Suspected sexual abuse within police force


Suspected sexual abuse within police force
Friday 1 April 2016
n News
n Sports
n Business
n Life
n Public reactions to
ministry of Health’s one
million rupee rent for
new offices
n Basketball: PLS
Hawks flies into curtain
(page 4)
raiser finals
n Samsung Award:
Smallest African market
wins top Samsung award
(page 7)
SR 15/-
Suspected sexual abuse
within police force
Two police
officers accused of
sexual abuse
appeared in
court yesterday and
have been
remanded in
Read more on page 3
The alleged incident occurred during a routine patrol on Monday night
Breaking news
England’s national
football team to
train in Seychelles
n Labour relations:
"People quit their bosses,
not their jobs"
(page 13)
Seychelles’ football enthusiasts are in
for the biggest treat ever following news
that the England national team will
spend at least one week here soon, prior
to the team’s participation in the European Championship.
The England team line up for a photo ahead of beating the world champions Germany last Saturday night.
Read more on page 2
Friday 1 April, 2016
Nichole’s take on …
Building museums Public reactions to ministry of Health’s
at a cost to Nature one million rupee rent for new offices
By N.Tirant
lmost one and a half centuries after our first man-made island
was thrown together and named after one of our 19th Century
corsair forefathers, Hodoul Island in the centre of the Yacht
Club basin is soon to be given another grander lease of life.
This time, it will be turned into yet another museum in a country
where our attachment to museums and our past has often proven selective. Now that the council of ministers has, in its wisdom, acknowledged the important role of the sea in our history and the need for a
museum dedicated to our maritime past, the “useless” island could
find a purpose and destiny to show off, for the benefit of our people
and future generations, our rich history with the sea.
Not that I have any gripe with a maritime museum in our rainbow
nation that owes its very existence to the ocean that bathes our shores
and the stories and legends of pirates and exiles, slavers and slaves
that dot our past.
Besides, Hodoul Island has been lying idle and abandoned ever
since the New Port did away with the need for lighters and dieselpowered ships which took over from coal. Extended several times
over the years on the off-chance that someone would find a purpose
for it, the island grew again when the Belgian dredger Marco Polo
added some 5,000 cubic metres of coral to it as it deepened the Victoria yacht basin as part of the East Coast reclamation project in the
mid-1980’s. Since it was extended to its present size in 2000, it has
been abandoned to nature and wild casuarinas to become the preferred home of the Grey Heron or Florentin that live and thrive on
its rocky shores.
But whilst one can hardly argue against a maritime museum to
display all the wonderful paraphernalia and tales of travellers in our
mighty Sea of Zanj, I can’t help asking whether we really need to
spend huge amounts of money we don’t have on building infrastructure on this man-made island? And can we really afford the luxury of
building a museum from scratch in a country where our other museums can hardly keep up in terms of visits and maintenance?
And if we really believe that a maritime museum is vital to the progress of our nation as we prepare for hard times ahead, could we not
consider more cost effective options than starting from scratch on
a project that will require so much investment in time, money and
With no less than three historical buildings being bandied around
from one unsuitable use to another without any care for their future,
one would think that we are already spoilt for choice of structure in
which to house our maritime museum!
First of all, there is the former Supreme Court building – a majestic structure that already carries a huge chunk of our history and a
fair bit of the nostalgia that was a creole colonial architecture of yore.
The building was pledged as a museum of sorts since 2014 but so far
seems to be patiently waiting on Death Row for its sentence to fall.
My guess is that once the new building works begin next door, the piling will help crack a few walls and provide the perfect excuse for the
demolition of the ‘annoying’ building to make way for some modern
office complex several storeys high.
And if the court house isn’t good enough, how about the other
Victoria-based building that was once a library, then a court house
and now houses our not-so-historical mayor right next to the gates
of State House!
Should that option prove unsuitable and if having a museum out
of town is okay, how about the splendid colonial house at La Bastille
built in the 1930’s by Ange Pilleron? The building was once home to
the archives before it housed the culture ministry’s heritage section
and medicinal plant garden. It has now been put out to pasture on
open tender for anybody’s new project and would make the perfect
spot for a maritime museum.
With all these solid buildings offering the good fortune of still
standing and ready-made to house a museum dedicated to the
sea, surely the state could leave Hodoul Island, for now at least,
to what it offers to that other wonder of our country – a home to
the flora and fauna. If indeed a construction project is launched
on Hodoul Island, what will it cost our natural environment?
And where will the Florentin who’ve been living and thriving in
this little haven go?
Minister Mitcy
Larue went on national television on
Wednesday evening
to justify her ministry’s decision to move
its headquarters into
a new building at a
cost of SCR12 million
per year in rent. Her
comments were met
with disbelief from
members of the public who took to social
media to question
the government’s
decision to spend so
much money on rent
which they said could
have been invested
in other existing
health facilities and
Continued on page 3
The new building at the heart of the controversy.
Proposed creation of a Drug Court
The court is expected to work in close collaboration with the office of the attorney general, the ministry
of health and treatment providers to rehabilitate offenders who are found to be dependent on drugs.
n a press briefing recently, the
Minister for Home Affairs
announced that a comprehensive law to deal with drugs
offenders will be introduced in
the near future. He said the raison d’etre behind the move was
to decongest the Montagne Posee
prison and adopt a restorative
rather than a punitive approach
with regards to minor offenders.
It followed widespread criticisms
that the prison was overcrowded
often with people convicted for
minor drugs offences.
Amendments to the Misuse of
Drugs have now been published
in the official gazette as well as a
bill proposing the creation of a
court that will deal mostly with
the treatment and the rehabilitation of drugs offenders. They
are expected to be put to the National Assembly soon.
Continued on page 3
The proposed law is expected to go before the National Assembly soon
England’s national football team to train in Seychelles
Continued from page 1
England's national team football training last weekend
It has been confirmed that
England’s national football
team will be coming to Seychelles in May for a short team
holiday. In addition to their
holiday, the team will be putting in some practice hours as
they prepare to battle it out in
France alongside other European countries for the Union of
European Football Associations
(UEFA), which is set to start on
10 June.
According to Warren Fabler,
British owner of Mountebank
Events, it was he who proposed
the idea to the team’s manager.
“Hodgeson was trying to think
where he could take the team
for some warm weather training
and I thought, what better place
than Seychelles? I’ve been here
hundreds of times and where
better to train than in paradise?,” he said. A multi millionaire in his own right, Mr. Fabler
has said that he will be managing the entire stay of the team
in the country. This will include
him introducing them “to some
of the local sights that make
Seychelles unique,” he said.
Mr. Fabler has revealed that
the delegation will reach Seychelles by a specially chartered
flight. There will be 35 people
aboard and they will, of course
include team captain Wayne
Rooney, goal keeper Joe Hart,
striker Harry Kane, Jamie
Vardy and team manager Roy
Trainings will be off limits to
spectators but Mr. Fabler has
said that he will look into the
possibility of the national team
playing at least one friendly
match with a local team. “We
will organise the football match
and all the revenue collected
from tickets sold will go towards a planned donation that
we are planning on paying towards further developing young
football talents in the country,”
he said. A football fan himself
and having struggled from poverty to his millions today, he
says that he will do his utmost
to give young footballers in Seychelles all the help they need to
Indeed, one of the planned
activities during their visit is a
mentorship programme that
young footballers will most likely not wish to miss.
Fans will not be left out, as
they will also have the opportunity to have their photos taken
with the football stars and get
an autograph of their favourite
footballers. The location of this
event is to announced at a further date.
Friday 1 April, 2016
ATM Fraud
Local bank’s ATM targeted again
Four Chinese nationals are being detained pending a police investigation into
an alleged ATM fraud where over SCR 300,000 was stolen.
P Athanase
he four Chinese nationals appeared before the
Magistrate’s court on
Wednesday where Magistrate
Brassel Adeline ruled they
should be remanded in police
custody for 14 days whilst the
police continue with its investigation into the matter.
The alleged fraud at one of
the bank’s ATM was reported
to the police on Tuesday after
counterfeit ATM/credit cards
were found. Upon further investigation by the bank, it was
found that a total of 219 transactions with similar cards had
been carried out, amongst
which were 73 successful withdrawals amounting to over
One of the suspects was identified from video footage captured at the time of the alleged
withdrawal and was traced to a
person who had arrived in the
country on 24 March. He was
arrested at his hotel along with
three other men, suspected to
be his accomplices, in their hotel apartment at Anse Aux Pins.
At the time of the arrests, police seized a total of 56 cloned
and counterfeit ATM/credit
cards, a card reading and cloning device, cash, as well as electronic devices including laptops,
pen drives and mobile phones.
On Wednesday the police
had requested to the court that
the four suspects should be remanded until 12 April to give
them more time to analyse and
retrieve data from the devices
used in the alleged fraud.
Counsel for the suspects,
Nichol Gabrielle objected on the
grounds that the police should
be able to complete its investigation within a week. But it was explained to the court that because
the police had to seek foreign
expertise in the matter and also
issue international warrants,
more time should be given to the
police to build their case.
The four Chinese nationals
were therefore remanded until
12 April when they will reappear before the Magistrate’s
court. They are being held at
the central police station.
The alleged offence namely
theft carries a maximum sentence of ten years while unauthorised access to a computer
with criminal intent carries a
maximum sentence of eight
years imprisonment and a
SCR30 000 fine.
In August and September
last year, two separate incidents of alleged ATM frauds
were reported involving in the
first instance three Bulgarian nationals and Russians and
Americans in the second incident.
