Hvidovre on the world map
Hvidovre on the world map
C News limate Green windmill electricity in Tivoli World Class Environmental Stadium The Big Sun House The windmills closest neighbour Hvidovre on the world map 2 Sustainable and visionary solutions The Climate Newspaper is meant as a nies may not even know about. Because of guide to some of the exiting activities, that the group recommended to make this growing in Hvidovre municipality, that all Climate Newspaper, in order to become a have the same headline: climate. ‘green guide’ for these activities. The idea for the newspaper sprung out The goal with the newspaper is that read- of the work in Hvidovre Windmill Guild (in ers can study and visit the activities, after Danish Hvidovre Vindmøllelaug). At a very arrangement, for a closer introduction. This early stage the guilds board decided to tie will make Hvidovre the first municipality the project to citizens and companies in that invites everyone to learn more about a tool for understanding the local potential transparency and pride for the results at- Hvidovre municipality. variety of climate activities with in culture, and the possibilities for acting in differ- tained locally. Vice chairman in Hvidovre Windmill Guild, Erik Christensen, and chairman, Erik Frølund Thomsen, explains why they are presenting the Climate News. An ad hoc group was established with business, housing and renewable energy. ent areas. The described companies in Our hope is, that the newspaper will enthusiastic citizens, politicians and compa- All activities are easily visited by bike in a the newspaper have also experience an show the sustainable and visionary so- nies. The dialogue in the group, and the vis- day. economic profit by acting for the environ- lutions that Hvidovre is working with. its at different companies, quickly showed We hope to inspire to more activities ment. that a variety of exiting and climate related beyond the boarders of Hvidovre. As a We can only recommend other munici- activities is going on in the municipality. guided tour with focus on the green spots palities to map out their climate related Activities, that many citizens and compa- with climate activities, the newspaper is a activities in order to increase the insight, EBO Consult A/S Strandmarksvej 27 A 2650 Hvidovre Tlf.: 36 38 38 00 Mail: ebo@ebo.dk Avedøreværket DONG Energy A/S Hammerholmen 50 2650 Hvidovre Tlf: 99 55 01 07 Mail: dongenergy@dongenergy.dk H ✗ Per Aarsleff A/S p he world ma Rådhuset Hvidovrevej 278 2650 Hvidovre Tlf.: 3639 3639 Mail: hvidovre@hvidovre.dk n t Industriholmen 2 2650 Hvidovre Tlf. 3679 3333 Mail: info@aarsleff.com Hvidovre Kommune KLS Grafisk Hus A/S o vr e o Ejendomskontoret i Store Hus Sadelmagerporten 2A 2650 Hvidovre Tlf. 36 77 03 44 Climate News – Hvidovre on the world map Translation: Published by Hvidovre Windmill Guild Written and editted by Punktum & Søn Print and layout: Mail: hvl2009@gmail.com Mail: oleadrian@os.dk KLS Grafisk Hus A/S Responsible Editor: Erik Frølund Thomsen Photography: Anne Mette Koch Mikkelsen Edition: 30,000 Kristina Young Climate News – Hvidovre on the world map Hammerholmen 9-13 2650 Hvidovre Telefon: 36 77 79 76 Mail: info@gaiasolar.dk vid Store Hus, Avedøre Stationsby Gaia Solar A/S Jernholmen 42 A 2650 Hvidovre Tlf.: 36 34 29 00 Mail: kls@kls.dk Hvidovre Stadion Sollentuna Alle 1-3 2650 Hvidovre Tlf. 36 49 18 01 Kontortid dagligt 08.30 –14.30 Mail: hvidovre_stadion@hvidovre.dk Spildevandscenter Avedøre I/S Kanalholmen 28 2650 Hvidovre Tlf.: 36 34 38 00 Mail: epost@spildevandscenter.dk 3 The Mayor of Hvidovre: - We take responsibility for yours and my climate Hvidovre municipality wants to be the good example concerning climate. - Hvidovre municipality must lead by because of our employees, show how the example and work for sustainability, so we effort results in a “climate profit” at the can leave our children and grandchildren a majority of offices and institutions – we will, healthy and functioning world. as a good example, motivate and inspire local Therefore, Hvidovre has committed itself citizens - and businesses – also to get aboard to be a so called Climate Municipality - and the climate-train. thereby to cut two percent of our CO2-em- The climate ambassadors, who work with mission each year until 2025. We have also children and young people, are committed to said yes to become break the curve - and teach the children about climate conscious- cut two percent of our electricity consump- ness. A kindergarten has for example made tion each year until year 2012. These are their own energy- game, and our Naturcenter two climate goals, which I think we can be Quark sends young people off on challenging proud of here in Hvidovre ... climate missions. In this way, our children and Says Hvidovre’s Mayor Milton Graff Peder- youngsters become the future climate am- sen ... bassadors, when they take their knowledge back home to their parents and families ... Sweeping outside our own door - As a municipality we have chosen to lead Giant windmills at Avedøre Holme by a good example for the local climate Hvidovre municipality has a number of action. We have so to speak, chosen to environmentally responsible companies, sweep outside our own door - so we can which in various ways have gotten well off be credible when we go out and ask our with their own climate initiatives. citizens and businesses to reduce their - As mayor, I am especially pleased that we energy consumption. have already this year, by DONG Energy’s We do it by using DKKR 10 million a year involvement, become port of the first two on environmentally sound investments in out of three giant offshore windmills. The local institutions and schools, the mayor first two new