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PDF - North Central College
NorthCentral A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 015 C O L L E G BUILDING TOWARD A BRILLIANT FUTURE E CONTENTS 3 Board of Trustees 4 Annual Review 20 Honor Roll 2015 58 Campus News 60 Alumni Calendar NOR TH CEN T R A L COL L EGE M A G A Z IN E Editorial Director Laura Zahn Pohl Graphic Design Mary Dettman Steve Evanson Evanson Design Production Valla Coffman ‘02 Aguilar Ashley Bartel ‘10 Assistant Vice President for External Affairs Jim Godo ‘93 Executive Director of Development and Alumni Engagement Adrian Aldrich ‘02 Director of Alumni Engagement Jared Bogan M ’10 ABOUT THE COVER Old Main tower continues to symbolize the rich legacy of North Central College while the campus moves toward a Brilliant Future. The photo collage represents the many success stories from 2014-2015 that continue to make North Central one of the country’s finest liberal arts and sciences institutions. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT This 2015 Annual Report reflects the outstanding accomplishments of North Central College in the last fiscal year. We achieved our 44th consecutive balanced budget, welcomed an impressive group of new faculty and kept our enrollment strong and steady. The highlights of the year were launching the historic $150 million Brilliant Future Campaign and breaking ground on a phenomenal interdisciplinary Science Center. In addition, the building of a modern residence hall was a critical step in the process of right-sizing our academic facilities and making room for the Science Center. At a time when many other institutions of higher education struggled financially, we continued to move forward through careful planning and hard work. Our first-year class was 599 strong and more racially diverse than ever (25 percent). And I’m proud to report our first- to second-year persistence rate reached 80 percent, up from 78 percent the previous year. After 20 years of insightful service as our chief academic officer, Dr. R. Devadoss Pandian bid us a fond farewell and the College welcomed Dr. Abiodun “G-P” GokePariola as vice president for academic affairs and dean of the faculty. G-P kicked off this academic year by introducing to campus a large group of new faculty with extraordinary credentials, including 14 tenure-track faculty, three full-time visiting professors, nine half-time faculty and a Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence. North Central continued to garner recognition from nationally and globally respected programs last year. The College’s radio station and international programs earned prestigious national awards. We are a top producer of Fulbright Scholars, including a faculty scholar, Dr. Perry Hamalis, who earned a Fulbright Teaching and Research Fellowship. Our math and science students have again obtained prestigious research opportunities and scholarship recognition from the Goldwater program. My deepest gratitude goes out to all of you—alumni and friends, faculty and students, staff and trustees—who’ve made these great achievements possible. I hope you share my excitement about the future. As a College on the move, we will continue building on these successes as we seek out new opportunities. We have much to celebrate about the past year … and much to look forward to in a Brilliant Future. Dr. Troy D. Hammond President Professor of Physics MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR I’m delighted to report that this has been another stellar year for North Central College. We achieved tremendous successes throughout every area of the institution, and our financial health remains strong despite a competitive marketplace and challenging demographics in our region. The year was especially exciting as we launched the $150 million Brilliant Future Campaign. One of my favorite moments took place in May, when we gathered to break ground on the Campaign’s centerpiece—a Science Center that will transform the North Central academic experience for generations of students. On behalf of the entire College community, I’d like to thank trustees Holly Humphrey ’79, M.D., and Jeffrey Swallow ’94, Ph.D., who have taken the helm of the Campaign as its cochairs. Like countless other alumni throughout the country, Holly and Jeff have demonstrated tremendous dedication to their alma mater. I know we are all grateful for their hard work. In fact, I’ve been profoundly impressed by the entire Board’s commitment to moving North Central forward thoughtfully and strategically. As a trustee, I found this year’s work particularly invigorating as we immersed ourselves in a number of projects that will affect the College for years to come. I’m honored to be part of this great community of alumni, friends, students, faculty, staff and, of course, my fellow trustees. Working together, there’s nothing we can’t do. Thank you. Steven H. Hoeft ’73 Chair, Board of Trustees 2 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu B O A R D O F T R U S T E E S : 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Steven H. Hoeft ’73 Robin Boren Susan Koranda ’06 Herman B. White Jr. James A. McDermet M ’92 James J. Boyne Ronald Lueptow ’81 Robert A. Wislow ’67 Matthew S. Brill ’97 Joseph Mallon ’80 Lee J. Woolley ’85 Sally Dyck Holly I. Myers ’69 Maria E. Wynne ’77 Troy D. Hammond Michael R. Naset Chair Attorney; McDermott, Will & Emery Chicago, Illinois Vice Chair, Academic Affairs Senior Vice President (retired) Global and Americas Operations Starbucks Corporation Mercer Island, Washington David W. Kelsch Vice Chair, Business Affairs President and CEO Advanced Data Technologies, Inc. Naperville, Illinois Erin L. Bishop ‘93 Vice Chair, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Senior Corporate Counsel Caterpillar Inc. Nashville, Tennessee Donald C. Sharp Vice Chair, Institutional Advancement President and CEO Coolfire Solutions St. Louis, Missouri Kevin M. Gensler Secretary President; Dommermuth, Cobine, West, Gensler, Philipchuck, Corrigan & Bernhard, Ltd. Naperville, Illinois Andrea Beck ‘97 Vice President; Wells Fargo New York, New York Esther T. Benjamin ’90 CEO; Africa Operations Laureate Education Baltimore, Maryland Kathryn Birkett Superintendent of Schools; Indian Prairie School District 204 (retired) Geneva, Illinois President; Pivotal Home Solutions AGL Resources Naperville, Illinois Executive Director; Steamboat Springs, Winter Sports Club Steamboat Springs, Colorado Derivatives Trader Tourmaline Partners Pottstown, Pennsylvania Bishop; Northern Illinois Conference The United Methodist Church Chicago, Illinois President; North Central College Naperville, Illinois Nancy Hanson ’79 Former Teacher; Naperville Community Unit School Dist. 203 Chicago, Illinois Thomas Harter Sr. Administrator; Rob A. Koranda Scholarship Foundation Naperville, Illinois Chief Financial Officer ArrMaz Custom Chemicals, Inc. Mulberry, Florida Partner (retired) Deloitte & Touche, LLP Chicago, Illinois President (retired) Pediatric Insurance Consultants, Inc. Naperville, Illinois Senior Partner (retired) Accenture LLP Naperville, Illinois Lori Nita ’02 Novak AVP Foreign Exchange Associated Bank Chicago, Illinois Chairman and CEO Harter Investment Strategies Naperville, Illinois Jeffrey J. Oesterle ’76 Holly Humphrey ’79 Leah Rippe Ralph W. Gerard Professor in Medicine, Dean for Medical Education; The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine Chicago, Illinois Peter P. Jones ’76 CEO Mind Safety Management LLC St. Louis, Missouri Hee-Soo Jung Bishop; Wisconsin Conference The United Methodist Church Sun Prairie, Wisconsin J. Raymond Kinney III (H) ’10 Partner, Blooming Color and Maclyn Group Naperville, Illinois Owner; Plaza Properties Schererville, Indiana Publisher; Naperville Magazine Naperville, Illinois Steven Rubin Partner; Kitchens To Go Naperville, Illinois Stephen T. Sellers ’76 Senior Scientist; Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, Illinois Chairman CBRE/U.S. Equities Realty Chicago, Illinois President, Mid-Atlantic Region BNY Mellon Wealth Management Chicago, Illinois CEO Leadership Greater Chicago Chicago, Illinois Life Trustees: William J. Abe ’50 J. Steven Bergerson John D. Bramsen ’60 Willard F. Brestal John J. Case Gerald M. Cole Theodore E. Desch Harris W. Fawell ’51 Donald J. Hackl Roger F. Hruby Sr. ’58, (H) ’11 Jean C. Murray, O.P. Richard G. Norenberg ’55 Julius S. Scott Jr. Richard F. Wehrli ’56 Harold R. Wilde (H) ‘15 Beth Thomas ’63 Zimmermann Honorary Trustees: Scott Wehrli ’91 James E. Bramsen ’59 George A. Darrell Leota Buss ’51 Ester John M. Giannini ’84 John L. Novak ’64 James K. Orr William N. Plamondon Myron W. Wentz ’63, (H) ’11 CEO; Applied Noetics Batavia, Illinois Jeffrey K. Swallow ’94 Chairman and CEO Magnetrol International, Inc. Aurora, Illinois Secretary/Treasurer and Partner Dukane Precast, Inc. Naperville, Illinois BOARD OF TRUSTEE ASSOCIATES Leah Rippe, Chair Bryan E. Barus ’90 Brian Fry ’10 Brian Scott ’00 Jonathan Shanower ’85, Vice-Chair Shane Beard Thomas W. Garvey ’89 Karen Solomon ’84 Glenn Weiss M ’94, Secretary Thomas Bennington ’84 Alexander Harris Russell Whitaker III ’00 Gerald V. McCadd ’92, Treasurer Stephanie Cassioppi Kris Hartner Meghen Pitts ’04 Williams Kevin M. Gensler, Trustee Liaison Lara Masullo ’97 Ellison, D.O. Michael L. Jannusch Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 3 A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 [ FULL BLEED PHOTO ] 4 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Photo by Steve Woltmann The blizzard of February 1, 2015, blanketed the campus with 15 inches of snow and spectacular beauty. Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 5 A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Business Affairs 229 new beds ready by fall 2015 Financially North Central College had a great year and is in sound financial condition! Fiscal Year 2014-2015 ended with the College’s 44th consecutive balanced operating budget. As we look ahead, the Brilliant Future Campaign announced in May 2015 will be key to gaining the additional endowment and scholarship funds needed to maintain the financial stability of the institution into the future. Demographic data shows a decline in students graduating from high school in Illinois over the next few years. Competition for students will increase, as will their financial need, while the cost of providing a quality education will continue to rise. A healthy endowment—along with modern facilities, distinctive programs and a commitment to teaching—will best position North Central to grow and thrive! During 2014-2015, we were able to take advantage of very low interest rates and the College’s strong financial position to refinance debt. We secured more 6 attractive financing for the College’s three outstanding Variable Rate Demand Bond issues and obtained new money to finance construction of the 229-bed residence hall and fund outstanding Science Center pledges. It was a very productive year for campus construction. Updates to Seager Hall/ Jefferson Plaza, Kaufman Dining Hall and Oesterle Library were followed by construction of New Hall and the groundbreaking for the Science Center. Immediately after Commencement, Student Village was razed and we relocated about 60 offices. The land, buildings and equipment (fixed assets, net) line item has increased to $138 million primarily due to construction. More details can be found in the financial statements that follow. NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu It’s an exciting time for North Central College as we watch plans for new facilities come to fruition and envision continued progress toward a Brilliant Future. Paul H. Loscheider Vice President for Business Affairs Complete audited Financial Statements for 2014-2015, can be found at northcentralcollege.edu/content/ financial-statements. The audit carries an unmodified opinion. The College changed audit firms and is now using Crowe Horwath LLP. TOTAL REVENUE 2014-2015 > During 2014-2015, Business Operations coordinated projects $3.7 Other Income at Kaufman Dining Hall, Oesterle Library and Seager Hall/Jefferson $15.2 Auxiliary Services Commons. New Hall opened in $49.4 Student Tuition and Fees 4% 18% September 2015. $87.8 > Sustainability: New LED lighting 14% $12.5 Gift and Grant Income is saving 647,721 kWh annually. > Wireless access points: 757, an increase of 407 over last year 56% (in millions) 8% $7.0 Investment Return > Peak number of devices connected to wifi network: 2,400 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2014-2015 > Mobile App downloads: 2,160, $33.0 Instruction and Academic Support 300 more than last year $17.0 Allocation to Capital Assets 19% $12.6 Institutional Support 14% $87.8 38% (in millions) 15% 14% $11.8 Student Services and Athletics $13.4 Auxiliary Services Expenditures ENDOWMENT MARKET VALUES 109.5 $110 94.1 $90 91.3 TOTAL REVENUE 104.8 Excluding gift income and investment returns 97.4 $90 $70 $70 58.0 $50 $50 $30 $30 $10 $10 ($M) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 ($M) 62.3 63.9 66.5 70.5 49.4 Net tuition revenue 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 7 S TAT E M E N T O F F I N A N C I A L P O S I T I O N As of June 30 2015 Assets Unrestricted Cash and cash equivalents Funds held on deposit with bond trustee Student accounts receivable, net of allowance Prepaid expense, other receivables and other assets $30,185,328 Student loans receivable, net of allowance $242,007 $30,930,297 Total $22,777,628 3,375,675 3,375,675 4,089,850 3,969,015 1,637,888 969,988 2,891,234 4,624,428 1,471,363 6,095,791 2,726,765 43,104,893 25,915,112 41,141,666 110,161,671 116,128,146 570,398 5,143,264 4,661,457 296,480 296,480 316,200 83,476 83,476 106,881 1,070,003 1,101,200 138,055,921 126,435,366 $313,276,425 $279,981,381 $11,848,054 $11,848,054 $6,836,339 823,211 823,211 977,007 4,572,866 Beneficial interest in charitable lead trust Perpetual trust held by a third party Total assets $502,962 Total 14,094,832 Beneficial interest in charitable remainder trust Land, buildings and equipment, net of accumulated depreciation Permanently restricted 14,094,832 Pledges receivable, net of allowance Investments Temporarily restricted 2014 107,793 1,070,003 138,055,921 $234,359,503 $34,052,737 $44,864,185 Liabilities and net assets Liabilities Accounts payable, accrued liabilities and refundable deposits Deferred revenue Split-interest agreements 1,922,683 2,083,189 Refundable loan funds (Perkins loan) 1,272,489 1,272,489 1,262,969 Interest rate swap agreement liability 2,910,503 2,910,503 3,421,080 66,159,000 66,159,000 41,500,000 84,935,940 56,080,584 $6,800,142 $5,323,437 Bonds and mortgage payable Total liabilities 59,055 $1,179,023 83,072,312 1,179,023 $4,333,780 $2,466,362 $684,605 684,605 Net assets Current funds Loan funds 4,028,457 Plant funds 94,201,527 Quasi-endowment funds 44,569,736 Endowed earnings funds 4,153,691 9,476,113 4,598,855 4,222,006 109,250,367 102,029,043 44,569,736 47,356,088 13,629,804 17,253,597 Endowment funds 3,482,340 43,102,395 46,584,735 44,870,040 Split-interest agreement funds 2,400,059 506,787 2,906,846 2,846,586 151,287,191 32,873,714 44,179,580 228,340,485 223,900,797 $234,359,503 $34,052,737 $44,864,185 $313,276,425 $279,981,381 Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets 8 $570,398 15,048,840 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu S TAT E M E N T O F A C T I V I T I E S For the Fiscal Year ended June 30 2015 Unrestricted Temporarily restricted 2014 Permanently restricted Total Total Revenues Tuition and fees $90,032,157 $90,032,157 $86,426,247 Less: financial aid (40,618,798) (40,618,798) (37,599,666) 49,413,359 49,413,359 48,826,581 Net tuition and fees Community education programs Contributions Grants Investment return 804,055 1,218,507 $7,035,291 79,339 2,137,197 4,399,680 2,621,707 $2,026,765 (50,000) 804,055 793,805 10,280,533 5,910,375 2,216,536 1,935,287 6,971,387 4,808,713 15,174,046 14,306,381 Other support Auxiliary enterprises Rental 15,174,046 682,463 Other sources Net assets released from restrictions and changes in donor restrictions Total revenues and other support 2,196,538 39,586 4,223,166 (4,223,166) 78,191,153 7,610,615 1,976,735 682,463 509,815 2,236,124 2,164,318 87,778,503 79,255,275 Expenses Instruction 25,949,268 25,949,268 24,989,702 Academic support 7,009,354 7,009,354 6,610,253 Intercollegiate athletics 4,137,973 4,137,973 3,843,178 Student services 7,674,354 7,674,354 7,540,955 Institutional support 12,627,340 12,627,340 12,222,018 Auxiliary enterprises 13,388,732 13,388,732 12,978,561 70,787,021 70,787,021 68,184,667 16,991,482 11,070,608 (9,818,424) 10,086,412 (1,739,098) (2,295) (82,246) 763,841 Total expenses Increase in net assets 7,404,132 7,610,615 Unrealized investment gain (loss) (6,223,898) (3,594,526) Change in fair value of interest rate swap agreement (1,739,098) 1,976,735 Other changes in net assets Change in value of split-interest agreements (33,788) (48,458) Loss on disposal of long-lived assets Loss on asset write-offs (48,426) (845,526) (66,500) (912,026) (177,623) (1,404,390) 3,915,801 1,928,277 4,439,688 21,692,517 Net assets at beginning of year 152,691,581 28,957,913 42,251,303 223,900,797 202,208,280 Net assets at end of year $151,287,191 $32,873,714 $44,179,580 $228,340,485 $223,900,797 Change in net assets Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 9 A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Academic Affairs IMPROVED STUDENT-TO-FACULTY RATIO 20 15.6 15.5 15.2 15 14.9 14.5 10 5 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 RALL SYMPOSIUM FOR UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH GROWTH IN INSTRUCTION AND ACADEMIC SUPPORT $35 2015 119 Projects 137 Students 62 Faculty 97 2014 $30 28.2 29.6 30.2 31.6 33.0 $25 115 59 89 2013 50 $20 112 $15 100 2012 54 $10 77 2011 41 20 40 60 1 0 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE 130 80 $5 95 100 120 140 northcentralcollege.edu ($M) 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 836 bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees awarded 41 College Scholars, a new record Middle Eastern and North African studies program launched with a $151,653 grant from U.S. Department of Education. INVESTMENT IN TENURE-TRACK FACULTY 120 102 104 105 108 117 100 80 ACADEMIC RECOGNITION: > Top producer of Fulbright scholarship recipients > Two additional Goldwater Scholarship Honorable Mention awards > 2015 Senator Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization 60 > Best Overall Radio Station in the nation from Intercollegiate Broadcasting System 40 20 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 11 A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 599 Enrollment & Athletics The incoming class of first-year students is the largest in the history of North Central College, despite a competitive market and changing demographics. FIRST-YEAR AND TRANSFER ENROLLMENT 2015-2016 ENROLLMENT 229 Graduate 143 Part-time Undergraduate 2,590 Full-time Undergraduate Transfer 599 251 850 275 851 6,000 852 4,000 2014 576 2013 529 323 2012 553 291 2011 575 200 FIRST-YEAR MINORITY STUDENTS 1 2 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE 600 2,962 8,000 844 7,307 5,808 3,987 3,052 +125% 2011 800 4,082 Increased by 2,000 841 266 400 87% 8% FIRST-YEAR STUDENT APPLICATIONS First-Year 2015 5% 2012 2013 19% 22% 21% 22% 25% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 northcentralcollege.edu 2014 2015 ATHLETICS HIGHLIGHTS: > With the announced addition of men’s lacrosse and women’s triathlon, North Central’s athletic department will offer 25 programs, the most in the College Conference of Illinois & Wisconsin. NCAA Division III athletic opportunities add significant benefits to the campus culture and educational experience. > Six sports were named Academic Team All-American: men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s track and field, wrestling and men’s soccer. > The College’s 31st national title was achieved by men’s cross country in fall 2014. CLASS OF 2019 STUDENT PROFILE 3,875 admission tours on campus Male. . . . . . . . . . . . . 53% Female. . . . . . . . . . . 47% Average GPA. . . . . . . . 3.6 Average ACT . . . . . . . 24.6 Top majors. . . . . . biology psychology First generation. . . . 38% $39.2 Campus residents. . 78% million in financial aid was provided Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 13 A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 200 students competed in the first-ever Cardinal Games during Homecoming Student Affairs 80% > First-year to sophomore retention, highest since 2010 > 81% retention for minority students, highest since 2006 GROWTH IN CAMPUS RESIDENTS 1,500 1,250 100% All 13 first-generation teachers in the Teach First program obtained teaching jobs. 1,000 750 500 250 1,322 1,083 1,140 1,395 1,466 1,458 1472 1,521 1,543 1,236 42% + over 10 years 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1 4 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu 20 years of Premier Scholars Feed The Need 26,000 hours of community service FAVORITE STUDENT ACTIVITIES: > Homecoming Reunion Celebration 1,659 beds on campus > Hypnotist Jim Wand > Taste of Naperville > SpringFest > Second City > Pancake breakfasts 556 Early Alert referrals helped students obtain academic support, counseling and other services. > Res Life block party Dyson Wellness Center served 452 students in 4,928 counseling appointments. Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 15 A N N U A L R E V I E W 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 GROWTH IN TOTAL GIVING Institutional Advancement NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE FUND $14 Operations and Maintenance 12.7 Athletics 3% Academic Support $12 Scholarships and Student Aid 6% 10.1 $10 6% 8.9 Student Services 8.9 7% 41% Institutional Support $8 13% 6.3 $6 23% Instruction $4 $2 ($M) Conferences Services, Camps 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 and Noncredit Programs increased revenue to $469,315. 1 6 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu 17% + The College launched the Brilliant Future Campaign and broke ground for a $60 million Science Center 2.5 million pageviews for northcentralcardinals.com 778 tons of structural steel to construct the Science Center SOCIAL MEDIA: @northcentralcol Twitter followers expanded from 8,840 to 9,640 (9% increase) and produced 1.9 million impressions The College’s Facebook page grew from 7,833 likes to 9,914 likes (26% increase) and produced 7.3 million impressions 3.5 million pageviews for northcentralcollege.edu 165,000 A virtual tour of the Science Center received 8,294 views within days of the groundbreaking. visitors attended campus events Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 17 DONOR PROFILE: A gift from the heart Anita Wuertz ’54 Strauss and husband Paul generously fund greenhouse and neuroscience lab in the new Science Center When Anita Wuertz ’54 Strauss was a child, her family’s holiday dinners usually ended with a boisterous rendition of the North Central College Alma Mater. “So of course I always wanted to come to North Central!” she says. “It’s in my blood.” For Strauss, attending the College is something of a family tradition. Both of her parents (Clara Pfauhl ’20 Wuertz and Oscar K. Wuertz ’24) as well as an aunt (Elma Wuertz ’30 Paul), uncle (Dallas Paul ’33) and sister (Shirley Wuertz ’51 Huff) graduated from North Central. Her mother even worked as the College’s reference librarian before marrying Strauss’ father and moving to Kansas. When the time came for Strauss to apply to college, she hit a snag. “My mother had 1 8 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE a nice job as a university librarian, but it didn’t pay a lot,” she says. “Since I could go to that school for almost nothing, that’s where I started.” Fortunately, by junior year Strauss was able to realize her dream and transfer to North Central. Here, in addition to meeting the academic requirements for her psychology/sociology double major, she held jobs in the admission office, the psychology department and the dining hall. Most important, she formed several solid friendships—friendships that she has treasured throughout her life. She and Bonnie Erffmeyer McLaughlin, Toni Smira Votava, Lois Chandler Stack, Lois Roesti Wisthuff and Val Uebele Dudley—all Class of 1954—landed a northcentralcollege.edu large room together on the third floor of Kroehler House. “You learn a lot about people in a hurry when you spend that much time together,” Strauss notes. The friends have stayed in touch over the years by gathering for Homecoming and reunion celebrations and by exchanging emails, “round robin” letters and birthday cards. Strauss also got to know her other housemates—especially since the building’s fire escape led directly into her room. “It was a good alternate entrance for girls who missed their 10 p.m. curfew and didn’t want to face our housemother, Mrs. Dute!” After graduation, Strauss returned to her Kansas home with the words of her sociology professor ringing in her ears. “He once told me, very casually, that he To our donors: As I reflect on the growing momentum for the College’s Brilliant Future Campaign, so much of what we’ve accomplished has resulted from the participation and commitment of our donors. Thank you for an extraordinary year! knew what I would do after graduation: Go home and become a secretary,” she recalls. “He knew that he was challenging me to aim higher with my degree. So his words really motivated me.” She accepted a position as a claims representative for the Social Security Administration—where her own assistant reported to her. She met Dr. Paul Strauss at a book group hosted by a local church and the pair married in 1962. Since then, the couple has built a successful real estate business together with their four children, following in the footsteps of so many North Central alumni who majored in a science before going on to thrive in entrepreneurial endeavors. Their longstanding generosity has made a world of difference to the College. And as part of the Brilliant Future Campaign and construction of the Science Center, they’ve pledged $1.5 million to support the greenhouse and neuroscience lab. Their gift reflects their interest in sustainability (they’ve installed solar panels on the roof of their home) and Paul’s career in psychiatry. Says Strauss: “I just want to help the kids at North Central, and for the College to be as good as it can be for them. This really is the school I love.” n The $12.7 million raised this year was a great way to launch this transformative campaign. Donors who pledged generous gifts represent many wonderful stories— like that of Anita ’54 Strauss featured on these pages. So often, they want to share their special connection with North Central College and honor areas of personal interest. Many feel a commitment to higher education in general and understand its farreaching impact on young people. What unites all our donors is a desire to financially support our students, faculty, academic programs and facilities. On the following pages you will find the names of 5,984 donors from fiscal year 2014-2015. Every one has made a difference on this campus. Together we are making progress toward a Brilliant Future. Rick Spencer Vice President for Institutional Advancement Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 19 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Contributors Top 10 Classes D O L L A R S GIFT SUMMARY CLASS DOLLARS CLASS REPRESENTATIVE 1963 $3,145,353.85 Karen Johnson and James Bambule 1965 $395,995.30 Bill Petersen 1994 $354,097.00 Brian Fennelly 1954 $247,889.62 Val Uebele Dudley 1955 $144,493.69 Ken Lewis and Sylvia Ebinger Riley 1964 $131,256.00 Maria Caselli ’01 and Brandon Hoeft ‘02 1962 $125,552.00 Marilee Eaton Hanson and Carol Harper 1967 $42,268.00 Adrian Aldrich ‘02 1959 $41,309.50 Monna Becker Bergdall 1999 $38,166.50 Adrian Aldrich ‘02 Top 10 Classes N U M B E R O F D O N O R S CLASS # OF DONORS CLASS REPRESENTATIVE 2015 383 Claire Ruser and Allie Youngren 2014 89 Michael Prosia and José Martinez 1965 70 Bill Petersen 1961 70 Marilyn Walsh 2002 65 Adrian Aldrich ‘02 1962 63 Marilee Eaton Hanson and Carol Harper 1990 63 Mariann Janessa Hunter and Kenyetta Young Jackson 2012 63 Lauren Smith 1969 62 Maria Caselli ‘01 2010 62 Chris Smith and Weston Henry Top 10 Classes P E R C E N T A G E P A R T I C I P A T I O N CLASS PARTICIPATION CLASS REPRESENTATIVE 2015 56% Claire Ruser and Allie Youngren 1954 51% Val Uebele Dudley 1955 50% Ken Lewis and Sylvia Ebinger Riley 1957 48% Barbara Schoreder Rehn 1946 48% Betty Muehl Lyden 1961 47% Marilyn Walsh 1949 47% Genevieve Scheffner Spiegler 1962 46% Marilee Eaton Hanson and Carol Harper 1943 45% Maria Caselli ‘01 1959 44% Monna Becker Bergdall 1953 44% Miriam Getz Lehman 2 0 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015 ALUMNI Number of Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,873 Annual Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656,553 Capital & Special Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,175,812 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,930,357 PARENTS Number of Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507 Annual Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68,169 Capital & Special Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332,210 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400,379 FRIENDS Number of Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,240 Annual Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175,110 Capital & Special Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263,188 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $672,638 CORPORATIONS/FOUNDATIONS Number of Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 Annual Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115,136 Capital & Special Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,099,675 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,214,811 GOVERNMENT Number of Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Annual Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Capital & Special Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,475,812 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,475,812 CHURCHES Number of Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Annual Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Capital & Special Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,116 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33,116 ESTATES/ TRUSTS (7) Number of Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Annual Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Capital & Special Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332,332 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($332,332)** TOTAL Number of Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,985 Annual Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,014,967 Capital & Special Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,712,145 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,727,112 *These donors included in above categories. **These amounts included in above categories. DONOR LISTINGS Donor listings in the Annual Report have been compiled by the staff of the Office of Institutional Advancement. If your name does not reflect your preferred listing, has been misspelled, or has inadvertently been omitted, please accept our apologies and contact us so we may correct the error. In perusing the Honor Roll of Contributors, you should note the following: The first two categories—the 1861 Society and Life Members of the Presidents Club—indicate cumulative gifts made over a lifetime. The next seven levels of Giving Clubs reflect gifts made during the 2014-2015 fiscal year. The Cornerstone Society and the Augustine A. Smith Society reflect estate and planned gifts. Alumni of North Central College are identified by class—e.g., Mr. & Mrs. William J. Abe ’50, ’52. Gifts from donor couples in which spouses are alumni/alumnae from different classes are credited the full amount of the gift for both classes. Friends of the College, which include parents of students attending North Central, are identified by the letter F only if one of the spouses of a donor couple is not an alumna/alumnus and the other is—e.g., Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey K. Swallow ‘94, F. Dr. Swallow is an alumnus of the College, while Mrs. Swallow is not an alumna. An asterisk (*) indicates that the donor is deceased. 18 61 S O C I E T Y Life Members with cumulative lifetime gifts of $1,000,000 or greater Mrs. Jean Bauman ‘57 Mrs. Alpha Benedetti John & Norma Bramsen ‘60,F Ms. Prudence A. Conley Mr. & Mrs. Dale J. Grantman ‘50,’51 Mrs. Charmaine Gregory Mr. & Mrs. H. Robert Holmes ‘66,F Mr. Roger F. Hruby Sr. ‘58(H)’11 Bartley & Maricella Madden F,’99 Richard & Deanna Mandel Mrs. Shige Nagamura ‘54 Mr. Donald R. Pletcher ‘65 Mrs. Linda Pletcher Mimi & Ian Rolland ‘55,F Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey K. Swallow ‘94,F Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wehrli ‘56,F Mr. Scott A. Wehrli ‘91 Mr. David A. Wentz Ms. Jacquelyn Lewis Wentz ‘63 Dr. Myron W. Wentz ‘63(H)’11 LIFE MEMBERS $100,000 - $ 999,999 cumulative lifetime gifts Mr. & Mrs. William J. Abe ‘50,’52 Mrs. M. Louise Anderson Mr. Tres Anderson Mr. & Mrs. David L. Arendsen ‘65,’65 Mr. & Mrs. A. G. Atwater Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bambule ‘63,’63 Mr. Shane Beard Mr. Tim Belgio Mr. Tom Belgio Mr. J. Steven Bergerson Ms. Jamie L. Berndt & Mr. Eric Wojcikiewicz ‘98,F Mr. Nigel Blakeway Mr. Kevin Brahler Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bramsen ‘59,F Dr. Gaylen R. Brubaker & Dr. Barbara Wildemuth ‘72,’71 Mrs. Lois Bruns ‘44 Jay & Dot Buikema ‘60,F Mr. John J. Case Mr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Cole Mr. & Mrs. George A. Darrell Mr. & Mrs. Jerry de St. Paer ‘64,F Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Deetjen ‘66,F Mr. Theodore E. Desch Miss Trudy Dickinson (H)’91 Mr. Thomas W. & Ms. Charlene Butler-Drake ‘58,F Dr. & Mrs. Richard Easterday ‘60,F Mrs. Grace D. Erwin ‘50 Leota Buss Ester ‘51 Hon. & Mrs. Harris W. Fawell ‘51(H)’95,’52 Mr. Ted Fredenhagen ‘50 Maj. Gen. William H. & Mrs. Marjorie Gossell ‘54,F Mrs. Sandra S. Grant Mr. Richard K. Green Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Hackl Mrs. Nancy & Mr. Breck Hanson ‘79,F Mr. Daniel T. Hart ‘03 Mr. Kris Hartner & Ms. Susanna Gotsch Mr. John Harvard Mr. Michael W. Hennessy Mr. Steven H. Hoeft ‘73 Mrs. Celia N. