2006 Practitioners Workshop - Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring
2006 Practitioners Workshop - Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring
The Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) & The Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring & Evaluation Project (CSMEP) Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership SECOND ANNUAL RESEARCH, MONITORING AND EVALUATION (RME) WORKSHOP FOR DECISION-MAKERS, PROGRAM MANAGERS, SCIENTISTS AND FIELD PRACTITIONERS March 16-17, 2006 Workshop Preparatory Information: Brief Summaries from Current Monitoring Programs in the Pacific Northwest Ambridge Event Center 300 NE Multnomah St Portland, OR 97232 Invitees: All Pacific Northwest RME Practitioners, Program Managers & Decision-Makers RME Coordination Groups such as: Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project Columbia River Fish and Wildlife Authority Federal Caucus NOAA Fisheries Recovery Division Northwest Power and Conservation Council Oregon Plan Monitoring Team Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership Technical Recovery and Domain Teams Washington Governor’s Forum on Monitoring Washington Salmon Recovery Funding Board i TABLE OF CONTENTS Agenda…………………….……………………………………………………………..………1 Workshop Objectives…….………………………………………………….……………….….4 Workshop Rationale & Products……………………………………………..………………….5 Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP)………………..…………..…....6 Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project (CSMEP)……....……….……11 CSMEP - Status and Trends Subgroup………………………………….………..….…….…..32 . CSMEP – Harvest Action Effectiveness Subgroup ………………………………..……….…46 CSMEP – Hydrosystem Action Effectiveness Subgroup.…………………………..…………58 CSMEP – Habitat Action Effectiveness Subgroup………………………….…….……..…….74 CSMEP – Hatchery Action Effectiveness Subgroup……………………………….……....….85 King County Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring Program…………………….………......92 Northwest Power and Conservation Council DRAFT RME Program (excerpt)…...……..…...98 Washington Governor’s Forum on Monitoring.…………………………………….….……..111 California Coastal Monitoring Program……….…………………………………….……......114 Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program (ISEMP) John Day Pilot Project…………………………………….……………………………………..………118 Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Project (ISEMP) Salmon River Pilot Project.…………………………………….………………………………….………..130 Federal Caucus RM&E Program.……………………………………………………..…........140 Monitoring Strategy from the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds.……….……..…….145 Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program (AREMP) Overview………..........151 Ecosystem Management Decision Support Intro……………..…………………………..….155 PACFISH/INFISH Biological Opinion (PIBO): Effectiveness Monitoring Program (excerpt)……..………………………………………………………….………....157 ii ii Workshop Agenda Thursday, March 16th (9:00- 5:00) Time 9:00 Topic Welcome & Introduction 9:10-9:35 Plenary Presentation: The Role of Coordinated Research, Monitoring and Evaluation in Aquatic Monitoring for the Pacific Northwest 9:35-10:00 Plenary Presentation: Preliminary results of CSMEP & PNAMP surveys of regional entities’ relative priorities for addressing different management questions 10:00-10:30 Policy Panel Responses: • What’s your perspective on issues of coordination? • What’s your perspective on the survey results? • Where do you think the Pacific Northwest needs to head in terms of RME priorities? • What guidance do you have for technical participants at this workshop regarding RME priorities? 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:15 BREAK Plenary Presentation: Insights from scientists. • Do the survey results align with what you think policy makers need to hear? • What things do scientists need to know from policy makers to design cost-effective, reliable RME? Moderated General Discussion: • Comments from panelists on scientists’ insights Questions from the audience 11:15-12: 00 Proposed Speaker(s) Frank Young CSMEP/CBFWA & Jen Bayer PNAMP/USGS Angus Duncan, Bonneville Environmental Foundation Jim Geiselman, BPA and Claire McGrath, University of Idaho Rob Walton, NOAA; Bill Towey, Colville Tribes; Bruce Crawford, WA Governor’s Forum on Monitoring Jeff Rodgers, ODFW All LUNCH (provided on site) 1:00-3:00 Concurrent Technical Session 1 – Monitoring the Status and Trend of Fish and Habitat Breakout groups with facilitator and recorder Workgroups: 1A) Fish in Watersheds; 1B) Habitat Conditions in Watersheds; 1C) Fish & Habitat in Large Rivers with Dams; and 1D) Fish & Habitat in Estuary/Nearshore Areas 1 Time 3:00-3:20 3:20-4:20 4:20-5:00 5:00 Topic Proposed Speaker(s) Basic Theme: Given what decision-makers need to know about the status and trends of fish and habitat, how do we best provide that information? What are the major challenges, and how do we build on existing work to overcome them? BREAK Continue Technical Session I Summarize Workgroup Conclusions End DAY 1 – Dinner on your own. Workgroup facilitators meet to consolidate results of Technical Session 1 and review plans for Day 2, including composition of workgroups. Friday, March 17th (8:30 – 4:00) Time 8:15-11:00 Topic Concurrent Technical Session 2 – Action Effectiveness Monitoring Workgroup Composition Break-out groups with facilitator and recorder Workgroups: 2A) Habitat Actions; 2B) Harvest Actions; 2C) Hatchery Actions; and 2D) Hydro Actions. 11:00 – 11:15 11:15 to noon Basic Theme: Given what decision-makers need to know about the effectiveness of habitat, harvest, hatchery and hydro actions, how do we best provide that information, building on a foundation of status and trend RME? What are the major challenges, and how do we build on existing work to overcome them? BREAK Concurrent Technical Session 3 – Synthesis and Integration Workgroups: Multiple breakout groups address the same questions, with membership structured to afford a diversity of perspectives and expertise, (i.e. each session 3 workgroup should have at least one member from workgroups 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D). Break-out groups with facilitator and recorder Basic Theme: In the context of what decision-makers need to know, what are key insights from attempts to develop integrated RME programs including both Status & Trend and Action Effectiveness RME? What are the major challenges, and how do we overcome them? What are the recommendations for PNAMP and CSMEP for next 1-2 years? 2 12:00-1:00 1:00-2:30 2:30-2:45 2:45-4:00 4:00-5:00 LUNCH (provided on site, groups can continue discussion over lunch) Continue Concurrent Technical Session 3 – Synthesis and Integration BREAK Closing Plenary Session—Session reports. • Report out of Technical Session 3 on Synthesis and Integration • Brief summary of workshop results o Progress report on survey results o Status of on-the-ground work o Recommended strategies • Next Steps o Completion of workshop products o Communicate findings to PNAMP, CSMEP, and others to coordinate implementation of recommendations o Plan for Third Annual Workshop Meeting Adjourns Facilitators and Recorders Meet to Discuss Reporting 3 Workshop Objectives: 1. Share, review and discuss results of recent surveys conducted by CSMEP and PNAMP of the relative importance of different resource management questions and information needs in the Columbia Basin (CSMEP) and Pacific Northwest (PNAMP). 2. Share, review and discuss current advances in RME (e.g., indicators, analytical approaches to evaluation, sampling designs, monitoring protocols, integrated M&E programs). 3. Share, review and discuss on-the-ground implementation issues from 2004 and 2005 field seasons with an eye towards learning aimed at increased scientific rigor, efficiency and standardization of efforts and approaches and how to improve coordination across regional monitoring efforts. 4. Host concurrent technical work sessions to assess current monitoring activities, approaches and methods, gaps, and critical problems associated with status and trend RME, action effectiveness RME, and their integration. 5. Provide feedback and recommendations to PNAMP and CSMEP and the entities involved in these groups. Decision Makers & Program Managers Management Decisions: e.g. Are stocks recovering enough to de-list? How should we manage harvest, hydrosystem and hatcheries? What habitat restoration actions should we implement, where and when? How sure do we need to be when making each of these decisions? How much can we spend on RME? Quantitative Scientists Evaluation Designs: What type of data and data analyses do we need to clarify management decisions? At what scales? What level of confidence and precision do we need for each type of decision? Biometricians Sampling Designs: Where and when should we sample to get data at the spatial and temporal scales required for management decisions? Field Biologists Monitoring Protocols: How should we sample at those places and times to make the most cost effective use of available resources, and meet target levels of precision and confidence across regional scales? Figure 1. The workshop is intended to stimulate dialogue and integration across all necessary RME components and people. The three scientific roles shown at left (quantitative scientists, biometricians, field biologist) need to be involved jointly in all 4 three of the associated RME components (evaluation designs, sampling designs and monitoring protocols), which serve the needs of decision-makers and program managers. Rationale for the Workshop and its Structure: Across the Pacific Northwest, many federal, state, tribal, local and other entities require RME to make sound decisions on the management of fish populations and their habitats (Figure 1). While the mandates, regulatory drivers and information priorities of these entities understandably differ, there are also many common elements and associated information requirements. The ‘RME toolbox’ of concepts, designs, methods, recommendations and plans is growing steadily. Interests in monitoring select appropriate elements from the RME toolbox to meet their specific needs. At the same time, the Pacific Northwest as a whole could benefit from maximizing the consistency of RME approaches so that results can be meaningfully aggregated to address monitoring questions and policy needs at multiple scales. This workshop is intended to stimulate dialogue on common management needs, clarify recent RME advances, make progress on how to best apply available RME approaches toward identified needs, and discuss next steps that will best improve regional coordination, as well as acceptance and eventual adoption of reliable, relevant, cost-effective, and consistent RME approaches. For example, the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) and the Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project (CSMEP) endeavor to provide tools and recommendations in support of programs to meet multiple aquatic resource monitoring, data management and analysis needs across the Pacific Northwest. These two groups have recently conducted surveys of resource management entities on their RME priorities, and will present preliminary results from these surveys at the workshop. Workshop Products: 1. Report preliminary results of surveys of resource management agencies’ ranking of management questions 2. Report on the current status of technical products and on the ground implementation for status and trend RME, action effectiveness RME and data management systems development. 3. Recommend strategies for improving dialogue to maximize the relevance and rigor of RME, as well as coordinating future work on regional RME activities and implementation processes to maximize the regional consistency of RME programs and activities. Planning Committee: Dave Marmorek (CSMEP; ESSA Technologies), Jennifer Bayer (PNAMP; USGS), Keith Wolf (KWA/Colville Tribes), Frank Young (CBFWA), Jim Geiselman (BPA), Russell Scranton (NOAA Fisheries), Steve Leider (WA GSRO), Steve Waste (NPCC), Scott Downie (CDFG), Jennifer O’Neal (Tetra Tech EC) 5 Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership The purpose of the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) is to provide a forum for coordinating state, federal, and tribal aquatic habitat and salmonid monitoring programs. Improved communication, shared resources and data, and compatible monitoring efforts provide increased scientific credibility, cost-effective use of limited funds and greater accountability to stakeholders. PNAMP provides leadership through the development and the advancement of recommendations and agency level agreements that are considered for adoption by the participating agencies. PNAMP has adopted the following goals: • • • • • Improve communication between monitoring programs across state, tribal, and federal organizations. Improve scientific information needed to inform resource policy and management questions and decisions. Seek efficiencies and cost-effectiveness across monitoring programs through compatible and cooperative monitoring efforts. Promote science-based credibility of monitoring and assessment efforts. Share resources and information between monitoring programs across state, tribal, and federal organizations. In addition to adopting a monitoring coordination structure with Steering Committee guidance, PNAMP has identified and developed workgroups for five key elements of monitoring: watershed condition monitoring, effectiveness monitoring, fish population monitoring, estuary monitoring, and data management. PNAMP has adopted a Charter to formalize the agreement among federal, state, and tribal entities to participate in the coordination of scientific monitoring programs; 19 entities are signatory to the Charter to date. PNAMP has also developed a coordination plan to facilitate aquatic monitoring in the Pacific Northwest titled, “Strategy for Coordinating Monitoring of Aquatic Environments in the Pacific Northwest.” These documents along with the current year’s work plan can be accessed at www.reo.gov/PNAMP. 6 FY2006 initiatives Summary of PNAMP 2006 work tasks • Conduct Monitoring Activity Inventory to facilitate coordination by identifying where aquatic monitoring activities occur in the region and what protocols are in use. Due summer 2006. • Complete Side-by-side Protocol Comparison Test for comparison of watershed monitoring protocols. Due May 2006. • Complete universal status monitoring design template. Due fall 2006. • Complete the publication of recommended procedures for the application of common methods of capturing and counting salmonids and identify gaps and protocols needing more formal comparison. Due April 2006. • Develop a standardized field method training manual format. Template to be used in training and institutionalizing standardized “field methods.” Standardized format will ensure consistent implementation of recommended protocols and clarify the definitions of key indicators and variables. Due June 2006. • Develop a coordinated approach to telemetry, tagging and marking juvenile migrants and adult fishes. Statistical design, cost, and feasibility will dominate the FY06 work. Due fall 2006. • Develop standard data dictionary for documenting data collection protocols and metadata. Due fall 2006. • Implement, publish and publicize strategy for placing intensively monitored watersheds (IMWs) throughout the Pacific Northwest to monitor and evaluate cause and affect relationships between habitat restoration actions and changes in fish abundance. Plan is complete. Need to define next steps for implementation. • Develop a regional strategy and recommendations for testing effectiveness of habitat restoration projects at the reach scale using acceptable science standards. Due summer 2006. • Develop a list of habitat restoration project categories and protocols based on the results of the project effectiveness monitoring testing work above. Due fall 2006. • Inventory existing habitat restoration projects across the region with ongoing monitoring meeting recommended experimental designs. Due fall 2006 7 • Conduct Management Questions survey and follow up Practitioners’ Workshop. Due March 2006. • Recommend core set of high-level indicators that could be used on a regional scale to describe landscape level response to management. Due March 2006. • Conduct workshops for the collective evaluation and interpretation of current and new knowledge regarding monitoring issues. Planned for FY06: Remote Sensing II April 2006, Monitoring Practitioner’s Workshop March 2006, Monitoring for Aquatic Invasive Species TBD Next Steps: • PNAMP is seeking partners to become signatory to the Charter as well as additional technical participants for all topics. • Emerging technical topics for PNAMP include estuary monitoring and large river monitoring. The PNAMP annual workplan in detail may be found at www.reo.gov/PNAMP or by contacting Jennifer Bayer at jennifer_bayer@usgs.gov. Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) Members Tribal Entities Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission State Agencies California Department of Fish and Game Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Washington Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation Washington Department of Ecology Washington Governor’s Salmon Recovery Office Federal Agencies Bonneville Power Administration National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries U.S. Army Corps of Engineers US. Bureau of Land Management U.S. Bureau of Reclamation U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Forest Service U.S. Geological Survey Regional Entities Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority Northwest Power and Conservation Council Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission 8 Pacific Northwest Side-by-Side Protocol Comparison Test Steve Lanigan – Watershed Monitoring Workgroup Lead 3/16/06 Summary Eleven state, tribal, and federal agencies participated during summer 2005 in a side-by-side comparison of protocols used to measure common in-stream physical attributes to help determine which protocols are best for determining status and trend of stream/watershed condition. This protocol comparison was sponsored by the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership as part of an ongoing effort to enable different agencies to be able to share data and determine best measurement techniques. Field sites were located in the John Day Basin, eastern Oregon, in mountain channels that provide critical habitat for threatened and endangered salmonids. Twelve streams were examined, representing a range of alluvial channel types (pool-riffle, plane-bed, and step-pool) and a range of channel/habitat complexity (simple, free-formed channels vs. complex wood-forced ones). Study sites had bankfull channel widths of 3-15 m, slopes of about 1-7%, and median substrate sizes of 9-154 mm. Channel features of interest included reach-average width, depth, gradient, sinuosity, substrate characteristics (median size, percent fines), wood characteristics (number, size), pool characteristics (residual depth, area of pools), and channel entrenchment. Field crews from the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station determined “true” channel characteristics using a dense array of cross sections spaced every half bankfull width over stream lengths of 40-80 bankfull widths. A total station was used for surveying channel cross sections and the longitudinal profile of the stream bed, while Wolman pebble counts were used to sample substrate at each cross section. The sites were then inventoried by 1 to 3 field crews from 11 participating agencies using their measurement protocols. Preliminary results indicate that some monitoring group protocols performed better than others for particular attributes, no one monitoring group’s protocols performed best for a majority of the attributes compared. Monitoring groups that provided survey crews: Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program California Fish and Game Colville Confederated Tribes Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission Timber, Fish, and Wildlife Monitoring Program PacFish/InFish Biological Opinion Monitoring Program Upper Columbia River Monitoring Program USDA Forest Service Level II Stream Survey Program USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station US Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Washington Department of Ecology 9 PNAMP Contact Information PNAMP Coordinator: Jennifer Bayer 509.538.2299 x 273 jennifer_bayer@usgs.gov PNAMP Assistant Debra Niemann 503 808-2267 debra_niemann@usgs.gov Workgroup Leads: • Watershed Condition Monitoring Steve Lanigan 503.808.2261 slanigan@fs.fed.us • Effectiveness Monitoring Bruce Crawford 360.902.2956 brucec@iac.wa.gov • Fish Population Monitoring Keith Wolf 425.788.3402 kwolf@kwaecoscience.com Jennifer O’Neal 425.482.7779 joneal@tteci.com Data Management Stewart Toshach 206 860-3495 stewart.toshach@noaa.gov Joy Paulus 360 902-2954 joyp@iac.wa.gov Estuary Monitoring Julia Bos 360 407-6674 jbos461@ecy.wa.gov Cathy Tortorici 503 231-6268 cathy.tortorici@noaa.gov • • 10 CSMEP - Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring & Evaluation Project The following material is extracted from the recent CSMEP proposal for FY07-09, focusing on the issue of RME coordination. The complete CSMEP proposal is available from the CBFWA website. A. Overview The Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project (CSMEP) is a coordinated multi-agency effort to improve the quality and consistency of fish population and habitat data to answer key monitoring and evaluation (M&E) questions relevant to major decisions in the Columbia River Basin. CSMEP has made considerable progress in improving access to subbasin data as well as in the collaborative design of improved M&E methods. Data work products include metadata inventories of fish data for subbasins in Washington, Oregon and Idaho, rigorous assessments of the strengths and weaknesses of these data for addressing key questions about fish populations, and web-accessible databases for both the metadata and assessments. Design work products have been developed through a rigorous Data Quality Objectives process. This process has generated sampling, response and evaluation designs which improve the reliability of management decisions related to the status and trends of fish populations and to the evaluation of the effectiveness of habitat, harvest, hatchery and hydrosystem recovery actions, building on the subbasin data assessments. CSMEP’s design work to date has focused on a pilot project for Idaho’s Snake River Basin, which has fed into both the NOAA-F/BPA Salmon River Basin Pilot Study and the Lemhi River HCP. CSMEP is evaluating the tradeoffs associated with alternative designs for the Snake Pilot, and proposes additional pilot projects in Oregon and Washington, catalyzing implementation of improved M&E throughout the Columbia Basin. CSMEP and StreamNet will continue metadata inventories for additional Columbia River subbbasins, using these results to test the applicability of pilot project monitoring designs to salmon, steelhead, bull trout and other resident fish species of concern. CSMEP will continue to collaborate with PNAMP and other RME entities to ensure that CSMEP’s analytical expertise is effectively utilized within ongoing monitoring programs. D. Relationship of CSMEP to other projects CSMEP has worked very closely with StreamNet on data inventory and data management issues, and several of the work elements we describe in section F depend on funding for StreamNet from a separate contract (Table F1). CSMEP has also coordinated closely with the State of Salmon initiative to inventory salmon data sets across the Pacific Rim, encouraging them to build on the inventory work that CSMEP has completed. Subbasin Planning Subbasin plans developed for the NWPCC Fish and Wildlife Program vary widely in the scope of their aquatic research, monitoring and evaluation (RM&E) components. Many subbasin plans have concentrated on a ‘bottom-up’ approach, in accordance with the 11 initiative provided in the Technical Guidance for Subbasin Planners (NWPCC 2001) which treats M&E largely at the project scale e.g., in support of individual habitat projects. However, a number of the subbasin plans have moved beyond this (e.g. Salmon, John Day, Grande Ronde, etc.) and are taking a more ‘top-down’ approach to coordinate RM&E efforts at the regional or programmatic level. These plans have recognized that ‘bottom-up’ M&E undertaken within the subbasins will have a higher likelihood of generating meaningful results if they reflect regional scale M&E strategies. This is more consistent with the current NWPCC guidance to move M&E from project to regional and programmatic scales. Approaches being developed within the federal pilot projects and a suite of comprehensive state and tribal monitoring initiatives allow broader integration and synthesis of M&E information. General guidelines required to develop this ‘top-down’ RM&E framework are evolving through the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP). CSMEP is working with PNAMP to resolve the multitude of technical design elements required to make this framework a reality, and allow effective integration of subbasin plan monitoring into the broader regional framework. CSMEP’s ongoing Snake Basin Pilot Project overlaps with five Columbia subbasins (Salmon, Grande Ronde, Imnaha, Asotin and Clearwater), providing an initial test opportunity to employ information from existing subbasin plans to help develop broader integrated M&E designs for Status & Trends and 4 H effectiveness monitoring across multiple subbasins. NOAA Fisheries and Action Agencies Pilot RME Projects CSMEP participants include many key individuals involved in planning/coordination of the Wenatchee, John Day and Upper Salmon federal Pilot Projects. These individuals are providing insights from development and implementation of these pilot projects that directly affect CSMEP M&E designs. The Wenatchee Pilot Project is an experimental application of the Upper Columbia Monitoring Strategy that provides CSMEP analysts a working example of an integrated status/trends and effectiveness monitoring program at the subbasin scale. The Wenatchee pilot is providing opportunities to determine the most powerful indicators for effectiveness monitoring at a range of spatial and temporal scales, as well as representing a real-world example of use of EMAP designs for status and trends monitoring (i.e., interaction between the theoretical and the field application). The John Day Pilot Project provides an opportunity to explore alternative statistical designs for effectiveness monitoring and is a unique testing ground for the use of remote sensed approaches (e.g. GIS analyses employing FLIR, LIDAR, TMDL models, etc.) to monitor habitat changes at multiple spatial scales resulting from mitigation actions. The Upper Salmon Pilot Project (to which CSMEP has been directly contributing) provides an opportunity to explore approaches for both status and trends monitoring (SF Salmon River) and effectiveness monitoring (Lemhi River). The SF Salmon work is not only exploring different methods and designs for status/trends monitoring but is also exploring how to integrate M&E programs across species, across agencies, and across monitoring tiers. The effectiveness monitoring in the Lemhi is intended to inform how monitoring data collected across subbasin restoration projects can best be linked into adaptive management planning. 12 PNAMP and the Federal RME Program In the last four years an increasing number of entities have become engaged in work related to monitoring and evaluation. Hence, definition of CSMEP’s niche, as distinct from such entities as PNAMP and the Federal RME Plan, is very important to avoid confusion or duplication of effort. Table D1 outlines the various policy, programmatic and technical roles involved in developing and implementing monitoring programs. CSMEP operates entirely in the technical domain, but interacting with programmatic and occasionally policy levels. By contrast, the Federal RME Program and PNAMP have decision making authority at both the policy and programmatic levels. The PNAMP charter offers a tremendous opportunity for distributing CSMEP work products, and obtaining interagency buy-in across the Pacific Northwest for consistent and effective monitoring. Federal RME and PNAMP scientists also work on technical products (e.g. PNAMP review of fish monitoring protocols, tests of habitat monitoring protocols, watershed condition work). The participating and charter entities in PNAMP have a strong interest in land management (Figure D1), and have therefore taken the lead on habitat monitoring technical work, whereas CSMEP has focused on fish monitoring. While the overarching goals of PNAMP and CSMEP are similar (Table D2), there are considerable differences in the work elements and products incorporated into annual and quarterly work plans. To avoid duplication of effort, all of CSMEP’s proposals and work plans, including this proposal, are closely coordinated with PNAMP and the Federal RME Plan. Methods of coordination include: overlapping membership of technical fisheries scientists across the three entities; coordinated development of quarterly work plans; annual workshops for presentation of results; and joint technical meetings. These 4 steps ensure no duplication of effort in work products, despite an obvious and healthy overlap in goals. All of these groups are working towards common objectives; there’s more than enough work to go around. 13 Table D.1 Definition of policy, programmatic and technical roles in developing and implementing monitoring programs. The second row lists examples of entities fulfilling each of these roles (not comprehensive). CSMEP is focused on the tasks in the technical column, as well as interactions with programmatic entities. The roles and tasks are not listed in order of priority. Source: Adapted from CSMEP FY04 Work Plan. Policy / Leadership PNAMP Executives; Federal RME Program; WA Governor’s Forum on Monitoring; Senior Policy Levels of federal, state, and tribal fish and wildlife agencies; Northwest Power and Conservation Council • Identify and prioritize management decisions and associated information needs. • Make well-informed decisions about M&E issues, acting within purview of each agency, but with knowledge of all entities’ needs) • Do reality check on what is achievable/realistic; scope • Set goals driven by outcomes (not too proscriptive). • Assure consistency in methods used to evaluate success of M&E • Identify and secure appropriate sources of funding. • Perform conflict resolution and make final decision for issues elevated from programmatic level. • Formalize/endorse programmatic level agreements. ⇔ ⇔ ⇔ Programmatic Program managers within federal, state and tribal fish and wildlife agencies, including PNAMP agencies, Federal RME Program • Provide guidance on management priorities to technical level based on dialogue with policy level • Select and implement preferred sampling designs and monitoring protocols based on technical level evaluations of options. • Define population management units and scales of interest for monitoring information. • Identify RME issues requiring management decisions, e.g. - Performance metrics - Action effectiveness hypotheses - Critical uncertainties to be evaluated • Oversee timely management of programmatic group’s deliverables • • Assess ongoing work for gaps. Ensure implementation of accepted sampling designs and monitoring protocols, maximizing consistency while recognizing agency jurisdictions • Define options for scope/resource management. • Do project management. • Establish peer review protocol. ⇔ ⇔ Technical CSMEP fish biometricians and scientists within federal, state and tribal fish and wildlife agencies; PNAMP, federal, state and tribal scientists 1. ⇔ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Coordinate with other M&E programmatic and technical entities. Catalog existing work. Make datasets available to others. Assess strengths and weaknesses of existing data. Explore and evaluate improved monitoring protocols and sampling designs for consideration at Programmatic Level. Implement sampling design and collect data following Programmatic Level approval. Evaluate monitoring program results; perform data analyses for programmatic team interpretation 14 Figure D1. Relationship of CSMEP to PNAMP partner agencies. NOAA Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Fund Program Federal Caucus RME Program NPPC and BPA Columbia Basin F&W Program Oregon Water Enhancement Board Monitoring Program USFS and BLM Monitoring Programs USFWS Bull Trout RME Program PNAMP Pacific NW Aquatic Monitoring Partnership EPA National and State Level Monitoring Programs California NW Forest Plan Monitoring Program Tribal Monitoring Programs Lower Columbia River Estuary Program BOR Habitat Monitoring Program UC, JD, Salmon River, and Columbia Estuary Pilot Projects Intensively Monitored Watersheds Washington Salmon Recovery Fund Monitoring Program CSMEP Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project Watershed Condition and Fish Monitoring Protocols Test Projects 15 Table D2. Comparison of PNAMP, CSMEP, and FRMEP. Differentiation of M&E niches occurs through development of distinct work plans and products. Attribute Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project (CSMEP) Federal RME Plan (FRMEP) Foundation of Initiative Federal Caucus RME Coordination needs and a request by Governors of WA, OR, ID, and Montana to develop a regionally coordinated monitoring system. Prior AREMP effort under the North-west Forest Plan for monitoring on Federal lands. Northern CA, WA, OR, ID All fish species? Response to NMFS/USFWS document (Feb 2002) describing needs for M&E. Recommended for funding by ISRP, NWPCC, CBFWA, BPA for FY04-f06 under Mainstem/Systemwide Solicitation. Federal Caucus All-H Salmon Recovery Strategy and NOAA 2000 Biological Opinion on FCRPS (Being updated in 2006 to include Recovery Plan RM&E, 2004 FCRPS BiOp and Remand Process) Columbia Basin FY04-06: Salmon, steelhead, bull trout FY0709: Salmon, steelhead, bull trout and other resident fish species of concern Scientists within CBFWA, WDFW, IDFG, ODFW, NOAA, USFWS, CRITFC, Yakama, Colville, Nez Perce, BPA, StreamNet; ESSA, Eco Logical Research, Quantitative Consultants, PER, KWA. Columbia Basin Salmon and steelhead (2006 update to include bull trout) Thorough inventory and assessment of existing fish monitoring data. Rigorous development of M&E designs to improve fish monitoring information for important regional decisions on 4 H’s and ESA listings. Coordination with PNAMP and other entities to encourage implementation of these designs. Development and implementation of Federal Caucus Agency RM&E programs that support Columbia Basin Salmon and Bull Trout Recovery and FCRPS Biological Opinions. Includes regional coordination and integration with other federal, state and tribal monitoring programs. Geographic Scope & Species / Habitats Composition Primary Goals Scientists, managers and executives within USFS, BLM, NWPCC, FRMEP, WA SRFB, OWEB, CA NW Forest Plan Monitoring Program, CSMEP, BOR, EPA , PCSRF, NED Coordinate and improve consistency of approaches and protocols used by member entities for monitoring watershed condition, fish populations and project effectiveness. Share advances in M&E among member entities, and promote adoption of improved M&E methods to inform resource management decisions. Scientists, managers, and executives within the Federal Caucus including NOAA, USFWS, USFS, BLM, EPA and Action Agencies (BPA, BOR, A COE), and technical consultants 16 Attribute Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project (CSMEP) Federal RME Plan (FRMEP) Organizational obligations Open participation, non-binding commitment to coordinate Funded entities agree to complete tasks developed in annual and quarterly work plans. Implementation of developed M&E designs by member organizations is voluntary. Statutory mandates of Federal Caucus Agencies. All-H Salmon Recovery MOU. Policy Level Responsibilities Executive partners provide policy direction and support to PNAMP through the Steering Committee No policy responsibilities. But get policy makers required input to M&E designs (e.g. relative importance of different species, questions, scales; risk tolerance; cost) Decide on scope and funding of Federal Caucus M&E needs. Programmatic Level Responsibilities No programmatic responsibilities. But Measure progress toward recovery of ESAlisted anadromous fish populations. Develop and Maintain a coordination and present M&E designs for consideration and feedback to Programmatic Levels in PNAMP management structure for PNAMP Identify and prioritize actions that are the most and CSMEP entities. effective towards meeting fish population Coordinate peer review of PNAMP performance objectives. technical products. Implement RME identified in the Federal Provide Executives with coordinated Caucus RME Plan which includes Federal programmatic approaches that Recovery Plan needs, the Action Agencies integrate watershed and fish Annual Implementation Plans under the monitoring, action effectiveness FCRPS BiOp, and other Federal Agency monitoring, and data management. BiOps. Select and implement preferred sampling designs and monitoring protocols in the fresh water aquatic environment. Coordinate regional efforts in watershed status/trend monitoring, effectiveness monitoring and data management. Methods of coordination include: overlapping membership of technical fisheries scientists across the three entities; coordinated development of quarterly work plans; annual workshops for presentation of results; and joint technical meetings. These 4 steps ensure no duplication of effort in work products, despite an obvious overlap in goals. Coordination of Technical Responsibilities 17 Attribute Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project (CSMEP) Federal RME Plan (FRMEP) Technical Level Responsibilities Coarse scale inventories of existing watershed and fish population monitoring. Develop and adopt a standardized set of reporting metrics, monitoring protocols and sampling designs to assess watershed condition and fish population status and trends Develop standardized regional fish population monitoring efforts Develop and adopt a standardized set of fish population metrics and compatible protocols for sampling designs and data collection Develop and implement pilot projects for testing monitoring approaches. Detailed inventory of existing fish monitoring data; metadata available on Internet. Assess strengths and weaknesses of existing data for answering key questions related to major decisions; Develop improved M&E designs for making important decisions, building on strengths of existing M&E and results of ongoing pilot projects; Systematic evaluation of alternative M&E designs across multiple objectives, species and scales Implement sampling and collect data following Programmatic approval; Evaluate monitoring program results and perform data analyses for programmatic levels. Develop alternative M&E designs and coordinated programs for meeting Federal Caucus RME responsibilities including tributary monitoring, habitat action effectiveness, hydro action effectiveness, and data management. 18 E. CSMEP Project history (Oct 2003 to Dec 2005) CSMEP is focused on the issue of systemwide monitoring and evaluation of fish status, addressing requirements of NOAA-F and USFWS biological opinions and recovery plans as well as the NWPCC Fish and Wildlife Program. This has involved an integrated, collaborative effort by fisheries scientists and biometricians within CSMEP to fulfill seven objectives: 1. Interact with federal, state and tribal programmatic and technical entities responsible for monitoring and evaluation of fish and wildlife, to ensure that quarterly work plans developed and executed under this project are well integrated with ongoing work by these entities. 2. Collaboratively inventory existing monitoring data that bear on the problem of evaluating the status and trend of salmon, steelhead, bull trout and other species of regional importance across the Columbia Basin, including the Okanagan Basin in Canada. 3. Work with existing entities (e.g. StreamNet, NOAA Fisheries, NWPCC) to make a subset of existing monitoring data available through the Internet, recognizing the continuing evolution of data management in the Columbia Basin. 4. Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of existing monitoring data and associated evaluation methods for answering key questions at various spatial scales concerning the state of ecosystems and fish habitat, as well as fish distributions, stock status and responses to management actions. 5. Collaboratively design improved monitoring and evaluation methods that will fill information gaps and provide better answers to these questions in the future, by providing state and tribal fish agency participation and work products for multiagency development of regionally coordinated monitoring programs. 6. Coordinate state and tribal participation and work products for regionally coordinated, multi-agency implementation of pilot projects or large scale monitoring programs. 7. Participate in regional forums to evaluate new monitoring program results, assess new ability to answer key questions, propose revisions to monitoring approaches, and coordinate proposed changes with regional monitoring programs. Progress on each of these seven objectives is described below: E1. Objective 1: Communicate and coordinate monitoring and evaluation activities Since project initiation CSMEP participants have collaboratively developed work plans in close consultation with other programmatic and technical entities to ensure that analyses and monitoring designs explored as part of the project are consistent with the overarching objectives of Columbia Basin monitoring agencies. CSMEP representatives have also regularly participated in PNAMP meetings and workshops, as well as meetings with NOAA Habitat, NOAA-AA RME, EPA-EMAP, AREMP, OWEB and TRT groups. A 19 number of CSMEP participants are also PNAMP members. CSMEP also includes members of the bull trout Recovery Monitoring and Evaluation Group (RMEG) (see presentation and 5 page summary of RMEG activities), which ensures development of consistent monitoring approaches for this listed species. In FY 2006 CSMEP will further integrate with federal, state and tribal programmatic and technical entities responsible for monitoring of fish and wildlife in the Columbia Basin. CSMEP quarterly workplans will be developed in conjunction with BPA and PNAMP representatives to ensure that CSMEP analyses synchronize with, supplement and support broader regional RME needs. CSMEP products will be provided to the ISAB for review. E2. Objectives 2 and 3: Inventory existing monitoring data/make it accessible CSMEP subbasin inventories describe, in a systematic manner, the kinds of information currently available on the abundance, productivity, spatial distribution and diversity of salmon, steelhead and bulltrout. To evaluate the range of data quality that exists within the Columbia Basin, CSMEP has selected pilot subbasins that included both data rich and data poor areas. For each of these pilot subbasins, StreamNet staff and CSMEP biologists jointly completed an inventory of the information available for each of the key performance measures for each of the target fish species. In FY 2004 CSMEP, with the assistance of StreamNet staff, completed inventories of existing fisheries monitoring data for six pilot subbasins in Washington (Lewis, Yakima), Oregon (Lower Columbia, Imnaha) and Idaho (South Fork Salmon River and Selway River drainages). During FY 2005, CSMEP biologists and StreamNet conducted detailed inventories of fish data for seven additional pilot subbasins selected in Washington (Okanagan, Methow, Kalama), Oregon (Deschutes, Grande Ronde) and Idaho (Middle Fork Salmon, Upper Fork Salmon). The locations of these CSMEP pilot subbasins (as well as the Federal RME pilot subbasins) are provided in an overview map on the CSMEP website. The results of the Tier 2 subbasin metadata inventories (C1 tables) undertaken by CMSEP to date are now served up through a web-based meta-database developed, hosted, and maintained by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's Natural Resource Information Management Program (NRIMP). As of the end of FY 2005 there were more than 1450 fish inventory records on this CSMEP data server and there have been over 36,000 hits on the web server to date. This CSMEP meta-database is proving useful to fisheries biologists operating within the confines of the pilot subbasins inventoried to date. It is also providing information to a broader range of analysts who can query the growing CSMEP dataset to develop overviews and comparisons of the varied monitoring techniques, design approaches, analytical assumptions etc. that are being applied for M&E across the region. A recent StreamNet report outlines further steps that could improve overall data management of the CSMEP inventories. CBFWA has also developed a publicly accessible CSMEP Website for coordination amongst CSMEP members, communication of CSMEP goals and products to a larger audience, and the storage of important reference materials. 20 In FY 2006 CSMEP will undertake metadata inventories for new subbasins still to be selected in the three member states (ID, OR, WA). StreamNet will continue to maintain the CSMEP web data server and will work with CSMEP to improve data delivery by developing expanded hyper-links to the data sources identified in the subbasin inventories, as well as supporting materials identified in the QA/QC and Strengths and Weaknesses assessments of those data (e.g., reports, databases, maps showing where data collected). E3. Objective 4: Assess the strengths and weaknesses of existing monitoring data. Throughout FY 2004 and FY 2005 CSMEP biologists critically assessed the strengths and weaknesses of each pilot subbasin’s meta-data and associated evaluation methods for answering the key CSMEP questions (at various spatial scales) concerning the state of ecosystems and fish habitat, as well as fish distributions, stock status and responses to management actions (CSMEP B2 tables – see template). CSMEP biologists reviewed the strengths and weaknesses of these data for addressing Tier 2 status and trend questions, and considered opportunities for using these data to answer Tier 3 action effectiveness questions (see Appendix 1). The strengths and weaknesses reviews (Table E.2) completed to date are identifying areas where fish monitoring is being done well, in addition to uncovering inferential weaknesses and data gaps that will be important to address in CSMEP’s monitoring design work. A supporting document “Comparative summary of the statistical and cost properties of different methods for estimating CSMEP fish performance measures” was developed within CSMEP to support this task. Though excellent fish population monitoring does exist in many subbasins, a common weakness is the fact that sampling sites were not typically chosen through a rigorous process that allows generalization to larger spatial scales. A preliminary overall synthesis of strengths and weaknesses across the pilot subbasins is available on the CSMEP website. The strengths and weaknesses overview tables for spring chinook and sockeye are also available on the CSMEP website. This synthesis will be further developed in FY 2006 (i.e., are there strengths and weaknesses in regards to monitoring of particular fish performance measures that are common across the subbasins?) Table E.2. Data strengths and weaknesses analyses completed in FY 2004/05 by subbasin and species (hyperlinked to the Table B2 summaries on the CSMEP website). State Subbasin Species Idaho South Fork Salmon River spring/summer chinook Clearwater, Selway River chinook (spring, summer) steelhead (summer) bull trout Imhaha chinook (spring) steelhead (summer) Lower Columbia fall chinook Lewis chinook (spring, tule and bright fall) steelhead (summer, winter) Oregon Washington 21 State Subbasin Species Yakima coho fall chinook spring chinook steelhead (summer) Methow Chinook (spring, summer) Steelhead (summer) In FY 2006 CSMEP will complete the Strengths and Weaknesses assessments of all subbasins inventoried in the three years of the project, and finalize the synthesis of the general “lessons learned” as to the effectiveness of current M&E protocols across the Basin. This synthesis report will describe the implications of the CSMEP Strengths and Weaknesses assessments for M&E design in the Columbia River Basin, and will be reviewed by PNAMP and the ISAB. E4. Objective 5: Collaboratively design improved M&E methods Significant progress has been made on CSMEP’s goals of collaborative design of improved M&E methods. Six multi-agency monitoring design workshops have been held (three workshops in FY 2004 and three workshops in FY 2005) to explore how best to integrate the most robust features of existing monitoring programs with new approaches (e.g., Federal RME pilot studies, EPA EMAP). (see Design Workshop summaries: 07/0911/2004, 08/21-22/2004, 08/20-21/2005, all PowerPoint presentations from Design Workshops are also available on the CSMEP Website). CSMEP is exploring the ability of these approaches to answer the questions in Appendix E1, and is attempting to lay out a structured approach to evaluating the costs, benefits and tradeoffs of different M&E strategies. Through the use of EPA’s Data Quality Objectives process (DQO) CSMEP is developing general ‘design templates’ for monitoring the status and trends of fish populations and the effectiveness of habitat, harvest, hatchery and hydrosystem recovery actions within the Columbia River Basin. The CSMEP design process is outlined in the document “Proposed evaluation and design of preliminary design templates” available on the CSMEP website. CSMEP’s focus on developing its M&E designs employing EPA’s DQO process is intended to emphasize iterative learning within an adaptive management loop. CSMEP’s overall design process involves the following steps: 1. initial problem assessment to make explicit our current understanding of the system, clarify our understanding of management goals in the Columbia Basin, and identify the key uncertainties in evaluating agency management actions; 2. careful design of monitoring to evaluate management actions and reduce the key uncertainties; 3. monitoring of key performance measures to test key management hypotheses and assess progress towards management goals; 4. evaluation of monitoring results against the goals defined in the assessment phase; and 5. adjustments in our understanding of the system and the effects of management actions; and proceed back to step 1. 