offshore windmills will pro- continues, who gives very high priority to duce 3.6 MW, and when the third offshore the municipal green profile .. windmill is established next year, they So far a few of our schools have saved up collectively provide energy for about half of to half a million DKKR a year on energy. Hvidovre’s households as well as they can That has become possible for example supply Tivoly with enough energy for their by having night lowering installed. As a entertainments. consequence we can avoid unnecessary There is also in Avedøre Stationsby an use of power and heat, when the school is exciting climate project brewing. Prior to closed. the December summit in Copenhagen the Hvidovre Municipality has since May had plan is that the large apartment building 90 climate ambassadors. The ambassadors in Stationsbyen, The Big House, is being are employees around the wards and in transformed into The Big Sun House with institutions. The climate ambassadors’ mis- solar panels on the facade and on the roof. sion is to promote the good energy habits The other side of the climate-effort is to en- in daily life at work. The project goes be- sure that Hvidovre municipality is equipped yond all expectations, and the good results to handle the results of the climate change. Because of that, we have a sewer-strategy, are flowing steadily. The municipality has save the environment for CO2-emissions. which aims to expand sewerage and over- support the climate ambassadors, and who Solar heated showers in the swimming pool They have also received the “Green Key” flow basins, so we can prevent flooding also makes climate checks in kindergar- Once Milton Graff Pedersen has talked him- because the centre operates environmentally that are caused by heavy rain and cloud- also hired two “flying” boiler men who can tens, schools, etc. In a day care a climate self warm, he is hard to stop. Climate and friendly and only uses cleaningmaterials, bursts, as we have seen in recent years. check has already led to savings of DKKR CO2-emission is a topic that really concerns which are environmentally friendly. Are you as a citizen or business in Hvidovre 22,500 per year. him: The next step is obviously to get the climate or Hanover interested in knowing more - When our climate ambassadors go home - Our green sport facility, Avedøre Sports and environmental awareness communi- about what Hvidovre is doing to improve from work, they bring their knowledge Center, has recently had installed solar pan- cated to the citizens, so that they too want your and my climate, you can visit our about how we reach our climate goal with els on the roof. This means that the water to back up on your and my climate, which climate-site: www.klima.hvidovre.dk and them - and thereby spreads the awareness in the showers, when the sun is shining, is we call the project. I am sure, that because read more. We wish you windy weather like rings in the water, explains the mayor ... heated by solar energy - and in this way we we - as a municipality, take the lead, and and a good summit! Climate News – Hvidovre on the world map 4 No job is too big or too difficult for the Aarsleff Group, who among many projects establishes foundations for some of the biggest offshore wind farms in the world. From the Ararsleff Group’s office at Avedøre Holme there is a straight view towards the two new demonstration windmills, which presently are planned. An expert in windmill foundations Working with windmills is not new to the Aarsleff Group, who formerly has produced and established the foundations for the first windmill farm at Rødsand south of Gedser, for the sea windmill farm at Homs Rev 2 and presently is working with three other windmill projects. The largest windmill projects in the world in United Kingdom. They are installing Swinoujscie in Poland we are producing ap- logistics is an integrated part of our corpo- - We have 100 employees from Aarsleff mono-piles for what will become the big- proximately 100 gravitation foundations, for rate culture, which also is displaying crea- working at the Thanet Offshore Wind Farm gest offshore windmill farm in the world. In The citizens of Hvidovre likes the Danish windy weather both the sea windmill farm at Rødsand and tivity both in the field, the offices and in the for the smaller farm north of Sprogø, which drawing offices, says Lars M. Carlsen. will be working when the Climate Change The Aarsleff Group has 3,200 employees Conference Copenhagen 2009 starts, says who work with general infrastructure Deputy General Manager at Aarsleff Lars projects including the spe- M. Carlsen and continues: cialized fields foundation - We are focused on the establishment of and renewal of sea windmill farms in Northern Europe and pipe reha- we are prepared for developing technically, bilita- economically and time-optimized solutions, Many citizens in Hvidovre has backed up the windmill project at Avedøre Holme. he says. The foundations are being moulded six at a time on large fleets in the harbour in Swinoujscie. As the foundations finishes The thought of being able to reduce climate problems. And the partici- tugs transport the fleets across the Baltic, CO2-emmission, from your own pation has made them like the Dan- where Aarsleff raises the ready-made private electricity consumption, by ish windy weather even more. foundations on the bottom of the sea in having a share in Hvidovre Wind- depths up to 17 meters. Afterwards the mill Guild, has appealed to many A good investment foundations ballast chambers are filled with citizens in Hvidovre. Favourable tax rules, that are stone before the mounting of the windmills The cost of the windmill is DKKR. meant to encourage establishing can begin. 