rudder. sets up a current with What happens then is the zinc, not the iron, destroyed. which is most noble, and is itself the bronze propeller, The bronze propeller, since it Thus the iron rudder is protected. is most noble, takes care of itself. 2-7 when using sacrificiar Note: metars on your boat, be certain to replace then periodicalry. rf you do not, you will be fooled by your ohtn craftiness the sacrificial netal will conpletely erode, Ieaving you with the original two metals, which will imrnediately go to work on each other. Remember, do not paint over the zincsr orelse they will not work. ELEqIROLYTfC ACTfON. Electrolytic action is an electrochemical process sinilar to galvanic When an electrical action. current from an independent source, such as a battery, passes through arl electrolytic fruid, such as sea water, metar will be destroyed. rf a stray current from some source on a boat (or adjacent boat) passes through a metal hurr fitting, for instance, into the sea, metal wiII be transferred fitting. fron the hull Eventually it will be eroded. Uetal wiII not be transferred, however, where the current re-enters the boat. The solution to the problern of electrolytic action is to elirninate stray electrical currents from the power sources in your boat. In rnost boats, the problen centers around the battery. Make sure that pole of the battery the negative pole is rather than the positive grounded to the engine. This should be done because current flows from positive to negative. straying Thus, current from the positive side of the battery wiII the boat through the re-enter propeller shaft, which is, of course, connected to the engine. As said previously, metal transfer will not take place at the point of entry of an electrical current. In addition, to prevent other stray currents al1 other electrical equipment. l,lake sure properly grounded and secure. in your boat, check that everything is TIIE SHAFT TRArN ( f igure 2-2) . The shaft train of an inboard marine engine installation is the nachinery that transmits the pohrer of the engine inside the boat to the propeller outside the boat. ft is made up, in nost inboard boats, of the shaft log, the shaft, the strut, the strut bearing, and the propeller. The exception to this type of installation are Vdrives and hydraulic drives. partsof the shafttrain. Figure2-2.-The essential The shaft is most usually a piece that is attached to the engine by a coupling on continuous at the other end. one end and to the propeller However, if for some reason the shaft cannot go in a straight line it night have a joint to aIlow for the change in direction. universal Most shafts today are rnade of bronze, monel, oF stainless steel. 2-8 nust eventually The shaft 90 through the bottom of the hull. it passes through a To do this, At the inboard end 1og. shaft is a log there shaft of the This is sirnilar box. stuffing to the packing gland in a water This combination of the faucet. stuffing box and 1og shaft the prevents water from entering the shaft hole. through boat the box surrounds The stuffing packing rings of holds and shaft are These rings material. around the tightty squeezed by a ttglandtr or rrgland shaft Water can come up into nutrr. log from the bottorn, the shaft prevented from entering but is packing material the boat by the box. The shaft in the stuffing box are usuaIIY Iog and stuffing The Packing made of bronze. is made of a special material naterial. flexible 0tAilo I{UI fl.Arf0 sruffil6 BOI tigre 2-3. Typicafstuffing bor. but don't be alarmed if there box periodically, Check the stuffing boxes rely l,{ost stuffing drip of water coning frorn it. is a slight to work properly. through on a srnall amount of water getting which squeezes the down on the gland nut, tightening Usually If you the amount of drip. control more, will packing material of the nut stops have a leak, however, and no amount of tightening probably have to replace the packing rnaterial. then you will it, This is a sirnple process that amounts to nothing more than backing around the the gland nut and wrapping new packing material off box. shaft inside the stuffing The strut the shaft goes through the strut. Once through the hull, to the botton of the boat that acts as a is an appendage attached There are many types of struts support and bearing for the shaft. in use today, nost with only one arm but sone with two or three. bolted to the bottom of the boat must always be securely The strut be able to wobble' If it is not, the shaft will and must be rigid. at the shaft rnight bend, and you will the bearing night be ruined, your As the boat. vibration in of anount get a considerable Ieast the bearing relies bearing are underwater, and strut shaft, strut, days were almost the old in Bearings lubrication. for on water nade of are.usually they now wood, but vitae lignum always made of grooves then to allow in cut have of then Many micarta. rubber or be rnust checked bearing The water inside. of flow for a continuous 2-9 that it is in to be certain periodically be damaged. can g o e s , shaft the bearing good condition. If the which comes in nany sizes At the end of the shaft is the propeller, of direction pitch, diarneter, i; diffe-r eiopellers and shapes. dianeter The blades. of nunber the shaft-n^ofe size, and iotation, defined by the is simply the diameter of the circle of a propeller -tne propeller is the pitch the of The bfaaes. turning tips tf propeller the distance is the it .ngt" of the blades; to engineers, The number of blades for a one revolution. wouta move ahead after powerboats use a threeMost up. propeller can go fron two on bladed proPeller. lesson. is beyond the scope of this of a propeller The selection that many architects, naval in the realrrn of It is appropriately the at arrive to applied be must and considerations calcuta€ions boat. propeller for the right right stay on is whether it will your main concern about the propeller and forward in must operate Because most propellers the shaft. shaft' Uost a lock nut must be used to keep it on t-he reverse, use a nut backed by a janb nut combined with a keyinstallations to ensure that Whatever your boat uses, check it out periodically your lose you want to do is thing The last secure. is it propel ler . 2-LO STT'DY QUESTIONS proper l-. What 2. Why shouldn't the shoring? 3. List the lay-up hauled out. 4. What is the it is layed 5. The two types 6. What are the two things that can happen to against marine growths? is not protected 7. How does copper 8. tlhat should you consider for your boat? 9. What causes dry is 1 0 . A f i r st the way to you allow chores purpose of up? marine of protect up a hull? block the that weight the boat the allowing growth boat are a boat's 2-Lt is the on boat ventilate is when and a wooden boat hull? when selecting o f dr Y r ot to rest to must be done after rot? i n d i ca ti o n of a botton paint that l-1. Lj-st some of L2. When dry rot places the is found, L3. How can you prevent 14. What is the electrolytic to it dry look for dry action metal of using a sacrificial 16. What is the principle of galvanic action? the effect 18. The shaft train is a wooden boat. rot? 15. Current wilt flow from the metal during galvanic action. 17. How can you prevent in must be between galvanic difference action? rot electrolytic and to the metal to mininize action? made uP of f , and 19. How does the 20. The strut 21. What is stuffing bearing box work? relies used to keep the on propeller 2-L2 for on the lubrication. shaft? CHAPTER 3 TNTERNAL CPI{BUSTIOI'I ENGTNES ffflfRODUCTIOX. The study questions at the end of based on the readings in this chapter and not reading. the chapter are on any outside RECIPROCATfNGENGINES. The internal combustion engines (diesel and gasoline engines), with which most boaters work, are nachines that change, or convert, heat energry into work by burning fuel in a chamber. conbustion Since the pistons in diesel and gasoline engi-nes use an up-and-down notion, they are classified as reciprocating engines. The gasoline IGNITION PRIXCIPLES. principally in the method of igniting and diesel the fuel. engines differ Gasoline engines uses a spark ignition Gasoline Engines. system to as an SPARK fGNITION ENGINE. The fuel and and are referred (or a injection air for the engine is rnixed in the carburetor This mixture is drawn into chamber if fuel injectors are used). the cylinders where it is compressed and ignited by an electric plugs. spark from the spark The diesel engine takes in atmospheric air, Diesel Engines. and then injects the fuel into compresses it, the combustion The heat generated by compression of the air ignites space. the fuel. Hence it is referred to as a COI{PRESSIONIGNfTION EIIGINE. the gasoline Diesel engines used in boats look very much like They have fuel injectors in place of a carburetor, and engine. carry fuel oil instead of an the lines leading to the ryIinders electric current. engines have a definite cycle OPERATINGCYCLE. AII reciprocating It is necessary to atonize the fuel, 9et it into the of operation. burn it, and dispose of the gases of combustion. AII cylinders, cornbustion engines operate on either a 2reciprocating internal A stroke is a single up or down or a 4-stroke cycle. stroke a piston moves between or the distance movement of the piston, executes two strokes of travel. Each piston for each linits The number of piston strokes of the crankshaft. revolution (cycle) is linited to occurring during any one series of operations two or four, depending upon the design of the engine. either Each FOUR STROKE CYCLB engines are used in most automobiles. goes through piston and the crankshaft makes two four strokes In this case, each piston is to cornplete one cycle. revolutions polrer during one stroke in four, or there is one polrer delivering of the crankshaft. stroke for each two revolutions 3-t rxru!l Let us use one cycle of a gasoline engine to trace its operation through the four strokes that make up a cycle. (See Figure 3-1.) First there is the fNTAKE STROKE. The intake valve is open and the exhaust valve is closed. The piston moves down, drawing a mixture of air and gasoline into the cylinder through the open valve. This is shown in 1. t Next is the COI,IPRESSfON STROKE. Both the intake and exhaust valves are closed and during this stroke and the piston starts rnoving upward (illustration 2). The airlgas mixture which entered the cylinder during the intake stroke is conpressed into the small space above the piston. The volume of this air may be reduced to less than A/B of what it was at the beginning of the stroke. The high pressure which is a result of this great reduction in volume creates a highly explosive mixture. Vlhen the piston reaches the top of the compression stroke, the spark plug in the cylinder receives high voltage from the distributor. This creates a spark which ignites the airlgas mixture. 3 During the POWER SIROKE, which follows the ignition, the inlet and exhaust valves are both closed. The increase in ternperature resulting fron the greatly burning fuel increases the pressure on top of the piston. pressure This increased forces the piston downward and rotates the crankshaft. This is the only stroke in which power is furnished to the crankshaft piston. by the (fllustration 3) The last stroke of the cycle is the EXIIAUST SIROKE (illustration 4). The exhaust valve is open and the intake valve remains closed. The piston moves upward, forcing the burned gases out of the combustion chamber through the exhaust valve. This stroke is followed immediately by the intake stroke of the next cycle, and the sequence of events continues. FiEue 3-1. Ibe PorrStroke Gasoline Brqine. 3-2 The 4-stroke cycle diesel engine operates on the same nechanical, or operational, cycle as the gasoline engine. fn the diesel engine, the coropression ratio is nuch higher than in the gasoline engine. This is necessary to increase the heat generated by the compression of the air in the compression stroke. The fuel is injected into the cylinder at the top of the compression stroke where it is ignited by the heat. TI|O-STROKE-CYCLEdiesel engines are widely used. Although some gasoline engines operate on the 2-stroke cycle, their use is linited principally to outboard motors. Every second stroke of a 2-stroke-cycle engine is a POWBR STROKE. The strokes between are CII{PRESiSIOX STROKES. The intake and exhaust functions take place rapidly at the botton of each poerer stroke. With this arrangement there is for each revolution one power stroke of the or twice as many as in a 4-stroke crankshaft, ( See Figrure 3-2 . ) cycle engine. of a 2-stroke-cycIe The cylinder diesel engine has an exhaust valve but no intake valve. The air enters the combustion chanber (openings) ports through in the cylinder wall. These ports are uncovered by the piston as it nears the botton of each stroke. (Illustration L) piston moves on When the upward the valve stroke, the exhaust compression is ports and the intake are covered. closed (fllustration 2) The piston compresses the At air trapped in the cornhustion chamber. fuel is first sprayed the top of the stroke, by the hot and then ignited into the cylinder compressed air. I I i i i I I Illustration 3 shows the downward notion of The exhaust the piston on the power stroke. closed and the increased valve is still pressure, resulting fron the burning fuel, the forces the piston downward, and rotates crankshaft. nears the bottom of the power As the piston ports and the uncovers the intake stroke, it ( I l l u s t r a t i o n 4) Air v a l v e s o p e n . exhaust (air pressure a blower delivered under by punp) forces air in through the intake ports, out through and the burned gases are carried the exhaust valve. 3-3 a Figre 3-2. ne fi,o Stroke Dieselhgine. This scavenging operation corresponds to the intake cyc1e. place takes almost instantly and and exhaust strokes of the 4-stroke On the compression stroke, the exhaust valves are closed, the intake ports are covered, and the air is trapped in the cylinder. piston compresses the air and heats it adiabatically, The rising or without a loss or gain of heat. By the tine the piston reaches the top of the stroke, the volume of the eombustion chamber has been greatly reduced. The relation between the volune of the cornbustion chamber with the piston at the bottom of the stoke, and the volume of the cornbustion chanber with the piston at the top of the stoke Cornpressing the is cal}ed the compression ratio. air to volurne approximately one-sixteenth representing of its original a compression ratio L. Gasoline engines operate of L6 to at compression ratios between 4 to L and 8 to I, but the compression ratios of diesels range between 72 to 1 and 16 to L. the rise in the temperature As the compression ratio is increased, in the cylinder For example, with a of the air increases. be slightly over compression ratio of 14 to 1", the ternperature will This means that on the cornpression stroke of a diesel IOOO' F. engine the air is heated to about 1000" F. At this temperature, into the cylinder. the fuel begins to burn when it is injected diesel engine to develop twice as You might expect a 2-stroke-cyc1e much power as a 4-stroke cycle engine; however, such is not the case because approximately 10 to L4 percent of the engine's power to drive the blower. Nevertheless, 2-stroke-cycle is required service. diesel- engines give excellent polder from PPWEB_SISTEU. The Power System of the engine transmits to the drive shaft. The pohrer system includes the the cylinders and pistons, the connecting rods, and the crankshaft. cylinders The cylinders of most narine engines are cast in a single block. is l-ined with a special hardened alloy iron sleeve to Each cylinder reduce wear. are attached to the crankshaft by connecting rods, The pistons power from the pistons to the crankshaft. The rods which transrnit pins (wrist pins) and are to the pistons by piston are joined 3-3). A seal by bearings (see figure connected to the crankshaft This seal is is provided between each piston and the piston wall. As the accomplished by piston rings in grooves in the piston wall. piston moves up and down, the rings press against the cylinder wall, thus preventing the air or gases (during the exhaust stroke) from working up from passing down into the crankcase and the oil past the piston. 3-4 E.- corrPREssrofl PSTOil ilG:; E€ ;l ---0 t a ----_-€ PE;TOil Pir E /(\ \ Plttttr Pil c^P tigre 3-3. Pistonandonnectinqrod parts. is a device used The crankshaft to change the reciprocating notion and the connecting of the piston motion needed to rods into rotary as drive such iterns reduction propeller gears, shafts, generatoralternator, and punps. There are many conmon applications the treadle of of this principle; sewing machine an o1d-fashioned and the up-and-down notion of your Iegs on the pedals of a bicycle. 3-4 shows the crankshaft Figure action of a sewing nachine treadle this arrangenent and band wheel. can also be used to change rotary motion. During to reciprocating of the strokes of a 4three the engine, rotary stroke-cycle is noving motion of the crankshaft the piston up and down. Valve Mechanisms. The valves action of a are opened by the driven by the crankshaft canshaft, of gears. through a train SANO ,, WHEEL CONNECTING Air Pilot Trainint, Bcrt A. Shields Fi5rn 94.-Tht cnnkrhrft rction of r troedh rnd brndwhccl. 