22 In FY 2005, five CSMEP subgroups (Status and Trends, Habitat, Harvest, Hydro and Hatcheries) have been applying the 7-step EPA Data Quality Objectives (DQO) process to develop a set of robust M&E designs for evaluating both the status and trends of fish populations and the effectiveness of habitat, harvest, hatchery and hydrosystem recovery actions in the Columbia Basin. As a pilot example of this design process, CSMEP has focused their efforts to date principally on the Snake River Basin spring/summer/fall chinook ESU (see map of the Columbia River subbasin areas encompassed by the CSMEP pilot). This pilot exercise is however intended to illustrate the collaborative processes that will be required for further development of an integrated monitoring program across the entire Columbia River Basin (see “Guidance in applying EPA’s DQO process to CSMEP’s FY 2005 Design Task”). E4.1 Status and Trends Subgroup CSMEP’s Status and Trends Subgroup has focused on identifying monitoring design elements necessary to adequately address one of the most important management decisions in the Snake River Basin: has there been sufficient improvement in population status of a listed Snake River S/S Chinook ESU to justify delisting and allow removal of ESA restrictions? This decision is based on the abundance, productivity and spatial structure & diversity of SRSS chinook salmon over the prior 10 years (IC-TRT 2005). The Status and Trends Subgroup’s summary of the design elements (DQO steps 1-7) for status and trends monitoring that are required to answer this question is provided on the CSMEP Website. A full description of the Status and Trends Subgroup’s work on DQO steps 1-5 for the Snake River Pilot is presented as a chapter in Marmorek et al. 2005. A brief PowerPoint presentation describing the Status and Trends Subgroup’s DQO steps 15 is also provided on the CSMEP website. In FY 2005 as part of its work on DQO steps 6 and 7, the Status and Trends Subgroup began development of a simulation model that can be used for evaluating alternative designs for monitoring fish at the population, major population group and ESU scales; this tool will be further refined in FY 2006. These design alternatives are intended to describe: 1) the location and temporal pattern of measurements (“sampling design”); 2) the specific types of measurements that are to be made (“response design”); and 3) the analyses to be performed to make a decision (“evaluation design”). Alternative design templates will be compared in terms of cost (dollars/yr) and probability of error in decisions that are associated with individual templates. The immediate objective of this simulation is to evaluate alternative design templates for determining the status of SRSS Chinook salmon. The ultimate objective is to develop a tool that can be adapted for monitoring designs in other basins and for other species. A draft document outlining the Subgroup’s DQO steps 6-7 approach is provided on the CSMEP Website, as is a preliminary version of the alternative design spreadsheet that will inform their model. Viability datasets for Idaho have been assembled to assist in the task. Maps of alternative monitoring designs for the Snake Basin pilot area (current vs. CSMEP low, medium, high designs) are available on the CSMEP website. PowerPoint presentations on the subgroup’s approach to DQO steps 6-7 (Presentation1, Presentation2) are provided on the CSMEP website. 23 E4.2 Hydro Subgroup CSMEP’s Hydro Subgroup took on a subset of hydro management questions across several scales: individual projects, survival by different passage routes through the hydrosystem, and overall life cycle survival. These different scales relate to a variety of decisions: operations at individual projects (e.g. spill, bypass, removable spillway weirs); overall operations (e.g. when to transport fish within season, compliance with hydrosystem biological opinions), longer term hydrosystem decisions (e.g. flow management, effectiveness of transportation over multiple years, system configuration); and adequacy of hydrosystem operations for stock recovery. The choices that are available to improve the quality of information for hydrosystem decisions, and reduce the risks of making incorrect decisions, include: the number of years of data collected, the magnitude of tagging effort, the number of stocks that are monitored, the ability to filter out year to year natural variation and isolate the signal of management actions, and implementation of deliberate manipulations of hydrosystem operations to reduce uncertainty in effectiveness evaluations. For many of these questions, CSMEP has developed low, medium and high alternative designs and explored the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. The Hydro Subgroup’s summary of the design elements (DQO steps 1-7) for hydro monitoring are provided on the CSMEP website. A full description of the Hydro Subgroup’s work on DQO steps 1-5 for the Snake pilot is presented as a chapter in Marmorek et al. 2005. A full report on the Hydro Subgroup’s current progress on DQO steps 6-7 is provided on the CSMEP Website, as are PowerPoint presentations for the Hydro Subgroup’s DQO steps 1-5 and DQO steps 6-7 (Presentation1, Presentation2) E4.3 Habitat Subgroup Habitat actions are considered a cornerstone of recovery strategies for Columbia River Basin fish stocks but there is a need to more clearly determine the effectiveness of these actions for increasing salmonid survival rates and production. Monitoring designs for evaluating the effectiveness of habitat actions must be able to reliably detect two linked responses: 1. the effect of habitat actions on fish habitat; and 2. the effect of changes in fish habitat on fish populations. The Habitat Subgroup’s summary of the general design elements (DQO steps 1-5) for Habitat monitoring that can help address these questions is provided on the CSMEP website. A full description of the Habitat Subgroup’s current work on DQO steps 1-5 for the Snake River Pilot (at both intensive and extensive scales) is presented as a chapter in Marmorek et al. 2005. The Habitat Subgroup has recognized, however, that there are serious challenges to the development of a generic template for habitat effectiveness monitoring. These include: 1. Habitat conditions vary greatly across subbasins in terms of their natural biogeoclimatic regimes, the status of their fish populations, the degree of human 24 impact and management, and the number and nature of restoration actions that have been implemented, or are being considered for implementation within them. 2. Habitat effectiveness questions encompass different scales of inquiry, which imply different scales of monitoring. The Subgroup is instead attempting to develop a consistent “question clarification process” that can be applied to development of individual monitoring designs dependent on the particular situation. They are piloting this approach within the Lemhi River Subbasin. A summary of the Habitat Subgroup’s detailed DQO steps 1-7 for the Lemhi River Subbasin is provided on the CSMEP website, as is a full Habitat report for the Lemhi River Subbasin. PowerPoint presentations for the Habitat Subgroup’s DQO steps 1-5 and DQO steps 6-7 (Presentation1, Presentation2) are also available on the CSMEP Website. E4.4 Hatchery Subgroup Throughout the FY 2005 contract period, the Hatchery Subgroup identified a number of questions important to the evaluation of hatchery management, and has reviewed numerous existing and proposed hatchery research, monitoring, and evaluation (RME) plans within the Columbia River Basin. Following this review, the Hatchery Subgroup has concluded that existing and proposed hatchery RME plans (if fully implemented) are likely to address the majority of the management questions identified by the Subgroup. However, the Hatchery Subgroup has also concluded that a number of questions regarding the effectiveness of hatcheries as a class of actions are unlikely to be adequately addressed by existing and proposed hatchery RME. These hatchery effectiveness questions (identified in the Hatchery Subgroup’s Summary on the CSMEP website) will likely be efficiently and comprehensively addressed only through the implementation of a stratified and representative study design that spans the entire Columbia River Basin. With appropriate stratification, this diversity can be leveraged to identify the mechanistic linkages of individual programs to broader monitoring questions that evaluate the overall effectiveness of hatchery strategies at the regional scale. These broader-scale hatchery program effectiveness questions (as opposed to individual hatchery operation questions) will become the focus of CSMEP designs intended to address larger scale multi-hatchery questions that can be stratified across the region. The Hatchery Subgroup has focused much of their initial efforts on developing alternative monitoring designs that could help answer two of these critical questions relating to hatchery effectiveness: 1. What is the magnitude and distribution of hatchery strays into natural populations, and; 2. What is the relative reproductive success of naturally spawning hatchery fish and natural origin fish? Insights into approaches gained from the CSMEP analyses required to address these two questions will provide a foundation for tackling additional hatchery questions in a prioritized manner in FY 2006. The Hatchery Subgroup’s summary of the design 25 elements (DQO steps 1-7) for hatchery monitoring that are required to answer these and other questions are provided on the CSMEP website. A full description of the Hatchery Subgroup’s work on DQO steps 1-5 for the Snake pilot is presented as a chapter in Marmorek et al. 2005. A report on the Hatchery subgroup’s current progress on DQO steps 6-7 is provided on the CSMEP website, as are PowerPoint presentations for the Hatchery Subgroup’s DQO steps 1-5 and DQO steps 6-7. E4.5 Harvest Subgroup Targeted fisheries on salmon are managed by setting allowable catch, catch allocations and open periods for each fishery prior to opening a fishery (considering escapement goals and preseason/updated run predictions) and then adjusting those regulations as runs develop. However, both mark-selective and non-selective fisheries can exert mortality on non-targeted stocks of anadromous, adfluvial, and resident species that are incidentally intercepted. Removal of fish in fisheries can potentially affect spawners, life history diversity and the spatial structure of populations. The Harvest Subgroup has therefore been focused on developing alternative monitoring designs that can answer two general classes of Harvest questions: 1. What are the inseason estimates of run size and escapement for each stock management group (target and non-target) and how do they compare to preseason estimates? 2. What is the target and nontarget harvest and when is it projected to reach allowable levels? The Harvest Subgroup’s summary of the design elements (DQO steps 1-7) for harvest monitoring required to answer these questions is provided on the CSMEP website. A full description of the Harvest Subgroup’s work on DQO steps 1-5 for the Snake pilot is presented as a chapter in Marmorek et al. 2005. A report on the Harvest Subgroup’s current progress on DQO steps 6-7 is provided on the CSMEP Website, as are PowerPoint presentations for the Harvest Subgroup’s DQO steps 1-5 and DQO steps 6-7 (Presentation 1, Presentation2). E4.6 Integration of monitoring across the CSMEP subgroups A CSMEP Monitoring Integration Group has been formed to explore the integration of the individual RME component parts within a larger monitoring framework (i.e., generate improved efficiencies through integrated designs) for the Snake River Basin pilot design. This integration effort across scales and monitoring efforts is a challenge faced by all subbasins; hence the results will be of general benefit basin wide. The Integration Group has begun to develop a matrix of shared performance measures and data interdependencies across the different CSMEP subgroups. This evolving Looking Outward Matrix (LOM) is available on the CSMEP Website. The matrix is providing a starting foundation for identifying the priority performance measures for monitoring and the relevant spatial scale(s) of these data for varied subgroup monitoring needs. The Monitoring Integration Group is also pursuing a simulation analysis to assess the cost/benefit of a large integrated PIT-tagging program designed to address a range of key monitoring questions across the subgroups. The ultimate intent is to evaluate what 26 intensities of basin-wide PIT-tagging (and at what life-stages) would/would-not-be sufficient to achieve adequate statistical power and at reasonable cost to address the suite of Subgroup questions at various spatial scales. Initial analyses for this exercise are presented as a draft report (PIT tag V4 12-14-05.doc) on the CSMEP Website. The Integration Group will be working to further quantify this analysis in FY 2006 and intends to extend this approach into other sampling protocols that have the potential for integration across the monitoring subgroups. In FY 2006 CSMEP design subgroups will consolidate their work on the Snake River pilot designs and refine the tools that can be used to explore tradeoffs across alternative M&E design options (e.g.. low, medium, high) for different questions, at different scales of interest (e.g., project, population, MPG, ESU, CRB). CSMEP has also begun to explore the full integration of EPA’s new EMAP Idaho Master Sample (see example map of pre-selected EMAP sample points for the South Fork Salmon River MPG) into their design work for the Snake Basin Pilot Project, beginning with a targeted technical workshop on this topic in early FY 2006. Subgroup products will be summarized in a report on M&E recommendations for the CSMEP Snake River Basin Pilot Project, which will be externally reviewed and shared with Federal Action Agencies and NOAA pilot project workgroups. CSMEP will begin to expand from the Snake River Basin pilot area and start to develop broader M&E recommendations that can be applied to other subbasins in the Columbia River Basin. Development of these expanded design analyses are intended to follow a range of directions (e.g., applying Snake River Basin derived design templates to CSMEP inventoried subbasins or NOAA pilot projects to test how transferable designs are; consideration of high-level integration of M&E across multiple subbasins (e.g., incorporation of contrasts in stock status and productivity); evaluating options for designs across the entire CRB by building on level of current monitoring infrastructure in different subbasins (as determined by Subbasin Plan descriptions and CSMEP metadata inventories). Analytical results from CSMEP products in FY06 are intended to help provide general M&E guidance that can feed into the NWPCC Rolling Review process. E5. Objective 6: Assist implementation of pilot projects/large scale monitoring programs CSMEP’s ongoing work on the Snake Basin Pilot Project is directly feeding into the NOAA-F/BPA Salmon River Subbasin Pilot Study, and has assisted in the early development of M&E designs for the Lemhi River Subbasin Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). In FY06 CSMEP intends to convert recommendations from their Snake River Basin Pilot Project into a practical plan for the Salmon River Subbasin Pilot Study (cross-fertilization as CSMEP people are involved in this Pilot Study). CSMEP has also been tasked (tentatively) by the Council’s Members Advisory Group (MAG) to facilitate the development of improved multi-agency approaches to hydrosystem monitoring for application to fall chinook in the Columbia Basin. 27 E6. Objective 7: Evaluate new monitoring program results and propose revisions to monitoring approaches CSMEP workshops throughout FY 2004 and FY 2005 have provided continuing opportunities for biologists and biometricians from across the region to meet and discuss recent advances in M&E approaches (e.g. EMAP sampling frames, results from federal pilot projects, IMW strategies, etc.). CSMEP thus represents a unique forum for the cross-fertilization of M&E ideas among federal, state and tribal fish agency staff. Ideas expressed at these workshops are being incorporated into the developing CSMEP M&E designs. Workshop presentations given by participants at the CSMEP monitoring design workshops in FY 2004 and FY 2005 are provided on the CSMEP Website. An equally important focus of CSMEP has been our efforts to work closely with managers to bridge the gap between science and policy, and support better management decisions CSMEP has grown into a cohesive team of analysts and biometricians with a clear understanding of the issues involved in developing more efficient, integrated approaches to M&E for fish and wildlife across the Columbia River Basin and with the technical expertise to make real progress in this regard. The suite of hyperlinks within this document provides an indication of the range of technical products directed towards the improvement of regional M&E that have already been developed by CSMEP in the first two years of the project (FY 2004 and FY 2005). Progress in FY 2006 is expected to continue in all areas of the project and will build from the strong foundation established during the first two years. CSMEP’s PISCES Statement of Work Report for FY 2006 is available on the CSMEP Website. F. CSMEP Plans for fy07-09 These are summarized in Table F1. More details are available in the full CSMEP proposal for fy07-09. 28 Table F1. Summary of proposed CSMEP work elements and products by objective for fy07-09, including collaborating entities. Programmatic and policy input required for objectives 1, 5, 6 and 7. Objectives and Work Elements Description of Work Products 1. Develop Work Plans / Interact with Programmatic Entities 1.1 Develop CSMEP Collaboratively prepared quarterly Quarterly Workplans workplans to maximize integration and efficiency, avoid duplication of effort. 1.2 Quarterly Progress Quarterly reports by objective and work Reports element to ensure close contract monitoring. 1.3 Preparation of Draft and 3-level annual reports: 2-pg. exec. Final Annual Reports Summary; ~25-pg. overview w ~75-pg. appendices; hyperlinked detailed reports 1.4 CSMEP conference calls, Biweekly Calls: Track progress, review meetings and workshops products, coordinate efforts. Workshops: Present results, get technical/programmatic feedback, brainstorm next steps in subgroups 1.5 Coordination w PNAMP Joint PNAMP/CSMEP workshop in spring on joint activities and work each year with managers and policy products makers; Annual work planning; Synthesis of work products 1.6 Present CSMEP progress Give presentations to inform region CSMEP at various Columbia Basin outcomes and products, and to integrate forums with others' efforts 2. Inventory existing data relevant to questions 2.1 QA on StreamNet Review StreamNet's metadata inventories Inventory Work for ID, WA, for CSMEP pilot areas in ID, WA and OR, OR pilot projects including salmon, steelhead, bull trout and other high priority resident fish 2.2 Inventory Sockeye; Bull Update metadata inventory of Okanagan Trout; Other Resident Fish of sockeye, add Wenatchee and Redfish Lake Special Concern stocks. Improve inventory coverage of bull trout and resident fish of high concern. Develop common inventory data standards for Sockeye stocks. 3. Organize subset of data into accessible form 3.1 Continue to improve CSMEP web-based metadata application 3.2 CSMEP website improvement 3.3 Database design Add hyper links from CSMEP database to on-line databases housed by agencies collecting/maintaining data Provide user-friendly summaries of CSMEP products in hierarchical form to communicate to multiple audiences Develop standards for performance measures, data types, and data sharing protocols, starting w Snake pilot project (chinook and steelhead) and gradually expanding to other areas and species. Timing Entities Collaborating w CSMEP quarterly PNAMP, BPA, NWPCC, StreamNet quarterly BPA annual internal biweekly calls; workshops 3X/yr Calls: internal Workshops: Programmatic and Policy Feedback for part of meeting PNAMP Steering Committee annual joint workshop; planning mtgs 2X /yr 2-3 times / yr NWPCC, TRTs, PNAMP, WA DOE, AFS, EPA FY07-FY09 StreamNet (separate contract); fed/state/tribal agencies with data FY07 DFO, Okanagan Nation Alliance, StreamNet, CBFWA Resident Fish Committee FY07-FY09 StreamNet (separate contract); fed/state/tribal agencies with data CBFWA web master Amy Langston FY07-FY09 FY07-FY09 StreamNet, NED, PNAMP 29 Objectives and Work Elements Description of Work Products Timing Entities Collaborating w CSMEP Detailed review of CSMEP inventories and strengths & weaknesses assessments; GIS overlays of existing sampling sites with EMAP master sample to refine sampling designs for status & trend As above for work element 4.1 for areas of OR pilot (Grande Ronde and Imnaha) mostly in FY06; some work in FY07 USFS, BLM, OR Aquatic Inventory, OWEB, ID DEQ, PCSRF, BoR, EPA, others FY07 and FY08 Area of WA pilot includes salmon recovery regions in Lower, Middle and Upper Columbia. FY07 and FY08 USFS, BLM, OR Aquatic Inventory, OWEB, OR DEQ, PCSRF, BoR, EPA, others USFS, BLM, WA SRFB, WA DEQ, PCSRF, BoR, EPA, DFO, others Demonstrate cost-precision and other tradeoffs associated with alternative integrated designs that attempt to meet information needs for key decisions in recovery assessment and 4 H's. mostly in FY06; some work in FY07 Develop and present three ESU / provincial scale fish and habitat M&E plans that integrate across issues, questions, species and agencies to meet identified priorities. Involve CBFWA Resident Fish Committee in all three projects. Work towards implementation of these plans. Generalize qualitative and quantitative tools developed in CSMEP DQO process for use throughout CRB. Present general implications to managers and scientists. ID (FY0607); OR (FY0709); WA (FY07-09) Extend tools for assessing M&E designs to detect recovery status (more VSP criteria, species); publish/present results. Complete DQO steps 6-7 for hydrosystem decisions and publish/present results for feedback. Extend findings to other regions (i.e. Mid/Upper Columbia). Work with restoration managers across multiple watersheds on implementation / M&E methods that will maximize learning on restoration effectiveness at various scales. Complete M&E designs for large scale hatchery / supplementation questions (i.e. hatchery straying into wild populations, relative reproductive success) and present recommended plans FY07-09 4. Evaluate ability to answer key questions with existing data 4.1 Organization of existing data for Snake Basin pilot design 4.2 Organization of existing data for OR pilot design 4.3 Organization of existing data for WA pilot design 5. Collaborative monitoring program design 5.1 Consolidate Snake River Pilot M&E design and PrOACT tradeoff analysis 5.2 Complete three pilot M&E projects at provincial / ESU scales in ID, OR, WA 5.2a ID pilot project 5.2b WA pilot project 5.2c OR pilot project 5.3 Extend application of CSMEP insights and tools to other parts of CRB and PNAMP entities 5.3a Status & Trends 5.3b Hydro 5.3c Habitat 5.3d Hatchery FY07-09 Interact with programmatic/policy entities with responsibility for decisions in recovery assessment and 4 H's to fine tune design, costs. as for work element 5.1. Build on insights gained from NOAA-AA pilot projects, WA GSRO, CSMEP survey of M&E priorities. Market existence of tools and results through CBFWA, PNAMP, NWPCC websites and newsletters Technical Recovery Teams, ISRP/ISAB FY07-09 AFEP, NOAA-Hydro, PUDs, ISRP/ISAB FY07-09 PNAMP entities, restoration managers, NOAA-AA pilot projects, ISRP/ISAB FY07-09 Hatchery managers, ISRP/ISAB 30 Objectives and Work Elements 5.3e Harvest Description of Work Products Timing 5.4 Feed M&E results into NWPCC Provincial Review Process 5.5 Get feedback from CRB entities on various M&E designs 6. Multi-agency implementation of monitoring programs. FY07-09 Entities Collaborating w CSMEP Harvest managers (e.g. TAC, US v. OR, PST, CTC), ISRP/ISAB NWPCC, CBFWA Complete M&E designs for improving data for harvest pre-season and in-season decisions Interact with CBFWA / NWPCC managers to provide insights for project approval and M&E guidelines As described above under 5.2 and 5.3, but beyond immediate areas of pilot studies FY07-09 FY07-09 As for work element 5.1. 6.1 Provide input to Participate in collaborative efforts building conceptual plan for M&E on knowledge developed from CSMEP, implementation across CRB NOAA and other pilot projects. 7. Multi-agency evaluation of results of new monitoring pgms. FY07-09 As for work element 5.1. 7.1 Collaborative review of federal RME projects, WA SRFB Effectiveness Monitoring Projects, and other recent pilot projects FY07-09 NOAA-AA pilot projects Review results of Wenatchee, John Day and Salmon pilot projects as they are made available and incorporate into next set of designs. 31 CSMEP - Status and Trends Subgroup CSMEP’s Status and Trends subgroup has focused its DQO efforts on identifying monitoring design elements necessary to address one of the most important management decisions in the Snake Basin: has there been sufficient improvement in status of Snake River S/S Chinook to justify delisting the ESU and allow removal of ESA restrictions? This decision is based on the abundance, productivity, spatial structure and diversity of SRSS Chinook salmon over the prior 10 years (IC-TRT 2005). Appendix A provides the subgroup’s summary of the design elements (DQO steps 1-7) for Status and Trends monitoring that are required to answer this question. In FY05 as part of its work on DQO steps 6 and 7, the S &T subgroup began development of a simulation model that can be used for evaluating alternative designs for monitoring fish at the population, major population group and ESU scales (Figure 1); this tool will be further refined in FY06. Monitoring designs are described as high, medium, and low templates, in reference to the levels of accuracy and precision in data that are collected using each template. Alternative design templates will be compared in terms of cost ($/yr) and probability of error in decisions that are associated with individual templates. Sensitivity analysis will be used to examine how the rate and direction (type I versus type II) of decision error responds to uncertainty in monitoring data. Specific monitoring activities that will achieve high, medium, or low accuracy and precision may vary on a site by site basis. To determine how specific monitoring activities influence uncertainty in data, monitoring data must be compared to a performance standard (usually a census dataset) using calibration studies. Calibration studies can provide information on the accuracy and precision achieved by varying 1) the location and temporal pattern of measurements (“sampling design”); 2) the specific types of measurements that are to be made (“response design”); and 3) the analyses to be performed to make a decision (“evaluation design”). Sensitivity analyses will identify where uncertainty in monitoring data most strongly affects error in final decisions; thus, sensitivity analyses can identify monitoring activities for which calibration studies are justified. The immediate objective of this model is to evaluate alternative design templates for determining the status of SRSS Chinook salmon, while limiting risk in the decision to acceptable levels. The ultimate objective is to develop a tool that can be adapted for monitoring designs in other basins and for other species. Figure 1 presents maps of the current design of monitoring in the Snake Basin pilot vs. examples of alternative CSMEP low, medium and high designs that will be evaluated in FY06. 32 Figure 1. Process for developing a simulation model that can be used for evaluating alternative status and trends designs for monitoring fish at the population, major population group and ESU scales. 33 Figure 2. Mapping of current and alternative CSMEP monitoring designs (low, medium, high) for TRT populations in the Snake River Basin Sp/S chinook ESU. 34 Appendix A. CSMEP’s Status and Trends DQO Summary DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT 1. State the Problem Problem: Delisting of Snake River S/S Chinook ESU Stakeholders: States—Washington, Oregon, Idaho Tribes—NPT, SBT, CTUIR, CTWSR, YIN Federal—NOAA, USFWS, USFS, BPA, USACOE Intergovernmental—Columbia River Compact, CBFWA, CRITFC, PFMC, PSC, NPCC Other—Idaho Power, conservation groups, fishers (tribal, commercial, sport), landowners, upland land users (ranchers, farmers, municipalities, state and county governments), water users (agricultural, industrial, municipal) Interagency coordination, fiscal constraints, legal constraints, land ownership and access Non-technical Issues: Conceptual Model: Life history models 2. Identify the Decision What is the ESA listing status for Snake River S/S Chinook salmon? Principal Questions: Alternative • If status is “listed,” then recovery strategies (i.e., more restrictive management Actions: strategies at one or more points in the life history model). • If status is “delisted,” then recovery or sustainable harvest strategies. • If status is “recovered,” then sustainable harvest strategies Decision • Has there been sufficient improvement in population status of Snake River S/S Statements: Chinook ESU to justify delisting and allow removal of ESA restrictions? • Are additional management actions required for regional, ESA recovery and NPCC SAR goals? 3. Identify the Inputs Information Required: Spatial Information required Abundance Productivity Diversity structure Abundance of 9 9 9 spawners Abundance/distribution 9 9 9 9 of redds Origin of spawners 9 9 Age-structure of 9 9 9 spawners Sex ratio of spawners 9 9 Abundance/distribution 9 of juveniles Juvenile survival 9 Policy Inputs1 (9) 9 9 Sources of Data: State, tribal, and federal programs and NGSs identified in CSMEP metadata inventories Quality of Existing Data varies in level of precision and bias. Major issues: Data: • Abundance of spawners: 10 of 31 populations have weirs in combination with redd counts, 21 of 31 populations rely on redd abundance as a surrogate for spawner 35 DQO STEPS New Data Required: Analytical Methods: SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT abundance. Weir data provide precise information on abundance of spawners but no information on spawner distribution; redd data provide less precise information on abundance but also provide information on distribution of spawners. • Abundance/distribution of redds: populations vary in spatial and temporal extent and resolution. Fixed index sites are used instead of probabilistic methods for site selection. • Origin of spawners: mark quality is high, but sample sizes are low especially during years of low abundance. • Age-structure of spawners: because they are based on carcass recoveries estimates are imprecise and likely biased. As an alternative, application of a basin-wide estimate is also imprecise and likely biased at the population-level. • Sex ratio of spawners: same as for age-structure data • Abundance/distribution of juveniles: 15 of 31 have juvenile traps, 22 of 31 populations have snorkel . Trap data is more precise for abundance but give no information on distribution; snorkel data are imprecise for abundance but provide high quality information on distribution. • Survival of juveniles: PIT-tags can provide precise estimates but sample sizes are low in less productive populations. • Probabilistic sampling strategies reduce bias and likely will improve information available for spatial structure and diversity. • Existing methods may require calibration and validation to improve their utility. • Analysis of available data may indicate performance measures for which higher quality data are needed to evaluate decisions IC-TRT rules and criteria for combining measures of abundance, productivity, spatial structure, and diversity. Policy Inputs1 (9) 9 4. Define the Boundaries Snake River S/S Chinook Salmon Target Populations: Spatial Boundaries Population, MPG, and ESU levels for S/S Chinook salmon within Snake River basin. (study): Temporal Status data evaluated over generations from annual abundance data, generational Boundaries productivity data, and spatial structure and diversity data collected at unspecified (study): intervals. Data on historical distribution and productivity also are needed. Practical Legal and logistical issues with access, interagency coordination across jurisdictional Constraints: boundaries. Spatial Boundaries Delisting decision made at level of ESU. (decisions): Temporal IC-TRT rules for abundance and productivity require historical data, and 10 year series Boundaries of annual data. IC-TRT rules require spatial structure and diversity data collected at (decisions): unspecified intervals. 9 9 9 5. Decision Rules (IC-TRT Rules) Critical Two metrics (A/P and SS/D) are used to assess the status of each population. A/P Components and combines abundance and productivity VSP criteria using a viability curve. SS/D Population integrates 12 measures of spatial structure and diversity. Parameters: 9 36 DQO STEPS Critical Action Levels (Effect Sizes): SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT Risk categories are assigned at the population level for A/P using a 5% risk criterion to define viable populations. Populations scored as moderate or high risk in A/P criteria cannot meet viable standards, while populations at high risk for the 12 SS/D measures cannot be considered viable. If-Then Decision Rules: IC-TRT Draft MPG-level Viability Criteria: Low risk (viable) MPGs meet the following six criteria: 1. One-half of the populations historically within the MPG (with a minimum of two populations) must meet minimum viability standards (Section X). 2. All populations meeting viability standards within the ESU cannot be in the minimum viability category (Figure X); at least one population must be categorized as meeting more than minimum viability requirements. 3. The populations at high viability within an MPG must include proportional representation from populations classified as “Large” or “Intermediate” based on their intrinsic potential. 4. Populations not meeting viability standards should be maintained with sufficient productivity that the overall MPG productivity does not fall below replacement (i.e. these areas should not serve as significant population sinks). 5. Where possible, given other MPG viability requirements, some populations meeting viability standards should be contiguous AND some populations meeting viability standards should be disjunct from each other. 6. All major life history strategies (i.e. adult “races,” A-run/B-run, resident and anadromous) that were present historically within the MPG must be present and viable. ESU-level Viability Criteria: 1. All extant MPGs and any extirpated MPGs critical for proper functioning of the ESU must be at low risk. 2. ESUs that contained only one MPG historically must meet the following criteria: a. Two-thirds or more of the populations within the MPG historically must meet minimum viability standards; AND b. Have at least two populations categorized as meeting more than minimum viability requirements. Incorrectly concluding that delisting criteria have been achieved: • Decisions to relax ESA restrictions increase risks to the ESU Incorrectly concluding that delisting criteria have not been achieved: • Minimal biological impact given that decisions do not relax ESA restrictions • May over-invest in intensity of monitoring efforts • Unnecessary listing and restrictive measures • Loss of harvest opportunity Consequences of Decision Errors: Policy Inputs1 (9) 9 9 1 Policy Inputs - indicate with a check steps where group really needs policy feedback, presentation will elaborate on what feedback is required Steps 6 and 7. Optimizing the Design (examples) Evaluation Design (How data will be analyzed to answer a question) Sampling Design (Where and When data will be collected) Response Design (What and How data are collected) Refer to following matrices. 37 "Current" Design Template: Abundance / B1 spatial distribution B2 of redds B3 Cen-cen B4 Stat-cen B5 Stat-multi B6 Stat-once B7 Fixed-cen B8 Fixed-multi B9 Fixed-once C1 Tags C2 Hard parts C3 Length at age C4 Basinwide estimate Age structure of spawners Origin of spawners D1 D2 D3 Sex ratio of spawners E1 E2 Abundance / F1 spatial distribution F2 of smolts F3 Survival of juveniles G1 1 1 Cen-once 1 Hatchery marks, handle fish at weirs Hatchery marks, remotely sense Hatchery marks on carcasses 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Up. Salmon Up. Mainstem Valley Creek Yankee Fork East Fork Salmon River 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carcassper survey Female redd expansion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Juvenile trap 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Electrofishing Snorkel survey Mark recapture 1 1 1 Lemhi 1 1 Cen-multi 1 Up. Salmon Low. Mainstem Pahsimeroi River Panther - extirpated North Fork Marsh Creek Bear Valley Creek Sulphur Creek Upper MF Mainstem Camas Creek Loon Creek 1 1 Upper Mainstem Salmon Chamberlain Creek 1 Big Creek 1 Lower MF Mainstem Secesh 1 EFSF 1 Middle Fork SF Mainstem Up. Grande Ronde River 1 Little Salmon Lostine 1 Imnaha Mainstem SF Salmon Minam Big Sheep Creek Catherine Creek Lookingglass - extirpated Wenaha Method / Description A1 Census weir A2 Weir with MR A3 Weir without MR A4 MR survey, no weir Tucannon Data need Abundance of fish Asotin Low. Snake Grand Ronde-Imnaha 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 38 "High" Design Template: Pahsimeroi River Up. Salmon Low. Mainstem Lemhi East Fork Salmon River Yankee Fork Valley Creek Up. Salmon Up. Mainstem 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wenaha 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carcass survey Female per redd expansion 1 1 1 1 1 1 Juvenile trap Electrofishing Snorkel survey 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mark recapture 1 1 1 1 Tags Hard parts Length at age Hatchery marks, handle fish at weirs Hatchery marks, remotely sense Hatchery marks on carcasses 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Panther - extirpated 1 North Fork 1 Marsh Creek 1 Bear Valley Creek 1 Sulphur Creek 1 Upper MF Mainstem 1 Camas Creek 1 Loon Creek 1 Chamberlain Creek 1 Big Creek 1 Lower MF Mainstem 1 Secesh 1 EFSF 1 SF Mainstem 1 Little Salmon 1 Up. Grande Ronde River 1 Lostine 1 Imnaha Mainstem 1 Minam 1 Big Sheep Creek 1 Catherine Creek 1 1 Tucannon E2 Abundance / F1 spatial F2 distribution F3 Survival of juveniles G1 1 1 Asotin D3 E1 1 1 1 1 Basinwide estimate Sex ratio of spawners 1 1 1 1 C4 D2 1 1 1 Cen-cen Cen-multi Cen-once Stat-cen Stat-multi Stat-once Fixed-cen Fixed-multi Fixed-once D1 1 1 1 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C1 C2 C3 Upper Mainstem Salmon 1 1 Abundance / spatial distribution of redds Middle Fork 1 1 Method / Description A1 Census weir A2 Weir with MR A3 Weir without MR A4 MR survey, no weir Origin of spawners SF Salmon 1 Data need Abundance of fish Age structure of spawners Lookingglass - extirpated Low. Snake Grand Ronde-Imnaha 39 "Medium" Design Template: G1 Up. Salmon Up. Mainstem 1 Valley Creek 1 Yankee Fork 1 East Fork Salmon River 1 Lemhi E2 F1 F2 F3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pahsimeroi River 1 1 1 Panther - extirpated 1 Up. Salmon Low. Mainstem Abundance / spatial distribution Survival of juveniles D3 E1 1 North Fork 1 1 Marsh Creek 1 Hatchery marks, handle fish at weirs Hatchery marks, remotely sense Hatchery marks on carcasses 1 Bear Valley Creek 1 1 Sulphur Creek 1 1 Upper MF Mainstem 1 1 Camas Creek 1 1 Loon Creek 1 1 Chamberlain Creek 1 1 Big Creek 1 1 Lower MF Mainstem 1 1 Secesh Tags Hard parts Length at age 1 1 EFSF 1 SF Mainstem 1 Upper Mainstem Salmon Little Salmon 1 Middle Fork 1 Up. Grande Ronde River 1 Lostine 1 Basinwide estimate Sex ratio of spawners Imnaha Mainstem 1 Minam 1 C4 D2 Big Sheep Creek 1 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C1 C2 C3 D1 Catherine Creek Tucannon Cen-cen Cen-multi Cen-once Stat-cen Stat-multi Stat-once Fixed-cen Fixed-multi Fixed-once Abundance / spatial distribution of redds Wenaha Asotin 1 Method / Description A1 Census weir A2 Weir with MR A3 Weir without MR A4 MR survey, no weir Origin of spawners SF Salmon 1 Data need Abundance of fish Age structure of spawners Lookingglass - extirpated Low. Snake Grand Ronde-Imnaha 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carcass survey Female per redd expansion Juvenile trap Electrofishing Snorkel survey 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mark recapture 40 "Low" Design Template: Big Sheep Creek Minam Imnaha Mainstem Lostine Up. Grande Ronde River Little Salmon SF Mainstem EFSF Secesh Lower MF Mainstem Big Creek Chamberlain Creek Loon Creek Camas Creek Upper MF Mainstem Sulphur Creek Bear Valley Creek Marsh Creek North Fork Pahsimeroi River Up. Salmon Low. Mainstem Lemhi East Fork Salmon River Yankee Fork Valley Creek Up. Salmon Up. Mainstem Abundance / spatial distribution of redds B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 C1 C2 C3 Cen-cen Cen-multi Cen-once Stat-cen Stat-multi Stat-once Fixed-cen Fixed-multi Fixed-once 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tags Hard parts Length at age 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C4 Basinwide estimate Hatchery marks, handle fish at weirs Hatchery marks, remotely sense Hatchery marks on carcasses 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carcass survey Female per redd expansion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Age structure of spawners Origin of spawners D1 D2 Sex ratio of spawners Abundance / spatial distribution Survival of juveniles D3 E1 E2 F1 F2 F3 G1 Panther - extirpated Method / Description A1 Census weir A2 Weir with MR A3 Weir without MR A4 MR survey, no weir Lookingglass - extirpated Data need Abundance of fish Catherine Creek Upper Mainstem Salmon Wenaha Middle Fork Tucannon SF Salmon Asotin Low. Snake Grand Ronde-Imnaha Juvenile trap Electrofishing Snorkel survey 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mark recapture 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 "Current" Design Template: Weir without MR A4 MR survey, no weir Abundance / B1 spatial distribution B2 of redds B3 Age structure of spawners Origin of spawners Asotin 1 Tucannon 1 Big Sheep Creek Minam Lostine Wenaha Up. Salmon Up. Mainstem Valley Creek Yankee Fork Pahsimeroi River Up. Salmon Low. Mainstem East Fork Salmon River Lemhi North Fork Upper MF Mainstem Marsh Creek Bear Valley Creek Sulphur Creek Pistol Creek Loon Creek Camas Creek Lower MF Mainstem 1 Stat-multi Stat-once B7 Fixed-cen B8 Fixed-multi B9 Fixed-once C1 Tags C2 Hard parts C3 Length at age 1 1 1 1 C4 Basinwide estimate 1 1 1 1 1 1 E2 Abundance / F1 spatial distribution F2 of smolts F3 Survival of juveniles G1 1 1 1 1 1 B6 D3 Big Creek 1 1 Cen-once Stat-cen E1 Chamberlain Creek Little Salmon EFSF 1 Cen-multi B5 D1 1 1 Cen-cen B4 D2 Sex ratio of spawners 1 Imnaha Mainstem A3 1 Low. Snake Grand Ronde-Imnaha Up. Grande Ronde River Census weir Weir with MR Upper Mainstem Salmon Catherine Creek A1 A2 Little SCham Middle Fork SF Salmon Secesh Abundance of fish Method / Description SF Mainstem Data need Hatchery marks, handle fish at weirs Hatchery marks, remotely sense Hatchery marks on carcasses 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Juvenile trap 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Electrofishing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Snorkel survey 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carcass survey Female per redd expansion Mark recapture 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 42 1 "High" Design Template: Age structure of spawners Origin of spawners Pistol Creek Sulphur Creek Bear Valley Creek Marsh Creek Upper MF Mainstem North Fork Lemhi Yankee Fork Valley Creek Up. Salmon Up. Mainstem Wenaha Lostine Minam Catherine Creek Up. Grande Ronde River Imnaha Mainstem Big Sheep Creek Tucannon Asotin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pahsimeroi River Up. Salmon Low. Mainstem East Fork Salmon River Loon Creek 1 1 1 MR survey, no weir Cen-cen Cen-multi 1 1 Cen-once B4 Stat-cen B5 Stat-multi B6 Stat-once B7 Fixed-cen B8 Fixed-multi B9 Fixed-once C1 Tags 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C2 Hard parts 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C3 Length at age C4 Basinwide estimate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carcass survey Female per redd expansion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Juvenile trap 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Snorkel survey 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mark recapture 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D1 D2 D3 Sex ratio of spawners Camas Creek A4 Abundance / B1 spatial distribution B2 of redds B3 Lower MF Mainstem Weir without MR Big Creek A3 Chamberlain Creek Census weir Weir with MR Low. Snake Grand Ronde-Imnaha Little Salmon A1 A2 Upper Mainstem Salmon EFSF Abundance of fish Little SCham Middle Fork SF Salmon Secesh Method / Description SF Mainstem Data need E1 E2 Abundance / F1 spatial distribution F2 of smolts F3 Survival of juveniles G1 Hatchery marks, handle fish at weirs Hatchery marks, remotely sense Hatchery marks on carcasses Electrofishing 43 "Medium" Design Template Age structure of spawners Origin of spawners Weir without MR Asotin Tucannon Big Sheep Creek Imnaha Mainstem Up. Grande Ronde River Catherine Creek Minam Lostine Up. Salmon Up. Mainstem Valley Creek Yankee Fork Pahsimeroi River Up. Salmon Low. Mainstem East Fork Salmon River Lemhi North Fork Upper MF Mainstem Marsh Creek Bear Valley Creek Sulphur Creek Pistol Creek Loon Creek Camas Creek Lower MF Mainstem Big Creek Wenaha 1 1 Stat-cen B7 Fixed-cen B8 Fixed-multi B9 Fixed-once C1 Tags C2 Hard parts C3 Length at age C4 Basinwide estimate E2 Abundance / F1 spatial distribution F2 of smolts F3 Survival of juveniles G1 1 Cen-once Stat-multi E1 1 Cen-multi Stat-once D3 Sex ratio of spawners 1 Cen-cen B6 D2 1 Low. Snake Grand Ronde-Imnaha MR survey, no weir B5 D1 Chamberlain Creek Weir with MR A3 B4 1 Upper Mainstem Salmon Census weir A2 A4 Abundance / B1 spatial distribution B2 of redds B3 Little Salmon A1 EFSF Abundance of fish Little SCham Middle Fork SF Salmon Secesh Method / Description SF Mainstem Data need Hatchery marks, handle fish at weirs Hatchery marks, remotely sense Hatchery marks on carcasses 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carcass survey Female per redd expansion Juvenile trap 1 1 1 1 1 Electrofishing Snorkel survey 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mark recapture 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 "Low" Design Template: Age structure of spawners Origin of spawners 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Asotin 1 Tucannon 1 Big Sheep Creek 1 Imnaha Mainstem 1 Up. Grande Ronde River 1 Catherine Creek 1 Minam 1 Lostine 1 Wenaha 1 Up. Salmon Up. Mainstem 1 Valley Creek 1 Yankee Fork 1 Pahsimeroi River Up. Salmon Low. Mainstem East Fork Salmon River 1 Lemhi 1 North Fork 1 Upper MF Mainstem Bear Valley Creek 1 Marsh Creek Sulphur Creek 1 Pistol Creek 1 Loon Creek 1 Low. Snake Grand Ronde-Imnaha 1 1 1 1 Cen-cen Cen-multi Cen-once B4 Stat-cen B5 Stat-multi B6 Stat-once B7 Fixed-cen B8 Fixed-multi B9 Fixed-once C1 Tags C2 Hard parts 1 1 1 C3 Length at age 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C4 Basinwide estimate Hatchery marks, handle fish at weirs Hatchery marks, remotely sense Hatchery marks on carcasses 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carcass survey Female per redd expansion 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Snorkel survey 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mark recapture 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D1 D2 D3 Sex ratio of spawners 1 Camas Creek MR survey, no weir Abundance / B1 spatial distribution B2 of redds B3 Lower MF Mainstem Weir without MR A4 Big Creek Weir with MR A3 Upper Mainstem Salmon Chamberlain Creek Census weir A2 Little Salmon A1 EFSF Abundance of fish Little SCham Middle Fork SF Salmon Secesh Method / Description SF Mainstem Data need E1 E2 Abundance / F1 spatial distribution F2 of smolts F3 Survival of juveniles G1 1 1 1 1 Juvenile trap Electrofishing 45 CSMEP – Harvest Action Effectiveness Subgroup Targeted fisheries on salmon are managed by setting allowable catch, catch allocations and open periods for each fishery prior to opening a fishery (considering escapement goals and preseason/updated run predictions) and then adjusting those regulations as runs develop. However, both mark-selective and non-selective fisheries can exert mortality on non-targeted stocks of anadromous, adfluvial, and resident species that are incidentally intercepted. Removal of fish in fisheries can potentially affect spawners, life history diversity and the spatial structure of populations. The Harvest Subgroup has therefore been focused on developing alternative M&E designs that improve data for harvest pre-season and in-season decisions. Such designs must be able to answer two general classes of harvest questions: 1. What are the inseason estimates of run size and escapement for each stock management group (target and non-target) and how do they compare to preseason estimates? 