UNISEY to award honorary degrees
People are being invited to nominate potential recipients for honorary degrees
he University of Seychelles says it has received the permission
from the University Council
to award Honorary Degrees
to members of society who
have made outstanding contribution to the nation.
An honorary degree or a
degree honoris causa is an
academic degree for which
a university has waived the
usual requirements, such
as matriculation, residence,
study and the passing of examinations. The degree is
normally a doctorate.
UNISEY says that the recipients would be people who
have achieved excellence in
fields as diverse as scholarship, enterprise, community
or culture. “The essential element is that their work must,
in one way or another, have
improved the quality of life
in Seychelles.”
The university says that no
more than two awards will be
made in any one year, on the
occasion of the annual University Graduation event in
Any Seychellois citizen
may nominate someone by
writing to the Registrar of
the University describing the
and a biography of the individual.
committee may subsequently
request additional informa-
tion and make recommendations after consultations with
university officials.
After much speculation about
how much it will cost the Ministry of Health to rent space in the
new building, situated between
Aarti Chambers and Maison
Queau de Quincy, at Mont Fleuri, Minister Mitcy Larue confirmed what has been the talk of
the town since the completion of
the building earlier this year. It
will cost the Ministry of Health
SCR1 million monthly to rent office space in the new building.
In an interview to the national television station, Minister
Larue explained that the availability of space in the present
Red Roof building at the minis-
Letter to the Editor
Disclaimer: The views and comments expressed are those of the writer and not
necessarily those of this newspaper
“Is learning Kreol
grammar essential for
our children’s future”
Dear Editor
Please refer to the letter published in your issue of 31 March 2016
from Dr. Jemma Simeon concerning my question “Is learning Kreol
grammar essential for our children’s future”. I welcome the Doctor’s
reaction to my Opinion Page which was published in Nation on the
24 March 2016.
However, I believe that Dr. Simeon (like many others) have misunderstood the overall point I am trying to make on the Creole language
issue. In my view if it is wise for us to make Creole our 3rd language
then let us use the right Creole which we learnt from birth and not
the arbitrarily introduced Kreol which came to life only in the 1980s.
Dr. Jemma Simeon is a well-known and respected teacher and I
believe her letter was written in good faith.
I would like to challenge her to organise a live programme on SBC
TV whereby she would give a dictation in Kreol to the Ministers and
members of the national assembly and then we will compare their
written papers. If these reflect conformity and not confusion with
spelling and grammar then Dr. Simeon would have been the victor
of this debate and I would rest my case for the judgment of history
and posterity.
James R. Mancham
Proposed creation
of a Drug Court
Continued from page 2
The university's main campus at Anse Royale
Public reactions to ministry of Health’s
one million rupee rent for new offices
Continued from page 2
The latest incident involved four Chinese nationals
try’s current headquarters was
an issue and they have been unable to find a building “affordable enough” and also with “free
space to rent”. She further added
that with the many reforms since
2013, there was a need to move
the administration offices away
from the hospital premises.
She said their relocation to the
new building had been approved
by the Cabinet of ministers and
the money falls under the ministry’s budget allocation for rent
“thus not affecting budget allocated for medicine or training
Her comments caused an outcry on social media with people
accusing the minister of “wasting taxpayers' money”. One
statement read “she is watching
the penny when the pounds are
flying out the window”, as the
minister had also talked about
measures that should be taken
in-house to reduce wastage and
improve efficiency.
One comment read “we need
to replace our old expensive
ministers with new cheaper
ones, and not a new building”.
A prominent health professional for her part suggested the
SCR12million could be used to
“purchase antiretroviral for HIV
patients and also renovate the
wards” while another post talked
about the need to “buy bed sheets
and other linen as now patients
are told to bring their own”.
One person queried as to why
the ministry did not invest in a
building of its own while another questioned the issue of availability of space in government
owned buildings, asking “why
is the government giving away
state land to build commercial
building for the benefit of private commercial interests? Is
there no one in the government
responsible to assess the need
for office space to accommodate
ministries and departments? Or
is there something more sinister
in this state of affairs?”
The new proposed law, the
Drug Court Act, calls for a creation of a court to deal solely
with drug cases and in particular people who are addicted
to drugs. It puts emphasis on
treatment and rehabilitation
rather than harsh custodial sentences on drug offenders who
are found to be dependent on
drugs. It will have the same jurisdiction and powers as a Magistrates’ Court under the Criminal Procedure Code in addition
to the other powers the new bill
The ‘special court’ is to have
discretionary powers on administering of treatment and
rehabilitation of people who
are drug dependent. However,
it will have to follow guidelines
set out by a medical board comprising of no less than three
qualified medical practitioners
appointed by the Minister for
Home Affairs. The board will
primarily recommend to the
Minister a treatment provider
and a programme of treatment
and supervision of drug dependent persons.
The bill also sets out guidelines and procedures on identifying drug dependant offenders who are brought before the
court and ways and means to
administer treatment with the
consent of the offender.
Provisions are also made on
the procedures for the completion of treatment and rehabilitation. And the proposed law
says that a conviction for such
an offence will not form part
of the criminal record of any
person who successfully completes a prescribed programme.
However, this will not apply in
the case where a person is convicted of an offence more than
two times.
In the case where a person
accepts to undertake the treatment but fails to complete it,
the new law will authorise the
Drug Court to press ahead with
proceedings against the offender. However, all tests and admissions made whilst the person was undergoing approved
treatment will not be admissible as evidence in any subsequent proceedings against the
Friday 1 April, 2016
PLS Hawks flies into
curtain raiser finals
By A. Henriette
The team easily dispatched of Anse Etoile in Wednesday’s semifinals.
he basketball curtain raiser finals will take place
this Saturday and PLS
Hawks has secured its place in
the last two. Hawks being one of
the most successful clubs in Seychelles basketball for many years
now has not been at its best yet
and are missing some important players but the team based
at Plaisance have strolled to the
final of the first basketball tournament of the year.
After dispatching of Cascade
Bullets in the quarterfinals on
Wednesday, Hawks put an end
to the progress of second division side Anse Etoile in the semifinal at the Victoria Gymnasium.
But it was not all smooth sailing
at first for the first division side.
Anse Etoile was unlucky from
the very beginning as they lost
important player Luciano Moumou with what looked like a se-
rious injury right from the start.
But the other lads braved on
and put on a good performance
matching their mighty Hawks
all the way throughout the first
quarter. At the end of it Hawks
was leading by only three points
Anse Etoile with their vocal supporters were hoping for
a major upset in the match but
it was not meant to be as they
could not match their first quarter performance in the second
quarter. They started making
easy mistakes such as gifting
their opponents with ball possession and at least four times
Hawks’ Wilby Domingue scored
on consecutives fast breaks.
Anse Etoile, without a coach on
their bench, just could not put
things together again and by the
end of the second quarter PlS
Hawks had taken a commend-
able lead 44-19.
Still Hawks that have Coach
Tony Juliette back on its bench
this season were not playing
well, but they were still in command all the way with the score
being 72-40 at the end of the
third quarter. Anse Etoile then
lost a second player through injury in the second half with playmaker Serge Raoudy having to
go to hospital with what looked
like a knee injury. And despite
their brave attempts to keep the
score respectable, Anse Etoile
just could not match the mighty
Hawks who also gave veteran
player and now manager Jimmy Esparon some playing time.
In the end PLS Hawks won the
match comfortably 97-55.
Coach Tony Juliette who could
be in some trouble with the federation’s disciplinary committee
for dissent towards match offi-
Two races to cycle
off season
The Seychelles Cycling Association will cycle off the
2016 with two races over the weekend as the association prepares for its Annual General Meeting.
By R. Jean Louis
cials later on said that his team
was lacklustre in the first quarter and that he instructed them
to play a pressing defense in the
second quarter and that allowed
them to make some easy steals
and build a comfortable lead.
“The team still has some weaknesses that we will work on before the finals on Saturday, especially on our defence because we
should not have allowed a team
like Anse Etoile to score above
fifty points against us,” he said.
Hawks will play against either
BAYA or Beau Vallon Heat in
the finals. The two teams met
last night in the second semifinal. “We know that many teams
are still in their preseason mode
and this is also the case for PLS
Hawks , but with our players and
our style of play I believe we can
win the curtain raiser tournament,” stated coach Juliette.
The cycling season will pedal off this weekend with two races.
PLS Hawks (in red) will be hoping to win the curtain raiser tournament after comfortably beating Anse Etoile in the semifinals.
fter a successful 2015 season, despite a few hiccups and sad moments, the Cycling Association enjoyed a good season, a fact acknowledged by outgoing chairman, Mr Lucas Georges.
“We managed to organize 44 local competitions which was a big increase in 2015 though we do not think we will be able to do the same
this year,” chairman Georges told TODAY Sports.
The Cycling Association, which was supposed to organise its Annual
General Meeting (AGM) and election for office bearers during the holy
week, has now reset the date for a fortnight where Georges will be seeking a new four year mandate though on certain conditions.
“I will surely stand for re-election for president but it will depend the
other members who are who are elected,” Georges revealed.
“Honestly I want to lead a committee where all its members are active and serious but will not accept to lead a committee where half the
members just stay away after being elected. Elected members of any
federation must appreciate the benefits they receive as they don’t realise the amount of time spent for their travels. But at times they just
complain and say that they do not benefit for being members. They
must show more gratitude for what they get from the federation or associations,” claimed chairman Georges who has been associated with
the sport for two decades.