3-5 The camshaft is a long steel shaft that extends the length of one or nore the engine and carries cams for each cyLinder. The shaft but the cans are is cylindrical, 3in shape (see figure irregular 5). Each cam is partly circular outline but in carries a LOBE ( HIJUP) which gives it an eggshaped appearance. The circular part of the can is called the CAI{ FLAT. The canshaft is designed to change rotary to interrnittent motion. A tappet reciprocating on the rotating cam is riding each tine the lobe comes Iifted around. Figure 3-5 Sirnple Camshaft and Valve M e c h a n i .s m engines, On sone types of the camshaf t is i-ocated near the crankshaft" In these designs the action cam roller of the is transnitted to the rocker ar:rn by a push rod. In other engines, the valves are are inverted and located in recesses at the side of the with this cylinders. arrangenent, the valve stems nay ride directly on the cams or they may be separated by a short steel shaft called a TAPPET. This arrangement is shown in above. so that the lobes The camshaft must be tined with the crankshaft at the correct instant in the will open the valves in each cylinder cycle the exhaust valves are cycle. In the 2-stroke operating at the botton of the pohter stroke, to opened for only a short tine, Since the cycle is cornpleted in pernit the burned gases to escape. at the same speed as the the camshaft rotates one revolution, crankshaft. engine has an intake and an exhaust valve in The 4-stroke-cycle The each of thern operated by a separate can. every cylinder, intake valve is held open during the intake stroke, and the exhaust Both are opened and closed valve opened during the exhaust stroke. before and after travel the top and several degrees of crankshaft Since two revolutions travel. of the of the piston botton crankshaft are necessary to conplete a 4-stroke cycle, the canshaft of these engines turns one half the speed of the crankshaft. 3-6 the air enters the cycle engine, In the 4-stroke Svstern. Air As each piston goes down on through the intake valve. cylinders charnber increases the volume of the conbustion the intake stroke, The normal atmospheric pressure then and the pressure decreases. through the intake vaIve. forces the air into the cylinder cycle engine does not go through an intake stroke. The 2-stroke ports, uncovered when the piston through intake enters The air Since the exhaust the bottom of the polder stroke. approaches open as the intake ports are being uncovered, the incoming vilves air forces the burned gas out through the exhaust valves and fills On large Z-stroke cycle with a supply of fresh air. the cylinder into the blowers must be provided to force air engines, diesel cylinders. Systen. The Lubricating system is a vital Iubrication an internal part of the engine. If combustion s y s t e m s h o uld lubricating w i l l t h e e n g ine not only fail p a r ts but aI1 of the stop, t o d a r n a g ed be likely are beyond repair. systen F Iubricating to the noving oil delivers parts of the engine to reduce in and assist friction Most them cool. keeping engines and gasoline diesel are equipped with a pressure that system lubricating under oil the delivers pressure to the bearings and bushings, and also lubricates the gears and cylinder wal1s. reaches the usually The oil through bearings Passages in the frarnework and drilled the crankshaft of the engine. t systern of a The lubricating l. oft ?^ra cycle 4-stroke typical l. lcrttx4tt tult |rT^rt l. ?rllgrrt oL tu.2 shown in is engine inboard .. v^tvlJtatlJrc lal-|lt i orl |tt^xtl figure 3-6 " c ort. cE-ar The Many methods of lubricating parts of each the individual are in use in e n g i n e o f type e ngine models. d i f f e r e n t the a t. t t. II oG raxrtq.o |t clltroar otL trt.lll ll.?^ll l^Lvt ltr^tl atq,rxo lTlatrll r.O ILEI systerof aninboardengine. Pigure3-6. m€ Lubrication 3-7 by the gear-type The oil is delivered oil punp. This pump takes suction through a screen fron an oil pan or sump. Frorn the punp, the oil is forced through the oil strainer and the oil cooler into the oil nanifold in the cylinder block. This nanifold extends the length of the engine and serves as a passage and reservoir from which the oil is fed to the nain crank-shaft bearings and one end of the hollow carnshaft. Host noving parts and bearings are Iubricated by oil. drawn fron these two sources. The cylinder walls and the teeth of many of the gears are lubricated by oil spray thrown off the rotating crankshaft. After the oil has served its purpose, it drains back to the sump to be used over again. Constant oi} pressure, throughout a wide range of engine speeds, is pressure naintained by the valve that a1lows the excess oil relief to flow back into the sump. AII of the oil from the punp passes through the strainer and cooler, unless they are clogged or the oil is cold and heavy. In such cases, the bypass valve is forced open and the oil flows directly to the engine. Part of the oil fed to through the filter, the engine is returned which removes flakes of uretal, carbon particles, and other inpurities. The oil pressure in the line }eading fron the purnp to the engine is gage. on a pressure indicated A ternperature gage in the return an indirect nethod for indicating variations Iine provides in the ternperature of the engine parts. Any abnormal drop in pressure or in ternperature should be investigated at once. rise It is advisable to stop the engine until the trouble has been located and corrected. should The oi1 specifications. be This r^tt changed according manufacturer's to the is particularly true for diesel engines. nr^SltoaCA.q tlrFg?^lrqlt€ or'.F ^{POa'gl O,€IF^EFOat€D cn acr Frao cn dr{rro D{L|t?nrrarq.O 3HAr"lartq.o clrroltrlEr Cooling System. Marine engines are equipped with a water-cooling systen to carry arday the excess heat produced in the engine cylinders. The water is circulated through water jackets in the cylinder passages walls and that the valves surround in the cylinder head. The lubricating oil acts in pistons the cooling and cylinder walls. water Either fresh or sea water nay be used for fn some engines the cooling. water sea is circulated through the engine and then discharged overboard. Figrte 3-7. Tte bboardc{ohDgsyster 3-8 through the In other types of engines, fresh water is circulated Sea water is purnped a heat exchanger. engine and then through An advantage of through this exchanger and cools the fresh water. systern is that it keeps the water passages cleaner, the fresh-water of sea water, and thus provides better effects avoids the corrosive cooling. systero of most inboard engines Systen. The electrical Electrical generatorr/alternator, motor and electric of the faniliar consists and the necessary battery, a suitable that serves as a starter, charged and keeps the battery The generator/alternator wiring. The charging rate provides current for lights and other equiproent. by a voltage regulator, is controlled of the generator/alternator from discharging is provided to keep the battery and a cut-out When the starter at low speed. through the alternator/generator bendix gear engages with the teeth on button is pressed the starter Diesel engines generally the flywheel and turns the engine over. gasoline engines. Some o f c a p a c i t y d o u b l e t h e b a t t e r y require s n all a i r o r a w i t h c o m p r e s s e d s t a r t e d d i e s e l e n g i n e s a r e large g a s o l i n e e n g i n e . auxiliary Fiqure Diese1 Enqines. 3-8 shows the components typical in the found engine. The diesel power, air, lubricating, and electrical cooling as systerns are generally As above. described the earlier, stated a is engine diesel fgnition Compression The fuel system engine. of the diesel engine is that from different gasoline witn found engines. The fuel punp draws the fron the tank fuel oil through a prirnary filter it to the and delivers the through injector The secondary filter. the line carries outlet excess fuel oil fron the back to the injector some In tank. fuel a transfer installations installed punp is between the tank and the primary filter. o|l ttLL c^t Y LVI s'irxc iOCrEt ARI rrJtgToi rc:zLt oofflusTloN CHAXTER oLoir tLuG xlcH tiEsg.tnt ?9C rucsTon rul,t orL @r?noL 'lisTONRIIIG toLeilo|o ASSY. cofiNEcinilc too cax otL ntr|t oirw GEAi CRAXX^9{AFT of tbedieseiengine. Figrre3-8. Corpnents 3-9 A diesel engine will not operate efficiently unless clean fuel is delivered to the injector. As the fuel oiL is punped into the fuel tanks, it should be strained through a fine- nesn screen. The larger particles of the solids suspended in the fuel are trapped - f i n e rin the primary screen. The secondary filter separates the particles of _foreign natter that pass through tne prinary filter screen. The final filtering takes place within the injectdr. ltost filters have a drain plug for removing the water, sludge, and other foreign matter. The firter shourd be drained once ; d.y, or as specified in the manufacturerrs technical manual. There are many nethods of fuel injection and just as many types of in jectors. one is the rrunit in jector'r system. The iijector consists basically of a small cylinder and a plunger, and eitends through the cylinder head to the combustion chamber. A cam, located on the camshaft adjacent to the cam that operates the exhaust valves, acts through a rocker arm and lowers the plunger at the correct instant in the operating cycle. when the injector prunger is depressed, it sguirts, oF injects, a fine spray oi fuer into the cylinder, through srnall holes in the nozzLe. The smooth of the engine depends to a large extent on the accuracy operation with which the plungers inject the same amount of fuel into each conbustion charnber. The amount of fuel injected into the cylinders on each stroke is controlled by rotating the plungers or a unit The throttle, injector. which regulates the speed of the engine, is connected to the injectors through a portable linkage. Changing the throttle setting rotates the plungers and varies €he anount oi fuel injected into the cylinders on each stroke. Another system is call the rrcommonrairt system. This is most comroonly used in engines other then General Motors. Instead of a punp being located at each cylinder in a separate unit, there is one pump for all injectors. This systern has one drawback. If air gets into the systen it nust be purged. This usuarry is done by loosening the snall delivery tube at the cylinder and rollinq the engine over with the starter until the air is purged and only fuel comes out. P e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e r r c o m m o nr a i l t ! s y s t e m i s g e n e r a l l y a s good as with the rrunit injectortr system. Caution should be used naking before any adjustments to either system. serious and expensive damage can occur frorn irnproper adjustnents. GASOLTNE ENGTNES. Most inboard engines are a 4-stroke cycle engine. Two-stroke cycle gasoline engines are used principally to drive outboard motorboats, motorcycles, and rnodel airplanes. The power, air, lubricating, cooling and electrical systerns are generally as described above. The principal difference between the gasoline and the diesel engines is that the gasoline engine has a carburetor and an ignition system. rn addition, the gasoline engine has a lower conpression ratio than the dieser engine. A typical marine gasoline engine has a compression ratio of about 7 to L, compared to an approximate ratio of 16 to 1, even 20 to l, in sone diesel engines. 3-l_0 I n d u c t i o n S yste m. T h i s system dr aws gasoline fr om the fuel tank and air from the atrnosphere, mixes then, and delivers the mixture t o t h e c yl i n d e rs. ft co n sists of the fuel tank, the fuel punp, the passages . lines and air a n d th e n e cessar y fuel c a r b u r e t or, the tank to the carburetor, Flexible tubing carries the fuel from mixture fron the carries the fuel-air while the intake nanifold cylinder s. c a r b u r e t or to th e i n d i vi d u al The FUEL PUlilP comrnonly used on gasoline slightly engines is from any of the purnps different on in this later discussed some course. In training is like the oldthis respects fashioned water punp, with the piston replaced by a flexible This diaphragrm, diaphragrn. which forms the bottom of the punp charnber, is composed of cloth several layers of treated held between two metal disks. (See figure 3-9) tiEre 3-9. I scieHtic draringof a gsoline eDgine fuel pnp. on the by the rocker arm, which rides The diaphragrm is actuated w a y p a r t s i n s u c h a t h a t the a r e c o n n e c t e d t h e H o w e v e r , eccentric. i s p u l l e d A n e c c e n t r i c m e r ely a o n l y . d o w n w a r d b e c a n diaphragrn o n i t s s h a f t and o f f c e n t e r i s m o u n t e d c a m t h a t circuLar-shaped is raised by the The diaphragrm wobbles up and down as it rotates" An action of the spring t.hat puishes against its under surface. p e r m i t s t h e f u e l t o f l o w t h r o ugh v a l v e and an outlet-check intet o n l y . the punp chamber in one direction acts through the rocker the eccentric When the engine is running, This draws arn to lower the diaphragrm against the spring pressure. the inlet check the pump chamber through a charge of fr:el into the of the eccentric, During the next half-revolution valve. spring pushes the diaphragrm upward and forces the fuel out of the punp chamber, through the outlet check valve, into the line leading fuel as long continue to deliver The pump witl Lo the carburetor. as the force of the spring is able to overcome the pressure in the fuel line. carburetor it can be seen that the cam action of the Frorn this description, merely moves the diaphragrn downward and compresses the eccentric pumping is done by the spring .as the the actual while spring, The pressure which the punp maintains piessure on it is released. of the diaphragrn spring. in the fuel line depends on the strength As the pressure builds up, a point is reached where the spring wiII the diaphragn only part of the htay. l{hen be strong enough to lift the diaphragm will is being taken into the carburetor, no fuel not deliver any and the punp will remain in the lowest position fuel. 3-t_t_ The CARBURETORis a device used for sending a fine spray of fuel into a ruoving stream of air on its way to the intake valves of the cylinders. The spray is swept along, vaporized, and AkHqm ( as ; gai) , with nixia the The carburetor is 6orrvrlvr noving air. designed to naintain the same nourt nixture ratio over a wide range vrntwi Cbrta of engine speeds. The UIXTTIRE RATIO is the number of pounds of vcnr'd air nixed with each pound of gasoline vapor. A RICH l,lIxTttRE lhrorrtrEorty ' is one in which the percentage Thronrrvrhn of gasoline vapor is high, while a LEAN MIXTTIRE contains a low percentage of gasoline vapor. Gasoline engines nonnally operate best on a mixture ratio of about 12 to 1. A carburetor tigre 3-10. I scberatic ftaring of a consists of several principal float-typecarbrrretor. parts, each of them perf onning risure 3-r.o). rheseunits are the t=t".:?$:S::i"I"iHtttil.(ff; idring systems, and the throttre and choke varves. connected to the throttle valve controls the engine adjustrnents are provided for regutating the ialing nixture. A throttLe speed, and ipeed and The FLOAT rnaintains a constant fuel level in the float chanber by regulating the flow of gasorine through a needle va1ve. As more fuel enters the chamber, the float rises and closes the valve. While the engine is running, the float allows gasoline to enter the float chamber at the same rate as it is being used by the engine. A constant fuel pressure is rnaintained on the needle valve by the fuel punp. T h e M A I N J E T S Y S T E Mc o n s i s t s o f t h e d i s c h a r g e n o z z l e l o c a t e d i n t h e venturi-shaped passage or throat air of the carburetor. A restriction, called a metering jet, is located in the passage that carries the fuel from the float chanber to the nozzle. fhe nain perruits air to pass into the discharge air-bleed nozzle and mix with the fuel. This air-bleed arrangernent, when properry designed, will rnaintain a fairly constant fuel-air nixture raiio at aIl engine speeds above idling. The terrn VENTURI is applied to the constricted passage around the rnain jet. 3-L2 section of the air air must speed up to get through this snall passage. The inconing the speeding up of a fluid in a to a law of physics, According decrease passage is accompanied by a corresponding in closed section of the pressure. in pressure in the venturi The reduction causes a fine stream of fuel to spray from the nain jet. carburetor slightly below chamber is naintained in the float The fuel level not run out of so that fuel will nozzle, the tip of the discharge the nozzle when the engine is stopped. for slow engine speeds a rich mixture The IDLING SYSTEM provides jet, the idling airIt is made up of the idling and for starting. passage opens into the passage. The idling bleed, and the idling just jet, above the which is passage through the idling air with the throttle alrnost valve. When the engine is idling throttle creates a the action of the intake stroke in each cylinder closed, passage above the throttle valve. FueI high vacuum in the air passage and discharges into the air flows up through the idling the idling air-bleed is adjusted to regulate The idling strearn. mixture ratio, jet depends on the position of the of the idling The operation j e t o r speed, t h e v e l o c i t y , o n t h e m a i n d e p e n d s b u t valve, throttte that the engine means This passing the venturi. through of the air jet; but as the speed on the idling and runs up to a certain starts jet j e t the idling a n d b e g i n s t o f u n c t i o n n a i n t h e speed increases, the main so that adjusted and are designed Carburetors cuts out. jet cuts out. Over a range of a jet wiII cut in before the idling jets is If the throttle are functioning. few hundred rph, both t h e o p e n i n g because the engine may stall, opened too suddenly, j e t b u t t h e e n g i n e c u t o u t , to valve has caused the idling throttle the rnain jet functioning. speed is not yet high enough to start The adjustments. have only two or three operating Most carburetors over should be set when the engine is turning air-b1eed idling to find the or left It should be turned to the right slowly. Turning this run smoothly. position in which the engine will to the turning while leans the mixture, to the teft ldjustment speed is adjusted by means of a The idling right makes it richer. shaft. Some throttle an arm mounted on the screb/ in set the mixture for regulating adjustrnent have a third carburetors to the engine by the main jet. delivered mixture is In a gasoline engine, the fuel-air System. Ignition is not high The compression ratio spark. by an electric ignited (igniting) temperature of enough to heat the air to the kindling and diesel between the gasoline The relationship the fuel. principtes can be seen when you try to stop an overheated gasoline to [run onrr for some tirne af ter you It often continues engine. on the The engine is operating the ignition. have turned off increase and pistons principle. The overheated cylinders diesel the normal compression ternperature to a point high enough to ignite the fuel mixture. 