2. What is the target and nontarget harvest and when is it projected to reach allowable levels? Appendix A provides the Harvest Subgroup’s summary of the design elements (DQO steps 1-7) for harvest monitoring that are required to answer these questions. 46 Appendix A. CSMEP Harvest DQO Summary DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT (Snake River spring/summer chinook ESU) Policy Inputs1 (9) 1. State the Problem Problem: Targeted fisheries on Chinook, steelhead, coho, and (in some years) sockeye are managed by setting allowable catch and catch allocation limits and open periods for each fishery prior to opening a fishery (considering escapement goals and preseason and updated run predictions) and then adjusting those openings and limits as runs develop and catches are totaled. Both mark-selective and non-selective fisheries exert mortality on non-targeted stocks of anadromous, adfluvial, and resident species that are incidentally intercepted. Removal of fish in fisheries can potentially affect the number of mature adults that spawn in natural and artificial production areas on a seasonal basis and potentially affect diversity and spatial structure of population components on a longer term basis if removals are selective of phenotypes (e.g., size, sex or age). Fishing opportunity in areas with mixed stocks and species inevitably results in bycatch of nontargeted species or stocks. Because such bycatch counts towards the harvest of the bycaught species, it must be accounted for. If the bycatch in a particular non-targeting fishery exceeds allowable catch or impacts set for that fishery or some other pre-specified limit, then management actions will come into play. The type of action will depend on the fishery, on the bycaught species and on management agreements in place. Take includes direct harvest, indirect harvest (released fish that die or non-target landed fish). It may also be worth considering the impact on fitness of catch and released fish. Stakeholders: State agencies and tribes that co-manage fisheries impacting anadromous fish populations: • • • • • • • • • • Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation Yakama Nation Idaho Department of Fish & Game National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of Fort Hall U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Non-technical Issues: Impacts to fish from other “H’s” and changes to fish marking programs are both technical and policy issues; other non-technical issues are changes to artificial production schedules, consumer market demands and health concerns (toxins). Conceptual Model: Track components of run size and the methods of estimating them through the Columbia River tribal, commercial and sport fisheries from the lower estuary to the tributaries of the Snake River basin for Snake River spring-summer chinook salmon. For example, natural origin Snake River spring Chinook salmon can be intercepted in mark-selective commercial and sport fisheries downstream of Bonneville Dam, selective sport fisheries between Bonneville and McNary dams, and in the lower Snake River; in traditional Treaty fisheries between Bonneville and McNary dams; and in terminal selective sport and Treaty fisheries in Snake Basin tributaries. Snake River natural spring /summer chinook are assumed by managers to have very low impact rates in ocean fisheries. 2. Identify the Decision Principal Questions: What are the inseason estimates of run size and escapement for each management group (target and non-target) and how do they compare to preseason estimates? What is the target and nontarget harvest and when is it projected to reach allowable levels? 9 Alternative Actions: Open or close various fisheries; Increased or decreased harvest opportunities for fishers. 9 Decision Statements: Open Fishery X during periods a, b, and c subject to the catch not exceeding Y for target species M and Z for nontarget species M. Once the bycatch is projected to reach to quota, then the fishery would be halted, postponed, or reshaped. 9 47 DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT (Snake River spring/summer chinook ESU) Policy Inputs1 (9) 3. Identify the Inputs Information Required: Catch, Effort, CPUE, stock identification (for mainstem spring season fisheries, the only stock identification used in season is for below Bonneville fisheries where separation between Willamette and Upriver stocks are made. Age-specific estimates of the numbers of each management unit (stock) in the escapement. Age specific data is only used in forecasting, not in in-season fishery management. Sources of Data: Mainstem commercial, subsistence, ceremonial, and sport fisheries, Hatcheries, dams, previous fisheries, natural spawning estimates, and mark samples. Quality of Existing Data: The main source of uncertainty is statistical sampling error and perhaps bias due to assumption violations, such as error in assumptions regarding release mortality rates. Decision making is typically based on point estimates of take and addresses the uncertainties by adopting conservative actions. (See Table at back of handout) New Data Required: More data, more research on mortality rates resulting from interceptions with varying gears (e.g., hook and release, tangle net release, and others). There is considerable uncertainty in tangle net release mortality rates. There have also been wide ranging estimates made for hook and release mortality rates. There are debates about whether hook location, barbed vs. barbless or environmental (i.e., temperature) are the most important determinant of release mortality. There are no estimates currently in use for net dropout rates for Columbia River net fisheries. Expansion of Genetic Stock Identification (GSI) baseline sampling and in-season sampling of catch and escapement. There has been only limited GSI sampling of fish from harvest. (See Table at back of handout) Analytical Methods: Stock-recruitment relationships have been used to set escapement goals for some Columbia Basin salmon populations. Cohort analyses have been used to develop pre-season expectations. There are no agreed to escapement goals for the entire Snake River spring/summer chinook ESU. There are some tributary return goals, but these have not been useful for mainstem fishery management. (See Table at back of handout) 4. Define the Boundaries Target Populations: ESA listed salmonids including Snake Basin Chinook, sockeye, and steelhead ESUs. It should be noted that the Snake River spring/summer ESU includes all naturally spawning spring/summer chinook populations in the Snake Basin except from the Clearwater. This fact complicates management below the Mouth of the Clearwater, because estimates of natural origin Snake River spring/summer chinook below the Clearwater are a mix of listed and nonlisted fish. All anadromous populations impacted by mainstem and tributary fisheries during the time that Snake River spring Chinook are migrating upstream. Spatial Boundaries (study) The Columbia River below Priest Rapids dam, Snake River to the WA, ID border, as well as terminal fisheries in Snake River tributaries. Temporal Boundaries (study) Annual March through June for all mainstem fisheries May through July for Snake Basin tributary fisheries. Practical Constraints: Budget; time required to analyze sample data in-season. Spatial Boundaries (decisions): The Columbia River below the mouth of the Snake River, Snake River to the WA, ID border, as well as terminal fisheries in Snake River tributaries. Temporal Boundaries (decisions): Annual and in-season when data are available. 5. Decision Rules 48 DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT (Snake River spring/summer chinook ESU) Policy Inputs1 (9) Critical Components and Population Parameters: Harvest number, harvest rate, age and stock composition, escapement by stock. 9 Critical Action Levels (Effect Sizes): Varies by return size. Formulas set by compact and treaty requirements. 9 If-Then Decision Rules: 9 1. If the catch of upriver spring chinook and Snake River spring or summer Chinook approaches X% of the total upriver spring chinook and Snake River spring summer chinook run size at the Columbia River Mouth in the mainstem Columbia River tribal spring management period Zone 6 fishery, then the fishery will be closed. X% depends on the allowed harvest rate in the management agreement that is based on the updated river mouth run size. There is a stepped harvest rate schedule in the current mainstem management agreement. 2. If the catch and/or handling mortality of wild upriver spring chinook and Snake River spring/summer Chinook approaches X% of the wild run size in the mainstem Columbia River non-tribal commercial or select area fishery, then the fishery will {decision type here – in-season adjustments to effort level, gear type, duration, etc.}. The decision will depend on if the sport/commercial allocation limit is being approached or if the overall wild impact limit is being approached. 3. If the catch and/or handling mortality of wild upriver spring chinook and Snake River spring /summer Chinook approaches X% of the cumulative run in the mainstem Columbia River recreational fishery, select area sport fishery, or Washington Lower Snake River sport fishery, then the fishery will {decision type here – in-season adjustments to effort level, gear type, duration, etc.}. The decision will depend on if the sport/commercial allocation limit is being approached or if the overall wild impact limit is being approached. 4. If the catch and/or handle of the Snake River spring or summer Chinook approaches X% of the cumulative run in the terminal area tribal fishery in any part of the Snake River Basin, then the fishery will {decision type here – inseason adjustments to effort level, gear type, duration, etc.}. The actual harvest limits in any terminal fishery depend both on the allowed ESA take if any and the state tribal allocation agreements and escapement objectives that may be in place in any year. 5. If the catch and/or handle of the Snake River spring or summer Chinook approaches X% of the cumulative run in the terminal area non-tribal fishery of the Columbia River, then the fishery will {decision type here – in-season adjustments to effort level, gear type, duration, etc.}. The actual harvest limits in any terminal fishery depend both on the allowed ESA take if any and the state tribal allocation agreements and escapement objectives that may be in place in any year. Consequences of Decision Errors: Management is dependent on point estimates rather than on hypothesis testing so a discussion of precision is relevant as opposed to a discussion of Type I and Type II error. There is no defined precision criteria except that a 20% sample is the goal for species composition. 1Policy 9 Inputs - checked steps indicate where group really needs policy feedback Steps 6 and 7. Optimizing the Design (examples) Evaluation Design (How data will be analyzed to answer a question) Sampling Design (Where and When data will be collected) Response Design (What and How data are collected) Refer to following table 49 From Tables A1 and C1. For each population: General Specific method to Performance method to Level of Measure estimate PM estimate PM Resolution Applicability Strengths Additional cost (e.g., access, logistics, # units per equipment needs, year (sites addl spls needed not covered in data x Cost per unit of data replicates) already available ) Stock composition Visual Stock Identification Biological sampling for phenotypic characteristic s (light vs. dark faces). Above Bonneville ESU's as a whole vs. Willamette PIT tags Individual Tagging program and fish, recovery program (with tag detectors). Coded-wire tags Tagging program and recovery program. Need fin clip or wands to detect CWT presence so CWT can be removed for later analysis. Tag group (typically 10,000200,000 fish) To Spring Chinook below Bonneville fisheries or other stockselectivity based on run timing Weaknesses quick, low resolution; subjective, inexpensive, uncertain accuracy, limited non-invasive, applicability Qualitative assessmen t of relative Dataset precision required L Biosampling of catch List of hatchery and wild PIT tagging programs (Jeff) H tagging expense, cannot tag all sizes, tagging mortality higher compared to CWT, tags lost if fish cleaned before sampling, detection requires investment in detectors (no visible mark); not enough wands in sampling programs to take advantage of the existing PIT tags. Marks released by origin and recoveries from appropriatel y sampled catch List of hatchery and wild CWT tagging programs. Willamette Springs (Jeff/Earl Trial, Tom OR Annette WA) recovery relatively expensive, data not typically quickly available, batch mark, need external mark or detector to recover tag. Invasive recovery. Marks released by origin and recoveries from appropriatel y sampled catch Total cost for data acquisitio n Accuracy and Precision Bias of of Input Input Data Data Accuracy and Precision of Method Bias of Method High High High Low High High High Low 50 From Tables A1 and C1. For each population: General Specific method to Performance method to Level of Measure estimate PM estimate PM Resolution Applicability Strengths Additional cost (e.g., access, logistics, # units per equipment needs, year (sites addl spls needed not x covered in data Cost per unit of data replicates) already available ) Scale-Pattern Laboratory Recognition analysis of scale growth patterns (either visual or measuring). Generally hatchery/wil d, has limited ability to identify specific origin Typically used to distinguish H:W and is also used to differentiate the two primary Columbia basin sockeye stocks. Weaknesses Qualitative assessmen t of relative Dataset precision required Limited application, visual M/L scale analysis may be subjective, training for proper scale sampling and interpretation, scale preparation expense, usually a delay between sampling and analysis, need baseline dataset if scale analysis is conducted by measuring scales (and lab time for this process). Total cost for data acquisitio n Accuracy and Precision Bias of of Input Input Data Data Accuracy and Precision of Method Bias of Method Scale growth patterns from appropriatel y sampled catch as well as known-stock samples. High Low Dependent Low if on degree of correctly differences used in growth characteristi cs. Method often works well for small numbers of stocks (2-3) but poorly for larger numbers of stocks (5 or more). Lab work on appropriate tissue samples from sampled catch High High High Run reconstructio n Otolith Research Needed Laboratory analysis of otolith growth patterns. Invasive recovery mark. No M/H external features to distinguished marked fish. Sample preparation time. Need trained people to recover otoliths and to analyze patterns. Can be used Hatchery to rearing differentiate programs properly marked hatchery stocks. Annette talk with Steve Schroeder; Tom talk with Curt Melcher Genetic Stock Micro-satellite Annette talk Identification technology; with Sewall DNA analysis to describe of status quo. frequencies in No age catch information. optimized against known frequencies of donor populations. Depends on coverage of baseline information. Samples cheap and simple to collect from every fish, non-invasive Baseline needs development (? Talk with Sewell); data processing expensive M Low 51 From Tables A1 and C1. For each population: General Specific method to Performance method to Level of Measure estimate PM estimate PM Resolution Applicability Strengths Additional cost (e.g., access, logistics, # units per equipment needs, year (sites addl spls needed not x covered in data Cost per unit of data replicates) already available ) Elemental analysis of hard body parts Incidental mortality (post-release mortality of unharvested fish encountered in fishery). Laboratory analysis of otoliths or scales for elemental composition Currently hatchery rearing programs, potential applicability for wild stocks. No external features to distinguish marked fish. Sample preparation time. Need trained people to recover otoliths. Expensive (except for tetracycline marks which fluoresce). FDA concerns with regards to adding elements to food/water for hatchery fish. Extensive research needed regarding applicability for wild fish. Various batch Apply mark or Identify fish tag and marking group. recover by methods examining fish. Currently used for small programs for research purposes Limited number of marks available to distinguish groups of fish. Often poorly coordinated, difficult to find origin of batch marked fish. Angler interviews/Ru n reconstructio n Size and species selective fisheries Release mortality rate is unknown and must be supplied from elsewhere subjecting these estimates to bias. Depends on voluntary reporting or reporting from memory on releases and angler ability to differentiate species and run reconstruction assumptions. Interview anglers regarding release rates are used to estimate the number of fish released and run reconstructio n is then used to divide the released fish into species/stock /age categories Can be used to differentiate properly marked hatchery stocks. Some potential (research required) to differentiate natural origin stocks using natural differences in composition. Weaknesses Specific fisheries and resolution subject to same criteria as under run reconstructio n with stock composition Qualitative assessmen t of relative Dataset precision required M/H Total cost for data acquisitio n Accuracy and Precision Bias of of Input Input Data Data Accuracy and Precision of Method Bias of Method Marks released by origin and recoveries from appropriatel y sampled catch 52 From Tables A1 and C1. For each population: General Specific method to Performance method to Level of Measure estimate PM estimate PM Resolution Applicability Strengths Additional cost (e.g., access, logistics, # units per equipment needs, year (sites addl spls needed not x covered in data Cost per unit of data replicates) already available ) Test fishing Bycatch to catch encounters (defining conversion rate) Specific fisheries and resolution subject to same criteria as under stock composition Size and species selective fisheries subject to data (tagging programs) as under stock composition. Double Index Hatchery Tag Program programs release companion marked/tagge d fish and unmarked/tag ged fish. MarkSpecific fisheries and selective stocks fisheries represented by the DIT program Test fisheries Time and general area. marked to unmarked ratio using double index tags. Post release mortality rates Test fishing for catch characteristic s subject to same data consideration s as stock composition rates from To the paired related tag fisheries, group. release rates, or escapement rates. Weaknesses Qualitative assessmen t of relative Dataset precision required Total cost for data acquisitio n Accuracy and Precision Bias of of Input Input Data Data Accuracy and Precision of Method Bias of Method Release mortality rate is unknown and must be supplied from elsewhere subjecting these estimates to bias. Needs routine application during run, otherwise limited by time and geography. Release mortality rate is unknown and must be supplied from elsewhere subjecting these estimates to bias. Foregone harvest on unmarked DIT group, cost of doubling tagging program; electronic detection equipment, sampling expense (must sample all fish returning, not just marked fish) Size and species selective Mark selective fisheries Captive holding All selective To catch method and fisheries fishery. Compare recovery rates of between test and control groups of fish. Specific fisheries measured on. Commercial fisheries, research needed to apply to recreational fisheries. 53 From Tables A1 and C1. For each population: General Specific method to Performance method to Level of Measure estimate PM estimate PM Resolution Applicability Strengths Weaknesses Additional cost (e.g., access, logistics, # units per equipment needs, year (sites addl spls needed not x covered in data Cost per unit of data replicates) already available ) Fishing Effort Aerial surveys Count and Daily to categorize weekly nets or fishing boats Limited to commercial net fisheries and recreational boat fisheries Limited by geography, visibility, safety, and budget Interview anglers regarding fishing effort Daily to weekly Currently used for recreational fisheries, could be used for other fisheries Lots of staff time required, relies on honest answers, need accessible anglers, difficult to get a representative sample Mandatory Interview check station anglers at check point on fishing effort. Daily to weekly Generally applied to terminal fisheries in restricted access areas. Depends on honest answers from anglers. Limited by geography. Landing Tickets By sale daily Commercial fishery at a licensed buyer. Recreational Angler interviews Catch (number of harvested fish) Each commercial sale generates a receipt with species and weight. Average weight during fishery period. To zone and Angler Voluntary day up to Harvest return of sampling Record Cards angler harvest cards validated through followup survey Commercial fishery at a licensed buyer. Widely applicable, but restricted by participation Not all fish are sold to commercial buyers. Numbers of fish generally not recorded. difficult to apply a representative design. Qualitative assessmen t of relative Dataset precision required Total cost for data acquisitio n Accuracy and Precision Bias of of Input Input Data Data Accuracy and Precision of Method Bias of Method Boat counts categorized by angler type H Reported landings (pounds) by species. Number of fish and total weigh of batch Participation (return of cards L not enforced). High potential for bias by nonrepresentative card return. Delay in processing; historical record rather than management tool. Reported harvest by individual angler Catch per Effort 54 From Tables A1 and C1. For each population: General Specific method to Performance method to Level of Measure estimate PM estimate PM Resolution Applicability Strengths Additional cost (e.g., access, logistics, # units per equipment needs, year (sites addl spls needed not x covered in data Cost per unit of data replicates) already available ) Angler interviews Interviews of To zone and anglers day up to stratified by sampling angler type, weekday/wee kend/holiday. Weaknesses Qualitative assessmen t of relative Dataset precision required Total cost for data acquisitio n Accuracy and Precision Bias of of Input Input Data Data Accuracy and Precision of Method Bias of Method Currently used for recreational fisheries, could be used for other fisheries Mandatory check station "Over the Bank" sales monitoring "On-board" monitoring of fishing vessels Harvest Rate Marked fish (estimated exploitation proportion of estimate stock that is harvested in specific fishery) Catch/run size Fishery recoveries of known marked fish population F/(Ncr-Fo) [Where: F = Estimated harvestrelated mortality; Ncr = Estimated population abundance at Columbia River mouth; Fo = ocean harvestrelated mortality] 55 From Tables A1 and C1. For each population: General Specific method to Performance method to Level of Measure estimate PM estimate PM Resolution Applicability Strengths Additional cost (e.g., access, logistics, # units per equipment needs, year (sites addl spls needed not x covered in data Cost per unit of data replicates) already available ) Age Composition of catch Indicator stock monitoring - Ocean fisheries assumed to have similar exploitation rates on fish from a group of stocks or rivers that mix fully. PIT tags Recapture of PIT tagged individuals. High precision in total age assignment for individuals. (May not provide a freshwater/sal twater age breakdown.) Requires recapture of fish tagged as known age juveniles. Weaknesses Qualitative assessmen t of relative Dataset precision required H Recovery of sufficiently large number of PIT tags from fish that adequately represent the catch. Total cost for data acquisitio n Accuracy and Precision Bias of of Input Input Data Data High Likely high as stocks comprisi ng catch not PIT tagged proportio nally Accuracy and Precision of Method High, but may not be able to separate total age into freshwater and saltwater age Bias of Method Likely high due to catch not PIT tagged proportio nally 56 From Tables A1 and C1. For each population: General Specific method to Performance method to Level of Measure estimate PM estimate PM Resolution Applicability Strengths Additional cost (e.g., access, logistics, # units per equipment needs, year (sites addl spls needed not x covered in data Cost per unit of data replicates) already available ) Coded-wire tags Recapture of CWT individuals. High precision in total age assignment for individuals. (May not provide a freshwater/sal twater age breakdown.) Requires recapture of fish tagged as known age juveniles. Scale analysis Interpret scale patterns Weaknesses Qualitative assessmen t of relative Dataset precision required M Scales collected from an appropriatel y sampled catch. Total cost for data acquisitio n Accuracy and Precision Bias of of Input Input Data Data Accuracy and Precision of Method Bias of Method High Likely high as stocks comprisi ng catch not tagged proportio nally High Low if Moderate, Moderat properly depends on e sampled reader, availability of knownage scale samples, scale condition, species, and run High, but may not be able to separate total age into freshwater and saltwater age Likely high due to catch not tagged proportio nally 57 CSMEP – Hydrosystem Action Effectiveness Subgroup The existence and operation of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) is one of the more important anthropogenic factors influencing mainstem survival of listed and proposed ESUs. Decisions on FCRPS actions can directly or indirectly affect survival of these stocks. Monitoring of the expected and actual effectiveness of these actions (e.g., juvenile collection, bypass, and transportation; water management; offsite mitigation) is essential for reliable decisions (Figure 1). Columbia River Ice Harbor Lower Monumental Little Goose Lower Granite Snake River McNary The Dalles John Day Bonneville In-river Spawning & Rearing Estuary Transported Ocean Figure 1. Illustration of the different scales of interest for monitoring the effects of the hydrosystem on salmon survival rates: survival at individual projects, survival by different passage routes through the entire hydrosystem, post-Bonneville survival of different groups of fish, smolt to adult return rates back to Lower Granite Dam, and overall life cycle survival back to the spawning ground. Moving from smaller to larger scales results in more 58 confounding from other factors (ocean conditions, hatcheries, harvest), but also provides an assessment of indirect effects over a larger portion of the life cycle. The CSMEP Hydro Subgroup is integrating monitoring designs with other CSMEP subgroups, particularly related to PIT-tagging. CSMEP’s Hydro Subgroup took on a subset of hydro management questions across several scales: individual projects, survival by different passage routes through the hydrosystem, and overall life cycle survival. These different scales relate to a variety of decisions: operations at individual projects (e.g., spill, bypass, removable spillway weirs); overall operations (e.g., when to transport fish within season, compliance with hydrosystem biological opinions), longer term hydrosystem decisions (e.g., flow management, effectiveness of transportation over multiple years, system configuration); and adequacy of hydrosystem operations for stock recovery. Moving along these scales, the performance measures of interest change. Performance measures range from direct survival at and between dams, to smolt-to-adult survival rates (e.g., smolts leaving Lower Granite Dam to adults returning there 2-3 years later) to inferences about delayed mortality from contrasts in mortality patterns (contrasts in recruits/spawner or smolt-to-adult survival rates). At the largest scales, other factors come into play (estuary, ocean, harvest, etc.) which make it harder to isolate the signal from the hydrosystem. Appendix A provides the Hydro Subgroup’s summary of the design elements (DQO steps 1-7) for hydro monitoring. The choices that are available to improve the quality of information for hydrosystem decisions, and reduce the risks of making incorrect decisions, include: the number of years of data collected, the magnitude of tagging effort, the number of stocks that are monitored, the ability to filter out year to year natural variation and isolate the signal of management actions, and implementation of deliberate manipulations of hydrosystem operations to reduce uncertainty in effectiveness evaluations. Our analyses indicate that for some questions, simply adding more tags won’t improve the quality of information unless one can filter out the effects of year to year natural variation. CSMEP has developed, and is continuing to assess alternative methods of data analysis that filter out this variation. For many of these questions, CSMEP has developed low, medium and high alternative designs and explored the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. 59 Appendix A. CSMEP Hydrosystem DQO Summary DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT Policy Needed (9) 1. State the Problem Problem: The existence and operation of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) is one of the more important anthropogenic factors influencing mainstem survival of three ESUs of concern to this Snake River [SR] pilot study: SR spring/summer chinook, SR fall chinook, and SR steelhead. ESA-listed bull trout are also affected, but are not considered in this pilot study. Decisions on FCRPS actions directly or indirectly affecting survival of these stocks are conducted under the authority of the ESA. Information on the expected and actual effectiveness of these actions (e.g., juvenile collection, bypass, and transportation; water management; offsite mitigation) is essential for reliable decisions. There is a need to assess what quality of data are required to: 1) reliably detect the effects of FCRPS actions on fish survival rates; and 2) reliably compare survival rates to pre-defined goals. Stakeholders: NMFS makes FCRPS management decisions under the ESA for the three ESUs considered in this preliminary analysis. USFWS also assesses FCRPS effects on bull trout under ESA. Other stakeholders affected by these decisions: state agencies and tribes that co-manage the fisheries resource; federal fishery agencies that implement ESA and hydropower mitigation management; federal agencies that operate and market electricity from the FCRPS and fund mitigation activities; commercial, recreational and tribal fishers: power users. Non-technical Issues affecting M & E: Funding, legal authority to handle and mark fish, legal authority to place detection structures in fishways, decisions on dam operations that affect detection rates and/or influence contrasts among different groups (e.g., volume of spill, bypass/barging operations); ongoing BiOp/Remand considerations. Conceptual Model: Assessment of hydrosystem impacts involves a suite of four sets of indices: 1) direct survival (project pathway, reach, entire hydrosystem); 2) SAR overall; 3) SAR ratios (T/I, D, upriver / downriver stocks); and 4) recruits/spawner (spatial/temporal patterns). Moving from 1 to 4 results in more confounding from other factors (ocean conditions, hatcheries, harvest), but also provides an assessment of indirect effects over a larger portion of the life cycle. 2. Identify the Decision Decisions / Alternative Actions Hydro Action Effectiveness Questions [Section of Report on DQO steps 6-7; Status of Work to Date 1 ] [Example feedback required] Are SARs, and important SAR ratios relating to effectiveness of transportation, meeting NPCC and BiOp targets? Is SAR sufficient for 1) NPCC goal 2 & 2) recovery goals? [6.1; A] Is transportation more effective than in-river passage? [6.1; A] What is the relative survival of transported fish post-BONN, compared to in-river fish (D)? [6.1; A] {no regulatory target} Has hydrosystem complied with performance standards set out in 2000 FCRPS BiOp? [6.2; A] {If targets not met (by how much?), then may need to consider changes in FCRPS operations (e.g., when, how much to transport) or configuration.} 9 Should FCRPS change timing of transportation of some species within season? How does effectiveness of transportation change over the course of the season? [6.5; A] {Are Snake R wild chinook equally important as wild steelhead? Are wild chinook more important than hatchery chinook?} 9 1 Status of Work to Date: A: Have posed testable hypotheses; explored precision of alternative evaluation, sampling and response designs; still need to do more work and assess costs; B: Have clarified questions and described evaluation design; need to do more work on forming hypotheses, assessing precision of alternative sampling and response designs; C: Have only clarified questions 2 Pg. 13 of NPCC mainstem amendments of 2003-2004. www.nwcouncil.org/library/2003/200311.pdf ; interim goals of 2-6% SAR 60 DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT Policy Needed (9) Is the cumulative What’s the incremental mortality of Snake R fish populations (passing 8 dams) as compared to lower Columbia effect of hydrosystem stocks passing 1-3 dams? [6.3; B] actions and estuary- What is the inferred delayed mortality of both in-river and transported fish? [6.4; B] ocean conditions leading to stock recovery? {No regulatory target} 9 Are current flow and What is the effect of different flow management actions in the hydrosystem on SAR and Sp/Sp ratios? [6.6; B] spill management What is the effect of different flow and spill management actions on in-river survival? [6.7; A-B] actions meeting {Need to confirm targets} survival targets? If not, should FCRPS change these actions? 9 Is offsite mitigation Have freshwater habitat restoration actions been sufficient to compensate for hydrosystem direct and delayed working? mortality, as measured on the Snake R aggregate sp/sum chinook stock? [6.9; B] {No regulatory target} 9 Are dam project operations maintaining desired targets for fish survival rates and condition? {FCRPS Biological Opinion and other targets} 9 What are the survival rates and condition of fish past turbines, spillway and bypass routes of passage? How would RSWs change SARs and Sp/Sp? Would RSWs be an effective alternative to transportation? Would the reduced spill associated with RSWs affect fish survival and condition? [6.8; C] Review current operational targets for project survival, fish guidance, etc. with BPA, Army Corps Decision Statements: Decision rules are within purview of agency with statutory authority. Logically, decision rules should: • anticipate survival changes in the mainstem;, • address management measures for all the Hs, • incorporate adult and juvenile data (consider indirect effects); • project stock abundance over many decades; and • accommodate gradual improvements in habitat condition and habitat deterioration that could offset hydrosystem effects. 9 3. Identify the Inputs Information Required: Estimates of direct survival rates and SARs for a contrasting range of: mainstem passage timings and routes (transported vs. in-river; bypass vs. spillway vs. turbine); species (spring/summer chinook, fall chinook, steelhead, sockeye); stock origins (upstream vs. downstream; wild vs. hatchery). Estimates of estuary/ocean survival rates are required to assess delayed mortality; these are inferred from estimates of in-river survival, SARs, recruits / spawner, and the proportion of fish below Bonneville Dam that were transported. Estimates of the feasibility of achieving survival improvements across all H’s need to be merged for evaluating the most promising suite of actions for recovering populations. Sources of Data: Direct survival estimates through the hydro system and estuary/ocean through tagging and recapture: coded wire tags, PIT tags, balloon tags, radio tags, hydro acoustic technologies. Other survival and recruitment estimates used to estimate estuary/ocean survival, climate/ocean effects and delayed mortality: dam counts, redd counts, carcass counts, age analysis from scales. 61 DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT Quality of Existing Data: Data quality varies by the question of interest, species and stock origin: • Precision of survival estimates greatly improved since the use of PIT tags; • Precision of survival estimates varies with number of fish tagged: estimates for hatchery spring/summer chinook and steelhead more precise than for wild fish; estimates for entire year’s migration more precise than for within-year groups; poor estimates for fall chinook • Tagging methods to determine the relative survival rates of fish through different dam passage routes have various weaknesses • Recruit/spawner estimates have various limitations but also have long time series; contrasts in SARs provide better signal of hydrosystem effects • Intensive studies of smolt health and estuary survival not yet linked to SAR data for various PIT-tagged groups, to understand mechanisms of delayed mortality New Data Required: • Higher precision in SARs to improve reliability and speed of responses to key questions • PIT-tag based SAR data for fall chinook (hatchery) • Improved ability to assess differences in spring/summer chinook SARs across contrasts in passage • • Analytical Methods: Policy Needed (9) route, timing, and stock origin Better linkage of physiology studies below Bonneville with SAR data See tables and charts at end of this handout Methods for estimating precision of reach survival, SARs and SAR ratios (e.g., T:I, D) are well developed. Methods for inferring delayed mortality are indirect, involve many inputs, and are less precise. Challenge is to develop evaluation methods that filter out natural year to year variation (as well as other confounding factors) to isolate hydrosystem effects and answer key questions in an acceptable timeframe. 4. Define the Boundaries Target Populations: Snake River spring/summer chinook, fall chinook, steelhead and sockeye examined to date; bull trout also of interest Spatial Boundaries (study) From entrance into hydrosystem at Lower Granite to various points beyond (reach survival, Bonneville Dam, estuary, return to Bonneville Dam, return to Lower Granite Dam, return to spawning ground) Temporal Boundaries (study) Studies must be of a sufficient duration to detect the effect of contrasting actions. Thus the required duration of monitoring depends on the hydrosystem action being evaluated, and the effect size of interest (longer for more subtle effects). Time scales range from daily detections of PIT-tags, to seasonal contrasts of SARs, to annual SARs, to decadal-scale contrasts in spawner-recruit data. Practical Constraints: Difficult or impossible to: determine causes of mortality after fish pass into ocean; disentangle effects of hatchery operations and # of dams passed on hatchery SARs (these factors covary); relate condition of PITtagged smolts in the estuary with their ultimate SAR. Not enough wild fish in some years to obtain reliable estimates of mainstem survival rates or SARs; year to year variation in survival means that ‘average effects’ may hide important information Spatial Boundaries (decisions): Entire Columbia Basin. Decisions on hydrosystem operations and configuration have implications over the scale of the electricity grid to which generated power is distributed. Temporal Boundaries (decisions): NOAA and USFWS Biological Opinions on FCRPS are released every 5 to 10 years. Analyses need to consider actions such as habitat restoration which may take decades to become fully effective. 5. Decision Rules Critical Components, Population Parameters and Action Levels: 9 • Compare hydrosystem survival rates to NOAA FCRPS BiOp targets, • Compare SARs to NPCC interim targets of 2-6% and other recovery goals; Compare T:I ratios to assess transportation benefit (e.g., T/I > 1.0?); • Compare D to level indicative of substantial delayed mortality of transported fish (e.g., D < 0.7?) • Compare probability of extinction and probability of recovery to NOAA and USFWS targets 62 DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT If-Then Decision Rules: If juvenile survival rates through the hydrosystem, SARs or the probability of recovery are consistently below target levels, and this can be clearly shown to be related to the direct and indirect effects of the hydrosystem, then alternative mitigative actions will be considered (e.g., changes to hydrosystem operations, removal of predators from reservoirs, changes to hydrosystem project structure or configuration) Consequences of Decision Errors: Failure to make required changes in hydrosystem operation or configuration may result in extinction of fish species, or failure to recover stocks. Making ineffective changes in operations or configuration may waste significant amounts of money. Steps 6 & 7. Summary of alternative M & E designs for assessing effectiveness of hydrosystem actions CSMEP developed and evaluated several sets of alternative designs for the questions outlined in steps 1-5. This work is ongoing and is summarized in a detailed report on DQO steps 6-7. The following pages provide tables, graphs and charts to illustrate some alternative designs (low, medium and high intensity) developed by CSMEP for a subset of the questions described above under step 2. Increased levels of tagging would help to improve the precision of answers to all hydrosystem questions. Ultimately these low, medium and high designs need to be synthesized across all hydro questions, and then across the questions from all subgroups. Policy Needed (9) 9 63 Table A-1. Alternative designs for hydro questions related to SAR, T/I, and D. Current M & E efforts are shaded in grey. The low option is indicative of less M & E than current efforts, whereas the high option involves increased effort. Charts A-1 to A-4 (end of this Appendix) describe low, medium and high M & E options for spring/summer chinook and steelhead in greater detail. M & E Level Spring/summer Chinook Fall Chinook Steelhead Sockeye Low Background level of PITtagging. Run reconstruction SARs: partition wild and hatchery smolts and adults at upper dam (e.g., Petrosky et al. 2001; Raymond 1988) PIT tag hatchery group only as surrogate for wild SAR?? Run reconstruction SARs: partition wild and hatchery smolts and adults at upper dam (e.g., Marmorek et al 1998; Raymond 1988). SARs: run reconstruction at Redfish Lake; T/I and D unsampled, assume response similar to or worse than spring/summer chinook?? Medium PIT tag wild aggregate SARs from opportunistic tagging (current CSS); PIT tag SARs major production hatcheries. Estimate annual T/I and D for wild and hatchery groups (current CSS) PIT tag wild fall Chinook above LGR, treat same as CSS fish; PIT tag SARs hatchery and a surrogatenatural group (fall chinook transport evaluation proposed for 2006) PIT tag wild aggregate SARs from opportunistic tagging (current CSS since 2002); PIT tag SARs major production hatcheries (proposed CSSnot funded) SARs: PIT tagged migrants from Redfish Lake, treated same as CSS fish in FCRPS (beginning 2005); T/I and D not feasible because extremely limited potential sample sizes High PIT tag for wild SARs at level of Major Population Groups (MPG); all hatchery releases represented in SAR, T/I and D estimates Same as medium?? PIT tag for wild SARs at level of Major Population Groups (MPG) (feasibility ??); all hatchery releases represented in SAR, T/I and D estimates Not possible to go beyond Medium level. Probability density functions of CSS control and transport SARs of wild chinook for migration years 1994-2002 1.2 Relative Prob. density 1 Control (C0) 0.8 Transport (T0) Target Minimum ` 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% SAR Figure A-1. Probability density functions of SARs for wild Chinook, for both control (blue) and transported (red) fish, between 1994 and 2002, compared to the NPCC interim goal of 26% (green line at 2%). Most of the fish in both groups had an SAR lower than the minimum end of the 2-6% desired range. 