Georges added that anyone who is interested to stand for any post
on the new committee must come forward and send their names in
advance for registration for elections.
“We have certain plans to improve the image of the sport further this
year such as introducing our facebook account and website as at times
we don’t get enough coverage from the media,” noted Georges.
As for the first races, it will cycle off with the Classical circuit race of
49.7km where they will cover the Providence Highway over 7 laps and
the record to beat will be for Ahmad Arissol, the best cyclist for the last
two years whose record stands at 1 hour 14 minutes 36 seconds set in
June last year.
On Sunday, the cyclists will take to the road with a 12.1km individual
time trial at Providence Highway once again and it will start at 6.30 am
where record holder Fadi Confiance will be hoping to defend his mark
established early last year at 14 minutes 49.20 seconds.
The cyclists are eager to get rolling after a long break and let us hope
it will be another fascinating season for this ever improving sport.
Friday 1 April, 2016
NBA roundup
Warriors escape in OT with franchise-record 68th win
Middleton leads Bucks past Suns
tephen Curry scored 31 points
and the Golden State Warriors
overcame a double-digit, second-half deficit for a 103-96 overtime victory over the Utah Jazz.
Klay Thompson forced overtime
with a 3-pointer with 15 seconds left
in regulation. He scored 18 points as
the Warriors (68-7) inched closer to
the all-time-record win total of 72.
Golden State won its sixth consecutive game -- and second in as many
nights. They set a single-season franchise record for victories, topping the
67 they won last year en route to the
NBA championship.
Gordon Hayward scored 21 points
and Rodney Hood added 20 points
for the Jazz, who had won eight of 10
Spurs 100, Pelicans 92
SAN ANTONIO -- Manu Ginobili
scored 20 points, including nine in
the fourth quarter to help San Antonio put the game away, and the
Spurs galloped past New Orleans.
San Antonio (63-13) tied a franchise record for wins in a season that
was set in the 2005-06 campaign
when the Spurs went 63-19. The
Spurs are 38-0 at the AT&T Center
this season, supplanting the 1995-96
Chicago Bulls for the longest home
winning streak to start a season in
NBA history.
Kawhi Leonard and Danny Green
added 16 points apiece for the Spurs.
Alexis Ajinca led the Pelicans with 18
Mavericks 91, Knicks 89
FIFA ban Sunderland’s
Emmanuel Eboue for
one year
underland defender Emmanuel Eboue has been banned
from playing for 12 months by
FIFA for failing to pay an agent.
The 32-year-old joined the Black
Cats on a free transfer earlier this
month, having been without a club
since his release by Galatasaray at the
end of last season.
The full-back is yet to make his
debut for the Wearsiders and may
have to wait even longer now due
to the money that he allegedly owes
his ex-representative Sebastien Boisseau.
However, when announcing the
punishment, the governing body
added that the suspension would be
lifted as soon as the Ivorian forked
out the outstanding amount.
There had been suggestions that
Eboue was due to make his first Sunderland appearance against West
Bromwich Albion at the Stadium of
Light on Saturday afternoon.
David Haye to face
undefeated Arnold
Gjergjaj at O2 Arena
avid Haye will continue his
return to heavyweight boxing with a fight against Arnold Gjergjaj on May 21.
The 35-year-old ended a three-year
hiatus from the sport by defeating
Mark de Mori in January.
Now, at London’s O2 Arena, he will
face Kosovo-Albanian Gjergjaj, who
has a record of 29 victories and no
“I’m so happy to be back in the ring
so soon,” Haye said in a statement.
“I said I wanted to fight regularly
and that’s exactly what I’m doing.
Every two to three months I want
to be knocking somebody out and
working my way back into title contention.”
Gjergjaj’s current winning streak
is the second longest in heavyweight
boxing behind WBC champion Deontay Wilder.
DALLAS -- J.J. Barea scored 26
points in a must-have game, and
Dallas rallied past New York.
Dallas moved into a tie with the
Houston Rockets for eighth place in
the Western Conference standings
-- the last playoff position.
The Knicks had one last chance,
but guard Langston Galloway’s
3-pointer at the buzzer glanced off
the rim. Mavs guard Wesley Matthews scored 16, including seven
points in the fourth quarter. New
York’s Carmelo Anthony, who made
11 of 22 shots, led all scorers with 31
and 17 in the half on 7-of-7 shooting.
Brandon Knight scored 10 of
his 17 points in the third quar-
ter, helping the Suns dig out of a
14-point hole and make it a fivepoint game. P.J. Tucker led Phoe-
nix with 20 points.
Clippers 99, Timberwolves 79
had 20 points, 16 assists and eight
rebounds to lead Los Angeles past
Minnesota for its fourth consecutive
The Timberwolves never led and
were held to their fewest points since
scoring 74 against the Denver Nuggets on Jan. 6.
Rookie Karl-Anthony Towns led
Minnesota with 16 points and 11 rebounds, his 46th double-double of
the season and 10th straight.
Nuggets 109, Grizzlies 105
mento reached a small milestone in
a victory over Washington at Sleep
Train Arena.
The Kings reached the 30-victory
plateau for the first time since winning 38 in 2007-08. Rajon Rondo
scored 15 points and added 11 assists.
Rondo reached at least 10 assists for
the 49th time this season, an ongoing single-season record for the
Kings. He also recorded four of Sacramento’s 12 steals.
Bradley Beal scored 24 points and
Otto Porter Jr. added 20 for the Wizards, who haven’t won in Sacramento since Jan. 21, 2009.
Lakers 102, Heat 100 (OT)
Raptors 105, Hawks 97
MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- Will Barton
scored 25 points, and Denver held
off a late charge from Memphis.
Nuggets guard Emmanuel Mudiay finished with 17 points and five
assists. JaKarr Sampson, Darrell
Arthur and Joffrey Lauvergne each
scored 12 points, and Nikola Jokic
had nine points with 14 rebounds.
The Grizzlies never had a lead in
the game. Beset by injuries, they lost
their fourth straight. Zach Randolph
returned to the lineup after missing
two games with an ankle sprain and
scored a game-high 26 points.
TORONTO -- For the first time in
franchise history, Toronto reached
the 50-win plateau.
DeMar DeRozan led the Raptors
with a game-high 26 points in addition to six assists and five rebounds.
Jonas Valanciunas added 19 points
and nine rebounds, while Kyle Lowry, who continues to be bothered by
a right elbow injury, chipped in with
17 points, 11 assists and six rebounds.
The Hawks were led by 18 points
from Jeff Teague, while Tim Hardaway Jr. added 15 points off the bench.
Dennis Schroder had 13 points, and
Mike Scott finished with 12 points
and eight rebounds.
Bucks 105, Suns 94
MILWAUKEE -- Khris Middleton scored 26 points, Jabari Parker
added 21, and Milwaukee snapped a
five-game losing streak.
Middleton started Milwaukee off
strong, scoring 10 in the first quarter
Kings 120, Wizards 111
Stephen Curry and the Golden State Warriors pulled out a tough win
in Utah.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- DeMarcus Cousins scored 29 points and
grabbed 10 rebounds, and Sacra-
LOS ANGELES -- Julius Randle scored the game-winning basket with 1.9 seconds remaining in
overtime, lifting Los Angeles past
Jordan Clarkson scored 26 points
for the Lakers, who snapped a seven-game losing streak to the Heat.
D’Angelo Russell had 16 points,
Randle finished with 13 points and
14 rebounds, and Roy Hibbert added 12 points and nine rebounds for
Los Angeles, which ended a fourgame skid.
Dwyane Wade had 26 points and
10 rebounds, Luol Deng contributed
22 points and 11 rebounds, and Hassan Whiteside collected 18 points,
17 rebounds and seven blocks for
Miami. The Heat fell into a threeway tie with the Boston Celtics and
Charlotte Hornets for the No. 4 spot
in the Eastern Conference playoff
Qatar World Cup 2022
Conor McGregor gets Qatar World Cup still abusing
the chance to avenge workers, rights organization says
his defeat to Nate H
Diaz in rematch
“Not really much has changed,” the author of a new human rights report says.
Irishman suffered only defeat of UFC career against
American earlier this year
onor McGregor will get an
opportunity to avenge the
only blemish on his UFC
record after securing a rematch
with Nate Diaz on the UFC 200
card in Las Vegas on 9 July.
The announcement was made
by UFC boss Dana White, who
initially simply tweeted a poster
graphic of the duo with the word
The fight will once again take
place at the welterweight limit.
McGregor suffered his first and
only loss when American Diaz
submitted him in the second
round of their bout at UFC 196 in
Speaking on ESPN Sportscenter,
White said Irishman McGregor
was the one clamouring for the
“He was obsessed – obsessed
with fighting Nate Diaz again,”
White said. “Obviously, [UFC
co-owner] Lorenzo [Fertitta] and
I tried to argue with him and said,
‘Let’s go back to 145 [pounds] and
defend your title. Or if you really
want the Diaz fight that bad, do it
at 155 [pounds]’.
“He wants the fight at 170. Even
his coach tried to get him to get off
the rematch and off the 170-pound
fight but it’s what he wanted.”
Nate Diaz moves in with a punch against Conor McGregor during
UFC 196 at MGM Grand Garden Arena in March this year.
uman rights organization
Amnesty International has
again hit out at Qatar by
saying workers’ rights are still being
abused in the preparations for the
2022 World Cup and called for football stakeholders to take action.
“The abuse of migrant workers is
a stain on the conscience of world
football,” Amnesty secretary general
Salil Shetty said Thursday.