53,4 million, that is offered in wind energy, means that it finan- 10,700 shares. Each share is DKKR. cially is as attractive to invest in Nothing is too difficult 4,995 and four shares amounts to windmills, as it is to put the money The Aarsleff Group’s history started in a the production of 4,000 kWh, which in the bank or in Government brown coal field in Central Jutland in 1947. is the quantity an average Danish stocks. Since then the development has gone fast. family uses in a year. Hvidovre Windmill Guilds wind- - Whether it concerns fuel, sewers or holes Because of that many citizens in mill is delivered with a guarantee in the ground, we have always specialized Hvidovre has invested in shares in and service contract, so that it is in fields that were just complicated enough the windmill. In that way they con- ensured in case of damage and for others not to be interested in them, but tribute to the solving of the rising thereby los of operation. which were cyclically stable, says Deputy tion. The groups revenue is DKK 5.3 billion General Manager Lars M. Carlsen. - where of 30% comes from work per- - Machine development, work planning and formed abroad. Climate News – Hvidovre on the world map Deputy General Manager Lars M. Carlsen. 2 O C 5 Printing company in Hvidovre is in the green jersey First of all we want to prove that you can of the climate. We would like to be a good get certified and have run a sound business, while taking account example and prove that it is possible - our efforts documented. without us having to ride in carriages, says We have achieved that managing director Knud Erik Larsen ... with “CO2focus”, which It was actually this year’s Climate Change has endorsed our green Conference in Copenhagen, which already marketing, says managing FACTS a few years ago indirectly inspired the director of KLS Grafisk Hus, company to accelerate their own climate Knud Erik Larsen. director of KLS Grafisk Hus, Knud Erik Larsen. One of the closest neighbors to the new windmills is KLS Grafisk Hus. The printing company is Denmark’s first CO2-neutral company of its kind. The company has initially reached that status by buying CO2 quotas. Some readers of this newspaper might project. The company offers its customers 100%. fies for the “CO2focus”- climate-mark with consider whether the newspaper ‘is a The acquired CO2 quotas meant that KLS CO2-neutral printing and the printing quali- the words ”climate-neutral print.” waste of resources. Surely it must bur- Grafisk Hus already in November 2008 with den both the climate and environment, pride receive the Climate Cup Strategy to produce this newspaper?’. Award. Managing director Knud Erik Larsen - And it is a price that we are very proud of, from the printing company KLS Grafisk says Knud Erik Larsen: Hus explains: In addition, he says that the company - At KLS, the entire production is CO2 works to phase out the acquired CO2 neutral and therefore we calculate the quotas with various CO2 goals like recycling Carbon Footprint on paper and ink on heat from the printing machine. Also the all our assignments. investment in in a share in the new neigh- The Climate Newspaper emits 12.5 bors - the windmills - is part of the strategy. grams of CO2 per newspaper, which Furthermore the company is planning to all will be neutralized. The calculations replace the company’s ordinary cars with are from the tree in the forest to the electric vehicles. finished print will be delivered to the - Internally we have set the goal to reduce distributor - including transportation. our electricity consumption by 20%. The The newspaper is printed on FSC- goal should be reached in 2010. And we’ll labeled paper. That means, that the achieve it, for already this year we have paper and logging of wood is controlled achieved the 18% - compared with our and done with maximum respect for consumption in year 2007. During the the forest. For each tree felled, two new trees are planted. Svanemærket (a Green windmill electricity in Tivoli Tivoli’s vision of being the world’s largest CO2-neutral entertainment park has resulted in a climate-partnership with DONG Energy. The partnership means that Tivoli will receive green electricity from a windmill at Avedøre Holme. Christian Johansen, Vice President, energy consumption year 2007 – ap- same period we have increased our pro- Operations in Tivoli, underlines that proximately 850.000 kWh – before duction by eight %, so we certainly have Tivoli already has done quite a bit to year 2012, says Executive Assistant at Scandinavian environmental brand for reason to be happy, says Knud Erik Larsen save on the energy use. But the part- Tivoli, Michael Steffensen non-food products that are as little inju- proudly. nership and the promise that Tivoli Tivoli has around 112.000 sources of will be operated by windmill power light. A listing of possible savings on concerned with the near environment Printed with CO2 accounting from 2010 makes Tivoli take a giant that area has therefore been on the and working environment in the print- - With our strategy and efforts to become step towards a seat in the front row. top of the partnership’s energy saving ing company. We ensure that by using CO2 neutral, we are also putting pressure There are however no plans to have list. rious to the environment as possible) is as few chemicals as possible, and by on both customers and suppliers in the windmills in Tivoli’s skyline. Instead Michael Steffensen describes the using vegetable inks in the production. industry, says Knud Erik Larsen, adding that Tivoli is going to buy green electricity partnership with DONG Energy, and The newly built wind turbines at KLS Grafisk Hus, as the first Danish CO2 from one of