64 Table A-2. Alternative designs to assess if the hydrosystem has complied with performance standards set out in 2000 FCRPS BiOp. More specifically, is inriver survival of wild Snake spring-summer chinook and steelhead at or above the 2000 BiOp 50% (approx.) standard? Background: The BiOp standard is that survival should be only 9% greater than pre-BiOp estimates of survival from LGR to BON. There are four challenges in attempting to monitor for compliance with this standard: 1) smaller changes in survival are easier for managers to achieve and more “certain to occur”, but also harder for biometricians to detect; 2) inter-annual variation is high and monitoring cannot change this fact; 3) estimated survival for any given year (1998-2004) has had high error bounds (generally +/- 10-15%); and 4) there are few data from before 2000 (Figure A-2). M & E Level Monitoring Activities Low Decrease tagging and detection efforts from current level (Medium option), wait 5-10 years for data to accumulate, and compute a new, multi-year average survival rate. However, years with exceptionally low or high flow, temperature, etc. (e.g., 1999, 2001, 2005) make it unlikely that the spread in the estimate will go down just because one has more years of data. On the other hand, lower tagging effort would obviously decrease costs. Decreased spill would increase fish detection and precision, but will also likely decrease survival rates. Medium Continue current tagging and detection efforts. With current tagging (e.g., 20,000 - 30,000 wild chinook tagged or detected at LGR each year), estimates of LGR to BON in-river survival have wide error bounds. If one pools estimates for 19982004, survival rate on average was about 47%, +/- 9%. High Increase tagging substantially (e.g., 2-10 fold), and increase below-Bonneville trawls significantly (e.g., 2-5 fold). Continue efforts to increase detection efficiency at the BONN corner collector, which diverts many fish away from turbines (good) but detects few if any tagged fish (bad). Preliminary results suggest that these steps in combination would reduce the spread in any given year’s survival estimates quite substantially. However, inter-annual variation in survival rates is clearly a real phenomenon, and not just an artifact of sampling/tagging/detection efforts. This variation will of course continue into the future. Obviously, this would result in increased costs for both tagging and (trawl) detections in the estuary below BON. Wild Snake spring-summer chinook inriver survival, LGR to BON 0.90 Survival Rate from PIT tags 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 Upper 95% Lower 5% Mean survival Standard 0.00 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Migration Year Figure A-2. The 95% confidence intervals about estimates of mean annual in-river survival rates of wild Snake spring-summer chinook generally bracket the 2000 FCRPS standard of 49.6%. 65 Alternative Designs for the question “What’s the effect of different in-season transportation management actions on Post-Bonneville survival of transported fish?” These designs are likely to be similar to those listed above in Table A-2 for compliance with BiOp survival targets. Background: Preliminary NOAA and CSS work suggests that Transport/In-river SAR ratios may vary within a season. For Snake River wild spring-summer chinook – early migrants may do better in-river, but later migrants do better in barges. In addition, it appears that hatchery chinook, and both wild and hatchery steelhead, do not exhibit a strong seasonal pattern – transport is generally better, both early and later in the spring. Hence there are tradeoffs among species when making in-season transport decisions. Wild spring-summer Chinook TIR's, 1995-2002 Transport-Inriver Ratio 4.0 TIR - 5th% Average TIR TIR - 95% 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Quartile (1-4) of passage season WIld Snake Steelhead TIR's, 1995-2002 Transport-Inriver Ratio 4.0 TIR - 5th% Mean Bootstrap TIR TIR - 95% 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Quartile (1-4) Figure A-3. Transport to Inriver SAR ratios (TIRs) for wild spring summer Snake River chinook (top graph, gradually improving ratio over the season) and wild Snake River steelhead (bottom graph, little pattern). 66 Table A-3. Alternative designs for estimating upstream-downstream differential mortality and SAR ratios. Current M & E efforts, or developed proposals, are highlighted in grey. SR=Spawner Recruit. M&E Level Spring/summer Chinook Fall Chinook Steelhead Sockeye Low SR estimates, upstreamdownstream incremental mortality, wild index stocks from Snake River and downriver regions (Deriso et al. 2001). No program for SARs. No SAR data yet for either wild or hatchery; will be getting hatchery SAR data in 2005 with NOAA study. Snake R and Deschutes R SR data. SR estimates only. No program for SARs. n.a. Medium SR estimates for upstreamdownstream incremental mortality, plus SARs from PIT-tag studies for Snake River and John Day wild stocks and SARs for Snake River and downriver hatchery stocks (Carson & Leavenworth) (Figure A-4). SR estimates from Snake and SR estimates from Snake and n.a. downriver stocks, SARs for Snake downriver stocks, SARs from PIT tag studies for Snake River wild and Deschutes wild fall chinook. stocks (current CSS) plus additional PIT-tag SARs from wild downriver stocks (John Day). High Elements from medium level plus more representative wild stock composition for both SR and SAR estimates, both regions. (candidates: Warm Springs, Yakima, others – monitor Major Population Groups consistent with Status and Trends subgroup) SR estimates from Snake and downriver stocks, SARs for Snake and multiple downriver wild and hatchery stocks. Candidate wild stocks: Deschutes, N Fk. Lewis, Hanford Reach * SR estimates from Snake and n.a. * downriver stocks, SARs for Snake and multiple downriver wild and hatchery stocks. Candidate wild: John Day, Deschutes, Warm Springs There is no comparable downriver sockeye stock. One could include Wenatchee and Okanagan sockeye stocks to get a general comparison basin-wide. Delayed mortality of in-river fish Delta Model for Snake River Spring Summer Chinook 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Brood Year Figure A-4. Updated estimates suggest delayed mortality of in-river fish has remained high even as ocean conditions improved in the late 1990s. 67 Hatchery Chinook: 10,000 tags @Hat + 10,000 tags @traps to get in-river survival LOW: Hatchery Chinook: 200,000 tags @ 5 Hat. for CSS to get transport & in-river SARs MED: + + HIGH: Chart A-1. L O W Hatchery Chinook: 35,000 tags @ 3 Hat. for NPT to get overall SARs for sub-basins Add 100,000 tags at non-CSS/NPT hatcheries: clwh, pahp, sawt, koos Total in system above LGR of approx. 355,000 tags Increase in PIT-tagging effort for hatchery Chinook from baseline (LOW level) with releases for in-river survival estimation purposes to current (MED level) with larger releases for SAR estimation with transport and in-river migrants. The HIGH level increases tagging effort at hatcheries not currently covered within MED level. 68 LOW: Hatchery Steelhead: 16,000 tags @Hat + 12,000 tags @ traps to get in-river survival Hatchery Steelhead: 80,000 tags @ 2 Hat. for CSS to get transport & in-river SARs MED: + HIGH: Chart A-2. Coordinate with LOW level to route a proportion of fish to get transport SARs Proportionally PIT-tag 3% of hatchery production (300,000 tags) to get transport & in-river SARs; Total in system above LGR of approx. 312,000 tags Increase in PIT-tagging effort for hatchery steelhead from baseline (LOW level) with releases for in-river survival estimation purposes to MED level adding two hatchery releases for SAR estimation of transport and in-river migrants. The HIGH level increases tagging to cover 3% of overall production, proportional to individual hatchery releases number, across the basin. 69 Wild Chinook: 40,000 tags @ traps, etc. to get in-river survival LOW: MED: + + HIGH: Chart A-3. Wild Chinook: 26,000 tags @ traps for CSS to get transport & in-river SARs L O W Wild Chinook: 20,000 tags @ 2 traps for NPT to get overall SARs for sub-basins Add 100,000 tags across trap sites in MED level to improve SARs for both transport/in-river and overall sub-basins; Total in system above LGR of approx. 186,000 tags Increase in PIT-tagging effort for wild Chinook from baseline (LOW level) with releases for in-river survival estimation purposes to current (MED level) with larger releases for SAR estimation with transport and in-river migrants. The HIGH level increases tagging effort at each trap covered within LOW and MED levels. 70 LOW: MED: + HIGH: Chart A-4. Wild Steelhead: 25,000 tags @ traps, etc. to get in-river survival Wild Steelhead: 1,400 tags @ 1 trap for CSS to augment LOW level Coordinate with LOW level to route a proportion of fish to get transport SARs May be impossible to increase PIT-tagged wild steelhead numbers over LOW and MED levels above. Difficult to increase PIT-tagging effort for wild steelhead from baseline (LOW level) due to low numbers available for tagging, so emphasis in MED level has been a limited increase in tagging effort with coordination of the routing of more available tagged wild steelhead to transport for SAR estimation of transport and in-river migrants. A HIGH level may not be reachable in the near future from the basin above LGR. 71 Hatchery Chinook: Too few PIT-tags for estimating SARs LOW: MED: + HIGH: Chart A-5. Hatchery Chinook: Lower Columbia stock 15,000 tags @Carson H for Wind R Hatchery Chinook: Mid-Columbia stocks 15,000 tags @Leav. H for Wenatchee R 40,000 tags CleElum H for Yakima River Add Lw Columbia stocks: 15,000 tags @Warm Spg H for Deschutes R 15,000 tags @Irrigon H for Umatilla R Total system= 100,000 tags Increase in PIT-tagging effort for hatchery Chinook from current (MED level) to HIGH level by increasing tagging effort at hatcheries not currently covered within MED level. MED and HIGH provide improved upstream-downstream contrasts. 72 Wild Chinook & Wild Steelhead: Too few PIT-tags for estimating SARs LOW: Wild Chinook: 6,000 tags @John Day R Wild Steelhead: 6,000 tags @John Day R MED: + Unknown Potential HIGH: Chart A-6. Current PIT-tagging effort for wild Chinook and Steelhead in John Day River (MED level) may be difficult to reproduce in other Lower Columbia River tributaries, so potential for HIGH level is presently unknown. MED provides improved upstreamdownstream contrasts. 73 CSMEP – Habitat Action Effectiveness Subgroup Habitat actions are considered a cornerstone of recovery strategies for Columbia River Basin fish stocks but there is a need to more clearly determine the effectiveness of these actions for increasing salmonid survival rates and production. Monitoring designs for evaluating the effectiveness of habitat actions must be able to reliably detect two linked responses : 1. the effect of habitat actions on fish habitat; and 2. the effect of changes in fish habitat on fish populations. Appendix A1 provides the Habitat Subgroup’s summary of the general design elements (DQO steps 1-5) for Habitat monitoring that can help address these questions. CSMEP’s Habitat Subgroup has recognized, however, that there are serious challenges to the development of a generic template for habitat effectiveness monitoring. These include: 1. Habitat conditions vary greatly across subbasins in terms of their natural biogeoclimatic regimes, the status of their fish populations, the degree of human impact and management, and the number and nature of restoration actions that have been implemented, or are being considered for implementation within them. 2. Habitat effectiveness questions encompass different scales of inquiry, which imply different scales of monitoring. The subgroup is instead attempting to develop a consistent “process” that can be applied to development of individual monitoring designs dependent on the particular situation. They are piloting this approach within the Lemhi Subbasin. Appendix A2 provides a summary of the subgroup’s detailed DQO steps 1-7 for the Lemhi Subbasin. 74 Appendix A1. CSMEP Habitat DQO Summary (General Assessment DQO Steps 1 – 5) DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT Policy Inputs 1 (9) 1. State the Problem Problem: Habitat degradation and loss of connectivity are considered key factors in the decline of CRB anadromous and resident salmonid populations. Habitat actions are considered a cornerstone of recovery strategies but there is a need to more clearly determine the effectiveness of these actions for increasing salmonid survival rates and production. Stakeholde States—Washington, Oregon, Idaho rs: Tribes—NPT, SBT, CTUIR, CTWIR, YIN. Colville Tribes Federal—NOAA, USFWS, BPA, USACOE Other—NPPC, CBFWA, conservation groups, Tribal, commercial, sport fishers, landowners & local soil conservation districts Nontechnical Issues: Lack of funding; Landowner Permission; Uncoordinated processes; Ill-defined scope and objectives; Jurisdictional overlap (e.g., state, tribal, federal, international boundaries, local regulations); Legal constraints and adjudication Conceptual Habitat actions will first increase habitat distributions and/or improve habitat conditions, and the improved conditions will lead to increased habitat use, Model: improved fish condition, reach-scale abundance, and watershed scale fish survival and productivity. Thus the problem has three components: 1) detect the effect of habitat actions on habitat, 2) detect the effect of changes in habitat on fish populations, and 3) detect the overall effect of habitat actions on fish populations. The scale of effects of actions on habitat may vary, ranging from the local target action area up to the entire watershed. Effects of actions on fish populations could range from individual fish up to the larger population, the extent of which may be dependent on a species life history characteristics. 2. Identify the Decision Principal 1. Have specific habitat projects affected habitat conditions and local fish Questions: distribution, population survival, abundance or condition? Includes • What are the species, down to life-history type and gender, of interest? the key • To what factors do you want to be able to attribute the observed policy population response? questions 2. Did groups of habitat projects within a subpopulation or sub watershed on (numbered) aggregate affect fish survival, abundance or condition in a larger and the demographic unit? clarificatio 3. Are particular classes of habitat projects effective? n elements • Are there surrogate measures you can use to answer your questions? (bulleted) 4. What are the mechanistic connections between habitat actions and fish 9 75 DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT required for population responses? biologists • What is the spatial boundary of the population for which inferences must to translate be made? these • Over what time period(s) do you want to describe this population questions response? into M & E 5. Have habitat projects achieved the expected improvements in conditions? in the field • What is the population response variable you want to evaluate to (e.g., determine whether a change has occurred? Lemhi • What is the reference and final condition (i.e., the change to be defined example) in the population response variable)? • What size of change in population response do you want to be able to detect? • What tradeoffs between uncertainty, errors and costs are you willing to accept (DQO Steps 6 and 7) Alternative Maintain current program and designs of habitat actions Actions: Make adaptive management changes to design of current habitat actions to improve performance and increase benefits to fish populations. Discontinue habitat actions as currently designed, adopt different strategy for restoring fish populations Decision Is the current program of habitat actions achieving the objectives for improved Statement: fish habitat and fish population performance measures so that program modifications, expansions, or elimination are not required? Policy Inputs 1 (9) 9 9 3. Identify the Inputs Action Levels (critical effect sizes): Quantitative performance standards need to be specified against which the results of monitoring can be compared. At this time there are few examples of such quantitative values available for the evaluation of habitat actions in the Columbia River basin. Without this guidance it will be necessary to calculate the ability of alternative designs to detect a range of effect sizes that bracket important action levels. These action levels will vary with the scale of the monitoring question (e.g., project level, subbasin, ESU). The minimum detectable effect at different scales will often not be known and may need to be guessed at by analysts until verified in the field. 9 Informatio Data/inventories of past, ongoing, and planned habitat restoration activities n Required: (and their hypothesized effects and sequencing) Data/Inventories of past, ongoing, and planned fish and habitat monitoring. Sources of State, tribal and federal programs and NGOs identified in CSMEP meta-data inventories (which may include information from the following sources: AA Data: & NOAA habitat action inventories; IAC/SRFB; IDQ; USFS (AREMP and PIBO); USFWS Quality of Data available apply generally only to Snake spring-summer chinook, and 76 DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT Existing Data: only to actions affecting parr-to-smolt or parr-per-spawner life stages. Additionally, these data were collected through programs that were not designed to evaluate habitat project effectiveness. CSMEP data inventories found little information on programs that specifically collected data to assess the effectiveness of habitat actions in the Snake River (a situation likely common throughout the Columbia Basin) New Data Required: New data and sampling approaches are required. There is a need for statistically valid sampling of both fish and habitat. Better spawner and smolt enumeration may be necessary to detect changes in these metrics due to habitat actions. It appears feasible to obtain this in many locations in the Snake (but not everywhere). Analytical Methods: B-A, or BACI designs, where differences between before and after treatment values of performance measures may be compared to Action Levels using a ttest or confidence intervals. To account for important covariates and confounding factors, it may be necessary to apply more complex analytical models. Examples from recent work include linear regression models, non-linear neural networks, and multivariate models. However, because these applications are quite novel, with few published analyses completed to date, it is difficult to predict exactly what methods will be required, especially for detection of habitat action effects on fish survival and productivity. Policy Inputs 1 (9) 4. Define the Boundaries Target Snake River Spring and Summer Chinook (current focus of Lemhi example) Populations (with linkages to Upper Columbia summer Chinook due to lower river : harvest) Redfish Lake Sockeye Snake River steelhead Bull Trout (also addressed in the Lemhi example) Spatial Watersheds within the lower Snake River ESU Boundaries (Lemhi subbasin as focal example) (study): Temporal Monitoring duration: Until actions shown to be effective or not Boundaries Update schedule: example - beginning in year x at 3, 5, 7, 12, and 15 year (study): intervals, and each 4 year period subsequent Time scale over which the data vary: 3-12 years Practical Funding Constraints Access to sample site, project locations, or data. : Statistical constraints such as feasibility of acquiring required data Spatial Watersheds/ESU within the lower Snake River Boundaries 77 DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT Policy Inputs 1 (9) (decisions): Temporal Federal Recovery Plan is scheduled to be completed in April 2006 Boundaries Adaptive Management schedule (plan check ins are recurring intervals) (decisions): 2004 FCRPS BiOp is a 15 (?) year plan with milestone and check-in State Recovery Plans have 25 year planning cycle Subbasin Plans have 15 year planning cycle HCP is a 30 year plan 5. Decision Rules Critical Component s and Population Parameters: 1) 2) 3) 4) Changes in habitat quantity Changes in habitat conditions (quality) Change in smolts per spawner resulting from habitat actions Changes in parr-to-smolt survival rates from actions Critical Action Levels (Effect Sizes): - these need to be clearly defined 1) 2) 3) 4) Changes in habitat quantity - X% increase Changes in habitat conditions – X% goes from poor to good? Change in smolts per spawner must be at least X%? Changes in parr-to-smolt survival rates must be at least X%? If-Then Decision Rules: If the observed change in the critical population components between treatment (project) and control locations, before and after the implementation of the project is positive and greater than or equal to the critical action level then do more of these project types in similar locations. If an effect is not detected, then the process moves through the adaptive management sequence to assess whether the monitoring and evaluation program was sufficient to be able to detect such a change, or whether the management action, or Action Level criteria need to be changed. Consequen ces of Decision Errors: May continue/expand actions that have little beneficial effect (Type I error); May discontinue actions that really do work (Type II error); Undue or increased cost; Continued loss of fisheries; Negative impacts to state and local economies; Federal trust responsibilities not met; Adjudicated requirements not met 9 9 9 9 1 Policy Inputs - indicates with a check steps where group needs greater policy level feedback, presentation will elaborate on what feedback is required 78 Appendix A2. CSMEP Habitat DQO Summary Lemhi Basin Example Specific Assessment DQO Steps 1 – 5 Detailed Monitoring Designs DQO Steps 6 - 7 DQO STEPS LEMHI BASIN EXAMPLE Policy Inputs 1 (9) 1. State the Problem Problem: As part of an extended Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) to restore salmonid populations in the Lemhi a number of water conservation projects are to be implemented in the basin, primary of which are a series of approximately 10-16 actions to reconnect currently isolated tributaries to the mainstem Lemhi River in combination with reestablishment of the historical hydrograph. Evaluating the cumulative success of these actions across a range of fish performance measures is the focus of Lemhi M & E efforts. Stakeholders: IDFG, Shoshone Bannock Tribes, Local landowners, Office of Species Conservation, Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Project, NOAA Fisheries, USFWS Non-technical Landowner relationships, lack of funding, interagency coordination Issues: Conceptual Model: The underlying assumption of the HCP is that as habitat conditions are improved, fish will respond and desired biological effects will be achieved. The conservation objectives are 1) to provide adequate flow to remove or reduce migration barriers, 2) maintain or enhance riparian conditions, and 3) improve instream conditions with respect to cover, temperature, flow, and sedimentation. The desired actions are: 1) reconnect tributaries to the Lemhi River, 2) alter channel morphology to address fish passage, 3) minimize fish entrainment, 4) enhance spawning and rearing habitat, 5) maintain minimum flows, 6) improve riparian corridors, 7) mimic the natural hydrograph. Some are these actions will be quite local, while others will address the entire Lemhi watershed. 2. Identify the Decision Principal Questions Have the actions implemented under the Lemhi HCP: • Expanded the distribution of rearing juvenile salmonids? • Increased the density of rearing juvenile salmonids? • Increased the number of chinook smolts leaving the Lemhi River? • Caused any changes in seasonal migration pulses and size distribution of Chinook smolts leaving the Lemhi River? • Increased abundance of bull trout in reconnected tributaries? • Increase parr-smolt survival of juvenile Chinook leaving the Lemhi? • Increased returns of adult Chinook salmon to the Lemhi basin? 9 Alternative Actions: Maintain current Lemhi HCP program of habitat actions Make adaptive management changes to design of current habitat actions to improve performance of HCP habitat actions and increase benefits to fish populations. Discontinue plans for HCP habitat actions as currently designed, adopt different strategy for restoring fish populations 9 Decision Statement: Is the current program of habitat actions achieving the objectives for improved fish habitat and fish population performance measures so that program modifications, reductions/expansions, or elimination are not required? 9 79 DQO STEPS LEMHI BASIN EXAMPLE Policy Inputs 1 (9) 3. Identify the Inputs Information Required: Habitat Performance Measures: 1. Temperature – creation of summer refugia in reconnected tributaries & adjacent main stem 2. Flow – increased ease of passage & survival of adults & juveniles 3. Substrate & channel characteristics – increase amount of optimal spawning/rearing habitat Fish Performance Measures: 1. Spatial distribution (chinook parr, steelhead parr/smolts, all bull trout) 2. Parr density (chinook) 3. Smolts per redd (chinook) 4. Migratory timing & size (chinook) 5. Population abundance (bull trout) 6. Parr-to-smolt survival (chinook) 7. Redd counts (chinook) – to account for effect of seeding level and changes in spawning distribution. 8. Spawning adults (chinook) – weir counts, to account for effect of seeding level Sources of Data: IDFG Chinook redd counts, IDFG snorkel surveys, IDFG juvenile screw traps, IDFG tributary surveys (bull trout redd counts, electrofishing surveys, tissue sampling), IDFG PIT tag detectors at diversion bypasses in Lower Lemhi, Idaho State University telemetry tracking of bull trout in upper Lemhi and Hayden Creek, IDWR flow and temperature gauges at several sites, USGS flow gauges, flow modeling by BoR and University of Idaho, IDEQ FLIR flight of Lemhi mainstem, IDFG water temperature monitoring at remote sites in mainstem and tributaries, baseline instream and riparian habitat inventory (1994) by multiagency group, PIBO reach inventories. Quality of Existing Data: New Data Required: Analytical Methods: • • • • Long time series of consistently done single pass-pass chinook redd counts Little hatchery influence on datasets (no hatcheries on Lemhi) Estimates of outmigrating juveniles available from traps Adult weir is needed on Big Timber Creek tributary to evaluate movements of fluvial trout • Expanded telemetry tracking of trout in Upper Lemhi • Increased in the number and frequency of parr density surveys • Systematic steelhead abundance estimates • More information in general is required for other areas of the Lemhi watershed, particularly Hayden Creek and the lower mainstem B-A, or BACI designs, where differences between before and after treatment values of performance measures may be compared to Action Levels using a t-test and confidence intervals. To account for important covariates and confounding factors, it may be necessary to apply more complex analytical models. Preliminary designs divide the Lemhi into three Sections: • Section A – mainstem Lemhi and tribs below Hayden Creek. Tentatively an additional control area. • Section B – mainstem Lemhi and tribs above Hayden Creek. Tentatively the Treatmen area. • Section C – Hayden Creek and tribs. Tentatively the Control area. 4. Define the Boundaries 80 DQO STEPS LEMHI BASIN EXAMPLE Target Populations: Sp/Summer Chinook Bull Trout Spatial and Temporal Boundaries (study): The sampling design (where, when, and for how long the protocols are activated) is dependent on the spatial contrast and protocol of interest. For example, if a snorkeling protocol were activated to address the effects of channel reconnection in the Lemhi watershed, randomly selected sites could be snorkeled in treatment and control areas of the Lemhi inter- and intra-annually for a period of 20 years. Five-year check-ins could be included for progress evaluation. Alternatively, if a snorkeling protocol were activated to address the effects of channel reconnection in tributary/mainstem junctions, snorkeling would occur at fixed and random sites only within the treatment areas on an inter- and intraannual basis for a period of 20 years. For either question, sampling intensity (number and size of the sample units) will be determined based on desired statistical attributes (accuracy, precision, and power) Practical Constraints: Funding Access to sample sites, project locations, or data. Statistical constraints such as feasibility of acquiring required data Inherent variability of the Lemhi system Spatial Boundaries (decisions): Lemhi Basin Temporal Boundaries (decisions): Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) for Lemhi Basin is 30 years duration) Policy Inputs 1 (9) 5. Decision Rules Critical Have the actions implemented under the Lemhi HCP expanded the distribution of rearing Components juvenile salmonids within the basin and increased the density of rearing juvenile salmonids and Population relative to average mainstem densities by X% over 30 years (with some precision) when the Parameters number of spawners, natural disturbances, climate indicators, and habitat conditions not(key impacted by the actions have been accounted for? examples): Have the actions implemented under the Lemhi HCP produced at least a 100% increase in the number juvenile spring Chinook salmon leaving the Lemhi River in 30 years (+/- X%) when the number of spawners, natural disturbances, climate indicators, and habitat conditions not-impacted by the actions have been accounted for? Have the relative magnitudes of the seasonal migration pulses and size distribution of migrating Chinook juveniles leaving the Lemhi River changed over the life of the Lemhi HCP? Have the actions implemented under the Lemhi HCP increased the abundance of bull trout in reconnected tributaries relative to unconnected tributaries by X% over 30 years (with some precision)? Have the actions implemented under the Lemhi HCP increased parr-smolt survival (X% +/specified precision) of juvenile spring Chinook salmon leaving the Lemhi River in 30 years when the number of spawners, natural disturbances, climate indicators, and habitat conditions not-impacted by the actions have been accounted for? Have the returns of adult Chinook salmon to the Lemhi basin increased X% (+/-specified precision, see VSP criteria developed by ICTRT) of the life of the Lemhi HCP? 9 Critical Effect Have not been defined for the Lemhi HCP Sizes: 9 81 DQO STEPS LEMHI BASIN EXAMPLE If –Then Decision Statements: These have not yet been defined for the Lemhi HCP (i.e., what would be the appropriate response if the actions do/do not result in expected improvements in habitat/fish performance measures) Consequences May continue/expand actions that have little beneficial effect (Type I error); of Decision May discontinue actions that really do work (Type II error); Errors: Undue or increased cost Policy Inputs 1 (9) 9 9 82 Steps 6 and 7. Optimizing the Design (examples) Evaluation Design (How data will be analyzed to answer a question) Question 1: Has the spatial distribution of juvenile chinook changed as a result of tributary reconnections? L: ($ 285K/year; price includes snorkeling, seining, Hayden Creek (section C), Upper electroshocking, tagging efforts) Lemhi (section B), and lower Lemhi Compare connected and unconnected tribs within each (section A), including tributaries – several times per year for each site. of sections A, B, C using BACI like design w/covariates Snorkel surveys to estimate parr numbers, several times per year for each site. Verify detection rates with multi-pass electro-shocking. M: ($354K/year; price includes snorkeling, seining, Add more sites to Hayden Creek (C), electroshocking, tagging efforts) Upper Lemhi (B), and lower Lemhi Compare connected and unconnected tribs within each (A), including tributaries – several times per year for each site of sections A, B, C using BACI like design w/covariates Snorkel surveys to estimate parr numbers, several times per year for each site. Verify detection rates with multi-pass electro-shocking H: ($421K/year; price includes snorkeling, seining, Same number of sites as M design but electroshocking, tagging efforts) more effort towards tagging in Hayden Compare connected and unconnected tribs within each Creek ( C), Upper Lemhi (B), and lower Lemhi (A), including tributaries of sections A, B, C using BACI- like design – several times per year for each site w/covariates. Snorkel surveys to estimate parr numbers, several times per year for each site. Verify detection rates with multi-pass electro-shocking L: (60K/year; Cost assumes Question 1 work paid for Hayden Creek (Section C), Upper PIT tagging of all fish captured + cost of screwtrap Lemhi (Section B), and lower Lemhi operation) (Section A) once per year. Compare between sections A, B, & C using BACI-like design w/covariates. Collection and tagging of parr during parr surveys plus collection of parr in screwtraps and detection of tagged smolts at Lower Granite dam. M: ($60K/year; Cost assumes Question 1 is paid for Hayden Creek (C ), Upper Lemhi (B), tagging of all fish captured with PIT tags + cost of and lower Lemhi (A) once per year. screwtrap operation) Compare between sections A, B, & C using BACI-like design w/covariates. This design provides more power than the low design because more fish are tagged at more sites. There are no additional tagging costs because these are included in work to address Question 1. Collection and tagging of parr during parr surveys plus collection of parr in screwtraps and detection of tagged smolts at Lower Granite dam. Question 2: Have the actions implemented under the Lemhi HCP increased parr-smolt survival of juvenile spring Chinook salmon leaving the Lemhi River? Sampling Design (Where and When data will be collected) Response Design (What and How data are collected) 83 Steps 6 and 7. Optimizing the Design (examples) Evaluation Design (How data will be analyzed to answer a question) Sampling Design (Where and When data will be collected) Hayden Creek (C), Upper Lemhi (B), H: ($69-97K/year; Cost assumes all fish captured under Question 1 were tagged with PIT tags + cost of and lower Lemhi (A) and tributaries multiple times a year. screwtrap operation+ cost of either 3 mainstem PIT tag detectors, 11 mainstem detectors, or mainstem and tributary detectors) Compare connected and unconnected tribs within each of sections A, B, C using BACI- like design w/covariates. This is the most powerful design. The addition of several PIT tag detectors, multiple treatment and control sites and more tagged fish will allow better estimation of large scale effects on fish survival and distribution as well as the development and testing of relationships between habitat changes and fish survival. Response Design (What and How data are collected) Collection and tagging of parr during parr surveys plus collection of parr in screwtraps and detection of tagged parr and smolts in tributaries and mainstem Lemhi and at Lower Granite dam. 84 CSMEP – Hatchery Action Effectiveness Subgroup Throughout the FY 2005 contract period, the Hatchery Subgroup identified a number of questions important to the evaluation of hatchery management, and has reviewed numerous existing and proposed hatchery research, monitoring, and evaluation (RME) plans within the Columbia River Basin. Following this review, the Hatchery Subgroup has concluded that existing and proposed hatchery RME plans (if fully implemented) are likely to address the majority of the management questions identified by the Subgroup. However, the Hatchery Subgroup has also concluded that a number of questions regarding the effectiveness of hatcheries as a class of actions are unlikely to be adequately addressed by existing and proposed hatchery RME. These hatchery effectiveness questions (identified in Appendix A) will likely be efficiently and comprehensively addressed only through the implementation of a stratified and representative study design that spans the entire Columbia River Basin. As such, the study designs to address these questions are best developed within a collaborative process that can rely on the expertise of the multiple tribal, state, and federal agencies with operational jurisdiction and familiarity with the facilities. This expertise exists within CSMEP and has been useful in understanding the high level of diversity represented by individual programs. With appropriate stratification, this diversity can be leveraged to identify the mechanistic linkages of individual programs to broader monitoring questions that evaluate the overall effectiveness of hatchery strategies at the regional scale. These broader-scale hatchery program effectiveness questions (as opposed to individual hatchery operation questions) will become the focus of CSMEP designs intended to address larger scale multi-hatchery questions that can be stratified across the region. The Hatchery Subgroup has focused much of their initial efforts on developing alternative monitoring designs that could help answer two of these critical questions relating to hatchery effectiveness: 1. What is the magnitude and distribution of hatchery strays into natural populations? (For harvest augmentation hatcheries.) 2. What is the relative reproductive success of naturally spawning hatchery fish and natural origin fish? (For both F1 and F2 generations from supplementation hatcheries.) Insights into approaches gained from the CSMEP analyses required to address these two questions will provide a foundation for tackling additional hatchery questions in a prioritized manner in FY 2006. Appendix A provides the Hatchery Subgroup’s current summary of the design elements (DQO steps 1-7) for hatchery monitoring that are required to answer these and other questions. 85 Appendix A. CSMEP Hatchery DQO Summary DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT Policy Inputs1 (9) 1. State the Problem Problem: Artificial propagation is used extensively as a management tool for Pacific salmon in the Snake River Basin. Hatchery programs are operated to contribute to three general management goals: 1. Harvest Augmentation: to provide fish for tribal, commercial, and recreational opportunity while keeping impacts to natural populations within acceptable limits. 2. Supplementation: the use of hatchery fish to enhance the viability of natural populations while keeping impacts to non-target populations within acceptable limits. 3. Genetic Conservation: maintain genetic resources of imperiled populations to allow for reintroduction of supplementation in the future. Considerable uncertainty remains, however, regarding benefits and risk of supplementation and conservation hatchery programs, as well as, risks to natural populations for harvest augmentation programs. Stakeholders: States—Washington, Oregon, Idaho Tribes—NPT, SBT, CTUIR, CTWIR, YIN Federal—NOAA, USFWS, BPA, USACOE Other—NPPC, CBFWA, conservation groups, Tribal, commercial, sport fishers Non-technical Issues: Appropriate people with enough time to assess ongoing M & E programs, develop integrated study plans, and assess if uncertainties are being adequately addressed. Lack of adequate funding for data collection for supplementation program M & E projects 2. Identify the Decision Principal Questions: There is a large suite of monitoring questions required in evaluation of hatchery programs (the group identified 11 questions for harvest augmentation, 25 for supplementation and 5 for conservation hatcheries) Examples of some principal questions include: Harvest Augmentation: 9 • To what degree does the hatchery program meet harvest objectives? • What is the magnitude and distribution of hatchery strays into natural populations Supplementation • What is the ratio of R/S for hatchery produced and naturally produced fish • What is the relative reproductive success of natural spawning hatchery and natural fish? Conservation • Questions within this category are being deferred until later date For the purpose of initial CSMEP design work we focused on only a smaller subset of key Harvest and Supplementation hatchery questions Alternative Actions: Make adaptive management changes to hatchery programs to improve performance and reduce impacts on natural populations. Reduce the magnitude of reliance on hatcheries, including elimination of some hatchery programs. Modify existing hatchery facilities to improve effectiveness. Decision Statements: Is the harvest augmentation hatchery program achieving harvest contribution objectives and keeping impacts to natural populations at acceptable levels so that program modifications, reductions, or elimination are not required? Is the supplementation hatchery program enhancing the viability of the target natural population and keeping the impacts to non-target populations at acceptable levels so that program modifications, reductions, or elimination are not required? Is the genetic conservation hatchery maintaining the genetic resources of the imperiled population so that program modifications, reductions, or elimination are not required? 9 9 3. Identify the Inputs 86 DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT Action Levels (critical effect sizes) The level of change that would trigger an adaptive management action varies considerably between each hatchery objective and the associated metrics. Unfortunately, the vast majority of hatchery programs do not identify quantitatively “acceptable limits”. It would be difficult to describe generic action levels for each metric that would trigger an adaptive change in a specific hatchery program or groups of programs. Instead, decisions must be framed around two general factors, the perceived value of the particular metric monitored as well as the variance or degree of confidence in this value. Information Required: The range of information required to address the suite of hatchery questions is extensive. We identified a need for information from 65 performance measures across hatchery, supplementation and conservation hatcheries. Examples of some of the information needs include: Harvest Augmentation Hatcheries: Policy Inputs1 (9) 9 Commercial, recreational, and tribal harvest contributions by fishery Smolt-to-adult survival Progeny-to-parent ratios Stray rates Proportion of natural spawners that are hatchery strays Supplementation Hatcheries: • • • • • • • • • • • Recruits per spawner for hatchery/natural fish Hatchery/Natural fish abundance Hatchery/Natural fish harvest rates Hatchery/Natural fish spawning distribution Smolt to adult survival for natural/hatchery fish Allelic richness Sources of Data: Data resides in a variety of sources. Each hatchery program has some data for some metrics. No programs have data for all metrics. The temporal and spatial scales, as well as, the number of metrics for which there are data varies considerably among programs. Quality of Existing Data: Harvest augmentation hatcheries: catch contribution, catch distribution, and smolt-to-adult survival data is available. In some cases, however, specific harvest objectives are not well defined. The data available for stray rates, and particularly for stray impacts to natural populations, is limited. Supplementation hatcheries: little data available because many programs are early in implementation and the data sets are for a limited number of years. In addition, most supplementation hatchery programs are not collecting data for all the important metrics, and there are no pre-treatment data in some cases. There is a lack of data from control or reference streams that can be used for comparisons. New Data Required: There is a need to conduct an audit of each hatchery program to determine what objectives and metrics are being assessed and at what level of adequacy. There is a need for additional years of data from currently well designed hatchery M & E programs, and for greater sampling for programs which have inadequate monitoring designs (e.g., - more extensive juvenile tagging; more extensive spawning survey efforts; development of comprehensive genetics monitoring) This needs to be a large multi-basin and multi-generation effort. Analytical Methods: Given the wide range of hatchery objectives and associated metrics, a suite of analytical approaches are required, including: • • • • • • • Pre-post/control comparisons (BA, BACI) Relative performance comparisons between hatchery/natural fish Standard parametric and non-parametric tests Genetic analyses Time series analyses Stock recruitment analyses EMAP designs 4. Define the Boundaries 87 DQO STEPS SNAKE RIVER BASIN PILOT Target Populations: Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook ESU - 33 natural populations Snake River Steelhead ESU - 25 natural populations Snake River Fall Chinook ESU - 1 natural population Snake River Sockeye ESU - 1 natural population Policy Inputs1 (9) Spatial Boundaries The focus areas are in the Snake River Basin. However, ocean and in-river harvest downstream from the (study) Snake are included in the boundary, as are the locations of populations where Snake River fish stray. Temporal There will be variable temporal boundaries dependent on the specific question and associated metrics. Boundaries (study) Temporal durations include life-stage specific, annual, generational, and multi-generational. Practical Constraints: There are financial, logistical, and technical constraints. In addition, there is lack of pre-treatment or control system data available around which to frame analyses. Spatial Boundaries The first level of assessment is hatchery program-specific, the second level is the target natural (decisions): population, the third level is at the major population grouping, the fourth level is at the ESU, and the fifth level will be outside the ESU. Temporal Boundaries (decisions): Adaptive decisions can be made annually for each program; however, the temporal scale is linked to the timeframe for availability of adequate data. Adequate data, in some cases, is many salmon generations out in the future. 