“For players and fans, a World
Cup stadium is a place of dreams.
For some of the workers who spoke
to us, it can feel like a living nightmare.”
Shetty was commenting on an
Amnesty report which spoke to 132
migrant construction workers rebuilding the Khalifa Stadium and
a further 99 who were working on
areas surrounding the Aspire Zone
sports complex in February this year.
Amnesty said the workers had
a litany of complaints including
squalid accommodation, having to
pay recruiters to get their jobs, sal-
ary problems and having passports
It also claimed to have “evidence
that the staff of one labour supply
company used the threat of penalties to exact work from some migrants such as withholding pay,
handing workers over to the police
or stopping them from leaving Qatar,” which “amounts to forced labour under international law.”
Amnesty did say that some workers had been moved to better accommodation and had received
their passports back since they previously visited early 2015.
Qatar was awarded the 2022
World Cup in December 2010 but
has been dogged by controversies
over both the rights of construction
workers in the country and the bidding process with which it won the
right to host the tournament.
Hundreds of migrant labourers,
especially from Nepal and India,
have died in the past three years in
Qatar, mostly in the construction
Qatar has previously promised
to protect the rights of workers and
will come under pressure as this report is the first to highlight rights
violations on World Cup stadiums
rather than surrounding infrastructure projects.
“Hosting the World Cup has
helped Qatar promote itself as an
elite destination to some of the
world’s biggest clubs,” said Shetty.
“But world football cannot turn a
blind eye to abuse in the facilities
and stadiums where the game is
“If FIFA’s new leadership is serious about turning a page, it cannot
allow its showcase global event to
take place in stadiums built on the
abuse of migrant workers.”
“It is time for football’s leaders to
speak out or be tainted by association, be they global football brands
like Bayern Munich and PSG (Paris
Saint-Germain) or major sponsors
like Adidas and Coca-Cola.”
Protesters gathered at FIFA meetings in Zurich to call on global soccer’s governing body to force changes
to Qatar’s labor abuses on World Cup-related projects.
Friday 1 April, 2016
Teddy Sheringham:
‘Jose Mourinho right
man for Manchester
eddy Sheringham has insisted that Jose Mourinho has
the necessary self belief to
be a successful Manchester United
Mourinho has been strongly linked
with the Old Trafford post should,
as expected, the current incumbent
Louis van Gaal is relieved of his duties at the end of the season.
A number of former United players
have recently backed Ryan Giggs for
the job, but Sheringham has gone
against the trend.
“There’s an awful lot of talk about
Mourinho going there and I wouldn’t
be averse to that. He has the belief
that he deserves to be Manchester
United manager and that’s a big part
of the United job,” he told Squawka
“You have to look at who has played
well for Manchester United. Van
Gaal’s job is to make the players play
to the best of their capabilities.
“David De Gea is probably the only
one performing to his potential, and
that’s not good for a football club
that your goalkeeper is the only one
doing that. It has to mean you are
doing something wrong.”
Mourinho, 53, has been out of
work since he was sacked by Chelsea
in December.
Miami Open
German Kerber to face Azarenka in Miami;
Djokovic rolls Berdych
Azarenka beats Konta 6-4, 6-2 in Miami Open quarterfinals
ustralian Open winner Angelique Kerber crushed
American Madison Keys 6-3,
6-2 on Wednesday to reach her first
career semi-final at the Miami Masters, moving into a showdown with
fellow grand slam winner Victoria
Kerber recovered from an early
beak to take command against Keys,
who came to the court without having dropped serve so far. But that
didn’t last as world number three
Kerber broke her four times in 68
Two-time Miami champion Azarenka, another Aussie Open title
winner, beat Johanna Konta 6-4, 6-2
in her 10th match this month after
winning the Indian Wells title.
Novak Djokovic took an on-court
massage in the second set for tightness in his back, a pause that did not
deter his march to a 6-3, 6-3 victory
over Tomas Berdych.
Top-seed Djokovic beat the Czech
for the 23rd time in 25 meetings,
winning in just over 90 minutes.
“You want to win in straight
against a top 10 player,” Djokovic
said. “Tomas is not overwhelmed by
the big occasion.
“There are no secrets between us,
we’ve played so often. I was just glad
to get through it. I kept kept my composure and played the right shots at
the right time.”
Azarenka will have vengeance
in mind when she plays Kerber on
Thursday after going down to the
German in a Melbourne quarter-final.
Argentina ‘to replace
Belgium at top of FIFA
Belgium at the top of FIFA’s world rankings when the
standings are updated next
The Albiceleste beat both Chile
and Bolivia in World Cup qualifying over the international break
and that, coupled with Belgium’s
solitary friendly defeat to Portugal, means that they will go top of
the stands, according to ESPN.
Despite losing to Argentina,
Chile will climb to a highest-ever
position of third as Germany drop
down to fifth – their lowest rank
for six years – behind Colombia.
England stay 10th, with Uruguay the only new name in the
top 10 as they climb two places to
New FIFA Top 20
1. Argentina
2. Belgium
3. Chile
4. Colombia
5. Germany
6. Spain
7. Brazil
8. Portugal
9. Uruguay
10. England
11. Austria
12 Ecuador
13. Turkey
14. Switzerland
15. Italy
16. Mexico
17. Netherlands
18. Hungary
19. Romania
20. Bosnia-Herzegovina
Valencia sack manager
Gary Neville
Jo Konta (left) suffered a straight-sets defeat by Victoria Azarenka in
the Miami Open quarter-finals.
In men’s play, Belgian David
Goffin secured his second straight
semi-final in a Masters 1000, defeating Gilles Simon 3-6, 6-2, 6-1 and
losing just three points on serve in
the second set.
The 15th seed reached the final
four at the Masters level for the first
time at the previous event at Indian
Wells, where he lost to Canadian Milos Raonic.
Goffin will play the winner from
top seed Novak Djokovic and Czech
Tomas Berdych.
“It’s great to reach another semi-final - it’s awesome,” the winner said.
“I served well today, that helped
me in a lot of the rallies. I’m happy
with how I’m playing at the moment.
I’m confident for the rest of the tournament and the season.”
Goffin missed on six break chances in the opening set as Simon took
it, but the Belgian began to find his
range and turned the momentum as
his opponent found the Miami sea
breeze troublesome.
“There was a bit of wind. It was not
easy to finish the points,” Goffin said.
“I was missing volleys, smashes
and easy points. But I stayed in the
match and focussed on what I had to
do. I started feeling better with each
game. In the third set my serve was
there, for sure.”
Goffin won eight of 10 games
from the end of the opening set as he
broke for a 2-0 lead in the third. He
finished the comeback by setting up
match points with his sixth ace before Simon sailed a return long after
two hours.
Novak Djokovic rolled into the semi-finals of the Miami Open with a
6-3, 6-3 romp over Tomas Berdych.
Formula 1
Oscar Pistorius to be Mercedes eye Ferrari challenge in
sentenced for murder of Bahrain, qualifying issues await
Hamilton will look to make it three wins from three at Bahrain Grand Prix
Reeva Steenkamp
in June
The Blade Runner is facing a minimum of 15 years
behind bars after South Africa’s highest court
rejected his murder conviction appeal
he 29-year-old athlete was
denied the right to appeal
against his murder conviction
for the killing of Reeva Steenkamp
by South Africa’s highest court.
He faces a minimum of 15 years in
jail and is on bail until his sentencing, due to take place between 13-17
Pistorius’ manslaughter conviction for shooting dead Ms Steenkamp was upgraded to murder by an
appeals court in December.
The judges said he should have
known that death was inevitable after he fired four times into the toilet,
leaving Ms Steenkamp with “nowhere to hide”.
It ruled that the original trial
judge had made a “fundamentally
flawed” judgement.
They also accused the appeals
court of “making errors of law” and
incorrectly applying the legal concept of ‘dolus eventualis’ - awareness
of the likely outcome of one’s actions.
The ‘Blade Runner’ was released
in October 2015 after serving less
than a year of his original five-year
He has maintained he fired out
of fear for his life after believing an
intruder was in his property on Valentine’s Day 2013.
The prosecution said he shot dead
Ms Steenkamp after an argument.
Ms Steenkamp’s family have said
the appeal proceedings were a “delaying tactic” to keep Pistorius out
of jail.
ary Neville has been sacked
as first-team coach of Valencia after less than four
months in charge.
The former Manchester United
full-back took on his first managerial role in December but managed
to win just three of his 16 La Liga
matches with Los Che.
He has been replaced by former
Liverpool coach Pako Ayestaran,
who also previously worked at Valencia between 2001 and 2004,
until the end of the season.
Valencia are 14th in Spain’s top
flight, just six points above the
drop zone.
Kerber said: “She had a great start
of the year. She’s on fire right now.”
“I know I must play really my best
tennis to beat her because she won
Indian Wells,” she added. “She’s here
now in the semis. I will try to take
this challenge against her.”
Azarenka is on the comeback trail
after two seasons of injuries and already owns a pair of titles this season.
So dominant was her performance
after getting through a touch-and-go
opening set that she committed only
two unforced errors in the second set
against her 23rd-ranked opponent.
Azarenka had little time for speculation on possibly becoming the first
woman to win the March back-toback Masters events since Kim Clijsters in 2005.
“I’m only looking at a semi-final
now,” Azarenka said.
“The final seems so close, but it is
really far. I want to continue to fight
and get better. I never doubt my abilities, and I believe in myself. I still feel
that I’m far from my best, and that’s
what’s really exciting for me, to be
motivated, to keep improving.”