3 - 1 -3 - . l r * * , o .* * i ? f @,&rq i t t t + i t Figure3-11. scbeHticdiaqar of ttreigition systerof a gsolbe engine. alternator to keep the battery + The ignition systen is designed to deliver a spark in the combustion charnber of each cylinder point in at a specific that cylinder's cycle of operation. A typical ignition system consists of an ignition coil, a nechanical breaker, a condenser, a distributor, a sparkplug in each cylinder, a switch, and the necessary wiring. Like the dieset engine, the gasoline engine also has a storage battery, a generator or charged, and an electric starter. There are two distinct circuits in the ignition systern, called the prirnary and secondary. The prirnary, or 1ow voltage circuit, contains the battery, the ignition switch, the ignition coir, and the breaker points and condenser. The secondary, or high-voltage is also connected to the ignition circuit, coil, and includes the and spark plugs. distributor T H E S T O R A G EB A T T E R Y i s u s u a l l y the 6 or 12 volt type. It is to the sirnilar heavy-duty automobiLe type. one terrninat is grounded to the engine frame while the other is connected to the system. ignition The IGNfTfON COIL is in many respects sinilar to an electromagnet. It consists of an iron core surrounded by the primary and secondary coils. The primary coil is nade up of a few turns of heavy wire and is connected in the primary circuit. The secondary coil has a great many turns of fine wire and is connected in the secondary circuit. fn both coils, the wire is insulated, and the coils are entirely separate from each other. The only thing they have in common is the iron core. T H E B R E A K E RP O f N T S c o n s t i t u t e a mechanical switch connected in the primary circuit. They are located in the bottom of the distributor and are opened by a can that is timed to break the circuit at the at which each cylinder exact instant is due to fire. This abrupt stopping of the current flowing through the prinary coil induces a voltage in the secondary coil. Because the number of turns in the secondary coil is rnuch greater than those in the prinary coil, the voltage induced is also rnuch greater. Some newer engines have an electronic ignition module which replaces the breaker points. A C O N D E N S E Ri s c o n n e c t e d a c r o s s t h e arcing when the points are opened. 3-l_4 breaker points to prevent a rotor, located secondary or high THE DISTRIBUTOR, contains the voltage circuit, serves as a selector switch to rrdistributerf The same drive spark plugs. hiqh voltage current to the individual shaft operates both the breaker points and the rotor. The SPARK PLUGS, which extend chanbers of into the conbustion are connected by the cylinders, wires to the heavy insulated plug spark A distributor. essentiatly of a roetal consists shell that screlrs into the spark (See plug hole in the cylinder. figure 3-12. ) There is a center a ernbedded in electrode porcelain cylinder, and a ground to the connected electrode is The ground electrode shell. the space so that adjusted the center it and between is about O.O25 inch. electrode l{hen the high voltage is sent to That is, t h e p 1 u g , i t r r fi r e s r r . spark junps across an electric this gap between the electrodes. lgnrrNAL r.orxc Po37 xul cErirER € L E Ct F O O € | | ts u Lr r o n ASSEIIBLY II{SULATOR S H EL L CEI'€NI GrSr€r sEAr S p ^ n x6 l r cnouro ELECTRoo€ ligre 3-U. Sectioul Vier of a typical sparkplttg. the When the engine is running, from the battery flows in the prirnary circuit current electric p r i n a r y coil, w i n d i n g i n t h e i g nition the t h e through the switch, v o l t a g e p o i n t s , T h e h i g h t h e b a t t e r y . is and then back to breaker coil and flows winding of the ignition produced in the secondary spark plugs and to the individual rotor the distributor through through the engine frane. It is coil back to the ignition which junps the gap in to note that the high voltage, interesting the spark plugs, does not come from the batt€FY, but is produced in coi1. the ignition care other than routine systen should require little The electrical You should keep the in the ordners nanual. maintenance as specified terninals covered with a and the battery tightened connections or Vaseline. The condenser, breaker coating of petrolatum Iiqht specified points,and spark ptugs, should be changed at the interval in the oh,ners manual. is to never make engine trouble A good rule to follow in locating at a time. Stop and think how the engine more than one adjustment cause of any irregular out the probable and figure operates, Rememberthat the the trouble by elinination. locating operation, and than a nysterious is a sirnple one, rather cause usually cornplicated one. 3-15 IXBOARD - OIIIBOARDS (I/O'sl. I/O' s have gained popularity as the engine is installed in the stern section of the boat leaving more goes through unobstructed space in the boat. An outdrive the transom and down the lower unit to the propeller assembly similar to the outboard drive. However this does call for one more angle to transnit the power to the propeller and hence one more possible source of maintenance problems. goes through The outdrive usually the hull at or near the waterline and since the leg cannot be Ij-fted clear of the water, in most instances, it leaves the drive mechanism in the water when not in use. In salt water, T/Ots have trouble with the part which is made of an alloy of aluminum which is subiect to electrolysis. and maintenance is Engine operation the same as for any other inboard engine. OUTBOARDS. Outboard engines have a wide choice of horsepower and ranging frorn 25 pounds to six hundred pounds in weight, size, and from 3 h.p. to 3OO h.p. in power. One engine block at present can be increased to 4OO h.p. capacity. This great range in horseporder you may and weight gives a utility range for most any application need. The advantages of the outboard are ease of access for maintenance, Iighter weight, of the engine to the ability to change the tilt adjust trim of the boat, the fact that it can be tilted up out of the water when not in use saving the ravages of constantly being immersed, and the capacity in water shallower to operate than conventional inboard boats. A wide sel-ection of propellers for outboards enabling are available a cfose efficient tailoring to the needs of getting the most thrust out of the engine for the huII type on which it is used. Several types of corrosion involving chromate bonding, fighting materials epoxy coating, and acrylic are being used to slow enamel finishes down corrosion thus making then more adaptable to salt water use. 3-t-6 sruDv QuEsrroNs. 1. In the 2. The fuel spark in a diesel 3. What ignites 4. ignition the fuel engine, fuel and air a diesel List the operations performed four stroke cycle engine: rnixed i.n the into engine is in is the cylinder. engine? strokes of a by each of the two strokes of a by each of the four 1. a 3. 4. 5. performed List the operations two stroke cYcle engine: 1. 6. The exhaust valve is open at the bottorn of the stroke on a 2-stroke engine7. List the main working parts of the pohter system that to the drive shaft. power frorn the cylinders B. The vaLves 9. are opened bY is The intermittent transrnit reciprocating designed to change rotarY motion to open the valves. 3-L7 to 10. The lubricating system in an internal delivers oil to the moving parts to 11. Marine 12. engines are cooled what are the parts gasoline engine? of the 13. fn the gasoline engine, controlled by the What is a rich 15. What is a lean mixture? 16. mixture in The sl-ow engine 17. A typical speeds and for ignition engine and to by (fuer) induction the ratio L4. combustion of the fuel a gasoline to air a mixture engine? provides starting. systern of systern of a gasorine a rich mixture engine consists of , and 18. List the gasoline components in engine. the prirnary 3-t_8 ignition circuit of for a is l-9. List the gasoline 20. cornponents in engine. The high voltage produced in that the secondary produces the 3- 19 the ignition spark in circuit the spark of a plug is CHAT4IER4 I{ARLTNSPIKE gEAURilgfiTP The reading material for this lesson can be found in +IIRO,9UgEqOql. ' pages as well following the as the chapter on M?r*jr+egeih,€ the earlier $efuane,,hip ,- in editions of ,gFlFMn{, .P,trotiag, 9eaaanship, aad SaalJ' Boat EandlinE and in Section 3, Chapter 13 of the later editions. The study questions at the end of this lesson are based on these readings. !-ql*g* Of, .FPPts. Today t,here are three basic t149es of, rope available to boaters. They are natural rope, synthetic rope, and wire rope, However, there has been a great shift away from the natural llnes to the synthetic ]ines in the past few years. Once rope is placed aboard a vessel- and/or put to us€r it is termed Line. NqtPraf ,Ililrp,, Until the 1.950's, there were six tlpes of natural line readily fiber availabre for use. ?hese were nanila, sisaL jute. cotton, hempr Linen, and Ot these six, maniLa and cotton axe Just about the only ones whlch can be found in most lines marine supply gtores today. Because of this, only manila and cotton will be discussed here. Manil.a line ig made from plant fibers and is fairly Etrong and durable. It is the most popular of natural fiber lines. fts main advantages are: it is readily available, relative inexpensive and ls very durable, With proper care, manila line can last for years. It has virtually been replaced, however, by synthetic llne for running rigging and other use. light Compared to synthetic fiber manila is line, fairly stiff. Its chief disadvantage is that wi].l deteriorate lt if Btowed wet, or allowed to lie out in the sun or foul weather, rt dries easj-1y, though, and is not very hard to maintain. Cg!!g+ line has only about half the strength of manila line. It is mostly used by smalL boats. Unlike uranila, iL is pllable and soft to the touch, and w111 run srnoothly in bloclts. rts main disadvantage ls that it is susceptible to rot. It also stret,ches quite a bit like some of, the syn|hetics. line may look like natural fiber line FrqFhqFlc P*rr-rg. synthetic but there is a world of difference between them. slmthetics usually cogt much more than natural fiber 1in€r but the difference in price is Eenerally well worth it, The use of synthetice is vety advantageous, synthetics can be stowed wet, and they ar6 almost irnpervious to salt, air, waterr and anything else that could destroy natural line. they last an incredibly long t,ine. They are tougher and stronger size for size than Just about any other line material. synthetics can do anythinE that f,iber l"ine can do and do the better just about every time. 4-1 cH2 Synthetic line needs hardly any mad-ntenance, lo be sur€r it when left out in the weaLherr but this rate wiLt deteriorate slow. It can also mildew if stored of deterioratlon is fairly gynthet,ics given the care that is usually given are If wet. to fiber line, then their longevity is almost llnitless. All synthetics tend to un3.ay when they are cut, so care should you should After cuttlng, them. be taken when cuttinE immediately whip them. Heat can heJ-p you a 1ot when whipping For instance, a soJ.dering iron heLd against synthetic line. When the iron the end of a nylon line will melt the fiberg. is taken dwalr the molten mass wil-I harden; giving you a selfcontained whipping. J.ines in comnon use today. There are four types of synthetic They are nylon, dacron, polypropylene and polyethylene. than that make it better has many characteristics ItIgL$gg and Nylon has the highest elasticity any other tlpe of line. For this can absorb seven times the shock load of manila. for mooring and towingr reason, nyJ-on is used extensively not rot l-ines. Nylon has high abrasion resisLance arrd will even after being left wet for lonq periods of tine. When comparing line of like size, nylon is twice as strongr as In other words, nylon lirre of smaller diameter can manila. line. As in most natural fiber be used when replacing more expensive nylon line is synthetic materials, than fiber line, but in the Long xun it is nuch cheaper, natural It requires It is soft to the touch and extremely flexible. no breaking in to work out any stlffness, as reguired with manila and other natural fiber lines. of nylon, is al"so the main Elastlcity, an advantage When it reaches the end of iEs dlsadvantage of nyJ-on llne. will snap like a rubber band and become it elongation, extrerRely dangerous to anybody or anything within its reach. It+qh, xqn?,q+qv F;,oLJ(eqt?F,_,TippL ,(DaFfortl, like nylon, is soft to the touch, is extremely flexible and requites no breaking in. Dacron (polyester), on the other hand, is not elastic like nylon yet it has all of the other desirable qualities of nylon. Dacron line does npt stretch much more than manila line, It has greater wear resistance strengthr flexibility, and higher than manila. It, too, can be stored wet and is irnpervious to rot, or salt lvater. Dacron is used a lot for all running rigglng. In fact, for this it has just about replaced cotton line purpose. This goes hand in hand with the fact that Dacron, light in welght. like cotton, is fairly Are,ned Fiber (Kev1ar) . This is a new fiber that combines ensional abilities. It ls expensive and used mainly by those in sailing competition. 4- 2 are two other types of synthetic and Polvpropylene Polyethylene properties and, quite h a v e similar u s e t o d a y . T h e y i n line o t h e r s ynthetics, t o t h e C o m p a r e d n a m e s . s i m i l a r understandably, have polypropylene polyethylene line several and however, Another a b r a s i o n r e s i s t a n c e . one is low disadvantages. as the other not as supple disadvantage is that they are m a n i l a . as synthetics. They have the sane flexibility Both types of line are very popular because they float. just about replaced all other types of line as water-ski They have tow lines. line in that it is actually from polyethylene Polypropylene differs AIso, it is not as stronger when it is wet than when it is dry. as polyethylene. slippery fts Wire Rope. Wire rope is not used very much by small boaters. on sailboats and anchor lines confined to rigging use is generally fts manufacture is similar to fiber and synthetic for small boats. over a It is made up of wound strands of wire, generally Iine. Using core, which is sornetimes made of wire, but usually of fiber. and forms a for the core of wire rope gives it flexibifity fiber This provides the wire rope with a cushion for the wire strands. or give. Wire ropes are made in five amount of elasticity certain to strength. These grades are, in grades, which are rel.ative order: improved plow steel, plow steel, mild plow steel, declining steel, and iron. traction Line, ho matter what it is made of, needs care at CARE OF LINES. synthetic line, if abused, can Even the strongest tines. all Given the high price of any type of line these days, deteriorate. it is a good idea to take care of what you have, rather than let it get run down and reguire new line. Here are a few basic maintenance thern keep your line in good shape if you follow rules that witl j d l igently . For lines of aII types, assume that Do not overload your line. its breaking strength. In o n e-fif'th i s the safe working strength o f a l i n e i s o n e t h o u s a n d s t r e n g t h other words, if the breaking strain of more to a than two hundred it pounds, then never subject is saving those other fourpounds. What you are doing, in effect, If your line is o1d or or 8OO pounds for an emergency" fifths o n e f i f t h r u l e . f n o t h e r words, worn, make an allowance to this make it one-tenth. protect Both the outer and inner your lines against abrasion. It stands equally to its strength. of your line contribute fibers Where line is subject to reason that worn line is weakened line. rub against a chock when it witl to loca} abrasion for instance, around protect it with chafing gear, such as canvas wrapped tight the line. 4-3 Avoid sudden strains on your line. Lines of a}l types that are strong enough to hold up to a steady strain can be broken with a sudden jerk. Care when working with lines is extrernely irnportant. Store your }ines properly. Natural fiber lines wiII deteriorate quickly if not stored properly. They should only be stored when dry, should be well ventilated, should be protected against direct sunlight, and should be coiled properly. The same rules apply to you want to get the best use out of them. synthetic lines if however, need not be given special Synthetics, storing care other than keeping them out of and out of extremely sunlight hot compartments. Always keep your lines clean. Dirt acLs like sandpaper on both and synthetic natural line. It is an abrasive and is dangerous to if it is allowed to work into the fibers. Wash your lines lines thoroughly with clean water when it becomes dirty. And, of course, y o u p u t t o allow it dry before it back into use. Even though line wiII not rot if stored wet, you do not want to synthetic induce any more moisture into your storage Iockers than necessary. For instance, use the right A1ways match your Iine to its use. Don't force thick size line for the sheaves in a block or puIley. Misusing your line in this way can put line into a small chock. excess wear on it. Natural fiber Keep chernicals of all kinds away from your lines. Though the lines can be severely damaged by exposure to chemicals. fiber line is immune to damage from ruLe books say that synthetic paint, gasoline, turpentine, alcohol, and most other oil, Make it a general rule to keep chemical-s, be on the safe side. chemicals ahray from aII kinds of line. To avoid wear, reverse your line end for end Avoid excess wear. periodically. This wiII distribute the wear more evenly on your your anchor end-for-end For instance, line and give a longer life. immersed in intervals, the part that is regularly Iine at regular for the part that remains dry on deck. water should be substituted of a line that is A kink is the result Avoid kinks in your line. you have a kink t w i s t e d I f in one direction. repeatedly turned or y o u r don't put a l i n e , o u t i m m e d i a t e l y a n d , f o r c e r t a i n , in 9et it link in a o n i n a i s t h e w e a k e s t it. A kink line like strain chain. Sharp bends in a line Do not run your lines over sharp angles. If you have to run your line in that spot. decrease its strength over a sharp angle, pad it for safety. 