5. Decision Rules Critical Components and Population Parameters; Critical Action Levels: If-Then Decision Statements; While the group was successful at defining hatchery monitoring questions and associated information needs, they were less successful at defining appropriate “decision rules.” Very few hatchery programs provide quantitative guidance for the use of data in an adaptive management framework. For example, many hatchery programs communicate their goals as “supplement natural populations while keeping impacts to non-target populations within acceptable limits.” The vast majority of programs do not identify quantitatively what “acceptable limits” are or define what their response would be if these acceptable limits were exceeded. This is a complex issue, primarily for three reasons: 1) acceptable limits are not purely scientific, since hatcheries have legal mandates and a complex societal basis; 2) the long and short-term biological affects of impacts at various levels are largely unknown and are unlikely to manifest uniformly across all hatchery programs; and 3) decisions regarding hatchery management are typically made based on the interaction of multiple questions rather than the result of a single question, thus creating a difficult decision matrix. Consequences of Decision Errors May continue/expand hatchery actions with little beneficial effect or even detrimental effects on fish populations; May discontinue hatchery actions that do have beneficial effects on fish populations; Unnecessary costs; Negative impacts to fisheries harvest; Continued loss of fisheries 9 1Policy Inputs - indicates with a check steps where group needs greater policy level feedback, presentation will elaborate on what feedback is required 88 Steps 6 and 7. Optimizing the Design (examples) Evaluation Design (How data will be analyzed to answer a question) Sampling Design (Where and When data will be collected) Response Design (What and How data are collected) Harvest Augmentation Q: What is magnitude and distribution of hatchery strays into natural populations? L ($ 1,330,000) 38 new sites @ 35 k - high tag rates (rotating); lower replication = longer study duration - sampled across CRB at sites selected by stratified design (84 sites + 10 additional EMAP sites) - sampled annually and also opportunistically - multiple pass carcass surveys for CWT or PIT tagged fish M ($2,070,000) 69 new sites @ 30K - high tag rates (rotating); mod replication = mod study duration - sampled across CRB at sites selected by stratified design (176 sites + 10 additional EMAP sites) - sampled annually and also opportunistically - multiple pass carcass surveys for CWT or PIT tagged fish H ($2,425,000) 97 new sites @ 25k - high tag rates (rotating); higher replication = shorter study duration - sampled across CRB at sites selected by stratified design (231 sites + 20 additional EMAP sites) - sampled annually and also opportunistically - multiple pass carcass surveys for CWT or PIT tagged fish L) ($3,000,000/year-approx.) ($250,000 x 12 sites) Inference via BACI design Monitored at 3 strata x 2 replicates + reference = 12 sites, Minimum of 2-3 generations Abundance of Progeny/adults, change in productivity (identical sampling infrastructure and tagging program as for high option) H ($1,800,000/year-approx.) ($300,000 x 6 sites) Genetic parentage analysis Monitored at 3 strata X 2 replicates = 6 sites, Variable duration depending on the contrast Genetic sampling of adults and progeny and assignment of juveniles/adults to parents Supplementation Q: What is the relative reproductive success of natural spawning hatchery and natural origin fish? 89 Principle CSMEP Hatchery Questions to be addressed: Throughout the FY 2005 contract period, the hatchery subgroup identified a number of questions critical to the evaluation of hatchery management, and has reviewed numerous existing and proposed hatchery Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RME) plans within the Columbia River Basin. Following this review, the subgroup has concluded that existing and proposed hatchery RME plans (if fully implemented) are likely to address the majority of the management questions identified by the subgroup. However, the subgroup has also concluded that a number of questions regarding the effectiveness of hatcheries as a class of actions are unlikely to be adequately addressed by existing and proposed hatchery RME. These effectiveness questions (listed below) will likely be efficiently and comprehensively addressed only through the implementation of a stratified and representative study design that spans the entire Columbia River Basin. As such, the study designs to address these questions are best developed within a collaborative process that can rely on the expertise of the multiple tribal, state, and federal agencies with operational jurisdiction and familiarity with the facilities. This expertise exists within CSMEP and has been useful in understanding the high level of diversity represented by individual programs. With appropriate stratification, this diversity can be leveraged to identify the mechanistic linkages of individual programs to broader monitoring questions that evaluate the overall effectiveness of hatchery strategies at the regional scale. These broader-scale hatchery program effectiveness questions (as opposed to individual hatchery operation questions) will become the focus of CSMEP designs intended to address larger scale multi-hatchery questions (listed below) that can be stratified across the region. Harvest Augmentation Hatcheries: To what extent can hatcheries be used to assist in meeting harvest management goals while keeping impacts to natural populations within acceptable limits? Regional Question Priority 1 What are annual harvest contributions and catch distribution of hatchery produced fish? H 2 To what degree does the hatchery program meet harvest objectives? H 3 What is the distribution of hatchery strays into natural populations? H 4 What are the proportions of stray hatchery fish in non-target natural populations? H 5 What is the relative reproductive success of hatchery origin adults relative to natural origin adults? H 6 What are the disease agents and pathogens in hatchery fish, to what degree are these agents transmitted to natural fish, and what are the impacts of such transmissions? H 7 What are the impacts of hatchery strays on non-target populations? H 90 Supplementation Hatcheries: To what extent can hatcheries be used to enhance viability of natural populations while keeping impacts to non-target populations within acceptable limits? Regional Question Priority 1 What are the status and trends of habitat targeted by supplementation projects and what is/are the lifestage specific factors that limit productivity? H 2 What is the reproductive success of naturally spawning hatchery fish relative to natural origin fish in target populations? H 3 What are the disease agents and pathogens in hatchery fish, to what degree are these agents transmitted to natural fish, and what are the impacts of such transmissions? H 4 What are the relative effective population sizes and genetic diversity of hatchery supplemented vs. unsupplemented populations? H 5 What proportion of hatchery origin juveniles return as adults to target versus non-target populations? H 6 Do hatchery origin juveniles from supplementation programs stray at a greater rate than their natural origin conspecifics? H 7 What are the proportions of natural spawning stray hatchery fish in non-target natural populations and their impact on the viability of natural populations? H 8 What is the reproductive success of naturally spawning hatchery fish relative to natural origin fish in nontarget populations? H 9 What are the effects of hatchery supplementation on the productivity, abundance, and viability of nontarget natural and hatchery-influenced populations? H 91 SUMMARY OF KING COUNTY LONGTERM WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM The long-term monitoring program in King County is designed to most effectively use the public’s scarce dollars to monitor environmental health in the county. The county’s long-term monitoring program is divided into several key components: • Land Use and Land Cover • Weather • Streams and Rivers • Large Lakes • Vashon-Maury Island • Puget Sound Each of these is described below. Land Use and Land Cover Descriptions of land use and land cover are important components of any environmental assessment in the county. How the land is used, and how that changes over time, are key components of descriptions of habitat quantity and quality, and stormwater runoff quantity and quality. The King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks (KCDNRP) develops land use coverages for the county from LandSat satellite images every two years. KCDNRP also works cooperatively with UW to assess UrbanSim output for land use, and convert the land use to land cover via the land cover change model. Weather Weather is monitored throughout King County by a large number of agencies, jurisdictions, organizations, and individuals. Weather monitoring can range from simple, manual precipitation gauges, to fully automated multi-parameter meteorological stations. Having high-quality weather data is instrumental to the environmental assessments in King County, since hydrological issues are tied directly to weather patterns. The longterm monitoring program strives to ensure that there are precipitation and temperature gages throughout the county, and that full meteorological stations are placed in strategic locations. Coordination with weather monitoring programs by NOAA, UW, WDOT, and others is critical to avoid duplication of effort. County-collected weather data is available at: http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/waterres/hydrology/GaugeSelect.aspx. 92 Streams and Rivers Stream and river monitoring includes several important factors, including flow, water quality, sediment quality, and benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring. Stream and river health is directly affected by land use changes in the county. Routine and Storm Water Quality Monitoring Water quality in rivers and streams in WRIAs 8 and 9 is monitored monthly at 54 locations for field parameters, conventionals, and microbiology. Metals and organic chemicals are not monitored as part of this program. Wet-weather water quality in rivers and streams is monitored at 17 of the 54 routine monitoring sites. Wet-weather monitoring occurs up to six times per year and includes all parameters measured during routine sampling, as well as low-level metals. The stream monitoring program is designed to answer the following four questions: Question #1: Has the water quality of the streams under storm and/or base flow changed over time? Question #2: Is there a spatial difference in the water quality of both storm and base flow conditions? Question #3: What is the human health risk from stream water quality? Question #4. Do current (or future) King County facilities impact stream water quality? The streams monitoring program is described at: http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/waterres/streamsdata/. Continuous Gauging Continuous stream or river flow measurements are made at 44 sites in King County. Flow is recorded every 15 minutes. Additional project-specific flow measurements are made at numerous additional sites in the county. Continuous streamflow and temperature data are available at: http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/waterres/hydrology/GaugeSelect.aspx. Stream Sediment Chemistry Stream sediment chemistry monitoring is conducted to assess the accumulation of potentially toxic chemicals in stream sediments in WRIAs 8 and 9. Stream sediments are collected annually (August) from sites near the mouths of 10 streams. In addition, stream sediment chemistry characterized in 1 to 3 subbasins each year, with about 1 sample per stream mile. All stream sediment samples are analyzed for conventional parameters, metals, and organic chemicals. This program is designed to answer the following five questions: Question #1: How does sediment quality in streams compare to available sediment guidelines or thresholds? Question #2: Are there other chemicals present in stream sediments that do not have guidelines? Question #3: How does sediment quality change over time? Question #4: Are there differences in sediment quality within a monitored stream basin? Question #5: How is sediment quality different among monitored streams that have similar sampling strata? 93 Stream sediment monitoring is further described at: http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/waterres/streamsdata/sediment.htm. Stream Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Stream benthic macroinvertebrate samples are collected annually from 10 randomlyselected sites in each of 15 subbasins in WRIAs 8 and 9. This program is designed to answer the following four questions: Question #1: Do different watershed sub-basins within the Greater Lake Washington Watershed (e.g. Bear Creek, Issaquah Creek, Lower Cedar Tributaries Creek, etc.) differ in terms of biological condition? Question #2: Do different watershed sub-basins within the Greater Green-Duwamish (e.g. Soos Creek, Newaukum Creek, Jenkins/Covington Creek, etc.) differ in terms of biological condition? Question #3: Is the biological condition improving (or declining) over time? Is the trend significant? Question #4: Do different land use patterns measured at the sub-basin level affect biological conditions differently within the watershed? The stream benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring program is described at: http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/waterres/Bugs/index.htm. Large Lakes Long-term monitoring of Lakes Sammamish, Washington and Union (including the ship canal) is critical to ensuring that these important, regional waterbodies are maintained into the future. Monitoring includes routine water quality monitoring, summertime swimming beach monitoring, continuous temperature monitoring, water level monitoring, sediment quality monitoring, sediment benthic macroinvertebrate monitoring, toxic cyanobacteria monitoring, and phytoplankton/zooplankton monitoring. Routine Water Quality Monitoring Water quality in the large lakes is monitored monthly in winter, and twice monthly is summer, at 25 locations. Water quality is monitored every 5 meters below the water surface for conventional parameters, nutrients, bacteria, and chlorophyll. This program is designed to answer the following four questions: Question #1: Has the water quality of the large lakes changed over time? Question #2: Is there a spatial difference in large lake water quality? Question #3: What is the human health risk from large lake water quality? Question #4. Do current (or future) King County facilities impact large lake water quality? The large lakes monitoring program is described at: http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/waterres/lakes/index.htm. Freshwater Swimming Beach Monitoring Bacteria samples are collected weekly during warm weather at designated swimming beaches along Lakes Sammamish, Washington, and Union, and in Green Lake. 94 Approximately 20 beaches are sampled each year. This program is a coordinated program between KCDNRP, SKCPH, and various local jurisdictions. This program is designed to answer the following three questions: Question #1: Is the swimming beach water quality safe for human recreation? Question #2: Is there a spatial difference in swimming beach water quality? Question #3: What is the source of any identified unsafe water quality? The swimming beach monitoring program is described at: http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/waterres/swimbeach/default.aspx. Continuous Temperature Monitoring Temperature throughout the water column depth is continuously monitored at 10 sites using a series of thermistor chains. This monitoring program is coordinated with temperature monitoring conducted by the Seattle District US Army Corps of Engineers. This program is designed to answer the following five questions: Question #1: Has the temperature of the large lakes changed over time? Question #2: Has the seasonal and diurnal lake stratification and destratification changed over time? Question #3: Is there a spatial difference in the temperature of the large lakes? Question #4: Is there a spatial difference in the seasonal and diurnal lake stratification and destratification? Question #5: Is the lake temperature adequate for salmonid use? The continuous temperature monitoring program is not yet described on the web. Toxic Cyanobacteria Study A short-term study of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and toxic cyanobacteria has been implemented for the major lakes, as described in the Sampling and Analysis Plan - Phase II For Toxic Cyanobacteria in Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish and Lake Union, February 2005. Sample collection utilizes the combined efforts of the routine Major Lakes Sampling Program and the Swimming Beach Monitoring Program (SAP in review). The Major Lakes Sampling Program collects samples twice per month between March and October. Swimming Beach Monitoring occurs weekly from mid-May through mid-September. Utilizing both programs will provide for weekly sample collection throughout most of the productive growing season and provide for better tracking of microcystin production in the lakes. Additional focused sampling efforts will be made to collect scums or accumulations of cyanobacteria if they are present within the visual distance of routine lakes sampling sites or as part of the Small Lakes Monitoring Program. A bloom will be defined as a visually observable accumulation of phytoplankton in the water column or as a surface accumulation. Samples are collected using the same site-specific collection method used for chlorophyll a described in section 4.5. In addition, seasonal microcystin and quantitative phytoplankton samples are collected at seven locators with discrete surface sample collection and at all six locators with integrated composite samples. In situ profiling will be conducted at every five meter depth (from 1 meter to just above the bottom) at one selected locator. 95 Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Monitoring Zooplankton sample collection in Lake Sammamish is designed to compliment the zooplankton sampling program at the University of Washington. UW sampling is focused on the south end of Lake Washington to provide data on food availability for outmigrating salmonids and an estimate of seasonal grazing pressure on the phytoplankton populations. Qualitative ring net tows are conducted at one location in Lake Sammamish for live zooplankton sampling. Zooplankton analyses are conducted by the University of Washington Zoology laboratory. Large Lakes Sediment Chemistry Monitoring King County monitors large lake chemistry every 10 years to assess possible accumulation of toxic chemicals. The sediment sampling design will be detailed in the annual workplan, and will generally follow existing sediment SAPs that address SEDQUAL data requirements. Sediment samples will be collected for chemical testing using standardized equipment and procedures. Protocols for sediment sampling in lakes Sammamish, Washington and Union are defined in the Sampling and Analysis Plans and standard operating procedures. Major Lakes Benthic Sampling The benthic community will be assessed using a variety of indices (e.g., abundance, diversity and the abundance of stress-tolerant or intolerant species). Benthic sampling will occur on an infrequent schedule defined during annual work planning. Collection and analysis of benthic samples requires significant resources. In order for benthic samples to be comparable across studies, all benthic samples should be collected using standardized protocols. Standardization of bioassessment methods for determining benthic species composition, taxa richness, diversity, evenness, trophic levels and major taxonomic spatial and temporal patterns may be enhanced significantly by the conventional use of a U.S. No. 30 sieve (APHA et al. 1998) during sample collection and initial processing. All samples will be initially preserved with 10% buffered formalin. Alcohol is not a satisfactory tissue fixative, especially for soft body parts. Fixation with formalin stabilizes tissue proteins to retain characteristics of the soft body parts (APHA et al. 1998). A sufficient volume of formalin will be added to sample containers such that the entire volume of pre-screened sample shall be covered with formalin. Specifics of benthic sampling design and collection for Lake Washington can be found in the Lake Washington Baseline Sediment Sampling SAP. Vashon-Maury Island Water Resources An integrated water resources monitoring program is conducted on Vashon-Maury Island in Puget Sound to ensure long-term sustainability of the quantity and quality of water for people and the environment. This monitoring program includes groundwater level monitoring, groundwater quality monitoring, weather monitoring, stream flow and temperature monitoring, land-use assessments, and water resources modeling. This program is described at: http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/WQ/vashon-island/ and groundwater data are available at: http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/wq/groundwater-data.htm. 96 Puget Sound King County conducts routine monitoring of Puget Sound water quality and sediment quality. This monitoring is conducted in coordination with the Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program (PSAMP). Routine monthly monitoring is conducted at 12 offshore stations and 10 beach stations. A water quality profile is obtained using a CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) instrument, and samples are analyzed at the lab for conventional parameters, nutrients and bacteria. 97 EXCERPT FROM: Draft Guidance for Developing Monitoring and Evaluation as a Program Element of the Fish and Wildlife Program Northwest Power and Conservation Council March 2006 98 Table of Contents I. Developing Monitoring and Evaluation in the Program 1 Why Monitoring is Important: Evaluating the Fish and Wildlife Program Why Monitor at a Programmatic Scale? Where the Program Stands Today Developing a Regional Approach to Monitoring: Spatial Scales Determining Biological Effectiveness: The Role of Adaptive Management A Regional Scale Program Requires Regional Scale Monitoring Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership Collaborative Funding Inventory Data Management 1 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 8 II. A Road Map for Developing a Regional Monitoring Framework 11 Management Questions and the Need for Supporting Data High Level Indicators: Monitoring for the Program What Are High-Level Indicators? Why Are High-Level Indicators Important? 11 12 13 14 How High Level Indicators Are Being Identified 15 Provincial Scale Objectives: When and Where to Monitor for the Program Fish and Wildlife Program Projects: the Building Blocks of Regional Monitoring 15 15 III. Using the Project Selection Process to Implement Monitoring 19 What Does it All Mean? Paradigm Shift Ahead Developing a Monitoring Component of the Fish and Wildlife Program Making Long-Term Commitment to Monitoring Conducting Large-Scale Field Experiments Point of Departure: Getting Underway for Fiscal-Year 2007-2009 Current and Proposed Monitoring Components for the Program 19 19 20 20 20 21 IV. Program Evaluation Requires Broad Range of Monitoring 25 Monitoring and Action Effectiveness Research Develop Common Protocols for Fish/Wildlife Population and Environmental Status and Trend Monitoring Population Status, Trends and Distribution Develop Common Site Selection Procedures Develop Models for Predicting Abundance Habitat Monitoring Action Effectiveness Research Habitat Project Effectiveness Intensively Monitored Watersheds Estuary Artificial Production Effectiveness 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 31 32 99 Hydro Related Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Uncertainties Research Project Implementation/Compliance Monitoring 33 33 V. References Cited 34 VI. Appendices 36 Appendix A. Regional Monitoring Framework Appendix B. Definitions of Monitoring Terms Appendix C. Categories of Monitoring Within the Regional Framework 36 49 50 100 I. Developing Monitoring and Evaluation in the Program This document provides guidance on monitoring for two different audiences. The first and second chapters provide the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (Council) and other policy makers the rationale and context for this guidance. Chapter one explains the importance of developing a regional approach to monitoring. Chapter two describes the primary elements of a regional approach to monitoring, including high-level indicators, provincial scale objectives, and project scale work, and how they are linked. Chapters three and four are intended for practitioners of monitoring. Chapter three provides guidance on how the Council will use the project selection process to help develop programmatic scale monitoring in the region. Chapter four describes the categories of monitoring under which work will be initiated to implement a programmatic approach and includes specific guidance on tasks. Why Monitoring is Important: Evaluating the Fish and Wildlife Program The 2000 Fish and Wildlife Program (Program) establishes a basinwide vision for fish and wildlife along with four overarching biological objectives: • A Columbia River ecosystem that sustains an abundant, productive, and diverse community of fish and wildlife • Mitigation across the basin for the adverse effects to fish and wildlife caused by the development and operation of the hydrosystem • Sufficient populations of fish and wildlife providing abundant opportunities for tribal trust and treaty right harvest and for non-tribal harvest • Recovery of the fish and wildlife affected by the development and operation of the hydrosystem that are listed under the Endangered Species Act The principal vehicle for implementing these objectives are the restoration projects to improve conditions for listed and non-listed anadromous fish, resident fish, and wildlife that have been impacted by the hydrosystem in the Columbia River Basin. The central question for the Council is whether or not the projects are in fact helping the Program reach these objectives. This guidance will facilitate the development of a monitoring component for the Program that over time will provide the basis for a quantitative assessment of progress toward the Program’s overarching objectives. Specific provincial scale objectives that will be developed in 2006 Why Monitor at a Programmatic Scale? In the Pacific Northwest, natural resource management entities collect and analyze many types of information for answering specific management questions to address the objectives for which they are responsible. To effectively combine information to answer 101 management questions will require monitoring across multiple geographic and temporal scales, including: • Tributaries with major projects, populations • Major population groups • Subbasins • Evolutionarily Significant Units • Major Population GROUPS • the Columbia River Basin Developing standardized approaches, making and securing long-term funding commitments, and coordinating with our regional partners are all essential to the success of this initiative. The Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership or PNAMP, is working to develop standardized protocols and methods for field data collection, data management, and analytical processes, which, in widespread use, would change this data into a common currency. This would enable data collected for an initial primary purpose to maintain value for use by subsequent secondary users wishing to analyze aggregate data, or “rolling-up” the data, following a set of universal guidelines. Similarly, there is value in being able to combine information even within the same watershed or nearby watershed to increase the inferences or statistical power of information. While there are many potential analytical applications for aggregate data, this guidance identifies the need to coordinate the collection of data in a manner that can support evaluation and decision-making at higher-level spatial scales, for example subbasin plans, Evolutionary Significant Units, and provincial scale objectives. By supporting this work it will be possible to conduct basic assessment and evaluation work at the population level, and at a regional scale. This increases the potential for technical, policy and public organizations to communicate using consistent language and processes and to provide accurate and unambiguous information to the public, NGO’s, governments and their branches. Enabling operational adaptive management and well-informed decision-making will be the principal results of this initiative. Where the Program Stands Today Until now, monitoring in the Fish and Wildlife Program has primarily been conducted to evaluate work at the project scale, across all subject areas. This approach has generated monitoring information useful to individual restoration projects. However, monitoring 102 has not been developed into an element of the program that can provide a basis for evaluating the program. Consequently, the Program must now apply limited resources to developing a more programmatic approach, which can detect the cumulative effect of restoration actions. By developing the ability to conduct such evaluations, the program will be able to identify future actions that are more strategic. Identification of high-level indicators and the development of provincial scale objectives will be required to support this programmatic approach. While monitoring of work at the project scale has intrinsic value, and will continue on a reduced basis, it cannot substitute for the lack of a monitoring program of sufficient scope to provide a basis upon which the program as a whole can be evaluated, and redirected. Monitoring must be conducted at different scales to: • Assess the performance of the program relative to biological and programmatic objectives • Identify where and why there are performance problems • Identify the most effective actions needed to correct problems so that program objectives can be achieved Developing a Regional Approach to Monitoring: Spatial Scales The absence of a regionally coordinated approach to monitoring and evaluation in the Columbia River Basin has constrained restoration and planning efforts for decades. For this reason, it is important that a more hierarchical approach be utilized with increased emphasis on achieving useful outcomes from monitoring. Specifically, methods need to be developed and implemented so that monitoring results can be combined at the same scale, or rolled up to higher scales to provide scientifically defensible evaluations . For example, to determine whether the status of fish and wildlife populations and/or ecological condition of a subbasin, an ESU, or the Columbia River Basin as a whole is improving or declining over time. This capability would be very useful to policy and decision makers as they deliberate on future actions under the program that affect the long-term, ecological health of the basin. Shifting the focus of monitoring from project to larger spatial scales has both benefits and challenges. One benefit of focusing on the population scale is that it’s a scale with direct relevance to fish managers, who want to know if actions within a watershed can actually improved a fish population’s production, for example smolts/spawner, in addition to improving habitat conditions in the restored reaches. The population scale is also of great interest to agencies like NOAA Fisheries charged with evaluating the status of listed populations. There are also some significant challenges in shifting monitoring to larger spatial scales. Reliably attributing observed changes in fish survival or production to particular sets of management actions requires careful monitoring design. Otherwise, one might 103 erroneously infer that observed changes were due to management actions when in fact they were the result of natural variation in freshwater climate or ocean conditions. Ideally, one would monitor both ‘treated’ areas (those with habitat restoration actions) and nearby ‘reference’ areas (those without restoration actions), for several generations of fish populations, both before and after implementation of actions, and measure other explanatory variables simultaneously. One challenge is that it becomes increasingly difficult at larger scales to establish the strong contrasts required to evaluate effectiveness; that is areas and times with and without certain classes of restoration actions. For example, adjacent subbasins will each have a variety of implemented restoration actions, so that comparing fish production across these subbasins and over time will not lead to any clear inferences on which actions (if any) were responsible for any observed differences in trends over time. It will therefore still be necessary to conduct effectiveness evaluations at finer spatial scales for a carefully selected subset of restoration actions and locations. Determining Biological Effectiveness: The Role of Adaptive Management Adaptive management provides a valuable tool for ensuring that timely feedback from program activities increases effectiveness by re-directing future work. In their seminal work applying adaptive management in a hydropower context, Professor Kai Lee and Jody Lawrence wrote: Adaptive management encourages deliberate design of measures. This assures that both success and failures are detected early and interpreted properly as guidance for future action. Information from these evaluations should enable planners to estimate the effectiveness of protection and enhancement measures on a systemwide basis. Measures should be formulated as hypotheses. Measures should make an observable difference. Monitoring must be designed at the outset. Biological confirmation is the fundamental measure of effectiveness. (Emphasis added.) (From Adaptive Management: Learning from the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program, Environmental Law Vol.16:431-460, 1986.) The National Research Council (NRC) reported several lessons learned about the practicability of adaptive management and the institutional conditions that affect how experiments on the scale of an ecosystem can be conducted (NRC, 1996), specifically: • Learning takes from decades to as long as a century. Patience is both necessary and difficult, particularly in institutional settings such as government that work in faster cycles • Systematic record keeping and monitoring are essential if learning is to be possible 104 • Cooperative management in the design and execution of experiments is indispensable • Experimentation within the context of resource use depends on the collaboration of resource users • Adaptive management does not eliminate political conflict but can affect its character in important, if indirect, ways Monitoring and evaluation is at the heart of the adaptive management because it provides the information, data and analysis for identification of need and subsequent tracking the progress of plans and population, or their lack of progress, for decision-makers and resource managers. The success of the program depends on the consistent application of well-designed research, monitoring and evaluation that can enumerate the information required for different types of decisions at multiple scales, for example management of harvests, the hydrosystem, and hatcheries; and, decisions on the protection and restoration of habitat. Another key element to an adaptive management experiment is providing a large enough perturbation to a system so a detectable change in a response variable can be measured. For example, by measuring responses to a limited range of spill and flow levels in the Columbia River hydrosystem, it will be difficult to assess detectable changes over the salmon and steelhead life-cycle and to contrast those changes in life-cycle survivals to those for transported juvenile fish. To be successful, adaptive management requires that "triggers" be established for initiating adjustments or changes based on the results of monitoring. Monitoring without triggers and adjustments does not constitute, and cannot support, adaptive management. Triggers should be identified, required, and be more than checkpoints in time. For example they could be related to performance standards, or achievement of deliberate experimental design outcomes, or management targets. Thus, failure to attain performance standards as expected, on the stated timeframe, should trigger the appropriate review of what happened, why, and the determination of next steps. The following steps to implementing adaptive management are portrayed in Figure 1: • Assessing limiting factors and critical uncertainties • Designing projects, programs and monitoring to maximize both on-the-ground effectiveness and learning • Coordinated and documented implementation of projects • Consistent monitoring through standardized methods, protocols, and training • Timely and thorough evaluation of effectiveness 105 • Overall guidance to the region to adjust plans and programs at the Province and subbasin level Figure 1. Sequence of steps in adaptive management. Assess Adjust Design Evaluate Implement Monitor A Regional Scale Program Requires Regional Scale Monitoring For over a decade the Program’s science review groups have been calling for the “development and implementation of a system-wide monitoring and evaluation program,” (SRG 93-2). The objectives and management questions of the Program overlap those of many other regional entities and, local state, federal and tribal governments. The costs of the monitoring and research needed to adequately address these common management questions are more than one program can adequately support or fund alone. Only through the combined efforts of multiple entities can a sufficient level of information be developed to answer resource management questions through coordinated, standardized and programmatic approaches to monitoring. There are a number of existing efforts in the region to coordinate monitoring and evaluation but until recently there has been a lack of an organizing principle or central forum to facilitate these efforts. Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership The 2000 Fish and Wildlife Program, Basinwide Provision D.9, states that: “The Council will initiate a process involving all interested parties in the region to establish guidelines appropriate for the collection and reporting of data in the Columbia River Basin.” Another directive for developing a regional approach to monitoring was included in the “Recommendations of the Governors of Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington for Protecting and Restoring Columbia River Fish and Wildlife and Preserving the Benefits of the Columbia River Power System,” issued in June of 2003. In response, Council staff has joined and helped inaugurate the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership, or PNAMP, chartered to provide such a forum (see www.pnamp.org). Through their participation in PNAMP, the Council, Bonneville, and the fish and wildlife managers are 106 working to implement the Program within the context of a regional network of monitoring efforts so that the shared monitoring needs and objectives of the program can be achieved. Major accomplishments of PNAMP relevant to the development of a regional approach to monitoring include the following several key operational documents: • • • • Draft Plan 2004, titled, “Recommendations for Coordinating State, Federal, and Tribal Watershed and Salmon Monitoring Programs in the Pacific Northwest,” on January 6, 2004. Considerations for Monitoring in Subbasin Plans 2004 Strategy 2005 Charter 2005 In addition to providing staff support for this regional initiative, the Council has also funded the Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project (CSMEP), designed to facilitate implementation of monitoring within the Columbia Basin. CSMEP is a three-year project funded under the Program that is working on several of the tasks identified as priorities by the Fish Monitoring Workgroup of PNAMP, NOAA, USFWS, and the Action Agencies. In close coordination with PNAMP, the CSMEP has been working since October 2003 to develop rigorous approaches to monitoring and evaluation that directly serve the needs of specific decisions, and build on the strengths of existing monitoring infrastructure. PNAMP and CSMEP have been, and will continue to, work closely together. PNAMP is playing a key role in the development of coordinated approach to monitoring at a regional scale. It provides a central forum for the discussion of policy and management issues and sponsors workgroups comprised of monitoring practitioners working to resolve technical issues. PNAMP is the key forum for implementing the regional framework for monitoring described in Chapter II. Collaborative Funding In 2000, the Council shifted from an annual project funding cycle to a three-year cycle. Because state and federal agencies remain on an annual funding cycle, it is difficult for them to make long-term funding agreements. Consequently, formal arrangements such as memoranda of agreement (MOAs) may be necessary to secure long-term funding commitments for selected large-scale field experiments, for example the MOA between Bonneville and the U.S. Forest Service. In regard to the Program, it is important to acknowledge the difficulty inherent in reprogramming existing funds to support additional research initiatives within the available direct-program budget. Yet the important question is not how much investment in additional monitoring the program might afford, but rather how to implement a comprehensive regional research agenda that can be funded from multiple sources, sustained, and managed to mutually endorsed outcomes. A more systematic and strategic approach to leveraging investment by many parties is warranted. This guidance identifies critical uncertainties that need to 107 be addressed by multi-agency initiatives, cooperative funding agreements, and the sharing of responsibility for implementation. Some identified monitoring needs are currently, or should be more appropriately, the requirement or shared responsibility of federal or state agencies other than Bonneville, under mandates other than the Northwest Power Act. This point is particularly relevant to ESA recovery planning and implementation research needs that are proposed for the Columbia River Basin but have application coast-wide. Discrete elements of this guidance present differing degrees of opportunities for regional coordination and shared funding. To succeed, it is incumbent upon members of PNAMP to develop and implement incentive strategies. Incentives may include funding, regulatory flexibility, or recognition, all of which can work in combination. Thus, there is a need to work cooperatively with entities that represent alternative funding sources and have responsibilities that overlap those of the Council, for example the Trust for Public Lands and others. The regional entities should recognize that all programs are limited by what they can afford to sustain, but that by working together, all the programs could benefit from focused, coordinated expenditures. Inventory It would be valuable for long-term planning of monitoring and evaluation to assemble a comprehensive and detailed inventory of all monitoring activity in the Pacific Northwest region. The inventory should be structured to provide a web-based, searchable database. The benefit here is clear: knowing who is doing what, where, why and how, will enable cost savings through elimination of duplicate work, and enable a higher level of collaboration and communication. This inventory will also identify critical gaps and areas where strong and weak data sets currently exist. CSMEP has conducted detailed inventories, and assessments of the strengths and weaknesses, of data within a dozen subbasins of the Columbia Basin. These very detailed data inventories, which are available on an internet-accessible website, need to be complemented by a broader, less detailed inventory to be developed by PNAMP. Additional inventory work, on the scale of the entire Pacific region, is being conducted by the State of Salmon project, a joint effort of Ecotrust and the Wild Salmon Center. 108 Data Management A regional approach to monitoring will fail without the support of a data management system that can provide regional access to the data sets developed through monitoring efforts, on a timely basis, for analytical manipulation. To be successful a data networking system must be able to assist scientists in the identification and development of data standards as it relates to the monitoring of fish and wildlife populations and their related habitats. This objective helps to identify solutions that improve access, sharing, and coordination among different collectors and users of monitoring data for fish and wildlife populations and their related habitats. It also provides a data reporting foundation that will lead towards coordinated agency reporting, uniform monitoring protocols, and improved data quality and quantity. Objectives include: • Develop a consistent data standards and protocols within and across each of the types of monitoring • Establish a close working relationship for data consistency across the data sources • Identify and document the specific data needs of the region for watershed condition monitoring, fish population monitoring, and effectiveness monitoring • Develop and recommend data collection standards and information to be shared across the various monitoring programs • Share requirements and results with regional data networking entities to ensure sharing of monitoring data • Test the collection protocols, sampling methods and data sharing mechanisms • Implement coordinated solutions within regional programs • Embed common analysis capabilities and reporting capacity • Provide public access sections or linked web sites for informational and collaborative processes There are many different interests and initiatives concerned with improving data collection or management in the Columbia Basin and the Pacific Northwest. These efforts involve many different constituencies, mandates, and obligations. At present, there is no common regional data management network that links these interests and initiatives. To address this situation, the Council has initiated a process for identifying data needs in the basin, surveying available data, and filling any data gaps. The Council, NOAA Fisheries, and other regional entities supporting this effort consider it imperative to develop a regional data network that will: • Utilize existing databases, facilitate data management and sharing 109 • Help subbasin planners • Underpin salmonid recovery efforts under the FCRPS Biological Opinion • Support the monitoring component of the Council’s Program The Northwest Environmental Data Network or NED is leading this initiative. PNAMP scientists, statisticians and biologists plan to develop data collection standards that can be used across many different programs. NED could then support the consistent use of these standards and in addition develop data sharing standards as a part of an overall regional data network. NED will also work with other regional groups to support consistent standards for their data collection programs. In this way NED will support the sharing and integration of many different regional data sets including the PNAMP data. There are important differences in the expertise needed for PNAMP and NED, while PNAMP is primarily made up of scientists, statisticians and biologists, NED will be supported by information network specialists whose role is to work with regional scientists and others to make the information that they collect more consistent and more readily available. This “corporate” approach to organization realizes the efficiencies and benefits that can be gained from introducing standards to information systems while supporting the flexibility that is needed by the many different data collection subdisciplines. It is also consistent with the recommendations that the region has received on data management and science by the Council’s Independent Science Advisory Board and the Independent Science Review Panel. The methods and protocols used in the collection of data for use within the Fish and Wildlife Program must be consistent with guidelines approved by the Council and adopted by the region. It is important to note that while the ISRP checks these criteria, it is Bonneville who must enforce the guidelines. Guidelines appropriate for the collection and reporting of data at the project scale include: • The project must have measurable, quantitative biological objectives • The project must either collect or identify data that are appropriate for measuring the biological outcomes identified in the objectives • Projects that collect data appropriate for secondary use, for example subsequent higher scale evaluations, must make this data and accompanying metadata available to the region in electronic form • Data and reports developed with Bonneville funds should be considered to be in the public domain • Data and metadata must be submitted within six months of their collection 110 WASHINGTON GOVERNOR’S FORUM ON MONITORING The Governor's Forum on Monitoring Salmon Recovery and Watershed Health (FORUM) was created by Executive Order 04-03 in August 2004, to coordinate monitoring consistent with the Comprehensive Monitoring Strategy and Action Plan for Watershed Health and Salmon Recovery (CMS). The FORUM is comprised of state and federal agencies, named by the Governor in the Executive Order, involved in watershed health and salmon recovery. It also includes representation from the Northwest Power and Conservation Council and the tribes. According to the Executive Order, the FORUM is chartered to: Provide a multi-agency venue for coordinating technical and policy issues and actions related to monitoring Washington’s salmon recovery and watershed health. We envision a coordinated network of state, federal, and tribal agencies able to share data and coordinate spending effectively for developing and reporting the status and trends of Washington’s salmon and watershed health and restoration efforts. The tasks of the FORUM outlined in the Executive Order are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Make recommendations on biennial reporting of monitoring results and progress in watershed health and salmon recovery. Foster integrated analysis and reporting of monitoring information. Provide monitoring recommendations to the Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB), the Governor's Salmon Recovery Office (GSRO) and appropriate state agencies. Develop a broad set of measures that will convey results and progress on salmon recovery and watershed health in ways that are easily understood by the public, legislators and Congress. The Forum is also encouraged to develop such indicators with federal, tribal, regional and local partners working on salmon recovery and watershed health so that there is standardization of the measures used. Coordinate with local and regional watershed and salmon recovery groups, tribes, other states, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, NOAA Fisheries, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Forest Service. By January 2006, and biennially thereafter, provide a report of its key activities and recommendations to the Governor, the Legislature, and the SRFB. In order to accomplish the various tasks, the FORUM formed six technical subcommittees to assist in a multi-agency review of the major monitoring activities. The FORUM meets quarterly to address monitoring issues. Figure 1 is a schematic representation of the FORUM structure and subcommittees created. 