Kerber is emerging from a minor
slump following her Australian success, losing two subsequent opening WTA matches including Indian
Wells this month.
“This means a lot, my first Miami
semi-final,” she said. “I know I had
to play very well to beat Madison. I
focussed on my game, tried to move
well and go for it.”
Oscar Pistorius will be sentenced for murder in June, his agent has
ercedes managed a
one-two through Nico
Rosberg and Lewis
Hamilton in the Formula One season-opener but both drivers are
expecting a strong challenge from
Ferrari at Sunday’s Bahrain Grand
And the sport is prepared for
further controversy regarding the
qualifying system which ended in
an empty-track farce when it was
first presented to the public two
weeks ago.
“I’m excited at the thought of
more races like Melbourne (in the
Australian Grand Prix),” world
champion Lewis Hamilton said.
“There are going to be weekends
where we’re a few seconds up the
road from Ferrari, races where it’s
wheel to wheel and races where
they might be ahead. We really
don’t know - and that’s exciting.”
In addition to the threat from
the Italian team’s Sebastian Vettel,
Hamilton is also looking to end a
four-race losing streak to teammate Rosberg dating back to last
Hamilton has won the last two
floodlit grands prix around the
5.412-kilometre track in Sakhir
but Rosberg, chasing his maiden
world title, is currently the man in
“We’ve stepped up our game
once again with a fantastic car,”
he said. “But Ferrari were a real
threat all weekend in Melbourne
and it’s clear that we’ve got a big
battle on our hands, so we have to
keep pushing very hard.
“It was great to win the first race
- but the aim is to come out on top
at every step of the way this season, starting this weekend. There’s
a long way to go.”
Vettel finished third in Australia but is aware mere podium finishes will not suffice in his bid to
become five-time world champion
and secure a first title with Ferrari.
“Step for step we’re trying to
close the gap,” Vettel, who won
in Bahrain 2012 and 2013, said.
“Last year we were quite strong,
the car this year is stronger still.”
McLaren’s Fernando Alonso has
been cleared to race after his horror crash in Melbourne and hopes
to build on a decent weekend after his team endured a disastrous
“I’ve spent some time resting
and I can’t wait to get back in the
car,” Alonso said. “Although on paper Melbourne wasn’t a great race
for us, before the crash I’d been
having some good battles and the
car felt pretty promising, so I hope
in Bahrain we can experience
more of the same.”
All teams will have to deal with
the new elimination style qualifying on Saturday, despite almost
universal agreement the idea
failed spectacularly in Australia,
as the suggestion to return to the
old system was not approved.
With insufficient time to complete laps, many drivers sat out
the final moments of Q3 to protect engines and tires, leaving fans
watching an empty circuit at Albert Park.
“We haven’t found the right format with this change and it’s hard
to see how it might be more entertaining for the fans this weekend
in Bahrain,” Mercedes head of motorsport Toto Wolff said.
“The sport is under scrutiny on
this matter, so careful thought is
required in order to make coordinated, intelligent steps forward
from the position we are in right
“The fans want close racing,
in a format they can understand,
between the best drivers and cars
in the world - in that order. We
should be capable of delivering
that to the people in the grandstands and watching around the
Austrian Wolff (centre) is unhappy with the sport’s self-imposed
problem of the new qualifying format.
Friday 1 April, 2016
Samsung Award
Smallest African market wins top Samsung award
Samsung Seychelles emerges winner of top Samsung Award despite being virtually the smallest market in Africa.
Proud employees of Samsung Seychelles displaying the award.
amsung Seychelles is east Africa’s best seller of electronics
for the year 2015 following
reports that the company registered growth ranging between 60
to 80 percent in sales last year.
The five year-old company was
presented Samsung Electronics’ Best Consumer of Electronic
award during the conglomerate’s
annual Global Award ceremony
held in Monte Carlo, Monaco in
mid-March, attended by its Managing Director, Raja Ramani.
He said they have won the award
ahead of at least seven other Samsung agents hailing from Kenya,
Madagascar, Mauritius, Sudan,
Somalia, Tanzania, and Ethiopia.
Asked how a small market the
size of Seychelles surpassed its
rivals for the award, the MD said
the company has experienced
constant growth over the last few
years thanks largely to a focused
strategy which has enabled it to
gain market share with local customers consistently.
He said one of the primary factors for this is its largely driven
energy efficiency campaign, which
he argues is in tune with calls
from the country’s government for
businesses to promote ideas and
equipment meant to help save energy.
He remarked that sale of air conditioners was Samsung Seychelles’
best product in terms of total sale
effected last year, to bring home
his point on energy efficiency.
“Sales improved in the department after an actual study carried
out by the company showed that
clients actually made large savings
and helped save energy in using
Samsung’s latest brand of air conditioners,” he said.
The result of the study showed
that one business had its electricity bill reduced by more than half
within the space of three months
after exchanging its old air conditioners for those offered by Samsung, he revealed.
He said the company’s electricity bill stood in the region of
R26,000 when operating with the
old conditioners, and came down
to SCR11,000 after it switched to
Samsung new brand of air conditioners.
“This is not just the company
promoting its merchandise; the
study involved an independent
company and proof that its electricity bill, provided by PUC (Public Utility Corporation), more than
halved after it started using Samsung air conditioners”, emphasised Mr Ramani.
“Now more companies are
switching to Samsung, and this
helped to boost sales of air conditioners considerably over the last
years”, he added.
“Another reason for Samsung
Seychelles success story, is due to
the fact that there is no import
duty on electronics here, meaning
Samsung’s products are cheaper
here than elsewhere in the region,”
the MD said.
He recalled that on many occasions he had witnessed foreigners, mostly South Africans, buying
television sets from here before
transferring them to South Africa,
insisting that it is cheaper to buy
from here than in their own country.
“They explain that they can also
claim returns on Value Added
Tax (VAT) when they get home,
which makes sense to effect a
purchase here.”
Commenting on future endeavours and struggle, Mr Ramani
said their biggest challenge
now is to keep gaining on market shares, so they can win the
award for more years to come.
“We are not stopping here,
there are still lots of market
share to gain and for the company to grow further”, he said,
recounting that they started off
with only two employees initially.
“’The company now has four
sale outlets on Mahe and Praslin
combined, and it will soon start
dealing in LED lightings and
security cameras and such products, to broaden the scope of
merchandise it has available to
Samsung’s air conditioner is a hit with local businesses.
Friday 1 April, 2016
Friday 1 April, 2016
OUT & ABOUT - Your weekend guide
Deepam Cinema
This week’s feature is
“Star Wars – The Force
The Force Awakens is
set 30 years after Return
of the Jedi; it follows Rey,
Finn and Poe Dameron’s
search for Luke Skywalk-
er and their fight alongside the Resistance, led
by veterans of the Rebel
Alliance, against Kylo
Ren and the First Order,
a group that is the successor to the Galactic
Empire. Thirty years after the defeat of the Ga-
lactic Empire, the galaxy
faces a new threat from
the evil Kylo Ren (Adam
Driver) and the First
Order. When a defector
named Finn crash-lands
on a desert planet, he
meets Rey (Daisy Ridley), a tough scavenger
whose droid contains a
top-secret map. Together,
the young duo joins forces with Han Solo (Harrison Ford) to make sure
the Resistance receives
the intelligence concerning the whereabouts of
Luke Skywalker (Mark
Hamill), the last of the
Jedi Knights. Critics’ reviews of the film have
been positive, with many
praising its action sequences and comparing
it favorably to the original trilogy. The film has
since broken many box
office records; becoming the highest-grossing
installment of the franchise, the highest grossing film in North America, as well as the third
highest grossing film of
all time with more than
$2 billion gross world-
wide. Catch the first sequel of the original Star
Wars trilogy this Friday
on the big screen at Deepam Paradiso on Praslin.
Call them on 432 2585 to
book your seat early or
you can contact them via
their Facebook page at
Trader Vic’s / H Hotel
Now open at Beau Vallon, come enjoy famous
tropical drinks, world
rhythms. Call 4387000.
The coolest place to be
on the island. A celebration of good food with
good friends. Open from
Monday to Saturday from
12pm to 10pm. Call us on
Eden Bleu Hotel
Enjoy a quick lunch
from noon to 2pm with
efficient, fast and friendly service in a great setting, perfect for a busi-
ness meeting. Booking
is essential. Make good
of our interesting rate of
R290, a glass of wine and
water included. Call us
on 4399100.
Tools for rent for plumbing, drilling and blasting
concrete mixer, portable
compressor, compactor,
jack hammer and a host
of other tools available.
Contact 2813432
IBSL: Interbuild Supplies Limited
Great value for building
materials. Call on us at
our Providence office at
Royal Palm House or call
us on 2633181
Recharge your batteries
with a vacation stay close
to home. Take advantage
of our residential rate
of SCR2 900 and enjoy
a getaway at the Avani
Barbarons Resort & Spa
Book now by contacting
us at or call us on
Coral Strand
Book your kids birthday party today at the
Coral Strand Hotel. It
is always better with us.
Call 2501207 or email us
Organisers Seychelles
5:30pm onwards, join us
for a Special Charity Gala
at Eden Blue Hotel. The
special charity gala event
is being organised by Organisers Seychelles in
respect of an eight year
old girl, Elyrah Gonthier
who has been diagnosed
with severe laryngo malacia and a dandy walker
since birth. Our theme
for this event is “HELPING HANDS HEAL” and
together with your assistance we will be able
to assist Elyrah with a
few necessities such as a
stroller, portable nebulizer, suction tube that
is required to change
on a bi-monthly basis,
and also to re-model her
bathroom to allow her
adequate space to move
around in a wheelchair as
well as grab bars.