the big sea windmills, that the buying of green energy from one Avedøre Holme neutralize the power neutral printing company, has achieved DONG has build offshore close to the of the windmills, as far more than an used at the KLS printing company. being certified by the independent com- Avedøre Power Station in Hvidovre. issue of branding. Purchasing CO2 quotas neutralizes the pany “CO2focus”, which carries out the The additional expenses for the green - A climate partnership agreement use of paper, ink and the transportation. climate certification in Norway, Denmark electricity are being financed by the does not work for branding-reasons KLS is certified for three environmental and Sweden. energy savings, which are planned in alone. A partnership agreement is and climate brands and is there for also In this manner KLS Grafisk Hus sets new cooperation with DONG Energy. made, because we believe in it. And controlled by these three boards. At standards for climate labeling of CO2-neu- - Our ambition is to make energy sav- because the economy in it is good, he trality within the printing industry. ings that amounts to 10% of Tivoli’s says. KLS we call it a climate-safe solution. - As Denmark’s first CO2-neutral printing company it has been important for us to Climate News – Hvidovre on the world map 6 World Class Environmental Stadium Hvidovre municipality is planning on having a ‘new’ stadium, where everything, down to the smallest detail, is concerned with the environment. Despite the international financial crisis mayor Milton Graff Pedersen is enthusiastic about carrying out the project. The environment is getting a well-deserved of that, the stadium is planned to become spot in the VIP Lounge, when the citizens a new gathering ground for all citizens in of Hvidovre in the future are going to the Hvidovre. stadium to watch football, athletic games or concerts. The municipality is planning to Political backing (mrub) have the first environmental friendly and Since the project already has political The plans are ready. Now the job is to get the economy in place. sustainable stadium in the world. backing, the sustainable stadium seems to park with 16-18 specially designed parking build after the same model as the present Behind the project is the Initiative Group become reality. lot-windmills will be established. With the stadium in Hvidovre. For a Sustainable Hvidovre, who in co- Mayor Milton Graff Pedersen considers windmills particular shape and design, they The local stadium is a traditional place that operation with Hvidovre municipality, the project a good opportunity to show, will become a delight to the eye, and far gathers the local citizens for larger sport has introduced the plans for a renovated that Hvidovre is a municipality, that wants’ from the design of the windmills we usually events. And considering the huge interest stadium where environmental concern and to carry the torch forward and show how see. for environmental concern and sustain- aesthetics is brought to the seat of honour. to bring environmental concern and new The stadium, which at present is dominated ability that both young and old share in the The Initiative Group consist of a number of thinking into the building of the stadium. by concrete-structures, will become a light global society, the Hvidovre Stadium will be enthusiastic people who all has a back- - The project is incredibly interesting and and bright building, which signals the mod- an example to follow. ground within the Danish Energy Industries visionary, says the mayor. ern and progressive idea behind all environ- Especially Denmark hosting the United mental arrangements at the stadium. All Nations Climate Change Conference Co- ’Green shares’ from the geothermal energy, which heats penhagen 2009 gives a unique opportunity or has special skills with organisation and financing. With in the plans for a sustainable stadium Part of the philosophy behind the project is, up the football ground, to the gathering of to show of the plans for the sustainable is a partly covered grand stand. The stands that the citizens of Hvidovre can contribute rain, which facilitates the toilets flushing. stadium. Guests from all over the world will The god example combines environmental concern and sus- will be covered with shade sails in sculp- by owning ’green shares’ in the stadium. tural beautiful angels, as well as sun panels In that way the participants in the realiza- get an idea on how the Hvidovre Stadium will contribute to the supply of energy. The tion of the project can keep an eye on their In an international perspective the sustain- tainability with sports, culture and a local covering of the stadium will also make it investments every time they go to the able Hvidovre Stadium can easily turn out responsibility. possible to gather rain, which can be used stadium. to be an export success that will echo all for watering the sporting ground and for The goal is to make it an experience to visit over Europe. flushing the toilets. The project is supported Hvidovre Stadium, if you want knowledge Most cities at the size of Hvidovre have by ForskVe for integration of solar energy about sports and health, or if you want to at least one stadium. Many which are in new ways. ForskVe is a programme that watch a football match, athletic games or supports propagation of solar panels, hydro- a concert. Because of that, it is important, power and biogas systems. that the appearance of the stadium is visu- In short, every detail in the new Hvidovre ally impressing. Stadium has been considered carefully. At the parking lot a The focus has been on the fragile climate, windmill but also that the athletes as well as the audience will get a full