111 Governor’s Forum On Monitoring State Partners Federal, Tribal, Local Biennial Forum Report to Governor, Legislature, SRFB Fish Abundance Marine/Nearshore Subcommittee Monitoring Steering Committee Barrier Subcommittee Effectiveness Subcommittee State of Salmon In Watersheds Report RCW 77.85.020 Habitat/Water Quality Status/Trends Data Sharing SWIMTAC Figure 1. FORUM Structure Statewide Measures of Salmon Recovery and Watershed Health Status-Trend Monitoring Statewide measures in order to have significance must be based upon long term status and trend monitoring. Since April 2005, the FORUM has convened six subcommittees to assist in making improvements to the statewide high level measures of salmon recovery and watershed health. The following status and trend programs are considered most important for informing the public, the Legislature, and the Governor: Adult salmon abundance. The WDFW and the tribes are working on showing harvest and adult spawners on the same charts so that total marine production can be displayed compared to recovery targets. They are developing ways to improve confidence limits and to display the results of monitoring populations determined as most appropriate by the recovery plans developed for each Salmon Recovery Region (SRR). Juvenile migrant salmon abundance. The WDFW and the tribes are working on improving the juvenile migrant index to include tribal and other sites not administered by WDFW. They wish to track and display productivity measurements as well. They are determining how and where to better sample juvenile migrant abundance to reflect major population groups and principle populations. Habitat and water quality status/trends. The Department of Ecology is creating a statistically valid statewide sampling framework of randomly distributed sampling locations per US Environmental Protection Agency EMAP protocol. It will include wadeable and non-wadeable streams and rivers and the sampling design will be developed to answer status and trends at the statewide, SRR, and Watershed scale if fully implemented. The Department of Ecology is to complete the framework and bring the results back to the Board at its May 2006 meeting for decisions regarding funding in the 2007-09 Biennial Budget. 112 Water quantity index. The FORUM and the Department of Ecology are working on a better way of displaying water quantity problems for use in future reports. More flow gauging stations would help create a better picture of flow problems in the state. Barriers WDFW is working on incorporating federal barrier information into the existing SSHIAP database and will display barrier information and targets by SRR for the next SOS report. Project Implementation. Estuary/Nearshore. The FROUM would like one or more indicators for nearshore/marine habitat as part of the State of Salmon Report. A subcommittee was charged to bring recommendations to the FORUM on a specific indicator or set of indicators to be included in the State of Salmon Report that would characterize marine conditions in Puget Sound, the coast, and the lower Columbia River estuary. Action Effectiveness Monitoring The state continues to support monitoring funded through the SRFB and the Forest and Fish Agreement as crucial pieces that demonstrate that management actions taken by the state to restore watershed health and recover salmon and steelhead populations are effective. The SRFB has funded a statistically robust examination of 8 categories of restoration projects and also protection projects to determine if they have been effective at the project scale in meeting design, habitat, and fish objectives. These projects are sprinkled across Washington and Tetra Tech EC has been contracted to complete the field sampling and evaluation. The sampling program uses a before and after control impact design (BACI). In addition the SRFB has funded Intensively Monitored Watersheds (IMWs) to validate that restoration actions taken on a cumulative basis do produce more juvenile and adult fish as a result. Clusters of watersheds have been established in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Hood canal, and Lower Columbia River to test this assumption. Each uses a “control” watershed and two or three “treatment” watersheds. A fourth IMW has been established in the Skagit River estuary to test the responses of juvenile chinook salmon toward restoration of tidal estuaries. The Department of Natural Resources receives funds from Congress to monitor and implement the Forest and Fish agreement and associated HCP involving Washington Forest Practice rules. Monitoring has been restricted to tracking the effectiveness of various forest practices required in the agreement. Future actions will monitor forest conditions through status-trend monitoring of treated state and private forest lands. The Department of Ecology continues to work to evaluate the effectiveness of TMDLs established under the Clean Water Act. Implementation Monitoring The Implementation Subcommittee has been working to include information from conservation districts, Bonneville Power Administration, and other sources in future State of Salmon Reports in order to better reflect the diversity of effort being expended to recover salmon and to keep our watersheds healthy. There is a need within the Washington natural resource agencies to have common requirements and possibly a common database for tracking grants and projects associated with restoring watershed health and salmon recovery so that there can be summarized reporting of restoration efforts. There have been previous requests for funding of the next phase of the Natural Resources Data Portal that will enable composite reporting of key information about salmon recovery and watershed health from multiple state agencies and local government efforts as well. 113 ESTABLISHING A CALIFORNIA COASTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Kevin Shaffer, California Department of Fish and Game For questions or interest, contact (916) 327-0713; kshaffer@dfg.ca.gov Monitoring Program Goals The primary goal of the California Coastal Monitoring Plan (CalPlan) is to gather information relevant and useful for successful management, conservation, and protection of coastal anadromous fishes. To do this, the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) is working with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to create a program to evaluate the status and trends of: • ESA and CESA listed anadromous salmonid species; • Related environmental processes and conditions; • Progress toward achieving recovery criteria; • Threats or impacts of various threats to the resources. The primary goal of this document is to identify needed elements to enable the Calplan to achieve these objectives. Thus, the CalPlan will address scientific and fisheries management questions vital to conserve the species. Early efforts are focusing on identifying the entities to conduct the monitoring, the audience for the ensuing results and information, and the spatial and temporal commitment of the program. Therefore, to first design, and then implement a monitoring plan requires the definition of its strategic context. Responsible Agencies CDFG and NMFS will be the cooperating agencies that will be responsible for all initial aspects of the monitoring plan, including 1) funding, 2) staged implementation, 3) field assessment and monitoring, 4) data compilation, storage, and management, 5) analysis, and 6) reporting, and 7) the pursuit of additional, crucial program resources. Because of the enormity of both initiating and maintaining coastal monitoring, each agency likely will be solely responsible for some functions. For other responsibilities, it will be both necessary and advantageous for the two agencies to work collaboratively. Interested Audience There are very high stakes in resource conservation, species protection, recreational interest, tribal relations, and pressures on land and water development and other economic uses related to salmon wellbeing. To address these interests, both CDFG and NMFS, including its science laboratory and protected resource divisions, know it is essential that a coastal monitoring plan be developed. Thus at the management and leadership levels of both the State of California and federal government, there is interest and concern over the successful development of coastal monitoring. Additionally, increased interest in the health of anadromous salmonids has also resulted in increased scrutiny. The institutions that allocate funding to the resource agencies want a better reporting on the progress of habitat restoration and population recovery. Currently, neither fisheries agency is able to provide the level of information needed to adequately address resource, management, and statutory questions being asked concerning progress in recovery efforts. The Calplan will provide information to both the State and federal legislatures, and in that way demonstrate progress of restoration and recovery efforts and substantiate agency needs to continue pursuing successful conservation of coastal salmonids. Although CDFG and NMFS are the primary organizations responsible for conservation of anadromous salmonids, they are not the sole agencies interested in or already involved in monitoring and assessment activities in California. Other federal agencies (e.g., National Parks Service and U.S. Forest Service), state agencies (e.g., Department of Forestry and Fire Protection), Tribal Nations in northern California, water resource agencies (e.g., Sonoma County Water Agency, State Water Quality Board), private industries (e.g., forestry companies, fisheries organizations), and academic institutions (e.g., California State 114 universities, University of California campuses) have experience, expertise, and inherent interest in the current and projected health of coastal anadromous salmonids. Hence, there are several levels of interest and awareness of coastal salmonid and watershed monitoring. The CalPlan needs to know and serve its several audiences, their priority, and their interest and potential participation in coastal monitoring. The CalPlan’s primary audience includes the leaders CDFG and NMFS and their fisheries programs, the California Legislature, and Congress. The second primary audience of the monitoring plan is made up by the managers and field specialists in both agencies. These people constitute the fisheries programs that will have the main responsibility to implement a coastal assessment, monitoring, and adaptive recovery program. Fisheries biologists in the field, scientists at the NOAA Science Lab, Geographic Information System analysts, database specialists, and statisticians in CDFG and NMFS must be part of a coherent, unified effort. Their understanding and concurrence with both the merit and feasibility of the coastal monitoring plan are indispensable. Additional audiences for the Calplan include the leaders and field staff of other involved agencies and organizations and the citizens of California and across the nation, since it is through their support of natural resource agencies that conservation of salmon and steelhead is made possible. This audience includes the program managers and staff of assessment and monitoring programs in the other Pacific states and British Columbia. Feedback and advice from and coordination with those across the Pacific Northwest who are experienced and knowledgeable in salmonid monitoring will be invaluable for both implementation and advancement of coastal monitoring in California. Geographic Scope The Coastal Monitoring Plan covers coastally draining watersheds from Mexico to Oregon. These drainages range from small to moderate coastal drainage systems that are entirely or predominantly influenced by coastal climate (e.g., moderate ambient temperatures regimes, fog belt, and onshore winds with greater precipitation north of Monterey Bay) to large watersheds that extend well inland, where the upper basins are characterized by higher elevation and interior climatic conditions (e.g., hotter summer and colder winter regimes, snow-melt hydrology, drier summers). The Central Valley system is not included in CalPlan. Duration The duration of the Coastal Monitoring Plan is founded on two factors. The first factor is the 100-year time-frame for the evaluation of extinction risk conducted by federal scientists analyzing the viability of salmonid populations (McElhany et al. 2000). The second factor is the variation and age composition of spawning adult salmon and steelhead. Coho salmon demonstrate a relatively fixed three-year life cycle in California (Weitkamp et al. 1995, Waples et al. 2001), and brood years do not overlap and a complete generation is represented by three consecutive years of returning spawners. The maturation of Chinook salmon inhabiting coastal watersheds from the Russian River to the Smith River is characterized by a predominance of three- and four-year old fish. However, two-year olds are common, and cohorts may include five- and six-year olds (Myers et al. 1998). Species Covered The intent of the CalPlan is to monitor anadromous species of coastal California. A phased approach will utilized to achieve this intent. This document addresses the monitoring of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawyscha), coho salmon (O. kisutch), and steelhead (O. mykiss). It is anticipated that the next species to be integrated into the CALPLAN will be coastal cutthroat trout (O. clarki). After this is accomplished, green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris), white sturgeon (A. transmontanus), and Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata) will be included in the CalPlan, in that order. 115 Population Status and Trend For NMFS, the single-most important assessment is evaluating the viability of populations, more commonly referred to as Viable Salmonid Population (VSP) analysis (McElhany et al. 2000). Several factors inter-relate, providing an evaluation of what constitutes viable populations of anadromous salmonids. The four, primary parameters include population size, growth rate, spatial structure, and diversity (McElhany et al. 2000). To accomplish population viability analysis (PVA), factors such as environmental variation, fish abundance, genetic variation and diversity, habitat structure and dynamics, age- and sex-composition, marine, estuarine, and freshwater survival, fish size at various life-stages, fish density, recruitment and straying, and fragmentation must be measured. The first, primary order of population monitoring is the ESU, since both NMFS and CDFG have used this population/evolutionary line description to evaluate the status of anadromous fish species (Weitkamp et al. 1995; Busby et al. 1997; Myers et al. 1998; CDFG 2002). NMFS recently proposed designating the anadromous form of steelhead as Distinct Population Segments (DPS) rather than ESUs (FR 71(3):833862: see FR 61(26):4721-4725 for description of DPS). However, this proposed re-designation does not alter how steelhead will be assessed and monitored. The second, primary scale of monitoring is the population-level. At present, it is anticipated that all populations identified as functionally independent (FI) or potentially independent (PI) by federal technical research teams (TRT) will be monitored. At this time, it is not anticipated that dependent populations (DP) will be monitored in central and northern California. Viability analysis of Oregon coastal coho salmon establishes a president for this strategy. However, it is anticipated that DPs and ephemeral populations (EP) likely will be part of the analysis for south-central and southern California steelhead. The final decision for inclusion will be decided once assessments are conducted in southern California (see below) and once the South-Central California Coast TRT publishes in population structure report. It is also possible that DPs will be monitored within the Central California Coast coho salmon ESU. This decision will be made in consultation with the North-Central California TRT. An additional, third scale of monitoring will be conducted under the CALPLAN. This level is necessary both for PVA and to implement the California strategy for recovery coho salmon. This level of monitoring is referred to in several ways. However, all of these concepts have a common foundation: the delineations are based in geography and similar environmental and ecological conditions. For central and northern California ESUs, the stratification is referred to as diversity strata and for southern and south-central steelhead ESUs, as populations groups. The recovery strategy for coho salmon established a similar delineation, referred to as recovery units. Until CDFG and NMFS integrate population parameters, population boundaries, and recovery metrics, it will be necessary for evaluation of coho salmon population health and the progress of recovery using both the federal and state stratifications. Until statistical and modeling decisions are finalized, the absolute number of grouping that must be directly monitored is unknown. Initial decisions for southern California steelhead and the obligation for monitoring under the recovery strategy for coho salmon already have been made. Environmental Condition and Processes Status and Trends The CalPlan will also assess and monitor fish habitat and watershed condition. Information collected will be used in several analyses, including PVA, evaluation of recovery criteria, threats assessment, and environmental trend analysis. Like fish population monitoring, environmental monitoring will occur at several scales and address several parameters: • Habitat Condition and Trend- status and trends in channel characteristics and key, priority instream attributes related to fish habitat suitability and use; • Watershed Condition- status and trends in watershed processes, riparian condition, thermal and flow regimes, and geology; • Estuarine Condition- attributes associated with fish survival, use, and occupation; • Ocean Condition- attributes associated with fish survival and growth. 116 Future Iterations The initial phase of the CALPLAN focuses on fish population dynamics and environmental conditions for three species of anadromous salmonids. Future, phased implementation of the CALPLAN will address the assessment and monitoring of additional fisheries priorities: 1. Remaining coastal, anadromous fishes; 2. Fish habitat restoration efficacy; 3. Fisheries management; 4. Hatcheries management. 117 Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program (ISEMP) John Day Pilot Project: The design and evaluation of monitoring tools for salmon populations and habitat in the Interior Columbia River Basin. Nick Bouwes The John Day was chosen for a pilot project because (1) the John Day basin is represented by several populations of the Mid-Columbia Steelhead ESU, listed as threatened by NMFS in 1999 (64 FR 14517); (2) there is an opportunity to build quickly on current research in the basin to develop answers to key management questions; (3) past information suggests that focused research should address water supply, temperature, and sediments as potential key limiting factors; (4) there is little influence of hatchery fish in the basin; (5) the basin has key sites where fish traps can be effectively located; and (6) the information from the research is likely to be transferable to other ESUs. The John Day RME program will focus on two anadromous fish species: spring/summer chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and rainbow trout/Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The John Day pilot project has outlined a plan to investigate modifying current RME efforts in the basin to address local agency goals as well as the three programmatic goals of Federal Tributary RME program: 1) to assess the ‘health’ or status of populations and their environment; 2) to identify and prioritize restoration actions to increase freshwater production as a means of increasing overall life-cycle survival; and 3) to quantify the degree to which restoration actions are achieving its goals (Jordan et al. 2003). The project relies on the collaboration of researchers and managers to: consolidate current and historic information; define information needs; design research and monitoring programs to establish status and trends, and causal relationships; and synthesize RME information to determine limiting factors to prioritize and design restoration actions. Another major component of the pilot project is to design methods to evaluate the effectiveness of monitoring programs. The John Day pilot project is planning on evaluating project effectiveness in an experimental management framework. Factors limiting fish production in watersheds will be assessed, restoration actions will be designed to address these problems, actions will be implemented as a large scale experiment (e.g. BACI design), and intensive monitoring and research will evaluate the success of the action. This study design is referred to as the Intensively Monitored Watershed (IMW) study, and is not only a powerful approach to evaluate action effectiveness, but a small-scale example of the process required to develop a basinwide RME program. The development of the John Day RME pilot project is expected to be a long term process whereby lessons learned through research and the Intensively Monitored Watershed studies will influence current and future monitoring efforts. We are working closely with personnel implementing current monitoring programs in the John Day as changes to current programs will not likely be accepted unless we provide strong justification of the benefit of action revisions to salmonid management in the basin. Therefore, the RME pilot approach in the John Day is to develop a monitoring framework developed as a cohesive, basin-wide RME program that will be agreed upon 118 by the multiple monitoring entities in the basin. Outlined below are the steps we have been working on and plan to take to achieve a comprehensive RME program in the John Day Basin. Establish contacts and coordinate current activities. The John Day Basin is large and crosses multiple jurisdictional boundaries. There are over 150 people from over 30 agencies and institutions that are connected with monitoring, restoration, or management associated with fisheries in the basin. Historic and current monitoring programs have collected over 25 years of fish, habitat, and water quality data within the basin. One objective of the pilot project is to become well aware of current and historic efforts, coordinating current efforts to reduce duplication, compile associated data and make it available to all researchers, and to use this process to further working relationships with local RME personnel. In 2003, the Analytical Framework Group (AFG), made up of approximately 30 people representing several agencies, was formed to identify information needs and coordinate the development of research and monitoring projects. The AFG and the Habitat, Fish, and GIS AFG subgroups continued to meet in 2005. In addition, pilot project coordinators have met with approximately 100 local RME-related personnel, exposing them to pilot project objectives, gathering existing project information and data, and assessing monitoring needs within the basin. We plan to further engage and broaden collaboration with personnel from USFS, CTWSRO, CTUIR, SWCD, and other local agencies. Subbasin workgroups comprised of agency biologists and restoration and management personnel will be formed to increase communication and create a strong network among monitoring agencies. An annual monitoring meeting is also planned to coordinate development of a basin-wide monitoring study design, incorporating current and legacy monitoring activities of local agencies. Summarize current RME activities. Current status and trend fish and habitat monitoring programs are implemented by state, tribal, and local agencies and these agencies are represented in the AFG (Table 1). Activities include annual steelhead spawner surveys (ODFW), water quality (USFS, BLM, ODEQ, OSU, CTWS and Monument SWCD), and in-stream habitat surveys (EMAP and EPA). Their monitoring efforts have been described in Bouwes (2004, 2005) as well as their initial proposals and annual reports. Determine what information we need to inform goals. While there are a large number of agencies and people conducting monitoring and research in the John Day, the size and complexity of the basin ensures that large information gaps will exist within any single monitoring program. An objective of the pilot projects is to assess multiple monitoring programs to determine which information is essential, yet lacking, to reach status and trend monitoring goals for the basin. Collaborations among agencies within the AFG and review of the John Day Subbasin Plan (2005) have determined information gaps within current monitoring actions. 119 Examples of information needs include, but are not limited to: population structure and distribution information (e.g. genetic data) for salmon and steelhead; hatchery/wild fish interactions, especially in areas with large percentages of hatchery origin salmon and steelhead strays; fish passage monitoring; movement patterns of rearing salmon and steelhead parr; high resolution remote sensing and riparian vegetation mapping; spatial gaps in water quality monitoring; invertebrate monitoring; predation and food web interactions; understanding spatial and temporal variability of collected samples; compliance monitoring; implementation monitoring and project inventory; and effectiveness monitoring. The pilot project and collaborators have initiated or are planning studies to address these particular needs. Establish causal relationships between ecological processes that control fish production, and develop metrics and indices to better capture these mechanisms. If we can understand the mechanistic relationships between fish and their environment, we will more likely be successful in managing these populations. Our understanding of factors limiting freshwater salmonid production will increase, and defining causal relationships will assist our development of metrics and indices that capture relevant ecological processes. The wealth of fisheries literature and past and current intensive research in the John Day Basin, in part funded by other agencies (e.g. BOR), will help define these causal relationships across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Several monitoring projects in the John Day collect spatially and temporally overlapping fish and habitat information that can be used to test causal relationships or generate new hypotheses. We expect RME efforts and IMW studies will continue to discover and refine causal relationships. Several studies are currently underway in the John Day pilot project to determine causal relationships and metrics that capture these relationships, such as fish movement and water temperature relationships (OSU 2005). John Day Basin Sediment Assessment (EPA) is evaluating sediment input sources, such as land use, road crossings, and channel morphology, which are considered major limiting factors for fish production in the basin (John Day Subbasin Plan). The EMAP- Western Regional Pilot Project is evaluating relationships between physical and biotic factors and the ability to predict current ‘health’ of fish habitat. High stream temperature is considered another major limiting factor in the John Day, and the John Day TMDL process is measuring several morphological and riparian vegetation characteristics to parameterize the Heatsource model (Boyd, Matthew and Kasper, Brian, 2002, www.heatsource.info), a mechanistic model relating these inputs to stream temperature. This model will also evaluate how changes to factors such as flow and riparian vegetation through restoration might impact temperature. Invertebrate Productivity Monitoring. NOAA-Fisheries and Eco Logical Research/Utah State University are currently evaluating macroinvertebrate metrics that potentially predict fish growth when coupled with temperature metrics. The objective of this project is to evaluate integrated metric approaches to estimate food availability for salmonids, rather than exclusively using water quality and macroinvertebrate monitoring methods. Project outcomes may include easy metric additions to habitat monitoring programs that reflect food availability. 120 Landscape Changes and Patterns Project: Exploring Landscape Scale Influences on InStream Water Temperature. An existing time series of in-stream water temperature data will be evaluated against the newly derived metrics of landscape complexity to assess how landscape scale factors relate to measured in-stream variables. Predation and food web interactions. Several species of native and non-native fish species live in the John Day system. Very little is known about how these species interact with anadromous fish. Some of these are warm water species that are potential predators to juvenile salmonids, such as smallmouth bass, catfish, and pikeminnow, especially in the migration corridor through which all anadromous species must pass. Others, such as dace, shiners, and young pikeminnows, might compete with juveniles for food resources. If so, parr density alone may not be the most relevant response variable, if inter-specific competition is just as important as intra-specific competition. Many warm water species seem to be expanding their range, which may further complicate the success of some restoration actions. Conversely, restoration actions that decrease temperature may decrease warm water species use of certain habitats and may provide an added benefit to these types of actions. ODFW, the Subbasin Plan (2005), and the ISAB/ISRP (2004a) have suggested that monitoring programs need to address these interactions. We propose collecting diets and tissue or blood (non-lethal) stable isotopes samples for all fish species and macroinvertebrates as a potential monitoring tool to describe general food web patterns. Stable isotopes can describe general prey types consumed for up to months. Collection of these samples during times of outmigration through the lower mainstem, or times of high thermal stress above, at, and below the interface of species overlap may elucidate these food web patterns. Determine the accuracy and precision of information we need collected through different protocols. The ability for a sample to provide accurate and precise information depends heavily on the protocol used to collect that sample. Therefore, monitoring programs need to adopt protocols that are the most informative yet are still affordable (e.g. time, money, effort, etc.). This requires testing the accuracy and precision of several protocols. Currently, there are multiple monitoring protocols to measure the same general characteristic. Often these protocols differ enough that, although they are attempting to describe the same general characteristic, they produce different information. These differences produce inconsistencies that make detection of changes difficult or information that is not even comparable across areas where multiple protocols are implemented. Effort is being spent in the John Day to use habitat, invertebrate, and fish sampling protocols that provide reliable information and are reasonable to implement. Many protocols that are used in the current RME program were tested in 2005. Testing of protocols will continue throughout the life of this project but is expected to diminish as protocol differences are defined. Comparison of satellite remote sensing information collected at different levels of resolution. As part of the Landscape Changes and Patterns Project, remote sensing data derived from the LANDSAT 5 Thematic Mapper sensor is being compared against IKONOS high resolution multispectral imager. While this information has higher 121 resolution, the temporal coverage is limited, and it is much more expensive than LANDSAT 5 images. The objectives of this analysis is to determine what information is lost by using coarser resolution yet less expensive LANDSAT 5 data, and whether the coarser resolution is adequate to describe changes in landscape and landuse patterns evaluations used in the pilot projects. Comparison of Aquatic Survey Protocols Used to Measurement of Physical Habitat Attributes within the John Day Basin Oregon. This study was led by the USFS PIBO program in collaboration with the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Program (PNAMP), and the John Day pilot project. Several of the most widely used stream survey protocols within the Columbia River Basin were used to survey a common set of sites. To ensure sufficient data to evaluate crew variability, at least three crews from each program collected habitat and physical information at each site. A total of 12 sites in the John Day drainage were surveyed with these protocols; four sites falling into each of the following geomorphic reach types; 1) step-pool, 2) pool-riffle, and 3) plane bed. In addition to these protocols a remote sensing approach (LiDAR) was compared and a more precise method (engineering survey) was conducted to establish a benchmark or ‘truth’. Results from this study will describe the precision and accuracy of, and to help RME programs decide on, the protocols used to collect habitat information. As part of the South Fork IMW study conducted by OSU, the following protocols were evaluated. Devising less stressful fish capturing techniques. Three alternative methods of counting and capturing fishes, believed to be less stressful to the fish, were compared to electrofishing: (1) visual counts by divers, (2) divers chasing fish into bag seines (“snorkel-herding”) (3) chasing fish into bag seines using an electrical probe that emits an irritating electrical field, but not one set to stun (“electro-herding”). All the new techniques demonstrated to be less intrusive. Diver effects on fish behaviors. The response of O.mykiss parr to snorkel surveyors was assessed by placing a remotely controlled video camera in the stream and waiting 30 minutes before attempting to enter the stream again. They found that fish will scatter into cover even when a diver enters the stream two pools below the pool to be inventoried. Calibration of fish sampling techniques. OSU conducted a calibration study in an attempt rectify the biases of different gears to count fishes described above. Preliminary results suggest that approximately 25%, 35%, 45% of the mark-recapture estimated population size were detected by visual counts, snorkel-herding, and electro-herding, respectively. In addition, rotary screw traps are being calibrated against, PIT tag antennas that have been installed just above the screw trap as part of the South Fork John Day IMW. They are evaluating impacts of release time and location of marked fish used estimate trap efficiency. Difference in these treatments might suggest that attention should be given to capture induced behavioral modification on trap efficiency calculations. The Invertebrate Productivity Monitoring study is evaluating the spatial and temporal variability of drift and benthic invertebrate metrics. Drift samples were taken with 2 to 4 replicate nets in each riffle, with 1-3 riffles sampled at each of seven sentinel sites to describe the spatial variability within riffle, within site and between sites, respectively. Samples were also collected during the morning, mid-day, and evening over 3 days 122 consecutive days for 3 sample dates to describe temporal variability within days, between days, and throughout the season, respectively. This information will be used to determine the level of effort (samples size and design) needed for a monitoring program to estimate relevant stream invertebrate information. Many of these studies have just been completed or are still in progress. We plan to analyze this information and based on results, provide recommendations to monitoring programs. In addition, several of these studies will be repeated to see if these sources of variability are similar between years (e.g. calibration of fish and macroinvertebrate sampling techniques). We plan to also evaluate the level effort or resolution required to estimate a metric. For example, in the South Fork IMW approximate 8,000 juvenile O. mykiss have been PIT tagged. These tagged fish must migrate past the rotary screw trap (set daily) and a set of PIT-tag antennas just upstream from the trap. If the ratio of tagged to untagged fish remain relatively constant (an assumption of mark-recapture methods), then analysis of this paired information may suggest that continuous reading of the antennas can be used to estimate production of the subbasin, with much less effort spent collecting outmigrants in the screw trap. We will also test this assumption in the Bridge Creek IMW. Further review of screw trap data may also suggest that daily operation is not required, even in the absence of antennas. Additionally, subsampling and comparison of high and low resolution LiDAR data can lead insight into the level of resolution needed to provide accurate estimates of stream characteristics relative to other habitat monitoring protocols. We will also evaluate the ability to create cross walks between different sampling protocols. For example, ODFW is willing to substitute LiDAR information in lieu of habitat surveys, if LiDAR can provide the same information. This will allow ODFW to increase snorkel survey reach lengths to estimate of juvenile salmonid abundance and distribution for the same level of effort (the same crews conduct habitat and snorkel surveys). Also, in the Invertebrate Productivity Monitoring study, we have collected benthic and drift samples. PIBO collected drift samples with their standard benthic invertebrate monitoring. If a relationship between these two methods can be developed and we develop a metric that relates to fish growth, standard benthic invertebrate monitoring samples may be available to predict fish growth. Given what we learned about the accuracy and precision of different protocols, develop a sampling design. While accuracy and precision of a sample is needed, the ability to extrapolate a collection of samples to provide an accurate assessment at the appropriate scale is dependent on the sampling design. The sampling design describes, when, where, and how much to sample for a given sample area. The design is highly dependent on the protocols used to collect the information and how the information will be used. Protocol testing and variability comparisons will be used to improve monitoring program design in the basin.. In conjunction with the RME monitoring program within the target basins, NOAAFisheries has initiated a Watershed Classification project to group similar 6th field 123 watersheds (Hydrologic Unit Code 6, HUC 6) in the Pacific Northwest according to watershed characteristics. MCLUST software will be used to classify spatially continuous GIS data such as precipitation, temperature, watershed topography, geology, and hydrography metrics into discrete classes. This regionally continuous classification of watersheds can be used to determine if the selected Intensively Monitored Watersheds equally represent the landscape diversity. In addition, this classification scheme may be provide a way to stratify monitoring sites for analyses, and as a means to extrapolate the results beyond the boundaries of the study. A similar classification approach to describe reaches was applied to the South Fork John Day IMW. In 2004, a census of habitat and the distribution of fishes was conducted in the SFJD, Black Canyon, Deer, and Murderers creeks. Data were gathered from FLIR imagery, LiDAR images depicting vegetation structure, channel morphology and basin topology, aerial photographs of push-up dams, multispectral satellite imagery and maps identifying patterns of public ownership. This information was used to define discrete reaches that formed the sampling strata that greatly reduced sample variance. Sentinel sites (defined as a 5 pools sequence) or sites that would be sampled repeatedly, were established based on this strata. These six sentinel sites represent the range of thermal and habitat characteristics in the study streams and allow for contrasts to be made between different habitat features to elucidate their influence on the different fish responses. Bootstrapping procedures were used to sample the census information to determine the number of samples required to produce an accurate picture of the census area with a defined level of statistical power. Based on the results of the testing of protocols and information from current monitoring efforts, we will assess the level of effort (i.e. sample sizes) sufficient to detect defined differences. Status and trend monitoring information has been collected by ODFW for 2 years and therefore the ability to address inter-annual variability and its implication on sample designs is limited. We will use studies identifying causal relationships and limiting factors to help describe where monitoring efforts need to be focused. We will also conduct analyzes like the reach classification approach described above to develop effectiveness monitoring designs. We will continue to refine sample designs over the life of this project as new information becomes available. Putting all the pieces together that result from implementing tasks under objectives 1 – 4 allows us to determine factors limiting populations in order to prioritize and develop restoration programs and as hypotheses to test. There are few examples of effective restoration actions in the Columbia River basin, and this is partially because actions often do not address the limiting factor within the study area (Roper et al. 1997). Causal relationships, as defined by current research and pertinent literature, between fish production and habitat variables should be assembled into a framework (e.g. models) that allows us to assess factors limiting fish production in the John Day Basin. Creation of basin specific evaluation tools will be a synthesis of all lessons learned in specific John Day pilot projects. 