4-4 LIXE USAGE, KNO{IS. HTTCHES. BErDS - Al{D SPLICES. the Eye" on a "Dipping bollard. Most mooring lines used dockside have an eye splice in one end, which nakes it convenient to put the loop over a bollard and snub the line to a cleat on your deck. This wiII wor]< f ine until another boat comes along and uses the same bollard for a nooring line. For instance, when you use a bollard for your bow line and the boat ahead of you uses it for his stern line. If your line was the first one on, then it would appear that it would have to be the last one off. In other words, the eye of your line is under the eye of the boat ahead of you. You would have to lift off the other line before you could yours. lift off This could prove difficult to do, but not so if you "dipped the eyer'. The procedure is sinple. l,lerely take the eye of your line, move it up through the eye of the (you night other line have to slacken your line to do this), slide it up over the top of the bollard, and then pull it back through the eye of the other Iine. You have accomplished the job without disturbing the line of the other boat (figure 4-1). T h e S O U A R EK N O T , ( f i g u r e 4-2) or Reef Knot, is one of the most joining common knots for two Iines of equal size together where no great load is placed. It jarns up tight and is hard to great undo when given strain pulled and, if one side is unevenly, rnight cause the knot to fall into two half hitches. Sguarc knot. 4-5 Also called reef knot. to as the rrKing of 4-3), often referred The BOWLINE (figure loop. It is Knotsrr, is the most used knot for naking a tenporary u n d e r l o a d and w o n t s l i p t o t i e , i s e a s y s i n g l e l i n e , made with a j o i n t o g e t h er t w o l i n e s u s e d t o a l s o b e m a y I t u n t i e d . is easity other. of the loop the inside bowline the of one by tying J Xake loop Up ttrrough end enound back The HALF HITCH (figure 4-4) is simple and is with used in connection When nany other knots. are hitches half two it makes a used together knot that wiII sliding load in up under set direct in tightness A to the load. relation round turn with two half is shown below. hitches It is fast and'easy to It can be used as tie. to a long term fastening to a a line secure piling. Undor and ovcr 1t aclj Undcr rnd OVGr It:etf Itr{ Back dorn through n TI{O IIALF NITCI{ES 4-6 The CLovE HrTCH (figure 4-5) a basic is knot used to temporarily tie a line to pilings, etc. When a strain is maintained, the line wiII not slip. It wiII setup tight and can be hard to untie. When left slack after tying, it can work Ioose, So watch it. ry The TfI-{BER HITCH is a very simple, fast and easy way to secure a line to logs and other round objects for towing. To pass the bitter tie, end of the Clove hitcb. line around the object, over the p a r t standing of the line, and then wrap the bitter end back around itself 3 or 4 turns. It nay be followed by a half hitch or two around the object to give it alignment with the standing part during of the line the tow. When half hitches are used, they should be made first. Tlo a Contlnuo ovor and under for an addltlonal 3 or A tumu TIMEEN, HITCH 4-7 The ROLLfNGHITCH, or stopper knot, can be attached around a line while the other line under strain and used to rnaintain the strain is being rnoved or fastened. It can also be slid along the line under strain by hand, but will hold when load is on it. You can bend a line on to a spar or another line at a rnid-point of the spar or line. Sornetines used when converting a single towline into a bridle. T1e a hal:f hltch Around agaln cro33 0rror turn flrst passlng betveon tho flrst turn ROIIINC HITCH name and is used to tied BEND uses either The SHEET BEND,zBECKET Unlike the square knot it is two lines of unequal size together. The double becket is simply an extra strain. easily untied after turn again back under and through. Back under 1tso1f onco slngle beckot bend Aror.rndagaln beck rrndor doublo becket band MUBLE BECKEf,/ SHggT EEND 4-8 urethod of perrnanently joining two lines SPLfCfNG is the preferred and to make a permanent eye in a line. A splice together is stronger than a knot, hitch, or bend. to Iines or Short Sp1ice can be used to join A Long SpIice together. A long splice of a line does not increase the dianeter and is used when the spliced line nust run over the sheaves of a Iooking, block" While this splice is much neater it is not described since harder to nake, requires considerable here it is practice, and large amounts of line. To start a SHORT SPLICE, unlay the end of each rope about six inches. Secure the ends of the three strands with tape to keep line the ends of each l{ith synthetic them from further unlaying. iron. Also tape the point on strand can be fused with a soldering the line where the unlaying is to eease. Marry the three strands from one rope to the three of the other, two much Iike interlocking the tripods. Tape or seize union together. Bring one strand from the right side over a strand from the left (the right it rope and tuck under the next left strand) Using a fid or your strand. on separate a strand fingers, Now the main body of the line. the niddle of the three run strands under this taped Select the one to the opening. of the middle and go over left separate the next one strand, Now push strand with the fid. the second taped strand into and opening. The rule out of this the next strand is, to follow rrgoes in" where the previous r r c a m eo u t r r . N o t e t h e t w o strand so far are i n s e rted strands t he t h e l a y o f inserted against d t no A l s o , line not with it. i n s e r t e d time is more than one coming out of the same strand opening. properly splice is I^Ihen the the three each of started, strands from each end is secured under a strand on the opposite Snug up on what you have done and continue the process until the three strands from each side have been tucked a nininum of three times for manila and five times for synthetic lines. Leave about L/4 to 3/8 inch of strand projecting. The somewhat lurnpy splice can be reduced in dianeter by rolling the completed splice on the ground under foot or putting it under tension. The EYE SPLICE is used when a pennanent eye is desired and nay be made around any object such as eye splice thinble, stanchion, or sirnply made without anything To start, tape each of in the eye. the three strands to keep then from unlaying and unlay six inches or more of the line and prevent further unlaying of the line at that point by taping there. Determine the size of the eye, keep the turn of the eye towards you part of the line away from you, with a fid or and the standing separate a strand on the standing part of the line and run fingers Separate the middle of the three taped strands under this opening. part to the left of your first tuck and a strand on the standing the next strand rrgoes Renember the rule, repeat step number one. rrcame out'r . Tuck the third strand strand in: where the previous lay on the standing part that has no strand through the remaining Repeat this process three or more tines naking sure that under it. no lay on the standing part has two strands under it. 4-L0 Stowing STrOIIIXGLIIIE. w a y s . in several Coiled. Coiling is your line described so it in is detail ready in for use can be done Chaprnans. nethod to store a short is a decorative Flernishing Flenished. or done on the deck near a cleat It is usually r"iffi-Z?line. It can stain or cause where the line was secured. otn6t fastening in the weather. l o n g t o o l e f t i f d e c k of the a discoloratioi on the deck, t{hen you want to lay a line Faked. without rapidly out to fun so that it i" ready feigtfi, should be faked down. Rope Flcmished Doilrr Rooa hilcd Down Ropc Fakcd Down 4-11 fuII in its it tangling, STUDY QUESTTONS. 1. of types The two generally rope fiber natural m a r i n e su p p l y sto re s a re 2. available in and The advantages of nanila are; line it is , and 3. Manila line if will line the has 4. Cotton 5. The four 6. Because nylon types of line line synthetic is so elastic, in it stowed wet. strength of manila cornmon use today is nylon Why is 8. What are the g. Dacron differs 10. What is I ine? 11,. Why is dangerous at Iines. fiber times? of characteristics from Nylon line the difference used in Dacron (polyester) in that it core of 4-L2 Iine? is not between polyethylene the are: used for and 7. line. some wire and polypropylene ropes? L2. What are the L3. List the ten grades five for rules of wire proper the lines? of care line. L4. A Clove Hitch can be used to make a fastening to a Piting. 15. To temporarily use a 16. A Iines L7. join of different two Iines you would dianeters, when permanently is preferred is used when a temporary joining two together. A 18. To secure a line to a log for uses of stopper/rolling 4-L3 hitch. is desired. YoU would use a on a long term basis, L9. To secure a line to a piling' to use would be a fastening 20. Explain towing, loop the safest 21,. when laying a long line down on deck, where the must be run out fairly rapidly, the line should 22. when night it 23. A will rength b e co n e n ecessar y to dip an eye on a bor r ar d? 24. Tie the folrowing two harf hitches, timber hitch. 25. furr be cause less reduction knots: square knot, crove hitch, doubre Make an eye splice. 4-L4 in line strength than any bowline, round turn becket/sheet bends, and and CIIAPTERS BOATIIANDLING F{TSODUCTIOI!. Thereadingmaterialfor this lessonmaybe foundia thechaptercoveringPower Crulser Seamqtrshinin the earliereditionsand in Sectiopl.,Clepteq 9 of the later editionsof Thestudentshouldreadthis sntire in thefollowingstudyoutline. ch4ter payingparticulaattentimto thetopicsandsub-topics STI]DY OUTLINE qt Bo,qtHandliqg Basic,Principlpp Efrectof wind andCurrent RigbtandI.€ft"I{andPropellen HowthePnopellerActs SuctionandfischargeScrewCunents UneqrnlBladeThrust HowaRuderActs PropellerCunent'sActiononRudder Response of Boatto Rudderandhopeller No WayOn,kopellerNd Trunlng No WayO4 hopellerTuningAhead Wi& Headnay,PropelltrTirmingAbad With Headway, hopeller Rovorsing with RuddertoPort No Way04 FropellerReversing With Stemway,PropellerRevening BaskingWith Left Rudder BackingWith RudderAmidships Backingwi& Nght Rudder SteeringWhileBacking With Sterquay,hopellerTuning Ahead Turningin closeQuarters BacldtgArounda T[rn BackingtoPortFron a Slip Lcavinga Mooring WhenThereIs Windor Current PickingUp a MooringUnderPower 5"1 cH2 F9FF, rinepjgd Their ueq Terninology Mooring a Boat Two Lines on One PiLe Heaving -tines and Monkey's Fists U si n g S p ri n g L i n es Gaing Ahead on a Spring Ahead on an After Spring Reversjng on a Spring L,sa.ri nq at a, Pier Wi n d o r C u rre n t Par allel to Ber th Landings Downwind or With Current When Boats Lie Ahead and Astetn Using Wind or Current Balancing Current Against Propeller Landing on the Leeward Side Bow Lina First Ilolding with One Spring DoubJing the Spring Landing Starboard Side to Pier 9e!tiqs. cl?+f otr a. .B€p,th With Wlnd or Current Ahead From a Windward Berth With Wind or Current .A,stern BackinE Around Turning in a Berth Turning With Power M a ke U se o f F e n d e rs Maneuverinq at sl.ipe in Tiqht Orrarterg A B e rth B e tw e e n P iles Usinq Springs to the Pjles ' Upwind Nproaching Ge tti n g C L e ar of a Pile Making a Tight Turn 5-2 Action Handling Trrin-Screw Basic Boats Turning Uaneuvers One PropeTTer Going Ahead or Backing Response to Rudder Whil-e Backing Steering With The Throttles Turning in a Boat's Length Docking a Twin-Screw Boat Using Springs With Twin-Screws Other Twin-Screw Manuevers 5-3 STUDY QUESTIONS l-. The part 2. when a right will go 3. on a motorboat, turning the the boat rudder and turns the boat to of the current that flows handed propeller into is turning steering propeller is crockwise, the the wheel to called boat gives starboard and throws the stern to 4. The stern of a single tends to go to the reversing. 5. When a boats 6. when backing an inboard, with a single right hand propeller rudder amidship, the stern will tend to move to 7. FoUR mooring lines that may be attached boat for dock moorinq are: B. The four 9. The mooring rudder lines line that screw boat with a left handed propeller when the propeLler is is put over, the stern may be used as springs that keeps the boat 10. To spring into a dock, use a and go ahead slowly with the rudder 5-4 to is kicked the bow of and a are: from going ahead is the, turned I I, Gettingawayfrom a dock,whentheboatis beingsetinto it by thewind generally requues usmg an 12. Backing on a forwurd quarter spring on the port side, the bow will 13. A forward quarterspring line leadsforward from the ,. ,, _ 14. A 4 to 6 foot long plank hung horimntally on the sideof the o-oatandbackedwith is called a 15, By going atreadon one enginewhile the other reverses,a twin screwboat can be 16. A twin-screwboatis stoppedby reversingits propellers,but uulikea single-screw vessel,this will usually not 5-5 cH2 to the This Page Left Intentionally Blank 5-6 CHAPTER6 IINAVY WEATHER UffSgpUpT[ON.' Thereadingmaterialfor this lessoncanbe foundin the fotlowing pagesas well asthe sectionEopt Ilandlihg Unilgr.Adver$eCpn$itipnsin the clmpter on iggqg in the emly edition of CIIAPIVIAN Pilotine. Hnndlins and in Seqfio4,3. Ch.nntpr1,1of the later Sqgllf Bpat and ' SeF4ppns.hip at theendof thelEssonarebasedoo thesereadings. editions.Thestudyquestions goingout in a boatin roughweatheris don't. If considering Tlrebestadvisefor someone you havea choiceosrayin a shelteredharboruntil the weatlretclea$. You will never reset it. Manyboatnan,however,thmugbno fault of their owrr,do not havea choice. squallscandevelopstrddenly with little or Alongthecoastandevenin inlandwaferways, often find themselvesfacedwith no warning. Cruisingmen makinglong passages prolongedstormyweatherandnot aroughtime to makeit to a saferefugebeforea storm strikes. Eventoday,when weatherforecastingis faidy accurate,a suddenchangein cancatchboatersoffshoreat themercyof windandwave, oryectedweatherpattiems Your bestbet is to prepareyourselffor heavyweatheroperationsin advance,Knowing what to expectandthe capabilitiesof your boat oango a long way in an emef,gency. Self-confidence is the nameof the gafr€ in bad weather,andthis quality can only be obtainedthroughknowledgeandexperienee. TlrereaxeilFrry factsaboutthe wind, water,and yor,uboatthat you canleanr. But in practicemanythingscanhappenthatareimpossibleto preparefor suchthingsassudderr shiftsin the wfuid,freakwaves,etc. Because of this, you mustty to keepa clearheadat atl times;paoiccanonly compounddifficult situations,corunonsensecanoftensolve&e problems,Knowingsomethingaboutthechallenges youmustfacecan mostcomplicated grveyouconfidence.Thatis thepu{poseof this lesson. Ir this lessoq someof the principlesof wavesand wind will be covered. Beeause boatingconditionsancso variable,however,dependingas they do on location,time of year,the 0?e of boat beingused,and scoresof otherfactors,you shouldstudyother souroes aswell to reallygeta feelfot whatyoumightbeup against. W4{q }VAYS$. Nearlyall wavesarecausedby the wind blowingoverthe surfaceof the sea" Wind blowingoverthe surfaceof the watel will causewav€s.Thelongerand sfongerthe wind blows,the higherthe waves. If the wind blowsin the sanredirestion for a longperiodoftime, thewaveswill tendto run in thesanredirection, 6-l cH2 If the wind directionshouldchangefor a periodof time,the watsrwiil be turbulent.Thentheditectionof thewayeswill beginto confonnto thenew direetionofthewind. Therearetwo otherbasictype$of wavesthatarenot createdby wind. They areTIDAL wavesandSEI$MICwaves.Moreabouttheselater. Thereare many differentcharacteristics of waves. To fasilitate study, oceanographers havecomeup with what they call an "ideal w&ve.' The anatomyof anidealwavecanbesoenin figure6-1. f,'rgureGl.