The Charity event will
take place on Saturday 9
April 2016 at Eden Bleu
Hotel from 5.30pm to
midnight. The cost of
the ticket is SCR1 300
per person and it includes an early cocktail
followed by a live magical
show, a scrumptious buffet served with a glass of
wine for dinner and bottles of water at the table.
Organisers Seychelles
strives to make each
event memorable and
unique. We are inviting the Award Winning
and his assistant to the
Seychelles for the charity
event for the perfect animation. We anticipate
a highly successful and
well-attended event.
Katiolo Night Club
Tonight at the Katiolo
Total featuring Master
Emel and Ion Kid. Guest
artists Taniah, Sandra,
Angie and Jahkim will
also make an appearance.
One free drink for first
100 ladies before midnight.
Dr. Murthy’s Medical
& Gastro Clinic
Visiting consultant dermatologist is available
at the clinic for consultation. Call now on 422
4290 for more information. Dr Sundram specializes in a list of skin
painless removal of un-
wanted hair with laser.
Office Direct
Stationary we love, Quality
we care. Come visit us at our
shop on the ground floor at
Unity House on Palm Street
and enjoy the quality of our
New thinking, new possibilities with the all new Tucson. Using the very latest
technology as well as being
eco-friendly. Starting price
at SCR460 000 plus three
year warranty, or at 60,000
Special offers
East Indies
Come buy from a selection of our wine during
this weekend’s wine festival, from our special
cellar collection, with
special offers and discounts. Visit us at our
Providence Warehouse
today from 11:30am to
6pm and on Saturday
from 9am to 2pm.
Port O’Vino
Torres, the award winning wine available at
our Providence warehouse for only SCR169.
Conceived as the perfect match for the latest trend in avant-garde
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& Wine, only R70 a bot-
tle. Telephone 4416252
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world clas s b r a n d f r o m
our Diageo reserve for
a celebratory moment.
A l s o b u y a b o tt l e o f
fi n e s t
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Quality and value eve r y d ay n e a r y o u ; v i s i t
any of our outlets on
Ma h e a n d Pr a s l i n a n d
choose from a selection of our products.
F i n d u s a t B e a u Va l lon, Anse Royale and
B a i e S t e A n n e Pr a s l i n .
Wa t c h o u t f o r t h i s
l o tt e r y o n a t e l e v i s i o n
screen near you. Our
n e x t d r aw i s o n Tu e s d ay 5 A p r i l . G e t y o u r s
and stand a chance of
winning the SCR270
0 0 0 s u p e r l o tt o j a c k pot.
Fo o d p r o
beef and chicken base
products at interesting wholesale Easter prices and enjoy
a s p e c i a l E a s t e r. C a l l
4 2 2 5 01 1 f o r m o r e i n formation.
Friday 1 April, 2016
Friday 1 April, 2016
What’s the Hype on...
Officially the highest grossing R-rated movie ever Deadpool is the new talked about movie in Seychelles at the moment.
ased on Marvel Comics’ most unconventional
anti-hero, Deadpool tells
the origin story of Wade Wilson
(Ryan Reynolds) former mercenary from New York City, who
agrees to participate in a topsecret experiment after learning
that he has terminal cancer.
The procedure leaves him with
advanced healing powers, a disfigured face and a burning anger
against Francis Freeman, A.K.A
Ajax (Ed Skrein, The Transporter: Refueled) who is the primary
cause of his face and skin peeling
off. As a result of this mutilation
and armed with his new abilities
and a dark, twisted sense of humour, he goes into hiding from
the world and from his other
half, Vanessa (Morena Baccarin,
Homeland TV Series) and hunts
down the man who nearly destroyed his life
Deadpool premiered in Paris
Deadpool has a twisted sense of humour.
in February of this year and has
already broken numerous box
office records and became the
highest-grossing R-rated film
of all time as well as the highest
grossing film of 2016.
The film also features stars
such as Gina Carano, who acts
as Ajax’s evil sidekick Angel Dust
and new upcoming actress who
is also debuting in Deadpool;
Brianna Hildebrand who plays
Negasonic Teenage Warhead;
awesome name according to
Deadpool, and we are inclined to
agree! It also features GermanSerbian actor Stefan Kapicic who
acts as Colossus.
The film received mostly positive reviews and critics praised
Reynold’s performance, the humour and the action sequences.
The film was so good that they
are now even considering a sequel so as the saying goes, watch
this space!
A medical procedure leaves him with a disfigured face.
Friday 1 April, 2016
Celebrity Profile:
Ronnie Corbett (1930-2016)
Bill Cosby, Janice
Dickinson defamation suit
can proceed
Ronald Balfour “Ronnie” Corbett, CBE was a Scottish actor and comedian, best known for his long association with Ronnie Barker in the television
comedy series The Two Ronnies.
Source: imdb
Comedian Bill Cosby has
failed in an attempt to have a
defamation suit brought against
him by model and TV presenter
Janice Dickinson dismissed.
A judge in Los Angeles ruled
the legal action should move forward.
In her defamation complaint,
Dickinson claimed Cosby chose
to “vilify” her in his denials to her
2014 accusation that he drugged
and raped her in 1982.
Cosby, 78, was charged in
December with aggravated indecent assault over an alleged
incident in 2004. Last month
a judge in Pennsylvania turned
down his attempts to have that
case dismissed also.
Sir Elton John slams
‘baseless’ sexual
harassment legal action
Claims that Sir Elton John
sexually harassed a former
member of his security detail
have been described as “baseless” by the singer’s legal team.
In legal papers filed on Monday in the US, Jeffrey Wenninger
accused Sir Elton of making
sexually suggestive comments
towards him and groping him.
Mr Wenninger, a Los Angeles
policeman, worked for the star
from 2002 to 2014.
The singer’s lawyer said he
was a “disgruntled” former employee “seeking to extract an
undeserved payment”. “These
claims are patently untrue and
contradicted by numerous previous statements made by this
plaintiff,” said Orin Snyder, a US
lawyer representing the star’s
Rocket Entertainment Group.
Hull set for City of Culture
mass nude photograph
Hull has been chosen as the
latest place to stage a mass nude
gathering, all in the name of art.
photographer Spencer Tunick
is to create a new work there to
celebrate its year as UK City of
The gathering is to be photographed in the East Yorkshire
port on 9 July, with the resulting
work unveiled in 2017. Organisers hope hundreds of people will
strip to become part of the work,
entitled Sea Of Hull.
Participants are to be covered in cosmetic body make-up,
before assembling to form the
multiple colours of the sea and
create abstract shapes for the
onnie Corbett began his
successful show business
career in the early 1950’s.
Amongst many other things he
performed on stage with Danny
La Rue in a cacophony of well
received variety and cabaret
It was whilst performing in
these shows that Corbett attracted the attention of several
top TV producers and executives
who were impressed with his
abilities as a stand up comedian,
compare and all round entertainer.
Before too long Corbett found
himself being offered roles in
various sitcoms, films and family shows.
His varied film roles include
“Polo” in the spoof Bond film
“Casino Royale”, “Drooby” in
“Rocketts Galore” and finally the
hapless Chumleigh in “Fun at St.
On television he provided light
hearted comedy in Crackerjack
for many years.
His big break came during the
1960’s when he was asked to join
the cast of the hugely popular
“Frost Report” which included
the likes of John Cleese and of
course David Frost.
The show also saw him performing alongside Ronnie Barker for the very first time. All aspects of the “Frost Report” were
very funny but some of the most
enjoyable involved Barker and
Corbett who shared a rare comic
chemistry between each other.
TV producers recognized this
chemistry and there were talks
of giving the pair their own comedy series.
Corbett had numerous projects
in the late sixties including the
enjoyable “Corbett Follies” and
“No that’s me Over Here”. Then
in 1971 Barker asked him to star
in the comedy sketch series “The
Ronnie Barker Yearbook”.
TODAY in History
April 1st is the 91st day of the year
1700: April Fools
tradition popularized
1970: Nixon signs
legislation banning
cigarette ads on TV
and radio
The rest is history - the Two
Ronnies had arrived together
- it was simply comic genius,
Barker and Corbett were made
for each other, a pairing that
was just destined to be. Later
on that year the “Two Ronnies”
show was born on BBC 1 and
remained incredibly popular
well into the late eighties when
Barker sadly announced his retirement from television.
There is no doubt that Ronnie
Barker is the best comedy actor
of his generation, but over the
years many critics have unfairly
overlooked the brilliant talents
of Corbett - he was a fantastically versatile comedy actor in his
own right. He was an equal part
in the relationship - put simply
he complemented Barker and
Barker complemented him.
As well as being a wonderful
comedy actor Corbett was also
an accomplished after dinner
speaker and of course a very
very funny stand up comedian.
During the filming of the “Two
Ronnies” Corbett found time
to branch off into a whole host
of other projects as did Ronnie
First there were his own shows
such as “All this and Corbett
Too”, “The Prince of Demark”
and “The Ronnie Corbett Special”. Then came his excellent
sitcom “Sorry” which ran for
over seven years. There were
also films such as “No Sex
Please We’re British”.