experience, when they visit the stadium. On top - We have an incredibly exciting project. Hvidovre Stadium is being converted into to the world’s first sustainable stadium, says Mayor Milton Graff Pedersen ... Climate News – Hvidovre on the world map 7 Visit the wastewater service and get knowledge from the ‘tap into sea’ What does climate change mean for the wastewater service? How is the wastewater cleaned? Which standard Water and environment Avedøre Wastewater Services is located at Avedøre Holme with views of the windmills, Avedøre Power Station and Køge Bay. is required of the cleaned wastewater? And what can you actually pour into your drain? These are some of and with the impacts of climate change. As It requires pump power and energy to this, work is ongoing to improve processes the questions you can get answered, an extension of these activities, the compa- transport and purify wastewater. At the at the plant in order to save energy. Climate when visiting the Wastewater Centers ny’s knowledge centre provides consulting Wastewater Service the energy content of challenges means, that it is necessary to visiting service. towards municipalities and inhabitants and the wastewater is transformed into CO2- adapt treatment plants and sewer systems All groups are welcome to visit the has over 6,000 visitors annually. neutral electricity. The amount produced in order to handle heavy rainfall flowing into center and follow the water’s path Wastewater from 250,000 inhabitants and is equivalent to half of the wastewater the sewers. from the drain in the home to purified industries from 10 municipalities West of service’s electricity consumption. Alongside Read more at www.spildevandscenter.dk. water that is lead into the Køge Bay. Copenhagen runs through a 2,300 km wide When you visit the wastewater serv- sewage system to Avedøre Wastewater ice at Avedøre Holme, you will also Service’s two large main pipelines and is be able to see the center’s exhibition lead to the wastewater treatment plant at ”Around the water”. Here you can Avedøre Holme. After an extensive cleaning test your own water consumption and process the cleaned water is pumped out in have a look into the sewer through to Køge Bay. video recordings. Avedøre Wastewater Service is environ- Email besoeg@spildevandscenter.dk mental and safety certified by the EMAS and OHSAS standards. mark’s most effective and dynamic waste- Energy and climate; the new challenges (mrub) water works. The company is working on Avedøre Wastewater Service works with the improvement of the water environment climate challenges in many different areas. Avedøre Wastewater Service is one of Den- The windmills closest neighbour Avedøre Power Station is the closets neighbour placed only a few meters away from the new windmills. Flexible capacity largest offshore wind farms. DONG Energy and the three new sea windmills placed in Renewable energy is the key to reducing intends to maintain this leading position. a small area means, that Hvidovre in many CO2 emission. Therefore DONG Energy is Today, DONG Energy has around 500 MW ways is a power centre. working to expand energy supplies based on wind capacity and has more than 1.000 MW Avedøre Power Station consists of two pow- renewable energy sources – such as water, in the pipeline, especially in Britain, Germa- The combination of Avedøre Power Station er station units, Avedøre Power Station’s wind, sun, biomass and geothermal energy. ny, and Poland. Unit 1 from 1990 and Unit 2 from 2001. DONG Energy has developed strong wind In Denmark, DONG Energy’s “home The overall production capacity of the two energy capabilities. DONG Energy has been market”, the proportion of wind energy is Avedøre Power Station units is 830 Mega- an active player since the very beginning and among the greatest of any country in the watts of electricity and 890 Megawatts of has helped establish half of the world’s ten world. heat. Visit the Avedøre Power Station If you would like to visit the Avedøre Power Station please contact the visitor’s service on telephone +45 99 55 01 07. . There is no way to avoid having a large, flexible capacity at the power plants that Avedøre Power Station’s Unit 1 primarily can take over when there is no wind blow- uses coal, while Avedøre Power Station’s ing. In this respect, thermal power plants Unit 2 can use a wide variety of fuels: natural are ideal in combination with hydroelectric gas, oil, straw and wood pellets. power whenever possible. Avedøre Power Station’s Unit 2 has facilities consisting of several parts that, when com- Renewable energy is not only wind bined, can make record-high use of the ener- DONG Energy generates power and heat gy in the fuels. By simultaneously generating based on water in Norway and Sweden, heat and electricity, Avedøre Power Station’s which have good hydropower resources. Unit 2 utilises as much as 94% of the energy DONG Energy replaces some of the fossil in the fuels and has an electrical efficiency of fuels with biomass in the power plants and 49%. This achievement makes the unit one generates small amounts of energy from of the most efficient in the world. geothermal sources and solar cells. Climate News – Hvidovre on the world map 8 Avedøre District Heating Company is showing the whole world, how a supply utility can help to create a positive environmental change in a residential area. The Big Sun House has been worked intensively on the project, simultaneously reduces the consumption ing a guide for other major residential areas, which is now well on its way to being an of both heat and electricity. The Sun House where the need for an energy and visual accomplished reality. is located in an area where the waste heat upgrading of