-Measurlng this ideal wave. The lenglb lr measurcdfrom crest to crestand the hcight ls mearuredfrom trough to crest The period is tbe amountof tine lt takcstwo crcststo passs givenpolnl As you can see, there are several ways wavcs are described. There is height lengllr"periodandslope. The HFI9Hil is the distancefrom the troughto the crestmeaswedvertically. The maldmumheightof a waveis hardto pin down. It reallydependsupon whonryou talk to. Wavesin excessof a hundredfu havebeenreported,but most oxpertsconcedethat aboutfiffy feet is more likely. It is possiblethat wavesin a crosssee,whentwo or monewavesystemssonvergefrom different directions,probablyhaveevengreaterheight. But the questionof heightis academicfor the mostpart;the highestwave,unlessit is breaking,is no more dangerous than the third or fourthhighestwaveas far as a smallboatrranis concerned.A sailorusedto inlandwaterwayswould probablyfind any wave overfive feetin heightfright€ning. TheI,FNGTII of a warreis the distancebetweentwo consecutive gests. Ths greatest lengththathasbeenmeasuedis ovpr2,700feet. 6-2 The PERIOD of a wave is the tirne it takes two crests to pass the the It stands to reason that the longer the length, same point. Ionger the period; but of course, faster noving wave systens do not Wave speeds for the most part average about always obey this rule. 30 n.p.h. another inportant FETCH is for wind generated consideration waves. The arnount of nf etch[ have a direct iropact on the will of the size and characteristic Fetch waves. is the expanse of water uninterrupted over which the wind operates. the more The longer the fetch, the wind can have over effect hrater. I l l u s t r a t e d in the a b o d y o f w a t e r 6 2 i s figure passage a formed by an witn to the east and one to island If the west, 20 rniles apart. the wind were blowing from the east or the west, there would only be a fetch of 20 miles. The water would only be affected by the wind over a short distance. the wind were blowing But if the from the south or north, The fetch would be much greater. bY the water would be affected and wind over a long distance the waves couLd really build up. If you added an opposing tide to a long fetch, You would have a tough condj-tion indeed. No<nl €floRr rzfcH ?AAt\cf- T \ H \) 3 { Fignrrr$Z-Thc frtch of r wrvc. CPEST The SLOPE of the lrave is the angular measure from the trough (See figure 6-3.) to the crest. STORITT TIDE T{AVES, dS thCY ]T?q,6'fl ATE generally called, are associated F3.-Thcdopcof I wrv''Sloprir Frgurc They hurricanes. tropical titn in dcgrccr' mcrgrred are , in real ity , caused by the storm wind rather than tropical the water before it, The wind from the storm, driving the tide. When the tiCle shifts, this can build up a great wall of htater. Every few wall of water is released and a huge htave is formed. dollars of destroy many million wave will years a storm tidal o f m i n u t e s . o f a c o u p l e p r o p e r t y s p a n t h e t i n e i n beachfront 6-3 SEISUfC WAVESare sometimes incorrectly referred to as tidal waves. are They are commonly called These waves caused by "Tsunamisfr. under the ocean earthquakes, volcano eruptions, and dislocations floor. for instance, Their hrave lengths are usually very long, heights are several hundred rniles, and surprisinqly enough their also very low. A seisnic damage to sea wave will do very little gets close to shore, anybody out in the open ocean. When it trouble When it reaches shallow water, the wave becomes begins. short and much steeper. The closer it gets to shore, the higher it becomes until its crest breaks and it crashes to the beach. puII of the sun and TIDAL WAVESare generated by the gravitational moon. These waves occur in places with where there is a huge difference in height between high and low tides. When there is a rapid rise of the tide, an incoming wave is generated. An outgoing w i t h wave is formed the rapid faII of the tide. generated SWELLS are waves that were originally by the wind but long after continue to exist the wind has died down. fn effect, swells are dying hlaves. You wiII generally find swells in areas where there are long fetches. They originally begin in a storm winds kick up the waves. area when fierce After the wind <lies continue oD, provided, of course, that they down, the waves will The passage of tirne and distance meet no obstructions. reduces what once might have been huge braves into smoothly undulating But don't be fooled they can be dangerous again. swells. When swell-s reach shoal water, they will be tripped up by the bottom and are right they can easily become dangerous SURF. if conditions into surf as it nears the shore. SURF. Waves turn Contrary to popular opinion, the particles in a brave do not really move in a direction. Oceanographers have discovered horizontal that the particJ-es of a wave actually travel path orbiting in a circular around the axis of the wave. As the wave nears shore the bottom of When the water depth the wave begins to touch the ocean bottom. one half of the wave tength, the bottom bel-ow approximately falls At the same time, of the wave will- be slowed by the ocean bottom. on at the same speed the wave was the top of the hrave continues traveling. The angle of the forward slope of the wave g r e a t e r a nd greater untif it b e c o m e finally reaches 90 wilI w a v e c r e s t w i l l f a l l f o r w a r d i n t o T h e t h e t r o u g h in front degrees. y o u w i l l . B r e a k i n g r r t a v e s a n d h a v e s u r f a n d surf are much of it stronger than non-breaking Idaves. Breaking plungers waves and surf and spillers. can be broken down into two categories; is the product of a long ground swe1l called a trochoidal A PLTINGER very long and very low. Trochoids are generally They are wave. from the point where they were are a long distance waves that generated. On the beach, plungers rise up and crash originally forward, creating a thunderous noise. 6-4 naves' SPILLERS, on the other hand, are the resul"t of cyclical r e c ently f a i r l y b e e n h a v e are short choppy waves that Sick-outs p l u n g ers' j u s t f r o m t h e o p p o s i t e are spitters formed by the wind. They break quietlY and gently" is very WAKES. One wave that is the b o a t s s r n a l 1 f o r dangerous If a motorboatbY wal<e caused u I c a r e f e t e r e m o r e p e o P l e more f ar be would there about wal<es, on the water. fewer accidents Power boats Produce two kinds of bow wave and the the waves: 5-4). wave (see figure stern d i a g o n allY The bow wave sPreads stern The ar^ray f rom the bow. boat the follow waves The extent of a transverselY. boat's wake is a function of her length, disPlacement, waterline The stern trave is and sPeed. is most dangerous the one that but it is also to other craft, is dangerous to the boat that boat is in that if it "sah,ar il il n The water that og w water. is between the shoaL bottom and wilI boat the of bottom the side of the buiLd uP on either then sink ine stern will stem. and get t r o u g h t h e i n t o deeper In b o t t o m. t h e t o c l o s e r even s P e ed t h i s , I i k e a situation i r u n e d i a t e l y ' r e d u c e d b e should \ \,,^ / N^= and Jtem wayct. The tt rn weve ir Figure H.-Bow dte mort dangerour of thc two. to small CROSS SEAS. Other types of waves that can be dangerous A tidal f o r c e s ' of boats are cross seas caused, by a variety angle, a t a n o r meeLing an opposing wave systen head on, current, s o urces d i f f e r e n t fwo wave systerns from cnop. can creace an in s h i f t s sudden t h a t m e e t a t a "n. t iaf n g l e c a n h a v e t h e s a m e e f f e c t . b l o w i n g b e where the wind will a situation the wind can " aves, tossing the sea in aIl directions. a g a i n s t o n c o m i"nt .g. €w Both wind and of How rnuch is a function the movement of a boat' affect current o f a b o a t , the amount of underbody of the amount of superstructure of the wind, and the strength a boat, the strength and direction of the current. and direction 6-5 The arnount o f e f f e c t flat bottom and less wi-ll be greater if the boat if the boat has a d e e p d r a f t . has a shallow (Figure 6-5. ) Figure&S.-Draft maker r big differcncr in regardto lccwqT.Bort A, becaur of hcr deephult, will notrnatr er much lecwry wfion tfrc wind ir rbcsm rr Bort B. A strong wind blowing broadside to a boat that has low freeboard and very little superstructure (a low-profile boat) wiII not have very much effect on the maneuvering of that boat. on the other hand, there will be a considerable effect on a boat that has a high freeboard and superstructure. With the strong wind blowiig broadside to, this type of boat will have considerablL difficult i; maneuvering. Figun &6.-Thc wind har morr rurfacr to lct on with gort A thon Bort B. Boot A will bc moru difficult to handlc in wind wtertrcr. Current has shallow boat equal Iength stronger the the shape of the will but wind the same effect. A current moving broadside to a give that boat less drift than another boat of a deep draft. ft goes without saying that the or current, the greater its effect, regardless of boat. 6-6 from which the The direction rneets a boat wind or current from also governs its effect: is effect the dead ahead, Iess than fron the quarter, fron than less is which A The reason? broadside. the wind into heading boat than one shows less Profile to angles at cross running \ ( S e e 6 7 f i g u r e w i n d . the A z = inPossible to ft is virtual-lY and boat any at Iook it nuch how exactlY determine b Y a f f e c t e d b e wiII OnIy the wind and current. your w i t h by experimenting will conditions boat in all with uP come you be able to accurate estimates. and wind of effect The to each are related current A strong wind other as well. f rorn one on a boat acting strong a and direction acting on a boat from current can direction opposite the A outeach other cancel high a with boat shallow and superstructure quite a lot can drift draft in a short Period of tinre if a witn confronted is it and a strong wind strong same the from current direction. Figun 87.-Thc wind will hrvc mqt rffcct on Boat C rnd lrrt on Bort A bccaurc of tfic rnrount of rurfacc drc bostr prsr.nt to drc wind. Thc arrumption ir that Boltr A, B, end C rrr cquel in hull and:upcnrtrusuru. 6-7 From the foregoing, it can be seen that on a boat depends upon: current 1 2 3 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) (e) the effect of wind and The strength of the wind The strength of the current The length of the boat The superstructure of the boat The freeboard the boat The draft of the boat The direction of the wind in reration to the heading of the boat The direction of the current in reration to the heading of the boat The direction and strength of the current in reration to the direction and strength of the wind. SURF OPERATION. As the surfers have found, all incoming hraves are rrsetsrr. not the same but run in a series called This means that the big ones have several smaller ones in between. Understanding is very usefur this, when trying to operate in the surf ana particularly when there is a wave build up to surf conditions in a harbor channel. Before running into this condition, stand off and count the waves between sets, then time your operation to take place after the big one and before the next biq one. This requires experience and a rimber neck, or astern rookout, as well as eyes in the back of your head to watch what is cominq up astern. when going down the front of a wave the water at your stern is going towards your bow while the water at your bow is going toward your stern. This makes it very easy to swing sideways to the wave and broach. That is, the boat rolled over on its side. observation and experience will show what can and what cannot be done with a particular boat and given conditions. Do not trust to yet stay out of surf Iuck and better it can be deadly! HEAVY WEATHER OPERATTON. when you are caught out in hiqh wind and/or seas, there are extra dangers you must prepare for. rf reft to its own devices, a boat will norrnarly farl into a trough. when the winds are strong enough and/or the seas high enough, thi-s action can cause a BRoAcH. As long as you can maneuver, you need to keep the bow pointing into the wind/seas. Instead of running f fh e a d - o n r r , t r y r u n n i n g a t a n a n g l e , o f u p t o 4 5 d e g r e e s , t o the waves. The danger comes when you can no longer maintain headway. This is when a BRoAcH becomes possible. To prevent this, you can utilize a Sea Anchor as described be1ow. 6-8 As the Another scenario is when you are rulrning before the seaYAW. That to the boat has a tendency wind/waves hit your stern, e x t r e r n ely Steering becornes is, the stern going from side to side. s i d e t o s i d e y o i . r the wheel frorn yourself turning fi;d Aiificult. y a w i n g k e pt is not If the motion. the stern's to offset trying the boat can again broachunder control, There are several techniques for keeping the yawing under control. When running setting. change of throttle continual AII require o n the rrback i s b o a t t h e p o s i t i o n f o r b e s t t h e t h e s e a , before to The speed of the boat should be adjusted side'r of the hrave. T h e r e a re p o s s i b l e i f w a v e p o s i t i o n t h e o n t h a t i n t h e b o a t keep w a v e . I t is t h e o f f r o n t t h e y o u r o n s e l f y o u w i l l f i n a when tinl a distinct becomes broach a and r r ni a down raci-ng t ike of the water past the rudder notion The relative possibility. has less effect. a n d therefore c o n d i t i o n s t h e s e decreuses under k e e p ing yawing under i n d i f f i c u l t y m o r e t h e Less rudder effect, t r d o w nh i l t run|l y o u r t o i n c r e a s e e n g i n e , t h e Speeding up control. also i s T h e r e p o s s i b i l i t y . a i s c o n t r o l , rudder and increaie o f the b o t t o m t h e y o u r e a c h A s a c t i o n . t h i s another danger with s t e rn t h e a n d i n d i g c a n g r e a t , b o w t h e t o o wave, if th; speed is e n d o v e r e n d T h i s b t a v e . f o l l o w i n g t h e b y up ind over be tifted PITCI{POLING. f Iip is called To assist you in keeping yawing under control while a s e a , y o u c a n u s e a D R O G U Ea s d e s c r i b e d b e l o w ' running before THE SEA AI{CHOR (DROGUE). The sea anchor, or drogue, is the boat in relation of a boat and to help control =I"* th" d.ift the sane' are really t h e y of the waves. Although to the direction t r s e a t o t h e bow of c o n n e c t e d anchorrt is used when it is the term r r d r o g u e f l is usedwhen connected to the stern, the term the boat. p o w erboats a n d to sailboats they are useful In heavy weather, highly a r e d e v i c e s Depending upon who you talk to, these alike. about w r i t t e n b e c o u l d An entire book or worth nothing. effective t e r r ible a o c e a n i n But when you are out in the their limitations. t o try w i l l i n g probably be you will storrn and all else has failed, d r o g u es sea anchors and one" Regardless of their nany detractors, ( S e e 6 8 figure )' over the years. have helped countless sailors €hI.flSN HrscewooP ?q 6q WI?E 6QD€ S,|AALJ- 5r/lveL \'tc* rcMNG UNE WIVEL -7iRFaNlq LrNE F i g u r e& 8 . - A c o n i c s e aa n c h o r ( d r o g u e ) . T h i s i s t h e m o s l c o m m o n l y s e e nt y p e . 6-9 The classic sea anchor is constructed like a cone. The anchor itself is made of canvas or other cloth shaped like a bucket open at both ends. The ends are held open in circres by hoops. ine wide end faces toward the boat and the narrosr end faces away frorn the boat. A cabre is attached to the anchor by a bridle to the wide end and a tripping line is attached to the narrohr end. The purpose of a sea anchor so constructed is to keep the bow of the into the seas. This prevents the boat frorn falling !oat-heading into the trough and possibly broaching. A boat lying to a ="i anchor is making reeway, but not as much as she woura ir she were drifting free. Swrve-t*- NMrosl 6q 6,l.stvAS Lt*o".., cftgsBAr?5 Figure S9.