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. David W. Kelsch Mr. Ray Kinney (H)’10 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry J. Knuckles Kenneth & Susan Koranda F,’06 Mrs. Catherine Koten Ms. Jane Koten ‘55 Mrs. Jeanine M. & John Lehman ‘83,F Rev. & Mrs. Jerome Lipka ‘71,’71 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Lueptow ‘54,’53 Mr. Joseph P. Mallon ‘80 Jim & Nancy McDermet ‘92,F Mr. Donald K. & Mrs. Marilyn J. McKay Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Michael ‘62,’64 Ms. Holly I. Myers ‘69 Mike & Maureen Naset Mrs. Rosalie J. Nerheim Mrs. Darlene Noerenberg Schille ‘51 Dr. & Mrs. Richard Norenberg ‘55,’56 Mr. & Mrs. John L. Novak ‘64,F Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Oesterle ‘76,F Mrs. Faye Pletcher Mrs. Barbara Ritzenthaler Ms. Carrie J. Rough ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schloerb ‘46,F Mrs. Betsy E. Schmitt ‘56 Robert W. & Nancy Heyer Schroeder ‘58,’56 Mrs. Paul Schwab ‘53 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sellers ‘76,’78 Mrs. Pat Shanower Rick & Patricia Spencer Mr. Elton R. Tietz ‘51 Mr. Cal Turner Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Harold R. Wilde (H)’15,F Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wilkins ‘82,F Mr. & Mrs. James E. Willett ‘04,F Mr. M. Dean & Mrs. Norma Wilson ‘63,F Mr. & Mrs. Russell K. Wilson ‘63,F Susan & Bob Wislow F,’67 Mr. & Mrs. Yung Wong Mrs. Marilyn J. Workman ‘54 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Abe ‘50,’52 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Anderson Mr. Tres Anderson Mr. & Mrs. David L. Arendsen ‘65,’65 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bambule ‘63,’63 Mr. Kevin Brahler Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bramsen ‘59,F Ms. Prudence A. Conley Ms. Liz Doyle Mr. Richard H. Driehaus Mr. Mark A. Galati Mr. & Mrs. David W. Kelsch Mr. Ray Kinney (H)’10 Mrs. Catherine Koten Ms. Jane Koten ‘55 Mrs. Jeanine M. & John Lehman ‘83,F Mr. Donald K. & Mrs. Marilyn J. McKay Paula Hunt McMenamin Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Michael ‘62,’64 Mike & Maureen Naset Dr. Arthur Rikli* ‘39 Mimi & Ian Rolland ‘55,F Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey K. Swallow ‘94,F Mr. Scott A. Wehrli ‘91 Ms. Jacquelyn Lewis Wentz ‘63 Dr. Myron W. Wentz ‘63(H)’11 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wilkins ‘82,F Susan & Bob Wislow F,’67 Mr. & Mrs. Yung Wong Mrs. Marilyn J. Workman ‘54 Dr. Dwight S. Busacca* ‘46 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Der F,’73 Ms. Amy Dominick Dr. & Mrs. Richard Easterday ‘60,F Mr. Richard K. Green Dr. Troy D. & Mrs. Sharlene D. Hammond Mrs. Nancy & Mr. Breck Hanson ‘79,F Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Harter Mr. Kris Hartner & Ms. Susanna Gotsch Rev. Dr. Donald H. Heinrich ‘47 Mr. Steven H. Hoeft ‘73 Mr. Jonathan A. Howard ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Jirak ‘63,F Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Johnson Kenneth & Susan Koranda F,’06 Mr. Ronald Lueptow ‘81 Bartley & Maricella Madden F,’99 Mr. Joseph P. Mallon ‘80 Richard & Deanna Mandel Mr. Steve Martens Ms. Katie Merkle Mr. David Miller Mr. William H. Naumann Jr. ‘74 Ms. Karen A. Nordquist ‘66 Dr. & Mrs. Richard Norenberg ‘55,’56 Mr. William T. & Mrs. Jocelyn M. Norris ‘96,F Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Rewerts ‘71,’72 Ms. Carrie J. Rough ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sellers ‘76,’78 Mrs. Pat Shanower & Dr. Donald T. Shanower* Rick & Patricia Spencer Professor Harold L. Temple ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Wei Mr. John W. Welch ‘81 Dr. & Mrs. Harold R. Wilde (H)’15,F Mr. M. Dean & Mrs. Norma Wilson ‘63,F Mr. & Mrs. Russell K. Wilson ‘63,F TOWER SOCIE T Y CHARTER MEMBERS LEGACY SOCIE T Y $25,000 & above $10,000 - $24,999 $ 5,000 - $ 9,999 Mr. Tim Belgio Mr. Tom Belgio Dr. Kathryn J. Birkett Ms. Erin L. Bishop ‘93 Mr. Nigel Blakeway Ms. Robin B. & Mr. R. Alan Boren John & Norma Bramsen ‘60,F Mr. Matthew S. & Ms. Magdalena Brill ‘97,’99 Dr. Gaylen R. Brubaker & Dr. Barbara Wildemuth ‘72,’71 Rev. & Mrs. Phillip Burke Jr. ‘58,’59 Mr. Seth Burke Ms. Debbie Burnett Mr. James W. Barber ‘68 Mr. Shane Beard Ms. Esther T. Benjamin ‘90 Mr. Bret W. Bonnet ‘05 Mrs. Nancy A. & Mr. James H. Buterbaugh ‘79,F Dr. & Mrs. Howard Crouse ‘72,’74 Dr. David E. Dietrich ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Eichler ‘69,’70 Dr. J. Charles Eldridge ‘65 Dr. Richard A. Fink ‘64 Mr. Evan W. Getz ‘57 Mr. Dan Gustafson Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 21 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Rev. Joseph J. Haney ‘59 Mrs. Marilee & Mr. Donald Hanson ‘62,F Dr. Jayne T. & Mr. Richard Hart ‘64,F Mr. Syed Hasan Mrs. Celia N. Hunt & Mr. Samuel W. Hunt Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. John H. Kenaga ‘73,’73 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry J. Knuckles Phyllis Kurtz Mr. Derrick A. & Rev. Dr. Tracy Smith Malone ‘93,’90 Jim & Nancy McDermet ‘92,F Mr. James S. Metcalf Mr. & Mrs. William Mitchell Ms. Holly I. Myers ‘69 Mrs. Rosalie J. Nerheim Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Neumann ‘71,’72 Dr. R. Devadoss Pandian & Dr. Priscilla Devadoss (H)’15,F James & Stephanie Penick Mr. Nicholas A. Piette ‘09 Dr. Raymond P. Polivka ‘51 Mr. Donald Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Schrader ‘61,’61 Robert W. & Nancy Heyer Schroeder ‘58,’56 Mr. Jonathan Shanower ‘85 Dr. & Mrs. Paul U. Strauss F,’54 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Stuart ‘59,’59 Dr. & Mrs. Donald E. Weber ‘66,F Ms. Annette Wehrli Mr. Donald E. Wehrli* Mr. Joel Weinberger Mr. & Mrs. D. Wolfensberger ‘64,F Miss Maria E. Wynne ‘77 Dr. Beth Zimmermann ‘63 FOUNDERS $2,500 - $4,999 Ms. Noonie Aguilar Mr. Adrian M. & Ms. Jacqueline M. Aldrich ‘02,’03 Mrs. M. Louise Anderson Anonymous Mr. Arasar Arullallar & Ms. Shoba Dharmalingam Mrs. Alpha Benedetti Mr. Steven Born Mr. David A. Bowers ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Bradley L. Brehm Miss Betty R. Brown ‘48 Ms. Kathleen M. & Mr. Ryan P. Carrigan Mr. John J. Case Mr. Adam G. Chin ‘99 Dr. Kristin Lyn Clark ‘95 Mr. Lee Clayton Mr. & Mrs. Ray Denson Rev. Jesse R. DeWitt* (H)’77 Mr. Richard T. & Mrs. Linda M. Doyle Mrs. Vera L. Eby Mr. William B. & Mrs. Carol Edson ‘68,F Ms. Sandra & Mr. Rudy H. Ehrenberg Jr. ‘63,F Mrs. Beverly Z. Esser ‘51 Leota Buss Ester ‘51 Mr. Don Eustice Ms. Colleen E. Falk Mrs. Joan Fleck ‘58 Dr. Duane F. Follman & Dr. Holly Humphrey ‘79,’79 Mr. Paul H. & Mrs. Joanne Fries Ms. Renee Garvin Mrs. Mary Geier ‘46 Dr. & Mrs. John M. Giannini ‘84,’85 Mr. Wesley Graf Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Gray Mrs. Charmaine Gregory James P. & Kristin Harrington ‘87,’87 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Haynes Jr. ‘87,’87 Ms. Karen Heffernan Contributors Mr. Paul & Mrs. Deborah Hellermann Ms. Mitzi Heytow Dr. Richard J. Honer ‘75 Ms. Christine Jeffries Ms. Tasha Jenkins Mr. David W. Johnson ‘07 Dr. & Mrs. Donald E. Johnson ‘57,’57 Miss Karen L. Johnson ‘63 Mr. Stephan G. Johnson ‘61 Ms. Robin King Ms. Carrie Larsen Mr. Christopher M. Lobello & Ms. Yoke V. Chan Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Loscheider Mr. Daniel Loveridge Dr. Mary Jean & Mr. Brian T. Lynch Mr. Gerald V. McCadd ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. McMarrow Mr. & Mrs. Charles Minarik ‘62,F Mrs. Vivian & Mr. Robert Miner ‘49,’50 Mrs. Elaine M. Mommsen ‘50 Mr. Frederick C. Neiser ‘53 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Oesterle ‘76,F Mrs. Maripat & Mr. Paul Oliver Mr. Allen F. & Ms. Marguerite K. Panek ‘61,F Dr. Sam Park Rev. & Mrs. Richard A. Peacock ‘69,’69 Dr. Raghu Pulluru Mrs. Margaret Radle ‘51 Dr. & Mrs. William E. Raduege ‘61,’61 Dr. Charlotte D. Roederer ‘65 Dr. Charles E. Ross ‘59 Mr. Steven Rubin Mr. Samuel F. Russell Jr. ‘42 Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Satre ‘65,’67 Mr. Martin R. & Mrs. Sheila R. Sauer Ms. Jean Schmidt Dr. David J. Schmitz Mrs. Paul Schwab ‘53 Ms. Liisa Seuser Mr. Donald C. Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shiffler Ms. Kimberly A. Sluis & Mr. Joseph P. Maffey ‘99,’08 Mr. Tyke E. & Ms. Kalah A. Spencer ‘06,’07 Mrs. Cherie A. Stahlman-Knapp ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stenger Mr. Kenneth M. Taguchi ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Nore F. Thiesfeld ‘56,’56 Mr. Michael & Mrs. Von Tran Mr. Louhon & Mrs. Carolyn Tucker Mr. Michael G. & Mrs. Jennifer Vibral ‘65,F Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wehrli ‘56,F Dr. Herman & Mrs. Margaret White Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Williams ‘59,F Ms. Sandra M. Wolf Ms. Tanya & Mr. Steven Woltmann ‘94,F Mr. Lee J. Woolley ‘85 Mr. Matthew M. Worline Mr. Lawrence A. Writt & Mrs. Courtney Bobosky Mr. Keith H. Zobrist ‘81 MEMBERS $1,000 - $2,499 Dr. Richard Abben Mr. John W. & Mrs. Stacey Abe Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Adkison ‘69,F Ms. Valla B. & Mr. Jesus M. Aguilar ‘02,’12 Mr. Michael J. & Mrs. Cynthia Allara ‘11,F Mrs. Ruby L. Allen ‘52 Ms. Alyssa T. Allgood ‘14 Mrs. Linda J. Allison ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Anderson Bill & Nicki Anderson Mr. Trent E. Anderson ‘12 2 2 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Kailie Briza ’16, summer research Ms. Edith G. Andrew Mr. Edward J. Andrew Jr. Mr. William Andrew Mr. & Mrs. Leon O. Arneson ‘55,’56 Rev. & Mrs. Thomas E. Babler ‘70,’69 Ms. Bakul Banerjee Mr. Jimmy Banos Ms. Tory E & Mr. Carlos R. Barba ‘90,’90 Ms. Brenda C. Barnes (H)’11 Mr. Bryan E. & Mrs. Lynn M. Barus ‘90,’93 Mrs. Helen P. Batson Mr. & Mrs. John G. Bauernfeind ‘67,F Mr. & Mrs. Larry Baumgartner F,’75 Mr. Timothy F. & Ms. Kyle L. Bellazzini ‘07,’08 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bennington ‘84,F Mr. & Mrs. George O. Bentz ‘52,’52 Mr. & Mrs. Lowell C. Berger ‘48,’49 Mr. J. Steven Bergerson Dr. K. Darrell Berlin ‘55 Mr. Sajjad & Ms. Shabana Bhatti Dr. Theresa A. Birk ‘73 Mr. William Blazek ‘76 Rev. Wilmer T. Bloy ‘53 Mr. & Mrs. W. Brand Bobosky Mr. John D. Boehm ‘79 Mr. Jared T. Bogan ‘10 Mr. Jeffrey L. Boggs ‘83 Rev. & Mrs. Benjamin Bohnsack ‘65,’68 Mr. Thomas G. & Mrs. Mary Kay Bolger Ms. Katherine S. Bolton ‘06 Rev. & Mrs. Paul H. Bosshardt ‘64,’64 Ms. Kijuana Johnson & Mr. Alonzo C. Boulrece ‘94,’93 Ms. Rosemarie S. Breske Garvey Wilma & Al Brons ‘52,F Ms. Ruth B. Brown ‘52 Mr. Marc A. Browning ‘88 Mrs. Audrey R. Bueche ‘53 Mr. Daniel J. & Ms. Christine M. Bukowski Ms. Michele Lee & Mr. Kirk L. Burnett ‘93,’92 Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Bus ‘83,’84 Ms. Kimberly J. & Mr. Kevin A. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Byers ‘71,’72 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Byrne ‘66,’63 Mrs. Mary Caisley ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Calhoun ‘52,F Mr. Paul A. Callighan ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Allen B. Carius Mrs. Maria A. & Mr. Andrew J. Caselli ‘01,F Mr. Dan G. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cavenagh Ms. Judy Chaffee Ms. Joanne B. & Mr. Richard A. Chang ‘86,’85 Ms. Miriam Chapman ‘73 Mr. Thomas A. Christopher Mr. Douglas P. & Mrs. Margaret R. Colbeth Mr. John W. Cook Mr. Jeffrey A. Coros Mr. Howard L. Cosyns* ‘49 Mr. Brian A. Craig ‘03 Mr. Fritz Cripe Mr. & Mrs. George A. Darrell Mr. Michael J. Deger ‘00 Mr. Randy DeGuzman Mr. & Mrs. Nick Dempsey Dr. Satyan L. Devadoss ‘93 Mr. John T. Devine* ‘63 Miss Trudy Dickinson (H)’91 Mr. Kenneth W. & Mrs. Magie A. Diehl Mr. Thomas W. & Ms. Charlene Butler-Drake ‘58,F Mr. Damon D. Dutz Bishop Sally Dyck Ms. Rosalie Eiler Mr. Derek W. Elftmann ‘02 Mr. John A. Elliott Sr. Mr. Shane Christopher & Dr. Lara Michele Ellison ‘95,’97 Mr. Peter Ellman Dr. Richard E. Eppley ‘65 Dr. Gary Ernst Ms. Kathryne S. Esselburn Mr. Steve Evanson Mr. Mark & Ms. Nicole Everix ‘95,’97 Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Faessel Ms. Cheryl Fahrenbach Mr. David P. Farley ‘57 Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Farley ‘64,’64 Mr. Shawn M. Farson ‘88 Mr. Michael K. Fasshauer Hon. & Mrs. Harris W. Fawell ‘51(H)’95,’52 Steven & Wijid Fay Mrs. Rowena P. Felix-Salas ‘84 Dr. James E. Ferington ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Findlay ‘80,’81 Mr. & Mrs. Lavern Fischer Mr. Michael Fischer Mr. Kevin Flynn Mr. Andrew Follett Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Frattinger Mrs. Eileen B. Freshley ‘41 Ms. Suzanne Freshley ‘69 Mr. Brian G. Fry ‘10 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fugate ‘70,’72 Mr. Jon T. Fuglestad & Mrs. Shirley Fugelstad Mrs. Joan E. Fuller ‘85 Mrs. Michelle E. Galasso ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gallagher F,’80 Mr. Frank J. Gaudio Jr. Rev. Milton L. Geisler ‘61 Mr. Kevin M. Gensler Mr. Neil Gerald Mr. Edward J. Gildea Mr. John Gill Mr. James W. & Ms. Deborah J. Godo ‘93,’92 Mrs. Marjorie A. Goethe ‘60 Mr. Jerry W. Gustafson Barbara Gast Hack ‘47 Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Hagmeyer Mr. John L. & Mrs. Beth E. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hallam ‘87,’87 Mrs. Ruth L. Hamm Mrs. Estela A. Hammond ‘98 Mr. Brian Hampton Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Haney ‘60,’60 Mr. Brian P. & Mrs. Jennifer Hanlon Rev. & Mrs. Robert J. Harman ‘59,’59 Mr. Richard G. Harrer ‘50 Mr. Kevin Harrington ‘93 John & Tracy Harrington ‘91,’91 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Harris Dr. Richard L. Harris ‘56 Mr. Scott G. & Ms. Rebecca L. Hartema Mrs. Katherine A. Hartman ‘69 Mrs. Leila E. Heinrich ‘53 Mr. & Mrs. Nick Heintz Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Helberg ‘82,’82 Mr. Craig W. & Mrs. Mari Helwig ‘87,F Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hendrickson Mr. Brian Richard & Ms. Lynn Ann Henz ‘95,’96 Ms. Nicole M. Higgins Ms. Brenda K. & Mr. Lonnie W. Hill Mr. Russ Hillard Dr. Richard C. Hinckley ‘69 Mr. Richard G. Hitchcock Ms. Barbara R. Hoch Mr. Brandon D. Hoeft ‘02 Mr. Jordan W. Hoffman ‘08 Mrs. Shelly & Mr. Kevin Hoffman Mr. Douglas Hosler Mr. Steven Hosler ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hudetz ‘98,F Ms. Kathleen Huffman ‘82 Ms. Ann E. Hurmence ‘55 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph F. Huth ‘51,F Mr. Ronald G. Isaac ‘71 Mr. Dan Iverson ‘94 Mrs. Barbara Jaggers ‘66 Mr. Hossein Jamali Dr. Fredric J. Janzen, II ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Johnson ‘69,’70 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Johnson ‘96,’96 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Johnson Mr. Robert W. & Mrs. Beth H. Jones Ms. Elaine & Mr. William Jones ‘00,F Mr. James B. Jones ‘88 Mr. Kevin L. & Ms. Kaylee M. Jordan ‘04,’08 James & Catherine Kaduk Dr. John W. Kalas ‘55 Ms. Anna Kamilis Mr. Bruce I. & Mrs. Gretchen M. Keeler Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Keeley ‘62,’62 Mr. Matt Keller Dr. & Mrs. Karl Kelley Mrs. Patricia A. & Mr. Joseph F. Kennell Mr. Gary Kent Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kent Mr. Scott A. & Mrs. Michelle R. King ‘91,’91 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Kirk ‘61,’61 Mr. Gregory J. Klebe ‘78 Mr. David Klussendorf ‘69 Mr. David G. Knapp ‘67 Ms. Bonnie K. & Mr. Kam S. Kniss ‘06,’07 Mr. Dale R. Koepnick ‘82 Mr. John A. Koranda ‘06 Rev. & Mrs. Myron M. Kottke ‘49,’52 Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Kovener Mrs. Nancy & Mr. James D. Kranpitz ‘67,F Mr. Eugene E. Krell ‘50 Ms. Marcella H. Kritikos ‘92 Mrs. Candace N. Kroese ‘93 Dr. Spencer M. Krueger ‘65 Mrs. Marilyn Kuppler ‘52 Mr. Haruo Kurokawa Mr. Tony Laesch ‘94 Mrs. Julie A. Lagodney ‘72 Ms. Elizabeth A. & Mr. Stanley J. Laken Dr. Wesley & Dr. Jacquelee Lamb ‘63,’64 Mrs. Diane S. Land ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. David W. Lang ‘59,’59 Mr. & Mrs. Waldo H. Lang ‘50,’50 Mr. Michael J. Lantz ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Larson ‘54,’53 Mr. & Mrs. John Leal Jr. ‘83,’83 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Lehman ‘54,’53 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Lelivelt ‘61,F Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lenz ‘53,F Mr. Reuben Lerma Mr. & Mrs. Kenwood Lewis ‘55,’57 Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Liesemer ‘63,’62 Mrs. Mary L. & Mr. John A. Lilly LeAnn Linder-Scholer Dr. William C. Linder-Scholer ‘67 Rev. & Mrs. Jerome Lipka ‘71,’71 Mr. Dan Littell Mr. & Mrs. Lyle E. Littlewood ‘55,’58 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Locher Mr. Stanley N. Logan Ms. Joan E. Long ‘05 Mr. Anthony M. Losurdo Mr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Lueptow ‘54,’53 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Luze ‘75,F Mr. Douglas Mackie Mr. John V. Madormo & Ms. Celeste O’Keefe Mr. Tony L. Mankus Mr. Brenden J. Mariano ‘04 Dr. David O. Marks ‘59 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Markwell ‘80,’78 Mr. Charles & Mrs. Dena Martin Ms. Heather L. & Mr. Derrick L. Martin ‘98,’95 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Martin ‘87,F Mr. Jeordano S. Martinez Mrs. Sandra S. Matthews ‘77 Ms. June P. McCluskey Dr. Kevin McGowan & Dr. InSun Ho ‘79,’81 Mr. Thomas R. Mellish ‘70 Mr. William C. Melsheimer ‘62 Rev. & Mrs. Duane B. Mevis ‘56,F Mrs. Betty Meyer Ms. Michele Michael Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Michalak ‘74,’74 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Miers Mr. James E. Millan ‘98 Mr. James L. & Ms. Kristin Miller ‘86,’94 Mr. Kevin Miller Ms. Susan R. Mink ‘81 Mr. David S. & Mrs. Julie Missurelli Mr. Paul Mitchell Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Moravec ‘69,’68 Mr. Patrick E. Morton ‘89 Mr. William G. & Mrs. Debbie Motzer ‘78,F Mr. & Mrs. William Motzer Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Howard E. Mueller ‘58,’59 Mr. Taki Mullins Mr. Brien J. Nagle Mr. Richard D. Naponelli Dr. & Mrs. William H. Naumann F,’46 Dr. Francine G. & Dr. Edward H. Navakas Mr. Matt P. Nolan ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Nothacker ‘61,’62 Mr. & Mrs. John L. Novak ‘64,F Lori B. & Ed Novak ‘02,F Mr. Ron Nyberg Dr. Carolyn Oehler ‘62 Ms. Linda Ogden Hagen ‘72 Mrs. Elisabeth B. Olson ‘65 Mrs. Marion May Allds Pace ‘57 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patterson Mr. William Paus Mrs. Dawn L. Pawlowski ‘90 Mr. John J. Pcolinski ‘83 Ms. Marcia Pendexter Mr. Michael & Ms. Joy A. Pentz ‘87,’87 Mr. Steven G. Perry ‘15 Mr. William E. Petersen ‘65 Ms. Lisa & Mr. Frank Myrone Pettaway ‘94,’96 Mrs. Margery Phillips ‘44 Mrs. Faye Pletcher Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Plum F,’60 Mr. Robert M. Pottle ‘86 Rev. Dr. Lynn L. & Ms. Donna Pries ‘67,’67 Mr. John Puscheck Mrs. Mary Puscheck Ms. Nancy Quigley Mr. Robert E. Raynett ‘64 Mr. Ronald D. Redeker ‘72 Ms. Elizabeth W. Reese Mrs. Barbara W. Rehn ‘57 Mr. John Reimer ‘98 Mrs. Leah & Mr. Doug Rippe Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Roessler ‘60,’60 Mr. Ron & Ms. Mary Lou Rolland Ms. Patricia K. Ruddy & Mr. Joe Michalec Kathryn & Daniel Ryan ‘74,’74 Dr. Robert J. Sauer ‘58 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Sawyer Ms. Margi Schiemann Ms. Rebecca Schmitt Mr. Roy F. & Mrs. Heidi Schoeneck Mr. David E. Schroeder ‘81 Mr. Gary A. Schuetz Mr. Donald F. Schultz ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Ray Schumacher Ms. Barbara Schweitzer Mr. Steven H. Schweppe ‘70 Ms. Joann Scinto Ms. Amy & Mr. Brian M. Scott ‘00,’00 Mr. William C. Seiser ‘49 Dr. Kristine Servais Ms. Bhavini R. Shah ‘98 Ms. Manali R. Shah ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. William W. Shatzer Ms. Mary & Mr. Scott Shearer Dr. Robert W. Sheldon Mrs. Anne T. Sherren & Mr. William S. Sherren* Ms. Sarah A. Shillington ‘87 Dr. Bruce E. Shirer ‘62 Rev. & Mrs. Milton O. Siewert ‘51,’50 Mr. James A. Sikich Dr. John C. Sippy ‘60 Mr. Kenton J. Skarin ‘03 Mrs. Michelle M. & Mr. Walter S. Skinder Mrs. Carol A. Smith ‘64 Mr. David K. & Ms. Suzanne Bessette-Smith ‘77,’77 Dr. Nancy C. Smith ‘81 Mr. Richard C. Smith ‘48 Mr. Robert J. Smoldt ‘90 Dr. Karen J. Solomon & Mr. Wright J. King ‘84,F Dr. & Mrs. William D. Soper ‘68,F Mr. Bradley W. Spencer ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. David D. Spiegler ‘48,’49 Dr. Howard W. Sprecher ‘58 Mr. & Mrs. Jarvis L. Spreng ‘50,’50 Mr. Harold E. & Mrs. Donna Stembridge ‘79,F Mrs. Carol L. Stibbe & Mr. Reuben T. Stibbe* F,’50 Dr. Wesley F. Stieg ‘56 Mr. Donald L. Sullivan ‘49 Mrs. Marilyn E. Sundby ‘52 Mrs. Beverly Svoboda ‘57 Mr. Tim Swan Mr. John P. Tableriou ‘97 Dr. Lou Ann Best Talley ‘78 Ms. Alexandria & Mr. Eugentri Taylor ‘06,’06 Mr. Bryan J. Taylor ‘13 Miss Jean V. Thomas Mrs. Barbara J. Thompson ‘51 Mrs. Sandra N. & Mr. Tyrone A. Thompson Mr. John A. & Ms. Kathie Thorne Marcy & Steve Thurwachter North Central College Track Club Mr. James Trader Mr. Clyde P. Uebele ‘61 Mr. Stanley J. Ujka ‘89 Ms. Mary-Claire Uselding Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Van Buskirk ‘62,’62 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Vanderwall ‘71,’71 Mr. Gus Vassos Mr. Robert W. Vaughan Ms. Karen A. & Mr. Clinton J. Wallace ‘93,’92 Mr. Les Warden Mr. William & Ms. Barbara Warden ‘54,F Mr. Robert & Mrs. Jill Watson Mr. Scott Weinstein Mr. & Mrs. John V. Wendling ‘57,’58 Dr. Dennis & Dr. Anne Wentz ‘57,F Mr. & Mrs. William Wentz Mr. & Mrs. Donald Widder ‘52,’53 Mr. Steven P. Wiesbrook ‘82 Mr. Richard Wilkey ‘62 Mr. & Mrs. James E. Willett ‘04,F,F Mr. Christopher M. & Ms. Meghen K. Williams ‘05,’04 Ms. Kathryn E. Williams ‘09 Dr. Shirley Wilson Mr. Thomas A. Winter ‘71 Mr. Keith M. Witmer ‘47 Rev. & Mrs. James B. Wolf ‘50,’50 Dr. & Mrs. Robert O. Wolf ‘50,F Mr. & Mrs. Glen Wright Mrs. Evelyn G. Yablonski ‘41 Mr. Eric D. & Ms. Heather A. Young ‘09,’09 Rev. & Mrs. Carl J. Zager ‘50,’50 Dr. & Mrs. Tim D. Zager ‘76,’78 Mr. Nicholas J. & Ms. Vicki A. Zec ‘81,F Ms. Kristine E. Zeller ‘01 Mrs. Patricia Colburn Zeller ‘50 Ms. Carol Zook ‘70 Mr. Wallace Zook ‘66 PAT R O N S $ 500 - $ 999 Mrs. Darlene J. Abdella ‘56 Mrs. Suzanne J. Adcock Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Anderson ‘58,F Mr. Mark H. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Randy L. Arb ‘86,F Mr. Ronald E. Arb ‘89 Ms. Ellen C. Bartel ‘70 Mrs. Jean Bauman ‘57 Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 23 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Bendis ‘73,’74 Mrs. Linda K. Berger Ms. Mary L. Bloede Dr. Marti S. Bogart Ms. Nancy A. Boyle ‘64 Ms. Joanne J. Bradna ‘74 Dr. Paul F. Brandt & Ms. Laura K. Decker Mr. Jacob E. & Ms. Megan A. Bremer ‘05,’07 Mr. Kevin K. & Mrs. Kim Brown Mr. & Mrs. Mark Browning Mr. Nicholas Jay Brunick ‘96 Mr. Matthew & Mrs. Jennifer Burden Mr. Michael Canova Mr. Hal A. Carlson Mr. Marc C. Chandler ‘82 Mrs. Ruth Chapek ‘57 Ms. Belinda L. Cheek ‘83 Dr. Thomas J. & Dr. Jean M. Clifton Mr. Robert S. & Mrs. Paula S. Coleman Mr. John J. Colletti Mr. Chris Cornell Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cutaia Mrs. Barbara A. & Mr. John P. Dabrowski Jr. F,’65 Mr. Brian B. Davis ‘87 Mr. Dean & Mrs. Marguerite Degenhardt Mrs. Rebecca A. & Mr. Samuel N. Dempsey ‘04,’02 Mr. & Mrs. Neil A. Denker ‘60,’60 Mr. Dean J. Devert ‘86 Rev. & Mrs. Eric L. Doolittle Mr. James R. Dore ‘04 Mr. Robert J. Dunphey ‘85 Ms. Stacey Marie & Mr. David H. Earnest ‘05,’89 Mrs. Virginia R. Echo* ‘48 Mr. Pete Economos Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Eimermann ‘67,F Mr. Jeffrey Epstein Bruce & Mary Feay Mr. Donald & Mrs. Diane Field Mr. Peter B. Fippinger ‘88 Mr. Robert W. Fisher ‘92 Ms. Carlina M. Franks ‘05 Friends of Sam Hunt at Nationwide Mr. & Mrs. Greg Gadient Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Garvey ‘89,’90 Ms. Cheryl A. & Mr. Nicholas J. Gatto ‘09,F Mr. Kenneth M. Gengler Mr. Brian W. Gordon ‘91 Ms. Amy B. & Mr. David L. Gray ‘98,F Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Groharing ‘70,’70 Dr. Elizabeth L. Grys ‘78 Mr. & Mrs. David G. Haebich ‘48,F Mr. Kenneth L. & Mrs. Janet R. Hannah Mr. Benjamin J. & Ms. Sarah M. Hare ‘06,’06 Mrs. Madeline J. & Mr. Eldon H. Hatch ‘74,F Ms. Stefny R. & Mr. Steven L. Heeley ‘02,’09 Mr. Leslie R. Heerdt ‘79 Mr. Jeffrey N. Heller ‘73 Dr. Terry L. & Ms. Linda Heller ‘69,F Dr. Fawn D. Hewitt ‘63 Mr. Patrick J. Hinton ‘87 Mr. Thomas W. Holbrook ‘55 Dr. David & Ms. April Smith Horner F,’88 Mrs. Janice K. Huffman ‘63 Mr. Jeffrey Ingrum Mrs. Andrea & Mr. Kazuki Ishikawa Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Jansen ‘61,F Ms. Lisa C. & Mr. Erik Johnson ‘99,F Mr. Raymond E. Jones Mr. Jacek P. Kafel ‘99 Mr. Kevin & Mrs. Kathleen Kelly Mr. Steven J. & Mrs. Joy E. Kennell Mr. Delmar E. Kentner ‘59 Mr. Donald W. & Mrs. Valerie J. King Mr. Peter B. Kinsella ‘81 Mr. William Knicker Contributors Rev. Glenn O. Kohlhepp ‘55 Mr. James A. Kosteva ‘74 Dr. Donald E. Koten ‘51 Mr. Matthew O. Koth Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Lange ‘61,’64 Ms. Daphne C. Lee Mr. Dwight Lewis ‘65 Ms. Mary Lou Lipscomb ‘66 Mr. Charles R. Lorenz ‘73 Mrs. Luanne M. Luebke-Dregne ‘60 Mr. Michael R. MacIntosh ‘09 Ms. Louann J. Mackowiak ‘68 Mr. Jon L. & Ms. Mary C. Macnider ‘76,F Mr. Douglas E. & Ms. Mary A. Malinsky Mr. John & Mrs. Sharon Mann Mr. Louis J. Marsico Jr. Mr. Edward G. & Mrs. Amy M. Martin ‘78,F Mr. Tom E. McCallum Mr. Kevin P. McInerney & Mrs. Lori McInerney* ‘80,F Ms. Neepa Mehta Ms. Renee J. Miklosik ‘04 Mr. Ross M. Mohrmann ‘83 Mr. Gary M. & Mrs. Shireen Moore Mr. Kent Moore Jean & Robert E. Morris Mr. Michael J. & Mrs. Tracy L. Morris ‘89,F Michael & Judith Moser ‘70,F Mrs. Kimberly Moss Ms. Linda L. Mrkvicka Mr. Gary D. & Mrs. Berneil Mroz Mr. Chad W. & Mrs. Carla L. Muir ‘03,’06 Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Nelson ‘64,F Mrs. Ruth Gardner Neuman ‘51 Mr. J.R. Niklos Mr. Bruce E. Nitsche ‘64 Mr. Thomas L. & Mrs. Julie M. Noesen Mr. Bruce Nortell Paul & Debra Falduto Novack ‘81,F Maj. Michael E. & Ms. Jamie L. O’Brien ‘05,F Mr. Richard J. O’Neill ‘97 Mrs. Suzanne Oberheide Mrs. Suzanne E. Oelman ‘63 Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Ogan Ms. Fallon N. Opperman ‘05 Mr. Warren R. Otto ‘49 Mr. Daniel J. & Mrs. Rose M. Owens Mr. Keith & Mrs. Sara Palmgren Mr. Nathan B. Partridge & Ms. Nicole D. Hrycyk ‘00,’00 Mr. Ryan J. & Ms. Amy E. Passaglia ‘98,’03 Mrs. Charlotte Peichl ‘51 Mr. Gary C. Peterson ‘86 Mr. William R. Picha ‘66 Ms. Laura Zahn & Mr. J. Peter Pohl Mr. Lawrence A. Poltrock ‘63 Mrs. LaVonne C. Presley ‘62 Mr. Frank J. & Mrs. Rosemary Prucha ‘61,F Mr. Tim Prugh Mr. Bruce R. & Mrs. Karen P. Randolph Mrs. Frances Rebstock ‘46 Mrs. Rozanne F. & Mr. Damian D. Redlinski ‘75,F Ms. Janet Reese ‘57 Ms. Jennifer L. Bartgen & Mr. Ben Reid ‘02,F Mr. Peter L. Rickel ‘66 Mr. Chuck Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Ruben A. Roca ‘62,’63 Mr. & Mrs. David G. Ryding Mr. John A. & Ms. Kimberly Rygiewicz Mrs. Karen S. & Mr. Wayne Sanchez ‘91,F Dr. Richard Sandell ‘65 Rev. & Mrs. Duane V. Sarazin ‘68,’69 Mr. Wade R. Scheffner ‘00 Mr. Karl E. Schmidt ‘94 Mrs. Betsy E. Schmitt ‘56 Ms. Linda Scholer ‘67 Mrs. Shirley Schroeder & Dr. Carl N. Schroeder* F,’43 2 4 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Mr. John & Mrs. Patti Serafini Mrs. Lynne G. Severson ‘65 Ms. Colleen Shanahan Mrs. Ann C. Sherwin ‘64 Dr. John H. Shindler Mr. M. James Simonsen ‘51 Mrs. Patsy T. Snodgrass ‘92 Mr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Susie Sorenson Mr. Steven J. & Mrs. Kimberly L. Spayer Mr. Timothy J. Stark ‘93 Mr. Patrick W. Steenberge John L. & Karen Stolz ‘90,F Mr. & Mrs Gregory Stolze ‘15,’03 Mr. Jeff A. Stuepfert ‘89 Mr. Michael B. Sundblad ‘03 Rev. Lana T. Sutton ‘66 Mr. Eric Swanson ‘89 Dr. James E. Swanson ‘74 Mr. Bernard F. Sweeney Mr. Matthew R. & Mrs. Kelly Taphorn Mr. Phillip A. Taylor ‘90 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Tinkoff Mr. Dan Tovrog Dr. Ronald & Dr. Sue E. Trapp ‘65,’67 Dr. & Mrs. Roger E. Ulrich ‘53,F Rev. Don K. Utzman ‘54 Mr. Douglas W. Van Dell ‘79 Dr. Lawrence G. & Ms. Lynette Van Oyen F,’01 Dr. Divya E. Vernerey ‘95 Mr. Peter J. Waddell ‘68 Mr. Brian V. Walsh ‘94 Mrs. Theresa & Mr. Paul J. Weeks ‘85,F Mr. Brad L. & Mrs. Stacy Weiss ‘97,F Mr. & Mrs. R. Weissenhofer ‘78,’78 Mrs. Dorothy S. Wester ‘65 Ms. Mary E. Widicus ‘78 Mrs. Caroline Wieman ‘61 Miss Linda C. Wilke ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Wisthuff ‘54,’54 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zeller Jr. ‘72,’73 Mr. Richard S. Zimmermann ‘61 Mr. Christopher M. Zollo A U GU S T IN E A . S M I T H SOCIE T Y Recognition for a planned gift of $100,000 or more in an estate or established in a charitable trust during the 2014-2015 fiscal year. Mrs. Marilyn J. Workman ‘54 THE CORNERSTONE SOCIE T Y Mrs. Louise Anderson Norma E. Anzel Rev. Thomas E. & Mrs. Mary J. Babler James & Patricia Bambule Bryan E. Barus John G. Bauernfeind Debra Behrens Monna Bergdall Mary Lou Bloede Benjamin & Marcia Bohnsack Dwight D. Bornemeier Dennis L. Bosch Judy Bradford Patricia Myers Brenner David L. Briggs Rogene A. Buchholz Jari Holland Buck Mr. & Mrs. James E. Byrne Richard D. Campe Barbara A. Carter Mary Ann Champion Helga H. Connors Kenneth D. Cress Carol Leich Dalessio David E. Dietrich Nick & Sandy Dispensa Vera L. Eby J. Charles Eldridge, Ph.D. Dr. J. K. Erffmeyer Rev. & Mrs. David L. Farina Ann E. Fichtner Arthur E. Fitzner Richard & Diana Franzen II Lynda Frederick Willard Gabel Leslie & Barbara (Olsen) Geiter Kathleen A. Graham Charmaine Gregory Dorothy White Griffiths Linda Hagen Vicki A. Haines John D. & Tracy L. Harrington Kristin Harrington Eleanor Hartwig Steven L. Heeley Donald Heinrich Barbara & Nick Heintz Fred Helton Jamie W. Hensley P. Arden Herr June L. Hess Ella D. Hildebrand Iris B. Hovey Roger F. Hruby Ann E. Hurmence Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Hyett Robert C. Jansen Donald & Mary Ann Jirak Peter P. Jones Jean A. Kennaugh Thomas M. Kerwin David Klussendorf Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry J. Knuckles Janet Koehler Mrs. Matthew Kopecky Ken & Leslie Kotiza Myron M. & Doris M. Kottke Eugene Krell WILLS & TRUSTS Estate of Dwight S. & Marilyn Busacca Estate of Bernice H. Gantzert Lucille Henderson Trust Estate of Myrle Miller Estate of Frances Mayer Rikli & Arthur Rikli Estate of Howard R. Vieth C L A S S O F 19 3 7 Annual Fund: $ 200.00 Special Gifts: $ 0 Total Donors: 2 Participation: 40% Giving Clubs Shirley Marie Myers Chivas 52 Clarence F. Schmidt 53 C L A S S O F 19 3 8 Annual Fund: $ 0 Special Gifts: $ 25,191.72 Total Donors: 2 Participation: 29% Faculty lineup, Opening Convocation Tower Society Howard Rollin Vieth* 49 Presidents Club Myrle Priem Miller* 38 Marie Krueger Wesley & Jacquelee Lamb Phyllis Larson Thomas L. Lelivelt James & Susanne Lenz Raymond Leone Mr. & Mrs. H. Kenwood Lewis Rev. Jerome & Pamela Lipka Bette Long Diane & Richard Luze Dan M. Madigan Jr. James E. Marseille Sarah Marshall Robert Martin Nancy Blotch Mayer Donald & Marilyn McKay Thomas R. Mellish Duane Mevis Carol M. Meyer Charles Minarik Sally Mittelstadt Charles E. Mott Donald Nickolson Darlene Noerenberg Richard & Arlene Norenberg Carolyn Oehler Jeff Oesterle Jon Pagano Allen F. Panek Pamela K. Pepper Muriel J. Phillips Carl & Roxanna Pinnow Christine Pless-Savage Donald R. Pletcher Faye Pletcher Robert E. Raynett Frances Rebstock Linda R. (Rowden) Roberts Charlotte Roederer Ian & Mimi (Flickinger) Rolland Peter E. Roller Glen Ryburn Betsy Schmitt Robert & Linda Schrader Robert & Nancy (Heyer) Schroeder Annette Scott Donna Vee Scott Elizabeth C. Scott Jack & Joanne Seith Sharon L. Senn Terry J. Senty Mary V. Soales Rick & Patricia Spencer Florence W. Steben John L. & Karen Stolz Rev. Don & Cindy Strauch Anita Strauss Dr. Roger Stressman Mr. & Mrs. David R. Stuart Jesse Stupple Marilyn E. Sundby Samantha Theobald James & Joyce Thomas Paul & Beverly Truran Don Utzman Ronald & Kay Van Buskirk Lynn G. Walker Marilyn K. Walsh Thomas A. Wessel Hal & Benna Wilde Keith M. Witmer Ted Wonder Marilyn Kubly Freitag Workman Richard J. Wyllie Evelyn Yablonski Nicholas J. Zec Jr. Carol Zook CORNERSTONE SOCIE T Y Members recently deceased Howard L. Cosyns Mrs. Mable Gleim Mrs. Harold Henning Ward Larson Arthur Rikli R. W. Strong C L A S S O F 19 4 3 Annual Fund: $ 1,000.00 Special Gifts: $ 0 Total Donors: 10 Participation: 45% Giving Clubs Eleanor R. Henning Ahearn 10 Robert L. Beebe 37 Esther Payne Kevern* 48 Carl N. Schroeder* 40 Contributors Merle R. Benning 24 Elizabeth Cowles Krug Douglas 49 Louis O. Gilpatrick 40 Virginia Matthies Himmel 15 Beatrice Ruth Christofersen McLaskey 44 Marjorie Heininger Pohly 49 C L A S S O F 19 4 4 Annual Fund: $ 2,115.00 Special Gifts: $ 0 Total Donors: 10 Participation: 40% Presidents Club Margery Ritzenthaler Phillips 18 Giving Clubs Annual Fund: $ 100.00 Special Gifts: $ 57,759.43 Total Donors: 2 Participation: 25% Olive Jean Hughes Bailey 16 Avis J. Johnson Benning 52 Lois Grote Bruns 52 Shirley J. Schneider Bruns 50 Ferne Hack Hoeft 52 Robert Piper 43 William R. Rudolph 44 Roger Marlin Stressman 46 Legacy Society Contributors C L A S S O F 19 3 9 Arthur Rikli* 54 Helen M. Miller Cline Giving Clubs R. Lucile Thomas Schmidt* 53 C L A S S O F 19 41 Annual Fund: $ 1,230.00 Special Gifts: $ 8,384.68 Total Donors: 6 Participation: 40% Presidents Club Eileen B. Kolander Freshley 54 Evelyn G. Raecker Yablonski 45 Giving Clubs Jean M. Oliver Henning* 23 Lorene G. Kapp Juhnke 52 Contributors Vivian Johnson Hargrove 49 C L A S S O F 19 4 2 Annual Fund: $ 2,730.00 Special Gifts: $ 0 Total Donors: 3 Participation: 17% Presidents Club Samuel F. Russell 42 Annual Fund: $ 785.00 Special Gifts: $ 50.00 Total Donors: 10 Participation: 30% Giving Clubs Mary S. Russell Beebe 37 Neomia J. Sengelaub Bubert 46 Marion Augustine Davis* 42 Edward H. Grau 27 Betty Magenheimer Taylor 50 Contributors Mabel Alice Christofersen 10 LaVonne Woessner Martin 48 Kenneth H. Pohly 49 Donald W. Rhodes 52 Ruth Simpson Rhodes 52 C L A S S O F 19 4 6 Annual Fund: $ 4,415.00 Special Gifts: $ 6,942.55 Total Donors: 15 Participation: 48% Tower Society Dwight S. Busacca* 55 Giving Clubs Edwin E. Kellogg 32 Contributors Joseph E. Himmel C L A S S O F 19 4 5 15 Presidents Club Mary Gamertsfelder Geier 45 Helen C. Gamertsfelder Naumann 51 Giving Clubs Jackson K. Erffmeyer 54 Helen Branigan Glessner 44 Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 25 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Mary Ann Stengel Newman 37 Frances Teuchert Rebstock 47 Phyllis Peck Warrick 42 Norma Jean Stahl Wissing 45 Contributors Helen T. Llewellyn Cutting 45 Nicholas Hood 28 Marietta Hoffman Lambrecht 45 Esther M. Silvius 34 Florence Wright Steben 53 Cynthia Beardsley Wagner 25 C L A S S O F 19 47 Annual Fund: $ 4,060.00 Special Gifts: $ 12,200.00 Total Donors: 11 Participation: 35% Tower Society Donald H. Heinrich 44 Presidents Club Barbara Gast Hack 53 Keith M. Witmer 53 Giving Clubs John Taylor Groves Dwight William Rieke 33 Kathryn Ann Hoesch Rockwood 40 Willard S. Stelling 54 Contributors Ruthanne Abbott Baird 52 Minerva Meyer Diekvoss Batt 52 Hazel Delores Lepien Daehler 52 Joseph A. Rippinger C L A S S O F 19 4 8 Annual Fund: $ 4,682.50 Special Gifts: $ 7,264.05 Total Donors: 20 Participation: 36% Presidents Club Lowell C. Berger 51 Betty R. Brown 28 Richard C. Smith 51 David D. Spiegler 42 Giving Clubs Helen J. Macgregor Baker 55 Rollin N. Bubert 46 Virginia Rice Echo* 49 David G. Haebich 54 Iris L. Borsack Harvey 54 Shirley Hofmann 53 Gloria J. Hatch Mathers Elfrieda Soeffker Patton 45 Rose Mary Rechenmacher Persiani 40 Charlotte Steiner Queen* 42 Contributors Helga Henningsen Connors 41 Ruth L. Booher Hahn 36 Lois A. Harshman Harding 49 Mitsuru Kadoyama 51 Marilyn Pauch Shaver 42 Jack R. Stenger 31 C L A S S O F 19 4 9 Annual Fund: $ 7,075.00 Special Gifts: $ 1,824.50 Total Donors: 30 Participation: 47% Presidents Club Lois Stauffer Berger 52 Howard L. Cosyns* 41 Contributors Myron M. Kottke 49 Vivian M. Berg Miner 46 William C. Seiser 53 Genevieve I. Scheffner Spiegler 42 Donald L. Sullivan 40 Giving Clubs Juanita J. Siegert Bomstein 33 Clyde F. Galow 43 Merlin J. Hoeft* 52 Warren R. Otto 51 Ruth B. Larson Rieke 33 Carol M. Jelinek Sprunger 53 Joyce E. Gauerke Tanner 50 Edward A. Tehle 41 Ann L Bode Thede 51 James E. Will 38 Contributors Loretta A. Meisinger Callender 29 Burton L. Crosby* 53 Gwenneth Thede Hinz 34 Elizabeth A Howell Johnson 35 Mary Lou Kuenzli Kinner 54 Patricia Lane Lockett 26 William L. Lockett 26 Frances Joann McDonnell 25 Theodore L. Rebstock 43 William F. Shaver 42 Phyllis Eckardt Tholin 49 Richard Tholin 49 Faith Schwab Wendland 53 C L A S S O F 19 5 0 Annual Fund: $ 26,848.50 Special Gifts: $ 6,291.80 Total Donors: 40 Participation: 37% Legacy Society William J. Abe 55 Presidents Club Richard G. Harrer 43 Eugene E. Krell 56 Dorothy Eigenbrodt Lang 55 Waldo H. Lang 55 Robert Miner 46 Elaine M. Rohloff Mommsen 53 Milton Oliver Siewert 51 Jarvis L. Spreng 55 Mary K. Lutz Spreng 55 Reuben Thomas Stibbe* 52 James Burton Wolf 37 Mary Lee Siemsen Wolf 37 Robert O. Wolf 53 Carl John Zager 49 Erma E. Bunse Zager 49 Patricia Colburn Horman Zeller 52 Giving Clubs Ruth M. Schneider Burbank 29 Leonard E. Burch 28 Donald D. Fenner 54 Dwight L. Freshley 45 Paul E. Gilman 55 Helen Frances Tobin Johnson 42 Paul R. McGee 52 Urban Eugene Miller 38 George Clyde Moore 42 Kenyon P. Patterson 55 Jean S. Peterson 55 