the buildings, is both necessary from the production of electricity is used by and desirable. Innovation as district heating. If the project for example, It is certainly an example, which many of the The sun project is divided into two parts. The contained only solar panels on the roof of visitors at the climate summit will find inter- first part has been accomplished within the the building, the use of fossil fuels would esting. Also the house is actually visible from last few months and includes solar panels on not be reduced. The project actually makes the climate summit in Amager, the visionary the roof of the house and solar cells on the it possible to turn down for both oil- and gas chairman of the houses occupants indicate. southern gable of the house. Solar panels are consumption. financed and established by the “The District The vision for the project is that the Sun House will show the way for integration Heating Company Avedøre Stationsby” - the Visionary example of renewable energy in an existing build- local power plant - while the housing depart- The second part of the project includes an ing, and the project is a good example of ment has funded and configured the solar additional solar cell system on the gable fac- a forward-looking cooperation between cells. The sun panels produce heat and solar ing southwest. The intention is that that the those who live in the building and those that cells generate electricity. current material covering the balconies will provide the building with energy and energy- The production of heating will supply the be replaced by solar panels. efficient solutions. - The project has a good chance of becoming a guide for other large residential areas, says Steen Jørgensen… In the middle of Avedøre Stationsby the Big House rises with its twelve floors. The residents of the house with hot water while - We have a longstanding “ghetto”-term The Sun House have been realized in a col- house has always – primarily because of the electricity consumption will be covered by clinging on to us, “says Steen Jørgensen. laboration between Hvidovre municipality, its significant size – been called the “Big the solar cells. - But now we will prove that we are able to Avedøre District Heating Company, Ding House”. The project is innovative since a compiled think environmentally-friendly and creatively. Energy, Danish District Heating, VEKS, EBO The house is just about to undergo a pio- energy plant has been established, that The project has a good chance of becom- Consult Ltd. and KAB. neering energy project. The visionary energy project entitled “ From the Big House to the Sun House” is in the process of being implemented. The idea was born during the break of a board meeting in Avedøre District Heating Company: The goal was to create Denmark’s largest “Sun House” in an existing building. The idea is quite simply to use the energy from the sun. - We wanted to make a different effort in the local area, says the chairman of the district heating company, Missiella Lenander . - Therefore, the company’s involvement in this project is a new idea in the district heating area, and we are looking forward to show what a consumer-driven district heating company can actually do... The idea for realizing the vision “From the Great House to the Sun House” is fostered by the Vice-chairman of the district heating company, Steen Jørgensen, in collaboration with the district’s administrator, EFC Consult Ltd. by managing director Erik Christiansen. Steen Jørgensen lives in the Big House and Climate News – Hvidovre on the world map One of the enormous sun panels is placed at the roof of the Big House. 9 Solar panels in the future houses Gaia Solar Ltd in Avedøre Holme is the biggest Scandinavian company with in the field of building integrated solar panels, that produce electricity. Therefore the company quickly bid the three new windmills welcome. We believe in a future where alternative energy, including solar energy - will play a dominating role in comparison to energy produced by fossil fuels, since its foundation, built up a position as the leading cleantech company in Scandinavia within the field of building integrated and we therefore have an am- solar panel systems. bitious goal of being amongst Gaia Solar develops, be the rule rather than the exception, says - In relation to the company’s areas of Dennis Aarø. activity and core competencies, we focus - We believe in a future where electric- on the fast growing market for building ity shifts from being centralised to being integrated solar electricity, where the pho- decentralised. tovoltaic modules are an environmentally Future homes will not consume energy, effective and economically beneficial part the leading cleantech compa- produces and installs but rather be energy producing, and solar of the roof and walls of the building itself, nies in Denmark in terms complete solar panel panel installations will be made to match both for new buildings, renovations as well of growth, earnings and systems of the high- the households use of electricity in heating, as urban renewal, says Dennis Aarø. innovation, says Dennis est quality, specially charging of electrical vehicles etc. Thereby Besides the Danish domestic market, a Aarø, who is chairman of adapted and tailored the house will become 100% self sufficient portion of the company’s turnover is cre- the board at Gaia Solar. to customer needs for in energy. ated through the provision of complete optimal environmental Future housing Established in 1996, Gaia Solar A/S is a Danish company, which has, performance, function and architectural integration. - Gaia Solar sees a future ’turn-key’ projects in the form of solar panel Many possibilities