-Crosbar.type seaanchor. As with a regular anchor, a long Iine should be used with the sea anchor. This will nininize any snapping as the boat surges. when the sea anchor is rigged, it should be invisible but not more than, sdy, 15 feet berow the surface of the sea. chain or wire rope should never be used for the sea anchor as they would sink the anchor too low to have any effect at all. The theory of a sea anchor makes it seem very easy to strearn and very easy to handle. rn practice, however, it is very difficult to handre and is hard to control.. As you can see, a tripping rine is attached to the narrow end of the cone. The purpose of this line you is to enable you to corJ.apse the sea anchor by pulling on it. should then be able to pull in the entire assembly. The problem is that the tripping line can become tangled with the towing line and eventually collapse the sea anchor alt by itself. You could have a mess hanging from your bow that wilI lose its effectiveness. Sometimes an oil bag will be attached to the cable just aft of the sea anchor. The effect of the oil seeping from the bag is to create a slick on the waves since oil is lighter than water and will rise to the surface. The oil slick wilr cut down on the amount of breakinq water in front of the boat. 6-L0 one in If you do not have a regular sea anchor, you can construct p i n c h , w i l l a large d s i n a d o An old bucket will a n e m e r g- deenccky . wide a o r e v e n w o o d e n c r a t e , a dD ice Chest, chairs, basket, the to four attached a bridle with to a line board fastened b e u s e d for c a n s e c u r e l Y , f a s t e n e d E v e n a S $ t a m p e dd i n g h y , corners. purpose sea of the the Just remember Sea anchor. a rnakeshift which drag to create that is it anchor when you are building and provide into the seas, cut drift keep the bow pointed wiII stability for your boat. directional When running before the seas, this same device is called a DROGUEthis time to stability, purpose is to provide directional Again,its the stern, fron tlith it streamed keep the yawing under control. o f B R O A C H I N Go r P I T C H P O L I N Gi s n i n i n i z e d . the possinifity to a drogue when running before a sea is to tow a An alternative ffARp. A warp is a long length of heavy line with nothing attached help keep the boat act as a brake, will It will to the end. help quiet the sea astern of the boat. and will running straight, The longer the warp, the more drag it or drag. friction It creites also increase the Towing more than one warp will create. will If the line is long enough, You could attach both ends, one drag. When you use a htarp, experirnent with it; to 6ach side of the boat. you seek. you achieve the results Iet more or Iess line out until Be sure to make the warp fast to sonething strong. 5l','1ALiUNE Utl,t? Figure 6-10.-The parachute-tYpet€a anchor' 6- 11 Ar tCt( Ducy I lL/F Yyt3O AAR BRIDI.E TOwrsi6 UNE a\\, l6L\ ^C. 7F 9 CR NYiO\ L IKC\ 6/ F i g u r e6 - 1 1 ' - A s a i l ' t y p e s e a a n c h o r . T h i s t y p e i s h a r d t e t r i p w h e n y o u w i s h t o h a u l i t i n , h e n c et h e b u o y r a t h e r than a trip line The buoy also holds the anchor at the desired depth, as the rail-typc drogue has a tendency to 'ink. BR\CI-E ,eY .t$a\N SWIVEL lC{'\C -\= IowrNG rrrlF Ll t\l- F i g u r e6 - 1 3 . - A bucket used ar a 3c. ancho.. Anrch dro t r i p p i n gl i n e t o the bottom by punching a hole and knott i n g t h e e n d o f t h e l i n e o n t h e i n s i d eo f t h e b u c k e t . F i g u r e6 - 1 2 . - A b o o r du * d a sa r e aa n c h o r . 6-12 STUDY QUESTTONS. 1. The height the of a wave is the distance to the measured vertically 2. The length of a wave is the distance between 3. The time it takes known as the 4. What is 5. The angular the 6. Name two 7. What is 8. Waves 9. The two types two wave crests to pass the is fetch? measure from the trough types of to the crest of a wave is waves. non-wind a swell? turn into surf of breaking as thev waves and surf and 10. waves that are caused by the hrave is 11. List same point frorn three ways that passing the most of and are the two types a motorboat. The danqerous. a dangerous cross 6-1 3 are sea can develop. of will L2. A boat with a by strong winds. 14. List some of the elements upon a boat depends. 15. When running before maintained on the L6. What is L7. List the the to 18. What is the pitfall that the if seas, the purpose of steps be greatly will L3. A boat with a a strong current. be greatly effect affected affected by of wind and current possible, the boat should be of the wave. a sea anchor? prepare for rough weather. in using a tripping line with a sea anchor? 19. List some itens you can use to make an emergency sea anchor the absence of a readY-made one. 6-L4 in 20. What is the purpose of bad, slow down and hold your bow at an degrees to the seas. get really 2L. If conditions angle of about 22. In a head sea, witn a vessel too much weight forward will rather than rise. too much weight with 23. In a head sea, a vessel 24. Thrown broadside the vessel to a warp? towing a vessel that is tend to will or rrin the trough,rr to the swells, 25. When a vessel runs down a steep wave, buries next crest throws her stern over, she has 26. What happens to aft can cause her bow, and the pooped? 27. The primary needs of safety in fog or other conditions are to see and be seen, and to reduced visibility of and be trseenrr in 28. One waY to be radar sets is to hoist a reduced visibility 6-l_5 by vessels that have CIIAPTER 7 ASSISTAITCE TO BOATS trI DISTRESS AIIID DAUAOE COIVTROL The reading material for this lesson can be found in the following ffTRODUgilOl{. pages gnd q thg se.ctioqs on ld, or Enersqtcy the earlier editions the chapter on and Sqc$op 3, qu errd of the lesson are based on editionrs. readings. At some time o'r another, ycru will have to render assistance to another vessel, as a member of the Auxiliary or as a private citiaen. You may even have to take 6teps to help yourself. How you handle yourself and your craft is of utmost importxrce. In an emergency, life and pmperty is at stake. Evefr the simplest assistance effort -- such as rightins a capsiaed sailboat in a proteeted cove -- c&n hrrn out to be dangerous. Ttre smallest leak far out at sea can equal in importance the largest leak close to shore. This lesson will touch on some of tlre techniques you should know to help others and yourself in an emergency. Before approaching a capsized sailboat in FICHtSLq S, ,qAP.gIZ,4p SAILBOAI, to her, there are another boat a few things that must be done firot. Get your assist gndror and on and make them ready f or use. In a pinch, you anchor line out deck personal your flotatiorr devices and ready them for might need ttrem later. Collect all use. Have some ready for the sarlboat crew arrd be sure to don one yourself. Thert break out your heaving line and towing line, and coil them for use. Try to keep all of this gsar separate and out of your way. Unless there is something in your way, such as shoal water, you must decide to approach the capsiaed sailboat either from upwind or downwind. Ttrere are two schools of thought on this procedure and each school has equally stf,ong points, If you approach from upwlnd, you may blow down on the boat trapping crewman and gear between the turc vessels. If you approaeh from downwind, you stand a chance of foulingyour prop on the sailboat gear-mast, boom, rigging and sails, You must make your decision based on the conditions on hand. Some factors whidr may aid you are the drift rate of both vessels (are you drifting downwind faster that the sailboat), tlre amount of gear that you see in the water, and the ability of the sailboats crew to clear some of this gear away. 7- L cH2 check on the condition of the crew. If After you reach the sailboat, get right in there and render assistance. they are in poor condition, property comes second, If ie to save lives; responsibility Your first the crew is in good cqndition, have them st,ay in the water. They can help you right their boat. The next step is to have the crew of the saiLboat haul in the sails and running rigging. It is generally wasted effort to try to right a immediately capsize sailboat witti her sails up- Odds ate that she will agrain from the weight of the water aloft. Now to assist in righting the boatr have the crew stand on the keel or centerboard and hold on to the gunwales. Their weight will help right the boat, perhaps €ven job your If without assi$tance, will doing the the boat stil1 not downwind unt,il you can grasp the end of the right, maneuver carefully mast. Caref,ully Lift the na$t from the water (sailboats are delicate great ameunts of abuse). and cannot stand Your lifting of the masthead, and the weight of the crew on the centerboard or keel, should now right the sailboat. A11 you have left to do is get a line aboard the sailboat, help dewater the hull, and tow in the boat, lf required. Dewatering and towing are covered later on in this lesson. IEAPED_VESSEI,. In general, Coast Guard policy precludes oat a grounded vessel, This is considered 'Salvage", a task that Coast Guard (and Auxiliary) units are precluded from doing. You nay, however, have occasion to provide thie help as a private citizerr. Helping a stranded vessel get, off, or getting yourself off, can be easy or hard, depending on the circumstances. Whatever happens, always keep a clear head and think out, each marreuver before you make it. Take your tine. Unless the boat is ln danger of going further aground wlthout inmediate actlon, you cannot go wrong by being deLiberat,e and careful. Before attempt,ing to refloat a grounded vessel, check for hull damage. If there is severe damage, it may be better to leave it aground until temporary repairs can be ntade. REtr'I'oArfNc A One of the obvious things to consider first is the state of the tlde. If the boat ran agrourtd at low tide or halfway between hiqh and low your best action just nigbt be no action. tide' with the t,ide rislng, The rising tide will the boat without your lifting refloat a hand. In such a situation, though you must take care. If the tide comes in wlt,h a strong current, or the wind is unfavorable and strong, you could easily be driven further aground with the rislng tide before you can get, underway. If it is your boat that is aground, rather than a boat you are trying to assiat, be careful the engine immediately into about, throwing reverse and trying to back off. You might suck sand up from astern and deposit it under your boat, adding more shoal beneath you. fn addition, sand and other debris from that bottom couLd be sucked up into your engine. 7-2 As soon as a boat has stranded, it get an anchor out to Prevent With aground. from going further you night be able to keeP Iuck, and only the bow the stern afloat Consider the wind and/or aground. the when setting current the the anchor By setting anchor. you wiIl or up-current, upwind prevent from swinging the stern putting your boat thus and can shoal. You to the broadside kedge; the anchor as a then use when you are ready to is, that your to get off, attenpt nake Put the engine in reverse and haul in If you have a on the anchor line. y o u so much haul, winch to help of the The thrust the better. pulting the on propeller and you free. pull should anchor (See figure 7-I). llill*'*o* {[|J'o,ao'* Figun 7-1.-Udng a kedgeto haul off a groundadboat Widr thc cngine in reverse,haul in on the anchorline Thr location of the andror herc will give thc boat min mum rwing from the c{rrent or wind when it breal loorc. a stranded boat, prepare aII the gear ff you are going to assist flotation Get personal you make an approach. you need before line and a heaving llake ready on deck and don yours. devices a i n l i n e. be floating if you wiII Prepare a float towing line. (and one for the other boat as well) if required. Make up a bridle Get out an anchor and anchor line. must also be given to the type of bottom that the Consideration If the bottom is rocky, you may vessel has grounded on. distressed If the bottom to pul} her off. more damage trying do considerably of darnaging the hull likelihood is sandy or muddy, there is little due vessel; however you nay experience difficul-ty of the distressed to bottom suction or sand build-up. Be How you make your approach wiII depend on the wind and current. to make trying of the shoal; you could run aground yourself caretul you whether tell Your judgrment on the scene will an assist. get a line t o g o i n g f i r s t b o w i n f o r f a v o r a b l e a r e conditions g o y o u in stern s h o u l d w h e t h e r o F v e s s e l , s t r a n d e d t h e aboard n i g h t be to a l t e r n a t i v e a n i n p o s s i b l e , i s a n a p p r o a c h I f first. e v e nt that t h e I n i t i n . h a u l t o a d i n g h y u s e o r a l i n e , in float anchor s e l e c t e d , i s a l t e r n a t i v e s l a t t e r t h e o f t h e o t h e r one or w i l l have Y o u a t t e n p t . t h e m a k i n g p o s i t i o n b e f o r e your boat in t h e s i t u a t i o n . o v e r control better 7-3 A r w a y s atta ch yo u r l i n e to som ething substantiar . use the trailering ste m e ye o r ski towing tr ansom eyes or other secur e f a s t e n i n gs su ch a s sa mp son posts. Towing puts tr emendous str a i ns o n b o t h b o a ts, e sp e ci a rry when one of the boats is agr ound. (s ee figure 7-2.) BRIDT-E 5 WT AEROdN{D 5kr 'fo* /ltO t yf t 10wrNq 90{r FigureT-2.-Towing off a groundcd boat when wind or currenl ir not r factor. The direct tow, u/ith the ruain arried in the direction you vv.ntthc Arounded boat to move, ir mostcffestive. **""* /illlare^,r tpv A6(cxrND eoAr Figur. 7-3.-Towing off r groundcd boat whcn wind or current ir a factor. Thc towing bort ir not prercntinghcr broadlideto the wind or currcnt, ro lcawry ir kcpt to I minimum. When you begin towing the stranded boat off, tow in a direction that wiII compensate for the wind or current, whichever is strongest. If you you night find yourself don't, being swept downwind or downcurrent, with the ultinate possibility g o i n g of aground yourself. Start towing slowly and gradually build up speed as the stranded boat begins to come free. (See fig. 7-3) If the stranded boat is still stuck fast after all this, she night be stuck in the bottom by suction. Have the crerd of the stranded boat move from one side to the other, oE frorn the bow to the stern, thus rocking the boat. This night be enough to break the suction. If the boat is still stuck fast, and you think nore power night do the job, have the boat set out an anchor as described previously. With you towing, and the stranded boat going in reverse and hauling in on her anchor line at the same time, odds are she will come free. CAUTfON: Have all clear of tow line. crew members of both vessels 7-4 don PFD's and stand A BURNING VESSEL. Approaching a burning vessel to take APPROACHTNG and a dangerous operation. off the crew can be a tricky Since the chances of your being able to prepare well speed is essential, enough in advance are slim. As you make your approach, 9€t your gear ready. Break out personal flotation devices, fire extinguishers, buckets, heaving lines, and you will whatever you have the time, wet down else need. If thoroughly the bow or the stern, depending on whether you will be naking a bow-to or stern-to approach. w i I I h e lp d o w n This wetting protect your boat frorn the intense heat of the flames. you come from boat from upwind. Always approach a burning If y o u t o will have face the flanes and smoke, which will be downwind, You wiII not be able to see clearly blowing down on you. and you y o u r s e l f . o f c a t c h i n g fire will stand the risk from upwind, ready to do what you Approach slowly and carefully The fire, Do matter how small, can came to do - take off people. soon reach an advanced stage, and there is always the danger of it Don't try to fight it, take off the crew reaching the fuel tanks. Keep curious boaters out of area and depart the scene inmediately. of danger. Fires are classified into three basic types, FIRE FIGHTING. fueling the fire and the according to the nature of the materials agents used to put thern out. The three classes are extinguishing A, B, and C. are those that take place in ordinary combustibles Class A fires wood, canvas, rope, and paper. These such as bedding, clothing, agents can be put out with water, though other extinguishing fires leave ashes and ernbers that still work as welL. Class A fires will night be present after the flane is gone, which is why they must be cooled (with water) before they can be considered extinguished. liquids, are those that take place in inflammable Class B fires grease, paint, and turpentine. kerosene, oil, such as gasoline, where vapors are burn at the surface, Material-s in a Class B fire them is to smother or given The best way to extinguish off. with such agents as foarn, COr; Halon, the burning liquid blanket and dry chenical. equipnent. Before these take place in electrical Class c fires p u t c i r c u i t e l e c t r i c a l must be deb e o u t , t h e c a n types of fires a g e n t i s e x t i n g u i s h i n g o f the first A nonconducting energized. d r y c h e n i c a l a r e a n d used to d i o x i d e , H a l o n , Carbon inportance. put out an electrical fire. l-) For many years the three sided triangle was fire used to the conbustion describe and theory. extinguishing Recently, has developed. a new theory This new theory adds nchemical as a base to the reactionfr, three sides of fuel, heat, and The fire oxygen. triangle has becone a fire tetrahedron which represents a pyranid. Take abray one or more of the four sides, go out. will and the fire For instance, by shutting the off oxygen by srnothering a f ire, it will no longer burn. CooI the fire and there will no longer be any heat for combustion. Take and the f larne away the f ueI, will be gone. In like manner, for those fires supported by a stop it and chemical reaction, the fire wiII go out (See figure 7-4) Fu e l Clas: Wood, clothing, ropc. paper A S 3 s g l i n e o, i l , g r l a t r , parnt.turPentln? a E l e c r r i c a lr n d a l c c . tronic aqurpmant Figure7-1. Tbefor:r elerentsof ttre fire tetrahedronnecessary to support conbrstion. Takearayoneof tbeseandthe fire rill go out. E x t i n g u i r h i n gA g c n t Warcr, CO2, loam, dry chamicel, rnydring dr.t will smothcr CO2, drv chcmical. fotm, rnythirt.g thet will snothcf CO2, dry chcrnicrl This table shows the fuels that form three classes of fire, and extinguishing agents that can be used against the various types of fires. H A L O Ni s a l s o e f f e c t i v e on Class B and C fires, and nay be used on snall Class A fires. PLUGGINGAND PATCHfNG. fn an emergency situation, there are two ways that you can repair a hole in the huII below the waterline. Which one you use, will You can use a patch or a plug. depend upon the circumstances. be governed by the character ft will of the that you have on hand to make the hole and the tools and materials repair. 