124 We are working with the John Day subbasin planning participants that have implemented the Ecosystem, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EDT) model to assess limiting factors and prioritize restoration efforts. EDT results have been summarized for each watershed in 2005. Some shortcomings to this general model’s application to the John Day have been identified, and recommendations to produce more basin specific models have been made (Subbasin Plan 2005). Sediment assessments and TMDL efforts are expected to completed in 2007 and provide addition information on limiting factors in the John Day Basin. The John Day pilot project has initiated or collaborated on several studies that are evaluating relationships between environmental factors and/or how these environmental factors govern fish populations across multiple scales. At the landscape scale, satellite remote sensing information, summarized in GIS, is being used to describe Landscape Changes and Patterns and its potential impact on in-stream temperatures. Landscape information is also being used to estimate in-stream Sediment Assessment, habitat quality, and fish distribution. Airborne LiDAR and TIR Remote Sensing collects data at a much higher resolution at a watershed/reach scale and is being used to inform these analyses as well as the TMDL project. The TMDL project and the Sediment Assessment project are relating riparian habitat information to in-stream temperature and sediment loading, respectively. At the reach level, the South Fork IMW is relating temperature and habitat characteristics to growth, density, survival, and production of juvenile O. mykiss across different seasons. At this scale, the Invertebrate Productivity Monitoring study is relating invertebrate abundance to fish growth. These projects have the potential to be synthesized in a hierarchical fashion to estimate limiting factors across several scales. We propose to use structural equation modeling (SEMs) and hierarchal models to synthesize this information across several scales We plan to use this set of integrated relationships to describe data collected through basin-wide monitoring to produce a limiting factor analysis. The above synthesis will require completion of a number of projects and thus will not be available in the near term. Therefore, other models that focus on a reduced set of potentially limiting factors (as judged by researchers in the John Day) might be constructed for short term use. For example, stream temperature patterns are a consequence of the interaction of important physical and ecological processes acting within the landscape (Ward 1985). The HeatSource model used in the TMDL process, describes many of this physical processes to define a heat budget for a reach. Watershed Sciences is developing algorithms to process LiDAR information that can be used as direct inputs into the HeatSource model. As is done in the TMDL process, impacts of different scenarios, such as the increase of the riparian canopy through a riparian fencing project or increased discharge by purchasing instream water rights, on stream temperature can be estimated with the HeatSource model. The Invertebrate Productivity Monitoring study is developing a relationship between prey density and temperature dependent consumption rates (as estimated by the bioenergetics models) as has been observed with other fishes (Budy 1996). This simple relationship could be used to estimate growth potential of different stream reaches based on invertebrate and temperature data. Incorporated with the HeatSource model, which describes temperature regimes under 125 restored and current conditions, this set of models could identify where temperature and invertebrate production limits fish production. Restoration activities addressing these factors can then be prescribed for these reaches. Determine the effectiveness of restoration actions through effectiveness monitoring or an experimental management framework, such as the Intensively Monitored Watershed studies. Restoration actions are being implemented in the John Day on an opportunistic basis. Restoration is often applied to degraded habitat under the assumption that this will have a benefit to fish. However, this assumption is rarely based on a limiting factors analysis and is rarely followed up on with monitoring to evaluate restoration effectiveness. Many people working on RME projects in the John Day agree that effectiveness monitoring is sorely lacking. The pilot project is developing Intensively Monitored Watershed studies to design and test the impacts of restoration as outlined in the Tributary Federal RME program. In addition to testing restoration effectiveness, the comprehensive approach of IMWs will also address the above steps and therefore inform whether this plan to develop a basinwide RME program needs modifications. In 2005, we identified a set of potential IMWs. The South Fork of the John Day River Intensively Monitored Watershed Study. We are working collaboratively with the BOR (the funding agency) and OSU (contracted to conduct the majority of the research) to develop the South Fork John Day (SFJD) as an Intensively Monitored Watershed Study. The goal of this study is to examine the influence of push-up dams on the production of redband steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss - RBT). A related goal is to evaluate whether or not Lay Flat Stanchion Dams (LFSD) will alleviate the putative problems caused by push-up dams. OSU conducted extensive habitat and fish surveys collected in 2004 and 2005 in the SFJD and its tributaries that are accessible by RBT (see Juvenile Production Project section above) to form the baseline or pre-treatment information for this study. All push-up dams on the lower SFJD will be replaced the end of the summer of 2006. Bridge Creek Intensively Monitored Watershed Study. The purpose of the project is to engage in watershed restoration at a scale sufficient to cause a detectable, populationlevel impact to the steelhead and that utilize this watershed. This project proposes to take a process-based approach to restoration of Bridge Creek to cause aggradation of approximately 4 km of incised mainstem stream bed and lower tributary reaches. Such aggradation should raise floodplain water tables and lead to increased summer streamflows, decreased stream temperatures, a narrower and more sinuous stream channel, and a vastly expanded riparian forest. Thus we propose to restore one process (aggradation), which in turn will trigger a series of positive feedback loops that restore other biological and physical processes that maintain stream ecosystems. Comparison of observed parr densities in Bridge Creek with densities in nearby healthy watersheds suggests that the restored reaches will potentially increase steelhead rearing capacity approximately 30 fold. 126 We propose 3 restoration structures that mimic strong, long-lasting beaver dams, in order to accelerate aggradation processes. These include: (1) Beaver dam assisting devices or post-pile fences: insertion of vertical posts or poles across the incised trench to provide key members for beaver to build dams off of; (2) construction of small diameter log bundles placed perpendicular to the stream in a series of steps; and (3) construction of a series of rock steps. Each strategy should result in elevated water tables sufficient to expand the riparian gallery forests and thus create a long-term supply of structural material for the construction and maintenance of more beaver dams. All of these structures should become “invisible” in a relatively short time period as aggradation and vegetative colonization occurs. The three strategies range between the relatively low cost option of enhancing habitat so that beaver will build stable dams versus the higher cost option of actually constructing sediment aggrading structures. We have identified two general areas along the mainstem of Bridge Creek totaling approximately 4 km in length where criteria is appropriate and the likelihood of success is high. Criteria selection included stream gradient, incision depth, floodplain width and presence of upstream sediment supplies. Learn and adapt. Given what we learn from implementing the above 5 steps, we will be able to provide rationale and suggestions on how to change current monitoring designs to best address goals in the John Day River basin. While we are working on completing the above steps, we will be working with current monitoring efforts to determine near term alterations that may need to be implemented to provide necessary information. Ultimately, we would like to apply what we have learned through completing the above steps to develop a well-coordinated and comprehensive monitoring program in the John Day Basin as an example of how other basins should develop an RME program. The success of the pilot project will be dependent on the ability to develop and maintain working relationships with those who will ultimately be conducting the RME program. Collaboration and demonstration of how the RME process can be improved will likely result in an adoption of these suggestions. While this is not a fast track process, we believe that this will lead to a longer term, well coordinated RME program than if we immediately insisted on implementation of a theoretical RME plan. 127 Table 1. Salmonid and habitat Status and trend monitoring programs currently implemented in the John Day Basin. ‘*’ denotes projects initiated by the John Day pilot project. Agency & Monitoring Program Title General characteristics Specific indicators Sampling frequency Design Protocol Spatial scale ODFW- Salmonid Productivity, Escapement, Trend, and Habitat Monitoring in the John Day Basin Adults/redds steelhead Chinook Escapement/Number, Distribution, age structure, sex ratio, size, genetics adult, redd, and carcass surveys samplereach/watershed estimate- subbasinbasin Parr/Juvenilessteelhead/redband trout,Chinook, cutthroat Abundance, distribution, relationships with habitat features snorkel survey where possible else electroshocking sample-reach estimate-reach to subbasin Smolts- steelhead, Chinook Production, abundance, size, genetics smolt trap at base of subbasins, mark-recapture to estimate capture efficiency subbasin-basin SAR- steelhead, Chinook smolt-to-adult survival rates Steelhead- 50 random spatially balance (17every yr, 16 every 4yrs, 17 new/yr) & long term index sites Chinook-census over known extent, random beyond know extent 50 random spatially balanced sites (17every yr, 16 every 4yrs, 17 new/yr) same sites as habitat survey Sampled daily during outmigration, estimated annually, for SF, NF, MF and lower mainstem per cohort, tag a minimum of 5,500/annually, minimum of 500 per subbasin (SF, NF, MF, lower JDR) PIT tag fish captured in smolt traps, detect adults returning at Bonneville dam subbasin-basin Habitat status and trend monitoring LWD, pools, riparian cover, gravel, fines see http://osu.orst.edu/Dept/O DFW/freshwater/inventory/ pdffiles/habmethod.pdf reach-basin Macroinvertebrates-localized assessments Species/Community 50 EMAP random spatially balanced sites (17every yr, 16 every 4yrs, 17 new/yr) same sites as habitat survey annual kick net samples Reach/Site Measure Clean Water Act compliance Temperature, alkalinity, bod, chlorophyll a, cod, conductivity, DO, e. coli, fecal coliform,N, P, pH, turbidity 100+ habitat surveys, LiDAR, TIR,7 days for 2 yrs at 5 sites all other parameters, TMDL model for NF, MF, SF, mainstem LiDAR, FLIR, vegetation morphological surveys, temp loggers, hyrolabs, model temperature load sample-reach estimate-reach to subbasin FS/ODEQ/OSU CTUIR/ CTWSRO ODEQ - TMDL Project, Ambient Monitoring 128 Water quality-localized assessments of water quality, 3 hydrolabs by CTWSRO, 3 hydrolabs by SWCDs habitat monitoring Temperature, alkalinity, conductivity, DO, pH, turbidity Hydrolabs sample hourly, site samples hourly to annually hydrolabs, temperature loggers Site Channel morphology, riparian vegetation, substrate, macroinvertebrates GRTS sampling design through Columbia Basin 5 site in JDB every year, 55 sites every 5 yrs protocols are described in Henderson et al. (2005) sample-reach estimate-subbasinmultiple basins implementation monitoring to evaluate impacts of grazing riparian vegetation, stream bank, and bankfull width measurements Field Units (USDA 2003) 51 sites in JDB protocols are described in Henderson et al. (2005) sample-reach estimate-subbasinmultiple basins ODEQ-EMAP Western Pilot Project habitat and biological monitoring Channel morphology, riparian vegetation, substrate, macroinvertebrates, other biological indicators 100+ EMAP random spatially balanced sites 20 reference sites, sampled between 2000-2004 EMAP protocols sample-reach estimate-reach to subbasin Subbasin Planning Process EDT compilation of expert opinion reach assessment of survival impacts of 49 environmental variables nearly 1300 reaches set up in EDT to describe current and historical conditions, nearly 160,000 'data' entries expert opinion reach-basin *UW/NOAAF/ BOR-Landscape changes and patterns remote sensing of landuse and landscape patterns changes through time agriculture, urban, logging, vegetation type and health, riparian vegetation, roads 1980-2000 every 4 yrs, 30m pixel for Columbia River Basin Remote sensing data derived from the LANDSAT 5 Thematic Mapper sensor watershed-basin *EPA/NOAAFJohn Day Sediment Assessment landscape analysis of sediment loading, reach scale sediment assessment relative bed stability (RBS) 72 EMAP random spatially balanced sites 21 sites, sampled between 20002003 use GIS information, instream channel characteristics to predict RBS sample-reach estimate-reach to subbasin *Watershed Sciences- Airborne LiDAR and TIR Remote Sensing LiDAR and thermal infrared remote sensing of watersheds riparian vegetation height and cover, channel and valley morphology characteristics, longitudinal thermal profiles LiDAR- one time census for large reach or watershed, approximately 15 cm pixel TIR - one time census for large reach or watershed, 0.5-1.5m pixel LiDAR (measures laser points of reflectance) Thermal Infrared (TIR) reach-watershed CTWSRO, CTUIR, *SWCDs USFS-PACFISHINFISH Biological Opinion (PIBO) Effectiveness Monitoring Program 129 Salmon River Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Project Introduction The Integrated Status and Trend Monitoring Project (ISEMP) is an ongoing collaborative effort to design, test, implement and evaluate Status and Trends Monitoring for salmon and steelhead populations and their habitat and watershed-scale Effectiveness Monitoring for management actions impacting salmon and steelhead populations and habitat in the Interior Columbia River Basin. ISEMP takes a pilot-project approach to the research and development of monitoring by implementing experimental programs in several major subbasins of the Interior Columbia: the Wenatchee, Entiat, John Day, South Fork Salmon and Lemhi River basins. The overall goal of the project is to provide regional salmon management agencies with the data, information and tools necessary to design efficient and effective monitoring programs. Specifically, ISEMP will generate quantitative guidance on and examples of: the robustness and limitations of population and habitat monitoring protocols, indicators and metrics; sampling design approaches for the distribution of monitoring effort in time and space; analytical approaches to the evaluation of monitoring data, information and programs; effective data management and communication designs that support the use, standardization and compilation of implementation, compliance, status, trends and effectiveness monitoring data by regional data generators and decision makers; and finally the design and implementation of watershed-scale restoration actions to maximize the quantifiable biological impact of the actions and learning from the design and implementation strategy. Within the Salmon River subbasin, a habitat and population status and trend monitoring project is proposed for the South Fork Salmon River (SFSR) and a habitat action effectiveness monitoring project is proposed for the Lemhi River. The following sections summarize the primary elements of each of these projects and a concluding section describes the status of the projects. South Fork Salmon River Population and Habitat Status and Trend Monitoring The South Fork Salmon River (SFSR) was selected to part of the ISEMP because: 1) it represents a substantial contributor to Snake River spring/summer Chinook salmon production and 2) ongoing monitoring activities are accompanied by a substantial time series and present an opportunity to evaluate sampling alternatives in a “common garden.” The SFSR supports listed stocks of native summer-run Chinook salmon and B-run steelhead (Matthews and Waples 1991). Historically, the South Fork Salmon River (SFSR) was the single most important summer Chinook salmon spawning stream in the Columbia River basin, accounting for approximately 50% of the summer Chinook salmon redds enumerated in Idaho (Mallet 1974). Declines in natural escapement within the SFSR have paralleled those of other Snake River stocks, resulting in their listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The Interior Columbia River Basin Technical Recovery Team (ICBTRT) identified three populations of spring/summer Chinook salmon in the SFSR, including the mainstem SFSR, the Secesh River, and the East Fork 130 SFSR (EFSFSR; ICBTRT 2003); together forming a single Major Population Group (MPG). A substantial number of Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RME) projects are currently underway in the SFSR, primarily aimed at assessing the effectiveness of artificial propagation at increasing the abundance of adult spring/summer Chinook salmon. These ongoing activities, managed by the Nez Perce Tribe (NPT) and Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), utilize substantial infrastructure (Figure 1). In addition, the NPT and IDFG conduct spawning ground surveys that cover nearly all of the known range of spring/summer Chinook salmon spawning habitat. However, existing projects in the SFSR (with the exception of the Secesh River for spring/summer Chinook salmon) primarily address subpopulations (e.g., the Johnson Creek component of the EFSFSR spring/summer Chinook salmon population and the upper mainstem SFSR component of the mainstem SFSR spring/summer Chinook salmon population). These subpopulation level estimates may or may not adequately represent the larger population, and data currently cannot be aggregated to yield an MPG level population estimate due to gaps in existing data collection (e.g., in the lower mainstem SFSR area). In addition, much of the available data for steelhead and resident salmonids is collected opportunistically by projects targeting spring/summer Chinook salmon, thus it is unclear how effectively these data portray the status and trends of these non-target species/life-histories. Finally, the SFSR lacks an integrated and standardized habitat monitoring component. The proposed SFSR status and trends work will generate habitat and population status and trend data for spring/summer Chinook salmon at the reach, population, and MPG spatial scales; and steelhead and resident salmonids (e.g., rainbow trout) at the reach and population scale. As summarized below, the precision and reliability of estimates generated using proposed methods will be compared to existing methods following standardization of data. Habitat sampling effort will be allocated to fixed (trend) and probabilistically (status) selected sites, building when possible on existing fixed site surveys. A response design and habitat attributes will be selected based on the results of the habitat protocol comparison project (PNAMP 2005). Existing infrastructure within the SFSR will be supplemented by a combination of additional juvenile and adult sampling devices and extended length PIT tag arrays (Figure 1). Juvenile PIT tagging will occur in each major tributary (mainstem SFSR, the Secesh River and the EFSFSR) via probabilistically distributed and fixed site seining effort (which may also simultaneously serve a habitat monitoring function). Adults will be PIT tagged at the fishwheel located near the confluence of the SFSR and mainstem Salmon River. Proposed infrastructure will enable estimates of juvenile and adult Chinook salmon and anadromous steelhead abundance at the scale of the SFSR MPG (for spring/summer Chinook salmon), individual populations, and reaches (in the case of Lake Creek spring/summer Chinook salmon). Abundance, productivity, and life-stage specific survival estimates generated by the proposed infrastructure will be validated by comparisons to estimates derived from existing and proposed infrastructure. 131 Salmon River A B Lake Creek AB AB Secesh River A B Johnson Creek Weir DIDSON Video Fishwheel A B Mainstem SFSR Rotary Screw Trap EFSFSR PIT Tag Array Figure 1. Location of existing (black) and proposed (red) juvenile and adult sampling infrastructure in the SFSR. Juvenile Abundance and Survival Estimates Population specific and aggregate estimates of juvenile abundance and survival will be estimated using information obtained from the recapture of juveniles PIT tagged during seining surveys in each major tributary (mainstem SFSR, the Secesh River and the EFSFSR). Recapture data for tagged individuals will be derived from repeat seining surveys, interrogations at extended length PIT tag arrays, via recapture at the proposed lower mainstem rotary screw trap, and at existing tributary rotary screw traps. Efficiency estimates for rotary screw traps will be generated in two ways: 1. via marking a subsample of captured juveniles for release upstream of the trap and performing a simple mark-recapture and 2. using the proportion of previously PIT tagged juveniles (e.g., tagged during seining surveys) that are detected at the extended length PIT tag arrays downstream of the screw traps that passed the traps without capture. Efficiency estimates of extended length PIT tag arrays will be generated using two methods: 1. via the proportion of juveniles PIT tagged at upstream rotary screw traps that are not recorded at the PIT tag arrays during passage and 132 2. mathematically by calculating the probability that a PIT tag would not be detected given the numbers of PIT tags detected at the upstream span of the tandem array (A), but not the downstream span (B), the number detected B but not at A, and the number detected at both A and B. Expanding the previous example to the entire SFSR, fish tagged in each of the major tributaries (Mainstem SFSR, EFSFSR, and the Secesh River) will be detected at the lower mainstem rotary screw trap and via PIT tag interrogations at tributary specific PIT tag arrays and the PIT tag array located on the lower mainstem SFSR. Population specific juvenile abundance estimates obtained via proportional partitioning of the SFSR estimate will serve two purposes: 1. to compare the precision of partitioning an SFSR scale juvenile abundance estimate versus tributary specific estimates generated using rotary screw traps and 2. to evaluate the proportion of juvenile production not sampled by existing infrastructure due to the placement of that infrastructure above varying fractions of the spawning and rearing habitat. Adult Escapement Estimates Adult escapement estimates are currently generated by a Dual-frequency IDentification SONar (DIDSON) array in the Secesh River, a video weir in Lake Creek, a temporary picket weir in Johnson Creek, and a reinforced weir located in the upper mainstem SFSR. The enumeration sites on the Secesh River have been extensively validated and escapement estimates are accompanied by variance estimates. The weirs operated on Johnson Creek and the upper mainstem SFSR utilize mark-recapture (via marking adults at the weir and recovering marks during carcass surveys) to provide efficiency estimates, thus enabling variance estimation for total escapement past the weirs. None of these sites is currently operated to enumerate steelhead escapement, and the estimates provided by enumeration sites on the mainstem SFSR, Johnson Creek, and the Secesh River are located above varying fractions of the spawning habitat utilized by spring/summer Chinook salmon. Because existing infrastructure does not enumerate total escapement for any of the SFSR populations (with the possible exception of the Secesh River), population level escapement estimates and estimates of escapement for the SFSR spring/summer Chinook salmon MPG cannot be calculated. In addition, escapement of steelhead is not currently estimated for either of the SFSR populations. We propose the operation of a fishwheel on the lower mainstem SFSR to collect, PIT tag, and visually mark returning adult spring/summer Chinook salmon and steelhead. Total escapement to the SFSR for each species will be generated using the efficiency of the fishwheel to expand captures. Efficiency estimates for the fishwheel will be generated using two methods: 1. calculating the proportion of PIT tagged adults (originally tagged as juveniles via proposed seining surveys and at existing rotary screw traps) detected at the extended length PIT tag array located below the fishwheel that escape the fishwheel and 2. by releasing a subsample of the adults captured and tagged at the fishwheel downstream of the fishwheel and calculating the proportion that are detected at the PIT tag array, but are not recaptured at the fishwheel. 133 Method one is preferred, as it limits handling stress, however the number of returning adults with a PIT tag may be insufficient to generate efficiency estimates across strata that are expected to effect efficiency (e.g., changes in flow). Tributary and reach specific Chinook salmon and steelhead escapement will be estimated via interrogation of PIT tagged adults at extended length PIT tag arrays located in each tributary. Escapement estimates for spring/summer Chinook salmon generated via parsing of the total SFSR estimate will be validated using the proposed lower Secesh River DIDSON site, which will enumerate total escapement to that tributary for both spring/summer Chinook salmon and steelhead. The monitoring program development work piloted in the SFSR will also provide retrospective statistical analyses to provide variance estimators for historical time series data, and the development of statistical relationships between estimators derived from proposed versus existing infrastructure and analytical methods. Thus the SFSR Pilot Project is moving beyond the side-by-side protocol/indicator/metric tests underway in the Wenatchee and John Day Pilots to experiment with an entirely new status and trends monitoring approach designed top-down from the resource data management needs. For example, IDFG has completed redd surveys for spring/summer Chinook salmon in index areas of the mainstem SFSR, Johnson Creek, the Secesh River, and Lake Creek since the late 1950’s. Surveys cover non-randomly selected reaches located in “important” spawning areas for spring/summer Chinook salmon that are surveyed in a single pass timed to correspond with the peak of spawning (Hassemer1993). These data provide an important time series of redd abundance trend data, that have been widely utilized in listing decisions and risk analyses (Holmes 2001, 2004a, 2004b, Hyun and Talbot 2004, McClure et al. 2003). Nonetheless, these data are not accompanied by variance estimates, and the degree to which these redd counts represent the “population” of redds within a given year is largely unknown. Finally, the expansion of redds to estimate adult escapement is accompanied by numerous assumptions (Roger and Schwartzberg 1986). We propose to use the validated adult escapement estimates generated by this proposal to evaluate the utility of the IDFG redd count time series as a measure of relative abundance. Observed variance in the relationship between escapement and IDFG redd counts will be used, if possible, to retrospectively evaluate the precision of the time series. If a significant relationship can be developed, managers could elect to implement escapement methods developed by this proposal as a possible replacement for single pass or extensive redd surveys. As discussed previously, the infrastructure currently operated to provide juvenile and adult abundance estimates within the SFSR watershed generally provide suboptimal information for steelhead, and Chinook salmon estimates are generally applicable to some fraction of targeted populations, and these data cannot be aggregated for MPG level estimates. While proposed infrastructure enables reach, population, and MPG level estimates, managers may be justifiably hesitant to replace existing infrastructure without developing a relationship between the proposed estimators and existing estimators. Thus the following relationships will be developed: 134 1. escapement estimates generated for the EFSFSR (generated using the proposed methods) versus estimates currently generated for Johnson Creek (the primary EFSFSR tributary); 2. escapement estimates for the entire mainstem SFSR (generated using the proposed methods) versus those currently generated for the upper SFSR; 3. escapement estimates for the Secesh River (generated using the proposed methods) versus those generated from the existing DIDSON site; and 4. juvenile emigrant abundance estimates currently generated by infrastructure in the Secesh River, upper mainstem SFSR, and Johnson Creek versus those generated by the proposed design. Finally, the SFSR Pilot project seeks to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed infrastructure for providing juvenile and adult abundance, survival, and productivity estimates independently of all existing SFSR infrastructure. If implementation and validation of proposed infrastructure and estimates are acceptable for management purposes (i.e., are reliable and provide adequate precision), the deployment of a similar study design and associated infrastructure may enable reach, population, and MPG level status and trend monitoring, for relatively low cost, in locations that currently lack such estimators (e.g., the Middle Fork Salmon River). Thus the proposed design and associated infrastructure will be evaluated for its potential as a template that can be applied elsewhere. Lemhi River Habitat Action Effectiveness Monitoring Habitat restoration activities in the Lemhi are guided by the Lemhi Conservation Plan (LCP). Ongoing and proposed habitat actions are aggressive and anticipated to result in measurable biological responses, both in terms of physical habitat attributes (e.g., quality and quantity of accessible habitat) and fish vital rates (survival/productivity, distribution, and abundance) both at the scale of individual reaches and at the scale of the watershed. These habitat actions are the primary mechanism intended to stimulate the delisting of the ESA listed TRT identified population of spring/summer Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead trout (O. mykiss) as well as bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) populations that reside in the Lemhi River subbasin. Actions proposed in the LCP are intended to: 1. Remove or reduce upstream and downstream migration barriers to fish and provide access to available spawning and rearing habitat by: 2. Maintain or enhance riparian conditions characteristic of good habitat to ensure that adequate vegetation persists to provide shade, increase bank stability and protection, decrease sediment input, and promote the recruitment of large woody debris. 3. Decrease sediment, temperature, provide quality substrate, increase the abundance and quality of off-channel habitat, and increase pool frequency and quality to improve productivity and survival. Because ongoing and proposed habitat actions in the Lemhi watershed are targeted to efficiently address limiting factors that have a predefined spatial structure (e.g., 135 reconnection of tributaries) and since these actions require significant landowner cooperation, there is a limited ability to randomly allocate habitat actions. Thus, evaluation of the effectiveness of many of the habitat actions will take the form of design-based experiments (ISRP 2005). The primary goal of the Lemhi Habitat Action Effectiveness Pilot Project is to identify and quantify the effects of classes of habitat actions (e.g., channel reconnection, flow augmentation, physical changes in channel morphology etc.) on the abundance productivity/survival, condition, and distribution of anadromous and resident salmonids within the Lemhi watershed. Because multiple habitat actions may be collocated, assessing the individual effects of classes of habitat actions will require a modeling approach. In addition, because the LCP uses a phased implementation approach, wherein the effectiveness of Phase I habitat actions are used to identify and prioritize Phase II actions, the model-based approach will be useful for conducting a priori simulations to estimate the potential effects of different suites of proposed Phase II habitat actions. A statistical framework developed for the Lemhi Pilot Project produced the following tools: 1. Development and application of a watershed model to evaluate survival, productivity, and carrying capacity by life-stage as a function of habitat availability and quality, with a simulation component to estimate life-stage specific benefits from increased habitat availability and/or quality. 2. Development and implementation of a study design that utilizes reach-specific empirical measures of productivity, juvenile survival, condition, and distribution across habitat classes, in treated and untreated areas, to determine whether tributary reconnection and other habitat actions have provided high quality habitat that benefits fish vital rates (survival, growth etc.). 3. Development and implementation of a design that evaluates the movement and distribution of anadromous and resident salmonids to address the following questions: a) Are anadromous fish utilizing reconnected habitat? b) Have the reconnections changed the distribution and connectivity of resident fish? The following sections summarize functions of the model and design-based features of the Lemhi Pilot Project Study Design (QCI 2005), and describe a sampling design to meet the information needs of the approach. Tool one takes the form of a watershed model (based on Sharma et al. 2005) that views fish vital rates (survival/productivity, abundance, and condition) as a function of the quantity and quality of available habitat. These functions are constructed using both coarse (e.g., Geographic Information Systems (GIS)) and fine (e.g., reach) scale habitat measures (Figure 2). Once validated via the collection of empirical data within habitat classes, the model provides a statistical framework to assess the effects of different classes of habitat actions on life-stage specific vital rates (productivity/survival and condition) of anadromous and resident salmonids. The information needs of the watershed model are addressed by a sampling design (Figure 3) that yields reach specific and aggregated estimates of life-stage specific 136 juvenile abundance, productivity/survival, condition, and distribution as well as adult escapement across habitat classes and within treated and untreated stream reaches. The use of tandem extended length PIT tag arrays within the study design provide information necessary to determine whether habitat actions (e.g., channel reconnection) have increased population connectivity, and whether anadromous salmonids utilize newly available habitat (Figure 3). Adult Escapement We propose to generate escapement estimates for anadromous salmonids (and possibly adfluvial residents) by modifying an existing mainstem irrigation diversion (L6) to serve as a trap or as a location for a video monitoring station (Figure 3). A trap is preferred, as that would enable adults to be PIT tagged. Aggregate escapement will be partitioned into reach specific estimates via the interrogation of PIT tagged adults at mainstem and tributary tandem extended length PIT tag arrays (Figure 3). Efficiency estimates for the mainstem fish trap will be generated using two methods: 1. calculating the proportion of PIT tagged adults (originally tagged as juveniles via proposed seining surveys and at existing rotary screw traps) detected at the extended length PIT tag array located below the trap that escape the trap and 2. by releasing a subsample of the adults captured and tagged at the trap downstream of the trap and calculating the proportion that are detected at the PIT tag array, but are not recaptured at the trap. If adults cannot be captured at the L6 diversion, tributary extended length PIT tag arrays would be accompanied by video weirs or DIDSON arrays to enable partitioning of adult escapement. Juvenile Abundance, Survival, and Distribution Some of the habitat actions proposed in the LCP are anticipated to primarily influence survival at specific life stages. For example, augmentation of pool habitat might be expected to exert the greatest influence on juvenile overwinter survival, thus measures of survival from the presmolt to smolt life-stage may be most sensitive to the effects of that habitat action. The collection of life-stage specific vital rates provides a means to potentially separate the effects of collocated habitat actions. Thus, methods to generate life-stage specific juvenile productivity/survival, abundance, and condition are required. Juvenile abundance estimates (primarily targeting emigrating spring Chinook salmon) are currently generated via rotary screw traps at two sites in the Lemhi watershed. We propose to operate an additional screw trap in Hayden Creek (Figure 3) and extend the operating period of the existing screw trap in the upper Lemhi mainstem to better estimate steelhead emigration. These efforts will be useful in generating population level juvenile emigrant abundance estimates, estimating survival from earlier life-stages, and in determining the proportion of juvenile production that occurs in Hayden Creek, a potential reference stream. 137 Habitat Quantity Habitat Quality Channel Characteristics by Land Use Type: A. Relating habitat availability to capacity, (ci) 13 and 14; B. Calibration using empirical and GIS data, 19-23; C. Hypothesis testing, 29 and 30 (crosssectional), 34-38 (pre/post). Egg 1-3, (N 2,t) Spawner 1-3, (N 1,t) Fry 1-3, (N 3,t+1) Harvest (T) 11, (o t+x) Survival/Productivity by Life History Stage: A. Relating habitat quality to survival/productivity, (pi) 15 and 16; B. Calibration using empirical estimates of survival/productivity, 24-28; C. Hypothesis testing, 31 and 32 (crosssectional), 34-38 (pre/post). Parr 1-3, (N 4,t+1) Presmolt 1-3, (N 5,t+1) Smolt 1-3, (N 6,t+2) Adult 8-10, (o t+x) Mature (Yes) Ocean Immature 8-10, (o t+x) Mature Survival (5-7), (O t+x) Figure 2. Schematic illustrating how the model develops relationships between habitat quantity (capacity) and quality (survival/productivity) and stage-based abundance, productivity, and survival. Grey boxes indicate those life stages for which metrics will be inferred, notation in parentheses refers to model parameters, and numbers within the boxes refer to equations in the Lemhi Study Design (QCI 2005). Estimates of pre-migratory juvenile abundance and survival in reconnected versus currently available habitat will be generated using PIT tags and visual marks, deployed via seining at fixed and probabilistically selected sites throughout the Lemhi watershed (e.g., in currently available, reconnected, and isolated habitat). Recaptures of PIT tagged juveniles will occur during repeat seining surveys, at extended length PIT tag arrays, and at rotary screw traps. Efficiency estimates for screw traps will be derived by marking and releasing a fraction of each days catch above the trap and calculating the fraction that are recaptured at the screw trap. Efficiency estimates for extended length PIT tag arrays will be derived in two ways: 1. by calculating the number of juveniles tagged in a given tributary that are detected at downstream sites (e.g., the mainstem PIT tag arrays and screw traps) that were not detected at the tributary PIT tag array and 2. mathematically by calculating the probability that a PIT tag would not be detected given the numbers of PIT tags detected at the upstream span of the tandem array (A), but not the downstream span (B), the number detected B but not at A, and the number detected at both A and B. It is anticipated that PIT tags can be deployed in both anadromous and resident salmonids (e.g., rainbow trout). Juvenile survival will be estimated by evaluating overall systemwide recapture efficiency, generated by common PIT tag detections at upper and lower screw traps, determining the fraction of fish that passed PIT tag arrays (using the efficiency estimates described above), and via repeat seining surveys. Juvenile 138 distribution and movement will be evaluated by scrutinizing recaptures of tagged fish during repeat seining surveys, by interrogations at extended length PIT tag arrays, and via capture at rotary screw traps. Habitat Sampling Habitat sampling effort will be allocated to fixed (trend) and probabilistically (status) selected sites. A response design and habitat attributes will be selected based on the results of the habitat protocol comparison project (PNAMP 2005). Because the design requires estimates of habitat availability for specific life-stages of juvenile resident and anadromous salmonids, habitat surveys will incorporate temporal replication to achieve seasonal estimates of habitat availability. Upper Salmon River Lemhi River L6 Diversion A B Hayden Creek A B A B Tributary Reconnect A B Screw Trap Tributary Reconnect A B A B PIT Tag Array Adult Capture Facility Tributary Reconnect A B Tributary Reconnect Figure 3. Location of existing (black) and proposed (red) infrastructure for the Lemhi River watershed. Status of the Salmon River ISEMP Study designs for the SFSR and Lemhi River were completed in November 2005 (QCI 2005) and reviewed by the Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) in January 2006 (ISRP 2006-1). In 2006 we have proposed to implement a subset of proposed activities on a trial basis, and we have completed a proposal for funding that covers the 2007-2009 fiscal year. 139 Federal Caucus RM&E Program Overview - 3/10/06 Jim Geiselman Federal Caucus RM&E Team Lead What are we doing and why? Obtaining information needed to answer key management questions for performance tracking (status and trend monitoring), effective planning and implementation of mitigation actions (action effectiveness and uncertainty research), and adaptive management. This information is required for ESA BiOps, ESA Recovery Planning, and the Northwest Power Act (Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Program). What steps have been taken? Identified general need for this RM&E program in the Federal All-H Salmon Recovery Strategy and the 2000 FCRPS BiOp. Developed Annual Implementation Plans for FCRPS BiOp required RM&E. Formed a Federal Caucus RM&E Team in 2002 that includes a Planning Group that oversees workgroups for Hydro, Tributary Habitat, Harvest/Hatchery, and Estuary/Ocean. Provided F&W Program project proposal reviews and ISRP briefings relative to BiOp needs. Developed a Draft Federal RM&E Plan and an Upper Columbia Monitoring Strategy in 2003. http://www.salmonrecovery.gov/reports_and_papers/research/ Developed a more detailed RME Plan for the Columbia River Estuary in 2004. Obtained ISRP/ISAB and Regional Agency Reviews of the Federal RM&E Plan in 2003 and 2004. Started Pilot Projects in the Upper Columbia, John Day and Salmon Rivers to further test and develop status and trend and action effectiveness RM&E approaches. Helped to charter, develop, and participate in the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) and the Northwest Environmental Datanetwork (NED) for advancement of regional RM&E coordination and data sharing standards and strategies. 140 Provided funding, participation, and coordination for advancement of the Collaborative Systemwide Monitoring and Evaluation Project for development of RM&E designs and RM&E collaboration with State and Tribal Fish Agencies. Based on a new 2004 FCRPS BiOp, provided updated RM&E strategies through the 2005 Updated Proposed Actions (http://www.salmonrecovery.gov/reports_and_papers/biological_opinions/) and the 2005-2007 BiOp Implementation Plan (http://www.salmonrecovery.gov/reports_and_papers/biop_implementation/docs/ 2005_2007_IP_Final.pdf) Worked with the Northwest Power and Conservation Council to integrate the Federal RM&E Plan Framework with the F&W Program Draft Research Plan and Draft Monitoring Plan. Provided supplemental guidance to the Columbia Basin F&W Program 2007-09 solicitation process through BPA that included an RM&E framework consistent with the Federal RM&E Plan framework and PNAMP strategies for monitoring standards. http://www.efw.bpa.gov/Integrated_Fish_and_Wildlife_Program/05RME_BPA_s olicitation guidance1122b.pdf What are some next steps? Work within the BiOp Remand Collaboration Process RM&E Workgroup to further identify FCRPS BiOp RM&E needs for performance tracking and adaptive management. Update RM&E strategies through the 2006 FCRPS Updated Proposed Action and BiOp. Develop additional details for Recovery Planning RM&E Framework elements. Continue to work with the NPCC staff and the ISRP to integrate ESA RM&E needs within the F&W Program Research and Monitoring Programs. Form a new Federal Caucus Monitoring Responsibilities Subcommittee (FCMRS). This subcommittee will attempt to develop long-term agreements on federal agency level commitments to monitoring needs. Help to develop and implement a regional survey of monitoring projects and programs through PNAMP. Use the new FCRPS BiOp RM&E strategies, the Recovery Plan RM&E Framework, the FCMRS agreements, and the PNAMP monitoring survey to 141 inform the funding and sequencing of RM&E projects under the F&W Program and other federally funded programs in the NW. Continue to advance on PNAMP, CSMEP, NED and RM&E Pilot Projects to develop RM&E protocols, designs, and tools. Use these products as they become available as standard requirements of RM&E projects under the Columbia Basin F&W Program and other federally funded programs in the NW. Update the 2003 Federal RME Plan in late 2006 or early 2007 to incorporate new RM&E strategies, agency level responsibilities, and monitoring standards that reflect a Coordinated Regional Network of RM&E Programs based on the integration of new BiOps, Recovery Plans, F&W Program, updated federal, state and tribal agency programs, and the latest products from PNAMP, CSMEP and Pilot Projects. What are the key framework components of the Federal RME Program? Management questions and information needs for strategic focus. Inventory of regional monitoring programs. Standard definitions or terminology for different RM&E projects. Standard and/or compatible design, sampling, and data management protocols. Responsibilities, commitments, and cost sharing agreements. An organizing structure for the different components of the RM&E framework. What are the high-level management questions that define the federal RM&E needs for ESA salmon recovery? Are we meeting biological and programmatic level performance objectives and addressing population level threats identified by the ESA BiOps and Recovery Plans? Where abundance, productivity, survival, spatial distribution, or genetic diversity objectives are not being met, what are the limiting factors or threats that need to be addressed? What mitigation actions are most effective at addressing these limiting factors or threats? What are the definitions for the different types of RM&E within the Federal RM&E Program? 142 1. Fish/Wildlife Population and/or Environmental Status and Trend Monitoring – census or statistically designed monitoring of fish or wildlife population and/or environmental conditions (i.e. watershed conditions) to assess the current status or change (trend) over time. This is sometimes referred to as an observational study (ISRP, 2005). These monitoring data may also be used to correlate fish performance with environmental conditions. Ecosystem/Landscape level, broad-scale, periodic monitoring (referred to as Tier 1 Monitoring) Geographically localized, frequent monitoring (referred to as Tier 2 Monitoring) 2. Action Effectiveness Research – research to determine the effects of an action or suite of actions on fish survival, productivity and/or habitat conditions (referred to as Tier 3 monitoring). This is a manipulative experiment that statistically assesses the effect of a treatment (action) condition relative to a control or reference condition. Action effectiveness research can be performed for a localized effect (project or stream reach level effect) or for a watershed level effect (intensively monitored effect). Localized (project level) effects most commonly identify changes in habitat conditions associated with the action, while fish or biological responses may require a watershed level (intensively monitored approach) to capture a broader area in which a biological response is expressed. 3. Uncertainties Research – research to resolve scientific uncertainties regarding the relationships between fish or wildlife health, population performance (abundance, survival, productivity, distribution, diversity), habitat conditions, life history and/or genetic conditions (e.g., the existence and causes of delayed mortality, hatchery spawner reproductive success relative to wild populations, etc.). This is a manipulative experiment where variables are manipulated to infer or demonstrate cause and effect relationships using statistical-designed hypothesis testing. Uncertainties research does not include experimental research and monitoring specifically targeting the effect of a mitigation or restoration action (this is Action Effectiveness Research). It also does not include monitoring (observational studies) of fish or habitat conditions with inferences from statistical correlation assessments (this is Status and Trend Monitoring). 4. Project Implementation and Compliance Monitoring – monitoring the execution and outcomes of projects. This type of monitoring does not require environmental response data directly linking restoration actions to physical, chemical, or biological responses. Project Implementation monitoring determines whether projects were carried out as planned, through documentation of the type and location of management action, and whether the action was implemented properly or complies with established standards. This is generally carried out as an administrative review and does not require any parameter measurements beyond those specified by the project design requirements. It is usually a 143 low-cost monitoring activity that should be included for all mitigation activities. Project Compliance monitoring determines whether specified project criteria are being met, through a post-project auditing of project performance. This type of monitoring would typically not be carried out by the project sponsor, and may require the development of independent, compliance monitoring projects. A limited, statistical-designed sample of projects could be monitored annually for compliance. How do some of these framework components fit together? Tributary Habitat Hydro System Estuary and Ocean Harvest Hatchery Predators Invasives Management Questions Agencies with Common Questions and Information Needs Standard Designs and Protocols, Cost Sharing Agreements Information Needs Indicators, RM&E Designs, Spatial and Temporal Scales Status and Trend Monitoring Projects Action Effectiveness Research Projects Critical Uncertainties Research Projects Planning, Evaluation, Adaptive Management Coordinated with Regional Monitoring Programs 144 Monitoring Strategy The Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds North Coast Lower Columbia, Sandy, Hood Umatilla / Walla Walla Grande Ronde / Imnaha Willamette Lower Deschutes / Westside Willamette Mid Coast Cascade Trout Creek Johnday (North, Middle, Upper) Power River / Burnt River Upper Deschutes / Crooked River Malheur - Mid-South Coast Umpqua Lakes Basins / Owyhee Oregon Closed Basins Rogue River - South Coast Klamath The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board - 2003 145 Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds Monitoring Strategy Overview Desired Outcomes OUTCOME ONE Assessment of watershed conditions and salmon populations Framework Questions Implementation Strategies What is the condition and capacity 1. Assess status and trends of of aquatic habitat and watershed watershed conditions and salmon systems? populations regionally. 2. Monitor habitat, water quality, biotic health, and salmon, in select watersheds. 3. Analyze habitat, water quality and population trends at the landscape scale. OUTCOME TWO Evaluation of Oregon Plan restoration actions, conservation measures, and management practices What is the benefit of Oregon Plan restoration projects, management practices, and conservation programs relative to adverse impacts and to natural ecosystem variability? 4. Document conservation and restoration projects, activities, and programs. 5. Evaluate effectiveness of restoration and management efforts locally. 6. Evaluate the combined effectiveness of restoration and conservation efforts in select watersheds. OUTCOME THREE Application of monitoring results for use by policymakers, agencies, and the public Does the Monitoring Program provide information and analysis for adaptive review of restoration actions, management practices, and Oregon Plan policies? 7. Standardize monitoring collection, management, and analysis efforts. 8. Coordinate and support public-private monitoring and partnerships. 9. Integrate information and produce data products and reports. 