system solutions and through project sales As a company, Gaia Solar Ltd. wants a to countries including Sweden, Germany, sharp and focused approach in terms of Greenland and Iceland. where solar PV is an integral part customers and areas of activities. of new energy-efficient houses. - In relation to the former, Gaia Solar wants We expect, within the course of the next few years, that integrated solar PV in new homes will to be a B2B company where customers include the state, counties and municipali- FACTS ties, commercial customers and modular housing/new build producers. Global warming (also known as the greenhouse effect), which accord- Dennis Aarø believes, that future homes will be energy-producing. ing to most of the world’s scientific researchers is believed to be created by We grow increasingly fond of the Danish windy weather In ten years time wind power will cover approximately half of the Danish electricity consumption. humans, is largely a result of the use of fossil fuels on Earth. The harmful CO2 emissions created by fossil fuels, and the government’s desire to free itself from dependency from the current oil and gas producing countries, has created an emphasis on tions there will be for their planning, says the development and deployment of al- president of Danish Wind Turbine Owners’ ternative energy sources such as wind, Association Asbjørn Bjerre. hydro, solar energy and biomass etc. - The planning of the wind power develop- Solar energy is the main source of free Danish Wind Turbine Owners’ Association Avedøre Holme – the good example ment is an important assignment for the mu- energy. The daily solar radiation on and the interest- and branch organisa- As a result of the suggestion the number nicipality; therefore they need to know the Earth is approximately 600 times higher tion the Windmill Industries has put up a of windmills in 2020 will be reduced to extent of the planning that has to be realized. than the total energy consumed daily specific goal for the development of wind 2,000 windmills ashore. Since the new and That, we think, will enable the municipalities on the planet, hence the enormous power onwards to 2020. The purpose of modern windmills, the windmills at Avedøre to carry out the task, says the president. resources that have been dedicated to the common initiative is to put focus on Holme is a good example, has a far larger The two associations common plan of the harness this infinite source of energy how important it is that the development is production than older windmills, the result windmill development onwards year 2020 over the past decades. moving on in a sensible way. That will make is, that the supply from wind power in came straight after Energinet.dk published Solar energy is now a well-known and the citizens accept the necessary windmills 2020 will be 180% higher than today. The the rapport ’Efficient use of wind power in proven alternative energy source. That in the landscape, and the development will production will further more be produced Denmark’. The rapport shows that the Dan- is why it is one of the fastest growing exceed in a suitable economical way. by only 70% of the windmills that are used ish energy system could have an advantage alternative energy sources – good for today. The number of windmills in 2020 will by integrating the entire wind power capac- the planet and good for the environment. The initiative will have the result that be 3,400 as opposed to the present number ity of 6,700 MW compared to the present wind power in the year 2020 will: of approximately 5.000 windmills. capacity of 3,200MW. • Cover 50% of the Danish electricity con- - The right wind power development is - Wind power is the only CO2- and particle ensured when the Danish Parliament de- emission free source of energy, that on- for fulfilling the government’s object of in- sumption, instead of the present 20%. cides which goals that have to be fulfilled at wards year 2020 can cover a considerable creased independence from the fossil fuels, Danish gross energy consumption in- year 2020. That will give the municipalities part of the Danish energy consumption and says president of the Windmill Industries, stead of the present approximately 3%. exact conditions concerning which expecta- thereby ensure the necessary foundation Jan Hylleberg. • Cover approximately 8,5% of the entire Climate News – Hvidovre on the world map 10 District heating companies advocate for the climate District heating companies in Hvidovre has been up front with their efforts to save energy in houses and in the industry long before the 2006 law, which forced the companies to carry out energy saving. Already back in 2003 the companies decided Zoo with all expenses paid for. Also as a Advocates for the climate to establish a forum for members of the result of the competition a lot of parents The Energy Saving Group has in coopera- boards from the companies. The task of the picked up very energy-conscious children tion with Hvidovre Heating Company, who group is to come up with ideas on how to every afternoon. The children gave their is responsible for the heating companies increase the saving on the use of energy. parents a lot of good advise on how to purchases and systems, has been focus- Today the forum is called the Energy Saving minimize the energy consumption in their ing on converting oil- and natural gas Group. The members of the forum are from Avedøre District Heating, Hvidovre Midt, Nord household. • The group arranged an ‘Energy Day’ where costumers into district heating costumers. An energy counsellor has been employed and Syd (all district heating companies in the all ages, especially the energy consuming in order to supply information about