Elizabeth Van Adestine Prescott 41 John S Prescott 41 Muriel Frank Rayson 45 Dale Thomas Schendel 16 Mary Beed Smital 33 Erv T. Spevak 18 2 6 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Cardinal Camps discover sustainability in Chicago Contributors Joyce Ramsdale Boyer 35 John L. Brittan 41 Roger Harges Marjean Grandlienard Utzman Harper 50 Robert G. Hoffman 46 James H. Wagner 25 C L A S S O F 19 51 Annual Fund: $ 14,472.50 Special Gifts: $ 6,896.92 Total Donors: 34 Participation: 43% Presidents Club Beverly Zaininger Esser 53 Leota Buss Ester 43 Harris W. Fawell 46 Ralph F. Huth 37 Raymond P. Polivka 53 Margaret Jameson Radle 47 Carol Hope Passow Siewert 51 Barbara J. Irwin Thompson 53 Giving Clubs Willard W. Albertus 47 Daniel A. Corretore 55 William W. Hammond 46 Alan E. Kelling 33 LaVonne Kremer Kelling 33 Donald E. Koten 22 Ruth Gardner Neuman 40 Karl William Noltemeier 49 Bettylu Gretchen Menzel Olson 52 Charlotte Grantman Peichl 35 Joan Planos 21 Arthur E. Rawers 35 M. James Simonsen 54 Lorraine L. Frank Spong-Scoville 46 Shirley J. Bartleson Tehle 41 Warren L. Vodak 29 Gertrude Hilde Nachbaur Wendt 54 Robert C. Wendt 54 Contributors Marilyn Jacobs Biederman Zelma Jean Lewis Crosby 53 Warren C. Giere 44 Marcia Meyer Hawkins 45 Darlene Noerenberg Schille 21 Phyllis Kuenzli Overmier 50 Michael F. Pope 41 Dale F. Voss 36 C L A S S O F 19 5 2 Annual Fund: $ 22,051.00 Special Gifts: $ 1,001.00 Total Donors: 34 Participation: 36% Legacy Society Mary Bomberger Abe 55 Presidents Club Ruby Lucile Bohm Allen 45 Constance Marie Haas Bentz 51 George Olin Bentz 51 Albert John Brons 40 Ruth Bauserman Brown 22 Richard F. Calhoun 41 Ruth V. Johnson Fawell 46 Doris Gross Kottke 49 Marilyn Hoover Kuppler 52 Marilyn E. Koeller Sundby 54 Donald Widder 11 Giving Clubs Robert A. Craig 51 Mildred K. Spliethoff Craig* 51 Elizabeth L. Gatz 54 Richard F. Gauch 13 Roger Harold Grantman 26 J. Philip Hey 44 Robert E. Horton 51 Carl R. Lemna 42 Barbara Nell Clawson Litschgi 17 Curtis J. Mathison 46 Alice Elizabeth Fairbank Mulligan* 55 K. Louise Mast Noltemeier 49 Susan E. Lahr Repke-Rice 32 William A. Seith 35 Contributors Donald T. Arboe 35 Griselda Ketterling Belzowski 20 Lawrence A. Drum* 32 Walter Howard Jelinek 11 Jean Dickson Matzke 46 Ralph O. Muehl 11 Marilyn Joan Schneider-Feaver 48 Frank O. Yezek 31 C L A S S O F 19 5 3 Annual Fund: $ 8,476.10 Special Gifts: $ 8,737.50 Total Donors: 37 Participation: 44% Presidents Club Wilmer T. Bloy 27 Audrey Ruth Rambow Bueche 52 Leila Elaine Harrer Heinrich 40 Donna Mae Siemsen Larson 51 Miriam Lois Getz Lehman 54 James A. Lenz 48 Marguerite Anne Veh Lueptow 53 Frederick C. Neiser 11 Marty Anne Beed Schwab 53 Marlys Sonnenberg Widder 11 Giving Clubs Dale D. Beling 37 Clara A. Moorehead Black 51 Wesley E. Diener 48 Paul Erickson 40 Gudrun Frese Erickson* 40 Alyce L. Davis Hammond 46 Verlyn C. Harr 48 Byron Hiller Light 37 Carol M. Flugum Meyer 47 John H. Oberhelman 42 Roger E. Ulrich 49 G. Allan Weick 51 John A. Will 36 Harry S. Wright 45 Helen Hower Wright 45 Contributors Marilyn Brownell 37 Edward L. Heyer 48 John L. Kammin 22 Donald A. Ladd 37 Norman MacGregor 17 Helen Jean Oran Myles 48 Kenneth E. Myles 48 Andrew C. Noxon 41 Ruth Ann Haist Silvernail 51 Truman Rae Stehr 27 Joyce Mertz Tolbert Marylin Juanita Watson 10 C L A S S O F 19 5 4 Annual Fund: $ 9,765.00 Special Gifts: $ 238,124.62 Total Donors: 45 Participation: 51% Legacy Society Marilyn Jean Kubly Workman 53 Presidents Club Walter John Larson 51 Robert E. Lehman 54 Wayne R. Lueptow 53 Anita L. Wuertz Strauss 54 William Lawrence Warden 42 Giving Clubs Charles R. Barr 53 Elwood J. Berkompas 25 Carolyn Rein Corretore 55 Norma Oppedahl Fenner 54 Melvin L. Gabel 54 Vera Matzke Gabel 54 Suzanne Simmons Gauch 13 Ronald L. Gould 43 Merton D. Lueptow 48 Greta Ritzel Macias 24 Nancy M. Blotch Mayer 50 LeRoy W. Mielke 25 Donald R. Neuman 33 Gordon E. Rasmussen 43 Kenneth R. Ritzert 30 Duane T. Sahs 47 Lois Henning Seith 50 Patricia Schneller St. Angelo 49 Thomas J. Stachnik 39 Lois Chandler Stack 51 Gay Fisher Swenson 16 Leong T. Tan* 50 Don K. Utzman 51 Carol Goehring Voss 51 Antoinette Smira Votava 31 Lois Roesti Wisthuff 49 Ronald A. Wisthuff 49 Leroy W Rhein Sylvia Ebinger Riley 23 James F. Thomas 30 Joyce Snyder Thomas 30 Lucille C. Williamson Wiggin 44 Paul E. Zimmermann 45 Contributors Presidents Club Marie E. Borsack Chezem 47 Betty Winskill Curtiss 26 Valerie Uebele Dudley 52 Audrey Schreiber Grifall 44 Barbara Anderson Marek 17 Walter E. Marek 17 Gerald A. Pohly Elizabeth J. Rigsby 38 Donald F. Schultz 41 Carl G. Silvernail 47 Frances M. Steinacker 52 Evelyn M. Thomas 54 C L A S S O F 19 5 5 Annual Fund: $ 45,765.00 Special Gifts: $ 98,728.69 Total Donors: 40 Participation: 50% Legacy Society Jane Koten Mimi Flickinger Rolland 50 50 Tower Society Richard G. Norenberg 54 Presidents Club Leon O. Arneson Kenneth Darrell Berlin 53 Ann E. Hurmence 49 John W. Kalas 37 Ken Lewis 51 Lyle E. Littlewood 41 41 Giving Clubs Thomas W. Holbrook 53 Glenn O. Kohlhepp 53 Marlene Anne Bassett Johns 39 Lois Margaret Helmers Lemna 42 Robert E. Neumann 52 Paul E. Steele 10 Lee Dalrymple 38 Evan R. Davies 29 Edwin Hixson Eigenbrodt 20 Valare A. Logemann Hesterberg 14 Charles S. Lee 50 Lucy Joan Ricks McDonald 46 June Bowell Mueggenborg 48 Richard J. Otto 22 William C. Randall 35 Eleanor Gabel Ranney 35 Ronald J. Rench 26 Contributors Richard L. Bonney 42 Allan E. Crabb 35 Ed A. DuPlessis 25 Helen Farnham Findley 49 Paul W. Iwig 31 Nancy A. Hall Schobert 33 Richard Franklin Woodward Donald August Zanotelli 53 C L A S S O F 19 5 6 Annual Fund: $ 6,870.00 Special Gifts: $ 19,092.83 Total Donors: 33 Participation: 35% Tower Society Arlene Lindquist Norenberg 54 Eleanor Bohm Arneson Richard L. Harris 46 Duane B. Mevis 39 Nancy E. Heyer Schroeder 54 Wesley F. Stieg 52 Nancy Burge Thiesfeld 29 Nore F. Thiesfeld 29 Richard Wehrli 48 41 Giving Clubs Darlene J. Heilman Abdella 48 Mary Luenna Vondal Bergen 48 Betty K. Kameshima Carr 32 Lois Ringelberg Davenport 45 Elaine Y. Wolf Hummer 51 Dan M. Madigan 50 Virginia L. Kolze Rasmussen 42 Betsy E Belding Schmitt 42 Mary V. Craig Soales 25 Dean L. Stoffer 52 Elizabeth Modder Waier 21 Wilmert H. Wolf 41 Dale R. Wordelman 54 Lorrine Helm Wordelman 54 Contributors J. Joyce Page Brake 28 Barbara Carlson 41 Janis L. Henning Carlson 30 Anthony J. Farina 43 Glenn E. Grandfield 32 Louise C. Swanson Lindberg 45 Joan Claire Davidson Mason 34 Iola Wendland Mullins Robert B. Rothrock 44 Richard D. Winters 41 C L A S S O F 19 5 7 Annual Fund: $ 13,140.00 Special Gifts: $ 6,363.50 Total Donors: 41 Participation: 48% Presidents Club David P. Farley 54 Evan W. Getz 53 Arline R. Coffman Johnson 54 Donald E. Johnson 54 Marion M. Allds Pace 29 Barbara W. Schroeder Rehn 53 Beverly Richard Svoboda 48 John V. Wendling 19 Dennis K. Wentz 51 Giving Clubs Floral E. Macke Amy 41 Beverly A. Magenheimer Bartel 39 Lowell C. Bartel 39 Jean Ranson Bauman 47 Dewey Carl Benson Allan T. Carlson 24 Nancy Auten Carlson 24 Ruth Larson Chapek 17 David L. Correll 40 Mary Joanne Feik Cross 15 Gerald A. Hall 51 Elizabeth Blum Kaufman 30 Virginia Frank Lambrecht 10 Janet Reese 36 Joan Kanikula Ritzert 30 Jane Woessner Schoeny 29 Donna Vee Strutz Scott 49 Marlene Miller Smith 51 Joanne Naulin Sook 32 John J. Sook 32 Sheldon B. Williams 52 Contributors Norma E. Voigt Dettmann 51 Willard Gabel 51 Ned W. Hawbecker 48 Joyce Jones Iwig 32 Gerrit Laning* 27 Charles F. Lee 14 Marion Halterman Lewis 51 Donald H. Mueggenborg 46 Carol Jane Schroeder Seiwell 49 Patricia A. Stroud Stroud 11 Grace Marie Bouloin Wohlfeil 43 C L A S S O F 19 5 8 Annual Fund: $ 10,528.88 Special Gifts: $ 11,817.89 Total Donors: 48 Participation: 42% Tower Society Phillip H. Burke 52 Presidents Club Thomas W. Drake 37 Joan Kerr Fleck 26 Marilyn R. Weinert Littlewood 41 Howard E. Mueller 40 Robert J. Sauer 54 Robert W. Schroeder 54 Howard W. Sprecher 36 Ruth C. Unger Wendling 19 Giving Clubs Alan W. Anderson 48 Dann Chamberlin 15 Clyde S Cross 15 Judith Speck Decker 30 Karen Hubert Dowling 46 Donna Bassett Heck 28 Rudolph M. Jezik Andrew Maxwell Kelly 30 Ruth M. Bird MacDonald Jean L. Rada MacMillan 39 Luann S. Mielke Molitor 42 James O. Nutt 31 Donald F. Prouty 18 James S. Rank 38 Donna Vite Riehm 53 Roger W. Ritzert 37 Elizabeth Hiltenbrand Sahs 47 David A. Schneider 42 Robert Edward Townsend 34 Leonard M. Votava 31 Ronald C. Winkler 54 Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 27 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Contributors Glenn Charles Ball 16 Edythe Mary Carleton Beckman 32 Erna Kathleen Sprung Boyer 52 Ernest Wendell Boyer 52 Shirley Ann Wandrey Bradow 17 Faith Marie Dicke 35 Daniel S. Driggett 26 Lois Boynton Farina 43 Richard Edward Haas 23 Betty O’Neal Laning 27 Melvin W. Lindberg 45 Diana Beverly Horsky Schwarze 23 Norman K. Silvester 41 Everett F. Staffeldt 40 Gary Michael Stees 32 Gayle Joyce Van Ramshorst Stees 32 Joyce Natalie Lange Unke 12 John H. Wohlfeil 43 C L A S S O F 19 5 9 Annual Fund: $ 20,120.00 Special Gifts: $ 21,189.50 Total Donors: 53 Participation: 44% Legacy Society James E. Bramsen 47 Tower Society Faye R. Wells Burke 52 Presidents Club Joseph J. Haney 26 Marcia A. Bornemeier Harman 42 Robert J. Harman 42 Barbara Yucker Lang 25 David W. Lang 25 David O. Marks 21 Mary A. Strahan Mueller 40 Charles E. Ross David Reynolds Stuart 35 JoAnn Lois Heilman Stuart 35 Robert P. Williams 53 Giving Clubs Paul A. Agnew 30 Frederick W. Bennett 45 Phyllis Fraser Benson Monna L. Becker Bergdall 50 Carolyn Faye Weibel Berkey 41 Rogene A. Buchholz 28 Barbara Claus Esterly 52 Leroy H. Fassett 17 Robert B. Fink 44 Alice Hope Kliene Hall 51 Janis K Hazenfield Hirschman 48 Larry Hobson David Hochstettler 14 Sharon Kerentoff Hochstettler* 14 Frank C. Jen 37 Delmar E. Kentner Lynn K. Kollath 43 Richard H. Lambrecht 10 Martin T. Lang 36 Gale Frank Lehnus 37 Jack K. Marshall 51 George J. Picha 41 Kenneth Ries 39 Ronald F. Saylor 37 Mary K. Washburn Smith 54 John O. Swanstrom 30 Roslyn E. Riha Swanstrom 29 Janet M. Weyrick Templeton 37 Contributors Paul G. Brinkman 32 Mark A. Estridge 54 Mary Ann Pulsing Fergin 41 William Gerberich 21 Max C. Heide 21 Donald W. Huffman 34 Ragnar S. Liljequist 40 Ralph H. Peterson 35 Joyce C. Kessler Schroeder 40 C L A S S O F 19 61 Annual Fund: $ 11,250.81 Special Gifts: $ 16,830.43 Total Donors: 70 Participation: 47% Presidents Club John D. Bramsen 22 Richard L. Easterday 40 Milton L. Geisler Stephan G. Johnson 40 Robert F. Kirk 43 Sally Duke Kirk 43 Thomas L. Lelivelt 54 John C. Nothacker 51 Allen F. Panek 50 Frances Elizabeth Nickel Raduege 45 William Edward Raduege 45 Linda Grennan Schrader 49 Robert Franklin Schrader 49 Clyde Paul Uebele 52 Presidents Club Giving Clubs C L A S S O F 19 6 0 Annual Fund: $ 30,185.00 Special Gifts: $ 2,451.00 Total Donors: 47 Participation: 37% Tower Society Marjorie A. Lewis Goethe 21 Dorothy Hawley Haney 49 Larry G. Haney 49 Betty L. Kirchdorfer Plum 46 Jo Ann Schmidt Roessler 52 Larry G. Roessler 52 John Core Sippy 38 Giving Clubs Neil A. Denker 44 Ruth Mary Gauerke Denker 44 Luanne M. Unbehaun Luebke-Dregne 40 Mary Lou Ruegsegger Bennetch 45 Ronald N. Liesemer 35 Harold E. Riehm 53 Robert J. Schiedler 30 Nancy C. Bouldin Chapman 40 Helen Bauman de Widt 16 Joan M. Carlson Gullborg 42 Robert E. Gullborg 42 Carlyle D. Horstmeier 48 John M. Molitor 42 Fredric L. Moore 39 George C. Mueller 27 James J. Perisin 15 Ed Perkins 42 Jeanette A. Sproull Perkins 42 Iolyn K. Mielke Plagenz 53 Colleen M. Sawicki Rogers 52 Juanita Long Spanogle 33 Joylyn Ostic Wahla 53 Robert W. Welk 17 Dale G. Zimmerman 44 Rosemary Ritsema Zimmerman 44 Contributors Raymond Gustafson 47 Dora Christie Hubbard 30 Marjorie Ann Knapp 41 James McFadden 34 Kathleen Mollison 32 Patricia Hazel Peterson 28 Lucille Sprecher Silvester 41 Thomas G. Tobey Millie R. Beine Waterman 41 Margaret L. Pritchard Winters 46 Milton D. Wolf 29 Barbara A. Faist Zophy 21 Ronald A. Zophy 21 Contributors Ronald Bagley 30 Muriel D. Schroeder Barnes 30 Margaret L. Winskill Bredow 25 2 8 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu 32 James Ralph Barnes 39 Stan D. Boyer 51 Ray F. Brinker 22 Robert G. Burkhart 50 Jack Allen Coleman* 31 Joseph Donald Czelusniak 27 Judith E. Davis Donegan 23 Doward Gerrit Douwsma 41 Nancy Carol Gerds Douwsma 41 Barbara H. Mark Duehn 51 Wayne D. Duehn 51 Carolyn Grace Higley Grigereit 27 Nancy A. Weyrick Grote 46 Reynaldo F. Hernandez 51 Miria L. Lehnus Hester 43 Margaret Hoepe Hudson 34 Robert C. Jansen 51 Susan Watson Kelly 30 Kirby F. Koeller 46 Vida Becker Kollath 43 Robert George Lange 52 Mark G. Minor 44 Joseph Edward Modaff 30 Louise Olson Napoli 31 Frank J. Prucha 51 Sharon R. Zimmerman Rader 35 Glenn S. Ryburn 38 Ralph C. Seeger 49 Jack D. Seith 45 Terry J. Senty 46 Miriam Frasch Studer 29 Imre A. Szalai 41 Frank Earl Thompson 42 Donald D. Topp 42 Ronald L. Voss 42 Marilyn K. Walsh 55 Marilyn L. Faust Whittle 12 Caroline Kohlhaas Wieman 44 Robert Curtis Worner 46 Richard S. Zimmermann 48 Contributors Ray C. Anderson 46 D. Michael Balluff 15 Jean Elinor Kesselring Bonney 42 Carol Reeves Carlquist 16 Kenneth G. Cloud 11 David J. Cole 53 Carol Ehrhardt Dallman 23 Sandra Sauer Driggett 26 Gene A. Flickinger 42 Betty E. Bredemeier Huffman 34 Barbara Lee Sommers Nelson 37 Judy Mull Pierman Judy Kufer Rizner 33 Ruth Kesselring Royal 33 Carol June Ricketts Snyder 19 Jane Haid Srail 33 Sandra L. Wysong Steer* 44 Malcom D. Steider 30 C L A S S O F 19 6 2 Annual Fund: $ 13,677.00 Special Gifts: $ 111,875.00 Total Donors: 63 Participation: 46% Legacy Society Robert E. Michael 52 Presidents Club Marilee Eaton Hanson 38 Edward D. Keeley 12 Janice Kemmerer Keeley 12 Esther Gibson Liesemer 52 William C. Melsheimer 39 Charles Minarik 53 Katherine Jane Shirer Nothacker 51 Carolyn Henninger Oehler 31 Bruce E. Shirer 37 Kay A. Schwartz Van Buskirk 50 Ronald Van Buskirk 50 Richard Wilkey 40 Giving Clubs Robert G Baker 15 Gay Flickinger Blech 22 Judith Meyer Blythe 47 Ernest Brandon 37 Lynne Faubel Brinker 22 Charles T. Coffin 22 Ruth Gillingham Coleman 31 Martha Vestal DiCicco 31 Joyce E. Maier Firebaugh 37 Joyce Perry Baseman Fisher 51 George W. Fleming 45 Ruth E. Savage Frig 20 Carol Harper 52 Dennis R. Henneman 14 Glenda Rae Wilkie Hernandez 51 Taivo Hurt 40 Barbara O’Connell Judson 20 Anne Clawson Koth 44 Raymond Leone 54 Phillip D. Lockwood 44 Sharon R. Passow Mielke 25 Mary Lydia Miller Mullen 51 R. Dean Phillips 38 LaVonne C. Thies Presley 45 Carolyn R. Bouldin Reed 45 Myra A. Hildebrand Riskedal 35 Ruben A. Roca 52 Milton G. Schmitt 45 David J. Senn 54 Sharon L. Viner Senn 38 Oriene E. Morrow Springstroh 50 James F. Stark 47 Larry Jacob Studer 29 Mae E. Seeley Sylvester 32 Lee E. Tuveson 31 Thomas A. Tyler 25 Carol Jean Miller Weston 34 Patsy J. Barteck Williams 51 Contributors Gayle Beintema Brinkman 32 Carolyn Adams Hubbard Duren 47 Melvin D. Fischer 40 Maureen Kelly Flickinger 42 Reinhold Fritz 34 David R. Hartman 54 Linda Avise Hovland 10 Richard E. Keough 19 John B. Litweiler 28 Laura L. Estridge McClellan 23 Gordon R. Meyer 41 Mary Anne Panosh 44 C L A S S O F 19 6 3 C L A S S O F 19 6 4 Annual Fund: $ 8,560.00 Special Gifts: $ 3,136,793.85 Total Donors: 58 Participation: 43% Annual Fund: $ 7,805.00 Special Gifts: $ 123,451.00 Total Donors: 56 Participation: 36% Legacy Society Legacy Society James A. Bambule 45 Patricia Carole Brady Bambule 45 Jacquelyn R. Lewis Wentz 48 Myron W. Wentz 37 Tower Society Donald R. Jirak 49 M. Dean Wilson 50 Russell K. Wilson 50 Presidents Club James E. Byrne 53 John T. Devine* 33 Sandra Maurer Ehrenberg 29 Karen L. Johnson 39 Wesley Lamb 40 Richard A. Liesemer 52 Beth Thomas Zimmermann 48 Giving Clubs Janice Eileen Unke Barnes 39 Harry J. Classen 42 Emily A. Belding Curtis 35 Gary A. Dusek 48 Nancy L. Neher Dusek 48 Joyce Hogan Goerne 25 Robert D. Goerne 25 Bruce T. Heitke 40 Fawn Dabrowski Hewitt 36 Gail G. Neumann Howard 35 Janice K. Brien Huffman 30 David C. Johnson 18 Kenneth D. Kellogg 39 Peter D. Keseric 12 Richard A. Kramer 26 Brenda J. Hedberg Kulp 21 Donald J. Lovse 44 Douglas R. Martin 45 Sharon V. Arendsen McManus 47 Thomas W. Miller 39 Suzanne Eller Oelman 38 Mary Ruth Oran 44 Lawrence A. Poltrock 30 Paul H. Reed 45 Mary E. Shirer Roca 52 Barbara McDaniels Ryburn 38 Wayne H. Schimpff 28 Ronda M. Keller Senn 54 Roger M. Swanson 43 Diana Dittmann Van Kannel 29 John H. Van Kannel 29 Max F. Wingett 39 Richard J. Wyllie 40 Contributors Joan R. Hoffman Bundt Arlie Faulhaber 43 Jerilyn L. Heup Gossett 32 Robert L. Gossett 32 Carol A. Cobb Herman 45 Barbara A. Lugeanbeal 38 Clifford R. Miller 13 Martha U. Ulrich Nuckols 52 Robert Douglas Nuckols 52 John W. Stoffel Judith Karen Stegmeier Westin 33 Judith E. Schneider Michael 52 Presidents Club Paul H. Bosshardt 48 Susan G. Gates Bosshardt 48 Michele Urban Farley 44 Walter A. Farley 44 Richard A. Fink 52 Jayne Thompson Hart 51 Jacquelee Louy Lamb 40 John L. Novak 37 Robert E. Raynett 42 Carol A. Schaal Smith 49 Donald R. Wolfensberger 45 Giving Clubs John L. Bandy Mary P. Rohlfs Bock 25 Margaret Elizabeth Kuglin Borry 18 Nancy A. Boyle 22 Adelheid H. Lang Brewer 49 David L. Brewer 49 William Walter Brodne 32 F. Roger Burgess 51 Mary Ann Frahm Champion 49 Barbara Fedorka Darrah 19 Charlene Vaclavka Dvorak 10 Rolland G. Fink 43 Robert A. Frig 20 John A. Helledy 46 Richard A. Kolar 41 Judith Ann Gault Lange 53 Larry D. Michelson Joyce Ann Carncross Minor 44 Charles Egbert Mott 29 Donald Milford Nelson 27 Judith Koteskey Nickelsen 24 Bruce E. Nitsche 42 James A. Ort 18 Lynn Clayton Peterson 34 Ann C. Martin Sherwin 48 John Harry Thanos* 32 Sandra Jeanette Miller Thompson 43 Contributors Betty Zales Beck Ken Buric 39 Gail A. Grotjahn Cooper 31 John D. DiBuono 28 James Evans Nancy Barclay Evans Douglas K. Gillings Thayer J. Hill 38 F. George Holt Della Fredericksen Hudson 22 R. Thomas Kiekhofer 19 Diane M. Weckering Minch 48 James D. Nurss 10 Sally Stanis Nurss 10 Marylou Hansen Roca 12 Rodolfo W. Roca 12 Nancy J. Naviaux Sanford 41 C L A S S O F 19 6 5 Annual Fund: $ 13,500.00 Special Gifts: $ 382,495.30 Total Donors: 70 Participation: 32% Legacy Society David L. Arendsen Ruth Neuman Arendsen 40 40 Devan Conness ’16 enjoying study abroad Tower Society Harold L. Temple 44 Presidents Club Linda J. Eddy Allison 23 Benjamin Bohnsack 44 David E. Dietrich 26 J. Charles Eldridge 39 Richard E. Eppley 39 Spencer M. Krueger 49 Diane S. Burke Land 26 Elisabeth Behrens Olson 51 William E. Petersen 29 Charlotte D. Roederer 41 Daniel Arthur Satre 40 Michael G. Vibral 14 Giving Clubs Lyle E. Allison 35 Richard E. Attig 22 Charles Ernest Bennett Michael Bibler 19 John Lewis Campbell 45 John P. Dabrowski 31 Bert Darrah 19 Patricia L. Vallely Debs 19 Louis Daniel Foust 19 Donald J. Gebbie 39 Judith Aikins Grey 22 Richard A. Hancock 48 Patricia J. McNamara Hansen 36 Jon F. Harper 16 John Hennig 11 David L. Humphreys 51 Cassandra Kunsch 12 Dwight Lewis 38 John Robert Lockwood* Louise Lueptow-Schwingel 37 Leona R. Johnson Lundgren 40 Mary C. Neuman 50 Philip W. Ogden 38 Marcia Alexander Ogden* 38 Paul U. Pawlik 47 Lance E. Pearson 43 Joann P. Kenas Richter 19 Richard J. Sandell 23 Lynne Gollnow Severson 45 Dorothy J. Fleming Shonkwiler 43 Stephen Sivyer 32 Carol J Brandt Tichy 29 Ronald Trapp 45 Carol R. Vieth 36 Dorothy S. Raduege Wester Contributors Patricia King Barksdale 45 David Beck Sheila Beyer 14 David L. Briggs 30 Robert Donald Dexheimer 34 Wayne K. Doverspike 41 Joyce Quiring Erickson 29 Judith A. Strutz Gannon 29 Ruth Ann Kennell Gantz 40 Judith A. Wickey Gillings Laurence R. Goebel 25 Sandra J. Boucek Gurgel Philip R. Jamison 30 Mildred Wilson Kolthoff 37 Ronald Lemke 28 Marcia L. Kallal Lorenz 34 Floyd Page 32 Robert L. Scarry 13 Arnold Swanson 25 Dale K. Zech 33 C L A S S O F 19 6 6 Annual Fund: $ 9,696.00 Special Gifts: $ 26,076.00 Total Donors: 51 Participation: 34% Tower Society Karen A. Nordquist 45 Presidents Club Janice Van Den Berg Byrne 53 Barbara Reynolds Jaggers 48 Donald E. Weber 46 Wallace Zook 28 Giving Clubs Carol L. Campanella Beese 18 Stephen A. Beese 50 Sharron A. Barkdoll Brunk 46 Barry Alan Bryan 13 Shirley J. Copeland Burkhart 50 Anne M. Carpenter-Tarbell 24 Camille Conforti 48 Priscilla M. Holcombe Earnest 24 Paul V. Freedlund 21 Paul A. Gutknecht 20 Linda S. Stutzman Hagen 38 Stanley L. Harr 40 Ruth E. DeVeny Husted 42 Martha Nicoll Kessler 50 Christine L. Earley Lamoreaux 12 Mary Lou Puttkowa Lipscomb 36 Mark L. Michelson 15 William R. Picha 36 Betty Brogan Reed Peter Lawrence Rickel 24 Ronald P. Shaw 43 Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 29 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Christena Sheaffer 35 Dolly Kunz Stafford 39 Lana Thompson Sutton 54 Dawn Lee Bricker Thanos 32 James A. Tichy 29 Kenneth Webster 30 Donald R. Zaininger 50 Contributors Lauren Erickson Ballard 25 Marilyn Anne Hogan Biederer 37 William T. Blythe 31 Levert Carr A. David Catlin 10 Elaine K. Longenbaugh Catlin 10 Arnold Dewayne Diehl 49 Sally Ekola 34 Ira Wesley Giese 39 Charles Michael Litweiler 39 Paul A. Miller 50 Catherine Prucha* 20 Carol Ann Rice Ramsay 29 Marjorie Wilkie Schirmer 29 William Shields 12 Mary Jane Mackie Sterling 40 Kathryn Kay Unke Waugh 42 Karen Christenson Worst 36 C L A S S O F 19 6 7 Annual Fund: $ 13,150.00 Special Gifts: $ 29,118.00 Total Donors: 52 Participation: 37% Legacy Society Robert A. Wislow 30 Presidents Club John G. Bauernfeind 34 Mary Burnham Caisley 45 David G. Knapp 32 Nancy Zeumer Kranpitz 45 William C. Linder-Scholer 35 Donna Allison Pries 40 Lynn L. Pries 40 Gwen Slater Satre 40 Giving Clubs Ruth E Miller Antoncic 34 Grace Bachmann 33 Timothy L. Beck 46 Ann C. Schilb Burgess 51 Thomas E. Eimermann 48 Elizabeth L. Dallman Gonia 22 John R. Hancock 27 Judith Harnisch 31 Sherlyn Todd Holdeman 13 Virginia Kratz Killian 40 Alberta M. Klehm Kinate 37 Sheila D. Seefeldt Kleinheinz 49 Ken Kotiza 45 Mary Ruth Williams Lewandowski 34 Susan Engelter Litka 40 Jon F. Noe 10 Phyllis Yenerich Pepiot 32 Jeanette M. Loeppert Prather 38 Thomas W. Reinhart-Marean 22 Carol L. Schelling 43 James A. Schild 26 William F. Schmiel 33 Linda Lueptow Scholer 38 Edward J. Tallach 30 Sue E. Hamilton Trapp 45 Dorcas Ruth Freshley Windsor 44 Contributors Contributors Pamela G. Amato 40 Noel K. Barteck 25 Gerald E. Bisbee 35 Pat Collier 14 Patrick Dexheimer 45 Marilyn Theuer Diehl 49 Bee Heiple Evans 12 Stanley W. Gruszka 38 Martha Healy 32 Suzanne K. Ahlstrand Jamison 30 Peter Jonsson 35 Jean Schoeller McFarren 27 Richard Schaefer 13 Arlene Staffeldt 40 Ann Classen Walczak 41 John Daniel Wier 44 Sheila Louise Petersen Wier 44 C L A S S O F 19 6 8 Annual Fund: $ 12,009.00 Special Gifts: $ 4,231.97 Total Donors: 54 Participation: 34% Presidents Club James W. Barber 30 Marcia L. Miller Bohnsack 44 William B. Edson 44 Eliza J. Keating Moravec 31 William D. Soper 37 Giving Clubs Stuart K. Allen 30 Lois H. Frahm Beery 33 Catherine Jeane Ciolac 33 Carol Leich Dalessio 25 Kenneth L. Damon 40 M. William Feind 27 James C. Ferdinandt 29 Charles A. Fischer 28 John E. Geyer 24 Jill E Smeja Gnesda 13 Carlene M. Johnson Goodin 37 Ronald L. Goodin 37 Anita Bohnsack Gray 28 Margaret A. Hood Harrison 31 Robert W. Hartman 18 Robert J. Hauri 44 Pamela J. Klass-Mittlefehldt 39 Sarah Dawson Lawrence Susan R. Anderson Mack 32 Louann J. Hruska Mackowiak 23 William F. Mellien 19 Arlene Batty Page 39 Roxanna M. Hunsberger Pinnow 23 Gerald L. Roesner 39 Lynn E. Swanson Rogala 44 Kazuko Ota Saito 10 Duane V. Sarazin 24 Lee Michael Smojver 33 Carolyn O. Kolar Swanson 39 Oliver J. Taylor 42 Timothy T. Taylor 19 Peter J. Waddell Susan Schmidt Weimer 28 Dennis L. Williams 34 Contributors Peggy A. Marquardt Adams 39 Sandra J. Schaeffer Bergeson 31 Timieth C. Collier Shirley A. Kamin Hill 39 Karen J. Kneip 34 Sheldon L. Knoespel Ted A. Longworth 38 Michael F. Maher Douglas A. Maschman 37 3 0 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Richard J. Oman 40 Penelope A. Parrish 25 Henry G. Siewert 18 Ronald F. Smith 38 David R. Sperry 12 Marcia Welzel 30 C L A S S O F 19 6 9 Annual Fund: $ 17,815.90 Special Gifts: $ 11,560.96 Total Donors: 62 Participation: 34% Presidents Club Larry E. Adkison 29 Thomas E. Babler 36 Edwin H. Eichler 37 Suzanne Freshley 33 Katherine A. Holmes Hartman 45 Richard C. Hinckley 42 James P. Johnson 29 David Klussendorf 43 Donald W. Moravec 31 Holly I. Myers 23 Janis A. Fellers Peacock 46 Richard A. Peacock 46 Donald F. Schultz 34 Kenneth M. Taguchi 33 Giving Clubs David N. Abhalter 11 Eugene Arnould 43 Jon W. Balke 26 Emma Kay Majerle Bartel 41 Gerald Earl Bartel 41 Janet Gregg Beck 46 Daniel J. Berger 26 Janet Cervenka Bouldin 32 Margaret A. Bubla Burgess 26 Rosanne Dalman Shaw 10 Robert N. Gray 18 Terry L. Heller 41 Edward E. Jackson 11 Rolland E. Lang 36 Caroline Smith Lewis 45 Robert J. Lewis 45 Virginia B.K. Kucera Lopez 20 Rodney K. Mack 32 Nancy Grotjahn Maschman 34 Mary Jeanne Streid Maynard 38 Janis Miklautsch McKoski 34 Raymond McKoski 34 Sandra L. Witt Morrow 39 Karen M. Walz Murphy 2 Connie L. Parker 37 Georgeann Pasilis-Hardy 30 Eleanor A. Henry Pierce 27 Carl J. Pinnow 23 Roberta Boecker Priz 38 Richard L. Roehrdanz 35 Linda A. Mootz Sarazin 24 Karen Feiler Schmiel 33 R. Thomas Slack 42 Eric E. Thornton 43 James R. Warfield 40 Sharyl B. Hammer Wernick 33 Barbara J. Beavin Yost 26 Eildert D. Zwart 47 Contributors Amelia Fitzjohn Broderick 13 Cheryl R. Harvey Castillo 27 Steinar Egeland 28 Judith A. Brown El-Amin 17 Sharon Finzer 40 Thomas S. Henricks 30 Keith R. Madderom 38 Dana L Denny Maschman 37 Marie Stewart 38 Thomas B. Theobald 25 C L A S S O F 19 7 0 Annual Fund: $ 11,224.50 Special Gifts: $ 2,371.00 Total Donors: 57 Participation: 30% Presidents Club Mary Joanne Peoples Babler 36 Wanda Hayes Eichler 37 Fred Fugate 35 Joy A. Vanderlaan Johnson 29 Thomas R. Mellish 38 Steven H. Schweppe 43 Carol Westergard Zook 32 Giving Clubs David R. Anderson 35 Ellen C. Bartel 40 Caryl L. Best Buford 29 George M. Cyr 43 Mary Ann Offerman Cyr 43 Susan Venton Kohn Eddins 45 Gerald J. Engelhardt 41 Ann L. Yenerich Essig 41 David L. Farina 43 R. Jackson Ferch 34 Barbara Olsen Geiter 41 Coleen E. Reedy Groharing 27 Gary L. Groharing 27 Carol J. Fisher Harman 29 Thomas C. Harman 29 Janet Fry Kilty 32 Carolyn Wheeler Langford 10 Curtis V. Mayfield 26 Ray L. Maynard 38 Sherry L. Bryant Miller 39 Michael Moser 40 Deborah Heitz Ohnsorg 40 Marcia A. Janke Roehrdanz 35 Jolene A. Scott Swinehart 32 Marsha Coe Benton Taylor 42 Carol J. Forrette Vermaat 34 Terri Gleason Williams 34 Douglas Yost 26 Kathleen J. Ziemer 38 Catherine Dunn Zimmerman 27 Contributors Susan B Otterpohl Ankenbrandt 34 Jane Frier Cordon 30 John W. Cross 19 Sandra Robbins Cross 19 Renee L. Cruikshank-Ward 25 Curtis E. Dunn 20 John J. Ferri Virginia R. Marek Fietsch 30 Leroy K. Foster 27 Leslie Paul Geiter 43 Judith Wittenberg George 33 Cheryl L. Garton Gray 28 April L. Dunn Kristy 26 William D. Moody 17 Margaret Tremblay Plass 30 Alison G. Zima Prokopec 19 Rebecca A. Montooth Reckamp 38 Marilyn A. Rinehart 32 Bruce Sautebin 32 Margaret Vroman Williams 26 C L A S S O F 19 71 Annual Fund: $ 13,200.00 Special Gifts: $ 6,078.00 Total Donors: 50 Participation: 29% Tower Society Paul E. Rewerts 42 Barbara Wildemuth 43 Presidents Club Walter G. Byers 40 Ronald G. Isaac 16 Jerome Lipka 37 Pamela Erickson Lipka 37 Robert W. Neumann 44 Barbara S. Shiffler Vanderwall Timothy L. Vanderwall Thomas A. Winter 30 Giving Clubs John H. Beehler 33 Susan K. Derber Behnke 25 Karen A. Pryor Boness 27 William H. Davis 31 Philip M. Duncan 29 Judith A. Wykle Entenman 38 Linda L. Mager Farina 43 Keith Alan Gustafson 12 Thomas W. Kauffman 18 Randall Boyd Meek 25 Richard C. Merten 42 Frank Clifford Morrison 30 Sally Page Olson 31 Karl Warren Plumlee 25 Douglas E. Ralston Barry R. Riskedal 35 Donald F. Strauch 36 Donald J. Swiatek 16 Susan M. Sauer Walther 36 Wayne L. Walther 36 Contributors Fernando Araya 17 Phyllis Edelen 12 Steven M. Hauge 39 Judy Smith Henricks 30 Ginger A. Hentz Sally B. Karman Kerr 17 Linda Korbakis 45 Stephen B. Krumholz 19 Lon D. Lademann 10 Linda R. Catton Lindemann 28 Paul R. Martin 39 Eileen L. Elliott Moeller 21 Lee Ortman 22 Rebecca L. Nuhfer Ortman 22 Larry J. Peacock 33 Bonnie Campbell Powell 15 Barbara L. Rowland 24 Susan M Smith 22 Joanne Klucher Stuebe 35 Laurnell J. Hackman White C L A S S O F 19 7 2 Annual Fund: $ 12,295.00 Special Gifts: $ 11,285.13 Total Donors: 43 Participation: 23% Tower Society Gaylen R. Brubaker 43 Jacquelyn R. Mochel Rewerts 41 Presidents Club Nancy T. Tull Byers 40 Howard Crouse 37 Judy A. Schoeller Fugate 35 Julie Ann Rowles Lagodney 40 Judith E. Strehlow Neumann 44 Linda Ogden Hagen 10 Ronald Dayton Redeker 33 Giving Clubs John Adam 35 Sandra Kay Shields Cornelius 37 Mario Emil Corona 19 Bruce E. Davids 28 Debra Guenther Davids 28 Anne Heinrich Engelhardt 41 Timothy E. Essig 41 Linda Merrie Novak Faber 21 Martin F. Faber 21 Curtis D. Herink 36 James Edward Heup 12 Carla Rae Brand Hoeft 15 A. Jay Keen 25 Cassandra Joan Burnett Keen 25 Emily Jane Kiekhofer Lockrem 37 Jill V. Sammy Meek 25 Joseph R. Mohr 10 David Warren Pugh 21 Curtis W. Schlinkmann Janice Bernice Schluntz Schultz 30 Deborah Jo Shaw 34 Harold Toberman 43 Carmen Giese Woodring 41 Paula Jean Thompson Zeller 30 Contributors Edward Fred Bossenga 38 Judith Ann Westerhoff Bossenga 38 John Howard Bruckert Walter J. Chao 31 Louis J. Ferroli 10 James Michael Henderson 21 Barbara Anne Darcy Miralgio 25 Martha C. Olsen 25 Vera Lou Fulton Price 37 Charles D. Robinson 26 C L A S S O F 19 7 3 Annual Fund: $ 25,007.50 Special Gifts: $ 7,774.50 Total Donors: 36 Participation: 19% Tower Society Robert Der 27 Steven H. Hoeft 21 Presidents Club Theresa A. Birk 33 David A. Bowers 38 Miriam Chapman Chapman 38 James E. Ferington 34 John H. Kenaga 39 Michele M. Tozer Kenaga 39 Giving Clubs Joyce A. Miller Beghtol 20 Ronald E. Bendis 35 John S. Brajenovich 37 Catherine A. Carlson Corona 19 Daryl A. Fansler 28 Linda Rene Bielarczyk Gustafson 12 Jeffrey N. Heller 37 Robina M. Carlin Heup 12 Vincent C. Kocher 34 Charles R. Lorenz 38 Brenda K. Hungerford Miller 31 Linda R. Rajca 19 Garnet Muranaka Schlinkmann Eric J. Turnroth 12 Robert L. Zeller 30 Contributors Nancy Grambsch Alholm 10 Charles W. Bartsch 31 Catherine E Georgis Burnett 13 Kathryn Martin Eden 29 Carol L. Young Erazmus 29 Edward F. Kozon James S. MacNider 13 Richard O’Connell 38 Nancy Prichard 18 Jo Ellen Seiser 31 Craig L. Snyder 23 Jerome Spearman 17 James G. Sporleder 38 Fred K. Stuebe 35 C L A S S O F 19 74 Annual Fund: $ 4,175.00 Special Gifts: $ 26,278.00 Total Donors: 48 Participation: 23% Tower Society William H. Naumann 30 Carrie J. Johnsen Rough 34 Presidents Club Jane Mills Crouse 37 Paul Arthur Callighan 40 Carolyn L. Vanderwalker Michalak 12 Dennis J. Michalak 12 Daniel W. Ryan 35 Kathryn R. Meier Ryan 35 Giving Clubs Joanne J. Justice Bradna 42 James Allen Kosteva 30 James E. Swanson 34 Glenn R. Behnke 32 Debra L. Kortemeier Bendis 35 Gregory A. Bielarczyk 36 Phillip E Callighan 39 Bruce D. Ladtkow 24 Arthur M. Letts Linda Wright Turnroth 12 Thomas H. Weideman 34 Mark D. Aldinger 23 Randal S. Beck 40 John L. Benda 15 Stuart D. Bowers 29 Douglas W. Breunig 30 Gregory J. Buchner 37 Jon Douglas Durham 29 Madeline Jansje Smit Hatch Margaret Johnson-Stevenson 18 Wayne C. Kankovsky Janet Griffin Lamont 34 Jeffrey H. Lamont 34 Nancy L. Majewski Range 39 Anne K. Marshall Schwartz 12 William P. Schwartz 12 David A. Seiser 38 Judith M. Strmec Stockstill 31 Sam Sumwalt 33 Contributors Gary R. Born 38 Keith Cooper 13 James A. DeRose 37 David W. Frantz 20 Daniel L. Johnson Paul J. Recht 25 Sharon R. Ferriman Snyder 23 Mattie M. Jenkins Sweezer 15 Barry L. Tusin 31 Vicki W. Wine C L A S S O F 19 7 5 Annual Fund: $ 4,842.50 Special Gifts: $ 6,990.00 Total Donors: 55 Participation: 26% Presidents Club Janice M. Roll Baumgartner 38 Richard J. Honer 34 M. Diane Luze 36 Giving Clubs Mary Jane Whitney Beck 40 James H. Beutjer Barbara F. Naglic Bietsch 38 Cheryl Burnett Brajenovich 37 Scott D. Brown 35 Jon W. Deiter 32 Janis Flint Flint-Ferguson 32 Marsie L. Hartman Frawley 28 Susan G. Haebich Fujiu 34 Dennis R. Gage 35 Judith M. Giese 19 Gregory D. Gromann 31 Stephen M. Gross 31 Ronald G. Hankel 22 Lisa M. Harms Hartzler 39 Fred L. Homa 36 Mark D. Manzi 38 Charles Fred McNitt 28 Jeffrey A. Nanzer Mark J. Nuzzo Glenn E. Nystrom 37 Cindy A. Horton Phillips 22 Kay Lowden Pugh 21 Rozanne Ferington Redlinski 27 Margaret Sheedy Reneker 35 Thomas B. Rickert 35 Raymond E. Rossi 23 Barbara L. Bates Schilling 38 Neil G. Schilling 38 Biancha Maria Shives Schoonhoven 29 Eugene Simmons 14 Donald N. Smith 37 Lynn Sanders Smith 37 Steven A. Sutherland 12 Stephen P. Taylor 34 Nanci J. Everts Weideman 34 Contributors Steven A. Borcich 26 Dale J. Huyck Brown 13 Patrick J. Buchenot 31 Deryl D. Carter Evelyn E. Craig 14 Lorna J. Tucker Holliday 12 Dan T. Kocher 34 Jean C. Steben Kosiara 29 Elane Cole LaGroue 32 Robert F. Leslie 20 Judith E. Colling Morten 38 Jane Berghuis O’Connell 38 Christine Cempel Ogden 24 James H. Rough 26 Michael P. Spurlock 20 Dennis Sullivan 17 Robert H. Walker 35 Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 31 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 C L A S S O F 19 7 6 Annual Fund: $ 12,455.00 Special Gifts: $ 1,377.00 Total Donors: 48 Participation: 23% Tower Society Stephen T. Sellers 30 Presidents Club William Blazek 24 Jeffrey John Oesterle 41 Tim D. Zager 21 Giving Clubs Dennis H. Bietsch 38 R. John Boyens 15 Stephen R. Breunig Jeanne M. Gobel Brommer 32 Ann Michele Clark 23 Julie Petersen Deiter 32 John D. Glowicki 30 Vicki A. Haines 39 Patricia A. Heidenreich 32 Monika Knobloch Homa 36 Carrie Duncan Kerr 17 Colleen Ambrose Kocher 34 Jon L. Macnider 19 Frank M. Matherson 26 Karen Meier-Binkerd 32 Alan W. Meurer Donald K. Michaels 37 Brenda Tardy Odom 24 Michael L. Patierno Joan M. Golden Rickert 35 Duane Stralow 24 Marilyn L. Harnew Yucaitis-Jarzembowski 36 Contributors Terry Albright 37 Gary Frank Barber 26 Diane Sato Bjornson 22 Clement R. Brown 30 Eric E. Budd 11 Eugene F. Counsel 39 Murray S. Domich Joan A. Cawley Fisher 13 John E. Glessner 32 Sandra Wahl Heilman 15 Contributors Peter P. Jones 26 Donald R. Lomasney 21 Mark D. Morris 17 Kenneth A. Pelczarski 38 Marilyn K. Schilling Rumple 25 Mark S. Schilling 25 Randy Schlesinger 19 Edward F. Shramek 30 Michael L. Spearman Thomas S. Vicker 37 Linda Manikas Walker 35 Dena V. Wangerin 31 C L A S S O F 19 7 7 Annual Fund: $ 9,634.66 Special Gifts: $ 651.00 Total Donors: 40 Participation: 18% Presidents Club Suzanne Bessette-Smith Sandra Simmons Matthews David K. Smith 32 Maria E. Wynne 13 32 Giving Clubs Steven W. Benson Joseph E. Birkett 19 Shawn B. Depke 11 Judith A. Wolf Fulton 28 Nancy Mager Gromann 31 Sally F. Hartmann 34 Elizabeth A. Budlong Kammes 25 Gini S. Marziani Claudia A. Hummel Michaels 37 Carlo J. Mulvenna 18 Michael R. Newell Michael Rosolie 26 Kim I. Savage 11 Richard H. Schmack 34 David W. Sutterfield 25 Steven J. Swanson 22 Contributors A. Diane Baker 29 Judy L. Enger Buchenot 31 Steven A. Caliendo 36 Allan J. Dobry 27 Alan R. Estes 15 Mirta L. Diaz Evans Susan J. Hansen-Kass 34 David P. Hartmann 28 Mark A. Kroll 16 James J. Lazar 20 Penelope L. Linneweh 36 Kimberly Lisanby-Barber 26 Marilyn A. Pickers 34 Penny Vukov Reiss 27 Michael A. Rizzuto 24 Cheryl L. Thomas Sims 11 Beverly A. Schoenherr Sperry 12 John B. Stern 28 Shereen Oldham Venning 26 Marilyn D. Zdenek Vicker 37 C L A S S O F 19 7 8 Annual Fund: $ 9,862.50 Special Gifts: $ 5,908.00 Total Donors: 30 Participation: 15% Tower Society Julia A. Simpson Sellers 30 Presidents Club Gregory J. Klebe 35 Kevin Lee Markwell 29 William Gordon Motzer 16 Lou Ann Best Talley 32 Anita Marie Montgomery Zager 21 Giving Clubs Lloyd D Collins 31 Jeri Lynn Ingold Glowicki 30 Elizabeth L. Grys 26 Scott Haebich 29 Jeffery Wells James 29 Karl Brian Kuppler 35 Edward George Martin Michael Anthony McKusick 32 Giedrius Pencyla 21 Michael William Schaab 33 Karen Lorraine Kwik Swanson 22 Kathleen June Savage Weissenhofer 32 Randall Weissenhofer 32 Mary Elizabeth Janes Widicus 21 Contributors Sherma Sallee Anderson 14 Lynn Ellen Colby