Ronnie Corbett enjoyed continued success in both film
and television. He starred
alongside old friend John
Cleese, and Jamie Lee Curtis
in the film “ Timbuctoo”, has
done numerous Pantomimes
with Frank Skinner and Paul
Merton and was one of the
stars in “ The All Star Comedy
Show” with Steve Coogan, Vic
Reeves, Matt Lucas and David
In 2005 Corbett reunited
with Barker to present a special six part series looking
back at their favorite moments
from the “Two Ronnies”.
Corbett was a charismatic and
extremely likable man who passed
away yesterday and there is absolutely no doubt that he will be
fondly remembered by millions
of people as being not only half of
one of the most successful comedy
duos of all time, but also as a truly
brilliant entertainer.
Bafta TV awards
Mark Rylance and Idris Elba
Oscar-winner Mark Rylance is facing competition from Luther star Idris Elba in the bid
to be named best leading actor at this year’s Bafta TV awards.
he pair are nominated
alongside Ben Whishaw
and Stephen Graham,
cited for London Spy and This is
England ‘90.
Sheridan Smith is in the running for the leading actress
award, for her role as a woman
with cancer in The C-Word.
Wolf Hall, based on the novel
by Hilary Mantel, picked up four
nominations for the awards, to
be held on 8 May.
The historical drama is nominated in the best drama series
category, alongside Humans,
The Last Panthers and No Offence.
It has also received nominations
for Claire Foy’s performance as
Anne Boleyn and Anton Lesser’s
supporting performance as Sir
Thomas More.
Foy and Smith are joined in
the leading actress category by
Suranne Jones and Ruth Madeley, who are nominated for BBC
One’s Doctor Foster and BBC
Three’s Don’t Take My Baby respectively.
Rylance, who won an Oscar last
month for his supporting role in
Bridge of Spies, is nominated for
his role as Thomas Cromwell,
Henry VIII’s right hand man.
Doctor Foster, London Spy and
This is England ‘90 are nominated in the best mini-series category, as is Sky production The
Enfield Haunting.
The C-Word is up for the sin-
On this day in 1700, English
pranksters begin popularizing
the annual tradition of April
Fools’ Day by playing practical
jokes on each other.
Although the day, also called
All Fools’ Day, has been celebrated for several centuries
by different cultures, its exact
origins remain a mystery. Some
historians speculate that April
Fools’ Day dates back to 1582,
when France switched from the
Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by
the Council of Trent in 1563.
People who were slow to get
the news or failed to recognize
that the start of the new year
had moved to January 1 and
continued to celebrate it during
the last week of March through
April 1 became the butt of jokes
and hoaxes. These included
having paper fish placed on
their backs and being referred
to as “poisson d’avril” (April
fish), said to symbolize a young,
easily caught fish and a gullible
Historians have also linked
April Fools’ Day to ancient festivals such as Hilaria, which
was celebrated in Rome at the
end of March and involved people dressing up in disguises.
On this day in 1970, President Richard Nixon signs
legislation officially banning
cigarette ads on television and
radio. Nixon, who was an avid
pipe smoker, indulging in as
many as eight bowls a day, supported the legislation at the
increasing insistence of public
health advocates.
Alarming health studies
emerged as early as 1939 that
linked cigarette smoking to
higher incidences of cancer
and heart disease and, by the
end of the 1950s, all states had
laws prohibiting the sale of
cigarettes to minors. In 1964,
the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Federal
Communications Commission
(FCC) agreed that advertisers
had a responsibility to warn
the public of the health hazards of cigarette smoking. This
act required cigarette manufacturers to place warning
labels on their products that
stated “Cigarette Smoking May
be Hazardous to Your Health.”
Nixon was himself a smoker,
as were many presidents and
first ladies.
Rylance, who won the supporting actor award at the Oscars, is nominated alongside Elba (right).
gle drama prize, alongside BBC
One’s The Go-Between, Don’t
Take My Baby and Channel 4’s
Sharon Horgan is up for the
best female performance in a
comedy programme award, for
Channel 4’s Catastrophe.
So are Sian Gibson, for Peter
Kay’s Car Share, Miranda Hart
for Miranda, and Michaela Coel
for E4’s Chewing Gum.
Hugh Bonneville receives a
nomination for best male performance in a comedy programme,
for spoof BBC documentary
Peter Kay is nominated in the
same category for Car Share,
alongside Javone Prince, for The
Javone Prince Show, and Detectorists’ Toby Jones.
Michelle Gomez gets a supporting actress nomination for
Doctor Who, while Adele’s BBC
music special gets a nod in the
entertainment programme category.
The programme, which saw
Adele sing and take part in
sketches as well as be quizzed by
Graham Norton, is up against
Britain’s Got Talent, Strictly
Come Dancing and TFI Friday’s
20th anniversary special. Lesser’s
competition in the supporting
actor category includes Sir Tom
Courtenay and Sir Ian McKellen,
who are nominated for Unforgotten and The Dresser respectively.
Friday 1 April, 2016
Labour relations
“People quit their bosses, not their jobs”
One reason why people leave their jobs is broken relationships with the management and this applies for Seychellois employees as well, but is it the only reason?
Employees have said that bad managers are one of the top reasons why they leave their jobs.
some people who
left their jobs recently to find out what
their reasons were and not
surprisingly and similarly
to other countries around
the world “a bad boss” or
“bad management” was the
most popular response.
While there are many
other reasons cited by labour related magazines,
t h e Un d e r c o v e r R e c r u i t e r
website puts bad managers
as one of the top reasons
w h y p e o p l e l e av e t h e i r
jobs; true enough, in our
l i tt l e r e s e a r c h a w h o p p i n g
83 percent of the people
t e a m w e r e aw f u l . A w o m a n
who works in an offshore
company told us “my boss
had absolutely no compass i o n w h a t s o e v e r, I r e m e m ber when I was pregnant
and my feet were swollen.
I had to wear flip flops because my shoes did not fit.
I was insulted and told to
go get some proper shoes
o r g o h o m e a n d d o n’ t r e t u r n . He d i d n o t e v e n c a r e
that I was pregnant. I had
to go and buy a pair of
f l a t s j u s t t o l a s t t h e d ay
without any more insults,
but my spirit was broken
t h a t d ay, I d i d n’ t l a s t v e r y
l o n g t h e r e a f t e r t h a t .”
Ly d i a , a y o u n g l a d y i n t h e
hospitality field feels that
along with the personal attitude of bosses they also
h av e p o o r m a n a g e m e n t
styles. “I feel that many
m a n a g e r s d o n o t h av e t h e
capabilities to run their
t h e m d o h av e q u a l i f i c a t i o n s b u t d o n o t h av e t h e
experience and personalities to manage. After all
it is people who make up
an organisation, not machines!”
One of the other top reasons cited by the people
interviewed is one which
many people talk about,
e s p e c i a l l y n o w a d ay s ; t h e
s a l a r y. 7 0 p e r c e n t o f a l l
interviewees claimed that
their salary was far too
low for the duties they
were performing. One person in the manufacturing
industry told us that his
salary had not been reviewed since he had begun
working for the organisation six years prior and his
request for a raise had not
been well received despite
the fact that it was supposed to be a sure thing
w i t h Hu m a n R e s o u r c e s .
This leads to another issue; even if other members
of the management may
w a n t t o w o r k i n f av o u r o f
staff, some bad bosses of-
Smashing things in the rage room seems to be helping some people in Serbia to deal with their anger.
Perhaps a shouting vase could help reduce resignation rates.
ten try to influence the
u p p e r m a n a g e m e n t t e a m’s
decisions to their advant a g e . T h e Hu m a n R e s o u r c e s se c tion , fo r ins t anc e, is
suppose d to be t he s t aff ’s
buf f e r agains t abusive uppe r man a gers and if t he y
are pre v e n t ed fro m fulfillin g that role s t aff will automatica l l y feel t he full
brun t of th e t o p m anagers’
wrath .
Forbe s websit e says t hat
the top re aso n t he y fo und
why pe opl e leave is bec ause
the s ta f f are o ver wo rked,
the y hav e t o o m any respon sibil ities. While t his
is a con ce r n in S e yc helles
as we l l , it is no t am o ng t he
mos t popular o nes. In fac t
on l y 30 pe r c ent o f t he person s we spo ke t o said t hat
the y we re given t o o m uc h
work to do, wit h a yo ung
an a l ys t cl aim ing t hat she
was giv e n t he addit io nal
respo nsibilit ies o f her im m ediat e sup er viso r o n t o p
o f her o wn dut ies desp it e
t he fac t t hat her salar y
rem ained t he sam e. T his
m ig ht be linked t o failure
t o rec ruit addit io nal s t aff
fo r different reaso ns rang ing fro m le tt ing peo p le go
bec ause o f inability t o sust ain t hem financ ially o r
bec ause o f po lic ies whic h
pre vent o r hinder rec ruit m ent . A typ ic al e xam p le is
t he freez e in em p lo ym ent
in t he p ublic sec t o r, e ven
if wo rkp lac es need s t aff,
t he y are unable t o rec ruit
as po s t s are fro z en.
Ano t her reaso n p eo p le
s t at ed was t he lac k o f c hallenge in t he daily t asks.
T he y felt like t he y were
t o o easy o r no t m eaning ful
eno ug h. T his c o uld also be
linked t o failure o f m anagem ent t o c o nve y t he o rg anisat io n’s m issio n t o s t aff so
t he y c an see why t he y need
t o do c er t ain t hing s.