7-6 A plug can be used in situations snall and where the hole is fairly Such a hole has a rounded shape. rnight be caused by an object piercing or it could be the hull a through-hull fitting caused by y o u r s m a l l , r ounded breaking. If jagged the edges and on hole is get to it, you can easily try to sruooth off the edges so that your plug will hole. the entire filf piece of Make your plug out of a white pine. soft wood, preferably Taper it so that you can drive it fit wiII and it the hole into you reach the end. snugly before (See figure 7-5.) HoLEDNANK ?ue ligure 7-5. t terprary plugfor a holettrat canbe when A plug is most effective fror tie outside. Beforeit is drivenbore, reached in fron the it is driven or cloth this plugcanberrappeduith canvass rather outside of a huII, uhichriII rakean effective qasket. than frorn the inside. This is not always possible, and out of course, since the hole may be well below the waterline In an emergency, YoD're not going to have tine to careen of reach. your boat for such a job. But assuming that you can reach the hole The reason why drive the plug in frorn that side. from the outside, help hold the plug in this is done is that the water pressure will the water in froru the inside, place, whereas if it were driven pop the plug pressure on the outside of the hull could eventually To be is a weak PIug to begin with. if it especially through, wrap some canvas or get a tight fit, doubly sure that you will Be certain around the ptug before you drive it hone. other cloth p l u g , t h e t h i s is to be a g l u e i f s e t t i n g w h e n t o u s e n o t however, temporary repair. In the event that you can't get to the hole from the outside of the Go through the same you wiII have to begin on the inside. huII, will more step have to be one but above repair, procedure as in the place, off on the ptug cut it flush your you in have Once added. p i e c e w o o d t h a t cover o f w i l l a p l a n k i n g . t a k e Then inside of the plug put over the it plug and some, then and the head of the When this is done, nail or screw this wooden against the planking. What you have done is made a brace that wiII pitcn into place. fron pushing the plug back through the lceep the water pressure (See figure 7-6) planking into your boat. 7-7 NStOeoF FIOLEDRAIK rCH NIAILED '&ffilteD CIrfftE ar/g FLuSFtf{ERe IN RACE flNE G. C'THTR' fi"T h,ccP FiEre i-5 - I tenporaryplug/patcbappliedfror insidetle hull. Ibe patcbrill keepthe plug fror being forcedout of psition by rater pressure.Cloti canalsobeusedas a gasket. with These procedures described for wooden boats are also effective steel, such as fiberglass, aluminum, or boats of other rnaterial, However, you should exercise caution in using a plug ferro-cement. the boats. It may cause nore darnage by splitting on fiberglass also have to use some other means of securing the You will hull. patch over the plug on the inside job. What you do will depend on y o u t h e o n o f h o l e a n d t h e n a t e r i a l s h a v e h a nd. For l o c a t i o n the you is very of the boat, night the hole in the bottoro if instance, head of the sornething heavy on top of the protruding try putting plug, or have a crevr member hold it in place. fn a situation like y o u r i s o n l y s a l v a t i o n . improvisation this, you will in an have to deal with Host of the holes that p r o b a b l y w i l l n o t w i t h a plug. be effectively repaired emergency y o u w i th will w i l l d e a l the hole most likely have to Unfortunately, g e t p e r f e c t l y a n d t o T h e hole shaped, easy to. not be small, w i th probably will to reach, an be nearly inpossible large p a t c h is most shape, or a long, open seatn. For these a irregular effective. 7-8 A patch can be made out of just about anything that nay be handy of As a natter at the time. fact, it will probably take some on your part to cone ingenuity meet up with anything that will your needs. Even those who around in their carry boat pieces of wood and cloth and F?At'(e other naterials for just such an a/ANKFaSTqVED emergency usually find that what FRAhdEs at& they have, when the tine comes, is too small or too large or too h&D ftrcl{ or too thin, thick oF for sone other reason ineffectual. Sorne of the things that have been '&& ADrH used in the past to make a patch have included temporary bundles of rags or clothes, pieces of saiIs, floorboards, boxes, rnattresses, blankets, foul weather gear, PFDs, engine PiEre 7-7. f guickandeffectiveteuporary patch. covers, and many other items. Tbeclotb acts as a oasket. The idea is to get sornething that will over the hole and stop fit (See figure 7-7.) the incorning water. Once again, the most effective way to use a patch, as when using a plug, is to apply it from the outside of the huII. This is true when you are tarking especiarly about repairing a large hole Anything that you cover a hole with fron the below the waterline. b e l o w t h e w a t e rline, will inside, more than likely be irnrnediately p r e s s u r e t h e dislodged by of the water. If the outside part of the patch is going to be made of wood or some other rigid itern, it is to put between this outer patch and the huII a piece of better to act as a gasket. Any patch, cloth whether applied from the should be considerably inside or the outside, larger than the hole Patches applied fron the outside can be either that it will cover. nailed, screwed, or lashed in pIace. frorn the outside, If your patch cannot be applied then you wiII Cut a piece of wood or some other have to work fron the inside. so that it is bigger than the hole and will rnaterial that is rigid, members roight be in the way. fit between frames or whatever hull Put a piece of cloth to act as a gasket between the patch and the plank, and then fasten the patch in place. Here again, you wilt to come up with have to use your ingenuity the best means of If you are lucky, you night be abie to wedge holding it in place. Or you night nail or screw it it in place as in the illustration. obviously are most effective. into the planking-screws ff you lack 7-9 these options, which will most be the case if you are likely dealing with a boat made of material other than wood, you are going to have to find some means. Once aEain, what other you do will be deternined by what you have. Anything that can be used as shorinq night you out. A deck chair help on the patch night resting be place wedged against in sourething else which is rigid. You night have to develop an entire system of interlocking pieces of shoring to hold that (See figure 7patch in place. 8) Figure7-8. Oneuayto holda patchin placersing shoring. ThebracehelpsboldtXeend of the sborein place. by use of a I'collision The leak may be slowed considerably matrl which can be a tarpaulin or even a heavy sheet of plastic. Tie lines to the four corners and haul it under the boat positioning it will water pressure make the mat conform to the over the hole, Tie off the four corners to hold the mat in position. hole. This give you tine to proceed with the remedies before rnentioned on will Remember if you proceed to get underway, it should be the inside. of the rnat. at a slow speed so as not to lose the position for those ships For years concrete was used as a patching naterial and this technigue removed from repair facilities far has been by the boaters and yachtsmen far frorn help and on their followed set under water it ohrn. Aided by the epoxies we nohr have that will once is possible to make a very enduring patch with this naterial. a two part mix of epoxy can be applied to the leak is under control the leak even though a small amount of water is coming in. When with the epoxy and naterial mixed, soak a towel or some sinilar it hardens. apply to the hole, holding it there until water leaked into your boat DEFATRIXG. Assurning that considerable as a result of the hole or holes you had to patch or plug, you wiII need to get rid of that water. Punping is the answer, of course, procedures you but it night not be that sinple. There are definite should follow in a nethodical fashion if you are going to do the job right. 7-LO If your boat is not swamped, that is, the water in the boat has not the boat, You will be yet reached the level of the water outside But your pump might not be operable if the able to pump or baII. water is too high and the punp operates on the engine or electrical If this is the case, power-the power source night be flooded out. where you you will have to somehow get the water down to a level punp, if you Here, a portable and operate your power. can repair come in handy. wiII have one, or a bailer pumps are not necessarily but night hand operated, Some portable In nost cases, when a Coast ohrn internal engines. run on their puts in an a punp aboard a boat or helicopter Guard cutter gasoline sinilar to that powered engine it will by a be emergency, punp place, put in a secure and the on a lawn mower. Be sure to keep it out of the water. purnping, be sure to clean up as much of the loose Before you start Anything sma1l, from a you can find. in the boat that debris get can caught in the package of matches to a sock or undershirt pumps portable have a Most of the pump and plug it up. intake before they can enter. screen around the intake, to catch objects when the If yours does, be sure to examine the screen periodically pump is running to clear away the debris. ff your intake does not have a screen, and there is a lot of debris that you can't get rid of, you had best devise a screen of your of small holes all the ovirn. You night take a bucket, punch it full for the intake hray around, and punch a large hole in the botton and in the water upside-down Put the bucket into. hose to fit Of course, the hose and you have a screen. insert You must be that the bucket stays upside down, against the floorboards certain or the bottom of the boat. is projecting Before you start pumping, be certain that the outlet If you are punping over the side and downwind if at all possible. into the wind, You in high winds, and have the discharge facing the boat. back into blown right being the water find night punping, ot bailing, Before you even start You should try to possible. cannot always be This as patch holes as many or you to boat for water in the too much is there if especially get the to ahead of you to try have will In such a case, plug patch or it; hole to you the reach can coming in until g e t t i n g w a t e r . r i d o f a I I t h e you will be able to finish plug done, work. water then your way down to the floorboards, Once you have pumped or bailed If your boat has frames, as more difficult. the going gets a little have to holes, You will a r e l i n b e r in a wooden boat, unless there mean will the frames. This punp or bail the water out from between your has linber boat But if puffing up a lot of floorboards" 7-IL holes, collect insert well. or no frames (as in most fiberglass boats), the water wilt in the lowest part of the bi1ge. Find that spot, and the intake hose there, once again being sure to screen it of water because of a hole or holes you had If your boat was fuII temporarily, to repair odds are that your patches or plugs wiII leak around the edges. This means on your way to shore you will p u n p p e riodically, or bail have to or even continuously if the leaks are fast. that has Pumping out a boat that is swanped, such as a sailboat more difficult than one that only has water capsized, is infinitely lie ltost boats, when they are swarnped, will below the gunwales. If there with the gunwales or coamings level with the sea water. be more likely than not, new water will are any hraves at aII, sloshing into the boat as fast as old water is bailed out. be dewatering a swamped boat without the aid of another If you will boat, your first move should be to get all the passengers out or This should give the have thern hang onto the gunwales or coaming. After From outside the boat, start bailing. boat more buoyancy. you get a good quantity of water out of the boat and it starts to but be careful one person can get in it to continue bailitg, rise, in. Now continue purnping and/or not to tip the boat while clinbing as above. bailing By towing a swamped boat with another boat, it is possible to drain however, You rnust be very careful, out quite a bit of the water. with water. heavy when filled because a boat becomes extremely boat with a quick burst of power can Trying to tow a water-filled or even a broken tow line. in torn out cleats or bitts, result solidly affixed to Attach the tow line to something that is truly stem eye. Have the boat; a true sampson post, or the trailering in the stern to weigh it down, and the crew of the swarnped boat-sit speed gradually As the towing sJ-owly start towing. slowly, run out over the the water in the swanped boat will increases, however, when, Do natter You will reach a point, lowered stern. run out. Then is the how fast you tow the boat, no more water will p u n p i n g . a n d t o s t a r t b a i l i n g tine 7-L2 STUDY QI'ESTIONS. righting crew the a sailboat, 1. To assist 2. a stranded In preparing to refloat is the to consider things vessel, 3. What could happen if you throw reverse upon going aground? engine 4. A stranded boat can use an anchor as a puII the boat free. 5. How you make an approach in the a stranded to should one of the obvious irunediately into to help boat depends on the and 6. When attempting a stranded to tow off boat, use the or other secure If a stranded boat suction be broken? 8. You should 9. When assisting is held always approach sides a burning of the or such as factenings 7. 10. The four -, fire in place a burning vessel from is essential. vessel, tetrahedron how can that by suction, are and 7-L3 1l-. A Class A fire consists of should be used to ]-2. A Class B fire consists and extinguish it. of and ror should be used to 13. A Class C fire extinguish takes place it. in and should ,of u s e d to e xti n g u i sh be i t. 1 - 4 . W h a t typ e o f h o l e ca n b e plugged? 15. Plugs and patches l-6. List some of patch. the L7- The anchor that are most effective of the hull. materials that when apptied can be used for from the an emergency is set out immediately on grounding is called ; the act of using it to get the boat free is called 18. when using a portabre pump, be certain the outlet is and the discharge 19. rf a fire should to keep is that facing takes prace in an rerativery from feeding 7-14 the confined flames. space, you CHAPTtsRT RULEIS T{AVIGATIOIT nqTRODpCfIOK. Ttre reading material for this lessom may be found in the chapters tlre earlier editions at Q-E.AP.WAN covering ng$gtlgg"Eg{gt-in E letlt+q. frqw.nqn+Hp q;ni, of the later editions. Ttre Cktp.tqr 6 ufi,f SmgE Fpqt Ha,n4llrro and W:tton-9. pa$ng particular attention to the topics and student should read all indicated chapters sub-topics in the following study outline. g:fr{D}'olrTl,nrq r{AYI9aTIOflRIlIrEff: tIcHTS alrp paY 8I1APPS Tbe ,Q,9. Ialaed ,Fulgr Navigation Lights 'LiglX Definitiotw Masthead Light Sidelights Conbination Light-Sternlight Towing Light All-Round Light Flashing Light Special Flashing Light Lights for Varying Sizee of Power-Driven Vessels Underway MastheadWtlts Sidelights Stenilights Lights for Varying $izes of Sailing Vessels Underway fuilboqts Under 2O lt[eters Routboats Lights for Vessels at Anchor tights for Vessels Aground Lights forTowing TousingAlortgside or F.tshir4 Ahead Exception TourittgAstcm SmatlfuatTouing 8-1 CH2 L i g h ts fo r S p e ci a l - Pur pose Vessels Fishing Vesse.l.s P i l o t V e sse l s Vessels With Lirnited Maneuverability Vesse]s JVot Ander Conmand VesseJs ReetrJcted in ManeuverabiTity Day Shapes VesseJs Undet SaiT and. Power VesseLs at Anchor or Aground (U n d e r 7 me ter s) (U n d e r 2 0 meter s) (U n d e r 1 2 n eter s) VesseLs Towing and Eeing Towed Vessei,s Engaged 7n Fishing VesseJs with Linited ManeuverabiTity Rqle.s, Ptr, the F,o?S Iateraatioq?