Franklin 31 Kathleen M. O’Day Curtis 15 Mark V. Hedrick 15 Richard H. Heilman 15 Michael C. Helford 27 Tony LaMantia Gail Konkle Myers* 32 Barbara Patterson 19 Jan Ellen Johnson Rizzuto 24 C L A S S O F 19 7 9 Annual Fund: $ 9,154.82 Special Gifts: $ 24,780.00 Total Donors: 37 Participation: 17% Tower Society Nancy Naumann Hanson 32 Presidents Club John D. Boehm 26 Nancy A. Buterbaugh 30 Duane F. Follman 35 Holly Humphrey 35 Kevin McGowan 29 Harold E. Stembridge 14 Giving Clubs Elizabeth Bassett Bach 24 Keith A. Decker 30 Gary Randall Evans 18 Patrick Heenan 19 Sally J. Sphatt Heenan 19 Leslie R. Heerdt 34 David Heinrichsmeyer 35 Denise Mahood Jawor 32 Michael W. Jawor 32 William J. McHugh 13 Frank S. Mowatt 33 David Niedospial Cheryl Ann Quinn Rosolie 26 James Studlo John L. Stumpe Leo Swift Douglas W. Van Dell 32 Linda C. Wilke Contributors New computer lab, Oesterle Library Todd W. Arnold 27 Brian R. Boyer Cynthia Porter Caliendo 37 Jeffrey Challender Michael T. Johnston Karen Crowder LaMantia David R. Moton 14 Mary-Ann Krapp Porter 25 Leandra Marie Polasek Sedlack 17 Julie Ann Smrz Margaret M. Labak Spears 31 Donald S. Tate 10 C L A S S O F 19 8 0 Annual Fund: $ 6,632.50 Special Gifts: $ 10,839.50 Total Donors: 28 Participation: 12% Tower Society Joseph P. Mallon 28 Presidents Club Richard G. Findlay 15 Priscilla Ferch Gallagher 31 Mary C. Lammers Markwell 29 3 2 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Giving Clubs Paul B. Armstrong 31 Theodore L. Cruse 26 Phyllis H. Wnek Ficht 19 Paul M. Jacobs 29 Dayla D. Manis Kerwin 29 Walter E. Krzos Cheryl Jean Long Kuppler 35 Kevin P. McInerney 15 Susan E. Regan Reppen 36 Contributors Jeanine M. Novak Bennett Ann L. Hart Elliott 21 Mary L. Gorden 30 Howard Hammer Anne Garvey Jagielski 26 Michael A. Jakovich 17 Pamela A. Jones 13 John G. LeDonne 20 Michael F. Propernick 17 Kay Postels Rensink 34 Linda Marie Leeseberg Sorenson 28 Lori J. Brady Spreitzer 28 Cynthia C. Olson Stawarski 15 Paul R. Szalajka Roy H. Verdin 27 21 C L A S S O F 19 8 1 Annual Fund: $ 13,922.50 Special Gifts: $ 20,441.50 Total Donors: 38 Participation: 13% Tower Society Ronald Lueptow 19 John W. Welch 30 Presidents Club Jill Ritchart Findlay 15 InSun Ho 27 Susan R. Mink 33 David E. Schroeder 27 Nancy C. Carlstedt Smith 27 Nicholas J. Zec 33 Keith Harold Zobrist 15 Giving Clubs Susan Motzer Arnston 28 Doris Mangiaracina Benbrook Heidi Haas-Nieman 15 Peter Brian Kinsella 22 John M. Krutzler 13 Debra Falduto Novack 32 Thomas M. O’Connor 32 Patrick E. Pajor 16 David J. Peugh Darwin R. Rod 25 Cindi Steele Swift Margaret Mary Hoppenrath Thompson 32 Thomas G. Winters 32 Contributors Mark W. Arentsen 27 Sandra Robinson Baccus 15 Bruce Baum 16 Dawne A. Rhea Beerup James Cargo Timothy Haugh Star A. Leturno LeDonne 20 David J. Nelson 31 Bruce F. Nesmith 33 Heidi G. Otto 25 Daniel M. Palmer 17 James R. Pontius 31 Allen A. Sahs 31 Mark Sattelberg 29 David S. Torres 33 Kristin Miner West 22 C L A S S O F 19 8 2 Annual Fund: $ 3,500.00 Special Gifts: $ 3,574.50 Total Donors: 29 Participation: 11% Legacy Society Rebecca L. Anderson Wilkins 13 Presidents Club Kenneth C. Helberg 28 Paula A. Strickland Helberg 28 Kathleen Huffman 27 Dale Russell Koepnick 26 Steven P. Wiesbrook 22 Giving Clubs Marc C. Chandler Kenneth D. Cress 10 Richard S. Depew 32 Martin J. Hurd Michael L. Kuzniewski Richard Loehrke 32 Gerald Francis Mallon 31 Karin Mueggenborg Peraino 25 Timothy P. Peraino 25 Philip T. Petti 21 David J. Rivait 25 John B. Rottersman 21 Carol Marie Shaffer 52 JoAnn Erdman Walling 21 Contributors Diane O’Callaghan Aktan 31 Nancy J. Cawley Bolliger 30 Debra L. Sypniewski Freeman 32 Paula J. Doncer Jackfert Sandra A. Mesnard Kreml 23 John R. MacDonald James E. Marseille 27 Karen J. Anderson Swanson 32 Kevin P. Vaughn 11 Contributors Lori A. Kearns Borhart 14 Joseph J. Broton 27 Julie A. Lee Brummel 28 Lynne L. Freehill 31 Margaret L. Warren Hock 26 Tracey L. Thomas Karstens 24 Paul R. Lankenau 12 MaryBeth McCarthy Scott P. Nelson 10 Thomas C. Nelson 18 Jane Snook Sattelberg 30 Michael J. Sullivan 25 Ron L. Swanson 32 Cynthia K. Mackey Thomas 21 Laurie Beese Torres 33 Lynn Germ Walker 13 C L A S S O F 19 8 4 Annual Fund: $ 3,523.32 Special Gifts: $ 5,336.50 Total Donors: 35 Participation: 12% Presidents Club Thomas F. Bennington 19 Kimberli S. Warren Bus 15 Rowena P. Felix-Salas 10 John M. Giannini 17 Karen Joanne Solomon 25 Giving Clubs Jeanine M. Skooglund Lehman 13 Brenda Joi Hastert Barnwell 14 Kyle E. Bovie 13 Frank M. Janczak 15 Kerry Granato Janczak 15 Laurel Jo Jolly-McCarthy 18 Patricia Ann Chval Kovach 22 Raymond E. Krauss 25 Suzanne E. Kelsh Krauss 25 David A. Lucas 24 John N. MacLeod 25 William B. Majewski 15 David S. Martin 29 Jeffrey Phil Martin 21 Scott F. McCleary 24 Jay L. Rogers 19 Pamela J. Stoike 22 Allen Vander Meulen Robert A. Wegele 23 Christopher J. Wheaton 14 Presidents Club Contributors C L A S S O F 19 8 3 Annual Fund: $ 3,516.00 Special Gifts: $ 4,079.00 Total Donors: 39 Participation: 12% Legacy Society Jeffrey L. Boggs 25 Philip F. Bus 15 Steven B. Hosler John Leal 22 Robin L. Jankers Leal 22 John J. Pcolinski 23 Giving Clubs Jack A. Arnston 28 Cindy Buck Balane 15 Belinda L. Cheek 28 Leora P. Garrett 30 Dianne Barr Jaracz 26 Eric J. Leiber 11 Thomas J. Lemar 31 Joleen Patrice Halm Mallon 30 Joseph J. Marks 14 Ross Michael Mohrmann 23 Jackie A. Jansen Pajor 16 Thomas J. Paleka 27 Donna J. Posuch 29 Stacey Hoeft Stoehr Joseph R. Strmec Thea DeSomer Villarruel William M. Wahl 22 John F. Anderson 20 Jeffery R. Braun 16 Carolyn Marie Damore Theresa E. Fiene Dierking Virginia Lynn Harmon 13 Jane M. Dispensa Kopecky 24 Anthony Kozelichki 16 Kathleen D. Howard Pammer 27 James W. Schlusemann 21 Ray A. Schomas 24 Dave W. Schulze C L A S S O F 19 8 5 Annual Fund: $ 8,076.00 Special Gifts: $ 9,081.00 Total Donors: 38 Participation: 13% Presidents Club Richard Alan Chang 28 Joan Elaine Ewing Fuller 14 Donna L. Fuhr Giannini 17 Fredric J. Janzen 28 Matt P. Nolan 28 Jonathan Shanower 20 Lee James Woolley 11 Giving Clubs Joseph C. Baker 19 James C. Bartelson 19 Daniel Thomas Bechina Jeffery Benda John David Bigelow John J. Brolley Sarah Cole 25 Robert John Dunphey 25 Anne K. Hengehold 24 Karen S. Lembcke Hoffman 21 Satoshi Ishihara Kelly E. Shaff McCleary 24 John E. Nosek 12 Dawn Marie Schleifer 19 Archie T. Walters 30 Theresa Stark Weeks 18 Karen A. Henry Weitendorf Burt M. Zak Contributors Gail Darcy Arrigo 13 Elizabeth J. Warman Ayers 28 Steven W. Ayers 28 Richard S. Babjak 17 Nancy Ebersold Bifulco 29 Jerold E. Davis 11 Christine E. Bradbury Hoggatt Connie Peters Holbrook 19 Barbara Johnson Kauffmann 17 Sharon Kennedy Jane Doody McCloud Alison Carmella West Ridge 16 Kim Kristine Lambert Rizzo C L A S S O F 19 8 6 Annual Fund: $ 3,037.50 Special Gifts: $ 6,595.99 Total Donors: 41 Participation: 15% Presidents Club Joanne Beardsley Chang 27 James L. Miller 28 Robert Michael Pottle 17 Cherie Annette Burke Stahlman-Knapp 26 Giving Clubs Randy L. Arb 16 Eric K. Bartel 17 Kari McNulty Bartel 17 Susan Boudreau Bartelson 18 Dean Joseph Devert 14 Kelly Meredith Epperson 28 John Michael Fabbri Jeffrey Jerome Fischer Linda S. Dispensa Hill 25 Steven M. Hill 25 Dian Marie Vasher Hornick 20 Kerry Rae Kelley Joyce M. Koerfer Leanne Marie Waters Kramer Brett A. Leifheit 24 Christine Petroski Leifheit 24 Donna Carol Bollweg Loomis Edward J. Mathey 26 Valerie Nelson Munson 15 Gary C. Peterson 20 Norman E. Rebenstorf 23 James Richard Slowik Frank J. Tuttolomondo 27 Jack Varela 24 Robert Gregory Wilson Holly Kay Yeates 29 Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 33 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Contributors Janet L. Adams 20 Kevin Alston Brown 20 Michele T. Murray Brown 29 Deborah Thomas Earl Robert Gleisner 22 Louis Guido Margaret Ann Gavic King 22 David Scott Schaefer 14 Lyn Marie Seiser 27 Eric Steven Simon 14 Laurie Ann Smith Zastrow 28 C L A S S O F 19 8 7 Annual Fund: $ 4,487.50 Special Gifts: $ 11,080.78 Total Donors: 53 Participation: 16% Presidents Club Peter Hallam 18 Suzanne Erzinger Hallam 18 James P Harrington 28 Kristin Waehner Harrington 28 Alice Czwornog Haynes 27 John S. Haynes 27 Craig W. Helwig 11 Kevin Lee Martin 19 Joy Ann Hougas Pentz 19 Michael Pentz 28 Sarah Ann Shillington Giving Clubs Diane Elaine Badger Gerald J. Breitbarth 16 Peter Francis Carroll Brian Bruce Davis 27 Denise Ellen Saros Evans 20 Ann L. Everhart 28 Michael Scott Fisher 13 Robert Joseph Fury 27 Paul Apolonio Gonzalez 16 Brett Matthew Goral 12 Patrick J. Hinton 26 Marion L. Baker Kennel Joanne Tamms Lund Renee G. Murray Nation 21 Christine Reger Osterman Jean Michele Leturno Paluszkiewicz Dennis John Piron 17 Vivienne Bianco Porter Linda J. Balsamo Poska Jeffrey Alan Putnam 12 Matthew J. Richards 11 Judith Duane Melton Ross 26 Nancy P. Scotto Rossier Carol Jeanne Spillar-Crispo Raymond VanHootegem 23 Juleen Rae Anderson Varela 23 Contributors Kimberly Anderle Abma Raymond Tony Behrends 21 Richard R. Boland Michael Martin Buczkowski 11 Michael J. Bukovsky Stephanie L. DeFrancesco DeCicco 18 Marsha L. Hever Howting 12 Kenda J. Jeske 18 Ramona Rae Troxell Johnson Timothy A. King 22 Katharine A. Kull Klaczek 13 Edwin W. Lane Doris L. Harms Nelson 16 Padmalatha Nauduri Nemani 23 Jo Marie Ataniso Piscotti 10 Lynette Shaw Rivera 10 Contributors C L A S S O F 19 8 8 Annual Fund: $ 3,300.00 Special Gifts: $ 4,983.10 Total Donors: 50 Participation: 13% Scotty McCreery performs at Pfeiffer Hall Presidents Club Marc Anthony Browning Shawn Matthew Farson 21 James Barnard Jones 21 Giving Clubs Emma Jo Miller Chance 17 Beth Ann Clukey 17 John Charles DeBoer 13 Peter Brian Fippinger 20 Timothy D. Foley 27 Lynda Ruth Douwsma Frederick 27 Kary Lyn Kaczmarski Gilkeson 19 Joy Ann Ill Ives 25 Obrad Kesic 18 Rebecca Blanchard Kesic 18 Georgia Maria Majors 13 Leslie Ruth Van Nest Martens Clint Edward Mobley Samuel T. Nelson 27 Donna Jean Fletcher O’Donnell Michael Dale Oldenettel 19 Dheanna Alexsia Pappas Donna Rae Trantina Schlenker Rebecca Samantha Smith April Smith Horner 24 Michael Van Poucke 22 Andrew Dean Walsh 15 Deanna Lynn Olson Watson 15 Kerry Jane Winkler 22 Michael Raymond Witkowski Linda Russel Yokelson Contributors Phillip T. Albano 16 Sheila Howard Albano 11 Leanne Kaye Williams Bedore 12 Stella C. Rekas Catalano Lisa Lynn Walsh Combs 12 Charles Connon Dana Riley Epperson 29 Ann Elizabeth Kohler Fichtner 22 Ellen Kelley Field Kurt W. Hasenstein 21 Scott David Homa 26 John James Horton Richard J. Love 17 Viktor Malenko Eric Michael Marr Alan James Martineck Gloria Jane Budyn Meyer 27 Kelly Anne McCain Schimmel 26 Kathleen S. Martinek Simko 10 Ann Rebecca Conlin Sommerfeld 23 Barbara Butzen Sydnor C L A S S O F 19 8 9 Annual Fund: $ 4,050.00 Special Gifts: $ 3,391.50 Total Donors: 44 Participation: 12% Presidents Club Patrick Edward Morton 18 Stanley John Ujka 21 Giving Clubs Susan M. Abele David Wright Abrams Ronald Edward Arb 17 Christina Lynn Beavers Breitbarth 13 Amy Kathleen Robertson DeBoer 13 3 4 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE 27 northcentralcollege.edu Michael R. Dreher 12 David Hugh Earnest Paul Edward Fox Randy James Fronek Thomas William Garvey 19 Lisa Ann Wollersheim Healy 23 Glen R. Kallhauge 25 Kathryn Ann Maurer Kallhauge 25 Virginia Ann Lennon 19 Kathryn Marie Sutcliffe Maggio 10 Mona Bea Martin 13 Regina Elise Mason 14 Karin Arlene Miceli Scott Michael Mitzel Michael John Morris Julianne Marie Witting Schager Ronnie B. Selby 11 Melissa Lyn Martenson Sheehy Mary Erin Gallagher Smith 15 William Cullen Stewart 21 Jeffrey Alan Stuepfert 18 Eric Gordon Swanson Brenda Weeks William Weeks John P. Wrycza Contributors Dianne M. Wettstein Bali 17 William David Burton 20 John William Collet 25 Arleen June Meehan Dodge Jon Lester Fechner Christopher P. Giacomazzo Theresa Anne Bruner Gorman Timothy Robert Gossett Nadia Ruth Kanhai 12 Phillip Leon Malone Beth Yenerich Riley 16 Thomas Edward Schager Victoria Lynn Huffman Sladek 20 Carolyn Ann Wroblewski Turner C L A S S O F 19 9 0 Annual Fund: $ 4,117.50 Special Gifts: $ 10,654.00 Total Donors: 63 Participation: 15% Presidents Club Carlos Renee Barba 17 Victoria Ellen Joy Barba 17 Bryan Edward Barus 22 Esther T. Benjamin 14 Michael Jon Lantz 23 Tracy Smith Malone 13 Dawn Lorraine Lockhart Pawlowski 20 Robert Jon Smoldt 14 Giving Clubs Christopher Jon Baker Larry Carl Brown 23 Terran Marie Doveikis D’Andrea 18 Laura Lee Rink Garvey 18 Michael Lyle Koch 15 Nancy Valerie Lang Charles William Linneman 22 Robert L. Miller Stacy A. Knapp Piller 22 Susan Jean Boehm Randazzo 17 Rhea Renee Reed 14 Jay Michael Roach Rae Geniece Robinson-Hunter Heather L. Messler Spaetzel John Lynn Stolz Phillip Andru Taylor April Marie Grabe Vacik James George Valastro 24 Eve Noelle Ogan Von Wimpffen Ethelyn Marie Wallace-Wess Richard A. Yndestad 24 Herman Anthony Zwirn 23 Contributors Kathleen Marie Gregory Berry 19 Gloria Jean Caracello 20 Mary Dee Hand Connor 11 Kristin Lynn Thiemke Cushing 14 Michael James Danko 24 Robert Howard Gardner 21 Gerald Victor McCadd 19 James A. McDermet 13 Clinton Joe Wallace 14 Family Weekend Giving Clubs Lori Ann Fortuna Gelinas Megan Alicia Allen Gossett 19 Joseph R. Gryczkowski James Dale Houge Jessica Porter Houston Mariann A. Janessa Hunter 25 Diane Marie Wrona Irvin Kenyetta Z. Young Jackson 24 Victoria Janczak Bradley Joseph Johnson 25 Jennifer Lee Mehlan Johnson 25 Lisa N. Lackey Kainer Kirk Mathew Krajewski 19 Thomas Raymond Lamb 19 Charles Lemuel Linder 14 Daniela Martin 16 Michael Alan Moats 20 Stephen Joseph Paska Jeffrey William Peistrup Michael Pula Katherine Ann Bandura Schierenbeck 13 Teresa Lee Milbrandt Simchak 22 Lance William Spisak 19 Trent Daniel Thompson 22 Thomas John Trop Catherine Mary Navin Turner Jane Ellen Begole Waidanz 15 C L A S S O F 19 9 1 Annual Fund: $ 4,800.00 Special Gifts: $ 31,361.99 Total Donors: 50 Participation: 8% Legacy Society Scott Anthony Wehrli 22 Presidents Club John Daniel Harrington 23 Tracy Lynn Fencl Harrington 23 Michelle Renee Burnard King 14 Scott Alan King 11 Giving Clubs Christopher John Aquino 13 Melissa Rochelle Hnilo Aquino 13 Timothy Arthur Bus Lisa Kathleen Butler 20 Chris Robert Canova 12 Ruth Smith Etherton 19 Brian Wayne Gordon 10 Martha Anne Kuefler Hirsch Jeffrey Dale Hoffman Andrew Hunter Jennifer May Jorden Meyer Rebecca Ruth Brown Moore Ross F. Pallan Pamela K. Salik Pepper 25 Silvana Presta 22 Marcos Yu Que Karen Sue Miller Sanchez Kurt E. Sievers 12 C. Scott Solenberger Stacey E. Springborn Shawn C. Welti 18 Dawn Marie Young Jeffrey Todd Zoephel Kimberly Ann Jesch Zoephel 15 Contributors Michael James Anderson Jeff H. Blake Colleen Mary Doherty Brummel 11 Amy Karen Goering Engimann 16 Fred William Engimann 14 David F. Erlain Leslie Ann Free Lawrence Thomas Grant 13 Sean Floyd Hagen Dathan R. Kerber Marietta Cynthia Hiestand Krebaum 11 Amy Gillis Maupin 21 Rene Diamond Trezzo Mazzone Adan K. Pope Penny Jo Giertz Sterling Jon Henry Stillman Robert F. Sudd Kelly B. Thomas 10 Mark J. Udoni Diane Leah Bradley Warren 19 Eric David White 22 C L A S S O F 19 9 2 Annual Fund: $ 6,785.00 Special Gifts: $ 5,159.00 Total Donors: 52 Participation: 11% Presidents Club Kirk Lee Burnett 17 Deborah Joan King Godo 21 Marcella H. Kritikos Lori K. Hamilton Albsmeier 24 Daniel Arthur Alfrey 14 Boychen Walter Bradshaw Cindy Elaine Burch 17 Hazel Jane Anderson Clark Rex Christopher Covington Jon Lawrence Cupps 17 Jeff Bruce Davis 20 Jennifer Lee Friederick Davis David Charles Elliott 10 Robert William Fisher 11 Richard Michael Kraft 17 Debra Lynne Hocker Krug 12 Catherine Gladys Hess Milici Nicole Sherri Miller David Edward Poska 11 Janis Dunn Potter 13 Kurt Jason Rous Gregory James Sego 14 Cynthia Sue Kelch Simon 11 Patsy Turner Snodgrass 16 Joy Lynne Sobczak 19 Joseph Robert Sobin 17 Kimberly Kathleen DeCou Sterr 10 Elizabeth Fessler Stiller 12 Tonia Lynn Symensma-Cohen 17 Contributors Craig Ronald Altman 15 Jose Luis Barrera 22 Michele Marie Laskonis Chiaro Scott Warren Cofoid Jennifer Beth Dailey Demar John Scott Demar Kevin William Jahns David Michael Kane Edward Michael Kopp 12 Orlando Edward May Constance Virginia Cieslak Murray 11 Sreeramulu Navuduri Stacy L. Bielema O’Malley 19 Christy Lynn Donovan Pemberton 11 Ruth Ann Adomatis Sikora 15 Rhonda Ann Stark Mark Edward Stuenkel 12 Paula Beth Monk Svora Benny Thomas Taylor 18 Sarah Baldridge Thomas 10 Susan Jean Moreland Vitti Thomas Joseph Williams 10 C L A S S O F 19 9 3 Annual Fund: $ 8,972.50 Special Gifts: $ 7,863.00 Total Donors: 58 Participation: 11% Tower Society Erin Leigh Bishop 17 Presidents Club Lynn Marie Munson Barus 20 Alonzo Charles Boulrece 16 Michele Lee Maxwell Burnett 20 Satyan Linus Devadoss 17 James W. Godo 20 Kevin Richard Harrington 22 Candace Nicole DiPasquale Kroese Derrick Andre Malone 13 Karen Ann Schaefers Wallace 16 Giving Clubs Janice Lee Miller Adair 22 Michael Lee Atwood Nancy Anne Shannon Bandusky Mark Alan Behling 12 Kelly Ann Fronsee Bradshaw Tracie Beth Urbaniak Elliott Gary Erb Sophie Ann Faust 15 Brian Joseph Hamilton 15 Christopher P. Jacobsen 10 Lynne Marie Burgess Kallstrand Michael Fred Koon Cherie Lynn Bradford Kraft 19 Amy Catherine Sienko Millstone Barbara A. Strelzyk Murray 11 Catherine Elizabeth Clarida Oberfoell 22 Nathan M. Pedersen Karen Anne Pollock 21 James John Probst 17 Edward McDermon Rhyne 15 Anniemae Elizabeth Robinson-Chan 12 Kendall L. Swoik Selsky Timothy John Stark Thomas John Szymanski Steven John Szymkowiak Jack Vincent Willey 22 Marc Steven Yurco 17 Contributors Mitchell E. Belon 22 Bruce Charles Benbow Jamian Steven Bergerson Craig Allan Brown Timothy Joseph Croft 14 Dana Lynne Dance-Daly Michael G. Earing Brett David Frederick Nancy Lynn Herndon Goodwin 21 Frank Joseph Gore Wendy Lee Hansen Smith 20 Chris Holtzman 11 Bethany Lynn Tolley Howe Timothy Michael Hughes 14 Nicole Marie Siciliano Loomos 19 Jennifer Lynn Porter Metras Patrick T. Oehlschlager Kathleen Joann Houston Opelt Sharon Gallagher Smith 16 Amy Suzanne Zander Stuenkel 11 Chad Andrew Sutton Heidi Katherine Egbert Sweet Cindy Louise Levan Welander Matthew James Yaeger 11 C L A S S O F 19 9 4 Annual Fund: $ 4,205.00 Special Gifts: $ 349,892.00 Total Donors: 52 Participation: 12% Legacy Society Jeffrey Kirk Swallow 21 Presidents Club Kijuana Nekesha Johnson Boulrece 16 Daniel George Iverson 17 Anthony James Laesch 15 Kristin Shea Enger Miller 21 Marian Dalisa Horton Pettaway 20 Tanya L. Stucke Woltmann 11 Giving Clubs Anthony James Arrivo Ann Marie Fuys Behrendt 17 Michael Jerome Borzych 14 Kirk Alan Chestnut 20 Andre Brian Coleman Annette Marie Cunningham 11 Brian Edward Fennelly 19 Shelly Ann Doyle Fleisher 20 Brad Allen Hillman Trent Dee Karshner Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 35 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Carrie Jo Schrock Liedtke Matthew D. McClure Stephanie L Murach Murach 13 Daniel Andrew Nelson 14 Timothy Patrick Ogan 18 Susan Marie Ballou Peterson 18 Christopher John Piazzola 14 Julie Heather Aumann Probst 17 Karl Eric Schmidt 20 Brooke Michelle Simon Valerie Ann Smith 13 Janet Lynn Bernhardy Stock 17 Brian Vincent Walsh 11 Glenn Arthur Weiss 19 Christopher L. Willoughby Todd Jeremy Wood Max T. Ziesmer Contributors Daniel Joseph Abella Joe V. Barnes 15 Judy Ann Belcher 11 Larry Daniel Berwanger Rex R. Blackwell Gary W. Denham Kay F. Miller Eaton Mia Lynette Hall Eddy Eric Fletcher Evenson Bridgett L. Fitzgerald Michael Sean Frydrych Gary Thomas Ganster Gwendolyn Jeanne Graff 16 Robert M Harvey 17 Brian R. Lamb 14 Stefanie Kay Antoine Lazer 21 Dolores M Hofmann Ratajczak 10 Susan Mary Makris Wlodek Margaret E. F. Kruser Wuts C L A S S O F 19 9 5 Annual Fund: $ 3,270.00 Special Gifts: $ 3,381.00 Total Donors: 42 Participation: 9% Presidents Club Kristin Lyn Kranpitz Clark 13 Shane Christopher Ellison 13 Mark Dewitt Everix 13 Brian Richard Henz 19 Derrick L. Martin 18 Giving Clubs Kerry Jeanne Sluis Bryson 10 Raymond Charles Hamilton 22 Brian Kamal Johnson 13 Allison Renee Blaska Knoph 11 Kathy L. Kasper Michaelsen Daniel R. Nicholas Ellen Eideann Paul Jason Thomas Reid 10 Jennifer Lynn Fitch Richrath 15 Amy Elizabeth Vrooman Rogers Joey G. Sanchez Scott William Schroeder 14 Jami E’lynn Stiles Shelbrock Hagop Soulakian 10 Desiree D. Thigpen 12 Christopher Glenn Tointon Mark S. VanderKooi Divya Eve Devadoss Vernerey 12 Rafeal Williams Contributors James Matthew Dickerson 17 Jennifer Lynn Bieniek Ewald Christopher M. Ferretti 15 Scott Roland Jacobson 12 Kathryn Jeanette Schaaf Perez 19 John Thomas Przybylski 15 Joseph Rodriguez Lynn Ann Salley Delmar Duane Schantz Andrew J Seidensticker LaVerne D. Weber 12 Danielle Inez Smith Weddington 14 Amie Laurel Swanson Wolff Alberto Fonseca, assistant professor of Spanish C L A S S O F 19 9 6 Annual Fund: $ 2,125.00 Special Gifts: $ 13,289.00 Total Donors: 43 Participation: 10% Tower Society William Travis Norris Presidents Club Lynn Ann Brady Henz 15 David Matthew Johnson 17 Jennifer Ann Kraynek Johnson 16 Frank Myrone Pettaway 20 Giving Clubs Christopher R. Bartlett Bradley Dale Bielema Nicholas Jay Brunick 18 Jay B. Delmas 14 Susan J. Toth Fennelly 19 Scott Robert Iverson 14 Rita Lowes Patrick Joseph McGuire Richard M. Motill Edward John O’Reilly Lisa C. Anderson Reid Mark Antonio Rivera Walter Allen Roell 19 Sarah Paula Schroeder 14 Peter J. Sikorski Eilien Armstrong Grisham Toft 11 Julie Ann Wirth Contributors Brandon John Bloch Marilyn R. De Young Burr Megan Maura Propst Davis 11 Nicole Nicholas Dickerson 16 William H. Doeckel Gina Marie Durkee VanNessa Kay Greer 12 Laura A. Restivo Grunwald 12 Jennifer Anne Janke Jennifer J. Strong Kiebles Dennis J. Ludden 15 Lee James Martin 10 Linda J. Sutsh Petzke 14 Ellen Joyce Dieckhoff Rienton 11 Christina I. Rosenmeier Michelle Sucato Roth 10 Mark John Shaffer 18 Michael Keith Smith 10 Kenneth Weddington 15 John Patrick Weigel 14 Benn Edan Williams 19 Contributors Tammy Marie Arnold Nickole L. Egan Barto 20 Charles Michael Corella Daniel Anthony Cossa 11 Debbie Mae Elston DeCaluwe 19 3 6 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu C L A S S O F 19 9 7 C L A S S O F 19 9 8 Annual Fund: $ 5,890.00 Special Gifts: $ 7,688.00 Total Donors: 39 Participation: 8% Annual Fund: $ 4,370.00 Special Gifts: $ 3,617.00 Total Donors: 41 Participation: 7% Tower Society Presidents Club Matthew Scott Brill 15 Presidents Club Lara Michele Masullo Ellison 12 Nicole A. Kruger Everix 13 John P. Tableriou Giving Clubs Nathan Stanley Breed Mari E. Snow Duchaj 18 Todd M. Farner 15 Scott La Verne Kellogg 15 Matthew J. Krump 14 Kirk B. Larson 19 Robert J. Mroz 18 Mahesh Narayanan 16 Richard J. O’Neill Mark Phillip Roe 18 Deborah D. Smulin Schodrof Allison Edith Swoik Schroeder 13 Lucia A. Spina Carrie Faith Crowley Valerio Stacey Marie Mercer Vertucci 13 Brad Leonard Weiss 17 Thomas Michael Whalen 11 Amanda Rose Whitlock Contributors Michael T. Brown 11 Jennifer A. Chapin Croker Igor S. Djordjevic Michael James Dwyer Kelli Joy Eizenga Susan M. Kratochvil English 13 Tami V. Johnson Howard Matthew William Jannusch Mary J. Jensik 13 Brian W. Kleidon 16 Sara L. Kranpitz 16 Jeremy Andrew Lopshire 10 Erin Marquard Angela M. Green Marshall Kathryn Elizabeth Kennedy Norten 18 Robert M. Vorpagel 11 Estela Aguirre Hammond 18 Frank C. Hudetz 35 Heather L. Beaty Martin 10 James E. Millan John Reimer Bhavini R. Shah 12 Manali R. Shah Giving Clubs Heather M. Cronberg Breed Amy B. Kotur Gray 19 Rebecca J. Greenfield 16 Christopher James Hamric Amber N. Beach Heinze Michael P. Hood 17 Kelly J. Wilson Krump 14 Anthony C. LiFonti 12 Thomas R. McFaul 19 Ryan J. Passaglia Peter W. Pesetski Daniel Joseph Savage Monica M. Granado Schwerin Michale L. Feaver Shaw 12 Stephanie A. Walsh 13 Ryan T. Wolland 11 Contributors Jenny N. Johnson Brotherton David J. Deischer 10 Rita E. Bedrosian Gallivan 10 Chad M. Hillman 16 Todd A. Holmberg Jacob R. Hubert Carol M. Przepiorka Hughes Raymond D. Johnson Laurie A. Evans Jorgensen 10 Lawrence P. Jorgensen 10 Kristen Kalivas 14 Kathleen M. Kaufman-Hrkel Jennifer Darniece Smith Logan 13 Brian P. Petrovic 11 Thomas J. Przybylski 16 Lisa Ann Levine Schisel 17 Lindsay K. Williams Stanton Phelia D. Weir 15 C L A S S O F 19 9 9 Annual Fund: $ 4,575.00 Special Gifts: $ 33,591.50 Total Donors: 45 Participation: 8% Tower Society Magdalena M. Zdziarska Brill 13 Maricela Elizondo Madden Presidents Club Adam G. Chin 15 Kimberly A. Sluis Giving Clubs Jacob R. Bailis Dana Lynelle Vankampen Boersma Jeffrey A. Bral 15 Brian Robert Dieckmann 11 Jeremy K. Gudauskas 12 Michelle Wiseman Gudauskas 10 Matthew D. Hamsmith 11 Lisa C. Mino Johnson 12 Jacek P. Kafel 11 David S. Lesniak 11 Lydia J. Frieders Lesniak 11 Janet McKillip Main 16 Mary P. Webber Marcelain Sharon Elaine Merrill Linda Ann Botts Noonan Joshua R. Norman Matthew Leonard Nowak 14 Diana L. Raimond 17 Michael G. Reingruber Deborah A. Edwards Riegler 14 Cindy T. Aglinskas Roman 14 Kimberley D. Evans Sowa William Richard Swain 13 Craig Michael Tomczak June Ngoc-trinh Vo Joshua D. Zilm Contributors Jason Louis Acevedo 17 Kendall Nicole Andrews Jennifer K. Finley Dusek 13 Katherine Johnson Gannon Weert J. Goldenstein Christopher S. Hamilton 14 Beth A. Lamie Huffaker 12 Eugene J. Kuleta 12 Thomas A. Maulding Teri A. Rodenbostel Rohlwing Donna Knecht Schmidt 16 Jeffrey A. Schroetlin 17 Avery A. Sipla 16 Jamie L. Peterson Weigel 13 Heather J. Wulf CL ASS OF 2000 Annual Fund: $ 4,415.00 Special Gifts: $ 2,203.00 Total Donors: 52 Participation: 10% Presidents Club Michael John Deger 22 Elaine G. Beck Jones 10 Amy Elizabeth May Scott 17 Brian Michael Scott 15 Giving Clubs Patrick James Bell Sandra Lyn McElhinny Bell Jeremy Jon Bivens 11 Jason Dale Boersma Christine A. Burdick 10 Evie Ann Rote Burke Gregory B. Burks 11 Jeff T. Hansen 13 Nicole Denise Hrycyk 14 Krista Marie Dial Jocke Daniel R. Katai Sarah Anne Schmidt Kraus 10 Carolyn A McEttrick Nathan David Montgomery Kirk E. Overstreet Nathan B. Partridge 12 Martha A. Klara Robb Michael R. Roman 14 Wade Robert Scheffner Amanda J. Umhoefer 14 Joanne L Seaman Weiss Wesley James Whamond Russell G. Whitaker Kimberly Lynne Winslow-DePaola Colin Fisher Young Jennifer Lynn Yurachek Contributors Michael J. Albiniak Jeremy Denton Bayness Daniel Michael Beerman 11 Jennifer Dawn Underhill Devereux Daren Joel Dusenske Jennifer P. Albrecht Erdmann 10 Nicholas Paul Erdmann Dominic Jude Fallara Jill M. Nelson Flowers Nicholas Joseph Fulara Gregory Scott Godfrey 13 Anna Christina Fuller Gonzales Journy B. Guide Mark S. Halloran Donna Lynn White Hogel 11 Noreen D. Pottenger Hudson Monika Hoeper Kelly Pamela Jones Lawrence Jennifer L. Hill Melvin 14 Robert W. Taylor Erica A. Tuttolomondo Janine Lynn Keca Wange 15 CL ASS OF 2001 Annual Fund: $ 2,395.00 Special Gifts: $ 3,573.16 Total Donors: 49 Participation: 9% Presidents Club Maria A. Fico Caselli 16 Kristine Elizabeth Zeller 13 Giving Clubs Nathaniel M. Burke Elisabet Landeck Dauber Elizabeth Caria Fabro 12 Mark Andrew Farina 12 Adam R. Fitzenreider 13 Alisa Ann Osier Guthrie Lidia Barbarasa Han 11 Yolanda Atanasov Jamnik 12 Jason J. Janes 14 Jennifer A. Christy Johnson Amber Marie Larson Kenney Mathew James Littleton 14 Mason M. Luebbing Timothy Stephen McCoskey 12 Dawn Lynn Lockwood Moody 15 Amy Joy Kleinheksel Narayanan 11 Robert Rocco Pomazak Daniel Bradford Potter Jonathan Allen Rippe Amanda Fran Veenstra Rohlfing Daniel Bryan Rohlfing Amy E. Schultze Steenson Mary W. Wightman Wieland 14 Tammy Lea Koehler Wierciak 15 Vickie Jean Tacheny Witt 14 Adam Thomas Yantorni Contributors Mark T. Ayers 11 Bianca P. Seaman Bird 10 Laura Beth Fancher Bower Marietta Eberly Andrew S. Egel Susan Greenberg Fiedor 15 Soo Gyung Han Frank Hladik 11 James David Ison Victoria Elizabeth Jozef Ryan O’Keefe Kane 12 Diana Marie Schmidt Kowalski 14 Bret T. Kubin Crystal Lea Kurtz Michael J. Lezon Jenny Ren Kintzele Orsburn 13 Paul Jacob Rebus Shannon Virginia Schwarzwalder Nicole Marie Swanson 14 Kirk Ronald Thorson CL ASS OF 2002 Annual Fund: $ 4,805.00 Special Gifts: $ 6,435.37 Total Donors: 65 Participation: 12% Presidents Club Valla Beth Coffman Aguilar Adrian Michael Aldrich 14 Derek William Elftmann Brandon Douglass Hoeft 13 Lori Beth Nita Novak 12 Giving Clubs Miranda Lynne Iwataki Barfuss Carrie Anne Soffietti Bral 10 Callie Anne Byers Celichowski 12 Michelle Lane LaGroue Conradt Anna Marie Tollberg Dau 12 Samuel Nicholas Dempsey Krista Marie Engerman Littleton 11 Bernadette Marie Belmonte Glass Russell Thomas Hayes Stefny Rae Kobus Heeley Therese A. Hoehne Christine Marie Otto Janes 13 Anwaar Judeh 13 Aaron J. Lawler Scott B. Loehrke Kimberly Ann Pulcanio Marran Thomas Patrick Marran Barbara Jeanne Karnoscak Montgomery Kristina Louise Matarazzo Moran 13 Matthew E. Moran 12 Brian Michael Nendza Mark C. Platt Patrick A. Pospisek Kristin Kathleen Prins 10 Margaret L. Ranum Jennifer Lynne Bartgen Reid 13 Matthew T. Robb Kerry Ann Schultz Laura Marie Siron Kengie Sue Vanderlaan Smith 11 Melanie Lynn Neumann Stancampiano 11 Alison Beth Montgomery Watson Phillip A. Wierciak Elizabeth Catherine Sigmond Yantorni Contributors Christopher Karl Anderson 12 Anthony Christopher Bartolotta Brooke Elizabeth Beetz Scot David Bertram Russell Martin Christiansen Kimberly Sue Denison DeSplinter Patrick Randall Doggett Joseph B. Dominik Jared Dwight Folley Jami Mechelle Fortenbury James Matthew Gonda 11 Timothy Alan Hammers Erin Marie Moore Harlon Edward Haynes 10 James William Houston Susan M. DeNigris Kane 11 Donald Edward Koletsos 13 Denise R. La Forte Kara Elizabeth Landis Lehnhardt James M. Owczarski 13 Lucinda A. Cromwell Page Holly-Joy Kathleen Blastic Schroetlin 14 Jamie Lynn Zullo Shoup 14 Matthew Michael Sinnott William J. Stang 13 Stephanie Cassandra Ziegler Sutton CL ASS OF 2003 Annual Fund: $ 3,395.00 Special Gifts: $ 5,264.01 Total Donors: 48 Participation: 9% Presidents Club Jacqueline Marie Milbratz Aldrich 12 Brian A. Craig Kenton James Skarin Giving Clubs Marie Pe Branson Banson Matthew Thomas Baum 14 Kristina Lynn Bonn 12 Kristina Landeck Dauber Robin A. Henders James J. Hoover Cheryl A. Harri Krug David G. McCallough Darren M. Meyer 12 Amy E. Passaglia Leon Stephen Pedraza Karla Kae Rockwell Mary Ellen Nolan Sarns 10 David Jason Shafron 12 Dana Jeanne Solomon Adam J. Stein Gregory P. Stolze Michael Brandon Sundblad Anthony L. Vittal Carolyn Ann Kroupa Weaver Laina Margarete Wing Stephen M. Wright Contributors Michael Acosta Amanda Irene DeWig Ciolek Amy E. Clarke Sievers 13 Katherine Marie Doyle Jason Richard Gianvecchio Elizabeth Ann Bulmer Graver Grant Wesley Graver Amy C. Hrubec Johnson Tamara G. Schipma Kadera Carol Kristin Przybylski Kostelny Joseph James Koszela Christopher M. Kowalski Elaine Krnich Rachel C.G. Lobel Matthew J. Maaske David A. McCarty Lori J. Miller Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 37 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Sarah Jean Oliver Rebecca Ann Ondracek Adam Michael Page Sharon Elizabeth Rice Katie Lee Ruder Michelle M. Rutkowski 10 CL ASS OF 2004 Annual Fund: $ 1,020.00 Special Gifts: $ 5,750.00 Total Donors: 34 Participation: 6% Presidents Club Kevin Lee Jordan 12 Brenden Joseph Mariano 11 Bradley Weston Spencer 12 James E. Willett 17 Giving Clubs Katherine Weber Biehl Peter Wan-Ying Chen 10 Emilie Lillie Clark Rebecca Ann Sipla Dempsey Susan E. Bumke Dobrodt James Richard Dore Jesse A. Fugitt Matthew C. King Renee J. Miklosik Timothy W. Nelson Ryan Dale Peterson 11 Tim Raben Meghen K. Pitts Williams Jeffrey T. Wink Contributors Omar Bilal Abdullah 11 Jennifer Ann Marecki Brown Diana Marie Duran Lindsey Rose Haun Gula Ronald P. Jaegle Jeremy Scott Jewell William Robert Kadera 10 Christine Lynn Korbus McCusker Kevin Andrew McCusker Amanda Louise Medhurst Michael Anthony Norwood Contributors Julie A. Przybylski Petrovic Keith Andrew Plywaczynski Scott Eugene Roberts Griffin L. Sonntag Whitney Jeanne Baker Spagnola Sarah Ann Szczesniak Brian Michael Wright CL ASS OF 2005 Annual Fund: $ 3,493.00 Special Gifts: $ 9,699.00 Total Donors: 53 Participation: 10% Presidents Club Bret William Bonnet Michelle Eileen Galasso Joan E. Abbott Long 22 Christopher M. Williams Giving Clubs Rachel Louise Laumeier Anderson Danielle M. Bank Jennifer J. Baur Rosemary Eva Becker Ross P. Berkley Jacob Edwin Bremer Elizabeth Marie Cantore Ashley Paige Harris Dudich Stacey Marie Bitterman Earnest John Andrew Enright 12 Ibrahim A. Fetuga Scott M. Filippelli Carlina M. Franks 10 Abby Lynn Timmons Fugitt Michelle Jean Grist Erin Marie Ufheil Hoover 10 Jill Marie Stasell Johnson Cassandra Lynn Pacheco Kilgore Lara L. Levine Brock Adam McKinnon Jena Ann Rutter McKinnon Michael E. O’Brien 10 Fallon Nichole Opperman 12 Christopher McKee Rohde Michael J. Tenerelli Book signing event, B.J. Novak’s “The Book with No Pictures” Contributors Justin M. Ashton Kristen Jean Caprarola Kathleen M. Corrigan Colin Patrick Daly Matthew K. Decker Matthew Thomas Edgcomb Stephanie Irlene Fameree Furlong Joseph John Hubberts Laura M. Jarosz Michael Wayne Kelsey Marielle Kristine Kokos Sarah Jane Levine Tammie K. Bray Lollis Kerrie Ashley Lynn Brandi Myers Jeffrey Michael Noga Chad D. Pedigo Mark Joseph Peiffer Michael Thomas Pickett Suresh Kumar Poopandi Michael J. Resner Marcey E. Ganet Siegel Monica Ann Szaflik Nicole Linn Waldenmeyer Christine Lynn Provencher Wright Jeffrey Scott Wunning CL ASS OF 2006 Annual Fund: $ 14,295.00 Special Gifts: $ 8,770.00 Total Donors: 50 Participation: 10% Tower Society Sue W. Whitney Koranda 11 Presidents Club Katherine Susan Koranda Bolton Bonnie K. Beetz Kniss John Andrew Koranda Tyke Erwin Spencer 11 Alexandria Rios Taylor Eugentri Taylor Giving Clubs Tyler Steven Bell Adam Canaday Billman-Galuhn Jamie Michelle Rutter Calandriello Elizabeth Ann DeSitter Charles R. Earnest Benjamin James Hare 11 Sarah Michelle Wardzala Hare 12 Travis William Hartke 10 Roland James Hopkins 10 Andrew L. Hubner 10 Sara E. White Hubner Jason Patrick Lamar Dori Luli 10 Emily M. MacGruder Anthony D Manzzullo Carla Lin Kolavo Muir Thomas John Palmer Jennifer L. Stecher Jacob N. Vo Randall Scott Wallin 10 Amber Lynn West Willhite Christopher Eugene Winkler Contributors Michael M. Berago Mary Emily Sykora Binder Nancy A. Lambert Bradish Marcus A. Buddin Patrick J. Carney Peter C. Cartwright Raj Cherian 3 8 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Marisa Lynette Martinez Coccaro Michael J. Gelande Jeffrey Jas Harris Nicholas James Hird Guthrie Luke Hood Brian Andrew Horst Brian A. LaPointe Rosalie J. Lewis Messer Kip Michalak Mary Ann Porlier Aaron J. Posey Ryan Thomas Rekruciak Grant Louis Sabo Loretta Janina Shekleton Katherine Michelle Stukel Raymond Joseph Vicario 10 CL ASS OF 2007 Annual Fund: $ 1,223.00 Special Gifts: $ 1,738.32 Total Donors: 48 Participation: 9% Presidents Club Timothy Francis Bellazzini David Walter Johnson Kam Scott Kniss 11 Kalah Anne Thorngren Spencer Giving Clubs Karri L. Prather Bell Megan A. Rossi Bremer Caitlin Anne Drzewiecki Gregory A. Herald Jessica Ann Griffin Hopkins Kristina Lynn Scherer O’Hara Douglas A. Pawlik Rob Thomas Riter Leah Dawn Ruggirello Stephen P. Schnackel Alyssa R. Dallner Swengel Contributors Steven A. Albanese Alicia Grace Catalano Anderson William Benjamin Armistead Megan Elise Aubry Andrea L. Colias Baker Kathleen M. Bonamer Eric S. Brechtel Amy L. Bugner Anthony M. Coccaro Shelley Ann Crawford Courtney Michele Mambourg Daniels Lauren M. Davies Lauren Olivia Visher De Simone Katherine Leigh Knapczyk Drennan Kelly Jean Duncan Rebekah D. Faber Daniel J. Fechalos Noah J. Fitzenreider Jasmina Hadzic Michelle Kathryn Lewandowski Helberg Kelly M. Henkel Danielle Nicole Izac Brian Timothy Johnson Timothy Alan Messer Eric T. Neubauer Robert John Pacheco Russell Phillip Pantek Cory Ryne Roop Rena V. Schergen Stephanie Jane Bailey Schmalzer Matthew Jude Shuba Matthew Richard Sorenson Daniel M. Stanish Nichole Leigh Ann Swafford William Michael Wangerow James Robert Weincek CL ASS OF 2008 CL ASS OF 2009 C L A S S O F 2 0 10 C L A S S O F 2 0 11 Annual Fund: $ 720.00 Special Gifts: $ 3,101.58 Total Donors: 57 Participation: 10% Annual Fund: $ 1,126.05 Special Gifts: $ 9,637.32 Total Donors: 59 Participation: 10% Annual Fund: $ 