146 A Monitoring Strategy for the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds Overview Throughout its development, the Oregon Plan emphasized the importance of monitoring the status of environmental factors that affect watersheds and habitat quality as well as monitoring salmon population status and trends. Support for monitoring and reporting represents the State’s commitment to evaluate the benefit of measures implemented to improve watershed conditions and salmon populations and to make changes in policies or programs when necessary. With Executive Order 99-01, the Governor expanded the original monitoring program developed for the 1997 Coastal Salmon Restoration Initiative (CSRI) to include all watersheds and salmon species and to the habitats of native fishes throughout the state. In 2001, the Oregon Legislature “institutionalized” the Oregon Plan by placing the state authorities in statue, including those directing OWEB to develop and implement a statewide monitoring program in coordination with Oregon Plan agencies and partners. This monitoring strategy seeks to meet these far-reaching commitments to effectively assess long term trends in watershed health and salmon recovery. The Monitoring Strategy delineates the expectations and geographic scope of monitoring and describes the process for planning monitoring activities to meet program expectations. Rather than monitor “everything, everywhere”, an integrated monitoring strategy needs to address fundamental information needs and match the level of inquiry to the extent of population and habitat response at appropriate spatial and temporal scales. This can be achieved by employing a hierarchical structure of multiple spatial and temporal scales for data acquisition and analysis. Oregon’s monitoring efforts are supported through collaborative work with NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center, the Washington State Salmon Recovery Office, and the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority. Working with these groups, Oregon is contributing to a consensus that supports monitoring programs throughout the region based on a consistent conceptual framework, compatible methods, and efficient implementation. 147 Page - 2 A Monitor ing S egon P lan for S almon and Watersheds Monitoring Stt r ateg ategyy for the Or Oregon Plan Salmon Strategic Framework for Monitoring The Monitoring Strategy provides a framework to evaluate existing monitoring efforts and to expand efforts to assess the effectiveness of Oregon Plan and OWEB activities. The Framework outlines three Desired Outcomes, identifies Framework Questions, and describes nine Implementation Strategies to achieve these objectives. • • • • Desired Outcomes establish the overall scope and expectations for the monitoring program. The outcomes are based on the need for credible information to inform policy and program decisions for the Oregon Plan and to evaluate the effectiveness of program implementation. Outcomes apply to each spatial scale monitored and to the reporting and analysis of results. Integration and realization of the outcomes will proceed at different rates in different regions of the State. Framework Questions clarify the intent and identify the main information needs for achieving an Outcome. Questions help focus the purpose of each Strategy and help connect specific monitoring activities to information needed for management and policy decisions. Framework Questions are further developed into a series of Key Questions for each of the Outcomes. Implementation Strategies are the general approaches necessary to accomplish the Outcomes. Strategies establish strategic monitoring subject areas and provide guidance for developing work plans. Ultimately, monitoring Strategies must address issues of the distribution of sampling effort, the protocols and methods used, and the way information is managed. Framework Questions clarify the intent and identify the main information needs for achieving an Outcome. Questions help focus the purpose of each Strategy and help connect specific monitoring activities to information needed for management and policy decisions. Framework Questions are further developed into a series of Key Questions for each of the Outcomes. 148 A Monitor ing S egon P lan for S almon and Watersheds Monitoring Stt r ateg ategyy for the Or Oregon Plan Salmon Page - 3 OWEB and the Oregon Plan OWEB programs support Oregon’s efforts to restore salmon runs, improve water quality, and strengthen ecosystems that are critical to healthy watersheds and sustainable communities. OWEB is responsible for three interrelated monitoring functions: • strategic guidance for cooperative monitoring • accountability for restoration investments • reporting on the progress of the Oregon Plan. Recent legislation, Senate Bill 945, directs OWEB to develop and implement a statewide Monitoring Program in coordination with other state natural resource agencies for activities conducted under the Oregon Plan. OWEB is also obligated to ensure investment in local restoration activities results in positive environmental, cultural, and economic benefits. Finally, OWEB is responsible for the creation of a Biennial Report that provides an assessment of the implementation and effectiveness of the Oregon Plan. OWEB’s multiple roles require the integration of science based natural resource information, analysis of restoration activity efficacy, and accountability reported via the Biennial reporting process. 149 Page - 24 A Monitor ing S egon P lan for S almon and Watersheds Monitoring Stt r ateg ategyy for the Or Oregon Plan Salmon Oregon Plan Monitoring Strategy Details Outcomes Outcome One: Provide a scientific assessment of watershed conditions and salmon populations. Identify the appropriate indicators of population and watershed condition, the appropriate scales of inquiry, and the appropriate level of precision needed. Outcome Two: Provide an evaluation of Oregon Plan restoration actions and conservation measures Evaluate the relative importance of restoration activities as a contribution to watershed health. Develop analytical models to evaluate changes produced by the Oregon Plan to target conditions and recovery goals. Outcome Three: Provide useful information to policymakers, agencies, and the public through efficient and coordinated monitoring Oregon Plan partners coordinate to implement efficient monitoring, employ scientific assessments, and report results in ways that promote adaptive responses and informed participation. Questions Strategies Example Data What is the condition of aquatic habitat and watershed systems? 1. What is the condition of salmon populations at the ESU, Sub-Basin and watershed scale? 2. What is the status and what are the trends in aquatic habitats, water quality, and stream flow? 3. What are the critical factors that limit watershed function and salmon productivity? 4. What constitutes detectable and meaningful changes in habitat condition and populations? 1. Assess general status and trends for physical habitat, salmon populations, , and biotic conditions in Oregon subbasins and ESU regions at appropriate scales. 2. Monitor habitat capacity, salmon survival and productivity, and biotic processes in selected watersheds within each sub-basin or ESU region. 3. Analyze habitat trends and salmon populations in the context of local or regional effects, landscape influences, and ocean productivity. Landscape Characterization: Riparian Condition: canopy composition, site potential. Habitat Condition: channel morphology, fish passage. Salmon: abundance, geographic distribution, life history, diversity, and productivity. Biotic Condition: invertebrate communities, , toxics. Water quality: temperature, DO, pH, sediment, bacteria. Stream flow: duration, peak flow events, minimum flows. What is the benefit of Oregon Plan restoration projects, management practices, and conservation programs relative to adverse impacts and natural ecosystem variability? 5. What changes are occurring in watersheds that improve stream habitat quality? 6. What are the management practices and programs that enhance or restore watershed functions and salmon populations? 7. What habitat changes and biotic responses result from these projects, practices, and programs? 8. What are the impacts of land use and land management practices on watersheds? 4. Document implementation of restoration projects, conservation activities, and agency programs. 5. Evaluate the local effectiveness of restoration efforts by monitoring representative samples of specific project, activity, and program types. 6. Evaluate the combined effectiveness of restoration efforts by monitoring habitat and population response in a structured sample of watersheds. Broad Scale Indicators: land use/land cover, road density, wetland change, ocean productivity cycles. Instream, riparian, road, and upland project type, number and location. Habitat and biotic indicators of project effectiveness. Compliance rates and effectiveness measures of policy guidelines and rules (i.e. Forest Practices Act Monitoring). Component and cumulative analysis of restoration actions and management program benefits. Does the Monitoring Program provide 7. Standardize monitoring designs, assessment protocols, and methods to information and analysis for adaptive manage and analyze data. review of restoration actions, 8. Coordinate and support interagency management practices, and Oregon monitoring programs and publicPlan policies? private monitoring partnerships. 9. Is there sufficient support and 9. Integrate information from multiple guidance for local efforts so that sources to produce data products and monitoring evaluates restoration reports that assess restoration efforts effectiveness and contributes to and evaluate progress toward recovery broader scale assessments? goals. 10. Does the Oregon Plan coordinate effectively with state, federal, and tribal assessment and monitoring activities? 11. What is the level of public understanding and acceptance of and participation in the Oregon Plan? 12. Is monitoring information used adaptively to guide actions and to meet Oregon Plan reporting requirements? 13. Does the monitoring help evaluate progress toward environmental benchmarks and salmon recovery goals? Comprehensive documentation of who is monitoring what and where, and what methods are used. (agencies, Tribes, watershed councils, SWCD's, landowners, other organizations) Assessment of natural resource data management throughout the Pacific Northwest. Whole stream or watershed surveys, synoptic assessments of salmon populations and water quality, and other OWEB funded and cooperative monitoring. Complimentary Program Data: NW Forest Plan Acquatic and Riparian Monitoring Clean Water Act - DEQ TMDL implementation. Ag Water Quality 1010 Plans. 150 Overview of the Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program February 2004 What is AREMP? The Aquatic and R i p a r i a n Effectiveness Monitoring Program (AREMP) is a multifederal agency program developed to assess the effectiveness of the Aquatic Conservation Strategy in maintaining or restoring the condition of watersheds in the Northwest Forest Plan area (Figure 1). The goals of the program include monitoring current condition of watersheds and changes in condition through time. If the strategy is effective, then the condition of watersheds across the region should either remain the same as it was when the strategy was implemented in 1994, or it should improve--an increasing number of watersheds should be in good condition if the strategy remains in place. Program Objectives Present Emphasis: • Assess the condition of 250 watersheds within the Northwest Forest Plan area by collecting information on upslope, riparian, and in-channel attributes within each watershed. • Develop and validate decision support models that are used to evaluate the data collected and assess the condition of the watersheds that have been sampled (see pg. 3 for more information). Future Emphasis: • Develop predictive models to improve use of monitoring data, potentially reducing the number of attributes measured and long-term monitoring costs; • Provide a framework for adaptive monitoring at the regional scale; and • Provide information for adaptive management by analyzing trends in watershed condition and identifying causes of unsuitable or unacceptable conditions. Figure 1. AREMP will be sampling 250-6th field watersheds in the Forest Plan area. This sample size represents about 10% of the total number of watersheds in the Forest Plan area. Watersheds are sampled each year over a 5-year rotation. Data from the upslope, riparian, and stream channel areas are integrated into an assessment of watershed condition. 151 Monitoring Questions The questions the monitoring program is charged with answering are related to evaluating the effectiveness of the Aquatic Conservation Strategy in achieving it’s goal of maintaining and improving the condition of watersheds in the Forest Plan area. These questions include: • • • • Are the key processes that create and maintain habitat conditions in watersheds intact? Do key indicators suggest that habitat and biotic condition have improved or degraded ? How does the proportion of watersheds in good condition change through time? Are current management practices attaining the Aquatic Conservation Strategy’s objectives? The definition of watershed condition developed by the monitoring plan was based on the goals of the strategy and on guidance provided by Reeves et al. (2003)1. A watershed is defined as being in “good” condition if the physical attributes are adequate to maintain or improve biological integrity, with a focus on diversity and abundance of native or desired fish species. Specific physical attributes include intact upslope and riparian habitats that are biologically and structurally diverse and function properly, i.e., banks that are stable, large wood is present in the stream channel, and sediment and nutrient inputs are similar to natural levels. Flows should be adequate to maintain or improve riparian and in-channel habitat. Chemical characteristics and water temperature must be within a range that maintains biological integrity. Further, the system should be capable of recovering to desired conditions when disturbed by large natural events or by land-management activities. Because this definition is fish-centric, it is possible to have a watershed with intact processes that is not in good condition from a fish perspective. Watersheds naturally vary in their condition, and they periodically experience natural disturbances. For this reason, it is important to remember that unmanaged watersheds are not necessarily in “good” condition. Although condition may be improving in a recently disturbed watershed, no watershed is expected to be in good condition all the time regardless of the management history. Further, we do not expect all watersheds to be in good condition at any one point in time. Watershed Condition, Defined S. Lanigan Although this stream in an old-growth forest is considered pristine, fish abundance is very low. The stream channel is scoured down to bedrock, therefore spawning gravel is not available. The channel also has a high width to depth ratio and lacks habitat complexity despite an abundance of large wood. About the Attributes The monitoring program uses physical and biological attributes that act as surrogates or indicators of watershed processes. Information on roads and vegetation in upslope and riparian areas are obtained using geographic information systems (GIS) analyses. Coverages developed by CalVeg (in California) and the Interagency Vegetation Mapping Project (in Washington and Oregon) are used to determine the percent of the upslope and riparian area with conifers of early, mid, or late-seral stage. Information on roads and streams is used to determine road density in 1 Reeves, G.H., D.B. Hohler, D.P. Larsen, D.E. Busch, K. Kratz, K. Reynolds, K.F. Stein, T. Atzet, P. Hays, and M. Tehan. 2003. Aquatic and riparian effectiveness monitoring plan for the Northwest Forest Plan. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-577. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Page 2 152 riparian, upslope, or hazard areas and the number of road-stream About the Attributes (con’t) crossings in each of the watersheds. A landslide assessment will soon be added to the evaluation. Stream channel physical and biological attributes are measured at multiple randomly selected locations in the watershed, covering a distance 20 x the bankfull width, with minimum and maximum reach lengths of 160 and 480 m respectively. Physical attributes that are measured include bankfull width and depth, entrenchment ratio, gradient, sinuosity, substrate (D50 and pool tail fines), pool frequency, and wood frequency. Biological data are collected on fish, aquatic and terrestrial amphibians, benthic invertebrates, and periphyton. Sampling protocols can be downloaded from our website. A data quality assurance/ quality control program has also been implemented, with the following: formalized field training, remeasurement of a subset of sample sites by an independent field crew, field audits, and crew exit surveys. What’s a Decision Support Model? S. Lanigan AREMP employees use electrofishers as part of the biological sampling conducted in each watershed. Decision support models document decision processes and allows the same process to be applied consistently across time and space. The models developed by the monitoring program are used to evaluate whether a particular watershed is in good condition. Decision support models work by evaluating individual attributes (such as road density) and calculating an evaluation score for each attribute. The model then aggregates the evaluation scores of all attributes into a single watershed condition score. Using decision support models has numerous advantages because assessments are repeatable, they can be conducted at any spatial or temporal scale, and they can handle multiple data formats. More importantly, as our understanding of how watersheds function increases, models can be refined and rerun on data from earlier time periods to correct deficiencies. Additional information on decision support models and the software used to run them, can be found on our website. Managers use our decision support models to estimate impacts of management activity on resources and for prioritization. Assessments are transparent, explanations to stakeholders are easy and logical. Model Construction and Refinement The Northwest Forest Plan encompasses more than 24 million acres of federal lands in the Pacific Northwest. Stream and riparian habitat conditions vary greatly across the Forest Plan area because of natural and management-related factors. For example, precipitation ranges from several hundred inches per year near the coast to less than 20 inches per year on the east side of the Cascade Range. To account for the diversity within the Forest Plan area, a decision support model is being constructed, refined, and peer-reviewed for each of seven different physiographic provinces (Figure 1) during workshops attended by local agency professionals. The workshops consisted of an informal group process through which participants came to consensus on how the model evaluated individual attributes and aggregated the scores of individual Page 3 S. Lanigan (left to right) Tom Robison, Okanagan/ Wenatchee NF, Gary Ketcheson and Jim Doyle from the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie NF were three of nearly 50 participants who provided technical expertise and local knowledge for decision support model construction and refinement. 153 attributes. Participants examined each attribute class (e.g., roads). For each class, groups identified the processes that should be accounted for in the model, then selected the attributes that were the best surrogates for each process. For example, in the roads evaluation, attributes were selected to describe the hydrologic connectivity of the road with the stream, the potential for mass failure, and floodplain constriction. As we discussed E. Moberly each attribute, we developed evaluation The decision support model integrates information collected in the criteria and determined how the stream, riparian, and upslope areas. With this approach, we can attribute evaluation scores should be take a comprehensive view of watersheds. aggregated. Following the workshops, models were constructed and run, and the results are being returned to the workshop participants. Participants compare the model results with their knowledge of the condition of watersheds and suggest refinements to the model as necessary. The suggested changes will be made to the model and the new results will again evaluated. Data from the 2001 and 2002 field seasons are being used during the refinement process, and data collected during the 2003 field season will be used to validate the models. While constructing each model, numerous decisions were made (for example, evaluation criteria values) that were based on data, published literature, and professional judgment. As part of the quality assessment of the model and its results, we documented the basis for each decision as well as each workshop participant’s confidence in the decision. AREMP Products Everything produced by the monitoring program, including data, models, and reports is available. A database that contains all field and GIS data is currently maintained by the Want to know more? monitoring program. Data requests should be directed to Chris Moyer. For more information, visit our website The decision support model and evaluation criteria will www.reo.gov/monitoring/watershed be distributed to local units for their use when the refinement process is complete (summer 2004). Questions or contact one of us directly. regarding the decision support model should be directed to Kirsten Gallo. • Steve Lanigan, Team Leader, Annual progress reports and other Northwest Forest 503.808.2261, slanigan@fs.fed.us Plan monitoring information are located on our website. • Peter Eldred, GIS Coordinator, Data summary reports for each watershed sampled are 541.750.7078 peldred@fs.fed.us distributed to local units each year to provide data and other products. Forthcoming reports in 2004 include: • Kirsten Gallo, Aquatic Ecologist, • 10-year Interpretive Report for the Forest Plan, 541.750.7021 kgallo@fs.fed.us • the decision support model construction and peer review process, • Chris Moyer, Fish Biologist, • the monitoring program evaluation, and 541.750.7017 cmoyer@fs.fed.us • the data quality assurance/ quality control (QA) plan, This overview was written by Kirsten Gallo. with the results from this program. 154 Introduction to EMDS What is EMDS? Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) is software used to develop and run decision support models. These models can be used to conduct objective ecological assessments by integrating diverse kinds of data, such as in-channel habitat indicators and upslope vegetation. Key features of EMDS include transparent analysis process, consistent interpretation of data, identifying gaps in data, and research needs. EMDS is an extension of ArcGIS (or ArcView) and can be used to conduct assessments at any geographic scale. How can I use EMDS? • Uses of EMDS include: Assessments of current ecological condition and changes in condition over time at any spatial or temporal scale. • Estimations of how a proposed management activity will impact ecological condition, including the magnitude of impact. • Prioritization of restoration efforts and data collection. Assessments are transparent, therefore explanations to stakeholders are very easy and logical. EMDS is available free of charge on the web. http://www.fsl.orst.edu/emds How does EMDS work? EMDS evaluates individual data then aggregates this information to make an over all assessment of condition. Evaluation criteria are developed by the user (or expert panels of users) to evaluate individual data parameters. Data are compared to the criteria and given an evaluation score that ranges between (+)1 and (–)1 (Figure 1), where (+)1 indicates that the resource is in “good” condition (technically, the data fully support the premise that the resource is in acceptable condition). A value of (–)1 indicates that the resource is “poor” condition (i.e., the data do not support the premise that the resource is in acceptable condition). Evaluation scores between (-) 1 and (+) 1 reflect the gradient that lies between “good” and “poor” condition. The EMDS evaluation process is much like that used by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Matrix of Pathways and Indicators. The difference between the two processes is that the NMFS procedure places data into the categories of “properly functioning,” “at risk,” and “notproperly functioning,” whereas EMDS uses a continuum between “good” and “poor” condition. Criteria curves may be constructed in several ways, using a maximum of four criteria. The top panel in Figure 1 shows an instance where two criteria were used, including one criterion for “good” condition (point b), and one for “poor” condition (point a). The lower panel in Figure 1 shows the use of four criteria. In this instance, a range of “good” condition values exist (between points b and c). This type of criteria curve could be used to evaluate water temperature, for example, where a range of values is acceptable for good fish production. Temperatures outside the acceptable range become Figure 1. Evaluation curve possibilities, increasingly detrimental to fish production. using two or four criteria. To assess condition, individual evaluation scores are aggregated into a single score (range = (-)1 to (+)1) using user-defined rules. Rules that produce a score weighted toward the resource in either the “best” or “worst” condition may be used. Alternatively, a score can be based on the unweighted average of the indicator evaluation scores. Selection of the rules should be based on knowledge of the system and ecological processes. The “worst-case” scenario would be 155 How does EMDS work? (continued) used to allow a single variable to override other variables. For example if the user is evaluating the ability of a stream reach to support fish, water temperature may be allowed to override other habitat attributes because if the water is too warm, it doesn’t matter how many pools are present. Conversely, an average could be used if habitat variables in “good” condition can compensate for those in “poor” Figure 2. Example model structure. The rule (AND in this condition. In addition to controlling how scores are example) determines how the evaluation scores of the biological, aggregated, the user may also weight specific indicators physical, and chemical condition evaluation scores are relative to their importance in the analysis. aggregated. In the simplified model structure shown in Figure 2, the condition of a stream reach is determined using the average of biological, physical, and chemical conditions in the reach that has been weighted toward the lowest score (which reflects the “poorest” condition). The factors contributing to reach condition (biological, physical, and chemical condition) are each determined by aggregating the evaluation scores of attributes. For example, chemical condition may be the aggregated score of dissolved oxygen, pH, and heavy metal concentrations in the reach. What do the model results look like? The model output includes a map of the analysis area that indicates the current status of resource condition. Shown in Figure 3 is a 5th-field watershed and its associated 6th-fields. In this example, analysis was performed at the subwatershed scale and individual 6th-fields are colored according to condition. By running the model using data from time 0 and time 1, we can examine changes in resource condition. For example, one could evaluate stream survey data from 1996 and 1998 to examine the impacts of the 1997 flood on watershed condition. Although decision support models can not be used for predicting future trends, EMDS does contain tools Figure 3. Example model output for a f o r watershed-level analysis. Shown are 6th-field conducting subwatersheds color coded according to “what if” condition. scenarios. For example, one can estimate how watershed condition will improve if 500 pieces of large wood were added to the stream. In addition to map products, EMDS analyzes the contribution of individual data parameters to the overall condition score. This information can be used to identify types of restoration projects needed within watersheds. In Figure 4, the biological and physical components of the Figure 4. Contribution of biological, physical, and chemical analysis are contributing positively to the overall score, factors to reach condition scaled from (-1) to (+) 1. whereas the chemical component is not. Restoration efforts should therefore be directed toward the causes of chemical impairment. A look at the attributes included in the chemical condition analysis should help the user focus on the those attributes contributing the most to the negative score. Because analyses are conducted in ArcGIS, we can use queries to look at impairment across large spatial scales. We can ask questions such as “of the watersheds in poor condition, which have road density lower than X?” This type of analysis can assist in determining which watersheds need restoration or to examine the Prepared by extent of a disturbance. When it comes time to prioritize restoration, the EMDS Kirsten Gallo, kgallo@fs.fed.us 156 package includes an application that makes these prioritizations easy. United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-162 September 2005 PACFISH/INFISH Biological Opinion (PIBO): Effectiveness Monitoring Program Seven-Year Status Report 1998 Through 2004 157 Abstract ______________________________________ Henderson, Richard C.; Archer, Eric K.; Bouwes, Boyd A; Coles-Ritchie, Marc S.; Kershner, Jeffrey L. 2005. PACFISH/INFISH Biological Opinion (PIBO): Effectiveness Monitoring Program seven-year status report 1998 through 2004. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-162. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 16 p. The PACFISH/INFISH Biological Opinion (PIBO) Effectiveness Monitoring Program was initiated in 1998 to provide a consistent framework for monitoring aquatic and riparian resources on most Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management lands within the Upper Columbia River Basin. This 7-year status report gives our funding sources, partners, and the public an overview of past activities, current business practices, products and publications, and future program directions. It is designed to increase accountability and summarize our accomplishments during the initial phase of the program. Key words: PIBO, Effectiveness Monitoring, change detection, current condition, sampling protocol, budget The Author Richard C. Henderson is a Fisheries Biologist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Fish and Aquatic Ecology Unit in Logan, UT. He earned his B.S. degree in fisheries biology from Colorado State University in Fort Collins in 1992. In 1998 he received his M.S. degree in fisheries biology from Utah State University, Logan. Rick joined the Forest Service in 1998 as the Project Manager for the PACFISH/INFISH Effectiveness Monitoring Program. Eric K. Archer is a Fishery Biologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, in Logan, UT. Eric received a B.S. degree in fisheries management in 1996 and an M.S. degree in aquatic ecology in 2002 from Utah State University, Logan. Eric joined the Forest Service as a Fisheries Biologist in 1999 and has worked as a Supervisor of Field Operations and Data Analyst for the PACFISH/INFISH Effectiveness Monitoring Program. Boyd A. Bouwes is a Biogeographer for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, in Logan, UT. He received a B.A. degree in geography from the University of Wisconsin Madison in 1995 and an M.S. degree in biogeography from Portland State University in 2000. Boyd joined the Forest Service in 1999 and has worked as the Assistant Supervisor of Field Operations and GIS Specialist for the PACFISH/INFISH Effectiveness Monitoring Program. Marc C. Coles-Ritchie is a Riparian Vegetation Ecologist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, in Logan, UT. He received a B.A. degree in comparative literature from the University of Massachusetts and an M.S. degree in environmental studies from Bard College. Marc completed a Ph.D. degree in ecology from Utah State University in 2005. Marc became the Riparian Ecologist for the PACFISH/INFISH Effectiveness Monitoring Program in 2004. Jeffrey L. Kershner is a Washington Office Aquatic Ecologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Fish and Aquatic Ecology Unit, in Logan UT. He completed a B.S. degree in 1976 at Humbolt State University, Humboldt, CA, in fisheries. He earned an M.S. degree in natural resources from Humboldt State University in 1982 and a Ph.D. degree in ecology from the University of California, Davis, in 1991. The use of trade or firm names in this publication is for reader information and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture of any product or service 158 Contents _____________________________ Page Commonly Asked Questions ....................................................... 1 Introduction .................................................................................. 3 Sampling Summary ..................................................................... 4 PIBO Program Resources ........................................................... 5 Analysis and Results ................................................................... 6 Data Management and Distribution ........................................... 11 Interaction with Forest Service and BLM Staff .......................... 12 Interaction with Other Monitoring Programs .............................. 13 Future Direction and Study Questions ...................................... 14 Point of Contact ......................................................................... 15 Acknowledgments ..................................................................... 15 PIBO Publications and References Cited .................................. 16 Other References ...................................................................... 16 You may order additional copies of this publication by sending your mailing information in label form through one of the following media. Please specify the publication title and number. Telephone (970) 498-1392 FAX (970) 498-1396 E-mail Web site Mailing Address rschneider@fs.fed.us http://www.fs.fed.us/rm Publications Distribution Rocky Mountain Research Station 240 West Prospect Road 159 PACFISH/INFISH Biological Opinion (PIBO): Effectiveness Monitoring Program Seven-Year Status Report 1998 Through 2004 Richard C. Henderson Eric K. Archer Boyd A. Bouwes Marc C. Coles-Ritchie Jeffrey L. Kershner Commonly Asked Questions _______________________ 1. What is PIBO? PIBO stands for the PACFISH/INFISH Biological Opinion Effectiveness Monitoring Program. The program was initiated to evaluate the effect of land management activities on aquatic and riparian communities at multiple scales and to determine whether PACFISH/INFISH management practices are effective in maintaining or improving the structure and function of riparian and aquatic conditions. Our study area includes 20 USDA National Forests and nine USDI Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Field Units within the Interior Columbia River Basin. 2. Who is PIBO? We have seven full time Forest Service employees with backgrounds in fisheries, riparian ecology, geography, data management, and support services. We also employ up to 45 seasonal technicians. We are based in Logan, UT. 3. How is the PIBO program funded? The program is funded by Forest Service Regions 1, 4, and 6 and the Oregon/Washington and Idaho State Offices of the BLM. Funding for special projects has been provided by the Forest Service’s Fish and Aquatic Ecology Unit and Stream Systems Technology Center, Forest Service Region 1, Oregon/Washington BLM, and the Salmon Challis National Forest. 4. When will we begin reporting changes and trends in resource conditions? In 2006 we will begin our second sampling rotation, when we resample sites initially sampled in 2001. Comparing these two sampling periods will allow us to begin describing changes in each attribute we measure. By 2010, approximately 1,000 stream reaches will have been resampled, giving us the ability to describe change between the periods of 2001 to 2005 and 2006 to 2010. Assessments of trends in resource conditions will begin in 2011, because a minimum of three samples are required for trend analyses. 5. How is the PIBO-EMP working with other large-scale monitoring programs to develop compatible sampling methods and sampling design? We have worked extensively with the Northwest Forest Plan – Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program (AREMP) to standardize sampling methods between our programs. Beginning in 2004 we will be using identical methods for a core set of physical habitat attributes and macroinvertebrate sampling. In 2005, we will be participating in a sampling protocol comparison study with other Federal and State monitoring programs. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-162. 2005 160 1 6. Is the PIBO program consistent with recommendations in the Forest Service Aquatic and Ecological Unit Inventory (AEUI) proposal? Yes. The 2004 standardized sampling protocol developed with the AREMP program is consistent with the draft AEUI protocol for most attributes. 7. Can the results be used to answer status and trend questions at smaller spatial scales (for example, individual Forests or BLM units)? Results from sample size analyses suggest that we will be able to detect changes in resource condition at the scale of individual Forests and BLM Field Offices (35 to 90 sites) for many of the attributes we measure. Comparisons between reference and managed sites also support these results. We are beginning to work with Forest Planning teams to determine how our study design and data collection can be used to address their monitoring questions. 8. What have we learned about the current condition of aquatic and riparian resources? Analyses have focused on whether our sampling methods can detect differences in the resource condition between managed and reference sites. The assumption is that if the methods can detect differences, then they will be useful in detecting changes from current management practices. We found significant differences for eight of 12 physical habitat attributes and for macroinvertebrates, but no difference in riparian vegetation attributes. Analysis of PACFISH/INFISH Riparian Management Objectives suggest that several of the standards are unrealistic, especially wetted width:depth ratio and percent undercut banks. Stratification of the data by Regions or State Offices suggests that standards need to reflect local environmental factors. 9. How can the data, summary results, reports, and publications be accessed? Information about the project can be found on our Web page or by contacting us directly. Our Web site www.fs.fed.us/biology/fishecology/emp.html includes an overview of the program, sampling protocols, publications, and an employment page. We have also developed a second site where original and summarized data can be accessed for all stream reaches we sample. If you have further questions, please contact us at PIBO@fs.fed.us. 10. Will PIBO become obsolete when Land Management Plans replace PACFISH and INFISH with new aquatic conservation strategies? No. We use a probabilistic sampling design to nearly randomly choose sample sites. This approach is appropriate for assessing the effectiveness of aquatic conservation strategies (ACS). As question 7 above describes, our sample sizes should be adequate to assess the effectiveness of new ACS’s as Land Management Plans are revised. 2 1612005 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-162. Introduction ____________________ The PACFISH/INFISH Biological Opinion (PIBO) Effectiveness Monitoring Program was developed in response to monitoring needs addressed in the Biological Opinions for bull trout (U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service 1998) and steelhead (U.S. Department of Commerce, National Marine Fisheries Service 1998). It provides a consistent framework for monitoring aquatic and riparian resources within the range of the Pacific Anadromous Fish Strategy (PACFISH) and the Inland Fish Strategy (INFISH), and will determine whether land management practices are maintaining or improving riparian and aquatic conditions at both the landscape and watershed scales on Federal lands throughout the Upper Columbia River Basin. The program began with a pilot study in 1998 on Forest Service lands within the Salmon River Basin of central Idaho. In 2000, the Interagency Implementation Team (IIT) expanded the pilot study to include Federal lands within the Interior Columbia River Basin. This includes Forest Service lands within PACFISH and INFISH (20 National Forests) and BLM lands that are within PACFISH or contain bull trout (10 Field Offices and Resource Areas). (Throughout this document we use the term “Field Units” to include Forest Service’s Forests and Ranger Districts, and BLM Districts, Field Offices, and Resource Areas.) During the pilot study we focused on evaluating sample methods, addressing study design questions, and developing a centralized team to implement the program. The study design was finalized in the winter of 2000 (Kershner and others 2004b), and the PIBO Effectiveness Monitoring Program officially began in 2001. This 7-year status report will give our funding sources, partners, and the public an overview of past activities, current business practices, products and publications, and future program directions. It is designed to increase accountability and summarize our accomplishments during the initial phase of the program. Objectives and Study Design The program goal is to determine whether PACFISH/INFISH management practices are effective in maintaining or restoring the structure and function of riparian and aquatic systems. The specific objectives are: 1. Determine whether a suite of biological and physical attributes, processes, and functions of upland, riparian, and aquatic systems are being degraded, maintained, or restored across the PIBO landscape. 2. Determine the direction and rate of change in riparian and aquatic habitats over time as a function of management practices. 3. Determine if specific “Designated Monitoring Area (DMA)” practices related to livestock grazing are maintaining or restoring riparian vegetation structure and function. The study area contains 3,547 subwatersheds (sample units) with at least some Forest Service or BLM ownership. A generalized random tessellation stratified design (GRTS) was used to select subwatersheds to achieve a random, nearly regular sample pattern throughout the study area (Kershner and others 2004a). Approximately1,300 subwatersheds were selected for sampling during the first 5 years (2001 through 2005). Each of these subwatersheds will then be resampled on a 5-year rotation beginning in 2006 (table 1). The subwatersheds were divided into two groups based on management history. A subwatershed was considered “reference” if it was not grazed by livestock in the last 30 years, road densities were less than Table 1—The table displays the sampling design at full implementation where 250 subwatersheds would be sampled each year from 2001 through 2007. These sites will be resampled every 5 years. An additional 50 watersheds were selected for annual sampling (sentinel sites). The actual number of subwatersheds sampled at half implementation in 2001 and 2002, and full implementation in 2003 and 2004, are shown in parentheses. Sampling design category Sentinel Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 50(38) 250(152) 50(26) 50(48) 50(50) 50 50 250 50 250(106) USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-162. 2005 250 250(233) 250(241) 250 162 3 0.5 km per km2, riparian road densities were less than 2 0.25 km per km , and there was no historic dredge or hardrock mining in riparian areas. All other subwatersheds were considered “managed.” Sample Site Selection To address our first objective, we sampled an “integrator” reach in each randomly chosen subwatershed. These sites were chosen because they are the most likely location to show integrated effects from upstream management actions, and 83 percent of these sites are located in the most downstream response reach (defined as having a stream gradient less than 3 percent) on Federal land with the remaining sites (17 percent) at the downstream most transport reach (stream gradient between 3 and 5 percent) on Federal lands. The design also requires at least 50 percent Federal ownership upstream of the site. A suite of physical stream habitat attributes, riparian vegetation characteristics, and macroinvertebrate samples are collected at these sites. To address our second objective, we randomly selected 25 reference and 25 managed integrator sites for annual sampling (sentinel sites). Our third objective required us to sample a DMA within each selected subwatershed where cattle grazing occurs within the riparian area. The location of the DMA is determined by the Field Units and is used for annual “Implementation” monitoring (USDA 2003). This link between implementation and effectiveness monitoring provides an adaptive management feedback process. Only riparian vegetation, stream bank, and bankfull width measurements are collected at these sites. Field Sampling Protocols In 1997 an interagency team was convened to determine which physical and biological attributes should be measured to answer the program objectives (Kershner and others 2004b). The original sampling methods we used to measure the attributes came from a variety of sources. Since 1998 we have continued to evaluate and refine each of the methods based on feedback from field crews and results from quality assurance tests. The stream habitat protocol includes methods for assessing channel cross-sections, gradient, habitat units, large wood, sinuosity, streambed substrate, streambank parameters, water temperature, and aquatic macroinvertebrates (Dugaw and others 2004). The riparian vegetation protocol describes methods for sampling the species composition along the greenline and across the riparian area (Coles-Ritchie and others 2004a,b). Both protocols for the 2004 field season can be downloaded from our Web site at www.fs.fed.us/ biology/fishecology/emp. Sampling Summary ______________ The PIBO program has sampled within all 20 National Forests, three Resources Areas within Oregon/ Washington BLM, and five of six Field Offices within Idaho BLM. During the pilot years from 1998 to 2000, 196 subwatersheds were sampled. Since the start of the first 5-year rotation in 2001, 783 subwatersheds have been sampled (table 2, fig. 1). Additional sites were sampled for protocol tests, annual quality control assessments, and for a variety of special projects. This information is summarized annually in reports tailored for each Forest and BLM Field Unit. Table 2—Summary of all reaches sampled from 2001 through 2004. The sum of the number of subwatersheds is greater than the total due to multiple ownership in several subwatersheds. Similarly, the number of reaches is greater than the number of subwatersheds due to both integrator and DMA reaches within some subwatersheds. Reaches location Region 1 Region 4 Region 6 BLM Idaho BLM OR/WA Total 4 Subwatersheds 288 232 184 50 39 783 Integrator reaches Managed Reference 211 169 162 26 9 577 77 59 14 150 DMA’s 17 53 80 34 28 212 1632005 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-162. Figure 1 Figure 1—The figures show the study area and the 783 subwatersheds sampled between 2001 and 2004. Detecting Change in Resource Condition PIBO Program Resources ________ We will begin analyzing the dataset for changes in the conditions of aquatic and riparian resources (Objective 1) in 2006. This is the first year of the second rotation, when we begin resampling stream reaches initially sampled in 2001. We will summarize the change for nearly 250 sites each year until 2010. By this time about 1,000 stream reaches will have been resampled, giving us the ability to describe changes between the periods of 2001 to 2005 and 2006 to 2010. Assessments of trends in resource conditions will begin in 2011, since a minimum of three samples are required for trend analyses. Funding for the program has steadily increased since 1998. In fiscal year 1998, we received $70,000 from Region 4 to initiate the program. The annual budget increased to $1,298,000 in fiscal year 2004, with the majority of funding coming from the three Forest Service Regions and two BLM State Offices (table 3). Additional funding has been provided through partnerships with the Forest Service Fish and Aquatic Ecology Unit, Forest Service Stream Systems Technology Center, Utah State University, BLM Washington Office, and individual Forests. Funding from partners has ranged from $0 to $75,000 annually, accounting for up to 6 percent of our budget. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-162. 2005 164 5