}, A p p l l ca b i l i L y Navigation Lights Definitions Lights for Power-Driven Vesse-ls Underway Lights for Vessefs Artchored ot Aground Lights for Vessels Towing Vesse-ls Const,rained by Draft Day Shapes of the International Naviaation Rules Rules: We of Terms Definition Wh i stl e S h o rt b l a st Prolonged bi-ast 'tPrivileged (stand an) " and rtBurdened (give way) " Vesse].s {ba u..s., , rgkm$ ,4qJ.q? Ste e ri n g a n d S a i l i ng Rules Determining fiisk of CoJ.JisJon (A 1 1 a va i l a b le means) (L o o ko u t) (Constant bearing) Safe Speed Actions to Avoid ColJision 8-2 cH2 Whistle Signals Danger SignaT l4aneuvering Lights Underway Rules for Power-Driven Vessels tleeting Situation Exception Signals Crossing Situation Exception Signals Situation Overtaking Signals Use of Radio Communication Narrow ChanneLs Exception Don't f mpede Other Vesse,ls Rounding Bends in a Channef Leaving a Berth Rules for qin J\"1 Sailing Vessels Underway Risk of collision) Each with wind on a different Both with wind on same side) Vessel with wind on its Port na 1s Encounters B e t w e e n S a r - Zi n q Right of way) vessel Sailing vessel Sailing side) side) and Power Vesse-ls privileged) burdened) Visibility in Restricted Sound Signals U nderwaY Vesse-Zs iven Power-Dr Making way) Underway but stopped and not making way) vessel ahead) Towing or pushing another c o m r n a n d ) u n d e r Vessel not to rnaneuver) ability in its Vessel restricted vessel ) Fishing Vesset being towed) UnderwaY 1/occ6. -is at Anchor y t-i-\ -\ c. 7 s Aground ExceP t i o n f o r S m a L f C r a f t S a i l i nq Vessels Basic Responsibilities Ru-le of Good SeananshiP Lookouts The General- PrudentiaL Ru-Ze 8-3 Steering and Sailing Whistle SignaTs t4aneuvering Rufes Lights Rufes for power-Driven Vessels (Meeting and crossing) (Sound signal ) Overtaking Vessels ( Sound signals ) Use of Radro Comnunication Narrow Channel_s Sound Signals in Restricted Visibilltv 8-4 STUDY QUESTTONS 1. The U.S. fnland Navigation a n d i n te rn a ti o n a l Rules are applicable inside the the inland separating w a ter s. 2. A Po w e r D ri ve n ve sse l is I 3. A s ai l i n g vessel pr opelled ve sse l u si n g both sail vessel and engine simultaneously for the purposes of is the Rules. Navigation 4. by m achiner y . Underway means rrA vessel , made fast not to the ,or 5. Side lights fron degrees, each show an unbroken arc dead ahead to of the horizon of degrees abaft the beam on side. 6. A power driven vessel less than l-2 meters underway at night shall exhibit a plus Iight 7. SmaII boats or B. On the pushing At night, they length, when Iight and a propelled of a by oars may show the lights or have handy an to show to prevent collision. by the Coast and on waters specified lights are not required for a vessel ahead or towing alongside. Western Rivers Guard, 9. in r r n o t u n d e r c o m m a n d r tw i l l show vertically be seen. a vessel can best 10. Vessels engaged in of consisting fishing by day must display 8-5 spaced when a shape 11. A short blast L2. A prolonged duration. is of about a blast is blast a blast duration. to - from seconds your vessel's density, traffic 13. The state of visibility, maneuverability, and the state of wind, sea and current are factors conditions in deterrnining L4. Every vessel risk of means to available exists. must use all Rules recognize 15. The Navigation between two approaching vessels and 16. A vessel in doubt must give 17. Under Inland on my Rules, the of 18. If 19. Under Inland has the vessel other can not the blasts a risk of collision Rules, in encounters mean 'rI intend to leave you on olrn the overtaking vessel exists. the vessel which situation, is the burdened side the way of the other. a crossing of situation see vessel of a the danger signal, on her whistle. an approaching and must keep out 20. At night, types if siderr. bearing appreciably, 2 short three - deternine exists when the vessel ahead of ahead. vessels are approaching one another so as to 2L. When two sailing and bothe have the wind on the same involve the risk of collision shall keep out of side, the vessel which is to the way of the vessel which is to 8-6 a power visibility, 22. When in or near an area of restricted rnust sound water the htay through vessel naking driven of not more than at intervals mi n u te s. visibility, 23. In an area of restricted of not more that at intervals for about bell rapidly 24. The continuous a indicate sounding of a vessel a fog-signaling 8-7 at anchor must, , ring the apparatus would CIIAPTIR 9 AITCITORTNG tllTBO-.Dp,CfIOlt. Ttre reading material for this lesson nray be found tn the chapter covering Aactprtng in the earlier editions of Ql#fi/al/t{ P|rloEna., Sea'matl{,}tlp., ar$ g$all,Dq and 9ieetlon ,4-Chq?4et,12 of ttrc later editions. The student fi**fiW should read the entire chapter paying particular attention to the topics snd sub-topics in the following study outline. sfl'DY OI'TLIIYP arrcnoFrG Groun4T{qkle Tlpes of Anchors in Use LighrweightApe I'he Plow Ancltrrr lTu &rure Anclwr Tre Kedge Anctwr Sfoclcand Stockless TgIEs Otler Anclurs Ttre anchor line I\ristedNgton Braided SgrttnticLine tuIanihaLirc Cluin Nglon-and-Clnin Securing the rode Egesplie, Thimble, and Stuckle Anclar funds and Bou,tlines llow Many-and How Healy? Sizeand.twldirq pwer Scppe Anchgrtne ?echdsper How to Anchor Approaching the Anctnrage I.€tting tJaieAnetarGo MtingtteAndtor Making Fasf Ircreasing Holding Pow* When the anchor drags Getting underway Clearing a Foried Arrclpr 9-1 cH2 Using two anchors To Reduce Yawing Guard Against Wind or Cutrent Stern Anchots At, Piers and Wharves Shjfts R a fti n g Some cautlons Chocks, Bitts, Cleats, and Other Fittings Permanent !{oorinEe (typ e a n ch o r used) Systems Used by Typical Yacht Cfubs System A Multip]e-enchor Moarl-ng Buoys 9-2 STUDY QUESTIONS l-. type The lightweight bottorns. 2. AII its 3. The most widely 4. The three 5. Chain the anchor that gear, taken collectively, anchor is called the is kinds for used material chains of is of the rnaterial is a combination most average conditions and a short length rode for 7. When anchoring under favorable using nylon line a scope of minimum. 8. When anchoring, boat has the in If an anchor drags, is to: The type the weather and sea conditions, might be considered a and when be lowered anchor of any 10. When chocks, bitts, the nust be Ll-. line and Iinks. The ideal g. anchor bY the designated boat between the lies the and in used as anchor rode are: 6. the excellent is anchor the first cleats, step in trying and other 9-3 it to hold are used on deck fittings with a and reinforced used for traditionally to get permanent moorlngs ls CIIAPTER I-O DUTIES AND T{AITNERS at the end of ffflfRODUCTfON. The study questions and not chapter in this based on the readings reading. lesson are this on any outside to creht on Your vessel or the vesse} you may be invited D{IrIES. or it might have many may have very few items to watch and operate, ask The operator is always in charge and will responsibilities. with how to If you are not farniliar duties. you to assume certain -arry them out, ASK; that is the way to learn and wiII save you and With a small boat the operator embarrassment, if not big trouble. carried out by s h o u l d b e d u t i e s t i s t e d a l l b e l o w or small crew c r e w i s a t e a m effort t h a t R e m e r n b e r i s a v a i l a b l e . whatever crehr p r o p e r a c t i on of o n c o o r d i n a t e d d e p e n d e n t i s m e m b e r and each creu, a1l the others. Deck Hand. The deck hand is responsible for line handling, fender stowing, tow watch, and most anything else that may come up, so be seamanship and The deck hand should know marlinespike available. u se of mooring a n d t h e a s s i s t a n c e be well versed on towing and j o b y o u r h a nd easier. o f d e c k This knowledge wiII make Iines. As you gain experience you may be asked to stand a radio Radio. Know your to sharpen your skills. Take every opportunity watch. uP, the how to use the mike, the caII procedures i.e. radio (never use over and out together) prosigns such as over, out, negative, phonetic alphabet, roge., wilco, sdy again, affirmative, the take words, In other tine. Local and time Greenwich Communications Specialty course. A good navigator is always welcome and provides a real Navigator. The and strange waters. of poor visibility help in conditions and maintain a plot of navigator must be able to deterrnine position Navigation Specialty Course is exceLlent way The Auxiliary courie. to Learn this subject. as an may have a crewman designated Larger vessels Engineer. G e n e r a l l y on r n a c h i n e r y . a n d e n g i n e s o f t h e c a r e t a k e t o Lngineer t h e o b t n e r o p e r a tor. o n d u t y f a t l s t h i s h o w e v e r , b o a t s , the smaller at aII tines when underway. LrqpKqUt. By law, a lookout is required until is, it of the tine m o s t a n d s i m p l e v e r y fniu -1"n sounds p roper t h e L e a r n i n p o r t a n t . V e r y b e c o m e c a n needed, and then it d e gree t e n a b o u t S c a n i n y o u s e e . w h a t way Eo scan and report you are assigned to which sector that or in sectors around the boat Iookout. 10- 1 Report, in a loud voice, the relative bearing of the object and the distance to the object. The relative bearing should be given in degrees around the boat starting at the bow and going around, clockwise, for 360 degrees just like the compass, but using the bow as north. Some use the clock system of reporting using the twelve hour-clock face systern of giving the bearing. Be sure the helmsman answers your report so you know it was heard. As rookout you are responsibre for your assigned sector. For surface fookout direct your eyes just below the horizorr, start in the part of the boat nearest the bow in your sector and move your eyes about ten degrees every second. Do not sweep with your eyes as you rnight miss an object. When your sector has been scanned, rest your eyes for a few seconds. Night l-ookouts should keep someone advised where they are and wear jacket preferably a life one equipped with a }iqht. Rememberto keep one hand for the ship and one for yourself and don,t fall overboard. rt's lonely out there at night alone in the water. Avoid looking at bright rights, and get your night eyes before going on watch. The technique for night scanning is a rittle you different due to the construction of the cones in the eye. will use f'off center" vision to see objects that you cannot see if you look directry at them. one good way is to scan about 5 to to <legrees above the horizon and objects on the horizon and bel-ow will be seen. You may al-so look to one side of the tarqet and do the same thing. Binocul-ars are useful for identification of an object but not for get skips. scanning as you will A good pair of colored grasses will also be of assistance in reducing glare. Lookouts in fog should scan slowly and rely to a great extent on their ears. Stay clear of radio and conversation noise as weLl as enqine noise if possible. General rul-es for lookouts are to: understand your duties, 1. 2. remain alert, give your fuI1 attention 3. to your duties, 4. remain as lookout until relieved, do not become distracted, 5. 6. speak loudly and clearly when making a report, 7. be sure your report is acknowl-edged, and you see. 8. report everything In taking over this duty be sure you are fully HellS-nan. instructed as to the course, speed, operation of the throttle, gear and any speciar shift conditions that nay exist at the tirne. Repeat the course and orders to the person you are relieving, also any orders to change course or speed. Let there be no misunderstanding. The lookout is there also as your eyes, Iisten and acknowledqe. ro-2 to objects Steering may be directed by the compass or by reference point of land, lighthouse etc. The helmsman must mountain, i.e. in handling understand the conpass as well as the characteristics of the boat at various speeds. Know how far to turn the wheel for a zig-zag course. various degrees of turns and do not steer to the a boat to respond heln Remember it takes a few moments for p r e p a r e d to stop AIso be in making a turn. Be prepared for this. the turn, or trmeet herrr , so as not overshoot your neht course. of course and speed, Be alert for any special instructions acknowledging these repeating all commands given by the operator, relieved and comrnands and executing then. Rernain at the helrn until you are following. your relief Every instruct all instructions crewmember should learn to be a competent helmsman. and is very good giving Radar. Radar is another forrn of lookout you rel.ative Radar is a great bearing and distance to an object. Use navigational aid in times of darkness or reduced visibility. as well as a valuable tool of this device as lookout for traffic but does not replace the for piloting makes for safer boating, lookout. Each crewmernber should learn to use the radar and irnprove jetties and in identifying skiIls land masses, buoys, vessels, other objects in your operating area. probably be called upon to At some time you will Towinq Watch. for towing another boat in. render assistance and this may call the tow line is secured it becomes the duty of the towing After and report to the watch to keep the tow under constant observation i.e., is it in step, operator any change in how the tow is riding, qear yawinq. chafing is Ensure that veering, or Iisting, Do protecting is perforrning as it should. the lines and the bridle not stand in tine with the towtine in case of a towline failure, Be ready stand clear in case of tfsnap-backrt, the towline breaking. w a t c h a f t f o r o v e rtaking a n d e m e r q e n c y to cut the tow in case of seas, etc. vessels, building UANNERS. Commoncourtesy on the water as on the highway makes life The mark of a good seaman is readily easier and much safer. as with the crew as well your general by deportment apparent s h o u l d b e c o n s i d e r a t e a nd You neighboring vesseLs and environment. good seamanship. and demonstrate safety and thoughtful As a boat ovtner/operator - responsible for your wake Slow down in channels, you are leqally and any damage it may cause and that can become expensive. ff anchoring for the night near other boats, check for clearance so you don't swing into them. Keep the noise down, Your neighbor ashore. Don't forget to escape the hectic life might be trying to check the scope of the anchor rode, and see if the anchor is holdinq. 10- 3 rnform first time guests what clothing to bring (keep it warrn but minirnal, with baggage easy to stow) and any other items you feer will add to their comfort, like seasick remedies. Don't forget sunglasses and sun block lotion. show your guests the location of the pFD's (life jackets), fire extinguishers and other emergency equipnent. guests on Brief safety procedures: propeller dangers, nan overboard procedures, one hand for the boat, and fire hazards. guests on Also instruct the use of the head and the operation of any other appropriate gear. As a guest Do not go aboard a boat without just like knocking permission, first hailing the boat and asking on a door ashore. Do not ask irrelevant guestions of the operator when running a channel, dt night, tight or in other circumstances that require full attention. Do not stand in a manner that will block the view of the helrnsman. Do not smoke where it wilr offend outdoors and in this day and age take nutiny. Do not htear shoes that wiII to scrub the marks off. others. There is a biq care not to start a little mark up the decks you night be asked When arriving back at the dock ask what you can do to secure the boat, Ieaving it clean and ready for the next tine you might like to be invited. Any operator reaLly appreciates this and it will be another learninq experience. A TIIANK YOU is always proper. POLLUUON. A rnark of good seamanship is the increasing concern for the waters upon which we sail. We need to insure that in the future we are not simply floating around in a cesspool devoid of marine life and covered with unsightly, and smelly qarbage. Treat the water the same as your living room. It is illegal to discharge pollutants into the water. The law is very broad. fncluded are iterns such as oil, waste, plastics, and other non-biodegradable material. V e s s e f s 2 6 f e e t a n d o v e r m u s t h a v e a D I S C H A R G EO F O f L P R O H I B f T E D placard displayed in the machinery spaces as a reminder not to pump oil or oily waste over the side. Vessels 26 feet and over, except those on inland lakes and sole state waters, must also display, in a prominent place, a IBASII DfSPOSAL placard. This is to remind all those onboard what is not to be dumped over the side. 10 - 4 v e s s e l s 4 0 f e e t a n d over with a galley and berths must fn addition, post a written The person in charge of the trash managenent plan. p l a n i s t o b e n a r n e d . T h e p l a n must state how and where garbage be collected and disposed. will Be sure to observe all federal and local laws regarding the pumping tanks. Holding tanks are used aboard to hold the of holding may be f r o m t o i l e t a n d a n y other drainage that effluent the harnful Other methods of treating environmentally harnful. from tirne to tirne such material have been recommended and legalized the to break down chlorine ion in the water as electric devices t h e a f f l u e n t . O t h e r m e a n s s u ch as macerators thereby chlorinating p i l l s There will be to be added have also been used. with chenical no attempt in this course to set a standard as new methods continue and recommended. to be legalized When boarding a COURTESY BOARDTNG A COAST GUARD \IBSSEL. stop at the top of the commissioned U.S. Coast Guard vessel, (stern), and salute the National gangway, face the guarterdeck of the deck) and request Then sal-ute the OOD (officer Ensign. grant permission. permission to come aboard. The OODwill State Remain covered (cap on) in areas other your business and proceed. room and dining room for the than the tilardroom which is the living Upon leaving the ship, request perroission from officers. ship's and depart. the OOD, salute the OOD, then salute the guarterdeck 10-5 STUDY QUESTTONS 1. Name two duties 2. The navigator and of a deck hand. must be able 3. The crehrrnan who takes 4. What crew duty 5. As a lookout, 6. is care required to of the do you is cal_led the by law? you are responsible FIow many degrees engines for move your your eyes each second when scanning? 7. Do you look 8. Binoculars for directly horizon for night are used for 9. You must remain 10. Lookouts on the as lookout should scanning? and not until and give remain to your duties. 11. Lookouts in fog rely L2. Steering may be by to a great extent on or by reference 13. The helrnsman will all Lo-6 to commands. L4. The tern trneet herrf , means? 15. Radar is ).6. Radar is and of a great navigational aid L7. The tow watch must not stand case of it in 18. You are legally for 19. When anchoring 20. It 2I. is illegal What is responsible near other boats in tines line of the In your check to discharge a holding with lookout. for into the water. tank? 22. When board ing a Coast Guard vessel Ensign and f rorn the Of f icer Of the Deck. 23. Remove your cap when in the connissioned Coast Guard Vessel. ro-7 the National ofa