2,976.00 Special Gifts: $ 2,405.50 Total Donors: 62 Participation: 11% Annual Fund: $ 2,160.00 Special Gifts: $ 950.50 Total Donors: 45 Participation: 9% Presidents Club Presidents Club Presidents Club Presidents Club Jordan Wayne Hoffman Kaylee May Noll Jordan Joseph P. Maffey Giving Clubs Jennifer Lynn Berosek Kimberly L. McCleary Coyne Alice R. Dechene Sandra Kay Skoff Giovannini Nichole Marie Hansen-Galuhn* Abigail Rose Farning Hooper Maureen Leece Matthew Edward Mahay Joseph M. Malik Michael Patrick Manning Katherine Jeannine Menendez Maria Teresa A. Mesina Kevin M. Miller Ryan Thomas Morrison Michael A. Musselman Steven Richard Nowaczyk Cynthia A. Onderisin Paul Scott Palmer Adam W. Pennington Marybeth Cieplak Peterson Nathan Joseph Ronchetti Paige Erna Spangler Ronchetti Contributors Megan L. Anderson Christopher D. Bazant Emmy Kate Bossenga Sarah Elizabeth Brady Nicole Helen McLain Buddin Jillian Elizabeth Bures Jeremy Ceja Jessica G. Cohen Kimberley A. Cramer Samantha Marie Shuman Dastice Nicole Ann Dominique Dickson Pearce R. Dowden Sarah L. Giesenschlag Allison Susan Worley Hillman Anthony Michael Imbordino Jeff Jakubiec Adam L. Johnson Allison Marie Evans Johnson Diana Marie Range Kaiser Nathan Thomas Kennedy Vasily A. Kolesnikov Morgan J. Harrell Kopitzke Brian T. Lesiewicz Sarah Danielle McMillan Brian Morgan Caitlin M. O’Connell Thomas Tham Pham Sean R. Reed Lauren K. Romero Anthony James Schaeffer Jaclyn E. Sprawka Lauren M. Kirby Stanish Jessica Marie Stephen Kirstin Nicole Whittington Mark J. Yena Nicholas A. Piette Kathryn E. Williams Eric Dale Young Heather A. Krug Young Giving Clubs Richard A. Anderson Heather Noel Erickson Cisowski Jeffrey Michael Cisowski Joseph A. D’Antonio Nicholas C. DeFalco Jennifer L. Moninger DuFore Victoria Kathryn Elliott Cheryl Arra Gatto Nicholas Patrick Guido Steven Lee Heeley Michael R. MacIntosh Kelly C. Mueller William A. Nunamaker John S. Oliver Matthew J. Prucha Mitchell T. Raridon Kristen A. Olson Schnackel Joshua A. Seago Blayne C. Sim Jorie H. Smith Lauren Nicole Bentel Stewart Christopher A. Toy Saramani M. Wells Benjamin Charles Youel Contributors Joshua Albert Arenson Jason Michael Beer Matthew J. Blaine Amanda Marie Block Brittany Jean Borella Jennifer Lynn Carlson Christopher A. Drennan Jessica B. Eggert Todd S. Gingerich John Francis Grady Jeffrey Carl Helberg Nathaniel C. Hird Lauren Hudson George Vincent Kaluzny Kyle K. Kniss Jessica Denise Kozelsky John K. Lancaster Michelle Joy LeDonne Jennifer E. Lindquist Sylvia E. Garcia-Faure Luchini Steven A. Mangiantini Francis Marion Martin Alexander David Mersman Austin H. Morgan Hailey Josephine Pocic Adam Michael Pucylowski Kathryn Dawn Kossak Raymond Tommy D. Robertson Jillian J. Ruggiero Kevin Christopher Sabo Jesse D. Shuman Dina Marie Tufo Andrew P. Veach Heather R. Hostert Whitney Jared T. Bogan Brian Gordon Fry Patrick T. Malek Giving Clubs Kyle P. Brady Daniel J. Buys Sean T. Carlson Marie Kathleen Galvan Kristin Ann Arredia Guido Farahanaz Ahmedi Hassan Christopher Kyle Kane Michael A. Kloss Alexander C. Knobloch Cristina Marie Madrigal Krein Danielle M. Cifonie Kuboushek Sarah A. Martin Christina Marie Mitchell Patrick J. Murphy Kelly Anne Lofgren Nordlund Addie M. Nussbaum Matthew H. Paulus Laura Jo Petersen Kathryn Rose Ritzwoller Sapienza Vincent J. Sapienza Kimberly L. Edgerton Scrogham Carolyn A. Sutphen Antonia Mary Jankowski Waters Brian Matthew Waters Contributors David Joseph Adams Jacob Alan Aufderheide Jacob L. Austin Ashley L. Bartel Justin Michael Bresolin Mirjana Borojevic Brito Jill Ann Bushman Ryan Matthew Carrigan Heather Nicole Desmond Megan Marie Drahos Kristen Leanne Dunlap-Berg Shannon B. Finucane Colleen Marie Fogarty Matthew Grennell Adam S. Hamilton Lucy Ann Lund Hawke Weston James Henry Britt Marie Quinn Johnson Shannon Alexis Kelly Jessica Jean Lagodney Elise N. Manzie Kevin E. McCarthy Laura J. Mueller Scott Paul Logan Oltman Brian Gregory Orlik Eric J. Oros Kelly E. Peterson Heather Nicole Racine-Vogt Dominick A. Raymond Kara Beth Reid Nick D. Robinson Samantha Susan Schooley Nicholas Conrad Smith Steven J. Stack Derek Anthony Sulo Dominic Leo Sulo Dorothy Kim-Thi Tran Natalie Marie Vivacqua Matthew J. Wenger Colleen E. A. White Stephanie Ryding Zobac Michael John Allara Giving Clubs Pero Atanasov Matthew John Borchardt Ashley Eileen Seiple Chubirka Joshua David Clay Kylie Kristine Knowlton Timothy P. Lesiewicz Gaetano Navarra LoPresti Hanh Bich Pham Alyssa Kathlyn Rabulinski Katelynn Marie Schmidt Samuel Joseph Sweeney Weien Wang Kristin Marie Dragland Young Contributors Sarah Jeanne Bikulcius Marlon Dante Brown Colleen Erin Burzynski Jillian Rachel Piet DiCarlo Lesley Ann Ebel Anna Marie Wirtz Evans Molly L. Link Freed Ryan Douglas Freed Alyssa Marie Gaudio Katherine Margaret Hannan Megan Elizabeth Holland Brett C. Hulett Laurel Elaine Hundley Samuel David Inman Samantha Rae Kaciuba Melony M. Kohlmeier Stephanie N. Kuersten Erika R. Koch Mangiantini Emma T. Marzullo Tracy M. Mattis Meagan Rose Moore Steven James Oliveri Dennis T. Page John J. Prieboy Scott E. Randecker Amanda C. Sierant Michael S. Spain Kaitlynn E. Aufderheide Tiede Jon Barton Tinman Nora R. Wessels Dennis J. Whitlow Brian M. Wiesbrook Joshua Gabriel Youel C L A S S O F 2 0 12 Annual Fund: $ 835.00 Special Gifts: $ 2,928.00 Total Donors: 63 Participation: 10% Tower Society Jonathan Antony Howard Presidents Club Jesus M. Aguilar Trent E. Anderson Giving Clubs Kaley Therese Callaghan Norman James Doyle Steven F. Hlavac Alexandria A. Kordelewski Anna A. Laky-Meyer Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 39 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Michelle C. Lazowski Nicole Maria LeDonne Justin A. Matkovich Amanda Jo Mehok Colleen E. Oakes Conor S. Oenning Nicholas Alexander Penev Alicia Lynn Zimmerman Rafferty Brittany Noel Rowe Michael Edward Swanson Sarah Lynn Hall Swanson Sean M. Tomac Kateri Zoe Tumminello Sheila M. Walsh John Patrick Wood Contributors Chelsea Marie Armstrong Daniel T. Benton Rosemary Ann Gorski Beutell Amy Virginia Frazzini Billo Kala Marie Bingham William J. Blaszak Caitlyn M. Butler Patrick B. Cannon Nicholas Bartholomew Capristo Mallory Jean Carr Kirsten Elena Coffman Edward W. Daech Jacob A. Dailey Martha Aureliane Disclafani Nathan M. Fitzenreider Margaret Kirschten Foley Kathleen Shannon Frey Brionna Patrice Givens Caroline Suzanne Gully Laurence Alex Haan Ross Paul Helberg Tyler James Herman Andrew Duncan Highland Erin M. Hinckley Emmanuel Juarez Halla F. Karaman Neal J. Klein Brittany Lauren Kulbeda Amy M. McDonnell Katelynn Alicia Moxon Mary Naset Marty P. Rossman Maureen M. Scott Sarah Ann Stasukewicz Michael Louis Stella Eman Suleman Laraine B. Tagare William G. Thrun Brian Michael Wojciechowski Andrew William Zobac C L A S S O F 2 0 13 Annual Fund: $ 639.65 Special Gifts: $ 2,322.00 Total Donors: 56 Participation: 9% Presidents Club Bryan J. Taylor Giving Clubs Adam Ross Ciccone Rebecca L. Cisowski Matthew John Hussey Kevin M. Kloss Kyle R. Kothera Elizabeth Catherine Linning Samantha Elizabeth Majewski AshAnna E. McBride Aldi Mertira Joseph E. Michals Contributors Sarah A. Morton Emily Jean Page Derek Anthony Sanderson Kayla Ashley Schmidt Tyler James Simmons Emily Elizabeth Stewart Franklin Maverick Sutphin Kyle R. Thomas Contributors Jennifer Aiko Nosaka Alexander Jessica L. Arnold Cassandra Scarlett Balaskas Gloria Kay Barnum Merissa S. Burnett Courtney Lyn Cain John-Alexander G. Cernak Stephanie Lyn Crutchfield Claire M. Davenport Gwendolyn Mary Irene DeDera Kyle A. Deraedt Adam Zachery Doden Nicolette Shannon D’Oronzo Whitney Leigh English Alyssa Figueroa Kaitlyn Renae Freese Joseph Anthony Guenther Rhett Wayne Gunderson Jenae Catherine Harner Thomas G. Hecimovich Jessica Lynn Ignarski Daniel Abraham Kerley Emma Catharine Majerus Joseph Robert McAvoy Molly Katherine McGinnis Anna Rose McGreal Kevin Robert Murphy Keeler Wallace Otero Jake V. Powers Emily Suzanne Risher Jami Lynn Royer Austin Jacob Sadnick Noah S. Savage Allison N. Schmidt Ashley Marie Stevenson Eleni Tsevas Sarah Lynn West C L A S S O F 2 0 14 Annual Fund: $ 833.00 Special Gifts: $ 2,796.99 Total Donors: 89 Participation: 12% Presidents Club Alyssa T. Allgood Giving Clubs Jamie Lynn Barthelme John Peter Cannova Tasha K. Hobbs Michael Vito Lenzi Anie M. Leon Alexis Marie Mansfield Jose Ricardo Martinez Courtney Elizabeth Maxwell Amy Y. Mori Maureen M. Shelley Murphy Emily Rose Nordmann Marissa Rose Olszewski Erin Louise Pertile Anna Ptak-Nosal Ryne Thomas Rezac Mary Kate Rohn Jennifer S. Wiley Roy Jeremy G. Rushing Nicole K. Salerno Jacob S. Sandborn 4 0 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Mason A. Sass Chelsea Rose Sullivan Lory J. Mikula Watson Tyler Jordan Witkowski Contributors Spiros S. Angelakos Jack D. Arnston Katherine M. Barrett Amanda Rose Bartak Nicholas Walter Baumgartner Melissa M. Baxter Matthew John Brinkmeier Bryan Richard Brown John Connor Brown Stephanie A. Brunetti Kirsten Ann Bushman Douglas P. Carmichael Christina Kadine Carstens Jessica Lynn Clayton Kimberly Marie Garner Cramer Brittany M. Cufaude Joseph Montgomery Czaja Alely Nunez Anthony M. Ochoa Chad E. O’Kane Jeffrey J. Petrick Lauren K. Prescott Michael Edward Prosia Christina Ann Richardson Benjamin James Ryan Nicolas Joseph Santos Lauren Elizabeth Sauer Christopher S. Scheid Nathan Michael Schweitzer Ricardo Serrano Teran Ryan Jacob Shreve Tanya Nicole Starkey Susan A. Raben Stellmacher Julianna Marie Stevenson Brianne E. Thomas Matthew Rodman Thompson Martyna Waszkielewicz David Andrew Weber Mackenzie Ann Wenger Class of 1964 reunion Monica Jean Degenhardt Aaron D. Ferst Jordan J. Fritz Caitlin Ann Garvey Anne E. Green Joshua S. Hancock Ingrid Janice Torres Heimbach Pipkin Aaron W. Hoffman Marissa A. Hopkins Kevin J. Horn Rachael L. Houp Clara Hur Kevin L. Jackman Colleen C. Jajewski Fnu Jasleen Kaur Adam Oliver Kendall Jonathan Michael King Lisa Marie Kwit Meredith Christine Lanan Jamie Allison Legner Alexander Philip Mann Peter David Mann Katrina Therese McNeela Gianna Marie Medina Robert Edward Mette Derek Joseph Nelson Joshua A. Williams Matthew R. Zemke C L A S S O F 2 0 15 Annual Fund: $ 3,152.00 Special Gifts: $ 5,429.87 Total Donors: 383 Participation: 56% Presidents Club Steven Gene Perry Giving Clubs Nicole Kossakowski Arient Shelby Nicole Fischer Steven Thomas Liaromatis Austin Cole McKee Rachel Anne Oberheide Meghan L. Pickett Lucas Ryan Romanello Anthony Michael Schullo Martha A. Keil Stolze 16 Carly Elizabeth Trenhaile Robert Glen Wegley Contributors Bethlehem Yoseph Abdissa Heather Ashley Accettura Carolyn Renee Aikens Athina Ajazi Eva Michelle Allen Kaitlyn A. Anders Allison Karin Anderson Kayla Marie Antle Eric M. Anzelone Jennifer Rae Arns Amanda Ruth August Lina M. Baker Alexandria Rose Baltrus Danara Renee Barlow Jordan L. Barnes Eliana Rae Bartel Kayla Renee Bartz Marissa C. Bartz Jordyn Marie Beck William Alan Becker Jennifer Katherine Beem Kayley Marie Ciocci Maryssa Eleni Cladis Amanda Elizabeth Coglianese Elizabeth Composto Chelsea M. Coneset Kathleen Theresa Connolly Zayde Contreras Maureen Elizabeth Conway Kristen Renee Correale Katie Eileen Crawford Andrew Henry Cross Reynolds E. Cross Mariana Cury Samantha M. Czernik Brianna M. Danta Jordan Christopher Dean Allison Nicole Deckinga Alexander Sheridan Deeter John August William DePasquale Madelyn Elyse DePorter James Michael DerKacy Marc G. DesLauriers Joseph Rooker DiCicco Homecoming fun Jacquelyn Elise Bland Andrew Garrett Bockus Adeline Nicole Boettcher Christopher C. Boffa Adam J. Bogdan Eve Wallace Bowman Brett M. Breshears Kaitlyn Lynae Brown Rebecca Ann Burns Brett J. Bush Ashley Ann Byers Megan Rose Byrom Alyse Kathleen Cahill Alexander C. Cairo Marcelo David Cajas-Manangon Jacob Anthony Camiliere Jacari Simone Campbell Elaine Michelle Cannell Abigail Lynn Caprio Samuel Dylan Ross Carius Mia Elizabeth Casasanto Megan Elizabeth Cave Laura Nolle Chen Julianna Joy Ciaglia Bruce Edward Cibulka David F. Cieniawa Adelaide Josephine Dieckmeyer Emily C. Dierking Nicole K. Digweed Rachel Marie DiPietro Matthew Jordan Dixon Bradly M. Donati Alexa Jeane Dorini Christian J. Druce-Jones Holly Marie Dryden Christine E. Dunne Milan Stephen Eapen Nicole Marie Elliott Katelyn Amanda Emricson Uyanga Erdenebat Brett M. Ernst Abigail Escatel Taylor N. Esch Alexa Nicole Esposito Leticia M. Estrada Kevin M. Evenson Tyler Jordan Every Katherine Ann Fecht Kelsey LeAnn Feiden Jessica Rose Fiala Tyler Mark Finnegan Marci Anne Fletcher Jordan Diane Flowers Sheryl Lynn Foster Cristina Maria Francisco Lauren Louise Frieders Tyler Martin Friel Evan Robert Gallegos Nicole Marie Gawron Katrina Dawn Gillilan Jessica J. Gomez Baily Ann Gorey Lauren Anne Gorski Lisa B. Gorski Paige Elizabeth Grady Alexis Elizabeth Gramera Deana M. Guarino Lucas John Habeeb Martin Eugene Haderlein Adam Edwin Halick Hanna Grace Hanlon Joshua Charles Hart Jeffrey Hartzell Joseph Alan Hass Nicholas Matthew Hayes Daniel J. Headley Katrina Danielle Wade Healey Rebecca Lynn Heinen Margaret Grace Heldt Bayanzul Hendel Benjamin Logan Henderson Amy M. Hermle Crystal Ann Hernandez Lauren E. Hernandez Sadie Elizabeth Herrick Ian M. Hilton Amanda Joan Hitzeman Elizabeth Marie Hoffman Jennifer Lynn Hoffman Kristin Lynne Hoffman Marissa Mae Holaway Hannah Rae Holota Julie Paige Horvath John Brandon Hosey Thomas G. Hoster Robert G. Hubbard Lattice Hudson Daniel Jacob Huizinga Melissa Rose Hurley Maggie Mae Hussey Kayla Lee Hutcherson Haleigh Anne Hutchinson Anna M. Hvizdos Kaitlyn Jean Jacob Nicole C. Jakobsze Christopher Michael James Bobbi Kaitlyn Johns Elizabeth Christine Johnson Jake Smith Johnson Jordan Danielle Johnson Niki Crystal Johnson Rachael M. Johnson Julia A. Jones Matthew David Kachlik Hilary Alexis Kalve Brittany Elizabeth Kancauski Melanie F. Karos Meghan Marie Kats Courtney Nicole Keefe Ryan C. Kent Carolyn Louise Kerr Jonathon David Kingzette Thomas A. Klopcic Nikolas Gregory Kmiecik Kerby Rae Kniss Catherine Lucille Knopf Kaitlin Ann Knowles Lauren Gabrielle Kolar Felix N. Kombwa Jeffrey E. Kort Mitchell Gordon Kositzky Ashley Kathleen Kowalski Hannah C. Kramer Benjamin Charles Krusen Lacey Marie Kwiatek Emily F. Labedz Zachary Tyler Laidley Caitlin Marie Lake Logan C. LaRocque Lindsay T. Latanski Alicia D. Laubsted Colin Ryan Laughlin Sarah Ann Lechelt Stephen Jacob Lemm Gina Marie Leo Kyle Raymond Lepine Katherine A. Limbach Rachel Darlene Lindenberg Olivia R. Lopez Sara Lopez Kristen Margaret Luchene Kelsey Ann Lund Sean Michael Lynch Victoria Ann Lynn Brianna R. Mackey James T. Maher Dylan J. Mahler Vlasta Josephine Mangia Jamie Lee Mangiameli Melanie Rachel Mara Sean Patrick Markham Daniella Martinez Marlena E. Martinez Miranda Renee Mastro Cynthia D. Mata John M. Maton Jessica N. Matsumoto Andrew Patrick McCarey Brendan Charles McCormack Jane Marie McCullough Michael John McGrath Chelsea Rene McGuire Kevin R. MacPherson McMahon Lucia Mejia Megan Katherine Meyer Dora Angelina Meza Frank Anthony Miller Rachel L. Miller Kathryn M. Mittel Brooke K. Monroe Michael Monterrubio Erica Marie Moran Nicole L. Mordini Jaymeson Michael Ryan Moten Patrick Joseph Murphy Melissa Rose Naglich Christina Nicole Naponelli Breanda Andrea Varela Nava Kelsey Lynn Nebl Kristin Marie Nelson Robyn Alyssa Norton Anthony Richard Nuccio Kaitlyn Marie Oberbeck Mustapha A. Olaoye Drew Randall Olehy Blake Ryan Olson Brittny S. Olson Kedryn Sajee Orrison Emily Lynn O’Toole Femi Robert Oyewole Jessica Lynn Pacetti Alexander D. Palac Sean Steven Paler Kaylen Kristine Palmer Joseph John Paparone Desury Leonor Paredes Charles Alexander Parlette Jessica Lynn Kraft Parlette Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 41 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Deepa A. Patel Brooke Danae Patterson Amanda Katherine Peck Leah Anne Peck Adrian Perez Taylor Elaine Harrison Petefish Stephanie Elizabeth Petruzzi Rachel Alexandra Phipps Christopher Francis Picciuolo Susan Nicole Piotrowski Allison Rose Plansky Sarah Nicole Porter Cecilia A. Portillo Amanda Lee Preston Kathleen Ann Quinn Dian Petkov Radev Omar Ramirez Ethan Colton Rath Brian Andrew Read Katelyn Rose Rechenmacher Benjamin M. Redmond Sara Emily Reid Alexa Michelle Reinecke Michael W. Reinke Ashley Elizabeth Reiter McKenzie M. Richards Kiley Rose Riggio Ellery Elisabeth Rikhlyuk Nicolette Maria Rocco Joshua Daniel Rodig Thomas M. Roe Jennifer Marie Roper Bethany Anne Rosner William Andrew Rotunno Kayla Lauryn Rubel Claire Elise Ruser Richard Steven Ruske Alex M. Russell Danielle Rose Rutz Emma Maureen Ryan Meghan Elizabeth McQueeney Sabaini Andrea M. Sakleh Kassandra Sandoval Jordan R. Scherpe Kailey Golden Schlosser Jennifer Lynn Schneider Megan R. Schomaker Sarah Marie Schoonhoven Daniel John Schryer Brittany Nicole Schultz Rebecca M. Scurto Tara Lynn Sears Nathan S. Segal Eva R. Shinikova Larynn McKenzie Shumaker Deanna G. Siegel Caitlin Rose Skrbec Kelly Lynn Fullerton Smith Laura Marie Van Eck Smith Stephanie Alexis Snyder Peter S. Sorenson Alejandra Soto Weng San Sou Stacy M. Spangler Cassandra Marie Sperry Jacqueline Renee Sprague Shelby J. St. Cin Ebony S. Stallworth Charlene J. Steininger Jaclyn Ann Stellato Erin Welch Stephens Sabrina Nicole Straley Amanda K. Strolia Jason John Tyler Stubbs David Sutton Ashley Elizabeth Swanson Kaitlyn Lee Talley Katherine R. Tarchala Contributors “Selfie” with former Illinois Gov. Patrick Quinn Robert C. Tenczar Kacie L. Terranova James Paul Thrun Demarco M. Tillman Tiffany Nicole Tindell Kiersten Jean Tinkoff Nichole E. Tracy Aronzo F. Traylor Kelsey Marie Truedson Addison Abigail Van Hise Abigail R. Van Hook Gilbert Ryan Varela Mark G. Vear Abraham Vences Francesca Dawn Villare Alexander Milos Vjestica Lauren Marie Vogley David James Walsh Alyssa Joy Walters Tyler Anthony Ward Janel Leigh Webster Adam Allan Weidner Taeopae N. Wetterman Crystal L. White Kevin Michael Wierzba Matthew Paul Wilke Brian Mark Wilson Damon Neal Wilson Evan Eugene Wilson Corinne A. Wittig Rebecca A. Wos Danielle S. Wright John Michael Wunderlich Jessica Elizabeth Yoesle Nicole Young Samantha Marie Young Mary Alexandra Youngren Julie A. Yu Katelyn Breanne Zumpf Daniel Thomas Sotiros Ryan Michael Bartell Francesca Rose Cannizzaro Catherine Aleksandra John Jessica Marie Kuczkowski Maxine Elizabeth Lange Mark Allen Miller Matthew T Muth Heidi Colleen Nelson Michael G. Perez Karen Maria Riscos Danielle Christina Romano David R. Therriault Kimberly Elaine Unzicker Natasha Monet White 4 2 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu PA R E N T S Legacy Society Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bramsen ‘59,F Mr. Donald K. & Mrs. Marilyn J. McKay Mike & Maureen Naset Tower Society Mr. Steven H. Hoeft ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Johnson Kenneth & Susan Koranda F,’06 Mr. Ronald Lueptow ‘81 Mrs. Pat Shanower & Dr. Donald T. Shanower* Rick & Patricia Spencer Presidents Club Dr. Richard Abben Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Adkison ‘69,F Mr. Arasar Arullallar & Ms. Shoba Dharmalingam Rev. & Mrs. Thomas E. Babler ‘70,’69 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bennington ‘84,F Mr. J. Steven Bergerson Mr. Thomas G. & Mrs. Mary Kay Bolger Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Bus ‘83,’84 Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Byers ‘71,’72 Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Calhoun ‘52,F Mr. & Mrs. Allen B. Carius Mr. & Mrs. George A. Darrell Mr. & Mrs. Nick Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Ray Denson Mr. Kenneth W. & Mrs. Magie A. Diehl Mr. Richard T. & Mrs. Linda M. Doyle Mrs. Vera L. Eby Ms. Sandra & Mr. Rudy H. Ehrenberg Jr. ‘63,F Ms. Kathryne S. Esselburn Mr. & Mrs. Lavern Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Frattinger Mr. Frank J. Gaudio Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Hagmeyer Dr. Jayne T. & Mr. Richard Hart ‘64,F Mr. Scott G. & Ms. Rebecca L. Hartema Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hendrickson Ms. Brenda K. & Mr. Lonnie W. Hill Mrs. Shelly & Mr. Kevin Hoffman Dr. & Mrs. Donald E. Johnson ‘57,’57 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Karl Kelley Mrs. Nancy & Mr. James D. Kranpitz ‘67,F Mrs. Julie A. Lagodney ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Lueptow ‘54,’53 Dr. Mary Jean & Mr. Brian T. Lynch Mr. Charles & Mrs. Dena Martin Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Michalak ‘74,’74 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Miers Mr. & Mrs. William Motzer Sr. Mr. Richard D. Naponelli Dr. R. Devadoss Pandian & Dr. Priscilla Devadoss (H)’15,F Mr. Allen F. & Ms. Marguerite K. Panek ‘61,F Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Sanders Mr. Martin R. & Mrs. Sheila R. Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Schrader ‘61,’61 Mr. Gary A. Schuetz Mr. William C. Seiser ‘49 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shiffler Mrs. Carol A. Smith ‘64 Dr. & Mrs. William D. Soper ‘68,F Mr. Louhon & Mrs. Carolyn Tucker Mr. Les Warden Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wehrli ‘56,F Mr. Scott Weinstein Mr. & Mrs. Glen Wright Ms. Carol Zook ‘70 Mr. Wallace Zook ‘66 Giving Clubs Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Adamson Mr. Daniel A. & Mrs. Carol Alfrey ‘92,F Mr. Ronald J. Antoine Mr. & Mrs. Randy L. Arb ‘86,F Mr. Joe & Mrs. Debbie Arcangelo Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Arnston ‘83,’81 Mr. Richard & Mrs. Tamara Baer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baker Ms. Nancy A. & Mr. Brent Bandusky ‘93,F Dr. & Mrs. Peter Barger Mr. Nicholas C. & Mrs. Patricia L. Barsanti Dr. & Mrs. Eric K. Bartel ‘86,’86 Rev. & Mrs. Lowell C. Bartel ‘57,’57 Mr. Dave B. & Mrs. Karen Bazant Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Viktoria Bednarcik Mr. & Mrs. Joe Beetz Mr. John L. & Ms. Linda M. Benda ‘74,F Mr. Joe & Mrs. Debra Bennett Ms. Celeste Bessette-Johnson Ms. Adina O. & Mr. John Bishop David & Mary Louise Bishop Mr. David & Mrs. Nancy Blunk Ms. Diane Bodell Mr. Mark & Mrs. Kimberly Boden Dr. Marti S. Bogart Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Bohrer Mr. Robert J. & Mrs. Kimberly A. Bordner Mr. Robert & Mrs. Kim Boryszewski Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bovino Mr. Timothy & Mrs. Wendy Brannick Mr. Michael J. & Ms. Linda R. Breagel Mr. Joe & Mrs. Brenda Breunig Mrs. Jennifer & Mr. Troy B. Bristow Ms. Maureen Briza Mr. William W. Brodne ‘64 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Broucek Mr. Kevin K. & Mrs. Kim Brown Mrs. Mary A. & Mr. Dennis P. Brown Mr. Michael & Mrs. Kimberly Brownfield Mrs. Barbara & Mr. & Mrs. Kris Burkhardt Mr. Robert Burlingham Mr. Dan & Mrs. Louise Byrom Mr. John Canaday Mr. Preston & Mrs. Virginia Cantore Mr. & Mrs. B. R. Capristo Ms. Anne M. Carpenter-Tarbell & Mr. William S. Tarbell ‘66,F Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Donna Casey Ms. Dalia Cepele-Taylor Mrs. Cheri & Mr. Mark Cesaroni Mr. Richard & Mrs. Doris Chiaramonte Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cisowski Ms. Chris Cockrell Ms. Prudence Cole Mr. Timothy Conway Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Cook Ms. Deborah P. Corcoran Mr. Tom Corcoran Ms. Diane T. Cordogan-Junod Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Covalt Mrs. Carol & Mr. Robert J. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Bert Darrah ‘65,’64 Mr. Carl & Mrs. Joan Davison Mr. Stephen Dawidiuk Ms. Alice R. Dechene ‘08 Ms. Bridget & Mr. Ronald Deckinga Mr. Dean & Mrs. Marguerite Degenhardt Mr. Robert & Mrs. Catherine Del Carlo Mrs. Mary Jo DeLille Leo & Judy Delinski Mr. John & Mrs. Cynthia Dieckmeyer Mr. Scott & Mrs. Erin Dierking Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dinkelman Ms. Monica Dinov Mrs. Constance & Mr. Daniel Donath Mr. Michael & Mrs. Jill Donati Dr. & Mrs. Doward G. Douwsma ‘61,’61 Ms. Linda M. & Mr. Norman James Doyle F,’12 Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Maureen Drone Mr. Edward & Mrs. Linnette Drzewiecki Mr. Al E. & Mrs. Holli B. Duthie Mr. & Mrs. Charles Earnest Mr. Warner & Mrs. Annmarie Ebeling Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Engelhardt ‘70,’72 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Essig ‘72,’70 Mrs. Ruth & Mr. Steve C. Etherton ‘91,F Dr. & Mrs. Martin F. Faber ‘72,’72 Mr. Donald & Mrs. Diane Field Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Fink ‘59,F Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fisher Mr. Dan & Mrs. Susanna Fong Mr. Gregory & Mrs. Kimberly Framarin Mr. Robert W. & Ms. Shannon Frey Mr. & Mrs. Greg Gadient Mr. Craig N. & Mrs. Connie L. Ganz Mr. Tim & Mrs. Jackie Garvey Ms. Cheryl A. & Mr. Nicholas J. Gatto ‘09,F Mr. & Mrs. William Gaynor Dr. Gerald R. Gems Mr. James & Mrs. Pamela George Mr. John Geyer ‘68 Mr. David A. Goss Mr. Edwin W. & Mrs. Kathleen M. Halick Mrs. Jill & Mr. David Hall Mrs. Terri Halverson Mr. David & Mrs. Laura Hamaker Mr. Ray C. Hamilton ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Hannan Rev. & Mrs. Thomas C. Harman ‘70,’70 Mr. Charles & Mrs. Lisa Hart Mrs. Bonnie Hartke Mrs. Amy & Mr. Michael Hartsough Mr. D. E. Hasenstein Ms. Tiffany A. & Mr. William Haski Mr. James R. & Mrs. Mary P. Headley Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Heenan ‘79,’79 Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Hendrickson Mr. William Hennigan Ms. Patricia Hennis Rev. & Mrs. Edgar Hiestand Mr. Neil & Mrs. Georganne Higgins Mr. Michael & Mrs. Bonnie Hilton Mr. & Mrs. David Hoeck Mr. Russell & Mrs. Michelle Hoh Mrs. Sherlyn Holdeman ‘67 Dr. David & Ms. April Smith Horner F,’88 Mr. Scott & Mrs. Julie Houp Mrs. Janice K. Huffman ‘63 Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Hummer ‘56,F Mr. Mark & Mrs. Eileen Hutchinson Mrs. Mary Kay & Mr. Steven P. Hyett Mrs. Andrea & Mr. Kazuki Ishikawa Dr. & Mrs. Richard Iverson Mr. Rick & Mrs. Kathy Jacob Mr. Kevin & Mrs. Robin James Mr. Yanez Jamnik Ms. Yolanda A. Jamnik ‘01 Mrs. Dianne & Mr. Rick Jaracz ‘83,F Mrs. Fil & Mr. Mark Jarosz Mrs. Yvonne & Mr. Robert John Mrs. Marlene A. Johns ‘55 Mr. Gary A. & Ms. Elizabeth Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David L. Jordan Mr. Steven & Mrs. Katrina Kass Ms. Marietta E. Keating Mr. John & Mrs. Kathryn Keefe Mr. Patrick & Mrs. Nancy Kehoe Mr. Kevin & Mrs. Kathleen Kelly Mr. Denis & Mrs. Kathleen Kendall Mr. Steven J. & Mrs. Joy E. Kennell Mrs. Tami A. Kidd-Brown & Mr. Christopher C. Brown Mr. Donald W. & Mrs. Valerie J. King Ms. Patricia King Mrs. Kim & Mr. Douglas S. Kirhofer Dr. Miki & Mrs. Lorre Kitihata Mr. Tim & Ms. Ruth Kleinheksel Mr. Leonard & Mrs. Cheryl Klemp Mr. & Mrs. Rodney A. Knowlton Mr. Terry P. & Mrs. Cheryl P. Kordik Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Kral Ms. Mary A. Kroupa Mrs. Suzanne & Mr. Glen Krupica Mr. Robert LaBerry Mr. & Mrs. Dallas K. Larson Mr. Thomas J. & Ms. Theresa A. Lemar ‘83,F Mr. Gregory J. & Mrs. Sheryl A. Lemm Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Lynn Leo Ms. Karen S. Levandowski Mrs. Mary R. Lewandowski ‘67 Mr. Steven & Mrs. Eileen Liaromatis Mr. Mark & Mrs. Linda M. Lindberg Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Link Mr. Roger Liska Mr. Jeff Long Mr. Jon L. & Ms. Mary C. Macnider ‘76,F Ms. Janet M. Main ‘99 Mr. John & Mrs. Sharon Mann Mrs. Leslie R. & Mr. Michael Martens ‘88,F Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. McBride Mr. Robert & Mrs. Margaret McCann Dr. Thomas R. & Ms. Sally A. McFaul ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGuckin Mr. & Mrs. Raymond McMahon Mr. Rob & Mrs. Alysa Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Miller ‘63,’70 Mr. Howard & Mrs. Candy Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Mike Moran Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Sandra Moran Mrs. Kimberly Moss Mr. Richard Moss, II Ms. June Mueggenborg ‘55 Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Steven Mueller Mr. Alfred Munoz* Mrs. Valerie & Mr. Daniel J. Munson ‘86,F Mr. Patrick J. & Ms. Maureen M. Murphy ‘10,’14 Mr. Michael J. & Mrs. Anne Murray Mr. Michael & Mrs. Darlene Naglich Mr. Steve & Mrs. Lori Nalefski Mr. Rick & Mrs. Diane Nathan Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Nelson ‘64,F Mr. William & Mrs. Jane Nelson Mr. Russell & Mrs. Susan Ness Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Judith Nichol Mr. Thomas L. & Mrs. Julie M. Noesen Ms. Linda A. & Mr. Thomas Noonan ‘99,F Mr. Bruce Nortell Mrs. Paula & Mr. Patrick M. Norton Ms. Donna J. O’Donnell ‘88 Mr. Kelly & Mrs. Nancy O’Kane Mrs. Annemarie & Mr. Scott Oats Mr. William & Mrs. Roseanne Oberheide Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Oenning Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Ogan Mr. William J. & Mrs. Jeralyn T. Olszewski Mr. Kirk & Mrs. Rebecca Overstreet ‘00,F Mr. Keith & Mrs. Sara Palmgren Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Phillips ‘62,F Mr. & Mrs. Carl Pinnow ‘69,’68 Mr. Tim Piotrowski Mr. Dennis J. & Mrs. Joanne Piron ‘87,F Mr. & Mrs. Michael Portland Mr. Frank J. & Mrs. Rosemary Prucha ‘61,F Mr. & Mrs. John Querio Mr. William & Mrs. Kimberly Rachan Mr. Jerome Radecky Mrs. Debbie L. Radtke Mr. Bruce R. & Mrs. Karen P. Randolph Mrs. Nancy L. & Mr. Allen T. Range ‘74,F Mr. Todd D. & Mrs. Julie L. Raridon Mr. Paul M. & Ms. Lynn Rebus Mrs. Rozanne F. & Mr. Damian D. Redlinski ‘75,F Mr. & Mrs. Forrest D. Rice Dr. Beverly Richard Cook & Mr. Jerome Cook Ms. Elia Rico Dr. Nicole R. & Mr. Louis Rivera Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Rockney Ms. Joanne P. Rohn Mr. Charles R. & Mrs. Lisa Rone Ms. Rebecca Rosner Mrs. Nancy P. & Mr. Douglas Rossier ‘87,F Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Patricia Rozek Mr. David & Mrs. Wendy Rydberg Mr. & Mrs. David G. Ryding Mr. & Mrs. Grant Sabo Mr. Michael & Mrs. Janet Saffrahn Ms. Kazuko Saito ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Salik Ms. Monica Samson Dr. Richard Sandell ‘65 Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Sanders Mr. David & Mrs. Christine Sass Mr. Martin R. & Mrs. Sheila R. Sauer Ms. Bethany & Ms. Georgine H. Schick Mr. Timothy Schmitt Mr. Dan & Mrs. Kelly Schoessling Mrs. Biancha M. & Mr. John Schoonhoven ‘75,F Mr. Steve & Mrs. Roseanne Schroeder Mr. Thomas R Scott Ms. Tamara Segal Mr. John & Mrs. Patti Serafini Ms. Carol M. Shaffer ‘82 Ms. Colleen Shanahan Mrs. Diane & Mr. Jim Sheehan Mrs. Diane M. & Mr. Roy Sietsema ‘09,F Ms. Margaret Simpson Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Julie Simuncak Ms. Stacy Smith Mr. Genet & Mrs. Marise Soiresie Mr. Romeo & Mrs. Linda Sora Mr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Susie Sorenson Mr. Kenneth Sparks Mr. Steven J. & Mrs. Kimberly L. Spayer Mr. Daryl & Mrs. Mary K. Spinell Mrs. Joyce Squire Mr. Jeffery & Mrs. Sheila Starr Ms. Lori & Mr. Richard W. Strawbridge Mr. Dave & Mrs. Linda Stuursma Ms. Claudia Suero Mr. William & Mrs. Sharon Sugas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Sulo Rev. Lana T. Sutton ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Swiatek ‘71,F Mr. Michael & Mrs. Linda Sye Mr. Matthew R. & Mrs. Kelly Taphorn Mrs. Lisa & Mr. James Taylor Mr. & Mrs. E. Templeton ‘59,F Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Sandy Thompson Rev. & Mrs. Frank E. Thompson ‘61,’64 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Thrun Mr. Greg & Mrs. Amy Tilley Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Tinkoff Ms. Amy Tomney Rev. Robert E. Townsend ‘58 Mrs. Pamela & Mr. Kenneth Trenhaile Mrs. Shirley A. Tudor Mr. Terry R. Turnquist Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tuttolomondo ‘86,F Eric & Linda Turnroth ‘73,’74 Ms. Robyn Twohill Dr. Lawrence G. & Ms. Lynette Van Oyen F,’01 Mr. Allen & Ms. Dorothy Vander Meulen Mr. Robert Venier Ms. Lorraine Verstraete Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Vicario Mr. Kevin Voda Mr. Jeff & Mrs. Debbie Volz Ms. Mary C. Walsh Mr. Lonnie Waltner Ms. Karma Webber Mr. G. Allan Weick ‘53 Ms. Ann Widick Ms. Susan Wittig Mr. Todd J. & Mrs. Lisa Wood ‘94,F Mr. & Mrs. Donald Yaeger Mr. James Yood & Mrs. Lorraine Peltz Mr. & Mrs. Curt Youel Mr. Craig & Mrs. Kerry Zebold Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zeller Jr. ‘72,’73 Mr. & Mrs. Martin M. Zivin Mrs. Edna Zoephel Contributors Mr. Michael & Ms. Susan Acosta ‘03,F Mrs. Vicki & Mr. David J. Adams F,’10 Mrs. Barbara J. Anderson Mrs. Carrie & Mr. Terry Anderson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Anderson Mr. Edward Arb Mrs. Patricia K. Barksdale ‘65 Mr. Joe V. & Mrs. Sue Barnes ‘94,F Mr. Richard & Ms. Susan Bates Mr. & Mrs. Chris Baysinger Ms. Karen Beem Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Bendeich Mr. Wayne E. Bessette Mrs. Kathleen & Mr. James P. Bessey Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 43 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Mrs. Kaywyn & Mr. Paul Beswick Mr. Joseph L. & Mrs. Frances A. Bialek Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Biel Ms. Carol Binkley Mrs. Mary Jo & Mr. Mark Bonamer Ms. Christine Botten Dr. & Mrs. Ernest W. Boyer ‘58,’58 Mrs. Shirley A. Bradow ‘58 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Brandes Mr. Brent & Rev Susan Bresser Mr. & Mrs. N. G. Briscoe Mr. David Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Barry Brown Mrs. Julie A. & Mr. Martin K. Brummel ‘83,F Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Buchenot ‘75,’77 Mr. Paul & Mrs. Melanie Buckman Mrs. Barbara & Mr. & Mrs. Kris Burkhardt Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Burzynski Mr. Tom & Mrs. Patricia Buss Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Butler Mrs. Stella C. & Mr. Joseph P. Catalano ‘88,F Ms. Marie E. Chezem & Mr. Robert Chezem* F,’54 Mr. & Mrs. John Clarke Mr. David & Mrs. Patrice Cole Janice & Fred Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Connon ‘88,F Ms. Carol L. Craig Mr. Scott & Mrs. Siobhan Cravens Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Kim Crawshaw Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Melissa Crotty Ms. Caroline Cummings Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Curtis Ms. Tammy Dano Mr. & Mrs. James R. Dauphinais Ms. Debbie M. & Mr. Craig DeCaluwe ‘95,F Mr. Robert Del Ciello Mr. James A. & Dr. Linda R. Ketner-DerKacy Mr. Kim & Mrs. Trudy DesLauriers Mr. David & Mrs. Elinor Dickshinski Mrs. Theresa E. & Mr. Mark A. Dierking ‘84,F Mr. William H. & Ms. Marsha Doeckel ‘96,F Mr. Miguel & Mrs. Ariene Dominguez Mrs. Barbara & Mr. Shawn Donnelly Mr. Paul & Mrs. Maggie Douds Mr. Robert & Mrs. Elizabeth Drace Mr. Mike & Mrs. Diane Dryden Mr. Timothy W. & Mrs. Julie Dumler Mr. Chad Dutz Mr. Donald Dybala Mr. Robert E. & Mrs. Kathryn Eden F,’73 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Edgcomb Mr. Clifford Egel Mr. Mark & Mrs. Tami Emricson Mr. Luis Escheverria Ms. Cynthia Estrada Ms. Cynthia Falzarano Mr. Douglas Falzarano Mr. Wesley & Mrs. Rhonda Farr Mr. Arlie Faulhaber ‘63 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard R. Fergin ‘59,F Mr. Gregory & Mrs. Mary Fiala Mr. John M. Finnegan Ms. Tina & Mr. Gary Fitzenreider Mr. Kreg & Mrs. Donna Floyd Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Frazzini Ms. Sherry Fret Ms. Mary Fulsang & Mr. Robert Fulsang* Mr. John D. & Dr. Mary T. Galvan Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gierhart Mr. Joseph G. & Mrs. Laura L. Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Russell Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Gillespie Mr. Lamont & Mrs. Sharron Gingrich Mr. William & Mrs. Karma Gleaves Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gonda Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goodbred Rev. & Mrs. Robert L. Gossett ‘63,’63 Contributors Ms. Heidi & Mr. Bill Grabowski Mr. Louis & Mrs. Diane Guido ‘86,F Mr. & Mrs. Craig Guilbault Mr. Sean F. & Mrs. Karen Hagen ‘91,F Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hampton Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur R. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Jvee M. Harner Mrs. Dawn & Mr. Mike Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Harvey Ms. Nancy Hatcher Mr. Thomas & Ms. Janet Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hawkinson Mr. Patrick Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. Hedrick F,’78 Mrs. Jamie & Mr. Mark Herzberger Ms. Jane Hill Mr. William & Mrs. Ruth Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hubbard ‘60,F Mr. & Mrs. Dennis K. Hulett Mr. & Mrs. Bryan J. Ignarski Mr. Bernard P. & Mrs. Jean Izzo Mrs. Fil & Mr. Mark Jarosz Mr. & Mrs. James Jarosz Mr. Thomas R. Jaynes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Jewell Mr. & Mrs. Ghlee Jewison Mr. & Mrs. Mark Johnson Mrs. Ramona R. Johnson ‘87 Mr. Raymond D. & Mrs. Carrie Johnson ‘98,F Mrs. Robin A. & Mr. Neil Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Johnston ‘79,’79 Mr. Patrick M. & Ms. Janice Keating Mr. Mike Kent Mr. Terrence S. & Ms. Juli Kent Mr. Craig & Mrs. Sue Khoury Mr. John Killeen Mrs. Kim & Mr. Douglas S. Kirhofer Mr. Loren & Mrs. Grace Kirkman Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kleehammer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Klein Mr. Nick & Mrs. Julie Knaperek Mrs. Tami & Mr. Kraig Kniss Mr. Timothy J. & Mrs. Susan M. Kowalewski Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kraynek Mrs. Sandy & Mr. John Kucinsky Mr. Gregory Kuhl Mrs. Carolyn & Mr. Joseph LaMartina Mr. Paul R. & Mrs. Susan Lankenau ‘83,F Mr. Ted Lazowski Mr. Edward D. Leedy Mrs. Lisa & Mr. Timothy Lenning Mrs. Kathleen P. & Mr. Thomas P. Lesiewicz Mrs. Marcia L. Lorenz ‘65 Ms. Therese M. Lux Mr. James S. & Mrs. Gloria MacNider ‘73,F Mr. Keith R. Madderom Sr. ‘69 Mrs. Julie & Mr. James Maher Dr. Michael F. Maher ‘68 Mr. Paul & Mrs. Ellen Marincic Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Martin ‘90,F Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Maschman ‘68,’69 Ms. Heather Mayes Mr. Sean & Mrs. Joely McCaw Mr. Robert & Mrs. Karen McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Donald McMillan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Meaney Ms. Linda K. Mechowski Mr. & Mrs. John E. Melligan Mr. Gary & Mrs. Cynthia S. Millard Mr. & Mrs. Clifford R. Miller ‘63,F Mrs. Lillian Mink Mr. George Mitten Mrs. Mary Sue Montooth Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Sandra Moran Ms. Julijana Moric Mr. Ronald & Mrs. Anthia Morse Ms. Constance V. Murray ‘92 4 4 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Mr. Michael & Mrs. Darlene Naglich Mr. Ram & Ms. Girija Navuduri ‘92 Mr. John & Mrs. Jill Norris Mr. & Mrs. James D. Nurss ‘64,’64 Ms. Darlene O’Neill Mr. Patrick & Mrs. Kathleen O’Neill Mr. Brian G. Orlik ‘10 Mr. & Mrs. James Owczarski Mr. & Mrs. Earl G. Pallan Mr. Joseph J. Pintozzi Mr. & Mrs. John Pirmann Ms. Mary Ann & Mr. Keith Porlier ‘06,F Ms. Dawn Preuss Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Principe Mrs. Karen Pubentz Mr. Michael & Mrs. Linda Pula ‘90,F Mr. Michael K. Pula Mr. Kevin J. & Mrs. Patricia A. Quinn Mr. Rodney & Ms. Barbara L. Randall Mr. & Mrs. Larry Reakes Mr. John J. Small Mr. Terry & Mrs. Jacqueline Sondgeroth Mrs. Linda M. & Mr. Donald Sorenson ‘80,F Mr. Rich & Mrs. Joi Sprecher Mr. Fred & Mrs. Gina Steele Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Stout Mr. Gary Stratton Mr. Judson Strickland Ms. Eileen E. Sullivan Mrs. Marianne Sullivan Mr. Michael J. & Ms. Eileen E. Sullivan ‘83,F Mr. Mark & Mrs. Connie Sweeney Mr. Randall & Mrs. Julie Swenson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sydnor ‘88,F Mr. Kevin & Mrs. Amy Talkington Mr. Mark Tan Mr. Gerald & Mrs. Judy Thalmann F,’12 Mr. Dennis & Mrs. Sandy Thompson Mr. David B. Torkelson Mr. George & Mrs. Diane Torres Femi Oyewole ’15 Mrs. Loretta J. & Mr. Gregory A. Reasor Mr. William D. & Mrs. Cindy A. Reilly Dr. & Mrs. Merrell Reiss ‘77,F Mr. Edward M. Rhyne Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Barry Roberts Mrs. Rosemary Roberts & Mr. Mark Prelas Mr. Terry & Mrs. Katherine M. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. William Robinson Ms. Janet Roe Everette Mr. Karol Rosner Mrs. Christine & Mr. Fred Rozak Mr & Mrs. Richard Rutkowski Mr. Terrence J. & Mrs. Carolyn J. Schaul Mrs. Elizabeth Scherer Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schiefelbein Mr. Glenn & Mrs. Julia Schlichting Mr. & Mrs. James Schlusemann ‘84,F Mr. David A. & Mrs. Christine K. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schroeder Mrs. Renate & Mr. Thomas Schuring Ms. Shannon V. Schwarzwalder ‘01 Mr. Gregg R. & Mrs. Susan M. Scott Mr. Michael & Mrs. Celeste Sheridan Mr. & Mrs. William Shields, Sr ‘66,F Mr. Jeff Shoop Mrs. Diane M. & Mr. Roy Sietsema ‘09,F Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Sievers Mrs. Ruth A. & Mr. Aaron Sikora ‘92,F Mr. John A. & Mrs. Barbara Skryd Mr. & Mrs. Tim Smale Mr. & Mrs. Michael Trepanier Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Truty Mr. & Mrs. Steven Van Lankvelt Ms. Susan J. & Mr. Joseph T. Vitti ‘92,F Mrs. Peggy M. & Mr. David J. Wajda Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Walker ‘75,’76 Mr. Sean & Mrs. Margaret Walker Mr. & Mrs. A. Dean Wallace Mrs. Christina M. & Mr. Tom Walsh Ms. Judy C. Walters Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wehrenberg Mrs. Edith Wells Mr. Daniel L. & Mrs. Patricia Wieczorek John D. & Sheila Wier ‘67,’67 Mrs. Paula & Mr. Charles Williams Mr. Timothy Williams Mr. Mark & Mrs. Ann Wilson Mr. Neal & Mrs. Susan Wilson Ms. Micah Witt Ms. Abbie & Mr. David W. Wolf Mr. Stan & Mrs. Holly Zielinski Mr. Richard & Mrs. Jeanette Zirngibl Mr. & Mrs. James Zurek FRIENDS Legacy Society Mr. & Mrs. Peter Anderson Mr. Tres Anderson Mr. Kevin Brahler Ms. Prudence A. Conley Ms. Liz Doyle Mr. Richard H. Driehaus Mr. Mark A. Galati Mr. & Mrs. David W. Kelsch Mrs. Catherine Koten Paula Hunt McMenamin Mr. & Mrs. Yung Wong Tower Society Mr. Tim Belgio Mr. Tom Belgio Dr. Kathryn J. Birkett Mr. Nigel Blakeway Ms. Robin B. & Mr. R. Alan Boren Mr. Seth Burke Ms. Debbie Burnett Ms. Amy Dominick Mr. Richard K. Green Dr. Troy D. & Mrs. Sharlene D. Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Harter Mr. Kris Hartner & Ms. Susanna Gotsch Richard & Deanna Mandel Mr. Steve Martens Ms. Katie Merkle Mr. David Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Wei Dr. & Mrs. Harold R. Wilde (H)’15,F Presidents Club Mr. John W. & Mrs. Stacey Abe Ms. Noonie Aguilar Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Anderson Mrs. M. Louise Anderson Bill & Nicki Anderson Ms. Edith G. Andrew Mr. Edward J. Andrew Jr. Mr. William Andrew Ms. Bakul Banerjee Mr. Jimmy Banos Ms. Brenda C. Barnes (H)’11 Mrs. Helen P. Batson Mr. Shane Beard Mrs. Alpha Benedetti Mr. Sajjad & Ms. Shabana Bhatti Mr. & Mrs. W. Brand Bobosky Mr. Steven Born Mr. & Mrs. Bradley L. Brehm Ms. Rosemarie S. Breske Garvey Mr. Daniel J. & Ms. Christine M. Bukowski Ms. Kimberly J. & Mr. Kevin A. Butler Ms. Kathleen M. & Mr. Ryan P. Carrigan Mr. John J. Case Mr. Dan G. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cavenagh Ms. Judy Chaffee Mr. Thomas A. Christopher Mr. Lee Clayton Mr. Douglas P. & Mrs. Margaret R. Colbeth Mr. John W. Cook Mr. Jeffrey A. Coros Mr. Fritz Cripe Mr. Randy DeGuzman Rev. Jesse R. DeWitt* (H)’77 Miss Trudy Dickinson (H)’91 Mr. Damon D. Dutz Bishop Sally Dyck Ms. Rosalie Eiler Mr. John A. Elliott Sr. Mr. Peter Ellman Dr. Gary Ernst Mr. Don Eustice Mr. Steve Evanson Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Faessel Ms. Cheryl Fahrenbach Ms. Colleen E. Falk Mr. Michael K. Fasshauer Steven & Wijid Fay Mr. Michael Fischer Mr. Kevin Flynn Mr. Andrew Follett Mr. Paul H. & Mrs. Joanne Fries Mr. Jon T. Fuglestad & Mrs. Shirley Fugelstad Ms. Renee Garvin Mr. Kevin M. Gensler Mr. Neil Gerald Mr. Edward J. Gildea Mr. John Gill Mr. Wesley Graf Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Gray Mrs. Charmaine Gregory Mr. Dan Gustafson Mr. Jerry W. Gustafson Mr. John L. & Mrs. Beth E. Hale Mrs. Ruth L. Hamm Mr. Brian Hampton Mr. Brian P. & Mrs. Jennifer Hanlon Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Harris Mr. Syed Hasan Ms. Karen Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. Nick Heintz Mr. Paul & Mrs. Deborah Hellermann Ms. Mitzi Heytow Ms. Nicole M. Higgins Mr. Russ Hillard Mr. Richard G. Hitchcock Ms. Barbara R. Hoch Mr. Douglas Hosler Mrs. Celia N. Hunt & Mr. Samuel W. Hunt Jr.* Mr. Hossein Jamali Ms. Christine Jeffries Ms. Tasha Jenkins Mr. Robert W. & Mrs. Beth H. Jones James & Catherine Kaduk Ms. Anna Kamilis Mr. Bruce I. & Mrs. Gretchen M. Keeler Mr. Matt Keller Mrs. Patricia A. & Mr. Joseph F. Kennell Mr. Gary Kent Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kent Ms. Robin King Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry J. Knuckles Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Kovener Mr. Haruo Kurokawa Phyllis Kurtz Ms. Elizabeth A. & Mr. Stanley J. Laken Ms. Carrie Larsen Mr. Reuben Lerma Mrs. Mary L. & Mr. John A. Lilly Mr. Dan Littell Mr. Christopher M. Lobello & Ms. Yoke V. Chan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Locher Mr. Stanley N. Logan Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Loscheider Mr. Anthony M. Losurdo Mr. Daniel Loveridge Mr. Douglas Mackie Mr. John V. Madormo & Ms. Celeste O’Keefe Mr. Tony L. Mankus Mr. Jeordano S. Martinez Ms. June P. McCluskey Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. McMarrow Mr. James S. Metcalf Mrs. Betty Meyer Ms. Michele Michael Mr. Kevin Miller Mr. David S. & Mrs. Julie Missurelli Mr. Paul Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. William Mitchell Mr. Taki Mullins Mr. Brien J. Nagle Dr. Francine G. & Dr. Edward H. Navakas Mrs. Rosalie J. Nerheim Mr. Ron Nyberg Mrs. Maripat & Mr. Paul Oliver Dr. Sam Park Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patterson Mr. William Paus Ms. Marcia Pendexter James & Stephanie Penick Mrs. Faye Pletcher Dr. Raghu Pulluru Mr. John Puscheck Mrs. Mary Puscheck Ms. Nancy Quigley Ms. Elizabeth W. Reese Mrs. Leah & Mr. Doug Rippe Mr. Ron & Ms. Mary Lou Rolland Mr. Steven Rubin Ms. Patricia K. Ruddy & Mr. Joe Michalec Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Sawyer Mr. Donald Schaefer Ms. Margi Schiemann Ms. Jean Schmidt Ms. Rebecca Schmitt Dr. David J. Schmitz Mr. Roy F. & Mrs. Heidi Schoeneck Mr. & Mrs. Ray Schumacher Ms. Barbara Schweitzer Ms. Joann Scinto Dr. Kristine Servais Ms. Liisa Seuser Mr. Donald C. Sharp Mr. & Mrs. William W. Shatzer Ms. Mary & Mr. Scott Shearer Dr. Robert W. Sheldon Mrs. Anne T. Sherren & Mr. William S. Sherren* Mr. James A. Sikich Mrs. Michelle M. & Mr. Walter S. Skinder Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stenger Mrs. Carol L. Stibbe Mr. Tim Swan Miss Jean V. Thomas Mrs. Sandra N. & Mr. Tyrone A. Thompson Mr. John A. & Ms. Kathie Thorne Marcy & Steve Thurwachter North Central College Track Club Mr. James Trader Mr. Michael & Mrs. Von Tran Ms. Mary-Claire Uselding Mr. Gus Vassos Mr. Robert W. Vaughan Mr. Robert & Mrs. Jill Watson Ms. Annette Wehrli Mr. Donald E. Wehrli* Mr. Joel Weinberger Mr. & Mrs. William Wentz Dr. Herman & Mrs. Margaret White Dr. Shirley Wilson Ms. Sandra M. Wolf Mr. Matthew M. Worline Mr. Lawrence A. Writt & Mrs. Courtney Bobosky Giving Clubs Mrs. Cynthia W. Acker Mrs. Suzanne J. Adcock Mr. & Mrs. Lowell E. Akers Ms. Louise Anderson Mr. Mark H. Anderson Ms. Shirley D. Anderson Ms. Ruth & Mr. Gregory K. Anerino Dr. Diane G. & Dr. Jeffrey D. Anstine Mr. John Argiropoulos Mr. Temo Arjani Ms. Jennifer Arquilla Ms. Jessica A. Avila-Cuevas Mrs. Ann V. Bachmann Mr. & Mrs. David Baker Mr. Scott A. Ballow Mr. Michael Bappert Mr. Carl M. Barsanti Mrs. Linda F. Barstatis Mr. Anthony J. Bartolomucci Dr. Robert W. Beart Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Beaty Mr. Robert T. Behnke Mr. John Belletini Mrs. Linda K. Berger Ms. Ruth Bergevin Mr. Jim Bergsman Mr. Wayne Bessette Mr. Jon A. Beutjer Mr. William R. Bien Ms. Elizabeth Bishop Dr. Jeffrey A. Bjorklund & Ms. June Russell Mr. Bill Blechschmidt Ms. Lori P. Blitstein Ms. Mary L. Bloede Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Bobek Jr. Mr. Peter A. Bogle Mr. William A. Borzick Ms. Elizabeth O. Bradley Dr. Paul F. Brandt & Ms. Laura K. Decker Mr. & Mrs. Mark Browning Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Bruce Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Buck Ms. Carol F. Bulfer Mrs. Karen M. Bunkenburg Mr. Matthew & Mrs. Jennifer Burden Dr. Thomas J. Burke Mr. & Mrs. James B. Burner Ms. Elizabeth J. Burns Mrs. Nancy L. & Mr. Bob N. Calderon Ms. Lynne B. Caldwell Dr. Kenneth D. Campbell Mr. Michael Canova Ms. Julie & Mr. Anthony Carballo Mr. Hal A. Carlson Mrs. Vicki Carlson Ms. Robin Carlucci Dr. Michael J. Cassano Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Cassioppi Ms. Jane S. Caughey Dr. Gary R. Chipman Mr. Don A. & Ms. Virginia Chivas Mr. Mark Ciamarra Dr. Thomas J. & Dr. Jean M. Clifton Mr. Steven & Mrs. Andrea Coates Mrs. Janet M. & Mr. Richard Coffey Mr. Robert S. & Mrs. Paula S. Coleman Mr. John J. Colletti Ms. Barbara Cook Mr. Chris Cornell Rev. Carol Cory Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Costabile Mr. & Mrs. David S. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Chris Currie Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cutaia Mr. Joseph Cuttone Mr. Brad Dannegger Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Davis Ms. Sally DelBeccaro Mr. Connie A. DeMattia Ms. Donna Derner Mr. & Mrs. John DeSana Ms. Melody D. Desmarais Mrs. Kelli L. & Mr. Jorge Diaz Mr. Jeff Donovan Rev. & Mrs. Eric L. Doolittle Mrs. Sharon Drendel Ms. Nancy A. Dunker Mr. Pete Economos Ms. Michelle Egizio Mr. & Mrs. Glen A. Ekey Mr. Justin Elder Ms. Margaret Ellis Ms. Cindy Ellison Mr. Brad Engel Mr. Jeffrey Epstein Ms. Marilyn Erdman Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 45 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Erickson Mrs. Ruth Esvang Ms. Suzanne H. Evans Mrs. Rosemarie & Mr. Ronald J. Farland Mr. & Mrs. Eugene T. Faut Bruce & Mary Feay Mrs. Linda Feece Mrs. Patricia J. Fendley Mr. Jay A. Fisher Mr. Lawrence Fisher Mr. Scott Fisher Mr. Mark Flessner Ms. Lauren E. Ford Mr. & Mrs. John L. Fraser Friends of Sam Hunt at IBM Friends of Sam Hunt at Nationwide Mrs. Katherine J. & Mr. Roger D. Fuhrman Mr. Michael Fung Barbara & Roy Funkhouser Mr. Steven B. Garnett Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gasperini Ms. Erin M. Gavin Mr. Kenneth M. Gengler Mr. & Mrs. James F. Giejda Mrs. Dora Glass Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy L. Gonyo Mr. & Mrs. Raul Gonzales Ms. Marcia A. Good Mr. Bindu Gopalarathnam Mr. Forrest E. Gorkowski Mr. Howard A. Graening Mr. Frank & Ms. Gina Gramarosso Mrs. Sandra S. Grant Mr. Jerald E. Greenwood Jeffery M Grimley, DDS Mr. John Gritis Dr. Priscilla & Dr. Roy Grundy Ms. Shirley R. Haines Mr. Travis Haldeman Mr. Alan G. Hall Ms. Rose M. Hamaker Dr. Perry T. & Dr. Pat Hamalis Ms. Laurie M. & Mr. William Hamen Mr. Kenneth L. & Mrs. Janet R. Hannah Mr. Richard A. Hansen Jr. Dr. & Mrs. David V. Harsh Ms. Toby Hayer Mr. Dave Heck Mr. Jeff Heller Mr. Jim Hendry Mr. Robert Henner Al David Hernandez Ms. Averil J. Hill Ms. Kimberly Hoglund Cecilia & David Hoh Mr. Paul Holechko Mrs. H.B. Hollingsworth Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Honn Sr. Ms. Rhea Hoppes Mr. Marc D. Horner Ms. Marcia Houston Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hudson Mr. Jeffrey Ingrum Ms. Dolly Ireland Ms. Karen Ireland Ms. Celeste Jacklin Mrs. Connie & Mr. Jeff Jackson Mrs. Eleanor C. & Mr. James Jackson Dr. Jennifer A. Jackson & Mr. Gary Radmer Mr. Joseph Jaskowiak Mr. Chad Johansen Mr. & Mrs. Joel Johnson Mrs. Kathryn Johnson Dr. Kelly S. & Mr. Mark W. Johnson Mr. Don Johnston Mr. Raymond E. Jones Ms. Leah Jozwiak Ms. Ezeh Judeh Contributors Ms. Margaret M. Juhnke Mrs. Davinna Kaczinski Ms. Caitlin Kankovsky Rev. Cindy Karis & Mr. Harold Bullard Mr. John Kawa Dr. Nancy J. Keiser Mr. & Mrs. Garth Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. John Kessler Jawad Khan Ms. Kathleen B. & Mr. Brian King Dr. Jonathon Kirk Mr. John F. Kissel, DDS Mr. Roger J. Klosterman Mr. William Knicker Mr. & Mrs. James L. Knight Mr. Brad & Mrs. Peg Kolar Mr. & Mrs. Russell Kolkay Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Kosiba Mr. Edward F. & Mrs. Katharine J. Kral Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kuhn Ms. Christine M. & Mr. James Kukla Mr. Eric A. & Mrs. Kristi Landorf Ms. Mary G. Lane Mr. & Mrs. Dave Lawrence Mr. George Lawrence Ms. Susan M. Lawrence Ms. Daphne C. Lee Mr. David O. Lee Mr. Craig L. Leipold Mr. Dan Lenert Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Lester Ms. Karen K. Levine Mrs. Kathryn O. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Orville Liesman Ms. Margaret Lijewski Mr. Al Lisk Mrs. Kathleen A. Liss Mrs. Rita Lisson Ms. Deborah Lowe Mr. Chad W. Maas Mr. Peter Maitland Mr. Brandon & Mrs. Becca Makowski Mr. & Mrs. Louis Makowski Mr. Douglas E. & Ms. Mary A. Malinsky Mr. & Mrs. James L. Mamakos Mr. Robert Mambu Mrs. Nancy A. & Mrs. Thomas A. Manion Jr. Mr. Louis J. Marsico Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David C. Martin Mr. David C. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Mathern Mrs. Mary Ellen May Mrs. Yvonne M. & Mr. Jeff Mayer Mrs. Margaret Mayleben Ms. Joy McCaffrey Mr. Tom E. McCallum Mr. Warren S. McClure Mr. George & Ms. Kathleen D. McConaghy Ms. Jennifer McCord Mr. Tom McCracken Mr. H.K. McDonell & Mrs. Elizabeth A. Carter Ms. Patricia McElhaney Mr. Roger McKee Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert McMenamin Mr. James M. McMenamin & Ms. Maureen C. Costello Mr. Richard A. McMenamin Mr. Robert A. McNicholas, DDS Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. McRoberts Ms. Neepa Mehta Mr. Alan & Ms. Geraldine Mendelssohn Mr. John Meseke Mrs. Carolyn Meyer Ms. Janet G. Meyer Mrs. Wendy J. & Mr. Gary Michalski Ms. Alice Mika Mr. David J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Max Miller 4 6 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Mincks Ms. Annamarie Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Mohr Dr. Pamela J. Monaco Ms. Shirley Montalbo Schaffer Mr. Gary M. & Mrs. Shireen Moore Mr. Kent Moore Mr. Mark H. Morford Jean & Robert E. Morris Ms. Linda L. Mrkvicka Mr. Gary D. & Mrs. Berneil Mroz Mr. Thomas E. Mulligan Mr. Arthur W. Murray Mr. Douglas J. & Ms. Carol N. Narup Mr. & Mrs. Greg Neal Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Nealis Mr. Tom Nealis & Ms. Liz Gonda Mrs. Patricia Neesley Mrs. Janice Nelson Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Nelson Mr. Thomas A. & Mrs. Susan M. Nemcek Ms. Meredith Newman Ms. Lily Ng Mr. J.R. Niklos Mr. Thomas E. Northrup Mr. John W. Oberheide Mrs. Suzanne Oberheide Dr. David O’Brian Mr. John Odeen Ms. Joyce Olah Mr. George Olmsted Mr. Gerry G. Olmsted Mr. Charles Osweiler Ms. Carrie Ottum Mr. Daniel J. & Mrs. Rose M. Owens Mr. Andrew L. & Mrs. Jean Pagorek Mr. & Mrs. John Palter Mr. Charles Papanos Mr. & Mrs. Milan N. Pastuovic Mr. & Mrs. Sadru Patel Mr. Fred A. Paternostro Ms. Patricia A. Paulson Mr. Scott M. Penland Mr. Daniel D. & Mrs. Sally Pentecost Ms. Sheila D. Perry Mr. Frederick W. Petersen Dr. Nancy L. Peterson Ms. Evelyn S. Pewitt Mr. James E. Phelps Mr. Wesley Pipal Mr. Kenneth Plantz Ms. Laura Zahn & Mr. J. Peter Pohl Honorable Kenneth L. Popejoy Ms. Bernice Pospisil Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Powers Hon. George Pradel (H)’13 Mr. Tim Prugh Ms. Gwen H. Quackenbush Mr. Gary W. Rada Mr. Muneer Radi Mr. Kevin Rafferty Mr. Tony Ragucci Ms. Elizabeth Raymond Mr. Mark Reckling Mr. Joe Reddington Miss Mary J. Reher Mr. George A. Reich Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Reiner Mrs. Marlene V. Rench Ms. Mary M. & Mr. Bill Reynolds Mr. Rick Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Richmond Ms. Susan M. & Mr. Timothy Rickert Mr. Chuck Rizzo Mr. Thomas N. Roderick Mr. James Rodgers Mr. Nik Rokop Mr. Dante M. Royster Mr. Joseph O. Rubinelli Jr. Ms. Brenda A. Russell Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ruzicka Ms. Margaret Ryan Mr. Allen Rydberg Mr. John A. & Ms. Kimberly Rygiewicz Dr. Jennifer L. Sallee & Dr. Michael Kerber Mr. & Mrs. Gus Samios Ms. Teagen Sauer Mr. James & Mrs. Maureen Sault Mr. & Mrs. John Sauntry Ms. Carol Sawka Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Schillerstrom Mr. Richard F. & Mrs. Virginia M. Schopper Mrs. Shirley Schroeder Ms. Pat Schultz Mrs. Julie Schuring J. Conrad Schwab MD Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Schwarz Dr. & Mrs. Julius S. Scott (H)’98,F Mrs. Lois J. Scott Mrs. Susan Seitz Ms. Carol A. Sente Mr. Robert Shaffer Mrs. Colleen & Mr. Dennis K. Sheehan Mr. & Mrs. Roger H. Sherman Mr. Jack Shiffler Dr. John H. Shindler Mrs. Suzanne Shoop Stacey & Christ Siambekos Ms. Tatiana Sifri Dr. John W. Sims M. R. Singa, MD Mr. Gregory Skinner Mr. Carl E. Smith Dr. Donnavieve N. Smith Mr. Marvin Smith Mr. Philip R. Smith Mr. Larry & Ms. Sheryl Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Tim Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sotiros Mr. John Sotiros Mr. Ron Souders Mr. Kenneth B. Sparks Jr. Mr. William & Mrs. Deborah Spartz Mr. Thomas Spiegelhalter Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. St. Angelo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stabler Ms. Vanessa Stack Washington School Staff Mr. & Mrs. Steve Starzyk Mr. Patrick W. Steenberge Mr. Bruce & Mrs. Peggy Steinberg Mr. Adam Stone Mr. & Mrs. James Stracka Mr. Steve Strumberger Mr. Brad Stutesman Dr. Jinai Sun & Dr. Ke Chen Ms. Aileen Sweeney Mr. Bernard F. Sweeney Mrs. Margaret Tan Mr. Kent P. Taylor Mrs. Terry Terlap Ms. Kathryn Thomasson Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Thorne Mr. Charlie Thurston Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tobin Mr. Rich Tomman Mr. Dan Tovrog Dr. Susan Traverso & Mr. Kent Taylor Neda Turek Mr. Lowell A. Turley Mr. Jerry L. Turner Dr. & Mrs. John Unik Mr. Theodore M. Utchen Ms. Madeleine Van Hecke & Mr. Greg Risberg Mr. Peter Van Opdorp TEDxNorthCentralCollege volunteers and organizers Ms. Bernie VanEtten Dr. Daniel R. VanHorn Ms. Pamela M. VanHorn Mr. William Vickery Dr. Jonathan E. & Dr. Karen L. Visick Mr. Dennis Vovos Ms. Nancy Vrooman Mr. Robert S. Warren Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Weibust Mr. Al Welch Mr. Joel & Ms. Jenny Wells Mr. Donald Whitney Mr. Mike Whittaker Mrs. Nancy R. Whittington Ms. Victoria S. Wike Ms. Kendra C. Wild Ms. Jerriann M. & Mr. Donald Wilson Mrs. Joanne & Mr. Michael Wojcik Mr. Barry Wolberg Dr. Gregory H. & Ms. Margaret Wolf Mrs. Doris Wood Mr. Robert Zielinkski Mrs. Pamela S. Zimmerman Mr. Dean E. Zobrist Mr. Larry G. & Mrs. Peggy Zobrist Mr. Christopher M. Zollo Mr. Alexander E. & Ms. Marie B. Zuback Contributors Mr. Monty Abbott Ms. Jane Abe Mrs. Lisa Abel Ms. Lynee L. Ackert Mr. Subash Agarwal Mr. Charles Akai Mr. Peter J. Aleszczyk Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Alex Mrs. Barbara L. Allie Mr. Tom Almanzo Mr. Raul J. Alvarado Mr. Jose Alzadon Ms. Janine Anderson Ms. Lanore Anderson Ms. Stacey C. Anderson Mr. Brian K. Anerino Mr. Roy Angel Anonymous Mr. Alec Anstine Mr. Matthew J. Arient Mr. Philip E. Ariola Ms. Pat Armstrong Ms. Emila Badrov Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Baker Mr. Joseph G. Baker Ms. Joy D. Baker Ms. Katherina Bappert Mr. Peter Bappert Mr. & Mrs. Francis Barenbrugge Mr. Duane Barnes Mr. Ben Barron Mr. Norman Barsanti Mrs. Margaret M. Basgall Ms. Delphine Basso Mr. Barry D. Batson Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Al Baysek Mr. Thomas Beard Mr. Darren Bell Mr. Jeff Bendfelt Mr. Len Benes Mr. Robert Beran Mr. & Mrs. Eldon W. Bergstrom Mrs. Adeline L. Bessette Ms. Yvonne B. Biagas-Hall Mr. Brian K. Bicknell Ms. Mary Ann Bicknell Mr. & Mrs. George L. Bilbe Mr. Terry Bishop Ms. Jerri Bjes Dr. Kathleen W. Black Ms. Diane R. Blaine Ms. Rachel Blanton Mr. Daniel Blewett Chuck & Mary Blitstein Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Bobek Ms. Jeri Bollwitt Mrs. Jennifer & Mr. Timothy A. Boos Mrs. Janice S. Bordignon & Mr. Anthony Bordignon* Ms. Monique Borzick Ms. Barb Bossany Mr. & Mrs. Dale Bosse Mr. Tim Botts Mr. Craig Bova Mr. Larry Boyer Mrs. Jennifer Brandt Ms. Mary Anne Bratek Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Breen Mrs. Mike Breitberg Mr. Tom Bridges Ms. Shirley M. Bristow Mrs. Julie Brodien Ms. Dixie Brown Mr. David F. & Mrs. Christina Brumfield Torey Brummett Ms. N. E. Bruss Mr. James Budach Ms. Maureen Buras Ms. Michelle Burcenski Mrs. Monika P. & Mr. Stewart Burchfield Ms. Kim Burian Mrs. Deborah Burke Mr. Jeffrey J. Burke Ms. Julie Burke Mr. Mike Burke Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Mike Burke Mr. Rick Cadena Shvonnie R. Caffey Ms. Linda Caliendo Mr. Tim Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Callard Mrs. Connie Canant Mr. Jim Cannon Mr. John J. Capps Mr. Mark A. Carbonara Mr. Jack Carder Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carney Ms. Sharon A. Carrico Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Carroll Mr. Jim Carter Mr. George C. Cartwright Mrs. Carol Case Mrs. Jennifer Castello Mr. Gerardo & Mrs. Gabriela Castillo Mr. Don Cavi Mr. William Chalberg Mr. & Mrs. Steven Chaloka Mr. Matt Chambers Steve & Judy Chapleau Mr. Terry G. Chapman Ms. Gwendolyn Chisausky Ms. Emily Chmielewski Mrs. Renee Cipriani Mr. Henry Clarin Mr. D.G. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Fred Clark Ms. Hope A. Clarke Dr. Rebecca Clemente & Dr. Robert L. Blomeyer Ms. Angela R. Codron Mr. Charles Coffman Mr. James P. Cogswell Mr. Adrian W. Collins Ms. Karen M. Collins & Mr. Jason R. Wessel Mr. Anthony Concialdi Ms. Tami Condie Mr. Thomas Conforti Ms. Pamela B. Conn Mr. Philip Conway Dr. Heather M. Coon & Mr. Keith D. Barkhau Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Cooper Ms. Erica Coppolino Ms. Stephanie Crosetto Mr. William Crowley Ms. Colleen N. Cuff Mrs. Jodi D’Amico Mr. Scott Dart Mr. Todd A. & Mrs. Deb Datweiler Mr. Michael J. Davis Ms. Carol Dawe Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Debelak Ms. Ellen T. DeBerge Ms. Cheryl DeGan Mrs. Alice J. DeGroat Mrs. Randal R. Dehm Mr. Matt Denton Ms. Sarah DePasquale Ms. Cynthia DeRobertis Mr. Norman Desmarais Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dever Mr. Carson D. Devries Ms. Charlotte J. Dietterich Mr. David G. Dilger Mr. Joseph Dmura Ms. Deborah L. Dobben Mrs. Linda E. Doherty Mr. Patrick Donahue Mr. Joe Doninger Mr. Gerry Donnelly Mr. Patrick Donnelly Ms. Sarah Dore Mr. & Mrs. Don Doughtery Mr. & Mrs. Rob Douglas Ms. Henrietta Draus Ms. Joan Drecoll Mr. Thomas Drennan Mr. Matt Dsmyter Ms. Kay Duff Mrs. Susan Duncan Mr. John Durham Mr. Robert Dvorak Mr. David J. Dykstra Ms. Julie A. Eastman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Eberth Mr. Arthur Eccleston Mr. & Mrs. George Eck Mrs. Jennifer Edmonds Ms. Amy Ehrgott Ms. Sandra Eisenman Mr. Todd Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Ellner Ms. Victoria Engelhardt Mrs. Cynthia Engelke Mrs. Lori Engle Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Engram Mrs. Jill A. Erdman Mr. Michael W. Erdmann Ms. Rosann Erdmann Mrs. Alana M. & Mr. Matthew W. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Dan Ertel Mrs. Tonya Ertmer Mr. Don Evans Mr. Richard Facko Mr. Andrew E. Fadanelli Ms. Rosemary Faleni Mr. Robert & Mrs. Barbara Farrah Ms. Jeanne C. Farrell Ms. Donna Fatigato Mr. James Faunce Mrs. Donna L. Fay Ms. Madeleine Felix Mrs. Rebecca Femminineo Mr. Jim Ficaro Mr. James F. & Mrs. Tarra Fiedler Dr. Sheryl L. Finkle Mel & Carolyn Finzer Dr. David H. Fisher & Dr. Sarah B. Fowler Mr. Tom Fisher Mr. Mark Fitzgerald Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 47 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Mr. Timothy R. Fitzsimmons Mr. Michael Foley Mr. Steven Francis Mr. Robert Freidinger Mr. Craig Frier Mrs. Kristal & Mr. Dean Fritz Ms. Leslie S. Fromhertz Mr. Gary Fulbright Ms. Robin Galbreath Ms. Mary T. Galka Mr. Bill Gamble Mr. Ricardo Garcia-Rubio Ms. Sandra M. Garofalo Mrs. Barbara F. Garrow Mr. Kevin Gartley Ms. Annie Gazda Mr. & Mrs. Frank Geib Ms. Leann Geisler Mrs. Barb & Mr. Wayne George Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Gerner Ms. Susan Gessford Ms. Rebecca Geurkink Ms. Tina Geurkink Ms. Anita Gibson Mr. Bob & Mrs. Suzanne Gibson Ms. Nina Gibson Mr. James Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gill Mr. John Gioiosa Mrs. Patricia A. & Mr. Ronald H. Girard Mr. Neil & Mrs. Lynn P. Gissler Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Silas N. Glisson, III Ms. Nancy J. Godlewski Ms. Shirley Gombert Mr. & Mrs. David Good Mr. Ted J. Grabow Mr. John Graham Jamelyn Grant Mrs. Gia Gray Ms. Sue Gray-Goller Mr. Michael Greene Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Grosse Mr. Robert A. Guenzler Ms. Leslie L. Gum Ms. Barbara L. Gunning Mr. William Habel Ms. Mary Hafertepe Mr. Roger & Mrs. Elizabeth Haines Mr. Dennis Hallberg Mr. Robert E. Hamaker Mr. Joseph M. Hardy Mr. Rick Hart Mr. Patrick D. Hartman Mr. John Harvey Mr. Russ Harwood Ms. Patricia Hatem Ms. Heidi Haverkamp Mrs. Claudia J. Hayes & Mr. Kim Odenthal Mr. Perry M. Hayes Mr. Kent Hayward Mr. Michael Hazen Mr. Donald Heatherly Mr. Frank J. Heidler Ms. Therese Heilmann Ms. Victoria Hennessey Mr. Mike Henry Mr. Larry Henson Mr. & Mrs. Bradley M. Hiben Jim & Kris Hiepler-Hartwig Mr. John Highland Mr. Joel Hillman Ms. Jean M. Hinzmann Mrs. Gloria Hlousek Mrs. Janet Hodel Ms. Carol Hogan Mr. John Hogan Mr. Mark Holan Contributors Mr. James Holik Mr. Steve Holland Ms. June A. Hollingsworth Mr. John Holt Ms. Patricia L. Horn & Family Ms. Anita Houck Mr. Greg Houk Mr. Matthew A. Howard Ms. Deborah A. Howell Mr. Keith Hoydan Mr. & Mrs. Paul P. Hruskoci Mrs. Deborah & Mr. Roy C. Hunnicutt Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mort Hyatt Mr. John W. Ireland Mr. Ronald K. Ireland Mr. Dexter R. Ithal Ms. Kris M. Izzo Ms. Kristine Jacobson Ms. Veronica James Dr. Jeffrey A. & Ms. Melissa Jankowski Mrs. Mary Lou & Mr. Donald Jarvis Ms. Marcine Jaschke Mr. Thomas A. Jaskowiak Mr. Jim Jehl Ms. Kay Johnson Dr. Kelly S. & Mr. Mark W. Johnson Ms. Sandra Johnson Ms. Christine S. Johnston Ms. Laura Johnston Ms. Martha W. Johnston Ms. Elaine R. Jones Ms. Julie N. & Mr. Jaco Jooste Ms. Andrea Joselit Mr. Steve Juriga Mr. & Mrs. Van Kaiser Ms. Jenni L. Kapanen Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kaynish Ms. Sara Keckeisen Ms. Becky Kedzie Mr. Kevin Keenan Mr. James Kehoe Mrs. Nancy Kelley Mr. Edward P. Kelson Ms. Joyce Kenner Mr. & Mrs. William Kettering Mr. Robert M. Kimball Mr. Matthew Kinate Mrs. Renee C. Kirtley Mr. & Mrs. Terry W. Klein Mr. Ray Klobucher Mr. Fred Koester Mr. Larry Komora Mr. Koy Kosek Ms. Stacey L. Koszut Mrs. Sarah E. Koukal Mr. David J. Kozbiel Ms. Caroline Kraft Ms. Wilma L. Kraft Mr. Jay Kramer Ms. Marie Kramer Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kraul Mr. Brad & Ms. Nicolette Kressner Mrs. Brandy Krob Ms. Elise Kroll Ms. Elizabeth A. Kuhn Mr. James P. & Ms. Sandra J. Kulawiak Mr. Glen A. Kurhajec Mr. James A. Kurotsuchi Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Kwiatkowski Mr. Jeff LaMarre Mr. Stanley Landis Mrs. Lori E. Lang Ms. Nickole C. Lanham & Mr. Thomas M. Murray Mrs. Edith B. Lauerman Mr. Steven Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Bob LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Bryan L. Leblanc 4 8 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Ms. Meg Ledebuhr Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lemke Mr. Arnold M. Lemm Mr. James E. Lemm Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Lemm Mr. & Mrs. William H. Lemm Mr. John Liesen Jordan Liles Ms. Mary Ann Lillie Mr. Everett Lockenvitz Mr. Joseph T. Loconte Jr. Mr. John Lucas Mr. Michael Luchies Mr. Bryan J. Luedte Ms. Georgie R. Lukas Ms. Lisa Lund Mr. Craig Lyman Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Lyons Mr. Benjamin Maas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas MacLay Mr. Quentin Maguire Mr. Kenneth E. Malloy Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Manzella Ms. Tina A. Marcinkiewicz Ms. Joan Marie Mrs. Cleo Marin Ms. Patricia Martiarno Mr. John Mascellino Ms. Marilyn Mason Mr. Timmethy V. Mastrino Mr. Alan Matan Mr. Rob Matz Mr. Douglas R. May Ms. Carol A. Mayer Mr. Matthew Mayorga Mr. Larry L. McCaw Mrs. Lillian McCombs Mr. John C. McCoy Ms. Rachel McCoy Mr. Mike McGraw Mrs. Judy McLeod Mr. Leon McNair Ms. Annie McTigue Ms. Beverly Meirick Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mercer Ms. Mary Lou Merritt Ms. Susan J. Merritt Mr. Chuck Messina Mr. Greg Meyer Ms. Gwen M. Meyer Mr. Alan Miller Mrs. Beatrice Miller Mr. Kenn Miller Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Miller Ms. Sara Miller Mrs. Wynette Miller Mr. Robert Milligan Ms. Diane J. Minges Ms. Amanda C. Mirochna Mr. Stephen B. & Mrs. Sherri Mitchell Mr. P. V. Mitchner Ms. Stephanie Moffitt Mrs. Christine M. Mohr Ms. Tara Monroe Mr. Mark Moran Mr. Bob Mores Mrs. Patricia Morgensen Mr. Thomas Moritz Mr. Mike Morrison Ms. Kristin Mortensen Mr. John Muir Mr. & Mrs. David Mullen Mr. Andy Murphy Mr. Mike Murphy Mr. Douglas J. & Ms. Carol N. Narup Ms. Esther Natarelli Mr. Evan Nave Mr. Greg Neurohr Mr. Ron Neurohr Mr. Ken Noda Mr. Dan Norman Mr. Tony Norton Mr. Brad Novak Mr. Sylvester W. Nowak Mrs. Lou O’Brien Mr. James P. O’Connell Dr. Alicia J. Okpareke Mrs. Jeanette Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Reid A. Ortquist Mrs. Jennifer A. Orzel Mr. & Ms. Troy L. Osborne Ms. Megan S. Otermat Mr. Bruce Otto Mrs. Alicia Padgett Ms. Jackie Pagni Mr. Don Palmer Ms. Peggy Papaioannou Mr. Sean Park Ms. Lesli G. Parker Ms. Peggy Patchett Mrs. Bev Patterson-Frier & Mr. Bill Frier* Mrs. Diane Peluse Ms. Vanessa Pennington Mr. Richard Petersen Dr. Kenneth H. & Mrs. Marianne Peterson Mrs. Steve Petterec Mr. George K. Pilkenton Mr. & Mrs. Dave Pitcher Ms. Dorothy J. Pleas Mr. Edward J. Plucher Mr. Robert D. Porter Hadi Poulakidas Ms. Mae Powell Mr. & Mrs. Val Price Jr. Mrs. Lauren & Mr. Jeff Przybylo Mrs. Cherie Quarles Mr. Dave Quinn Ms. Rebecca Quirk Mr. Geoff Raye Mr. Ron E. Reagan Ms. Kalani Reelitz Mr. Matthias G. Regan Mr. Greg Rehr Mr. Jeff J. Reiter Mr. Jim Rendel Ms. Jillian N. Reynolds Ms. Madelyn Reynolds Mr. Charles H. Rice Ms. Jean L. Richter Mrs. Annette Riegel Mr. Daniel J. Riordan Mr. Jon A. & Mrs. Jean Ripsky Mr. Milton Rissley Jr. Sheroll Ritchie Mrs. Lisa Roberts Mrs. Mary & Mr. Ralph Rockwood Mr. Ruben Rodriguez Mrs. Caroline A. Roe Mr. Tim Rogers Mr. Kenneth G. Rohn Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Rolff Ms. Michelle N. Roof Mrs. Kathleen M. Rooney Mr. Joseph Rostyne Ms. Julie Rothlauf Mr. Robert Rowe Mr. Brian Rudolph & Mrs. Linda Kuhn Ms. Marci Rudolph Mr. Peter Ruge Mr. Bret Rusk Dr. Gregory R. & Mrs. Marion Ruthig Mr. Nicholas G. Rutkowski Mr. Jerry Ryan Mr. Robert & Mrs. Kim Rydberg Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Sagat Jr. Mr. Steve Sahli Mr. William D. Sailor Ms. Erin Saling Ms. Suzanne B. Salness Mr. Charles “Sandy” Sanborn Mr. Terry Santo Mr. Gerry A. Sargent Ms. Jeanne Schacht Mr. Gary H. Schaffner Ms. Meredith A. Schauer Ms. Mary Ellen Schell Ms. Dawn Schmidt Mr. Brad Schneider Ms. Mary Ellen Schopper Mr. Ray Schopper Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Schueneman Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. Schumacher Ms. Carrie T. Schupbach Ms. Christiane Schwartz Mr. Jay Schweikart Ms. Traci A. Schwendner Mr. Michael D. Schwind Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Scott Mr. Tom Seerup Mr. & Mrs. John Seibert Mr. Darren Sells Mr. Matt Sematra Terry Serovy Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Servais Mr. Jeffrey J. Sevenich Mr. Charles Sexton Mr. William Shaffer Mr. John Sheahin Ms. Betty Shear Ms. Tonya Shehan Ms. Lynda J. Shlaes Mr. Dave Shober Mr. John D. Shultz Mr. & Mrs. Terry S. Sidlow Ms. Ursula F. & Mr. Emil Sihocky Mr. Ralph C. Simoneau Ms. Susan B. Skaggs Ms. Denise Skiadopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Gene W. Skooglund Mr. Joe Slater Mr. Jason Slavicek Mr. & Mrs. Andy Smith Mr. David R. Smith Mr. Harold Smith Mrs. Janet K. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Smith Mr. Zach Smolinski Mr. Ryan Snedden Mrs. Tara C. & Mr. Max Sokol Mr. Chris Sosa Mrs. Eleanore Spal Ms. Sharon Speziale Mrs. Mary M. & Mr. Mark Spoden Mr. John J. Spokas Ms. Bonnie L. & Mr. Henry St. John Mr. John R. St. Mary Mr. John Stapleton Ms. Wanda Starczynski Mr. David Stasiewicz Mr. Herbert P. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stibbe Mr. David Stoffel Mr. Steve G. Stratton Mrs. Judith C. Strenk Mr. Ronald B. Stricker Ms. Bernadine A. Swanson Mr. Robert Sweeney Mr. John J. & Mrs. Julie M. Tarter Ms. Jennifer Taylor Mr. John Terrell Mr. & Mrs. William R. Terry Mr. Lam Thinh Ms. Wendy Thompson Mr. Harry Thomson Mr. Gerald Tiedt Ms. Sandra Tomney Ms. Maria C. Tovar Ms. Michelle Trager Mr. Dave Traphagen Mr. & Mrs. William C. Trommer Mr. Doug Truskowski Mr. Raymond Turner Mr. Paul Tuuk Mrs. Carol S. Twohill Mr. Calvin J. Tyson Mrs. Elizabeth Urbance Ms. Therese J. Van Dyck Mr. Robert Van Nest Ms. Kristine B. Vanco Francis H. Vanderstappen Mr. Edward & Mrs. Maureen VanScoit Mr. Raul Vasquez Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paco Venegas Mr. Matthew D. Vessely Mrs. Gail P. Vitek Mr. & Mrs. Tom Von Lunen Dr. Veselina P. Vracheva Mr. Croft Waddington Ms. Jacqueline Wagner Mrs. Deborah & Mr. John F. Walsh Mr. Jeremy R. Walsh Mr. Michael Walsh Mr. Sean P. Walsh Ms. Joan Walsh-Elling Rev. Dr. Richard A. Wang Mr. & Mrs. Dana M. Warren Mr. Gerald J. Waskelis Mr. Timothy J. Wassink Ms. Kim Weakly Mr. John Weidenbach Mr. Dennis Welch Mr. Michael J. Westphal & Ms. Kristine Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. Merle L. Weyeneth Mr. & Mrs. Ray Wheaton Ms. Zita Wheeler Mr. Robert W. Wielgos Mr. William E. & Mrs. Linda Wienke Ms. Melissa Williams Mr. Melvyn W. Williams Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Williams Mrs. Valerie Y. Williams Ms. Mary Lin Windes Mr. Scott A. Witte Ms. Shirley Wittenbrink Mr. Paul A. Wittkowske Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Wittkowske Mr. Blake Wolf Mr. Tom Womack Ms. Ping Wu Ms. Jacqueline Yessa Mr. John Zahora Mrs. Loretta A. Zilis Mr. Stanley & Mrs. Josephine Zima Mr. Richard Zirngibl Jr. Mr. Eldon Zobrist Mr. Harlan C. Zobrist Mr. Charles J. Zydek GI F T S IN K IN D Abhyaasa Yoga Advanced Data Technologies Advanced Wellness Center Ms. Noonie Aguilar Ms. Alyssa T. Allgood ‘14 Anastasopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Anderson Mr. Tres Anderson Ms. Sherma E. Sallee Anderson ‘78 Anderson’s Bookshops Ms. Ruth & Mr. Gregory K. Anerino Bailey Gorey ’15, Earth Day Angeli’s Restaurant Aspen Printing Services LLC Aspire Salon Athletico Management, LLC Aurelio’s Pizza Bangkok Village The Bank Restaurant Mr. Jimmy Banos The Bar Method Barbara’s Interiors bd’s Mongolian Grill Mr. Shane Beard Mr. Tim Belgio Mr. Tom Belgio Belgio’s Catering Mrs. Alpha Benedetti Best Western Naperville Inn Beyond Measure Training Mr. Sajjad & Ms. Shabana Bhatti Bikram Yoga Naperville Dr. Kathleen W. Black Blackberry Oaks Golf Course Mr. Daniel Blewett Blooming Color/Maclyn Group BMO Harris Bank Naperville Bolingbrook Golf Club Mr. Tim Botts Braconi’s Restaurant & Pizzeria Mr. Kevin Brahler Brew Crafted Bricks Pizza & Cafe Brighton Car Wash, LLC Mr. Marc A. Browning ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Browning Buchar Wellness Center Mr. Eric E. Budd ‘76 Buffalo Wings & Rings Buona Catering Mrs. Monika P. & Mr. Stewart Burchfield Mr. Seth Burke Cantigny Golf Capitol Nutrition Ms. Julie & Mr. Anthony Carballo Mr. & Mrs. Allen B. Carius Dr. Michael J. Cassano Cemcon, Ltd. Cernan Earth & Space Center Ms. Judy Chaffee Ms. Belinda L. Cheek ‘83 Chef by Request Chicago Architecture Foundation Chicago Bears Chicago Botanic Garden Chicago Cubs Chicago Marriott Naperville Chipotle Mexican Grill Mr. Thomas A. Christopher Mr. Henry Clarin Classic Cinemas Mr. Lee Clayton Mr. Kenneth G. Cloud ‘61 Mr. Pat Collier Jr. ‘67 Mr. Timieth C. Collier Jr. ‘68 Comedy Sportz Theatre Consolidated Carqueville Continental Acura of Naperville Mr. Keith Cooper ‘74 CorePower Yoga Costco Wholesale Country House Country Inn & Suites The Course at Aberdeen Courtyard by Marriott Mr. Fritz Cripe Ms. Stephanie Crosetto Ms. Anna M. & Mr. Ryan Dau ‘02,F Mr. Michael J. Davis Mr. William H. Davis Jr. ‘71 Mr. Randy DeGuzman Diageo Mrs. Kelli L. & Mr. Jorge Diaz Mr. Joseph Dmura Ms. Amy Dominick DoTERRA Essential Oils Downers Grove Ice Arena Ms. Liz Doyle Mr. Richard T. & Mrs. Linda M. Doyle Ms. Henrietta Draus DuPage Children’s Museum DwJohnson Photography Ms. Phyllis Edelen ‘71 Egg Harbor Cafe Eggs Inc. Einstein Bros. Bagels Ms. Judith A. El-Amin ‘69 Mr. Justin Elder Elgin Symphony Orchestra Mr. Peter Ellman Ellman’s Music Center, Inc. Embassy Suites Chicago-Naperville Mr. Brad Engel Mr. Don Eustice Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 49 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Contributors Amanda Walker ’16 Mr. Steve Evanson Evanson Design Partners Extended Stay America East Extended Stay America West Ms. Cheryl Fahrenbach Fairfield Inn by Marriott Ms. Colleen E. Falk Fastsigns Steven & Wijid Fay Dr. Roxanne Ferrici Fiamme Dr. David H. Fisher & Dr. Sarah B. Fowler Mr. Scott Fisher Mr. Mark Fitzgerald Flat Top Grill Mr. Kevin Flynn FM 102.1 Mr. Michael Foley Follett Higher Education Group Fontano’s Subs Front Street Cantina Mrs. Michelle E. Galasso ‘05 Mr. Mark A. Galati Gand Concert Sound, Inc. Gene Siskel Film Center GenuWIN Sports Training, Inc. Mr. Neil Gerald Gerald Auto Group Mr. Bob & Mrs. Suzanne Gibson Mr. John Gill Mr. James W. & Ms. Deborah J. Godo ‘93,’92 Mr. Wesley Graf Graham’s Fine Chocolates & Ice Cream Granite City Food & Brewery Green Earth Institute The Growing Place Mr. Dan Gustafson Hampton Inn & Suites Harrison House Bed & Breakfast Mr. Kris Hartner & Ms. Susanna Gotsch Mr. John Harvey Mr. Syed Hasan Ms. Toby Hayer Heaven on Seven Naperville Ms. Karen Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. Nick Heintz Mr. Craig W. & Mrs. Mari Helwig ‘87,F Highland Park Country Club Mr. Russ Hillard Mr. Steven F. Hlavac ‘12 Mr. Brandon D. Hoeft ‘02 Mr. Steven H. Hoeft ‘73 Ms. Carol Hogan Mrs. Lorna J. Holliday ‘75 Hollywood Blvd Cinema Dr. Nicholas Hood ‘46 Mr. Roland J. & Ms. Jessica A. Hopkins ‘06,’07 Dr. David & Ms. April Smith Horner F,’88 Hotel Cass Mr. Jonathan A. Howard ‘12 Hugo’s Frog Bar Improv Comedy Club Interior Investments LLC The Iron Horse Hotel Mr. Ronald G. Isaac ‘71 Mrs. Connie & Mr. Jeff Jackson Ms. Kenyetta Z. Jackson ‘90 Mr. Hossein Jamali Jeans & A Cute Top Shop Ms. Tasha Jenkins Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation Jewel-Osco Jimmy’s Grill Mr. Chad Johansen Mr. David W. Johnson ‘07 Mr. Raymond D. & Mrs. Carrie Johnson ‘98,F Mr. Stephan G. Johnson ‘61 Mr. Peter P. Jones ‘76 Ms. Anna Kamilis Ms. Becky Kedzie Mr. Matt Keller Mr. & Mrs. David W. Kelsch Kennedy Pointe Mr. Gary Kent Dr. Maureen Kincaid & Ms. Maureen M. Scott F,’12 Ms. Kathleen B. & Mr. Brian King Ms. Robin King Mr. Ray Kinney (H)’10 Ms. Marcella H. Kritikos ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kuhn Kuhn, Mitchell, Moss LLC Mr. James P. & Ms. Sandra J. Kulawiak Lakefront Brewery Ms. Carrie Larsen Ms. Meg Ledebuhr Mrs. Jeanine M. & John Lehman ‘83,F Mr. Reuben Lerma Mr. Dwight Lewis ‘65 Linea Hair Salon Litronicx Ltd. 5 0 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Mr. Dan Littell Ms. Jennifer D. Smith ‘98 Lombard Roller Rink Lost Mountain Adventure Golf Mr. Anthony M. Losurdo Lou Dog Events LLC Lou Malnati’s Pizza Mr. Daniel Loveridge Lynfred Winery M & M Special Events Mr. & Mrs. Rodney K. Mack ‘69,’68 Ms. Judith A. & Mr. John N. MacLeod F,’84 Bartley & Maricella Madden F,’99 Mr. Peter Maitland Mr. Brandon & Mrs. Becca Makowski Mr. Phillip L. Malone ‘89 Maplebrook Chiropractic Ms. Angela M. Marshall ‘97 Mr. David C. Martin Mr. Lee J. Martin ‘96 Mr. Jeordano S. Martinez Ms. Marilyn Mason Ms. Regina E. Mason ‘89 Massage Envy Spa Naperville East Mr. Curtis V. Mayfield ‘70 Medieval Times Dinner & Tour Ms. Neepa Mehta Ms. Katie Merkle Meson Sabika Ms. Michele Michael Michael E. Bond, DDS PC Midwest Dietitian Mr. David Miller Mr. David J. Miller Mr. Kevin Miller Mistwood Golf Course Mr. Paul Mitchell Dr. Kristina L. & Mr. Matthew E. Moran ‘02,’02 Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Moravec ‘69,’68 Mr. David R. & Mrs. Patricia Moton ‘79,F Dr. & Mrs. Howard E. Mueller ‘58,’59 Mr. John Muir Mullen’s Bar & Grill Mr. Taki Mullins Positively Naperville Naperville Magazine Naperville Running Company Naperville Styling Naperville Trolley & Tours Ltd. Natural Health Chiropractic & Wellness Center Natural Motivations Inc. New Balance Newman’s Own Foundation Nona Jo’s Noodles & Company Nothing Bundt Cakes Dr. Alicia J. Okpareke Mrs. Maripat & Mr. Paul Oliver Orchard Valley Golf Course Oswald’s Pharmacy Mr. Dennis T. Page ‘11 Dr. R. Devadoss Pandian & Dr. Priscilla Devadoss (H)’15,F Paramount Theatre Ms. Barbara Patterson ‘78 Mr. William Paus James & Stephanie Penick PGA TOUR Superstore Pinot’s Palette Play It Again Sports Hadi Poulakidas Rev. Dr. Lynn L. & Ms. Donna Pries ‘67,’67 Ms. Kristin K. Prins & Mr. Mike Martens ‘02,F Pure Barre Ms. Nancy Quigley Quigley’s Irish Pub Mr. Muneer Radi Rago & Associates Rayme’s Restaurant & Lounge Red Roof Inns, Inc. Ms. Jennifer L. Bartgen & Mr. Ben Reid ‘02,F Reinhart Financial Group Mrs. Leah & Mr. Doug Rippe Riverwalk Counseling Center, Inc. A. Elizabeth Robinson-Chan ‘93 Rosebud Mr. Joseph Rostyne Ms. Patricia K. Ruddy & Mr. Joe Michalec Mr. Peter Ruge Russell Martin Carpet & Rugs Russo Power Equipment Mr. Jerry Ryan Mr. John A. & Ms. Kimberly Rygiewicz Mr. Steve Sahli Sara’s Grill & Eastern Cuisine Ms. Teagen Sauer Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Sawyer Ms. Barbara Schweitzer SciTech Hands on Museum Mr. Joshua A. Seago ‘09 Ms. Liisa Seuser Ms. Mary & Mr. Scott Shearer The Shedd Aquarium Society Mrs. Anne T. Sherren & Mr. William S. Sherren* Dr. Eugene Simmons ‘75 Mrs. Cheryl L. Sims ‘77 Mr. John J. Small Smallcakes Cupcakery Mr. & Mrs. Andy Smith Ms. Kengie S. Smith ‘02 Solemn Oath Brewery Dr. Karen J. Solomon & Mr. Wright J. King ‘84,F Mr. William & Mrs. Deborah Spartz Mr. Jerome Spearman ‘73 Mr. Michael L. Spearman ‘76 Spokes Bikes Ms. Melanie L. Stancampiano ‘02 Steve Woltmann Photography Storytown Improv Sullivan’s Steak House Mr. Tim Swan Mrs. Mattie M. Sweezer ‘74 TBK Promotions, Inc. Theatre of Western Springs Dr. Richard & Ms. Phyllis Tholin ‘49,’49 Mrs. Sandra N. & Mr. Tyrone A. Thompson Titleist Golf Mr. James Trader Twisted Olive Two Brothers Brewing Company Universal Spirit Yoga Untouchable Tours Mr. Gus Vassos Mr. Michael G. & Mrs. Jennifer Vibral ‘65,F The Village Links of Glen Ellyn Vitamin Shoppe Mr. Robert & Mrs. Jill Watson Ms. Danielle Smith & Mr. Kenneth Weddington ‘95,’96 Ms. Annette Wehrli Mr. Donald E. Wehrli Mr. Scott A. Wehrli ‘91 Mr. Joel Weinberger Ms. Phelia D. Weir ‘98 Welligee Personal Training & Lifestyle Mr. Wesley J. Whamond ‘00 Wheatstack Restaurant Whirly Ball Mr. Mike Whittaker Whole Foods Market Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wilkins ‘82,F Ms. Kathryn E. Williams ‘09 WJK Enterprises, Inc. Ms. Sandra M. Wolf Ms. Tanya & Mr. Steven Woltmann ‘94,F Mr. Matthew M. Worline Mr. Stephen Wright ‘03 Mr. Adam T. & Ms. Elizabeth C. Yantorni ‘01,’02 Zanies Comedy Nite Club Zano Salons Mr. Nicholas J. & Ms. Vicki A. Zec ‘81,F Mr. Robert Zielinkski Zipcar, Inc. C O R P O R AT I O N S, B U S I N E S S E S, F O U N D AT I O N S, & O R G A N I Z AT I O N S Direct Gifts & Grants $25,000 & above AGL Resources/Nicor Gas Anderson’s Bookshops Associated Colleges of Illinois, Inc. Athletico Management, LLC Coleman Foundation Dunham Fund Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation State of Illinois Interior Investments LLC M & M Special Events National Security Agency Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust Svend & Elizabeth Bramsen Foundation Travelers Company Foundation U.S. Department of Education U.S. Department of Justice USA Triathlon $10,000 - $24,999 Belgio’s Catering Chartwells Chef by Request Council of Independent Colleges Illinois Arts Council Naperville Running Company Omron Foundation, Inc. Pepsi Cola Target $ 5,000 - $ 9,999 Chicago Marriott Naperville Compass Group Consolidated Carqueville Printing Company Continental Acura of Naperville Dart Foundation Dr. Scholl Foundation Embassy Suites Chicago-Naperville Fastsigns John E. & Jeanne T. Hughes Charitable Foundation Naperville Rotary Charities Naperville Trolley & Tours Ltd. Positively Naperville Siragusa Foundation The USG Foundation $2,500 - $4,999 Best Western Naperville Inn Cemcon, Ltd. Commonwealth Edison Company Country Inn & Suites Courtyard by Marriott DuPage Foundation DuPage Medical Group DwJohnson Photography Fairfield Inn by Marriott Frank and Mary Dubczak Fund Hampton Inn and Suites JCCC Foundation JP Morgan Chase Foundation Mathematical Association of America Monarch Landing Naperville Chorus Naperville Development Partnership Naperville Woman’s Club Red Roof Inns, Inc. West Suburban Irish $1,000 - $2,499 Andrew Family Foundation Bangkok Village Barbara’s Interiors bd’s Mongolian Grill Braconi’s Restaurant & Pizzeria Buona Catering Casey’s Foods CBIZ College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin Egg Harbor Cafe Eggs Inc. Ellman’s Music Center, Inc. Enactus Evanson Design Partners Exelon Extended Stay America East Extended Stay America West Follett Higher Education Group Fontano’s Subs Front Street Cantina Gand Concert Sound, Inc. GenuWIN Sports Training, Inc. Gerald Auto Group Glen Wright Farms Guident Business Solutions, LLC Heaven on Seven Naperville Hitchcock Design Group Landscape Architects Hoffman Transportation, LLC Hugo’s Frog Bar Josten’s Inc. Ketchmark & Associates, Inc. Kuhn, Mitchell, Moss LLC Litronicx Ltd. Meson Sabika Mission Bells Ministries Inc Naperville Garden Club Inc. Naperville Magazine Naperville Writers Group Porro, Niermann & Petersen LLC Prager Moving & Storage Co. Quigley’s Irish Pub Sara’s Grill & Eastern Cuisine Sikich LLP Smallcakes Cupcakery Steve Woltmann Photography Sullivan’s Steak House TBK Promotions, Inc. Turano Company Foundation Twisted Olive Two Brothers Brewing Company US Bank Wintrust Commercial Banking $1 - $ 999 AAUW Abbott Laboratories Abhyaasa Yoga Ace Metal Refinishers Advanced Wellness Center African-American Alumni Association Anastasopoulos Angeli’s Restaurant Aspen Printing Services LLC Aspire Salon Aurelio’s Pizza The Bank Restaurant The Bar Method Beyond Measure Training Bikram Yoga Naperville Blackberry Oaks Golf Course BMO Harris Bank Bolingbrook Golf Club Brennan Equipment & Manufacturing, Inc. Brew Crafted Bricks Pizza & Cafe Brighton Car Wash, LLC Brogan’s Painting Buchar Wellness Center Buffalo Wings & Rings Cantigny Golf Capitol Nutrition Cernan Earth and Space Center Chicago Architecture Foundation Chicago Bears Chicago Botanic Garden Chicago Cubs Chipotle Mexican Grill Classic Cinemas Colordance Designs Comedy Sportz Theatre CorePower Yoga Costco Wholesale Country House The Course at Aberdeen Culvers of Oswego Diageo DoTERRA Essential Oils Downers Grove Ice Arena Driehaus Enterprise Management DuPage Children’s Museum Echelon Sports Armor LLC Einstein Bros. Bagels Elgin Symphony Orchestra Fiamme Flat Top Grill FM 102.1 Fox Valley Trophy & Promotions Inc. G&O Thermal Supply Company Gene Siskel Film Center Global Football Inc Gordon Flesch Company, Inc. Graham’s Fine Chocolates & Ice Cream Granite City Food & Brewery Green Earth Institute Groovfold Inc. The Growing Place Hammer Wrestling School Harrison House Bed & Breakfast Hickey and Sons Construction Highland Park Country Club Hollywood Blvd Cinema Hotel Cass Improv Comedy Club The Irish Way The Iron Horse Hotel Jeans & A Cute Top Shop Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation Jewel-Osco Jimmy’s Grill Kelvyn Press Inc. Kennedy Pointe Kirhofer’s Sports, Inc. Lakefront Brewery Lee Mandel & Associates, Inc. Linea Hair Salon Lombard Roller Rink Lost Mountain Adventure Golf Lou Dog Events LLC Lou Malnati’s Pizza Lynfred Winery Maplebrook Chiropractic Massage Envy Spa Naperville East McDavitt Design Studio, Inc. Medieval Times Dinner & Tour Michael E. Bond, DDS PC Midwest Dietitian Millard Group, Inc Mistwood Golf Course Mullen’s Bar & Grill Naperville Bank & Trust Naperville School District #203 Naperville Styling Natural Health Chiropractic & Wellness Natural Motivations Inc. NCC Psychology Department New Balance Newman’s Own Foundation Nick & Ernie’s, Inc. Nona Jo’s Noodles & Company Nothing Bundt Cakes O-Liminator Olde Towne Floors, Inc. Orchard Valley Golf Course Oswald’s Pharmacy Pampered Chef Paramount Theatre PGA TOUR Superstore Pinot’s Palette Play It Again Sports Plum Productions Potter’s Place Pro-Tuff Decals Pure Barre Purple Dog Records Q-BBQ Rago and Associates Rasmussen College Rayme’s Restaurant & Lounge Reinhart Financial Group Riverwalk Counseling Center, Inc. Rizzo’s Rosebud Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise Russell Martin Carpet & Rugs Russo Power Equipment SciTech Hands on Museum ServPro of St. Charles/Geneva/Batavia The Shedd Aquarium Society Solemn Oath Brewery Spokes Bikes SportsLock Storytown Improv Tal-Mar Thamizh Schools USA Theatre of Western Springs Titleist Golf Tobias Music Universal Spirit Yoga Untouchable Tours Vic’s Supply Company The Village Links of Glen Ellyn Vitamin Shoppe Welligee Personal Training & Lifestyle Wheatstack Restaurant Whirly Ball Whole Foods Market Winter Family Fund Witt/Kieffer Ford Hadelman Lloyd WJK Enterprises, Inc. Zanies Comedy Nite Club Zano Salons Zipcar, Inc. Matching Gifts Abbott Laboratories AGL Resources/Nicor Gas AIG Allstate Foundation Ally Financial AON Foundation Assurant Health Foundation AT&T Foundation Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 51 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Contributors Bank of America Baxter International Foundation BNSF Foundation BNY Mellon BP Foundation, Inc. Bunge Corporation Colson Associates, Inc. Consolidated Investments Group Country Financials Crowe Horwath LLP CTC Trading Group, LLC Dow U.S.A. Ecolab Ernst & Young Foundation Exelon ExxonMobil Foundation FM Global Foundation GCS Service, Inc. General Electric Foundation General Mills Foundation Haldex Brake Products Hulu, LLC IBM Foundation Ingredion Incorporated John Deere Foundation JPMorgan Chase Foundation Lockheed Martin Corporation Macy’s McDonald’s Corporation McMaster-Carr Supply Company MetLife Foundation Microsoft MidAmerican Energy Foundation Monsanto Fund Morgan Stanley Foundation The Northern Trust Company Novartis US Foundation Pepsico Foundation Pfizer Phoenix Closures Pioneer Community Investment PNC Bank Foundation The Prudential Foundation RBC Wealth Management Reynolds American Foundation Robert R. McCormick Foundation Salesforce.com Shell Oil Company Foundation State Farm Companies Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Texas Instruments The USG Foundation Towers Watson TransUnion The Travelers Companies UBS Financial Services W. W. Grainger, Inc. Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation Walt Disney Company Foundation Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Egon Zehnder Brian Fabes Jeremy Farmer Clif L Fenton and Judtih Wallis Fenton FIHE/UPS Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation Grover Hermann Foundation Haugh Family Foundation Illinois Tool Works Foundation Kaludis Consulting Kaplan Family Foundation Roland T Kowal MacLean-Fogg Company McGraw Foundation Norfolk Southern Foundation Northern Trust Pepper Construction Pepper Family Foundation Michael J Portland William Powell Jr. Sahara Enterprise Schneider Fabes Mark Schwamberger Seabury Foundation Shure, Inc. Siragusa Foundation Toni Smith State Farm Tate & Lyle Wells Fargo Jim Wylie T H E A S S O C I AT E D C O L L E GE S O F I L L IN O I S Trinity United Methodist Church, Mount Prospect Anonymous (2) A.Montgomery Ward Aileen S. Andrew Foundation Albert & Claire Speh Foundation The Allyn Foundation Nicholas Amatangelo AON Corporation William Berberet Lynn Bulman Circle of Service Foundation Council of Independent Colleges Nicole Donnelley Power Dale R. Egeberg Hanover United Methodist Church, Hanover Rev. & Mrs. Eric L. Doolittle Glen Wright Farms Dr. Troy D. & Mrs. Sharlene D. Hammond Rev. & Mrs. Robert J. Harman ‘59,’59 Ms. Barbara R. Hoch Ms. Marissa M. Holaway ‘15 Rev. Cindy Karis & Mr. Harold Bullard Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Lehman ‘54,’53 Mr. Norman MacGregor ‘53 Mission Bells Ministries Inc. Rev. & Mrs. Richard A. Peacock ‘69,’69 Rev. Dr. Lynn L. & Ms. Donna Pries ‘67,’67 Mr. & Mrs. Barry R. Riskedal ‘71,’62 Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Roessler ‘60,’60 C H U R C H GI F T S Church Gifts General Board of Higher Education of the United Methodist Church, Nashville, Tenn. The United Methodist Foundation for Higher Education, Nashville, Tenn. United Methodist Church, Northern Illinois Annual Conference Aurora District: Grace United Methodist Church, Naperville Grace United Methodist Church/Forum Class, Naperville Other Gifts St. Charles Education Association A L B R I G H T-W E S L E Y SOCIE T Y S C H O L A R S H I P GI F T S Church Gifts African-American Alumni Association Scholarship United Methodist Church, Northern Illinois Annual Conference Northern Illinois Conference, Division of Outdoor and Retreat Ministry Aurora District: Community United Methodist Church, Naperville Faith United Methodist Church, Lisle Faith United Methodist Church, Orland Park Grace United Methodist Church/Questors, Naperville Lemont United Methodist Church, Lemont United Vacation Church School, Naperville Chicago Northwestern District: Glenview United Methodist Church, Glenview Irving Park United Methodist Church, Chicago DeKalb District: Ashton Reynolds United Methodist Church, Ashton Sheridan United Methodist Church, Sheridan Elgin District: Rockford District: United Methodist Church, Wisconsin Annual Conference Wisconsin Annual Conference, Camping and Retreat Ministry Capital District: Briggsville United Methodist Church, Briggsville Trinity United Parish, Briggsville Individual Gifts Anonymous Ms. Alexandria M. Corriveau 5 2 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Ms. Sherma E. Sallee Anderson ‘78 Mr. Eric E. Budd ‘76 Mr. Kenneth G. Cloud ‘61 Mr. Pat Collier Jr. ‘67 Mr. Timieth C. Collier Jr. ‘68 Mr. Keith Cooper ‘74 Mr. William H. Davis Jr. ‘71 Ms. Phyllis Edelen ‘71 Ms. Judith A. El-Amin ‘69 Mrs. Lorna J. Holliday ‘75 Dr. Nicholas Hood ‘46 Mr. Roland J. & Ms. Jessica A. Hopkins ‘06,’07 Mr. Jonathan A. Howard ‘12 Mr. Ronald G. Isaac ‘71 Ms. Kenyetta Z. Jackson ‘90 Mr. Raymond D. & Mrs. Carrie Johnson ‘98,F Mr. Stephan G. Johnson ‘61 Mr. Peter P. Jones ‘76 Mr. Dwight Lewis ‘65 Ms. Jennifer D. Smith ‘98 Mr. Phillip L. Malone ‘89 Ms. Angela M. Marshall ‘97 Mr. Lee J. Martin ‘96 Ms. Regina E. Mason ‘89 Mr. Curtis V. Mayfield ‘70 Mr. David R. & Mrs. Patricia Moton ‘79,F Mr. Dennis T. Page ‘11 Ms. Barbara Patterson ‘78 A. Elizabeth Robinson-Chan ‘93 Dr. Eugene Simmons ‘75 Mrs. Cheryl L. Sims ‘77 Mr. Jerome Spearman ‘73 Mr. Michael L. Spearman ‘76 Mrs. Mattie M. Sweezer ‘74 Ms. Danielle Smith & Mr. Kenneth Weddington ‘95,’96 Ms. Phelia D. Weir ‘98 Mr. Stephen Wright ‘03 Alumni Admission Ambassador Scholarship Mr. Jason L. Acevedo ‘99 Mr. Michael & Ms. Susan Acosta ‘03,F Mr. Steven A. Albanese ‘07 Mr. Michael J. Albiniak ‘00 Ms. Melissa R. & Mr. Christopher J. Aquino ‘91,’91 Ms. Jessica L. Arnold ‘13 Ms. Tammy Arnold ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Arnston ‘83,’81 Mr. Jack D. Arnston ‘14 Ms. Gail Arrigo ‘85 Mr. Justin M. Ashton ‘05 Richard & Margaret Babjak ‘85,F Ms. Cassandra S. Balaskas ‘13 Ms. Tory E & Mr. Carlos R. Barba ‘90,’90 Ms. Katherine M. Barrett ‘14 Ms. Ashley L. Bartel ‘10 Mrs. Nickole L. Barto ‘95 Mrs. Dawne A. Beerup ‘81 Mr. Michael M. & Ms. Calli Jo E. Berago ‘06,’08 Mr. Scot D. Bertram ‘02 Ms. Sarah J. Bikulcius ‘11 Mr. Adam C. Billman-Galuhn ‘06 Ms. Emily Binder ‘06 Ms. Kala M. Bingham ‘12 Mr. Matthew J. Blaine ‘09 Mr. William J. Blaszak ‘12 Mr. Richard R. Boland ‘87 Ms. Kathleen M. Bonamer ‘07 Mr. Kyle E. Bovie ‘84 Mr. Kyle P. & Ms. Amy M. Brady ‘10,’12 Mr. Eric S. Brechtel ‘07 Mr. John J. Brolley ‘85 Ms. Jenny N. & Mr. Eric R. Brotherton ‘98,’98 Mr. Bryan R. Brown ‘14 Ms. Stephanie A. Brunetti ‘14 Ms. Amy L. Bugner ‘07 Ms. Michele Lee & Mr. Kirk L. Burnett ‘93,’92 Ms. Marilyn R. Burr ‘96 Mr. Jacob A. Camiliere ‘15 Mr. Patrick J. Carney ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Deryl D. Carter ‘75,’75 Ms. Michele M. Chiaro ‘92 Mrs. Amy E. Clarke Sievers & Mr. Joseph P. Sievers ‘03,’12 Ms. Jessica L. Clayton ‘14 Mr. Joshua L. Corso & Ms. Christina M. Mitchell ‘09,’10 Mr. Daniel Anthony Cossa ‘95 Ms. Stephanie L. Crutchfield ‘13 Ms. Brittany M. Cufaude ‘14 Ms. Kristin L. Cushing ‘90 Ms. Nicolette S. D’Oronzo ‘13 Mr. Jacob A. Dailey ‘12 Ms. Carolyn M. Damore ‘84 Mrs. Dana L. Dance-Daly ‘93 Ms. Courtney M. Daniels ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Matthew K. Decker ‘05,’05 Mr. Gary W. Denham ‘94 Ms. Kimberly S. DeSplinter ‘02 Mr. James Matthew & Ms. Nicole Nicholas Dickerson ‘95,’96 Ms. Nicole A. Dickson ‘08 Mrs. Theresa E. & Mr. Mark A. Dierking ‘84,F Ms. Martha A. Disclafani ‘12 Mr. Igor Djordjevic ‘97 Mr. Adam Z. Doden ‘13 Mr. Murray S. Domich ‘76 Mr. Joseph B. & Mrs. Jennifer Dominik ‘02 Ms. Megan M. Drahos ‘10 Rev. Lawrence A. Drum ‘52 Ms. Kelly J. Duncan ‘07 Mr. Daren J. Dusenske ‘00 Mr. Michael James & Mrs. Kimberly Dwyer ‘97 Ms. Mia L. & Mr. Seth A. Eddy ‘94,’94 Mr. Robert E. & Mrs. Kathryn Eden F,’73 Ms. Kelli Joy Eizenga ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Elliott ‘92,’93 Mr. Dana R. Epperson ‘88 Ms. Michelle M. Farley & Mr. Anthony M. Imbordino ‘07,’08 Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Farley ‘64,’64 Mr. Daniel J. & Mrs. Aubrey Fechalos ‘07 Mr. Jon L. Fechner ‘89 Ms. Ann E. Fichtner ‘88 Ms. Bridgett L. Fitzgerald ‘94 Ms. Margaret K. Foley ‘12 Mr. Jared D. Folley ‘02 Ms. Jami M. Fortenbury ‘02 Mr. Brett D. Frederick & Ms. Sandra Cline ‘93,F Ms. Leslie Free ‘91 Mr. Jordan J. Fritz ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Garvey ‘89,’90 Ms. Lori A. Gelinas ‘90 Mr. John Geyer ‘68 Ms. Brionna P. Givens ‘12 Mr. James W. & Ms. Deborah J. Godo ‘93,’92 Mr. Pedro Michael & Ms. Anna Christina Gonzales ‘97,’00 Mr. Brett M. Goral ‘87 Timothy R. Gossett ‘89 Mr. John F. Grady ‘09 Mr. Matthew Grennell ‘10 Mr. Joseph R. Gryczkowski ‘90 Ms. Journy B. Guide ‘00 Mr. Louis & Mrs. Diane Guido ‘86,F Mr. Nicholas P. & Ms. Kristin A. Guido ‘09,’10 Mr. Howard & Mrs. Kim Hammer ‘80,F Mr. Benjamin J. & Ms. Sarah M. Hare ‘06,’06 Ms. Erin M. Harlon ‘02 Mr. Robert M. Harvey ‘94 Mr. Timothy Haugh ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Haynes Jr. ‘87,’87 Mr. Thomas G. Hecimovich ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. Hedrick F,’78 Mr. Robin A. Henders ‘03 Mr. Kelly M. & Ms. Christin L. Henkel ‘07,’07 Mr. Weston J. Henry ‘10 Mr. Tyler J. Herman ‘12 Mr. Andrew D. Highland ‘12 Mr. Jordan W. Hoffman ‘08 Mrs. Connie P. & Mr. John R. Holbrook ‘85,F Ms. Megan E. Holland ‘11 Mr. Scott D. Homa ‘88 Mr. Guthrie L. Hood ‘06 Mr. James J. & Ms. Erin M. Hoover ‘03,’05 Mr. James D. Houge ‘90 Mr. James W. Houston ‘02 Ms. Jessica P. Houston ‘90 Mrs. Tami V. Howard ‘97 Mrs. Marsha L. Howting ‘87 Mr. Joseph J. Hubberts ‘05 Mr. Jacob R. Hubert ‘98 Mr. Gregory L. & Ms. Beth A. Huffaker ‘99,’99 Mr. Matthew J. Hussey ‘13 Mr. Samuel D. Inman ‘11 Ms. Diane Marie Wrona ‘90 Mrs. Paula J. & Mr. David J. Jackfert ‘82,F Mr. Kevin William Jahns ‘92 Ms. Colleen C. Jajewski ‘14 Victoria Janczak ‘90 Mr. Brian T. Johnson ‘07 Mr. Daniel L. & Mrs. Carolyn Johnson ‘74 Mr. David W. Johnson ‘07 Mrs. Ramona R. Johnson ‘87 Mr. Raymond D. & Mrs. Carrie Johnson ‘98,F Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Johnston ‘79,’79 Ms. Kathleen M. Kaufman ‘98 Mr. Kerry R. Kelley ‘86 Mrs. Marion L. Kennel ‘87 Mr. Peter D. Keseric Sr. ‘63 Ms. Cassandra L. Kilgore ‘05 Mr. James R. Kinney, III Ms. Bonnie K. & Mr. Kam S. Kniss ‘06,’07 Ms. Kylie K. Knowlton ‘11 Mr. Michael F. Koon ‘93 Ms. Alexandria A. Kordelewski ‘12 Ms. Jane Koten ‘55 Mr. Kyle R. Kothera ‘13 Ms. Leanne M. Kramer ‘86 Ms. Sarah A. Kraus ‘00 Ms. Cristina M. Krein ‘10 Dr. Michael L. & Mrs. Sandra Kuzniewski ‘82,F Ms. Lisa M. Kwit ‘14 Mr. Aaron J. Lawler ‘02 Ms. Michelle C. Lazowski ‘12 Ms. Nicole M. LeDonne ‘12 Ms. Maureen Leece ‘08 Mr. Michael V. Lenzi ‘14 Ms. Anie M. Leon ‘14 Ms. Elizabeth C. Linning ‘13 Ms. Donna C. Loomis ‘86 Mr. Gaetano N. LoPresti ‘11 Mr. Mason M. Luebbing ‘01 Ms. Joanne Lund ‘87 Mr. Matthew E. Mahay ‘08 Ms. Samantha E. Majewski ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. William B. Majewski ‘84,’86 Mr. Joseph M. Malik ‘08 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Mallon ‘82,’83 Ms. Alexis M. Mansfield ‘14 Ms. Mary P. Marcelain ‘99 Ms. Sarah A. Martin ‘10 Mr. Justin A. Matkovich ‘12 Ms. Courtney E. Maxwell ‘14 Ms. AshAnna E. McBride ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Scott F. McCleary ‘84,’85 Ms. Amanda J. Mehok ‘12 Ms. Katherine J. Menendez ‘08 Mr. Aldi Mertira ‘13 Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Meurer ‘76,’76 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Meyer ‘91,’91 Miss Karin A. Miceli ‘89 Mr. Joseph E. Michals ‘13 Ms. Catherine G. Milici ‘92 Mr. James L. & Ms. Kristin Miller ‘86,’94 Nicole Miller ‘92 Mr. Robert L. Miller ‘90 Ms. Amy C. Millstone ‘93 Mr. Scott M. & Mrs. Sophie A. Mitzel ‘89 Mr. Clint E. & Ms. Michelle A. Mobley ‘88,’89 Dr. Nathan D. Montgomery ‘00 Ms. Dawn Lockwood Moody ‘01 Ms. Rebecca R. Moore ‘91 Ms. Amy Y. Mori ‘14 Mr. Michael J. & Mrs. Tracy L. Morris ‘89,F Mr. Ryan T. Morrison ‘08 Mr. Jeffrey A. Nanzer ‘75 Mr. Daniel R. Nicholas ‘95 Mr. David Niedospial ‘79 Ms. Kelly A. Nordlund ‘10 Ms. Emily R. Nordmann ‘14 Mr. Joshua R. Norman ‘99 Mr. Steven R. Nowaczyk ‘08 Mr. William A. Nunamaker ‘09 Ms. Addie M. Nussbaum ‘10 Ms. Donna J. O’Donnell ‘88 Ms. Catherine E. Oberfoell ‘93 Mr. Conor S. Oenning ‘12 Ms. Marissa R. Olszewski ‘14 Ms. Cynthia A. Onderisin ‘08 Ms. Christine Osterman ‘87 Mr. Kirk & Mrs. Rebecca Overstreet ‘00,F Ms. Emily J. Page ‘13 Mr. Ross F. Pallan ‘91 Ms. Jean M. Paluszkiewicz ‘87 Ms. Dheanna A. Pappas ‘88 Mr. Michael L. Patierno ‘76 Ellen P. Paul ‘95 Mr. Matthew H. Paulus ‘10 Mr. Douglas A. Pawlik ‘07 Mr. John J. Pcolinski ‘83 Mr. Nathan M. Pedersen ‘93 Mr. Nicholas A. Penev ‘12 Ms. Erin L. Pertile ‘14 Mr. Peter W. Pesetski ‘98 Ms. Laura J. Petersen ‘10 Mr. Ryan D. & Ms. Marybeth Peterson ‘04,’08 Mr. David J. Peugh ‘81 Mrs. Stacy A. Piller ‘90 Mr. Dennis J. & Mrs. Joanne Piron ‘87,F Mr. Robert R. Pomazak ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. George D. Porter II ‘87,’87 Rev. Dr. Lynn L. & Ms. Donna Pries ‘67,’67 Ms. Anna Ptak-Nosal ‘14 Mr. Marcos Yu Que Jr. ‘91 Ms. Alicia L. Rafferty ‘12 Mr. Mitchell T. Raridon ‘09 Mr. Michael G. & Ms. Kristin M. Reingruber ‘99,’01 Ms. Susan E. Reppen ‘80 Mr. Ryne T. Rezac ‘14 Mr. Rob T. Riter ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Roach ‘90,’89 A. Elizabeth Robinson-Chan ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Roessler ‘60,’60 Mr. Stephen Eric & Ms. Amy E. Rogers ‘95,’95 Ms. Kimberly A. & Mr. Christopher M. Rohde ‘04,’05 Mr. Raymond E. & Mrs. Terri L. Rossi ‘75,F Mr. Kurt J. Rous ‘92 Ms. Brittany N. Rowe ‘12 Ms. Jennifer & Mr. Scott Roy ‘14 Ms. Leah D. Ruggirello ‘07 Mr. Jeremy G. Rushing ‘14 Ms. Nicole K. Salerno ‘14 Mr. Joey G. Sanchez ‘95 Mrs. Karen S. & Mr. Wayne Sanchez ‘91,F Mr. Mason A. Sass ‘14 Mr. Daniel J. Savage ‘98 Mr. Thomas E. & Ms. Julianne M. Schager ‘89,’89 Ms. Donna R. Schlenker ‘88 Ms. Katelynn M. Schmidt ‘11 Mrs. Jane & Mr. Gerald N. Schoeny ‘57,F Ms. Kerry A. Schultz ‘02 Ms. Monica M. Schwerin ‘98 Mrs. Kimberly L. Scrogham ‘10 Mr. David J. Shafron ‘03 Ms. Jami E. Shelbrock ‘95 Ms. Brooke M. Simon ‘94 Mr. Eric S. & Ms. Cynthia S. Simon ‘86,’92 Mr. James R. Slowik ‘86 Ms. Kimberly A. Sluis & Mr. Joseph P. Maffey ‘99,’08 Ms. Jorie H. Smith ‘09 Mrs. Mary E. & Mr. Michael Keith Smith ‘89,’96 Ms. Dana J. Solomon ‘03 Mr. Hagop Soulakian ‘95 Ms. Kimberley D. Sowa ‘99 Ms. Heather L. Spaetzel ‘90 Ms. Carol J. Spillar-Crispo ‘87 Miss Stacey E. Springborn ‘91 Dr. Lois C. Stack ‘54 Mr. Adam J. Stein ‘03 Ms. Kimberly K. Sterr ‘92 Ms. Emily E. Stewart ‘13 Ms. Janet Bernhardy Stock ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Duane Stralow ‘76,’76 Mr. Joseph R. Strmec ‘83 Mr. James & Mrs. Sally Studlo ‘79,F Mr. John L. Stumpe ‘79 Ms. Chelsea R. Sullivan ‘14 Ms. Carolyn A. Sutphen ‘10 Mr. Franklin M. Sutphin ‘13 Mr. William R. Swain ‘99 Mr. Michael E. & Ms. Sarah L. Swanson ‘12,’12 Mr. Samuel J. Sweeney ‘11 Mr. Michael D. & Mrs. Alyssa R. Swengel ‘08,’07 Mr. Steven J. Szymkowiak ‘93 Ann Bode Thede ‘49 Mr. Kyle R. Thomas ‘13 Ms. Rebecca A. & Mr. Christopher Glenn Tointon ‘95,’95 Mr. Craig M. Tomczak ‘99 Mr. Christopher A. Toy ‘09 Ms. Kateri Z. Tumminello ‘12 Mrs. April M. & Mr. Michael Vacik ‘90 Mr. Mark S. VanderKooi ‘95 Mr. Raymond VanHootegem ‘87 Wentz Concert Hall lobby brightens campus events Mrs. Thea Villarruel ‘83 Mr. Anthony L. Vittal ‘03 Mrs. Eve N. Von Wimpffen ‘90 Ms. Sheila M. Walsh ‘12 Mr. Weien & Mrs. Grace A. Wang ‘11,’11 Mr. Michael R. & Mrs. Deanna L. Watson ‘86,’88 Dr. & Mrs. Donald E. Weber ‘66,F Mr. Scott A. Wehrli ‘91 Ms. Karen A. Weitendorf ‘85 Ms. Saramani M. Wells ‘09 Mr. Thomas Michael Whalen ‘97 Rafeal Williams ‘95 Mr. Christopher L. Willoughby ‘94 Ms. Laina M. Wing ‘03 Ms. Kimberly Winslow-DePaola ‘00 Mr. Michael R. Witkowski ‘88 Mr. Tyler J. Witkowski ‘14 Mr. Ryan T. Wolland ‘98 Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 53 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Mr. John P. Wood ‘12 Mr. Todd J. & Mrs. Lisa Wood ‘94,F Mrs. Marilyn J. Workman ‘54 Ms. Jennifer L. Yurachek ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Zoephel ‘91,’91 Alumni Board Scholarship Consolidated Investments Group Sophie Faust ‘93 Ms. Carlina M. Franks ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Helberg ‘82,’82 Mr. Ronald G. Isaac ‘71 Mrs. Nancy & Mr. James D. Kranpitz ‘67,F Dr. & Mrs. Howard E. Mueller ‘58,’59 Mrs. Carla L. & Mr. Chad W. Muir ‘06,’03 Lori B. & Ed Novak ‘02,F Ms. Fallon N. Opperman ‘05 Mr. Scott Palmer ‘08 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Peraino ‘82,’82 Mr. Nicholas A. Piette ‘09 Rev. Dr. Lynn L. & Ms. Donna Pries ‘67,’67 Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. Glenn A. Weiss ‘94 Mr. Eric D. & Ms. Heather A. Young ‘09,’09 Leslie A. Baumann Scholarship Mr. Timothy Williams Contributors Class of 1955 Memorial Scholarship AGL Resources/Nicor Gas Mr. Allan E. Crabb ‘55 Mr. Evan R. Davies ‘55 Dr. Edwin H. Eigenbrodt ‘55 Mrs. Valare A. Hesterberg ‘55 Mr. Thomas W. Holbrook ‘55 Ms. Jane Koten ‘55 Mr. & Mrs. Kenwood Lewis ‘55,’57 Mr. & Mrs. Lyle E. Littlewood ‘55,’58 Ms. Lucy J. McDonald ‘55 Ms. June Mueggenborg ‘55 Dr. William C. Randall ‘55 Leroy W. Rhein, M.D. ‘55 Rev. Paul E. Steele ‘55 Mr. Richard F. Woodward ‘55 Class of 1958 Scholarship Rev. & Mrs. Phillip Burke Jr. ‘58,’59 Mr. & Mrs. James O. Nutt ‘58,F Class of 1959 Endowed Scholarship Rev. & Mrs. Phillip Burke Jr. ‘58,’59 Mr. Delmar E. Kentner ‘59 Mr. & Mrs. David R. Stuart ‘59,’59 Class of 1964 Scholarship Mr. David Beck ‘65 Mrs. Mary P. Bock ‘64 Rev. & Mrs. Paul H. Bosshardt ‘64,’64 Class of 1965 Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. David L. Arendsen ‘65,’65 Mr. Richard E. Attig ‘65 Mrs. Patricia K. Barksdale ‘65 Rev. & Mrs. Benjamin Bohnsack ‘65,’68 Mrs. Ruth A. Gantz ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Hansen ‘65,F Mrs. Diane S. Land ‘65 Mr. Dwight Lewis ‘65 Mrs. Elisabeth B. Olson ‘65 Mr. Stephen Sivyer ‘65 Mrs. Dorothy S. Wester ‘65 College Scholars Program Mr. Jeffrey J. Petrick ‘14 Verne E. Dietrich Memorial Scholarship Dr. David E. Dietrich ‘65 Mr. Nathan M. Schweitzer ‘14 Dunham Fund Education Scholarship Dunham Fund Karen Eby Scholarship Mrs. Vera L. Eby Endowed Student Scholarships Ms. Melissa M. Baxter ‘14 Rev. & Mrs. Phillip Burke