In any c ase, what e ver t he
reaso n, t he c o m m o n p o int
is frus t rat io n, whic h if no t
dealt wit h c an bec o m e a
big ger issue. Meanwhile
in S erbia, two t eenag ers c am e up wit h a “R age
ro o m ” based o n t he “Anger
R o o m ™” fro m Dallas, USA
t o help deal wit h anger and
s t ress. T he ro o m is se t up
like any ro o m in a ho use o r
o ffic e where yo u c an go and
sm ash t hing s wit h a baseball bat t o vent anger fo r a
sm all p ric e. Or yo u m ig ht
pre fer a “S ho ut ing vase” in
c ase yo u want t o yell and
swear at so m eo ne but c anno t . T his jar will t urn yo ur
yell int o a whisper. Maybe
t his c o uld be a business
vent ure fo r a S e yc hello is
t o help reduc e resig nat io n
rat es bec ause o f anger and
s t ress.
Some managers have horrible attitudes which pushes employees to quit their jobs.
Friday 1 April, 2016
Zonpact Trading Co., Ltd (IBC No.
(In Voluntary Dissolution)
The Islander Guest House on Praslin is
looking for a gardener preferably a male.
Interested candidate should provide a
reference. Please contact 4233224 to fix
for an interview.
15 Hp Mercury Boat motor. Tel: 2521533
NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance
with Section 92(4) of the International
Business Companies Act (Cap. 100A):
- Zonpact Trading Co., Ltd, is in dissolution;
- The date of commencement of dissolution
is 30th March, 2016.
the Liquidator.
Dated this 31st day of March, 2016.
(IBC No. 120025)
Notice is hereby given that DOUBLE
TRADING LTD. is being dissolved
and the dissolution commenced on the
29.03.2016. Who has any claims against
the company must lodge their claims with
the liquidator within 1 month hereof.
Ms. Iryna Hadjivangeli of 14 G Vasili
Mikhailidi Street, 4529 Pyrgos, Limassol,
Cyprus has been appointed as a liquidator
of the company.
Dated 31.03.2016
Ms. Iryna Hadjivangeli, Liquidator
Exal Enterprises Ltd. IBC No. 054399
In the matter of:
The International Business Companies Act
24 of 1994, Section 92(8) of the Republic
of Seychelles and in the matter of: Exal
Enterprises Ltd. IBC No. 054399 was on
the 30th day of March, 2016 dissolved as a
company under the International Business
Companies Act and the said company has
been struck off the Register of International
Business Companies.
Dated this 31st day of March, 2016.
Mag. Albert Loacker
The International Business Companies
Act 24 of 1994, Section 92(8) of the
Republic of Seychelles and in the matter
CAPITAL INC. IBC No. 147143,
ESTATES INC. IBC No. 082914 and
036157 were on the 30th day of March,
2016 dissolved as companies under the
International Business Companies Act
and the said companies has been struck
off the Register of International Business
Dated this 31st day of March, 2016.
Notice is hereby given under Section
92(8) of International Busi ness Companies Act, 1994 that NEXUS ASSETS
LTD., IBC No 11 2857 was dissolved and
struck of the Register of International
Business Compan ies on 24th March
201 6
Dated this 30th Ma rch 2016.
GROUP COMPANY LTD., is in dissolution;
- The date of commencement of dissolution
is 30th March, 2016.
- ROCKWELL LTD., of No. 25 Mason
Complex, Stoney Ground, The Valley,
Anguilla, is the Liquidator.
IBC No. 147141
INC. IBC No. 147143
Dated this 31st day of March, 2016.
In the matter of:
(IBC No. 088739)
(In Voluntary Dissolution)
NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance
with Section 92(4) of the International
Business Companies Act (Cap. 100A):
GRAND PLUS LTD. Liquidator
For long term rent two bedroom apartment
at Le Niol (new) with parking, furnished.
Serious persons call on 2753234 for
2 Warehouse Bays Available For Rent
Each 8.5 metres x 5 metres
Situated at Mont Fleurit (next to Printec
Contact 4 676 000 For Viewing
21 Jan – 19 Feb
You will have another go at
something that has gone
wrong for you on more than
one occasion already, and
this time it should come
right. It’s not about luck, it’s
about staying power and
refusing to give up. You possess a winning state of mind.
23 July – 22 Aug
No way are you going to
adopt a low profile today,
not with so much positive
cosmic activity in your fellow
fire sign of Aries. Besides, it’s
just not in your nature – if
the world isn’t noticing you
then clearly you must be doing something wrong.
20 Feb – 20 March
You can be the best. You
can reach the top. No matter how many times in the
past your dream has been
dashed you will get another
chance over the next few
days, so be ready and act
swiftly when the wheel of
fate turns. Be amazing!
you that if you don’t slow
down you may fall down –
and you will need help getting
physical well-being over the
next two or three days. Nothing is more important than
21 March – 20 April
No way are you content to
sit back and let life come to
you. On the contrary, you
will be at the forefront of the
action today and won’t stop
until you collapse from exhaustion. Get your strength
back tomorrow because the
weekend will be busy too.
24 Sept – 23 Oct
Don’t be too hard on yourself if you make the kind of
silly mistake that you are always telling other people to
watch out for. You are only
human and cannot be perfect every day of the week.
Whatever happens next,
make sure you have fun.
21 April – 21 May
The more cautious you are
by nature the more likely
it is you will take risks over
the next two or three days.
Ultimately, only you can
decide how far to push your
luck but your decision must
be based on common sense,
not wishful thinking.
24 Oct – 22 Nov
You need to think carefully
before making changes,
especially if those changes
could affect your ability to
make a living or jeopardize
your position on the work
front. By far the best thing
you can do right now is to
leave well alone.
22 May – 21 June
No matter how hard you try
to be fair with other people
today it is highly unlikely
they will be fair with you.
But why should that bother
you? With your ruler Mercury linked to genius planet
Uranus you can easily outwit them.
23 Nov – 21 Dec
Mars in your sign gives
you the energy and the
ambition to make things
happen but you also need
to take other people’s needs
into account. The planets
indicate that everyone can
be and will be a winner if
you get the balance right.
2. Who defended his world heavyweight title twice on the same night in 1906?
22 Dec – 20 Jan
Everyone gets things
wrong once in a while – yes,
even a Capricorn – so don’t
be too hard on yourself if
you discover that you have
been moving in the wrong
direction. It won’t take
much effort to get back on
track. You adapt easily.
8. Which medication was discovered in 1928 but only introduced 1940?
21. Anagram of “Salt”
25. Profound
26. Chocolate substitute
27. Used to steer bikes
28. Enlighten
29. Deleted expletive
30. Iberian country
31. Insect
33. French for “Friend”
35. Third person singular female
37. Sloven person
39. Making a noise during sleep
42. Days gone by
44. Eat dinner
47. Removes
49. Most rational
52. Young salmon
53. Tree sloth
55. Tumbled
56. Pelvic bones
57. Hyrax
58. Tall woody plant
59. Former Italian currency
60. 365 days
62. Permit
Yesterday’s solution
1. Bird of peace
5. Taxi
8. Indian dress
12. Wicked
13. A Hindu deity
15. Trudge
16. Alas in reverse
17. Not urban
18. As well
19. Shoplifting
22. Snake-like fish
23. Son of Ra (Egyptian mythology)
24. Building (abbrev.)
26. Cheddar or gouda, for example
29. Chompers
31. Sheep sound
32. An award
34. Oozes
36. Vases
38. 10 cent coins
40. An Egyptian deity
41. Pious
43. Demon
45. Neckwear
46. Gory
48. Venom
50. A river in Spain
51. Registered Nursing Assistant
52. A drinking establishment
54. Expeditiously
61. A Freudian stage
63. Criminal
64. A famous American canal
65. Scarce
66. Support for an injured arm
67. Latin for “Will be”
68. Corrode
69. Assume a resting position
70. Rip
1. A skulk is what kind of animal?
Published by TODAY Publishers (Seychelles)
Limited, P.O. Box 999, Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles
Printed by “The Print House (Pty) Ltd.”, Providence
Industrial Estate,
Mahé, Seychelles.
Tel: +248 4290 999/950/951
Fax: +248 4325999
3. In which country did the turnip originate?
4. Kaka means parrot in which language?
5. Which fruit contains the most protein?
6. What was Walt Disney’s first cartoon character?
7. Who is Aladdin’s father?
Grand Anse, Praslin
Tel: +248 4237 441
Fax: +248 4237 442
Editor - Russel Vidot
9. In China what colour does the bride traditionally wear?
10. Bohea is a type of what?
Quick Quiz 1. Foxes 2. Tommy Burns (both 1st round KOs) 3. Greece 4. Maori 5. Avocado
6. Oswald the Rabbit 7. Mustapha the tailor 8. Penicillin 9. Red 10. Tea
22 June – 22 July
It’s a better time to play and
party than it is to study and
focus. It’s not necessarily that
you aren’t capable of getting
serious right now, it’s just that
there are going to be way
too many fun social things
going on!
1. Writing table
2. Ellipse
3. Loathsome
4. Pass by (time)
5. Pal
6. Nimbus
7. Roughage
8. Resort
9. A moderately quick tempo
(musical term)
10. A thorny flower
11. Object of worship
13. Emotionally excited
14. Proof of innocence
20. Not us
How To Play
The objective is to fill the blank squares with the correct numbers
•Every row of 9 must include all digits 1 to 9 in any order
•Every column of 9 must include all digits 1 to 9 in any order
•Every 3 x 3 sub-grid must include all digits 1 to 9 in any order
Fill the other empty cells with numbers between 1 and 9
A number should appear only once on each row, column and 3 x 3 region
General Manager - Veronica Maria
ISSN: 1659-7265
Friday 1 April, 2016