the municipality of Hvidovre). teenagers, could learn how to save on environmental and economical advan- their energy consumption. tages, by converting from fossil fuels to EBO Consult Ltd. works as general office for the group. It is the consumers that control • A forum for ‘The Sustainable Stadium’. district heating, as the district heating ex- the companies, since they have been elected • A pilot cooperation with Hvidovre munici- ploits the energy resources, also biomass, for the boards on the companies general meetings. The group has come up with many initiatives over the years. pality about energy surveillance and analyz- far better and cheaper than oil and natural ing a schools use of energy. gas does. • Agreements about cooperation with lo- The counsellor also offers all present and cal cooperative housing societies about potential district-heating costumers a For example: energy counselling and energy saving variety of energy saving possibilities, like • A competition among the day care actions. for example thermography of their houses institutions in Hvidovre municipality. The • Agreements with house owners about in order to reduce the los of heat. competition showed, that an active energy energy counselling and energy saving The Energy Saving Group has shown its politic in every institution resulted in huge actions. raison d’être and insight in the activities savings. The winner of the competition, the institution ‘Stenen’, won a trip to the • Ideas concerning a sustainable shopping centre. • Networking on the founding of Hvidovre Windmill Guild (in Danish: Hvidovre Vind- Avedøre Holme and the group can righteously be considered the district-heating’s climate advocates in a field that has great potential in reducing the CO2-emmission. møllelaug.) Hvidovre Windmill Guild Hvidovre Windmill Guild’s windmill is a known type of windmill. It is a 3.6 MW turbine from Siemens Wind Power, with an annual power output, corresponding to approx. 10,000 citizens power consumption. The height of the hub is 93.5 meters and rotor diameter is 120 meters. That is new in this type of turbine, and should provide a better operating economy. The total height of the windmill is 155 meters. The two windmills are already in place while the third mill is placed in 2010. The last windmill type is not yet known, but it is a windmill specifically designed for offshore use. The three windmills will however visually appear alike. The board of Hvidovre Windmill Guild The first Board of Hvidovre Windmill Guild consists of the following members: President is Erik Thomsen Frølund, who also is a member of Hvidovre municipal council. Vice-president Erik Christiansen, who also is chairman of Middelgrunden Vindmølleaug (Middelgrunden Windmill Guild), Hans Christian Sørensen, who also is on the board of Lynettens and Middelgrunden Windmill Guild and is on the board of Danish Wind Turbine Owners’ Association duction in the Øresund Region. Good cooperation Avedøre Holme is the largest area Just a few months before the climate operation with DONG Energy and Hvidovre of its kind in Denmark. It is placed summit in Copenhagen two out of three municipality with great satisfaction. good advice from the Danish Windmill Asso- south of Copenhagen and is a part new large offshore windmills has been - We formed our partnership in the wake ciation, we are happy to say that our windmill Avedøre Holme is a centrally placed area off trade, transport and pro- After some years of preparatory work and of Hvidovre municipality. The area build in the sea only 10-100 meters south of the success Middelgrunden and Lynnet- project is now a reality in the partnership is build on former marshes, that of Avedøre Holme close to Avedøre Power ten Windmill Guild had, says Chairman Eric form. A particular joy with the project is due where bounded and filled up in the Work. Frølund. to the good cooperation with DONG Energy, late 1960’s. The three windmills will replace 12 smaller because the professional skills of the inter- The view over the 450 ha large and windmills and an experimental mill, which national power company and their economic completely flat area is dominated for years has been placed at Avedøre Holme. strength combined with local involvement has by several large plants, the three Behind the building and financing is DONG resulted in a highly viable windmill project. new windmills, Avedøre Power Energy, and Hvidovre Windmill Guild has We are extremely pleased, that the wind- Work, Avedøre Sewage Work, a bought the windmill in the middle of the mills now are at Avedøre Holme. The focus massive office building and several three mills. The windmill is offered and sold on wind-energy is generally high. modern industrial buildings. shares to the public in Hvidovre and other Especially in 2009 since Copenha- Avedøre Holme today has around interested parties. gen are hosting the UN Climate 375 different kind of companies. Hvidovre Vindmill Guild is a partnership Summit. Hvidovre can be proud, The area also contains clusters of formed in 2007, and the common inter- that the participants in the summit companies with in the food indus- est of the members is the operation of the already from the airspace will be able try, pharmaceutical industry, graph- windmill at Avedøre Holme. The guild has to see the windmills offshore Avedøre ics and distribution. its roots in a small handful of enthusiasts from Middelgrunden and Lynettens Windmill Guild, and they are looking back on their co- Climate News – Hvidovre on the world map Erik Frølund has continuously followed the work on the establishing if the new windmills. Holme, and that that will confirm them in the belief, that Denmark is working seriously with the wind…