Jr. ‘58,’59 Dr. Dwight S. Busacca ‘46 Ms. Kathleen M. & Mr. Ryan P. Carrigan Mr. Jeffrey Challender ‘79 Mr. Michael J. DeVine Mr. Jeffrey J. Fischer ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Lavern Fischer Mr. Michael Fischer Mr. Gary & Ms. Tina Fitzenreider Mr. Nathan M. Fitzenreider ‘12 Mr. Noah J. Fitzenreider ‘07 Ms. Rebecca J. Greenfield & Mr. Walter Allen Roell ‘98,’96 Mr. William Habel Mr. Brandon D. Hoeft ‘02 Mr. Jeffery W. James ‘78 Ms. Allison M. & Mr. Adam L. Johnson ‘08,’08 Mr. Brian T. Johnson ‘07 Mr. John & Mrs. Kathryn Keefe Mr. Loren & Mrs. Grace Kirkman Mr. Anthony C. LiFonti ‘98 Mr. Jeremy Andrew Lopshire ‘97 Mr. Chad W. Maas Mrs. Leslie R. & Mr. Michael Martens ‘88,F Ms. Heather L. & Mr. Derrick L. Martin ‘98,’95 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Martin ‘87,F Mr. Douglas R. May Mr. James L. & Ms. Kristin Miller ‘86,’94 Mr. Steven M. Motsinger Mr. Dan Norman Mrs. Paula & Mr. Patrick M. Norton Mr. Tony Norton Mr. & Mrs. John L. Novak ‘64,F Dr. Paul U. Pawlik ‘65 Mr. Brian P. & Ms. Julie A. Petrovic ‘98,’04 Mr. Jake V. Powers ‘13 Mr. John Thomas Przybylski ‘95 Mr. Thomas J. Przybylski Jr. ‘98 Ms. Kalani Reelitz Mr. Jacob S. Sandborn ‘14 Mr. Nicolas J. Santos ‘14 Ms. Kathryn R. & Mr. Vincent J. Sapienza ‘10,’10 Mr. Karl E. Schmidt ‘94 Mr. Scott William & Ms. Allison Edith Schroeder ‘95,’97 Mr. Mark John Shaffer ‘96 Mr. Harold Smith Mr. Ryan Snedden Mr. Sean M. Tomac ‘12 Mr. Robert Van Nest Mr. Thomas Michael Whalen ‘97 Mr. Benjamin C. Youel ‘09 Irene Flora Franzen Memorial Scholarship Dr. David J. Schmitz Chamber Strings traveling concert Grace United Methodist Church Student Scholarship Grace United Methodist Church Lester Belding Memorial Scholarship Mrs. Emily A. Curtis ‘63 Mrs. Betsy E. Schmitt ‘56 Ms. Rebecca Schmitt Gracie & Darrell Berlin Scholarship Dr. K. Darrell Berlin ‘55 Myra C. Brecher Endowed Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. Harold R. Wilde (H)’15,F Chase/BOC Scholarship Associated Colleges of Illinois, Inc Class of 1951 Endowed Scholarship Mrs. Catherine Koten Dr. Raymond P. Polivka ‘51 Mr. & Mrs. David L. Brewer ‘64,’64 Mrs. Mary A. Champion ‘64 Ms. Gail A. Cooper ‘64 Mr. & Mrs. Bert Darrah ‘65,’64 Miss Charlene V. Dvorak ‘64 Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Farley ‘64,’64 Mr. & Mrs. Rolland G. Fink ‘64,F Mr. & Mrs. John A. Helledy ‘64,F Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Lange ‘61,’64 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Michael ‘62,’64 Dr. & Mrs. Mark G. Minor ‘61,’64 Mr. Bruce E. Nitsche ‘64 Mr. James A. Ort ‘64 Mr. Robert E. Raynett ‘64 Mrs. Carol A. Smith ‘64 Mr. John H. Thanos ‘64 Rev. & Mrs. Frank E. Thompson ‘61,’64 Mr. & Mrs. D. Wolfensberger ‘64,F 5 4 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu Ms. Rebecca L. Cisowski ‘13 Mr. Tim & Mrs. Jackie Garvey Rev. Joseph J. Haney ‘59 Mr. John & Connie Hennig ‘65,F Ms. Jessica D. Kozelsky ‘09 Rev. & Mrs. Jerome Lipka ‘71,’71 Mr. Keith R. Madderom Sr. ‘69 Ms. Margaret L. Ranum ‘02 Ms. Emily S. Risher ‘13 Ms. Linda Scholer ‘67 Mrs. Joyce Squire Dr. Walter & Barbara Hack Scholarship Craig Fischer Memorial Scholarship Lucille E. Henderson Scholarship Mr. Jason L. Acevedo ‘99 Mr. Joshua A. Arenson ‘09 Mr. Jeremy D. Bayness ‘00 Belgio’s Catering Mr. Patrick J. & Ms. Sandra Bell ‘00,’00 Mr. Brian Boyer ‘79 Mr. Michael J. Bukovsky ‘87 Barbara Gast Hack ‘47 Nicole Hansen Memorial Scholarship Mrs. Rebecca A. & Mr. Samuel N. Dempsey ‘04,’02 Ms. Kristen L. Dunlap-Berg ‘10 S.L. Heeley Tax Prep Services Ms. Stefny R. & Mr. Steven L. Heeley ‘02,’09 Lucille Henderson Trust ‘36 Sherry Henderson Scholarship Ms. Linda Scholer ‘67 Grover Hermann Fountation Scholarship Associated Colleges of Illinois, Inc Mironda K. Heston Scholarship Endowment Mr. Adrian M. & Ms. Jacqueline M. Aldrich ‘02,’03 Mr. Roy Angel Mr. Len Benes Mr. Robert Beran Mr. Craig Bova Mr. & Mrs. Mike Burke Mr. Mike Burke Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cavenagh Ms. Michelle L. Conradt ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Debelak Mr. Joe Doninger Mr. Gerry Donnelly Mr. Jim Ficaro Mr. Kevin Gartley Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gill Mr. James M. & Mrs. Meg Gonda ‘02,F Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gonda Mr. Mike Henry Mr. Kyle T. Heston Mr. John Hogan Mr. Mark Holan Mr. Keith Hoydan Ms. Julie N. & Mr. Jaco Jooste Ms. Anwaar Judeh ‘02 Ms. Ezeh Judeh Mr. James Kehoe Mr. Jay Kramer Ms. Linda K. Mechowski Mr. Chuck Messina Dr. Kristina L. & Mr. Matthew E. Moran ‘02,’02 Mr. Mark Moran Mr. & Mrs. Mike Moran Mr. Thomas Moritz Mr. Tom Nealis & Ms. Liz Gonda Mr. & Ms. Troy L. Osborne Mr. James M. Owczarski & Ms. Michelle M. Rutkowski ‘02,’03 Mr. & Mrs. James Owczarski Mr. Andrew L. & Mrs. Jean Pagorek Mr. & Mrs. Dave Pitcher Mr. Edward J. Plucher Mr. Dave Quinn Mr. Greg Rehr Ms. Jennifer L. Bartgen & Mr. Ben Reid ‘02,F Mr. Daniel J. Riordan Mr. Nicholas G. Rutkowski Mr & Mrs. Richard Rutkowski Mr. Allen Rydberg Mr. David & Mrs. Wendy Rydberg Mr. Robert & Mrs. Kim Rydberg Ms. Mary Ellen Schopper Mr. Ray Schopper Mr. Richard F. & Mrs. Virginia M. Schopper Mr. Tom Seerup Mr. Matthew M. Sinnott ‘02 Mr. Jason Slavicek Ms. Kengie S. Smith ‘02 Mr. Zach Smolinski Mr. Chris Sosa Ms. Melanie L. Stancampiano ‘02 Mr. Paul Tuuk Mr. & Mrs. Paco Venegas Mr. Michael Walsh Walt Disney Company Foundation Mr. Robert W. Wielgos Heyer-Schroeder Scholarship Mr. Robert & Mrs. Nancy Heyer Schroeder ‘58,’56 Linda Gross Holmes Scholarship Ms. Grace Bachmann ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Walczak ‘67,F Dee Hosler Scholarship Mr. Douglas Hosler International Scholarship US Bank International Student Scholarship Donald & Marilyn McKay Scholarship Mr. Donald K. & Mrs. Marilyn J. McKay Japanese Study Abroad Scholarship Tammy McMarrow Music Scholarship JCCC Foundation Omron Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. McMarrow Salesforce.com Junior/Senior Scholars Program Meiley Scholarship Ms. Alexandria & Mr. Eugentri Taylor ‘06,’06 Ms. Katherine M. Barrett ‘14 Mrs. Maria A. & Mr. Andrew J. Caselli ‘01,F Chartwells Dart Foundation Exelon Grace Church Forum Class Al David Hernandez Mr. Brad A. Hillman ‘94 Mrs. Britt M. Johnson ‘10 Mrs. Anna A. Laky-Meyer ‘12 Ms. Lara L. Levine ‘05 The Northern Trust Company Ms. Caitlin M. O’Connell ‘08 Ms. Lisa & Mr. Frank Myrone Pettaway ‘94,’96 Dr. David & Ms. April Smith Horner F,’88 Mr. Michael E. & Ms. Sarah L. Swanson ‘12,’12 Target Travelers Company Foundation Ms. Antonia M. & Mr. Brian M. Waters ‘10,’10 Ms. Amber Willhite ‘06 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Williams Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Irvin & Darlene Keeler Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patterson Robert & Judith Michael Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Michael ‘62,’64 Montgomery Ward Scholarship Associated Colleges of Illinois, Inc Stephanie Motzer Memorial Scholarship Mr. Bryan J. Taylor ‘13 Norman & Rose Lewis Endowed Scholarship Ms. Jacquelyn Lewis Wentz ‘63 Magnetrol Judy G. Stevenson Scholarship Ms. Merissa S. Burnett ‘13 Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey K. Swallow ‘94,F Make a Difference Scholarship Dr. Scholl Foundation Naperville Rotary Charities Tracy & Derrick Malone Minority Student Scholarship Mr. Derrick A. & Rev. Dr. Tracy Smith Malone ‘93,’90 State Farm Companies Carson & Dorothy McFaul Scholarship Dr. Thomas R. & Ms. Sally A. McFaul ‘98 McGraw Foundation Scholarship Associated Colleges of Illinois, Inc Anne T. Sherren Scholarship Fund in Chemistry Dr. Elizabeth L. Grys ‘78 Dr. Anne T. Sherren Scholarship Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Luze ‘75,F Dr. Anne T. Sherren Dr. David & Ms. April Smith Horner F,’88 Harvey & Ruth Siemsen Scholarship Ms. Jerriann M. & Mr. Donald Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Larson ‘54,’53 Rev. & Mrs. James B. Wolf ‘50,’50 Naperville Chorus Scholarship Sikich Scholarship Naperville Chorus Naperville Garden Club Scholarship Naperville Garden Club Inc. Naperville Woman’s Club Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. William H. Naumann ‘46,F Frank LeBeau Education Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. William W. Shatzer Roberta Myers Memorial Scholarship Wu-Kan & Shien-Woo Kung End Scholarship Ms. Cindy Ellison Mr. Shane Christopher & Dr. Lara Michele Ellison ‘95,’97 Shatzer Scholarship Award Arlyn & June Shiffler Endowed Scholarship Naperville Woman’s Club Max Lacewell & Brianna Sharp Scholarship Mr. Robert S. & Mrs. Paula S. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Luze ‘75,F Mr. Jonathan Shanower ‘85 Mrs. Pat Shanower & Dr. Donald T. Shanower* Ms. Victoria S. Wike Mr. Carlos R. & Ms. Tory E Barba ‘90,’90 Mr. William G. & Mrs. Debbie Motzer ‘78,F Mr. & Mrs. William Motzer Sr. Pfizer Matching Gifts Program Mr. Bruce I. & Mrs. Gretchen M. Keeler Dr. Irvin A. Koten Research Award Dr. Richard L. Harris ‘56 Dr. John H. Shindler Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Wei Mr. & Mrs. Yung Wong Shanower Family Scholarship Naumann-Gamertsfelder Japanese Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shiffler Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Vanderwall ‘71,’71 Sikich LLC Siragusa Student Veterans Scholarship Siragusa Foundation Hank Skoglund Scholarship Dr. Walter J. Chao ‘72 Mr. Benn E. Williams ‘96 Wes & Marian Spencer Scholarship Pepper Scholar Mr. Adrian M. & Ms. Jacqueline M. Aldrich ‘02,’03 Rick & Patricia Spencer Mrs. Norma J. Wissing ‘46 George & Betty St. Angelo Fund Mrs. Louise Lueptow-Schwingel ‘65 Russell Poel Memorial Scholarship Kevin Stahlman Memorial Scholarship William Norenberg Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. Richard Norenberg ‘55,’56 Mr. Tim Prugh Associated Colleges of Illinois, Inc Dr. Elizabeth L. Grys ‘78 Dr. David & Ms. April Smith Horner F,’88 Rehn Family Scholarship Mrs. Barbara W. Rehn ‘57 Paul & Jacquelyn Rewerts Endowed Scholarship FM Global Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Rewerts ‘71,’72 House of Rikli Memorial Fund Rev. & Mrs. Phillip Burke Jr. ‘58,’59 James P. & Kristin Harrington ‘87,’87 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Haynes Jr. ‘87,’87 Judy G. Stevenson Scholarship Mrs. Martha A. Hirsch ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Schrader ‘61,’61 Student Members of American Chemistry Society Ms. Tasha K. Hobbs ‘14 Dr. Walter J. Chao ‘72 Dr. Arthur Rikli* ‘39 Mrs. Frances Rikli ‘41 Paul Sutton Scholarship Fund Clarence Nelson Roberts & Ruth Gee Roberts Scholarship Megan Sweeney Scholarship Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Rockney Paul Josiah Schwab, MD Memorial Scholarship J. Conrad Schwab MD Mrs. Paul Schwab ‘53 Mary Anice Seybold Scholarship Mr. Evan W. Getz ‘57 IBM Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Raymond McMahon Dr. Raymond P. Polivka ‘51 Dr. Charlotte D. Roederer ‘65 Mr. Matt P. Nolan ‘85 Dr. David & Ms. April Smith Horner F,’88 Mr. Monty Abbott Mr. Daniel J. Abella ‘94 Mr. Subash Agarwal Mr. Adrian M. & Ms. Jacqueline M. Aldrich ‘02,’03 Anonymous Mr. Duane Barnes Mr. Jeff Bendfelt Mr. Jim Bergsman Ms. Mary Anne Bratek Mr. Tom Bridges Mr. Jim Cannon Mr. Jim Carter Mr. George C. Cartwright Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 55 H O N O R R O L L 2 0 14 - 2 0 15 Mr. Matt Chambers Mr. William Crowley Mr. Joseph Cuttone Mr. Brad Dannegger Mr. Connie A. DeMattia Ms. Donna Derner Mr. Thomas Drennan Mr. David J. Dykstra Mr. Arthur Eccleston Mr. Timothy R. Fitzsimmons Mr. Steven Francis Ms. Shannon & Mr. Robert W. Frey Mr. Forrest E. Gorkowski Mr. Ted J. Grabow Mr. Michael Greene Mr. Travis Haldeman Ms. Laurie M. & Mr. William Hamen Mr. Joseph M. Hardy Mr. Russ Harwood Mr. Kent Hayward Mr. Larry Henson Jim & Kris Hiepler-Hartwig Mr. John Highland Mr. Marc D. Horner Ms. Marcia Houston Mr. Matthew A. Howard The Irish Way Mr. Chad Johansen Mr. Don Johnston Mr. John Kawa Mr. Edward P. Kelson Mr. Ray Klobucher Mr. Fred Koester Mr. Al Lisk Mr. Everett Lockenvitz Mr. John Lucas Mr. Bryan J. Luedte Mr. Louis J. Marsico Jr. Mr. Leon McNair Mr. Alan Miller Mr. P. V. Mitchner Mr. Kent Moore Mr. Ronald & Mrs. Anthia Morse Mr. Ken Noda Mr. John W. Oberheide Mr. Charles Osweiler Mrs. Steve Petterec Mr. Mitchell T. Raridon ‘09 Mr. Todd D. & Mrs. Julie L. Raridon Mr. Ron E. Reagan Mr. Paul M. & Ms. Lynn Rebus Mr. Joe Reddington Mr. George A. Reich Mr. Jeff J. Reiter Mr. Charles H. Rice Mr. Rick Richardson Robert R McCormick Foundation Mr. William D. Sailor Mr. Terry Santo Mr. Gary H. Schaffner Mr. Michael D. Schwind Mr. John Sheahin Mr. Joe Slater Mr. Robert J. Smoldt ‘90 Mr. Ron Souders Rick & Patricia Spencer Mr. John J. Spokas Mr. John R. St. Mary Mr. David Stoffel Mr. Mark & Mrs. Connie Sweeney Mr. Robert Sweeney Mr. John Terrell Mrs. Sandra N. & Mr. Tyrone A. Thompson Mr. Harry Thomson Mr. Calvin J. Tyson Mr. & Mrs. Tom Von Lunen Mr. Croft Waddington Rev. Dr. Richard A. Wang Contributors Rev. Dr. Richard A. Wang Mr. Gerald J. Waskelis Dr. & Mrs. Harold R. Wilde (H)’15,F Mr. Melvyn W. Williams Mr. Scott A. Witte Swing Fund for Creativity Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Luze ‘75,F Temple Endowed Scholarship Mr. Haruo Kurokawa Professor Harold L. Temple ‘65 United Methodist Scholars General Board of Higher Education, United Methodist Chuch United Methodist Scholarship United Methodist Higher Education Foundation UPS Scholarship Grant Associated Colleges of Illinois, Inc Wentz International Scholarship Ms. Jacquelyn Lewis Wentz ‘63 Winifred Wiley Wilde Endowed Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. Harold R. Wilde (H)’15,F Willmott Minority Scholarship Associated Colleges of Illinois, Inc M E M O R I A L GI F T S In Memory of Ms. Leslie A. Baumann ‘03 Anonymous In Memory of Mrs. Marian E. Born ‘47 Mrs. Kathryn A. Rockwood ‘47 In Memory of Mr. H. Carl Bruns Jr. ‘47 Mrs. Julie A. Lagodney ‘72 In Memory of Dr. Gerard R. Daly Mrs. Jennifer & Mr. Timothy A. Boos Mrs. Janice S. Bordignon Mr. Neil & Mrs. Lynn P. Gissler Mr. John J. & Mrs. Julie M. Tarter Mr. Stanley & Mrs. Josephine Zima In Memory of Mr. David Del Ciello ‘00 Ms. Miranda L. Barfuss ‘02 Mr. Robert Del Ciello In Memory of Dr. Verne Dietrich Dr. David E. Dietrich ‘65 In Memory of Mr. Frank & Mrs. Mary Dubczak Frank & Mary Dubczak Fund Mr. Christopher M. Lobello & Ms. Yoke V. Chan In Memory of Dr. Richard M. Eastman (H)’93 Mr. Ragnar S. Liljequist ‘59 Mrs. Louise Lueptow-Schwingel ‘65 In Memory of Mr. Russell F. Haidle ‘55 Mr. & Mrs. Kenwood Lewis ‘55,’57 In Memory of Mr. David Mark Hallam ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hallam ‘87,’87 Mrs. Carla R. Hoeft ‘72 In Memory of Mr. Franklyn W. Hayes ‘55 Ms. Victoria Engelhardt Mr. & Mrs. Kenwood Lewis ‘55,’57 In Memory of Mrs. Jean M. Henning ‘41 Mrs. Evelyn G. Yablonski ‘41 5 6 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu In Memory of Mrs. Eleanor E. Hill ‘36 Ms. Suzanne H. Evans In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth (Jacobson) Hillenbrand ‘63 Mr. Robert W. & Mrs. Beth H. Jones In Memory of Mr. Robert F. Hillenbrand ‘50 Mr. Robert W. & Mrs. Beth H. Jones In Memory of Ms. Linda Gross Holmes ‘67 Mrs. Susan Engelter Litka ‘67 In Memory of Mr. Samuel W. Hunt Jr. Mrs. Cynthia W. Acker Mr. Temo Arjani Dr. Robert W. Beart Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eldon W. Bergstrom Chuck & Mary Blitstein Ms. Lori P. Blitstein Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Bruce Ms. Elizabeth J. Burns Ms. Jane S. Caughey Mr. Terry G. Chapman Mr. Thomas Conforti Mr. Philip Conway Mr. & Mrs. David S. Crawford Mrs. Alice J. DeGroat Ms. Sally DelBeccaro Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dever Driehaus Enterprise Management Mr. Richard H. Driehaus Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust Ms. Kay Duff Mrs. Susan Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Ellner Ms. Jeanne C. Farrell Ms. Madeleine Felix Mr. & Mrs. John L. Fraser Friends of Sam Hunt at IBM Friends of Sam Hunt at Nationwide Ms. Robin Galbreath Ms. Susan Gessford Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Glenn Ms. Marcia A. Good Mr. Howard A. Graening Ms. Sue Gray-Goller Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Grosse Dr. Troy D. & Mrs. Sharlene D. Hammond Mr. Frank J. Heidler Mr. Robert Henner Ms. Kimberly Hoglund Mrs. Celia N. Hunt Mrs. Kathryn Johnson Ms. Andrea Joselit Mrs. Nancy Kelley Mr. & Mrs. James L. Knight Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kraul Ms. Mary G. Lane Mrs. Lori E. Lang Mr. & Mrs. Dave Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Lester Ms. Mary Ann Lillie Mr. & Mrs. James L. Mamakos Ms. Carol A. Mayer Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert McMenamin Mr. James M. McMenamin & Ms. Maureen C. Costello Ms. Paula Hunt McMenamin Mr. Richard A. McMenamin Mr. Robert Milligan Ms. Annamarie Mitchell Mr. Arthur W. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Greg Neal Ms. Meredith Newman Dr. & Mrs. Richard Norenberg ‘55,’56 Ms. Peggy Papaioannou Mr. & Mrs. Milan N. Pastuovic Ms. Mae Powell Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Powers Mr. & Mrs. Val Price Jr. Ms. Gwen H. Quackenbush Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Reiner Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Richmond Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Rolff Mr. Joseph O. Rubinelli Jr. Mr. Brian Rudolph & Mrs. Linda Kuhn Ms. Marci Rudolph Ms. Brenda A. Russell Mr. & Mrs. Gus Samios Mrs. Susan Seitz Ms. Carol A. Sente Mr. & Mrs. Roger H. Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Smith Mr. Philip R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Tim Snyder Rick & Patricia Spencer Ms. Sharon Speziale Mr. Adam Stone Mr. & Mrs. James Stracka Mr. Kent P. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Dana M. Warren Mr. Robert S. Warren Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Weibust Dr. & Mrs. Harold R. Wilde (H)’15,F Winter Family Fund Witt/Kieffer Ford Hadelman Lloyd In Memory of Miss Dorothe L. Johnson ‘54 Mrs. Marilyn J. Workman ‘54 In Memory of Mrs. Janice M. Krueger ‘61 Mrs. Marilyn J. Workman ‘54 In Memory of Mr. Donald W. Kurtz ‘48 Mrs. Phyllis Kurtz In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Hon L. Tan Lee ‘66 Mr. David O. Lee In Memory of Dominic & Annie Leone Mr. Raymond Leone ‘62 In Memory of Mr. Kevin J. McCluskey ‘83 Ms. June P. McCluskey In Memory of Mr. Marlyn E. Meyer ‘50 Mrs. Betty Meyer In Memory of Mrs. Bernice D. Mueller NCC Psychology Department In Memory of Mrs. Judith K. Piotter ‘65 Mrs. Louise Lueptow-Schwingel ‘65 In Memory of Mr. Harold D. Pletcher ‘52 Mrs. Faye Pletcher In Memory of Dr. William C. Rife ‘56 Mr. R. Jackson Ferch & Dr. Chwee L. Chng ‘70,F In Memory of Dr. Arthur Rikli ‘39 Mrs. Evelyn G. Yablonski ‘41 In Memory of Mrs. Sue E. Sauer ‘60 Dr. Robert J. Sauer ‘58 In Memory of Dr. William J. Schmidt ‘51 Ms. Jean Schmidt In Memory of Dr. Carl N. Schroeder ‘43 Rick & Patricia Spencer In Memory of Mr. William S. Sherren Mr. & Mrs. George L. Bilbe Dr. Jeffrey A. Bjorklund & Ms. June Russell Dr. Paul F. Brandt & Ms. Laura K. Decker Ms. N. E. Bruss Ms. Margaret Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Dan Ertel Father Randy J. Fronek ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Gerner Mr. & Mrs. Silas N. Glisson, III Rev. & Mrs. Robert L. Gossett ‘63,’63 Ms. Mary Hafertepe Ms. Shirley R. Haines Dr. Troy D. & Mrs. Sharlene D. Hammond Ms. Rhea Hoppes Dr. David & Ms. April Smith Horner F,’88 Ms. Deborah A. Howell Dr. Jeffrey A. & Ms. Melissa Jankowski Ms. Lily Ng Dr. Nancy L. Peterson Ms. Evelyn S. Pewitt Ms. Jean L. Richter Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Rockney Ms. Ursula F. & Mr. Emil Sihocky Rick & Patricia Spencer Mr. & Mrs. William R. Terry Ms. Kathryn Thomasson Dr. & Mrs. Harold R. Wilde (H)’15,F In Memory of Mrs. Betty St. Angelo ‘48 Ms. Lanore Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Lowell C. Berger ‘48,’49 Mrs. Audrey R. Bueche ‘53 Ms. Suzanne Freshley ‘69 Ms. Leann Geisler Jean & Robert E. Morris Naperville School District #203 Mr. & Mrs. Reid A. Ortquist Saint Charles Education Association Rick & Patricia Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. St. Angelo Douglas St. Angelo Family- Pat, Jill, Scott, Melanie, and Bryson Ms. Victoria S. Wike Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Haney ‘60,’60 Dr. Jayne T. & Mr. Richard Hart ‘64,F Mrs. Madeline J. & Mr. Eldon H. Hatch ‘74,F Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Lange ‘61,’64 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Luze F,’75 Jean & Robert E. Morris Dr. Edward H. & Dr. Francine G. Navakas Mr. & Mrs. James D. Nurss ‘64,’64 Mrs. Faye Pletcher Dr. & Mrs. William E. Raduege ‘61,’61 Mrs. Joann P. Richter ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Schrader ‘61,’61 J. Conrad Schwab MD Rick & Patricia Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stenger Mrs. Barbara J. Thompson ‘51 Mr. & Mrs. William C. Trommer Ms. June A. Hollingsworth Mr. & Mrs. John Kessler Ms. Elizabeth A. Kuhn Ms. Tara Monroe Mr. Samuel T. Nelson, III ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Pajor ‘81,’83 Ms. Paige E. & Mr. Nathan J. Ronchetti ‘08,’08 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Schwarz Ms. Traci A. Schwendner Washington School Staff Mrs. Valerie Y. Williams In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. David M. Johnson ‘96,’96 In Memory of Ms. Margaret E. Youel Mr. Ibrahim A. Fetuga ‘05 In Memory of Mrs. Ruth Utzman ‘55 Rev. Don K. Utzman ‘54 In Memory of Mr. Shaun R. Wild ‘11 Mr. Raul J. Alvarado Anonymous Mr. Robert T. Behnke Mr. Jared T. Bogan ‘10 Mrs. Deborah Burke Mrs. Carol & Mr. Robert J. Crawford Ms. Shelley A. Crawford ‘07 Mrs. Linda E. Doherty Mrs. Linda Feece Ms. Carlina M. Franks ‘05 Mr. Bindu Gopalarathnam Mrs. Paula & Mr. Patrick M. Norton O T H E R GI F T S Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Johnson In Honor of Ms. Patricia D. Mayfield Mr. Matthew D. McClure ‘94 In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Raymond McMahon Mr. Gregory J. Sego ‘92 In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Oesterle ‘76,F In Honor of Mr. Timothy Patrick Ogan ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Ogan In Honor of Dr. Andrew J. Adams In Honor of Mr. Dennis E. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rosolie ‘77,’79 Mr. Gregory J. Sego ‘92 In Honor of Ms. Lina M. Baker ‘15 In Honor of Dr. Donald T. Shanower* Ms. Susan B. Skaggs Ms. Nancy Prichard ‘73 In Honor of Ms. Kaitlyn C. Beggs In Honor of Dr. Wesley F. Stieg ‘56 Anonymous Dr. Elizabeth L. Grys ‘78 In Honor of Mr. Paul A. Callighan ‘74 In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wilkins F,’82 Commonwealth Edison Company In Honor of Rev. Eric L. Doolittle Mrs. Anna M. Evans ‘11 In Honor of Ms. Kayla A. Etherton Mrs. Ruth & Mr. Steve C. Etherton ‘91,F In Honor of Ms. Andrea D. Field ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Anderson In Honor of Dr. Shirley Wilson Mr. Gregory J. Sego ‘92 Susan & Bob Wislow F,’67 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tobin Mr. Donald & Mrs. Diane Field Commencement 2015 In Memory of Rev. George A. St. Angelo ‘43 Ms. Victoria S. Wike Mr. Benn E. Williams ‘96 In Memory of Mr. Kevin E. Stahlman ‘86 Mrs. Cherie A. Stahlman-Knapp ‘86 In Memory of Ms. Judy G. Stevenson Mr. Alexander E. & Ms. Marie B. Zuback In Memory of Mr. Reuben T. Stibbe ‘50 Anonymous Mrs. Audrey R. Bueche ‘53 Rasmussen College Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. Schumacher Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stibbe In Memory of Mr. John F. Tallitsch ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. James P. Johnson ‘69,’70 In Memory of Cleo Tanner Mrs. Vera L. Price ‘72 In Memory of Dr. Lora L. Tyson Mr. John L. & Mrs. Beth E. Hale In Memory of Mrs. Joan Uebele ‘61 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Baker Ms. Joy D. Baker Ms. Elizabeth O. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Buck Rev. & Mrs. Robert G. Burkhart ‘61,’66 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Carroll Ms. Hope A. Clarke Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 57 CAMPUS NEWS Reclaim the legacy of MLK A s racial incidents continue to populate news media headlines across the country, North Central College once again opened its doors for civil dialogue during the annual MLK Week. In the tradition of Martin Luther King Jr. and his visit to campus in 1960, the College hosted Patrisse Cullors, cofounder of Black Lives Matter, as keynote speaker. Nearly 500 people of all ages, races and hometowns gathered in Wentz Concert Hall to listen understood the role of civil disobedience,” she said. “Over the last two decades, we’ve seen a sanitized version of MLK. We need to reclaim his legacy.” Cullors, an established community leader and performance artist, has become a prominent voice for those afflicted by social injustice and discrimination. She was inspired to action by the 2013 acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. Cullors cofounded with Alicia Garza and “Black Lives Matter comes from a place of love but also a place of rage. Our role as community organizers is to imagine something different and then create it.” Patrisse Cullors Cofounder of Black Lives Matter to her message and exchange ideas, which fostered an understanding of the wellpublicized movement. “This is our holiday,” Cullors said of the observance of King’s birthday on campus and across the country. “Community activists don’t have many holidays.” Cullors pointed out that King was arrested 32 times for purposeful actions related to his work as an activist and organizer. “He 5 8 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Opal Tometi the Twitter hashtag—and movement—#BlackLivesMatter, which has prompted activism nationwide, including Chicago. “Black Lives Matter comes from a place of love but also a place of rage,” she said. “Our role as community organizers is to imagine something different and then create it.” Cullors encouraged audience members to talk among themselves about what they are northcentralcollege.edu doing to save black lives. Her appearance included time with North Central students and her talk was followed by audience questions, moderated by Stephen Maynard Caliendo, professor of political science. The questions asked included what people of all races could do to help the movement. “We should challenge racism in the spaces where we are,” she told the audience. “Our MLK Week committee chose Patrisse Cullors because, besides being one of the founders of Black Lives Matter, she’s part of a new wave of activists that we hope our students can relate to,” said Dorothy Pleas, North Central’s director of multicultural affairs. “She’s thoughtful, compassionate and educated,” added Brandon Barnes ’16, a sociology/anthropology major, who attended with his high school-aged son. The annual Prayer Breakfast included an inspirational message by William Davis ’71, who spoke about his personal memories of King’s life and death. “What for many of you is history is memory for me. I was on campus when I heard that Dr. King was murdered,” said Davis, who has had a long career in social service and serves as president of the African American Alumni Association of North Central College. n Al Carius: A half-century of changing lives, teaching values The 32nd annual Alumni Track and Field Meet commemorated coach Al Carius’ 50 years of service to the men’s cross country and track and field programs. President Troy D. Hammond presented Carius with a commemorative plaque and shared comments about his impact on student-athletes and the North Central community. “We celebrate the life-changing impact of Al Carius through the sport of running on more than 1,000 North Central studentathletes, some of whom have populated the coaching ranks of high schools, colleges and universities across the nation and, in doing so, have changed the lives of tens of thousands of runners who haven’t ever met Al Carius,” said Hammond. The crowd of more than 500 students, coaches, faculty, staff, alumni, friends and family watched a video produced in Carius’ honor. “I just can’t come up with a better term than ‘run for fun and personal bests,’” said Dan Iverson ’94 in the video, Naperville North High School head girls cross country coach. “It’s certainly the guiding principle of the program that I’ve tried to run here at Naperville North.” The event unveiled the North Central College Cross Country and Track and Field Championship Trophy Case, a showcase of the 58 trophies won by the men’s cross country and track and field programs at national championship competitions. “I have always loved being on this team because sports are not extracurricular, but curricular,” said Carius at the event. “It teaches life values that go beyond what happens in the classroom. It is not about winning, it is not about trophies, and it is not about medals.” To view the video, visit northcentralcollege.edu/CariusTribute. n On April 24, North Central College will host female runners of all abilities in the inaugural Naperville Women’s Half Marathon and 5K. Presented by Naperville Running Company, the event will begin on the College campus, wind through nearby streets and end with a celebration at BenedettiWehrli Stadium. The race will benefit two local charities—Little Friends and 360 Youth Services. A third competition—the North Central College Women’s Elite Cup—will showcase some of the fastest female runners in the world who will pursue a $5,000 prize on a closed three-lap 5,000-meter course. This unique race will start and finish on the stadium track. "We’re excited to be a part of this event,” said Troy Bristow, director of Conference Services, Camps and Noncredit Programs. “I am confident that we will have many supporters from our campus cheering the runners." To learn more and register, visit napervillewomenshalf.com. OPEN-AIR CLASSROOMS Throughout the winter months, a structural steel skeleton continued to shape the new Science Center. By mid-February, the structural steel work was completed, an occasion marked with a small campus ceremony. The four-story building contains 2,291 pieces of steel, the largest weighing 3.17 tons. Annual Report 2015 northcentralcollege.edu/magazine 59 ALUMNI CALENDAR REGIONAL EVENTS CHICAGOLAND EVENTS North Central College Regional Clubs have been formed in several locations where many alumni and friends live and have an interest in staying connected to the College. For more information about Regional Clubs or events nationwide, contact Mary Reynolds at 630637-5202 or mmreynolds@noctrl.edu. Naperville February 27, noon-4 p.m. Upcoming regional NCConnect events include: Join us at Solemn Oath Brewery in Naperville. Cost is $10/person. St. Louis March 9, 7 p.m. Chicago May 7, 1:30 p.m. Chicago Blackhawks at St. Louis Blues. Game begins at 7 p.m. Cost is $75/person. Phoenix March 12, 1:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs vs. Chicago White Sox Spring Training game at Sloan Park, Mesa, AZ. Cost is $50/person and includes lunch and game ticket. Madison March 15, 6-8 p.m. Join us at Great Dane Pub & Brewery (Hilldale). Cost is $10/person. Science Alumni Talk April 7, 7-9 p.m. Fine Arts Center, Madden Theatre Join us for Naperville Winter Ale Fest. Cost is $35/ person, a special North Central alumni rate, and includes $10 gift to the North Central College Fund. Faculty, staff and students are invited to hear from science alumni about their North Central experience and career paths. Reception to follow presentation. Naperville April 21, 6-8 p.m. Honors Day/Rall Symposium Tuesday, May 17 Cornerstone Day Picnic Friday, May 20, 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Jefferson Plaza Chicago Cubs vs. Washington Nationals. Cost is $50/person and includes lunch at the Cubby Bear at 1:30 p.m., ticket for 3:05 p.m. game at Wrigley Field and a $10 gift to the North Central Fund. Commencement Saturday, June 11, 10 a.m. Residence Hall/ Recreation Center Join us as we welcome the Class of 2016 to our alumni family! Naperville July 16, noon-4 p.m. Homecoming Weekend SAVE THE DATE! October 28-30 Join us for Naperville Summer Ale Fest. Details coming soon. BRILLIANT FUTURE ALUMNI EVENTS CAMPUS EVENTS Concert Winds & Symphonic Band Concert March 10, 7-10 p.m. Fine Arts Center, Wentz Concert Hall We’re hitting the road with the Brilliant Future Campaign! If you didn’t have a chance to come to campus for the Campaign’s official kickoff, check out the map below. President Troy Hammond will be traveling the country to visit with alumni and friends and discuss his vision for the future of the College. We hope you can join us! The North Central Concert Winds and Symphonic Band will perform. The music will range from 20th century experimental to standard concert band literature. A BRILLIANT FUTURE Coming soon to a city near you! SEATTLE APRIL 24 PORTLAND APRIL 25 MINNEAPOLIS MILWAUKEE JUNE 16 MADISON JUNE 15 NEW YORK MAY 3 CHICAGOLAND SAN FRANCISCO APRIL 12 PHILADELPHIA MAY 4 DENVER WASHINGTON, D.C. MAY 5 ST. LOUIS LOS ANGELES APRIL 11 SAN DIEGO APRIL 10 NASHVILLE PHOENIX ATLANTA MAY 6 DALLAS MARCH 20 AUSTIN MARCH 21 CITIES WE WILL BE VISITING SOON HOUSTON MARCH 22 6 0 NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE northcentralcollege.edu SCHEDULED CITIES NAPLES FEBRUARY 18 A LU M N I BOA R D PRESIDENT Lori Nita ’02 Novak VICE PRESIDENT FOR AWARDS AND RECOGNITION Paula Strickland ’82 Helberg CARDINAL ATHLETICS ON THE ROAD Cardinal Baseball spring training trip Florida, March 18-22 Women’s Golf spring trip Georgia, March 17-22 Cardinal Softball spring training trip Florida, March 17-23 Women’s Lacrosse spring trip Texas, March 19-22 Men’s Tennis spring trip Hilton Head Island, South Carolina March 17-23 Men’s Golf spring trip North Carolina, March 20-24 Men’s Volleyball spring trip Wisconsin, March 18-19 Michigan, March 23 northcentralcollege.edu/alumni Sign up to receive alumni event notifications, RSVP to an event (unless otherwise noted), and/or update your information by contacting the Office of Alumni Engagment: 630-637-5200 Questions? Contact Jared Bogan M ‘10, director of alumni engagment: Visit us online @ northcentralcollege.edu/magazine A LU M N I O F FI C ER S DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI ENGAGEMENT Jared Bogan ‘M 10, jbogan@noctrl.edu AFRICAN-AMERICAN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION William H. Davis ’71, wdavis1803@aol.com New alumni activities are added throughout the year. For current information visit: jbogan@noctrl.edu SECRETARY Carli Franks ’05 A LU M N I C LU B C O N TAC T S STAY CONNECTED alumni@noctrl.edu VICE PRESIDENT FOR DEVELOPMENT Nick Piette ‘09 637-637-5267 Engage with us @ northcentralcollege.edu/socialmedia ONLINE CONTENT BE 1 861 #BeCentral OF #NorthCentral1861 northcentralcollege.edu/dayofgiving CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB Lisa Wollersheim-Healy ’89 lisa.wollersheim@sbcglobal.net COLORADO ALUMNI CLUB Sophie Faust ’93, sophie_faust@yahoo.com Carli Franks ‘05, carlimfranks@gmail.com FLORIDA ALUMNI CLUB Nick Zec ’81, nickzec@prodigy.net GEORGIA ALUMNI CLUB Kary Kaczmarski ’88 Gilkeson, karylyn28@hotmail.com MID-ATLANTIC ALUMNI CLUB Kristin Spaulding ’88 Frank kristin.frank@verizonbusiness.com Becky Blanchard ’88 Kesic, becky.kesic@verizon.net SAN DIEGO ALUMNI CLUB Kathy Huffman ’82, nccalumsandiego@gmail.com Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID North Central College 30 N. Brainard Street Naperville, IL 60540 UNTIL NE X T TIME... A new trophy case is the showpiece of the Residence Hall/Recreation Center lobby. Here, visitors can view all 58 trophies won by the men’s cross country and track and field programs at national championship competitions. The display was unveiled as part of the annual Alumni Track & Field Meet on January 7, an occasion that also celebrated 50 years of coaching by Coach Al Carius. See p. 59.
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